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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A32664 Several treaties of peace and commerce concluded between the late King of Blessed Memory deceased, and other princes and states; Treaties, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) 1685 (1685) Wing C3604B; ESTC R7402 152,866 274

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taken which for this effect was exhibited unto me by William Bland dwelling in the City of Sivil who took it away again with him the 11. of April Anno 1645. Joseph de Pineda Notary Publick of the City of Sivil for the King Articles of Peace and Alliance between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. and the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Lewis XIV The Most Christian King Concluded the 21 31 day of July 1667. I. THat there be an Universal Peace and Amity restored Perpetual True and Sincere Peace and Amity between the Most Christian King and the King of Great Britain their Heirs and Successors and between the Kingdoms States and Subjects of both and that the same be so sincerely and seriously observed and kept that one shall promote the Honour and Advantage of the other And that a faithful Neighbourhood and secure observation of Peace and Friendship may flourish again on every side II. That all Enmities Hostilities Discords and Wars between the said Kings and their Subjects cease and be abolished Cessation of Hostilities so as they both do forbear and abstain hereafter from all Plundering Depredation Harm-doing Injuries and Infestation whatsoever as well by Land as by Sea and in Fresh-waters every where and especially through all Tracts Dominions and Places of eithers Kingdoms and Territories of what Condition soever they be III. That all Offences All Injuries to be forgotten Injuries Damages which either of the said Kings or their Subjects have suffered from the other during this War be buried in Oblivion so that neither in regard of them nor for the cause or pretence of any other thing neither Party nor the Subjects of either shall hereafter do or cause to be done or made any Hostility Enmity Molestation or Hindrance to the other by himself or by others secretly or openly directly or indirectly by colour of Right or way of Fact IV. That the use of Navigation and Commerce be free between the Subjects of both the said Kings Freedom of Trade and Navigation as it was anciently in the time of Peace and before the Denunciation of the late War so that every one of them may freely come into the Kingdoms Provinces Marts Ports and Rivers of either Party bringing their Merchandise and Conversing and Trading there without Molestation V. That all Prisoners on either side Prisoners released of what Degree Dignity or Condition soever be forthwith set at liberty without Ransom or any other Price of their Freedom Provided they pay what is lawfully due for Diet or other Cause VI. That all Proclamations and Acts which by reason of this War either Party hath published All Acts made against the liberty of Trade Revoked to the prejudice of either against the liberty of Navigation and Trade be abrogated on both sides VII That the Most Christian King shall with all speed or at the furthest within Six months to be reckoned from the Day of Subscribing this present Agreement Restitution of St. Christophers restore unto the King of Great Britain or unto such as to that purpose shall receive his Commands duely Passed under the Great Seal of England that part of the Isle of St. Christophers which the English possessed the First of January 1665. before the Declaration of the late War and to that end the said Most Christian King shall immediately upon the Ratification of the same Agreement deliver or cause to be delivered unto the said King of Great Britain or such Ministers of his as shall be thereunto appointed all necessary Instruments and Orders duely dispatched VIII But if any of the Subjects of the said King of Great Britain shall have sold the Goods which he possessed in that Island If any person have sold his Goods there he shall repay the Money before he be restored and the Price of the Sale hath been paid unto him he shall not be restored and put into possession of those Goods by virtue of the present Agreement before he hath actually paid back the Price or the Money he hath received IX But if it happen which yet is not known hitherto that the Subjects of the said Most Christian King are beaten out of the said Island of St. Christophers by the Subjects of the above-mentioned King of Great Britain before or after the Subscription of the present Agreement Nevertheless All things in that Island to be put in the same state as they were in 1665. things shall be restored unto that state and condition wherein they were in the beginning of the Year 1665. that is before the Declaration of the War now determining and the said King of Great Britain assoon as he hath notice thereof shall without any delay deliver or cause to be delivered unto the above-mentioned Most Christian King or his Ministers thereunto appointed all Instruments and Orders duely made which are necessary for that Restitution X. Also Restitution of Acadia to the French That the said King of Great Britain do likewise restore unto the said Most Christian King or unto such as to that purpose shall receive his Command duely passed under the Great Seal of France the Country which is called Acadia lying in North America which the said Most Christian King did formerly enjoy And to that end the said King of Great Britain shall immediately upon the Ratification of this Agreement deliver or cause to be delivered unto the said Most Christian King or such Ministers of his as shall be thereunto appointed all Instruments and Orders duely dispatched which shall be necessary to the said Restitution XI But if any of the Inhabitants of that Country called Acadia Such Inhabitants as shall desire to leave the Place may shall rather desire to be hereafter under the Dominion of the King of Great Britain it shall be lawful for such to depart within the space of One year to be counted from the Day of the Restitution of that Country and to sell alienate or otherwise dispose as they please their Lands Grounds Slaves and all their Goods moveable or immoveable and such persons as shall Contract with them for the same shall be forced to make good such Contracts by the Most Christian Kings Authority But if they shall rather choose to carry away with them their Money Housholdstuff Vessels Slaves and all their Moveables it shall be free for them so to do without any hindrance or molestation whatsoever XII Also the Most Christian King shall in like manner restore unto the King of Great Britain the Islands called Antigoa and Monsarat if they be in his power and any other Islands Countreys Reciprocal Restitution of Places taken Forts and Colonies which may have been gotten by the Arms of the Most Christian King before or after the Subscription of the present Treaty and which the King of Great Britain possessed before he
Revision of Accounts under pretence of Defraudation And if any Officer of his Royal Highness by way of Reward Voluntary Donative or any other way whatsoever shall exact or receive any Sum or Value beyond what is appointed in the mentioned Tariffes or Rates limited as in the aforesaid Articles The Person so offending shall be Imprisoned the space of Three months or more if his Royal Highness think fit and shall pay three times the full value of what he so demanded or received one half of which shall be applied to his Royal Highness and the other half to the Accuser or Informer XV. Fifteenthly and Lastly English to enjoy all the Immunities mentioned in the Publication of this free Port and all others which may be granted to any other Nation 'T is Covenanted and Agreed That all Immunities Priviledges and Concessions which in the General Publication of a Free Port made by his Royal Highness are not mentioned or specified in the foregoing Articles shall be for the full Advantage of his Majesties Subjects to all intents and purposes be understood to be expresly mentioned and contained in the Body of this present Instrument And whatsoever for the future of Immunity Priviledge or Advantage shall be granted to any other Kingdom or State all and every of the said Immunities Priviledges and Advantages are and shall be as fully with all their Circumstances granted to his Majesties Subjects as if they were expresly Covenanted and Agreed for in this present Instrument For the full and undoubted Confirmation of which and af all the foregoing Articles the above-named Procurators of his Majesty of Great Britain c. and his Royal Highness having diligently read and weighed all the abovesaid Fifteen Articles have hereunto put their Hands and Seals at Florence the Nineteenth day of September the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty nine L. S. John Finch L. S. Joseph Maurice Filippone A Treaty for the Composing of Differences Restraining of Depredations and Establishing of Peace in America between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain Concluded at Madrid the 8 18 day of July in the Year of our Lord 1670. WHereas for many Years past the good Vnderstanding and Correspondence between the English and Spanish Nations having been disturbed in America Preface It pleased the Most Serene and Powerful Prince Charles King of Great Britain c. in order to the Restoring and Regulating the same for the future to send into Spain his Envoy Extraordinary Sir William Godolphin Knight with full Authority and Power to make any Treaty convenient and proper for that end And likewise the Most Serene and Powerful Charles King of Spain c. and the Queen Regent Maria-Anna c. for the carrying on a Work of so much Piety and Publick Good Deputed on their Part the Earl of Penaranda Councellor of State and President of the Indies to Confer Treat and Conclude thereupon with the said Sir William Godolphin At length they mutually Refolved and Agreed upon the Articles of the following Treaty in Virtue of their several Commissions I. First The Treaty of 1667 Confirmed It is Agreed between the above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries Sir William Godolphin and the Earl of Penaranda in the Names of the Most Serene Kings respectively their Masters That the Articles of Peace and Alliance made between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain in Madrid on the 13 23 of May 1667 or any Clause thereof shall in no manner be deemed or understood to be taken away or abrogated by this present Treaty but that the same shall remain perpetually in their ancient force stability and vigour so far forth as they are not contrary or repugnant to this present Convention and Articles or to any thing therein contained II. That there be an Universal Peace An Universal Peace as well in America as elsewhere true and sincere Amity in America as in the other Parts of the World between the Most Serene Kings of Great Britain and Spain their Heirs and Successors and between the Kingdoms States Plantations Colonies Forts Cities Islands and Dominions without any distinction of Place belonging unto either of them and between the People and Inhabitants under their respective Obedience which shall endure from this Day for ever and be observed inviolably as well by Land as by Sea and Fresh-waters so as to promote each the Welfare and Advantage of the other and favour and assist one another with mutual Love and that every where as well in those remote Countries as in these which are nearer the faithful Offices of good Neighbourhood and Friendship may be exercised and increase between them III. Also All Enmities and Depradations to cease that for the time to come all Enmities Hostilities and Discords between the said Kings their Subjects and Inhabitants cease and be abolished And that both Parties do altogether forbear and abstain from all Plundering Depredation Injuries and Infestation whatsoever as well by Land as by Sea and in Fresh-waters every where IV. The said Most Serene Kings shall take care that their Subjects do accordingly abstain from all Force and Wrong-doing Letters of Mart Reveked And they shall Revoke all Commissions and Letters of Reprisal and Mart or otherwise containing Licence to take Prizes of what condition or kind soever being to the Prejudice of the one or other of the said Kings or of their Subjects whether the same have been given or granted by them unto Subjects or Inhabitants or unto Strangers and shall declare the same to be void and of no force as by this Treaty of Peace they are declared so to be Reslitution for Losses contrary to this Treaty And whosoever shall do any thing to the contrary he shall be punished not only Criminally according to the merit of his Offence but shall also be compell'd to make Restitution and Satisfaction for the Losses to the Parties damnified requiring the same V. And furthermore Renunciation of all Leagues c. contrary to this Peace the said Kings shall Denounce as by the Tenor of these Presents every of them hath and doth Renounce whatsoever League Confederation Capitulation and Intelligence made by what manner soever in the Prejudice of the one or the other which doth or may repugn against this Peace and Concord and all and singular the Contents thereof All which and every of them so far as they do concern the Effect aforesaid said they shall annul and make void and declare to be of no force or moment VI. The Prisoners on both Sides Prisoners released one and all of what Degree or Condition soever detained by reason of any Hostilities hitherto committed in America shall be forthwith set at liberty without Ransom or any other Price of their Freedom VII All Offences All Injuries to be forgotten Damages Losses Injuries which the Nations and People of Great Britain and Spain have at any time heretofore upon what Cause or Pretext soever suffered by each
into the Registry a List Signed and Certified containing the Names and Surnames the Nativity and Habitation of the Men that are Aboard him and of all that shall Imbarque themselves whom he may not take on Board without the knowledge and permission of the Marine Officers and in every Port or Haven where he shall enter with his Ship shall shew the Officers and Marine Judges this his present Licence and having finished his Voyage shall make faithful relation of what hath been done and hath passed during all the time of his said Voyage and shall carry the Flags Arms and Colours of his Majesty throughout his whole Voyage In witness whereof We have Signed these Presents and caused the Seal of Our Arms to be put thereunto and the same to be Countersigned by Our Secretary of the Marine the _____ day of _____ One thousand six hundred _____ Signed And underneath By _____ and Sealed with the Seal of the Arms of the said High Admiral A Form of the Act containing the Oath to be taken by the Master or Captain of the Ship WE _____ of the Admiralty of _____ do certifie That _____ Master of the Ship named in the Passport above hath taken the Oath therein mentioned Given at _____ the day of _____ One thousand six hundred c. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our Hands The Form of the Certificates that ought to be given by the Burgomasters of the Cities and Sea-Ports of the United Provinces to the Ships and Vessels that go from thence according to the Eighth Article abovesaid TO the Most Serene Most Illustrious Most Mighty Most Noble Honourable and Prudent Lords Emperors Kings Commonwealths Princes Dukes Comtes Barons Lords Burgomasters Sheriffs Counsellors Judges Officers Justices and Regents of all Cities and Places as well Ecclesiastical as Secular who shall see or read these Presents We Burgomastersand Governors of the City of _____ do certifie That _____ Ship-Master appearing before Us hath declared by solemn Oath that the Ship called _____ containing about _____ Lasts of which he is at present the Master belongeth to Inhabitants of the Vnited Provinces So help him God And as we would willingly see the said Ship-Master assisted in his just Affairs We do request you and every of you where the abovesaid Master shall arrive with his Ship and Goods that you will please to receive him courteously and use him kindly admitting him upon paying the usual Dues Tolls and other Customs to enter into remain in and pass from your Ports Rivers and Territories and there to Trade Deal and Negotiate in any Part or Place in such sort and manner as he shall desire Which we shall most readily acknowledge in the like occasion In witness whereof We have caused the Seal of Our City to be thereunto put In Witness and Confirmation of all and every part whereof We the Commissioners of His said Majesty the King of Great Britain and of the said Lords the States General having sufficient Power given us thereunto have Signed these Tables and Sealed them with our Seals At the Hague in Holland the 17. of Febr. in the Year One thousand six hundred sixty eight De Gellicum B. d' Asperen John de Witt Van Crommon G. Hoolck V. Vnckell Jan. Van Isselmuden L. T. Van Starckenborck A Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between His Majesty of Great Britain c. and the Most Serene Prince the Duke of Savoy Concluded at Florence the 19th day of September 1669. The Instrument of Commerce with the Duke of SAVOY THe convenient Situation of the Port of Villa Franca in the Mediterranean Sea and the Capacity of the same together with the Security of it in all respects have been efficacious Motives to His Most Serene Highness the Duke of Savoy for the Exhibiting and Pronouncing the same Free to the whole World with a Belief that it might in time prove advantageous to the Publick and to His Royal Highness in particular But it so falling out that the vigour of things which are established by the best Counsel in process of time are rendred languid and subject to mutation It has therefore pleased His Royal Highness not only to reconfirm the Free State and Condition of his Port But over and above to offer the same to His Majesty of Great Britain c. encreased with new Priviledges and augmented with inviolable Capitulations To these Motives a most valid and reciprocal Inducement joyns it self To wit the Luxuriant Fertility of Soil which is obvious in the Kingdoms and other Plantations which are under the Dominion of His Majesty of Great Britain c. As also in the Dominions of His said Royal Highness which superfluity since it is so properly and naturally transmitted and emptied into the mutual Territories with the reciprocal fruit and advantage of the Subject 'T was easie for both Princes between whom there passed long since the Tyes of an Ancient Friendship confirmed by repeated Alliances and by late conjunction in Bloud to entertain thoughts of superadding the new Tye of mutual Commerce by which they might upon the score of advantaging their Subjects further Oblige and reciprocally Engage themselves to each other To this end and purpose it has pleased His Most Excellent Majesty by His Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England to constitute Sir John Finch Knight now Resident for His Majesty of Great Britain with the Great Duke of Tuscany His true and lawful Attorney with a Plenipotentiary Power as appears out of the Letters Patents themselves And to the same intent and purpose His Royal Highness has thought good to invest with the same Power and Authority Signor Joseph Maurice Philippone His Counsellor Auditor and Procurator General of His Revenue As is likewise apparent from the Letters Patents of His Royal Highness Both which Plenipotentiaries after several Meetings have finally Concluded as follows ARTICLES COVENANTED I. FIrst The Peace Confirmed Since Commerce was always the Companion of Peace That Peace which for many Years was never interrupted by War is now Ratified Established and Confirmed between the Most Potent Monarch CHARLES the Second King of Great Britain c. and His Royal Highness CHARLES EMANVEL the Second of that Name Duke of Savoy c. Both whose Subjects are obliged as well by Sea as Land upon all occasions to perform to each other all Actions of mutual Civility and Kindness II. Secondly It shall be permitted to English to Import freely all sorts of Goods and Land them without Confiscation or Imposition and lawful for all sorts and kinds of Ships and Vessels belonging to his Majesty the King of Great Britain c. or any of his Subjects to conduct and bring into the Ports of Villa Franca Nizza or S. Hospitio all things whatsoever or all kinds of Merchandise whether produced by Nature or made by Art in any part of the World All which things or Merchandise so brought shall freely and lawfully by the Captains or Masters or any