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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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thou that hast made thy seruant king in steade of Dauid my father Wisedome and strength are the Lords Dan. 2. he putteth downe kinges and setteth vp kinges The Lord hath set a ruler ouer euerie people so that the ruler Eccle. 17. Conclusiō that the Prince is the head Prince or king set ouer euery people by the Lord being so ordayned of God is chiefe head ouer those people where the Lord hath placed and set him Father Thou proouest verie well and directly my Sonne if Kinges and Princes are ordayned of God But now procéede and tell me for what cause Sonne 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 13. The Apostle aunswereth thus for the punishment of euill dooers but for the loue of them that doe well Rulers are not fearefull to them that doe well but to them that doe euill for he is the minister of God for thy welth But and if thou doest euill then feare for hée beareth not the swoord for naught for hee is the minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill Exod. 18. Moyses saide iudge betwéene euerye man and his neighbour and shewe them the ordinaunce of God and his lawes Gen. 26. Abymelech the king commaunded that none of his people should touch Abraham or his wife and whosoeuer hurt eyther of them should die the death VVho are to be chosē kings Deut. 17. No stranger to be thy king Deut. 17. Thou shalt make him king ouer thée which the Lord thy God shalt choose euen one from among thy brethren shalt thou make king ouer thée thou mayst not make a stranger king ouer thee which is not of thy brethren The king ought to reade in the lawe of his God all the dayes of his lyfe and not turne there from neyther to the right hand nor to the left Dauid raigned ouer Israell and executed iust and right ouer all his people 2. kings 8 The King shall giue sentence betwéene parties 2. king 25 and iustifie the righteous and condemne the vngodly The King is like an Angell of God to heare good and bad 2. king 14 The King ought to defend the fatherlesse and poore Psalm 82. to sée that such as bée in néede and necessity haue right A wise King destroyeth the vngodlie Pro. 20. and bringeth the whéele ouer them Father Sonne 1. Pet. 2. I vnderstand the Kinges dutie and that the God of heauen hath chosen him for the punishment of the wicked and for the praise of the good doer but tell me if he haue this power and aucthoritie from God ouer all his subiects spiritual and temporall Sonne Yea Father ouer all people within his seuerall iurisdiction whether exclesiasticall or cyuell Iosua commaunded the Prists to take Iosua 3. vp the Arke of the Lord and to goe before the people and they so dyd Iosua 4 The Lord saide to Iosua commaund the Priests that beare the Arke of witnes to come vp out of Iourden and the people to followe 3. Cron. 8. Salomon set the sorts of the Priestes to their offices and the Priestes in their watches to minister to the Lord and the Priests the Leuites omitted not the commandement of the King concerning anie maner of thing Father Well but what further hath a Prince to doe in the Church of God Sonne 4. king 18 You may perceiue Father by these examples following Hezechia dyd that which was right in the sight of the Lorde as Dauid had done he put downe the hyll Alters and brake the Images cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen Serpent which Moyses made for vnto that time the people did burne sacryfice to it called it Nehustan Dan. 6. Daryus the King wrote a commaundement that all menne spirituall and temporall within his domynion should feare and stand in awe of Daniels God for he is the liuing God that abydeth euer and his kingdome shall not fayll it is he that delyuereth and saueth The Kinge ought to ouerthrowe all Alters breake downe their Pyllers Deu. 7. cut downe their groues and burne the grauen Images with fire Whereby you may plainely sée that the King or Prince in the Church of God hath aucthorytie to roote out all supersticion and Idolitrie And to commaund that the liuing God be feared and worshiped Father What punishment may the Kinge or Prince appoint for Idolaters and for those that pollute the Temple of the Lord and will not feare the God of Israell Sonne Euen what punishmēt as the Prince shall thinke good for the Lord sayeth Iosua 2. The kings displeasure is a messenger of death whosoeuer doth disobay his mouth will not harken vnto his woords in al that he commandeth him let him dye Salomon sayd if thou be a Childe of 3. Kings 1 vertue there shall not one haire of thine head fall to the earth but if thou be wicked thou shalt dye Deu. 13 If there arise saith the Lord among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreames and giue a signe or wonder and that signe or wonder come to passe and shall then say come let vs worship strange Gods thou shalt haue no pittie nor compassion vppon him but cause him to be slayne thou shalt stone him with stones that he dye Exod. 22 He that offereth to any Gods but to the Lord onely let him be rooted out Exod. 21 He that smyteth a man that he dye shall dye for it He that curseth his father or mother shall dye for it Eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand c. By these examples you may well note Father that Princes may punish with imprisonment fyne or death offenders whether Priests or seculer persons Father Séeing that Princes are ordayned of God for these causes and haue power to punish with death or otherwise according to the offence must not all persons then néeds obey them Sonne Yes Father all subiects must honour them and obay them with their bodies goods and prayers Ouer all which the Prince hath power Let euery soule saith Saint Paull Rom. 13. submit himselfe to the aucthorytie of the hyer powers Ye must néeds obay Eod. not onely for feare of vengance but also because of cōscience Warne them that they submit themselues to rule and power Titus 3 that they obay the officers Submitte your selues vnto all manner of ordinances for the Lords sake 1. Peter 2 whether it be to the King as to the chiefe head eyther vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the prayse of them the do well All our Cyties possessions Iudeth 3 al moūtaines and Hills all Fields great and small Cattell Shéepe and Goates Horses Camels all our goods housholds are in the power of the King and vnder his subiection we our selues and our Children are his owne Christ Iesus sayth Math. 22 giue to Caesar the things that belong to Caeser and
vnto God the things that are goods Esdras 7 Whosoeuer will not obey the King let him haue Iudgment without delay Rom. 13. Giue to euery man his duty tribute to whom tribute belongeth custome to whō custome is due feare to whome feare belongeth honour to whō honour pertaineth Math. 7 Iesus saide to Peter of whome doe the Kings of the earth take tribute or toll and further saide goe least we should offend and take thine angle and looke that thou take the fyshe that first commeth vp and thou shalt finde in his mouth a péece of xx pence that take and giue it vnto them for mée and thée 1. king 8 The Lord shewing the domynion of a king ouer subiects sayth he will take your sonnes and put them to his Chariots and make horsemen to runne before him make of them Captaines ouer thousands and ouer hundreths to eare his ground gather his haruest and your daughters wil he make cookes apotecaries and bakers and he shall take the best of your feildes vine-yerds olyues and giue thē to his seruants I exhort saith saint Paull Tim. 2 that aboue all things prayers Praier for Kings supplications intercessions and giueing of thankes be had for all men for Kinges and for all that are in authoritie that we may liue a quiet and peaceable life with al godlinesse honesty And all the people sayd 1. King 10 God send the king long life I pray God that my Lord King Dauid may liue euer God saue King Salomon 3. kings 1. the people sayde Amen I pray God that the Lord God of my king say so too Daniell sayd oh king Dan. 2. God saue thy life for euer Father What Euell princes are all kinges and Princes to be honoured and prayed for if they be euill and wicked Sonne Yea Dan. 3. for why they are Gods ministers ordained of God I read that Nabugodonozer King of Babulon made an Image to be worshipped howbeit Sidrach Mysaac and Abednago although they refused to worship that Idoll yet they submitted thēselues and honoured the King Daryus king of Babulon Dan. 6 casting Danyell into a Lyons Den yet Danyell honoured the king and sayd oh King God saue thy life for euer Saull a wicked king purposing to haue killed Da. yet Da. honored him said 1. king 24 the Lord forbid that I should touch the Lords annoynted Iob. 34. For the wickednesse of the people doth the Lorde make an hippocrite to raigne ouer them Pro. 21. The kinges heart is in the hande of God like as are the ryuers of water hée may turne it whether soeuer he will So that you may perceaue Father that God ordayneth a wicked king to raigne ouer wicked people to scourge and plague thē For a wicked king is the lands scourge Father Depose May not Subiectes labour to depose their Prince if he bée euill and place another Sonne Daniel 2. The Lord forbid for why wisedome and strength are the Lords he setteth vp kinges and putteth downe kinges 1. king 17. The Lord hath rented his kingdome from thée and hath cast thée off that thou shalt not bée king Father But by whome and wherefore was Saull deposed Sonne 1. Cro. 10. By the Lord was he deposed Because he trespassed against the Lord in that hée kept not the word of the Lord but sought and asked counsel of a woman the wrought with a spirit and asked not of the Lorde The highest hath power ouer kingdoms of men and giueth them to whom he wil Daniel 4. and he bringeth euen the verie abiectes of men ouer them Father Then it is not lawfull for any person to rebell or make insurrection Rebellion Sonne Who can lay his hand saith Dauid 1. king 26. 1. king 24. on the Lords anoynted and be guiltlesse the Lord be mercifull vnto mée that I do not touch the Lords anoynted Dauid said to the young man 2. king 2. how is it that thou wast not afrayde to slaye the Lordes anoynted and his young men came vpon him and slue him The vnrighteous and wicked men that slue the kings sonne in his owne house 2. king 4 vpon his bed shall not I saith Dauid require his bloud at your hands take you from the earth and Dauid caused them to be hanged vppe and cutte of their handes and féete Rebellion is as the synne of witchcraft 1. king 15 and disobedience is as the sinne of Idolatrie 2. king 18 Absolon rebelling against Dauid his father roade vpon a Mule who ranne vnder a trée and was hanged by the lockes of his haire and was cast into an hole and stones vpon him Math. 27 Iudas who betrayed his Maister for xxx péeces of siluer went out and hanged himselfe and his bowells gushed out Numer 16 Corath Dathan and Abyron rebelled and they their wiues and children goods cattells being in their tents the earth opened her mouth and they went downe all quicke into hell Nume 16. Two hundreth being of the same conspiracie not then there present fire came downe from heauen and destroyed them Ecclesi 10 Wish the king no euill in thine heart nor thy Prince any hurte in thy prieuie Chamber for a byrde of the ayre shall bewray thée and with her fethers shall shée bewray thy secrets Rom. 13 But chiefelye marke Saint Paules words Whosoeuer resisteth shall receaue to themselues damnation whereby you may well perceaue Father how the Lord God of heauen plaugeth rebells not only with bodely death destruction but also with eternall confusion and condemnation in the burning lake of hell where fier and Brimstone storme and tempest shall bée their portion to drinke Father Iesu my sonne how many conspiracies trayterous rebellions haue been of late against our gratious Princesse Sonne Yea father yet the Lord that great and mightie Iehoua doth saue his anoynted out of their bloudie hands A prayer And I beséech our God and heauenly father for Iesus death innocent blood-shedding to blesse preserue and saue her Maiestie and either in mercy conuert their hearts to their dutifull obedience vnto her Maiestie or else in iustice destroy them that they may perish and haue their portion with Corath his companie which thing the eternall God for his great mercy sake graunt And thereto let all that feare God say Amen Father And I beséech the Lord God 3. kings 1 of my princesse to say so to Amen Procéede my son to tell me of whome haue Iudges Iudges and magestrato Rulers Magestrates and Officers of euery degrée in the common wealth their power and aucthoritie Sonne Of their head the Prince euen as the Prince hath power from his heade Christ For they are the hands of their king or Prince whereby he worketh Exod. 18. Be thou vnto the people to God-ward that thou maist bring the causes vnto God and
vs sensible thinges externall singes to bring our mindes by these outward singes to consider his inuisible graces Luke 22. 1. Cor. 11 And an other cause was to put vs alwaies in remembrance of his death and benefit of his passion for he saith doe this in the remembrance of mée As oft as ye eate of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shew the Lordes death till he come And an other cause there is that moued Christ Iesus to institute sacraments that they might be linckes bond of loue vnitie and concorde among our selues for we haue but one God Ephe. 4. one Faith one baptisme 1. Cor. 10. Vnus panis vnum corpus but one bread so all but one body Father Passeouer There were Sacraments in the olde Law as the passeouer what did that signifie Sonne Exod. 12 It was a Lambe of a yéere olde without blemish which was killed and the blood sprinkled signifiyng this immaculat Lambe of God Iesus Christ that taketh away the sinnes of the word The pascall Lambe put the people of Israell alwaies in remembrance of their bodelie deliuerance out of Egipte from Pharo and from the filth and clay of the Land by the power of God by a mightie hand and stretched out arme So in like manner this Sacrament of the Lordes supper 1. Cro. 11 signifieth to vs how that we are not onelie deliuered from a bodelie seruitude but also from hell the diuell and sinne and that by the crosse passion Luke 22. and blood shedding of our pascall Lambe Iesus Christ Father Séeing that this Sacrament is so worthie a misterie tell me how we ought to communicate Sonne We ought to iudge and examine our selues and then eate of that bread 1. Cor 11 drink of that cup. If any man be defiled saith God Num. 9. let him not eate of the passeouer but it must be eatē with swéete breade sower hearbe● so father is this Sacrament to be eaten no vncleane person that hath not examined himselfe may eate threof The passeouer was to be eaten with swéete bread and sower hearbes so he that eateth this Sacrament must be contrite in heart and his conscience vnleauened that is pure and cleane ●euiti 7. If any soule that is vncleane eate of the flesh of the peace offering the same soule shall perish from among his people ● Cor. 11 Whosoeuer saith Saint Paull shall eate of this bread and drinke of the cup of the Lorde vnworthelie shal be guiltie of the body and blood of the Lorde and eateth and drinketh his owne damnation Father ●eall pre●ns Then belike in this Sacrament is the real presens of Christ his body and blood so that this Sacrament is transsubstantiall into his naturall bodie and blood if ther be such benefit for the worthie receiuers and so great perell to the vnworthie Sonne ●uke 22 ● Cor. 11 No father for it is but a memoriall of his death and instituted for a remembrance of the same his naturall body with all partes and members thereof is ascended into heauen Heb. 1 and sitteth on his fathers right hand Heb. 8. and shall abide there till the ende come Father How can the vnworthie receiuers bée in such daunger then Sonne Because they set at naught the ordinances of Iesus Christ And therefore saint Paull saith he that despiseth Moyses lawe dyeth without mercie vnder two or thrée witnesses how much sorer shall he be punished that treadeth vnder foote the sonne of God and compteth the blood of the testament wherewith he was sanctified as an vnholie thing and doth dishonour to the spirit of grace Father What punishment are they worthie of that refuse or negligentlie regard this institucion of Iesus Christ our Lore and sauiour Sonne Numer 9 The lord saith that man that is negligent to offer passouer in his due time shal be rooted out of his people and parish Heb. 10. He that treadeth vnder foote the institucion of Iesus Christ is worthie of death because he doth dishonour to the blood of Christ and to the spirit of grace Father Thou hast spoken well by these two Sacraments baptisme and the Lordes supper being instituded by Iesus Christ and therefore to be had in reuerence as the seals of our saluation but procéede tel me what thou sayst of extreme vnction for it should séeme that Saint Iames alloweth of the same Iames. 5 Sonne Iames. Annoyntīg The Appostle father speaketh of the holie ghost in that same place as we may perceiue by other places expounding what the annoynting is the annoynting that dwelleth in you saith saint Iohn teacheth you all thinges Io. 2. and is true and no lye 2. Cor. 1. It is God that stablysheth vs with you in Christ and standeth by vs and hath annoynted vs which hath also sealed vs and hath giuen vs the earnest of the spirit into our heartes When the spirit of truth commeth Io. 16 he will lead you into all truth The spirit of God vpon mée Luke 4. because he hath annoynted mée to preach the ghospell to the poore hath he sent mée to heale the broken hearted to preach deliuerance to the captiue and sight to the blind Frely to set at libertie those that are brused and to preach the acceptable yéere of the Lord. So that the ministers or elders ought to pray ouer the sicke and diseased and to annoynte them with this oyle which is Gods spirit to certifie their consciens that their broken heartes are healed that wheras they were captiues they are deliuered whereas they were in darkenesse now lightned being in bondage True annoynting by the spirit of God now set at libertie whereas they were ouercharged with sinne the Christ had taken vppon him all their offences and that now they wer acceptable offeringes vnto their GOD through Iesus Christ And this is the annoyting that euery minister must annoynt the diseased withall Father Ecclesiasticall au●horitie What saist thou of ecclesiastiall aucthoritie and iurisdiction Sonne I say that they haue power and aucthority to excōmunicate punish offenders and when they repent to receiue them into the congregacion againe and absolue Iesus breathed on his disciples and saide ●o 20. receiue the holy ghost whose sinnes soeuer you remit they are remitted and whose soeuer sinnes ye retaine they are retained The minister may binde that is preach the Law and curse thereof Binding loosing to impenitent persons that wil not regard their owne saluacion and they may loose that is preach the gospell and glad tidings to those that repent vnfainedlie Matb 11 and would gladlie come vnto Christ to be refreshed Father Let me héere that they haue aucthoritie to excōmunicate and power to receiue into the congregacion againe such as repent Sonne Leuiti 13 The Lorde commaunded that if any man should be a leper the Priest should looke vppon him and if he iudged him to be