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A03519 Certayne sermons, or homelies appoynted by the kynges Maiestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches, where they haue cure. Anno 1547.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. Book 1. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Church of England. 1547 (1547) STC 13640; ESTC S110029 106,479 184

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onely aucthor and prouider of thys forenamed state and ordre as it is written of God in the boke of the prouerbes through me kynges do reigne through me counsailors make iust lawes through me doo princes beare rule and all iudges of the yearth execute iudgement I am louyng to them that loue me Here let vs marke wel remembre that the high power aucthoritie of kynges with theyr makyng of lawes iudgemētes officers are the ordinaunces not of man but of God therfore is this word through me so many tymes repeted Here is also well to be cōsidered and remembred that this good ordre is appoynted of Gods wisedom fauor loue specially for them that loue god therfore he saith I loue them y t loue me Also in the boke of wisedom we may euidently learne that a kynges power aucthoritie strength is a greate benefite of God geuen of his great mercy to the comfort of our greate misery For thus wee rede there spoken to kynges Heare o ye kynges vnderstand learne ye y t be iudges of thendes of the yearth geue eare ye that rule the multitudes for y e power is geuen you of y e lord and the strength frō the highest Let vs learne also here by the infallible word of God that kinges and other supreme higher officers are ordeined of god who is most highest therfore they are here diligētely taught to apply thēselfes to knowledge wisedom necessary for the orderynge of Gods people to their gouernaūce committed And they be here also taught by almighty God that thei should reknowledge themselfes to haue al their power strength not frō Rome but immediatly of god most highest We rede in the boke of Deuteronomy y t al punishemēt perteineth to God by this sentēce vengeaūce is mine and I will reward But this sentence we must vnderstād to pertein also vnto y e magistrates which do exercise Gods roume in iudgement punishing by good godly lawes here in yearth And the places of scripture whiche seme to remoue from emong al christian men iudgement punishment or kyllyng ought to be vnderstand that no mā of his awne priuate aucthoritie may be iudge ouer other may punish or may kil But we must refer al iudgemēt to god to kynges rulers iudges vnder thē which be gods officers to execute iustice by plain wordes of scripture haue their aucthoritie vse of y e swourd graūted frō god as we are taught by S. Paule the dere elect Apostle of our sauior Christ whō we ought diligētly to obeye euen as we would obey our sauior Christ yf he wer present Thus. S. Paule writeth to the Roma Let euery soule submit hymself vnto the aucthoritie of the higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers that be be ordeined of God whosoeuer therfore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinaunce of God but they that resist shal receiue to thēselfes dampnacion for rulers are not fearful to thē that do good but to thē that do euill Wilt thou be without feare of the power Do well then so shalt thou be praysed of the same for he is the minister of God for thy wealthe But if thou do that whiche is euill then feare for he beareth not the swourde for naught for he is the minister of God to make vengeaunce on hym that doth euill Wherfore ye must nedes obey not onely for feare of vengeaūce but also because of conscience and euē for this cause paie ye tribute for they are Gods ministers seruyng for the same purpose Here let vs al learne of S. Paule the elect vessel of God y t all persones hauing soules he excepteth none nor exempteth none neither priest apostle nor prophet saieth s. Chriso do owe of boundē duetie and euen in conscience obedience submission subiection to the hygh powers which be constituted in aucthoritie by god forasmuch as thei be gods liuetenauntes Gods presidentes Gods officers Gods cōmissioners Gods iudges ordeyned of God hymself of whom onely thei haue al their power and all their aucthoritie And thesame s. Paule threateneth no lesse pain then euerlasting dāpnacion to al disobediēt persons to al resisters against this generall and cōmon aucthoritie forasmuch as they resist not man but God not mānes deuise and inuencion but Gods wisedō Gods ordre power and aucthoritie And here good people let vs all marke diligently that it is not lawfull for inferiors and subiectes in any case to resist the superior powers for s. Paules wordes be playn that whosoeuer resisteth shall get to thēselfes dāpnacion for whosoeuer resisteth resisteth the ordinaūce of God Our sauior Christe him self his apostles receiued many diuerse iniuries of the vnfaithfull wicked men in aucthoritie yet we neuer rede that thei or any of thē caused any sedicion or rebelliō agaynst aucthoritie We rede oft that they paciently suffered al troubles vexacions slaunders pangues paines and death it self obediently without tumulte or resistence They cōmitted their cause to him that iudgeth righteously and prayed for their enemyes hartely earnestly They knew that y e aucthoritie of y e powers was Gods ordinaunce therfore bothe in their wordes dedes they taught euer obedience to it and neuer taught nor did the contrary The wicked iudge Pilat sayd to Christe knowest thou not that I haue power to crucifye the and haue power also to lose the Iesus aunswered Thou couldest haue no power at all against me except it were geuē the frō aboue Wherby Christe taught vs plainly that euen the wicked rulers haue their power and aucthoritie from God And therfore it is not lawfull for their subiectes by force to resyst thē although they abuse their power muche lesse then it is lawfull for subiectes to resiste their godly christian princes whiche do not abuse their aucthoritie but vse thesame to Gods glory to the profyte and cōmoditie of Gods people The holy apostle S. Peter cōmaundeth seruaūtes to be obedient to their masters not onely if they be good and gentle but also if they be euil and froward affirmyng that the vocation callyng of Gods people is to bee pacient and of the sufferyng syde And there he bringeth in y e pacience of our sauior Christ to perswade obedience to gouernors yea although they be wycked and wrong dooers But let vs now heare S. Peter himself speake for his awn wordes certifye best our conscience Thus he vttereth them in his firste Epistle Seruauntes obeye your Masters with feare not onely if they be good and gentle but also if they bee frowarde For it is thanke worthy if a man for conscience towarde God suffereth grief and suffreth wrōge vndeserued for what praise is it when ye be beaten for your faultes if ye take it paciently but whē ye do wel if you then suffre wrong take it paciently then is there cause to haue thāke
of God for hereunto verely were ye called For so did Christ suffre for vs leauyng vs an exāple that we should folow his steppes Al these be the very wordes of s Peter s Dauid also teacheth vs a good lesson in this behalfe who was many tymes most cruelly wrongfullye persecuted of kyng Saule and many tymes also put in ieoperdy and daūger of his life by kyng Saule his people yet he neuer resysted neither vsed any force or violence against kyng Saule his mortall enemy but did euer to his liege Lorde master kyng Saule moste true most diligent and most faithfull seruice In so muche y t when the lord God had geuē kyng Saule into Dauides hādes in his awn caue he would not hurt him when he myght without all bodily perill easly haue slain hym no he would not suffre any of his seruaūtes once to lay their handes vpon kyng Saule but praied to god in this wise lord kepe me from doyng that thyng vnto my master the lordes anoynted kepe me that I laye not my hande vpon him seyng he is y e anoynted of the lorde for as truly as the lorde liueth except the lorde smyte him or except his day come or that he go doune to warre in battaill perishe the Lorde be mercifull vnto me that I lay not my hand vpon the lordes anoynted And y t Dauid mighte haue killed his enemye kyng Saule it is euidētly proued in the first boke of the kynges both by y e cuttyng of y e lap of Saules garment also by the playn cōfession of kyng Saule Also another time as it is mēcioned in the same boke whē the most vnmercifull most vnkynd kyng Saule did persecute poore Dauid God did agayn geue kyng Saule into Dauides hādes by castyng of kyng Saul his whole army into a dead slepe so that Dauid and one Abisai with him came in the night into Saules hoste wher Saule lay slepyng and his speare stacke in the groūd at his hed Then said Abisai vnto Dauid God hath deliuered thyne enemy into thy hādes at this tyme now therfore let me smyte him once with my spear to the yearth and I will not smyte him agayn the seconde tyme meanyng thereby to haue kylled hym with one stroke to haue made him sure for euer And Dauid answered sayd to Abisai destroy him not for who cā lay his hādes on the lordes anoynted be giltles And Dauid said furthermore as sure as the lord liueth the lord shal smite him or his day shall come to dye or he shall descend into battaill there perish The lord kepe me frō laiyng my handes vpon the lordes anoynted But take thou now the speare y t is at his head the cruse of water let vs go and so he did Here is euidently proued that we may not resyst nor in any wayes hurt an anoynted kyng which is Gods liuetenaūt vecegerent and highest minister in that countrey where he is kyng But peraduenture some here would saye that Dauid in his awne defence might haue killed kyng Saule lawfully with a safe conscience But holy Dauid did knowe that he might in no wise resist hurt or kyl his souereigne lorde kyng he dyd knowe that he was but king Saules subiect though he wer in great fauor with God his enemy king Saule out of gods fauor Therfore though he wer neuer so much prouoked yet he refused vtterly to hurt the lordes anoynted He durst not for offending God his awne cōscience althought he had occasion opportunitie once lay his handes vpō Gods high officer y e king whō he did know to be a person reserued for his office sake onely to Gods punishmēt and iudgemēt Therfore he prayeth so ofte so earnestly y t he laye not his handes vpon the Lordes anoynted And by these .ii. exāples s. Dauid beyng named in scripture a man after Gods awne hart geueth a general rule and lesson to all subiectes in the world not to resist their liege lord king not to take a sweard by their priuate aucthoritie against their king gods anointed who onely beareth the sweard by gods aucthoritie for the maintenaūce of the good for the punishmēt of y e euil who onely by Gods law hath the vse of the swearde at his cōmaundemēt also hath all power iurisdiction regiment coercion as supreme gouernor of all his realmes dominiōs and that euen by the aucthoritie of god by gods ordinaunces Yet another notable story doctrine is in the second boke of the kynges that maketh also for this purpose Whē an Amalechite by king Saules awn cōsent cōmaūdemēt had kylled kyng Saul he wēt to Dauid supposing to haue had great thāke for his message that he had killed Dauids mortall enemy and therfore he made great hast to tel to Dauid the chaūce bringyng with him kyng Saules croune that was vpon his hed and his bracelet that was vpon his arme to perswade his tidynges to be true But godly Dauid was so farr frō reioysyng at these newes that immediatly he rēt his clothes of his backe he mourned wepte and sayde to the messenger how is it that thou wast not afraied to laie thy hādes on the lordes anoynted to destroy him And by by Dauid made one of his seruauntes to kil y e messenger saiyng thy bloud be on thine awne hed for thy awn mouth hath testified against the grauntyng y t thou hast slain the Lordes anoynted These examples being so manifest euident it is an intollerable ignoraūce madnesse and wickednesse for subiectes to make any murmuryng rebellion resistence commocion or insurrection agaynst their moste dere most dread souereigne lorde and kyng ordeined and appoynted of Gods goodnesse for their cōmoditie peace and quietnes Yet let vs beleue vndoubtedly good christiā people that we may not obey Kynges Magistrates or any other though thei be our awne fathers if thei would cōmaunde vs to do any thyng contrary to Gods cōmaundemētes In such a case we ought to say with the Apostles we must rather obeye God then man But neuertheles in y e case we maye not in any wyse resist violētly or rebell against rulers or make any insurrection sediciō or tumultes either by force of armes or otherwaies against the anoynted of the Lord or any of his appointed officers But we must in suche case paciently suffre all wronges and iniuries referryng the iudgement of oure cause onely to God Let vs feare y e terrible punishmēt of almightie God against traitors or rebellious persones by the example of Chore Dathan and Abiron whiche repined and grudged against Gods Magistrates and officers and therfore the earth opened swallowed them vp a liue Other for their wicked murmuryng rebelliō wer by a sodain fire sent of God vtterly consumed Other for their froward behauiour to their rulers gouernors Gods ministers were sodainly
stricken with a foule leprosy Other wer stinged to death with wonderful straunge firy serpentes Other wer sore plagued so that ther was killed in one day the numbre of fourtene thousand and seuen hundred for rebellion agaynst them whō God had appoynted to be in aucthoritie Absalon also rebelling against his father king Dauid was punished with a straunge and notable death And lette no man thynke that he can escape vnpunished that cōmitteth treason conspiracy or rebellion agaynste his souereigne Lorde the Kynge though he commit thesame neuer so secretly either in thought woorde or dede neuer so priuely in hys priuie chambre by hymselfe or openly communicatyng and consultyng with other For treason will not be hid treason will out at the length God will haue that moste detestable vice bothe opened and punished for that it is so directly against hys ordinaunce and agaynste hys hygh principall iudge and anoynted in yearth The violence and iniury that is committed against aucthoritie is cōmitted agaynste God the common weale and the whole realme whiche God wyll haue knowen and condignely punished one way or other For it is notably wrytten of the Wiseman in Scripture in the boke called Ecclesiastes wishe the Kyng no euyll in thy thought or speake no hurt of hym in thy priuy chābre for a byrde of the aire shall betraye thy voyce and with her fethers shall she bewraye thy wordes These lessons exāples are writē for our learnyng Let vs al therfore feare the moste detestable vice of rebelliō euer knowyng and remembring that he that resisteth commō aucthoritie resisteth God and his ordinaunce as it may be proued by many other mo places of holy Scripture And here let vs take hede that we vnderstād not these or suche other like places whiche so streightly commaunde obedience to superiors and so streightly punisheth rebellion and disobedience to thesame to be meant in any cōdiciō of the pretensed power of the bishop of Rome For truely the scripture of God alloweth no suche vsurped power full of enormities abusions blasphemies But the true meanyng of these and suche places be to extol and set furthe Gods true ordinaunce and y e aucthoritie of Gods anointed kynges and of their officers appoynted vnder them And concernyng the vsurped power of the bishop of Rome which he most wrongfully chalengeth as the successor of Christe Peter we maye easely perceiue how false feined and forged it is not onely in that it hath no sufficient grounde in holy scripture out also by the fruites and doctrine therof For our sauior Christ s. Peter teacheth most earnestly and agreably obedience to kynges as to the chief supreme rulers in this world next vnder God but the bishop of Rome teacheth immunities priuiledges exempciōs and disobedience moste clearly agaynst Christes doctrine and s. Peters He ought therefore rather to be called Antichriste the succcssor of the Scribes Phariseis then Christes vicar or s. Peters successor seyng that not only in this poynt but also in other weightie matters of Christian religiō in matters of remission of synnes of saluacion he teacheth so directly agaynst both s. Peter against our sauior Christe Who not onely taught obediēce to kynges but also practised obedience in their cōuersaciō liuyng For we rede that they both paied tribute to the kyng And also we rede that the holye virgyn Mary mother to our sauior Christ and Ioseph who was taken for his father at the emperors cōmaundemente went to the citie of Dauid named Bethleem to be taxed emōg other to declare their obedience to the magistrates for Gods ordinaunces sake And here let vs not forget y e blessed virgin Maries obedience for although she was highly in Gods fauor and Christes naturall mother was also great with chylde that same time so nigh her trauaile that she was deliuered in her iourney yet she gladly without any excuse or grudgyng for cōscience sake did take that cold foule winter iourney beyng in the meane ceason so poore that she lay in the stable and there she was deliuered of Christ. And according to thesame lo how s. Peter agreeth writing by expresse wordes in his first Epistle submit your selfes saieth he vnto kinges as vnto the chief heddes or vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punishment of euill doers for laude of thē that do well for so is the wil of God I ●ede not to expoūd these wordes they be so plain of thēselfes S. Peter doth not say submit your selfes vnto me as supreme hed of the Churche neither he saith submit your selfes frō time to time to my successors in Rome but he saith submit your sels vnto your kyng your supreme head and vnto those that he appoynteth in aucthoritie vnder hym For that ye shal so shew your obedience it is the wil of God God will that you be in subiection to your hed and king That is Gods ordinaunce Gods cōmaundement Gods holy will that the whole body of euery realme and al the membres partes of thesame shalbe subiect to their hed their kynge and that as S. Peter writeth for the Lordes sake and as S. Paule writeth for consciēce sake and not for feare onely Thus we learne by the worde of God to yeld to oure kyng that is dewe to oure kyng that is honor obedience paimentes of dewe taxes customes tributes subsidies loue and feare Thus we knowe partly our bounden dueties to commō aucthoritie nowe let vs learne to accomplishe thesame And let vs moste instauntly and hartely praye to God the onely aucthor of all aucthoritie for all them that be in aucthoritie according as S. Paule willeth writyng thus to Timothe in his first Epistle I exhort therfore that aboue all thynges prayers supplicacions intercessions and geuing of thankes be doen for all men for kynges and for all that bee in aucthoritie that we maye liue a quiete and a peaceable life with al godlines and honestie for that is good and accepted in the sight of God our sauior Here s. Paule maketh an earnest and an especiall exhortacion concernyng geuyng of thankes and praier for kynges and rulers saiyng aboue al thynges as he might say in any wise principally chiefly let prayer be made for kynges Let vs hartely thāke God for his greate and excellent benefite and prouidēce cōcernyng the state of kynges Let vs pray for thē that they may haue Gods fauor and Gods proteccion Let vs pray that they may euer in al thinges haue God before their eyes Let vs pray that they may haue wisedom strength iustice clemēcie zeale to Gods glory to Gods veritie to christian soules and to the common wealth Let vs praye that they maye rightly vse their swourde and aucthoritie for the maintenaunce defence of the catholique faith conteined in holy scripture and of their good and honest subiectes and for the feare and punishement of
vs for oure goodnes shewed to them as if he him selfe had receyued lyke benefite at oure handes as he witnesseth in the Gospell saiynge Whatsoeuer ye haue done to any of these symple persones whiche do beleue in me that haue ye doen to my selfe Therfore let vs diligently forese that our fayth and hope whiche we haue conceyued in almightie God and in oure sauioure Christe waxe not faynte nor that the loue whiche we pretende to beare to hym waxe not coulde but let vs studye dayly and diligently to shewe oure selfes to be the true honorers and louers of God by kepynge of his commaundemētes by doyng of good dedes vnto our nedy neighbors releuynge by all meanes that we can their pouertye with our abundaunce their ignoraunce with oure wisedome and learnynge and comforte their weakenesse with oure strength and aucthoritie calling all men backe from euill doynge by Godly counsayll and good example perseuerynge styll in well doynge so longe as we lyue So shall we not nede to feare death for any of those three causes afore mencioned nor yet for any other cause that can be imagined But contrary consideryng the manifold sickenesses troubles sorowes of this present lyfe the daungers of this perilous pilgrimage and the greate encombraunce whiche oure spirite hath by thys synful fleshe and frayle body subiect to death considerynge also the manifolde sorowes and daūgerous deceiptes of this world on euery side the intollerable pride coueteousnes and lechery in tyme of prosperitie the impacient murmurynge of them that be worldly in tyme of aduersitie whiche cease not to withdrawe and plucke vs from God oure sauioure Christe from oure life wealth or eternal ioy and saluacion considerynge also the innumerable assaultes of oure Ghostly enemy the deuill with al his fiery dartes of ambicion pryde lechery vain-glory enuie malice detractiō with other hys innumerable deceiptes engines and snares whereby he goeth busely aboute to catche al men vnder his dominion euer lyke a roreynge Lyon by all meanes searchynge whome he maye deuoure the faythfull Christian man which considereth al these miseries perilles and incommodities whereunto he is subiecte so longe as he here liueth vpon earthe and on the other part considereth that blessed and comfortable state of the heauēly lyfe to come and the swete condicion of them that departe in the Lorde howe they are deliuered from the continuall encombraūces of their mortall and synfull bodye from all the malice craftes and deceiptes of this world from al the assaultes of their ghostly enemy the deuil to liue in peace reste and perpetuall quietnes to liue in the felowship of innumerable Aungelles and with the congregacion of perfecte iuste mē as Patriarches Prophetes Martyrs and Confessors and finally vnto the presence of almighty God and oure sauior Iesus Christe He that doeth consider all these thinges and beleueth theim assuredly as they are to be beleued euen from the botome of his harte beynge established in God in thys true faythe hauynge a quiete conscience in Christe a firme hope and assured trust in Gods mercy through the merites of Iesu Christe to obteyne thys quietnes reste and eternall ioye shal not onely be without feare of bodiely deathe when it commeth but certainlye as saincte Paule did so shall he gladly accordynge to Gods will and when it pleaseth God to call hym oute of thys lyfe greately desyre in hys harte that he maye be rid from al these occasions of euil and liue euer to Gods pleasure in perfecte obedience of hys will with our sauior Iesus Christe to whose gracious presence the Lorde of hys infinitie mercye and grace brynge vs to reigne with hym in lyfe euerlastynge To whome with oure heauenly father and the holy Ghoste be glorye in worldes without ende AMEN ¶ An exhortacion concernyng good ordre and obedience to rulers and magistrates ALmightie God hath created appointed all thinges in heauē yearth and waters in a moste excellent and perfect ordre In heauē he hath appoynted distinct orders and states of Archangelles and Angels In yearth he hath assigned kynges princes with other gouernors vnder them all in good necessary ordre The water aboue is kept and raineth doune in due time and ceason The sunne mone sterres rainbow thūder lightning cloudes and al birdes of the aire do kepe their ordre The yearth trees seedes plantes herbes corne grasse and all maner of beastes kepe thē in their ordre All the partes of y e whole yeare as winter somer monethes nightes dayes continue in their ordre All kyndes of fishes in the sea riuers and waters with all fountaynes sprynges yea the seas themselfes kepe their comely course and ordre And mā hymself also hath al his partes both within without as soule harte mynd memory vnderstandyng reason speache withall and singuler corporall mēbres of his body in a profitable necessary and pleasaunt ordre Euery degre of people in their vocacion callyng office hath appoynted to them their duetie ordre Some are in high degre some in lowe some kynges princes some inferiors and subiectes priestes and laimen masters seruauntes fathers chyldren husbandes and wifes riche and poore and euery one haue nede of other so that in all thinged is to be laudes praysed the goodly ordre of God without the whiche no house no citie no cōmon wealth can continue endure For where there is no right ordre there reigneth all abuse carnall libertie enormitie syn babilonicall cōfusion Take awaye kynges princes rulers magistrates iudges and such states of Gods ordre no man shal ride or go by the high waie vnrobbed no man shall slepe in his awne house or bed vnkilled no mā shall kepe his wife children possessions in quietne sall thynges shal be cōmon and there must nedes folow all mischief and vtter destructiō both of soules bodies goodes and common wealthes But blessed be God that we in this realme of England fele not the horrible calamities miseries wretchednes which al thei vndoubtedly fele suffre y t lacke this godly ordre And praised be God that we knowe the great excellēt benefite of god shewed towards vs in this behalfe God hath sente vs his high gifte our most dere souereigne lord king Edward y e sixt with godly wise and honorable coūsail with other superiors and inferiors in a beautifull ordre Wherefore let vs subiectes do our bounden duties geuing hartie thankes to God and praiyng for the preseruaciō of this Godly ordre Let vs al obey euen from the botome of our hartes al their Godly procedynges lawes statutes proclamacions and iniunctiōs with al other Godly orders Let vs considre the scriptures of the holy ghost whiche perswade cōmaunde vs all obediently to be subiect First chiefly to the kynges maiestie supreme had ouer all next to his honorable counsail and to all other noble men magistrates and officers which by Gods goodnes be placed and ordered for almightie God is the