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A00173 The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbury; Annales ecclesiastici. English. Selections Baronio, Cesare, 1538-1607.; A. B., fl. 1639. 1639 (1639) STC 1019; ESTC S100557 287,552 468

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being very bitterly incensed beegan to vexe him with more greiuous and exquisite molestations in such wise as it was apparant to all vnderstanding men the blood and life of the Archbishop was thirsted after Among other matters the king soe wrought The King incensed against Saine Thomas sendeth an embassage to the Pape as hee sent messangers to Pope Alexander and required two thinges at his hands first that hee would grant the legantine authority which was vsually committed to the Archbishop of Canterbury vnto the Archbishop of Yorke then that the Pope would confirme the artickles of the customes published in the Parliament of Claringtonne Vpon receipt of which message Alexander beeing on all sides beesieged with exceeding extremities seeing this warre now turned on the Apostolicall Sea laboured with his best and most ready endeauours to calme and appease the king and soe to yeeld to him insome what which neuerthelesse should with no preiudice derogate from the Chuch of Canterbury and thereupon did write in this sorte to the Archbishop Lib. 1 epist 4 The Popes epistle to S. Thomas cōcerning the Kinges dedemandes Although in regard of the wis●dome of your minde and sincerity of your faith wee would euer loue your pers●● with a more plentifull sweetnes of ch●ritie and a more enflamed desire and with a fare more feruent affection seeke the honour and exaltation of you as our most deare brother it is notwithstanding beehoofefull to vs and you who are a greate pillar of the Church warely to weigh the qualityes of the times and with a prouident moderation and dispensation to mitigate the wrath of the incensed king You on whom God hath beestowed a large talent of w●sedome and grace doe truly see in your discretion in what sorte our most deare sonne in Christ Henrie the renowned king of England maintaineth an outragious course in the gouerment of his kingdome and desireth to haue the same vnlawfull proceedinges strenthned wit● the authority of the Church of Rome whereby they may obtaine the greater confirmation and fauour Whereupon when in times past hee more instantly required of vs and our brethren by our reuerent brother the Bishoppe of Lyons and our beeloued sonne the Archdeacon of Poyters that hee might haue the power Legantine of all England graunted to the Arrchbishop of Yorke and beesought alsoe that wee would command as well you as all the Bishops vniuersally to keepe and conserue the ancient customes and dignities of his kingdome because wee did not yeeld to his desire according to his owne will instantly vpon returne of his embassadors scarce hearing the answer receaued from vs hee sent our beeloued sonnes Geffry his Archdeacon and Master Iohn vnto our presence and by them most earnestly required at our handes not only the former but also other far more vnreasonable demands and to the end wee should yeelde an easyer way to his desire hee procured letters vnto vs from your brotherhood and also the foresaid Bishop of Yorke For as hee prayed vs beefore that the ancient customes and dignitys might by our command bee conserued soe now againe of late hee most earnestly requested that in like sorte as your selfe and others had promised to obserue them they might in the same manner bee assured to him and his posterity Hew far the Pope graunted or denyed the Kings requests by the Sea Apostolicke But wee reiected his petition Notwithstanding least wee should incite him to ouermuch bitternes and more passionate trouble of mynde against vs and you least also it might bee suspected that this was any way hindred in regard of your selfe moreouer fearing hee might breake out into a more furious rage against you and beeing therefore desirous to bee more prouident for you and our selues with consideration of the dangerous times wee yealded so far to the king as to grante the Legantine letters to the aforesaid Archbishop And for that subiectes are truly bound to submitt themselues to their Princes desires and obey their wille wee aduise counsail and by all meanes exhorte your wisedome that as a prouident and discreete man measuring the necessity of the time and with faithfull consideration foreseeing what aduersityes may happen by reason thereof to you and your Church you would endeuour to yeelde to your King in all thinges sauing euer the honour of your Ecclesiasticall dignity and instant labor to recouer to your selfe his grace and fauour least in doeing otherwise you disquiet him to the hurte of you and our selues and they who are transported with an other spirit might thereby purchasse power to insult ouer you and vs. And w●e truly as oportunity shall serue will diligently and carefully treate with your King for your honor and augmentation and will employ all necessary trauell for conseruation of the lawes and dignityes of your Church and with all conueniency bee watchfull and prouident therein Dated at Senon the third of the Nones of March Reader you beehould Pope Alexander beesett with extremityes either to loose the kinges good will or grante his requestes and yeeld to him who laboureth to extorte a petition against the Churches liberty these two soe intangleing him the one of the kings demaundes hee satisfyed giuing the Legantine authority to the Bishop of Yorke the other hee absolutely denyed beeing the confirmation of the recited customes yea to the end this Legantine power conferred on the Bishop of Yorke might no way preiudice S. Thomas hee thought good soe to restrayne the same in his later letters that hee should vnderstand this Legation of his for England to bee confined with condition that notwithstanding hee should haue no authority graunted him ouer the Archbishop or Dioces of the Church of Canterbury Lib. 1. epist 5 Lib. 1. epist 3● 40. Pope Alexanders letters importing this restraint are extant which for breuity wee omitt thinking it sufficiēt if wee leaue them heere noted with their numbres in the margent It is alsoo apparant in the same letters of Pope Alexander that hee soe gaue the legation for England to the Bishop of Yorke as neuerthelesse hee would not suffer the Bishopps to bee exempted from the obedience they owed vnto the Archbishop of Canterbury to whom in very true right they were subiecte which rather enkindled the Kinges greater indignation who desired the Apostolicall Legantine authority for the Archbishop of Yorke of purpose to depose the Archbishop of Canterbury For Alexander hereupon inclined more to the cause of Sainct Thomas The Pope endeauoreth to succour S. Thomas and was soe far of from graunting to pleasure the King against him as hee most carefully watched to supporte his prosperity with the libertys of his Church commanding also the principall Monasteries of France to pray for him vnto allmighty God which is witnessed by a messinger sent from S. Thomas to his Holines in the conclusion of whose letter are these wordes worthie of memory Last of all wee petitioning his Holines that hee would commaund you to make your repaire
Norwaye to preach the faith in that Prouince Adrian Apostle of Norwaye and purchase to allmighty God their misdebelieuing soules where hee like a worthie and discreete steward and disciple of Christ diligently instructed that rude and Barbarous nation in the Christian lawe and Ecclesiastical ordinances Pope Anastacius After by the diuine prouidence vpon the death of Eugenius and preferment of Anastacius to the Papal throne hee returned to his mother the holy Church of Rome leauing beehind him peace to the kingdome lawes to the barbarous tranquility to the Churches order and discipline to the Cleargie and a people acceptable to God and fruitfull in good workes Within a shorte tyme after dyed Anastacius and the Bishops and Cardinals assembling together in saint Peeters Church by the dispensation of the diuine counsell speedily chose him Pope Pope Ad●iā and with great acclamation of the Cleargie and layetie as a man elected by Allmighty God allthough hee laboured with all his power to auoyde it they inthronized him in the papal chaire calling him Adrian the fourth 3. Non. Decemb. An. Dom. 1156. He was a man of singular benignity The praise of Pope Adrian meeke and patient learned in the Greeke and Latine tongues eloquent in speech a perfect Orator very skillfull in Church musicke a famous preacher seldome angrie willing to pardon bountifull in beestowing a greate Almesmā and for demeanour and beehauiour renowned This much out of the Vaticane library Now to showe that hee esteemed his honor a burden his dignity a misery and that hee would neuer haue vndergone the weighty charge of this supreme authority but only to satisfie the will of almighty God I doe heere recite his owne wordes spoken to that worthie Iohn of Salusbury in Polichrati lib. 8. cap. 23. Hee confessed hee found in that high estate soe great tribulations as in comparison of them all his former bitter aduersitys seemed sweete and pleasing Hee sayd the seate of the Romane Pope was a thorny throne beegirt with most sharpe spurres of that huge weyght as it was able to presse to bend yea breake in peeces the strongest shoulders and but that said hee I will not struggle against the diuine prouidence I would I had neuer gon out of my natiue soyle of England or else euer lurked in my poore Cell of saint Rufus rather then to bee plunged in these extreame difficultyes yea hee professed that in all his ascentes from his solitarie cloyster to the supreame heygth of the Papacy hee found noe contentment or pleasure yea quoth hee god hath stretched out my whole life beetweene the anuile and the hammer but now if it pleaseth his diuine goodnes let him supporte with his allmighty hād the burdē that hee hath imposed on my infirmity or otherwise it is intollerable Thus hee teacheth from the highest throne of this world to flye honors thus hee preacheth from the greatest eminency to all Potentates not to repose themselues in glory riches and pleasures which are but the shadowes of their seates but deepely to consider the charge that by reason of their authority they vndergoe which is to employ their vttermost forces to honor Almighty god in the ryghtuous gouerment of the people subiected to their powers for otherwise Potentes potenter punientur Nether would I euer haue dilated my selfe soe farre in praise of Pope Adrian but that some of our Chronickles ignorantly others willfully omitt his commendation They confesse hee conuerted Norwaye and gaue the dominion of Ireland to the kinges of England but as the first was only for enlargeing the kingdome of Christ soe was the last as you may see in his Epistle to Henry the second Now crauing pardō for my digression in the prayse of this man the glory of our nation who prefered god beefore his contrey and all I will returne to the matter Fredericke king of the Romanes in his first entrance into his royaltie began impiously to encrease his dominion Frederick kinge of the Rom●nes a perpetual enemy of the Church with the suppression of the Church and by how much his power was the greater for hee commanded all Germany and mightily preuayled in Italie so much the more was he enabled to mischeife This wasting flame which soe much endangered the whole Christian world shewed it selfe as a litle sparke in the raigne of Pope Eugenius gathered strength by the conniuancy of his successor Anastacius began to waste the power of our noble Adrian and lastly fired Alexander the third out of Italie and deuoured for the time all his iurisdiction in Germany and had not Christ maintayned his Church against the gates of Hell France England Spayne with all the rest had bene ruinated The original of the discord beetweene the Church and the Emperor The original was the first yeare of his raigne in the Church of Magdeburghe the Metropolitane of Saxony where vpon the death of the Archbishop a dissention aryseing about choosing his successor they appealed to Fredericke then residing in Saxonie who not able to compose the controuersie perswaded the Deane and Chapter of Magdebourghe to accept of Guicman Bishop of Cicens a noble yong gentleman to gouerne their Church pretending that when such questions arose the king with aduice of his counsell ought to dispose therin nether was any Bishop in that case to bee consecrated till hee had receaued his authority from the kingly scepter But all this was a false pretence for it lay not in the kinges or Emperors power causelessly to translate Bishoppes from seate to seate without assent of the Apostolike Sea which holy Pope Eugenius righty considering with singular constancy withstood the kinges vnlawfull attempt sharpely reprouing the Bishoppes of Germany that laboured for him because they rather sought to flatter their prince in concurring with his sinne then to please God and this did hee not only with his learned and pious Epistle but also vehemently persued the same by his Legates But Eugenius preuented by death lefte all to his successour Anastacius a man of a gentle and yeelding disposition For notwithstanding his Legate was disgracefully abused by Fredericke and ended his life in his returne home hee neuerthelesse ratifyd the kinges election and granted Guicman his Pall whereupon Fredericke declining from his religious zeale increased yeere by yeere in obstinacy against the Church And Anastacius not long after departing the world our countreyman beeing instantly elected by the name of Adrian the fourth Pope Adriā assaulted by the King of Cecil The king of Cecill excōmunicated Pope Adriā terrifyed by Fredericke king of the Romanes found the kinges insolency much strengthned against him by his predecessors facility of nature In the beeginning of his Popedome hee was troubled with the inuasions of William king of Cecil wherefore against his temporall sword hee drewe his spirituall sword and excommunicated him Fredericke also king of the Romans with his suddaine approach towarde the Citty terrifyed him whereupon hee sent Legates to treate
endeauour for her deliuery Vnlesse perchance you will imagin hee leaueth the shipp who entreth the Cock-boate to drawe her into the hauen This and much more in the beehalfe of saint Thomas wryteth his defendant Iohn of Salisbury But heare what the King of England did Cod Vatis lib 1 epistola 23. vpon the reporte of his departure Henry thus deluded hearing by some that saint Thomas was escaped by flight published his Edictes in this sorte against him and the Clearkes his followers Henry King of England to the seuerall Bishoppes ordayned in England Yee are not Ignorant in what euill sorte Thomas Archbisoppe of Canterbury hath proceeded against mee and my kindome and in what bad manner hee is departed And therefore I cōmand yee none of his Clearkes who after that his flight accompanyd him not any other Clearkes who derogated from the honor of mee and the honor of my kingdome receaue any renttes beelonging to them in your Bishoppickes otherwise then by my permission nor haue any assistance or aduice from yee Hee set out also an other proclamation for sequestring the reuenewes of the Archbishoppricke of Canterbury into the kinges handes Likewise hee published other decrees signifyed to S. Thomas from his friend by wryting in these wordes Please i● you to vnderstand Ibid epist 15 ibid. ep 14. Lawes on asted after the flight of S. Thamas that this is the tenor of the commissions sent by King Henry into England to wit That euery hauen bee most carefully guarded least any letters of interdiction bee any way brought into the land and if any Reguler person bringeth them in let his feete bee cut of if hee bee a Clearke let him lose his eyes and priuy members if a laye man let him bee hanged If a Leper let him be burned and if any Bishop for dread of this interdictiō will trauell out of the realme let him cary nothing with him beesides his staffe It is also his will that all schollers bee compelled to returne into their countrey or else to bee depriued of their Benefices and they that stay shall remayne without euer hope of returne likewise for those Priests who refuse to sing let them lose their priuy partes And let all who rebell bee depriued of their Benefices Thomas in the meane while hauing suffered this banishment sent these letters to Pope Alexander which Roger in his Chronickes of England recyteth the yeere following yet truly appertayning to this present S Thomas concerning hi● appeal to the Pope written with these wordes I flye for refuge most holy father vnto your audience that you who with soe greate a hazard of your selfe haue rescued the Churches liberty may now consider the only or cheifest cause of the persecution of my selfe who haue followed your example For I greeued to see the state of the Church by litle and litle to perish and her lawes infringed by the Auarice of Princes and thought this danger of sicknes was to bee preuented and by how much I knewe my selfe more bound to that lord of myne vnto whom next vnder God I am most ingaged soe much the more securely I supposed his vniust attemptes were to bee resisted vntill they preuayled who clowded from mee the cleere beames of his fauor Afterwardes as it is accustomed with Princes they raysed against mee slanders and false accusations whereby they might prosecute mee and I rather chose banishment then to yeelde to iniustice and to multiplye these mischeifes I was as a laye man called beefore the King to mak● satisfaction and where I hoped in my resistance for most assistance there was I especially deceaued for I found my lordes and fellowe brethren the Bishoppes prepared at the pleasure of the Courtiers to punish mee Thus allmost strangled with the inuasions of soe many I haue fled for succour to the audience of your Holines who neglecteth not those who are plunged in extremityes and vnder whom I stand ready to make good that I am nether to bee iudged there nor by them for what is this else father then to diminish and withdrawe from you the authority of your lawes yea what else then to submit spirituall Power to temporal iurisdiction this once suffered would open an example to many and therefore I iudged Christ fauoreth Caesar not a tia tirant it was with more constancy to bee withstood because the headlong way to doe hurte is to see but a weake resistance But they will say Those thinges are to bee giuen to Caesar which are Caesars yet allthough in many matters the king is to bee obeyed hee is neuerthelesse not to bee obeyed in those by which hee ceaseth to bee a king for such appertayne not to Caesar but to a Tyrant wherein the Bishoppes if not for my sake yet for their owne should haue resisted him For if the last iudgment is reserued for him who hath power to iudge both body and soule shall the highest Tribunal among men bee attributed to him who iudgeth according to his owne sense if these Bishoppes mayntaine the parte of iustice why did they assault mee why doe they reproue mee for appealing vnto him to auoyde whose determination of controuersyes is either vnlawfull or not expedient wherefore they haue vniustly accused mee or distrusted of your iustice for otherwise it were a double confusion to mee to bee conuicted before your Holines And haue I deserued persecution at their handes for whose cause I defended the bullwarke against soe greate a battery and had won the victory if only they would haue assisted but in all case is the head beeing left destitute by the members for how would it bee if the eyes should vse the tongue against th● head if they had well foreseene it they deuis●d but mischeefe to their owne confusion and our principall aduersaryes abused their assistance to bring them into slauery Because they haue accomplished all this How many wayes the Bishoppes of England offended against S. Thomas vpon soe greate a malice that to vndoe mee they would withall ouerthrowe themselues they haue herein neglected spirituall treasures for temporall trifles and fayled in the end of both Againe what an offence was it that when I cryed out against this iniustice and appealed to your audience they durst in iudgment comdemne mee their father what if they conspire with the Prince our aduersary against the whole Catholicke Church and truly most holy father you might haue bin suspitious thereof Yet wille they say they were bounde to their king as their temporal lord but to him in their bodyes to mee in their soules and to whom could they bee more obliged then to themselues Is it not better to lose corporall then spiritual riches But they will againe reply the king was not in this perilous tyme to bee prouoked O how subtilly doe they argue for their owne slauery yea they prouoke him who by their excesses giue winges to his will and pleasure For they might haue bin quiet had they not to quietly
assented And when is constancy more required then in the midst of our persecutors Are not Christes frindes tryed with persecutions If continually they yeelde when shall they ouercome Of necessity sometimes they must resist Condescend therefore most holy father to succour mee in my flight and persecution and remember that once I was in your age an eminent man but now for your sake wearyed out with iniuryes Put your power in execution restrayne them at whose instance the cause of this persecution came slilie creeping in Neither let the fault of any of these bee layde on my lord the King who is rather a practiser then inuentor of this wicked deuice Hetherto Roger but Pope Alexander heareing heereof declared first that S. Thomas was no waye bounde by his condemnation in this Conuenticle writing thus Cod Vatican lib. 1. epist 49. Pope Alexander to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury That the inferior cannot iudge his superior and him especially to whom in the right of Prelacy hee is knowne to bee subordinate and helde bound in the chaynes of obedience as welle diuine as humane lawes doe showe and this especially in the decrees of the holy fathers is more manifestly declared Wherefore with carefull consideration weyghing this wee to whom it beelongeth to reforme errours and amend that which for want of correction may leaue a pernicious example to posterity and moreouer beecause the Church ought not by reason of the offence of any particular person to sustayne any losse or discommoditie doe adiudge the sentence to bee absolutely voyde and declare by the Apostolical authority the same to bee of no force which by the Bishops and Barons of England in reguard you appeared not vpon the Kinges first summons was presumptiously pronounced against you whereby the sayd Bishops and Barons depriued you of all your moueable goods as well against the forme of law as contrary to the Ecclesiasticall custome and that especially since you had noe moueables but only of the Churches goods Alsoe wee determine the sayd sentence to bee hereafter of no power nor any ability to preiudice or indammage you your successors or the Church committed to your gouermēt Thus wrote Pope Alexander whoe likewise by other letters commanded restitution to bee made of all thinges taken away from the Archbisgop or any others Ibid. epist 32. vpon any occasion concerning him But that the state of the Church of England may appeare more playnly I would haue you vnderstand how these letters which by the kinges Embassadors where returned backe to his Holines agayne were first imparted to the Archbishop of Yorke vnto whom at the kinges request was decreed the Legantine authority for England but in reguard Pope Alexander had in his later letters as wee see confined him that hee should not by reason of his iurisdiction challenge any power to himselfe either ouer the person of Saint Thomas or the Archbishoppricke of Canterbury the king as frustrate of his intention who was only bent by prerogatiue of this Legate to depose S. Thomas commanded the letters of legation now vnprofitable for his purpose to bee remaunded backe to the Pope by his Embassadors designed thereunto Concerning this there are other letters extant declaring soe much in these wordes To his most beeloued lord his assured sendeth greeting and euer wisheth him well to fare THrough the mercy of Almighty God who neuer forsaketh those Lib. 1. epist 6. who repose theire trust in him it soe fell out as the same day wherein my lord the Pope was certifyd of Octauians death the Imbassadors of the kinges L and H to witt Lewes and Henry came to the Court the English truly pretending on their kinges beehalfe a shewe of exceeding humility both in open wordes and letters consonant to their speech seemed soe far to moue my lord the Pope and some of his Cardinalls that as by reporte of those who fauoured you I vnderstood they hardly could abstayne from teares wherefore after many allegations in what sorte and with what affection the kinges Maiestie receaued Pope Alexander and how great reuerence hee euer shewed to him the which hee would continew during his life these flourishes finished they returned vnto his Holines many letters concerning the legantine power which your Archdeacon obtayned dishonestly for England during the tyme I remayned with you but the condition wheruppon hee procured the same letters my lord the King by the mouth of his Embassadors absolutely renounced as neuer made or desired by him The Popes Holines soe willingly and gladly receaued the same letters back againe as if a thing most wished were now offered him in such manner as some there present maruelled very much You perceaue reader in all thinges hitherto hādled before Bope Alexander in the case of S. Thomas how hee fauored euer his side Lib. 1. epist 24. and was from the first in the passage of this busines inclined to asist him in regard wherof let Iohn of Salisbury reprou himselfe who in the beeginninge of these tumultes wryting to S. Thomas beecōmeth soe bad a prophet of Pope Alexāders proceedinges saying many thinges make against you fewe for you for mightie persons will come who are bountifull in the largesse of money which Rome neuer despised and will bee supported not only with their owne but alsoe my Lord the kinges authority whom the courte ought in no case to displease c. You may see therefore how vntruly and rashly hee censured of Pope Alexanders constancy supposing hee might bee conquered with gould who was stronger then steele Another imbassage also ensued The imbassage of the Bishoppe● of England ●hainst Saint Thomas addressed from the keng to Pope Alexāder by the Archbishops ād Bishops of Englād who were all admitted to publicke audiēce wherein the Cōsistory first of thē all the Bishop of Lōdon houlding the first place did first beegin thus to speake Vnto you Father appertayneth the care and watchfull eye ouer the Catholicke Church that both the discreete may by your wisedom bee fostred vp to the exāple of manners ād the vnaduised by the Apostolical authority suppressed and chasticed to reduce them to wisedom But in the depth of your discretion the man cannot bee conceaued to bee wise who presuming in the strength of his owne witt endeauoreth to disturbe the band of vnion among his brethen the tranquillity of the Church and the deuotion of the king A dissention hath lately sprung in England beetweene the kingdome and the Preisthood vpon an occasion but light and of litle importance which might haue bin easily extinguished had a moderate medicine bin thereunto applyed but my lord of Canterbury being herein singular in his owne conceyte and not guided by our counsel insisted seuerely beeyond reason neuer considering this ill affected time or what manner of mischeife may ensue vpon such a headlong entreprise and soe weaued intangling snares for the dest●uction of himselfe and his brethren and had but our assent fauored his designes the
liues beecause hee is terrible and who can resiste him You ought neuer to forget in what state God did first finde you then how hee promoted honored exalted you how hee blessed you with royal issue confirmed the throne of your kingdome and in despight of all your enemyes inriched you with ample possessions in soe much as to this very houre all men with admiration pronounce This is hee whom our Lord hath chosen And what shall you yeeld or what can you render for all these bountyes beestowed by him on you Will you at their instinct and instance who persecute aboute you the Church and Ecclesiasticall persons and haue euer to their power afflicted them repay euill for good with oppressions tribulations iniuryes vexations to Churches and their Cleargy Are not these the persons of whom our Lord sayth Who heareth you heareth mee who contemneth you despiseth mee who toucheth you toucheth the aple of myne eye If truly leauing all you possesse you take vp your crosse and follow our Lord Iesus Christ hardly shall you yea neuer shall you bee found faithfull and gratefull enough to recompense these his benefit●s receaued Search out the Scriptures of such as knowe them and you shall finde that Saul although chosen by our Lord 1. Reg. 15. 2. Paral. 20. yet neuertheles beecause hee wandred from his wayes was punished with the ouerthrowe of himselfe and his family Ozias also king of Iuda whose fame was spread both far and wyde and was soe highly renowned for the many victoryes beestowed on him by our Lord had to the downefall of his owne destruction his harte so puffed vp in regard that God did at all tymes assist and strengthen him that contemming the reuerence due to our Lord hee would needes vsurpe to himselfe a matter no whit appertayning to his office but only to the preisthoode which was to offer incense on the altar of our Lord and therefore was strooken by our Lord with a leprosy and by the handes of the preistes cast out from the temple of our Lord and soe remayned till his dying day a foule Leper in respect whereof hee was banished the house of Allmighty God In like sorte many other kinges who mightely abounded in riches beecause they walked aboue themselues in the maruelles of this world presuming to rebell against our Lord perished and in the last gaspe found none of their riches left in their handes Moroeuer king Azarias wrongfully intruding himselfe likewise into the preistly office Reg 15. was punished with a leprosie 2. Reg 6. Lastly Oza though not a king but for touching the Arke of our Lord and vphoulding it beeing in danger to fall by reason of the Oxens stumbling yet beecause this appertayned not to his charge but to the offices of the temple beeing wounded by Gods indignation fell headlong dead hard by the Arcke of our Lord A king according to the common prouerbe chastised by the misfortune of an other looketh more narrowly to himselfe For you are neere an euill turne When as your neighbours house doth burne Allmighty God most deere soueraigne would that thinges appertayning to the disposition of the Church should beelong to preistes and not to secular powers who if they bee Christians his deuine pleasure is they should bee subiectes vnto the preistes of his Church Challenge not therefore to your selfe an others office or right neither rayse contention against him by whom all thinges are ordayned for feare least yee seeme to fight against the benefitts of him from whom you receiue your authority It is not the will of Allmighty God that the Clergie of the Christian religion should bee either ordered or censured by publicke lawes or secular Princes but by Bishpps and priestes Christian kinges ought to submitt the excecution of their designes to Ecclesiasticall Pastors and not preferre their customes beefore them For it is written that none ought to pronounce iudgment against preistes but the Church nor doth it beelong to temporall lawes to giue sentence ouer such Christian Princes were wont to obey the Canons of the Church and not to ouerpoyse with their power Ecclesiasticall Constitutions to humble their crowned heades vnto their Bishoppes not to determyne ouer their Bishoppes for two states there are in which doth principally consist this worlds gouerment the Bishoppes sacred authority and the kingly power wherein the worthynes of preisthood is of farr greater weyght beecause they must in the day of iudgment render an accompt of kinges themselues Yee ought truly to knowe that yee are bound to depend on their iudgmentes and not to haue them reduced to your wills For many Bishoppes haue excommunicated some kinges others Emperors and if you would knowe any particulers concerning the persons of these Princes Innocentius excommunicated the Emperor Arcadius beecause hee consented to haue saint Iohn Chrisostome banished out of his Sea Saint Ambrose for one fault which in the eyes of other preistes appeared not so heynous excommunicated and cast out of the Church the Emperor Theodosius the great who hauing made condigne satisfaction obtayned absolution And many others such like are to this purpose 2. Reg. 12. Dauid also hauing committed adultery and murder Nathan the Prophet was sent to him by God to reproue and correct him admonished hee was and soone amended for the king laying asyde his royall Diadem and casting away his Imperiall Maiesty was not ashamed to humble himselfe beefore the face of the Prophet to confesse his synne and craue pardon for his offence what shall I say more conducted by pennance hee beesought mercy and obtayned forgiuenes Bee it so with you o deerest beeloued sonne most renowned king most honored Lord according to the example of most excellent Dauid that most godly king of whom our Lord sayd 1 Reg. 13. I haue found a man according to myne owne harte Bee you in like sorce with a contrite and humble hart conuerted to our Lord God and doe seuere pennance for your sund●y excesses for you haue fallē downe headlong and erred in many thinges which as yet I conceale expecting if soe bee it our Lord will inspire you so as you may say with the Prophet Haue mercy on mee ô God according to thy great mercy Psal 24.50 Psalm 33. beecause I haue much offended thee and committed sin in thy sight for God is at hand to them who are righteous of harte and will saue the humble in spiritt Thus for this tyme my Lord I write vnto you suppressing the rest in silence vntill I see whether my speech may fasten on you and bring forth of you fruites worthy of pennance that I may heare by the reporte of others and congratulate with them who shall tell mee your sonne and king was dead but is reuiued was lost but is found againe If soe bee that you will not heare mee who was accustomed to pray for you with abundance of teares and exceeding sighes beefore the Maiestie of the body of Christ I will assuredly in
the vertue of obedience and vpon the perill and hazard of your order that yee denounce them publickly excommunicate and cause them soe to bee declared through out your Dioceses who lay violent handes on the Clergie and that yee command your neighbouring Bishoppes by the authority of our Lord the Pope and also of vs to performe the same likewise in thier Bishopprickes Moreouer in the same manner and vnder the same payne wee command yee to denounce to such as hinder Appellantes or Penitents from trauailing to our Lord the Pope or vs that they incurre the sentence of accursing as well as they who doe it in proper person as also the kinges officers who constrayne others to this heynous offence And for such as beeing enforced thereunto haue taken vnlawfull oathes to hinder these aforesayd passengers wee absolue them from their oathes whereby they may heereafter desist from soe greate à sinne and beeing penitent for their offence learne rather to obey God then man If any one in seeking to right his Church and conserue the integrity of his faith to the Apostolicke Sea dreadeth ensuing discommodityes let him remember how the Church with far more safety and profitt purchaseth vertue then temporall treasures and that Christ who raigneth ouer the Church of Rome restrayneth the powers of his aduersaryes and hee who shall punish the mighty mightely will chastise likewise all disobedience not only bringing the poore to iugdment but also humbling the glorious of this world to the ministry of the Church against which the very gates of hell shall not preuayle Bee ashamed most deerely beeloued to put in practise vniust iudgmentes in such sorte as the peeres of the kingdome insulting vpbrayd yee saying If a poore man committeth a light offence hee is presently excommunicated by yee and your officers but if a rich person transgresseth hee is not so much as with a word chastised whereby scandalls may on euery syde bee retorted on such iudges And can greate powers against the poore soe rage Looke therefore to your selues and your Churches least if yee dissemble the iniuryes of the Romane Church yee may bee iustly thought to conspire with the impious against her and to haue forestalled the wayes of those who walked that yee might raise your commodityes vpon the Churches losse Remember rather how our fathers atchiued saluation by what meanes and how great tribulations the Church hath encreased and bin dilated what huge stormes the ship of Peeter hath escaped hauing Christ for her Pilot. Thus did saint Thomas write to his Clergy ANNO DOM. 1167. Now beeginneth the yeere of our redemption 1167. with the xv Indiction when Pope Alexander vnderstanding as well by the letters of the king of England as also from others beeing Bishoppes the Suffraganes of saint Thomas that was persecuted by them and his most worthy proceedinges condemned as hideous offences to the end hee might rayse him aboue his aduersarys and humble them to his obedience hee ordayned a king most worthie of prayse which was to make the holy Archbishop with most ample authority Legate of the Apostolicke Sea The Popes letters are yet extant indighted for that purpose in these wordes Alexander seruante of the seruantes of God to this beeloued brother Thomas Archbishoppe of Canterbury sendeth greeting and his Apostolicall blessing The most holy Church of Rome hath bin euer accustomed to embrace with greater charity Saint Thomas made Legate à latere ouer all England excepting only the Proumea of Yorke and prefer in glory and honor persons of eminent worth and them especially whom she knoweeh to bee most renowned for honesty wisedome lerning and excellency of vertues Considering therefore the constancy of your deuotion and faith wherin you haue persisted as an vnmoueable pillar for the Church of God and weighing withall the singular prudence of your integrity lerning and discretion wherin you are knowne to surpasse others wee thought it worthie to loue and honor with a certaine peculiar priuiledge and more excellent prerogatiue your person soe adorned with the insignes of such high vertues and with our vsuall hounty to prouide and with a more tender care to procure your good and commodity This is the cause that with our louing fauor wee grant and beestowe on you the Legantine authority ouer all England excepting only the Archbishoppricke of Yorke to the end that within your iurisdiction in our place and authority you correct what you find worthie amendment and that to the honor of God and of the holy Church of Rome and for the saluation of soules you doe constitute buyld and plant whatsoeuer is to bee setled and planted wherefore wee admonish yea wee command your brotherhood that you dispose all thinges extirpate vices and plante vertues in our Lordes vynyeard with that prudence and discretion which Allmighty God hath beestowed on you Dated at Auigni on the seauenth of the Ides of October Heereunto were also added other letters of Pope Alexanders beeing written for the same purpose to the Clergy of the Prouince of Canterbury And others likewise for gathering of saint Peeters Pence which the king had beefore as wee see forbidden all which were caryd into England and receaued by the Bishop of London who certifyed the king of all wryting in this sorte vnto him Lib. 1. Epist 116. Lib. 1. Epist 131. To Henry King of England Gylbert Bishop of London The Bishop of Londons letter to king Henry concerning the Popes Mandates So bige a weyght of commandementes doth my Lord at this tyme oppresse vs soe great an authority beeseegeth vs as cōpelled by extreame necessity wee are enforced to beeseech counsell and with all assistance from your Maiestie for what the Apostollicall authority commandeth cannot with Appeale bee suspended neither can there bee any remedy against his Mandate since wee must needes fullfill his precept or incurre the offence of disobedience For beeing on saint Pules day in London at the Altar wee receaued from the handes of a certaine Messinger altogether vnknowne to vs our Lord the Popes letters whereby was graunted and by authority confirmed vnto the Lord of Canterbury the Legantyne power ouer all England excepting only the Archbishoppricke of Yorke Moroeuer all wee the Bishops of the kingdome were by the same authority inioyned with all humility to obey him as the Legate of the Apostolicall Sea and at his calling without any contradiction to assemble our selues together to yeelde him an accompt of all thinges appertayning to our office and absolutely vndertake to obserue whatsoeuer hee shall decree and lastly that wee shall enforce all who by your commandement haue receaued the reuenues and goodes of the Clearkes beelonging to the Archbishop in their absence to make full restitution and satisfaction to the owners within two monthes otherwise to bee denounced accursed without any appeale at all to the contrary S. Peeters pennyes Wee are beesides required to gather of our brethren the Bishoppes saint Peeters pence and to deliuer the
your cause to the diuine clemency and your selfe to the grace and mercy of your Soueraigne and in soe doing you shall heape and cast together coales of fire vpon the heades of many let charity in this sorte bee inkindled and wherin menaces cannot preuayle by Gods holy inspiration and the perswasiue counsell of good men piety alone may happely conquer It is better to bee highly commended for voluntary pouerty then bee openly taxed by all men of ingratitude for a receaued benefitt It is deepely rooted in the mynds of all how gratious our Lord the king hath bin vnto you vnto how greate dignity hee hath raysed you from poore degree and receaued you into the bosome of his fauor with a mynd soe free as the ample boundes of his dominion reaching from the Northerne Ocean to the Pirenean Mountaynes were by him soe absolutely subiect vnto your power as through all those principalityes they were only accompted happy who could finde but fauor in your sight and that no worldly mutability might ouerthrowe your prosperity hee would lay your foundation most assuredly in possession appertayning to God and notwithstanding his mother disswaded the realme cryd out against it and the Church of God as far as shee could sighed and groaned thereat hee endeauored by all meanes possible to rayse you alofte vnto the dignity of your present preferment hoping hee should heereafter raigne blessedly and enioy your assistance and counsell with exceeding security If therefore where hee expected security to defend him hee shall find a sword to offend him what a rumor will bee spread of you in the mouthes of all men what a reward what a remembrance will this bee of a requitall neuer heard of beefore Forbeare therefore if so it liketh you to wrong your fame forbeare to iniure your renowne and endeauor to ouercome with humility your king with charity your sonne Whereunto if our admonitions cannot moue you the loue and fidelity you beare to his Holines and the sacred Roman Church ought to inclyne you For you ought easily to bee perswaded not to attēpt any thing whereby to encrease the labours of your Mother who hath bin now long in troubles that her greife which allready lamēteth the disobediēce of many her vndutifull children bee not encreased by the losse of those who remayne as yet obedient For what if soe by these your bitter prouocations and endeauors which God forbid our king whom through the Allmightys bounty people and kingdomes doe attend should reuolt from our Lord the Pope and refuse perchance heereafter to followe his Holines Who denyeth him assistance against your selfe wherein with what petitions what giftes with how many and how great promises hath hee bin solicited whereas hee hath remayned hitherto firmly grounded on the rocke and as a Conqueror in the heyght of his magnanimity contemned all the world could offer one only feare resteth as yet least hee whom neither profered riches nor all that in humaine glory is accompted pretious could euer once moue should in the end by the only indignation of his mynd bee ouerthrowne which if by your default it should soe fall out you could neuer after with any reason forbeare to waste your selfe wholy in the Threanes of Ieremy or deny your eyes a fountaine of teares Recall therefore if soe it pleaseth your excellency this counsell which if it proceedeth will by all meanes bee truly pernicious to our Lord the Pope the sacred Romane Church and if it liketh you to vnderstand it alsoe to your selfe But they about you who mount highest in their owne conceiptes will not suffer you parchance to proceede on this way they exhorte you to make tryall what you are able to doe against our Lord the king and to practise the power of your eminent authority against all that lyeth within the compasse of his Dominion A power truly terrible to an offendor and dreadfull to him who refuseth to satisfy but for our Lord the kinge wee will not say hee neuer offended but that hee was and is euer ready to yeelde satisfaction to the Popes Holines wee confidently affirme and pronounce Our king ordayned by God prouideth in all respectes for the peace of his subiectes and to the end hee may conserue the same to the Churches and people committed to his charge hee willeth and exacteth that the dignityes which were due and giuen to the kinges his Predecessors should likewise bee continued to him wherin if beetweene you two here hath arysen any contention beeing heerupon conuented and cyted with a fatherly fauor from his Holines by our reuerent brethren the Bishops if London and Hereforde hee opened not his mouth against heauen but concerning all thinges wherin the Church or any Ecclesiasticall person shall finde himselfe greeued hee humbly and meekely answered hee would not vsurpe on the right of others but submitt himselfe to the iudgment of the Church of his owne kingdome which truly hee is ready in deedes to performe and accompteth it a sweete obedience to bee admonished to reforme himselfe if hee hath any way offended Gods Maiestie Neither only hath hee a mynde p●epared to satisfy but also if the law requireth to make herein ample amends But with what lawe with what right with what Cannon can you afflict the person who is willing to make full amends and satisfaction not drawing himselfe in the least point from the iudgment of the Church in such thinges as appertayne to the Church and yeelding his necke to Christes yoke Or with what Euangelicall Axe which God forbid can you cut him of It is assuredly laudable not to bee caryed on with passion but to bee discreetely gouernd with iudgment wherupon wee doe all ioyne in one generall petition vnto you that you would not headlong run onto kill and destroy but with a fatherly loue indeauor to prouide that the ship committed to your charge may enioy life peace and security Wee are all vndoubtedly troubled with the pr●ceeding which wee haue heard of late to bee as some imagine preposterously carried against our brother the Lord Bishop of Salisbury his Deane vpon whom you haue inflicted the paine of suspension or excommunication beefore the offence was any way called in controuersy giuing therin as it seemeth rather reynes to your wrath then following the path of iustice A new order of iudgment and hetherto in the lawes and Canons as wee hope vnknowne first to condemne and then to examin the offence Which that you may neuer attempt to exercise and execute gainst our Lord the king and his kingdome nor yet against vs and the Churches and parishes vnder our charge to the derogation and detriment of the Popes Holines and the sacred Roman Church and to no litle augmentation of your owne confusion wee doe heere oppose against you our remedy of Appeale and wee who haue heeretofore lōg since in the open face of the Church and in proper person Appealed to the Popes Holines against the feare of these vexations haue now
shortly speake against his immoderate proceedinges And thus far Iohn for this yeere but after this ensued a wonderfull mutation of matters For in the meane tyme the king of England misledde with most wicked connsell that hee might auoide the sentence of Excommunication thus threatening him searcheth out new remedys inuenting other sutle and more potent deuices which was to addresse an other embassage and send an other Sinon to Rome to deceaue Alexander with vntrue oathes and corrupt as hee could the Cardinals with money To set this sinne abroach is chosen the worst of men periured excommunicated Iohn of Oxeforde the vsurper of a Deanry as beefore is mentioned who furnished with lyes and false promises and also with gould might ouerthrowe the whole iudgment and recall Pope Alexander from pronouncing his sentences of excommunication and interdiction beeguyling him with pretended promises of peace and absolute restitution of all the Churches priuiledges inuaded by the king Pope Alexander gaue credit to this Embassadors oathe suspended his iudgment allready beegun and determined the legation desired for effecting this busines But allthough hee designed according to the kings request William of Papia Preist Cardinall of the tytle of Saint Peeter ad Vincula whom hee esteemed most conuenient to moue the king his affected freind for composing a peace betweene him and Saint Thomas neuertheles because this Cardinall in regarde of the kinges fauor might growe into some suspicion with the contrary parte hee ioyneth with him for an associate a man of singular integrity very much renowned in the Church of Rome and passing well knowne through the whole Christian world for his vertuous life Otto I meane Deacon Cardinall of saint Nicholas in carcere Tulliano who if occasion were might with his worthynes restrayne the other and confine him within the stricte boundes of iustice But allthough Pope Alexander proceeded thus warely in sending his Legates notwithstanding this which might seeme soe passing commendable by reason of the false reportes forerunning the Legates appeared to the credulous as a matter not beeseeminge such a singular Pope in soe much as all as well by wordes as wrytinges exclaymed against him yea his very freindes and those most forward for the Catholicke cause but how vniustly will bee easily perceaued by this Popes letters which shall heereafter bee recyted yet how beefore this was throughly vnderstood the tongues of men yea of the wise were let loose against him you shall see by what next ensueth and thereby learne how euery one yea though most holy is sett vp as a marke and as well his freinds as foes will sometymes shoote at him the arrowes of detraction For heare what the Champion of the Ecclehasticall liberty and defender of the lawes of the Roman Church spoake though sincerely yet bitterly Thomas I say the Archbishop of Canterbury when Iohn of Oxeforde in his returne from the Citty into England euery where boasted that hee had obtayned of Pope Alexander as well for the king as himselfe whatsomeuer hee desired intermingling many falshoodes with truthes concerning the authority conferred in the king which beeinge blazed abroade and beelieued Saint Thomas as one oppressed with exceeding sorrowe did thus wryte to Iohn a man of his owne Prouince Thomas by the grace of God the humble seruante of the Church of Canterbury to Iohn of Canterbury sendeth greetinge Cod. Vat. lib. 1. epist 164. How wee are made a reproach to our neighbors and a scorne and scoffe not only to them who are round about but also allmost to all the people of both kingdomes as well France as England and it may bee to those likewise of the empyre and what fame I say not infamy and scandall rangeth vp and downe thorough the eares and mouthes of all men against our lord the Pope beeing to vs a greater cause of greife God hee knoweth then that of our owne person with a slaunder to the whole Courte raysed by those who rage and insulte and cast irreuocable dartes of disgrace against them you may some what see out of this that followeth and secretly intimate the same to our Lord the Pope and our freindes if as yet perchance wee haue any Hee addeth thereunto what by faithfull reporte hee lately heard out of England saying Beehould Iohn of Oxeforde and other the kinges Embassadors returned lately from the courte extolling themselues aboue all whatsoeuer is called or honored as God vaunting they had obtayned of the courte all they desired that is to say concerning the band of excommunication how the king was exempted from the authority of all Bishoppes excepting only that of the Pope and his Maiestie should haue the Legate hee requested I meane William of Pauy our inueterate enemy with ample power ouer all the kinges dominions to buyld and plant and especially to pull out and pluck vp by the rootes without euer any remedy of Appeale but aboue all to decyde the controuersy now gtowne beetweene the king and vs with all matters whatsoeuer incident thereunto without any exception of preiudice as it is sayd which may herafter happen And with this pomp and pryde returned Iohn of Oxeforde into England and landing in a certayne hauen there hee found our Brother the Bishop of Hereforde expecting yet secretly a prosperious winde to passe ouer daring not openly to attempt it beeing forbidden by the kinges officers on his Maiesties beehalfe by vertue of his letters and finding him Oxeforde first commanded him in the kinges name and then in the Popes that hee should not crosse the seas the Bishop asking as his messinger comming afterwarde to excuse his lord deliuered to vs whether hee had the Popes letters to warrant this hee answered yea and that our Lord the Pope did thereby forbid both him and all other Bishoppes of England to appeare at our call or any way to obey vs vntill the comming of the Legate a latere whom the king had obtayned from the Pope and who should also determine the cause of the Appeale lately made and the mayne controuersy beetweene the king and vs and all thinges beelonging thereunto with full power and without any further barre of Appeale The Bishoppe vrging to see the letters hee replyed they were not ready at hand but that hee had sent them with his caryages to winchester 12. myles distant from the hauen of South-Hampton the Bishop taking aduice of his freindes sent with Iohn of Oxeforde to Winchester Master Edward his Clearke as wee thinke an honest faithfull man who sawe the letters and soe did likewise the Bishop of London beeing then also at the pointe of passing the seas and London perusing the letters with reioyceing burst out into these wordes now Thomas from hence forth shall bee no more my Archbishop And Iohn moreouer added that hee was a priuiledged person nor could heereafter bee excommunicated nor conuented by vs but only in the presence of our lord the Pope and likewise had free power to beestowe the Deanry of the Church
and intimate this vnto him with more diligence and perswade my Lordes the Cardinalls to remember the iudgment of Allmighty God to which Tribunal the poore of Christ doe with their prayers dayly flye against all the Aduersaryes of the Churches liberty Thus sayeth Salisbury who somewhat too boldly carpeth the estimation of so● noble a Pope whom in his epistles hee often commendeth excuseth defendeth But to the end reader you may vnderstand that it is dangerous to speake euill and rashly to iudge of the high Bishop heare I pray you the true defence of Pope Alexander without which it is vnworthy I should inserte all this in the Chronickles of the Church of Rome For I shall not discharge the parte I vndertake for bringing to light the truth of the history if I shall not vntwyning set it free out of the intangling errors and false assertions with which hee and his actes are wronged while thinges layd vniustly to his charge are accepted as certaine without a dilligent axamination of the truth which I will make appeare out of the epistles of diuers persons whereby these reportes blazed abroade by Iohn of Oxeforde will bee reiected as vntrue Marke therefore reader You haue seene for the space allmost of foure yeeres beeing fully three yeeres and a halfe the Controuersy of the Ecclesiasticall liberty beetweene the king and Saint Thomas and together with him the Church of Rome beeing tossed in delaye daylie declyning to the worse the king or Bishoppes neuer con descending to submitt themselues to the iudgment of the Archbishop of Canterbury from whom as you haue heard the king together with the Bishoppes appealed to the Roman Sea and by their deputyes prosecuted the same Appeale desiring by them that a Legate a Latere might bee sent into England In which petition of theyrs it is first a falshood that as it is affirmed the king requested onely a Legate for England which was the Cardinall of Papia For heare the same Salisbury Our king saith hee requireth that Williā of Papia and another Cardinall bee sent as Legates c. And the Pope fearing least one of them beeing the kings frind there might come any damage thereby to the contrary parte his Holines chose such an one to bee his associate as by his eminent vertue might withstand him if hee would attempt any thing against right and equity whom also hee knew to fauor the Bishop of Poytiers treating of both the Legates in his letter to saint Thomas wryteth to this William of Papia sayth hee as it is reported my Lord Oddo the Deacon Cardinal de Carcere Tulliano is associate and I wish it soe for a fauorable and well disposed starre may by coniunction if it cannot extinguish the malice of an euill affected starre yet at the least temper and extenuate the same Moreouer that his Holines designed the same legates not to decyde the controuersy as it was publickly reported according to Iohn of Salisburyes saying but to compose a peace the letters of the same Pope Alexander yet extant doe playnly witnes But to the end saint Thomas might rest secure of any feare from the sayde William the Legate Alexander aboue all other thinges made him promise not to attempt any matter against the Archbishop of Canterbury I will relate the very wordes of Pope Alexander in his epistle to Saint Thomas and truly sayth hee you may remayne absolutely confident in the Cardinalls neyther ought you any way to doubt of the mentioned William because wee haue streyghtly and precisely inioyned him to employ his whole power to worke your peace and hee made vs soe faithfull a promise thereof that wee haue no doubt of the contrary And more that hee might very much preuayle in procuring the peace the matter beeing throughly considered by reason of his intire familiarity with the king the same Salisbury conceaued in his mynde and expressed in wryting to the Legate in these wordes but in the meane tyme I hope this your familiarity with the king which to many is soe suspicious will bee profitable to the Church necessary to you gaynfull to him and to vs glorious Beesides this Alexander endeauouring to make a peace beetweene the Archbishop and the king commanded not as the kings messinger lying fouly sayd that this should bee accomplished with detriment to the Churches liberty but contrarywise would haue aboue all thinges a speciall prouision for the Ecclesiasticall lawes soe as in this pointe saint Thomas had no cause of doubt that the liberty of the Church should heerein sustaine any damage at all as in the same letters the sayd Bishop deliuered Againe that there was nothing granted by Alexander to the Bishoppes excommunicated by saint Thomas as Oxeford falsly affirmed but that at the houre of death they might bee absolued with a caution confirmed by oath as the letters which his Holines wrote by the same Legates to the Bishops of England doe manifest Neither yet was that true which with excessiue boasting Oxeforde did lying spread abroade among all men Cod. Vat. lib. 2. epist 3. how the king was exempted from the Archbishoppes authority but that his power ouer the king was only suspended while the Legates treated as the peace in like case and space as there is beetweene aduerse armys an abstinence of warre during a parlee And if peace tooke no place that Saint Thomas might then vse his authority against the king Alexander in his letters sent to S. Thomas thus playnly declareth But if perchance which God forbid the king shall determine with a hardened harte to persist in his obstinacy nor yet will as now yeeld any thing to the will of Allmighty God our admonition and his owne honor in his reconciliation to you and yours with the peace of the Church If afterwardes you thinke conuenient to execute the seuerity of a due reuenge vpon the kingdome and the persons of the same subiecte to your iurisdiction bee it either in regard of your Primacy or Legantyne power you shall reuenge the iniuryes offered to your selfe and your Church as you shall thinke fitting with reseruation of grauity and maturity of iudgment becomming your Pontificall dignity And to the pointe that Pope Alexander dealte bountifully with Iohn of Oxeforde the kinges messinger at his comming to Rome beestowing on him the Deanry of Salisbury which beeing extorted from his Bishop hee surrendred vp into te handes of his Holines and that done the wretched and alltogether vnwortthie mā receaued the same from the Pope againe For the Popes excuse heerein Iohn of Poytiers wryteth thus in his letters to saint Thomas Iohn of Oxeforde woon the more grace in the Popes sight in regard hee suggested to his Holines that a peace might bee concluded beetweene you and the king if there were but one to deale faithfully in the busines and promised to doe his owne vttermost endeauor for the performance thereof And addeth hee was absolued from his excommunication by the Pope in respect hee abiured the
on our beehalfe with our beeloued sonne that noble Earle of Flanders and instantly perswade him that considering the necessity of vs and the Church hee would endeauor with his liberality somewhat to succor vs for wee doe not thinke hee can doe a more acceptable seruice to Allmighty God then to labor at this present to comforte vs with the worthy supply of his bounty for the defence of the Churches liberty Thus wrote Pope Alexander vnto Saint Thomas and to king Henry of England by the same Legates in this sorte Yeelding gladly to the requestes of your Maiestie and desiring as far as with God and his iustice wee can to satisfy your will in all thinges and showe due respecte to you and your honor wee haue thought good to sende vnto your excellency as Legates into your dominions on this syde the seas our beeloued sonnes William of the tytell of Saint Peter ad vincula Preist with Oddo of Saint Nicholas in carcere Tulliano Deacon Cardinalles men of learning discretion vertue beeing of great authority in the Church of God and well affected to you and your kingdome and whom among the rest of our brethren wee esteeme as very deere and acceptable to vs giuing them absolute power to vnderstand those causes which in former letters wee haue declared to you with all other matters likewise which shall seeme conuenient for them to knowe whom wee haue in all things authorized as vice gerents so far in our steede as euer the Church of Rome was accustomed heeretofore to constitute them or any other Legates of the Apostolike Sea Wherefore wee doe by our Apostolical letters request admonish and in our lord exhorte your Highnes that you will honorably and benignly receaue and as it beeseemeth your royall dignity courteously entertayne them in such sorte as is meete for men of that eminency and Legates of the Apostolicall Sea Soe as the holy Church of Rome may in your beehauiour to her sonnes acknowledge your ancient deuotion to her and your Maiestie together with the landes committed to your gouerment through the goodnes of God reape therby encrease of all thinges and for those matters which they shall propose to your excellency on our behalfe wee doe wish you soe diligently to admitt and promptly to obey them as our lord and his Church may bee therin worthily honored and you with the realmes subiect to your regiment may also thereby gayne abundance of benefits with rewardes from God and prayse and glory beefore men Shewe not the coppy of this letter to any but only Master Gunter because I haue passed therupon as stricte a promise to Master Walter as hee desired Thus wrote the Pope to the king sending likewise an other letter of the same effecte to the Bishops of England which beeginneth it is reported to our eares c. Dated the last yeere in the Kalends of December By all which is euidently apparant that Pope Alexander perswaded a peace in such sorte as no detriment might therupon accrewe to the Church Pope Alexander did wryte withall by the same Legates to the king of France to whom among other thinges hee openeth the desire of his mynde for honoring Saint Thomas with all worthy respectes and decreeing to this holy man the Legantyne authority ouer the whole Church of France if the Bishoppes of that kingdome were soe pleased The letters of his Holines were thus indighted Amonge other renowned tokens of your magnificence and deuotion wee esteeme as cheifest that you haue with so many and soe great honors entertayned our reuerent brother Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury a man most religious discreete and vertuous and to vs and the vniuersall Church in euery respect most deere and acceptable and that out of your boūty you haue vouchsafed plētifully to beestowe soe large and royall benefittes out of your humanity on him for which wee render your Maiestie the greatest and worthyest thanks wee may and for your clemency therin commend you with most exceeding prayses in our lord And this as it is most gratefull to God to whom in his person you haue consecrated the same soe wee accept it as deerely as if you had donne it to our selues and because with all our affections wee desire the peace of the same Archbishop wee haue thought conuenient to send our beeloued sonnes William of the tytell of saint Peter ad vincula and Oddo of Saint Nicholas in carcere Tulliano Cardinalls to our most deere sonne in Christ Henry famous king of England to reforme by the helpe of God all matters beetweene the sayd king and Archbishop indifferently for the honor of them both and for the conclusion of perfect concord and peace and that they may in the same kinges landes on this syde of the seas heare and vnderstand all araysing controuersyes and there inioy the Legantine authority of the Apostolike Sea Wherefore by our Apostolicall letters wee beeseech admonish and in our lord exhorte your Maiestie that for the reuerence of the Church of God and the honor of Saint Peeter and vs you would effectually doe your parte as well with the sayd king as Archbishop and carefully labor in such sorte as to the honor of God and his Church and likewise to the benefit and commodity of them both they may frindly and peaceably agree together and bend their myndes and willes wholly therunto soe it bee donne without impeachmēnt of the Archbishops and the Churches reputation And if by endeauour and labor of the same Cardinalles with your trauell they may returne to peace and agreement the Church which next vnder God is supported with your speciall assistance shall receaue thereby no small encrease and you in the blessed retribution of the iust obtayne of Allmighty God for this a speciall reward But if otherwise which God forbid they cannot accorde soe it may stand with your royall likeing and good pleasure it would bee to vs in euery respect a singular pleasure and very gratefull and acceptable if it may bee without great scandall of the persons of your kingdome that wee might endowe the sayd Arbishop with a particular honor aboue others and make him our Legate vice-gerent in those your partes and therefore doe most earnestly entreate your Highnes if hee cannot a cheyue a peace with reseruation of the honor of himselfe and the Church beeing the thing wee most desire then that you will with all speede signify vnto vs your mynd heerein and in the meane while conceaue this as an exceeding secret Thus wrote the Pope to the king of France The Legates therefore as soone as they touched Frāce presently saluted saint Thomas with their letters and William did in this sorte wryte vnto him Allthough thorough the variable alteration of tymes for doubt least the Church of Rome Cod. Vat. lib. 2. epist 9. beeing distempered with a Scysme should sustayne the greater damages wee seeme in the conceipts of some to decline from you to the aduerse parte hee knoweth notwithstanding who is the
of many to diminish the credit of our cause wher on the other parte if it standeth with your pleasure wee are not bound to admitt our aduersary for a iudge neither can wee bee confident of any heerein but only in your presence for by reason of the banishment of vs and ours the king soe frighteth and terrifyeth all men with the vexation and losses of others as none knowing it dareth once affoarde vs a good word Considering deepely all this wee tempered our answer soe as wee neither refused nor accepted this iudgment and dangerous tryall For wee sayde whensoeuer wee who were thus beerefte of Archbishoppricke gouerment and all our goodes were restored agayne to what wee lofte wee would then gladly and when wee ought submitt our selues to your determination or the iudgment of him or them whom by your mandate you should appoint nor could wee nor would wee flye from iustice in the meane tyme wee could not with any reason bee constrayned to a contentious course of lawe neither were our poore meanes able to supporte it neither could the liberality of the most renowned king without molestation extend it selfe soe far as to mayntaine vs with the poore of Christ our banished breathren vpon his expence vnder the roofes of strangers especially since hee aboundeth not at this instant with money for where hee hath plenty of victualls there can he more tollerably defray our charges Then descended they to the third question demaunding if wee would admitt the proces of the Bishoppes who appealed against vs beefore those iudges But wee answered wee receaued no mandate of yours concerning this busines nor yet that our pouerty was able to vndergoe the expences of such a controuersy forth at was the drifte of our Aduerssaryes as wee vnderstood by them who could not bee ignorant heerin to giue a taynte to our person vpon any occasion in the presence of the Legates therby to worke vs any wrong For they coniectured that none of the prouince durst assist vs against the king in regarde wherof they might the sooner procure our ruyne and the king called out only those to this conference who beeing our Aduersaryes from the first raysing of this storme were knowne to bee the inuentors of soe greate a mischeife which were the Archbishop of Yorke with the Bishoppes of London and Chichester the Bishop of Worcester beeing also sent for with them that vnder the vayle of his worthines the malice of the rest might bee shadowed But as your wisedome may remember these who now soe applaude the kinges pleasure and aboue the rest as it is openly knowne thirst our bloud are they who sometymes soe much extolled in their letters full fraught with our prayses the procuring of our Pall and the forme of our election together with our person but now contradicting both truth and themselues through an impudency of lying and flattering they beecome contemptible whilst at the pleasure of the Prince like the slaue in the Comedy now they say now they gaynesay these are they o father who giue hornes to the sinner and if hee bee not made enough incense him more laying softe cushons vnder his elbowe and lulling a sleepe on daynty pillowes the heade that languisheth with sinnes Since therfore they who ought with their counsell assistāce and authority to bee the pillars of the Church doe now with their flattery and expences animate and arme the persecutors of the diuine lawe and of our selues against her and vs it is not safe nor possible for vs to subiect our selues to iudgment but only in the presence of your Holines and to bee examined by your selfe For although the Church may conceaue a great hope of the sinceare proceeding of one of the Legates and wee are confident in him especially in matters appertayning to God neuertheles there is not any man but your selfe to whom wee dare cōmitt this cause of our Lordes and for the other God make him the man who may saue his soule and beeseeme the place of a preist Cardinall of the Romane Church yet let that neuer come to passe which pleaseth it you to remember wee forewarned and feare will yet happen if it should fortune the wisedome eloquence and authority of my Lord William should concurre with the power and willfull disposition of the king of England wee doubt wee saye they will demaunde of vs by their counsell and consent those thinges which either bee greeuous for you to heare and impossible to bee effected or otherwise displeasing to God and odious to the world And because the charge of all Churches resteth on your shoulders turne if it please you your eyes on the west marke and see in what sorte the Church is there handled let it bee tould by the lord Oddo whom wee beeleiue the spirit of God guydeth let him declare what hee behouldeth what hee knoweth concerning the Church and Prouince of Towers what hee heard reported in England what hee hath by experience found in Normandy and wee beeleiue you will say with teares there is no greife like to the greife of this For to let passe the Churches of Canterbury and Towers which hee houldeth in his handes as you haue heard and wee wish you would heare it more fully hee hath now of long tyme retayned to himselfe seauen vacant Bishopprickes in the prouinces beelonging to vs and Roan nor suffereth any pastors to bee ordayned in them the Ecclesiasticall state of the kingdome is giuen his followers to bee trampled vnder their feete and made their prey If wee looke not to this most holy father how shall wee answer Christ in the day of iudgment who will resist Antichrist at his comming if wee suffer thus the vices and offenses of his forerunners with such induring as this Potentates growe prowde the kinges of Nations turne to bee Tyrantes and imagine the Church ought to haue no right no priuiledge but depending only on their pleasure but blessed is hee who houldeth and dasheth the litle ones on the rocke For if Iudas beeing commanded by the lawe rooteth not out the Cannonytes they will growe vp to bee perpetually his Aduersary and his stinge Bee therfore father of good comforte and bee a couragious commander wee haue more on our syde then they haue on theirs God hath broken in peeces Fredericke the hammer of the impious beeing ready also shortly to strike others vnles they amend and haue peace with the Church of God And to conclude wee only expect the sentence of your mouth or of his who hath bin accustomed to beereaue Princes of their spiritts and deliuer the poore from the potent You shall receaue more by word of mouth which wee thought inconuenient to committ to wryting Let your excellency bee thus perswaded that if wee would from the beeginning haue giuen way to these wicked customes wee needed not now intercession of any Cardinall nor yet of any man liuing In vayne God willing doe they lay beefore our eyes the examples of the Cicilians or
iniurious demandes which afflicted much our mynde the vrged vs on his beehalfe breathing out terrible threates vnles wee would condescend to his will wherupon wee in regarde the stormy persecution of the Church is not yet layde nor the fayre calme of peace as it was expedient hath hetherto shined on vs allthough wee would not graunt his requestes were neuertheles carefull to temper and asswage the fury and outrage of his mynde dreading greatly least hee should as once hee did ioyne in any league of society with Fredericke the Emperor that tyrant and wicked enemy of the Church to the hindrance and disturbance of her peace or picke any quarell to departs from the Church and our deuotion this was the reason that wee considering the malice of the tyme did with the ioynt counsell of our brethren by our Apostolicall letters command your brotherhoode vpon the conceyte of a certayne hope and confidence hee would receaue you into his fauor and restore the Church of Canterbury to your free disposition that you should not publish against him or any persons of his kingdome or against the kingdome it selfe any sentence of Interdiction Excommunication or Suspension vnles you first receaued from vs other letters wherin should bee signified that if the king would not reconcyle himselfe in peace vnto you you should haue leaue to execute your office against him and his Wherfore in regarde we desire to conserue by all meanes to you as our deere brother also to your Church due honor and liberty if hee shall not effectually fullfill before the beeginning af Lent what wee hope hee will doe as we haue propounded to him but perseuer still hardened in his obstinacy wee doe thē restore to you againe your authority to haue fre liberty without any barre of Appeale to execute the power of your office as well against the persons as also the kingdome yea the king himselfe if you shall iudge it conuenient and expedient for your selfe and your Church Cod Vat. lib. 4. epist 17. 51. to the king reseruing euer that grauity and Pontificall discretion which beehoueth you Thus wrote Alexander to Saint Thomas sending an other letter vnto him also to the same purpose and certifying likewise the king of France to the sayd effecte And soe the Pope reformed that which the king of England vsed not for establishing of peace but abused for the prolonging of discorde I meane this priuiledge of tyme graunted without limitation Cod Vat. lib. 3 epist 1. 23. These letters of reuoking this suspension Alexander this yeere commanded to bee deliuered by the aforesayde two Nuntios vnto the king who perusing them was exceedingly moued exclayming against his holines that hee had within the compas of one yeere published two decrees contradicting one an other one beeing for him the other against him vnles hee would agree presently to a peace What ensued afterwardes wee will in place conuenient declare the next yeere ANNO DOMINI 1170. The last Legates sent by the Pope to Henry King of England on the beehalfe of S. Thomas Now followeth the yeere of our Lord 1170. and the third Indiction When Pope Alexander addressed yet once againe certayne Bishoppes as Legates to Henry king of England For which purpose he selected Rotroche Archbishop of Roane with Bernard Bishop of Niuers to whom was after added William Bishop of Senon a prelate of approued fidelity and assured integrity For the better executing of which office Pope Alexander directed his letters which are yet extant to either of them seuerally Cod Vat. lib. ● epist 2. 4. Ibid epist 5. dated after Viuians returne beesides others to them ioyntly contayning their treaty to bee had with the king which was that S. Thomas should returne to his Church and receaue all the possessions taken away from his Church that others exiled for his sake should euery one bee restored to his owne the king should grant him a perfect peace in a holy kisse if hee would not yeeld therunto beecause hee had sworne the contrary hee should performe it by his sonne according as hee had promised hee should abolish and absolutely condemne the wicked customes contradicting the Churches liberty and the Legates should absolue from their promise the Bishops who vndertooke to obserue them if there were any hope of peace they should then absolue the Excommunicates but vnder this condition that if the peace succeeded not they should fall backe againe into their former excommunication without any remedy of Appeale all which couenantes hee commanded precisely to bee performed within the compas of 40. dayes And if the peace could not bee perfected within that limited tyme nor these condicions accomplished they should presently interdict the Prouince on this side the seas where the king as then remayned This was the charge imposed by Pope Alexander on the Legates as appeareth by his Apostolicall letters dated this yeere at Beneuent 14. Kalend. Februarii The Pope sent also diuers letters to others concerning the same Legation and especially to king Henry himselfe Whilst this busines was in hand there brake forth à new discord king Henry would haue his sonne crowned king by the Archbishop of yorke beeing an office appertayning to the Prime seate of England which is Canterbury wherfore the Pope vnderstanding theerof directed his letters to the Archbishop of yorke and all the Bishoppes of England in this sorte Cod. Vat. lib 4. Ep. 42. In regarde wee are long since certifyed by the relation of many that the Coronation and vnction of the kinges of England appartayneth to the Archbishop of Canterbury as an ancient custome and dignity annexed vnto his Church wee doe by these presentes our Apostolicall authority streyghtly inioyne your brotherhood that if the renowned king of England will haue his sonne crowned and annoynted king during the tyme our reuerent brother Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury remayneth in exile none of yee attempt to impose handes on him or presume any way to intermedle in the busines which if any of yee shall bee soe bould as to doe let him vndoubtedly knowe that it will highly redounde to the perill of his office and order for heerin wee will cut of all remedy of Appeale and exclude all occasion of malignity Dated at Cisuinary 4. Kalend. Martii Hee wrote also seuerally to the same Bishoppes of England and likewise to saint Thomas Ibid epist 44 Ibid. epist 3. Ibidem epist 42. 4● the priuiledges of whose Church should bee heerby infringed Sainct Thomas moreouer wryting in the name of the high Bishop of Rome to the Archbishop of yorke and other Bishoppes of England in like manner forbad the same to bee donne Vpon receipt of which letters the king of England and his followers were soe far inraged as they caused them all to take an oath not any way to obey the constitutions of the Pope and Archbishop forbidding this same which soe heynous offence saint Thomas presently reproued by these his letters
earth reioyse wherin Christes Church is founded And soe verely I thinke it was the diuine will that this Martyrs glory should neither by Pōtificall decree nor royall authority bee aduanced but bee established by the power of Christ whose honour during his life hee labored to enlarge for hee euer deliuered himselfe that hee would haue Christ's honor still preserued when hee treated with the king concerning his peace And shall not Christ againe doe the same for him God forbid that truth should not fullfill her promises Wee reade in the Actes of Apostells They receaued the holy Ghost And shall the Councell of Apostells any way contradicte the same Vndoubtedly where God is the Author in vaine is required the authority of a Superiour If any desireth to ecclipse the glory of this soe great a Martyr whosoeuer hee bee beefore wee beelieue him let him worke greater or at the least the like Mirackles otherwise hee may bee supposed to sinne against the holy Ghoste whose workes hee feareth not to detracte Thus Iohn of Salisbury to Senon Legate of the Apostolike Sea beefore Alexander had cannonized S. Thomas among the number of the holy Martyrs which this very yeere hee did Soe hee who greeuing that the Cannonization of the Martyr was delayed which God by soe many and soe greate beames of Miracles shyning from heauen had now shewed to bee diuinely established from aboue did not thinke it needefull to bee supported with humane authority according to that of the Apostle Who shall accuse against the Elect of God God it is who iustifyeth who shall then condemne Yet neuerthelesse the authority of the Church is necessary to bee required for learning the certainty of the miracles least any deceytes or impostures by stealth surprise vs. So the determination of diuine workes ought to bee gouerned by the Churches censure according to the same Apostels saying The spirits of the Prophets are subiect to the Prophets And that of saint Iohn The Churches necessary ministery in probation of Saintes Proue the spirites if they are of God Which iudgment of the Church resteth principally in her visible head whose sentence is first to bee expected in such an examination Wherfore as hath bin sayde vpon returne of the Legates after due consideration and examination had of marters related by them this very yeere in the sixt Indiction Pope Alexāder beeing at Signia with rightes of solemnityes cannonized the holy Martyr sainct Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury of which cannonization the written booke of the Vatican rehearseth in the life of Alexander these wordes Meane while when most blessed Thomas the glory of the English shyned in the brightnes of miracles and not only his freindes but also his persecutors beesought pardōne of their sinnes who seekinge these meanes of saluation continually flocked to his Church the Pope of Rome at the instance of the people and Clergy of England by Apostolicall authority cannonized the same Martyr and commanded him to bee numbred among the Saintes for on the day of the Purification of our Blessed Lady assembling together at Signia the Bishoppes and Abbottes of Campania S. Thomas Canonized hee celebrated a solemne Masse especially to his honor and ordayned that the memory of his passion should bee for euer kepte 4. Kalend. Ianuarij Wherupon the Church of the west tryumphed in marueylous greate ioy and the glorious Martyrs name increased in the duplication of his vertues soe far forth as by forraine nations of renowned hee grewe more renowned Allmighty God hath apparantly by his merittes raysed the deade giuen sight to the blinde hearing to the deafe and to the lame their limmes hee hath cleansed Leapers healed the sicke cast out diuells with many other rare miracles which God would haue miraculously wrought by him Wherupon very many of the faythfull haue for his honour and prayse to the glory of our Creator buylt Churches and endowed them with possessions and guiftes Hetherto there But let vs looke into the Apostolicall letters wrytten concerning his cannonization Alexander Bishop seruant of the seruantes of God to his beeloued children the Prior and Monkes of the Church of Canterbury salutation with Apostolicall benediction All Christian people are to reioyse for the miracles of that holy and reuerent man Thomas lately your Archbishoppe The Popes letters for the Canonization of S. Thomas but yee aboue all others ought to bee replenished with soe much the more ample ioy and exultation by how much the more yee are oftener eye wittnesses of his miracles and your Church especially deserueth to bee glorifyed with his most holy body And wee considering the renowne of his merittes wherby in his life hee was worthily famous and beeing most certaynly assured of his miracles not only by the common and publicke reporte but also by the relation of our wellbeeloued brethren Albert of the Tytell of saint Laurence in Lucina and Theodine of the tytle of saint Vitalis Preistes Cardinalles and Legates of the Apostolicall Sea and lekewise of diuers other persons haue solemnly cannonized the foresayde Archbishop in the beeginning of the fast with a greate assembly of the Clergie and Layety in the Church hauing first had deliberate counsell therof with our brethren and haue decreede that hee shall bee numbred in the Catalogue of the holy Martyrs commanding by the Apostolike authority as well your selues as all the faythfull thorough out Englād that yee celebrate euery yeere with due reuerence his feast day wherin hee finished his life with a glorious passion Moreouer beecause it nobly soe deserueth and is most expedient for yee that his holy body bee shryned with all deuoute reuerence and honor wee doe by the Apostolicall authority command your discretion that assembling together the Clergie and Layety yee doe vpon a festiuall day with a deuoute religious and solemne procession place his body worthely in some Altar or else seating it in some comely enclosure as it is beehouefull yee raise it vp on high and endeauour heereafter with your holy prayers to obtayne of our Lord his patronage for the saluation of the faythfull and peace of the vniuersall Church Fare yee well Dated at Signia 4. Id. Martij Thus to the Clergie of the Church of Canterbury There were also the same day other generall letters written to all Christian people in these wordes Generall letters for the Canonization of saint Thomas England sweetely smeelleth with the fragrant odor and vertue of signes which Allmighty God worketh by the merittes of the holy and reuerent man Thomas sometimes Archbishoppe of Canterbury and the whole Christian religion of the faythfull euery where reioyceth beecause that hee who is marueylous and glorious in his Saintes hath after his death renowned his Saint whose laudable life shyned with merittes and lastly was finished with the Martyrdome of a most noble combate And allthough no man can make doubt of his sanctity who considereth his prayse worthy conuersation and weygheth his glorious passion Our Redeemer and Sauiour
as the Churches Aduocate soe long as they dishonored not God but when they could not please the one without offence of the other then they would absolutely preferre God Hee maruayled much hee denyd him the reuerent respect due to his place and summoned a counsell without his authority and aboue all that hee would cyte him to appeare before that Conuentickle The priuiledge of the Church graunted by Christ and continued from saint Peeter to that present age hath euer bin that in Causes Ecclesiasticall the supreame iudgement was euer in the Church and the Church it selfe neuer iudged by any since therefore hee who ought to defend the Church did now offend it and in contemning the Church disparaged his mother hee could not but admire it For appearing at his Courte the Canonicall tradition forbad him And since meaner prelates in matters spirituall doe gouerne they re princes it were intolerable in him to suffer the authority of his place which was purchased with the blood of Christ through his pusilanimity or ignorance to bee subiected to the temporall power Wherefore as his Predecessors had endured death for the Churches liberty soe was hee ready to spend his blood in her cause The Embassadors offended with his answere contumeliously departed comming to Signia adored the the Idoll Octauian The Emperours Embassadors and Otto adore Octauian and soe did Count Otto the Palatine whom the Emperour had sent with his Germanes towards the Citty which exceedingly puffed vp the pryde of this Archhereticke not considering that scysme though at the first it flourysheth yet after a while it vanisheth Thus Fredericke by his Embassadors accepted of Octauian wherefore Alexander had reason to except against Fredericke as no indifferent Iudge The Emperour for aduancement of this Antipope sought to drawe other kinges into his faction The Emperour sought to drawe the King of England into his faction and first vehememtly attempted King Henry of England but in vaine for Arnulphus Bishop of Lexouy a very learned man and of great estimation with the king had soe informed him as hee preuented Fredericke and although there was a firme league of freindship beetweene them yet would king Henry neuer bee induced to yeelde to this scysme but only suppressed The King of England faithfull to Alexander till matters were more ripened his proclamation for publishing Pope Alexander suffering all his subiectes in the meane time to maintayne his right Alexander also vpon the aduice of the Bishop of Lexouy sent his Legates a latere to the realmes of Spayne and France The Bishop of Lexouy most industruous in asisting Alexander and likwise to the Emperour of Constantinople and king of Hungary to make knowne his lawfull election and the wrong hee susteyned by this presumptuous Scysmaticke Whereupon Lewys the most Christian king of France a contrey neuer defyled with scysme together with Henry king of England receaued Pope Alexander as theyr father and pastor of theyr soules All Chrystendome beesides Frederick the Emperialles accept of Alexander moreouer the kinges of Spayne Cecyll and Ierusalem and the Emperour of Constantinople with the Patriarches Bishoppes Prynces Cleargie and Layetie did all acknowledg him the Catholike successor of Peeter Only Frederick with his complices and these fewe scysmaticall Cardinalles the vnlearned children of Belial obstinate still in theyr errour remayning neuerthelesse the cruell persecutors of him and the Church Neyther was this vnpunished in Frederick Frederick vnfortunate after his fall from the Church for euen from the very beeginning of this scysme his successes altered and of a victorious Emperour hee beecame now often vanquished God endeuoring by this discipline to correct him The Popes Legates who went to the kinges of France and England were encountred with some difficultyes becaus● the Polititians of both kindomes beeing affected to theyr aduersaryes when they could not heerein alter theyr kinges resolutions laboured to deferre the acceptance of Pope Alexander The king of England draweth England France Spayne Ireland and Norwaye to the Popes obedience tyll matters were more fully determynd but the Legates with theyr vertue wisedome and exemplar liues ouercame these assaultes and the king of France referring all to the king of England the king of England drew England France Spayne Ireland and Norwaye to Alxanders obedience And in the kindome of Ierusalem allbeit is whas some wat cūtrouerted because Octauian had there in former tymes won some affection yet preferring the loue of God beefore natures disposition they yeelded to the truth and embraced the lawfull Pope In the yeere of our lord 1160. was held the Conuentickle at Pauy The Conuenticle of Pauy but adiourned from the Octaues of the Epyphany to the Purification of our Blessed Lady William of Newberry our Countreyman wryteth That this controuersy considering the multitude that chose Alexander and the smale number that elected Octauian might easily haue bin ended had not Frederick hated Alexander vpon his old grudge to Rowland Fredericks inueterate hatred to Alexander for Rowland the Chancellor was one of them who did mediate the peace to deliuer Pope Adrian the Cardinalles and the Citty of Beneuent out of the handes of William king of Cecill a matter to Frederick most distastefull and was also one of the Legates sent to Frederick about the sacrilegious abuse offered in Germany to Edward Bishop of London when Count Palatine in the Emperours presence had like to haue murdered one of the Legates these thinges lay vndigested in Frederickes stomacke which made him not endure Rowland now Alexander the thyrd This caused him to assemble his Italians and Germanes at Pauy in showe to determine the controuersy but indeed to crowne Octauian his Victor with the victory according to Newberrys opinion who liued in that age There flocked together the Bishoppes of both Nations with an infinite number of inferiour Prelates vpon the Emperours command who with the Generalles of his armyes strooke a terror into theyr myndes Frederick terrifyeth with power heere in silence were suppressed all proofes and allegatious for Alexander who discreetely absented himselfe and what in truth was wanting on Octauians side was artificially helped Frederick allureth with hypoc●iticall sanctity Frederick to cast a myste before the eyes of the assembly beegan with fasting and prayer and then with a solemne protestation that hee hauing no authority to intermedle with spirituall matters left all to the iudgment of the Cleargie there present departed the place hauing giuen them beefore examples how to proceede in electing Octauian by his Embassadors and Count Otto After deliberation of seauen days for this Pageant was set out with solemnity they consented as before was conspired to the approbation of Octauian there present The Scysmatickes approue Octauian and condemne Alexander and condemnation of Rowland who beeing cyted refused to appeare beefore them for by these names are they recyted by the author who fauored or feared the Emperour Allthough the diuell in this
with him one parte of the deede conteyning the afore said customes to the end hee might cary with him his cause the other parte of this obligation the Arrchbishop of Yorke receiued the third the king himselfe reteyned to be enrolled among his royall Charters And soe that day they were dismissed Heere first of all you may disproue that which Roger writeth in the Chronikles of England to witt that S. Thomas promised those vnlawfull thinges to the king by Pope Alexanders perswasion for if hee did it not only by the consent but also by the perswasion of the Pope why did hee pennance beefore the said Pope for the same as a most heynous sinne if the Pope himselfe should bee the author of his offence but let vs heare what remayneth Beesides the history of Quadrilogus mentioned by vs there is added in the end thereof a more exact narration of all thinges which hapned after the dissolution of the same detestable conuentickle held at Claringtonne vntill the departure of Pope Alexander out of Fraunce from whence wee haue inserted the history heere to bee recited beeginning with the pennan●● of S. Thomas in these words And hee departing from ●he Courte of the king his followers by chance beegan to ●urter among themselues some affirming according to ●he custome that in regard of this distressed tyme matters ●ught to bee thus caryed others disdaining that for the ●leasure of a man the authoritie of the Ecclesiastical liber●y should perish Among whom one instantly pressing more earnestly said The publick power disturbeth all ●niquitie rageth against Christ himselfe the Sinagog of Sa●han profaneth Gods sanctuarie princes haue sate and assembled in one against Christ our Lord no man is safe who ●oueth equity in the iudgement of the world they are accounted wise and are at this time worshipped who flatter Princes in following their pleasures yea this tempest hath shaken the very ●illars of the Church while the Pastor is fled the scattered sheepe are subiect to the wolfe to conclude what place remaineth now secure for innocency who shall fight in defence of this Bullwarke or who shall triumphe in this battell the general beeing ouercome And thus hee expostulated the matter who caryed the Crosse beefore my lord of Canterbury the rest beeing silent for sorrowe and with great libertie hee added assumeing in this sorte a parable what virtue saith hee hath the man reserued to himselfe who hath lost his constancy and renowne whom meane you by this my sonne quoth the lord of Canterbury Euen your selfe answered bee it concerneth you because this day you haue for euer lost both conscience and fame hauing left beehind you to ●osteritie an example odious beefore God and contrarie to ●onesty while your handes consecrated to almightie God were stretched out to obserue those accursed customes and ●our selfe conniued with the Ministers of sinfull Sathan for ●he confusion of the Ecclesiasticall liberty This was assu●edly the Cocke at whose croweing Peeter awake●ed did weepe bitterly For the Author proceedeth my lord of Canterbury therefore wayled and lamented S Thomas recouereth his laps imposeth pennance on himselfe and with sighes and groanes said I repent mee yea greiuously and trembling with the horror of mine offence I comdemne my selfe as vnworthy to serue heereafter a● a Preist at hi● altar whose Church I haue soe basely sould I will rest silent therefore sitting downe to sorrowe vntill Allmightie God shall visit mee from aboue that I may deserue from our lord himselfe or from my lord the Pope to receaue absolution And presently thereupon hee sent a messinger to the Sea Apostolicke Pope Alexander had lerned all this beefore by the relation of others Libr. 1 epist 20. and moued with exceeding compassion did write these letters to S. Thomas whereby hee recomforted him now drowned thus in sorrowe and absolued him from the oath The letters are these Pope Alexander absolueth S Thomas frō this sinne Your Brotherhood vnderstandeth how wee haue heard and by the reporte of some bin certifyed that in consideration of a certaine offence you haue determined to forbeare the celebration of Masse and abstayne from the consecration of the body and blood of our lord Which truly of what importance it is especially in a man of your eminency and how great a scandal may ensue thereupon I would haue you with carefull consideration to ponder and weigh the same with your watchfull discretion For you ought with prudence diligently to conceaue that there is very great difference where sinnes are wilfully committed with deliberation and where on the other side they are donne out of ignorance or necessity For it is apparant that wee ought to proceed in one sorte with these which are acted by a mans owne free will and in an other manner with those which as it is sayd are of ignorance or the compulsion of necessity and one way the first an other way the last are by men of iudgment and wisedome to bee handled and measured as by the testimonyes of holy Scriptures wee are taught Your intention giueth the name to your worke for as in an other place wee reade Sinne is soe far voluntarie as if it bee not voluntarie it is no sinne and our allmighty Lord respecteth not the action of the worker but rather considereth the intention and discerneth the will If therefore you call to minde that you haue committed anything whereof your owne conscience ought to accuse you whatsoeuer it is wee aduise you to confesse it in the Sacrament of Pennance to a Preist of discretion and prudence which beeing performed our mercifull Lord who looketh much more to the harte then to the facte will through the commiseration of his accustomed pitty forgiue it you and wee beeing confident of the meritts of S. Peeter and S. Paule his Apostles doe absolue you from what is committed and release your brotherhood thereof by the Apostolicke authority counselling and commanding that heereafter you abstayne no more in this respect from the celebration of Masse Dated at Senon the Kalends of Aprill Thus wrote Alexander But Iohn of Salisbury in his epistle to Peeter the writer I thinke of Bloys which beeing omitted in the often recited booke of epistles is afterwards placed in the end of the volume affirmeth the sinne of S. Thomas not bee excused but rather declared to bee purged by pennance for hee saith I cannot excuse his promise at Claringtonne whereunto hee was drawne by the counsell of the Bishopps because such a promise was not to bee made but confession washed away the offence hauing receiued so●emne pennances from the Popes holynes who in the presence of many by the Apostolical authority condemned those peruerse customes Soe writeth Iohn Now the former recited history proceedeth thus The King in the meane time perceaued that my Lord of Canterbury would flie of from this promise especially in that hee openly refused to seale the charter of these customes according to the agreement Whereupon his Maiestie
you but to forewarne you to bee watchfull that supported with the authority of almighty God and of vs you may bee heereafter able and willing with more strength and power to parforme the dutys of your charge In breife this only thing I would haue you now to knowe that through the mercy of God they shall neuer wrest from mee the Churches confusion All this not with standing I giue you thankes in reguard you would at this tyme visite and refresh mee with your consolation What say I more more one thing there is which without greeuous sorrow of mynde I cannot ouerpasse I lament truly my dearest beeloued Lord the kinge for feare and trembling haue fallen vpon mee Psal 54. and darknes couered mee round about in reguard I see tribulation and extremityes hang ouer my Lord and Prince neither yet is it strange for hee hath shaken the Church of God and disturbed the same shewing hard measure to the Cleargie of the land and giuing them for drinke the wine of sorrowe wherefore our Lord saith to him where are now thy wise Counsellors who haue giuen thee foolish aduise who said Isai 1● thou art the sonne of the prudent the sonne of anci●●● kinges whose customes are to bee obserued in England and whose lawes whosoeuer shall refuse to obey hee is not Cesar's freind but enemy to the Crowne guilty of iudgment yet neuertheles which is of worth hee is afreind to the Crosse of Christ beecause woe bee to them who enact lawes of iniquity and writing haue indighted iniustice whereby they may oppresse the poore in iudgement and commit violence on the cause of the humble of the people that Churches and widowes may bee their prey and they themselues waste the gooddes of the Clergy and others what will they doe in the day of visitation and calamity approching a far of to whom will they flye for refuge and where will they relinquish their gloryes to the end they bee not depressed with iudgment and falling dye with the murdered where are now his wise ones let them come forth declare to him and showe what our Lord of Hostes hath thought of England his graue counsellors are beecome fooles and his Princes haue withered away they haue deceaued England the Angle and Corner of the world our lord hath intermingled among them the spirit of giddynes they haue made England erre in their workes as the drunken man erreth with vomiting and trembling and it shall not bee Englands worke either to make head or tayle beecause they haue deuoured Iacob and made his place desolate Psal 78. and sayd let vs possesse for our inheritance the sanctuarie of God with vphraiding Priestes and their Princes saying whither will yee flye out of our handes And in whom is reposed your confidence why haue yee resisted and withstood our preceptes O how vaine are th●se conceptes and how extreme vyle are these workes in the sight of our Lord Hee seeth truly that all these things are idle for hee will deride him who deuiseth thus and him who doeth thus foreseeing that his day is euen at hand yea entring at the very dore and hee will say Loe heere the men Psal 51. who haue not setled their succour in God but haue planted their hope in the abundance of their riches and preuayled in their vanity and yet to no purpose are these their workes Our Lord leaueth not his Church and Clergie without a defendor nor without a most terrible reuenge for she is founded vpon a strong rocke yea the rocke is Christ himselfe who hath built her with his owne proper blood Assuredly vnlesse they reforme these sinns they will not passe vnreuenged beecause they haue trampled vnder their feete the holy of holys the house of God by afflicting his preistes with iniurys and reprochfull wordes for his Preistes are they to whom our Lord himselfe speaketh thus Psal 21. Luc. 10. I haue said yee are Goddes and all the sonnes of the highest And in another place who heareth yee heareth mee and who contemneth yee contemneth mee and who toucheth yee toucheth the aple of myne eye Let them returne to their hartes and cast these mischeefes away from them let them doe pennance in the depth of humility otherwise it is to bee feared least our Lord which God forbid will come bring vpon thē and their land greeuous tribulation and the most heauy reuenge of retribution Behould our Lord will come and will not delay but hee will saue vs yea hee neuer forsaketh such as trust in him for the Prophet sayth Hope in our Lord and doe righteousnes and thou shalt bee fed in his riches And in another place Psal 26. Psal 36. Expect our Lord and deale manfully and let thy harte bee comforted and endure our Lord and quickly shalt thou bee deliuered from the hunter's n●t and the bitter word And that I may finish all the rest with a worthie conclusion In regard our Lord declareth vnto vs what and how great aduersityes wee must suffer for his name and defence of his Church it is requisite yea most necessary that both you the wh●le Church committed to your charge pray instantly for 〈◊〉 that what by our owne merrits wee are not able to atcheyue wee may obtaine to accomplish by your intercession the suffrages of the holy men who liue in your Dioces and thereby come to purchase eternal grace Farwell and bee of good comfort yea farwell the whole Church of England and bee comforted in our Lord that wee may all together fare-well Thus wrote saint Thomas out of France where hee then liued into England But what in the meane time did the king of England The requestes of the ●ing of England Embassadors to the Pope Before Alexander departing out of France vndertooke his iourney towards Rome which hapned in Easter this present yeere the King of Englands Embassadors came to Pope Alexander But what their Embassage was you shall now heare out of Alan in Quadril In the meane time were messangers sent of all sides yea from my lo the Pope himselfe to establish peace In the end it was on all hands agreed that my Lo the Pope the King should at an appointed time place meete together to the end by their intercourse of speech the way for peace might bee more easily deuised The King assenteth to bee there present so as the Archbishop would not as then appeare in place beecause hee would not in the sight of saint Thomas behould the face of my Lord the Pope The Archbishop on the other parte forewarned his Holines not in any case to entertaine this parlee with the King but in presence of himselfe who was best acquainted with his fashōs for hee sayd the piety of the Apostolicke Sea may soone bee deceaued by the subtill varyety of the kings words if there were not a skillfull interpreter ready at hand who were able to sifte the depth and intent of his mynd out of the
of an Idoll nor yet will there fayle some who possessing our seates and vsurping our chaires will with all the deuotion of their myndes obey him Many there are who doe now foretaste this wishing that scandalls would once arise and playne ways bee peruerted to crooked pathes Wherfore father wee doe not lament or bee wayle our owne misfortunes but vnles you preuent these mischeifes wee doe forseeing dread a foule subuersion to threaten and hang ouer the Church of God neither sooner would wee wish a day of this loathed life to perish then that wherin wee were borne to see such manner of spectacles Allmighty God deare father in Christ preserue you long in health and prosperity And thus wrote the Bishop of London to Pope Alexander But Pope Alexander who sought by the Bishop of Londons meanes the kinges recouery desired much more by his owne pastor sainct Thomas to perfect the same who neuer fayled of his office and as at all tymes hee admonished him by his letters soe now more amply in wryting hee thought good to perswade his king in manner following To his beeloued Lord Henry by the grace of God King of England Duke of Normādy and Aquitayne and Earle of Anioue Lib. 1. Epist 65. Thomas by the same grace the humble seruant of the Church of Canterbury sometimes temporally his but now much more wisheth him in our Lord all true repentance with amendment Expecting wee haue expected that our Lord would looke vpon you The Epistell of sainct Thomas to King Henry and that beeing conuerted you would doe pennance departing from your peruerse wayes and that you would cut off from you the wicked by whose suggestestion and counsell as it is tought you are now fallen downe allmost into the depth But God forbid it should bee into that depth whereof it is sayde Prouerb 18. The sinner when hee commeth into the depth will contemne And allthough wee haue hetherto forborne in vayne considering in silence and with all affection expectin if any messinger would come and reporting say your sonne king and Lord beeing now long inueagled with deceiptes and drawne on to the Churches destruction by the inspiration of the heauenly clemency in the abundance of exceeding humility hasteneth himselfe for the Churches deliuery with making all satisfaction and amendes Allthough there is yet no such thing wee not withstanding will neuer cease with humble and daily deuotion to beeseech Allmighty God that what wee haue long and earnestly wished both of you and for you wee may with a speedy and fruitefull effect obtayne And beehould thereupon it cōmeth to passe that the care of the Church of Canterbury ouer whō our Lord hath at this present placed our preistood though vnworthie while you doe there rule the temporall estate doth not soe neerely touch vs in regard of our continued discommodious exile as otherwise moue vs to direct to your Maiestie letters of admonition exhortation and correction that wee bee not to great a dissembler of your offences if any there bee which in verie deede are beeing the ground of our no smale greife those yea cheefely those wee say which concerne the Church of God and his Clergie beeing diuers ways committed by you without regarde of person or dignity and that wee appeare not theerin too negligent to the hazard of your soules saluation For hee is doubtlesse guilty of the facte who forbeareth to amend what hee ought to correct It is written Not only they who doe but those who consent are adiuged partakers of the crime And truly they consent who when they may and ought resist not or at the least reproue not the offendor for the error beeing not resisted is allowed and truth beeing not defended is oppressed neither auoydeth hee suspition of secret association who forbeareth to withstand a manifest offence For as most excellent Prince a small Citty cannot lessen the prerogatiue of a potent kingdome soe ought not your royal power to disturbe or alter the bounds of the Churches religious gouerment It is euer consonant to the rules of iustice that iudgment bee ministred to the preistes of God by a preistly councell The iurisdiction of the Preisthood distinguished from the iurisdiction of the kingdome For Bishopps whatsoeuer they are although as men they run astray yet if they fall not from their faith neither can nor ought they to bee censured by the secular power It is the parte of a good and godly Prince to repaire ruinous and decayed Churches to build them anew to honor the preistes of God and supporte them with all reuerence like Constantine that vertuous Emperor of most famous memory who sayd when a cause of the Clergie was brought beefore him yee ought not to hee iudged by any secular authority who are only reserued to the iudgment of Allmighty God And wee reade that the holy Apostles and their successors whose power is warranted by the word of God himselfe doe command That no persecutions nor disturbances bee raised nor yet that any should enuy them who labour in the feild of our Lord nor that the stewardes of the eternall king should bee banished from their Seas For who maketh question but that Preistes are the Masters and fathers of kinges and all faithfull beeleiuers and is it not then a point of miserable madnes for the sonne to endeauour to bring his father into subiection or the scholler his Master and with vniust lawes to reduce him vnder his rule who as hee ought to beelieue hath power to loose and bind him not only in earth but in heauen alsoe If you are a good and Catholike king and soe will remayne as wee beelieue and hope you will let vs say vnder your Maiesties correction you are a chylde and not a Bishop of the Church and ought to learne of Preistes and not to teach them and in matters Ecclesiasticall to follow them not to guyde them You haue the priuiledges of your power which you haue obtayned from God for administring your temporall lawes to the end that beeing not vngratefull to him for his benefitts you should vsurpe nothing contrary to the disposition of his heauenly order but that with a more sober mynde you should vse those things which now rather perchance through the counsell of the malitious then the inclination of your owne mynde you abuse against his ordinance yeelde therefore speedely with all humility and all manner of satisfaction least otherwise the hand of God beeing bent against you shoote his arrowe at you as at a marke for the Allmighty hath bent his bowe to strike you openly with his arrowe if you repent not Bee not ashamed whatsoeuer the malignant suggest in your mynde and the Traytors not only to you but also to God himselfe doe whispering murmer in your eares to humble your selfe vnder the mighty hand of God for it is hee who exalting the humble throweth downe the prowde who in reuenge for iniuryes offered to him and his beereaueth Princes of their
the same place cry out against you and say Aryse ô Lord adiudge thy cause call to mynde the scornes and iniuryes which are all day long offered by the king of England and his to thee and thyne forget not the reproches of thy Church which thou hast founded with thy blood reuenge ô Lord the blood of thy seruantes afflictions which are beeyond number infinite the pryde of these who hate and persecute thee and thyne ascendeth soe high as wee cannot longer indure them My Lord and king whatsoeuer your followers haue committed will all bee required at your hands for hee apparantly hath donne the iniury who hath giuen occasion of doeing the iniury Assuredly vnles you restrayne your handes from disturbing the people the sonne of the Allmighty himselfe will vppon the sighes of the settered vpon the sighes of those who crye out to him come in the rod of his fury beecause the tyme is now at hand to iudge against you iustice in equity and in the seuerity of his spirit for hee knoweth how to take away the spirit of Princes and is terrible among the kinges of the earth wee speake not thus vnto you to cōfound your face or prouoke you to farther indignation and anger as perchance the malitious who swarme about you and lye in wayte day and night for our destruction indeauoring to alienate your mynde from vs will with their wicked and vniust suggestions whispering murmur against vs Giue them ô God according to their workes and according to the naughtines of their inuentions but that wee may make you more cautions and wary in the prouision and care of your soule and cause you to auoyd the danger that is euen now instantly at hand and beecause it is our especiall charge to bee watchfull ouer your soule in regarde the care and gouerment thereof is committed to vs as the king whereof wee must render an accompt in the dreadfull day of iudgment Incline theereunto a willing eare and vse our seruice as it shall please you soe long vs wee offend not Allmighty God nor deale with wicked dissimulation to the ouerthowe of your soule and ours for what will it boote you to gaine the whole world with the danger of your saluation Consider with your selfe what is beecome of the Emperors what of the kinges and other Princes what of the Archbishopps and Bishoppes our ancient predecessours They laboured in their dayes und others haue succeeded in their trauailles what more Soe vanisheth the world and his glory Remember therefore your last and you shall not sinne eternally and moreouer if you haue offended you will then doe pennance God send you deerely beeloued grace well to fare if in true humility and speedy pennance you will bee conuerted to our Lord God Allmighty Soe fare you well againe and euer Thus saint Thomas Hee directed also other letters to the Bishoppes concerning the Hierarchicall order and vnity of the Catholicke Church which beegin in this sorte THOMAS BY THE GRACE OF GOD the humble seruant of the Church of Canterbury to all his reuerend brethren the Bishoppes of the Prouince of Canterbury sendeth greeting IF wee haue à care to liue as wee ought Codi Vat. lib. 1. Epist 97. The Epistel of S. Thomas to the Bishoppes of of England And within a fewe wordes after Now concerning the visible vnity of the Catholicke Church vnder one head In the beeginning of the Primitiue Church as the blessed Apostle teacheth Christ ascending into heauen that hee might fullfill all made truly some Apostles some Prophetts others Euangelistes others Pastors and Masters for the instruction of Saintes for the worke of ministry for the buylding of the body of Christ neither yet were all offices to bee committed to one but euery member was to bee endowed with his proper offices and yet neuertheless in that sorte as the head in whom as in a castle or certaine Capitoll all the senses of vertues are assembled together may prouyde for all and euery particular and all on the other syde may obey the head according to their seuerall conditions The Doctor of the Gentills who gloryeth that hee learned not the Gospell either of man or by man Call 1. but was instructed by Christ went vp to Ierusalem and conferred with the Prince of the Churches concerning matters of fayth least hee should run or had run in vayne And as it appeareth by many examples Gen. 2. all fluddes of the Gospell returne to the sea from whence they had their originall to the end they may flowe againe for the fountaine of Paradise is one but deuided into many riuers that thereby it may on all sydes water the earth Who doubteth the Church of Rome to be the head of all Churches and fountayne of Catholicke doctrine Who is ignorant that the keyes of the kingdome of heauen were deliuered to Peeter Doth not the frame of the whole Church aryse on the fayth and Doctrine of Peeter vntill wee doe all meete beefore Christ in a perfect man in the vnity of fayth and acknowledgment of the sonne of God And afterwardes But whosoeuer hee bee that watereth or planteth God giueth encrease to none but him who hath planted on the fayth of Peeter and humbleth himselfe vnto his doctrine To him truly are referred the iudgmentes of the people which are of greatest importance to bee examined by the Pope of Rome and the Magistrates subordinate to him in the Courtes of the Church that they who are assistantes in partaking the care may excercise the power committed to their charge soe as the preist when hee cannot determine a matter incident to the flocke of his parish may referre the same to his Bishop who submitteth things surmounting his reach also to the Archbishop or Metropolitane from whom whatsoeuer is of greatest importance is reserued vnto the high Bishop of Rome This order hath Peeter taught vs and the same hath the Catholicke Church obserued vnto this day neither by Gods grace shall is euer bee ouerthrowne whatsoeuer iniquity attempteth against it Neuertheless in the kingdome of England which I cannot without exceeding greefe recall to mynd nor without teares declare they presume wonderfully against Peeter The authority of the Apostolicke Sea as much as lyeth in peruerse Potentates is extenuated and indangered whyle they who of necessity are compelled for performing their pennance or procuring the commodity of their soules or otherwise in the duty of visitation to trauell ouer to our Lord the Pope are hindred in their iourney spoyled hardly handled and forbidden to passe the seas either by those who seeke out occasions to committ mischeefes or by others who are compelled to take oathes for restrayning Clearkes and Penitents in this sayd iourney And therefore in regard they lay violent handes on the Clergie they incurre by their owne acte the condemnation of accursing which is the reason that wee vsing the authority of the Church of Rome doe command your brotherhood charging yee by the Apostolicke power in
him to bee determined by your discretion resoluing without farther obstacle of Appealation to establish whatsomeuer you shall therin Cannonically doe And the Pope likewise wrote to all the Bishoppes in england in these wordes Epistola 1.9 The Pope in these letters restrayneth the Bishoppes of England Allthough by the obligation of our office wee are bound to haue a care and bee watchfull for vphoulding the right of all sortes in perfect integrity yet notwithstanding in mayntenance of their iustice who are chosen by our Lord to vndergoe a parte of the charge committed to vs wee ought in how much they are more eminent aboue others in their authority soe much the more to reflect vppon them to prouide with greater dilligence for them and haue an especialleye ouer them Guyded therefore with this reason wee charge and command yee and in the vertue of obedience by our Apostolicall letters inioyne your brotherhood that yee presume not in any case neither yet any way attempt vpon occasion of the Appeale which yee haue made vnto vs against our reuerent Brother the Archbishop of Canterbury to intermedle in any thing knowne to appertayne to the rightes dignityes and libertyes of the Church of Canterbury without his assent and priuity And if any of yee shall vnder any coluor whatsomeuer dare to breake this our commandement wee will by the grace of God endeauor to punish him soe seuearely as hee shall learne by the paine inflicted on him how dangerous it is to violate the Apostolicall Mandates Dated at Lateran 5. Kalend. Februarij But the king fearing as yet to bee excommunicated or to haue his Realme subiect to interdiction by Saint Thomas after hee had interposed as wee see such as it was this Appeale hee directed to Pope Alexander an Embassage not soe much to prosecute the Appeale as to obtayne of his Holines an other legantine authority to the end hee might thereby weaken and infringe the sinewes of the power giuen to Saint Thomas and for the vndergoing of the busines hee desired of the Pope that a certayne Legate might bee sent him which was William Cardinall of Papia of the Tytell of Saint Peter ad vincula whom hee might haue as his intire freind To manage alsoe this matter the king made choyse of his Chaplaine who as wee lately sayde was excommunicated by Saint Thomas because hee made oath to the Archbishop of Colen for maintayning the Scysmaticall Pope wee meane Iohn of Oxeforde with whom were others also ioyned Associates in authority but in what sorte they proceeded with Pope Alexander heerein wee shall heereafter in place conuenient declare Codic Vat. lib 1. Epist 139. The king after this Appeale made as saith Salisbury sent then a Messanger into England for he● remayned at this tyme in Normandy with letters for guarding the sea coastes dealing also with the Abbott of the Cistercians against Saint Thomas for expelling him out of the Monastery of Pontiniake who since hee continewed there two yeeres as the Authors in his life declare must needes bee sayd this yeere to haue bin banished thence for the recyted letters testify that till this yeere hee remayned there William likewise in Quadrilogus rehearseth how hee aboade two whole yeeres in that place and soe wee see hee entred first into that Abbey in the yeere of our Lord 1164. But how foule a scandall it was in the eyes of all good men to see soe greate a guest soe banished the sayd wryter sheweth at large and addeth that Lewes the kinge of France receauing tydinges thereof by letters from Saint Thomas exclamyng publickly sayd O Religion ô Religion where art thou Loe the men whom wee esteemed as dead to the world feare yet the ruines of the same world and for the fraile temporal trash which they profess to contemne for our Lord flye off from the worke which God himself hath commanded casting out of their house this man exiled for Gods cause Moreouer hee telleth vs how Saint Thomas was then entertayned by the king of France assigning him Senon to dwell in And at that tyme as the same Author reporteth it fell out that God reuealed to Saint Thomas in a vision his Martyrdome Saint Thomas afterwardes not to let shippe any thing appertayning to his office whereas hee had beefore with censures terrifyed and troubled the king now againe hee indeauored to quiet and pacify his mynde with more pleasing letters indyted in this sorte To his most beeloued Lord Henry by the grace of God King of England Duke of Normandy and Earle of Anioue Thomas by the same grace the humble seruāt of the Church of Canterbury wisheth health and all times perseuerance in goodnes with worthy resistance of all malicious suggestions Our speech to you shall bee shorte Cod. Vat. lib. 1. epist 66. least in abundance of wordes wee become ouer tedious would to God wee were more acceptable to you as to our most beeloued Lord hee knoweth this who is the searcher of hartes whatsoeuer is otherwise and falsly muttered and murmured against vs by your enemyes yea rightly and truly rather yours then ours Wee exhorte you therfore agayne on the beehalfe of Allmighty God and adiure you in the vertue in the Holy Ghost and require you for the remission of your sinnes that you make restitution sinceerly of your grace with assured peace and good security to to vs and ours and the like to the Church of Canterbury in such fullnes and liberty as our Predecessors and wee alsoe since our entrance into our Archbishoppricke haue more amply and freely enioyed the same with all the possessions Churches and prebendaryes appertayning thereunto which haue remayned voyde since the first breaking out of the discord beetweene you and vs and ours and that wee may vse and possesse the same vnder your dominion as our predecessors haue in better and more worthy sorte heeretofore done and wee alsoe since our preferment to this same Sea whereby the Church may iustly reioyce in our returne which hath for many causes to the danger of both our soules as wee beeleiue soe long wanted our presence and ought truly to lament the discommodity incurred by our absence Performe this gratious Lord with a ioyfull and pacifyed mynde that God may graunt and restore to you the peace which your harte desireth with the saluation of your soule and the soules of the people committed by our Lord to your charge and wee truly on the other syde are and will bee euer ready to doe you all seruice with more feruor and deuotion then euer heretofore so long as wee neither offend God nor violate our order thereby Concerning the goods taken away from the Church of Canterbury from vs and ours wee constantly affirme to you before God and the whole world yea were his diuine Maiestie heere present that by no meanes nor reason can the sinne bee forgiuen vnles what is vniustly taken away bee againe restored if hee who tooke it or caused it to bee taken
it was no lesse greiuous to him that your Holines sent Legates for managing this cause then if you had designed them for depriuing him of his Crowne Neither were they wantinge who ministred fewel to his enflamed mynde Weertupon was occasion giuen of malice and mischeiuous attemptes against vs and the Church of God to them who from the beeginning had myndes and meanes to hurte vs whose wicked purpose your clemency hath nothing changed although your authority repressed their assaultes All this I receaued from a Clearke who is faithfull and deuoted to your Holines who beeing then present did afterwards pruily deliuer the same to mee This one thing most holy father I assuredly know which I wryte not without teares that the glory of your name is somewhat eclipsed because the detraction of your fame is as it were meate and drinke to backbyters and slanderers who like men intoxicated and drunke with wyne teare in peeces your renowne and deuoure it with the iawes of misreportes and these are not the fauorers of my Lord of Canterbury but also his professed foes and that especially since the tyme of his victory and yours as many beeleiued was now at hand for the day of the Appeale beeing past the king was in that feare to see himselfe excommunicated and his whole dominion interdicted as hee sayd openly Hee neither perswaded nor compelled his Bishoppes to appeale and therefore would not intermedle in the matter the Bishoppes themselues were soe mightily troubled and feared soe much to bee interdicted as some of them sent messingers to my lord of Canterbury others were ready to appeare at his summons When Iohn of Oxeforde as your Legate assembling the Bishoppes commanded them by authority from you as it is reported in France that they should not come to the Lord of Canterbury vpon his citation Whereupon Master Robert Bishop of Hereforde beeing at the seas syde ready to passe ouer was recalled againe as in way of excuse was deliuered from him to the Lord of Canterbury by his Messingers beeing religious men and well knowne I beeing then present and therefore soe great a trouble hath inuaded the myndes of many vpon the feare they conceaue of the kinges subtell deuises to the ruine of the Church of Englād and all Churches within his Dominion together with the ouerthrowe of the Ecclesiasticall liberty and the longer and stronger persecution of the Archbishop For whereas it is sayde by many and that very often that the king hath set vp the rest of his hope on your misfortune and deathe which Allmighty God out of his most mercifull clemency long deferre affirming constantly as it is reported by many that hee will neuer admitt your successor vntill hee hath confirmed all the dignityes and customes of his kingdome It is therefore supposed that craftily and fraudulently hee requesteth the Legates for accomplishing his owne endes and desires as well against the lord of Canterbury as all other Bishoppes of his land or if that fayle yet at the least that hee may put of the excommunication against his person and the interdiction of his dominions and thus winning tyme hee may soe auoyde the authority of the Bishop of Canterbury as if in your Popedome hee bee not bounde hee neede not feare the power of your successor since as many say hee hath resolued not easely to receaue him Wherefore most wise father such as thirst after the spirit of God and peace of the Church desire with all the affection of their myndes that our Lord will styrre vp in you the spirit of Daniel to search out the sleyghts of Bell Daniel 14. and to kill the Dragon For which they beseech God with their deuoute and continual prayers God prosper your Holines with many yeeres Thus far Lumbard whom one reporteth to haue bin the renowned diuine who flourished in Paris and beeing properly called Peter Lumbard liued in these dayes You haue heard the complayntes of the king of France and others expressed in Lumbardes letter Heare now the exulting and insulting of the king of England deriued from this vnfortunate fountaine beeing no litle cause of lamentation to all well disposed myndes For there is extant to this purpose an epistle of Iohn of Salisbury written to Iohn Bishop of Poytiers wherin after other thinges hee sayth thus of the king of England Moreouer the king himselfe toulde the Bishop of Worcester that hee and all other Bishoppes were now exempt from the Lord of Canterburys power and commanded him not to feare any threates for hee had now my Lord the Pope and all the Cardinalls in his purse and soe far hee vaunteth as hee sayth openly hee hath now at last obtayned the priuiledge of his Grand father beecause in his owne land hee was a king a Legate a Patriarcke and Emperor and what hee list Cod v●t lib. 1. epist 1●8 and soe would he bee wherin as it is probable hee aymed at the Church of Rome For what could Octauianus or the Archhereticke of Crema haue don more for him How could their Cardinalls haue pleasured him more then the forenamed Cardinalls sent from Pope Alexander who whetted the tongues of England and made them spitt fire and poyson to terrify the Pope and subiect him to their will This will bee regestred in the Chronickles of the Roman Church and doubtlesse God permitting it there will not want Historiographers to recorde that at the petition and threates of the king of England whose intollerable excesses hee had soe long endured the Champion of liberty the preacher of iustice now liuing with an infinite number of Innocents for the cause of Allmighty God as yet foure yeeres in banishment without any respect of reason or lawe as a man guilty was depriued by the Pope of his office not vpon any offence of his but only to please a Tyrant And yet neuerthelesse vnder his letters patents remayning with vs was granted him to exercise in his ample right the power of his office wherein is expressed that hee neither gaue nor restrayned the mandate for the kings excommunication O good God what a nouelty haue wee heere Isaia 58. The holy Ghost biddeth in his lawe Crye out cease not and loe an other spirit of what fashion I knowe not issuing out from the Citty into the world sayeth to the Preachers cease crye not 2. Tim. 4. The Apostle instructing a Bishop commanding biddeth Accomplish thy ministery And lo the Apostolicall man willeth saying desist from the ministery of thyne office Yet perchāce hee supposeth hee can with patience mollify his mynde but hath hee not a sufficient tryall to the contrary in the Bishoppe of Canterbury who hauing bin allmost foure yeeres depriued of his Sea hath felt the remisnes of the Sea Apostolicke and the Tyranny of the king beeing all this while exposed to windes Let therefore I pray you my Lord the Pope bee ashamed of such a conscience and haue a care of his fame honor and preseruation of the Church
kinges customes the very ground of all this terrible discord Thus therefore by reason of the faire promises and a false pretence of contriuing a peace Pope Alexander was deceaued by him who is found a notorious lyar in this that vpon his returne hee publickly reported how by priuiledge of his Holines hee w●● exempted from the iurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury For that the Archbishoppes authority was only suspended during the continuance of the L●gantine power and no way abrogated what beefore is sayd doth playnly showe And Pope Alexander wryting the next yeere to the Legates against this Iohn of Oxeforde who had dispercing sowed such falshoodes in the myndes of all commanded him to bee punished with a most seuere iudgment And these letters shall also in their proper place bee recyted All this haue wee sayd to wash away the fowle slanders which Iohn of Oxeforde bruted in England against Pope Alexander and which Iohn of Salisbury too credulous relished soe ill for a tyme for although as you haue seene hee spoake hardly against Pope Alexander yet afterwardes againe hee commendeth and in parte excuseth him in regarde what hee did was vpon constraint of necessity For writing to saint Thomas hee sayth Neither haue I any greate confidence of the Courte of Rome whose manners and necessitys are well knowne to vs Pope Alexander indeede is a holy and iust man but his extremityes are soe many and soe greate is the couetousnes and wicked dealing of the Romās as sometymes hee stretcheth to the vtermost of his power and procureth by dispensation that which is sayd to bee profitable to the common wealth allthough vnprofitable to Religion And againe neyther bee yee discomforded if yee see in the Roman Courte somewhat worthy of reprehension remēbring in the Gospell how the faithfull are commanded not to imitate the workes of them who fit in the chaire of Moyses but to followe their doctrine But hee corrected absolutely this and all the rest of his last letters written vpon this occasion after better discouery of the busines handling the whole matter from the very first comming of this most vilde man Iohn of Oxeforde and wryting to Myles Bishop of Moryn in this sorte If any man will dilligently consider the preceedinges at Rome hee shall apparantly see how the Pope albeeit circumuented yet neuertheles most faythfully handled the cause of the Church and vs. For the often recyted Iohn of Oxeford beeing in the end vpon his oath according to the custome absolued swoare againe publickly that hee did nothing in the aforesayd Conuentickle of Scysmaticks against the faith of the Church and the honor and commodity of my Lord the Pope And I would to God hee had not bin periured Afterwardes hee deliuered letters of commendation and Petition from the king wherin was written that credit should bee giuen to him in all thinges as to the king himselfe Then boulstred out with soe greate an authority hee submitteth the cause in controuersy betweene the king and the Archbishop for the wicked customes to the arbitriment of his Holines that at his pleasure they should bee either confirmed or cancelled and binding this also with another oath hee preuayled soe farre as the Pope yeelded to send his Legates to this purpose Thus sayth Salisbury whereby you may see that a man promising soe much and that not idely but fortifyed with the letters of a king and mayntayned with oathes ought not to passe vnrewarded from the Pope which rewarde his Holines beestowed as the same Author witnesseth in the Epistle next ensuing for hee sent him backe into England endowed with a Ring and preferred to the benefice of a Deanry whereupon hee grew to falsify with more confidence and had far better occasions to coulor his deceyptes And I would to God I could excuse as well as the Pope some of the Cardinalls who were corrupted with golde but God forbid I should purge with excuse that which deserueth exceeding reprehension yea I haue euer sayde these deade flyes loosing the odor of their oyntmentes are to bee prosecuted with most bitter inuectinnes The king of England endeauoreth to corrupt the Cardinalls with bribes The king of England sent therefore by the Embassadors to Rome certayne poundes of gould to bee distributed among the Cardinalls Many entertayned fowly these giftes others to their great commendation absolutely refused them beecause they beelieued these rewardes of kinges turned to the reproach of the Apostolicke Sea which assuredly soe happened for by reason heereof were raysed most greeuous scandalls and the face of the holy Church the spouse of Christ was much darkened for marke I pray you heereupon the iust complaynte of saint Thomas vttered in his epistle to the Archbishop of Mountes I speake sayth hee with greife a thing much to bee lamented Ibidem epist 21. the Citty of greate renowne which hath conquered allmost the whole world is surprysed beeing ouerthrown with the couetousnes of earthly fauor and shee who could neuer perish with the swoard yeeldeth thorough the infection of an accidentall poyson O greife in her fall is euery where found the losse of the Churches liberty for the grace of a temporall commodity A breach is made to her ruine by the subtell sleyghtes of riches shee practiseth dishonestly as a harlot who lyeth openly in the streete to the lust of many euery mighty man committeth fornication with her These and other the like with great bitternes of his mynde did Saint Thomas euen now at the poynte of his glorious Martyrdome poure out into the eares of his faithfull frind vpon occasion of this gould so sent by the king of England to corrupt the Courte of Rome Heare you also the complayntes of the Bishop of Poytiers wryting there of to Lumbard● in this sorte Ibidem epist 32. The king moreouer vaunted that hee had such frindes in the Courte as could quashe all the attemptes of the Archbishop of Canterbury and were so diligent in following all his busines as the Arbishop could not deliuer a petion nor obtayne the least fauor but hee had present intelligence thereof by his frindes yea wee knowe they re names whose assistance he vseth and haue lately dealt in courte that the cause of God and the power of Christ might be soulde at a vylde rate neither truly was there a multitude in the commutation of them and was it possible there should bee such ounces of golde as could enforce them to fall who should haue bine the very pillars of the Church And the king is soe puffed vp with this tryumph as they cannot conceale in his Pallace but must needes blab what Cardinalls they were who would not taste of that pestiferous and infamous gold and on the other syde who they were who disposed of the money in what sorte it should bee distributed to some more to some lesse according as euery of them did more or lesse deserue in this worke of the subuersion of iustice Thus wryteth hee of
Poytiers setteth forth in these wordes A man assuredly of greate hope of high fame of eminent authority And a little after There is not in the Clergy of France I sperke it from my harte who excelled him for wisedome and eloquence Moreouer the king of France sent letters importing as much to his Holines And saint Thomas himselfe hath his letters yet extant which hee wrote to Manfred the Cardinall to Bernard Bishop of Portua and to Humbald and Hiacinth Cardinalles Ibid●m epist 52. all tending to that purpose But this concerning the suspencion was graunted by the Pope beefore hee vnderstood the aforesayde deceiptes of Iohn of Oxeforde Ibidem epist 54. Ibid epist 55 which beeing once discouered hee was incensed with such a zeale against this trechery that hee suspended presently the Legates from approaching to the king and with his letters comforted Saint Thomas all which is witnessed in the letters of Iohn of Salisbury to Syluester where first hee wryteth of the most magnificent intertaynement of sainct Thomas by the king of France in these wordes The most Christian king of France receaued my Lord of Canterbury at Senon with royall magnificence in the Church of S. Columb Ibid epist 90 and in all respectes doth soe honor and reuerence him as beeseemeth the Christ or anoynted of our Lord to bee entertayned by a most Christian man yea in the eyes of that most faithfull Prince as himselfe confesseth the dayes seeme few and the expences small in comparison of the great loue which hee beestoweth in the seruice of the Preist of Christ and of this Apostolicall man and therefore this faith which with humility hee practiseth I beeseech God with worthy retribution to rewarde whose bounty it is that liuing in the middest of his enemyes without blood or war hee prospereth in all thinges and which most highly hee esteemeth is beloued and greatly respected by his subiectes 2 Reg. 6. as Obededon the Gethean vpon receauing the Arcke of God found the fruites of a diuine benediction in the fertility of his hand-maydes and flockes together with the multiplying of his whole possession 2. Paral. 34. 35. ibidem 20 and as Olela for receauing the same Arcke being cast out of the Temple of our Lord by Achaz obtayned in the silence of the Bishoppes and Preistes the grace of Prophesy This most Christian king receauing into his realme the Church of Rome in the person of Pope Alexander had by his wife a sonne and by Gods grace heyre of his faith and kingdome a thing which aboue all others he most earnestly desired and now for his charity to the afflicted Church of England hee confidently expecteth an other reward which God of his goodnes giue him My lord the Pope hath of late as well by message as letters recomforted the Archbishoppe of Canterbury and I would to God the world vnderstood with what sleyghtes and deuices the notorious swearer procured that whereof the Aduersaryes of the Church doe soe gloriously vaunte And a littel after These thinges are yet vpon the necessity of obedience concealed from the world but our hope is that all will bee shortly published beecause as wee certainly heare the comming of the Legates which hath by them binne soe gladly expected is now suspended or rather frustrated vpon the discouery of Oxeforde the swearers falshood Thus Salisbury Yet indeede the comming of the Legates to the king of England beeing for a tyme suspended was not suffered to proceede vntill almost the later end of Autumne But Pope Alexander receauing soe many complaintes by the letters of sundry persons for suspending Saint Thomas somewhat moued thereat wryting to the Legates signifyed how hee nothing at all abrogated the authority of Saint Thomas but rather suspended the power of the Legates themselues from intermedling any way as iudges in decyding these controuersyes For the letters hee sent to the Legates à latere Dated 9. Maij are these After your departure came heauy tydinges to our cares how our beeloued sonne Iohn Deane of Salisbury publickly declared that in regarde wee exempted Bishoppes and other Ecclesiasticall and tēporall persons of the kingdome of England from the Iurisdiction and authority of our reuerent brother Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury wee did all this to satisfie the will and pleasure of the king of England and to depose and condemne the Archbishoppe and that wee sent yee purposely to that end It is also insinuated to vs that Iohn Cunim of Oxeforde shewed to Guydo the Antipope of Crema all the letters hee procured of vs whereupon the Archbishop beeing confounded with shame and greife our most dearly beeloued sonne in Christ Lewes the renowned king of France together with his Princes through these reportes are very much troubled and extreamly moued for allthough it was suggested to vs by many and made in a sorte to seeme credible that the aforesayde Iohn did only and so faithfully labor for the honor and aduancement of the Archbishoppe with his Church and for the liberty of the same pretending that at his returne home hee would with his labor and industry procure the deliuery of Ecclesiasticall persons from restraint of imprisonment which they endured vpon the kinges Commitment and last allbeeit the forementioned Iohn signifyed to vs by his letter how the king in the presence of many did publickly say Hee would conserue vntouched to the Clergie of England the selfe same libertyes which they had in the raigne of his Grand-father king Henry yet neuertheles in regarde the fame heereof is soe farre spread as it causeth our good name in those partes to bee consumed with infamy wee admonish and command your wisedomes that yee haue instantly a speciall care to recomforte the sayd Archbishoppe with your letters and clearing his mynd from all sorrowe and suspicion yee endeauor by all meanes to reconcyle him to the king and worke a perfect peace among them and that hereein yee spend all the care and diligence yee possibly can prouyded allwayes that yee preserue pure and vntouched the ancient lawes and libertyes belonging to him and his Church neither doe yee any thing else of importance within the kinges principalityes enter not in any case into his kingdome although himselfe doth neuer soe much entreate yee vnles the Archbishop bee first accorded vnfaynedly with him because it will contract to yee and vs a wonderfull infamy whereby the voyce of the people will rent in peeces your honor with slanderous detractions but for Iohn Cumyn if yee finde the allegations to bee iustified against him censure him with seuerity that hee bee made an example heereafter to terrify others Wee also will that in all your actions and affaires yee beehaue your selues aduisedly grauely and prouidently to the end no cause of reproch bee any way found against yee but that the deuotion of both kingdomes by your trauell and conuersation bee continually encreased as well to vs as the Church wherby yee may gayne to your selues an
Hungarians which at the day of Iudgment cannot excuse vs if wee preferre the barbarisme of Tyrantes before Apostolicall constitutions and beeleiue the vsurping pryde of wordly powers to bee rather a rule to directe our life then the Eternall Testament confirmed with the bloud and death of the sonne of God To frame therfore a lamentable end to our former discourse let your Holines now consider if this ought to bee the fruite of our labour trauayle and exile thus to bee iudged naked miserable depriued of our whole estate and these extremityes in our tryall only beecause wee attempted for the liberty of the Church to withstand a most fierce oppressor of the same Yea wee who daylie expect comforte from this desolation ioy for this misery with a iust reuenge from God and you against the Churches Aduersaryes for their iniury done to Christe Could it not sufficiently satisfy them who sought our life that they haue murdered some of vs nor yet could they content themselues with our pouerty and calamity beeing scarse able to liue by releife from the almes of strangers but that wee must moreouer with this Legantyne authority which would it had neuer bin bee in vayne protracted and delayed from yeeres to yeeres from greife to greife from misery to confusion Yea our right and iustice to be turned to the ruine of vs and our wretched Associates Good God what will bee the end of this dolor Aryse ô Lord adiudge thy cause reuenge the bloud of thy seruantes thus impiously killed together with those who through intollerable afflictions doe euen now fainte since there is none but our Lord the Pope and some few left with him who will deliuer vs out of the handes of our enemyes God grante your Holines for many yeeres well to liue and prosper that wee with our vnfortunate fellowes may liue and recouer This was the reporte of Saint Thomas vnto the Pope In the meane while the Legates Cardinalls signifyed to Saint Thomas how the king of England had obtayned from his Holines which as wee see by all meanes possible hee bruited abroad that the authority of Saint Thomas concerning the affaires of the English Church was wholy interdicted There is extant a restraynte in this manner which was sent by them to Saint Thomas written in these wordes To our reuerent and most beeloued brother the Archbishop of Canterbury William and Oddo Cardinalls send greeting The king was certifyed of your answer as well concerning the agreement as alsoe the cause Cod. Vat. lib. 2. epist 29. if soe it pleased him to proceede against you and wheras hee was before hy reason of your other actions as hee sayde incensed enough and too to much hee beecame now enraged with a greater and more vehement indignation accusing peremptorily the erection of your mynde against him and our Lord the Popes nrglect of his affaires Moreouer the Bishoppes and Abbottes of the kingdome of England hearing you would haue noe dealing with them nor yet stand to our iudgment read openly in our presence our Lord the Popes letters wherin as hee sayth hee commandeth you to forbeare interdicting the land They demanded alsoe of vs if they might by vs or either of vs thorough this our Legantine authority bee defended against these your molestations of them in England wherunto when wee answered wee had no power at all concerning any matters in the realme of England they appealed there instantly both for themselues and the whole kingdome vnto our lord the Pope sheilding themselues and the realme vnder the protection of his Holines and vs assigning for their day the feast of Sainct Martin wherfore wee command your dearly beeloued selfe and enioyne you on the beehalfe of the Pope and our selues that answering the foresayd Appeale and respecting the restraint which our Lord the Pope as hee affirmeth hath layn vpon you you attempt no interdiction or excommunication against the realme of England before you haue appeared in the Apostolike presence and vnderstood the pleasure of his Holines and the Church of Rome heerein The Bishoppes likewise and Abbottes themselues haue sent their especiall messangers to denounce to you this their Appeale made in our presence together with the determined day This was the Mandate of the Legates But when this newes of the inhibition or restraint of the authority of Saint Thomas was not only by letters signifyed vnto him but also as before you haue heard reported euery where to the scandall of all good men who fauored the Churches liberty S. Thomas beeing heerewith exceedingly afflicted did wryte lamentable letters replenished with complaintes heereof as well to Pope Alexander himselfe as also to all the Cardinalls of the Romane Church wherin hee discouered the bitter sorrowe of his mynde all which especially wee can readylie declare beeing extant in the end of the same often recyted booke of Epistles and were by error of the wryter omitted in the second booke after the 45. epistle as the corrector of that error hath admonished vs. The epistle of Saint Thomas to Pope Alexander is in this wise To his most beeloued lord and holy father Alexander by the grace of God high Bishop Thomas the humble seruant of the Church of Canterbury a wretched and miserable banished man together with his exiled Associates wisheth prosperity and all felicity Saint Thowryteth to the Pope expressing his sorrowe We send to your holines the bearers heereof beeing two persons faithfull to vs and fellowes of our miserable exile such at this instant as wee could gett and them whom wee haue assigned to deliuer in your presence the certayne and pittifull relation of matters concerning vs now lately acted and withall the necessity of our calamityes beeing assuredly aboue measure that wee may thervpon receaue if it please you with speede redresse by your meanes from this oppression of the Church and vs which helpe though most due is yet too long delayed and obtayne withall through the hand of your mercy releife in our greiuous distresses least being otherwise cruelly and abouer sure depressed we fainte in this tribulation a greater then which we haue not since the first beginning of our long continued afflictions endured For we are deferred the tyme is now tedious as your excellency vnderstandeth we are put of and prolonged no lesse cruelly then vniustly from yeeres to yeeres in misery and dolor that if perchance by that way in length of protracted tyme our life may perish through tribulation and we thus worne out altogether be extinguished and fall to dust as absolutely spent in the extremitys of our disasters while death in the meane tyme which God forbid may depriue you of authority whose power through the mercy of God shall before it expireth redeeme vs and ours out of this lake of misery and breake the snares of the malitious cōtrary to the desire of the wicked Bēd downe therfore ô Lord thyne eare and heare open thyne eyes and see if there hath bin an iniquity equall to
this be dilligent attentiue and marke if there bee a dolor like this of vs and ours who are giuen vp for a prey and spoyle vnlesse thy mercy o God doe presently through the hand of the Apostolike authority succor vs we are made a scorne and derision to those who are about vs being confounded by the authority of your Legates who would to God they had not dealte thus disorderedly and presumptuously with vs and the affaires of the Church for if they haue thus vsed vs in the greene wood what will they doe in the drye wee meane in the continuance of this Legantyne authority which would it had neuer bin They haue suspended vs as much as in them lyeth from all power which wee haue enioyed ouer the Churches and persons of England although neuer by Gods grace nor by your goodnes done at the instance of any Prince or other or by Gods mercy will bee done as your excellency vouchsafed most certainly to promise vs. And why renowned Lord haue you granted this Legantyne authority to such a man let it bee spoken with your pateence in whose first entrance to this busines your Lordship ought to haue bin circumspect what the fruite of this Legation would he and more considerate what the end would proue especially in him whose endeauors were wholy bent from the first and so are still to the ruine of the Ecclesiasticall dignity and alsoe of yours if so he may be gratious therby to the king My Lord my Lord on you are cast our eyes least otherwise wee perish helpe vs my Lord and deale with vs according to your promises which wee would they had not in vayne reioyced our hartes for wee haue endured vpon the commandement of your excellency wee haue endured peace wee say and it commeth not wee haue expected by the handy worke of your Legates good and behould our affliction is more encreased and our troubles more terrible Take pitty on vs therfore my Lord take pitty since there is none vnder God who fighteth for vs but only your selfe with your faithfull Assistantes Haue mercy on vs wee say that God may haue mercy on you in that seuere iudgment when you must yeelde accompt of your Baylywicke for wee haue refuge to none vnder God but your selfe since euen they to purchase she fauor of men oppose against vs who in regarde of piety and iustice and for the reuerence of the sacred Church of Rome ought especially to mayntayne and defend vs. For your estates beeing now consumed and endles vexations assaulting vs wee haue not heereafter any meanes left how to prosecute this troublesome sute and cōtrouersy raysed by them nor the least parte therof Let then your excellency instantly if it please you helpe vs and the Church with making an end of this malitious mischeife that there be heereafter no longer delay because the tyme now importuneth it for hardly are wee able to breath our extremities are soe greate make haste therefore that wee may receaue some benefit of your fauor before wee dye God send long prosperity and life to your holy and bounteous goodnes which wee esteeme most deerely and is next vnder the loue of our Lord for vs most necessary that by your magnificence wee may beegin to reuiue who now beegin to dye Please it your wisedome to bee also informed that three dayes before these mischeifes befell vs we sent messingers with letters to signify to your Holines in what manner we departed frō your Legates For the most Christiā king of France his Queene the Princes and Bishoppes of the kingdome with others of lesser note who loued you did by theer letters congratulate you glorifying Allmighty God and thanking his diuine Maiestie and you because it was manifest vpon the comming of the Legates as they themselues by word of mouth made knowne to my Lord the king that all the rumors were false and most vntrue which Iohn the swearer of Oxeforde and others the kinges messingers had vaunted concerning the aggreiuances and ouerthrowe wee should receaue by the Legates which raysed an vnspeakable scandall throughout the whole kingdome of France and among all who heard this reporte they only excepted who were aduersaryes to the Church and vs But this harpe was turned to lamentation this mirth to morneing and the last error made worser then the first Wee humbly therfore beeseech that it would please your Holines to apply a present remedy to a sicknes yet beeginning and to let men openly knowe according to the truth how all this presumption was without your priuity and contrary to your commandement And soe againe God send your Holines well to doe now and eternally Thus much wrote Saint Thomas to Pope Alexander Which the Saint not satisfyed with this seconded with the ensuing complaintes to the sacred Colledge of Cardinalls To his reuerent Lordes and Fathers the Bishoppes Codex Vatican in the Appendix of the epistles epist 1. Preistes and Deacons by the grace of God Cardinalles of the sacred Church of Rome Thomas by the same grace the humble seruant of the Church of Canterbury a wreched and miserable banished man sendeth gteering with remembrance of his most respectiue dutifull seruice Saint Thomas complayneth to the Colledge of Cardinalls It is not easy for a wreched man to make a gratefull discourse and for the miserable to keepe a measure is speech forgiue therfore wee beeseech yee the wreched and pardon the miserable Wee beelieue most holy fathers how yee are by the ordinance of Allmighty God placed in that your hygth of dignity to this purpose especially that yee should chase away iniustice cut of all presumption gratiously succor the afflicted of the Clergy and neuer suffer them to bee ouerborne with reproches and calamitys but ayde and assist the oppressed and aggreiued suppresse their false accusers and seuerely punish such as worke their ruine For in not chastising the peruerse nor resisting the Persecutors of the Church wee doe nothing but fauor them Hee seemeth secretly to consent who opposeth not himselfe against a manifest offence whereupon wee conclude it cannot bee but that yee are hereafter bound with all your forces and endeauors to assist this cause of ours And a litle after is not our cause also yours yea absolutely yours Will yee not yet seeme to knowe that the king of England hath vsurped and euery day vsurpeth euen still the possessions of the Church how hee ouerthroweth the Churches liberty layeth hands on Gods anoynted tyrannizing euery where and without any respect ouer the Clergie castinge some into pryson dismembring others plucking out the eyes of these enforcing those to vndergoe the combate of single fight and likewise causing Clearkes to endure the tryall of fire and water making Bishoppes to disobey their metropolitan and inferior Clearkes their Bishoppes not to acknowledge themselues excommunicate who are neuertheles truly accursed and in a word which is farre worse that hee cleane abrogateth the whole liberty of the Church not
But why after this prefixed day when Gratian did according as hee was commanded presently returne Viuian remayned neuertheles behinde why Viuian remayned beeh●nde after Gratians departure is heere to bee shewed out of the letters of saint Thomas The expected tyme prescribed by Pope Alexander beeing expired not only Gratian but alsoe the Archbishop of Senon who was called in as a Mediator of peace betweene the king and the Archbishoppe departed both together from the king which taynted him with no smale disgrace for redemption wherof not knowing what to doe hee deuysed as his last refuge to retayne Viuian in the trafficke of peace with a certayne assurance of accomplishing the same who not suspecting any deceypt or falshoode to lurke vnder the Maiesty of a king reposing all confidence in him as one secure of peace did congratulate with his freindes for his prosperous successe therin indighting also these letters to saint Thomas the Archbishop of Canterbury To Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury Master Viuian wisheth health with victory to ouercome this instant trouble to the honor of God and his Church To the end wee might with my Lord of Towers or his Messingers make our speedyest returne to the Courte wee left Towers and on the fourth of the Kalends of Nouember receaued the letters of the king of England the Archhishop of Roane and the Archdeacon of Canterbury by the handes of the Prior of Bee and an other beeing a noble Gentleman the copys whereof wee sent to your blessed selfe beeseeching you not to listen to any Clearkes suggestion allthough hee bee most eminent in dignity vnles you haue first the kinges letters patents which as it hath bin often proposed beeseemeth best your honor and we entreate moreouer that you send instantly to vs a Poste or some Clearke by whom if you please you may signify your will to vs neither yet bee you soe much addicted to Master Gratian as to contemne in our person the honor of your most deere freind the cheife Aduocate of the Roman Church Thus far to saint Thomas after the receypt of the kinges letters for his returne to the Courte But vpon Viuians comming to the king how hee proceeded with his Maiestie his letters to saint Thomas fully declare congratulating with him more openly for the conclusion of peace in the●● wordes Blessed bee God and the father of our Lord Iesus Christ Ibid. Epist 9. Viuian deluded with a vaine hope who beeyond the opinion of many is now euen ready to vnite in the surest band of charity the walls that were disioyned by the suggestion of the wicked Beeing recalled wee returned to his Maiesties presence where by the operation of the diuine grace wee found those proceedinges wherin the honor of God and his Church was no whitt violated If therfore you haue now receaued any message from the most Christian king of France and my Lord of Roane as wee certaynly suppose you haue wee are very gladd therof for soe was it appointed and if Master Iohn of Salisbury your Clearke and our most deere companion is returned to you as wee hope hee is wee reioyce therin beecause hee hath a message to you But reuerent father whatsoeuer it is wee beeseech you and beeseeching counsell you on the beehalfe of our Lord the Pope and the Roman Church that setting all fea●es a syde you would bee willingly present at saint Denises the first Sunday after the feast of saint Martyne beeing the place and day appointed for confe●ence beetweene the two kinges beecause you shall ●here God-willing heare the Angelicall Hymne Glory bee to God on high and peace on earth to my Lord of Canterbury c. And thus far Viuian concerning an assured peace But sainct Thomas knowing more inwardly the kings suttlety neither yet as it was con●enient hauing any confidence heerin and beeing ●uspiciously fearefull answered with this letter beeing ●f greater weyght as well for wisedom as grauity Thomas by the grace of God the humble seruant of the Church of Canterbury and Legate of the Apostolike Sea Ibid. Epist 10. to Master Viuian his faythfull freind and Aduocate of the holy Roman Church wisheth health and in all thinges rightly to consider vnderstand Weyghing with my selfe the Legantyne power committed to your charge and the busines imposed on you I see nothing hath yet miscaryed in the substance of the mater by your trauail to my Lord the king of England 〈◊〉 dangers hath hitherto bin to the authority of him who sent you nothing attempted sayde or donne to our discommodity for soe far forth as this action extendeth it selfe hauing accomplished the office cōmended to your care were the successe either good or ill the prefixed tyme which limiteth your Legantyne boundes ought to make you beeing a man learned in the lawe and professing the knowledge therof on all sydes sufficiently circumspect Be ware therfore that you are well aduised and proceede wisely least you bee made a fable and derysion among the nobility But if of your selfe you haue vndertaken a new created Legantyne authority let him obey the same who is interessed in it and him vndergoe the burden to whom the profit appertaineth for myne owne parte that Iurisdiction no way commandeth mee And thus hee wrote because the tyme of his Leganty●● power was now expyred and himselfe bound no long●● to obey but whatsomeuer hee did was of his owne f●●● will and therupon addeth afterwardes But in that yo●● exhorte vs to descend to a parlee appointed between the kinges on the next Sunday at Saint Denyses 〈◊〉 wee cannot out of your mandate vnderstand with wh●● certainty what reason or what hope of peace you require it thus instantly soe on the othersyde wee very much wonder how you are in this sorte inuited to summon vs yet for the reuerence wee beare to the sacred Roman Church and for the loue wee owe you wee will allthough wee are suspended in vncertaintys and feares vpon your request giue you meeting God willing on Fryday at the Castell of Corbule that wee may better learne from your owne mouth what fruyte wee may reape by your labor and trauaile and what honor and grace your selfe may gayne therby God be with you and blesse you soe as you be not taken in the trappe which hardly any can auoyde who traffickes with them Thus Saint Thomas and truly no false prophet as will appeare by the sequell But concerning the proceedinges from the tyme of the recalling of Viuian vntill his departure being after the meeting of the kinges at Paris there remayneth an ample relation in the letter of Saint Thomas written to the Archbishop of Senon in these wordes To the reuerent father and his most deere freind William by the grace of God Archbishop of Senon Thomas the humble seruant of the Church of Canterbury wisheth as much as the deuotion of a banished and distressed person can It is impossible the mynd of the wicked should rest beeing continually gauled with the
written to them into England Ibid. Ep. 47. Knowe yee my deerest that wee haue wrytten in great tribulation and anxiety of harte not any way to heape sorrowes vpon yee but that yee may vnderstand what manner of charity wee beare abuntantly vnto yee for God is our witnes how wee couet yee in the very bowells of Christ Iesus wherupon seeing the dangers that neerely touch the body and soule yee to their iniury and which beeing neuer heard of in these our dayes are yet now beefallen wee are not a litle greiued and confounded in regarde of your selues For it is apparant by the publicke reporte of all men that yee haue abiured my Lord the Pope who representeth the person of Christ himselfe and as also who allthough vnworthy are neuertheles appoynted the father and Bishop of your soules yea this is it which aboue other thinges that wee haue many yeeres according to the example of the iust iudgment of Allmighty God indured increased exceedingly the abundance of our sufferinges for that soe detestable so wicked an oath how great a scandall doth it breede to the world what offence to God what a synne to your selfe what affliction to vs For why to abiure them whom God hath ordayned ouer yee is an iniury to him who hath ordayned them and likewise to vs who are placed in authority by him nay rather the power of him who soe exalted vs is dishonored the band of his obedience broken which vice vndoubtedly with confidence I speake it but for your sakes with teares is like and equiualent to Idolatry for sayth the prophet to resist is the synne of Southsaying and not to obey is the offence of Idolatry wherupon such by the ordinance of the old lawe as were Idolatrers sustayned the sentence of corporall death And seeme yee not to your selues to haue incurred a far greater cryme in that yee doe not only rebell but alsoe bynde your selues with an oath heereafter to rebell and that moroeuer what a thing is it for sheepe to shake of their sheapheard Verily for such as forsake their shepheardes the Wolfe hath allready inuaded them and vnles the shepheard whom they haue now abiured defendeth them hee will in the end deuoure them Many testimonyes of Scriptures and examples of Saintes may bee produced for detestation of your offence but that the excesse of such an enormity lyeth open to the eyes of the meanest vnderstanding Yet if yee were not voluntarily but vnwillingly drawne hereunto the sinne were excused in parte but not in all for better it is to suffer the body's destruction then take an abhominable oath wherby yee are beecome the children of death beecause as the prophet sayth of the people yee are stroken with the stripe of the enemy with a cruell chastisement But to manifest the watchfull care wee haue beefore Allmighty God for yee wee haue endeauored to apply to soe greeuous a wound the salue which now only remayneth and doe therfore by the power of saint Peter the Apostle the authority of the Bishop of Rome and of vs absolue from an oath soe vnlawefull all such as are penitent especially those who sweare imparting to our reuerent brethren the Diocesan Bisshoppes and preistes of lesse quality in the vacancy of Bishopprickes our power for inioyning externall satisfaction to the afore sayd Penitents Admonishing yee all who are willing to vnderstand it that yee are no way bound by such an oath nor obliged to obey it least as Herod vnder pretence of piety yee become impious and excuse with an oath an offence exceeding the swearing according to him who sayth That oath is not to bee obserued wherby a sin is vnaduisedly promised And againe In promises which are euill infringe your fayth breake your vowe change your decree doe not performe what you haue vnaduisedly vowed And many other sentences which I ouerpasse are consonant heereunto And now to conclude I who am bound in our Lord doe heere beeseech yee yea I beeseech yee as my children whom I euer ought to embrace in Christ that yee walke worthy of the vocation wherunto God hath called yee that obseruing first of all the fayth of Christ yee doe next obey his Prelates submitting your selues vnto them for they are the Parties who keepe watch ouer yee as the persons who must yeeld an accompt for your soules For brethren I would haue yee vnderstād how as well these vnlawfull oathes as also many other enormious crymes which through wicked sugestions are committed in our cause for the oppression of iustice and truth truth so fauoring it selfe will turne in the end to the benifitt thereof fore truth may bee imprisonned or entralled but can neuer bee vanquished beecause shee is contented with the smale number of her follwers and neuer caught with the multitude of men and let the spirit of counsell and wisedom inspire yee all with that discretion one to an other as being all of one mynde yee may with one mouth honor the Pastors and Bishoppes of your soules whom that great Pastor of flockes Iesus Christ hath ordayned in the blood of his eternall testament and that by the Charity of the holy Ghost yee stretch out the handes of your prayers to helpe mee your father in this ●●y extreme perill wherby I may bee deliuered from those Infidells who forbid that in this my restraynte I should bee assisted with prayer a suffrage commonly beestowed both on the faythfull and vnfaythfull The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ bee with yee all who haue corrected your error concerning this wicked oath and bin worthily and humbly contryte therfore for the contrary syde I beeseech God either instantly to conuerte them or temporally to punish them vntill they amend and doe condigne pennance for their offence Thus wrote saint Thomas vnto his Cod Vat. lib. 3. Ep. 18. But it appeareth by the testimony of Iohn of Silisbury that all did not equally condescend to this oath and that persecution was threatned from the higher powers against such as refused to sweare For hee sayth It is a publicke reporte that the aboue mentioned Archdeacon of Canterbury perswaded the king to passe ouer into England and there to torture the Bishoppes with those of the Clergy who would not sweare against my Lord the Pope and their mother Church of Canterbury on euery syde is feare perplexitys on euery syde c. The king meane while did with all dilligence possible hasten to accomplish the Coronation at whitsuntyde but concerning such thinges as foreranne the same there is extant the relation of a faythfull freind who remayned with the king and often certifyed saint Thomas by letters of these and other occurrents but now in this sorte Ibid Ep. 10. The king must bee needes at London on Sunday next for hee hath then summoned thither out of all partes of the land the Archbishop of yorke together with all other Bishoppes and Barons that day will yorke assuredly crowne the kinges sonne his wife the king
was likewise necessary for his owne saluation with the good of his children and for the establishment and prosperitie of the authority graunted him from Allmighty God to recompense the holy Church of Canterbury for that most greeuous wrong wherewith hee had lately damnifyed her for hee caused his sonne to bee without all order crowned contrary to the most ancient custome and priuiledge of our Church c. Hee setteth downe in like sorte a matter of long debate beetweene the king and himselfe concerning this whom in the end hee perswaded soe farre as hee promised to make voyde and frustrate the Coronation which was solemnized by the Pope and especially executed by the Archbishoppe of Yorke and to cause againe a Canonicall consecration to bee celebrated wherin the Archbishoppe of Canterbury should crowne the kinges sonne together with his Queene and wife But of this heereafter Hee dilated also of other particulars which happened in that in meeting to bee donne by the king as where hee speaketh thus When I therefore alighting from my horse did humble my selfe at his feete hee catching my stirrop inforced mee to get vp againe and seeming to shedde tearres sayde what needeth any more my Lord Archbishoppe let vs renewe our old mutuall freindshippe and doe all the good wee can one to an other forgetting cleane this forepassed discorde but this let mee entreate you to doe mee honor beefore the company who beehould vs a farre of Beeing Saules wordes to Samuel when hee sayde Honor mee beefore the people 1. Reg. 15. Hee proceedeth And in regarde wee sawe some there present whose name this bearer will deliuer you that had bin louers of debate and sowers of discorde passing to them hee sayde If I seeing the Archbishoppe ready to right mee euery way should not on the other syde bee likewise good to him I may truly bee esteemed worser then others and shall verify the ill reportes which are raysed of mee neither can I conceaue any counsell to bee more honest and profitable then to endeauor to surpasse him in curtesy and exceede him in Charity and benefittes Which wordes of the king were receaued by allmost all there present with very greate congratulation whereupon hee sent this Bishoppes to aduise vs to make our petition in that publicke assembly and if wee woulde haue followed the Counsell of some of them wee should haue referred to his owne arbitrement our selues absolutely and the whole cause of the Church For from the beeginning to this very day iniquity hath issued from his Scrybes and Pharises and gathered strength from the authority of Seniors who ought to gouerne the people but blessed bee God who hath not suffered our soule to passe thorough their counsell nor permitted vs to expose the Churches liberty and Gods iustice to any creatures will Dismissing them and aduising our selues with my Lord of Senon and the poore of Christe the Associates of our peregrination wee resolutely determined not any way to submitt to his will the controuersy of the customes or the dammages which hee had donne to our Church or the iniury offered vs by the vsurped consecration or the losse of the Ecclesiasticall liberty with the ecclipse of our honor And soe comming to the king and his Lordes Concerning restitution of possessiōs to the Church of Canterbury wee did with all humility beeseech him by the mouth of my Lord of Senon who was our speaker that hee would vouch-safe to restore vs his fauor with peace and security to vs and ours together with the Church of Canterbury and her possessions which beeing set downe by vs in wryting his Maiestie had read and that hee would mercifully reforme what was presumtiously downe against vs and our Church in the consecration of his sonne promising him all loue and honor with whatsomeuer seruice may bee performed in our Lord by an Archbishoppe to his king and Prince The king accepting all in good parte yeelded vs our request receauing vs with all ours there present into his fauor and in regarde your Holines commanded vs not that hee should restore what was wrongfully taken from vs and ours wee would not require it neither on the other syde by Gods grace could wee bee content to remitt it Soe according to your Mandate those thinges were for the tyme put of but not put away for had you absolutely written as in your last letters you signifyed that they should bee restored without doubt satisfactiō had bin also made with an exāple for all ages heereafter very profitable to the whole Catholike Church and especially to the Apostolike Sea The king therfore hauing had much and long conference with vs after wee two had continewed in talke alone according to our ancient accustomed familiarity vntill allmost the Euening wee agreed in one that hee beeing departed wee should returne to rēder due thankes vnto the most Christian king and others our benefactors and vpon the setling of our busines to come backe to his Maiestie and remayne a while with him before wee passed into England to the end the world might take notice into how great and intire fauor hee had receaued vs. Wee intend to expecte in France the returne of our Messingers whom wee haue sent to receaue our possessions for wee are determined not to repaire to our king so long as hee detayneth one foote of Ecclesiasticall landes for by the restitution of our landes wee shall easily perceaue how sincerely hee meaneth to deale with vs. And thus farre concerning their meeting wherin a peace was concluded There is also in the same booke of Epistles an other reporte of this meetinge which beeing only gathered from the beare sayings of others and not testifyed by an eye wittnes seemeth to bee of lesse credit then the former Cod Vat lib. 3. Epist 46. And what king Henry promised saint Thomas in wordes the same did hee also performe in wryting by sendinge these letters vnto the king his sonne Ibid Ep 43 The king writheth to his sonne about the peace cōcluded betwene him and S. Thomas Knowe yee that Thomas Archbishoppe of Canterbury hath ratifyed his peace with mee according to myne owne desire wherfore I command that hee and all his inioy this peace and that you cause the Archbishop and all those who departed the land with him to haue restitution of all their estates as fully quiety and honorably as they possessed the same three monethes beefore the bishop departed out of England And that you call beefore you some of the most ancient and sufficient knightes of Lyore and Salts kind and make them vpon their corporall oathes to certify what is there heald in Fee of the Archbishoppe of Canterbury and what shall bee founde to bee of his fee you cause to bee rendred to the same Archbishoppe agayne Thus wrote the king to his sonne And with these letters did saint Thomas send his Agents into England but how many aduersaryes they found there they signifyed by their letters backe
relation of some to the kinges eares beecause it was vnlawfull to conceale from him what by the right of his power and sworde appertayned to him to punish who instantly in the first vttering of this deadly discourse as one changed and giuen ouer to all sortes of compassionate lamentation quite altering his royall Maiestie into haire-cloth and ashes shewed himselfe more truly a freind then a king beeing sometimes astonished and from astonishmentes falling into more greiuous sighes and bitter sorrowe then allmost three days solitary retyred in his chamber hee neither endured to receaue sustenance nor admitt consolation but seemed willfully by a more deadly greife to designe himselfe to a voluntary death Miserable was the face of our mischeifes and our inward greifes fraighted with care beecause wee who first lamented our Preist beegan now therupon to dispaire the recouery of our king and beeleiued that in the death of one both would pittifully perish But his friends and principally the Bishoppes complayninge especially that hee would not suffer himselfe to returne againe to himselfe hee answered hee was in feare least the Authors and complotters of this horrible acte vpon confidence of the olde discorde promised themselues pardon of the cryme allthough himselfe by fresh iniurys and sundry bad turnes had heaped new dissentions and therfore thought the fame and glory of his renowne might bee clowded with the slaunders of his aduersarys and so falsly bruted that this matter proceeded from his owne will But hee protested as Allmighty God should iudge his soule that this accursed deede was neither acted by his will nor consent nor wrought by any deuise of his vnles heerin were perhaps his error that as yet hee was thought too litle to affect him but in this also hee absolutely submitted himselfe to the Churches iudgment and would humbly vndergoe whatsoeuer for his soules health should bee imposed and inioyned him Consulting therfore together wee accorded all in this that his Maiestie should referre himselfe to the wisedome and authority of the Sea Apostolike which the Christian fayth professeth more amply to abound with the spiritt of sapience and fullnes of power and indeauor there by lawfull and canonicall meanes to approue his innocency Wee therfore humbly beeseech that according to the spiritt of counsell and fortitude beestowed by God on you you would with seuerity punish the Authors of soe heynous an offence according to this their enormious deserte and your Apostolike piety would with more singular affection conserue our kinges innocency in his former estate Allmighty God preserue your person very long in health to his Churches vtility Hetherto the Bishoppe of Lizieux in the name of these assembled Bishoppes With these letters were messingers allso sent to Pope Alexander from the Bishopps and others aparte from the king and some likewise beefore these from the Bishoppe of Yorke to sue for absolution from his excommunication of all which there remayneth a relation from the kinges Messinger the Archdeacon of Poytiers in these wordes Who were the first Messingers from the Bishoppes and king of Englād to Pope Alexander and who the second Embassadors of the king and what as well these as these petitioned and in what sorte they departed from the Courte I will as breifely as I can rehearse First were Iohn Cumin and Master B. sent to seeke absolution for the Bishoppes but Iohn Cumin came to the courte fifteene dayes beefore Master B. and after great importunity hauing first made a promise of 500. Marcks was admitted to audience the Clearkes of the Archbishop of Yorke ād the Nuntio of Durhame partaking with him and alleaging much in excuse of the Bishopps and they had I thinke obtayned absolution had not the rumor of the Archbishoppes death come on the heade of it which absolutely disgraced all for my Lord the Pope was therewith soe exceedingly troubled that for allmost eight dayes not so much as his owne followers could haue conference with him and it was generally conceaued that no Englishman should haue accesse vnto him and so all their busines remayned in suspence The next Messingers were the Bishoppes of Worcester and Ewreux the Abbot of Valace the Archdeacons of Salisbury and Lizieux S. Robert of Newborough Richarde Barre Master Henry Pichim and one of the Templars beeing all sent to excuse the king that Canterbury was neither killed by his commandement nor will yet was it not denyed but that the king had giuen cause of his death and spoken somewhat wherupon those Murderers tooke occasion to kill him neither did those Messingers come together to the courte nor yet were admitted by my Lord the Pope nor could appeare in his presence Afterwards vpon sute of some Cardinalls the Abbot and Archdeacon of Lizieux were receaued Thursday before Easter approaching it was generally sayde in the Courte that my Lord the Pope would that day pronounce sentēce of excōmunication against the king and kingdome Wherupon the Messingers stroaken with feare by the intercession of some Cardinalls signifyed to my Lord the Pope that they had receaued commandement from my Lord their king to make oathe in his presence that the king should obey his Mandate and that the king should in his owne person sweare as much The same Thursday about nyne of the clocke as well the kinges messingers as the messingers of the Bishoppes were called in the generall Consistory The kinges Messingers beeing the Abbot of Valace and the two afore recyted Archdeacons Henry and Richarde Barre were sworne that the king should stand to the Popes iudgment and that when his Holines should commande him hee should take thereupon his Corporall oathe Neuertheles the Pope generally excommunicated the same day the Murderers of saint Thomas and all that gaue counsell ayde or assent therunto and all who should receaue them into their land or any way abett them After Easter came the Bishoppes of Worcester and Eureux with Robert de Newboroughe The Relatiō of the Messingers proceedinges with the Pope and whether the sayde oath were required of them I knowe not but that they swore not I am certaine and when they had attended the Courte xv dayes and more they were called in to receaue their answer for they with others agreede as well in excusing the king as in accusing according as hath bin sayde And when it was supposed they should haue caryed backe a happie doome my Lord the Pope confirmed the sentence of interdiction giuen by the Bishoppe of Senon against the kinges dominions on this syde of the Seas with the sentence of suspension and excōmunication which was denounced against the Bishoppes of England adding withall that hee would send his Legates to the king to see and vnderstand his humility Afterwardes at the great instance of the Messingers by the intercession also of some Cardinalls and large sommes of money as it is sayde this was obtayned our Lord the Pope should wryte to the Archdeacon of Bitureux that if within one moneth after these Messingers
of Quadrilogus wherunto all other wryters who reporte the life of saint Thomas agree And that not only hee who dyed at Consentia but also the other three who sayled to Ierusalem liued not aboue three yeeres after they had martyred the Saint is constantly alleaged in the aforementioned history soe as they exceeded not the limitts of the nexte yeere following For they beeing vpon the Popes commandement restrayned in a place called the Black-Mountaine a pryson of pennance did there as penitents finish their dayes and were graced with a seemely buryall beefore the dore of the Temple with this inscription as Roger sayth ouer them Heere lye the wreched men who martyred blessed Thomas Archbishoppe of Canterbury Soe let this bee the period of this yeeres history AN. DOM. 1173. Next followeth the yeere 1173. with the sixt Indiction The Cannozation of S. Thomas Whenas Pope Alexander vpon returne of the Legates late sent to the king of England hearing of them what miracles were wrought by God with a mighty hande and a high arme in Thomas the new Martyr and therupon taking aduice with his brethren the Cardinalls of the sacred Roman Church by the generall consent of them all Cannonized him among the number of the holy Martyrs Treating therfore heereof let vs first make dilligent search of precedent matters After this bloode soe shed sayth Edward God by many miracles published his sanctity but at the first they lay concealed as not purchaceing creditte till by the multitude of them the impiety of his aduersarys was vanquished and the mouthes of the wicked stopped for so far truly the number and greatnes of his miracles grewe manifest as in their open showe saint Thomas seemed not only nothing inferior to other renowned Saintes but also excelled them as wittnesseth Peeter of Bloyes an eye witnes and Iohn of Salisbury sometimes the holy Martyrs secretary for Peeter with greate confidence wryteth thus to Richard Bishop of Siracusa saying Reioice England and let the Westerne worlk tryumph beecause the East hath visited vs from high India and the Easterne regions gloryed in Thomas the Apostle But hee hath respect to the Wersterne Church who dwelleth in heauen and looketh downe on the humble God hath beestowed on England our Thomas wee enuy not India for their Thomas let Thomas the Apostle possesse India Let Thomas our Martyr inhabite Englād that by these two witnesses of Christe euen frō the rysing of the sun to the setting therof the name of our Lord may bee praysed Some there are who trauell into India to gayne the suffrages of the blessed Apostle so lōg a pilgrimage is to paynfull for mee my Thomas sufficeth me Hee touched our lordes syde ād the piercinges of the nayles and beecause hee saw beelieued Blessed is hee who not seeing beelieued nor euer doubted but offered hinselfe to Christ and for Christ a sacrifice I labor not to compare a Martyr with an Apostle an Apostle euer excelling a Martyr but it is glorious for vs to enioy a Martyr who bearing the name of an Apostle imitateth or rather exceedeth an Apostle in miracles The Apostle is not offended beecause our Lord himselfe is not offended with Apostles and Martyrs if at any tyme the holy Ghost poureth out himselfe more fully often on any in the operation of vertues and sayth our Lord you shall doe these and greater then these Thus Peeter recyted by vs to declare the famous miracles so wrought which God in his new Saint then shewed But let vs heare Iohn of Salisbury somewhat moued against Pope Alexander as seeming too slowe in the Canonizatiō of the Martyr since God abundantly published as it appeared by soe great and soe many miracles that hee had receaued him into heauen among the number of his Martyrs Yet the Pope was to bee excused if hee deferred the same vntill the returne of the Cardinalls his Legates by whose relation hee might exactly and securely vnderstand all Neuertheles let vs see Salisburys complaynt poured out with greate assurance to the Legate of the Apostolike Sea To his reuerent Lord and most deere father William by the grace of God Archbishop of Senon Legate of the Apostolicall Sea Iohn of Salisbury sendeth greeting with the obedience of his most ready deuotion Allthough a huge desolation hath confounded hetherto the English Church Iohn of Salisburys Epistle of the miracles wrought b● S. Thoma● her sorrowe neuerthles hath now for the most parte bin altered into ioy and her lamentation chāged with a blessed and pleasing transmutation into Cāticles for miracles soe seldome heard of are at our Martyrs memoriall soe often showed as others otherwhere heard of can hardly bee compared to his for as in euery thing his noble mynd euer endeauored to excell all who liued in his age soe now that I may speake it by the leaue of other Saintes hee exceedeth others of whom wee haue read or hearde of in miraculous operations which I am easily perswaded are therfore effected that God may styrre vp in many of these in our partes of the world fayth not layde asleepe but allmost extinguished that hee might more soundy confirme charitie and stoppe the mouthes of the wicked who detracted the holy man in his life and for priuate hatred persecuted the cause of Christ For who can now misdoubt the Christian doctrine to bee otherwise then true and faythfull since hee rewardeth with soe greate felicity a man knowne to vs and constant to him Who vnles misled by the diuell will say the cause was vniust the Patron whereof God hath crowned with soe great a glory Many haue questiond whether our Lord the Popes tytle for which wee contend bee grounded on iustice but this glorious Martyr hath cleered it from any suspition of scysme beecause had hee bin a supporter of scysme hee could neuer haue shined with so great miracles Moreouer hee was a man of that excellent wisedome as hee could not easily bee supplanted with error in a matter soe neere concerning his soule I should assuredly very much maruayle why our Lord the Pope hath not allready commanded him to bee numbred in the Catalogue of Martyrs but that I remember I haue read in the Ecclesiasticall history that when Pylate sending a relation of proceedinges asked aduise of Tyberius Cesar if Christ who had don soe many and so greate miracles and was of very many worshipped as God ought to bee honored as God the Senate beeing asked by the Emperor their opinion answered hee was verely to bee reuerenced as God but that diuers of sundry Prouinces had allready without the Senates authority presumed to doe it which was truly by the diuine prouidence soe answered that the Deity of Christ whose name was to bee preached to the Iewes and Gentilles should not seeme to be● subiect to any earthly power neither the Gentills vaunt it was obtayned by petition which against their willes they were compelled to heare Beecause our Lord hath raigned let the people bee angry and the