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A59963 A hind let loose, or, An historical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the interest of Christ with the true state thereof in all its periods : together with a vindication of the present testimonie, against the Popish, prelatical, & malignant enemies of that church ... : wherein several controversies of greatest consequence are enquired into, and in some measure cleared, concerning hearing of the curats, owning of the present tyrannie, taking of ensnaring oaths & bonds, frequenting of field meetings, defensive resistence of tyrannical violence ... / by a lover of true liberty. Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700. 1687 (1687) Wing S3431; ESTC R24531 567,672 774

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defection to the Enemy and taken on with him Let the Indulged and Addressing Ministers advert to this And consider whether or not the truly tender have reason to discountenance them while they continue in their palpable defection But undenyably this refells that Objection of the Curats Ordination before they were Curats For they that change their holding of a right and take a new right which is null they forego forefeit their old right all right But the Prelatick Curats have changed their holding of their right and taken a new one which is null Therefore they have foregone forefeited their old one The minor I prove thus They who had aright from Christ by Conveyance of His officers and take a new grant for the exercise of it not from Christ but by conveyance of such as are none of His officers they change their hold●ng and take a new one which is null But the Prelatick Curats who had a right by conveyance of His officers have taken a new grant for the exercise of it not from Christ but by conveyance of the Prelat which is none of His officers Ergo The stress of all will ly in the Probation of this that the Prelat is none of Christs officers and therefore the conveyance of a power from him is not from Christ. Which I prove 1. Because His office is cross to the very nature of Gospel Church-Government and therefore he cannot be a Gospel Church Ruler Christ discharged His officers to exercise Dominion or Lordship Luk. 22. 25. or Authority as the Gentils did but that the Chiefest should be only a Minister Math. 22. 25 26. The Apostle Paul disclaims Dominion over the Church 2 Cor. 1. ult Peter exhorts the Elders not to be Lords over Gods Heritage 1 Pet. 5. 3. The Authority of Church officers then is not a Desp●tick power but a Ministerial Stewardship But the Diocesan Bishop is both a Lordly Title Power having all Authority in the Diocess derived from him as being as it were the Universal Pastor and so taking upon him a power which is neither commanded nor can be discharged Hence he that subjects his His Ministrie to the Domination of a strange Lord inverting the Nature of Gospel Church-Government cannot be ouned in His Ministrie But all Curats subject their Ministry c. Ergo 2. Because he is an officer Distinct from superior to a Presbyter or Pastor whereas the Scripture makes a Bishop and Presbyter all one The Elders of the Church of Ephesus are called Episcopi or Overseers Act. 20. 17. 28. An ordainded Elder must be a blameless Bishop as the steward of God Tit. 1. 5 7. Again it cannot be shown where the Scripture mentions either Name qualification work Duty or ordination of an ordinary Church officer Superior to Presbyters and which are not likewise appropriat to them who are called Rulers Governours Bishops In all the Holy Ghost His purposed recitalls of ordinary Church Officers there is not the least hint of a Diocesan Bishop and yet a Deacon is described the meanest officer in His work qualifications Hence then if this Diocesan Prelate be such an uncouth beast that neither in name nor Nature is found in the word of God all the power derived from him is null But the first is true Ergo 3. Because every Officer in the Scripture relates to the flock except the extraordinary Officers who were further extended now ceased Bishops of Ephesus were overseers over the flock Act. 20. the Elders that Peter writes to were over the flock But this Diocesan Antiscriptural Monster pretends to be over the Shepherds And invents new Degrees orders of Superiority inferiority of officers of the same kind beside against the Scripture which makes all Apostles alike all Evangelists so all Teachers though there be a Distinction Superiority in diverse Kinds yet not in the same God hath set some in the Church first Apostles Secondarly Prophets thirdly Teachers 1 Cor. 12. 28. but not among Teachers some above others in a power of order Jurisdiction Hence an Officer over officers of the same kind is not an Officer of Christs institution And consequently any power conveyed from his is null But a Prelat pretends to be an officer over Officers of the same kind Ergo 4. Because every officer in the Church hath equally and in perfect parity equall power Authority allowed them of God in the exercise of both the keyes both of order Jurisdiction All ruling Elders may rule alike and deserve equal honour And all Preaching Elders have the like Authority and the like honour conferred upon them 1 Tim. 6. 17. The scripture attributes both power of Order Jurisdiction to all Preaching Presbyters equally They must oversee the flock or as the word is do the part of a Bishop over them Act. 20. 28. and they must also feed the flock 1 Pet. 5. 2. Subjection obedience is one to them all alike All that are over us and admonish us we must esteem highly for their works sake 1 Thess. 5. 12. and obey submit our selves to them that watch for our souls Heb. 13. 17. we find also excommunication belongs to all alike 2 Cor. 2. 6. and ordination 1 Tim. 4. 14. But the Diocesan Prelat takes from Presbyters to himself power of ordination assuming only his Curats for fashions sake and the sole decisive power in Church Judicatories wherein he hath a Negative voice like a Diotrephes the first Prelat who loved to have the preeminence 3 Iohn 9. the only precedent for Prelacy in the Scripture Hence he that would take all power to himself which is undivided equall to all officers by Christs appointment hath none by Christs allowance but is to be reckoned an usurping Diotrephes But the Diocesan Prelat would take all the power to himself which is undivided equall to all By all which it appears the prelate being no Authorized Church Officer of Christs no Authority can be derived from him And so that such as betake themselves to this pretended power for warranting them in the function can warrantably claim no deference thereupon nor can be ouned as Ministers whatever they were before For this were an acknowledging of the power Authority of Prelats especially when the Law commands our hearing as a submitting to them The reason is because these men came forth from the Prelat having no other call or warrant but what the Prelat giveth And so a receiving of them will be a receiving of the Prelate as a refusing of them will be accounted a slighting of the Prelat his power Apol. Relat. 15. pag. 272. III. It is necessare also that all with whom we oune Communion as Ministers should be Christs Ambassadours having then when we hear them and holding still their Commission from Christ as King and only Head of His Church conveyed not only from Church officers in a way that He hath revealed as the Prophet of His
the party who are represented as the Wild folk of Scotland the design of this Treatise is to hold forth the History of their manifold Chases the Craft keenness Cruelty of their hunters and the goodlyness of the words of their Testimony Which by reason of the likeness of the Testimony of former Periods with the present and that the latter may be vindicated by the former is resumed from the beginning of the Church of Scotlands wrestlings against the Enemies of Christ and deduced through all the most signal steps of this long propagated and hereditary War. And lest my words should not be goodly enough nor my notions grateful to the Criticks of this age who cast every thing as new and nice which is someway singular and not suited to their sentiments that it may appear the Cause here cleared and vindicated is not of yesterday but older than their Grandfathers who oppose it I dare avouch without vanity there is nothing here but what is confirmed by Authors of greatest note repute in our Church both ancient modern namely Buchanan Knox Calderwood Acts of General Assemblies Cawses of Wrath Lex Rex Apologetical Relation Napthali Ius Populi History of the Indulgence Banders disbanded Rectius Instruendum and some other Authors much respected whose Authority more alwayes repelled by rage than ever yet resisted by reason though I value more than all the vain oblatrations of the Opposers of this Testimony and think it sufficient to confute all imputations of its Novelty and to counterballance the weight that may be laid on the Contradictions of the greatest that treat on this subject Yet I do not lay so much stress on the reason of their Authority as on the Authority of their reason which is here represented with that Candor and Care that lest any should cavil that they are wrested or wronged when made to speak so patly to the present Controversies I have chosen rather to transcribe their words than to borrow their matter dressed up in my own except where the prolixity multiplicity of their Arguments as clearly demonstrating that which I adduce them for as that for which they were primarly intended did impose the necessity of abridging them which yet is mostly in their oun words though reduced into a Syllogistical forme But this obloquie of Novelty being anticipated when I reflect on the helps I have collected from so many hands I am rather afraid the Truths here delivered be comtemned as obsolete and antiquate than cast at for new speculations However I am content yea it is my ambition that nothing here be looked upon as mine but that it may appear this is an old Plea and that the party here pleaded for who are stigmatized with many singularities are a people who ask the old paths and the good way that they may walk therein and though their paths be not now much paved by the frequency of passengers and multitude of Professors walking therein and albeit it must indeed be confessed the word of their Testimony is some way singular that the same things were never the word of Christs patience stated as heads of suffering before yet they are not untroden paths but the same way of Truth which hath been maintained by the witnesses of Christ in all the Periods of our Church and asserted by the greatest Confessors though never before sealed by Martyrs As for the Arguments I bring to clear confirm them whether they be accounted mine or borrowed from others I am very indifferent if they prove the point they are brought for which I hope they will be sound to do But of this ● am confident there is nothing here can be condemned untill some one or more of those grave Authors be confuted and when that is done which will be ad Calendas Graecas or against the 30. of February there is something besides here which will challenge Consideration The design then of this work is of great importance even no less than to essay the discussing the difficulties of all our Conflicts with open Enemies about the present state of the Testimony the vindicating of all the heads of sufferings sustained thereupon these 27 years past the proposing of the right state of the Testimony for the Interest of Christ not only of this but of all former Periods with an account of the propagation prosecution of the witnessings wrestlings and sufferings for it from time to time to the end it may appear not only how great the sufferings have been since this fatal Catastrophe and overturning of the Covenanted Reformation and unhappie restauration of Tyrannie and Prelacie but that the grounds upon which they have been stated are not niceties and novelties as they are reproached and reputed by many but worthie and weighty Truths of great value and validity and of near affinity unto Conformity with the continued series and succession of the Testimonies in all former Periods So that in this litle Treatise must be contained a Compendious Historie of the Church of Scotland her Testimony in all ages a vindication of the present state of it yea in effect a short Epitome of the substance of those famous forecited Authors as far as we need to consult them concerning the Controversies of the present time with Adversaries Which is much and perhaps too much to be undertaken in so small a volume But considering that many who are concerned in this Cause yea the most part who concern themselves about it are such who have neither access nor time nor capacity to revolve the voluminous Labours of these Learned men for light in this Case I have done my best to bring them into one body of a portable bulk with as great brevity as could consist well with any measure of perspicuity Not medling with any thing but what I thought might some way conduce to clear some part of the present Testimony Every undertaking of this nature cannot but be lyable to several disadvantages that are unavoidable this hath many discouraging and difficult One is that it shall be exposed to the Common fate of such representations to be stigmatized as a seditious Libel and so may be sent to the flames to be confuted and to enflame the fury of these firebrands already hell-hot into the utmost extremity of rage against the Author that ever Cruelty it self at its fullest freedom did exert against Truth and reason arraigned and cast for Sedition and Treason The only Sanctuary in such a Case is in prospect of this to have the greater care that nothing be spoken but what the Speaker may dare to affirm in the face of Cruelty it self A Second common disadvantage is obvious from the Consideration of the humor of the Age wherein fancy hath greater force than faith and nothing is pleasing but what is parasitical or attempered to the palat of the Greatest not of the best And naked Truth without the fairdings of flatterie or paintings of that pâkiness which is commonly applauded as
apetites of misled Princes Mr. Knox his defence befor the Queen when rebuked for speaking of her Mariage in the pulpit was The Evangel sayth he hath two points Repentance Faith in preaching Repentance of necessity it is that the sins of men be noted that they way know wherein they offend And in his dispate with Lithingtoun requiring where any of the Prophets did so use Kings Rulers he gave the example of Elias reproveing Achab Iezebel that dogs shall lick the blood of Achab and eat the flesh of Jezebel which was not whispered in their ears but so as the People understood well enough for so witnessed Iehu after the accomplishment Elizeiu reproved Iehoram saying what have I to do with thee if it were not for Jehoshaphat I would not have looked toward thee though a subject yet he gave litle reverence to the King. These were their Arguments for faithfullness then which are now exploded with contempt Their worship was also Reformed from all Dregs of Popery fopperies of humane Ceremonies retained in many other Churches especially in England To whose Bishops in Queen Elizabeths time the Assembly wrote That if Surplice Corner cap Tippet c. have been the badges of Idolaters in the very act of Idolatry what have Preachers to do with the dregs of that Romish Beast Yea what is he that ought not to fear to take either in his hand or fore head the mark of that odious Beast We think yow should boldly oppose your selves to all power that will dare extoll it self against God and against all such as do burden the Conscience of the faithful further then God hath burdened them by His oun word The Disclpline Government was from the begining Presbyterial even before the establishment both in practice among the Persecuted Ministers who kept their private Meetings And in their Doctrine This was one of Mr Knox's Articles he sustained at St Andrews upon his first entry unto the Ministery Art. S. There is no Bishop except he preach even by himself wiihout any substitute But so soon as they attained any settlement they assembled in their first National Synod anno 1560. by vertue of that Intrinsick Power granted by the Lord to His Church nor did they so much as petition for the Indulgence of the then Authority But upon Christs warrant they kept held their Courts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ only and in His sole Authority by direction of His Word Spirit concluded all their Counsels Votes Acts. And as they knew nothing of an Exotick Supremacy so they put out held out Prelacy and kept a perfect Parity which was nothing infringed by the extraordinary Imployments Commissions delegated to some Superintendents upon the account of the particular exigence of these times II. Next we find in the Practice of these renouned Reformers many demonstrations of pure zeal worthy of all imitation which I remark the rather because poor Sufferers that would now imitate it are condemned as blind ignorant zelots But why are not the Reformers condemned for the same things We find in the first place that they were so far from complying with or conniving at or countenancing publick sins that they could not contain themselves from declaring their Detestation of the sight of them yea the very boyes did abominate it as at the Reformation of St Iohnstoun a boy cryed with a bold voice This is intolerable that when God by His Word hath plainly condemned Idolatry we shall stand see it used in despight Whereupon he others throw doun all the monuments of Idolatry in the place But if now any should enterprise such a thing when the Idol of the Masse is set up in every City they might expect Ierubbaals censure of the Abiezrites th● it is true they might have the same encouragement because they have the same Command as he had to wit the perpetual precept of throwing doun Idolatrous Altars Next they were so far from complying with the Enemies in keeping the peace with them that they thought it a great sin not to oppose them when their brethren were forced to take the sword of self defence being perswaded by these arguments That by their fainting abstracting their support the Enemies would be encouraged And thereby they should declare themselves both Traitors to the Truth once professed and Murderers of their Brethren whom their presence Concurrence might preserve And that if they should deny their Brethren suffering for His Names sake they should also deny Christ and be denyed of Him And that God hath often punished subjects with their Princes for winking at and not resisting their manifest iniquity And therefore as He is immutable in nature so would He not Pardon them in that which He hath punished in others c. Which Arguments prevailed with the noble Earle of Glencarn in zeal to burst forth in these words Albeit never man should accompany me yet I will go to my Brethren and if it were but a Pike upon my shoulder I had rather die with that company then Live after them But now professors cannot only sit at home in their shops ceiled houses when the Lords people are pursued murdered in the fields but also can hire their Murderers strengthen their hands by paying them Cesses Localities and what they require for help to do their work and maintaining them in their iniquity Which famous Mr Knox disproveth very much in his day Arguing that if people thought they were innocent because they were not the actors of such iniquity they were utterly deceived for God doth not only punish the chief offenders but the Consenters to such iniquity And all are judged to consent who give not Testimony against it As the Rulers Bishops are Criminal of all the innocent blood that 's shed for the Testimony of Christs Truth so are all who assist maintain them in their blind rage and give no declaration that their Tyranny displeaseth them This doctrine is strange to the blind world but the verity of it hath been declared in all notable punishments from the begining when the old world was destroyed by water Sodom Jerusalem were destroyed were all alike wicked yet all perished why All kept silence or did not resist by which al● approved iniquity and joined hands with the Tyrants as it had been in one Battel against the Omnipotent Which words if impartially applyed will condemn confute the dull Daubings of the present Complyances in maintaining Tyrants their Emissaries by Emoluments which they require exact and that professedly for promoting their accursed projects And will justify Consciencious sufferers for refuseing to pay these impositions And this will the more appear if we adde some more of his pithie expressions in the same place clearing the subject he is upon and answering an objection what poor people might do when compelled to give obedience to all their Rulers demanded Ye may saith that Author
is either Positive Active or Negative Passive The first is when a party not only leaves Communion with a Church whereunto they were formerly joyned but also gathers up new distinct Churches different from the former under another Government Ministrie Ordinances disouning those they left The latter is when the faithful Remnant of a declining Church standing still refusing to concur with the backsliding part of the same Church after they have become obstinate in their defections holds clossly by adheres unto the Reformation attained This Famous Mr Rutherfoord in his due Right of Presbytries pag. 253. 254. sheweth to be Lawful and calleth it a Non-Union as that in Augustines time when the Faithf●l did separate from the Donatists which is Lawful laudable 3. Mr Rutherfoord there proceeds to distinguish between a separation from the Church in her worst most part and a separation from the best least part and these who separate from the worst greatest part do notwithstanding retain a part of and a part in the Visible Church because they do not separate from the Church according to the least best part therof as the Godly in England who refused the Popish Ceremonies Antichristian Bishops Hence it will follow that though now People should withdraw from Communion with the greatest part of the Church which is now Corrupted they cannot be counted Separatists because they hold still Communion with the better thô lesser part Moreover he saith Pag. 254. 255. That there may be Causes of Non-Union with a Church which are not sufficient causes of separation Lastly he tells us ibid. Pag. 258. When the Greatest part of a Church makes defection from the Truth the lesser part remaining sound the Greast part is the Church of separatists thô the manyest greatest part in the actual exercise of Discipline be the Church yet in the case of right Discipline the best thô fewest is the Church For Truth is like life that retireth from the manyest Members unto the heart and there remaineth in its fountain in case of dangers So that it is the major part which hath made defection that are to be accounted Separatists and not such who stand to their principles thô they cannot comply or joyne with the corrupt Majoritie Thus the Apol. Relat. rehearsed his words Sect. 14. pag. 292. 293. 4. There may be a Lawful withdrawing where the Ordinances Ministrie are not cast at as the Apol Rel. saith ibid. 291. So then so long as people do not cast at the Ordinances but are willing to run many miles to enjoy them nor cast at the Church as no Church thô they sadly fear that God shall be provoked by this dreadful defection which is carried on by these men their favourers to give her a Bill of divorce nor at the Ministrie for they love those that stand to their Principles dearly and are most willing to hear them either in publick or private 5. It is granted by all that write against Separatists that separation from a Church is Lawful when the case so falleth out that union cannot be kept up with her without sin Voet. Polit. Eccles. pag. 68. quest 17. 6. The Grave Author of Rectius Instruendum Confut. 3. Dial. Chap. pag. 7. c. allowes every Separation is not Schisme even from the Church which hath essentials yea and more than essentials If it be from those thô never so many who are drawing back from whatever piece of duty integrity is attained for this is still to be held fast according to many Scripture Commands So Elias when Gods Covenant was forsaken was as another Athanasius I and I only am left in point of tenacious integrity 7. Next he sayes if we separate in that which a National Church hath commanded us as her Members to disoune by her standing Acts Authority while those from whom we separate oune that Corruption 8. Likewise he there asserts there is a Lawful forbearance of Union Complyance with notorious Backsliders in that which is of it self sinful or inductive to it which is far from Separation str●ctly taken The Commands of abstaining from all appearance of evil and hating the garment spotted with the flesh do clearly include this 9. He addes many things will warrant Separation from such a particular Minister or Congregation which will not warrant Separation from the Church National nor infer it by Mr Durhams acknowledgement on Scandal pag. 129. for if Scandals become excessive he allowes to depart to another Congregation 10. Lastly he sayes There is a Commanded withdrawing from Persons Societies even in Worship the precepts Rom. 16. 17. 2 Cor. 6. 17. Prov. 19. 27. Act. 2. 40. will clearly import this by Consequence Surely the Ministers Professors adhering to the Reformat●on must be the true Church of Scotland thô the lesse● number These Souldiers who keep the Generals Orders are the true Army not the deserters of the same But Secondly it being in part cleared by these Assertions what is our mind in this Controversie I shall lay coun from Scripture Oracles all the Causes Cases justifying warranding withdrawing from any Ministers with application of all of them to the Curats and accommodation of some of them to all that the Wanderers withdraw from with Arguments endeavouring to evince the Validity of them and evidencing they are not new Notions but the same Grounds which approven Authors have improved in this Controversie I shall omitt the ordinary Criticismes in stating the Question in distinguishing betuixt hearing joyning in Worship and ouning them as our Ministers and submitting to them c. And only essay to prove this Thesis We cannot without sin oune Church Communion in Gospel Ordinances with the Prelats or their Curats as Our Ministers but must Withdraw from them and any other guilty of the like Corruptions which we can make out against them I shall not resume what Confirmations this Thesis is strenthened with from the Testimonies or Church Constitutions of former Periods which are premitted in the foregoing discourse Nor make any repitition of the Circumstances of our present Condition Represented above which contributes to clear it but shortly come to the Arguments I. It is necessary that we must acknowledge them Ministers of Christs and his Ambassadours cloathed with his Commission from whom we receive the ordinances of the Gospel For otherwise they must be looked upon as Thieves Robbers Usurpers and strangers whom Christs sheep will not nay must not hear Iohn 10. 1 5. And how shall they preach or be heard except they be sent Rom. 10. 15. for such whom we know may not Lawfully preach we cannot Lawfully hear These from whom we may receive the Misteries of God we must account Ministers of Christ 1 Cor. 4. 1. and Ambassadours for Christ standing in his stead beseeching us to be reconciled to God 2. Cor. 5. 20. Hence such as we doubt to acknowledge Ministers of Christ cloathed with His
their Curats have entered into officiate fixedly in this Church without her Authority Consent Ergo The Major is manifest for if this Church have a just right power of Electing Calling of Ministers then they who enter into officiate fixedly in this Church without her Authority Consent have no just Authority or right so to do But this Church hath a just right power of Electing Calling of Ministers as all true Churches have And if it were not evident from what is said above might be easily demonstrated from Scripture The minor to wit that the Prelats their Curats have entered into officiate fixedly in this Church without her Authority consent is evident from matter of fact for there was no Church Judicatory called or convocated for bringing of Prelats in to this Church but on the contrary her Judicatories were all cashiered discharged and all her officers turned out to let them in And all was done immediatly by the King Acts of Parliament without the Church A practice wanting a Precedent in this and for any thing we know in all other Churches All that the Curats can say is that they came in by the Bishop Patron who are not the Church nor have any power from her for what they do all their right power is founded upon derived from the Supremacy whereby the Diocesan Erastian Prelat is made the Kings Delegate substitute only impowered thereto by his Law. This is Mr Smiths 1 st 6 Argum. If we suppose a particular Congregation acknowledging their oun Lawful Pastor and a few violent Persons arise and bring in a Minister by plain force and cast out their Lawful Pastor Are not the faithful in that Church obliged to relinquish the Intruder and not only Discountenance him but endeavour his ejection This is our case Napth Pag. 106. § 5. Prior Edit 2. If we cannot submit to these Curats without consenting to the great Encroachments made upon the Priviledges of this Church then we cannot submit to them without sin But we cannot submit to them without consenting to the great Encroachments made upon the Priviledges of this Church Therefore we cannot submit to them without sin The Minor is all the question but instances will make it out As first The robbing of the Church of the Priviledge of Election of her Pastors and substituting the bondage of Patrons presentations is a great Encroachment upon the Priviledge of this Church But accepting of Curats as Ministers Lawfully called notwithstanding that they want the Election of the people and have nothing for their warrant but a presentation from the Patron were a Consenting to that Robberie and wicked Substitution It will be of no force to say our forefathers did submit to this and to a Ministry who had no other Call. This is answered above in the Narrative It s a poor Consequence to say the posterity may return backward because their forefathers could not advance further forward Secondly the thrusting out of Lawfull Ministers without any Cause but their adhering to the Covenanted work of Reformation and the thrusting in others in their rooms who denyed the same is a great Encroachment on the Churches Priviledges But embracing encouraging Curats by countenancing their pretended Ministry were a consenting to this violent extrusion intrusion The minor is proven thus They who leave the extruded countenance the Intruded they consent to the extrusion intrusion and declare they confess the Intruded his right is better than his who is extruded But they who embrace encourage Curats by countenancing their pretended Ministry do leave the extruded to wit their old Ministers and countenance the intruded Ergo To say that people in this case should protest against these Encroachments is frivolous for withdrawing is the best protestation And if after their protestation they still countenance the Encroachment they should undo their oun protestation The same Argument will militate against countenancing the Indulged or any that obtained Authority to Preach in any place by a power encroaching on the Churches Liberties There is an objection to be removed here from Math. 23. 2 3. The Scribes Pharisees sit in Moses Chair therefore whatever they bid yow observe that observe do therefore they who without a title usurpe the office may be heard Ans. 1. The case is no wayes alike for then the Lord had no other Church in the world but that which was confined in its Solemnities of worship to that place where they intruded themselves He had not yet instituted the New Testament forme of Administration in its ordinances Officers Therefore the Head of the Church being present might give a Toleration Durante beneplacito But it is not so now But 2. Our Lords words bears no command for the people to hear them at all but only not to reject sound Doctrine because it came from them Surely he would not bid them hear such as He calls Plants that His Father had never planted whom He bids let alone Math. 15. 13 14. and who were Thieves Robbers whom His Sheep should not hear V. They must not only be Ministers acknowledged as such then and there when where we joine with them but they must be such as we can oune Church Communion with in the Ordinances administrated by them as to the matter of them Otherwise if they pervert corrupt their Ministrie by preaching maintaining errors either in Doctrine Worship Discipline or Government contrare to the Scriptures our Confessions principles of our Covenanted Reformation and contradictory to our Testimony founded thereupon aggreable thereunto maintaining errors condemned thereby or condemning Truths maintained thereby we must withdraw from them For if any seek to turn us away from the Lord our God we most put away that evil not consent nor hearken to them Deut. 13. 5 8. We must cease to hear the instruction that causeth to erre from the words of knowledge Prov. 19. 27. we must have a care of these Leaders that will cause us to erre lest we be destroyed with them Isa. 9. 16. we must mark these who contradict the Doctrine that we have Learned avoid them Rom. 16. 17. If any man teach otherwise we must withdraw our selves from such 1 Tim. 6. 3 5. If there come any bring not this Doctrine we must not receive him nor bid him God speed in that work of his preaching or practising against any of the Truths we have received from the word 2 Iohn 10 11. Hence we most not hear false Teachers who in preaching prayer bring forth false Doctrine contrary to the principles of our Reformation But the Curats are false Teachers who in preaching prayer bring forth salse Doctrine c. Therefore we must not hear them The Minor is certain in that not only many of them are tainted with points of Poperie Ar●inianisme but all of them do teach false Doctrine
Some had y r hands struck off hanged others beheaded Some hanged quartered 〈◊〉 Some Tortured by bools thumbkins firematches Some taken instantly shot in 〈◊〉 fields Some banished others perished in ship-wrack women hanged others drowned of stakes in the sea A Hind let loose OR An Historical Representation of the TESTIMONIES Of the Church of Scotland for the Interest of Christ vvith the true State thereof in all its Periods TOGETHER WITH A Vindication of the present Testimonie against the Popish Prelatical Malignant Enemies of that Church as it is now stated for the Prerogatives of Christ Priviledges of the Church and Liberties of Mankind and sealed by the sufferings of a Reproached Remnant of Presbyterians there witnessing against the Corruptions of the Time. WHEREIN Several Controversies of Greatest Consequence are enquired into and in some measure cleared concerning hearing of the Curats owning of the present Tyrannie taking of ensnaring Oaths Bonds frequenting of field meetings Defensive Resistence of Tyrannical Violence with several other Subordinate Questions useful for these times By a Lover of true Liberty Psal. 94. 20. Shall the Throne of iniquity have fellowship with Thee that frameth mischief by a Law Prov. 28. 15. As a roaring Lion a ranging Bear so is a wicked Ruler over the poor people Hos. 8. 4. They have set up Kings but not by me they have made Princes and I knew it not Revel 12. 11. And they overcame him by the bloud of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony and they loved not their Lives unto the Death Printed in the Year MDCLXXXVII The Preface to the Reader Christian Reader PResuming it is thy desire to answer the holy honourable designation I accost thee with I shall take the Confidence to assure thee it is my design to answer in some measure the expectation which the Title of this Treatise would offer in the hope that wherein I come short as I indeed confess not only my jealous fears but my sensible conviction of my insufficiency for such a great undertaking thy Christian tenderness will impute it to my weakness and not to any want of worth in the Cause I manage which is truly worthy weighty noble honourable in the esteem of all the Lovers of Christ that have Zeal for his Honour in exercise And therefore as it gives me all the encouragement I have in dependance on his furniture whose Cause it is to make such an Essay So it animates my ambition albeit I cannot manage it with any proportion to its merit yet to move the Christian Reader to make enquiry about it and then sure I am he will find it is Truth I plead for though my plea be weak All I shall further say by way of Preface is to declare the Reason of the Title and the design of the work Though Books use not to be required to render a reason of their names which often are arbitrarly imposed more for the Authors fancy and the times fashion than for the readers Instruction yet seing the times injuries do oblige the Author to conceal his name the Title will not obscurely notify it to some for whose satisfaction this is mainly intended and signify also the Scope of the subject which aims at giving goodly words not suggared with Parasitick sweetness nor painted with affected pedantry but fairly brought forth in unhampered freedom for the beauty of the blessing of humane Christian Liberty in its due true boundaries This was the subject of a discourse as some may remember on that Text whence this Title is taken Gen. 49. 21. Naphtali is a hind let loose In prosecuting of which the Speaker with several others falling at the same time into the hands of the hunters to learn the worth of that interrupted subject from the experience of the want of it an occasion was given and interpreted by the Author to be a Call to study more the preciousness of that priviledge predicated of Naphtali which is the right an● property of the wrestling Tribe of Israel the persecuted witnesses of Christ now every where preyed upon And now providence having opened a door for delivering himself as a roe from the hand of the hunter he thought it his duty and as necessary a piece of service as he could do to the Generation to bring to light his Lucubrations thereupon With an endeavour to discover to all that are free born and are not contented slaves mancipated in a stupid subjection to Tyrants absoluteness that this Character of Naphtali satisfied with favour and full with the blessing of the Lord that he is a hind let loose from the yoke of Tyrannical slaverie is far preferable in the account of all that understand to be Christians or men to that infamous Stigma of Issachar the sin shame miserie of this age to be a strong Ass couching under two burdens and he saw that rest was good and the Land that it was pleasant and bowed his shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute But to all that are not altogether strangers in our Israel it will appear that this Title is not ineptly applied to the subject and design of this Treatise The party whose Case and Cause and Contendings are here treated of being known to have the same situation of residence in Scotland that Naphtali had in Israel viz. the West and the South Deut. 33. 23. will be found among all our Tribes most appositely to bear the signature of Naphtali who in their wrestlings for the Interest of Christ and the Liberties of his Israel have mostly jeoparded their lives in the high places of the fields and chiefly to deserve his Elogy being a hind called wild by nick-name in the scorn of them that are at ease but truly weak in their present wilderness Condition to wrestle against the force fraud of their Cruel cunning hunters who cease not when they have now got the rest of the Roes and hinds of the field made fast asleep under the bondage of the Lions dens Mountains of Leopards by a pretence of a falsely so called Liberty of Conscience to seek and pursue the chase of them for a prey Yet really they are let loose and not only suffered to run loose as a prey to the hunters by the unwatchfullness of their keepers but made to escape loose by the mercy of the Mighty one of Iacob from the nets of the hunters and snares of the foulers and from the yoke of the bondage of these beasts of prey to whose Authority they will not oune a willing subjection And being such hinds so let loose they make it their work to give goodly words for the worth and honour and Royalties of their Princely Master and for the precious Liberties wherewith he hath endoted and entrusted his Spouse and Children and to keep the goodly words of his patience untill he return as a Roe or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Bether This being
shall surely bring innocent blood upon your selves and upon the City and upon the Inhabitants thereof Now if the Princes the whole people should have been guilty of the Prophets blood how shall others be judged innocent before God if they suffer the blood of Innocents to be shed when they may save it 3 Ibid. he argues from the distinction between the person placed in Authority and the ordinance of God the one may be resisted the other cannot The plain words of the Apostle makes the difference The ordinance is of God for preservation of mankind punishment o●vice which is holy constant Persons commonly are profane unjust He that resisteth the power there is only meant of the just power wherewith God hath armed His Magistrats which who so resists resists Gods or●inance But if men in the fear of God oppose themselves to the fury of Princes they then resist not God but the Devil who abuses the sword Authority of God It is evident the people resisted Saul when he had sworn Ionathan should dye whom they delivered The Spirit of God accuses them not of any crime but praises them condemns the King This same Saul again commanded the Priests of the Lord to be slain his guard would not obey but Doeg put the Kings cruelty in execution I will not ask whether the Kings servants not obeying resisted the ordinance of God or whether Doeg murthering gave obedience to just Authority The Spirit of God condemns that fact Psal. 52. that God would not only punish the Commander but also the merciless executer Therefore they who gainstood his command resisted not the ordinance of God. 4 Ibid. He argues from examples not only of resisting but of punishing Tyrants chiefly the example of Uzziah is pertinent to this purpose 2 Chon 26. who after his usurping the Priests Office was put out of the Temple When it was replyed that they were the Priests that with stood the King not simple people He answered The Priests were subjects as Ab●athar was deposed by Solomon c. yet they made him go out of the Temple for his Leprosie and the people put him from the Kingdom It is noted also that Mr Knox in that discourse adduces examples of those who use to be brought in as objections against defensive Armes even the Primitive Christians before that Passage last cited what precepts sayes he the Apostles gave I will not affirme But I find two things the faithful did the one was they assisted their Preachers even against the rulers the other was they suppressed Idolatrie wheresoever God gave unto them force asking no leave of the Emperour nor of his deputies Read the Ecclesiastical Histories and ye shall find examples sufficient IV. In the next place we may inquire into the judgment of these Reformers concerning that Question that is now so pusling to many which indeed was never started before this time as a head of suffering but now when it is started we may gather from our Ancestors Actings Determinations about it how it ought to be answered They were indeed in capacity and accordingly did improve it for disouning the Authority of both the Queens but their capacity was not the thing that made it duty if it had not been so before Capacity makes a thing possible but not lawful It does indeed make a duty seasonable and clears the Call to it and regulates the timing of Affirmative duties but the want of it can never dispense with negative Precepts And a duty negative especially may become necessary when it hath not the advantage of seasonableness or capacity certainly it were duty to depose ●he Pope from his usurped authority and to disoune it even in Rome it self but there it would not be thought very feasible or seasonable for twenty or thirty people to avouch such a thing there yet at all times it is a duty never to oune it It is thought unseasonable unfeasable to disoune the Tyrants authority but it is made necessary when u●ged never to oune it And for this we have the grounds of our Ancestors shewing who may be disouned and must not be ouned I shall first insert here John Knox his propositions prosecuted in his second blast extant at the end of Anton. Gilbies Admonition to England Scotland 1. It is not birth only nor propinquity of bloodh that maketh a King lawfully to Reign over a people professing Christ Iesus and His Eternal verity but in his Election the ordinance which God hath established in the election of inferior judges must be observed 2. No manifest Idolater nor notorious transgressor of Gods holy precepts ought to be promo●ed to any publick regiment honour or dignity in any realme Province or Citie that hath subjected themselves to Christ Iesus and His blessed Evangel 3. Neither can Oath or promise bind any such people to obey maintain Tyrants against God and His Truth known 4. B●t if rashly they have promoted any manifest wicked person or yet ignorantly have chosen such an one as after Declareth himself unworthy of regiment above the people of God and such be all Idolaters Cruel Presecuters most justly may the same men depose punish him that unadvisedly before they did nominate appoint elect Accordingly this was done in deposing both the Queens wich is fully vindicated by the Earle of Morton in his discourse to the Queen of England as Buchanan Relates it Lib. 20. Pag. 746. The deed it self neither the Custom of our Ancestors of taking a Course with their Governour will suffer it to be accounted new nor the moderation of the punishment to be odious for it were not needful to recount so many Kings punished by death bonds exile by our Progenitors For the Scotish nation being from the begining alwise free hath created Kings upon these conditions that the Government entrusted to them by the peoples suffrages might be also if the matter required removed by the same suffrages Of which Law there are many footsteps remaining even to our day for both in the Isles about and in many places of the continent in which the old Language institutions have any abode this Custom is kept in creating their Governours of Clanns And the Ceremonies used at the entering into Government do yet retain the express representation of this Law. Whence it is evident that the Government is nothing else but a mutual stipulation between Kings people which further appears from the inviolated tenor of the Ancient Law since the begining of the Scotish Government reserved even unto our memory without the least essay either to abrogate it or disable or diminish it Yea even when our fathers have deposed banished more severely punished so many Kings yet never was any mention or motion made of relaxing the rigor of that Law And not without reason seeing it was not of that kind of Constitutions that change with the times but of those which are engraven in the minds of men from the
the King of Kings and all his instructions set doun limited in the book of God that cannot be extended abridged or altered by any mortal wight King or Emperour And seeing he was sent to all sorts his Commission discharge of it should not nor cannot be Lawfuly judged by them to whom he was sent they being sheep not Pastors to be judged by the Word and ●●t to be judges thereof in a judicial way The Interloquutor being past against him for this the Brethren thought it duty that the Doctrine of the Preachers should be directed against the said Interloquutor as against a strong mighty hold set up against the Lord Jesus and the freedom of the Gospel and praised God for the force unity of the Spirit that was among themselves And being charged to depart out of Toun they leave a faithful Declaration at Large shewing how the Liberties of the Church were invaded robbed But all this was nothing in comparison of their wrestlings for the Royalties of their Princely Master and Priviledges of His Kingdom against that Tyrants Insolencies after he obtained he Croun of England For then he would not suffer the Church to indict her oun Assemblies And when the faithful thought themselves obliged to counteract his Encroachments and therefore conveened in an Assembly at Aberdeen anno 1605. they were forced to dissolve and thereafter the most eminent of the Ministers there assembled were transported Prisoners to Black-ness Whence being cited befor the Council they decline their Judicatory And one of their Brethren Mr Robert Youngson who had formerly succumbed being moved in Conscience returned and when the rest were standing before the Council desired to be heard and acknowledged his fault and therefore howbeit not summoned by the Lords was charged by the Living God and compelled to compear that day to justifie that Assembly to the great astonishment of the Lords and comfort of His brethren He subscribed the Declinature with the rest And for this they were arraigned and condemned as guilty of Treason and banished Before the execution of which sentence Mr Welsh wrote to the Lady Fleming to this effect What am I that He should first have called me and then constituted me a Minister of glad things of the Gospel of Salvation these fifteen years already and now last of all to be a sufferer for His Cause Kingdom To witness that good Confession that Jesus Christ is the King of Saints and that His Church is a most free Kingdom yea as free as any Kingdom under Heaven not only to convocate hold keep her Meetings Conventions Assemblies But also to judge of all her affairs in all her Meetings Conventions among His members and Subjects These two points 1 That Christ is the Head of His Church 2 That she is free in her Government from all other jurisdiction except Christs are the special Cause of our imprisonment being now convict as Traitors for maintaining thereof We have now been waiting with joyfulness to give the last Testimonie of our blood in confirmation thereof If it would please our God to be so favourable as to honour us with that dignity After this the King resolving by Parliament to advance the estate of Bishops again as in the time of Popery without Cautions as before and further to establish not only that Antichristian Hierarchie but an Erastian Supremacy The faithful Ministers of Christ thought themselves bound in Conscience to protest And accordingly they offered a faithful Protestation to the Parliament Iulij 1606. obtesting that they would reserve into the Lords own hands that Glory which He will communicate neither with man nor Angel to wit to prescribe from His holy Mountain a Lively pattern according to which His oun Tabernacle should be formed Remembring alwise that there is no absolute undoubted Anthority in this world except the soveraigne Authority of Christ the King to vvhom it belongeth as properly to rule the Church according to the good pleasure of His oun vvill as it belongeth to Him to save His Church by the Merit of His oun Sufferings All other anthority is so intrenched vvithin the marches of Divine Command that the least overpassing of the bounds set by God Himself bring men under the fearful expectation of Temporal Eternal judgements If ye should authorize Bishops ye should bring into the Church the ordinance of man vvhich experience hath found to have been the ground of that Antichristian Hierarchie vvhich mounted up on the steps of Bishops preeminence until that man of sin came forth as the ripe fruit of mans vvisedome vvhom God shall consume vvith the breath of His oun mouth Let the svvord of God pierce that belly vvhich brought forth such a monster And let the staff of God crush that egg vvhich hath hatched such a Cockatrice And let not only that Roman Antichrist be thrown down from the high bench of his usurped authority but also let all the steps whereby he mounted up to that unlawful preeminence be cut down utterly abolished in this Land And beware to strive against God with an open displayed banner by building up again the walls of Iericho which the Lord hath not only cast down but also hath laid them under an horrible Interdiction execration so that the building of them again must needs stand to greater charges to the builders then the reedifying of Iericho to Hiel the Bethelite in the days of Ahab Yet notwithstanding of all opposition Prelacy was again restored in Parliament And to bring all to a Complyance with the same Presbytries Synods universally charged under highest pains to admit a constant Moderator without change which many refused resolutely as being the first step of Prelacy Upon this followed a great Persecution of the faithful for their Nonconformity managed by that Mongrel Monstrous kind of Court made up of Clergy-men Statesmen called the High Commission Court erected anno 1610. whereby many honest men were put violently from their charges habitations the Generality were involved in a great fearful Defection But the Copestone of the wickedness of that Period was the Ratification of the five Articles of Perth kneeling at the Communion private Communion to be given to the sick private Baptisme and Confirmation of Children by the Bishop and observation of festival dayes Which were much opposed testified against by the faithful from their first hatching anno 1618. to the year 1621. when they were ratified in Parliament at what time they were also witnessed against from Heaven by extraordinary Lightenings Tempest And against this the Testimony of the faithful continued till the Revolution anno 1638. Here we see how the Cause was stated in this Period and may gather also wherein it aggress and how far it differs from the present Testimony now suffered for under all rage reproach I. The matter of the Testimony was one with that that we are suffering for against Popery Prelacy Supremacy
except that it was not so far extended against Tyranny because that Tyrant was not such an usurper nor such a violater of the fundamental constitutions of the Civil Government as these that we have had to do with all But as to the managing the Testimony they far out stripped their successors in this generation in conduct courage Prudence zeal as is above hintend in many instances to which we may adde some more When several plots of Papist Lords had been discovered conspiring with the King of Spain And they were by the Kings Indulgence favoured and some were also perswaded to treat with them famous Mr Davidson opposed with great resolution Declaring before the Synod of Lothian that it favoured much of defection in these dayes that such notorious rebells to God His Church the Country should be so treated with we should not rashly open a door to Gods Enemies without better proof of their manners nor were yet seen And when a convention in Falkland was consulting to call home these conspiring Traitors Mr Andrew Melvin went thither uncalled and when found fault with by the King for his boldness he answered Sir I have a call to come here from Christ His Church who have special Interest in this Turn and against whom this Convention is assembled directly I charge yow and your Estates in the Name of Christ His Church that ye favour not His Enemies whom He hateth nor go about to call home nor make Citizens of these who have traiterously sought to betray their City native Countrey with the overthroiw of Chists Kingdom And further challenged them of treason against Christ His Church the Countrey in that purpose they were about About the same time in a private Conference with the King he called the King Gods sillie vassal and taking him by the sleeve told him Sir yow and Church Countrey is like to be wracked for not telling the Truth and giving yow faithful Counsel we must discharge our duty or else be enemies to Christ yow Therefore I must tell yow there are two Kings and two Kingdoms There is Christ and His Kingdom whose subject King Iames the 6th is and of whose Kingdom he is not a King nor a Head nor a Lord but a member and they vvhom Christ hath called to vvatch over govern his Church have sufficient Authority and Power from Him which no Christian King should control but assist othervvise they are not faithfull subjects to Christ. Sir vvhen yovv vvere in your svvedling clouts Christ reigned freely in this Land in spight of all His enemies but novv the vvisdom of your Council vvhich is Devilish pernicious is this that yovv may be served of all sorts of men to your purpose grandour Iew Gentile Papist Protestant because the Ministers Protestants in Scotland are too strong control the King they must be vveakened brought lovv by stirring up a party against them and the King being equal indifferent both shall be fain to flee to him so shall he be well setled But Sir let Gods wisedom be the only wisdom this will prove meer mad folly for His curse cannot but light upon it so that in seeking both yow shall lose both To the like effect Mr Robert Bruce in a Sermon upon Psal 51. gives faithful warning of the danger of the times It is not we sayes he that are Partie in this cause no the quarrel is betwixt a greater Prince and them What are we but sillie men Yet it has pleased Him to set us in this Office that we should oppone to the manifest usurpation that is made upon His Spiritual Kingdom Is there a more forcible mean to draw down the wrath of God than to let Barrabas that nobilitate Malefactor pass free and to begin the war against Christ and His Ministry It puteth on the Copestone that so many of our brethren should not be so faithful as their Calling this Cause craveth Fy upon false brethren to see them dumb so faint hearted when it comes to the Chock Not only are they ashamed to speak the thing they think which is a shame in a Pastor but speak directly against their former Doctrin They will speak the Truth a while till they be put at but incontinent they will turn and make their gifts weapons to fight against Christ for there is none so malicious as an Apostate when he begins to slide back c. The same faithful witness because he would not preach as the King would have him against his oun conscience to justifie Proclaim the Kings Innocency in a forged conspiracy against him was put from his Church in Edinburgh and being requested in an insinuating manner to desist from preaching but for nine or ten dayes he condiscended at first thinking the matter of no great importance yet that night his body was cast in a fever with the terror of his conscience and he promised he should never obey their Commandment any more These were faithful men yet we find they challenge themselves in deep humiliation for their short comings defections at the renovation of the National Covenant March 30. 1596. the greatst solemnity ever had been seen in Scotland before that time so that the place might worthily have been called Bochim O when shall we see such a day when even the most faithful among us shall mourn over our far more aggravated defections but if they mourned then for these first degrees of declensions we may say quam gravius ingemiscerent illi fortes viri qui propter Ecclesiae Scoticanae Libertatem olim in acie decertarunt si nostram hanc ignaviam ne quid gravius dicam conspicerent I know notwithstanding of all this that some encourage themselves in a base Complyance with the present corruptions of our Church from the practise of these Worthies Alledging they did not scruple to hear join with Prelatical men dispensing the ordinances But this Objection will be easily refelled if we consider first the Period wherein they were but growing up to a more perfect Reformation and therefore might bear with many things which we cannot after we have been reformed from them They were then advancing and still gaining ground we are now declining and therefore should be more shie to lose what we have gained They had then of a long time enjoyed their Judicatories unto which they might recur for an orderly redress of such grievances that offended them and when they were deprived of them yet they were still in hopes of recovering them and so suspended their total secession from that corrupt Church untill they should recover them in the mean time still holding their right and maintaining their cause against these Invaders But we were at thevery first begining of this unhappy Revolution totally deprived of our Judicatories and denuded of all expectation of them in an ordinary way and of all place but what they are Masters of to contend with them
Witnesses did gradually ascend to the pitch it is novv arrived at I. These Enemies of God having once got footing again with the favour and the fawnings of the foolish Nation went on fervently to further and promote their wicked design and meeting with no opposition at first did encourage themelves to begin boldly Wherefore hearing of some Ministers peaceably Assembled to draw up a Monitory Letter to the King minding him of his Covenant Engagments promises which was though weak yet the first witness warning against that Heaven-daring wickedness then begun they cruelly incarcerate them Having hereby much daunted the Ministry from their duty in that day for fear of the like unusual outragious usage The Parliament conveens Ianuar. 1. 1661. without so much as a Protestation for Religion Liberty given in to them And there in the first place they frame take the Oath of Supremacy Exauctorating Christ and investing His usurping Enemy with the spoils of his robbed Prerogative acknowledging the King only supreme Governour over all persons in all Causes and that his power Iurisdiction must not be declined Whereby under all persons all Cause● All Church Officers in their most properly Ecclesiastick Affairs Concerns of Christ are comprehended And if the King shall take upon him to judge their Doctrine Worship Discipline or Government he must not be declined as an incompetent Judge Which did at once enervate all the Testimony of the 4th Period above declared and laid the foundation for all this Babel they have built since and of all this war that hath been waged against the Son of God and did introduce all this Tyrannie absolute power which hath been since carried to its Complement and made the Kings Throne the foundation of all the succeeding perjurie Apostasie Yet though then our Synods Presbytries were not discharged but might have had access in some Concurrence to witness against this horrid Invasion upon Christs Prerogative and the Churches Priviledge no joint Testimony was given against it except that some were found witnessing against it in their singular Capacity by themselves As faithful Mr Iames Guthrie for declining this usurped Authority in prejudice of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus suffered death and got the Martyrs Crown upon his head And some others for refusing that Oath arbitrarly imposed were Banished or Confined when they had gained this Bulwark of Christs Kingdom Then they waxed more insolent and set up their Ensigns for signs and broke doun the carved Work of Reformation with axes hammers In this Parliament 1661. They past an Act Rescissorie whereby they annulled declared void the National Covenant the Solemn League Covenant Presbytrial Government and all Lawes made in favours of the Work of Reformation since the year 1633. O horrid wickedness both in its nature so attrocious to condemn rescind what God did so signally seal as His oun Work to the conviction of the world and for which He will rescind the Rescinders and overturn these Overturners of His Work and make the curse of that broken Covenant bind them to the punishment vvhom its bond could not oblige to the duty Covenanted And in its design end so base detestable for nothing but to flatter the King in making way for Prelacy Tyranny Popery and to indulge the licenciousness of some debauched Nobles who could not endure the yoke of Christs Government and to suppress Religion Righteousness under the ruines of that Reformation But O holy astonishing Justice thus to recompense our way upon our own head to suffer this work cause to be ruined under our unhappy hands who suffered this Destroyer to come in before it was so effectually secured as it should not have been in the power of his hand whatever had been in his heart swelled with enmity against Christ to have razed ruined that Work as now most wickedly he did and drew in so many into the guilt of the same deed that almost the whole Land not only consented unto it but applauded it by approving countenancing another wicked Act framed at the same time by that same perfidious Parliament for an Anniversary Thanksgiving commemorating every 29. of May that Blasphemy against the Spirit Work of God and celebrating that unhappy Restauration of the Rescinder of the Reformation which had not only the concurrence of the universality of the Nation But alas for shame that it should be told in Gath c even of some Ministers who afterwards accepted the Indulgence one of which a Pillar among them was seen scandalously dancing about the bonefires And others who should have alarmed the whole Nation quasi pro aris focis to rise for Religion Liberty to resist such wickedness did wink at it O how Righteous is the Lord now in turning our Harps into mourning Though alas we will not suffer our selves to this day to see the shining Righteousness of this Retribution And though we be scourged with Scorpions brayed in a Mortar our madness our folly in these irreligious frolicks is not yet acknowledged let be lamented Yet albeit neither in this day when the Covenant was not only broken but Cassed declared of no obligation nor afterward when it was burnt for which Turks Pagans would have been ashamed afraid at such a terrible sight and for which the Lords Anger is burning against these bold burners and against them who suffered it and did not witness against it was there any publick Testimony by protestation or Remonstrance or an publick witness though the Lord had some then and some who came out afterward with the Trumpet at their mouth whose heart then sorrowed at the sight And some suffered for the sense they shewed of that Anniversary abomination for not keeping which they lost both Church Liberty It s true the ordinary Meetings of Presbytries Synods were about that time discharged to make way for the exercise of the new power conferred on the four Prelats who were at Court reordained Consecrated thereby renouncing their former Title to the Ministry But this could not give a discharge from a Necessary Testimony then called for from faithful Watchmen However the Reformation being thus rescinded razed and the House of the Lord pulled doun then they begin to build their Babel In the Parliament anno 1662. by their first Act they restore reestablish Prelacy upon such a foundation as they might by the same Law bring in Poperie which was then designed and so settled its Harbinger Diocesan Erastiar Prelacy by fuller Enlargment of the Supremacy The very Act beginneth thus For as much as the ordering disposal of the external Government of the Church doth properly belong to his Maj. as an Inherent right of the Croun by virtue of his Royal Prerogative Supremacy in Causes Ecclesiastick what ever shall be determined by his Maj. with advice of the Arch Bishops and such of the
capable of exercing any power or place in Church or State. But finding this not yet sufficient security for this unsettled settlement because he wel understood the people stood no ways obliged to acknowledge him but only according to the solemn Covenants being the fundamental Conditions whereupon their Allegiance was founded as amongst all people the Articles mutually consented betwixt them and these whom they set over them are the constituent fundamentalls of Government and wel knowing that he his Associats by violating these Conditions had loosed the people from all subjection to him or any deriving power from him whereby the people might justly plead that since he had kept no Condition they were not now obliged to him he therefore contrived a new Oath of Allegiance to be imposed upon all in publick trust both in Church State wherein they are made to oblige themselves to that Boundless breaker of all Bonds Sacred Civil and his Successors also without any reciprocal obligation from him to them or any reserved restriction limitation or qualification as all humane Authority by Gods Ordinance must be bounded Whereby the Swearers have by Oath homologated the overturning of the very Basis of the Government making free people Slaves to the subverters thereof betraying their native Brethren posterity to the lust of Tyrannie and have in effect as really as if in plain termes affirmed that whatsoever Tyrannie shall command or do either as to the overturning of the work of God subverting of Religion destroying of Liberty or persecuting all the Godly to the utmost extremity they shall not only stupidly endure it but actively concur with it and assist in all this Tyrannie Alas there was no publick Testimony against this Trick to bring people under the yoke of Tyrannie except by some who suffered for Consciencious refusing it while many others did take it thinking to salve the matter by their pitiful quibleng senses of giving Cesar his due Where as this Cesar for whom these Loyal Alleg●ers plead is not an ordinary Cesar but such a Cesar Nero or Caligula that if he got his due it would be in another kind Strange can Presbyterians swear that Allegiance which is substitute in the place of the broken burnt Covenant Or could they swear it to such a person who having broken buryed the Covenant that he who had sworn it might have another right and another Allegiance than that of the Covenant had then remitted to us all Allegiance founded upon the Covenant However having now prepared furnished himself with Tools so qualified for his purpose in Church State he prosecutes his Persecution with such fervour fury rage revenge impositions oppressions and with armed formed force against the faithful following their duty in a peaceable manner without the least shadow of Contempt even of his abused Authority that at length in the year 1666 a small party were compelled to go to defensive armes Which whatever was the desire of the Court as it is known how desirous they have been of an Insurrection when they thought themselves sure to suppress it that they might have a vent for their Cruelty and how one of the Brothers hath been heard say that if he might have his wish he would have them all turn Rebells and go to armes Yet it wa● no predetermined design of that poor Handful For Sir Iames Turner pursuing his cruel orders in Galoway sent some Souldiers to apprehend a poor old man whom his neighbours compassionating intreated the Souldiers to loose him as he lay bound but were answered with drawen Swords and necessitated to their own defence In which they relieve the man and disarm the Souldiers and further attacqued some others oppressing that Countrey disarming 10 or 12 more and killing one that made resistence Whereupon the Countrey being alarmed and fearing from sad experience Sir Iames would certainly avenge this affront upon the whole Country without distinction of free unfree they gather about 54 horsemen march to Drumfreis take Sir Iames Turner Prisoner and disarm the Souldiers without any more violence Being thus by Providence engaged without any hope of retreat and getting some Concurrence of their Brethren in the same Condition they come to Lanerk where they renew the Covenant and thence to Pentland hills where by the holy Disposal of God they were routed many killed and 130 taken Prisoners who were treated so treacherously truculently as Turks would have blushed to have seen the like Hence now on the one hand we may see the Righteousness of God in leaving that Enemy to Him whom we embraced to make such avowed Discoveries of himself without a blush to the world and to scourge us with Scorpions that we nourished and put in his hands And also how justly at that time He left us into such a damp that like Asses we couched under all burdens and few came out to the help of the Lord against the Mighty drawing on them Meroz's Curse and the blood of their butchered Brethren after we had sitten seen and suffered all things Civil Sacred to be destroyed in our sight without resentment And though the Lord who called out these worthy Patriots who fell at Pentland to such an appearance for His Interests did take a Testimony of their hands with acceptance by sufferings and singularly Countenanced them in sealing it with their blood yet He would not give success nor His presence to the Enterprise but left them in a sort of infatuation without Counsel Conduct to be a prey to devourers that by a sad inadvertency they took in the Tyrants Interest into the State of the Quarrel Which should have warned His people for the future to have stated the Quarrel otherwise II. By this time and much more after the King gave as many proofs demonstrations of his being true to Antichrist in minding all the promises treaties with him as he had of his being false to Christ in all his Covenant Engagments with His People For in this same year 1666. he with his dear Royal Brother the Duke of York contrived countenanced abetted the burning of London evident by their employing their Guards to hinder the People from saving their oun and to dismiss the Incendiaries the Papists that were taken in the fact The Committee appointed to cognosce upon that business traced it fo far that they durst go no further unless they would arraign the Duke charge the King and yet before this it was enacted as Criminal for any to say the King was a Papist But having gained so much of his design in Scotland where he had established Prelacy advanced Tyranny to the hight of Absoluteness and his Supremacy almost beyond the reach of any additional supply yea above the Popes oun Claim and had now brought his only opposites the few faithful Witnesses of Christ to a Low pass he went on by Craft as wel as Cruelty to advance his oun in promoting
Antichrists Interest And therefore having gotten the Supremacy devolved upon him by Law for which also he had the Popes dispensation to take it to himself for the time under promise to restore surrender it to him as soon as he could attain his end by it as the other Brother succeeding hath now done he would now exert that usurped power and work by infnaring policy to effectuate the end which he could not do by other means Therefore seeing he was not able to suppress the Meetings of the Lords people for Gospel Ordinances in house fields but that the more he laboured by violent courses the greater more frequent they grew he fell upon a more Craftie device not only to overthrow the Gospel and suppress the Meetings but to break the faithful and to divide between the Mad-cap the Moderate Fanaticks as they phrased it that he might the more easily destroy both to confirm the usurpation and to settle people in a sinful silence stupid submission to all the Incroachments made on Christs Prerogatives and more effectually to overturn what remained of the Work of God. And knowing that nothing could more fortifie the Supremacy than Ministers their homologating acknowledging it Therefore he offerd the first Indulgence Anno 1669. Signifying in a Letter dated that year Iune 7. His gracious pleasure was to appoint so many of the outed Ministers as have lived peaceably orderly to return to preach exercise other functions of the Ministrie in the Paroch Churches where they formerly served provided they be vacant and to allow Patrons to present to other vacant Churches such others of them as the Council should approve That all who are so Indulged be enjoyned to keep Presbytries and the Refusers to be confined within the bounds of their paroches And that they be enjoined not to admitt any of their neighbour Paroches unto their Communions nor Baptize their Children nor marry any of them without the allowance of the Minister of the Paroch and if they Countenance the people deserting their oun Paroches they are to be silenced for shorter or longer time or altogether turned out as the Council shall see cause And upon Complaint made verified of any Seditious discourse or expressions in the Pulpit uttered by any of the Ministers they are immediatly to be turned out and further punished according to Law And seeing by these orders all Pretences for Conventickles were taken away if any should be found hereafter to Preach without Authority or keep Conventickles his Pleasure is to proceed with all severity against them as Seditious persons Contemners of Authority To salve this in point of Law because it was against former Lawes of their oun and to make the Kings Letter the supreme Law afterwards and a valid ground in Law where upon the Council might proceed enact and execute what the King pleased in Matters Ecclesiastick he therefore caused frame a formal Statutory Act of Supremacy of this Tenor. That his Maj. hath the supreme Authority Supremacy over all Persons and in all Causes Ecclesiastick within his dominions and that by virtue thereof the ordering disposal of the external Government of the Church doth properly belong to him his successors as an Inherent right to the Croun And that he may settle enact emitt such Constitutions Acts Orders concerning the Administrating therof and Persons employed in the same and concerning all Ecclesiastical Meetings Matters to be proposed determined therein as he in his Royal wisdom shall think fit which Acts Orders Constitutions are to be observed obeyed by all his Maj. Subjects any Law act or custom to the contrary notwithstanding Where upon accordingly the Council in their Act Iuli● 27. 1669. do nominate several Ministers and appoint them to Preach and exercise the other functions of the Ministrie at their respective Churches there specified with Consent of the Patrons The same day also they conclude enact the forementioned Restrictions conform to the Kings Letter above rehearsed And ordain them to be intimat to every person who is by Authority foresaid allowed the exercise of the Ministrie These Indulged Ministers having that Indulgence given only upon these termes that they should accept these Injunctions and having received it upon these termes also as an essential part of the bargain Condition on which the Indulgence was granted accepted as many following Proclamations did expressly declare do Appoint Mr Hutcheson one of the number to declare so much In Acknowledging his Maj. favour Clemency in granting that Liberty after so long a restraint And however they had received their Ministrie from Jesus Christ with full Prescriptions from Him for regulating them therein yet nothing could be more refreshing on earth to them than to have free Liberty for the exercise of their Ministrie under the Protection of Lawful Authority And so they purposed to be have themselves in the discharge of the Ministrie with that wisdom that became faithful Ministers and to demean themselves towards Lawful Authority notwithstanding of their known judgment in Church affairs as wel becometh Loyal subjects And their prayer to God should be that the Lord should bless his Maj. in his person Government and the Council in the publick administration and especially in the Pursuance of his Maj. mind in his Letter wherein his singular moderation eminently appears Afterwards they issued out Proclamations reinforcing the punctual observation of the forementioned Injunctions and delivered them into the Indulged In the mean time though Cruel Acts Edicts were made against the Meetings of the Lords people in houses the fields after all these Midianitish wyles to suppress them such was the presence of the Lord in these Meetings and so powerful was His Countenance Concurrence with the Labours of a few who laid out themselves to hold up the Standart of Christ that the number of Converts multiplyed dayly to the praise of free Grace and to the great encouragment of the few hands that wrestled in that Work through all humane discouragment Therefore King Council was put to a new shift which they supposed would prove more effectual To wit because there was a great number of Non-conformed Ministers not yet Indulged who either did or might hereafter hold Conventickles therefore to remeed or prevent this in time coming they appoint ordain them to such places where Indulged Ministers were settled there to be confined with allowance to Preach as the Indulged should employ them thinking by this means to incapacitate many to hold Meetings there or elswere And to these also they give injunctions restrictions to regulate them in the exercise of their Ministrie And to the end that all the outed Ministers might be brought under restraint and the Word of God be kept under bonds by another Act of Council they Command that all other Ministers not Disposed of as is said were either to repair to the Paroch Churches where
supposing also they might be pardoned for that which is done from whose guiltiness the Land cannot be cleansed but by executing Gods righteous Judgements upon them yet they cannot now be believed after they have violated all that humane wisdom could devise to bind them Upon these accounts they reject that King and those associate with him in the Government and declare them henceforth no lawful Rulers as they had declared them to be no lawful Subjects they having destroyed the established Religion overturned the fundamental Lawes of the Kingdom taken away Christs Church-Government and changed the Civil into Tyrannie where none are associate in partaking of the Government but only these who will be found by Justice guilty of Criminals And declare they shall God giving power set up Government Governours according to the Word of God and the qualifications required Exod. 18. vers 20. And shall not commit the Government to any single person or lineal succession being not tyed as the Jewes were to one single family and that kind being lyable to most inconveniences aptest to degenerate into Tyrannie And moreover that these men set over them shall be engaged to Govern Principally by that Civil Judicial Law not that which is any way Typical given by God to His people of Israel as the best so far as it goes being given by God especially in matters of life death and other things so far as they reach and are consistent with Christian Liberty exempting Divorces Polygamie 6. Seeing the greatest part of Ministers not only were defective in Preaching against the Acts of the Rulers for overthrowing Religion but hindered others also who were willing and censured some that did it and have voted for acceptation of that Liberty founded upon given by virtue of that blaspemously arrogate Usurped power and appeared before their Courts to accept of it and to be enacted authorized their Ministers whereby they have become the Ministers of men and bound to be answerable to them as they will And have preached for the lawfulness of paying that Tribute declared to be imposed for the bearing doun of the true Worship of God And advised poor Prisoners to subscribe that Bond which if it were universally subscribed they should close that door which the Lord hath made use of in all the Churches of Europe for casting off the yoke of the whore and stop all regress of men when once brought under Tyrannie to recover their Libertie again They declare they neither can nor will hear them c. nor any who encouraged strengthened their hands and pleaded for them and trafficqued for union with them 7. That they are for a standing Gospel Ministrie rightly chosen rightly ordained that none shall take upon them the Preaching of the Word c. unless called ordained thereunto And whereas Separation might be imputed to them they refell both the malice and the ignorance of that Calumnie for if there be a Separation it must be where the change is and that was not to be found in them who were not separating from the Communion of the true Church nor setting up a New Ministrie but cleaving to the same Ministers Ordinances that formerly they followed when others have fled to new wayes and a new Authority which is like the old piece in the new Garment 8. That they shall defend themselves in their Civil Natural Divine Rights Liberties And if any assault them they shall look on it as a declaring a war and take all advantages that one enemie does of another but trouble and injure none but those that injure them This is the Compend of that Paper which the Enemies seised and published while it was only in a rude draught and not polished digested nor consulted by the rest of the Community yet whether or not it was for their advantage so to blaze their oun baseness in that Paper truly represented I leave it to the Reader to judge or if they did not thereby Proclaim their oun Tyrannie and the Innocency honesty of that people whom thereby they were seeking to make odious but in effect inviting all Lovers of Religion Liberty to Sympathise with them in their difficulties distresses there discovered However that poor Partie continued together in a posture of defence without the Concurrence or Countenance of their Covenanted Brethren who staid at home and left both them to be murdered and their Testimony to be trampled upon untill the 22. of Iulij 1680. Upon the which day they were attacqued at Airsmoss by a strong party of about 120 horse well armed while they were but 23 horse and 40 foot at most and so fighting valiantly were at length routed not without their Adversaries Testimony of their being resolute men Several of Zions precious Mourners and faithful Witnesses of Christ were killed and among the rest that faithful Minister of Christ Mr Richard Cameron sealed fulfilled his Testimony with his blood And with others the valiant and much honoured Gentleman David Hackstoun of Rathillet was after many received wounds apprehended brought in to Edinburgh and there resolutely adhering to the Testimony and disouning the Authority of King Council and all their Tyrannical Judicatories was cruelly murdered but countenanced eminently of the Lord. Now remained Mr Donald Cargil deprived of his faithful Collegue destitute of his Brethrens concurrence but not of the Lords Counsel Conduct by which he was prompted helped to prosecute the Testimony against the Universal Apostasie of the Church Nation Tyranny of Enemies Backsliding of Friends and all the wrongs done to his Master on all hands And considering in the zeal of God and sense of His holy Jealousie provoked and threatening wrath against the Land for the sins especially of Rulers who had arrived to the hight of Heaven-daring Insolence in all wickedness in which they were still growing going on without control That notwithstanding of all the Testimonies given against them by publick Preachings Protestations and Declarations remonstrating their Tyranny and disouning their Authority yet not only did they still persist in their sins scandals to make the Lords fierce Anger break forth into a flame but were ouned also by Professors not only as Magistrats but as members of the Christian Protestant Church And that however both the defensive armes of men had been used against them and the Christian armes of Prayers and the Ministerial weapon of Preaching yet that of Ecclesiastical Censure had not been Authoritatively exerted against them Therefore that no Weapon which Christ allowes His Servants under His Standart to manage against His Enemies might be wanting thô he could not obtain the Concurrence of his Brethren to strengthen the solemnity formality of the Action yet he did not judge that defect in this broken Case of the Church could disable his Authority nor de●ur the duty but that he might and ought to proceed to Excommunication And accordingly in September
words to express in short But in a word no Party of T●rtars invading the Land or Crue of Cutthroats destroying the Inhabitants or the most Capital Malefactors could have been more violently opposed or more vigorously sought to be suppressed than these poor Meeters were But I must make some more special hints 1. They not only raised more forces to exhaust the strength substance of the already wasted Country and laid on continued from one terme to another that wicked exaction cruel oppression of the Cess for the same declared ends of suppressing banishing what remained of the Gospel and imposed Localities for maintaining the Souldiers imployed in those designs for refusing which many families were pillaged plundered quite impoverished besides the heating abusing them But also they went on unweariedly with their Courts of Inquisition pressing the Bonds of peace and dragging them like dogs to Prisons that would not subscribe them And for taking up in their Porteous Rolls the names of all that were suspect to have been at 〈◊〉 In●urection which they gathered by the Informations of ●●●cophants and reputed them convict if being 〈◊〉 they did not appear and forced others to swear 〈◊〉 and delate upon Oath whom they did either ●ee or heard that they were in armes or went to Meetings And such as refused suffered bonds or banishment Yea having made it Criminal to reset harbour corrospond or converse with these whom they declared Rebels they thereupon imprisoned fined ruined vast numbers 〈◊〉 having seen or spoken with some of them or because they did not discover or apprehend them when they 〈◊〉 they might and even when they were not obliged and could not know whether they were ob●o●ious persons or not for which many Gentlemen others were Indy●ed imprisoned and so●e arraigned condemned to death For these Causes the Country 〈◊〉 harrassed destroyed by four extraordinary Circuit 〈◊〉 successively going about with their numerous train●● whereby many were grievously oppressed and with their oppressions tempted with many Impositions of Conscience debauching Oaths Bonds to compear when called and to keep the Church and to refrain from going to Meetings c. and by these tentations involved in Complyances and Defections 2. To enrich themselves by these means with the spoyl of the Country did not satisfie these Destroyers but they must glut themselves with the blood of the Saints upon every pretext that they could catch under any colour of Law. As upon the account of Bothwel Insurrection many were cruelly executed to the death some Gentlemen and some Common Country men without any Legal Conviction by packing bloody Juries Assises most partially for their Murdering ends besides more than can be reckoned that were kept to perish in their imprisonments And not only for being actually in armes or any overt act of transgressing their wicked Lawes but even for their extorted opinion of things or because they could not condemn these necessitated Risings in armes to be Rebellion and a sin against God which they were forced to declare by terrible menacings of death torture they have been condemned to death making their arbitrary Lawes to reach the heart thoughts inward sentiments of the mind as well as outward actions Whereupon this became a Criminal question robbing many of their Lives Was the rising at Bothwel-bridge Rebellion and a sin against God And this another Was the killing of the Bishop of St Andrewes horrid Murther which if any answered negatively or did not answer affirmatively they were cruelly condemned to death for which first five innocent Christians were execute upon the spot where that Murtherer fell Tho they declared and it was known they were as free as the Child unborn and that some of them had never seen a Bishop that they knew from another man and were never in that place of the Country where he was killed And afterwards this was the constant question that all brought before them were troubled with which some avouching to be duty were dismembered alive their hands struck off and then hanged and their heads cut off when dead 3. After Sanquhair Declaration they observed the Jesuites rules more exactly especially that mentioned above to load the Opinions as are most obnoxious with all odious Constructions and to make it both Criminal to declare them and also Criminal to conceal wave their intrapping questions thereupon For after Mr Hal● was killed at the Queensferrie and Mr Cameron with several worthies were slain at Airsmoss and after Mr Hackstoun for declining the Authority of his Murderers head and tail and for being accessory to executing Judgement upon the Arch-traitor or Arch-Bishop of St Andrewes thô he laid not his hands on him himself nor was present at the action but at a distance when it was done was tortured alive with the cuting off of his hands and then hanged and before he was dead ripped up his heart taken out carried about on the point of a knife and throun into a fire and afterwards his body quartered Then not only such as were with that litle handful at Airsmoss were cruelly murdered but others against whom they could charge no matter of fact were questioned if they ouned the Kings Authority which if any did not Answer affirmatively positively he was to look for nothing but exquisite torments by terrible kinds of tortures death besides And if any declared their judgement that they could not in Conscience oune such Authority as was then exercised or if they declined to give their thoughts of it as judging thoughts to be under no humane jurisdiction or if they answered with such innocent specifications as these that they ouned all Authority in the Lord or for the Lord or according to the Word of God or all just Lawful Authority these under-went suffered the Capital punishment of Treason And yet both for declining declaring their extorted Answers about this they were condemned as unsufferable Maintainers of Principles inconsistent with Government 4. But here as in Egypt the more they were afflicted the more they grew the more that the Enem●es rage was increased the more were the People inflamed to inquire about the Grounds of their Suffering seeing rational men and Religious Christians die so resolutely upon them And the more they insisted in this Inquisition the more did the number of Witnesses multiply with a growing increase undauntedness so that the then shed blood of the Martyrs became the seed of the Church and as by hearing seeing them so signally countenanced of the Lord many were reclaimed from their Courses of Complyance so others were daylie more more confirmed in the wayes of the Lord and so strengthened by His Grace that they choose rather to endure all Torture and embrace death in its most terrible aspect than to give the Tyrant his Complices any acknowledgment yea not so much as to say God save the King which was offered as the price of their life and
Gospel destruction of many poor Souls But through the ignorance neglect of this Duty of trying whom we should hear by seeking some satisfieing evidence of their being cloathed with Authority from Christ the world hath been left louse in a Licence to hear what they pleased and so have received the Poison of error from Monte banks instead of the true wholesome Potions of Christs Prescripts from them that had Power skill to administer them Hence the many Sects Schismes errors that have Pestered the Church in all ages have in a great measure proceeded from this latitude laxness of Promiscous hearing of all whom they pleased whom either the worlds Authority impowered or by other means were possessed of the place of Preaching without taking any Cognizance whether they had the Characters of Christs Ambassadours or not If this had been observed and People had scrupled refused to hear these whom they might know should not have Preached neither the Great Antichrist nor the many lesser Antichrists would have had such footing in the world as they have this day It is then of no small Consequence to have this Question cleared Neither is it of small difficulty to solve the intricacies of it what Characters to fix for a discovery of Christs true Ministers whom we should submit to obey in the Lord and Love esteem them for their Works sake and for their qualities sake as standing in Christs stead having the dispensation of the word of Reconciliation committed to them And how we may discern those Characters what judgment is incumbent to private Christians for the satisfaction of theiroun Consciences in the Case And how they ought to demean themselves in their practice with out Scandal on either hand or sin against their oun Conscience how to avoid the rocks Extremes that inadvertency or precipitancy in this matter may rush upon So as to escape sail by the Scylla of sinful Separation on the one hand and the Charybdis of sinful union Communion on the other which are equally dangerous especially how these Cautions are to be managed in a broken and disturbed divided Case of the Church The Question also is the more difficult that as it was never so much questioned before this time and never so much sought to be obscured by the perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds to find out evasions to cover sin escape sufferings upon this account So it hath never been discussed by Divines either at home or abroad with relation to our Case except what hath been of late by some faithful men who have suffered upon this head from whom I shall gather the most of my Arguments in as Compendious a way as I can without wronging them The reason I fancy that we are at such a loss in our helps from the Learned on this head is partly that they have written with relation to their oun times in a Constitute Case of the Church when Corruptions disorders might be orderly rectified and people might have access to get their scruples removed in a Legal way by Church-order in which case the Learned Judicious Mr Durham hath written excellently in his book on Scandal but therein neither he nor others did consult nor could have a prospect of such a case as ours is And partly that forreign Divines not having this for their exercise could not be acquainted with our circumstantiate case and so are not fit nor Competent Arbiters to decide this Contraversie hence many of them do wonder at our sufferings upon this head Every Church is best acquainted with her oun Testimony Yet we want not the suffrage of some of the Learnedst of them as the Great Gisb. Voetius in his Polit Eccles. in several places comes near to favour us where he allowes People to leave some hear such Ministers as they profit most by from these grounds that people should chuse the best most edifying gifts and from that scripture 1 Thess. 5. 21. Prove all things c. and answers objections to the contrare and granteth that upon several occasions one may abstain from explicite Communion with a Corrupt Church for these reasons that such Communion is not absolutely necessary Necessitate either Medii or Precepti where the Christian shall have more peace of Conscience and free exercise of Christian Duties elswhere And that he may keep Communion with more Purity in other places Polit. Ecces Quest. 17. Pag. 68. And he approves of People refusing to bring their Children to be baptized by such Corrupt Ministers because they may wait until they have occasion of a Minister for if the best gifts be to be Coveted why should not the best Ministers be preferred and why should not Christians shew by their deeds that they honour such as fear the Lord contemn a vile Person They ought not to partake of other mens sins 1 Cor. 5. 9. 11. Eph. 5. 11. They should not strengthen the hands of the wicked and make sad the Godly The Authority of such Ministers should not be strengthened Voet. Polit Eccles. Pag. 637. to 640. But though it labour under all these disadvantages yet it is not the less but so much the rather necessary to say somwhat to clear it with dependance upon light from the Fountain and with the help of those faithful men who hath sufficiently cleared it up to all that have a Conscience not blinded or bribed with some prejudices by which more light hath accrued to the Church in this point of withdrawing from Corrupt Ministers 〈◊〉 ever was attained in former times which is all the good we have got of Prelacy In so much that I might spare labour in adding any thing were it not that I would make the Arguments vindicating this Cause of suffering alitle more publick and take occasion to shew that the grounds espoused by the Present reproached party for their withdrawings so far as they are stretched are no other than have been ouned by our writers on this head to the intent it may appear there is no Discrepancy but great likness harmony between the Arguments Grounds of withdrawing in the late Informatorie Vindication c. and those that are found in other writings And so much the rather I think it needful to touch this subject now that not only this hath been the first ground of our sufferings but many that suffered a while for it now have fainted and condemned all their former Contendings for this Part of the Testimony calling in question all these reasons that formerly satisfied ' them But to proceed with some distinctness in this thorny point Some Concessory Assertions must first be premitted And then Our Grounds Propounded First I willingly yeeld to Cordially close with the Truth of these Assertions I. The Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace ought to be the Endeavour of all that are members of the One Body of Christ Partakers of his One Spirit
former Prelacy answered above Peri. 4. Pag. 54. 3. In a Constitute and settled case of the Church enjoying her Priviledges Judicatories corruptions may be ●oreborn and the offended are not to withdraw before recourse to the Judicatories for an orderly redress But in a broken disturbed State when there is no access to these Courts of Christ then people thô they must not usurp a power of Judicial Censuring these corruptions yet they may claim exercise a discretive power over their oun practice and by their withdrawing from such Ministers as are guilty of them signify their sense of the moral equity of these censures that have been legally enacted against these the equivalent corruptions and when they should be legally inflicted As we do upon this Ground withdraw from the Prelatick Curats and likewise from some of our Covenanted Brethren upon the account of their being chargable with such corruptions defections from our Reformation as we cannot but shew our dislike of This the Reverend Author of Rectius instruendum justifies Confut. 3. Dial. Chap. 1. Pag. 8. where he is shewing what separation is not sinful and gives this for one if we separate in that which a National Church hath commanded us as her Members to disoune by her standing Acts Authority while those from whom we separate oune that Corruption Which holds true of the Curats Indulged and Addressers and all that we withdraw from However it be certainly those are to be withdrawn from with whom we cannot communicate without submitting to the Lawes establishing them and taking on that Test badge of our incorporation with them and partaking of their sin in hazard of their judgment IV. Thô in some cases as we are warranted so are necessitated to withdraw yet neither do we allow it upon slight or slender grounds nor can any tender soul be forced to discountenance the Ministers of Christ I do not speak here of the Prelatick Curats without great reluctancy and grief of heart even when the grounds of it are solid valid and the necessity unavoidable Therefore we reject these as insufficient Grounds besides what are given already 1. We cannot withdraw from a Minister for his Infirmities or weaknesses Natural spiritual or Moral 2. Neither for Pers●nal faults escapes We expect a faithful but not a sinless Ministrie 3. Nor for every defect in faithfulness through Ignorance want of courage Misinformation or being byassed with affection for particular persons We do not hold that faults in Members or defects in Ministers do pollute the Oordinances and so necessitate a Separation but aggree with what Mr Durham sayes on Revel chap. 2. Lect. 6. Pag. 147. in 4 to Sincerity discovered will cover many faults 4. Nor for every discoverie of Hypocrisie thô we may have gro●nd to suspect a Mans principle Motive be not right yet if he be following duty unblameably and have a Lawfull Call What then notwithstanding every way whether in Pretence or in Truth Christ is Preached therein me may rejoyce Philip. 1. 18. 5. Nor yet for real Scandals not attended with obstinacy if Ministers will take reproof admonition and at least by Doctrinal Confessing and practicall for saking them satisfie the offended 6. Yea thô his Scandals be so gross that we must discountenance him when he persis●s in them yet that is not a disouning of his Ministrie `or a rejecting his Commission but a discountenancing for his disorders until they be removed But the Apologet. Rela● Sect. 14. Pag. 290 291. sayes 1 there may be Ministerial corruptions that cut the very throat of the Office and make one no Officer and it is past questioning such may be shunned without all hazard of Separation 2 when personal faults are very gross palpable open avowed such may be shuned without any hazard of Separation because the mans being an Officer coram Deo is much to be questioned and there is great probability that ipso facto he had forefaulted the same thô such should be the corruption in a Church that notwithstanding of all this he may be maintained 3 Separation is 〈◊〉 thing and not hearing such or such a man is a far other thing there may be many just grounds of exception against a particular person why people may refuse to countenance him without any hazard of separation or joining with separatists in their principles Separation is one thing and refusing to attend the Ministrie of such a man is another thing for a man may joine with Ordinances in another congregation and so testify that he hath no prejudice at the Ministrie but only against such a man in particular Whence it is an ignorant as wel as malicious calumnie to say that our withdrawing from the Curats and also from some Ministers whom otherwise we respect reverence as Godly Ministers for their offensive defections is a disouning al the Ministrie of Scotland Whereas we do profess indeed a disouning of the Curats Ministrie but for our Reverend Presbyterian Ministers thô we do discountenance many of them with sad hearts for their not keeping the Word of the Lords patience in this hour of tentation nor adhering to the principles constitutions of the Church of Scotland Yet this is not a disouning of their Ministrie but a Refusing to countenance them in their present administrations in this disturbed State till these offences be removed V. As to disoune the Ministrie were hateful Sectarianisme so to dissolve or break off Communion with a true Church whereof we are Members were an unnatural Schisme which is horrid sin But because among all the various Sufferings wherewith the poor tossed racked Remnant now Persecuted have been exercised this hath not been the lightest that they have been on all hands stigmatized as Schismaticks Separatists not only because they have maintained a resolved withdrawing from the Curats but also have discountenanced many Presbyterian Ministers with whom they have been offended for their declining Courses and Complyances with the Times Corruptions and forsaking in a great measure the duty of this day I shall distinguish some cases of Separation out of the Writings of our approven Authors which will j●●tify all their withdrawings 1. Mr Durham distinguishes these three Schisme separating from the Unity Communion of a true Church consisting not alway in diversity of Doctrine but in divided Practices according to that of Augustine Schismaticos facit not diversa fides sed disrupta communionis Societas Then separation either in whole from a Church as no Church or in part in some things wherein they cannot communicate with that corrupt Church which is Lawful if it exceed not its ground Then lastly Secession a local removing to a better Church The first of these cannot be imputed to the Persecuted Wanderers for they separate from no true Church whereof they were Members but these from whom they separate will be found to be the Schismaticks 2. The second of these to wit separation
Church but in a way of Dependence upon subordination to Christ as King who ascending far above Principalities Powers appointed gave the Gifts of the Ministry Eph. 4. 8. 11. and set them in the Church 1. Cor. 12. 28. and gave them commission to go teach the Nations by virtue of that all Power that was given to Him in Heaven Earth Math. 28. 18 19. If then they take a new holding close with a new Conveyance of the Ministrie and of the Power to exercise the same from a new Architectonick usurped Power in the Church encroaching on Christs Royal prerogative we dare not Homologat such an affront to Christ as to give them the respect of His Ambassadours when they become the servants of men and subject even in Ministerial functions to another Head then Christ for then they are the Ministers of men by men and not by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead because they do not hold the Head Col. 2. 19. Hence those that receive derive their Church-Power from and are subordinate in its exercise to another Head then Christ Jesus should not be received and subjected to as the Ministers of Christ in His Church But the Prelats their curats do receive derive their Church Power from are subordinate in its exercise to another Head then Christ Therefore they should not be received c. The first Proposition cannot be denyed The Second is proved thus Those officers in the Church Professing themselves such that derive their Church-Power from are subordinate in its exercise to a Power truly Architectonick Supreme in the Church to wit the Magistrate beside Christ Do derive their Power from are subordinate in its exercise to another Head than Christ Jesus But so it is that Prelats their Curats do derive c. Ergo The Major is evident for whosoever hath a Supreme Architectonick Power in over the Church must be a Head to the same and the fountain of all Church Power The Minor is also clear from the foregoing Historical Deduction manifesting the Present Prelacy to be Gross Erastianisme for the disposal of the Government of the Church is declared by Law to be the Croun right and an inherent perpetual Prerogative and thereupon the Bishops are restored to the Episcopal function And it is expressly Declared that there is no Church Power in the Church-office bearers but what depends upon is subordinate unto the Supremacy and authorized by the Bishops who are declared accountable to the King for the Administration By virtue of which Ecclesiastick Supremacy He put excomunication spiritual Censures consequently the Power of the Keyes into the hands of Persons meerly Civil in the Act for the High Commission Hence it is clear that as the fountain of all Church Government he imparts his Authority to such as he pleases and the Bishops are nothing else but his Commissioners in the exercise of that Ecclesiastick power which is originally in Himself and that the Curats are only His under Clerks All the stress will lie in proving that this Monster of a Supremacy from which the Prelats their Curats have all their Authority is a Great Encroachment on the Glory of Christ as King which will appear if we briefly consider these Particulars 1. It usurps upon Christs Prerogative who only hath all undoubted right to this Architectonick Magisterial Dominion over the Church His oun Mediatory Kingdom not only an Essential right by His Eternal Godhead being the Everlasting Father whose goings forth hath been of old from Everlasting Isa. 9. 6. Mic. 5. 2. in recognizance of which we oune but one God the Father and one Lord by whom are all things we by Him 1. Cor. 8. 6. But also a Covenant-right by Compact with the Father to bear the Glory rule upon His Throne by virtue of the Counsel of Peace between them both Zech. 6. 13. A Donative right by the Fathers Delegation by which He hath all power given in Heaven in Earth Math. 28. 18. and all things given unto His hand Iohn 3. 35. and all judgment Authority to execute it even because He is the Son of man Iohn 5. 22 27. and to be Head over all things to the Church Eph. 1. 22. An Institute right by the Fathers inaugaration who hath set Him as King in Zion Psal. 2. 6. and appointed Him Governour that shall rule His people Israel Math. 2. 6. An Acquisite right by His oun purchase by which He hath merited obtained not only subjects to Govern but the Glory of the Sole Soveraignty over them in that relation A name above every name Phil. 2. 9. which is that He is the Head of the Church which is as much His Peculiar Prerogative as to be Saviour of the body Eph. 5. 23. A Bellical right by Conquest making the people fall under Him Psal. 45. 4. and be willing in the Day of His power Psal. 110. 3. and overcoming those that make war with Him Rev. 17. 14. An Hereditary right by Proximity of blood Primogeniture being the first born higher then the Kings of the Earth Psal. 89. 27. and the first born from the dead that in all things He might have the preeminence Col. 1. 18. An Elective right by His peoples choise surrender having a Croun wherewith His Mother Crouned Him in the day of His Espousals Cant 3. ult By all which undoubted Titles It is His Sole incommunicable Prerogative without a Copartner or Competitor Coordinate or subordinate to be Iudge only Lawgiver King in Spirituals Isa. 33. 22. to be that one Lawgiver Iam. 4. 12. who only can give the power of the keyes to His officers which Comprehends all the power they have Math. 16. 19. to be that one Master over all Church officers who are but brethren Math. 23. 8 10. in whose Name only they must perform all Church Acts and all Parts of their Ministry and not in the Name of any Mortal Math. 28. 18. 19. Math. 18. 20. from whom only they receive what ever they have to deliver to the Church 1. Cor. 11. 23. To be the only Instituter of His Officers who hath set them in the Church 1. Cor. 12. 28. and gave them to the Church Eph. 4. 11. whose Ambassadours only they are 2. Cor. 5. 20. from whom they have authority for edification of the Church 2 Cor. 10. 8. 2 Cor. 13. 10. in whose Name only they are to assemble and keep fence their Courts both the least Math. 18. 20. and the Greatest Act. 15. But now all this is usurped by one who is not so much as a Church member let be a Church Officer as such for the Magistrate is neither as he is a Magistrate otherwise all Magistrats would be Church members Hence they that have all their power from a meer usurper on Christs Prerogative who is neither member nor officer of the Church have none
at all to be ouned or received as His Lawful Ambassadours But the Prelats their Curats have all their power from a meer usurper on Christs Prerogative who is neither Member nor officer of the Church Ergo 2. It confounds the Mediatory Kingdom of Christ with subjects it to the Kingly Government of the world removes the Seripture Land Marks Limits between civil Ecclesiastick Powers in making the Governours of the State to be Governours of the Church and denying all Church Government in the hands of Church officers Distinct from independent upon the civil Magistrat which clearly derogats from the Glory of Christs Mediatory Kingdom which is altogether distinct from not subordinate to the Government of the world both in the Old Testament in the New. For they have distinct fountains whence they flow civil Government flowes from God Creator Church Government from Christ the Lord Redeemer Head King of His Church whose Kingdom is not of this world Iohn 18. 36. though for this end He came into the world that He should have a Kingdom there vers 37. They have distinct Objects civil Government hath a civil object the out ward man Church Government a Spiritual object men considered as Christians In the Old Testament the matters of the Lord are clearly distinguished from the matters of the King 2 Chron. 19. ult In the new Testament there are matters of Church Cognizance which do not at all belong to the civil Magistrate as in the case of offence they must tell the Church not the civil Magistrate Math. 18. 15. 20. In the case of Excommunication the Church is to act by virtue of the power of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 5. 4 5. not by the Magistrats power In the case of Absolution the Church is to Iudge what Punishment is sufficient and what evidence of repentance is sufficient to remove it 2 Cor. 2. 6. 7. So in the case of Tryal ordination of Ministers c. None of these belong to the Magistrate They have distinct Natures The civil is a Magisterial the Ecclesiastick is a Minsterial Government the one is the power of the sword the other of the Keyes The one put forth in Political Punishments the other in Ecclesiastick Censures In the Old Testament the Magistrats power was Coactive by death banishment Confiscation c. Ezra 7. 26. The Church by puting out of the Synagogue interdiction from Sacred things c. In the New Testament The Magistrats power is described Rom. 13. to be that of the sword by punishment the power of the Church only in binding Loosing Math. 16. 19. They have distinct Ends the end of the one being the good of the Common wealth the other the Churches Edification In the Old Testament the end of the civil Government was one thing and of the Church another to wit to warn not to trespass against the Lord in that forecited 2. Chron. 19. 10. In the New Testament the end of Magistratical power is to be a terror to evil works a praise te the good Rom. 13. 3. but the end of Church power is Edification 1 Cor. 5. 5. 2 Cor. 10. 8. 2. Cor. 13. 10. They have distinct Courts of officers In the Old Testament the distinction of the civil Ecclesiastick Sanhedrin is known where there were distinct causes Persons set over them to judge them respectively 2. Chron. 19. ult In the New Testament we find officers given unto the Church 1 Cor. 12. 28. with no mention of the civil Magistrate at all And Church-Assemblies distinct from Parliaments or senats yea when the Magistrate was an Enemy determining questions that did not belong to the Magistrate at all Act. 15. we have Rulers distinct from the Rulers of the Common wealth 1 Thess. 5. 12. whom we are to obey and submit our selves as those who are accountable to Christ only for to whom else can they give account of souls Heb. 13. 17. we have Rulers inferiour to Labourers in word doctrine not to be honoured so much as they Sure these cannot be civil Rulers 1 Tim. 5. 17. we have Rulers commended for trying Impostors which were not Magistrats Rev. 2. 2. And others who are rebuked for suffering Hereticks ibid. vers 14 15 20. which supposes they had Authority to do it yet distinct from not depending on the Magistrate Besides from this confusion of the two Governments together and making the Supreme Magistrate to be Supreme Governour of the Church would follow many absurdities as that They who are not Church members should be Church officers even Heathen Magistrats yea women should be Church officers and none should be chosen for Magistrats but such as have the qualifications of Church officers Sic Apol. Relat. Sect. 12. pag. 190. Rectius Instruen Confut. 1 Dial. chap. 6. pag. 50. Hence they that in deriving their Authority do confound the tuo Governments civil Ecclesiastick and take it all from a meer civil power cannot be ouned as having any Authority of Christs Institution But the Prelats their Curats in deriving their Authority do confound the tuo Governments civil Ecclesiastick and take it all from a meer civil power This same Argument equally militates against hearing the Indulged Ministers who have taken a Licence warrand from the Usurper of this Supremacy because it is highly injurious to Christs Headship very contrary to to Presbyterian Principles clearly Homologatorie of the Supremacy plainly Prejudicial to the power of the people very much establishing Erastianisme Sadly obstructive destructive to the good of the Church wronging our cause ground of suffering Strengthening the Prelats hands contradictory to our Covenants Prejudging the Meetings of Gods people and heinously Scandalous offensive As is clear by unanswerably poven in the History of the Indulgence IV. There is a necessity that any man whom we may Joine with as a Minister must not only be a minister and a Minister cloathed with Christs commission then when we Joins with Him but He must also have a right to administer there where we Ioin with Him. Else we can look upon him no otherwise than a thief a robber whom Christs sheep should not hear Io. 10. 1-5 Now the Prelats Curats though they should he accounted acknowledged Ministers yet they have not a right to officiate where they have intruded themselves Hence we have several Arguments as 1. They who have no just Authority nor right to officiate fixedly in this Church as the proper Pastors of it ought not to be Received but withdrawen from But the Prelats their Curats have no just Authority or right to officiate in this Church as her proper Pastors Therefore they ought not to be received but withdrawen from All the debate is about the Minor which may thus be made good They who have entered into do officiate fixedly in this Church without her Authority Consent have no right so to do But the Prelats
was not an Usurper over Iudea which not obscurely is insinuated by Paul himself who asserts that both his person his Cause Criminal of which he was accused it was not an Ecclesiastical Cause so no advantage hence for the Supremacy appertained to Cesars Tribunal and that not only in fact but of right Act. 25. 10. I stand at Cesars judgment seat where I ought to be judged We cannot say this of any tribunal senced in the name of them that Tyrannize over us 5. I will not stand neither upon the Names Titles of Kings c. to be given to Tyrants Usurpers in speaking to them or of them by way of appellation or compellation for we find even Tyrants are called by these names in Scripture being Kings de fact● though not dejure and indeed not impertinently Kings Tyrants for the most part are reciprocal termes But in no case can we give them any Names or Titles which may signify our love to them whom the Lord hates or 〈◊〉 hate the Lord 2 Chron. 19. 2. or which may flatter them which Elihu durst not give for fear his Maker should take him away Iob. 32. 22. or which may be taken for honouring of them for that is not due to the vile● of men when exalted never so high Psal. 12. ult a vile person must be contemned in our eyes Psal. 15. 4. Nor which may any way import or infer an ouning of a Magistratical relation between them us or any Covenant transaction or Confederacy with them which in no termes with them as such we will say or oune Isa. 8. 12. Hence many sufferers upon this head so bear to give them their Titles 8. It will be yeelded very readily by us that a Magistrate is not to be disouned meerly for his differing in Religion from us yea though he were a Heathen We do not disoune our pretended Rulers meerly upon that account but chearfully do grant subscribe to that Truth in our Confession of faith chap. 23. § 4. That Infidelity or difference in Religion doth not make void the Magistrates just Legal Authority nor free the people from their due obedience to him On which our Adversaries have insulted as if our Principles Practices were therby disproved But it is easy to answer 1. let the words be considered and we are confident that no sober man will think the acknowledgment of just legal Authority due obedience a rational ground to infer that Tyranny is thereby either allowed or priviledged Napth Pag. 60. Prior Edition 2. Though Infidelity or difference of Religion does not make void Authority where it is Lawfully invested yet it may incapacitate a person and Lawfully seclude him from Authority both by the word of God which expressly forbids to set a Stranger over us who is not our brother Deut. 17. 15. Which includes as well a stranger of a strange Religion as one of a strange Countrey and by the Lawes of the Land which do incapitate a Papist of all Authority Supreme or subordinate And so if this Iames the 7 2 had been King before he was a Roman Catholick if we had no more to object we should not have quarrelled his succession 3. We both give grant all that is in the Confession viz. Dominium non fundari in gratia that Dominion is not founded on Grace Yet this remains evident that a Prince who not only is of another religion but an avowed enemy to overturner of the Religion established by Law and intending endeavouring to introduce a false heretical blasphemous Idolatrous religion can claim no just legal Authority but in this case the people may very Lawfully decline his pretended Authority Nay they are betrayers of their Countrey Posterity if they give not a timeous effectual Check to his Usurpings and make him sensible that he hath no such Authority Can we imagine that men in the whole of that blessed work so remarkably led of God being convocate by a Parliament of the wisest worthyest men that ever was in England whom they did encourage by writing preaching every way to stand fast in their opposition to the then King displaying a banner for his prerogative a court dream against Religion Liberty should be so far left as to drop that as a principle part of our Religion which would sacrifice Religion it self to the lust of a raging Tyrant Must we beleeve that a Religion-destroying Tyrant is a righteous Ruler And must we onne him to be a Nursing father to the Church Shall we conclude that the common bounds Limits whereby the Almighty hath bounded Limited Mankind are removed by an Article of our confession of faith which hereby is turned into a Court creed Then welcome Hobs de Cive with all the rest of Pluto's train who would bable us into a belief that the world is to be governed according to the pleasure of wicked Tyrants I would fain hope at length the world would be awakened out of such ridiculous dreams be ashamed any more to oune such fooleries And it may be our two Royal Brothers have contributed more to cure men of this Moral madness than any who went before them And this is the only advantage I know that the Nations hath reaped by their reign 9. Though we deny that Conquest can give a just Title to a Croun yet we grant in some cases though in the begining it was unjust yet by the peoples after consent it may be turned into a just Title It is undenyable when there is just ground of the war if a Prince subdue a whole Land who have justly forfeited their Liberties when by his grace he preserves them he may make use of their right now forefeited and they may resign their Liberty to the Conqueror and consent that he be their King upon fair Legal not Tyrannical conditions And even when the war is not just but successful on the invading Conquerours side this may be an inducement to the Conquered if they be indeed free and uningaged to any other to a submission dedition delivery up of themselves to be the subjects of the victor and to take him for their Soveraign as it is like the case was with the Jewes in Cesars time whose Government was translated by dedition to the Roman power in the translation when a doing there was a fault but after it was done it ceased though the begining was wrong there was a post-fact which made it right and could not be dissolved without an unjust disturbance of publick order Whence besides what is said above in answer to that much insisted Instance of Christs paying tribute and Commanding it to be paid to Cesar the difficulty of that instance may be clearly solved That Tribute which he paid Math. 17. 24. c. and that about the payment whereof He was questioned Math. 22. 21. seem to be two different Tributes Many think very probably they were
he is not nor can not be our Crouned King and therefore we must not be his Liege subjects ouning fealty obedience to him For according to the National Covenant as all Lieges are to maintain the Kings Authority consistent with the subjects Liberties which if they be innovated or prejudged such Confusion would ensue as this realme could be no more a free Monarchy So for the Preservation of true Religion Lawes Liberties of this Kingdom it is statute by the 8 Act. Parl. 1 repeated in the 99 Act. Parl. 7. ratified in the 23. Act. Parl. 11. and 114 Act. Parl. 12. of King Iames 6. and 4 Act of K. Charles 1. that all Kings Princes ● at their coronation reception of their Princely Authority shall make their faithful Promise by their solemn Oath in the presence of the Eternal God That enduring the whole time of their lives they shall serve the same Eternal God to the utter-most of their power according as He hath required in His most holy Word contained in the Old new Testaments and according to the same Word shall maintain the true Religion of Christ Jesus the preaching of His holy Word the due right Ministration of the Sacraments now received Preached within this realme according to the Confession of faith immediatly preceding and shall abolish gainstand all false religion contrary to the same And shall rule the people committed to their charge according to the will Command of God revealed in His fore-said Word and according to the Laudable Lawes Constitutions received in this realme no wayes repugnant to the said Will of the Eternal God And shal procure to the uttermost of their power to the Kirk of God whole Christian people true perfect peace in all time coming And that they shall be careful to root out of their Empire all Hereticks Enemies to the true Worship of God who shall be convicted by the true Kirk of God of the foresaid Crimes Now this Coronation Oath he hath not taken he will not he cannot take and therefore cannot be our Crouned King according to Law. As there be also many other Lawes incapacitating his admission to the Croun being a Professed Papist and no Law for it at all but one of his oun making by a Pacqued Cabal of his oun Complices a Parliament wherein himself presided as Commissioner enacting matterially his succession and rescinding all these Ancient Lawes which Act of Succession which is all the legal right he can pretend to in Scotland because it cannot be justified therefore his right cannot be ouned which is founded upon the subversion of our Ancient Lawes But as he cannot be our Legally Crouned King so he is not so much as formally Crouned And therfore before his Inauguration whatever right to be King whom the Representatives may admit to the Government he may pretend to by hereditary Succession yet he cannot formally bemade King till the people make a Compact with him upon termes for the safety of their dearest nearst Liberties even though he were not disabled by Law. He might as they say pretend to some jus ad rem but he could have no jus in re The Kings of Scotland while uncrouned can exerce no Royal Government for the Coronation in Concret according to the substance of the Act is no Ceremonie as they who make Conscience it self but a Ceremony call it nor an accidental ingredient in the Constitution of a King but as it is distinctive so it is Constitutive it distinguished Saul from all Israel and made him from no King to be a King it is dative not only Declarative it puts some honour upon him that he had not before 3. Though the Lawes should not strike against his Coronation And though the Representatives Legally should take the same measures with him that they took with his brother and admit him upon the termes of the Covenant yet after such doleful experiences of such transactions with these Sons of Belial who must not be taken with hands nor by the hand it were hard to trust or entrust them with the Government even though they should make the fairest Professions Since they whose Principle is to keep no faith to Hereticks as they call us and who will be as absolute in their promises as they are in their power have deservedly forefeited all Credit Trust with honest men so that none could rationally refer the determination of a half Croun reckoning to any of them far less oune them their Government in the Managment of the weightiest affairs of State since their Male-versations are written in such bloody Characters as he that runs may read them At least it were wisdom is our duty to take our Measures from the General Assemblies Procedure with the other Brother before his admission to the Government to suspend our Allegiance to him until Authority be Legally devolved upon him and founded upon bounded by termes giving all security for Religion Liberty 12. As I said before wary Prudence in waving such an impertinent Ticklish Question cannot be condemned since what ever he may be in conscience no man in Law can be obliged so far to surrender the common Priviledge of all Mankind to give an account of all his inward thoughts which are alwise said to be free And as in nothing they are more various so in nothing they can be more violented than to have our opinion sentiments of the current Government extorted from us a declining of which Declaration of thoughts where no overt Act in project or practice can be proven against it cannot be Treason in any Law in the world So a Cautelous Answer in such a ticklish entrapping imposition cannot be censured in point of Lawfullnesse of expediency even though much be concedded to stop the Mouths of these bloody Butchers gaping greedily after the blood of the Answerer if he do not really oune but give them to understand he cannot approve of this Tyranny But as these poor faithful Witnesses who were helped to be most free have alwise been honoured with the most signal Countenance of the Lord in a happy issue of their Testimony So those that used their Prudentials most in seeking shifts to sh●n severity and studying to satisfie these Inquisitors with their stretched Concessions were ordinarly more exposed to snares and found less satisfaction in their Sufferings even though they could say much to justify or at least extenuate their Shiftings I knew one who had proof of this who afterwards was ashamed of this kind of Prudence A short account of whose managing of Answers to this Question because it may conduce somewhat to the explication of it may here be hinted The question moved after the usual forme was Do ye onne the Authority of King Iames the 7 In answer to which he pleaded first for the immunity of his thoughts which he said were not subject to theirs or any Tribunal When this could
not be an evasion from their extortions he objected the ambiguity of the termes in which the Question was conceived being capable of diverse senses And inquired what they meant by Authority what by ouning Authority By Authority whether did they mean the Administration of it as now improved if so then he was not satisfied with it or the right as now established if so then he was not clear to give his opinion of it as being neither significant nor necessary and that it was fitter for Lawyers and those that were better acquaint with the Arcana Imperii than for him to dispute it Again he asked what they meant by ouning either it is Passive subjection that he did not decline or Active acknowledgment of it and that he said he looked upon as all the suffrage he could give to its establishment in his station which he must demur upon some scruple The replies he received were very various and some of them very rare either for ignorance or imposture Sometimes it was answered To oune the Kings Authority is to take the Oath of Allegiance this he refused Some answered it is to engage never to rise in Armes against the King upon any pretence whatsoever this he refused likewise Others explained it to be to acknowledge his right to be King To this he answered when the Authority is Legally devolved upon him by the Representatives of both Kingdoms it was time enough for him to give account of his sentiments Others defined it to oune him to be Lawful King by succession To this he Answered he did not understand succession could make a man formally King if there were not some other way of Conveyance of it it might put him in the nearest Capacity to be King but could not make him King. Some did thus Paraphrase upon it that he must oune him to be his Soveraign Lord under God and Gods vicegerent to be obeyed in all things Lawful To this he answered whom God appoints and the People choose according to Law he would oune When those shifts would not do but from time to time being urged to a Categorical Answer he told them he was content to live in subjection to any Government Providence set up but for ouning the present Constitution as of God and according to Law he durst not acknowledge it nor oune any Mortal as his Lawful Soveraign but in termes consistent with the Covenant securing Religion and Liberty This not satisfying when he came to a more pinching Trial he declared he ouned all Lawful Authority according to the Word of God and all Authority that was the Ordinance of God by His Preceptive Will and he could be subject to any but further to acknowledge it he behooved to have more clearness for sometimes a Nation might be charged with that ye have set up Kings and not by me c Further he conceded he ouned his providential Advancement to the Throne he ouned as much as he thought did oblige him to subject himself with patience he ouned him to be as Lawful as providence possessing him of the Throne of his Ancestors and Lineal succession as presumed next in blood line could make him But still he declined to oune him as Lawful King and alledged that was all one whether he was Lawful or not he refused not subjection distinguishing it always from Allegiance But all these concessions did not satisfie them they alledged he might say all this of a Tyrant therefore commanded him to give it under his hand to oune not only the Lineal but the Legal succession of King Iames the 7. to the Croun of Scotland which he did upon a fancy that Legal did not import Lawful but only the formality of their Law withal protesting he might not be interpreted to approve of his succession But this was a vain Protestatio contra factum However by this we see what is ouning this Authority in the sense of the Inquisitors The result of all is to acknowledge Allegiance to the present possessor and to approve his pretended Authority as Lawful Rightful Righteous which indeed is the true sense of the Words and any other that men can forge or find out is strained For to speak properly if we oune his Authority in any respect we oune it to be Lawful for eyery Authority that is ouned to be Authority indeed is Lawful Authority alwayes importing Authorization and consisting in a Right or Call to rule and is formally essentially contradistinct to Usurpation wherever the place of power is meerly usurped there is no Authority but verbo tenu● A Style without truth a barely pretended nominal equivocal Authority no real denomination if we then oune this Mans Authority we oune it to be Lawful Authority And if we cannot oune it so we cannot oune it at all For it is most suitable either to manly ingenuity or Christian simplicity to speak properly and to take words always in the sense that they to whom they are speaking will understand them without equivacating These Preliminaries being thus put by which do contribute to clear somewhat in this Controversie and both furnish us with some Arguments for and solutions in most of the objections against my Thesis in answer to the Question above stated I set it doun thus A people long oppressed with the Encroachments of Tyrants Usurpers may disoune all Allegiance to their pretended Authority and when imposed upon to acknowledge it may must ratber chuse to suffer than to oune it And consequently we cannot as matters now stand oune acknowledge or approve the pretended Authority of King Iames the 7. as Lawful King of Scotland as we could not as matters then stood oune the Authority of Charles the 2. This consequence is abundantly clear from the foregoing deduction demonstrating their Tyranny usurpation In prosecuting of this General Thesis which will evince the particular Hypothesis I shall 1. Adduce some Historical Instances whence it may be gathered that this is not altogether without a precedent but that people have disouned Allegiance to Tyrants Usurpers before now 2. Deduce it from the Dictates of reason 3. Confirme it by Scripture Arguments I. Albeit as was shewed before this Question as now stated is in many respects unprecedented yet the practice which in our day hath been the result of it to wit to disoune or not to oune Prevailing Dominators Usurping the Government or abusing it is not so alien from the examples of History but that by Equivalency or consequence it may be collected from confirmed by instances 1. To begin at home besides many Passages related already for confirmation we may adde 1 That for about 1025. years the people had in their choise whom to oune ar admit to succeed in the Government even though the Kingdom was hereditary and used to elect not such who were nearest in blood line but these that were judged most fit for Government being of the same progeny of Fergus Buchan Rer. Scot. lib.
the Lord. So that we sin against the fifth Command when we honour them that we are obliged to contemn by another Command Hence I argue If ouning or honouring of Tyrants be a breach of the fifth Command then we cannot oune their Authority But the former is true Ergo the latter I prove the Assumption A honouring the vile to whom no honour is due and who stand under no relation of Fathers as Fathers is a breach of the fifth Command But the ouning of Tyrants Authority is a honouring the vile to whom no honour is due and who stand under no relation of Fathers and is yet a honouring them as Fathers Ergo the ouning of Tyrants Authority is a breach of the fifth Command The Major is clear for if the honouring of these to whom no honour is due were not a breach of the fifth Command that precept conld neither be kept at all nor broken at all It could not be kept at all for either it must oblige us to honour all indefinitely as Fathers and other relations which cannot be or else it must leave us still in suspence ignorance who shall be the object of our honour and then it can never be kept or finally it must astrict our honouring to such definite relations to whom it is due then our transgression of that restriction shall be a breach of it Next if it were not so it could not be broken at all for if prostituting abusing honour be not a sin we cannot sin in the matter of honour at all for if the abuse of honour be not a sin then dishonour also is not a sin for that is but an abuse of the duty which is a sin as well as the omission of it And what should make the taking away of honour from the proper object to be sin and the giving it to a wrong object to be no sin Moreover if this Command do not restrict honour to the proper object we shall never know who is the object how shall we know who is our Father or what we owe to him if we may give another his due The Minor also is manifest for if Tyrants be vile then no honour is due to them according to that Psal. 15. 4. And yet it is a honouring them as Fathers if they be ouned as Magistrats for Magistrats are in a politick sense Fathers But certain it is that Tyrants are vile as the Epithets Characters they get in Scripture prove But because in contradiction to this it may be said though Fathers be never so wicked yet they are to be honoured because they are still Fathers And though Masters be never so vile and froward yet they are to be subjected unto 1 Pet. 2. 18-20 and so of other relations to whom honour is due by this Command therefore though Tyrants be never so vile they are to be ouned under these relations because they are the higher Powers in place of Eminency to whom the Apostle Paul commands to yeeld subjection Rom. 13. and Peter to give submission honour 1 Pet. 2. 13 17. Therefore it must be considered that as the relative duty of honouring the relations to whom it is due must not interfere with the moral duty of contemning the vile who are not under these relations So this general Moral of contemning the vile must not ca●sate the obligation of relative duties but must be understood with a Consistency therewith without any prejudice to the duty it self We must contemn all the vile that are not under a relation to be honoured and these also that are in that relation in so far as they are vile But now Tyrants do not come under these Relations at all that are to be honoured by this Command As for the higher Powers that Paul speaks of Rom. 13. they are not those which are higher in fo●ce but higher in Power not in potentia but in potestate not in a Celsitude of prevalency but in a precellency of dignity not in the pomp pride of their prosperity possession of the place but by the virtue value of their office being ordained of God not to be resisted the Ministers of God for good terrors to evil doers to whom honour is due those are not Tyrants but Magistrats Hence it is a word of the same root which is rendered Authority or an Authorized Power 1 Tim. 2. 2. And from the same word also comes that supreme to whom Peter commands subjection honour 1 Pet. 2. 13. Now these he speaks of have the Legal Constitution of the people being the ordinance of man to be subjected to for the Lords sake and who sends other inferior Magistrats for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do well who are to be honoured as Kings or Lawful Magistrats this cannot be said of Tyrants But more particularly to evince that Tyrants Usurpers are not to be honoured according to this Command and that it is a breach of it so to do let us go through all these Relations of Superiority that come under the obligation of this Command and we shall find Tyrants Usurpers excluded out of all First they cannot come under the Parental relation We are indeed to esteem Kings as Fathers though not properly but by way of some Analogy because it is their office to care for the people and to be their Counsellers and to defend them as Fathers do for Children but Roaring Lyons Ranging Bears as wicked Rulers are Prov. 28. 15. cannot be Fathers But Kings cannot properly be ouned under this Relation far less Tyrants with whom the Analogy of Fathers cannot consist there being so many notable disparities betwixt Kings Fathers 1. A Father may be a Father to one Child but a King cannot be a King or Politick Father to one only but his Correlate must be a Community a Tyrant can be a Father to none at all in a Politick sense 2. A Father is a Father by Generation to all coming out of his loyns a King not so he doth not beget them nor doth their relation flow from that a Tyrant is a destroyer not a Procreator of people 3. A Father is the cause of the Natural being of his Children A King only of the Politick well being of his subjects but Tyrants are he cause of the ill being of both 4. A Father once a Father as long as his Children live retains still the relation thô he turn mad and never so wicked A King turning mad may be served as Nebuchadnezzar was at least all will grant in some cases the subjects may shake off th● King and if in any case it is when he turns Tyrant 5. A Fathers relation never ceases whither soeuer his Children go but subjects may change their relation to a King by coming under another King in another Kingdom a Tyrant will force all lovers of freedom to leave the Kingdom where he Domineers 6. A Fathers relation never changes he can neither
conveen to ask a King 1 Sam. 8. And without any head or superior they convene make David King notwithstanding of Isbosheths hereditary right Without against Tyrannous Athaliah her consent they convene make Ioash King and cared not for her Treason Treason 2 King. 11. But now the king alone challenges the Prerogative-power of calling dessolving Parliaments as he pleases and condemns all meetings of Estates without his warrant which is purely Tyrannical for in cases of necessity by the very Law of nature they may must convene The Power is given to the king only by a positive Law for orders sake but otherwise they have an intrinsical Power to assemble themselves All the forecited Commands Admonitions Certifications to execute Iudgement must necessarly involve imply Power to convene without which they could not be in a Capacity for it Not only unjust Judgement but no I●dgement in a time when Truth is fallen in the streets equity cannot enter is charged as the sin of the State therefore they must convene to prevent this sin and the wrath of God for it God hath committed the keeping of the Common-wealth not to the king only but also to the peoples Representatives heads And if the king have Power to break up all Conventions of this nature then he hath Power to hinder Judgement to proceed which the Lord Commands And this would be an excuse when God threatens vengeance for it we could not execute Iudgement because ehe King forbad us Yet many of these forementioned reproofs threatenings certifications were given in the time of Tyrannous Idolatrous kings who no doubt would inhibite discharge the doing of their duty yet we see that was no excuse but the Lord denounces wrath for the omission 4 They had Power to execute Judgement against the will of the Prince Samuel killed Agag against Sauls will but according to the Command of God 1 Sam. 15. 32. Against Ahabs will mind Elijah caused kill the Priests of Baal according to Gods express Law 1 King. 18. 40. It is true it was extraordinary but no otherwise than it is this day when there is no Magistrate that will execute the Judgment of the Lord then they who have Power to make the Magistrate may ought to execute it when wicked men make the Law of God of none effect So the Princes of Iudah had power against the kings will to put Ieremiah to death which the king supposes when he directs him what to say to them Ier. 38. 25. They had really such a Power though in Ieremiahs case it would have been wickedly perverted See Lex Rex Q. 19. 20. 5 They had a power to execute Judgement upon the king himself as in the case of Amaziah Uzziah as shall be cleared afterwards I conclude with repeating the Argument If the king be accountable whensoever this Account shall be taken we are confident our disouning him for the present will be justified and all will be obliged to imitate it If he be not then we cannot oune his Authority that so presumptously exalts himself above the People 10. If we will further consider the nature of Magistracy it will appear what Authority can conscienciously be ouned to wit that which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Potestas not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Potentia Authorized Power not Might or force Moral Power not merely Natural There is a great difference betwixt these two Natural Power is common to brutes Moral Power is peculiar to men Narural Power is more in the Subjects because they have more strength force Moral Power is in the Magistrate they can never meet adequately in the same subject Natural power can Moral only may warrantably exercise rule Natural power is opposed to impotency weakness Moral to illicitness or unlawfulness Natural power consists in strength Moral in righteousness Natural power may be in a Reut of Rogues making an uproar Moral only in the Rulers they cannot be distinguished by their acts but by the Principle from which the acts proceed in the one from meer force in the other from Authority The Principle of Natural power is its oun might will and the end only self Moral hath its rise from positive Constitution and its end publick safety The strength of Natural power lies in the Sword whereby its might gives Law the strength of Moral power is in its Word whereby reason gives Law unto which the Sword is added for punishment of Contraveners Natural power takes the Sword Math. 26. 52. Moral bears the Sword Rom. 13. 4. In Natural power the Sword is the Cause in Moral it is only the Consequent of Authority In Natural power the Sword legitimates the Scepter in Moral the Scepter legitimates the Sword The Sword of the Natural is only backed with Metal the Sword of the Moral power is backed with Gods warrant Natural power involves men in passive subjection as a traveller is made to yeeld to a Robber Moral power reduces to Consciencious subordination Hence the power that is only Natural not Moral Potentia not Potestas cannot be ouned But the power of Tyrants Usurpers is only Natural not Moral Potentia not Potestas Ergo it cannot be ouned The Major cannot be denied for it is only the Moral Power that is ordained of God unto which we must be subject for Conscience sake The Minor also for the Power of Tyrants is not Moral because not Authorized nor warranted nor ordained of God by His preceptive Ordinance and therefore no Lawful Magistratical Power For the clearer understanding of this let it be observed there are four things required to the making of a Moral or Lawful Power the matter of it must be Lawful the Person Lawful the Title Lawful and the Use Lawful 1. The matter of it about which it is exerted or the work to be done by it must be Lawful warranted by God and if it be unlawful it destroyes its Moral being As the Popes power in dispensing with Divine Laws is null no Moral Power And so also the Kings power in dispensing with both Divine humane Laws is null Hence that power which is in regard of matter unlawful and never warranted by God cannot be ouned But absolute power which is the power of Tyrants Usurpers particularly of this of ours is in regard of matter unlawful never warranted by God Ergo 2. The Person holding the power must be such as not only is capable of but competent to the tenure of it and to whom the holding of it is allowed and if it be prohibited it evacuates the Morality of the power Korah his Company arrogated to themselves the Office of the Priesthood this power was prohibited to them their power then was a nullity As therefore a person that should not be a Minister when he usurps that office is no Minister So a person that should not be a Magistrate when he usurps that Office is no
Magistrate Hence a person that is incapable incompetent for Government cannot be ouned for a Governour But the D. of Y. is such a person not only not qualified as the Word of God requires a Magistrate to be but by the Laws of the Land declared incapable of Rule because he is a Papist a Murderer an Adulterer c. 3. There must be in Moral Power a Lawful Title Investure as is shewed above which if it be wanting the Power is null and the person but a Scenical King like Iohn of Leyden This is essentially necessary to the being of a Magistrate which only properly distinguishes him from a private man for when a person becomes a Magistrate what is the change that is wrought in him what new habit or endewment is produced in him he hath no more natural power than he had before only now he hath the Moral Power right Authority to Rule Legally impowering him to Govern. Let it be Considered what makes a subordinate Magistrate whom we may oune as such It must be only his Commission from a Superior Power otherwise we reject him If one come to us of his oun head taking upon him the style office of a Bailif Sheriff or Judge and command our Persons demand our purses or exact our Oaths we think we may deny him not taking our selves to owe him any subjection not ouning any bond of conscience to him why because he hath no lawful Commission Now if we require this qualification in the subordinate why not in the Supreme Hence that Magistrate that cannot produce his Legal Investure cannot be ouned But the D. of Y. cannot produce his Legal Investure his admission to the Crown upon Oath Compact and with the consent of the subjects according to the Laws of the Land as is shewed above Ergo 4. There must also be the Lawful Use of the Power which must be not only legal for its composure but right for its practice its Course Process in Government must be just Governing according to Law otherwise it is meer Tyranny for what is Government but the subjecting of the Community to the rule of Governours for Peace Orders sake and the security of all their precious Interests and for what end was it ordained and continued among men but that the stronger may not domineer over the weaker And what is Anarchy but the playing the Rex of the Natural power over the Moral Hence that Power which is contrary to Law evil Tyrannical can tye none to subjection But the power of the King abused to the destruction of Laws Religion Liberties giving his power strength unto the beast making war with the Lamb Revel 17. 13 14. is a power contrary to Law evil Tyrannical Ergo it can tye none to subjection wickedness by no imaginable reason can oblige any man. It is Objected by some from Rom. 13. 1. There is no power but of God The Usurping power is a power Therefore it is of God and consequently we owe subjection to it Ans. 1. The Original reading is not Universal but thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for there is no power if not from God which confirms what I plead for that we are not to oune any Authority if it be not Authorized by God. The words are only relative to higher powers in a restricted sense and at most are but indefinite to be determined according to the matter not all power simply but all Lawful power 2. It is a fallacia a dicto secundum quid There is no power but of God that is no Moral Power as Universal negatives use to be understood Heb. 5. 4. no man taketh this honour unto himself but he that is called of God which is clear must not be understood for the negation of the fact as if no man at all doth or ever did take unto himself that honour for Korah did it c. but no man taketh it warrantably with a Moral right and Gods allowance without Gods call So also the universal imperative in that same Text must not be taken absolutely without restriction for if every soul without exception were to be subject there could be none left to be the higher powers but it is understood with restriction to the relation of a subject So here no Power but of God to be understood with restriction to the relation of a Lawful Magistrate It it also to be understood indiscriminately in reference to the diverse species sorts degrees of Lawful Power Supreme subordinate whether to the King as Supreme or to Governours c. as Peter expresses it Or whether they be Christian or Pagan It cannot be meant of all universally that may pretend to power and may attain to prevailing Potency for then by this Text we must subject our selves to the Papacy now intended to be introduced and indeed if we subject our selves to this Papist the next thing he will require will be that 3. To the Minor proposition I Answer The usurping power is a power It is Potentia I grant that it is Potestas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Authority I deny Therefore it is of God by His Providence I concede by His Ordinance I deny Consequently we owe subjection to it I deny We may be subject passively I grant Actively out of conscience I deny But some will Object 2. Though the Power be Usurped and so not Morally Lawful in all these respects yet it may do good its Laws administrations may be good Ans. I grant all is good that ends well and hath a good begining That cannot be good which hath a bad principle bonum ex integra causa Some Government for constitution good may in some acts be bad but a Government for constitution bad cannot for the acts it puts forth be good These good acts may be good for matter but formally they are not good as done by the Usurper They may be comparatively good that is better so then worse but they cannot be absolutely and in a Moral sense good for to make a Politick action good not only the matter must be warrantable but the Call also It may indeed induce subjects to bear improve to the best what cannot be remedied but cannot oblige to oune a Magistratical Relation II. The Nature of the power thus discovered lets us see the Nature of that relative duty which we owe must oune as due to Magistrates and what sort of ouning we must give them which to inquire a litle into will give light to the question All the duty deference the Lord requires of us towards them whom we must oune as Magistrates is comprehended in these two expressions honour required in the fifth Command and subjection required in Rom. 13. 1. c. 1 Pet. 2. 13. c. Whomsoever then we oune as Magistrates we must oune honour subjection as due to them And if so be we cannot upon a consciencious ground give them honour subjection we cannot
we cannot expect to have the Lord for a Sanctuary but for a stone of stumbling Isai. 8. 8. 12-14 No Peace obstructing the Gospel or Testimony or abstracting from the duty of the day No Peace tending to sinful security Ier. 8. 11. No Peace leading to slavish stupidity No Peace prompting to preposterous prudence in palliating sin or daubing defections with untempered morter No Peace inconsistent with Truth they must go together Zech. 1. 19. No Peace that may not be followed with Holiness Heb. 12. 14. But it must be so qualified that it be in the Lord in Truth in duty contributing for the good of the Church Psal. 122. 8 9. and the fruit of that Wisdom which is first Pure and then Peaceable Iam. 3. 17. Now all that know the Imposers of these Bonds will acknowledge that is not the Peace they are seeking 3. If we further enquire into their meaning of Living Peaceably and seek a determinate sense of it from their Acts Actings It is plain they mean such a Peaceable Living as gives obedience to their wicked Laws and is a Complyance to their established Courses And it must be such a Peaceable living as is opposite to their sense of Sedition Rebellion Schisme c. Which they interpret every seasonable duty to be And it must be such a Peaceable living as they were presumed not to have been observant of before and what ever it be must be opposite to that with which they were charged as turbulent and so contrary to all the duties of our Covenanted profession as going to meetings withdrawing from the Curats c. Which they interpret not to be Peacable living 4. This is contrary to our Covenants which oblige us to a constant contending with and opposition to them Yet all this is engaged into in the Oath of Abjuration which abjures all war against the King and all doing injury to them that serve him and consequently to Peace living Peaceably with them IV. Of Affinity to this were many other Bonds of Regularity frequently renewed generally imposed and that with unparalelled illegality rigour Sometimes by hosts of Savage Highlanders Sometimes by Circuit-Courts and by Heretors upon their Tenants and with such unheard of involvements that the Master or Heretor was obliged for himself his Wife Children Servants Tenants and all under him to live Orderly Which in some was more bluntly expressed in others more flatly explained that they should keep the Publick Ordinances that is hear the Curats and not go to any Seditious Conventicles so they called the Persecuted Meetings of the Lords people for the Worship of God and in others yet more impudently exacted that they should not harbour intertain or correspond with any that went to these Meetings but discover and assist to the apprehending of them There were several forms of them from time to time some longer some shorter but all of them first last were to the same sense scope And the most favourably worded had much wickedness in them for 1. They are Covenants of Order and coming under the same Rule with themselves which is nothing but their lusts Mischiefs framed into Law not according to the Rule of the Word of God but the iniquious Laws of men 2. They could not be taken in Truth Judgement Righteousness for either they were ambiguous or their plain sense obliged to manifest iniquities to conforme with all their enacted corruptions 3. They are clear breaches of Covenant which obliges to another Kind of Orderlyness and to follow other Rules and take none from them in the Matters of God. 4. They are impossible and absurd obliging Masters to bind for all under them that could neither lye in their power nor in their duty to restrain their Liberty in these Lawful things and to constrain compell their consciences to sin 5. They are unnatural cruel obliging the Takers to partake with them in their persecution of the Godly 6. They were engagments to hear Curats which is proved to be sin Head 1. throughout 7. They were engagments to withdraw from the Meetings of the Lords people proved to be duty Head 4. Yet the Oath of Abjuration is some way equivalent to this in that it obliges the Abjurers to renounce Disorderlyness in their sense and to do no harm to the timeserving Orderly Clergy or Laity serving prosecuting their wicked Orders V. Some other Bonds of that nature and Oaths frequently put to Suffering people when taken Prisoners did require peaceableness Orderlyness in this Style that they should either tacitely or expressly condemn Some Risings in Armes as at Pentland Bothwel c. to be Rebellion against the King and a sin against God engage never to rise in Armes against the King or any commissionate by him upon any pretence whatsoever The iniquity whereof is manifest for 1. This is a Covenant equivalent to a league Offensive Defensive with them obliging never to offend or oppose them not to defend nor rescue our Brethren against from their murdering violence 2. This could not be taken in Truth Judgement Righteousness for who can tell how far that may extend upon any pretence whatsoever this may oblige us to make a stupid surrender of our lives when the King turns so Tyrannical as to send his Cut-throats to demand them or Authorizes his bloody Papists to Massacre us them we must not resist upon this pretence 3. It is contrary to our Covenants that allow Resistance in some cases and oblige to assist defend all that enter under the bond thereof 5. This infers an ouning of the present Authority as the irresistible Ordinance of God and an obligation of living peaceably in subjection under it disproved above To which I shall adde a part of that forecited Letter of Mr Rutherfoords the 63. in number of the third part of his printed Letters which are a clear vindication of the principles practice of our consciencious Sufferers on this point There is a promise real purpose saith he to live peaceably under the Kings Authority But 1 yow do not so answer candidly imgenuously the mind of the Rulers who to your knowledge mean a far other thing by Authority than yow do for yow mean his just Authority his Authority in the Lord in the maintenance of true Religion as in the Covenant confession of faith is expressed from the Word of God they mean his supreme Authority absolute prerogative above Laws as their Acts clear and as their practice is for they refused to such as were unwilling to subscribe their bond to adde Authority in the Lord or just Lawful Authority or Authority as it is expressed in the Covenant but this draught of a petition yeelds the sense meaning to them which they crave 2 That Authority for which they contend is exclusive of the sworn Covenant So that except ye had said ye shall be subject to the Kings Authority in the Lord or
the Remnant that He may get a lodging among the afflicted poor people that trust in the Name of the Lord that they may feed Lie doun none make them afraid Zeph. 3. 12 13. that the poor of the flock that wait on Him may know that it is the Word of the Lord Zech. 11. 11. they will lay out themselves to strengthen their hands This is the Work of the publick spirited Lovers of the Gospel which hath been and yet is the great work of this our day to carry the Gospel and follow it and keep it up through the Land as the Standart of Christ against all opposition from mountain to hill when now Zion hath been Labouring to bring forth as a woman in travel and made to go forth out of the City and to dwell in the field Mic. 4. 10. Therefore seeing it is the publick Work of the day and all its followers must have such a publick spirit it followes that the Meetings to promote it must be as publick as is possible 4. The Interest priviledge of the Gospel to have it in freedom purty power plenty is the publick Concern of all the Lords people preferable to all other Interests and therefore more publickly peremptorly and zealously to be contended for than any other Interest whatsoever It is the Glory of the Land 1 Sam. 4. 21. without which Ichabod may be the name of every thing and every Land though never so pleasant will be but a dry parched Land where no water is in the esteem of them that have seen the Lords Glory power in the Sanctuary Psal. 63. 1. Where as its name is Hephzibah Beulah Isai. 62. 4. and Iehovah-Shammah Ezek. 48. ult where God is enjoyed in His Gospel Ordinances And the want reproach of the Solemn Assemblies is a matter of the saddest mourning to the Lords people Zeph. 3. 18. Therefore while the Ark abode in Kerjath-jearim the time was thought very Long and all the house of Israel Lamented after the Lord 1 Sam. 7. 2. then they heard of it at Ephratah and found it in the fields of the Wood Psal. 132. 6. But it hath been longer than twenty years in our fields of the Woods and therefore we should be Lamenting after it with greater concernedness especially remembering how we were priviledged with the Gospel which was somtimes publickly embraced countenanced by Authority and ensured to us by Laws Statutes Declarations Proclamations Oaths Vowes Covenant-engagments whereby the Land was dedicated devoted unto the Son of God whose Conquest it was And now are not all the people of God obliged to do what they can to hinder the recalling of this dedication and the giving up of the Land as an offering unto Satan Antichrist And how shall this be but by a publick Contending for this priviledge and a resolving they shall sooner bereave us of our hearts blood than of the Gospel in its freedom purity But this we cannot contend for publickly if our Meetings be not publick 5. The nature business of the Gospel Ministrie is such that it obliges them that exercise it to endeavour all publickness without which they cannot discharge the extent of their Instructions their very names titles do insinuate so much They are Witnesses for Christ and therefore their Testimony should be publick though their Lot oftentimes be to Witness in Sackcloth They are Heraulds and therefore they should Proclaim their Masters Will though their Lot be often to be a voice crying in the Wilderness as Iohn the Baptist was in his field Preachings They are Ambassadours and therefore they should maintain their Masters Majestie in the Publick port of His Ambassadours and be wholly taken up about their Soveraigns business They are Watchmen and therefore they should keep maintain their post their Masters hath placed them at Nay they are Lights Candles and therefore cannot be hid Math. 5. 14 15. The Commands Instructions given them infer the nec●ssity of this They must cry aloud and not spare and left up their voice like a Trumpet and shew the Lords People their transgressions sins Isai. 58. 1. They are Watchmen upon Ierusalems walls which must not hold their peace day nor night nor keep silence nor give the Lord rest till He establish and till He make Ierusalem a praise in the earth Isai. 62. 6 7. They are Watchmen that must command all to hearken to the sound of the Trumpet Ier. 6. 17. They must be valiant for the Truth upon the earth Ier. 9. 3. They must say thus saith the Lord even to a rebellious Nation whether they will hear or forbear and not be afraid of them Ezek. 2. 5 6. They must cause the people to know their abominations Ezek. 16. 2. and the abominations of their Fathers Ezek. 20. 4. And what their Master tells them in darkness that they must speak in the Light and what they hear in the ear that they must Preach upon the house tops Math 10. 27. These things cannot be done in a Clandestine way And therefore now when there is so much necessity it is the duty of all faithful Ministers to be laying out themselves to the utmost in their Pastoral function for the suppreffing of all the evils of the time not withstanding of any prohibition to the contrary in the most publick manner according to the examples of all the faithful servants of the Lord both in the Old New Testaments Though it be most impiously Tyrannically interdicted yet the Laws of God stand unrepealed and therefore all who have a Trumpet a Mouth should set the Trumpet to their Mouth and sound a certain sound not in secret for that will not alarme the people but in in the most publick manner they can have access to And it is the duty of all to come hear obey their Warnings Witnessings command who will the contrary It was for mocking despising His Words misusing His Prophets that the wrath of the Lord arose against His people the Iewes until there was no remedy 2 Chron. 36 16. Therefore from all that is said it must be Concluded that Meetings for Gospel Ordinances must be as publick as can be And if so then that they should be in houses safety will not permit to us to go to the streets or Mercat places neither safety nor prudence will admit Therefore we must go to the fields with it cost what it will. 4. Seeing then there must be Meettngs publick Meetings And seeing we cannot and dare not in Conscience countenance the Curats Meetings we must hear oune embrace follow such faithful Ministers as are cloathed with Christ Commission Righteousness salvation and do keep the Words of the Lords patience and the Testimony of the Church of Scotland in particular This I think will not or dare not be denyed by any that oune the Authority of Christ which none can deny or instruct the contrary
but our Ministers that ventured their lives in preaching in the fields have had a certain seal to their Ministry is sealed sensibly in the conviction of many confession of moe That Christs Ministers Witnesses employed about the Great Gospel Message cloathed with His Authority under the obligation of His Commands lying upon them must preach the people must hear them not withstanding of all Laws to the contrary Divines grant that the Magistrate can no more suspend from the exercise than he can depose from the Office of the Ministry for the one is a degree unto the other See Apollon de jure Majest circa Sacra Part. 1. Pag. 334. c. Rutherf Due right of Presb. Pag. 430. c. For whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto men more than unto God the Consciences of the greatest enemies may be appealed unto Act. 4. 19. They must not cease wherever they have a Call Occasion to Teach Preach Iesus Christ Act. 5. ult Necessity is laid upon them yea wo unto them if they Preach not the Gospel 1 Cor. 9. 16. In all things they must approve themselves as the Ministers of God in much patience in afflictions in necessities c. by honour dishonour by evil report good report as deceivers and yet true as unknown yet well known 2 Cor. 6. 4 8 9. They must preach the Word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering doctrine 2 Tim. 4. 2. Dare any say then that a Magistrats or Tyrants Laws can exauctorate a Minister or silence him by his oun proper elicite acts as King or Tyrant or formally immediately Will Mischiefs framed into a Law warrant such iniquity or an act of a King of Clay rescind the Mandats of the King of Kings or exempt people from obedience due thereunto Or will the Bishops Canons who have no power from Christ or the Censures of them that stand condemned themselves by the Constitutions of the Church Acts of the General Assemblies have any weight in the case And yet these are all that can be alledged except odious invidious Calumnies the ordinary Lot of the most faithful against the present preachers in the fields which are sufficiently confuted in their late Informatory Vindication and need not here be touched Seeing therefore they have given up themselves unto Christ as His servants they must resolve to be employed for Him to the outmost of their power and must not think of laying up their Talent in a Napkin especially now when there is so great necessity when Defection is yet growing covered countenanced more more Division nothing abated but new oyl cast daylie into the flames of devouring Contentions the people generally drouned in the deluge of the times snares sins and like to be over whelmed in the inundation of black Poperie now coming in at the opened sluce of this wicked Toleration with the Congratulations of Addressing Ministers when now the Harvest is great and the Labourers are few Great then is the necessity and double must the woe be that abideth such Ministers as are silent at such a time And great inexcusable is the sin of the people if they do not come out and countenance faithful Ministers the Messengers of the Lord of hosts from whom they should seek the Law Mal. 2. 7. especially when there are so many that have palpably betrayed their Trust and so few that are faithful in the necessary Testimony of the day Seeing then faithful Ministers must preach people must hear where can they meet with conveniency safety freedom except either under the shelter of this wicked Toleration which they dare not do or else go to the fields 5. It must be obtained also that the Ministers have a right to Preach in this unfixed manner whereever they have a Call their relation now in this disturbed state of the Church being to be considered more extensively than in its settled condition For understanding which we must distinguish a three or four-fold relation that a Minister of the Gospel stands into First He is a Minister of Christ and Steward of the Mysteries of God 1 Cor. 4. 1. having his Commission from Christ as his Master And this relation he hath universally wherever he is Secondly he is a Minister of the Catholick Church though not a Catholick Minister of it which is his primary relation for that is the Church in which Ministers are set 1 Cor. 12. 28. and to which they are given Eph. 4. 11 12. Thirdly He is a Minister of the particular Church whereof he is a Member and so in Scotland a Minister is a Minister of the Church of Scotland and is obliged to lay out himself for the good of that Church Fourthly he is a Minister of the particular Congregation whereunto he hath a fixed relation in a constitute case of the Church This last is not essential to a Minister of Christ but is subservient to the former relations but when separated from such a relation or when it is impossible to be held he is still a Minister of Christ and His Call to preach the Gospel stands binds See M r Durhams Degression on this particular on Revel chap. 2. pag. 89. c. in quarto For thô he be not a Catholick Officer having an equal relation to all Churches as the Apostles were Nevertheless he may exerce Ministerial Acts Authoritatively upon occasions warrantably calling for the same in other Churches as Heraulds of one King having Authority to charge in His Name wherever it be especially in a broken state of the Church when all the restriction his Ministerial relation is capable of is only a tye call to officiate in the service of that Church whereof he is a Member and so he hath right to preach every where as he is called for the edification of that Church The reasons are 1. He hath power from Christ the Master of the whole Church and therefore wherever the Masters Authority is acknowledged the Servants Ministerial Authority cannot be denied at least in relation to that Church whereof he is a Member as well as a Minister 2. He hath Commission from Christ principally for the edification of Christs body as far as his Ministrie can reach according to the Second relation 3. His relation to the whole Church is principal that which is fixed to a part is only subordinate because it is a part of the whole 4. His Commission is indefinite to preach the Gospel which will s●it as well in one place as in another 5. The same great ends of the Churches greater good edification which warrands fixing of a Minister to a particular charge in the Churches peaceable state will warrand his officiating more largely in her disturbed state 6. Else it would follow that a faithful Minister standing in that relation to a disturbed destroyed Church and all his
the chief of our fundamental Land-rights and the Cardinal Condition of the established Policy upon which we can only oune men for Magistrats by the Law of the Land And this Testimony by defence of the Gospel and of our oun lives cannot be given expediently any where but in the Fields It is also a Testimony for the freedom Authority of the Gospel-Ministrie and for their holding their unremovable Relation to the Church of Scotland which is infringed by these Tyrannical Acts and maintained by these exercises which is a priviledge to be contended for above beyond all other that can be contended for or defended especially to be maintained against those that have no power or Authority to take it away There will no man quite any of his goods upon a sentence coming from an incompetent Judge And shall Ministers or people be hectored or fooled from such a priviledge by them that have no such power 6. The keeping of Field-Meetings now is a Testimony for our Covenants the ouning whereof is declared Criminal by that same Law that discharges these Meetings in which we are sworn to preserve the Reformation in Doctrine Worship Discipline Government and to defend all the Churches Liberties and to oppose all their Opposites and endeavour their exstirpation And in the Solemn Acknowledgment of sins Engagment to duties we are sworn because many have of late laboured to supplant the Liberties of the Kirk to maintain defend the Kirk of Scotland in all her Liberties Priviledges against all who shall oppose undermine the same or encroach thereupon under any pretext whatsoever Since then the ouning of these Meetings and the Covenants are both discharged together and the ouning of the Covenant does oblige to a publick opposition against the dischargers and an avowed Maintinance of the Churches priviledges whereof this is in a manner the only chief Liberty now left to be maintained to keep Meetings where we may testify against them without dependence on their Toleration it must follow that these Meetings are to be maintained which only can be in the fields with conveniency 7. To give over these Field-Meetings now would be an hardening encouraging of these Enemies in their wicked design of banishing all these Meetings out of the Land which manifestly would be defeat by a resolute refusal of all to submit to their discharging of them and they that do submit and give them over do evidently contribute to the effectuating that wicked design which is certain does not nor will not terminate upon a simple suppression of that sort but further is intended to exstirpate all Meetings for Gospel Ordinances in which there is any Testimony against them To Comply therefore with such a forbearance of them at this time would lay a stone of stumbling before them to encourage them in these their designs when they should see their Contrivance so universally complyed with wherein they might boast that at length they had prevailed to put quite away that eye-sore of theirs Field-Meetings 8. To give over these Field-Meetings now were a stumbling to the poor ignorant people who might think that now it appears that Work was but of men and so hath come to naught and would look upon it as an evidence of fainting succumbing at last in the matter of the Testimony as being quite overcome and that indeed all have embraced accepted this present Toleration and were all alike sleeping under the shade and eating the fruits of such a bramble 9. Finally To give over these Field-Meetings now would be very scandalous to the posterity and to Strangers who shall read the History of our Church to find that as Prelacy came in without a joint Witness and the monstrous Blasphemous Sacrilegious Supremacy was erected without a Testimony in its season So black Poperie it self and Tyranny was introduced by a Toleration which laid them all by from a Testimony against these who formerly had valiantly resolutely faithfully contended against all lesser Corruptions but at last when that came and stricter prohibitions of all publick Meetings but under the Covert thereof were emitted then all were perswaded to comply with that Course How astonishing would it be to read that all these Contendings sealed with so much precious blood should come to such a pitiful Period But I hasten to the Next which is the Second Positive Ground of Suffering HEAD V. The Principle of Testimony for Defensive Armes Vindicated THis Truth is of that sort that can hardly be illustrated by demonstration not for the darkness thereof but for its self evidencing clearness being scarcely capable of any further elucidation than what is offered to the rational understanding by its simple proposition As first Principles can hardly be proven because they need no probation and cannot be made clearer than they are and such as cannot consent to them are incapable of conceiving any probation of them So this Truth of Self-preservation being Lawful because it is congenite with and irradicated in every nature that hath a Self which it can preserve can scarcely be more illustrated that it may do so than that it can do so And therefore to all who have a true respect to their oun as well as a due concern in the Interest of Mankind and zeal for the Interest of Christ it might seem superfluous to make a doubt or debate of this Were it not that a Generation of men is now prevailing that are as great Monsters in Nature as they are Malignant in Religion and as great perverters of the Law of Nature as they are Subverters of Municipal Laws and Everters of the Laws of God Who for ouning this principle as well as using the practice of Defensive Resistence for self preservation against Tyrannical violence have set up such Monuments of rage cruelty in the Murder of many innocent people as was never read nor heard of before It hath been indeed the practice of all Nations in the World and the greatest of men have maintained this principle in all ages But the bare Asserting the principle when extorted by severe Inquisitions was never a Cause of taking the lives of any before this was imposed on the poor Suf●erers in Scotland to give their judgement Whether or not such Appearances for Defence as the Tyranny of Rulers had forced people to were Reb●llion and a Sin against God Which they could not in Conscience assert and therefore thô many that have suffered upon this head have been as free of the practice of such Res●stence as any yet because they would not condemn the principle they have been Criminally processed Arraigned Condemned to the death And against this Truth they have been observed to have a special kind of indignation either because the light of it which cannot be ●id hath some heat with it to se●rch them or because they fear the impression of this in the hearts of people more than others knowing that they deserve the
all Power given to him in Heaven in Earth and all Authority even because He is the Son of man An Institute right by the Fathers Inauguration which hath set Him as King in Zion An Acquisite right by His oun Purchase by which He hath merited obtained not only Subjects to Govern but the Glory of the Sole Soveraignty over them in that relation a Name above every Name A Bellical right by Conquest making the People fall under Him and be willing in the day of His Power and overcoming those that make war with Him An Hereditary right by Proximity of blood Primogeniture being the first born higher then the Kings of the Earth and the first born from the dead that in all things He might have the Preeminence An Elective right by His Peoples choise surrender a Croun wherewith His Mother Crouned Him in the Day of His espousals In a humble recognizance of all which Rights we oune avouch that He hath that Incommunicable Prerogative of Sole Soveraignty over his Visible Kingdom as well as Invisible without a Copartner or Competitor either Coordinate or subordinate in Prescribing Lawes by no humane Authority to be reversed in appointing Ordinances immutable without addition or diminution for matter or manner instituting a Government which no man or Angel can without Blasphemy arrogate a Power either to invert or evert change or overturn And Constituting Officers which must depend only on His Authority and His alone and must be cloathed only with His Commission and His alone guided by His Instructions His alone Acting according to His Lawes Prescribed Platforme and His alone without any dependence on subordination to Licence warrand or Indulgence from any Mortal And therefore We disoune detest every thing that hath not the stamp of His Authority either in Doctrine Worship Discipline or Government And will discountenance Prelacy Supremacy Popery and all Corruption contrarie to His Institution who is Sole Supreme Lawgiver to the Conscience and will submit to or comply with nothing that may directly or indirectly signify our respect unto them Hence we will take none of their Oaths subscribe none of their bonds yeeld to none of their Impositions pay none of their Exactions Neither will we hear or receive Ordinances from any Minister but the faithful Authorized Ambassadours of Christ our King whatever either rage or reproach we suffer for it We assert affirm also that our Exalted Prince is King of the whole world by whom Kings reign Princes Decree Justice as His Ministers of Justice in subordination to Him whom He hath appointed to rule over us with just boundaries that they may not exceed and true Characters by which we should know them pay them deference And therefore who soever shall arrogate to themselves and extend their power beyond above His prescripts being neither called to nor qualified for nor improving the Office for the ends He hath appointed We will acknowledge them no otherwise than Usurping Tyrants not Magistrats nor Ministers of Justice to whom He hath given the Sword by His preceptive Will only as Lyons Bears Wolves to whom he hath given a rod by His providential Will In that case we may be passively subject when we cannot do better but will never oune Consciencious Allegiance to them nor oune them as our Lawful Magistrars And therefore we will not bow to their Idols they have set up nor prostitute either Conscience or Liberty to their Lust But will endeavour under our Masters Banner Conduct to preserve whatever he hath intrusted to us Religion Life Liberty Estate And whatsoever the Lord our God hath given us to possess As they unjustly possess what their God gives them And will maintain a war of constant opposition to them against whom our Lord hath declared a war for ever without parly Treaty of peace Capitulation Composition Truce or any Transaction we will neither Medle nor make with them less or more nor seek their favour nor embrace it when it is offered on any termes that may imply any obligation to surcease from our duty to our King and irreconcileable opposition to them c. Now I shall come more Distinctly to the purpose in offering a short vindication of the Heads Grounds of our great sufferings Dividing them into their principal parts which I reduce to two viz Negatives Positives The Negative Grounds I reckon three principally 1. For Refusing to acknowledge a Corrupt Ministrie 2. For Refusing to oune a Tyrannical Magistracy 3. For Refusing to Swear subscribe their unlawful imposed Oaths Chiefly that of Abjuration which was the occasion of suffering unto death The positive Grounds are also three 1. For frequenting field-meetings to receive Gospel-Ordinancs from faithful Ministers 2. For maintaining the principle practice of Defensive Resistence of Superior powers 3. For maintaining the priviledge Duty of offensive revenge in executing Justice upon Murdering Enemies of Mankind in cases of extreme necessity In prosecuting which I shall intertexe some subordinate questions relating to their respective Heads and endeavour to discuss them briefly HEAD I. Where The Sufferings of many for Refusing to acknowledge a Corrupt Ministrie are Vindicated and the Question of Hearing Curats is cleared THis Question though it may seem nice and of no great Moment to Persons of Gallio's or Laodiceds temper indifferent Lukwarm dispositions consulting their oun more them the things of Christ which maks it pass without any enquiry with the most part of the world Yet to all who are truly tender in keeping a good Conscience free of the times Contagion to all who have the true Impression of the fear of God who is Iealous especially in the matters of his worship to all who have the true zeal of God eating them up in a just indignation at the indignities done to him in usurping the office corrupting the Administration of the Ministrie to all who truly Love the Gospel and put a due value on the Ordinances of Christ the Corruptions whereof this Question touches it will be accounted of great importance There are three Questions about the Duty of hearing the Word Concerning which the Lord Jesus gives us very weighty Cautions viz what we should hear Mark. 4. 24. how we should hear Luk. 8. 18. and whom we should hear The last of which though it be not so expressly Stated as the other two yet the Searcher of the Scriptures will find it as clearly Determined and as many Cautions to guard from erring in it as in any other Case And that the Concern of Conscience in it is very weighty And certain it is if there had been more advertency in this Point there would not have been such inconsideration and Licenciousness in the matter manner of hearing Nor would that itching humor Luxuriancy of lust in heaping up teachers to please the fancy have been so much encouraged to the great detriment of the Church disgrace of the