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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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the people of his Church and powreth out aboundaunce of his blessings vppon them Esay 44.3 The growth of grace by Christs death AS Wheate except it bee sowen in the ground and there die doth not spring againe and so multiplie Euen so the knowledge of those benefites which wee haue by Christ are encreased grewe and multiplyed throughout the whole world by his death Iohn 12.24 Calling 1 LIkewise a sword being committed into the hands of a Souldier by the Captaine generall hee is not to smite before he bee commaunded to fight and before the Trumpet bee sounded to battell Euen so though a man haue excellents giuen him yet hee is not to execute any function especially publikely before hee receiue a particular warrant and Calling from God Reue. 16.1 2 As Sampson though he had strength giuen him that he was able to haue defended the Israelites and reuenged them of their enemies yet hee could not take vpon him the gouernment of the people vntill such time that the Lord had called him vnto it So likewise the Ministers of the word albeit they haue neuer so notable gifts of knowledge vtterance c. yet they are not in any case to entrude themselues into the Ministerie vnlesse they haue a particular Calling from the Lord. 3 As the Ostrige hath wings and flieth not So some men haue a Calling but they answere it not they haue knowledge but they practise it not they haue words but they worke not 4 Like as if a straunger should violently thrust in himselfe to bee the shepheard of thy sheepe thou wouldest aske him who sent for him what hee hadde to doo there and thou wouldest rather thinke him to bee a theefe and a murtherer of thy sheepe then to bee a faithfull and trustie seruant So surely if thou come to take charge of Gods people before he inwardly moue thy conscience to pitie his people and outwardly by order call and place thee where hee thinkes good hee will iudge thee a theefe a woolfe a deuourer and not a feeder Beautie AS a Ring or Iewell of Gold is very vnseemely and dooth not become the filthy snoute of a swine that is alwayes rooting in the dyrt and myer So vncomely is Beautie to a woman that hath not wit nor discretion to behaue her selfe Benefites AS the Moone doth shew her light in the world which she receiueth from the Sunne so we ought to bestow the Benefits receiued of God to the profit and commoditie of our neighbour The Authoritie of the Church not aboue the word of God 1 LIke as it is not reason nor iust that a Wife should controll or be superiour and aboue her Husbands word and commaundement hauing a wise and discreete Husband to gouerne and commaund her So likewise it is no reason or right whatsoeuer the Papists say that the Authoritie of the Church which is the Wife should be greater and of more force then the word and will of the Husband Christ Iesus Ephe. 5.24 2 As man is not aboue God nor the Wife aboue the Husband for otherwise to say the one is blasphemie and the other absurd Euen so it is blasphemie and absurd to say that the Authoritie of the Church is greater then the word and Scriptures of God Wise Counsell of a friend AS the sent and sauour of a sweete Oyntment or Perfume is comfortable to the braines and heart So is the wise and heartie Counsell of a mans assured friend Pro. 27.9 Cities and Countries AS a Pot of meate seething on the fire which no body skimmeth must needs be full of loathsome filth So Cities and Countries continuing in bloudie violence without repentance and amendment must needs be ●oathsome and abhominable in the eyes of God Ezech. 24.6 Men must be fitted to their Callings and the Callings to the men LIke as a member of a mans body out of ioynt is daungerous and hindereth his health and welfare So in like maner the setting of Children to Callings vnfitting their gifts and affections is daungerous and hurtfull both to the Church and Common-wealth Distinction of Callings LIke as the members in a mans body although they liue by one life and one soule are notwithstanding distinct and diuerse one from an other in functions as the foote seeth not but the eye the eare heareth and not the hand c. Euen so also the members of Christ howsoeuer they liue all by one and the same faith are notwithstanding in their particular functions and Callings one to be distinguished from an other Gods Creatures admirable AS when men behold any curious worke of a cunning and skilfull Craftsman straightway they will leaue the worke and enquire after him that made it that they may praise his skill Euen so it is the dutie of Christians in this case when they come abroad and behold euerie where in all the Creatures the admirable and vnspeakeable wisedome goodnesse and power of God then they must make haste from the Creature and go forward to the Creator to praise and glorifie him Reue. 4.11 Christ our Lord. 1 AS in former times the custome hath bee●● that when one is taken prisoner in the fieldes hee that payes his raunsome shall become alwayes after his Lord Euen so likewise Christ when we were bondslaues vnder hell death and condemnation paid the ransome of our redemption and freed vs from the bondage of sinne and Sathan and therefore in that respect he is our Lord. Christ tooke vpon him our infirmities LIke as if a man be sicke of some grieuous disease and if a friend come vnto him that hath beene troubled with the same disease hee will shewe more compassion then twentie others Euen so Christ hauing felt in his owne soule and body the anguish and the manifolde perplexities that wee feele in our temptations and afflictions hath his bowels as it were a running towards vs euermore beeing prest and readie to relieue vs in all our miseries Heb. 2.17 4.15 Esay 53.3.4 Christes humane nature AS the Plant called Mistell hauing no roote of his owne both growes and liues in the stocke or body of the Oake or some other Tree So our Sauiour Christes humane nature hauing no proper substance is as it were ingrafted into the person of himselfe and ●s wholely supported and sustained by it so as it should not bee at all if it were not sustained in that manner Contempt of the Minister AS Husbandmen that misvse their Land-lord and his seruants which hee sendeth to them for the rents and profites of his lande are woorthily and iustly thrust out and others planted in their roomes So likewise were the Iewes cut off from being the people and Church of God for misvsing of Christ his Apostles and Prophets and so assuredly shall all they be that despise and set naught by and cruelly misvse and intreat the Ministers of the Gospel and the Preachers of his word which are sent vnto them A fruitlesse Confession AS it is bootelesse for a man that is very
doo make a prophane washing and so administer no Sacrament of the Lords 2 Like as if the will of a Prince do ordaine one certaine man to confirme writings that by his onely Seale which hee hath appointed for that purpose so that although an other vse an other Seale made without or against his will of the same matter and fashion and in all things like it yet it is treason to vse it and the same is none of his Seale Euen so by much more ought the will of God which is that onely those should minister the Sacrament which haue a publike calling therevnto and haue that authoritie giuen them from the Lord should minister the Sacrament and none other although an other doo it in the same order and with the same instruments 3 As by the Seale which the Prince hath set apart to seale his Graunts and Letters Pattents with when it is stolen and set too by him that hath no authoritie there groweth no assurance vnto the partie that hath it So if it were possible to be the Seale of God which a woman should set too in Baptizing Infants yet for that she hath stolen it and put it too not onely without but contrarie to the commaundement of God we see not how any can take any assurance of the doing hereof For as well and as lawfully may she preach publikely in the Church and minister the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper openly or otherwise as to Baptise in time of necessitie c. 4 As a Seale added to a Deede or Euidence by such as hath no authoritie to put to the same hath no force to ratifie or confirme the Couenants and Graunts in the Writing which kinde of Seale hath beene alwayes deemed no better then a counterfeit and plaine forgerie Euen so the outward seale of Baptisme added by women hath no force by Gods institution to confirme any in the promises of saluation because women haue no warrant in the word to Baptise for euerie washing of the childe in the name of the Trinitie is not a Sacrament of Baptisme neither can there bee rendered any cause why the Lords Supper ministred by them should not bee counted as good a Sacrament as their Baptisme Baptisme 1 EVen as they which were in the Arke of Noah were preserued from the floud So whosoeuer doth earnestly sticke to the couenant of their outward Baptisme are deliuered from the euerlasting floud that is to say from the paynes and torments of hell by Iesus Christ 2 As the floud did preserue so many as were within the Arke but sunke the rest So likewise is Baptisme auaileable to so many as are Baptized into the Church of Christ by faith but helpeth the rest no more then it did Simō the sorcerer Act. 8.9.10 c. Mar. 16.16 1. Pet. 3.10.21 3 As in the Floud both sinne and sinners did perish So also in the floud of Baptisme sinne sinketh but the sinner is safe Tit. 3.5 Iohn 3.5 4 As the Purse of a true man in the hand of a theefe doth not make or proue him to be a true man Euen so Baptisme though it be in the assemblies of the Churches of Rome yet it noth not proue them to be the Churches of God neither doth it appertaine vnto them but vnto an other hidden Church of God which he hath in all ages gathered forth of the midst of them 5 As the graffe receiueth substance and nourishment of the roote into which it is graffed So they that receiue Baptisme with such faith as they ought do truly feele the effectualnesse of the death of Christ in the mortifying of their flesh and therewithall also they feele the effect of his resurrection in the quickning of the spirit Rom. 6.3 Col. 2.12 Reading of Authors 1 AS Vlisses stopping his eares with waxe escaped the danger of the Sirenes So ought we to auoyde such things as are found filthy in Bookes and Authors though they seeme pleasant if we will auoide the danger ensuing such things 2 As the like pleasure is not to him that goeth into a goodly garden garnished with diuers kindes of hearbes and flowers and that there doth no more but behold them of whom it may bee said that hee went in for nothing but that hee would come out and to him which besides the corporall eye pleasure knoweth of euerie one the name and propertie So verily much difference is there in reading of Authors and in sundrie sorts of men that doo it and much more pleasure and profit hath hee which vseth art and iudgement then the other which with great studie indeed turneth them ouer but for lacke of the knowledge of precepts wanteth also the fruite and delectation that he more amply might obtaine Christs Body is not inclosed or conteined in the bread vnder the bread or with the bread neither the bloud in the wine vnder the wine or with the wine 1 AS the bloud of our Sauiour Christ doth cleanse vs from all our sinnes 1. Ioh. 1.7 and yet we need not to haue it really present with vs for to be washed or bathed in it So Christ our Sauiour according to his promise doth daily or whensoeuer we do come worthily to his holy Supper feed both our bodies and soules with the wholesome and heauenly foode of his precious Body and bloud and this doth he by his eternall and almightie Spirit so that he needeth not therefore to come downe at the becke of euerie iugling popish Priest and to be really present in their wafer Cake after that they haue with gaping and blowing spoken foure or fiue words vpon it Receiuing of the Sacrament Iohn 13.20 Luk. 10.16 Math. 25.41 c. 1 LIke as Christ doth recouer and impute that to bee done vnto him which is done to his Ministers or poore needie members So also doth he recouer and impute that to bee done vnto his Body and bloud that is done vnto the Sacrament of the same 1. Cor. 11.27 2 Like as he that sinneth against a Minister or a poore man sinneth against * Act. 9.4 Zach. 2.8 Christ himselfe although in the meane while hee hath not hurt Christes person in any point Euen so is he also guiltie of the body and bloud of Christ whosoeuer receiueth the Sacrament of the Body and bloud of Christ vnworthily although in the meane season he hath not receiued the very Body and bloud of the Lord. 3 Like as if a Rebell should tread vnder his feete the Seale Letters or Coyne of the Prince although he touch not the Prince himselfe nor tread him vnder his feete yet is he said to haue troden the Prince vnder his feete and is accused not for hurting the Seale or defiling the Letters or defacing his Coyne but hee is charged of treason and accused for treading the Prince vnder his feete Or if one man should send a gift or token vnto an other man as a peece of bowed siluer a Nutmeg or a Rasing of Ginger if the partie
the full So likewise the Church of GOD is subiect to darkenesse as in the time of Poperie and superstition 35 As the Moone dooth borrowe her light of the Sunne because of her selfe she hath litle or none at all Euen so the Church of God hauing no light of it selfe doth take her light from the Sonne of God Christ Iesus 36 As iealousie cannot abide that the wife should shew any signe of loue to an other man Euen so Almightie God cannot brooke that the Church his spouse should take the least part of of his glory from him and bestowe it vpon a strange God that is both hopelesse and helplesse Exo. 20.4 5. Deut. 6.13 Math. 4.10 37 As the Arke was long and broade So the Church and Kingdome of Christ is long and large Psal 71.8 Gene. 6.14 15. 38 As the Arke was great and large and yet small in comparison of the floud Euen so the Elect are many no doubt but fewe in respect of the reprobate Luk. 12.32 Math. 22.14 24.22 7.14 39 As the Arke was made of many peeces of wood and ioyned together in one So the Church consisteth of many members knit together in one faith For in Christ Iesus wee are all one without difference of man or woman 40 As the Arke was made of incorruptible wood Euen so the Church consisteth of immortall soules 41 As the Arke did float in the floud euen so the Church is in this world as in a sea of troubles Act. 14.22 42 As one Billow in the sea pusheth forward an other So likewise troubles doo come vpon the Church by troupes 43 As the Moone is not alwaies visible being in hir chāge So likewise the Church of God to the eye of man is not alwayes in a visible shewe as the proud Church of Rome is but hath sometime war and aduersitie sometime peace and prosperitie As a Ship vpon the seas is tossed with the winde and waues from one place to an other Euen so is the Church often tossed hither and thither in this sea of this world but yet neuer drowned because Iesus Christ is in it and holdeth the sterne with his hand 44 As the hand cut off from the body dieth and lacketh life Euen so it is in the mysticall body of the Church no life or saluatiō without the body of Christ Ezech. 13.9 Ioel. 2.32 Act. 2.47 45 As trees in winter which for that they are naked and voyde both of leaues and of fruite do seeme for the time litle to differ from dead and starued trees and yet haue secretly hid in them their Iuice which maketh thē spring againe and as it were reuiue againe in Sommer Euen so such is the state of the Church of God which though in bitter persecution seemeth to bee as it were quenched and extinguished yet when God giueth some peace and rest it flourisheth and springeth againe 46 As a Vine when the fences thereof are broken lieth open to the waste and is spoiled of euery beast of the field Euen so the Church and people of God when for their sinnes hee seemeth for a time to withdrawe his protection and defence is subiect to the iniuries and violence of all sorts of the wicked 47 As ground and soile that hath lyen long waste by good husbandrie is rid and often brought to flourish with corne or grasse Euen so the Church of God after long persecution is by the power and goodnesse of God brought againe to a flourishing estate 48 Like as if a man should haue both his hands and his armes cut off his eyes put out c yet as long as his head standeth and other vitall parts he is to be counted a man although a maymed man Euen so it is in the Church or assemblie as long as it holdeth the head how defectiue it is otherwise it hath the due and right of the Church of God 49 And although a man should haue six fingers on one hand and but three on the other and albeit they should stand where the mouth doth yet all this deformity should not hinder from being truly holden to be a man although it would be a great deformitie in him of the other part if he had no head at all or there were no naturall cōiunction of the parts one with the other but a whole through displacing of euery part from his proper seate then verily could he not be deemed to haue either the proportion of a man or his life So likewise if an assembly hold not the head which is Iesus Christ or be nothing else but a confused multitude without any part of the order which the sonne of God hath appointed the same is iustly crossed out of the account of Gods Church 50 As he that entereth into a faire and goodly goldsmithes shop richly furnished with precious Pearles and costly Iewels of all sorts ought not to mislike those excellent things and costly treasures because hee seeth among them a blacke fornace dustie coales and sundrie instruments of base mettall because these instruments coales and fornace must needs be had to make those Iewels as Chaines Earings and Bracelets of Gold withall So in the Church of God where are innumerable men some famous for their wisdome some renowned for their godlinesse some forward feruent in Christian loue charitie many excelling in all kind of vertues if a man see there some vnlearned some deceiuer● some wicked ones some tyrants and many vngodly ones he ought not therefore to picke a quarrell against the Church of Christ nor yet to thinke of the ruine and destruction of the same 51 As the Lawier who hath no further power but to expound the Lawe is vnder the Lawe So the Church which hath authoritie onely to publish and expound the Scriptures cannot authorize them vnto vs but must submit her selfe vnto them 52 As the Ocean sea which is but one is diuided into partes according to the regions and countries against which it lyeth as into the English Spanish Italian sea c Euen so the Church dispearsed ouer the face of the whole earth is diuided into other particular Churches according as the countries are seuerall in which it is seated as into the Church of England and Ireland the Church of France the Church of Germanie c. 53 As the superfluous humors in the vaines are no parts of the body Euen so the vngodly though they be in the Church yet indeed they are no parts of it Math. 13.25.47 54 As the Carkasse of a deade man that weareth a liuing mans garment is not a liuing man though hee looke neuer so like him Euen so the Church of Rome now at this day is of a spouse of Christ become an harlot and in very deede is no true Church of Christ 55 As in a familie children are for the most part one like an other and brought vp alike Euen so it is in Gods familie which is his Church the members thereof are all alike in heart and
affection and the reason is because they haue one spirit to guide them all Act. 4.32 Esay 11.6.7 56 Euen as in the field there groweth vp not onely sound corne but also tares cockell and darnell Or as in the Floore there is not onely pure Wheate but also Chaffe and as in the Nette there is not onely good things but bad as filth and such like So in the militant and visible Church the field floore and Nette of the Lord there are not onely sincere and faithfull but also hypocriticall and faithlesse worshippers of GOD not onely constant and vpright dooers of the word but also vaine and idle talkers of the same yea not onely such as with good consciences pure hearts and faith vnfained do serue the Lord and his Church but such also as be reprobate to euerie good worke whose ende is to bee cast eternally from the presence of God and to bee burned as chaffe in the fearefull furnace of Gods wrath and euerlasting indignation 57 As the appetite of a woman ought to be to her husband so the appetite of the Church ought to be to Christ Cant. 5.7 58 As the woman bringeth forth her children in sorow and paine Euen so the Church bringeth forth in griefe of member and losse of limmes 59 As a woman must be obedient to the voyce of her husband and learne of her husband at home euen so the Church that is good must be ruled by Christ and not rule Christ Christes scholler and not Christs schoolemaister 60 Euen as Iohn that bare witnesse of Christ did confesse that he was not worthy to loose Christes shoo-latchet Euen so the Church though it beare witnesse of Christ in respect of credit and authoritie is not worthy to loose Christes shoo-latchet 61 Like as when Christ put forth himselfe and began to be knowne to the people Iohn said It behoueth me to wax lesse and him to wax greater So when the Church hath giuen a man to vnderstand of Christ and that Christ beginneth to appeare vnto vs the Church decreaseth in authoritie and estimation like Iohn and Christ encreaseth and waxeth greater in authoritie and credit 62 As the light of the Sun auaileth not him that lieth in a darke and close dungeon where is alwayes night and neuer day Euen so the graces of God doo nothing helpe those that lie in darknesse and shadowe of death vntill they haue accesse into the Church of Christ and so to be of the number of the faithfull Ephe. 2.19 Rom. 5.10 63 As a builder or chiefe maister of any workes doth not offend in building but because it hapneth sometimes that being occupied with other thoughts and fantasies not pertaining to the building he doth sometimes slide and faile in his worke Euen so it cannot be gathered by the force of the promise made to the Church that all things alwayes are rightly defined in the Church for the greater part ouercommeth the lesser and the worst the better 64 Like as when Hester had procured safetie for the Iewes and libertie to reuenge themselues vpon their enemies it is said that many of the people of the Land became Iewes Hest. 8.17 Euen so considering Christ hath procured freedome from hell death and damnation for all that beleeue in him we should labour aboue all things to become new creatures ioyning our selues alwayes to the true Church of God 65 As the body is blinde that wanteth eyes to see withall and lame maymed or deformed whereof the shoulders armes hands or other principall parts are wanting or displaced and disordered So in like maner that body of a Church cannot be said to be perfect and entire wherein there are not Ministers of the word who by the light thereof may direct the people in the wayes of God or Elders that may discouer and descrie euery matter that may threaten any daunger to the body or Deacons who may distribute liberally according to that that is in their hands for the reliefe of the poore 66 As Christ himselfe when he was rayled vpon gaue no euill words againe Euen so the true Church of Christ is knowne in this that it suffereth persecution and doth not persecute againe 67 As wise King Salomon iudged her to be the true mother of the child which had such compassion on it that she had rather forgo the whole then haue it diuided and dismembred and the other to be the harlot that had ouer-laine her childe which had also consented to the death of the other childe Euen so in like maner we may discerne euidently the Romish Church of Antichrist by her bloodie persecutions from the true Church and spouse of Christ the one with sworde and fire seeketh alwaies to quench the truth the other through the spirit of lenitie to win men to the same the one by compulsion violent oppression the other by perswasion meeke intercessiō the one by the sword the other by the word the one goeth about to peruert and depraue the other seeketh all meanes to conuert and saue 68 As a King is stablished in his Kingdome when his godly Lawes are taught and kept and that Realme is strongly builded and blessed of God where good order is mainteined So is Gods Church and congregation well and surely builded where Gods word and Religion is purely taught sinne punished and vertue embraced 69 Like as whatsoeuer is in the body receiuing no life nor power from the body is not properly a part of the body howsoeuer it seeme to be ioyned to the body So the wicked although they be in the outward face of the Church yet because they are not partakers of the spiritual life thereof by Christ are not truly to be iudged members of it 70 As in euery well ordered Kingdome the whole Realme should be of more authoritie then the King So the Church ought to be of more authority then the Pope though he were Prince thereof 71 As the Arke was carried from place to place and neuer rested in one certaine place So likewise the millitant Church here on earth hath no certaine place but is posted from piller to post Iosu 3.14.17 1. Sam. 4.3.4 c. 72 As in the body of a man there is a full furniture of all members needfull to the discharge of their seuerall duties which are knowne both how many they are and what they are Euen so likewise is it in the Church 73 As the want of a member as one eye or a hand breedeth griefe So in like maner the want of a member in the Church as a faithfull Minister which is the eye or of a Deacon which is the hand must needes be greeuous 74 As the disorder of a member in the body as to haue an eye where a nose should be or a foot for the hand c. causeth both horror and griefe So the like disorder in the Church of God must needes be horrible and greeuous 75 Like as in the body of man euery member hath his seuerall function to
were the deliuerance too late but wee meane that hee deliuered him that hee should not bee hanged So likewise when the Scripture saith that Christ dyed to deliuer vs out of hell because hee saueth and deliuereth vs that wee come not there which else should surely haue gone thither and haue beene damned perpetually except Christ by his death had deliuered and loosed vs. Christ reuiueth vs againe that were dead LIke as the Pellican which hauing brought foorth her young ones dead or beeing stung or killed by Serpents shee pecketh foorth her heart bloud to reuiue them Euen so wee beeing conceiued and borne in sinne and altogether dead in our trespasses and offences stung of that olde and fierie Serpent the diuell which first beguiled our Parents in Paradise and so hauing the reward of sinne which is death we in this case are reuiued and quickned againe by the bloud of the true Pellican Iesus Christ which he from his heart hath shead and powred out for vs. Col. 2.13 14. Christs person consisteth of two natures 1 LIke as there must be both these two natures true and sound the properties of either being kept in one person of Christ to reconcile man to God and to strike this couenant So also to keepe this couenant that according to the promise and oath of God it may be euerlasting both natures must remaine for euer sound with their properties vnlesse we will haue the couenant in the piller and foundation to be shaken 2 Like as when the roote of a tree is hurt the braunches also doo wither and there can be no fruite hoped for Euen so the Doctrine beeing corrupt concerning the person of Christ and the two natures in the same person together with their distinct properties the doctrine also of the Priestly and Kingly office of Christ remaineth corrupt which are as it were the fruites of the doctrine concerning his person Christ though amazed and confounded with sorrowes and feares yet remained still sinlesse LIke as if you set two glasses filled the one with muddy water and the other with cleare Christall water and first let them stand till all the muddinesse in one be setled at the bottome then shake both these glasses in the one the mudde ariseth straightway and defileth all the water there in the other although you shake it neuer so much yet the cleare water though troubled likewise remaineth still all cleare as Christall Euen so if any of vs bee shaken and disquieted with any trouble our muddy affections arising doo presently defile vs all ouer but Christ in whom was mans true nature but not any the least defilement of nature beeing likewise shaken he remained still cleare from any the least spot of sinne at all Christ neuer lost his confidence in God LIke as those men do neuer loose their confidence and trust in God who by some violence are stricken into astonishment or naturally fall on sleepe their faith patience loue obedience decreaseth not in them for all that Euen so neither in Christ his assurance in God could neuer decay albeit his sinlesse nature might and did feare the paine and beeing astonished with excessiue paine might and did suddenly desire ease Math. 27.46 Mar. 14.33 c. He that Speaketh in the Church LIke as if the Harpe make a confused noyse and giueth no distinct sound it delighteth not it recreateth not because no man can tell what it is that is plaide So he that Speaketh in the Church in a language which other men vnderstand not cannot edifie because men vnderstand not what he speaketh Confessing of secret faultes LIke as he is vnwise that openeth his disease and committeth himselfe vnto an vnskilfull Phisition that will rather make him worse then cure him Euen so as vnwise is he that reuealeth his secret falls scapes to them whose mouthes are readie with the Pharisies to say See thou to that or to blabbe abroad their brethrens infirmities so making the matter rather worse then better Christ after a sort present with vs in bodie 1 AS the sun which thogh it remain stil in the firmamēt and therefore in verie deed toucheth not the eye yet the bodie of the Sunne is present to the sight notwithstanding so great a distance betweene So likewise the bodie of Christ which by his ascending is taken vp from vs and hath left the world and is gone to his father is indeed absent from our senses yet our faith is conuersant in heauen and beholding that sonne of righteousnesse and is verily in presence with it there present like as our sight is present with the body of the Sunne in the firmament or as the Sunne is present with our sight in earth Ioh. 14.19 16.28 Act. 7.55 Col. 3.1 Hebr. 4.16 10.28 2 As the Sunne with his light is present to all things So is also Christ with his Godhead Spirit and power present to all and filleth all Ephe. 1.23 Col. 1.17 18. How Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 1 AS it is the vse and custome of Kings and Princes which haue their deputies substitutes to whom they freely giue all authoritie to rule and gouerne and do cause that man to sit by him and at his right hand whom he will giue most honor and vnto whom he wil giue most authoritie and power Euen so we vnderstand by these words He sitteth at the right hand of God that our Sauiour Christ is exalted aboue all creatures and that hee hath dominion or gouernance in heauen and in earth and that he raigneth with his Father hauing equal power with him 1. King 2.19 Psal 45.9 110.1 Mat. 20.21 Phil. 2.9 10 11. 1. Pet. 3.22 Ephe. 1.20 21. 4.15 2 As those on earth that are set at the right hand of Kings do execute iustice in courts or Assises for the maintenance of the state and peace of the Kingdome Euen so Christ Iesus sitting at the right hand of his Father that is being made soueraigne Lord of all things both in heauen and earth is to hold a Court or Assise in which he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Christ confounds his enemies AS Iosua dealt with the fiue Kings that were hid in the Caue he first makes a slaughter of their armes then he brings them foorth and makes the people to set their feete on their neckes and to hang them on fiue trees Euen so Christ deales with his enemies he treades them vnder his feete and makes a slaughter not so much of their bodies as of their soules And this the Church of God findes to bee true by experience as well as it findes the loue of Christ towardes it selfe Iosu 10.24 Luke 17.27 Psal 2.9 110.1 Corruption of truth by mans traditions AS sweete Dough is made sowre by a litle Leauen So is the sweetnesse and comfort of the doctrine of truth corrupted if it be neuer so litle entermedled with humane doctrine or mans traditions Mat. 13.33 16.6 The Creature
The Iudges doo this to keepe them alwayes in feare and diligence to doo their dutie and to stop them from taking too great libertie So likewise God doth with vs when he will pardon our sins and set vs at libertie leauing vs notwithstanding a great sort of Infirmities and Imperfections which may alwayes serue him to charge vs and for matter to cal vs to a reckoning whē we would wind out of that bondage and boast our selues abroade of the goodlinesse of our reason and loyaltie Right Iustice is to bee iudged by the authoritie of Gods will AS often as there is any malefactor and wicked person to be punished they which be appointed to bee the Iudges ' doo declare vnto the Prince his wicked fact and so looke for a writte from him and that beeing had they doo see the paines prescribed therein to bee executed vpon the malefactor Now if the Iudges or Officers doo any thing contrarie vnto that it is taken for a great offence and rebuke done against the authoritie and iurisdiction of the Prince and they escape not cleare withall Euen so it is a much more Iust matter before God that none bee put to death contrarie or besides his will and word who is the onely Lord of life and death Ignorance 1 AS men that dreame and wake againe who when they are a sleepe thinke to haue found some great treasure and haue a great ioy in it but after their waking they see that all is vanished like smoake whereupon they vex and grieue themselues So likewise men slumbering in the night of Ignorance thinke that they are righteous before God but they are grieued when they find that this is a dreame which passeth through their spirites and vanisheth as soone as they be awake and are deliuered from the darknesse of Ignorance wherein they were a sleepe and buried 2 As in the night by reason of the darknesse spread vpon the earth all things are hid and couered which causeth that we cannot discerne and discouer the spots which we haue in our faces but when the light beginneth to appeare that we take a Glasse to behold our selues therin then they are discouered and shew themselues Euen so likewise during the time that we are couered with darkenesse of Ignorance the vices that dwell in vs are hidden there and oftentimes wee thinke being leprous and deformed that wee are beautifull and perfect but our eyes being open and illuminate by the spirite and grace of our God and taking the Glasse of the Law therein to behold the state of our natur our life thē we begin to know the great and grieuous imperfections that are in vs and we at once loose the opinion which wee had conceiued before of our own righteousnesse and vertues and perceiue what daunger we were in before 3 As men somtimes enquire for them amongst whom they doo stand So some are Ignorant in that which is so plaine that all others know it and they can hardly auoide the knowledge of it 4 Like as the day and the night is all one to those that are blind Euen so is superstition Idolatrie and the preaching of the Gospell to those that are Ignorant of the meanes of their saluation 5 As they that loue not the light hide their dooings in the darke so as it is a manifest token that their owne consciences beareth thē witnesse that their doings be naught So likewise they that loue and choose rather Ignorance then the knowledge of Christ it is a manifest token that they loath to see the filthinesse of their owne works Iohn 3.19 20. 6 As he that goeth in the darke catcheth a shrewd turne afore he woteth of it So he that walketh in Ignorāce runneth headlong to destruction when he least thinketh of it 7 As Lot was so long loytering and trifeling in Sodome that the Angel was faine to plucke him out with violence Euen so certainely vnlesse the Lord by the good meanes of his prouidence should plucke vs out of Ignorance and darknesse wherein we vse such trifling and plunging and delaying that scarce one of a thousand would bee saued Gene. 19.15 16. 8 As the light of Godly knowledge increaseth vertue So the darkenesse of Ignoraunce is a hinderance to all goodnesse Immoderate studie AS the field ouermuch dunged is burned withereth away So Immoderate study and learning doth vtterly dull and make blunt the students braine Iniurie LIke as if any doo offer any Iniurie or bodily harme to a Doue or a sheepe or to any innocent creature thogh it be vnto death yet they will not make any resistance So likewise if any Iniurie or wrong bee done to the faithfull seruants of God they will patiently suffer it without any resistance c. Instructers of children 1 AS the good ryders doo first bring their horse to be obedient vnto the bridles So they that Instruct children must first exhort them to obedience and humilitie 2 As Hannah made Coates for her Sonne Samuel who serued in the house of God So likewise parents and maisters ought to array their seruants and children with the godly ornaments of wisedome and knowledge which is from aboue 1. Sam. 2.19 Prou. 4.9 3 Like as a man will sow his ground with the best seed and plant his Orchard with the best fruite because he looketh for the greater and more gainfull increase in the time of gathering So in like manner men louing their children as well as they doo other commodities ought also to traine them vp in the best things which are found in the discipline knowledge and faith of Christ and so doing they should not only escape many a secret griefe and bitter mischiefe but also blesse the Lord with great ioyfulnesse when they finde this fruite of their education in knowledge of these good things Namely their children to be a comfort refreshing honour to their gray haires and their seruants necessarie helpes before them in all good causes and matters of honestie truth Iustice and mercie Gal. 6.7 Inconstant men 1 AS the beast Hienae and the beast of Egypt now called the Mouse of Indie be sometimes males sometimes females So many be so Inconstant that now they bee friendes now foes now Papists now Protestants now hotte now colde now wise now foolish c. Reuela 3.15 16. 2 As the Reede is shaken too and froo with euerie little small wind Euen so such is the Inconstancie and mutabilitie of the common people whome euerie small trifle dooth cause to alter their minde and Iudgement Math. 11.7 Iudges 1 AS the beame with ballances doth bow towards that part wherein is the greater weight So some Iudges fauour them most whose gifts be greatest and not whose cause is best Iob. 15.34 Deut. 16.19 27.25 1. Sam. 12.3 2 As they which desire with heede and more surely to see doo shut the one eye So a Iudge to the intent that he may discerne according vnto Iustice and equitie ought not to bee partiall
truth 1 LIke as they which builded again the material and stone wall of the earthly Ierusalem had not only the Trowell in one hand to build withall but moreouer the sword in the other to beate back their enemies which assaied to hinder the worke that was in doing So in like maner those men whō the Lord hath appointed to build vp this spirituall Ierusalem of his the Church of God it behoueth them not only to hold fast the word of truth to edifie withall but moreouer they must bee of abilitie through the plentiful knowledge of the word to confute and confound all their gaine-standers Nehe. 4.17 18. c. Ioh. 17.17 2. Cor. 6.7 Ephe. 1. 13. Colloss 1. 5. 2. Tim. 2.15 Iam. 1. 18. 2. Tim. 3.16 17. 2. Timo. 2.25 2 As the Proclamation is the Princes who first set it foorth though it be afterward published againe of the Cryer So the word is Gods who first vttered the same though it be rehearsed a new of any learned writer 3. And as he that calleth the Kings Proclamation repeated by the Cryer the Cryers proclamation had need of a fauourable Interpreter to saue him from rebuke Euen so if any shall auouch the word and authorities of Gods Spirit repeated of learned men to be their authorities had need of a verie partiall hearer to quite him from blame 4 Like as if a man were sent on a message frō his Prince and by the way should heare his message repeated of one of his fellowes or more if when hee commeth to doo his message he should say thus saith my companion or thus saith my Lord the King my companion together what might we thinke of such one in so saying In like manner they which take so much paines to alleadge the words of the Lord or the summe and meaning of them vnder the name of learned writers or ioyne God and men togegether as cospeakers to make the matter sufficient as though otherwise it were not enough for they are vnwise to thinke that men will regarde what man saith in such matters 5 Like as if any Noble man of wisedome and credite shuld be called to witnesse the truth in any doubtful matter which hee well vnderstood and hauing declared the whole truth the partie that requireth the same should answere thus I would the rather belieue this that you haue said to be true if so be that I might heare some of your seruants to witnesse the same In this doing might not this Noble man well thinke that he were greatly abused that could not be credited vnlesse his men should also testifie thereof Euen so how can the Lord take it in good part seeing hee hath so often in his word commaunded that wee should speake nothing vnto his people but that which commeth from his mouth without any other additions and hath sufficiently set downe in his word the whole truth both what is needful for vs to doo and what to leaue vndone and yet many will not belieue him vnlesse they heare Heathen men and other learned writers to witnesse the same 1. Pet. 4.11 Deut. 18.18 Iere. 9.1 King 22.14 2. Chro. 17.7 8 9. Ezech. 3.4 17. 33.7 6 Like as if a Scholler will not beleeue that which his maister hath taught him vnlesse his schoole-fellow will say it is so this fond opinion of the Scholler maketh not the teaching of his Maister insufficient Euen so when a man will not beleeue that the word of God dooth teach or refell and confute this or that vnlesse the Doctors do so expound the same yet this proueth not but the Scripture of it selfe is sufficient to doo it though hee make not so much account thereof Esay 59.21 Hebr. 4.12 Iere. 23.29 22. Psal 19.7 8. Ministers must obey Christ AS no Ambassadour can haue any higher authoritie then is limited and expressed by plaine words in his Commission by the Prince or whosoeuer it bee that graunteth it and as euerie one of the Commissioners to whome a Commission is directed haue that authoritie which in their Commission is mentioned and no other Euen so in the Commission that Christ gaue to his Apostles euerie one of them ought obediently to obserue their maisters commaundement with his authoritie giuen to them and not to breake it and goe beyond the bounds and limitation of it The dutie of Ministers both to seducers and the seduced LIke as parents whē their child is hurt with the biting of a Dogge are wont to pursue the Dogge onely but the weeping child they bemone and speake faire vnto it comforting it with most sweete words So likewise godly preachers must bee impatient zealous sharpe and vehement in condemning and detesting the false iuglings deceits of the Authors of false doctrine and maintainers of sects but contrariwise they must with all mildnesse good affection and gentle speech behaue themselues ●owardes those that are mysled gone astray and falne ●hrough weaknesse and so to reclaime them Gal. 6.1 Mens deuises LIke as if a wicked seruant doo take vpon him to serue his Maister with wholesome foode should mingle therwith some secret poyson to annoy him withal deserueth due punishment according to his demerites Euen so as displeasantly shall the confused minglings and foolish deuises of Men be taken of the Lord in making mixtures of their owne deuises with his worshippe and seruice Mens traditions 1 AS when the naturall Sunne is darkned with cloudes that doo arise from the waters and from the earth Euen so our Sauiour Christ which is the true Sonne of righteousnesse is wonderfully darkned with the mysts and clouds of Mens traditions and dreames so that many times his comfortable light is cleane taken away from the eyes of our soules and consciences 2 Like as if the Sunne bee darkned the Moone of necessitie must loose her light Euen so when the chearefull light of the true Sonne of righteousnesse is taken away by Mens inuentions and superstitious doctrine and Popish traditions without all doubt the Church must vtterly loose her light it must needes bee without all heauenly vnderstanding and knowledge it must needes be in horrible darknesse and in the shadow of death Moderation of worldly care LIke as a traueller in his iourney is troubled with care for nothing but that which shall bee necessarie for him in his iourney So wee in the pilgrimage of this life must bee carefull for nothing but that which may benefite vs in our iourney to life euerlasting Man of no continuance 1 AS a dreame smoke vapour a puffe of wind a shaddow a bubble of water hay grasse hearbs flowers leaues a Weauers shuttle dried stubble are things of smal account and lesse continuance Euen so the glorie beautie magnificence strength and wisedome of Man is nothing else then vaine britle transitorie and ruinous vnlesse it bee sustained vpholden and vndershored by the heauenly power of the sure and eternall word of God Psal 73. ●● Iob. 20.8 Psal 103.14 15. Iob. 7.6 7. 8.9