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A17808 Annales the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth Queene of England France and Ireland &c. True faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne ... are exactly described.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. Book 1-3 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1625 (1625) STC 4497; ESTC S107372 510,711 833

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contract a mariage betweene her and Philip. Then againe into Spaine to the said Philip there to cause him to ratifie the conuented Articles Also for Queene ELIZABETH he went Ambassador to the Emperour Maximilian there likewise to contract a match betweene her and Charles Duke of Austria Hee was Lord Deputy of Ireland Gouernor of the Northerne Prouinces of England also the Queenes Chamberlaine chiefe Iustice in Eire of all her Maiesties Forests Parkes and Chases beyond the Riuer Trent famous for the victories hee had obtained against the Hebrides and Scots that made spoile of the frontiers Dyed at London after he had been afflicted with a long disease leauing no issue behinde him albeit hee had had two wiues the Lady Elizabeth Wriothesly and the Lady Francis Sidney and his brother Henry succeeded him in the Earledome Henry Wriothesly likewise Earle of Southampton paid like tribute vnto death a man much deuoted to the Roman Religion and to the Queene of Scots which hee bought with the anger of his Queene and restraint or libertie He was sonne to Tho Wriothesly who for his tryed vertues by Henry the 8 from the dignitie of Baron of Wriothesly of Tichfield and Knight of the Order of the Garter was aduanced to that soueraigne greatnesse of being Chancelor of England and appointed him one of the supervisors of his last Will. And by Edward the 6 he was graced with the style of Earle of Southampton Hee left by his Wife Daughter of Anthony Browne Viscount Mountague Henry his sonne that succeeded him and a Daughter maried to Thomas Lord Arundel Baron of Wardour About the same time Sir Humphrey Gilbert Knight a man acute and deliberate esteemed industrious both in Peace and Warre was by the raging Ocean depriued of life returning from the North parts of America which we call New-found-Land whither he a little before hauing sold his patrimonie made a voyage in hope to build there a Colonie And there by the sound of a Trumpet proclaimed the Countrey to be vnder the English regency For Sebastian Cabot in the yeare 1497 vnder the Reigne of Henry the 7 made the first discouery therof And then diuided the Land seuerally to his companions But he was taught too late by the deuouring seas and default of meanes which forc'd him to breake off his designes teaching others also by his example that it is a matter of greater difficulty by the expences of a priuate man to plant a Colony in farre distant Countries then he and others blind in their owne errors haue to their vtter ouerthrow perswaded themselues Vpon the same instant Edmund Grindal Archbishop of Canterbury Metropolitan and Primate of England being blind and aged aboue sixty yeares breathed his last Who at his returne from exile which hee endured vnder the Reigne of Queene MARY was first inuested Bishop of London then Archbishop of Yorke and finally of Canterbury liuing much honoured with the fauour of Queene ELIZABETH vntill by the foule deceits and treacheries of his enemies hee was suspected to be a fauourer of the Conuenticles of those turbulent Ministers and such as were called Prophets But the reason was indeed because hee condemned as vnlawfull the mariage of Iulius an Italian Physician with another mans wife which much distasted the Earle of Leicester Such small meanes as he had gathered he bestowed in the founding of a Schoole at Saint Bee in Cumberland where hee was borne and to the aduancement of Learning on both the Vniuersities The English besides is bound to him for the bringing in of Tamariske or Tamarin into England for hauing found by experience that it was a soueraigne remedie against the great and indurate passion of the Spleene hee was the first that caused it to be planted there Iohn Whitgift was his successor being aduanced from the Sea of Worcester to the Archbishopricke of Canterbury a man of singular goodnesse and learning He obtained much commendation for his Iustice in the precedencie of Wales and likewise for his great doctrine in the defence of the Ecclesiasticall policy which by his worth wisedome and patience he dayly increased The Queene who held for a maxime that she ought not to be more remisse in Ecclesiasticall affaires then in politick aboue all cōmanded him to re-establish the discipline of the Church of England that as then lay dismembred by the conniuency of Prelates the obstinacie of innouators and by the power of some great ones whilst some Ministers couertly impugned the authoritie of the Queene in things Ecclesiasticall separating the administration of the Sacrament from the preaching of the Word vsing to their owne fantasie new rites of seruices in their priuate houses vtterly condemning the Lethargie and the appointed manner of adminishing the Sacrament as being in many things contrarie to the holy Scripture and therefore many refused to goe to Church but openly became Schismaticks the Papists all this while applauding them and drawing many to their party as though there had been no vnity in the Church of England To abolish which things and to reduce them to an vnitie Hee propounded these Articles to the Ministers by them to bee subscribed FIrst That the Queene had Soueraigne power ouer all those that were borne within her Dominions of what conditions so euer they were and that no other Stranger Prince or Prelate ought to haue any power either Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall within her Maiesties Realmes Secondly that the Booke of Common Prayers and that of the ordination of Bishops and Priests contained not any thing contrarie to the Word of God but might be lawfully vsed and that they should vse that and no other forme of Prayer or administring of the Sacraments Thirdly That they should approue and allow of the Articles of the Synode holden at London the yeare 1562 published by royall Authoritie and should hold them as conformable to the Word of God But it is incredible what Controuersies and Disputations arose vpon this what hatred and reproach hee endured of the factious Ministers what troubles and iniuries hee suffered of certaine Noblemen who by placing men vnfit in the Church increased their estate or else had hopes vpon the goods of the Church But by his constancie and patience he ouercame all difficulties vsing for his Motto this which he chose not rashly Vincit qui patitur Neither was the Church onely tossed and turmoiled by those people within the Realme but by others who had left the Kingdome as by R. Browne a Cambridge Diuine of whom the new Sectaries were called Brownists and by R. Harison Master of an inferiour Schoole For these men presuming to iudge of Religion according to their owne imaginations by certaine books which they set forth at that time in the Countrey of Zealand and dispersed through many places in England vtterly condemned the Church of England as no Church Which bookes notwithstanding were prohibited by Royall Authoritie and strongly confuted by many learned men and two
to the poore of London and two hundred to the poore of Norfolke Hee had to Sonne William Bolene who was made one of the eighteene selected Knights of the Bath at the inauguration of Richard the Third To whom Tho. Earle of Ormond who was had in so great estimation with the Kings of England that hee only of all the Peeres of Ireland had place and voice in the Parliament and before the Barons of England gaue him his Daughter and Coheire to wife he had by her besides the Daughters which he married to Shelton Caltrop Chaire and Sackuil beeing very rich and of renowned Race Tho. Bolene who beeing but a Youth Thomas Howard then Earle of Surrey and afterwards Duke of Norfolke a famous Warrier chose him to bee his Sonne in Lawe and gaue him his Daughter Elizabeth to wife HENRY the Eighth employed him in two honourable Embassies after hauing made him Treasurour of his House Knight of the Order of Saint George and Vicount Rochford afterwards Earle of Wilton and Ormond and Lord Priuie Seale He amongst other Children had Anne Bolene who beeing sent in her tender yeeres into France was seruant to Mary of England Wife to Lewis the 12. afterwards to Claudia of Brittaine wife to Francis the First and after her death to Mary of Alanson who from her cradle was a speciall fauourour of the Protestants Religion in France Afterwards she being returned into England and entertained to be one of the Queenes Maids of Honour in the twentieth yeere of her age King HENRIE being eight and thirtie fell vehemently in loue with her for the modest behauiour which accompanyed her beauty and the French iollity which seasoned her modesty but not being able to ouercome her chastity he sought to haue her to wife in hope to haue a Linage by her Now before to take this matter a little more deepely after he had liued seuenteene yeeres with Katherine his wife who was of a pious conuersation and of the Spanish grauitie but subiect to aborsements that of all her Children shee brought foorth none liuing but MARIE he begunne to distaste her by the cunning practice of Cardinall Wolsey who was then raised to the highest degree of power and authority about the King but in some fort ouer swayed by his owne affections For being displeased with Charles the fifth Emperour Nephew to Katherine because he had denyed him the Arch-bishopricke of Toledo and then aspiring to the Papasie his hatred to him and his loue so affectionately carried toward the French King he so wrought that he purposed a wife for Henry out of France The King beeing prone to his pleasures prepared this scruple of conscience That the marriage which he had contracted with Katherine who before had beene wife to his brother Arthur was forbidden by the Diuine Lawe although Pope Iulius the second had giuen a Dispensation for it Afterwards he did inculcate into the Kings eares how greatly he had offended God in marrying Katherine and how grieuous a sin he should wallow in if hee kept her that hee had incurred the Sentence of Excommunication that God had powred his wrath vpon so vnlawfull a Marriage not suffering a Male to liue that was begotten of her and that if there were not a lawfull Heire assigned to the Kingdome no other thing was to be expected but that those mortall and cruell wars which had beene but lately lul'd asleepe should be awakened with new slaughters of his people and therefore that he ought for the taking away of all scruple from his conscience to repudiate her and that by assuring himselfe of a Successor in a lawfull line he should prouide for the safety of his soule which and likewise yeeres had been polluted with incest for so many of his Kingdome These reasons caused the King to entreate Pope Clement the Seuenth to depute some to take knowdedge of this cause and either to confirme the Dispensation by authority of holy Scriptures or absolue him of the Sentence of Excommunication and to declare this marriage to be of no force and that it might be lawfull for him to marry any other woman whom he should thinke fit notwithstanding any Canon to the contrary Hereupon the Pope delegates Cardinall Wolsey and the Cardinall of Campepe to whom he secretly gaue a Bull to this effect that he approued of the Kings vowes and granted his requests so farre as God would giue him leaue if the marriage which he had contracted with Katherine should be found vnlawfull and so declared to be But this Bull was to bee conceal'd or publisht according to the successe of the Emperours Affaires in Italy Then these questions begun to be moued euery where whether it were lawfull for a man to take his brothers wife or it beeing prohibited by the Diuine Law whether the Popes Dispensation could make it lawfull or no And when many Academies of Christendome and the most learned men had giuen their opinions and resolued that such a Marriage was repugnant to the Laws both of the Old and New Testament howsoeuer the Popes Dispensation might legitimate it The King became more passionatly amorous of the Lady Anne of Bolene then euer and the Cardinall repenting himselfe too late of what hee had begun grew discontented and wrought so vnder hand that the Pope by his pontificall authority refused to confirme the opinions of the Academies and by delayes after delayes the busines was drawn into length both at Rome in England The Cardinall feared Bolene who for the loue that shee bore to the Euangelicall Doctrine hated his proud and insolent carriage and the Pope feared the Emperour who at that time was powerfull in Italy who maintained to his vtmost power the cause of Katherine his Aunt neither would the Pope prouoke HENRY because hee had lately employed both his paines and pence to redeeme him from the Emperours men who kept him prisoner HENRIE boyling in choler for this refusall yet dissembling it both by Ambassadours and Letters continually solicited and humbly prayed the Pope and after him the Prelates and Peeres of England by request signed with their owne hands which they caused to be carried and presented at his feete to confirme by his Apostolicall Authority what the two Academies of England of Paris and many others and very learned and most entire men both within and without the Realme had set down for a truth and were ready to mainiaine it both by word and writing representing vnto him that it would be a remarkeable vnhappines if He should not obtaine this fauour from the Apostolicall Sea He beeing the onely man that had employed his Sword his Pen his word and power to defend the authority of the Pope and resisting many that stroue against it should bee the onely man to bee denyed the benefit of it and therefore they coniured him to grant it for feare that intestine warres should rise for the right of Succession Notwithstanding the Clergie fearing lest the
Pope should proscribe the Kingdome and excommunicate the King by seuerall Letters put him in mind of the sad discord which had been betweene Pope Alexander the Third and Henry the second King of England and representing vnto him many reasons of importance infinitely besought him almost in the very same words that Gilbert Bishop of London did at the same time viz. WEe most humbly beseech you to shut vp for a time your burning zeale within the bounds of modestie lest by interdicting the Kingdome or cuting off the King from the communion of the Catholike Church you cause the ruine of many particular Churches and irreuokeably turne from your obedience both the King and infinite numbers with him Cutting off brings despaire whereas dressing the wound often cureth And therfore if there be a wound it is more expedient if it may bee your pleasure to labour presently to cure it lest by cutting off a most noble member of the Church of God you trouble beyond expression as matters now stand The Blood-Royall cannot be ouercome till it hath ouercome and is not ashamed to yeeld after it hath conquered Hee must be wonne with meekenes and ouer-ruled with admonitions and patience What is it to haue lost some temporall things by patience or by a continuall patience to lose more as the times now are Whether is Seuerity to bee withdrawne when ruine and slaughter threaten a People To cast many goods into the sea when the prouoked waues with the confusion of hideous surges threaten a Ship-wrack But the Pope and Cardinals could not endure that the Papall authority should be questioned in matter of Dispensation and all maner of contempt for the space of fiue yeeres little more or lesse neglected to lend an eare thereto but were of opinion that the King ought to be cited to Rome Insomuch that this Prince who was full of courage being stirred vp to wrath by the arrogancy which some Ecclesiasticall persons had lately shewed thought that for the iustnesse of his cause hee was vniustly dealt with most vnworthily for his Royall dignitie and most ingratefully considering how much good he had done for the Church of Rome that almost all at one time hee diuorced Katharine depriued Wolsey of his goods and drew a great summe of mony from those Bishops who had acknowledged the authority of his Delegation to the preiudice of his Royall preeminence accepted the title of Soueraigne head next vnder Christ of the Church of England which was offered vnto him by a Synod and by both the Vniuersities of England with the consent of the Peeres of his Kingdome made Anne Bolene Marchionesse of Pembrooke for the noblenesse of her extraction and the merit of her vertues so are the words hauing apparelled her in Royall Robes he married her and commanded her to be sacred Queene Clement the Seuenth was much displeased but to little purpose iudged the former marriage to be of force and Canonicall and pronounced that the King had incurred the penaltie of the great excommunication Of this Marriage was ELIZABETH borne at Greenwich vpon Thames the seuenth day of September 1533. Shortly after the marriage contracted with Katherine was iudged by authority of Parliament incestuous and void and that with Anne lawfull by the Diuine Law and ELIZABETH Heire of the Kingdome if Issue-Male of the Royall Line should fayle All sweare fidelity to the King and to the Heires which he had or should haue by Anne And as it was considered vpon that Paulus the Third would againe at Rome proclaime against this Marriage and that within the Realme certaine Religious Women of Kent suborned by some religious men cast out at randome some indiscreete words against Anne ELIZABETH and the King as if they had been strucken with some diuine fury The Title of the Soueraigne head of the Church of England is giuen to the King with all manner of authority for the reforming of errours heresies and abuses and the oath of fidelity to the Heires which hee should haue by Anne is confirmed Neuerthelesse three yeeres scarce passed but giuing himselfe to new Loues to distrusts to wrath to murther and to bloud to make way to his new Loue Iane Seymor he accused Anne who had miscarried of a Male-Childe to haue defiled his Bed and for a light suspition put her into the hands of iustice where being examined shee so resolued the obiections which were made vnto her that the whole multitude which were there present iudged her innocent and that she was circumuented She notwithstanding is condemned by her Peeres and being told of it sent to the King and pleasantly thankes him for many benefits which shee had receiued from him viz. that shee not being very noble by extraction hee had vouchsafed to adde to her condition the dignity of Marchionesse to make her his companion of honour and to raise her vnto Royall Maiestie And which is more than all this that not being able to aduāce her to an higher on earth he pleased to lift her vp to heauen where shee should enioy eternall glory with innocent soules Shee tooke her punishment quietly and Christianly wishing all happines to the King and pardoning all her enemies The day following hee married Iane and by authority of the Parliament declares the marriage with Anne to be no lesse vnlawfull and voyd than the marriage with Katherine and that MARIE and ELIZABETH their Daughters were illegitimate and to be excluded from the Succession of the Kingdome Iane being in labour of EDWARD who succeeded his Father in the Kingdome dyed before hee was borne and hee cut out of her wombe The King being but little grieued for the death of his Wife forthwith applyes himselfe to new Loues both in Italy and France to procure friends Neuerthelesse as he was of an ambiguous minde and fearefull of euery thing lest the Papists should rise in Rebellion and the Nobles moue sedition or ioyne with his forreine enemies hee caused some to be beheaded for light and trifling matters some before euer they were heard and euery houre hee punished the Papists as Traytors which did perseuere in defending the Popes authoritie and beeing transported with couetousnesse hee tooke occasion and subiect by the vices of humane frailtie as of idle and free liuing to demolish the great Monasteries as he had done the smaller that were full of venerable antiquity and Maiesty tooke all the riches which had beene gathered of many yeeres and at the same time burned Protestants aliue for Heretiques by vertue of a Law called the Law of the Six Articles made against those which did impugne the doctrine of the Church of Rome touching Transubstantiation the celebration of the Eucharist vnder one kinde the single life of Priests Vowes priuate Masses and auricular confession In so much that at one time and in the same place hee exercised his crueltie against the Papists causing them to be hanged and quartered and against the Protestants causing
meanes she adorned her tongue with pure words and instructed her mind with the best documents and good learning not for pompe or ostentation but to recreate her life and frame her selfe to vertue that among the learned Princes of her time shee was held Miraculous But the death of EDVVARD interrupted the studies of the Liberall Arts For scarce was he expired but Dudley Duke of Northumberland who earnestly coueted the Kingdome for Iane Gray to whom he had affianced his Sonne vsed some persons to perswade her to quit the right which shee had to the Kingdome for a certaine summe of money and great possessions in Land She modestly answered that they ought first doe well to agree with Mary her elder Sister because that during her life she could pretend no right to it Anon after by the publike voice of a Cryer Iane Gray HENRY the Eighth's Neece by his second Sisters Daughter was proclaimed Queene of England the cause thereof being sought out was found to bee that in regard of a Lawe by Act of Parliament which had neuer been duely abrogated MARIE and ELIZABETH had beene declared illegitimate although that by the same Lawe the King their Father had declared that after EDVVARD the Sixth if Issue fayled that they should succeede him in order and that by the Ciuill-Law of England such Sisters could not hereditarily succeede EDVVARD because they were not Cousin Germanes but as our learned in the Law say of the halfe Blood They adde likewise that HENRY the Eighth had by his last will nominated Iane Gray Moreouer it was shewed what danger there were if MARIE and ELIZABETH should marrie stranger Princes which would re-establish the Popes authority which was reiected out of the Kingdome And to that purpose they produce Letters Patents that EDVVARD the Sixth a little before his death had perfected and many of the Peeres Bishops Iudges and others by their signes in writing had fortified neuerthelesse the good-will that the Lords and the Commons bore to the Daughters of HENRIE the Eighth within twentie dayes had driuen away this storme and MARY proclaimed Queene through all parts of England who comming toward the Citie of London with an Armie ELIZABETH not to bee wanting her Sisters cause and hers being yet disquieted went accompanied with fiue hundred Horse to meet her vpon the way In the first Assembly of the Parliament that MARY caused to bee holden what things soeuer had beene decreed against the marriage betweene Qu. Katharine and HENRY the Eighth were abrogated and it was iudged lawfull by the Diuine Law and at all times and at all places auaileable for these reasons Because it had bin contracted by the consent of both their Parents of most Illustrious Princes of most graue Personages as well of England as Spaine and with a graue and constant deliberation of the learnedest men of Christendome and consummated by the procreation of Children The same religious Seruice and administration of the Sacraments which were in vse at the decease of HENRY the Eighth are re-established notwithstanding without any mention of acknowledging the Popes authority which thing put the Queene and Cardinall Pole into great trouble and vnquietnesse who thinke that for matter of the marriage consent of Parents and the iudgement of the wise did but onely depend vpon the Dispensation of Pope Iulius the second and were very angry that the vse of the Sacraments were permitted to those who were not as yet well and duely receiued into the Church without the authoritie of the Pope But the States of the Kingdome and MARY bethought her selfe of it feared to receiue and acknowledge the Popes authority which they had already shaken off neither could they suffer that the Queene should quit the Title of Soueraigne head of the Church of England to which the most part of them Prelates Peeres and Common-people had sworne to HENRY the Eighth his heires and successors and there were many of them that had got their riches from those of the Church But tooke it greatly to heart to forsake him perswading herselfe that all the right that she had to the Kingdome of England was vpholden by no other meanes then by the power of the Pope who gaue sentence of her side after her Father had declared her illegitimate Verily many at that time had the Popes power in such hatred and a strangers yoke that within tenne dayes after that MARY was married to Phillip King of Spaine Tho. Wyat and many others of Kent brake out into rebellion perswading themselues that this marriage was made to no other end but the more rigorously to presse them downe vnder the Romane yoke by the strength of Spaine and dispatch ELIZABETH out of the way who was next heire to the Kingdome of England Charles the fifth Emperour knowing what spirits were in England and that Cardinall Pole was going with power of Legate from the Pope cast a blocke in the way not without the Queenes counsell lest he should trouble businesse not as yet established that he should not come into England till fifteene moneths were expired when the third Parliament was ended and the marriage of MARY and Philip should be celebrated by the Dispensation of Pope Iulius the third because they were allied in the third degree and that the Emperour Charles himselfe had heretofore contracted to marry her being then vnder age for time to come At last being dismissed from the Emperour he came into England by demands and obtestations propounded orders that the lawes against Heretikes might be re-established all Lawes published against the Sea of Rome since the twentieth yeere of Henrie the eighth abolished and the whole body of the Kingdome reconciled to the Church of Rome The which with great difficulty he obtained yet not before the goods taken from the Monasteries Colledges Bishops c. by Henry the eighth and Edward the sixth were confirmed vpon like Couenant to the Queene and the possessors lest the Kingdome should be disquieted Foorthwith hereupon he absolued both the Clergie and people of the crime of Schisme and Pope Iulius the third himselfe with great ioy celebrated a solemne Masse at Rome ordained Prayers published a Iubile and granted a plenarie Indulgence to all who had giuen God thankes for the revnion of the Kingdome of England Then is sent vnto him Anthony Viscount Montaigue Thomas Thurlbe Bishop of Ely and Edward Carne to giue thankes for the pardon which he had granted for the Schismes and in the name of the King the Queene and the Kingdome and that due submission and obedience should be performed to the Pope and See of Rome Iulius then being deceased Paulus 4. gaue them audience and publike conference in the Apostolike Palace and in the Hall of Kings receiued their obedience approued the pardon and absolution granted by Cardinall Pole And for the well deseruing of Mary and Philip he out of the fulnesse of his power erected for euer Ireland to be a Kingdome and adorned
the time Tho. Watson of Lincolne very pregnant in the acutest Diuinity but somewhat in an austere graue manner Rad. Bain of Couentrie and Lichfeild who was one of the restorers of the Hebrew tongue and chiefe professour of the same in Paris vnder the Gouernment of Francis the first vnder whom Learning beganne to flourish Owen Oglethorp of Carlile Ia. Turberuile of Exceter and D. Pole of Peterborough Fequenham the Abbot of Benedictins a sage and good man who liued long and by his publique almes wonne the heart of his Aduersaries but was put by his place All these were first imprisoned but forthwith for the most part left to the guard either of their friends or the Bishops except these two more turbulent then the rest the Bishop of Lincolne and the Bishop of Winchester who threatned to excommunicate the Queene But these three Cuthbert a Scottish-man Bishop of Chester Richard Pat of Wigorne and Tho. Goldwell of Asaph voluntarily forsooke the Countrey in like maner some religious and afterward some Nobles amongst whō the most remarkable were H. Baron of Morle Inglefeild and Pecckam both whom were of the Priuie-Councell to Queene MARY Tho. Shelle and Ioh. Gagd The learned'st Protestants that could bee found were prefer'd to the places of Bishops deceased and of Fugitiues and Mat. Parker a godly wise and right modest man who was one of the Priuie-Councell to King HENRY the 8. and Deane of the Colledge Church of Stocclair beeing solemnly chosen Arch-Bishop of Canterbury after preaching of the Word calling of the holy Ghost and celebration of the Eucharist was consecrated by the imposition of hands of three ancient Bishops Gu. Barlo Bishop of Bath Ioh. Scor. of Chester Miles Couerdall of Exceter Ioh. Suffragant de Bedford de Lambeth and afterward the same Bishops consecrated Ed. Grindall a rare Diuine Bishop of London Richard Coxe who was Tutor to EDVVARD the Sixth when he was a Child of Ely Edward Sands an eloquent Preacher of Winchester Rob. Merick of Bangor Tho. Yong a deepe professor in the Ciuill and Canonicall Law of Saint Dauids N. Bolingham Councellour of the Law of Lincolne Iohn Iewell absolutely iudicious in all liberall Science of Salisburie Richard Dauis of Asaph Edward Guests of Rochester Gilbert Barde of Bath Thomas Bentham of Couentrie and Lichfield Gu. Alle a pithy expounder of the holy Scripture of Exceter Iohn Parkhurst a famous humanist of Norwich Robert Horne of a hardie and copious spirit of Winchester Richard Chesne of Glocester and Edw. Scamber of Peterborough but they placed Gu. Barlo Bishop of Chester who during the reigne of HENRY the Eighth was Bishop of Saint Dauids and afterward of Wells for B. of Hereford was appointed Ioh. Scori a skilfull and iudiciall man who was formerly Bishop of Chichester in like maner in the Prouince of Yorke Yong being transferred from his place of Saint Dauids to Yorke consecrated Ia. Pilkinton a most godly and learned man Bishop of Dunelme Io. Best of Carlile and Gu. Downham of Chester I leaue Ecclesiasticall Historians to relate what these men were and what miseries they suffered vnder the Gouernment of Queene MARY being either fugitiues in the Low-Countries or hidden close in England And forasmuch as Learned men were rare to be found diuers Mechanicke Shop-keepers as simple as the Papists Priests attained vnto Ecclesiasticall Dignities Prebends and Benefices of good reuenue which diuers Priests perceiuing and hoping aboue all things to expulse the Protestants out of their Churches and by this meanes to get something to relieue the necessities of such amongst them as were deposed thought it most expedient both for the aduancement of themselues and their Religion to sweare obedience to their Princesse in renouncing the Authority of the Pope deeming this wisedome meritorious and were in some hope to procure from his Holinesse according to his Iurisdiction a Dispensation for his Oath Thus was Religion chang'd in England all Christendome beeing amazed that it could so easily bee effected without Sedition But the truth is that this change was not so suddenly made neither can it since it is so be easily tolerated but by little and little by degrees For summarily to repeat what I haue herevpon spoken The Romane Religion continued in the same state it was first a full Moneth and more after the death of Queene MARY The 27. of September it was tolerated to haue the Epistles and Gospels the ten Commandements the Symbole the Lettany and the Lords Prayer in the Vulgar Tongue The 22. of March the Parliament being assembled the Order of EDVVARD the Sixth was re-established and by Act of the same the whole vse of the Lords Supper granted vnder both kinds The 24. of Iune by the authoritie of that which concern'd the vniformity of publike Prayers and administration of the Sacraments the Sacrifice of the Masse was abolished and the Lyturgie in the English Tongue more more established In the Moneth of Iuly the Oath of Allegiance was proposed to the Bishops and other persons and in August Images were thrown out of the Temples and Churches and broken and burned And because some malignant spirits detracting from the Queene as if shee had assumed vnto her selfe the Title of Chiefe Soueraigne of the Church of England and authority to celebrate sacred Rites in the Church she declared by Proclamation That she attributed no more vnto her selfe then what did of long time belong to the Crowne of England which was that next vnder God she had supreme Soueraignetie and power ouer all States of England whether Ecclesiasticall or Laye and that no other Forraigne Power had or could haue any Iurisdiction or authority ouer them By this alteration of Religion as Politicians haue obserued England became the freest Kingdome in all Christendome because by this meanes it had freed the Scepter from forraigne slauery of the Pope of Rome and most rich because it preuented the great summes of mony which were dayly transported to Rome for First-fruites Indulgences Appellations Dispensations and such other like things and thereby the Common-wealth was voide and depriued beyond all imagination The Protestants Religion being thus establisht by th' authority of of the Parliament the first and principall care of Queene ELIZABETH was to defend and maintaine it still sound and impregnable against all sort of machynation whatsoeuer in the very middest of her Enemies which through this occasion she had incurred against her And shee would neuer endure to heare the least Newes at all Her second care was to maintaine equity all her life time and in all her Actions in token whereof shee tooke this deuice vnto her selfe ALWAYES ONE For her other designes she concluded them to prouide for the safety of her Subiests For as she often said that to the end the Common-wealth should bee in safety her selfe neuer could bee And that to make her Subiects loue her her Enemies feare her and all to praise her knowing that what was begunne
with wisedome and kept by care was firme and lasting Now how by her Masculine care and counsell she surmounted her Sexe and what shee did most wisely in preuenting diuerting and powerfully resisting the attempts of her Enemies those that now liue and shall hereafter will bee able to iudge of what I shall drawe out and set forth of things if I may call them so in the Kingdomes owne memory At that time the Emperour and the Christian Princes interceding by continuall Letters that she would vse the Bishops which were retyred out of her Realme gently and suffer the Papists to haue Churches in Townes by the Protestants She answered that although the Bishops had in the sight of all the world against the Lawes and Peace of the Kingdome and obstinately reiected the same Doctrine which the most of them had vnder the Raigne of HENRY the Eighth and EDVVARD the Sixth propounded to others voluntarily and by publike writings that she would vse them meekely for those great Princes sakes notwithstanding shee could not doe it without offending her Subiects But to let them haue Churches by the others shee could not with the safety of the Common-wealth and without wounding of her Honour Conscience neither had shee reason to doe it seeing that England imbraced no new Religion nor any other then that which Iesus Christ hath commanded that the Primitiue and Catholike Church hath exercised and the ancient Fathers haue alwayes with one voice and one mind approued And to allow them to haue diuers Churches and diuers manners of seruice besides that it is directly oppugnant to the Lawes established by the authority of the Parliament it were to breede one Religion out of another and drawe the spirits of honest people into varieties to nourish the designes of the factious to trouble Religion and Common-wealth and to confound humane things with Diuine which would be ill in effect and worse in example pernicious to her Subiects and not assured at all to those to whō it should be allowed and aboue all at their request she was resolued to cure the particular insolency of some by winking at something neuerthelesse without fauouring in any sort the obstinacie of their spirits The Spaniard hauing lost all hope to marry her and beeing ready to marry the Daughter of France notwithstanding thinkes seriously of England nothing desirous that it should be ioyned to the Scepter of France and to retaine the dignity of so great a Kingdome in his House obtained of the Emperour Ferdinand his Vncle that he would seeke her to wife for his second Sonne which he as soone did by very louing Letters and followed it very carefully by Iasper Preimour a resolute Baron of the Countrey of Stibing The Spaniard himselfe to bring her to that promised her speciall affection and she of her side made him offer by Thomas Chaloner of her Ships and commodity of her Hauens for his Voyage for Spaine which he was about with all remarkable duties of Friendship The French on the other side casting an eye vpon England left the French Garrison in Scotland in fauour of the King Dolphin his sonne and Mary Queene of Scotland which hee had promised to take from thence vpon the agreement before mentioned and sent thither vnder-hand supplies sollicites the Pope of Rome more vehemently than euer to declare Queene ELIZABETH an Heretique and illegitimate and Queene Mary of Scotland legitimate of England and although the Spaniard and the Emperour hindered by their contrary and most strong practices though secretly by the Agents which they had at Rome neuerthelesse the Guizes carried their credulous ambition with such a flattering hope to ioyne Englands Scepter to France by the meanes of the Queene of Scots their neece that hee came so farre as to challenge it for his Sonne and for his Daughter in Law and commanded them in all their Royall Letters to take this Title Francis and Mary by the grace of God King and Queene of Scotland England and Ireland and to let the Armes of England be seene in all places causing them to be painted and grauen together with the French Armes in their moueables and vtensils in the walls of their houses in their Heralds coates of Armes notwithstanding any complaint that the English Ambassadour could make that it was a notorious wrong to Queene ELIZABETH with whom hee had newly contracted a friendship being manifest that hee had not done it during the reigne of Queene MARIE though she denounced warre against him Hee also leuied horse and foote in France and Germanie to goe to the Territories of Scotland neerest adioyning to England insomuch that Queene ELIZABETH had good cause to apprehend it seeing that he breathed nothing but after the bloud slaughter of the Protestants But these enterprizes were broken by his vnlooked-for death hapning at the Tilting which was for the recreation and solemnizing of the marrriages of his Daughter with the King of Spaine and of his Sister with the Duke of Sauoy And much to the purpose it fell out for Queene ELIZABETHS businesse whom hee resolued to set vpon with all his forces as well for being an heretique as also illegitimate on the one side by Scotland and on the other side by France Neuerthelesse to giue him royall honours after his death shee caused his funerall solemnities to be performed as to a King a friend with the greatest pompe in Saint Pauls Church in London and forthwith sent Ch. Howard Effinghams sonne now great Admirall of England and Ireland to condole with him for the death of his Father and to congratulate his succession to Francis his Sonne and Successour exhorting him to entertaine inuiolably the friendship which had lately beene begun But Francis and the Queene of Scotland his wife by the counsell of the Guizes who then had some power in France behaued himselfe publiquely as King of England and Ireland kept alwaies the English Armes which hee had vsurped and made shew of them more than euer and N. Throgmorton ordinary Ambassadour a wise but a hote man complained to them of this They first answere him that the Queene of Scotland had right to carry those Armes with a barre to shew the proximity of bloud which shee had with the royall Race of England After when he had maintained that by the Law which they call the Law of Armes it is not permitted to any to take the Armes and Markes of any House vnlesse hee be descended of some of the Heires of it obseruing to tell him that shee carried them not but to cause the Queene of England to leaue those of France But hauing vpon that put them in minde how D. Wotton had afore-time treated at Cambray how twelue Kings of England had carried the Armes of France and by a right so seldome called in question that by any of the treaties which were made betweene the English and the French nothing had beene resolued to the contrary hee gained in the end
to that but to heare that which you haue to answer touching the confirmation of the Treaty of Edenborrough But if it please you to heare the cause of this offence hauing quitted the qualitie of an Ambassadour I will tell it you in few words As soone as the Queene my Mistris was sacred and inaugurated you vsurped the name and armes of England although you had not done it before in the reigne of Queene MARY You shall iudge in your owne wisdome if a greater offence can be done to a Prince Surely priuate persons themselues doe not willingly digest these offences much lesse Princes But said She my Husbands Father and my Husband would haue it so commanded it As soone as they were deceased and that I was of my selfe I presently quitted both the Armes and the Title And notwithstanding I know not if this be to defraud the Queene that I who likewise am one and Grand-child to the eldest Sister of HENRY the Eighth carry these Armes seeing that others haue borne them which are further off of kinne than I am Indeed Courtney Marquis of Exceter and the Dutches of Suffolke Neece to HENRY the Eighth by his yonger Sister by a speciall fauour carryed the Armes of England in adding to them the Limbes for a marke of difference The Queene of Scotland not being able by these words to giue Qu. ELIZABETH content who stedfastly beleeued that shee sought but delayes to husband some new hope seeing that at the holding of the States of Scotland who had assembled twice since the death of Queene MARIE shee had not made any proposition which concerned the confirmation of this Treaty as shee was already vpon the way to come for Scotland shee caused Throgmorton a second time to come to her to Ableville and asked him curteously How shee might either by word or deed giue satisfaction to Queene ELIZABETH In ratifying sayes he the Treaty of Edenborrough as I haue often told you Whereupon she said vnto him HEarken then to iudge if this which shee thinkes to be delayes and vaine excuses are not most iust reasons The first Article of this Treaty which concernes the ratification of that which passed in the Castle of Cambray betweene England and France toucheth mee nothing at all The second which concernes that of the Treatie passed in the same place betweene England and Scotland hath beene ratified by my Husband and mee and I cannot ratifie it more amply if it be not concluded in my name alone seeing my Husband is there expresly named The third fourth and fifth Articles are already effected for the preparatiues of Warre haue ceased the French Garrisons are called backe out of Scotland the Fort which was neere Aymouth is razed Since the death of my Husband I haue refrained to carry the Armes and the Title of England and it is not in my power to raze them out of the Vtensils Edifices and the Letters Royall which are dispersed through France no more than I can send backe the Bishop of Valence and of Raadan since they are not my Subiects to contest vpon the sixth Article As to the last I hope that my seditious Subiects will not complaine of my inclemencie But as I see shee which thinkes to hinder my returne will goe about to hinder that they shall not try my clemencie What remaines now in this Treatie which is preiudiciall to your Queene Neuerthelesse to heape her vp with satisfactions I will write to her of it more amply with mine owne hand though shee vouchsafes not to write to mee but by a Secretarie As for you Ambassadour I pray you to doe the duetie of an Ambassadour rather to sweeten businesses than make them sowrer But these Letters did not giue Queen ELIZABETH any contentment who had euer in her heart the iniury which shee had done her in taking the title and armes of England and at that time feared much that shee tooke them yet if by the confirmation of this Treatie and the Religion of the othe shee was not bound to forbeare them In the meane time the Queene of Scotland finding the time fit goes to Calais and gets into Scotland hauing the fauour of Heauen which was cloudy and darke got the winde of the English Ships that some thought had beene sent to Sea in honour to conuoy her others to take Pirates and others to take her they grounding it vpon this that Iames her bastard-brother a little before returning from France and passing through England had counselled Queene ELIZABETH to doe it if shee would prouide for Religion and her owne safetie The which Lidington being ioyfull that Doysell was retayned in England perswaded as his Letters make mention Lest being returned shee should stirre vp Tragedies take away the commerce of letters and messages with the English ruine the faction which was at their deuotion and exercise crueltie vpon the Protestants of Scotland not vnder colour of disloyaltie but of heresie euen as MARIE Queene of England had lately done Howbeit her Maiestie being returned into Scotland shewed all gentlenesse to her Subiects shee changed nothing in Religion although tumultuously brought in and begun to temper the Common-wealth by excellent Lawes and good Ordinances Her Maiestie sent Lidington to Queene ELIZABETH with Letters from her selfe and from the Peeres of Scotland by which shee referred to her all the care to make and intertaine the peace betweene England and Scotland prayed her to seeke some good dispatch thereof and gaue for her aduice that shee did not thinke of a better and more certaine remedie than that Queene ELIZABETH dying without issue should declare her Heire to succeed her in the Kingdome of England c. by authority of Parliament This seemed strange to Queene ELIZABETH who expected to receiue the Confirmation of the Treaty of Edenborrough promised both by word and writing Notwithstanding she answers him THat for concerning the matter of Succession shee hoped that the Queene of Scotland would not violently take the Scepter from her nor from her Children if shee should haue any Promiseth not to derogate in any manner from the right which she had to the Kingdome of England howsoeuer by the precipitate and ouer-hasted ambition of others shee had attributed to her selfe the Title and the Armes of the same for which it were iust and requisit shee should make some satisfaction And said shee feared that the Designation of a Successour would disioyne their friendship rather than re-vnite it by reason that those which rule haue alwayes those in suspition which ought to succeed them That the inconstant people vexing themselues at the present state of things turne away the eyes from the Sunne-setting and looke toward the Sunne-rising and that those which are once designed Successors cannot containe themselues within the limits of equitie nor can keepe vnder the ill desires of their owne and of others insomuch that if she did confirme and assure the succession she should depriue her selfe of all
of O-Neales would not The grant which his father had made to King HENRY the Eighth and the restitution that HENRY the Eighth had made vnto him were nothing considerable seeing that Cone had nothing in the things granted but during her life could not haue made this grant without the consent of the Peeres and of the people who had elected him to the honor of O-Neale That such Letters also could not be of any valew vnlesse witnessed by the othes of twelue men that hee was the certaine Heire of the House which had not been done in this matter That by diuine and humane right he was vndoubted Heire moreouer the eldest Sonne of his Father begot in lawfull marriage designed O-Neale with a generall consent of the Peeres people by vertue of the Law of Temster which was his Countrey by which a man of ripe yeeres ought to be preferred before a Child and an Vnkle before a Nephew whose great Grand-father out-liued the Father To conclude hee had not vsurped any authority ouer the Lords of Vlster though in times past his Ancestors by a particular right had vsed it But of this I haue spoken else-where Which when the Queene found true he was sent home with honour where he behaued himselfe both faithfully and industriously against the Irish Rebels THE SIXTH YEERE OF HER RAIGNE Anno Domini 1563. IN the moneth of Ianuary the States of the Kingdome assembled at Westminster and established Lawes for the reliefe of the poore for the increase of traffique by Sea and for husbandry to represse South-sayers Negromancers Sodomites Coyners and Periury and translated the Holy Bible and Liturgy into the Welsh Tongue And to maintaine the Maiesty of the Queene and Realme tooke order that the like inconueniences might not happen to them which shamefully fell out by the Popes vsurped authority and to curbe the violence of those which vpheld it declared them criminals laesae Maiestatis whosoeuer after three admonitions should maintaine in print in words or in deedes that any Prince Prelate or stranger should haue any authority in Spirituall things in England or any other Countries of the Queenes Dominions or whosoeuer should refuse twice to take the Oath which should be offered to him for acknowledging of the Queenes soueraigne authority in Spiritual things and ouer Ecclesiasticall persons yet with this charge without spilling of blood neither that it should bee required of any Baron of this Kingdome or of those of more eminent dignity the Queene not doubting their fidelity nor any others Saue those which were which had been or hereafter should be of some Ecclesiasticall Order or those who after hauing bin aduertised of the forme of seruice of the English Church will not obserue it or shall publikely in words or actions depraue it which shall celebrate or heare Masse with like things which is seene in the Ordinance established for it Now to witnes the ioy which they had to see the prosperity of the times the Clergie granted the Queene a Subsidie and the Lay people another together with two Tenths and two fifteenths in acknowledgment of her reformation of Religion establishment of Peace deliuering England and Scotland from stranger Enemies to put downe base money repaire the Fleet make preparation for Warre and Nauigation beyond expectation and of the laudable designe which she had for France to assure England and the yong King of France and to recouer Calais Now this Tenth and Fifteenth that I may make it remarkable in the behalfe of strangers is a Taxe which long agoe hath bin imposed vpon euery City Borrough and village not by the pole but by generalities according to the fifteenth part of the reuenew of the places A Subsidie is that which is imposed vpon euery particular for goods and lands which he possesseth But neither of these two Taxes are euer imposed but by the Parliament In the meane time the Prince of Conde who made haste to get into Normandy to the English succour is taken in the famous Battell of Dreux and with him Nicholas Throgmorton who suffered himselfe voluntarily to bee taken by the Protestants to communicate some secret designes vnto them And beeing presently after set at liberty he presented the money which was promised to Coligni who was marched forward with the Troupes of auxiliary English to the Castle of Cane which he then besieged and easily compelled Cane Bayeux Falexe and the Temple of Saint Lo to render While things were thus carried in France Queen ELIZABETH made knowne to the King of Spaine by Chaloner her Ambassadour that to preuent the Guizes in time who insultingly and with deadly intent rais'd vp against her pernitious things and dangerous Treaties that shee had sent an Armie into France and kept still in her hands Haure de grace which was deliuered vp to her till shee receiued full satisfaction for Calais He answered her That if she demanded onely the restitution of Calais it was all shee desired from the beginning but if she vndertooke this warre for Religions sake he could not likewise abandon that of his Grandfathers and Predecessors As for the Guizes who are they said he for a most puissant Queene of England to feare they beeing of no alliance to the King of France as hereto fore they haue beene Whereunto she made no other reply but conformable to that English Prouerbe which sayes Euery one must looke to their own when their neighbours House is on fire And the King of Spaine vnderstood well inough how shee politikely treated with the Protestant Princes of Germany by the sollicitation of then Henry but now Lord Knowles and Christopher Hill for the Prince of Condé's reliefe and to defend the common cause of Religion whereat being more highly offended he likewise secretly sought meanes against her vnder the colour and pretext of Religion Withall those French Hostages who were sent into England for the security of the payment of ●ne hundred thousand Crownes promised in case Calais were not restored perceiuing all things enclining to a warre laboured all they could to flye away but beeing ready to take Barke they were taken and brought backe againe together with that famous Pylot Iohn Ribant who came secretly into England to conuay them ouer In the meane while peace was accorded in France between the King and the Prince of Condé allured thereunto out of hope that hee should haue the generall managing of all affaires and marry the Queene of Scots the Protestants and the Queenes Maiestie of England being no waies therein comprehended all men with one generall voice protested that if the English withdrew not themselues forthwith out of Haure de grace the promise of surrendting Calais intimated by the Treaty of Cambray should be frustrate and take no effect and by publique sound of Trumpet the French were permitted in this case to assaile the English to take and pillage them while they yeelded it vp The Queenes Maiesty of
thought to haue excited the hatred of mine own which my greatest enemies hitherto could neuer doe But their wisdome was out of season their designes too farre aduanced and they haue not regarded the euent And I haue easily discouered by these things who haue beene iust on my behalfe and who haue not and doe see well that all your Assembly is composed of foure sorts of persons For some haue beene Architects and Authors others Actors who with sweet words haue perswaded who being perswaded haue accorded to that which was propounded others who haue maruelled at this audacitie kept silence and those in truth are the more excusable Thinke you that I contemne your good and safetie that you ground vpon a Successor or that I will infringe your libertie So farre am I from that that I haue not so much as thought of it For I haue considered that it behooued you to retyre from the pit into which you runne head-long Euery thing hath his season Peraduenture you shall haue after me a wiser Prince but not that loues you more than I doe I know not if I shall liue to see such Assemblies once more but take heede of offending the patience of your Prince and notwithstanding take it for a certaine truth that I haue a good opinion of the most part of you and that I loue you all with all my heart as heretofore Thus the wisdome of a Woman quieted these stirres the time which became clearer caused such a calme that beside the seditious and timorous few were since found to storme for a Successour And certainely all men what face soeuer they set vpon it doe not penetrate more deepely into publique affaires than they finde it necessary for their owne particular Yet that the Successour should more plainely appeare which shee thought could not be doubted of she imprisoned Thornton Reader of the Law at Lincolnes Inne in London because the Queene of Scotland had complained that he called her right in question In these Assemblies of the States besides other things which were for the good of the Common-wealth it was declared with the generall consent of all THat the election consecration and instalment of Arch-bishops and Bishops of England which many by calumniating them had called in question was lawfull and well and duely consecrated according to the Acts and Statutes of the Realme And ordained that all these and those which for the time to come should be consecrated as they had beene were and should be holden well and duely consecrated notwithstanding any Law or Canon For the Papists had detracted them as false Bishops peraduenture because the Vnction the Ring and the Crozier were not vsed with the Benedictions and as if they had not beene solemnely instituted to this Order by three Bishops which could bring their ordination rising from the Apostolique authority receiued from Christ although they most truely could as appeares by the Registers hauing beene consecrated with godly prayers deuout inuocation of the holy Ghost the imposition of hands of such Bishops the preaching of the Word and celebration of the Lords Supper About that time after they had restrained the insolency of some Ruffians who violated these delators which the vulgar call Promoters pursued them through the streetes with cryes and clamours and killed them came the day appointed for the baptizing of the Prince of Scotland The Queene hauing beene intreated to receiue him at the sacred Font sent the Earle of Bedford with the Lauor made of massie Gold for a Present of State and commanded him expresly all the English which accompany him to take heed that they honour Darley with the Title of KING The ceremony being ended the Earle according as he had beene commanded treated with the Queene of Scotland to haue the Treaty of Edenborrough ratified and to accord the domesticke discords which were betweene her and her Husband For some ill-willers both to the one and the other had by craft ruined this agreeable societie of life and loue which was betweene them Shee refused to make this ratification alledging this reason That there was in that Treaty some Articles that did derogate the right which shee and her Children had to England neuerthelesse promised to send Commissioners into England which should treat about it for the altering of some things to wit that she should leaue off the Title and armes of England as long as Queene ELIZABETH or any of hers should liue as if the Treaty had imported that she should giue it ouer altogether and they they should let her see what iniuries shee had receiued by the wicked practices of those which too much abused the ingenious credulitie of her Husband And finding her selfe vnhealthfull shee recommended her Sonne to the trust and Gardianship of Queene ELIZABETH by Letters bearing That although shee knew well I vse her owne termes shee was by right the vndoubted Heire of England after the Queene and that many at their pleasure forged many things against this right She promised neuerthelesse she would not presse her any more to a declaration of it but that shee would assist and adhere to her alwaies and against all with all her affection In the yeere 1566. there dyed two of the Lords of her Maiesties most honourable Priuy Councell both in one day I. Mason Treasurer of Queene ELIZABETHS houshold a most learned iudicious and graue personage most diligent and carefull to the preseruation of benefits In his place and office was preferred Sir Francis Knolles who had married the Lady Katherine Cousin-Germane to her Maiesty by the Lady Mary of Bulleine Richard Sackuile also Cousin to her Maiesty by the Lady Anne Bulleine her Mother Sir Walter Mildmay an vncorrupt and considerate man succeeded in his place THE TENTH YEERE OF HER RAIGNE Anno Domini 1567. A Little before the Commissioners from the Queene of Scotland were arriued a moneth or two after the christening of the Prince of Scotland the King at the age of one and twenty yeers was strangled in his bed in the dead time of the night a dreadfull and horrible wickednesse which was detested of all honest men afterwards throwne into his Garden the House being blowne vp with Gun-powder The report of it being spread through both the Kingdomes the crime was cast vpon Morton Murray and their Confederates who insulting ouer the weaker Sex laide it vpon the Queene Which by bookes as also a Libell written by Buchanan which was imprinted none can be ignorant of But being of the party and carryed away by Murray's bountie the bookes were condemned to be false by the Councell and State of Scotland to which more credit is to be giuen and as I haue heard he himself to the King whose Schoolemaster he was reprehended himselfe for it that hee had vsed so poysonous a penne against the Queene and being ready to dye he wished but to liue so long that hee might take away the staine which he
to a guard while they could finde out and execute Bothwell But shee weary of reigning with so infinite many disturbances had willingly resigned and transferred ouer the Kingdome to her Sonne constituting the Earle of Murray for Vice-Roy That hereupon her Sonne was solemnely consecrated and crowned King all confirmed and ratified in Parliament by the States of the Kingdome That by reason of Iustice which was equally ministred the Scottish Common-wealth had recouered some vigour and strength while some particulars who could not endure the publique repose had contrary to their oath cautelously released the Queene out of safe custodie and taken vp Armes violating herein the fidelitie they owe to their King and though thankes be to GOD they obtayned victory ouer them yet notwithstanding with an hostile and disloyall heart they presumptuously enterprized against their Countrey and Prince and therefore the Royall Authoritie must needes conformably haue beene supprest by such tumultuous and mutinous Subiects After a reiteration of the former protest the Queene of Scots Deputies replyed in these words THat what Earle Murray and his Complices alledged for hauing taken vp Armes against the Queene in that Bothwell whom they accused of killing the KING was in great grace and authoritie about her could not iustly brand them with the marke of disloyall Subiects seeing there was no euident proofe of his murdering the King but contrariwise by sentence of the Peeres hee was cleared thereof and this absolution confirmed by Act of Parliament with their very approbation and consent who at this time accuse him and that then perswaded the Queene to take him for her Husband as beeing more sufficient than all others to sway and gouerne the Kingdome they obliged vnto him their fidelitie in Writing and not so much as in words disallowed of this marriage while they had drawne to their partie the Captaine or Gouernour of the Castle and the Maior of Edenborrough For then in the night which was a very vnfit season in hostile manner they assayled the Castle of Bothwick where the Queene was and shee retyring her selfe by the fauour of the night they presently raysing an Armie vnder pretext of her defence went themselues into the field way-layde her as shee went to Edenborrough and aduertized her by Grange whom they sent to her that shee should shake off Bothwell while hee had appeared in iudgement and cleared himselfe all which shee willingly did to auoid effusion of bloud But Grange vnder-hand admonished Bothwell to with-draw himselfe promising him with oath that no bodie should pursue him so as hee made away with their owne consent and beeing minded they might easily haue taken him afterwards But when they had once gotten the Queene into their hands for the mannaging of their ambitious designes they made no great reckoning of him and it is no great wonder when they beeing the Queenes Subiects and hauing vowed fidelity to her shee bitterly rebuked them hauing so basely and vnworthily entreated her Royall Maiesty Shee freely referred the matter to the whole Estates of the Kingdome and made a declaration thereof vnto them by Lidington her Secretary But they would not so much as giue any eare vnto it but conueyed her away secretly by night and emprisoned her at Lake-Leuin In saying that wearied with her Reigne shee resigned and gaue ouer the Kingdome is a most palpable inuention because shee is neither too-much broken with yeeres nor of such a feeble and weake constitution but equally vigorous both in bodie and minde to mannage weightie and great affaires but most certaine it is that the Earles of Athol Tubardine and Lidington who were also of her Councell aduized her to seale the drafts of Resignation to auoyd death where-with shee was daily threatned and this was not done with any preiudice eyther to her selfe or her Heires because shee was then a prisoner and imprisonment is a iust feare for according to the opinion of Ciuilians a promise made by a prisoner is of no worth Hereunto also she was perswaded by Throgmorton who presented vnto her a draft written with his owne hand whom shee entreated to informe the Queene of England that shee did it constrained and contrary to her will That when Lindsay presented to her the Patents for her to subscribe vnto hee terrified her with feare and horrour of death and so by this meanes enforced her to seale with weeping eyes not hauing so much as read the Contents That the Lord of the Castle of Lake-Leuin vnderstanding and seeing apparantly that shee had subscribed and sealed against her will hee would not set to his hand as also this Resignation was most vniust because shee had nothing hereby assigned her for her owne behoofe and entertainement neither grant of libertie nor assurance of life That whosoeuer will but equally ballance things hee cannot but iudge this to be a weake infringement of Royall Authoritie because when the Queene was at libertie in the presence of many Nobles of the Kingdome shee declared how shee had done it out of meere constraint And what they boast to haue effected by Act of Parliament can no wayes preiudice her Royall prerogatiue because in this tumultuarie Parliament there were present but foure Earles one Bishop two Abbots and sixe Barons though aboue an hundred betweene Earles Bishops and Barons haue a voyce in the Parliament of Scotland and yet of so small a number some protested that what was done should not redound to the preiudice of the Queene or her Successours because shee was a prisoner That the Ambassadours of France and England could neuer be certified from her though they had many times instantly vrged it whether she voluntarily resigned ouer the Kingdome or no. And so farre the Common-wealth hath beene from beeing iustly gouerned vnder the vsurping Vice-Roy that on the contrary all manner of impieties neuer bare a greater sway for hee hath beene seene to demolish sacred buildings to ruine illustrious Families and to afflict and grinde the faces of the miserable poore And therefore they humbly entreated the Queens Maiestie of England to be assisting with her best fauour counsell and ayde to the Queene her neere Kinsewoman so lamentably opprest Thus farre I copied out of the proper Writings of the Commissioners These matters thus heard the Commissioners enioyning Murray to produce and proue with more solid reasons the occasion of so strange a rigour vs'd to an absolute Queene because all formerly alledged had no pregnant testimonies but only ambiguous and improbable Letters and Lidington hauing priuily made known that he himself had often counterfaited the Qu. hand Murray would no further prosecute before strangers the accusation he had framed against his Sister except the Queene of England promised of her part to take vpon her the Protection of the Infant King and wholly abandon the Queene of Scots But the Deputies by vertue of their Delegation hauing no authoritie to promise any such matter two on both parts were sent vp to London to
earnestly with Queene ELIZABETH for the re-establishment of the Queene of Scotland complayning that she was more strictly handled then formerly vnder the custodie of the Earle of Huntington her sworne enemie and emulator who as well as she had secret aimes to the Kingdome of England The Ambassadour of Spaine also at the sollicitation of the Bishop of Rosse prest that point very hard in the name and behalfe of his King But the Queene after shee had seriously reuolued the cunning deuices that they all practised to free the Queene of Scots and had couertly giuen out that she was ioyned with them in the Rebellion lately appearing answered him THat it was an inconsiderate and dangerous folly to free one that so apparantly aspired by ill practice to the Crowne of England That she had need more straightly then ordinary to looke vnto her and discharge some of her Seruants whom she had for the most part chosen for her own proper dessignes and to giue for an assistant to the Earle of Shrewsbury whom she had appointed for her Keeper who began to suspect the loyaltie of these people the Earle of Huntington whom she neuer knew to haue any title to the Kingdome but onely out of some relation to her in affinity and that neuerthelesse she had discharged him long sithence promiseth to omit no meanes of agreement with the Scots and protesteth to prosecute no iniuries receiued by her That she euer hoped that the King of France the King of Spaine and the Queen of Scotland would not take it in ill part that she onely prouided for the peace and safety of her selfe her subiects since nature reason and the honour of her Royall Name did of right require the same at her hands And that if any of them knew any way more expedient to preuent that imminent menacing danger shee would not onely heare but most willingly embrace it After this they sate in Councell often hereupon at the Court whether it were best to send the Queen of Scotland backe into her Countrie or retain her stil in England and how they might best prouide for the safegard both of the Queene and their Religion Whiles they were consulting hereabout William Herbert Earle of Pembroke happened to dye being issue to Richard son to R. Herbert the eldest Earle of Pembroke being in the Climactericall yeere of his age as if he had presaged what mischiefe should befal him if hee had longer liued leauing behinde him three children Henry Edward and Anne Hee was buried in S. Pauls Church with stately and honourable Rites and a most glorious Tombe erected for him a Noble person who out of his owne meanes rais'd a Fortune to himselfe For he so wrought into the fauour of HENRY the Eighth that he made him one of the Gentlemen of his Chamber and by his owne prudence increased his meanes especially after the King had married Katherine Parre his wiues Sister And vnder EDVVARD the Sixth hee procured whiles the Court was distracted in seuerall factions to be of the Order of Saint George Knight of the Garter the honour to be the Kings Squire the Title of Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and the dignity of the Earle of Pembroke He was Generall vnder Queene MARY of her Troopes she sent against Wyat and for the English Armie at S. Quintin President of Wales twice Gouernour of Calais vnder Queene ELIZABETH he was constituted Steward of her houshold whose fauour he lost for a time in regard that hee was the first moouer of the match betweene the Duke of Norfolke and the Queene of Scotland notwithstanding his intention and will were no way ill affected therein and failed narrowly a little before his death of being questioned vpon certaine euidences at large dilated and presumptions secretly found out Hitherto Pope Pius the Fifth had laid a foundation of abstruse darke conspiracies for Queene ELIZABETH and the yeere before she hauing no warning thereof nor cited by a Bull declaratorie priuily sends forth an Anathema and excites Rebellion and causeth the said Bull to be fixed to the Palace Gates of the Bishop of London in these words THE SENTENCE Declaratory of the Holy Father Pope Pius the Fifth against ELIZABETH the pretended Queene of England and those Heretiques adhering to her And finally all such as obey her to be insnared in the same PIVS Bishop a seruant of the seruants of GOD for the future memory of the businesse HEe that rules in the Heauens aboue and to whom all power is giuen both in Heauen and Earth gaue vnto one onely vpon Earth viz. to Peter the chiefest amongst the Apostles and to the Pope of Rome Peters Successor a holy Catholique and Apostolique Church without which there is no Saluation to gouerne it in the fulnesse of power And this he ordayned as chiefe aboue all Nations and Kingdomes to pull downe destroy disseuer cast off plant and erect to combine in the vnitie of spirit his faithfull people connext together through mutuall charitie and present them whole and sound to his Sauiour Which charge Wee who through the grace of GOD are thereunto called submitting our selues to the gouernement of the same Church cease not with all our best labours and indeuours to preserue this vnitie and Catholique Religion which hee who was the Author thereof so suffered to be incumbred for the triall of the faith of his and for our correction But the number of the ungodly is so great in power that there is not a corner left vpon the whole Earth now vntainted with their wicked Doctrines Amongst which ELIZABETH pretended Queene of England is aboue all the shelter and refuge of Error and most noysome enemies It is She who after shee had possessed the Kingdome vsurping monster-like the place of the chiefe Soueraigne of the Church in England and the principall iurisdiction and authoritie thereof hath throwne into miserable ruine the whole Kingdome when it was euen brought to the Catholique faith and began to bring forth good fruits For shee with a powerfull hand prohibiteth the exercise of the true Religion which was heretofore ouerthrowne by HENRY the Eighth the forsaker therof and afterwards repayred with the helpe of this See by MARIE lawfull Queene of England of famous memorie and embraceth the Heresies of obscure persons the Royall Councell once composed of the English Nobilitie shee hath broken off oppresseth such as made profession of and exercised the Catholique Religion re-established the wicked Ministers and Preachers of impietie abolished the sacrifice of the Masse Prayers Fastings the diuiding of the Meates the Celibate and all Catholique Ceremonies sent Bookes ouer her whole Kingdome containing manifest Heresies commended to her Subiects the prophane Mysteries and Institutions which shee had receiued and obserued from the decree of Caluin displaced the Bishops Rectors and Catholique Priests from their Churches and Benefices and disposed of them to Heretiques and is bold to take vpon her to iudge and determine Ecclesiasticall affaires forbade the
Prelates the Clergie and people to acknowledge the Roman Church or obserue her Commandements and canonicall duties inforced diuers to sweare obedience to her detestable Ordinances to renounce the authoritie due to the Roman dignitie and acknowledge her the onely Soueraigne ouer temporall and spirituall things imposed penalties and taxes vpon such as were refractory to her Iniunctions inflicted punishments vpon those who persisted in the vnitie of the faith and obedience imprisoned the Prelates and Gouernours of the Catholique Churches where diuers being with a tedious languishing and sorrow miserably finished their vnhappy dayes All which things beeing thus euident and apparant to all Nations and so manifestly proued by the graue testimony of diuers that there is no place left for any excuse defence or tergiuersation Wee perceiuing that these impieties and mischiefes doe still multiply one by another and that the persecution of the faithfull and the affliction of the Church doth daily increase and waxe more heauy and grieuous and finding that her heart is so obstinate and obdurate that she hath not onely despised the wholesome Prayers and admonitions which the Christian Princes haue made for her better health and conuersion but that shee hath denyed passage to the Nuncio's who for this end were sent from this siege into England and being compelled to beare the armes of Iustice against her Wee cannot moderate the punishment that Wee are bound to inflict vpon her whose Ancestors merited so well of the Christian Common-wealth Being then supported by His Authoritie who hath placed Vs vpon this Soueraigne Throne of Iustice howsoeuer incapable of so great a charge out of the fulnesse of our Apostolicall power doe pronounce and declare the said ELIZABETH an Heretique and fauourer of Heretiques and those who adhere vnto her in the foresaid things haue incurred the Sentence of Anathema and are cut off from the vnitie of the bodie of Christ That shee is depriued of the right which shee pretends to the foresaid Kingdome and of all and euery Seigniorie Royaltie and priuiledge thereof and the Peeres Subiects and People of the sayde Kingdome and all others vpon what termes soeuer sworne vnto her freed from their Oath and from all manner of dutie fidelitie and obedience As Wee doe free them by the authoritie of these Presents and exclude the said ELIZABETH from the right which shee pretendeth to the said Kingdome and the rest before mentioned Commanding moreouer enioyning all and euery the Nobles as Subiects people and others whatsoeuer that they shall not once dare to obey her or any her directions Lawes or Commandements binding vnder the same Curse those who doe any thing to the contrary And forasmuch as it may seeme difficult for them to obserue these Presents in euery place where they haue occasion for them Our will is that Copies hereof being written by some publique Notarie and sealed with the Seale of some Ecclesiasticall Prelate or of his Court shall be of as good effect through the whole World as these Presents might doe if they were exhibited and represented Giuen at Rome at S. Peters the 5. of March in the yeere of the Incarnation of our Sauiour 1569. and of our Pont. the 5. Caesar Glorianus This caused new iealousies to increase that some Monster was a breeding also it manifested a new Rebellion presently begun in Norfolke which neuerthelesse was assoone extinct as kindled Certaine of the Nobles of Norfolke to free the Duke whom all the World did with an especiall loue affect practised a designe of collecting a great number of people together at the instant as they were flocking to a Faire at Harleston vnder colour of expulsing the Flemmings out of England who to escape the tyranny of the Duke of Alua were fled into this Country in great numbers Some of them being apprehended were brought to iudgement and condemned of high-Treason ELIZABETH neuerthelesse to testifie her clemency would suffer but onely three to be punished amongst whom I. Throgmorton was most remarkeable who being examined by the Iudge would answer nothing but being brought to execution cleared the rest and acknowledged himselfe the principall author and perswader thereof I. Felton who stucke vp the Popes Bull vpon the Bishop of Londons Gate making no great difficultie of retyring and sauing himselfe was presently taken and brought to iudgement and confessing boldly the deede howsoeuer no way acknowledging it as a fault was hanged hard by the place where hee had stucke vp the Bul affecting a vaine kinde of shew of a glorious Martyr For the rest the modester sort of Papists misliked this Bull because no lawfull admonition had preceded that She had formerly granted to them free exercise of their Religion in their particular Houses with securitie or such as made no scruple of conscience to bee present at the Seruice in the English Church fore-seeing a huge weight of dangers thereby to hang ouer their heads continued euer after firme in their due obedience perceiuing that the neighbour Princes and Catholique Prouinces neglected not the Queene notwithstanding this Bul but seemed to contemne it as a vain sound of words The same day that Felton was arraigned the Duke acknowledging his errour to proceed from inconsideration testified his repentance so farre that hee did not onely seeme to disclaim any thought of marriage with the Queen of Scotland but that his eares abhorred the remembrance of it and promised vnder his hand neuer to thinke further of attayning it was freed out of the Tower of London where the plague was already begun and sent to his owne House to the great ioy of euery one to be vnder the free custodie of Henry Neuill Neither truely could they plead against him by right of her Maiesties Law from the 25. yeere of Edward the Third as Cecill aduertiseth who out of the affection he bare vnto him laboured to espouse him to another Wife to the end to put by his thought of compassing the other and to prouide for the publique peace But after a few daies many things that hee suspected discouered themselues and their faith who were of his most secret counsell either with hope or by corruption was broken The times then were full of suspitions and conspiracies For T. and Ed. Stanley the two youngest sonnes of the Earle of Darbie by the Duke of Norfolkes Daughter Gerrard Rolston Hall and others of the Countie of Darbie conspired to free the Queene of Scotland out of prison but Rolstons Sonne who was one of the company of the Gentlemen guarders discouered the conspiracy and the rest were imprisoned except Hall who saued himselfe at the I le of Man and from thence was sent ouer to Dunbritton with re-commendation to the Bishop of Rosse where hee was afterwards taken at the surprize of the Castle and lastly put to death at London The Bishop of Rosse himselfe being lately in custodie and set at libertie is againe committed to the custodie of the Bishop
and Thomas his brother Percy Lowder Powell and Godier who all declared what they knew in hope of pardon Assoone as the Councell had produced their Confessions in the Dukes presence the Queene of Scotland and the Bishop of Rosse's Letters with the said Remembrance hee was very much deiected considering this remembrance and those Letters which through a weake credulity he supposed to bee burned he sighed and brake out into these words I Haue beene betrayed and vndone by mine owne people in fayling to distrust which is the onely sinnewe of Wisedome But he humbly besought the Councell to mediate the Queenes fauour in his behalfe promising to conceale nothing of what he knew and seriously protested that he neuer approued of any thing which was to the preiudice of the Qu. or Kingdome But on the contrary from the very bottome of his heart condemned the designe of seizing vpon the Queenes person or the Towre of London and the setting at liberty of the Queene of Scotland and that hee neuer harboured a thought so much of bringing forraigne Troupes into Great Brittaine but only to suppresse certaine of the Scots rebelling against the Queen Being this day examined vpon 50. Articles or thereabouts hee answered without dissimulation After that they penned the substance of the whole businesse in the Star-Chamber before a great Assembly of Noble-men in presence of the Lord Maior and Shiriffes of the Citie of London from thence in the Palace of London in view of all the inhabitants by G. Fleetwood Recorder of the Citie And forasmuch as by all these confessions especially by the Dukes the Bishop of Rosse was conuicted as Author of these Plots they seriously consulted what was best to bee done For as they doe ordinarily that haue such charges he conceiued that it was lawfull for him to vse any meanes for the aduancement of the affaires of his Princesse and that by the oath and inuiolable right of an Ambassadour he was not bound to acknowledge the authority of any other and relying hereupon exposed himselfe to the liberty of diuers turbulent Actions kindling of seditions and taking counsell in the night with the Earle of Southampton and afterwards inclining to the English Fugitiues in Flanders the Duke of Alua the Spaniard and the Pope about the inuasion of England They proposed hereupon vnto Lewes Dale Drury Aubrey and Iones men of sound iudgement in the Ciuill-Lawes In the first place WHether an Ambassadour mouing sedition against the Prince vnto whom he is sent may enioy the priuiledge of an Ambassadour or not and whether he be not subiect to punishment as an Enemy To which they answered that by the Common Lawe of Nations and Ciuill-Law of the Romanes such an Ambassadour was falne from all priuiledge and was subiect to punishment as an enemy WHether a Minister or Agent of a deposed Prince another being crowned in his place ought to haue the priuiledge of an Ambassadour They answered that if such a Prince be lawfully deposed his Minister cannot challenge the priuiledge of an Ambassadour forasmuch as none but absolute Princes which haue soueraigne power can constitute Ambassadours In the third place WHether a Prince being come into another Kingdome and kept in hold may haue his Agent and if this Agent ought to be accounted an Ambassadour or not They answere That a Prince may prohibit an Ambassadour to enter into his Kingdome and command him out of his Kingdome if he doth not containe himselfe within the limits prescribed to Ambassadours but in the meane time he ought to enioy the priuiledge of an Ambassadour for the authority of his Ambassie Vpon the answers of these Ciuill-Lawiers the Bishop of Rosse being called backe from the Isle of Ely and sharply reprooued the Councell denounced him not to be acknowledged an Ambassadour but to be punished as a pernicious Malefactor To which he answered THat he beeing Ambassadour to an absolute Queene vniustly deposed had according to his duty laboured for the libertie of his Princesse and for the good of both the Kingdomes that hee was come into England with ample authoritie vnder publique testimony which hee exhibited and that the sacred Rites of Ambassadours ought not by any meanes to be violated Whereupon Burghley grauely shewes him that neither the Rites of the Ambassies nor publique Letters of Credit are of validitie for Ambassadours which offend against the publique faith but are subiect to penall actions and that otherwise it should be permitted to wicked Ambassadours to attempt against the life of Princes vnpunished He on the contrary opinatiuely maintained that the authority of Ambassadours had neuer beene violated by way of Rite but onely by way of fact to vse his owne words and boldly admonisheth them not to deale with him more sharpely then the English Ambassadours had beene dealt with Throgmorton in France Randolph and Tamworth in Scotland who had apparantly excited and nourished rebellions and were acquitted vpon command to depart within a certaine time They began to presse him vpon the witnesse of some English-men he gently intreated them not to doe it because saith hee that a receiued custome doth establish it selfe for a Law An Englishman ought not to beare witnesse against a Scottishman nor a Scottishman against an Englishman After some arguings hereupon whether such custome tooke place elsewhere then vpon the Frontiers of both the Kingdomes and whether English Ambassadours had stirred Rebellion or no Rosse is carried to the Tower of London where being straitly kept within a few dayes hee briefly made answere to all the interrogatories with this caution that his answeres might not be preiudicious to any And first he excused the Queene of Scots who being prisoner and in the prime of her age seeking to escape by any meanes ELIZABETH hauing excluded all from seeing her and barred her from all hope of libertie and openly supported all her aduersaries afterwards excuseth the Duke that hee had not treated marriage with her but by the aduice of many that were of Queen ELIZABETHS Councell nor could he relinquish her although he had vnder his owne hand-writing promised to doe it forasmuch as before that promise a former promise of marriage had passed betweene them And finally excuseth himselfe that being Ambassadour and Minister could not without blame leaue the duety of his charge and be wanting to his Princesse in her afflictions and that he had propounded the seyzing of the person of Queene ELIZABETH to no other end but to try whether the Duke had a minde prepared to doe a mischieuous act and verily hee craftily extenuated the offences of the rest and would neuer discouer the names of the Nobles which offered themselues to the Dukes seruice for the seyzing of the Queenes person onely confessed that by the commandement of the Queene of Scots he consulted with the Earles of Arundel Lumley and Throgmorton and by Lumley and the Vicount of Mountague because that he was to deliuer into the hands of the English the
Castles which were in Scotland the Hostages and the King of Scots to renounce the title to England and the English Rebels But for this matter enough is spoken of this yeere and the particularities of it may be drawne from the Dukes confession and the memoriall sent to the Queen of Scots written by the Bishop of Rosse's own hand At the same time Mathew Earle of Lenox Vice-Roy of Scotland and great Grand-father to the King hauing appoynted the assembly of States at Sterlin and thinking to be safe there was surprized by the Lords of the contrary faction which met together by the Queenes authoritie at Edenborrough and hauing yeelded himselfe to Dauid Spencer who laboured very hard to protect him was slaine with him by Bell and Cauder after hauing with much trouble and paines ruled the Kingdome for the King his Nephew the space of foureteene moneths more or lesse at what time France tooke the Queenes side and Queen ELIZABETH the Kings not so much to get their friends the victory as to keepe them from being ouercome Queen ELIZABETH hoped that the young King should haue beene deliuered into her hands and the French thought that Dunbriton and Edenborrough should be giuen them whereupon some Scottish Merchants were very much troubled and traffique in France was denyed them which drew a great partie to the Queenes side in hope thereby to haue freedome of trade there againe In Lenox his place by the common consent of the people Iohn Areskin Earle of Marre was elected Vice-Roy a man of a calme spirit and a great louer of his Countrie who beeing no lesse afflicted with the turbulent counsels of his friends then by the insultings of his aduersaries for very griefe dyed when hee had gouerned thirteene moneths The iniquitie of these times and the loue which the people of England bore to their Queene and Countrey drew the States to Westminster where they made a Law to preuent the plots of the seditious by which it was ordayned by ancient authoritie THat if any did attempt to ruine or hurt the Queene to make warre or excite others to doe it in any part of her dominions or affirme that shee had no right to the Kingdome but that it were more iustly due to another or said that shee was an Heretique a Schismatique or Infidell that shee did vsurpe the right from another that was liuing or that the Lawes and Statutes were not of power to define and tye the right of Succession It should be Crimen laesae Maiestatis If any one during the life of Queene ELIZABETH should expresly affirme either by writing or Booke printed that any one is or ought to bee the Queenes Heire or Successour except the naturall Line which should proceede from her owne body or that should publish print or sell Bookes written vpon this Subiect he and his maintainers for the first time should suffer a whole yeeres imprisonment and lose halfe their goods but returning to the same offence againe they incurred the penaltie of a Praemunire which is losse of all goods and imprisonment during life This seemed grieuous vnto some which thought that the tranquillity of the Kingdome ought to be strengthened by the designation of an Heire but it was beyond beliefe what iests the maliciously-curious made of this clause Naturally begotten of her body because the Ciuill Law calls those Children naturall which are borne out of marriage and that nature onely and not the honesty of wedlocke begot them and the English Law Legitimate those that are lawfully begotten And I remember being then young to haue heard it spoken aloud that this word was prest into this Law by Leicester that some bastard-sonne of his should thrust in as one of neerest kinne to Queene ELIZABETH It was also ordained that those who had by any Bull or writing from the Pope reconciled any to the Church of Rome should vndergoe the punishment of Crimen laesae Maiestatis Those who sustaine the Reconcilers or bringers into England of Agnus Dei's Graines Crucifixes or any other things consecrated by the Pope of Rome should lose all their goods and indure perpetuall imprisonment and those that shall conceale and not detect these Reconcilers were holden guiltie of Misprision of Treason Furthermore those goods and lands which were conuicted for Rebellion in the North beeing in the possession of Iames Pilkinton Bishop of Durham who challenged Regall power betweene the Riuers of Teise and Tyne were adiudged to the Queene and her Successours because she had with great cost deliuered both the Bishop and the Bishopricke from Rebels yet so as that in time to come it shall not be preiudiciall to the Regall rite of that Church of Durham It was also ordained that to meete with the insolencies of such as were deuoted to the Pope and despising the authority of the Lawes and their obedience to their Princesse who day by day with-drew themselues into forraine Countries without the Queenes licence hoping in time with a great number and to innouate something they should returne within a certaine time and make their submissions and that the fraudulent conueyances which they had made should be burnt So much for the Papists On the other side by wholsome Lawes they suppressed as well the couetousnesse of certaine of the Clergie who as if they had beene borne onely to themselues with a notorious malice to their Successours wasted the goods of the Church and let out the Lands for many yeeres as the impudencie of others who with a desire to innouate opposed themselues to Articles of the Synod of London for the abolishing of Schisme in the yeere 1562. It was likewise againe propounded that if the Queene of Scots should againe offend the Lawes of England she might be proceeded against as if she were a Peeres Wife of the Realme of England But the Queene by her authority hindered that from being made a Law In the beginning of Iune the Parliament being ready to be dismissed they sate vpon Iohn Story a Doctor of Law and Spie to the Duke of Alua of whom I haue made mention in the yeere 1569. to know whether Iohn Storie being an English-man should be found guilty Laesae Maiestatis for hauing conferred with a stranger-Prince in Brabant for the inuading of his Countrey and shewing the meanes to doe it The learned'st sort in the Law did affirme that hee might be accused Laesae Maiestatis Whereupon hee was called vnto iudgement for hauing conspired against the life of his Princesse with one Prestoll a man much addicted to magicke and in giuing thankes at the Table alwayes cursed her and the King of Scotland to the fiends of Hell and demonstrated to the Duke of Alua's Secretary the meanes to inuade England to make Ireland reuolt and at the same time to bring the Scots into England He refused to submit himselfe to be iudged by the Lawes of England maintayning that being a sworne Subiect not to Queene ELIZABETH but to the King
France whereunto with notable dissimulation the King of Nauarre and the most noble Protestants were drawne by sweet promises and probable hopes of perpetuating the peace bringing themselues into grace as also the Earle of Leicester and the Lord Burleigh were inuited out of England vnder an honourable colour and out of Germanie the Sonnes of the Elector Palatine to the end that being intangled in the nets if those of the Euangelicall Religion together with themselues were not all denounced in an instant yet they should receiue a mortall and irrecouerable wound For when the Nuptials were solemnized this so expected and wished serenitie was presently ouer-cast with that terrible and bloudie tempest the Parisian Butcherie and through the cruell Massacres that with execrable impietie were committed in all the Citie of France against Protestants of all estates and conditions the which notwithstanding they would faine haue couered with a pretext of equitie yea of pitty and to practise this impious fraud vnder the cloake and shelter of the Edicts imputing to the Protestants that they had wickedly conspired against the King the Queene his Mother his Brethren the King of Nauarre and the Princes of the Bloud For pieces of money were coyned in memorial of this act which had of the one side the Kings effigies with this Inscription Vertu contre les Rebelles Vertue against Rebels and on the other La pieté à esmen la iustice Pittie hath moued iustice Not long before the Queene-Mother of France very subtill in counterfeiting good-will to the Protestants being to vnderstand the future euents and credulous in Astrologicall predictions which by the coniunction of the Royall Planets at the birth of her Sonnes prognosticated Kingdomes to each of them commanded la Mottef to breake with Queene ELIZABETH about the marriage of her with Francis her youngest Sonne Duke of Alenzon to purchase him if shee could the title of a King or at least to diuert Queene ELIZABETH from ayding the Protestants in France La Mottef propounded this matter at Kennelworth two dayes before the Massacre of Paris But Queene ELIZABETH excused her selfe by reason of the difference in Religion and disparity in yeeres For hee was hardly seuenteene yeeres old and she aboue eight and thirtie Neuerthelesse shee promised to deliberate of it and the Duke of Alenzon forbare not to sollicite her by the procurements of Fleri In the same moneth Thomas Percie Earle of Northumberland who because of his Rebellion fled into Scotland had his Head cut off at Yorke after hee was deliuered into the hands of the Lord of Hunsdon Gouernour of Berwicke by the treachery of one Morton who stood much bound vnto him for many benefits when hee was banished into England but was euer found gratefull towards the afflicted And as this yeere like a dreadfull Axe cut off the Duke of Norfolke and Earle of Northumberland in the flower of their age a milde and gentle death carried likewise out of the World two others in their decrepit yeeres who were of the most eminent Nobilitie and of the Priuy-Councell George Pawlet Lord Treasurer of England Marquis of Winchester Earle of Wilton and Lord Saint Iohn of Basing who went through many great honours attained to the age of ninetie seuen yeeres and begot to the number of an hundred and three children Sir William Cecill Baron of Burleigh supplied his place in the dignity of Lord Treasurer Edward Earle of Darbie and Baron of le Strange of Knoking departed this life with whom in some sort dyed the glory of English hospitality After his commendable discharge of many honourable Ambassies there dyed also Sir George Peters an honourable Knight who was one of the priuy Councell Secretary to King HENRY the Eighth King EDVVARD the Sixt Queene MARY and Queene ELIZABETH and Chancellour of the order of the Garter descended from the worthy Family of Exceter after that by his wisedome and learning he had collected a great Estate out of his owne goods and the permission of Queene MARY he augmented with annuall reuennues Exceter Colledge in the Vniuersity of Oxeford where he was a Student and brought vp The Queene her selfe who had alwaies liued in perfect health for she neuer ate but when she had a stomacke neither drunke any Wine felt some small grudging of infirmitie at Hampton-Court But she recouered her former health before it was almost known she was sicke and being vigilant ouer matters worthy of a Princes care forecast shee commanded that Portsmouth should be rampard with new fortifications her Fleet increast with Ships of war that at certaine constituted times Soldiers might bee inrold throughout the Shires and Youth to be trained vp in Armes though she liued then in most secure peace Shee willingly and with much thankes restored the money shee had borrowed of her Subiects in doing of which she gained no lesse loue of her people then in sending foorth two Proclamations which she caused to be publisht in the beginning of the yeere In one of which she ordained that those Noblemen should be taxed according to the ancient Lawes that tooke more followers and retainers then was permitted them because these their retainers followers were hereby exempted from publike Offices they maintained Factions and many waies offended against the Lawes relying on the Protection of the Nobles to whom they had proffered their seruice And in the other shee curbed a rauenous kind of people called Enquirers after conceald Lands by reuoking their warrants and constraining them to restore many things taken away For being appointed to seeke out whether particular men concealed not some land that belonged to the Crowne with most sacrilegious auarice they began to seaze on such as had heretofore beene giuen by pious Ancestors to Parish Churches and Hospitals yea to plucke downe the Bells and Lead wherewith the Churches were couered In Ireland the burdensome authority of one Fitton Gouernour of Connath produced some troubles For the sons of Richard Earle of Clanricard brought foorth by diuers women not beeing able to endure it in that they were headstrong and giuen to liberty they raised a Rebellion and passing ouer Sene made cruell Incursions vpon the inhabitants of the westerne parts of Mijs which with many outrages committed they pillaged and forraged Their Father who was of the ancient Family of Bourgh in England venerably bald and of a staid disposition went to the Deputy iustified himselfe of this crime and required aduice of the Councellours of Ireland how he might depresse his sonnes that spoiled and wasted the Countrie in this manner But her Maiesty thought fit for publike tranquillity by little and little to draw Fitton out of Connath and to make him Treasurer of Ireland A little while after the Earles sonnes defeated by the Garrisons which fell vpon them submitted themselues to the Depruie The Enlagen Omors a kinde of seditious people stird vp also new troubles but they likewise being proclaimed
from Rome was cast abroad that serenitie by little and little turned into clouds and tempests and brought vp that Law which was made in the yeere 1571. against them which brought into the Kingdome such Bulls Agnos Dei and Grana Benedicta being tokens of Papall obedience or as we haue said did reconcile any to the Church of Rome Neuerthelesse this Law was not put in execution against any one in sixe yeeres after although it was knowne to haue beene violated by many The first against whom this Law was put in practice was Cuthbert Maine Priest a stubborne defender of the Popes authority against the Queene hee was executed at Saint Stephens commonly called Launston in Cornewall and Trugion a Gentleman that intertained him into his house had all his lands and goods confiscated and he condemned to perpetuall imprisonment Of these and such like things concerning the Church I will but giue a touch in regard of others that vndertake to write the Ecclesiasticall History of those times who I hope although it be scarcely to be hoped for by reason of exasperated mindes in this deuision of Religion will faithfully performe it This yeere the title of Baron of Latimer after it had flourished in honour and riches from the time of Henry the Sixth is now extinct in Iohn Neuill who hauing no Issue male left an ample inheritance to foure Daughters the eldest of which Henrie Earle of Northumberland married the second Thomas Cecill who was afterwards Earle of Exceter the third Sir William Cornwallis and the fourth Sir Iohn Dauers of which came a plentifull ofspring Sir Th. Smith one of the Secretaries of State likewise died of a consumption this being his clymactericall yeere a man memorable for much learning and wisdome approued in many Ambassies He was descended of noble Parents at Saffron Walden in Essex brought vp at Queen Margarets Colledge in Cambridge and beeing come to riper yeeres was chosen to bee sent into Italy vpon the Kings charge vntill our time many of the most hopefull youths were chosen out of both the Vniuersities and trayned vp in strange Countries for the better adorning and inabling of their mindes From thence he returned Doctor of the Ciuill Law he was in fauour with the Duke of Sommerset Protector of EDVVARD the Sixth and made the other Secretary with Cecill and Lord Warden of the Stanneries Deane of Carlile and Prouost of Eaton Queene MARIE comming to the Crowne tooke all these dignities from him assigned him a hundred pound a yeere to liue on with condition not to goe out of the Kingdome As soone as Queene ELIZABETH inioyed the Scepter he was called againe to the seruice of the Common-wealth to be an assistant with the Diuines in correcting the English Liturgy and afterwards as I haue said before hauing with great applause performed his Ambassies hee dyed In the yeere 1571 being made second Secretary to the Queene hauing but one onely Sonne sent him to leade a Colony into the barbarous Pen-insale Ardes in Ireland where hee was vnfortunately slaine Hee tooke speciall care and was the first that procured an order for the dyets of Students in Colledges and by that meanes aduanced learning more than he did by his writings although hee left a worke imperfect de Reipublica Anglorum a singular booke de Linguae Anglicae Orthographia another de Graecae pronunciatione and an exact Commentary de re nummaria most worthy to come to light In his stead to the place of Secretary came Thomas Wilson Doctor of the Ciuill Law Master of Saint Katherines neere London who dyed within foure yeeres after In Ireland the O-Mores O-Conores and others whose ancestors the Earle of Sussex Lord Deputie in the reigne of Queene MARY had for wrongs and offences done by them depriued of their inheritance Leisa and Ophalia neither had hee assigned them any other place to liue in broke out into Rebellion vnder the conduct of Rorio Oge that is to say Rodorick the Younger burnt a little Towne called Naasse they assaulted Lachliny and were repulsed by Sir George Crew Gouernour but they tooke Henry Harrington and Alexander Cosbie in a deceitfull parley which they sought of purpose to surprize them whō when Captaine Harpole went about to recouer set vpon a little Cottage by night where Rorio was and they two tyed to a post Rorio being awaked with the noyse gaue Harrington and Cosbie many wounds in the darke and with a desperate boldnesse rusheth into the middest of the Souldiers which compassed him round and by the benefit of the night escaped Afterwards hauing layde an Ambuscado for the Baron of Osser was taken and being slaine his neighbours were deliuered from much feare THE ONE AND TVVENTIETH YEERE OF Her Reigne Anno Dom. 1578. ALthough Spaine approued not of the propositions that Wilkes had made and as I lately saide had dissembled Queene ELIZABETH notwithstanding seriously pittying the Flemmings whose Prouinces were so commodiously and with a mutuall necessity situated to England had for many ages adhered like Husband and Wife and therefore impatient to see the French vnder colour of taking them into protection should become Masters of them sends Wilkes at his returne from Spaine to Don Iohn to aduertize him that the States had called the Duke of Aniou now so but before Duke of Alanzon with an Armie of French and that it would be more safe for him to make a Truce lest he should expose the Prouinces to the present danger But he being of a firie and warlike Spirit and puffed vp with the Battell against the States at Gemblacke answered in a word that he neither thought of any Truce nor feared the French She neuerthelesse for her own behoofe and the Flemmings sends Sir Edward Stafford into France to watch if they should attempt any thing vpon the Frontiers of the Low-Countries and how many Souldiers they had leuied Out of England are past ouer I. North eldest Sonne of Baron North Iohn Norris second Sonne of Baron Norris Henry Cauendish and Thomas Morgan with many voluntaries there to plant their first rudiments of Warre Casimire also Sonne to the Prince Elector Palatine drew a great Armie of Horse and Foot out of Germanie which cost the Queene verie much Don Iohn burning to assault the Armie of the States at Rimenant before all the auxiliarie Forces of the French and Germanes should ioyne with it flyes vpon them sooner then they were aware of and forthwith made the Cauallerie which were set to guard retreate runnes in vpon the Enemie as if he had been sure of the victorie but they resuming their spirits beat backe the Austrians who being turned towards the Hedges and Bushes where the English and Scottish voluntaries were placed stroue to breake through them but by no meanes could they were valiantly entertained by the English and Scots who for the feruent heat had cast off their Cloathes and with their Shirts ●yed betweene their
and Leicester his brother Tho Starkey Gerard Gore and other Merchants of London to recompence their losses which they had sustained in Africa being to all others prohibited to traffique in Mauritania Cesariense for the space of ten yeares Which Mulley Hamet Xerisi receiued into protection In the beginning of this yeare dyed Edward Lord Clinton High Admirall who in the yeare 1572 was by Queene ELIZABETH created Earle of Lincolne He was honorably interred at Windsor Henry his sonne succeeded him in his honours but Charles Howard Lord of Effingham Chamberlaine to the Queene in the Admiralty And to him in his Office succeeded the Lord Carie Baron of Hunsdon Gouernour of Barwick who a few yeares before supplyed the place of Fra Russell Earle of Bedford the second Earle of that Family a Nobleman true professor of Religion and vertue who hauing ouer-liued three of his sonnes Edward Iohn and Francis and had but one liuing who was Lord Russell Baron of Thornaugh and three daughters all three Countesses one maried to the Earle of Warwicke the second to the Earle of Bathe and the third to the Earle of Cumberland hee dyed of a Gangrene the next day after his sonne Francis was slaine vpon the borders of Scotland as before is related and was interred with Iohn his father at Cheney in Buckingham-shire to him succeeded Edward sonne to Francis his third sonne About the end of this yeare the Earle of Leicester being out of an itching desire of rule and glory easily perswaded by those which studied more to assure their owne fortune and power in the Court then his Honour passed with great pompe and state into the Netherlands with this Title Generall of Her MAIESTIES auxiliary troops Hee had also some command ouer the Nauy-Royall His Lordship was accompanied with the Earle of Essex the Lord Touchet Baron of Audley and the Lord North Baron of Kertling vvith Sir William Russell Sir Tho. Sherley Sir Arthur Basset Sir Walter Waller Sir Gernase Clifton and many other Knights attended on by a chosen company of fiue hundred Gentlemen The Queene at his departure forbade him to entertaine a thought of any thing which vvould bee vnworthy either of her or of the place which he vvas seated in Shee commanded him to learne vvith all possible diligence vvhat Garisons the Estates maintained how and by vvhat means And her Maiestie still being carefull good to the Souldiers charged him to know by vvhat Art they inhaunced put down the value of their money for in that Art they excelled all others lest the Souldiers should receiue that at a higher rate then they could put it off for She admonisht him to cut off all prouision from the enemy and to his power restraine the Dunkerks vvhich much infested the seas Finally shee recommended to his trust the Nobilitie of that Country and aboue all the children of the Prince of Orange THE NINE AND TWENTIETH YEERE of Her Raigne Anno Dom. M.D.LXXXVI DVDLEY Earle of Leicester landing at Flushing was first by his Nephew Sir Philip Sidney Gouernor of that Citie honorably receiued and after by all the townes of Zeland and Holland with all sorts of honours acclamations triumphs deuoted panegyricks Banquettings and such like things And being in the moneth of Iuly come to the Hage the Court of Holland the Estates generall so they are called by Letters Patents gaue to him the soueraigne command and absolute authoritie ouer the Vnited Prouinces with the Title of Gouernor and Captaine Generall of Holland Zeland and the vnited and confederate Prouinces Then being saluted of all with the attribute of His Excellence and tickled with flatteries as if hee had beene seated in the highest and amplest degree of honour he began to assume royall and Kingly thoughts of Maiesty But the Queen being highly offended that the Estates had imposed and receiued him with such exceeding honours with a little letter abated the swelling winde wherewith hee was puffed vp then when he least thought thereof And these were the contents YOu shall vnderstand by this messenger which wee haue expresly sent vnto you with what contempt you haue behaued your selfe against our pleasure Wee had not thought that you a man we haue raised from the dust and fauoured aboue all others would haue violated in so great a matter our command with so great contempt euen in a matter which so much and neerely concerneth vs and our honour But though against your duty you haue made so little respect of our honor yet thinke not that we are so grosly negligent in the repairing thereof that wee can passe ouer so great an iniury with silence and obliuion Therefore we command you that you setting apart all excuses incontinently according to the faith and duty wherein you are bound vnto vs performe all whatsoeuer Heneage our vnder-Chamberlaine shall in our name declare vnto you except you will draw vpon your head a greater danger In other Letters which she sent to the Estates generall she thus reasoned THat they without her aduice or priuity had to her reproach transferd vpon Leicester the absolute rule of the vnited Prouinces notwithstāding she herselfe had refused the same and had manifestly declared to all the world that she had but onely giuen ayde and succours to her afflicted neighbors and not in any wise taken any command vnto her And therefore she aduised them To dispoile Leicester of that absolute authoritie since she had prescribed to him his limits not that she thought their cause was not to be defended but that she might keepe safe her honour which then her life she rather esteemed The Estates answered THat they were much agrieued that in giuing to Leicester without her aduice the absolute rule they had offended her Maiesty and requested her to mitigate the offence by the necessity of matter remonstrating to her that of necessity that authority must haue been transferd vpon one or other for the auoyding of troubles neither was the authority such as that word Absolute did seeme to inferre seeing that principality and seueraigne rule with the dignity of Gouernor still remained intire amongst the people But to reuoke the power which had already been transferd would be a meanes to precipitate the Netherlands into extreame dangers By these letters of the Estates and those of Leicester which hee as one well skil'd how with feigned teares and griefe to re-obtaine the fauour of so gracious and milde a Princesse had written in a sorrowfull stile this offence by little and little vanished into obliuion In the meane space Leicester receiued the contributions of of the Prouinces and established military lawes and whilst he laboured to impose new taxes vpon their commerce hee stirred vp the hate of the people against him Now had Charles Earle of Mansueld by order from the Duke of Parma Gouernor for the Spaniard in Flanders for the space of some few moneths beleagerd Graue a towne in Brabant situated
thing vnder her owne hand demanding withall what hurt any had receiued by any letters which came to her for a whole yeare together Then were the copies of Babingtons letters produced and read to her describing the plot of the conspiracy AS for these letters said she it may possibly be that Babington writ so but let it be proued that I euer receiued them If Babington or any haue affirmed it they haue belyed me Others crimes are not to be cast vpon me A whole Packet that had been detained a yeare together from me about that time came to my hands but sent from whom I know not To proue the receipt of Babingtons letters there was read the principall points of the letters out of his confession wherein he voluntarily granted that she had receiued them and had written back againe in which letters was mention made of the Earle of Arundell and his brethren and of the Earle of Northumberland which hearing she wept said NOw alas miserable woman that I am how many things hath that noble house of the Howards endured for my sake And after that hauing dryed her cheekes she said BAbington might confesse what he pleased but to say that she had practised to escape was a notorious vntruth That her aduersaries might as well as she get the same characters and write what falsities they would in the same nor was there any probabilitie that she should vse the helpe eyther of Arundell or Northumberland for her escape seeing the one was a prisoner and the other a young man and vnknowne to her They read also the abstracts of Sauages and Ballards confession importing that Babington had shewed them letters of hers But she protested He had neuer receiued any from her On the contrary she was so farre from consenting to the inuading of the Realme of England or giuing counsaile thereto that she alwayes perswaded the contrary Then they shewed her letters wherein she had commended and approued Babingtons proiects She demanded the sight of them which hauing seene she said These neuer came from her but peraduenture from the Alphabet of the letters she had in France That shee had labourd to recouer her liberty being a thing we all naturally desire and to sundry which had offered her helpe to that end whom she would not name she answered not a word yet notwithstanding she heartily desired that the persecution of Catholicks might cease in England and that she had begged it in loue of the Q. She would not purchase a kingdome with the bloud of the poorest subiect much lesse of the Queene That many had practised dangerous matters vnknowne to her and that by letters some had asked her forgiuenesse for so doing that neuer had spoken to her thereof That any might easily counterfeyt the cyphers or characters as a yong fellow in France not long since had done nominating himselfe the base brother of her sonne the King of Scotts and she suspected this was Walsinghams doing to haue her life who as she heard had practised both against hers and her sonnes She protested she had neuer conceiued any thing hurtfull to the the Queene and that she would more gladly lose her life than to be a cause that the Catholicks should be so afflicted and cruelly tormented And with that there gushed from her abundance of teares BVt said the Lo Treasurer there hath not any beene put to death for Religion which would become an obedient subiect onely some few for committing treason in maintayning the Popes Bull and authority against the Queene Yet I haue heard said shee the contrary and haue read as much in printed bookes The authors of such bookes replyed he write also that the Queene is to be depriued of all regall power Then Sir Francis Walsingham who was toucht a little before in words taking his time stood vp and hauing protested that he carried no ill will in heart said I Take God to record in the place of a priuate person I haue done nothing vnbeseeming an honest man nor any thing in publike but that becomes a person of my ranke I must say that out of my zealous care for the Queene and the good of the Kingdome I haue been inquisitiue in discouering conspiracies against her If Ballard had offered me his seruice I would not haue refused it but rather recompenced him for his paines If I conspired with him why bewrayed he it not to saue his owne life This answer as she said satisfied her And She desired him he would not be offended at that which she had heard by report and that he would no more beleeue her calumniations than shee did his for these pick-thankes are men of little credite which pretend one thing and say another and that he would not by any meanes beleeue that euer she had conspired the death of her dearest sister the Queene And here she brake forth into teares againe saying I will neuer make shipwrack of my soule by conspiring my dearest sisters death and ruine The Lawyers answered That would appeare by euidences This past in the forenoone In the afternoone to proue this they produced the copie of the letters which Charles Paget had written and Curle one of her Secretaries testified she had receiued touching conference had with Mendoza and Ballard for inuading the Realme and setting her at libertie This she said was nothing to the purpose nor any proof that she had plotted the Queenes destruction The Lawyers passing further said That they could proue she had conspired the Queenes death by the confession of Babington and letters of his wherein he called her his Lady and most excellent Queene as also out of those she had written vnto him And by the way put her in minde of consultation had how the kingdome of England was to be transferred to the Spanish King She confessed that once a Priest had visited her and said That if she interposed not her selfe her sonne and she both would be excluded from their inheritance but she would not name him He added That the Spaniard pretended a title to the crowne of England and would yeeld to none but her Then they pressed her vpon Babingtons confession from the testimonies of her Secretaries Nauue and Curle and letters written interchangeably betwixt them And though all the proofe was grounded vpon their bare assertions yet were they neuer brought forth face to face She confest Curle to be an honest fellow but no fit witnesse against her That Nauue sometimes Secretarie to the Cardinall of Lorraine had beene commended to her by the King of France and that he might be easily drawne for money hope or feare to depose falsly and had bound himselfe thereto by a rash oath hauing Curle a fellow of a flexible nature at his command to write what hee would And it may be they had put things into the letters which she dictated not possibly such letters might come to their hands which