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A90952 An answer to Grifith Williams Lord Bishop of Ossorie his book, intituled, The great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity. Pressick, George.; Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672. Great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity. 1660 (1660) Wing P3294A; ESTC R182040 110,354 119

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make and institute Officers and Offices in the Church which Christ ordained not nor will not own but will say unto them Get ye behind me or depart ye cursed I know ye not by these Lordly Titles and Jurisdictions that you have exercised I ordained them not for will any man fearing God that is in his right wits think that Jesus Christ and his Apostles who had an immediate call from Christ to their office and were endowed with an infallible and unerring spirit that they did not know better then any Pope or Prelate councel or other what Officers and order was best for the Church but that men dare presume to reject and neglect Christs order and institutions and make orders and institutions of their own it is good to draw neer to God but it is dangerous to go from him and run out of his way that he hath prescribed for us to walk in it is said Rev. 2.1 That Christ holdeth the stars in his right hand by stars is meant the Pastors of the Church which while they walk in Gods way Christ holds them in his right hand to keep and direct them as it is said He shall keep thee in all thy wayes and he is a powerfull keeper and a faithful maintainer of all his faithful servants but those that walk out of Gods way have no promise of protection in such cursed crooked ways Thus having hitherto set down the manner of the great Antichrists appearance how he came to his Throne by the removing of the Heathen Emperours which was it that hindred until it was taken out of the way and also of the falling away of the Bishops before the councel and of the Bishops in the councel of Nice how both fell away from the institutions and example of Christ and his Apostles and the first primitive purity both as to the election of Bishops and other Church Officers and as to the election of membert to sit in councels all which rules is laid down in the Scripture for us to walk by which the Bishops and councel not only fell from but they made new institutions and canons of their own without and contrary to the Scripture which was both as Midwife and Nurse to bring forth and Nurse up Antichrist to his full strength c. And now I come to speak of the thing that Antichrist should do after he is come and the Apostle saith 2 Thes 2.4 That he should oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God How Antichrist exalteth himself above all Gods or that is Worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God Bellarmine to excuse the Pope that he should not be Antichrist saith from this Text That Antichrist shall not suffer any God either true or false nor any Idol to be worshipped but only himself but this cannot be here meant by this Text for the Text saith He shall sit in the Temple of God the Scriptures notes out Antichrist to be a false Prophet now a Prophet whether true or false must be a Prophet to some God and when he sits in the Temple of God let Bellarmine tell us whether this must be in the Temple of another God or in his own Temple if in anothers Temple then he must own a God above him if in his own Temple then the Apostle spake improperly for he should not have said He sits in the Temple of God as God but rather He sits in his own Temple as God and how should Antichrist be known by this sign when it is not known what manner of Temple he should have but we will take the words as they are in the Text and leave Bellarmines deceitful Glosse St. Hierom interpreteth Antichrists sacrilegious pride to be a kind of immoderate power over all Religion for thus he saith Autichrist shall war against the Saints and overcome them and shall be puffed up with so great pride as he shall attempt to change Gods Laws and Ceremonies subjecting all Religion to his own will In which he points out the Pope of Rome to the life to be the great Antichrist for that humane Authority the Councel of Nice gave him he hath improved that in the present Church of Rome and so far as the Popes power extends the Laws of God are almost abolished and new instituted Orders Officers and Discipline is established and almost all things is become new as is shewed in the former part of this book yea 150 new Religious orders and not one of them of Christs institution and many more things the like so that by the Testimony of St. Heirome the Pope of Rome must be the great Antichrist and man of sin and son of perdition that exalts and opposeth all that is called God that is Psal 82.6 all earthly Magistrates I said ye are gods but ye shall die like men c. and it is manifest that the Pope of Rome doth claim and excreise authority over all Emperours Kings and Princes who are earthly gods and over all authority Civil and Ecclesiastical and he hath promo●ed and established false worship and siteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God that is he sits both in his own person and by his power and authority in the Christian Congregations shewing himself that he is god that is an earthly god and the greatest of all earthly gods by his commanding power over other earthly gods and that Christian Assemblies where the Pope exerciseth his power is called the Temple of God see the Ephes 2.22 In whom you also are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit and 1 Cor. 3.16 17. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and if any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy Look to thy self Pope and all Popelings for●ve have defi●ed the Temple and Church of God and him shall God destroy for the Temple of God is Holy which Temple are ye that is all true believers and 1 Cor. 6.19 What know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price Let the Pope and his Prelate then take heed how they defile these Temples that God hath bought with so dear a price that they defile them not with their humane institutions and ceremonies c. So that as it is said of the Pope of Rome in his extravigance that he is neither god nor man but a middle person between both so he sits in the Temple of God as god over all Emperours Kings and Princes c. He sits in the Christian Assemblies and Congregations which is the Temple and House of Gods there he sits claiming and exercising a power over them all as a God thus you see how lively the Holy Ghost in this Text hath Pictured out the Pope of Rome to be the great Antichrist and man of sin sitting
Sun and the Air so corruption in Doctrine and Superstitious Idolatrous worship doth darken and Eclips the heavenly light of Gods truth and there was never in the world such a great over-spreading Heresie as popery is as is proved before that the present Church of Rome is both Heretical Blasphemous and Idolatrous there was some smoke and darkness before the Councel of Nice The Pope of Rome the greatest Hererick in the world among the Bishops and in the Councel of Nice an Heresie in falling away from the institutions and example of Christ and his Apostles but now the smoke and darknesse grew both thicker and spread further by reason of this universal Title and Jursdiction obtained by Phocas the Traytor and Murtherer it was unlikely to be any profit to the Church of Christ that was brought forth by such an instrument indeed the Councel of Nice laid the foundation hereof but the Popes were never able to accomplish what they desired and aimed at until now and from this time the smoke and darknesse grew Thicker and Thicker for this Popes next Successor Pope Boneface the 4th The Temple called Pantheon Dedicated to all the Heathen Gods this abominable stye of wickednesse this Pope converted to the honour of all Saints and ordained a yearly Feast to be kept to it and to exercise the same impiety as the Heathens had done but under another name but no more command or precept in the word of God for the one then for the other and therefore no more pleasing to God and as the Heathen had their Idoll Gods to pray unto so these had their Idol Saints to pray unto to whose honour the Idol Temple was appointed c. Then come in the shaving of Crouns the Chanting in Quires the forbidding of Priests marriage the Lattine Masse and Kissing of the Pax and soon after the varnishing of Images with a number more the like whereby the smoke and darknesse increased more and more the next Successour to this Pope Theodotus and decreed that parents who had been witnesses together to any Children in Baptisme should not live any longer together in marriage but must be separated and the Woman have her Dowry againe and a year after have liberty to Marry another this was a strange kind of incesse by means of a spiritual Kindred being witnesses together in Baptisme which the Pope found out that God had no knowledge of when he made Lawes concerning incesse and unlawful Marriages Levit. 18. Boneface the 5th which was the next Pope that succeeded after him added to these That men are delivered by Christ from Originall sin which is the Doctrine of some of the Anabaptists he added moreover That the Law doth require no more of a man then what he is able to perform by his own strength or at least by the help of Gods grace And the next that succeeded was Pope Honorius who was censured by the third Counsel of Constantinople to be a Monothelite that is to ascribe onely one will and one nature unto Christ Thus you see after the receiving of the Key of the bottomlesse pit what a smoke came out under these five popes after one an another and so continued whereby the darknesse did so increase that the light of the Sun of the Gospel is almost quite obliterated and put out to be short it came to this at lasts to bring every mans neck under this yoak that every soul that meant to be saved ought to professe the form of the Romish Traditions and to acknowledge the decrees of the Pope were to be received and believed as if they had been confirmed by a divine voice c. And there came out of the smoke Locusts upon the earth and what are these but all the whole crue or spawne of Religious orders in the Church of Rome of which I have named in the former part of this book one hundred and fifty orders and all of humane invention and institution for the brood must be like the dam for after men attributed their salvation to their own meritorious works and new devised ways of will-worship there was daily new Religions and new Religious orders and ways of worship invented all men desire salvation and when once they were perswaded by their Leaders that it was in their own power in observing such things as they could easily perform there could be no Superstition devised from which they would hold back their hands so that one man is not more commonly begotten of another then these orders of locusts were increased and multiplyed and one order divided into several branches out of this smoke to such members that one general of the Minorites promised the Pope towards the leavying of an Army against the Turks thirty thousand tall Warriers out of the family of Franciscans what an infinite number was there then of all the rabble of other orders These kind of Vermin are called Rev. 16.13 Three unclean spirits like Froggs coming out of the mouth of the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet they are the spirits of Divels working miracles and which go unto the Kings of the earth to gather them to battel c. The Dragon that is the Devil by which was understood the Heathen Emperours for their rage and madnesse against the Church of Christ for they acted the Devils part and when the Devil saw that he must be cast our that Diocleasian and Maximinian must be gone the Devil made sure to provide himself of a successor sending the Beast the Pope into his seat before for Dioclesian lived at Nicomedia and Maximinian at Mediolanum when they gave over their Empires leaving Rome empty for the Beast to domineer and play rekes in for saith the Text Rev 13.2 The Dragon gave him that is the Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns The Pope proved to be the dragon beast and false Prophet the Dragon gave him his power and his Throne and great Authority and when Constantine came in to be Emperor and see the seat taken up by the Pope Constantine got him away to Byzantum now called Constantinople and there made himself a place so that Antichrist the Pope of Rome is in this sense called the Dragon the dragon gave him his power and throne and authority from whence we learn by whose power and authority it is that the Pope of Rome acts by namely the Devil the Dragon and the Beast and the false Prophet is one and the same Antichrist as he hath a double power both spiritual and temporal he is the Beast in respect of his civil power and the false Prophet in respect of his ecclesiastical power out of whose mouth these unclean spirits like Frogs are said to come forth these three unclean spirits do signifie all the Popes Clergy especially the three orders of Dominicans Franciscans and Jesuits from whom the greatest part of their other orders doe proceed They are compared to Frogs because as Frogs delight in miery filthy places of dung
120 and said Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen that he may take part with this Ministry and Apostleship and they gave forth their Lots and the Lot fell upon Matthias and he was numbred with the Eleven Apostles mind this beloved Christian Friends for thus it appears by these two places that by the Apostolical institutions Bishops ought first to be elected by the believing Churches to whom they are to officiate and to elect two or more and bring before other Bishops who have been elected in like manner and then after prayer and supplication to God their Lots to be given out Election and Lots would end all strife that God who knows the hearts of all men may make his choice which he in his wisdome knows is most fit for that office for the Lot is cast into the Lap but the whole disposing thereof is from the Lord Prov. 16.33 And also the Holy Ghost saith Prov. 18.18 The Lot causeth contention to cease and parteth between the mighty if this order were observed our contentions would cease if Bishops and other Church Officers were elected and chosen according to the Apostles institutions then every man would think himself bound in conscience to own and obey them which perhaps do now think otherwise because the Gospel order is not observed for since the falling away of the Bishops before the council of Nice and the falling away of the council of Nice from the Apostolical institutions and first primitive purity and their making and giving of new Orders and Officers in the Church with new Titles and Jurisdictions which was never of Christs institution nor never heard of nor known in the first primitive Church and which is the very falling away the Apostle speaks of 2 Thes 2 3. which was to make way for the great Antichrist whereby he was not only brought forth to the birth but hath been nursed up until he came to his full growth and so hath continued this 1300 years and hath been the occasion of all the slaughter blood and burnings vexation and martyrdome that hath befallen the Christian Churches to this da● by falling away from the Apostles institutions and setting up Bishops and others for Money and favour of Friends and those to whom they should officiate that ought to elect and chuse them to their offices and after been confirmed by the Supreme Magistrate they are rejected and cast off and Gods ways and institutions rejected and neglected and mens humane inventions and institutions is followed and practised and this hath been and is the cause of difference And thirdly they fall away from the Apostolical institution of electing members to sit in council for though it belong to the Supreme Magistrate to call a council or S●nod and to order the time and place for their meeting and sitting ye I have not found in all that I have read in my life that either this council of Nice or any other council or Synod since that the members that sate were elected and chosen according to the Gospel order and institution so that it seems the falling away of the Bishops by their pride and covetousnesse mallice and envy contention and strife which occasioned the calling of this councell together with the falling away of the councel by their acting and decreeing so contrary to the Apostles institutions as is said above and also the members sitting in Councel not being elected to sit according to the Apostles example in the like case and the practise of the first primitive Church who can deny but this was the greatest falling away that ever hath been since the Apostles days unto this day considering as we shall hear after the things that followed after and doth still continue occasioned by this their falling away And that the Members of this Councel nor of any other Councel or Synod since as farre as I can learne was not elected nor chosen according to the institutions and example of the Apostles and first Primitive Churches it will appear very plain from Acts 15. that the believing Church as is shewed above by the Apostles order had their votes in electing and chusing First Of Bishops Acts 1. Secondly Of Inferiour Church-officers Acts 6. Thirdly Of Members to sit in Councel as here Acts 15. The Apostle Paul and Barnabas who I dare say had as much Authority and more and more lawfully called to their Authority then any Pope and Prelate in the world Members of Synod ought to be elected yet durst not they when the difference fell out in the Church of Anteoch about which they had no small disputation go to the Councel about that question without a lawful call until they were lawfully elected and chosen by the believers the Church of Antioch as ver 3. They determined that is the Church determined to send Paul and Barnabas and certain other of the brethren to go up to Jerusalem unto the Apostles and Elders Mark here the Elders sate in Councel with the Apostles about this question which was such another question as was disputed in the Councel of Nice but neither Paul nor Barnabas nor the other members of the Church would offer to go until they were elected and appointed by the Church to go and when they came to Jerusalem they were received of the Church and of the Apostles and Elders where you see the Apostles and Elders are not here called the Church as some do vainly think that the Apostles and Elders are the Church they indeed are members of the Church but not the Church it self for here the Church is spoken of distinctly from the Apostles and Elders they were received of the Church that is of the Congregation or body of believers and of the Apostles and Elders and thus our Nineteenth Article of the Church of England discribes the visible Church of Christ to be a Congregation of faithful men c. But I have discoursed more largely of this in the former part of this book and therefore will say no more here And it cannot be doubted but these brethren of the Church of Antioch though Laymen that were elected by the Church of Antioch to go with Paul and Barnabas to the councel at Jerusalem but they were permitted to sit in councel with the Apostles and Elders that as well as to acquaint the councel with the state of the Church that had elected and sent them so also that their vote and conscience might go along in the determination and according to this Arelatenses disputing against Lodovicus and Paenormetan in the Council of Basill saith that the dignity of Fathers is not to be respected in the Council but onely reason nor any thing more to be looked after then Truth neither saith he will I prefer a lye of a Bishop though he be never so great before the Truth of a poor Priest neither ought a Bishop to disdaine if a man be unlearned for wisdome dwelleth oftner under
that forsaketh Peters Chair It is therefore no easie thing to traffick without the Beast's mark or his name or the number of his name In the 14. Chapter 9 10. verses is held forth the punishment of the Beast and his followers suitable to their sins verse 9. the third Angel followed them that is the two Angels mentioned before verse the 6. and 8. saying it is fallen it is fallen Baby lon the great City because she gave the Wine of the wrath of her fornication to all Nations these words doth manifestly declare the utter overthrow and destruction of the City of Rome which here is called Babylon and the reason why she shall be destroyed because she hath given the Wine of her fornication to all Nations that is because she hath propagated her Idolatry which is spiritual whordom and fornication unto all Nations so far as her power extended and which they have received and drunk in her Idol●trous Doctrines with as much eagerness and delight as a thirsty man drinketh wine and verse 9. the third Angel fellowed them saying if any man shall worship the beast and his Image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand he shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God by Angels in this prophecy immeant the Ministers of the Gospel The ruine of Rame for their idolatry as the Angels of the seven Churches of Asia the 2. and 3. Chapters that is the Ministers of the seven Churches so these three Angels mentioned here must be understood all the faithful Ministers of the Gospel that witness against the Idolatrous doctrines and practice of this Beast the Pope here is a certain number set down for an uncertain of which Angels and their preaching every one seems to be more terrible than the former the first peaceably publisheth the glad ridings of peace by the Gospel saying feal God and give glory to him c. the second thunders out the ruine and desolation of Rome here called Babylon for their Idolatry and contempt of the Gospel the third doth by the spirit of God declare the innevitable and irrevocable sentence of ruine and destruction of soul and body of them that worship the Beast saying with a loud voice If any man there is none exempted for his greatness If any man shall worship the Beact and his Image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without maxture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be vormented with fire and brimstone before the h●ly Ang●ls and before the Lamb here is a punishment denounced suitable to the sin as it is said in the 8. verse she gave that is the Beast and Whore of Babylon gave to all Nations the wine of the wrath of her fornication which is her idolatry and superstition which men drank in as if they had drunk sweet Wine and therefore God will give them of the Wine of his wrath to drink to all eternity for so it is in the 11. verse And the smoak of their torment shall ascend up for ever and ever and they have no rest neither day nor night who worship the Beast and his Image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name that is all Papists and Roman Catholicks as they call themselves for these as you have heard above are the marks of his name In the 17. Chapter verse 1. the Angel tells John he will shew him the damnation of the great Whore that sitteth upon many waters by the great Whore here in this place is meant the seven hilled City of Rome the Throne of the Beast by waters is expounded by the Angel verse 15. to be meant people and multitudes of Countries Kingdoms and Provinces of People that the City of Rome sits upon or ruleth over and yet in a literal sense Rome may be said to sit upon many waters for it is built upon Tyber into which it is reported that besides fountains and small brooks two and forty rivers discharge themselves and verse 3. I saw a woman sit upon a searlet coloured Beast full of names of blasphemy which had seven heads and ten horns which Beast is Antichrist the Pope of Rome the seven heads are the seven hills upon which Rome is built which is the Beasts Throne How the Beast sits upon the Whore and the Whore upon the Beast they are also seven Kings or Kingly governments as verse 9 and 10. and the ten horns are ten Kings verse 12. but it may be demanded how this can be that the Beast which is Antichrist should sit upon the Whore which is Rome for Rome the seven hilled City is his Throne and the Whore which is the City of Rome is said verse 3. to sit upon this scarlet coloured Beast I answer that Antichrist the Beast hath his seat and Throne in Rome the seven hilled City it is proved above there in the overthrow of Rome by the Gothes and Vandals the Beast received his wound as you have heard he received the wound of a sword and did live there is a very near affinity between these two the Beast and the Whore for many in our propriety of speech takes the one for the other and sometimes both for one calling Antichrist sometimes by the one name and sometimes by the other though improperly but first as Rome is called the Whore that is a spiritual Idolater she may properly be said to sit upon the Beast the Pope because he is the basis or foundation upon which her Idolatry is seated she rides triumphingly in her Idolatrous waies upon him and by his authority and jurisdiction he hath so exalted her over all the Cities and Kingdoms in the world by his double anthority Civil and Ecclesiastical that for her magnificence she is said in the 4. verse to be arrayed in Purple and Scariet and to be gilded with Gold and precious Stones and Pearls and to have a golden Cup of spiritual fornication in her hand to allure others to her abominable idolatries and filthiness 2ly Pope Leo will tell you by what means she rides upon the Beast in his first Sermon upon the birth day of the Apostles when Popes were in their height about the year 683. O Rome saith he which art made the head of the World through the holy See of St. Peter thou rulest more largely through divine religion than through any earthly dominion for thou hast enlarged thin● Empire and priviledges by Land and Sea being amplified with many victories yet that is less which thou hast had subdued to thee by warlike labour than that which Christian peace hath brought under thy power so saith Pr●sper Might it not then be said as properly that Rome did ride aloft upon the authority and dignity of the Popes as to say a man doth ride upon his horse Full of the names of blasphemy but why is this blasphemy set out here by names
be that such things as was in difference might be ended he also writ another Epistle to Alexander Bishop of Alexandrea about contentions that arose in that Church But notwithstanding the Emperours godly endeavours these contentions ceased not but rather increased whereupon he called the Councel of Nice in which Council after they had determined the businesse about the Co-essentiall nature of the second person in the Trinity and made the confession of Faith against the Arian Heresie They addresse themselves to make Canons whereby the Ecclesiasticall Discipline should be governed where the Bishop of Rome was made Primate and Metrapolitan of the first See and that the Bishop of Alexandria should have power over all the Churches of Egypt or Libea and Pentapolis because the Bishop of Rome had the like priviledge and so the Church of Antioch and others every one had their honour and dignity appointed them and what other Bishops and Churches should be under their Jurisdiction c. Now Josealil to the Reader whether here began not all the misery where they thought to end it so great difference there is between the ways of God and the ways of men for here at this time was the very first birth of Antichrist the Bishop and Pope of Rome the Primate and Metrapolitan of the first See this was his beginning for the Bishops before the council by their contentions and the Bishops in the council both falling away and departing from the sincerity of the Gospel and from the institutions of Christ and his Apostles and making new officers and orders in the Church with new titles of Primacy and Metrapolitans and Diocesans with a number more that depend upon them as is shewed in the former part of his book one hundred and fifty by name Here was the birth of Anrichrist of severall Titles and Religious Orders now in the Church of Rome and not one of them of Jesus Christ nor his Apostles institution but all of humans invention without any president precept or example or any Text in the New Testament to ground them upon the original and chief Titles of all was devised and decreed in this council for making the Pope of Rome Primate and Metrapolitan of the first fear from this Title and Jurisdiction then given him he took occasion thereby from that very time to advance himself and to claim authority over all other Churches and as I said above Antichrist had his conception long before for Rome being the chief City of the Empire and above all other Cities so the Bishop of Rome thought to be above all other Bishops and the Apostle tells us 2 Thes 2.7 That the mystery of iniquity did even then begin to work in his time Antichrist had this conception then and he grew biger and biger in the womb of the Church until this Council sate and then this Council was as the Midwise to his birth to bring him forth and so by the power he received by that decree he was nursed up and grew stronger and stronger until the year 606 and then he came to the full strength of a man or rather a Beast for so the Scriptures terms him Rev. 17. And the man of sin 3 Thes 2.4 For then he obtained the Title of universal Bishop and after in the year 684. he obtained to be called Christs Vicar so that now he was armed with Titles and Authority to make him the complear Antichrist to act against Jesus Christ so as never none before him nor since did nor could do for none had the like Authority Power and Preheminence as this Council of Nice gave unto him and that by their falling away and departing from the Apostolical institutions and Gospel puriey so that from the time of this Council every age grew more corrupt then the former as shall appear in several particulars For first Whereas in the first Primitive Church according to the appostolical institutions Bishops or Pastors and other Officicers of the Churches they were elected and chosen by the believing Church or Churches to whom they were to officiate for we see the Apostles themselves even when they were altogether in Council had more authority then ever any man or council had since yet durst not they as Arelatenses said in the council of Basill they durst not nor would not take the power that belonged to the believing Church from them no not to appoint inferiour officers of the Church much lesse Bishops or Pastors as you may see Acts the 6.2 c. The Twelve called the multitude of the Disciples unto them and said look ye out seven men among you of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdome whom we may appoint over this businesse and the saying pleased the whole multitude and they chose Steven a man full of faith and of the holy Ghost and Philip c. The salling away from Gospel institutions whom they set before the Apostles and when they had prayed they laid their hands on them and the word of God increased and the number of the Disciples multiplied that is they multiplyed while they walked in Gods way in divine institutions but this way the Bishops before and also the council of Nice were fallen away from and then and ever since Bishops or Pastors and other Officers of the Churches are not elected and chosen by the believing Disciples of the Churches but are chosen by Money and Friendship as Pope _____ before mentioned sould for Money three hundred of the best Benefices in England at once unto the Romans to place their Friends and Children in Thus you see what the falling away of these Bishops and council from the Apostolical institutions brought to passe together with their new devised Titles and Jurisdictions given to Bishops c. Secondly As the Bishops and after the council were fallen away from the Apostical institution as to the election of Inferiour Officers of the Church so also they were fallen away from the order of electing of Bishops or Pastors of the Church you shall see this in Acts the first when they were to chuse one in Judas place Acts 1.15 In those dayes Peter stood up in the middest of the disciples and said the number of the names were about an hundred and twenty men and brethren this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas which was guide to them that took Jesus c. wherefore of these men that have accompanied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out amongst us beginning from the Baptisme of John unto the same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witnesse with us of his resurrection and they appointed two that is I conceive 120 of the Church as they did the Deacons Act. 6. The Church elected and appointed two Josephs called Barsabas who was surnamed Justas and Matthias and they prayed that is the Apostles and the
and to furnish him with such authority as the falling away of the Bishops and the councel of Nice hath furnished him withal for the Arian falling away was palpable and known to the world therefore men were more shie of it neither would it serve Antichrists turne to shelter himself under it for Antichrist was to be one that should pretend to truth but by deceit now this falling away of the Bishops and the councel fitted them to the life for they as he pretended to the truth and as grosse as their actings and falling away was comparing it with the Gospel institutions as above from which they fell yet few hath discerned it if they have they have been so over-powred that they durst not mutter against it and the acts of that councel hath been cryed up as lawful acts of a lawful councel whereas you see by these four Scriptures above mentioned neither was the councel lawful nor their act lawful and so undiscernably it was the bringer forth of Antichrist that man of sin and son of perdition which hath been 1300 years in the world and yet was so covertly brought forth that men will not yet believe he is come The next Text I shall treat of for the discovery of the great Antichrist is Rev. 9. For I shall but give a hint at some of the chief ver 1. And the fifth Angel blew the Trumpet and I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the Earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnice and the Sun and the Air was darkned by the smoke of the pit and out of the smoke came forth Locusts upon the Earth and to them was given power as the Scorpions of the Earth have power and in the 11 ver it is said That they have a King over them which is the Angel of the bottomlesse pit whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in the Greek Apollyon which Expositors say doe both signifie destroying By a Star falling from Heaven to Earth is meant some eminent person in the Church falling from heavenly things to earthly things which some think is meant of some Master of an Heresie but Joachimus Abbas thinks it to be some Clergy-man and both is true and may easily be found in one man namely the Pope of Rome the great Antichrist for he is both a Clergy-man and a Master of Heresie yea and of more Heresies then ever one man was Master of For as I have proved in the first part the present Religion of the Church of Rome is composed of above forty several Heresies and this Star falling from Heaven to earth cannot so fitly be compared to any man upon the earth as to the Pope for this Trumpet is thought to blow about the year 607. at which time Pope Boneface the Third obtained of Phocas the Traytor and Murthering Emperour who murthered his master granted the Pope to be called universal Bishop to get the Popes favour to help to uphold him in his usurped Throne of Murther and he again as a requiral confers upon the Pope this usurped and Heretical Title of universal Bishop over all other Churches other preceding Popes had been striving long to obtain that dignity of universal Bishop but could not obtain it till now also John Bishop of Constantinople sought for it upon which account Gregory the great did write in his Fourth book Epistle the 34. By this pride saith he what thing else is signified but that Antichrist is at hand and again in the same book saith he The King of pride meaning An●●christ is near coming to us and which is not lawful to be spoken there is an Army of Priests ready to fight his battels that is these Locust here spoken of that when the Pope the fallen Star opened the bottomlesse pit the Locusts came out of the smoke of the pit which is these Priests Gregory saith should fight Antichrists battels for when the Po●e received this Title of Universal Bishop he also received the Key of the bottomless pit to let out these Locusts for now his authority and jurisdiction was inlarged I hope Gregory being a Pope himself and in a manner prophesied of this but about three or 4 years before it came to passe methinks Bishop Williams and others might give some credit to it seeing it did come to passe so soon after and should not thus fight against the truth as he doth c. The Key was given to the Pope after this manner the Emperour by his Edict decreed that the Pope of Rome should have full power to call and dismiss Synods to confirm or abolish whatsoever was decreed in the Synods at his pleasure and that the City of Rome should be the head-s●ring from whence all Ecclesiastical government and orders should issue and how forth whereas before that Constantinople was so accounted because there the Emperour had his feat unto whom those prerogatives did formerly belong as Pompon letus saith in the history of Phocas Antichrist hath the Keys of Hell not of Heaven and what was there then that this Key could not open after he had received this power there was other Popes that fell before this as lesser Stars we may count them because their fall was not so great Antichrist was but then in his groth but now he was grown up to his full Stature This Pope was the great Star to whom the Key of the bottomlesse pit was given for now he was furnished with compleat Authority every way to do all the works that belonged to Antichrist to do he brags indeed that he hath the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven but you see the Holy Ghost tells us that he hath the Keyes of the bottomlesse pit of Hell and calls him the King of the Locusts which come out from thence and so he is for all the rabble of the popish Clergy are at his command for when the order of Jesuits which doth exceed the rest for Learning c. were confirmed it was ordained that they should be at the Popes command to undertake any service that he should require of them in any Kingdome and that readily and willingly without puting him to any charge or asking a question or reason of the thing commanded this shews his Kingly power over these Locusts for as Solomon saith Who may say unto the King what doest thou thus you see how lively the Holy Ghost hath set forth the Pope by what his practise now is to be the King of the bottomless pit see for proof of this Christianus Franken Colloq Surius and Hospinian This King of pride Antichrist the Pope he opens the bottomlesse pit and there arose the smoke of the pit Mr. Brightman saith by this smoke is meant the over-spreading of Heresie both in Doctrine and Superstition in Worship and we may well take the words in that sense for as a great smoke doth darken the
filth so do these delight in the filthy stinking abominations of their own inventions doctrine of merrit and justification by the dung of their own righteousnesse for so the holy Apostle Paul judged his righteousness as losse and dung Phil. 3.8 but these Frogs for so they are rightly termed in this respect they will be saved by their own dungie works of righteousness which they have done 〈◊〉 they will not be beholding to Christ for his righteousnesse for which cause they are called ver 14. The spirits of Divels for who else but Devils will reject Christ and his Righteousness to be justified and saved by their own righteousness they are also said To go unto the Kings of the Earth to gather them to battel and what Kings Court is there where these Frogs are not Crocking yea in Parliaments Councels and Synods and all Assemblies to bring about their mischievous designes and if they cannot prevail then to stir up Kings and Princes to Wars yea and Subjects to to fight and devour one another witnesse the late Horrid Rebellion in Ireland where a hundred fifty four thousand of Men Women and Children were murthered as it 's recorded besides what was killed in battel and the Irish Rebels were stirred up thereunto by these Frogs and spirits of the Devil many more the like passages might be shewed but I would not be tedious Thus the holy Ghost hath given such a character of them to know these Frogs by that any man that is not wilfully blind in judgement cannot deny but these I have named are they And they are said to come out of the mouth of the Beast c. because the Popes breath doth authorize them as I said above the Jesuits at their mission do engage to go at the Popes command where he will send them without asking a reason and they are called spirits perhaps because they shall approve themselves to be no lesse industrious in dispatch of their business then spirits or because they are like to that breath that cometh out of the mouth which hath great affinity with those from whom it is breathed for cooling and giving life for these three golyasses are joyned in great league and friendship with their Lord the Pope they draw life and heat from him and they mutually return the like to him again by their industry for him but these things cannot be applyed to the Long-parliament nor Presbyterians c. They are said to be the spirits of Divels working miracles because of the divilesh and prodigious works that they are employed in by the Devil who hath given to the Pope his power and his throne and great authority for the Pope is the Devils instrument to work by and he is Lord and King over these Locusts and Frogs to command them upon his service And as to their miracles I have spoken something before and therefore will not relate it here again only this I will say that suppose these miracles they tell us of were true as they are not probable they should be yet we read that Pharaohs magicians by permission and by the help and assistance of the Devil did work as great miracles as they and the Divel both hath done and will do the like among them for their delusion Popish miracles though true yet they are delusions in effect saying Come let us go after other Gods and to advance his own kingdome and to hearten and incourage both the Actors and beholders in their Superstitious Idolatrous worship and upon this account I wonder not if the Divel suffer himself to be cast out by their conjuration and exercisme or rather willingly go forth of the possessed at such a time for by such means he hath drawen away many hundred thousands from the right way of truth and this doth fulfil what was prophesied what Antichrist and his Instruments should do 2 Thes 9.11 that his coming should be by the working of Satan with power and signs and lying wonders and in all deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish that because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved therefore God shall send them strong delusians to believe lies c. and such delusions as these God hath given us warning of Deut. 13.1 2 3. That if there arise among you a Prophet or Dreamer of Dreams and shews thee a sign or a wonder and that sign or wonder whereof he spake unto thee come to passe saying let us go after other Gods thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that Prophet for the Lord thy God doth it to prove you whether ye love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul Mark ye God doth not suffer such signs and wonders to be wrought to try us whether we will hold fast the truth or turn aside to such delusions for though the thing prove true yet it is but a delusion because it is beyond what is written for our instruction for miracles are now ceased in these dayes and therefore to the Law and Testimony Isa 8.20 If they speak not according to this word it is because the light is not in them so that what the Prelate Priest or Fryer Jesuite or other doth in that respect though the thing prove true yet the effect is as if he should say Come let us go after other Gods as in the Text above and is a meer delusion For such Conjuration and Exercisme is no institution of Jesus Christ nor his Apostles no not the Masse it selfe nor their Frenzy carriage and deportment at M●sse the Jestures Vestments c. The Priest begins with a Psalme then he combs his head and washeth his hands then he sprinkles holy water then they sing again while the Priest is approaching towards the Altar between a Priest and a Deacon if there be so many before whom march two Taper bearers and before them is carried the Censor and Incense in going up to the Altar the Priest bows himself then at the Altar the Priest opens the book and kisseth it A discription of a Popish Masse during the time of Messe he bows himself eight times after Confession and Absolution he blesseth the incense and puts it in the censor then kisseth the Altar and remove●h to the right side of the Altar the Kyriele●son is said nine times in one Masse then the Angelical Hymne is Sung then the Priest turning to the people he salutes them with these words The Lord be with you the Quire answers And with thy spirit seven times in the Mass the Priests salutes the people but turns to them but five times then the collects or prayers are read and the Epistle then the Priest removes to the left side of the Altar and the Gospel is read by the Deacon in a high place with his face towards the North the Cross the Cenfor and two Lights is carried before the Gospel at the reading of it the people stand up and crosse themselves after that
out of the bottomless pit● shall make war against Jesus Christs two witnesses and shall overcome them and kill them You have heard it proved who this King of the bottomless pit is who are the Locusts and Frogs who are his followers there he is called the King of the Locusts that comes out of the pit and Chap. 16.13 he is called the Dragon the Beast and the False prophet and here he is brought in under the name of the Beast comming out of the bottomless pit but this was not his first comming out for he was come out long before in his predecessors though in a more obscure and hidden manner and was not so easily discerned for about the year 352 358 Pope Liberius and Pope Felix were both fallen from the true faith and were Arians Boniface the third about the year 607 received the Key to open the pit Pope Honorius about the year 626 he was a Monothalite and in 684 Pope Benedict got to be called the Vicar of Christ but now this Antechrist an adversary walkes no longer covertly but comes out of the bottomless pit upon the open stage of the world to make warre that is openly to oppose Jesus Christ and his two witnesses that is all the faithfull pastors and professors of Gods truth in Religion that have in all ages opposed popery and other heresies and against all these the Pope he makes warre and fights as pope Honorius 2d about the year 1132. against Armulphus who was a witness to the truth in those daies as you may see in the beginning of this book and the year 1150 Gerhardus and Dulcimus Naverenses and 32 more with them were Martyrs for preaching against the pope as saith Iliricus and Robert Guisburne and how he warred against the Waldencians who began the year 1160 and about the year 1207. one hundred thousand of Albegenses were murthered by pope Innocent the 3d. About the year 792. Albinus an Englishman writ a book against Images and in the 8 Centry Iconoclaste did the same 9 Centry Claudius Bishop of Taurinum Godescalus and Photius in the 10 Cent Johanes Scotus and Bertramus a presbyter in the 11 Cent. Berengerius and Marcellus of Padua Peter de Bruce The Witnesses that were slain with hundreds more that the popes made warre against for their winessing for Christ against him and his Locust And pope Constantine about the year 712 caused Philippecus the Emperour to lose both his eyes and his Empire for opposing Images pope Gregory 2d excommunicated Leo the Emperour for opposing Images in 731 and in 757 pope Paul excommunicated the Emperour of Constantinople for opposing Images And whence could such fighters against the witnesses of Gods truth and such hereticall Idolatrous Image-worshippers come but from the divel out of the bottomless pit from whence this beast came the holy Scriptures also of the Old and New Testament are a witness for Christ and you shall see what war the popes have made against the Scripture and stobbed it to the very heart When that cursed Councel of Trent sate in the year 1546. in the third session April 8. there the fountain of the Greek and Hebrew copies of the Bible was refused and a corrupt Latine translation was established for authentical their unwritten traditions was placed in equal dignity with the holy Scriptures there was the power of an interpreting Scripture by Scripture taken away from Scripture and it was brought into Thraldome to the will and pleasure of men to make it like a nose of wax turning it what way they please by their glosses that they put upon it especially the Pope the holy books of Scripture was never so murth●red and dispitefully disgraced and that openly and by publick authority not from the foundation of the world or since any Scripture was written by any that did pretend outwardly to professe Christianity would ever or did ever any in the world attempt to act thus against Jesus Christ but the Pope who is the great Antichrist and Beast that came out of the bottomlesse pit thus to make war against the holy Scriptures that bears witness of Jesus Christ and also against other witnesses and kil'd them as many thousands have been by fire and sword and other Torters all which is so manifestly known that all the Devils in the bottomless pit and the Councel of Trent to help them cannot excuse and clear the Pope but that he is the Beast and great Antichrist and man of sin This Beast the Pope to prove himself to be the Beast that no man might doubt of it stirred up a War the same year that the Councel of Trent thus took away the life and power of the Scriptures against the Protestants in Germany and the year following the 22 of April 1547 the forces of the Protestants were put to the flight and John Frederick of Saxony himself and Ernestus Brunswick the Lantgraves son and not long after the Lantgrave himself were taken Captives and many other Nobles and divers Cities were grievously afflicted The Pope a murtherer of the witnesses of Jesus Theador Peza bewailed the misery of these times thus Whatsoever had been built up in so many years and with so great labours seemed to be overthrown as in a moment and they only were counted happy by the most whom timely death had delivered from these troubles Thus you see how the witnesses of Jesus Christ were killed and by whom namely by the procurement of the Pope who is here called the Beast that cometh out of the bottomless pit but he hath many assistants that perhaps do not think themselves such nor do not make the end and aim of their proceedings purposely as an assistance to the Beast yet occasionally it proves to be so for as in 2 Thes 2.8 If this Beast the great Antichrist must be consumed and wast away with the spirit of Gods mouth that is by the Ministry of Gods Word and if he must be abolished with the brightness of Gods coming that is in the purity of Gods Ordinances without the mixture of Romish or any other humane institutions as a means wherby the beasts humane institutions and ceremonies must be consumed and abolished Whether silencing of Ministers do not occasonally uphold Antichrist in his throne Then whether is not the silencing of ●odly Ministers very near of kin to the killing of the two witnesses and so occasionally if not intentionally assistant to the Beast of the bottomlesse pit for if Antichrist must be consumed by the spirit of God in the Ministry of his word then it behoves that all the faithful Preachers that preach against Antichrist be incouraged and not restrained from their office and ministry under pretence of outward conformity as touch not taste not handle not which all must perish in the useing after the commandements of men Collos 2.21 for the holy Apostle which I think knew as much of the mind of God as any Pope or Prelate now
the Devil and the Popes Agents to persecute Gods Church as Jer. 50.33 The Children of Israel and the Children of Judah were oppressed together and all that took them Captives held them fast they refused to let them go but what follows their redeemer is strong the Lord of Host is his name he shall throughly plead their cause that he may give rest to the Land and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon The Egyptians had Isis and Osyris for their Gods but I could name a multitude of St. Gods the papists have almost for every several disease a several Saint God to pray unto which I pass over because I have spoken of it before The last words of the Text Where also our Lord was Crucified this may seem strange to some for they may say Christ was not Crucified at Rome but at Jerusalem but this is easily answered though it be true in respect of the place he was Crucified at Jerusalem but if we look upon the power and authority that put him to death he was Crucified at Rome for he was put to death by a Roman Judge Christ was crucified at Rome in an alle●●●●● and by the Roman Laws and Authority and by a kind of death only used among the Romans and in a place that then belonged to the Roman Empire And the Jews confessed plainly when Palate bid them take him and Judge him after their own Law the Jews said unto him it is not lawful for us to put any man to death John 18.31 So that no man need to doubt that Rome is both Sodome and Egypt in her whole Regiment as you have heard and also the place where our Lord was cricified in respect of the Roman power and authority that Crucified him and the extent of the Roman Empire at that time even to Jerusalam where he was Crucified so that by all these marks it doth appear that the Pope of Rome is the Beast that came out of the bottomless pit and so the great Antichrist and man of sin and let Doctor Williams take notice and help the Pope as much as he can with all his Learning these Texts cannot so properly be applyed to the Long-parliament Presbyterians Independants Anabaptists c. as they are applyable to the Pope and his whole Clergy especially the Friers and Jesuits Rev. 13.11 12. It is said of the second beast that rose out of the Earth that he had two Horns like the Lamb but he spake like the Dragon Horns in this Book of the Revelation do signifie power and strength for so the Holy Ghost expounds The ten Horns to be ten Kings Rev. 17.12 Some think that by the two Horns of this Beast is meant the Popes Civil and Ecclesiastical power which he exerciseth and pretends his Jurisdiction from the Lamb Jesus Christ for saith he in the decretals it is not to be thought that this my Church of Rome hath been preferred by any general Councel but obtained the primacy only by the voice of the Gospel and the mouth of the Saviour but take notice that it is the Popish Gospel of unwritten Traditions is there to be understood for there is not a word in all the Gospel of Jesus Christ that gives the Pope his primacy also Pope Innocent the Third said Whosoever understandeth not the prerogative of my Priesthood let him look up to the Firmament where he may see two great lights the Sun and Moon one to rule the day the other to rule the night so in the Firmament of the universal Church therefore our dignity is so much the weightier as we have the greater charge to give account to God for the Lawes of men as well as for the Laws of the Church whereby it is manifest that the pope doth exercise both Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Mr. Dent saith That by the first Feast that rose out of the Sea spoken of in the first verse of this Chapter is meant The Heathen Roman Empire but I conceive not that to be the meaning For that Beast is said to have seven Heads and ten Horns and the Heathen Roman Empire was but the Sixth Head for when John writ the Revelation he said Five of the Heads were fallen that is the five several Governments that had been in Rome from the time that it was built until that time was fallen which chief or head Governments called the heads of the Beast were Kings Consuls Dictators Decemures and Tribunes The Pope is a double head these five saith John are fallen one is that was the Government of Emperours which was in being when John writ which was the sixth and another is not yet come which was to be the Seventh head or p●pacy and Kingdome of Antichrist which was to be and did succeed next after the Heathen Roman Emperours so that both this first beast that rose out of the Sea that was the Head and the beast that rose out of the Earth that had two Horns like the Lamb but spake like the Dragon by both these beasts is meant the Pope whose one and the same person is discribed under a double resemblance of two beasts for Antichrist the Pope is a double Head in respect of his Civil power and Jurisdiction he is the first beast and in respect of his Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction he is the second beast which is the eighth yet one of the seven as Revel 17.11 in respect of the Popes double power of Prince-hood and Priest-hood exercised in one and the same person or as Mr. Brightman saith He is the first beast in regard of the wound he received by the Gothes Vandals and Hunnes and he is the second beast as he was exalted in his height again after his deadly wound was healed and the Gothes and Vandals were destroyed and the Pope rose to have great possessions of Cities and Lands Thus you see it is cleare he is the first beast as he exerciseth a civil power as did the Roman Heathen Emperours and so he is the seaventh head and he is the second beast as he exerciseth an Ecclesiasticall power and in this respect he is called the false Prophet It is said also in this 11 vers That this beast rose out of the Earth whereby is meant that the Pope and all his brood of Prelates Priests and Friers c. should not be heavenly but earthly minded persons and their Religion is earthly and heavenly for it is composed as is shewed before of more then forty Heresies and one hundred and fifty Religious Orders all of humane institution and not one of them divine their service and worship also is not spiritual but carnal consisting altogether of outward bodily exercise and lip labour muttering over prayers upon Beads when their minds are running as the Prophet saith With Fools to the ends of the Earth so that any Pagan Hypocrite or Reprobate may perform all the parts of their Worship and service that the present Church of Rome requires of them to be done
and after he hath done all he may go to Hell for his pains being all that he did was but an outward form a husk or Hell of godlinesse denying the power thereof and both the Pope and his instruments with all the means they can use labour to hinder the power of godlinesse in others and bind men to outward conformity of humane inventions and not divine institutions there is no favour of Heaven nor Heavenly things amongst them but all manner of abominations Covetousnesse Hypocrisie Ambition Pride Tyranny Murthers Treasons witnesse The Gunpowder-plot poysonings Sorcery Inchantments Necromancy Witchcraft Conjuration Delutions Idolatries Superstitions Adulteries Fornications Sodomy Incest Exercismes Perjuries Crouching Crossing Washings Pilgrimages Numbring prayers upon Beads with false Spittle Oyle Holy Water Crisme Crucifixes Agnus Dei Crosses Reliques Images Altars Penance Intercession to Saints c. with a number more the like and which even the best of them their Popes Prelates Cardinals c. have been exercised in all these things and these are their Devotions which consists in outward bodily exercise which an Hypocrite or reprobate may do yea and hath done much more all which shewes that they are carnal earthly sensual and divilish For though he have two Horns like the Lamb he pretends fair in outward shew but he spake like the Dragon for verse Second The Dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority his Throne is the Seven hilled City of Rome his power and authority by which the Pope doth act the Holy Ghost saith plainly It is not from God but from the Devil the Dragon for from whom else can these works named above The Pope hath his power throne from the dragon and the like proceed but from the Devil he speaks like the Dragon in deed in all his words and doctrines and his works declare from whence and from whom they come all his false Doctrines and lying Miracles and unwritten Traditions and service in an unknown Tongue and prayers in a Language not Understood by them that pray and the like you see here from whence the authority came that sets up that kind of Worship and Service Chrysostome in his 48 Hom. what is it saith he that Antichrist shall not attempt he will pretend the works and offices of Christ to serve himself of Christ and to fight against Christ under fair pretences to introduce his pernitious traditions upon Christians for their practise And he did all the first Beast could do before him and he caused c. in which Text is shewed that this second Beast the Pope by his Ecclesiastical Authority and Jurisdiction he could doe all that the first Beast could do by his civil Authority but we must take notice that he hath his power from the Dragon as well as the first Beast both their power is from him and are both as one in the largenesse and extent of their power for their power is both included in this second beast as you have heard in regard of his double power and Jurisdiction which he exerciseth whereby he was able to doe all that the first Beast did before him even in the sight and open view of the whole Empire And he caused the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the Beast whose deadly wound was healed that is Papists worldlings and Counterfeite Christians to worship the first Beast to receive and set up Superstitious and Idolatrous worship such as the Heathen Emperours had only it changed the name for the Popish Superstition and Idolatry is as great as ever the Heathen was and by compelling them to worship the first Beast and not to worship himself is his pretending to Antiquity that he might have the more esteem in the world as if he should say he challenged no new thing to himself but that which his predecessor had left him by inheritance so that though this worship come under the name of Christ yet it is as abominably wicked as was the Heathens for they condemned the true Worship of God and set up false Worship and so do the Popes and labour by cruel Laws and Decrees to force men to their Idolatry and false Worship and humane Inventions To Worship the Beast whose deadly wound was healed in these words the Holy Ghost speaks of a second Condition of the Beast whereby his first dignity had been somewhat diminished by having one of his heads wounded the seven Heads here are the seven Hills of the City of Rome they are also seven Kings Rev. 17.9 or seven Kingly Governments The beast received his deaths wound in 415. whereof five were fallen when John writ on his faith he and another is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue but a short space that is until he should have his deadly wound but the deadly wound should be healed the sixth head which then was when John writ was the Heathen Roman Emperours the seventh head was the Government by Popes which began in Constantines time after the Heathen Emperours was removed the short space that he continued after he came before he received his wound First by Alaricus about the year 415. wherein he took Rome and wasted it which Hierome speaking of saith That the most glorious light of all the world was put out yea the Head of the Roman Empire was out off or as it is in the Text The head was wounded as it were to Death The whole world saith Hierome was undone in the destruction of one City and in another place he saith That City which vanquished the whole world was vanquished I said before that Antichrists Kingdome began at the Councel of Nice about the year 328. so 〈◊〉 the time of his continuance before he received this wound was about 87 years which was but a short space in comparison of the time that he hath raigned since his wound was healed but Rome was taken again after this by Adulphus who gave it such a deadly blow that he began to advise with himself about changing the name thereof and to call it Gothia Rome was taken the third time by Gensericus the vandal and the foutth time by Odoaces Rugianus who reigned there 14 years but Theodorecus King of the Gothes killed him and Totilas followed after him in a certain order of succession and he destroyed it and brake it down the fifth time and brought it to such desolation that it is said there was neither man nor woman found in it for 40 days who would not have thought but that the seven hilled City had been utterly perished who would not have thought but that the Popes dignity that is the seventh head but that it had seen his last and utter decay for it was now at that time wounded as it were unto death whereupon it was that the Bishops of Constantinople and Ravina supposing that the authority of Rome had been quite overthrown they strove to appropriate the dignity to their Churches as if they had been the
saith holy Paul to Timothy If thou put the Brethren in the remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good Minister of Jesus Christ nourished up in the words of Faith and of good Doctrine whereunto thou hast attained But the Apostle doth not say as you do that if thou bring in a Form of Godlinesse or a Set-form of God's worship thou shalt be a good man or a good Minister of Jesus Christ that was far from the Apostles meaning he rather meant If thou put the Brethren in remembrance to shun a Form of Godlinesse and turn from them and all other wiles and deceits of Antichrist then thou shalt be a good Minister of Jesus Christ Page 23. he saith That as Christ and the whole multitude of Believers his Members make up one Christ so likewise the Congregation of the wicked the whole body of the Devil which are all the company of wicked Reprobates and ungodly men are as it were the Spouse of their Head and Husband the Devil and the Soul and Body of the Beast and Antichrist and page 26. he doth confidently avouch That the great Antichrist is a great pack or company collected and combined together by a Solemn League and Covenant to do such and such feats and facts c. I answer First That if all the whole Company and body of wicked Reprobates and ungodly men are the Spouse of the Devil their Head and Husband and so the Beast and Antichrist then he may if he please see his own mistake in applying it to a particular company of wicked ungodly men the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. for they were neither all nor the hundred thousand part of all the wicked Reprobates and ungodly men that were in the world which are as he saith the Spouse of the Devil and makes up the body of Antichrist whose seat and residence is not in any particular City in the world but he saith page 60. to be understood for the great and spacious confused City of the world and indeed he makes a confused businesse of it for if it be so then this pack or company of wicked Reprobates that is the Spouse of the Devil and the Antichrist The Bishop contradicts himself must contain all the wicked Reprobates of his spacious confused City of the whole world and therefore is improperly applyed to the long Parliament c. and what he saith in the 60th page is a flat and absolute contradiction to what he saith in the 26th page 2ly If the long Parliament and Assembly of Divines at Westminster c. had been all the body of Reprobates and ungodly men in the confused City of the world that there had been no more to be found in the world but they then sure he might have found many purer Churches in the world for Antichrist to have risen up in than the Church of England was which by his computation contains the whole company of Reprobates and wicked men for before this their Apostacy there was many wicked Reprobates in it Thus all men that reads may see what pure non-sence here is brought to prove the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. to be the great Antichrist and to excuse the Pope who is the Antichrist for his own Arguments makes directly against himself as to the businesse for which he intended them and yet he thinks no man can shew him his mistake 3ly Whereas you avouch That Antichrist is a company of men combin'd together in a Solemn League and Covenant to do such and such feats and facts of which feats and facts you say page 24. that this conglutinate Pack have one mind or will one course or end and one main scope and desire to destroy the Truth to overthrow the Church of Christ the right service of God and all Piety from the Earth as you say the Holy Ghost saith these wicked Senators have which are thus combin'd in a Solemn League c. I answer and first advise you herafter to take heed of fathering Lyes upon the Holy Ghost for I dare avouch you never read where ever the Holy Ghost said any such thing of any people at Westminster in a Solemn League and Covenant and you know how dangerous a thing it is to sin against the Holy Ghost and your base assertion in things of such concernment is not sufficient without Scripture-proof and where can you or any else that will take your part as you have too many shew us one text of Scripture that saith Antichrist shal be such a Pack c. and then cunningly propound the question Whether the Assembly at Westminster were not such a Combination and fulfilled all the Prophecies that prophecyed of Antichrist I take not upon me to defend the Covenant but demand of you or any else how it can be proved that those that took it were thereby conglutinate to have all one mind one will one course or end to destroy the Truth and overthrow the Church of Christ c. as you have affirmed And suppose it were so that an accursed Assembly combined together to do mischief were the great Antichrist for as you say truly page 25. A multitude of men in such a Case can do more mischief than one single Person yet so as one single Person may be the Head By right applying the Bishops words the Pope and Council of Trent is the great Antichrist c. Then where in all the world will such a cursed wicked pack of men be found as the Pope taking him for the Head as you say and the last Council of Trent for the Body to destroy the Truth as the Pope and that Council did who in the third Session of that Council April 8. 1546. rejected the Hebrew and Greek Copies of the Scriptures and established a corrupt Latin Translation to be Authentick These Sir are your own words in your 32. page if you had apply'd them right but you bring it in upon another account where also their unwritten Traditions were set in equal dignity with the Scriptures where they took away the power and authority of the Scriptures making them subject to the Popes will and pleasure to put what sence or interpretation upon the Scriptures he pleaseth and none else to be received but what he will allow of so that the Scriptures were never in this world by any so much disgraced and undervalued Here indeed was a pack of vile wicked persons combined together against the Lord and his anointed Jesus Christ and who had all one mind and one will and desire and end to destroy the Truth and Authority of the Scriptures which is the ground and pillar of Truth the like wickednesse against the truth and right worship and service of Jesus Christ was never known nor never acted by the long Parliament nor assembly of Divines nor no Assembly under Heavens that owned a God and Saviour never since Christ himself was upon earth in person If you apply it right this is the great
Antichrist that changes Laws yea even the Law and Word of God utterly abolish the second commandement and making another Commandement into two assuming to himself an universal authority over all Churches as head thereof as if the whole state of the Church did hang so upon the Pope that if there were no Pope there were no Church or that if the Pope were not the Pope the Church were not the Church Page 27. He demands if they be rightly applyed Whether all Notes Acts Arguments and Testimonies of Scripture that are set down as marks of Antichrist are not all to be found in the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. And it is answered That they are not for the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. did never forbid Marriage nor 2ly they never commanded abstinence from Meat 3ly they did not exalt themselves above all that are called Gods as the Pope doth though they exalted themselves here yet not above other Emperors and Kings 4ly they did not delude with lying Miracles Signes and Wonders 5ly the key of the bottomlesse pit was not given to them to let out the Locusts 6ly they did not deny Jesus to be Christ in his three Offices of King Priest and Prophet 7ly they had not their seat and residing in the City built upon seven Hills or Mountains which reigneth over the Kings of the earth 8ly they could not properly be said to be the Beast that was and is not and yet is 9ly they were not the seventh head which John spake of saying five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come 10ly they are not the Beast that had the wound of a Sword and did live 11ly nor the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns 12ly they did not shed the bloud of all the Saints and Martyrs as Revel 18.24 though I must needs say they shed too much but all these and many more are applycable to the Pope and cannot properly be applyed unto them That which the Apostle in the 2 Thes 2 calls a falling away or apostacy he perverts the Text and calls it a Rebellion and because he would excuse the Pope from being Antichrist where the Apostle speaks of an Apostacy before Antichrist should be revealed in his 34th page he saith We find no rebellion in the Church of Rome against their Governors but saith he the Leaders of the Church de●ive the Church and so her Apostacy is the more excusable and less abominable to God Observe here how he contradicts the truth and himself both for page 31. he speaks of the Heresies that was in the Church of Rome and he names the Nicolaitans the Ebionites Cerinthians Montanists Valentinians Arians Nestorians Eutyehians Pelagians Manicheans and Donatists and many others whom he saith rebelled against their Governors and here he saith there was no rebellion in the Church of Rome and I have in the former part of this book shewed that there was twenty times two Popes at once one rebelling against another and many times the pople rebelled and deposed one Pope and set up another Thus you see he shames not to write any thing so he might defend and excuse the Pope not to be Antichrist Besides take notice he saith The Leaders of the Church deceive the Church therefore their Apostacy is the more excusable I beseech you whether is the greater Apostacy of the Leaders of the people that should know the truth and teach others for them to apostatize and draw multitudes after them and for most part sin against the light of their own Consciences or for ignorant common people to apostatize and sin through ignorance is not the apostacy of the Governors of the Church the greater and doth the more mischief and leads the more astray and yet this Bishop saith the apostacy of the Governors of the Church is more excusable and lesse abominable in the sight of God It seems he thinks that God seeth as he seeth I will not say that this What less than Blasphemy and some other things we have spoken of are blasphemy against God and his Truth but I refer it to wise men to judge There is little more of account to take notice of until the 58th page where in a sort he contradicts himself in what was said last viz. that Governors apostacy are more excusable than others and here he tels us That the Church of Rome compelleth all men to submit unto her more with the Sword of the Magistrate than with Aarons Rod witnesse their cruelties to the poor Indians their massacres in France their inquisition in Spain and their unmerciful persecution in England in King Henry the 8th and Queen Marys dayes and the Gunpowder-treason and then he tels of the cruelty of the Arians against the Orthodox was more than barbarous they infected and afflicted the Church most grievously being armed with several weapons and he tels us that Novatus exceeded all the rest for he would neither give his Father bread when he was ready to starve nor bury his corps when he was dead he spurned his own Wife out of doors being with child and killed the child in her belly these are the Bishops own words but he saith above that 〈◊〉 prove it for as to 〈◊〉 growing 〈…〉 Apostacies are more excusable because they were guides of the Church Page 59. he saith The most learned of the Jesuits do confesse the Assirian Babylon to be the type and figure of the Italian Rome and is so understood by the Apostle 1 Pet. 5.13 The Church that is 〈◊〉 Babylon salute you I Answer If in this Text as is granted by Babylon Italian Rome is understood then we must in all those places in the Revelation where Babylon is spoken of understand Rome which if it be granted as the Bishop doth grant it here and saith that the most learned of the Jesuits do grant it then must Babylon which is Rome be the Seat and Throne of Antichrist which Rev. 1● 5 is called mistery great Babylon the mother of whoredom and abomination of the earth And Chap. 18.2 It is fallen it is fallen Babylon that great City the habitation of Devils and the hold of all foul spirits and a Cage of every unclean and hateful Bird for all Nations have drunk of the Wine of the wrath of her Fornication c. this notes out her utter ruine and destruction And this is Rome as Rev. 16.19 And that great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the Cup of the fierceness of his wrath Yet neverthelesse he hath said above that by Babylon is meant Rome so self willed and self-conceited is our Bishop that he flies off again page 61. and saith that what is said Rev. 17.18 cannot be understood of Rome without trope or figure for that it is said that in Babylon was found the blood of the Prophets and Saints and all that were slain upon Earth which cannot saith he be referred to any one City in the World but only
that born and saith that Antiochus is the most lively type of Antichrist that is in all the Scriptures which he applies to the Parliament coming to this Kingdom I Answer first That if this Argument of his were of force we might easily prove the Pope to be Antichrist the Bishop himself confesseth Page 72. That many of the Popes came to their dignity by the destruction and ejection of other Popes The Bishops arguments prove the pope Antichrist Yea I have shewed that twenty times there were two Popes at once until one was overcome but the Popes got not their dignity only by the destruction of other Popes but by the destruction of Emperors and Kings Pope Gregory the 7th called Hildebrand because the Emperor Henry the 4th opposed him the Pope in his Emperial dignity which he claimed over Emperors and Kings sought his destruction and after twice excommunicating him and making him take a long Journey in frost and snow barefoot and stand three dayes and nights barefoot at the Popes gates to beg pardon while the Pope was playing with his Dallilah Pope Constantine deposed the Emperor Philipicus and caused his eyes to be put out Pope Zechary caused the Emperor to kisse his foot Pope Adrian deposed Deserius the Lombard King and took his kingdom to the patrimony of Peter was not Childrick King of France deposed by the Pope and Pipin his Servant set up in his place and Phocas murdered the Emperor his Master and made himself Emperor What murthers and deposing of Emperors and Kings did the Popes exercise untill they got the Temporal Imperial dignity into their hands as well as the Ecclesiastical by bloud and murther Histories are full to this purpose so that if this were a sufficient argument to discover who is the Antichrist it were an easie matter to prove the Pope to be the Antichrist 2ly I must tell you that many godly and able Divines takes Antiochus to be rather a type of the kingdom of the Turks than of Antichrist and Mr. Brightman saith upon the 11th of Daniel that many men are in doubt whether the things there spoken of belong to Antiochus or to some other King and saith that Calvin doth avouch that it can by no means be referred to Anticchus for how should he do what he list against God when the ships of Shittim limited him verse 30. we will not deny but as you say he was for a time one of the cruellest enemies to the Jewes that ever the Church had and a Blasphemer of God but that doth not prove him neither to be the fourth Beast to whom the ten horns belong nor the little horn that sprang up amongst them What is meant by the little Horn. for the fourth Beast is the fourth Monarchy which is the Roman Monarchy which Anti●chus had nothing to do with and the ten hornes in the seventh of Daniel and those ten hornes in Revelations 17. signifie 〈◊〉 and the same thing which is the Roman Monarchy onely 〈…〉 Daniel mentions another little horn that sprang up among the ten and which should be diverse from the first and therefore I think it may rather be referred to Antichrist the Pope who is diverse from all that were before him because of his double government and he sprang up among the ten hornes that is in the Roman Monarchies the which Antiochus did not and it is true in the Pope which you apply to Antiochus page 71. that he was at first but a very little Horn and had no right to the Kingdom and Jurisdiction and Authority that now he exerciseth for both his Civil and Eoclesiastical power is usurped but he grew up to such dignity that as Daniel saith verse 20. His looks were more stout then his Fellows for what Emperor or King was there in Europe but a few years since that he did not look over with such stoutnesse that he had them all at his beek none durst oppose him for he had a mouth that spake great things for he calls himself Universal Bishop and Christ's Vicar and Peter's Successor And speaks great words against the most High and wear out the Saints speaking presumptuously of his Apostolical Authority and power to forgive sins which is against the most High for none can forgive sins but God only I could inlarge my self much in these things but I strive for brevity Moreover this little Horn is to continue till the antient of dayes sit verse 9 11. I beheld because of the voice of the presumptuous words which the Horn spake and I beheld till the Beast was slain Here the Horn is called the Beast as Antichrist is in the Revelations by the antient of daies sitting I conceive is not meant the day of the last Judgment but the determined time appointed that God will judge Antichrist the Pope of Rome at the pouring forth of the fifth Vial upon the Throne of the Beast and that will when God shall put it into the heart of the ten Horns that is ten Kings belonging to that Monarchy or that did belong unto it which hitherto hath given their Kingdoms to the Beast that is their aid and assistance to maintain uphold the Pope in his Kingdom until the Word of God be fulfilled as Rev. 17.13 17. for v. 16. the ten horns are they that shall hate the whore c. for God is strong that judgeth her and so may well be made for the conversion of the Jewes for when the antient of daies shall fit and Judgment shall be given Dan. 7.22 in the Saints behalf and the time come saith the Text that the Saints possessed the Kingdom as verse 26 and 27. Judgment shall sit and they shall take away his Dominion that is Antichrist's the little horn to consume and destroy it unto the end that is it shall never recover again and the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heavens shall be given to the Saints of the most High his Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all Dominions shall serve and obey him that Nation and Kingdom that will not serve the Lord shall perish yea those Nations shall be utterly wasted Isa 60.12 Take courage all ye that truly fear God for such a time is not far of it bastens greatly though to the outward appearance it seems contrary I believe every tittle of Gods word shall be fulfilled for as soon as that blasphemous Horn is cut off there will be a gathering of the Saints for these things belong to the little Horn which is Antichrist and not Antiochus for the effects of the little Horns working you see by Dan. 7. and Rev. 17. must continue untill Antichrist be destroyed I refer the consideration of this to the godly wise whether Antichrist or Antiochus be meant by the little Horn. Page 77. he saith That the tricks and fallacies of the Antichrist to get Proselites and Followers after him to effect his wickednesses are six-fold First A feigned
Idolatry nor Infidelity nor blasphemy but the highest degree of man-slaughter or the unjust murthering of an innocent Person Page 80. and page 82. he saith it is worse than Adams sin and page 87. he further saith this sin is a judicial condemning of an innocent Person or Persons their superiors as Christ was unto death and that by a representative of a whole Kingdom I Answer first to the latter part how or by what Scripture or what authority can be produced for proof of what he saith page 80. and 82. and 87 for his bare word is not sufficient ground for any man to pin their faith upon without either Scripture or reason to confirm it but such fancies or fictions as these you may remember that in his 65. page he calls them new delivered truths and therefore saith we should recide from former errors or opinions though never so generally embraced by former Authors for he is the only man for to find out a new Antichrist and to clear the old Antichrist from that stain and polution if any man will believe him But secondly how can any man of any indifferent knowledge believe any thing that he writes who doth so often as you have heard contradict himself and the Scriptures also and so again here in this place where he saith the Apostle gives us to understand in that 2 Thes 2. that Antichrist shall commit one singular peculiar sin that should only and properly be the sin of Antichrist and none else whereas neither that text nor any other in the whole Scriptures doth speak of any singular or peculiar sin that makes him to be Antichrist but the Scriptures speak of many sins in many several places that should declare him to be the great Antichrist as is shewed in many places of this Book and even in this Text from whence he would gather his assertion His contradicrion of Scripture the Text speaks the absolute contrary as first that Antichrist shall exalt himself above all that is called God Secondly that he should sit in the Temple of God Thirdly that he should shew himself that he is God that is the highest God on earth above all other Gods either in Church or State Fourthly that his coming should be after the working of Satan with power and that is shewed above how he claims and exerciseth a power above all c. Fifthly that he should come with sigus Sixthly with lying Seventhly with working wonders with deceit and unrighteousness Eightly that he should forsake the truth and not receive it in love besides several sins spoken of 1 Tim. 4. and 1 John 2. and all along in the Revelations and elsewhere of many sins that Antichrist should be known by and this man rejects all and will have him known by one singular peculiar sin which no Text in all the Scripture nor no Author that ever did write did particularly point him out by for if that had been the peculiar sin to know him by then should they have been Antichrist that crucified Christ the Apostle would not after have writ of another Antichrist and which the same sin should make him Antichrist which never can the like be committed with such a height of rebellion against God and with such a rage reaching up to Heaven by any other rebellion or murther neither by Parliament nor Phocas or any else And as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was put to death by a Roman Power and Authority I think we may upon better grounds than you bring argue that it may imply thus much that Antichrist should have his rise seat and residence in that very place from whence the power and authority came that crucified our Lord Jesus Christ and though there be no Text of Scripture to prove this except perhaps it might be proved by consequence comparing Scripture with Scripture yet I will not be curious to search into it but leave it to the judgment of others however if I mistake not it it seems to carry more force in it than all the new fangle stories you tell us of Page 95. he draws a conclusion from the writings of Tremellius and Beza that Antichrist shall exalt himself above the Bishops and indeed in this I grant that he saith very true for the Pope of Rome hath so exalted himself by his universal Priest-hood as head of the Church and Christs Vicar and Peters Successor that he claims an authority over all the Bishops in the World and doth exercise that authority in many Kingdoms more than any one doth besides and therefore by the Bishops own argument the Pope of Rome is the great Antichrist and man of sin c. for the Pope saith it standeth upon necessity to salvation that every humane creature be subject unto him and therefore requisite and necessary for men that will be saved to know the dignity of his See and excellency of his Dominion for his Priest-hood was prefigured in Aaron and other Bishops under him was prefigured by the Sons of Aaron to be under him thus he exalts himself above the Bishops as is said before Page 99. he saith that the denying Jesus to be the Christ is the proper note and undeniable mark of the great Antichrist who is the head of all other inferiour Antichrists as 1 John 2.22 Who is a lyer but he that denyeth that Jesus is Christ the same is Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Son I answer I shall not trouble the Reader to relate what the Bishop saith from this Text to the purpose he aims at but I shall as I have done by other Texts and Arguments shew you how undeniable this Text rightly applyed doth prove the Pope to be Antichrist first he is said in this Text to be a lyar and so in the Text before named 2 Thes 2.9 that is a crafty deceiver of the People by granting pardons and indulgences and many other priviledges which are so well known I need not repeat them and which are all as so many lies for there is no truth in them nor no Scripture to prove that he hath any such power or authority but that by his lies he causeth the People to believe him and he is a lyar also in professing outwardly in words what he denieth in his practice as might be made appear in many several things and as appears in the former part of this Book he is a lyar that denies Jefus to be Christ Jesus signifies a Saviour thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sine and Christ fignifies anointed that is to be King Priest and Prophet to his Church a King to rule and govern his Church to appoint Laws and Officers and Ordinances in the Church a Priest to offer Sacrifice for the sins of the People and that he did especially when he offered himself Heb. 9.13 If the blood of Bulls and Goats and the ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh
how much more shall the blood of Jesus Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God cleanse your consciences from dead works to serve the living God 3ly He is a Prophet to teach instruct his Church every man would be content to have him for their Jesus to save them from their sins but few are willing to have him for their Christ that is to be their King Priest and Prophet to rule and govern c. And first the Pope denies Christ his Kingly office in his Church to rule and govern it by his own instituted Ordinances and Officers c. for the Pope hath in his Church one hundred and fifty several Orders of Church-Officers and religious Orders which not one of them is of Christ nor his Apostles institution which in the former part is nominated by their names Secondly the Pope denies Christ his Kingly office in challenging an universal Power and Authority over all Churches which Power and Authority belongs only unto Christ The Pope denying Christ his Kingly office and not to any man upon earth Thirdly in making his Laws and Decrees equal or rather above the Decrees and institutions of Christ for the Popes Laws are observed as forbiding marriage and commanding to abstain from meats and many other the like and Christs Laws are rejected that doth allow of these things which the Pope prohibits and forbideth many things as invocation of Saints worshiping of Images Adultery and Fornication and many the like which the Pope alloweth thus Gods Law is neglected and the Popes observed Fourthly the Pope denies Christs Kingly office in his instituted Ordinances by establishing his own humane inventions of Masses Crosses Crucifixes Prayer upon beads and in an unknown tongue Pilgrimages Conjuration or exorcism and the like and seting up a religion composed of above forty heresies as is named and shewed before And fifthly in denying and bloting out the second Commandment that forbids the worship of false Gods or of the true God in a false way and giving the worship and honour that is due to God to the Virgin Mary to Saints and Images all which is a denying of Christ his Kingly rule and Government and which makes the Pope of Rome to be the great Antichrist here spoken of in this Text as well as in others before named Secondly The Pope of Rome denies Christ the exercise of his Priestly office for first whereas it is said Heb. 9.25 26. that Christ is entred into Heaven to appear in the presence of God for us not that he should offer himself often for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world and Chap. 10.14 for with one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified but this the Pope denies in his practice The Pope denies Christ in his Priestly office that Christs once offering himself is satisfactory to take away sin and therefore he is offered again by the Papists every day and sometimes in many thousand places in one day in their Idolatrous Masses from which practice of theirs I shall propound one question viz. where or what Text of Scripture can they or any man bring to prove that either the Pope or any of his shaveling Priests Jesuites or Friers are commanded to offer Jesus Christ an unbloudy propitiatory Sacrifice for the quick and the dead or in what part of Scripture are the massing Priests called Sacrificers in the New Testament and authorized to sacrifice Jesus Christ or did ever the Apostles offer Jesus Christ a Sacrifice for the quick and dead if these things cannot be proved by Scripture to be of Christs institutions then it cannot be denyed but the Pope doth deny Christ both of his Kingly and Priestly offices and so he is the great Antichrist and man of sin that was prophecyed of to come into the world Secondly the Pope and all Papists deny Christ his Priestly office in offering up their prayers to God in any other name or by any other intercessor or mediator but Jesus Christ only John 16.23 verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he will give it you and 1 John 5.14 this is the assurance that we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us but we have no assurance in any text of Scripture to be heard in the name of the Virgin Mary nor any other Saint nor no Scripture to prove that to ask in their name or to make them mediators or she Mediatrix as they call the Virgin no Scripture proves it to be according to his will and therefore have no promise to be heard with acceptance for there is no other Mediator between God and man but the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 so that by these Scriptures it is clear that the Pope doth reject and deny Jesus Christ in his Priestly office and not only so but the Pope is guilty of the sins of many hundred thousands more whom he doth make to deny Christ in his Kingly and Priestly offices and leads them without repentance to destruction with himself Thirdly the Pope of Rome denies Jesus to be Christ in denying Christ the exercise of his Prophetical office to teach and instruct his Church for whereas all the Service and worship that is given and done to God ought in every thing to be performed both as to the matter and the manner of performance according to the word of God and the example of Christ and his Apostles and their institutions both for Ordinances Officers and Offices the Pope of Rome and Church of Rome doth not so far as I know perform any one part of Gods worship and service in any one Ordinance Pope de●● Christ 〈◊〉 Propheti●● office nor with any one Church Officer rightly elected to his Office according to Jesus Christ and his Apostles examples and institutions in their preaching they come the nearest but both their Sermons are stuffed with many foolish fictions and fables so that a man may justly say they do not preach but prate for no man preacheth but he that preacheth Christ and their Preachers even those that are esteemed the best and greatest Schollars are not of divine institution no more than Anabaptists and lay Preachers their Eucharist their Baptism their Prayers their Masses name what you will there is so much of human invention mixed with it that bring it to the touch-stone of the word of God and divine institution and it will upon tryal prove so full of drosse that it will not hold out weight in the B●●lance of the Sanctuary therefore the Pope of Rome is Antichrist Did ever Christ or his Apostles institute any one of 150 neligious Orders they have in their Church or did they eestablish a Religion and force men with fire and sword to the observation of it and that composed of above forty Heresies did they ever in Baptism use Crism Spittle Oyl Salt or