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authority_n call_v emperor_n pope_n 2,950 5 6.8842 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11054 A godlie and short discourse shewing not onely what time the inhabitants of this land first receyued the Christian faith: but also what maner of doctrine was planted in the same. Whereby may appeare, howe the reformation at this day in England is not a bringing in of a newe religion, but a reducing againe of the olde and auncient fayth. Rosdell, Christopher, b. 1553 or 4. 1589 (1589) STC 21320; ESTC S101597 36,383 98

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iurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome ANd first to begin with the Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the Bishop of that Sea which they affirme at this day to extend it selfe not only ouer all nations kingdomes and prouinces of the world but also ouer al estates degrées synods and assemblies of men When the disciples contended amongst themselues Mat. 18. Mar. 9. Luke 9. who should be the greatest good occasion was offered vnto our Sauiour if he had intended any such Hierarchie or supremacie then by shewing whom he would aduaunce to that dignitie for euer to haue decided this question But as one intending no such matter hée perswadeth them rather in perfect humilitie and lowlinesse of mind one to goe before another In deed after his resurrection hee gaue them commission saying Go into all the world teaching all nations c. but no where nor at any time did hee say to them or any of them Goe to Rome Antioch or Hierusalem and be thou intituled or installed there for Bishop that thou mayest be prince of Priests supreme heade of the Church my vicar vppon earth not to bee iudged of any hauing all knowledge of Scriptures lawes within thy breast and that I giue to thée I will also tie and binde my selfe by promise to giue to all those shall in that place succéede thée And as Christ no where gaue any such prerogatiue to any of his disciples aboue the rest so did none of them euer vsurpe or take vpon them any such matter Yea the Apostle Peter was so farre from chalenging vnto himselfe any such prerogatiue aboue his felow Apostles that he did not onely giue the right hand of felowship to Paul Gal. 2. but also was content to be reprooued by him And as for the Church of Rome there was no more respect had vnto it in olde time as appeareth euidently by the testimonie of Pope Pius the second Ex Epist Pij secundi 301 thē to other churches But euery Church was then ruled by his owne gouernance till the yéere of our Lord 3●0 Anno. 340. Then folowed the Coūcel of Nice wherein was decréed not that the Bishop of Rome should be vniuersal Bishop chiefe priest of the worlde prince of the Church or any such matter but that the whole vniuersitie of Christs Church which was now farre spred ouer all the world Ex concil Nicen. should be distinguished in foure prouinces or precincts whereof euery one should haue his head church and chiefe bishop called then Metropolitane to haue the ouersight of such Churches as did lie about him In the nūber of which patriarches or Metropolitanes the bishop of Rome had the first place not for any dignity of the person of him that then was bishop or of him that succéeded or of him whō he is said to succeed but onely in the place wherein he did sit Ex Concil Calc ca. 2● as most plainly may be proued by the Councel of Calcedon which saith Our fathers did worthily attribute the chiefe degrée of honor to the sea of old Rome because the principall raigne or emperie was in that city The same also is confirmed by Euseb Caesariensis Ex Gabriel Bicl lect 25. declaring that the excellencie of the Romane Emperie did aduance the Popedom of the Romane Bishop aboue other Churches Moreouer the said Caesar saith the councell of Nice gaue this priuiledge to the Bishop of Rome that like as the king of the Romanes is named Emperor aboue other kings so the bishop of the same city of Rome should be called pope aboue other bishops Thus although the B. of Rome for the dignity excellency of that city had the first place giuē to him this was don by mās authoritie not by the authoritie of God And all this notwithstanding he had no more nor greater authority thē the other Metropolitans but euery of the 4. had his peculiar circuit and precinct to him peculiarly apointed Ex Concil Constant cap. 36. in such sort as one of them should not deale within anothers precinct and also that there should be among thē equalitie of honor Whervpon we reade so oft in the decrées of the old coūcels equal degrée of thrones and of honours amongst Priestes and ministers And againe speaking of the said Patriarkes Conc. Con. cap. 2.3 or Primates we reade in the Councell of Constantinople that Bishops should not inuade the dioces of others without their borders nor confound togither Churches The old doctors also for the most best sort of them accord in one sentence that all Bishops placed wheresoeuer in the Church of God be of one merit of like honor and all to be successours together of the Apostles For S Hierome sayth plainly Omnes Episcopi pares haeredes sunt sedis Apostolicae That is Al Bishops are equall and are the heires of the Apostolicall sea And by examples he sheweth that the Bishop of a small towne hath like authoritie as a Bishop of a great citie And that if one Bishop be higher or lower then another it is because one Bishoprike is richer or poorer then another otherwise they are all the successors of the Apostles For this cause when Victor which was Bishop of Rome Anno 200. Anno. 200 went about to excommunicate the East Churches for the obseruation of Easter day hée was not permitted by Ireneus so to doe Also when Boniface the first required of the Bishops of Carthage to sende vp their appellations to the Church of Rome he was not only denied thereof Con. Cart. 6 but also the learned and godly men of Carthage assembling themselues in a Councell to the number of 217 Bishops made a publike decrée that none out of that countrie shoulde make anie appeale ouer the sea Yea the fathers in that Councell by their letters exhorted the Bishops of Rome that he would not induce the swelling pride of the worlde into the Church of Christ which sheweth and giueth the light of simplicitie and humilitie to such as loue to sée God c. And after this about the yéere of our Lord 583. Anno. 583. When Ioannes Bishop of Constantinople went about to establish that proude title of vniuersall Bishop to the sea of Constantinople the Bishop of Rome that then was Ex Palagi 20. dsti 99. cap. nullus Ex Anton. tit 12. cap. 3. called Pelagius the second his next successour Gregorie the first were so farre off either from giuing vnto the Bishop of Constātinople that proud title or from chalenging it to themselues that when it was offered by certaine Bishops vnto Gregorie hée refused it saying none of my predecessours were so arrogant as to vsurpe this proude title calling it newe foolish proude peruerse wicked prophane such as to consent vnto it is as much as to denie the fayth Yet for all this there is no one thing for the which the Bishops of this later Church of Rome doe more egerly fight and contende