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A02358 Popish glorying in antiquity turned to their shame Whereby is shewed, how they wrong, villifie, and disgrace, that whereunto they pretend to carry greateste reuerence: and are most guilty of that which they vpbraide vnto others. Collected and proued out of themselues, for the singular profit both of pastors and professors. By William Guild, minister at King Edward. Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1627 (1627) STC 12490; ESTC S117899 90,426 272

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wordes there-vnto and there-fore that the same is of no authoritie nor his Relation there-of of anie credit at all Like-wise let vs see how vpō incertayne probabilities and conjecturall suspicions onlie they reject what-so-ever they finde to make agaynst them VVhen that Record is adduced of pope Boniface the second who in his Letter to Eulalius bishop of Thessalonica maketh manifest That the whole Fathers of that famous Councell of Carthage being excommunicated of the bishop of Rome in token of their not acknowledgement of such power or Supremacie that they remayned so without regard there-of for the space of an hundreth yeares and died moste of them all vnder the said Censure Augustine being one of them yet accounted a Saynct Bellarmine hereto aunswereth Valde mihi Epistolas eas esse suspectas that is That hee suspecteth greatlie those Epistles of Boniface vvhere-as their owne Lindanus sayeth That hee that scorneth those as forged I pray you vvhat will hee leaue sayeth hee of all the Storie of Antiquitie safe or sound vnto vs And when wee produce Socrates Testimonie against the Antiquitie of the fourtie dayes of their Popish Lent Bellarmine answereth That it is probable that Socrates booke is corrupted 3. How they admit them as true onelie when they make for them but otherwyse roughlie reject them TO cleare this out of our foresayde Bellarmine when hee is to liberate Pope Liberius of Arrianisme hee citeth the Testimonie of Socrates Zozomen and Nicep●orus as the faithfull Recorders of that Age and yet when Socrates is cited by vs to witnesse the Nicen Councels acquiescing to Paphnutius speach concerning the married Clergie and Zozomen is brought to witnesse Nectarius fact against Auricular Confession Bellarmine calleth ●hem both in those points manifest Liars and Heretickes even as Baronius sayth the lyke of Nicephorus whereas their owne Canus avoweth all those to bee Probatae fidei Authores that is Authors of approved Credite In lyke manner Sopbronius and Simeon Metaphrastes are cited by Bellarmine ut illustres Historici to proue his point of Papacie but when they report that Linus died before Peter whome they make to haue beene Pope after Peter and ●o ●alsifieth their Succession then are they disdainfullie repudiated by Bellarmine Lyke-wyse Bellarmine adduceth Zonaras to proue Honorius Innocencie as there-in one of sole and singular Authoritie yet in another case concerning the Emperour Constantines commanding of Pope Sylvester Bellarmine rejecteth his Narration and Testimonie Also Bellarmine adduceth Marianus Scotus whom Baronius calleth Nobilis Chronologus to proue Pope Zacharie's just deposing of Childerike King of France and Pope Gregorie's the seaventh just oppositiō to Henrie the fourth But when Fasciculus Temporum who followeth him and the Passionall two of their famous Histories are produced to improoue Peter's sitting at Rome Bellarmine answereth Wee justlie contemne sayeth hee Fasciculus Temporum and the Passional chiefelie seeing Fasciculus followeth Marianus Scotus who contradicteth most clearlie both himselfe and the Trueth Againe for the justnesse of the fore-named Pope Zacharie's deposition of King Childericke Bellarmine citeth Sigebert but when hee is cited to testifie the Innocencie of Henrie the fourth whom Hildebrand persecuted then Bellarmine alleadgeth him to bee vnworthie of Credite Lykewyse for the clearing of the orderlie and just proceedinges in Pope Gregorie's Election to the Papacie Bellarmine citeth Platina as the onelie saythfull Recorder in whom sayeth hee is the verie forme of his election set downe But when hee is adduced by vs to prooue the noveltie of Auricular Confession and that the first enjoynet there-of was Innocent the third Bellarmine rejecteth Platina saying I trow it bee a Lie sayeth hee which Platina reporteth adding that hee is no authorized Author altho his Declaration in his Preface to the Pope by whose command hee vvrote doeth evidentlie shovv the contrarie In lyke manner in a matter of Historie for proofe that Peter substituted Clement to succeed him Bellarmine citeth Tertullian Tanquam gravissimus author but vvhen hee is adduced by vs to proue that Pope Zepherin vvas a Monatist in this poynt of Historie Bellarmine answereth That there is no trust to bee given to him Also Gregorie's Dialogues and the Stories there-in contayned are cyted by Bellarmine for Monasticall lyfe and invocation of Sayncts c. but is rejected as false when he ridiculouslie telleth of a Purgatorie of Soules after death into warme Bathes Thus vse they their Historicians at their pleasure whether ancient or more recent even as Herod vsed the Baptist who altho hee heard him in manie things gladlie yet he rejected and persecuted him in the matter of Herodias 4. How they haue so forged and corrupted Recordes that are extant and taken others al-together out of the way that in things concerning the Trueth which maketh agaynst them they haue left verie little to bee seene and feysted in manie contrarie Falsehoods THE thing that ever that Whoore of Babylon hath most laboured for and her Suppostes for her haue most endevoured hath beene still A Supreame and sole Soveraignitie The which altho a Pope and one of the Sitters on that Scarlet-coloured Beast doeth ingenuouslie confesse That Rome was free and farre from the lyke Challenge or the Church of GOD from the acknowledgement of anie such Diotrephes-lyke Preheminence in her purest and primitiue tymes whyle as shee remayned as an holie and chaste Spouse vnto CHRIST vnder the Dragon's Persecution till the tyme of the Councell of Nice Yet that the World may bee borne in hand That such Supremacie as is nowe challenged was ever reckoned due to that Seate of Majestie and that even from the verie beginning and profession of true Christianitie that shee did sit as a Queene there-fore for probation heere-of and to make vp that Gappe betweene the Apostolicall tymes and that Councell of Nice they haue forged some Decretall Epistles of the bishops of Rome to haue interveaned fraughted with no other Ballast nor Burden but Soveraignitie and their Hornes still sounding on high the trebble tune onelie of Lordes Paramont and Vniversall Seignorie And if the Nicene Fathers haue beene too niggardlie disposed by passing a Sentence of confyning those Romane bishops within their owne Circuites agaynst anie such boundlesse and vniversall Supremacie then the VVorlde must knowe that shee is not so destitute of Lovers but that shee hath her Favourites which can mende their Fault and lyke Picke-Lockes with wrong Keyes release their holie Mother from such narrowe Imprisonment and can make Canons before hande to bee vrged in due tyme by their pope Zozimus and to giue such an hard Charge to a whole Africane Councell as they shall bee in hope that those shall yeelde presentlie to such a braue Batterie VVhich if that fayle them as vnluckilie it did and that Paper onelie bee found in the shot in place of hard Bullet Then shall bee
those same Fathers agaynst them which they obtrude vnto vs as true 1. Disclayming some as counterfeyt 2. Alleadging of others That perhaps only they are so THE Rhemists call this an olde Tricke of Hereticks when they were preassed with the Testimonies of ancient Fathers to deny that those were the Authors but some others of a later age and Rose-weed the Iesuit sayth That this was a common Shift of Hereticks when they were straited with anie cleare Testimonie of Antiquitie to cry out That the booke was counterfeit or corrupt Evasionem saith Harding omnium miserrimam à ratione conjuetudine doctissim●rum alienissimam that is A most miserable sort of escaping saith hee and most contrarious both to Reason and Custome of the most Learned And yet notwithstanding how guiltie these Iesuiticall Impostors are of this Practise which they vpbrayde to others and how vnmindfull they are of that saying Omni vitio debet carere qui in alterum paratus est dicere let these few Examples that doe ensue testifie First Bellarmine as also the Rhemists to prooue the Pope's Supremacie as also Popish Reall presence bring their Testimonies out of S. Ambrose his Commentaries on Paul's Epistles and yet when wee object a place out of the same to proue that the Sacramentall Bread is the representatiue Bodie of CHRIST onlie Bellarmine plainlie then disclaimeth those Commentaries and saith they are not S. Ambroses Againe Bellarmine adduceth Augustine Ad Orosium against vs as the true Father to prooue Ecclesiasticus to bee Canonicall Scripture but declareth him counterfeyt when wee oppose him to him agaynst the Order of the Masse Arnobius also is brought foorth as a most ancient Father against vs in the matter of Free-will but disclaimed else-where when hee maketh against him as 〈…〉 and a miere counterfeit In like manner Augustine's Questions on the Olde and New Testament are produced against vs as Augustine's owne worke both to proue the Masse to bee a Sacrifice properlie in one place as also to be propitiatorie in another but are rejected by the same Bellarmine as counterfeit and hereticall when wee prooue out of the same That Sacraments conferre not Grace Ex opere operato Lyke-wyse Bellarmine citeth S. Basill's Questions to proue Monasticall lyfe and a man's incertayntie of his owne Salvation but when wee vrge agaynst them those same Questions agaynst their Distinction of Sinne into Veniall and Mortall he disclaymeth that book to bee Saynct Basill's but one Eustatbius Sebassenus a condemned hereticke More-over Bellarmine adduceth Saynct Cyprian's Sermon Le ●oena 〈…〉 poyntes of Poperie as Transsubstantiation the Sacrifice of the Masse and Purgatorie c. And yet when the same is objected agaynst their Mutilation of the Sacrament by taking away the C●p from the People he disclaymeth that Sermon to be Cyprian's but some vncertayne Author's Agayne Bellarmine produceth Chrysostome on Matthew to proue manie Popish poyntes as Monasticall lyfe Veniall sinnes Free-will Transsubstantiation Adoration of the Host and agaynst the Magistrates lawfull power in matters of Re●ig●on But when wee proue out of that same Commentarie on Matthew the perfection of Scripture that the people should reade the same opposeth him in the matter of Matrimonie then he disclaymeth that worke to be Sainct Chrysostome's but some Hereticke's as hee pleaseth to style him In lyke manner Bellarmine bringeth out Clement's Recognitions for Free-will Harding bringeth him for Traditions and yet when they are alleadged agaynst the Pope's Succession to Peter proving that Peter died not at Rome then hee disclaymeth them as Apocryphall and counterfeyt Damasus lyke-wyse an ancient Pope his Pontificall is cited by Bellarmine to proue the tyme of Peter's sitting at Rome and for the setting vp of Images in Churches but is rejected as a Counterfeyt of vncertayne authoritie when out of the same wee proue that Linus whome they make Pope after Peter Clement died before Peter him-selfe so improveth the Line of their Papall Succession as false and absurd Agayne Damasus Epistles are vrged agaynst vs to proue Papall Supremacie and Popish Confirmation But are disclaymed as none of his when they are opposed agaynst Appeales to Rome Lyke-wyse Damascen is cited by Bellarmine agaynst vs to proue the Adoration of Saynctes but is disclaymed as a Counterfeyt when the absurd Tale of their Popes and other Saynctes their Freeing of Soules which were damned out of Hell is objected to them Epiphanius also his Epistle to Iohn of Ierusalem is cited by Bellarmine in the matter of the Sacrament but when the same Epistle is opposed agaynst their Images hee disclaimeth those words thereof to bee but forged and counterfeyt In lyke manner Eusebius Emissenus Homilies are cited by Bellarmine for Adoration of Reliques that Consecration is by these wordes Hoc est Corpus meum and yet are elsewhere freelie acknowledged to be none of his Ignatius also a Greeke Father is oft tymes cited by Bellarmine for sundrie poynts of Poperie as Transsubstantiation and others but when he is adduced clearlie agaynst their Mutilation of the Sacrament Bellarmine aunswereth That Ignatius Greeke Wrytinges are not much to bee trusted to Agayne Martialis as Christe's owne Disciple is produced by Bellarmine for the Vow of Chastitie and other poyntes and yet in his Recognitions hee acknowledgeth both Abdias booke and Martialis to bee miere Counterfeyts and of no Authoritie Lyke-wyse Synopsis Dorothei is cited by Bellarmine to prooue Peter's sitting at Rome as Bishop of that Citie but when the same Synopsis is produced prooving That it was not Peter but rather Barnabas that founded that Church hee d●sclaymeth that booke then as full of Lies and Forgerie After the lyke manner hee disclaymeth that booke of Pope Gelasius agaynst Eutyches as none of his when he is cited clearly against Transsubstantiation altho hee bee so styled Romanus Episcopus in their owne Bibliotheca Patrum and that their Massonius lyke-wyse in the lyues of the Popes comming to Gelasius maketh mention of this worke And no lesse causelesse also disclaymeth hee with a shamelesse fore-head the foure bookes of Charles the Great agaynst Images as lyke-wyse that Epistle of Vdalricus to Pope Nicolas agaynst forced Continencie alleadging those former to bee none of theirs and that onelie because they make agaynst him I omit the lyke answere of Gretzer to Athanasius Synopsis agaynst Apocryphall Bookes Of Parsons to Elentherius Epistle to Luci●s agaynst the Pope's temporall Supremacie Of the same Parson 's impudent lyke answere to Bertram's booke agaynst Transsubstantiation Of Harding's disclayming also Hilarius Epistle to his Daughter Afra agaynst forced Continencie Of Baronius lyke rejecting of Pope Leo's Epistle which proveth That Pope Honorius was an Hereticke And Of Dureus disclayming that Testimonie of Saynct Bernard's
impudentlie that Chemnitius added this worde where-in the whole pith of the Testimonie consisteth to Athanasius of his owne head The contrarie where-of may bee seene in all olde Impressions of that Father where-of I haue one beside mee printed at Paris by Iohn Petit Anno 1520 or anie later over which the seaming Fire of the Expu●gatorie Index hath not passed hither-to CHAP. X. Some notable Frauds vsed by the Romanists in Citations of the Fathers where-of the Reader would carefullie beware 1. By citing of Heretickes wordes for them as if they were the wordes of the Orthodox Fathers A Notable Example of this fraudfull Tricke wee haue in Bella●mine who to proue by the Testimonie of Fathers That Scripture without Tradition is sufficient to determine Controversies citeth Ireneus alleadging Because the Scriptures are Variouslie expounded that there-fore Scripture onlie cannot bee Iudge VVhich wordes are not Ireneus owne wordes as Bellarmine giveth them out neither did Ireneus ever alleadge anie such Reason as that There was need of Tradition because the Scriptures were Variouslie expounded but hee setteth downe this to bee the Hereticke's Reason for Traditions whome Ireneus refuteth There-fore Ireneus wordes are these VVhen they are convinced out of Scripture saieth Ireneus speaking of the Heretickes of his time straight-way they fall out in the accusing of Scripture it selfe as if thinges were not well set downe there nor that the same had not authoritie of its owne and because the same is variouslie expounded and there-fore Trueth cannot bee found there-in by those that are ignorant of Traditions In which wordes Ireneus if hee had beene living and heard a Papist in our dayes pleading for Traditions and accusing God's word of Imperfection Obscuritie plyablenesse anie way and wanting authoritie of its owne but such as it hath from the Church and the Pope he could not more viuelie haue painted nor described him than hee doeth heere by the Patterne of an olde Hereticke This necessarie Caution therefore wee would keepe for obviating such Fraude that is we would carefullie remarke that the wordes bee a Father 's owne words which are adduced and expressing to vs his owne mynde and meaning And this wee should doe not onelie in cleare places as this former is but vvee would more carefullie advert the same in some that are obscurer in which it can bee hardlie discerned vvhether the vvords bee a Father 's owne or some Heretick's vvhom hee refuteth An Instance vvhere-of Bellarmine him-selfe giveth vs saying of a Testimonie cited out of Clemens Alexandrinus which seemeth to favour the Pelagian Heresie It is not surelie known sayth he whose those words bee whether Clement's owne wordes or those Hereticke's with whom he is in that place disputing And to this the Reader would the more diligentlie take heede because the Papists lyke the Donatists out of the obscurest places of Scripture or Fathers ever seeke to make their best advantage 2. How they cite the Fathers quyte contrarie to their mynde A Remarkable Example heereof wee finde in Bellarmine's citation of Augustine out of whom to proue that the Virgine Ma●ie was conceived without Originall Sin hee adduceth a Testimonie wherein Augustine never meaned nor affirmeth that in her owne conception shee was free from Originall Sinne but onlie that from the time of CHRIST'S cōception in her wombe that shee was preserved thence-foorth from actual sinning thorow that singular Priviledge as he thought that then was granted vnto her by being the Mother of the Lord Iesus And that this is the trueth we shall cleare the same out of their Master of Sentences who speaking of Christ's conception showeth what was the qualitie of the flesh of the Virgine Marie before that time and in that verie instant to wit sinfull as the rest of the race of Adam saying Surelie it may bee cruelie saide and must bee believed according to the vniforme agreement of the holie Fathers witnessing the same that that substance of Marie where-of Christ tooke His humanitie was first subject to sinne as all the rest of the flesh of the Virgine was but there-after by the operation of the holie Ghost the same was so purified and made cleane that beeing free of all tainture of Sinne it might bee so vnited to the WORD And after that the fore-saide Master of Sentences haue saide thus farre of Christ's owne conception then he commeth in the next Section to d●clare what Priviledge was given to Marie after that time of Christ's conception to wit That from thence-foorth shee was fred from actuall sinne and to this effect hee citeth that same place of Augustine which Bellarmine wresteth and abuseth to proue her Immunitie from Originall Sinne even in her owne conception and which Augustine nor none of the Fathers ever once did meane 3. How they vrge vs with Testimonies of Fathers which are the brood of those Errours which them-selues disclayme AN Instance heere-of in place of manie is cleare in the Point of Purgatorie and prayer for the dead where-in Bellarmine and his Fellowes adduce Testimonies of Fathers importing the last therby to proue the first and from prayer to the dead argue so to Purgatorie as if there were such a Relation betweene those two that there could no separation bee anie wyse made between them Whereas prayer for the dead where-of the Fathers speak proceeded from this ground Errour for the most part which both the Grecian and Latine Fathers mayntayned to wit That the Soules of the Faythfull vvho departed this lyfe remayned till the day of the generall Refurrection vvithout attayning to the blessed Vision of GOD in certaine Places of Rest vvhich Ireneus calleth Invisible Holds destinated to them by GOD or as Augustine tearmeth them Hid Receptacles or as Lactanctius styleth the same A common Custodie or as Hilarie speaketh A Bosome of Rest or as Ambrose nameth them Places of Suspence and Habitacles or last of all as Bernard calleth them Atria or Vtter Portches or Courtes Nowe seeing this was their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or ground Errour which the Papistes disclayme as well as wee and vpon this evill layde ground that they founded onelie their Practise of prayer for the dead seeing the Papistes reject the first as an illegittimate Birth why vrge they vs then with the secōd after-birth vvresting their speaches farre agaynst the mynde of the Fathers for their new-conceited Purgatorie where-vnto their prayers for the dead had no Relation at al. And there-fore when as they vrge vs with the Testimonies of the Fathers for prayer for the dead they them-selues must first belieue this confining of Soules of the Godlie in those hidden Receptacles of Rest where-in they are kept from the tyme of their death vntill the Resurrection as in a Common Custodie and which quyte everteth Purgatorie as their owne Suar●z confesseth or else they must cease by those Testimonies to induce vs fraudfullie to belieue that there is such coherence and
men and Catholicke-instructed doe wonder and admire Agayne thus saith Sixtus Senensis of Fisher late B. of Rochester In the aboundance of Learning sayth he and sinceritie of Godlinesse and in constancie of mynde Cuiqueue ex sanctissimis acerrimis Ecclesiae propugnatoribus merito comparandus that is Worthilie to bee compared with anie who-so-ever of the most holie Fathers and most cowragious Defenders of the Church In lyke manner thus sayeth Pererius of his Fellow Tostatus A man sayeth hee surelie not onelie for the multitude of Wrytinges but also for the subtiltie and rypnesse of Wit gravitie of Iudgement and excelling in sundrie kynd● of Learning Antiquis illis magnisque patribus docto●ibus merito annumerandus that is Who is worthilie to bee numbered with the ancient Fathers and great Doctors of the Church Next for preferring their newe Doctors to the most auncient Fathers let their bishop Fisher testifie vvho sayeth That it cannot be obscure vnto anie that manie things as well in the Gospels as in the rest of the Scriptures are now more exquisitelie discussed by later Wryters and more clearlie vnderstood than they haue bene heere-to-fore Againe when Frier Stella hath rejected the Exposition of all the Fathers on Luke 10 21 hee sayeth That tho it bee farre from him to condemne the common Exposition given by the ancient Fathers yet hee knoweth verie well that Pigmeis beeing put vpon Giants shoulders doe see farther than Giants them-selues Like-wise when the Iesuit Salmeron getteth the whole Fathers as Erasmus showeth in his Teeth against the conception of the Virgine Marie without original Sinne in their exposition of Rom. 5 12 yet hee answereth That the whole devotion towardes the Mother of God did not consist in Bernard Bonaventure and other Fathers for she had manie then as shee hath now better knowne to her selfe that were of the contrarie minde then they were knowne to the World and there-after hee concludeth in favours of the new Romish Clergie saying Quo Iuniores ●o perspicaciores esse Doctores that is That the later their Doctors bee that they are the more wittie and clearer sighted In like manner in another Question of great moment Whether the Law of Moses concerning Degrees forbidden in Marriage belong to Christians where-in from the authoritie of ancient Fathers affirming the same when the Church of Rome is attainted as patrons of Incest by her Dispensations with such forbidden Degrees the Author of Apologia tumultuaria answereth heer-in thus Let the Fathers sayeth hee haue their owne reverence c. But I dare say that the more recent Divines in manie places are more pertinent and pithie yea more exquisite diligent watchfull And even so sayth Costerus That as the Church is grown now in number so is the same in Learning and Sharp-sightednesse CHAP. XII By what partiall absurd Rule the Romanists do admit or reject the Testimonies of Fathers FIrst for clearing here-of sufficientlie Bellarmine giveth evidence who amongst the diverse Expositions of Fathers others vpon that place of the Romanes 14 5 which sayth One man esteemeth one day aboue another taketh that onelie and admitteth as true Quae nobis maxime fave● sayth he that is Which most favoureth our side being heere-in like Faustus the Manichean who by this Rule admitted some Apostolicall Writs rejected others Qula hoc pro me sonat sayde hee illud nequaquam that is Because this maketh for me and the other not so Partiall Iniquitie but not precious Veritie and no wise the loue of the Trueth but selfe-loue bearing the whole swey Againe whether the same vnction bee meaned Marke 6 and Iames 5 in this point for defence of extreame vnction to be by Christ's institution Bellarmine rejecteth the judgement of Beda Theophylact and OEcumenius who are contrarie to his mynde he receiveth a newer Exposition of their owne Divines saying of the same Mi●i saue eo nomine gratior est quia video Lutherum Calvinum Chemnitium in priori opinione that is Surelie this Exposition is the better liked by mee because I see Luther Calvine and Chemnitius of the first opinion Thus is our consent with Antiquitie wee see a sufficient ground to them of dissenting there-from direction of Reason not inducing but distraction of Affection seducing them from the Trueth In like manner Maldonat on the sixt of Iohn giving an Exposition of the 63 verse saith I deny not saith hee that I haue no Author before me of this Exposition Sed bane eo magis probo quam illam alteram Augustini caeter●rumque alioquin probabilissima● quod haec cum Calvinistar●m sensu magis pugnet that is But I approoue this Exposition the rather preferre it before the other of S. Augustine's and the other Ancients altho other-wise the same bee most probable and lykliest to bee the true meaning because this Exposition fighteth or is more contrarie to the meaning of the Calvinists Thus wee see Faction not Affection to the Trueth Prejudice not sound Iudgement and the hatred of persons and not the regard of Cause simplie so in these to prevaile that we may loose hope that wee can availe them THE SECOND BOOKE OF COUNSELS CHAP. XIII As the Romanists deale with the Fathers so how they manie vvayes deale injuriouslie vvith ancient Councels 1. By adding to them AS for the Tomes of Councels in the generall thus farre doeth Bellarmine ingeniouslie cōfesse Quod Libri Conciliorum negligenter conservati s●nt sayeth hee multis vitiis scatent that is That the bookes of the Councels being negligentlie kept doe indeed abound with manie Errours And so howe sure reasoning in matters of Fayth can bee now out of their Canons for most part may easilie bee seene And of the truest and most vnsuspect Canons of the most ancient Councels most impudentlie doeth Bellarmine professe speaking thus of that most famous Councell of Chalcedon which their Pope Gregorie did reverence as one of the foure Gospels That the Canons thereof had not authoritie with them Nisi quatenus sunt renovati sayth hee à Romanis pontificibus that is But in so farre as they are renewed by the Popes of Rome In particular therefore to show how this Fyning and Forging is practized in the Romane Mint before the Canons of Councels passe for currant Money in the Papall Kingdome wee will first instance their Popish Patching and adding to the same A notable Example where-of wee haue in that fact of Pope Zozimus who added to that famous first Councell of Nice a Canon in his owne favours whose Fraude was detected his Pryde checked and his Vsurpation prevented by that famous Councel of Carthage which standeth vp yet in the faythfull Records thereof as a Clowde of Witnesses to testifie the same even vnto this day Next whereas the fourth Councell of Carthage decreeth expresselie That no Woman baptize yet not-with-standing for mayntayning their Popish Practise in the contrarie they haue added as Bellarmine
Monothelite Bellarmine answereth thus Decept●s fuisse patres ex falsis rumoribus non intellectis Episcolis Honorii ideoque immerito cum Haereticis numerasse Honorium that is That those Fathers were deceived by false Rumours and by Ignorance in not vnderstanding the Epistles of Honorius and therefore that verie vndeservedlie they reckoned Honorius amongst other Heretickes imputing so both blind Ignorance and vnwise Rashnesse to all those Reverend Fathers And when this will not serue his turne hee layeth an imputation of after-falsification on all the Registers and Record keepers of this famous Councell saying Honori● nomen sine dubio inter cos qui damnati erant est insertum ab aemulis Romanae Ecclesiae that is That the Name of Honorius without doubt was insert amongst others that were condemned by the Enviers of the Church of Rome Likewise when the seaventh Synod is alleadged where-in after long time that interveined and due tryall was taken the sentence of the condemning Honorius is confirmed and the sixt Synod there-in is approven Bellarmine answereth Deceptos fuisse patres ex sexta Synodo quae vel corrupta erat vel per errorem Honorium damnaverat that is That those Fathers also were deceived by the sixt Councell which was either corrupt or else through Errour had condemned Honorius In lyke manner when the Epistle of Pope Leo contained also and registrated in those Councels is adduced for probation of the preceeding point which hee wrote to the Emperour Constantinus Pogonatus witnessing the trueth of Honorius Heresie and just condemnation in the fore-said Councels Bellarmine replyeth vnto that also saying Di●o Epistolam Leonis esse etiam corruptam that is I say altho without anie warrand that the Epistle of Pope Leo is also corrupt c. Nec tenemur unum Leonem magis sequi quam alios tot summos pontifices that is And if that Epistle bee true yet wee are not bound to follow one Pope Leo more than so manie other Popes Yea some seeing the evidence so cleare and vnavoydable of Pope Honorius conviction of Heresie in so solemne and famous free Councels haue beene so impudent as to say That they were but forged and counterfeyt as Bellarmine testifieth of Albertus Pighius But Turrianus sayth hee de●endeth the contrarie that they are both sincere and vpright Thus wee see when they are straited how they flie in others Faces and this cleare evidence doth Bellarmine afford vs in a weightie matter of their Popish Vnitie Thirdlie How they admit Councels onlie where-in they make for them and reject them disdaynfullie as no Councels where-in they make agaynst them FOR probation heere-of let vs adduce Bellarmine vvho vvhen out of the third Councell of Carthage hee would proue the Macchabees to bee Canonicke Scripture he giveth this reason why Calvine cannot denye the authoritie there-of in this because hee vseth the authoritie there-of in another poynt him-selfe to wit agaynst the invocation of Sayncts and therefore he cannot say Patres in uno sapere sayth hee in alio delirasse that is That the Fathers were wise in one point but proved sottish in another And yet speaking of that famous first Councel of Chalcedō their decreeting agaynst Papall Supremacie he bringeth in Pope Gelasius Verdict there-of where-with himselfe consenteth saying Quod in eo quaedam fuerunt bona admittenda quaedam vero mala rejicienda that is That in that Councell some thinges were good and to be admitted and some thinges were evill and to bee rejected And consequentlie that the Fathers were wyse in some things and in other things proved but sottish to wit in such things as they make agaynst Poperie viz. that great Dagon especially of the Pope's Supremacie Agayne when this fame Councell of Chalcedon which he acknowledgeth was vniversallie and whollie approven is cited agaynst Forraigne Appeales to Rome yet Bellarmine answereth heere-to thus That Pope Leo did approue the same onlie so farre as it medled with the explication of matters of Fayth Now if Papall Supremacie be not a point of Fayth let Boniface the eight his Decree witnesse declaring That except a man belieue the same hee cannot bee saved Seeing therefore that Pope Leo approved the Councell in so farre as it defyned matters of Fayth in so farre then as it defyned concerning Papall Supremacie it will followe by Bellarmine's owne consent That the same was approven by Pope Leo fore-sayde In lyke manner Bellarmine adduceth the Councell of Eliberis for Baptisme by Laickes But when the same is adduced agaynst Images in Churches hee rejecteth the same as of no authoritie Also that famous Councell of Franckford holden vnder Charles the Great agaynst the worship of Images was confirmed by Pope Hadrian sayeth Bellarmine in so farre as it defyned That Christ was not the adoptiue Sonne of God But is rejected by him sayeth hee vpon the other part in so farre as that Councell condemned the seaventh Councell before it to wit for decreeing the worshipping of Images Agayne where-in Concilium Quinisextum or Trullanum maketh for picturing of Images in Churches Bellarmine sayeth That in so farre it was approven by Pope Hadrian but wherin it displeased his Holinesse it was rejected vpon this reason Because the Pope was not there-by him-selfe nor his Legates VVhich reason if it were sufficient for rejecting a Councell then vpon the same might that second famous Generall Councell bee rejected vvhich was celebrated at Constantinople agaynst Macedonius that denyed the Deitie of the Spirit For thus doeth Bellarmine confesse hereof saying That it is to bee noted that in that Councell not one of the Westerne partes was there and yet it is whollie approven Pope Gregorie reverenced the same as one of the foure Gospels Lyke-wyse in the poynt of Papal Supremacie Bellarmine to proue the same by ancient Councels citeth the Florentine But when a Canon of the same Councell is cited agaynst Vnction in Confirmation as no-wyse Apostolicall Bellarmine answereth That all things that are in Councels pertayne not to the Fayth In lyke manner Bellarmine to proue the Communion vnder one kynde to haue beene an olde Custome long before Constance hee citeth the Councel of Basill But when the same Councel is cited to proue the Councell aboue the Pope it is rejected with no gentler Styles than Conciliabulum Schismaticum Seditiosum nullius Authoritatis that is A Schismaticke Conventicle and a seditious which is of no Authoritie So highlie doeth Bellarmine advance here-by their Note of Popish Vnitie Againe the Councell of Constance sayth Bellarmine in the first Sessions thereof where it defineth the Councell to bee aboue the Pope is rejected but in the last Sessions thereof and in all things that Pope Martine 5 approved it is received by all good Catholickes Basill then was lawfull in the beginning but vnlawfull in the ending because it
displeaseth the Pope And Constance heere in the contrarie is vnlawfull in the beginning but lawfull in the ende because it pleaseth him So that wee may see altho Bishops in Councels be Iudges and haue a decisme Vote so that whereon they agree according to Bellarmine's assertion they may say It seemed good to the holie Ghost and to vs. Yet when they haue decreeted all even Sub anathemate yet the Pope out of his supereminent power may admit what hee list or reject what hee pleaseth and so advanceth himselfe aboue the holie Ghost to whom in the decreeing those things seemed good and consequentlie aboue GOD and that which is worshipped CHAP. XIIII Popish avowed Rejection in their late Councels of the most primitiue and principall Antiquitie LAST of all what regard they carrie in their late Papall Councels to the most principall onlie greatest Antiquitie of Divine Institution Apostolicall Practise and holie Custome of the primitiue Church which is the onelie way that should bee inquired for let their avowed Confession of the Transgression of those Sacred Limits their professed Declyning from that primitiue Path testifie saying thus in Councel concerning the matter of the holie Eucharist Al-be-it Christ did institute this Venerable Sacrament after Supper say they and gaue the same to His Disciples vnder both kyndes of Bread and Wyne And lyke-wyse al-be-it in the primitiue Church the same Sacrament was received by the Faythful vnder both kynds yet not-with-standing this custom is vpō speciall reasons now broght in to wit For the eschewing of Perils and Scandals That it shall bee hence-foorth received by the Priest vnder both kyndes but by the Laickes onelie vnder one kynde of Bread These are the verie plaine wordes of those Popish Prelates in the Councell of Constance And yet Bellarmine for this Reâson onelie of Disagreement from Christ's Institution and His owne Practise or Example there-in rejecteth Saynct Iames Lyturgie making that want of Conformitie there-to as to the Patterne in the Mount a just cause of rejecting any prescription in God's Sacred worship vvhether contrarie or diverse there-from No marvell there-fore as the Iewes rejected Christ Him-selfe preferring to Him Barabbas so that after Him also they persecuted His Disciples And even so it is no marvell that the Romanists nowe reject at their pleasure the fore-sayde humane Testimonies which are agaynst them preferring to Sacred Antiquitie their new Venome of Heresie vvhen they so peartlie and publicklie professe their Incroaching vpon the most ancient Institution and Sacred Testament of the verie Sonne of GOD and the Great Seale of HIS Glorious Kingdome THE THIRD BOOKE OF HISTORIE CHAP. XV. How they deale with the auncient Histriographers and their owne Records 1. By giving them the Lie when they make agaynst them FIrst then for Precedencie to begin with a Pope when Aeneas Sylvius called there-after Pius the second declareth That before the Councell of Nice little respect was had to the Church of Rome but each one lived to him-selfe Bellarmine answereth Sententia Aeneae Sylvii partim non est vera that is The Relation of Aeneas Sylvius is not partlie true And so the Cardinall giveth his Holinesse roundlie the Lie Next to a Pope howe hee vseth a Cardinall let his owne wordes witnesse For when Benno the Cardinal is truelie relating the Vitiousnesse of Pope Gregorie the seaventh and the Innocencie of the Emperour Henrie the fourth whome hee persecuted Bellarmine calleth him a Lowde Liar and sayeth that his booke is full of moste shamelesse Lies Thirdlie howe conjun̄ctlie a Troupe of Wryters for companie get the Lie together let Bellarmine giue Testimonie vnto vs who telleth vs That al-be-it all auncient Wryters agree in this That the Councell of Franckford condemned the seaventh Synode which established the worshipping of Images yet Alanus Copus sayeth Mentiuntur omnes that is They are all Liars Which Bellarmine calleth Paulo durius dictum that is Some-what hardlie spoken But beholde how hee next falleth into this Ditch him-selfe VVhen Martinus Polonus relateth the Historie of Sylvester the second who solde him-selfe to the Devill to attayne to the Papacie which Historie Platina Bembus Nauclerus Fasciculus Onupbrius and all other Histriographers testifie Yet Bellarmine having a Face of the lyke temper with the brazen bellie of Nebuchadnezar's Image aunswereth saying Respondeo sine dubio esse fabulas quae narrantur de magia morte Sylvestrit that is I answere That without doubt sayeth hee they are but Fables which are tolde of the Witchcraft and death of pope Sylvester Agayne when the same Martinus Polonus and other thirtie three Historicians all Friendes to the Church of Rome most of them Clergie Men some of them Sayncts report howe pope Ioane a vitious Whoore possessed the papall Sea so long and died publicklie in birth in her pontificall procession Bellarmine giveth him and all the rest the Lie In lyke manner when Paphnutius Opposition in the first Councell of Nice to compelled Single lyfe is recorded not onelie by Socrates and Zozomen but also by Epiphanius and received as true by all their owne Wryters as Espenseus Alphonsus de Castro Gratian Petrus Costus and others yet not-with-standing Bellarmine answereth saying Eyther that all is false which those men report of Paphnutius or else if anie such thing fell out that it was but badlie tolde by them Last of al how they vse their own Wryters severally let these few Instances lyk-wyse to vs notifie Whē Beatus Rhenanus deponeth faythfullie That pope Zepherin was a Montanist Bellarmine aunswereth thus Mentitur Rhenanus that is Hee is a lowde Liar VVhen Canus lyk-wyse declareth That pope Honorius vvas an Hereticke having for his warrand not onelie his condemning in Councels but also his owne Letter contayning a cleare Evidence That hee was a Monothelite Bellarmine not-with-standing aunswereth thus Dico Canum his errare that is I saye that Canus twyse strayeth from the Trueth And vvhen Durand and Adrian are produced to testifie That Gregorie did erre Bellarmine aunswereth shortlie and sayeth That Gregorie erred not but they rather erred departing from the Trueth sayeth hee in reporting so 2. How they alleadge them to be corrupt when they make agaynst them FOr instancing heere-of vvhen vvee bring a place out of Eusebius agaynst papall Supremacie showing If anie had the same in the Apostles dayes it was Iames the Lord's Brother who was bishop of Hierusalem and is called Episcopus Apostolorum Bellarmine aunswereth heere-to Locum sine dubio esse corruptum that is That the place of Eusebius is without all doubt corrupted Agayne when we bring agaynst the same Supremacie the Act of that auncient Councell of Carthage as their owne Gratian citeth and setteth it downe That none no not the bishop of Rome should bee called Vniversall and which in effect pope Gregorie him-selfe doeth testifie Bellarmine aunswereth That Gratian corrupted that Canon by adding some