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A68595 A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.; Confessio Christianae fidei. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Fills, Robert, fl. 1562. 1565 (1565) STC 2007; ESTC S101755 149,544 418

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in the name of one whole Churche or of one whole nation When it shalbe expedient so to do it must then be vnderstād what is the power autheritie of suche an assembly which they call generall councell ●● Hovve far vve may differ from the councels SOme there be y t contemne the councels of y e church as things of nothing some other thynke that all that commeth from the coūcels ought to be receiued as the word of God without exception But wée doo not agrée with the one nor the other For wée doubt not but the lord is amongst those which be lawfully called in his name as he hath promised although they wer but two or thrée then much lesse do we dout but that he gouerneth with greater power in y e greater cōpany of his church which he gouerneth by his holy spirit And we knowe be assured that the truth of God is stedfastlier grounded thā vpon niē whatsoeuer they be for we al know not God as yet but in a part Moreouer experiēce sheweth vs sufficiently howe easy it is to abuse this title of councels namely what cōtrarietie there is amōg thē Wherfore we conclude y ● a meane must be kepte whiche is neither to despise thē nor yet to extol set them vp aboue god who only cānot erre And saincte Augustine sayth the churche ought not to bee preferred before Iesus Christ For he iudgeth alwayes truely but the ecclesiasticall Iudges oftentimes may deceyue themselues truly so they doo For who condemned Iesus Christe A counsel lawfully assembled if we consyder the outewarde succession and appearaunce Who concluded that those whyche were baptysed by Heretykes shoulde bée rebaptysed A Councell of Affrica where as was sainct Cyprian And to be briefe if it shall be nedeful to consyder the inconstancie of the Iudgemente of the councels I speake namely of those whyche without controuersye haue ben gathered in the name of God It shall bée easye to declare that suche haue but a weake staye whiche haue no surer foundation But yet wée maruell of those whiche reproue and condemne vs as contemners of Councels whiche neuerthelesse will kéepe themselues no one iote of them Witnesse the councell of Basile which was abolished by all the Popes following and others Now to the ende that they may the better vnderstande whether oure sayings be conformable to the truthe of God or not sée what we shall saye in this matter hereafter 13. To vvhome it pertayneth to call a councell THe communaltie oughte to be assembled by order and then by authoritye of some one elected among them we doubte not but that it is the offyce of the magistrate to giue order and prouide that the ecclesiasticall estate maye bée well gouerned and ruled in peace and to encrease therein Now yf the chiefe Magistrate bee a Chrystian by his authoritye suche assemblies ought to come togither as it hathe euer beene practised in the Churche of God without contradiction vntill suche tyme as the ambition of the Patriarkes and especially they of Rome hathe reuersed and ouerturned the whole order Notwithstandynge we confesse that for lacke of Christian Princes or when they shall not do their dutie then must the Pastors which watche ouer the flocke take héede to those thyngs that be necessarie for the Churche but in suche sorte as all thinges maye be doone without ambition or disorder as wée sée howe the Churche of Antioche hath practised as it is written in the Actes of the Apostles 14 Hovve those oughte to be chosen vvhiche the Churches doe sende ●o the councels WHen it was requisite that thyngs shoulde be doone extraordinaryly in a Generall assemblie in the name of a whole Church or of a communaltie as if it were néedefull to sende one man or diuers or many men in the name of a whole parishe Diocesse or nation Although it were supposed that those persons whyche had the ordinarie charges and offices in the Churche were then the moste méetest to deale with the affaires in councels whiche was in that time when the offices were gyuen to suche persons as were most méete by a frée ecclesiasticall election whyche was then done with fastyng and prayer Yet neuerthelesse in those dayes there was great choyse so that all the church with a common consent had respect to chuse men whyche were indewed with giftes and graces of the holy Ghost as well in lyfe as in learning As it appeareth in the history conteined in the Acts of the Apostles concerning the first councell holden at Ierusalem where the Apostles were gathered together Muche more nowe when all is ouerturned and in stead of Pastours they are Mummers or Maskers as all the worde may sée Nowe who that woulde chuse and gather together into one heape and companye all the fylthye and abhominable rabble of the worlde let him assemble those whiche they now call Prelates of the church and he shall finde that from the greatest to the least they bée all bounde by theyr othe to maynteyne and vpholde the tyranny of him against whom the counsell shoulde be assembled and gathered And the whole rabble of them be entred into the Churche by brykes and symonie agaynst the commaundement of God agaynst the manacyng and threatninge of Sainct Peter agaynst all the customes of the primatiue Churche against all the auncient Cannons decrées and Councels whereby all suche personnes be excommunicated and throwen out of the Churche then muche lesse ought they to bée holden for Prelates and gouernoures of the Churche whylest there is suche disorders I saye what folyshnesse is it to all suche an assemblie a godly or lawful Councel where s●ant one can be founde whyche is a member of the true Churche of God We say then to assemble a lawfull councell those oughte not whiche be nothyng lesse than that they be called to enterprise anye thynge on theyr owne authoritie But the Churches oughte to assemble together wyth fastyng and earnest prayer with a common consent where it may be suffered or at the least with the beste order that may be doone euery churche to elect and appoynt those which be known to be vnreprouable in their lyues endued with the spirite of wysedome and vnderstanding and other giftes méete and necessarie to suche an office without respecte of crosses myters double crownes or any suche maskings vnder the which all the worlde may sée what knowledge or gifts of the holy Ghost dwelleth 15. Euery man ought to be heard in the councell Prouyded that there be no confusion FOr as muche as Hypocrites may deceyue a whole multitude and also the Holy Ghost distributeth his giftes and graces to whome hée séeth good and oftentymes to those whiche bee of least estimation as it hapned to Hieremie and to Amos at that tyme when all the Prelates of the churche had conspired against the truth of god and as we sée in our tyme the
theyr Masse but we doo comprehende vnder this woorde Gospell not onelie all the newe Testament but also all that which hath bene prophecied to come or promised in the old Testament touching Iesus Christe For as we haue saide the Gospell is the onelie meane by the which GOD from the beginning of the worlde hath alwaies saued his electe and therfore began to declare it in the beginning of the worlde to Adam as Moises declareth and afterwarde it was declared and preached manifestlie plainelie by Iesus Christ himselfe in his owne person by his Apostels We call Gospell that happy tidinges which GOD by his onelie grace and mercie hath declared to his Church from the beginning of the worlde that is to saye whosoeuer beleeueth in Iesus Christ shalbe saued 27 Hovv it is to be vnderstande that vve haue spoken of the auctoritie of the vvoorde vvritten and if it be necessarie to translate it into all languages THirdly when wee saye that the Gospell so written and regystred as God hath geuen it vs is the onely ordinary meane with the whiche the spirite of God is serued to saue man by reason whereof this word is called the word of lyfe and of reconciliation Wee doe not rest nor stay vpon syllables neyther vpon paper and ynke neyther vppon a Gospell hanged about ones necke or read spoken or pronounced onelye as these Charmers doe their charmes neyther a Booke finely carued and gylte or worshipped by sensing and other fyne inuentions but exclude all fantasticall inuentions whiche euer haue serued the Deuyll and vnderstande that to bee the Gospell which is well and trulye preached and expounded so that the substaunce thereof bee well vnderstande by the people and to laye it vp in their hartes where it maye bryng foorth the fruite of true repentaunce by fayth as Saynte Paule and Saynte Peter haue expresselye declared Also Iesus Christ dyd not say to his Apostels goe reade the Gospell in an vnknowen toung and woorshyp the booke wherein it is wrytten but hee sayde goe and preache the Gospell to all Creatures But howe shall they beleeue wythout vnderstandyng For fayth commeth by hearyng as sayth Saynte Paule And howe shall they vnderstande that which is soong or reade in an vnknowen toung or not syncerelye and trulye expounded Howe also shall those bee confyrmed in the holye and true doctrine and comforted in all theyr temptations and aduertised to knowe the false doctrine from the pure exposition of the Christian religion but in meditation and readyng of the woorde of God nyghte and daye as sayeth the Prophet Dauid and conferryng together diligentlye the sextes of the holye Scripture And so hath it beene alwayes vsed in the Churche vntyll the Deuyll by the iuste punyshement of God dyd put awaye thys lyghte to brynge in hys darckenes before it was perceyued Sayncte Peter is wytnes wryttyng to all the faythfull when he prayseth them for the dilligence whiche they tooke to Reade and vnderstande the Prophet rightlie For he knewe when the Lorde had sayde to him feede my shéepe was to be vnderstande of the preachinge of the woorde of lyfe As Saint Paule expounded it and practised it Yet notwithstanding wee doo not saye that euerie one ought to be a Doctour and expositour of the holye Scrypture For this office appertayneth to those which bee called and ordayned lawfullye to doo it in the Churche But wee speake of readynge the Scrypture to be confyrmed in that which hath bene expounded and to reiect the false Doctrine of false Pastours and Teachers And we deny that the reading of the holie Scripture and the preachinge of the same for the which the Doctors and Pastours be ordayned in the Church and not to Sacrifice a newe Iesus Christe or to bring in a straunge Language among the common people maketh heretikes But on the contrarie there is none other meane or way in the worlde to driue awaye all heresies And whosoeuer taketh awaye or letteth the readyng of the Scripture taketh awaye incontinent the onelie meanes of consolation and the saluation of the poore people 28. Hovv the holy Ghost is serued vvith the exteriour preachyng of the Gospel to create faith in the hartes of the elect ▪ and to harden the reprobate FOurthly we saye that as this exteryour preaching of the Gospell is a sauour or odour of death to the Rebels whych harden them selues lyke wyse is it the sauour or odour of lyfe to the children of God not that thys force and vertue to saue is in the noyse or sounde of the woorde or that it commeth from the power of him whiche Preacheth but because the holie Ghoste of whose office we speake is serued with this externall Preachinge as with a trunke or conduite which entreth and pearseth vnto the verie depthe of the spirite as sayth the Apostle for to make by his onelie grace and goodnesse the vnderstanding of the Children of God capable and meete to conceyue and vnderstande this highe mysterie of their Saluation by Iesus Christe Moreouer to reforme and renew their iudgementes whereby they maye approue that to bée the sapience and wisedome of GOD whiche our sense and reason estéemeth to bée follie Moreouer to correcte and chaunge their wyll so that with an ardent affection they maye embrace and appropriate to them selues the remedie which is geuen them and shewed foorth in Iesus Christe against dispaire into the which without the same they shoulde fall perforce headlong through the preaching of the law Nowe yee maye see how the holye Ghos by the preaching of the Gospell healeth the wounde whyche the preaching of the lawe hath discouered and layd open Here ye may see how the preaching of the Gospell createth in vs the gift of fayth whiche commeth incontinent and apprehendeth in Iesus Christ al that is necessarye to saluation as hath bene shewed heretofore 26. Another fruite of the preaching of the lavv after the preaching of the gospell beginneth to vvorke NOwe among the benefytes of Iesus Christe dwellyng in vs as it hath beene declared this is not the least to create in vs a pure harte to knowe to wyll and to doo that which is of God that is to say to take pleasure and to studye to serue God in steede where wee were before slaues of synne enemyes of God and coulde not onelye thynke anye good By this meanes the preaching of the lawe beginneth to chaunge the effect in vs after that our disposition is chaunged in suche wyse that in steede where it made vs afrayde it comforteth vs in steede where it shewed vs our condemnation readye prepared it serueth vs nowe for a guyde to shewe vs the good workes into the which wee be prepared to walke in them In steede that it was a yoke vnpleasaunte and importable nowe it is
the most excellent works and the qualities of true praier according to the work of God and the authoritye of the aunciente doctors of the Church folio 28 17 The secōd differēce of y e mater of good works is to know from whence they procéede fol. 31 18 The thyrde dyfference in the matter of good workes is to knowe wherevnto they be good fol. 33 19 To what ende good works do serue vs before God and before men foli 34 20 Remedies against the laste and most daungerous temptation which is whether we be saued or not fol. 37 21 Of two instrumentes wherewith the holye Ghoste is serued to create fayth in the hartes of his electe to wéete the worde of God and the sacraments foli 42 22 What is that we call the word of God and of the two partes that is to say the lawe and the Gospel Eodem 23 What dyfference there is betwene the law and the Gospell folio 43 24 After what maner the preaching of the law serueth the holy ghost fo 46 25 Of the other part of the word of god caled the gospel of what autoritie it is wherfore howe and to what ende it is written foli 48 26 How the gospel comprehendeth in substance all the bookes of the olde testament fo 50 27 Howe it is to be vnderstande that we haue spoken of the authority of the word written and if it be necessarye to traunslate it into all languages folio 51 28 Howe the holye ghost is serued with the exteriour preachinge of the Gospell to create fayth in the hartes of the elect and to harden the reprobate fol. 52 29 Another fruite of the preaching of the lawe after the preaching of the Gospel begynneth to worke folio 53 30 The seconde meane which the holye ghoste vseth to make vs reioyce in Iesus Christ and wherfore the lord is not only content with the symple preaching of his word fol. 55 31 The diffynition of that which is called Sacrament folio 57 32 The difference betwen the sacraments of y e olde couenaunt and those of the new fo 58 33 Whereby the false sacraments be knowen from the true and the abuse of them from the right vsage Eodem 34 Which things be common to the preaching of the word and to the sacraments fol. 59 35 What things belong properly to the sacramentes hauing respect to the ende wherefore they were ordained of God folio 60 36 Howe there is but two Sacraments in the Christian Church fol. 63 37 The fowre points which be to be consydered in the declaration of this matter Eodem 38 The first point is to vnderstand what we do meane by the name of sygnes in this matter of Sacramentes and wherfore the Lord dyd chuse for sygnes the most vulgar and cōmon thinges Eodem 39 What followeth the errour of those which take awaye the substaunce from the sygnes in the sacrament foli 65 40 What mutation or change is in the things which he vsed in the sacrament Eodem 41 From whence proceedeth this alteration the errour of those which make a charme or sorcery of the the ▪ sacramental words fo 66 42 The Sacramentes to be no Sacramentes without the vse of them Eodem 43 The seconde poynt is the thing sygnified in the sacrament Eodem 44 The thyrd poynt is howe Iesus Christ is ioygned with the sygnes Eodem 45 The distinction of sygnes and of the thing sygnified Folio 67 46 The maner to communicate aswel y ● signes of the sacraments as the thing signified eodē 47 Application of all that is beforesayde of the sacrament of Baptisme foli 68 48 For what cause the young chyldren of the faithfull be Baptised foli 70 49 Applycation of all that goeth before of the Sacrament of the Supper and the ryght vse therof foli 71 50 The conclusion of the matter of the Sacraments foli 76 51 Wherfore y e holy ghost is called y ● consolator or comfortour and to what purpose and ende the afflictions of the faithful serueth Eodem ¶ The v. poynt intreating of the Church containeth the 43. Articles 1 That there hath alwayes béene and ouer shalbe a Churche out of the whiche there is no saluation Foli 77 2 There can be but one true Church Fol. 78 3 Wherfore we call the Church catholik eodē 4 In what thynge lyeth the Communion of Saynts Eodem 5 The Churche hath but one heade that is to saye Iesus Christe to whome there néedeth no lieuetenaunt foli 79 6 The communion of the Sayntes letteth nor hindereth not the diuersytie of offices among the faithfull fol 80 7 The markes whereby we maye discerne the false Church from the true fol. 81 8 Which be the true members of y ● church fo 82 9 The marks or tokens of the Churche be not alwaies in one estate and how it ought to be gouerned fol. 83 10 Wherein consisteth the duetie and autority of the Church generally Folio 84 11 Of the autority of the vniuersal counselles and first what is an vniuersall counsel Eodē 12 Howe farre wée maye dyfferre from the counselles folio 85 13 To whom it pertaineth to cal a coūsel fo 86 14 Howe those ought to bee chosen whiche the churches do send to the counsels folio 87 15 Euery man ought to be heard in the counsel prouided that there be no confusion fol. 88 16 Who ought to procéede or to be chiefe in the counsell folio 89 17 How far extendeth the power of the coūsels and why they be ordained in the church fo 91 18 The first point to consider the case wel when or at what time they shoulde set vp publique lawes in the Churche folio 93 19 The secōd poynt which is to be considered in the Ecclesiasticall ordinaunces folio 95 20 The third consideration that ought to be had in Ecclesiasticall ordinaunces folio 96 21 What is to be aunswered to those whiche alleadge counselles against vs. folio 97 22 Of particular counselles as of nations or prouinces Foli 98 23 Howe manye sortes of speciall gouernours there be in the Churche Eodem 24 The office of Apostles Euangelists Prophetes in the primatiue Church folio 99 25 Of the office of pastours doctours fol. 100 26 The dyfference betwéene Pastours and Doctours folio 101 27 The pastours and doctours be but instrumentes by the which God conducteth the mynisterye of his worde Eodem 28 The markes and tokens of false Doctours and Pastours fol ▪ 102 29 Of degrées which ought to be among ministers of the worde according as they be disseuered by companies folio 104 30 The second degrée of Ecclesiasticall offices which is the office of deacons the distribution of the goodes of the Church foli 105 31 Of the fowre orders whiche they call minores ordine foli 107 32 The third degre of ecclesiastical offices which is the iurisdiction office of the elders fol. 108 33 To what purpose and ende serueth the ecclesiasticall iurisdiction and
not written but halfe or a part what assuraunce had there bene in their doctrine And as S. Augustine speaking of the Traditions whiche they call Apostolikes If Iesus Christ had kept backe any thing from vs who coulde saye it is this or that Or if any should say it how could he proue it we conclude then that it is open and manifest blasphemye against the auctoritie of Iesus Christ the onely espouse Lord maister and head of the Churche against the Prophetes and Apostles against the worde of God and all the Auncient and faythfull Doctours Briefe it is to reuerse and ouerturne the foundation of the Churche to estéeme and thinke that it were lawfull to men whatsoeuer they were to put to or take from that doctrine contayned in the holie scripture But here ye maye sée what hath caused oftentimes y ● faithfull to assemble and come together First to maintaine the pure syncere doctrine contained in the holy scripture against the heretikes which would corrupt it Also to render and geue an open testimonye of the healthfull doctrine of saluation preached and written by the Apostles Farre was it from them to assemble or congregate to adde to it any thing in condemning it as vnperfect Brieflye they dyd not assemble to stablishe and confirme the scriptures the which be grounded and stablished vpon the eternall trueth of God and shal continue for euer but for to confirme them selues by the scriptures against Satan and his adherentes So then we beléeue the holy church not as the foundation of the Scriptures but grounded vpon the doctrine of y ● scriptures which be pure and the onelye trueth so that for this cause the Church is called by S. Paul and with good right the pyller and stay of the trueth And consequētly we estéeme that assembly for a false church which swarueth from this foūdation and for a whoorishe Churche that which heareth the voyce of a straunger not being content with y ● voyce of her spouse Secondlie the faythfull be gathered together for to appoynt and set orders in the church a● it is to be séen in the Actes of the auncient counsel For of necessitie al things must be done in the Church of God by good order as S. Paule sayde But this may not be but when necessities do happen But of this let vs mark well the poyntes which folow 18 The fyrst poynt to consider the case well when or at what tyme they should set vp politike lawes in the Church FIrst there ought to be put great difference betwene the doctrine of saluation and those things which they establish onely for to kéepe the ciuill order required in the church For the doctrine vnder the which also we doo comprehende the Sacraments do teach the conscience dependeth not vpon man who is bounde to mayntaine it vnder paine of damnation without chaūging putting to or dyminishing any thing in no manner of wise as we haue declared heretofore but the canonicall ordinaunces concerning the manner of doing is all exterior and outwardlye according to the cyrcumstances of places tymes and persons by reason whereof they can neyther be perpetuall nor vniuersall without exception For such order and fashion maye be holden in one place which can nor maye in no wyse bee vsed in another place Such thing also is good in one place or in one time which shoulde be vnprofitable or domageable in another And for this cause there is often tymes contrariety among y e Canons as it was néedefull to haue respect to those which were expedient For as much then as such ordinaunces be mutable and made by man it followeth that they concerne not the conscience but in cases of slaunder and dysorder which shoulde bee a let or stoppe of the purpose for the whiche they were set vp that is to saye the edification and quietnes of the Church as for example It was agreed vpon in Ierusalem by the Counsell where the Apostles were that the onelye grace of God iustifieth vs by faith against those which woulde ioyne the Ceremonies of the lawe with the Sacrifices of Iesus Christe And moreouer fornication is forbidden Beholde a doctrine which was not newly set vp by the authoritie of the Counsell but with good ryght approued by this assemble For as much as it is the true doctrine reuealed to the worlde from the begynning and confyrmed by all the preachynges and writinges of the Prophetes Finally it is ordained that the Gentiles shoulde abstayne from eating the Sacrifices of Idolles from bloud and beastes that bée suffocate or strangled I saye that this is an ordynaunce dystiucte from the other going before the whiche partayneth not to the conscience nor to saluation simplye but onelye to the exterior and outwarde lyfe for to attayne an ende more excellent and perfecte that is to saye that the doctrine of saluation myght take place among the Iewes For if it had béene otherwyse the Apostles had béene contrary to them selues For in the begynning they agréede and stayed vpon this that grace onely iustifieth by fayth without the woorkes of the lawe and also they had béene contrarye to the doctrine of Iesus Christ which wytnesseth and sayth that which entreth into the mouth defileth not the man and Saint Paule which was in this Counsel should be contrary to him selfe For shortly after he wrote that the kingdome of God was not in meate nor drinke and that one mighte eate of al things without making any difficultie for conscience sake Such prohibitions be diue●lishe doctrines except they be vsed at lybertie to the edification of their neyghbours For auoyding slaunder let those then which wyll not vnderstande this dyfference declare to vs wherefore they haue abolished the Apostolycall ordinaunce or whether they haue greater power thē the Apostles or else whether they wyll geue place to the trueth of God and studye with vs to sée that whiche maye serue to the glorie of God in stéede to serue their owne auarice and ambition in abusing falsely the title and authority of the Church 19 The seconde poynt which is to be considered in the ecclesiasticall ordinaunces THE seconde poynt for asmuch as such ordinaunces and statutes be made to encrease the doctrine of y e Gospell let them be established and set vp in such wyse that not onelie there be no abuse or kinde of superstition but also y e man which of his nature is prompt ready to turne the best thinges in the world into abuse should not so easely abuse them And this must néeds be graūted that for lacke of takinge good héede in the begynning to this poynt hath bene the verie meanes to serue Satans turne for to abolyshe and destroye the true seruice of God in his Churche so that if néede were we coulde she we before ●he eyes of all men from tyme to time and point to point from what originall beginning Idolatry
degrées Concerning publike offences S. Paul wylleth that they should be reproued publikely for to redresse the slaunder and also practysed it him selfe in reprouing S. Peter If the most easiest meanes can profite it sufficeth if not they must procéede frō degrée to degrée vntyl they come to the last remedy w t such discretion that principally the honour of God may be kept that all maye be done to the edification of the body of the Churche As for offences which concerne the ecclesiasticall order there be aūcient canons ordayned from degrée to degrée yet neuertheles the rygour ought to bee moderated and out of them to chose those which bee most connenient for to edifie 41 vvhat excommunication is what the right vse thereof is THe ecclesiasticall corrections hath to degrées the firste is admonition Sometime easye and sometime sharpe according as the offēce of the case requyreth The second and last degrée is that we call excommunication wherin must be noted the poynt folowing First what is excommunication We cal excōmunication a sentence wherby the ecclesiasticall Seniors after lawfull knowledge of the cause dooth declare in the name and authoritie of God and his holy word that such or such one or many be iustlye excluded and seperated from y e company or communion of the Saynts that is to say y e Church of God by consequent delyuered to sathan for asmuch as without the Church there is no saluation yet not to continue for euer but so long as they continue vnreformed and vntil that they haue satisfied for the slander or offence geuen Secondly it must be vnderstande that such a power is not groūded vpon man for man hath no manner of power ouer the soule but by the authoritye of God who vseth them in the Churche as organes and instrumentes by whome hee speaketh therefore it is not to be doubted but such sentences be ratified and confyrmed in heauen For as muche as Iesus Christ hath so sayde and promised to all his church in the person of hys xii Apostles vnder the name of keies of the kingdome of heauen and to bynde and vnbinde as also S. Paule practised the lyke with the Churche of Corinthe and others Yet neuertheles the Churche ought after lawful satisfactiō to receyue him again which hath bene cast out that is to saye if afterward be shall satisfy to the Church make amends for the publyke offence according to the ordinaunce of the Church sufficient proofes had of true amendment as farre foorth as man may iudge And there is no doubte but such absolutary sentence is ratifyed and confirmed in heauen Thirdly it is to be noted diligently that such authoritie neuer pertayneth to one man alone except God worketh at any tyme extraordinarilye but to the whole ecclesiasticall senate Fourthly this is not geuen to al those whiche call them selues of the Churche but to the true ecclesiastical senate lawfullye and cannonicallye elected as wee haue sayde for to gouerne the affayres of the Church The fift poynt is y ● the very true ecclesiasticall senate cannot nor may not vse it at their wyls as we see al men be subiect to many infirmities But this power is lymitted appointed by the worde of God And for this cause Iesus Christ and his Apostles despised the excommunications of the Scrybes Pharisees And according to y e same Irene a most auncient Bishop of Lyons reproued verye sharplye the temerious excommunication which Victor Bishoppe of Rome made about the yeere of God a hundred nynetie and eight which declareth very well what was the primatiue or first be gynninge of the Byshoppes of Rome where as then they walked in vpryght conscience And there were other Bysshops y ● vnderstoode their office and one of the causes that the prouincial and nationall counsels were ordained and holden for was to heare and decide the causes of those whiche complayned of theyr pastors Also it appeareth sufficiently thorowout the whole ecclesiasticall hystorye howe the Byshoppes in these cases ought to helpe one another to edyfye without ambition Beside this the Metropolitans ought to be content thēseues with their lymites and ought to doo nothyng without the deuise of theyr brethrē in their Iurisdiction But ambition hath so wrought that of longe tyme the Bishops of the principall townes and aboue all hée of Rome hath drawn all to themselues witnesseth the falsehood of Boniface whiche was discouered and reuealed at the Counsell of Carthage where as was S. Augustine where it was ordayned that those of the Clergie of Affrica which appealed ouer the sea to Rome should be deposed from theyr office For the sixt poynt it is to bee noted to what end excommunication was ordayned of God First that the church of God shoulde he as pure as might be possyble and that there myght be no occasion to think that it should be a refuge or den of the wicked Secondly for feare that the infected shoulde not defyle those whiche were whole Thirdly if it were possible y ● the synner might bée brought home to the flocke againe It followeth then that this punishment must be applyed and vsed for to edifie as may be expedient and that there be good héede taken least they confounde the sinner by too much heauynes and sorowr when he geueth a sgyne of repentaunce but ther to mitigate the punishment when néede shall require ▪ 42 Of the ciuill and Christiā magistrate and to what ende his office tendeth IT resteth nowe to speake of Magistrates which bee in their estate the pryncipall members of the Churche ordained of God yea namely aboue al others in their estate To these appertayneth the doing execution of ciuyll and temporall affayres so as their subiectes maye lyue in peace By reason whereof the taxes and subsidies are due vnto them and to them appertayneth to vse the swoord which God hath geuen thē for the preseruation aswell of the countreyes which be committed to them as also for the defence and mayntenaunce of good lawes and punishment of the euyll and wicked doers Secondlye the duetye and offyce of the magistrates is not to regarde simplye the peace and concorde of subiectes but principallye for thys ende that the peace and concorde maye tende to the honour and glorie of God that all men maye lyue not onelye in a certayne ciuyll honestye but also with pyetie and true worshyppe of God ▪ as wytnesseth Saynte Paule For thys cause especiallye it appertayneth to the Magistrate that the Lawes whiche hée vseth and executeth maye bée conformable to the wyll of God and pryncipallye to geue order that the relygyon bee perfecte and holye and that all the Churche bee ordered accordynge to the woorde of God forbyddyng and punyshynge as the case requyreth All those which trouble the Churche or concerning the discipline thereof Also Dauid discribed the estate of a faithfull Prince
Hierarchie is 13 The abuse which is commytted in the seconde partie of ecclesiasticall offyces which be Deacons COncerning those whiche ought to wayte and watche vppon the doctrine and prayers let vs come first to the dispensation of the goodes of the poore for the which it was declared that the Deacons were principallye established Also in the Papistrie what examination what election or what order is there in the making of Deacons and Subdeacons what charge also is geuen them Forsoothe to bee able to iuggell in theyr mommerie to bee assistaunt at the renouncinge of the sacrifice and intercession of Iesus Christe as hath bene declared before in the thyrde and fowrth Article to syng a gobbet of the History of the Gospell or of an Epistle in an vnknowen language and without exposition to handell the Challice to holde the Crewetes to receyue the offeryng whereof the poore shall haue nothing to geue the Pax● to saye Ita missa est in a hye Masse But in what Churche forsoothe where they maye And for howe long Untyll they them selues maye be Priestes euen the first day And because that long time before he be a Priest that is to weete before hée haue the office of doctrine or of ecclesiasticall iurisdiction according to the olde Canons be must be for a tyme exercised and proned in these base offyces Therefore it was néedefull for these Maister Apes to worke some inuention for to saye they kéepe the auncient decrées Nowe I praye you these thinges consydered by what title dare these wycked wretches bée called Deacons against the testimony of the scripture against all the auncient decrées and Doctours For the which they spake of the offyce of the Deacons in the ministration of the Sacrament of the supper howe can it agree with that which is dyrectly against it And especially of Archdeacons by what tytle are they called by that name consyderinge they haue not followed one iotte of their office And for the admynistration of the goodes of the Churche where is the distrybution of fowre partes ordayned by auncient Counselles as it hath bene amplye declared in the thyrtie Article of the fyfte poynt From whence commeth that euerye Benefyce as they call it hath hys reuenue a parte But that the Lordes coate whiche the Souldiors woulde not teare is by them parted into infinyte peeces Where is the fowrth parte committed to the Byshoppe and howe is it dystributed I report mée to theyr whoores to Bawdes to Dogges to Hawkes Popengayes and Byrdes to Horses and Cookes Where be the Cleargye that ought to be norished with his fowrth portion But rather in what Churche haue they any learned Clarkes or Schollers I report mée to the Cathedrall Churches and Collegyalles as they doo call them where the bootye and spoyle is parted Where is the fowrth parte of the poore I reporte mée to those whiche kéepe the accoumptes of Hospytalles howe muche they be holpen by the part of those which haue the goods of the Churches Where is the fowrth part for the reparation not of theyr superfluous Palaces vnméete for Christian men and yet lesse for the entertaynement of such horryble Idolatries But to mayntayne the buyldynges necessarye for the congregations I report mée to those that sée it Beholde in summe the godly order of this Ecclesiastical Hierarchie in these poyntes 14 Of the abuse which is commytted in the order of Priesthoode and in the gouernment of theyr spirituall iurisdiction IF it bée néedefull to speake of the abuse whiche is commytted in the thyrde part of Ecclesiasticall offyces of the which hath bene spoken in the fifte poynt in the Artycles 32. 33. 34. and other following by what ende maye we begynne to enter into so great a confusion Fyrst by what authoritie haue they chaunged for the moste parte the nature of the spyrituall iurisdiction of the Churche into a m●ere temporalitie appertayninge onelye to the Ciuyll Magistrate by all ryght both diuine and humaine Secondly although the Priestes or Elders be especially ordained to do their offyce by Gods woorde from whence commeth it that it is so out of vse in all the Papacie For I doubt not of that I speake and also it is manyfest throughout the Scripture and by all the auncient Counselles and Doctours that those which be called Priestes at this daye be no more lyke that they beare the name of then blacke is lyke whyte For after theyr manner what is it to bée a Priest It is to haue authoritie to Sacrifice and to offer vp Iesus Christe for the quycke and for the deade that is to saye in one worde to turne the rootes vpwarde as much as in them is of all the grounde of our saluation as in other places hath bene sayde And from thence is it sprong that of Gouernours they haue made hyreling Sacrificers for wages And so there is become two sortes of Priestes that is to weete the Beneficed and the poore hyrelinges whiche lyue vnder the other and bée more busyed in offeringes aswell in their dayly butchery for mony as Iudas was as also affyrming theyr office to saue and dampne for money yea of those which be so occupyed to dampne them selues that they are forced to haue Uicars vnder them to dampne others And to aduaunce this occupation they muste yet haue goodlye Bulles and Dispensations to dystribute to all that commeth paying honestly for it to the ende that those which lyue to eate vp deuour and dampne all the worlde as muche as in them lyeth also maye deuour and dampne one another by priuiledge For truelye it is easye to sée in this confusion whiche is apparaunt to all the worlde and to those whiche bée of the best of them if theyr bellye doo not ouercome theyr consciences that the Diuell fyndeth hym selfe as it were combered and ouerladen to receyue so manye at once and woulde inuent some maner of way that eache maye come in bys ranke and order drawing and tollyng after him his companie a thyng certaynly moste miserable and pitifull amongst the Christian people Notwithstanding who hath this iurisdiction whiche deuowreth the quycke and the deade vnder the name of the Churche I wyll not enter here into the great bottomlesse court of Rome but I leaue it to be scanned to Saint Barnard in his bookes De consideratione to Pope ●●gene although that which they then dyd was nothyng in respecte of this whiche is nowe But I wyll speake of the Ordinarie Fyrst my Lorde Byshoppe maister Offyciall maister Uicar theyr Promoters Procurers and suche lyke haue taken the place of my maisters the Sacrificers On the other side the Canons as well in theyr Chapiter as in theyr dygnities Capitularies lykewyse haue taken theyr part ▪ Nowe for the first that is the Officialles and their sequell who hath set them in thys degrée Truelie the same Spyrite that doeth conducte them as the experyence declareth For as I haue sayde in other places it was not possyble to haue brought them