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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19267 An admonition to the people of England vvherein are ansvvered, not onely the slaunderous vntruethes, reprochfully vttered by Martin the libeller, but also many other crimes by some of his broode, obiected generally against all bishops, and the chiefe of the cleargie, purposely to deface and discredite the present state of the Church. Seene and allowed by authoritie. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1589 (1589) STC 5682; ESTC S118522 145,211 254

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by vvay of persvvasion for that partie commended to him by his neighbors to be a very honest and poore man hauing maried also the vvidovve of a Printer and hee did very well like and allovve of his placing by such as haue interest therein Neither did hee euer heare but by this Libeller vvho hath no conscience in lying that hee uer printed any such bookes This I knowe of a certaintie that Thomas Orwin himselfe hath vpon his booke oath denied that he euer printed either Iesus Psalter or Our Lady Psalter or that hee euer was any worker about them or about any the like bookes But the poysoned serpent careth not whome hee stingeth Whether Waldgraue haue printed any thing against the state or no let the bookes by him printed be iudges I doe not thinke that eyther hee or any Martinist euer heard any Papist say that there was no great iarre betweene the Papistes and the Archbishop in matters of Religion It is but the Libellers Calumniation If they did what is that to him I thinke Martin him selfe doubteth not of the Archbishops soundnesse in such matters of Religion as are in controuersie betwixt the Papists and vs. If hee doe the matter is not great The Vniuersitie of Cambridge where hee liued aboue thirtie yeeres and publiquely read the Diuinitie Lecture aboue seuen yeeres and other places where he hath since remained will testifie for him therein and condemne the Libeller for a meere Sycophant and me also of follie for answering so godlesse and lewde a person It is no disparagement to receiue testimonie of a mans aduersarie and therefore if Master Reinolds haue giuen that commendation to his booke in comparison of others it is no impeachment to the trueth thereof I haue not seene Reinolds his booke the Libell is so full of lies that an honestman cannot beleeue any thing conteined in it My Lorde of Canterburie woulde be sorie from the bottome of his heart if his perswasion and the grounds thereof were not Catholike he detesteth and abhorreth schismaticall grounds and perswasions and thereunto hee professeth himselfe an open enemie which hee woulde haue all Martinists to knowe That of the Spaniardes stealing him away c. is foolish and ridiculous I would the best Martinist in England durst say it to his face before witnesse Hee firmely beleeueth that Christ in soule descended into hell All the Martinists in Christendome are not able to proue the contrary they that indeuour it doe abuse the scriptures and fall into many absurdities Hee is likewise perswaded that there ought to be by the word of God a superioritie among the Ministers of the Church which is sufficiently prooued in his booke against T. C. and in D. Bridges booke likewise and hee is alwayes ready to iustifie it by the holy Scriptures and by the testimonie of all antiquitie Epiphanius and August account them heretikes that holde the contrary The Arguments to the contrary are vaine their answeres absurd the authorities they vse shamefully abused and the Scriptures wrested He hath shewed sufficient reason in his booke against T. C. why Ministers of the Gospell may be called Priests The ancient fathers so cal them The church of England imbraceth that name and that by the authoritie of the highest court in England And vvhy may not Presbyter be called Priest In these three points vvhereof the last is of the least moment he doth agree vvith the holy Scriptures vvith the vniuersall Church of God vvith all antiquitie and in some sort vvith the Church of Rome But he doth disagree from the Church of Rome that now is in the dregges which it hath added as that Christ should harrow hell that the Pope should be head of the vniuersall Church that hee or any other Priest shoulde haue authoritie ouer Kings and Princes to depose them to deliuer their subiects from the othe of their obedience c. These things haue neither the word of God nor the decrees of ancient Councels nor the aucthoritie of antiquitie to approoue them but directly the contrary As for the name of Priest as they take it hee doeth likewise condemne in our Ministers neyther doe themselues ascribe it to them And therefore the Libeller in these poyntes writeth like himselfe Touching Wigginton c. That which he speaketh of Wigginton is like the rest sauing for his saucie and malapert behauiour towarde the Archbishoppe wherein in trueth hee did beare with him too much Wigginton is a man well knowen vnto him and if hee knewe himselfe he woulde confesse that hee had great cause to thanke the Archbishoppe As hee was a foolish proude and vaine boy a laughing stocke for his follie to all the societie with whome hee liued so doeth hee retaine the same qualities being a man sauing that his follie pride and vanitie is much increased so that nowe hee is become ridiculous euen to his owne faction The honestest the most and the best of his parish did exhibite to the high Commissioners articles of very great moment against him the like whereof haue seldome bene seene in that Court The most and woorst of them are prooued by diuers sufficient witnesses and some of them confessed by himselfe as it appeareth in record For which enormities and for that he refused to make condigne satisfaction for the same and to conforme himselfe to the orders of the Church by lawe established he was by due order of lawe deposed from his Ministerie and depriued of his benefice and so remayneth being vnfit and vnworthie of either The tale of Atkinson is a lowde notorious and knowen lie For neither did he euer say so to the Archbishop neither woulde hee haue taken it at his handes neither was that any cause of Wiggintons depriuation but vanitie and hypocrisie causeth this man to haue so small conscience in lying according to that saying Omnis hypocrisis mendacio plena est That heathenish vntrueth vttered diuers times in this booke that the Archbishop shoulde accompt preaching of the word of God to be heresie and mortally abhorre and persecute it is rather to bee pitied then answered If man punish not such sycophants God wil do it to whose iust iudgement the reuenge of this iniurie is referred He doth bridle factious vnlearned Preachers such as the more part of that sect are vvho notwithstanding crye out for a learned Ministerie themselues being vnlearned and so vvould be accounted of all men if it were not propter studium partium I say vvith S. Hierome Nunc loquentibus pronunciantibus plenus est orbis loquuntur quae nesciunt docent quae non didicerunt magistri sunt cùm discipuli antè non fuerint The vvorld is full of them that can speake and talke but they speake the thinges they knovve not they teache the things they haue not learned they take vpon them to teach before they vvere schollers to learne Indeede our Church is too full of such talkers rather then sober teachers vvhome hee professeth himselfe greatly
gouernours of Prouinces to be punished if they neglect to execute the same But I wil make no longer discourse herein Such as doe doubt hereof and desire to be better satisfied I referre them to a Treatise which Maister Beza hath writtē for that matter I haue taried the longer in this part for that I am desirous to let the indifferēt christian reader vnderstand that it is but an assectionate iudgemēt of some when they impute the only cause to be in bishops why there is in these dayes so great back sliding from the Gospell so great mischiefe deuised against the Prince the State It appeareth their mindes are blinded with affection that they cannot see the trueth AN other crime layde against Bishoppes is that they maintaine pilling and pouling and as some in despite terme them bawdy courts If they maintayne courtes for the administration of Iustice in such thinges as are vvithin their charge they doe as I am persvvaded by Gods law they may doe and as by the lawes of this Realme and state of this Church they ought to doe But if they mayntaine pouling in their Courtes that in deede is vvorthy blame and by no pretence can bee salued For as all Magistrates ought to deale vprightly and vvithout corruption so principally such as be Spirituall and of the Church of God But hovv is it prooued that Bishops maintaine pouling Courtes Surely I knovve not For they doe not lay it dovvne in particulars If they did I thinke the matter might easily be answered vvith good reason It may bee they thinke the vnder-Officers take money and bribes where they should not For that is polling and extortion If it bee so it is euill and not to be suffered and vpon proofe the Lavve appoynteth sharpe punishment Though it bee true that they surmise in this case that Officers are so corrupt it is one thing to say The Officers vse pouling and another to say The bishop maintaineth a pouling Court A bishop may haue an euill Officer vvhome yet he vvill not maintaine no nor suffer if he knevve it and be able to redresse it I am in persvvasion there is no bishop in this Realme but if it be complayned of and proofe made vnto him that his officers take more then is prescribed by order and lavv that they may doe but wil mislike with the thing and doe his best to see it redressed Or if hee will not I fauour not their State so much but that I could vvish him to be punished himselfe But if a Bishops Officers shall be counted to poule when they take no more then the ordinary fees and duties by Lawe allowed the bishop when he beareth with the same shall bee called a maintainer of a poulling Court this is a matter in a slaunderer to be punished and not a fault in a bishop to bee blamed By this meanes all the Courtes in Englande may bee defamed and called poulling Courtes and the Officers or Iudges vnder whose authoritie they stande may bee reprooued as mainteners of poulling Courtes Bee it that there is vnlawfull taking in many Courtes of this Realme as happily there is in some by greedie Officers were it therefore the duetie of christian godly subiects to spread libels against the Prince or chiefe gouernors as mainteners of corruption briberie and pouling An hard matter it is in so corrupt times for anie magistrate to warrant the doinges of all inferiour officers I pray God this making of exception to Courtes and officers goe no further then to the officers of bishops and of the Cleargie Whatsoeuer they pretend the very root of the matter is this The whole state Ecclesiasticall by the loosenesse of this time is growen into hatred contempt all inferiour subiectes disdaine in any poynt to be ruled by them And therfore when they be called conuēted and punished for such things wherin they haue offended or be brideled of that they would do disorderly they grudge at it their stomackes rise against it and thinke al that is done to be vnlawfull though it be neuer so iust And because they are not able otherwise to be reuenged they crie out that they be cruel and poulling Courts Obiection To cut off the whole matter it wil be said that by the word of God it is not lawfull for bishops to haue such Courtes nor to exercise such iurisdiction Answere Yet truly I must answere that it is lawful for christian subiects to obey it and vnlawfull for them to kicke and spurne against it seeing it standeth by authoritie of the Lawes and of our Christian and gracious prince by whom God hath sent to vs and doeth continue with vs the free course of his Gospell But why may not a bishop exercise iurisdiction haue a Court to iudge determine and ende matters Surely Saint Paule sayth to Timothie Against a Priest or Elder receiue no accusation vnder two or three witnesses Here is an accuser Heere is a person accused here are witnesses examined heere is a iudgement and deciding of the matter therefore here is an exercise of iurisdiction and a manner of a Court. They will say It was not Timothies Court onely but ioyntly exercised with the residue of the Elders that had the gouernement Vndoubtedly there is no such thing there in that place The words are directed to Timothie only the adioyning of some other is but the interpretation of some fewe vpon which to build the necessity of a doctrine in the Church of Christ is but hard dealing and not sufficient to ground mens consciences vpon And yet here note you that by this place it is euident that ecclesiasticall persons may haue and vse iurisdiction To prooue that bishops may not alone exercise iurisdiction they adde Christes saying Matthew 18 If thy brother offend thee go and tel him his fault between thee and him alone If he shal heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother but if he wil not heare thee take yet with thee one or two if he wil not heare then Dic Ecclesiae Tell it to the Church Here say they we are willed to tel the Church but the Church cannot be vnderstāded to be one person as the bishop or such like First I answere that by the consent of most interpreters that place speaketh not of the exercise of publike iurisdiction but of a charitable proceeding in priuate offences And Christes large discourse which immediatly following he maketh vnto Peter touching the forgiuing of them that doe offend vs doth very euidētly iustifie that meaning If some do interpret the place otherwise as I haue before said Christians shoulde not build thereupon a generall doctrine of necessitie It will be asked what Christ meant when he said Dic Ecclesiae As some interprete it he meant Tell the Gouernours of the Church After some other Tell it openly in the Church or congregation as Hierome saith Vt qui non potuit pudore saluari saluetur opprobriis that is that hee which could
are shamelesse dogges that neuer are satisfied the sheepheards also haue no vnderstāding but euery man turneth his own way euery one after his couetousnesse with all his power Out of Ieremie also are alledged these wordes I will giue their wiues vnto aliens and their fieldes to destroyers for from the lowest vnto the highest they followe filthie lucre and from the Prophet to the Priest they deale all with lies The prophet Ezechiel also is brought in to helpe this matter where hee terribly thundreth against negligent naughty and corrupt shepheards that deuoure the flocke and feed it not Thou sonne of man prophecie against the Sheepheards of Israel woe bee vnto the Sheepheards of Israel that feede themselues shoulde not the Sheepeheardes feede the flockes ye eate vp the fat ye clothe you with the wooll the best fedde doe you slay but the flocke doe you not feede the weake haue you not strengthened the sicke haue you not healed the broken haue you not bound together c. but with force and cruelty haue you ruled them Wise and discreete christians that in iudging of things feare to be deceiued and looke to the direct proofe of that which is in controuersie will marueile to see these testimonies alleadged to the end before prefixed that is that bishops may not enioy any temporall Landes For there is nothing in these places of the Prophetes that toucheth it But if the ende were onelie to make an inuectiue against the negligent corrupt and couetous liues of Bishops or other Ministers in deede these allegations might seeme not altogether to bee vnfit for the purpose And happily that is it that is especially intended by such meanes to make them contemptible and odious And yet this is no sincere handling of the Scriptures to apply those places to the particular blaming of some one sort of men which the Spirit of God directeth against many Who beeing acquainted with the Scriptures knoweth not that by the words Watchmen and Shepheards in the Prophets are meant not only bishops priests and Leuites but also Princes Magistrates and Rulers Vpon the place of Ezechiel aboue recited Hierome sayth The speech is directed to the Shepherds of Israel by which we ought to vnderstand the Kings the Princes the Scribes Pharises the masters of the people And againe vpon these words The fat they did eate by a metaphore sayth hee the Prophet speaketh to the Princes of whom it is said in another place Which deuoure my people as it were bread Yea when God himselfe sayth in this same place of Ezechiel with force and crueltie haue yee ruled them It may euidently appeare that he speaketh not there to ecclesiastical ministers only but to princes iudges rulers also which sucke the sweete from the people of God and do not carefully see to their defence and godly gouernement but suffer them to be spoyled of their enemies and to wander from God and his true worship But what should I seeme to proue that which all learned knowe to bee most true The Spirite of God speaketh to the same purpose by these Prophets vnder figuratiue wordes that he doeth by other prophets in plaine speech O yee Priestes sayeth Osee heare this O yee house of Israel giue eare O thou house of the King Iudgement is against you because you are become a snare in Mispath and a spreadnette in Mount Thabor that is you as hunters lay wayte to snare the people and to oppresse them by couetousnesse extortion and briberie and your corrupt manners is as a nette to take other in by your euill example And likewise sayeth Micheas Heare this O yee heades of the house of Iaacob and yee Princes of the house of Israel they abhorre iudgements and peruert equitie They build vp Sion with blood and Hierusalem with iniquitie The heades thereof iudge by rewardes and the Priestes thereof teach for hire and their Prophets prophecie for money These bee the ordinarie voyces of the holie ghost vttered by the prophets in sharpe and earnest reproouing not onely for the people for their wicked reuolting from God but also yea that chiefly for the princes rulers magistrates iudges bishops priests ministers and other whome God hath set in place of gouernement For God hath appoynted them as Shepheards as guiders and patrons of his people to direct them to keepe them to defend them in his true worship and right seruice and if they will bee wandering from him eyther by errour in Religion or by wickednesse in life to instruct teach them and by all meanes that may bee to call them home againe or if they will not bee ruled by authoritie to bridle and restraine them yea and by punishment to correct them Now if the watchmen and Shepheards that is the guiders and rulers of the people whether they bee Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall shall waxe ignoraunt and vnskilfull of their dueties shall become negligent and carelesse of their charge shall be giuen ouer to voluptuousnesse and pleasure of the world or to couetousnesse briberie and extortion to iniurie violence and oppression and in their gouernment seeke their owne pleasure and commoditie and nothing regarde either the benefite of the people or the glory of God then I say these speeches of the Prophets lie directly against them and may well be vsed to declare the wrath of God towards them But what maketh this to the purpose pretended howe hangeth this reason together God by the prophets earnestly reprooueth the Gouernours aswell of the Church as of the common weale for their wickednesse couetousnesse and extortion therefore bishops and ecclesiasticall ministers may not by the word of God enioy temporall landes possessions Or this God blameth the priestes of the olde lawe for couetousnesse therefore the bishops of the church of Christ may haue no landes and possessions They that wil be perswaded with such reasons wil easily be caried away into error If it were certaine and did of necessitie followe that all they which haue great liuings and possessions must needes be couetous then happily this reasoning might bee of some force But I thinke there is no reasonable man that wil graunt it and therefore this reasoning is without all reason The Priests Leuites as themselues confesse had no great lands and lordships and yet wee finde them often in the prophets accused and blamed for couetousnesse therefore it is not the want of temporall lands and liuings that can bring a poore heart and contented minde voide of couetousnes Wee see often as couetous and greedie hearts in meane mens bosoms as in the greatest landed Lordes in a whole Countrey And on the contrary part we find in them that haue very great possessions as humble and as contented mindes as farre from the affection of couetousnes as in the meanest man that is Iob was of great wealth and possessions and yet wee reade not that hee was euer blamed for couetousnesse Yea hee beareth witnesse of his