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A14707 Antichrist, that is to saye: A true reporte, that Antichriste is come wher he was borne, of his persone, miracles, what tooles he worketh withall, and what shalbe his ende: translated out of Latine into Englishe. by I.O.; Antichristus. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 25009; ESTC S119373 149,758 392

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together throwne out of Italie But assone as this was brought to passe anon newe mociones stered vp newe vproares and newe contencions by meanes wherof ther was occasion geuē to the Bishoppes of Rome to throwe downe also that other two hornes and to enlarge the limites of their owne Empire For Luithprande king of Lumbardie being a in ā ambicious and desirous to reigne alofte chalenged that parte of Italie which was before tyme in subiection to the Emperours of Constantinopole to him selfe and his kingdome in despight of the popes nose Wher vpon the mater at leynght cam to that passe that whan he hade taken the cities of the bordres rounde about he pressed euen the citie of Rome it selfe with layeng of siege to it and was wonderfully greuous to the pope and his But in this case pope Bregorie did as the Bishoppes of Rome hade Note the practise of these prelates not ben before that tyme wont to do he desired aide and defēce against his foes at the Emperour of Cōstantinopoles hādes euē the same emperour whom a litell before he hade excommunicated for casting ymages out of the temples And he sent also embassadours to Charles Martellus Maister Charles Martellus of the Frenche kinges householde desiring him to be good to the citie of Rome and to the churche now being that furst tyme in trouble Wel Charles cast not of the bishoppes desires but with louing exhortacion withdrewe king Luithprande his frēde and godfather from the siege of the citie and set the bishop and all the Romaynes at libertie from the daungerous sore perile that they were in And than in dede was the furst tyme that the defence of the churche was by the bishoppes newe and vnwōt entreprise translated from the greke emperours to the princes of Fraunce This good turne of Charles Martellus was so thankefully accepted of the bishop of Rome that very great profyte came therof to his posteritie by meanes of the bishoppes For wheras the Frenchemen were wont to haue kinges of the olde stocke of kinges it came to passe through lythernesse of the last sorte of kynges that they bare the name of king and the honour and state of the realme but the treasure and al the power of the realme should be in the gouernours handes whom they called Maiores Domus the rulers or grand officers of the house in somuche that they should administre what so euer were to be done either at home or from home And whā Charles Martellus was dead his sonne Pipine was aduaunced Pipine to so high dignitie and power that wher he walowed altogether in pride and ambicion he beganne treatourously to stere again his owne king named Chilperichus and to ymagine denises against him and griedyly to Chilperīchus couet the hole kingdome to him selfe And wheras he coūsailed sōdry waies vpon this mater now with the nobles of the courte and of the realme and anon with the bishoppes thē selues at leynght he thought it good that a mater of so weightie importaunce should worthyly be referred to the head of al churches Rome For that wylye subtyle witted mā cōceaued an hope that the bishoppes of Rome wolde remembre his fathers good turne that they wolde thankefully geue sentence on his syde against the kyng So embassadours were sent to Zacharie bishop of Rome Burcharde bishop of Herbipola and Folradus an abbot And the summe of their embassage was on this sorte Forasmuche as Zacharie is bishop of that church which is worthily called the head of al churches let him geue sentence according to his autoritie whether is to be compred more worthy the kynges crowne he that is King only in name is hable to do nothing either with his counsailes or paine taking or he that alone can susteyne the hole burthen of the realme Pope Zacharie smelled the subtile question and remēbring his fathers good turne pronounced with purposely deuised wordes that Pipine vpō whose shoulders all the trauailes and burthen of the realme did heng was more worthy the kinges rowme than Chilpericus mynding by this meanes not only to recompense his fathers good turne but also to purchace a trusty and a valeaunt Patrone and defendour bothe to him self and to the churche of Rome Pipine than by At the cōpassing of euery treason or myschief a Bishop or a preest i● euer in the one ende reason of the bishoppes sentence aduaunced him selfe the more stowtly And whan he hade getten it allowed of the bishoppes and certain of the nobles of the court with all he was crowned in a citie of the Suessiones by the diligence of Boniface the bishop of Mens and so he toke the realme in to his owne handes And incontinētly he deposed Chilperichus his soueraigne liege lorde and king being a simple man in dede but of no euill disposition from his regall power and dignitie and hauing deposed him he thrust him in a monastery to lyue like a monke But whan the king hauing suffred so muche iniurious wrong desired the publike fidelitie and ther wanted not good mē and fauourours of equitie which were excedingly muche displeased at Pipines so wicked attemptate and wold not withall receaue Pipine being so notable a ranke traitour bicause you must vnderstande of their othe made before to king Chilperichus marke Pope Zacharie cometh again and wher he did before make wicked entreprises he dothe now an other as euil or elles a worse For least that man shoulde haue ben iustlye reiected of the Frenchemen whom he hade most vniustly made a king he assoiled bothe Pipine and all the realme from the othe and foyaltie that they hade made to king Chilperichus and commaunded al men to acknowlage Pipine to be their king so to obeye him And al this gaire as we reade was done about the yeare of our saueour DCCliij Nowe who is he that can not see here the secōde horne throwen downe also by the popes wickednesse For he that was borne of a kinges blood and lawfully chosen king reigned ouer the Frenchemen is depryued of his realme and one is put in his rowme that was nother borne of the kinges blood nor lawfully made king but a fitte man for the bishop of Rome in al pointes and his maters he applied studiously by whose trauaile and benefite we shall hereafter heare that the thrid Horne also was throwen downe For where the Lumbardes who as we haue sayde were gredily desirous a litel afore of the Empire of Italie wolde in no wise geue ouer their begonne entreprises but rather became the Popes enemies and vnder king Aistulphus disquieted the Romaynes groundes and coastes wyth continuall warres so that the Romaynes were not hable to resiste their enemy his power was so great Pope Stephane being at leynght enforced wyth extreme necessitie fied Pope Stephan to Pipine into Fraunce humbly beseching hym to ayde the churche of Rome than being in daungier and to deliuer it from the tyrannye of the
cōtrary purposes setteth his delyte to haue a do with them that be of the most wealthy the most myghty astates He playeth he bāketteth he kepeth all maner of voluptuous cheare with the most delicate companies of the most fyne mē Besydes this least his statelynesse rufflyng riote yea aboue the ryote of Siracuse should bring him into pouertie at any tyme his custome is either by false countrefaicte supersticion or elles by open force armes to get the rychesse of al nacions into his owne handes Christ whā the people wolde haue geuen him the title crowne to haue Ioh. 19. ben a King fledde away mynding so to auoyd that honour said with plaine purposed wordes that his kingdom was not of this world But the b. of R. chalēgeth to him selfe the title of a King wickedly coueteth the kingdome that is of this worlde and to that purpose he hathe alwaies applied him selfe with all his forcast and wyth al the powers bothe of his witte and of his bodie vntill he became not aboue kinges only but also aboue emperours and made them fayne perforce to fall downe like an hoūde kisse his fete Yea he boasteth him selfe to be heire of the empire if an emperour dye as ye shall fynde Clemētines the 2. boke the 11. title and 2. chaptre Christ vsed a more diligent studie to excute his fathers will which he was sēt for thā to promote encreace such as were his kinsfolkes as cōcerning the fleshe with worldly wealthe and honours But the B. of Rome studie forcaste for the most parte how they maye endue suche as be either their kinsfolkes or their alliaūce or elles their bastardes with greatest pleintie of richesse to aduaūce them to the most high honours And that they maye that more easily bring that to passe they vse many tymes to put awaye the treasures of the churche which they call with to muche shamelesnesse S. Petres patrimonie to bestowe them vpon their owne frendes Which thing like as many other haue in tymes past done euē so is our Paule the thrid not afrayd also to do the like opēly wtout blushing Christ was cōtet to submitte hī self to the autoritie lawes of the laufull magistrate payed with a good will the reuenues of the taxes tributes being asked of others he taught that those were due to thē Matth. 17. 22. But the B. of Rome thinking to ꝓuide better for him al his hathe forged a certain immunitie for the churche which maketh al those that are marked with his marke free frō al lauful publike burthēs setteth thē in suche case that sence they owe naught to no mā they geue thēselues to do what they lust serue their bely vicious carnalitie wherin the meane while al mē aswel magistrates as subiectes are occupied busy how they maye with their sweat substaūce vpholde mayntene those most holy fathers intentes Christ led a life al together geuē to the notable Matth. 11. studie of al peace softenesse cōmēded the same vertues to vs also But the B. of Rome is fearre swelling rageing in malice desire of reuēgemet He passeth not also to moue horrible batailes to set al folkes together by the eares amōg thē selues for light tryfling causes which thing they haue so shamelesly practiced these v. hundred yeares euen vnto our tymes that it nedeth no further declaracion Christ led an innocēt a blameles Io. 8. Matth 26 an vnreprouerable life so as his enemies could nother fynd nor ymagine any thing worthie of deathe in him for al the lies that the false witnesse made But the B. of Rome being most farre of frō this studie of innocēcie is the mā of synne drowned in synne geuē in al thīges to al kynd of vicious liuing as I haue alredy declared Christ toke to be his disciples suche as were poore Matth. 4. 1. Cor. 1. vile of no reputaciō mē of simple witte But the childe of this world the B. of Rome mynding to seme wyser in his generaciō choseth men out of the most noble houses of Italie Fraūce Spayne other naciones to be Bishoppes Cardinalles to thintēt being afterwarde supported by their autoritie fauour he might not nede to passe vpō his enemies threattes and mightie powers Christ sēt out his disciples to preache the Gospell But the Matth. 10 28. B. of Rome suffreth none of his to go any whidre frō him but loueth to be waited vpō with their presēce rufling or if he send out any he biddeth them not preache the gospell nor teache faith to wynne some to Christ but with their false wyles fraudes lyes deceates to begyle princes the people to stere vp hurly burlies ciuile mocions of warres Christ was diligēt to care for his shepe vsed the office of a most Io. 10. faithfull shepeherde in that he fedde thē taught thē continually But the B. of Rome being geuē to the wealthe of richesse delicacies pilleth of the shepes wolle yea the skynnes the fleshe to as for fedīg of thē he maketh litel mater Christ neuer enforced any man vnwillingly to cleaue either to him or to Luce. 9. Matth. 26 his doctrine nor cōpelled euer any mā by violēce to graūt on his syde but with frēdely faithful teaching he studied to moue the heartes of mē But the B. of Rome as a right warlike emperour yea like a yong Salmoneus rather and as a newe countrefaicte Iupiter shaketh the thondre of excomunicacion the thonderbolt of cursing externe gonneshote also and weapones at all men as many as goo about to slyppe from his doctrine and supersticion as the horrible vproare of this present warring dothe most euidently proue it Christ sent out such Apostles to preache the gospel as were most readyly Act. 2. instructe in the ample large giftes of the holy goost in the vnderstanding of tongues in the knowlage of the scriptures But the B. of Rome not caring for the prouision of Christes shepe but mynding to gratifie his owne secte folowers committeth the cure of the congregacions almost to none but to his Curtisanes bawdes cokes hūtors and mule dryuers which though they be cleane voide of all maner of learning bothe diuine prophane yet they are connyngly skilled in abominable sciences lecherous lustes corrupt filthye maners Christ hauing cōflicte with sathan his enemie wonne not the victorie with the Matth. 4. weapones of this worlde but with the sweord of the spirite the worde of God But the Bishop of Rome mystrusting Christ setteth vpō his enemies wyth worldly weapones conspiracies treasones robberies poysonynges also wyth sweorde and fire Christ our Lorde oftentymes seing Matth. 6. Luc. 19. the dispersed shepe of the house of Israel and pitieng them euen from the botome of his heart wepte ouer their
is he that wold not abhorre the force of this argument Christ saide to Petre Fede my shepe Ergo the B. of of Rome is the head of the church A ioyly conclusion But how shal it be ꝓued that to fede Christes shepe to be the head of the church signifieth al one thing Dyd Paule whā he spake to that ministring elders of the Ephesians called thē bishoppes put in autoritie ouer the Lordes flocke make as many heades of the church as were elders ther Or what shal we saye to that whiche was enioyned to the other disciples whan the Lorde sayd Go into the hole vniuersal worlde and preache the gospel to al creatures And yet that shal you cōfute to in case you proue the gospell to be nother that foode of the soule nor the pleasaunt pastures for cōsciēces to fede on But admit we graūt you this what a doo hath Christ with Belial with Symon Magus or with the B. of R But they must nedes be shameles hādlers of the scriptures that in humane thinges are voide of al shame Wel in the same Canone Boniface gothe on claymeth also the secular power of the emperour to him self least in disputing of diuine power he lose that other And at leynght he cometh to the ful purposed ende of his disputacion concludeth after this sorte Therfore who so euer resisteth this power thus ordayned of God resisteth goddes ordinaūce except he feyne two beginnīges as Manicheus did which we iudge to be false heretical For as Moses recordeth God made heauē earthe not in the beginninges but in the beginning And finally we declare saye define and pronoūce to be of playne necessitie of saluaciō that al humaine creatures be subiect to the B. of R. Doest thou now make vs a newe article of faithe saluaciō Boniface But the Lorde sayeth those shepe are saued that folowe him their shepehearde that knowe his voice that seke to entre into the shepefolde by him But these maters make but a very litel to thestablishmēt of the B. of R. tyrānie lustye ruffling Therfore say they the B. of R. must be obeyed of necessitie Do we not knowe nowe those presumptuous wōderful thinges that Daniel tolde of before that Antichrist should speake But let vs passe ouer to other maters so as the more playnly we se this gaire the more lyghtly we may dephie thē For the 9. Quest 3. Pope Gelasius writeth to the bishops throughout Dardania Gelasius on this wise Al the church throughout the hole worlde knoweth that the seat of S. Petre the apostle hathe power to lose what so euer is boundē by the sentēces of any bishoppes who so euer they be bicause you must vnderstāde it hath power to iudge of all churches And again Al the churche throughout the hole worlde knoweth that the holy sacred church of Rome hathe autoritie to haue the iudgemēt ouer al mē that no mā maye laufully iudge of her iudgemēt For vnto it must al the partes of that worlde appeale but frō it no mā is ꝑmitted to appeale Hereunto is applied the sayeng that is written Cap. Quanto de Translat Episc tit 7. the pope is reported to be the arbitre of heauenly thinges and therfore he chaungeth the nature of thinges in applieng the substaunces of one thing to an other And he of nothing can make somthing and can make a sentence of nothing to be somwhat For in those thinges that he will his wil standeth in stede of reasō And yet ther is none that maye saye to him why doest thow so For he may dispense aboue the lawe make right of vnright in correcting and chaungeing of lawes For he hath the fulnesse of power in his owne hādes Lo these be those presumptuous wonderfull wordes of Antichrist dearely beloued brethrē in Christ by the whiche he gothe about to seme not only to be like God but also to be greater and of more excellencie than God For he saithe not only that he can make somthing of nothing which is the office of non but of the only power and vertue of God but also according to Daniels prophecie he teacheth that all rightes and lawes are vnder his arbitrament so muche that euen in them he maye dispense as it pleaseth him self make wrong to be right yea and that vnright shal be taken for right if he so geue sentence And least any sawcie boldenesse shoulde be wāting in him he vsurpeth the olde propretie of tyrannes Sic volo Sic iubeo Sit pro ratione voluntas This I will thus I commaunde let will stande for reason For in those thīges ꝙ he that he wil he hath wil in stede of reasō And ther is none that maye demaūde of him a reason and causes of his doynges O slaunderous infamye o vnexcusable shame of a christiā mans name Wherto doo we any more laughe the Iewes dreames to scorne or deteste the blasphemyes of Mahomete seing greater maters of more crueltie are spoken not without feare heard of among christian menne and that wtout correction as yet hitherto Let vs be ashamed of our neclegēt naughtinesse Let vs be weary of so great heartlesnesse Let vs also repent our wicked sufferaūce in hearing so abominable blasphemies O foles that se not this gaire O wicked ones that whā they see them yet can heare thē and beare with them For albeit they be cruell and abominable maters that we haue talked of yet ther folowe more abominable more blasphemous more haynous maters that they are not afraide to speake of For in the. 40. Distinction Chap. Si Papa We reade that it is thus written Though the pope neclecte bothe his Note owne saluacion and his brethrens and be founde to be vnprofitable and slacke in his doinges Yea and moreouer though he speake neuer a wit of goodnesse at all which is more hurteful to him self and all men and leade innumerable people by heapes with himself to the chief deuil of hell ther with him to be whipped with many strypes for euer yet may no mortall man in this case rebuke his faultes for he shall iudge al be iuged of none him self except he be depre hended out of the waye from the fayth Hearke brethren the presumptuous horrible wordes of Antichrist yea heare them not but rather spitte them out of your eares out of your hartes that you be not polluted with them For what christiā man can awaye with the hearing of thē Who is it that can paciently abyde thē We see brethren the readynesse of God towardes vs we see the softenesse and heartie purpose of Goddes righteousnesse towards vs to be such that he disdayneth not to declare vnto vs wretched persones which shall lyue here but a shorte space a plaine reckonyng almost of all his iudgemētes But this mā of synne the sonne of perdiciō the brothel of al fleshely filthinesse of all wickednesse whā he is waited
Antichrist not only to knowe but also to folowe And furst he repeteth the same that he hade spoken before and biddeth vs beleue Beleue thē not them not that saye Christ is here or there that is to saye that goo about to shewe vs a false Christ or tel vs that the giftes of God which are geuen vs by non but by only Christ are to be hade elles where Now that we may vnderstande folowe this warnyng as we should doo it is necessary for vs to call to remembraunce that sayenges that are spoken in the Homilies before bothe of the true Christ I meane the only saueour of this worlde also of the false Christes He is the true Christ whom the autoritie of the holy scripture describeth to be very God and very mā the only saueour of the worlde the only priest the only sacrifice for the synnes of the worlde yea the only head of the churche and mennes intercessour in heauen As many thā as shewe this Christ any wher elles than in heauen as many as appoint other heades of the churche other redemers of the worlde other sacrifices for the synnes of the worlde and other aduocates intercessours and mediatours are comprehēded in these wordes of Christ and those be euen they whom it is not laufull for vs to beleue or to geue credence vnto And this is so openly done in the papacie of the pope him self and his membres that no man can say naye to it For furst they are not wont to shewe Christ our Lorde in heauen which was crucified for vs and died which rose again and ascended in to heauen according to the articles of the apostles Crede but to tell folkes that he is either conteyned in a prety litel white cake or in churches consecrated for that purpose which they are not afraide to dresse with these written wordes Hic Deum adora Here worship God Are not these they than that shewe Christ our Lorde in closettes or secret places as he hī self told before hāde As we will speake nothing how their vse is to teach vs a farre other Christ thā is purported in the holy scriptures for the scriptures beare recorde that he was only incarnate made very mā for our sakes But these men not contenting them selues with that feyne him also to be impanate or embreaded Yea and they ymagine him to be such a one that he may be called euery daye in to a piece of breade by the priestes enchauntementes as though he were a certain new Elicius Iupiter Furthermore if they purpose to speake of those thinges that Christ our Lorde hathe purchaced with the merite of his owne death as of remission of synnes the grace of God the father iustice right of adopcion and the possession of euerlasting blessednesse than their maner is with such open wickednesse shamelesnesse to shewe them elles where thā in Christ alone that they can not denie it though they wolde neuer so fayne The Apostle Paule sayeth that Christ is made of 1. Cor. 1. and. 2. God vnto vs wysedō righteousnes sanctificacion redempcion that he knewe nothing els but Iesus Christ euen him that was crucified And in an other place declaring the certaintie of his doctrine he sayeth Although we Gal 1. or an Angel from heauen shall preache vnto you any other gospel than that we haue preached vnto you cursed be he But we heare the popishe shauelinges greasye doctours preache a farre other maner of Gospell than the Apostles haue sent vnto vs in their writynges For they teache righteousnes to be in mennes owne workes merites They teache folkes to seke forgeuenesse of synnes at the handes of wicked and hooremonging yea most filthie rakehell masse priestes As for the grace and fauour of god they ascribe it against Goddes commaundement vnto ymages that they set vp and therfore they vse to name them gracious as Our lady of grace such other Tushe yf a mā wold recken vp al the hole dong hil of popishe religiō vnto these he shal see that they ascribe al that is necessary vnto saluation to externall toyes and trifles And wher the scriptures shewe vs one only patron mediatour euē Iesus Christ very God very man they haue deuised as many mediatours patrones and intercessours besides him as they beleue ther be sayntes soules in heauē Therfore wil we nyl we we must nedes saye that they be the same that the redemour vndenyable scholemaister of the worlde maketh mencion of in this place What must we doo now in this behalfe you mē and brethren Christ saithe Beleue them not Lo our saueour geueth a shorte symple playne commaundement which is a present medicine against all the obiectiones that man can deuise Thow shalt take them to be deceauours as many as goo about to bring in this maner of doctrine and therfore thow shalt not beleue their sayenges Here therfore lieth all the autoritie The B. of Rome of the bishoppes of Rome of fathers and of the counsailes in the Dust which they holde them most chiefly by For if they wolde obiecte the B. of Rome as though men must nedes beleue him bicause he is with to ambicious a name and title called the head of the churche yet ther is no cause why we should be afrayd of hys autoritie For here we do heare the true and supreme head of the church and our chief priest saye Beleue them not Nother is ther any cause why they Counsailes fathers should vaunt of the canones of counsailes and decrees of fathers For the autoritie of them is spoken against by this counsaile which is the holiest counsaill that maye be hade or deuised and the presidēt and head of this counsail is the only begoten sonne of God and the eternal truthe of God who hauing communicacion in the presence of his welbeloued apostles of the deceauours that should com in the later age of the worlde commaūdeth them not to beleue them Now let them hearken to the decrees of fathers let them beholde the Canones of counsailes and make thē selues subiectes vnto the ymaginacions of most shameles vile men which sermore by lyes thā by the truth and hade rather be dāned than saued For wherto doo we passe vpon them any more Wherto doo we wretches take hede to the autoritie of coūsailes Cā not the autoritie of Christ deserue credence at our handes onles it be approued by the consent of mē Nay let vs rather heare Christ him self him that Christ ordayned to be the doctour of the gentiles If an angel from heauen preache any gospel besides that we haue preached cursed be he And If they saye vnto you Lo here is Christ or ther is Christ beleue them not Who so euer therfore dare be so sawcye as to declare forgeuenesse of synnes righteousnesse the grace of God and saluacion any wher elles than in Iesus Christ alone and to shewe him any wher elles
our saueour Christes birthe CCCC LXXI For Odoacer ordayned the seate of his reigne in the cytie of Rome and reigned in it fourtene yeares and that with so myghtye a power and great puyssaunce that he coulde not be gotten out for no deuise nor force of warre that Zeno the Emperour of Constantinopole could do Howbeit within a fewe yeares after that is to wete in the yeare of our Lorde Iesu Christ CCCCC LXX Iustinianus the Emperour ordayned Iustinianus a new Magistrate in Italie whō men called the Exarche But he laye at Rauenna not at Rome bicause it was miserably throwen downe wasted spotled by the Barbarians breaking into it To conclude whilest the weste The contencion for the Supremacy of Churches Empire fadeth in the cytie of Rome is after this maner vtterly dispatched that litel prety horne which Daniel speaketh of that is the Bishop of Rome beganne out of hande to thrust furthe hym selfe to worke the mistery of Antichrist For in the tyme of Odoacers reigne in the citie of Rome the yeare of our Lorde CCCC lrxx Achatius the Bisshop of Cōstantinopole Note wrote to Simplicius the bishop of Rome desyryng that he wolde also cōdemne Perre bishop of Alexandria of heresie for folowing Eutices this Achatius being bishop of the head churche whose autoritie was very muche regarded with all men But takyng occasion herby a sorte of ambicious persones began anone to reason of the dignitie of the church of Rome the autoritie of the Bishop of Rome and stil went on with disputacions so farre that they contended that the Sea of Rome was the heade of all churches and that the Bishop of Rome was the head of all Bishoppes and euen the catholike or vniuersall bishop ouer al. Howbeit those bishoppes of Constantinopole that succeded Achatius obiected them selues agaīst these mennes ambicion For they cōtended that the supremacie belonged vnto their churche inasmuche as the Emperours of Rome hade made Cōstantinopole the seate of their empire and for that cause this honour ought to be graunted to the bishop of Constātinopole that he maye be called the vniuersal of all prelates and the bishop of bishoppes And this same so vnworthye a contencion and so ambicious a strife continued a long season that is to saye an Cxij yeares vntill that horne of Antichrist yet litel weake burst out wyth bigger streinghtes growed out not a litel For in the yeare of Christ our saueours birthe DC ther was one Iohan bishop of Constantinopole a notable prowde arrogaunt man and excedingly ambicious The bishop of Constantinopole made the Supreme head This man whā Mauricius was emperour called the Greke bishoppes together vnto Constātinopole to kepe a counsail wherin it was decreed and ordayned that the bishop of Constantinopole should be called the general or vniuersal bishop of al churches And whan Mauricius the Emperour Gregorius magnus sent ouer the decree of the counsail vnto the bishop of Rome Gregorie which afterwarde was called Gregorius magnus meaning to obteyne of Gregorie that he wolde also submitte him self his churche to Iohn the bishop of Constantinopole Gregorie wyth a great aduisednesse and a singular constauncie refused and contraried him not that he thought him self superiour and of more dignitie than Iohan but that he so vehementlye abhorred the insolent statelynesse and prowde ambicion of the cleargie which than begonne to growe vp by litell and litell Wherevpon among certain other thinges to Gregories answer to the supremacie the Emperour Maurice Be is the forrennyng messagier of Antichrist ꝙ he who so euer he be that coueteth to be called the vniuersal Bishop And in an other place the same Gregorie writting to Anastasius Bishop of Antioche and Eulogius Bishop of Alexandria against the ambicion of the Bishop of Constantinopole saithe thus Your reuerende holynesse knoweth that this name vniuersal was offred by the sacred counsail of Chalcedon vnto the Bishop of the sea Apostolike whych by Goddes disposicion I serue howbeit none of my predecessours consented to vse that so lewde a worde to be called by For you must vnderstande if one Patriarke alone be called the vniuersal patriarke the name of patriarkes is taken away from the residue But farre be it from a christian mynde to scratche that thing from any man to him self wherby he might seme neuer so litell to minishe the honour of his brethren Verily these are Gregorie the bishoppes wordes wherwith he so earnestly taunteth those prowde and ambicious titles of bishoppes abhorring dephyeng those titles as cursed and abominable whom at this daye their endeauour is with force of armes and most cruell policies to chalenge to them selues Notwithstanding albeit Gregorie wrote thus vpō a godly zele and syncere mynde and immediatly to the intent to brydle those ambicious spirites of the bishoppes he was the furst as some saye that named him selfe Seruum Seruorum the seruaunt of seruaūtes Yet his successours by and by forgette all this gaire and folowed their owne sondry deuises For wher that most arrogaunt slaue of ambicion Iohn the bishop of Constantinopole after Gregories deceasse wolde not only not geue ouer his begonne purposes but rather with the greatest forcasting fatches that he might he entreprised to chalēge to him self that title of vniuersal and the supremacie of all the hole churche anon Boniface of Rome Boniface the. 3. the thrid of that name steart vp Who being puised vp with like folie and ambicion set his fote against him and sought meanes to conueye the same title and honour of the highest autoritie vnto him selfe and to the churche of Rome And whan he hade once taken in hande that deuise of Phocas ordayned Rome to be the head of al churches stryfe and ambicion he stiffely set it forewarde stil and gaue not ouer till he hade obteyned of the emperour Phocas that Rome shoulde be called the head of all churches In this behalfe we must note welbeloued brethren in Christ what a man this Phocas was Euen he that kept the Empire by treason and robbery For he toke Mauricius the emperour being a good man and a godly and than his wife and his children by sedicion and in his wicked manfulnesse slewe furst his wife and than his children before Mauricius owne face and last of all he also slewe the Emperour him selfe being a man of good age as a man is that is aboue three score and three yeares This man was the furst I saye that ordayned the Bishop of Rome to be head of the churche and graunted to those ambicious and insolent Bishoppes of Rome the tyrannous power that they hade long wished for Those most holy fathers therfore haue to boast goodly of in the Deuilles name in that they are promoted to so highe dignitie and power by suche a mannes autoritie who lyke as he caryed an heart infected wyth treason and falsehead euen so he was not afrayde to defile his handes also in the
vnluckie fortune But the B. of Rome taketh no care nor is moued wyth any louing compassion although he heare all the hole flocke of Christ miserably scattred through the wicked wilde wildernesse of mennes tradicions seke after the pastours of Goddes worde wyth continuall crienges wepinges and gronynges and desire to haue their soules fedde therwyth so that by the famyshing of Christes shepe the bishoppes haue to mayntene their voluptuous pleasure wythall Christ bare the crosse that he was Matth. 27. nailed on for vs for our synnes vpon his owne shoulders But the B. of Rome is vsed to be borne easyly softly vpō their shoulders whom Christ hathe redemed with his deathe Christ suffred him self to be crowned wyth a crowne Matth. 27. cast buyers sellers out of the tēple in his teaching he saide that they made the house of God which should haue ben the house of prayer a dēne of thefes But the B. of Rome catcheth them in bothe his armes and bringeth thē again in to the temple of God and restoreth thē to their olde seates that they occupie by force and crafty conueyaunce yea lyke the chiefest of all marchauntes and as a most famous marchaunt venterour he hathe deuised newe wares that with so great lucke that he can sell leade ware perchement and other such kynde of trifles for a great deale more than the Iewishe priestes coulde in tymes past sel their bulles lambes rammes and bullockes Christ forbad his disciples to beare Math. 20 Mar. 10. Luc. 22. secular autoritie and to reigne like princes of this worlde But it is euident that the B. of Romes chief and principal studie is that vnder the false pretense of the churche he claymeth hothe to him self and to his cardinalles all the kingdomes of the worlde and the title of the same Christ gaue vs a perfite and a full perfice absolute doctrine to instructe Math. 28. 2. Tim 3. men sufficiently in all thinges perteynyng to euerlasting life and saluacion But the B. of Rome seing that it hyndreth his markettes saieth it is vnperfite and that all thinges perteynyng to the declaracion of faithe to the affaires of religiō and instruction of life are not fully conteyned in it and for that cause he addeth vnto the same to helpe it with all the canones of the Counsailes and the tradicions of certain fathers that serue to his couetous purpose and appetite Christ expresseth him selfe to be our Ioh. 4. Rom. 8. only righteousnesse wherwith we must be clothed that we maye be hable to appeare before his heauenly father and abyde his iudgement But the B. of Rome sheweth an other farre wyde rightousnesse in his tradiciones which he teacheth to consiste in our owne workes and in our owne powers and in sayntes merites also Christ teacheth that he him selfe is our only mediatour patrone and intercessour and the apostles inspired 1. Timo. 2 1. Ioh. 2. with the spirite of Christ confesse the very same But we see that by the B. of Romes doctrine a certain thousaūt of patrones and mediatours be set out vnto vs yea and newe mediatours maye be created dayly by their canonizacions Christ teacheth that remission of synnes is frely geuē that we be partinars therof through only faithe with Esai 55. Ioh. 6. 7. Math. 11. 28. out any meriting mediacion of our workes But the B. of Rome mynding to hunt out most plenteous gayne by remitting of sinnes hauing it to sel teacheth vs to redeme it with money Christ is described by the doctrine of the gospel as the only heade of the churche But the B. of Rome chalenging Ephe. 5. that honour to him self sayeth that he is the head of the church And in thus sayeng he either robbeth the churche of her head Christ or elles in making himselfe the head he maketh the church a double faced church and a most vggly mōstre Christes doctrine setteth out but one only Priest that is to wete Hebre. 4. 5. 9. 10. Christ the very sonne of God which beyng made mā for our sakes offred him selfe vpō the aultare of the crosse for the synnes of the hole world once for al with his sacrificeing he founde eternal sufficient remission of synnes But the B. of Ro. not contēted with this so excellēt a priest chalengeth the title of the high priesthode to him self cōmonly consecrateth newe priestes dayly to offre vp Christ Iesus euery daye for the synnes of the quicke and also of the dead Christ hath prescribed a true forme of penaūce an acceptable to God according whervnto Act. 2. we confesse our synnes to God vnto whom we haue offended frō hensfurthe we ceasse frō synne amende our lyfe but as for remissiō of sinnes we seke it no wher elles than at God alone But the B. of Ro. teacheth a farre contrary penaūce frō this which biddeth vs confesse our synnes to one massemonging priest or other to desire forgeuenesse of sinnes at him yea though the same priest were drowned in hoordō drōkenesse glotonie dyceing other vices innumerable ther with he geueth such occasiō to the wicked lycēciously to sīne that assone as the massemonging priest hathe once receaued the money I meane the hyre of absoluciō whā that vayne hipocritical satisfactiō that he enioineth be accōplished they maye returne to their vomite as dogges are wōt to do walow thē selues in the olde puddle of wickednesse Christ sayed it is more godly to Act. 20. geue thā to take But the B. of Rome perceauing the sentence of Christes wordes to be against his ruffling estate and lecherous lust turneth the meanyng and ordre of the wordes ersye versye and sayeth it is better to take than to geue And so in dede he confirmeth the ordres of beggyng frieres with his decrees and hathe set out a certain pouertye which is suche a mater that nothing is either more delectable or pleasaunt as though it were the most perfite rule of christiā faithe and conuersaciō Hereof spring the most shameles rablementes of begging friers and other monkishe ordres besides which by their impudent prowde popishe begging haue gone through all cities haue strayed through all villages and ferme places and thus being a greuous burthen to all mē aswel of the towne as of the countrey haue scraped euery waye by hooke and by crooke and eaten vp all feldes and townes like most deuouring locustes and yet led a life most filthily spotted with all riotous ruffionyng and lecherous losenesse Christ saythe That that entreth in Math. 15. 1. Timo. 4. to the mouthe defileth not the man Vpon the autoritie of which wordes the apostle Paule taking his groūde teacheth that it is lawfull for vs to eate all meates that God made with thankes geuing without remorse or conscience of any maner synne But the B. of Rome hathe forged differences of meates persuaded the simple people that a great parte
but it may be clooked by the popes Bulles and pardoned quyte remitted by the autoritie of his sea Than seing this gaire is commōly thus all the papistes must nedes confesse in despight of their noses that the B. of Rome is the chief autor of al hipocrisie and the most frutefull father of hipocrites and that he wyth all trusty diligence and studious endeauour dothe also accomplishe that other worke of Antichrist and therfore according to Danieles prophecie he is to be taken for the very right Antichrist him self Daneil describing the thrid worke manship of Antichrist saithe thus He shall not regarde the God of his fathers yea he shall not care for any tie and strong God that is he hathe deuised for him self suche a God by whose seruice and religion he is aduaunced with great abundaunce of richesse honour and glorie And to vnderstande this mater the more fully thus we must take it good brethren If we marke the B. of Rome he will professe with his mouthe the self same God whom we acknowlage in the articles of the apostles Credet howbeit playeng the hipocrite in this poynt as he dothe in all other maters he beleueth him not to be suche a God as he vseth to professe him to be For if a man marke his tradicions and strayne him a litell harder he shall see that he beleueth not that God the father hath a sonne which became man for our sakes and being offred vp once for all on the altare of the crosse for vs obteyned forgeuenesse of synnes righteousnesse and saluacion for mankynde But he ymagineth a farre other maner of God that is daily coniured by massemonging priestes enchauntementes to come downe in to breade or in to the forme of breade and the substaunce of bread being chaunged in to the very substaunce of Christes body to be offred euery daye by the priestes vpon the altare for the synnes of the quicke the dead In what poīt is this prety Cake God like vnto him whom we saye in our Crede rose again from the deade ascended in to heauen and ther sitteth on the right hande of God the father almightie vntil he come to iudge the quicke and the deade Doo we not see him plainly to be a new God cleane cōtrarie from the God of our fathers elders For these are plaine contraries to be incarnate and to com downe in to a cake of bread to be offred vp once for all on the aultare of the crosse many tymes vpon the popishe priestes aultares to be offred only once by hym self and euery daye a thousaunt tymes by other priestes to be ascended in to heauen and to lye locked in a golden Pixe to sytte on the fathers right hāde in the kingdome of heauen vnto the daye of iudgement and to com downe daily at the priestes coniuring in his bodily presence in to a piece of breade And yet this is euen that strong and mightie God by whose seruice and helpe Antichrist is promoted vnto most highe power and dignitie For after that the rude ignoraūt people were persuaded that Iesus Christ very God and very man was called out of heauē by the priestes wordes and that they handled him with their consecrated handes and offred him for mennes synnes anon they were in suche autoritie with all men that euery man hade them in most highe honour yea ther was none almost so euil aduised that thought not him worthye to be punyshed who so euer attempted any thing against them And this augmēted their dignitie and power also that whan they hade made this their God with their owne wordes they deliuered him to other also to be eatē howbeit not vnto euery body at auēture but vnto such only as were contented to shryue them before hande vnto them of all that they hade synned either by worde or dede For by this secrete Legier demayne of Confession that they haue deuysed they could knowe the botom of all mennes heartes they could learne out all mennes purposes they could boult out what al mē thought yea they could by those gostly fathers of their owne making knowe the most secrete intentes and pryuie coūsailes of kinges and princes For this was the othe of them all that they were boundē to the sea of Rome by that they should to the vttermost of their possible power withstande al mennes purposes and entreprises and by all possible meanes to lette those thinges which they knewe to be noysō to the B. of Rome and his sea By reason wherof assone as the B. of Rome beganne to haue any king or prince in suspicion that he bare but small good will to his popishe dignitie or power anon these gostly fathers wold grope him with crafty trickes hādle him so that ther were no remedie but he must nedes shryue hym poure into their bosoms not only all that he had done but also al his intentes purposes Thā whan they sawe any daūger like to rise or already in hāde against the sea of Rome they were bounden by their othe to open all the hole mater to their ordinary And the ordinarie must shewe it to his superiour and bidde him declare it to his bishop or to the archebishop by whose meanes it came at leynght to the pope him selfe And whan he once knewe the mater he could sone make shifte to turne vp syde downe al the attemptates that any prince hade intended against him And by this meanes brethren we see it come to passe by experience that ther is no king nor prince no nor yet emperour that coulde be founde either so prudent or so valeaunt a man in compassing of his maters that yf he were offended at the tyrannye of the bishoppes of Rome was hable yet either to suppresse it or to escape it no mary a great sorte of them haue ben conquested and oppressed by the driftes and craftie conueyaunces of the bishoppes of Rome For the God Mayzim hathe a myghtier power thā they are hable to abide whan so euer they dare once attempt any thyng against the tyrannye of Antichrist the bishop of Rome This can Emperour Henry the seuenth of that name among many Emperour Henry the 7. poisoned with the Sacrament other well testifie who whan he hade purposed to haue made the bishop of Rome not very pleasaunt tarieng in Italye was by poison ministred vnto him in the sacramēt of the aultare by a blacke frier of Senes quycklye ridde out of the worlde in the Castell of Bonecouent as they call it This we reade was done the yeare from Christes birth M. CCC XIII wel lyke as the B. of Rome hathe begoten vs this newe God out of the ymaginacion of his owne braine euen so hathe he ordayned newe maner of god seruice for him For he worshippeth not nor serueth him as the true lyuyng God ought to be serued and worshipped in spirite and truthe but as the prophete Daniel spake before-hāde with golde siluer precious
kyng Pipine beyng bewitched wyth the persuasion of this errour gaue Rauenna and all the Exarcheship wyth many other places which he hade taken from the Emperour of the Grekes vnto the churche of Rome to make amended for his synne that he hade done bothe in wrongfully taking the kingdome vpon him and in muche effusion of blood which he hade vniustly spilte After that Pipines sonne Carolus magnus being deceaued with the like errour confirmed that his father had geuen and gaue more also of his owne And that made him without any other consideracion to leaue so many churches enriched so many colleges and monasteries excedyng rychely endued wyth his substaunce Than his sonne Lewis which was called Pius succeding his father vouched safe vpon the same persuasions not only to confirme the gifte of his graundfather and of his father but also to geue the citie of Rome and all the liberties therof frely vnto the bishoppes of Rome Other princes also folowed their example and so did lordes and gentilmen Yea citezines and vplandishe menne as many as were somwhat wealthie gaue wonderfull muche treasure of golde and siluer to serue the God Mayzim withall and so they furnished Antichrist his with exceading great abundaunce of richesse In the meane space ther crept out Cloisterer● fratres in vnum knaues all quod william Somer a newe kynde of men Cloistre men and of them ther became diuerse ordres which were the actiuest men alyue in scraping of rychesse together For they get not only great treasures of ready money but also very large possessions of lādes in a shorte space Herein I wil be reported to the wealthe of them that lyued after the most beggerlye sorte among them euen the fraūcisce friers the Dominike friers whom they called by an other name Friers preachers For albeit their ordres were confirmed by autoritie of the bishoppes of Rome with in these LLC. yeares past that is to saye the yeares of our Lorde M. LLXX and. M. CCxxiij yet they haue goten so muche substaunce and richesse with in so shorte a tyme as were ynough to fynde many thousauntes a lyuing Besides this we see that they haue builded so many monasteries muche fairer than kinges and princes palaces so as a man can not fynde either any king or emperour that were hable to beare the costly charges therof And yet not content with these they haue gotē together so many ymages of great wedges of golde and siluer so many chalices so many patines so many candlestyckes so many dishes and infinite other suche kynde of vesselles of golde and siluer yea and so many copes and vestmētes broudred with golde set with precious stones that if they were laide all vpon an heape they were hable to excede the wealthe of Craesus and Myda This we maye saye furthermore as the truthe of the mater it selfe appeareth that these holy theues that are the chiefest braggers of pouertie are come to so highe wealthe that a poore greasy graye frier may walke all the worlde ouer almost and cost him neuer a peny bicause he may fynde euery daye a house of graye friers and ther lyue as it were of his owne among his brethren And indede these mē are the most beggerly of al the mēbres that Antichrist hath I speake not now of mytred bishoppes and swashing abbottes which wil be called and regarded as princes and kepe astate as if they were Lordes I speake not of Cardinalles and popes which goo farre beyōde worldly princes in wealthe in streynght of reignyng Tushe the deuil is so muche these mennes good Lorde and they haue so muche dominion ouer the treasures of the earthe that those thīges be euē their owne good which other men haue the possession of and are not yet deliuered vnto their handes For assone as their desire is to enlarge their substaunce they haue an hundred knackes in their budget to pike mennes secrete treasures out of their priuie coafers For the helpe of this mater serue their oft chaungeing and encreaceing of their pardon bulles their newe staciōs newe foūde reliques and preaching of the crosse against the inuasions of the Turkes and other suche like trickes wherw t their custome is lyke vnsaciable cormoranes to rauine deuoure vp all to them selues These be the sixe workes of Antichrist which are mencioned in the. 11. chaptre of Daniel Now remayneth the seuenth and 7. Antichrist moueth batail agaīst the Sayntes last worke of Antichrist which is specified in fewe wordes by Daniel in his 7. Cha. where he writeth that the litel horne that is to saye Antichrist made batail against the saintes preuailed against them And in dede this is his owne right natural worke for wtout it he could in no wise be Antichrist For seing Antichrist is the aduersary of Iesus Christ our Lorde only saueour bothe in name and mater he must nedes make warre against all them that faithfully beleue in Christ are sanctified by his merite death For they are not only called saintes in who be called Saintes in the scriptures the scriptures which ar departed this lyfe and reigne in heauē as the rude sorte of popishe people are wont to thinke but al suche also as are sanctifyed clensed washed by the blood of the sonne of God yea all maner of faythfull people that knowe that they are scoured cleane from the filthe of their sinnes by the only merite of Christes death passion and stedfastly beleue that they are made righteous before God the father shall lyue after this lyfe for euer and enioye the benefites of suche a ioyous felicitie as neuer shall ende And these sayntes hathe the B. of Rome alwayes made bataile against with the violent force of his tirannie as one that could neuer abyde the faith religiō that they were of For yf men holde of none but only Christ yf they put their hole trust in the merite of his death yf they confesse him to be the sole only saueour and redemer of al the hole world thā maye the B. of Rome put vp his pypes thā may he take his leaue of his great gainyng money marte thā his pardone marchaundise stynketh thā his Bulles are not sette a strawe by than gothe his great gaynes of golde and siluer awaye that hade wonte to come in for the soules that lye pewling in the paynles paynes of his pikepurce purgatoire Than may he pisse out the flamyng fire of that colde scalding house for any more vaūtage it bringeth But how wold ye haue mē to abyde this that are all together geuen to delices voluptuoussnesse and pride Therfore ther is clashing of olde harnesse and batail is a brewing against the Lordes sayntes wherunto the B. of Rome bothe geueth the on sette and taketh vp the mater As for this gaire we may see it to be true more clearely thā the daye light if we note what hathe happened wtin the space of this one age
might be obteyned with al that the B. of R. is the head the vniuersall bishop of all the churche as he that being successour of Petre the prīce of the apostles Christes vicare hath his sea in the principall churche And bycause this so ambicious and lickepeny lieng glose shoulde not lacke his countrefait colour these arrogaunt sawcy helhoūdes haue brought furth places of scripture violentlye wretchedly wrasted for their purpose And where as we reade that Christe sayd to Petre whan he confessed him to be the sonne of God Thou art Petre and vpon this rocke will I buylde my churche They sayde Christes wordes are thus to be vnderstanden that Christ made Petre the foundacion of hys churche and that al churches are bounden therfore of duetie to be vnder the obedience of Petres successour the B. of Rome Againe wher the Lorde saithe Petre fede my shepe these men haue expounded this worde fede so that they wold nedes haue the autoritie and supremacie of all bishoppes and churches geuen to the B. of Rome as vnto Petres successour They haue also violently wrasted this vnto the same purpose the Christ speaking of the keyes sayth What so euer thow shalt bynde in earthe shal be boūden in heauen and what so euer thow shalt lose on earthe shal be losed in heauen For they saide whom so euer either the B. of Rome him self or any other sacrificeing priest being consecrated by the B. of Romes autoritie assoiled was losed and ridde from the bondes of synnes and contrary wise that vnto whom so euer that maner of absolucion was denyed he was bounden still in the cheynes of synne and in the state of damnacion These toyes I saye and infinite other haue the subtil sleighty marchauntes beaten in to the eares and heartes of the common simple sorte And as sone as these maters beganne once to growe in to credence men beganne also to taste of the B. of Romes power and tirannye For if any mā hade so good a stomacke that he durst set his fote either against the B. of Rome or his he was straightwaies knocked in the head with the thonderbolt of excommunicacion and reputed of all men for a damned and an vndone man and thus the mater growed so farre furthe that euen most mighty emperours began to be afraide of the B. of Romes power For they spared not emperours but shotte of their ordinaunce at them also and commaunded straitly vnder great paynes that no mā should obey those emperours that were excommunicate as it is to see in the chronicles of the greke emperours by the vnworthy falles of the emperours Hēry ye. 4 5. Lewis ye. 4. Friderike ye. 1. 2. And doubtles albeit they did with al diligēt forsight resiste the wicked tirānie of the bishoppes of Rome entred Italie sondry tymes with roiall strong armies droue their enemies the bishoppes of Rome out of the title set others in their rowmes yet all their trauailes were vayne to no purpose nother were they hable to twytche awaye so muche as one heare of the bishoppes cruel violēce nor to pul it vnder any whitte at all For as sone as their backs were once turned departed Italie the bishoppes of Rome came in to the citie again occupied their lost tirannye afreshe and with the thonderclappes of their curse they made the Emperours fayne to be obedient vnto them And the only cause of this mischief was that the B. of Rome was not yet dead in mennes consciences bicause they beleued that he was Christes vicare hade power to lose bynde yea power ouer heauē hel to Therfore the streinght power of emperours was neuer hable to preuaile or bring any thing to passe against the craftye doiges force of the bishoppes of Rome For although emperours thē selues other of their courtes householdes espied the romishe fraudes deceueable wiles wel ynough yet the vulgare people being ignoraūt of al that thought that the B. of Romes decrees ought to be honoured as the lawes of God and bicause they dradde the thonderclappes of his curse as though they hade ben the fearfull sentences of the iudgemēt of God they wold nother meddle nor be of counsail with suche as they sawe knocked downe with the laitbolte of excommunicacion And this the bishoppes of Rome could the easylier bring to passe bicause ther were bishoppes and doctours of churches scatred throughout al the coastes of christendom which set furthe the autoritie of the churche of Rome for apostolike and godly But now let vs speake also of such maters as haue chaūced in our tyme that we maye see how Paul the Apostles prophecie is fulfilled at this daye At such tyme as it pleased God our heauenly and mercifull boūteous father to set his people at libertie which had ben long holden in bondage and to brydle Antichristes tirānie he chosed the small vesselles and such as were of no reputaciō to cōfoūde by thē those thinges that semed most mightie inuincible For two or thre faithful doctours ministres of churches being enlumined with the spirit of God whan they were growne to more perfite knowlage of the scriptures vttred openly the breathe of the Lordes mouthe that is to saye the worde of God and weaponed many a one with the same sharpe strong sweord Thā whā men hade once goten that weapon in their handes to kepe their heades against the craftye wiles of the false prophetes they began to acknowlage Iesus Christ and to beleue that he is the only head of his churche the chief priest and king the sufficient sacrifice for the synnes of the worlde and the only mediatour and aduocate wyth the heauenly father yea and such a one that is neuer absent from his churche and nedeth not the seruice of any vicare in his rowme And in dede the knowlage of these maters dothe also reproue the lies and legier demayne of the B. of Rome to the intēt they might see on the other parte that he is nother the head of the churche nor the high priest and king muche lesse the vicare of Christ our saueour They haue moreouer learned that the Masse is no sacrifice for synnes nor the popishe absolucion is of any autoritie Furthermore those places of scripture which the bishoppes of Rome like most shameles helhoundes hade violētly wickedly and sawcely wrasted were plainly opened in their owne true meanyng whan the light of the truthe was laide to them And out of those places men learned that Petre is not the rocke it self but that he hade his denominacion of Petra that is the rocke whiche he confessed Christ is the Rocke and not Petre. and so they acknowlaged that Christ is the rocke which is the only foundacion of the churche wherupon the churche of faithfull people being surely buylt can not swarue 1. Cor. 3. Men haue learned also that the office of feding signifieth not an empire or a kingdome but
most victorious king Iesus Christ shall suffre him to haue so great autorite who at leynght wyth his iust iudgement shall slea and despeche that fearce and prowde aduersarie wyth all his membres and wyth sentence past calling again shall iudge him to be punyshed in the torment of vnquēcheable fyre Hereunto ther shal be a faithful admoniciō takē out of Christes wordes instede of a cōclusiō how the godly ones faithfull folkes ought to behaue thē selues vnder his rageing tyrannye And in dede I shall by the grace of God purpose to treate of all these maters with suche for sight and diligence as shall lye in my best possible power to doo Now as perteynyng to the furst wher Antichrist was borne question of Antichristes original begynnyng and the place of his birthe the holy goost hathe sufficiently and perfitely instructed vs by Daniel the Prophet which saithe that the litell horne by the which we hearde in the Homilie before that Antichrist was figured sprong out of the fourthe beast that is to wete out of his head as of that parte wherof hornes commonly vse to growe out Now forsomuche as this fourthe beast is a figure of the fourthe monarchie that is to saye of the empire of Rome as it is before largely ynough declared it foloweth yea it is out of all paraduenture euen by the vnfailing demonstracion of the holy goost that Antichrist shall spring out of the empire of Rome yea and out of the heade of it that is to wete out of the principal citie Rome euen ther he must be sought for Here vnto that sayeng must partly be referred that How the temple of god is to be vnderstand here Paule thapostle speaketh of the departing and that he teacheth that his seate must be placed in the temple of God For that sayeng may not in any wise be expoūded of the temple of Ierusalem but it ought to be vnderstāden of the felowship and congregacion of the faithfull which is the true and lyuing temple of God Notwithstāding least the dulnesse of our witte might doubte somthing in this behalfe our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe dothe shewe yet more euidently and more clearly poynteth as it were wyth his fyngre that Antichrist must be borne in the very citie of Rome For in that reuelacion which he shewed to his beloued disciple Iohn the Apo. 17. great aduersarie of Christ is ment by the Image of the hoore which sytteth vpon many waters is caried vpon a mightie beast an vnknowen that gothe rageing grymmely wyth seuen headdes armed wyth ten hornes And the angell willing to interprete the mysterie of the Image to Iohn thapostle saithe that the waters wher the woman sitteth are the people and folfe and naciones tongues whom she shall beare rule ouer And that woman quam he whome thow sawest is the great citie which hathe rule ouer the finges of the earthe and the seuen heades are the seuen mountaines wher vpon it is sette Now who is it that seeth not herin the openly manifest and euident descripcion of the citie of Rome For Rome if a man considre the olde circuite of the walles comprehendeth wythin it seuen mountaynes and that of famous reporte in the monumentes of olde writours of which mountaynes bothe the tokens and the names remayne euen yet to this daye And the same Rome whā Domitianus was Emperour ther in whose tyme Iohan thapostle being banished for the faithe of Christ in to the I le of Pathmos receaued this reuelacion of the Lorde reigned hade empire ouer the kinges of the earthe For at that tyme the power of the Romaynes hade conquered and subdued wyth their marciall powers the greatest parte of al the hole world vnder their autoritie empire By reason wher of it is vndoubtedly playne by most certain reasones argumētes that Antichrist must be borne of the empire of Rome place his seate in the head of it that is to wete in the very citie of Rome And this I saye more ouer The B. of Rome is the great Antichrist ꝓfesse frely bothe wyth mouthe mynde that the chief mightie greatest Bishop which hauing his seate in the citie of Rome chalengeth to him self the dominion name of the same citie is the very right and great Antichrist the exceding enemie of Christ our saueour like as in these that folowe we shall wyth a thicker rāke of argumentes most euidently declare Therfore those men erre and be toto muche deceaued as mani as put their cōfidēce in those fals feined popishe gloses mynde to seke for the right Antichrist either in the citie of Babilō or Ierusalem They are deceaued also no lesse begyled than the other before as many as being entāgled with the blynd folishe loue of the empire which at this why Mahomet is not the right Antichrist present is cōmōly called Sanctū Romanū imperiū the sacred empire of Rome crye out sayeng that Mahomet the autor of the Turkish faythe and religion is that great enemie of our saueour why Mahomet is not the right Anticrist Christ and Antichrist to thintēt they might by that meane expelle the slaūderous marke of Antichristes name frō that empire of theirs which they haue in so great estimacion and obedience For albeit no true faithfull person dothe doubt that Mahomete is a most pestilent wicked man a singular enemye of Christ our Lorde a most cruell persecutour of Christes churche an abominacion to be abhorred wyth all the powers of our heartes and a most pernicious seducer of very many men yet for all that we shall neuer be hable to proue that he is the notable and great Antichrist inasmuche as he was nother borne in the head of the Romayne empire that is to saye in Rome but in Arabie farre distaunt from Rome ne yet placeth nor occupieth his seate in the temple of God that is to wete in the congregacion among them that reioyce to be compted christianes but maketh a manifest departing quyte from them teareth awaye the name of Christ wyth so vehement hate and wickednesse that he can in no wise abyde to vse it to the professing of his relygion Which not withstanding are al applied by the notable sayengs bothe of the prophetes and the apostles vnto that mightie houge Antichrist Therfore in this case we nede no white tongued wordes nor groping reasones of flaterers of suche as saye as other men saye but rather if we intende to com to the certain and vnfailing knowlage of Antichrist it is requisite for vs to seke him in that place wher he is most accustomed to haūt that is to wete at Rome wherof euen our elders in tymes past not without the mocion of Goddes prouidence commonly vsed this cōmon prouerbe The nerer a man cometh to the citie of Rome the farther he is of from the faithe and religion of Christ The meanyng of whiche prouerbe
in no wise to say naye to it For ther is a notable place that is slaundred with that naughtie mater betwene the plaieng place which they cal Theatrum Colosseum and G. Clementes wherin the hoore pope being takē in the necke with sodaine panges and throwes was deliuered Which place the popes remēbring that detestable dede being ashamed of it shonne euē now to this day Ther are also credible histories of writours that haue nombred that excellent pastour of Christes shepfold with her childbearing in the noble ragge man rolle of those most holy fathers For yet though they wolde they dare not ouerhippe her if they wolde be reckoned trusty credible writours bicause of the freshe memorie of that facte For it chaūced after the tyme of Charles the great about the year of our Lord. DCCCLviij Of the same lecherours lust we haue Alexander the. 6. a witnesse Alexander the. 6. which being pope wythin our remembraunce lyued after suche rate that he could not acquyte the brute of his name frō suspicion of incest committed wyth his daughter We haue also recorde of all the hole life of all Cardinalles bishoppes prelates abbottes mōkes Chanones Friers and sacrificeing priestes who like as they neuer auoided the shame of open hooredome euen so haue they filled almost the hole worlde with their bastardes and vnlaufully begoten children As we maye also in the meane tyme passe ouer in silence the beastly lust of the abominable synne of Buggery vnworthy to be hearde of christian eares and many other wicked vices that the commō people certainly knowe that they are out of good name with all But least any man wolde say that Here folowe a mischieuous holy company of popes we were to muche vniust reportours and in the rehearsal hereof playde not an vpright faythful parte as thoughe we noted al fowle blemishes euen in the most holy fathers with to quicke and ouermuche iudgeing eye and to this ende that we myght afterwarde for the faultes and errours of a fewe renounce and condemne all the holerable of popes and the papacie it selfe to it semeth not vnprofitable nor frō the purpose we are in hande wythall to discribe in a short rehersall out of Platina the most diligent registr our of the popes names the lyfe names of a great meignye of Popes whyche wythin thys fewe yeares haue so arayed and defiled that sea of pestilence and abominaciō wyth most haynous cursed prankes that euen the very papistes could not passe ouer their dedes in silence ne yet by any clooking meanes excuse them About the yeare of our Lorde DCCCC stephan the. 6. ther was one Stephan the. 6. of that name whych had obteyned to be pope He persecuted the name of Formosus which was pope but a few yea res before him wyth suche vehement Note beadly hate that by and by he abrogated his decrees and made his actes of non effecte So that the consideracion of the good turnes that Formosus hade done for him and made him bishop of Anagnia coulde not reclayme him from his cruell purpose But bicause he hade hyndred Stephan before that he could not com to be pope euen whā he wolde he was so rageing madde against him whan he was dead that assone as he hade kept a counsail he commaunded Formosus bodye to be drawne out of his graue and to be stripped of his pōtifical habite to be lapped in a secular habite and so to be layde in the laye mennes burial But yet he caused two fyngres of his right hande to be cut of those two namely that the pristes vse to consecrate wtall to be cast in to Tiberis bicause as he sayd he hade cōtrary to the lawes of the sacrament come to Rome takē his priesthode again wherof he was depriued rightly by the lawe of Iohn ye. 8. Marke After this man by and by folowed Romanus the. 1. pope Romanus the furst who in that he fauoured Formosus partes allowed his cause and disallowed and toke awaye Stephanes decrees and actes out of hande His fotesteppes also folowed his two successours Theodorus the. 2. and Iohn̄ the. 10. Which immediatly restored Formosus cause in to his entier perfection against the willes of a great parte of the people of Rome by reason wherof ther rose so great a sedicion that they hade ben very like to haue layen together by the eares for it A litell after this whan Leo the. 5. Leo the. 5 Christophor clymbed vp to the honour to be pope anon the. 40. daye of his pontificalitie a familiar of his owne one Christophor being gredy to reigne aloft toke him cast him in prisone which thing coulde not be done without great sedicion and losse of many mēnes lyues But Christophor inuaded occupied the popes sea by violence But he gate it wyth naughtie artes and naughtyly he lost it For in the. 7. moneth he was thrust out of his dignitie and constrayned to take vpon him a monastical life the only refuge as platina saithe of comfortles persones and sone after he was drawne out of the monasterie and cast in prison by his successour Sergius the .iii. Sergius the. 3. But this Sergius is he that so repealed and disanulled Formosus actes that it was necessarie to admitte them afreshe vnto holy ordres again whō Formosus hade before admitted to the ordre of priesthode And yet not Note contenting him selfe wyth this shame done to the dead man he drewe his carcasse out of the graue and caused hym to be headed euen as yf he hade ben alyue and cast his bodye into Tiberis as vnworthy the honour of humaine burial Who is it that can not see hereby right louing brethren in Christ how litel autoritie the bishoppes of Romes actes and decrees ought to beare with any body seyng they condēne eche one other with mutual cursinges throwe away their dead mens carcasses with so vehemēt surie shamelesnes Anastasius the. 3. Laudus the. 1. Iohn̄ the .11 as it were rauēs grypes After Sergius ther succeded popes Anastasius the .iii. and Laudus the furst which were somwhat more quiete gentil than their predecessours But Iohn̄ the eleuenth succeded them who caried a stomacke more geuen to warre than to religiō and at leynght in an vproare of warre he was taken of men of warre being cast in to prisone he hade a keuerchieff thrust in to his mouthe so was killed And again after a certain fewe bishoppes of Rome being betwene that honour came to Iohan the 13. of that name of whom this is reported by the Romayne writours that ther was neuer none more mishieuous nor more vngracious a man occupied the sea of Rome before him And in dede the ende of him was answerably like vnto his life maners For after many filthyly wickedly played prākes in horedome as we sayed before he was taken and sticked to deathe Whan Iohan was despeched
Benedicte ye. 5. was created pope by making Benedicte the. 5. Iohn̄ the. 14. of a sedicion And shortly after Iohan the 14. toke the seat who being in an vproare by the Romaynes dryuen out of the cytie and returnyng the eleuēth moneth of his exile vsed such crueltie against his foes as hade ben mete to haue ben practiced rather by the most bloodthursty tirannes Phalaris Dionise and other like them than by the apostles of Christ After Iohan succeded Benedicte the Benedicte the. 6. 6. which was takē of Cinthius a citeze of Rome and shutte vp in to Adrianes pile and shortly after he was strangled in the same place Whom albeit Platina wold fayne excuse with worthy reasones yet being offeded wyth those bishops most mischieuous maners he is enforced to saye Vereor ne talia fuerint Benedicti merita quale praemium a Cinthio consequutus est That is to say I am afrayde least Benedictes desartes were suche as the rewarde was that he receaued of Cinthius Than next after Donus the seconde Boniface the. 7. whose sirname Bonisace the. 7. countrey by reasō of his basse astate is vncertain obteyned to be pope through noughtie sciences And by the power of the magistrates the setting on of good citezenes he was compelled to flee the citie stealing awaye al the preciousest Iewelles out of saynt Petres churche he fled to Constātinopole taried ther so long till he hade solde the wares that he had takē awaye by sacrilege so hade gotē together a great deale of mony which he vsed as an helpe to practice his tyrānie cam again to the citie going about to corrupte the citezenes of Rome with rewardes But the good men wtstode his purposes specially Iohā that diacon Cardinal whom whā the B. hade takē by the helpe of a sorte of myschieuous felowes he thrust out his eies out of hād Howbeit that autor of so great myschiefes the sedicion encreaceing more and more wtout fear as Platina hauing alwaies a better hope of those holy fathers saithe wythout repentaunce of the dede that he hade done died miserably and filthyly Iohan the 15. of the name in the thrid moneth of hys popeheadde was takē Iohn̄ the. 15. by the Romaynes bicause of his tirānye vsing being shutte vp in Adrtanes pile as in the cōmon warde was pyned ther so long wyth the stynke of the prison with hungre grief of mynde till he shamefully fynished his life After him succeded Iohn the 16. who was in wōderful hotte hatred against Iohn̄ the. 16. The charitie of the Pope and clergie the cleargie wherupō he was iustly hated of the cleargie again But specially bicause he gaue out al bothe diuine humane treasures to his kinsfolkes and alliaunce and so God wotteth he set aparte the honour of God and that dignitie of that sea of Rome leauing an example of this right naughtie vsage to his successours which the bishoppes wyth most diligēt endeauour folowe the like euen at this present daye Now therfore let euery hartie man iudge right louing brethrē in Christ whether all good men haue not iustly cōplayned of the bishoppe of Romes tyrannie and wickednesse seing that sea hathe hatched vp so many knaues tyrannes theues robbers murtherours sedicion sowers and open churche robbers as we haue rehearsed and all wythin these lxxxv yeares And I pray you who wold honour it as an holy see inasmuche as it could abyde so many pestilent myschiefes And for al these their regestres were neuer ful ynough of such mischeuous villanes popes as these were For scarcely a dousin yeares after that Iohn Iohn̄ the. 18. the 18. of that name stearte vp who pope Gregorie the 5. being yet a lyue occupied the papacie by meanes of diuision and rewardes And for that cause Platina calleth him a theefe and a robber and in the. 10. moneth of his vsurped popeship he made a shameful ende of his life His successour was Siluester the secōde who as we said a litel before was promoted to be pope by the deuilles diligent payne taking Anon after this folowed Benedicte the. 9. Benedicte the. 9. Siluester the. 3. Gregory the. 6. Siluester the. 3. and Gregorie the. 6. thre most vggly monstres which like as they sought gredily to haue that see by rewardes euē so playeng wickedly among them selues they were not afraide to sell this honour and dignitie and to redeme it again one of another for money Whervpō sence they were notoriously bruted to be wicked vsers of Symonie they did great iniuries and ther withall great shames vnto the see of Rome After these succeded Clement the seconde whom Damasus poisoned Clement the. 2. Damasus and toke the popes rowme vpon him self with shame ynough And these sixe most naughtie villane knaues as we reade were all bishoppes of Rome within 46. yeares space But what nede is it to reckē thē vp which without all doubt haue either vnlaufully occupied this see or elles more wickedly haue ordred it and all but a fewe yeares a goo inasmuche as three bishops of this see of Rome are yet freshe in memorie which by the autoritie of the coūsail of Constaunce were depryued of their dignitie for their most vngracious desartes Let them be marked also if it so please you that within our fathers remembraunce and ours haue bē bishoppes of Rome and we haue sene that by their deuises and crafty conueyaunces they haue passed ouer the toppe of the Alpes and com through euen to our countrey of Heluetia as Sixtus Sixtus the 4. Alexāder the. 6. Iulius the 2. Leo the 10. Clemēt the. 7. the. 4. Alexander the. 6. with his sonne duke Valentine the monstre of all mischief vngraciousnesse and vice Also Iulius the seconde a man that delited muche in blood sheading and burnyng Leo the tenthe Clemēt the 7. of whose false crafty artes and traiterous deceates Florentia an vnfortunate citie to hatche vp so vnthankeful a babe was a feling witnesse And who wil not saye that these marchaūtes were not only like vnto the other before but many waies much worse For let them com furthe as many as euer haue dwelt in the citie of Rome in their tymes and haue marked wel their life and maners or haue ben knowing of their counsailes and I knowe they will confesse if they will confesse the truthe that they were notable naughtie packes not in common trifling vices alone but also in all maner of most vngracious and notorious wickednesse that could be Finally marke the most holy father Paule the thrid that late was And Paule the 3. let his children and childres children be marked also And we shall fynde in them no lesse myschieuous cruel and abominable partes But this must nedes be cōfessed that if Rome should see two or three popes of his like condiciones that wold as he is vsed to doo bestowe the goodes of the churche cities townes castles villages and landes vpon
head of the sayntes and faithfull people Who will cal him holy father yea rather holynesse it selfe Finally who can saye that he is the leader vnto saluacion and the portour of heauen gate whan by the example of his owne life and preceptes and decrees of his wicked doctrine he bewrayeth him self according to the apostle Paules sentence to be bothe Antichrist and the sonne of perdiciō Hereof also that other mater is gathered that like as he him self is lost euen so dothe he make all the disples of his religion and secte boūde slaues to perdicion and euerlasting deathe For how cā it possibly be that they shal be hable to com to the heauēly hal of blessednesse which folowe a guyde that gothe with straight and stedfast steppes the hye waye to hell How shall we also saye it maye be that they should be vnited to Iesu Christ the only redemour of vs all which haue chosen suche a one to be their guyde that is against Christ in al thinges and robbeth him of his honour and shamelesly attributeth the same to other In this case therfore it is necessary to vse most diligent circūspection In this behalfe it standeth vs in hande strongly to sharpen oure wittes Herein it behoueth vs to open the eyes of our minde most dearly beloued brethren in Christ For it is no flyrting mater as many men thinke to sticke stil in the B. of R. wayes so to holde harde the popishe religion to the naile The saluacion of soules is in hasarde dearly beloued For either we must be vnited to the heauēly father by the intercessiō and benefite of one only Christ so lyue for euer or elles be drawen awaye from him perishe with Antichrist for euer And ther is so much the more greuous presēt daūgier henging ouer our soules that the Lorde wold haue the knowlage of his worde to be opened vnto vs. For inasmuche as the lyght of Goddes worde hathe discussed and wyped away those greuous and horrible darkenesses of Antichristianitie so as the health geuing face of Christ and also the compasse of this cruell beastes mouthe and the seate of abominacions is shewed openly before our eyes we maye neuer from hensfurthe eyther pretende ignoraunce to clooke our vnbelefe or excuse it wyth the godlynesse and feruencie of our zele or good intent For God hathe prescribed the rule of his worde vnto vs for this ende that we shoulde honour hym according to his owne commaundement and that we shoulde not folowe that folishe carnall zele of ours which is wythout knowlage of all truthe The stubburnesse of suche men is muche lamentably therfore to be bewailed brethren which whā they heare Goddes worde wyth their eares and are conuicte with the truthe therof in their consciences so as they may see their errours and fele the intolerable burthen of suche exceding tyrānie yet had rather sticke stiffely to their knowen supersticion than to folowe Christ the only waye of saluacion But whā men most myserably become to that poīt that a mā may warne exhorte them all but lost labour we must permitte them to their owne appetite For they shal surely fele that their stubbernesse shal-be ones a great deale to their cost Now are we come to the thrid title An aduersary wherwyth Paule painteth out the persone of Antichrist which conteyneth the self same propretie and the disposiciō of so mightie abominablenesse the certain sure marke for the which he is called Antichrist For he calleth him an aduersary that is he myndeth to set him out to be-suche a one that shoulde be against cōtrary and in al thinges as it were vtterly sette foranempst Christ of whose name title he only braggeth The right vnderstanding of this worde Aduersary It is plaine that he glorieth in the name of Christ Wherupon euen the right vnderstanding of this worde teacheth this that he shal be an aduersary to Christ our Lorde and gayne-saye all those thinges that are set out by Christ either in doctrine or in example of life wyth the statutes of his doctrine and wyth the example of his life Than if we can geue the bishop of Rome this title also wyth sufficient demonstracion as his owne propre good as in dede we haue ouercome all that we toke in hande to proue yet hitherto it shall also manifestly appeare that the B. of Rome is necessarily that very right and great Antichrist altough the autoritie of all the worlde crye out against it which if it wolde contrary the worde of God were non autoritie at all And forasmuche as all thinges that are in Christ our saueour maye be comprehended in his life doctrine as in two most general chaptres it behoueth that we considre them bothe that it maye therby euidently appeare that the B. of Rome dothe contrarie to Christ both in life and in doctrine and therfore is his aduersarie and very Antichrist And furst of all we will speake of bothe their lyues that is to saye of Christ and Antichrist Christ Iesus ordred his life so as The difference betwene Christes life and Antichristes the B. of Rome most lowe humilitie proceding from the hearte might appeare most clearly in all his sayenges and doinges For we reade that he vsed so muche lowlynesse and modestie that he was cōuersaunt among his disciples not like a maistre or a Doctour but as a seruaunt and a waitour As it is proued in that he serued their cōmodities not in teaching them only in refreshing and defēding them and in other thinges innumerable but also in that solemne last supper whiche he hade with thē he washed al their fete But from this spirite of christian humilitie the B. of Rome is so farre of that lyke the most cruel tyrannes the mencion of whom euen the gentiles take for hainous and filthie he setteth out his fete to be kissed not of the cōmon rascal sorte of people only but also of very princes kinges and emperours yea is not ashamed to treade the Lordes anointed neckes vnder his abominable fete which insolent foile the right valeaunt Emperour Friderichus Barbarossa was compelled per force to susteyne Christ was the most studious seker of his fathers glorie wēt about Ioh. 5. and. 12. only to aduaunce it But the B. of Rome neclecting that in al thinges setteth his studie vpō his priuate glorie his owne propre honour after suche sorte that he thinketh he must not spare extreme force of armes yf any man offende him in any condicion Christ spent the better parte or tyme of his lyfe among the cōpanies of the poore nedy sicke afflicted he him selfe also was borne in extreme pouertie became poore for our sakes in so muche that he hade not wher he myght hyde his head susteined the greuous burthē of pouertie paciently to make vs ryche with the benefites treasures of euerlasting blessednes But the B. of Rome folowing farre wyde other
of christian purenesse consisteth in outwarde eating and hath also brought in a great deale greater rable of ceremonies bothe in these maters many other than the Iewes were bounden in tymes past to obserue lyuing vnder the bondage of the lawe Christ confirmed with the autoritie Math. 19. Hebr. 13. of his doctrine the state of mariage ordayned of his heauenly father And the apostles being instrucce by his spirite taught that wedlocke is honourable among al mē and the mariage bedde vndefiled Whervpon they And yet he maketh more bolde entr●prises gothe about to dryue Christ our Lord out of his church and kingdome in that he calleth him self Christes vicare For if the B. of Rome be Christes vicare it must nedes be that Christ is not presēt with his churche The false boast of the B. of Rome to be christes Vicare For he that any where occupieth an office and kepeth residence presently vpō it as apperteyneth hathe no nede of any vicare But Christ Iesus inasmuche as he is the head of his owne churche can in no wise be disseuered from his body which is the churche but is inseperably present with his churche spiritually contynually to the worldes ende Therfore the B. of Rome is not moued by any warraūt of the truthe but of a wicked lust to blaspheme to boast him self to be Christes vicare Hitherto therfore I suppose it be sufficiently ynough declared that the B. of Rome deserueth this thrid title wherwith Paule painteth him out after such sorte that he may by al meanes be called An aduersarie that is to saye cōtrary and against Christ in all thinges inasmucheas all his conuersaciō his doctrine are cleane contraryly repugnaunt against the doctrine and conuersacion of Christ Now remayneth the fourthe title wherwith Paule decketh Antichrist Exalted aboue God whom he dothe not comprehende in one only worde but describeth it in moo For he saithe he shal be stately prowde and exalte him self with notable arrogauncie aboue all that is either called or worshipped by the name of God Yea his folie shall procede so farre saith he that he shal place his seate in the Temple of God as God and shewe him self as though he were a God To these wordes of Paule the desirous man Daniel consenteth who speaking of Antichristes misteries saith that the litel horne by whō Antichrist is figured hade a mouthe wherwith he spake certain presumptuous thinges that is to saye in talking of diuine maters of chaungeing of lawes and tymes of other maters infinite which it is plaine are in the power of none but God alone And again in the. 11. chap. Dauiel speaking of the same saithe thus And the king shall do what he lusteth and exalte and enlarge him self aboue all Goddes and shal speake maruelous thinges against the most high God And a litel after He shall not also care for the Goddes of his forefathers no he shall care for no God at all for he shall preferre him felf aboue all Now if we compare all these thinges which are spoken by the apostle Paule and Daniel the prophet together the vnderstāding of this fourthe title which is attributed vnto Antichrist shal appeare manifest vnto vs. For this is the will of the spirite to saye that Antichrist shal be a man of most high arrogauncie and swelling folishe insolencie which with prowde bolde enterprise shall take vpon him self those offices which are mete to be attributed to none but to God alone and are to be applyed to none but only God This is not ment by Paules wordes and the literall sense of the same Noman at all can make him self a God nor also ther is none other God but that one only eternall God al though any man hauyng autoritie to persuade ioyned with arrogauncie come to so highe a pride and statelynesse as to be honored worshipped of a sorte of leude persons fooles as we reade that Caligula and Domicianus were We must therfore marke well the B. of Romes maters whether we can be hable to fynde any suche as take vpon them selues this most arrogaunt title also to the intent the hole perfite descripcion of Antichristes persone may be euidently manifest vnto vs. And that ther are suche in The B. of R. taketh vpon him the honour of God head what God is dede it shall appeare of their owne sayenges and writinges And furst of al God is naturally he that is the essence and life of al thinges of whō also al thinges haue receaued haue life to be that they are And therof it is that our Lorde Iesus Christ the sonne of God the father of the virgine Mary very God mā is cōmonly called in the scriptures the head of his churche bicause they that are endued with faithe in him obteyne life of him not tēporal life only but the life also that neuer shall ende For like as out of a mānes head as it were out of the pype of a foūtayne the nourishemet of life floweth downe in to the hole bodie and all the mēbres frō thence is distrubuted as it is nedefull to euery membre euen so out of Iesu Christ all the mēbres of his bodie that is to saye all faithfull people receaue the spirite of life and that streinght of faithe by whose mocion and instincte they ordre their life according to the heauēly fathers will and whan they are departed this temporall life they lyue wyth him euerlastingly This is the plaine vndoubted office of the head Christ the head of his churche ꝑfourmeth the same abundauntly Than if we marke well the B. of Rome whom we cal Antichrist it shal appeare more cleare than the daye light that this arrogaūcie is in him by that which be openly boasteth him self to be the head of all the hole churche And if he as he is a most insolēt man glorie of the title of the head surely he saithe that the body of the church euery of the mēbres receaue the spirites of life very life it self of him this he can not saye except he clayme Goddes offices to him self so shewe him self proudly in name as though he were God In this mater we passe not greatly vpō the papistes obiectiones that thinke they can auoide the note of so great an infamie with this one refuge in the they saye we expounde to subtillie the B. of Romes title wherby he braggeth him self to be the head of the churche that we sucke out therof ouer much mater to argue vpō For the B. of Ro. saye they teacheth not that he is the head of the churche to that ende as though he wolde take vpon him ouer muche insolētly either the spirite of life or life it self but that he might like the most highe shepehearde of the christiā flocke beare witnesse of his autoritie ouer Christes shepe O vayne defense euēlike the figge tree For like as Christes churche hathe no nede
dedes with these external maters he shall see them countrefaict al that they ꝓfesse so goodly that lady Hipocrisie her self could not handle that mater more fittly They saye they haue forsaken the world whan no mā in all the worlde lyueth more drowned Their wilful Pouertie with the worlde the forcastes of the worlde than they doo For they doo not only flowe in all kyndes of voluptuous pleasure but also they set al their hole myndes studies vpō al thinges that this worlde desireth or dothe I wold fayne haue thē answer me whether they cā shewe me in al the wyde worlde wher is more enuye more hatred more euill will more pride more contencion ambiciō bralling stryuing than in monasteries which as they saye are disseuered from the worlde But what is their pouertie want of propretie Forsothe this that they walowe in most pleynteous habundaunce of wealthe and like most mightie princes haue al the worlde to welde at cōmaundement nother fele they any pynching of pouertie ne yet want of thinges necessarie Yea a mā maye fynde of them which wher they had either a very small or elles no lyuyng of enheritaunce nor substaunce at al thrust them selues in to one monastery or other and professe wilfull pouertie but there hauing habundaunce of al thinges they leade a lyfe without wante of any thing and at leynght beyng made eyther Abbotes or Priours or Prouincialles either Bishoppes and Cardinalles yea and Popes to they clymbe to the most highe These holy men can clymbe no higher except they chaūce to clymbe to the galowes estate of wealthe pleasure and empire And yet for al that they saye they vowe pouertie where as they catche holde of suche maner of occasiones that they maye be made superiours to the most mightie princes kinges vpon earthe Therfore are they most subtil sleightie Siomedes which whā Glaucus that is to saye the rude cōmon people taketh no hede chaunge copper for golde And a mā shal fynde no great differēce frō this gaire yf he marke their obediēce that they vowe For by reason of that obedience they loke aloft euen against all Magistrates Cloistre obedience and gouernours openly bicause they boast them selues to be exempte that no man in al the worlde hathe ought to do to meddle with them If the lauful Magistrate that is ordayned of God demaunde any thing of them they laye for thē selues streight wayes their exempcion priuilege of the churche which setteth them fre frō al charges that the cōmon people and publike state are burthened wtal But in case any man wolde go about to cōstraine them to frame thē in to an ordre by by they make warre agaīst him laye at him with cursing thōdre boltes of Romishe excōmunicacions wherw t euen emperours them selues haue ben so oftē so shreudly hāpred that they are taught to their cost to be afraid of it yet stil to this day Therfore what shall we cal their obedience elles but that for asmuche as they are lordes ouer all men they passe not a pynne of the Magistrates they make all people their seruauntes and lyke Penelopes wowers and an vnprofitable burthen of the common wealthe they deuoure and cōsume in loytring idlenesse those thinges that can scarcely be earned and goten together with the toyle and trauaile of a great sorte of sore labouring mē And after the same rate if we wil speak Cloistre Chastitie the truthe we must speake of their Continence and chastitie which will not suffre thē in any wise to be called fathers without a cause For with their chastitie they are wont to fill all the worlde ful of bastardes to laye baites to deflowre honest maydens in euery place and to entice all other women of what place ordre or condicion so euer they were vnto hooredome and that with suche shamelesnesse that they will not let to play the hooremōgres partes euen at their holy seruice tyme. For to this vse serue so many drinkes and sibber sawces that they charme by the deuilles connyng in their masses to make women madde vpon their loue To this ende are so many maidens and matrones entired in their whispering eare shrifte To this purpose serue som mennes feyned sickenesses that haue geuen masse priestes friers and cloisterers occasion to rauishe both maydēs and maried women And doubtles this rule is so notablye knowne to al mē that a man can scarce fynde any so beggerly a suburbe or so pelting a village which hathe not ben garnished with som example of horedome by these kynde of men I talke not here of their filthier and more abominable trickes which we shal speake somwhat of in their owne place But who is that brethrē that hath brought in these sortesof men Who is he that hathe layde suche a burthē and heauy weight vpon sely wretche people Euen the B. of Rome which hathe not only cōfirmed their ordres rules with the autoritie of his testimonie and priuilege but also bicause no quicke spurre Magistrate maye correcte thē nor robbe him of this his so honourable a baudie barne teame he nameth them in al his wrytinges most deare children Than the B. of Rome is euen he that according to Danieles sayeng hathe made right stowte and notable mightie hipocrites which haue done all thinges concerning faithe religion and outwarde conuersacion of life by subtile fleightes with false colour able p̄tēces Hereunto perteyneth not only the life and behaueours of them that are called spirituall persones which in euery thing are like to the state of Mōkerye as the right childrē of al one father but all the hole religiō of al maner of folkes lyuing vnder the papacie ought also to be referred hereunto For it is nothing elles but a certain mere hipocrisie as to let many other thinges passe the only forme of their popishe penaūce if ther were nothing elles is hable to proue to be true For although a mā were soiled in the synke of al the synnes that are in the worlde and ledde a life full of al myschief and wickednesse all the hole yeare long yet the only tyme of lent though a man contynue still in synnes were hable to make him holy righteous For if a man faste from fleshe that space assone as he hathe goten him a massemonging priest to be his goostly father as verteous a man as him selfe Nay his goostly enemye and therfore the more gentil hathe ones whispered out all the raggemanrolle of his synnes in his care and greased his fiste with some pēce and bought a masse or twoo by by he hathe full forgeuenesse of al his synnes and may fall again to the same trade of life and geue him self to the same vices and filthye synnes that he did before Besydes this it is more cleare than the sunne light that ther can non so outrageous none so cruel non so haynous non so abominable a synne be committed
And forasmuche as al men are not Antichrist fighteth wyth open force so ignoraunt blynde that all doo suffre them selues to be deceaued and blynded wyth this furst sweorde of Antichrist that is lies and false miracles Paule ascribeth vnto him that other sweorde of sathan also that is open violent force and power to doo wrong wherwyth he may openly laye vpon them that resiste him and oppresse and make them to couche that speake against him And this we may see as playnly in the Bishoppes of Rome as we doo their lies and falfe craftes For furst they are furnished well ynough wyth their owne streynght and their owne power They haue great cities obedient at their commaundement They haue great countreyes and great menne vnder their subiection and autoritie they haue great hostes of valeaūt and wel furnished warlike mē they haue also harnesse and weapones for the warres and al that can be required vnto marciall affaires and to make warres withal yea they not only haue them but also they occupie them openly against kynges princes cities and people that refuse to be vnder their subiection and dare be so hardy as to withstande their lawes Notwithstanding bicause they haue perceaued by experience the chaunce of warres to be vncertain and doubtfull the myschieuous subtil helhoundes haue made them newe kynde of armour and a newe sweorde so kene that they haue strikē downe euē most mightie kinges and emperours with the edge of it Excommunicacion I meane which a man may call rather a thonderbolt that they vse to strike and to curse suche princes withall as be not their frendes and to depryue them of their princely dignities and whan they haue put downe them to set other in their places And to thintent their tyrannye should want nothing they haue made their power so strōg wyth other mennes marcial force that they neuer myssed of som either princes or cōmō people which were content to put their iudgementes sentences in execuciō against suche as were enemies of the sea of Rome to hasarde them selues in most daungerous warres for the mayntenaunce of it Of this tirannie ioyned with wonderfull muche politike falshead the Greke Emperours felt their parte For the B. of Rome procured the Lumbardes in to Italie to make warres vpō thē till he hade wiped them besides the Empire of al Italie And yet the lumbardes them selues tasted of the like falshead and tirannie For whan they beganne to wexe to sore vpon the Bishoppes of Rome and to couet the empire of Italie and Rome wher the Bishop durst not meddle wyth them him self he calleth the Frenche kinges to helpe him by whose power he furst repressed the Lumbardes and at last he ouerlaide them so by Charles the great that he lefte them nothing of their realme which they hade kept in possession CC. yeares saue only the bare name And in our tyme we haue sene the B. of Rome doo to muche wronge to the Frenche men For he droue them also after his owne practiced maner by other mennes power namely by the armies of the Heluecianes at that tyme out of al Italie In dede these are the craftye trickes of this bawdye hoore of Babilon yea she is so connyng in these wilye knackes and can brewe madde loue cuppes so fynely that she can get her louers in euery countrey so trusty and so constraunt that they wil not sticke to put their owne lyues in hasarde so they may defende and mayntene her maistresship Yet least she should be constrayned to seke her newe louers and defendours or rather protectours euery daye afreshe she is crept so depe in to the bosomes of emperours that they suffre them selues to be bounden by their solēne othe to defēde this beast against all her foes who so euer they be as we maye vnderstande by the forme of the othe lately prescribed vnto the emperour Ottho and as it is somwhat more euidently recorded in other of the popes owne Canones For in the Extrauagauntes Com. li. 1. Tit. De Maioritate obedientia he writeth thus We are taught by the wordes of the Gospel that in this churche meanyng the churche of Christ which he vnderstādeth to be the churche of Rome and in the power of the same ther be twoo sweordes a spirituall sweorde and a temporall sweorde For whā the apostles saide Lo here are two sweordes that is to saye in the churche the Lorde answered them not that they were to many but ynowe Doubtles he that denyeth the tēporal sweorde to be in Petres power dothe marke euil the worde that the Lord speaketh Put vp thy sweord again in to the scaberde Therfore the churche hath power of both sweordes that is to saye the spirituall sweorde the material sweorde But the material sweord must be exercited for the churche the spiritual sweorde of the churche The spiritual sweorde is in the priestes owne hande and the material sweorde in the hande of kinges and knyghtes howbeit at the appointement and sufferaunce of the priest Marke here now brethren Antichristes external power and his bloody murthering sweorde which the B. of Rome chalengeth to him selfe by so playne wordes hauyng no grounded reason of the scriptures but wrasteth them so blasphemously so violently For he sayth ther be two sweordes in the churche that is the Ecclesiasticall power the Emperours power he maketh them bothe subiecte to the B. of R. And he sayeth that they misunderstande Christes wordes which denye the Emperours power to be subiecte to the B. of Romes pleasure And herein in dede the beast sayeth moste true For they that denye this do the greatest displeasure that can be to the sea of Rome while they wolde set the Emperours power at libertie wype the sea of Rome besyde so great autoritie to appoint and commaunde But let it suffice vs to haue learned thus muche hereout that it is out of question that the B. of Rome hathe snatched to him selfe that other kynde of Antichristes weapones And what nede we to beate any longer vpō this mater seyng experience telleth plainly that I saye the truthe For is not the Emperours sweord drawen now at the B. of Romes berke Doth it not rage and make hauocke alreadye of the Lordes saintes And I thinke ther is no man but he knoweth for what cause the B. of Ro. cōmaundeth this sweord to be drawne Ther be bulles that came frō Rome which testifye the same Mary that the Germanes muste be brought agayne to the obedience of the churche of Rome with fire and sweorde and be spoiled quyte of the ioyous cōfortable fodder of the Gospell Yet to bring vs the more out of doubte let vs heare what the beast him selfe sayeth The wordes of the Indulgence Idibus Iulii 1546 Therfore wher we vtterly despered of their amendement meanyng the Germanes and seyng that they were open enemies to the holy churche of God and at vtter dephyaunce with all godly men and that
they sawe more diligent to serue their lust pryde Anone by their violence they inuaded the most noble most valeaūt kingdome of the Lūbardes in Italie gaue not ouer til they perceaued it also ouerthrowne the streynghtes of it al to clattred And thus they haue in dede atteyned their power by ouerthrowing of three kyngdomes so that at leynght whā they had trodē the empire vnder their fete to they might abuse the emperours to what purpose they wil euen at their owne pleasure Two of those thynges now which were ꝓpounded we haue hitherto with euidēt exposicion declared Furst that Rome is the seate of Antichrist thā the the B. of Rome is figured by the litel horne that Daniel maketh menciō of that he is very Antichrist And the residue shal be treated of in the homilies folowing Here now it shal stāde vs in hāde welbeloued brethrē in Christ to considre throughly the beginnynges of popes of their kyngdome For lyke as they haue atteyned their kingdome with wiles falsehead treasones oppressing of good Princes euen so shal they deuise with the same craftes to vpholde their kingdō glorie power to their successours also An euident vnfailing token of this mater this present tragedie declareth vnto vs wherby through their forcastes and mocions they stere vp the most myghty princes and most valeaūt people to take weapō in hande against Christ the most highe king priest In this case therfore we had nede to vse singular diligēce for cast brethrē that we haue respect only to the wordes of Christ folowe the rule of thē also to make the eares of God weary with cōtinual praiers neuer ceassing to desire him that he wolde vouchesafe to defēde vs with his owne fatherly succour to deliuer vs frō the tyrāny of Antichrist to burst his horne power And on the cōtrary parte to set vp aduaūce the horne kingdō of his sōne that we may serue him in faith charitie vprightenesse of life at leynght to liue to reigne with him for euer euer Amen The .iij. Homilie In this third Homilie is described Antichristes persone what his propretie is and by what markes he may be lightly knowne LIke as in maters of warre it is not only profitable but also necessarie for vs throughly and fully to knowe bothe our enemye his weapons his politike wiles also and embushementes his deuises and forcastes so as they maye the more easyly be auoided and repulsed wyth like power and discrete aduisement euen so is the same knowlage as muche necessarie in all the continue of our life In the discourse wherof we must abyde a certain perpetuall and alwaies contynuyng warfare by the helping mayntenaunce of our most high emperour our Lorde Iesu Christ which biddeth vs not set vpon any carnall mortall enemie but commaundeth those that are his appointed men of warre to be armed against the spirituall aduersaries of our saluacion Ephe. 6. as the apostle Paule saithe against the Lordes of this worlde the rulers of the darkenesse of this worlde yea rather against the Deuil him selfe that olde and mightie serpent whose subtiltie is infinite and his wyles innumerable which also hathe the cast to transforme him selfe in to euery facion and to counterfaicte euen the angel of light But althoughe that common enemie of our saluacion layeth embushes for vs wyth wonderfull sondry his politike wylie prankes but aboue all other specially wyth the iuggling deceates of false doctrine yet hathe he for all that som chief guyde and emperour of his armies whō he hathe most throughly instructed in al his streynghtes in all his power wyles fraudes deceates and all the knackes that he hathe to destroye mākynde wythall This man the holy scriptures set furthe in many places by the name figure of Antichrist forsomuche as being in all thinges contrary and against our Lorde and saueour Iesus Christ who is become vnto vs of God 1. Cor. 1. the heauenly father wisedom righteousnesse sanctificacion and redempcion he maketh warre against him and draweth awaye vs whom Christ hathe redemed wyth his blood from his companye seruice and partaking of saluacion It is therfore necessary for vs to marke diligently to espie out this felowe and it is conuenient for vs also to geue the eies of our heartes attentyuely vnto this purpose especially the worlde that now is to thintent we maye be hable to knowe out of the scriptures bothe him and all his wyles and to beware of him that he begyle vs not And as for this knowlage it may fully and lightly be perceaued of the twoo places of scripture which I lately brought furthe of the most excellent Prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paule which paynt out Antichristes visnomye vnto vs wyth suche lyght and euidence that all the hole mater of him might be comprehended in six chaptres or proposicions And therfore I haue lately expounded two the furst by the which we are taught that he shall spring vp place his seate and reigne at Rome And ther wyth also it is shewed by what meanes deceates subtilties treasons and wicked deuises he shall come to and obteyne his kingdome All which thinges verily are set furthe wyth suche light as it is declared wyth sufficiēt playnesse that they are fulfilled by the bishop of Rome which ought to be takē for that very principal and mightie houge Antichrist after the same sorte as they were in tymes past spoken of before by the prophetes and Apostles Now the next is that we steppe ouer to the thrid place of the mater we are in hande wythall Wherin the The. 3. Antichristes persone persone of Antichrist his nature disposicion maners and all his propreties wherby he maye be knowne are described These are written by Paule the Apostle who in that place which we haue before rehearsed dothe workemanly paynt out all the hole face of Antichrist wyth foure names or titles as it were wyth certain lyuely colours And the furst title that he decketh him wythall is that he nameth him The man of Synne the man of Synne This forme of speaking smelleth the Hebrue phrase and wanteth not in this behalfe the expresse significatiō of the thing that is intended in that he calleth him not after a simple maner A synfull mā or a wicked or an vngracious man but the Man of synne or the man of wickednesse mynding this wise to speake of a certain greater thing that is to saye euen the same thing that the seruaūt and slaue of synne is and as he that is addicte al together to the lawes of synne in al the hole discourse of his life To be shorte to thintent we maye fully vnderstande the meanyng of this title and that we maye see wythall whether this same title doo agree fittly wyth the bishop of Rome we must marke anon furst of all what the scripture purporteth in this worde Synne Holy writours call it synne
what so euer is committed what Synne is against the will of God the heauēly father and the autoritie of his holy worde either concerning faithe and religion or concerning the office of charitie either yet concerning the innocencie and purenesse of life For in these three specialties the hole life of a faithfull christen man and what so euer be customly required therunto are comprehended And if we wold a litel more diligently more narowly marke the hole papacie wyth his head membres we shall fynde them to be suche as ought worthyly to be called most filthyly polluted men wyth synnes and euen the very right Men of synne For as touching the faithe and religion which is obserued and set furthe in the papacie it is euidently apparent to be cleane contrary vnto the true and right faithe and religiō seing it was not taken out of the regestre of the holy sacred scripture wherout the doctrine of all faithe and religion ought to be taken of which mater we shal more fully treate whā we com to the exposicion of the thrid title To be brief albeit we wold graunt them in this behalfe that cōcerning the doctrine of their faithe religion all thinges were pure and set furthe according to the sentence of Goddes worde yet it can in no wise be denyed that the popes and their complices doo greuously offende cōcerning the same if we doo considre the abominable sinne of Symonie by Symony the which they do so many robberies one vpō an other wyth suche shamelesnesse gredinesse in those maters of God For we se thē come at lenght to so highe wickednesse by the shameles practise of symonie that they bestowe not only benefices and the rentes of Colleges and Monasteries and other suche like goodes of the church to the possessiō of most vnworthy persones that is to wete of suche as be of counsail of theyr viciousnesse messagiers coll cariers bawdes horse kepers mule dryuers cokes infinite others beyng nother of honest cōuersacion nor good learnyng and all for money or elles for priuate fauour or auaūtage but also set a sale and offre to be bought for euery mannes money the holy sacred gyftes of the holy Goost remission of synnes the grace of God the heauenly father the communion of the sacramentes the lauer of Baptisme yea and their owne God made of bread wyth the kingdome of heauens and euerlasting blesse and that with suche shamelesnesse that their owne most gredy chapmen brokers are not ashamed with a loud a shoutig voice to praise their wares and to require for the same al maner of money whether it were gotē in warres or by thefte or by rauine or yet by bloodsheading For they haue called the pelfe goten wyth these craftes no lesse holy than other is if they be all shuffled together Yet all men knowe euen as many as are madded wyth their supersticion and haue thought good to buye their wares that I feyne not these maters either of enuye or malice but euen the truthe of the mater it selfe is more cleare than nedeth any further declaracion in this bebalfe What shall we thā saye in this case welbeloued brethren in Christ Must we not nedes confesse that they which haue done suche thinges were in that chief and principal point of al the hole life touching faithe and religion very wretches in all thinges playnly blynded men of synne For furst wyth most arrogaunt temeritie they haue taken vpon them selues the thinges that they neuer hade nor were deliuered to them of Christ Iesu that is to saye remission of sinnes the grace of God the kingdome of heauens and euerlastyng lyfe and blessednesse All which thynges the hole scripture teacheth were redemed with nothing elles but with the precious blood of Iesu Christ alone Thā making sale of the giftes of the holy goost they made of the temple of God not the house of prayer but a certayn marte yea euen a tauerne of cheopping and chaunging Thirdely they haue made all religion to be a cloke of naughtynesse and iniquitie vnder which cloke euery body might frely entreprise and doo what so euer he wolde For might not a man vnder this false shewe of religion not only wythout punyshement but also no mā sayeng wrong he did be an horemongre breake wedlocke be a rybaulde haunt naughty games sportes be dronkē fight robbe steale oppresse Christes poore seruauntes sheade innocēt blood finally to doo all mychief with sweorde and fyre Might not a man that were burthened ouerlayde with all these vices be made free clensed out of hande assone as a sacrificeing hyred priest hade saide masse for him or hade gotē him assoiled for money The sayeng therfore of Christ our king and priest ought rightefully and according to their owne desertes to be thondred in their eares My house shal be called a house of prayer but you haue made it a denne of theues Among these we Math. 21. maye recken the pilling and rauine that they vse openlye wyth to muche shamelesnesse For the moste rauenyng marchauntes are not content to haue spoiled men of their goodes while they were alyue but they go about to robbe and pille mennes heires their wyues and children also whan they are deade and in another lyfe For to this ende they haue ymagined trentalles sacrifices of Massing for the dead anniuersaries and infinite suche like and vnto them men must nedes either bequeath perpetuall rentes and reuenues in their testament vpon their death bedde or elles their heires must prouide and geue them And what a thing is this elles but the same that Christ obiecteth to the Scribes and Pharisees of the Iewes where he sayeth that they deuoured and robbed poore folkes and wydowes houses vnder pretence of long prayer And who is it that shal in this case acquite them from synne and trespace seyng they bewray them selues by their owne dedes yea and euen by the testimonye of their owne mouthe to be theues and sacrileges For yf the pardon bulles which they offre to sell for large money to men whā they were yet lyuyng were sufficient for remission of synnes as they make boast of what nede is it to buye it dayly afreshe wyth newe sacrifices for them whā they be dead And forasmuche as they saye men haue nede of this ware that dead mennes soules can not be delyuered wythout them they doo verily shewe themselues to be deceauours in that they deceatfully fraudulently wyped their money from them whā they were alyue promisyng perfite remission of synnes whych they them selues saye afterwarde is vnperfite and hath nede of moo and that newe wares To be shorte the B. of Rome is the autor and inuentour of al this gaire with his mysterie workers of his owne religion which haue plāted the sedes of suꝑsticiō that he hath sowed after a wōderful ymaginacion of feynyng and lyeng And therfore we will saye that this furst title that Paule decketh