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A03284 The confession of faith contending how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, thereto led by faith: with the declaratio[n] of the article of iustification at length. ... Compiled by M. Henry Balnaues of Halhill, & one of the Lords of session, and Counsell of Scotland, being as prisoner within the old pallaice of Roane: in the yeare of our Lord. 1548. Direct to his faithfull brethren, being in like trouble or more ... Balnaves, Henry, Sir, d. 1579.; Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1584 (1584) STC 1340; ESTC S100771 112,936 310

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whome god gaue consolation saying there is in thy bosom conceaued two sundry nations two people shalbe deuided of thy belly That is thou knowes not which of them is the seede of the promesse the yongest haue I chosen to whome the eldest shall serue This is conforme to the sayinges of S. Paule Rom. the 9. Chap. But trust well she vnderstoode spiritually by faith that Iacob was the promised seede when shee procured and laboured so diligently that he should get the blessing of his father defrauded the eldest Esaw This was not knowē to Isaac for he wold not only that Esawe should succeede to the heritage but to haue gottē the blessing also which Iacob obtained by perswasion of his mother Neuerthelesse Esaw remained with the heritage in his fathers house and ceased not still to pursue Iacob who at last was compelled to fly for feare of his life And so euer the seede of the serpent pursues the chosing conforme to this beginning Let Abell dye and Cain liue But finally the seede of Iacob succeeded to the land of promission And inioyed the heritage Howbeit they were long troubled and afflicted in Egipt THE X. CHAP. 1 The wrong opinion of the Iewes of the promised seede 2 Wherin the vngodly place iustification 3 Sathan moues his members against the true professours of faith 4 Ieremie the Prophet of God resisted the whole Ecclesiasticall power of the Iewes 5 The head of the serpent troden downe by the death of Iesus Christ. 6 The article of iustification preached after the death of Christ. YE shall vnderstande that the Iewes had a fleshly opiniō of this promised seede for they vnderstood that the Messias which was promised to them should rule temporaly as Dauid did and establish his realme in great quietnes rest withal pleasure voluptuousnes as yee may vnderstand by the desire of the mother of the Sons of Zebedee Her Sons being with Christ and his Apostles were of the same opinion as testified the aunsweare of Christ saying to them yee knowe not what ye aske But the spirituall knowledge which the Fathers had was farre different therefrom Who vnderstoode in the spirit that the realme of Christ was spirituall and not temporall to the which they were led by faith By this yee shall vnderstande not only that the fleshely iudgement is deceaued in knowledge of this seede but also of the persecution of Sathan Euer perswading the wicked and vngodly which are his seede to persecute the womans seede of the promisse That is the chosen who according to the promisse of God obtaine victorie by faith in the bloud of Christ. For Sathan intending to destroye this article of iustification may not suffer the preaching thereof that is That by grace through faith and not of our owne rightuousnesse and workes We ar made safe please God are receaued into fauour with him and accepted as righteous and iust not of our merites or deseruinges but through the merits of Christ Iesu our Sauiour By the cōtrary the wicked trusts in their owne strength and merites And will haue their good works inuented by them selfe without the commandement of god a part of their saluation And who will not authorise the same they persecute of deadly hatred and must needes dye as Abell did So let Abell dye and Cain liue that is our law sayeth the vngodly In the Church of the Iewes our saide aduersarie ceased not to impung this article and perswade the wicked to persecute the godly and kill the prophets for preaching the same for defence of the which Ieremie the Prophet resisted the hole Ecclesiastical power authoritie of the Church of the Iewes that is the multitude of the wicked being a few number of the chosen that assisted to him as yee may reade Ieremie the 26 Chap. Not the les afterward hee was stoned to death for the same cause which is the reward of mā that is which mā giueth for the true preaching of this article So let Abell dye and Cain liue Finally the persecution of sathan our aduersary perswaded the death of christ his Apostles and martyres and their true successours all for this article But euer Christ got victorie and triumphed by his word only In so much as he got victorie of the deuill hell and death of the lawe sinne the world and the fleshe through his death and resurrection So by faith in his bloud al the Prophets Apostles martyres confessors with their bloud haue watered the Church and haue left a sure testimonie to vs for confirmation of this article that in the bloud of christ and not in their owne bloud workes or deedes they are made safe and haue gotten the realme of heauen conquest and purchased to them by Christ and not by them selfes nor their merites The which confession is the cause that the godly ar euer persecuted by the wicked So let Abell dye and Cain liue that is our lawe THE XI CHAP. 1 How sathan hath deceaued the worlde after Christ and wherewith he hath cled him 2 An euident argument showing them which this daye are called bishoppes to be the church malignant 3 An exhortation to them which enter in the church by the Popes authoritie aend of his power to make bishops 4 Wherein the wicked Iewes gloried and wherein the Pope his kingdome NOw our aduersary perceauing by the death of Christ that the promise made in Paradise was fulfilled and his head troaden down that is his power strēgth by the sheding of the bloud of Christ this article of iustificatiō laid so abroad the church of christ is so strongly edged with the same that all his imaginatiōs with the which he deceaued mankind had no place to peruert the perfite faith Then inuented he a new maner of habite which hee founde in the same church amongst the slouthfull ministers whome by processe of time seeing them idle not occupied in the reading teaching and preaching of the scriptures hee prouoked to inuent workes of their own conceite And also to abuse the holy sacramentes and good workes of God with vaine superstitions the which they call good workes And by this meanes he hath so drawen them from faith that they knowe not what the same is nor what Christ is but as it were a Theefe hanged vpon a gallous or gibbit innocētly or like another maner of prophane history of Hector or of the great Alexander And therefore hath prouoked them to pursue this Article more cruelly then euer it was pursued from the beginning of the worde Them selfes by worde confessinge the same with their mouth reading singing and of their maner dayly teaching and preaching the same And yet neuerthelesse dayly burning killing banishing the true faithful preachers of the said article confessours therof And so euer shall Abell dye and Cain liue that is our lawe say they Our said aduersarie that he should not be perceaued hath transformed him selfe in to an Angell of light
That is in forme of holynes He hath entred in the church in wonderfull subteltie for hee hath cled him with the most honest and shining works inuented this day by mens wit or reason Yea with the same works commanded also by God and by them maintaineth defended him selfe wholy yea verylie he had cled him with the blessed sacramēt of the body and bloud of christ for hee can well disguise him in workes with pride vaine glorie hipocrisie diffidēce dispaire Idle faith as to beleeue the historie onely presumption of the owne merites c. But in perfite faith which is the groundstone of this article of iustification he can neuer enter Therefore vnder colour of holines he hath caused and dayly causeth the prelates of the Church as they call them who should of their vocation haue to the shedding of their bloud defended this Article pursue the same most cruelly with all tormentes inuented by mans wit vnder the false pretence of good workes hauing no respect to faith And so shall Abell dye and Cain liue Ye shall vnderstand that the oft repeating of the death of Abell and the life of Cain is no vaine storie nor purpose but the true similitude of the Church of christ which first watered with the bloud of Abel remaineth example to this houre and shal to the seconde cōming of Christ to the latter iudgemēt In the which two persons is set forth to vs the perfite knowledge of the Church which consistes in the godly and vngodly And euer the perfite and iust Churche is pursued with the wicked neuer pursueth by which the disciples and seruauntes of Christ are knowen as testifie the holy scriptures I exhort you which are aduersaries to this article of iustification consider with your selfe if euer ye red the history in canonical scriptures or prophane histories that euer the true and perfite church frō the beginning of the world to this houre persecuted any but euer was persecuted and the godly glad thereof Herefore the forme order of this tyrannicall persecutiō vsed this day by them hauing the ecclesiasticall power in their handes against the faithfull professours of this article I iudge to be of the deuill and may say truely to them as Christ saide to the Scribes Pharisies all the bloud which is shed from the bloud of Zacha. whome they slew betwene the altare the temple shall come vpon these cruell tirantes which impunge this Article and slaye the faithfull professours thereof Against these sayings the aduersaries of faith and veritie crye The canon Lawe the aucthoritie of the Church the long consuetude the examples of the Fathers the Bishop of Romes aucthoritie the generall Counsels Heresie Heresie So there is no remeady but let Abel dye and Cain liue that is our lawe My hartes yee which haue entered in the Church of Christ by the bishoppe of Romes law and aucthoritie with his faire bulles your shauen crounes smaring you with oyle or chreame and cloathing you with all Ceremonies commanded in your law If yee thinke you therethrough the successours of the Apostles and Fathers of the church ye are greatly deceaued for that is but a politike successiō or ceremonial The successiō of the Church is farre otherwyse the which requireth you to haue knowledge in the scriptures of God to preache and teache the same with the other qualities cōditions cōteined in the scriptures as hereafter shalbe showē in the speciall vocations of the which if ye be expert and your vocation lawefull according to the worde of god doubtles ye are the successors of the apostles haue the same auctority they had committed to them by Christ. And if ye want the saide conditions and qualities Yee are but reauing wolfes clede with shepe skinnes what authoritie that euer the bishop of Rome giue you For it is no more in his power to make a Bishop of him which can not preache nor hath the knowledge to rule the flocke committed to his care according to the word of god then it is in his power to make an asse to speake or bee man or yet cause a blinde man to see Therefore I pray you learne the scriptures that ye may walke in your vocation right for of your succession yee haue no more matter to glorie then the Iewes had to glorie against Christ calling them the sonnes of Abraham whom he called the Sonnes of the deuill They gloried in the carnall succession and ye glory in the politike or Ceremoniall succession And all is one thing God sende you knowledge and vnderstāding of his worde that yee may cease from your tyrannie and the true faithfull may liue in rest and quietnes THE XII CHAP. 1 The diuision of iustice in generall with the definition of euery part thereof 2 The cause that no man is iust by the law 3 Scriptures and examples prouing all me except Iesus Christ to be sinners LEt vs passe forewarde in the discussing of this Article of iustification for knowledge of the which necessarie it is to showe what iustice is of man what of the lawe either of God or man which being shortly discussed wee shall the more easily come to the knowledge of our christiā iustificatio which is a thing farre aboue all law either of god or man for it is the iustice by the which a wicked man is made iust through faith in the bloud of Iesus Christ without the works of the lawe because of the deedes of the law no flesh shalbe made iust before god as the apostle saith This is asmuch to say as because no man fulfilleth the law nor doth the deedes and workes of the same in the pure and cleane estate as the lawe required them to bee done according to the puritie of the same Therfore the law can pronunce none iust before god This worde iustice or rightuousnesse generally by the philosophers is takē cōmonly for the obedience and outwarde honesty according to all vertues of morall maners the which a man may doo and performe of his owne power and strēgth This is called an vniuersall or general Iustice after the philosophicall definition the same S. Pau. called the righttuousnesse of the law or workes because the Transgressours of this iustice are punished as wicked and vnrighteous For whome the Lawe is made and ordinate as Saint Paule sayeth 1. Timoth. the first Chap. for the iust needeth no law These morall maners and discipline is the most excellent rayment or habite wherewith man may bee cled Neuerthelesse they can not make a man iust before God nor is not the Iustice which we speak of here in this treatise The Politike or Ciuill Iustice is the obediēce which euery Subiect and Inferiour estate of mā giueth to their prince and Superiour in all the worlde The which proceedeth of the lawe of nature and is a good worke without the which obedience to the punishmēt of the wicked and defence of the
god as the prophetes were called in the old testamēt yea and as Dauid to be a King and Moys a gouernour to the people And as the Apostles in the new testament The other is mediate by mā immediate by god as Iosue in the old testament was called by Moys to bee Gouernour to the people at the commandement of god And as Timoth. and Titus were called by S.P. to bee bishops and as all they which nowe are called to be bishops which are lawfully made according to the word of god and authoritie of the magistrates Therefore to the knowledge of euery mans vocation I remit him to the word of god and his own conscience which are his inward most sure iudges There is a generall vocation by the which we ar called by Christ his word to a christian religion through the which wee are made one body and one spirite Euen as we are called in one hope of our vocatiō for that charitie is required of vs by the word of God which maketh and bringeth vs together in one body thrugh mutuall coniunction of faith working by charity therfore Charity is called the bād of Peace There is but one fellowship of all the faithfull one body That is one church whose only head is Christ. In this church is nor should bee no diuision for there is in this vocatiō christiā religion but one body one faith one baptisme which is the seale of our religion marked by god with the bloud of his only begotten sonne Christ Iesus our lord in whose bloud we are baptised one god and one father of all which is vpon all and by all and in vs all And therefore the Apostle testifieth vs all to be but one body that is one church in Christ. For in to one spirit and by one spirite the whole vniuersall congregation of the faithful is gouerned ruled strengthned and kept There is but one marke or ende to the which all the faithfull cōtend or shoote at that is eternall life Wee are all the Sonnes of one Father and participant of one heritage as we are called in one hope of our vocation And seing we haue but one lord which is Iesus Christ. It is conuenient that his seruantes bee of one minde and not deuided through discord and enuie There is but one profession of faith in all this Christian religion vocation for howbeit wee see in these our dayes many sundry professions and opinions of faith There is but one true faith which is that faith which the Apost of our Lorde Iesus Christ together with the patriarches and prophets haue professed and giuen to all nations through their teaching and preaching as testifie the holy scriptures Vpon the which foundation the whole church of Christ is builded Therefore by one baptisme we ar al made clean purified and by the which we ar ingrafted in Christ and made the people of God purified from our sinnes and altogether buried with Christ. There is amongest vs all but one power or strenght of baptisme and in one name of the father sonne and the holy spirite we are baptised And so ar we made one body into Christ being many members cōpacted and ioyned together into him For the more perfite vnderstanding of this body yee shal reade the whole 12. chap. of the 1. epistle to the Corinth The 4. and 5. to the Ephes. In the which yee shall finde this mater declared by the Apostle at lenght In this generall vocatione their is no distinction of personnes for all men are equall before god of one estate by one generall promis al are called to the faith vnder one Lord and King Iesus Christ who hath shedd his bloud for all which beleeue in him Therefore all Scriptures which make mention that there is no exception of persons before god are referred to this general vocatiō in the Christian religion as Romans the 2. chapter where the Apostle intēding vnder Iewe and gentill comprehending all men to proue them sinners sayeth before God there is no acception of persons And Peter sayeth In veritie I haue found that God is not an accepter of persones but in all nations and people hee is accepted vnto him which feareth him and worketh righteousnesse And S. Iames sayeth My brethren haue not the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons And S.P. saith to the cōfoūding of the fals apost which seduced the Gal. through great authoritie and also to show him selfe equal in power with Iames Peter and Iohn That God is not a respecter of the person of man but in this vocation of Christiā religion by baptism through faith in the bloude of Christ all mē ar equall both Iewe gētill seruād free man woman all are one in Christ Iesus the sonnes of Abraham by faith according to the promis heirs that is to say all which beleeue ar the sonns of god therfore ar they fre heirs of eternal life To this generall vocatiō perteineth the sayings of S. Pet. in these words Yee are a chosen generation a royall priesthoode a holy natiō a people set at liberty that ye should forthshowe the vertues of him that hath called you forth of darknesse into a meruelous light c. The same is said by Moyses Ex. the 19. Chapter Here yee see in this vocation there is no acception of persons We ar all the holy people of God which beleeue vnfainedly yea kinges oincted in Baptisme by the holie Spirit priests making sacrifice to god dayly of this our sinful body mortified from sinne offer a holie and acceptable sacrifice after the maner aboue writtin conforme to the teaching of the Apost Rom. the 12. cha But be ware ye call not your selues kings in office and dignitie nor priests in administration of the word holy sacramentes for that perteineth to a speciall vocation or office by the selfe Therefore I exhort you which reade the scriptures take heede that yee confound not the works of god for if yee doe yee shal not escape error These speciall vocations shall follow in their owne places If we will looke dayly to this christian vocatiō we shal haue perfite knowledge what works we shuld doe what works we should leaue vndone The neglecting hereof is the cause of al the enormities abuses now ruling in the church of christ through the whole world For considering wee ar all members of one body all mēbers haue not one office but euery one serueth other in their owne place as when the eares heare any thing the eyis casteth the sight what it shuld be thē the feete hands prepare them to pursue or defēd to stād or flee And al these mēbers whole body obey the head awaite vpon the direction of the same Euen so we being all mēbers of one body which is the Church whose heade is Christe
and much more abomination proceedeth frō that zeale which wee call good But how good that euer it appeare in our sight the adhearers thereto shall receaue the malediction of God The sommary of the 24. chapter NO better works can be then Iohn the baptist taught to the people which are the workes of mercy and to desist from fraude iniurie and oppression And these workes and not the vaine inuentions of man pastours should teach their flocks instructing thē first in perfite faith For Iesus christ being asked by the Iewes what they shuld do that they might worke the workes of god that is that they might please god answered This is the worke of God that yee beleeue in him whome he hath sent By the which words our maister vnderstandeth that without faith whiche is the worke of god and not of man no worke pleaseth god The yoke of Christ is easie and his burden is light to the faithfull because they lay all their sinns vpō Christs backe and follow him euery man in his owne vocatiō There is two maner of vocatiōs one immediate by god as the prophetes and Apostles were called to be preachers without authoritie of mā Another is mediate as when one mā called another As Paull called Timoth. Tit. to be bishops There is a generall vocatiō by which all the chosen are called to a Christian religion Hauing one lorde one faith one baptisme In this vocation there is no difference of persons but all are equally loued by god becaus we ar all the sonns of one father al boght with one price all seruaunts to one lord all guided with one spirite all tending to one end and shall all be participant of one heritage that is the life eternall by Iesus Christ by whom we are all made priests and kings but let no mā herefore vsurpe the authoritie of a king in dignitie nor the office of a priest in administratiō of gods word sacraments for that perteinteh to a speciall vocation The sommary of the 25. Chap. All estate of man is conteined within one of these four special vocations either is he prince or subiect pastor or one of the flocke father or sonne lord or seruaunt In the prince is conteined all magistrats hauing Iurisdiction in a cōmounweall Whose duety is first to know god and his lawe which hath placed them in that authoritie Secondly to guide feed and defend their subiects knowing them selues to be no better of their nature then is the poorest in their realme Thirdly to defend the iust and punish the wicked but respect of persons Hauing their harts and eyes cleane and pure from all auarice They are called the sonnes of God and should be obeyed in all things not repungning to the cōmand of god because they ar ordeined placed by god to punish vice mainteine vertue and therefore their owne life should be pure and cleane first because otherwise they can not punish sinne and secondly because the wickednesse of princes prouoketh their subiects to the Imitation thereof And therefore the life of princes shuld be pure cleane as a mirrour to their subiects and should admitte into their kingdomes no worshipping of god except that which is commanded in the scripturs for god being commoned by Idolatry and strange worshipping hath destroyed many kingdomes as all prophecyings witnesse The sommarie of the twenty sixt Chapter THE principall office of a Bishop is to preache the true Euangell of Iesus Christ knowing that if the flocke perishe the bloud shalbe required at his hands And that hee neglecting the preaching of the Euangell is no bishop nor can doe no worke pleasant before god And therefore no bishop should mixt him selfe with temporall or seculer busines for that is contrarie his vocatiō but continually should preache reade exhort his flocke to seeke their spirituall foode in the Scriptures And so the tyrantes in these dayes forbidding men to reade the Scriptures declare them selues wolues and no pastors whom god shall shortly punish because they haue contemned his command attending altogether vpon their own vaine supertitions as he did Hely and his two sonnes vnder law and the whole priesthood after Iesus Christ. The sommary of the twentie ewint chap. THE office of the Father vnder whom is comprehended all housholders is to rule and guide his children family and seruaunts in all godlinesse and honestie instructing them in the Law and word of God For honest housholders who liued in chaste matrimonie ruled guided their housholdes well nurished their children in the feare and reuerence of God were chosen to be Bishoppes in the Primitiue church And therefore they are blasphemous to the holy spirit which inhibit the Laickes so style they the chosen of God learning reading teaching of the holy Scriptures wherin is conteined the foode of the soule wherof Antichristes willing to depriue them would also kill the soule For the soule without gods worde hath nor may haue no life The office of the husband is to loue and defend his wife giuing to her onely his body The office of the wife is likewise to loue and obey her husband vsurping no dominion ouer him And the office of them both is to instruct their children in gods Law euer giuing to them example of good life and holdding them at godly occupations labouring also them selues faithfully for sustentation of their families The sommarie of the 28 Chap. THE office and duetie of the Lord is to pay vnto his seruaunts the rewarde promised And the office of the seruaunt is faithfully to worke and labour to the profite and vtilitie of his lord but fraude or simulation as hee would serue Iesus Christ. The office of the subiect is to obey his prince and rulers placed by him giuing vnto them honour custome and tribute not requiring the cause why they receaue the same for that perteineth not to the vocation of a subiect The office of the sonne is to loue feare and honour his parents Which honour standeth not in words only but in ministring of all thinges necessary vnto them which if the sonne doe not to the father and mother hee can doe no good worke before god And therefore deuilish doctors are they which teach men to found soule masses of their substance suffering father and mother to labour in indigence and pouertie FINIS The workes before written are they in the which euery christian should be exercised to the glory of god and vtilitie of his neighbour M. Henry Balnaues Richard Bannantine Richard Bannātine Iohn knox Gen. 37. Gen. 41. Psal. 104. Gene. 15. Iosue 11. 3. Reg. 12. 3. Reg. 13. 16. Esa. 1 Ier. 3. 4. Reg. 17. vltimo Act. 7. Apo. 7. Scotland Psal. 2. Io. 3. Esa. 59. psal 41. 42. Psal. 76. Psal. 21. 104. * That is the maner how he will deliuer * That is he which of him self hath power and being by whome all had their beginning life and mouing Psal. 32. Io. 1. Ro. 4.