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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30024 The Christian ministry of the Church of England vindicated and distinguished from the antichristian ministry of the Quakers containing a brief reply to a false and foolish libel stiled A letter to the clergy of the diocess of Norfolk and Suffolk, &c., by a nameless author ... wherein his folly is detected, his lies confuted ... / by a member of the Church of England, Francis Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1699 (1699) Wing B5369; ESTC R35451 20,522 32

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but that I may so far as I can safely pursue the Method directed to by this obscure Author I shall now proceed to distinguish between the Doctrine of the Christian Ministers of the Church of England and the Doctrine of the Quakers out of their Books and so vindicate the one and reject the other The Tree is known says he by its Fruit. The Clergy's Doctrine They preach Faith in the Crucified Jesus who was Born of the Virgin Mary and with St. Peter they agree who said Mat. 16.16 in Answer to the Question which Christ put to his Disciples v. 13. Whom do Men say that I the Son of Man am Thou art said Peter Christ the Son of the Living God They agree also with St. Peter Acts 5.30 31. The God of our Fathers raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a Tree Him has God exalted with his Right Hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give Repentance to Israel and Forgiveness of Sins They preach and believe according to St. John's Gospel John 5.22 For the Father judgeth no Man but hath committed all Judgment unto the Son V. 27. And have given him Authority to execute Judgment also because he is the Son of Man And they Believe and Teach all other necessary Truths out of the Holy Scriptures and have many Witnesses that their Doctrine tend to all who receive the Truth in the Love of it to open their Hearts and are thereby turned from Darkness to the Light of the Glorious Gospel and from Sathan's Power Reign and Government to the Power Providence and Protection of God Almighty in order to receive Forgiveness of Sins thro' a Sincere and Hearty Repentance and an Humble Confession and beging Pardon of the same for the sake of Christ our alone Mediator and Advocate and thro' Faith in his Name All this they Preach and Teach according to the Holy Scriptures tho' I grant that where it is not mixed with Faith in the Hearers there is no profiting to such nor were they profited by the Sermons of Christ or his Apostles who did not believe tho' they might receive the Lord's Supper as Judas did and be Baptized as Simon Magus was So that the Ministry is not to be blamed in that such as resist the Truth and rebel against it are not profited The Quakers Doctrine They Teach that the Person that suffer'd at Jerusalem was not properly the Son of God That he was only a Vail a Garment a Vessel c. which they can never call Christ That the Name Christ belongs to every believing Quaker as well as to the Head That all Power in Heaven and Earth is committed to the Light Within and for this they quote John 5.22 They Teach that the Son of Man was before the Incarnation That they cannot pray for the Priests but for their Destruction That the Ministers that Preach Christ without and bid People believe in him as he is in Heaven above are false Ministers They teach likewise that the Light in them is Christ and that this Christ doth offer up himself in them a Sacrifice to God by which the Wrath and Justice of God is appeased They teach that the very Christ of God is Within them and that in them he doth Intercede for them They teach that upon and for these Reasons there is not that need of Publishing or Preaching the Literal Knowledge of Christ for say they the Historical Knowledge of Christ is believed by all sorts pretending to Christianity His Death His Miracles His Rising His Ascending into Heaven See Quakerism Exposed c. p. 55. Sheet to the Parliament 1693. and my other Books set forth these Proofs out of the Quakers most noted Authors only I here abstract for it is to shew the Tendency of their Doctrine and wherein it differs from the Christian Religion The Clergy's Doctrine They teach according to St. Paul Phil. 2.10 That God hath highly exalted Christ and given him a Name above every Name They teach that His Sufferings were Meritorious and that the Sufferings of the Martyrs was the Seed of the Church They teach that the Holy Scriptures are the Word of God and Rule of Faith and Practice to Mankind and of greater Authority than any other Book They Preach out of it to the People according to the usual Custom of the Church both Jewish and Christian having the Example of Christ himself Luke 4. And as his Custom was he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath-Day and stood up for to read and there was delivered unto him the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and when he opened the Book he found the place where it was written c. See also 1 Chron. 34.18 19 35. Nehem. 8.1 2. Ezra 1.10 11. They Teach and Practice the Commands of Christ Matth. 28.19 20. Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing c. Luke 22.19 20. Do this in Remembrance of me When they pray they say after this manner according to Christ's Precept and Command Matth. 6. Our Father c. Forgive us c. They Teach Subjection to Magistrates according to Matth. 22.21 Tit. 3.1 1 Pet. 2.13 14 17. Rom. 13.1 2 3. Wives to their Husbands according to Eph. 5.22 1 Pet. 3.1 Col. 3.18 Tit. 2.5 Gen. 3.16 Numb 30. And all other Christian Duties and this I take to be a Proof of their Ministry The Quakers Doctrine They teach that the Name Christ belongs to every Believer as well as to the Head utterly denying the Person that suffered to be the Son of God They teach that the Sufferings of the Quakers in this Age are Greater and more Unjust than in the Days of Christ and his Apostles and Martyrs or any time since They teach that the Scriptures are not the Word of God nor Rule of Faith and Practice and that it is Conjuration to Preach out of them and that they are Death Dust Serpents Meat Beastly Ware They question whether Moses or Hermes was the first Author of them and teach that what good Men spake was ill expressed what wise Men spake was ill applied and that what the true Prophets spake was false and what the false Prophets spake was true at least some of all these four Instances which tend to overthrow the Divine Authority of the Scriptures See their Book The Quakers Refuge fixed c. p. 17. They also teach that what they Speak or Write from the Spirit of Truth is of greater Authority than the Bible They teach that no Command in Scripture is any further obliging to them than they are convinced by their Light Within of their Duty of Obedience and thereupon throw off Baptism the Lord's Supper affirming in Penn's Reason against Railing c. p. 108 109. that Circumcision is as much in force as Water Baptism and the Paschal Lamb as Bread and Wine I do Renounce says he and in him all the Quakers and can testifie from the same Spirit by which Paul renounced Circumcision that they are rejected
THE Christian Ministry OF THE Church of ENGLAND Vindicated and Distinguished FROM THE Antichristian Ministry OF THE QUAKERS CONTAINING A Brief Reply to a False and Foolish Libel stiled A Letter to the Clergy of the Diocess of Norfolk and Suffolk c. by a Nameless Author yet a pretended Member of the Church of ENGLAND WHEREIN His Folly is Detected His Lies Confuted His Weakness Discovered and his Malice Reproved By a Member of the Church of England FRANCIS BUGG That we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine by the Slights of Men and cunning Craftiness whereby they lye in wait to deceive Ephes 4.14 LONDON Printed for the Author And are to be sold by J. Robinson at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard And H. Rhodes at the Star in Fleet-street 1699. Advertisement WHereas the Sheet intituled A Letter to the Clergy c. is to my certain Knowledge universally spread in Oxford Wickham Ipswich Colchester Bury Cambridge Norwich Lyme Ely and divers other Parts of the Nation to the great Scandal of the Church of England and given Gratis they having a common Bank for that and every such Purpose into the Hands of Gentlemen Tradesmen Inn-keepers Hostlers and others to the great Prejudice of common Christianity and is a cunning Stratagem devised and set on foot by the Arch Emissaries of Quakerism under the Vizor of a Member of the Church of England whilst there is great Reason to believe him to be a real Quaker whose Principle and Practice hath been to Lie Dissemble Forge and Subscribe without the Consent of the Parties as Anne Docwra a Member of that Schism and now in their Unity and a Writer and Defender of their Heresie hath shewed These are therefore to give notice That any Persons zealous for our Holy Religion may have this Book ready stitcht for 2d per Book if they will buy 25 50 or 100 together at Mr. Janeway's Book-binder next Door to Child's Coffee-House in St. Paul's Church-yard London In order to a Universal Discovery of this Hermophrodite in Religion who lies sculking behind the Curtain stinging like a Serpent whose Throat is an open Sepulchre whose Mouth must be stopped and Folly manifested least the uncircumcised Triumph over the Israel of God The Preface to the Reader Christian Reader THE Apostle St. Paul writing to the Ephesians gives them many Precepts and sound Exhortations in order to the building them up in their most holy Faith amongst which this to me seems not the least cap. 4. v. 14. That we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine by the Slights of Men and cunning Craftiness whereby they lye in wait to deceive Again writing to his Son Timothy he seems to Inculcate the same over again foretelling what should come to pass 2 Tim. 3.13 But evil Men and Seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived It 's true no Man can deceive another but he deceives himself yet such is the Influence that Interest and the Love of the World have upon the depraved Nature and ambitious Desire of some Men that they will use all the Slights and cunning Craftiness they can to deceive others And when one Engine will not do they 'll try another as we see by the Quakers who by their Slights and cunning Craft have deceived Thousands under the Pretence of their Seeming Sanctity and Pharasaical Demureness as well as by their Books which they generally pretend to be given forth by the Holy Ghost from the Mouth of the Lord and by the moving of the Eternal Spirit and as such to be of greater Authority than the Bible as G. Whitehead teaches in his Book Truth defending the Quakers p. 7. And thereupon they read their Epistles thus wrote in their Meetings as the Word of God whilst they never read one Chapter of the Bible in their Meetings I say by these their Wiles and Slights they have caught Thousands of unstable Souls but thro' much Labour and Pains by my self and others there has been such a Discovery made of their Books and the Blasphemies and Corrupt Doctrine contained in them that now their very Ringleaders themselves have refused either to own or disown them or the Doctrines contained in them by which many of their Hearers begin to question the Pretensions of their Leaders and many are come off from them and have been Baptized into the Christian Faith by the Ministers of the Church of England and now they have started a new Gain and used another Slight and cunning Piece of Craft whereby they watch all Opportunities to deceive the People namely to put forth a printed Sheet under the Disguise of a Member of the Church of England with a Design to abuse her and to deceive others as the following Discourse will shew and whereby we may see they grow worse and worse and this the Apostle foresaw And therefore like careful Watchmen gave us warning of them as in the Places above-cited To which let me add St. Peter's Prophetical Care Admonition and Caution 2 Pet. 2.1 2. But there were also false Prophets among the People even as there shall be false Teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies even denying the Lord that bought them And bring upon themselves swift Destructions and many shall follow their Pernitious Ways by reason of whom the way of Truth shall be evil spoken of Now how far these and other of the like Truths left upon Record by the Primitive Inspired Pastors and Teachers of the Doctrine of Salvation are verified in our Days may be seen and ought to be more laid to Heart by us than I fear we do For it hath been manifest and clearly proved that the Quakers above all others that I am sensible of are the very Persons that deny the Lord that bought them and shed his most precious Blood for them were they but willing to accept of so great Salvation on Gospel Terms For says W. Penn in his Serious Apology c. p. 146. That the Outward Person that suffer'd at Jerusalem was properly the Son of God we utterly deny c. Here then we see the Holy Apostle St. Peter's Words fulfilled for he or they that deny him that suffered at Jerusalem upon the Tree of the Cross to be the Son of God I do affirm he or they whoever they be deny the Lord that bought them and will bring upon themselves swift Destruction yea and as many as suck in the Poyson of their Doctrine unless they repent thereof But W. Penn avouches the same in his Christian Quaker and his Divine Test c. p. 97 98. and in many other Places See also Is Pennington's Book A Question to Professors c. p. 33. Now the Scriptures distinguish between Christ and the Garment he wore between him that came and the Body in which he came between the Substance that was vailed and