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A02349 A compend of the controversies of religion wherin the trueth is confirmed, and errour convinced, by authoritie of Scripture, witnessing of antiquitie, and confession of partie. Most necessary for all, in this backe-slyding age. By W.G. minister of God's word. Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1627 (1627) STC 12479; ESTC S118648 69,651 225

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Controversies of Religion CHAP. I. OF SCRIPTVRE 〈…〉 I. That the Apocrypha are not Canonicke Scripture or of Divine authoritie to confirme points of fayth 1. Authoritie of Scripture LVKE 24.27 And beginning at Moses all the Prophets hee expounded vnto them in al the Scriptures the ●…inges concerning himselfe Not● then That our Saviour compre●…ndeth all the Scripture of the olde Te●…ment in Moses and the Prophets of ●…hom Malachi was the last as 2. Esdras 40. is cleare and therefore Esdras ●…o maketh mention of him as last and the rest of the Apocrypha books that ●…re written after him are no part of ●…ine Scripture Act. 26.22 Having then obtained helpe of GOD I continue t●… this day witnessing both to sma●… and great saying none othe●… things than those which Moses an●… the Prophets did say should com●… Marke then that Paul also compr●…hendeth all divine Scripture in the wr●… of Moses and the Prophets allanerlie 〈…〉 alleadged none other thing for confirm●…tion of his Doctrine but the foresay●… Scripture and therefore did not a●…knowledge any other apocryphal boo●… to bee of divine authoritie or fit f●… that purpose Rom. 3.2 Vnto them to w●… the Iewes were committ●… the Oracles of GOD. Note the●… That seeing the Apocrypha books w●… not committed to them nor ever●…knowledged by them as divine inspy●… Scripture as the Papistes themselu●… confesse Bellar. lib. 1. de Purg. cap. 〈…〉 § ad primum Therefore it followe●… that they are not the Oracles of Go●… nor of divine authoritie 2. Tim. 3.16 All Scriptu●… is given by divine inspiration Note then That the abridgement 〈…〉 lie of another mans worke and an hu●…ane Historie done by great paynes ●…uch as the Apocrypha bookes of the ●…achabees are cōfessed to be 2. Machab. 〈…〉 23. is no part therefore of canonicke ●…cripture Againe 2. Pet. 1. 21. For ●…he prophecie came not in olde tyme ●…y the will of man but the holie ●…en of God spake as they were mo●…ed by the holy Ghost Remarke then againe That Scripture was no private taske vndertaken by the ●…ill of man as the Apocryphall booke of ●…he Machabees is formerlie acknowled●…ed And againe seeing that the holie ●…pirit spake by them therefore it followeth that that Booke cannot be of the ●…pirits inspiration wherein the Author ●…howeth if hee hath done slenderlie and ●…eanlie it is all he could attaine vnto as 〈…〉 Machab. 15.38 hee freelie confes●…th for this were blasphemouslie dero●…atorie to the holie Ghost and to the au●…oritie of holie Scripture And no lesse derogatorie is that place ●…f Ecclesiasticus 31.21 against both the ●…odestie of the holie Ghost and gravitie ●…f Scripture which sayeth to him that ●…ath eaten immoderatelie If thou hast ●…ene forced to eate goe foorth and spew it out and thou shalt haue rest there-after I omit sundrie contradictions Trueth where-of the Spirit of Tr●… could not bee Author as Tobit 5. 〈…〉 where the good Angell is made to 〈…〉 which is onlie proper to Satan and 〈…〉 evill angels and against Heb. 1.14 t●… hee sayeth that hee was of a carnall p●… creation whose nature are onelie to 〈…〉 created spirits 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THE Church indeede readeth th●… Bookes sayeth sainct Ierome 〈…〉 receiveth them not amongst Canon●… Scripture Ierom. praef in Proverb Wh●… remarke that Ierome setteth not do●… there his owne private opinion but generall tenet of the whole Church in time And therfore his testimonie ac●…ding to Cardinall Peron's wordes in●… Epistle Observatione quinta is a s●…cient evidence of the fayth of the Ca●…licke Church at that time where 〈…〉 sayeth that when the Fathers speake●… as private Doctors but as witnesse●… those thinges which the Church did 〈…〉 believed in their time affirming that s●… a thing was the Fayth or practise of 〈…〉 who le Church then their testimon●… sufficient to declare the vnanim com●… of the whole Church In like man●… also with Ierome doeth sainct Greg●… acknowledge them not Canonicall Greg. 〈…〉 9. Moral in Iob cap. 17. Nor doeth 〈…〉 ancient Councell of Laodicea Can. 〈…〉 account them anie wayes as such 3. Confession of Partie ●…Nd because they are doubtsome they 〈…〉 are not numbered in the Canon of ●…pture sayeth Cardinall Hugo de S. ●…ro in his Prologue on Iosua The ●…e likewise sayeth Cajetan and Hugo S. Victore 〈…〉 That the Scripture contayneth all things which are necessarie to salvation to know without Popish Traditions 1. Authoritie of Scripture ●…SALME 19.7 The Law of 〈…〉 the LORD is perfect conver●… the Soule The Testimonie of 〈…〉 LORD is sure making wise the ●…ple ●…ote then That Gods worde is called ●…ect and Sure as sainct Peter also cal●… it 2. Pet. 1.19 in opposition to ●…ecessitie and nature of Traditions ●…ch are both needlesse and vnsure ●…h 15.9 2. Thess 2.2 Proverb 30.6 Adde thou not to his word lest hee reprou●… thee and thou bee found a liar Note then That they are pronounce●… liars who accuse Gods worde of impe●…fection and therefore would adde the●… vnto vnwritten Traditions in matters 〈…〉 salvation 2. Tim. An●… that from a child thou hast known●… the Scriptures which are able t●… make thee wise vnto salvatio●… through fayth which is in Chri●… Iesus Note then If the Scriptures alone b●… able to make vs wise vnto salvatio●… which is all we neede wherefore ser●… Traditions Againe vers 16.17 A●… Scripture is given by inspiration 〈…〉 God and is profitable for doctrin●… reproofe correction and instructi●… in righteousnesse that the man 〈…〉 God may bee perfect throug●… lie furnished vnto all goo●… works Note then This is all that we can seek●… what needeth therefore Traditions Iam. 1.21 Receiue with meeknesse the ingrafted word which is able to saue your Soules Note then That it alone is able to doe all that which wee can require So Act. 20.32 it is sayde to bee able to build vs vp by grace heere and to bring vs to the inhe●…itance of glorie heereafter and further we cannot wish for Gal. 3.15 Brethren I speake to you after the manner of men tho ●…t be but a mans testament yet if it ●…ee confirmed no man disannulleth nor addeth thereto Note then That it is farre greater impietie to adde to Christs owne Testament confirmed by His Blood The examples also of the Apostles ●…roue this for as for doctrine of Sainct Paul it is written thus Act. 28.23 That when they had appointed him a day ●…here came many to his lodging to whom hee ●…xpounded and testified the Kingdome of GOD perswading them concerning IESVS ●…oth out of the Law of Moses and out of the Prophets And Act. 26.22 Saying ●…one other things than those things which ●…he Prophets and Moses did say should come As hee then teached nothing but that which was contained in Scripture before him so neither should Pastors now teach but what is contained in Scripture before them Therefore Gal. 1.8 H●e is accursed altho an Angell that teacheth beside that And in disputing it is
Damas●en to represent that which is invisible and incorporeall and can neither bee circumscryb d nor figured D●mas lib 4. de orthod fide c. 17. 3. Consession of Partie BVt vnto the true Go● who is incorpor●all no corpor●all image can bee formed as sayeth D●m●scen c. Thus speaketh Aquinas part 3. quaest 25. art 3. §. 2. That no Adoration is to bee given to Images as the Papists teach S●e Bellarmine lib. 2. de reliq c. 21. nor no signe there-of 1. Authoritie of Scripture EXod 20.5 Thou shalt not bow downe to them neither worship them Note then That bowing downe is forbidden as well as wo●shipping Levit. 26.1 Neither shall yee set vp anie image of stone in your land to bow downe to it for I am the Lord your God Note th●refore That as all religious worsh●p is due onlie to God so all religious bowing of the knee as a token of th t wo●sh●p is onelie due to God and therefore forbidden to bee given to images Rom. 11.4 I haue reserved vnto My selfe seaven thousand men who haue not bowed the knee to the image of Baal Note then That the Lords true worshippers will not bow their knee to an image for to doe so except to God onlie is palpable idolatrie Rom. 14.11 For it is written Everie knee shall bow to Me and everie tongue shall confesse to God If prayer then belong not to deafe images nor confession of sinnes so neither doeth religious kneeling but onlie to God alone and so not to blind idoles Eph. 3.14 For this cause sayeth Sainct Paul I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. Note then That hee exhibiteth religious kneeling as due onlie to God 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie BY Scripture testimonies it is to bee showne sayth Gregorie that it is not lawfull to worship what-so-ever is made by the hand of man and thereafter hee sayeth and therefore eschew by all meanes the adoration of images Greg. lib. 9. Epist. 9. ad serenum 3 Confession of Partie AS for the worship of images sayth Polydorus not onlie those that are not of our religion but as Sainct Ierome testifieth all the ancient Fathers almost condemned the same for feare of idolatrie Polyd. virg lib. 6. de invent rerum c. 13. Neither is that a reason worthie which is obtruded by some sayth their owne Cassander that they giue that honour not to the images but to those whom they represent for this colour of excuse the verie Pagans had Cassand consult art 21. §. 3. That the practise of the olde Idolaters and new Romanists jumplie agree 1. Authoritie of Scripture DEut. 27.15 Cursed bee the man that maketh anie graven or molten image an abhomination to the Lord the worke of the hands of the crafts man and putteth it in a secret place and all the people shall say So bee it Now How manie such are made and set vp in secret corners amongst the Papists no man but knoweth Ierem. 10.4.5 They decke it with Silver and Golde they fasten it with Nayles and Hammers that it move not Even as the Papists doe their rich Images aboue their Altars and Church doores Verse 5. They are vpright as the Palme tree but speake not they must needs be borne because they cannot goe c. Even as the Papists Images and Reliques are borne in th●ir solemne Processions Verse 5. Feare them not for they cannot doe evill nor is it in them to doe good A Papist would hardly belieue this that will goe so farre in pilgrimage to the Image of our Ladie of Loretto which as they say hath done so much good and so manie M●racles Ier. 11.13 According to the number of thy Cities were thy gods O Iudah according to the number of the streets of Ierusalem haue yee set vp Altars to the shamefull thing c. Note then How justlie this may bee ●…aide of Poperie who appoint to everie Citie a patron Sainct whom they wor●…hip as the tutelar gods were worship●…ed of old according yea be-yond the ●…umber of their streets they haue Altars ●…nd altarages erected to the creature 〈…〉 4. That Images are not fit Bookes for instruction of the people but onelie Gods VVord preached 1. Authoritie of Scripture IErem 10.8 But they are altogether brutish and foolish be stocke is a doctrine of vanitie Verse 15. They are vanitie ●…he worke of errours in the tyme ●…f their visitatiō they shal perish Note then That that which is the ●…orke of errour cannot bee the teacher ●…f trueth Zech. 10.2 For the Idoles haue spoken vanitie and the diviners haue seene a lie c. Habak 2.18 What profiteth the graven Image that the maker hath graven it the molten Image and a teacher of lies c. The Papist would say that it profiteth to bee a booke to the Laicks but Gods Mouth sayeth that it is a teacher of lies a doctrine of vanitie and a worke of errours Now lies and vanitie and errour is no good instruction g O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the trueth before whose eyes Iesus Christ hath beene evidentlie set foorth crucified amongst you Note then That the preaching of Christs trueth and the knowledge thereof in the word is recommended as the vivest picture of Christ and the most precious and hallowed crucifixe that we can set before our eyes daylie or lay vp in our breast Two pointes of doctrine 1. Tim. 4.3 where-by the Scripture pointeth out clearelie the Apostaticke Church of false and impure worshippers CHAP. VI. THAT NO MEATES are to bee abstained from for Conscience sake 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. COr 10.25 All that is solde in the Shambles eate asking no question for conscience sake Verse 27. If anie of them that belieue not bid you to feast and yee bee disposed to goe whatsoever is set before you eate asking no question for conscience sake Rom. 14.17 For the kingdome of God is not Meate and Drinke but Righteousnesse and Peace and joy in the holy Ghost Matth. 15.11 Nor doeth that which entereth in at the mouth defile a man but that which proceedeth out of the mouth that defileth a man 1. Tim. 4.1 And the Spirit manifestlie sayeth that in the latter tymes some shall depart from the fayth giving heede to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils Verse 2. Speaking lies in hypocrisie having their conscience seared with an hote yron Verse 3. Forbidding to marrie and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to bee received vvith thanksgiving of them which belieue and know the trueth Verse 4. For everie creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it bee received with thanksgiving Note then That it is a manifest badge of Antichrist's doctrine the forbidding of meates for conscience sake and therefore it is evident That Poperie is Antichristianisme 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WHere wee learne sayth Augustine that in eating it is not in the sort of meat but. in the immoderate gluttonie
A COMPEND Of the Controversies of RELIGION Wherin TRUETH is confirmed and Errour convinced By Authoritie of Scripture Witnessing of Antiquitie and Confession of Partie Most necessarie for all in this Backe-slyding Age. By W. G. Minister of God's Word Hieron lib. 1. adv Pelag. Non enim de Adversario victoriam sed contra mendacium quarimus veritatem ABERDENE Printed by Edward Raban 1627. TO THE RIGHT NOBLE MOST worthie of all Honour and truelie Religious The Countesse of EINZIE Ladie GORDON c. MADAME THE sedulitie of the emissaries of that Apostaticke Church of Rome who like the Pharisees of olde did compasse Sea and Land to make a proselyte to them-selues should teach vs who are Teachers of the Trueth to bee ashamed to bee lesse ●…iligent in a better Cause and for a better Master These are busilie dispersing their Manuels and sowing their Pople and Tares lyke that wicked Adversarie secretlie in the LORD'S Field to draw men from the Trueth and why then should no wee bee busie by Voyce and Writ also in sowing the good Seed of th●… Word to keepe Men with the Trueth This hath moved mee to pen thi●… COMPEND OF CONTROVERSIES which the simplest may vnderstand clearly the busiest-employe●… may peruse frequentlie and the weakest memorie may retaine easilie for it is not vnknowne to anie how our greater Bookes of Controversies penned by their graue and godlie Authors are neglected for the most part and thought a tedious Taske once to reade over but as for this each on●… who hath but the least care to know or byde by the Trueth may count i●… but an easie exercise there-by to recreate them-selues at anie occasiona●… vacancie And therefore I haue here in put GOD'S Sword chiefelie i●… Man's hand to maintaine GOD'S Cause and contented with the most selected places onlie in each head of Doctrine which for the solide securing of the Conscience in the knowledge of the Trueth and powerfull convincing of seducing Errour as the Gleanings of Ephraim were better than the Vintage of Abiezer so are these few smooth Stones taken out of the Brooke of the Booke of GOD more fit for the little Davids of the LORD'S People to sling against the fore-head of bragging and blaspemous Errour than Saul's vnwealdie Armour or the wearisome weight of cunning forged reasons and hudge heape of humane testimonies And yet lest that Antiquitie where-of Babel's brood causeleslie braggeth should seeme al-together eyther neglected by vs or not to make for vs I haue joyned some testimonies of Fathers that are clearest for vnderstanding shortest for memorie most punctuall for convincing and a few of manie to avoyde tediousnesse Where-vnto is at last added for the full triumph of Trueth the cleare Confession of our Adversare Partie that so out of his owne mouth the wicked servant may bee condemned and it may be seene what is the force of prevailing Trueth even our Enemies being Iudges And so in summe that there is no point of Papall doctrine but that First it is against Scripture Secondlie contrarie to the fayth of the primitiue Church and Last taught and acknowledged with vs by the Doctors in the Romane Church it selfe farre other-wyse than the Iesuits now anie-where professe such is their bragging of Vnitie or rather the confusion of the speach of those builders of Babell Which paines of mine heere-in for the profit of others I haue hūbly dedicated to your religious honour whome all the godlie who knoweth you as a Patterne of zeale and constancie affecteth dearlie praysetb truelie admireth justlie honoureth deservedlie prayeth for earnestlie and thanketh the LORD for his rare Graces bestowed vpon you vnfeignedlie to the great good of his Church and your eternall glorie Where-with also mine heartliest apprecations shal joyntlie concurre that the bountifull hand of that good GOD whome in the zeale of His Trueth ye haue constantlie followed may beape vpon your honour your most noble and heroicke Husband and that happie off-spring of those hopefull Oliue Plants which the Lord hath givē vnto you all the blessings what-so-ever that either Heaven can afford or mortalitie may bee capable of Your Honours most humblie devoted WILLIAM GVILD TO THE READER COurteous Reader for shortnesse sake and thine ease I haue of manie places of Scripture adduced these onlie that are most plaine pithie and pertinent and succinctlie so touched the same that I haue left to thy judicious attention the further pondering of the same and that out of them thou may see that Fayth as Sainct Iude sayth which was once delivered to the Saincts and which we should earnestlie contend for as also as Tertullian sayth prescrip adv haeret c. 32. That the doctrine of the Adversaries beeing compared with the Apostolicke by the diversitie and contrarietie of it there-vnto doeth pronounce that it hath for its Author neither an Apostle nor anie apostolicall man VVhich for a short instance their doctrine concerning the Word prohibiting people the vse or knowledge of Scripture contrarie to Col. 3.16 and concerning the Sacrament their depriving them of the Cup contrarie to 1. Cor. 11.28 and concerning publicke Service and Prayers ●…heir having the same in an vnknowne tongue contrarie to 1. Cor. 14. against all subterfuges doth most clearlie evince As for the Testimonies of Fathers keeping the nature of a Compend I haue ●…yke-wyse alleadged of a number a few of the fittest where-as as Augustine sayde to the Pelagians lib. 2. de nupt concupisc c. 29. If I would haue collected all it would haue beene too long a worke and I would seeme perhaps to ●…aue had lesse confidence in the Cano●…icke Authorities o● to haue equallie mat●…hed that which is ad pugnam or victorie ●…nd that which is fittest ad pompam or ●…iumph together And last of all I haue brought our Adver●…ries owne Confessions and so as is said ●…ai 19.2 I haue set the Egyptian a●…inst the Egyptian that by their owne grand ●…hampion Bellarmine the true verdict ●…ay passe on their Religion who sayth That 〈…〉 is a most sure note of false doctrine ●…at hereticall Authors agree not amōgst ●…em-selues Bell. lib. 4. de Eccles c. ●…0 § adde In all which I haue had that care of agree●…ent of each Text Testimonie with their Originall that I dare appeale the knowledge and conscience of the most malicious Gaine-sayer of the Trueth there-of and for facilitating thy paines I haue by a diverse Letter from the rest pointed at those words where-in as Sampson's strength lay in his hayre the force of each testimonie consisteth Ayming singlie the Lord knoweth that as Ierome sayd to the Pelagians the Trueth may onlie triumph and Veritie may haue victorie And beseeching God so to blesse thy perusall heereof to His glorie thy good that His grace may bee found effectuall to thy conversion if thou bee contrarie mynded or to thy further establishing and confirmation if thou be alreadie a Chylde of the Trueth Thine in CHRIST IESUS W. Guild A COMPEND OF THE
sayde Act. 17.2 And Paul as his manner was went in vnto them and three Sabbath d●yes reasoned with them out o●… the Scriptures No word of Tradition See Apollo's lyke practise Act. 18.28 just conforme heereto In lyke manner for believing Act. 24.14 This I confesse sayeth Paul that after the way which they call Heresie so worship I the GOD of my Fathers believing all thinges which are written in the Law and Prophets No word then of vnwritten Traditions which he made a ground of his Fayth So Act. 17.11 The Bereans searched the Scriptures daylie whether these things were so to wit as Paul taught therefore manie believed Note then That it was not for anie warrand of traditions that they believed but vpon warrand of Scripture onlie that they grounded their fayth 2. Witnessing of Antiqui●ie THe holie and divine inspired Scriptures are all sufficient sayeth Athanasius for the full instruction of trueth Athan. lib. contra Gentes Whence also sayeth Tertullian Take from Heretickes wherein they agree with Heathens that by Scripture onelie they may debate their questions and they cannot stand Tertull lib. de resurr carn cap. 3. 3. Confession of Partie ALL Doctrines of Fayth and Manners sayeth Bellarmine which is simplie necessarie for all men are plainlie set downe in Scripture Bell. lib. 4. de verbo cap. 11. § vltimo §. 3. That the Scripture is plaine in all thinges necessarie for salvation to know altho in all places generallie it be not alyke perspicuous 1. Authoritie of Scripture PSalme 19.8 The Commandement of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes Psal 119.105 Thy word is a lampe vnto my feet and a light vnto my path Vers 130. The entrance of thy word giveth light and it giveth vnderstanding even vnto the simple Note then If that the verie entrance giveth light and vnderstanding to the simple then what doeth a daylie progresse And if the simple get vnderstanding thereby how can it bee so obscure that the learned onelie should reade the same allanerlie 2. Tim. 3.15 From a child thou hast knowne the Scripture Note If children then may attaine to the knowledge of Scripture then it is not so obscure that those of perfect age cannot know the same 2. Pet. 1.19 We haue also a more sure word of Prophecie whereto ye doe well in taking heed as to a light that shineth in a darke place c. Note then That as a shyning light can not bee called darke it selfe which illuminateth darke places so neyther can Gods worde which illuminateth our darke vnderstandinges 2. Cor. 4.3 But if our Gospell be hid it is to them that are lost in whom the god of this worlde hath blynded their myndes that belieue not c. Note then That it is not the fault of Scripture that it is hid to anie more than it is the fault of the cleare Sunne that a blinde man seeth it not 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie IN those places which are clearlie set downe in Scripture sayeth Augustine all those thinges are to bee found which contayne both Fayth and Manners Aug. lib. 2. de doct Christiana cap. 9. Which Chrysostome lykewyse avoweth saying no lesse Homil. 3. in 2. ad Thess 3. Confession of Partie BEllarmine affirmeth that all doctrines of Fayth and Manners which are simplie necessarie for all men are plainlie set downe in Scripture Bell. lib. 4. de verbo c. 11. § vltimo §. 4. That the Scripture is to bee read by the People and therefore that the same for that ende should be translated in their vulgar language 1. Authoritie of Scripture DEuter 6.6.7 And these thinges which I command thee this day shall bee in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligentlie to thy Children and shalt talke of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest vp c. Deuter. 29.29 The secret thinges belong to the Lord our God but these thinges which are revealed belong to vs and to our children for over that we may doe all the words of this Law Note then That the People are bound to know Gods worde because they are bound to obey Gods word See in lyke manner Deut. 17.18.19 c. the booke of the Law commanded to bee read by the King for the same ende that hee may learne to obey the same As also Ioshua 1.8 by the Iudge of the people And last of all by all sort of people as is cleare Deut. And by this subsequent testimonie to wit Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue eternall lyfe and they are these that testifie of mee Those of Baerea therefore Act. 17.11 They searched the Scriptures daylie whether those things were so teaching all people to follow their example Ephes 6.17 Take the sword of the spirit which is the word of GOD. Note then That all Christians whatsoever because all are spirituall warriours are bidden arme themselues with the Scripture so that who forbids them the knowledge thereof they make them naked before their spirituall enemie Col. 3.16 Let the word dwell in you plenteouslie that thereby yee may teach one another and be ye filled with Knowledge Col. 1.9 Note then That this is farre from popish ignorance and their forbidding the people to reade the Word of GOD for ●…o how can it dwell in them plenteouslie and they bee filled with the knowledge thereof 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie CHrysostome speaking thus of the forbidding thereof It is sayeth hee the working of the inspiration of the Divell not suffering to looke in the treasure lest wee should attaine to the ritches thereof What a Pest then is it to thinke that the reading of the Scriptures belongeth only to Clergie men Chrys hom 2. in Matth. Whence hee sayeth then I beseech you all that are seculare men to get Bibles to your selues the medicine of the soule and if ye will not get more get the New Testament Chrys hom 9. ad Coloss Heere-vnto witnesseth also Theodoret. lib. 5. de curand graec affect 3. Confession of Partie IT is manifest sayth Bishop Espenseus by the Apostles doctrine Col. 3.16 and by the practise of the Church that of olde the publicke vse of scripture was permitted to people And so sayth Alphonsus de castro verbo scriptura §. 5. That the Scripture is the perfect rule of Fayth and Manners and the infallible supreame Iudge in controversies of Religion 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Note then That in Gods worde is the last supreame and onlie infallible decision to bee had concerning eyther Fayth or Manners and therefore the sentence of all men whatsoever is to bee tryed ●…hereby and reduced therevnto The Bareans therefore Act. 17.11 searched the Scriptures whether those things were so that Paul taught vnto them altho an Apostle and famous for manie miracles also Deut.
12.8.32 And yee shall not doe everie man what is right in his owne eyes but whatsoever I command you obserue to doe it Thou shalt not adde thereto nor diminish from it Ezek. 20.18.19 But I sayd vnto their Children in the Wildernesse Walke yee not in the statutes of your Fathers neither obserue their judgementes nor defile your selues with their Idols I am the Lord your God walke in my statutes and keepe my judgements to doe them Note then That mens traditions nor ancient custome is not the rule of faith nor manners but onlie the Lords Word Mark 7.7.8 In vaine doe they worship mee teaching for doctrines the traditions of men For laying aside the Commandement of God yee holde the traditions of men Matth. 22.29 Therefore doe yee erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God Note then that Scripture is the entire rule of trueth the ignorance whereof is the cause of errour amongst the seduced people 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THis cause sayth Augustine requireth a judge and who shal be judge let the Apostle bee iudge because by the Apostle Christ speaketh Aug. de gratia lib. arb cap. 18. Let vs stand therefore to the iudgement of the holie inspyred scriptures sayth Basill which God hath set over vs. Epist 80. ad Eustathium 3. Confession of Partie BAsill sayeth Bellarmine willeth that both parties stand to the judgement of Scripture which none can reiect §. 6. That the Scripture is not a dumbe Iudge but that GOD by it speaketh to His Church 1. Authoritie of Scripture IOhn 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue eternall life and these are they that testifie of mee Note then That in the same sense that Christ calleth the Scripture a witnesse it may bee called a judg and in the same manner to pronounce judgement in controversies as it beareth witnesse Seeing then a witnesse must haue speach else hee can bee no witnesse in that the Scripture then is saide to beare witnesse it followeth also that the Scripture after a sort speaketh Iohn 7.42 Hath not the Scripture sayde that Christ commeth of the seed of David c. Loe speach expresly attributed to Scrip●…ure Againe Heb. 12.5 And yee haue forgotten the exhortation that speaketh to you as vnto Children c. In lyke manner Luke 16.29 Abraham saith vnto him They haue Moses the Prophets let them heare them Ergo It implyeth that their writs doe ●…n a manner speake seeing that wee are ●…idden h●are them Heb. 11.4 By faith Abell offered vnto God a more excellent sacrifice than Kain by which he obtained witnes that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it hee being dead yet speaketh If Abell then being dead is saide ye●… to speake by that record of his fayth which is set downe in Scripture eve●… so may the Prophets and Apostle●… beeing dead bee saide lykewise yet to speake by these records of their doctrine of fayth which is set downe in Scripture and which is the Christian foundation whereon the Church is built Ephes 2.20 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie GOD himselfe speaketh to vs by the Scripture sayeth Cyrillus Alex. lib. 11. in Iohn c. 21. And even Christ himselfe this verie day is crying vnto vs in his Gospels sayth Chrysostom homil in Psal 95. 3. Consent of Partie THE Scripture therefore sayeth Bellarmine both by wordes and similitudes everie where cryeth that a sinner in no sort can dispose himselfe to receiue grace Bell. lib. 6. de lib. arb c. 5. § huc denique CHAP. II. OF THE CHVRCH §. 1. That the estate of the true Church is not ever visible to all men and chieflie to the enemies thereof 1. Authoritie of Scripture I. KIngs 19.10 And Eliah sayde I haue bene very zealous for the LORD of Hoasts for the children of Israel haue forsaken thy covenant throwne downe thine Altars and slaine thy Prophets and I onlie am left and they seeke my life I aske Where was then a visible companie of true and publicke worshippers at this time in Israel And that the like estate of true professours was at one time both in Israel and Iudah is evident out of 2. Chron. 15. 8. and 1. King 15.9 the whole Kingdome of Iudah beeing idolatrous in Abiiam's latter reigne and at the same tyme whole Israel being idolatrous vnder Ieroboam Againe 2. Chron. 28.24 it is recorded how at once both Iudah was altogether idolatrous vnder King Ahaz and the Lords publicke worship vtterlie was abrogated and at the same tyme Israel was even so vnder their Kinges Pekah and Hoshea Of this tyme it is sayde in Historie 2 King 17.16 And Israel left all the Commandementes of the Lord their God and made them molten Images even two calues and made a groue and worshipped all the hoste of Heaven and served Baal Vers 18. So there was none left but the tribe of Iudah onlie and Iudah kept not the Commandementes of the Lord their God but walked also in the statutes of Israel which they made And so the Lord reiected all the seede of Israel and afflicted them c. And of this tyme also it is sayde in prophecie by Ieremie Ier. 5.11 For the house of Israel and the house of Iudah haue dealt verie treacherouslie against mee sayeth the Lord. And by Ezechiel 23.13 it is sayde that these two sisters in their spirituall whoredomes tooke both one way Note then When both this people which onelie were then counted Gods Church made defection with their Kings ●…n common to the publicke practise of ●…dolatrie onlie and abrogated the publicke worship of the true God alluterlie where was then the face of a visible companie of true professours having a pub●…icke worship Therefore Zeph. 3.12 the Lord sayeth of his true Church Then I will leaue in the midst of thee an afflicted and poore people that shall trust in the Name of the Lord. Which is farre from an outward pompous and a glorious visibilitie to all Marke 14.27 And Iesus saide vnto them All yee shal be offended because of mee this Night for it is written I will smyte the Shepheard and the Sheepe shall bee scattered I aske then when this was done Where was a visible companie to all of true professours to be pointed at Revel 12.14 And to the Woman were given two Winges of a great Eagle that shee might flie into the Wildernesse vnto her place vvhere shee is nowrished for a time and times and halfe a time from the face of the Serpent This wom●… the Romanists themselues as Lyra and●…thers interprete to be the true Churc●… lurking vnder persecution as Elias d●… three yeares and an halfe in the W●…dernesse where hee was miraculous●… fed I aske then at this same time shee could lurke vnder persecution a●… yet bee gloriouslie and conspicuous●… visible to all Or Rev. 13.3 When the time of Antichrists prevaili●g the Earth shall follow the Beast wh●… shall such visibilitie be Even no whe●… as the Rhemists on the 2.
Thess 2. grant but a communion in heart onl●… and a practise of worship in secret 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie SOmetimes the Church is not app●…rent sayeth Augustine to w●… when wicked persecuters aboue measu●…rage against her Aug. epist. 80. ad Hes●…chium Therefore the Church lookin●… foorth as the Moone hath oft times h●… eclypses saith Ambrose lib. 4. hexam c. 〈…〉 3. Confession of Partie THE confession of our Adversari●… is likewise thus that in the time o●… Antichrist the communion of Christian in the true Church shal be onlie in hear●… and their worship onlie in secret for s●… sayeth the Rhemists on 2. Thess 2.3 So that our difference is not so much in the ●…sition of invisibilitie as in the appli●…tion vnto persons and tymes 〈…〉 2. That the visible Church of Christian professours may erre from the trueth in common both Pastours people altho not all and everie one 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 1.21 How is the faithfull citie become an Harlot Ier. 5.11 For the House of Israel and the House of Iudah ●…aue dealt verie treacherouslie ●…gainst mee sayth the Lord. Ier. 2.8 The Priests said not Where is the Lord and they that handle the Law knew me not the Pastours also transgressed against mee and the Prophets prophesied by Baall and vvalked after thinges ●…hat doe not profit Loe then what a generall Apostasie of all sorts is set downe heere Againe v. 26. As the Thiefe is ashamed vvhen he is found so is the House of Israel ashamed they their Kinges their Princes and their Priestes and their Prophets saying to a stocke Thou art my Father c. Beholde then againe no sort excepted Isai 9.16 The leaders of this people cause them to erre and they that are led of them are destroyed Note then that the leaders in a Church and people that are led may both make defection and so a whole Church which consisteth of both Isai 56.10 His watch-men are blinde they are all ignorant they are all dumbe Dogs c. Note then howe generall a defection may be amongst Teachers in the Church of God and howe the chiefe Pastoures haue first made Apostasie let these examples verifie 2. King 16.11 And Vriah the Priest built an Altar according to all that King Ahaz had sent from Damascus c. Againe Matth. 26.65 Then the High Priest rent his garments saying Hee hath blasphemed what neede wee Witnesses anie farder c. Marke 14.64 Yee haue heard ●…is blasphemie How thinke ye vvho ●…ll condemned him to bee guiltie of ●…eath Note then howe grosselie also the ●…erie hie-priests vnder the Law erred ●…nd the chiefe Pastor that sate in Moses haire erroniouslie decreeted with his ●…hole counsell the one in making an ●…olatrous Altar and erecting idolatrous ●…orship and the other pronouncing ●…e trueth in Christs owne mouth to bee ●…asphemie and himselfe worthie to ●…e And therefore how groslie hee ●…d his Church may erre who preten●…eth nowe to bee the Christian High-●…riest see § 5. 2. Thess 2.3 Let no man de●…iue you by anie meanes for that ●…ay shall not come except there come 〈…〉 falling away first and that man 〈…〉 sinne bee revealed the sonne of ●…rdition Note then that in the Christian Church 〈…〉 great Apostasie from the Trueth is ●…re-tolde before that by the preaching ●…gaine of the same clearlie Antichrist be ●…vealed and made knowne So that in the tyme of his prevayling no public●… exercise shall bee of the true Christi●… worship but in secret onlie and this 〈…〉 verie Rhemists on this place confesse 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie ANd the poyson of Arrius saye●… Lyrinensis did not onlie infect a p●… of the Church but almost the whole wo●… Vnic. Lyrin adu hereses c. 6. So th●… the whole world sobbed and admired t●… it was made Arrian as testifieth S. Iero●… 3. Confession of Partie OF that time when the Arrian her●… domined over the whole world S. ●…rome wrote that the ship of the Chu●… was almost sunke sayth Gregorie of Va●…tia analys lib. 6. c. 4. § probatio 4. §. 3. That the Church of Rome in p●…cular may erre and as shall 〈…〉 proven hath erred by all the p●…ticulars ensuing 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm. 11.20 Because of v●…beliefe they vvere broken o●… and thou standest by faith Be n●… high minded but feare Note Now then what greater hi●… mindednesse can the Romane Chur●… show than to say shee cannot erre and if this were true what needed her to feare and yet I hope shee cannot exeeme her selfe from this Apostolicke exhortation which is so expreslie written to her and biddeth her feare Againe ver 21.22 For if God spared not the naturall branches take heede lest hee spare not thee Beholde therefore the goodnesse and severitie of God on them which fell severitie but towards thee goodnesse if thou continue in his goodnesse otherwise thou also shalt bee cut off Note then that the Apostle showeth that the Church of Rome as well as other Churches of the Gentiles may fall away from the trueth and bee cut off from being a true Church otherwise if shee had infallibilitie this his exhortation should haue beene altogether needlesse neither should hee haue spoken doubtinglie after this manner saying if thou continue but particularlie excepted her as one that could not but continue 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THey haue not Peters heritage saith Ambrose who haue not Peters faith §. 4. That personall succession to the Chaires of true Teachers priviledgeth not their successours from errour 1. Authoritie of Scripture EXod 32.21 And Moses saide to Aaron What did this people vnto thee that thou hast brought so great a sinne vpon them Loe then How the verie first sitter in the high priest's chaire falleth filthilie in grossest idolatrie 2. Kings 16.11.16 And Vriah the Priest built an Altar according to all that King Ahaz had sent from Damascus c. Thus did Vriah the Priest according to all that King Ahaz commanded Note then That notwithstanding of his succeeding personallie to the office of the high priest-hood hee performeth all the idolatrous King's commandements and so foullie erreth Mat. 26.65 Then the high Priest rent his garments saying Hee hath blaspemed Note then That the high Priests succession nor place freeth him not from erring in calling CHRISTES trueth blasphemie Mat. 23.2 The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses chaire But yet Iohn 7.48 Haue anie of the Rulers and Pharisees believed in him Yea more-over Mat. 16.6 Then Iesus said vnto them Take heede and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadduces Verse 12. Then they vnderstood that hee bade them not beware of the leaven of the Pharisees but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadduces Note then That notwithstanding of their sitting in Moses chaire they both rejected Christ and his trueth and taught contrarie falsehood neither believing in the Sonne of God themselues nor yet truelie teaching the people of God concerning their MESSIAS 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie NIcephorus doeth testifie
that Nestorius Macedonius arch-hereticks succeeded to S. Andrew the Apostle in the Church of Constantinople called before Byzantium Niceph. lib. 8. chronol cap. 6. 3. Confession of Partie THat almost all Arch-hereticks were eyther Bishops or Priestes sayeth Belarmine Lib. 1. de Pont. Cap. 8. § 4. §. 5. That the Iewish Church pretended n●… lesse infallibilitie than the Romane doeth and had farre greater and more particular promises and ye●… erred 1. Authoritie of Scripture AS for the pretence wee see it se●… downe Ierem. 18.18 in these wordes Come let vs devise devices against Ieremie for the Law shall not perish from the Priest nor Counsell from the Wise nor the ●…ord from the Prophet And there●…re from the lyke words in Malachie 2. 〈…〉 which the Papists would haue thus The Priests lips shall preserue knowledge and they shall seeke the Law ●…t his mouth they gather the High ●…riests infallibilitie vnder the Law ex ●…acto and conclude the Popes infallibi●…tie vnder the Gospell ex aequo allead●…ing to the same purpose that of Deuter●…omie 7.10 In lyke manner As for Promises it is saide Psal ●…32 14 The Lord hath chosen Sion for an habitation and hath said This is my rest for ever And againe Isai 33.20 Looke vpon Sion the citie of our solemnities ●…hine eyes shall beholde Ierusalem 〈…〉 quyet habitation a Tabernacle that shall not bee taken downe not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed neither shall anie of the cords ●…hereof bee broken Note then And aske where ever anie such promises are made vnto Rome but in the contrarie a fearfull destruction fo●… her grosse idolatrie is clearlie fore-told Revelation 18. And last of all for praises it is said of Ierusalem and Gods Church there Psal 87.3 Glorious things are spoken of thee O Citie of God But of Rome the most glorious thing that is spoke●… of her is That shee should bee a gloriou●… Harlot Revel 17.4.18 And Thessalonie●… equalleth her in that which the Apostle spake of the faythfull onelie of his tym●… in her and where-of the Papists so much glorie which by collation inspection of the places is moste cleare and evident Rom. 1.8 2. Thes 1.4 §. 6. That the VVord of GOD purelie preached vnder which the due administration of the Sacraments is comprehended is the onely cleare and truest note of a true Church 1. Authoritie of Scripture DEut. 4.8 And vvhat Nation is there so great that hath statutes and judgements so righteous as all this Law vvhich I set before you this day Psal 147.19 He sheweth His Word to Iacob His statutes and His judgements to Israel Hee hath not dealt so with anie Nation c. Wee see then that Gods people was ever differenced from all other nations and knowne by his word and ordinances to bee his peculiar Church Iohn 10.27 My Sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and they follow Mee Note then Where Christs voyce soundeth and is believed and obeyed there is his Church Iohn 8.31 If yee continue in My Word then are yee My Disciples indeede Act. 2.42 And they continued stedfastlie in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers Note then That continuance in Christs trueth and apostolicke doctrine with the holie exercise of prayer and participation of Sacraments is a cleare note to know a true Church 1. Tim. 3.15 Which is the Church of the living God the Pillar and ground of trueth The meaning whereof the Apostle giveth Heb. 3.6 saying Whose house are vvee if vvee keepe fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the hope firme to the ende Note therefore That the Church is so called and knowne to be such by keeping fast and firme the trueth of Gods Word in profession and that confidence and hope that it breedeth in our hearts sure to the ende 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THe Church consisteth not in Walles but in the trueth of doctrine sayth Ierome so that there is the Church where ●…rue fayth is Hierom in Psal 133. and ●…hey are good Catholicks onelie who ●…ollow the right fayth sayth Augustine lib. de vera religione cap. 5. 3. Confession of Partie THe confession lykewyse of our Adversaries is thus The Church consisteth not in men sayth Lyra in respect of their power or dignitie Ecclesiasticke ☜ or Civill because manie Princes and Popes too haue beene found to haue made defection from the faith Therefore the Church consisteth in those in whome is true knowledge and the confession of faith and the trueth of God Lyra in Matth. cap. 16. §. 7. That multitude is no note of a true Church 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. KIngs 19.10 And Elias saide I haue beene verie zealous for the LORD of Hoasts for the children of Israel haue forsaken thy covenant cast downe thine Altars and slaine thy Prophets and I even I onlie am left and they seeke my life I aske then If a visible multitude was a note here of the true Church in Israel or the two tribes of Iudah being compared with these ten which of them was the greater multitude or the whole twelue compared with the whole worlde beside which of these were maniest and consequentlie by the note of multitude who was the true Church Isai 1.9 Except the Lord of Hoastes had left to vs a verie small remnant wee should haue beene like Sodome and like vnto Gomorrah Note then That the true professours are called a verie small remnant which is farre from being the greatest multitude of men Ier. 3.14 I vvill take one of a Citie and two of a Familie and bring you to Sion Note then That one of a Citie being the fewest that can bee that the greater multitude is left vncalled to the trueth effectualie Mat. 7.13 Enter in at the strait gate for vvide is the gate and broad is the vvay that leadeth to destruction and manie there bee vvho enter in thereat Note then If few enter in at the strait gate that leadeth to salvation and manie at the wide gate that leadeth to damnation then paucitie should bee rather a note of the true Church than anie wise multitude seeing Rev. 13. the whole World is saide to follow the beast Luke 12.32 Feare not little Flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue to you a Kingdome Note then If Christs Flocke bee little then multitude is no good note to know the same thereby Examples of the paucitie of Gods true Church in the house of Abraham compared with the rest of the world and of the true professours at Christs Passion verefie this point 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THe multitude of Associates shall no wise show thee to bee a Catholicke but an Hareticke sayeth Ierome dialog contra Pelag. lib. 3. Therefore where are they that define the Church by multitudes sayeth Gregorie Nazienzen and contemneth so the little Flocke of Christ Oratione de seipso contra Arrianos 3. Confession of Partie THat time when the Church seemed to lurke sayeth
Gregorie of Valentia being compared with by gone tymes it may bee found that the Church was not with the multitude c. Greg. de Valen. analys lib. 6. c. 4. § probatio 4. §. 8. That outward glorie and vvorldlie prosperitie whereby a Church is visiblie conspicuous to all is not a marke of the true Church 1. Authoritie of Scripture ZEph 3.12 I vvill leaue in the midst of thee an afflicted and poore people that shall trust in the Name of the Lord. Note then That Gods Church oft times like the 7000. reserved in Israel or Gods people preserved till their evocation in the midst of Babell or rather a poore and afflicted companie compelled oft times to lurke as the woman in the Desart than to bee ever gloriouslie conspicuous and visible to all Isai 54.11 Oh thou afflicted tossed vvith tempest and not comforted behold I vvill lay thy stones vvith faire colours and thy foundation vvith Saphyrs Mat. 24.9 Then shall they deliver you into tribulation and shall kill you and you shall be odious to all Nations for my Names sake Iohn 15.20 Remember my vvord that I said to you The servant is not greater than his master if they haue persecuted mee they vvill also persecute you c. 2. Tim. 3.12 And all that will liue godlie in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution Acts 14.21 Confirming the hearts of the Disciples they exhorted them to continue in the fayth that we must vvith much tribulatiō enter into the Kingdome of God Note then Out of all the former that persecution rather which maketh men lurke is a note of the true professours of Christ than worldlie prosperitie which maketh men to be gloriouslie visible and outwardlie conspicuous and that the one estate happeneth farre ofter than the other to the Church of God 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WHile Antichrist shall reigne sayeth Ierome the Church shall be driven to the Desart and given to Beasts and suffer what-so-ever the Prophet descrybeth In c. 2. Sophoniae in finc 3. Confession of Partie WEE say not sayth Gregorie of Valentia that the Church shall be ever conspicuous as if wee would haue her ever alike easilie knowne for wee know that shee is so tossed whiles with the waues of Errours and Schismes and whiles of persecution that shee is hard to bee knowne to the vnskilfull that are not prudent to consider of tymes and circumstances of thinges Valentia analys lib. 6. c. 4. § propositio 4. §. 9. That Miracles are no note of the true Church neyther personall succession nor Antiquitie 1. Authoritie of Scripture DEut. 13.1.2 And if there arise amongst you a Prophet or a dreamer of Dreames and giveth thee a signe or a vvonder and the signe or vvonder come to passe vvhereof hee spake vnto thee saying Let vs goe after other gods vvhich thou hast not knowne and let vs serue them Thou shalt not hearken to the words of that Prophet Note then That miracles cannot authorize false doctrine nor bee any sure note of a true Church or true teachers therein Mat. 24.24 For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signes and wonders in so much if it vvere possible that they should deceiue the verie Elect. 2. Thess 2.9 Whose comming to wit Antichrists is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders Note then That Antichristianisme is advanced by miracles in the latter times and therefore they can bee no sure note of the true Church but rather a cleare note of the false Church in the latter tymes As for Succession it is alreadie spoken of § 4 That it can bee no note except it were in true doctrine For so the high Priest and erronious Pharisees who persecuted Christ and His Apostles should haue bene the true Church having their succession from Aaron and sitting them-selues in Moses Chaire Neyther can Antiquitie nor Duration bee a note of the true Church for with the verie first Preaching of the Gospell the misterie of iniquitie began to worke 2. Thess 2.7 And for Duration it shall last to the ende of the worlde and haue some beeing for so the Apostle testifieth 2. Thess 2.8 That that man of sinne Antichrist shall piece and piece bee consumed by the breath of the LORDES Mouth but shall bee vtterlie destroyed with the brightnesse of His comming onelie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THe Church is not made manifest to bee Catholicke sayeth Augustine because miracles are done in her de vnit Eccles cap. 16. Yea they are more to be found amongst them who are false Christians sayeth Chrysostome beeing lying wonders hom 19. in Matth. operis imperf 3. Confession of Partie They would bee rather an hinderance now-a-dayes sayth the Iesuit Stella than anie wayes an helpe to adduce men to the trueth in Luc. 11. p. 64. So also sayeth Stapleton prompt morale in dominic 24. post Pentecosten Not onelie for the greater try all of the faythfull may Antichrist his nearest fore-runners worke true miracles But what-so-ever other Heretickes sayeth hee as inchanters also doe by Gods permission And therefore he showeth that in the Ecclesiasticall Historie wee reade that the Novatian Heretickes wrought miracles in Christes Name And the Donatistes vaunted greatlie of their miracles against Augustine to whome hee answered de vnit Eccles cap. 16. CHAP. III. OF PETER AND THE Popes Supremacie §. 1. That Peter had no supremacie of power over the rest of the Apostles and consequentlie that his pretended successour should claime none over their successours anie vvhere 1. Authoritie of Scripture MARKE 9.35 And hee sate downe and called the twelue and sayeth vnto them If anie man desire to bee first the same shall bee last of all and servant of all Mat. 20.25 Yee know that the Princes of the Nations exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authorîtie vpon them but it shall not bee so amongst you but vvhosoever vvill bee great amongst you let him be your servant Note then That Christ decydeth not the controversie in Peter's favours telling that hee had made him chiefe or was to make him but forbiddeth anie supremacie of jurisdiction one over an other vnto them all alike In like manner Mat. 19.28 In the regeneration vvhen the Sonne of Man shall sit in the Throne of His glorie yee shall also sit sayeth Christ vpon twelue Thrones judging the twelue Tribes of Israel Note then That there is not a word heere of one throne for Peter aboue the rest but twelue thrones and equall judging designing equall authoritie even as they are all alike called the foundation of the Church Ephes 2.20 and so not Peter alone nor anie pretended successour 1. Pet. 5.1 The Elders which ●…re amongst you I exhort vvho am ●…lso a fellow-elder and a vvit●…esse of the sufferings of Christ c. Remarke then That these humble stiles ●…nd manner of exhorting others is farre ●…om the prowde claime of Papall juris●…iction over all men and these haughtie ●…tles
that the Bishop of Rome presump●…uouslie vsurpeth Acts 8.14 Now vvhen the Apostles that vvere at Ierusalem ●…eard that Samaria had received ●…he Word of GOD they sent vnto ●…hem Peter and Iohn Note then Peter's submission to his ●…ellow-brethren pleading no exemption ●…r priviledge of supremacie nor impu●…ng to them anie saucinesse as the Pope ●…ould doe to other Bishops if they pre●…med to send him in lyke sort to preach ●…n anie forraigne Countrey Gal. 1.1 Paul an Apostle ●…either of men nor by man Note then That hee disclaimeth the ●…aving of his Apostolicke power anie ●…ayes of Peter as Superiour nor anie ●…ther power as the following words ●…stifie Gal. 2.6.11 They that seemed to bee somewhat in conferenc●… added nothing to mee bu●… vvhen Peter vvas come to Antioch I vvithstood him to the face●… Remarke then How farre this fact o●… Pauls crosseth the supremacie and if 〈…〉 Bishop would bee well intreated tha●… now so publicklie would with-stand th●… Pope to his face in lyke manner Verse 9. And vvhen Iame●… Cephas and Iohn who seeme●… to bee pillars perceived the gra●… vvhich vvas given to mee they ga●… to mee and Barnabas the rig●… hand of fellowship Note then That Peter is heere ranke●… after Iames and all three are equall●… called pillars and receiveth Paul an●… Barnabas as companions alway Pa●… witnessing elsewhere that hee was r●… inferiour to none of the Apostles 〈…〉 which maketh plainlie against Peter's s●…premacie aboue all the rest as their he●… in authoritie Remarke then by all the former pl●…ces First That Christ never gaue an●… supremacie of jurisdiction to Peter ●…boue the rest of the Apostles but a-lyk●… forbad it to all Secondlie That Peter never claymed anie such as both his Scripturall Titles and his actions make cleare And thirdlie That the rest of the Apostles never acknowledged anie such which as well their speaches as their deedes make manifest And so consequentlie That his pretended Successours wrongfullie vsurpe the same And if anie might challenge the largest charge or jurisdiction to bee called Vniversall Bishop it was Paul vnto whom was committed the Gentiles and who sayeth 2. Cor. 11.28 that hee had comming vpon him daylie the care of all the Churches 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie TO this our doctrine against Peter's supremacie over the rest of the Apostles Antiquitie thus witnesseth The rest of the Apostles sayeth Cyprian were the selfe-same that Peter was endewed with a-lyke fellowship both of honour and power lib. de vnit Eccles 3. Confession of Partie CHRIST would not haue the rest of the Apostles subject to Peter sayth Caietan but all a-lyke as Brethren comment p. 278. cited in judice errarum Cajetani a Catharin● §. 2. That the Pope is not the Head or husband and foundation of the Church as the Papists holde Bellarm. lib. 2. de pontif cap. 31. and therefore that all men are not bound to bee subject to him 1. Authoritie of Scripture EPhes 5.23 For the Husband is the Head of the Wife even as Christ is the Head of the Church and is the Saviour of the Bodie Note then That as an Husband will bee onlie Head and haue no substitute in his place with his wife vnder him no more will Christ who is a jealous God haue anie other Head or Husband over His Church vnder Himselfe Note also That hee that is the head of his Church is the saviour of the bodie which seeing the Pope dare not take vpon him neither should he the stile of head that doth import the same Eph. 4.4 There is but one bodie Therefore but one head Where note That the Church is not a perfect bodie having an head of its own beside Christ but Christ and His Church maketh vp a perfect bodie Hee beeing the onelie Head and the Church His Members 2. Cor. 11.2 For I haue espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chaste Virgine to Christ. Note That hee sayeth to one and not to two for so the Church should not bee thought a chaste spouse to Christ onelie Iohn 3. 29. Hee that hath the Bryde is the Brydegrome but the friend of the Brydegrome who standeth and h●areth him rejoyceth with ●…oy for the voyce of the Brydegrome Note That Iohn maketh one onelie Brydegrome as there is one onelie Bryde and that none can bee called Brydegrome but that one who oweth the B●yde hee him-selfe altho the grea●…est amongst the sonnes of women and ●…ll others beeing but friendes onelie of ●…he Brydegromes but not having right ●…o the Bryde her-selfe 1. Cor. 3.11 For other Foundation can no man lay beside that which is layde which is CHRIST IESVS Ephes 2.20 Built vpon the foundations of the Apostles Prophets Iesus Christ Himselfe being the chiefe corner stone Note then That anie one can never be called the foundation of the Church but Christ alone and as for others the whole Prophets and Apostles are called so in common in respect of their doctrine and not of their persons and they onlie themselues are so but neither one of them aboue the rest nor yet anie successour 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie TO this our doctrine that the Pope is not the head husband and foundation of the Church testifieth Antiquitie It is Satanicall pryde sayeth Gregorie by an arrogant title of Head to subject so all Christs members to one man which doe coheyre to one onelie head Christ Iesus allanerlie lib. 4. ep 36. where hee showeth also the stile of Vniversall Bishop to bee alyke Satanicallie prowde and altogether Antichristian●… which he nor none of his predecessours would ever accept nor vse Adde heerevnto likewise the decree of that famou●… Councell of Chalcedon against vniversall supremacie Concil Chalc. Act. 16. Next for the title of Husband if thou bee the friend of the Brydegroome sayeth Bernard Epist 237. call not his beloved spouse thy chiefe one but his challenging nothing as proper to thee over her except it bee that if necessitie so require thou oughtest to giue thy lyfe for her and if Christ haue sent thee thinke that thou art not come to bee served but to serue 3. Confession of Partie ANd last for the stile of Foundation When in holie Scripture sayth Pope Gregorie in the singular number a foundation is spoken of there is none other designed to be such but Christ Himselfe allanerlie in 38. Iob. cap. 9. CHAP. IIII. OF THE CHVRCHES Right Worship §. I. That Prayers and all publicke wo●ship should bee in a language knowne to the people 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. COrint 14.7 And even things vvithout life giving sound whether pipe or Harpe except they giue a distinction in the soundes how shall it bee knowne vvhat is piped or harped Verse 9. So likewise you except yee vtter by the tongue vvords easie to bee vnderstood how shall it bee knowne vvhat is spoken for yee shall speake into the Aire Verse 11. Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voyce I shall be vn●o him that speaketh
a Barbarian and hee that speaketh shall bee a Barbarian to mee Verse 15. What is it then I will pray vvith the spirit and I will pray with the vnderstanding also I will sing with the spirit I vvill sing vvith the vnderstanding also Verse 16. Els vvhen thou shalt blesse vvith the spirit how shall hee that occupieth the rowme of the vnlearned say Amen at thy giving of thankes seeing hee vnderstandeth not vvhat thou sayest Verse 18. I thanke GOD I speake more tongues than yee all yet in the Church I had rather speake fiue vvordes vvith vnderstanding that by my voyce I might teach others also than ten thousand vvords in an vnknowne tongue Note then That this doctrine choise of P●ul 's is fure from the popish practise of their Matins and Masse-mumbling which they vse in Latine 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie IF yee meete together sayeth Ambrose for the edifying of the Church then those things should be s●ide which the hearers may vnderstand for what profiteth it that one should speake with a tongue which him-selfe onlie vnderstandeth and hee that heareth profiteth not there-by Amb. in 1. Cor. 14. The same also doeth Chrysostome affirme Hom. 18. in 2. ad Corinth and Augustine on Psal 18. 3. Confession of Partie OVt of this doctrine of Paul's sayeth Cardinall Cajetan it is collected That it is better for the edifying of the Church that publicke prayers which are saide in the peoples hearing be said in a vulgar tongue knowne to the people and clergie rather than in Latine Cajet in 1. Cor. 14. §. 2. That Christ is our onlie Mediator in Heaven and that to Him and by Him onlie wee should goe to GOD. 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. TIm 2.3 For there is one GOD one also Mediator betweene God and men the Man CHRIST IESVS Note then As hee maketh not two sorts of gods but one God so hee admitteth not two sorts of mediators in Heaven but one Mediator onlie Eph. 2.18 For through Him vvee both haue an accesse by one Spirit vnto the Father Heb. 7.25 Wherefore He is able also to saue them to the vttermost that come vnto God by Him-selfe seeing Hee ever liveth to make intercession for them Note then That by Him-selfe and not by others Hee will haue vs come to GOD. 1. Iohn 2.1 If anie man sinne vvee haue an Advocate vvith the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and Hee is the propitiation for our sinnes Note then That to bee our Advocates the Saincts must also bee our propitiation which seeing none is but Christ on●…ie therefore Hee onlie is also our advocate allanerlie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie AS for all Christian men sayeth Augustine they commende each another in their prayers to Go● but hee for whom no man prayeth but hee himselfe for all men this is the onelie and true Mediator Christ Iesus Aug. lib. 2. contra epist. parmen c. 8. Yea what is so proper to Christ sayeth Ambrose as to bee the Advocate of his people at the handes of God his Father § 3. That the Saincts are not to bee invocated but GOD onli● 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm. 10.14 How then shall they invocate Him in whom they haue not believed Note then That seeing wee must belieue onlie in God therefore saith Christ Iohn 14.1 Yee belieue in God belieue also in mee therefore also we must only invocate or in-call vpon God For cursed are they vvho trusteth in the creature Ier. 17.5 Rom. 8.15 For yee haue not received the spirit of bondage againe to feare but yee haue received the spirit of adoption vvhereby vvee cry Abba Father Note then That being Gods adopted sonnes wee are exhorted not to feare to goe to Him as to a loving Father and that the spirit of grace in our hearts teacheth vs to cry or in-call vpon none other but vpon God who is our Father Luke 11.2 And Hee saide to them When yee pray say Our Father vvhich art in Heaven c. Remarke then That Christ directeth vs onlie to pray to God Psal 50.15 Call vpon Mee in the day of troubles I vvill d●liver thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Loe Gods owne precept to in-call vpon Him w th His gracious promise of granting our Prayer to encowrage vs and that to H●m o●●ie belongeth the religious worship both of Prayer and Prayse 2 Wi●n●ssing of Antiquitie IT is cleare then sayeth Athanasius that the Patriarch Iacob coupled none other in his praye●s with God than this VVord which hee therefore calleth the Ang●ll because hee onelie revealeth his Fathers will Ath●n contra Arrianos oratione 4. So lykewyse sayeth Augustine the names of the Sainctes are in their owne order rehearsed amongst vs but not invocated by vs. Aug. lib. 22. de civit Dei cap. 10. §. 4. That the Saincts know not our hearts nor our particular necessities and therefore are not to bee prayed vnto 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. KIngs 8.39 Then heare thou in heaven thy dwelling place and forgiue and giue to everie man according to his wayes whose heart thou knowest for thou even thou onelie knowest the hearts of all the children of men Note then That hee who heareth in heaven must know the heartes and the sinceritie there-of which seeing the Sainctes doe not but God even God onelie therefore they heare not nor can not receiue our prayers Rom. 8.27 And hee that searcheth the hearts knoweth vvhat is the minde of the spirit c. Note then That hee must know the heart and the sinceritie of prayer flowing there-fra on whom wee must call seeing manie tymes ne●ther is our distresse visible nor our prayers vocall but God onelie knoweth the heart 2. Chron. 6.30 For thou o●elie knowest the heartes of the children of men sayeth the Scripture therefore God onlie is to be in-called vpon 2. King 22.19 Because thine heart was tender thou humbledst thy selfe before the Lord when thou heardest what I spake against this Place c. therefore I haue also heard thee sayeth the Lord. Loe then In Prayer that the LORD looketh to the disposition of the heart which disposition seeing Hee onelie seeth and heareth vs accordinglie To Him therefore onelie must bee put vp our prayers Isai 63.16 Doubtlesse Lord thou art our Father tho Abraham bee ignorant of vs and Isaac acknowledge vs not c. Note then If Abraham the Father of all the Faythfull bee ignorant of the necessities of his children on earth how much more are other Saincts of the effayres of their fellow-brethren heere Iob 14.21 His sonnes come to honour and hee knoweth it not speaking of the dead and they are brought low but hee perceiveth it not Ecclesiastes 9.5 The living know that they shall die but the dead know not any thing to wit of the worl●e or worldlie effaires as the popish Doctors L●… and Ferus expound Where-vpon it followeth that they are not to bee invocated 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THERE are the soules of the dead sayeth Augustine where they see not
what things are done or befalleth in this lyfe to men And againe the Prophet saith Thou art our Father for Abraham hath not knowne vs and Israel hath bene ignorant of vs. If so great Patriarchs then sayth hee knew not what befell this people begotten of themselues c. How are the dead mixed in now to know the effairs and actions of the living to helpe them there-in Aug. de cura pro mortuis 3 Confession of Partie NOthing of th s w●s delivered or taught s●y h E●kius in the Scriptures of the Olde Testament and in the New Testament also the Apostl●s nor Evang●lists n●●ther by word nor writ tradition ●or Scripture l●fe anie such thing behinde them th● the Sainct●s should b●e prayed vnto Eckius in enc●irt●●o de v●●er 〈◊〉 s●n●s So that for An 〈◊〉 from the beginning it was not so Matth. 19.8 for Au●●oritie it is not requyred by God at our handes Is i. 1.12 and for S●●uritie it is not of fa●th as is presery●ed Iames 1.6 §. 5. That no reli●ious servic● which the Papists c●ll Duli● should ●e gi●●● to 〈…〉 ●●●●h●r Sainct or A●g●ll but to God only 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. SAMUEL 7.3 Prepare your heartes vnto the Lord and serue Him onlie Note then That all religious service is proper to God onelie as His prerogatiue Royall and due to no ●reature Rom. 7.6 But now wee are d livered from the Law that being dead wherein we were held that wee should serue Him in newnesse of spirit Note heere That our whole worship of God and du●tie to H●m is called Service or a Religious Dulia due onelie to the holie Trinitie Coloss 2.18 Let no man beguile you of your rewarde in a voluntarie humilitie and worshipping of Angels intruding in those thinges which hee hath not seene vaynlie puft vp with his fleshlie mynde Note then That anie worshipping of Angels is expresselie forbidden as an idolatrous practize able to depryue vs of our rewarde of eternall lyfe and where-of there is neyther example to be seene in the godlie nor warrand in God's worde but which is a doctrine proceeding from a vayne and puft vp fleshlie mynde that thinketh everie thing good in God's worship that it selfe devyseth having a show of wisedome and humilitie Revel 22.8 And I Iohn saw these thinges and heard them and when I had heard and seene I fell downe to worship before the feete of the Angell which shewed mee these things Vers 9. Then sayeth hee vnto mee Doe it not for I am thy fellow-servant and of thy Brethren the Prophets and of them which keepe the sayinges of this Booke Worship God Note then That the Angell refuseth all religious service and worship because such is not due to bee given by one servant to another but by all the fellow-servantes to their common Master to whom therefore the Angell directeth it saying VVorship GOD. 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WEE honour the Saincts with Loue but not with Service sayeth Aug. de vera relig c. 55. therfore he truely keepes the truth who worshippeth not the creature but the Creator sayeth Cyrillus and serveth Him onlie Cyrill Alex. lib. 1. 2. Thess c. 1. lib. 2. c. 1. 3. Confession of Partie MAnie Christians sayeth L. Vives worship no otherwise the hee and shee Saincts than they doe Go● himselfe neither see I sayth he in manie things what difference there is betweene their opinion of the Saincts that which the verie Heathen had of their gods Vives i●… August de civit Dei li● 8. c. vlt. §. 6. That no religious wors●ip is d●● to the Virgine Marie which the Papistes call Hyperdul●a 1. Authoritie of Sc●ipture IErem 44.17 But wee will doe certaynlie what-so-ever goeth foorth of our owne mouth to burne Incense to the Queene of Heaven and to po●re out drinke offeringes to her as wee haue done wee and our Fathers c. For then wee had plentie of Victuals and were well and saw no evill Remarke then If this o●de idolatrous fashion bee not the verie alyke as the practize of Poperie and their pr●tence now who cont●●rie to God's worde will worship the V●rg●ne M●●ie as Queene of H●av●n and make offeringes to her be●ause heir fore-fathers ●nd so and that then it was a good worlde w●th them and therefore are guiltie of alyke Idolatrie Matth. 2.11 And when they were come into the house they saw the Chylde with Marie his Mother and fell downe and worshipped him Note then That no word is that those wise men worshipped her lykewyse being moved by the Spirit of God to doe what they did and by the same Spirit to omit what they omitted 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie IF God will haue the Angels not to bee worshipped how much lesse her that was borne of Anna c. And againe Al-bee-it the tree bee pleasant to the fight say●h the same Epiphanius yet it is not for meat and al-be-it Marie be most faire and pleasant and holie and honoured yet not to bee worshipped therefore let her bee had in honour but let the Lord onlie be worshipped Epiph. lib. 3. heres 79. 3. Confession of Partie IT is come to that sayeth Cassander that Chr●st now reig●ing in heaven is made subject to the Virgine Marie as it is sung in some Churches O happie Mother who expiateth our sinnes by the authoritie of a Mother command thy Sonne Cassand consult art 21. CHAP. V. OF IMAGES §. 1. That it is not lawfull to represent GOD by anie Image as the Papists doe by the image of an olde man 1. Authoritie of Scripture EXod 20.4 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe anie gravē image nor the lykenesse of anie thing that is in Heaven aboue nor in the earth beneath nor in the waters vnder the earth Note then That wh●n they make God lyke an olde man they liken Him to that which is in the earth beneath against God's Commandement Deut. 4.15.16 Take therefore good heede to your selues for yee saw no manner of similitude on the day that the LORD spake to you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire Lest yee should corrupt your selues and make you a graven Image the similitude of anie figure the lykenesse of a male or female Loe then how carefull the Lord was for preventing this error Isai 40.18 To whom will yee liken GOD or what likenesse will yee compare vnto Him The Papist would answere We will liken Him to an Olde Man Rom. 1.23 And they changed the glorie of the incorruptible GOD into the similitude of a corruptible man R●m● k● then how the Olde Idolaters ●nd the newe Romanists jumpe heere in one 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie IT is not to bee passed by saith Origen that the Apostles speach not onlie rebuketh them who worship Idoles but that they a●e to bee accounted amongst the Hereti●kes ●alled Anthropomorphi●a who ●etting vp in the Church the bodilie image of a man calleth that the image of God Orig●n in Rom. 1.23 yea it is extreame follie and wi●kedn●sse sayeth
that anie man is to be blamed Aug. ●…ib 16. de civit Dei c. 37. 3. Confession of Partie TO prescrybe anie choyse of meat sayth Cardinall Cajetan forbidding another it disagreeth altogether from the whole doctrine of the Gospell Cajet comment p. 252. As hee is cited by Eckius in indice errorum Cajetani CHAP. VII OF THE MARRIAGE of the Clergie That the same is lawfull 1. Authoritie of Scripture HEb 13.4 Marriage is honourable in all Therefore in the clergie 1. Cor. 7.2 To avoyde Fornication le●… everie man haue his owne Wyfe and let everie woman haue her owne Husband If everie man then bee permitted to haue the remedie of Marriage then Clergie-men are not debarred Verse 9. But if they to wit the vnmarried cannot containe let them marrie for it is better to marrie than burne But the Romane Doctors will say That it is better to burne in lust yea to commit adultery for the quenching there-of than that a Clergie-man marrie Bellarm. lib. de monachis c. 34. § est autem and their canon law causa 27. q. 1. c. 21. sayeth even the lyke 1. Timoth. 3.2 A Bishop then must bee blamelesse the husband of one wife But the Pope will crosse Paul and say That hee must bee the husband of no wife So well doeth Trueth and Errour agree 1. Cor. 9.5 Haue wee not power to leade about a Sister a Wyfe as well as other Apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas Remarke then That the verie Apostles and Peter were married men and forsooke not their wiues companie even in the time of their Apostleship 1. Tim. 4.1.3 And the Spirit speaketh manifestlie that in the latter tymes some shall depart from the fayth giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils c. forbidding to marrie Note then That forbidding anie sort of persons or calling to marrie is a cleare note of an Apostaticke Church seduced by errour and venting the doctrine of Satan 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie NOw the Apostle admitteth that he shall bee the husband of one wyfe sayeth Clemens whether hee bee Presbyter or Deacon or laicke vsing marriage without reproofe Clemens Alex. lib. 3. strō And hee preasseth to stop the mouthes of Hereticks sayeth Chrysostome that condemneth marriage showing that it is so voyde of anie fault yea it is so precious that a man may there-with be advanced to the holy order of a Bishop Chrys in 1. ad Tit. hom 2. 3. Confession of Partie BY the decreet of the Councell of Gangra sayth Alphonsus it is most clearlie evident that by the Law of God single lyfe is no-wise needfull to the receiving of holie orders nor yet is marriage sayth hee prejudiciall to Priesthood Alphon. de castro verbo sacerdotium CHAP. VIII OF SINNE §. I. That Concupiscence which remaineth in the regenerate is Sinne properlie against that decreet of Trent sess 5. 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm 7.7 Nay I had not knowne sinne but by the Law for I had not knowne concupiscence except the Law had sayde Thou shalt not covet Verse 23. But I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mynd c. Note then That Concupiscence is sinne properlie because it is forbidden by the Law And secondlie because it rebelleth against the Law and therefore the Apostle calleth concupiscence sinne properlie when hee expresselie sayeth Verse 17. Now then it is no more I that doe it but sinne that dwelleth in mee Againe 1. Iohn 1.8 If we say that wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. But remarke that if concupiscence were not sinne in the godlie they might at some tyme say having their actuall sinnes purged That there were not sinne anie more in them 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie COncupiscence of the flesh sayeth Augustine against which the good spirit desyreth is sinne because it rebelleth against the dominion of the mynde Aug. contra Iulian. Pelag. lib. 5. c. 5. 3. Confession of Partie COncupiscence is formallie sin sayth Cajetan in so farre as it is a part of originall sinne Cajet in Rom. 7. §. 2. That all Sinne is mortall by nature and none are veniall but onlie by Grace to those that are penitent 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm. 6.20 For the vvages of sinne is death Note heere That there is not an exception of anie sort of sinne from deserving death therefore all sinne is pronounced mortall 1. Iohn 3.4 Who-so-ever committeth sinne transgresseth the Law for sinne is the transgression of the Law Gal. 3.10 But cursed is everie one that continueth not in all things vvhich are vvritten in the booke of the Law to doe them Note therefore That wee see if it deserue once to bee called sinne properlie it deserveth also the curse of the Law which is death eternall and consequentlie is mortall 1. Ioh. 1.7 And the Blood of Iesus Christ His Sonne cleanseth vs from all Sinne. Remarke then If all sinne requireth Christs Blood shed and death to purge it then all sinne deserveth death and therefore is mortall Mat. 12.36 But I say to you That everie ydle vvord that men shall speake they shall giue account there-of at the day of judgement Note then That at the day of judgement those sinnes which Papists call Veniall will prooue then Mortall because they will bee punished with eternall death seeing no temporall or lighter punishment is to bee then inflicted or there-after sustained 2. Witnessing of Antiqui●ie THose which wee thinke to be small sinnes sayeth Ierome exclude vs from the Kingdome of God Hieron in 5. c. ad Galat. 3. Confession of Partie SInnes which are called Veniall sayth Vega de justif lib. 14. c. 13. § decet they are properlie and simplie sinnes therefore wee see that they are aeque peccata altho not aequaliter peccata and consequentlie mortall So also sayth Cajetan on Matth. 5.19 By the least are vnderstood sayeth hee even those whose transgression is mortall Cajet comment p. 294. as he is cited by Eckius in indice errorum Cajetani CHAP. IX OF PREDESTINATION That wee were not predestinated vnto lyfe for our fore-seene good worke● as the cause but vnto good workes as the fruits and that of meere grace 1. Authoritie of Scripture EPhes 2.8 For by Grace ye are saved through Faith that not of your selues it is the gift of God Not of vvorks lest anie man should boast for vvee are his vvorkmanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good vvorks which God hath before ordained that vvee should vvalke in them Note then That good works as Bernard sayeth are the way where-in wee must walke to the kingdome but not the cause why either in election or glorificat●on it is bestowed vpon vs. Eph. 1.4 According as hee hath chosen vs in Him before the foundation of the World that vvee should bee holie and vvithout blame before Him in loue Having predestinated vs vnto the adoption of children by Iesus Christ to Himselfe according to the good pleasure of
His Will To the praise of the glorie of His grace vvherein Hee hath made vs accepted in His beloved Marke then That our election is not for our fore-seene holinesse but that we should bee holie and the ground there-of is set downe therefore to bee the good pleasure of the Lord's will and the ende of all is the praise onelie of the glorie of His owne grace and so no praise to vs for anie fore-seene merit Rom 9.15 For hee sayeth to Moses I vvill haue mercie on whom I vvill haue mercie and I vvill haue compassion on vvhom I vvill haue compassion So then it is not of him that vvilleth nor of him that runneth but of God that showeth mercie Note then That the cause of our election is in God himselfe to wit free mercie and not in man of fore-seene merit 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie AVgustine thus sayeth to the Pelagian Hereticks Yee say that Iacob was loved sayth hee for his future works which God fore-saw that he was to doe and so yee contradict the Apostle who sayth That it was not of works as if hee might not haue saide that it was not of his present workes but of his future works But hee sayeth simplie that it was of no works at all that grace might bee commended Aug. lib. 2. contra epist 2. Pelagianor c. 7. As also if the cause bee asked sayeth Fulgentius of the predestination of the godlie there is none other but the onlie free mercie of God to be found Fulg. lib. 1. ad Monimum f. 10. 3. Confession of Partie ANd that wee are elect not onlie freelie but also without the fore-sight of good workes the Apostle teacheth Rom. 9. sayth Bellarmine lib. 2. de gratia lib. arb c. 10. § esse denique As also Estius affirmeth that this opinion anent predestination to wit that the same is not of fore-seene fayth and good works is maintained by most of all their Schoole-men where-of he rehearseth sixteene by name of the most famous Estius in lib. 1. sent dist 41. § quarto CHAP. X. OF VOCATION §. I. That there is no fore-going preparations in vs naturallie vnto our effectuall calling by grace as merits of congruitie 1. Authoritie of Scripture 2. TIm 1.9 Who hath saved vs called vs with an holie calling not according to our vvorks but according to his owne purpose and grace vvhich vvas given vs in Christ Iesus before the World began Note then That preparatorie works in vs is altogether excluded and all attributed onlie to meere grace in our effectuall calling Ephes Amongst whom also wee all had our conversation in tymes past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the fl●sh and of the minde and were by nature the children of vvrath even as others But God vvho is rich in mercie for his great loue vvhere-vvith hee hath loved vs Even when wee were dead in sinnes hath quickened vs together with Christ for by grace yee are saved Consider then Before our effectuall calling what wicked workes the Apostle showeth doeth preceede in all men meriting wrath and not anie gracious calling and seeing wee are all dead in sinne before our calling what preparations can bee in a dead man of himselfe to his quickening and reviving againe Tit. 3.3 For we our selues also were some-tymes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lustes and pleasures living in malice and envy hatefull and hating one another But after that the kindnesse and loue of God our Saviour toward man appeared not by works of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to his mercie hee hath saved vs by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Ghost Note then What sort of workes the Apostle reckoneth vp which preceedeth our calling from which hee exeemeth not himselfe being a bloodie persecuter immediatelie before his calling and had no other works of fore-going preparation but persecution of Christs members even as Manasseh Rom. 8.7 For the carnall mynde is enimitie against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can bee I aske then How can it prepare it selfe vnto Gods calling vnto whom it is enimitie or fit it selfe to bee subject to Gods Law which the Apostle sayeth is impossible to it 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THe Elect hee preventeth with grace being altogether vnworthie of mercie sayth Fulgentius lib. 1. ad Monimum f. 5. with whom homologateth Augustine enchiridio ad Laurentium c. 30. 3. Confession of Partie WHerefore I see most learned and godlie men incline sayeth Vega vnto this that the Church should reject that merit which they call de congruo Vega Iesuit lib. 8. de justif c. 8. § quia §. 2. That the first conversion of a Sinner is a worke onlie of meere grace and not partlie flowing from man's free will 1. Authoritie of Scripture EZek. 36.26 A new heart also I will giue you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stonie heart out of your flesh and I will giue you an heart of flesh Note then That by taking away the olde heart al-together hee showeth that there is no fitnesse in our naturall disposition to will or co-operate with his grace and that by giving a new heart al-together that it is hee that worketh in vs by his grace both the willing of our conversion as also the performance thereof as the onlie Author and finisher of our faith Iohn 15.16 Yee haue not chosen mee but I haue chosen you c. But note that if it bee in our will to imbrace grace offered or not to imbrace it as the Papists say then it will follow that by the power of our owne free-will accepting of grace which is indifferentlie offered to all alyke that wee choose God and hee not vs. 1. Cor. 4.7 For who hath made thee to differ from another and what hast thou that thou didst not receiue Now if thou didst receiue it why doest thou glorie as if thou hadst not received it To this Question a Papist would answere that the power of his owne free-will that accepted grace offered made him to differ from another and not God or the power of his grace onlie Hee will also say according to their doctrine that in the worke of his conversion hee had freedome of will which hee did not receiue by grace and therefore hath that where-of to glorie which hee received not 2. Cor. 3.5 Not that wee are sufficient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God Note therefore That our abilitie to will our owne conversion or to accept grace offered is all of God allanerlie Philip. 2.13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to doe of his good pleasure Remarke then That it is expresselie called Gods worke in vs of effectuall grace to bee willing of our owne conversion and not a freedome by nature Ephes 2.5 Even when wee were dead in sinnes he hath quickened vs together with
Christ for by grace yee are saved Note then As a dead man of himselfe cannot will his owne quickening but is meerlie passiue in the act there-of so neither can a dead man in sinne of himselfe will his owne conversion but is meerlie also a sufferer in his first turning to God Iohn 6.44 No man can come to Mee except the Father draw him Note then When Hee sayeth No man can come that hee breaketh sayth Saint Ierome the prowde freedome of man's will Hieron lib. 3. adn Pelagianos 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THey are not my words but the Apostles sayeth Bernard that anie good that can bee whether to thinke or will or doe the good which hee willeth hee ascrybeth all to God and nowise to his owne free-will Bern. tract de gra lib. arb prope finem So also Augustine lib. de spiritu litera c. 3. 3. Confession of Partie THe Scripture therefore sayeth Bellarmine both by words and similitudes everie-where cryeth that a sinner cannot in anie sort dispose himselfe to receiue grace Bellar. lib. 6. de lib. arb c. 5. § huc denique CHAP. XI OF IVSTIFICATION §. I. That wee are justified by Fayth onlie as the hand or instrument that layeth holde on GODS free mercie and CHRISTS merit for our absolution 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm 5.1 Therefore beeing justified by Fayth we haue peace vvith God through our Lord Iesus Christ. Rom. 3.28 Wee conclude then that a man is justified by fayth vvithout the deeds of the Law Note then That fayth is made the onlie instrument and all other righteousnesse except Christs whereon fayth layeth onlie holde is expresselie excluded Gal. 2.16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the vvorks of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ even vve haue therefore believed in Iesus Christ that vvee might bee justified by the fayth of Christ and not by the vvorks of the Law for by the vvorks of the Law shall no flesh bee justified Wee see then againe anie inherent righteousnesse in man which is his obedience to the Law al-together excluded from having place in our justification and that the righteousnesse of Christ alone is that where-on fayth onlie layeth holde for our absolution Therefore the Apostle sayth Rom. 5.9 Much more then being now justified by his blood vvee shall bee saved from vvrath thorow him 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THis is ordained by God sayeth Ambrose that who believeth in Christ shall bee saved without works by fayth onelie getting the free remission of his sinnes Ambrose in 1. Cor. cap. 1. Therefore sayeth Bernard a penitent sinner being justified by fayth alone shall haue peace with God Bern. Serm. 22. in Cant. 3. Confession of Partie IN that the Protestants vrge ever saith Cassander that wee are justified by fayth onelie it is the more tollerable seeing they expound that by fayth they vnderstand grace that is correspondent there-to So that it is all one to bee justified by fayth onlie as to bee justified by grace and not by workes Cass consult art 4. §. 2. That wee are not justified by our works before God or that no inherent righteousnesse in vs is the formall cause of our justification 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm. 3.20 Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh bee justified in his sight For Verse 24. Wee are justified freelie by his grace thorow the redemption that is in Iesus Christ. Rom. 11.6 And if by grace then it is no more of vvorks otherwyse grace is no more grace but if it bee of vvorks then it is no more grace other-wyse vvorke is no more vvorke Rom. 4.4 Now to him that vvorketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt Verse 2. For if Abraham were justified by vvorks hee hath vvhereof to glorie but not before God Rom. 3.27 Where is boasting then it is excluded By vvhat Law of vvorkes nay but by the Law of fayth Remarke then That by all the former places our workes are expresselie debarred from having anie place in justification which is by grace and grace and our inherent righteousnesse are so opposed in that worke that they can not consist but the one is ever destructiue of the other Note also That the Apostle cleareth playnlie that place of Iames 2.21 showing that Abraham's justifying by works was not before God but by them that hee was declared onlie before men to bee righteous and just Rom. 5.16 And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgement vvas by one vnto condemnation but the free gift is of manie offences vnto justification Note then That our justification standeth in the remission of sinnes and this remission is a free gift and if it be a free gift then it is not of debt and if not of debt then not of our workes as the Apostle had formerlie concluded Rom. 4.4 Gal. 5.4 Who-so-ever then of you are justified by the law yee are fallen from grace Note then That the fleeing to our owne righteousnesse in justification is called an head-longs falling from grace to perdition 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THE redemption of the Blood of Christ should bee vile in our eyes sayeth Ambrose nor should the prerogatiue of mens works succumbe to the mercie of God if justification which is by grace were due vnto anie preceeding merits So that it should not bee the gift of the free bestower but the reward o●… the meriting worker Amb. lib. 1. de voc gentium c. 5. Remarke heere That both our first justification and that vvhich they call the second even to the ende of our lyfe is onlie of meere grace 3. Confession of Partie WEE are saide freelie to bee justified sayth Benius because nothing that preceedeth our justification whether it bee fayth or works deserveth the grace of justification Benius de efficaci Dei auxilio c. 18. Vasques also the Iesuit rightlie observeth thus to wit That a number of their most learned Doctors whom hee accounteth good Catholicks differ in this point onlie in words but agree in deede Of which number hee nameth Vilhelmus Parisiensis Scotus Occam Gregorie Ariminensis Gabriel Biel Antididagma Coloniense Enchiridion Coloniense Iohannes Bunderius Alphonsus de Castro and Andreas Vega who was present at the handeling of this matter at the Councell of Trent Vasques in 1. 2. quast 114. disp 214. c. 1. §. 3. That it is Christ's righteousnesse onlie which in justification is imputed vnto vs vnto remission of sinnes 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 53.5 But hee vvas vvounded for our transgressions hee vvas brused for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes vvee are healed Note then That by Christ's stripes and satisfaction is our healing or justification that this satisfaction of Christs is made ours onlie by imputation that Romane Doctor confesseth Bellarmine lib. 2. de justificatione c. 10. § deinde Ier. 23.6 In his dayes Iudah shall bee saved and Israel shall dwell safelie and
this is his Name vvhere-by hee shall bee called THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESSE Philip. 3.9 That I may bee found in him not having mine owne righteousnesse vvhich is of the Law but that vvhich is thorow the faith of Christ even the righteousnesse which is of God by fayth Remarke then That the onelie righteousnesse where-on the Apostle relyeth for acceptation is not his owne or mans but Christs who is also God and therefore whose satisfaction or obedience is of an infinite vertue to appease an infinite wrath and is by faith onelie laide holde on and applyed and so made ours by meere imputation 2. Cor. 5.21 For hee hath made him to bee sinne for vs who knew no sinne that wee might bee made the righteousnesse of God in him Note then That as Christ was made sinne for vs that is a sacrifice for sinne as Ose 4.8 sinne is there taken onlie by having our sinnes imputed to him so are wee also by imputation onlie made the righteousnesse of God in him Rom. 5.19 For as by one man's disobedience manie are made sinners so by the obedience of one shall manie bee made righteous But manie were made sinners being yet in his loynes onlie by imputation as the Apostle sayth verse 12. In whom all sinned therefore also by the obedience of Christ manie are made righteous by imputation onlie in the act of justification before God as saide is 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie CHRIST'S condemnation is our justification sayeth Beda in Psal 87. 3. Confession of Partie CHRIST is called our righteousnesse sayth Bellarmine because hee hath satisfied the father for vs and giveth to vs that satisfaction and communicateth it so vnto vs when hee justifyeth vs that it may bee justlie called our satisfaction and righteousnesse Bell. lib. 2. de justif c. 10. § deinde So also c. 7. § qu●rto CHAP. XII OF SANCTIFICATION §. 1. That there is no man perfectlie sanctified in this lyfe or in-abled so to liue heere vvith-out transgressing God's Commandements 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. KIngs 8.46 If they sinne against thee for there is no man that sinneth not Note then That Salomon denyeth that anie man in the world is so perfectlie sanctifyed but hee sinneth Prov. 20.9 Who can say I haue made mine heart cleane I am pure from sinne A Papist will say that sundrie can say this Prov. 24.16 For a just man falleth seaven tymes and ryseth againe but the Wicked shall fall into mischiefe Note then That hee showeth that the most godlie sinneth oft-tymes and that this is the difference betweene them and the wicked not but that both doe sinne but the godlie ryseth againe by repentance and the other lye still in sinne continuallie while punishment or mischiefe light vpon him Iob 9.20 If I justifie my selfe mine owne mouth shall condemne mee if I say I am perfect it shall also proue mee perverse Remarke then If such a commended man as Iob was was not perfect who other may say that hee is so Rom. 7.23 But I see another Law in my Members vvarring against the law of my minde and bringing mee into captivitie to the law of sinne which is in my members Philip. 3.12 Not as tho I had alreadie attained either were alreadie perfect Note then If such a rare Sainct as Paul denyed that hee was perfect and complained of his oft sinning who is he now that of him-selfe without blasphemie dare affirme the contrarie 1. Iohn 1.8 If wee say then that wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. Iam. 3.2 For in manie things wee offend all Remarke How the Apostles exclude not them-selues and who then can except him-selfe Luke 11.4 And forgiue vs our sinnes Note then That Christ hath taught all God's Children who call him their Father to beg daylie forgiuenesse as well as daylie bread And therefore none can exeeme him-selfe from daylie sinning els it were needlesse to beg daylie pardon And this Christ hath taught vs to say sayth Ierome non humilitatis mendacio not thorow humilitie to lie as the Pelagians expounded it but thorow the feare of humane frailty dreading our own conscience Hieron lib. 3. advers Pelagianos 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie ALl these examples I runne over saith Ierome to show that the Law was never yet fulfilled by anie man lib. 2. contra Pelagianos For this is the priviledge of Christ and if hee bee without sinne sayeth hee and I also without sinne what is the difference betweene mee and God Hieron lib. 3. adv Pelagianos Heere-vnto accordeth like-wise Bernard serm 50. in Cantica 3. Confession of Partie IT is impossible sayeth Aquinas to fulfill the whole Law c. and never any could keepe yet the Law as it is commanded Aquin. in 3. Galat. Lect. 4. §. 2. That no man can doe works of greater perfection or more than God hath commanded which the Papists call workes of supererogation Bellar. l. 2. de Monachis c. 13. 1. Authoritie of Scripture TO convince this prowde errour it might suffice what is formerlie proven to wit if no man can obey the verie Law perfectlie how much lesse is hee able to obey it and more yet let the Canon of Scripture batter this prowde Towre of ambitious Babell Iohn 6.38 For I came downe from Heaven not to doe mine owne vvill but the vvill of him that sent mee Note then If the full perfection of Christ consisted in doing of God's will onlie what blasphemous pryde is it to say That they doe more than God's will for if it bee his will then he hath commanded it and if they doe their owne will how dare they say That their will is perfecter than the will of God Psal 103.20 Blesse yee the Lord his Angels that excell in strength that doe his commandement hearkening to the voyce of his Word Remarke againe That the perfection of Angels is placed heere-in that they doe what by his word the Lord commandeth them Therefore what Luciferian pryde is it in man to stretch his perfection further than the Angels Psal 19.7 The Law of the Lord is perfect But if there bee rules of perfection aboue the Law then it will follow that the Law is an imperfect rule of holinesse Matth. 22.37 Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thine heart and vvith all thy soule and vvith all thy mynde Now what perfection can possiblie bee beyond that which is commanded seeing all the heart all the soule and all the mynde is required and the Law it selfe is made heere the modell of all perfection inward and outward Philip. 4.8 Finallie Brethren vvhat-so-ever thinges are true vvhat-so-ever thinges are honest vvhat-so-ever things are just what-so-ever things are pure vvhat-so-ever things are loue-worthie vvhat-so-ever things are of good report if there bee anie vertue and if there bee anie praise thinke on those things Remarke then That there is nothing that one can doe which is good but may bee redacted to one of the fore-named properties and therefore there is
no good thing that one can doe but it is expresselie commanded But indeed it is to be granted that the popish works of Supererogation are no-where commanded to wit to eate the bread of yldenesse and liue an impure single lyfe in their monkish Cloisters in respect the one is injust and the other impure and both to bee hated against the fore-named properties 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie FOr the remission of the sinnes of their brethren saith Augustine the blood of no Martyre was ever shed which Christ onelie hath done for vs not that wee should imitate him there-in but congratulate for that which hee hath bestowed on vs. Aug. tract 84. in Iohan. 3. Confession of Partie BEllarmine showeth that not onelie sundrie recent Divines of theirs but also the Divines of Lovane did teach that the sufferings of the Saincts are no satisfactions but that Christ's satisfaction is onlie that vnto vs. Bell. lib. 1. de indulg cap. 4. CHAP. XIII OF GLORIFICATION §. 1. That our good works merit not eternall lyfe or glorie for their owne condignitie and worth as the Papists affirme Bell. l. 5. de justificatione c. 17. 1. Authoritie of Scripture IOB 35.7 If thou be righteous vvhat givest thou him to wit to God or what receiveth hee of thine hand Note then That wee cannot merit at God's hand for to bee righteous is a thing that wee are bound to bee and when wee are so God getteth no profite there-by To this same effect therefore Christ sayeth Luke 17.10 So also yee vvhen yee haue done all those things vvhich are commanded you say vvee are vnprofitable servants vvee haue done but that which was our duetie to doe And holie David confesieth thus of him-selfe saying Psal 16.2 My goodnesse Lord extendeth not to thee Thus wee see then that all our good works is a debt-bound service onlie to God who hath created vs and that when wee haue done them yet hee is not benefited But so it is that a worke that meriteth must not be debt for no man meriteth reward by paying his debt and it must bring some good also or commoditie to the rewarder if it merit at his hand which our works doe no-wise to God Rom. 8.18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthie to bee compared with the glorie which shall be revealed in vs. Note then If the verie sufferings and Martyrdomes of God's Saincts merite not eternall glorie because there is no proportion betweene them as ought to bee betweene a worke and the reward that it meriteth much lesse can the actions of anie servant of God's be meritorious at his hands of eternall life Which there-fore if anie-where it is called a reward it is in respect of the time when it is given to wit at the ende of our service and lyfe-tyme as the pennie wages but not in respect of anie meritorious qualitie Rom. 6.23 For the wages of Sinne is death but the gift of GOD is eternall lyfe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Remarke therefore that eternall lyfe is not called the godlies wages as death is called the wickeds wages but death is called the wages of Sinne because sinners them-selues merit it and eternall lyfe is called the free gift of GOD through CHRIST as the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifyeth because withou●●nie meriting there-of by themselues by grace they receiue it as a free gift through the merit of Iesus Christ allanerlie Ephes 2.8 For by grace yee are saved through fayth and that not of your selues but it is the gift of GOD. Rom. 11.6 And if by grace then is it no more of workes otherwyse grace is no more grace Rom. 4.4 For to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt Remarke then that to obtayne eternall lyfe by grace and to obtayne it by the merit of our works are set as things contrarie even as free gift is contrarie to oblieged debt And yet contrarie to so cleare Scripture such is the pryde of Papall doctrine it peartlie avoweth eternall lyfe to bee a debt and that God is our debter not onelie because of His promise but also because of our works Bellarm. L. 5. de Iustif. Cap. 18. § Sed facilis c. Luke 12.32 Feare not little flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue to you a Kingdome VVee see then that heavenlie Kingdome called heere a gift and that it is God's good pleasure onlie which is the cause why wee get the same and no merit of ours Ephes 1.5 Having predestinated vs vnto the adoption of Children by Iesus Christ to him-selfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the prayse of the glorie of his grace Note then attentiuelie That if the fore-sight of our merites was not the cause why God predestinated vs to eternall lyfe but onelie his owne good pleasure to the prayse of the glorie of his owne grace Then it is still the same good pleasure of God that is the onelie cause why hee giveth vs eternall lyfe to the prayse of the same glorie of his grace and not of vs or anie of our merites Other-wyse the cause should not bee one but diverse yea contrarie why GOD bestoweth vpon vs one and the same thing which were absurd to wit Eternall lyfe in our election before time and the possessing vs there-with at our glorification in time Remarke lyke-wyse That it is to an inheritance of adopted sonnes that wee are predestinated For if wee bee Children wee are also Heyres sayeth the Apostle Rom. 8.17 If there-fore eternall lyfe bee an inheritance it is no purchase of workes and who-so-ever by such a title claymeth the same hee renounceth the lawfull succession there-to as a sonne and so falleth from Grace Gal. 5.4 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie ALthough the Lord bestow Heaven vpon the Godlie according to their workes yet it is not for their workes sayeth Gregorie on these wordes of Psal 7. Auditam fac mihi c. And first thou must belieue sayeth Bernard tria Bernardi credenda that thou canst not obtayne remission of sinne but by the meers mercie of God There-after that thou hast no good workes but that which is His free gift And last of all that thou canst not merite Eternall lyfe by no workes of thine but that Hee freelie lyke-wyse bestoweth that on thee Bern. Serm. 1. in Anunc Mariae 3. Confession of Partie NEyther are our workes what-so-ever they bee of that worth sayth Ferus that they deserue duelie and condignlie anie such reward Ferus in Ioh. 3. f. 69. So sayeth Alphonsus de Castro verbo meritum Therefore Bellarmine is forced to conclude That for the vncertaintie of our owne righteousnes sayth hee and the danger of vayne glorie it is moste safe to put our vvhole confidence in the onelie mercie and bountie of God Bellarm. Lib. 5. de Iustif Cap. 7. § sit tertia §. 2. That there are no super-aboundant meritorious workes or sufferinges of Saincts left behinde them to
bee the treasurie of the Church for the helpe of others to Heaven that vvant merits to bee disposed of onlie and dispensed by papall indulgences as the the Romanists teach 1. Authoritie of Scripture THIS errour might seeme alreadie sufficientlie convinced while as it is clearlie proven that no Sainct was ever yet able for them-selues eyther by their workes or sufferinges to merite Eternall lyfe Yet for farder conviction let these places of Scripture raze the foundation of this loftie Errour Isai 43.11 I even I am the Lord and beside Mee there is no Saviour But the Doctors of Rome say That it is no absurditie to say that beside Him there are Saincts also who may bee called our saviours in a part for so sayeth Bellarmine Lib. 1. de Indulg Cap. 4. § sexta and that by the great heape sayth hee cap. 2. § tamen of their super-aboundant sufferings they are able to expiate exceeding manie and great sinnes of other men and so by this doctrine of theirs ye see they giue the Lord flatlie the lie Ezek. 18.20 The righteousnesse of the righteous shall bee vpon him and the vvickednesse of the vvicked shall bee vpon him Remarke then that it shall not bee vpon another but vpon him-selfe and that it is a stra●ge madnesse in Poperie that so stiffelie they will deny that the righteousnesse of Christ can bee imputed to vs or made ours in justification but will affirme that the righteousnesse of Saincts and her men may bee made ours by their Pope's Indulgences Act. 4.12 Neither is there salvation in anie other for there is none other Name vnder Heaven given amongst men where-by wee must bee saved Loe heere Full salvation attributed to Christ onlie excluding all others vnder Heaven from having anie part in the glorie of that worke 1. Cor. 1.13 Is Christ divyded was Paul crucified for you or were yee baptized in the name of Paul Note therefore That to make Christ's merit and sufferings to expiate some sins and punishments and the merites and sufferinges of Saincts to expiate other sinnes both manie and great and other punishments if this bee not to divide Christ and to divide the worke of man's salvation betweene the Creator and the creature Of whome wee may lyke-wyse inquire at them Were these Saincts crucified for man-kynde or was ever anie man baptized in their name And if not then their sufferings can-not bee our satisfactions nor can anie thing super-abound in them to expiate the sinnes of other men for for this ende onlie Christ was crucified and for this cause are wee in Christ's Name also baptized professing by his blood-shed and sufferings alone that wee haue full ablution and expiation of our sinnes therefore is it sayde by him-selfe I haue troden the wine-presse alone and of the people there was none with mee Isai 63.3 Heb. 10.14 By one offering hee hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified That is as is sayde Heb. 7.25 Hee hath perfectlie saved them Note therefore That he hath left no supplement to bee made by others Coloss 1.19.20 In him all fulnesse dwelleth there is no defect then in his sufferinges nor no neede on our part to goe anie-where else and by him and not by others even by the blood of his Crosse and not by the sufferinges of Saincts are all things reconciled sayth the Apostle Matth. 25.9 But the vvise answered saying Not so lest there bee not eneugh for vs and you Remarke then That the Elect Saincts figured by the wise Virgines haue no more sanctification than will bee found eneugh to them-selues onlie and therefore that the same is not so super-aboundant that they may spare to others 2. Cor. 5.10 For vve must all appeare before the judgement seate of Christ that everie one may receiue the things done in his bodie not then in the bodies of others according to that vvhich him-selfe hath done vvhether it bee good or bad Therefore not according to the good which another hath done and which thorow super-aboundance hath beene left in the treasure of the Church to helpe others to Heaven Revel 14.13 And I heard a voyce from Heaven saying to me Write Blessed are the dead vvhich die in the Lord from hence-foorth yea sayeth the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works follow them Remarke then That their works byde not behinde them-selues to bee applyed or imployed for the helpe of others but they follow them for the witnessing of their fayth and the increase of glorie to them-selues CHAP. XIIII OF PVRGATORIE §. 1. That the godlie are purged from all sinnes what-so-ever heere and that by Christ's blood allanerlie so that there remaineth no sort of sinnes to bee purged after this lyfe in anie fyerie Purgatorie 1. Authoritie of Scripture EZek 18.22 If a sinner turne I will forget all his iniquities Note then At the verie instāt of our conversion that wee are purged from all our sinnes what-so-ever and so no veniall sinnes are left to bee purged else-where Isai 38.17 Thou bast in lou●… delivered my soule from the pit o●… corruption for thou hast cast a●… my sinnes behinde thy backe Note then That none are reserved to bee satisfied for by man him-selfe in anie imagined Purgatorie but all are casten behind the Lord's backe Psal 51.7.9 Wash mee and I shall bee vvhiter than the Snow hide thy face from my sinnes and blot out all mine iniquities Remarke therefore That where God purgeth the partie purged is made so cleane that there remaineth not the least spot behinde to bee taken away by anie after Purgatorie and it is not some of our greater sinnes onelie but hee blotteth out all our iniquities what-so-ever where hee showeth mercie so that the partie is made whyter than the Snow Col. 2.13 And yee being dead in your sinnes and in the vncircumcision of your flesh he hath quickened together vvith him having forgiven all your trespasses Note then That none are excepted Heb. 10.14 By one offering hath hee perfected for ever them that are sanctified That is as Heb. 7.25 is sayde Hee hath perfectlie saved them And if this bee it followeth that hee hath left no sinne nor no punishment heere-after for sinne vntaken away and so no supplement to bee made to his satisfaction by any sufferinges of ours in an imagined Purgatorie 1. Iohn 1.7 And the Blood of Iesus Christ his Sonne purgeth vs from all sinne Note then How clearlie this errour of Poperie is heere-by convinced that sayeth that his blood purgeth vs onlie from mortall sinne and that there is a fire after this life that purgeth vs from veniall sinnes and temporall punishments where-as the Spirit of God sayeth that Christ's blood purgeth vs from all sinne and so giveth flatlie this spirit of errour the lie Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay anie thing to the charge of God's Elect It is God that justifieth Or who shall condemne seeing Christ hath died Note If Christ's death then and the merite there-of hath abrogated all
then there remaineth not the guilt of anie sinne nor the condemning to anie satisfactorie punishment to bee sustained by anie of God's Elect heere-after in anie fyerie Purgatorie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie CHRIST by his death saith August and by that onelie one true Sacrifice offered for vs hath purged away abolished and put out what-so-ever sort of faults where-by wee were detained justlie by principalities and powers as guiltle to vnder-lye punishment Aug. lib. 4. de trinitat cap. 13. As also the same sayth Pope Leo. Epist. 81. ad Monachos Palestinos 3. Confession of Partie CHRIST hy his death sayth Lombard and by that one true sacrifice of his hath abolished what-so-ever faults wee had where-by wee were holden by Satan to vnder-goe punishment Lomb. lib. 3. sent dist 19. Lyke-wyse wee confesse sayeth Bellarmine that Christ hath satisfyed to his Father for vs and for the whole world perfectlie yea most fullie as manie Scriptures teach vs. Bell. lib. 2. de indulg c. 7. § quod enim §. 2. That Christ freeth the Godlie from all punishment heere-after as well as from all guilt heere 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 53.4 Surelie hee hath borne our griefes and carried our sorrowes Note then That if Christ hath borne our sinnes no other-wise than by sustaining the whole punishment due for them for that ende to discharge vs of the same nam si tulit abstulit it followeth then that no part there-of heereafter abydeth to bee sustained by vs. Verse 5. And by his stripes wee are healed Note then That as bodilie healing standeth in this that the paine is whollie taken away so our healing by Christ's stripes importeth this that the whole punishment of sinne is taken away Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ. If then there bee no condemnation therefore there is not as the Papists say some condemnation to wit to the suffering of a temporall punishment hereafter in the fyre of Purgatorie Col. 1.19 In him all fulnesse dwelleth Note then That seeing all fulnesse of Salvation is in Christ and of his fulnesse wee all receiue as sayeth Sainct Iohn 1.16 Therefore wee receiue full deliverie from all punishment of sinne as well as from all guilt there-of Heb. 10.14 By one offering hee hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Note therefore That hee hath perfectlie delivered them from all sort of sinne and from all sort of punishment other-wise hee could not bee saide to perfect or perfectlie saue Coloss 2.13 Having freelie forgiven all your trespasses Matth. 6.12 And forgiue vs our debts as vvee forgiue our debtors Out of both which places then remarke if our sinnes be our debt as Matthew calleth them and that they are all freelie forgiven as Paul witnesseth then all payment of them or punishment for them is lyke-wyse freelie discharged and wee there-of fred It beeing against sense to affirme other-wise to wit that the whole debt should be discharged but not the whole payment Note lyke-wyse That wee craue forgiuenesse as wee forgiue others and God promiseth such forgiuenesse to vs as wee giue to others But hee willeth vs to forgiue others fullie and freelie as Matth. 18.35 is evident without keeping the least purpose of the meanest revenge in heart vnto them Therefore such is his owne forgiuenesse to vs without keeping the least purpose of tormenting vs in a fyre as hote as Hell after death and there-after that hee hath forgiven vs freelie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WHere there is grace sayeth Chrysostome there is pardon and where there is pardon there is no punishment at all Chrysost hom 8. in Epist. ad Rom. Therefore sayth Augustine Christ by vnder-going the punishment and not the guilt hath abrogated both the punishment and the guilt Serm. 37. de verbis Domini 3. Confession of Partie THe sufferings of Christ sayth Bellarmine are able to expiate all sinne originall and actuall mortall and veniall and all punishment eternall and temporall and all this by it selfe alone Bell. lib. 2. de indulg c. 5. § at non §. 3. That no man can satisfie for his sinnes in anie measure neither here nor in Purgatorie 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 63.3 I haue troden the Wine-presse alone and of all the people there vvas none vvith mee Marke then If Christ was onlie able to treade the Wine-presse of God's wrath then hee alone is able to satisfye for sinne for both these are one and all man is excluded 1. Tim. 2.6 Who gaue Himselfe a Ransome for all Note then That a Ransome or satisfaction for sinne must bee of an infinite value such as no suffering of man can bee and therefore the Sonne of God behoved to giue Him-selfe who was of infinite power and majestie to bee this Ransome for sinne Heb. 1.3 When Hee had by him selfe purged our sinnes hee sate downe on the right hand of the Majestie on high Remarke then That to purge sinne is the priviledge of Christ which hee reserveth onlie to him-selfe by him-selfe and his owne sufferings allanerlie doing that and not by others or anie of their sufferings heere or hence permitting that to bee done Heb. 7.25 Wherefore hee is able to saue them to the vtter-most that come vnto God by him Note then If Christ saveth vs to the vtter-most there remaineth no place for humane satisfaction Acts 4.12 Neither is there salvation in anie other c. Note then That if all our salvation be in Christ and flow from him onlie then it is not in anie measure in our selues and from our selues so that wee our selues in respect of our owne satisfactions may not bee called our owne redeemers as the Papistes blasphemouslie teach and the Councell of Trent hath in effect decreed Bell. l. 1. de indulg c. 4. § sexta Col. 1.19 In him all fulnesse dwelleth and by him even by the blood of his crosse are all things reconciled Advert then That our reconciliation to God is onelie attributed to the satisfaction of Christ's blood-shed on the Crosse and therefore no humane satisfaction hath place in this worke seeing reconciliation is the worke of a Mediator and our Mediator behoved to participate of both natures that in himselfe and by him-selfe hee might reconcile both Revel 7.14 And hee saide to mee These are they vvhich came out of great tribulation and haue vvashed their Robes and made them vvhite in the blood of the Lambe Note therefore That the verie Martyres that suffer for Christ acknowledge onlie the blood of Christ to bee the perfect satisfaction and expiation of their sinnes and therefore are saide to make their Robes whyte by dipping them no-wise in their owne blood of Martyrdome as anie way purging or satisfactorie but onelie in the blood of the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the World 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie BY what paines and what fastings can wee wash away our sinnes saith Ambrose in Psal 118. Serm. 20. For the onlie painfull suffering of the second Adam sayth
Bernard purgeth them whom the only sinne of the first defyled and not that anie man 's owne satisfactions can availe for him-selfe for what is our pennance but that if wee suffer not together wee can-not reigne together Bern. de verbis lib. Iob. in sex 3. Confession of Partie THe sufferings of Christ is of an infinite value and therefore to joyne the satisfactions of the sufferings of the godlie there-vnto is al-together superfluous sayth Durandus Mairones cited by Bellarmine l. 1. de indulg c. 4. § tertia As al-so the verie glosse of the canon Law Dist 1. de penitentia verbis Dic quod c. sayeth that it is neither by contrition of heart nor confession of mouth that sinnes are for-given but onelie by the free grace of God but the contrition of the heart is a signe in-deed that our sinnes are for-given as externall pennance is a signe of the contrition of the heart say they which contrition even free grace preceedeth §. 4. That the Soules of the Godlie after Death goe immediatelie to Glorie and to no mid place of torment 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 57.1 The Righteous is taken away from the evill to come hee shall enter into peace Note then That there is no middle estate nor place spoken of but that immediatelie is subjoyned vnto the righteous man's departure out of this life his present entrie in-to peace and therefore in-to no torment Luke 16.25 And Abraham sayde to him Sonne remember that thou didst receiue good things in thy lyfe-tyme and Lazarus lyke-wyse evill but now hee is comforted and thou art tormented Remarke therefore That wee haue onlie two places mentionate in Scripture whither soules goe immediatelie after death to wit a place of Comfort which is Heaven to the godlie and a place of Torment which is Hell to the Wicked Luke 23.43 And Iesus saide vnto him Verelie I say vnto thee this day thou shalt bee vvith mee in Paradise Loe then immediatlie after death the Heavenlie Paradise is promised to the penitent thiefe and so is it al-so given to all other penitent sinners 2. Cor. 5.1 For vve know that if our earthlie house of this tabernacle vvere dissolved vvee haue a building of God an house not made vvith hands eternall in the Heavens Note then That the Apostle showeth that after this mortall lyfe endeth wee get instantlie a better in the Heavens and this Bellarmine him-selfe in those same words collecteth out of this foresaide place Bell. l. 1. de sanct c. 3. § denique and therefore thus concludeth Wherefore sayeth hee it is good for vs to die soone in this World that wee may quicklie begin to liue in Heaven Verse 8. Wee are confident I say and vvilling rather to bee absent from the bodie and to be present vvith the Lord. Note then That there is no mid estate of the godlie soule departing but as soone as it departeth out of the bodie and is absent there-fra instantlie it entereth in Heaven and is present with the Lord. Phil. 1.23 Having a desire to bee dissolved and to bee with Christ vvhich is farre better VVee see then Vpon the dissolution of the soule from the bodie followeth instantlie the conjunction there-of with Christ Revel 14.13 Blessed are the dead vvhich die in the Lord from hence-foorth now sayeth the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their vvorkes follow them Remarke then That the godlie instantlie after death become blessed and immediatelie rest and are rewarded in glorie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie AFter the departure of the soule from the bodie instantlie sayth Iustinus the soules of the godlie are carried to Paradise and the wicked to Hell Heerevnto agreeth also Augustine medit 22. showing that the soule being loosed from the bodie instantlie goeth to Heaven And againe hee sayeth For the soules of the godlie after their separation from the bodie are in rest but the soules of the wicked sayeth hee suffer punishment vntill the bodies of the one ryse to eternall lyfe and of the other vnto eternall death which is called the second And that hee knew no third place hee testifyeth in his fyft Booke of the Hypognostickes about the midst See Augustine l. 13. de civit Dei c. 8. 3. Confession of Partie THe Apostle's reason sayth Bellarmine 2. Cor. 5.1 is excellent to wit this If this mortall lyfe perish wee haue instantlie an-other farre better in the Heavens Bell. lib. 1. de sanctis c. 3. § denique CHAP. XV. OF CERTAINTIE OF Salvation §. I. That the Godlie may bee assured of their Salvation heere 1. Authoritie of Scripture IOb 19.25 For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that hee shall stand at the latter Day vp-on the Earth Note then That Iob assureth him-selfe that Christ is his Redeemer and therefore that hee shall bee saved by Him eternallie Psal 17.15 As for mee I will beholde thy face in righteousnesse I shall bee satisfied with thy likenesse when I awake Note then That wee see the lyke assurance in David of full salvation to soule and bodie after his resurrection 2. Tim. 4.7.8 I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith from hence-foorth is laide vp for mee the Crowne of Righteousnesse and lest such a great Apostle onlie might seeme justlie to haue such confidence hee subjoyneth and not onlie for me but for all them that loue his second appearing And therefore againe al-so he sayeth of all the faythfull Rom. 8.37 For I am assured that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities or any other creature shall separate vs from the loue of God Iohn 3.16 For God so loved the World that hee gaue his onelie begotten Sonne that everie one that believeth in him perish not but may haue eternall life Note then That everie one that is a true believer may bee assured according to Christ's owne Word of eternall lyfe as if his Name were specified particularlie for as wee apply the precepts of the Law as spoken to everie one of vs particularlie to doe them why shall wee not in lyke manner the promises of the Gospell to belieue them 1. Iohn 5.13 These thinges haue I written vnto you that belieue in the Name of the Sonne of God that yee may know that yee haue eternall life Remarke then That hee sayeth that all true believers may know and be assured of their salvation and that the Word of God is written and left with vs for this our certification Ephes 1.13 In whom al-so after that yee believed yee were sealed with the holie Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance Consider therefore That to assure the Godlie of their salvation the Spirit of God is given with the word of promise as a seale to stampe in that perswasion in their soules and as an earnest or arles-pennie to make fast the Bargaine And if anie man haue not the Spirit of GOD the same is not his Rom. 8.9 Rom. 8.16 The Spirit it selfe
al-so beareth witnesse with our spirit that wee are the Children of God and if children heires of God and coheyres with Christ. Note then What greater certaintie can bee wished than the godlie haue of their salvation when they haue the verie Spirit of God inwardlie witnessing the same to their soules Gal. 4.6 And because yee are sonnes God hath sent the Spirit of his Sonne in-to your hearts crying Abba Father Note then That the spirit of prayer directed a-right and felt with-in vs is a sure fruit of our adoption and a solide assurance of our salvation Rom. 8.14 For as manie as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Note then That how manie so-ever follow the direction of God's Spirit in an holie course of lyfe may bee assured of their salvation 1. Iohn 5.10 Hee that believeth on the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in him-selfe hee that believeth not God hath made him a liar Note then What an hainous offence it is to doubt of the trueth of God's promises to vs concerning our salvation through his Sonne Christ Iesus Not but that manie deare Saincts labour vnder this doubting for God giveth not the full certaintie of faith to all at one time nor after a-lyke measure but they are displeased there-with as a fruit of incredulous corruption and they know that they should bee fullie assured of the trueth of God's promises to them-selues with-out staggering lyke Abraham of whom it is witnessed Rom. 4.20 that hee staggered not at the promise of God through vnbeliefe but was strong in fayth giving glorie to God Heb. 10.22 Let vs draw neare then with a true heart to God in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience and our bodies washed with pure water and let vs holde fast the profession of our faith with-out wavering for hee is faithfull that promised Note then Here-in expressed our Christian duetie plainlie to the perfection where-of wee should daylie aime leaning to this sure ground that can-not faile to wit that our God is faithfull who hath firmlie promised 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THou art made secure sayeth Augustine not of thy selfe but by the Lord thou art secured of thy pledge hope with Christ for the Kingdome of Christ even now thou hast the pledge Aug. serm 5. de verbis Apostoli tom 10. Neither is this presumption but faith sayeth hee for to tell what thou hast gotten is no presumption but devotion Aug. serm 20. de verbis Domini Wherevnto al-so accordeth Bernard Epist. 107. 3. Confession of Partie THose who are in Christ Iesus they haue no cause to feare seeing they are sure of their salvation sayth the Bishop of Bitonto on the 8. of the Romanes And there is none of the Ecclesiasticke nor Schoole-men sayth Cassander who diligentlie vrge not this confidence and assurance of the mercie of God and glorie to come and teacheth that it ought to bee opponed to diffidence and doubting Cass consult art 4. CHAP. XVI OF PERSEVERANCE §. That the faithfull Children of GOD can never totallie fall from Grace nor finallie perish 1. Authoritie of Scripture PSal 37.28 For the Lord loveth judgemēt and forsaketh not his Saincts they are preserved for ever Note then That God's Saincts persevere because God him-selfe hee forsaketh them not but preserveth them by a constant and secret preservation ever Psal 73.23 Never-the-lesse I am continuallie with thee thou hast holden mee by my right hand Note then That God's holding of vs is the cause of our standing where-in because hee fayleth not therefore wee finallie fall not Ierem. 31.3 The Lord appeared of olde vnto mee saying I haue loved thee with an ever-lasting loue therefore with loving kyndnesse haue I drawne thee Note then That the maine cause is in God of our perseverance to wit because his loue is not changeable For whome He loveth He loveth to the ende Iohn 13.1 Ierem. 32.40 And I vvill make an ever-lasting covenant with them that I vvill not turne away from them to doe them good and I vvill put my feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from mee Loe then The cause of our not-departing from God is his never-turning away from vs and therefore our perseverance standeth vpon a sure ground Matth. 24.24 For there shall arise false christes and false prophets and shall show great signes and vvonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceiue the vere Elect. Wee must note therefore that Christ's owne mouth declareth it to bee a thing impossible that God's Elect can finallie and fullie fall from trueth and grace Iohn 6.37 All that the Father giveth mee shall come vnto me and him that commeth vnto mee I vvill not cast foorth Iohn 10.28 And I giue them eternall life and they shall not perish and no man shall plucke them out of mine hand Iohn 17.11 Holie Father keepe them in Thy Name vvhom thou hast given me that they may bee one as wee are one Note then Out of all the former that the Sainctes perseverance is sure in respect they are the Fathers gift to the Sonne and that they are kept ever sure in the Sonne 's owne hand and protected lyke-wyse so safelie by the Father that it is as impossible to divide anie of them from the rest of the Members of Christ's mysticall bodie as it is to divide Christ him-selfe from his Father who are one and therefore the Apostle cryeth out saying VVho shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.35 Rom. 11.29 For the gifts and calling of God are vvithout repentance Malac. 3.6 For I am the Lord I change not therefore yee sonnes of Iacob are not consumed Note therefore That on the Lord's constancie the constancie and perseverance of the Godlie is grounded Rom. 8.29.30 For vvhom hee fore-knew hee also predestinated c and vvhom he predistinated them also hee called and vvhom hee called them also hee justified and vvhome hee justified them also hee glorified Note then That this golden chaine of Salvation can never bee broken as long as the first linke there-of which is our election is kept sure in the Lord 's owne hand so that whom hee hath predestinated to glorie hee shall keepe sure vnfallen finallie and fullie away from the middle linkes and graces that leade there-to vntill he invest them in glorie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THis God hath promised sayth A●gustine saying I will put my feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from mee which what other thing is it but that such shall bee my feare and so great which I will put in their hearts that they shall constantlie adhere to mee Aug. tom 7. de bono persever c. 2. And againe Christ placing them so that they should goe and bring foorth fruit and their fruit should abyde who dare say Perhaps it will not a-byde for the Lord's gifts and calling are without repentance Aug. tom 7. de correp
gratia c. 12. 3. Confession of Partie THe confession lyke-wyse of our Adversaries is this Lyra Carthusian on Iohn 10.28 declare this to bee the cause of the Godlies perseverance because their predestination say they can-not bee frustrate which it destinating them to glorie will not suffer neither tentation nor interveaning persecution bee able to separate them from Christ CHAP. XVII OF BAPTISME §. That the Children of the Faythfull departing are not deprived of the blessed vision of God through want of Baptisme 1. Authoritie of Scripture GEnes 17.7 And I wil establish my covenant betweene mee and thee thy seede after thee in their generations Marke then That not onelie are the Parentes within the covenant of grace but their children also and their seede after them and even as the female was comprehended vnder the male because vncapable of circumcision and so saved amongst the Iewes so are Infants dying in the Mothers wombe comprehended vnder their believing Parents because vncapable then of Baptisme and so are saved amongst Christians if they belong to election Exod. 20.5 I am a jealous God vvho visiteth the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate mee but show mercie to the thousandes of them that loue mee and keepe my commandements Note then That the Lord's promises are to shew mercie to thousands of the generation of the godlie excepting neither age or sexe nor whether they die in the wombe wanting Baptisme or liue in the World and get the same Acts 2.39 For to you is the promise and to your children and to all that are farre off vvhom-so-ever the Lord our God shall call Ierem. 1.5 Before thou camest out of the vvombe I sanctified thee Note then That if an Infant may bee sanctifyed in the Mothers wombe then that Infant dying there-in may bee saved for whom-so-ever the Lord sanctifyeth them also hee saveth Luk. 1.41 And it came to passe when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Marie the Babe did leape in her Wombe Beholde then heere a divine fayth infused in the heart of the Baptist while as yet hee was in his Mothers wombe able if hee had died there-in perfectlie to haue saved him And who can certainlie defyne of God's secret working or deny the salvation of others Ioshua 5.5 Now all the people that came out vvere circumcised but all the people that vvere borne in the Wildernesse by the vvay as they came out of Aegypt them they circumcised not Remarke then That as the children that died during those fourtie yeares in the Wildernesse were not for want of circumcision therefore condemned vnder the Law so neither are the children of Christians for want of Baptisme when it can-not bee had condemned now vnder the Gospell It being not the want but contempt of Sacraments that is judged damnable 1. Cor. 7.14 For the vnbelieving Husband is sanctified by the Wife and the vnbelieving Wife is sanctified by the Husband els vvere your children vncleane but now they are holie Note then If the children of one onlie believing parent bee esteemed holie how much more then should the children of Parents both believing bee esteemed holie and so charitablie judged of if they die without Baptisme to bee eternallie saved 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WHat Reason or Nature sayth Bernard teacheth that none of those who may die can obtaine internall and eternall salvation whose bodie outwardlie is not sprinkled with the element of water And therefore he affirmeth thereafter that in case contempt bee not the cause that then the Parents faith is not onelie profitable but sufficient also for the chylde Bern. Epist. 77. 3. Confession of Partie As to Infants the Churches faith and of them that offer it is imputed as their owne Even so the will and desire of Baptisme sayeth Cassander which the Church and speciallie the Parents haue is accepted by the same indulgent Father who accepteth of the will as the deed and tyeth none to impossibilities nor his grace simplie to the externall action of Sacraments Cassand consult art 9. And of this same mynde also Alphonsus de Castro testifyeth Gerson and Cajetan to bee Alphons de Castro de Heres verbo Baptismus And Lombard speaking of the true sense of these wordes Iohn 3. Except a man bee borne anew c. sayeth But this is to bee vnderstood sayeth hee of them who may but yet despyseth to bee baptized Lomb. lib. 4. dist 4. § his autem CHAP. XVIII OF THE LORD'S Supper §. I. That Christ Iesus glorified Bodie is onlie in the Heavens 1. Authoritie of Scripture ACts 3.21 Whome the Heaven must receiue vp or containe vntill the times of the restitution of all things Note then That the Heavens must containe Christ's glorified bodie till the ende of the Worlde as the Beliefe sayth accordinglie That from that place shall Hee come to judge the Quicke and the Dead Matth. 26.11 The Poore yee haue al-wayes vvith you but Mee yee shall not haue al-wayes vvith you Remarke then That the Popish practise would make Christ a liar while as the Priests say that they haue Christ alwayes with them bodilie betweene their fingers in their daylie Masses Iohn 16.28 I came from the Father and am come in the World againe I leaue the World and goe to the Father Note then As hee was bodilie present in the World when hee came from the Father so hee showeth that according to that presence hee hath left the World when hee returned to his Father and is now onlie spirituallie present as hee promised with his owne to the end of the World Matth. 28.20 Matth. 24.23 Then if anie man shall say vnto you Loe heere is Christ or there is hee belieue him not So neither should Christians now belieue those consening Priests that say Heere is Christ in the Masse Host or there in the Pixe or Procession Acts 7.56 And hee saide Beholde I see the Heavens opened and the Sonne of Man standing at the right hand of God Beholde heere then the witnessing of the first Martyre where hee declareth the glorified bodie of Christ onelie to bee in Heaven 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THere is one person sayth Augustine God and Man and Christ is both these everie-where by that where-by hee is God but in Heaven by that where-by hee is Man Aug. Epist. 507. ad Dardanum For when hee was on Earth hee was not then in Heaven and now being in Heaven hee is not to bee had on Earth sayeth Vigilius lib. 4. contra Eutychen And so sayeth Fulgentius the verie same Lib. 2. ad Thrasimundum 3. Confession of Partie HEE left the World according to his bodilie presence sayeth Lyra on Iohn 16.28 and hee sayde Yee shall not haue mee al-wayes with you by my corporall presence other-wise hee sayth I shall bee with you to the worlds ende Lyra in Matth. 26.11 §. 2. That Christ's Bodie is not in manie places at once invisiblie and vnpalpablie 1. Authoritie of Scripture HEb 2.17 Wherefore
in all things it behoved him to bee like vnto his brethren Note then If it behoved him to bee lyke to vs in all things then his bodie must be visible and palpable and contained in one place even as other glorified bodies are Matth. 28.6 Hee is not heere for hee is risen as hee saide Remarke then That according to the Romish doctrine if Christ's bodie may be in manie places invisiblie at once the Angel's reason heere should bee of no force for it might haue beene replyed That altho hee bee risen yet hee might at the same instant haue beene invisibile in the Sepulchre Luke 24.39 Beholde mine hands and feet that it is I my selfe handle mee and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as yee see mee haue Note then That after his Resurrection our Saviour's Bodie was visible and palpable his Resurrection adding glorie to his Nature but no-wayes quite abol●shing his Nature as the Papists doe who change not onelie Bread in-to his Flesh but his Flesh in-to a Spirit which hath neither flesh nor bones as the Disciples saw Christ's bodie haue Acts 1.11 This same Iesus vvhich is taken vp from you in-to Heaven shall so come in like manner as yee haue seene him goe in-to Heaven Note then That the Angels testifie that as his going vp from men to Heaven was sensible and visible so should his bodilie comming from Heaven backe againe bee sensible and visible which seeing no such comming hath beene hither-to or can bee seene it is evident that his comming downe invisiblie to bee amongst the Priests fingers when he consecrateth the host is a ridiculous phantasie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THe Bodie of Christ sayth Theodoret hath its former shape and figure circumscription and as I may briefly say the same essence of a bodie altho after the resurrection it was made immortall mortall and free from corruption Theod. Dialog 2. And in the same Dialogue from the circums●ription there-of hee proveth the visibilitie there-of and by the visibilitie there-of where it is that it is circumscrybed saying that that onlie is invisible which can-not bee circumscrybed In lyke manner Augustine sayeth that it is prophane not to belieue and professe sayth he the sonne of God according to his humanitie to bee corporeall and locall after his resurrection Aug. 4. tom de essentia divinitatis 3. Confession of Partie HAndle mee and see by this sayeth Lyra on Luke 24. hee shew that he had a true bodie and not an imaginarie And on Acts 1.11 hee shall come sayth hee in the same forme and substance of flesh to judge as hee came to be judged for altho he hath received immortalitie hee hath not lost the true nature of humanitie §. 3. That after consecration the Bread and VVine remaineth in substance in the Sacrament of the Eucharist 1. Authoritie of Scripture MAtth. 26.29 But I say vnto you I vvill not drinke hencefoorth of this fruit of the Vine Note then That Christ calleth it expresselie the fruit of the Vine which hee had drunken with his Disciples at his last Supper Verse 26. And as they vvere eating Iesus tooke Bread and blessed it and brake it and gaue it to the Disciples Note then That it was still Bread after distribution for the word it is still relatiue to the bread which Christ tooke and hee sayde This is not this shall bee by transsubstantiation my bodie which is given for you sayeth Luke 22.19 Now all men know that it is not the host of bread that was crucifyed for vs doe this in remembrance of mee Note then That a remembrance is not of a thing present so neither is Christ's Bodie after the Popish manner 1. Cor. 10.16 The cup of Blessing vvhich vvee blesse is it not the communiō of the blood of Christ The bread vvhich vvee breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ Remarke then How the Apostle expound●th Christ's words calling that the communion of Christ's bodie which him-selfe called his bodie Now the communion of a thing is not the thing it selfe for these two are divers 1. Cor. 11. For as oft as yee eate this bread and drinke this cup yee doe shew the Lord's death till hee come Note then That the Apostle calleth that bread which wee eate in the Sacrament and not humane flesh Next that wee show or represent Christ's death in the Sacrament therefore Christ beeing onelie represented there is not there bodilie And thirdlie it is sayde till hee come therefore it clearlie againe followeth that hee is not alreadie there 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie NEither doth the mysticall signes after sanctification depart from their owne nature sayth Theodoret for they remaine still in their owne substance and figure and shape and may be handled and touched as they were before Theod. 2. Dialog Where-vnto consenteth Ambrose in 1. Cor. 11. saying That it is bread where-of all participate to wit according to its naturall substance As also Gelasius in his booke of two natures saying After consecration that yet the substance and nature of bread and wine doe still remaine 3. Confession of Partie POpe Innocent 3. in his fourth booke of the mysteries of the Masse cap. 27. testifyeth that Christ after consecration calleth that which was in the Cup the fruit of the Vine And Bellarmine granteth that it is probable that there is no expresse place of Scripture that evidentlie can inforce transsubstantiation to bee admitted for that it is by these words which they commonlie adduce he sayth the most learned and sharpest witted amongst them as Scotus was hath thought the cleane contrarie Bell. lib. 3. de Euchar. c. 23. § secundo §. 4. That Christ Iesus is not received by the bodilie mouth 1. Authoritie of Scripture IOhn 6.35 I am that bread of life hee that commeth to mee shall never hunger and hee that believeth in mee shall never thirst Note therefore That the way how to eate and drinke of Iesus Christ is to belieue in him Verse 53. Verelie verilie I say vnto you except yee eate the flesh of the Sonne of Man and drink his blood yee haue no life in you But remarke that manie haue gotten lyfe eternall who never did eate Christ with the bodilie mouth by the Papists owne confession as the Thiefe on the Crosse and manie moe others which die after Baptisme Ephes 3.17 Christ dwelleth in your hearts by faith Note then That as his dwelling in vs is such is our receiving of him and that the one and the other both are spirituall by fayth 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WHerefore preparest thou thy teeth and thy wombe sayth Augustine belieue and thou hast eaten Tract 25. in Iohn And even hither-to hee may be touched but by affection not by the hand by desire not by the eye and by fayth and not by the senses sayeth Bernard serm 28. in Cant. So sayeth Ambrose lyke-wise lib. 6. in Luc. c. 8. And therefore concludeth there-after saying Not vpon the earth then nor in
the earth nor according to the flesh must wee seeke Thee if wee would finde Thee Ambr. lib. 10. in Luc. c. 24. 3. Confession of Partie HEE expoundeth sayeth Lyra that which Hee sayde before and what it is to eate His Flesh and drinke His Blood that it is to abyde in Christ and Christ in him Now Christ abydeth in our heartes and that by fayth sayeth the Apostle Ephes 3.17 §. 5. That CHRIST IESVS is not received by the VVicked 1. Authoritie of Scripture IOhn 6.51 I am that Bread of Lyfe which came downe from Heaven if anie man eate of this Bread he shall liue for ever Note therefore That in respect the Wicked get not Eternall lyfe that therefore they no-wise participate of Christ Verse 56. Hee that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abydeth in mee and I in him But the Wicked neyther are in Christ as Members nor is Christ in them by his Spirit but the spirite of Satan onelie whose members they are and therefore they no-wise are partakers of CHRIST IESVS 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie HEe who disagreeth from Christ hee neyther eateth his bodie nor drinketh his blood sayeth Augustine altho hee daylie receiue the Sacrament of so great a thing to his condemnation August 3. Tom. Sent. 339. Et Lib. 21. de Civit Dei Cap. 25. And hee that remayneth not in Mee and I in him let him not say or thinke sayeth Bernard in the person of Christ that hee eateth my bodie or drinketh my blood Bern. Epist ad Fratres de monte 3. Confession of Partie HEe that abydeth not in Christ sayth Lyra and Christ in him hee eateth not Christ spirituallie altho hee participate of the Sacrament corporallie And a little after For the Sacrament it selfe is taken by some vnto lyfe and by some vnto death but the matter of this Sacrament is by all vnto lyfe and by none taken vnto death Lyra in Ioan. 6. §. 6. That Christian People for whom Christ shed His Blood should not be defrauded of the Cup which is called The Communion there-of 1. Authoritie of Scripture MAtth. 26.27 And taking the Cup he gaue thanks and gaue it to them saying Drinke ye all of this Note That where-as Hee sayeth onlie of the Bread Eate yee Hee speaketh more expresselie of the Cuppe saying Drinke yee all that none should bee excepted 1. Cor. 10.16 The Cuppe of Blessing which wee blesse is it not the communion of the Bloode of Christ I aske then Where-fore hinder the Popish Clergie their People from so comfortable a Communion seeing the Precept of Drinking must belong to them to whom the reason of the Precept most belongeth which is the comfort of remission of sinnes and the remembrance of Christ Iesus passion 1. Cor. 11.25 If therefore people should apply the one and remember the other then surelie they should participate of the Cup. 1. Cor. 11.28 But let a man examine him-selfe and so let him eate of that Bread and drinke of that Cap. No● then That as all faythfull Christia●s are bound to prooue and examine t●eir owne conscience before communicating so are they ordayned to drinke of the Cup. Therefore yee see that in the two preceeding verses and in the subsequent both Eating and Drinking are ever joyned together and injoyned to all 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie ONe Cuppe is distributed amongst vs all sayeth Ignatius Epist 6. ad Philadelph And to everie one of those that are present the Deacons distribute Wine and Water sayeth Iustin Martyr Apol. 2. And vnto all men what-so-ever is one Bodie and one Cuppe presented sayeth Chrysostome Hom. 18. in 2. Cor. Cap. 8. 3. Confession of Partie OF olde that the Eucharist was given vnto Laicks vnder both kynds for manie ages sayeth Alphonsus wee are instructed by the Writs of manie holie Fathers Alphon. de Castro contra heres verbo Eucharistia And more particularlie sayeth Cassander thus It is evident that the Vniversall Church to this day sayeth hee and the Occidentall or Romane a thousand yeares and moe after Christ in the solemne and ordinarie administration of this Sacrament did exhibite to all the members of Christes Church both the sortes of Bread and Wine Cass consult art 22. CHAP. XIX OF THE MASSE §. I. That the Popish Priests haue no calling to sacrifice Christ's Bodie in the Masse 1. Authoritie of Scripture HEb 5.4 No man taketh this honour to himselfe but he that is called of God as vvas Aaron Now let vs see then where Christ anie-where called or ordained anie to sacrifice his bodie againe which himselfe did once for ever vp-on the Crosse Luke 22.19 Doe this in remembrance of mee 1. Cor. 11.26 Yee shall declare the Lord's death till hee come Note then That the Lord's Supper was ordained that all Christians should remember his suffering and sacrifice on the crosse and should declare his death till him-selfe come to judgement againe but not that anie should sacrifice Him vp againe daylie as tho hee were alreadie come and were bodilie present amongst the Priests fingers daylie to offer vp Heb. 7.23 And they truelie vvere manie Priests because they vvere not suffered to continue by reason of death but this man because hee continueth for ever hath an vnchangeable Priesthood Note then It being vnchangeable or perpetuall that it admitteth no succession of a subordinate Priest-hood Verse 25. Wherefore hee is able also to saue them to the vttermost that come to GOD by him seeing hee ever liveth to make intercession for them Note then That the Priesthood of Christ consisteth not onlie in that oblation of him-selfe once vp-on Earth but in his continuall intercession for vs ever in Heaven which seeing hee performeth that by him-selfe and therefore admitteth no sort of successour there-in so lyke-wyse by that once oblation of himselfe and the perpetuall recent vertue there-of hee saveth all them to the vtter-most that come to God by him and therefore neither in that part of his Priesthood which hee will haue intire admitteth hee anie suffragan or successour what-so-ever Verse 17. For hee testifieth Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek Note then That as there was no Priesthood secundarie or successiue vnto Melchisedek's which was typicall so there is none secundarie or successiue vnto Christ's which is true and eternall else they could not bee saide through their difference to bee of one order Verse 26. For such an High-Priest became vs vvho is holie harmlesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the Heavens who needed not daylie as those High-priests to offer vp sacrifice first for his owne sinnes and then for the peoples Note then That if the popish sacrificers succeede to Christ it must bee in his high-priesthood for such a one onlie the Gospell acknowledgeth and to doe that which hee did is an act of the high-priest of the Gospell onelie Now the Gospell requireth the high-priest there-of to haue such qualities as are heere set downe which if the Popish sacrificers dare
not claime to then let them not claime succession to that office which requireth those qualities nor to the proper act there-of which is the sacrificing to God his owne onelie Sonne Heb. 9.14 Who through the eternall Spirit offered him-selfe vvithout spot to God Note then That our high-priest i●… both the Sacrificer the Altar and th●… vnspotted sacrifice it selfe These the●… who claime that they succeede him in his priesthood must bee these thre●… lyke-wyse els his priesthood and their are no-wayes one and so their priesthood must bee a new one of their owne but not a succeeding to his Ephes 4.11 Hee gaue some to bee Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers Note then That the Apostle in nominating all these offices which Iesus Christ had ordained in his Church maketh no mention at all of anie sacrificers of his bodie Againe at large in the Epistles to Timothie and Titus hee showeth all the dueties of a Bishop or Pastor in Christ's Church but hee maketh no part of his charge the sacrificing of Christ Revel 1.6 Who hath made vs Kinges and Priests vnto God his Father Note heere That all Christians are called Priests in respect of their spirituall sacrifices of prayer and praise c. that they offer vp vnto God but no-where are pastors of the Church particularlie so called the holie Ghost fore-seeing that some would aryse that would vsurp that stile onlie to them-selues in an injurious sence vnto the Sonne of God 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie TO this our doctrine that the popish Priests haue no calling to sacrifice Christ's bodie which they claime vnto from Christ's fact and institution of them to succeede there-in to him in the last Supper the cleare confession of our Adversaries jumping there-with shall serue to convince them for there is no expresse mention in the Historie of the Gospell sayeth Suarez of a sacrifice or oblation as also the fact of Christ which is declared might haue beene done by him without anie sacrifice to wit by consecrating the Bread and Wine and giving the same to his Disciples without anie intention of sacrificing and therefore hee concludeth that it is conjecturall onlie to thinke that anie such thing is agreeable either to the words or deeds of Christ Suarez in 3. part D. Thomae tom 3. disput 74. sect 1. § secundo potest In lyke manner the same Suarez reporteth that the Bishop of Bitonto and others did defende that Christ in that night of the celebrating his last Supper offered vp no sacrifice Suarez ibid. § 2. Pag. 949. For if hee had offered vp an expiatorie sacrifice then where-by the sinnes of the World had bene done away then in his last Supper hee behoved to haue died and so needed not to haue died the day after according to Hebr. 10.10 §. 2. That the Masse is no propitiatorie sacrifice but al-together derogatorie to Christ's propitiatorie sacrifice offered on the Crosse 1. Authoritie of Scripture HEb 9.22 Without shedding of blood there is no remission Note then Seeing they call the Masse an vnbloodie sacrifice that therefore the same is no-wise propitiatorie for the remission of sinne Verse 25.26 Not that hee should offer him-selfe often c. for then must he often haue suffered Remarke then That it is all one thing in Scripture Christ to bee offered and Christ to suffer and therefore to offer Christ daylie is all one as Christ to suffer daylie which is both absurd and blasphemous Verse 26. But now in the ●…nde of the Worlde once hath hee appeared to put away sinne by the sacrifice of him-selfe Note then That once onelie hath hee suffered and therefore once onlie was hee sacrificed and that by that sacrifice once made by him-selfe alone our sinnes are put away and therefore no other sacrifice but that onlie is alone propitiatorie Againe verse 26. Where hee sayth That once hee hath appeared to put away sinne by the sacrifice of him-selfe We remarke that a propiatorie sacrifice should bee ever apparent and visible and therefore seeing Christ nor his sacrificing is not apparent nor visible in the Masse therefore it followeth that in the Masse there is no sacrifice at all let bee propitiatorie Verse 27.28 And as it is appointed to men once to die but after that the judgement So Christ vvas once offered to beare the sinnes of manie Note then That to say that Christ is offered daylie is as absurd as to say that a dead man dieth daylie Heb. 7.27 Who needeth not daylie as those High-priests to offer vp sacrifice c. Heb. 9.12 But by his owne blood hee entered once in-to the holie place having obtained eternall redemption for vs. Note then That the repetition of Christ's sacrifice daylie importeth a-like imperfection there-of as the daylie offering vp of sacrifices vnder the Law imported the imperfection of that legall priesthood which is both absurd and blasphemous to affirme of Christ's Againe Remarke that the Apostle showeth that Christ's bloodie sacrifice where-by hee entered in-to the holie place is of an infinite worth having obtained eternall redemption for vs where-as all Papists grant their sacrifice of the Masse to bee but of a finite worth and therefore is not one but farre inferiour to the sacrifice of Christ and consequentlie also then priesthood to his From whence also it followeth that they succeede not to Christ in his priesthood after the order of Melchisedek but haue a new one of their owne coyning farre differing from Christ's and millions of degrees inferiour there-to Heb. 10.18 Now vvhere remission of sinne is there is no more offering for sinne Verse 14. For by one offering hee hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Note then If that one and once offering of Christ availeth for ever to the remission of sinne and perfecting for ever of them that are sanctified it followeth necessarilie as the Apostle sayeth that there is no more offering for sinne and consequentlie no more needc of sacrifices propitiatorie nor anie furder immolation of Christ for the remission of sinne And therefore wee conclude That seeing the sacrifice of the Masse is neither the reiteration of Christ's sacrifice for that were to accuse it of imperfection as Heb. 7.27 nor yet the continuation of it for so hee should daylie die as Heb. 9.25.26 nor that it is visible bloodie nor of an infinite worth as His was Therefore it is no-wyse Christ's sacrifice propitiatorie but a blasphemous idolatrous abhomination flat derogatorie there-to 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie TO this our doctrine That the Masse is no reall and properlie a propitiatorie Sacrifice witnesseth thus Antiquitie Because wee are delivered sayth Ambrose by Christ's death as myndfull there-of in eating and drinking wee represent that Bodie and Blood which was sacrificed for vs. Amb. in 1. Epist. ad Cor. cap. 11. So lyke-wise testifyeth Eusebius After that Christ offered vp that admirable and excellent sacrifice to his Father for the salvation of all hee instituted that wee should