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A36881 A short view of the chief points in controversy between the reformed churches and the Church of Rome in two letters to the Duke of Bouillon, upon his turning papist / written by the Reverend Peter Du Moulin ... Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Du Moulin, Peter, 1601-1684. 1680 (1680) Wing D2596; ESTC R17193 33,229 96

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A SHORT VIEW OF THE Chief Points IN CONTROVERSY Between the REFORMED CHURCHES And the CHURCH of ROME IN Two LETTERS to the Duke of Bouillon upon his turning PAPIST Written by the Reverend PETER DV MOVLIN Professor of Divinity in the University of Sedan Newly translated out of the FRENCH Copy which was never Printed LONDON Printed for Benjamin Tooke at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-Yard 1680. To the Honourable Sir NORTON KNATCHBVL Knight and Baronet Honourable Sir THese Letters written fifty years ago to reduce the Duke of Bouillon to the Protestant Religion which he had forsaken never were put to the Press for Fear of provoking that great Lord to confute them with Arguments of Power against which those of Truth and Learning too often cannot stand That they now come out in English the Church of England is obliged Sir to you who having by your diligent Search made your self Owner of a fair Manuscript of the same were pleased to bestow it upon me the Authors Son adding your Request which to me is a Command that I would translate it into English and give it to the Publick I have now obeyed your Order which I could not have done in a more seasonable Conjuncture and I cannot in Duty but return this Translation to the bountiful Giver of the Original Sir you have by your excellent Labours already publisht shewn to the World how well you can match hearty Piety with eminent Learning Now you are pleased to give another Instance of your Affection to both by procuring the setting forth these following Treatises Short indeed they are but as compact with the Sinews of Reason and Learning as any that ever came from the Study of that strong Champion of Gods Cause May God be glorified by it his Truth asserted his Opposers converted and your Zeal for Gods Truth and Glory be rewarded by God and imitated by men So prayeth SIR Your true Honourer and most humble Servant PETER DU MOULIN THE FIRST EPISTLE MY LORD UPON hearing the Report that you purpose to change your Religion I continued a long time doubtful whether I should write to Your Grace about it For being hardly perswaded that such a thought could come into your mind I was afraid to be offensive to Your Grace by my Mistrust But now seeing that Report to continue and increase I could hold no longer from imparting my thoughts to Your Grace upon that Subject being inferiour to none in Fidelity and Affection to your Service You were instructed My Lord from your Infancy by an Excellent Father and a Virtuous Mother in a Religion of which you have learned to fear God and serve him according to his Word In that Religion if you had met with some Scruple you ought at the least to have heard both the Parties and not have taken counsel onely of the Adversaries This is plain tempting of God who being thereby justly provoked blindeth the Spirit of those that seek occasions to turn from his Service Had Your Grace done me that Honour to acquaint me with your Doubts I might have easily shewed you that the Roman Religion is altogether contrary to the Word of God That they celebrate every day a propitiatory Sacrifice for the Redemption of Souls other than the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ That the Communion of the Cup expresly commanded in Scripture is denied to the Laity That the People say Prayers to God which they do not understand and the Publick Service is performed in a Language unknown to them contrary to the express Prohibition of the Apostle 1 Cor. 14.16 That the Trinity is represented in carved Stone and Picture and the Adoration of Images is enjoyned by many Popes and new Councels contrary to Gods express Prohibition in the Second Commandment Which was taken away from the Law of God in the Offices and Breviaries that the People might not see it That Bones and Relicks of Saints are adored That by the Doctrine of their Purgatory God is made to burn the Souls of his Children for Sins fully pardoned and for which Jesus Christ hath wholly satisfied and that not to mend the Sinners but to satisfie his Justice That the Pope without any Authority from the Word of God taketh upon him to be Successor to St. Peter in the Apostleship and in the Primacy over the Universal Church To defend which Primacy Epistles and Decretals of the Antient Bishops of Rome were forged and many Books and supposititious Passages the falshood whereof we shew by invincible Proofs In Decrees Councels Canons and Principal Authors of the Roman Church the Pope is called God and the Divine Majesty having all Power in Heaven and Earth By which Power he fetcheth Souls out of Purgatory puts such as he pleaseth in the List of the Saints by Canonizing them giveth Pardons of Sins of two or three thousand years giveth and taketh away Kingdoms dispenseth with Oaths made unto God dissolveth Marriages lawfully contracted boasting that he cannot err in the Faith and that he hath Power to add new Articles to the Creed to be Judge above Scripture and to alter that which God hath instituted in his Word Of these I could bring to Your Grace a thousand Proofs drawn from the Decrees and Councels of Popes and from Publick Experience The Pope boasteth that he hath a Treasure in which he layeth up all the Overplus of the Penitential Works of the Saints and distributeth them unto others by his Indulgences and makes multitudes to travel two or three hundred Leagues to get the Remission of their Sins which is offered to them at home gratis by the Doctrine of the Gospel If a Rich man dieth who hath given any thing to the Church he hath many private Masses Obits and Suffrages for his Money But never any private Mass is sung for a Beggar or one that hath given nothing In the Roman Church departed Saints are prayed to of whom Holy Scripture saith that they know not the Hearts of men and whose Invocation hath neither Command nor Example nor Promise in the Word of God I am told that Your Grace hath given ear to Capucins who have for their Patron and Author of their Order St. Francis whose Life if you had read as our Adversaries themselves have publish'd it you might think that it was purposely written to defame him There you may find how he preach'd unto Birds that being stark naked he embraced a Woman made of Snow to repress his Heats that he took up again the Lice that fell down from his Garments and many the like Feats These Capucins as other Monks boast that they doe Works of Supererogation that is better and more perfect Works than God hath commanded in his Law For which therefore they look for a degree of Glory in Paradise above other Saints who had attained to no greater Perfection than to fulfil the Law of God perfectly who thereby have not got any greater Reward than Eternal Life If by the Doctrine of the
Agobio whether at Constantinople or Regio they have the same Dignity and Authority Power and Wealth or Meanness and Poverty do not make one greater or lower than another By their Place they are all Successors of the Apostles And because some alledged the Example of the Roman Church for preferring the Deacon before the Priest he answereth Why doest thou alledge to me the Custom of one City shewing that that was not to be a Rule to the Universal Church His Custom is to call Rome Babylon and the Harlot and to exhort devout Persons to come out of her And in his Preface upon the Book of Didymus of the Holy Ghost he speaks thus When I was in Babylon and was an Inhabitant of the Harlot clad in Purple and lived after the Laws of the Roman Citizens I would prate somewhat about the Holy Ghost and dedicate my Work to the Bishop of the City But behold that Pot which is seen in Jeremiah after the Staff on the North-side begins to boyl and the Senate of the Pharisees begins to cry out meaning by the Senate of the Pharisees the Ecclesiastical Roman Senate And in the Epistle to Marcella under the name of Paula and Eustochium exhorting Marcella to come out of Rome and to retire to Bethlehem I esteem saith he that this place of Bethlehem is holier than the Tarpeian Rock meaning the Roman Capitol which having so often been struck with Lightning from Heaven sheweth that it is displeasing unto God Read St. Johns Revelation and see what is foretold of the Hatlot clad with Purple and of the Blasphemy written on her forehead and of the seven Mountains and of the many Waters fly from her my People and be not Partaker of her Sins least you receive of her Plagues It is fallen it is fallen c. But being gone from Rome into Syria and living there in perpetual Quarrels with the Clergy of that Country he was constrained to have Recourse unto his old Master Damasus for he had been his Secretary and to write to him those kind Letters which you alledge After Hierom you bring St. Austin in these words Shall we doubt whether we must rest in the Churches Lap which by Succession hath always had Sovereign Authority in the Apostolick Chair That Passage is found in the Book de utilitate credendi in the 17 Chapter but otherwise set down than Your Grace alledgeth Disputing against the Manicheans with whom Scripture had no Authority he useth humane and probable Proofs to exhort men to embrace the Christian Religion He saith then We seeing such a great Assistance of God and so great Proficiency Improvement advance shall we doubt to enter into the Lap of that Church not the Roman but Catholick Church which even to the Confession of Mankind from the Apostolick See by the Successions of Bishops while the Hereticks in vain barked about her c. hath arrived at the height of Authority that is to be the establisht Religion In this Passage St. Austin neither mentioneth nor appears to have thought of the Roman Church And although the Chair of Rome had been named in it yet this would avail nothing for the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome over the Universal Church For the Primacy of the Apostolick Chairs is attributed by the Ancients no less to the Church of Alexandria of Antioch of Jerusalem c. than to the Church of Rome Sozomen speaks thus of the Council of Nice Soz. hist lib. 1. c. 16. There met among the Bishops that held Apostolick Sees Macarius Bishop of Jerusalem Eustathius Bishop of Antioch upon the River Orontes and Alexander near the Mareotid Marshes And again idem 4.24 of the Ephesine Council Cyrillus Prelate of the Apostolick See meaning Jerusalem Ruffinus in the second Book chap. 21. In Alexandria Timothy in Jerusalem John restored the Apostolick Sees Theodoret in the fifth Book of his History chap. 9. calls Antioch the most ancient Church and wholly Apostolick St. Austin in his 162 Epistle speaks of the Apostolick Sees in the plural saying that Cecilian might have reserved his Cause to the Judgment of the Apostolick Sees We have alledged Basil before saying that St. Ambrose Bishop of Milan had the Apostolick Preheminence and Hierom saying that all Bishops are Successors of the Apostles Sidonius in the first Epistle of the 6. Book saith that Lupus Bishop of Troyes had already set nine times five years in the Apostolick See They do then abuse your Grace that make you believe that Austin speaks only of the Apostolick See of the Roman Bishop seeing that the Primacy of the Apostolick See belonged to so many other Bishops And though in that place St. Austin had spoken of the Bishop of Rome only he had not thereby excluded the other Bishops from the same Dignity He that saith the King of France enjoyeth the Royal Preeminence doth not thereby deny to the Kings of England and Spain their Authority in their own Countries Here it is observable that St. Austin was never subject to the Bishop of Rome that he never took an Oath of Fidelity to him that when he was admitted Bishop he took no Letters of Investiture from him and paid him no Annates for his Entry He was one of those that made the Canons of the Milevitan Council which forbad the Appeals from Africa to Rome and one of those that made that Remonstrance to Celestin Bishop of Rome that he should for the time to come abstain from sending Legats into Africa and medling with their Businesses and using Supposititious Canons to advance his Authority The Bishops of Africa were of the same Faith with the Bishop of Rome and spake to him in respectful Terms because of the Dignity of the Imperial City and because they believed that St. Peter died at Rome and had founded that Chair among many others But if the Bishops of Rome had taken upon them the Title of God and boasted that they could not err if they had taken upon them to canonize Saints to give Indulgences to draw Souls out of Purgatory to alter the Commandments of God and to add unto the Creed those African Bishops would have bestowed their Censures upon him as freely as they did upon any other who fell into Heresie Of the Sacrifice of the Mass For the Sacrifice of the Mass Your Grace alledgeth two Passages out of St. Austin The one saith That the Catholick Faith suffers not that the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord be offered for those that are not baptized In the other speaking of his dead Mother he saith that the Sacrifice of our Ransom was offered for her when her Body was upon the Brink of the Grave There is nothing more easie than to deceive one that will be deceived and hath no Knowledge in the Fathers St. Austin declareth his Mind upon this point very often and tells us that the Eucharist is called the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ because it
Christian Religion appointed Judges in the Donatists Case Melchiades Bishop of Rome being one of them But the Donatists having complained of his Judgment the Emperour commanded that their Cause should be judged again by the Synod of Arles who had power to confirm or disannul the Judgment of Melchiades and his Fellow-Judges Under that Emperour the Christian Church being delivered from Persecutions a new Order and Constitution was made over all the Roman Empire to which Sylvester Bishop of Rome was not called His Legend saith untruly that he baptized Constantine and healed him of a Leprosie but upon that groundless Fable was built the Donation of Constantine by which the Emperour is pretended to have given unto the Pope one half of his Empire The same Emperour in the year 325. assembled a General Council out of the whole Empire in which Sylvester did not preside but Hozius Bishop of Corduba in Spain of whom our Adversaries falsly say that he presided in that Council as the Pope's Legate A thing repugnant to the Testimony of Eusebius Theodoret and Sozomen and to the Acts of the Nicene Council in which Hozius signed the first without styling himself the Pope's Legat and after him Vitus and Vincentius Deputies of the Bishop of Rome To the Emperour Constantine succeeded his Son Constantius who favouring the Arrians banished Liberius Bishop of Rome and gave him five hundred Crowns to maintain him in his Exile But Liberius to be restored to his Bishoprick joyned with the Arrians and subscribed their Confession in their Assembly at Sirmium In the year 381. the Emperour Theodosius called a General Council at Constantinople to which Damasus Bishop of Rome came not nor sent any Legate to it that Council being assembled without his consent In that Council Heresies were condemned and the Order of the Patriarchs was altered without asking the Advice of Damasus Yet that Council is one of the first four Oecumenical Councils About the same time Ambrose Bishop of Milan refused to administer the Communion to the Emperour Theodosius for a Murther committed by his Guards at Thessalonica Ambrose did this without taking the Advice of Damasus Bishop of Rome his Neighbour Such an action in our dayes would be High Treason against the Pope For it is one of the Fundamental Laws of the Roman Church that Kings cannot be bound by Censures or excommunicated but by the Pope's Order That I may not gather here a greater number of Examples I have alledged before many Councils that have condemned Popes of Heresie and have forbidden them to send Legates and receive Appeals from Foreign Churches The first Bishop of Rome that I read of who took upon him to govern the Church as Successor of St. Peter was Leo the First about the year of our Lord 450. For before him the Preeminence which was claimed by the Roman Bishops was grounded only upon some mistaken or falsified Canons of Councils and those in Consideration of the dignity of the City which was the chief City of the Empire For out of the Roman Empire the Bishops of Rome claimed no Superiority Some Passages are found true or false in which the Bishops of Rome are styled the first Bishops of the whole World and Presidents over the Universal Church But the Reason of it was that the Ancients called the Roman Emperours Governours and Masters of the World and it is frequent in their Writings to call the Empire Orbis Romanus the Roman World The Truth of this is evident because the same Titles are many times given to the other Patriarchs or chief Bishops of the Roman Empire viz. To the Bishop of Constantinople to him of Antioch and to him of Alexandria who are also called the Heads and Sovereigns of all and are said to have the Care of all the Churches Thus Gregory Nazianzen in his Oration upon Athanasius saith That the Charge of the People of Alexandria was committed unto him which is as much as if one said the Government of all the World And in the same place he saith that Athanasius gave Laws unto all the World Basil saith that Meletius Bishop of Antioch Basil Ep 50. did preside over the whole Body of the Church Theodoret in his Book of Heresies in the Chapter where he speaks of Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople calls him also the Bishop 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the whole habitable World Wherefore also the Patriarch of Constantinople is called the Oecumenical or Universal Bishop in the Councils of that Age. For this Rule was constituted among the Patriarchs of the Roman Empire that each of them was to take Care of all the Churches of the whole Roman Empire but that Power was never extended beyond the Limits of the Roman Empire Yea some Passages are found in which that general Dignity is attributed unto all Bishops that were eminent in Holiness as Basil saith to Ambrose Idem ep 55. that God had raised him to the Dignity of the Apostles And Sidonius calls Lupus Bishop of Troyes Sidon lib. 6. ep 1. the Bishop of Bishops and the first Prelate of all the World In those times all Bishops were called Popes For the Popes Primacy Your Grace alledgeth St. Hierom who writing to Damasus and acknowledging no other Preeminence than that of Jesus Christ said I am in Communion with thy Beatitude that is with St. Peter's Chair I see nothing there that favoureth the Popes Primacy over the Universal Church For as I mentioned before the Bishops of Rome were held St. Peter's Successors in his Government over the Roman Church which Government they held to have been founded by St. Peter and I would not dispute about that But they were not held Successors of St. Peter's Apostleship nor of his Primacy Saying to a man I am of thy Communion is not acknowledging him Head of the Universal Church So much many be said to any Bishop that is sound in the Faith yea to any true Believer we may say that we must be of his Communion and that he that gathereth not with him is a Scatterer There were then held to be three Chairs of St. Peter one at Rome another in Alexandria another in Antioch The Bishops of these Cities styled themselves Successors of St. Peter in the Government of those Churches not in the Apostleship And there were always Piques and Quarrels between those three Sees Gregory the First Bishop of Rome in the 37 Epistle of his VI Book saith that those three Chairs are but one See upon which three Bishops are sitting and he acknowledgeth them his Equals and that it belongs not to him to command them But they that shewed to Your Grace that Authority of St. Hierom had more Wit than to shew you other Passages of his in which he debaseth very much the Bishop of Rome and giveth no good Character of the Roman Church of his Age. In his Epistle to Euagrius he saith In what part soever a man is a Bishop whether it be at Rome or at
of Pardon ch 28. There is no middle place so that he that dwelleth not with Christ can be any where else than with the Devil The fifth Book of the Hypognosticks speaks thus The Catholick Faith grounded upon Divine Authority is that the first place is the Kingdom of Heaven and the second is Hell We believe no third place and find none in the holy Scriptures In the Book of the Vanity of the World chap. 1. Know ye that when the Soul separates from the Body it is at the same Instant placed in Paradise for its good Works or cast down into the Gulf of Hell for its Sins I could bring Your Grace Passages by hundreds out of the Fathers which express that the Souls of the godly are presently after Death carried into Paradise or into Hell I will content my self with one or two Cyprian in the Book against Demetrian speaks thus This temporal Life being ended we are sequestred either in the Habitation of Death or in that of eternal Life And in the same place When men are gone from hence there is no place left for Penitence no Fruit no effect of Satisfaction and in Death it self they pass to Immortality The Fathers were so far from believing that Souls were burnt in Purgatory that many of them believed not that the Souls could be tormented without the Bodies Thus Tertullian in the 48 Chap. of his Apologetick The Soul saith he cannot suffer without solid Matter that is without Flesh And Gregory in the Oration of the Lords Resurrection The Fire can never work upon the separate Soul and Darkness cannot be grievous to it because it hath no Eyes Ambrose in the first book of Penitence Chap. 17. The Soul without the Body and the Body without the Soul cannot be Partakers of Punishment or Reward Chrysostom in the 39 Homily upon the first Epistle to the Corinthians The Soul without the Flesh shall not receive her hiden Goods as likewise she shall not be punisht without the Flesh The Truth is so strong on our side that many of our Adversaries freely confess that the Fathers speak little or not at all of Purgatory Navarrus the Popes Penitentiary in the beginning of the year of Jubile saith No Orthodox doubteth that there is a Purgatory Yet the Ancients make no mention of it or very seldom and that he saith after Roffensis otherwise the Cardinal of Rochester whom he alledgeth Alphonsus de Castro one of the Doctors of the Councel of Trent in his eight Book against Heresies upon the Word Indulgentia speaks thus In the ancient Writers the mention of the Transubstantiation of the Body of Christ is very rare of the Procession of the Holy Ghost more rare yet of the Purgatory they make almost no mention at all especially the Greek Authors as also to this day the Greeks have not believed Purgatory One may see in the Dialogues of Gregory the First That Satan in his time was brewing that Mystery by Visions and Apparitions of Souls some of which said that they purged themselves at the Smoak of Baths others in the Wind others in Rivers and this was already in the year of our Lord 595. But the Popes that came after found out another kind of Purgatory wonderfully gainful whereby they have heaped up to themselves and their Clergy infinite Riches For the Pope by Bulls and Indulgences fetcheth Souls out of Purgatory at the Suit of those that will come to his Price to buy them and particular Masses whose number is infinite are bought very dear and none of them is sung with particular Application to beggers or those that have given nothing Yet they hold one Age to be exempted from Purgatory for say they when Jesus Christ cometh to judge the World then all that live in the World shall be exempted from that Torment In the mean while one may wonder that whilst Jesus Christ is interceding for the Souls that are burning in that Fire for he intercedeth for all the faithful those Souls come not out by this Intercession but by the Popes Indulgence By all that has been said here Your Grace may perceive how much you are mistaken in the Fathers and indeed by your manner of alledging them it is easie to see that you have not read them but that some ignorant men furnish you with Passages which have quite another Sense than that which they put upon them If forsaking what you know from the holy Scripture which as St. Paul saith is able to make us wise upon Salvation you take those things upon Trust which others tell you out of the Fathers and if you greedily embrace all that shall be presented unto you of this kind you will find enough to help your Resolution not to be separated neither in this World nor in the other from my Lady your Dutchess You say that you would know the Grounds of her Religion whilst her Grace did not trouble her self to know the Grounds of yours My Lord how could that Thought come into your Mind to believe Purgatory upon two or three Passages of Fathers distored from their right Sense and to shut your Eyes against all that the Word of God speaks against it Apoc. 14.13 Out of that good Word you might have learned that Blessed are they that dye in the Lord that they rest from their Labours and that their Works follow them Isa 57.1 2. that when the righteous dyeth he shall enter into Peace that we must make to our selves Friends by Alms Luke 16.9 which when we fail may recieve us into everlasting Habitations That Jesus Christ said to the repenting Thief crucified with him Luke 23.43 This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise And yet by the Doctrine of the Roman Church he had need of great Purgation 1 John 1.7 That the Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God cleanseth us from all Sin This is our true Purgatory God who is all just and all good would he take two Payments for the same Debt when the first Payment which is the death of Christ is sufficient would he delight to torment his Children for many Ages in an internal fire for Sins which he hath freely pardoned as we learn of St. Paul Eph. 4.32 Col. 2.13 that God for Christs sake hath forgiven us all our Trespasses Every Father that chastiseth his Children unless he be altogether unnatural doth it to make them better but the Roman Church will have God to burn his Children not to make them more righteous for by their Doctrine they are perfectly righteous before they enter into Purgatory but to content himself and satisfie his Justice Let them find if they can one example in Scripture of any Soul that was sent to Purgatory It is very considerable that in the Levitical Law there are Sacrifices prescribed for all sorts of Sin and Pollution even of Leprosie and the touching of a dead body but that law prescribes no Sacrifice for the dead nor any
The publick Form of those Prayers is found in the eighth Book of the Apostolick Constitutions of Clement in the eighteenth Chapter We offer unto thee for all the Faithful which have been pleasing unto thee from the Beginning of the World Patriarchs Prophets Righteous Apostles Martyrs Confessors The same is to be found in the Book of Ecclesiastick Hierarchy that goes under the name of Dionysius and in Epiphanius where he treateth of the Heresie of Arius All consent that none can imagine that these Prayers for the Saints were to draw them out of Purgatory St. Austin who writ in the Beginning of the fifth Century was the first that said it was doing Injury to a Martyr to pray for him It further appears that the ancient Church had not belief of this Doctrine in that they prayed for the Souls that slept peaceably which Prayer to this day remains in the Roman Mass in which the Priest prayeth for the dead in these Words Remember Lord thy Servants and Handmaids which are gone before us with the Sign of Faith and which are sleeping in a quiet Sleep It is evident That this Prayer was made in a time when the Belief of Purgatory was not yet received for those that are burning perhaps for many Ages in a Fire seven times hotter than Hell do not sleep with a quiet Sleep If you ask me why they pray'd for the dead whom they held not to be in any Torment it will be no hard Matter to give you Satisfaction First they asked that the Dead Person for whom they pray'd might rise again to Salvation in the last day Such was the Prayer of Judas Maccabaeus 2 Mac. 12. v. 43 44. Doing therein saith the Author very well and honestly in that he was mindful of the Resurrection For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should have risen again it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the Dead By the Judgment of that Author the Prayer made for the dead in the Roman Church is superfluous and vain since it is not made for their Resurrection That this was in old time the intent of the Roman Church when they pray'd for the Dead it appeareth by the Prayers which are used still in the Mass for the Dead of which these are the Words We beseech thee Lord to absolve the Souls of thy Servants from all Bonds of Sin that in the Glory of the Resurrection being risen again they may breath among the elected Saints Thus Ambrose prayeth for the Soul of Theodosius and yet he saith that he is received into Christ's Tabernacles in the heavenly Jerusalem And St. Austin prayeth for the Soul of his Mother Monica which is among the Saints and whom St. Austin believes to be enjoying heavenly Blessedness Another Opinion was rife among the Antients That some Souls should rise sooner than other Souls and that many Sins were to be expiated by the Delay of the Resurrection Tertullian towards the end of his Book of the Soul makes the Suffering of Souls after Death even for the least Sins to consist in that Delay In the Book of Monogamy chap. 10. he will have a Widow to pray for her deceased Husband and that she may keep him Company in the first Resurrection The like Prayer Ambrose maketh for Gratian and Valentinian I beseech thee O Supreme God that thou wilt raise up again more early these most beloved young men Here is then a second end for which the Ancients prayed for the dead They had one end more It was an Opinion generally held by the Fathers that in the day of Judgment after men are risen again they shall not enter into Paradise before they have been sindged and purged by the Fire of the day of Judgment some more some less as they have more or less sinned This is the Purgatory Fire of the Antients of which their Books are full Through that fire they make all the Saints to pass even the Virgin Mary Lactantius lib. 7. cap. 21. declares thus his Opinion which was then the general When God hath judged the Just he will try them by fire and those whose Sins are very considerable either in Weight or number shall be sindged and lightly burnt by the Fire Thus Hillary upon St. Matthew Hilar. in Mat. Canon 2. To them that are baptized with Holy Ghost it remains yet to be perfected by the fire of Judgment And in the part Gimel upon the 119 Psalm This Purification is reserved for us after the Baptism of Water which must sanctifie us by the coming of the Holy Ghost and refine us by the Fire of Judgment Again Do we wish for the day of Judgment in which we must pass through that unwearied Fire and undergo those grievous Pains to expiate the Soul of her Sins And he makes the Virgin Mary go through that Fire If saith he even that Virgin which hath conceived God must undergo the Severity of that Judgment who will dare to desire to be judged by God St. Ambrose also saith that all the Prophets and Apostles must in that day be purged by that Fire In the 20 Sermon upon the 118 Psal All must pass through the Flames even John the Evangelist whom the Lord loved even Peter And upon the 36 Psal The Sons of Levi shall be purged by Fire Ezekiel Daniel c. Observe that he saith they shall be whence it appears that he speaks of a Fire which is not yet St. Austin is express for it in the 16 Book of the City of God chap. 24. By this Fire is understood the day of Judgment which shall separate the Carnal some to be saved by the Fire some to be condemned to the Fire And in the 25 Chap. of the 20 Book By that which was said it seems to be evident that in that Judgment there will be some Purgatory Pains And the Title of the chapter saith expresly that he speaks of the Fire of the last Judgment After the Purgation by that Fire he holds that the Sentence of the last Judgment shall be pronounced in the 21 Book chap. 16. Of that Purgation by Fire speak Irenaeus Basil Gregory Nazianzen Gregory Nyssen and Hierom. It is of that Fire My Lord that Theodoret and Austin speak in the places which you alledge And it is one of the grounds why the Ancients prayed for the dead For that St. Austin believed that Souls going out of the Body went streight either into Paradise or into Hell and that there is no middle or third place called Purgatory it is clear by these Passages in the 18 Sermon of the words of the Apostle There are two Habitations the one of the eternal Kingdom the other of the eternal Fire And in the 232 Sermon which is against Drunkenness Let none deceive himself my Brethren for there are two places and no third He that hath not merited with Christ shall perish without doubt with the Devil And in the first Book of the merit of Sins and