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A04542 A treatise of the ministery of the Church of England Wherein is handled this question, whether it be to be separated from, or joyned vnto. Which is discussed in two letters, the one written for it, the other against it. Wherevnto is annexed, after the preface, A brief declaration of the ordinary officers of the Church of Christ. And, a few positions. Also in the end of the treatise, some notes touching the Lordes prayer. Seuen questions. A table of some principal thinges conteyned in this treatise. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618.; Hildersam, Arthur, 1563-1632. aut 1595 (1595) STC 14663.5; ESTC S117234 146,027 152

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his high court of prerogative or grave fatherly faculties these together or the worst of them as some of them be to bad may not be broken or offended against but with more daunger then to offend against the Bible To these subscribing and subscribing again and the third subscribing are required for these preachers and others are indited are fined are prisoned are excommunicated are banished and haue worse things threatned them And the Bible that must haue no further scope then by these it is assigned Is this to professe Gods word Is this a reformation He that could not abide straunge fyer in the old law but burnt them that used it what vvill he do to us in the nevv lavv that erect a nevv and straunge course or vvord to rule his Church by What did the Pope but so He did suffer Gods vvord to haue a course as far as it pleased him so that he might haue the vvhole authority aboue it So did the popish Church But vve say the vvord is aboue the Church Then suerly it is about the English Church and aboue all these books afore rehearsed If it be so vvhy are not they ouer-ruled by it and not it by them These are theyr own words and that in an admonition to the high court of parliament So as we holding our peace you may by this perceiue in what estate they stand by the lawes and present constitution of theyr Church But Mr. H. addeth moreover that they all professe Christ to be the onely lavv giver vnto the conscience Is this so in deed How is it then that Mathew Sutcliffe Deane of Exce●er a chief officer in theyr Church is not afrayd nor ashamed to publish in print that it soundeth harsh in Christian ea●es to call Christ a Lavvgiuer But to let him alone with his blasphemous contradiction to the Scriptures and Spirit of God let us consider a litle the prof●ssion they make herein And first I aske what if the Papists professe as much Will such profession in word help any thing when in deed by theyr works they deny it Secondly let Mr H. remember that some of themselues affirme vvhiles they professe Christ to be a king and per submitt not to the lavves he hath prescribed in his vvord they make him an Idoll and putt a scepter of reed in his hand Thirdly do not they fynd fault with the Papists ād prove them to bend true Church though they professe in word that Christ is the king of his Church becouse in deed they obey not his lawes but have invented and use theyr own canons and constitutions for government of the Church Mark well theyr own words in a treatise lately published wherein they prove the Church of ●ome not to be the true Church by this reason following The Papists in vvord vvill not deny but Christ is a king vvhich hath all povver in heaven and in earth But in deed it appeareth they do exile and banish him out of his kingdome or at least leav him but a small portion or rather none at all For in respect that he is a spirituall king and the king of his Church he is also as Iames speaketh the onely lavvgi●er thereunto and therefore by his lavves onely the Church is to be governed Which they cannot abide For they adde their popish Canous constitutions and customes vvhereby they vvill haue the Church governed Yea they vvill haue these take place though they utterly displace the vvord of God for the maintenance of them These are theyr own words in that treatise Thus they reason against the Papists And is not this reason I pray you as strong against themselues and against theyr own Church Prelates and Clergy Yea are not theyr ecclesiasticall assemblyes daughters of the Church of ●ome in this behalf Or have the● more priviledge by theyr verball profession to be ex●mpt from the obedience of Christ and his lawes then the Papists hav● Lastly seing Mr H. saith they professe Christ to be the onely lawgiver to the conscience Let him in syncerity of heart as before God aunswer vs these few questions 1 Whether then obedience be not to be given to the Lord Iesus in whatsoever he hath commaunded and all his lawes and ordinances to be observed though all the Princes on earth should forbid it 2 Why then they abstayne from the observation of those Lawes and ordinances which themselves have taught and written to be appoynted by Iesus Christ to be kept vnblameable and without spott vntill his appearing yea though it be with the losse of wealth honour liberty and life it self 3 Whether the Lord Iesus the lawgiver of his Church have not set in his Church to continew to the end of the world the offices of Pastours Teachers Elders Deacons and Helpers together with theyr entrance works and maintenance for the administration of his holy things 4 Whether the Offices of Archbishops Lord bisshops priests deacons vicars and the rest now had in England theyr maner of entrance into them theyr administration of them by theyr popish canons and book of common prayer theyr maintenance in them by tithes Lordships Chrismes offrings ād such like be appoynted by Christ that onely Lawgiver to his Church and in what places of his Testament 5 Whether being not prescribed by Christ but derived from and belonging to Antichrist any can eyther administer or joyne vnto them in that estate and yet in truth acknowledg Christ to be the onely lawgiver to the conscience 6 Fynally whether they which abyde one with the world and false Church not separating themselves from them according to the commaundement of Christ which administer or receyv the word or Sacraments in or from a false ministery which how down vnto traditions and false worship devised and imposed by man which stand subiect to be silenced and excommunicated by the Prelates theyr Chauncelours and Archdeacons whether these I say can be said in truth to hold Christ to be the onely lawgiver to the conscience Or whether they receyv not the mark of the Beast and as yet stand subjects of his kingdome submitting to his Antichristian lawes and constitutions In the last place Mr. H. addeth that nothing among them is vrged to be done vpon payne of damnation but onely the word and law of God To which I aunswer first that if this were true yet it is not to the purpose seing many things among them contrary to the word of God are vrged to be done vpon payne of imprisonment confiscation of Goods and lands banishment death and such like Secondly I aunswer that they do require men to be subiect to theyr excommunication vpon payne of damnation as theyr own words in theyr writs of excommunication do show Now it is evident and confessed by the best of themselves that they have not Christs power to excommunicate but execute it contrary to the word of God by an Archdeacon or Lordly Prelate according to theyr
18. 18. 19. and Act. 3. 22. 23. 24. 〈◊〉 Hebr. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mat. 17. 5 and Ioh. 15. 15. Math. 28. 〈◊〉 Ephes. 4. 11 12. 13. Rom. 12. 7. 8. 1. Cor. 4. 17. and 9. 14. and 1● 5. 18. ●8 and 14. 33. 37. and 16. 1. 2. 1. Tim. 3. 14. 15. and 4. 13. 14. and 5. 3. 9. 10. 17. 19. 21. 22. Tit. 1. 5. Act. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and 14. 23. and 20. 17. 28. 2. Cor. 6. 17. 18 Rev. 18. 4. and 14. 12. with 1 Tim. 6. 13. 14. But it will be sayd here that some among them are otherwise mynded hereyn and have published that Christ is that Prophet like vnto Moses vvho hath plainely and perfitly declared vnto us from God as all other things vvhich belong vnto our dutyes so also vvhatsoeuer is needfull for the government of the Church vvhom vve ought to heare and obey And that if they should not acknovvledg thus they should ●ob him of some part of his propheticall office or prefer a servant before the onely begotten Sonne Which they do vvho think that Moses left all things perfitt but Christ eyther began them not or did not finish that he began Thus I graunt some others of the better sort among them have written aud published But these theyr books and writings are not allowed among them but cald in and repressed by publik authority And that which is more in this case such ●●●fession and writing doth not onely affoord them no help in ●heyr estate but doth rather make theyr sinne the more grie●ous inasmuch as professing they know these things they re●use nothwithstāding to walk accordingly whereas the Lord Iesus that Prophet is not onely in word to be acknowledged 〈◊〉 have left a perfitt order vnto his Church but is also in deed 〈◊〉 be hearkned vnto and obeyed thereyn and in no other For a spake the Lord vnto Moses concerning Iesus Christ ●ying I vvill rayse them vp a Prophett from among theyr bre●ten like vnto thee and vvill put my vvords in his mouth and 〈◊〉 shall speak vnto them all that I shall commaund him And ●●hosoeuer vvill not hearken vnto my vvords vvhich he shall ●eak in my Name I vvill requier it of him Iohn Baptist li●●wise testifyed concerning Christ thus He that beleeveth 〈◊〉 the sonne bath everlasting life and he that obeyeth not the ●onne shall not see life but the vvrath of God abideth on him ●here is to be observed how the Spirit of God describeth sa●●ng faith by the obedience of Christ teaching us that they ●hich obey not the Sonne in deed whatsoever profession they ●ake of him in word cannot assure themselues they beleev in 〈◊〉 to eternall life The same is taught in the Epistle to the ●●●ewes Where it is sayd of Christ the Sonne that being ●●secrate he vvas made author of eternall salvation to all that 〈◊〉 him To which purpose we may also observ in the Scriptures the often joyning of these two together faith and the obedience of faith But this being noted by the way concerning that testimony of Iohn I proceed yet further to show that Christ that Prophet requireth not onely acknowledgment in word but obedience indeed to all his ordināces given to his Church This we learne both of Christ himself and of his Apostles Of Christ himself in his last and great commission given to his Apostles when he sent them into the world to publish his faith and plant his Churches therein In which he straitly charged them to teach all his people baptized in his name not to acknowledg onely but to keep and observ vvhatsoever he had commaunded them and that even to the end of the vvorld not making any exception of Christian or heathen Magistrates of theyr allowance or disallowance or of any other worldly respects whatsoever The Apostles also as they were commaunded so they performed both plāting the Churches in that faith ād order which Christ prescribed them ād requiring of the Churches so planted and of all other after them to the end of the world to keep that faith and order wherein they were sett and to admitt of no other whatsoever but to keep that vvithout spot ād vnrebukeable vntill the appearing of ovvr Lord Iesus Christ. And thus much concerning this matter Onely I will now adde the confession and testimony of these men themselues concerning this poynt in hand This have they written and published From that forme of governing the Church vvhich together vvith the offices that are to execute the same the vvord of God perfitly descubeth vnto vs no Christian Church ought to svvarue Now herewith compare their estate and practise and you shall fynd that they do not onely swarue from that forme of government appoynted by Christ to his Church and so hearken not vnto him as their Prophet but do also receyv and submitt vnto another even a false one derived from Antichrist as themselves have taught and therefore have sued to the Parliament to have it removed Thus we see how theyr sinne is made far the greater and more fearfull whiles contrary to theyr knowled● they wittingly persist in disobedience against Iesus Christ that Prophet of his Church as if he were not come in the flesh or as if not he but man yea the man of sinne we●● to be hearkned vnto And hitherto concerning Christ● Prophecy Next for his Priesthood that towching it they do likewise will thus appeare The office of the Priesthood of Christ consisteth in two things first the Redemption he hath made for the world in the blood of his crosse appearing once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himself secondly the Intercession he maketh with the father being entred int● heaven to appeare now before the face of God for vs. Now towching the first that is the work of Redemption as if they counted the blood of the Testa●ent an vnholy thing they profane ●●in administring and receyving the word ād Sacramēts of that reconcilation in and from an Antichristian ministery and more particularly in the Sacraments they prostitute that precious blood of the crosse of Christ even of that Lamb vndefiled vnto Atheists Idolaters persecuters whoremongers drunkards sorterers witches and the most profane of the land and theyr seed That it is thus with them may be seen not onely in theyr vngodly continuall practise but even by theyr own confession and writings Towching theyr ministery thus they write We have an Antichristianhierarchy and a popish ordering of ministers straunge from the word of God never heard of in the Primitive Churches but taken out of the Popes shop to the destruction of Gods kingdome Yet in and from this ministery they minister and receyv the word and Sacraments Towching the other also thus they write of themselves and theyr estate whereas in the holy Communion of the Lords supper Christ the true Paschall lambe ought to be
whether he speak of invisible or of a visible Church of God If he speak of invisible he speaketh not to the poynt in question besides that they could not be counted an invisible Church and yet be knowen to be assembled together in Parliament If he speak of a visible Church as he must if he will speak to the purpose and as it seemeth he meaneth because he sayth they were then assembled together then how doth he prove this to be so In deed we deny not but God had his flock and Church even a true visible Church in this Land at the beginning of her Majestyes raigne For we have heard and read that in Queen Maryes dayes there was here a Congregation of faythfull people separated from the rest of the Land and gathered into fellowship together to serve the LORD according to his word and to keep themselves pure from the abominations of Antichrist That this Congregation also chuse them Ministers Elders and Deacons to instruct guyde and serve them in the Lord and that they had theyr holy meetings and showed notable testimonyes of their faith and love So long then as they kept communiō in this way we deny not but they were a true visible Church though it may be in some defects through want of further light and instruction The like we think also of our countreymen that were then at Frankford Geneva and other where beyond seas But when Queen Mary dyed and Queen Elizabeth whom God long preserve came to the Crown then the Masse and some other superstitions of popery being abolished agaynst which these Congregations had witnessed the truth in much affliction they herevpon dissolved and the severall members scattered themselves to theyr parishes here and there throughout the Land commingling themselves in confusion with the rest of the land that were Idolaters and repented not and submitting theyr soules to the Prelates and to the Ministery receyved from and executed vnder them as also to theyr courts canons excommunications and other Antichristian jurisdiction retayned in the Land And so have continued in apostasy from the way of Christ vnto this day Now these Congregations being thus dissolved and the members there of thus standing they were not now any lōger true visible Churches in the order of Christ but fallen into confusion with the world and into spirituall bondage to the Prelates and other Clergy the limmes of Antichrist So as from hence for the poynt in hand M r H. can derive no help for himself But be it that they had remayned still visible Churches in true constitution and had assembled together and committed this authority of ordination to the Prelates Yet this being not warrantable by the word of God it had bound no mans conscience neyther ben sufficient warrant for any to partake in theyr sinnes For the sinfull actions of the Church do not bynd or warrant vs any more then the sinfull actions of the world Neyther can all Churches or Nations vnder heavē make that lawfull which God by his word maketh vnlawfull Though all the people of Israel being the true Church of God enjoyne and commit vnto Aaron to make a molten calfe to go before them Yet was not Aaron therefore bound or warranted therevnto but sinned in so doing as they also did that tooke part thereyn Agayne for example sake let vs suppose that which in deed was not to wit that Moses and Aaron and all that were famous in the Congregatiō yea that the whole Cōgregation of Israel being the true Church should have committed to Corah Dathan Abiram ād theyr company power to take censers and burne incense thereyn before the LOrd yet they being not capable of that power by the Law of GOD neyther might have taken it neyther might any other have communicated with them thereyn but all that would not perish in theyr sinne should have departed from them and theyr tents When Achaz King of Iudah appoynted and Altar to be made after the fashion of the altar of Damascus though the disciples and people of God which at that tyme were in Iudah should have consented thereyn and committed power to Vryah and the other Priests to offer vpon it burnt offrings and peace offrings ād that to no other but the true God Yet should not ●riah or any other therefore eyther have done it or partaken thereyn When Ieroboam King of Israeel toke counsell with his Princes and people and made Priests of the lawest of the people which were not of the sonnes of Levi ād therefore not capable of the Priests office though the ten tribes having ben til this tyme the Church and people of God consented therevnto Yet did not this therefore bynd or warrāt any of them eyther to receyv that office or to joyne vnto them in the worship of God To come nearer our own dayes let vs suppose that which himself will think is as likely if not more thē that he alledgeth to wi● that in this Land was a true Church at the end of King Edwards dayes vvhich being assembled out of all parts of the Lād in Parliament in the beginning of Q Maryes raigne did commit this povver ād authority of ordination to the Prelates vvhereof by the Lavv of God they vvere not capable Yet will not M r H. say but it was vnlawfull notwithstanding for any to seek or receyve ordination from then Otherwise what impiety is there that by this meanes might not be made at least some what tolerable as may appeare by the examples and instāces before mentioned and infinite other that might be alledged The same Parliament whereof he speaketh authorising the book of common prayer did thereyn he knoweth commit power and authority vnto weomē in cases of necessity to baptize whereof by the Law of God they are altogether vncapable will he therefore say it is lawfull eyther for women to administer Baptisme or for any to yeeld their children to be baptized of them because they may reverence and take benefit of the Princes povver ād authority vvhich is of God though it be committed vnto and exercised by such as by the Lavv of God are not capable of it Many mo particulars might be alledged of like nature both out of the Scriptures and Lawes of this and other Nations but for the matter in hand the former allegations may suffice 2. Next where Mr H. sayth that at the beginning of her Maiestyes raigne the Parliament committed this authority to ordeyne Ministers to the Bishops he mistaketh the matter if he think that then first they receyved it For the authority of ordination was not then first committed vnto the Prelates but continued to them from former tymes ād ratifyed vnto them both at that tyme and afterward agayne in the eyght yeare of her Highnes raigne as may appeare by the statu●es then enacted Which it seemeth the Prelates and Priests of the Lād desired because theyr offices and authority being called into question they were not
and such other who being made Priests at Rhemes and Rome were without any other ordination then there they had vpon recantation of some popish errors receyved for ministers of these assemblyes ād inducted into benefices by the Prelates Whereas on the contrary such as have ben allowed for ministers in the reformed Churches beyond seas where the popish priesthood is wholy reiected whē they come into Englād are not approved for lawfull ministers to administer in these assemblyes neyther to enter vpon any theyr benefi●es vnles they be first made Deacons and Priests by some of the Prelates Proof of this also we have seen not onely in the troubles raysed in this behalf against Mr Whitting●am at Durham in the North and against Mr Travers at the Temple in London but most evidently in Mr Wright now Parson of Dinnington in Suffolck who being presented to that benefice yet could not for all the allowance he had receyved of the reformed Churches in the low countreyes be instituted and inducted into it till he was made Priest by Scamler Prelate of Norwich now deceased Thus to omit till hereafter how neare of kinne our English Priests are to the popish by these reasons is evident that they are truly and iustly called Priests Which is the thing that was to be showed But they will say they are not ordeyned to sacrifice for the quick and the dead as be the popish priests Whereto I might ●unswer that some of them were so ordeyned and never receyved any other ordination yet notwiths●anding stand they priests of these assemblyes at this day as was showed before But be it that none of them were so ordeyned What then Doth it follow therefore they are no Priests If so th● the Leviticall priests vnder the Law were no priests For they were not ordeyned to sacrifice for the quick and dead Yet were they priests by office of ministery and lawfully also at that tyme as the Scripture teacheth Neyther by this reason are Mahumets priests at this day or any priests of the Heathen to be accounted Priests For they are not ordeyned as the popish priests to offer vp Christ whom they reiect Yet are they priests notwithstanding by theyr office as we read of Iupiters Priest in the Acts but false ones as be also the Romish and English and all Antichristian priests whatsoever Secondly although the Masse whereto those popish priests be bound be the chief and principall yet is it not the onely abominable sacrifice and worship in the world To let passe the Heathens sacrifices and priesthood what may we think in this light of the Gospell of that Idoll-book of stinted prayers and exhortations whereto the priests of England be tyed to offer it vp as theyr publik sacrifice and worship vnto God Will you heare what some of themselves have thought of it and have advertised the most honorable Court of Parliament concerning it Thus then have they written hereof We must needs say as followeth these are theyr own words that this book is an vnperf●●●t book culled and picked out of that popish dunghill the masse book full of all abhominations Lo here in theyr own consciences theyr book of Common prayer is no other but a pigge of that mezeld sow the Masse book Yet this sacrifice do theyr Priests daily offer vp vnto God and are bound therevnto And that so as among them this may and doth serve alone without any theyr sermons or other prayers whereas these without it in theyr constitution are not sufficient Although then the Priests of England be not now ordeyned to say Masse neyther tyed to the Masse book in Latin yet when in stead thereof they are still bound to such a book and worship as by theyr own confession is culled and picked out of that popish dunghill the Masse book full of abominations what can this help for theyr defence Nay rather considering the light and measure of knowledg revealed more to them then to the Papists is not theyr sinne though not in it self yet in this respect so much the greater as they have receyved more light and knowledg of the truth then the other have done Thirdly neyther is sacrificing the onely duty of the priesthood in Popery but besides it they have by vertue of theyr ordination to that office authority likewise to read theyr service book to preach to minister the Sacraments to bucy the dead to solem●ize Mariage to Church weomen after childbirth to pronounce absolution when they visit the sick etc. All which being dutyes likewise of the Priesthood of England wherevnto in this constitution they have authority by vertue of theyr ordination to that office as have the Priests in popery What great matter is it if agreing with them in so many severall dutyes of the same office they should altogether differ from them in one The Turkish and Heathenish priests at this day although they differ very much both from those at Rome and these of England yet notwithstanding are they Priests in a false office as well as the other Hitherto then hath ben showed that the Ministers of these assemblyes are truly and fitly called Priests And Mayster H. himself who pleadeth theyr cause yet cannot you see deny but they agree in Name with the popish priesthood Now whereas he addeth that though theyr Priesthood agree in name yet it differeth in nature and substance as much from the popish priesthood as light doth frō darknes it is as true as whē he said before theyr priesthood was in substance the same with the office of the Pastor described in the word that is it is vtterly vntrue Which although it be sufficiently proved already yet for more clearing of the truth ād stopping of theyr mouths it shalbe good here by way of comparison to set down the agreement of theyrs with the popish priesthood on the one hand and on the other the disagreement of them both from the Pastors office which Christ hath appoynted 1 And first of all it would be knowen what the cause is why they retayne the same name if they have not the same office with the popish priesthood As also if they have the same office with the Pastors described in the word why then they have not also the same name In the history of Isaac the Scripture recordeth as a thing very godly and memorable that when he digged agayn the wels of water which they had digged in the dayes of Abraham his father and which the Philistims had stopped after the death of Abraham he gave them the same names which his father had given them If these men likewise have recovered agayn the Pastors office plāted by the Apostles in the Primitive Churches and since theyr death stopped vp by the Romish Philistims why do they not in like maner give it the same name that our fathers the Apostles gave vnto it Are these men wiser then the Apostles of our Lord Iesus or are they fathers in Christ more
H. alledgeth theyr book doth As that they be of vnblameable life apt to teach examined allowed ordered in a solemne assembly and such like Yet I trow Mr H. will not cōclude that the popish priests have therefore the substance eyther of a true office or of a true calling to the Ministery Or if he should yet will the consequēce never be proved eyther for those Priests or for theyr own Neyther let any think it straunge that theyr book and pontificall should have some things that the Law of GOd hath and yet that this should nothing help them for having a true calling to the Minist●ry In the prophecy of Daniel we read that when king Be●shazar made a great feast to his Princes he commaunded that the golden and siluer vessels that were taken out of the Temple of the Lords house at Ierusalem should be brought and the king and his Princes his wines and his concubynes drank therein Now although they had there the vessels of the Lords house and drank in them yet was it not therefore a feast of the Lord but a feast of Babylon notwithstanding Even so it fareth with the Ministery and entrance into it vsed in England and among the Papists Towching which although theyr book and pontificall have taken some things out of the scripture as it were some of the Lords vessels out of his Temple yet inasmuch as they are applyed by them to a false office ordination and ministration never appoynted by Christ but invented by Antichrist even as it were in a Caldean banket they do no more make theyr Priesthood or calling vnto it to be the Ministery and calling ordeyned by Christ then those vessels taken out of the LOrds house made that banquet of Babylon to be one of the Lords feasts Likewise in the prophecy of Ezechiel we are taught that albeit men set theyr thresholds by Gods thresholds ād their posts by Gods posts that is theyr inventions by Gods ordinances yet it maketh them not therefore to be the house and Temple of God and to have his true worship and ministery among them but as the Lord there testifyeth by his Prophet by this meanes they set a wall between God and themselues and defile his holy Name with theyr abominations This is the account the Lord maketh of the ioyning of his ordinances with mans inventions And what then will it help the Priests of England or Rome that theyr book and Law requier some things that the word of God prescribeth seing they ioyne and apply them to a false ministery devised by mā It may in deed make the mist which through theyr delusions they cast before the eyes of the people to be far the greater but it can no way iustify theyr standing or lessen theyr sinne Nay rather it doth increase it because thus they prohaue the word of God and defile his holy Name and cause them to ●rre that are led by them And thus against themselves they verify the Scripture which calleth the apostasy of Antichrist and the working thereof a mystery of iniquity But yet further if theyr Law agree in deed with the Law of God as it should what need Mr H. coy●e so many excuses for the authority of theyr Lordbishops and the calling receyved from them as afterward he doth For if it agree with Gods Law it need no excuse If it do not which in deed is theyr case no excuses will help no figge tree leaves wil cover the nakednes of such deformity Specially now when by the light of Gods word it is so discovered as themselves have seē it ād laid it opē to the view of others howsoever now they win● with theyr eyes that they might not see and would also blyndfold others by theyr pleading to the contrary Therefore will I conclude this poynt with theyr own testimony wherein they confesse as the truth is that theyr pontifical whereby they make ministers is taken out of the Popes pontificall that theyr ordering of Ministers is straunge from the word of God that theyr entrance is not by Christ but by a popish and vnlavvfull vocation that vvhen the Bishops have made them Ministers eyther they may tary in their Colledges and lead the lives of loytering losels as long as they live or els go abroad with the Bishops Buls like to Circumcellions to preach in other mens charges vvhere they list or els get benefices by frendship or money or flattery where they can catch them or to conclude if all these fayle that they may go vp and down like beggars and fall to many follyes or els as many have done set vp bils at Paules or at the Royall exchaunge and in such publick places to see if they can heare of some good Masters to entertayne them into service This is theyr own confession towching theyr entrance to the Ministery ād this is the testimony which themselves have heretofore given vnto the truth though now as you see they labour by all meanes they can to obscure it even wearying themselves in vayne whiles they would cure Babel ād lay plaisters on her sore which can not be healed To which end besides all that hath ben brought hitherto yet see what more balme Mr H. bringeth now also in the conclusion of his matter Which is thus as followeth being the last words of his letter ¶ Mr H his letter Section 10. BVt you vvill say vvhich of you all have such a calling as hath ben said is prescribed by Lavv I aunsvver that many Ministers in the land have and all may if they vvill have these substantiall parts of a true calling theyr gifts may be examined and approved by such as are learned and godly vpon vvhose iudgment they may safely rely themselves i● that 〈◊〉 they may be chosen and approved by the people that they are to be set over they may be rightly ordeyned and as it vvere invested into theyr office But your vvriting affirmeth they come in by the Bishops who are the limmes of Antichrist VVhatsoever is vnlavvfull in theyr callings I vvill not go about to mainteyne Onely I vvill simply and plainely set dovvn vvhat hath moved me to seek a calling from them and vvhat persvvadeth me to think that the calling I have receyved from them is not vvicked and vnlavvfull First being persvvaded in my conscience that the Lord had a true Church in this Realme even at the beginning of her Maiestyes raigne vvhich being assembled out of all the parts of the Land in Parliament did commit this authority to ordeyne Ministers vnto the Bishops and knovving out of the vvord of God that euery true Church hath this povver and authority to ordeyne Ministers I considered vvith my self that though the Church offended in committin-this povver and authority vnto them that by the Lavv of God vvere not capable of it yet I might vvithout sinne seek and take the Churches ordination at theyr hands as I may reverence and take the benefit of the
Princes povver and authority vvhich is of God though it be committed vnto and exercised by men that by the Lavv of God are not capable of it Secondly seing it is a thing not to be refused if a man entring into the ministery might have the approbation of all and every one of the Ministers of the Gospell in the land it seemeth vnto me the approbation of that Bishop that is also a Minister and preacher of the Gospell cannot be deemed to be meerly vnlavvfull Thirdly the authority of the Christian Magistrate vvithout vvhose liking and allovvance a Minister cannot be admitted to the Ministery in peace comming to the Bishop by Act of Parliament I may more boldly come to him for his approbation in regard of the Lavv not looking so much vnto the Man as ●●garding vvith reuerence the povver of the Lavv and Christian Magistrate ¶ Aunswer to Section 10. I Am sory to see Mr H. thus weary himself in seeking balme for the healing of Babels sore which cannot be cured We need not aske him as here he deviseth an obiection with himself vvhich of them have such a calling as is prescribed by the Lavv For notwithstanding theyr manifold breaches even of theyr own Law yet we doubt not but ynow and to many of them have the calling appoynted by Law that is are made Deacons and Priests by a Lordbishop according to theyr book taken out of the Popes pontificall contrary to the Testament of Christ and are also presented by the Patrones and instituted by the Prelates to cure of soules whereof would to God they made not marchandize as the Scripture speaketh The oftener then that he mentioneth this he doth but so much the more cast doung in theyr own faces Neyther is it to be past over but well to be observed that himself here reckoneth vp and accounteth these three to be substantiall parts of a true calling to the ministery 1. A due examination of gifts 2. The choyse and approbation of the people that they are to be set over 3. A right ordination into theyr office These three he sayth are substantiall parts of a true calling Wherevpō it followeth that none of theyr Ministers have the substāce of a true calling seyng they wāt these substātiall parts thereof as is proved before and afterward agayne ād as theyr own estate testifyeth agaynst them to theyr faces Yea M r H himself vp his own words here importeth thus much that divers at least of their ministers wāt the substāce of a true calling Els when he aunswereth to his own objection why saith he Many Ministers in the Land have these substantiall parts ād sayth not that all theyr Ministers have them Many he sayth ād not all Thus to vphold some of theyr Ministers if he could he careth not to smite down others of them to the ground ād those also such as have the same Ministery ād calling with the rest which is prescribed by Law But compare this with that which he wrote and see what a fayre thred he hath spun for himself Al theyr Ministers have not the substāce of a true calling This he insinuateth here ād in his own vnderstāding of the substantiall parts set down by himself cannot deny it if he would Yet all theyr Ministers be made Priests or Deacons or both by the Prelates according to theyr book aforesayd This also he yeelded before neyther if he would can deny it The conclusion therefore must be this that the Priests and Deacons so made by the Prelates according to theyr book such as be all theyr Ministers have not the substance of a true calling to the Ministery This you see followeth vpon his own aunswers Besides that we omit to speak of theyr presentations and of theyr inductions by the Prelates which the Law appoynteth as substantiall parts of theyr calling when they take charge of soules Onely marke here agayn his contradictiō with himself whiles he stribeth against the truth Now to proceed let him tell vs whom he meaneth here by the learned and godly whose examination and approbation they are to have and on whose judgment they may safely rely in that matter If he meane the Archdeacon or other Priests that be examiners for the Prelates as theyr Law and vse is how will he prove that they are such as he sayth that is learne● and godly or that theyr examination and approbation was ever appoynted by Christ or is to be had as a substautiall part of true calling to the Ministery or finally that any may safely rely vpon theyr iudgment in this matter But if he meane as doubtles he doth the examinatiō and approbatiō of some of the forward Preachers amōg them himself knoweth first that the Law appoynteth it not wherevpon will follow by his own assertion that all the substātiall parts of a true calling to the ministery are not prescribed by Law which yet before he labored to prove Secondly he is not ignorant and theyr constitution and practise showeth it that although secretly it may be some of them are tryed ād approved by such as here he intēdeth yet neyther is this generall ād those also which have this have notwithstāding ād must have that other which law binds vnto Now if that after the Law be of Christ why have they the other If it be not of Christ why receyv they it at all or how is it true which he sayd before that their Law agreeth with the Law of God as towching the substance of a true calling to the Ministery Thirdly are not these forward preachers also aswell as the other Deacōs and Priests so ordeyned by the Prelates as aforesayd ād therefore have a Ministery never ordeyned by Christ but brought in by Antichrist And what priviledg them have they herein more then the other Or how will it be proved for them any more then for the other that thus standing their examination and allowance is an ordinance of Christ or substantiall part of true calling to the Ministery Or that any may safely rely themselves vpon theyr judgment in this matter For the next likewise that is the choyse ād approbatiō of the people that they are to be set over if he meane it generally of any people whatsoever whether Idolaters Atheists Papists or others standing subject to Antichrist or such like how will he ever prove that such have this power and authority of Christ to choose the Ministers of his Gospell Or if he meane it as needs he must if he speak to the purpose of such people as by the word of God be called ād separated from the world ioyned in covenāt ād fellowship of the Gospell being true visible Churches of Christ then also how will it ever be proved that theyr people in this theyr Church constitution as now they stand in confusion ād spirituall bōdage to Antichrists Ministery worship ordināces courts and jurisdiction are such people and Churches having the power ād liberty which Christ hath given to
Antichrist and they also come into theyr Ministery by them it cānot be avoyded but theyr Ministery by vertue whereof they deale with the holy things of God and work vpon mens consciences is Antichristian ād therefore not to be receyved or ioyned vnto Which is the thing that was to be proved What is it then that he saith herevnto Doth he deny that the Prelates be limmes of Antichrist and prove the contrary by the Scripture No in deed but he leaveth them as he found them the limmes of Antichrist and seemeth so astonyed partly at the truth on the one hand partly with the vnlawfulnes of theyr office on the other as notwithstanding they are thus deeply charged yet he denyes not the charge but rather yeelds vnto it saying that whatsoever is vnlawfull in theyr callings he will not go about to mainteyne Yea that by Law of God they are not capable of that which is committed vnto them by the Parliament Where besides that he leaveth them without defence against so waighty an accusation he doth himself also charge them with breach of Gods Law and vnlawfulnes in theyr callings and so yeelds vs the cause The Prelates and his fellow Priests will not thank him for this And sure if any way it could have ben done now was it altogether needfull to have convinced by evidence of Scripture both that the Prelates are not the limmes of Antichrist and that theyr offices and callings are lawfull But the truth is mighty and will prevayle against all that withstand it ●●ll they will they Well then leaving thus the Prelates to be limmes of Antichrist what saith he to the other which is that the Ministers of the land come into theyr Ministery by the Prelates Doth he deny this No but graunteth it also as needs he must For such is theyr constitution and practise Besides that if any standing Ministers of these assemblyes should enter otherwise they could not but be intruders and hypocrites Intruders because they should thrust themselves into theyr Ministery eyther by no calling or by other then is receyved and allowed in theyr Church Hypocrites because ministring in and to these assemblyes they should seem vnto men to do it by vertue of such calling as is appoynted by Law of theyr Church when in deed it were otherwise It cannot be denyed then but they do and must come in by the Prelates who are limmes of Antichrist Now what followeth herevpon let themselves and all that partake with them well consider and repent whiles it is called To day But saith Mr H. nothing in this poynt at all Yes though he leave the Prelates and other Priests to shift for themselves yet for himself he takes a litle paynes saying he will simply ād playnely set down what moved him to seek a calling from the Prelates and what perswadeth him to think the calling he receyved from them is not vvicked and vnlavvfull Well but what if the other Ministers of the Land who take themselves to have as a good a calling as he yet were not moved neyther are perswaded therevnto by these reasons wherevpon he rest●th what now will he and what must we account of theyr Ministery by this reckoning Agayn what if the reasons he alledgeth for himself be not of waight in this case so to move and perswade eyther him or any other How then will he have vs esteem of his calling and Ministery Let vs therefore examine his reasons But first mark that he saith he sought a calling from the Prelates and receyved it He was not thē sought spyed out and called by a Church as is the ordinance of Christ but himself he saith sought to be called by the Prelates and receyved his calling from them Which maner of calling seing it is such as God never ordeined it therefore neither might be receyved of him neyther may be ioyned vnto by any other But let vs see what moved him herevnto FIrst saith Mr H. being persvvaded in my conscience that the Lord had a true Church in this Realme even at the beginning of her Maiestyes raigne vvhich being assembled out of all parts of the Land in Parliament did commit this authority to ordeyne Ministers vnto the Bishops and knovving out of the vvord of GOD that every true Church hath this povver and authority to ordeyne Ministers I considered vvith my self that though the Church offended in committing this povver vnto them that by the Lavv of God vvere not capable of it yet I might vvithout sinne seek and take the Churches ordination at theyr hands as I may reverence and take the benefit of the Princes povver ād authority vvhich is of God though it be committed vnto and exercised by men that by the Lavv of God are not capable of it THis is Mr H. his first and chief reason Wherein as also in the rest following let this be observed generally that although in the beginning of his letter he promised nothing should be brought to perswade but the word of GOd yet now in stead thereof he setteth before vs the perswasions of his conscience Which is a thing very vsuall among them as if they were eyther divine oracles or as foroible to perswade as they Yea here he seemeth to prefer his perswasions before Gods oracles Which if he had not done I would not thus have noted it For confessing on the one hand that he knoweth out of the word of God that every true Church hath this power and authority to ordeyne Ministers and consequently that it is Gods ordinance to have it in and from a true Church as he hath appoynted yet on the other hand he professeth that the Parliament committing this power vnto such as by the Law of God are not capable of it to wit to the Prelates and so offending therein he notwithstanding vpon his perswasion sought and took ordination from the Prelates hands Now what was this els but to regard his own perswasion more then the word of God Specially when he ioyneth withall that he thought he might so do without sinne Sure this is straunge divinity The Scripture teacheth that we may not be partakers of other mens sinnes And that the transgression of Gods Law is sinne He notwithstanding thought that he might partake with others in the breach of Gods ordinance and yet not sinne I hope he is otherwise mynded synce and so will be every day more and more In the meane tyme it is cleare that though these very things which he would seem to rest vpon were all graunted him yet they make altogether agaynst him and so this first reason of his is found in this case to be of no waight Yet before we proceed to the rest it will not be amisse for more evidence of the truth more fully to consider the particulars here set down 1 And first where he sayth he is perswaded the Lord had a true Church in this Realme at the beginning of her Majestyes raigne c. it would be knowen
able to bring warrant for them out of the Law of God and therefore got what strength they could from the Law of Man The truth then is that not at the beginning of her Majestyes raigne but hundreds of yeares before her Majesty was borne the Prelates had this power of ordination in theyr hands as much as now they have For who knoweth not that both their offices and callings and this their authority of ordination is part of the apostasy of the Man of sinne even part of those abominatiōs wherewith the golden cup of the whore of Babylon is full and wherewith she hath long syn●e made drunken the nations of the earth and this of England among the rest Many of which abominations we confesse have ben swept out of this Land both in the tyme of King Henry the eyght and of King Edward the sixt ād of Elizabeth our dread Soveraigne For which we prayse God Yet notwithstāding to speak as the truth is many also of those abominatiōs of Babylō are remayning in the Lād from which it was never purged ūto this day Of which sort are the offices callings administration and maintenance both of the Prelacy and other clergy yet retayned in the Land from the hyest Prelate to the lowest Priest together with theyr book worship canons compulsion and confusion of all sorts of people whatsoever to be members of theyr Church and such like which were long to relate in particular So then if Mr H. would have simply and plainely showed vnto vs the originall of this power and authority in the Prelates he should have led vs not to the beginning of her Maiestyes raigne as if it had then begun but to the apostasy of the man of sinne from whence it first sprang and spred abroad into this and other Nations of the earth many ages before her Highnes raigne or birth Neyther hath it hitherto ben abolished out of this land as it ought but being found here at the beginning of her Maiestyes raigne was left remayning still ād is not suppressed but retayned evē vnto this day Wherevpō is come to passe that the Prelates ād Priests retayning still theyr calling and authority have by the iust iudgment of God showed themselves to be nothing behind the Cananites Hivites Iebusites and other inhabitants of the Nations whom God commaunded Israel to drive out before them ād they notwithstanding let them still remayne among them that is they are become pricks in our eyes and thornes in our sides vexing all such as feare God in the Land and it is to be feared if Gods mercy be not the greater will be a snare and destruction to the Land as already they are to the soules and consciences of the people therein The Lord stir vp the royall heart of her Maiesty that she may discerne theyr iniquity and abolish theyr offices and callings out of the Land and make them desolate and naked eating theyr flesh even theyr revennewes and poffessions by converting them to her own civill vses and the weale publik of the Land Thesame God the King of Kings work it also in the hearts of the other Princes and Magistrates of the world that they may do likewise within theyr Dominions that so the most wicked Hierarchy and religion of Antichrist may be vtterly consumed from of the earth and the Gospell of Iesus Christ may have free passage ād be glorifyed among all nations to the ends of the world as the Scripture hath said shall come to passe Rev. 17. 16. and 18. 20. 21. and 14. 6. 7. 8. and 21. 15. 24. 26. with 2 Thes. 2. 8. and 3. 1. Mat. 24. 14. 3 Thirdly where Mr H. saith he knew out of the word of God that every true Church of GOD hath the power and authority to ordeyne Ministers ād that the Prelates by the Lavv of God are not capable of it and yet that he sought and took ordination of the Prelates this is so far from being any defence vnto him in this case as it doth rather manifest his sinne to be the greater and far more grievous inasmuch as hereby it seemeth he took ordination of the Prelates against the knowledg which he had out of the word of God to the contrary 4. Fourthly let it be observed that here he saith the Parliament offended in committing the povver and authority of ordination to the Prelates that by the Law of God are not capable of it and yet before he affirmed that theyr Law agreeth with the Law of GOD as towching the substance of a true calling to the Ministery of which he made right ordination to be a part Thus he both contradicteth himself and agayn yeeldeth the cause For if they offended against the Law of God in committing this power to the Prelates as he directly affirmeth and there is no other Ministery had and all●●ed in the Land but from the Prelates as there is not hence it must needs follow that theyr calling and Ministery is vnlawfull and neyther to be receyved nor joyned vnto 5. Fiftly where he calleth the ordination taken from the Prelates the Churches ordination receyved at their hands and yet before sayd the Church hath power to ordeyne but the Prelates by the Law of God are not capable of it here agayne he forgetteth and contradicteth himself 6. Finally it may be observed that in the shutting vp of this reason he speaketh of the Princes power and authority committed to men that by the Law of God are not capable of it when as before in the former part of the reason he had spoken of the Churches power and authority committed to such as by the Law of God are not capable of it Thus he keepeth not to the poynt in question but speaking of ordination of Ministers one while he caryeth vs to the Churches power and authority committed to men not capable thereof another while to the Princes power so likewise committed As if the power and authority of Princes and of the Church were all one ād not distinct in the ordinance and appoyntment of God or as if whatsoever may be done in the one were also to be admitted in the other What straunge consequences would follow herevpon let himself consider And hitherto of the insufficiency of his first reason Now let vs see if there be any more wayght in his second which is as followeth SEcondly sayth M r H. seyng it is not to be refused if a man entring into the Ministery might have the approbation of all and every one of the Ministers of the Gospell in the land it seemeth vnto me the approbation of that Bishop that is also a Minister and preacher of the Gospell cannot be deemed to be meerly vnlavvfull 1. BVt what if the Bishops and Ministers he speaketh of be not the Bishops and Ministers of Christ but of Antichrist not in a true but in a false Ministery not according to Christs Gospell but Antichrists apostasy not servants of Iesus Christ the onely LOrd
they belong in this behalf Finally for the whole worship of God the reformed Churches professe that the whole maner of worshipping God which God requireth at the hands of the faithfull is in the written word of God most exquisitly and at large set dovvn and that therefore it is not lawfull for any man or Angel to teach otherwise to adde or to detract therefrom it being perfit and absolute in all poynts and parcels thereof So as no other vvritings of men although never so holy no custome no multitude no mās vvisdome no antiquity no prescription of tyme no personall succession no counsels visions miracles and to conclude no decrees statutes or ordinances of men are to matched vvith or opposed vnto the holy Scriptures and bare truth of God but that all things ought to be examined and tryed by the rule and square thereof For all men are by nature ly●rs and more vayne then vanity it self Thus do the reformed Churches hold and professe Whereas on the contrary in England the maner of worship and administration is not according to the word of God but according to theyr book of common prayer taken out of the Papists Masse book together with other theyr Canons Articles and Constitutions which God hath neyther himself appoynted in his word nor therein given authority to any other so to prescribe And thus have I showed by the publik confessions and iudgment of the reformed Churches themselves that it is far otherwise then as these men would beare the world in hand and that in deed the Church-assemblyes in England in this constitution can not rightly be counted sisters of the reformed Churches abroad but rather daughters of Babylon that mother of whoredomes and abominations of the earth Next where Mr H. showeth how a private Christian should carry himself towardan whole Church towching corruptiōs I have before spokē of that matter ād noted two maners of proceding to be appoynted by God one toward such Churches as be set in the order of Christ but walk in it corruptly another toward such as stād in the apostasy of Antichrist though with some show of holynes This therefore being before hādled shal not need to be repeated By it may appeare how vnsound a directiō he hath here prescribed besides that what he sayth may with like colour be alledged for abiding in any the most popish assemblyes wheresoever For might not such alledge for themselves that they mislike the corruptions in those Churches that they refuse to subscribe or yeeld consent vnto them that by prayer and all other good meanes they seek the reformation of them Yet that being private Christians or a fevv severall assemblyes they may not account the Churches that are in an vvhole nation to be as beathens or publicanes ād that therefore they will abide in them still If this be a sufficient rule then suerly the Martyrs were deceyved in former ages and the godly Christians at this day in Spayne Italy and such places which content not themselves with misliking and seeking redresse of the corruptions in theyr popish assemblyes but refuse altogether to have any spirituall fellowship with them and chuse rather to suffer affliction for bearing witnes agaynst them Secondly how can they be sayd to mislike the corruptions wherevnto many of them subscribe with theyr hands and all of them joyne in theyr practise Or how do they refuse to yeeld consent to the corruptions which by word and deed they receyv allow and vphold Thirdly where he insinuateth that by prayer and other good meanes they seek a reformation I would aske with what comfort they can come before God in prayer when they do not onely stand subject to Antichrist in respect whereof theyr sacrifices of prayer must needs be abominable but by their continuall practise seem to deale like those Iewes of whom we read in Ieremy the Prophet that by theyr requests they made show as if they would know the will of God to obey it and yet when they knew it would not observ it If by other good meanes he vnderstand theyr suits to the Parliament as it is an happy thing and greatly to be desired that the Magistrates would abolish this false ecclesiasticall Ministery worship and government so yet if they do it not we must notwithstāding at the commaundement of God leave all false wicked and Antichristian wayes and peaceably yeeld obediēce to Christ in his own ordināce though we be for this cause reviled imprisoned banished ād killed all day long being counted as sheep for the slaughter 1. For in this case must alway be remēbred that we must obey God rather then Man ād that the cōmaundement or permissiō of the Magistrate maketh not the way of God any whit more lawful but onely more free from trouble 2. Agayn if the lawes of men do once enact ād establish the true ministery ād ordināces of Christ then must all be forced to submit thereūto whether it were Christs or not So as to withold our obedience from Christ till the Law enact it is nothing els but to stay till we be forced by man to the obedience of God 3. Furthermore what if the Magistrates would never establish that ministery ād order which Christ hath appoynted to his Church should we therefore never observ and submitt vnto it To what end then hath Christ enioyned vs without any exceptiō of the Magistrates Law to keep whatsoever he hath cōmaunded to the end of the world And why hath the Apostle so straitly charged Timothy ād in him all others before God ād Iesus Christ to keep the cōmaundments which he hath givē towching the Ministery order and governmēt of the Church without spot and vnblameable vntill the appearing of our Lord Iesus 4. To cōclude this poynt if without the Magistrates allowāce we might not observ whatsoever Christ hath cōmaunded what were this els but to have the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons Which Mr H. before in the beginning of his leter according to the Apostles counsell wisheth in any case to be avoyded And thus much by the way towching the obedience which all Christians are bound themselves to yeeld vnto Christ leaving the generall reformatiō of the Lād to the Magistrates to whom it belōgeth Now to proceed where he expoundeth accounting as Publicanes to be ment accounting them such as with whom communion may not lawfully be had in the service of God he seemeth to mistake the meaning thereof For we read that the Publicane went into the Temple to pray aswell as the Pha●isee and that the speciall thing wherein the Iewes absteyned from company of the Publicanes was raiher in civill ●onversation then in spirituall worship As may be gathe●ed by this that the Pharisees blamed Christ for eating with Publicanes and yet both themselves admitted them ●nto the Temple and found not any fault with Iohn Baptist for
H. will not say that women therefore have the substance of the Ministery of whom the Scripture saith it is a shame for them to speak in the Church and therefore doth not permitt it vnto them but requireth of them to keep silence So far is it from accounting or allowing them to have the substance of the Ministery howsoever the Lawes of men allow them to performe some action● thereof The same may be said of theyr Deacons who by the Law are appoynted also to administer Baptisme and having a licence to preach the word Yet have not their Deacons therefore the substance of the Pastors office though they performe some of the dutyes thereof By this then is evident that his reason is of no waight to prove that their Priesthood is the same in substance with the Pastors office because by Law such dutyes are required to be done of it as by the word are enioyned to the other As is sayd an office is one thing and the actions or dutyes of the office another Besides that it seemeth the Law at first supposing their Priesthood to be a lawfull office of Ministery did therefore enioyne it those dutyes to be performed thereyn Whereas now it being found to be vnlawfull and altogether vnheard of in the Churches of the Gospell neyther the injoyning nor the executing of those dutyes can make it of vnlawfull to become lawfull before God any maner way 3. But furthermore doth not the Law of the Land requier these same things of theyr Archbishops also And have they therefore the substance of the Pastors office How then will it be true which some of them hold and write that a Bishop is superior both in office and gifts to a Pastor or as others of them have proved by divers reasons against Bridges that Archbishops and Lordbishops are neyther Pastors nor Teachers Nay moreover that they rob Christs Church of lavvfull Pastors and that these theyr offices be Antichristian Divelish and contrary to the Scriptures Or if the Archbisshops have the Pastors office among them what is become then of all the rest of the Ministers of the Land For by this meanes there should be but two Pastors in the Land seyng there are but two Archbishops Or if the Lordbishops be the Pastors then are there but twenty fower Pastors or thereabout in the Land and what be the offices then of theyr inferior Priests Or if the inferior Priests be the Pastors as seemeth by this writing to be intended then what office in the Church have theyr Lordbishops Archbishops Archdeacons ād the rest of the Clergy among them Which is needfull to be considered seing themselves have written according as the truth is that our Saviour Christ hath appoynted in the ordinary guydance of the Church no office to be exercised by any one * ecclesiasticall person greater then the office of the Pastors and hath also made these all equall in every respect of ministery iurisdiction and power Whereas it is far otherwise in the Prelacy of theyr Archbischops Lordbishops and the rest having and exercising iurisdiction and power over the inferior priesthood and ministery of the land Fourthly although the word of God lay the dutyes aforesaid vpon the Pastors of the Churches of Christ yet it requireth them not at the hands of this Priesthood or any other false ministery whatsoever Therefore is it not materiall though the lawes of all the nations vnder heaven should enioyne these dutyes vnto them so long as the word of God which is the word of truth and onely rule of religion requireth them not at theyr hand Iesus Christ the Lord and King of his Church as he gave vnto it the holy things of his word prayer Sacraments etc. so hath he also given his own Ministers for the administration thereof according to his Testament At the hands of Antichrists priesthood or any other false ministery he requireth it not But rather vnto all such he saith What hast thou to do to declare myne ordinance that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth seing thou hatest to be reformed and hast cast my words behind thee And agayn to such he saith Who requireth these things at your hands If Iupiters priest of whom we read in the Acts of the Apostles or if Mahumets priests now in Turkey should by the lawes of theyr nations be enioyned and therevpon should execute the ministery of Gods word Sacraments and censures would it follow therefore that such priests had the substance of the Pastors office And why then should this priesthood of Antichrist have more priviledge then those seing the word of God hath layd these dutyes no more vpon it then vpon the other but hath left them all with theyr followers and adhere●ts vnder the curse Fiftly let him tell vs whether by this reason of his theyr ●umbe dogs vnpreaching Ministers substitutes non residēts and such like among them must not be accoounted also to have the substance of the Pastors office seing they have all of them one and the same priesthood and seing the Law at theyr ordination enioyneth the same things to them all 〈◊〉 Sixtly where he saith theyr Priests are enioyned at theyr ordination to preach the word administer the Sacaments and exercise discipline If it be asked by whom they are ordeyned hereunto he must aunswer by the Prelate a Lordbishop or his Suffragane for so besides theyr practise it is required by the law he alledgeth And then must he eyther bring warrant for this from the Scripture which can not be done or els he is even in this respect never a whi●● the nearer For vv if they speak not according to the Law and Testimony the light is not in them But to let passe theyr entrance and ordination till fitter occasion hereafter let vs in this place a litle observe theyr dawbing and deceitfull hiding of most filthy abominatiōs vnder these generall termes of preaching the word ministring the Sacraments aud executing the censures aud discipline Theyr Priests he saith must preach the word Well but with what limits must they do this Theyr 〈◊〉 Statutes and Articles will tell you They must not speak against the Prelacy or other ministery of the Land nor against theyr book of common prayer though it be taken on● of the Popes portuis nor against theyr ecclesiasticall courts of Arches Facultyes Commissary courts suspensions excommunications absolutions degradations or any other theyr ecclesiasticall procedings And may not any popish priest I pray you thus preach the word at ●ome being hedged in with such limits ād cautions But what if any of our English priests do from Gods word preach against any the aforesaid abominations or the like Will the authority of the word which he saith they are ordeyned to preach heare this out among them No Uerily But they shall by theyr lawes and Canons be suspensed sile●●ed deprived and degraded by the Prelates of whom they took ād vnder whom
they execute theyr ministery Besides that they shall be straitly imprisoned and if the Prelates can be brought within daunger of theyr lives Take for example the vsage of Mr. Udall Mr Cartwright Mr Field Mr Wiburne Mr Wigginton Mr Lord Mr King Mr Chark Mr Wight Page●t Fen Proudlove Snape and many mo of themselves some silenced some deprived some degraded some condemned to death That we speak nothing here of divers the faithfull servants of Christ who though they were not priests or had renounced theyr false calling yet for separating from and witnessing against the abominations aforesaid have ben some most cruelly imprisoned some banished some put to death But to leave this vnto God who seeth and iudgeth we proceed to the rest that followeth Theyr priests he saith must also drive away all erroneous and straunge doctrines that are contrary to Gods word How is it then that by law they may teach and maynteyne so many false doctrines contrary to the Scripture as have ben mentioned before Or how is it that they silence imprison banish and kill such as speak against and labour to drive away the erroneous and straunge doctrines yet retayned among them contrary to the word of God Next he saith theyr Priests are likewise authorised to administer the Sacraments Well but by vertue of what calling Is it not from the Prelates the Lordbishops who have no power from Christ to give such authority Of which more hereafter How also must they administer the Sacraments According to the Testament of Christ No but accordin to theyr own book for so the Law requireth with certayne stinted words for prayer and certayne for exhortation with Epistles and Gospels with questions and crosse to infants in Baptisme with other then the words of Christs institution in the Lords supper and with kneeling thereat as when they receyved theyr maker and other the like profanations derived from the Papists And yet moreover the Sacraments they administer must be given not to the faithfull onely and theyr seed as Christ hath appoynted but to the most wicked and profane in the land even to all within the precinct of theyr parishes 〈◊〉 if they that are partakers of one bread were not one body Or as if holy things were to be given to dogs and pearles to swyne Or straungers vncircumcised were to eat of the Passeover Or the covenant of God sacrilegiously to be violated whiles it is said to the open wicked in delivering them the seales of Gods covenant Thou art righteous Or as if the wicked were to have theyr hands strenght●ed in theyr evill wayes whilst by this meanes life is promised them in theyr estate Or finally as if it were not the Table of the Lord but a table of divels or at least that the table of the Lord were not to be regarded as they said in Malachyes dayes neyther had through faith communion of the body and blood of Christ as the Apostles have taught vs. Lastly he saith theyr priests are required also to oversee they● peoples conversation and commaunded to exercise the censures and discipline of Christ. And is it so in deed Let him look a litle better into theyr book of ordering Priests where they are thus commaunded and he shall fynd the words to be these the Prelate speaking to the Priest Will you give your faithfull diligence alwayes so to minister the doctrine and Sacraments and the discipline of Christ an the Lord hath commaunded and as this Realme hath receyved the same according to the commaundements of God so that you may reach the people committed to your cure and charge with all diligence to keep and observ the same Then he that is to be made Priest aunswereth I will do so by the help of the Lord. Now who seeth not that these words as this Realme hath receyved the same do so restrayne the other words therevnto annexed as the Priests are limited and promise no further nor otherwise to Minister the doctrine Sacraments or discipline of Christ but as this Realme hath receyved them And have not the popish priests at ●●ome or wheresoever els in any age with like restraint the same cōmaundement layd vpon them Yet I trow Mr. H. will not say they have therefore the substance of the Pastors office Next let vs consider more particularly how they do and must exercise the discipline The book showeth so as is receyved in the Realme that is by presentments to the Prelates Commissaryes and Chauncelours courts by citations procurations getting the Prelates or theyr Officals to suspend excommunicate absolve dispense give licences give orders degrade deprive and the like and these also not according to the rules of Christs Testament but according to theyr Romish canons and constitutions Let him not tell us then that it is but the fayling of some in theyr practise to whom the execution of these things is committed and that otherwise they have the substance of the Pastors office They do but thus deceyv themselves and theyr followers whiles vnder those generall termes of preaching the word administring the Sacraments and discipline which at first carry a fayre show they cover most filthy abominations as hath ben declared Even hereby showing they● constitution to be part of that mystery of iniquity wherein Sathan covertly worketh in all deceyt of vnrighteousnes among them that perish because they receyv not the love of the truth that they might be saved Herevnto might be added if there needed further proof that theyr priests at theyr ordination promise to be subject to theyr Ordinary that is to the Prelate of the Dioces and other chief Ministers over them that is the Archdeacon Chauncelor Commissary etc. and when they enter into a benefice do moreover sweare to yeeld canonicall obedience to the Prelates and finally do themselves together with theyr people stand subject to theyr Archbishops Lordbishops and the rest of the Antichristian offices and abominations often before rehearsed From all which the true Past●rs and Churches of Christ are free Neyther do we here tell them of those many duty●s layd vpon them by the Law as to bury the dead to Church women to solemnize marriage and such like which by Christ were never appoynted for duiyes of his Ministery Hitherto then have we showed that theyr Priests have not the substance of the Pastors office prescribed in the word as he did pretend Now therefore will we proceed to that which followeth save that first I would put him in mynd of two things which themselves have published The one is that D. Bridg●●● writing in defence of the offices of Archbishops ād Lordbishops when he could not otherwise reliev them as he desired flyeth vnto this very poynt that in the substance of theyr office they are Pastors or Teachers in the Church How soundly this is alledged for theyr Prelates or Priests besides that which is spoken before let themselves and theyr own writings
then the Apostles or do they disdayne to tread in the Apostles steps as Isaac did in Abrahams Agayn let them tell vs why they keep the name of the popish priesthood if they have not still the same office Have they not heard of the promise made by the Lord to his Church and people when he bringeth them from Idolatrous wayes that he will take away the names of Baalim out of theyr mouth and that they shall no more be remembred by theyr names Hath the Lord said it and shall he not do it or hath he promised and shall he not accomplish it Now is it then that these men have the same name if they have not the same office with the popish priesthood Is it because they would manifest to the world that as yet in theyr estate that promise belongeth not vnto them Then certainely as yet they are not the true ministers and Churches of Christ. Or is it because they would have all mē know that as yet they worship the Beast and receive his mark and the print of his name Then suerly as yet they are false Ministers and Churches of Antichrist Or finally is it because they can well like of the names of blasphemy written in the whores forehead neyther are afrayd to partake in her sinnes Then needs must they look to receyv also of her plagues whose end is damnation as the Scripture witnesseth This therefore first is a matter of great waight and consequence howsoever they regard it that in name they both agree with the Priests of Antichrist and disagree with the Pastors of IEsus Christ. But we will proceed to compare them together in other things which themselves account of greater moment as in these which follow 2 The office of the popish priesthood is such as before any 〈◊〉 it they must first be made Deacons by some Prelate Such also is the office of Priesthood receyved and vsed in England But such is not the Pastors office appoynted by Christ Eph. 4. 8. 11. 12. 1 Cor. 1● 28. Act. 14. 23. Tit. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rom. 12. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3. The popish priests are capable of the offices of Archbishops Lordshops Archdeacons Suffraganes Deanes etc. retayning still theyr office of priesthood withall So are the Priests of England But so are not Pastors whom Christ hath given to his Church 2. Cor. 6. 15. 16. 17. Rev. 14. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gal. 2. 18. Rom. 12. 7. Eph. 4. 11. 12. 1 Cor. 12. 5. 18. 28. 4. The popish priests may in theyr constitution notwithstanding theyr ecclesiasticall office take vpon them civill offices and callings as to be Iustices of peace County Palatyne Lord President Lord Chauncelor etc and be honored likewise with the titles of Kings and Nobles as Grace Lord Honour Metropolitan Primate etc So is it also with the Priests of England in theyr constitution But so is it not with the Pastors ordeyned by Christ in his Church Luk. 12. 14. and 22. 25. 26. 1 Pet. 5. 3. Ioh. 5. 44. Rom. 12. 7. 2. Tim. 2. 4. 5. The popish priests in theyr constitution are inferior offices to Archbishops Lordbishops Archdeacons etc. So are also the Priests of England But so are not Pastors in the constitution and Churches of Christ. Ephes. 4. 11. 12. Rom. 12. 7. 8. 1 Cor. 12. 28. 1 Tim. 5. 17. Act. 14. 23. and 20. 17. 28. 6. The popish priests must be ordeyned to theyr office by a Lordbishop or his Suffragane So must also the Priests of England But so may not the Pastors of the Churches of Christ but eyther by the Eldership or at the Churches first growing into order when yet they have not Elders by some of the fittest members in the Churches name and by the Churches authority appoynted therevnto 1 Tim. 4. 14. Num. 8. 10. 7. The popish priests at theyr ordination must be presented to the Lordbishop by an Archdeacon or his deputy vsing also these words of presentation Reverend father I present these men vnto you to be admitted to the order of Priesthood So likewise must the Priests of England be presented But so may not the Pastors appoynted by Christ Rev. 14. 9. 11. 12. 2 Cor. 6. 14. 15. 16. 17. 8. The popish priests must be ordeyned to theyr office according to theyr pontificall devised by themselves In like maner must the priests of England be ordeyned to theyr office according to theyr pontificall that is according to theyr book of ordering Priests and Deacons of which themselves say It is nothing els but a thing word for word drawen out of the Popes pontificall wherein he showeth himself to be Antichrist most lively But so may not any be ordeyned to the Pastors office but onely according to the Testament of Christ. Ioh. 10. 1. 2. 7. Act. 14. 23. 1 Tim 3. 10 15. and 4. 14. Hebr. 5. 4. Rev. 22. 18. 19. 9 The popish priests at theyr ordination must kneel vpon theyr knees at the feet of the Lordbishop that ordeyneth them and he must say vnto them though blasphemously Receyve the ●oly Ghost whose sinnes you forgive they are forgiven and whose sinnes you retayne they are retayned So must the Priests of England likewise be ordeyned humbly kneeling at the Prelates feet and with the same blasphemous words spoken vnto them by the Prelate But so may not the Pas●ors of Christ be ordeyned Rev. 14. 9. 10. 11. 1 Co● 12. 4. 5. 6. 7. c. Ioh. 20 22. 23. Esa. 42. 8. with a Thes. 2. 3. 4. 10 The popish priests are not ordeyned in and before the Con●regatiō where they are to have charge ād minister but in Metropolitane or Cathredrall citt●es or at some of the Prelates pallaces or where els he pleaseth to give orders as they call 〈◊〉 sometymes 40. or 50. or 60. myles from the place where they ar● to minister So are the Priests of England But not the Pastors of the Churches of Christ For they are and must ●e ordeyned in the face and presen●e of the Congregation whe●eof they are chosen Pastors Act. 14. 23. and 6. 2. 3. 5. 6. and 1. 15. Numb 8. 9. 10. 11 The popish priests are taken and ordeyned without fasting and pra●er of the Congregation where they are to minist●● So are the Priests of England But Pastors not so Act. 14. 23. and 13. 3. 12 The popish priests taking charge of soules are not elected by the Congregation whereof they are to take charge but are presented by a Patrone to the Lordbischop to be instituted ād inducted into a benifice being Deacons or Priest before so made by the Prelates Thus also are the Priests of Englād Whereas contrarywise the Pastors of Christ are elected by free and voluntary ch●yse of the Church whereof they are to be overseers Act. 14. 23. and 6. 2. 3. 5. ● Cor. 8. 19. Numb 8. 9. Ezech. 33. 2. 13 The refusall of the whole parish cannot debar a popish priest from having charge of theyr soules