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authority_n book_n church_n word_n 3,782 5 4.3994 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00204 Articles to be enquired of within the dioces of London, in the visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Ihon Bishop of London, 1589 in the xxxj. yeare of the raigne of Our Most Gratious Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1577-1594 : Aylmer); Aylmer, John, 1521-1594. 1589 (1589) STC 10252.5; ESTC S866 11,106 16

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you euer heretofore heare or knowe that it was a Parsonage or Vicaredge and how came it to be decayed from being a presentatiue to be in the state it nowe is and when was it first decayed from being a benefice presentatiue as you remember 6 Whether your Fonts or Baptisteries be remoued from the place where they were wout to stand or whether any persons leauing the vse of them doe Christen or Baptize in Basons or other prophane vessells not customably vsed in the Church before time or whether any Christen without eyther Godfather and Godmothers and the signe of the Crosse appoynted by the booke of common prayer Articles concerning Ecclesiasticall officers WHether the Chancellor Archdeacon Commissary officiall or any other vsing Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction in this Dioces their Registers or Actuaries Apparitors or Sumners haue at any time winked at and suffered any Adulterers Fornicators incests or other faults or offences presented vnto them to passe and remayne vnpunished and vncorrected for Money Rewards Bribes Pleasure Frendship or any other partiall or affectionate respect 2 Whether at the Archdeacons visitations which haue bin sithence 1586. the Archdeacon of your Archdeaconrie or his officers hath called to the Church wardens for a Certificate from the Parson Vicar or Curate of your Parish thereby to vnderstand whether the Iniunctions of the saide Bishop giuen in his visitation held in that yeare 1586. haue bin duely and precisely obserued or not according to the Tenor and effect of one of those Iniunctions 3 Whether any haue beene lawfullie presented to the Chancelor Archdeacō Commissarie or Official within these three yeres passed for any crime punishable by the Ecclesiasticall Courts who neither haue made their purgation for the infamie of the same offence nor haue receaued pennance whereby the parish hath béen satisfied Articles concerning Schoolemaisters WHether the Schoolemaisters within your parish openly or priuatly in any Noble or Gentlemans house or in any other place be of good and sincere Religion life and Conuersation and bée diligent in teaching and bringing vp of youth and whether they haue bin examined allowed and licensed for Schoolemaisters by the ordinary or his officer in that behalfe 2 Whether your Schoolemaisters doe themselues receiue the holy Communion as often as they ought to doe whether they bring with them so many of their Schollers as be of age sufficient and of capacity by instructions to receiue the Lordes Supper 3 Whether your Schoolemaysters doe orderly on Sondaies with their Schollers come to the Church of their Parish where they teach and there see their Schollers placed in some conuenient place so as they doe not disquiet the Minister or parish in time of deuine seruice but may exercise themselues godly in reading and hearing the seruice and Sermons and in answering with the Congregation in reading of publique prayers 4 Whether the Schoolemaisters eyther priuate or publique doe teache their Schollers the Catechisme aucthorised by publique aucthoritie at the least once euery weeke and doe instruct and examine them in the same or doe teache any other Catechisme and what Catechisme is it that they so teach 5 Whether any of your Schoolemaisters be knowne or suspected to reade vnto their Schollers priuately any bookes or priuately to instruct them in theyr yong yeares eyther in Poperie Superstition or disobedience or contempte to her Maiestie and her Lawes Ecclesiasticall by publique authoritie allowed 6 Whether any Schoolemaisters vnder pretence of Catechising their Schollers which is a most godly order carefully by them to be obserued do keepe Lectures reading or expositions in diuinitie in their houses hauing continuall repayre vnto them of such people as seeke after innouations and refuse their owne Parish Churches and their Minister Articles concerning the Parishioners and others of the Laity Whether all Housholders in your Parish cause their Children Seruants and Apprentices both mankinde and womankinde being aboue seauen yeares of age and vnder twenty which haue not learned the Catechisme to come to the Church on Sondayes and holy-daies at the times appoynted for Catechising there diligently and obediently to heare And what be the names of those that do not cause their Children Seruants and Apprentises so to come to the Church to be instructed and examined 2 Whether any doe worke or kéepe any Shop or any parte of their shop open vpon the Sabaoth dayes or vpon any holy-daies appointed by the Lawes of the Realme to be kept holyday 3 Whether you your selues or the Churchwardens in the yeares before you haue suffered any vnmaried women being begotten with Childe to goe out of the Parish before she hath done pennance or any man defamed of whoredom to departe vnpunished vpon direction appointed by the ordinary and forth of whose houses haue they gone away with Childe vnpunished and how many vnmaried women which haue bin deliuered within your parish these three yeres last past haue gone away without doing of penance 4 Whether there bee any in your Parish that doe themselues forbeare or dehort others from comming to publique prayer and hearing the word Preached condemning all forme of praier which they cal stinted prayer calling our Churches the Temples of Idols and our Preachers false teachers sent in the Lordes wrath which leude opinions some Sectaries haue lately broched 5 Whether any man keepeth or readeth any seditious and Schismaticall bookes or pamphlets written by any which enuaieth against the Religion now receaued or the order and gouernement of the Church now publiquelie established or that stirreth vp the hearers to innouation or altring of the Churches gouernement by Lawe now established 6 Whether the Parish Clarke be appointed according to the auntient custome of the Parish with the allowance of the ordinarie and whether he be not obedient to the Parson Vicar or Curate and whether he be able to reade and whether he keepe the bookes and ornaments of the Church fayre and cleane and cause the Churche and Quier the Communion table and the fonte to bee kepte cleane and decent against the seruice time the Communion Sermon and Baptisme 7 Whether there be any person or persons Ecclesiastical or Temporall within your Parish or elsewhere within this Dioces that haue reteyned or kept in their custodie or that reade sell vtter disperse carrie or deliuer to others any English bookes or Libels set forth either on this side or beyond the Seas by Papistes or others against the Quéenes Supremacie in causes Ecclesiastical or against true Religion and Catholique doctrine or the gouernment and discipline of the Church of England now within this Realme receiued and established by common authoritie and what their names and surnames are 8 Whether there be any in your Parish which for any cause whatsoeuer forbeare to come to Church to publique praier or to heare Gods word preached pretending it vnlawfull to come to our assemblies as the Church of England now standeth 9 Whether any do refuse to receiue the holy Communion at their owne Ministers handes either