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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00044 A declaration of certaine principall articles of religion set out by the order of both archbishops metropolitans, and the rest of the byshops, for the vnitie of doctrine to be taught and holden by all parsons, vicars, and curates aswell in testification of their common consent in the sayde doctrin, to the stopping of the mouthes of them that go about to slaunder the ministers of the church for diuersitie of iudgement, as necessarie for the instruction of their people, to be read by the syd parsons, vicars and curates, at their possession taking or first entrie into their cures, and also after that yeerely at two several times, that is to say, the Sundayes next following Easter day and Saint Michael tharchangell, or on some other Sunday within one moneth after those feastes, immediatly after the gospell. Church of England. 1579 (1579) STC 10034.7; ESTC S3157 2,686 1

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❧ A declaration of certaine principall Articles of Religion set out by the order of both Archbishops Metropolitans and the rest of the Byshops for the vnitie of doctrine to be taught and holden of all Parsons Vicars and Curates aswell in testification of their common consent in the sayde doctrine to the stopping of the mouthes of them that go about to slaunder the ministers of the Church for diuersitie of iudgement as necessarie for the instruction of their people to be read by the sayd Parsons Vicars and Curates at their possession taking o● first entrie into their Cures And also after that yeerely at two seuerall times That is to say the Sundayes next following Easter day and Saint Michael tharchan●ell or on some other Sunday within one moneth after those feastes immediatly after the Gospell FOrasmuch as it appertaineth to all Christian men but especially to the ministers and the pastours of the Church being teachers instructers of others to be ready to giue a reason of their faith when they shal be thereunto required I for my part nowe appointed your Parson Vicar or Curate hauing before mine eyes the feare of God the testimonie of my conscience do acknowledge for my selfe and require you to assent to the same i Fyrst that there is but one liuing and true God of infinite power wisedome goodnesse the maker and preseruer of all things and that in vnitie of this Godhead there be three persons of one substance of equall power and eternitie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost ii I beleeue also whatsoeuer is conteined in the holy Canonicall Scriptures in the which Scriptures are conteined all things necessarie to saluation by the which also al errours heresies may sufficiently be reproued and conuicted and all doctrine and Articles necessarie to saluation establyshed I do also most firmely beleeue and confesse all the Articles conteined in the three Creedes the Nicene Creede Athanasius Creede and our common Creede called the Apostles Creede for these do briefly conteine the principall Articles of our faith which are ar large set forth in the holy Scriptures iii I acknowledge also that Church to be the spouse of Christ wherein the word of God is truly taught the Sacraments orderly ministred according to Christes institution and the authoritie of the keys duely vsed And that euery such particular Church hath authoritie to institute to change cleane to put away Ceremonies and other Ecclesiasticall rites as they be superfluous or be abused and to constitute other making more to seemelynesse to order or edification iiii Moreouer I confesse that it is not lawfull for any man to take vpon him any office or ministery eyther Ecclesiastical or secular but such onely as are lawfully thereunto called by their high authorities according to the ordinances of this Realme v Furthermore I do acknowledge the Queenes Maiesties prerogatiue and superioritie of gouernement of all estates in all causes aswel Ecclesiasticall as Temporal within this Realme other her dominions countreys to be agreeable to Gods word of right to appertaine to her highnesse in such sort as is in the late Act of Parliament expressed sithens by her Maiesties Iniūctions declared expounded vi Moreouer touching the Byshop of Rome I do acknowledge and confesse that by the Scriptures and word of God he hath no more authoritie then other Byshops haue in their prouinces and diocesses And therefore the power which he now challengeth that is to be the supreme head of the vniuersall Church of Christ and so to be aboue all Emperours Kinges and Princes is an vsurped power contrary to the Scriptures and worde of God and contrary to the example of the primitiue Church And therefore is for most iust causes taken away and abolyshed within this Realme vii Furthermore I do graunt and confesse that the booke of common prayer administration of the holy Sacraments set forth by authoritie of parliament is agreeable to the Scriptures that it is Catholike Apostolike most for the aduauncing of Gods glory and the edifying of Gods people both for that it is in a tongue that may be vnderstanded of the people and also for the doctrine and fourme of ministration contained in the same viii And although in the administration of Baptisme there is neyther exorcisme oyle salt spittle or halowing of the water nowe vsed And for that they were of late yeeres abused and esteemed necessarie where they perteine not to the substance and necessitie of the Sacrament they be reasonably abolyshed and yet the Sacrament ful and perfectly ministred to all intents and purposes agreeable to the institution of our Sauiour Christ ix Moreouer I do not onely acknowledge that priuate masses were neuer vsed amongst the fathers of the primitiue Church I meane publike ministration receiuing of the Sacrament by the priest alone without a iust number of communicants according to Christes saying Take ye and eate ye c. but also that the doctrine which maintaineth the masse to be a propitiatorie sacrifice for the quicke and the dead and a meane to deliuer soules out of purgatorie is neyther agreeable to Christs ordinance nor grounded vpon doctrine Apostolike but contrarywise most vngodly most iniurious to the precious redemption of our Sauiour Christ and his onely sufficient sacrifice offered once for euer vpon the altar of the crosse x I am of that minde also that the holy Communion or Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ for the due obedience to Christes institution and to expresse the vertue of the same ought to be ministred vnto the people vnder both kindes that it is auouched by certaine fathers of the Church to be a plaine sacriledge to robbe them of the mysticall cup for whom Christ hath shed his most precious bloud Seing he him selfe hath said Drinke ye all of this Considering also that in the time of the auncient doctours of the Church as Ciprian Ierome Augustine Gelasius others vi C. yeeres after Christ and more both the partes of the Sacrament were ministred to the people Last of all as I do vtterly disalowe the extolling of Images Relickes and fayned myracles and also all kindes of expressing God inuisible in the fourme of an olde man or the holy Ghost in fourme of a Doue and all other vaine worshipping of God deuised by mans fantasie besides or contrary to the Scriptures as wandring on pilgrimages setting vp of candles praying vpon beades such like superstition which kinde of workes haue no promise of reward in scripture but contrarywise threatnings and maledictions So I do exhort all men to the obedience of Gods lawe and to the woorkes of faith as charitie mercie pitie almes deuout and feruent prayer with thaffection of the heart notwith the mouth onely godly abstinence fasting chastitie obedience to the rulers superiour powers with such like works and godlynes of life commaunded by God in his word which as Saint Paul saith hath promises both of this life and of the life to come and are workes onely acceptable in Gods sight These thinges aboue rehearsed though they be appointed by common order yet do I without all compulsion with freedome of minde conscience from the bottome of my heart and vpon most sure perswasion acknowledge to be true and agreeable to Gods word And therefore I exhort you al of whom I haue cure heartily obediently to embrace and receiue the same that we al ioyning together in vnitie of spirit faith charitie may also at length be ioyned together in the kingdome of God that through the ●●●…ts and death of our Sauiour Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all ●●●ry and empire nowe and for euer Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker printer to the Queenes Maiestie