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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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will can keepe (l) Act 20 29. Eze 33 6. 2. Tim. 2 23.25 4 2. Tit. 1 9.10.11 off the wolues defende the sheepe roote out the cockle confirme sound doctrine least otherwise the simple be seduced by the words writinges examples of deceiptful wicked persons (m) 2. Pet. 2 1. 3 3. Ro. 16 17. Iud 17.4 10 Mat. 7.15 from the kingly rode-way of truth but rather that all not only knowing the truth but practising the same may growe and goe forwarde in him that is the heade Christ our Lorde as the same Apostle S. PAVL (n) Ephes 4 15. hath also spoken 13 By what meanes may we obtaine these so singuler commodities BY this no doubt if we be not to highlye (a) Ro. 12 3. but soberly wise alwaies carefull to (b) Eph. 4 3. Io. 10 2. 21 17. keepe the vnitie of spirite in the bande of peace that so wee maye shewe our selues the humble and obedient sheepe of Christ Of which sheepe certes it is the propertie (c) Io. 10 2. Tit. 3 1. Heb. 13 17. Mat. 10 20. to flie the wolues and not to followe Aliens but their owne Pastours (d Bern. de praecep disp c. 12. to submit thēselues to thē as to the ordinarie Prefectes of our Lords folde and in them to heare the (e) Io. 15 26 et 14 17. et 16 13. spirite of truth That spirite it is which vouchsafeth euen by euill (f) Mat. 23 2. Phil. 1 15. Io. 11 51. Mat. 18.17 Deut. 17 12 Prelates to teach feed and preserue our Lords flocke and which by them commendeth vnto vs the precepts both of God our Father and the Church our Mother in thess wordes (g) Pro. 1 8. see Epiphan haer 75. Heare my sonne the discipline of thy father and doe not let goe the lawe of thy mother And againe the same doth inculcate Keepe saith (h) Pro. 6 20 he my sonne the preceptes of thy father and doe not let goe the lawe of thy mother 14 Which are the precepts of the Church THere are fiue principall necessarie doubtlesse to be knowne and obserued of euery Christian 1 (a) Conc. Lugdun apud Iuonē p. 4. c. 14. 2. Matiscon c. 1. Mogunt c. 36. et 37. Tribur c. 35. Ignat. ad Philip. The appointed holy daies of the Church doe thou celebrate 2 (b) Conc. Agath c. 47. et 21. Tribur c. 35. 1. Aurel ca. 28. The holy office of the Masse vpon holy daies doe thou heare with reuerence 3 (c) Canon Apost 68. Gangren c. 19. Ignat. ad Phil. Mog c. 34. et 35. Salegunst c. 1. et 2. Ber. in vig. S. Andreae See the places cited in the treatis of good works in the 4. question The Fastes on certaine daies and times appointed doe thou obserue For example as the Lent imber daies and the nexte daies before certaine solempne feastes which our forefathers haue (d) Tert. l. 2. ad Vxo c. 4. et in apolog cap. 2. called vigils or euens bicause they did vse at such times all night to watch in the Churches 4 (e) Sinod Lateran can 21. Triden sess 14. c. 8. Thy Sinnes to thy proper Priest doe thou euery yeere confesse 5 (f) Lateran Trident. sess 13. can 9. The holy Eucharist at the least once in the yeere and that about the feast of Easter doe thou receaue 15 What profite doth the obseruation of these precepts bring THese and other the like customes precepts of the Church so manie ages receiued and with great consent practise of deuoute Christians confirmed and very agreable to pietie and reason doe bring with them very notable and excellent commodities For they are holsome exercises of faith humilitie and Christian obedience they doe aduance honest (a) Phil. 4 8. 1. Cor. 14 26.40 discipline and concorde among the people they are goodly signes badges of Religion finally they giue markes and tokens of our inwarde pietie by which we oughte iointly to shine with the good and to shew our light to the euill for (b) Mat. 5 17. Ro. 15 2. Phil. 2 ● 14 their edification Breifly they doe helpe vs to this that we may exactly obserue that rule of the Apostle Let all thinges (c) 1. Cor. 14 40. be done honestly and according to order among you 16 Wherein is the authoritie of the Church necessarie vnto vs FIrst of all surely in this that we may certainlie (a) Gal. 2 2. 1. Tolc c. 25. Aug. ser 129 de tēp li. 13. contra Faust c. 4. 5. et l. 28. c. 2 4. discerne the true and canonicall Scripture from that which is counterfet and apocryphall Whereupon Saint HIEROME doth testifie we receiue saith he the (b) in sym ad Damasu et Aug. ser 19. 1. de tē Conc. Laod c. 59. Conc. 3. Carth. c. 47. Conc. Trid. sess 4. olde and new Testament in that number of bookes which the authority of the holy Catholike Church doth deliuer And (c) Cont. ep Fund c. 5. Saint AVGVSTINE I truely would not beleeue the Gospell excepte the authoritie of the Catholike Church did moue me thereunto It is also necessarie that we may be assured of the (d) Esa 59 21. Aug. l. 1. c. 33. cont Cresco et de vnit Eccle. c. 22. Trid. ses 4. Vin. Lir. contr nouatores true sense and apte interpretatiō of the Scripture least that otherwise we neuer make an end of doubting and disputing about the sense of the wordes For all Heretickes as the same holy Saint (e) lib. 1. de Trinit c. 3. Hillar l. 2. ad Constanti Vinc. Lir. hath written doe labour to defend their false and deceiptfull opinions by the holy Scriptures and yet the Scriptures doe not consist in reading but in vnderstanding as witnesseth (f) Cont. Lucif c. 9. in c. 1. ad Gal. Hilar. l. 2. de Trin. Saint HIEROME Thirdly that in the waightier questions (g) Deut. 17.8 and controuersies of faith that may fall out there may be some (h Act. 15 2 Iudge by whose authoritie matters may be moderated For as that is most true that (i) haer 61. cont Apostolicos EPIPHANIVS teacheth against Heresies that all thinges can not be had out of the Scriptures so doth (k) l. 11. con Faust c. 2 l. 7. c n. Donat c. 53. et in Ps 57. Saint AVGVSTINE most rightlye affirme that the authoritie of the Catholike Church is of speciall waighte and value for our faith and assurance in a doubtful case Neither can the holy Ghost be wanting to the Church to leade her as Christ hath (l) Io. 14 16. 16 13. promised into all trueth Againe that for the diuersitie of persons places and times canons (m) Can. Ap. 38. et Synod 1. Nic. c. 5. Lateran Can. 6. may be ordained perfite discipline preserued and iudgementes pronounced For to the Church
vnto vs for whose (h) Ephes 5 26. Redēption clensing Sanctification gathering together (i) Io. 11 52. Col. 1 18.24 Eph. 4 12. 1 22. wholy vniting vnto himselfe the Sonne of God did and suffered all thinges in so much as he doubted not to geue his most holy body and blood for the loue of her For Her he asked (k) Io. 17 21 Luc. 22 31. Mat. 16 18. obtained that Her faith vnity stedfastnesse might neuer faile To her (l) Io. 14 15.26 et 15 26. 16 12. he hath promised and faithfully (m) Act. 2 4 sent downe and lefte a teacher president and gouernour and the holy Ghost Hee (n) Io. 14 26 saieth he shall teach you all thinges and suggest vnto you all thinges whatsoeuer I shall say to you hee (o) Ibidem 16. shall abide with you for euer He shall (p) Io. 16 13 Aug. tract 97. in Mat. teach you all truth to witte whatsoeuer is necessarie to be knowne and beleeued 11 By whom I pray you dothe the holy Ghost teach vs the trueth in the Church Act. 20 28. 1. Tim. 3 2. Heb. 13 17. Ephes 4 12. 1. Cor. 12 28. BY those vndoubtedlye whom the Apostle witnesseth to be ordained by the holy Ghost to gouerne the Church whom he calleth Bishops Prelats Pastours also and Doctours And these (a) Aug. in Psal 44. after the Apostles haue bene euer yet are the chiefe Ministers of God of the Church high Stewardes and Dispensors (b) 1. Cor. 4 1. of the mysteries of Almightie God The authority of whom both in many other thinges and espeacially in the Sacred (c) Can. Apost 38. Conc. 1. Nic. Soz. l. 6. c. 7. Theodos imper apud Cyrillum ep 4. Basil imperat in 8. Synod act 10. Atha in ep ad solit vitā agentes Ruff. lib. 1. hist ca. 5. Synods may euidently be seene where they haue not only power to determine certaine thinges of Faith Religion but also by their owne right and Apostolike auctority to proteste and say It hath seemed good to the holye Ghost and vs as it appeareth by the actes of the first Councell holden (d) Act. 15 28. at Hierusalem It was certes of olde a very heinous crime such a one as was punished by (e) Deut. 17 12. death if any man had not obeied the iudgemente of the Highe-Prieste that gouerned the (f) Mat. 23.2 chaire of MOYSES And yet the (g) Cypr. ep 55. ad Corn. ep 62. ad Pomp. Church hath now autority in gouerning iudgeing and decreeing no whitte inferiour to that which then the Synagog had That Lawe of obedience that was amongest the Iewes standeth also in force amongst the Christian that the iudgementes of the Highe-Preists whose dignity and authority is most excellent about (h) Greg. l. 1. ep 24. ad Patriar et l. 2. indict 11. ep 10. ad Sauin Niceph. l. 16. ca. 33. all such matters as doe belong vnto Religion bee receiued approoued and obserued And therefore they do incur the guilte of an enormous crime who are so far off from yeelding anie authority obedience vnto the Magistrates of the Church that they presume euen openly to oppugne abolishe sometime the holy (i) 3. Conc. Tol. c. 1. dist 19. et 9. qu. 1 Patet et seq Laws of the High-Bishoppes who haue alwaies hadde (k) Hier. ad Damas ep 57. et 58. Chalc. Syn. act 3. in epi. ad Leon. 6. Syn. act 4. supreame power and authority to determine of holy things And sometime the reuerend decrees of general Counsails whose autority in the Church as S. AVGVSTINE (l) ep 118. c. 1. et l 1. con Donat. c. 18. Greg. vt supra speaketh is most holesome Finally sometime the vndoubted sentences of the Fathers about matters of faith whose general iudgemēt (m) Vin. Lirinens cont Nouat Aug. l. 1. 2. contr Iul. Paciā ep 1. ad Symprō cōsent in one matter is a firme testimonie of Christian verity It was very notablely spoken of good and deuoute Emperors He doth (n) Actio 3. Con. Chalc. Gelas in ep ad Epi. Dar. Leo. ep 43. 50. ad Mart. 78. ad Leonem Augustum iniurie to the iudgement of the Counsaile whosoeuer goeth about to call into question publike disputation those thinges that are once iudged and rightlie disposed 12 To what end is this diuine ordinance and appointment that there bee alwaies Pastours Doctours in the Churcb THis ordinance of God is not a little profitable and holesome for vs by which the power and holie gouernemente of the Church doth (a) Chrys l. 3 de sacerd ho. 4. 5. de verb. Isa Ignat. ad Smyrnenses Ambr. in exhort ad Virgines l. 2. de dignit sacerd cap 2. farre excell all Ciuil autoritie For this is a spirituall power by which the Christian people is singularly furthered in the atcheiuing of spirituall and eternall good thinges And first It profiteth that wee may vse the wordes of (b) Eph. 4 12 S. PAVL to the consummation of the Saints that is to say that they which doe exercise that power may exhibite euery (c) Col. 1.28 man perfite in Christ as the same Apostle speaketh in an other place and by their diligence bring the faithfull to that perfection of holinesse (d) 1. Thes 4 7. 2. Tim 3 17. 2. C●r 13 11. to which they haue bene called It profiteth also to the worke of the ministerie that they which are called and are in deede the chiefe ministers of the Church may be alwaies (e) Act. 20 28. Heb. 13 17. Cypr ep 66. ad Furn. vigilant and carefull according to the great and highe function cōmitted vnto their charge It profiteth besides * Eph. 4 12. vnto the edifying of the body of Christ that these spirituall and wise Architectes (f) 1. Cor. 3 10. may knowe that about the (g) Eph. 1 23. Col. 1 18.24 Eph. 2 21. misticall body of Christ which requireth a singuler industrie in the building they must be continually occupied sometime to lay and fortifie the foundations of true faith sometime to builde (h) 1. Cor. 3 12. vp other things necessarie to the perfit righteousnesse of the faithfull It profiteth finally (i) Eph. 4 14 1. Cor. 14 20. Ro. 15 1 Act. 14 21. 1. Thess 3 2 4 1. Ezech. 34 2. that we be not children wauering and caried about with euery winde of doctrine in the wickednesse of men that is to say for the weaker sorte which are alwaies in the Church very many in number the function of Ecclesiasticall Prelates is very necessary espeacially at such time as the tempestes of heresies and the stormes of (k) Mat. 7 25. persecutions doe beate into the house of the Church For then there is need of the present helpe of those who according to their authoritie both
(n) 2. Cor. 10 8. 13 10. hath God giuen this power to edification and not to destruction Moreouer to the intente that the stubbourne and rebellious persons may feele that (o) Mat. 18 17. et ibi Hieron power of chastising and excommunication which Christ hath ordained and Sainte * 1. Cor. 5 3. 1. Tim. 1 20. PAVL exercised and by the same may be corrected repressed Here vpon (p) l. de fid et op c. 5. 3. l. 3. con Parm. c. 2. Greg. ho. 26 in Euang. Chrysost l. 3. de Sacerd. S. AVGVSTINE they saith he that gouern in the Church maye exercise discipline so it bee without tumulte and in peaceable manner against the wicked outragious Wherfore in all these thinges to omit many others it is manifest that the Churches authoritie is not only profitable but also necessarie so that without the same doubtlesse the Christian common welth might be thought nothing els but a very Babylonical confusion And therefore as we doe beleeue the Scripture and relie vpon it and attribute vnto it speaciall authoritie for the testimony of the holy Ghost speaking (q) 2. Pet. 1 19. 2. Tim. 3.16 Mat. 18 17. Io. 14 16.26 16 12. within it so also doe we owe faith reuerence and obedience to the Church for that by Christ her heade and spouse she is informed endowed confirmed with the (r) Act. 2 4. Eph. 4 4. same spirite so that it is not possible but that she be as she is called the (ſ) 1. Tim. 3 15. Piller and grounde of truth 17 What is the fruite and commoditie of the whole doctrine touching the preceptes Traditions of the Church IT is certes very greate and full of variety And surely the first is that we may knowe that we are not tied to letters only or to diuine Scriptures For to vse the words of Saint Ireneus (a) Lib. 3. c. 4 Epi. haer 61. What if the Apostles had lefte vs no Scriptures must we not haue haue followed the order of Tradition which they deliuered vnto them to whom they committed the Churches therfore hath S. BASILL (b) Lib. de spir sanct c. 27. saide very well The verities which are helde and taught in the Church some we haue out of the doctrine set forth in writing some wee haue receiued from the Tradition of the Apostles in mysterie that is in hidden and secrete manner Both which haue equall force and authoritie to the furtherance of pietie And these no man will gainesay that hath beene but euen meanly experienced what the lawes of the Church are And it cā not be doubted but that (c) Io. 20 30 21.25 Aug. ep 108 ad seleucianam Christ and his Apostles both did taught many thinges which although they are not written yet they doe very much appertaine vnto vs and all posteritie Of which S. PAVLL (d) Phil. 4 8. warning vs in generall saith For the rest brethren what thinges soeuer be true whatsoeuer honest whatsoeuer iust whatsoeuer holye whatsoeuer amiable whatsoeuer of good name if there be any vertue if any praise of discipline these thinges thinke vpon which you haue both learned and receiued and heard and seene in me these thinges doe you and the God of peace be with you The next commoditiy of them is that we may rightly vse Christian libertie which men giuen to idlenesse and riote if euer at any time now most of all doe make an occasion to the fleshe as the (e) Gal. 5 13 2. Pet. 2 19. Apostle speaketh vnder pretence thereof they serue their filthy pleasures whatsoeuer in a manner they haue a fancie vnto though it concerne euen the alteration of the decrees of Religion they thinke it lawfull for them to doe Aug. ep 118 cap. 1. 5. But frō this prophane noueltie and rashnesse the Apostolicall and Ecclesiasticall Doctrines decrees do call away defend terrifie vs bridling mans licentiousnesse teaching vs to vse Christian liberty in a cōuenient sort to wit so that (f) 1. Pet. 1 18. Ro. 6 18.22 Gal. 3 13. 4 31. Ro. 8 2. being made free by Christ frō the yoke of sinne bondage of the olde lawe we may willingly of our (g) Psa 53 8. Col. 3 23. Luc. 1 71. 2. Cor. 3 17 Ro. 6 22. 1. Cor. 9 19. 1. Pet. 1 22. 2 20. Luc. 21 19. Mat. 4 1.7 16 14. owne accorde performe Christian dutie we may serue God in holinesse and iustice we may followe the holy Ghost as our guide in the lawe of Charitie being the seruauntes of iustice the sonnes of obedience the practisers of humilitie the keepers of patience and louers of penance and of the Crosse You saith the (h) Ga●l 5 1● Apostle are called into libertie only make not this libertie an occasiō to the flesh but by charitie of spirite serue one another To the nourishing maintenāce of which charitie of spirite in the dutifulnesse of an holy seruitude both all honest thinges are profitable and the deuoute obseruation of the Tradition of the Church is vndoubtedlye most auaileable The last vse and commoditye is that we may truly discerne betwene the lawfull and bastarde children of the Church or betwene Catholikes and Heretikes For (i) Vincen. Liren the first doe simply stay them selues in the doctrine of the Church whether the same be deliuered vnto them in writing as in the Bible or approued by the Traditiō of the Fathers For they doe followe the worde of God Doe (k) Pro. 22 28. Eccli 8 11. Deut. 32 7. Hier. c 16. not goe beyond the auncient boundes which thy Fathers haue set But the other which are Heretickes doe swarue from this simplicitie of faith from the approued sentence of our reuerende mother the Church of the holy Fathers and they trust to much either vnto them selues or to those that haue reuolted from the Church insomuch as euen being warned they doe not come backe amend their error And therfore of them hath Saint PAVL so seuerely decreed when he saith A man (l) Tit. 3 10. that is an Hereticke after the first and second admonition auoide knowing that he that is such a one is subuerted And to conclude with (m) ad Pompeium S. CYPRIAN whosoeuer hath reuolted from the vnitie of the Church he must needes be founde in the company of Heretickes 18 What finally is the summe of all the premises THose thinges that from the beginninge hetherto haue bene handled touchinge the summe of Christian doctrine doe tend to this end that the true wisdome of a Christian man might be described and set before vs which is comprehended in these three (a) Aug. l. 2. tetr c. 63. vertues (b) 1. Cor. 13 13. 2. Tim. 2 22 faith hope charitie By faith the soule doth (c) Heb. 11.1 firmlie consent vnto Gods truth and relie vpon the same By hope
some infirmity of body doe hinder him And CAIVS (f) In ep ad Foelicem vide Damasum in Pontificali de eod Caio a famous Pope Martyr aboue 1300. yeeres since reckoneth vp these Degrees Orders one after an other when hee saith If any man shall deserue to be a Bishop first let him be an Ostiary then a Lector afterwarde an Exorcist then let him be consecrate an Acolite after which a Subdeacon Deacon and afterwarde Priest finally if he be worthy let him be made Bishoppe Therefore (g) Epist 52. Zozym ep 8 ad Hesich Saint CYPRIAN doth praise CORNELIVS the Bishop and writeth that he was commended and honorablely spoken of by all good persons as-wel of the Cleargie as of the people Because he came not sodenly to the Bishopricke but hauing gone through all Ecclesiasticall offices and often purchased fauor at our Lordes hand by Diuine seruices administrations he ascended to the high dignity of Priesthoode by all the steps of Religiō Then afterward he neuer required the Bishopricke it selfe nor desired it nor violently vsurped it but beeing Quiet Modest Chaste Humble Shamefaste finally euen constrained did vndertake the same Those orders therefore which the ancient Apostolicall Church hath approoued as appeareth by the writings of (h) De Eccle. hier ca. 5. ad Demophilum Saint DENIS (i) Ep. 2. ANACLETE and (k) Ad Antiochenses Saint IGNATIVS and which also euerie age since hath imbraced those certes the Church at this daie cannot but conserue and defend 6 What order in the Church is of greatest account THe order of Priestes or Priesthoode of the woonderfull and euer-most reuerend dignity whereof S. CHRYSOSTOME and Saint AMBROSE haue set forth whole bookes Of which also great IGNATIVS saith (a) Epist ad Smyrn vide Chrys l. 3. de Sacer. ho. 4. 5. de verb. Esa vidi Dominū Priesthoode is the summe of all honors which are amongest men which if any man shall dishonour he dishonoreth God and our Lord Iesus Christ the first begotten of all creatures and the only chiefe Priest of God by nature Thus saith he yea it is euidently warranted by a diuine Oracle That the (b) Mal. 2 7. Agg. 2 12. Gregor in past par 2. cap. 4. lippes of the Prieste doe keepe knowledge and they shall require the lawe at his mouth because he is the Angell of our Lorde of hostes And againe He that (c) Deut. 17 12. Cyp ep 55. 65. Greg. lib. 12. ep 31. ad Foelicem shall be proude not willing to obay the autority of the Priest who at that time doth minister to thy Lord God let that man die by the decree of the Iudge thou shalt take away euel out of Israell and all the people hearing will be affraide that none from henceforwarde may swell with pride Heereupon also the Apostle willeth (d) 1. Tim. 5 19. vide 2. epist Fab. Against a Priest receiue not accusation but vnder two or three witnesses And this truely is writtē to TYMOTHY the Bishop of the Ephesians as that also which we cited before The (e) 1. Tim. 5 17. Priests that rule well let thē be esteemed woorthy of double honor especially they that labor in the Worde Doctrine 7 And what conceite ought we to haue of euil Priestes THis is the ordinance of God which cānot be abolished that not only good but also euill Priests be (a) Eccli 7 31. Mat. 10 40. Luc. 10 16. Ioan 13 20. Chrys ho. 2. in 2. Tim. 65. in Gen. Orig. ho. 7. in Ezech. Bern. serm 66. in Cant. Aug ep 137. Euseb apud Damasc lib. 3. Parall cap. 45. honored in the Church For he will be acknowledged receiued heard obserued in his Ministers whereas he hath said (b) Mat. 23 2. Aug. ser 49. de verb. Do. cap. 5. sequ Chrys hom 85. in Ioan. Vpon the Chaire of MOYSES haue sitten the Scribes Pharisies All things therefore whatsoeuer they shall say to you obserue yee and doe yee but according to their workes doe you not for they say and doe not But amongest those that be euill there is a choise to bee made that we may vnderstand that for as much as concerneth the office and authority of teaching we doe owe faith and obedience vnto those only who beeing lawfully ordained sent by Bishoppes doe professe the sound Doctrine of the Church But of others we must carefully beware as of enimies pestiferous persons Touching which matter the most auncient IRENEVS most wiselie admonisheth and teacheth in this manner Wee are (c) Lib. 4. ca. 43. vide 〈◊〉 dem lib. 3. cap. 2. 3. bound to heare those that are Priestes in the Church which both haue succession from the Apostles and haue receiued the grace and spirite of trueth with this succession of Bishop-like authority but as for others which depart from this principall succession in what place soeuer they be gathered togither we must haue thē in suspition either as Heretickes and men of euill Doctrine or as sowers of Schisme and proude persons And a little (d) Lib. 4. cap. 44. after Wee must saith hee eschewe all such And cleaue vnto those who doe keepe as we haue said before the Apostolicall Doctrine and doe together with the order of Priesthood exhibite sound speeche and conuersation without offence to the confirmation and correction of others Thus writeth that IRENEVS whose master was POLICARPE the disciple of S. IOHN the Euangeliste And not vnlike to this teacheth TERTVLLIAN (e) Lib. de praescr c. 41. who dothe exprobrate the Heretickes in this manner saying their ordinations are rashe light and vnconstant sometimes they place Neophites sometimes those that are tied to the world sometimes euē our Apostataes that they may binde them with glory whereas they cannot with trueth There is neuer more easie preferment than in the Campes of Rebelles where the very being is deserueing Therefore one is a Bishoppe to day and another to morrowe to day he his Deacon who to morrowe is a Lector to to day he is a Priest who to morrowe is a Lay-man for euen vnto Lay-men doe they (f) Vide Epiphan haeres 24. 49. enioine Priestly offices Thus farre TERTVLLIAN very liuely painting out vnto vs the peruerse customes not of his owne time only but of this our age also sheweing the preposterous endeuours of Sectaries in the disturbing of holie thinges and ordering of Ministers 8 What is the vertue and effect of this Sacrament THe vertue certes is singular the effectes are manifolde For they which rightly receiue these seuen orders which we speake of doe also receiue a spirituall grace (a) Con. Flor Trid. Aug. lib. 2. ep Parm. ca. 13. in cap. 10. l. 1. reg power that they may holsomelie execute all such thinges as doe appertaine to the proper functions of their orders and are appointed fitte Ministers
haue no time limitted to his iniquity nor that the Church will presume to define that Purgatory shall remaine so long it being to expire at the day of Iudgement But that it may so be that any persons sinnes though remitted haue lefte behind them so much guilte of temporall satisfaction or punishment For if the seuere estimation of the Primitiue Church hath adiudged euery notable mortall sinne to 7. yeeres Penance then how many yeeres Penance should so many thoughtes so many wordes so many actions deserue as are in this colde age of ours so little regarded It is wisedome to seeke many Pardons Wiselye therefore doe they who neuer ceasse to procure these Christian helpes of our frailty not contemning them as small because they are not Plenaries For it may so happen that to one which oweth 4 yeeres onely of satisfaction 7. yeeres may bee as good as a Plenary Moreouer of Plenary Indulgences none can be sure no nor of any Indulgence at all whereas they cannot be sure of their estate of grace in the seeking of them and if they be in grace yet of any certaine determination of theire deserts of temporal paine they cannot haue knowledge neither of the full obtaining of so manye yeeres as are graunted of Pardon The only way is therefore continually to embrace these motherly fauoures of holy Church and that so much the more for that in the race of our mortality continually our burden increaseth and whilest we seeke to cast off the olde vncertaine of our discharge● we doe most certainely at the least with Veniall sinnes dogge our selues with new The true meaning therefore of these yeeres or daies is this The meaning of yeeres and daies that looke how much of the paines of Purgatory we could redeeme with one yeers Penance in this world such as might by reason be inioined vs our deuotion feruour and desire of satisfying Gods Iustice See page 640. considered so much now by the benignity and mercy of the Church is in one yeeres Indulgence released and so of other quantity of yeeres daies Which vnto him who considereth that by one yeere of Voluntary satisfaction in this life much more then a yeere of necessary sufferance in Purgatory may be recompensed will seeme no small benefitte And it must not moue vs that we cannot remaine so many thousand yeres in Purgatory for neither Purgatory is measured by our time yeeres daies God can by increase of the paine euen in the day next befor the generall Iudgement supply the wholle due of many thousand yeeres After which maner they which are found aliue at the daye of Iudgement shall not want their Purgatory 8 The right autority of Gods Church in giuing Pardons is largely proued A Learned famous Author very wel knowen vnto our aduersaries not vnworthily chargeth them with a common faulte which hee calleth SCIOMACHIA fightinge with a shadowe This fault if in any other matter they committe in this of Indulgences they surely are intolerable I haue sufficiently touched their slaunders aboue And whensoeuer they write or speake of this point they doe nothing else but either not vnderstanding or malitiously slaundering the true intent of the Church make themselues aduersaries where they haue none impugne certaine absurdities which wee more than they detest reprehende abuses which we roote Con. Trid sess 5. de reformat cap. 2. sess 21. de reform cap. 9. out finally like madde or dronken persons fight with a shadowe that also of thier owne making Wherefore least this poore labour of mine taken principally and only for my deere Catholicke Brethren or those who being out of the way would be glad to haue some direction vnto the trueth might by any missefortune fall into the handes of some SHADOVVE-KILLER I thought it expedient before I entered into any deepe demonstration of this matter first to set them down the simple trueth which being doone euen as it were by the very same Candel which first was shadowed by themselues nowe placed betweene them and their shadowe the shadowe vanishing the quarell might without any blowes at all be peacablely finished Yet nowe will I as well for the simple Catholickes vnderstanding as for the better breaking of such skittishe wittes from finding bugges where there is no cause make some farther consideration of the trueth shewing and prouing it out of holy Scriptures continuall practise of Gods Church But before we take this matter in hande we must warne our aduersaries that here we doe not intend to dispute whether there be any Temporall punishement after the remission of the sinnes thēselues necessarily to be suffered of the penitent person For this we suppose as certaine See pag. 209 and before sufficiently proued The like also doe we aduertise them of autority to remitte sinnes leafte by Christ in his Church which heere we touch not See pag. 209 as already shewed Nowe therefore thus we will briefely conclude our purpose Christ hath lefte in his Church the Mat. 16 19. Keies of the kingdome of Heauen autority to Io. 20 22 remitte sinnes the 2. Cor. 5 19. worde of reconcilement dispensours 1 Cor. 4 1. of his mysteries feeders Io. 21 15. of his sheepe stewardes Mat. 24 45. of his family to giue euerie one meate in due season But in euery one of these is without any limitation contained euery thing belonging to those seuerall offices of gouernmente feeding and remitting and consequently the remission of temporall Chastisement and correction most certainely therefore hath God lefte the same in his Church But such autoritie cannot be executed in the Sacrament of Penance which as we supposed is only ordained to remit the offence of God alwaies in as much as it hath in it selfe leauing a Temporall punishment Therefore it is to bee executed out of the Sacrament which is the very Indulgence which we defend Secondly S. PAVL in the The Heretickes falsely translate in the sight of Christ person of Christ 2 2. Cor. 2 10. at the request of the Corinthians pardoneth the incestuous person remitting him as THEODORET expoundeth and the wordes doe manifestly importe part of his deserued Penance But what autoritie Christ gaue vnto S. PAVL the same hath he lefte in his Church vntill Eph. 4 13. we meet al into the vnitie of Faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God into a perfecte man that is euen vnto the worldes ende The verie worde of Pardon in the Scriptures Pardons are alwaies giuen in the power of Christ Io. 8 11. Therefore doth there nowe remaine in the Pastours the same authoritie See heere the very word of Pardoning if the Heretickes haue not left it out or altered it in their Bible Where also is to be noted that S. PAVL executed this leuity in the Person of Christ and so doe our Pastours alwaies vsing this Phrase Mercifully in our Lorde we release Of which our Sauiour hath left vs sundrie examples in diuerse offendours particularly in the aduoutresse whose
vnto thē so much of Ecclesiastical helpe as may sufficiently recompence for thē But euen in these Pardon 's also is required a iust conuenient cause without the which they shall haue either none or not so greate force as the wordes doe sound● is we saide before The like also is to be iudged of the estate of grace of him which obtaineth the Indulgence for the deade Grace is not alwaies required in him which ●●●teth an Indulgence for the dead yet with some difference betweene these Indulgences and those which are graunted to them which liue in this worlde For two manner of workes may the POPE require in Pardon for the Dead The first are workes which haue no other goodnesse in them than that which they haue of s●e●d●e● as if the Pardon should runne thus Whososoeuer visiteth this Church or saieth such a Praier c. shall deliuer a soule out of Purgatory And such things being doone out of Gods grace because without his 〈◊〉 the worke hath ●o goodnesse in it there cannot be a sufficient cause of Pardon and therefore the Pardon auaileth nothing Other workes may haue some goodnesse in themselues or in some extrinsecal thing although they haue ●●ne by the doer As if this should be the forme of the Indulgence Who saith MASSE or causeth to be said MASSE for such a cause or giueth Almes for the maintenance of such a place shal deliuer a soule out of Purgatory For certaine it is that MASSE ALMES doe good vnto the Church although they wh ch saide it or made them to bee giuen bee not in Grace And in such workes Nauarre Sotus if by some circumstance the minde of the POPE be not gathered to the contrary that is that he require that they be deuoutly and with grace perfourmed then may the Pardon be obtained for the dead by one which is not in grace For heere the POPE graunteth the Pardon for a iust cause which is Gods glory and honour by those charitable workes and the other doth nothing concurre vnto it but by determining the person to whome the POPE may apply it Euen so is it in the Dirige of a naughty Priest offered for one that is dead as for the MASSE it is certaine that it hath effecte of it selfe without any respect to him which saith it euen for those for whō a naughty Priest doth offer it Who if he say this Dirige of his own deuotion priuately it is nothing auaileable But if he doe it to fulfill the bond of the Church whose Minister he is or in the Quire than doth it very much profite the Deade for in this he beareth the person of the wholle Church So also is it if my man being in sinne giue out of my Purse by my consent or generall leaue Almes to the poore For in these examples the workes are more ●f 〈◊〉 ●ersons than of those which doe execute th●● 〈…〉 it in the Suffrages and Indulgen●● 〈…〉 when the POPE respecteth the w●● 〈…〉 the goodnesse thereof in the effecte 〈…〉 recite from a naughty roote from w●● 〈…〉 no goodnes at al. For in such a case a●● 〈…〉 ●ar●●●cantable of Pardon himselfe yet 〈…〉 a worke a● mothers appointment wherunto is annexed a Pardons for the Deade although perhaps the worke doth nothing profite the Deade but only in as much as it doth determine the POPES application of Pardon to this Particular party deceased No condition necessary in this life for Pardon in Purgatory or for participation of the suffrages of the Church Neither is that necessary which some doe require that a man for to be holpen by Indulgences after his death haue had whilest he heere liued a special deuotion to the autority of the Church and a diligent care to helpe the soules departed or a particular resolution to satisfie vnto God in this life although this last be singularly profitable to make at the least in the houre of death For it is sufficient that one be in Purgatory for then he is also in Grace And the want of those affections in life time in a higher degree than euery Christian is bounde vnto vnder paine of Mortall sinne although perhappes it hath increased the debte in Purgatory yet can it not hinder the common influence of Christes Passion and the participation of the Churches Suffrages or of the Treasure of Indulgence 12 The conclusion of this Treatise of the fruit of Indulgences THus much haue we saide according to the most sounde opinions of Learned Diuines of this 〈…〉 ●●dulgences Which for that it was 〈…〉 ●●IONIS ET PETRA SCAN●● 〈…〉 offence and a rocke of scandall to 〈…〉 stumbling made Israell to sinne 〈…〉 which followe his Doctrine a com●●● 〈…〉 blasphemy against the CHVRCH 〈…〉 it my part to handle more largely than the purpose of this BOOKE did require If nothing will suffice them no reason content them no autority conuince them then let them knowe that they beeing out of the number of GODS Children can neuer be troubled with Purgatory nor with Pardons which haue relation vnto Purgatory The one being a place of correction for children the other a mercifull fauour exhibited vnto the same children But of them which despise this Rodde of Discipline of our Almighty Father and contemne his Indulgence and Mildenesse is saide of the Apostle Heb. 12 8. If you be without Discipline whereof all be made partakers than are you Bastards and not children And that of the Prophet Esa 11 4 He shall strike the earth with the Rodde of his mouth with the breath of his lippes he shall kill the wicked But we whom God of his infinite mercy hath vnited vnto his misticall body of the holy Church as we must of necessity if we will remaine in the same vnity acknowledge and reuerence the sacred autority and power of giuing Indulgences so in seeking with diligence to obtaine them we shall reape three singular benefittes Three sing●lar profits o● Indulgences First wee shall receiue encrease of meritte and consequently of grace in this life and glory in the other whilest wee deuoutely performe those good workes vnto which alwaies we are inuited by Indulgences Secondly we shall obtaine the release of the paines of Purgatory by diminishing in our mortall life the debte thereof which by those which feare the corrections of God and consider how farre as S. AVGVSTINE saieth In Psal ● those paines exceede whatsoeuer can be suffered in this life will be iudged a great felicitie Thirdly we shall shorten the time of our absence from God after our departure from hence and hasten that happy vision which God promised to MOISES when he saide I will shew thee all good Ex. 33 1. Which acceleration of so great a good how pretiouse it is wel vnderstoode S. PAVL Phil. 1 23. who so earnestly desired to be dissolued and to be with Christ And that other deuoute soule which complaining of the length of her Pilgrimage and dwelling amongst the inhabitants of darke and sorowfull CEDAR Ps 119 5. did wast consume with the desire of entering into the heauenly Courtes Ps 83 3. In which if according to the infallible veritie of Gods word one day be farre better than thousands of worldly treasures Ps 83 11. then surely that which not onely deliuereth from miserie but hasteneth and anticipateth so many yeeres and daies of so greate a blisse giuing also such helpe and occasion of a higher mansion in so rich a house Io. 14 2. cannot be valued with the treasures of wholle Kingdomes Psal 62 2. Come therefore O you who wander abroade in the deserte desolate and withered lande of Heresie and Schisme Come vnto the waters and you which haue not siluer make haste and buy Esa 55 1. and eate Come buy without amy exchange Wine and Milke Why doe your spend your money and not in bread why doe you bestow your labour and not in satiety Come vnto these liuely waters which proceeding from the fountaine of life will purge you from the mudde of your broken cisterns and quicken you with the spirite of God Hier. 2 12. ●o 4 14. ●o 9 2. and spring vp into life euerlasting Come drinke of that wine which the holy wisdome of God hath mingled vnto you And least you be terrified with the expectation of your fathers seuerity and discipline beholde your mother with her naked breasts cometh to meete you ready to embrace you and as new borne Infants to nourish you with the milke of her clemency and kindnes ●● 15 22. Shee bringeth with her your very first stole which you once receiued of her in Baptisme now again again haue defiled And although that pure robe of innocency with which then she adorned you cannot bee recouered yet shall you no doubte by her diligent care and motherly piety be cloathed with an vnspotted garment of your recouered grace and if you haue hurte your soueraigne Lorde and Father in any thing or be in his debte you being once restored to his fauour shee hath wroten it with her owne hand shee will repay it Whose voice if you will heare Philem. vers 18. whose petition if you will graunt whose teares if you will respecte then shall you in steede of wasting your substance riotously by labouring vnto destruction Mat. 13 44. and euerlasting fire conuert most holsomely and profitablely your care and labours to the buying of that hidden treasure which shall fully recompence the sale of all worldly riches Laus Deo ac Beatissimae semper Virgini Matri DEI-PARAE MARIAE atque omnibus Sanctis 1. Cor. 11 16. If any man seeme to be cōtentious we haue no such custome nor the Church of God S. Cyp. l. de simp Praelat Aug. l. 4. de simb ad cat c. 13. He shall not haue God to his Father Who will not haue the Church to his Mother FINIS
yet he which professeth himselfe a Catholicke by sending his child or permitting his childe to be sent to such thinges as are indispensably forbidden by God himselfe doth vnnaturally depriue his innocent sonne of that which he coulde not giue him But true it is which our Sauiour saide Luc 16 8. that wiser are the children of this worlde in their generation than the children of lighte But thou deare Brother when thou fallest into any such preuarication thinke assuredly that thy light is beecome darkenes And that in darkenes thou shalte so long remaine vntill thou take away the bushell with thou hast sette before others eies and permit the light to shine to all those of whom thou hast charge But to the intent that thou maiest not onely performe this duety which is necessarily vpon paine of vtter darkenes required of thee but also like vnto a childe of lighte seeke that which is perfect and according to the nature of light liberally endeuour to communicate vnto al mē that which thou hast thy selfe of God receiued I haue set downe in the margen of this booke all those places of holy Fathers and Scriptures which are in the Lattin to the intent that thou either being assaulted by any aduersary or thy selfe seeking to reschew out of miserable captiuitie any soule maiest haue authorities to alleage for whatsoeuer thou shalt say Of the places of scripture for the most parte I haue quoted the very verse that sodainely thou maiest find that wherin consisteth the force of the proofe Finally I haue added certaine little Kindled sizes to lighten some secrete corners which might otherwise annoy thee All which God graunt that it may to his glory both maintaine and increase the light of thy hart and bring forth in many obscure mindes such brightnes of true beliefe that wee all may worthely walke by the same conforming our liues thereunto That so being made worthy vnto the parte of the loue of the Saints Col. 1 13. in the light we may by him which hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenes be translated at the length into the euerlasting Kingdome of the sonne of his loue where we shall not onely neede neither sunne nor moone but we shal receiue that perfecte light of the Lambe by whome onely as we haue bene redeemed so must we also be glorified The Printer to the Reader VVHereas there is promised thee about the latter end of the booke a Treatise of seruice and scripture in the vulgar tongue know thou that by reason of the continuall warres in this Countrey and the manifolde difficulties which all those that liue here-about doe feele I haue bene constrained to finish this worke without ful accomplishment of my promise and purpose But thou in the meane time enioy this my present which I make thee if I shall perceiue that this my labour is grateful vnto thee then shalt thou in the next edition receiue a perfect recompence for this my defaulte I haue also set down a Catalogue of the Fathers and Doctours which are in this Booke alleaged that thou maiest see how auncient defendours we haue of the Catholike truth which in deede neither could be Catholicke if it had not antiquitie with it neither can want antiquitie if it be Catholicke So that in my iudgement two principall thinges thou shalt finde in this Booke of themselues sufficient to confirme thy owne Faith and to confound the negatiue Religion of al aduersaries The first is the very naked sincere truth very plainly expresly set downe The second is the multitude of witnesses of her sinceritie For the innocency of truth is such that it presently cōmendeth it selfe vnto the beholder and discouereth all malicious slaunders which when they growe vnto most intollerable impudency cannot yet abide the force and maiesty of so vnspotted testimonies against which there cannot be taken any exception This whereas I my selfe haue founde in the perusing of this worke I could not but imparte vnto thee my minde and iudgemente Fare-well A CATALOGVE OF FATHERS AND COVNcelles which are cited in this Booke according to the diuerse ages in which they liued THE Holy BIBLE * The first age beginning from the Birth of CHRIST The APOSTLES and their Canons Philo Iudaeus S. Martialis S. Dionysius Areopagit Episc Mart. S. Clemens Pont. Mart. S. Ignatius Episc Mart. S. Anacletus Pont. Mar. Iosephus Iudaeus * The Second Age Anno. Dom. 100. S. Euaristus Pont. Mart. S. Alexand. Pont. Mart. S. Sixtus 1. Pont. Mart. S. Telesph Pont. Mart. S. Higinus Pont. Mart. S. Iustinus Philosophus Mart. S. Soter Pont. Mart. S. Irenaeus Episc Mart. Clemens Alexandrinus * The Thirde Age Anno. Dom. 200. Tertullianus S. Calixtus Pont. Mart. Origenes S. Vrbanus Pont. Mart. S. Hippolit Episc Mart. S. Fabianus Pont. Mart. S Cornel Pont. Mart. S. Cyprian Episc Mart. S. Foelix 1. Pont. Mart. S. Caius Pont. Mart. * The Fourth Age Anno. Dom. 300. S. Marcell Pont. Mart. S. Euseb Pont. Mart. Concilium Ancyranum S. Melchia Pont. Mart. Concilium Neocaesatiense Reticius Augustodunēsis Lactantius Firmianus S. Siluester Pontifex The I. generall Councell of Nice Eusebius Caesatiensis Conc. Romanū sub Siluest Concilium Elibertinum Conciliū Arelatense 1. 2 Concilium Gangrense Concilium Carthaginense S. Marcus Pontifex S. Athanasius Episc S. Iulius 1. Pontifex Eusebius Emisenus Episc S. Hilarius Episc Concilium Antiochenum S. Liberius Pont. S. Felix 2. Mart. Ioannes Climachus Concilium Laodicenum Iouinianus Imperator S. Damasus Pont. The II. generall Councell of Constantinople Concilium Valentinum Opta●us Mileuitanus S. Pacianus Episc S. Cyrillus Hierosol Episc S. Ambrosius Episc Prudentius S. Didymus Alexandrinus S. Basilius Magnus Episc S Gregor Nazian Episc S Epiphanius Episc S. Siricius Pont. S. Essraem S Amphilochius Episc S. Gregor Nyssenus Episc S. Io. Chrysostomus Episc Ruffinus S. Hieronymus Theoph. Alexādrin Episc Chromat Aquiliens Episc Concilium Carthag 2. 3. 4. 5. Concilium Toletanum 1. Isychius * The Fifthe Age Anno. Dom. 400. S. Augustinus Episc S. Innocentius Pont. Concilum Mileuitanum S. Paulinus Episc Seuerus Sulpitius Honorius Theodosius Imperatores S. Sozimus Pont. Postidonius Episc Concilium Telense Maximus Episc Ioannes Cassianus Socrates Sozomenus Cyrillus Alexandr Episc Theodoretus Episc The III. general Councell of Ephesus Vincentius Lirinensis Concilium Agathense S. Leo Magnus Pont. Victor Africanus Episc Conc. Ara ca nū 1. 2. Concilium Vasense 1. 2 Valentinianus Martianus Imperatores The IIII. general Coūcell of Chalcedon S. Prosper Episc Concilium Turonense 1. S. Hilarius Pont. S. Petrus Chrysol Episc S. Gelasius 1. Pont. S. Fulgentius Episc Concilium Epaunense * The sixth Age Anno. Dom. 500. Concilium Aurelianense 1 Iustinianus Imperator Cassiodorus The V. generall Councell of Constantinople Concilium Aurelianense 3 Concilium Turonense 2. Andreas Hierosol Episc Cretensis Euagrius Epiphanensis S. Greg. magnus Pont. S. Greg. Turonensis Episc *
OF FAITH AND OF THE CREED 1 Who is to be called a (a) Act. 11 26. 1. Pet. 4 16. Christian HEE which doeth professe the holesome doctrine of Iesus Christ true God and man in his (b) Athanas contr Arrianos orat 2. Cypr. lib. 4. ep 2. de simp praelat Ignat. ad Magnes Aug. tract 113. in Ioa. ser 181. de temp ca. 12. Ench. cap. 5. Tert. lib. de praescript Church He therefore which is a true Christian doth vtterly condemne and detest all other Religions and Sectes that are else-where to be found in any Nation or cuntrey out of the doctrine Church of Christ as the Iewishe Heathenishe Turkishe or hereticall Secte And doth firmely staie himselfe in the very Doctrine of Christ 2 In what briefe summe may Christian Doctrine be comprehended THat a Christian do know obserue those things which do belong both to (a) Ecli 1 3● wisedom Iustice Wisedome as S. Austen (b) Lib. 2. Retract cap. 63. Ench. cap. 2. 3. sheweth consisteth in the vertues Theological (c) 1. Cor. 13 13. Faith Hope Charitie which are both infused by God (c) 1. Cor. 13 13. beeing purely most feruently practised in this life they doe make men blessed diuine Iustice standeth in (d) Pros sen 98. ex Aug. two parts in declining frō euil doing good For hereūto belongeth that which the kingly Prophet saith (e) Psal 33 15. 36 27 1. Pet. 3 10. Turne from euill doe good Now out of these fountains to wit Wisedome and Iustice other things are easily drawē deduced whatsoeuer do appertaine to Christian Instruction Ro. 10 14. Heb. 11 6. Aug. serm 38. de temp sermo 1. de verbis Apost cap. 4. Leo. ser 4. de nat Dom. and Discipline 3 What is first taught in Christian Doctrine FAith that very gate entrāce to our saluation without the which none in this life can find cal vpō serue please almighty god For he that cōmeth to god must beleue (a) He. 11 6. saith the Apostle And (b) Mar. 16 16. he that beleeueth not shal be condemned is (c) Io. 3 18. already Iudged by the sentence of Christ 4 What is vnderstoode by the name of Faith A (a) Eph. 2 8. Heb. 11 1. Basil ser de fidei conf Ber. ep 190. Aug. cont ep sund c. 5. gifte of God and a light wherewith man beeing illuminated doth firmely assent cleaue vnto those things which are reuealed by God proposed vnto vs by the Church to be beleeued As are these that followe That God is (b) 1. Io. 5 7. one in three persons that the world was (c) Gen. 1 1. Io. 1 14. Luc. 2 7. Rom. 3 8. created of nothing that god was made mā suffered death for our sakes that MARY (d) Conc. Eph. cap. 13. Luc. 1 35. 1. Cor. 15 51. Io. 3 5. is both a Virgine the mother of God that all the deade are to be raised againe to life that man is borne againe of Water and the holie Ghost that Christ is wholly in the (e) Conc. Constantie Flor. Trid. B. Sacrament and other such of like sorte that are the reuerend mysteries of our religion which being reuealed by God cannot be comprehended by mans (f) Eccli 3 22. 2. Cor. 10 5. capacity but maie be conceiued onlie by faith Whereupō the Prophet saith (g) Esa 7 9. secundū 70. Basil in Psa 115. in moral Reg. 80. cap. 21. Greg. ho. 26. in Euang. Chrys in 1. ad Cor. homil 4. Vnlesse ye will beleeue yee shall not vnderstand For faith respecteth not the order of nature neither doth shee trust to experience of senses or relie vpon the might or reason of man but vpon the power authority of God holding this as a most vndoubted verity that the most soueraigne eternal trueth which is God cā neither deceiue nor euer be deceiued Wherfore it is the very cōdition property of faith to bring all vnderstanding into (h) 2. Cor. 10 5. captiuitie vnto the obedience of Christ with whom there is no (i) Lu. 1 37. Hier. 32 27. worde that is hard to be done much lesse impossible This (k) Euseb Emis ho. 2. de symb Cyr. catech 5. Illum Chrys serm de fide spe charit Cyril lib. 4. in Ioa. ca. 9. faith is the light of the soule the dore or entrance to life the foundation of eternal saluation 5 Is there any brief cōprehēsion of Faith and summe of all those thinges that we must beleeue There is that which the twelue Apostles haue deliuered in their Creed and which they haue aptely distinguished into twelue Sections and Articles A worke doubtlesse worthy of such (a) Clem. ep 1. ad sr Do. Amb. ep 81. serm 38. Aug. serm 181. de tēp Ruf. in sym Iren. lib. 1. c. 2. l. 3. c. 4. Hieron ad Pammach aduers errores Ioā Hieros cap. 9. Leo. ser 11. de pass ep 13. ad Pulc ser cont Eutyc Maxim ser de traditione symb The Creede is expoūded by these Authors following Cyril in Catech illum Chrys ho. 1. 2. in sym Aug in Enc. ad Laurent in lib. 4. de symb ad Catech. lib. de sid symb ser 115. 119. 123. 125. 131. 181. 192. 193. 194. de tēp Euseb Emi. ho. 1. 2. in symb Chrysol ser 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Max. ho. 1. de diuersis authors which next vnto Christ our Lord were the principall and most holy founders of the Christian faith And this Creed surely is as it were a plaine euident marke whereby christians are to be distinguished discerned from those wicked persons which doe professe either none at all or not the right faith of Christ 6 Which be the Articles of this Creede I Beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of Heauen earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his onely Sonne our Lorde 3 Which was conceived by the holie Ghost borne of the VIRGINE MARY 4 Suffered vnder PONTIVS PILATE was crucified dead buried 5 He descended into hell the third day he rose againe from the dead 6 Hee ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the deade 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholicke Church the communion of Saints 10 The forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 The resurrection of the fleshe 12 And the life euerlasting Amen 7 To what end specially are these wordes of the Creede TO this end surely Hier. 9 23. Io. 17 3. 1. Cor. 2 2. 1. Pet. 1 8. cap. 13 1. that we may haue comprehended in a briefe summe the true knowledge of god of heauenly things which knowledge truly is necessary to euery mā that he may liue wel happily And in this Creed the acknowledging confessing
fayth and beleefe hereof a good and patient man doth take solace and comforte in the greatest miseries that maye befall so that at the verye laste gaspe of life he will say (d) Iob. 19 25. I knowe that my Redeemer dothe liue in the laste day I shall rise from the earthe agayne be compassed aboute with my skinne and in my fleshe I shall see God Wise therfore certes and moste wise are those that doe bring into the seruitude of Iustice and (e) Col. 3 5. 1. Pet. 3.18 1. Cor. 9 27 Ro. 6 12. 1. Cor. 15 42. vertue these earthly dyeng mēbers doe prepare this body as a pure vessell for the happy immortallity that is to come 21 What is the laste Article OF lyfe * 1. Cor. 2 9. Io. 17 3. Mat. 19 25 34 46 Apoc. 2 7. 10.17.26 3.11 21. 7 14. 21 2.10.23 22 1.12 Ro. 2 6. Tit. 1 1. ● 13. 3 7. 2. Tim. 4.7 1. Io. 2 25. 3 2. 1. Pet. 1 3. Ro. 6 22. euerlastinge which we may nothing doubt to remaine vnto the electe after theire deathe And this is the fruite finall end of Fayth Hope Patience Christianlike exercise For the obtayning of whiche life to a true beleeuer no worke of pietie ought to seeme difficulte no labour paynfull no greife bitter no time long or taedious in well working or sufferinge And if this life notwith-standinge that it is repleate with all manner of calamities be accoūpted a thing moste choyse and delightfull how muche more is that life to be had in greate price and aestimation which is (a) Aug. de ciu Dei l. 22 c. 29 30. l. 3. de lib arb c. vlt. ser 64. de Ver. Do. ● 1 seq l. 3 de symb ad catech c. 12 so farre off from any feeling and feare of euill is replenished on euery syde with heauenlye and vnspeakeable ioyes pleasures and delights that neuer shall haue end Of whiche life Christe sayth thus (b). Luc. 12 32. Feare not litle flocke for it hath pleased your Father to giue you a Kingdome And at the latter day of iudgemente he will saye vnto the electe (c) Mat. 25 34. Come yee blessed of my father possesse you the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the worlde But vnto the wicked he will speake in this manner Get yee (d) Ibid. 46. away from me you cursed into fire euerlasting which was prepared for the Deuill and his Angels Which sentence doth not onelie touch (e) Fulg. in lib. de fide ad Pet. c. 38. 40. Heathens Heretickes Schismatickes publike sinners but appertaineth also to all those Christians that doe (f) Ez. 18 4. 33 8. Ro 6 23. Sap. 1 16. 1. Cor. 6 9. end their liues in mortall sinne Last of al this clause (g) Hier. ad Mared ep 137. AMEN is added in the end that it may plainly appeeare howe firmely and surely grounded we stand in the profession and testimony of this Christian Faith and Confession 22 Is it sufficient for a Christian to beleeue those thinges only that are contained in the Creede FIrst specially no doubt Heb. 5 12. 6 1. 1. pet 3 15. those thinges that are taught vs in the Creed of the Apostles are to be beleeued openly (a) Amb. l. 3 de Virg. Aug. l. 1 de symb ad Cat. c. 1. l. 2. cap. 1. professed of euery one Which also are made more plaine beeing conferred with the Creed of the FATHERS with that of ATHANASIVS Secondly a Christiā must of necessity beleeue whatsoeuer the (b). 2. Pet. 1 19. Ro. 15 4. 2. Tim. 3 15 diuine Canonical Scripture doth containe But the certaine (c) Conc. Tol. 1 c. 21. Aug. ser 129. 191 de temp Hic in sym ad Damas Aug. cō ep fund c. 5. Trid. Sess 4. legitimate books of Scripture no man may discerne by any other meanes than by the iudgement authority of the Church Thirdly hereunto doe belong those thinges that are necessarily drawen (d) Mat. 22 29. deduced partly out of the Articles of the Creede and partly out of holy Scriptures Fourthly lastly are all such documents to be holden as most holy to be firmely beleued which the holy ghost reuealeth vnto vs pronounceth by the (e) Cypr. ep 10. ad Nest Iren. l. 3. cap. 4. li. 4. c. 45. 63. Hier. con Lucif c. 4. Vinc. Lir. con Nouat Church whether they be commended vnto vs by writing or deliuered by tradition word of mouth Which point we will touch more at large hereafter These therefore are the things in which the true catholike faith doth cōsist without the (f) I●eo ser 4. de natiu Dom. which al sectaries do in vaine promise to thēselues others grace saluatiō in christ THE SECONDE CHAPTER OF HOPE Aug. in E●c cap. 8. 1. Cor. 13 13. Ro. 5 2. 8 24. Tit. 2 13. 3 7. 1. Pet. 1 3. 1. Io. 5 14. Iac. 1 3.5 Io. 14 13. 15 7.16 16 23. Mar. 11 24. Ps 26 13.14 129.6 72 28. 61 8.11 1. Tim. 4 10 1. Thes 5 8. Eph. 6 17. Heb. 10 35. 6 18. AND OVR LORDS PRAIER 1 What is Hope HOpe is a vertue infused by God whereby wee doe with assured trust confidence expect at Gods hande the good of our saluation life euerlasting To small purpose it is to beleeue in God and the word of God to professe the diuine Doctrine of holie Church vnlesse a Christian hauing once vnderstoode the goodnesse of Almighty God doe conceiue hope confidence of obtaining grace and aeternall saluation Which hope doth so fortifie vphold the iust man in the greatest (a) Eccli 34 15. Rom. 8 35. Psal 30 25. Prou. 28 1. miseries that although he be destitute of all wordly helpes yet will he confidently say (b) Iob. 13 15. Al-though he kill me yet will I hope in him And (c) ps 55 5. in God I haue hoped I wil not feare what fleshe may do vnto me (d) Ps 24 2. My God I trust in thee I will not be ashamed 2 By what meanes may a man come to haue this hope FIrst of al one great helpe heerunto is to (a) 1. Thes 5 16. Luc. 11 9. 18 1. Mat. 7 7. Eccli 18 22. pray feruently often to almighty God Also hope is to be nourished and stirred vp with dayly meditation of the goodnesse and benefites (b) Eph. 2 4. Tit. 3 3. Ro. 8 29. Io. 3 16. 1. Co. 4 9. Heb. 10 23. Tit. 1 2. Ro. 5 8.17.20 8 18. of God those especially which Christ our Lorde for his infinite charity towards vs performed promised euen to the vndeseruing Last of all there must be annexed (c) Pro. 15.15 1. Io. ● 21. Aug. l. 1.
but also to couer his faultes with more reformed actions that sinne may not bee imputed vnto him And againe in another place For a great (f) Ad Virg. laps ca. 8. lib. 1. de paenit cap. 2. wound a deepe long medicine is necessarie Great wickednesse must of necessity haue great Satisfactiō Finally so saith S. GREGORY It is to be (g) Hom. 34. in Euan. vide Emis ad mon. ho. 5. 10. Theod. in epit diuinor decret ca. de paenit l. 4 haeret fab de Audianis seriously thought considered that he which knoweth himselfe to haue committed things vnlawefull must endeuour to abstaine from some things that are lawefull that thereby he may make Satisfaction vnto his Creatour 9 Is there any place for Satisfaction after Death FOr the explication of this point wee must consider the diuerse estates of them that die For some of them do keepe the grace of God and innocency of life euen to their end Vnto whom appertaineth that saying of (a) In orat Manassis MANASSES That Vnto iust persons and those which haue not sinned as ABRAHAM ISAAC and IACOB Penance was not ordained Others haue sinned indeed fallen from the grace of God which once they receiued but they haue purged in this life the filthe of their sinnes with the woorthy workes of Penance as (b) 2. Reg. 12 13. Psal 6 7. DAVID (c) Esa 38 15 EZECHIAS (d) Mat. 26 57. S. PETER (e) Luc. 7 37 S. MARY MAGDALEN Bothe these kindes haue no neede of Satisfaction after death but are altogether free from all bonde thereof But far more in number are those of a middle sorte and yet not verie euil as (f) Ench. ca. 11● Beda in cap. 11. Pro. S. AVGVSTINE sheweth who haue not performed perfite Penance for their sinnes in their life time and therefore are to be saued (g) 1. Cor. 3 15. So doth Saint Augustine expoūd this place in Psal 37. l. 21. de ciuit c. 26. de fide oper cap. 16. in Psal 80. So doth also Origen ho. 12. 13. in Hier. 25. in Num. 6. in Exod. Amb. in 1. Cor. 3. ser 20. in Psal 118. Hieron in cap. 4. Amos. in fine vlt. libri in Esa lib. 2. in Iouin cap. 1● Also Saint Gregory li 4. Dial. cap. 39. Beda in 3. cap. Luc. by fire that whatsoeuer was wanting of conuenient Satisfaction in this life may be paide vnto Gods Iustice in another For there (h) Apoc. 21 27. Psal 14 1. 23 3. shal not enter any polluted thing into that Cittie Therefore that we may aunswer to the question proposed such kind of persons departed must abide some Satisfaction yea that most painfull after their death Which yet neuerthelesse (i) Aug. vt supra li 21. ciu c. 24. ho. 16. ex 50. ser 41. de sāctis Greg. 4. Dial. cap. 39 Ber. de obitu Humb. Damasc in orat de def Conc. Flor. Trid. ses 6. can 30. ses 25. part 1 God of his great mercie is wonte to release by the deuout intercession of those that are aliue that so they which are depated being holpen in the Church by the Suffrages of their brethren and members may bee lightned of their sinnes of the terrible paines due vnto the same And hereunto belongeth that which the authority of holy Scripture deliuereth It (k) 2. Mach. 12 43. 1. Reg 31 13 Bedā ib. 2. Reg 1 12. 3 31 Tob. 4 18. Eccli 7 37. 17 18. 38 14. Hier. 16 6. 2. Tim. 1 17 1. Io. 5 16. is a holy and holesome cogitation to pray for the dead that they may bee loosened from their sinnes Whereupon IVDAS the Machabee was commended for that beeing mooued with a singular religious zeale he did with great care and sumptuosenesse procure that not only praiers but also (l) Ibidem sacrifice should be offered for the sinnes of the souls departed In this Doctrine doe agree the Reuerende (m) Conc. 4. Cart. ca. 79. 95. Tolet. 11. cap. 31. Bra. 1. c 34. Flor. Trid ses 25. ses 22. cap. 2. can 3. Councels and Fathers which haue deliuered the true Doctrine of the Church Of whō to alleadg one in steede of many him a witnesse most worthie of credite (n) Li. de cura mor. ca. 1. S. AVGVSTINE writeth thus In the bookes of the Machabees we reade Sacrifice to haue been offered for the dead But although it were no where extant in the olde Scriptures yet is the authority of the Vniuersall Church not small whose practise in this behalfe is most euident where in the praiers of the Priests which are made vnto our Lorde at his Altar the commendation also of those that are departed hath a peculiar place And againe It is to be thought saith hee that there shall bee no Purgatorie (o) Lib. 21. ciu ca. 16. vide Mat. 12 32. Which place is expounded of remission of sinnes in the other world by praiers of the Church By S. Aug. l. 21. ciu c. 24. l. 6. in Iul. c. 5. Greg. l. 4 Dial. ca. 39. Beda in c. 3. Mar. Bern. hom 66. in Cant. Pet. Clun in ep cōt Pet. Bru. Raban lib. 2 de inst cler cap. 44. vide etiam Mat. 5 26 Which place also is expoūded of Purgatorie By Tert. l. deanima cap. 17. Cypr. lib. 4. ep 2. Orig. ho. 35. in Luc. in ep ad Ro. Emis ho. 5. de Epiph. Amb. in Luc. 12. Hier. in Mat. 5. Bern. ser de obitu Humbert vide Mal. 3 3. Phil. 2 10. Apoc. 5 3.13 paines after that last and terrible iudgement And what can bee more plainelye spoken than those wordes It is not to bee doubted but that by the praiers of the (p) Aug. de verb. Apo. ser 32. cap. 1. 2. vide Isid lib. 1. de offic cap. 18. Raban lib. 2. de instit Cler. cap. 44. holy Church and by the most holesome Sacrifice by Almes which are bestowed for their soules those which are departed be holpen that our Lord may deal more mercifully with them than their sinnes haue deserued For this hath beene deliuered by the Fathers and the vniuersall Church obserueth that for those which are departed in the Communion of the Body and Bloode of Christ when their memory is made at the Sacrifice in the due place Praiers also are powred out vnto God it is expressely mentioned that the Sacrifice is offered for them And whē for the helping of them works of mercy are exercised who may doubt but that they are auaileable vnto them for whom praiers are not in vaine offered It is not at al to be doubted but these things doe profite the dead yet such only who liued so before death that these thinges might be profitable to them after death Thus writeth Saint AVGVSTINE aboue 1200. yeeres agone to omitte many also