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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57582 The Christian-Quaker distinguished from the apostate & innovator in five parts, wherein religious differences amongst the people termed in derision Quakers, are treated on : George Fox one (at least, if not the chief) reputed author thereof, is deducted : doctrines of truth owned by the children of light (and cleared from objections) are laid down according to Holy Scriptures and revelation of the Spirit / by William Rogers, on behalf of himself and other friends in truth concerned. Rogers, William, d. ca. 1709. 1680 (1680) Wing R1858; ESTC R17833 416,424 648

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us an Answer by the bearer hereof who comes on purpose to bring this and to receive an Answer from thee We are Thy Friends Thomas Gouldney William Ford. William Rogers As before is hinted no Answer is yet come which is ground of Jealousie that G. F. is Author of the said abusive Letter To conclude My Desire now is That every thing herein Treated of may be weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary and then I doubt not but that it will appear unto every Understanding Impartial Reader that George For hath been acted by an Erroneous Spirit and been Guilty of many Things reproachful to the Truth for which he ought to Humble himself if peradventure he may be made Partaker of the Mercies of the Lord and then no question but God's peculiar People will have a Sense thereof But until he appear Humbled through That Repentance that 's never to be Repented of his State and Condition is to be lamented of And though 't is not in the Power of any Mortal Man or any Assembly of Men on Earth whatsoever to Excommunicate from amongst the true Members of Christ's Body a Servant of the Living God unto whom through the Obedience of Faith in Christ is given an Earnest of the Great Salvation Yet if any one so outwardly pretending hath acted Erroneously and hath concerned himself Against his Brother at so large a rate as cannot be vindicated unless that Rule which Almighty God as by a Finger from Heaven through his Son Christ Jesus hath laid down viz. By their Fruits ye shall know them be to be esteemed as voyd 't is most just and reasonable to declare That such an one hath cutt him off from being a Member of the Body of Christ by departing from the Rock Christ on which Preservation and Help is laid On this Score I am now concerned in my Conscience thus to declare and conclude That for sometimes past G. F. hath stood in a state of Separation from many of the Lord's People May the God of Heaven give him a true Sight and Sense thereof unto Repentance that so before his Body be turned to Dust from whence it came he may be restored into Fellowship with them again saith my Soul Bristol 1 st Day of the 8 th Moneth 1680. William Rogers THE END AN INDEX Of some of the Chief Matters Treated on A APostacy A Discovery of several things which may be justly termed the Fruits of Apostacy and Innovation and in particular that Iohn Wilkinson and Iohn Story have been Judged and Condemned by Persons that have not heard them speak for themselves as doth appear in an Answer given by Thomas Gouldeny William Forde and William Rogers to a Paper subscribed by Charles Marshall and Sixty-Five more dated at Ellis Hooks his Chamber London the 12 th of the 4 th Month 1677. 2 d. Part p. 72 to 84. Apostolick-Order of the Church of Christ Robert Barclay asserts is Establish't amongst the People called Quakers and by the Scope of his Book of Government his Meaning is with respect to Outward Orders his Sense therein disproved 3 d. Part p. 23 to 33. Authority of the Church in Robert Barclay's Sense 3 d. Part p. 54. The Apostles assumed not Authority to give a Decisive Judgment in a Religious Conscientious Case without being chosen by the Parties differing and then they gave their Judgment according to the Faith both of Jew and Gentile unto whom it did relate 3 d. Part p. 65 66. See Church-Government B BAptisme of Water was the Ministration of Iohn not to continue to the End of the World 2 d. Part p. 45 to 50. The One Baptisme spoken of by Paul was the Baptisme of the Spirit 2 d. Part p. 50. Believers in Robert Barclay's Sense are bound by the positive Sentence and Decision of the Church in Matters of Conscience 3 d. Part p. 54. His Sense and Reasons examined and refuted 3 d. Part p. 54 to 61. Believers in opposite Practices and yet the Christian-Bond of their Fellowship not broken 3 d. Part p. 56. See Isaac Penington's Testimony touching that Authority which Christ excluded out of his Church 3 d. Part p. 89 to 98. This Sentence viz. We must believe as the Church believes Published by one called a Quaker examined and the Truth cleared from such Constructions as may be erroneously imported from thence 3 d. Part p. 73 74. See 1 st Part p. 23 to 27. C CHarity An Objection grounded thereon in favour of our Opposers Answered shewing Fruits of Weakness Presumption Danger of going beyond ones Gift excluding Reason eyeing Man and Things without instead of our inward Teacher The Reason why the Word of Life becomes to some the Savour of Death 1 st Part p. 17 to 22. Charles Marshall a Subscriber with Thirty-Six more of an Unrighteous Paper on the hearing of a Debate between Robert Barclay and William Rogers 3 d. Part p. 128 129. Observations thereon manifesting their Error and Partiality 3 d. Part p. 137 to 140. Christ by his Spirit a Law-giver like unto Moses 3 d. Part p. 9 10. Church-Government Our Sense of our Opposers Meaning touching Church-Government our Denyal of that Meaning and that no just Pretence be under the Notion of Church-Government to claim a Power over Property and Conscience The Doctrine of Robert Barclay importing Power over Property and Conscience refuted and our Sense touching the Method of deciding Controversies laid down An Objection Answered whereby 't is plain that Acceptable Obedience carryes with it Conviction of Conscience and that Christ encouraged not his Disciples to be Rulers over each other 1 st Part p. 44 to 61. See the 3 d. Part p. 35 to 41. Divers Sentences cited out of Robert Barclay's Book of Government importing an Approbation of such a Form of Outward Church-Government by some of the People called Quakers over others so termed wherein they undertake to Teach Traditions Exercise an Authority to Ordain Appoint Command and Rule over others whose Duty in Robert Barclay's Sense 't is to submit and that there lyes an Obligation on such as are gathered to Reverence Honour and Obey such as are set over them 3 d. Part p. 44 45. The said Sentences examined and that which is taken to be his Sense on the Scriptures quoted demonstrated to be a Perversion and that the words Order Rule Command Govern Government Traditions c. will not in the Apostles Sense import an Obligation on any Christian Believer to act any thing relating to Faith or Discipline on a Religious Score whereof by the Grace of God or Light in the Conscience he is not perswaded to be his Duty 3 d. Part p. 46 to 52. Christian-Quaker What he standeth for 1 st Part p. 27 to 30. Command Who are deemed by our Opposers to have Power to Command Ordain and Appoint 1 st Part p. 6 7 8. See Church-Government Confidence The Qualifications of such as abound in Confidence without either Knowledge or Zeal 1 st Part p. 76.
copy of a Letter pretended to be given forth by W. R. Friends IT was upon me for several weeks past if any occasion would in any wise permit to come up to the City of London to be present among Friends from divers parts of the Nation at this time that so I might have Opportunity to confer with Friends who were dissatisfied with me touching what I had written in Answer to Robert Barclays Book of Government And a few dayes before my coming up Robert Barclay being in London writ unto me to come up that we might have a Conference at large touching the same This his Request had the greater Obligation upon me to be present in London at this Time On Conference had with him we agreed that a Free-Meeting might be had with Friends in whose Presence Robert Barclay and my self might in all Coolness and Moderation conferr together that so all Mis-understandings might be removed and the Truth be evidenced to the Consciences of the Brethren then present The Meeting for this End was this day had and a very Christian and fair Debate was had to the Satisfaction of both of us as far as I can understand and the matters chiefly objected by me were fairly and Brother-like and in much Love discoursed and upon the whole Matter I am satisfied that Robert Barclay is not Principled so as I and others have taken his Book to import In particular he doth declare That his Book teacheth not that the Church of Christ hath Jurisdiction over the Outward Concerns of Friends in case of Difference without the Assent of the Differing Parties and that it was far from his Intention For his Intention as he declares was only to manifest that Friends ought to submit their Cases of Difference to the Decision of the Church and in Case of Refractoriness that Such Persons Ought to be Disowned That though Robert Barclay in one Place affirms to this purpose That there never will or can be wanting in case of Controversy the Spirit of God to give Judgement through some or other in the Church of Christ so long as any Assembly can properly or in any tolerable Supposition be so term'd He declares that the words were Sound and further sayeth that thereby he intends no other but such Assemblies as in reality and Truth may be termed the Church of Christ And whereas he sayeth to this purpose That 't is Disobedience to God not to submit to the Sentence of such Assemblies though the Persons refusing to submit pretend they see it not yet he declares that his meaning thereby is not that if they submit before Conviction of Conscience they therein find Acceptance with the Lord but rather to shew that their want of Sight is through Disobedience or unwatchfulness to the Grace of God in themselves which if they did take heed thereunto would shew it their Duty to obey We also had Discourse touching his Assertion that Principles and Doctrines c. believed through the Force of Truth on the Understanding are as it were the Terms and in another Place the Book produced it appeared that he asserted there was a more Inward Bond viz. the Life of Righteousness and that the Book declareth that we are gathered into the Belief of the Principles and Doctrines by the Truth and its Power and Influence upon our Hearts and the very Bond by which we became Centered into one Body and Fellowship c. and on a Debate thereof he acknowledged that his meaning was not they were the Original Bond but rather as Fruits and Branches of that Bond and so in that respect might be as an Outward Bond whereby we are United in an Heavenly Society We had also some Discourse touching his Title Page wherein he asserts that the Ancient Apostolick Order of the Church of Christ is Re-establish't on its right Basis and Foundation touching which he declareth That his meaning is not only with respect to all the Outward Orders and Forms of Discipline in Government amongst us but also with respect to the Power of God which in the Primitive Dayes was and now is the great Order of the Gospel And though Robert Barclay hath given these Explications of his meaning yet the very Explication as he sayeth are to be found in his Book if duely weighed Having given you an account in short of what was discoursed this day amongst Friends this further lies upon me to signifie unto you on the behalf of R. Barclay I am satisfyed that he is not Principled as I and many by some Passages in his Book took him to be and since it is so that many have taken an offence against him for that Cause as may be doubted even so far as to Reject his Testimony and Service for the Truth it lyeth upon me as my Duty even for his and the Truths sake to warn all that they take heed not to entertain Prejudice against his Testimony or Jealousyes that may enter on the score of any apprehensions or mistakes of his Book and that Answer that I have given thereto but rather in an unprejudiced Spirit to wait on the Lord to feel and Savour his Testimony even as if the occasion taken had never been And I do Freely confess that inasmuch as I Publisht my Book before I gave Robert Barclay notice of my Objections and Intentions therein I acted in that Respect not according to Gospel Order but am Justly worthy of blame therein It is with me also to signifie to you that I am abundantly satisfied that Robert Barclays Book of Government was Written at or before the time of its Date for that he Solemnly Affirms it was so William Rogers The Coppy of a Paper given forth by Charles Marshal and Thirty six Persons more Forasmuch as William Rogers of Bristol hath lately written a Manuscript against a Book of Robert Barclays Entituled The Anarchy of the Ranters and approved at the Second days Meeting at London and hath dispersed his Manuscript in Several Parts of this Nation without so much as first giving either to the said Robert Barclay in Particular or the Second Days Meeting in General any account of his Scruples or Dissatisfaction concerning the said Book of Robert Barclay contrary to all Rules of Brotherly Love Christian-Fellowship Gospel-Order and the Exemplary Practice of the Church of Christ to the Defamation of the said Robert Barclay the great Derogation from the Christian Authority of the said Meeting and the general Dis-service to Truth especially being sent unto Persons who at present are Disaffected to the present Unity of the Body of Friends And whereas on the Seventh Day of the Fourth Moneth 77. We whose Names are Under Written were met together in the City of London in the pure Fear and Holy Dread of the Lord God Almihty to hear what the said William Rogers had Objected against the said Book of Robert Barclay it appeared to us upon a Deliberate Serious and Impartial Hearing of the Matter in controversy that the
Objections of the said William Rogers lay not so much against the Matter and Substance of the said Robert Barclays Book as against his way of Expressing some Passages therein and that upon Robert Barclays Defence and Explanation the said William Rogers did Declare that he was Satisfied with Robert Barclay as to his Principles but that he thought some Passages in his Book might have been better worded Confessing that he did not Brotherly in Publishing his Book before he had communicated his Exception to the said Robert Barclay and the Brethren of the Second Days Morning-Meeting in London it is therefore the Inward sense Advice and Judgment of the Meeting that the said William Rogers forthwith do Deliver up into the hands of James Claypoole the Copy of his said Book which he hath here with him and as speedily as may he Recal all such other Copies of his said Book as he knows to be Dispersed in the Nation or elsewhere and that he also ought speedily to Write a Letter to Friends in all those Places where he doth or shall know the said Book to be Dispersed and therein to clear both the said Robert Barclay and the Friends of the Second Days Meeting in London from all such Aspersions as by means of his said Book may be cast upon him or them And though it doth not appear to this Meeting by any thing that the said William Rogers hath Objected or Offered that there is any Errour or Unsoundness of Doctrine in the said Robert Barclay's Book yet forasmuch as there are some Terms or Expressions therein which some conceive might be made yet more plain easie and familiar it is the Desire of this Meeting that the said Robert Barclay as he feels in himself the Openings of Life thereunto will in Christian condescension to the Capacities of the Weak write an Explanatory Postscript to the said Book for the Sake of all such as may be supposed to have misapprehended any Expression therein Charles Marshal and thirty six more William Rogers his Observations on a Letter given forth and pretended to be his together with his Answer to a Paper given forth by Charles Marshal and thirty six Persons more on the hearing of a Debate between W. R. and R. B. KNowing that of late there hath been spread abroad amongst Friends a Paper subscribed by Charles Marshall and 36 Persons more together with another to which my Name is only inserted both relating to Robert Barclay and my self and that on Occasion of a Free Meeting had in the City of London wherein some Particulars contained in Robert Barclay's Book of Government to part whereof I writ an Answer were discoursed between Robert Barclay and other Persons on the one part and my self on the other part and that many false and wrong Constructions are made thereof whereby I perceive the Simple may be ensnared I am now on the behalf of Truth concerned thus to Inform the Reader That Robert Barclay and my self did agree That twelve Persons nominated between us should have a hearing of the Matter with this Exception made by Robert Barclay That he would not so limit as not to have Liberty to add two or three others giving this reason that he expected some Friends to the City c. I told him to this purpose 't was probable I would not deny the addition of two or three Friends if he should request it of me accordingly he did request it of me and I granted it but notwithstanding many others came at the appointed time who were not chosen by us nor yet was there any Assent of mine or Desire of R. B's as I know of that they should be present whereupon I refused to meet with them that Day After Friends perceived that I would not meet with them not chosen * Note For the Reasons in the Preface annexed to the First-part his Name is omitted an Eminent Preacher who stood by R. B's Book told me in words to this effect that they would not assent to a Meeting limited to Robert Barclay's nor my Choice but as a Church would keep their Authority and not only so but would vindicate every word in Robert Barclay's Book Considering the Station the said Person is in and how much he is esteemed by George Fox and that he seems to be the right hand man for that Government contended for by Robert Barclay I easily perceived my Cause was already Judged and that 't was in vain to expect a Meeting whereof I might have the choise of one half but yet notwithstanding lest they should reflect upon me as a Person afraid to stand to that Cause I was ingaged in and having Faith in God I should be preserved I the next Day freely and of my own accord gave notice to Robert Barclay George Fox and others of my readiness to meet with any Friends and so a free Meeting was had between R. B. and my self in the presence of George Fox Charles Marshal and Divers others When the debate between us was over Robert Barclay proposes to this purpose to have some Satisfaction for the wrong I did him I told him to this effect I wronged him not and that neither my self or any other was capable in this Case to do him so much right as he was capable to do himself by writing a Postscript to his Book this being a reasonable Proposal of mine the Meeting did approve of his writing a Postscript and withall counselled me to call in my Manuscript in Answer which I neither did have or can assent unto but told George Fox and many more publick Friends that if I should in that respect take their Counsel before I saw it my Duty I should manifest my self a notorious Hypocrite The Reader may also take notice that in much haste I drew up a few Lines with intent to have sent it of my own free will to some Friends by way of Epistle and to have given it under my own Hand these two following Considerations were the motives thereto First Charity oblieged me to have a Regard to Robert Barclay's Testimony as a Publick Person since he hath publickly declared himself otherwise principled than I say his Book doth plainly teach Secondly Since there hath been some Debate between us I thought it necessary to insert some of those things whereof we debated that so those who had heard the Fame of his Book and my Answer might take Occasion from thence to examine whether Robert Barclay's Sense and Explications by word of mouth were agreeable to his Book or no and also to insert so much therein as to manifest that Robert Barclayes Cause was not right which to every discerning Eye cannot but appear from the said Paper though such who espouse Robert Barclay's Cause may by their smooth Glosses deceive the Simple thereby And when I had written what was in my mind the aforesaid eminent Preacher being alone with me urges Divers Alterations and Additions and after I was on Horse-back departing the City
So the Light is Judge Besides 't is to be observed that in the said Paper being but halfe a sheet he often speakes against Backbiting and about thirty times makes mention of the Light though in a Paper lately given forth in Vindication of Prescriptions being about a Sheet he speaks almost as much to Iustifie Prescriptions He that runs may read the action of Jasper Batt Charles Marshall and others concerned in giving forth the said Paper from Ellis Hookes his Chamber cannot be Justified without making G. F's aforesaid Counsel voyd We now come to take notice of these Words in the afore recited Answer given forth by Jasper Batt and his three companions viz. We see there was such in those dayes as is now who did dispise Government Presumptions self-willed they are not afraid to speak Evil of Dignities which have forsaken the right Way and gone astray and so Wells without Water and Clouds that are carried without a Tempest c. Jude saith These be they who separate themselves Read Peter and Jude through and let these Scriptures be rightly applyed and see to whom they belong To this we say They would have manifested more plainness and simplicity if they had informed those unto whom they writ How to apply these Scriptures instead of bidding them Read the Scriptures and then rightly apply them For the great Question is what is meant by words Government and Dignities but since they are silent therein it 's rational for us to suppose on the whole matter that they mean the Sixty Six Subscribes whereof they are a part since the paper subscribed by them in the original matter occasioning this discourse and according to its Merit sufficiently despised And therefore we think it needful to inform the Reader That we cannot take such Men as Jasper Batt and his Three Brethren are nor yet Charles Marshall Subscriber also amongst the Sixty-Six to be the Dignities hinted at by Peter and Jude For all these and the rest of the Sixty-Six Subscribers are by their Paper manifest to have run in the very Way of Cain by persecuting the Brethren and have appeared as Raging Waves of the Sea foaming out their own Shame by their hard Speeches which are the very Marks and Fruits of those who despise Government according to the Scriptures which Jasper Batt and his Three Brethren have directed us to peruse Besides We doubt not but many of the said Sixty-Six Subscribers speak Evill of the things they know not having Mens Persons in Admiration because of Advantage which are some other Marks of such as Despised Government and speak Evil of Dignities Those things we leave to the Consideration of the impartial Reader hoping that for the future Jasper Batt will learn more modesty than to account himself a Governour and Dignity and that on that foot he may think to rule over such antient and honourable Labourers in the Gospel of Christ as John Story and John Wilkinson have manifested themselves to be whereof this Nation yields many Living witnesses To conclude Our earnest Desires are that all Friends may continually abide upon their Watch that so for the future none may be ensnared through the subtile Devices of Satan to put their hands to the Unrighteous Testimonies of others against such Antient and Faithful Labourers in the Gospel of Christ as keep their Place and Habitation in the Vnchangeable Truth nor yet slightly to esteem of such lest the Indignation of the Almighty break forth and a Famine of the Word of the Lord come upon them that may so do whilst those who are Unskilful to divide the Word aright ministring Death unto the Hearers are exalted Which though the Lord may permit for a season as an Exercise upon his Heritage yet our Perswasion is That he will have a Regard to those who in Faithfulness sitting under their own Vine wait upon him so that they shall be able to distinguish between the Precious and the Vile and through the Word of God's Patience be made Partakers of the Joy of his Salvation William Rogers on Behalf of himself and other Friends in Truth concerned The THIRD PART OF THE Christian-Quaker Distinguished from the APOSTATE INNOVATOR MANIFESTING That there is but two sorts of Government owned by the Children of Light or Christian-Quaker One is The Outward Government under which we Live unto the Laws whereof we owe either Active or Passive Obedience and ought not by Outward Force to endeavour Deliverance from under such Laws as we have or may term Oppressive The other is the Inward Government of Christ who alone is LORD over the Conscience which is not represented by persons visible by carnal eyes invested with Power from him to execute outward Laws Prescriptions Orders Edicts or Decrees in an outward Form of Government visible as aforesaid And for the better Illustration of our Meaning an Answer to a part of Robert Barclay's Book of Government is Cited To which is added A Testimony given forth in Print in the Year 1660. by Isaac Penington the younger being part of a Discourse Intituled The Authority and Government which Christ excluded out of his Church Also an Epistle written by Robert Barclay as an Explanatory Post-script to his Book of Government together with some Observations adjoyn'd manifesting the Shortness thereof to answer the End expected To which is added a Letter Written as is pretended by W. R. but Published by R. B. together with a Paper termed The Judgment of the Brethren in a Discourse had between R. B. and W. R. with Observations and Answer thereto By WILLIAM ROGERS on behalf of himself and other Friends in Truth concerned Isa 9.6 For unto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given and the Government shall be upon his Shoulders and his Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellour Isa 2.4 And he shall Judge amongst the Nations and shall rebuke many People and they shall beat their Swords into Plow-shares and their Spears into Pruning-hooks Nation shall not lift up Sword against Nation neither shall they learn War any more Printed in the Year 1680. The THIRD PART OF THE Christian-Quaker Distinguished from the Apostate and Innovator c. THere are but two sorts of Government which become every Christian to own The one is Outward the other Inward The Outward Government is represented by Visible Persons invested with Power to execute Outward Laws visible by our carnal Eyes and is suffered by Almighty God to be executed under variety of Forms and diversitie of Laws and for divers ends which we do not now pretend to be reveal'd to us but yet we believe it to be our duty either actively or passively to submit unto the Outward Government under which we live without designing to work our own deliverance from under such Laws which we have or may account oppressive by outward Force or Violence which is as much as is with us to say on this occasion with respect to Outward Government The Inward Government chiefly
of Gods Spirit to publish unto the World for God be over-ruled by Timothy a Son when according to the aforesaid Author he ought to be ruled by Paul the Father nay perhaps by one that is of much lesser rank in the Body if so be he hath a word of Exhortation on the behalf of Gods Truth is usually exercised therein in publick But suppose no such Obstruction hath or may appear yet I query Whether it looks like a part of Christ's Government for Timothy the Son to be admitted as a Judge over the Writings of Paul who as a Father begot him unto the Truth Paul 1 Cor. 12. Treats of the diversities of Gifts by one and the same Spirit mentioning several of them viz. The Word of Wisdom the Word of Knowledge Faith Gifts of Healing Working of Miracles Prophesy Discerning of Spirits divers kinds of Tongues Interpretation of Tongues and then at length saith God hath set some in the Church First Apostles secondarily Prophets thirdly teachers and after that Miracles c. and then saith are all Prophets are all Apostles are all Teachers c. And again Rom 14.6 7 8. He thus saith having then gifts differing according to the Grace that 's given to us whether Prophesy let us Prophesy according to the Proportion of Faith or ministry let us wait on our Ministry or he that teacheth on teaching or he that exhorteth on Exhortation From all which 't is evident that God hath given diversities of Gifts and that those Members who may be skilful through the Grace of God to Exercise one Gift may be unskillfull to exercise another and so every own ought to wait on their own Gift that therein they may be exercised and that also not beyond but according to the Proportion of Faith for doubtless the Apostle was sensible there was a proneness in some to run beyond their Gift and therefore he saith according to the Proportion of Faith Now should any number of Persons amongst whom there should be only such whose Gifts are either to Prophesy Teach or Exhort but not to discern Spirits sit together and take upon them to consider whether that which is given forth for publick Service by any Brother seriously declaring that God moved thereunto ought to come to publick View and be found hindring the coming forth of the same when nothing unsound appears they would therein make a Breach on that Christian-Liberty which ought to be preserved inviolable in the Church of God Nay if peradventure there should be some amongst them whose Gifts are to discern Spirits and so accordingly gives their approabation or disapprobation it becomes not others not gifted therein to concern themselves because their Duty is if Paul's Counsel be good to wait on their own Gift and though such may declare they have Unity therewith in the Life Yet that may be only the Fruit of their Lips or of a hasty Spirit that may have Zeal without Knowledge when the Matter wherewith they declare themselves at Unity is without the Compass of their Gift Knowledge or Capacity to Judge of But yet I would not be understood that it is unnecessary for the Members of the Church of Christ to take care that nothing Scandalous to the Truth come forth in Publick under the name of any who make profession thereof and were it so that I had ought upon me on Truths behalf to bring to publick View I should be glad of the Opportunity to lay it before such Brethren with whom the Word of Wisdom Knowledge and Discerning of Spirits dwelt yet am perswaded the Lord would preserve me from suffering the Counsel of any to lead me contrary to what I believed the Lord moved unless through the Word of Wisdom and Knowledge they could convince me of Errour and so come to see it my place to forbear And this I account agreeable to the Truth which preferrs Obedience to our own Measures of Grace before Obedience to the Measures of others and to wait on our own Gifts and not the Gifts of others even as I account it contrary to Truth and as a Branch springing from that Spirit which would limit the Holy One of Israel to subject the Approbation of Coming or not Coming of all Writings whatsoever given forth on a Religious Account to publick View unto the Judgment of any unless such as are perfectly skilful in all Spiritual Gifts Mysteries and Knowledge relating to the Matters appertaining to Gods Kingdom and the Salvation of Mankind Had this uncertain unselected Assembly spoken of been such at the time when R. B's small Treatise was approved doubtless it would never have past as that whereby Truth would be promoted through a Belief of all the Matters which therein he asserts for Truth Moreover when I consider that all Miscarriages in Writings approved at that Assembly doth not only become the error of a perticular person but of that Assembly also not only so but peradventure may be reflected though unworthily on the whole Body of the People called Quakers on a common Presumption that having past the Test of that Meeting the whole Church approves thereof I am even ready to query Whether it were not better to let every Man stand or fall to his own Master in this respect unless some better Expedient might be found than such an one as hath admitted of such Erroneous Assertions as to the dishonour of Truth are contained in R. B's Treatise And if any one should object and say What wouldst not thou submit to the Sentence of such Apostles with whom the Word of Wisdom and Knowledge dwelt Yes verily I should and ought so to do if my Faith were such as certainly to believe they are such Apostles to me but not before read 2 Cor. 10.13 14 15 16. From all which I do according to Truth thus conclude That it is groundlesly asserted by R. B. in the Sense I take his Lines to import viz. with respect to Outward Orders that the ancient Apostolick Order of the Church of Christ is Re-established amongst the People of God called Quakers Yet I do testify that the Government of Christ ought to be exercised in and over his Church and that though the Order of this Government is not so described as that by any Outward Rule or Written Prescription as a sufficient Means Man may exactly walk therein Yet I am perswaded that there are many of Gods People amongst those who in Derision are called Quakers that have been so Obedient unto that Grace which hath been given them according to the Gift of Christ as that it may be truly said of them That they are Established in the Faith of Gods Elect and that they are in Subjection according to their Measures to the Government of Christ which by the Authority of his own Power and Spirit he hath Establish'd in their Inward Parts so that through that Obedience which is of Faith other Obedience availing not they are exercising themselves according to the Leadings of
Instrumental to gather though in R. B's Sense as is before manifested such are the fittest to rule over those whom they have begotten to the Truth but also over the Labours of others and then stile themselves the Church of Christ though not guided by the unerring Spirit so to do and then also pretend that they have Power in Cases that are matters of Conscience to give positive Sentences oblieging Believers to Obey Receive and Own the same and that 't is Disobedience to God not to submit to the Positive Sentences and Decisive Judgments of any Assembly or some or other of them which in any Tolerable Supposition may be termed the Church of Christ though we see it not and so by degrees may endeavour to divest Christ of his Government and Prerogative who alone is Lord over the Conscience and by his Spirit in us is become our only Lawgiver and who alone by the influencing Vertue of his own Spirit is able to bring unto that Love and Unity which through the Life of Righteousness finds exceptance with the Lord of Life William Rogers Having now done with the citation of what was writ in answer to the aforesaid Book of Government and considering that in the First Section thereof the Author as is already cited and Observed writ of a sort of Persons that would needs be Innovators and given to Change and introducing new Doctrines and Practices not only differing but contrary to what were delivered in the beginning and in Page thirteen seems reflectingly to treat on such kind of language as this I must stay till I be convinc'd as if such language was knocked down in the beginning and as may reasonably be taken from the scope of the said Book to reflect on such among the People called Quaker who are not so Zealously affected with the Outward Formes of Government under the Notion of Church-Government pretended to be establish't amongst them as the Author or Approvers of his Book were we think it necessary to cite a Testimony Publish't in Print by Isaac Penington the younger in the year One Thousand six hundred and sixty Being a part of a Discourse Entituled The Authority and Government which Christ excluded out of his Church c. And as it lyes all together word for word and not taken by parts and pieces here and there Our end in citing this Testimony is that the impartial Reader may consider whether the said Testimony hath any Coherence with that part of the said Book of Government which is Objected against by us or doth contradict any subject matter that we have treated upon The Testimony of the said Isaac Penington the Younger now followeth THe Apostles and Ministers of Christ came from Christ with a Message of Life and Salvation with a Testimony concerning the Good Will of God and his Love to Mankind pointing out the Way from Death to Life from Bondage to Liberty from Wrath and Destruction to Peace and Salvation What they have seen what they have felt what they have tasted what they have handled what they have found redeem and deliver them that they declare abroad to others as they are moved as they are sent as they are guided and assisted Now that which they preach to is Mens Consciences in the Sight of God They open the Truth which they know they give their Testimony in the Moving Leading and Power of the Spirit and they leave it to the same Spirit to demonstrate it to Mens Consciences as it pleaseth They are nothing they can do nothing they cannot convert any Man to God but the Power that speaketh by them the same Power worketh in other Mens Consciences at its Pleasure And here is the beginning of the Government of Christ in the Heart when his Truth carries Conviction with it to the Conscience and the Conscience is drawn to yield it self up to him then he lays his Yoak upon it and takes upon him the guiding of it he cherisheth it he cleanseth it he comforteth it he ordereth it at his Pleasure and he alone preserveth it pure chast gentle Meek and pliable to the Impressions of his Spirit and as the Conscience is kept single and tender to Christ so his Government encreases therein but as it becomes hard or subject to Mens Wills so another Spirit gets Dominion over it Therefore the great work of the Minister of Christ is to keep the Conscience open to Christ and to preserve Men from receiving any Truths of Christ as from them further than the Spirit opens or to imitate any of their Practices further than the Spirit leads guides and perswades them For Persons are exceeding prone to receive things as Truths from those whom they have an high Opinion of and to Imitate their Practices and so hurt their own growth and endanger their Souls For if I receive a Truth before the Lord by his Spirit make it manifest to me I lose my Guide and follow but the Counsel of the Flesh which is exceeding greedy of receiving Truths and running into Religious Practices without the Spirit Therefore the main thing in Religion is to keep the Conscience pure to the Lord to know the Guide to follow the Guide to receive from him that Light whereby I am to walk and not to take things for Truths because others see them to be Truths but wait till the Spirit make them manifest to me nor to run into Worships Duties Performances or Practices because others are led thither but to wait till the Spirit leads me thither He that makes haste to be rich even in Religion running into Knowledge and into Worships and Performances before he feel a true and clear Guidance shall not be Innocent nor the Lord will not hold him guiltless when he comes to visit for Spiritual Adultery and Idolatry The Apostles were exceeding tender in this point for though they certainly and infallibly knew what was to be believed yet they were not Lords over Mens Faith but waited till he who is Lord of the Faith would open the way into Mens Consciences They did not take upon them to be able to turn the Key to let in Truth and Conviction into Mens Spirits as men in these Days have been too apt to undertake but directed them to him who had the Key there to wait for the Conviction and Illumination of their Minds and so to receive in as they found him give forth to them Let every man saith the Apostle be fully perswaded in his own Mind take heed of receiving things too soon take heed of running into Practices too soon doing what ye see others do but wait for your own particular Guidance and a Full Perswasion from God what is his Will concerning you Tho I know this to be a Truth yet do not ye receive it till God make it manifest to you receive Truth from his Hand stay till He gives it You. Indeed the main Matter in Religion is to keep out the wrong part the forward part the bastardly