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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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witnesseth Sabellicus Enne 7. lib. 8. Arithimus Bishop of Nichomedia after he had made a confession of his Faith hee was beheaded with a great troupe of Martyrs Serena Dioclesians wife endured constantly martyrdome This persecution was so cruell that none were spared Hermanus Gigas In Europe at Rome aboue all places was there greatest number of Martyrs The Prouost Rictiouarus in Gaul made a great massacre especially at Cullaine at Treuers and towards Moselle Beda writeth that this persecution came euen into England and then that Saint Alban a man very renowned receiued the crowne of Martyrdome From this time they beganne to finde out diuers kindes of torments but how much the more horrible they were so much more exquisite appeared the constancy of Martyrs Eusebius saith he beheld the persecution made at Thebaida and saith that the glaues axes and swordes of Tormentors were blunted and turned againe with so great slaughter and were altogether tyred when the Christians with ioy of hart singing Psalmes presented them selues to death Sulpitius in the holy history li. 2. saith that Christians then more ardently desired martyrdome then the ambition of the Cleargie afterward demaunded Bishopprickes Beda de temptat and Orosius lib. 7. cap. 25. Dioclesian crooked with age after he had assaied all cruelties that could be deuised to extirpate the Christians willingly dismissed himselfe of the charge of the Empire and went to Nichomedia and being tossed with rage and fury led a priuate life Maximian his companion who obeyed him as the lesser the greater deposed himself at the same time in the Towne of Milaine Dioclesian at Solone passed his time as a Gardener This change was made after they had raigned together the space of twentie yeares What deaths they had shal be told hereafter Marcel borne at Rome one Benets sonne was chosen Bishop about the 20. yeare of Dioclesian after the Chronicle of Henry the first He was a true Pastor of the Lords Church In the booke of Councells there is attributed vnto him two Epistles The one to them of Antioch wherein he exhorteth to follow the Romane Church and that without authoritie thereof no Sinode can bee called But any bodie may see it is but a counterfeyt and not agreeing with the time which then was The other written to Maxentius is altogether impertinent wherein after he hath commended Christian charitie hee reciteth things which are as pertinent so the time of that Church as conuenient to haue bene written to a Tyrant who afterward was named Emperour Such Epistles doo sufficiently shewe that they wore forged by them which after thrust themselues into the sheep-folde of the Lord not to feed but to rule He confirmed in the faith Maurice as hee came from Syria to goe into Gaul with the Legion which was called of Thebes Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Maximin or Maximian were made Augustes to goe through with the warres which their predecessors Dioclesian and Maximian Herculeus left Eutropius the Father of Constantius a Romane knight of a noble house was discended from Aeneas The Empire as thus parted that Constantius gouerned Gaul Spaine Italie and Affrike and Galerius which Dioclesian had adopted giuing him his daughter Valeria the rest namely Slauonia Greece and the East Yet Constantius who was neither ambitious nor couetous refused Affrike Italie cōtenting himselfe with Spaine Gaul which he gouerned well and peaceably was well beloued of his subiects and no enemy of the Christian faith He had two wiues the first Helena which was of base condition of whom he had Constantine the great which wife he was constrained to leaue and take Theodora the daughter of the wife of Maximian Herculeus He died of a mallady in England two yeares after Dioclesian had deposed himself from the Empire for long time before had he bene made Caesar and adopted by Dioclesian Some attribute vnto him those two yeares of raigning beginning from the natiuitie of our Lord 505. See Pomp. Laet. During his raigne there was stirres of warre He was called Chlorus for the colour of his bright shining face Ignat. Lib. 1. He had of his wife Theodora Constantius who was father of Gallus and Iulian. Maximian Herculian solicited Dioclesian to take again the Empire Some say Dioclesian answered if he once vnderstood the pleasure of Gardens hee would neuer thinke of raigning The Historiographers write that Dioclesian dyed in a rage and fury feeling an infection in all his members See Nicepho lib. 7. cap. 20. Some say hee poysoned himselfe tenne yeares after he deposed himselfe from the Empire fearing Constantine and Licinius who bitterly reprehended him as a fauourer of Maxentius See Eutrop. lib. 9. and Bapt. Igna. lib. 1. Seuerus was adopted and made Cesar by Galerius when Constantinus had left the administration of Italie and of Affrike and to Seuerus was giuen the charge of the saide Countries But at Rome Maxentius was made Emperour by the Pretorian souldiers and without contradiction of the Senate Seuerus not thinking himselfe strong enough to resist Maxentius thought to retire into Slauonia to Maximin but hee was entrapped and ouercome at Rauenna Pompon Laet. Maxentius sonne of Maximian Herculian being chosen Emperour by the Pretorian souldiers in a tumult and hauing gotten the victory vpon Seuerus waxed proud and gaue himselfe vnto pleasures cruelties Then Maximin or Maximian the sisters sonne of Galerius who also by him was made Cesar with Seuerus and had once the charge of the East adopted Licinius which he left in Slauonia after comming to make warre vpon Maxentius was tolde of the treason of his people and so retyred See Pomp. Laet. in the life of Constantine and Galerius Galerius then hauing made Licinius Cesar as is said a litle time after fell into a terrible disease which fretted his entralles whereof he died This was because of his exceeding great lecherie towards all and horrible crueltie towards Christians For an vlcer he had in his bladder did eate his priuy members and as all that part of his bodie rotted wormes came out and no remedie could be found for it So the Phisitians abandoned him For the stench was so intollerable that neither Phisitian nor other durst approach vnto him Wherefore in the ende hee dyed of a death worthy such a man after hee had raigned two yeares alone and with the Cesars and companions of his Empire the space of 16. yeares In the persecution moued by Maxentius Marcel Pastor of the Church of Rome was apprehēded to sacrifice vnto Idols and to renownce his office but hee despised all threatnings and smiled which the Tyrant Maxentius seeing commaunded he should be beaten and chased out of the Towne He retyred into an house of a widowe named Lucine and there secretly maintained a Church Which the Tyrant hearing made a stable of it for horses and other beastes of the house there locked vp Marcel Being thus condemned he left not to do the office of a true Pastor by Epistles which
Romane ruled at Rome 10 moneths He was humble and soft Naucler He restored at his great charges the Churches of S. Peter and S. Laurence of S. Valentin and S. Marie aux Martyrs Supp Chron. and gaue to the said Churches many Vessels of Golde and Siluer and many vestments and ornaments The election of the Pope taken from the Emperour The Emperour Constantine mooued with the Popes sanctetie ordained that the election of the Pope from thence forward made of the Cleargie and Romane people should bee stable and sure without any more attending the authoritie of the Emperour or of his Lief-tenant Exarche of Italie without whose authoritie before it was not ratified Naucl. and Supp Chron. Iohn Pope fift of that name of Antioche in Siria gouerned the Romane Church a yeare a man moderate and subiect to diseases He was consecrated as also was Leo the second by three Bishops of Ostia Portensis and Veliterus And this maner was alwaies after obserued The Bishop of Ostia as hee sung Masse put the Crowne on his head Before hee was onely ledde to the Chaire of S. Peter and beeing there set he was holden the true Pope without other ceremonie The Emperour Constantine died at Constantinople hauing raigned 17. yeares Conon Pope borne at Rome gouerned the Church of Rome one yeare Fasci temp After the death of Pope Iohn the fift there was great contention about the Popes election for the people or the Cleargie elected one called Peter Archbishoppe The Romane Gendarmie corrupted by siluer did chuse Theodorus a Priest a pernitious man After long strife betwixt these two Conon by all their agreements was confirmed He fell sicke incontinently after his election wherevpon he died Some said he would neuer occupie himselfe in secular matters Iustinian or Iustin Emperour second of that name sonne of Constantine the fourth began to raigne of the age of 16. yeares Hee gouerned himselfe so ill that after tenne yeares of his raigne hee was banished See the Sea of Histories Quilian an holy Scottishman preached in Franconia He conuerted Gosbertaine Duke of the same Countrey who kept Ceilam Sillam or Gelana his brothers wife And for that he preached that he ought to leaue her she made him secretly be slaine Fasci temp and Sigeb Beda the Venerable in this time made many bookes and wrote the liues of many Saints Abb. Trit Sergius Pope a Sirian ruled at Rome tenne yeares after Chron. Euseb a noble restorer of Churches There was a great contention and debate for the election of the Pope after the death of Conon Some had chosen Theodorus a very rich man Others Pascall Arch-deacon who had promised a great summe of money to Iohn Platina Exarche if hee were chosen Each of them maintained his election ambitiously But the Cleargie and Romane people seeing that this sedition would cause effusion of bloud tooke counsell to remedie it Wherefore they chose Sergius reiecting the two others The said Sergius was carried into the Church of Laterane and hauing broken the gates they cast out the factious and constrained Theodorus and Pascall to salute Sergius Pope and approoue his election Pascal accused and conuicted of Art Magicke was sent to a Monasterie and there died obstinate Naucler It is attributed vnto him to haue founded a good part of the holy Crosse which euery yeare they worship at Rome Nauclerus Beleeue this who list For in the time of Heraclius the Emperour it was carried to Constantinople The Church of Aquilea not wholly approouing the first after Naucler Chron. Segeb. Paul Diac. or sixt after Fasci Temp. Councell of Constantinople was reduced by Sergius In this time the Saxons yet Painims receiued the Christian Faith by the meanes of this Sergius After Suppl Chron. The yeare 688. Ebroine a French Tyrant was slaine in his bedde Theodoricke the King of Franc was buried in the Abbey of S. Vaast of Arras whereof hee was founded with his wife called in her Epitaph Doda Clouis third of that name King of France 16. raigned 14. yeares Sergius sent Vmbred to the Frisons to conuert them to the faith Rabed their Duke would not accord thereunto alleadging that it were more meete to followe many then fewe But afterward beeing vanquished in warre by Pippin Grand-maister of Fraunce the Frisons receiued the Faith beeing instructed by Willibrot Bishoppe or Clement after some The Emperour Iustinian broke his faith giuen to the Sarrasins and fought against them wherein he was not happie And after without necessitie brake the peace which his father hadde made with the Bulgarians and entered into the one and the other Misia where hee put all to fire and sword but the Bulgarians ceazed vppon the passages and straights and shut them in so well that they constrained them to doo what they would Hee beeing returned to Constantinople did so many euils to the Christians that euerie one hated him so that they conspired against him and chased him away Leontius vsurped the Empire tooke Iustinian and cut his nosthrills and sent him into exile into Pontus and raigned three yeares Some call him Leond second Emperour 68. The Sarrasins seeing such troubles among the Christians came into Affrica Childebert second of that name 17. King of France raigned 18. yeares Hee founded the Abbey of S. Albane in Angiers Lambert Bishop of Liege was reuoked from exile but because hee reprehended the adulterie of Pippin hee was cruelly slaine by Dodon brother of the Adulteresse The saide Dodon and his complices perished miserably within a yeare Hubert succeeded the Bishop of Liege The Histories of France Absimarus otherwise called Tiberius borne at Constantinople was chosen Emperour by the Souldiours for the negligence which they sawe in Leontius that no aide was sent vnto them for the guard of Affrike which they had recouered of the Sarrasins Absimarus then came from Constantinople and tooke Leontius and cut off his nose and imprisoned him in a Monasterie He raigned seuen yeares Naucler Abb. Vrsp. Iohn Pope sixt of that name a Grecian ruled at Rome 3. yeares After the maner of other Popes he was very curious to repaire Churches to adorne Aultars and redeeme captiues with the papall treasure Some write him a Martyr vnder the kings of Lombardie for defending the rights of the church Fasci temp The Venetians at this time beganne to haue a Duke to hinder quarells and disorders of such as gouerned and the enuie which the Lombards bare to their libertie but after as it were repenting themselues they caused many of their first Dukes to die Moreouer the Dukes ornaments differed not from those of a King and all the Senates Letters the publication of them were in the Dukes name yet he had not the bridle loose for a full authoritie Westfalia after some was conuerted to the faith about this time Iohn Pope 7. of that name ruled at Rome two or three yeares diligent to adorne and repaire Churches
he liued for a great Priest Montanus was of Phrygia of a Towne called Ardaba Hee called himselfe the Paraclet Hee forbadde marriage and inuented and instituted Fastes Against those Heretickes writte Apollinaris Hierapolitaine and before him Milciades and Apollonius Appelles the Disciple of Marcian whome Theodotius called the great Hereticke put a beginning to God Also that Christ appeared in a fantasticke bodie Tatianus and his followers Encratites and Seuerians in this time These abstained from all kindes of flesh and drunke no wine They blamed Marriage as well as fornication They cast off the Epistles both of S. Paul and S. Peter The Doctrine of Christian libertie beganne at this time to bee greatly obscured and by little and little the errour tooke encrease For although yet there was no forbidding to vse the good thinges or God yet the Historie of Alcibiades recited in Eusebius Booke 5. Chap. 3. sheweth that by little and little men beganne to place a certaine Religion in seruices forged at pleasure This Alcibiades was one of the Martyres which suffered death in Gaul vnder Marcus Antonius Verus the Emperour Hee vsed to liue so austerely as hee did eate onely bread and drunke water In so much that beeing in prison hee would vse no other diet Attalus a Romane a man renowned amongst the Martyrs being also imprisoned shewed Alcibiades a better way and brought him to this point that after hee vsed indifferently the creatures of God without scruple and with thankesgiuing Eleutherius borne in Greece at Nicopolis ruled at Rome 15. yeares and more Hee made a commaundement against the heresie of the Seuerans which then raigned that no Christian for any ceremonie should reiect any sort of meates whereof there is an accustomed vse Also that none should be dismissed of his Office vnlesse first hee be accused and conuinced of crime That Bishops should finish nothing in an accusation intended against a Bishop without knowledge of the Pope but they might determine by Sentences the causes of other Church people That a Clarke may not be drawne into any cause but before his Bishop from whom if there were cause of suspition he might appeale Christian Religion then greatly augmented and came into farre greater suertie then before Lucius King of England and his Countrey receiued the Faith Many Nobles of Rome with their wiues and children were conuerted and Baptized The said Lucius left his Kingdome and went to preach the Faith first in France after in Almaine where hee was martyred Smyrna in Asia whereof Policarpus was Bishop was ouerthrowne by Earthquake and for the repaire of it tributes and tallages were laid Commodus the 18. Emperour raigned 13. yeares cruel luxurious incestuous of his owne Neeses hee held in his Pallaice three hundreth Concubines and three hundreth buggering boyes In a wicked rage he slew Lucilla his sister Being at the hot houses and but pricked with a Flea he cast the maister of the house into the Furnace Ireneus Bishop of Lions flourished The Temple of Serapis burnt in Alexandria The Capitoll at Rome and the Librarie burnt by lightning Apollonius a Senator of Rome accused to be a Christian presented to the Senate a booke conteining a defence of the Christians He was beheaded because the Imperiall lawe had so ordeined it Heereby appeares that Popes or Bishops of Rome were not as at this present they are Apollonius a man of authoritie could not shunne the sentence of death onely because he was a Christian hauing so many friends at Rome The Imperiall Lawe then was that such as were in Iudgement conuicted to be Christians should be punished with death Commodus made die many Noble persons It is recited in the History of the Martyrs of Gaule that the Painims sollicited and by torments constrained the seruants of Christians to confesse of their maisters things impossible once to be imagined Namely that they did eate the flesh of litle children that they committed paldiardizes and whoredomes such as is vnlawfull to name In so much as they which before had vsed some moderation in Christians causes gaue themselues greater licence to exercise crueltie against them This happened at Lions and at Vienne Eusebius reciteth it in his Epistle of the faithfull of Lions and of Vienne in Chap. 1. of the 5. booke At Rome the Pallace and the Temple of Vesta and of Peace and the greatest part of the Towne was consumed by fire Commodus the 13. yeare of his Empire was strangled of the age of 32. yeares by the counsell of Martia his chiefe Concubine who fauoured the Christians and other her friends which he had condemned to death because they shewed him certain his insolencies but they by this meanes preuented him and little there wanted that the bodie of this Tyrant was not drawne into Tyber by the common people Aelius Pertmax the ninteenth Emperour held the Empire by the space of sixe moneths His couetousnesse caused his death for retaining his souldiers wages He was of the age of seuentie yeares Didius Inhanus of Millaine 20. Emperour raigned foure or seuen or two moneths as some say Hauing slaine his predecessor hee was slaine of his Successor of the age of 56. yeares For his auarice he was hated of all Some say he was slaine by a souldier of little estimation within his Pallaice Victor Bishop of Rome borne in Affricke ruled tenne yeares He ordeined that such as would not reconcile themselues should be depriued of the Table of the Lord. Hee instituted that vnlesse it were in cases of necessitie Catholicke Baptisme should be celebrated in the time of the feast of Easter As we may see in the first Decretall Epistle attributed vnto him It were incredible if all Historians did not witnesse it that for the day of celebratiō of the feast of Easter so great a schisme should happen in the Church that of a dissention and question thereof so terrible a warre should come and all by this Victors meanes who would needs haue the feast of Easter celebrated on the Sunday because of the mysterie of the resurrection and would not haue the Fastes broken but on that day Victor writ to Policrates who was a Ruler amongst the Bishops of Asia and gaue commaundement in his Letters whereat all the Bishops of Asia were greatly offended Septimus Seuerus Pertinax borne in Affrica 21. Emperour raigned 18. yeares and dyed of the age of 70. yeares in England Many Sinodes were held in diuers Prouinces touching the Feast of Easter vpon what day it should be celebrated and by common accord it was agreed that the saide Feast of Easter should be celebrated vpon the Lordes day on which was his Resurrection and on no other day But the Bishops of the Countrey of Asia were of a contrary opinion saying that they should keepe the customes of of their Auncestors touching that Which Victor seeing would needs haue depriued generally all the Churches of Asia and
reproach Hist Eccle. Lib. 7. Chap. 17. Note how the Sonne succeeded the Father in their Bishopricks And so in Victors time Polictates a Bishop of Asia said that he himselfe was the 8. Bishop of his Auncestors Some say that Galien seeing the long horrible seruitude of his Father vnder Sapor King of Persia as is said caused to cease the persecution by publicke Edicts permitting euery one to liue after his owne lawe Hee was so giuen to his pleasures that when it was tolde him that many Countries were reuolted from him hee did but laugh In so much that his souldiers slew him at Millaine at the age of 50. yeares hauing raigned 15. yeares that is to say seuen with his Father and eight alone Thirtie Tyrants rose vp which sore afflicted the Romane Common-wealth Ignatius saith it Claudus the Emperour raigned almost two yeares Trebellius saith that in his kingdome the Gothes and diuers other people of Scythia pilled the Romaine Prouinces and that there were three hundreth thousande men of barbarous Nations which by force entred into the Romaine Territories against which people as well by sea as by land the Emperour Claudus obteined victorie the first yeare of his kingdome and finally chased them away After him Quintilius his brother was chosen of the Romane Senators and raigned but seuenteene dayes and was slaine or as some say he caused his owne foote to bleed in water hauing vnderstood that Aurelian was chosen Emperour Aurelian the Emperour is rather to be numbred amongst necessary Princes then good for so much praise as his militarie Art deserueth so much his domesticke crueltie takes from him which he exercised euen against his sisters sonne Vopiscus witnesseth that the Emperour Aurelian the first yeare of his kingdome recouered Gaule after hee had vanquished Tetrike who before occupied it this was in the yeare of Christ 274. after Eusebius He also deliuered from the Barbarians the Inhabitants of Auspourge which were besieged by the said Barbarians After this he tryumphed ouer Zenobia and the Persians hauing vanquished them Some say hee founded Orleans and Geneua renowned Townes Eusebius saith of him that he was towards Christians very peaceable at the beginning but soone after he chaunged his good opinion at the perswasion of wicked people Insomuch that he determined to persecute the Churches and letters of his Edict were written and wanted but his signet and hand for to send them vnto the Prouinces but God by his diuine clemencie hindered it For hee dyed suddenly before he could execute his will Some say a Thunderboult light nigh vnto Aurelian and such as followed him euen when he began to persecute the Christians and that soone after he was flaine by one of his houshold and familiars as hee was going the second time to warre vpon the Therikes Herein would God giue his to know that his chosen are not executed at the pleasure of men but when it pleaseth him This was the ninth persecution against the Christians which endured not long for the death of the said Tyrant It should also be noted that euen whilest Aurelian the Emperour raigned foure Tyrants inuaded the Empire namely Firmian Saturnin Bonosus and Proculus As Vopiscus saith After the death of Aurelian the Empire was voyd seuen moneths And after him Tacitus was chosen Emperour a wise and graue man but he was slaine the sixt moneth of his Empire Florian his brother tooke from him his Empire not by the Senates authoritie but of his owne will thinking it belonged vnto him by hereditary right yet notwithstanding a while after he was slain nigh Tharsus hauing raigned 60. daies Some say he caused his owne veines to be opened Probus issued from Dalmatia was declared Emperour a man excellent both in peace and warre hee raigned 6. yeares and foure moneths The first yeare of his raigne he recouered Gaul which the Barbarians and Almaines had againe occupied and brought them vnder the first obedience of the Romanes He reduced all Germanie into a Prouince He tooke away olde Tyrants and brought peace into the world So that he said there should be no more any need of souldiers which caused them so to malice him that they conspired to sley him Manes the hereticke at this time composed many bookes and almongst others one hee Intituled The Misteries of Maniche He was a Persian by Nation And seeing many abhorred his lyes and blasphemies sought all meanes to giue authoritie to his doctrine He made the King of Persia beleeue that he would heale his sonne who was greeuously sicke But after the Kings sonne was taken from the Phisitians and put into the hands of Manes he died The King of Persia caused him to be apprehended and made him to be broyled aliue vpon an hot Iron Suidas and Epipha recite it Hee was a great Magician and S. Augustine saith that the bookes of the Maniches are full of fables of Astronomie S. Ierom in the preface of the Dialogues against the Pelagians saith that the Manicheans affirmed that when they are come to the highest degree of perfection they can no more sinne no not in thought nor by ignorance Felix borne at Rome was ordeined Bishop after Denis the yeare of Christ 280. after Eusebius and the first yeare of the raigne of Probus The last Authors attribute vnto him two Epistles Decretals without authoritie of the Elders The first is written to Paternus Bishop The 2. to all the Bishops of France wherein he declareth that he had determined in a Councell that Messes should be celebrated vpō the memory of Martyrs least it might be quenched The word Messe doth manifestly enough shew the deceit and forging of those decretals For it was not yet vsed neither are there found any Authors of that time which haue written thereof Felix finally suffred martirdom after he had bin bishop of Rome 5. yeares after Euse But after Dama 4. yeres 3. months 5. daies Eutichian a Tuscā of the towne of Lunes succeeded him the year of Christ 284. the 1. yeare of y e raign of the Emp. Probus Two decretal Epistles are attributed vnto him the 1. to them of Boetia cōtaining certain doctrines of y e Incarnatiō of Christ of his body of his Crosse of his death of hell of our saluatiō Damasus attributeth vnto him a ceremony touching the oblation of Gummes fruites as Beanes Pease Raisons and such like The same Damasus saith of him if we must needs beleeue him that with his owne hands he buried 342. Martyrs and that he ordained that none should bury any Martyr without a Damaltike or a Sacerdoll coate and without fire Whosoeuer vnderstands the horror of the persecutions of this time way easily coniecture the lyes of such ceremonies Gratian the great Forger reciteth that Eutichian made many constitutions That Abbesses and Nunnes should not put vailes vpon widowes or maydens which should be Nunnes Item that such as came to Councells about
ordained that heretikes and schismatikes should be punished with sword power and temporall Iustice And that none should bee admitted to Ecclesiasticall orders by ambition or gifts That Cleargie-men should each day say or sing the seuen Canonike houres That no Patriarke should vse this word Vniuersall but onely the Bishop of Rome That none might ordaine an Abbot vnlesse he were first chosen Canonically Hee added to the Masse the Commemoration of the dead In this time was the fourth Councell of Orleance held where it was ordained that Lent should be vniuersally kept through all Churches In the second volume The second Councell of Tours in this time In the said Councell Chap. 5. it was ordained that euery Citie should nourish his poore and straungers euery one according to his power that no poore might goe about from Towne to Towne In the third Chapter That the Bishop should holde his wife as his sister and that he should gouerne as well his house and family as his Church in such sort as there might bee no euill opinion of him In the 20. Chapter because Priests were suspected to communicate with their wiues it was there ordained that wheresoeuer they went they should haue for adiacents some of the Cleargie who might lie in theyr Chambers to witnesse their chastitie In the twentie and seuen Chapter That Iudges and rich men which oppresse the poore after they haue beene aduertised thereof by their Pastors not to do it that they should be excommunicated if they amended not The first Councell of Paris was held in this time Clotaire the seuenth King of Fraunce raigned fiue yeares and beeing pressed with necessitie hee tooke the third part of the reuenew of the Church against which the Arch-bishoppe of Tours and others opposed themselues Vppon a Friday called S. hee slewe one Gualter Diuitot a Knight in the Temple whose heire for satisfaction was exempted from all seruice and homage as free as the King Annales of France Iohn Pope the third of that name a Romane raigned 12. yeares This Pope ended the building of the Church of S. Phillip and S. Iames which Vigilius had begunne Supp Chron. Iustinian the Emperour after his falling into a phrensie finally died and his Nephew succeeded him Abb. Tri. Iustine the younger Emperour raigned 12. yeares Hee was infected with the Pelagian heresie auaritious and a contemner of God men who vpon great lust to haue more became out of his wits and so died Sophie his wife gouerned long the Empire but by her imprudencie Italie came into the hands of the Lombardes Vpon false reports shee began to hate the the Captaine Narses and said she would send that gelded marchant to spinne with her maides But Narses answered that he would spinne such a webbe as she should not vndoo all her life Abb. Vrsp A great plague in Italie Here began the raigne of the Lombardes in Italie whereof Albionus was the first King Sophorachus Bishop of Paris was sent into a Monasterie by the authoritie of a Councell at Paris Cherebert or Aribeet the eight King of France raigned 9. yeares he was much giuen to women Armenia againe receiued the faith Albinus King of the Lombards was slaine by his wife Rosimonde the daughter of Gondimanus King of Gepilles for that he made her drinke in a dish or masor made of her fathers scalpe The beginning of Exarches Longin a Grecian the first Exarche in Italia after all Italie as it were was occupied raigned in Rauenna a 11. yeares appointed by the Emperour Iustin This office of Exarchate endured in Italie 124. yeares and was a soueraigne Magistrate as a Liefe-tenant Generall for the Emperour Chilperic the ninth King of Fraunce raigned foure yeares Hee was slaine by his owne wife called Fredegonde as he returned from hunting because hee had perceiued her whoredome Hee before had strangled his wife Galfonde the daughter of the King of Spaine at the request of the said Fredegonde See the Annales of France Benet Pope the first of that name a Romane ruled at Rome foure yeares He helped the necessitie of many in the great famine aforesaid especially at Rome yea euen to bring victualls from Egipt for the poore Gregorie was sent by him to preach to the English men Abb. Vrsperg The Lombards tooke and occupied all Italie at the instigation of Narses whom the Empresse Sophie had angred as is said and they entred Millain Aman Bishop of Vtrect or of Liege and Maglorius Bishop of Dole were in this time Abb. Vrsp. Fortunatus an Italian after Bishop of Poiters made 77. Hymnes and the miracles of S. Martin Also hee made the life of S. Hilarie Bishop of Poiters and the life of S. Mauril Bishop When Bishops are thus giuen to superstition what will the people bee S. Vaast of Arras died in this time Tiberius the second Emperour of that name surnamed Constantine raigned 7. yeares Hee was gentle and liberall towards the poore euen to lay out largely the treasures of the Empire for their vse Engippius an Abbot writ the life of S. Seuerin a Monke and a rule for his Monkes Abb. Trit Sigebert King of Lorraine the brother of Chilperike King of France was traiterously slaine at Tornay at the sollicitation of Fredegonde The sea of Histories Pelagius Pope second of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 10. yeares He was elected and ordained about the commaundement of the Emperour at the time when the Lombards held the siege before Rome But when the siege was leuied Gregorie a Deacon who after succeeded Pelagius was sent to Constantinople towards the Emperour Maurice to excuse the Popes election and the Emperour seeing the willingnesse he had to come vnto him contented himselfe This Pelagius ordained that in all the Masses of the yeare there should be but nine Prefaces after the auncient order of the Romanes that is to say Easter Christmas of the Kings Pentecost of the Trinitie of the Ascention of the Apostles of S. Crosse and of Lent Fast Yet this is nothing in respect of the abhominations which by succession of time came into the Masse In this time there was great Raines in so much that men thought there would haue bene a second deluge Great strifes and contentions arose for the Romane seate against Iohn Bishop of Constantinople Pelagius transported the Patriarkship of Aquilea vnto Grad and constituted it the Metrapolitane of all the Prouince of Venice which the Emperour Tiberius confirmed Mauricius Emperor raigned 21. yeares He was sonne in lawe to Tiberius Cappidocian a magnanimous man a good Catholique and profitable to the Common-wealth He made warre vpon the Armenians and Persians and ouercame them The Huns also were brought vnder him Supp Chro. Clotaire the second of that name the 6. King of France raigned 44 yeares At this time Antioche was founded and subuerted for the most part The Councell of Siuille and at Toledo the 3. time In this Councell
obserued as the Gospell which is a sacriledge to compare humane ordinances with the eternall word of the liuing God It was there also ordained that no Bigamus should be ordained Priest and that Priestes accused of the people should haue this authoritie that by oath they might purge thēselues and approue their innocencie By this meanes they would be all innocent Monkes were forbidden to carry any to baptise and women that they should not enter into anye Monasterie of Monkes In Italie after a great drought there came an innumerable multitude of Grashoppers which consumed all the graine and fruite whereof came a great famine in Italie which endured two yeares Chro. Euseb The Legends of Saintes were forged at this time of such liues as these Fathers writ Many Relikes were found out by the subtilties of Sathan As Christes Coate vppon which the souldiers cast Lottes is said to be found in a Coffer of Marble in the Towne of Zapha and frō thence carried into the towne of Ierusalem Abb. Vrsperge and Naucler Such foule absurdities merit no recitall but that the greatest of the world haue bene deceiued with these inuentions of Relikes Argentuel nigh Paris made a Banner of this Coat Agilulsphus king of the Lombards was 2. yeares before Rome and the Arrabian Sarrasins entered into Sicilie and by fire wasted it Mauricius otherwise a good Prince who had many victories especially against the Persians in the end became odious to his souldiers because of his infinit couetousnesse which is a very detestable vice in a Prince He by his auarice dissembled rapines and murthers and payed not his souldiers but not them especially which serued vpon the Frontiers of Sarmatia to resist the fiercenesse of the Scithians They remained in barraine places enduring great necessities For this cause the souldiers conspired against him and Phocas was designed Emperour Who caused his M. Maurice his head to be cut off in Chalcedone the heads also of his wife three Children Theodorus Tiberius and Constantine the rehearsall thereof is worthy memorie that Maurice seeing his children murthered by Phocas and that hee himselfe straightway must be put to death he often cryed in this voice which is in 145. Psalme and verse 12. Lord thou art iust and thy iudgements are also And so dyed of the age of 63. yeares and the 20. yeare of his Empire We may learne by the example of the Emperour who was not of the worst in great cruell temptations in such sort to bridle our thoughts that the iustice of God may alwayes haue his praise and be vnto vs a buckler against all temptations Colomban of Scotland a very renowmed Bishop dyed the yeare 598. Abb. Trit The Lombards were conuerted to the Faith by S. Gregorie who writ his Dialogues and presented them to Theodelinde the wife of Agilulphus their King Supplem Chron. Eutropius a Bishop at this time Abb. Trit Phocas 42. in number and the 19. of the Grecian Emperours of Constantinople which ruled in the East from a Gouernour of Scythia after he had wickedly slaine his maister was chosen by the vnlucky Armie whereof he had charge a verie slaue of couetousnesse who handled secret matters with Courtiers after the manner of the Persians and solde the Offices of Magistrates Iudgements and dearly loued such as tormented the people by rapine and extortion This is hee who first ordeined that Rome should first be the chiefe of all Churches yea though it were Constantinople Gregorie the first besides so many ceremonies and superstitions made certaine ordinances and gaue permissions and lycences Amongst others he suffered diuorces for the long disease of a woman which cannot yeeld her dutie to her husband if he cannot conteine vpon condition notwithstanding that he helpe and succour his said wife in her disease This is in the second Epistle to Augustine the English man And in the second volume of Councells But why then did he not rather vse moderation towardes men and women which were cast into Monasteries when they cannot conteine wherefore constraine they them not to marry See the same Epistle Hee made many bookes amongst many others the Dialogues of the miracles of Saints in foure bookes which are full of Fables whereby he pretendeth to prooue that the soules of the dead returne againe and that we must pray for them These Fables inuented to pray for the dead gaue great authoritie to Masses which after came in great credit Sauinian Pope a Tuscane after Gregorie gouerned the Church of Rome two yeares He is accounted the third Pope noted of abhominable infamie an insatiable man and a sworne enemie of his predecessor Gregorie euen to cause his bookes to be burnt He being once admonished to follow the liberallitie of the said Gregorie towards the poore he answered that he dissipated and wasted the goods of the Church to get a good report and the fauour of the people Hee passed not his Popedome without inuenting and ordaining something namely that there should bee burning Lampes kept continually in the Temple and the houres of the day should be distinguished and rung in Churches The sea of Histories Boniface Pope the third of that name a Romane after Naucler ruled in the Church of Rome one yeare fiue moneths In a Sinode at Rome of 72. Bishops 30. Priests and some Deacons it was ordained vnder paine of excommunication that none should be elected Pope or Bishop but three daies after the death of his predecessour and by the consent of the Prince or of the Lord of the place It was also ordained that all such as by gifts fauour came to any Episcopall dignitie should be excommunicated Then it followeth that all their Bishops at this day are excommunicated This Pope ordained that the Aultar should be couered with cleane cloathes That the corporall of the Aultar should be kept cleane This Phocas as is said the murtherer of his M. the Emperour ordeined Boniface Bishop of Rome the soueraigne Bishop of all Chistianitie and the Romane Church chiefe of all the Churches of the world Abb. Vrsp. The primacie then of the Romane Church was established by an homicide and a traytor who died miserably Cosroes King of the Persian vnderstanding his Father in lawe Maurice was put to death by the ambushes of Phocas detested so that treason that he rebelled against the Empire In such sort that he wasted Siria and tooke Ierusalem where there were nintie thousand men slaine And the Chronicles adde that the wood of the holy Crosse was then taken and carried into Persia and the Bishop Zacharie was also prisoner The East Empire beganne to decline The Hans likewise reuolted against the Empire and with their great multitude they ouerranne the Romane Prouinces The Persians occupied Mesopotamia and Assiria and from Ierusalem ranne euen to Cappadocia and Gallatia and succoured all the Country euen to Chalcedone On the other side the Sarrazins wasted Egipt Boniface Pope 4. of that
done by their commaundement and ordinance Childeric second of that name the 14. King of France raigned two yeares Hee was by treason slaine for his crueltie and his wife bigge with childe was also slaine The Annalls of France Adeonatus or Deodatus Pope borne at Rome ruled there foure yeares and more His father was a Monke called Iouian or Iouinian Hee amplified the Monasterie of Saint Erasmus in the Mount Coelius wherein he was a Monke Hee instituted against Thunders and Tempests which then happened many Supplications and Letanies Supp Chron. Donus Pope a Romane ruled at Rome three yeares After some a yeare and fiue monethes Hee caused S. Peters Court to be paued with Marble and so dedicated the Church of the Apostles and of S. Euphemia and greatly augmented the honour and dignities of the Cleargie The sixt Councell of Constantinople was called vnder this Pope began vnder Agathon and ended vnder Leon the second Here the Church of Rauenna agreed not with the Romane Church beeing not subiect vnto her but called chiefe of it selfe did willingly subiect her selfe for the integritie of this Pope and that with the consent of Reparatus then Bishop of Rauenna In the second volume of Councels But their successors afterward would haue recouered this libertie and auncient freedome againe Wherfore there was a great and long cōtention betwixt the said Churches of Rome and Rauenna Finally the Chuch of Rauenna was made subiect by violence For Iustinian the second inducted and inuited by the Pope besieged the Towne and their goods were pilled many banished and their Bishop which then was called Felix had his eyes put out with an hotte Iron and was after sent into exile into the I le of Pontus Some say this happened in Agathons time Theodorike the fifteenth King of Fraunce raigned fourteene yeares hee was drawne out of the Monasterie of Saint Denis where hee had beene a Monke Hee founded the Abbey of S. Vaast at Arras and was buried there as shall be said Agathon Pope a Sicilian a Monke before ruled at Rome two yeares and an halfe or foure yeares after Naucler It was he that ordained that the decree of the Romane sea should be serued as proceeding from the mouth of S. Peter Dist 19. Chap. Sic omnes In this time the Romane Church encreased much and the Letters of that sea were sealed yet with waxe but after with leade The sixt generall Councell held at Constantinople was of 289. Bishops against the Monothelites which denied two wills and natures in Christ Gregorie or George Bishop of Constantinople left his heresie but Machirus Bishop of Antioche left it not Wherefore hee was cast out of his Bishoppricke The Pope Agathon sent to the Councell Iohn Bishop Portuensis and Iohn Deacon And the dissention that then was betwixt the East church and the West was appeased In this Councell Iohn Bishop Portuensis celebrated the first Masse in Latine and the vse and order thereof was allowed of the said Councell There also the Priests of Greece were permitted to liue in marriage and to haue lawfull wiues but not the Priests of the West Churches The Author of the booke called Fasciculus temp yeeldeth a reason therof saying that willingly he had already vowed chastitie vnder Gregorie But what should they doo if they had not the gift of continencie And moreouer could they vowe for others that came after them Lastly they vowed vppon constraint and authoritie of Councells as appeares aboue It was there also ordained that none should beare a child to be baptised vnlesse he knew the Lords prayer and the beliefe of the faithfull In the second volume of Councells Item not to vowe not to marrie and that Priests which seperate themselues from their wiues because of their sacred orders should bee excluded from the Communion Peter Viret in the Dialogue to them of Orbe A Briefe of the sixe generall Councells Hitherto there hath beene held sixe generall Concells The first at Nicene was of 318. Bishoppes against Arrius vnder Siluester and Constantine the great The second at Constantinople of 150. Bishops vnder Gratian and Theodosius Emperours and Damasus against Macedonius Bishop of Constantinople and Eudoxius who denied the spirit of God The third was in Ephesus of 200. Bishops vnder Celestine Sixtus and Theodosius the great against Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople who called the virgin Mary the mother of Christ man but not God The fourth in Calcedon of 360. Bishops vnder Leo the Pope and Martine the Emperour against Eutiches Abbot of Constantinople who denied two natures in Christ The fift was vnder Iustinian the Emperour and Vigilius Pope against Theodorus and other heretikes who said that the virgin Marie did onely bring forth a man and not God and man There it was ordained that iustly and truly the virgin Marie is called the mother of God The sixt Councell was at Constantinople against Gregorie or George and Machairus and Cirus Sergius Honorius Pirrhus Paulus Petus Bishops which denied two willes as it is said Abb. Trit Theodorus Arch-bishop of Rauenna was a great Almes-giuer and very desirous to keepe the Cleargie in good order for the which hee was hated In so much that on a Christmas day as he was going to celebrate Masse he was left of all whereat beeing much grieued hee went towards Agathon and willingly subiected his Church to the Romanes Nauclerus Leger Bishop of Anthun was in this time Ebroine Prince of the Pallace of France vnder Theoderic caused Legier his eyes to be plucked out the soles of his feete taken away and his tongue and lips cut off and at last cut off his head and his brother Guerin was stoned to death This Ebroine cast Lambert out of the Bishoppricke of Vtrich Ame Bishop of Sens was banished by Ebroine Chron. 519. In this time there was a great pestilence at Rome whereof Agathon died and the Sea was vacant a yeare seuen moneths and fiue dayes Leo Pope the second of that name a Sicilian raigned two yeares or thereabouts Abb. Vrsp After his death the Sea was vacant 11. monethes Supp Chron. This Pope was cunning in Greeke and Latine and made many Epistles and Homilies He ordained that after the Agnus Dei of the Masse they should giue the Paxe to kisse vnto the Assistants Supp Chron. Fasci Temp. Hee permitted to baptise at all times in case of necessitie He ordained by the authoritie of the Emperour that the election of the Bishop of Rauenna should not be good if the Romane Pope did not approoue it but that the Arch-bishop should pay nothing for his Inuesture for many mischiefes came of this largition Supp Chron. and Fasci Temp. The Councell of Toledo 12. and 13. in this time wherein such were anathematized as forbad eating of flesh P. Virel This is meant as it was ordained in the 14. Chapter of the Councell of Bracar 2. See aboue Benet Pope second of that name a
the English men gaue ouer Hance de grace or New Hauen vnto the French king The same time they of Lubec and the king of Denmarke made warre vpon the king of Snede Henry de Brunswic made many courses into Almaine into the lands of the Bishop of Munster The eight day of September Maximilian king of the Romanes was crowned king of Hungary The 24. of September Charles the ninth king of France caused his Maioritie to be published declaring to the Parliament of Paris that he would take vpon himselfe the managing of the affaires of the kingdome The 28. was published and affixed at Rome on the part of the Cardinals Inquisitors a monitorie personal adiournament against Iane d' Albret Queene of Nauarre who because of the profession of the Gospell was cited to Rome to answere in the Popes consistory therefore and for want of appearance within sixe moneths her Countrey to be giuen vnto the first conquerer thereof and her vassalls and subiects absolued from their oath of fidelitie This was but a subtill deuice tending to an other end and the king of France tooke into his hand the cause of this Princesse so that for that time the Popes thunderclaps turned into smoake The second day of October the Bishop of Wirtzbourge was slaine his Towne occupied and raunsomed wherevpon followed great troubles in Almaine and at that time of Automne the pestilence was vehement in the quarters about Francfort Nuremberge and in the coastes about the Balthique Sea which carried away nigh three hundreth thousand persons The ninth day of Nouember the Armies of Denmarke and Snede encountred together and had a bloudie battaile wherein were slaine 3000. Snedes with great losse of their Artillery and baggage The fourth day of December was ended the Councell of Trent Betwixt the first and last session whereof were eightteene yeares In it all the Articles of the Popish doctrine were confirmed There was a great strife betwixt the Embassadors of France and of Spaine for the primer seat but he of Spaine got it at that time In the same yeare and the 13. day of August died Wolfangus Musculus Doctor in Theologie at Berne a man who by his writings greatly serued and yet doth the Churches of God He was then of the age of 66. yeares The 26. of Ianuary 1564. the Lithuaniens got a great victorie vpon the Muscouites which lost nine thousand men vpon the field with their baggage and many flying perished in pooles and Isy Marishes The first day of February died at Marpurge a Towne of Hesse Andrew Hiperius a very learned Theologian amongst thē of our time who left many profitable bookes to the edification of the Churches of God He was then of the age of 53. yeares In the moneth of April Frederick Elector Count Palatin came with Christopher Duke of Wirtemberge into the Abbey of Malbrun nigh to Spire where by the space of 7. daies their Diuines disputed some against others of two Articles in the doctrine of the holy Supper that is to say of the vbiquitie or presence of the body of Christ Iesus in all places and the interpretation of the words of the holy Supper This is my body After long contestations and strifes they departed without according any thing and after that their debate waxed hotter to the ruine of Churches and to the great contentment of the Pope and his adherents The 27. of May about eight of the clocke at night dyed Iohn Caluin a professor in Theologie a Minister of the word of God in Geneua a person of singular pietie memorie viuacitie of iudgement and admirable diligence of a solide doctrine wherin he hath comprehended the pure Theologie as his writings read without preiudice or sinister affection do apparantly shewe He was moreouer endowed with incredible zeale and prudencie in all the course of his Ministery hauing serued to the aduancement of the doctrine of the Gospel and to the edification of the Churches amongst all the excellent persons raised vp in our time to ruinate the tyrannie of Antichrist and to establish the throne of the celestial veritie He was of the age of 55. yeares saue one moneth and 13. daies he was buried without pompe hauing left many bookes very profitable for such as would seeke to aduance and goe forward earnestly in the intelligence of the holy scripture and an honorable memorie vnto all reformed Churches About this time the Maritimal and Sea Armies of the kings of Denmarke and Snede encountred vpon Balthique Sea in battaile wherein the Snedes remained victors and carried away three great ships of warre with a number of prisoners which the king of Snede caused afterward to be cruelly handled But about the end of Iune they of Denmarke and Lubec had their reuenge and ouercame the Snedes vpon the Sea conquering one ship though inexpugnable vntill then after hauing sunke many moe The Emperour Ferdinand a gentle and peaceable Prince died the 25. day Iuly at Vienna in Austrich hauing liued 61. yeares foure moneths and an halfe leauing for successor to the Empire his sonne Maximilian who soone after was elected and crowned The beginning of his yeare 1565. was very sharpe and colde in many Countries of Europe and there fel an extraordinary quantitie of snowe which beeing frozen and after melted in the spting time there followed great Invndations The Churches of France maintained themselues in some estate whilest the young King guided by his Councell made his voyage of Bayonne A warre in Hungary against the Turkes with losses and ruines on both parts The Churches in the lowe Countries began also to lift vp their heads especially vnder Charles the fift The encrease of the French Churches encouraged them they also published their confession of faith The Ecclesiasticke Romanes that which afterward came to pass e amongst other practises sought to establish the Spanish Inquisition and certaine yeares before made new Bishops to the end more easily to maintaine the Popes authoritie After this erection by the space of foure or fiue yeares whilest Margarite Dutches of Parma gouerned the lowe Countries for her brother the king of Spaine some ceased not to cōtend against others by remonstrances bookes and diuers practises some to abolish others to giue entry and authoritie vnto the Inquisition The I le and Towne of Malte was furiously assailed by the Turkes in the moneth of May but they were Iustained and pushed backe by the knights of Malta being assisted with the succors which were sent from many places In the monethes of Iune and Iuly were great deluges and ouerflowings of waters in diuers quarters of Almaine especially in Thuringe A very sharpe warre was in Hungarie betwixt the Turkes and the Almaines with diuers accidents that befell on both sides The eight of December the Pope Pius the fourth died of the age of 66. yeares and 8. moneths hauing bene Pope about six moneth