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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16145 The perpetual gouernement of Christes Church Wherein are handled; the fatherly superioritie which God first established in the patriarkes for the guiding of his Church, and after continued in the tribe of Leui and the prophetes; and lastlie confirmed in the New Testament to the Apostles and their successours: as also the points in question at this day; touching the Iewish Synedrion: the true kingdome of Christ: the Apostles commission: the laie presbyterie: the distinction of bishops from presbyters, and their succcssion [sic] from the Apostles times and hands: the calling and moderating of prouinciall synodes by primates and metropolitanes: the alloting of diƓceses, and the popular electing of such as must feed and watch the flocke: and diuers other points concerning the pastorall regiment of the house of God; by Tho. Bilson Warden of Winchester Colledge. Perused and allowed publike authoritie. Bilson, Thomas, 1546 or 7-1616. 1593 (1593) STC 3065; ESTC S101959 380,429 522

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elect Angels that thou obserue these things without preiudice or parcialitie And in the very close of his epistle I charge thee before God and Iesus Christ that thou keepe these precepts without spot or reproofe In like maner to Titus an other of his helpers and coadiutors in the Gospell For this cause I left thee in Crete to supplie those things y t want orrectifie those things which remaine to ordain Elders in euery city as I appointed thee There are many vaine talkers deceiuers of minds whose mouthes must be stopped that subuert whole houses for filthy lucres sake Rebuke y ● Cretians sharply that they may be sound in faith not take heed to Iewish fables cōmandements of mē These things speake exhort reprooue with all authoritie Let no man despise thee Reiect him that is an here●ike after the first second admonition By these the like precepts she wing himselfe euery where to speake as Christes embassadour and in matters of faith good behauiour and needfu●l discipline to be the Apostle and Teacher of the Gentiles for in all these things not onely the people that were beleeuers but euen the godly Pastours Prophets and Euangelists perceiuing his sinceritie and reuerencing his authoritie obeied the Apostles voyce as hauing the spirite of Christ giuen him for the perfect directing and guiding of the Church amongst the Gentiles Much more might be sayd to this effect but by this it is euident that the Apostles function and calling was superiour to all other degrees and offices of the Church of Christ were they Deacons Doctors and Pastours Prophets or Euangelists or of the 70. Disciples and this their superioritie was giuen them by Christ himselfe whiles he liued on earth and confirmed vnto them by the mightie gifts and power of his holy spirite after his ascending into the heauens and acknowled●ed and honoured by all the faithfull so long as the Apostles liued none spurning at it or contradicting it but such as drew disciples after them to raigne ouer their brethren or seduced the simple to serue their owne bellies S. Iohn noteth Diotrephes for not acknowledging his Apostleship in this wise I wrote to the Church but Diotrephes that loueth to be chiefest among them receiueth vs not wherefore when I come I will declare his workes which hee doeth prating against vs with lewd wordes Farre otherwise were the godly Pastours and Teachers minded in the Church of Christ yeelding with all submission vnto the Apostles as vnto the expresse messengers of Gods will and disposers of his mysteries and putting a great difference betwixt the Apostolike function and theirs as Ignatius confesseth in his epistle to the Romanes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I prescribe or enioyne nothing vnto you as Peter and Paul did they were the Apostles of Iesus Christ but I the least And agayne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I commaund not as an Apostle but keepe my selfe within my measure Whereof we neede no further nor surer proofe then this that the whole Church then and euer since did and doeth hold all the precepts rules orders and admonitions of the Apostles contained in their epistles for authenticall oracles of the holy Ghost and partes of the Canonicall Scripture and they no doubt had the same authoritie speaking which they had writing and consequently no Pastour or Teacher might then more resist or refuse the Apostles doctrine decrees or doings then we may now their letters sermons or epistles This Prerogatiue to be best acquainted with the will and meaning of our Sauiour and to haue their mouthes and pennes directed and guided by the holy Ghost into all trueth as well of doctrine as discipline was so proper to the Apostles that no Euangelist nor Prophet in the new Testament came neere it and therefore the stories written by Marke and Luke were not admitted to be Canonical in respect of the writers but for that they were taken from the Apostles mouthes and by the Apostles perused and confirmed as true and sincere So saieth Luke of his owne Gospell As they deliuered vnto vs which from the beginning were eie witnesses and ministers of the word as soone as I searched out perfectly from the first all things it seemed good to me in order to write them And those his writings S. Paul saieth were ratified and receiued in all Churches I haue sent the brother whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the Churches which could not haue so generally bene accepted with good liking but that the Apostles who then gouerned and directed the Churches had first viewed approued the same els neither would the faithfull haue so esteemed it nor S. Paul so commended it The Gospel of Marke had the like approbation frō Peter as Ierome others doe testifie Marke the disciple interpreter of Peter according as he had heard Peter make relatiō wrote a short gospel being therto desired by the brethren at Rome The which Gospell when Peter heard he allowed it by his authoritie published it to be read of y e church as Clemens in his first booke Hypotypωseωγ writeth Can any man doubt reading the words of S. Paul which I haue cited but the Apostles had in the Church of Christ right to require and command power to rebuke and reuenge authoritie to dispose and ordaine in all such cases as touched the soundnesse of faith syncerenesse of life or seemlinesse of order amongst the faithfull and that in so doing they did not vsurpe vpō their brethren nor tyrannize ouer them but were guided by Gods spirit and obeied as Christes messengers and Legates in euery place where the trueth was admitted Neither did Paul resolue conclude in such cases by number of voyces or assent of the Presbyterie but as himselfe speaketh so I teach in all Churches if an Angel from heauen teach otherwise hold him accursed some are puffed vp as if I would not come to you but I will come to you shortly by Gods leaue and know not the wordes but the power of those that swell thus if any man obey not our sayings note him by a letter and keepe no companie with him Under the Apostles were a number of their disciples whom the Apostles caried with them as companions of their iourneis and helpers of their labours and whom when they had perfectly trained and throughly tried they left any where behind them at their departure or sent any whither in their absence to finish things imperfect to redresse things amisse to withstand or preuent false prophets and seducers to suruey the state of the Churches and to keep thē in that course which was first desiuered by the Apostles These men for their better instruction serued with the Apostles as children with their fathers So Paul saieth of Timothie Yee know the proofe of him that as a sonne with his father he hath serued with me in the Gospel Touching
Presbyteries Let them reade if they bring better I am willing to learne but I like no selfe-set assertions as if all the worlde were bound to the very breath of our mouthes or dash of our pennes without any other Text or interpreter If I haue saide ought that is not allowed by the word or not witnessed by the continuall and vniuersall practise of Christes Church I desire not to be beleeued I looke for the like measure if any man replie not to heare the coniecturall and opinatiue ghesses of some that liued in our age but such effectuall reasons and substantiall authorities as may presse the gaine-sayer and settle the consenter God make vs zealous for his not for our wils and so guide our labours that we may lessen the troubles and not ripen the dangers of Sion seeking rather how to amend then how to multiplie the rendes and breaches of Ierusalem Amen CHAP. I. The originall and domesticall Discipline of the Church before the Law● CHAP. II. The Leuiticall and Nationall regiment of the Church vnder the Law CHAP. III. The personall and perpetuall kingdome of Christ after he t●●●e fl●sh CHAP. IIII. The Synedricall Iurisdiction which some men th●nk● ou● Sauiour in the Gospel restored and recommended to his Church CHAP. V. The Apostolical preeminence and authoritie before and after Christes scension CHAP. VI. What Dominion and titles Christ interdicted his Apostles CHAP. VII Who ioyned with the Apostles in election of Elders and imposition of hands CHAP. VIII The Apostolike power in determining doubts of faith and deliuering vnto Satan CHAP. IX What parts of the Apostolike power and charge were to remaine in the Church after their decease and to whom they were committed CHAP. X. VVhat the Presbyterie was which the Apostles mention in their writings and whether Lay Elders were of that number or no. CHAP. XI VVhat Presbyterie the Primitiue Churches and Catholike Fathers did acknowledge and whether Lay Elders were any part thereof or no. CHAP. XII To whom the Apostles departing or dying lest the gouernement of the Church whether equally to al Presbyters or chiefly to some and how farre the conceits of late VVriters herein varie from the ancient Fathers whose wordes they pretend to followe CHAP. XIII That some chiefe euer since the Apostles times haue beene seuered from the rest of the Presbyters in euery Citie by power of ordination and right of succession whom the Fathers before v● did and we after their example doe call Bishops CHAP. XIIII The fatherly power and Pastourall care of Bishops ouer Presbyters and others in their Churches and Dioeceses CHAP. XV. To whom the elections of Bishops and Presbyters doth rightly belong and whether by Gods Lawe the people must elect their Pastours or no. CHAP. XVI The meetings of Bishops in Synodes and who did call and moderate those assemblies in the Primitiue Church THE PERPETVAL GOVERNEMENT OF CHRISTES CHVRCH Chap. I. The originall and domesticall Discipline of the Church before the Lawe WHat need there is of order and gouernement as in all assemblies of men that will liue together so namely and chieflie in the Church of Christ the wisedome of God hath many wayes witnessed vnto vs both by the proportion of those naturall and ciuill societies to which the Church is compared and by the perfection of that felowship which the Saints haue had amongst themselues in all ages and places euen from the foundation of the world where the true worship of God hath preuailed The first roote of all humane consort and communion I meane priuate howses hath not the Lord distinguished by diuers degrees and prerogatiues of husband parents and master aboue wife children and seruants and yet linked them all together in mutuall correspondence with dueties according The branches that thence rise as Cities Countries and kingdomes haue they not their Lawes to prescribe and Magistrates to execute things needfull for their common estate God ordaining powers and deliuering the sword for the defence of the simple and innocent and repressall of the wicked and iniurious Were wee willing or constant in that which is good Discipline were not so requisite but because the corruption of our nature is such that we are soone deceiued of our selues sooner seduced by others and soonest of all auerted and peruerted with feare and desire to settle the vnsted fastnesse of our hearts and bridle the vnrulinesse of our affections the Lord hath prouided for all societies the line of direction and rod of correction as well to guide the tractable as to represse the obstinate least disorder endured should breed confusion the forerunner of all ruine Since then the Church of Christ is the house of God the Citie of the liuing God and the kingdom of his beloued sonne shall we thinke that God is carefull for other s and carelesse for his owne or that confusion ought to be lesse doubted and feared in heauenly then in earthly thing● God is no where author of confusion but of peace especially in his Church in which hee commandeth all things to be decently orderly done Where no man doeth gouerne what order can bee kept where no man doeth moderate what peace can be had yea what greater dissipation can befall the Church of God then for euery man to intrude where he list and obtrude what hee will without restraint or reproofe Wherefore God hath appointed Stewards ouer his houshold watchmen and leader● ouer his flocke Labourers in his haruest husbandmen in his tillage diuers administrations as well for the preseruation as edification of the Church which is the body of Christ and so farre foorth answereth the frame of mans body that as there so in the Church God hath set some to be in stead of eyes eares tongue and handes that is to be principall members for the guiding and directing of the whole which without them is maimed and vnable to prouide for the safetie and securitie of it selfe Neither may we thinke that order and discipline is needfull for the people in Gods Church and needelesse for the Pastours that were to gard the feete and leaue the head open to a more deadlie wound but rather as the more principall the part the more perilous the disease so the more disordered the Pastours the likelier the people to perish by their dissentions The house cannot stand which the builders subuert The haruest is lost where the labourers doe rather skatter then gather If the eie lacke light how darke is the body If the salt be vnsauourie where withall shall the rest he seasoned The folowers cannot goe right where the guides go astray and forces distracted bee they neuer so great are soone defeated Discord and disorder in the Pastours rent the Church in pieces where as peace and agreement in the Teachers confirme and establish the mindes of the hearers If they striue that sit at sterne the ship of Christ cannot hold a straight and safe course in the