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A04780 A suruey of the new religion detecting manie grosse absurdities which it implieth. Set forth by Matthevv Kellison doctor and Professour of Diuinitie. Diuided into eight bookes. Kellison, Matthew. 1603 (1603) STC 14912; ESTC S107995 369,507 806

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Greatest vvho tooke in as good parte the vvidovves mite as the ritchest Offringe But yet I vvould not haue your Maiestie to esteeme of this my booke only as of a bare bundel of papers bicause I present you vvithall that hūble harte and sincere affection vvhich a subiecte can beare or ovve vnto his Soueraigne and vvith my affection I offer my selfe as your Maiesties most lovvly faithfull seruaunte vvhich is a guifte so great be the giuer neuer so vile that the great King of heauen requireth yea desireth no more at our handes but esteemeth that vve giue all vvhen vvee giue our selues and that vvee giue noe litle vvhen vvee giue our All bee it neuer so litle Nether is my presēt it selfe to bee misprised nether can it of such a Prince bicause the booke is not my present it is but the boxe the present is that vvhich it conteineth And if your Maiestie demaund of me vvhat that is I ansvvere not gold nor Iuorie of India not ritch and orient pearle for vvith such treasures your England like an India aboundeth but it is that vvhich is more vvorth and vvhich your India only vvanteth and vvhat is that It is religion the vvorship of God the Saluation of your soule the safetie of your Subiectes the health of the body of the Realme of vvhich you are the Heade the strength of your Kingdome the peace of your people and the ritchest pearle of your crovvne This is the subiect of my discourse these are the contentes of my booke and this is my guifte and present vvhich amongest so many guiftes vvhich by so many and so mightie Princes are presented vnto your Highnes I offer vvith all humilitie hopīg yea persuading my selfe that such a guifte as Religion can not but be gratefull vnto that Prince vvho is the Defendour of the faith Protectour of Religion And bicause this vnhappie age hath been more frutefull then profitable in deuising of religions in so much that as all is not golde that glisters so novv all is not religiō vv ch is called soe least I may be thought to offer Counterfet for currante and heresie for true religion it is the Catholike Religion most noble Prince vvhich I present and vvhich my booke conteyneth and by many argumentes as occasion serueth not only proueth but also conuinceth to be the only sincere and true Christian religion and vnmasking the nevv religion by a seuere yet syncere Examination declareth it to be nothing else but errour and heresie though vnder the painted face of a Reformed Religion it hath deceiued some parte of the vvorld and especially your litle vvorld England vvhich the Poete chose rather to calle a vvorlde by it selfe separated from the greater vvorld then a parte or parcel of it bicause like a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and litle vvorld it conteineth compendiously and in a lesser roome vvhich also is a grace all commodities and perfections vvhich in the greater are dispersed But bicause I ame more in examining and refuting the nevv religion then in confirming the olde bicause the good corne grovveth easilie vvhen the vveedes are extirpated I entitle it a suruey of the nevv religion And if your Maiestie demaund of me vvhy I dedicate such a booke vnto you I can not vvante an ansvveare bicause I can not vvante a reason Flauius Vegetius vvill tell your Highnes that it hathe beene euer the custome to dedicate bookes to Kinges and Emperours as he him selfe did to Valentinian th' Elder bicause sayeth he nether is any thing vvel begōne vnless after God the King fauour it nether doe any thinges beseem Kinges better then bookes vvho as they gouern all so if it vvere possible should knovve all For as in the head vvhich guideth the vvholle bodie are all the sences so a Prince the head of the people should be indevved vvith all sciences and as the Sonne bicause it illuminateth the planets vvhich vnder it rule and guide the inferiour vvorld is replenished vvith more light then they so the King vvho is the Sonne of his ovvn vvorld and Kingdome from vvhom not only the people but inferiour Princes also are to receue their light and direction should be illuminated vvith a greater light and knovvledge then any of his subiectes and therfore Cirus vvas vvonte to say that he is not vvorthy an Empire vvho is not better and vviser then the rest vvhich also in effecte King Salomon surnamed vvise affirmed vvhē he gaue that holsome counsayle to his fellovv-Kinges Sap. 6. Si delectamini sedibus sceptris ô Reges populi diligite sapientiam vt in aeternum regnetis If you be delighted in thrones and scepters ô Kinges loue you vvisdome that you may raigne for euer and to signifie this by an Embleme God him selfe gaue his people for their first King no other then Saule vvho vvas higher then the rest of the people by the head and shoulders And seing that your Maiestie is not only a Kinge but a learned King also as by many monumentes of your rare vvitte and learning vvhich the learnedst admire doth plainly appeare to vvhom ought I of dutie to consecrate this my vvorke but to such a King vvho for his authoritie can protecte it and for his vvisdome can Iudge of it Yea the verie subiect of my booke vvhich is religion seemed to require of right no other Patrone then your most Excellent Maiestie vvho by office and Title are the protectour of Religion the champion of the Church and Defendour of the Fayth This common congratulation also not only of your ovvne litle vvorld but also of all the Christiane vvorlde this vniuersall ioy these triūphes these bonefyers vvhich the french-man calleth feux de ioye haue moued and stirred mee vp to shevv some signe also of my affection and ioye vvhervvith my harte is so full that my toungue can not be silent All reioise most Gracious Prince at your Coronation as though it concerned all and the hope vvhich is generally conceiued of your Graces Bountie hath not only passed your seas but the Alpes also The vvorlde admires the svveet prouidence of the Almightie tovvardes your Maiestie vvhoe euen from your infancie hath protected you from many imminent dangers as thoughe he had reserued you as no doubte hee did for the crovvne of England The vvorld expected ether ciuil vvarres or foraine inuasions after the deathe of her Maiestie of late memorie bicause the Heire apparaunt vvas not named and though all men had their eyes and expectations and desires also fixed on your Highnes person yet they feared that vvhich they desired and hoped not vvithout feare and yet cōscience directing your Nobles and God gouerning their cōscience vvithout any bloud shed vvithout contradiction yea vvith great applause of all your Highnes is placed peaceably in your Regall throne and vv ch is rare England vvas so inamoured vvith your Princely vertues and so moued by your vndoubted Title that shee sent for you as for her louing spouse and hath betrothed
intended conclusion vvhich I maye doe vvith as muche breuitie as facilitie For if God bee the autour of all sinne then if vvee maye gather vvhat the tree is by the frute hee is of a malitious nature as is before proued and if hee commaund vs impossibilities and punishe vs vvith Hell fyer for not fullfilling them then is hee vnreasonable cruel and barbarous And if vvee once make this conceit of God as vvee must needes if vvee beleeue the aduersaries opiniō then must our hartes of necessitie bee cold in religion and vvorship of God For vvho can bee induced to vvorship loue and honour such a God in vvhome is nothing vvhich is amiable nothing vvorthy honour vvel may vvee feare him for his crueltie but loue him and honour him from the harte vve can not And so religion fallethe The third Chapter shevveth that in contempte of the Churches authoritie they bring all religion in contempte IT is a maxime and almost an article of faithe receued amōgest the reformers that the true Churche vvhich once vvas hathe erred grosselye in no lesser matters then faithe iustification merit freevvil vvorkes satisfaction purgatorie prayer to Sainctes vvorship of images nūber and vertue of Sacramentes Sacrifice such like Yea they confess that the Romain Church vvas once the true Church but thy adde vvith all that aftervvardes it erred grossely and fell sovvlye novv of the Church of Christ is become the Synagogue of the deuil This is the cause vvhy vvhen vvee vrge the authoritie of the ancient and present Churche for the proofe of the reall presence free vvill prayer to saintes sacrifice of the Masse they ansvvere vs that the Church vvas but a congregation of men vvhich hathe erred in these and other matters And therfore Luther careth not for a thousand Churches and Caluin Beza and others despise all the Councelles and ancient fathers as appearethe by their vvordes vvhich are related in the first booke and the third and fourth chapter So that vppon the bare authoritie of the Churche they vvill not hange their faithe as they saye least they hange their soules bicause the Churche as it maye bee deceued so it maye deceue I demaund of thē therfore vvhat assuraunce they haue of scripture and by vvhat meanes they come to the knovvledge of it A Catholique vvould say that he beleeuethe these bookes to bee the vvorde of god bicause the Catholike Church vvhich is it the piller of truthe vvhich by the sonne of God vvas promised a spirit vvhich should teach her all veritie 10.14.15 l. on t epist fund c. ● hath cuer so beleened and defined Vvherfore saint Austine sayeth that hee vvould not beleeue the ghospel vnlesse the Churches authoritie m●ued him not that the Church maketh scriptures or giueth them their truthe and veritie for that they haue of God vvho vvas the indighter of them but bicause vvee can not knovv vvhich is Scripture vvhich is not but by the voice of the Church to vvhich only in this matter the ancient fathers vvere vvont to harken as Ireneus l. 2 c 2 3. 4. l pr●esc de expos Symb. l. 2 c 1. 46. l. 4. c 11. Tertulian sainct Hierom Leo the first and d●uers others of vvhom Nicephorus maketh mention Vvherfore the first Toletane Councel in the one and tvventith canō accurseth thē vvho accept of any other Scriptures thē those vvhich the Catholique Churche receiueth Hee vvould alleage for an argumēt that Christemade Peter his successour the Pope supreme pastour of the Church and commaunded him to feed his sheep lo. 2. and seing that a principal office of the shepheard is to shevv them suche pasturs as are most holsom for them it perteineth to the ●uprem Pastoure of the Churche to tell vs infallibly vvhich are the true scriptures for vvhen hee declareth vv ch are the true Scripturs he shevves vs our pasture the place vvher vvee are to graze and vvhen hee expoundethe them hee feedethe vs. And seing that the Pope of Rome is this Pastour as is proued in the last chapter of the first booke it follovveth that vvee must receue that for scripture vvhich hee allovveth of as scripture He vvould alleage also the antiquitie of scriptures for a profe of their sinceritie l. 2. cont Ap. 〈…〉 prabar Euangel in Apolog c 19. 20. 24. bicause Moyses vvhoe vvas the vvriter of a great part of the old testament as Iosephus Tertulian and Eusebius affirme by many handred yeares vvas more anciēt then all the vvrit●rs of the Romains and Grecians also vv ch therfore deserue great credit reuerence 1 Tuse bicause as Cicero sayeth in his Tusculane questions to Antiquitie noe lesse is devve Hee vvould confirme this argument by another of no lesse efficacie to vvit that these bookes haue beene conserued so many thousand yeares not vvithstāding so many captiuities of the Ievves and persecutions of the Christians vvhich argueth that God vvho vvas the Authour of them had a speciall care of them and a vigilant eye vnto them as vnto his ovvn vvord and vvriting Hee might alleage also the cōformitie of those booke vvhich vvere indighted of diuers at diuers tymes and yet haue in them no contrarieties and vvere translated out of Hebrevv into Latin by 70 Interpretours ●nstin orat paroen ad gē●●● diuersely disposed vvho yet not vvithstanding soe aggreed as if all their trāslations had been copied out of one For vvhich causes euen the Gentils Paganes them selues haue borne great respect vnto these vvritinges not daring to mingle them vvith their ꝓphane vvritinges bicause as Iosephus and Eusebius affirme some that haue attēpted it l ●● Aut. c. 1. ● l. ● praepar● ● by the diuine and secret povver haue beene very sharpely and seuerly punished all vv ch is vvarrāted by historie traditiō This a Catholike vvould saye vvith great applause and no lesse probabilitie for the authoritie of scripture But vvhat vvould or vvhat could our reformers saye vvould they saye vvith the Catholike that they beleeue them to bee holy scripture bicause the Church sayeth so ●● Host● l. 3. ●●nt Brent Luther in deed sayeth that hee in this point beleeuethe the Churche and Pope and good reason hathe hee bicause of vvhō did hee receue the scriptures vvhen hee began first to preach his nevv doctrine but of the Romaine Churche vvho cuer had the custody of them euen since the tyme of the Apostles And hovve could he knovve that the ghospel of the Nazarens of sainct Barnabas Euseb l. ● c. 25. and sainct Thomas vvere not as rrue scripture as the ghospel of sainct Matthevve and other Euangelistes but that the Romain Churche allovved of these and not of those For this cause some of them do saye that in this point they must needs beleeue the Pope Romain Church bicause they cā not in deed haue any probable knovvledge of Scripture but by this meanes as shall appeare by the refutatiō of all other meanes vvhich they
her selfe so faste vnto you that the death of your person can not dissolue this Mariadge bicause her mariadge vvith your person is the spousage vvith your noble posteritie These great fauours and benedictions of th' Almightie tovvardes your Maiestie make the vvorld to thinke that God hath culled you out for some good purpose and that your Highnes to shevv your selfe gratefull vnto him vvill imploy your selfe in some honourable seruice for that Church and fayth of vvhich you are called the Defendour in so much that if the general voice groūded only on the great expectation vvhich commonly is conceiued of you vvere as true as common I should not need at this tyme to be the Suppliaunte for the freedom and libertie of your distressed Catholiques And althoughe your Catholique subiectes at home haue not yet obteined so great a benefit yet so ritch hopes and so firme confidence do they repose in your Graces Bountie that frō the first day of your raigne they hoped that your Maiestie vvill proue another Moyses vvho shall deliuer your Realmes and Kingdomes from a vvorse then Egiptian captiuitie I meane heresie vvhich makes the vnderstanding a slaue to errour vnder a shovv of veritie yea that you vvill be vnto them another losue vvho shall bring them to their lande of promise the Catholique Churche vvhich is the lande of all Gods promises and that after a longe famine more then Ievvishe or Saguntine not of body but of soule you shal be another Ioseph vvho shall store vs by your vvisdome and authoritie vvith the spiritual prouision of the true vvorde of God true fayth and sacramētes by vvhich the soule is nourished Yea that you vvill bee another Constantine to appease the boysterous storme of a longe persequution and to repaire the ruines of the Catholique faith and Church of your Realmes of England Scotland and Ireland And I also armed vvith the same hope and bidden by your Bountie and constrained by necessitie to be bolde in the name of all your Catholike subiectes of vvhome I ame the leaste in the name of the Catholike Church of vvhich I ame a member and you a Defendour in the name of all Catholike Princes yea of al the Christian vvorld vvhich hath conceiued such an expectariō of your Gracious Goodnes in the name of the Great King of heauen and earth by vvhom you raigne and by vvhom you were preserued and reserued for this Croune scepter that it would please your Maiestie to caste a Gracious regard vppon the great affliction of your loyall naturall and moste anciente subiectes the Catholikes of your Realme and to bende your most compationate eares to their humble suppliaunte petition vvho desire nether landes nor liuinges nor offices nor pardon for offences but libertie for their consciencee vvhose restrainte they counte more greeuous then imprisonment yea death of their bodyes and not to contristate them vvith a heauie repulse at this tyme especially vvhen euen theeues and murderers are pardoned so Graciously Our zeale tovvards Christe his Churche the loue of our Religion the desire of the saluation of your Maiesties Person of your louing Spouse our moste Gracious Queene of your Royal Children our Noble Lordes of your Kingdome also our deare Countrie moueth vs to desire your Highnes to restore vvhollie tha● Religion vvhich your Glorious predecessours maintened vvith Crovvne Scepter Sworde as for the defence the● of they vvere all svvorne at their sacre● Coronation But if it shall not stand● vvith your Graces pleasure to graunte v● so much vvee moste humblie desire o● our knees libertie only of our conscience and Religion vvhich the nature o● bothe requireth Nether as vvee hope vvill your Maiestie condemne vs of to great presumption for demaunding that vvhich hath been so longe denyed vs bicause there is no Prescriptiō against conscience vvhen conscience is enforced and your princely Prudence vvel perceiueth that necessitie on our parte is importune Bountie on your parte imbold●neth and the Religion on your most Noble Progenitours parte for vvhich we plead promiseth a Gracious graunte For if it much skilleth fro● what tre● the graffe or frute is taken vvhy shall it not much importe to come of a Catholique Race True it must be vvhich the Poet sayeth Fortes creantur fortibus bonis Hor Flac. Est in ●●uencis est in equis Patrum Virtus nec imbecillem feroces Progenerant Aquilae columbam I graunt that Religiō is supernatural and is not transfused vvith flesh and bloud but infused by God vvith consent of our vvill and operation of Grace but yet children are naturally bent to like of that in vvhich their parentes haue excelled And truly for zeale tovvards the Catholike Religion almost all the noble Kinges of Scotlād vvhich vvere your Highnes progenitours are most famous as the Valiaunt and noble Malcolmus and the blessed saincte Marguerite his spouse Histoire abbregée par Dauid ●hambre King Dauid vvho builded 15. Abbeyes erected 4. Bishop-rickes Iames the fourth your Great Grandfather surnamed protectour of the faith Iames the fifte your Graūdfather a moste iust King and liberall to the poore to omit diuers others not only of Scotland but also of England yea and Fraunce also and namelie that vvarlike and moste Catholike Hovvse of Guise to vvhich you are allyed but of all your Glorious Mother is moste renovvmed vvho as for her goodly personage she deserued to b● Spouse to a King of Fraunce and for he● Princely qualities and Roiall bloud vva● vvorthy a double crovvn in Earth so fo● her Zeale in religiō and more then manly Fortitude shevved for the defence o● the same at her death She deserued the third Crovvn in Heauen called Aureola Martyrum Is it possible then tha● your moste Excellent Maiestie beholding such rare vertue in your Mother should not desire it in your selfe Or tha● you should not loue to liue in that Religion for vvhich she loued to dye I haue hard of some that vvere belonging to her and entertained by her vvhen she vvas rather detained then entertained in England that she spent many hovven in prayer shed many teares of sorovve gaue great almes of charitie and vsed diuers meanes of prouidēce that your Maiestie might bee made a Catholike and amongest other She deuised the meanes that you should be baptized Nicol Burne in his preface to king lames the sixt and confirmed by a Catholike bishop That ranne still in her mynde that vvas deepest i● her harre and oftenest in her mouthe fo● that she fetched many a sighe and sighe● out many a vvishe and as liuing for thi● she shed many teares so dying no doubte she offered no litle parte of her innocent bloud vvhich as it cryeth vengeaunce before God against her enemies so like a pleasing sacrifice as vve hope it cryeth for conuersion of your Maiestie and your Kingdomes to that religion for vvhich it vvas shedde So that as sainct Ambrose sayed once to sainct Monica vvho vvas allvvayes praying vveeping
and vvishing for saint Austines her sonnes conuersion vvho then vvas a Manichee Filius tantarum lachrimarum perire non potest I may say of your Highnes to vvit that the sonne of suche a Mother and Prince of such a Princess and Inheritour of suche vertues such examples such teares such vvis hes can neuer perish that is can not but bee a Catholique This her zeale tovvardes religion these her desires vvishes these her prayers and teares and aboue all her Glorious Martyrdome vvill euer bee before your Graces eyes to moue your harte if not to admitte vvholy the Catholike religion at least to permitte it at least not to persequute it vvhich she loued her selfe so vvell and vvished to your Highnes so hartilie And truly moste Gracious Liege such is our repose in your goodnes that if ther vvere noe other motiues then your Glorious mothers example your Catholike subiectes miserie and your ovvne innate clemencie vve vvould not at all despaire of a graunt of our petition but seing that the thing vve request concerneth not only our good but your graces honour also and the true felicitie of your Kingdome vvee hope confidently not to suffer a repulse in that in vvhich your Highnes also hath a parte and for vvhich not only vvee are humble suppliauntes but your selfe also to your selfe and for your selfe are an Intercessour And first he graunt of our petition shal be most honourable for your moste Excellēt Maiestie King Lucius vvas the first king Christian of our Countrie and the first king that laboured in the cōuersion of it vvith Pope Eleutherius by vvhose Counsail and preachers vvhich he sent he extirpated idolatrie and planted Christian Religion and for this glorious facte his name and fame is and euer shal be moste renovvmed both in heauen and earth King Ethelbert vvas the secōd king vvho by the meanes of Pope Gregorie by Popes alvvayes countries haue been conuerted and tvvelue Monkes of sainct Benedictes Order the second tyme restored this Countrie again vnto the same Christiane and Catholike Religion the vvhich by the inuasiō of the Saxons vvas againe become Idolatricall and Pagane and he is noe lesse glorious before God and men for so honourable an enterprise But if your Highnes shal be the third King vvho shalle againe reduce this coūtrie to the same ancient Religion you shal be as much more glorious and your name as much more renovvmed Th as heresie is vvorse then Paganisme and more hardly extinguished Vvilliam the Conquerour from vvhome your Maiestie is vvorthilie descended is reckened amongest the Vvorthies of the vvorlde and vvritten in the liste and catalogue of the moste Vvarlike Kinges for that famouse conquest vvhich he made of your litle vvorlde But if your Highnes shall get the conqueste of heresie your honour shal be as farre more greater then his as the conquest of mens soules and myndes is more glorious then subdevving of bodyes In such a Cōquest the vvarre is Christes the victorie is his and yours the crovvne yours only not in earth only but in heauen also You haue the occasion offered ô mightie Prince by vvhich you may make your name and fame immortall let not such an opportunitie passe if you can atchieue so glorious a Conquest as you can if you vvill bicause the body of your Realme vvill follovv the vvill of their head you shall be more Glorious then all the Kinges of England before you If it please your Maiestie to set before your eyes those Glorious Champiōs of the Churche Constantine Theodosius Pepine Charles all surnamed Great more glorious for their victories ouer heresie and idolatrie then for conquestes of Countries more renovvmed for propagating the ancient Catholique Religion for it vvas not Lutheranisme nor Caluinisme vvhich they promoted then for enlarging their dominions you vvill easilie perce●e that it is muche greater honour for your Highnes to consorte vvith them rather then vvith Constantius and Valēs those Ariane Emperours enemies to that Church vvhich they defended enriched and Leo Isauricus Constantinus Copronymus those infamous Image breakers And if you please to call to mynde the Catalogue of the noble Kinges of Englād Lucius Ethelbert Egbert osvvald osvvine Alfred and many others before the Conquest vvith Vvilliam the Conquerour and so many Henries Edvvardes and Richardes after the Conquest all your Noble predecessours so mightie in force so ritch in treasure so noble of byrth so fortunate in vvarres so couragious in fyght so glorious in victories so vvise in Gouernment so iuste in punishing so mercitall in pardoning so vpright in life so zealous in Religion vvho builte so many goodly Monasteries erected so stately Churches founded so learned Colleges enacted so holsome lavves and vvise statutes and got so many and so straunge victories in Fraunce and other Countries euen vnto Palestine your Princelie vvisdome vvill easilie see that greater vvilbee your honour to ioyney our selfe to these vvorthies then to stande so nakedly accompanyed vvith three only of your Predecessours vvho haue protected the nevv Religion and ruined vvhat they haue builded vvherof the first vvas not vvholly for the nevv Religion bicause by Parlament he enacted six Catholike Articles and at his death founded a Masse for his soule the second vvas so younge that he vvas rather ouerruled thē ruled the laste vvas but a vvoeman and though they vvanted not Guiftes of nature vvhich might beseem princely authoritie yet for persequuting the Catholike faythe and follovving other pathes then their predecessours had troden theyr names are not eternized vvith that immortall fame vvhich their predecessours haue purchased by their Religious Actes Secōdly Redoubted Prince the Catholike Religion vvilbe greater securitie for you temporall State For● your Highnes dare relye vppon them vvho by Religion Cal. l. 3. Inst c. 19 §. 14. l 4. ● to § 5.23 27. may disobey you● Lavves and Ordinaunces as I haue in my sixte booke demonstrated much mor● may you put your truste and confidence in your Catholike subiectes vvhom conscience and religion byndeth to obedience For they are taught by Religion that Authoritie is of God 1. Pet. 2. Rons 13. and that in conscience they are subiect vnto it and boūd to obey kinges though othervvise difficile and harde to please not only for feare but for conscience also And this obedience they giue not only to Christian but also to Pagane Kinges such as all vvere vvhen sainct Peter and sainct Paule commaunded vs to obey them E● Eus Vvee are taught sayed sainct Policarpe to the Proconsul to giue to higher povvers that honour vvhich is devve to them and not hurtfull to vs. Apol. c. 3. 〈◊〉 S. apulā Vvee sayed Tertulian to the Ethnikes pray for the Emperour and reuerence him nexte to God and more then vve doe your Goddes To be breefe as I should bee vvith a King if the matter did not enforce me to be longer then I should be giue vs sayeth sainct Austine such Iudges such magistrates
doltes and Asses that Appelles vvas but a blurting painter that Cicero vvas but a railīg Rhetorician that Virgil Ouid vvere but riming Poets Vvhose eares could abide such cōtumelies Think then indifferent reader hovv fovvle mouthed the heretiques of this age are vvho thus miscall the ancient fathers renovvmed for their skill in interpretatiō of scriptur and other learning as appeareth by their learned commentaries homelies and other vvorkes Think hovv arrogāt these men are vvho preferre them selues before all ancient fathers euen in that learning vvhich vvas their profession and for vvhich they haue been for many hundred yeares as famouse as euer Cicero vvas for eloquence Aristotle for Philosophie or Virgil Ouid for Poetrie But vvhilest they contemne the authoritie of ancient fathers vvhat greater authoritie do they bringe but vpstarte and vnlearned ministers Vvhilest they reiect the fathers as mē vvho mighterre are they godds or angells are not they men as the fathers vvere and not vvorthy to be their men seruauntes to cary their books after them But novve accordīg to my promise I vvil declare the first pointe by me proposed to vvit hovv in reiecting fathers they cracke their ovvne credit For these fathers vvere learned graue vvise gloriouse in vvorking miracles and great in bearing of authoritie in the Churche of God Their profession vvas preaching teaching and interpretīg of scripture in vvhich arte they are ancient and famouse for many hundred yeares Some of thē vvere schollers to the Apostles others succeeded immediatly the Apostles schollers The nevv Apostles are nevv and yong vvho beganne but the other day to study and to interprete scriptures and peraduenture many of them vvould neuer haue bene able to make a sermon had they not the helpe of the fathers commentaries homelies Let then the indifferent reader be iudge vvhether the religiō vvhich the fathers taught and professed or that vvhich these nevv Apostles haue deuised be likest to be true and vvhether it be not more probable that they preached teached according vnto scripture rather then our nevv and later Bible-clerkes Truly to say that a Luther Caluin Zuinglins Beza is herin to be preferred before Austines Ambroses Hieromes Gregories vvere as absurdly spoken as if one should preferre the painters of these dayes before Appelles or the Phisitions of this age before Galen More ouer vvhere these fathers vvent ther alvvaies vvente religion vvhere they vvere Doctours that vvas the Churche of Christe vvher they vvere pastours ther vvas allvvayes the folde of Christe of them cōsisted all the general councells by them vvere the ancient Canons decreed and old heresies condemned all the Bishoprikes seas and Churches by them vvere gouerned and by their meanes erected They vvere the men vvho in all ages opposed them selues against heretiques as true pastours against the rauening vvolues vvho had only the coate of shepheards against them their people vvere raysed all the persecutions as against the only Christianes their actions their offices in God his Church their bookes their miracles their liues their deathes do fill Ecclesiasticall histories the vvriters vvherof intending to vvrite the begining progress of the Christian Church vvrite only of the Romaine and Catholike Churche the pastours and Doctours vvherof vvere the ancient fathers So that vvhilest our reformers refuse the authoritie doctrine of the fathers they cut them selues from the Church of Christe bicause that the fathers as all histories monumētes declare vvēt euer together and they ioyne in parte vvith all old heretikes vvhō the fathers by doctrine and censure euer condemned bicause in one heresie or other they aggree vvith them all as shal be in the next booke demonstrated and they let not to cōfesse vvith Tobie Matthevv that no man can read fathers and beleeue them imbrace this nevv religion Read Genebrard gentle reader and thou shalt see hovv in the end of euery age he setteth dovvne a catalogue of all the ancient fathers vvho vvere counted the only true pastours as allso a liste of all the heretikes them the Catholiques vvhich novv liue professe to follovv as the heretikes of this age vvill confesse those infamous heretikes the reformers adore embrace their doctrine as I shall proue hereafter in the second booke Iudge thou then vvhether the Church and Christian religiō be vvith these reformers and reuilers of fathers or vvith the Catholiques vhom they haue Nicknamed Papistes This argument of the fathers authoritie put Luther many tymes to his trompes and sometymes afflicted him vvith no litle scrouples but bicause he had a large cōscience he svvallovved them vp Praefat l. de abrog miss● priuata in tyme digested them all Hovv often say eth he did my trembling harte beat vvith in me and reprehending me obiect against me that most stronge argument Art thou only vvise Do so many vvorldes erre Vvere so many ages ignoraunt Vvhat if thou errest and dravvest so many into errour to be damned vvith thee aeternallie And in an other place To. 5. ann●● breniss Doest thou a sole man and of no accounte take vppon thee so great matters Vvhat if thou being but one man offendest If God permit such so many and all to erre vvhy may he not permit the to erre Hether to apperteyn those arguments The Churche the Churche the fathers the fathers the Councells the custome the multitudes greatnes of vvise men Vvhom do not these hilles of argumentes To. ● in Gal. these cloudes yea these seas of examples ouer-vvhelme And yet again this scrouple assaulte●h him Some sayeth he vvill say vnto me The Churche so many ages hath so thought and taught So haue thought taught all the primitiue Churches and Doctoures most holymen much more great and more learned then thou Vvho art thou that darest dissent from all these and obtrude vnto vs a diuerse doctrine Thus God moued Luthers hart vvhich might haue been a sufficient calle to haue recalled and reclaimed him but he being obstinate thus put this motion by Vvhen satan thus vrgeth and conspireth vvith flesh and reason the conscience is terrified and despaireth vnless constantly thou retourn to thy selfe and say vvhether Cipriane Ambrose Austin or Peter Paule and Ihon yea an angell from heauen teach other-vvise yet this I knovve for certain that I counsayle not men to humane but diuine thinges Art thou sure Luther vvhen thou hast so many Se Reinolds in his refut c. ● and so learned fathers against thee Darest thou preferr thy ovvne particuler iudgment before their common consent Yea layeth M. Vvhitakar Luther in some case may prefer him selfe before all the fathers a thousand Churches For vvhen his doctrine is according to scripture then is it to giue place to noe fathers But this is as much to the purpose as the patch beside the hole bicause the cōparison is not betvvixt fathers and scriptures vvhich are to be preferred bicause the fathers allovved and alleaged scripture euen for those pointes of doctrine for vvhich Luther
that his fayth might not fayle and bicause he hathe suprem authoritie vvhich all Catholike Bishops haue euer acknovvledged he hathe called many Councells and determined many controuersies and vvhilest the Church euer standeth to his Iudgement vvhich neuer yet vvas contrary to it is selfe she enuoyethe great peace and vnitie in faythe and religion vvher as the ghospellers bicause they haue noe visible head could neuer call Councells neuer aggree vppon any one point of religion vvhich vvas before in controuersie and neuer shall hereafter bicause matters of religiō are hard and therfore vvher ther-are many heads there are many opinions vvhere are many opiniōs there are many cōtradictions so no peace nor vnitie bicause noe one supreme visible iudge to determine And as for vvant of a visible Iudge they can not appease dissensiōs after they are arisen so can they not preuēt them For if ther be noe visible Iudge euerie Cock-brain may preach his ovvne fancies for true fayth and religion and no man shall controlle him nor condemne his doctrine nor forbid his preaching bicause if ther bee no visible Iudge no man hath the authoritie so the gapp is open to all false prophetes vvho may enter into the nevve Church thicke and three fold bicause noe man therin is of authoritie to forbid them vvhence it follovveth that if vve accept of the nevv religiō and incorporate our selues to the nevv Church vve expose our selues to all false prophetes vvho may preach vvhat they please bicause no man hath authoritie to controlle them THE SECOND BOOK CONTEYNETH A SVRuey of the Markes of heretikes vvhich are proued to aggree so fitly vnto the professours of the nevv religion that if euer ther vvere any heretikes they are heretikes The first chapter handleth the first marke of an heretike vvhich is his breach vvhich he maketh out of that Church vvhich is commonly counted the true Christian Church THEY say commonly that although the deuill disguise him self neuer so much yet by one marke or other he bevvrayeth him selfe For although sometymes hee inueste him selfe in the habit of a younge gallaunte or of a mortifyed religiouse man yea although in out vvard shovve he transforme him selfe into an angell of light yet so it happeneth and I think bicause God vvill haue it so that by one marke or other he is discouered For ether his staring eyes or stinking sauour or horned head or forked feet or base voice discryeth this gallaunt creature to be not as he seemeth but as he is indeed a fovvle and deformed mēber of the deuill vvho though he shrovvd him selfe vnder the goodly name of a christian and vvrapp lapp him selfe from top to toe in the innocent habit of a pastour Vincent Lytin ● contra proph heres nouit c 36. vvhich is scripture and the vvord of God yet by one marke or other yea not by one only but by many he descrieth him selfe to be as he is an heretike And the reason is bicause the counterfet neuer attayneth vnto the perfection of the currant and arte though she may imitate nature yet shall she allvvayes be vvanting in one thing or other The counterfet gold of the Alchimistes hath a great resemblaunce vvith the true gold but ether the sound or vvayte or operation vvill proue the old prouerbe to be true that all is not gold that glisters Appelles paīted grapes on a boyes head so liuelie that the byrds pecked at them but yet arte came short of nature for if the boye had been painted as vvell as nature frameth her vvorkes the byrds vvould not haue been so imboldned yea the grapes vvanted some thing for at least by pecking the byrds perceiued that all is not grapes that seemeth so Lysippus could in marble stone make so goodly a portrait of a man that he vvould shevv euery bone vaine and vvrincle vvith all proportion but the vvant of life and motion vvell declared vvhere in arte vvas enforced to yeeld to nature Vvherfore let the heretike counterfett neuer so coningly let him vse all the arte possible to shevv him selfe a sincere and true Christian yet the counterfet must come shorte of the currant and arte must yeeld to nature and hee in one point or other vvill bevvray him self to bee no true christian vvhich he professeth him selfe to bee but a faythless heretike vvhich he vvould not seem to bee And the first mark by vvhich he is bevvrayed is his breach vvhich he maketh out of the Church and Christian societie For as the vvandring sheep vvas once of the fold and the rebell vvas once a subiect and the bovve cut of once liued and florished in the tree so heretikes especially Arch-heretikes vvere at least for the most part once sheep of Christes fold subiectes of his kingdome and members of his body the Church Vvherfore sainct Ihon giues vs this mark to knovv an heretike by Ex nobis prodierunt l. Io. 8. sed non erant ex nobis They vvent out from vs but they vvere not of vs. That is they liued amongest vs for else they could not haue gone out yet so that they vvere not vvorthy our company and therfor as rotten bovves are soone broken of so they vver soone shaken of and took occasion to go from vs vvho before for their euill life in desert vvere none of vs. Or else to follovv another exposition Aug tract 3. in cp 10. they vvere emongest vs in out vvard shevve bicause they frequented sacraments vvith vs but they vvere heretikes in mynde and so none of vs and therfore they vvēt out from vs. They vvere in the Church but as euill humours in mans body and therfor vvere to be expelled bicause they vvere hurtfull to the body and no part of the substaunce For commonly heretikes liue some tyme secret befor they open and disguise them selues and so before they vvēt out from vs openly they vvere none of vs secretly Or else according to another interpretation they vvere once amongest vs and like true Christianes liued vvith vs Aug tract ● 〈◊〉 10. but euen then vvhen they vvere by present fayth and iustice mēbers of our Church God forsavv by his diuine foresigt that they vvould not continevv amongest vs and therfor they vvent out from vs bicause euen then vvhen they vvere amongest vs they vvere none of vs finally to perseuer vvith vs not that God his presciēce vvas the cause but bicause he forsavv vvhich vvas to be that is that they vvhich vvere as yet of our societie vvere of their ovvn free vvill to leaue vs and so in God his foresight vvere finally none of our company So that one euident marke of an heretike is that he makes a breache out of the body of the Churche of vvhich hee ether vvas or seemed to bee a member The same marke sainct Paule giueth vs also to knovve an heretike vvhen he sayeth that Some shall depart from the fayeth 1. Tim. 〈◊〉 Heb. 10. and that some are accoustumed to
names of Catholikes and Christians but by no name taken from any autour must needs be taken for true Christians vvho as they neuer chaunged name so neuer chaunged religion and the reformers vvho are called Lutheranes Caluinistes Zuinglians and such like of some particuler sectmaster or other must needs be condemned for heretikes And as before that the ancient heretikes forsooke the common receiued faith they vvent by the common names of Christians and Catholikes and neuer tooke vnto them particuler names before they follovved particuler maisters and imbraced particuler doctrines so before Luther and Caluin reuolted from the Church they vvent by the cōmon name of Christians and neuer chaunged their names till they chaunged their religion nether vvere any Christians called Lutheranes Caluinistes or such like before they relyed vppon nevv and particuler masters And as the Arians bicause they could impose no name of any autour to the Catholike Christians vvere fayne to calle them Homo●usians of their doctrine as before them they vvere called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is carnall for defending second mariadges against Tertulian and the Montanistes so at this tyme our reformers are fayne to call Catholikes Papists for holding the supremacie of the Pope vvho is no nevv autour of any nevve religion but an ancient succesfour of sainct Peter and Vicare of Christ As for the names of Thomists and Scotists they are no names of autours of nevv religion bicause all held the same fayth but of autours of some other nevv opinions or manners of teaching in Philosophie and schoole pointes like vvise the names of Benedictins Dominicanes Iesuites are names deriued from autours of nevv states of life but not of nevv faithe or religion So that in vs vvhom they call Papistes is no name vvhich argueth vs to be heretikes in the reformers are perticuler names of perticuler authours of nevv pointes of religiō so they vveare the caracter of the beast and are infamous heretikes if Montanus Marcion Arius vvere vvorthily called heretikes The fourth chapter discouereth another marke of an heretike vvhich is a renouation allmost of all olde heresies vvhich argueth the reformers to be heretiques if euer any hertofore vvere iustly counted so MAny ther are in the vvorld vvho finding many absurdities in the nevv religion and yet some difficulties also in the old vvill nether hold altogether vvith the one nor the other but comfort them selues vvith a flattering opiniō that a Christian may be saued in all religions so that he retain the principalle articles of Christian beleef For say they if he be firmly grounded in a right fayth of the Incarnation Trinitie persuading him self that God is one in essence and three in persones and that Christ is one in persone yet subsisting in tvvoe natures that he suffred for mankind is the Messias and Sauiour of the vvorld he is a Christian good enough may be saued vvell enough vvhatsoeuer his opinion be in lesser matters as iustification merit Sacraments and such like vvhich to them be but petie matters not of such importaunce as that a mans saluation should depend theron But this opinion of theirs vvould they neuer so fayne that it vvere true is most vntrue and as false as flattering And the reason is bicause one only opinion in a matter of fayth obstinately defended against the Churches authoritie Th. ● ● q. s. a. s p. q. ● 〈…〉 is sufficient to dismember a Christian frō the mysticall body of Christ his holy Churche in that it depriueth him of infused fayth vvhich is the glevv yea the s● nevv vvhich vniteth the members of this body together And in deed as yet vvee neuer hard of an heretike but he professed some principall parts of Christiane faith as that Christ vvas God and man or the Redeemer of mankind or the autour of the lavv of grace or some such like for if he altogether denyed Christe he vvas rather an Apostata then an heretike For he is an heretike vvho professeth Christe in some sorte and him selfe also a Christian yet obstinatelie denyeth some parte of Christian religion and he is an Apostata vvho quite renounceth Christe and his religion Vvherfore vnless vve vvil graunt that all heretikes may be saued vve must needs confess that one heresie is sufficient to damne a man perpetually But in this matter least my censur seem to rigorous my sentence to seuere I vvill alleage scriptures vvhich can not deceiue vs if they be rightly vnderstood Our Sauiour Christ denounceth him to be like an ethnike an publicane vvhich vvill not heare the Churche Mat. 1● and he sayeth not vvho vvill not giue credit vnto her in principall matters but absolutely he sayeth if he vvill not heare the Churche let him bee vnto theee as an ethnike and publicane that is shonne his company as the Ievves did all familiaritie vvith paganes and publicanes And again Christe threatneth that he Mar. 1● vvho beleeueth not sh●lbe damned To vvhich aggreeth sainct Paule saying that vvithout fayth Heb. 11. it is impossible to please God meaning no doubt a vvholle and intier fayth deuoid of all errours For else all heretikes may be saued vvho beleeue aright some parts of Christian beleef Gal. ●● Vvherfore sainct Paule amongest the vvorkes of the flesh that is of a man vvhich follovveth not the spirit of God but his ovvn sensualitie and liking reckeneth not only fornication dronkennes murder and idolatrie but also dissensions sectes and heresies and against all these vvorkes he pronounceth the sentence of damnation I fortel you as I haue for told you that they vvhich do such thīgs shall not obtein the Kingdom of heauen vvhich sentence as he vvould haue pronounced agaīst one fornicatiō or murder so would he against one heresie To this aggreeth Athanasius in his creed saying that vnlesse a Christian Keep intierly and inuiolately the Catholike fayth Symb. Ath● he can not be saued Vvhich to me seemeth a sufficient argument that one only heresie is a sufficient matter of cōdemnation And truly if vve vvill looke backe to ancient tymes and take a vevve of ecclesiasticall histories councells vve shall sinde that for some fevverrours yea sometymes for one only and that not in the principall points of our beleef many haue been accursed and condemned for heretiques Pelagius beleeued that ther vvere three diuine persons aequall coaequall and cōsubstantiall he professed that Christe vvas God and man and the Sauiour of the vvorld and that by his grace vve might more easilie come to heauen yet bicause that he auerred that vvithout this grace vve might Keep the commaundements and vvith all that litle infants vvere nether conceiued nor born in originalle sinne hevvas by the common voice of the Church and Christian vvorld Posiid in vi●● Aug. condemned fora damnable heretike Vigilantius beleeud also rhe Trinitie and incarnation and yet for that he condemned and contemned reliques vigilles lighting of candels in the Churche prayer to saynts and
corners till at the length Luther vvhom God and his Church all that vvhile expected brought it to light again And all this vvhile bicause Ecclesiasticall histories conuince them they confess that ther vvas a Church commonly called Christian in vvhich Popes ruled and Kings and Princes vvere baptized but that say they vvas not the Church of Christ but the conuenticle of Papists and chappell of the deuill Io. ● and thus these euildoers fly the light This shifte serues them for tvvo purposes for first thus they vvill free them selues from all iudgemēt-seats for if you conuent them before Ecclesiasticall Iudges or the vvholle Church they vvill say that they are not lavvfull Iudges and that it is not the true Church vvhich summoneth them to appear and therfore they are not bound to stand to their sentence vvho haue all authoritie on their ovvn side And if you aske them from vvhome they had authoritie they vvill say that they had their predecessours to vvhom they succeed and their Church vvhose fayth they preach and that from them they haue authoritie if you then bid thē shevv some historie or anciēt monument of their Church they vvill ansvvere that it vvas inuisible and soe vvill say vvhat they liste and by noe Church paste or present shall you be able to controlle them for they haue a Gygas ring to goe inuisible by Secondly if the Church vvas inuisible you can not vrge them to shevv any continuall succession of it from the Apostles For they vvill say that their Church succeeded the Apostles and is the same vvhich they planted but after the Apostles tyme vvas neuer seen till Luther pulled avvay the bushell vvhich couered this light And truly I vvill easilie graunt that their Church before Luther vvas inuisible For that vvhich vvas not could not be seen but that the true Churche vvas at any tyme inuisible is altogegether improbable For vvhen hapned this darkeness I pray you Mat. 30 Psal ●● The Church vvas once a citie vppon an hill and a tabernacle placed in the sonne hovv then could it on a sodain come to bee inuisible and noe man in the vvorld to note it Historiographers vvrite of earth-quakes and darknesses and all the vvorld noted the darkness vvhich hapned at Christes death and vvas ther no man to note this darkeness vvhich couered the vvholle face of the earth and hapned after so conspicuous a light Aristotle sayeth that the same sense iudgeth of the obiect and priuation as for example the eye vvhich beholdeth colours and light perceiueth also or at least giues occasion to the invvard sence called sensus communis to perceiue darkeness vvhen the light is gone vvhy then could not they vvhich had seen the Churche florish and shine conspicuously perceiue also vvhen first she lost her light And if they perceiued it hovve chaunceth it that none euer vvrote of so straung an accident But vvhat should I aske so many questiōs vvhere I ame sure to finde noe reasonable ansvveres I vvill novv vvith one argument make all this darkeness of this erronious doctrine giue place to the light of the truth to vvit that the true Church can not be inuisible For Christ bidds vs vvhen our brother vvill not harken vnto our admonitions Mat. 18. to cōplayn on him to the Church Suppose thē that some heretike should preach false doctrine and being admonished to correct his errour vvould yet remain obstinate ther is no other remedie but to cōplayn on him to the Church and hovve shall this complaint be made if the Churche can not be found out as it can not if it bee inuisible Suppose again some Christian or infidell should beginne to doubt of his fayth and vvould fayne be instructed noe doubt his only remedie is to repayr vnto the Church for a resolution vvhere only truthe is taught and saluation is found but if the Churche be inuisible or decayed hovv shall he haue access to this Churche vvhich ether is not as they saye or at least is inuisible Truly if the Churche ether decayed or vvas inuisible then vvas the vvorld vvithout meanes of saluation for many hundred yeares But let me demaund of them hovv their Churche vvas inuisible vvhich consisteth of men and is gouerned by men and mainteined by visible gouerment visible Sacraments and audible preaching They liued not allvvayes in holes some tymes they came abroad and comming abroad and carying the name of Christians they vvere by Papists allvvayes enforced to frequent Masse and sacramentes and to professe their religion else had they been excommunicated and deliuered to seculare povver vvhence it must needs follovv that ether Luthers and Caluines Churche vvas neuer before them selues beganne to preach or that their Churche dissembled against conscience for fifteen hundred yeares But vvhat do I fight against shadovves and that vvhich neuer vvas or neuer vvas seen Let mee conclude novv that vv ch I intended The ghospellers can not deny but that the true Churche vvas once plāted and that therfore novve that is the true Church vvhich can by succession be deriued from it for to say that the Church fayled or vvas inuisible is but a vayne imagination and seing that Catholikes can by all Histories and monuments shevv that their Church is descended from that vvhich vvas in the tyme of the Apostles theirs is the Church and they are the true Christians and seing that the reformers can not thus deriue their Church from the Apostles bicause before Luthers preaching it vvas neuer seen hard nor felt it follovveth that their Church is not Apostolicall but rather apostaticall and hereticall and they noe true Christianes but heretikes The sixt chapter handleth the sixt marke of an heretike vvhich is dissension in doctrine in vvhich chapter is proued that peace is a marke of the true Church and that the dissentious ghosppellers are heretikes if euer any vvere CIcero that famous oratour and Merchaunt of vvords Philippica 13. speaking of peace giues it this vvorthy commendation Pacis nomen dulce est res vero ipsa cum iucunda tum salutaris The name of peace is svveet but the thing it selfe is bothe pleasaunt and soueraine To vvhich opinion of his all men vvill easilie subscribe if they enter into consideratiō of the nature of peace For vvhat is more pleasaunt then that vvhich all things desire and vvhat more healthfull and souerayne then that vvhich preserueth all things So pleasaunt is peace that euen senseles creaturs seem vvholly to desire it The heauens moue all from the east to the vvest caryed vvith the svvay of the first heauen called primum mobile and yet by their proper motions at the same tyme they moue also from the vvest to the East some svviftly some slovvly yet vvith such vniformitie aggrement as though they desired nothing more then peace and feared nothing more then iarring and disagreeing in their motions The Elemētes vvhen they are out of their naturall places do moue speedily and make great hast to get
vvere euer counted and called heretikes The eight Chapter discourseth vppon the eight marke of an heretike vvhich is to be condemned for an heretike by that Church vvhich vvas commonly counted the true Christian Church AS vvhen the subiectes beginne to make rebellion the prince suppresseth them or cutteth them of and vvhen any sheep of the flocke are infected the good shepheard separateth them from the rest least they infect the vvholl flocke as the surgeon cutteth of the rotten member least it corrupt the vvholle body and the carefull Husbandman pluckes vp the vveedes least that they ouergrovv the good corne so the supreme pastour of the Church vvhen any rebellious heretikes rose vp in armes against the Church to vvhom they ought of right to be subiect assembled allvvayes his forces together that is called Generall Councels of his Bishops and by the censure of excommunication suppressed these rebelles least that by their ciuil vvarres they should molest the peace of Christe his Church and endeuoured to separate these infected sheepe least that they should infect the vvholle folde of Christ and to cut of these rotten and rotting members least they should corrupt the vvholl body to pluck vp these noysome vveeds least they might peraduenture ouergrovv the good corne of the Catholike Christians And although in the beginning by reason of persequution and vvant of habilitie the Church could not haue her Generall Councels yet euen then the pastours of the Church assembled them selues together in vvriting by vvhich they refuted their heresies and made the autours Knovvn that others might the better auoid them But after that the Church had gotten a Constantine for her champion and temporall princes for her Protectours then against Arius she gathered a Councell at Nice consisting of three hundred and eighteen Bishops A●han ep ad Iou disp con Arian Socr l. 1. c. ● Gen. 14. by vv ch number as Abraham once subdevved fiue Kings so our Sauiour Christ by Pope Siluester his Vicare at Nice the citie of Victorie for so much the Greek vvord impotteth by Victor also and Vincentius vvhose names are victorious gotte the victorie of Arius and the Quartadecimanes and defined against the Arrians that the sonne vvas consubstantiall to the father and against the Quartadecimanes vvhat day Easter should be kept and obserued Vvhich being done the excommunication condemnation curses and anathems vvere thundred our against them and a Synodicall Epistle vvas vvritten to Pope Siluester vvho confirmed the Councels sentence in another Councel at Rome The Emperour Constantine reuerencing this sentence as the sentence of Christes church banished Arius commaunded his bookes to be burned and him and his to be taken for accursed heretikes and after a banquet to vvhich he inuited the holy Bishops he conueighed them home as honourably as he called them together So against Macedonius vvas gathered the second Synode at Constantinople by the authoritie of Pope Damasus for the defence of the holy ghosts diuinitie Against Nestorius a generall Councell vvas called at Ephesus by Pope Celestinꝰ vvherin vvas defined that in Christ is but one person At Chalcedon by the authoritie of Pope Leo the first in a generall Councell Eutyches vvas condemned for affirming but one nature in Christe And the like generall consent of the Church in condemnation of the Pelagians Berengarians Vviclephistes and such others I could easily alleage out of Ecclesiasticall histories and the Councells them selues But this may suffice to shevve that vvhensoeuer any preached nevv doctrine the Christian vvorld vvondered at thē the Churche admonished them and if they refused to obey her shee in Generall Councelles condemned them and the Emperours and Catholike Princes executed their lavves vppon them vvhich vvere enacted against heretikes and then all good Christians shunned them as infected and infecting persons l. con proph haeresum nouitates c. 1● For as Vincentius Lyrinensis sayeth Annunciare aliquid Christianis Catholicis praeterid quod acceperunt nusquam licet nunquam licebit anathematizare eos qui annunciant aliquid praeterquam quod semel acceptum est nunquam non oportuit nusquam non oportet nunquam non oportebit To preach vnto Christians other doctrine then that vvhich they haue allready receiued noe vvhere is lavvfull and neuer shall be lavvfull and to accurse as heretikes those vvhich preach other doctrine then vvhich before hathe been accepted it vvas euer behoueable it is euery vvhere behoueable and euer shal be behoueable And vvhosoeuer readeth the Ecclesiasticall histories shall see hovv allvvayes they vvere taken for heretikes vvho vvere cōdemned by Generall Councells and holden so by that Church vvhich commonly vvas called Christian And good reason for he that vvill not obey the Churche muste be by Christes commaundement eschevved as an Ethnike and Publicane Mat. 18. Let novv the indifferent reader be Iudge vvhether this note and marke aggreeth not as properly to Luther Caluin their follovvers as euer it did to Arrius Macedonius Nestorius Eutiches and suche like vvho by their ovvn confession vvere infamous heretikes They taught straūge doctrines neuer allovved by that Church vvhich vvas cōmonly counted Christian so did Luther and Caluin At them vvhen they began to preach the Christiā vvorld vvondered so did it vvhen these men began Vvhen they by the Churches admonition could not be reclaimed the Churche by a generall Councell in vvhich the Pope ruled by his Legates condemned them as heretikes so vvhen Luther begane to preach Leo the tenth Pope of that name vvarned him of it and sent Cardinall Caietane a larned and famouse diuine to conferre vvith him but he being protected by the Duke of Saxonie though some tymes he fayned that he vvould submit him self remained obstinate vvherfore a generall Councell vvas called at Trent vvherby the sentence of the learnedst grauest and vvisest Prelates of the vvorld for ther vvere present six Cardinalls fovve Legates three Patriarches thirty and tvvo Arch-bishops tvvo hundred and eight Bishops and fiue Abbors seuen Generalls of religions and Pro●utatours of religions and other learned men very many Luther and all the heretikes and heresies of this age vvere condemned euen as Arrius and other heretikes in other Councels before had been But they say that it vvas not the true Churche vvhich condemned them And might not Arrius haue sayed the same And vvhen I pray you did the true Churche that once vvas and vvhich condemned Arrius degenerate Vnder vvhat Pope and Emperour In vvhat age in vvhat year of our Lord vppon vvhat occasion But this miserable refuge of theirs is already reiected At least that Churche vvhich vvhen Luther began to preach vvas commonly counted the only true Christian Church condemned them and so if euer ther vvere any heretikes these men also must be counted so else Arrius sentence vvhich that societie vvhich vvas cōmonly counted Christian pronounced against him must be reuersed or at least again examined To these markes may be added others as vvante of mission allegation of bare scripture bragging
to euery magistrate and tēporall superiour vvhom he callethhumaine creatures bicause their authoritie is in tēporall and humain thinges And therfore he addeth as it vvere to specifie vvhat he meaneth by the humain creature vvhether it be to the King as excelling or to Rulers sent from him c. Yea hee bids vs obey not only gentle and courteouse masters but euen those also vvhich are harde to please And this obediēce these Apostles commaund vs to giue to Princesalthough they be infidels if othervvise they be lavvfull for vvhen the Apostles vvrote there vvere noe Christian Princes and faithe is not necessarie to iurisdiction nether is authoritie lost by the only losse of faithe But yet this must be vnderstood vvhen Princes commaund vvith in the limits and sphere of their iurisdiction for othervvise if they cōmaund vs any thing against God or conscience vve must ansvvere them as the Apostles ansvvered the Ievves Act. 4. vve must obey God before men Bicause Princes are appointed by God and so can cōmaund nothing vvhich is against God or if they do vve must obey the supreme Prince before the in●eriour and the King before his viceroy E● E●s●● Vvherfore sainct Policarpe although he refused to obey the Proconsul vvho commaunded him to do that vvhich vvas against God religiō and conscience yet he sayed Vvee are taught to giue to principalities and Potestates ordained by God that honour vvhich is devv to them and not hurtefull to vs. This being so thē that Princes haue authoritie to commaund and to bynde also in conscience to obedience and that from God vvhose ministers they are and by vvhome as the vviseman sayeth Kinges do raigne and the lavv makers decerne vvhat is iuste Pr●● 〈◊〉 it remaineth that vvee examine our aduersaries doctrine in this point that vve may see vvhat they giue to superioritie authoritie higher povvers But peraduenture some vvill thinke that this is a vaine examination bicause they are so farre from suspicion of detracting from Princes authoritie that rather they seem to graunte them to much Luther affirmeth that Bishops and Prelates are subiect to the Emperour euen in Ecclesiasticall causes A● 〈◊〉 and that Ecclesiasticall iurisdictiō is deriued from the temporall And vvhen Catholikes in Ingland refuse to go to the Churche bicause profession is made there of a religion contrarie to theirs the reformers vrge nothing so much as that vve must obey Princes and their iniunctions But this they doe only vvhen Ecclesiasticall povver calleth them to an accounte or vvhē the Princes lavves doe fauorize their doctrine for then they flatter Princes and preferre their authoritie before the Church not bicause in hatte they reuerence their authoritie but bicause by their povver they vvould establish their heresie Soe Arius by the meanes of Eusebius bishop of Nicomedia first in sinuated him selfe to Cōstantia the Sifter of Constātine the great Ruff. l. 1. ● 11. and by him he getteth audience of Constantine him selfe and by flattery and dissimulation be procureth a commaundement from the Emperour to Athanasius to receue him againe into the Church And aftervvards he crept by this meanes into credit vvith Constantius the Ariane Emperour and sonne to Constantine by vvhome he banished Catholike bishops called many councels and propagated his heresie in so much that saint Hierome sayeth Ari●● vt orbem deciperet Ep. ad Ctesiph forerem principis ante decepit Arius that he might deceue the vvorld first deceiued the fister of the Prince They curried fauour also vvith luliā th' Apostata and they offered their seruice ●heod l. 4. c. 3. to Iouinian the Emperour but he vvould none of their proferd seruice knovving that they vsed to ●latter Princes for promotion of their heresies So that one Themistius a Philoso●her vvas vvont to say that heretikes adore the Purple not God are as mutable as Euripus Luther backed also by the Duke of Saxonie contemned the Popes legate vvho sought to reclaime him and preached confidently those heresies vv ch othervvise he durst not haue doone and perseuered obstinately in thē also vvhich other vvise peraduenture he vvould not haue doone Prafat In●● ad Reg. Ga● Caluin sought by a flattering epistle to procure fauour and credit vvith the king of Fraunce and our Inglish Protestauntes by the fauour of our late Prince vvhose guiftes of nature they abused gotte credit amongest the people graced heresie vvith her roiall crovvne And to vvinne this fauour they vvill not sticke to flatter Princes yea to adore them and to giue them higher Titles and greater povver then euer God bestovved vppon them In king Edvvards tyme vvhen the state fauoured them they acknovvledged him Supreme head not only in temporall but also in Ecclesiasticall causes In Queene Maries tyme bicause that Princesl vvas not for them thē vvoemen could not gouerne but in Queene Elizabeths tyme bicause they had insinuated them selues into her Protection then vvoemen might gouerne as vvel as men and so they are the beste temporizers in the vvorld But if you marke their proceedings or dect●●ne you shall see that they honour not authoritie but loue their heresies vvhich if Princes vvill not like then they contēne and despise all authoritie and vvill not let to make a mutinie and stirie vp the subiects to rebellion to ● p st du● Edista Caesarea Luther exhorteth the Germaines not to take armes against the Turke bicause the Turke for pollicie consa●le integritie and moderation excelleth all 〈◊〉 Princes And in the same place he called the Emperour Charles the fif●e a ro●●● and fraile carcase And in his booke again● the king of Ingland he calleth him all ●●naught l. cont Reg. Angl. l de potesta●● seculari by the name of blocke heade s●●le and so forthe In another booke he not only inueigheth agaiust Princely a●thoritie but hee also calleth them foole● knaues tyrauntes In another bookevv hee vvrote against the tvvoe edicts of 〈◊〉 Emperour he calles the Princes of th● Empire fooles madmen furiouse te●● tymes vvorse then the Turke Sur. an 1●2● Of vvh●● doctrine and example Thomas Muns●● taking holde vvith an hundred thousa● Rustickes troubled all Germaine and one Franconie he destroied tvvoe h●dred nyntie three monasteries The l● therane Princes also armed vvith this 〈◊〉 ample of Luther tooke armes against the Emperour therby vvere the cause that the Turke surprised many holdes Sur 1530. ●●66 and stronge fortes of the Christiās And vvhat stirres the Caluinistes and other sectes haue made in Fraunce Scotland and the lovve countries all the vvorld knovveth and Flaunders to this day ●eeleth And truly this contempte of lavvfull Princes this disloyaltie and rebell●on is altogether according to their doctrine o. ● Luther in his commente vppon the first Epistle of saint Peter sayeth plainly that he vvill not be copelled nor bound to obey any prophane magistrate bicause he vvill not loose his libertie vvhich is to bee freed in conscience from all Princes
can faine or imagin But I vvill bee so bold as to take this meanes from thē and then I vvill aske them hovv they knovve that the nevve and old testamēt are not meere fables and fictiōs as the Atheistes say that they are For they are of opinion that the Romaine Church maye deceue bee deceeued and therfore they vvill not beleeue her for the number of canonicall bookes nor for the meaning of scripture hovv then can they credit her vvhen shee defineth that the old and nevve testament are holy scripture her authoritie is one and the same in the affirmation of this and of other thiges if thē they beleeue her not in those thinges they cā not beleeue her in this For as if the Astrologer saye that to morrovv shall be rayne that vvith in three monethes ther shall bee rayne I cā not beleeue this to bee true for his assertion vnlesse I also beleeue that bicause his authoritie is the same and yet I maye beleeue rather that vvithin three monethes vvee shall hauerayne thē that to morrovv vvee shall haue rayne bicause that in it selfe is more likely so if vvee beleeue one thing vvhich the Romain Church affirmethe and not another vvee beleeue not any thing bicause shee sayeth so but ether for the probalitie of the thinge or for some other reason vvhich pleasethe vs. Vvherfore seing that out reformers beleeue not the Romain Church in all pointes it must neede follovve that they can not beleeue that the old and nevve testament are holy scriptures bicause shee sayeth so but for some other imaginations vv ch they haue for if they belecued this bicause shee sayeth so they vvould beleeue other thinges also vvhich shee auouchethe bicause her authoritie being the same deserueth the same credit in the one and in the other But let vs suppose that they beleeue that the old and nevv testament are holy scripture bicause the Romaī Church sayeth so yet bicause they affirme that the Romaine Church maye lye and hathe also lyed loudly in many importaunt matters it follovveth that they haue herby no assuraunce of Scripture bicause as the Church in their opinion hathe erred in other thinges so may she in this if she may peraduenture she hathe erred and so they haue no assuraunce of scripture They vvill saye peraduentur that they are assured by tradition frō tyme out of mynde vnto this present that those bookes are holye Scripture bicause our forfathers euer esteemed them soe But nether can this bee a sufficient vvarrauut bicause they are vvont to saye that all thinges necessarie to bee beleeued are conteined in scripture and that therfore they vvill beleeue no traditions And if they beleeue that these bookes are holy scripture bicause by tradition so it is deliuered vnto them vvhy do they not beleeue the real presence and the Sacrifice of the Masse Vvhy cōtemne they the Fast of lent Images holy vvater the signe of the crosse such like vvhich vvee haue by the same tradition by vvhich vve haue the scriptures Yea seing that Tradition is nothing else but an opiniō or custome of the Churche not vvritten in holy vvritte but yet deliuered by the handes of the Churche from tyme to tyme and from Christians to Christiās euen vnto the last age and Christians if the Churche can erre she may allovv of euil traditions and so traditions also may bee erroneous cōsequently can be noe sufficient vvarrant vnto the Reformers for the authoritie of holy scripture They vvill say peraduenture that they beleeue most voices and therfore seing that all the vvorld allovveth these bookes for holy scripture they vvill ioine vvith them in this opinion bicause the voice of the people is the voice of God but nether can this voice assure thē for ether they vnderstand by this commō voice the voice of the vvholle vvorld or the voice of the Christian vvorld if they meane the voice of the vvholle vvorld thē haue they moe voices against them then for them bicause the greatest parte of the vvorld vvas euer Pagane if they meane the Christiā vvorld then in deed the most voices are for Scripture bicause the Catholike Church vvhich allovveth of scripture vvas is and shal be the greatest part of Christianitie but bicause they saye that this Church may erre they can haue no assuraunce of scripture by this voice They vvill saye peraduēture that they belceue that sc●ipture is the vvord of God bicause their ovvn Churche vvhich is the true Churche affirmeth it to be so But nether vvill this shifte serue their turne Bicause first of all they cā not proue their Churche to bee the true Churche not their Pastours to be the true Pastours Bicause their Church hathe not the markes of the true Churche hauing nether succession from the Churche planted by the Apostles vvhich should make it Apostolique nether hauing euer possessed the greatest parte of the knovvn vvorld vv ch should make it Catholike and being so farre frō being one that it is diuided into cōtrarie sectes so farre also from being holy that it leadeth to all vice and Atheisme yea hauing all the Markes of heresie as my second booke demonstrateth As for their pastours they can not proue their mission as also is proued But if I should graunt them that their Church is the true Church yet by their Churches vvarraunt they can haue no assuraunce of Scripture bicause they are of opiniō that the true Church maye erre and consequētly their Church also maye erre and if it maye erre in other thinges it may erre in this and if it may erre in this peraduēture it hath erred in this and so they haue no assuraunce of Scripture Vvherfore laying a side the Churches authoritie as insufficient in their opinion I demaund vvhat assuraunce they haue of scripture They can not alleage Scripture to proue scripture bicause no part of scripture affirmeth that the bookes called Scripture are the vvord of God dictated and indighted by his spirit And if Scripture did affirme it selfe to be holy Scripture yet vvere not that a sufficient vvarraunt for as I may doubt vvhether the bookes called Scripture be the vvord of God so may I doubte of that testimonie vvhich scripture giueth of her selfe vnlesse by some other meanes I bee assured that these vvritinges are the vvord of God They vvill say peraduen● that the very maiestie of the phrase of Scripture and the diuine matters and mysteries vvhich it conteinethe do argue that it is the vvord of God But this ansvvere is also insufficiēt bicause to a vvordly man or Prophane Philosopher the stile of Scripture seemeth base and barbarous and the mysteries seeme to bee nothing else but dreames and imaginations the histories seeme tales and the matters seeme ether follies or impossibilities and so they vvould seeme vnto vs also vvere it not that vvee haue a reuerent conceite of them bicause vvee beleeue them to bee the vvord of God Vvherfore Iulian the Apostata Celsus Porphirius Apion
and others contemned scriptures bothe for the Phrase and matter and esteemed no more of them then vve do of Aesops fables They may ansvvere mee peraduenture and novv I knovv not vvhat else they can ansvvere that the spirit assurethe them that these bookes no other are the holy Scripture But against this spirit I haue disputed at large in the ●rst booke and third Chapter and so I might referre the reformer and the reader vnto my argumentes vvher vvith in the afore sayd place I haue refuted this phantasticall spirit yet to ease them bothe of that labour I vvill in a vvorde reiecte this ansvvere by reiecting this spirit I vvill aske of him that thinkes him selfe moste deeplye inspired vvhy bee beleeueth this his ovvn priuate spirit rather then the common spirit of the Churche especially seing that it is more like that God vvil more amplye communicate his spirit to his Churche then to a priuate man and if the Churche may be deceued as they say shee may not vvith standing that Christ promised her a spirit vvhich should teach her all veritie Io. 14.15 vvhy maye not euery priuate mā doubte at least least his ovvne priuate Spirit bee a lying and deceiuing spirit hee ansvvereth that his spirit assures him that it is a true spirit But hovve dothe it assure him by vvhat reasons miracles or reuelations by no such meanes saieth hee it dothe assure me but yet I ame sure Vvhy art thou sure if nether for reasons nor miracles nor reuelations then art thou sure only bicause thou thinkest thy selfe sure And so did Suenlkfeldius thinke him selfe sure of a right spirit vvhen he denyed all scriptures and vvould bee ruled only by the invvard spirit and yet hee for all his suernes vvas deceued and consequently so mayst thou bee thoughe thou thinke thy selfe assured And do not all heretiques thinke then selues to bee inspired vvith the right spirit As they therfore are deceued So mayst thou bee vnlesse thou haue some certaine rule and Iudge suche as the Churche is to acertaine thee of thy spirit If novve some infidel or atheist vvould deny the old and nevve testament to bee holy scripture hovve vvouldst thou conuince them vvhat a Catholike could saye for the proofe of scripture I haue allready declared I demaund therfore vvhat thou vvho takest vppon the to bee a reformed Christian couldst alleage for the authoritie of Scripture Vvouldst thou alleage the Churches definition or tradition or common cōsent hee vvould saye Tushe tell mee not of Churche Tradition Fathers Councels all these by your ovvn confession maye erre and haue erred in other as great matters as this and therfore this can bee no sufficient vvarraunt Vvouldst thou saye that scripture giueth testimony of her selfe that shee is Scripture hee vvoulde aske thee vvheare and thou shouldst not bee able to quote the place if thou couldst yet hee vvould say that Scripture is not to bee beleeued in her ovvne cause and that as hee doubteth of scripture so hee doubteth vvhether it bee Scripture vv ch affirmethe these bookes to be Scriptur Vvouldst thou say that the phrase of scripture argueth it to bee god his ovvn vvord Hee vvould tell thee that hee vvill shevve thee as good phrases in Tullie Liuie other ꝓphane vvriters And if thou shouldst saye that thy spirit assures thee that these bookes are of Gods ovvn indighting hee vvould laughe at thee and tell thee that Suenkfeldius by his spirit denyed all scripture and that hee hathe no more assuraunce of thy spirit then of his Yea hee vvill come vppon thee vvithe the cōmon spirit of the Romain Churche and tell thee that if that spirit maye deceue as thou sayest it maye muche more may thy priuate spirit deceue thee and all that vvill bee so mad as to beleeue thee And so if thou contemne the authoritie of the Romain Churche thou shallt bee able to assure him no more of Scripture then of a Robin Hoods tale If the Churches authoritie then bee reiected as insufficient vvee haue no probable assuraunce of scripture and so vvee may iustly doubte least it bee but some Apocriphal vvriting vv ch hathe hetherto been called the vvord of God to keepe fooles in avve And if vvee may doubte of the bookes of Scripture vvee maye as iustly doubte of the contētes and so the mysteries of the Trinitie and incarnation Christes life doctrine Passion death and resurrection may bee called in question and soe Christian religion falleth and seing that after an Apostasie from Christianitie vvee haue noe reason to imbrace Turcisnie or the Iudaicall ceremonies much lesse the superstitions of Paganes and Idolatours adevve all religion and vvelcome Atheisme And thus thou seest gentle reader hovve contempt of Scriptur must needs follovv the contempte of the Churches authoritie vvhich being layed a side vvee haue not so much as probable assuraunce of Scripture or Christian religion Vvherfore let vs holde faste vvith the Catholike Apostolike and Romaine Churche and let vs neuer linke our selues in religion vvith the reformers vvho like Chammes contemne their mother the Churche least vvee bee inforced to shake handes vvith Atheistes vvhose frendship vvee can not refuse if vvee breake amitie and league vvith the Romaine Churche as is most euidently demonstrated The fourth Chapter shevveth that in admitting some bookes of Scripture and reiecting others they open the gapp to contempt of all Scripture and religion Vve say commonly that a lyer had need to haue a good memorie for othervvise he being allvvayes ready to speake not as the truthe requireth but as he may best for the present serue his ovvn turne vvill bee in daunger to contradict him selfe and to varye in his ovvn tale for vvant of vvhich memorie the reformers do often eate their vvordes and goe from that vvhich before they stood vnto And amongest many other examples this may serue for one that they vvill needes receue scripture at the Romain Churches hand and for this point accompte her authoritie sufficient but their memorie is so shorte that forgetting them selues they vvill not accepte of the number of the bookes of scripture vvhich shee hathe deliuered vnto them althoughe they haue not any other vvarraūt of Scripture then they haue of the number of the bookes of Scripture vvhich is the Romain Churches authoritie I must therfore desire them better to remēber them selues For if the Romaine Churche bee of sufficient credit to vvarraunt vs of Scripture vvhy is not her authoritie a sufficiēt vvarraunt also for the nūber of the bookes of Scripture Or if shee maye erre in the nūber of the bookes of scripture she may erre also in scripture and so if they vvould remember them selues better and tubbe their brovves harder they vvould see plainly that ether they should take all or none of her bicause her authoritie is as sufficiēt being one and the same to vvarraunt vs for the number of the bookes of Scripture as for scripture If they beleeue then that ther is scripture bicause shee
did vve not apprehēd in them Good that is pleasure or profit So that the bāgers of our vvill proceed only from mistaking of badd for good and the errours of our vnderstanding proceed not from any prones vvhich vvee haue to vntruthes but from mistaking of apparaunte for true verities And this is the cause moste gentle Reader vvhy I haue made so exacte a Suruey of the nevv Religion bicause I knovv thy vnderstanding to be so naturally inclined to truth and so auerted from all vntruthes and errours that to lay open vnto thy vevve the manifold and grosse absurdities vvhich it implyeth is to refute them and to make them knovvne vnto thee is to dissuade thee from thē For truly I finde many pointes of this religion so opposit to light of reason that I dare anouch that noe man can be ether Lutherane or Caluiniste vnless he vvante vvitte or hauīg vvit enter not into cōsideration or be caryed avvay vvith passion or partiall affection I vvill not deny but that many a good vvitte may be found amongest the Professours of this Religion but yet I saye that these good vvittes if they layed a side passiō and partialitie vvould vouchsafe also to enter into due consideratoon could be nether Lutheranes nor Caluinistes bicause to euident vntruthes the vnderstāding can giue no assent nor approbation And vvhat more euident vntruthe then Lutheranisme or Caluinisme First of all their preachers can say no more for proofe of their authoritie or doctrine then Simon Magus Ebion Cerinthus Basilides Nestorius Eutiches Arius Vvicleph or any other heretike could haue sayed and enerie false prophet hereafter may saye preach he neuer so absurdely as I haue demōstrated in my first booke moste euidently For nether can they proue their mission to be ordinarie by succession nor extraordinary by miracle and so if you giue eare to them you must bynde your selfe to harken to all false prophets vvh● vvill say and svveare that they are sent frō Christe and if you put them to the proofe of their mission they vvill say you are partial vvho reiecte them and yet receiue Luther and Calum vvh● can not proue their missiō But no man can vvith any shovve of reason admitte all false Prophetes bicause some of them teach contraries ergo he can not haue reason to receue Luther and Caluin as the true Messengers and ministers of Christe and consequently he can not in harte receue them bicause the vnderstanding can not approue a thing for vvhich she hath no probable reason Secondly their doctrine if it bee vvell considered is as euidently false as that vertue is vice or blacke is vvhite but the vnderstanding as is allready proued can not approue manifest false-hood and euident untruthes ergo noe man of vnderstanding and consideration can admitte Luthers and Caluins doctrine Novv that their doctrine is euidently false I can not only euidently but also easilie proue For to a Christian it is euident supposing the veritie of Scripture that heresie is errour and falsehood but in my second booke I haue demonstrated that all the markes of heresie aggree as fitly to this nevv doctrine as to Arianismen any olde heresies ergô to a Christian it is euidēt that this nevv doctrine is errour and consequētby it can not bee approued by a Christian of Iudgement and consideration bicause the vnderstanding can not giue asseni to an open vntruth It is euident also to a Christian that Antichristian doctrine vvhich is dishonourable and repugnaunt to Christe can not be true but Lutheranisme and Caluinisme is altogether opposit to Christe bicause it pulleth at his diuinitie and makes him nether Redeemer nor spirituall Phisitian nor lavv maker nor eternall Preest according to Melchisedechs order nor Iudge of the quicke and the dead but rather aequali Zeth euerie Christian to him in grace and sanctitie and maketh him ignoraunt fayneth him also to haue despayred at length bringeth him to hell and damnation and hateth all ●inges vvhich haue beene beloued of him or belonging to him all vvhich the third booke conuinceth ergô a Christian of vvitte and consideration can not in harte brooke such a religion In like manner to a Christian yea to euery man that beleeues that ther is a God and religion it is euident that Religion can not stande vvithout Preestes sacrifice sacramētes prayer but it is euident also that in the nevve religion none of these essential partes of religion can be found especially according to the doctrine of the same Religion as my fourth booke maketh manifest ergô a Christian of vvit and devve consideration can not aepproue it for true Religion Likevvise it is euident to reason that all lavvful authoritie is of God that Princes lavves bynde that their tribunals are iuste and lavvfull and that correspondēce betvvixte the Prince and subiectes and betvvixte one subiect and another is necessarie to vphold societie to vvhich God and nature encline vs all vvhich is proued in the fifth booke but the reformed doctrine despoileth Princes of authoritie bringeth their lavves and tribunals in contempte and ruineth all Societie at is euidently also proued in the same booke ergo a man of common sense and iudgement vvho entereth also into a devve consideratiō can not vvith harte admit of this religion Lastelie as euident it is that this nevve religion is absurd as that God is not the autour of sinne and the only sinner that he is not vnreasonable cruel or Tyrannicall but according to the reformed doctrine all these blasphemies are verified of God as my sixte booke teacheth ergo the reformed doctrine is euidently absurde Vice also and Atheisme by light of reason are euidently Knovvne to be repugnaunt to reason vvherfore seing that this nevve Religion leadethe to all vice and Atheisme and that by many pointes and principles of the doctrine of the same as is in my seuenth and eight booke demonstrated it is an euident absurditie euidently repugnaunt to reason and consequently can not be approued by a man of reason and consideration bicause the understanding can no more assente vnto ●n euident vntruth then can the vvill affecte and like of euil as euil as I haue allready proued Vvherfore most gentle Reader if thou bee a Catholike and vouchsaffe to peruse my booke I hope thou shalt bee more confirmed if thou bee a follovver and professour of the late and nevv religion vvhen thou seest the fovvle absurditie of thy ovvne religion and the plausible veritie of the Catholike I hope thou vvilte reiecte the one imbrace the other bicause my booke vvill make manifest vnto thee bothe the one and th' other At least as this I intended so this I haue endeuoured And if my intended purpose be vvell brought to passe God vvas the Principal Agent I only his vnvveldy instrument and so he only is to be praysed if ill myne is the faulte yet such as I hope shal be excused bicause it vvas not voluntarie If thou reape commoditie by my labours I counte
them vvel bestovved bicause they haue the revvard I looked for if thou doe not yet are they not loste quia aliquid est voluisse bicause some thing it is to haue desired thy good and I haue taken no more paynes then thy good deserued If the stile of my booke please thee-not refuse not gold bicause it is ill fashioned and remember that though the autour bee thy countriman by byrthe yet he is more a straunger then an English-man by educatiō If thou fynde faultes in the printing yet fynd not faulte vvith the Printer he knevv vvhat he did bicause he vnderstood not vvhat he printed and I had not the leisure allvvayes to ouer see his labours If I seeme to speake to sharpely some tymes it is not for any toothe against any person but for hatred of heresie And if thou take this my impolished vvorke in good vvorthe thou vvilte giue me the occasion and courage to take in hande another in vvhich I shall explane as I haue in parte allready and make as plaine and plausible those pointes of the Catholike Religion to vvit Indulgences Merit Satisfactiō vvorship of Saintes Images and Reliques vvith many such other vvhich seeme to the deceiued to imply iniurie to Christe or absurditie as I haue discouered the grosse errours of the Nevve Religion But novv for a Vale and freindly farevvel I beseech the to take this counsaile at my handes Build not vppon that not so flattering as false opinion vvher vvith many vse to comforte them selues to vvit that thou maiest be saued in any religion My second booke vvill assure thee that vvithout a true and intier faith it is impossible to please God and that out of the true Church See the second booke and 4. chap. there is noe saluation As God is but one the truthe but one so his Religion Church and vvorship is but one This Church and Religion is not to be found amongest the reformers as my second booke vvill tell thee bicause it hathe all the markes of heresie It is only to be found amongest the Catholikes vvho are Nicknamed Papistes as thou mayest see by the same booke and by some chapters of the first booke and by other partes of the other bookes euidently demonstrated The Catholike Church then is the hauen of Securitie to vvhich thou must repayre It is the porte of Saluation the Arke vvherin Noe lodgeth his familie that is Christe and his faithfull people It is the barne vvhere the good corne is layed vp till the vvinovving day It is the folde of Christes Sheepe The piller of truthe The treasure-hovvse of Christes Graces The Shoppe of spiritual Negotiation The lande of promise The paradise of the second Adame The Temple of the second Salomon The misticall body of Christe The terrestrial heauen of those that hope to be blessed The only vvay to life euerlasting If then thou desire to be free from tempests and contrarie vvindes of disagreeing heresies direct thy ship and saile to this quiet hauen if thou vvilt not make shipvvrake of thy soule fly to this porte of Saluation If thou vvilte not be drovvned in the deluge of sinne or Infidelitie haue recourse vnto this Arke out of vvhich none can escape damnation If thou vvilte be of Christes chosen corne repose thy selfe in this his barne vv ch is the only place of purging from the chaffe of sinne If thou vvilte be one of Christes flocke ronne to his folde that thou mayest be fedd vvith his sheepe If thou vvilte be sure of the truthe keepe thy standing vppon the piller of truthe If thou vvilte bee enritched vvith Christes spiritual treasures this is the treasure hovvse of all his graces If thou vvilte traffique for heauen and heauenly merchandise enter the Shopp of Christe I meane his Church the only place of merit and Christian negotiation If thou vvilte be pertaker of Christes promises dvvell in the lande of all his promises If thou vvilte en●●y faelicitie enter into this Paradise of the second A. dame If thou vvilte honour God vvith true sacrifice and vvorship this is the only Temple out of vvhich nether prayers nor oblations nor sacrifices are pleasing If thou vvilte receue any influence and motion from Christe the Head incorporate thy selfe to the Church his mystical body and if thou vvilte bee pertaker of his spirite vvth is the soule and life of this body dismember not thy selfe that thou mayest be a liuely member If thou vvilte enioy the blisse of Angels in the vpper heauen enter first into this lovver heauen out of vvhich is no hope to ascend to the higher If thou vvilte attaine to life euerlasting passe by the Church it is the only vvaye If thou vvilt bee one of the Church triumphaunt bee first one of the Church militaunte and if thou vvilte haue God for thy father take his Churche for thy Mother Nothing more dangerous then to liue out of this Churche and no surer damnation then to dy out of this Churche Be not carelesse therfore in seeking out this Churche and vvhen thou hast found it differre not thy entraunce It is thy greatest affaire and a matter of most importaunce bicause theron depēdeth not a temporall state of thy body but aeternall saluation or damnatiō both of soule and body Farevvell and pray for him that vvisheth thee vvell and prayeth for thee that thou mayste do vvell Iul. 18. an Dom. 1603. MATTHEVV KEL THE FIRST BOOKE CONTEINETH A SVRuey of the groundes and fondation of this nevv religion on vvhich it may seeme to relye vvhich ether are the authoritie of their preachers or the euidence of scriptures vvhich they alleage or their priuate spirit or credible and probable testimonies or some visible iudge vvho determineth of controuersies for vvant of vvhich it is proued that if vve receiue this nevv religion vve open the gappe to all heretikes and heresies The first chapter examineth the mission of the preachers of this nevv religion and proueth that they cannot proue them selues to be sent from Christ and that consequentlie vve cannot gine eare vnto them vnles vve vvill harken also vnto all false prophetes HARDLIE shall vve fynde a subiect so disloyall or priuate man so imprudent vvho vvill arrogate vnto him self the honourable office of an Imbassadour to deale betvvixt Prince and Prince in denounicinge vvarre or offeringe peace of in establishinge a nevv league or renevvinge an olde vnles he haue authoritie from his Prince in vvhose name he dealeth and canne by letters of credit or other tokens make an euident remōstrance of his legatine povver and commissiō For if he goe vnsent he abuseth his princes name and if he cannot shevv his comission he runneth on a sleeueles arrande If this be so as experience teacheth vs that it is so and reason telleth vs that it must be so and thath betvvixt man and mā vve haue noe reason to thinke almightie god to be so deuoid of princelie prudence as to sende his Apostles and preachers to denounce
liued I vvas thy plague and dying Pope I le be thy death But yet Popes liue and maie treade vppō Luthers graue still Popes raigne thoughe they be excluded from Inglāde Germanie Scotlande and some fevv other places yet doe they exercise their authoritie still and as muche as euer in Italie Spayne France and other countryes and haue by the Benedictins Dominicanes Iesuites Lopes l. r. c. a. Gen. l. 4. ●ron ●nno Christi 1492 Gōzal 2. p hist de la Chine c. 24. l. 3. hist gen c. 28. ● care● Regem Angl. Augustines and Franciscanes meanes and industrious laboures extended their iurisdiction to the Indies and other nevve-founde landes countreys Likevvise the same Luther in his railing booke againste kinge Henry the eight thus againe prophecieth Dogmata mea stabunt Papa cadet viderit Deus vter prímo fessus defecerit Papa an Lutherus My opinions saieth he shall stande and the Pope shall falle lette God looke to it vvhether the Pope vvearied out or Luther shall first fayle And yet vve see that Popes liue and raigne Luther is deade descended to hell and his doctrine decaieth more and more and manie are novve vvearie of it and see more and more into his absurdities On a tyme also this man of God this greate patriarch● and fifte Euangeliste this secōde Elias and eight vvise man to gette him self a name Stephilus ●pol 2. Genebr chrō● 4. ann Christi 166. assaied vvhat he coulde doe in dispossessing of a deuill but it vvoulde not be the reason I thinke vvas bicause one deuill vvill not or cā not cast out an other yea the deuill so scarred Luther for attemptinge so greate a matter that the dores beinge shutte by the deuil the man of God vvas fayne to breake the vvindovves least thedeuill should teare him in peeces But peraduenture he vvill bragge of his natiuitie in deed that vvas straunge for althoughe he vvas not borne by miracle as saint Ihon Baptiste vvas yet some are of opinion that he is descended either by father or mother from the deuill him self vvho vvas incubus to his mother Fout in tract sacr de stat● rel or succubus to his ffather Ihon Caluine also an other patriarche of the nevve Church made the like attemptes but they had the like successe Bolsec ● 13. He aggreed on a tyme for a peece of money vvith a man to fayne him self first sicke after deade and he coniured his vvife to vveepe and lament the deathe of her husbande that by her teares and lamentations the iest might seeme more probable The sicke man vvas commended at euerie preache to be praied for after vvarde the man fayned him selfe to be dead his vvife crieth out Caluine goeth a vvalkinge vvhich a great troupe and passinge by the sicke mans house demaunded as one altogeather ignorante of the matter vvhat vvas the cause of those cryes and lamentations and ansvverre beinge made that one vvas deade he entreth in falleth dovvne on his knees praieth to God to shevve his povver in raising the deade to life and their in to glorifie his seruaunte Caluine that the vvorld might knovve that he vvas the mā vvhom God had culled out to be the only man vvhoe should reforme repaire the Churche of Christe And haiunge ended his praier he takes the man by the hande commaundes him in God his name to a rise But the man after muche callinge not a risinge his vvife calleth on him also rubbes him on the side to signifie that novve vvas the tyme to rise but he neither could ansvvere nor moue but by God his inste indgment vvho neither vvill nor can vvorke a miracle to maintaine a falshoode vvas stone-deade and as colde as claye so the ieste vvas tourned into good earnest and the comedie into a tragedie vvhich his vvife perceauinge cried out on Caluine and called him a cooseninge knaue and murderer of her husbande but Caluine departeth vvith a flea in his eare saying that ouer much greef had operessed the vvife depriued her of her vvittes Vvherfore since that the nouellers can vvorke noe miracles rayse noe deade men dispossesse noe deuills foretell noe future thinges heale noe diseased not so much as a lame dogge to proue their authoritie vvhat reason haue vve to harken vnto them And if vve giue eare vnto them vvhoe maie not chalenge audience at our handes For suppose some branisicke Brovvniste some brother of the ffamilie of loue or some other if it maie be more phantasticall should preache the dreames of his drovvsic head vayne conceiptes of his idle brayne calling them nevve points of religion and reformations of the olde might he not alleage some scripture for euery fancie of his thoughe neuer so vayne and make a shevve also of proofe if he expounde it as he please might he not discannon bookes of scripture vvhich seeme to stande in his vvaie being demaunded by vvhat authoritie he taketh all this vppon him might he not saie that he is sent from Christe immediatlie And being further requested to shevve some miracles as extraordinarie signes to proue an extraordinary mission might he not easilie ansvvere and that out of scripture also that miracles are for insidells and that Luther Caluine are accepted of vvho neuer coulde so much as heale a haltinge dogge and therfore that he his preachinge cannot be refused if they theirs be admitted And so vve see that if vve accept of the reformers of this tyme as the true Apostles ministers messengers of God not vvith standinge that they can nether shevve succession for their ordinary nor miracles for their extraordinary mission vve open the gappe to all false-apostles and heretikes vvhatsoeuer the dore is open for them they maie enter in thicke threefolde into the ministerie and can not be excluded if these nevve reformers be receiued vvithout playne and palpable partialitie And so thon seest gētle reader that in Inglande and other places vvhere this nevv doctrine hath taken roote that they haue noe probable assurance of their religion by the authority of their preachers bicause they can saie noe more for proofe of their authoritie then can the false Apostles Sithence therfore thou art vvarranted that the Churche and succession of her pastours shall neuer fall nor fayle and arte forevvarned also that false prophetes shall come and saie they are sent vvhen God neuer sent them at all hovve canste thou hange thy saluation on these nevve ministers vvhome thou canst not distinguishe from false prophetes bicause they can shevve noe more probabilitie of their ordinarie or extraordinarie mission then they did and to vvhō thou canst not giue care but thou must harken also by the same reason vnto all false propheter vvhoe canne saie as muche for them selues as thy preachers can do therfore can not be reiected if these be receiued vvith out playne partialitie The second Chapter shevveth hovv the Reformers grounding their Religion on bare scripture
doth and all the Luthers in the vvorld can not proue that all the fathers held any one opinion against scripture but the question must be vvhether Luther or all the fathers did best vnderstand the scripture and therfore if Luther hold against the fathers in exposition of scripture he preferreth him selfe before them all As for example Luther alleageth scripture to disproue free vvill all the fathers alleage scripture to proue it and Luther expoundes scripture one vvay they another else they could not both alleage scripture for contrarie doctrine Vvherfore if Luther sayeth that he expoundeth scripture truly and therfor cares not for all the fathers he preferreth his ovvne iudgment before them all and so can not ansvvere that argument grounded in the fathers authoritie nor comfort him selfe vvith this that he forsooth hath the vvord of God vvhich is aboue thē all And so Luther must giue vs leaue to come vppon him vvith his ovvn argument vvhich he shall neuer ansvver The Church from the begīning hathe taught and expounded scripture other vvise then thou doest so many Austines Ambroses Ciprianes Councells and ages haue preached other vvise Are they all deceiued hast thou only found out the truth What if thou rather arte deluded Thou art but one they are many thon art of late they of ancient standing thou a sinner they saintes thou some scholler but they vvere learned doctours thou hast a vvitte but all their vvittes vvere of a greater reach thou seest some thing but so many eyes must needs haue a greater insight Thou hast studyed scripture but they more thou hast vvatched at thy booke but they in night-studie haue spent more oyle then thou though thou peraduenture more vvine thē they thou alleagest scripture for thy doctrine they for the cōtrarie And so their iudgemēt must be preferred before thine cōsequēly theirs shal be the true doctrine they the true Pastours theirs the true Churche so ours novv is the true Christiane religion vvee the right Christianes vvho aggree vvith those fathers and the Church of vvhich they vvere pastours and preachers and Luther and the reformers vvho vvill haue noe parte vvith the fathers are no members of the true Churche bicause the ancient fathers and the true Churche vvere neuer yet separated but alvvayes vvent together The first point being proued vve vvill come to the secōd in vvhich I shall proue that in reiecting fathers they open the gapp to all heretiques vvho may say vvhat they vvill as the reformers do if that authoritie be contemned But first it shall not be amisse to declare vvhat authoritie the fathers haue vvhether they haue infaillible assistaunce of God to expound scriptures righthly for if they haue not nether are Catholiques assured of their fayth by their authoritie nether do the heretiques open the gappe to heresies by reiecting their authoritie vvhich if it be not infallible may it self also authorise and countenaunce heresie Ephes ● Sainct Paule sayeth that God hathe prouided vs of some Apostles some Prophets others Euangelists others Doctours Pastours to the consummation of saintes to the vvorke of the ministerie vnto the edifying of the body of Christ that if for the instruction of his Church Vvhere the first place is giu●n to Prophets Apostles and Euāgelistes vvho vvrote the scripture in the second place follovv doctours and pastours bicause their office is not to vvrite scripture but to interpret it And the reason is yeelded vvhy these doctours are giuen vnto vs least that vvee should vvauer like childrem and be caryed about vvith euery vvind of the doctrine of men Ibidem Novv if all the pastours and doctours vv ch vve call fathers should of could erre then vvere they not appointed to keepe their sheep from vvādering rather should they be the cause of their errour for the sheepe must here the voice of their pastours and so if the pastours erre the sheepe must erre vvith them if they vvander the sheepe vvho knovv nothing but by their pastours can not keepe the right vvaye And if thou saye that in case of errour the people must leaue the pastours I demaund of thee hovv they shall knovv vvhē the pastours erre vvho knovve nothing but by the voice of their pastours And suppose they should leaue their pastours then is the frame of the body of Christes Church dissolued and the members are separated from the head and the Church is a headless body then do they leaue the salte by vvhich they should be salted and preserued from corruption in religion Mat. 5. Then do they leaue the ligt by vvhich they should be illuminated Mat. 2● And hovv then is that true vppon Moyses chear sit the Scribes and Pharisies do those thinges vvhich they saye are the pastours of the Church of lesse authoritie then the pastours of the synagogue If they can erre then is it not true vvhich Christe sayed vvhoe heareth you heareth me vnless you vvill say that Christe allso may erre in them and vvith them But our heretiques vvill say that all the fathers are men I graunte it but they are men directed by the holy ghost and Christ vvas a man and yet not only as God but as man also he could not erre and the vvriters of scripture as Moyses and Salomon and the prophetes of the olde lavve and the Apostles and Euangelistes in the nevv lavve vvere men and yet they erred not nor could not erre vnlesse vve vvill call scripture in question But vvhere saye they read you that the fathers haue the infallible affistaunce in exposition of scripture Vvhere I read that they are light that they are salte that they are pastours to vvhom vvhen vvee harken vve harken to Christ Mat. ●● Io. 21. Vvher I read that vve must doe vvhat they say vvhere I read that the Church cā not erre vvhich must follovve her pastours vvhere I read that the Church vvhich learneth all of her pastours is a piller of truthe 2. Tim. ● But some fathers haue erred I graunte it but neuer all aggreed in one errour together neuer all the fathers of all ages yea not all of one age for to these also vve must harken haue conspired in an vntrutrh And I demaūde of our reformers Vvhether they bee not men also And I thinke they vvill not denye it If they be men I aske vvhether they can not erre in expounding scripture If they can then haue nether they nor others by them any assuraunce If they can not erre bicause euery one of them hathe the spirit Then say I that more probable it is that so many spirits of the fathers conspiring in one can not erre then that noe particuler and priuate spirit can erre especially seing that these priuate spirites are diuerse and contrarie and vve haue noe more assuraunce of one then another Iudge novv gentle reader vvhether that the Catholiques religion vvhich is conformable vnto the fathers and pastours of the Churche be the sincere christian religion or
and the lavve of grace in all vvhich See the first booke sint chapter as I haue declared in the laste chapter of the first booke vvere Preestes and they also diuerse according to the diuersitie of lavves Vvherfore if Christe hathe planted a Church and in it established a lavv and religion certainly he hath also appointed a succession of Preestes bicause they euer goe together and haue such a connexion that the one can not stande vvithout the other For if there be noe Preests to offer sacrifice and to minister sacramentes and to interpret the lavve no shevv or face of religion can remaine and as vvell may a Kingdome florishe vvithout a Prince or magistrate In the first booke and sixt chap. as religion vvithout Preests and bishops Vvherfore as I haue proued before in the lavve of nature the first begotten of euerie familie vvas a Preeste in the lavve vvritten the tribe of Leuie vvas deputed and dedicated vnto Preesthod Ios l. 2. cont App. In vvhich tribe ther vvere inferiour Preests so many that Dauid vvas fayne to deuide them into tvventy fovvre rankes vvhich also conteyned a great number There vvere also Leuits vvho had inferiour offices And ther vvere highe Preestes vvhich succeeded one after anothers deathe to the number of fovvre score odde ●os li. 22. Aut. c. 2. and the laste highe Preestvvas Finasius vvho liued vntill the Citie of Hierusalem vvith the Temple vvas beseeged and ruined by Titus Vespasian These Preestes and Leuites loosing their office vvith the abrogation of the old lavve Christe Iesus vvho gaue vs a nevve lavve appointed a nevv Preesthood of vvhich hee him selfe vvas the first Preest and the principall and the only high Preest to vvhom no man succeedeth in the same authoritie and therfore sainct Paule putteth a difference herin betvvixte the olde and the nevve lavve that in the olde lavve many highe Preestes vvho succeeded one another vvere necessarie bicause one dying another vvas of necessitie to succeed least the Church should vvante an highe Preest but in the nevv lavve there is but one highe Preeste Christe Iesus and he is sufficient bicause thoughe hee dyed yet he rose again and neuer gaue ouer the office but still offereth sacrifice and still ministreth sacraments See the third booke six● chap. by the hands of his vnder-Preestes So that he only is the highe Preest of the nevv lavv and none but he bicause no man succeedeth him in the same authoritie But here the aduersarie vvil insulte and say vnto me that I haue affirmed that vv ch hee desired for if Christe bee the only highe preest of the nevv lavve vvhat neede vvee any Popes Bishops and Preests Thus he argueth but vvth hovv litle reasō a blinde man may see For as it is no good argument to say that novv in Ingland and Scotland and Ireland can be but one King at once therfore ther muste bee noe viceroyes nor Deputies nor Chauncelours nor Treasures nor Dukes nor Noble men vvhoe are the Princes Officers and Princes in their kinde vicegerentes also some in more ample some in lesse ample māner so it is noe good argument to saye that Christe is the only highe Preest of the nevve lavve Ergo ther are noe other Preelts but he for he may haue many vicegerentes vvho also are true Predsts in their Kind And so the Pope maye be his supreme Vicare in earthe and other Bishops and Preests may be inferiour Vicars and Preests also subordinate in iurisdiction vnto the Pope Yea seing that the high Preest Christe Iesus hathe vvithdravvne his visible presence frō the Churche and executeth not visibly and immediatly by him selfe his preestly function it vvas necessary that to his visible Churche he should leaue a visible succession of Preests vvho should rule and minister vnder him and for him in his absence not as his successours but as his vicegerents and ministers for as noe Preest noe Churche so noe visible Preest noe visible Church Vvherfore vvhen Christe vvas to bid his Church fare vvell he instituted his Apostles Precsts Mat 26. giuing them authoritie to consecrate 10 20. 10.21 and to offer sacrifie and after his resurrection giuing them povver also to absolue from sinnes and appointing Peter as the highe Preest and Vicare vnder him selfe Ies● 22. Can. 2. vvhich to denye vvere not only to cōtradicte the Councell of Trent vvhich defineth that in the place alleaged Christe made the Apostles Preefts but also to contemne and condemne the vvholle Schoole of ancient interpretours yea the vvholle Christian vvorld vvho haue so interpreted the places alleaged This Preestly function the Apostles in their tyme did exercisein preaching teaching baptising confirming and offerring Sacrifice also vv ch is the proper function of a Preest Yea their Disciples did the same Act. 1● for S. Luke sayeth that they ministred vnto our Lord that is sacrificed as the Greeke vvord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth and as Erasmus him selfe trassateth yea as the māner of speach also importeth For if they had only preached or ministred Sacramēts vvell might they haue been sayed to haue ministred to the People but not so properly vnto our lord vnless they had offered sacrifice vvhich is proper to him Sainct Paule sayeth that Timothie vvas ordained bishop by imposition of hands of the Presbiterie 1. Tim. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Tim. 〈◊〉 in c. 5● Isa that is a company of bishops and he affirmeth that he him selfe imposed his hāds vppon him vvhich imposition of hands is in greeke called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and as S. Hierome vvitnessethe signifiethe giuing of holy orders Tit. 〈◊〉 The same sainct Paule vvriting vnto Titus sayeth that he lefte him at Creta that he should constitute and ordaine Preests in euery citie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The same sainct Paule vvith Barnabas Act. 10. ordained to the people Preests in euery Church by imposition of hands as the greeke vvord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 importeth Act. 20. The same sainct Paule as sainct Luke reporteth sent to Ephesus called the elders of the Churche that is Preests for to them he sayed Looke to your selues and vnto your flocke 1. Tim 〈◊〉 And of Preests he speaketh vvhē he sayeth Preests vvhich do rule vvell are vvorthy double honou Iae● 5. And againe Against a Preest receiue no accusation Of Preests also speaketh Sainct Iames vvhen he sayeth If any bee diseased among you let them call for the Preests of the Churche And bicause our ghospellers see that by these places it is manifest that in the Apostles tymes Preests vvere ordeined they are enforced for other vvise they could not cōceale this from the People to translate elders for Preestes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Presbiter Prestre Prete Preest notvvithstanding that the greeke vvorde yea the Latin frenche and Italian soundeth as much as Preest in Inglish Of Bishops Preestes and deacons vve haue mention in the
there in the Church for Anti-Christe to take a vvay then that of the masse Let the ghospellers name vs it if there bee or euer vvere any other Malachie the prophete or rather God by the mouthe of his prophete sayethe that he is vveary of the Ievves sacrtfices that his vvill is not amongest them and that henceforth hee vvill receiue no guiftes that is noe sacrifice vvhich is offered by their handes but sayeth hee From the rising of the sonne to the setting of the same my name shal be great amōgest the gentils and in euery place shal be offered vnto mee a cleane oblation And vvhat oblation or sacrifice is that Not the Ievvish facrifice bicause he sayeth this facrifice shal be offered amōge the gentiles yea he protesteth that he is vveary of all Ievvish sacrifices Not the idolatricall sacrifices of the gētiles bicause he vvould neuer haue called them cleane sacrifices nether can they besaied truly to be offered vnto him but rather vnto the deuill Not improper sacrifices of prayer thankes giuing and good vvorkes bicause he compareth sacrifice vvith sacrifice and so promising a nevv sacrifice insteed of the olde as hereiecteth proper sacrifices so must he in licu of them prouide another proper sacrifice vvhich in the dignitie of a sacrifice surpasseth them all Yea by this cleane sacrifice according vnto the reformers opinion it is impossible that he should mean prayer thankes-giuing or such like good vvorkes bicause the best of these sacrifices in their opinion See the 〈◊〉 books are so vnclean that they are mortall sinnes and abominable in the sight of God Nether can he mean the sacrifices vvhich Iob and others offered amongest the gentils bicause he speakes of one sacrifice those vvere many and could bee noe cleaner then those of the levves yea those vvere oftered but in fevv places and so can not bee the facrifice vvhich Malachie sayeth shal be offered in euery place euen from the East to the vvest He speaketh therfore of a Sacrifice vvhich in the nevv lavve shal be a moste cleane and pleasing sacrifice and vvhich in all the partes of the Christian vvorld shal be offered vnto God And vvhat such sacrifice can the reformers name but the sacrifice of the masse Vvhat other oblation vvas euer counted a sacrifice in the Church vvhat other sacrifice is offered euery vvhere but the sacrifice of the masse vvhich is a moste cleane sacrifice not only in respecte of the out vvard forme vvhich is vnbloudy but also in respecte of the moste chaste pure virginall fleshe and bloud of Christe vv ch it conteineth Mat 26. Luc. 22. Mar 14. ● Cor 11. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And this is the Sacrifice vvhich Christe offered at his laste supper vvhen taking bread and vvine in to his handes he blessed them and by blessing turning them into his sacred body and bloud he told his disciples that it vvas his body and bloud vvhich hee gauefor them In vvhich vvords he can meane noe other thing then the sacrifice of his body and bloud vvhich he offered vnder the formes of bread and vvine For to glosse those vvords as Caluin dothe as thoughe Christe had sayed this is my body that is this is a figure of my bodye vvhich shal be giuen for you is very violent and repugnaunt to the texte bicause the greeke texte vsethe the presentence vvhich is giuen for you vvhich is povvred out for you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And therfore vnderstandethe some thinge vvhich euen then vvas giuen for them And seing that Caluins bread and figure could only be sayed to bee giuen to them but not for them that vvhich then he gaue for them vvas his body and blood vvhich vnder the forme of bread and vvine he offered for them And seing that he bad his Apostles to doe as he had doone that is to offer the same sacrifice vvhich hee did for so muche the Latin vvorde facite in that place and vvith such circumstances importeth It must needes follovve that hee commaunded the Apostles and in them their successours to offer Sacrifice and the same sacrifice vv ch hee offered for his Apostles at his laste supper vvhich is the sacrifice of the masse This veritie I could proue more largely by other circumstances of this place especially according to the greeke and I could alleage that place of sainct Paule vvhere hee compares table to table 1. Cor. 10. that is altare to altare saying that vvee can not be pertakers of the table of our lord and of the deuill that is vve can not participate of that vvhich is offered on the altars of the gentils and of that also vvhich is offered on the Christians altare and out of this place I could proue that in sainct Paules tyme there vvas some thing offered on the Christians altars vvhich hee opposeth to that vvhich vvas offered on the paganes altars Hier. ep ad Marcellam Aug. l 16 cit c. 22 lib. ● cont ●●uersarium egis c. 10 Damase l. 4. de fice c. 14. Theoph in c 5 Heb Arnob in Psal 109. I could also presse our aduersaries and oppresse then vvith the authoritie and multitude of fathers vvhoe all acknovvledge that Christe at his laste supper offered a sacrifice of his ovvne body and bloud vnder the forme of bread and vvine and that therby he vvas a preest according to the order of Melchisedech but this veritie I haue partely proued allready in prouing Christ to bee an aeternall Preest according to the order of Melchisedech partely I shall herafter proue vvhē in the laste booke vppō occasiō I shall demonstrate the reall presēce of Christes body bloud in the sacramēt of the Altare as for the fathers authoritie it vvere but loste labour to alleage it for any proofe of this veritie l. de abrog Missa bicause Luther hathe allready debarred vs frō suche proofes and vvill telle vs plaīly that they are not to bee credited in this matter bicause they vvere but mē And Caluin also vvill tell mee l ● Instit c. ●● §. 10. that seing that this supper is the supper of the lorde there is noe reason vvhy vvee should bee moued vvith any auctoritie of men or prescription of yeares Vvherfore let them cary avvay the bucklers let them be credited before practise of the Churche vvhich as yet allvvayes offered sacrifice before reason vvhich telleth vs that religion can not stande vvithout a sacrifice Mat. ●6 Luc 22. Mar. 4. 1. Cor. 11. before the plaine texte of scripture vvhich in plaine vvords affirmeth that Christe gaue his body and povvred out his bood at his laste supper for his disciples vvhich vvords can importe noe lesse then a sacrifice before all fathers also bicause they vvere but men and our reformers as it seemes are godds let thē gaine the gole and gette the victorie in this cōtrouersie vvhat shall they game therby truly only this that amōgest them is noe religion For if they haue noe
the true God Novv therfore if all heretikes bee in some forte Idolatours then certainly the heretikes of this tyme are especially idolatours For they as is allready proued saye that God is the autour of sinne and their doctrine implieth that hee is of a bad nature vnreasonable cruel vvherfore seing that there is noe suche God they confesse and adore not a true God but an idol of their ovvne conceipte and fiction and so are idolatours vvho pull the true God vvhich is a good God not cruel nor vnreasonable nor no autour of sinne out of his throne and place therin a false God and an idol of their imagination THE SIXTE BOOKE CONTEYNETH A SVRuey of their doctrine concerning princes authoritie and their lavves in vv ch it is proued that the doctrine of the reformers despoileth princes of authoritie and bringeth their lavves in contempte The first Chapter shevveth hovv in that they say that noe Prince can bynd a man in conscience to obey his lavve and commaundemēt they despoile princes of authoritie and superioritie and giue the subiects good leaue to rebell and reuolte WEE see by experience Eccl. 13. and holy scripture teacheth that like of nature doe easilie forte them selues together Sheepe do flocke to one fold deere meet together in one parke bees in one svvarme and fovvles of one fether doe flye together and fishes of one squame do svvime together And the reason may bee bicause like of nature are like in conditions and so do more easily symbolize and aggree together and one alone hathe no helpe but of him selfe and therfore for mutuall ayde and comforte they accompanye them selues vvith others But amongest all liuing creatures man especially is ciuile and compaignable and therfore is called animal sociabile a sociable creature For first man is apte to language by vvhich he desireth to expresse his mynd to others and therfore if he vvill haue any vse of his tongue and facultie of speaking he must liue in company Secondly man especially is disciplinable desirouse to learne of others and by discoursing and deuising to knovv vvhat other men thinke and conceue For as he is vvilling to imparte his ovvne conceites so is he desirous to be pertaker of the knovvledge and cogitation of others vvhich his desire he can not satisfie vnless he repaire to company Thirdly mā only emōgest all liuing creatures is apte to frendship that is to loue and to be beloued and bicause loue comes by sight and sure frendship is not gotten but by much familiaritie and longe experience he can not attaine to this also but in cōpany and societie Lastly mā only is borne naked vvher as other liuing creatures garmētes doe grovv vvith thē destitute of all vveapons of defēce vvher as the bull hath his horne the bucke his head the horse his hoofe the bore his tuske and euery one hathe one vveapon or other to defend and offend Vvherfore seing that man is soe destitute that being alone be vvanteth many cōmodities hee must fly to societie vvher one helpeth another and bicause euery countrie beareth not all thinges one countrie must trasique vvith another hence proceedeth societie Vvherfore noe soener vvere men created but they assembled them selues together first in families then in tovvnes and cities and after vvards as their number increased in common vveales and Kingdomes And although the Poets fayne that Orpheus vvas the first vvho vvith his melodious tunes called men together yet certain it is that euen from the beginning men liued in societie induced thervnto by no other Orpheus then Nature and God the autour of nature Novv as the naturall body of mā as it is framed by God nature of diuers members vnited together so it hath from God and Nature authoritie to defend it selfe against all that shall vniustly seeke to molest or iniurie the same so the ciuil body of a societie of men be it a cōmon vvelthe or King dome receiueth from God and nature authoritie and povver to conserue it selfe in societie and to vvithstand all foreinets vvho shall iniuriously inuade it For if nature did not giue men authoritie to defend present them selues in societie in vaine yea not in vaine only but also perniciously and to mans great preiudice had God nature enclined him to liue in companie Vvherfore all societies lavvfully assembled haue from God and nature povver and authoritie to rule and defende them selues and bicause the confused multitude is vnfit to gouerne bicause it is bellua multorum capitum a beaste of many heads vvauering inconstaunte and mutinouse yea hard it is for the multitude to meete alvvayes together to determine vppō state-matters vvhen they are met they can as hardly aggree i● vvas necessarie that this multitude should haue authoritie to chuse some head o● heades by vvhich this ciuill body might bee directed Rom. 13. Vic●relec de potest ciuili ruled and defended Henc● it is that diuines yea scriptures affirme that all lavvfull authoritie vvhich Princes and superiours haue ouer others is o● God bicause it proceedeth from the peoples election vvhoe as they vvere by God and nature inclined to liue in societie so they receiued authoritie to rule and defend them selues vvhich bicause they could not do by them selues they receiued also authoritie from God and nature to appointe rulers and gouernours so all lavvfull gouernours are appointed by God by meanes of election and therfore they vvho resiste them resiste gods ordinaunce Rom 〈◊〉 And althoughe novv for the moste parte Princes come to autohritie by succession yet the origin also of this proceedeth frō election bicause the people to auoyed incōueniences vvhich might happen if after the deathe of their Prince they should be to seeke for another vvere content vvhen they did chuse the first Prince that all his lavvfull heires should after him succed in the same authority Novv if the Prince haue not authoritie to commaūd and bynde his subiectes also in conscience to obey his cōmaundement then in vaine is he head and Prince of the people bicause if he commaund and yet the subiectes may chuse vvhether they vvill obey or not then noe order can be established and as good noe head at all as such a head Vvherfore holy Scripture telleth vs that Princes may commaund and subiectes in conscience must obey Mat. 22. and giue to Caesar vvhat is devvoo Caesar Rom 13. Sainct Paule sayeth that euerie soule must be subiect to higher povvers he giues the reason bicause sayeth he ther is noe povver but of God and therfor they vvho resiste povver resiste Gods ordinaunce and purchase to them selues damnation Ibide●● Yea sayeth he of necessitie be you subiecte not only for displeasure but also for conscience And after vvards he bidds vs to pay tributes and subsidies vnto Princes bicause they are the ministers of God appointed by him Saint Peter also bidds vs to be subiect to euery humaine creature for God ● Pet. 2. that is
authoritie yet he sayeth he vvill obey them freely and frankely but not of any obligatiō And aftervvards explicating those vvords honour the Kinge he sayeth that if the Pope as a temporall Prince should commaund any to vvear a friars hood to shaue his crovvne or to faste certaine dayes as Luther did before his apostasie that he should obey him but yet of free choyse as a temporall Prince vvhich yet I doubte vvhether Luther vvould doe but sayeth he if he commaund the in the name of God vnder paine of excommunication and mortall sinne Tum dicas bona verba sitis mihi propitius domine Papa equidem quod mādatis nultus fecero Thē saye Be good in your office be good vnto vs Sir Pope vvhat you commaund I vvill not doe And hee giues you a reason in the nexte vvords To higher povvers it behoueth vs to be subiect so longe as they binde not our consciences So that Luther is of opinion that thoughe vve must for order sake obey Princes and magistrates yet vvee are free in conscience and can not in conscience vnder paine of sinne be bounde by any temporal or Ecclesiasticall authoritie l. 3. c. 19. § 14. Caluin subscribeth to him in all pointes touching this matter for he hauing made a longe discourse about Christian libertie concludethe in this manner Vve conclude that they are exempted from all povver of men l. ● c. 10 § 5. And least that this saying might seem to haue escaped him vnaduisedly in the nexte booke he repeateth it again diuerse tymes Our consciences haue not to doe vvith men but God onlye And againe § ● Paule in no vvise suffreth faithfull consciences to be brought into bondage of men Yet Caluin in the same places fearing to displease Princes exhorteth vs to doe as they shall commaund vs not of any obligation bicause Christe sayeth he hathe freed vs from all the lavves of men but of free choice and libertie not for conscience but for common peace In vvhich vvordes he is cleane opposit to sainct Paule Rom 1● vvhoe sayeth that of necessitie vve must be subiect not only for fear of displeasure but for conscience Out of this doctrine I inferre as a moste euident conclusion that in vaine Princes haue authoritie ouer their subiectes for if the subiecte maye chuse vvhether hee vvill obey or no then the prince may commaund and hee maye ansvvere that as hee is not bound to obeye bicause by Christian libertie he his freed from all mens lavves so hee vvill not at this tyme obeye and so in vayne shall the Prince commaunde Secondly I conclude out of Luthers and Caluins premises that there are noe Princes nor Superiours ouer Christians and consequently that all Christian Princes are vsurpers bicause they chalēge Superioritie authoritie ouer Christiās vvhich in deed they haue not and vvill needes bee Princes and superiours vvho are but priuate men For if they can not so commaund vs as to bynd vs to obedience then are vve not subiecte to them and consequently they are noe Superiours and althoughe vvee maye obey them of free choise yet that makes thē not our Superiours bicause so vvee maye obey our equall and inferiour if vvee vvill yet bicause hee cānot bynde vs in cōscience to obey he hathe not authoritie ouer vs and vvee in that vvee are free are not subiecte vnto him Vvhich that it may the more plainly appeare vve must note that a Superiour and a subiecte are correlatiues as are the father and the sonne the maister and the seruaunte bicause as the father is the sonnes father and the maister the seruauntes maister so a Superiour is the subiectes superiour And as noe sonne no father noe seruaunte noe maister so noe subiecte noe Superiour bicause correlatiues are of that nature that one inferreth another and one can not bee vvithout another Vvherfore if all Christians be set at such libertie that they are not bound in conscience to obey any Princes lavves then are they not subiecte vnto them but as free as hee that hathe noe Master and seing that vvhere is noe subiect there can not bee any Superiour it follovvethe that if Princes can not bynde vs to obey them vvee are no subiectes they noe superiours Is not this gētle reader to contemne and deny all authoritie and Superioritie And consequently is not this to open the gappe and gate vnto all mutinie and rebellion For vvhen the subiectes are taught that by Christe and Christian faithe they are freed in cōscience from men and mens authoritie if the Prince commaund they may deny obedience if hee exacte tributes taxes and subsidies they may Chuse vvhether they vvill pay a peny and if they like not his gouernmēt they may by rebelliō free thē selues from him to vvhome in conscience and before God they are not subiecte bicause they are free men vvho in that they are free can acknovvledge no Master Vvho vvill novv blame the subiectes in Fraunce Flanders and Germanie for making rebellion They did but according to their doctrine and in refusing to obey men they did but vse that freedom vvhich Christe hathe giuen them vvhich is to be subiect to none Yea vvho novve can doe othervvise then to commend rebelles for rebellion and discommend all loyall subiects Bicause in disobeing and rebelling they shevv them selues to bee free men and acknovvledge Christe their Redeemer and in obeying they make them selues subiecte to men they vse not their libertie and they do iniurie to Christe as thoughe hee had not redeemed thē from all seruitude of men If Princes considered vvell this doctrine they vvould be so farre from fauouring these nevve Christians that they vvould banish them their countries For vvhat assuraunce hathe a Prince of subiectes so persvvaded or hovve can he but allvayes stand in feare of their rebellion vvho by their religion are vvarrāted that they can not sinne in rebellion bicause they are not bound in conscience to obey any humaine authoritie The second chapter shevveth hovv by their precedent doctrine Iudges and tribunall seates are brought in contempte AS the Morall vertue Iustice vvas euer highly esteemed as the strength of all common vvelthes so Iudges vvho are the ministers of iustice vvhose office is to condemne the nocent and absolue the innocente vvere euer had in such reuerence that their sentence vvas counted an oracle and their seate and tribunall vvhere they vsed to pronounce sentence vvas respected as a sacred place Vvherfore in Scripture it selfe Iudges are called Gods bicause like litle Gods Psal ●1 vnder God they giue sentēce as his vnder Iudges and if the sentence be iuste then vvhat they adiudge in earth God ratifieth in heauen This honourable conceite of Iudges and Tribunalls the doctrine of our reformers alleaged diminisheth very much yea it bringeth them into plaine cōtempte and condemneth them all of Tyrannie and open iniustice For if Princes haue no authoritie as by the doctrine of these nouellauntes I haue proued that they haue not then
and heresies PArricide and murder of parents in old tyme vvas deemed so hainous an offence so vnvvorthy a facte as being not only contrarie to reason but also repugnaunt vnto nature that Solon the famouse lavv-maker decreed no lavve against it not for that he thought it not vvorthy punishment but bicause ●ee counted it more barbarouse and inhumain then could be by man comitted And in deed mans nature so much abhorred this vn naturall fact that vntill six hundred yeares after Rome vvas built no man euer is read of so vnkīde as vvho could finde in his hart to imbrevv his hādes in his parētes bloud Cic. pro Roscio Lucius Ostius as some do think vvas the first vvho laying aside all humanitie against natures propension and naturall affection layed violent hands vppon his father depriued him of being of vvhom he had receiued being Vvhich facte vvas no sooner committed but nature abhorred it the Romaines then the most ciuill people to represent the enormitie of the offence diuised a punishmēt vvhich should not only be a iust payne but also an embleme of the fault Cic supra Iuuen Sa●yr ● Plut. in vi ●a Ostij They decreed first of all that the murderer should be sevved vp in a lether sack Secōdly that sacked he should be cast into the vvater thirdly vvith him vvere included a cock a viper an ape and a dogge to acompanie him at his death vvhose natures he had imitated in his life he vvas inclosed in a sack and so cast into the riuer that so at one tyme he should lose the light of the sonne vvhich he could not see of the fyer vv ch he could not feele of the aire in vv ch he vvas not permitted to breath of the vvater in vv ch he svvimming vvas not refreshed of the earth vv ch he touched not and so he vvas depriued at one tyme of the benefit of the sonne and the fovvre elemētes of vvhich all vvere produced bicause he had been vnkind and vnnaturall to him of vvhom he vvas begotten His companions at his death vvere a Cocke bicause as this byrd fighteth vvith his fire and treadeth the hēne vvhich hatched him so he hath been iniuriouse to him that begotte him A viper bicause as this beast eateth him selfe out of his damnes belly so he ruineth him vvho gaue him being an ape bicause as he imitateth man in his actions and some vvhat resembles him in forme of body yet is in deed no man but a beast so this vnnaturall murderer caryeth the shape of a man but in conditions is noe man bicause he hath cast of all humanitie And lastly a dogg that this creaturs faythfull seruice to his master vvho only feeds him may confound this monster and cōdemne his treacherie vvho hath been so false to his parēt vvho hath not only fedd him but begotten him This kinde of death in myne opinion vvere a punishment not vnfitly to be layed on heretikes especially the most mallicious for vvith thē vvho erre not of mallice I vvishe more gētle dealīg vvho are so vnnaturall children to Christ their father as shall appear in the third booke vvho so reuile miscall the anciēt fathers of vvhom they receiued fayth and religion and are so vnkind vnto the Catholique Church their mother vvhich by the Sacrament of Baptisme regenerated them and gaue them their spiritual being For they deserue to be depriued at one tyme of the heauens and elemētes of vvhich all thīgs are in some sorte produced vvho cōtemne the Churche the councells the fathers and cheef pastours of vvhom and by vvhome they receiued their supernaturall being by vvhich they are Christianes They deserue a cock at their death bicause as the cocke fighteth often tymes vvith his sire and abuseth the henne that hatched him so they contend vvith ancient fathers and as much as in them lyeth deflovver their mother the Churche vv ch bare them spiritually a viper also ought to dye vvith them bicause like vipers by schismes and heresies they eare them selues out of the vvombe of the Church an ape must also suffer vvith them bicause as he resembleth man but is in deede a beast so they like apes imitate true Christians bearing the name of Christe as they do admitting certayne scriptures and Sacramentes as they do deuising superintendētes for the bishops of the Church ministers for preestes tables for aultars a prophane Cene and supper for the sacred Eucharist and yet in deed are no true christianes but monstrouse infidells and vvorse then Ievves and Paganes Th. ● 2 q. 〈◊〉 ar 6. a dogge also to make vp the number they vvorthily deserue to put them in mynd that dogges may teach them fidelitie for dogges though they receiue some tymes blovves and neuer any greater benefit then crustes and bones yet are so faythfull to their masters that they vvill not leaue thē todeath vvheras the heretike is so vngratefull and vnfaythfull to Christe and his spouse the Churche that for no other cause then an itching humour of pride and self love hee vvill ronne after euery sectmaster that can only dropp a fevv textes of scripture interpreted by his ovvne spirit leauing the Churche anciēt fathers and consequently Christ him selfe bicause they ever vvent together and vvho heareth one heareth the other But least I condemne them to the punishmēt of parricides for contēpt of anciēt fathers before I proue them to bee guiltie of the fault I vvill sett dovvne vvord by voord their ovvne sayings and assertions by vvhich shall appear vvhat respect they beare and vvhat kindnes they shevv tovvards their ancient forfathers Ex Epiph. her Basilides an infamous heretike vaunted that he and his only knevve the truth and that all his forfathers vvere sues canes hogges and dogges not vvorthy of the margarites of his doctrine Lib. s.c. ●0 The Valentinians sayeth Ireneus if you vrge them vvith scriptures vvhich they can not ansvver vvill denye them if you prouoke them to be tryed by tradition deliuered vnto vs by a succession of preestes and fathers aduersantur traditioni dicentes se non solum presbyteris sed etiam apostolis existentes sapientiores sinceram inuenisse veritatem they oppose against tradition saying that they being vviser then the preests and apostles 〈◊〉 3. haue found out the sincere veritie Arius as before I haue rehearsed thought none of the fathers comparable vnto him Nestorius disdained to read their vvorks and our reformers of this age shevv by their vnreuerent and rayling speeches against the fathers that they are descended of the same race of parricides and reuilers of their ancient fathers To beginne therfore vvith the first patriarch of this nevv religion Martin Luther that man of God although by his ovvne confession he vvas so familiar vvith the deuill that he hathe eatē a bushell of salte vvith him in his book against the king of England hauing called him blokhead l. ● cont Reg. Axgl. fol. 348 beetlehead grossehead
dull pate and such like names for pressing him vvith the authoritie of fathers thus he decideth the matter Hencricus dicta patrum inducit pro sacrificio missario c. Henrie for his massing sacrifice bringes in the sayinges of fathers Here say I that by this meanes my sentence is confirmed for this is it vvhich I sayed that the Thomisticall asses haue nothing vvhich they can alleage but a multitude of men and the ancient vse But I against the sayings of fathers men angells and deuills put dovvne the ghospell vvhich is the vvorde of the aeternall maiestie here I insult ouer the sayings of men thoughe neuer so holy so that I care not though a thousand Austines and Ciprianes should stand against me Thus one Martin Luther braueth them all thus this good child reuerenceth and respecteth his ancient fathers for as I sayed in the last chapter although he seemeth only to preferre the scripture yet seing that they admitted and alleaged scripture also the question is vvhoe hath better skill in expounding scripture and if vve beleeue this man all the fathers might haue gone to schoole to him in expos a. 6● fol. 167. Zuinglius vvill not be behind Luther in this matter They affirme sayeth he and vve deny that the masse is a sacrifice Vvho shal be iudge of this controuersie The sole say I and the only vvord of God But by and by thou beginnest to crye The fathers the fathers haue thus deliuered vnto vs. But I bring to thee not fathers nor mothers but ● require the vvord of God Caluine desireth to be counted modest but herin also he could not conteine him self l. ● Inst ca. 8. ● 10. Vvhen the aduersaries obiect to me sayeth he that this vvas the cusstome I ansvverre that the old fathers in this matter vvanted both lavv and exemple vvere caryed avvay into an errour vvhilest they attributed to much to the name of poenaunce and the common peoples opinions And again I ame litle moued vvith those things vvhich occurre cuery vvhere in the vvritings of fathers concerning satisfaction I see truly many of them yea I vvill speake simply as it is all allmost of them vvhose bookes are extant vvere in this matter dece●ued and spoake hardly And in another booke of his he calles the fathers of the councel of Trent hogges asses in Antid can ● Peter martyr calleth papistes Patrologos not Theologos 〈◊〉 votis for alleaging fathers Doctour Humphrey in the life of levvell perceiuing that levvell had offered to much vvhen in the heat of his sermon he vvas content to be tryed by fathers sayeth that he might haue vsed a better defence for him sel●e then the authoritie of fathers Vvhoe sayeth hee if they teache contrarie it litle skilleth for vvhat haue vve to do vvith fathers vvith flesh bloud or vvhat perteineth it to vs vvhat the false Synods of bishops do decree Vide ●undem in praefat in Orig. Beza calleth Athanasius Satanasius and the fathers of the Nicen Councell blind sophistes ministers of the beast and staues of Antichrist ●●ont Papatū And althoughe Luther affirme●h that sainct Gregorie the great vvas the last good Pope yet Bibliander calleth him in derisiō the Patriarch of ceremonies Melancthon condemneth him for allovving of the sacrifice of the masse for the dead praef ep Zui●● gl Mel. Paulus Vergerius vvrote a booke of the toyes and fables of Gregorie Horne in his booke against Abbot Fecnam calleth this sainte to vvhome vve English men ovve noe lesse then our conuersion from paganisme to christiantie a blind bussard Cent 1. pag. 66 72 Cent. ● par 678. Bile the cronicler sayet● that this saint sent Austin the monke to plante in England his Romish religion but yet sayeth he Lat●mer is much more vvorthy to be counted Englands apostle bicause Austine brought nothing but mans traditions masse crosses letanies vvheras Latimer vvith the hooke of truth cut of these superstitions Vvhitaker in his booke called reprehension Pag. 8● sayeth that the fathers for the most part vvere of opinion that Antichrist is but one particular man but in that as in many other things the● erred The like respecte they bear to generall Councells in vvhich the vvisest and grauest fathers of the Church vver allvvayes assembled Luther in his booke of Councels calleth them Sicop●ants and flaterers of the Pope and sayeth that the canōs of the Councell of Nice vvhich Constantine reuerēced and honoured vvith his presence are hay stravve stickes and stubble Ibidem Yea in this councel he findeth a playn cōtradiction bicause the councell forbiddes all Eunuches to be promoted to preesthood and yet commaundeth preestes to liue chastly As though only they vvho are gelded could liue chast and as though ther vvere no mean betvvixt vviuing and gelding Yea sayeth Luther l. ●●nt Regem Angliae if all the decrees of councells vvere povvred into theee vvith a pipe yet vvould they not make thee a christian l. 4. Inst c. 9. sect 8. Caluin vvill examine all councells by the vvord before he vvill giue any credit vnto them and seing that the fathers in councells examined their decrees by scripture also Caluin vvill make an examination vppon their examinatiō and so vvill bee Iudge of them all But least I vveary the reader vvith to longe a catalogue of reuiling speeches of these contumelious chammes and parricides I report me vnto the indifferent reader vvhether they deserue not the punishment of parricides vvho so scoffe taunte contemne and reuile their forfathers But my meaning vvas not to condemne them vppon vvhom God his sentence must passe my drifte is herby to shevv hovv much in reuiling fathers they crack the credit of their religion and hovv vvithall in reiecting this authoritie they open the gapp to all heretikes and heresies And as concerning the first point it is vvell knovvn that antiquitie vvas allvvayes reuerenced old age vvas euer respected olde coynes priced ancient statues admired old vvritings esteemed and in all artes the moste anciēt professours of the same bear the bell a vvay In painting Appelles hath the credit aboue all painters in statuary vvorks Lycippꝰ in comedies Plautus and Terence in Tragedies Seneca in histories Liuie Salust Iustine in Poetrie Homer Virgil Ouid in Rhetorick Demosthenes and Cicero in Philosophie Plato and Aristotle in Diuinitie Peter Lombard sainct Thomas of Aquin Scotus and such other subtile schoolmen And shall not the ancient fathers and doctours of the Church vvho by their arte professed exposition of scripture be reuerenced and credited in their arte before oure vnlearned and vpstart ministers shall antiquitie giue credit to Poets and painters and not to Doctours interpretours of scripture Vvhat is this but to preferr ꝓphane literature before religiō Philosophie before fayth diuinitie paganisme before Christianitie yea Poetes painters before Doctours fathers of the Church If any one novv should say that Plato and Aristotle vvere but