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A15622 A view of the marginal notes of the popish Testament, translated into English by the English fugitiue papists resiant at Rhemes in France. By George Wither Wither, George, 1540-1605. 1588 (1588) STC 25889; ESTC S120301 238,994 326

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praier in heauen The answer You should say Whereby S. Ierom goeth about or indeuoreth to prooue For euery word he speaketh is not by and by a proofe What the saints of God do in heauen for men that are aliue is a secret which God hath kept to himselfe and not reuealed to men Therefore the reasons from their dealings héere to their doings there are blinde hauing no ground to frame them on but mans wisedome There we do not beléeue S. Ieroms conclusions but where he hath better ground for his reasons Acts. 28. 1. The text And when we had escaped then we knew that the ⸫ Iland was called Mitilene The note This iland now Malta is the seate of the knights of the Rhodes The inhabitants wherof haue a speciall deuotion to saint Paul to whom both the cheefe church being the bishops seate is dedicated and the whole iland as they count it is consecrated Where the people shew yet to strangers his prison and other memories of his miracles The answer To leaue the manifest grosse error of your old interpretor in the name vntouched and to leaue your selues which will amend no errors nor vntruthes be they neuer so manifest To your note we say that we easily beléeue the inhabitants of Malta to be papists full of blind and ignorant deuotion 〈…〉 The text For the hart of this people is waxen grosse and with their eares haue they heauily heard and their eies ⸫ they haue shut least perhaps they may see with their eies and heare with their eares and vnderstand with their hart and be conuerted and I heale them The note Heere also as Matth. 13. it is plaine that they would not see nor heare and that their excaecation is to be attributed to themselues and not to God See annot Iohn 12 40. The answer Their excecation as their fault is to be attributed to themselues and none other and to God as a iust iudgement and punishment for their former sinnes ROMANS Roman 1. 5. The text By whom we haue receiued grace and apostleship ⸫ for obedience to the faith The note Faith must not be subiect to sense reason arguing or vnderstanding but must command and be obeied in humilitie and simplicitie The answer It is true that euery word of the Lord is with reuerence to be receiued beléeued and obeied in humility and simplicity though it be neuer so far beyond our capacitie and the reach of our reason or the compasse of our sense or vnderstanding But yet so as that we beléeue not white to be blacke sower to be swéet neither yet that the whole bodie of man may be contained within the compasse of two or thrée inches For in things subiect to sense we are no where commanded not to beléeue and trust our senses Rom. 1. 5. The text ⸫ In all nations for the name of him among whom are you also the called of Iesus Christ. The note Saint Augustine vseth this place and the like against heretikes which would draw the common catholike faith of all nations to some certaine countries and corners of the world August ep 161. The answer Whosoeuer hold any faith that was not vniuersally planted by the Apostles in all nations and which hath not béene since generally imbraced of all true Christians the same hold not the true catholike faith And therefore the faith which the church of Rome at this day holdeth is not the true catholike faith For what Apostle taught or what church in their time beleeued that Christ after his ascension was bodily héere vpon the earth and that his bodie might be in many places at once in one place hauing the quantitie of a bodie in another place void of all quantitie I would our controuersies about the church and the bishop of Romes authoritie might be decided by this epistle For he is plaine in both cases Rom. 1. 9. The text For God is my witnes whom I serue in my spirit in the Gospell of his sonne that without ⸫ intermission I make a memorie of you alwaies in my praiers c. The note He praieth without intermission that omitteth no day certaine times of praier Aust. The answer He praieth for men without intermission that being diligent in praier is therein alwaies mindefull of them But your citing now of Augustine to what end is it but to make a shew of your reading Rom. 1. 11. The text For I desire to see you that I may impart to you some spirituall grace to ⸫ confirme you The note The Romaines were conuerted and taught by Saint Peter before Therefore he vseth that speech to confirme them in their faith Author Commen apud Hieronimum Theodoret. in 16. Rom. Chryst. The answer That the Romaines to whom Paule wrote were conuerted afore it is manifest but by whose ministerie that doth not certainely appéere We know that diuers fathers are of opinion that Peter tooke paines at Rome afore Paule wrote thither But bicause the time they assigne of his comming thither and of his continuance there can neither stande with the scriptures neither with other things which they report of him there is iust cause why in this point we should not beléeue them But bicause it is not material by whom they were conuerted I let this passe But one thing I muse of and I would faine be resolued in Why the holie Ghost so diligently setting out Paules writing to the Romaines afore he went thither Paules iourney thither his paines and diligence there doth not once signifie any thing to vs of Peters being there séeing there could be nothing more necessarie for a christian to know then that If poperie be good Christianitie and if by Peters being there such woonderfull priuiledges be left vnto the bishops there as they at this day chalenge Rom. 1. 17. The text For the iustice of God is reuealed therin by faith into faith As it is written And the iust man liueth by faith The note He meaneth not Gods owne iustice in himselfe but that iustice wherwith God endueth man when he iustifieth him Aug. de spir lit cap. 9. Whereby you may gather the vanitie of hereticall imputatiue iustice The answer Whereby you may gather the impudencie of the papists in applieng fathers to that they ment not The whole scope and circumstances of the place are against inherent iustice and for the righteousnes of Christ imputed to vs. But God endueth man with righteousnes when he doth iustifie him It is true But that righteousnes whereby he maketh men iust is the righteousnes of Christ. The other wherewith he indueth vs which we call sanctification being gods gift is not sufficient to make vs iust before God but to declare vs iust before men Rom. 1. 23. The text And they changed the glorie of the incorruptible God into a ⸫ similitude of the image of a corruptible man and of fowles and foure footed beasts and of them that creepe The note Lo these and the like are the images or idols so often
obiect it And bicause we denie that Christ after his death went into Limbus Patrum as they without al warrant of the word imagine therefore they maliciouslie giue out that Caluin and his followers denie an article of the Faith and therfore conclude them to be infidels In all their notes touching iustification by faith they deale with vs as though we ascribed iustification to an idle faith which worketh not by loue and vpon that false ground they gather many things against vs as shall appeere in mine answere to their notes But all that are wise and haue eies to see do perceiue that in this maner of dealing they do but vtter their owne shame in making no conscience of cogging lieng and slaundering in steede of battailing with their enimies they make themselues sport with their owne shadowes Now to their amphibologies and aequiuocations which are also to long to pursue The Rhemists vpon the fift to the Galathians confesse that Paule when he ascribeth iustification to faith speaketh of such a faith as worketh by charitie and yet in all their notes against iustification by faith they dallie and play and dazel the eies of the simple with the ambiguitie of the word being diuerslie in diuerse places taken The like dealing they vse about the words of iustice and iustification which when they know them to be diuersly taken and in sundry senses yet they delude with the sound of the words those who for simplicitie are not able to discerne the diuersitie of the sense I wil not heap vp here more of these examples a number will offer themselues in reading of mine answers The alledging of the Fathers thicke and threefolde is for two fraudulent respects One is that those which are doubtfull to what religion they may encline and to which side to cleaue may continue doubtfull and without resolution still whiles both our aduersaries and we alledge Fathers and accuse one another of corrupt dealing in them and they poore soules not able to repaire to the Fathers to see whether side dealeth truely The second is to continue the false perswasion of their credulous followers in thinking that all antiquitie maketh for poperie To these two ends it is that their allegations are so many First therefore to auoid this their fraud it is to be noted and obserued that a maruellous number of their allegations touch no point nor matter in controuersie betwixt vs. As for example they alledge Origen to prooue that the innocent children murthred by the commandement of Herode haue beene honored for martyres Augustine to prooue that not to do good is damnable Hierome to prooue that fasting praier and almes are fruits of repentance or as they terme it penance Cyprian to prooue that they are false martyrs that suffer not for iustice Chrysostome to prooue that by the church the gouernors thereof be vnderstoode Ambrose to prooue that God hath left to his church authoritie aswel to loose as to binde Which kinde of proofes for matter not denied if they had beene omitted and left out the great glorious shew of Fathers had beene blemished and their campe verie nigh halfe dissolued Next is to be marked that if they catch any thing that maketh for them in any Father they neuer looke how rightly the Father collecteth it and by what good reason he warranteth it it is with them sufficient that he saith it But Augustine teacheth vs to giue that reuerence onely to the canonical Scriptures to beleeue whatsoeuer they say And for others of what learning or holines soeuer not to beleeue bicause they speake but bicause they prooue that which they speake either by the word it selfe or by good reason grounded vpon the same word And here also bicause they are woont to triumph that we make this a colour to reiect the Fathers when they make against vs it is to be remembred that they themselues do not without exception admit the Fathers But they appoint an other rule to trie them and their saiengs by that is the decrees and determinations of their owne church Thirdly it is to be noted that they alledge those bookes very often wherin they know that the Father which wrote them was far ouercarried with heate of contencion that they themselues will not nor dare not defend many things that passed them as Hieroms bookes against Iouiuian and Vigilantius Fourthly it is not to be passed ouer how they abuse Augustine in leauing those bookes which he wrote against the heretike Pelagius concerning the question of Freewill and alledging testimonies out of other books wherein he himselfe did confesse that he did erre of ignorance Fiftly they force diuers and sundrie to serue their turnes whether they will or no. Sixtly to make the greater shew they furnish out their number with such as they know to haue beene burnt on the face for forgerie and cite them vnder the reuerend names of Clemens and Dionisius Areopagita and such like Finally it is not to be passed ouer that they for the corroborating and proouing of the vsurped primacie of the bishop of Rome they hunt for speeches of the Fathers spoken in extolling Peter or in commending the faith then professed at Rome or els the excellent learning and vertue of some notable bishops there which then gouerned that church and them they racke and set on the tenters to prooue that which they neuer thought of that is the vniuersall power and authority which the bishop of Rome now claimeth The practise of the primitiue church doth best declare both what the Fathers ment and also what power and authoritie he had In that it is manifest that he was a bishop as other bishops afterward by consent of men a patriarch limited as other patriarches a subiect to the Emperour in commission vnder him as a delegate that men might appeale from him and that the Emperour might and did appoint in such cases of appeale delegates to affirme or reuerse the bishop of Romes former sentence and iudgement So far was he from that vniuersalitie of power which he hath heertofore vsurped and yet challengeth But why should I dwel so long in these matters exceede the length of an Epistle seeing they haue brought nothing of anie weight in anie matter of controuersie but it hath beene and that they know well enough often and fullie answered by diuers and sundrie alreadie But bicause being fugitiues and hauing no honest ordinarie vocation to occupie themselues about they neuer make an end of writing wherein they do nothing but set new colours on old matters to make their sencelesse followers beleeue that they bring in new allegations neuer before answered Therefore vnder your Graces correction be it vttered I would wish that our controuersies being drawen into a sum might by your authoritie be deuided to so many learned men as your Grace shall thinke conuenient and competent for that purpose to examine and to reduce and bring into
monument tremble and roare as if they stood before the iudgement seat of Christ. The answer We will not striue with you for your author For though women beare the name of that epistle yet I thinke Hierome was their pen man But we are not bound to beléeue what S. Hierome speaketh further then he prooueth his speeches by the word And we easilie beléeue that the diuell might worke there strong illusions to deceiue and to draw people into an admiration of such things as God hath no where commended to them in his word Iohn 20. 21. The text He said therefore to them againe ⸫ peace be to you The note Though he gaue them his peace hard before yet now entering into a new diuine action to prepare their harts to grace and attention he blesseth them againe The answer Christ by repetition of his vsual blessing or salutation séeketh to make his Apostles being astonished at his sodaine and maruellous comming amongst them to know vnderstand and be assured who he is Iohn 20. 26. The text Iesus commeth ⸫ the doores being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be to you The note See the annotations on the 19. verse of this chapter The answer We haue séene stale stuffe of it and refer the answer to him that answereth your other annotations Iohn 20. 29. The text Bicause thou hast seene me Thomas thou hast beleeued ⸫ blessed are they that haue not seene and haue beleeued The note They are more happie that beleeue without sensible argument or sight then such as be induced by sense or reason to beleeue The answer Bicause that sensible experience which Thomas had of Christ and by which he was induced to beleeue the resurrection was granted but to a few therefore generally the happines of Christians doth consist in beléeuing the testimonie of the word preached without any farther sensible experiments Yet not withstanding in matters subiect to sense we are no where commanded to beléeue that to be cheese which is chalke neither that to be flesh which our eies tell vs to be bread Iohn 21. 7. The text ⸫ Simon Peter when he heard that it is our Lord girded his coat vnto him for he was naked cast himselfe into the sea The note See in Saint Augustine tract 122. In Io. the great mysterie hereof concerning the church and in Saint Gregorie hom 24. in Euang. and Saint Barnard lib. 2. cap. 8. de consi Peters primacie here mystically signified The answer Hungrie dogs are glad of dirtie puddings Our papists haue béene these 27. yéeres séeking a néedle in a bundle of haie that is they haue béene seeking the fathers to finde the bishop of Rome to be called the vniuersall bishop or head of the vniuersal church and cannot finde it Therefore they hunt for other things in stéed thereof to bleare the eies of the simple withall and there is nothing so sillie and simple that they finde but it must serue their turne It hath béen told them that their reasons hold not which they deduce from Peter to the bishops of Rome It hath béene tolde them also that primacie is one thing and the supremacie which they chalenge for the bishop of Rome is an other being things verie far vnlike And yet bicause they cannot finde better stuffe for their purpose they are still faine to finde themselues plaie with these But let vs sée your authorities The mysteries which Saint Augustine gathereth out of this place are taken out of the net throwen out of the right side Christs being on land the number of the fish taken and such like which he applieth to the church at the resurrection and neither to the name nor authoritie of Peter Gregorie toucheth the same mysteries and addeth onely this concerning Peter that he dr●w the net to lande bicause the church was committed to him And that he drew the elect to the stability of the shore by preaching writing and myracles And then I pray what did Peter here that the other apostles did not Iohn 21. 14. The text This now the ⸫ third time Iesus was manifested to his disciples after he was risen from the dead The note Not the third apparition but the third day of his apparition for he appeared in the verie daie of his resurrection often againe vpon Lowe Sunday then this third time and Saint Marke saieng Last he appeared cap. 16. 14. meaneth his last apparition the first daie The answer A note so true and so necessarilie collected vpon the place so plaine for the capacitie of the simple reader as this afore will hardly be found and with you is a verie rare birde Iohn 21. 22. The text So will I haue him to remaine til I come what to thee Follow thou me The note So readeth Saint Ambrose in Ps. 45 serm 20. in Ps. 118. Saint August tract 124. in Io. and most ancient copies and seruice bookes extant in Latin ⸫ other read if I will other if so I will c. The answer Against the consent of all copies of the Gréeke against the greatest number of ancient copies of your old translator against the generall consent of the enterpretors both Grecians and Latinists and especially against the manifest truth appearing in the circumstances of the text it selfe you follow those copies which you know to be corrupt and al to vpholde a lie and a fable You enforce Augustine to giue you credit against his wil knowing that that which you alledge is but the fault of the printer or writer not his minde For his long doubtful disputation whether Iohn were dead or no doth plainly declare that he read not as you haue set it downe For then he would neuer haue made doubt of that which Christ so plainelie spake And againe how can your reading stand with that which Iohn saith after Christ said not that he should not die Iohn 21. 25. The text But there are manie ⸫ other things also which Iesus did which if they were written in particular neither the world it selfe I thinke were able to conteine those books that should be written The note How few things are written of Christs actes and doctrine in comparison of that which he did and spake And yet the heretikes will needes haue all in Scripture trusting not the Apostles owne preaching or report of any thing that our master did or said if it be not written The answer Now for vnwritten verities I pray you for my learning shew me one of those heretikes that hold that all that Christ said and did are written in the Scriptures If you cannot do that then you abuse your reader with a lie We saie that enough is written in the Scriptures to bring beleeuers to life eternall and so hath Iohn written before vs. But it greeueth you that we giue not credit to a number of lies which you obtrude to vs vnder the name of the apostles If all that vnder their names you haue set out be true how chance their
is contrarie to the report of your stories And he hied him maruellous fast that was so quickly at Ierusalem againe But to let passe that fable which carieth no shew of truth Peter did not set men a worke to kill and murder Herod for the iniurie offered him but committed vengeance to him to whom it belonged Of whom then learned the pope and his adherents to set men a work to murder the Lords annointed and to giue the murderers absolution afore hand Acts. 12. 23. The text And foorthwith an Angel of the Lord ⸫ strooke him bicause he had not giuen the honor to God and being consumed of woorms he gaue vp the ghost The note Princes that take delight in the flatterie and praises of the people so much that they forget themselues to be men and to giue the honor to God may be warned by this example The answer The example is terrible and hath preuailed with many princes and great estates who héerby haue béen admonished to learne to know themselues But the man of sinne the child of perdition the bishop of Rome I meane whom you his flatterers and clawbacks aduance aboue all that is called god and who most proudly taketh vpon him that which was neuer granted to mortall man nothing can make him afraid Acts. 13. 46. The text To you it behoueth vs first to speake the word of God but bicause ⸫ you repell it and iudge your selues vnwoorthie of eternall life behold we turne vnto the Gentils The note The Iewes of their owne free will repelling the truth are vnwoorthie of Christ and woorthily forsaken And the Gentils though they beleeued specially by Gods grace and preordination yet they beleeue also by their owne free will which standeth well with Gods prouidence The answer That the Iewes repelled the grace of God offered them and would none of it we manifestly sée That the Gentils beléeued also by Gods grace and preordination that is also euident by the text it selfe For there beléeued as many as were preordinate to life euerlasting But that they beléeue by their frée will also is your addition without any warrant bicause you cannot abide that faith should be the méere gift and liberalitie of God Acts. 14. 16. The text Howbeit he left not himselfe without ⸫ testimonie being beneficiall from heauen giuing raines and fruitful seasons filling our harts with food and gladnes The note The heathen might by the daily benefits of God haue knowen him at the least to be their creator and onely Lord though the mysterie of our redemption were not opened to them The answer All nations haue so much knowledge offered them in the creatures and things which they sée and are subiect to sense as to make their damnation iust and themselues void of excuse for ignorance Acts. 14. 22. The text And when ⸫ they had ordained to them priests in euerie church and had praied with fastings they commended them to our Lord in whom they beleeued The note We see by this first that S. Paul and Barnabas were bishops hauing heere authoritie to giue holie orders secondly that there was euen then a difference betwixt bishops and priests though the name in the primitiue church was often vsed indifferently lastly that alwaies fasting and praieng were preparatimes to the giuing of holy orders The answer We cannot sée by this that Paul and Barnabas were bishops but that the Apostles at the first planting of the churches had authoritie to order them and to appoint bishops and pastors to them Neither do we find héere any mention at all of sacrificing priests much lesse any difference betwéene bishops and elders that labour in the word whom we also call priests Your last obseruation that in this example fasting and praier is commended to vs in the election choise and appointing of pastors to particular congregations is true Acts. 15. 4. The text And when they were come to Hierusalem they were receiued of the church and of the Apostles and ⸫ Ancients declaring whatsoeuer God had done with them The note Ancients heere and often in this chapter are the same that priests vers 2. as Saint Hierom taketh it also 1. Peter 5. and the Greeke approoueth being alwaies one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 priests Hierom in 1. ad Tit. 4. ad Galatas The answer For the name of priests so your sacrificers thereby be not vnderstood we stand indifferent But what reason can you shew why in English you flie the word Elders and translate it Ancients Acts. 15. 7. The text And when there was made a ⸫ great disputation Peter rising vp said to them The note See the annotation verse 28. towards the end The answer Your annotation shall be answered with the rest Act. 15. 9. The text And God which knoweth the harts gaue testimonie giuing vnto them the holie Ghost as well as to vs and hath put no difference betweene vs them ⸫ by faith purifieng their harts The note By that faith that worketh by charitie for a dead faith can not purifie the hart of man See chap. 16. 31. The answer Who doubteth of this But here is a secret confession by force of truth of your manifold cauilling in these notes in separating those things from a true liuely iustifieng faith which can not be sundered from it For if here you vnderstande that faith which worketh by charitie why do you not so to when we speak of iustification by faith Act. 15. 23. The text Then it pleased the apostles and ancients with the whole church to choose men out of them and to send to Antioch with Paule Barnabas Iudas who was surnamed Barnabas and Silas cheefe men amongst the brethren ⸫ writing by their hands The note Other latin copies and the Greeke read thus writing by their hand an epistle conteining these things The answer Whether it be expresly added or no the sence is one séeing their epistle followeth verbatim But yet this is to be marked that you make your choise in varietie of copies to follow those which furthest dissent from the Gréeke Act. 15. 36. The text And after certaine daies Paule said to Barnabas Let vs returne and ⸫ visite our brethren in all cities wherein we haue preached the worde of our Lord how they do The note Hereof our catholike bishops tooke vp the necessarie vse of often visiting their flocks and cures committed to their charge for confirmation in faith and vertue and reformation of maners both of cleargie and laitie The answer The apostolicall office being vniuersallie to spread the truth 〈◊〉 to laie the first foundation of Christian Religion necessity of doing their dutie compelled Paule and Barnabas to be absent from the churches which they had planted The knowledge of Sathans subtilties and of humaine infirmitie caused this care to visite the churches againe which they had planted and to confirme them Your bishops I doubt not would faine be Apostels in seeking euerie one to himselfe a little world to gouerne
But their care is far vnlike for they are seldome in their charge they visit once in thrée yéere most commonly by their deputes neither to reforme life nor maners but either to shewe themselues abroad like lords or else to fill their purses This I am sure they neither learned of Paule nor Barnabas Act. 15. 41. The text And he walked thorough Siria and Cilicia confirming the churches ⸫ commanding them to keepe the precepts of the apostles and ancients The note Not onely the things commanded by Christs expresse word or written in the Scriptures as our heretikes hold but whatsoeuer the apostles and rulers of the church command is to be kept and obeied So these words repeated againe cap. 16. 4. and that in the Greeke least any man cauill bicause here the Greeke hath them not The answer You do well to ioine apostles with rulers else no man would beléeue you But I pray you where may we ●inde those things which the apostles haue commanded and are not expressed in the scriptures If you obtrude those things which you falsely call the canons and constitutions of the apostles then we bid you first reforme your church by them For though there be some corruptions in them vnknowen in the apostles time yet your church if it had no more should want at least thrée quarters of her corruptions It were woonderfull if other men should credite your forgerie which you your selues haue small regard to If you alledge this present text it is manifest that the precepts which the apostles commanded to be kept were sent in writing by the hands of Paule and Barnabas which writing is set downe by Luke word for word How then can you gather from hence anie defence of your vnwritten verities or any credite to your deuises not warranted by the Scriptures Act. 16. 4. The text And when they passed through the cities they deliuered vnto them to keepe the ⸫ decrees that were decreed of the Apostels and ancients at Hierusalem The note Here againe they take order that the decrees and articles of faith agreed vpon in the councell of Hierusalem should be executed and obserued whereby we see both the great authoritie of councels and the diligence that all prelates ought to haue to see the decrees and canons of the councels put in execution The answer In the former note these decrées you did insinuate to be matters vnwritten and now in this note they are articles of our faith and so consequently some articles of our faith are not written O miserable men What state are they in whom you lead When you pull from them the foundation and groundworke of their faith The authoritie of lawfull councels we reuerence as much as is lawfull to reuerence men But by this councel we gather that a councell may be lawfully called though the bishop of Rome call it not and that it is not néedful that he or his legate à latere should be president in councels and that it is not of necessity requisite that he should confirme and ratifie councels For it is manifest that no bishop of Rome bare stroke in this councel Acts. 16. 6. The text And passing through Phrigia and the countrie of Galatia they were ⸫ forbidden by the holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia The note This people had not the Gospell denied vnto them altogither but for a time bicause as venerable Bede thinketh God foresaw they would not beleeue and so should haue bee● more grieuously damned The answer Modestie requireth that you leaue the Lords secrets to himselfe The holie Ghost hath not reuealed the cause why he forbad them to preach in Asia and permitted them not to go into Bithinia and therefore we are to leaue it as a thing which God hath not thought necessary for vs to know But this is manifest that the good desires of Gods saints are not in their owne power to bring to passe when they will Acts. 16. 12. The text And from thence to Philippie which is the first citie of Macedonia a ⸫ Colonia The note Colonia is such a citie where the most inhabitants are strangers sent thither from other great cities and states namely from the Romans The answer Your interpretation of Colonia we receiue as a thing wherof our Grammar boies are not ignorant Acts. 16. 17. The text The same following Paul and vs cried saieng These men are the seruants of the high God which preach vnto you the waie of saluation The note Either the diuell was compelled by vertue of Paules presence to saie truth or else as such do often times he spake truth now that they might the more trust him and he better beguile them at other times The answer Your later coniecture I receiue as a thing that you can speake in by great experience as hauing learned that péece of cunning of the diuell neuer to vse truth but to the end to giue color and credit to lies withall Acts. 16. 3● The text Masters what must I do to be saued But they said ⸫ Beleeue in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued and thy house The note It is none other faith that saueth but that which worketh by charity August Enchirid. cap. 67. The answer Grant vs that that faith is the onely hand whereby we take hold of Christ our saluation and then a great part of our controuersie is at an end Acts. 16. 33. The text And he taking them in the same hower of the night ⸫ washed their wounds and himselfe was baptized and all his house incontinent The note Happie gailers that do mercie toward their godly prisoners and receiue againe by them such spirituall benefits The answer It was the greatest happines that could fall vpon him and his house to receiue such vnder his ●oofe by whom God so blessed him and his On the contrarie side it is a dangerous matter for gailers and keepers to be cumbred with wicked seditious and traiterous Iesuits and seminarie priests Acts. 17. 5. The text But the Iewes ⸫ enuieng and taking to them of the rascall sort certaine naughtie men and making a tumult stirred the citie and besetting Iasons house sought to bring them foorth vnto the people The note Zelantes This is the zeale of heretikes and a liuely paterne of their dealing at this day against the catholike priests and preachers and the good Iasons that receiue them The answer Looke vpon the late storie of France and there you shall sée that it is the practise of you papists to stir vp the rascall sort to misuse nay to kill and cut the throtes of Gods déere saints Acts. 17. 23. The text For passing by and seeing your idols I found an altar also whereupon was written To the vnknowen God The note The aduersaries in the new Testament 1580. translate your deuotions most corruptly against the nature of the Greeke word 2. Thes. 2. 4. and most wickedly against the laudable deuotion of good Christians calling the pagans idolatrie and superstition their
of the word against which no credit of men can stand For his being bishop there the consent is not so great as you Thrasonically brag of For some hold that neither he was bishop there nor made the first bishop there Some make Paul as much bishop there as Peter That Peter might then be out of the citie either for persecution or busines or else that being there Paule might write other letters wherin this might be inclosed are but your surmises wanting both testimonie of antiquitie and al probabilitie Rom. 16. 17. The text And I desire you brethren to marke them that make dissentions and scandals contrarie to the doctrine which you haue learned ⸫ and auoid them The note Of the prince of the Apostles saith Theodoret vpon this place The answer Why we should thinke they learned of Peter I sée no reason But for that which you would haue the simple beléeue that by the word which it pleaseth you to translate prince Peters supremacie aboue the other Apostles is meant they are to be admonished that the fathers giue the same name to Paule as well as to Peter whereby it appéereth that they thought not of any such supreme power or authoritie which also is not onely manifest by the continual practise of the first church but also by plaine spéeches of the fathers Eusebius saith that neither Peter nor Iohn tooke vpon them to be chéefe ouer the Apostles but gaue the primacie to Iames whom they made bishop of the Apostles Cyprian saith that all the Apostles were equal in authoritie Ambrose cannot tell of Peter and Paul whether of them he may preferre By this it is euident that the fathers meant not by reuerend titles they gaue Peter to exalt him in authoritie aboue the rest Rom. 16. 18. The text For such do not serue Christ our Lord but their owne bellie and by ⸫ sweete speeches and benedictions seduce the harts of the innocents The note The speciall way that heretikes haue euer had to beguile was and is by sweete words gaie speeches which their sheeps coate see before described particularly in the annotation vpon Saint Matthew cap. 7. vers 15. The answer Is there any way of beguiling that papists want Did euer any in the worlde prouide better for their bellies Did you not make of Saint Peters keies picklockes to rob euerie mans coffers with them Extraordinarie tokens of fained holines where shall a man looke for them if he finde them not in your Iesuites and friers filed and fine spéeches are your studie And that they may be more admired and better able to deceiue you kéepe from the people the key of knowledge you nuzell them in ignorance to the ende they should not be able to discerne words from matter 1. Corinthians 1. Cor. 1. 1● The text And I meane this for that euerie one of you saith ⸫ I certes am Paules and I Apollos but I Cephas and I Christs The note The beginning of schismes is ouer much admiring and addicting mens selues to their owne particular masters The answer We haue one master that is to saie Christ him we professe to follow and of him to learne others of what godlines or estimation so euer we follow but so far foorth as they followed Christ. If admiring of men and addicting mens selues to particular masters be the beginning and cause of schismes Then what can you say for your Austen friers your Dominicans your Franciscans your Iesuites your schoolemen your Thomists your Scotists why they should not go for schismatikes Haue they not the authors of their their sects in admiration Haue they not addicted themselues to their particular masters Haue they not deuised a number of vntruthes to bring their masters into admiration and estimation What though there be some kinde of consent amonst them yet that excuseth them not from being schismatikes no more then the consent of Pharisies Sadduces other sectaries of the Iewes against Christ and his truth did excuse them 1. Cor. 3. 2. The text As it were to litle ones in Christ I gaue you ⸫ milke to drink not meate for you could not as yet But neither can you now verily for yet you are carnall The note The church onely hath truth both in her milke and in her bread that is whether she instruct the perfect or imperfect who are called carnall Aug. lib. 15. cap. 3. contra Faustum The answer If you went not about with the name of the church to beguile the simple as though thereby your church were vnderstood wée néeded not to giue this any answer But now to auoide your deceite we as we learne of Augustine admonish all men by the scriptures to iudge of the church least therin being deceiued they in stéed of milke and bread receiue strong poison 1. Cor. 3. 9. The text For we are Gods coadiutors ⸫ you are Gods husbandrie you are Gods building The note A maruellous dignitie of spirituall pastors that they be not the onely instruments or ministers of Christ but also Gods coadiutors in the worke of our saluation The answer I haue not hitherto neither carped at your old translator neither yet at your translation neither will I begin here though I might Onlie this I would haue all men to obserue diligently that in this dignitie which God hath bestowed vpon men to vse their labor and paines in his worke men do vse strength not naturall but conferred by grace that they may be apt and fit instruments to aduance forward Gods worke so that they haue nothing of themselues in themselues to glorie of And further that all that which is chéefe in this worke as all encrease of goodnes saluation and life do so procéede from God as that therein he vseth no mans helpe but his owne 1. Cor. 4. 6. The text But these things ⸫ brethren I haue transfigured into my selfe and Apollo for you that in vs you may learne one not to be puffed vp against another aboue that is written The note Lo when he named himselfe and Apollo and Cephas he ment other seditious and factious preachers whose names he spared The answer We sée rather that those which are seditious and factious doo for their better winning of credit shroud them selues vnder the names of those which be famous for godlines and learning And so it is like that they did at Corinth that the Apostle correcting the fault was content to spare their names that by that milde dealing he might the better winne them if it were possible 1. Cor. 4. 15. The text For ⸫ if you haue ten thousand paedagogues in Christ yet not manie fathers The note So may Saint Augustine our Apostle say to vs English men The answer The reader is here to vnderstand that our papists meane Augustine the monke not Augustine the famous doctor and that this Augustine was no Apostle for that he was not sent vs immediatlie from God but from a méere man This
for persecution or for businesse séeing that both the actes of the Apostles the Epistle to the Romains euery epistle that Paul wrote from Rome minister good reasons against Peters being there so that if he were bishop so long as your stories testifie of him he was a notable non Resident but I had rather imagine that he came thither but a litle afore his death Philip. 3. ● The text See the dogges see the euill workers see the ⸫ concision for we are the circumcision which in spirit serue God c. The note By allusion of words he calleth the carnall Christian Iewes that yet boasted in the circumcision of the flesh concision and himselfe and the rest that circumcised their hart and senses spirituallie the true circumcision Saint Chrisostome Theoph. The answer Either you should set downe nothing without authorities alledged or els if you would spare your paines in anie place you should do it in those whereof the sense is not in controuersie but confessed on both parts Philip. 3. 1●● The text And may be found in him not hauing my iustice which is of the Lawe but that which is of the faith of Christ which is of God iustice in faith to know him and the vertue of his resurrection the societie of his passions configured to his death ⸫ if by anie meanes I may come to the resurrection which is from the dead The note If Saint Paul ceased not to labour still as though he were not sure to come to the marke without continuall indeuour what securitie may we poore sinners haue of heretikes perswasions and promises of securitie and saluation by onlie faith The answer We are verie sure that they which after they are called to knowledge do not continuallie indeuour to walke in those good workes which God hath prepared for men to walke in shall not come to the marke of life euerlasting which is set before all chrians And we know none but papists that teach such securitie to make men trust to that faith which is idle and doeth not worke by loue a diligent indeuour of obedience to Gods holy lawes And yet this continuance of our indeuour is no argument of doubtfulnesse of our saluation neither yet of trust in our deserts but that Christ liueth in vs and by his spirit leadeth and guideth vs effectuallie And it is not to be passed ouer though you be not disposed to sée it that the Apostle for all his indeuour yet flieth from his owne righteousnesse to the righteousnesse of Christ which God hath made his by faith so that it is euident that the Apostles confidence rested vpon the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to him Philip. 3. 17. The text Be followers ⸫ of me brethren and obserue them that walke so as you haue our forme The note It is a goodlie thing when a pastor may say so to his flocke Neither is it anie derogation to Christ that the people should imitate their Apostles life and doctrine and other holie men Saint Augustine Saint Benedict Saint Dominicke Saint Frauncis The answer It is a verie good thing when the Pastors are examples to their flocke in life and doctrine but yet the best men are to be followed with exception namelie no further then they follow Christ. As for your frierlie fathers whom you recken and whom you follow in wilworship are vnméete to be matched with Paul and others partners of Christian obedience to them among whom they liued Philip. 4. 3. The text Yea and I beseech thee my sincere companion helpe those women that haue laboured with me in the Gospel with ⸫ Clement the rest my coadiutors whose names are in the booke of life The note This Clement was afterward fourth Pope of Rome from Saint Peter as Saint Hierome writeth according to the common supputation The answer This is to be marked that the reckoning and supputation of Popes succéeding one another is a matter not agréed on though it be the maine foundation and principall pillar whereupon the Romish church will séeme to staie her selfe For as it is a matter verie vncertaine whether Peter was euer Bishop of Rome so is it also vncertaine who was first second third or fourth If we may beléeue the constitutions ascribed to the Apostles the testimonie whereof you can not refuse citing the authoritie of them in other matters verie often then Peter was neuer Bishop there but Linus was the first ordeined by Paul and not by Peter Clemens the second Eusebius reckoneth Clemens third and Euaristus fourth after both Peter and Paul For I do not perceiue that he reckoned one of them more for bishop there then the other Nicephorus maketh Peter the first Linus the second and Anacletus third and Clemens fourth Hierome reckoned in the same order sauing that he addeth that manie of the Latines did count Clemens next after Peter Sabellicus writeth that Peter Linus Cletus and Clemens were all Bishops of Rome at once and striketh quite out Anacletus out of the number Ireneus reckoneth next after Linus Anacletus And Optatus Mileuitanus setteth him that is Anacletus next after Clemens And thus your famous succession whereof you so greatly glorie resteth vpon a rotten vncertaine foundation the progresse thereof if it were examined is more diuerse and vncertaine and that manie waies and therefore no maruell though so vncertaine a succession must serue to vphold so vile a congregation as the church of Rome is at this day which bicause you know you referre the matter to the common supputation which must be that which you commonlie at this day follow Philip. 4. 10. The text And I also reioiced in our Lord exceedingly that once at the length you haue ⸫ reflorished to care for me as you did also care but you were occupied The note This reflorishing is the reuiuing of their old liberalitie which for a time had beene slacke and dead S. Chrysostom The answer This was Paules thankfulnes as well for the care they presently had of him as for their liberalitie afore time bestowed on him Philip. 4. 1● The text And you know also O Philippians that in the beginning of the Gospell when I departed from Macedonia no church cōmunicated vnto me in the account of gift and ⸫ receipt but you onely for vnto Thessalonica also once and twise you sent to my vse The note He counteth it not meere almes or a free gift that people bestoweth on their pastors or preachers but a certaine mutuall traffike as it were and interchange the one giuing spirituall the other rendering temporall things for the same The answer Your note is true though the pastors of your church giue stones for bread for fish scorpions and in stead of milke strong and ranke poison COLOSSIANS Colos. 1. 6. The text That is come vnto you as also ⸫ in the whole world it is and fructifieth and groweth euen as in you since that day that you heard and knew the grace of
prooued thus the wisedome of God hath taught vs to praie to our father in heauen and not to anie other what is it then to teach men to praie to others but to controll that wisedome of God that it hath not taught the wisest way to pray and thus in that wherein you thought to shew his humilitie you set foorth his intollerable pride ● Thess. 2. 11. The text Therefore ⸫ God will send them the operation of error to beleeue lieng c. The note Deus mittet saith Saint Augustine libro 20. de Ciu. cap. 19. quia Deus diabolum facere ista permittet God will send bicause God will permit the diuell to do these things whereby we may take a general rule that Gods action or working in such things is his permission See annot Rom. 1. 24. The answer Now Augustine must helpe you with a generall rule that expresselie both against the whole course of scripture and also against his owne minde if you meane by permission onlie permission for he saith who doeth not tremble at these horrible iudgements of God by which he doth in the hearts of the wicked what he will rendring to euerie man according to his merits And againe he saith it is out of doubt that God doeth worke in the mindes of men to encline their willes either to good according to his mercie or els to euill according to their deserts by his iudgement sometimes open and sometimes secret but alwaies iust This I trowe is somewhat more then only permission therefore you must racke some other for that generall rule for Augustine will not yéeld it you and it groweth out of a foolish nicenes for men to be afraid to speake as the holie Ghost hath spoken afore them 2. Thess. 2. 17. The text And our Lord Iesus Christ him selfe and God our Father which hath loued vs and hath giuen eternall consolation and good hope in grace ⸫ exhort your hearts and confirme you in euerie good worke and word The note This word of exhorting implieth in it comfort and consolation 2. Corinthes 1. verse 4. and 6. The answer Trueth doeth well but neuer when it is intermedled with vntruthes If this note were not defiled with the former these that follow but had passed alone then we would haue ioined with you 2. Thess. 3. 6. The text And we denounce vnto you brethren in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that you withdraw your selues from euery brother walking inordinately and not according to the ⸫ tradition which they haue receiued of vs. The note Here also as is noted before 1. Thessalonians 2. 15. the aduersaries in their translations auoid the word tradition being plaine in the Greeke least them selues might seeme to be noted as men walking inordinatelie and not according to Apostolicall tradition as all Schismatikes heretikes and rebels to Gods church do The answer If corrupt vse had not in your times made tradition to bée commonlie taken of the people for a doctrine deliuered by word of mouth onlie and neuer published in the holie Scriptures by writing contrarie to the sense and meaning of the Apostle then had there not béene anie iust cause of auoiding the word But you can not iustlie blame vs though we flie a word corrupted by you and therefore dangerous to deceiue withall and set downe for it some other worde no lesse aptlie agréeing to the signification of the Gréeke word and better with more plainnesse expressing vnto the vnlearned the minde and meaning of the Apostle in that place But bicause you charge other men with inordinate walking contrarie to the traditions Apostolicall answer for your selues and yeeld vs reason if you can whie you breake those which you call the Apostles constitutions why do you not commonlie and ordinarilie choose married men to be Bishops why haue you kept the common people from reading the scriptures why suffer you women to baptize why fast you not continuallie on Wednesdaies whie doo ye exclude the people both from election and approbation of Bishops and priests If these bée not the ordinances of the Apostles why do ye abuse the world with alledging the authoritie of that booke for you if they bée with what face can you obiect to others wherein you are most manifestlie faultie your selues 1. TIMOTHIE 1. Tim. 1. 5. The text But the end of the precept is charitie from a pure heart ⸫ a good conscience a faith not fained The note Saint Augustine saith he that list to haue the hope of heauen let him looke that he haue a good conscience let him beleeue and worke well For that he beléeueth he hath of faith that he worketh he hath of charitie praefat in Psalm 31. The answer As you alledge Saint Augustine so I would that you caried his syncere mind and loue to the truth so should we not onlie agrée in this but throwing away all minde and desire of contending enter into a most earnest search for truth with al humilitie 1. Tim. 1. 19. The text This precept I commend to thee O Timothie according to the prophecies going before on thee that thou warre in them a good warfare hauing faith and a good conscience ⸫ which certaine repelling haue made shipwracke about the faith The note Euill life and no good conscience is often the cause that men fall to heresie from the faith of the Catholike church Againe this plainlie reprooueth the heretikes false doctrine seeing that no man can fall from the faith that he once trulie had The answer True and liuelie faith is one thing and the outward profession of faith is another You loue to dallie with equiuocations knowing that that hindereth the consecution of an argument The outward profession and not true faith is meant héere By such arguments as you make it is easie to prooue that the crowe is white 1. Tim. 2. 1. The text I desire therefore first of all things that obsecrations praiers postulations thankesgiuings be made for all men ⸫ for Kings and al that are in praeeminence that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all pietie and chastitie The note Euen for heathen Kings and Emperors by whom the church suffreth persecution much more for all faithfull princes and powers and people both spirituall and temporall for whom as members of Christes bodie and therefore ioining in praier and oblation with the ministers of the Church and priests more properlie and particularlie offer the holie sacrifices See Saint August de origine animae lib. 1. cap. 9. The answer The spirit that guideth and directeth the bishops of Rome now is full contrarie to the spirit that guided and directed Paul and the whole primitiue church For now such princes as punish papists or fauour not poperie must be murdered disinherited excommunicated deposed depriued giuen to the diuell and not praied for They may not looke for the dutie which was giuen to persecuting princes then For our holie father of Rome will not
triall you flie And if anie time you make a shew of comming to it then by and by your church must giue credite to your doctrine your church cannot erre your pope cannot erre we must beléeue your doctrine not bicause you can prooue it to haue come from the Apostles but bicause your church and pope haue giuen sentence for it but if you durst abide by your note we would easily shew your doctrin to be erronious 1. Tim. 6. 10. The text For the roote of all euill is couetousnes ⸫ which certaine desiring haue erred from the faith and haue intangled themselues in manie sorrowes The note As in the first chapter the lacke of faith and good conscience so here couetousnes and the desire of these temporall things and in the ende of this chapter presumption and boasting of knowledge are causes of falling from the faith heresie often being the punishment of former sins The answer It is very true that God punisheth sin by sin and that there be many causes for which wicked men are wont to forsake the faith which they do or did somtimes professe The causes in your note assigned lacke of faith and good conscience couetousnes presumption and boasting if all the world be sought from one end to the other there cannot any be founde in whom these causes haue so euidently concurred and wrought as in your most holy fathers of Rome wherein I referre my selfe to the credite of your owne stories 1. Tim. 6. 19. The text Command the rich of this world not to be high minded nor to trust in the vncertainty of riches but in the liuing God who giueth al things aboundantly to enioy to do wel to become rich in good works to giue easelie to communicate to heape vnto themselues a good ⸫ foundation for the time to come that they may apprehend the true life The note Almes deeds and good works laid for a foundation and ground to attaine euerlasting life So say the doctors vpon this place The answer If you had shewed vs what doctors had so spoken we woulde haue shewed you their meaning But we know that neither they nor the apostles ment by the word foundation to put Christ out of his office or place but onlie to oppose against the vncertaintie of riches here the certaintie of promised blessednes in the time to come According to the saieng of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obtaine mercy 2. TIMOTHIE ● Tim. 1. 6. The text For the which cause I admonish thee that thou resuscitate the grace of God which is in thee by imposition of my hands The note Heere againe it is plaine that holy orders giue grace and that euen by and in the externall ceremonie of imposing the bishops hands And it is a maner of speech specially vsed in this Apostle and S. Luke that orders giue grace to the ordered and that to take orders or authoritie to minister sacrament or preach is to be giuen or deliuered to Gods grace Acts. 14. 25. The answer Héere you say that that is plaine which no wise man can sée namely that holy orders giue grace in and by the externall ceremonie of imposing of the bishops hands For if that were so what néeded there be any choise of men furnished with gifts and graces for that purpose sith in the very ordering they should be sufficiently indued with gifts and graces necessarie and néedfull And how fel it out that there were so great a number of popish priests void and destitute of al gifts graces after their ordering when the bishop had conferred and bestowed vpon them all that he could It is euident by the manifold commendations that the Apostle giueth to Timothie as well for his owne studie in the scriptures as also for his bringing vp vnder his mother and grandmother that he was a man furnished with gifts afore Paul and the elders ordered him But bicause the praiers of the church in that his consecrating to the worke of God were not in vaine that blessing and increase of aptnesse and fitnesse which God at their petitions gaue him at that time is called the gift or grace by imposition of hands In the like order it is true that all those which be rightly ordered are deliuered to the grace of God bicause the same God who of his mercifull goodnes afore indued them with gifts made them fit and méete for the worke of his ministerie and mooued his church to call them thereunto afterward by and in the imploieng of their talents to his glorie and the benefit of his church and people increaseth and augmenteth their gifts 2. Tim. 1. 13. The text Haue thou a forme of sound words which thou hast heard of me in faith and in ⸫ the loue in Christ Iesus The note Faith and loue coupled commonly togither in this Apostles writing The answer Paul so speaketh of them bicause faith and loue be companions inseparable But such mates as you are bend themselues to vncouple these to the end they might haue some probable shew of matter to prate withall against iustification by onely faith 2. Tim. 1. 16. The text Our Lord giue mercie to the house of Onesiphorus bicause he hath often refreshed me and hath ⸫ not beene ashamed of my chaine The note What an happie and meritorious thing it is to releeue the afflicted for religion and not to be ashamed of their disgrace yrons or what miserie so euer The answer Put meritorious into your purse and vnderstand true religion and then we agrée to your note 2. Tim. 2. 10. The text Therefore ⸫ I sustaine all things for the elect that they also may obtaine the saluation which is in Christ Iesus with heauenly glorie The note Marke heere that the elect though sure of their saluation yet are saued by the means of their preachers and teachers as also by their owne endeuor The answer Marke héere the force and might of truth which hath héere wrested this confession of truth from you that the elect are sure of their saluation to which the whole course of your doctrine is opposite The ministerie of the word and mens owne endeuors to attaine the knowledge of the truth we acknowledge to be meanes appointed of God to saue those which be his 1. Tim. 2. 16. The text But profane and vaine speeches auoid The note See the annotation before 1. Timoth. 6. verse 20. The answer We haue séene your note and do sée that both your reasons and authorities there stand very well against your selues But I refer the answer of it to the answer of all your annotations 1. Tim. 2. 25. The text But the seruant of our Lord must not wrangle but be mild towards all men apt to teach patient with modestie admonishing them that resist the truth least sometime ⸫ God giue them repentance to know the truth The note Conuersion from sinne and heresie is the gift of God and of his speciall grace yet
heere we see good exhortations and praier and such other helps of man be profitable thereunto which could not be if we had not freewill The answer That conuersion from sin is the gift of God and that all helps by man which God hath thereto appointed are néedfull and necessarie it is manifest but it is impossible that the industrie of man should do good where God createth not a new hart and reneweth not a right will For the will and wisedome of man is enimitie to God And so appéereth the vanitie of your conclusion for frée will 2. Tim. 3. 8. The text But as Iannes and Iambres resisted Moises so these also resist the truth men corrupted in minde reprobate concerning the faith The note That those Magicians which resisted Moises were thus called it is not written in all the old Testament therefore it came to the Apostles knowledge by tradition as the church now hath the names of the three Kings of the penitent theefe of the souldier that pearced Christs side on the crosse The answer Howsoeuer Paul had the names of those magicians to vs it is not materiall We are sure the spirit of God hath now to vs made them knowen by him and therefore it followeth not that we must beléeue your fabulous narrations of the names number dignitie and such like of the wise men wherein you make of East West and of West East contrarie to the manifest truth so that the wiser sort of your selues do not beléeue those toies but your Romish church hath deliuered it to her children let them that will willinglie be deceiued be deceiued by her 2 Tim. 3. 14. The text But thou ⸫ continue in those things which thou hast learned and are committed to thee knowing of whom thou hast learned The note In all danger and diuersitie of false sectes Saint Pauls admonition is euer to abide in that was first taught and deliuered neuer to giue ouer our old faith for a new fansie This is it which before he calleth depositum 1. Timothie 6. and 2. Timothie 1. The answer And why did not Paul admonish men to hold fast that which the Pope and the church of Rome should prescribe bicause that should not or could not erre or stray from the first faith Or why do not you setting all other things apart enter into that triall with vs whether our doctrine or yours were the former Your whole doctrine swarueth farre from the first faith which the Apostles planted and the greatest part thereof is quite destitute of all testimonie of antiquitie 2. Tim. 4. 6. The text For I am euen now ⸫ to be sacrificed and the time of my resolution is at hand The note The martyrdome of Saints is so acceptable to God that it is counted as it were a sacrifice in his sight and therefore hath manie effectes both in the partie that suffereth it and in others that are partakers of the merit as of a sacrifice which name it hath by a Metaphore The answer The voluntarie suffrings of most bitter and cruel death for Gods cause of Gods saints are accepted of God as a most swéete sacrifice The effectes in the partie that suffereth bicause you haue not vttered what they be I can not imagine your meaning therefore know not what to say to it The effects it hath in others if you had dealt plainlie you should haue said to be the confirmation and strengthening of other christians by their suffrings But you come couertlie in with the partaking or partnership of their merits to make a way for the maintenance of your holie fathers gainfull marchandize for he hath the bestowing of all the merits of Peter and Paul and other saintes and they are admitted to be partakers of them that will paie most for them 2. Tim. 4. 21. The text Eubulus and pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brethren salute thee The note This Linus was coadiutor with and vnder Saint Peter and so counted second in the number of the popes The answer It is strange to sée how boldly our papists can set downe that which by no meanes they can be sure of first therefore good reader thou art to vnderstand that by the testimonie of all stories Peter and Paul suffered death at Rome both in one day If euer Linus therefore were bishop of Rome by the Apostles life time he was at this present when they were so néere their end that they dailie looked to be sacrificed But it is not likelie that he was as then aduaunced to that dignitie when neither Paul mentioneth him as bishop or as his or Peters coadiutor or fellow labourer and also setteth diuers other Christians afore him in his salutation which had béene a verie vnmannerlie part and a great forgetfulnesse of dutie in the Apostles if Linus had then béene Bishop there and so Christs vicar generall But bicause you terme him Saint Peters coadiutor there I pray you tel me was Saint Peter there now or no I will not vse the reason that Paul not onlie héere but alwaies forgetteth him amongst those whom he nameth in his salutations whereof groweth great likelihood that he was neuer there whiles Paul wrote thence But if he were now and before there Paul maketh a verie great and pitifull complaint of him that he amongst the rest forsook him But I had rather say he was not yet come to Rome and that Paul made Linus the first Bishop there as your Clemens also affirmeth then to admit so great an absurditie against Peter The succession of the bishops of Rome which you so much glory of and vpon the authoritie whereof your church resteth is vncertaine vaine obscure and such as your selues can make no certaine report of TITVS Tit. 1. 15. The text All things are ⸫ cleane to the cleane but to the polluted and infidels nothing is cleane but polluted are both their minds and consciences The note He speaketh not of the church absteining from meats sometimes which is not for anie vncleannes in the creatures but for chastening their bodies but he meaneth the Iewish superstition who now being christians would not cease to put difference of cleane and vncleane according to their old law See Aug. cont Faust. lib. 31. cap. 4. The answer I easily beléeue that he ment not of that which was not for your churches superstition in that matter was not yet growne But you haue brought about by your lawes of abstinencie that your simple followers in the extremitie of sicknes when there cannot be any pretence of chastening their bodies thereby are so snarled in conscience that they dare not touch or tast that which is necessary to preserue life and to restore health withal Besides chastening of your bodies in your ordinarie abstinence in poperie hath no probable shew For your richer sort neuer fare more delicately nor fill their bellies more gluttonouslie then when they abstaine from ordinarie meats and hunt after extraordinarie delicates So that no mans bodies are