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A77889 The abridgment of The history of the reformation of the Church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, D.D.; History of the reformation of the Church of England. Abridgments Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1682 (1682) Wing B5755A; ESTC R230903 375,501 744

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dispense with the Laws of God which were not subject to him And it had been judged in the Rota at Rome when a Dispensation was asked for a King to marry his Wives Sister that it could not be granted and when Precedents were alledged for it it was answered that the Church was to be governed by Laws and not by Examples and if any Pope had granted such Dispensation it was either out of Ignorance or Corruption This was not only the Opinion of the School-men but of the Canonists tho they are much set on raising the Pope's Power as high as is possible And therefore Alexander the third refused to grant a Dispensation in a like case tho the Parent had sworn to make his Son marry his Brother's Widow others went further and said The Pope could not dispense with the Laws of the Church which several ancient Popes had declared against and it was said that the fulness of Power with which the Pope was vested did only extend to the pastoral Care and was not for Destruction but for Edification and that as St. Paul opposed St. Peter to his Face so had mnay Bishops withstood Popes when they proceeded against the Canons of the Church So both Laurence and Dunstan in England had proceeded to Censures notwithstanding the Pope's Authority interposed to the contrary and no Authority being able to make what was a Sin in it self become lawful every Man that found himself engaged in a sinful course of Life ought to forsake it and therefore the King ought to withdraw from the Queen and the Bishops of England in case of refusal ought to proceed to Censures Upon the whole matter Tradition was that upon which all the Writers of Controversy particularly now in the Contests with the Lutherans founded the Doctrine of the Church as being the only infallible Exposition of the doubtful parts of Scripture and that being so clear in this matter there seemed to be no room for any further Debate On the other hand Arguments against it Cajetan was the first Writer that against the stream of former Ages thought that the Laws of Leviticus were only Judiciary Precepts binding the Jews and were not moral his Reasons were that Adam's Children must have married in the Degrees there forbidden Jacob married two Sisters and Judah according to custom gave his two Sons and promised a third to the same Woman Moses also appointed the Brother to marry the Brother's Wife when he died without Issue But a Moral Law is for ever and in all Cases binding and it was also said that the Pope's power reached even to the Laws of God for he dispensed with Oaths and Vows and as he had the Power of determining Controversies so he only could declare what Laws were moral and indispensable and what were not nor could any Bishops pretend to judg concerning the extent of his Power or the validity of his Bulls To all this those that writ for the King answered That it was strange to see Men who pretended such Zeal against Hereticks follow their Method which was to set up private reasonings from some Texts of Scripture in opposition to the received Tradition of the Church which was the bottom in which all good Catholicks thought themselves safe and if Cajetan wrote in this manner against the received Doctrin of the Church in one Particular why might not Luther take the same liberty in other Points They also made distinction in moral Laws between those that were so from the nature of the thing which was indispensable and could in no Case be lawful and to this sort no Degrees but those of Parents and Children could be reduced other Moral Laws were only grounded upon publick Inconveniencies and Dishonesty such as the other Degrees were for the Familiarities that Persons so nearly related live in are such that unless a Terrour were struck in them by a perpetual Law against such mixtures Families would be much defiled But in such Laws tho God may grant a Dispensation in some particular Cases yet an Inferiour Authority cannot pretend to it and some Dispensations granted in the latter Ages ought not to be set up to ballance the Decisions of so many Popes and Councils against them and the Doctrine taught by so many Fathers and Doctors in former times Both sides having thus brought forth the strength of their Cause it did evidently appear That according to the Authority given to Tradition in the Church of Rome the King had clearly the Right on his side and that the Pope's Party did write with little sincerity in this matter being guilty of that manner of arguing from Texts of Scriptures for which they had so loudly charged the Lutherans The Queen continued firm to her Resolution of leaving the matter in the Pope's Hands and therefore would hearken to no Propositions that were made to her for referring the matter to the Arbitration of some chosen on both sides A Session of Parliament followed in January in which the King made the Decisions of the Universities and the Books that were written for the Divorce A Session of Parliament be first read in the House of Lords and then they were carried down by Sir Thomas More and 12 Lords both of the Spirituality and Temporality to the Commons There were twelve Seals of Universities shewed and their Decisions were read first in Latin and then Translated into English There were also an hundred Books shewed written on the same Argument Upon the shewing these the Chancellor desired them to report in their Countries that they now clearly saw that the King had not attempted this matter of his meer will and pleasure but for the discharge of his Conscience and the security of the Succession of the Crown This was also brought into the Convocation who declared themselves satisfied concerning the unlawfulness of the Marriage but the Circumstances they were then in made that their Declaration was not much considered for they were then under the lash All the Clergy of England were sued as in the case of a Premunire for having acknowledged a Forreign Jurisdiction and taken out Bulls and had Suits in the Legatine Court The Kings of England did claim such a Power in Ecclesiastical matters The Laws of England against Bulls from Rome as the Roman Emperours had exercised before the fall of that Empire Anciently they had by their Authority divided Bishopricks granted the Investitures and made Laws both relating to Ecclesiastical Causes Persons When the Popes began to extend their Power beyond the Limits assigned them by the Canons they met with great opposition in England both in the matter of Investitures Appeals Legates and the other Branches of their Usurpations but they managed all the Advantages they found either from the Weakness or ill Circumstances of Princes so steadily that in Conclusion they subdued the World And if they had not by their cruel Exactions so oppressed the Clergy that they were driven to seek Shelter under the Covert
their Contests about Superiority but never declared in St. Peter's Favour St. Paul withstood him to his Face and reckoned himself not inferour to him If the Dignity of a Person left any Authority with the City in which he sat then Antioch must carry it as well as Rome and Jerusalem where Christ suffered was to be prefererd to all the World for it was truly the Mother-Church Christ said to Peter Vpon this Rock will I build my Church The Ancients understood by the Rock either the Confession Peter had made or which is all one upon the matter Christ himself and tho it were to be meant of St. Peter all the rest of the Apostles are also called Foundations that of Tell the Church was by many Doctors of the Church of Rome turned against the Pope for a General Council The other Priviledges ascribed to St. Peter were either only a precedence of Order or were occasioned by his Fall as that Feed my Sheep it being a restoring him to the Apostolical Function St. Peter had also a limited Province the Circumcision as St. Paul had the Uncircumcision that was of far greater extent which shewed that he was not considered as the Universal Pastor In the Primitive Church St. Cyprian and other Bishops wrote to the Bishops of Rome as to their fellow Bishop Colleague and Brother they were against Appeals to Rome and did not submit to their Definition and in plain Terms asserted that all Bishops were equal in Power as the Apostles had been It is true the Dignity of the City made the Bishops of Rome to be much esteemed yet in the first Council of Nice the Bishops of Alexandria and Antioch were declared to have the same Authority in the Countries about them that the Bishops of Rome had over those that lay about them It is true the East being over-run with Arrianism from which the West was better preserved the oppressed Eastern Bishops did take shelter in the Protection the Bishops of Rome gave them and as is natural to all People they magnified that Authority which was so useful to them But the second General Council indirectly condemned all Appeals to Rome for it decreed that every Province should be governed by its own Synod and allowed no higher Appeal but to the Bishops of the Diocess Constantinople being made the Imperial City the second and fourth General Council gave it equal Priviledges with Rome because it was new Rome which shews that the Dignity of the Sees flowed from the greatness of the Cities The African Churches condemned all Appeals to Rome and the Popes who complained of that pretended only to a Canon of the Council of Nice for it and then they did not talk of a Divine Right but search being made into all the Copies of the Canons of the Council that was found to be a Forgery When the Emperour Mauricius gave the Title Vniversal Bishop to the Patriarch of Constantinple Gregory the Great complained of the Ambition of that Title which he calls equal to the Pride of Lucifer and since England received the Faith by those whom he sent over it appeared from thence what was the Doctrine of that See at that time and by consequence what where the first Impressions made on the English in that matter It is true Boniface the third got the same Title by Phocas's Grant and Boniface the eighth pretended to all Power both spiritual and temporal but the Progress of their Usurpations and the Wars raised to maintain them were very visible in History The Popes swore at their Consecrations to obey the Canons of the eighth first General Councils which are manifested against Appeals and their Universal Jurisdiction small regard is to be had to the Decrees of latter Councils being Cabals pack'd and managed as the Popes pleased Several Sees as Ravenna Milan and Aquileia pretended Exemption from the Papal Authority Many English Bishops had asserted that the Popes had no Authority against the Canons and to that day no Canon the Popes made was binding till it was received which shewed the Pope's Authority was not believed founded on a divine Authority and the Contests that the Kings of England had with the Pope's concerning Investitures Bishops doing the King Homage Appeals to Rome and the Authority of Papal Bulls and Provisions shewed that the Pope's Power was believed subject to Laws and Custom and so not derived from Christ and St. Peter and as Laws had given them some Power and Princes had bin forced in ignorant Ages to submit to their Usurpations so they might as they saw cause change those Laws and resume their Rights The next Point inquired into was And for the King's Supremacy the Authority that Kings had in matters of Religion and the Church The King of Israel judged in all Causes and Samuel called Saul the Head of the Tribes David made many Rules about the Service at the Temple and declaring to Solomon what his Power was 1 Chron. 28.21 2 Chron. 8.14 15. he told him that the Priests were wholly at his Command and it is also said that Solomon appointed the Priests their Charges in the Service of God and that they departed not from his Commandment in any matter he turned out one High-Priest and put another in his room Jehoshaphat Hezekiah and Josias made also Laws about Ecclesiastical Matters In the New Testament Christ was himself subject to the Civil Powers and charged his Disciples not to affect Temporal Dominion They also wrote to the Churches to be subject to the Higher Powers and call them Supream and charge every Soul to be subject to them so in Scripture the King is called Head and Supream and every Soul is said to be under him which joyn'd together makes up this Conclusion that He is the supream Head over all Persons In the Primitive Church the Bishops only made Rules or Canons but pretended to no compulsive Authority but what came from the Civil Magistrate The Roman Emperours called Councils presided in them and confirmed them and made many Laws concerning Ecclesiastical Matters so did also Charles the Great The Emperours did also either chuse the Popes themselves or confirm their Elections Church-men taking Orders were not thereby discharged from the Obedience they formerly owed their Princes but remained still Subjects And tho the Offices of the Church had peculiar Functions in which the People were subject to them that did not deliver them from their Obedience to the King as a Father's Authority over his Children cuts not off the King's Power over him They found also that in all times the Kings of England had assumed an Authority in Ecclesiastical Matters Ina Alfred Edgar and Canetus had made many Laws about them so had also most of the Kings since the Conquest which appeared particularly in the Articles of Clarendon and the Contests that followed upon them and from the daies of King Ina they had granted Exemptions to Monasteries from the Episcopal Jurisdiction down to William the
5 Days after the time prefixed should expire leaving only so many as might serve for Baptizing Children or giving the Sacrament to such as died in Penitence He charged all his Subjects to rise in Arms against him and that none should assist him He absolved all other Princes from their Confederacies with him and obtested them to have no more Commerce with him He required all Christians to make War on him and to seize on the Persons and Goods of all his Subjects and make Slaves of them He charged all Bishops to publish the Sentence with due Solemnities and ordained it to be affixed at Rome Tournay and Dunkirk This was first given out the 30 of August 1535 but it had been all this while suspended till the Suppression of the Monasteries and the burning of Becket's Bones did so inflame the Pope that he resolved to forbear going to Extremities no longer So on the 17 of December this Year the Pope published the Bull which he said he had so long suspended at the Intercession of some Princes who hoped that King Henry might have been reclaimed by gentler Methods and therefore since it appeared that he grew still worse and worse he was forced to proceed to his Fulminations By this Sentence it is certain That either the Popes Infallibility must be confessed to be a Cheat put upon the World or if any believe it they must acknowledge that the Power of deposing Princes is really lodged in that Chair For this was not a sudden fit of Passion but was done ex Cathedra with all the Deliberation they ever admit of The Sentence was in some particulars without a Precedent but as to the main Points of deposing the King and absolving his Subjects from their Obedience there was abundance of Instances to be brought in these last 500 Years to shew that this had been all along asserted the Right of the Papacy The Pope writ also to the Kings of France and Scotland with design to inflame them against King Henry And if this had been an Age of Croissades no doubt there had been one undertaken against him for it was held to be as meritorious if not more to make War on him than on the Turk But now the Thunders of the Vatican had lost their force The King got all the Bishops The Bishops of England assert the King's Power and the Nature of Ecclesiastical Offices and Eminent Divines of England to sign a Declaration against all Church-men who pretended to the Power of the Sword or to Authority over Kings and that all that assumed such Powers were Subverters of the Kingdom of Christ Many of the Bishops did also sign another Paper declaring the Limits of the Regal and Ecclesiastical Power that both had their Authority from God for several Ends and different Natures and that Princes were subject to the Word of God as well as Bishops ought to be obedient to their Laws There was also another Declaration made signed by Cromwel the 2 Archbishops 11 Bishops and 20 Divines asserting the Distinction betwen the Power of the Keys and the Power of the Sword The former was not absolute but limited by the Scripture Orders were declared to be a Sacrament instituted by Christ which were conferred by Prayer and Imposition of Hands And that in the New Testament no mention was made of any other Ranks but of Deacons or Ministers and of Priests or Bishops After this the use of all the Inferiour Degrees of Lectures Acolyths c. was laid down These were set up about the beginning of the 3d Century for in the middle of that Age mention is made of them both by Cornelius and Cyprian and they were intended to be degrees of Probation through which Men were to ascend to the higher Functions But the Canonists had found out so many Distinctions of Benefices and that a simple Tonsure qualified a Man for several of them that these Institutions became either a matter of Form only or were made a Colour for Laymen to possess Ecclesiastical Benefices In this and several other Books of that time Bishops and Priests are spoken of as being both one Office In the Ancient Church there were different Ordinations and different Functions belonging to these Offices tho the Superiour was believed to include the Inferiour But in the latter Ages both the School-men Canonists seemed on different grounds to have designed to make them appear to be the same Office and that the one was only a higher degree in the same Order The School-men to magnify Transubstantiation extolled the Office by which that was performed so high and the Canonists to exalt the Pope's Universal Authority deprest the Office of Bishops so low to make them seem only the Pope's Delegates and that their Jurisdiction was not from Christ that by these means these two Offices were thought so near one another that they differed only in degree And this was so well observed at Trent that the Establishing the Episcopal Jurisdiction as founded on a Divine Right was apprehended as one of the fatallest Blows that could have been given to the Papacy This being at this time so commonly received it is no wonder if before that matter came to be more exactly inquired into some of the Reformers writ more carelessly in the Explanations they made of these Offices which is so far from being an Argument that they were upon due enquiry of another mind that it is to be look'd on as a part of the Dregs of Popery flowing from the belief of Transubstantiation and the Pope's Supremacy of which all the Consequences were not so early observed This Year the English Bible was finished The Bible in English and new Injunctions The Translation was sent over to Paris to be printed there for the Workmen in England were not thought able to go about it Bonner was then Embassadour in France and he obtained a Licence of Francis for printing it but upon a Complaint made by the French Clergy the Press was stopt and many of the Copies were seized on and burnt So it was brought over to England and was undertaken and now finished by Grafton Cromwel procured a General Warrant from the King allowing all his Subjects to read it for which Cranmer wrote his thanks to Cromwel and rejoyced to see the day of Reformation now risen in England since the Word of God did shine over it all without a Cloud Not long after this Cromwel gave out Injunctions requiring the Clergy to set up Bibles in their Churches and to encourage all to read them He also exhorted the People not to dispute about the sense of difficult places but to leave that to Men of better Judgments Incumbents were required to instruct the People and teach them the Creed the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments in English And that once every Quarter there should be a Sermon to declare the true Gospel of Christ and to exhort the People to Works of Charity and not to trust to
the other Executors had treated with Ambassadours apart had made Bishops and Lord-Lieutenants without their knowledge had held a Court of Requests in his House had embased the Coin had neglected the Places the King had in France had encouraged the Commons in their late Insurrections and had given out Commissions and proclaimed a Pardon without their consent that he had animated the King against the rest of the Council and had proclaimed them Traitors had put his own Servants armed about the King's Person By these it appears the Crimes against him were the effects of his sudden exaltation that had made him too much forget that he was a subject but that he had carried his greatness with much Innocence since no acts of Cruelty Rapine or Bribery were objected to him for they were rather errours and weaknesses than Crimes His embasing the Coin was done upon a common mistake of weak Governments who flye to that as their last refuge in the necessity of their affairs In his Imprisonment he set himself to the study of Moral Philosophy and Divinity and writ a Preface to a Book of Patience which had made great Impressions on him His fall was a great affliction to all that loved the Reformation and that was increased because they had no reason to trust much to the two chief Men of the party against him Southampton and Warwick the one was a known Papist and the other was lookt on as a Man of no Religion and both at the Emperor's Court and in France it was expected that upon this revolution matters of Religion would be again set back into the posture in which King Henry had left them The Duke of Norfolk and Gardiner hoped to be discharged and Bonner lookt to be re-established in his Bishoprick again and all People began to fall off much from the new service but the Earl of Warwick finding the King was zealously addicted to the Reformation quickly forsook the Popish party and seemed to be a mighty promoter of that work A Court of Civilians was appointed to examine Bonner's Appeal and upon their report the Council rejected it and confirmed the Sentence that was past upon him But next The Emperor will not assist them foreign affairs come under their care They suspected that Paget had not dealt effectually with the Emperour to assist them in the preservation of Bulloign so they sent over Sir Tho. Cheyney to try what might be expected from him they took also care of the Garrison and both encreased it and supplied it well Cheyney found the same reception with the Emperour and had the same answer that Paget got The Emperor prest him much that matters of Religion might be again considered and confest that till that were done he could not assist them so effectually as otherwise he would do so now the Council found it necessary to apply to the Court of France for a Peace The Earl of Southampton left the Court in great discontent he was neither restored to his Office of Chancellour nor was he made one of the six Lords that were appointed to have the charge of the King's Person this touched him so much that he died not long after of grief as was believed In November A Session of Parliament a Session of Parliament met in which an Act was past declaring it Treason to call any to the number of Twelve together about any matter of State if being required they did not disperse themselves other Riotous Assemblies were also declared felonious the giving out of Prophecies concerning the King or Council was also made Penal Another Law was made against Vagabonds the former Statute was repealed as too severe and Provisions were made for the relief of the Sick and Impotent and Imploying such as could work The Bishops made a heavy complaint of the growth of Vice and Impiety and that their power was so much abridged that they could not repress it so a Bill was read enlarging their Authority but it was thought that it gave them too much power yet it was so moderated that the Lords past it But the Commons rejected it and instead of it sent up a Bill that impowered XXXII who were to be named by the King the one half of the Temporalty and the other of Spiritualty to compile a body of Ecclesiastical Laws within three years and that these not being contrary to the Common or Statute Law and approved of by the King should have the force of Ecclesiastical Laws of the 32. Four were to be Bishops and as many to be Common Lawyers Six Bishops and six Divines were impowered to prepare a new form of Ordination which being confirmed under the Great Seal should take place after April next Articles were also put in against the Duke of Somerset with a Confession signed by him But some objected that they ought not to proceed The Duke of Somerset fined but restored to favour till they knew whether he had signed it voluntarily or not and some were sent to examine him he acknowledged he had done it freely but protested that his errours had flowed rather from Indiscretion than Malice and denied all treasonable designs against the King or the Realm he was fined in 2000 l. a year in Land and in the loss of all his Goods and Offices He complained of the heaviness of this Censure and desired earnestly to be restored to the Kings favour and promised to carry himself so humbly and obediently that he should make amends for his past follies which was thought a sign of too abject a mind others excused it since the power and malice of his Enemies was such that he was not safe as long as he continued in Prison he was discharged in the beginning of February soon after he had his pardon and did so manage his interest in the King that he was again brought both to the Court and Council in April But if these submissions gained him some favour at Court they sunk him as much in the esteem of the World The Reformation was now A Progress in the Reformation after this confusion was over carried on again with vigour The Council sent Orders over England to require all to conform themselves to the new service and to call in all the Books of the old Offices An Act past in Parliament to the same effect one Earl six Bishops and four Lords only dissenting all the old Books and Images were appointed to be defaced and all prayers to Saints were to be struck out of the Primers published by the late King A Subsidy was granted and the King gave a General Pardon out of which all Prisoners on the account of the State and Anabaptists were excepted In this Session the Eldest Sons of Peers were first allowed to sit in the House of Commons The Committee appointed to prepare the Book of Ordination finished their work with common consent only Heath Bishop of Worcester refused to sign it for which he was called before the
Princes Both Ferdinand and the Duke of Bavaria appointed the Chalice to be given to the Laity in their Dominions at which the Pope stormed highly and threatned to depose them for that was his common stile when he was displeased with any Prince Charles the Fifth's Resignation The Resignation of Charles the Fifth which was begun this Year and compleated the next drew the Eyes of all Europe upon it He had enjoyed his Hereditary Dominions Forty years and the Empire Thirty six He had endured great Fatigues by the many Journies he had made Nine into Germany six into Spain seven into Italy four through France he was ten times in the Netherlands made two Expeditions to Africk and was twice in England and had crossed the Sea eleven times He had unusual success in his Wars he had taken a Pope a King of France and some German Princes Prisoners and had a vast accession of Wealth and Empire from the West-Indies but now as success followed him no more so he was much afflicted with the Gout and grew to be much out of love with the Pomp and Vanities of this World and so seriously to prepare for another Life He resigned all his Dominions with a greatness of mind that was much superiour to all his other Conquests He retired to a private Lodge of seven Rooms that he had ordered to be built for him in the confines of Portugal He kept only twelve Servants to wait upon him and reserved for his Expence 100000. Crowns Pension In this retreat he lived two years His first year was spent chiefly in Mechanical Inventions in which he took great pleasure from that he turned to the cultivating his Garden in which he used to work with those hands that now preferred the grafting and pruning Tools to Scepters and Swords But after that he addicted himself more to study and Devotion and did often discipline himself with a Cord. It was also believed that in many points he came to be of the Opinion of the Protestants before he died His Confessor was soon after his death burnt for Heresie and Miranda Archbishop of Toledo that conversed much with him at this time was clapt into Prison on the same suspicions At the end of two years he died having given a great Instance of a mind surfeited with the Glories of this World that sought for quiet in a private Cell which it had long in vain searched after in Palaces and Camps In March next Year came on Cranmer's Martyrdom Cranmer's sufferings In September last Brooks Bishop of Glocester came down with authority from Cardinal Pool to judge him with him two Delegates came to assist him in the King and Queen's Name When he was brought before them he payed the respect that was due to those that sat in the King and Queen's Name but would shew none to Brooks since he sat there by an authority derived from the Pope which he said he would never acknowledge He could not serve two Masters and since he had sworn Allegiance to the Crown he could never submit to the Pope's authority He also shewed that the Pope's power had been as unjustly used as it was ill grounded that they had changed the Laws setled by Christ which he instanced in denying the Chalice in the Worship in an unknown Tongue and in their pretences to a power to depose Princes he remembred Brooks that he had sworn to maintain the King's Supremacy and when he studied to cast that back on him as an invention of his he told him that it was acknowledged in his Predecessor Warham's time and that Brooks had then set his hand to it Brooks and the two Delegates Martin and Scory objected many things to him as that he had flattered King Henry that so he might be preferred by him and that he had condemned Lambert for denying the Presence in the Sacrament and had been afterwards guilty of the same Heresie himself But he vindicated himself from all aspirings to the See of Canterbury which appeared visibly by the slowness of his motions when he was called over out of Germany to be advanced to it for he was seven Weeks on his Journey He confessed he had changed his Opinion in the matter of the Sacrament and acknowledged that he had been twice married which he thought was free to all Men and was certainly much better than to defile other Men's Wives After much discourse had past on both sides Brooks required him to appear before the Pope within Eighty Days and answer to the things that should be objected to him he said he would do it most willingly but he could not possibly go if he were still kept a Prisoner In February this Year 14 Febr. Bonner and Thirleby were sent to degrade him for his Contumacy in not going to Rome when he was all the while kept in Prison He was clothed with all the Pontifical Robes made of Canvas and then they were taken from him according to the Ceremonies of degradation in which Bonner carried himself with all the Insolence that might have been expected from him Thirleby was a good natured Man and had been Cranmer's particular friend and performed his part in this Ceremony with great expressions of sorrow and shed many tears at it In all this Cranmer seemed very little concerned he said it was gross Injustice to condemn him for not going to Rome when he was shut up in Prison but he was not sorry to be thus cut off even with all this Pageantry from any relation to that Church he denied the Pope had any authority over him so he appealed from his Sentence to a free General Council But now many Engines were set on work to make him recant both English and Spanish Divines had many Conferences with him He Recants and great hopes were given him not only of Life but of Preferment if he would do it and these at last had a fatal effect upon him for he signed a Recantation of all his former Opinions and concluded it with a Protestation that he had done it freely only for the discharge of his Conscience But the Queen was resolved to make him a Sacrifice to her resentments she said it was good for his own Soul that he repented but since he had been the chief spreader of Heresie over the Nation it was necessary to make him a publick Example so the Writ was sent down to burn him and after some stop had been made in the Execution of it now Orders came for doing it suddenly This was kept from Cranmer's knowledge for they intended to carry him to the Stake without giving him any notice and so hoped to make him dye in despair yet he suspecting somewhat writ a long Paper containing a Confession of his Faith such as his Conscience and not his fears had dictated He was on the 21. He Repents and is burnt of March carried to St. Maries where Dr. Cole preached and vindicated the Queen's Justice in condemning Cranmer
Conquerors time besides many other Acts that clearly imported a Supremacy over all Persons and in all Causes But they did at the same time so explain and limit this Power that it was visible they did not intend to subject Religion wholly to the Pleasure of the King for it was declared that his Power was only a Coercive Authority to defend the true Religion to abolish Heresies and Idolatries to cause Bishops and Pastors to do their Duties and in case they were negligent or would not amend their Faults to put others in their room Upon the whole matter they concluded that the Pope had no Power in England and that the King had an intire Dominion over all his Subjects which did extend even to the regulating of Ecclesiastical Matters These things being fully opened in many Disputes The Clergy submitted to it and published in several Books all the Bishops Abbots and Priors of England Fisher only excepted were so far satisfied with them or so much in love with their Preferments that they resolved to comply with the Changes which the King was resolved to make Fisher was in great esteem for Piety and strictness of Life and so much pains was taken on him A little before the Parliament met Cranmer proposed to him that he and any five Doctors he would choose and Stokesly with five on his side should confer on that point and examine he Authorities that were on both sides he accepted of it and Stokesly wrote to him to name time and place but Fisher's Sickness hindered the Progress of that motion The Parliament met the 15th of January A Session of Parliament there were but seven Bishops and twelve Abbots present the rest it seems were unwilling to concur in making this change tho they complied with it when it was made Every Sunday during the Session a Bishop preached at St. Paul's and declared that the Pope had no Authority in England Before this they had only said that a General Council was above him and that the Exactions of that Court and Appeals to it were unlawful but now they went a strain higher to prepare the People for receiving the Acts then in Agitation On the 9th of March The Pope's Power taken away the Commons began the Bill for taking away the Pope's Power and sent it to the Lords on the 14th who past it on the 20th without any dissent In it they set forth the Exactions of the Court of Rome grounded on the Pope's Power of dispensing and that as none could dispense with the Laws of God so the King and Parliament only had the Authority of dispensing with the Laws of the Land and that therefore such Licenses or Dispensations as were formerly in use should be for the future granted by the two Arch-bishops some of these were to be confirmed under the Great Seal and they appointed that thereafter all Commerce with Rome should cease They also declared that they did not intend to alter any Article of the Catholick Faith of Christendome or of that which was declared in the Scripture necessary to Salvation They confirmed all the Exemptions granted to Monasteries by the Popes but subjected them to the King's Visitation and gave the King and his Council power to examine and reform all Indulgences and Priviledges granted by the Pope The Offenders against this Law were to be punished according to the Statutes of Premunire This Act subjected the Monasteries entirely to the King's Authority and put them in no small Confusion Those that loved the Reformation rejoyced both to see the Pope's Power rooted out and to find the Scripture made the Standard of Religion After this Act The Act of the Succession another past in both Houses in six Days time without any Opposition Settling the Succession of the Crown confirming the Sentence of Divorce and the King's Marriage with Queen Anne and declaring all Marriages within the Degrees prohibited by Moses to be unlawful All that had married within them were appointed to be divorced and their Issue illegitimated and the Succession to the Crown was settled upon the King's Issue by the prefent Queen or in default of that to the King 's right Heirs for ever All were required to swear to maintain the Contents of this Act and if any refused to swear to it or should say any thing to the Slander of the King's Marriage he was to be judged guilty of misprision of Treason and to be punished accordingly The Oath is also set down in the Journals of the House of Lords by which they did not only swear Obedience to the King and his Heirs by his present Marriage but also to defend the Act of Succession and all the Effects and Contents in it against all manner of Persons whatsoever by which they were bound to maintain the Divorce both against the Pope's Censures and the Emperour if he went about to execute them At this time An Act regulating the proceedings against Hereticks one Philips complained to the House of Commons of the Bishop of London for using him cruelly in Prison upon Suspicion of Heresy the Commons sent up this to the Lords but received no Answer So they sent some of their Members to the Bishop desiring him to answer the Complaints put in against him But he acquainted the House of Lords with it and they all with one consent voted that none of their House ought to appear or answer to any Complaint at the Bar of the House of Commons So the Commons let this particular Case fall and sent up a Bill to which the Lords agreed regulating the Proceedings against Hereticks That whereas by the Statute made by King Henry the Fourth Bishops might commit Men upon Suspition of Heresy and Heresy was generally defined to be whatever was contrary to the Scriptures or Canonical Sanctions which was liable to great Ambiguity therefore that Statute was repealed and none were to be committed for Heresy but upon a Presentment made by two Witnesses None were to be accused for speaking against things that were grounded only upon the Pope's Canons Bail was to be taken for Hereticks and they were to be brought to their Trials in open Court and if upon Conviction they did not abjure or were Relapses they were to be burnt the King 's Writ being first obtained This was a great check to the Bishop's Tyrrany and gave no smal comfort to all that favoured the Reformation The Convocation sent in a Submission at the same time The Submission of the Clergy by which they acknowledged That all Convocations ought to be assembled by the King 's Writ and promised upon the Word of Priests never to make nor execute any Canons without the King's Assent They also desired That since many of the received Canons were found to be contrary to the King's Prerogative and the Laws of the Land there might be a Committee named by the King of 32 the one half out of both Houses of Parliament and the other
the King's Marriage with Queen Anne Then the lower House made an Address to the upper House complaining of 67 Opinions that they found were much spread in the Kingdom they were either the Tenets of the old Lollards or the new Reformers or of the Anabaptists and many of them were only unsavoury and indiscreet Expressions which might have flowed from the Heat and Folly of some rash Zealots who by petulant Jeers and an Affectation of Wit had endeavoured to disgrace both the received Doctrines and Rites They also complained of some Bishops who were wanting in their Duty to suppress such Abuses which was understood as a Reflection on Cranmer Shaxton and Latimer It was hoped that Cranmer was now declining by Queen Ann's Fall and the other two who were raised by her would not have stood long if he had been once disgraced yet they premised to this a Protestation that they intended to do nothing that might displease the King whom they acknowledged to be their Supream Head and they were resolved to obey his Laws and they renounced the Pope's Authority with all his Laws All these Projects failed for Cranmer was now fully established in the King's Favour Cromwell was sent to them with a Message from the King That they should reform the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the Rules set down in Scripture which ought to be preferred to all Glosses or Decrees of Popes There was one Alesse a Scotch-man whom Cromwell entertained in his House and he being appointed to deliver his Opinion largely shewed that there was no Sacraments instituted by Christ but Baptism and the Lord's Supper Stokesly answered him in a long Discourse upon the Principles of the School-Divinity upon which Cranmer took occasion to shew the Vanity of that sort of Learning and the Uncertainty of Tradition and that Religion had been so corrupted in the latter Ages that there was no finding out the Truth but by resting in the Authority of the Scriptures Fox Bishop of Hereford seconded him and told them the World was now awake and would be no longer imposed on by the Niceties and dark Terms of the Schools for the Laity now did not only read the Scriptures in the vulgar Tongues but searched the Originals themselves therefore they must not think to govern them as they had been in the Times of Ignorance Among the Bishops Cranmer Goodrick Shaxton Latimer Fox Hilsey and Barlow prest a Reformation but Lee Arch-bishop of York Stokesly Tonstall Gardiner Longland and several others opposed it as much But the Contest had been sharper if the King had not sent some Articles to them to be considered of by them so they whose chief Design it was to recommend themselves to Preferment by the easiness of their Compliance with him in all Points did agree on the following Particulars 1. Articles of Religion agreed on That the Bishops and Preachers ought to instruct the People according to the Scripture the three Creeds and the four first General Councils 2. That Baptism was necessary to Salvation and that Children ought to be baptized for the pardon of Original Sin and obtaining the Holy Ghost 3. That Penance was necessary to Salvation and that it consisted in Confession Contrition and Amendment of Life with the External Works of Charity to which a lively Faith ought to be joyned and that Confession to a Priest was necessary where it might be had 4. That in the Eucharist under the forms of Bread and Wine the very Flesh and Blood of Christ was received 5. That Justification was the Remission of Sins and a perfect Renovation in Christ and that not only outward good Works but inward Holiness was absolutely necessary As for the outward Ceremonies the People were to be taught that it was meet to have Images in Churches but they ought to avoid all such Superstition as had been usual in time past and not to worship the Image but only God 2. That they were to honour the Saints but not to expect those things from them which God only gives 3. That they might pray to them for their Intercession but all Superstitious Abuses were to cease and if the King should lessen the number of Saints Days they ought to obey him 4. That the use of the Ceremonies was good and that they contained many Mystical Significations that tended to raise the mind towards God such were Vestments in Divine Worship Holy Water Holy Bread the carrying of Candles and Palms and Ashes and creeping to the Cross and the Hallowing the Font with other Exorcisms 5. That it was good to pray for departed Souls and to have Masses and Exequies said for them but the Scriptures having neither declared in what Place they were nor what Torments they suffered that was uncertain and to be left to God therefore all the Abuses of the Pope's Pardons or saying Masses in such or such Places or before such Images were to be put away These Articles were signed by Cromwel the two Arch-bishops sixteen Bishops fourty Abbots and Priors and fifty of the lower House to them the King added a Preface declaring the Pains that he and the Clergy had been at for the removing the Differences in Religion that were in the Nation and that he approved of these Articles and required all his Subjects to accept them with the like Unanimity with which they were consented to and he would be thereby encouraged to take further Pains in the like Matters for the future When these things were published They are variously censured those that desired a Reformation tho they did not approve of every Particular yet were well pleased to see things brought under Examination and since some things were at this time changed they did not doubt but more Changes would follow they were glad that the Scriptures and the Ancient Creeds were made the Standards of the Faith without adding Tradition and that the nature of Justification and the Gospel-Covenant were rightly stated that the immediate Worship of Images and Saints was condemned and that Purgatory was left uncertain but the necessity of Auricular Confession and the Corporal Presence the doing Reverence to Images and praying to Saints were of hard Digestion to them yet they were glad to see some grosser Abuses removed and a Reformation once set on foot The Popish Party were sorry to see four Sacraments past over in silence and the Trade about Purgatory put down and were very apprehensive of the Precedent of bringing matters of Religion under debate which would bring on other Alterations When these things were known beyond Sea the Court of Rome made great use of them to let all Princes see the necessity of adhering to the Holy See for no sooner did England depart from that than it began to change the Doctrine likewise The Germans on the other hand said This was a Political Daubing for satisfying all Parties and that it savoured not of the Sincerity that became the Professors of True Religion to
could never gain much Ground after this and indeed many hoped that he should be quickly sent after Cromwell some complained of him in the House of Commons and Informations were brought the King that the chief Encouragement that the Hereticks had came from him The Ecclesiastical Committees imployed by the King A Book of Religion set out by Bishops were now at work and gave the last finishing to a Book formerly prepared but at this time corrected and explained in many Particulars They began with the Explanation of Faith which according to the Doctrine of the Church of Rome was thought an implicit believing whatever the Church proposed But the Reformers made it the chief Subject of their Books and Sermons to perswade People to believe in Christ and not in the Church and made great use of those Places in which it was said That Christians are justified by Faith only tho some explained this in such a manner that it gave their Adversaries Advantages to charge them that they denied the necessity of Good Works but they all taught that tho they were not necessary to Justification yet they were necessary to Salvation They differed also in their Notion of Good Works The Church of Rome taught that the Honour done to God in his Images or to the Saints in their Shrines and Relicks or to the Priests were the best sort of Good Works Whereas the Reformers prest Justice and Mercy most and discovered the Superstition of the other The Opinion of the Merit of Good Works was also so highly raised that many thought they purchased Heaven by them This the Reformers did also correct and taught the People to depend meerly upon the Death and Intercession of Christ Others moved subtiller Questions As whether Obedience was an essential part of Faith or only a Consequent of it This was a Nicety scarce becoming Divines that built only on the Simplicity of the Scriptures and condemned the Subtilties of the Schools and it was said that Men of ill Lives abused this Doctrine and thought that if they could but assure themselves that Christ died for them they were safe enough So now when they settled the Notion of Faith The Explanation of Faith they divided it into two sorts The one was a Perswasion of the Truth of the Gospel but the other carried with it a Submission to the Will of God and both Hope Love and Obedience belonged to it which was the Faith professed in Baptism and so much extoll'd by St. Paul It was not to be so understood as if it were a Certainty of our being predestinated which may be only a Presumption since all God's Promises are made to us on Conditions but it was an entire receiving the whole Gospel according to our Baptismal Vows Cranmer took great Pains to state this matter right and made a large Collection of many places all written with his own Hand both out of Antient and Modern Authors concerning Faith Justification and the Merit of Good Works and concluded with this That our Justification was to be ascribed only to the Merits of Christ and that those who are justified must have Charity as well as Faith but that neither of these was the meritorious Cause of Justification After this was stated they made next a large and full Explanation of the Apostles Creed with great Judgment and many excellent practical Inferences the Definition they gave of the Catholick Church runs thus It comprehended all Assemblies of Men in the whole World that received the Faith of Christ who ought to hold an Unity of Love and Brotherly Agreement together by which they became Members of the Catholick Church After this they explained the seven Sacraments In opening these there were great Debates for as was formerly mentioned the method used was to open the Point enquired into by proposing many Queries And of the Sacramenss and every one was to give in his Answer to these with the Reasons of it and then others were appointed to make an Abstract of those things in which they all either agreed or differed The Original Papers relating to these Points are yet preserved which shew with how great Consideration they proceeded in the Changes that were then made Cranmer had at this time some particular Opinions concerning Ecclesiastical Offices That they were delivered from the King as other Civil Offices were and that Ordination was not indispensibly necessary and was only a Ceremony that might be used or laid aside but that the Authority was conveyed to Church-men only by the King's Commission yet he delivered his Opinion in this matter with great Modesty and he not only subscribed the Book in which the contrary Doctrine was established but afterwards published it in a Book which he writ in King Edward's days from whence it appears that he changed his Mind in this Particular Baptism was explained as had been done formerly Penance was made to consist in the Absolution of the Priests which had been formerly declared only to be desirable where it could be had In the Communion both Transubstantiation Private Masses and Communion in one kind were asserted They asserted the Obligation of the Levitical Law about the Degrees of Marriage and the Indissolubleness of that Bond. They set out the Divine Institution of Priests and Deacons and that no Bishop had Authority over another they made a long Excursion against the Pope's Pretensions and for justifying the King's Supremacy They said Confirmation was instituted by the Apostles and was profitable but not necessary to Salvation and they asserted extream Unction to have been commanded by the Apostles for the Health both of Soul and Body Then were the Ten Commandments explained the second was added to the first but the Words For I am the Lord thy God c. were left out It was declared that no Godly Honour was to be done unto Images and that they ought only to be reverenced for their sakes whom they represented therefore the preferring of one Image to another and the making Pilgrimages and Offerings to them was condemned but the censing them or kneeling before them was permitted yet the People were to be taught that these things were done only to the Honour of God Invocation of Saints as Intercessors was allowed but immediate Addresses to them for the Blessings that were prayed for was condemned The strict rest from Labour on the seventh day was declared to be Ceremonial but it was necessary to rest from Sin and Carnal Pleasure and to follow Holy Duties The other Commandments were explained in a very plain and practical way Then was the Lord's Prayer explained and it was asserted that the People ought only to pray in their Vulgar Tongues for exciting their Devotion the more The Angels Salutation to the Virgin was also paraphrased They handled Free-will and defined it to be a Power by which the Will guided by Reason did without constraint discern and choose Good and Evil the former by the help of God's Spirit and
besides Adultery as for procuring Abortions treating for another Marriage being guilty of Treason or a Wifes going to Plays without her Husbands leave Nor did the Fathers in those times complain of those Laws This was also allowed by the Canons upon several occasions but after the State of Coelibate came to be magnified out of measure second Marriages were more generally condemned And this was heightned when Marriage was lookt on as a Sacrament Yet though no Divorces were allowed in the Church the Canonists found out many shifts for annulling Marriages from the beginning to those that could pay well for them All these things being considered the Delegates gave sentence confirming the second Marriage and dissolving the first Candlemass and Lent were now approaching Some Ceremonies abrogated so the Clergy and People were much divided with relation to the Ceremonies usual at those times By some Injunctions in K. Henry's Reign it had been declared that Fasting in Lent was only binding by a positive Law Wakes and Plough Moondays were also suppressed and hints were given that other customes which were much abused should be shortly put down The gross Rabble loved these things as matters of diversion and thought Divine Worship without them would be but a dull business But others lookt on these as Relicts of Heathenism since the Gentiles worshipped their Gods with such Festivities and thought they did not become the gravity and simplicity of the Christian Religion Cranmer upon this procured an Order of Council against the carrying of Candles on Candlemass day of Ashes on Ash-Wednesday and Palms on Palm-Sunday which was directed to Bonner to be intimated to the Bishops of the Province of Canterbury and was executed by him But a Proclamation followed against all that should make changes without Authority The creeping to the Cross and taking Holy Bread and Water were by it put down and power was given to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury to certifie in the Kings name what Ceremonies should be afterwards laid aside and none were to preach out of their own Parishes without licence from the King or the Visitors the Arch-bishop or the Bishop of the Diocess Some questioned the Councils power to make such Orders the Act that gave authority to their Proclamations being repealed but it was said the Kings Supremacy in Ecclesiastical matters might well justifie their making such ' Rules Febr. 8. Soon after this a General Order followed for a removal of all Images out of Churches There were every where great contests whether the Images had been abused to Superstition or not Some thought the consecration of them was an abuse common to them all Those also that represented the Trinity as a man with three faces in one head or as an old man with a young man before him and a Dove over his head and some where the Blessed Virgin was represented as assumed into it gave so great scandal that it was no wonder if men as they grew to be better enlightned could no longer endure them The only occasion given to censure in this order was that all Shrines and the Plate belonging to them were appointed to be brought in to the Kings use A Letter was at that time writ to all Preachers requiring them to exhort the people to amend their lives and forsake Superstition but for things not yet changed to bear with them and not to run before those whom they should obey Some hot men condemned this temper as savouring too much of carnal Policy but it was said that though the Apostles by the gift of Miracles had sufficient means to convince the World of their authority Yet they did not all at once change the customes of the Mosaical Law but proceeded by degrees and Christ forbid the pulling up the Tares lest good Wheat should be pulled up with them so it was fit to wean people by degrees from their former superstition and not to run too fast Eighteen Bishops and some Divines were now imployed to examine the Offices of the Church to see which of them needed amendment A new Office for the Communion They began with the Eucharist They proceeded in the same manner that was used in the former Reign For every one gave in his opinion in Writing in answer to the questions that were put to them Some of these are still preserved which were concerning the Priests sole communicating and Masses satisfactory for the dead the Mass in an unknown tongue the hanging it up and exposing it and the Sacrifice that was made in it In most of those Papers it appears that the greatest part of the Bishops were still leavened with the old superstition at least to some degree It was clearly found that the plain Institution of the Sacrament was was much vitiated with a mixture of many Heathenish Rites and Pomps on design to raise the credit of the Priests in whose hands that great performance was lodged This was at first done to draw over the Heathens by those splendid Rites to Christianity but Superstition once begun has no bounds nor measures and ignorance and barbarity encreasing in the darker ages there was no regard had to any thing in Religion but as it was set off with much Pageantry And the belief of the Corporal presence raised this to a great height The Office was in an unknown tongue all the Vessels and Garments belonging to it were consecrated with much devotion a great part of the Service was secret to make it look like a wonderful charm the Consecration it self was to be said very softly for words that were not to be heard agreed best with a change that was not to be seen The many Gesticulations and the magnificent Processions all tended to raise this Pageantry higher Masses were also said for all the turns and affairs of humane life Trentals a custome of having thirty Masses a year on the chief Festivities for redeeming Souls out of Purgatory was that which brought the Priests most Money for these were thought Gods best days in which aecess was easier to him On Saints days in the Mass it was prayed that by the Saints Intercession the Sacrifice might become the more acceptable and procure a larger Indulgence which could not be easily explained if the Sacrifice was the death of Christ besides a numberless variety of other Rites so many of the Relicts of Heathenism were made use of for the corrupting of the holiest institution of the Christian Religion The first step that was now made was a new Office for the Communion that is the distribution of the Sacrament for the Office of Consecration was not at this time touched It differs very little from what is still used In the Exhortation Auricular Confession to a Priest is left free to be done or omitted and all were required not to judge one another in that matter There was also a denunciation made requiring impenitent sinners to withdraw The Bread was to be still of the same form that had been formerly used
against Lollard's one confirming the Act of the six Articles and others against Erroneous Opinions but they were all laid aside by the Lords for the corrupted Members in the lower House were officious to shew their Zeal for Spain and Popery Another Bill was sent up by them that the Bishop of Rome should have no authority to trouble any for possessing Abbey Lands But it was said this was preposterous to begin with a limitation of the Pope's authority before they had acknowledged that he had any power at all in England and that would come in more properly after they had reconciled the Nation to him During this Parliament New disputations at Oxford with Cranmer the Convocation sat and that they might remove the objections that some made to the Disputations at their last meeting that the ablest Men of the Reformers were kept in Prison while that cause was debated they sent a Committee of their ablest men to Oxford to dispute with Cranmer Ridley and Latimer who were also sent thither The Points to be disputed about were Transubstantiation and the sacrifice of the Mass When Cranmer was brought before them and they exhorted him to return to the unity of the Church he answered that he was always for that Unity which could consist with truth They fell into a long dispute concerning the words of the Institution that they must be true for Christ was Truth and was then making his Testament many Passages of the Fathers were also alledged against him it was said that he had translated many things falsly out of the Fathers in his Book and the Prolocutor called him often an Vnlearned and Impudent Man But he carried himself with that gravity and mildness that many were observ'd to be much affected at it and to weep he vindicated his sincerity in his Book he shewed that Figurative speeches were true and when the Figures were clearly understood they were likewise plain he said the Sacrament was effectually and really Christs Body as it was broken on the Cross that is his Passion effectually applied to us The whole action was carried with such hissing and insulting and ended with such shouts of Triumph as if Cranmer had been quite baffled that it was visible there was nothing intended but to abuse the ignorant People and make them believe he was run down Ridley was brought out next day he began with deep Protestations of his sincerity and that he had changed the Opinion he had been bred up in meerly upon the force of Truth he argued from the Scriptures that speak of Christs leaving the World and sitting at the right hand of God and that the Sacrament was a Memorial which good and bad might equally receive that it was against the Humane Nature to swallow down a living Man that this Opinion was contrary to the humanity of Christ and was a new Doctrin unknown to the Fathers and brought into the Church in the later Ages Smith argued against him from Christ's appearing to Saint Stephen and to Saint Paul that he might be in more places at once Ridley said Christ might either come down and appear to them or a Representation might be made of him but he could not be both in Heaven and Earth at once Many of Chrysostome's expressions were alledged but he said these were Rhetorical figures and to be explained by other plainer passages The dispute was carried on with the same Insultings that had been used the Day before and in conclusion Weston the Prolocutor said they saw the Obstinacy Vain-glory and Inconstancy of that Man but they saw likewise the force of Truth so he bid them cry out with him Truth has the Victory upon which that was ecchoed over and over again by the whole Assembly Latimer was brought out next Day he told them he was Fourscore Years old and not fit for disputing so he would declare his Opinion and then leave them to say what they pleased He thought the Sacrament was only a Memorial of Christ all who fed on Christ had Eternal life and therefore that feeding could not be meant of the Sacrament since both good and bad received it he said his Memory was much impaired but his Faith was founded on the Word of God so though he could not dispute well yet his Faith was firmly rooted Upon this there were extraordinary shouts raised and during the whole Debates the noise and disorder was such that it lookt liker a Countrey Game than a Dispute among Divines four or five spoke oft at once so that it was not possible to hear what they said much less to answer it The Committee of Convocation condemned them all as obstinate Hereticks and declared them to be no Members of the Church They appealed from their Sentence to the Judgment of God and expressed great joy in the hopes they had they should glorifie God by dying for his Truth Cranmer sent a Petition to the Council complaining of the disorder of these Disputes and of hudling them up in such hast that it was visible nothing was intended by them but to shuffle up things so that the World might be more easily abused with the name of a Disputation But this was not delivered for it was intended to keep up this boasting that the Champions of the Reformation were publickly baffled It was also resolved to carry some of the Prisoners that were in London to Cambridge and there to erect new Trophies in the same manner they had done at Oxford Upon this three of the imprisoned Bishops and seven Divines signed a Paper by which they declared that they would engage in no dispute except it were in Writing unless it were in the presence of the Queen or the Council or before either of the Houses of Parliament It was visible the design of disputing was not to find out the Truth otherwise it had been done before these Points had been so positively determined but now there was no benefit to be expected by it nor could they look for fair dealing where their Enemies were to be their Judges nor would they suffer them to speak their minds freely and after so long an Imprisonment their Books and Papers being kept from them they could not be furnished to answer many things that might be objected to them Then they added a short account of their Perswasions in the chief points of Controversie which they would be ready to defend on fair and equal terms and concluded with a charge to all People not to Rebel against the Queen but to obey all her Commands that were not contrary to the Law of God In July The Pr. of Spain lands and marries the Queen Prince Philip landed at Southampton when he set foot to Land he drew his Sword and carried it a little way naked in his hand This was interpreted as a sign that he intended to rule by the Sword but his friends said it imported that he would draw his Sword for the defence of the Nation The Mayor of
carried in Parliament Gardiners policy in the steps of this change as well as the Court could wish and upon this Gardiner's reputation was much raised for bringing about so great a change in so little time with so little opposition He took much pains to remove all the Objections that were generally made use of they were chiefly two the one was the fear of coming under such Tyranny from Rome as their Ancestors had groaned under and the other was the loss of the Abbey-Lands But to the first he said that all the old Laws against Provisions from Rome should still continue in force and to shew them that Legates should exercise no dangerous authority in England he made Pool take out a Licence under the Great Seal for his Legatine power As for the other he promised both an Act of Parliament and Convocation confirming them and undertook that the Pope should ratifie these as well as his Legate did now consent to them But to all this it was answered that if the Nation were again brought under the old Superstition and the Papal authority established it would not be possible to bridle that power which would be no longer kept within limits if once they became Masters again and brought the World under a blind obedience It was objected that the Church-Lands must be certainly taken back it was not likely the Pope would confirm the alienation of them but though he should do it yet his Successors might annul that as sacrilegious And it was observed in the charge which Pool gave to all to make restitution by the repeal of the statute of Mortmain that it was intended to possess the Nation with an Opinion of the Unlawfulness of keeping those Lands which would probably work much on Men that were near death and could not resist the terrours of Purgatory or perhaps of Hell for the sin of Sacriledge and so would be easily induced to make restitution of them especially at such a time when they were not able to possess them any longer themselves Now the Parliament was at an end Consultations about the way of proceeding against Hereticks and the first thing taken into consideration was what way they ought to proceed against the Hereticks Pool had been suspected to bear some favour to them formerly but he took great care to avoid all occasions of being any more blamed for that and indeed he lived in that distrust of all the English that he opened his thoughts to very few for his chief Confidents were two Italians that came over with him Priuli and Ormaneto Secretary Cecyl who in matters of Religion complied with the present time was observed to have more of his favour than any English Man had Pool was an Enemy to all severe proceedings he thought Churchmen should have the tenderness of a Father and the care of a Shepherd and ought to reduce but not devour the stray sheep he had observed that Cruelty rather inflamed than cured that Distemper he thought the better and surer way was to begin with an effectual Reformation of the manners of the Clergy since it was the scandals given by their ill conduct and Ignorance that was the chief cause of the growth of Heresie so he concluded that if a Primitive Discipline should be revived the Nation would by degrees lay down their prejudices and might in time be gained by gentle methods Gardiner on the other hand being of an abject and cruel temper himself thought the strict execution of the Laws against the Lollards was that to which they ought chiefly to trust if the Preachers were made publick Examples he concluded the People would be easily reclaimed for he pretended that it was visible if King Henry had executed the Act of the six Articles vigorously all would have submitted he confessed a Reformation of the Clergy was a good thing but all times could not bear it if they should proceed severely against scandalous Churchmen the Hereticks would take advantage from that to defame the Church the more and raise a clamour against all Clergymen Gardiner's spite was at this time much whetted by the reprinting of his Books of true Obedience which was done at Strasburg and sent over In it he had called King Henry's marriage with Queen Catherine Incestuous and had justified his Divorce and his second Marriage with his most godly and vertuous Wife Queen Anne This was a severe exposing of him but he had brow enough and bore down these reproaches by saying Peter had denied his Master but others said a Compliance of 25. years continuance was very unjustly compared to a sudden denial that was presently expiated with so sincere a Repentance The Queen was for joining both these Councils together and intended to proceed at the same time both against scandalous Churchmen and Hereticks After the Parliament was over there was a solemn Procession of many Bishops and Priests Bonner carrying the Host to thank God for reconciling the Nation again to Saint Peter's Chair and it having been done on St. Andrew's Day that was appointed to be an Anniversary and was called The Feast of the Reconciliation But soon after began the Persecution Rogers Hooper Taylor Bradford A Persecution set on foot and seven more were brought before the Council and asked one by one if they would return to the Union of the Catholick Church and acknowledge the Pope but they all answered resolutely that they had renounced the Pope's power as all the Bishops had also done they were assured he had no authority but over his own Diocess for the first four Ages so they could not submit to his Tyranny Gardiner told them Mercy was now offered them but if they rejected it Justice would be done next so they were all sent back to Prison except one who had great Friends so he was only asked if he would be an honest man and upon that promise was dismist They began with Rogers whose Imprisonment was formerly mentioned Many had advised him to make his escape and flie to Germany but he would not do it though a Family of Ten Children was a great Temptation Both he and Hooper were brought before Gardiner Rogers and Hooper condemned and burnt Bonner Tonstall and three other Bishops They asked them whether they would submit to the Church or not but they answered that they looked on the Church of Rome as Antichristian Gardiner said that was a reproach on the Queen Rogers said they honoured the Queen and lookt for no ill at her hands but as she was set on to it by them Upon that Gardiner and the other Bishops declared that so far were they from setting on the Queen to the executing of the Law that she commanded them to do it and this was confirmed by two Privy Councellours that were present In conclusion they gave them time till next Morning to consider what they would do and then they continuing firm they declared them obstinate Hereticks and degraded them but they did
he had done nothing but only pleaded in the King's Name The Clergy pretended they did not prosecute him for his pleading but for some of his Divinity Lectures contrary to the Liberty of the Church which the King was bound to maintain by his Coronation-Oath but the Temporal Lords the Judges and the Commons prayed the King also to maintain the Laws according to his Coronation-Oath and to give Standish his Protection The King upon this being in great perplexity required Veysy afterwards Bishop of Exeter to declare upon his Conscience and Allegiance the truth in that matter His Opinion was against the Immunity so another publick Hearing being appointed Standish was accused for teaching That the Inferiour Orders were not sacred That their Exemption was not founded on a Divine Right but that the Laity might punish them That the Canons of the Church did not bind till they were received and that the study of the Canon Law was useless Of these he denied some and justified other particulars Veysy being required to give his Opinion alledged That the Laws of the Church did only oblige where they were received As the Law of the Celibate of the Clergy received in the West did not bind the Greek Churches that never received it So the exemption of the Clerks not being received did not bind in England The Judges gave their Opinion next which was That those who prosecuted Standish were all in a Premunire So the Court broke up But in another Hearing in the presence of the greatest part of both Houses of Parliament the Cardinal said in the name of the Clergy That tho they intended to do nothing against the King's Prerogative yet the trying of Clerks seemed to be contrary to the Liberty of the Church which they were bound by their Oaths to maintain So they prayed that the matter might be referred to the Pope The King answered that he thought Standish had answered them fully The Bishop of Winchester said he would not stand to his Opinion at his Peril Standish upon that said What can one poor Friar do against all the Clergy of England The Arch-bishop of Canterbury said Some of the Fathers of the Church had suffered Martyrdom upon that account but the Chief-Justice replied That many holy Kings had maintained that Law and many holy Bishops had obeyed it In conclusion the King declared that he would maintain his Rights and would not submit them to the Decrees of the Church otherwise than as his Ancestors had done Warham Arch-bishop of Canterbury desired so long time might be given that they might have an Answer returned from Rome but that was not granted yet a Temper was found Horsey was appointed to be brought to his Trial for Hun's Murder and upon his pleading not guilty no Evidence was to be brought and so he was to be discharged But upon this it was said The Judges were more concerned to maintain their Jurisdiction than to do Justice upon so horrid a Murder so the discontent given by it was raised so much higher and the Crime of a few Murderers was now transferred upon the whole Clergy who had concerned themselves so much in their Preservation and this did very much dispose the Laity to all that was done afterwards for pulling down the Ecclesiastical Tyranny This was the only uneasy stop in this King's Raign The King is much addicted to the Papacy till the suit for his Divorce was commenced In all other points he was constantly in the Pope's Interests who sent him the common Complements of Roses and such other Triffles by which that See had treated Princes so long as Children The King made the Defence of the Popedom an Article in his Leagues with other Princes and Pope Julius having called a General Council to the Lateran in opposition to that which by Lewis the Twelfth's means was held at Pisa The King sent the Bishops of Worcester and Rochester the Prior of St. John's and the Abbot of Winchelcomb to represent the Church of England thereby to give the greater Authority to a pack'd meeting of Italian Bishops and Abbots who assumed to themselves the Title of a Holy and Oecumenical Council But no Complement wrought so much on the King's Vanity as the Title of Defender of Faith sent him by Pope Leo upon the Book which he writ against Luther concerning the Sacraments The Cardinal drew upon himself the hatred of the Clergy Crrdinal Wolsey intends to reform the Clergy by a Bull which impowered him to visit all the Monasteries of England and to dispence with all the Laws of the Church for a Year He also gave out that he intended to reform the Clergy though he forgot that which ought to be the first step of all who pretend to reform others for none could be worse than himself was He lived in great Luxury and in an insolent Affectation of the highest Statepossible many of his Domesticks being men of the first Rank He intended to suppress many Monasteries and thought the best way for doing it with the least Scandal was first to visit them and so to expose their Corruptions But he was afterwards diverted from this yet the design which he laid being communicated to Cromwel that was then his Secretary it was put in Practice toward the end of this Reign when the Monasteries were all suppressed The Convocations were of two sorts The summoning of Convocations some were summoned by the King when Parliaments were called as is in use to this Day only the King did not then prefix a Day but left that to the Arch-bishops Others were called by the Archbishops and were Provincial Synods of which there were but few The Cardinal pretended that the summoning all Convocations belonged to him as Legate so that when Warham had called one he dissolved it after it was met and summoned it of new In that Convocation a great Supply was granted to the King of half a Years Rent of all Benefices payable in five Years for assisting him in his Wars with France and Scotland This was much opposed by the Cardinal's Enemies but it was agreed to at last a Proviso being made that such a heavy tax should never be made a Precedent for the future tho the Grant they made was more likely to become a Precedent than this Proviso to be a Security for the time to come This encreased the Aversion the Clergy had for the Cardinal the Monks were more particularly incensed for they saw he was resolved to suppress their Foundations and convert them to other uses In the days of King Edgar most of the Cathedrals of England were possessed by Secular Priests The State of the Monasteries who were generally married but Dunstan and some other Monks took advantage from the Vices of that Prince to perswade him to make Compensation for them and as he made Laws in which he declared what Compensations were to be made for Sins both by the Rich and Poor so it seems he thought the
Arthur and Katherine the Infanta of Spain She came into England was married in November but on the second of April after the Prince died They were not only bedded in Ceremony the night of the Marriage but continued still to lodg together and the Prince by some indecent Rallery gave Occasion to believe that the Marriage was consummated which was so little doubted that some imputed his too early end to his excess in it After his Death his younger Brother was not created Prince of Wales till ten Months had past it being then apparent that the Princess was not with Child by the late Prince Women were also set about her to wait on her with the Precaution that is necessary in such a Case so that it was generally believed that she was no Virgin when the Prince died Henry the seventh being unwilling to restore so great a Portion as two hundred thousand Ducats proposed a second Match for her with his Younger Son Henry Warham did then object against the Lawfulness of it yet Fox Bishop of Winchester was for it and the Opinion of the Pope's Authority was then so well established that it was thought a Dispensation from Rome was sufficient to remove all Objections Decemb. 1503. so one was obtained grounded upon a desire of the two young Persons to marry together for preserving Peace between the Crowns of England and Spain by which the Pope dispensed with it notwithstanding the Princess's Marriage to Prince Arthur which was as is said in the Bull perhaps consummated The Pope was then in War with Lewis the twelfth of France and so would refuse nothing to the King of England being perhaps not unwilling that Princes should contract such Marriages by which the Legitimation of their Issued epending on the Pope's Dispensation they would be thereby obliged in Interest to support that Authority upon this a Marriage followed the Prince being yet under Age but the same day in which he came to be of Age he did by his Father's Orders make a Protestation that he retracted and annulled his Marriage Henry the seventh at his Death charged him to break it off entirely being perhaps apprehensive of such a return of Confusion upon a controverted Succession to the Crown as had been during the Wars of the Houses of York and Lancaster but upon his Death Henry the Eighth being then eighteen Years of Age married her She bore him two Sons who died soon after they were born and a Daughter Mary that lived to reign after him Matches proposed for his Daughter but after that the Queen contracted some Diseases that made her unacceptable to the King so all hope of any other Issue failing several Matches were proposed for his Daughter the first was with the Dauphin then she was contracted with the Emperor and after that a Proposition was made for the King of Scotland and last of all a Treaty was made with Francis the first either for himself he being then a Widower or for his second Son the Duke of Orleans to be determin'd at his Option upon which the Bishop of Tarbe was sent over Ambassador to conclude it he made an Exception that the Marriage was doubtful and the Lady not legitimate which had been likewise made by the Cortes of Spain by whose Advice the Emperor broke the Contract upon that very account so that other Princes moving Scruples against a Marriage with his Daughter the Heir of so great a Crown the King began to make some himself or rather to publish them for he said afterwards he had them some Years before Yet the Cardinal's hatred to the Emperor was look'd on as one of the secret Springs of the King's Aversion to his Aunt which the King vindicating him in publick afterwards did not remove that being considered only as a Court Contrivance The King seemed to lay the greatest Weight on the prohibition in the Levitical Law of marrying the Brother's Wife The King has some scruples concerning his Marriage and he being conversant in Thomas Aquinas's Writings found that he and the other Schoolmen look'd on those Laws as Moral and for ever binding and that by Consequence the Pope's Dispensation was of no force since his Authority went not so far as to dispence with the Laws of God All the Bishops of England Fisher of Rochester only excepted declared under their Hands and Seals that they judged the Marriage unlawful The ill Consequences of Wars that might follow upon a doubtful Title to the Crown were also much considered or at least pretended It is not probable that the engagement of the King's Affections to any other gave the rise to all this for so prying a Courtier as Wolsey was would have discovered it and not have projected a Marriage with Francis's Sister if he had seen the King prepossessed It is more probable that the King conceiving himself upon the point of being discharged of his former Marriage gave a free scope to his Affections which upon that came to settle on Anne Bolleyn The King had reason enough to expect a quick and favourable dispatch of his business at Rome where Dispensations or Divorces in Favour of Princes used to pass rather with regard to the Merits of the Prince that desired them than of the Cause it self His Alliance seemed then necessary to the Pope who was at that time in Captivity Nor could the Emperour with any good colour oppose his Suit since he had broken his Contract with his Daughter upon the account of the doubtfulness of the Marriage The Cardinal had also given him full Assurances of a good Answer from Rome whether upon the knowledg he had of that Court and of the Pope's temper or upon any promise made him is not certain The Reasons gathered by the Canonists for annulling the Bull of Dispensation upon which the Divorce was to follow in course were grounded upon some false suggestions in the Bull and upon the Protestation which the King had made when he came to be of Age. In a word they were such that a favourable Pope left to himself would have yielded to them without any scruple Anne Bolleyn was born in the year 1507 and went to France at seven years of Age and returned twelve years after to England She was much admired in both Courts and continued to live without any Blemish till her unfortunate Fall gave occasion to some malicious Writers to defame her in all the Parts of her Life She was more beautiful than graceful and more chearful than discreet She wanted none of the Charms of Wit or Person and must have had extraordinary Attractives since she could so long manage such a King's Affection in which her being with Child soon after the Marriage shews that in the whole course of seven years she kept him at a due distance Upon her coming to England the Lord Piercy being then a Domestick of the Cardinals made love to her and went so far as to engage himself some way to
of the Temporal Authority the World was then so over-mastered by Superstition and Credulity that not only the whole Spiritual Power but even the Temporal Power of Princes was likely to have fallen into the Pope's hands But the discontented Clergy supported the Secular Power as much as they had before advanced the Papal Tyranny Boniface the 8th had raised his Pretentions to that impudent pitch that he declared all Power both Ecclesiastical and Civil was derived from him and established that as an Article of Faith necessary to Salvation and he and his Successors took upon them to dispose of all Ecclesiastical Benefices by their Bulls and Provisions Upon which Laws were made in England restraining those Invasions on the Crown since those Endowments were made for informing the People of the Law of God and for Hospitality and Acts of Charity which were defeated 25. Ed. 1 as well as the Crown was disinherited by the Provisions which the Popes granted Therefore they condemned them for the future but no Punishment being declared for the Transgressors of that Fact the Courtiers at Rome were not frighted at so general a Law so these Abuses were still continued But in Edward the Third's time 25. Ed. 3 a more severe Law was made by which all that transgressed were to be imprisoned to be fined at pleasure and to forfeit all their Benefices By an other Act they were put out of the King's Protection Several other Confirmations of this were made both in that Reign and under Richard the Second and the former Punishments were extended not only to the Provisors themselves but to all that were imployed by them or took Farms of them and because Licences might be granted by the King for Aliens to hold Benefices in England he did bind himself to grant none Others took both Presentations in England and obtained Provisions from Rome which was likewise condemned The Right of Prefentations was tried only in the King's Courts but the Popes had a mind to take the Cognizance of that to their own Courts upon which the Parliament considering the great Prejudice the Nation was like to suffer and the Subjection that the Crown would fall under resolved to provide effectual Remedies so all the Commons declared they would live and die with the King 16. Ric. 2. and desired him to examine all the Lords whether they would uphold the Regality of the Crown The Temporal Lords declared they would do it But the Spiritual Lords made some difficulty yet in Conclusion they also promised they would adhere to the Crown So a Law passed that if any purchased Translations Excommunications or Bulls from Rome that were contrary to the King or his Crown they and all that brought them over or that received or executed them were declared to be out of the King's Protection and that their Goods and Chattels should be forfeited to the King and their Persons imprisoned And because the Proceedings upon this were by a Writ called from the most material Words of it Premunire facias this Statute carried the name of the Statute of Premunire There was also a Law passed in Henry the Fourth's Reign against some Bulls which the Cistertians had procured and against the high Rates set on Bulls in the Apostolick Chamber and whereas the King had been prevailed with to give Licences for some Bulls by which the Provisors put the Incumbents out of their Benefices these were all declared to be of no force when done in prejudice of the Subjects Rights The Invasions that both the Popes and Kings made upon Elections were by another Law condemned and the Liberty of Elections was again set up But those Kings being more concerned to preserve their own Prerogative than the Rights of their People were often prevailed with to grant Pardons and Licences to those who obtained Provisions at Rome so these were all again condemned in Henry the Fifth's time In all this time 4. Hen. 5. the weakness of the Papacy gave Princes some Advantages which they had not in former Ages for a great while the Popes sate at Avignion where they were much eclipsed of their former Greatness After that a Schism followed between the Popes that sate at Rome and those that still sate at Avignion and the Princes of Christendom being then at liberty to choose which of those they would acknowledg the Popes durst not thunder against those Laws as they had done in former times upon much less Provocation And indeed all the use that the Kings made of them was to oblige the Provisors to come and depend on them for their Licence to execute their Bulls and the King's Authority being joyned with the Popes it was hard for those who were oppressed to resist that double force Nor was there any vigorous Execution made of those Laws otherwayes than to draw Mony from the Provisors For it fell out in this case what is ordinary on all such occasions that Favourites make use of good Laws by which Power is trusted to the Prince for the Protection and Security of the Subjects only for their own ends It was a strange weakness in the Princes of Christendom to take such pains as was done at Constance for healing the Breach in the Papacy for while that continued they reigned in peace and the Clergy was less oppressed than formerly But that being once made up the Popes were beginning again to raise their old Pretentions And Pope Martin the 5th not being willing to engage with so high spirited a King as Henry the 5th was he took Advantage in the Minority of Henry the Sixth's Reign 6. Hen. 6. to propose a Repeal of those Laws and first wrote very severely to Chichely then Archbishop of Canterbury for not opposing the Statute of Provisors that had passed in the former Reign nor standing up for the Rights of St. Peter He therefore exhorted him to imitate his Predecessor Thomas Becket and required him to declare at the next Parliament the unlawfulness of it and that all who obeyed it were under Excommunication He also required him to order the Clergy to preach every where against it Yet Chichely did not proceed so zealously as the Pope expected and therefore he suspended his Legatine Power The Archbishop appealed upon this from the Pope to the next General Council or if none met to the Tribunal of God But the Pope wrote also to the Clergy requiring them to do what in them lay for the repeal of the Statute And in another Letter to the two Archbishops in which in spite to Chicheley York is first named he annulled the Statutes made by Edward the Third and Richard the Second and declared all to be excommunicated that executed them reserving the absolution of them to himself unless they were at the point of death And he required them to publish and affix this his Monitory Brief The Archbishop humbled himself to the Pope and got the other Bishops and the University of Oxford to write in his
second him in his Suit He encouraged him to proceed to a second Marriage without more adoe and assured him he would stand by him in it And told him he intended to restrain the payment of Annats to Rome and would ask of the Pope a Redress of that and other Grievances and if it was denied he would seek other Remedies in a Provincial Council An Enterview was proposed between the Pope and Him to which he desired the King go with him and King the was not unwilling to it if he could have assurance that his Business would be finally determined The Pope offered to the King to send a Legate to any indifferent place out of England to form the Process reserving only the giving Sentence to himself And proposed to him and all Princes a General Truce that so he might call a General Council The King answered that such was the present State of the Affairs of Europe that it was not seasonable to call a General Council that it was contrary to his Prerogative to send a Proxy to appear at Rome That by the Decrees of General Councils all Causes ought to be judged on the place and by a Provincial Council and that it was fitter to judge it in Engiand than any where else And that by his Coronation Oath he was bound to maintain the Dignities of his Crown and the Rights of his Subjects and not to appear before any forraign Court So Sir Thomas Elliot was sent over with Instructions to move that the cause might be judged in England Yet if the Pope had real Intentions of giving the King full Satisfaction he was not to insist on that And to make the Cardinal of Ravenna sure he sent him the offer of the Bishoprick of Coventry and Litchfield Nov. 14. The King marries Ann Bolleyn then vacant Soon after this the King married Ann Bolleyn Rowland Lee afterwards Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield did officiate none being present but the Duke of Norfolk and her Father her Mother and her Brother and Cranmer It was thought that the former Marriage being null of it self the King might proceed to another And perhaps they hoped that as the Pope had formerly proposed this Method so he would now approve of it But tho the Pope had joyned himself to France yet he was still so much in fear of the Emperour that he resolved not to provoke him and so was not wrought on by any of the Expedients which Bennet proposed which were either to judge the Cause in England according to the Council of Nice or to refer it to the Arbitration of some to be named by the King and the King of France and the Pope for all these he said tended to the Diminution of the Papal Power A new Citation was issued out for the King to answer to the Queen's Complaints but the King's Agents protested that he was a Soveraign Prince that England was a free Church over which the Pope had no just Authority and that the King could expect no Justice at Rome where the Empeperours Power was so great At this time the Parliament met again and past an Act The Parliament condemns Appeals to Rome condemning all Appeals to Rome In it they set forth That the Crown was Imperial and that the Nation was a compleat Body having full Power to do Justice in all Cases both Spiritual and Temporal And that as former Kings had maintained the Liberties of the Kingdom against the Usurpations of the See of Rome so they found the great Inconveniencies of allowing Appeals in Matrimonial Causes That they put them to great Charges and accasioned many Delayes Therefore they enacted That thereafter those should be all judged within the Kingdom and no regard should be had to any Appeals to Rome or Censures from it But Sentences given in England were to have their full Effect and all that executed any Censures from Rome were to incur the pains of Premunire Appeals were to be from the Arch-deacon to the Bishop and from him to the Archbishop And in the Causes that concerned the King the Appeal was to be to the upper House or Convocation There was now a new Archbishop of Canterbury Cranmer made Archbishop of Canterbury Warham died the former Year He was a great Patron of Learning a good Canonist and wise States-man but was a cruel Persecutor of Hereticks and inclined to believe Fanatical Stories Cranmer was then in Germany disputing in the King's Cause with some of the Emperour 's Divines The King resolved to advance him to that Dignity and sent him word of it that so he might make haste over But a Promotion so far above his Thoughts had not its common Effects on him He had a true and primitive Sense of so great a Charge and instead of aspiring to it he was afraid of it he both returned very slowly to England and used all his Endeavours to be excused from that Advancement But this declining of Preferment being a thing of which the Clergy of that Age were so little guilty discovered That he had Maximes very far different from most Church-men Bulls were sent for to Rome in order to his Consecration which the Pope granted tho it could not be very grateful to him to send them to one who had so publickly disputed against his Power of dispensing all the Composition that was payed for them was but 900 Ducats which was perhaps according to the Regulation made in the Act against Annats There were 9 several Bulls sent over one confirming the King's Nomination a Second requiring him to accept it a Third absolving him from Censures a Fourth to the Suffragan Bishops a Fifth to the Dean and Chapter a Sixth to the Clergy a Seventh to the Laity an Eighth to the Tenants of the See requiring all these to receive him to be their Archbishop a Ninth requiring some Bishops to consecrate him the Tenth gave him the Pall and by the Eleventh the Archbishop of York was required to put it on him The putting all this in so many different Bulls was a good Contrivance for raising the Rents of the Apostolick Chamber On the 30 of March Cranmer was consecrated by the Bishops of Lincoln Exeter and St. Asaph The Oath to the Pope was of hard Digestion So he made a Protestation before he took it that he conceived himself not bound up by it in any thing that was contrary to his Duty to God to his King or Country and he repeated this when he took it so that if this seemed too artificial for a Man of his sincerity yet he acted in it fairly The Convocation condemns the King's Marriage and above Board The Convocation had then two Questions before them the first was Concerning the Lawfulness of the King's Marriage and the Validity of the Pope's Dispensation the other was of Matter of Fact Whether P. Arthur had consummated the Marriage or not For the first the Judgments of 19 Universities were read and after a
Journey unless the Pope would promise to give the King Satisfaction The King of France said he was engaged in Honour to go on but assured them he would mind the King 's Concerns with as much Zeal as if they were his own In September the Queen brought forth a Daughter the renowned Queen Elizabeth and the King having before declared Lady Mary Princess of Wales Sept 7. Q. Elizabeth born did now the same for her Tho since a Son might put her from it she could not be Heir Apparent but only the Heir Presumptive to the Crown At Marseilles the Marriage was made up between the Duke of Orleans and the Pope's Neece to whom the Pope gave besides 100000 Crowns many Principalities which he pretended were either Fiefs of the Papacy or belonged to him in the Rights of the House of Medici The Pope's Historian with some Triumph boasted that the Marriage was Consummated that very Night tho it was thought not credible that P. Arthur that was Nine Months older than the new Duke of Orleans afterwards Henry the Second did Consummate his There was a secret Agreement made between the Pope and Francis that if King Henry would refer his Cause to the Consistory excepting only to the Cardinals of the Imperial Faction as partial and would in all other things return to his Obedience to the See of Rome The Pore promises to satisfy K. Henry then Sentence should be given in his Favours but this to be kept secret So Bonner not being trusted with it and sent thither with an Appeal from the Pope to the next General Council made it with great boldness and threatned the Pope upon it with so much Vehemence that the Pope talked of throwing him into a Cauldron of melted Lead or burning him alive And he apprehending some danger fled away privately But when Francis came back to Paris he sent over the Bishop of that City to the King to let him know what he had obtained of the Pope in his Favours and the Terms on which it was promised This wrought so much on the King that he presently consented to them And upon that the Bishop of Paris tho it was now in the middle of Winter took Journey to Rome being sure of the Scarlet if he could be the Instrument of regaining England which was then upon the point of being lost What these Assurances were which the Pope gave is not certain but the Archbishop of York and Tenstal of Duresm in a Letter which they wrote on that Occasion say that the Pope said at Marseilles That if the King would send a Proxy to Rome he would give Sentence for him against the Queen for he knew his Cause was good and just Upon the Bishop of Paris's coming to Rome the matter seemed agreed for it was promised that upon the King 's sending a Promise under his hand to put things in their former state and his ordering a Proxy to appear for him Judges should be sent to Cambray for making the Process and then Sentence should be given Upon the notice given of this and of a Day that was prefixt for the return of the Courier the King dispatched him with all possible hast and now the Business seemed at an end But the Courier had a Sea and the Alps to pass and in Winter it was not easy to observe a limited day so exactly This made that he came not to Rome on the prefixed day upon which the Imperialists gave out that the King was abusing the Pope's Easiness so they prest him vehemently to proceed to a Sentence The Bishop of Paris moved only for a delay of six days which was no unreasonable time in that Season and in favours of such a King who had a Suit depending six Days and since he had Patience so many Years the delay of a few days was no extraordinary Favour But the design of the Imperialists was to hinder a Reconciliation for if the King had been set right with the Pope there would have been so powerful a League formed against the Emperour as would have broke all his Measures And therefore it was necessary for his Designes to imbroil them It was also said That the King was seeking Delayes and Concessions meerly to delude the Pope and that he had proceeded so far in his Design against that See that it was necessary to go on to Censures And the angry Pope was so provoked by them and by the News that he heard out of England that without consulting his ordinary Prudence he brought in the matter to the Consistory and there the Imperialists being the greater number it was driven on with so much Precipitation that they did in on day that which according to Form should have been done in three They gave the final Sentence declaring the King's Marriage with Queen Katherine good and required him to live with her as his Wife 23. March But proceeds hastily to a Sentence otherwise they would proceed to Censures Two days after that the Courier came with the King's Submission in due form He also brought earnest Letters from Francis in the King's Favours This wrought on all the indifferent Cardinals as well as those of the French Faction So they praied the Pope to recall what was done A new Consistory was called but the Imperialists prest with greater Vehemence then ever that they would not give such Scandal to the World as to recall a definitive Sentence past of the validity of a Marriage and give the Hereticks such Advantages by their unsteadiness in matters of that nature And so it was carried that the former Sentence should take place and the Execution of it was committed to the Emperour When this was known in England it determined the King in his Resolutions of shaking off the Pope's Yoke in which he had made so great a Progress that the Parliament had past all the Acts concerning it before he had the News from Rome For he judged that the best way to Peace was to let them at Rome see with what vigour he could make War All the rest of the World lookt on astonished to see the Court of Rome throw off England with so much scorn as if they had been weary of the Obedience and Profits of so great a Kingdom and their Proceedings look'd as if they had been secretly directed by a Divine Providence that designed to draw great Consequences from this Rupture and did so far infatuate those that were most concerned to prevent it that they needlesly drew it on themselves In England they had been now examining the Foundations on which the Papal Authority was built The ●rguments used for rejecting the Pope's Power with extraordinary Care for some Years and several Books being then and soon after written on that Subject the Reader will be able to see better into the Reasons of their Proceedings by a short Abstract of these All the Apostles were made equal in the Powers that Christ gave them and he often condemned
his Blood as they had done Ahabs The King bore this patiently but ordered one Dr. Corren to preach next Sunday and to answer all that he had said who railed against Peyto as a Dog and a Traitor Peyto had gone to Canterbury but Elston a Franciscan of the same House interrupted him and called him one of the lying Prophets that went about to establish the Succession of the Crown by Adultery and spoke with such Vehemence that the King himself was forced to command him silence And yet so unwilling was the King to go to Extremities that all that was done upon so high a Provocation was that they were called before the Council and rebuked for their Insolence But the Nun's Confederates publishing her Revelations in all the parts of the Kingdom she and Nine of her Complices were apprehended in November last Year and they did all without any Rack or Torture discover the whole Conspiracy and upon that were appointed to go to St. Pauls and after a Sermon preached upon that Occasion by the Bishop of Bangor they repeated their Confession in the Hearing of the People and were sent to ly Prisoners in the Tower But it was given out That all was extorted from them by Violence and Messages were sent to the Nun desiring her to deny all that she had confessed which made the King judge it necessary to proceed to further Extremities So she and six of her chief Complices were Attainted of Treason And the Bishop of Rochester and five more were Attainted of Misprision of Treason But at the Intercession of Q. Ann as it is exprest in the Act all others that had been concerned with her were pardoned This was as black an Imposture as any ever was and if it had fallen out in a darker Age in which the World went mad after Visions the King might have lost his Crown by it The Discovery of this disposed all to look on older Stories of the Trances of Monastical People as Contrivances to serve base ends and did make way for the ruine of that Order of Men in England but all that was at present done upon it was that the Observants were put out of their Houses and mixt with the other Franciscans and the Austin Friers were put in their rooms When all these Acts were passed the King gave his Assent to them on the 29th of March and prorogued the Parliament till November The Members of both Houses swore to the Oath of Succession on the day of the Prorogation On the 20th of April The Oath of Succession sworn followed the Execution of the Nun and her Complices at Tyburn where she freely acknowledged her Impostures and the Justice of the Sentence and laid the blame on those that suffered with her who because the thing was profitable to them praised her much and tho they knew that all was feigned yet gave out that it was done by the working of the Holy Ghost and she concluded her Life begging both God's and the King's Pardon Upon the first Discovery of this Cheat Fisher in some Trouble Cromwell sent Fisher's Brother to him to reprove him for his Carriage in that Business and to advise him to ask the King's Pardon for the Encouragement he had given to the Nun which he was confident the King would grant him But Fisher excused himself and said he had done nothing but only tried whether her Revelations were true or not He confessed that upon the Reports he had heard he was induced to have a high Opinion of her and that he had never discovered any Falsehood in her It is true she had said some things to him concerning the King's Death which he had not revealed but he thought it was not necessary to do it because he knew she had told it to the King her self she had named no Person that should kill the King but had only denounced it as a Judgment of God on him and he had reason to think that the King would have been offended with him if he had spoken of it to him and so he desired to be no more troubled with that matter But upon that Cromwell wrote him a sharp Letter he shewed him that he had proceeded rashly in that Affair being so partial in the matter of the King's Divorce that he easily believed every thing that seemed to make against it he shewed him how necessary it was to use great Caution before extraordinary things should be received or spread about as Revelations since otherwise the Peace of the World should be in the hands of every bold or crafty Impostor yet in conclusion he advises him again to ask the King's Pardon for his Rashness and he assures him that the King was ready to forgive that and every thing else by which he had offended him But Fisher was obstinate and would make no Submission and so included within the Act yet it was not executed till a new Provocation drew him into further Trouble And is very obstinate The Secular and Regular Clergy did every where swear the Oath of Succession which none did more zealously promote than Gardiner who before the 6th of May got all his Clergy to swear it and the Religious Orders being apprehensive of the King's Jealousies of them took care to remove them by sending in Declarations under the Seals of their Houses that in their Opinion the King 's present Marriage was lawful and that they would always acknowledg him Head of the Church of England that the Bishops of Rome had no Authority out of his own Diocess and that they would continue obedient to the King notwithstanding his Censures that they would preach the Gospel sincerely according to the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Catholick Doctors and would in their Prayers pray for the King as Supream Head of the Church of England A meeting of the Council-sate at Lambeth More and he● refuse the Oath to which many were cited in order to the swearing the Oath among whom was Sir Thomas More and Fisher More was first called on to take it he answered that he neither blamed those that made the Acts nor those that swore the Oath and that he was willing to swear to maintain the Succession to the Crown but could not take the Oath as it was conceived Fisher made the same Answer but all the rest that were cited before them took it More was much press'd to give his Reasons against it but he refused to do that for it might be called a disputing against Law yet he would put them into Writing if the King would command him to do it Cranmer said if he did not blame those that took it it seems he was not perswaded it was a Sin and so was only doubtful of it but he was sure he ought to obey the Law if it was not sinful so there was a Certainty on the one hand and only a Doubt on the other and therefore the former ought to determine him this he confessed did
and Industry and so was on all accounts well prepared for that Work to which the Providence of God did now call him And tho he was in some things too much subject to the King 's Imperious Temper yet in the matter of the six Articles he shewed that he wanted not the Courage that became a Bishop in so Critical an Affair as that was Cromwel was his great and constant Friend a man of mean Birth but of excellent Qualities as appeared in his adhering to his Master Wolsey after his fall a rare Demonstration of Gratitude in a Court to a disgraced Favourite And in his greatest height he happening to see a Merchant of Lucca who had pitied and relieved him when he was in Italy but did not so much as know him or pretend to any returns for the small Favours he had formerly shewed him and was then reduced to a low condition treated him with such acknowledgments that it became the Subjects of several Pens which strove who should celebrate it most As these set themselves to carry on a Reformation Others oppose it much there was another Party formed that as vigourously opposed it headed by the Duke of Norfolk and Gardiner and almost all the Clergy went into it They perswaded the King that nothing would give the Pope or the Emperour such Advantages as his making any Changes in Religion and it would reflect much on him if he who had writ so learnedly for the Faith should in spite to the Pope make any Changes in it Nothing would encourage other Princes so much to follow his Example nor keep his Subjects so much in their Duty to him as his continuing stedfast in the Antient Religion These things made great Impressions on him But on the other hand Cranmer represented to him that if he rejected the Pope's Authority it was very absurd to let such Opinions or Practices continue in the Church that had no other Foundation but Papal Decrees and therefore he desired that this might be put to the Trial he ought to depend on God and hope for good Success if he proceeded in this matter according to the Duty of a Christian Prince England was a compleat Body within its self and tho in the Roman Empire when united under one Prince General Councils were easily assembled yet now that was not to be so much depended on but every Prince ought to reform the Church in his Dominions by a National Synod and if in the Antient Church such Synods condemned Heresies and reformed Abuses that might be much more done when Europe was divided into so many Kingdoms It was visible that tho both the Emperour and the Princes of Germany had for 20 Years desired a Ceneral Council it could not be obtained of the Pope he had indeed offered one at Mantua but that was only an Illusion Upon that the Kiug desired some of his Bishops to give their Opinion concerning the Emperour's Power of calling Councils The Opinion of some Bishops of a General Council So Cranmer Tonstall Clark of Bath and Wells and Goodrick of Ely made answer That tho Ancient Councils were called by the Roman Emperours yet that was done by reason of the Extent of their Monarchy that was now ceased but since other Princes had an entire Monarchy within their Dominions Yet if one or more of those Princes should agree to call a Council to a good Intent and desire the Concurrence of the rest they were bound by the Rule of Charity to agree to it They were also of Opinion that none but Bishops and Priests had Right to a definitive Voice in matters of Doctrine Cranmer also made a long Speech at that time Heads of a Speech of Cranmers setting forth the necessity of a Reformation It is probable it was in the House of Peers for it begins My Lords He begun with the Impostures and Deceit used by the Canonists and other Courtiers at Rome Then he speak to the Authority of a General Councils he shewed that it flowed not from the Number of the Bishops but from the matter of their Decisions which were received with an Universal Consent for there were many more Bishops at the Council of Arimini which was condemned than either at Nice or Constantinople which were received Christ had named no Head of the whole Church as God had named no Head of the World but that grew up for Orders sake as there were Arch-bishops set over Provinces yet some Popes were condemned for Heresy as Liberius and others If Faith must be shewed by Works the ill Lives of most Popes of late shewed that their Faith was to be suspected and all the Priviledges which Princes or Synods granted to that See might be recalled Popes ought to submit themselves to General Councils and were be tried by them he shewed what were the present Corruptions of the Pope and his Court which needed Reformation The Pope according to the Decree of the Council of Basil was the Churches Vicar and not Christ's and so was accountable to it The Churches of France declared the Council to be above the Pope which had been acknowledged by many Popes themselves The Power of Councils had also Bounds nor could they judg of the Rights of Princes or proceed to a Sentence against a King nor were their Canons of any force till Princes added their Sanctions to them Councils ought also to proceed moderately even against those that held Errors and ought not to impose things indifferent too severely The Scriptures and not Men's Traditions ought to be the Standards of their Definitions The Divines of Paris held That a Council could not make a new Article of Faith that was not in the Scriptures and all Christ's Promises to the Church were to be understood with this condition if they kept the Faith therefore there was great reason to doubt concerning the Authority of a Council some of them had contradicted others and many others were never received The Fathers had always appealed to the Scriptures as Superiour in Authority to Councils by which only all Controversies ought to be decided yet on the other hand it was dangerous to be wise in ones own Conceit and he thought when the Fathers all agreed in the Exposition of any place of Scripture that ought to be look'd on as flowing from the Spirit of God He shewed how little Regard was to be had to a Council in which the Pope presided and that if any common Error had past upon the World when that came to be discovered every one was at liberty to shake it off even tho they had sworn to maintain that Error this he applied to the Pope's Authority In conclusion he promised to entertain them with another Discourse of the Authority that all Bishops had in their Sees and that Princes had within their Dominions But I could never recover that and probably it is lost This was the state of the Court after King Henry had shaken off the Pope's Power
officious Courtiers are apt to do often without any good Grounds so that Silence was made an Argument of her Guilt and that she could not be defended But perhaps that was an effect of the Wisdom of the Ministers of that time who would not suffer so nice a Point upon which the Queen's Legitimation depended to be brought into dispute The day after Anne Boleyn's Death the King married Jane Scimour who gained more upon him than all his Wives ever did But she was happy that she did not out-live his Love to her Lady Mary was advised upon this turn of Affairs Lady Mary 's Submission oo the King to make her Submission to the King she offered to confess the Fault of her former Obstinacy and in General to give up her Understanding entirely to the King but that would not satisfy unless she would be more particular so at last she was prevailed with to do it in the fullest Terms that could be desired She acknowledged the King to be the Supream Head on Earth under Christ of the Church of England and did renounce the Bishop of Rome's Authority and promised in all things to be obedient to the Laws that were made which she said flowed from her inward Belief and Judgment and in which she would for ever continue and she did also acknowledg that the King's Marriage with her Mother was by God's Law and Man's Law unlawful and incestuous all this she writ with her own Hand and subscribed it upon which she was again received into Favour and an Establishment was made for a Family about her in which 40 l. a quarter was all the Allowance for her Privy Purse so great was the Frugality of that time Lady Elizabeth continued to be educated with great Care and was so forward that before she was four Years old she both wrote a good Hand and understood Italian for there are Letters extant written by her in that Language to Queen Jane when she was with child in which she subscribed Daughter On the 8th of June the Parliament met A Farliament meets which shews that it was summoned before the Justs at Greenwich The Chancellour told them that the King had called them to settle the Succession of the Crown in case he should dye without Children lawfully begotten and to repeal the Act made concerning his Marriage with Queen Anne It seems the Parliament was not at first easily brought to comply with these things and that it was necessary to take some pains to prepare them to it For the Bill of Succession was not put in till the 30th of June but then it was quickly dispatched without any Opposition by it the Attainder of Queen Anne and her Complices is confirmed both the Sentences of Divorces pass'd upon the King 's two former Marriages were also confirmed and the Issue by both was illegitimated and for ever excluded from claiming the Crown by Lineal Descent And the Succession was established on the King's Issue by his present Queen or any whom he might afterwards marry But it not being fit to declare who should succeed in default of that lest the Person so named might be thereby enabled to raise Commotions in Confidence of the King's Wisdom and Affection to his People they left it to him nominate his Successors either by Letters Patents or by his last Will signed by his Hand and promised to obey the Persons so nominated by him It was declared Treason to maintain the Lawfulness of his former Marriages or of his Issue by them and it was made not only Treason but a forfeiture of the Right of Succession if any of those whom the King should name in default of others should endeavour to get before them The Scots complained of this Act and said their Queen Dowager being King Henry's Eldest Sister could not be put by her Right after the King 's lawful Issue But by this the King was now made Master indeed and had the Crown put entirely in his Hands to be disposed of at his Pleasure and his Daughters were now to depend wholly on him He had it also in his Power in a great measure to pacify the Emperour by providing that his Kinswoman might succeed to the Crown Pope Clement the 7th Pope Paul the 3d proposes a Recoaciliation with the King was now dead and Farnese succeeded by the Name of Paul the 3d who after an unsuccesful Attempt which he made for reconciling himself with the King when that was rejected and Fisher was beheaded thundered out a most terrible Sentence of Deposition against him Yet now since both Queen Katherine and Queen Anne upon whose account the Breach was made were out of the way he thought it a fit time to try what might be done and ordered Cassali to let the King know that he had always favoured his Cause when he was a Cardinal that he was driven very much against his Mind to pass Sentence against him and that now it would be easy for him to recover the Favour of the Apostolick See But the King instead of hearkening to the Proposition Acts against the Pope's Power got two Acts to be pass'd The one was for the utter extinguishing the Pope's Authority and it was made a Premunire for any to acknowledg it or to perswade others to it And a strict Charge was given to all Magistrates under severe Penalties to enquire after all Offenders By another all Bulls and all Priviledges flowing from them were declared null and void only Marriages or Consecrations made by virtue of them were excepted All who enjoyed Priviledges by these Bulls were required to bring them into the Chancery upon which the Arch-bishop was to make them a new Grant of them and that being confirmed under the Great Seal was to be of full force in Law Another Act pass'd explaining an Exception that was in the Act for the Residence of all Incumbents by which those who were at the Universities were dispensed with upon which many went and lived idlely there It was therefore now declared that none above the Age of fourty except Heads and publick Readers should have the Benefit of that Proviso and that none under that Age should be comprehended in it except they performed their Exercises Another Act pass'd in Favour of the King's Heirs if they should Reign before they were of full Age that they might any time before they were 24 repeal by Letters Patents all Acts made during their Minority All these things being concluded the Parliament after it had sate six Weeks was dissolved The Convocation examines some points of Religion The Convocation sate at the same time and was much imployed for the House of Lords was oft adjourned because the Spiritual Lords were busy in the Convocation Latimer preached the Latine Sermon he was the most celebrated Preacher of that time the Simplicity of his matter and his Zeal in expressing it being preferred to more elaborate Composures They first confirmed the Sentence of the Divorce of
allow of so many Errours To this it was answered That our Saviour did not deliver all things to his Disciples till they were able to bear them And the Apostles did not abolish all the Rites of Judaism at once but by a gentle Progress intended to wean those that were converted to the Christian Religion from them The Clergy were to be drawn by slow and easy Steps out of their Ignorance and Superstition whereas the driving on things with precipitated hast might spoil the whole Design and alienate those who by slower Methods might be gained and it might also much endanger the Peace of the Nation At the same time other things were in Consultation tho not finished Other Alterations proposed Cranmer offered some Queries to shew the Cheats that had been put on the World as that Priestly Absolution without Contrition was of more efficacy than Contrition was without it and that the People trusted wholly to outward Ceremonies in which the Priests encouraged them because of the gain they made by them That the exemption of Clergy-men was without good ground that Bishops did ordain without due care and previous trial and that the dignified Clergy misapplied their Revenues and did not reside on their Benefices he also desired that the other four Sacraments might be enquired into but these things were not at this time taken under any further consideration It is true Confirmation seems to have been examined The Method in which they made their Enquiries was this the Point to be examined was brought under so many Heads in the form of Queries and to these every one gave his Answer with his Reasons so I find two Papers the one of Cranmer's the other of Stokesly's on this Head the former runs wholly upon Scripture-Authority and he thinks it was not instituted by Christ but was done by the Apostles by that extraordinary Effusion of the Holy Ghost that rested on them The other founds his Opinion for its being a Sacrament on the Tradition of the Church but nothing was determined in this point Cranmer did at this time offer another Paper to the King exhorting him to proceed to a further Reformation and that nothing should be determined without clear Proofs from Scripture for the departing from that Rule had been the Occasion of all the Errours that had been in the Church Many things were now acknowledged to be Errours for which some not long before had suffered Death He therefore proposed several points to be discussed as whether there was a Purgatory Whether departed Saints ought to be invocated or Tradition be believed Whether Images ought to be considered only as Representations of History And whether it was lawful for the Clergy to marry He prayed the King not to give Judgment in these points till he heard them well examined And for the last he offered that if those who would defend the lawfulness of it should not in the Opinion of indifferent Judges prove their Opinion to be true they should be willing to suffer Death but if they proved it all that they desired was that the King would leave them to the Liberty which God had allowed them in that matter But all this was carried no further at this time The Pope had issued out a Summons for a General Council at Mantua and had cited the King to it From this the King did appeal to a General Council rightly constituted So a motion being made by Fox that the Convocation should deliver their Sense in this Particular They drew up a Paper in which they set forth the great Good that might follow in a General Council rightly called but that nothing could be more mischievous than one called on private malice according to what Nazianzen observed of the Councils in his time And they thought neither the Pope nor any one Prince had sufficient Authority to call one but that all Princes who had an entire and supream Government over all their Subjects ought to concur to it This was signed by them all on the 20th of July and so was the Convocation dismiss'd Two days before it brake up Cromwel was made the King's Vicegerent in Ecclesiastical Matters of which some Account was formerly given Soon after this The King protests against a Council called by the Pope the King published a long and sharp Protestation against the Council summoned by the Pope he denied that he had any Authority to summon any of his Subjects He shewed that the place was neither proper nor safe and that no good could be expected from any Council in which the Pope presided since the regulating his Power was one of the chief occasions that the World had for a Council And while Christendom was in such Distractions and the Emperour and the King of France were engaged in War it was not a fit time for one to be called The Pope had refused it long and this Conjuncture was chosen in which the Bishops could not come to it that so a packt meeting of Italian Bishops might do what they pleased under the name of a General Council But the World would be no longer cozened No credit was due to a Pope's safe Conduct for they had often broken their Oaths as to himself in particular And notwithstanding his former kindness to that See they had been for three Years stirring up all the Princes in Christendom against him He protested against all Councils called by the Pope but declared He would be ready to concur with other Christian Princes for calling one when it should be convenient And in the mean while he would maintain all the Articles of the Faith and lose his Life and Crown sooner than suffer any of them to be put down Three Years after this the King made a new Protestation to the same effect when the Council was summoned to meet at Vincenza Reginald Pool began at this same time to raise that Opposition to the King Cardinal Pool writes against the King which proved so fatal to all his Family He was by his Mother descended from the Duke of Clarence Brother to Edward the Fourth and was by his Father likewise the King 's near Kinsman To this high Quality there was joined a great Sweetness of Temper and a Disposition for Letters which the King cherished much and gave him the Deanry of Exeter and some other Preferments in order to the carrying on of his Studies being resolved to advance him to the highest Dignities in the Church He lived many Years both at Paris and Padua In the latter of these he joined himself to a Society of Learned Men that gave themselves much to the Study of Eloquence and of the Roman Authors among whom were Contareno Bembo Caraffa and Sadoletti all afterwards honoured with the Scarlet but Pool was esteemed the most Eloquent of of them all When he was at Paris he first incurred the King's Displeasure for he refused to joyn with those whom he imploied in order to the procuring the Determinations of the
new Opinions Fox Bishop of Hereford Treaties with the German Princes died at this time He had been much imploied in Germany and had setled a League between the King and the German Princes The King was acknowledged the Patron of their League and he sent them over 100000 Crowns a Year for the support of it There was a Religious League also proposed but upon the turn that followed in the Court upon Queen Ann's Death that fell to the ground and all that was in put their League relating to Religion was That they should joyn against the Pope as the common Enemy and set up the true Religion according to the Gospel But the Treaty about other Points was afterwards set on foot The King desired Melanchthon to come over and several Letters passed between them but he could not be spared out of Germany tho he was then invited both to France and England The Germans sent over some to treat with the King the Points they insisted most on were the granting the Chalice to the People and the putting down private Masses in which the Institution seemed express the having the Worship in a known Tongue which both common sense and the Authority of St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians seemed to justify much The third was The Marriage of the Clergy for they being extream sensible of the Honour of their Families reckoned that could not be secured unless the Priests might marry Concerning these things their Ambassadours gave a long and learned Memorial to the King to which an Answer was made penned by Tonstall in which the things they complained of were justified by the ordinary Arguments Upon Fox's Death Bonner was promoted to Hereford and Stokesly dying not long after he was translated to London Cromwell thought that he had raised a Man that would be a faithful Second to Cranmer in his Designs of Reformation who indeed needed help not only to ballance the Opposition made him by other Bishops but to lessen the Prejudices he suffered by the Weakness and Indiscretion of his own Party who were generally rather Clogs than Helps to him Great Complaints were brought to the Court of the rashness of the new Preachers who were flying at many things not yet abolished Upon this Letters were writ to the Bishops to take care that as the People should be rightly instructed so they should not be offended with too many Novelties Thus was Cranmer's Interest so low that he had none to depend on but Cromwell There was not a Queen now in the King's Bosom to support them and therefore Cromwell set himself to contrive how the King should be engaged in such an Alliance with the Princes of Germany as might prevail with him both in Affection and Interest to carry on what he had thus begun And the Beauty of Anne of Cleve was so represented to him that he set himself to bring about that Match A Parliament was summoned to the 28th of April The Act of the six Articles in which twenty of the Abbots sate in Person On the 5th of May a Motion was made that some might be appointed to draw a Bill against Diversity of Opinions in matters of Religion these were Cromwell Cranmer the Bishops of Duresme Ely Bath and Wells Bangor Carlile and Worcester they were divided in their Minds and tho the Popish Party were sive to four yet the Authority that Cromwell and Cranmer were in turned the Ballance a little but after they had met eleven days they ended in nothing Upon that the Duke of Norfolk proposed the six Articles The first was for the Corporal Presence 2. For Communion in one kind 3. For observing the Vows of Chastity 4. For private Masses 5. For the Celibate of the Clergy And the sixth was for Auricular Confession Against most of these Cranmer argued several days It is not like he opposed the first both because of that which he had declared in Lambert's Case so lately and in his own Opinion he was then for it but he had the Words of the Institution and the constant Practice of the Church for twelve Ages to object to the second and for the third since the Monks were set at Liberty to live in the World it seemed hard to restrain them from Marriage and nothing did so effectually cut off their Pretensions to their former Houses as their being married would do For the fourth if private Masses were useful then the King had done very ill to suppress so many Houses that were chiefly founded for that end the Sacrament was also by its first Institution and the Practice of the Primitive Church to be a Communion and all those private Masses were invented to cheat the World For the fifth it touched Cranmer in the quick for it was believed that he was married but the Arguments used for that will be found in the next Book For Auricular Confession Lee Gardiner and Tonstal press'd much to have it declared necessary by the Law of God Cranmer argued against this and said it was only a good and profitable thing The King came often to the House in Person and disputed in these Points for the greatest part he was against Cranmer but in this particular he joyned with him Tonstall drew up all the Quotations brought from Antient Authors for it in a Paper which he delivered to the King the King answered in a long Letter written with his own Hand in which he shewed that the Fathers did only advise Confession but did not impose it as necessary and so it was concluded in general only that it was necessary and expedient On the 24th of May the Parliament was prorogued a few days but by a Vote it was provided that the Bills should continue in the state they were then in At their next meeting two Committees were appointed to draw the Bill of Religion Cranmer was the chief of the one and Lee of the other both their Draughts were carried to the King and were in many places corrected with his own Hand in some Parts he writ whole Periods a new That which Lee drew was more agreeable to the King's Opinion so it was brought into the House Cranmer argued three days against it and when it came to the Vote the King who was much set on having it past desired him to go out but he excused himself for he thought he was bound in Conscience to vote against it But the rest that opposed it were more compliant and it also passed without any considerable Opposition in the House of Commons and was assented to by the King The Substance of it was That the King being sensible of the good of Union and of the mischief of Discord in points of Religion had come to the Parliament in Person and opened many things of high Learning there and that with the assent of both Houses he set forth these Articles 1. That in the Sacrament there was no Substance of Bread and Wine but only the Natural Body and Blood of Christ
received the new Opinions Seaton a Dominican the King's Confessor preaching in Lent set out the Nature of true Repentance and the Method to it without mixing the Directions which the Friars commonly gave on that Subject and when another Friar shewed the defectiveness of what he had taught he defended himself in another Sermon and reflected on those Bishops that did not preach and called them dumb Dogs But the Clergy would not meddle with him till they found him in ill Terms with the King and the freedom he used in reproving him for his Vices quickly alienated the King from him upon which they resolved to fall on him but he withdrew into England and wrote to the King taxing the Clergy for their Cruelty and praying him to restrain it One Forrest an ignorant Benedictine was accused for having spoken Honourably of Patrick Hamilton and was put in Prison In Confession to a Friar he acknowledged he thought he was a good Man and that the Articles for which he was condemned might be defended The Friar discovered this and it was received as Evidence and upon it he was condemned and burnt Divers others were brought into the Bishop's Courts of whom the greatest part abjured but two were more resolute one Gourley denied Purgatory and the Pope's Authority another was David Smiton who being a Fisherman had refused to pay the Tithe of his Fish and when the Vicar came to take them he said the Tithe was taken where the Stock grew and therefore he threw the tenth Fish into the Sea For this and other Opinions he was condemned and they were both burnt at one Stake Several others were accused of whom some fled to England and others went over to Germany The Changes made in England raised in all the People a curiosity of searching into matters of Religion and that was always fatal to Superstition Pope Clement the 7th wrote earnestly to the King of Scotland to continue firm to the Catholick Faith Upon which he called a Parliament and made new Laws for maintaining the Pope's Authority and proceeding against Hereticks yet the Pope could not engage him to make War on England King Henry sent Barlow Bishop of St. Davids to him with some Books that were written in Defence of his Proceedings and desired him to examine them Impartially He also proposed the Enterview at York and a Match between him and Lady Mary the King 's eldest Daughter and promised that he should be made Duke of York and Lord Lieutenant of the whole Kingdom Yet the Clergy diverted him from this and perswaded him to go in Person to France and court the Daughter of that King Magdalene He married her in January 1537 but she died in May. She had been bred in the Queen of Navarre's Court and so was well disposed towards the Reformation Upon her Death the King married Mary of Guise she was a Branch of the Family of all Europe that was most zealously addicted to the old Superstition and her Interest joined with the Clergy's engaged the King to become a violent Persecuter of all that were of another mind The King was very expensive both in his Pleasures and Buildings and had a numerous Race of Bastards A Persecution set on foot in Scotland so that he came to want Mony much The Nobility proposed to him the seizing on the Abbey-Lands as his Uncle had done The Clergy on the other hand advised him to proceed severely against all suspected of Heresy By which means according to the Lists they shewed him he might raise 100000 Crowns a Year They also advised him to provide his Children to Abbies and Priories and represented to him That if he continued stedfast in the old Religion he would still have a great Party in England and might be made the Head of a League which was then in Project against King Henry This so far prevailed with him that as he made four of his Sons Abbots and Priors so he gave way to the persecuting Spirit of the Clergy Upon which many were cited to answer for Heresy of these many abjured and some were banisht A Canon Regular a Secular Priest two Friars and a Gentleman were burnt Forrest the Canon Regular had been reproved by his Ordinary the Bishop of Dunkell for meddling with the Scriptures too much He told him he had lived long and had never known what was in the Old or New Testament but contented himself with his Portoise and Pontifical and that he might come to repent it if he troubled himself with such Fancsies The Archbishop of Glasgow was a very moderate Man and disliked cruel Proceedings Russel a Friar and Kennedy a young Man of 18 Years of Age were brought before him they expressed wonderful Joy and a steady Resolution in their Sufferings And after a long dispute between Russel and the Bishop's Divines Russel concluded This is your Hour and the Power of Darkness go on and fill up the Measures of your Iniquities The Archbishop was unwilling to give Sentence he said he thought these Executions did the Church more Hurt than Good But those about him told him He must not take a Way different from the rest of the Bishops and threatned him so that he pronounced Sentence They were burned but they gave such Demonstrations of Patience and Joy as made no small Impression on all that saw it or heard of it Among those that were in trouble George Buchanan was one who at the King's Instigations had writ a very sharp Poem against the Franciscans but was now abandoned by him He made his Escape and lived 20 Years in Forraign Parts and at last returned to do his Country Honour and what by his Immortal Poems what by his History of Scotland he shewed both how great a Master he was in the Roman Tongue and how true a Judge he was both in Wit and in the Knowledge of Human Affairs if Passion had not corrupted him towards the end of his History that he is justly to be reckoned the greatest and best of the Modern Writers So much of the Affairs of Scotland the Author 's Native Country King Henry stayed not long at York The Queen 's ill Life is discovered since his Nephew came not to him He set out a Proclamation there inviting all that had been of late oppressed to come in and make their Complaints and he promised to repair them This was done to cast the Load of all past Errours upon Cromwel The King was mightily wrought on by the Charms of his Wife so that on the First of November he gave publick thanks to God for the happy Choice he had made But this did not last long for the next day Cranmer came and gave him an account of the Queen 's ill Life which one Lassells had revealed to him as having learnt it from his Sister She had been very lewd before her Marriage both with one Deirham and one Mannock Cranmer by the Advice of the other Privy Counsellors put this in Writing
and Equity and said that all people even those who complained most of arbitrary power were apt to usurp it when they were in authority And some thought the delivering the doctrine of Justification in such nice terms was not sutable to the plain simplicity of the Christian Religion Lady Mary was so alarmed at these proceedings that she wrote to the Protector that such changes were contrary to the honour due to her Fathers Memory and it was against their duty to the King to enter upon such points and endanger the publick Peace before he was of Age. To which he wrote answer That her Father had died before he could finish the good things he had intended concerning Religion and had expressed his regret both before himself and many others that he left things in so unsetled a state and assured her that nothing should be done but what would turn to the Glory of God and the Kings Honour He imputed her Writing to the importunity of others rather than to her self and desired her to consider the matter better with an humble Spirit and the assistance of the Grace of God The Parliament was opened the fourth of November A Parliament meets and the Protector was by Patent authorized to sit under the Cloath of State on the Right hand of the Throne and to have all the Honours and Priviledges that any Unkle of the Crown either by Father or Mothers side ever had Rich was made Lord Chancellour The first Act that past five Bishops only dissenting An Act of Repeal was A Repeal of all Statutes that had made any thing Treason or Felony in the late Reign which was not so before and of the six Articles and the authority given to the Kings Proclamations as also of the Acts against Lollards All who deni'd the Kings Supremacy or asserted the Popes for the first offence were to forfeit their goods for the second were to be in a Pramunire and were to be attainted of Treason for the third But if any intended to deprive the King of his Estate or Title that was made Treason none were to be accused of Words but within a month after they were spoken they also repealed the power that the King had of annulling all Laws made till he was twenty four years of age and restrained it only to an annulling them for the time to come but that it should not be of force for the declaring them null from the beginning Another Act past with the same dissent An Act about the Sacrament for the Communion in both kinds and that the people should always communicate with the Priest and by it irreverence to the Sacrament was condemned under severe penalties Christ had instituted the Sacrament in both kinds and S. Paul mentions both In the Primitive Church that custome was universally observed but upon the belief of Transubstantiation the reserving and carrying about the Sacrament were brought in this made them first endeavour to perswade the World that the Cup was not necessary for Wine could neither keep nor be carried about conveniently but it was done by degrees the Bread was for some time given dipt as it is yet in the Greek Church but it being believed that Christ was entirely under either kind and in every crumb the Council of Constance took the Cup from the Laity yet the Bohemians could not be brought to submit to it so every where the use of the Cup was one of the first things that was insisted on by those who demanded a Reformation At first all that were present did communicate and censures past on such as did it not And none were denied the Sacrament but Penitents who were made to withdraw during the Action But as the devotion of the World slackned the people were still exhorted to continue their Oblations and come to the Sacrament though they did not receive it and were made believe that the Priest received it in their stead The name Sacrifice given to it as being a holy Oblation was so far improved that the World came to look on the Priests officiating as a Sacrifice for the dead and living From hence followed an infinite variety of Masses for all the accidents of humane life and that was the chief part of the Priests trade but it occasioned many unseemly jests concerning it which were restrained by the same Act that put these down Another Act past without any dissent An Act concerning the nomination of Bishops That the Conge d'elire and the Election pursuant to it being but a shadow since the person was named by the King should cease for the future and that Bishops should be named by the Kings Letters Patents and thereupon be consecrated and should hold their Courts in the Kings name and not in their own excepting only the Arch-bishop of Canterbury's Court And they were to use the Kings Seal in all their Writings except in Presentations Collations and Letters of Orders in which they might use their own Seals The Apostles chose Bishops and Pastors by an extraordinary gift of discerning Spirits and proposed them to the approbation of the people yet they left no rules to make that necessary In the times of Persecution the Clergy being maintained by the Oblations of the people they were chosen by them But when the Emperours became Christians the Town Councils and eminent men took the Elections out of the hands of the Rabble And the Tumults in popular Elections were such that it was necessary to regulate them In some places the Clergy and in others the Bishops of the Province made the choice The Emperours reserved the Confirmation of the Elections in the great Sees to themselves But when Charles the Great annexed great Territories and Regalities to Bishopricks a great change followed thereupon Church-men were corrupted by this undue greatness and came to depend on the humours of those Princes to whom they owed this great encrease of their wealth Princes named them and invested them in their Sees But the Popes intended to separate the Ecclesiastical State from all subjection to Secular Princes and to make themselves the heads of that State at first they pretended to restore the freedom of Elections but these were now ingrossed in a few hands for only the Chapters chose The Popes had granted thirty years before this to the King of France the nomination to all the Bishopricks in that Kingdome so the King of Englands assuming it was no new thing and the way of Elections as King Henry had setled it seemed to be but a Mockery so this change was not much condemned The Ecclesiastical Courts were the Concessions of Princes in which Trials concerning Marriages Wills and Tithes depended so the holding those Courts in the Kings name was no Invasion on the Spiritual Function since all that concerned Orders was to be done still in the Bishops name only Excommunication was still left as the Censure of those Courts which being a Spiritual Censure ought to have been reserved to
the Bishop to be proceeded in by him only with the assistance of his Clergy and this fatal errour then committed has not yet met with an effectual regulation Another Act was made against idle Vagabonds An Act against Vagabonds that they should be made slaves for two years by any that should seize on them This was chiefly designed against some Vagrant Monks as appears by the Proviso's in the Act for they went about the Countrey infusing in the People a dislike of the Government The severity of this Act made that the English Nation which naturally abhors slavery did not care to execute it and this made that the other Proviso's for supplying those that were truly indigent and were willing to be imployed had no effect But as no Nation has better and more merciful Laws for the supply of the Poor so the fond pity that many shew to the common Beggars which no Laws have been able to restrain makes that a sort of dissolute and idle Beggars intercept much of that Charity which should go to the relief of those that are indeed the only proper objects of it An Act for dissolving the Changries After this came the Act for giving the King all those Chantries which the late King had not seized on by Vertue of the Grant made to him of them Cranmer opposed this much for the poverty of the Clergy was such that the State of Learning and Religion was like to suffer much if it should not be relieved and yet he saw no probable Fond for that but the preserving these till the King should come to be at Age and allow the selling them for buying in of at least such a share of the Impropriations as might afford some more comfortable subsistence to the Clergy yet though he and seven other Bishops dissented it was past After all other Acts a General Pardon but clogged with some Exceptions came last some Acts were proposed but not past one was for the free use of the Scriptures others were for a Court of Chancery in Ecclesiastical Causes for Residence and for a Reformation of the Courts of Common Law The Convocation fits The Convocation sat at the same time and moved that a Commission begun in the late Reign of thirty two Persons for reforming the Ecclesiastical Laws might be revived and that the inferiour Clergy might be admitted to sit in the House of Commons for which they alledged a Clause in the Bishops Writ and Ancient Custome and since some Prelates had under the former Reign begun to alter the form of the Service of the Church they desired it might be brought to perfection and that some care might be had of supplying the poor Clergy and relieving them from the Taxes that lay on them This concerning the inferiour Clergy's sitting in the House of Commons was the subject of some debate and was again set on foot both under Queen Elizabeth and King James but to no effect Some pretended that they always sat in the House of Commons till the submission made in the former Reign upon the suit of the Praemunire but that cannot be true since in this Convocation 17. years after that in which many that had been in the former were present no such thing was alledged It is not clear who those Proctors of the Clergy that sat in Parliament were if they were the Bishops assistants it is more proper to think they sat in the House of Lords No mention is made of them as having a share in the Legislative Authority in our Records except in the 21. of Richard the 2d In which mention is made both of the Commons the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Proctors of the Clergy concurring to the Acts then made which makes it seem most probable that they were the Clerks of the lower House of Convocation When the Parliament met antiently all in one Body the inferiour Clergy had their Writs and came to it with the other Freeholders but when the two Houses were separated the Clergy became also a distinct body and gave their own Subsidies and medled in all the concerns and represented all the grievances of the Church But now by the Act made upon the submission of the Clergy in the last Reign their power was reduced almost to nothing so they thought it reasonable to desire that either they might have their Representatives in the House of Commons or at least that matters of Religion should not pass without the assent of the Clergy But the raising the Ecclesiastical authority too high in former times made this turn that it was now depressed as much below its just limits as it was before exalted above them as commonly one extreme produces another It was resolved that some Bishops and Divines should be sent to Windsor to finish some Reformations in the publick Offices for the whole lower House of Convocation without a contradictory Vote agreed to the Bill about the Sacrament But it is not known what opposition it met with in the Upper House A Proposition being also set on foot concerning the lawfulness of the Marriage of the Clergy thirty five subscribed to the affirmative and only fourteen held the Negative And thus ended this Session both of Parliament and Convocation And the Protector being now established in his power and received by a Parliament without contradiction took out a new Commission in which besides his former authority he was impowered to substitute one in his room during his absence In Germany the Princes of the Smalcaldick League were quite ruined The affairs of Germany the Duke of Saxe was defeated and taken Prisoner and used with great severity and scorn which he bare with an invincible greatness of mind The Landgrave was perswaded to submit and had assurances of liberty given him but by a trick unbecoming the greatness of the Emperour he was seized on and kept Prisoner contrary to faith given upon this all the Princes and Towns except Magdeburg and Brome submitted and purchased their pardon at what terms the Conquerour was pleased to impose The Bishop and Elector of Colen withdrew peaceably to a retirement in which after four years he died and now all Germany was at the Emperours mercy Some Cathedrals as that at Ausburg were again restored to the Bishops and Mass was said in them A Diet was also held in which the Emperor obtain'd a Decree to pass by which matters of Religion were referred wholly to his care The Pope instead of rejoycing at this blow given the Lutherans was much troubled at it for the Emperour had now in one Year made an end of a War which he hoped would have Imbroiled him his whole life so that Italy was now more at his mercy than ever and it seemed the Emperour intended to inlarge his Conquests there for the Pope's Natural Son being killed by a Conspiracy the Governour of Milan seized on Placentia which gave the Pope some jealousie as if the Emperour had been privy to
In the distribution it was said The Body of our Lord c. preserve thy Body and The Blood of our Lord c. preserve thy Soul This was Printed with a Proclamation requiring all to receive it with such Reverence and Uniformity as might encourage the King to proceed further and not to run to other things before the King gave direction assuring the people of his earnest zeal to set forth Godly Orders and therefore it was hoped they would tarry for it The Books were sent over England and the Clergy were appointed to give the Communion next Easter according to them Many were much offended to find Confession left indifferent Auricular Confession examined so this matter was examined Christ gave his Apostles a power of binding and loosing and S. James commanded all to confess their faults to one another In the Primitive Church all that denied the Faith or otherwise gave scandal were separated from the Communion and not admitted to it till they made publick Confession And according to the degrees of their sins the time and degrees of publick Penitence and their Separation were proportioned Which was the chief subject of the Consultations of the Councils in the fourth and fifth Centuries For secret sins the people lay under no obligation to confess but they went often to their Priests for direction even for these Near the end of the fifth Century they began to have secret Penances and Confessions as well as publick But in the seventh Century this became the general practice In the eighth Century the Commutation of Penance for Money or other Services done the Church was brought in Then the Holy Wars and Pilgrimages came to be magnified Croisadoes against Hereticks or Princes deposed by the Pope were set up instead of all other Penances Priests also managed Confession and Absolution so as to enter into all mens secrets and to govern their Consciences by them but they becoming very ignorant and not so associated as to be governed by Orders that might be sent them from Rome the Friers were every where imployed to hear Confessions and many reserved Cases were made in which the Pope only gave Absolution these were trusted to them and they had the Trade of Indulgences put in their hands which they managed with as much considence as Mountebanks used in selling their Medicines with this advantage that the ineffectualness of their devices was not so easily discovered for the people believed all that the Priests told them In this they grew to such a pitch of confidence that for saying some Collects Indulgences for years and for Hundreds Thousands yea a Million of years were granted so cheap a thing was Heaven made This trade was now thrown out of the Church and private Confession was declared indifferent But it was much censured that no Rules for Publick Penance were set up at this time but what were corrupted by the Canonists The people did not think a Declarative Absolution sufficient and thought it surer work when a Priest said I Absolve thee though that was but a late Invention Others censured the words of distribution by which the Bread was appropriated to the Body and the Cup to the Soul And this was soon after amended only some words relating to it are still in the Collect We do not presume The affairs of State took up the Council Gardiner is imprisoned as much as the matters of Religion imployed the Bishops the War with Scotland grew chargeable and was supported from France but the sale of the Chantry Lands brought the Council in some Money Gardiner was brought into new trouble many complaints were made of him that he disparaged the Preachers sent with the Kings licence into his Diocess and that he secretly opposed all Reformation So being brought before the Council he denied most of the things objected to him and offered to explain himself openly in a Sermon before the King The Protector prest him not to meddle in matters not yet determined particularly the presence of Christ in the Sacrament and to assert the Kings power though he was under age and the Authority of the Council for the Clergy began generally to say that though they acknowledged the Kings Supremacy yet they would not yield it to the Council and seemed to place it in some extraordinary grace conferred on the King by the Anointing in the Coronation So the Protector desired Gardiner to declare himself in those points but when he came to preach on St. Peters day he inveighed against the Popes Supremacy and asserted the Kings but said nothing of the Council nor the Kings power under Age he also justified the suppression of Monasteries and Chantries and the putting down Masses satisfactory as also the removing of Images the Sacrament in both kinds and the new Order for the Communion but did largely assert the Corporal Presence in the Sacrament Upon which there was a noise raised by hot Men of both sides during the Sermon and this was said to be a stirring of sedition and upon that he was sent to the Tower This way of proceeding was thought contrary both to Law and Justice and as all violent courses do this rather weakned than strengthned those that were most concerned in it Cranmer did at this time set out a large Catechism which he dedicated to the King He insisted much on shewing that Idolatry had been committed in the use of Images he asserted the Divine Institution of Bishops and Priests and their authority of Absolving sinners and expressed great Zeal for setting up Penitentiary Canons and exhorted the People to discover the state of their Souls to their Pastors from this it appears that he had changed the opinions he formerly held against the Divine Institution of the Ecclesiastical Offices But now a more general Reformation of the whole Liturgy was under consideration A new Liturgy composed that all the Nation might have an Uniformity in the Worship of God and be no more cantoned to the several Uses of Sarum York Lincoln Hereford and Bangor Anciently the Liturgies were short and had few Ceremonies in them Every Bishop had one for his own Diocess but in the African Churches they began first to put them into a more Regular Form Gregory the Great labour'd much in this yet he left Austin the Monk to his liberty either to use the Roman or French forms in England as he found they were like to tend most to Edification Great Additions were made in every Age for the private Devotions of some that were reputed Saints were added to the Publick offices and mysterious significations were invented for every new Rite which was the chief study of some Ages and all was swelled up to a vast bulk It was not then thought on that praying by the spirit consisted in the inventing new words and uttering them with warmth and it seemed too great a subjection of the People to their Priests that they should make them joyn with them in all their heats
having a great Party in the Town which was a place of no strength fell in upon him next day and drove him out of it 100. of his Men were killed and thirty taken Prisoners Upon this they were much lifted up but the Earl of Warwick coming thither with 6000. Men that were prepared to be sent to Scotland they after some skirmishes with him were forced to retire for they had wasted all the Countrey about so that their Provisions failed them but Warwick followed them close and killed great numbers and dispersed them Ket and some of their Leaders were taken and hanged in Chains The news of this going to Yorkshire the Rebels there that had not exceeded 3000. accepted the offer of pardon that was sent them and some of the more factious that were animating them to make new commotions were taken and hanged On the 21. of August the Protector published a General Pardon in the Kings name of all that had been done before that day Many of the Council opposed this and judged it better to keep the Commons under the lash but the Protector thought that as long as such Members continued in such fears it would be easie to raise new disorders so he resolved though without the Majority of the Council to go through with it This disgusted the Council extreamly who thought he took too much upon him A Visitation of Cambridge followed soon after this A Visitation of Cambridge Ridley was the chief of the Visitors When he found that a design was laid to suppress some Colledges under pretence of uniting them to others and to convert some Fellowships that were provided for Divines to the study of the Civil Law he refused to go along in that with the other Visitors and particularly opposed the suppression of Clare Hall which they began with He said the Church was already too much robbed and yet some Mens ravenousness was not satisfied It seemed the design was laid to drive both Religion and Learning out of the Land therefore he desired leave to be gone The Visitors complained of him to the Protector and imputed his concern for Clare-Hall to his partiality for the North where he was born that being a House for the Northern Counties Upon that the Protector wrote him a chiding Letter but he answered it with the freedom that became a Bishop who was resolved to suffer all things rather than sin against his Conscience and the Protector was so well satisfied with him that the Colledge was preserved There was at this time an end put to a very foolish Controversie that had occasioned some heat concerning the pronunciation of the Greek Tongue which many used more suitably to an English than a Greek accent Cheek being the Professor of Greek had taught the truer Rules of Pronunciation but Gardiner was an Enemy to every thing that was new and so he opposed it much in King Henry's time and Cheek was made leave the Chair but both he and Sir Tho. Smith wrote in Vindication of his Rules with so much Learning that all People wondred to see so much brought out upon so slight an occasion but Gardiner was not a Man to be wrought on by reason Now the matter was setled and the new way of pronunciation took place and that the rather because the Patrons of it were in such power the one being the King's Tutor and the other made Secretary of State and that Gardiner who opposed it was now in the Tower So great an Influence has Greatness in supporting the most speculative and indifferent things Bonner was now brought in trouble Bonners Process It was not easie to know how to deal with him for he obeyed every Order that was sent him and yet it was known that he secretly hated and condemned all that was done and as often as he could declare that safely he was not wanting by such ways to preserve his interest with the Papists And though he obeyed the Orders of Council yet he did it in so remiss a manner that it was visible that it went against the grain August So he was called before the Council and charged with several particulars That whereas he used to officiate himself on the great Festivals he had not done it since the New Service was set out that he took no care to repress Adultery and that he never Preached So they ordered him to officiate every Festival to Preach once a quarter and to begin within three weeks and Preach at S. Pauls and to be present at every Sermon when he was in health and to proceed severely against those who withdrew from the new Service and against Adulterers They required him to set forth the heinousness of Rebellion and the nature of true Religion and the indifference of outward Ceremonies and particularly to declare that the Kings Authority was the same and as much to be obeyed before he was of age as after On the first of September he Preacht he said nothing of the power of Kings under Age and spoke but little to the other points but enlarged much on the Corporal Presence in the Sacrament Hooper and W. Latimer two of his hearers informed against him So a Commission was granted to Cranmer Ridley the two Secretaries of State and May Dean of S. Pauls to examine that matter and to imprison or deprive him as they should see cause for it They were also authorized to proceed in the summary way of the Spiritual Courts He was summoned to Lambeth where he carried himself with great disrespect and disingenuity towards the Delegates and gave the Insormers very soul language and in his whole discourse he behaved himself like one that was disturbed in his Brain When the Commission was read he made a Protestation against it reserving to himself power to except to diverse things in it He said the Informers were Hereticks and only prosecuted him because he had taught the presence of Christ in the Sacrament At the next meeting Secretary Smith was there who was not present at the first So upon that account Bonner protested against him he also charged Heresie on his Accusers who were thereby under Excommunication and so not capable to appear in any Court He denied that any Injunctions had been given him under the Kings hand or Signet he said he had preached against the late Rebels which implied that the Kings power was compleat though he was under age It was answered to this that the Court might proceed ex Officio without Informers And that the Injunctions concerning the heads of which he was required to treat in his Sermon were read to him by one of the Secretaries and were given him by the Protector and they were afterwards called for and that Article about the Kings power under age was by Order of Council added and the Paper was delivered to him by Secretary Smith At a third appearance the Informers offered to vindicate themselves of the charge of Heresie but after some scurrilous language given
them by Bonner he was called upon to answer to the main business which was his saying nothing of the Kings power under age to this he said he had prepared notes about it both from the Instances in Scripture of Solomon Joash and Manasses of Josiah and Joakim that reigned under age as also several instances in the English story as Henry the Third Edward the Third Richard the Second Henry the Sixth and Edward the Fifth but he pretended these things had escaped his memory and a long account of the defeat of the Rebels being sent to him by the Council with an Order to read it had put him in some confusion and that the Book in which he had put his Notes fell from him for which he appealed to his Chaplains whom he had imployed to gather for him the names of those Kings who had reigned before they were of age But this did not satisfie the Court so they proceeded to examine Witnesses whom Bonner intangled all he could with Interrogatories and the niceties of the Canon Law Bonner built his main defence on this that in the Paper which the Protector gave him that Article concerning the Kings age was not mentioned but was afterwards added by Smith so that he was not bound to obey it But it was proved that the whole Council ordered that addition to be made Smith had treated him somewhat sharply for his carriage was very provoking upon that he renewed his former Protestation against him and refused to look on him as his Judge since he had declared himself so partial against him He complained that Smith had compared him to Thieves and Traytors Smith said it was visible he acted as they did To which Bonner answered that as he was Secretary of State he honoured him but as he was Sir Thomas Smith he lied and he defied him And being threatned with Imprisonment he seemed not much concerned at it he said he had a few Goods a poor Carkass and a Soul the two former were in their power but he would take care of the latter And upon that he appealed to the King and would not answer any more unless Smith should withdraw For that contempt he was sent to the Marshalsea but as he was carried away he broke out into great passion both against Smith and Cranmer Being called again before them he adhered to his former Appeal and some new matter being brought against him he refused to answer Great endeavours were used to perswade him to submit and promises were made him of gentler usage for the future but he continued obstinate and instead of retracting he renewed his Appeal And deprivation So on the first of October Cranmer Ridley Smith and May pronounced sentence of deprivation because he had not obeyed the Orders of the Protector and Council nor declared the Kings power while he was under age He was sent back to prison till the King should give further Order and a large Record was made of his whole deportment during the Process and put in the Register of the See of London which he took no care to deface when he was afterwards restored This was much censured as at best a great stretch of Law if not plainly contrary to it Some complained that Lay-men concurred in such a Sentence But it was said this was no Spiritual Censure for he was not degraded but only deprived of his Bishoprick and he had taken a Commission for holding it during the Kings pleasure and so those that were Commissioned by the King might well deprive him since he held it so precariously It was also said that Constantine had appointed Triers for hearing the Complaints made of some Bishops and they examined the business of Cecilian and the Donatists upon an Appeal from some Synods that had before judged that matter That same Emperour did also by his own authority turn out the Patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch and the Bishop of Constantinople And though the Orthodox party complained of his doing it upon the false suggestions of the Arians yet they did not deny his authority in such cases And it was ordinary for the Emperours to appoint the Bishops that followed their Court to judge some other Bishops which was not done Canonically but by the Emperours authority But to the matter of the Sentence it was also said that it was hard to deprive Bonner for an omission that might be only a defect of his memory as he pretended it was though few believed that Upon the whole matter it was visible that it had been resolved to turn him out on the first occasion that could be found and that they took hold of him on this disadvantage and that the fault was rather aggravated for his sake than he deprived for the fault which would have been more gently past over in another but he had been fierce and cruel and so was much hated and little pitied He remained a Prisoner till Queen Mary's Reign but continued to behave himself more like a Glutton than a Divine for he sent about to his Friends to furnish him well with Puddings and Pears and gave them all to the Devil that did not supply him liberally Such Curses were strange acts of Episcopal Jurisdiction yet they were mild compared to those he gave out when he was again restored to his See in the next Reign by which he condemned so many Innocents to the fire The English affairs in Foreign parts went very unsuccessfully this year Ill success of the English for when they were so distracted at home no wonder if both the French and Scots took advantage from thence Most of the Forts about Bulloigne were taken by the French but though those that commanded them did for their own excuse pretend they were ill provided yet the French Writers published that they were well stored From these they came and sat down before Bulloigne and though the Plague broke into the French Camp yet the Siege was not raised The King left the Army under the Command of Coligny the famous Admiral of France He found the sure way to take it was to cut it off from Sea and so to keep out all Supplies But the several attempts he made to do that proved unsuccessful The Winter that came on forced him to raise the Siege but he lodged a great part of his Army in the Forts about so that it was in danger of being lost next year In Scotland there was also a great turn the Castle of Broughty was taken by the Scots and the Garrison almost wholly cut off The English took care to provide Hadington well expecting a Siege but upon that the Scots let it alone yet the charge of keeping it was so great and the Countrey about it was so wasted that all their provisions were to be sent from Berwick so that the Protector thought it more advisable to abandon it and upon that sent orders to the Garrison to slight the works and come back to England So that now
Laws and Orders of Council but that he would acknowledge no fault not having committed any The things objected to him were that he refused to set out in his Sermon the King's power when he was under Age and had affronted the Preachers whom the King had sent to his Diocess that he had been negligent in executing the King's Injunctions and refused to confess his fault or ask the King pardon and it was said that the Rebellions raised in England might have been prevented if he had timously set forth the King's authority he answered that he was not required to do it by any Order of Council but only in a private discourse yet Witnesses being examined upon those particulars the Delegates proceeded to sentence of deprivation against him notwithstanding his Appeal to the King in Person and he was appointed to lie still in the Tower where he continued till Queen Mary discharged him Nothing was pretended to excuse the severity of these proceedings but that he having taken out a Commission for holding his Bishoprick only during the King's pleasure he could not complain when that was intimated to him and if he had been turned out meerly upon pleasure without the Pomp of a Process the matter might have been better excused Poinet was put in his See and had 2000. Marks in Lands assigned him for his subsistence Story was put in Rochester and upon Veysy's resignation Coverdale was made Bishop of Exeter The scruples that Hooper made were now so far satisfied that he was content both to be consecrated in his Vestments and to use them when he preached before the King or in his Cathedral but he was dispensed with upon other occasions By this time the greater number of the Bishops were Men that heartily received the Reformation The Articles of Religion agreed on so it was resolved now to proceed to a settlement of the Doctrine of the Church many thought that should have been done in the first place But Cranmer judged it was better to proceed slowly in that matter he thought the Corruptions in the Worship were to be begun with since while they remained the addresses to God were so defiled that thereby all People were involved in unlawful compliances he thought speculative Opinions might come last since errours in them were not of such ill consequence and he judged it necessary to lay these open in many Treatises and Disputes before they should proceed to make alterations that so all People might be before-hand satisfied with what should be done So now they framed a Body of Articles which contained the Doctrine of the Church of England they were cast into forty two Articles and afterwards some few alterations being made in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's Reign they were reduced to XXXIX which being in all Peoples hands need not be much inlarged on In the Ancient Church there was at first a great simplicity in their Creeds but afterwards upon the breaking out of Heresies concerning the Person of Christ equivocal senses being put on the terms formerly used new ones that could not be so easily eluded were invented A humour of explaining Mysteries by similies and niceties and of passing Anathema's on all that did not receive these did much over-run the Church and though the Council of Ephesus decreed that no new additions should be made to the Creed yet that did not restrain those who loved to make all their own conceits be received as parts of the Faith The Fathers were carried too far with this curiosity but the Schoolmen went farther and spun the Thread much finer they condemned every thing that differed from their Notions as Heretical Many of the Lutherans had retained much of that peremptoriness and were not easie to those who differed from them In England great care was taken to frame these Articles in the most comprehensive words and the greatest simplicity possible Changes made in the Common-prayer-book When this was setled they went about the review of the Common-prayer-Book In the daily service they added the Confession and Absolution that so the worship of God might begin with a grave and humble Confession conceived in general words but to which every one ought to joyn a secret confession of his particular sins after which a solemn declaration of the mercy of God according to the terms of the Gospel was to be pronounced by the Priest This was thought much better than the giving Absolution in such formal words as I absolve thee which begat in the undiscerning Vulgar an Opinion that the Priest had authority to pardon sin and that made them think of nothing so much as how to purchase it at his hands and it proved as it was managed the greatest Engine that ever was for overthrowing the power of Religion In the Communion-Service they ordered a recital of the Commandments with a short devotion between every one of them judging that till Church-Discipline were restored nothing could more effectually awaken such as came to receive it to a due seriousness in it than the hearing the Law of God thus pronounced with those stops in it to make the People reflect on their offences against it The Chrism the use of the Cross in consecrating the Eucharist Prayers for the Dead and some expressions that favoured Transubstantiation were laid aside and the Book was put in the same Order and Method in which it continues to this day excepting only some inconsiderable variations that have been made since A Rubrick was added to the Office of the Communion explaining the reason of kneeling in it that it was only as an expression of due reverence and gratitude upon the receiving so particular a mark of the favour of God but that no adoration was intended by it and that they did not think Christ was corporally present in it In Queen Elizabeth's time this was left out that such as conformed in other things but still retained the belief of the Corporal Presence might not be offended at such a Declaration It was again put in the Book upon his present Majesties Restoration for removing the Scruples of those who excepted to that posture Christ did at first institute this Sacrament in the ordinary Table-gesture Moses appointed the Paschal Lamb to be eaten by the People standing with staves in their hands they being then to begin their march yet that was afterwards changed by the Jews who did eat it in the posture common at Meals which our Saviour's practice justifies so though Christ in his state of Humiliation did Institute this Ordinance in so familiar a posture yet it was thought more becoming the reverence due to him in his Exaltation to celebrate it with greater expressions of humility and devotion The Ancient Christians received it standing and bowing their Body downward Kneeling was afterwards used as a higher expression of devout worship but great difference is to be made between the adoration practised in the Church of Rome in which upon lifting up the Host all fall down
Duke of Somerset's administration and was set on by the Duke of Northumberland's Party to let the King see how well pleased the Representative of the Nation was with his fall The Sons of the Nobility and Gentry had ordinarily Prebends given them A Bill proposed that Lay-men should not hold Church-dignities under this pretence that they intended to follow their studies and make themselves capable of entring into Orders and this was like to become a great prejudice to the Clergy when so many of the dignities of the Church were in Lay-hands Upon this the Bishops procured a Bill to be past in the House of Lords that none might hold these that was not either Priest or Deacon but at the third reading the Commons threw it out Another Bill past for suppressing the Bishoprick of Durham An Act suppressing the Bishop of Durham and erecting two new Sees the one at Durham and the other at Newcastle the former was to have 2000. and the latter 1000. Marks Revenue there was also a Dean and a Chapter to be endowed at Newcastle Ridley was designed to be made Bishop of Durham But though the secular Jurisdiction of that See was given to the Duke of Northumberland yet the King's death stopt the further progress of this affair Tonstall was deprived as Heath and Day were by a Court of Lay-delegates upon the Informations that had been brought against him of Misprision of Treason and was kept in the Tower till Queen Mary set him at liberty The King granted a General Pardon in which the Commons moved the Lords that some words might be put though that is not usual to be done for Acts of Pardon are commonly past without any Changes made in them After the passing these Acts the Parliament was dissolved on the last of March. For it seems either the Duke of Northumberland was not pleased with the proceedings in the House of Commons or he was resolved to call frequent Parliaments and not continue the same as the Duke of Somerset had done Visitors were sent after this to examine what Plate was in every Church Another Visitation and to leave them one or two Chalices of Silver with Linnen for the Communion-Table and for Surplices and to bring in all other things of value to the Treasurer of the King's Houshold and to sell the rest and give it to the Poor This was a new rifling of Churches by which it seemed some resolved not to cease till they had brought them to a Primitive Poverty as well as the Reformers intended to bring them to a Primitive purity The King set his hand to these Instructions from which some have inferred that he was ill principled in himself when at such an Age he joyned his Authority to such proceedings But he was now so ill that it is probable he set his hand to every thing that the Council sent him without examining anxiously what it might import Skip Bishop of Hereford dying Harley succeeded him and was the last that was promoted by the Kings Letters Patents as Barlow was the first Bishops made by the Kings Patent being removed by them from St. Davids to Bath and Wells The form of the Patent was That the King appointed such a one to be Bishop during his Natural life or as long as he behaved himself well and gave him power to ordain or deprive Ministers to exercise Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and perform all the other parts of the Episcopal Function that by the Word of God were committed to Bishops and this they were to do in the King's Name and by his Authority Ferrar was put in St. Davids upon Barlow's removal he was an indiscreet Man and drew upon himself the dislike of his Prebendaries and many complaints were made of him which if true discovered great weakness in him at last he was sued in a Premunire for acting in his own name and not in the King 's in his Courts and was put in Prison where he continued till Morgan that was his chief Accuser being put in his place by Queen Mary condemned him to the Fire which turned all former Censures that he had given occasion for by his simplicity into esteem and compassion By these Patents the Episcopal Power was still declared to flow from Christ they were only presentations to Bishopricks such as other Patrons gave to inferiour Benefices and such as Christian Princes in France and other Kingdoms gave in elder times for Bishopricks Their Courts were ordered to be held in the King's Name but all this was repealed by Queen Mary and when Queen Elizabeth came to the Crown instead of reviving this she revived that made in the 25 Hen. 8. by which Bishops were authorised to hold their Courts as they had done formerly and though Queen Mary's repeal of the Statute of this King was afterwards taken away so that this Act seemed thereby to be again in force yet Queen Flizabeth's reviving that made by her Father was understood to be in effect a Repeal of it so that in King James's time when some scruples were started about it the Judges did not think it necessary to make an Explanatory Act to clear the matter for the thing did not seem to admit of any debate A new and fuller Catechism was this Year composed by Poinet and was published with the Kings approbation The state of affairs beyond Sea Affairs in Germany was now quite turned so that the Progress the French had made set the English Council on mediating a Peace The Emperour represented to them the danger the Netherlands were in since the French were Masters of Metz and so could in a great measure divide them from the assistance that they might receive from the Empire therefore he desired that according to the Ancient Leagues between England and the House of Burgundy they would now engage against the French The Council sent over Ambassadours both to the Emperour and the French King to mediate The Emperour was then indisposed but his Ministers complained much that the French had broken with them perfidiously when they were making solemn protestations that they intended to observe the Peace religiously The Germans proposed a League between the Emperour the King of the Romans the King of England and the Princes of the Empire The Emperour moved that the Netherlands might be comprehended within the perpetual League of the Empire but the Princes refused that since those Provinces were like to be the perpetual Seat of War when ever it should break out between France and Spain unless they might have reciprocal advantages for exposing themselves to so much danger and charge The French made extravagant Propositions by which it appeared that their King had a mind to carry on the War They askt the restitution of Millan Sicily Naples and Navarre and the Soveraignty of the Netherlands and that Metz Toul and Verdun should continue under the Protection of France The English would not receive these as Mediators but took them
stay in England where he had no hopes of making himself Master left her and that increased her Melancholy New Fires were kindled More Hereticks burnt Cardmaker that had been a Prebendary at Bath and Warne a Tradesman were burnt in Smithfield in May. The body of one that suffered for Robbery but at his Execution said somewhat savouring of Heresie was burnt for it Seven were burnt in several parts of Essex They were condemned by Bonner and sent down to be burnt near the places of their abode The Council writ to the Great Men of the County to gather many together and assist at those Spectacles and when they heard that some had come of their own accord to the burnings at Colchester they writ to the Lord Rich to give their thanks to those Persons for their Zeal so dexterously did they study to cherish a spirit of Cruelty among the People Bradford who had been committed soon after he had saved Bourne in the Tumult at Saint Paul's had been condemned with the rest and was preserved till July He was so much considered that Heath Archbishop of York and Day Bishop of Chichester Weston and Harpsfield with the King's Confessor and Alphonsus à Castro went to see if they could prevail on him and had long Conferences with him in Prison but all to no purpose Bourn was made Bishop of Bath and Wells and his Brother was Secretary of State but though Bradford had preserved his life yet he neither came to visit him nor did he interpose for his life on the contrary it was objected to Bradford that by his carriage in suppressing that Tumult it appeared that he had set it on but he appealed to God who saw how unworthily they returned him evil for good and he appealed to Bourn who was sitting among the Bishops that judged him if he had not prayed him for the Passion of Christ to endeavour his preservation and if he had not done it at the hazard of his own Life But Bourn as he was ashamed to accuse him so he had not the honesty nor the courage to vindicate him a young Apprentice was burnt with him whom he encouraged much in his sufferings and in transports of joy he hugged the Faggots that were laid about him Thornton Harpsfield and others set on a Persecution at Canterbury though Cardinal Pool was averse to it but he durst not now discover so much for the Pope had an inveterate hatred to him and was resolved upon the first occasion to recall him and for that end he entred in a Correspondence with Gardiner who hoped thereby to have been made a Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury and upon the hopes he had of that he still preserved Cranmer for tho' he was now condemned for Heresie yet the See was not esteemed void till he was formally degraded Some said it was fit to begin with him that had been the chief promoter of Heresie in England But Gardiner said it was better to try if it could be possible to shake him for it would be a great blow to the whole Party if he could be wrought on to forsake it whereas if he should be burnt and should dye with such resolution as others expressed it would much raise the spirits of his followers The See of Canterbury was now only sequestred in Pool's hands and he being afraid of falling under the Pope's rage was willing to let the cruel Prebendaries do what they pleased They burnt two Priests and two Laymen at Canterbury and sent a Man and a Woman to be burnt in other Places in Kent Two that belonged to the Dioceses of Winchester and Chichester were condemned by Bonner and were burnt near the places of their abode There were at this time several pretended discoveries of Plots both in Dorsetshire and Essex and Orders were given to draw Confessions from some that were apprehended by Torture but the thing was let fall for it was grounded only on the surmises of the Clergy The Queen was this Year rebuilding the House of the Franciscans at Greenwich Religious Houses set up and had recalled Peyto and Elston of which mention was made Book 1. pag. 117. the one she made her Confessor and the other was to be Guardian of that House The People expressed such hatred of them that as they were passing upon the River some threw stones at them but they that did it could not be discovered More 's Works published Judge Rastall published Sir Tho. More 's Works at this time but as was formerly observed he left out his Letter concerning the Nun of Kent though it lies among his other Letters in that very Manuscript out of which he published them He prefixed nothing concerning Mores Life to his Works which makes it highly probable that he never writ it for this was the proper time and place for publishing it if he had ever writ it So that Manuscript life of Mores pretended to be writ by him out of which many things have been quoted since that time to the disgrace of King Henry and Anne Boleyn must be a later forgery contrived in spite to Queen Elizabeth The Queen did now go on with her Intentions of founding Religious Houses out of those Abbey-Lands that were still in the Crown She recommended it also to the Councils care that every where there might be good Preaching and that there might be a Visitation of the Universities she desired that Justice might be done on the Hereticks in such a manner that the People might be well satisfied about it and prest them to take care that there might be no Pluralities in England and that the Preachers might give good Example as well as make good Sermons The burnings went on Seven were burnt in August in several places six more were burnt in one fire at Canterbury and four were burnt in other places but the particular days are not marked In September five were burnt at Canterbury and seven in other places In October two were burnt at Ely by Shaxton's means who now compleated his Apostasie by his Cruelty The 16th of that month became remarkable by the sufferings of Ridley and Latimer Ridley and Latimer are burnt Three Bishops Lincoln Gloucester and Bristol were sent with a Commission from Cardinal Pool to proceed against them Ridley said he payed great respect to Pool as he was of the Royal Family and esteemed him much for his Learning and Vertues but as he was the Popes Legate he would express no reverence to him nor would uncover himself before any that acted by authority from him The Bishop of Lincoln exhorted him To return to the obedience of the See of S. Peter on whom Christ had founded his Church to which the Ancient Fathers had submitted and which himself had once acknowledged He began his answer with a Protestation That he did not thereby submit to the authority of the Pope or his Legate he said Christ had founded his Church not on St. Peter but on the
that could be obtained It was agreed that at the end of eight Years Calais should either be restored or 500000. Crowns should be payed the Queen yet if during that time she made War either on France or Scotland she was to forfeit her right to Calais Aymouth in Scotland was to be rased and all differences on the Borders there were to be determined by some deputed on both sides this being adjusted a General Peace between the Crowns of England France and Spain was concluded and thus the Queen being freed from the dangerous consultations that the continuance of a War might have involved her in was the more at liberty to settle matters at home The first Bill Acts past in Parliament that was brought to try the Temper of the Parliament was for the Restitution of the Tenths and First-fruits to the Crown against this all the Bishops protested but that was all the opposition made to it By it not only that Tax was of new laid on the Clergy but all the Impropriated Benefices which Queen Mary had surrendred were restored to the Crown After this The Commons pray the Queen to marry the Commons made an Address to the Queen desiring her to choose such a Husband as might make both her self and the Nation happy She received this very kindly since they had neither limited her to time nor Nation but declared that as hitherto she had lived with great satisfaction in a single state and had refused the Propositions that had been made her both in her Brothers and Sisters reign so she had no Inclination to change her course of life If ever she did it she would take care that it should be for the good and to the satisfaction of her People She thought she was married to the Nation at her Coronation and looked on her People as her Children and she would be well contented if her Tombstone might tell Posterity Here lies a Queen that reigned so long and lived and dyed a Virgin There was little more progress made in this matter save that a Committee was appointed by both Houses to consider what should be the Authority of the Person whom the Queen might happen to marry but she sent them a Message to proceed to other affairs and let that alone A Bill for the Recognition of her Title to the Crown was put in Her Title to the Crown acknowledged It was not thought necessary to Repeal the Sentence of her Mothers Divorce for the Crown purged all defects and it was thought needless to look back unto a thing which could not be done without at least casting some reproach on her Father so it was in general words Enacted That they did assuredly believe and declare that by the Laws of God and the Realm she was their lawful Queen and was rightly and lineally descended This was thought a much wiser way than if they examined the Sentence of Divorce that past upon the Confession of a Precontract which must have revived the remembrance of things that were better left in silence Bills were put in for the English Service Acts concerning Religion for reviving King Edward's Laws and for annexing the Supremacy again to the Crown To that concerning the Supremacy two Temporal Lords and nine Bishops with the Abbot of Westminster dissented It was proposed to revive the Law for making the Bishops by Letters-Patents as was in King Edward's time but they choosed rather to revive the Act for Electing them made in the 25. Hen. 8. They revived all Acts made against the Pope's power in King Henry's time and repealed those made by Queen Mary They enacted an Oath for acknowledging the Queen Supream Governour in all causes and over all Persons Those that refused it were to forfeit all Offices that they held either in Church or State and to be under a disability during life If any should advance the authority of a Foreign Power for the first offence they were to be fined or imprisoned for the second to be in a Praemunire and the third was made Treason The Queen was also impowered to give Commissions for Judging and Reforming Ecclesiastical matters who were limited to judge nothing to be Heresie but what had been already so judged by the authority of the Scriptures or the first four General Councils All Points that were not decided either by express words of Scripture or by those Councils were to be referred to the Parliament and Convocation The Title of Supream Head was changed partly because the Queen had some scruples about it and partly to moderate the opposition which the Popish party might otherwise make to it and the refusing the Oath was made no other way Penal but that all Offices or Benefices were forfeited upon it which was a great mitigation of the severity in King Henry's time The Bishops are said to have made several Speeches against this in the House of Lords but that which goes under the name of Heath's Speech must be a forgery for in it the Supremacy is called a new and unheard of thing which could not have flowed from one that had sworn it so often both under King Henry and King Edward Tonstall came not to this Parliament and he was so offended with the Cruelties of the last Reign that he had withdrawn himself into his Diocess where he burnt none himself upon that it was now thought that he was so much alienated from those Methods that some had great hopes of his declaring for the Reformation Heath had been likewise very moderate nor were any burnt under him Upon the power given the Queen to appoint some to Reform and direct all Ecclesiastical matters was the Court called the High Commission Court founded which indeed was nothing but the sharing that authority which was in one Person in King Henry's time into many hands for that Court had no other authority but that which was lodged formerly in Cromwell as the King's Vicegerent and was now thought too great to be trusted to one Man Great complaints were made of seditious Sermons preached by the Popish Clergy Preaching without Licence forbidden upon which the Queen followed the Precedent that her Sister had made and forbid all Preaching excepting only by such as obtained a Licence under the Great Seal for it She likewise sent an Order to the Convocation requiring them under the pains of a Praemunire to make no Canons Yet the lower House in an Address to the upper House declared for the Corporal Presence and that the Mass was a Propitiatory Sacrifice and for the Supremacy and that matters of Religion fell only under the Cognisance of the Pastors of the Church The greatest part of both Universities had also set their hands to all these Points except the last This it seems A publick Conference about Religion was the rather added by the Clerks of Convocation to hinder a publick Conference which the Queen had appointed between the Bishops and the Reformed Divines It was first
proposed to Heath who was still a Privy Councellour and he after some Conference about it with his Brethren accepted of it Nine of a side were to dispute about three Points Worship in an Unknown Tongue the power that every particular Church had to alter Rites and Ceremonies and the Masse's being a Propitiatory Sacrifice for the Dead and the Living All was to be given in in Writing The Bishops were to begin in every Point and they were to interchange their Papers and answer them The last of March was the first day of Conference which held in Westminster Abby in the presence of the Privy Council and both Houses of Parliament The Bishop of Winchester pretended there had been some mistake in the Order and that their Paper was not quite finished but that Dr. Cole should deliver in discourse what they had prepared though it was not yet in that order that it could be Copied out The secret of this was The Bishops had resolved openly to Vindicate their Doctrine but not to give any Papers or enter into dispute with Hereticks or so far to acknowledge the Queen's Supremacy as to engage in Conferences at her command Cole was observed to read almost all he said though he affected to be thought only to deliver a discourse so as if most part of it had been Extemporary The substance of it was Arguments for against the Worship in an unknown Tongue that though the Worship in a known Tongue had been appointed in the Scriptures yet the Church had power to change it as she changed the Sabbath and had appointed the Sacrament to be received fasting though it was Instituted after Supper to eat blood was forbid and a Community of goods was set up by the Apostles yet it was in the power of the Church to alter these things he enlarged on the evil of Schism and the necessity of adhering to the Church of Rome Vulgar Tongues changed daily but the Latine was the same was spread over many Countries The People might reap profit from Prayers which they understood not as well as absent Persons The Queen of Ethiopia's Eunuch read Isaiah though he understood him not and Philip was sent to explain that Prophecy to him Horn when this was ended read the Paper drawn by the Reformers he began it with a Prayer and a Protestation of their sincerity They founded their Assertion on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians in which he enjoyned them to pray with understanding that so the Unlearned might say Amen and that nothing should be spoken that might give an uncertain sound but that all things should be done to edification and though the speaking with strange Tongues was then an extraordinary gift of the Holy Ghost yet he forbids the using it where there was not an Interpreter Things so expresly enjoyned could not be indifferent or fall under the power of the Church The Jews had their Worship in the Vulgar Tongue so had also the most barbarous Nations when converted to Christianity The natural use of Speech was that every thing which was said might be understood Quotations were brought to shew that Psalms were daily sung in the Vulgar Tongue among all Nations When they ended their Paper it was received with a shout of applause and was put in the Lord Keeper's hands signed by them all But the Bishops refused to deliver theirs The next day was appointed for considering the second Point but the Bishops resolved to go no further in the Conference for they saw by the applause of the People that the Audience was more favourable to the other side so the next day of Meeting they offered an answer to the Paper given in the former day by the Reformers The Lord Keeper told them that according to the Order laid down they were first to go through the three Points before they might be suffered to reply but they said Cole had the former day only given his own sense in an Extemporary discourse Their foul dealing in this was condemned by the whole Audience so the Lord Keeper required them to go to the second Point but they refused to begin and moved that the other side should be made to begin and though the Lord Keeper shewed them that this was contrary to the Order agreed on before-hand yet they continued all resolute and would not proceed any further Ferknam only excepted but he said he could do nothing alone since the rest would not joyn with him The Bishops of Winchester and Lincoln said the Faith of the Church ought not to be examined except in a Synod of Divines and it gave too great an encouragement to Hereticks to dispute with them and that both the Queen and her Council deserved to be excommunicated for suffering them to argue against the Catholick Faith before an Unlearned Multitude Upon this they were sent to the Tower and the Conference broke up but the Reformers thought the advantage was much on their side and that things were now carried much more fairly than had been in those Conferences and Disputes that were in the beginning of the former Reign The Papists on the other hand said it was visible the Audience was prepossessed and that the Conference was appointed only to make way for the changes that the Parliament was then about with the Pomp of a Victory and therefore as they blamed the Bishops for undertaking it so they justified them for breaking it off The Book of Common-Prayer was now revised The English Service is again set up the most considerable alteration was that the express Declaration which was made in the second Book set out by King Edward against the Corporal Presence was left out that so none might be driven out of the Communion of the Church upon that account The matter was left undetermined as a speculative Point in which People were left at liberty The Book of Ordination was not specially mentioned in the Act which gave occasion to Bonner afterwards to question the Legality of Ordinations made by it But it had been made a part of the Common-Prayer-Book in the 5th year of King Edward and the whole Book then set out was now confirmed so that by a special Act made some years after this it was declared that that Office was understood to be a part of it When the Bill for the English Service was put in to the House of Lords Speeches made against it by some Bishops Heath and Scot Bishop of Chester and Ferknam made long Speeches against it grounded chiefly on the Authority of the Church the Antiquity of the established Religion and Novelty of the other which was changed every day as appeared in King Edward's time They said the consent of the Catholick Church and the perpetual succession in St. Peter's Chair ought to have more autherity than a few Preachers risen up of late They also enlarged much against the Sacriledge the robbing of Churches and the breaking of Images that had been committed by the
first vented in King James's time above forty Years after this It was then said that the Elect Bishops met at the Naggs Head Tavern in Cheapside and were in great disorder because Kitchin refused to consecrate them upon which Scory made them all kneel down and laid the Bible on their Heads saying Take thou Authority to Preach the Word of God sincerely and that this was all the Ordination that they ever had and to confirm this it was pretended that Neale one of Bonner's Chaplains watched them into the Tavern and saw all that was done through the Key-hole This was given out when all that were concerned in it were dead yet the old Earl of Nottingham who had seen Parker's Consecration was still alive and declared that he saw it done at Lambeth in the Chappel according to the Common-Prayer-Book and both the Records of the Crown and the Registers of the See of Canterbury do plainly confute this The Author did also see the Original Instrument then made describing all the particulars relating to Parker's Consecration preserved still in Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge among the other Manuscripts which he left to that House in which he had his Education The first thing that the Bishops set about The Articles of the Church published was the publishing the Doctrine of the Church In order to this a Review was made of those Articles that had been compiled under Edward the VI. and some small alterations were made The most considerable was that a long determination that was made formerly against the Corporal Presence was now left out and it was only said That the Body of Christ was given and received in a spiritual manner and that the means by which it was received was Faith Yet in the Original Subscription of the Articles by both Houses of Convocation still extant there was a full declaration made against it in these words Christ when he ascended into Heaven made his Body Immortal but took not from it the nature of a Body For still it retains according to the Scriptures a true Humane Body which must be always in one definite place and cannot be spread into many or all places at once since then Christ was carried up to Heaven and is to remain there to the end of the World and is to come from thence and from no other place to judge the Quick and the Dead None of the Faithful ought to believe or profess the Real or as they call it the Corporal Presence of his Flesh and Blood in the Eucharist But the design of the Queen's Council was to unite once the whole Nation into the Communion of the Church and it was feared that so express a definition against the Real Presence would have driven many out of the Communion of the Church who might have been otherwise kept in it and therefore it was thought enough to assert only the Spiritual Presence but that it was not necessary to condemn the Corporal Presence in such express words and therefore though the Convocation had so positively determined this matter it was thought more conducing to the publick peace to dash it in the Original Copy and to suppress it in the Printed Copies The next thing they took in hand A Tranflation of the Bible was a new Translation of the Bible Several Books of it were given to several Bishops who were appointed to call for such Divines as were learned in the Greek or Hebrew Tongues and by their assistance they were to translate that parcel that fell to their share and so when one had compleated that which was assigned to him he was to offer it to the Correction of those that were appointed to translate the other parts and after every Book had thus past the Censure of all who were imployed in this matter then it was approved of And so great hast made they in this important work that within two or three years the whole Translation was finished There was one thing yet wanting The want of Church discipline to compleat the Reformation of this Church which was the restoring a Primitive Discipline against scandalous Persons the establishing the Government of the Church in Ecclesiastical hands and the taking it out of Lay-hands who have so long profaned it and have exposed the authority of the Church and of the Censures of it chiefly Excommunication to the contempt of the Nation by which the reverence due to Holy things is in so great a measure lost and the dreadfullest of all Censures is now become the most scorned and despised But upon what reasons it cannot be now known this was not carried on with that Zeal nor brought to that perfection that was necessary The want of Ecclesiastical Discipline set on some to devise many new Platforms for the administration of it in every Parish all which gave great offence to the Government and were so much opposed by it that they came to nothing Other differences were raised concerning the Vestments of the Clergy and some Factions growing up in the Court these differences were heightned by those who intended to serve their own ends by making the several Parties quarrel with so much animosity that it should scarce be possible to reconcile them Since that time the fatal Division of this Nation into the Court and Country party has been the chief occasion of the growth and continuance of those differences so that all the attempts which have been made by moderate Men to compose them have proved ineffectual At this time there was a great revolution of affairs in Scotland The Reformation in Scotland When there was a probability of bringing the Treaty of Cambray to a good effect the Cardinal of Lorrain writ to his Sister the Queen Regent of Scotland and to the Archbishop of St. Andrews and let them know the Resolution that was taken to extirpate Heresie and exhorted them to use their endeavours for that end The Queen Regent saw that by doing this she would not only break her faith to the Lords who had hitherto adhered to her upon the assurance she gave them of her Protection but that the Peace of Scotland would be endangered for as their Party was strong so it was not to be doubted but the Queen of England would support them and so she was not easily brought to follow her Brother 's cruel Counsels But the Bishops shut their eyes upon all dangers and resolved to strike a terror into the People by some severe Executions They began with Walter Mell an old insirm Priest who had preached in some places against many of the Opinions then received he was particularly accused for having asserted the lawfulness of the Marriage of the Clergy and for having condemned the Sacrifice of the Mass and Transubstantiation with some other particulars all which he confessed and upon his refusal to abjure them he was condemned to be burnt Yet so averse were the People from those Cruelties that it was not easie to find any
Reformers and those that favoured them What was said in opposition to this in the House of Lords is not known but a great deal of it may be gathered from the Paper which the Reformed Divines drew upon the second Point about which they were appointed to dispute of the power that every Church had to Reform it self This they founded on the Epistles of St. Paul to the particular Churches and St. John's to the Angels of the seven Churches In the first three Ages there were no General Councils but every Bishop in his Diocess or such few Bishops as could Assemble together condemned Heresies or determined matters that were contested so did also the Orthodox Bishops after Arianism had so over-spread the World that even the See of Rome was defiled with it And abuses were condemned in many places without staying for a general concurrence though that was then more possible when all was under one Emperour than it was at present Even in Queen Mary's time many superstitions as Pilgrimages the worshipping of Reliques were laid aside Therefore they concluded that the Queen might by her own authority reform even the Clergy as Hezekiah and Josias had done under the old Law When the Act past in the House of Lords eight Spiritual Lords and nine Temporal Lords protested against it among whom was the Marquess of Winchester Lord Treasurer Another Act past with more opposition that the Queen might reserve some Lands belonging to Bishopricks to her self as they fell void giving in lieu of them improprietated Tithes to the value of them but this was much opposed in the House of Commons who apprehended that under this pretence there might new spoils be made of Church-lands so that upon a Division of the House 90. were against it but 133. were for it and so it was past All Religious Houses founded by the late Queen were supprest and united to the Crown The deprivation of the Popish Bishops in King Edward's time was declared valid in Law by which all the Leases which had been made by those that were put in their Sees were good in Law A Subsidy and two Tenths and two Fifteenths with the Bill of Tonnage and Poundage were given and so the Parliament was dissolved on the 8th of May. Some Bills were proposed but not past one was for restoring the Bishops deprived by Queen Mary who were Barlow Scory and Coverdale but the first of these had been made to resign and the last being extream old resolved to follow Latimer's example and not return to his See So it was not thought worth the while to make an Act for Scory alone Another Bill that was laid aside was for restoring all Churchmen to their Benefices that had been turned Out because they were married but it seems it was not thought decent enough to begin with such an Act. Another Bill that came to nothing was for impowering XXXII Persons to revise the Ecclesiastical Laws but as this last was then let fall so to the great prejudice of this Church it has slept ever since After the Parliament was dissolved Many Bishops turned out the Oath of Supremacy was tendred to the Bishops and all except Kitchin Bishop of Landaffe refused it Tonstall continued unresolved till September and so long did the Queen delay the putting it to him But at last he refused it and so lost his Bishoprick It was generally believed that be quitted it rather because being extream old he thought it indecent to forsake his Brethren and to be still changing than out of any scruple he had in his Conscience concerning it All the Bishops were at first put under confinement but they were soon after set at liberty only Bonner White and Watson were kept Prisoners Many complaints were brought against Bonner for the Cruelties he had been guilty of against Law and the Tortures he had put his Prisoners to himself but yet the Queen resolved not to stain the beginnings of her Reign with blood and the Reformed Divines were in imitation of Nazianzen upon the like revolution in the Roman Empire exhorting their Followers not to think of revenging themselves but to leave that to God Heath lived privately at his own House in which he was sometimes visited by the Queen Tonstall and Thirleby were appointed to live in Lambeth with the new Archbishop White and Watson were morose and haughty Men much addicted to the School Divinity which has been often observed to incline People to an overvaluing of themselvs All the other Bishops except Pates Scot and Goldwell that had been Bishops of Worcester Chester and St. Asaph continued still in England but these had leave to go beyond Sea A few Gentlemen and all the Nuns went likewise out of England and so gentle was the Queen that she denied that Liberty to none that asked it The Queen inclined to keep Images still in Churches and though the Reformed Divines made many applications to divert her from it The Queen inclined to keep Images in Churches yet she was not easily wrought on The Divines put all their Reasons against them in Writing and desired her to commit the determining of that matter to a Synod of Bishops and Divines and not to take up an unalterable resolution upon Political Considerations They laid before her the second Commandment against making Images for God and the Curse pronounced against those that made an Image and put it in a secret place that is in an Oratory The Book of Wisdom calls them a snare for the feet of the Ignorant S. John charged the Christians to beware of Idols and not only of worshipping them The use of them fed superstition and ended in Idolatry and would breed great Divisions among themselves They shewed that Images were not allowed in the Church till the 7th Century and the Contests that were raised about them in the Eastern Empire occasioned such distractions as in a great measure made way for its ruine and laid it open to the Mahometans Thefe things wrought so much on the Queen that she was at last content they should be put down It was now resolved to send Visiters over England A General Visitation so Injunctions were prepared for them Those appointed in the first year of King Edward were now renewed with some little alteration To which Rules were added concerning the Marriages of the Clergy for avoiding the scandals given by them The Clergy were also required to use Habits according to their degrees in the Universities All People were to resort to their own Parish Church and some were to be appointed to examine and give notice of those who went not to Church all slanderous words were forbidden No Books were to be Printed without Licence Inquiry was ordered to be made into all the proceedings against Hereticks during the late Reign Reverence was to be expressed when the name Jesus was pronounced An Explanation was made of the supremacy that the Queen did not pretend to any authority for Ministring Divine
Service but only that she had the soveraignty over all Persons and that no foreign Power was to be acknowledged and such as had scruples about it might declare that they took it only in that sense A Communion Table was to be set where the Altars stood formerly but on Sacrament Days it was to be brought into the most convenient place in the Chancel The Bread for the Sacrament was to have no figure on it and to be thicker than Wafers The bidding Prayer was appointed to be the same that had been used in King Edward's time only an Expression that imported a Prayer for the Dead was changed The obliging Church-men to go always in their Habits was thought a good mean to make them observe the Decencies of their Function when their Habit declared what they were and would be a reproach to them if they behaved themselves unsutably to it The bowing at the name Jesus was considered as such an acknowledgment of his Divinity as was made by standing up at the Creed or the Gloria Patri The liberty given to explain in what sense the Oath of Supremacy was taken gave a great Evidence of the Moderation of the Queen's Government that she would not lay snares for her People which is always a sign of a wicked and Tyrannical Prince But the Queen reckoned that if such Comprehensive Methods could be found out as would once bring her People under an Union though perhaps there might remain a great diversity of Opinion that would wear off with the present Age and in the next Generation all would be of one mind And this had the good effect that was expected from it till the Pope and the King of Spain began to open Seminaries beyond Sea for a Mission to England which have since that time been the occasion of almost all the distractions this Nation has laboured under The Queen granted Commissions for the two Provinces of Canterbury and York The High-Commission Courts consisting most of the Laity some few of the Clergy being mixed with them Impowering them to visit the Churches to suspend or deprive unworthy Clergymen to proceed against scandalous Persons by Imprisonment or Church-censures to reserve Pensions for such as resigned their Benefices and to restore such as had been unlawfully put out in the late Reign By these reserved Pensions as the Clergy that were turned out were kept from extream want so they were in great measure bound to their good behaviour by them The Impowering Laymen to deprive Church-men or Excommunicate could not be easily excused but was as justifiable as the Commissions to Lay-chancellours for those things were There are 9400. Benefices in England but of all these the number of those who chose to resign rather than to take the Oath was very inconsiderable Fourteen Bishops six Abbots twelve Deans twelve Archdeacons fifteen Heads of Colledges fifty Prebendaries eighty Rectors was the whole number of those that were turned out But it was believed that the greatest part complied against their Consciences and would have been ready for another turn if the Queen had died while that Race of Incumbents lived and the next Successor had been of another Religion The See of Canterbury was now to be filled but Parker stood out long Parker is very unwillingly made Archbish of Canterbury before he would submit to a burden which he thought disproportioned to his strength He said he was afraid of incurring God's Indignation for accepting a trust which he could not discharge as he ought having neither strength of body nor mind equal to it he was threatned with Imprisonment in case of refusal but he said he would suffer it chearfully rather than engage in a station that was so far above him and he had such a sense of the Episcopal Function that he resolved never to aspire to it He thought he had but two or three years more of life before him and desired to imploy these well and not to be advanced to a place in which he knew he could not answer the expectations that some had of him he wished the Queen would seek out a Man that were neither Arrogant Faint-hearted nor Covetous and expressed the great apprehensions he had that some Men who he perceived were Men still notwithstanding all the Trials they past through of late would revive those heats that were begun beyond Sea and that they would fall a quarrelling among themselves which would prove a pleasant diversion to the Papists But when by many repeated commands he was required to accept of that great advancement he at last writ to the Queen her self and protested that out of regard to God and the good of her service he held himself bound in Conscience to declare to her his great unworthiness for so high a Function and so as prostrate at her feet he begged her to press it on him no further for that Office did require a Man of more Learning Vertue and Experience than he perfectly knew was in himself But as these denials so earnestly and frequently repeated shewed that he had certainly some of the necessary qualifications which were true humility and a contempt of the World so they tended to increase the esteem which the Queen and her Ministers had of him And they persisting in their Resolution he was at last forced to yield to it He was upon the sending of the Conge d'eslire chosen by the Chapter of Canterbury and in September the Queen issued out a Warrant for his Consecration which was directed to Tonstall Bourn and Pool the last was Cardinal Pool's Brother and was Bishop of Peterborough and to Kitchin Barlow and Scory by which it appears that there was then some hope of gaining the former three to obey the Laws and to continue in their Sees but they refusing to execute this there was a second Warrant directed to Kitchin Barlow Scory and Coverdale and to Bale Bishop of Ossory and two suffragan Bishops to Consecrate Parker and on the 17th of December he was Consecrated by four of these according to the Book of Ordination set out under King Edward only the giving the Pastoral Staff was now omitted After this Parker ordained Grindall for the See of London Cox for Ely The other Bishops consecrated Horn for Winchester Sandys for Worcester Merick for Bangor Young for St. Davids Bullingham for Lincoln Jewell for Salisbury Davis for St. Asaph Guest for Rochester Berkley for Bath and Wells Bentham for Coventry and Litchfield Alley for Exeter and Parre for Peterborough Barlow and Scory were put in the Sees of Chichester and Hereford The Sees of York and Duresme were kept vacant a Year upon some hopes that Heath and Tonstall would have conformed but in the Year 1561. Young was translated from St. Davids to York and Pilkinton was put in Duresme All this is opened the more particularly The Fable of the Naggs-head confuted for discovering the Impudence of the Contrivance of the Naggs-Head Ordination which was