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A53734 Two discourses concerning the Holy Spirit, and His work the one, Of the Spirit as a comforter, the other, As He is the author of spiritual gifts ... / by ... John Owen. Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Mather, Nathanael, 1631-1697.; Owen, John, 1616-1683. Discourse of spiritual gifts. 1693 (1693) Wing O818; ESTC R2819 174,342 306

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Warranty from the Word to yield Obedience unto all the Commands of Christ which when we have talked of Power and Authority whilst we please is all that is lest unto us in this World or that in so doing he will not accept them and approve of what they have done is an Assertion fit for Men to maintain who have a Trade to drive in Religion unto their own especial Advantage § 10. 2ly THE Lord Christ giveth and continneth this Office by giving Spiritual Gifts and Abilities unto Men to enable them to discharge the Duties and perform the Work of it This is that which I principally design to confirm in it's proper place which will immediately ensue All I shall say at present is that Spiritual Gifts of themselves make no Man actually a Minister yet no Man can be made a Minister according to the Mind of Christ who is not partaker of them Wherefore supposing the continuance of the Law and Institution mentioned if the Lord Christ doth at any time or in any place cease to give out Spiritual Gifts unto Men enabling them in some good measure unto the Discharge of the Ministry then and in that place the Ministry it self must cease and come to an end To erect a Ministry by Vertue of outward Order Rites and Ceremonies without Gifts for the Edification of the Church is but to hew a Block with Axes and smooth it with Planes and set it up for an Image to be adored To make a Man a Minister who can do nothing of the proper peculiar Work of the Ministry nothing towards the only end of it in the Church is to set up a dead Carcass fastning it to a Post and expecting it should do you Work and Service § 11. 3ly HE doth it by giving Power unto his Church in all Ages to call and separate unto the Work of the Ministry such as he hath sitted and gifted for it The things before mentioned are essentially constituent of the Ministry this belongs unto the outward Order of their Entrance into the Ministry who are by him called thereunto And concerning this we may observe the things following 1 That this Power in the Church is not Despotical or Lordly but consists in a Faculty Right and Ability to act in this matter obedientially unto the Commands of Christ. Hence all the Acting of the Church in this matter is nothing but an instituted means of conveying Authority and Office from Christ unto Persons called thereunto The Church doth not give them any Authority of it's own or resident in it's self but only in a way of Obedience unto Christ do transmit Power from him unto them who are called Hence do they become the Ministers of Christ and not of the Bishops or Churches or Men holding their Office and Authority from Christ himself by the Law and Rule of the Gospel so that whosoever despiseth them despiseth him also in them Some would have Ministers of the Gospel to receive all their Authority from the People that choose them and some from the Bishops who Ordain them and whence they have theirs I know not But this is to make them Ministers of Men and Servants of Men and to constitute other Masters between them and Christ. And whereas all church-Church-Power is originally and absolutely vested in Christ and in him solely so that none can be Partaker of the least Interest in it or share of it without a Communication of it from him unto them neither Popes nor Prelates nor People are able to produce any such Grant or Concession of Power unto them from him as that they should have an Authority residing in them and in their Power to despose unto others as thay see cause so as they should hold it from them as a part or efflux of the Power vested in them It is Obedience unto the Law of Christ and following the Guidance of his previous Communication of Gifts as a Means to communicate his Power unto them who are called to the Ministry that is the whole of what is committed unto any in this kind 2 The Church hath no Power to call any unto Office of the Ministry where the Lord Christ hath not gone before it in the Designation of him by an Endowment with Spiritual Gifts For if the whole Authority of the Ministry be from Christ and he never gives it but where he bestows these Gifts with it for it's Discharge as in Eph. 4. 7 8 c. then to call any to the Ministry whom he hath not so previously gifted is to set him aside and to act in our own Names and Authority And by reason of these things the Holy Ghost is said to make Men Overseers of the Flocks who are thus called thereunto because both the Communication of Power in the Constitution of the Law and of Spiritual Gifts by internal effectual Operation are from him alone Acts 20. 28. 3 The outward way and Order whereby a Church may call any Person unto the Office of the Ministry among them and over them is by their joynt solemn Submission unto him in the Lord as unto all the Powers and Duties of this Office testified by their Choice and Election of him It is concerning this outward Order that all the World is fill'd with Disputes about the Call of Men unto the Ministry which yet in Truth is of the least concernment therein For whatever Manner or Order be observed herein if the things before mentioned be not premised thereunto it is of no Validity or Authority On the other hand grant that the Authority of the Ministry dependeth on the Law Ordinance and Institution of Christ that he calls Men unto this Office by the collation of Spiritual Gifts unto them and that the Actings of the Church herein is but an instituted moral means of communicating office-Office-Power from Christ himself unto any and let but such other things be observed as the Light and Law of Nature requireth in cases of an alike kind and the outward Mode of the Churches acting herein need not much be contended about It may be proved to be a Beam of Truth from the Light of Nature that no Man should be imposed on a Church for their Minister against their Wills or without their express Consent considering that his whole Work is to be conversant about their Understandings Judgments Wills and Affections and that this should be done by their Choice and Election as the Scripture doth manifestly declare Numb 8. 9 10. Acts 1. 23 26. Acts 6. 35. Acts 14. 23. so that it was for some Ages observed Sacredly in the Primitive Churches cannot modestly be denied But how far any People or Church may commit over this Power of declaring their Consent and Acquiescency unto others to act for them and as it were in their stead so as that the Call to Office should yet be valid provided the former Rules be observed I will not much dispute with any though I approve only of what maketh the nearest Approaches to the
affirmeth that the Care of all the Churches was upon him daily 2 Cor. 11. 28. And it was the Crime of Diotrephes for which he is branded that he opposed the Apostolical Power of John in that Church where probably he was the Teacher 3 John 9 10. But what Power now over all Churches or Authority in all Churches some may fancy or claim to themselves I know not but it were to be wished that Men would reckon that Care and Labour are as extensive in this Case as Power and Authority § 10. AGAIN the Power of this extraordinary Office may be consider'd intensively or formally what it was And this in one Word was All the Power that the Lord Christ hath given or thought meet to make use of for the Edification of the Church I shall give a brief Description of it in some few general Instances 1 It was a Power of administring all the Ordinances of Christ in the way and manner of his Appointment Every Apostle in all places had Power to Preach the Word to Administer the Sacraments to Ordain Elders and to do whatever else belonged unto the Worship of the Gospel But yet they had not Power to do any of these things any otherwise but as the Lord Christ had appointed them to be done They could not Baptize any but Believers and their Seed Acts 8. 36 37 38. Acts 16. 15. They could not Administer the Lord's Supper unto any but the Church and in the Church 1 Cor. 10. 20 22 23 24. Chap. 10. 17. They could not Ordain Elders but by the Suffrage and Election of the People Acts 14. 23. Those indeed who pretend to be their Successors plead for such a Right in themselves unto some if not all Gospel-Administrations as that they may take Liberty to dispose of them at their pleasure by their sole Authority without any regard unto the Rule of all Holy Duties in particular 2 It was a Power of executing all the Laws of Christ with the Penalties annexed unto their Disobedience We have saith the Apostle in a readiness wherewith to revenge all Disobedience 2 Cor. 10. 6. And this principally consisted in the Power of Excommunication or the Judiciary Excision of any Person or Persons from the Society of the Faithful and Visible Body of Christ in the World Now although this Power were absolutely in each Apostle towards all Offenders in every Church whence Paul affirms that he had himself delivered Hymeneus and Alexander unto Satan 1 Tim. 1. 20. Yet did they not exercise this Power without the Concurrence and Consent of the Church from whence an Offender was to be cut off because that was the Mind of Christ and that which the Nature of the Ordinance did require 1 Cor. 5. 3 4 5. 3 Their whole Power was Spiritual and not Carnal It respected the Souls Minds and Consciences of Men alone as it's Object and not their Bodies or Goods or Liberties in this World Those extraordinary Instances of Ananias and Saphira in their suddain Death of Elymas in his Blindness were only miraculous Operations of God in testifying against their Sin and proceeded not from any Apostolical Power in the Discharge of their Office But as unto that kind of Power which now hath devoured all other Appearances of Church Authority and in the Sence of the most is only significant namely to Fine Punish Imprison Banish Kill and Destroy Men and Women Christians Believers Persons of an unblameable useful Conversation with the worst of Carnal Weapons and Savage Cruelty of Mind as they were never intrusted with it nor any thing of the like kind so they have sufficiently manifested how their Holy Souls did abhor the Thoughts of such Antichristian Power and Practices though in others the Mystery of Iniquity began to work in their Days § 11. THE Ministry of the LXX also which the Lord Christ sent forth afterwards to go two and two before his Face into every City and Place whither he himself would come was in like manner Temporary that is it was subservient and commensurate unto his own Personal Ministry in the Flesh Luke 10. 1 2 3. These are commonly called Evangelists from the General Nature of their Work but were not those Extraordinary Officers which were afterwards in the Christian Church under that Title and Appellation But there was some Analogy and Proportion between the one and the other For as these first Seventy seem to have had an Inferiour Work and subordinate unto that of the Twelve in their Ministry unto the Church of the Jews during the time of the Lord Christ his Converse among them so those Evangelists that afterwards were appointed were subordinate unto them in their Evangelical Apostleship And these also as they were immediately called unto their Employment by the Lord Jesus so their Work being Extraordinary they were endued with Extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Ghost as Ver. 9. 17 19. § 12. IN the Gospel Church-state there were Evangelists also as they are mentioned Eph. 4. 11. Acts 21. 2. 2 Tim. 4. 5. Gospellers Preachers of the Gospel distinct from the Ordinary Teachers of the Churches Things I confess are but obscurely delivered concerning this sort of Men in Scripture their Office being not designed unto a Continuance Probably the Institution of it was traduced from the Temporary Ministry of the Seventy before mentioned That they were the same Persons continued in their first Office as the Apostles were is uncertain and improbable though it be not that some of them might be called thereunto as Philip and Timothy and Titus were Evangelists that were not of that first Number Their especial Call is not mentioned nor their Number any where intimated That their Call was Extraordinary is hence apparent in that no Rules are any where given or prescribed about their Choice or Ordination no Qualification of their Persons expressed nor any Direction given the Church as to it 's future Proceeding about them no more than about new or other Apostles They seem to have been called by the Apostles by the Direction of a Sp irit of Prophesie or immediate Revelation from Christ. So it is said of Timothy who is expresly called an Evangelist 2 Tim. 4. 5. That he received that Gift by Prophesie 1 Tim. 4. 14. that is the Gift of the Office As when Christ ascended he gave Gifts unto Men some to be Evangelists Eph. 4. 8 11. For this way did the Holy Ghost design Men unto extraordinary Offices and Employments Acts 13. 1 2 3. And when they were so designed by Prophesie or immediate Revelation from Christ by the Holy Ghost then the Church in Compliance therewith both prayed for them and laid their Hands on them So when the Holy Ghost had revealed his choosing of Paul and Barnabas unto an especial Work the Prophets and Teachers of the Church of Antioch where they then were fasted and prayed and laid their Hands on them so sending them away Acts 13. 14. And when Timothy was called to be
is as pleadable against them who pretend to exercise the Rule and Power of his present Kingdom after the manner of the Potestative Administrations of the World When our Saviour forbad all Rule unto his Disciples after the manner of the Gentiles who then possessed all Sovereign Power in the World and told them that it should not be so with them that some should be great and exercise Dominion over others but that they should serve one another in Love the greatest Condescention unto Service being required of them who are otherwise most eminent he did not intend to take from them or divest them of that Spiritual Power and Authority in the Government of the Church which he intended to commit unto them His Design therefore was to declare what that Authority was not and how it should not be exercised A Lordly or Despotical Power it was not to be nor was it to be exercised by Penal Laws Courts and Coercive Jurisdiction which was the way of the Administration of all Power among the Gentiles And if that kind of Power and Rule in the Church which is for the most part exercised in the World be not forbidden by our Saviour no Man living can tell what is so For as to Meekness Moderation Patience Equity Righteousness they were more easie to be found in the Legal Administrations of Power among the Gentiles than in these used in many Churches But such a Rule is signified unto them the Authority whereof from whence it proceedeth was Spiritual its Object the Minds and Souls of Men only and the way of whose Administration was to consist in an humble holy Spiritual Application of the Word of God or Rules of the Gospel unto them 2 The End of this Rule is meerly and solely the Edification of the Church All the Power that the Apostles themselves had either in or over the Church was but unto their Edification 2 Cor. 10. 8. And the Edification of the Church consists in the Encrease of Faith and Obedience in all the Members thereof in the subduing and mortifying of Sin in Fruitfulness in good Works in the Confirmation and Consolation of them that stand in the raising up them that are fallen and the recovery of them that wander in the Growth and Flourishing of mutual Love and Peace and whatever Rule is exercised in the Church unto any other end is Foreign to the Gospel and tends only to the Destruction of the Church it self 3 In the way and manner of the Administration of this Rule and Government two things may be considered 1 What is internal in the Qualifications of the Minds of them by whom it is to be exercised Such are Wisdom Diligence Love Meekness Patience and the like Evangelical Endowments 2 What is external or what is the outward Rule of it and this is the Word and Law of Christ alone as we have elsewhere declared § 9. FROM these things it may appear what is the Nature in general of that Skill in the Rule of the Church which we assert to be a peculiar Gift of the Holy Ghost If it were only an Ability or Skill in the Canon or Civil Law or Rules of Men if only an Acquaintance with the Nature and Course of some Courts proceeding litigiously by Citations Processes Legal Pleadings issuing in Pecuniary Mulcts outward Coercions or Imprisonments I should willingly acknowledge that there is no peculiar Gift of the Spirit of God required thereunto But the Nature of it being as we have declared it is impossible it should be exercised aright without the especial Assistance of the Holy Ghost Is any Man of himself sufficient for these things Will any Man undertake of himself to know the mind of Christ in all the occasions of the Church and to adminster the Power of Christ in them and about them Wherefore the Apostle in many places teacheth that Wisdom Skill and Understanding to administer the Authority of Christ in the Church unto its Edification with Faithfulness and Diligence are an especial Gift of the Holy Ghost Rom. 12. 6 8. 1 Cor. 12. 28. It is the Holy Ghost which makes the Elders of the Church it's Bishops or Overseers by calling them to their Office Acts 20. 28. And what he calls any Man unto that he furnisheth him with Abilities for the Discharge of And so have we given a brief Account of these Ordinary Gifts which the Holy Ghost communicates unto the constant Ministry of the Church and will do so unto the Consummation of all things having moreover in our Passage manifested the Dependance of the Ministry on this Work of his so that we need no Addition of Pains to demonstrate that where he goeth not before in the Communication of them no outward Order Call or Constitution is sufficient to make any one a Minister of the Gospel § 10 THERE are Gifts which respect Duties only Such are those which the Holy Ghost continues to communicate unto all the Members of the Church in a great Variety of Degrees according to the Places and Conditions which they are in unto their own and the Churches Edification There is no need that we should insist upon them in particular seeing they are of the same nature with them which are continued unto the Ministers of the Church who are required to excell in them so as to be able to go before the whole Church in their Exercise The Spirit of the Gospel was promised by Christ unto all his Disciples unto all Believers unto the whole Church and not unto the Guides of it only To them he is so in an especial manner with respect unto their Office Power and Duty but not absolutely or only As he is the Spirit of Grace he quickens animates and unites the whole Body of the Church and all the Members of it in and unto Christ Jesus 1 Cor. 12. 12 13. And as he is the Administrator of all Supernatural Gifts he furnisheth the whole Body and all it's Members with Spiritual Abilities unto it's Edification Ephes. 4. 15 16. Col. 2. 19. And without them in some measure or degree ordinarily we are not able to discharge our Duty unto the Glory of God For § 11. 1. THESE Gifts are a great means and help to excite and exercise Grace it self without which it will be lifeless and apt to decay Men grow in Grace by the due exercise of their own Gifts in Duties Wherefore every individual Person on his own account doth stand in need of them with respect unto the exercise and improvement of Grace Zech. 12. 10. 2 Most Men have it may be such Duties incumbent on them with respect unto others as they cannot discharge aright without the especial Aid of the Spirit of God in this kind So is it with all them who have Families to take care of and provide for For ordinarily they are bound to instruct their Children and Servants in the Knowledge of the Lord and to go before them in that Worship which God requires of
continued by the Will of Christ in the ordinary State and Course of the Chrrch. 2 That there is no need of their Continuance from any Work applied unto them § 16. AND 1. The things that are Essential unto the Office of an Evangelist are unattainable at present unto the Church For where no Command no Rule no Authority no Directions are given for the calling of any Officer there that Office must cease as doth that of the Apostles who could not be called but by Jesus Christ. What is required unto the Call of an Evangelist was before declared And unless it can be manifested either by Institution or Example how any one may be otherwise called unto that Office no such Office can be continued For a Call by Prophesie or Immediate Revelation none now will pretend unto And other Call the Evangelists of Old had none § 17. NOR is there in the Scripture the least mention of the Call or Appointment of any one to be an Ecclesiastical Officer in an Ordinary stated Church but with Relation unto that Church whereof he was or was to be an Officer But an Evangelist as such was not especially related unto any one Church more than another though as the Apostles themselves they might for a time attend unto the Work in one Place or Church rather or more than another Wherefore without a Call from the Holy Ghost either immediate by Prophesie and Revelation or by the Direction of Persons infallibly inspired as the Apostles were none can be called to be Evangelists nor yet to succeed them under any other Name in that Office Wherefore the Primitive Church after the Apostles time never once took upon them to constitute or Ordain an Evangelist as knowing it a thing beyond their Rule and out of their Power Men may invade an Office when they please but unless they be called unto it they must account for their Usurpation And as for those who have erected an Office in the Church or an Episcopacy principally if not solely out of what is ascribed unto these Evangelists namely to Timothy and Titus they may be further attended unto in their Claim when they lay the least Pretence unto the whole of what is ascribed unto them But this doing the Work of an Evangelist is that which few Men care for or delight in only their Power und Authority in a new kind of Mannagery many would willingly possess themselves of § 18. 2. THE Evangelists we read of had extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Spirit without which they could not warrantably undertake their Office This we have manifested before Now these extraordinary Gifts differing not only in Degrees but in Kind from all those of the Ordinary Ministry of the Church are not at present by any pretended unto And if any should make such a Pretence it would be an easie matter to convince them of their Folly But without these Gifts men must content themselves with such Offices in the Church as are stated with respect unto every particular Congregation Acts 14. 23. Chap. 20. 28. Tit. 1. 5. 1 Pet. 5. 1 2. Phil. 1. 1. § 19. SOME indeed seem not satisfied whether to derive their Claim from Timothy and Titus as Evangelists or from the Bishops that were Ordained by them or described unto them But whereas those Bishops were no other but Elders of particular Churches as is evident beyond a modest Denyal from Acts 20. 28. Phil. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 3. 1 2 8. Tit. 1. 4 5. So certainly they cannot be of both sorts the one being apparently superiour unto the other If they are such Bishops as Titus and Timothy Ordained it is well enough known both what is their Office their Work and their Duty If such as they pretend Timothy and Titus to be they must manifest it in the like Call Gifts and Employment as they had § 20. FOR 3 There are not any now who do pretend unto their Principal Employment by Vertue of Office nor can so do For it is certain that the Principal Work of the Evangelists was to go up and down from one Place and Nation unto another to preach the Gospel unto Jews and Gentiles as yet unconverted and their Commission unto this purpose was as large and extensive as that of the Apostles But who shall now empower any one hereunto What Church what Persons have received Authority to Ordain any one to be such an Evangelist Or what Rules or Directions are given as to their Qualifications Power or Duty or how they should be so ordained It is true those who are ordained Ministers of the Gospel and others also that are the Disciples of Christ may and ought to preach the Gospel to unconverted Persons and Nations as they have opportunity and are particularly guided by the Providence of God But that any Church or Person have Power or Authority to ordain a Person unto this Office and Work cannot be proved § 21. LASTLY The Continuance of the Employment as unto the Settling of new planted Churches is no way necessary For every Church being planted and settled is entrusted with Power for it's own Preservation and continuance in due Order according to the Mind of Christ and is enabled to do all those things in it self which at first were done under the Guidance of the Evangelists nor can any one Instance be given wherein they are defective And where any Church was called and gathered in the Name of Christ which had some things yet wanting unto it's Perfection and Compleat Order which the Evangelists were to finish and settle they did it not but in and by the Power of the Church it self only presiding and directing in the things to be done And if any Churches through their own Default have lost that Order and Power which they were once established in as they shall never want Power in themselves to recover their pristine Estate and Condition who will attend unto their Duty according unto Rule to that purpose So this would rather prove a Necessity of raising up new Evangelists of a new extraordinary Ministry on the Defection of Churches than the continuance of them in the Church rightly stated and settled § 22. Besides these Evangelists there were Prophets also who had a Temporary Extraordinary Ministry in the Church Their grant from Christ or Institution in the Church is mentioned 1 Cor. 12. 28. Ephes. 4. 11. and the Exercise of their Ministry is declared Acts 13. 1. But the Names of Prophets and Prophesie are used variously in the New Testament For sometimes an Extraordinary Office and Extraordinary Gifts are signified by them and sometimes Extraordinary Gifts only sometimes an Ordinary Office with Ordinary Gifts and sometimes Ordinary Gifts only And unto one of these Heads may the use of the word be every where reduced In the places mentioned Extraordinary Officers endued with Extraordinary Gifts are intended For they are said to be set in the Church and are placed in the second Rank of Officers next to the
either Apostolical Office Power or Gifts The like may be said of Evangelists Nor have we any undoubted Testimony that any of those Gifts which were truly miraculous and every way above the Faculties of Men were communicated unto any after the Expiration of the Generation of them who conversed with Christ in the Flesh or those who received the Holy Ghost by their Ministry It is not unlikely but that God might on some occasions for a longer Season put forth his Power in some miraculous Operations and so he yet may do and perhaps doth sometimes But the Superstition and Folly of some ensuing Ages inventing and divulging innumerable Miracles false and foolish proved a most disadvantagious Prejudice unto the Gospel and a means to open a way unto Sathan to impose endless Delusions upon Christians For as true and real Miracles with becoming Circumstances were the great means that won and reconciled a Regard and Honour unto Christian Religion in the World so the Pretence of such as either were absolutely false or such as whose Occasions Ends Matter or Manner were unbecoming the Greatness and Holiness of him who is the true Author of all miraculous Operations is the greatest Dishonour unto Religion that any one can invent But although all these Gifts and Operations ceased in some respect some of them absolutely and some of them as to the immediate manner of Communication and Degree of Excellency yet so far as the Edification of the Church was concerned in them something that is Analogous unto them was and is continued He who gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists gave also some Pastors and Teachers And as he furnished the former with extraordinary Gifts so as far as any thing of the like kind is needful for the continual Edification of the Church he bestows it on the latter also as shall be declared § 3. AND these Gifts of the Spirit added unto his Grace in real Holiness were the Glory Honour and Beauty of the Church of Old Men have but deceived themselves and others when they have seigned a Glory and Beauty of the Church in other things And whatever any think or say where these Gifts of the Holy Ghost which are the Ornaments of the Church her cloathing of wrought Gold and her Raiment of Needle-work being neglected and lost and they think to adorn her with the meritricious Paint of pompous Ceremonies with outward Grandeur Wealth and Power she is utterly fallen from her Chastity Purity and Integrity But it is evident that this is the state of many Churches in the World which are therefore worldly and carnal not Spiritual or Evangelical Power and Force and Wealth the Gifts in this Case of Another Spirit under various Pretences and Names are their Life and Glory indeed their Death and Shame I deny not but that it is lawful for Ministers of the Gospel to enjoy Earthly Possessions which they do attain by any commendable way among other Men. Neither are they required unless in extraordinary Cases to part with the Right and Use of their Temporal Goods because they are so Ministers of Christ though those who are so indeed will not deny but that they ought to use them in a peculiar manner unto the Glory of Christ and Honour of the Gospel beyond other Men. Neither shall I ever question that wherein the Scripture is so express namely That those who labour in the Word and Doctrine should have a convenient yea an Honourable Subsistence provided for them according to the best Ability of the Church for their Work 's sake It is in like manner also granted that the Lord Christ hath committed all that Power which with repect unto the Edification of the Church he will exercise in this World unto the Church it self as it cannot without a Virtual Renunciation of the Gospel and Faith in Christ Jesus as the Head and King of the Church be supposed that this Power is any other but Spiritual over the Souls and Consciences of Men. And therefore cannot this Power be exercised or be any ways made effectual but by vertue of the Spiritual Gifts we treat of But for Men to turn this Spiritual Power to be exercised only by vertue of Spiritual Gifts into an external coercive Power over the Persons Bodies Liberties and Lives of Men to be exercised by Law-Courts in Ways Forms Manners utterly Forreign to the Gospel and all Evangelical Administrations without the least Pretence unto or Appearance of the Exercise of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost therein yea and by Persons by whom they are hated and derided acting with Pride Scorn and Contempt of the Disciples of Christ and over them being utterly ignorant of the true Nature and Use of all Gospel Administrations this is to disorder the Church and in stead of an House of Spiritual Worship in some Instances to turn it into a Den of Thieves Where hereunto there are moreover annexed earthly Revenues containing all Food and Fuel of corrupt Lusts with all things satisfactory unto the Minds of Worldly Sensual Men as a meet Reward of these Carnal Administrations as it is at this Day in the Church of Rome there all Use of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost is excluded and the Church is brought into extream Desolacion And although these things are are as contrary to the Gospel as Darkness to Light yet the World for many Reasons not now to be insisted on being willing to be deceived in this matter it is generally apprehended that there is nothing so pernicious unto the Church so justly to be watched against and rooted out as a Dislike of their Horrible Apostasies in the Corrupt Depravation of all Evangelical Administrations This was not the State this was not the Condition of the Primitive Churches their Life consisted in the Grace of the Spirit and their Glory in his Gifts None of their Leaders once dreamed of that new kind of Beauty Glory and Power consisting in numberless Superstitious Ceremonies instead of Religious Worship Worldly Grandeur instead of Humility and Self-denyal and open Tyranny over the Consciences and Persons of Men in the room of Spiritual Authority effectual in the Power of Christ and by vertue of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost § 4. THERE are many sore Divisions at this Day in the World among and between the Professors of Christian Religion both about the Doctrine and Worship of the Gospel as also the Discipline thereof That these Divisions are evil in themselves and the Cause of great Evils Hinderances of the Gospel and all the Effects thereof in the World is acknowledged by all and it is a thing doubtless to be greatly lamented that the generality of them who are called Christians are departed from the great Rule of keeping the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace He who doth not pray always who is not ready with his utmost Endeavour to remedy this Evil to remove this great Obstruction of the Benefit of the Gospel is scarce
Advantages would fall to their share as most do who yet continue to Dream of such a Kingdom in this World immediately upon the Communication of these Gifts rejoiced that they were counted worthy of shame for the Name of Christ when they were Imprisoned Whipt and despitefully used Acts 4. 3 They had Boldness Courage and Constancy given unto them in the room of that pusillanimity and fear which before they had discovered This the Jews took notice of and were astonished at Acts 4. 13. And they had reason so to be if we consider the Power and Authority of that work wherein they were then assaulted with the Speech of Peter unto them ver 8 9 10 11 12. which he spake as filled with the Holy Ghost See also Acts 5. 28 29 30 31 32. And in the whole course of their Ministry throughout the World the like undaunted Courage Resolution and Constancy did always and in all things accompany them Wherefore these Gifts in the first place may be esteemed the Powers of the World to come in as much as by them those unto whom the work of Preaching the Gospel propagating the Mystery of it the Conversion of Nations the planting of Churches and in all the Erection of the Kingdom of Christ was committed were enabled by them unto the utmost Capacity of Humane Nature to discharge effect and accomplish the work committed unto them By vertue and in the strength of these Spiritual Abilities did they set upon the whole Kingdom of Sathan and Darkness in the World contending with the Gates of Hell and all the Powers of the Earth attempting the Wisdom of the Greeks and the Religion of the Jews with success against both They went not forth with Force and Arms or Carnal Power they threatned no Man menaced no Man with the Carnal Weapons of Force or Penalties they had no Baits or Allurements of Wealth Power or Honour to enveagle the Minds of Corrupt and Sensual Men but as was said in the Warranty and Power of these Spiritual Gifts they both attempted and accomplished this work And thing continue still in the same condition according unto their proportion Such as is the Furniture of Men with Spiritual Abilities and Gifts of the Holy Ghost such is their fitness for the work of the Ministry and no other And if any shall undertake this work without this Provision of Abilities for it they will neither ever be owned by Christ nor be of the least use in the Employment they take upon them A Ministry devoid of Spiritual Gifts is a sufficient evidence of a Church under a degenerating Apostasie But these things will be farther spoken unto afterwards § 8. SECONDLY By these Gifts were all their Administrations especially their Preaching the Gospel rendred effectual unto their proper end The Preaching of the Word which is the Sword of the Spirit was the great Instrument whereby they wrought out and accomplished their designed work in the Conviction and Conversion of the Souls of Men. It may therefore be enquired what it was that gave efficacy and success unto the Word as preached or dispensed by them Now this as it should seem must be either that the subject matter of it was so suited unto the Reasons and Understandings of Men as that they could not but admit of it upon its proposal or that the manner whereby they declared it was with such perswasive Artifices as were meet to prevail with the Minds of Men unto an Assent or to impose upon them against the best of their defences But the Apostle declares that it was utterly otherwise in both these regards For the matter of the Doctrine of the Gospel unto the Minds of Carnal Men such as all Men are until renewed by the Gospel it self is Folly and that which is every way meet to be despised 1 Cor. 1. And for the manner of its Declaration they did not therein neither would they use the enticing words of Humane Wisdom any Arts of Oratory or Dresses of Rhetorick or Eloquence lest the Effects which were wrought by the Word should have seemed in any measure to have proceeded from them 1 Cor. 2. 4 5. Wherefore not to mention that internal efficacious power of Grace which God secretly puts forth for the Conversion of his Elect the consideration whereof belongs not unto our present design and I say that it was by vertue of those Gifts that the Administration of the Gospel was so efficacious and successful For 1 From them proceeded that Authority over the Minds of Men wherewith the Word was accompanied When the Lord Christ was Anointed by the Spirit to Preach the Gospel it is said He taught as one having Authority and not as the Scribes Mat. 7. 29. Whatever was his outward Appearance in the Flesh the Word as Administred by him was attended with such an Authority over the Minds and Consciences of Men as they could not but be sensible of And so was it with the Primitive Dispensers of the Gospel by vertue of these Spiritual Gifts they preached the Word in the Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power 1 Cor. 2. 4. There was accompanying of their Preaching an Evidence or Demonstration of a Power and Authority that was from God and his Spirit Men could not but conclude that there was something in it which was over them or above them and which they must yield or submit unto as that which was not for them to contend withall It is true the Power of the Gospel was hid unto them that were to perish whose Minds the God of this World had effectually blinded lest the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ should shine into them 2 Cor. 4. 3 4. Whence it came to pass that the Word was rejected by many yet where-ever God was pleased to make it effectual it was by a Sense of a Divine Authority accompanying its Administration by vertue of those Spiritual Gifts And therefore our Apostle shews that when Men prophesied or declared the Mind of God from the Word by the Gift of Prophesie Unbelievers did fall down and Worshipping God reported that God was in them of a Truth 1 Cor. 14. 24 25. They were sensible of a Divine Authority which they could not stand before or withstand 2 From hence also proceeded that Life and Power for Conviction which the Word was accompanied with in their Dispensation of it It became shortly to be the Arrows of Christ which were sharp in the Hearts of Men. As Men found an Authority in the Dispensation of the Word so they felt and experienced an efficacy in the Truths Dispensed By it were their Minds enlightned their Consciences awakened their Minds convinced their Lives judged the secrets of their Hearts made manifest as 1 Cor. 14. 24 25. until they cryed out in Multitudes Men and Brethren what shall we do Hereby did the Lord Christ in his Kingdom and Majesty ride prosperously Conquering and to Conquer with the Word of Truth Meekness and Righteousness subduing the
Souls of Men unto his Obedience making them free ready willing in the Day of his Power These were the Forces and Weapons that he used in the establishing of his Kingdom which were mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds casting down of Imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the Knowledge of God and bringing into Captivity every Thought to the Obedience of Christ 2 Cor. 10. 4 5. So doth the Apostle describe the success of these Administrations as an absolute conquest wherein all Opposition is broken all strong Holds and Fortifications are demolished and the whole reduced unto due Obedience For by this means were all things effected all the strong holds of Sin in the Minds of Men in their natural Darkness Blindness and Obstinacy all the high Fortifications of prejudices and vain proud lofty imaginations raised in them by Sathan were all cast down by and before Gospel Administrations managed by Vertue and Authority of these Spiritual Gifts which the Lord Christ ordained to be the Powers of his Kingdom § 9. THIRDLY Those of them which consisted in miraculous operations were suited to fill the World with an Apprehension of a Divine Power accompanying the Word and them by whom it was administred And sundry things unto the furtherance of the Gospel depended hereon As 1 The World which was stupid asleep in Sin and Security satisfied with their Lusts and Idolatries regardless of any thing but present Enjoyments was awakened hereby to an Attendance unto and Enquiry into this new Doctrine that was proposed unto them They could not but take notice that there was something more than ordinary in that Sermon which they were summoned unto by a Miracle And this was the first and principal use of these miraculous Operations They awakened the dull stupid World unto a consideration of the Doctrine of the Gospel which otherwise they would have securely neglected and despised 2 They weaken'd and took off those mighty prejudices which their Minds were possessed with by Tradition and Secular Enjoyments what these prejudices were I shall not here declare I have done it elsewhere It is enough to observe that they were as great as many as effectual as Humane Nature in any Case is capable of But yet although they were sufficiently of proof against all other means of Conviction yet they could not but sink and weaken before the manifest evidence of present Divine Power such as these miraculous Operations were accompanied withall For although all the things which they cleaved unto and intended to do so inseparably were as they thought to be preferred above any thing that could be offered unto them yet when the Divine Power appeared against them they were not able to give them Defence Hence upon these Operations one of these two Effects ensued 1 Those that were shut up under their Obstinacy and Unbelief were filled with Tormenting Convictions and knew not what to do to relieve themselves The Evidence of Miracles they could not withstand and yet would not admit of what they tendred and confirmed whence they were filled with Disquietments and Perplexities So the Rulers of the Jews manifested themselves to have been upon the Curing of the Impotent Person at the Gate of the Temple What shall we do say they to these Men for that indeed a notable Miracle hath been done by them Acts 4. 16. 2 The Minds of others were exceedingly prepared for the Reception of the Truth the Advantages unto that purpose being too many to be here insisted on 3 They were a great means of taking off the Scandal of the Cross. That this was that which the World was principally offended at in the Gospel is sufficiently known Christ Crucified was to the Jews a Stumbling-block and unto the Greeks Foolishness Nothing could possibly be or have been a matter of so high offence unto the Jews as to offer them a Crucified Messiah whom they expected as a Glorious King to subdue all their Enemies nor ever will they receive him in the Mind wherein they are upon any other Terms And it seemed a part of the extreamest Folly unto the Grecians to propose such Great and Immortal Things in the Name of one that was himself Crucified as a Malefactor And a shame it was thought on all hands for any Wise Man to profess or own such a Religion as came from the Cross. But yet after all this blustering of Weakness and Folly when they saw this Doctrine of the Cross owned by God and witnessed unto by manifest Effects of Divine Power they could not but begin to think that Men need not be much ashamed of that which God so openly avowed And all these things made way to let in the Word into the Minds and Consciences of Men where by its own Efficacy it gave them satisfying Experience of its Truth and Power § 10. FROM these few Instances whereunto many of an alike Nature might be added it is manifest how these Spiritual Gifts were the Powers of the World to come the Means Weapons Arms that the Lord Christ made use of for the subduing of the World destruction of the Kingdom of Sathan and Darkness with the planting and establishment of his own Church on the Earth And as they were alone suited unto his Design so his Accomplishment of it by them is a glorious Evidence of his Divine Power and Wisdom as might easily be demonstrated Of Ordinary Gifts of the Spirit CHAP. VI. The Grant Institution Use Benefit End and Continuance of the Ministry § 1. THE consideration of those Ordinary Gifts of the Spirit which are annexed unto the Ordinary Powers and Duties of the Church doth in the next place lye before us And they are called Ordinary not as if they were absolutely common unto all or were not much to be esteemed or as if that were any way a diminishing Term But we call them so upon a double account 1 In distinction from those Gifts which being absolutely Extraordinary did exceed the whole Power and Faculties of the Souls of Men as Healings Tongues and Miracles For otherwise they are of the same Nature with most of those Gifts which were bestowed on the Apostles and Evangelists differing only in degree Every true Gospel Ministry hath now Gifts of the same kind with the Apostles in a degree and measure sufficient to their Work excepting those mentioned 2 Because of their continuance in the ordinary state of the Church which also they shall do unto the Consummation of all things Now my design is to treat peculiarly of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit But because there is a Gift of Christ which is the Foundation and Subject of them something must be spoken briefly unto that in the first place And this Gift of Christ is that of the Ministry of the Church the Nature of which Office I shall not consider at large but only speak unto it as it is a Gift of Christ. And this I shall do by some little illustration
given unto that passage of the Apostle where this Gift and the Communication of it is declared Ephes. 4. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. But unto every one of us is given Grace according to the measure of the Gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led Captivity Captive and gave Gifts unto Men Now that he ascended what is it but that be also descended first into the lower parts of the Earth He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things and he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the Work of the Ministry for the Edifying of the Body of Christ till we all come in the Unity of the Faith and of the Knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. That we henceforth be no more tossed to and fro and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine by the sleight of Men and cunning Craftiness whereby they lye in wait to deceive but speaking the Truth in Love may grow up into him in all things which is the Head even Christ. From whom the whole Body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplyeth according unto the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the Body unto the Edifying of it self in Love § 2. THERE is no other place of Scripture wherein at one view the Grant Institution Use Benefit End and Continuance of the Ministry is so clearly and fully represented And the End of this whole Discourse is to declare that the Gift and Grant of the Ministry and Ministers of the Office and the Persons to discharge it is an Eminent most useful Fruit and Effect of the Mediatory Power of Christ with his Love and Care towards his Church And those of whom the Apostle speaks unto every one of us are the Officers or Ministers whom he doth afterwards enumerate although the words may in some sense be extended unto all Believers But principally the Ministry and Ministers of the Church are intended And it is said unto them is Grace given It is evident that by Grace here not Sanctifying Saving Grace is intended but a participation of a gracious Favour with respect to an especial End So the word is frequently used in this case by our Apostle Rom. 15. 15. Gal. 2. 9. Ephes. 3. 8. This Gracious Favour we are made partakers of this Trust is freely in a way of Grace committed unto us And that according to the measure of the Gift of Christ unto every one according as the Lord Christ doth measure the Gift of it freely out unto them Thus in general was the Ministry granted unto the Church the particular account whereof is given in the ensuing Verses And § 3. FIRST it is declared to be a Gift of Christ. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And he himself gave ver 11. It is the great Fundamental of all Church-Order Power and Worship that the Gift and Grant of Christ is the Original of the Ministry If it had not been so given of Christ it had not been lawful for any of the Sons of Men to institute such an Office or appoint such Officers If any had attempted so to do as there would have been a Nullity in what they did so their Attempt would have been expresly against the Headship of Christ or his Supreme Authority over the Church Wherefore that he would thus give Ministers of the Church was promised of old Jer. 3. 15. as well as signally foretold in the Psalm from whence these Words are taken And as his doing of it is an Act of his Mediatory Power as it is declared in this place and Matth. 28. 18. so it was a Fruit of his Care Love and Bounty 1 Cor. 2. 21 22. And it will hence follow not only that Offices in the Church which are not of Christ's giving by Institution and Officers that are not of Gift Grant by Provision and Furnishment have indeed no place therein but also that they are set up in Opposition unto his Authority and in Contempt of his Care and Bounty For the doing so ariseth out of an Apprehension that both Men have a Power in the Church which is not derived from Christ and that to impose Servants upon him in his House without his Consent as also that they have more Care of the Church than he had who made not such Provision for them And if an Examination might be admitted by this Rule as it will one Day come on whether Men will or no some great Names now in the Church would scarce be able to preserve their Station Popes Cardinals Metropolitans Diocesan Prelates Arch-Deacons Commissaries Officials and I know not what other monstrous Products of an incestuous Conjunction between Secular Pride and Ecclesiastical Degeneracy would think themselves severely treated to be tried by this Rule But so it must be at last and that unavoidably Yea and that no Man shall be so hardy as once to dare attempt the setting up of Officers in the Church without the Authority of Christ the Eminency of this Gift and Grant of his is declared in sundry particular Instances wherein neither the Wisdom nor Skill nor Power of any or all of the Sons of Men can have the least Interest or in any thing alike unto them § 4. AND this appears 1 From the Grandeur of it's Introduction or the great and solemn Preparation that was made for the giving out of this Gift It was given by Christ when he ascended up on high and led Captivity captive Ver. 8. The Words are taken from Psal. 68. 17 18. The Chariots of God are twenty thousand even Thousands of Angels the Lord is among them as in Sinai in the Holy Place Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led Captivity captive thou hast received Gifts for Men yea for the Rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them In the first place the glorious Appearance of God on Mount Sinai in giving of the Law his descending and ascending unto that purpose is intended But they are applied here unto Christ because all the glorious Works of God in and towards the Church of Old were either Representatory or gradually introductory of Christ and the Gospel Thus the glorious Ascending of God from Mount Sinai after the giving of the Law was a Representation of his ascending far above all Heavens to fill all things as Ver. 10. And as God then led Captivity captive in the Destruction of Pharaoh and the Egyptians who had long held his People in Captivity and under Cruel Bondage So dealt the Lord Christ now in the Destruction and Captivity of Sathan and all his Powers Col. 2. 15. Only whereas it is said in the Psalm that he received Gifts for men here it is said that he gave Gifts to
A Ministry without Gifts is no Ministry of Christ's giving nor is of any other Use in the Church but to deceive the Souls of Men. To set up such a Ministry is both to despise Christ and utterly to frustrate the ends of the Ministry those for which Christ gave it and which are here expressed For 1 Ministerial Gifts and Graces are the great Evidence that the Lord Christ takes care of his Church and provides for it as called into the Order and into the Duties of a Church To set up a Ministry which may be continued by outward Forms and Orders of Men only without any Communication of Gifts from Christ is to despise his Authority and Care Neither is it his Mind that any Church should continue in Order any longer or otherwise than as he bestows these Gifts for the Ministry 2 That these Gifts are the only Means and Instruments whereby the Work of the Ministry may be performed and the End of the Ministry attained shall be farther declared immediately The Ends of the Ministry here mentioned called it's Work are the perfecting of the Saints and the Edifying of the Body of Christ untill we all come unto a perfect Man Hereof nothing at all can be done without these Spiritual Gifts And therefore a Ministry devoid of them is a Mock-ministry and no Ordinance of Christ. § 8. 5. THE Eminency of this Gift appears in the Variety and Diversity of the Offices and Officers which Christ gave in giving of the Ministry He knew there would and had appointed there should be a two-fold Estate of the Church ver 10. 1 Of it's first Election and Foundation 2 Of it's Building and Edification and different both Offices and Gifts were necessary unto these different States For 1 Two things were extraordinary in the first Erection of his Church 1 An extraordinary Aggression was to be made upon the Kingdom of Sathan in the World as upheld by all the Potentates of the Earth the concurrent Suffrage of Mankind with the Interest of Sin and Prejudices in them 2 The casting of Men into a new Order under a new Rule and Law for the Worship of God that is the planting and erecting of Churches all the World over With respect unto these Ends extraordinary Officers with extraordinary Authority Power and Abilities were requisite Unto this end therefore he gave some Apostles some Prophets and some Evangelists of the Nature of whose Offices and their Gifts we have spoken before I shall here only add that it was necessary that these Officers should have their immediate Call and Authority from Christ antecedent unto all Order and Power in the Church For the very Being of the Church depended on their Power of Office But this without such an immediate Power from Christ no Man can pretend unto And what was done originally by their Persons is now done by their Word and Doctrine For the Church is built on the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Corner-stone Eph. 2. 20. 2ly There was a state of the Church in it's Edification which was to be carried on according to the Rules and Laws given by Christ in the ordinary Administration of all the Ordinances and Institutions of the Gospel To this end Christ gives ordinary Officers Pastors and Teachers who by his Direction were ordained in every Church Acts 14. 23 24. And these are all the Teaching Officers that he hath given unto his Church Or if any shall think that in the Enumeration of them in this place as also 1 Cor. 12. our Apostle forgot Popes and Diocesan Bishops with some others who certainly cannot but laugh to themselves that they should be admitted in the World as Church-Officers he must speak for himself § 9. BUT whereas the other sort of Officers was given by Christ by his immediate Call and Communication of Power unto them it doth not appear how he gives these ordinary Officers or Ministers unto it I answer He did it originally and continueth to do it by the ways and means ensuing 1 He doth it by the Law and Rule of the Gospel wherein he hath appointed this Office of the Ministry in his Church and so always to be continued Were there not such a standing Ordinance and Institution of his it were not in the Power of all the Churches in the World to appoint any such among them whatever appearance there may be of a Necessity thereof And if any should have attempted any such thing no Blessing from God would have accompanied their Endeavour so that they would but set up an Idol of their own Hereon we lay the continuance of the Ministry in the Church If there be not an Ordinance and Institution of Christ unto this purpose or if such being granted yet the Force of it be now expired we must and will readily confess that the whole Office is a meer Usurpation But if he have given Pastors and Teachers unto his Church to continue until all his Saints in all Ages come unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the Stature of the fulness of Christ Ephes. 4. 11 12 13. and hath promised to be with them as such unto the consummation of all things Matth. 28. 18 19 20. If the Apostles by his Authority Ordained Elders in evry Church and City Acts 14. 23. Tit. 1. 5. and who therein were made Overseers of the Flocks by the Holy Ghost Acts 20. 28. having the charge of feeding and overseeing the Flock that is among them always until the chief Shepherd shall appear 1 Pet. 5. 1 2 3 4 5. If Believers or the Disciples of Christ are obliged by him always to yield Obedience unto them Heb. 13. 7 17. with other such plain Declarations of the Will of the Lord Christ in the Constitution and Continuance of this Office this Foundation standeth firm and unshaken as the Ordinances of Heaven that shall not be changed And whereas there is not in the Scripture the least Intimation of any such Time State or Condition of the Church as wherein the Disciples of Christ may or ought to live from under the orderly Conduct and Guidance of the Ministers it is vain to imagine that any Defect in other Men any Apostasie of the greatest part of any or all Visible Churches should cast them into an Incapacity of erecting a regular Ministry among them and over them For whereas the Warranty and Authority of the Ministry depends on this Institution of Christ which is accompanied with a Command for it's Observance Matth. 28. 18. all his Disciples being obliged to yield Obedience thereunto their doing so in the Order and Manner also by him approved is sufficient to constitute a lawful Ministry among them To suppose that because the Church of Rome and those adhering unto it have by their Apostasie utterly lost an Evangelical Ministry among them that therefore others unto whom the Word of God is come and hath been effectual unto their Conversion have not sufficient
allow in these Days such uncouth and bold Principles are continually advanced among us yet I suppose it will not in Words at least be denied by many but that Ministers have or ought to have Gifts for the due Discharge of their Office To some indeed the very Name and Word is a Derision because it is a Name and Notion peculiar to the Scripture Nothing is more contemptible unto them than the very mention of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost at present I deal not with such directly though what we shall prove will be sufficient for their Rebuke though not for their Conviction Wherefore our Enquiry is Whether the Spirit of God doth effectually collate on the Ministers of the Gospel Spiritual Gifts enabling them to perform and effect Evangelical Administrations according to the Power committed unto them and duly required of them unto the Glory of Christ and Edification of the Church It is moreover enquired whether the Endowmen of Men with these Spiritual Gifts in a Degree and Measure suited unto publick Edification be not that which doth materially constitute them Ministers of the Gospel as being Antecedently necessary unto their Call unto their Office These things I say are to be Enquired into because in opposition unto the first it is affirmed that these supposed Gifts are nothing but meer Natural Abilities attained by Diligence and improved by Exercise without any especial respect unto the working of the Holy Ghost at least otherwise than what is necessary unto the attaining of Skill and Ability in any Humane Art or Science which is the ordinary Blessing of God on Man's Honest Endeavours And to the other it is opposed that a Lawful ordinary outward Call is sufficient to constitute any Man a Lawful Minister whether he have received any such Gifts as those enquired after or no. Wherefore the substance of what we have to declare and confirm is that there is an especial Dispensation and Work of the Holy Ghost in providing able Ministers of the New Testament for the Edification of the Church wherein the Continuance of the Ministry and Being of the Church as to its outward Order doth depend and that herein he doth exert his Power and exercise his Authority in the Communication of Spiritual Gifts unto Men without a participation whereof no Man hath de jure any Lot or Portion in this Ministration Herein consists no small part of that Work of the Spirit which belongs unto his promised Dispensation in all Ages which to deny is to renounce all Faith in the Promise of Christ all regard unto his continued Love and Care towards the Church in the World or at least the principal pleadable Testimony given thereunto and under pretence of exalting and preserving the Church totally to overthrow it Now the Evidence which we shall give unto this Truth is contained in the ensuing Assertions with their Confirmation § 2. THE Lord Jesus Christ hath faithfully promised to be present with his Church unto the end of the World It is his Temple and his Tabernacle wherein he will dwell and walk continually And this presence of Christ is that which makes the Church to be what it is a Congregation Essentially distinct from all other Societies and Assemblies of Men. Let Men be formed into what Order you please according unto any outward Rules and Measures that are either given in the Scripture or found out by themselves let them derive Power and Authority by what Claim soever they shall think fit yet if Christ be not present with them they are no Church nor can all the Powers under Heaven make them so to be And where any Church loseth the especial presence of Christ it ceaseth so to be It is I suppose confessed with and among whom Christ is thus present or it may be easily proved See his Promises to this purpose Mat. 18. 20. Revel 21. 3. And those Churches do exceedingly mistake their Interest who are sollicitous about other things but make little Enquiry after the Evidences of the presence of Christ among them Some walk as if they supposed they had him sure enough as it were immured in their Walls whilst they keep up the Name of a Church and an outward Order that pleaseth and advantageth themselves But outward Order be it what it will is so far from being the only Evidence of the presence of Christ in a Church that where it is alone or when it is principally required it is none at all And therefore whereas Preaching of the Word and the right Administration of the Sacraments are assigned as the Notes of a true Church if the outward Acts and Order of them only be regarded there is nothing of Evidence unto this purpose in them § 3. 2dly THIS promised presence of Christ is by his Spirit This I have safficiently proved formerly so that here I shall be brief in its rehearsal though it be the next Foundation of what we have farther to offer in this Case We speak not of the Essential presence of Christ with respect unto the Immensity of his Divine Nature whereby he is equally present in or equally indistant from all places manifesting his Glory when where and how he pleaseth Nor doth it respect his Humane Nature for when he promised this his presence he told his Disciples that therein he must leave and depart from them John 16. 5 6 7 8. whereon they were filled with Sorrow and 〈◊〉 until they knew how he would make good the Promise of his Presence with them and who or that it was that should unto their Advantage supply his Bodily Absence And this he did in his vi●●●● Ascension when he was taken up and a Cloud 〈…〉 Him out of their sight Acts 1. 9. when also 〈…〉 given in charge unto them not to expect His return untill his coming unto Judgment ver 11. And accordingly Peter tells us That the Heavens 〈◊〉 receive him unto the time of the Restitution of all 〈◊〉 Acts 3. 21. when he will appear again in the Glory of his Father Mat. 16. 27. even 〈…〉 Glory which the Father gave him upon his 〈◊〉 2 Pet. 1. 17. joined unto that Glory which he had with him before the World was John 17. 5. In and upon this his Departure from them he taught his Disciples how they should understand his Promise of being present and abiding with them unto the End of the World And this was by sending of his Holy Spirit in his Name Place and Stead to do all to them and for them which he had yet to do with them and for them See John 14. 16 17 18 26 27 28. Chap. 15. 26. Chap. 16. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. And other Vicar in the Church Christ hath none nor doth stand in need of any nor can any Mortal Man supply that Charge and Office Nor was any such ever thought of in the World untill Men grew weary of the Conduct and Rule of the Holy Spirit by various ways taking his Work out