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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33498 The books and divers epistles of the faithful servant of the Lord Josiah Coale collected and published, as it was desired by him the day of his departure out of this life. Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Collection of the several books of Josiah Coale.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Whore unvailed.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Vindication of the light within.; Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723.; Penn, William, 1644-1718. 1671 (1671) Wing C4751_PARTIAL; Wing C4760A_PARTIAL_CANCELLED; ESTC R23397 193,793 414

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hast done thou can't escape his Rod. The holy Prophets in their day foretold these things of thee Which to our consolation we hope to live and see For Jeremiah he foresaw thy desolation great And said an Army great should come that should give thee defeat Out of the North the Prophet said they should come against thee Jer. 50.9 Even as it now is come to pass before whom thou must flee The seven heads or mountains great on which thou long hast sate Must now be turned upside down and made to reele and quake For now the Lion he doth roar and utter forth his voice At which the mountains great must move and fly away at 's noise Isa 42.14 15. Yea vacant waste and desolate those mountains must be laid And be no more inhabited for so it hath been said Thy Merchants many have enricht themselves and made them great And Rul'd with Force and Cruelty False-prophet like indeed Wherefore Lament and Howl they must and mourn both great and small And cry alas alas for now is come thy sudden fall For th' day is dawn'd which John foresaw and Prophesy'd of thee In which he said and testify'd thy total fall should be Though thou hast sitten in thy pride like as a stately Queen And said within thy heart and mind Thine end should not be seen Though thou hast drunk the blood of Saints and glorify'd thy self And said Thou shouldst no sorrow see nor ever loose thy Wealth Yet woe and sorrow great and sore will swiftly thee surprise And all thy expectations will fail before thine eyes When Death and Famine comes on thee with mourning great and sore This will predict thine end to thee who never shalt rise more And truly thy divisions great predicts thy sudden fall The more because thou hast refus'd to hear the heavenly call For in thy Streets the voice hath cry'd Repent and fear the Lord And turn from your Idolatries serve God with one accord But like the Adder thou hast been that 's deaf and will not hear The Charmer who hath charmed long so thou hast stop't thine ear Why dost not minde the Words of Christ who spake and said himself The Kingdom cannot stand that is divided 'gainst it self And is not thy divisions great Oh Babylon thou Whore Which doth foretel thy total end and thou shalt be no more The cause which doth provoke the Lord to pour his Judgments great On thee is thy deceit and Pride and Murders which are great And also thy Idolatries and Whoredoms which are many This doth provoke the Lord to Wrath and 's anger will not tarry Wherefore look for it and expect that it will surely come For God hath said it and it must accordingly be done Written in Bridewel near Lancston in Cornwall the 11th Moneth 1664. J. C. Here follows the Papists 14th Chapter concerning the Protestants or Sectarian Ministers published for them to Answer That the Protestant or Sectarian Minister or Preachers are not True Preachers or sent by God 1. ALl that have no true Mission are not true Preachers How shall they Preach unless they are sent Rom. 10.15 But Protestant or Sectarian Ministers and Preachers have no true Mission For all their Mission from the beginning of their Reformation was either the Inspiration of a Spirit they knew not what or the Commission of a Child Edward the Sixth whom they called Supreme Head of the Church and from whose Kingly power all Jurisdiction as well Ecclesiastical as Secular they affirm did flow See Fox tom 2. Anno 1546. in Edw. the 6th or the Letters Patents of a Woman Queen Eliz. to whom also they were pleased to attribute the like Superiority and Power See Stat. Anno primo Eliz. Cap. 1. or the Ilisit and invallid Ordination or Mission of or by one Story an Apostate Monk who Ordained their first Bishops at the Nags-Head in Cheapside in Queen Elizabeth's time See Christophorus de Sacro Bosco or at length the Approbation of Tryers Instituted by his late Highness forsooth and Confirmed by Act of Parliament if they have any better let them prove it in the mean time let them know we value not a straw Mason's Old New Records produced in the year 1613. which was the matter of fifty years after the thing now mention'd was Sacrilegiously and invalidly done and most disgracefully and shamefully cryed down But those could not give them any spiritual Authority Power or Right to Preach for according to that received Maxime of the Law No man can give more right then he himself hath Cook Lib. 4. Therefore c. 2. Moreover a Bishop is to be ordained by two or three Bishops Consil Apostil Can. 1. And a Priest and likewise a Deacon and the rest of the Clergy by a Bishop ibidem Can. 2. Con. Triden Sess 23. Can. 7. But this Apostolical and needful manner of Ordination or Mission they never yet had for they rejected it quite and brought in an Heretical fashion in its stead in Edward the Sixth's time neither if they were willing could they have for as I said before their Bishops from the beginning of their Reformation had no other Ordination Consecration or Mission then the Commission of the King or Queen nor yet that but during the King or Queens pleasure For the sacrilegious Ilicit or Invalid Ordination of or by Story which was the first pretended holy Mission of Protestants in England and from whence they hitherto derive their Orders it was not worth a Straw witness the aforementioned Canons of the Apostolick Council c. and consequently their pretended holy Orders thence derived are not worth a Pins-head no more is the Approbation of Tryers Therefore they are not true Preachers What are they then forsooth Intruders Thieves and Robbers Hypocrites Ravenous Wolves and Murtherers Sons of Belial False Prophets and Priests of Baal Which is their Heresie Rebellion and Stubbornness against the Church for Rebellion as they themselves even in their newest Bible confess is as the sin of Witchcraft and Stubbornness is as Iniquity and Idolatry 1 Samuel as they call it the 25. and 13. 3. Now if the Protestant or Sectarian Preachers and Teachers be such what must the Protestants and Sectarians themselves be If the Light that is in them be darkness how great shall the darkness its self be If the Blind lead the Blind shall they not both fall into the Ditch Sure enough they shall even into the Ditch of everlasting Burning Brimstone and Fire where shall be Howling and Crying and Weeping and Lamenting and gnashing of Teeth forever unless they be converted and do Penance and live in the Church in which must alwayes be true Preachers and Teachers for the Consummation of Saints to the work of the Ministry and edification of the Body of Christ Ephes 4. ver 5 and 11. But in the Protestant or Sectarian Church are not such as now proved therefore the Protestant Sectarian Church is not the true Church of true Believers How
he would Pray the Father and he should send them the Holy Ghost the Conforter John 16.7 13. Which should ABIDE with them for ever and they did receive it and were led by it into a Heavenly Habitation Ephes 1.3 For they were made to sit together in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus So it s hereby clear that the Apostles knew from whence the Spirit came and whither it led them and it s also plain that A. S. either wilfully or sottishly wrests the Words of Christ and by his additious to them would make them import another thing than was intended by him of purpose to divert People from being led by the Spirit of God or to disswade them from adhering to the leadings of it under pretence that they cannot tell whence from God or the Devil it doth come or whither to Heaven or to Hell it goeth when indeed Christ's words in themselves importeth quite another thing as above shewed Wherefore let all mind and obey the Spirit of Truth which will lead into all Truth and condemn sin in the Flesh and will lead out of all Unrighteousness and Errours and Heresies which the Church of Rome is full of and that Spirit which condemns the Abominations of the Whore and all Sin and Unrighteousness that is the Spirit of God and comes from God through the Son of his love who is the Light of the World that lighteth every man that cometh into the World and leadeth up unto God the Father from whence it commeth all who are Taught and Guided by it but condemneth from God all who in Unbelief or in Rebellion do dispight unto it and disobey the Motions thereof But to return to the matter concerning the Churches being Judge First I find A. S. in the beginning of his seventh chapter saying Methinks I hear a Quaker whispering The Light that is in thee is the Judge of all Controversies and the Law and Rule according to which thou must walk Answ I answer Yea The People called Quakers do believe and say That the Light which every man is enlightened with is the Law and Rule according to which every man ought to walk and is the Judge in all Controversies in Matters of Faith for as before All Judgment is committed unto the Son Joh. 5.22 Who lighteth every man that cometh into the World so all Judgment being committed to the Light that lighteth every man the Light that is in every man must of necessity be the Judge of all Controversies And this I further add That all who are Baptized into Christ hath put on Christ and all who are by one Spirit Baptized into one Body though they were sometimes Darkness are made Light in the Lord and so they being in him and he in them are all one even as Christ and the Father is one and he that sanctifieth and they that are Sanctified are all of one by which its clear that Christ in his Church who is Light with him is the onely Judge of all Controversies and indeed this supernatural Light is the true Touch-stone by which all spitits may be tried whether they be of God or not for as the Apostle said Whatsoever makes manifest is light Ephesians 5.13 so that without this Touchstone none can try spirits because an evil spirit may speak good words Again Christ is in all things to be the Example of all Believers and he lighteth every man that cometh into the World John 1.9 so every man being enlightened with the light of his Spirit who is to be our example in all things it must of necessity be that the Light that is in us is this Judge and the Law and Rule according to which all ought to walk Secondly But then A. S. replyes That the Light that is in thee tells thee that thou must hear Christ and Christ tells thee that thou must hear the Church c. Answ I answer Yea the Light that is in us teacheth us to hear Christ who hath enlightened us and also to hear his Church with whom he dwells and that hears him and in whom his Spirit speaks so as I said before I shall not go about to deny the Authority of the True Church but the usurped authority of the Church of Rome I do deny usurp'd I say because she hath been and here is sufficiently proved not to be the true Church to whom Christ gives power and authority both to bind and to loose therefore her authority if usurp'd and she is not to be heard but to be turned away from Thirdly A. S. saith If you object that the Spiritual judgeth all things and the Spirituall is judged of no man I answer that the godly Spiritual judgeth all things c. But I deny that you or any other Sectaries in the World is Godly Spiritual for as St. Augustine saith they have not the Holy Ghost that are out of the Church Reply To which I say that as A. S. hath confessed That the spiritual man judgeth all things its according to my own belief but what doth this avail the Church of Rome who as I have proved is not godly spiritual but is sensual and devilish and is not the true Church but the Whore for although as he saith The godly spiritual is judged of none yet the Whore is judged of all who are godly spiritual and although A.S. denyeth that the Quakers are godly spiritual yet he is never able to prove his affirmation for though they have not the holy Ghost who are out of the Church yet it doth not follow that they have it not who are out of the Church of Rome except she could be proved to be the true Church The contrary whereof I have already proved for the people called Quakers though they are out of the Church of Rome are led by that Spirit which teacheth them to live soberly righteously and godly in this present World as thousands of their Neighbours can bear witness therefore the people called Quakers are godly Spiritual Again That Prophet which is of God is godly spiritual Jer. 28.9 and that Prophet which speaketh a thing and the thing come to pass that Prophet is of God But the people called Quakers have prophesied several things as to the late overturn'd Powers of this Nation * Witness the Book Intituled Good Counsel and Advice Rejected with divers other things which accordingly came to pass as to their sorrow they were made to know therefore they are of God and godly spiritual Fourthly A. S. again said If you say Know ye not your selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates 2. Cor. 13.5 I answer The true sence and meaning of this place is this c So here A. S. is again undertaking that which himself saith is the Churches work for saith he in his eighth Chapter the Church is the alone Interpreter of all Scriptures and yet he himself who is but a particular man is here undertaking to give an interpretation or meaning to the