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A10958 The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same expressed in 39 articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend bishops, and clergie of this kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604: the said articles analised into propositions, and the propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant confessions of all the neighbour churches, Christianlie reformed: the aduersaries also of note, and name, which from the apostles daies, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of them in particular, heereby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. English creede. 1607 (1607) STC 21228; ESTC S116041 208,079 284

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that the king of Spain and their Catholike faith are so linked together as it is become a point of necessitie in the Catholike faith to put all Europe into the handes of the said King otherwise the Catholike religion will be vtterly extingvished and perish Others of them haue published a new Gospell called Euangelium aeternum Spiritus sancti which they say doth so farre excell the Gospell of Christ as the Cernell surpasseth the shell the Sunne the Moone light darkenes The author whereof was one Cyrellus a Carmelite And lastly the Puritanes and all the speculations of Brown Barrow Greene Penrie Marprelate T.C.E.G.R.H. A.C. I.B. with the newe Sabbatarians and their fancies 21. Article Of the authoritie of generall Councells Generall Councells 1 may not be gathered together without the commandement and will of Princes And 2 when they be gathered together forasmunch as they be an assemblie of men whereof all be not gouerned with the Spirit and word of God they may erre and 3 sometimes haue erred euen in things pertaining vnto God wherfore 4 things ordained by them as necessarie vnto saluation haue neither strength nor authority vnlesse it may be declared that they be taken out of holy Scriptures The propositions 1. Generall Councells may not be gathered together but by the commandement and will of Princes 2. Generall Councells may erre 3. Generall Councells haue erred euen in things pertaining vnto God 4. The things ordained by generall Councells are so farre to be embraced and beleeued as they are consonant to Gods holy word 1. Proposition Generall Councells may not be gathered together but by the commandement and will of Princes The proofe from Gods word GReat is the power and authoritie of Kings and Princes by the word of God For as the defense of Religion is committed vnto them so must they see that all men doe their duties That these things the better may be performed they are as iust occasion is offered not as men vnder the power of others to Simon but as Supreame gouernours within their own terretories and dominions to command all sorts of men to meete together and that either to the implanting of the truth where it is not or to the suppressing of sinne errors idolatrie and superstition where or in whomsoeuer it doth arise or is rooted Such Councells were holden both in the time of the Moisaicall gouernement by the commandement of the most godly Kings Dauid Salomon Asa Ezekiah and Iosiah and since the Gospell hath bin receiued into kingdomes and Commonweales by Christian Princes kings and Emperours who gathered Councells both Generall as the Nicene was by Constantine the great the Councell of Constantinople by Theodosius the elder the Counsell of Ephesus by Theodosius the younger the councell of Calcedon by Marcian Nationall and Prouinciall so the Counsell at Frankford Rhemes Taron Arelot and Moguntia by the will and commandement of Charles the great at Matison by Gunthranus at Paris and Orleance by the direction and appointment of Childebert were kept and holden And neuer yet hath there bin a councell either Generall or nationall or whatsoeuer I only except the councells held by the Apostles and Apostolicall men in a troublesome state and time of the Church there beeing then no Christian Princes Emperours to countenance the truth either begun or ended to the glorie of God but it hath bin I say not called onely but confirmed also by some godly Emperour King or Queene This in effect is granted by all reformed Churches The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth This assertion hath bin oppugned and that diuersly both by the Papists and Puritanes For the Papists they say Emperours and kings be the Pope his Summoners but of themselues are no absolute and powerfull commanders and callers of Councels There ought no councel to be kept without the determinate consent of the Bishop of Rome No councell euer yet had firme and lawful authority which was not confirmed by the Bishop of Rome The Popes of Rome and not Christian Princes haue the authoritie and power of making lawes ecclesiasticall and of calling Councells And the Puritanes do thinke that priuate persons without the leaue or priuitie of Princes may summon assemblies about Church causes at their pleasures and consult about the publike affaires of the Church Of this minde was Beza and be the disciplinarians both of South and North Brittaine Others aduersaries to both Puritanes and Papists are of minde that were the Pope a good man as he is nothing lesse he might and hee being wicked other good Bishops though subiect vnto Kings and Emperours may summon Counsells at their discretions An error of Seluererus The Muscouites haue a fancie that since the seuenth generall Counsell that was neither Prince nor Pope nor any other men els haue power to call a generall counsell 2. Proposition Generall coucells may erre The proofe from Gods word Generall Councells consisting first of men who may erre nothing more easily for all the imaginations of mans heart are onely euill continually euen from his youth but God onely is true and all men are yea and euery man is a Liar Next of men differing in yeares riches learning iudgement calling and authoritie whereby distractions of opinions often doe arise Thirdly of many mē wherof the wicked be for nūber commonly the maior part and the better in outward countenance of the world Lastly of men not al nor alwaies either gouerned with Gods holy Spirit and word or gathered together in the Name of Christ none of sounde iudgement in Religion do doubt but they may erre If Paphmitius had bin absent at Nice that Councell had erred If Hierome had bine away at Calcedon that Councell had erred At any time if some be beleeued be the Pope of Rome not present at such meetings either per se or per Legatum by himselfe or his Legate no Councell but must erre Therefore Councells may erre That which one Counsell doth establish another will disanull They will not wee must thinke reuoke that which is well decreed Therefore councells may erre The adversaries vnto this truth Therefore erre doe the papists which say that the holy Spirit is the director of all Councells and That councells cannot erre 3. Proposition Generall Councells haue erred euen in things pertaining vnto God The proofe from Gods word Councells both generall and particular haue erred and that in matters of Faith For in the holy Scriptures wee finde that it was ordained If any man did confesse that Iesus was the Christ hee should be excommunicate which could not be but by a Councell A councell was gathered to suppresse Christ and his doctrine A councell consulted how they might take Iesus by subtilty and kill him A councell sought for false witnesse to put him to death By a counsell
necessitie the minister of Baptisme is euery man both male and female A woman be shee yong or old sacred or wicked Euery male that hath his wits and is neither dumbe nor so drunken that he can vtter the the words as wel Pagā Infidel heretik the bad as the good the schismatik as the Catholike may baptize And yet vsually in the ciuill warres both in France and in Netherland the Papists did rebaptize such children as of the Protestant not lai-mē but ministers had afore bin baptized This priuate Baptisme by priuate persons was also taught long since both by the Marcionites and Pepuzians 4. Proposition There is a lawfull ministerie in the Church The proofe from Gods word God for the gathering or erecting to himselfe a Church out of mankinde and for the well gouerning of the same from time to time hath vsed yea and also doth and to the end of the world will vse the ministery of men lawfully called thereunto by men A truth most euident in the holy Scripture Iesus said vnto his Apostles Goe and teach all Nations baptizing them c. and loe I am with you alway vnto the ende of the world Christ gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the gathering together of the saints for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the body of Christ till we all meet together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man A truth also approued by the Churches Adversaries vnto this truth Oppugners of this truth are First the Anabaptisticall Swermers who both tearme all Ecclesiasticall men The Diuells ministers and also as very wicked doe vtterly condemne the outward ministerie of the word Sacraments And next the Brownists who divulge that in these daies No ministers haue the calling sending or authoritie pertaining to a minister and that It will hardly be founde in all the world that any minister is or shall be lawfully called such also be the Barrowists which say there is no ministerie of the Gospell in all Europe 5. Proposition They are lawfull Ministers which be ordained by Men lawfully appointed for the calling and sending forth of Ministers The proofe from Gods word S. Paul in the beginning of his epistle vnto the Galathians giueth vs to obserue the diuers sendeth-forth of men into the holy ministery whereof Some are sent immediately frō God himselfe So sent was by God the Father both Iesus Christ and Iohn Baptist by God the Sonne in his state mortall the twelue Apostles in his state immortall and glorious S. Paul This calling is speciall and extraordinarie and the men so called were adorned with the gift of miracles cōmonly as were Iesus Christ and his Apostles but not alwaies for Iohn Baptist wrought none And they were also enioyned for the most part as the Apostles to preach throughout the world howbeit our Sauiour was limited Some againe were sent of men as they be who are sent of men not authorized thereunto by the word of God and that to the disturbance of the peace of the Church such in the Apostles time were the false Apostles in our daies be the Anabaptists Familie Elders and law despising Brownists And some lastly are by men sent so in the primitiue Church by the Apostles were Pastors and Elders ordained who by the same authoritie ordained other Pastors and teachers Whence it is that the Church as it hath bin so it shall till the end of the world be prouided for They who are thus called haue power neither to worke miracles as the Apostles had nor to preach and minister the Sacraments where they will as the Apostles might but they are tied euery man to his charge which they must faithfully attend vpon except vrgent occasion doe enforce the contrary The calling of these men is tearmed a generall calling and it is the ordinarie and in these daies the lawfull calling allowed by the word of God So testifie with vs the true Churches else where in the world Adversaries vnto this truth This truth hath many waies bin resisted For there ●e which thinke how in these daies there is no calling but the extraordinarie or immediate calling from God not by men as the Anabaptists Familists and Brownists of whome afore The Papists albeit they allow the assertion yet take they all ministers to be wolues Hirelings Laie men and Intruders who are not sacrificing Priests annointed by some Antichristian Bishop of the Romish synagogue Either all or the most part of the ministers of England saith Howlet be meere Lay men and no Priests and consequently haue noe authoritie in these things It is euidēt c. because they are not ordained by such a Bishop and Preist as the Catholike Church hath put in authoritie 6. Proposition Before Ministers are to be ordained they are to be chosen and called The proofe from Gods word Though it be in the power of them which haue authority in the Church to appoint Ministers for Gods people yet may they admit neither whome they will nor as they will themselues But they are both deliberately to chuse and orderly to call such as they haue chosen This made the Apostles and Elders in the primitiue Church straightly to charge that suddenly hands should be laid on no man To make a speciall choise of twaine whereof one was to be elected into the place of Iudas By election to ordaine Elders in euery church and by praier and fasting to commend them to the Lord and by laying on of hands to consecrate them To describe who who were to be chosen and called For they are to be Men not Boies nor women Men of good behauiour not incontinent not giuen to wine not strikers not couetous not proud not froward nor irefull nor giuers of offense finally men of speciall gifts apt to teach able to exhort wise to diuide the word of God aright bold to reprooue willing to take paines watchfull to ouersee patient to suffer and constant to endure all manner of afflictions And this doe the Churches Protestant by their Confessions approoue The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth In error they remaine who are of opinion that The due election and calling of Ministers according to the word of God is of no such necessitie to the making of Ministers an erroneous fancie of the Anabaptists and Familie of Loue. That women may be Deacons Elders and Bishops the former the Acephalians the latter the Pepuzians did maintaine A speciall care is not to be had both of the life and the learning of men or that wicked men of euill life ignorant men without learning Asses of no giftes loiterers which doe no good or fauourers of superstition and idolatry which do great hurt
were not Gods ordinance for the good but an humane institution for the hurt of men Many haue a fancie that before the generall Resurrection there shall be no magistrates at all because as they dreame all the wicked shall be rooted out Of this minde are the Anabaptists and Familie of Loue 5. Proposition The Bishop of Rome hath no iurisdiction in this realme of England nor other of the kings dominions The proofe from Gods word The Bishope of Rome did hee according to the will of God preach the Gospell labour in the Lords haruest diuide the word of God aright minister the Sacraments instituted by Christ that sincerely shew by his life conuersation the good fruites of a godly Bishop doubtlesse he were worthy of double yea of triple honor Yet will not the word of God were hee neuer so holy and religious warrant him any Iurisdiction out of his Diocesse especially not within this Reamle much lesse when he doth perform no part of a christian but euery part of an antichristian Bishop in corrupting the doctrine of the truth with errors and cursed opinions in polluting the Sacraments of Christ by superstitious ceremonies in persecuting the Church and Saints with fire and sword in making marchandise of the soules of men through couetousnes in playing the Lord ouer Gods haeritage in sitting in the Temple of God as God shewing himselfe that he is God and in exalting himselfe against all that is called God or that is worshipped In respect of which fruites of impieties the said Bishop of Rome in the holy Scripture is described to be very Antichrist that wicked man the man of sinne the sonne of perdition and the aduersarie of God He was openly proclaimed Antichrist by a Counsell in France in the raigne of Hugh He is tearmed by the truly and godly learned The Basiliske of the Church neither the Head nor the Taile of the Church His iurisdiction hath bin and is iustly renounced and bannished out of England by manie Kings and Parliaments as by K. Edward the 1.3 and 6 by K Richard the second by K. Henrie the 4.6 and 8 by Q. Elizabeth and by our most Noble K. Iames. His pride and intolerable supremacie ouer all Christian people is renounced and condemned aswell by the mouthes as wrightings of all the purer Churches and that deseruedlie The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth But with the Papists the Bishop of Rome hee is forsooth for supremacie Abell for gouering the Arke Noah for patriarchship Abraham for order Melchisedecke for dignity Aaron for authoritie Moses for iustice Samuell for zeale Helias for humilitie Dauid for power Peter for his vnction Christ the generall Pastor the common Father of all Christians the high Pastor of Gods vniuersall Church the Prince of Gods people for title God euen the Lord God the Pope for power God For By him Kings raigne hee may iudge all men but must of none be iudged hee can doe what him list aswell as God except sinne His iurisdiction is vniuersall euen ouer the whole worlde Him vppon paine of eternall damnation all Christians are to obey And by his soueraigne authoritie both all Papistes in England were discharged from their obedience and subiection vnto Q. Elizabeth and the same Queene disabled to gouerne her owne people and dominions 6. Proposition By the lawes of this Realme Christian men for hainous and greeuous offences may be put to death The proofe from Gods word As the natures of men be diuers and some sinnes in some countries more abound then in others so are the punnishments to bee imposed vppon malefactors according to the quantitie and qualitie of their offences and any countrie and Kingdome may punnish offendors euen with death if the Lawes thereof and their offence doe require it For All that take the sword shall perish with the sword Gouernors bee sent of the King for the punnishment of euill doers A wise King scattereth the wicked and causeth the wheele to turne ouer them The magistrate beareth not the sword for nought and is the minister of God to take vengeance on them that doe euill Which punishments testifie to the world that God is iust which will haue some sinnes more seuerely punnished then others and the magistrates to cut off dangerous and vngodly members God is mercifull and ●●th care both of his seruan●s and of humane societie God is all wise and holy in that he will haue it knowne who are iust who wicked who holy and who prophane by cherishing and preseruing of the one and by punishing and rooting out of the other Our Godly and Christian brethren in other countries approoue this doctrine The aduersaries vnto this truth The aduersaries of this doctrine be diuers For Some are of opinion that no man for any offence should be put to death Such in old time were the Manichies and the Donatistes and such in our daies be the Anabaptistes And some doe thinke that howsoeuer for other offences against the second Table malefactors may bee put to death yet for haereticall and erroneous opinions in points of religion none are so to suffer Of this minde are the Familistes For They hold that no man should bee put to death for his opinions They blame M. Cramner and Ridley for burning Ioane of Kent for an haereticke It is not christianlike that one man should persecute another for any cause touching conscience Is not that punnishmen● sufficient say they which God hath ordained but that one Christian must vexe torment belie and persecute another 7. Proposition It is lawfull for Christian men at the commandement of the Magistrate to weare weapons and serue in warres The proofe from Gods word There is saith K. Salomon a time of warre and a time of peace and Princes are by warre and weapons to represse the power of enemies whether forraigne or intestine For they are in authoritie placed for the defence of quiet and harmlesse subiects as also to remoue the violence of oppressors and enemies whatsoeuer they bee For these causes haue they Horses prepared for the battell Tributes paide them aswell of Christians as others and Subiects to serue them in their warres of what nature soeuer Cornelius being a Christian was not forbidden to play the Centurion or bidden to forsake his profession nor the Souldiers that came vnto Iohns baptisme willed to leaue the warres but to offer no violence vnto any man This truth is graunted by the Churches The adversaries vnto this truth Many are against this assertion whereof some doubt of the truth thereof as Ludouicus Viues Others denie it altogether as vntrue So did in ancient time the Manichies whose doctrine was that no man might goe to warre Lactantius thought it altogether vnlawfull for a good man or a Christian either
see at all or Ouersee and what likewise the points of doctrine newly now reuealed their aeternum Euangelium which without great danger may not be preached in England no more then the doctrine and Articles of the Church of England may bee preached at Rome and for defence wherof they ought to afford euen their very liues weare they so many as the haires of euery of their heads is and bee they demonstrate themselues to be most childishly vaine and idle in their imaginations which they take yet to be illuminations of the spirit 13. For all their doings and discourses to say the best of them are but to erect a newe which they tearme a true ministerie and their Discipline among vs. Themselues doe say The controuersie betwixt them and vs is not as the Bishopes and their welwillers they would beare the world in hand for a Cap a Tippet or a Surplesse but for greater matters concerning a true ministerie and regiment of the Church according to the word the one whereof that is a true ministery they shall neuer haue till Archbishops and Bishops be put downe and all Ministers made equall the other also will neuer be brought to passe till Kings Queenes doe subiect themselues vnto the Church and submit their scepters and throwe downe their Crowes before the Church and lick vp the dust of the feete of the Church and willingly abide the censures of the Church that is of the Presbyterie For as the Church is subiect vnto the ciuill magistrate in respect of his ciuill authoritie so must the magistrate the King and Queene subiect themselues and bee obedient to the iust and lawfull authoritie of the Church The ciuill magistrate is none officer at all of the Church For Church officers bee non Magnates aut Tetrarchae not gracious or honorable Lords but Ministers of the Church The Presbyterie is the Church and euerie Congregation or Church should and must in it haue a Presbyterie This is the Light which indeede the Martyrs neuer sawe the Religion which our Brethren striue for the Truth which they may not preach not Childish doctrine like the Bishops Articles but the wise Gospell the maine and materiall points of religion nowe in these last daies last of all yea after the eight Thorowe breaking of H. N. his Euangelium regni reuealed and for furtherance whereof they are to lend and spend euen all their liues if occasion be ministred 14. Strange and strong delusions First to take these and other such assertions for Truths and heauenly mysteries which are but the fancies of troubled braines not grounded nor truly gathered from Gods word Next to teach one another and al their fauorers howe they should be as readie and prepared euen for these matters to giue ouer their liuings and to giue their liues were they as many as the haires of all their heades as Cranmer Ridley Latimer did and Parker Grindall and all other Preachess would and euery Christian man and woman should if they bee called thereunto for the Apostolicall and Catholique doctrine of our Church which all Gods people doe knowe and the Brethren themselues as afore hath bin noted doe confesse is originally from God and his written word These and many moe too many heere to be recapitulate such phantasies of theirs or phrenesies rather this first subscription brought first to light and yet happie had it bin for Gods Church and people they had neuer bin broached 15. Semblablie the next Subscription called for by the last Archb. your L. predecessor an 84. discouered euen the verie thoughts and desires of those Brethren before but nowe stiled faithfull Brethren which haue and doe seeke for the Discipline and reformation of the Church Many Treatises afore but nowe and diuers yeares ensuing they flewe about and abroad like Atomies and by them the same things which afore but in a differing sort and in other words they publish For touching Church officers they name who and howe many sorts they be of them viz. Doctors Pastors Gouernors Deacons and Widdowes no moe no fewer They say Euerie Church must be furnished with a Teacher and a Pastor as with two Eies with Elders as with Feete with Deacons as with Hands Euerie Congregation must haue Eies Hands and Feete and yet neither all nor at all any Congregation is to haue an Head answerable to those Feete Hands and Eies The doctor by their doctrine must be a distinct minister from the pastor and onely teach true doctrine and neither exhort nor apply his doctrine according to the times and his auditorie nor minister the Sacraments For these things the pastor is to performe Which pastor also whensoeuer he administreth the Sacraments must necessarily make a Sermon or els he cōmitteth Sacriledge And concerning discipline by their doctrine euery Congregation must haue absolute authoritie to admonish to censure to excommunicate and to anathematize all offending persons yea euen Kings and Princes if they be of the Congregation And no Prince but must be of some parish and vnder one Presbytery or other alwaies Where this power is not in their iudgements one of the tokens of a true Church is wanting For this Discipline with them is a Marke of the Church and numbred among the Articles of their Faith 16. This say they is the great cause the holy cause which they will neuer leaue suing for though they should be a thousand Parliaments in their daies vntill either ther obtaine it or bring the Lord in vengeance and blood against the Stare and the whole land for repelling the same The Discipline is Gods holy yoke Gods sceptre the kingdome and throne of Christ. Our controuersie say they is whether Iesus Christ shall be King or no. Againe the end of all our trauaile is to build vp the walles of Ierusalem in to set vp the Throne of Iesus Christ our heauenly King the middes thereof the aduauncing whereof is a testimonie vnto vs that wee shall haue part in that glorie which shall be reuealed heereafter So learne we nowe from their said bookes learned and demonstratiue discourses which the Fathers and our fore fathers neuer sawe nor had learned both that their Discipline established and exercised is a visible marke of a true Church and to desire the aduauncement of the same an inuisible token of an elect childe of God so as neither is that a Church at least no true Church where their Discipline is not neither they but titular christians no true christians indeede which either sigh or seeke not to haue it established and Presbyteries in euerie parish to be aduaunced 17. The Articles of our religion concluded vpon by the reuerend Clergie of our Church with these learned and all seeing Brethren are but the Bishops decrees the Articles of the Conuocation house and reueale some little truth but these wise Brethren so faithfull haue they bin betweene God and his Church they haue not failed to shewe vs the whole counsaile of God And
yet these faithfull Brethren either through forgetfulnes or frailtie or which I rather thinke forced thereunto by the power of truth doe plainly confesse that those verie decrees of our Bishops and Articles of the conuocation house euen that little litle part of the Gospel which the said Bishops and Martyrs brough to light and hath enlightned the whole realme containeth the very fundamentall points of Christianity Whereof I still gather that had their newly reuealed tearmed learned Discourses and doctrines touching Discipline their Presbyteries howsoeuer with goodly glorious titles to rauish poore heartes with the desire thereof brandished and set out neuer bin diuulged or preached we may be saued but without knowing and beleeuing the Articles or doctrine of our Church which yet is not ours but Gods there is no saluation ordinarily to be looked for of any man so true and of such necessitie is this so impertinent and vnneedefull the other 18. Octogesimus octauus mirabilis annus it was prophecied to be a wonderfull yeare long afore it came and will neuer be forgotten now it is past Among the things for which the yeare 88. is famous one and not of least regard is that afore it expired these bookes of the brethren by a Proclamation from Q. Elizabeth were denounced Schismaticall and seditious and the doctrine in them contained erroneous tending to perswade and bring in a monstrous and apparent dangerous Innouation within her dominions and countries and to make a change euen a dangerous change of the forme of doctrine then in vse And therefore the said bookes were commanded to be brought in and deliuered into the hands of authoritie and speciall charge giuen that no moe of that nature should come abroad or be printed Wherby so much as in that blessed Queene whose name with eternall honour shall be recorded these newe fancies of the brethren were hissed and exploded out of this Christian kingdome and the articles or publike doctrine of our Church confirmed countenanced and by the royall prerogatiue of that peerelesse Prince more strongly ratified and commended to her awefull and good subiects then afore 19 The zeale of learned and godly men herevpon was inflamed and their courage so encreased as whereas afore this time but one or two or a very few the first whereof was your L. imediate Predecessor whose memorie be alwaies honourable among the Saints did encounter the Brethren and oppugned their fancies now an Armie of most valourous and resolute Champions and Challengers rose vp which then and diuers yeares ensuing among whome as your Grace was the first in time which gaue the onset so are you to be reckoned with the first and best for zeale wisedome and learning did conflict with these Brethren defended the Prelacie stood for the Prince and State put the newe Doctors to the foile profligated the Elders set vpon the Presbyterie and so battered the new Discipline as hitherto they could neuer nor hereafter shall euer fortifie and repaire the decaies thereof 20. Notwithstanding what the brethrē wanted in strength and learning they had in wilynes and though they lost much one way in the generall maine point of their discipline yet recouered they not a litle aduantage another way by an odde and a newe deuise of theirs in a speciall article of their classicall instructions For while these Worthies of our Church were employing their engins forces partly in defending the present gouernment Ecclesiasticall partly in assaulting the Presbytery and newe Discipline euen at that verie instant the Brethren knowing themselues too weake either to ouerthrowe our holds and that which we hold or to maintaine their owne they abandoned quite the Bulwarkes which they had raised and gaue out were impregnable suffering vs to beate them downe without any or very small resistance and yet not carelesse of their affaires left not the warres for all that but from an odd corner and after a newe fashion which wee little thought of such was their cunning set vpon vs a fresh againe by dispersing in printed bookes which for tenne yeares space before they had bin in hammering among themselues to make them complete their Sabbath speculations Presbyterian that is more then either Kingly or Popely directions for the obseruation of the Lords day This Stratageme of theirs was not obserued then neither I feare me is regarded as it should be yet and yet did since hath and doubtlesse in time to come if it be not timely seene vnto with vnsound opinions and paradoxes will so poison many as the whole Church and Common-weale will find the danger and inconuenience of them so plausible are they to men either popularlie religious or preposterouslie and iniudiciouslie zealous 21. In this their fallie as I said before they set not vpon the Bishops and their calling their Chancelars c. as Popish and Antichristian they let them alone seeing and knowing they are too well backt for them to subuert but which are of great all and almost of the same antiquitie with Bishops diuers of thē and I had almost said as necessarie they ruinate and at one blowe beate downe all Times and daies by iust authoritie destined to religious and holy vses besides the Lords day saying plainely and in peremptorie words that the Church hath none authoritie ordinarily or from yeare to yeare perpetually to sanctifie any other day to those vses but only the Lordes daie They builde not Presbyteries expressedly though vnder hand if it be well marked they doe erect them in their exercises of the Sabbath but they set vp a newe Idoll their Saint Sabbath earst in the daies of Popish blindnes S. Sunday in the middes and mindes of Gods people By the former they haue opened not a gap but a wide gate vnto all licentiousnes libertie and prophanes on the Holie daies which is readily and greedily apprehended of all sorts of people euerie where especially of their fauorites to the hie dishonor of God decay of deuotion hinderance of Christian knowledge and wisedome in all sorts especially in the vulgar multitude and poore seruants aduantage of the common enimies and grosse contempt of the necessarie and laudable orders of our Church By the latter they haue introduced a newe and more then either Iewish or Popish superstition into the land to no small blemish of our Christian profession and scandall of the true seruants of God and therewith doctrine most erroneous dangerous and Antichristian 22. Their doctrine summarilie may be reduced vnto these two heads whereof the one is that the Lords day euen as the old Sabbath was of the Iewes must necessarily be kept and solemnized of all and euerie Christian vnder the paine of eternall condemnation both of bodie and soule The other that vnder the same penaltie it must bee kept from the highest to the lowest both of King and people in sort and manner as these Brethren among themselues haue deuised decreed and prescribed The former
that the church of Rome neither hath nor can erre Erraverunt aliae ecclesiae saith Di. Stella other churches as of Antioch Alexandria Constantinople c. haue erred sed nunquam ecclesia Romana but the church of Rome neuer yet erred Id constanter negamus saith Costerus the Iesuit we constantly deny that christ his Vicars Peters successors the Bishops of Rome haue either taught heresies or can propound errors God preserueth the truth of christian religion in the Apostolike sea of Rome and It is not possible that the church meaning the church of Rome can erre or hath erred at any time in any point say the Rhemists 20. Article Of the authoritie of the Church 1 The Church hath power to decree rites or ceremonies 2 and authoritie in controuersies of faith And yet it is not lawfull for the Church 3 to ordaine any thing that is contrarie to Gods word 4 neither may it so expound one place of Scripture 5 that it be repugnant to another VVherefore although 6 the Church be a witnesse and a keeper of holy writ yet as it ought not to decree any thing against the same so 7 besides the same ought it not to enforce any thing to be beleeued for necessitie of saluation The propositions 1. The church hath power to decree rites or ceremonies 2. The church may not ordaine what rites or ceremonies shee will 3. The church hath authoritie to iudge and determine in controuersies of faith 4. The church hath power to interpret and expound the word of God 5. The Analogie of faith must be respected in the exposition of the Scripture 6. The church is the witnesse and keeper of Gods written word 7. The church may not enforce any thing to be beleeued as necessarie vnto saluation that is either contrarie or besides the word of God 1. Proposition The church hath power to decree rites or ceremonies The proofe from the word of God THe churches authoritie to decree rites or ceremonies is warranted in the word of God first by the example of the Apostles who did ordaine rites and ceremonies among other things that In the church men should not be couered Women should keepe silence and be couered A knowen tongue vnderstood of the common auditorie should be vsed with other things Next by the generall and binding commandement of God himselfe who at all times will haue euery thing in the church to be done vnto edifying honestie and by order as beeing not the author of confusion but of peace All churches protestant confesse the same Errors adversaries vnto this truth This power being giuen by the Supreame authoritie vnto the Church they doe greatly offend which doe condemne either generally all or particularly some rites and ceremonies orderly and lawfully established of the former sort are 1. The Familie of Loue who say of themselues how they are a free people in bondage vnto no creature nor to any created thing they haue no seuerall distenting or variable religions either ceremonies 2. The Brownists who teach that euery Christian is to ioyn himselfe vnto that people among whome the Lords worship is free and not bound or withholden with any iurisdiction of this world 3. The Puritanes whereof some would haue all matters of ceremonies to be left in christian libertie vnto euery man Others would haue both temples to be left without seruice Sermons and Sacraments and Princes to be scared with the feare of vproares and sedition and all because they would be freed from the obedience vnto ceremonies not impious of themseluees imposed by the Church the Father of these men was Illyricus of whome Melancton writeth Of the latter kinde be 1. The Familie of Loue againe who vtterly dislike our Churches or Temples also our Liturgies formes of seruing our God and finally our designed times of meeting together for the worshippe of God Our Churches there blasphemously tearme Common houses and so we tearme Brothell houses or the stewes Our Lyturgies and manner of seruing of God they call Foolishnes of taken on seruices false and seducing Gods seruices of no man to be ordained nor to be obeied or vsed when they are established with these ioyne the Barrowists who doe write that to haue Leiturgies and formes of common praier is to haue another Gospell and another Testament Our Sabboths they contemne yea they condemne for they say There ought to be no Sabboth day Our Sabbatarians goe not so farre yet come they neere unto these Familists when they divulge that The Church hath no authoritie ordinarily and perpetually to sanctifie any day but the seuenth day which the Lord himselfe had sanctified The church cannot take away this libertie of working sixe daies in the weeke These assertions are against all holy daies lawfully established Barrow yet goeth further then doe these men for he saith how the obseruing of times as it is in our church is an error fundamentall They also be alike culpable who approouing some rites and ceremonies do yet tie the church or people of God to the obseruation of the ceremonies either Mosaicall as many haue donne and doe or of the Romish Church as doe the Papists and the halfe papists the Familie of Loue Finally they are out of the way which thinke that either one man as the Pope or any certaine calling of men as the clergie hath power to decree and appoint rites or ceremonies though of themselues good vnto the whole church of God dipersed ouer the vniuersall world 2. Proposition The Church may not ordaine what rites and ceremonies shee will The proofe from Gods word As it is a cleere truth that the church may ordaine ceremonies so true is it also that the church hath no power to appoint what rites or ceremonies shee will For shee must decree none which be Either for their owe nature impious like the ordinances manners and Idols of our forefathers teachers of vanitie and of lies Or for vse superstitious like the brazen Serpent which king Ezekiah brake in peices Or for their weight ouer heauie and greiuous to be borne like the Iewish constitutions Or for their worthines in the eies of the ordainers either of equall price or of more account then the very ordinances of God so as for the performance of them the lawes of God must be left vndone such were many of the Pharisaicall tires and traditions Or against the libertie of christians and to the entangling of them againe with the yoake of seruile bondage Or last of all any way contrary to the commandements word and will of God But the rites ceremonies and constitutions of the church they must make altogether and tend both to the nourishing and encrease of loue friedship and quietnes among christians and also to the retaining of Gods people in the holy seruice worship
mysticall and propheticall as Brocardus Morelius and others Some are of minde that the Gospell or Euangelicall word cannot be committed to letters and wrighting saith Lindanus Some doe thinke as afore also hath bin shewen how that is the olde and onely true sense of the Scriptures which is made and giuen by the Church and Pope of Rome Some doe maintaine that as the Church in time doth alter so the interpretation of the Scripture also therwithal doth vary wherby that which in the Apostles time was a truth in these daies shall be a falsehood In which error was Cardinall Cusanus 6. Proposition The Church is the witnesse and keeper of Gods written word The proofe from Gods word Though the Church hath authority to heare and determine in controversies of faith yet hath the Church power neither to iudge the word of God nor to iudge otherwise then Gods word doth iudge For it is saide to the Church and people of God I beseech you brethren marke them diligently which cause diuisions and offenses contrarie to the Doctrine which you haue learned and auoid them Here him To him giue all the Prophets witnesse Search the Scriptures whosoeuer trangresseth and abideth not in the the doctrine of Christ hath not God yee are c. built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets And of the holy Scriptures Thy word is the the truth They haue Moses and the Prophets let them heare them saith our S. Christ. Wee haue also a sure word of the Prophets saith Saint Peter And S. Paul The whole Scripture is profitable to teach c. If any man teach otherwise and consenteth not to the wholsome wordes of our L. Iesus Christ he is puft vp and knoweth nothing c And so with vs doe other Churches conceiue both of the Scriptures and Church yet all of vs do grant that the Church as a faithfull witnesse may yea of necessitie must testifie to the world what hath bin the doctrine of God his people from time to time and as a trustie Recorder is to keepe make knowne what the word of God which it hath receiued is which truly hath bin perfomed afore the word was written by the Patriarchs and after the same was committed to writing before Christ his incarnation by the Iewes in Christ his life time in the primitiue Church From the Apostles time by the godly Christians thoroughout the world Errors adversaries vnto this truth Be it farre therefore from vs to thinke which the Papists do not stick to write and say namely that The Church is to iudge the Scriptures and not the Scriptures the Church The Scripture is not of the essence of the Church Because without it a Church may be though not very well So said Card. Cusan The Scripture because in their opinion it is vnperfect cannot obscure may not ambiguous ought not be the iudge So Lindan Latomus Petrus a Soto Pighius Coster c. He is an heretike that cleaueth to the Scriptures So said Iacobus Hocstratus Againe the carefull keeping of the holy Scriptures by Gods people from age to age and time to time declareth first how the mother Church of Rome is not the onely keeper of the holy writ and next that cursedly they doe offend which either as greatly esteeme the Ethickes of Aristostle as the commandements of god the Odes of Pindar as the Psalmes of Dauid the workes and bookes of men as the writings of God which the Councell of Trent doth or before and aboue the scripture prefer vnwritten Traditions Hence Petrus a Soto Tradition saith hee is both more auncient and more effectuall the● the holy Scripture and Lindan The scriptures would be of no validitie neither had continued till this day but for traditions 7. Proposition The Church may not enforce any thing to be beleeued as necessary vnto saluation that is either contrarie or besides the word of God The proofe from the word of God Yee shall put nothing vnto the word which I command you neither shall yee take ought there from Put nothing vnto his words least hee reprooue thee and thou be found a liar Though it be but a mans couenant when it is confirmed yet no man doth abrogate it or addeth any thing thereto If any man shall adde vnto these things God shall ad vnto him the plauges that are written in this booke And if any man shal diminish of the words of the booke of this prophecy god shall take away his part out of the booke of life and out of the holy cittie and from those things which are written in this booke And so witnesse with vs the Churches reformed Whatsoeuer also is grounded vpon Gods written word though not by our common and vulgar tearmes to be redde therein wee doe reuerendly embrace which maketh vs for doctrine to embrace the Consubstantiality of our Sauiour with the Father and the holy Ghost which the Arrians would not a Trinitie of persons in the Godhead which the Sabellians would neuer doe the iustification by faith Onely which the Papists will not the baptisme of Infants and young children which the Anabaptists dare not and for discipline not to refuse of Church officers the names Archbishops Patriarches Primates Metropolitanes Suffragans Parsons Vicars c. of ecclesiasticall censures the tearmes Suspension Excommunication of Ceremonies none at all which tend either vnto order comelines or edification But from the heart wee abhor in matters both of doctrine and disciple whatsoeuer either agreeth not with the canon of the Scripture or is not grounded thereupon The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Hence detest wee both all the old heretikes and their fancies with the newe prophets of Basilides the Manifestation of Marciō the mysteries of the Manichies the Iobolia of the Sathiās the Symbonia of the Archōtikes the Cabala of the Iewes the Alcaron of the Turkes and also all newe heretikes and Schismatikes with all their cursed opinions as first the Anabaptists and namely the Libertines the Dauigeorgians and Familie of Loue and all the codeified Elders thereof as Henry Nicholas Eliad Fidelitas Christopher Vitell Theophilus the Exile and the rest Next the Papists whereof Some haue commanded that all the Popes decrees should be taken as confirmed by the mouth of God himselfe so did Pope Agatho the first Some write as Busgradus that if the Pope beleeue there is no life to come as some Popes haue done wee must beleeue it as an article of our faith Some say if the Pope carrie innumerable soules with him vnto hell yet he may not be iudged so did Pope Boniface the 8. Some as Bellarmine conclude that it is a point of faith to hold that the Bishop of Rome hath succeeded Peter in the vniuersall regiment of the Church Others as the Iesuites perswade their Catholikes
otherside too highly as if the dignitie of their calling were cause good enough that what they doe or say ex opere operato take happy effects These things from the Scriptures are manifest which teach vs that wicked ministers euen the Scribes and Pharisies sitting in Moses chaire and preaching Christ though through enuie strife and contention are to be heard and may administer the Sacraments as did the ordinarie Priests among the Iewes whereof very many both afore and after that our Sauiour came into the world were most wicked men and the best which be are the ministers of God and Gods labourers Also the purer Churches beare witnesse hereunto Neither is hee whosoeuer that planteth any thing neither hee that watereth but God that giueth the encrease saith S Paul And a signe of a good Spirit is it to regard not so much who speaketh or ministreth as what is vttered and offered from God Errors Adversaries to this truth The due consideration of the praemises will both settle vs the more firmely in the truth and make vs the more carefully to abhorre all adversaries thereof as in old time were the donatists and the Petilians who taught that the Sacraments are holy when they be administred by holy men but not els also the Apostolikes or Henricans who had a fancie that he was no Bishop which was a wicked man Among the Fathers also Cyprian and Origen were not ●ound in this point For Cyprian published that no minister could rightly baptize who was not himselfe endued with the holy Ghost hee further deliuered that whosoeuer doe communicate with a wicked minister doe sinne Origen held that in vaine did any minister either binde or lose who was himselfe bound with the chaines of ●inne and wickednes Such adversaries in our time be the Anabaptists the Family of Loue the disciplinarians vsually tearmed Puritants the Sabbatarians the Brownists and the Papists For The Anabaptists will not haue the people to vse the ministerie of euill ministers and thinke the seruice of wicked Ministers vnprofitable and not effectuall affirming that no man who is himselfe faultie can preach the truth to others The Familie of Loue doe say that no man can minister the vpright seruice or ceremonies of Christ but the regenerate also that wicked men cannot teach the truth The disciplinarian Puritans doe bring all ministers which cannot preach and their seruices into detestation For their doctrine is that Where there is no Preacher there ought to be no minister of the Sacraments None must minister the Sacraments which doe not preach The Sacrament is not a Sacrament if it be not ioyned to the word of God preached It is sacriledge to seperate the ministration of the word preached from the Sacraments Of these mens opinions be the Sabbatarians among vs. For their doctrine is to the common people that vnlesse they leaue their vnpreaching ministers euery Sabboth day and goe to some place where the word is preached they doe prophane the Sabboth and subiect themselues vnto the curse of God So the Brownists No man is to communicate say they where there is a blinde or dumme ministerie The Papist doe crosse this truth but after another sort For Pope Hildebrand decreed and commanded that no man should heare Masse from the mouth of a preist which hath a wife The Rhemists doe publish how The Sermons of heretikes and so tearme they all Protestant ministers must not be heard though they preach the truth Their praiers and Sacraments are not acceptable to God but are the howling of wolues 2. Proposition Euill ministers are to be searched out convicted and deposed but orderly and by the discipline of the Church The wicked and euill ministers must not alwaies be endured in the Church of God For they are the euill and vnprofitable seruants the Eies which doe offend the vnsauorie salt which are carefully to be seene vnto and if admonitions will not serue deposed yet orderly and by the discipline of the Churh For that God which appointed a gouernement for the ciuill state hath also giuen authoritie vnto his Church to punish offenders according to the qualitie of their transgressions And so may we read in the word of God Tell the Church saith our Sauiour Let such a one by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ be deliuered vnto Sathan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus saith S. Paul So the neighbour Churches Adversaries vnto this truth Then deceiued and out of the way are the Brownists and Barrowists which are of minde that Priuate persons in themselues haue authoritie to depose vnmeete ministers and to punish malefactors Euery particular member of a Church in himselfe hath power to examine the manner of administring the Sacraments c. to call men vnto repentance c to reproue the faults of the church and to forsake that church which will not reforme her faults vpon any priuate admonition For want of the due execution of discipline against persons offending and malefactors both women may leaue their husbands as some haue done and husbands their wiues and goe where it is in force See more in Art 33. Prop. 1. 27. Article Of Baptisme 1 Baptisme is not only a signe of profession and marke of difference whereby christian men are discerned from other that be not Christened but 2 it is also a signe of regeneration or newe-birth whereby as by an instrument they that receiue Baptisme rightly are graffed into the Church the promises of the forgiuenes of sinne and of our adoption to be the Sonnes of God by the holy Ghost are visiblie signed and sealed Faith is confirmed and grace encreased by vertue of prayer vnto God 3 The Baptisme of young children is in any wise to be retained in the Church as most agreeable with the institution of Christ. The Propositions 1. Baptisme is a signe of Profession and marke of differēce whereby Christians are discerned from other men that be no Christians 2. Baptisme is a signe or seale of the regeneration or newe birth of Christians 3. Infants and young children by the word of God are to be baptized 1. Proposition Baptisme is a signe of Profession and marke of difference whereby Christians are discerned from other men that be no Christians The proofe from Gods word HOw the Sacraments are tokens and therefore that Baptisme is a signe of the true Church which be Christians it is apparent from Gods word in the 5. proposit of the 19. article afore going and the same doe the Churches of God acknowledge Errors adversaries vnto this truth This declareth vs to be sound Christians and. Not Nazarens who were with the Iewes circumcised and baptized with Christians and so as Hierome writeth of them were neither Iewes nor Christians Mot
places assuredly neither had the ceremonies of the old lawe bin as they are now abolished neither would the apostles euer haue giuen such presidents of altering them vpon speciall reasons as they haue done For the said Apostles changed the times and places of their assembling together the people of God meeting and the Apostles preaching sometimes on the weeke sometime on the Sabboth daies sometimes publikely in the Temple in the synagogues and in the Schooles sometimes priuately in house after house and in chambers sometimes in the day time sometimes in the night Neither kept they the same course in the ministration of the Sacraments For as occasion was offered they both baptized in publike assemblies and in priuate houses before many and when none of the faithfull but the minister onely and the party to be baptized were present and ministred likewise the Supper of the Lord in the day time and at midnight in the open Churches and in priuate houses So nothing therefore be done against the word of God traditions and ceremonies according to the diuersitie of countries and mens manners may be changed and diuers Of this iudgement with vs be all reformed Churches The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth They are greatly deceiued therefore which thinke that The Iewish ceremonies prescribed by God himselfe for a time vnto the Iewes are to be obserued of vs Christians Such were the old Heretikes the false Apostles the Cerdonites the Cerinthians and the Nazarites and are the Familists The traditions and namely the tradition and ceremonie of the seuenth day for the Sabboth the manner of sanctifying thereof must necessarily be one and the same alwaies and in al places Hence the demi-Iewes our English Sabbatarians affirme first touching the sanctification of the seuenth day howe It is not lawfull for vs to vse the seuenth day to any other end but to the holy and sanctified end for which God in the beginning created it So soone as the 7. day was so soone was it sanctified that wee might know that as it came in with the first man so must it not goe out but with the last The Sabboth or seuenth day of Rest which hath that cōmendation of antiquitie ought to stand still in force All the Iudaicall daies and Feasts being taken away onely the Sabboth remaineth And next concerning the forme and manner of keeping the day they deliuer that Wee are bound vnto the same Rest with the Iewes on the Sabboth day As the first seuenth day was sanctified so must the last be Wee be restrained vpon the Sabboth from work both hand and foote as the Iewes were Euery ecclesiasticall minister in his charge necessarily must preach and make a sermon euery Sabboth day euery man or woman vnder paine of vtter condemnation must heere a Sermon every Sabboth day Euery pastor in his charge must execute the discipline and Presbyteriall gouernment in his parish euery Sabboth day Last of all deceiued by be the Romane Catholikes which are of opinion how the ceremonies of their Church are vniuersally and vnder the paine of the great curse necessarily to be vsed in all places and countries 2. Proposition No priuate man of a selfe will and purposely may in publike violate the traditions and ceremonies of the Church which by common authoritie be allowed and are not repugnant to the word of God The proofe from Gods word Great is the priuiledge great also the libertie and freedome of Gods Church and people For they are deliuered From the curse of the Lawe From the Law of sinne and of death From all Iewish rites and ceremonies And from all humane ordinances and traditions whatsoeuer when they are imposed vpon the consciēces of men to be obserued vnder paine of eternall condemnation Notwithstanding the Church and euery member thereof in his place is bound to the obseruation of al Traditions and Ceremonies which are allowed by lawfull authoritie and are not repugnant to the word of God For hee that violateth them contemneth not man but God who hath giuen power to his Church to establish whatsoeuer things shall make vnto comenesse Order and Edification This of our godly brethren in their published writings is approoued The adversaries vnto this truth Notwithstanding say the Anabaptistes The people of God are free from all lawes and owe obedience to no man are not to be bound with the bands of any iurisdiction of this world say the Brownistes are freed frō the obseruation of all rights and eccles ceremonies say certaine ministers of the praecise faction both in Scotland and England Againe there be of the Clergie who rather then they will vse or obserue any rights ceremonies or orders though lawfully ratified which please them not will disquiet the whole Church forsake their charges leaue their vocations raise stirs and cause diuisions in the Church as did many when it was in Germanie about the Rheme Frankeland and Sneauland whereby most lamentable effects did ensue and doe the refractorie ministers in the Church of England at this day the more is the pittie The principall author of all these tragicall suries about ceremonial matters was Flacius Illyricus whose preachings were that rather thē ministers should yeeld vnto the seruitude of ceremonies they should abādō their calling giue ouer the ministery to the end that Princes magistrates euē for fear of vprores and popular tumults might bee forced at the length to set their ministers free from the obseruation of all ceremonies more then they were willing to vse themselues 3. Proposition Ceremonies and traditions ordained by the authoritie of man if they be repugnant to Gods word are not to be kept and obserued of any man The proofe from Gods word Of ceremonies and traditions repugnant to the worde of God there bee two sorts whereof some are of things meerly impious wicked such was the Israelites calfe and Nebuchadnezars idoll and bee the Papisticall Images Reliques Agnus-deis and Crosses to which they doe giue diuine adoration These and such like be all flatly forbidden Others are of things by God in his word neither commaunded nor forbidden as of eating or not eating Flesh of wearing or not wearing some Apparrell of keeping or not keeping some daies holy by abstinence from bodily labour c the which are not to be obserued of any Christian when for sound Doctrine it is deliuered that such workes either doe merit remission of sinnes or bee the acceptable seruice of God or doe more please then the obseruation of the lawes praescribed by God himselfe or be necessarilie to be done insomuch as they are damned who doe them not We must therfore haue alwaies in minde that we are bought with a price and therefore may
time of Edward the sixt and therefore wee iudge them to be read in Churches by the ministers diligently and distinctly that they may bee vnderstood of the people Of the names of the Homilies 1. Of the right vse of the Church 2. against perill of Idolatrie 3. Of the repairing and keeping cleane of Churches 4. Of good workes first of Fasting 5. Against Gluttonie and drunkenes 6. Against excesse of apparell 7. Of prayer 8. Of the place and time of prayer 9. That common prayers and Sacraments ought to bee ministred in a known tongue 10. Of the reuerend estimation of Gods word 11. Of Almes doing 12. Of the Natiuitie of Christ. 13. Of the Passion of Christ. 14. Of the Resurrection of Christ. 15. Of the worthy receiuing of the Sacrament of the Bodie and Blood of Christ. 16. Of the gifts of the holy Ghost 17. For the Rogation daies 18. Of the state of Matrimonie 19. Of Repentance 20. Against Idlenesse 21. Against Rebellion Touching this Article the greatest matter is not whether these Homilies meant and mentioned doe containe doctrine both godly wholesome and necessarie but whether Homilies or any Apocrypha wrightings at all may be read in the open Church and before the congregation which I thinke they may and prooue thus Great is the excellencie great also the vtility of Gods word preached Therefore saith S. Paul None can beleeue without a preacher and Woe is mee if I preach not the Gospell Howbeit the manner of preaching is not alwaies one the same For the Apostles were to teach as well by the penne as by the liuely voice Paul did preach the Gospell by writing wee owe in a manner more to the bonds of Paul for his bookes than to his libertie for preaching Calvins writings will edifie all men continually in the time to come Protestants bookes are witnesses of sound doctrine and sincere Christianitie For my part I cannot but magnifie the goodnes of God for all good meanes to bring vs vnto Faith and so vnto saluation but especially for the written labours of holy and learned men whose doings in all ages not onely haue bin approoued but also vsed and read many of them in the most sacred assemblies So In the primitiue church was publikely read the Epistle of the Laodicians in the Church of the Colossians the Epistle of Clemens vnto the Corinthians Hermes his pastor and the Homilies of the Fathers In the reformed Churches in Flanders and France read are M. Calvins sermons vpon Iob and in the Italian French Dutch and Scottish churches the said Calvin his Catechisme is both read and expounded publikely and that before the whole Congregation The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Deceiued then and out of the way of truth are they which of Preaching by the mouth conceiue either too basely or too highly too basely as doe the anabaptists and Familie of Loue they affirming there ought to be no preaching at all and that Preachers are not sent of God neither doe preach Gods word but the dead letter of the Scripture these with the said Anabaptists tearming them letter Doctors preaching the letter and imagination of their owne knowledge but not the word of the liuing God Too highly as doe the Puritanes of all sorts For say they Except God worke miraculously and extraordinarily which is not to be looked for of vs the bare Reading yea not of the Scriptures without Preaching cannot deliuer so much as one poore soule from destruction Reading of whatsoeuer in the Church without preaching is not feeding but as ill as playing vpon a stage and worse too Without Preaching of the word viz. by the liuely voice of a minister and without the booke the Sabboth cannot be hallowed either of a minister or people in the least measure which the Lord requireth of vs Next erre doe they which set their wits and learning either against all bookes in generall except the sacred Bible or against the publike reading of any learned mens writings be they neuer so diuine and godly in the open and sacred assemblies Of the former sort are the Anabaptists who as Sleidan recordeth did burne the bookes writings and monuments of learned men reseruing and preseruing onely the holy Scriptures from the fire Of the latter be the Brownists Disciplinatians and Sabbatarians The Brownists doe say that No Apocrypha must be brought into the Christian assemblies so the disciplinarians Ministers ought not to read openly in the congregation any writings but onely the Canonicall scriptures they complaine that humane writings are brought into the church they crie out Remooue Homilies and they supplicate vnto K. Iames that the Canonicall scriptures onely may be read in the Church And so but much more bitterly and erroneously the Sabbatarians we damne our selues say they if wee goe not from those ministers and Churches where the Scriptures and Homilies onely be read and seeke not vnto the prophets when and so often as wee haue them not at home 36. Article Of consecration of Bishops and ministers The booke of Consecration 1 of Archbishops and Bishops and ordering of priests and Deacons set forth in the time of Edward the sixt and confirmed at the same time by authoritie of Parliament doth containe all th●ngs necessary to such consecration and ordering neither hath it any thing that of it selfe is superstitious or vngodly And therefore 2 whosoeuer are consecrated or ordered according to the rites of that booke since the second yeare of the aforesaid K. Edward vnto this time or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same rites we decree all such to be rightly and orderly and lawfully consecrated ordered The Propositions 1. It is agreeable to the word of God and practise of the primitiue church that there should be Archbishops Bishops and such like differences and inequalities of ecclesiasticall ministers 2. Whosoeuer be or shall be consecrated or ordered according to the rites of the booke of Consecration of Archbishops Bishops and ordering of Priests and Deacons they be rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated and ordered 1. Proposition It is agreable to the word of God and practise of the 〈◊〉 church that there should be Archbishops Bishops and such like differences and inequalities of ecclesiasticall ministers The proofe from Gods word ALbeit the tearmes and titles of Archbishops wee finde not yet the superioritie which they enioy and authoritie which Bishops and Archbishops doe exercise in ordering and consecrating of Bishops and ecclesiasticall ministers is grounded vpon the word of God For we finde that In the Apostles daies howe themselues both were in dignitie aboue the euangelists and the 70. disciples and for authoritie both in and ouer the Church as twelue Patriarches saith Beza and also established an ecclesiasticall Hierarchie Hence came it that Bishop was of Ierusalem Iames
Of Antioch Peter of the Asian Churches Iohn of Alexandria Marke of Ephesus yea and all Asia Timothie Of all Creete Titus of Philippos Epaphroditus of Corinth and Achaia Apollos of Athens Dionisius of France Crescens of Brittane Aristobulus In the purer times succeeding the Apostles so approoued was the administration of the Church affaires by these kinde of men as They ordained Patriarches and Corepiscopie They ratified the degrees of ecclesiasticall supereminencie at the first and most famous Councell at Nice They gloried much and greatly that they had receiued the apostles doctrine by a succession of Bishops that they were the successors in the Apostles doctrine of the godly Bishops and that Bishops succeeded in the roome of Apostles Their godly monuments and worthy labours and bookes yet extant doe shewe that Bishop was of Lions Irenaeus of of Antioch Ignatius of Carthage Cyprian of Hierusalem Cyrill of Alexandria Athanasius Basil of Cesarea of all Thracia Asia and Pontus Chrisostome Hilarie of Potiers Augustine of Hippo Ambrose of Millane all of these most notable instruments for the aduancement of Gods honour and glory in their daies Finally from the Apostles daies hitherto there neuer wanted a succession of Bishops neither in the East nor Westerne Churches albeit there haue bin from time to time both Marprelates and Mockprelates to supplant their states and Ilprelates abusing their functions and places to the discredite of their calling and profession So prouident hath the Almightie bin for the augmentation of his glory and people by this kind and calling of men The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth This manifesteth the erroneous and euill mindes 1. Of the Anabaptists who condemne all superioritie among men saying that euery man should be equall for calling and that there should be no difference of persons among Christians 2. Of the old haeretickes viz. the Contobaptites which allowed of no Bishopes The Acephalians who would not bee at the commaund or yeelde obedience vnto Bishops The Aerians that equalled Bishops and Priests making them all one The Apostolikes which condemned Prelacie 3. Of the late Scismatikes namely The Iesuites who cannot brooke Episcopall praeheminence and in their high court of Reformation haue made a Lawe for the vtter abrogation of all Episcopall iuresdiction The disciplinarians or Puritans among our selues For They abhorre and altogether doe loath the callings of Archbishops Bishops c as the author of the Fruitfull Sermon doth say that by the praelaticall Discipline the libertie of the Church is taken away and that in steed of Archbishops and Bishops an equalitie must be made of ministers They tearme the differences of Ministers A proud ambitious superioritie of one minister aboue another and Archbishops and Bishops they call the supposed Gouernors of the Church of England Some of them will not haue Bishops to bee obeyed either when they cite or when they inhibite or when they excommunicate Some of them haue not only Archbishopes and Bishops but also Parsons and Vicars in detestation For Miles Monopodios numbreth Parsons and Vicars among the hundred points of Poperie yet remaining in our Church Others say that Birds of the same feather viz. with Archb. and Bishops are Parsons and Vicars Barrow publisheth that Parsonages Vicarages be in name office and function as Popish and Antichristian as any of the other It is therefore an egregious vntruth that Puritans or which is equivalent The good men the Faithfull and Innocent ministers for so doe they stile themselues affect not any popularitie or paritie in the Church of God as some of them would make his maiestie beleeue 2. Proposition Whosoeuer be or shall be confirmed or ordered according to the rites of the booke of Consceration of Archb. and Bishops and ordering of Priests and Deacons they be rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated and ordered Archbishops Bishops and ministers which according to the booke of Consecration be or shalll be consecrated or ordered they are consecrated and ordained rightly orderly and lawfully because afore theire Consecration and ordination they be rightly tried or examined by imposition of hands needfull and seasonable prayers they be consecrated and ordained and all this is performed by those persons that is by Bishops to whom the Ordination Consecration of Bishops and ministers was alwaies principallie committed and also after the same forme and fashion corruptions being afore taken away and remooued as Bishops and Priests afore the raigne of K. Edward the sixt formerly were The adversaries vnto this truth Well therefore may they disgorge their stomaches but trouble our consciences they shall neuer which condemne or depraue our callings as doe 1. The Familie of Loue which dislike and labour to make contemptible the outward admission of ministers 2. The Papistes who say their pleasure of the Bishops and ministers of the Church of England and of other reformed Churches None is to be admitted for a Bishop say they which is not ordained by imposition of three or foure Romish Catholike Bishops at the least of which none are to be found among the Protestants Whosoeuer taketh vpon him to preach to minister Sacraments c and is not ordered by a true Catholike that is a Popish Bishop to be a urate of soules Parson Bishop c he is a theefe and a murderer Our Bishops ministers they are not come in by the doore saith Stapleton they haue stolne in like Theeues they be vnordered Apostataes pretended and sacrilegious ministers Intruders Meere lay men and not Priests because first they haue receaued none vnder Orders and next they are not ordained by such a Bishop and Priest as the Catholike Romane church hath put in authoritie 3. The Puritanes For they write that The Bishops of our Church haue none ordinary calling of God and function in the scriptures for to exercise they are not sent of God they be not the ministers of Iesus Christ by whome hee will aduance his Gospell Inferior ministers they are not say they according to Gods word either prooued elected called or ordained Hence the Church of England wanteth say they her Pastors and teachers and hence they vrge diuers afore ordained to seeke at their Classis a new approbation which they tearme the Lords ordinance and to take newe callings from classicall ministers renouncing their calling from Bishops 37. Article Of the ciuill Magistrate 1 The Kings maiestie hath the cheife power in this realme of England and other his dominions 2 vnto whome the cheife gouernement of all estates of this realme whether they be ecclesiasticall or ciuill in all causes doth appertaine and is not nor ought to be subiect to any forraine iurisdiction where we attribute to the Kings maiestie the chife gouerment by which titles wee vnderstand the minds of some
slanderous folkes to be offended 3 we giue not to our Prince the ministring either of Gods word or of the Sacraments the which thing the Iniunctions also sometime set forth by Elizabeth our late queene doe most plainely testifie but that onely prerogatiue which wee see to haue bin giuen alwaies to all godly Princes in holy Scriptures by God himselfe that is that they should rule all estates and degrees committed to their charge by God whether they be Ecclesiasticall or Temporall 4 and restraine with the ciuill sword the stubburne and euill doers 5 The Bishop of Rome hath no iurisdictiō in this realme of England 6 The lawes of the realme may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grieuous offenses 7 It is lawfull for Christian men at the commandement of the Magistrate to weare weapons and serue in the warres The Propositions 1. The kings maiestie hath the cheife power in this realme of England and other his dominions 2. The kings maiestie hath the chiefe gouernement of all estates ecclesiasticall and ciuill in all causes within his dominions 3. His Highnesse may not execute the ecclesiasticall duties of preaching and ministring the Sacraments and yet is to prescribe lawes and directions vnto all estates both ecclesiasticall and Temporall 4. The King by his authoritie is to restraine with the materiall sword and to punish malefactors 5. The Bishop of Rome hath no iurisdiction in this realme of England nor other of this kings dominions 6. By the lawes of this realme Christian men for hainous and greiuous offenses may be put to death 7. It is lawfull for Christian men at the commandement of the magistrate to weare weapons and serue in warres 2. Proposition The Kings maiestie hath the cheife power in this realme of England and other his dominions The proofe from Gods word Diuers and sundrie be the formes of Common-weales and magistracie For some where many and they of the inferior people beare the sway as in a democratie some where a fewe and that of choise and the best men doe gouerne as in an Aristocratie and some where one man or woman hath the preheminence as in a Monarchie such is the gouernement of this Kingdome Notwithstanding whatsoeuer the gouernement is either democraticall Aristocraticall or Monarchicall Gods word doth teach vs that There is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God and that whosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God We must be subiect to the principalities and powers and obedient and readie to euerie good worke We must submit our selues vnto all manner of ordinance of man for the Lords sake We must pray for Kinges and for all that bee in authoritie Finally we must giue to all men their dutie tribute to whom tribute custome to whom custome feare to whom feare honor to whom honor is due But of the Monarchiall gouernement speciall mention is made in the wrightings of the Prophets and Apostles Kings shall be their nourcing fathers and Queenes shall bee thy nources saith Esay The Apostle Peter calleth the King the superior or him that hath the chiefe power as our King Iames hath in his dominions All Churches Protestant and reformed subscribe vnto this doctrine as both Apostolicall and orthodoxall The errors and adversaries vnto this truth These Churches with vs and wee with them vtterly condemne the opinions Of the dreamers whereof the Apostle speaketh which despice gouernement and speake euill of them which are in authoritie Of the Manichies Fratricellians Flagelliferies Anabaptists and Familie of Loue all which raile vpon condemne magistracie Of them who allowe not of the gouernement by women but vtterly detest the same such were they in Italie which said In●●ritus mundi est á muliere regi againe speaking vnto women Abūde magna ciuitas vobis sit domus publicum neque noscatis neque vos noscat such in France who thinke how the lawe of God and nature is violated where a woman is suffered to reigne and gouerne such in Scotland or Scottish men rather from Geneua which wrote that A womans gouernment is a monstriferous Empire most detestable and damnable Againe I am assured that God hath reuealed to some in this age that it is more then a monster in nature that a woman shall reigne and haue Empire aboue man c And litle differing from these men are they in England which tearmed the harborough for faithfull subiects a carnall and vnlearned booke smelling altogether of earth without rime and without reason for defending the regiment of women ouer men when it falleth vnto them by inhaeritance to gouerne to be lawfull and good Hee which so censureth the said Harborough was the Marprelate and this his Censure declareth that hee was the Mar-prince aswell as the Marprelate 2. Proposition The Kinges maiestie hath the chiefe gouernment of all estates ecclesiasticall and ciuill in all causes within his dominions The proofe from Gods word Wee ascribe that vnto our King by this assertion which is giuen to euerie King or Queene in their owne dominions by the word of God For They are for titles gratious Lords Princes the ministers of God the Nourses of the Church Gods For authoritie the chiefe Which mooueth S. Paule to exhort that supplications be made for all men but first for Kinges as the chiefe Againe euerie soule is commaunded to bee subiect to the higher power c Finally the examples are manifold and pregnant shewing the principallity of kings ouer all persons and causes For Aaron the high preist called Moses the chiefe Prince his Lord so did Abimelech tearme Saul his Lord K. Iehosaphat as cheife in Iudah appointed Iudges Leuites and priests K. Ezekias there also as chiefe sent vnto all Israell and Iudah that they should come to the house of the Lord at Ierusalem to keepe the Passeouer also he appointed the course of Priests and Levites by their turnes and commanded all the priests to offer sacrifice c. and they obeied him and enioyned all the congregation to bring offerings and they brought them Which wee doe vnto ours the very same doe the churches of God ascribe vnto Christian magistrates in their principalities Errors Adversaries to this truth Which being true then false is it which the Papists deliuer viz that The kings excellencie of power is in respect of the Nobilitie and Lay-magistrates vnder him and not of Popes Bishops or Priests as they haue cure of soules kings and Princes be they neuer so great must be subiect vnto some Bishop Priest or Prelate The whole Clergie ought to be free from paying Tribute Sacerdotes etiam Principibus iure diuino subditi deleatur say the expurgators Priests are not by Gods lawe subiect vnto Princes No man is to be subiect vnto his temporall