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A56253 An introduction to the history of the principal kingdoms and states of Europe by Samuel Puffendorf ... ; made English from the original.; Einleitung zur Geschichte der vornehmsten Staaten Europas. English Pufendorf, Samuel, Freiherr von, 1632-1694.; Crull, J. (Jodocus), d. 1713? 1695 (1695) Wing P4177; ESTC R20986 441,075 594

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Is assassinated by Ravillac 234 Henry IV. Emperour of Germany 286 His troubles with the Pope 287 His Son rebells against him 288 Henry VII Emperour of Germany poisoned by a Monk 294 Henry of Valois Duke of Anjou made King of Poland 342 St. Hierom's Dream 387 I. JEsuites sent first into the Indies under John III. King of Portugal 90 Ireland conquer'd by the English 111 John King of England 112 Loses Normandy 113 James I. King of England 146 The Independents become Masters in England 158 Ireland conquer'd by the Parliament Forces of England 160 Constitution of the Irish Nation 166 Jesuits banish'd out of France by King Henry IV. 231 The Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands 257 The long Inter-regnum in Germany 292 Insurrection of the Boors in Germany under Charles V. 299 John Casimir King of Poland 349 John Pobeiski the present King of Poland 352 Constitution of the Jewish Religion 369 Ignorance contributed to the Popes Authority 386 Causes of this Ignorance 387 Ignorance of Luther's Adversaries 415 The Jesuits why they have taken upon them the Education of the Youth 443 Inquisition and Excommunication 445 L. LEwis XI King of France 202 His politick methods 203 Lewis XII King of France 206 Conquers Milan 206 Conquers Naples 207 Loses it again 207 Lewis XIII King of France 234 Takes Lorrain from that Duke 237 Lewis XIV the present King of France 238 Is forced to leave Paris 240 His differences with the Pope 243 His Wars in Flanders 243 244 Takes Mastricht 245 Leopold the present Emperour of Germany 305 His Wars with the Turks 305 With France 305 Lithuania united to Poland 339 Luther gives a great blow to the Grandeur of the Pope 412 Pope Leo his Vertues and Faults 413 Luther opposes Indulgencies and afterwards the Popes power 414 Is favoured by Erasmus 416 I 'll conduct of Pope Leo and Cardinal Cajetan 418 Why Luther's doctrine was not spread farther 419 Laity debarr'd from reading the Scriptures 437 The licensing of Books 444 Battle fought near Leipzick 520 Battle fought near Lutzen 524 A second Battle fought near Leipzick 530 M. MAcedonian Empire 8 Its fall 11 Massanello's Rebellion at Naples 65 The Maid of Orleans 200 125 Mary Queen of England 139 She restores Popery 139 Marries Philip of Spain 140 Mary Queen of Scotland 142 She marries Bothwel who murther'd her husband 143 She is made a Prisoner in England 143 Is beheaded 144 The Merringim Family loses the Crown of France 178 Mazarine ' s Ministry under Lewis XIV K. of France 238 Mazarine banish'd France 241 And recall'd by the Queen 241 Peace of Munster 275 239 Mazarine's death 242 Archduke Matthew made Governour by the Netherlanders 264 Maurice Son to William Prince of Orange made Stadtholder of the united Provinces 267 Matthias Emperour of Germany 300 Muscovy and its ancient State 361 The Genius of the Muscovites 363 Their Form of Government Strength and Neighbours 365 What Commodities Muscovy affords 364 Concerning Marriages 385 Metropolitans 390 Mendicants order and the Motives to embrace this manner of Life 396 Is prejudicial to the regular Clergy 397 Merits of good Works 439 Marriage made a Sacrament 440 Maydeburgh taken by the Imperialists 519 N. NAvarre conquered by Ferdinand the Catholick 46 Normandy annexed to the Crown of England 108 The Norman Race extinct 109 Navarre taken and lost again in a few days by Francis I. King of France 210 The Edict of Nants 232 Peace made at Nimwegen 305 246 67 The ancient State of the Netherlands 254 Their condition under the Emperour Charles V. 255 Causes of the Wars in the Netherlands under Philip II. King of Spain 256 They were fomented by Elizabeth Queen of England 258 Constitution of the united Netherlands 280 Their Genius 281 Of their Country Shipping and Commerce 282 283 Their Strength and Weakness 285 Their Form of Government 286 Their Defects 288 The Genius of the Norwegians 328 Battle fought near Noringen in Germany 327 O. THE Original of civil Societies 2 Origin of the Kingdom of Navarre and Arragon 3● The Original of selling Offices in France 202 Si●ge of Ostend 271 Orders of Fryars and Nun● in general 396 P. THE Persian Empire 4 Philip King of Macedon 8 Peace made at Cambray betwixt Charles V. and Francis I. 213 49 Peace made at Crespy betwixt Charles V. and Francis I. 215 52 Peace betwixt Spain and France 53 Treaty at Passaw 299 52 Philip II. King of Spain 54 His Wars with England 55 Peace made at Vervin betwixt France and Spain 232 57 Portugal falls to Spain 91 59 Philip III. King of Spain 59 Philip IV. King of Spain 91 Portugal falls off from Spain 64 92 Pyrenean Treaty 242 65 Peace with Portugal 66 Peace made at Aix la Chapelle 66 Peace made at Nimwegen 246 67 The Phillippine Islands 74 The Kingdom of Portugal and its Origin 81 The first Project of sailing into the East-Indies 88 The Portugueses banish the Moors and Jews 88 Peace betwixt Holland and Portugal 93 The Humour of the Portugueses 94 A Persecution raised on the Christians of Japan 96 Strength of Portugal 97 Peter's Pence 101 Peace made betwixt the English and French 119 Of no long continuance 120 Another Peace with France under R. II. K. of Eng. 170 The Powder Plot under James I. King of England 147 Pharamond the first King of France 175 Pipin proclaimed King of France 178 The Parisian Massacre 223 Pignerol bought from the Duke of Savoy by Lewis XIII King of France 236 Peace of Munster 275 239 Peace made at Aixla Chapelle 244 The Duke of Parma Governour of the Netherlands 265 Protestants and the rise of that Name 298 Protestant League at Smalkald 298 The differences betwixt the Protestants in Germany 312 The Kingdom of Poland and its Origin 333 Twelve Vaivodes or Governours in Poland 333 The Poles defeated in Moldavia 346 Poland invaded by Gustavus Adolfus K. of Sweden 347 The Poles defeated by the Cosacks 349 Poland invaded by Gustavus Adolf a second time 350 Poland invaded by Ragezi Prince of Transilvania 351 The Genius of the Polish Nation 352 The Kingdom of Poland its Strength and Weakness Form of Government its Commodities Revenues c. 353 354 355. Of the Pope of Rome 368 The Popes Authority and its Origin 386 Pedantry introduced into the Schools 388 The Greek and Roman Politicians prejudicial to Monarchy 388 Patriarchs 390 Of the Popes Power 390 The Popes Confirmation of Bishops 391 How the Popes withdrew themselves from their Subjection to the Emperours 399 The Pope seeks for protection in France 400 The Pope establishes an ecclesiastical Sovereignty 402 The Pope pretends to a power over Princes even to depose them 404 How this power is colour'd over 405 The Papal Authority opposed and weakned by Schisms 407 Divisions among the Protestants and the Licentiousness of some Protestants 420 The Vniversity of Paris 420 The Popish Soveraignty recovered 422 Popish Clergy more regular and learned than before 422 How
Years and the Church Benefices having been rather bestowed upon Favourites or such as payed well for them than such as deserved them furnished the Pope with a specious Pretence to make a Decree that it was not the Emperour 's right to bestow Bishopricks or other Church Benefices upon any Body but that it did belong to the Pope The Emperour was also summoned to appear at Rome and to give an Account concerning his Mis-behaviour and in case of failure he was threatened with an Excommunication On the other Hand the Emperour having declared the Pope unworthy of his Office would have deposed him So the Pope excommunicated the Emperour discharging all his Subjects from their Allegiance due to him which proved of such Consequence in those Times that all his Authority fell to the Ground at once among most of his Subjects whereby he was reduced to the greatest Extremity For most Princes assembled at Trebes where they deposed Henry which Sentence however was so far mitigated afterwards that the same should be left to the Pope's decision Henry therefore accompanied by a few was obliged to undertake a Journey in the midst of the Winter into Italy and being arrived at Canu●io was fain to stay three Days barefooted in a coarse Woollen Habit in the outward Court and in an humble posture to beg the Pope's Absolution which he at last granted him But the Emperour received no great Advantage by it for the Italians were quite disgusted at this Demeanour of his which obliged the Emperour to make use of his former Authority to reduce them to Obedience In the mean while the Princes of Germany by instigation of the Pope did elect Radolph Duke of Swabia their King but the Bavarians Franconians and the Countries next adjacent to the Rhine did remain in obedience of the Emperour Henry Thus a bloody War ensued wherein Radolph and the Saxons were vanquish'd in two battels and in the third he lost his right hand and life Then Henry call'd together an Assembly of the Bishops and having deposed Hildebrand he caused another to be chosen in his room He also return'd home himself and banish'd Hildebrand But the Saxons persisted in their Rebellion against the Emperour who was again Excommunicated by the Pope and having first set up Herman Duke of Luxenburgh and after his death Ecbert Marquess of Saxony for their Kings but to no purpose they at last stirr'd up the Emperors Son against the Father Against him the Emperour raised a great Army whom the Son met and in a deceitful manner begg'd his pardon Upon his perswasions the Father having abandon'd his Forces and being upon his Journey to the Dyet at Mayence accompanied by a few this antient Prince was made a Prisoner and Deposed He died soon after in great misery who in sixty two battels which he had fought in his life time generally obtained the Victory § 5. As soon as Henry V. was made Emperour he followed his Fathers example in maintaining the Imperial Dignity For as soon as he had settled the Affairs of Germany he marched with an Army towards Rome to renew the antient Right of the Emperours in nominating of Bishops and to be Crowned there The Pope Paschal II. having got notice of the Emperours design raised a great Tumult at Rome where the Emperour was so close beset that he was fain to fight in Person for his safety But the Emperour having got the upper hand made the Pope a Prisoner and forced him to give his consent to his demands And this their Agreement was confirmed by solemn Oaths and Execrations yet no sooner had the Emperour turn'd his back but the Pope having declared the Agreement void stirr'd up the Saxons and the Bishops in Germany against the Emperour With these Henry was engag'd in a very tedious War and perceiving at last that there was no other way left to compose these differences he granted the Popes demands by renouncing his Right to nominate Bishops at the Dyet held at Worms which resignation as it greatly diminish'd the Emperour's Authority so on the other hand it strengthened the power of the Pope This Emperour died without Issue Him succeeded Lotharius Duke of Saxony who had for a Rival in the Empire Cunrad Duke of Franconia whom he quickly oblig'd to beg fair Quarters This Emperour having twice undertaken an Expedition into Italy did with great Glory restore Tranquility to that Country and because he used to flatter the Pope he was in great esteem among the Clergy He died in the year 1138. After his death Cunrad III. obtained the Imperial Dignity who was opposed by Henry Duke of Saxony and Bavaria and his Brother Wulff which occasioned bloody Wars against him But peace being restored among them he undertook an Expedition into the Holy Land where he underwent great Calamities for tho he fought his way through the Saracens and arriv'd safely at Jerusalem yet after he had lost the greatest part of his Army without doing any thing of moment he was fain to return home But whilst he was busie in making preparations for another Expedition into Italy he died in the year 1252. § 6. Frederick I. succeeded him who by the Italians was Surnamed Barbarossa Duke of Swabia who immediately at the beginning of his Reign having setled the affairs of Germany did afterwards reduce Italy under his obedience which however was not of long continuance for the Milaneses quickly Rebell'd but were severely chastis'd their City having been laid level with the ground He was also in continual broils with the Pope against whom and his Associates he obtained several Victories yet being at last tired out with so many wars he made peace with him especially since his Son Otto had been taken Prisoner by the Venetians At the concluding of this Peace 't is said that Pope Alexander III. did set his foot upon the Emperours neck which by a great many is taken for a fable This Emperour was the last who maintained the Authority of the German Emperours in Italy Last of all he undertook an Expedition into the Holy Land against Saladin the Sultan of Egypt who had taken the City of Jerusalem He beat the Saracens several times but endeavouring to pass over a River in Cilicia on Horseback or as some will have it intending to wash himself in the River he was drowned And tho his Son Frederic after his Fathers death did take a great many Cities in Syria yet the whole Expedition had a very bad end the greatest part of the Army together with the Duke Frederick having been consumed by the Plague or Famin. Frederick was succeeded by his Son Henry VI. in the Empire who with his Lady Constantia got the Kingdoms of Sicily Calabria and Apuiia This Emperour went to Rome to receive the Crown from Pope Celestin when the Pope sitting in his Chair and the Emperour on his knees put first the Crown upon his head but immediatly struck the
to make Head against the dissatisfy'd people Notwithstanding all which the King pursued his Resolution and having ask'd the Opinion of Men skill'd in the Law who told him That it was allowable for the publick benefit to levy Money by his own Authority he imposed several new Taxes whereby he augmented his yearly Revenue from 500000 l. to 800000 l. Besides this he laid a Tax for maintaining of a Fleet which amounted to 200000 l. All which caused great dissatisfaction among the Subjects against the King Besides the King was thought by the Puritans to deal hardly with them and too mildly with the Papists by the Counsel of Archbishop Laud a Man of great Resolution who at that time apprehended that Faction very dangerous both to Church and State which was by the Puritans interpreted as if the King was resolved by suppressing of them to introduce Popery to insinuate this into the Multitude abundance of Libels and scurrilous Papers were scatter'd abroad against the King and the Bishops and Commissioners being appointed to inquire into them they were rather exasperated than appeas'd by its Severity § 26. Both Nations being therefore full of Discontents the Flame first broke out in Scotland For the King endeavouring to root out Puritanism there to establish the Authority of the Bishops and an Uniformity in Religion he order'd a Church Liturgy to be composed abrogating all Presbyteries Classes and Provincial Synods and enjoining every one under severe penalties to conform to the same there was a general Insurrection raised by that party in Scotland There was also another reason for at the time of the first Reformation the Revenues of a great many Church Benefices were appropriated to the use of the Crown but without any remarkable advantage for they were lett out for the most part to younger Brothers of Noble Families These having found the benefit of them had by getting from time to time the Survivorship continued the same in their Families and kept them as their own Propriety Nay they did more than this for during the Minority of King James VI. they had obtained the Titles of Lordships for some of the most considerable of these or some lesser Benefices joined together King James afterwards perceiving that thereby they had bound him up from rewarding such with these Benefices as deserved well of him would have recall'd the beforesaid Grants but met with such opposition in the Nobility that he desisted from it But the King undertook the business effectually employing the said Revenues towards the augmenting of the Salaries of the Clergy These therefore who had been losers by this Revocation joined with such Ministers as were mortal Enemies of the Liturgy did with all their might help to stirr up the Rebellion Alexander Lesley also who had been a Commander in the German Wars and having refused to serve under John Banniers there was returned into his native Country in hopes to make his advantage of these Troubles He put himself at the Head of the Rebellious Party and by persuading the Nobility that the King intended to take away their ancient Privileges stirr'd up a great many against the King And to make a fair shew to the common people they made use of the Religious Cloak of Conscience ordering a Directory to be compos'd by the Ministers quite opposite to the former Liturgy They thereupon enter'd into an Association confirm'd by solemn Oaths That they would maintain the same against all even the King himself This Association was called the Covenant which being subscrib'd by the greatest part of the Nobility and Clergy a Council was constituted unto whom was committed the supream direction of their Affairs To suppress these Commotions the King sent the Marquiss of Hamilton into Scotland who dealing mildly with them only encouraged the adverse party For the King calling a Parliament in hopes to remedy these Disorders the Covenant was by its Authority confirm'd the Episcopal Authority quite abolish'd and Puritanism establish'd in defiance of the Royal Authority There being then no other way left to reduce the Rebellious Party to Obedience but force and the King being in want both of Money and a sufficient number of faithfull Subjects he was forc'd to make some use of the Papists to obtain both wherefore he did not only raise an Army wherein were some Papists but also was assisted by them with some Summs of Money all which however was in no ways sufficient to supply the want of the King and a Supply being demanded from the Subjects very few except the King's Servants and Officers were for contributing any thing And it being divulged that a great many thousand of Irish Papists and Germans were ready for the King's Service to try whether by this way the Subjects could be frightened out of some Money it served only to exasperate the Minds of the people Yet the King's Forces might in all probability have been successfull against the Scots if they had fallen upon them immediately But because they had leisure given them they did not only settle a Correspondency with France and Holland from whence they were supply'd with Money and Ammunition but also sent their Deputies into England who so well knew there to represent the state of their Affairs that the King being persuaded by the English made a dishonourable Agreement with them Which nevertheless did not last long the Court being asham'd of the Agreement and the Scots not trusting the King the King had in the mean while intercepted a Letter wherein the Scots had sollicited for some Officers and Money to be sent them from France this he hoped might prove an inducement to the English to oppose the Treachery of the Scots and to furnish him with some Supplies of which he stood in great need at that time He calling therefore a Parliament the Letter was read but to no great purpose the Members of the House of Commons being most of them Puritans who were great friends of the Scots so that the Parliament was a little while after dissolv'd by the King's Authority The King had caused to be made Prisoner in London the Scotch Commissioner who had subscribed the abovementioned Letter whereupon the Scots took up Arms and took the Castle of Edinburgh The King having with great difficulty for want of Money got together an Army went in person against the Scots but as a party of his Army endeavouring to force their passage was beaten back with loss which augmented the Discontents of his Subjects the Souldiers for want of Pay being to be maintained by those Counties where they were quartered Besides this ten thousand Men which were raised by the Parliament in Ireland for the King's service were forc'd to be disbanded for want to Pay There was then no other remedy left but to make a Truce with the Scots and to call a new Parliament in England which began to sit in November in the Year 1640. § 27. But in the
Session of this Parliament the Ulcer which had been long gathering in the Minds of the people broke out For the Parliament in lieu of assisting the King against the Scots enter'd into a Confederacy with them promising a monthly Subsidy towards the maintaining of the Scottish Army which was to be ready at the English Parliament's command Then they began to reform the States to clip the King's Authority to punish his Ministers and Servants and to take away the Bishops Liturgy and fall upon Papists The better to obtain their aim they forced the King to consent that he would not dissolve the Parliament till all such as were criminal were punished and the State were entirely reformed In a word that they should have the liberty to sit as long as they pleased Which in effect put an end to the Royal Authority To try the King's Patience and their own Strength they brought the Earl of Strafford Lord Deputy of Ireland to his Tryal who notwithstanding he made a good Defence and the King did his utmost to preserve his beloved and faithfull Minister yet the Rabble of London then encouraged by the House of Commons making an Insurrection he received Sentence of Death in the House of Lords And the King refusing to sign the Warrant for his Execution was obliged thereunto partly by the importunity of the Parliament partly by the Insurrection of the Rabble of the City of London and partly by a Letter from the Earl desiring him to do it Then the rest of the King's Ministers went to rack some of them saving themselves by flight some being imprisoned The Bishops were excluded from the House of Lords The Star-chamber the Authority of the Privy Council and the High Commission were suppressed the Customs and power over the Fleet were taken away from the King Some of these and some other things which proved very prejudicial to him the King was forced to grant them in hopes thereby to heal the ulcerated Minds of the people He went also in person into Scotland where he granted them all what they could desire About the same time a horrid Conspiracy broke out among the Irish Papists who pretended to maintain the Popish Religion and to redress some Grievances by force of Arms which occasioned afterwards a most cruel slaughter At last it came to an open Rebellion For the Parliament not ceasing to encroach daily more and more upon the Royal Authority the King resolved to assert his Authority wherefore he summoned five Members of Parliament whom he accused as Traitors and authors of all the Differences And the House of Commons taking their part the King went into the House accompanied with some Officers and spoke to them with a due resentment of their Behaviour which however they made but little account of being not ignorant of his want of Power of which he seem'd to betray himself when he immediately afterwards condescended and came nearer their Expectations The House of Commons thereupon stirr'd up the neighbouring Counties and especially the London Apprentices who made such an Insurrection that the King not thinking himself safe in London retir'd into the Country And the Parliament order'd all the Governours of the Sea-ports not to obey the King's Commands It was certainly a great errour in the King that in such troublesome times he had not taken care to secure to himself the Sea-ports by which means he might have hoped for some assistance from abroad For when the King intended to possess himself of the Fort and Harbour of Hull he was not admitted so that there was nothing left but that the Parliament had not as yet taken from the King the disposal of Offices But for the rest it was evident that their Intention was to abolish totally the Royal Power and to introduce a Democracy And after the King had once given his Assent to the exclusion of the Bishops from the House of Lords where they had six and twenty votes and the rest of the King's Friends had once absented themselves from both Houses it was easie for the remainder quite to abolish the Authority of the House of Lords Thus after there had been long contests by Words and Writings betwixt both parties the King now as well as the Parliament began to Arm themselves And the King having at several times at first beat the Parliament Forces the Parliament stirr'd up the Scots entring with them into a Confederacy Whereupon the Scots came with a considerable Force to the assistance of the Parliament which turned the Scale the King's Forces being routed near York and he obliged for want of Men and Money to give himself up to the protection of the Scots who nevertheless did surrender him to the English for the Summ of 400000 l. under condition that he should not be abused by them The King was afterwards carried a Prisoner from place to place for a considerable time § 28. By these means the Puritans or Presbyterians had under the pretext of Religion overthrown the Royal Power But that they could not long enjoy their usurped power was occasioned by a certain Sect that called themselves Independent because they would not depend on any certain from of Faith or Spiritual or Temporal Constitutions nor acknowledge any of the same whereby they opened a door for all sorts of Fanaticks to come under their Protection These under pretence of a particular holy Zeal had not only got a great sway in the Parliament and had been against any peaceable accommodation propos'd by others but also by their cunning insinuating way crept into the chief Civil and Military Employments For in the place of the Earl of Essex Thomas Fairfax was made General and Oliver Cromwell Lieutenant General over the Army the last of which was the Head of the Independents a sly and cunning Fox And out of this party all vacant places were supply'd in Parliament The Presbyterians therefore perceiving that the Independents began to be very strong in the House and that most Military Employments were in their Hands proposed in the House That one part of the Army should be sent into Ireland that some Forces only should be kept in England and the rest be disbanded Cromwell made use of this to stirr up the Souldiers telling them that they were likely to be disbanded without pay or else to be starv'd in Ireland Thereupon the Souldiers enter'd into an Association among themselves taking upon them not only the Military but also all the Civil Power they took the King from the Parliament into their own custody pretending they would give him his liberty but made themselves Masters of the City of London and acted in every thing at discretion For they quickly after broke off the Treaty with the King and a great many of the Subjects who were not able to bear their Tyranny taking up Arms were dispers'd by Cromwell who also beat the Scots that were come into England to the assistance of the King making
direction and Presidentship of such Assemblies whatever matter is to be debated there does at least belong to the Prince if their Decrees shall pass afterwards for and have the power of a Law or a definitive Sentence in the State Indeed the Supreme Magistrates no more than the Clergy can pretend to a right of introducing new Articles of Faith or of explaining the Scripture according to their own pleasure Nevertheless the whole Duty of a Christian being contained in the whole Scriptures which God has commanded to be published for the benefit of Mankind and not to be committed like Sibylline Oracles to the custody of certain Priests and since others as well as the Clergy have the opportunity to comprehend the Sense of the Holy Scripture it seems not at all contrary to reason that the Civil Magistrates should have at least the Supreme direction of these Assemblies where matters concerning the different interpretations of the Scripture are to be debated From hence also this benefit will accrue to the Publick that thereby the extravagant Heats and immoderate Passions which are commonly obvious in these Disputes may be moderated matters may be debated with prudence and not stretched too high out of a fondness of contradicting nor that any one by malicious interpretation of his Words and Opinion may fall under Slanders and Censures or the Excommunication be thundred out without necessity against the innocent And because the first Christian Emperours did either neglect this their Right or had no opportunity of exercising it this occasioned great confusion in some Councils From hence also the Pope took an opportunity after he had set himself above the Western Bishops and Councils themselves to take upon him an Authority to decide Controversies even concerning Articles of Faith to introduce such Canons or Ecclesiastical Laws in the Church as he thought most proper for his Interest and State and by pretending to the highest Jurisdiction to exempt the Church from the Jurisdiction of the Civil Magistrates For when once this Opinion was established that all these Matters did belong of right to the Clergy only without having any respect to the Civil Power the Pope did pretend to the same by the same Right by which he had set himself above the Clergy and the whole Church § 12. Besides this it was the Custom among the Antient Christians that they very seldom pleaded their Causes according to the admonition of S. Paul before the Pagan Judges But in case of differences among themselves they used to refer the same to the decision of a Bishop that by their Contests they might not give any occasion of Scandal to the Heathens since it might seem unbecoming that those who made profession of despising worldly Riches should quarrel among themselves about the same This Custom as it was very useful and praiseworthy at that time so because it was not Abrogated but rather confirmed afterwards by the Christian Emperors tho the Courts of Justice were then Governed by Christian Judges the Bishops afterwards pretended to a formal Jurisdiction which did not only derogate from the Authority of Temporal Judges but also the Bishops were thereby diverted from performing such Duties as properly belonged to their Office There was also another Custom among the first Christians that if a scruple arose concerning nearness of Blood in Marriages they used to take the Opinion of the Priests in this Case and if any differences did arise betwixt married People it used to be referred to the Arbitration of the Priests who at the time also when the Nuptials were Celebrated used to give them their Benediction and Pray with them This if in itself considered very good beginning furnish'd an occasion of great Abuses afterwards the Pope having from hence taken a pretext to subject all Matrimonial Affairs concerning Divorces Nullities of Marriages Successions Inheritances and the like of the greatest Consequence under his Jurisdiction who to render his pretensions the more plausible did make Marriage a Sacrament Besides this the first Christians were very desirous to recommend their Religion to the Heathens by a Holy and Innocent Life especially since some sort of Vices were not punishable according to the Pagan Laws Wherefore in the Primitive Church if any one had given a Publick Scandal by his vicious Life a certain Church Penance was laid upon him which at the utmost did amount to this that he was excluded from the Communion of the Christians Which Custom as it is not unreasonable so it may be of good use in a Christian State provided the Civil Magistrate have the Supreme direction and take care that such a Censure be not abused out of obstinacy or private ends and passion Especially since these Censures have had such an influence upon Civil Societies that in the Eighth Age no body would Converse with any one that was Excommunicated And this Power ought not to be given to the absolute disposal of any one except to the Sovereign if you will not divide the Sovereignty But in what manner the Popes have afterwards abused this Censure and extended it even to the Excommunication of Emperors Kings and whole Commonwealths and by forbidding the Publick Exercise of Divine Service Absolving the Subjects from their Allegiance and bestowing their Kingdoms upon others have forced them to a compliance against their own Interest is sufficiently known out of History Yet in the Eastern Empire these Abuses did not grow up to the same height for the Emperors at Constantinople did at least so far maintain their Authority against the Clergy that they durst not pretend to dominere over them Besides that the Eastern Bishop wanted an opportunity to set themselves one above the other because the Bishops at Constantinople had no other Prerogative allowed him but Precedency of Rank above the others without his Diocess but not any Jurisdiction § 14. But in the Western parts the Church afterwards took quite another Face since the Bishop of Rome had projected a peculiar sort of a Monarchy which by degrees he brought to perfection and has not had its parallel ever since the memory of mankind it being founded upon quite other Principles and upheld by very different means from other States The more influence this Monarchy has had for several hundred years together upon the States and Affairs of Europe and has been maintained with great Zeal by one and opposed by the other party the more it will be worth our while to dive into the first Origin and Constitution of it and to alledge some reason why in the last Age this Monarchy was reduced to a tottering condition but has recollected its vigour in ours From whence a wise Man also may be able to judge what success may be hoped for from the Projects of those who are for reconciling the differences betwixt the Protestants and Papists Wherefore it may be said that towards the increase of this Monarchy so pernicious to the Supreme Civil Power
the encouragement of Princes and other great Men that endowed them with great Revenues But when the Charity and Liberality of the People seemed almost to be exhausted by the great Charges bestowed upon so many rich Monasteries and yet there were not enough to contain all such as were desirous to enter into this sort of Life at last in the Thirteenth Century the Order of the Mendicant-Fryars was erected These made a great shew of Holiness because they would not be taken for such as were forward to choose a Monastick Life to live in plenty but for such as had taken a resolution to bid farewel to all the Pleasures of this World and at the best maintain themselves by Alms. A great many have embraced this severe Order out of an Opinion of a particular Holiness and Merit which they believed did belong to this Order or rather an Ecclesiastick Ambition the Pride of Mankind being so great and natural to some that they did not think the Commands of God sufficient but rather would receive Heaven from God Almighty as a desert than as a gift and were ambitious of having a preference before others even in the other Life Some there are who embrace a Monastick Life out of desperation some out of laziness A great many are by their Parents and Relations sent into a Monastery out of Superstition or Poverty and to prevent the ruin of a Family by the division of the Estate among a great many Children And out of these Fryars the Pope has chosen his Regiment of Guards which he lays in Garrison not only to plague the Laiety but also to curb the Bishops and the rest of the Clergy It was for this reason that the Pope did uphold the Fryars with so much zeal against the Bishops in the Tenth Century especially when they withdrawing themselves from the Jurisdictions of the Bishops did submit themselves to the immediate Authority of the Pope And the Popes know so well how to handle them that tho' there are great Jealousies on foot betwixt their several Orders as for example betwixt the Franciscans and Dominicans they nevertheless keep so even a ballance betwixt them and so equally dispose of their Favours towards them that one Order may not oppress another or that any of them may have any reason to complain of the Pope's partiality These Fryars also used to interfere often with the regular Clergy as pretending to a great share in the Legacies and Burials of the richer sort to the direction of Consciences and the administration of the Sacraments From hence did arise a continual envy and hatred from the Bishops and regular Clergy against these Fryars who being upheld by the Pope's Favour were not concerned at their anger And therefore whenever any Bishop attempted any thing against the Pope's Authority these Fryars with their clamour and noise pursued him every where like so many Hounds and rendred him odious to the common People amongst whom they were in great veneration through their outward appearance of Holiness and from thence it came to pass that the Bishops who opposed the Pope's Authority never could make a great Party among the common People Besides this the Fryars always kept a watchful Eye over the actions of the Bishops giving continual advices concerning them to their Generals residing at Rom● whereby by the Popes were enabled to oppose timely any design intended against their Authority And these Fryars proved the main obstacle why the Bishops could not so effectually oppose the Pope's Authority which he assumed over them so that being destitute of means to help themselves they were forced to follow the current Tho' it is also certain that some of them were very well satisfied with it as believing that they did participate of the Grandeur of their supreme Head and that thereby they should be exempted from the Jurisdiction of the Civil Magistrates which was more dreadful to them than a foreign Jurisdiction exercised by those of their own Order from whom they had all the reason to expect more Favour Nevertheless it is also undeniable that a great many Bishops especially among those on this side the Alps bear a grudge to the Pope's Authority to this very day which evidently appeared at the Council of Trent where the French and Spanish Bishops did insist very closely upon this Point that it might be decided whether Bishops are not obliged to Residence by the Law of God which is also the Opinion of the Jansenists as they are called in France and the Netherlands The more refined sort did easily perceive what their Intention was by making this Proposition For if God had commanded them this it must also be a consequence that he had given them means and instructed them with sufficient Power qui dat jus ad finem dat jus ad media and that therefore they were not obliged to go to Rome first and to purchase an Authority to exercise their Function The Pope met with great Difficulties before he could surmount this obstacle at the Council of Trent wherefore it is very likely that this will be the last Council since the Pope will scarce hereafter put his Grandeur to the hazard and the decision of such an Assembly which also seems now to be of no further use since the Jesuits and some others have taught that the Pope is infallible and above Councils from whom they ought to receive a confirmation and a binding or obliging Power But let it be as it will the Bishops are for their own sakes obliged not to withdraw themselves from the Popes subjection since thereby they would fall under the Jurisdiction of the Civil Power and would be obliged to seek for Protection from their Sovereigns who must be Potent Princes if they should protect them against the Pope wherefore they are now forced to choose the least of two Evils § 19. Tho' the Church was never so abounding in Riches and in great numbers of Ecclesiasticks yet was it absolutely necessary that the Pope if the intended to establish an Ecclesiastical Monarchy should not be in any ways dependent on any Temporal Prince and that he should reside in a place which was free from all subjection to any Civil Power but himself that he also should be possessed of such an Estate as might be sufficient to maintain his Grandeur and not to be liable to be taken away from him upon any pretence whatsoever where also his adherents might find a safe retreat whenever they should be pursued by the Civil Power To establish this was a business of a considerable time and labour neither could it be effected without great opposition and that by a great many Artifices and knavish Tricks And it is certain that as long as there was an Emperour in the Western Empire and as long as the Empire of the Goths lasted in Italy the Bishops of Rome could not so much as think of this Greatness But this having been destroyed under the
them to all sorts of People whom he installed before they had taken Holy Orders And when the Emperour resolved to maintain his antient Right and Title he excommunicated him and stirred up the Bishops and the Estates of Germany against him who made him so much work that he was obliged to resign his Right of Constituting of Bishops The Pope under this pretext did not only intend to exempt the Bishops from the Emperour's Jurisdiction but the main point was to make himself Sovereign over Italy and to make all the other Princes submit to the Pope's Authority And some are of Opinion that this Design might have been put in execution considering that Europe was at that time divided into so many Principalities and most of these Princes being not very Potent might either out of a Devotion or to avoid falling under the Jurisdiction of more Potent Princes submit themselves under the Pope's protection and pay him Tribute It is therefore not improbable that if three or four Popes had succeeded one another instructed with sufficient Capacity to cover their Design with the Cloak of Holiness and in the mean while to uphold the Interest of the People against the Oppressions of their Princes the Popes might have made themselves absolute Sovereigns both in Temporal and Spiritual Affairs Neither did the Pope only pretend to free himself from the Emperour's Jurisdiction over him but also endeavoured to make him his Subject for he pretended to be his Judge he summon'd him before him to make answer to the Complaints of his Subjects excommunicated him and declared him to have forfeited his Right and Title to the Empire And tho' his Son the Emperour Henry V. did endeavour to recover what was forcibly taken away from his Father and made Pope Paschal a Prisoner whom he forced to restore to him the right of Constituting of Bishops yet were the whole Clergy in Europe so dissatisfied hereat and raised such Commotions that at last he was obliged to resign the same again into the Pope's hands Much about the same time there were great Disputes concerning this Point in England which were composed in such a manner that the King should not pretend to the Power of investing of Bishops but that these should do Homage to him The last of which the Pope was very unwilling to grant who would fain have had the Bishops to be quite independent of the King which was the reason why he expresly forbid the Bishops in France to follow this Example but King Lewis VI. and his Successours did maintain their Right with so high a Hand that the Popes were never able to establish their pretended Right in France Neither did the Popes think it advisable to fall out at once with the Emperour and France but that it would be more secure to have one at hand to uphold them against the other especially the Popes were not so much for weakening of France because they were not so nearly concerned with that Kingdom as for humbling the Emperours that were Potent in Italy and pretended to the Sovereignty over the City of Rome Neither was Germany so intirely united as France and most Princes of Europe being then very jealous of the Grandeur of the Empire were very willing to joyn with the Pope against the Emperours under pretence of upholding the Authority of the Holy Church and Papal Chair 'T is true the two Emperours Frederick I. and II. did afterwards endeavour to restore the antient Imperial Right but were not able to attain their aim especially since Italy was divided into the two Factions of the Guelfs and Gibellines the first whereof were for the Pope the latter for the Emperour which caused such a Confusion in Italy that the Emperours could never afterwards reduce Italy to an entire Obedience And because after the death of the Emperour Frederick II. the whole Empire was during that long vacancy of the Throne put into great Confusion and Disorders the succeeding Emperours found so much work in Germany that they were not in a Condition to look after Italy whereby the Pope had sufficient leisure given him to make himself Sovereign both as to his own Person and over the Possessions belonging to the Church of Rome § 22. But the Pope not being contended to have attained this degree of Grandeur quickly set on foot another Doctrine which was of far greater consequence viz. That the Pope had an indirect Power over Princes that it belonged to him in his own Right to take Care how they governed and managed their Affairs For tho' they did not expresly pretend in gross terms that Princes did depend on them in Civil Affairs yet they believed that the supreme Ecclesiastical Power did entitle them to an Authority to judge concerning the Actions of Princes whether the same were good or bad to admonish them to correct them and to command what was fitting and to forbid what was unfitting to be done If therefore Princes waged War against one another the Pope pretended to have an Authority to command a Truce to be made betwixt them to bring their Differences before him and refer them to his Decision not without threatnings that he would not only excommunicate them in their Persons but also forbid the exercise of Divine Service and administration of the Sacraments throughout their whole Kingdom They also did believe it belonged to their Office to obviate all publick Scandals to defend such as were oppressed and to see Justice done to all the World It was from this pretension that they received the Complaints of all such as pretended to be oppressed nay they went further for they sometimes took information concerning the Injuries done by Princes to their Subjects and concerning some Impositions laid upon the People whereby the People thought themselves aggrieved which they forbid to be levied upon them under the penalty of Excommunication Sometimes they used to declare the Possessions of such as were excommunicated forfeited exposing their Persons to danger and releasing the Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance under pretence that the Government of a Christian People ought not to be trusted to the management of such as had rebelled against the Church This has been attempted against a great many Crowned Heads and put in execution against some of them This abominable pretension as they perswade the ignorant was founded upon their fictitious Decretals upon which they have built their Canon-Law which grants to the Pope an unlimited Power over Christians by vertue of which he may as the Common Father send out his Commands to all Believers and admonish them concerning all such Matters as belong to Religion and their Salvation and in case of Disobedience lay punishments upon them For that the Predecessours of Gregory VII did not make use of this Power they say was because the preceeding Emperours either kept themselves within their bounds or else the Popes lived an ungodly Life To give specious colours to these pretensions
they made use of the Examples of Ambrose and Theodosius they used to relate how the Spanish Bishops had obliged King Wamba by way of penance to lay down the Crown As also how the Bishops of France had deposed Lewis Surnamed the Pious who afterwards could not recover his Crown without the Consent and Authority of another Assembly of Bishops They alledged for another Example how Fulco then Archbishop of Rheims had threatened Charles Sirnamed the Simple to absolve his Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance if he made an Alliance with the Normans who were then Pagans They supposed that it was without question that the Pope's Power did extend it self beyond that of all other Bishops since it was not limited by any thing except by the express Canons of Councils and Decrees of the Popes wherein nothing was contained against this Power of deposing of Kings and they say it was not to be supposed that they could have been forgetful of this point And because they had assumed a Power to give the Name and Title of a King to some who either prompted by their Ambition or Superstition had begged the same from them they supposed that by the same Right they might take away the Crown from such as they esteemed unworthy of wearing it They also had forbid to marry within the seventh degree of Consanguinity and the fourth of Affinity whereby they often met with an opportunity to be troublesome to Princes For because it seldom happened among those of so high a Rank but that one side or other was within one of these degrees they stood in continual fear lest the Pope should disturb their Negotiations except they humbly begged for a Dispensation and in both cases the Popes knew how to make their advantage of them Lastly the Popes having abundance of Business to dispatch did thereby draw the best and most refined Wits to their Courts who used to go thither to look for Imployment and to perfect themselves in the great School of Europe These were always for promoting the Pope's Interest and Designs from whom they expected their promotion besides that the whole Clergy did adhere to him as to their supreme Head Pope Boniface VIII did clearly give us to understand his meaning at the Jubilee kept in the year 1300. when he appeared sometimes in the Habit of an Emperour sometimes in that of a Pope and caused two Swords to be carried before him as the Ensigns of the Ecclesiastical and Civil Power § 23. But the Popes could not long enjoy this unsufferable Usurpation in quiet for it was so often called in question till they were obliged to draw in their horns and to make their pretensions a little more plausible 'T is true in the Business with the Emperours the Henrys and the Fredericks they got the upper hand nevertheless they met betwixt while often times with very indifferent entertainment and such things were sometimes publish'd against them as were little to their Honour and from whence it might easily be judged by those that were impartial that not the Glory of God but their own Grandeur was the chief aim of their undertaking But when Boniface III. pretended to play the same Game with Philip Surnamed the Handsome King of France he watched his opportunity so well and gave him such a blow that the Pope felt the smart of it And to avoid the Scandal which the common People might take at these so severe proceedings against the Pope use was made of this pretext that what was done against his Person was not intended against the Vicar of Jesus Christ but against a pernicious Person who by unlawful means was got into the Chair and that a general Council ought to be called to free the Church from his Oppressions But the ensuing Schisms have proved the most pernicious to the Popes Authority as also the double Elections which have been made at several times when the Cardinals being divided set up two Popes at once who used by turns to excommunicate and revile one another and to maintain themselves in the Chair were fain to flatter the Kings and acknowledge that they were beholding to them This Division was an evident sign that the Elections of these Popes had not been guided by the Holy Spirit but been influenced by some ill Designs and Intrigues Wherefore it was also the Opinion of the Wiser sort that in such a case neither of them ought to be acknowledged as Pope but that a new one ought to be chosen which was also put in execution at the Council of Constance The first Schism arose according to my Opinion in the year 1134. or as some will have it 1130. when after the death of Honorius II. Innocent II. and Anacletus were both chosen Popes And tho' the first had the greater party on his side yet did the King of Sicily and Duke of Aquitam vigorously uphold the latter and his adherents did after his death choose another in his stead who called himself Victor with whom Innocent made an agreement so that he voluntarily relinquished his pretension and acknowledged him his Superiour But after the death of Adrian IV. two Popes were again elected at one time viz. Alexander III. and Victor IV. To the first adhered France England and Sicily to the latter the Emperour Frederick I. all Germany and the Clergy of Rome And after his death those of his party chosen three successive Popes all whom Alexander out-lived These used to make a common Trade to excommunicate and revile one another and each of them were fain to behave themselves towards their Protectours more like a Client than a Master But much greater was the Schism after the death of Gregory IX when again two Popes were elected at once whereof one resided at Rome the other at Avignon This Schism lasted through several successions near the space of Forty Years during which time both parties excommunicated one another very frequently and committed great Cruelties France Scotland Castile Savoy and Naples were of the side of the Pope that resided at Avignon but all the rest of Christendom declared for the other at Rome Both parties took great pains to set out the great numbers of Saints that were of their party and what Miracles and Revelations were made concerning their approbation And both sides knew how to produce such Reasons that at last there was no other remedy left them but to force both the Anti-Popes to abdicate themselves at the Council of Constance and to choose a new one in their stead The last Schism of all arose when the Council of Basil having deposed Eugenius IV. did in his stead elect Felix V. Pope unto whom the former would not submit And these Dissentions were continued till after the death of Eugenius when Nicholas V. was chosen in his stead unto whom Felix for quiet sake did resign the Chair upon very advantageous terms in the year 1488. It is very easily to be imagined how these Divisions did
Universities but they have also engrossed to themselves the Instruction of the Youth in the Schools that they might have all the opportunity so to guide and direct them in their Studies that they might not only not prove prejudicial but rather advantageous to the Kingdom of Darkness For by this way of managing the Youth they have not only acquired vast Riches and Authority to their Order but also have been very instrumental in maintaing the Popish Monarchy which they are bound to do by a particlar Vow above all the other Monks They make it their business to imprint into the tender minds of the Youth a Veneration for the Pope and so to guide their inclinations as they think it most profitable to the State of the Church They use the young people from their infancy to persist obstinately in their conceived Opinions and that no Reasons ought to prevail against them whereby they render them incapable of ever attaining the knowledge of Truth They have also an opportunity throughly to investigate and discover the Capacities and Inclinations of their Disciples which they make good use of to their advantage whenever these are imployed in State Affairs But such as they find of an extraordinary Capacity or abounding in Wealth they endeavour by all means to draw into their Order So that the main intention of their School Discipline which is so famous throughout the World is to uphold the Pope's Sovereignty They boast of extraordinary methods to teach the Latin Tongue to young people but they take a particular care that they do not let their Disciples grow too wise except such as are to be received into their Order And because they have by this management of the Youths brought a great many able Men over to their Order and are besides this very gentile and civil in their Conversation in which point they are far above all the other Monks who are most of them full of Incivility and Pedantry they have found means under pretence of being Confessours to creep into most Courts and to insinuate themselves into the very Secrets of the State so that in a great many Courts they have the greatest sway in the Councils And there you may be sure they will never be forgetful of the Popes and their own Interest Nevertheless by their insatiable Avarice and forwardness of medling in all Affairs they have made themselves odious in some places And because the Jesuits have trespassed upon the Authority and advantages of the other Monks who are of more antient Orders these are grown jealous of them to the highest degree Neither ought it to be passed by in silence that the Pope and his adherents pretend to have a right of Censuring and Licensing all Books whatsoever whereby they may easily prevent that nothing may come to light which might prove prejudicial to them And in Censuring of Books they are so impudent as not only to strike out of the antient Authors when the same are to be reprinted at pleasure such passages as they dislike but also they do not stick to insert such new passages as are suitable to their intentions If any Book is to be published in their Territories first the same is exactly revised and corrected And if it should happen by chance that something should be overseen in the first Edition which does not suit with their Interest it is marked in an Index made for that purpose that it may be omitted in the next Edition But the Books of their Adversaries are prohibited nay the reading of them is not allowed but to some particular persons and that not without special leave and these are such as they know to be thorough-paced and intirely devoted to their Interest By so doing they may lay to their Adversaries charge what they please since their Subjects never get sight of the others Refutation It has been a general observation that since the scandalous life of the Monks had not only been very prejudicial to the Popish Monarchy but also that the Protestants had set out their Vices in their natural colours The Papists have bespattered the Protestant Ministers with the same Vices as they were charged withal and have not only representedthe infirmities of some particular persons to the World but also have laid to their charge the most heinous crimes they could invent and afterwards have challenged their Adversaries to prove the contrary which Calumnies have such influence at least upon the simple and common sort of People that it gives them a great aversion to the Protestants They also do not want impudence to set out at a high rate their Miracles Martyrdoms and other great Feats which generally are transacted in far distant Countries by which means they gain a great Credit at least by the inconsiderate multitude Among others Edwin Sandys an English Knight has discovered abundance of these tricks in his Treatise concerning the State of Religion § 36. The Pope also makes use of more violent means to maintain his Authority In former Ages his Excommunication was a most terrible thing when whole Countries were forbidden the exercise of Religious Worship by which means the Popes have often obliged Emperours and Kings to come and creep to the Cross But now adays this Weapon is not frightful to any body except to some petty States in Italy Nevertheless in Spain and Italy they have set up a certain Court which is called the Office of the Holy Inquisition where Information is taken and all such proceeded against as have in any ways tendred themselves suspected of Heresie And it is counted the worst sort of Heresie if any one attempts any thing against the Popish Law and Doctrine or against the Pope's Authority This serves for a Bridle to curb the People withal and to the Inhabitants of those Countries is as terrible as the Plague since matters are transacted with so much severity in this Court that scarce any body that falls under the Inquisition escapes their hands without considerable loss § 37. Though the Supreme Direction and Administration of the Romish Religion together with their other rules which serve to uphold it and have been alledged by us here are a sufficient awe upon the People And besides this the Popish Clergy know how to manage their Affairs with that dexterity as to give some satisfaction to every one so that I am apt to believe that a great many who live under the Popish subjection are verily persuaded to believe what the Priests tell them to be real since they want means and opportunity of being better instructed Nevertheless it is very probable that a great many of the more learned and wises sort are sufficiently convinced in what manner things are carried on among them and that therefore it is in respect of same particular considerations that they do not free themselves from this Yoke I am apt to believe that most are kept back because they do not see how to remedy this Evil And yet they are
first Church The Calumnies against the Primitive Christians The Politick Reasons of the Romans against it The first Church Government What persuasions arise thence Constantine could not quite alter the former State of the Church Of making Bishops Of Presiding in Councils Abuses in the Council● Of the Episcopal Jurisdiction Concerning Marriages Concerning Excommunication The Origin of the Authority of the Popes Barbarity and Ignorance contributed to it The Causes of this ignorance S. Hierom's Dream The Pedantry introduced into the Schools The Greek and Roman Polititians prejudicial to Monarchy Why Rome was made the place of Residence of the Ecclesiastical Monarchy Metropolitans Patriarchs Of the Popes Power Further Increase of the Ecclesiastical Sovereignty What contributed to it The Popes Confirmation of Bishops Of the Monk Winifred Annals Riches of the Church The Policies of the Popes in the Croisade Multitude of Ecclesiasticks Fryars and Nu●● Mendicants The Motives to embrace this manner of Life Prejudicial to the regular Clergy How the Church was freed from all Power over it How the Popes withdrew themselves from their subjction to the Emperours The Pope seeks for Protection in France The Pope withdraws himself from the Obedience of the Emperours and establishes an Ecclesiastical Sovereignty Pope Gregory excommunicates Hen IV. The Pope endeavours to subject the Emperour 1122. Disputes in England about the investiture of B●shops 1107. The Pope pr●tends to a Power over Princes even to depose them How they colour over this Power The Papal Authority opposed The Schisms much weakned their Power 1433. Hence an occasion taken to bridle the Popes Power by general Councils Concerning the Seat of the Popes being transferred to Avignon Luther gives a great blow to the Grandeur of the Pope The Vertues and Faults of Leo. Luther opposes Indulgences Afterwards the Popes Power The Circumstances of these times The Ignorance of Luther's Adversaries Erasmus favoured Luther The Princes of Germany dissatisfied with the Pope The ill Conduct of Leo and Cardinal Cajetan Why the Doctrine of Luther was not spread farther Divisions among the Protestants The Licenciousness of some Protestants The University of Paris Zwinglius and Calvin The Popish Sovereignty recovered The Bishops Priests and Monks more Regular and Learn'd than heretofore How they make Converts The House of Austria most Zealous for Popery The Temporal State of the Pope His Dominions His Forces How he stands with relation to Germany Spain and France Particular Constitution of the Popish Monarchy as Spiritual Why the Popish Sovereignty was to be exercised in the Form of a Monarchy Way it must be an elective Monarchy Why the Pope was to live in a State of Celibacy The Conclave What Qualifications are necessary for one that is to be chosen Pope College of the Cardinals The Popes enrich th●ir Kindred Cardinal Patroon Concerning the Celibacy of the Popish Clergy Their Number The Popish Doctrine suted to the S●●e As that of the Pop●●s Power The prohibition of the Laietya reading the Scripturea Traditions Venial and Mortal Sins Penance Merit of good Works Ceremonies Half Communion Marriage made a Sacrament Extreme Unction Purgatory Reliques Prayers to Saints The Universities have promoted the Popish Sovereignty Why the Jesuits have taken upon them the Education of the Youth Licensing of Books Excommunication and Inquisition Some Reasons why the People remain in the Communion of the Church of Rome What States are tied by a particular Interest to the Church of Rome Italy Poland Portugal Germany Spain France Formalities observed by the Nuncio ' s in France The main Pillar of the Popish Monarchy The Pope's In●lination towards the Protestants No Peace is to be exspected betwixt the Roman Catholicks and Protestants Strength of the Protestants and Papists Divisions of the Protestants Other Inconveniencies The Hugono●s of France to Protestants of Poland Of Germany The best way to preserve the Reformed Religion Whether the Lutherans and those of the Reformed Religion are likely to agree Socinians and Anabaptists Sweden the most antient Kingdom in Europe First Founders of the Gothick Nation Othin or Woden Frotho Battel fought near Brovalla Ingellus Bero. A. C. 829. The Christian Doctrine first taught in Sweden Amund Olaus A. C. 853. Ingo A. C. 890. Erick Erick Seghersell Stenchill the Mild. Olaus The Swedes and Gothes united in one Kingdom Amund Amund Slemme Haquin the Red. Stenchill Ingo the Pious Halstan A. C. 1086. Philip. Ingo A. C. 1138. Ragwold Knaphofde Swercher II. Erick the Holy A. C. 1154. 1160. Charles the Son of Swercher 1168. Cnut Erickson Swercher III. 1207. 1208. 1210. Erick Cnutson 1219. Erick Lespe Celibacy of Clergy introduced in Sweden 1250. Waldemar 1251. 1263. 1266. 1275. Magnus 1279. 1288. 1290. Birger II. 1292. 1298. 1303. 1305. 1308. 1317. 1319. Magnus Smocck 1357. 1361. 1363. Albert Duke of Mecklenburgh 1364. 1365. 1371. 1376. Margaret 12. Sept. 1388. The Battel of Tal●oping 1394. 1395. Erick Duke of Pomerania Union made at Calmar betwixt Sweden Denmark and Norway 1396. 1410. 1412. Charles Cnutson 1436. 1437. Christopher Duke of Bavaria 1439. 1448. Charles Cnutson Christian I. 1458. 1464. Erick Axelson 1466. 1468. 1470. 1471. 1481. John II. 1497. 1503. 1504. 1511. Steen Sture the younger 1512. 1513. 1520. Gustavus I. 1523. Reformation begun in Sweden First Translation of the New Testament into Swedish 1527. Church Lands reduced in Sweden 1528. The Protestant Religion Established in Sweden 1533. 1542. 1544. The Kingdom of Sweden made Hereditary and the Popish Religion abolished 1556. 1559. Eri●k XIV 1561. The Titles of Earls and Barons introduced John III. 1568. 1571. War with the Moscovites 1577. New Liturgy introduced 1582. 1587. 1592. Sigismund 1594. 1598. 1599. 1600. Sigismund deposed 1604. Charles IX Warbetwixt the Swedes and Poles in Livonia 1611. Gustavus Adolphus 1613. Peace with the Muscovites 1617. 1617. 1620. 1626. The War carried on against the Poles in Prussia 1627. 1629. Truce with Poland German War 1626. 1623. 1630. Charles Gustave lands with his Forces in Germany 1631. Alliance made with France The City of Magdeburgh taken by the Imperialists 10 May. Battel near Leipzick 7. Sept. 1637. Battel near Lutzen Nov. 6. King Gustave Adolfe killed Christina 1633. 1634. Aug. 27. Battel of Nordlingen Truce prolonged with the Poles War betwixt the Swedes and Elector of Saxony 1637. 1638. Alliance with France 1641. May 10. 1642. Battel fought near Leipzick Oct. 23. War with Denmark 1644. 1645. Peace with Denmark 1643. July 16. Peace made at Munster and Osnabrug 1654. Jun. 6. Charles Gustave The War with Poland renewed 1656. War with Denmark 1658. Siege of Copenhagen Battel in Tuhnen 1666. Charles IX Peace made with the Poles May 3. May 23. Peace made with Denmark 1674. The Swedes routed by the Elector of Brandenburgh 1678. The nature and qualification of the Swedish Nation Condition of the Country and its Strength Neighbours of Sweden Muscovites Poles Germany Denmark France Holland England Spain and Portugal
Administration of the whole Society was committed to him who appeared most Considerable for his Wisdom and Valour It is also very Probable that such as by Common Consent sought out new Habitations chose a Leader who both in their Journey and in the Country which they possessed themselves of had the chief Direction of Affairs And this office of a Judge Head or Leader by degrees degenerated into that sort of Government which Aristotle calls Heroical which is nothing else but a Democracy under the Authority of one of the Citizens who has a Power rather to Advise than to Command the rest And this seems to be the most ancient Form of Republicks for the Fathers and Rulers of their Families could not so soon forget their Liberty as not to Reserve to themselves a share in the Government by which their Consent was required to be given unto all Matters which were to be decreed in the Name of the whole Society § 3. But at what time precisely these Societies were first Instituted and which of them is to be esteemed the most Ancient is not easie to be determined for though commonly the Assyrian Empire is taken for the first Monarchy yet it is not from hence to be concluded that the same was the first civil Society since it is evident that this Empire acquired its Greatness by swallowing up Lesser States And those Wars which the Assyrian Kings waged against other States do abundantly testifie that besides the Assyrian there were also other Civil Societies even at that time in the World And here is to be observed that as all human Affairs do not come immediately to Perfection so were the first Institutions of Civil Society very simple and imperfect till by degrees the Supreme Civil Power together with such Laws and Constitutions as were requisite for the maintaining of a Civil Society were instituted The first Common-wealths also were very small and their Territories of a very little extent so that it was easie for the Citizens to assemble either to Consult or to Defend themselves against a Foreign Power It is evident out of History that the deeper you search into the most ancient Times the more Separate small Common-wealths you will meet withal out of the Union of which great Empires in Process of time did arise some of those Uniting themselves by common Consent others being Subdued by the more Powerfull § 4. Among these great Empires the Assyrian is commonly reckoned the most Ancient the reason of which may probably be That those Parts were Sooner and More Inhabited than other places which being later possessed had Fewer Inhabitants Wherefore the Assyrians might without much difficulty overcome one small Common-wealth after another and by Subduing some make way for an Entire Conquest over the rest that had not then learned the advantage of a joint Power and Confederacy The vast Armies with which Ninus and Semiramis the first Founders of this Monarchy did over-power far distant Nations make the common Chronologies very doubtfull But to settle this is not to our present purpose But by what means the Kings of this vast Empire did bridle the Conquered Nations ought to be remembred Two of them being most remarkable The First was That they intending to imprint an Extraordinary Character of their Persons into the Minds of the People they always kept themselves very close in their Palaces and being seldom to be seen by any but their nearest Servants they never gave Answer to their Subjects Petitions but by them Whereby they possessed the People that they were much above the Common Rank of Mankind The Second was That every Year they used to draw a certain number of Souldiers out of each Province and these being Quartered in and about the place of their Residence and Commanded by such a one as was thought most faithfull these Forces struck Terrour both into the Subjects at Home and the neighbouring Nations Abroad This Army was again Disbanded every year and another drawn out of the Provinces that the General by the Authority he had with the Soldiers might not be in a condition to Invade the Empire The Ruin of this Empire under Sardanapalus is not so much to be ascribed to his Effeminacy as to this That the Kings allowed too much Power to the Governours of Provinces of so vast an extent These grew at last too Powerfull for the Kings themselves who being lull'd asleep by Voluptuousness the effects of Peace and Plenty did not as they used to do formerly by great Actions endeavour to maintain their Authority among the People Out of the Ruins of the Assyrian Empire two new Kingdoms were erected Arbactes taking upon himself the Sovereignty of Media where he was Governour as the Lord Lieutenant of Babylon did the same in his Province both which were afterwards re-united under the Persian Monarchy § 5. Cyrus the first Founder of the Persian Empire did besides what formerly belonged to Media and Babylon also Conquer a great part of the Lesser Asia This Prince besides other remarkable Constitutions did wisely institute this as a most necessary one to preserve the Peace of his Empire That in all Provinces where he sent his Lords Lieutenants he Constituted Governours of the Fortresses chosen out of the Commons who being not under the Jurisdiction of the Lords Lieutenants had their dependence immediately on the King These therefore living in continual Jealousies served as a Bridle to one another The Lords Lieutenants without the Assistance of the Governours of the Fortresses were not in a Capacity to Mutiny against the King who not only Observed all their Actions but also frequently Informed the King concerning their Behaviour From the Governours of the Fortresses nothing was to be feared because being of Mean Condition and a very Limited Power they were not capable of making any great Factions or drawing any considerable Party after them Cambyses annex'd Egypt to the Persian Empire But whenever the Kings of Persia did undertake to extend their Conquests further it always proved fruitless Cambyses did in vain Attack the Aethiopians as Darius Hydaspes did the Scythians And Xerxes was shamefully beaten by the Greeks But the following Kings Artaxerxes Longimanus Darius Nothus and Artaxerxes Mnemon did Manage their Affairs with more Wisdom against the Greeks whom they did not Attack but leaving them at rest they quickly saw Intestine Wars kindled amongst themselves wherein they so well knew how to play their Game that by always affording Assistance to the weaker Side they rather protracted than finished these intestine Wars till the Greeks quite tired and exhausted were obliged to accept of such Conditions of Peace as were projected by the Persians whereby each City being declared free and independent of one another Greece was disabled hereafter to undertake any thing of Moment Notwithstanding Macedon an obscure Nation of Greece proved the Ruin of the Persian Monarchy through a defect of Policy in their Kings in not early
to have one of his Favourites get her with Child thereby to secure the Crown to his Family There was besides this so strong a Jealousie betwixt the King and his Brother Don Pedro that the latter thought his Life to be in danger if he did not prevent the Designs of his Brother and his Favourites He therefore bringing the Nobility and People over to his Party forced Alfonsus to surrender to him the Administ●●●●on of the Kingdom reserving for his Maintenance only the yearly Revenue of 270000 Livers as also the Palace of Braganza with all its Appurtenances Don Pedro would not take upon himself the Title of King but chose rather to be called Regent of Portugal in the name of his Brother Alfonsus he being incapable of Administring the Government He married also upon the desire of the Portugueses and with the Dispensation of the Pope his Brother's Wife And because Alfonsus should not be in a capacity of raising any disturbances he was under a good Guard conducted into the Island of Ter●●ra But Don Pedro has hitherto administred the Government in peace and to the general satisfaction of the People § 8. And to say something concerning the Genius of the Portugueses and the Strength and the Nature of the Country The Portugueses are not inferiour to the Spaniards in Pride and Haughtiness but are not esteemed so Prudent and Cautious as these but are over-secure in Prosperity and in time of danger rash and fool-hardy Where they get the upper-hand they are very rigorous and cruel They are mightily addicted to be Covetous and love Usury and have searched after Money in all corners of the World Some also will have them to be very Malicious which they say is the remnant of the Jewish Blood which is intermingled with that of the Portuguese Nation This Country considering its bigness is very populous as is evident by the number of Portugueses which have settled themselves in Brasile on the Coast of Africa and in the East Indies Yet are they not in a capacity to raise a numerous Land Army without Foreign help or to man out a mighty Fleet of Men of War but they have enough to do to Garrison their frontier Places well and to keep Convoys for their Merchant Ships § 9. Concerning the Countries which belong now-a-days to Portugal The Kingdom of Portugal by it self considered is neither very large nor very fruitfull the Inhabitants living most upon such Corn as is imported Yet is the Country full of Cities and Towns and has a great many commodious Sea-ports The Commodities of the growth of Portugal fit for Exportation are Salt of which a great quantity is from Setubal or St. Hubes transported into the Northern Countries As also Oyl some Wine and all sorts of Fruit. The other Commodities which are brought from thence they first have from those Provinces that belong to them The Silver Mine called Guacaldane is said to be of the yearly value of 178 Quentoes of Silver each Quent being reckoned to amount to 2673 Ducats 8 Reals and 26 Marvedoes Among those Countries that now belong to Portugal the chiefest is Brasile being a long tract of Land in America extended all along the Sea side but very narrow and famous for the wholsomness of the Air and its Fertility Here abundance of Sugar is made from whence arises the main Revenue of the Country the Portugueses making use of the same in preserving those excellent Fruits as grow both in Portugal and Brasile Brasile also affords Ginger Cotton Wooll Indigo and Wood for the Dyers But because the Natives of this Country are naturally lazy who cannot by any ways be forced to hard labour the Portugueses buy upon the Coast of Africa and especially in Congo and Angola Negroes whom they use for Slaves buying and selling them in Brasile as we do Oxen they are employed in all sorts of hardships and drudgery The Trade of the Portugueses on the West side of Africa is not now of any great consequence since the Hollanders have interfered with them and those places which they are possess'd of on the East side of Africa only serve to enrich their Governours What the Hollanders have left them in the East Indies is of no small consequence to them for Goa is a very large City where there is a great Trade among People of all Nations But the wiser fort do not approve of the Portuguese Government in the East Indies the Portugueses there are given to Voluptuousness and neglecting Military Affairs are so presumptuous as to imagine that nevertheless with their haughty Carriage they can out-brave others Hence it was that the Hollanders found it so easie to drive this Nation out of the greatest part of the Indies which was grown hatefull to them all Yet the Portugueses enjoy one Privilege which the Dutch have not that they are allowed a free Trade with China where they have the City of Macao in an Island not far distant from the Continent and they have understood so to mis-represent the Hollanders with the Chineses that they hitherto as far as I know they have not been able to obtain a free Commerce with China Formerly the Portugueses had a great Interest in Japan which was chiefly procured by means of the Jesuites who made it their business to convert the Japoneses to the Christian Religion It is related that above 400000 of them were baptized not without hopes that all the rest would at last have followed their example But about thirty years ago the Dutch by their Practices and Artifices render'd the Portugueses suspected to the Emperour of Japan having intercepted a Letter from the Jesuits to the Pope wherein they promised to bring ere long the whole Kingdom of Japan under the Obedience of the Roman See The Hollanders interpreted this Letter in such a sense as if the Jesuits with the assistance of the new Converts did intend to dethrone the Emperour telling him That the Pope pretended to an Authority of disposing of Kingdoms at his pleasure and that the King of Spain who was then Master of Portugal was in great esteem with him The jealous Japoneses were easily persuaded hereof when they considered with what Respect and Kindness the Jesuits were treated by the new Christians those being also very ready to accept of what these good natur'd People offered them And the Governours were sensible and complained that their usual Presents from the Subjects decreased daily since the new Converts gave so much to their Priests The Hollanders also shew'd the Emperour of Japan in a Mapp how the Conquests of the King of Spain did extend on one side as far as Manilla on the other side as far as Macao so that by subduing of Japan he would have an opportunity of uniting his Conquests This occasioned a most horrible Persecution against the Christians the Japoneses endeavouring by incredible Torments to overcome the Constancy of a Nation which is naturally one of the
gross the King of France ridicul'd him asking How long he intended to lie in to whom William sent this Answer That as soon as he could go to Church after his lying in he had vow'd to sacrifice a thousand Candles in France and he was as good as his word for he was no sooner recover'd but he invaded France and burnt all where-ever he came But he having overheated himself he fell ill and died leaving by his last Will to his eldest Son Normandy but to the second called William the Crown of England § 6. William II. sirnamed Rufus met at first with some Disturbances occasioned by his Brother Robert who pretending to the Crown was back'd by a great many of the Nobility but he appeased him by promising to pay him yearly the Summ of 3000 Marks and that he should succeed him after his death But the Nobles who had dispersed themselves up and down in the Country he partly by fair means partly by force reduced to Obedience This Rebellion proved very beneficial to the English the Rebels being most of them Normans wherefore the King afterwards rely'd more upon the English as the most faithfull He waged War twice with Malcolm King of Scotland whom he forced in the first to swear him Fealty but in the last he killed both him and his eldest Son He also subdued the Province of Wales Among other Inventions to get Money one was remarkable for he summon'd together 20000 Men under pretence to go with them into Normandy but when they were just agoing to be shipp'd off he caused Proclamation to be made that every one who was willing to pay ten Shillings should have leave to stay at home unto which every one of them readily consented He was kill'd by a random shot in hunting Him succeeded his younger Brother Henry who being present when the King died seized upon his Treasures whereby he procured himself a great many Friends so that he was preferr'd before Robert his elder Brother who at that time assisted in the taking of Jerusalem which proved no less than the loss of a Crown to him For Henry the better to establish himself in the Throne remitted not only several Taxes which were laid upon the People by the former Kings but also secured unto his Interest the King of Scotland Edgar his most dangerous Neighbour by marrying his Sister Maud. 'T is reported that this Maud had vow'd Castity and that when her Brother forced her to marry she wish'd that such Children as should be born out of this Marriage might never prove fortunate which wish was afterwards sufficiently fulfilled in her Children and a great many of their Posterity Notwithstanding this Robert landed a great Army in England but Henry and Robert by the mediation of some Friends and a Promise of a yearly Pension to be paid to Robert from Henry were reconcil'd which Pension also afterwards Robert remitted to Henry But afterwards repenting of what he had done Henry was so exasperated against him that he made a Descent in Normandy with a great Army and vanquish'd him in a bloody Battel wherein he took him Prisoner He kept him not only a Prisoner all his life time but also at last put his Eyes out uniting Normandy to the Crown of England But King Lewis of France sirnamed Crassus being very jealous of the Greatness of Henry undertook with the assistance of Fulco Earl of Anjou and Baldwin Earl of Flanders to restore unto William Son of Robert the Dukedom of Normandy whereupon a bloody War ensued which was at last composed under this condition That William Son of Henry should swear Fealty to France for this Dukedom of Normandy And it obtained afterwards as a Custom That the King 's eldest Son was called Duke of Normandy as long as this Province was united to England The new Duke of Normandy did also marry the Daughter of the Earl of Anjou And William Son of Robert being then made Earl of Flanders and endeavouring a second time to regain Normandy was slain in that War It is related by some tho' others contradict it That this King was the first who admitted the Commons unto the Grand Council of the Kingdom unto which the Nobility and Bishops only were admitted before it came to be divided into the Higher and Lower House His Son William being by the carelessness of a drunken Master of a Ship drowned at Sea with a great many other persons of Quality of both Sexes as they were coming back from Normandy to England he endeavoured to settle the Crown upon his Daughter Maud and her Heirs she being at first married to the Emperour Henry IV. by whom she had no Children and afterwards to Geoffrey Plantagenet Son to Fulk Earl of Anjou Her Father made the States of England take Oaths of Fealty to her in his life time He died in the Year 1135 and with him ended the Male Race of the Norman Royal Family in England § 7. After the death of Henry Stephen Earl of Boulogne Henry's Sister's Son did by great Promises obtain the Crown of England notwithstanding that both he and the States had taken the Oaths to acknowledge Maud for their Sovereign which they endeavoured by a great many frivolous pretences to prove to be of no force The better to establish himself in the Throne he gained the Affection of the States with Presents and discharged the People of several Taxes giving Authority to the Nobility to build fortify'd Castles which afterwards proved very mischievous to him He also married his Son Eustace to Constantia the Daughter of Ludovicus Crassus King of France This King's Reign was overwhelmed with continual Troubles For the Scots at first and afterwards a great many of his Nobles trusting in their strong Castles raised great Disturbances yet he bridled the Insolence of the Scots giving them a signal overthrow But his greatest Contest was with the Empress Maud for she landing in England was received by a great many and King Stephen in a Battel fought near Chester was taken Prisoner But she refusing to restore to the Londoners King Edward''s Laws they sided with her Enemies and besieged her very closely in the City of Oxford from whence she narrowly escaped and King Stephen also got an opportunity to get out of Prison These Troubles continued till Henry Son of Maud came to the nineteenth Year of his age who being Lord of four large Dominions as having inherited Anjou by his Father's Normandy by his Mother's side Guienne and Poictou by his Wife Eleonora Daughter and Heiress of William the last Duke of Guienne he also endeavoured to obtain the Crown of England for which purpose he landed with an Army in England But he obtained his End without any great opposition for Eustace King Stephen's Son dying suddenly an Agreement was made betwixt them whereby Stephen adopted him and constituted him his Heir and Successour and died not long after in the Year 1124.
Aquitain except Bourdeaux and Bayonne The King was so troubled at the loss both of so brave a Son and his Conquests in France that he died within ten Months after his Son § 12. Him succeeded Richard II. Son of that brave Prince Edward who being but eleven Years of Age when he came to the Crown was despised by the French who burnt several places on the English Coast The Scots also made an Inrode on the other side of England and the War being carried on with various Fortune after several Truces expired a Peace was at last concluded There were also great commotions in the Kingdom under this King's Reign For in Kent and other neighbouring Counties there was an Insurrection of the Rabble occasioned by the Insolence of one of the Receivers of the Poll Tax This Rabbles Intention was to have murthered both the Nobility and Clergy except the Mendicant Fryars but were soon restrained by the King's Valour But there were continual Discontents betwixt the King and the Lords the King being resolved to rule according to his Pleasure and to maintain his Favourites against the Lords who were for removing his Favourites and bringing his Royal Power into a more narrow compass by the Authority of the Parliament But it was the King's custom as soon as the Parliament was dissolved to reverse all that was concluded upon before yet once the Parliament got him at an advantage when it forced him to permit most of his Favourites to be either kill'd or banish'd and obliged him by an Oath to promise That he would administer the Government according to the Advice of his Lords Not long after a Conspiracy among the Lords was discovered against him a great many of them paid for it with their Heads the King seemed at last to have master'd his Enemies but he was nevertheless ruin'd at last which was occasioned thus Henry Duke of Lancaster accused the Duke of Norfolk as if he had spoken ill of the King and the latter giving the lye to the former they challenged one another but the Duel was prevented by the King's Authority who banish'd them both out of the Kingdom Henry of Lancaster retired into France raising there a Faction against the King by inviting all dissatisfy'd persons to him who promised to set him on the Throne of England He landed but with a few in England but at a time as King Richard's ill Fortune would have it when he was in Ireland and the Wind proving contrary he could not have notice of his Enemies arrival in England till six Weeks after which gave them opportunity and leisure to strengthen their Party The King also committed a great errour for that he afterwards against his Promise tarry'd so long in Ireland which was the cause that such Forces as were brought together by his Friends whom he had sent before were again dispersed before his arrival in England Coming afterwards in person into England and being informed how powerfull his Enemies were he despair'd of his Affairs and having dismiss'd his Forces that were ready to fight for him till the last gasp he was made a Prisoner Henry of Lancaster calling immediately hereupon a Parliament a great many things were objected to Richard and he was declared to have forfeited the Crown But before this Resolution was published he resign'd himself and was not long after miserably murthered in Prison § 14. Thus Henry IV. of the House of Lancaster came to the Crown he being after the Deposition of King Richard declared King by the Parliament tho' if the Pretensions of Henry together with the Power of the Parliament be duely examined the Title of Henry IV. to the Crown of England will be found to have a very ill Foundation For what some pretend that Edmund from whom the House of Lancaster descended was the eldest Son of Henry III. and that he being very deformed was obliged to give way to his Brother Edward I. is rejected as a frivolous Fable by the English Historians This King did labour under great difficulties at the beginning of his Reign all which he at last overcame For the Design of the French to restore Richard ended with his death And a Conspiracy of some Lords against him was discover'd even before Richard died The Scots who made War on him got nothing but blows The Welshmen also in hopes of having met with an opportunity to shake off the English Yoke joined with a discontented Party out of England and rebell'd against him but before they could join all their Forces the King came suddenly upon them and overthrew them in a great Battel wherein 't is said the King kill'd six and thirty with his own Hands Yet the discontented Party did not rest but enter'd into a third Conspiracy against him which was soon discover'd A great many of them retir'd afterwards into Scotland where they stirr'd up the Scots against England for these never used to miss an opportunity of being troublesome to England but they got nothing but blows again for their pains This King died in the Year 1413. § 15. After him reigned his Son Henry V. who in his younger Years did not promise much but after he came to the Crown shew'd himself one of the most valiant Kings the English ever had And as he was very Aspiring and Ambitious so he thought he could not meet with a better opportunity of gaining Glory than by entring into a War with France and renewing the ancient Pretensions upon that Crown He sent therefore his Ambassadours to Charles VI. to lay claim to that Crown and to make this Proposition to him That if he would resign to him the Crown of France he would marry his Daughter Catharine But it being not usual that Princes are persuaded to part with a Crown thus the next way was to try their Fortune by Arms. Henry therefore enter'd France with an Army took Harfleur and obtained afterwards a most signal Victory near Agincourt in Picardy against the French who according to the English Historians were six times stronger than the English Ten thousand of the French were kill'd upon the spot and as many taken Prisoners not above some Hundreds being slain of the English Yet at that time Henry did not pursue his Victory But not long after the French Fleet having first been beaten by the English near Harfleur Henry made a second Descent upon France taking one place after another in Normandy and at last the City of Roan it self He met with very little opposition in France at that time because all was in confusion at the French Court the King Charles VI. being not in his right Wits and the Queen being fallen out with her Son the Dauphin who had taken from her all her Jewels and Money alledging That they might be better employ'd upon the Souldiery Which was the reason that the Queen siding with John Duke of Burgundy did promote him to the place of chief
also exercised them in Sea Affairs wherein consists the chief Strength and Security of this Kingdom Wherefore she always kept a good Correspondency with all such as were Enemies of the House of Austria she assisted France against the Designs of the Spaniards favoured the Protestant Princes in Germany upheld the Dutch against the Spaniards thereby the better to weaken so formidable a Neighbour looking upon the Netherlands as the Out-work of her Kingdom Besides this she finding continual employment for her Subjects abroad did not a little contribute towards the preserving the Health of the State for by this means a great deal of corrupt and inflamed Blood being taken away it prevented intestine Diseases in the State But King James took quite another course and perceiving that the Vnited Provinces were grown strongh enough not only to support themselves against Spain but also to dispute the Dominion of the Narrow Seas with England he left them to themselves and concluding a Peace with Spain establish'd a lasting Tranquility at home for his Inclinations were more for Books than Arms. And because Subjects in general are apt to follow the Inclinations of their Sovereigns the People laid aside all Warlike Exercises and fell into such Weaknesses and Vices as are commonly the product of Plenty and Peace And the King hoped when these Nations applyed themselves only to Trade and Commerce they would be diverted from having any thoughts of opposing his Authority He made it also his main endeavour to unite the Minds of the Scots and English by Naturalizing the English in Scotland and the Scots in England and by joining the great Families by Marriages But he was more especially carefull of establishing one Form of Religious Worship in both Kingdoms For tho' there was no great difference in the Articles of Faith yet the Ceremonies and Church Government were very different For Queen Elizabeth when she established the Protestant Religion retained many Ceremonies which were anciently used in the Primitive Church as also used by the Papists afterwards she maintained also the Authority of the Bishops yet under the Royal Power supposing that this Constitution was most suitable to a Monarchy considering that the Bishops had some dependence on the King and had their Votes in Parliament And it used to be the saying of King James No Bishop no King But this Constitution did not agree with those of the Reform'd Religion in Holland Switzerland and France partly because these Nations were used to a Democratical Liberty and therefore loved an Equality in the Church-Government as well as the State partly because they had suffered from some Kings and Bishops and therefore both were equally hated by them These would not allow of any Superiority among the Clergy but constituted the outward Church-Government by Presbyteries Classes and Synods neither would they admit any Ceremonies believing that the perfection of the Reformed Religion did consist in not having so much as anything tho'never so indifferent common with the Papists And according to this Form the Church of Scotland being establish'd the number of such as were of the same Opinion increased daily in England who were commonly called Presbyterians or Puritans And the Capriciousness of those who were of several Sentiments proved the more dangerous because these Nations being of a melancholy temper used to adhere stedfastly to their Opinions not to be removed from them King James being besides a great Enemy of the Puritans thought to have found out a way to suppress them in Scotland by inserting it among the Royal Prerogatives which was to be confirmed by the Parliament of Scotland That he had the Supream Power both in Spiritual and Temporal Affairs in the same manner in Scotland as in England By this means he hoped to model without any great difficulty the Church of Scotland according to that of England And tho' this Proposition was opposed by a great many in the Parliament of Scotland yet the King's party prevailed and a new Form of Church-Government was established in Scotland But the King had no sooner turned his back and was return'd into England but the common people made an Insurrection against the Bishops in Scotland who began to introduce there the Ceremonies of the Church of England § 25. Tho' King Charles I. was of a more warlike temper than his Father yet was he obliged tho' against his Will according to the Maxims of his Father to preserve Peace abroad to avoid the danger of being oblig'd to depend on the Capricious Humours of his Subjects And because he as well as his Father had a great dislike of the Power of the common people and of the Temper and Principles of the Puritans all his Thoughts were bent to find out ways how to secure himself from the danger of both And because the King could not impose any extraordinary Taxes without the consent of the Parliament Charles chose rather to controul his own Inclinations which were bent for War than to fawn upon the Parliament in hopes that its Heats which was for limiting the King's Power would by degrees diminish if it was not called together for a considerable time It is supposed that the Lord Treasurer Weston did confirm him in this Opinion who did expect to be call'd to an account by the Parliament The Parliament used anciently to provide a certain yearly Revenue for the King towards maintaining his Court and Fleet to secure the Commerce of the Kingdom which Revenue was not hereditary to the next Successour The first Parliament which was called by Charles I. had settled the Customs as part of his Revenue but when he afterwards having dissolved the same against the Opinion of the Male Contents his Revenues also began to be call'd in question it being their Opinion that nothing could so soon oblige the King to call a new Parliament as if what was necessary for his and the Courts Subsistence were withheld from him But the King however did not only receive the same Customs as his Predecessours had done but also augmented them with new Impositions to the yearly value of 800000 l. by which means the King who was firm in his Opinion was thought to have a Design to alter the ancient Constitution of the Government and to maintain himself without a Parliament which however was look'd upon as an impossibility by the generality of them For King James had left above 1200000 l. Debts which were since increased by Charles 400000 l. more which Money was expended in the Wars against France and Spain it was therefore not visible how he could extricate himself out of these Debts without the assistance of a Parliament since according to the fundamental Constitutions of the Realm he could not levy any Taxes upon the Subjects and to force them to pay any was beyond his Power having no Forces on foot but the Militia of the Kingdom And it was impossible to bring in such a Foreign Force as could be supposed to be able
their General Hamilton a Prisoner But during the absence of Cromwell the Parliament had re-assumed the Treaty with the King and the business was carried on so far that there was no small hopes of an Accommodation when the Souldiers headed by Ireton Son-in-law to Cromwell broke off the Treaty taking Prisoners such Members of the House as did oppose them So that there were not above forty Members left in the Parliament and those were either Officers or at least favourers of the Army These decreed That no Treaty should be set on foot for the future with the King That the Supream Power was to be lodged in the People which was represented by the House of Commons But the Regal Power and the Authority of the House of Lords should be quite abolished Then they order'd a Court of 250 persons to be erected by whose Authority the King was to be summoned sentenced and punished notwithstanding that the generality of the people look'd upon this Court as an abominable thing some Presbyterian Ministers cry'd out aloud against it in the Pulpits the Scots protested against it and the Dutch Ambassadours and other Princes did their utmost to oppose it Before this Court where sat among the rest a great many of very mean Extraction the King was accused of High Treason Tyranny and of all the Murthers and Robberies committed since the beginning of these Troubles And the King as in justice he ought to do refusing to acknowledge its Authority was sentenced to be beheaded tho' there were but 67 of these pretended Judges present the rest abominating the fact had absented themselves among whom was Fairfax But the King having been miserably abus'd by the Souldiers was beheaded with an Ax upon a Scaffold erected for that purpose before Whitehall § 29. After the death of the King the outward shew of the Supream Power was in the Parliament but in effect it was lodged in the Generals of the Armies Their first design was to banish the King's Son and the whole Royal Family and to suppress all such as adhered to him Cromwell was sent into Ireland where the Royal Party was as yet pretty strong which Island was reduced in the space of one year by Cromwell's good Fortune and Valour In the mean while the Scots had proclaimed Charles II. tho' under very hard Conditions their King who also arriving there safely out of France whither he was gone for Shelter was crowned King of Scotland The Parliament thereupon recall'd Cromwell out of Ireland and having made him General for they had deposed Fairfax whom they mistrusted sent him into Scotland where he beat the Scots several times but especially gave them an entire defeat near Leith taking among other places the Castle of Edinborough which was hitherto esteemed impregnable The King in the mean while having gathered a flying Army enter'd England in hopes that a great many English would join with him But he was deceiv'd in his hopes very few coming to him and Cromwell overtaking him with his Army near Worcester his Forces were routed and dispersed so that he was forc'd to change his Cloaths in his flight and after a great many dangers was miraculously saved and escaped by the help of a Merchant-ship into France The King being thus driven out of the Island the Scots were entirely subdu'd under the Conduct of General Monk who was sent thither by Cromwell who having imposed upon them very hard Conditions according to their deserts intirely subjected them to the English This done the Parliament began to take into consideration how to disband part of the Army and to quarter the rest in the several Counties But Cromwell sent away that Parliament which had been the cause of so much troubles and constituted a new Parliament consisting of 144 Members most of them being Fanaticks and Enthusiasts among whom Cromwell had put a few cunning Fellows who being entirely devoted to his Service did make the rest dance after his pipe These having first let these silly wretches go on in their own way till by their phantastical Behaviour they had made themselves ridiculous and hated by every body then offer'd the Supream Administration of Affairs to Cromwell who having accepted of the same under the Title of a Protectour selected a Privy Council wherein were received the Heads of the several Sects Thus they who had shown so much aversion to the Royal Power and hatch'd out a Monarch of their own who without controul ruled the three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland at pleasure Cromwell to have a fair pretence to keep on foot his Sea and Land Forces which were the Foundation of his Power began a War with the Dutch who seem'd to despise this new Monarch But Fortune was so favourable to Cromwell in this War that he took above 1700 Merchant men from the Dutch and beat them in five Sea Engagements in the last of which the Dutch lost Martin Tromp and twenty seven Men of War The Hollanders then were oblig'd to beg for Peace and to accept of such Conditions as were propos'd to them among which one was That the Province of Holland should exclude the Prince of Orange for ever from succeeding in his Father's place Another was That they should not receive the banish'd King Charles II. into their Territories Which some alledge as a reason that he was always ready afterwards to revenge himself upon them tho' at his return into the Kingdom they endeavoured with aboundance of flattery to make amends for the former affront It is very likely also that the King was suspicious that the Dutch had fomented the Differences betwixt his Father and the Parliament Cromwell acquired so much Glory by this War that most Princes sent their Ambassadours to him as if he had been a lawfull Sovereign and desir'd his Friendship He was no less fortunate in discovering several Plots which were made against him For which purpose he entertained his Spies every where even near the King's person having besides this a cunning way to draw the people over to his party and to suppress such as envy'd his Fortune He sent also a Fleet into the Mediterranea● wherewith he curb'd the Pirates on the Coast of Barbary Another was sent into the West Indies where his Designs against St. Domingo and Hispaniola miscarried but Jamaica he took from the Spaniards notwithstanding that a great many of his Men were taken off by Sickness and he did considerable mischief to the Spaniards by ruining their Silver Fleet. He sent some Auxiliary Troops to the French in Flanders who in recompence surrender'd to him Dunkirk He died in the Year 1658 having been as great and formidable as ever any King of England He was a great Master in the Art of Dissimulation knowing how to make his advantage of Religious Pretences wherefore he gave liberty of Conscience to all Sectaries whereby he not only got their Favours but also by dividing the people into
and turn'd to the great advantage of those Cities But this King perceiving that his own Subjects might as well make the same benefit of it he set up the Woollen Manufactury in his Kingdom which increased prodigiously afterwards when at the time of the Troubles in the Netherlands a great many of these Weavers did settle themselves in England The Riches of England also are as it seems not a little increased because it is not permitted there to any Body to carry any Gold or Silver of their own Coin out of the Land except it be perhaps to the value of ten pound Sterling for a Traveller But Scotland does not come near England neither in Fertility nor Riches having not any Commodities fit for Exportation except Salt-fish Salt Lead and Coals The Western and Orkney Islands also produce nothing but Fish Ireland abounds in Cattel and especially in Sheep tho' the Irish Wooll is not so fine as the English but for the rest it is a fertile and plentifull Country In America belong to the English Crown the Islands of Bermudos Virginia and New England and some of the Caribby Islands whither the English have sent their Colonies and have also begun to settle themselves on the Continent of Guiana The Product of these Countries is chiefly Tobacco Sugar Ginger Indigo and Cotton They have also a Colony in the Island of Jamaica from whence the English Buckaneers and Privateers do great mischief to the Spanish West Indies For it is a custom with the English That tho' they are at Peace with the Spaniards in Europe they do them nevertheless all the Mischief they can in the West Indies Tangier King Charles II. got as a Dowry with the Infanta of Portugal Lastly The English also are possess'd of some places in the Banda Islands and thereabouts in the East Indies which are of no small consequence to them § 35. The Constitution of the Government in England is chiefly remarkable for this that the King cannot act at pleasure but in some Matters is to take the Advice of the Parliament By this Name is to be understood the Assembly of the Estates of England which is divided into the Higher and the Lower House In the first sit the Bishops and the Lords in the latter the Deputies of the Cities and of the 52 Counties or Shires into which the whole Kingdom of England is divided The first origin of the Parliament as 't is related was this That the former Kings of England did grant great Privileges to the Lords by whose assistance they had conquer'd the Country and kept the common people in obedience But these in conjunction with the Bishops growing too head-strong proved very troublesome especially to King John and Henry III. wherefore to suppress their Insolence Edward I. took part with the Commons And whereas formerly out of each County or Shire two Knights and two Citizens only were call'd to represent their Grievances which having been debated by the King and the House of Lords they used to receive an answer and to be sent home again This King Edward call'd together the Commons and consulted with them concerning the publick Affairs tho' there are some who will have their origin to be much more ancient This House after it was once establish'd did extreamly weaken the Authority of the Lords and in process of time did not a little diminish the Regal Power for ever since that time the Rights of the People were maintained with a high hand the House of Commons imagining that the Sovereignty was lodg'd among them and if the Kings refused to gratify them in their Requests they used to grumble at their proceedings And because the Power of the Parliament is not so much establish'd by any ancient Laws as Precedents and Customs this is the reason why it is always very jealous of its Privileges and always ready to make out of one single Precedent a right belonging to it ever after This Parliament the King is obliged to call together as often as any extraordinary Taxes are to be levy'd for the Parliament did assign this King at first for his ordinary Revenue 1200000 l. per annum which has been considerably augmented since or any old Laws are to be abrogated or new ones to be made or any alteration to be made in Religion For concerning these matters the King cannot decree any thing without consent of the Parliament The Parliament also used to take into consideration the state of the Kingdom and to present their Opinion to the King yet is the same of no force till approved of by the King It often also calls into question the Ministers of State concerning the Administration of publick Affairs and inflicts Punishment upon them with the King's approbation And it is a common rule in England that whatever is committed against the Constitutions of the Realm is done by the Ministers and Officers for the King they say does never amiss but his ill Counsellours which is not altogether contrary to Truth But if the Parliament should pretend to transgress its bounds the King has power to dissolve it yet ought the King also to be cautious in this lest he should by an unseasonable Dissolution of the Parliament exasperate the People § 36. If we duely consider the Condition and Power of England we shall find it to be a powerfull and considerable Kingdom which is able to keep up the Balance betwixt the Christian Princes in Europe and which depending on its own Strength is powerfull enough to defend it self For because it is surrounded every where by the Sea none can make any attempt upon it unless he be so powerfull at Sea as to be able entirely to ruine the Naval Forces of England And if it should happen that the English Fleet were quite defeated yet would it prove a very hard task to transport thither such an Army as could be suppos'd to be superiour to so powerfull a Force as the English Nation is able to raise at home But England ought to take especial care that it fall not into civil Dissentions since it has often felt the effects of the same and the Seeds of them are remaining yet in that Nation which chiefly arises from the difference in Religion and the fierce Inclinations of this Nation which makes it very fond of Alterations Nevertheless a Wise and Courageous King may easily prevent this evil if he does not act against the general Inclination of the People maintains a good Correspondency with the Parliament and for the rest is very watchfull and as soon as any Commotions happen takes off immediately the Ringleaders Lastly England and Scotland being comprehended in one Island whose chiefest Strength lies in a good Fleet it is evident that this King need not make any great account of such States as either are remote from the Sea or else are not very powerfull in Shipping Wherefore as the King of England takes no great notice of Germany except as far as
two Sons Charles and Carolomannus who divided the Kingdom betwixt them But Carolomannus dying quickly after the whole Kingdom fell to Charles This Charles was justly sirnam'd the Great he having carried the French Monarchy to the highest pitch of its Greatness none of his Successours having been able to attain to the like tho' some of 'em have aim'd at it For having routed Desiderius the last King of the Lombards who endeavour'd to recover what was formerly taken from Aistulphus he conquer'd the Kingdom and brought it under his Subjection He also subdu'd Germany having routed Tassilo who had taken upon him the Title of King of Bavaria He also waged War against the Saxons for the space of 32 Years whom he at last brought under his Obedience obliging them to embrace the Christian Faith For which purpose he erected several Episcopal Sees and Monasteries by the help of the Priests to reform the ba●barous Manners of this Savage People He also beat the Sclavonians Danes and Huns and took from the Saracens a part of Spain as far as to the River Iberus tho' his Forces in their return home were overthrown near Ronceval where was also slain the famous Rowland This Charles was in the Year 800 at Christmas being then at Rome proclaim'd Emperour by the People by the Instigation of the Pope in St. Peter's Church Tho' he gain'd nothing by this Title except it was the Sovereignty or Protection of the Roman Church and the Patrimony of St. Peter if both did not belong to him before for all the rest he enjoy'd before under other Titles He died in the Year 814. § 5. After the death of Charles the Great the French Monarchy began to decline again because his Son Lewis sirnamed the Pious was more fit to be a Priest than a Souldier And it is certain that so vast a Kingdom where the new Conquests were not yet well settled did require a Prince of a Military Spirit And notwithstanding he had the good Fortune to force some of the Rebellious Nations to return to their Duty yet he committed afterwards two fatal Oversights when in his life time he gave to his Sons the Titles of Kings and divided the Kingdom betwixt them The first of which proved pernicious to himself the second to the Monarchy For these impious and ungratefull Sons were not for staying for their Father's Death but Rebelling against him and made him after he was deserted by every body their Prisoner The Bishops who were by him kept under strict Discipline after they had condemn'd him forc'd him to resign the Government But the great Men of the Kingdom quickly repenting restor'd him to his Throne and he also pardon'd his Sons He died in the Year 840 having before his Death made a new Division of the Kingdom betwixt his Sons the Effects of which appear'd soon after to the World when Lotharius the elder Brother who also had the Title of Emperour undertook to take from his Brothers their Portion against whom the two other Brothers Lewis and Charles entring into a Confederacy forced him to divide the Monarchy with them having first obtain'd a bloody Victory near Fountenay unfar Auxerre in which Battel were slain above 100000 Men and among them the Flower of the French Nation In this Division Germany fell to Lewis's share which ever since has continued separate from France and has made a distinct Empire But the younger Brother Charles sirnamed the Bald got for his Portion the greatest part of France viz. all that part which lies betwixt the Western Ocean and the Meuse but the eldest Brother obtain'd Italy Provence and all those Counties which are situated betwixt the Meuse Rhine and the Some Under the Reign of this Charles the Bald the Normans so they call'd the Danes and Norwegians fell with a considerable Force into France making great Havock where-ever they came And the Kingdom was weakned to that degree by the last bloody Battel and its being divided into so many Principalities for the Sons of Lotharius had also shared their Father's Provinces among themselves that it was not strong enough to chase out of its Dominions these Robbers but was oblig'd under Charles sirnamed the Simple to give into their possession the Province of Neustria which they called after their Name Normandy The Sons of Lotharius dying without Issue Charles the Bald and the Sons of Lewis shared their Part betwixt them out of which Charles got Provence At last Charles obtain'd the Title of Emperour and died in the Year 877. His Son Lewis sirnamed Balbus succeeded him who dying soon after left the Kingdom to his two Sons who were very young viz. to Lewis III. and Carolomannus from whom Lewis King of Germany took Lorrain Lewis dying in the Year 882 as did Carolomannus in the Year 884 none was left but a Brother of theirs by the Father's side viz. the Son of Lewis sirnamed Balbus who being then a Child of five Years of Age was afterwards called Charles the Simple For at that time the Authority of the Kings of France was decay'd to that degree that it was a common custom to give them Sirnames according to the several defects of Body or Mind as were obvious in them He was during his Minority committed to the Tuition of his Cousin Carolus Crassus who also had the Title of Emperours who not long after because he was very infirm both in Body and Mind was deposed and died in the Year 888. The Royal Authority being thus decay'd and nothing but Divisions found in the Kingdom the great Men of the Kingdom mightily increased their own Power so that whereas they used formerly to be Governours of their Provinces under the King's Command they now began to claim them as a Propriety belonging to themselves independent of the King It is related by some That the Kings at that time had nothing left but Rheims and Laon which they could really call their own which Evil could not be totally suppress'd by the following Kings till several hundred Years after After the Death of Carolus Crassus Eudo Count of Paris got himself to be crowned King and waged War with Charles the Simple but died in the Year 898 Yet Charles the Simple quickly found another Rival for the Crown For Rudolf King of Burgundy got himself to be crowned King of France making Charles the Simple his Prisoner who died during his Imprisonment After the Death of Rudolf which happen'd in the Year 936 reign'd Lewis IV. sirnam'd Outremer because he had during the Imprisonment of his Father shelter'd himself in England This King's Reign was full of intestine Commotions he died in the Year 954 leaving for his Successour his Son Lotharius who likewise reign'd in continual troubles till the Year 985 leaving behind him his Son Lewis sirnamed the Faint-hearted of whom the French Historians only say this that
he did nothing He had for his Tutor and Administrator of the Kingdom Hugh Capet Earl of Paris After this King's Death his Uncle viz. Lewis sirnamed Outremer's Son laid claim to the Crown but was disappointed in his Pretensions by the great Power of Hugh Capet He afterwards endeavour'd to maintain his Right by force of Arms but was made a Prisoner and dying in Prison put an end to the Carolinian Race or at least to its Inheritance of the Crown of France which had been in its possession for at least 236 Years It is very remarkable that this Family lost the Kingdom through the same Errour which the former lost it For tho' this Family by prodigious Conquests had rais'd the Power of France yet were the Conquests soon after by the Divisions made of the Kingdom again dis-united and even a considerable part quite separated from that Kingdom and annexed to the German Empire Besides this by the Negligence of these Kings and the excessive Power of the great Men in the Kingdom France was reduced to a very low Condition § 6. As Hugh Capet the first Founder of the present Royal Family obtain'd the Crown not so much by right of Succession as by the assistance of the chief Men of the Kingdom who excluded the right Heir so as it is very probable he was obliged to remit a great many of the ancient Royal Prerogatives and to confirm to the great Men of the Kingdom the Power of governing their Provinces with the Titles of Dukes and Earls under condition that they should acknowledge themselves Vassals of the Kingdom yet not be obliged to depend absolutely on the King's Commands so that France at that time was like a mishapen and weak Body Hugh in the mean time re-united to the Crown which at that time had scarce any thing left which could be call'd her own the County of Paris the Dutchy of France wherein was comprehended all that lies betwixt the Rivers of Seine and the Loire and the County of Orleans Among the great Men of the Kingdom the chief were the Dukes of Normandy on whom also depended Britainy of Burgundy Aquitain and Gascoigne the Earls of Flanders Champaign and Tolouse the latter of which was also Duke of Languedock But the Counties of Vienne Provence Savoy and Dauphine belong'd to the Kingdom of Arelat which was a part of the German Empire Yet these Kings had at last the good Fortune to see all these Demi-Sovereign Princes extinguish'd and their Countries re-united to the Crown of France Hugh died in the Year 996 whose Son Robert a good natur'd Prince reign'd very peaceably he having reduc'd the Dukedom of Burgundy to which he after the Death of his Uncle was the next Heir under the entire Jurisdiction of the Crown The Tyranny exercis'd by the Pope against this King ought to be mention'd here For the King having an Intention of marrying Bertha of the House of Burgundy which Match was esteemed very beneficial to his State and the said Bertha standing with him in the fourth degree of Consanguinity besides that he had been Godfather to a Child of hers in her former Husband's time He desir'd and obtain'd the Consent of his Bishops the said Marriage being otherwise against the Canon Law But the Pope took hence an occasion to Excommunicate the King and the whole Kingdom which proved so mischievous that the King was deserted by all his Servants except three or four and no Body would touch the Victuals that came from his Table which was therefore thrown to the Dogs He died in the Year 1033. The Reign of his Son Henry was also not very famous except that he waged some inconsiderable Wars against his Vassals He presented his Brother Robert with the Dukedom of Burgundy from whence comes the Race of the Dukes of Burgundy descended from the Royal Blood He died in the Year 1060. His Son Philip did nothing memorable he was also for his Marriage excommunicated by the Pope but at last obtained a Dispensation Under the Reign of this King Philip William Duke of Normandy conquer'd England which prov'd to be the occasion of unspeakable Miseries to France for these two Kingdoms were ever after in continual Wars till the English were driven out of France About the same time the first Expedition was undertaken into the Holy Land which Extravagancy continued for near 200 Years after The Popes drew the most Benefit from these Expeditions assuming to themselves an Authority not only to command but also to protect all such as had listed themselves under the Cross Under this pretext also frequent Indulgences were sent abroad into the World and what was given towards the use of this War was collected and distributed by their Legates The King of France and other Kings receiv'd thereby this Benefit That these Wars carried off a great many turbulent Spirits And a great many of the Nobility used either to sell or else to mortgage their Estates and if any of them happened to die in the Expedition leaving no Heirs behind them their Estates fell to the King By this means also that prodigious number of People wherewith France was overstock'd at that time was much diminish'd whereby the Kings got an Opportunity to deal more easily with the rest Nevertheless when afterwards the Kings either by Instigation of the Popes or out of their own Inclinations undertook these Expeditions in their own Persons they found the dismal effects of it For by so doing the best of their Subjects were led to the Slaughter and yet it was impossible to maintain these Conquests as long as they were not Masters of Egypt Whereas if this Kingdom had been made the Seat of the intended Empire and the Store-house of the War a Kingdom might have been establish'd which would have been able to support it self by its own Strength This King died in the Year 1108. His Son Lewis sirnamed the Fat was always at variance with Henry I. King of England and in continual Troubles with the petty Lords in France who did considerable Mischiefs from their strong Castles yet he was too hard for them at last and died in the Year 1137. His Son Lewis VII sirnamed the Younger undertook upon the Persuasion of St. Bernhard an Expedition into the Holy Land but this prov'd a fatal Expedition for by the Defeat which he receiv'd at Pamphylia and the Siege of Damascus which he was forc'd to quit and the Fatigues of so great a Journey as well as the perfidiousness of some of the Commanders after he had ruin'd a great Army he returned with the miserable Remainders into France without having done any thing answerable to such an Undertaking But he committed the greatest Error when he divorced himself from his Lady Eleonora whether out of Jealousie or tenderness of Conscience is uncertain she being his Cousin in the third or fourth degree This Eleonora being also the only Heiress of
came yet would Charles never hazard a Battel with them but contented himself to annoy them with Skirmishes whereby he did them considerable Mischief The Pope in the mean while labour'd hard to make Peace betwixt these two Crowns but King Edward happening to die about that time King Charles took hold of this Opportunity and attacking the English with five several Armies at one time took all from them but Calais Bourdeaux and Bayonne in Guienne and Cherbury in Normandy The English during the Minority of their King being also pester'd with the Plague and the War with the Scots were not in a Capacity to send sufficient Relief Yet this King miscarried in his Enterprize against Britainy In the Year 1379 the Emperour Charles IV. came to visit him in Paris where he constituted the Dauphin a perpetual Vicar of the Empire in Dauphine And ever since say the French the German Emperours never did pretend to any thing in Dauphine and in the Kingdom of A●elat He died in the Year 1380. § 12. Now we are come to that most unfortunate Reign of Charles VI. at the very beginning of which one of the main occasions of Mischief to France was That Joan Queen of Naples standing in fear of Charles de Duraz did adopt Lewis Duke of Anjou declaring him Heir of that Kingdom The Duke willingly accepting of her Offer raised in her behalf an Army of 30000 Horse having employed thereunto the Treasure left by Charles V. which he had got clandestinely into his possession With this Army be made himself Master of Provence which then belong'd to Joan. And tho' in the mean time Charles de Duraz having kill'd Joan had made himself Master of the Kingdom the Duke of Anjou nevertheless pursued his intended Expedition but was by continual Marches and the Cunning of Charles led about and tir'd to that degree that he died in great Misery very few of so great an Army having had the good fortune to return into France The People also were generally much dissatisfy'd at the beginning because those who had the Tuition of the King to curry-favour with the People had promised an abatement of the heavy Taxes But the same being not long after again introduc'd augmented and devoured by the Courtiers great Troubles and Insurrections arose both in Paris and other places In the mean while the Flemings had carried themselves insolently towards their Lord who calling to his Assistance the French they killed 40000 Flemings together with their General Arteville The general Dissatisfaction of the People was much increased afterward when a great Summ of Money was employed upon an Expedition against England which proving fruitless both the Money and Men were lost Lewis Duke of Orleans Brother of this King Charles married Valentina the Daughter of John Ga●●acius Viscount of Milan with this Condition That he should receive immediately as a Dowry not only a great Treasure of Money and Jewels but also the County of Ast and in case her Father should die without Issue the whole Country should be devolved on Valentina and her Children Which Contract has not only furnished France with a Pretension to Milan but also has been the occasion of great Calamities After this another Misfortune happened to France for the King whose Brains were mightily weakened by Debaucheries in his younger Years as he was travelling in Britainy fell upon a sudden Distraction caused partly by the great Heat which was then in the Month of August partly because as 't is reported a tall black Man appear'd to him who stopping his Horse by the Bridle said Stop King whither will you go you are betray'd Soon after a Page being faln asleep let the point of his Lance drop upon the Headpiece of him who rid just before the King which the King being extreamly surpriz'd at interpreted it as directed against him And tho' this Madness did cease afterwards yet was his Understanding much impair'd and the Fits would return by intervals This unhappy Accident was the occasion of that fatal Contest concerning the Administration of the Kingdom which the King was incapable of betwixt Lewis Duke of Orleans the King's Brother and Philip Duke of Burgundy his Uncle The first claim'd it on the account of proximity of Blood the latter on account of his Age and Experience The latter was most approv'd of by the Estates who declar'd him Regent yet the Duke of Orleans by making new Intrigues still endeavour'd to make himself the Head of the Kingdam which caused pernicious Factions in the Court. And tho' the Duke of Burgundy died his Son John pursuing his Father's Pretensions the Hatred so increased betwixt both Parties that notwithstanding the Reconciliation made betwixt them the Duke of Burgundy caus'd the Duke of Orleans to be murther'd by some Ruffians at Night in the Streets of Paris And tho' the Duke of Burgundy after having made away his Rival and forc'd a Pardon from the King was now the only Man in the Court yet were the Animosities betwixt the Duke of Burgundy and the Sons of the murther'd Duke of Orleans not extinguish'd thereby which divided the whole Kingdom into two Factions one siding with the Burgundian the other with the Family of Orleans and occasion'd barbarous Murthers Devastations and such other Calamities which are the common products of Civil Commotions At last the Burgundian Faction was brought very low by the King and his Party But the English having observ'd the intestine Divisions in France landed in Normandy with a great Army and took Harfleur But being extreamly weaken'd both in the Siege and by Sickness they resolv'd to retreat towards Calais In the mean while the French had got together an Army which was four times stronger than the English which met them near Agincourt a Village in the County of St. Poll where a Battel being fought betwixt them 6000 French were kill'd upon the Spot and a great number taken Prisoners among whom were a great many persons of Quality The English Historians make this Defeat much greater it being rarely to be observ'd that the Historians of two Nations who are at Enmity agree in their Relations Yet the English being extreamly tir'd could not pursue the Victory In the mean time the Invasion made by a Foreign Enemy did in no ways diminish the intestine Divisions but rather augmented them For the Duke of Burgundy perceiving his Party in France to decline began to favour the English who in the Year next following landed again in Normandy and had great Success At last the Queen who had hitherto had a share in the Government added Fuel to the Fire For the Constable d' Armagnac having now the sole Administration of Affairs and being only balanc'd by the Authority of the Queen took an opportunity by the free Conversation of the Queen to put such a Jealousie in the King's Head that with the Consent of Charles the Dauphin she was banish'd the Court.
Emanuel Duke of Savoy was very mournfully consummated § 19. Him succeeded his Son Francis II. under whose Reign the French Divisions began to break out with Fury in their own Bowels which continued near 40 Years whereas formerly the violent Heat of this Nation had been quell'd partly by the Wars with the English partly by the several Expeditions undertaken against Italy Concerning the Causes of these Intestine Wars it is to be observ'd That after the House of Valois came to the Crown the next in Blood were those of the House of Bourbon which House was grown so Potent by its Riches Power and Authority of a great many brave Persons which descended from it that the preceding Kings were grown extreamly jealous of it And tho' Francis I. at the beginning of his Reign did constitute the Duke of Bourbon Constable yet being soon convinced afterwards of the Reasons which had induc'd his Ancestors to keep under this House he us'd all his Endeavours to humble the said Charles of Bourbon For this Reason he enter'd into a Conspiracy against Francis which having been discover'd he went over to Charles V. and commanded as General in the Battel near Pavia where Francis was taken Prisoner and was slain in the storming of Rome By his Death the House of Bourbon receiv'd a great blow those who were left being look'd upon with a very ill Eye tho' they kept themselves very quiet to extinguish the Suspicion and Hatred conceiv'd against them The House of Bourbon being thus brought very low the two Houses of Montmorency and Guise held up their Heads under the Reign of Francis I. The first was one of the most ancient in France the latter was a Branch of the House of Lorrain The Head of the first was Annas Montmorency Constable of France of the latter Claude Duke of Guise Both of them were in great Favour and Authority with Francis I. but both fell into Disgrace at the latter end of his Reign being banish'd the Court It is related of Francis I. that just before his Death he advised his Son Henry to consult with neither of them in his Affairs since too great and too able Ministers proved often dangerous Yet notwithstanding this Henry II. did receive both Annas Montmorency and Francis de Guise the Son of Claude into his particular Favour who quickly grew jealous of one another the first taking much upon him because of his Experience in State Affairs and Gravity the latter being puff'd up with the Glory of Martial Exploits and the Applause of the People the Authority of the Duke of Guise was greatly encreas'd after he had repuls'd Charles V. from before Metz and taken Calais whereas the unfortunate Battel fought near St. Quintin and the ensuing dishonourable Peace were very prejudicial to Montmorency But the House of Guise got the greatest Advantage after Francis II. had marry'd Mary Queen of Scotland whose Mother was Sister to the Duke of Guise So that during the Reign of Francis II. the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal his Brother were the Men that bore the greatest Sway in the Kingdom which extreamly exasperated Montmorency and the two Brothers of Bourbon Anthony King of Navarre and the Prince of Conde seeing themselves thus neglected And tho' Anthony was of a very modest Behaviour watching only an Opportunity to regain his Kingdom of Navarre from the Spaniards and having a sufficient Revenue out of his Country of Bearn wherewithal to maintain himself yet the Prince of Conde was Ambitious Poor and of a turbulent Spirit who was not able to maintain his Grandeur without some considerable Employment Besides this he was continually stirr'd up by the Admiral Gaspar Coligny an ambitious cunning and fly Man who as his Enemies will have it was very forward to fish in troubled Waters his Brother d' Andelot also being of a very wild and turbulent Spirit These three only watch'd an Opportunity to raise Commotions in the Kingdom Thus the great Men of the Kingdom were divided into these several Factions at the Time when Francis II. began his Reign a Prince scarce sixteen Years old weak both in Body and Mind and therefore incapable to rule the Kingdom by himself Several therefore pretended to have a right to the Administration of the Government these of Bourbon as being the next Princes of the Blood the House of Guise as being nearly related to the Queen and the Queen Mother Catharine de Medicis the very pattern of an aspiring and cunning Woman hoped That whilst the Princes were in contest about the Administration of the Government it would fall to her share wherefore she always fomented the Divisions by keeping up the Balance betwixt them This Catharine first sided with the House of Guise dividing the Administration of Affairs with them so that she was to have the Supream Administration the Duke of Guise was to manage the Military Affairs and his Brother the Cardinal the Finances This Agreement being made betwixt them the Constable under pretence of his old Age was dismiss'd from Court and the Prince of Conde sent as Ambassadour into Spain These who were thus excluded had a meeting to consider which way they might free themselves from these Oppressions where it was resolv'd that the King of Navarre should intercede for them at Court who being put off with fair words and empty Promiess set himself at rest Conde was resolv'd to try his Fortune by force but having not a sufficient Interest Coligny advised him he should side with the Huguenots for so they call●d in France those who profess'd the Protestant Religion who labour'd then under a severe Persecution and wanted a Head under whose Conduct they might obtain the free Exercise of their Religion Besides that they mortally hated those of Guise whom they supposed to be the Authors of their Persecution The Business was thus concerted That the Huguenots should assemble in private and some of them by a humble Petition to request the free Exercise of their Religion at Court which if it should be refus'd the rest should be at hand to kill those of Guise and to force the King to receive the Prince of Conde for his chief Minister of State The Execution of this Design was undertaken by a certain Gentleman call'd Renaudie but the Enterprize being deferr'd for some time because the Court went from Blois to Amboise it was discover'd and thereby render'd inpracticable above twelve hundred that were taken paying with their Lives for it Conde was also sent to Prison and was just upon the point of receiving Sentence of Death when Francis II. after a very short Reign died suddenly of an Ulcer in the Head which caused great Alterations in the Affairs of the Kigdom § 20. Him succeeded his Brother Charles IX then scarce eleven Years old whose Tuition his Mother Catharine took immediately upon her self hoping to enjoy it quietly whilst the Houses of Bourbon and Guise were engag'd in mutual
given them for their Security But immediately in the Year next following the fifth War commenc'd at which time also a third Faction arose in France which was call'd that of the Politicians they pretended without having any regard to the Religious Differences to seek the publick Welfare to have the Queen remov'd from the Administration of the Government and the Italians and those of Guise to be banish'd the Kingdom of France The Heads of this Faction were those of the House of Montmorency who intended during these Troubles to play their own Game These were afterwards very instrumental in helping Henry IV. to the Crown During these Troubles Charles IX died leaving no legitimate Issue behind him § 21. After the Death of Charles IX the Crown fell to Henry III. who was at that time in Poland during whose absence his Mother Catharine govern'd the Kingdom which was in a very confus'd Estate He left Poland privately and taking his Way by Vienna and Venice arriv'd safely in France But after he had taken upon him the Administration of Affairs he deceiv'd every body in those Hopes which were conceiv'd of him before For he being addicted only to his Pleasures and Idleness was led away by his Favourites leaving the chief Administration of the Kingdom to his Mother The Huguenots Power encreas'd remarkably after the Duke of Alenson the Kings Brother sided with them and Conde and the Paltzgrave John Casimir led an Army out of Germany into France besides that the King of Navarre found means to make his escape out of Prison The fifth Peace was therefore concluded with the Huguenots whereby they obtain'd very advantageous Conditions About the same time a new Faction was set up which was compos'd of a great many small ones this was call'd The holy Vnion or League which reduc'd France to the most miserable Condition that could be The chief promoter of it was Henry Duke of Guise who perceiving that the great Authority which he had among the People made him to be hated by the King endeavour'd to make a Party of his own He made use especially of the Priests and common People of Paris among whom the Name of the Guises was in great Veneration He was encouraged to undertake this Design because the King was despis'd by all and the Women by their Intrigues rul'd at Court Besides this he pretended to be descended from the Race of Charles the Great which was excluded unjustly from the Crown by Hugh Capet The Pretence of this League was the Catholick Religion and there was a Draught made of this League which contain'd chiefly three things viz. The Defence of the Catholick Religion the Establishment of Henry III. in the Throne and the maintaining the Liberty of the Kingdom and the Assembly of the States Those who enter'd into this League promis'd to be obedient to such Head or General as should be chosen for the Defence of this League all which was confirm'd by Oath At the first setting up of this League the King conniv'd at it hoping thereby the sooner to subdue the Huguenots nay he himself subscrib'd the same at the Dyet at Blois declaring himself the Head of this League Then the sixth War was begun against the Huguenots but the King made Peace with them the same Year notwithstanding that they were in a very ill Condition neither was any thing done worth mentioning in this War The War being ended the King returning to his Pleasures confounded great Summs of Money and therefore laid new and heavy Impositions upon the People and his Favourites grew very Insolent which increas'd the Hatred against him and at the same time the Respect and Love of the People to those of Guise Besides this the Duke of Alenson the King's Brother declaring himself Lord of the Netherlands Philip King of Spain was provoked to revenge himself of the French and upheld the League In the Year 1579 the Seventh War was begun against the Huguenots wherein also they succeeded very ill Notwithstanding this the King made a Peace with them in the Year next following he being unwilling that they should be quite rooted out for fear that the League might prove too strong for himself The German Horse were also much fear'd and the Duke of Alenson was very forward to have the Peace concluded that he might be at leisure to employ his Forces in the Netherlands This Peace lasted five Years during which time the Hatred against the King increas'd daily because of the heavy Taxes which were devour'd by his Favourites He made himself also the more despis'd by playing too much the Hypocrite and by transforming himself almost into a Monk The French Glory was also much eclips'd when the Duke of Alenson behav'd himself so ill in the Netherlands and the French Fleet which was sent to the Assistance of Anthony the Bastard was totally ruin'd near Tercera But the League grew very strong after the Death of the Duke of Alenson the King 's younger Brother the King having no hopes of any Issue of his Body Then it was that the Duke of Guise propos'd to himself no less than the Crown tho' he for a colour set up the Cardinal of Bourbon thereby to exclude the King of Navarre And because it was suspected that the King favour'd the King of Navarre the Priests began to thunder in the Pulpits and to make horrid Exclamations that the Catholick Religion was lost the Duke of Guise enter'd into a Confederacy with Philip who was to furnish great Summs of Money under pretext of maintaining the Catholick Religion and to assist the Cardinal of Bourbon in obtaining the Crown but in effect this Intention was to uphold the Divisions in France thereby to disenable it to take part with the Netherlands Then the Leaguers began to break out into an open War and having taken a great many Towns oblig'd the King according to their Demands to forbid the Exercise of the Protestant Religion in France And so began the Eighth War against the Huguenots and if the King had been in earnest to ruin them they would have been in a very ill Condition For tho' the King of Navarre beat the Duke de Joyeuse near Coutras yet did he not prosecute his Victory And about the same time the Duke of Guise dispers'd the German and Swiss Forces which under the Command of Fabian de Dona were marching to the Assistance of the Huguenots This Army being destitute of a good Commander was miserably maul'd and the rest sent home in a very shamefull Condition This Victory acquir'd the Duke of Guise great Applause and Favour among the People and still lessen'd the Value of the King's Person so that the Priests now did not stick to exclaim against the King in their Sermons calling him a Tyrant The King therefore having resolv'd with himself to punish the Heads of the League in Paris they broke out into open Rebellion and having sent
for the Duke of Guise as their Protector the King was oblig'd to leave Paris by Night But the King perceiving that more Cities sided daily with the League and despairing to overcome them by Force took another Course to obtain his Ends and made an Agreement with the Duke of Guise with great Advantages on his and the Leaguers side He pretended also to have forgotten all past Injuries on purpose to inveigle the Duke of Guise And under these specious pretences he got him to appear at the Assembly of the Estates at Blois In the mean time the Duke of Savoy had taken from the French the Marquisate of Saluzze the only Province left them in Italy But the Estates who were most of them Creatures of the Duke of Guise being very urgent in their Demands to have the King of Navarre declar'd incapable of the Crown and the Duke of Guise to be made Constable the King caus'd the Duke of Guise and his Brother the Cardinal to be murther'd This put those of the League into a Rage and with the Assistance of the Priests the King was in Paris publickly declar'd to have forfeited the Crown Most of the great Cities of France being stirr'd up by the Example of the Parisians did the same declaring the Duke de Maine Brother to the Duke of Guise Lieutenant-General of the State and Crown of France and Supream Head of the League who endeavour'd but in vain to surprize the King in Tours The King then being overpower'd by the League and besides this excommunicated by the Pope was oblig'd to make an Agreement with the King of Navarre and to make use of the Huguenots And having got together a great Army he march'd towards Paris with a Resolution to reduce that City to Obedience by Force of Arms But the day before the general Attack was to be made one James Clement a Jacobin Monk brought a Letter out of the City directed to the King which whilst he deliver'd pretending to whisper the King thrust a Knife into his Bowels of which Wound he died the day following The last of the House of Valois § 22. Henry IV. whom we hitherto have call'd the King of Navarre and who was the first of the House of Bourbon did at the beginning of his Reign meet with no less Difficulties than he had met with before For tho' he was lawfull Heir to the Crown yet the Protestant Religion which he profess'd was no small obstacle for as long as he was addicted to that the League the Pope and Spain would questionless oppose him with all their might But if he chang'd his Religion he was in danger of losing the Assistance of the Huguenots which had been steady to him and so set himself betwixt two Stools And it would have been very unbecoming to have so publickly accommodated his Religion to his Interest Notwithstanding this immediately after the Death of Henry III. all the great Men of the Army assembled together promis'd him Obedience after several Contests under Condition that within six Months he would suffer himself to be instructed in the Catholick Religion But because Henry would not be bound to any certain time but only gave them some Hopes in general terms it was agreed That the Huguenots should enjoy the free Exercise of their Religion yet that the Catholick Religion should be re-establish'd in all Cities and the Revenues restor'd to the Clergy But those of the League because the Duke of Maine at that time durst not take upon him the Title of King proclaim'd the Cardinal of Bourbon an ancient decrepid Man Uncle to King Henry and who was then in Custody their King declaring the Duke de Maine Lieutenant-General of the Crown The Leaguers made the strongest Party having on their side the Common People most of the great Cities all the Parliaments except that of Rennes and Bourdeaux almost all the Clergy Spain the Pope and the rest of the Catholick Princes except Venice and Florence But the Heads were not very unanimous and the Duke de Maine had not Authority enough to keep them in Unity But on the King's side were almost all the Nobility the whole Court of the deceas'd King all the Protestant Princes and States the old Huguenot Troops who had done great Service to Henry and would still have done more if they had not mistrusted him that he would change his Religion Each Party watch'd an Opportunity of surprizing one another The Duke of Maine endeavouring to surprize the King near Diep was bravely repuls'd which seem'd to be ominous to the League On the other Hand the King could not get Paris tho' he had taken the Suburbs But Henry was not only pester'd by the League but also for want of Money was oblig'd to keep up his Party with fair Words and Promises The Spaniards also began to intermeddle publickly in the Affairs of France in hopes in this Juncture either to conquer the Kingdom or to divide it or at least to weaken it But the Duke de Maine did underhand oppose these Designs being unwilling that in case he could not be King himself France should fall under the Subjection of Spain In the Year 1590 Henry obtain'd a glorious Victory over the Duke de Maine who had double the Number near Ivry Then he block'd up Paris which was reduc'd to the greatest Extremity by Famine but reliev'd by the Duke of Parma Governour of the Netherlands In the Year 1591 there arose a third Faction the young Cardinal of Bourbon making Pretensions to the Crown but was very fortunately disappointed in his Aim by the King Then Pope Gregory XIV excommunicated Henry exhorting all his Subjects to withdraw themselves from their Obedience which Difficulty Henry did not surmount without great troubles The Spaniards also declar'd themselves more freely Philip offering his Daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia to be made Queen of France which Proposal was mightily encouraged by the young Duke of Guise he being then just escap'd out of his Custody as 't is suppos'd by connivance of the King who supposed that thereby that Party might be divided since he would certainly endeavour to oppose the Designs of the Duke de Maine his Uncle After the Duke of Parma had rais'd the Siege of Roan the Spaniards urg'd more and more that the French would take a Resolution concerning the setting up of another King And in the Assembling of the Estates in Paris which was held for that purpose it was propos'd That Isabella the Daughter of Philip being born of a French Mother should be declar'd Queen of France and that she should have for her Husband Ernest Arch-Duke of Austria But the French refusing to accept of a Foreigner for their King Charles Duke of Guise was proposed as a Husband to Isabella This Proposition relish'd very ill with the Duke of Maine who thought himself so well deserving that no body ought to be preferr'd before him wherefore if he could not
dissatisfied because she could not Act according to her own Will that she retired into Flanders and from thence into England where she made some stay and at last died in a very low Condition in Cologne In the Year 1633. the King took from the Duke of Lorrain his Countrey because he had declared himself for the Emperour And when afterwards viz. after the Battel fought near Nordlingen the Swedish Affairs were in a very low Condition and the House of Austria began to hold up its Head again France broke out into open War with Spain to balance the growing Power of the House of Austria He took for a pretence that the Spaniards had surprized the City of Treves and taken the Elector of Treves Prisoner who was under French protection And then the War began in Italy Germany the Netherlands and Roussilion which was carried on with various Fortune yet so that the French got the better of it at last To touch upon some of the most remarkable Actions The first Attack which the French made in the Netherlands did not succeed very well they having been forced to raise the Siege of Lovain with great Loss In the Year 1636 Piccolomini marched into Picardy and Galias into Burgundy but did nothing of moment On the other hand the French beat up the Siege of Leucate in Roussilion and the brave Duke Barnhard of Saxen-Weimar took the Fortress of Brisac he carrying on the War with French Money And after the Death of this Duke which happened not long after the King of France brought both that Fortress and his Army over to its side with Money Yet the French miscarried in the same Year before St. Omer and Fontarabia before the last of which Places the Prince of Conde sustained a considerable Loss In the same Year viz. on the 5th of September Lewis XIV was almost by a Miracle born of a Marriage which had proved unfruitfull for twenty Years before In the Year 1639 the French were beaten before Thionville In the Year 1640 they took Arras and in the same Year Catalonia revolting from Spain threw it self under the French Protection In the Year 1641 a great Misfortune hung over Richlieu's Head the Count the Soissons having raised a dangerous Rebellion but he being killed in an Engagement wherein otherwise his Party had the better establish'd by his Death the Cardinal's Authority and the Quiet of France In the Year 1642 Perpignan was taken at which Siege the King and Richlieu were both present Monsieur Cinqmats did about that time first insinuate himself into the King's favour hoping thereby to undermine Richlieu And the better to balance the Cardinal he had made some under-hand Intrigues with Spain But the Cardinal having discovered the business caused his Head to be cut off as also de Thou the younger's because he had been privy to the business tho' he had advised against it yet had he not discover'd it From the Duke of Bouillon who had been also of the Cabal he took for a Punishment his strong Hold Sedan In the same Year Richlieu died to his great good fortune the King being grown quite weary of him notwithstanding he had laid the first Foundation of the Greatness of France which is now so formidable to Europe The King also died not long after § 24. Lewis XIV was but Five years of Age when he came to the Crown his Mother 't is true bore the name of Regent of France but in effect the Cardinal Julius Mazarini had the chief Management of the Kingdom which was then in a very flourishing Condition but every Body was for enriching himself out of the Kings Purse during his Minority and Mazarini was very liberal thereby endeavouring to make them in love with his Government But the Treasury being become empty new Taxes were of necessity to be imposed upon the People which caused a great dissatisfaction against the Government Nevertheless for the first Five years every thing was pretty quiet at home and War carried on abroad At the very first beginning of this new Government the Duke d' Austria obtained a signal Victory against the Spaniards near Rocroy after which he took Thionville and Gaston the Kings Uncle Graveling Anguin revenged the loss which the French had sustainded the Year before near Dutlingen and having first beaten the Bavarian Forces near Friburg in Brisgaw he took Philipsburg in the Year 1646. he beat the Bavarian Troops near Norlingen and afterwards took Dunkirk But in the Year next following he in vain besieged the City of Lorida In the Year 1648. a Peace was concluded at Munster in Westphalia betwixt the Emperour and France by Vertue of which the latter got the two Fortresses of Brisac and Philipsburg the Countrey of Puntgau and part of the upper Alsatia But as France by this Peace was freed from one Enemy so on the other hand the intestine Commotions put a stop to its great Progresses The chief reason of these Troubles was that some envying Mazarini as being a Foreigner they would by all means have him removed from the Helm and this they sought with the greater Importunity because they were not in awe of the King who was but a Child neither of his Mother she being an outlandish Woman Some of the great Men also were for fishing in troubled Waters But above all the rest the Prince of Conde would fain have been Master and have made the Cardinal dance after his Pipe The Cardinal was for bringing of him over to his Party by a Marriage propos'd to him but the Prince of Conde perceiving that the Cardinal was for maintaining his old Post nor would depend on him rejected the Offer as unbecoming the Grandeur of his House There were also some Women of a restless Spirit concern'd in these Intrigues among whom was Mad. de Longueville Sister of the Prince of Conde Mad. Chevreuse Mombazon and others The first beginning was by slanderous Papers and Libels which were daily dispers'd in Paris There was also a certain Faction set up who called themselves the Slingers because they openly undertook to knock down the Cardinal as David struck down the Giant Goliah by the help of his Sling The Heads of this Faction were the Duke of Beaufort and Guadi the Archbishop of Paris afterwards call'd the Cardinal de Rez With this Party also sided the Parliament of Paris which did pretend to have a great Authority against the Government at that time The first Insurrection was made in Paris occasion'd by the taking into Custody of one Braussel a Member of the Parliament whereupon the King left the City Yet the Business was compos'd for that time some things having been granted to the mutinous Party But the Faction of the Slingers renewing their former Disturbances the King left the City a second time The Parliament having then publickly condemn'd the Cardinal grew every day stronger Turenne who then commanded the
the great Taxes which are imposed upon the Subjects but without question the chief reason is that France since that time has found out new ways to draw Money out of other Countries § 27. As to the Form of Government of France it is to be observ'd That anciently there were very potent Dukes Earls and Lords in France who tho' they were Vassals of the King yet they us'd to pay no further Obedience to him than was consistent with their own Interest except the Kings were in a Condition to oblige them to it But all these in process of Time were extinguish'd and their Countries united to the Crown Now-a-days the Dukes and Earls in France are nothing else but bare Titles annex'd to some considerable Estate without any Sovereignty or Jurisdiction And whereas formerly certain Countries used to be assign'd to the King's Sons whereof they bore the Title now-a-days only a certain yearly Revenue is allotted them with the Title of a certain Dukedom or County wherein perhaps they have not a Foot of Ground And after the ancient Sovereign Dukedoms and Earldoms were abolish'd some of the great Men of the Kingdom had taken upon themselves great Authority in the Kingdom but by the Policy of Richlieu and Mararini they were reduc'd to such a Condition that they dare not utter a Word against the King The Assembly of the Estates there being three of them viz. The Clergy Nobility and the Citizens they making up the third Estate were also formerly in great Veneration whereby the King's Power was much limited But they having not been conven'd since the Year 1614 their Authority is quite suppress'd Those of the Reform'd Religion did prove also very troublesome to the Kings of France as long as they were in a Condition to take up Arms but with the loss of Rochelle they lost the Power of giving their Kings any Disturbance for the future And tho' the King hitherto does not force their Consciences yet he draws off a great many from that Party by hopes of his Royal Favour and Preferments Heretofore the Parliament of Paris us'd to oppose the King's Designs under pretence that it had a right that the King could not do any thing of great moment without its consent but this King hath taught it only to intermeddle with Judicial Business and some other Concerns which the King now and then is pleas'd to leave to its Decision The Gallick Church also boasts of a particular Prerogative in regard of the Court of Rome she always having disputed with the Pope some part of his Authority over her and the King has the Nomination of the Bishops and Abbots all which contributes much to the Strength and Increase of this Kingdom if a wise and good King sits upon the Throne § 28. When we duely weigh the Power of France in comparison with its Neighbours it is easily perceiv'd that there is not any State in Christendom which France doth not equal if not exceed in Power 'T is true in former Ages the English reduc'd the French but at that time they were possess'd of a great part of it themselves there were then several Demi-Sovereign Princes the French Infantry was then inconsiderable and the English Bows were terrible to them All which is quite otherwise now and the English Land-forces are now not to be compar'd with the French neither in Number nor Goodness since the English are unexercis'd and their Civil Wars have rather been carried on by Armies rais'd on a sudden than well disciplin'd Troops and these Wars have not a little weaken'd this Nation On the other hand the English have chiefly apply'd themselves to Sea Affairs and in this the French cannot hitherto be compared with the English yet England can scarce reap any great Advantages from France at Sea For suppose they should beat the French Fleet yet they would scarce venture to make a Descent upon France as having not any footing there and the French Privateers would certainly do great mischief to them But if the English should once miscarry at Sea an that the French should once get footing in England it might perhaps prove fatal to that Kingdom since the fate of the War must be then decided by the Issue of one Battel England having no Inland strong Holds In the last Age Spain prov'd very troublesome to France the French scarce being able to defend themselves against it and having several times been oblig'd to make Peace upon disadvantageous Conditions But besides that at that time the French Infantry was good for little and the Spanish Nation was then at its heighth whereas now the Spanish Nobility is more for Debauchery Gaming and such like Intrigues than for acquiring Glory in War they were then in full possession of all the Netherlands and Charles V. had a great Advantage by being Emperour But now-a-days the Netherlands are miserably torn to pieces they being scarce able to Garrison the places that remain Naples and Milan are almost in the same condition and France may easily secure the Coast of Provence against the Spaniards who may be well satisfy'd if the French don't by the way of Roussilion Navarre or Bayonne enter Spain Italy is neither willing nor powerfull enough to hurt France but these Princes are well satisfy'd if France does not pass the Alpes and disturb their Repose The French are not powerfull enough for the Dutch at Sea if they have an Opportunity to make use of all their Naval Strength yet the French Privateers may do them considerable Mischief wherefore I cannot see what benefit Holland can reap from a War with France without an absolute necessity For the Dutch Land-forces gather'd out of all Nations are not likely to do any great Feats against it The Swiss also neither can nor will hurt France they being well satisfy'd if they can get Money Wherefore the French need not fear any thing from them except they should make them desperate when in Confederacy with others they might prove very troublesome Germany seems to be the only Country which alone might be able to balance France for if these Princes were well united they are able to bring more numerous Armies into the Field and that in no ways inferiour in Goodness to the French and perhaps they might be able to hold it out with France But considering the present State of Germany it seems next to an impossibility that all the Members of the Empire should unanimously and resolutely engage themselves in a long War and prosecute the same with Vigour For it is not to be imagined that all of them should have an equal Interest in the War and some of them must expect to be ruin'd tho' the War in the main should prove successfull but if it should succeed otherwise they must be great losers by it without reprieve § 29. But if it should be suppos'd that France may be attack'd by a great many at once it is to be consider'd
suspicious of all mankind And the whole Confederacy is altogether adapted for their common Defence and for the maintaining of a firm Union betwixt themselves The difference of Religion is also a main obstacle among them some of them being Roman Catholicks but most Protestants and both Parties great Zealots in their Religion Wherefore it seems a hard task to make them all truly unanimous except forc'd by the necessity of a common Danger And in this Democratical Government it is not to be supposed that one man can have sufficient Authority to sway the rest and to stir them up to any great and sudden Enterprise And this slowness of their publick Counsels is such a check upon their natural Valour at home that they can employ it no better than to sell it for a little money to other Nations § 10. This is the very reason why the Switzers are the best Neighbours in the World as being never to be feared and always ready to assist you in case of necessity if you pay them for it On the other hand they need not stand in great fear of their Neighbours The States of Italy are not in a capacity to do them any harm and Germany is not willing to hurt them If the House of Austria should attack them they are able to defend themselves and besides this they may in such a case be sure to be back'd by France France alone seems to be their most dangerous Neighbour and it has been the wonder of many why the Switzers rely altogether upon the French Alliance and Promises and do not in the least endeavour to secure their Country against the growing Power of France and that in the last war they left the Franche Comtè to the mercy of the French which opens the Passage into their Country and enables the French to levy Souldiers on their Frontiers at pleasure It seems therefore to be the present Interest of Switzerland not to imitate the French and nevertheless to take care that they do not make themselves Masters of their Frontier Places viz. of Geneva Newburgh on the Lake the Four Forest Towns and Constance That they do not send too great a number of their Men into the French Service whereby they may exhaust their own Stock of Souldiers and that such as are sent into the French Service may be engaged not to be forgetful of their Duty to their native Country so as to be ready to return home in case of necessity On the other hand France seems to have no great reason to attack the Switzers as long as they are quiet and do not pretend to oppose the French Designs it being evident that if France had once obtained its aim the Switzers would be obliged to submit themselves And it seems at this time more Advantageous for the French to make use of the Switzers as their Allies than by conquering them to make them refractory Subjects who by reason of their natural stubborness must be bridled by strong Garisons which would scarce be maintained out of the Revenues of so poor a Country CHAP. VIII Of the GERMAN Empire § 1. GErmany was not antiently one Common-wealth but divided into a great many States and independent of each other most of them being Democracies And tho some of them had their Kings yet these had more Authority to Advise than to Command These several States were at last united under the Government of the Francks The Kings of the Merovingean Family having undertaken several Expeditions into Germany did reduce several of these States under their Subjection And Charles the Great reduced all Germany under his Jurisdiction he being at the same time Master of France Italy Rome and a part of Spain all which Provinces he committed to the care of certain Governours who were called Graves or Marc-Graves The Saxons retained more of their antient Liberty than the rest wherefore the better to keep this then barbarous Nation in obedience he erected several Episcopal Sees in Saxony hoping by the influence of the Christian Doctrine to civilize this barbarous People Lewis Surnamed the Pious Son of Charles the Great had three Sons viz. Lotharius Lewis and Charles who divided the Empire of the Francks among them In this Division Lewis got for his share all Germany as far as it extends on this side of the Rhine and also some Countries on the other side of that River by reason of the Vineyards as 't is said which are on both sides All which he was possess'd of as Sovereign without being in any ways dependent on his elder Brother much less the younger who had France for his share And at that time Germany was first made a Kingdom independent of any other § 2. Carolomannus the Son of this Lewis did after the death of Charles the Bald who was King of France and had born the Title of Roman Emperour Conquer Italy and took upon him the Imperial Dignity notwithstanding that Lewis Son of Charles the Bald and King of France had upon instigation of the Pope assumed the same Title After him succeeded his younger Brother Carolus Crassus who maintained both the Kingdom of Italy and the Imperial Title But the great Men in Germany having deposed the said Charles they made Arnolph the Son of the abovementioned Carolomannus King of Germany who went into Italy and took upon him the Title of Roman Emperour for which had contended for a good while Berengarius Duke of Trioul and Guido Duke of Spoleto But after the death of Arnulph his Son Lewis Surnamed the Child obtained the Crown of Germany under whose Reign the Affairs of Germany were in so ill a condition that he had no leisure to look into those of Italy For Arnulph had called to his assistance the Hungarians against Zwentepold King of Bohemia and Moravia who had Rebell'd against him with whose assistance he reduced Zwentepold to obedience but the Hungarians who were at that time a most barbarous Nation having got a tast of Germany made an inroad into that Country ravaging every where with an inhuman Cruelty They also defeated Lewis near Augsburgh obliging him to pay them a yearly Tribute notwithstanding which they ravag'd and plundered wherever they came This overthrow was chiefly occasioned by the Kings tender Age and the Divisions of the great Men among themselves who aimed at nothing more than to establish their own Authority After the death of Lewis Cunrad Duke of Franconia was elected King Germany under whose Reign the Potent Dukes of Lorain Swabia Bavaria and Saxony did prete●d to maintain the Sovereignty over their own Countries and a Hereditary Possession which Cunrad was not able to prevent and because Henry Duke of Saxony was the most Potent and Cunrad feared that at last he might quite withdraw himself from the German Empire he upon his Death-bed advised the rest of the Princes of Germany to make him their King which was done accordingly
whether this had been done by his Authority and the King having answered No but that it had been done by the Nobility to take revenge of the Cosacks these joined with the Tartars and fell into Poland against these the King went in Person into the Field at the Head of the Nobility and defeated them in a Battel but the King having afterwards made an Agreement with them the Nobility was greatly discontented with the King's proceedings alledging that the King had granted too much to the Cosacks Whilst the Jealousies reigned in Poland the Muscovites fell into Poland and having brought the Cosacks over to their Party besieged Smolensko which they took in the Year next following and having ravaged every where in Lithuania they took Wilea and some other Cities where they committed great Barbarities In the Year 1655. another Storm threatened the Poles For Charles Gustavus King of Swedeland having with an Army of chosen Men entred that Kingdom first Conquered great Poland and Masovia and afterwards the lesser Poland with the capital City Cracovia from whence he marched into Prussia where almost all the Cities surrendred themselves except Dantzick where were at first a great many Citizens that favoured the Swedes but by the perswasions of some Ministers were kept in Obedience to Poland The Resistance which was made by this one City was the main Reason why all the Advantages got by the Swedes proved fruitless at last and that they could not maintain themselves in Prussia notwithstanding that not only the whole Militia of Poland and that part of Lithuania which was not under the subjection of the Muscovites had submitted themselves to the Swedish Protection but also that King John Casimir himself fled into Silesia For the Poles having recollected themselves after the first Constemation was over and being joined by the Tartars fell upon such of the Swedish Forces as were dispersed up and down the Country The Lithuanians also revolted and killed all the Swedes that were in Winter Quarters with them King Charles Gustavus also had greatly weakened his Army not only by the great March towards Jeroslavia but also Czarneski the Polish General did often with his Light-Horse fall upon on the Rear of the Army and did considerable Mischief In the mean while the Poles also had retaken Warsovia where they had made the Swedish Governour Wittenbergh and some other great Officers Prisoners contrary to the Articles made at the surrendry of the Place And tho' King Charles Gustavus having been joined before by the Elector of Brandenburgh's Forces did vanquish the Poles and Tartars in a memorable Battel which lasted three Days and was fought near Warsovia yet all the Princes of Europe began to look about them and to consult about a Diversion to be made Sweden The Muscovites fell into Livonia where they besieged Riga but to no purpose The Hollanders did give plainly to understand that they were not willing that Prussia should come under the subjection of Swedeland And the Danes also began to be in motion On the other hand Ragozi Prince of Transylvania entred Poland with an Army to try whether perhaps he could obtain that Crown for himself But the King of Sweden being obliged to march out of Poland against the Danes Ragozi made a bad Market of it for before he could reach his own Country he was totally routed and oliged to make a shameful accord with the Poles Which misfortune however he might have avoided if he according to the advice of the King of Sweden who promised to keep the Poles so long in play till he was out of danger would have taken his march directly over Brescie Pinsk and so further towards his own Frontiers But Ragozi would by all means take his way near Cracaw Then the Poles retook Cracaw and Thorn and chased the Swedes out of Curland who had before taken the Duke of that name Prisoner The Poles also besieged Riga but were beaten from thence by the Swedish General Helmfeld And tho the Poles by the Peace made at Oliva recovered all Prussia again yet were they obliged to renounce all their pretensions upon Livonia and to leave the Muscovites in the possession of Smolensko Severia and Kiovia Neither could they appease the Cosacks some of them having put themselves under the protection of the Muscovites some under the Turks whereby they shewed the way to the Turks into Poland Neither could the King put an end to the intestine divisions and jealousies wherefore at last tired with these troubles John Casimir resigned the Crown and living a retired life in France in the Abby of St. Germain he there dyed a few years after § 13. There being now left none of the Royal Family in Poland several Foreigners pretended to the Crown But at last a Piastus whose name was Michael Witsnowizki was declared King chiefly by the Votes of the lesser Nobility His short Reign was full of intestine commotions and the Turks in the mean while did not cease to do considerable mischief in Poland having in the year 1672. taken Caminieck in Podolia which Fortress having been formerly thought impregnable serves them now for a door through which they may enter Poland at pleasure A Peace was then concluded with the Turks by vertue of which the said Fortress remained in the possession of the Turks the Poles also having promised to pay to the Turks a yearly Tribute This King dyed in the year 1673. In whose stead in the year next following the Polish General John Sobieski was made King of Poland he having in the year before attack'd the Turks in their Camp with such success that of 32000 Men scarce 1500 escaped alive He renewed the War with the Turks but concluded a Peace with them in the year 1676. by vertue of which the Turks kept the Fortress of Caminieck but remitted the yearly Tribute to the Poles He being a Man of great capacity it is hoped that he may prove a good King of Poland § 14. It is to be considered concerning the Polish Nation that whosoever is not a Nobleman in Poland is esteemed a Boor. For the Inhabitants of the Cities are very little regarded and the Tradesmen are most Foreigners But the Boors are esteemed nor used no better than Slaves being also very raw and barbarous both in their Life and Conversation wherefore when we talk of the Poles thereby ought only to be understood the Nobility They are therefore commonly downright and honest very seldom given to the art of dissembling they are of a very generous spirit and expect a great deal of respect And if you give them as much respect as they pretend to they are no less courteous and will willingly pay a respect again to you and their words and behaviour are full of Pomp and Ceremony They are very liberal or rather profuse and not given to be parsimonious tho they should want the next day This Nation also is very fierce
among them as Foreigners § 4. But the Christian Religion is not only much clearer and also has other great Prerogatives above the Jewish which Consideration we will leave to the Divines But it is also freed from those Circumstances which were particular to the Jewish Religion and endowed with all Qualifications requisite for an universal Religion wherefore every one is obliged to receive and embrace it which deserves particularly to be remarked that hereby we may investigate and penetrate to the very bottom the propriety and genius of the Christian Religion For here is no particular place appointed by God Almighty for performing in publick the Divine Service nor can any place claim a Prerogative before another so that no Nation henceforward has any occasion to make exception about the remoteness of the Temple but in all places you may lift up holy Hands unto him no Temple in the World having any particular promise appertaining to it that God will sooner hear your Prayers in that than in another No Nation has according to the Christian Religion a precedency before another whereby one may claim a Prerogative above the other Here is no Jew no Greek no Bond nor Freeman but they are all one in Jesus Christ Here is no particular Family or Tribe appointed by God for the publick administration of Divine Service as it was among the Jews but none is excluded here provided he be endowed with the necessary Qualifications There is no Article in the Christian Religion which forbids us to cultivate with others either familiarity or to render to one another the Duties required from us by the Law of Nature It is purely and by it self considered quite separated from all worldly Ends and Interests yet is her Doctrine not in the least repugnant to or alters Civil Society or Laws as far as they are consonant to the Law of Nature but it rather tho' that is not her main intention confirms the same There is nothing to be found in the Christian Religion which is destructive to the Ends of Civil Society or which hinders us from living honestly quietly and securely under the protection of Civil Magistrates or from executing in every respect the highest Civil Power according to the Law of Nature true Reason and the Necessities of the State or from administring all Offices and performing such Duties without offending against the Rules of Christianity as are requisite for the maintaining a State established according to the Law of Nature The Christian Religion rather promotes all these things expresly commanding us strictly to observe every Commandement of the Law of Nature and especially those where no temporal punishment could be conveniently inflicted by the Civil Constitutions and to perform our Duty with all Faithfulness and Zeal as far as the same is consonant with Honesty and the Law of Nature Wherefore not any Philosophy or Religion whatsoever is in this point to be compared with the Christian Religion which may be evident enough to all who will make a true comparison betwixt this and all the rest And every body is therefore obliged as he hopes to answer for his Soul before God not only to receive the Christian Religion but also all Sovereigns and Magistrates ought for the above-mentioned reasons and out of a Duty belonging to their Office to introduce and maintain it It is objected that the Effects of the Christian Religion are not so visible nor that the Life and Conversation of a great many Christians is not different from that of the Heathens and Turks it is to be observed that this Fault is not to be imputed to the Christian Doctrine but to the Inclinations of such as profess the name of Christians but will not in earnest apply themselves to alter their evil Inclinations and to live according to the wholesome Precepts of this Religion § 5. As what we have hitherto said can scarce be denied by the more understanding sort so there arises now a Question viz. Whether according to the Doctrine of the Christian Religion it is absolutely requisite that the outward Direction or Government of the same be committed to another besides him who has the supreme Civil Power in a State or which is much the same Whether according to the Christian Doctrine it be necessary that the outward Government of it be lodged with the whole Body or one of the Clergy in particular independent of the Supreme Magistrate Or whether there ought to be but one Sovereign Administrator of the Christian Religion on whom all other Christian States ought to depend in this Point Or which some take for the same thing whether every State ought to be governed according to its own Constitutions and Interest Or whether all other States are obliged to be Slaves to one and to promote the Interest of that one with the Detriment and Ruin of their own By the outward Direction or Government of the Christian Religion we understand the Power of constituting certain Persons for the exercising of the publick Divine Service and the supreme Jurisdiction over their Persons the supreme Administration and Direction of such Possessions as are dedicated to Religious Services The Power of making Laws for the outward maintenance of Religion and the determining of such Differences as may arise among the Clergy under what pretext soever it may be and such like We make a great difference betwixt the outward Direction of Religious Affairs and betwixt the Ministry of the Church which consists in teaching preaching and administring of the Sacraments all which doubtless belong only unto the Clergy This Question also is to be understood of a Church already planted and established not of a Church that is to be planted and established For since the Christian Religion owed its Original to Divine Revelation no humane Power could pretend to have any Direction in the same before this Doctrine was throughly proposed and taught by such as had an immediate Authority for so doing from God Almighty For when our Saviour after his Resurrection did send his Disciples as Delegates and Apostles throughout the whole World to publish and introduce the Christian Religion they received their Commission for Preaching every where not from the supreme Civil Magistrates but from God himself wherefore Kings as well as the common People were obliged to acknowledge them as immediate Messengers of God and obediently to submit themselves to their Doctrine and it would be next to an absurdity if any one should pretend to a Direction in such Matters as he was not instructed in before From whence arises this Consequence that what has been said is to be understood of such Sovereigns or supreme Magistrates as themselves profess the true Christian Religion but not of those who are Infidels or erroneous in the chief Articles of the Christian Faith For to commit the Direction of Religion to the latter would be to make the Wolf a Shepherd § 6. This Question may be considered in
has not a little contributed tho afar off the Barbarity and ignorance which after the decay of the Roman Empire did spread itself over the Western parts For bad Wares are best vented in the dark or at least by a dim light And an ignorant person is sooner prevailed upon to believe ridiculous Stories than a wise Man versed in all sorts of Sciences There were several causes which promoted this barbarity which did degenerate afterwards into the worst sort of pedantry whereas the former Age had been sufficiently instructed with learned Men. One of the principal ones was the Invasion made upon the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire by those Nations who tho sufficiently Brave were ignorant of Learning which occasioned for one or two Ages after great Changes in the Government bloody Wars horrible disorders and all sorts of miseries in the Empire And Learning being the product of Peace and Prosperity it is little regarded in times of War or during the Distractions of a State since then there is but little leisure time given for the use of Books The Schools are commonly destroyed and the Teachers obliged to make shift where best they can a Musquet being at such times of more use than a School Satchel The School-Masters especially are forced to shut up Shop at such times if the victorious Enemy is ignorant of Learning and makes no account of Books There are also some who affirm that the Clergy was accessary to this barbarism For because the Philosophers had under the Reigns of the Pagan Emperours proved very mischievous to them and afterward under the Christian Emperours continued to oppose themselves against the Clergymen especially these had conceived such a hatred against Philosophy and against all such as professed it that they not only infused the same into their Auditors but also removed out of the Schools and took from the young Students who were committed to their care the Pagan Authors under pretence that they might otherwise be again infected with the erroneous Principles of the Pagans and that it could not but be sinful for Christians to read such Books as were filled every where with the names of the Pagan-Idols which they would not have as much as named by Christians They related a Story concerning S. Hierom how that he was whipped in a Vision with Rods because he used frequently to Read the Works of Cicero and about the year 400. after the Birth of our Saviour the Council of Carthage forbid the Bishops the reading of Pagan Authors And Learning being in those miserable times become almost useless except to those who intended to profess Divinity and the remnants of Learning being lodged therefore among the Clergy the main Institution in the Schools was only directed for that Purpose and the rest of the young Disciples were not very forward to dive much into the secrets of Antient Learning And that Ignorance and Barbarism have greatly promoted the establishment of Popery is evident enough to those who will consider that in a learned Age those Decretals which are ascribed to the first Popes could never have passed Muster which nevertheless have been made use of to persuade the People that the Bishops of Rome have exercised an Authority from the very beginning of Christianity to prescribe Laws ot the Christian World But when afterwards the times proved more favourable in Europe and the Popes perceived that some among the most considerable Nations of Europe could not be longer kept in a gross Ignorance they introduced into the Schools over which they had assumed the Supreme Direction the most miserable sort of Pedantry which is also maintained by their Creatures with great earnestness in their Schools to this very day But above all the rest it seems that the ignorance of the true Principles of Policy has had a main stroke in laying the Foundation of Popery for want of which they were not then duely instructed concerning the Foundation Nature and Perfection of the Supreme Civil Power and that no State could be esteemed well Established where the Supreme Civil Power was either divided or diminished And the Grecian and Roman Politicians themselves had divulged most pernicious Doctrines concerning the division and mixture of the Supreme Power whereby they had enamoured the People with an Aristocratical or Democratical sort of Government but infused into them such a hatred against Monarchy that it was a common Maxim among them that the more they could incr●●ch upon the Authority of the Prince the more it must turn to the advantage of the State In this pernicious Opinion a great many were confirmed by the Tyrannical proceedings of the Emperours who were mortally hated by most of their Subjects It was therefore no great wonder that at the time of this general Ignorance the knowledge of true Policy was not taught among the Christian Clergy since it seem'd to them to be repugnant to their Profession From hence it was that when by degrees the Foundation of the Ecclesiastical Sovereignty was laid few did throughly understand of what Consequence this undertaking was and how prejudicial it would prove to the Supreme Civil Power when ever it could be brought to perfection And we see even to this day that in those Schools which are under the care of the Popish Clergy the Principles of true Policy are either neglected or at least so disfigured that they may not be hurtful to the Authority of the Popes but rather serve to support it § 15. But the chief reason why Rome was chosen for the place of Residence of the Ecclesiastical Monarchy seems to be that this City had a particular Prerogative of being the Capital City of the Roman Empire where the Christian Religion at first had its r●se and increase For what is related concerning S. Peter's Chair is nothing but a vain pretence which may be easily seen from thence that afterwards the Bishop of Constantinople had the next place assigned him after the Bishop of Rome only because that City was then the place of Residence of the Emperour and new Rome And when afterwards the Western Roman Empire was come to decay and the City of Rome had lost its former lustre the Bishop of Constantinople disputed the precedency with the Roman Bishop After the Persecutions which the Christians had endured under the Pagan Emperours were ceased and they afterwards enjoyed their full Liberty the Clergy began under pretence of introducing a wholesome Order in the Church to Establish a particular sort of Government or Hierarchy the Bishops having then begun to claim a great Prerogative above the Priests The Bishops also were made subordinate to one another so that commonly the inspection over the Bishops in a certain Province was committed to the Bishop of the Capital City of the same Province who being then called Metropolitans did afterwards viz. about the Eighth Century most of them assume the name of Archbishops Four of them were most eminent above
of Germany but especially in Thuringia and Friezland This Man to acquire the greater Authority to himself had entirely Devoted himself to the Interest of the Roman Chair from whence he received the Episcopal Pall and the Title of Archbishop of Mayence having also been Constituted by Pope Gregory III. his Vicar with full Power to call Councils and to Constitute Bishops in those places which were by his assistance Converted to the Christian Faith and with ample recommendations to those Nations and to Charles Martel the then Grand Master of France that he should take him into his protection which he very willingly did And when afterwards his Son Carlomannus shewed a great forwardness to have the Church Discipline regulated Boniface was very willing to take upon him this Office to the great advantage of the Roman Chair He also at the request of Carlomannus call'd a Council in Germany and at the request of Pepin several Synods in France where Boniface always was President in the quality of Legat of the Roman Chair In the first Council the Clergy signed a certain Confession of Faith whereby they obliged themselves not only to maintain the Catholick Faith but also to remain in constant Union with the Roman Church and to be obedient to the Successours of S. Peter This Boniface also was the first who put it upon the Bishops of Germany to receive the Episcopal Pall from the Pope who sent it to the Bishops of France without their request thereby to unite them with the Roman Chair And when once these Ornaments were become customary amongst them they were put upon them afterwards as of absolute Necessity and the Episcopal Function was forbidden to be exercised by them before they had received these Ornaments Besides this the Popes assumed to themselves an Authority of giving leave to the Bishops to remove from one Episcopal See to another and obliged all the Western Bishops to receive their Confirmation from Rome for which they were obliged to pay a certain Summ of Money as an acknowledgement which was since converted to Annals The Popes also by making void the Decisions of the provincial Synods or Assemblies overthrew their Authority wherefore when every body plainly perceived that the Decrees of these Assemblies could produce no other Effects but to be continually annulled by the Popes without as much as hearkening to any Reasons they were by degrees quite abolished Pope Gregory VII also forced the Bishops to swear an Oath of Fealty to the Pope and by a Decree forbid that none should dare to condemn any one that had appealed to the Pope They were also not forgetful in sending Legates or Nuncios to all places whose business was to exercise in the name of the Pope the same Authority which had formerly belonged to the Bishops Metropolitans and Provincial Assemblies § 17. This growing Ecclesiastical Sovereignty was the more prejudicial to the supreme Civil Power the more the Church daily increased both in Numbers and Riches The first Foundation of the Wealth of the Church was laid by the Liberality and Charity of Princes and other great Men who were of Opinion that they did a very agreeable Service to God Almighty if they were liberal and bounteous towards his Church and the Clergy And after they had once perswaded the People that by doing good Works among which the Gifts and Donations for Pious uses had the first place they could and must deserve Heaven from God Almighty this Liberality was increased to a high degree Yet the voluntary Contributions of the People not being able to satisfy the avarice of the Clergy which increased together with their Riches other ways and artifices were found out to empty the Peoples Purses and a great many unnecessary Institutions introduced which were to be purchased for Money Then it was that the saying of Masses for the living and the dead Purgatory Indulgences Dispensations Pilgrimages Jubilees and the like were introduced without measure They had besides this always a watchful Eye over such as were at the point of death since they knew that Men were commonly not so addicted at that time to their worldly Riches which they were else to leave to their Heirs who often rejoiced at their Death Nay they were not ashamed to make a profession of begging Among other Tricks the Popes did in the Eleventh and the following Century turn the Croisadoes to their great Advantage For in these expeditions after the People had once received the Sign of the Cross to assist in the recovery of the Holy Land the Popes pretended to the supreme Command and Direction they took the Persons and Estates of such as had received the Cross under their particular Protection exempting them thereby from the Civil Jurisdiction both in Civil and criminal Causes and rendring their Dispensations and Indulgences more frequent and flourishing than before the Pope's Legates did dispose of such Alms Collections and Legacies as were given for that purpose and under the same pretext received the Tenths from the Clergy nay even pretended to put their Commands upon Princes to receive the Cross themselves These they imployed afterwards against such as were declared by them Scismaticks or Hereticks whose possessions they used to confiscate and bestow upon those who had proved serviceable to them without asking the Advice of the Sovereign who durst not but invest these with those Countries that were presented to them by so high a Hand § 18. No less did the number of Ecclesiasticks increase proportionably to the increase of the Riches of the Church because there were not wanting such as were willing to have a share of them without taking much pains For it was not thought sufficient to have an ordinary Minister Chaplain and others necessary for the exercising of Divine Service belonging to each Church but also each Cathedral had a Chapter of Canons and there were great numbers of Persons of high and low Quality that were forward in taking upon them these profitable and in no ways but then some Functions because the inconveniency of Celibacy which the Pope in the Eleventh and the following Century forced upon the Ecclesiasticks not without great trouble and reluctancy was sufficiently recompenced by the Honours and Revenues which they enjoyed quietly in their several Stations Besides an innumerable multitude of Fryars and Nuns settled themselves all over Christendom This sort of People began first to appear in the World at the time of the great Persecutions but in the Fourth and following Centuries did multiply their numbers to a prodigious degree In the beginning they lived upon what they could get by their Handy-work a great many used to give their Goods to the Poor tho' voluntarily and lived under the Direction of the Bishops according to a Discipline prescribed in the Canons In the Seventh Century especially Fryars and Nuns were much in vogue in those Western Parts which were every where filled up with Monasteries and Nunneries built by
Emperour Justinian and Rome and Italy made a Province of the Grecian Empire then it was that the Popes took their opportunity to exempt themselves from the Jurisdiction of these Emperours whose Authority was mightily decayed in Italy partly by the ill management of their Governours at Ravenna partly by their own weakness and want of Strength for the Lombards were Masters in Italy and in the times of Justinian II. one Emperour was for ruining the other Besides this some of these Emperours were against the adoring of Images and Leo Isaurus quite ejected them out of the Churches because this adoration was wholly degenerated into Idolatry and as to the outward appearance the Saints were more regarded than God himself This undertaking was very vehemently opposed by Pope Gregory II. who stood up for the Images partly because the Roman Chair found this Superstition very advantageous partly because the Pope took it very ill that the Emperour should undertake a Reformation in Matters of Religion without his Knowledge and Consent and that at that time when he was busie to introduce the Ecclesiastical Monarchy in the Western parts partly also because he thought to have met with an opportunity to withdraw himself from the Jurisdiction of the Grecian Emperours The better to obtain his Aim he stirred up the Romans and Italians who hitherto had been under the Obedience of the Emperours to refuse to pay them Tribute and the Governour residing at Ravenna endeavouring to maintain the Emperour's Right was slain in a Tumult Whereby the Jurisdiction and Power of the Grecian Emperours was abolished in those parts of Italy and these Countries began to be free and independent on any Foreign Jurisdiction § 20. By these means the Pope had freed himself from the Jurisdiction of the Emperours of Constantinople but not long after he was threatened by another Enemy who being nearer at hand was likely to prove more troublesome to him than formerly the Emperours who lived at so considerable a distance For the Kings of the Longobards endeavoured first to make themselves Masters of those parts which were fallen off from the Emperour and afterwards of all Italy They had already taken Ra●enna and there was none left in Italy who was able to stop their Victories The Popes were then hard put to it and knew not where to seek for Protection except of the Kings of France who at first endeavoured to finish these Differences by an amicable Composition but the Longobards not being willing to rest satisfied therewith they resolved by force of Arms to maintain the Italian Affairs They were easily prevailed upon to undertake this Business not only because Pope Zachary had approved of the Proceedings of Pepin who having abdicated the lawful King was from a Grand-Marshal become King of France but also they had thereby an opportunity offered them to make Conquests in Italy whereof the French Nation has been always very ambitious Pepin and afterwards Charles the Great having been so Fortunate in their Wars against the Longobards as to Conquer their whole Kingdom they gave to the Papal Chair all that Tract of Land which had been formerly under the Jurisdiction of the Grecian Governours There are some who are of Opinion that to obtain this Gift the Pope made use of the fictitious Donation of Constantine the Great which in those barbarous times was easily imposed upon the ignorant World Besides this the French Kings had great Obligations to the Pope for the above-mentioned reason and were also fond of acquiring the name of pious Princes by bestowing liberal Presents out of other Mens Possessions For it was in those Days a common Custom that Men of all degrees made it their Business to out-do one another in Liberality towards the Clergy Nay the Princes used to grant them these Possessions without any incumbrances that thereby the Ecclesiasticks might be sure to enjoy free possession of what they had bestowed upon them These extravagant Donations were none of the least Causes why the Clergy afterwards did labour with so much vehemency to withdraw themselves from the Jurisdiction of the Civil Magistrates as fearing that these extravagant Donations and Grants might be recalled and declared void by their Successours Wherefore it has been always a Maxim of Wise Men. that Princes by granting extravagant Priviledges and Gifts made their Subjects rather Jealous than Friends since those who have obtained them living always in fear that the same either in part or wholly may be taken away again imploy all means so to establish themselves as to be in a capacity to maintain themselves therein in spite of the Prince Those Learned Men who are of an impartial Judgment take it for granted that the Pope did pretend to exercise a Sovereign Power over these Countries granted to him by the French Kings but that the People refused the same as being for maintaining their Liberty and thinking it very odd that the Pope who was an Ecclesiastical Person should pretend to be also a Worldly Prince When therefore the Romans mutinied against Pope Leo III. he was forced to seek for Assistance from Charles the Great who restored the Pope But on the other hand the Pope and People of Rome proclaimed Charles Emperour whereby he was put into possession of the Sovereignty over that part of Italy which formerly belonged to the Jurisdiction of the Governours at Ravenna and the other remnants of the Western Empire so that the Pope afterwards enjoyed these Countries under the Sovereign Jurisdiction of the Emperour who therefore used to be called the Patron and Defender of the Church till the Reign of the Emperour Henry IV. § 21. But the Popes began at length to grow weary of the Imperial Protection because the Emperour's Consent was required in the Election of a Pope and if they were mutinous the Emperours used to check them and sometimes turn them out of the Chair To exempt themselves from this Power of the Emperours over them the Popes have for a long time together imployed all their Cunning and Labour before they could obtain their Aim They used to make it their constant Business to raise intestine Commotions against the Emperours sometimes in Germany sometimes in Italy thereby to diminish their Power and Authority The Bishops especially in Germany were always very busie as being dissatisfied that they were dependent on the Emperours who nominated the Bishops and therefore joyned with the Pope to assist him in setting up the Ecclesiastical Sovereignty The Reign of the Emperour Henry IV. furnished them with an opportunity to put in execution their Design this Emperour by his Debaucheries and ill management of Affairs living in discontents and continual broils with the Estates of Germany and as soon as Gregory VII who was before called Hildebrand a proud resolute and obstinate Man got into the Chair he began to exclaim against the Emperour that the granting of Church-Benefices did not belong to him since he made a Traffick with them and sold
expose to publick view the Secrets of these Fathers Since from hence an opportunity was taken to make use of the Assistance of the Councils to bridle the Popes and from the Popes to appeal to these which were now made use of to terrify the Popes withal whenever they pretended to transgress their bounds The Popes could the less refuse to acknowledge the Power of the Councils at that time because Gregory VII himself after the quarrel betwixt him and the Emperour was renewed had proposed to call a Council to be held in a place of Security where both Friends and Foes both the Clergy and Laiety might meet to judge whether he or the Emperour had broke the Peace and to concert Measures how to re-establish the same Gelasius II. who had Differences with Henry V. made the same Declaration adding withal that he would rest satisfied with what Judgment his Brothers the Bishops should give who were constituted Judges in the Church by God Almighty and without whom he could not decide a Business of this nature So Innocent III. had writ that he would not undertake to decide the Marriage Controversie betwixt Philip Augustus and Engebourgh of Denmark without consulting a general Council for if he should attempt any such thing he might thereby forfeit his Office and Dignity Which words seemed intimate that a Pope for mismanagement might be deposed And when afterwards these and the like words were made use of against the Popes it was then too late to endeavour to make them pass for Compliments since it proves often dangerous to be too modest in matters of such consequence Wherefore the Council of Pisa in the year 1409. did depose the two Anti-Popes Benedict XII and Gregory XII in whose stead they chose another viz. Alexander V. In the same manner the Council of Constance did not only confirm the deposition of these two Popes but also turned out John XXIV who was made Pope after the death of Alexander V. In the same manner the Council of Basil did with Eugenius IV. and besides this made a Decree that neither at the Court of Rome neither in other places any mony should be taken for the dispatches of Ecclesiastical Affairs All which as it shook the very Foundation of the Papal Chair so it was not to be admired that the Popes were very averse afterwards to call the Council of Trent and were forced to make use of all their cunning that nothing might pass there to the prejudice of their Grandeur and that since that time they have bid farewel to Councils for ever § 24. Among other divisions this has proved very prejudicial as it seems to the Authority of the Popes that Clement V. did transfer the Papal Chair from Rome to Avignon as I suppose upon instigation of Philip Surnamed the Handsom King of France who having had great differences with Boniface VIII was Excommunicated by him To render this ineffectual he thought it the most proper way if the Pope resided in France and that thereby the like would be prevented for the future since it was very probable that the greatest part of the Cardinals hereafter would be taken out of the French Nation The Popes made this City their constant place of Residence for seventy years together not to mention that some of the Anti-Popes also did Reside there This changing of the Seat carry'd along with it several inconveniencies which proved very prejudicial to the Ecclesiastical Monarchy For the Pope's Authority was among other things also founded upon this belief that S. Peter had been at Rome and by his presence had Communicated a particular Prerogative and Holiness to that Chair and whether the same could be transferred to Avignon seemed somewhat doubtful to a great many besides this the Pope was then for the most part obliged to comply with France and to live as it were at the Discretion of the French Kings Tho also the French who then thought they had a great Catch have since complained that they got little else by the presence of the Roman Court than Simony and another abominable Vice not fit to be named Besides this the Court of Rome being then kept among Strangers as it were out of its Natural Element its Faults were the sooner discovered and the whole the more despised This removal also of the Court of Rome proved very prejudicial to the Revenue of the Church in Italy For after the Authority of the Emperors in Italy came to decay each State was for living free and being Sovereign itself and the Factions of the Guelfs and Gibellines caused most horrid distractions And the Authority of the Pope being vanish'd by his absence they made bold with the Church Possessions Most Cities of the Ecclesiastical State upon the persuasions of the Florentines had sent away the Popes Legats and acknowledged no Sovereign The Emperor Lewis Surnamed the Bavarian who was at Enmity with the Pope but in great esteem among the Inhabitants of the Ecclesiastical State did pretend to the Sovereignty over the same as being a Fief of the Empire which he granted to such as upheld his Party against the Pope The Patrimony of the Church was then but very slender and tho the Popes recovered part of it afterwards they were obliged to leave most in Possession of what they had got But the City of Rome was nevertheless at last forced to submit to the Popes power which it had resisted so long when Boniface IX in the year 1393. put on the Bridle by building the Castle of S. Angelo And Alexander VI. was the chief cause that the Ecclesiastical State was reduced under the Obedience of the Popes This Pope had a Natural Son whose name was Caesar Borgia but who commonly is called Duke of Valence from the Dukedom of Valence which he got with his Lady Charlotte d' Albret The Pope being very ambitious to make this his Son a great Prince in Italy proposed this expedient to him that he must drive out these petty Lords which were then in Possession of the Ecclesiastical State and when he had made himself Master of these places he would confirm him in the Possession of them for ever He succeeded very well in this Enterprise having made away with most of these petty Lords some by Force some by Treachery for he used to stick at nothing alledging that whatever he did could not be done amiss since he had received his Commission from his Father who was endowed with the Holy Ghost And being reduced to the utmost want of mony wherewith to pay his Soldiers he and his Father agreed to Poison the richest Cardinals at a Feast intended for that purpose some of whom they also knew to be averse to their Designs But the Servant who had the management of the business having out of carelesness fill'd the Pope and his Son a Cup out of the Poisoned Flasks the Father died immediately the Son narrowly escaping by the help of some Sudorificks And not being
the practice of the Church for a great many Centuries yet did they persist with great obstinacy because it should not seem that the Clergy had committed an Errour and also that they might have a Prerogative before the Laiety in this Sacrament And to ridicule the more impudently both God and Men they give to the Laiety a Chalice which is not consecrated which in very despicable Terms they call the rinsing Chalices as People when they have eaten any uncleanly thing use to rinse their Mouths Marriage also was to be made a Sacrament tho' nothing is more absurd that the Clergy might have an opportunity to draw all matrimonial Causes under their Jurisdiction which are often very profitable very various and of the greatest Consequence since the welfare inheritance and succession of most People nay even of whole Kingdoms depend thereon This obliged Mary Queen of England to endeavour the re-establishment of Popery in that Kingdom for without the Pope's Authority she must have passed for a Bastard And Philip III. King of Spain was among other reasons obliged to the Pope because he had given Dispensation to his Father to marry his own Sister's Daughter of whom Philip was born which Marriage would not easily have been approved by other Christians There were also so many prohibited degrees introduced on purpose that the Clergy might have frequent opportunities to give Dispensations whereby they know how to feather their Nest By the Extreme Ointment the Priest takes an occasion to exhort the dying people to leave Legacies for pious uses which they commonly know how to apply to the advantage of their own Order Purgatory was invented for no other purpose but that the dying Man who at that time is not so greedy of worldly Goods which he is to leave to others might be liberal towards the Clergymen in hopes by their intercession and a good number of Masses to get the sooner out of this hot place The Veneration paid to the Reliques has also been very beneficial to the Clergy these are employed besides other uses to reward people of Quality that have done great services to the Pope with a piece of an old Bone in lieu of a better present The Adoration of the Saints serves for a pretext to build the more Churches institute more Feasts and employ and feed a greater number of Priests The power which the Pope has assumed of Canonization gives him a considerable authority among the People as if it were his prerogative to bestow Dignities and Offices upon whom he thinks fit even in Heaven and that God Almighty cannot but accept of such Referendaries as the Pope is pleased to represent to him By this means he makes himself Master of the Inclinations of the People though living in far distant places unto whom he proposes this as a Recompense of their Credulity and Ambition if they stick at nothing to promote his Interest And ever since this Superstition has taken root in Christendom those who have been Canonized have for the most part been Clergymen who either by a new invented Hypocrisie or outward appearance of Holiness had made themselves famous in the World Or if by chance one Layman or another has attained to this Dignity either he himself or at least those that interceeded for him have been fain to deserve very well of the Papal Chair Not to mention here in what manner they by fictitious Miracles several sorts of Images Apparitions Exorcisms Indulgences Jubilees prohibition of divers sorts of Victuals and such like tricks used to fool the People out of their mony § 34. Next to what has been said the Universities which have partly been Instituted by the Popes Authority partly by other States yet so that most of them have been Confirmed by the Popes who also have claimed the Supreme Direction over the some have been mainly instrumental in maintaining the Popish Sovereignty It is evident enough of what Consequence this Direction must needs be to the Pope For since in the Universities Men are first imbued with such Opinions as they afterwards are to make use of during their whole Life and instil them into others the Universities and Sciences there to be taught were to be sure to be accommodated to the Popes Interest Neither were the Professours of Divinity here who claimed the Precedency before all others the only Creatures of the Pope but also the Professours of the Canon Law who were as busie as any to put his Decrees upon the World and to maintain his Authority For the World may thank the Canon-Law for the first Introduction of those long Law Suits which the Clergy pretended to belong to their Jurisdiction that by receiving of Bribes they might the sooner satisfie their Avarice The greatest-part of the Philosophers were also the Popes Slaves and if one or another attempted to investigate the true causes of Things he was sure to be kept under by all the rest The Divinity and Philosophy which was professed in these Universities were not taught with an intention to make the young Students more learned and understanding but that the ingenious by these confused and idle terms might be diverted from throughly investigating those matters which would have led them to the whole discovery of the Popish Intreagues For their Scholastick Divinity is not employed in searching and explaining the Holy Scripture but for the most part entangled in useless questions invented chiefly by Peter Lombard Thomas Aquinas Scotus and the other Patriarchs of Pedantry And what they call Philosophy is nothing else but a Collection of foolish Chimer's empty Terms and very bad Latin the knowledge of which is rather hurtful than profitable if you have not been better Instructed otherwise So that all what they pretended to was to take care that the Sciences might not be fundamentally taught to the Students With these Trumperies the Universities were not only over-run during the former barbarous times but even continue to this very day and tho most Sciences are so much improved the old Leaven is with great Industry preserved and propagated on the contrary all the solid Science especially such as are Instrumental in discovering the Vulgar Errors of the World are suppressed Above all the rest the most useful of all Doctrine of Morality is much misinterpreted and entangled in an endless Labyrinth that the Fathers Confessours may not want means to domineer over the Laymens Consciences and to entangle them with so many dubious and double meaning insinuations that they are thereby rendred incapable to examin and rule their Actions according to solid Principles but are obliged to be guided blindfold according to the pleasure of their Fathers Confessours § 35. But because Learning had given the main blow to the Pope at the time of Luther's Reformation the Jesuits who may well be called the Popes Guard du Corps have afterwards taken upon them the management of the Youth for they not only teach publickly in the
had been given to them since the year 1454. but also several other Church Lands and precious moveables all which he annexed to the Crown In the mean while the Bishops and their party were not idle but were contriving all manner of mischief against the King though with small success For the Dalekerls who had made an Insurrection were frightened by the King to comply with his commands and to send away their Leader the supposititious S●ure and Sigismund King of Poland unto whom the dissatisfied party had proffered the Crown did not think fit to accept of it so that Bishop Brask despairing at last of the Roman Catholick Cause under pretence of a Journey retired to Dantzick The King having surmounted all these difficulties thought convenient not to defer any longer his Coronation which having been solemnized at Vpsal with the usual Solemnity he summoned the Rebellious Dalekerls to appear before him at Thuana threatning them with Fire and Sword if they did not appear at the appointed time The Rebels being throughly frightened by the King's severity appeared without Arms at the appointed place where he caused several of the Ringleaders to be Executed and dismissed the rest after having promised to be obedient for the future In Helsingland he appeased the tumultuous multitude with threats and fined their Leaders and having called together a Synod of the Clergy at Orebro where the King's Chancellour was President the chiefest Points of the Popish Doctrine were there abolished and in their stead the Protestant Religion introduced where it was also ordered that a Protestant Professor of Divinity should be Constituted in each Cathedral This wrought in a manner Miracles among the Inferiour Clergy and Monks who left their Monasteries were married and became Ministers in the Protestant Churches But the Bishops and their party entred into an Association with some of the dissatisfied Lords in West Gothland who accused the King of Heresie and other Crimes renouncing their Allegiance to him These were Headed by Thuro Johanson the Rix Marshal who raised an Insurrection among the Dalekerls and endeavoured also to stir up the West and East Gothes whom he persuaded to make Magnus Brynteson a Man in great Authority among them their King But the King having again appeased this tumult by granting his Pardon to them Magnus the Bishop of Skara and Thuro Johnson fled into Denmark but Magnus Bayteson Nils Olofson and Thuro Erickson having been Convicted of High Treason at the Dyet held at Str●ngness the two first were Executed and the third paid a considerable Fine The King then to settle the minds of his Subjects having renewed his Pardon caused the superfluous Bells to be taken out of the Steeples the same being granted to him by the Estates towards the payment of a Debt due to the Lubeckers Which proved a new Subject for an Insurrection for the Dalekerls not only seised upon some of these Bells but also pretended to hold an Assembly at Arboga to consult about the Deposing of King Gustave which obliged the King to call together the Estates at Vpsal whither he came in person with a good Army and meeting with great opposition from the mutinous People ordered his Soldiers to fire among them which so terrified them that upon their Knees they begged his Pardon promising to be more Obedient for the future Things being thus pretty well settled the King married Catharine the Daughter of Magnus Duke of Saxen Lauenburgh and having received intelligence that King Christian was landed in Norway with a considerable Force he sent some Troops under the Command of Lars Sigeson the Rix Marshal to the Frontiers of Norway who having been joined by some Danes forced King Christian to raise the Siege of Banus who at last surrendring himself to the Danes was by Frederick King of Denmark committed to Prison where he died after twenty seven years imprisonment But no sooner was this storm over but the Lubeckers raised another against Sweden For they having demanded from the King to grant them the whole Trade on his Northern Sea Coasts which he refused to consent to peremptorily demanded their Debt and having joyned with a great many Refugies of King Christian's party and made John Earl of Hoya who had married King Gustave's Sister their Head did propose to themselves no less than the Conquest of the Northern Kingdoms having inticed some Citizens of Stockholm under pretext of making that City a free Hanse Town to lay violent hands on the King And after the death of Frederick King of Denmark when that Kingdom was divided into several Factions persuaded the Senate of Copenhagen and Malmoe to enter into the Confederacy of the Hanse Towns Being thus strengthened by a considerable party within that Kingdom they had great success against the Danes till these having declared Christian III. their King and being assisted with Mony Ships and Forces by King Gustave beat the Lubeckers near He●sinburgh and afterwards in a Sea-Fight defeated their whole Fleet and carried a great many of their Ships into Denmark Soon after King Gustave to strengthen himself the better at Home married Margaret the Daughter of Abraham Erickson Governor of West Gothland which Alliance stood afterwards his Son Duke John in great stead against King Erick King Gustave having also conceived a jealousie against the Emperour Charles V. whom he suspected to be for making Palls Grave Frederick Son in Law of the imprisoned King Christian King over the Northern Kingdoms took a resolution to strengthen himself with the Alliance of France To put this design in execution he sent his Secretary into France who having first made a Treaty of Commerce betwixt these two Crowns did also afterwards conclude a defensive Alliance betwixt them Gustave having thus settled his Affairs called a Dyet to be held at Westeraas where the Estates of the Kingdom declared the Succession Hereditary for the future Constituting Erick Gustaveson who was then but eleven years old his Father's Successor At the same Dyet the Popish Religion was quite abolished and the Lutheran Religion Established in Sweden the King and the Estates having obliged themselves by a Solemn Oath to maintain the same with all their power In the year 1551. King Gustave after the death of his Queen Margaret married Catharine the Daughter of Gustave Olufson and ruled the Kingdom of Sweden with great Tranquility except that the Russians had faln into Livonia and Finland with whom having made a Peace and being now grown very old he by his Testament gave to John his second Son the Dukedom of Finland to the third Son Magnus the Dukedom of East Gothland and to Charles the youngest of all the Dukedom of Sudermanland Nericke and Wermeland which Countries they were to hold in Fief from the Crown But his eldest Son Erick who was ●o succeed him in the Kingdom having been persuaded by his Tutor Dionysius Burraeus a Frenchman to make his Addresses to Elizabeth Queen of
could bring over his Brother Charles to his party whom he sollicited by his Delegates to introduce the Liturgy into his Territories who having made answer that it was according to their Father's Testament neither in his nor in the King's power to make any Innovation in Religion this proved the subject of a great misunderstanding betwixt them Next the King had his recourse to the Pope who also having disapproved his undertaking he demanded from the Clergy at Stockholm to give their approbation of the said Liturgy but these answered that thereby a door was opened for the Roman Catholick Religion to be re-established in Sweden and having made their Appeal to a General Synod of that Clergy in the Kingdom a Convocation of the Clergy of the Kingdom except those in the Duke's Territories was held by the King's Authority where the King's party prevailed so that the Liturgy was confirmed not only by the said Clergy but also by the Temporal Estates who declared all such Traitors as should for the future oppose the same The King having gained this point banished and imprisoned some of those that would not conform to the said Liturgy notwithstanding which a great many of the Clergy that were professed Enemies of the said Liturgy and upheld by Duke Charles did not only boldly discover the deceitful snares of the adverse party but also sent to the German Universities of Wittembergh Leipzick Helmstad Francfut and others where their Zeal for the Augsburg Confession was approved and the said Liturgy condemned as dangerous to the Protestant Religion Hitherto King Erick had suffered a very hard imprisonment during the space of nine years but he having in the mean while by several ways endeavoured his delivery and King John now fearing that perhaps these Intestine Divisions might furnish him with an opportunity to make his escape he sent his Secretary to give him his last Dose which he did accordingly having poisoned him in a Pease Soop The King being rid of this danger began now to act more barefaced than before for now the Invocation of Saints was publickly taught in the Pulpits those that contradicted it were imprisoned a new University of Papists was to be erected at Stockholm he sent his Ambassadour to reside at Rome and the Pope had his Nuncio at Stockholm and to compleat the matter a great many young Scholars were sent to the Jesuits abroad to be duely instructed in their Principles In the mean while the War betwixt the Swedes and Moscovites was carried on without any remarkable advantage on either side till it was agreed betwixt the two Kings of Poland and Sweden that each of them should act separately against the Moscovites and what either of them could gain by his Sword should remain in his possession Then it was that Stephen King of Poland having attacked the Moscovites vigorously on his side the Swedes also under the Command of Pontus de la Gordie took from the Moscovites the strong Forthress of Kekholm the Castle of Padis Wesenburgh Telsburgh Narva where 7000 Moscovites were killed Jawmagrod and other places of note which raised such a jealousie in the Poles that they not only made a separate Peach with the Moscovites but also demanded several of those places taken from the Moscovites by the Swedes for their share which put a great stop to the Swedish progresses and occasioned a Truce of two years which was afterwards prolonged for four years longer betwixt them and the Moscovites Whilst these things were transacting the misunderstanding betwixt the King and his Brother Charles could not be removed notwithstanding that the Duke had shown his inclination of having these Differences composed but the King having called together a Dyet at Wadstena sent a summons to the Duke to appear there in person The Duke on the other hand who did not altogether trust the King having assembled some Forces in his Territories did not appear at the said Dyet but lodged himself in some of the adjacent Villages were at last by the mediation of some of the Senators the Brothers were reconciled the Duke having begged the King's pardon and referred the Differences concerning the Liturgy to the decision of his Clergy who at an Assembly held at Strengness rejected the aforesaid Liturgy In the mean while died Stephen King of Poland and his Widow Ar●●a being Aunt of Prince Sigismund the Son of King John she prevailed with some of the great Men in Poland to make him their King which was done accordingly tho' not without great difficulty on the Swedish side who could not for a great while agree to the several Propositions made to them by the Poles and King Sigismund himself seemed soon after to repent of it As soon as Sigismund had left Sweden his Father King John began to renew his Care for establishing the new Liturgy in the Duke's Territories but the Clergy there trusting upon the Duke's Authority and Protection remaining stedfast in their Opinion the King at last being tired out by their constancy sent for his Brother Charles to Stockholm where a hearty reconciliation being made betwixt them Charles was so dear to him ever after that he did nothing without his Advice or Consent which Friendship continued betwixt the two Brothers till a little before the King's death when Charles having married Cloristina the Daughter of Adolph Duke of Holstein the former jealousy was renewed in some measure in the King which soon ceased by his death which happened a few Months after at Stockholm § 12. After King John's death had been kept secret for two days the same having been notified to Duke Charles he forthwith came to Stockholm and having sent a Messenger to King Sigismund in Poland he in the mean while took upon him the Administration of the Government with the Consent of the Senate which was confirmed to him by King Sigismund for that time Soon after he called together the Swedish and Gothick Clergy at Vpsat the Finns refusing to appear where the Augsburgh Confession was confirmed and the Liturgy as also Popish Ceremonies newly introduced quite abolished This Decree having been approved of by the rest of the Estates they also made another wherein was declared That no body should appeal out of Sweden to the King in Poland and that the King should subscribe these Decrees before his Coronation This proved the subject of great broils afterwards for the King having understood what had passed at Vpsal he declared that he being a hereditary Prince in Sweden would not oblige himself to any thing before his Coronation and as to the Decrees made at Vpsal he declared them void which the Estates looked upon as an ill Omen for the Protestant Religion in Sweden Their jealousie was also not a little augmented when they saw King Sigismund come into Sweden accompanied by the Pope's Nuncio by whose advice the King demanded a Church for the Roman Catholicks in each City that the new Archbishop should be deposed
and that he would be Crowned by the Pope's Nuncio which obliged the Estates to send their Deputies to Duke Charles to desire him to interpose his Authority with the King Charles therefore having in conjunction with the Estates in vain endeavoured to perswade the King to a compliance with the Estates entred into an Association with them for the defence of the Protestant Religion and mustered his Troops near Vpsal The King perceiving them to be in earnest thought it his best way not to let things run to extremity but having consented to most of their Propositions which he surrendred to them the same morning when he was to be crowned the Coronation was performed by the Bishop of Strengness But no sooner was he returned to Stockholm but he took a resolution quite contrary to his Promise with an intention to obtain by force what he could not get by fair means Wherefore having sent for some Forces out of Poland he hoped to terrifie the Estates into a compliance at the next Dyet but these being backed by Duke Charles and having raised the Delekerls remained stedfast in their Resolution The King seeing himself disappointed again in his Design resolved upon the advice of the Poles to leave the Kingdom and the Government in an unsettled Condition hoping thereby to oblige them to be more pliable for the future But as soon as the Senators understood that he was sailed towards Dantzick they in conjunction with Duke Charles took upon themselves the administration of the Government deposed the King's Governour of Stockholm he being a Papi●t and forbid the exercise of the Romish Religion And soon after a Peace having been concluded with the Muscovites a Dyet was held at Sudercoping where after the Estates had justified their proceeding in a Letter to the King the Augsburgh Confession was again confirmed the Popish Religion abolished and all Swedes that adhered to the same declared incapable of any Employments in the Kingdom and several other Decrees were made against the Papists and for the maintaining of the Privileges of the Subjects Then they constituted Duke Charles Regent of the Kingdom to govern the same with Advice of the Senate and the whole Transaction was published in the Latin Swedish and German Tongues This having occasioned a general flight among the Roman Catholicks out of Sweden King Sigismund was so dissatisfied thereat that he quickly sent some Commissioners out of Poland to disswade the Duke from these proceedings but also when this proved ineffectual by his Letter to the Estates he committed the whole management of Affairs to the Senate excluding the Duke from the Regency In the mean while some Senators either to curry favour with the King or upon some distaste taken against Duke Charles had shewn themselves great Favourers of the King and declined to appear at the Dyet which was appointed to be held under the Duke's Authority at Arboga Notwithstanding which the few Senators and the Estates there present did again confirm the Decrees lately made at Vpsal and Sudercoping declaring Duke Carles sole Regent of Sweden But Niclaco Flemming the King's General being in Arms and having lately killed a great number of the Boors the Duke also thought it not fit to fit still but having gathered what Troops he could possessed himself first of Gothland and not long after of the whole Kingdom of Sweden the King's Governours and those of the Senators that had not appeared at the last Dyet held at Arboga flying in great numbers to the King in Poland King Sigismund then perceiving that his presence was absolutely necessary in Sweden resolved to go thither in Person with 6000 Men which the Duke having been advertised of called together the Estates of the Gothick Kingdom at Wadstena and having made known to them the King's intention it was unanimously resolved to meet the King with an Army near Calmar But the West-Goths and Smalanders having taken up Arms for the King and the Finns equipped some Ships for this Service the former were beat back by the Boors headed by two Professors of Vpsal and whilest Duke Charles was sailed with his Fleet to reduce the latter which he did with good Success the King without any opposition arrived at Calmar Several Treaties were then set on foot to endeavour the settlement of the Kingdom and to reconcile Matters betwixt the King and Duke which proving ineffectual both Parties had recourse to Arms. The first encounter happened near Stegeburgh where the Duke's Forces being surrounded were quickly put to the rout but laying down their Arms obtained Pardon from the King but the Duke soon made amends for this Misfortune at Stangbroo where having surprised part of the King's Army he killed 2000 of them upon the spot with the loss of 40 Men on his side This Defeat occasioned an agreement betwixt the King and Duke upon certain Articles of which the Estates were to be Guarrantees and the King promised to come forthwith to Stockholm to settle the Affairs of the Kingdom whither he would needs go by Sea tho' it was in October but in lieu of sailing to Stockholm directed his Course from Calmar where he was droven in by contrary Winds to Dan●zick The Duke being surprised at this unexpected departure called together the Estates of the Kingdom who having once more constituted him Regent of Sweden at their second meeting at Stockholm renounced their Obedience to King Sigismund offering at the same time the Crown to his Son Vladislaus in case he would come within a twelve Months time into Sweden and be educated in the Lutheran Religion but in case of failure he and his heirs to be excluded from the Crown Duke Charles thereupon marched against the Finns whom he quickly forced to Obedience and having made an Alliance with the Russians convened the Estates of the Kingdom in the next following year at Sincoping where some of the Lords that were here having before fled into Poland were condemned of High Treason and executed accordingly and not only King Sigismund declared incapable of the Crown but also his Son Vladislaus because he had not appeared within the limited time excluded from the Succession About the same time the Duke being certified that the Eastlanders and especially those of Reval were inclined to his side he marched thither with a great Army and being received very joyfully by the Inhabitants of Reval the Polish Governours left the rest of the places of Esthland voluntarily to the disposition of Charles The same fortune artended him at first in Livonia where he took several places of note without much opposition but was forced to raise the Siege of Riga upon the approach of the Poles who retook Kakenhausen and some other places thereabouts Charles having in the mean time got notice how the Poles had set up the false Demetrius and assisted him against the Muscovites under pretence of being afraid of the designs of the Poles against Sweden desired to resign But these having
1479. John II. A Project of sailing to the East Indies Emanuel Moors and Jews banish'd out of Portugal The first Sea-voyage into the East Indies 1497. The reason why the Venetians opposed the Portugueses settling themselves there The Progress of the Duke ●f Albuquerque in the East Indies The discovery of Brasil in America John III. The Jesuites sent to the Indies Sebastian His fatal Expedition into Africa Henry Portugal united to Spain The Dutch sail to the East Indies 1620. 1630. The Portuguese shake off the Yoak of Spain The Duke of Braganz● proclaimed King John IV. 〈◊〉 League between Portugal and Holland A War breaks cut betwixt them A Peace in 1661. Alfonsus VI. 1668 1666. Don Pedro. The Humours of the Portugueses Fruitfulness of Portugal Brasile Africa The East Indies A horrible Persecution raised on the Christians of Japan and the occasion of It. The Strength of Portugal How it stands with regard to Spain To France To Holland The ancient Sate of England The Romans conquer England The Saxons come into Britainy ●450 689. The Saxon Kings in England The Saxon Heptarchy Peter's 〈◊〉 The Kingdom of England 818 Dancs first come into England 1002. The Danes driven out but return again King Edmund treacherously murther'd Canute the Dane King of England 1017. Harald Hardiknut Edward the Consessor 1066. W●lliam the Conquerour Willam conquers England October 14 1066. The Corfew Bell. Edgar Atheling makes an attempt His Son Robert Rebels He acts as a Conquerour Robert Rebels again 1088. William Rufus 1100. Henry I. Robert makes a Lesient in England Normandy annexed to the Crown of England The Norman Race extinct Stephen Maud makes War on him Henty II. H●s Son with the French and Scots join in a War against him 1189. Ireland conquered Richard I. He makes an Expedition into the Holy Land In his return ●e is taken Prisoner 1199. John His Nephew Arthur opposes him The King of France dispossesses him of Normandy The Dauphin invited by the Barons invades England 1216. Henry III. The Dauphin is forced ●ome again A War with the Barons He quits his Pretensions on Normandy for a Summ of Money Edward I. The causes of the Differences betwixt the English and Scots A War with Scotland 1307. With France 1297. He banishes the Jews Edward II. Vnsuccessfull 〈◊〉 his War with Scotland 〈…〉 1327. Edward III. His Pretensions to the French Crown He is successfull against Scotland His Expedition into France 1340. The Battel near Crecy 1346. The Scotch defeated He takes Calais 1356. The Battel near Poictiers A dishonourable Peace to France Another War with France 1377. Richard II. A Peace with France Troubles at home The occasion of his Ruin Henry Duke of Lancaster invades England 1399. Henry IV. of the House of Lancaster He had great Difficulties which he surmounted Henry V. He invades France to prosecute his claim of the Crown The Battel uear Aguicourt 1419. 1420. The Administration of France to be in Henry during Charles's life and after his death the Crown to descend to him 1422. Henry VI. Proclaim'd King of France 1423. 1424. The Maid 〈◊〉 Orleans He was crowned in Paris 1432. The English decline in France 1435. The Duke of Burgundy leaves the English and is reconciled to Charles 1436. The occasion of the Troubles in England 1449. The English driven out of France The occasion of this sudden loss 1460. Edward IV. of the House of York A bloody Battel betwixt Edward and Henry Henry taken out of Prison and set on the Throne Edward returns into England Henry a second time Prisoner 147● and murther'd by the Duke of Gloucester Edward V. Richard III. 1483. Murthers his Nephews He murther's his Wife Henry Earl of Richmond invades England 1485. Henry VII He united the White and Red Roses Lambert Symnel He makes an Expedition in●● France Perkin Warbeck He marries his Daughter Margaret to the King of Scotland Henry VIII He enters into League with Ferdinand and the Pope 1512. His Expedition against France A second An Invasion of the Scots He makes a second War against France The Divorce of Henry VIII The fall● of Woolsey 1532. He marries Anna Bullen He abrogates the Pope's Supremacy Monasteries demolished Protestants and Papists executed War with Scotland He enters into a League with the Emperour against France 1550. Anna Bullen beheaded His other Wives Edward VI. 155● Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen Mary Restores Popery Marries Philip of Spain Lady Jane c. beheaded The reason why Philip interceded for the Lady Elizabeth The Battel of St. Quintin Calais lost 1558. Elizabeth Philip desires her in marriage Papists and Paritaus Poreign Seminaries Mary Queen of Scotland The Queen of Scots married Bothwell who murthered her Husband She was made a Prisoner in England 1572. 1586. Beheaded 1587. Queen Elizabeth assists the Huguenots 1562. 1559. The Sovereignty of the Netherlands twice offered her 1595. The Armado defeated Essex heheaded 1600 She was jealous of her Power at Sea James I. Cobham's Conspiracy 1603. The Powder Plot. 1604. 1626. Foreign Plantations Charles I. 1626. War with Spain War with France A Peace concluded with both Causes of the intestine Commotions in England The different Conduct of Queen Elizabeth and King James as to the State The Occasions that were taken from Religion The Conduct of Charles I. Troubles in Scotland and England 1637. 1567. 1617. 1633. The Scotch Covenant A Letter intercepted wherein the Scots desire Succour from France The Parliament is sactious and favours the Scots The Parliament of England directly oppose the King 1642. The Rebellion begins Their Behaviours The King made a Prisoner The Independents become Masters The King is sentenced to death and executed 1648. Ireland conq●er'd Charles II. r●●ted The Scots c●nquered Cromwell made Protectour 1652. 1660. King Charles II's Restauration 1660. War with Holland 1665. 1674. Constitution of the English Nation Constitution of the Scotch Nation Of the Irish The Condition of Great Brittainy The Form of the Government in England The Power and Strength of England With relation to other States To the Northern Crowns To Spain To France To Holland The most ancient Stare of France Gaul subdued by the Romans By the Barbarous Nations That the Franks came out of Germany The origin of the French Language Pharamond the first King Clodion Merovaeus Childerick Clouis I. 496. France is divided Clotarius II 614. Dagobert Char●es Martell 714. 732. Pipin proclaim'd King The Merovingian Family loses the Crown 751. Pipin's Expeditions He assists the Pope against the Lombards Charles the Great 774. He is proclaimed Emperour of the Romans Lewis the Pious He divides his Kingdom His Sons Rebell 833. Germany divided from France Charles the Bald. The Normans make an Irruption into France 912. Ludovicus Balbus Ludov. III. and Carolomannus Charles the Simple The decay of the Royal Authority The Excessive Power of the Nobles Eudo Count of Paris crown'd King of France 923. Rudolf of Burgundy crown'd King 929. Lewis Outremer Lotharius Lewis the