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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50877 The state of church-affairs in this island of Great Britain under the government of the Romans and British kings Milton, Christopher, Sir, 1615-1693. 1687 (1687) Wing M2085; ESTC R9446 221,305 184

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by the most Wise Learn'd and Virtuous Emperour of the Romans must needs have a strange influence on the minds of many men throughout the whole Empire to incline them to conform themselves to his Judgement though his Practise were otherwise for Worldly respects and indeed it produc'd a number of Christians not only out of the Vulgar Rank but of Honourable and Noted Persons Insomuch as Tertullian a Christian Writer of the next Age declares to the Romans That though they counted Christians as Externs yet saith he we fill all your places your Cities Isles Castles Free-Towns Camps Tribes Corporations Palaces Senates c. No wonder then if our British King Lucius prepar'd as aforesaid and inform'd by Trebellius and Pertinax principal Officers sent into Britain not only of the said Miraculous Deliverance but what numbers of the Roman Nobility and Senators had thereupon given up their Names to Christ No wonder if Lucius thus convinc'd in Judgement and not deter'd by the Roman Civil Power at last submitted his neck to the same easy yoak As for our Bale's conceit that Trebellius and Pertinax were both Christians and wrought upon Lucius there is no ground in History for it And as to the manner and order of this Kings Conversion it might have been more clearly publish'd to the World had not the Antient History of Elevanus who liv'd in the time of Pope Eleutherius been lost Nevertheless what may be glean'd out of Primitive Records as Relicks of Antient Tradition shall not be omitted especially if approv'd by modern Authors Amongst the rest thus writes Bale Lucius as he conjectures was scandaliz'd at the meanness and poverty of Christ as the Jews were For though Christian Religion had for the space of more than 100. years been propagated in Britain yet it seem'd to be depriv'd of its due splendour because hitherto Administred by simple poor and contemptible persons and wanted the Authority of the Empire to support it Therefore as soon as the said King was inform'd by the Emperour's Lieutenants that upon the ceasing of Persecution many Illustrious Romans had embrac'd the Christian Faith he then began to entertain a more worthy conceit of it and now seriously comparing this Holy Faith with what he had learn'd from his Druids the Simplicity and Sanctity of the one with the foul and barbarous Superstitions of the other and considering the inestimable Promises of Eternal Glory and Happiness propos'd and assur'd in and by the Gospel to any share whereof his own Priests never pretended the least claim he grew weary of his former Errours and was willing to be further instructed in those Verities with a few Beams whereof he had been formerly Enlightned And therefore though there wanted not such as had skill enough to satisfie this King in the Truth of Christian Religion especially Elvanus before mention'd and Medwinus among the Belgae yet the prudent King by their advice no doubt thought himself oblig'd to implore a greater Authority for the Establishing a new Church and settling the common Affairs of Religion amongst his Subjects However though in his neighbouring Kingdom of Gaule many renown'd and learn'd Bishops were then living especially St. Iraeneus Bishop of Lyons yet to none of these had Lucius particular recourse but sent two Messengers through that Nation directing them to St. Eleutherius a worthy Successor of St. Peter in the Apostolick Chair which He with the whole Christian World took to be the Fountain of all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction This he might well learn from St. Iraeneus against Heresies who declares That every Church and all Christians where-ever dspers'd should have recourse to the Roman Church by reason of its more Powersul Principality Tertullian also then an Eminent Priest would have given the same advice for thus he bespeaks his Readers Who ever thou art saith he who would'st better imploy thy Curiosity in the business of thy Salvation take a view of the Principal Churches founded by the Apostles If Italy be nearest to thee thou mayest repair to Rome from whence our Authority in Africk is likewise deriv'd a Church it is happy in its constitution To which the chief Apostles together with their Blood shed forth the whole Doctrine of Christianity And as for St. Iraeneus he gives a Catalogue of all the Bishops of Rome to the time of Eleatherius with whom he was Contemporary and with his Catalogue this Assertion By making known the Faith of that chiefest and most Antient Church of Rome renown'd throughout the whole World founded and constituted by the most glorious Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and by an un-interrupted Succession of Bishops deriv'd to our times we confound all those who any way either by an unlawful self-love vain glory blindness or perversity of Opinion make separated congregations professing other Doctrine Therefore to Elutherius Pastor of this Church King Lucius address'd himself to obtain Laws and Ordinances necessary for the constitution of a well order'd Church in this Kingdom what his Message was our Bishop Vsher hath declar'd out of an Antient Book belonging to the Monastery of Abingdon namely That King Lucius having heard the Fame of the Sanctity of Preachers at that time in Rome sent his Messengers with publick Letters in great Expedition most devoutly and earnestly beseeching the venerable Pope Eleutherius that by his Order and Will he might be made a Christian It is true the Bishop will by no means attribute this to the Primacy of the Roman Bishop but to the Commerce and strict Alliance between the Conquer'd Britains and that Imperial City contrary to the plain Judgements of Irenaeus and Tertullian before-mention'd and the Traditionary practice of all Ages In the Protestant Author of the British Antiquities we may find who were this Kings Messengers namely Elvanus and Medwinus before-mention'd and what their Message was more particularly viz. To request the Roman Bishop that he would be pleas'd to direct his Legates with order to Baptize him being already indued with Christian Doctrine and that they might bring the Roman Laws with them according to which he might Order and Establish both the Ecclesiastical and Civil State of his Kingdom The Pious Bishop Eleutherius much more zealous to propagate the Divine Doctrine than to Illustrate his own Fame signify'd to the King his inexpressible joy for the gaining of so great a King to the Obedience of Christ but for the Civil ordering of his Kingdom thought his interessing himself therein would be to little purpose for those Laws were not necessary for the constitution of a Christian Commonwealth and that by them many things were establish'd which ought not to be observ'd by those who profess the Christian Faith c. St. Bede mentioning these requests of the King to Pope Eleutherius adds presently That he obtain'd the effect of his Pious Petition as to so much thereof as concern'd his further instruction in Christian Religion As may appear by the Pope's Answer preserv'd to this day by Matthew of
was this Melchiades who ordain'd that of the Oblations offer'd by the People in the Church the Bishop or Priest should Consecrate Loaves of Bread cut into small parcels and kept in a pure Vessel that after the Solemnity of Mass such as had not Communicated should partake of them on all Sundays and Feasts These Morsels of Bread thus Bless'd were called Eulogia and intended to be Symbols of unity in Faith and Charity and were made of common Bread. This year whilst Constantine fought prosperously against the Germans a certain King of the Gevissi in the Western part of Britain call'd Octavius made an Insurrection against the Pro-Consul whom Constantine had intrusted with the Government of the Country against whom the Emperour sent his Uncle Traer who landing about Portsmouth soon took it Octavius having notice thereof comes against Traer with strong Forces and put him to flight but in a second Battle in Westmorland Octavius is totally vanquish'd and put to flight into Albania to King Humbert for Succour The alteration of Government in Britain might well occasion this Rebellion of Octavius in regard the Britains were now govern'd by a Vicar of the Prefect of Gaul where Constantine made his usual abode and was disquieted more by the Faction of Schismaticks than any other Commotions so as Constantine was enforc'd to procure a General Assembly or Synod at Arles for composing the Sedition rais'd by the Donatists to which Synod the British Bishops were call'd and the proceedings thereof are as follows Although Persecution was somewhat abated yet the Enemies of Christians to give them still disturbance endeavour'd to divide them into Factions The first publick Infamous Scene of which scandal was Carthage in Africk the occasion this Caecilianus Arch-Deacon of the place had reprehended Lucilla a Spanish woman living in that City for that before receiving the Holy Sacrament she had with Veneration kiss'd the Head of a certain person esteem'd by her a Martyr but not acknowledg'd for such by the Bishop The Woman being Wealthy and Powerful studied revenge against Caecilianus who was newly chosen Bishop and requir'd restitution of certain Vessels of Silver and Gold belonging to the Church which in the late Persecution had by his Predecessor been recommended to the Fidelity of some Elders of that City They to avoid restoring of these Vessels joyn'd themselves to the Faction of Botrus and Celesius who had ambitiously sought after the said Bishoprick but were rejected This repulse incited them to question the Election of Caecilianus Lucilla betook her self to this Faction who withdrew themselves from the Communion of their Bishop and by means whereof a most horrible Schism was rais'd in Africk the slame whereof could not be extinguish'd in many Ages These Factious persons invited to Carthage several African Bishops who were convicted to be Traditors such as for fear of Persecution had deliver'd up to Heathen Magistrates the Books and Vessels belonging to the Church of which Bishops the principal was Secundus Primate of Numidia they were in all 17. and kept their Assemblies at Carthage separate from Caecilianus and presum'd Sacrilegiously to ordain another Bishop of Carthage one Majorinus who had been Lectorer formerly to Caecilianus and was now a Domestick of Lucilla These Bishops though they were themselves manifest Traditors yet question'd the Ordination of Caecilianus because he receiv'd it from Felix and others whom they falsly accus'd of their own Crime They further wrongfully charge Caecilianus with denying necessary Provision to several Martyrs in Prison Notwithstanding all which Calumnies he was acknowledg'd Lawful Bishop by the Bishop of Rome and all other Catholick Bishops Now though this Schism was chiefly forg'd by Botrus and Celesius with the said Elders and Lucilla and increas'd by Secundus and other Traditor Bishops yet it took its Name from Donatus who succeeded Majorinus in the Schism and not from that Donatus who being Bishop of Casae nigrae by the instigation of Lucilla withdrew himself from the Communion of Caecilianus and was condemn'd by Pope Melchiades This unhappy Schism gain'd such strength in a short space that in three years joyning themselves unto other Traditor Bishops and drawing into their Communion most of the Numidians they assembled a Councel of no fewer than 270. Bishops who continu'd together 75 days and repeating their former Constitutions made a Decree in favour of the Traditors When Constantine had overcome Maxentius the Donatists obtain'd Letters from Anulinus Governour of Africk to write Letters to the Emperour in Gaul full of Calumnious Accusation against Caecilianus and some of these Schismatical Bishops made a Voyage to the Emperour whom they requested to appoint some Judges of their Cause He gave them this Answer with indignation You require a Secular Judgement from me who my self expect the Judgement of Christ Yet at last with extream importunity they wrested from him for their Judges Materinus Bishop of Colonia Aggrippina Rhetitius Bishop of Austim and Marius Bishop of Arles Howbeit soon after considering the Authority of the Roman Bishop he commanded both Parties to attend the said Judges at Rome that the difference might be debated and concluded before Melchiades to whom the Emperour wrote to the end that the Contestants might receive their Judgement from Him and the other Judges As you know saith he the Holy Law of God requires a Synod Therefore being Assembled at Rome the result of it was that Donatus Bishop of Casaenigrae was condemned and Caecilianus acquitted From this Judgement they impudently appeal'd to the Emperour who cryed out O the rabid impudence of these mens fury they have presum'd to interpose an Appeal as the custom is among Heathens in Secular Causes Yet after all this the Donatists were so shameless as to boast that Constantine had given Judgement for them and to deprave the Judgement of Pope Melchiades they traduce him for a Traditor Still they continue their Tumults in Africa and principally direct their malice against Felix who ordain'd Caecilianus and whom they accus'd of being a Traditor Constantine left the determination of this difference to Aelianus Pro-Consul of Africa who detecting many Lyes and Frauds of the Donatists legally pronounc'd the Innocence of Felix Yet once more they Appeal'd to the Emperour to whose Court many of their Bishops repair'd complaining that many of their most weighty Allegations had not been taken into consideration by Aelianus Whereupon as St. Augustine saith not daring to become a Judge of a Judgement given by the Bishop of Rome he refer'd the matter to a Synod of all the Western Bishops appointed to meet at the City of Arles whose Charges were defray'd by the Emperour's order In this Councel 200. Bishops met who in the first place re-examin'd the Cause of Felix and declar'd him guiltless of the Crime of Traditor And this Cause being determin'd they thought fit to frame several Canons touching Ecclesiastical Discipline to be observ'd throughout the whole Church First they Ordain'd That the Feast of Easter
invented by Fausta maliciously because the young man would not yield to her Lust she was by Constantine's order stifled in a Hot Bath After which Crimes and Calamities as appears by the second General Councel of Nice Almighty God struck Constantine with a Leprosie anxious to find a remedy the Soothsayers told him The only way to be restor'd was by a Bath of Infants Blood This detestable Medicine being abhorr'd by Constantine God was pleas'd to instruct him by a Vision of St. Peter and St. Paul in his sleep That it would be a certain remedy for him to receive Baptism at the hands of the Pope Which he did accordingly with great Solemnity In the place where he was Baptiz'd he Erected a Magnificent Chappel wherein was a Font of Porphyrie cover'd with Silver and over it hung a Phiale of Pure Gold wherein yearly 200 l. of Balsom was Burn'd on the brink of the Font was plac'd a Lamb of pure Gold weighing 30 l. and pouring forth water into the Font At the right side of the Lamb stood the Statue of our Saviour all of pure Silver weighing 170 l. On the left side was plac'd St. John Baptist holding a Scroul whereon was written Behold the Lamb of God Behold him who takes away the sins of the World c. The Emperour according to the Churches custom being for seven days cloath'd in White Consecrated each of the said days with some Signal act of Piety On the first day he publish'd a Law That Christ is the true Lord who cleans'd him from his Leprosie and whom he commanded to be Ador'd through the whole Empire On the second day he Decreed Severe Punishments on those who by Word or Deed should Dishonour him On the third day he Decreed Like Penalties against those who should Persecute or Molest any Christians On the fourth day He confer'd on the Roman Churches Imperial Priviledges On the fifth day He granted Immunities to all other Churches On the sixth and seventh he added many other Gists to Ecclesiastical Persons And the day after he appear'd in publick perfectly cleans'd from his Sins and Leprosie and coming to the Confession of St. Peter He took his Diadem from his Head and putting off his Impertal Robes with a Spade open'd the Earth for a Foundation of a new Church and in Honour of the 12 Apostles carry'd on his Shoulders 12 Baskets of Earth and with great joy receiving the Bishop into his Chariot he return'd to his Palace After all this he extended his Munificence to Gods Church all the Empire over and sent Letters to the Eastern Bishops encouraging them to Build Churches supplying them out of his publick Treasure which Churches he caus'd to be Consecrated to the Honour of the Apostles and Martyrs whose solemn Feasts he commanded to be observ'd even by the Pagans with Honour and Veneration And as for the Christians they repair'd thither with great Zeal and as Supplicants there demanded the intercession of those Martyrs a practice then us'd not only by the meaner sort but by persons of the highest rank also As St. Chrysostom witnesses He who wears the Imperial Robe saith he comes hither he embraces the Sepulchers of the Martyrs and laying aside all haughtiness and pride stands before them in the Posture of a Supplicant beseeching them to intercede on his behalf This so publick and zealous Profession of a new Religion render'd Constantine displeasing to some of the Senate who could not with Patience endure the decay of their Antient Superstition For this cause he grew weary of Rome and made a Progress into the Eastern Provinces where he establish'd a new seat of the Empire at Bizantium after from his Name call'd Constantinople and this he did the rather to compose the Tumults rais'd by the Blasphemous Heresie of Arius who deny'd the Divinity of the Son of God affirming That time was when he was not though he was first of all Creatures In which Heresie not a few Bishops joyn'd with him to the great disturbance and scandal of the Christian Church Alexander Bishop of Alexandria first admonish'd then Excommunicated Arius Constantine by Exhortations and Letters treated with both of them for the composing of their differences but finding no means available caus'd a Councel of the whole Church to be assembled at Nicaea in Bythinia consisting of 318 Bishops who desided the Controversy from Scripture and Tradition determining That the Son was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Consubstantial with the Father It is observable with what Meekness Charity and Respectfulness the Pious Emperour behav'd himself towards the Bishops how he refus'd to judge of their Recriminations how he fortify'd the Determinations of the Synod by his Authority commanding submission thereunto and how he banish'd the Arch-Heretick Arius In this Councel was further Order made For the universal Observation of Easter upon the first Sunday following the 14th day of the first Moon after the Vernal Equinox for the better finding out of which it was recommended to the care of the Patriarch of Alexandria every year to give notice to the Bishop of Rome upon what day Easter was to be observ'd and this was to be communicated unto all remoter Churches and during Mass on the Epiphany a Deacon with a loud voice declar'd the following Easter whereby Lent and all other moveable Feasts were regulated And accordingly the British Churches also were guided until recourse from Rome was interrupted by Domestick Broils and the invasion of the Saxons and when by such interruption the Britains varied from the Western Churches they kept not Easter as the quarto decimani precisely upon the 14th day of the Moon after the Jewish mode But if that 14th day hapen'd upon a Sunday they did not defer the Observation until the Sunday following as other Catholick Christian Churches us'd to do Soon after this Councel of Nice Helena the Mother of Constantine being near 80. years old had the Courage to undertake a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem to visit the Holy places sanctify'd by our Lords Actions and Sufferings and to Adore his Footsteps to which tedious Journey she is said to be incited by Divine Admonition The Sepulchre of our Lord she most ardently desir'd to see which the flagitious Impiety of the Pagans had endeavour'd to hide from the World so that it cost incredible Labour to remove that vast heap of Earth wherewith it had been cover'd on the top whereof a Temple to Venus was Erected But the place being cleans'd Constantine caus'd a most Magnificent Temple to be Erected upon it Besides which his Mother began the building of two other Sumptuous Churches one at Bethlehem where our Lord was born another on Mount Olivet where he ascended into Heaven both which after her Death were finish'd by her Son. In the Mount was yet extant the Impression of our Lords Feet which this Devout Empress Honour'd with due Veneration The Prophet Zacharias long before Prophesied saying And in that day his feet shall stand upon the Mount Olivet
thither that he might attend on God without interruption into which place he gather'd to him about the number of 180. Disciples It is reported That the place being too strait for so many the Blessed man having recourse to God in whose Power and Goodness he plac'd his confidence when the Sea at low ebb had left the shoar for a great space with a Rod which he had in his Hands made impressions in several places of the Sands and commanded the waters in the Name of Christ not to pass those bounds upon which the Sea was observ'd to restrain its own violence and swelling insomuch as to this day it hath never presum'd to pass those prescrib'd limits Thus the Holy man is said to bid adieu to all his Friends to the Vanities of this World and to all obstacles to Perfection Mortifying all his Sensual Desires and yet not contented resolv'd to leave his Native Country and accompanied with his Brethren landed in a Province of Belgick Gaul inhabited by a People call'd the Morini to whom he Preach'd the Christian Faith instructing many in the Perfection of a Holy Life About those parts there then liv'd a Prince call'd Mevorus at or near a place call'd at this day Cormon This Prince profess'd Christianity and having notice of the arrival of St. Gudwall within his Consines kindly receiv'd him Mevorus and his Wife were much stricken in years and had no Children St. Gudwall in a Dream appear'd to the Matron and promis'd her she should have a Son which should be call'd Simeon Mevorus being inform'd by his Wife of this her Dream promis'd that this Son when born with all his Hereditary Possessions should be assign'd to the Church and Monastery which this Holy Bishop and Hermite with the Treasure of Mevorus was then building probably near Ipre where a Village call'd Ghelwelt seems to afford some Marks of St. Gudwall's Name The Son thus Promis'd soon after was born and call'd Simeon brought up in Learning by St. Gudwall made a Monk and his Possessions confer'd on the Monastery It is said this Holy Bishop after all his Labours rested in our Lord about the year of Christ 403. It is written that before his death an Angel of our Lord appear'd to him with a Pleasant Countenance saying O worthy Soldier of God may the joy of our Lord always encrease in thee and his Peace continually remain with thee be prepar'd for e're long God will call thee out of this World and thou shalt meet thy Heavenly King with a Palm of Victory This Coelestial Messenger stay'd a good space filling his Soul with Spiritual Sweetness known only to God. After this another Angel appear'd to him and said I am Michael the Arch-Angel sent to thee from our Lord to acquaint thee That the hour of thy departure is at hand for after ten days thou shalt joyfully issue out of thy fleshly Prison and escape out of the Dungeon of this World and with unspeakable gladness thou shalt meet thy Heavenly King into whose presence we will bear thee he will receive thee with Glory and enroll thee among the Courtiers and Citizens of his Kingdom Some say the Mother and Sisters of this Holy man were present and assisting at his Death invited thither by the Fame of his Miracles and after his departure carried his Body back with them into Brittain But when the Pagan Saxons demolish'd Christian Sepulchres here it was transported again into Flanders The place of his Burial here is said to be the Isle of Plet or Plecit where it remain'd many years Illustrious by many Miracles until it was transported to the place aforesaid where not being entertain'd with due Honour it was by a Noble Marquess nam'd Arnulphus after by Gods appointment remov'd to the Monastery of ●landinium in Gaunt together with the precious Relicks of the famous Confessor Bertulphus when Clotharius reign'd in France his Body is yet carried in Procession yearly and each Procession renown'd by Miracles In the year of our Lord 342. great Commotions arose in Gaul by the coming in of the Franks which were soon suppress'd but Britain following the motions of Gaul and being in disorder Constans was enforc'd to pass over thither in the Winter Season and by his unlook'd for presence there soon frighted the Rebellious Islanders into Obedience Four years after this an unhappy Schism was like to break forth between the Eastern and Western Churches for the Eastern Bishops of the Faction of Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia chief Pillar of the Arrians had condemn'd St. Athanasius in two Synods at Tyre and Antioch On the contrary Julius Bishop of Rome in a Synod of Italian Bishops receiv'd him into his Communion notwithstanding the intercession of the Orientals who sent their Decree of Condemnation to Rome To prevent this Schism Constans being Orthodox sollicited his Brother Constantius to joyn with him in caling a General Councel thereby to preserve entirely the Heritage of their Fathers Piety by which he had subdu'd many barbarous Nations destroy'd Tyrants and establish'd the Empire Hereupon a Synod was Assembled at Sardica in Illyrium to which came out of the Western Empire about 300. Bishops and out of the East 76. only Some of the Western Bishops came out of Britain Restitutus Bishop of London was certainly one who before at the Councel of Nice consented to the Faith of the Consubstantiality of the Son of God. It will not be therefore impertinent to say something of this great Councel that the Conformity of the British Churches in those days to the Faith and Discipline of the Catholick Church may the better appear This Synod first establish'd the Faith of the Nicene Councel next declar'd the Innocence of Athanasius and other Orthodox Bishops persecuted by the Arrian Faction and the Condemnation of their Adversaries and other Eastern Bishops who deserted the Synod and made a Schismatical Assembly at Philopolis and in it publish'd contradictory Decrees This Synod as to matters of Discipline Decreed this especially That Appeals be made in Case of Contention to St. Peter 's Chair ultimately to be determin'd by the Pope or such as he should appoint in that behalf Now it is certain that the Donatists not long after in Envy to the See of Rome endeavour'd to suppress the Acts of this famous Synod as much as they could as St. Augustine testifies The Decrees of this Synod were after confirm'd by the Councel in Trullo Another Decree was made To restrain the Appeals of Deacons sent by their Bishops to the Emperour's Court appointing them to present their Petitions to the Bishop of the Roman Church to be by him examin'd whether just or not This Synod being dissolv'd the Emperour Constans us'd his utmost diligence and Authority for the Execution of these Decrees his chiefest care was about the Restitution of St. Athanasius whose return the Factious Bishops of the East oppos'd Constans wrote to his Brother for his Restitution mingling Threats if he were not comply'd with
reign Vortipor Prince of the Dimetae succeeded him By Gildas he is Styl'd A Tyrant who in his Old Age ascended the Throne by Civil Discords being a wicked Son of a good Prince defil'd by many Parricides and Adulteries who thinking to rid himself of his Lawful Wife wallow'd in Lust with her Impudent Daughter and thereupon he exhorts him by a timely Repentance to avert Gods Judgements His reign likewise lasting only four years his Throne was Invaded by Malgo Conanus or Maglocunus a Prince no less Vicious than his Predecessor for he is said to have Murder'd his Uncle Prince of Venedocia call'd Catwallain with the greatest part of his Nobility This is the same Maglocunus who afforded to St. Kentigern a place for a Church and Monastery and after being tormented with a remorse for his Parricides he relinquish'd the World and retir'd into a Monastery where he undertook a Monastical Profession But the Sparks of Ambition thus cover'd broke forth again into a flame so that quitting his Solitude he return'd to all his former Crimes and became an Insular Dragon depressing other Tyrants and by strengthning himself with their Power became the greatest Tyrant In the second year of his reign a great Battle was Fought between the Britains and Kenric King of the West-Saxons near Sorbiodunum or Salisbury in which Combat after much Blood-shed the Britains were at last forc'd to fly Four years after the Britains Thirsting to avenge themselves of this Defeat gather'd together all their best Forces against whom Cenric with his Son Ceaulin March'd The Armies met in the Province of the Dobuni or Oxfordshire at Banbury The Britains divided their Armies into nine Bodies three of which they placed in the Front three in the midst and three in the Reer The Saxons though inferior in numbers yet exceeded them in Stature and Length and Fought all in one Body The Combat was Bloody continuing till night doubtful it was which had the better After which many Battles past between them wherein for the most part the Victory fell to the West-Saxons while the Britains and Saxons contended in the West the Picts beyond the Frith of Edinburgh made Bridius their King who was Nephew to Loth their former King. In the ninth year of Bridius St. Columba came out of Ireland into Britain being the year of Grace 565. The year following dy'd the Tyrant Maglocunus after whom Careticus took upon him to sustain the State of Britain every day more and more falling to ruine but with ill success for besides that God had fix'd a Period to that State this Prince prov'd no better than his Predecessors but like them stain'd with all Vices Gildas seems to give a shameful Character to several Princes by his manner of writing most of them seem to have reign'd in several Provinces at the same time For besides this Bridius he directs the point of his sharp Style against one nam'd Lunegasla by interpretation the Yellow Lyon whom he accuses of all sorts of Crimes Impiety against God and Savage Cruelty to his Subjects repudiating his Lawful Wife and violating his Sister who after Widdowhood had vow'd Chastity to God and by many injuries afflicting Holy men and Priests who ceas'd not to offer up their Sighs and Prayers for him Gildas therefore exhorts him To change his Life that he might reap the benefit of their Prayers who had Power to bind in Heaven what they had bound in this World and to loose such as were Penitent Now by the Impieties of these Princes the Reader may observe the Justice of Gods severity against so wicked a Nation from which he took the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ and bestow'd it upon a People which brought forth better fruits Yet out of this Dung-hill of Vices some Pearls were to be gather'd for here we find the Wise Gildas commending a perpetual vow of Chastity made not only by Virgins but by Widdows also the infringing of which Vow he bitterly inveighs against and acknowledgeth in Gods Priests a Power of retaining and absolving Sinners not by way of Declaration only but of Authority and Jurisdiction also In the year 559. dy'd Ida King of the Northumbrians to whom succeeded his Son Alla whose Empire extended both over the Deiri and Bernicians yet were there in some of those Provinces British Princes who call'd themselves Kings though in Dependance on him Such as Morken King of the Cumbrians which Dependant Princes had upon Treaty a promissive Authority in their peculiar Provinces This Age affords an example of the Zeal and Authority of a Holy Bishop exercis'd Synodically and of a Princes Devout submission to this Authority The Bishops name was St. Oudoceus Son of Anaumeda Sister of St. Thelian and Budit a Prince of Little Britain This Saint Oudoceus from his Infancy was addicted to Piety assiduous in Fasting Watching and Prayer for an everlasting reward In Devotion he Visited the Monuments of St. Peter at Rome and at his return he went to the place of St. David and from thence he diverted to the Church of St. Thelian taking with him certain Relicks which during his Pilgrimages he had obtain'd Afterward he succeeded St. Thelian in the Bishoprick of Landaff imitating him in his Doctrine Virtue and Miracles As for the Prince submitting to the Authority of this Holy man his Name was Mouric Son of Theodoric Prince of Glamorganshire who being weary of Worldly Vanities undertook a Monastical Profession and served Almighty God in Solitude having transferr'd his Principality on his Son Mouric into which he was no sooner enter'd but the Saxons broke into his Country and began to waste it Whereupon the Inhabitants repair'd to their former Prince Theoderic whom they even compell'd to quit his Desart and to be their General in the War He full of Divine Courage encounter'd the Infidel Enemies whom he put to flight at Tintern near the River Vaga But having receiv'd a Mortal Wound in the Combat he return'd homeward and gave Charge to his Son Mouric That in what place soever he should end his Life he should there build a Church to God and a Sepulchre for himself And so not having pass'd five Miles at a place where Vaga and Severn met he gave up his Spirit There did his Son Mouric Erect a Church wherein he laid his Fathers Body whom Posterity Venerated as a Saint calling the place from his Name Merther Tendric at this day more contractedly Merthern In the same place is seated saith Bishop Godwin the House and Possessions of the Bishop of Landaff Adding That Mouric first of his own accord gave to that Church a Farm call'd Mochros lying on the Banks of the River Vaga together with the Porthasseg and the Church of Gurvid And after for the expiation of a Murder committed by him on a person call'd Cynetu contrary to a League by Oath contracted between them he added other Possessions He had two Sons Arthruis and Frior and by Arthruis a Grand-child call'd Morcant This is
that Prince Mouric and this the Crime against which Bishop Oudoceus exercis'd his Spiritual Authority as appears by the Acts of a Synod of Landaff lately rescu'd from Darkness and Worms by our diligent Antiquary Sir Henry Spelman where is declar'd by that Synod assembled by St. Oudoceus third Bishop of Landaff That in the year of Grace 560. Mouric King of Glamorgan for his Perfidious Murdering of Cynetu was Excommunicated King Mauric and Cynetu met together at Landaff and in the presence of St. Oudoceus Swore before the Relicks of Saints there before them that they would observe a firm Peace between them some space after this Solemn Oath King Mauric by Treachery slew Cynetu Whereupon Bishop Oudoceus call'd together all Ecclesiasticks from the mouth of Taratyrenguy to Tivy together with three Abbots Cousen Abbot of the Valley of Garben Cargen Abbot of Ildute and Sulgen Abbot of Docquini and in a full Synod did Excommunicate King Mouric for the Murder by him committed and for Perjury in transgressing the Covenant made in his presence and on the Altar of St. Peter the Apostle and of St. Dubritius and St. Thelian moreover inclining the Crosses toward the ground he interdicted the Countries of Mauric and so dismiss'd the King The Christian Communion also Curs'd the King with his Progeny the whole Synod confirming it saying Let his days be few his Children Orphans and his Wife a Widdow The King remaining with his whole Region the space of two years and more thus Excommunicated After being sensible of the Perdition of his own Soul and the damnation of his whole Kingdom he could no longer sustain so dreadful an Excommunication but humbly beg'd Pardon at Landaff of Bishop Oudoceus who therefore in the presence of three Abbots impos'd on him the yoak of Pennance proportionable to the quality and hainousness of his Crimes the King all the while humbly inclining his Head and shedding Tears abundantly His Pennance was to satisfie God By Fasting Prayers and Alms King Mauric undertook the yoak of Pennance and for the Redemption of his own Soul and the Soul of Cynetu he gave to the Church of Landaff and the Bishops thereof four Villages with their entire liberty free from all service forever with Common through his Country for the Inhabitants of those Villages in all Fields Woods Pastures and Waters These four Villages contain 24 Modii of Land The first is call'd Kirgracnauc the second Nantavo the third a Village beyond Kadava where Cynetu was slain the fourth a Village beyond Nadava call'd Gudberdh This was the form of the first Synod of Landaff out of which we may collect much of the Religion and Discipline of that Age The same Bishop Oudoceus for very like causes Assembled two Synods more extant in Sir Henry Spelman the occasions whereof and proceedings wherein here briefly follow King Morcant and his Vncle Frioc in the presence of St. Oudoceus and the three fore-nam'd Abbots at the Poduim or Church of St. Ildutus took their Oaths at the Holy Altar on which were placed the Relicks of Saints That they would observe Peace and Amity together without any guile adding That if either of them should Kill or commit Treachery against the other he should not redeem his Crime by Money or Lands but should be oblig'd to quit his Kingdom and spend his whole Life in Forreign Pilgrimages A good while after which Covenant made Morcant by the instigation of the Devil slew his Vncle but soon after came to the Holy Bishop Oudoceus and humbly crav'd Pardon for his Homicide and Perjury The Bishop thereupon Assembled a Synod at the Monastery of the Vale of Carban to which came all the Clergy and King Morcant also with the principal persons of Glamorganshire The Synod unwilling to be depriv'd of their Natural Lord gave judgement that the King should redeem his Pilgrimage with Alms Prayers and Fasting which Pennance the King laying his Hands on the four Gospels and Relicks of Saints undertook to perform promising withall that ever after he would in all things mercifully execute Justice The Pennance finish'd and the King restor'd to Christian Communion he presently proclaim'd the Churches of Catoc Ildut and Docunni free from all Regal Service Thus was the second Synod The third was Assembled many years after upon this occasion A certain British Prince nam'd Guidnerth in a Contention for the Principality slew his Brother Mercheen for which he was Excommunicated by St. Oudoceus in a full Synod in testimony of which Excommunication the Crosses were taken down and the Cimbals were turn'd thus he remain'd excluded from Christian Communion for the space of three years at the end of which demanding Pardon he was sent into the lesser Britain to St. Sampson Arch-Bishop of Dole from him to receive judgement and suitable Pennance This was done partly because of the great Amity between these Bishops but chiefly because the same Language being spoken in both Countries he would the more freely discover his fault and require Indulgence for the same This Voyage was undertaken by Guidnerth who having obtain'd Absolution he return'd with Letters Seal'd by St. Sampson before the year was ended but because he had not according to his Injunction remain'd a whole year in Exile the Bishop would not take off his Excommunication presently after St. Oudoceus dy'd to whom Berthguin succeeded in the Bishoprick of Landaff To him King Morcant and Guidnerth made an carnest request to take off the said Excommunication and to raise again from the Earth the Crosses and Cimbals with the Holy Relicks Whereupon after a promise made by Guidnerth to make satisfaction for his Crime by Fasting Prayers and Alms he was at last with great Devotion and many Tears shed Absolv'd by the Bishop After which Guidnerth to testifie his Gratitude gave to the Church of Landaff these Lands Lanu Catigual and Tye with all the Woods and Sea-coasts c. Bishop Godwin affirms this third Synod to be Celebrated by another Bishop of Landaff and that Guidnerth the Fratricide gave Lancadwallader now call'd Bishton or Bishopston to the Church of Landaff Which Mannor he saith is the only Mannor that is left to that See. The Author of the Life of St. Oudoceus relates That he quitted his Pastoral Cure and built a Monastery near the River Weye and there Assembling a great multitude of Brethren spent the remainder of his Life which lasted many years in wonderful Abstinence and Sanctity So as it may seem this third Synod was not held in his days We often have had occasion to draw Testimonies from our famous Historian Gildas Sir-named Badonicus and Sapiens call'd also the Younger Gildas to distinguish him from Gildas Albanius before-mention'd Now because we are come beyond the times of those Princes who have been painted out by him in their foul colours it will be necessary to say what may be found of this our Younger Gildas By his own Testimony he was born in the same year when the great Battle was
of this World Make hast to obtain with the Holy Apostles the everlasting Palm of Victory that Palm which St. Paul attain'd by a world of Sufferings and St. Peter also from whom the Cross it self could not take the love of Christ Soter and Eleutherius Salute thee Salute the Brethren who live with thee in our Lord Cerinthus Satans prime Minister seduces many from the Faith may the Grace of Christ dwell for ever in thy heart We may see by this Epistle the Solicitude and Care of this Holy Pope for the Salvation of Souls not in Rome only but elsewere as also in another Epistle of his to Justus wherein he recommends The Decent Interring of the Bodies of Martyrs and a due Veneration of their Reliques In the 18th year of Marcus Aurelius and L. Verus the Northern Province of the Ottadini about Berwick broke out into Rebellion for reducing of whom Calphurnius Agricola was sent into this Island upon whose approach the Rebels quickly submitted A little before this time Pius the first departed this Life about the year of our Lord 166. and was succeeded by St. Annicetus and him after 9 years succeeded St. Soter who having for the space of five years fill'd the Chair of St. Peter had for his Successor St. Eleutherius in the year of our Lord 180. In whose third year our King Lucius then an old man after he had reign'd 58 years by Gods Grace had his Youth renew'd as an Eagle and was born again by Baptism and made an Heir of an everlasting Kingdom It may seem strange perhaps he should hold out so long against the Power of Truth But if we consider the tenaciousness of Humane Nature to inveterate Customs so agreeable to Flesh and Blood and the horrible Scandals and Prejudices then cast upon Christian Religion it can appear no less then Miraculous that a great King in his old Age should have the courage to submit his Crown and Scepter to the Spiritual Scepter of Christ's Kingdom The Motives which might induce him hereunto besides his long experience of the Innocence Patience and Peaceable Dispositions of his Christian Subjects May be First The Powerful Preaching and Perswasion of many Apostolick Preachers such as were St. Aristobulus St. Marcellus St. Timotheus c. Secondly The Testimony of the Emperours themselves to the Christian Faith and the Professors of it though otherwise Enemies to it Thirdly The Testimony of God himself in his miraculous rescue of the then reigning Emperour from unavoidable Ruine by the Prayers of his Christian Souldiers As to the Testimony of the Emperours not such as Nero Vitellius and Domitian whose favour to Christians would have been disgraceful but of Princes Venerable in the World for Prudence and Courage yet zealous for their own Superstition such as Nerva Trajan Hadrian Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius and what their Testimony of the Christians was may be collected out of the Edict of Antoninus as followeth The Emperour Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius Angustus highest Priest this 15th time possess'd of the Tribunitial Power and this third time Consul Father of his Country To the People of Asia Health I am assur'd that the Gods will not permit those men to lye hid in obscurity who refuse to pay due Honour and Worship to them for they themselves will far more severely punish such then you can And you do not consider that by Molesting and Tormenting those men whom you call Impious and charge as Enemies to the Gods you do thereby the more confirm and increase their Religion for to them it is a thing more desirable to be accus'd as Criminal to lay down their Lives for their God then to enjoy the present Life with worldly Contentment Hence it is that by exposing their Lives in this manner they obtain over you a more Glorious victory then if they should perform whatever you require Now as concerning the Earthquakes which both in late times and at this present also do happen I judge very reasonable to give you some Admonition Whensoever such Calamities befall you ye are presently disheartned and in despair you impute it straight to their Religion as if it alone were the cause of all misfortunes happening to you On the other side whensoever any such Accident befalls them they are thereby incited to a more constant and firm Trust in God Whereas all that while you either loose all knowledge of God and utterly despise all Sacred Duties not only refusing to pay the Worship and Service due to the Deity but grievously vexing and to death pursuing those who do observe and reverence him Now several Magistrates and Governours of our Provinces have heretofore written Letters to our most Holy and Deify'd Father Hadrian to whom his Answer and Rescript was That no further trouble should be given to those men except they should be otherwise guilty of any Crime or had a design prejudicial to the Roman Empire Many also have written to me in their favour to whom my Answer was That I assented to the Ordinance and Will of my late Father And my pleasure is that if any shall hereafter offer any Injury or Vexation to any Christian as a Christian the person so persecuted though found indeed to be a Christian shall be presently Acquitted and his Accuser undergo just and due punishment This Edict though directed particularly to Asia yet had influence over the whole Roman World and what could more advantageously recommend the Christian Religion than what this Heathen Emperour here publish'd of it and certainly the Testimony of such an Enemy who was of so great Authority could not but impress mightily upon the Hearts of moderate Heathens much more upon King Lucius who from his Parents inherited a Spirit of kindness and liberality towards the Christians But as for the Powerful Testimonies which Almighty God himself at this time signally gave to all Mankind by delivering not only the Roman Emperour but the Empire it self from inevitable Destruction by the Prayers of his Christian Servants Let Dio a Roman Historian living in those times and a bitter Enemy to the Christians proclaim in his own words The Emperour Marcus saith he after many Battles fought and dangers undergone in Germany in subduing the Marcomanni and Jaziges was enforc'd to a new and sharp War against the Quadi from which ensu'd a Victory happy to the Romans beyond their hope obtain'd indeed by the miraculous favour of God for the Romans in the midst of the Battle being brought in extream danger were sav'd after a wonderful manner and meerly a special Divine assistance They were narrowly inclos'd on all sides by the Quadi yet in places commodious fought valiantly but the barbarous enemy craftily forbore to come to a general Engagement hoping without that hazard to see the Romans destroy'd before their faces with extremity of Heat and Thirst whom by their Multitudes they had shut so in that they could come by no Water Now the Romans brought to
the Catholick Bishops in the Synod unanimously subscrib'd to this definition wherein it is observable that although it was grounded on the Holy Scriptures yet those Scriptures were interpreted by the successive Tradition of the Church Whereas what the Faction of the Arrians separately Decreed according to the practice of other Hereticks agreed only with the bare words of Scripture by themselves interpreted For as Athanasius writes in a Creed made by them They profess the Son of God to be like the Father who begat him whose Generation according to the Scriptures no man knows but the Father only As for the word Substance it being simply set down by the Fathers not understood by the People and occasioning great Scandal in as much as it is not expresly contain'd in the Scriptures they Decreed that it should be quite abolish'd and that for the future no mention should be made of the Substance of God because the Holy Scriptures never mention the Substance of the Father and the Son but they say That the Son is in all things like the Father as the Scriptures in their judgement teach Now when the Arrian Bishops of whom Valens and Vrsacius were chief saw that they could not impose upon the Western Bishops they separated themselves from the rest of the Councel and were thereupon pronounc'd by the unanimous Suffrages of the Orthodox Bishops to be Hereticks and excluded from the Communion of the Church which done the Councel by common Letter inform'd the Emperour of all these things And whereas the Arrian Bishops to induce the Catholicks to comply with them argued That Peace and Vnity would be restor'd to the Church in case Catholicks should relinquish that one word Substance They therefore in their said Letter inserted That it was not as Valens and Ursacius affirm'd that Peace would follow by the subversion of things just and true but that rather more contention would arise both at Rome and other Cities They therefore Pray'd that the Councel might be dissolv'd considering the Poverty Age and Infirmity of many Bishops in it Constantius thus frustrated in his design of introducing his Arrian misbelief into the Western Churches broke forth into open Tyranny some of the Catholick Bishops he shut up in Prison others he afflicted with Famine and all manner of despightful usuage not suffering any to depart until they had subscrib'd a form of Faith wherein though nothing Heretical was express'd yet the True Faith was at least dissembled consequently the Arrian Faction prevail'd in Power through the whole Empire Constantius creates Gallus his Uncles Son Caesar and three years after Beheads him for his Cruelties and enormous Crimes and the next year assumes into the same Dignity and Succession of the Empire Julian younger Brother to Gallus call'd the Apostate Him he sent into Gaul to repress the Irruptions of the Franks In the fourth year of his Government troubles arising in Britain by the Excursions of the Picts and Scots he sent over Lupicinus to compose them who in the midst of Winter went with his Army to London but could not perform any considerable Exploit against his Enemies for that Julian who was proclaim'd Emperour by his Army was jealous of him least he should hinder his proceedings and therefore re-call'd Lupicinus and sent Gumobarius in his place to be General of the British Army who did little worthy of memory for notwithstanding any thing he could do the Scots a barbarous People first mention'd about this time coming out of Ireland rooted themselves so firmly in the Northern parts of this Isle that they establish'd a Kingdom there to themselves and their Posterity to this day It is written that when N●le obtain'd the Monarchy of Ireland which was in the time of this Constanttus the six Sons of Mured King of Vlster passing over with a considerable Fleet possess'd themselves of the Northern parts of Britain and it is likely that the Eldest of those six Sons was that Reuda mention'd by Beda and his People from him call'd Dalreudini They at first possess'd themselves of a Corner of this Island but after encroaching upon the Picts enlarg'd their Seats until at last about the time when the Kingdom of Northumberland was in a manner ruin'd by Civil Contentions and the Incursions of the Danes they almost wholly consum'd the Picts and destroy'd their name and memory introducing to those Nothern parts the name of Scotland It is not likely that Arrianism ever took any great footing in this Island for when St. Hilary was banish'd into Phrigia by the false suggestions of Saturninus the Arrian Bishop of Arles he wrote Letters to the British Bishops especially to the Aged Restitutus Bishop of London Congratulating and Commending their firmness in the Faith that notwithstanding the attemps of Saturninus to infect them yet their constancy was famous over all the Empire insomuch as some of the Eastern Bishops became thereby asham'd of their Heresie Howbeit about this time this Restitutus being full of years dy'd and is worthily counted amongst the Illustrious British Writers and many Letters to St. Hilary are reckon'd to be of his writing A further proof of the Orthodoxy of the British Church was St. Kebius Sir-nam'd Corinius Son of Solomon Duke of Cornwall who took a Journey into Gaul to St. Hilary after his return from Exile to be by him instructed more perfectly in the Catholick Faith Copgrave in the Life of this Saint says That he abode several years with S. Hillary improving himself in Learning and Sanctity whereunto God gave Testimony by conferring on him the Grace of Miracles so that he gave Sight to the Blind Cleans'd the Leprous Cur'd those which were Dumb Heal'd the sick of the Palsey and those who were possess'd with Divels Afterwards being admonish'd thereunto by an Angel having been Consecrated Bishop by St. Hilary he return'd into his own Country and plac'd his See in the Isle of Anglesey and by his good Example and sound Doctrine instructed the Northern People of Wales It is He who was requested to take the Principality of Cornwall but refus'd to accept of any Worldly Authority and not long after he is said To descend with ten Monks who were his Disciples into a Meadow of King Ethelic pitching his Tents there wherewith when the King was acquainted he went with Company to cast these Monks out of his Country by the way he fell from his Horse which dy'd immediately and both He and his Followers were stricken with blindness Thereupon the King prostrates himself before St. Kebius devoting himself to God and the Saint by whose Prayers they were all presently Healed After this the King gave to the man of God two Churches and he giving the King his Benediction retir'd to Menevia afterwards call'd St. David's from whence he sail'd into Ireland and having built a Church remain'd there four years Very probable it is that this St. Kebius was that British Priest who Baptiz'd the Irish St. Albeus for in his Life written
which God Graciously call'd him out of this Mortal Life So as being perfect in Grace and Piety and mature in Age he Happily mounted to Heaven his Body was buried in the Church Dedicated to St. Martin built by himself from the Foundation The Centuriatours add this to his Story That he was a Venedocian Teacher of Christian Verities of a desert more than ordinary To his Old Age he largely communicated the Talent wherewith God had entrusted him among the Britains Scots and Southern Picts He was a man Assiduous in Reading the Holy Scripture Merciful to Orphans Widdows and the Poor Illustrious in Miracles and Sanctity By his Pious Industry the Nation of the Picts first of all relinquishing their Idolatry embrac'd the true Faith of Christ He was the first Bishop of Candida Casa and dy'd among the Picts in the Province of Galloway I may further observe that he was very Devout in giving Respect and Veneration to Gods Saints in whose Honour he built Churches and in particular to the Honour of S. Martin who dy'd about 30 years before him The example of St. Ninian was imitated by the British Church near the same Age for when St. Augustine the Monk came into Britain to Convert the Saxons He found saith St. Bede in the City of Canterbury a Church Dedicated to the Honour of St. Martin which had been built in the times of the Romans St. Ninian before he dy'd divided the Provinces of the Picts into Parishes he Ordain'd Priests there and Consecrated Bishops by the Authority of the Roman Bishop from whom he receiv'd his Mission He being famous for Miracles it may not be amiss to reckon up one In the Region of the Picts there was a Prince named Tudwal a man of a proud and high Spirit he contemning the Admonitions of this man of God and derogating from his Doctrine and Life resisted him openly Being one day more then ordinarily troublesome and rude God the supreme Judge would not any longer suffer the injuries offer'd to his Holy Servant to pass unreveng'd but struck this proud man with an intollerable pain in his Head by the violence whereof those lofty Eyes of his became utterly Blind so that he who had before impugn'd the Light of Divine Truth deservedly lost this Worlds Light. But upon better consideration he sent a Message to the Holy Bishop humbly beseeching him in imitation of our Lords Benignity to return to him good for evil and love for hatred The Venerable Bishop hereupon first sharply reprov'd the Prince and then touching him imprinted on his Eyes the Sign of the Cross when immediately his pains ceas'd and his Blindness was dissipated Afterwards this Prince highly Honour'd the Holy Bishop and readily granted whatsoever he ask'd of him Our Country-man Alcuinus in an Epistle not Printed but now extant in Bishop Vshers Antiquities Testifies the great Fame which this Holy Bishop had for Sanctity and Miracles This Epistle is directed to the Religious Priest then living at Candida Casa While Alcuinus liv'd this following Miracle happ'ned to a Devout Priest Celebrating Mass at this Saints Monument nam'd Plegils he frequently Solemniz'd Mass at the Body of St. Ninian and living a Holy and Virtuous Life began frequently to beseech our Lord That he would please to shew visibly to him the Nature and Verity of the Body and Blood of Christ in the most Blessed Sacrament This Prayer he made not for want of Faith in the Truth of the Mystery but out of an Affection of Devotion and Piety For the Author saith That to his great Consolation our Lord appear'd to him in the Sacrament in the form of a young Child Three years after the death of St. Ninianus St. Germanus was once more invited into Britain to perfect the good Work which he had formerly began in rooting out of the Pelagian Heresie there spreading it self again the Relation whereof we must borrow from the Learn'd Priest Constantius a Writer of those times and of most perfect Integrity and Sincerity By a Message from Britain address'd to St. German he was advertis'd that that Pestilent Heresie began to enlarge it self there and intreated him once more to come over and maintain the Cause of Divine Grace The Holy Bishop readily comply'd with this Petition being delighted to spend his strength in the Service of Christ There was joyn'd to him for his Companion Severus Bishop of Triers a person of Consummate Sanctity In the mean time three Infernal Spirits flying through the whole Island foretold the return of St. Germanus being forc'd so to do against their Will Insomuch as one Elaphius a Principal person of the Country without any other notice hast'ned to meet the Holy Bishops His Son went with him upon whom from the flower of his Youth a lamentable Infirmity had seiz'd for all his Members were wither'd and the Hamm of his Leg was so drawn together that by reason of the dryness of his Thigh he could not set his Foot upon the ground Elaphius was attended by almost the whole Province As soon as they were met together an Episcopal Benediction was conferr'd on the People and the Words of Truth Preach'd to them St. Germanus perceiv'd that the generality of the People persever'd constant in the Doctrine which he left among them and that the fault lay upon a few buisie persons who were presently condemn'd As for Elaphius he humbly kneeling kiss'd the Bishops Hands presenting to him his Lame Son so miserable a Spectacle that he mov'd compassion in all especially in the Holy Bishops mind St. German therefore presently commanded the young man to sit down then handled his contracted Ham and with his right Hand stroak'd all the infirm Members immediately perfect Health and Strength attended that wholesome Touch the wither'd Members recover'd their natural Moisture and his Sinews their Office and Agility Thus in the sight of all the young man was restor'd to his Father as if he had been new made the People are astonish'd at this Miracle and the Catholick Faith is perfectly confirm'd in their minds The Holy Bishop spent his time in Preaching up and down and the Hearers were every where Converted or Confirm'd So that by a Universal Consent the Authors of the Perverse Doctrine were brought before the Holy Bishops and then banish'd out of the Island and the Orthodox Faith remain'd uncorrupted and all things being thus well compos'd the Holy Bishops return'd with a Prosperous Voyage Howbeit during his stay here St. German is recorded to have call'd a Synod and taking notice that many Churches wanted Pastors by which means the People became wavering in their Faith by common advice he selected Learn'd and Pious men whom he ordain'd Bishops and placed in several Churches In particular over all the Britains toward the Southern parts he promoted the Blessed man Dubricius an Eminent Doctor to be Arch-bishop who was made choice of by King Mouricus and the whole Diocess They constituted his Arch-Episcopal See at Landaff with the
on her Hengist commands a Magnificent Feast to be provided for the Entertainment of his newly arriv'd Soldiers to which the King is Invited He appoints his Daughter to perform the Office of Cup-bearer to the King that he might surfeit his Eyes with her Beauty The design took effect for the King being a Slave to Beauty was presently wounded with the Gracefulness of the Maids looks and the Elegancy of her Gestures nourishing in his mind a hope to enjoy her Without delay he demands her for his Wife The Crafty Father pretends such a Marriage would be too mean for so great a Prince but with great importunity yields his unwilling willing consent to reward which and for a Dowry to his Daughter the King gives him the whole Province of Kent some writers say This Feast and Marriage were Celebrated at Thong-Castle where Rowena was instructed by her Father to Drink a Health to Vortigern after the German manner However certain it is that besides the infinite Damage to the Kingdom by Alienating so considerable a Member as Kent so convenient for the harbouring of new Forces this Marriage was in a high degree Pernicious because the King had another Wife and for that being a Christian he had joyn'd himself to a Pagan Idolatress Presently after this unhappy Marriage the Voyage and Martyrdom of St. Vrsula and her Companions happ'ned whose Heroical Constancy might help to wipe out that stain which the Lust of this King had cast upon the Nation Hengist having thus Prostituted his Daughter to the King who Prostituted his Country to Hengist the Saxons began to swell with ambitious Thoughts and knowing the Nation generaily dis-approv'd the Kings Marriage and cooled in Affection and Duty to him began to pick quarrels with him and contemn'd him for his Vices They therefore sought occasions of War against the Britains whom God had ordain'd to be punish'd for their Crimes so that Hengist boldly requir'd of his Son-in-Law the King a more Plentiful supply of Provisions otherwise he would renounce the League between them and lay waste the whole Island which Threats were presently attended with dismall Effects For the Saxons entring a League with the Picts gather'd an innumerable Army which without resistance spoil'd the whole Country Thus a flame kindled by the hands of these Pagans prov'd a just revenge of the Crimes of this Nation which Crimes were the less Pardonable because committed by those who profess'd themselves the People of the True God No wonder was it that the Saxons met with so little resistance seeing the Kings Marriage with an Infidel Lady his Divorce from his Lawful Queen and the delivering up so considerable a part of his Kingdom to Strangers had rais'd high Discontents against him among his Subjects However by common consent they besought him to take Pity on his Country ready to Perish at least not to neglect his Faith and the Church of God in danger to be destroy'd by Heathen Miscreants which if it should happen by his default and that the Diabolical Worship of Idols should prevail against Gods true Religion it would be punish'd by his own and his Peoples Eternal Misery The Bishops and Clergy repeated these Admonitions to him but all in vain wherefore Vortigern became deserted of all his Subjects and the Nobility by unanimous consent rais'd into his Throne his Son Vortimer No writers affirm that Vortigern was Depos'd but Deserted by his Subjects as a Prince given up to his Pleasures and therefore incapable to resist the Ambitious Designs of Hengist against whom the whole Nation was resolv'd to joyn all their Forces to expel him out of the Kingdom Vortimer was an earnest Incendiary of the War against these Saxons being resolv'd to endure their Boldness and Ambition no longer And for this reason most of the Britains follow'd him not that the Nobles depriv'd Vortigern of his Royal Authority or Created Vortimer King as a late Calvinistical Writer insinuates However this Change could not but work Divisions in the Kingdom for Vortigern for the space of sixteen years having had possession of the Kingdom could not want some Adherents to take his part so as those Divisions could not but give too great advantage to the Progress of the Ambitious Saxons Vortimer being thus exalted either as Associate with his Father in the Throne or as General of the British Forces hasten'd to give proof of his Country-mens good advice in their Election of him and taking notice of the Craft and Ambition of the Saxons study'd how to drive them out of the Nation vehemently urging his Father to attempt it so that an Army was soon rais'd this happ'ned the seventh year after their first entrance Great preparations were made on both sides at last they came to a Battle which was fought in the Fields of Eglestirpe now call'd Alesford a Town in Kent wash'd by the River Medway On the Britains side were three chief Captains who led each a third part of the Army Ambrosius Aurelianus led the first Division Vortimer the second and Catigern a younger Brother of Vortimer led the third The Saxon Army was Conducted by Hengist and Horsa In the beginning of the Battle Horsa set upon the Army of Catigern with such Vigour that it was disperss'd like Dust before the Wind and Catigern the Kings Son was slain but his Brother Vortimer a Prince of admirable Courage falling side-ways into Horsa's Squadrons routed them and kill'd Horsa the most Valorous of the Saxons the remainder of his Forces fled to Hengist who then was Fighting with Invincible Courage against Ambrosius so as the whole weight of the Combate lay upon Hengist who being Assaulted and brought into great straits by the Accession of Vortimer's Forces after he had a good while sustain'd the impression of the whole British Army was at last overcome and compell'd to fly which he had never done before Yet this Victory cost the Britains dear for great numbers of them were slain nay some Authors affirm That Hengist obtain'd the Victory The Body of Horsa was Buried at a place not far from the Battle in memory of him call'd Horstead Catigern's Body is suppos'd to have been Buried at Aylsford by the Saxons call'd Eglesford by the Britains Saisseneag-Haibail because the Saxons were there overcome To testifie which Victory there still remain four great Stones standing upright after the manner of Stonehenge in Wiltshire which from Catigern are vulgarly and imperfectly call'd Keith-cotyhouse Horsa thus dead the Saxons exalted Hengist to the Title of the King of Kent The same year he is reported to have Fought three Battles against the Britains but being unable to resist the Valour of Vortimer he was forc'd to retire into the Isle of Thanet where he was daily Assaulted with British Ships At last the Saxons leaving their Wives and Children in Thanet return'd to Germany to call in greater Forces The year after dy'd the Glorious King Vortimer the fourth year after he was assum'd to the Participation of
seems to have been Ordain'd Bishop by St. Patrick and to have fix'd his seat in a small Island which according to St. Bede is scituated at some distance from the Western Coasts of Ireland and is call'd the Isle of Whitecalfe where St. Coleman afterwards built a Monastery and is promiscuously Inhabited by English and Scots St. Dererca had many other Sons famous for their Sanctity but we shall now take notice only of two more Illustrious then the rest the first Sechnallus in Latin Secundinus who wrote the Alphabetical Hymn in Praise of St. Patrick The others name was Auxilius who was by St. Patrick ordain'd Bishop of Leimster Laginensium and after many Miracles wrought by him ended his Holy Life in Cealusalli his own City seated in the Plaines of Leimster In the year of Grace 519. a British Synod was assembled upon this occasion The detestable Heresie of the Pelagians extinguish'd by St. Germanus and St. Lupus began to Spring again to the hazard of the Catholick Faith. The Bishops and Abbots of Cambria met in Cardiganshire divers Noble-men and other Lay-persons were present out of the whole Country many Sermons and Exhortations were made in the publick Audience to confute the said Heresie Howbeit the People were generally so infected therewith that no reasons or perswasions could prevail with them to return into the Path of Right Faith At length therefore Paulin a Bishop with whom St. David in his youth had been Educated earnestly perswaded the Fathers to send for St. David in the Name of the Synod who was lately Consecrated Bishop by the Patriarch and was a Discreet and Eloquent man to afford his assistance to Gods Church now in great danger but could not prevail with him to forsake his Contemplations until at last two Holy men Daniel and Dubritius by their Authority brought him with them to the Synod And then all the Fathers there Assembled enjoyn'd St. David to Preach He commanded a Child which had lately been restor'd to Life by him to spread a Napkin under his feet and standing upon it he began to expound the Gospel and the Law to the Auditory All the while he continued his Oration a Snow-white Dove descending from Heaven sate upon his Shoulders and the Earth on which he stood rais'd it self under him 'till it became a Hill from whence his Voice like a Trumpet was clearly heard and understood by all both far and near On the top of which Hill a Church was afterwards built which remains to this day When the Sermon was finish'd so Powerfully did Divine Grace Cooperate that the Heresie soon vanish'd and was extinguish'd And the Holy Bishop St. David by the general Election and Acclamation both of Clergy and People was exalted to be the Arch-bishop of all Cambria By the Confusions of those times the Decrees of this and other Synods are unhappily lost by which we might have been inform'd of the State of the then British Church yet something of it may be collected out of the Author of St. David's Life who tells us That Heresie being thus expell'd all the Churches of Britain receiv'd their Order and Rule from the Authority of the Roman Church By which we may see the mistake of some Modern Writers who will needs affirm that the British Church before the Conversion of the Saxons in their Faith and Discipline were squar'd after the Model of the Eastern Church This Synod Spelman calls Panbritanicum and soon after it Monasteries were built in several places and this Holy Bishop St. David became the chief Protector of them and withall a Preacher of such esteem that all men receiv'd a Rule and Form of Holy living from him This expedient the Holy Spirit suggested to the Antient Fathers namely the Building of Monasteries thereby to promote and fortifie the Catholick Faith for out of them still proceeded some to instruct Believers in Faith and Holiness of Life But another Spirit suggested Dioclesian the Infidel Saxons and some Zealots of late days to destroy Monasteries as a sure means to destroy Faith and Holiness also It may not here be unprofitable to describe the form of a Monastick Life instituted by St. David who having built a Monastery near Menevia in a place call'd Rosma or the Rosey Valley gave this strict Rule of Monastical Profession That every Monk should labour daily with his Hands for the common good of the Monastery For Idleness corrupts the Thoughts and Minds of men The Monks there were not to take Gifts or Possessions from unjust persons and detested Riches they had no care to ease their Labours by use of Oxen or Cattle for every one to himself and his Brethren was instead of Riches and Oxen. They never convers'd together by talking but when necessity requir'd but each one perform'd the labour enjoyn'd him joyning thereto Prayer or Holy Meditations on Divine things And having finish'd their Country work they return'd to the Monastery where they spent the remainder of the day till Even in Reading or Writing At Even upon the sounding of a Bell they all left their work and repair'd to Church where they remain'd 'till the Stars appear'd and then went all together to their Refection eating sparingly and not to satiety their Food was Bread with Roots or Herbs season'd with Salt and they quench'd their Thirst mith a mixture of Water and Milk Supper being ended they continued three hours in Watching Prayers and Genu-flexions As long as they were in the Church it was not permitted to any to Slumber Sneeze or Spit After this they went to their Rest and at Cock-crowing they rose and continu'd at Prayers 'till day appear'd All their inward temptations and thoughts they discover'd to their Superior and from him they demanded permission in all things even when they were urg'd to the necessities of Nature Their Cloathing was of the Skins of Beasts Whosoever desir'd to joyn himself in their Holy Conversation he was oblig'd to remain 10 days at the door of the Monastery as a Reprobate unworthy to be admitted into their Society and there be expos'd to Opprobious scorns But if all that time he Patiently suffer'd all Mortifications he was receiv'd by the Religious Senior who had care of the Gate whom he serv'd and by whom he was instructed in which condition he remain'd a long time exercis'd in painful Labours and grievous Mortifications and so at last was admitted to the Fellowship of the Brethren Cambden makes mention of this Synod saying Llandevibrevi or the Church of St. David near the River Brevi was built in memory of St. David Bishop of Menevia in the place where He during the sitting of a full Synod confuted and repress'd the Pelagian Heresie reviving in Britain by the Holy Scriptures and Miracles For as the Fame is the Earth on which he Preach'd swell'd up under his feet till it became a Hill. This Synod it seems was celebrated not in House or Town but in the open Fields as afterwards St. Augustine the
Monk held a Councel in a place from thence call'd Augustine's Oak and as Antiently Theophilus Assembled a Synod in the Cause of Athanasius in a place call'd Ad Quercum at the Oak Now whereas in this Synod were Assembled many great Saints and Holy Bishops the Lights of the British Churches as St. Dubritius St. Daniel St. David St. Telian and St. Paulin of whom some mention hath been made already it will not be amiss here to subjoyn a summary of their respective Gests least if they should be set down particularly there would be such intermixture as might perhaps confound the Readers memory especially considering the wonderful length of time which most of them liv'd Concerning St. Daniel enough hath been said We shall here begin with St. Dubritius who was born in the Province of the Demetae or West-wales Sir-nam'd he was Guainius from the River Guain near which he was born his Fathers Name is not mention'd but his Mother was call'd Euedyla a Woman of wonderful Virtue and Piety during his Childhood he was committed to the care of Teachers to be instructed in Learning suitable to that Age In his riper years he made such Progress in Science that very many not only among the Ignorant but the more skilful also repair'd to him for Instructions Amongst which were St. Thelian St Sampson St. Aidan and others He made choice of a place near the River Vaga proper to receive the great number of Scholars which came to him and there directed their Studies In the same place having built a Church by the direction of an Angel he there taught the People and by imposing his Hands Cur'd frequently the Sick of divers Infirmities so that they which came to him Feeble and full of Anguish return'd Joyful and in Perfect Health He was taken from his Imployment of Teaching by St. German in his second Voyage to Britain and with the consent of King Mauricus and all the Clergy Consecrated Bishop of Llandaff as hath been said in the year of Grace 436. by which account since he out-liv'd the said Synod of Brevi it is plain the length of his Life was wonderful for at that time he had been a Bishop more then 80 years In the year 492. Aurelius Ambrosius coming to the Mountains of Ambri near to Caer Carec now Salisbury where the British Princes Trayterously Murder'd by Hengist lay appointed Pastors to two Metropolitan Churches granting York to the Illustrious St. Sampson and Caerleon to Dubritius the latter vacant by the Death of Threminius Geoffry of Monmouth adds That he was Primate of Britain and Legate of the Apostolick See Which Dignity it seems was annexed to that Church by St. German from the Authority which in his Mission hither he receiv'd from Rome In the year 516 He Solemnly Crown'd King Arthur after which being very Aged as hath been said he relinquish'd his See and retir'd into the Isle of Berdsey to prepare for his Death from which repose notwithstanding his Zeal to the Catholick Faith drew him to the Synod of Brevy St. David being his Successor as aforesaid Three years after full of Sanctity and Age he gave up his Soul into the Hands of his Creatour in the said Isle of Berdsey where among a multitude of Saints he chose his place of Burial and there his Sacred Body repos'd until the year of Grace 1120. at which time it was translated from thence with great Honour by Vrbanus Bishop of Landaff and bury'd in the Cathedral Church on the North-side of the Altar of our Blessed Lady At which time the whole Country of Glamorgan was afflicted with a great Drougth no Rain having there fallen for many Weeks but when these Holy Relicks were translated great store of Rain sell to the comfort of the Inhabitants One of the most Illustrious Disciples of St. Dubritius was St. Thelian descended of a Noble British Family what-ever the Centuriatours of Magdeburg have malignantly wrote of him From his Infancy he was addicted to Devotion Prayer and contempt of Secular Pleasures and being come to his riper Age he was for his Wisdom and Piety Sir-nam'd Helias because with his Doctrine he Enlightn'd the Hearts of the Faithful as the Sun doth the World. He was instructed in the Holy Scriptures by St. Dubritius 'till he was enabled to clear the most difficult places therein Then having heard the fame of a certain wise man call'd Paulinus he went to him to confer with him of the most abstruse Misteries of Gods Word by this means he contracted Friendship with St. David a man of great Perfection in Sanctity insomuch as their Hearts were so firmly knit together by Charity and the Grace of Gods Holy Spirit that in all things they had but one Will When St. Dubritius was translated from Landaff to the Metropolitan Church of Caerleon St. Thalian succeeded him in Landaff wherein he sate many years For it is said he dy'd not until the coming of St. Augustine into Britain by whom his Successor St. Oudoceus was Consecrated When a certain Infection call'd the Yellow Plague infested Britain raging against Men and Beasts by Divine Admonition he departed into a far Country accompany'd with many Disciples where he abode 'till by the same Authority he was re-call'd Neither did he cease day or night by daily Prayer and Fasting to Pacifie Gods Wrath and then gathering together all his Devout Companions return'd and all his Life after exercis'd Supreme Jurisdiction over all the Churches in the Western Britain He dy'd at last being replenish'd with all Virtues in a good Old Age. Many Miracles are recorded to be done by him both before and after his Death One of them only which Bishop Godwin thought not fit to pass over is this After he was dead the Inhabitants of three several places contended earnestly which of them should enjoy his Body Those of Penualum where his Ancestors had been Buried those of Lantelio vaur where he dy'd and those of Landaff among whom he had been Bishop When therefore no agreement could be made amongst them there appear'd presently three Bodies so like to one another that three Eggs resemble not more perfectly Whereupon each of those People took one of them and so ended the Controversy But by frequent Miracles at his Tomb in Landaff it appear'd that the Inhabitants thereof possess'd the true Body Now whereas mention is made of Paulinus said to be Instructer to Thelian and who sent for St. David to the Synod of Brevi His true Name seems to be Paulens of whom we find it thus written That St. David as soon as he was promoted to Priesthood went to Paulens a Disciple of St. German and that in a certain Island he led a Holy Life acceptable to God and that St. David liv'd with him many years and follow'd his Instructions Paulens at last by extream pains in his Eyes lost the use of them Whereupon calling his Disciples together he desir'd that one after another they would look upon
restore many to Health The better to attend his Divine love he avoided the sight of men confining himself to a little Cell or Oratory over against the Church of Caion where in a little Orchard cultivated by himself he had planted a few Lawrel Trees which now are so increas'd that the Boughs of them being drawn together Arch-wise do afford a very pleasing shade under those Lawrels his custom was to sit Reading or Writing After his Death among the said Trees there was one which through Age was quite Wither'd He who had the care of these Trees digg'd up the root of the dry Tree and of the Body of it hew'd out a Bench upon which he us'd to sit After he had made such use of this seat above two years thought of remorse came into his Heart I believe saith the Holy Bishop by Divine Inspiration which forc'd the man to say Alas Sinner that I am why do I for my Convenience make use of a seat fram'd of the Tree which so Holy a Priest Planted with his own Hand Whereupon he presently digs a hole and puts the seat into it having cut off the Feet which supported it and then cover'd it with Earth The very next Spring this dry Bench sprouted forth into Green Branches and prosper'd so well that at this day there are proceeded from it several young Trees of great heighth and which every year by our Lords Blessing sprout forth more and more About this time dy'd St. Morchus or St. Mocchaeus a British Priest In the beginning of the Saxon Troubles he forsook his Country and pass'd over to Lugh or Louth in Ireland a pleasant place St. Patrick had formerly had a resolution to build a Church there but was commanded by an Angel to consign that place to this Morchus shortly to come thither and end his days there in great Sanctity as he did accordingly He was often times visited by St. Patrick whose Disciple he became and took the care of 12 Leapers recommended to him by St. Patrick He Prophesied of the Holy man Columba and was after Consecrated Bishop of Louth by St. Patrick As for the relation of his living 300 years as a punishment inflicted on him by St. Patrick it is justly rejected so also of his succeeding St. Patrick in the See of Armagh for good Records put it out of doubt that St. Benignus was by him design'd for that succession In the year 539. St. Kentigern being no more then 25 years of Age was Consecrated Bishop of Glascow As for his wonderful Birth it hath already been related and how his Mother was preserv'd by Servanus He so much prosited under the instruction of Servanus that he became his dearly beloved Disciple afterwards he went to Glasco where he liv'd alone in great Abstinence until the King and Clergy of the Region now call'd Gallway with other Christians there which were but few chose him for their Pastor and Bishop notwithstanding the utmost resistance he could make They sent for one single Bishop out of Ireland whom they caus'd to Consecrate St. Kentigern after the then usual custom among the Britains and Scots for at that time a practice had got footing to use no other Ceremony in the Consecration of a Bishop but only the infusion of Sacred Chrism on their Heads with Invocation of the Holy Spirit Benediction and Imposition of Hands For these Islanders remov'd as it were out of the World by the continual Invasion of Pagans were become ignorant in the Ecclesiastical Canons For which cause the Law of the Church condescended to them and admitted an excuse in this regard so as Ecclesiastical Censure did not touch them notwithstanding as is hereafter mention'd St. Kentigern made ample satisfaction for this defect His Diocess extended it self according to the limits of the Kingdom of Cumbria from the famous Wall formerly built to secure the Britains reaching from Sea to Sea as far as the River Ford or Scotish-Sea The defects in this Consecration were First His Age for at a Councel held then not long before a Decree was made That no Metropolitan should presume to Ordain any one Bishop before he arriv'd to 30 years the Age of a perfect man least he should through Youth incurr some Errour Secondly The first Nicene Councel order'd That if any one were made a Bishop without the Judgement and Consent of the Metropolitan he was forbidden to exercise his Episcopal Function And in this Ordination of St. Kentigern there was no consent of the Metropolitan nor so much as concurrence of any Neighbouring Bishop Thirdly The first Canon of the Apostles confirm'd by many Councels enjoyns That every Bishop should be Ordain'd by at least two or three Bishops Whereas St. Kentigern was Consecrated by one single Bishop who was a Stranger of a Forreign Nation Fourthly In the Consecration of Bishops the Antient Fathers for the Dignity of that Degree ordain'd many Rites to be observ'd beside such as belong to the Essence of that Sacrament As Anointing the Head with Chrism with Invocation of the Holy Spirit Signing the Person with the Sign of the Cross Impositionof Hands Together with several other Rites adjoyned for the Adorning the House of God the defect whereof did not vitiate the Sacrament but the Person only Now in all these Points some Defects there were in the Ordination of St. Kentigern which when he afterwards call'd to mind caus'd great unquietness and remorse in him a Custom introduc'd among Britains to ordain thus imperfectly crept in since the Disturbances made by the Saxons so as the Ecclesiastical Canons were either forgotten or render'd unpracticable for that there were no Metropolitans or at such distance that they could not be had most places wanting not only Bishops but Inhabitants and it is probable in the present case the very Chrisme was furnish'd out of Ireland It therefore is manifest that these Disorders were excuseable because unavoidable But in Peaceable times the practice was otherwise and the Canons were duly observ'd and the British Faith unblemish'd And by this we may see that the Britains in their Ordinations before St. Gregory's time conform'd themselves to the Roman Church and not to the Eastern as some would collect for in truth no Eastern Church can be found which neglected any of these Ceremonies However to be sure the Britains in their Discipline establish'd by Councels demanded a Confirmation from the See Apostolick And this appears by the Demeanor of St. Kentigern himself for being after afflicted in mind for those Defects in his Ordination he sought not Council from any Metropolitan but from the Supreme Bishop in Rome to whom the custody of Ecclesiastical Canons was committed and who had Authority to enjoyn the observation of them and punish and regulate the neglect Therefore St. Kentigern as we find recorded went several times to Rome where he candidly laid open his Life his Election Consecration and all the circumstances of it to St. Gregory the special Apostle of the
by the Prelate of that place he was sent in Mission to the Scots to instruct that Nation in the Doctrine of Christ where he suffer'd Martyrdom by the hands of some Impious persons Some Ages after he became Venerated as a Saint and by Authority of succeeding Bishops Temples were Dedicated to his Honour which yet remain in that Nation To confirm this we read in the Life of St. David That when St. David 's Holiness was spread abroad several Princes forsaking their Kingdoms retir'd to his Monastery And that Constantine King of the Cornish-men or Danmonii forsaking his Throne became a Monk there and after some time spent in the Service of God at last went into a far distant Country where he built a Monastery Now it will be time to relate the great Affliction and Persecution which befell the famous and Holy Bishop St. Kentigern in the second year of Constantine Certain Sons of Belial Kinsmen to King Mark rose against the Saint conspiring his death whereupon being admonish'd by Divine Revelation he departed directing his Journey to Menevia where the Holy Bishop David flourish'd with all Virtues near Gaerleon he Converted many to the Faith and built a Church Being come to St. David he abode with him some time and receiv'd from the Prince of that Region Cathwallam a place commodious for a Monastery which having Erected at Egla Elwy he fix'd there an Episcopal See Near that place there was a Nobleman which often threatn'd and endeavour'd to expel him from thence whom God therefore smote with Blindness but upon the Holy Bishops Prayers his Sight was restor'd for which he became ever after Helper and Protector to the Bishop There were Assembled in that Monastery no fewer then 945 Brethren who all liv'd under Monastical Discipline serving God with great Abstinence of which number 300. who were Illiterate he appointed to Tilling the Ground and Guard of the Cattle out of the Monastery other 300. he assign'd for preparing Nourishment and performing other necessary Works within the Monastery and 365. who were Learn'd he deputed to the Celebrating Divine Offices daily Not any of which without great necessity would he permit to go out of the Monastery but ordain'd them to attend there continually as in Gods Sanctuary And this part of the Convent he divided so into Troops and Companies that when one had finish'd the Service of God in the Church another presently enter'd and began it again which being ended a third without any delay enter'd By this means Prayers were offer'd in that Church without intermission and the Praises of God were always in their Mouths Among these there was one nam'd Asaph more especially Illustrious for his Descent and Form who from his Childhood shone brightly both by Virtues and Miracles and daily endeavour'd to imitate his Master in all Sanctity and Abstinence To him this man of God bore ever after a particular Affection and committed the care of the Monastery to his Prudence and at last appointed him his Successor in the Bishoprick As touching the fore-mention'd Noble-man who oppos'd this Holy Bishop it is written to this effect That St. Kentigern at first built a Church of Wood and Lime but after he renew'd it of Stone although he was therein much hindred and molested by a Prince nam'd Malgo or Maglocun whose dwelling was six Miles thence at Deganwy but after being asswag'd he permitted him to place there an Episcopal See on which he bestow'd both ample Possessions and Priviledges as he did also upon the Monastery The See is by some call'd Elguy or Llanelwy so nam'd from the River Elwy over which it is seated St. Kentigern being the first Bishop thereof But in succeeding times it was call'd St. Asaph from the next succeeding Bishop Of this Prince Malgo more hereafter St. Kentigern's Life was prolong'd till after St. Augustine the Monks coming into Britain yet because his future Actions do not much relate to the general Affairs of the British Churches we may well in this place sum up the remainder of his Life He remain'd in Cambria seventeen years exercising most perfectly the Functions both of an Abbot and after of a Bishop at Elwy till in the end he was re-call'd to his first Bishoprick at Glasco in this admirable manner After that all his Enemies in Cambria had been consum'd by divers Calamities and Diseases the Inhahitants of that Region from whence he had been so long Exild through his Absence had forsaken the way of the Lord which he had taught them and were return'd to their Idolatry like Dogs to their Vomit which Apostacy of theirs it pleas'd God to puntsh by a grievous Famine the Earth the Sea and all the Elements refusing their accustom'd aid and comfort to them But at length our Lord was pleas'd to raise up a good King in that Region nam'd Rederech who had been Baptiz'd by some of the Disciples of St. Patrick and who was very desirous to restore the Faith of Christ in his Kingdom for which purpose he directed Messengers with Letters to St. Kentigern wherein he acquainted the Saint That the men who sought his Life were dead and besought him that he would no longer be absent from his flock for which he was oblig'd to Sacrifice his Life St. Kentigern having receiv'd the Message prepar'd for his return and having appointed St. Asaph his Successor in the Bishoprick of Elwy he attended with 600 of his Brethren took his Journey to the Region of the Cambrians and was met by the Devout King and great numbers of his People giving Thanks to God for his Presence upon whom the Holy man pronounced a solemn Benediction After this he cry'd with a loud voice In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ I command all those who envy the Salvation of men and resist the Preaching of Gods word to depart presently from hence that they may be no hinderance to those who shall believe Having said thus immediately in the sight of all an innumerable multitude of wicked Spirits horrible to behold both for their Stature and Shapes fled away from the Company which caus'd a wonderful Fear and trembling in them But the Holy man encourag'd and comforted them letting them see visibly who they were in whom they had believ'd and by whom they had been induced to Adore dumb Idols or the Elements which were Creatures appointed by God for their Vse and Service And for Woden whom by the Seduction of the Saxons they esteem'd their principal God And to whose Honour they Consecrated the fourth day of the Week he shew'd that he was no better than a Mortal man who had been King of the Saxons and Ancestor to several Nations that his Body was then dissolv'd into Dust and his Soul tormented in Hell fire for ever When he had said this with other Speeches in explanation of the Christian Faith The ground on which he sate in a plain Field call'd Holdelin swell'd up under him in the sight of them all so
Writings of Theodoret against St. Cyril since St. Cyril himself and the Councel of Chalcedon had requir'd no other satisfaction from him but only to pronounce Anathema against Nestorius which he did And as for the Epistle of Ibas no discussion should be made of it after the Council of Chalcedon This Constitutum the Emperor contrary to his Promise reserv'd to himself but withall acquainted the Synod with Vigilius his mind concerning the Tria Capitula which he had often-times both by words and writing express'd the Synod proceeded to a condemnation of them complaining withal That the Pope would not afford his presence to them After this definition of the Bishops in the Council the Pope being in extream Anguish because he saw how the Western Bishops would be offended and that the Scandal would be the greater because the Emperor had not sent his Constitutum to the Council utterly refus'd his Consent or Approbation of their Definition for which refusal he was by the Emperour sent into Banishment with other Bishops His Banishment continu'd not long for six months after the Synods Definition Vigilius sent a Decretal Epistle to Entychius Successor to Menas in which he condemn'd the Tria Capitula and profess'd Communion with all those who embracing the four Councils of the Church had condemn'd the same meaning thereby the last Council which he would not Name This Decree of Vigilius was by the Graecians referr'd among the Acts of the Council by virtue whereof it became a Lawful Oecumenical Council This end being given to this unnecessary Controversy all the Western Churches excepting only the Bishops of Istria Venice and Liguria consented to it But these Churches being under the Dominion of the Longobardi broke into an open Schism which continu'd till the time of St. Gregory the Great Besides them we find no other Church unsatisfy'd except Ireland only To the Bishop whereof St. Gregory a year before St. Kentigern's Journey to Rome wrote an Epistle in Answer to one of theirs who had charg'd the Roman See with injuring the Councel of Chalcedon by condemning the Tria Capitula But St. Gregory inform'd them That this Controversy did not at all touch the Faith of the Church but the Persons only of two or three Bishops That the Authority of the Council of Chalcedon was entire both with those who oppugned and those who defended the Tria Capitula and therefore none could have just cause to make a rent in the Church upon so trifling a quarrel This answer of the Pope's seems to give satisfaction to the Irish for several Epistles afterwards past from him to them as unanimous Brethren instructing them touching the Rites in Baptism and whether it were to be administred to those who return'd from the Nestorian Heresie c. This Controversy was hotly agitated when St. Kentigern went to Rome and perhaps it might be a considerable motive of his Journey especially in regard an Irish Bishop call'd Albanus went thither at the same time And although the British Churches are no where taxed for partaking with those who were divided from the Roman See yet it might well become the Zeal of so Holy a Bishop as St. Kentigern to inform himself truly of the state of such a Controversy as hath been therefore the more at large set down The man of God St. Kentigern after his return from Rome being worn away with Age for he was 85 years old had his Nerves so dissolv'd that he was forc'd to sustain his Jaws by tying a linnen Ribbon about his Head which came under his Chin that with the less trouble he might pronounce his Words This dissolution of his Nerves was promis'd him a little before his Death to the end that since his whole Life had been a continual Martyrdom by the good pleasure of our Lord his Death might be milder and easier then that of other men ordinarily At length calling together his Disciples he earnestly exhorted them To continue their observance of the Duties of their Holy Religion their mutual Charity Peace Hospitality their diligence in Reading and Prayer He bequeath'd to them earnest and efficacious Precepts firmly to obey the Decrees of the Holy Fathers and constitutions of the Holy Roman Church After which exhortation he departed to our Lord. The Fame of his Sanctity soon after his Death was every where spread by a World of Miracles as many Authors relate Constantine before-mention'd being dead or remov'd Aurelius Conanus his Nephew a Young man of extraordinary worth and well deserving the Crown as some report succeeded him His only fault was that he was given to Civil Contentions He cast into Prison his Uncle to whom the Crown of Right belong'd and Murder'd two of his Sons who stood in his way to the Kingdom which Ambition and Cruelty perhaps occasion'd some of our Historians to charge him with the Murder of Constantine his Predecessor Gildas also accuses him of many horrid Crimes for which he denounces to him a short reign and endless miseries Matthew of Westminster allows him 30 years rule but true Chronology not above four in the third whereof while the British Provinces consum'd themselves in Civil Contentions a new and Powerful Kingdom of the Saxons was establish'd in the Northern parts call'd the Kingdom of Northumbers in this manner Hengist in the beginning of his reign in Kent sent his Brother Otha into those Northern parts with his Son Ebusa men of great Courage Experience and Nobility as deriving their Descent from Woden who had three Sons Weldege Withlege and Beldege from the Eldest descended the Kings of Kent from the Second the Kings of the Mercians and from the Third the Kings of the West-Saxons and Northumbers whose first King Ida reckon'd himself the Tenth from Woden Now Otha and Ebussa the first Saxons which brought an Army into those Northern parts fought many Battles with the Inhabitants and having Conquer'd those which resisted them took the rest into their Protection notwithstanding they and their Successors for many years contented themselves with the Titles of Governours or Dukes acknowledging a Submission unto and Dependance upon the Kings of Kent but in the 99th year after their first arrival they assum'd the Title and Dignity of Kings the first of which was call'd Ida others affirm that the Region of Northumbers was divided into two parts That which was more Northern extending it self from the Bay of Edinburgh to the Picts Wall inhabited by the Bernicians the other reaching from the Picts Wall to the River Humber was held by the Deiri so that the whole Kingdom of the Northumbers Antiently contain'd the Provinces of the Picts Laudon Northumberland Cumberland Westmorland Durham York and Lancaster This may appear by the Lives of several Saints said to have liv'd in the Kingdom of the Northumbrians This Division is said to have been made by Ida who leaving his Son to govern the Deiri fix'd his own habitation among the Bernicians Aurelius Conanus dying in the fourth year of his