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A35696 Jus Cæsaris et ecclesiæ vere dictæ or, A treatise wherein independency, presbytery, the power of kings, and of the church, or of the brethren in ecclesiastical concerns, government and discipline of the church : and wherein also the use of liturgies, tolleration, connivence, conventicles or private assemblies, excomminication, election of popes, bishops, priests what and whom are meant by the term church, 18 Matthew are discoursed : and how I Cor. 14. 32. generally misunderstand is rightly expounded : wherein also the popes power over princes, and the liberty of the press, are discoursed / by William Denton ... Denton, William, 1605-1691. 1681 (1681) Wing D1066; ESTC R9164 326,898 268

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own Sabbath were ordained for men and not men for the Sabbath nor yet for Popes that what Powers soever of Right belongs unto them they are given unto them for the good and benefit of Christians and not to Tyrannize or Lord it over Gods Heritage 2. That God hath not given unto Popes any greater Authority in the Government of their Dominions whether of Church or State than unto other Princes and Bishops to whom God hath also confirmed and ratified all Power that is necessary for the good of the Governed And as it appertaineth not to other Emperors and Kings to govern Romish Church or State so it doth as little appertain to Popes to Govern either Church or State of other Kingdoms 3. That no people were or ever will be contented with a Government which tends more to the benefit grandeur pomp and pride of life of those that Govern than to the good and comfort of those that are governed it being the natural and fundamental right of the governed to apply and devolve as much of their own power without divesting themselves thereof as they please to one or more Persons subject nevertheless to the trusts reposed in them to be alwayes imployed and improved to the behoof and benefit of the governed 4. That all people do with some contentedness endure a reasonable Bond but from an excessive one every one doth naturally endeavor by all means tho indirect to free themselves The Antient History of Nodus Gordianus which because Alexander could not unty he cut in pieces whereby Oraculi sortem vel elusit vel im●●evit is applicable to all Humane tyes and Obligations not excepting Governments Ecclesiastick or Civil which if of such a Nature that those that are unjustly or too hard bound may free themselves by ordinary way of Justice then they are endured with some patience But if there be no ordinary means to relieve themselves then they ever have had and I fear ever will have recourse to means extraordinary tho Indirect as Seditions and the like Wherefore it is undoubtedly doing God the best Service to keep every Government within its due bounds which is absolutely necessary for the preserving and propagating of Religion and for keeping the State in quiet temperament and that to grant Ecclesiasticks exorbitant Authority thinking it to be a favoring of Religion as heretofore they did perswade some Emperors with design to get their power into their own hands is an undiscreet Zeal prone to end in the dishonour of God damage of Religion and in publick confusion As God himself without respect to Persons made the Earth by his Power established the World by his Wisdom stretched out the Heavens by his understanding Jer. 51.15 so he never made Kingdoms and Nations for Popes or Princes but both the one and the other for the Comfort and Solace of the governed Think you that if his Vicars or Ambassadors or Vice Royes govern otherwise than according to his own Rules and Precepts who will measure all by his own Line and righteousness by his own Plummet that they shall go unpunished I tell you nay but except they repent they shall all likewise perish His Holiness himself not excepted according unto Jer. 23.1 2. Wo to the Pastors that destroy and scatter the Sheep of my Pasture Therefore thus saith the Lord ye have scattered my Flocks and driven them away and have not visited them behold I will visit upon you the evil of your doings I say again is it reasonable to believe that ever God who created light and darkness Heaven and Earth the Sea and all things that are therein and created and formed all Mankind in general a little lower than the Angels out of one and the same Clay in his own likeness and after his own Image without respect to these or those Persons Popes or others and gave unto Mankind in General Dominion over the Fish of the Sea and over the Foul of the Air and over the Cattel and over all the Earth and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth and all this for the good and comfort of all men in general should yet subject all Mankind Emperors Kings and Temporal Princes not excepted to the will and pleasure of one Pope or one Vicar or one Ambassador or one Vice-Roy as Vniversal Monarch to be governed and guided by the Will and pleasure of these men because they stile themselves Gods Vicars nay Gods on Earth whereby one Mans will may become all mens misery No! God made all Governors in the World for the good and happiness of the governed and not the governed to be subject to the Will Lusts and Pleasures of the Governors he never gave Precepts nor Commands relating to Government and Governors but what conduced to the good of the governed and alwayes rebuked and punished all such Governors as well those that he anointed and set up himself as severely as those whom the People did choose that walked and governed contrary to his Rules and Precepts Did God think you send his own Son out of his own bosom to take on him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man humble himself and became obedient to that shameful death the death of the Cross for us Men and our Salvation in General And can we then be so sottish as to believe that all Mankind were made to be Slaves and Vassals unto one Compito one Vicar General made Governor by themselves by delegating their own Power without divesting themselves thereof upon this or that man for their own good and benefit and for the better Government of their whole body either explicitely or implicitely alwayes implyed and alwayes so to be understood undoubtedly all Governors in the World whether Ecclesiastick or Civil be their Power what it will never so absolute never so Arbitrary yet by the Law of God they ought to govern no otherwise than Christ himself would govern were he come in glory to Reign on Earth and to square their Actions according to the Dictates and Laws of God delivered unto us by the Prophets and Apostles And tho so to govern be a happiness and a favour indeed unto the Subjects yet it is an absolute duty unto God and Man and of which he will certainly one day exact an Account The reason is demonstrable for that no man living Paternal Government excepted nor any number of men whatsoever can have any compleat lawful Authority over any Politick Society of men but he must have it either by consent of Parties or immediate appointment of God Hooker 70. Notwithstanding this natural right of publick Societies I appeal to all Story if ever it were Recorded that ever any Pope quitted his pretensions to his Supremacy or to his pretended power over any Temporal Prince that was at variance with him since the day that they first took them up unless he were Cudgelled into better manners and better obedience
Loving one another of Doing all things decently and in order of Laying Hands suddenly on no man and describing Qualifications sit for the same to be their Guide and Directions That the Bishops and Priests were chosen by Popular Election until the Days of Constantine and some time after hath been demonstrated out of St Cyprian and others Afterwards when Pride Ambition Covetousness Self-Interest and Affectation of Domination had more universally corrupted the Minds of men and after the Donations of Constantine had given more Honour and more Power to the Christians then more eminently began the Spirit of Antichrist to work and every Interest began to set up for it self and the Priests and Bishops began then to be chosen sometimes by the People or Brethren sometimes by the Emperors sometimes by the Emperors People and Clergy and sometimes by the Clergy and People according as the several Interests grew more or less potent till at last it devolved where now it is at Rome even on the Cardinals who are well advanced from being Parish-Priests of Rome to be Peers and Compeers with Kings and Princes Vid. Fra. Paolo Sarpi of Beneficiary Matters It is undeniable that the Popes themselves were so chosen An. Dom. 233. p. 158. sometimes by one Interest sometimes by another Cornelius the 20th Pope was made Bishop of Rome by Testimony of the Clergy and Suffrage of the People It is true the Council of Laodicea congregated An. D. 364. under Liberius the 35th Pope or according to Coriolanus An. D. 321. Ordained That it was not to be granted to the People that they should make choice of those that were to serve at the Altar c. 13. But what Right they had so to Ordain appeareth not Notwithstanding which Bishops were chosen by Popular Election after this Council as may appear by the Great Nicene Council Assembled according to Baronius 6 years after the Council of Laodicaea in their Synodal Fpistle to the Church of Alexandria and to the beloved Brethren of Aegypt Libia and Pentapolis apud Theodoret lib. 1. c. 9. And that they enjoyed the same Liberty before the Nicene Council is clear by St Cyprian Ep. 68. Sect. 4. The People obeying the Lords Commandments and fearing God ought to separate themselves from a sinful Ruler and not to intermingle themselves with a Sacrilegious Priest seeing they especially have power either to elect worthy Priests or reject unworthy All the Romans as well Laity as Clergy chose Leo the 45th Pope Pelagius the Second the 63d Pope was chosen by the People so was Gregory the First the 64th Pope And so was Vitilianus the 76th Pope § The Suffrages of the People are so clearly manifested by all Antiquity that Pamelius himself in Ep. Cypr. 68. saith We deny not the old Rite of Electing Bishops by which they were wont to be chosen the People being present yea rather by the Voyces of the People for that it was observed in Affrica is evident by the Election of Eradius the Successor of St Austin concerninig which there is extant his 100 Ep. In Greece in the Age of Chrysostom as appeareth by his Third Book of Priesthood In Spain by Cyprian and Isidore in his Third Book of Offices In France by the Epistle of Celestinus In Rome by those things which were spoken upon the Epistle to Antonianus yea every where else by the 87th Epistle of Leo and that this Custom continued until Gregory the First appeareth by his Epistle yea even unto the Times of the Emperors Charles and Lodowick as it is manifest enough out of the first Book of their Chapters And the same Pamelius in another place saith The Manner of choosing the Bishop of Rome was often changed First St Peter chose his Successors Linus Cletus and Clemens then Anacletus and the rest unto the second Schism between Damasus and Vesicinus were Created by the Suffrages of the Clergy and the People If Pamelius a Papist confess all this what need have we of farther proof tho Histories swell with more of like Proofs Besides the Antiquity the Reason that it ought to be so hath the general Gospel and moral Equity for its justification God having set down no certain Rule for the way of Election it is most just and equitable that the People should choose their own Pastors because their own Souls the most precious thing that ever God created were concerned therein and for that by their so Electing they were the more engaged more quietly to receive and more diligently to hear the Word of Truth from their Mouths more heartily to love and reverence their Persons and also more chearfully and bountifully to maintain their Pastors and Bishops whom they themselves had chosen Before Constantines Conversion which according to Baronius was about the Year 312. the Elections without dispute were made by Clergy and People both in the Eastern and Western Empires but after his Days and Donations there grew Disputes Animosities and great Troubles between several Interests about Elections and more especially about those of the Bishops of Rome In his Days succeeded 3 Bishops of Rome Sylvester Marcus and Julius all chosen by the Suffrages of the Clergy and People And though in the Choice of Liberius Successor to Julius Constantius intermedled not yet before that he did interpose in the East and cast Proclus out of the Church The truth is sometimes the power of Election was given to the Emperor by Pope Canons and Councils sometimes the Emperor devolved his power again to the Clergy P. Adrian Leo Clement all with a Council granted it to Charles Otho and Henry Senate and People The Custom of choosing by the Emperor continued from Vigilius to Benedict the Second in which space there were about Twenty Popes all Created by Imperial Authority And P. Adrian the First with a whole Synod gave to Charles the Great who confirmed the Donations of Pipin who gave the Possessions of the Exarch of Ravenna and also Pentapolis as a Patrimony to St Peter which first enabled and encouraged them to contend affront and set at nought Kings and Emperors in future Ages the Right and Power of choosing the Popes and disposing of the See Apostolick and granted to him the Honour of being Patricius and designed that Bishops in all Provinces should take Investitures from him and that a Bishop should be Consecrated by none unless he were first invested by the Emperor Theoderick de Niem saith De Jure Princip Imperii cited by the Bishop of Ely in Resp ad Apolog. c. 8. the Roman People granted to him and translated upon him all their Right and Power and according to their example P. Adrian with all the Clergy People and the whole Sacred Synod granted to the Emperor Charles all their Right and Power of Electing the Pope Here all Interests pretenders to have power of Election voluntarily without compulsion devolved all their Authority upon the Emperor Charles and consequently was then indisputably invested therewith which
vel indignos recusandi quod ipsam videmusde divina Authoritate descendere ut sacerdos plebe praesente sub omnium oculis deligatur c. whereby it appears that the supream Power of choosing such Priests as are worthy and refusing unworthy doth principally rest in the People And he speaketh of Bishops particularly although in the words alledged he mentioneth Priests and withal it is not only St. Cyprians Epistle but the Epistle of thirty six Bishops and written to the Common People of Leon Asturia and Emerita Vide his 14. Epist of his 3. Lib. such Authorities we may alledge but not mystical and enforced Explications nor yet wrong Conclusions from right Premisses The Faithful Flock of Christ ought to resemble Sheep indeed in humility and innocency yet ought they not to be so sheepish or sottish as to decline the Authority which Christ their great Shepherd hath bestowed on them either of choosing them a Good or of judging a Wicked Shepherd St. Austin proves unanswerably that Doctrines are to be grounded on the Literal Sense of the Scripture and not on any Mystical Interpretation In this equivocating Art of Sophistry Bellarmine hath shewed both in this Subject as in others his great dexterity first to settle with the Reader the Relation which the Holy Church hath towards the Divine Majesty and then to conclude on the Relation towards the Pope such false Sophistry such disingenuity becomes not so great a Prince so great a Scholar as himself but the Parisians no Protestants conclude that God hath called the Church to the Faith and his Worship and that he hath placed Christ over it for an Head for ever who first himself did govern it on Earth in the days of his Flesh but being ascended into Heaven doth rule it with inward influence and assistance invisible unto the end of the World It is true that the Church is not a Common-wealth as Venice or as Geneva which give as much Authority as themselves please to their Dukes and Princes nor a Kingdom which may change the manner of governing it neither invisibly nor visibly because that Christ hath prescribed the manner much less is it such a Kingdom as England which hath a Blood-Royal where the Kings succeed by Birth neither as some other by Testament but as touching the Inward Government and meerly Spiritual it is not like unto any because it hath a perpetual Immortal and Eternal King who only knows the Heart and tries the Reins In the visible Government it hath a Ministry whose Authority was instituted by Christ and independing of the Church but as concerning the Application of this Authority unto this or that Person it is elective or depending of it Wherefore when he alledgeth I am constituted a King by him Our Lord God shall give him a Kingdom Luke 1.32 and 12.32 You chose not me but I have chosen you John 15.16 Thou hast made us to our God a Kingdom All these places and such like others are meant of the Invisible Spiritual and Interior Kingdom where the Pope hath no regiment nor influence at all but Christ is all in all governing by his Spirit and according to the Council of his own Will Thus he having laid down and proposed to use a Proposition or Doctrine quodammodo and in some sense true and having Validity under the Covert of an Universal yet having applied it to wrong Particulars it hath lost its Energy and Effort and its fallacy is discovered A piece of Artifice and Skill that runs through the Veins and Lines of most Popish Writers in the Controversies between us and them and what else is this but to make Lies their refuge and under Falshood to shelter themselves If Popes may now excommunicate as they pretend yet this concludes not that they may excommunicate Princes or Magistrates or whole Common-wealths The Primitives of old did use excommunication very sparingly and moderately and with great prudence and policy and with great respect to the good of the Church And therefore be the Power what or where it will St. Augustine holds an Excommunication against a Multitude though it were for some notorious and manifest sin too sacrilegious pernicious impious and insolent Lib. 3. contra Ep. Permen 23.4.4 c. non potest And Thomas putteth a Question whether any generality may be excommunicated and he answereth himself No and produceth Reasons for the same concluding that the Church appointeth with great Providence that no Community might be excommunicated And all other Divines with one accord determine the same And also Pope Innocent the 4th in the Chap. Rom. saith In Vniversitatem vel Collegium proferri sententiam Excommunicationis penitus prohibere de Sentent excom in 6. We must know that it is of worse consequence and example where ●t is used against Princes than divers other Bodies and Societies in as much as one Prince is of more consequence and power than thousands of other Lay-men We know also that in all Judgments there is a necessity of a Legal Trial to precede Conviction And that great Multitudes may be convented examined sentenced and punished with less disturbance of Peace less violation of Majesty than those that sway the Ball-Imperial Besides if the condemnation of Princes might be upon due Trials without violence yet the execution of the Sentence would produce more monstrous events in them than in private Men for how shall the People honour obey and reverence him in the State as Gods Lieutenant whom they see accursed cut off and abhorred in the Church as the Devils Vassal upon the excommunication of Princes whole Nations have been interdicted witness England Venice and other in the times of several Popes whole States subjected to ruine the Innocent with the Obstinate the Princes with the People all have have been sacrificed to Blood-thirsty-Popish-Priests under pretence of obedience to the Holy Catholick Church In what Code of the Ancient Church can it be found where any such strange kind of punishment was ever instituted as that for the offence of a few many Millions of Souls should be accursed cast out of the Church and in Popish construction damned How can they call that Power Apostolical that punisheth in this manner seeing the Apostolical Power was given for edification and not for destruction And yet so precipitate have some Popes been as to excommunicate whole States and Kingdoms Surely therefore we ought not so tamely to acquiesce on the bare ipse dixit of the Clergy pleading in their own Cause and for themselves only exclusive the Laity Certainly it is too small a security for so great a concern therefore let us a little examine what they urge for this exorbitant Power § If Kings be not this way punishable then they are no other way which is mischievous in the Church Sol. The Jewish Kings were as great and scandalous sinners as Kings-Christian now are yet God assigned no Rulers Spiritual for their Castigation and we must suppose that if it had
that in many places it was irreverently used and cast out of the Church and many other Enormities committed which they seconded by oppugning the established Ceremonies and it is not improbable but that if the Liberty here pleaded for were granted but that the same disorders and confusions would also return and therefore for these also amongst many other reasons Antecedent also as for avoiding diversities of Formes and Opinions and for establishing Consent touching true Religion and Worship and for removing of some Offences taken by Calvin and his followers whose design it was to have this as well as other Churches to depend on his direction It was thought fit by our Learned and prudent Governors both of Church and State the better to settle peace and truth and to keep out Error and Superstition to Establish a Liturgy and Rubrick As Reformation was a Work most glorious so it was a work most difficult because it was to Null and cancel such Customs and usages in Divine Worship as tract of time Age after Age for many Generations had made so habitual and had taken such deep root and Impressions in the Hearts and Souls of the People of all sorts from Father to Son that in humane reason it appeared almost impossible And therefore a Work not to be undertaken by blew-Apron or Tradesmen nor yet by giddy Phanatick Multitude nor indeed by any but by the Supream Magistrate and therefore a Work fit only for a King and such a King only as was fit for such a Work fit to match the Empress of Abominations and of the World and such a King proved Henry the 8th Having great courage and great understanding and great resolution without which requisites he could never have done what he did § As our Author in his sixth Chapter hath given us his Account of the Reformation and of the Introduction of our Liturgy not without some unbeseeming reflections on so great so good a Work to make the better way for the design of his Book so I shall take leave to give you also a short account thereof for the better Justification of our Liturgy and leave the Reader to Judge and favour which he please Tho Henry the 8th from his Cradle lived in an Antichristian Age and Church so that he suckt in the very Milk of the Mother of Harlots and Abominations and tho he made great havock of the Blood of Saints and Martyrs scourging them to Death with his Six knotted-Whip of Articles And tho he made great havock of the Popes Power and Patrimony wrongfully so called and not excrescences For indeed Monasteries c. That he destroyed and took away were for the most part exempt from Episcopal Jurisdiction and wholly depended on the Pope who was not so much the rightful Head of the Church then as was this Henry the 8th and therefore were not so essentially belonging to the Church as were the Bishops and their Patrimony yet it cannot be denied but that he left the Officers and Fathers of the Church that were more truly so the Bishops in many respects in a better condition then he found it both in respect of the Polity and the Endowments of it and also in order to a Reformation of Doctrine and Worship the Polity was mended in that he banished the Power of the Pope and setled it on himself to whom it did more rightfully belong and on his Bishops moderated the extream Severity of the Six Articles abolished the superstitious usages observed on St. Nichola's day all which may abundantly be seen in the Church History and by his Proclamation of Sept. 19. 1530. by a Publick instrument of the Convocation dated March 22. after acknowledging him to be Supream Head of the Church of England as also by several Acts of Parliament viz. H. 24.8 c. 12.25 H. 8. c. 1.20 21. and 28. H. 8. c. 10. In Order to a Reformation H. 8. first permitted the Bible to be Translated by Mr. Tyndall Anno 1530. afterwards Martyr But some Bishops having ill Characterized him to the King it was afterwards suppressed But the Popes Authority declining about the year 1536. the King issued out an Order for a New Translation indulging in the Interim the use of a Bible then passing under a feigned Name of Mathews Bible not much differing from Tyndalls which came forth Anno 1540. which was called the great Bible and sometimes Coverdales Bible or Translation the publick uses thereof and of all other Translations was interdicted 1542. and so continued without leave of the King or Ordinary first had until Edward 6. repealed that Statute and introduced the publick use thereof again according to Miles Coverdales Translation which doth not much differ from Tyndalls from this Translation doth our Liturgy derive the Translations of the Psalms and other Portions of Canonical Scripture since which time we have had two other more exact and refined Translations one in Queen Elizabeth her time called the Bishops Bible another in King James's time that the Psalms and other Portions of Scripture in our Liturgy were not altered in Queen Elizabeths days according to the best Translation then extant was because it could not be done without altering the whole Frame of the Liturgy which the Sages of those times thought not prudent to endeavour by reason of the different temper of those Parliaments in which it had always some potent Enemies but why they were not lately altered with our Liturgy and as the Scotch Liturgy before had been I can give no account If the last Translation be the most perfect why were they not made Conformable to that and so compiled if it be not the best why is it commanded to be used at all H. 8. by his Injunctions 1536 and 1538. abolished Church Holy dayes and Holy dayes in Harvest time he banished the Popes Supremacy and asserted his own he forbade Images and Pilgrimages commanded Prayers in the Mother-tongue and every Parish to provide a Bible in English and to place it in the Quire for every Man to Read therein and no Man to be discouraged from it but to be exhorted thereunto the Lords Prayer to be Learned in English Sermons to be made Quarterly at least with Instructions not to trust in Works divised by Mens fantasies besides Scripture as in wandring to Pilgrimages offering of Money Candles or Tapers to feigned Reliques or Images or Kissing or Licking the same saying over a number of Beads not understood or such like Superstition and therefore all such Images to be pulled down that that most detestable offence of Idolatry may be avoided the commemoration of Tho. Becket to be quite omitted Fox 1247 1250. In farther Order to a Reformation in points of Doctrine he first caused his Convocation Anno 1537. to Compose a Book expounding the Creed the Lords Prayer the ten Commandments the Avy Mary and the seven Sacraments more agreeable to the truth then formerly and it was called the Institution of a Christian Man But this Book lay
I abhor the thoughts of it as will appear hereafter there being a Vast difference between such a Tolleration of Idolatry Superstition crying sins and therefore absolutely unlawful and a Remission only of some few severities in some Acts Canons and Injunctions which relate only to Formalities that tho in construction of Law may be exacted yet may be dispensed withal without prejudice to sound Doctrine or good Conversation and without which the Worship of God would be as pure and sincere Indeed all Acts Canons and Injunctions whether they relate unto Uniformity or not ought according to their own Nature to be sincere and free from all Traps and Covert designs to exclude any that Profess the same Faith and Worship tho many cannot perhaps thro meer tenderness of Conscience submit to every thing therein enjoyned In Concerns of this Nature Scripture in a more especial manner ought to be the Rule of Resolutions and that abstractly and purely without mixing and bringing with them Interest Usurpation or Artifices of men else what were it but by Edicts to lay Snares in Mispah and spread Nets upon Tabor to use Laws Menaces and subtleties to keep Gods People from his Court and Sanctuary and Confine them to State-Religion and to Walk after the Mode of the Commands of men Those Non-conformists Non-assenters that have received Order which they could not have had but permissu superiorum by the Licence and under the Authority of the King in our Laws expressed For no Man hath Power to give himself either Orders to be a Priest or Institution to a Pastoral Charge but must depend upon another Power who by Acts Canons and Edicts long since published and extant hath directed the qualifications of the Persons to be Ordained the manner and Form how the Persons who ought to Ordain them c. and they could not be ignorant that the Liturgy and enjoyned Ceremonies were by the Imperative Constitutive Government of this Church and State to be Countenanced and used in publick Churches by the Bishops Presbyters and Pastors either they consulted their Consciences when they entered on the Ministery by taking Holy Orders whether they could Comply and Submit unto the whole Frame of Government and Polity of this Church Constituted by Act of Parliament from whom they were to receive Authority and Licence to Exercise their Function Gifts and Talents or they did not If they did not they are inexcusable for entring on so Sacred a Calling Stamped with an Indelible Character so rashly so unadvisedly without perspect or foresight of Consequences and yet if they were so pur-blind as not to see one step before them yet their neglect herein cannot be Pleaded in their Excuse it being their own Fault in Common Justice no Court will permit any man to take Advantage of his own misdemeanors or failings Besides hath not every Minister that hath receiv'd Pastoral Charge twice or thrice if not oftner witnessed his allowance of all and singular the 39 Articles of our Church once at his Ordination before the Bishop then at his Institution into his Benefice before his Ordinary and both these by Subscription under his own hand and afterwards upon his Induction before his own Flock and that by verbal Approbation he hath not only acknowledged in the Church the Power of Ordaining Rites and Ceremonies 20 Articles But he hath after a sort bound himself openly to rebuke such as willingly and purposely break the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church as Offenders of the Common Order of the Church and Wounders of the Consciences of the weak Brethren and hurters of the Authority of the Magistrate Artic. 34. and is it not enacted 1º Eliz. c. 2. that they shall be punished pro ut in the Act that shall Preach declare or speak any thing in derogation or depraving our Liturgy c. Are not then such Dissenters obliged both in Conscience and by virtue of their own Voluntary Acts and Subscriptions to be constant to their own Hands and Tongues if they would be accounted Faithful in Gods House as was Moses And is it reasonable then to hearken unto such Pleading against their own Voluntary Acts and Subscriptions their own Hands and Tongues Besides quo jure with what Face or Conscience can they expect Temples maintenance protection and all things requisite for their Ministery from that Law and Government that they will not Protect Countenance nor submit unto § Indeed it seems to me an old piece of Conscientiousness if not Impiety to enter the Holy Ministerial Function to day when they are sure without Conformity to be silenced to morrow Besides it is Nicety and Indiscretion to exact an express Rule of Scripture or Faith for the Cross in Baptism for standing at the Creed Kneeling at the Lords Beard for Habits in Divine Service the usual sear-Crows of scrupulous men In these cases consent of the Church or Tradition may suffice so there be no express Law of Command to the contrary He that exacts in these Points as express Rules of Faith or Warrant of Scripture for his Obedience to Ecclesiastical Government as he would or as every man ought to do for adventuring upon Worshipping of Images Invocation of Saints c. doth make his Brain or Fancy the chief Seat of his Religion which should be seated in the Heart and Intitles God to the Fancies and Chymaeraes of their own Brains Thus to disobey the Church in these Cases wherein it hath Authority to Command Obedience is to disobey those Mandates of God which give the Body of the Church Authority to make Laws to Govern it self by in things indifferent neither expresly Forbidden nor expresly Commanded by the Law of God I know the Apostles Rule is let every man be fully pers●●ded in his own mind 14 Rom. 5. And this full perswasion or assurance of Faith is in the Cases there mentioned necessary because whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin v. 23. This last Maxim is undoubtedly true and the former Precept most exactly to be observed in such Causes as the Apostle there speaks of that is where the positive Practise unless our Warrant be Authentick in it self and evident to us is very dangerous or deadly whereas on the contrary the forbearance of such Practise is either safe or not prejudicial to our Souls but to our Bodies only or State temporal such Ceremonies as be neither against Faith nor adverse to good manners in the Judgment of St. Austin ep 11.8 go for indifferent and may be Born in Christian Unity without Offence or Confusion If God hath left things indifferent what Authority can make them necessary Let them be so still and their nature not changed by any Injunction and Unity will necessarily ensue Quodam modo it may be true that in Ordination there is something which they receive thereby from God Independent of the King or any Civil Power viz. Authority to T●●ch Baptize and Administer Sacraments by Virtue of Ordination And ●● is as true that
Civil Magistrate to be Custos utriusque tabulae unless be meant by Keeper the Defender only And averrs That it is a false and deceivable Maxime not to be defended or maintained by any Proof or Argument which hath not in that his Treatise been first or last refuted Therein also averring That there can be no place left for the Magistrate or his Force in the settlement of Religion by appointing either what we shall believe in divine or practice in religious things And that to compel but outward Profession is to compel Hypocrisie not to advance Religion And that Christian Liberty sets us free not only from the Bondage of Ceremonies but also from the forcible Imposition of Circumstances of Place and Time in the Worship of God though imposed with a confident perswasion of morality in them which he holds to be impossible in Place and Time And that the settlement of Religion belongs only to each particular Church by perswasive and spiritual means within it self And that the defence of things religious setled in the Churches within themselves and the repressing of their Contraries determinable by the common light of Nature only belongs to the Magistrate All which he endeavours to make good by four Spiritual Reasons as he calls them as on a firm square 1st That Protestants have no other Divine Rule or Authority from without them warrantable to one another as a common ground but the Scripture and no other within them but the illumination of the Spirit so interpreting that Scripture as warrantable only to our selves and to such whose Consciences we can so perswade can have no other ground in matter of Religion but only from the Scriptures And these being not possible to be understood without the Divine Illumination which no man can know at all times to be in himself much less to be at any time for certain in any other it must follow That no Man or Body of Men can be the infallible Judges or Determiners in matters of Religion to any other Mens Consciences but their own f. 6. Wherefore if we count it a crime for Papists to believe only as the Church believes how much greater crime will it be for a Protestant to believe as the State believes And it being the general consent of all Protestant Writers That neither Traditions nor Councils nor Canons of any visible Church much less any Edicts of any Magistrate or Civil Session but the Scripture only can be the sinal Judge or Rule in matters of Religion f. 7. and that only in the Conscience of every Christian to himself which Protestation made by the first publick Reformers of our Religion against the Imperial Edicts of Charles the 5th imposing Church-Traditions without Scripture gave first beginning to the Name of Protestant And therefore the Conscience not being the Magistrates Province he ought not to force or impose because he hath no right to judge and yet when he comes to the Toleration of Popery he seems to be of another mind averring § But as for Popery and Idolatry why they also may not hence plead to be tolerated I have much less to say For that their Religion the more considered the less can be acknowledged a Religion but a Roman Principality rather he might have said an entire Apostacy from the Apostolick Faith endeavouring to keep up her old universal Dominion under a new Name and meer Shadow of Catholick Religion being more rightly named a Catholick Heresie against the Scripture supported mainly by a Civil and except in Rome by a Forreign Power Justly therefore to be suspected not tolerated by the Magistrate of another Country besides of an implicit Faith which they profess the Conscience also becomes implicit and so by voluntary servitude to Mans Law doth forfeit her Christian Liberty who then can plead for such a Conscience as being implicitly enthralled to Man in stead of God almost becomes no Conscience as the Will not free becomes no Will Nevertheless if they ought not to be tolerated it is for just reason of State more than of Religion which they who force though professing to be Protestants deserve as little to be tolerated themselves being no less guilty of Popery in the most Popish Point And for Idolatry who knows it not to be evident against all Scripture Old and New and therefore a true Heresie or rather Impiety wherein a right Conscience can have nought to do and the work thereof so manifest that a Magistrate can hardly err in prohibiting and quite removing at least the publick and scandalous use thereof The Second Scriptural Reason is If we should grant the Civil Magistrate were able to judge in those things yet as a Civil Magistrate he hath no right because Christ hath a Government of his own sufficient of it self to all its ends and purposes in governing his Church and is much different from that of the Civil Magistrate 1st Because it deals only with the Inward Man and his Actions which are all Spiritual and to outward force not liable 2dly To shew us the Divine Excellency of his Spiritual Kingdom able without worldly force to subdue all the Powers and Kingdoms of this World which are upheld by outward force only That the Inward Man is nothing else but the Inward part of Man his Understanding and his Will and that his Actions thence proceeding yet not simply thence but from the Work of Divine Grace upon them are the whole matter of Religion under the Gospel The Third Scriptural Reason is from the wrong the Civil Power doth with its Force or Imposition by violating the Fundamental Priviledge of the Gospel the new birth-right of every true Believers Christian Liberty The Fourth Scriptural Reason is from the consideration of all those ends which the Magistrate can pretend to the interposing of his force therein which can hardly be other than 1st The Glory of God 2dly The Spiritual good of them whom he forceth or 3dly The Temporal punishment of their scandal to others § Mr. P. N. in his Treatise of the same Subject P. N. his Opinion P. 22. with the other of J. M. is far more ingenious herein not only asserting the Supremacy and Authority of all Kings and Civil Magistrates in general over all persons and things Ecclesiastical both by Scripture Reason and Authentick Authors but also of our Kings in particular most pertinently and particularly out of our own Municipal Laws and Constitutions to boot He doth therein also as strongly assert Independency which rightly stated and rightly understood is without doubt the Tenent and Practice of our Church both by Scripture and by the Opinion of sound Judicious and Orthodox Divines very great Friends unto and Contenders for Episcopacy as Bishop Bilson Dr. Jackson Mr. Hooker and others But the Independency of Churches which these Men and others as Orthodox as themselves plead for is not altogether the same with that which P. N. and other his Associates do contend for These Men maintain that
or for any other sinister end or if their consultations should be managed by superior power or faction as not long since in that pack'd brib'd Conventicle at Trent Independently in their esteem made up of Titulars and Pentioners and Bishops they have no like interest in the former promise For any Church visible or representative whose Individuals are not so qualified the greater part whereof for number or more principal Authority may be Infideles aut Haeretici occulti Hereticks or Atheists in heart for though their persons and profession of their Faith may be to us mortals visible yet the sincerity of their hearts and faith is to us invisible And I can say Amen also to some part of the affirmative which follows viz. That we as well as they do profess our dependency also to be upon Christ alone for the government and management of this his Kingdom and thus being dependent upon Christ our only Lawgiver James 4.12 who is the wisdom of the Father and best knoweth how to govern his own house But I cannot from hence conclude them Independent as they do in respect to the Authority or Soveraignty of any other Person Church Synod or Power whatsoever there is modus in rebus difference between staring and stark mad between submitting to Superiors as if they were Lords and had dominion of our Faith and to our Superiors representative making wholsom Laws for order and good government only and those not exclusive our consent neither virtually at least Yet I say that this also may be true in some part as in Substantials though not in Circumstantials As if Authority should command the administration of the Eucharist which was instituted by Christ himself in the days of his flesh and is of so mysterious and so spiritual a nature that whosoever shall add or diminish from it will be in danger of the menace recorded Revel 12.18 19. in one kind only as our holy Father at Rome doth when as Christ commanded to be given and received in both kinds or should command service in an unknown tongue contrary to St. Pauls prescript 1 Cor. 10. such Canons such Commands may come within the verge of the Statutes of Omri indeed and consequently no obligation on any Church or Person to submit thereunto but this holds not in innocent Circumstantials Therefore to quote Mich. 6.16 to me seems very strange as if there were no difference between our Canons and the Statutes of Omri who did worse than all that were before him walking in all the ways of Jeroboam 1 King 16.25 26 who did sin and made Israel to sin 1 K. 14.16 as if no difference between his Priests who consecrated whoever would even the lowest of the People Priests of the high places and our Bishops and Priests Priests of the most high God as if no difference between Jeroboams Calves and our service but both must be alike Idolatrous this is hard But I forbear only the 6. of Mich. 16. will not warrant the Assertion as to us what ever it may do at Rome they must if they can bring better proofs the Text is not in the least applicable to our Discipline and Polity this is plainly to pervert Scripture and comes within the verge of the Paraenesis prescribed § Those famous Churches of Jerusalem of Ephesus Corinth Smirna c. were of old quasi National Churches or at least instead of them pro tempore for that then and in those days there were no National Churches no Kings or Common-wealth Nursing-Fathers of the Church so that when Religion was planted in chief Cities these Cities wherein no doubt were several Congregations were as it were the Mother and chief Churches and in all probability the minor Churches in the Suburbs and Villages next adjacent unto such Churches had more especially recourse for advice unto the next Metropolitan or more ample Church who had all the powers rightfully belonging to a Compleat Church But it cannot demonstratively be made out that every Parish or Congregation in those days was a Plenipotentiary Church to all intents and purposes and that they were Independent in their sense For instance in those famous Churches of Philadelphia Pergamus Thyatira Sardis Laodicea c. as Independent they cannot for that as each of those Churches had many Presbyters so consequently they had many Congregations and yet the Title of Church was attributed only to each Church in general and to the Angel of that Church as chief Governor thereof and not to every particular Presbyter and his gathered Congregation there Nero quaesitissimis poenis affecit quos proflagitia invisos vulgus Christianos appellabat Auctor nominis ejus Christus qui Tiberio imperante per Procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio affectuserat Repressaque inpraes●ns exitiabil●s sup●rstitio c. Tacitus Annul l. 15. c. 10. and these Churches in all probability were governed by the whole number of the faithful but whether ex praecepto or prudenter only I leave to every man to judg I must confess that I do not know any one Church in the whole New Testament that is characterized as Independent the most probable to have been so is that of Cenchrea and that only because it was a very poor maritime Town a few leagues distant from Corinth and yet it is said to be Oppidum Corinthiorum navium statione celeberrimum ideo frequens valde populosum the Port of that City and therefore not so very probable to have been Independent more probably happily that Church in Caesars House may be thought to have been Independent because gathered under the Nose of Nero that cruel Tyrant and consequently might not have so free recourse to other Churches for advice What should here follow concerning the power of the Civil Magistrate shall be referred to a more proper place § A more plausible Argument for Independency and unobserved by any that I have yet read is viz. that when Christ sent his twelve Apostles two by two into several Coasts to preach his Gospel and to teach all Nations c. It was not that the Churches gathered by St. Paul should be subject unto the Government or Inspection of St. Peter or unto the Churches gathered by him nor that the Churches gathered by St. Peter should be subject unto the Judicature of St. Paul or the Churches gathered by him and so of all the other Apostles but every Apostle and his gathered Church had a right of Ecclesiastical Government intrinsick within it self not depending on any of the other Apostles nor responsible for their Actions to any other Church Person or Officers and that divers of the Apostles met in Council at Jerusalem to settle some urgent things then controverted and not then agreed on was prudential only and voluntary not essential compulsory or obligatory yet a practice very worthy of Imitation § That the Apostles and other Ambassadors of Christ were so sent and that they and their Congregations were independent in point of Discipline
teach his Body the Church all things and should continue with them unto the end of the World § For soon after his Ascention the Apostles together with the rest of the Body being met together in a great Assembly and after they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and great Grace was upon them all 4. Act. 31.32.33 and accordingly the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man to profit withal to one the Word of Wisdome to another the Word of Knowledge to another faith c. and all by the same Spirit 1. Cor. 12.7.8 and all these for the edifying of the Body of Christ 4. Eph. 12 For though the Body be one yet hath it many Members and all the Members of that one Body being many are one Body whereof Christ is the head 1. Cor. 12.12 In the visible Government of the Church Christ appointed and instituted a Priesthood in which likewise it is dissimilar to all temporal Governments which quodam sensuis Independent of the Church though touching the application of the Authority to the Person it is elective and depending of the Body of the Church under this Priesthood is comprehended Bishops and Presbiters now what their Authority and Powers are vide their Commission 28. Mat. 19.20 go teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and loe I am with you always unto the end of the world other Powers besides these and laying on of hands especially coercive I know none derived unto them by any text of Scripture These Bishops these Presbiters these Ministers or Pastors are not Lords and Masters as in the Roman Church but are Servants to the Body of the Church For we preach not our selves but Christ Jesus the Lord and our selves your Servants for Jesus sake 2. Cor. 4.5 and these Authorities are not coercive but are given them to exhort reprove rebuke beseech intreat for Christs sake and by the mercies of God c. 12. Rom. 3. chap. 15.30 1 Thes 4.1 according to the Doctrines Precepts Rules and Commands set down in Scripture which are able to make us wise unto Salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus and which is profitable for Doctrine for reproof for Correction for instruction in righteousness that the Man of God may be perfected throughly furnished to all good works 2 Tim. 3.16.17 These and such like only are all the Powers that belong unto the Priesthood by any Law of God and there is no need of any other for what concerns punishment for Sins or the breach of moral Duties or municipal laws the Body hath Power to make laws and ordain punishments for any of its Members § I know that they have a long time hooked in by Head and shoulders a kind of coercive Power Excommunication by usurping to themselves the Power of Excommunication a thing I must confess that hath made a great noise and buzz in the world but in truth a magnificum nihil a meer ignis fatuus there being no such thing in the whole new Testament as now used and that which Pope and Presbiter would have to be it is as much in the Power of the Laicks against them as in them against the Laicks and most truly in the Body of the Church In the Romish Church the Bishop or his Vicar excommunicateth without the advice or participation of any many times also the Register only and that which is most important by Authority deligated a Clark of the first Tonsure deputed Comissary in some slight Cause doth excommunicate a Priest Yea Leo. 10. in the Council of Lateran in the 11. Session by a perpetual constitution of his hath granted faculty to a secular person to excommunicate the very Bishops and that which doth more import Navar saith c. 27 no. 11. that if any man shall obtain an excommunication of some Prelate if the obtainer shall not have an intent that the party be excommunicated he shall not be excommunicated moreover he saith ch 23. num 104. that the excommunication pronounced by the Law it self against him that payeth not a Pension for example sake on the Vigil of the Nativity is not incurred by him that payeth it not no not in many month's and years after if the Creditor thereof would not have it incurred But if on the other side after many Month's or Years he would have it incurred it is reputed to have been incurred from the day of the debt from the Vigil of the Nativity and so is the stile of the Court but the Council of Trent hath now expresly provided otherwise Ses 25. c. 3 forbidding secular Princes that they hinder not Prelates to excommunicate nor command that any excommunication be revoked considering that this is no part of their Office by this you may in little see what a nose of wax is made of excommunication and all this and much more grounded and occasioned from wrong Glosses put upon plain Texts But of this more fully hereafter § Though the Congregational men have not fully modelled out unto us the Platform of their Government and Discipline as the Presbyterians have done yet in general they do affirm Independency and Church-Government that to each gathered Church Christ hath given all Power and Authority requisite unto that Order and Discipline which he hath instituted for them to observe and to execute the same with Commands and Rules as before And negatively that there is not instituted by Christ any person or Church more extensive or Catholick entrusted with Power over other Churches and that each particular Church consists of Officers and Members which Members they call Brethren and the Officers they stile Pastors Teachers Elders and Deacons and that there are no stated Synods in a fixed combination of Churches nor any Synods appointed by Christ in any way of sub-ordination to one another nor no one Church to have Power of Censures but of inspection only over other Churches and Members thereof that Counsel and Advice might mutually be communicated That it was so in the days of the Apostles and continued so for some Generations after every Individual gathered Church every Christian Societie as it is natural to all Societies as well Christian as Civil governing it self by its own Laws and Constitutions whithout being obliged to any other superintendency hapily is so manifest that it would not be gainsaid But when the Church became planted and spread its Branches and took root in divers Nations and whole Common-wealths became Christian and Kings and Queens and other Civil Governments became Nursing-Fathers and Mothers of the Church then of necessity for the quiet state of the whole the case came to be altered it being then impossible that every individual Member or Brother of any Christian Kingdom or Common-wealth should personally meet to make Laws
would continue together so long as conveniently they might They sent also some of their Number to the Octavians or Councellors that were trusted with the management of all affairs of the Kingdom for their assistance but the President with some Choller answered that as these Controversies were begun so they should end without their advice Having failed herein they sent to the King humbly entreating a surcease of the Process against Mr. Blake c. to which the King returned this gracious Answer that if yet they would pass by the Declinator or declare at least that it was not a general but particular Declinator used in the case of Mr. David Blake as being a cause of flander and pertaining to the judgment of the Church he should also pass from the Summons and surcease the Suit This not pleasing they resolve to stand to the Declinator unless the King would pass by the Summons and remitting the Suit to the Ecclesiastical Judge make an act of Council that no Minister should be charged for his Preaching at least before the meeting of the general Assembly Whereupon the Proclamation was published the Commissioners charged to depart out of the Town and Mr. Blake by a new Summons cited to the last of November The Commissioners being advertised thereof they advised a Petition to the King and Noblemen praying the King that he would remit the determination of the differences to a lawful Assembly and not to incroach upon the limits of Christs Kingdom upon any pretence exhorting the Noblemen that as they had been so they would still keep themselves free from working any prejudice to the liberty of the Gospel and being Executionres of the Malicious devices of those who sought the thraldome of the Gospel and that they would procure by their credit a continuation of all Controversies unto a free and lawful Assembly This Petition prevailing nothing Blake appeared and was convicted it being sound that the crimes and accusations contained in the Summons were seditious and treasonable and that his Majesty his Council and other Judges substituted by his Authority were competent Judges in all matters either Criminal or Civil as well to Ministers as other Subjects Though Robert Pont after the Summons were read protested that the Process in hand and whatsoever followed thereupon should not prejudice the liberty of the Church in matters of Doctrine whereunto the King answered he would only censure Treasonable Speeches of a Minister in a Sermon which he and his Council would judge Notwithstanding all this so gracious was the King that he sought by all gentle means and sound reasons prosering Pardon Amnesty and Restauration to Blake c. But the more gracious his condescentions were which were not a few the more refractory stubborn and insolent were the Presbyters insomuch that when the King sent to them that he did not intend to use Blake with rigor Mr. Robert Bruce in the Name of the rest answered that if the matter had concerned Blake alone the offer might be accepted But the liberty of Christs Kingdome had received such a wound by the said proceedings usurping spiritual Judicatory as if Blakes life and the lives of twenty others had been taken it would not have grieved the hearts of good Brethren so much as these injurious proceedings had done and that either these things behoved to be retreated or they would oppose so long as they had breath Brave Blades still and they were as good as their words standing it out to the uttermost by somenting sedition and raising tumults till at last some of the chiefest of them were forced to fly to New-Castle Upon all these Conferences with the King and answers returned of his Messages the Burden of their Song was still That their Messages and Commission ought not to be controuled in a Civil Judicature nay tho they preached seditiously or rebelliously for which tho they ought to be punished yet it ought to be first cognossed by the Church unto which the King once replied and shall not I have power to call and punish a Minister so preaching but must come to your Presbytery and be a Complainer I have good proof in the Process of Gibson and Ross what justice you would do me When nothing would satisfie them on the second of December sentence was given that Blake had fasly slandred and treasonably calumniated the King and his Queen Queen Elizabeth the Lords of his Council and Session therefore his punishment being remitted to the King it was ordained that till his Majesties pleasure should be declared he should be confined beyond the North Water and enter into his ward within six days There were several Treaties after this Sentence in order to an accommodation but still the same spirit reigned in them and they returned as proud and insolent answers in so much that the Lord Lyndsey told the King on their behalf that they durst convene against his Proclamation and do more than so and that they would not suffer Religion to be overthrown at which the King leaving the room Lyndsey returned to the Church and said there was no course but one Let us stay together that are here and promise to take one part and advertise our Friends and the Favourers of Religion to come unto us for it shall be either Theirs or Ours Hence a great clamour to Arms to bring out Haman others cryed The Sword of the Lord and Gideon so great was the fury of the People This produced new Petitions and new Conferences yet all but second parts to the same tune Great is Diana of the Ephesians the Liberties and Prerogatives and Scepter of the Church they will cry some hours some weeks together rather than they will lose their spiritual Independent Monarchy and Judicatory over King Council and People and during this furious contest Mr. John Welch preaching in the High Church said the King was possessed of a Devil and one Devil being cast out seven more was entred in place And that the Subjects might lawfully rise and take the Sword out of his hand which he confirmed by the example of a Father that falling in a frenzy might be taken by the Children and Servants of the Family and tied hand and foot from doing violence Brave Gospel Doctrine fit for Antichrist and his Pulpits who may perhaps grant Priviledges and Prerogatives to his Church exempting his Clergy and Ministers from all questioning But my Creed is that happily such Priviledges and Liberties may be in their Books or in their Alcoran but not in Bibliis sacris Thus the Chorus and Burden of the Song is that every Contradiction of a waspish Priest is an incroachment upon the limits of Christs Kingdom a prejudice to the liberty and seeking the thraldom of the Gospel c. whereas in truth it is the Priests that have incroached and usurped upon the Priviledges and Rights of the Church truly so called Deus bone as slight as they make of the King and his Council and other the Laity
Politick the other Ecclesiastick what then hindereth that the Church now also on whom God hath bestowed a Christian Magistrate should be less content with one Government To me it seemeth monstrous to place two heads upon one body of a visible Church whose Commands Decrees and Government are divers so that the rule of one is not subject to the care of the other For the Ecclesiastical Senate or Presbytery would have the Supream Power of Punishing Vices even in Magistrates themselves though not with Corporal Punishment yet with Excommunication and debatring them from the Sacraments whereas one Magistrate appointed by God may now as well bridle all transgressions as he could of old was it not so in the Kingdom of Solomon which was as it were a Type of Christs Church reigning on this Earth And I do not find either under Moses or under the Judges or Kings or under the Government of those which were called Rulers such two discrepant Judicatories Nature denies saith Musculus two Authentick Governments in the same People whereof one is not subject to the other It is manifest that David did dispose of all Offices and Ministers of the Church 1 Ch. 22.27 Afterwards Solomon did not only build but consecrate the Temple and not a Priest Hitherto belongeth that famous History of Jehosaphat in the 2 Chr. 19. which doth perfectly clear this cause as also doth the History of Ezekias and indeed the whole Old Testament It is too well known that though Papists and Presbyters do allow something to secular Magistrates in the Rule of the Church yet the Supremacy of Power they do utterly and in very terms deny And having obtained possession of power in the Church and that as they hold out by Christs own institution they are very loath to resign the same again at the demand and into the hands of Princes It is true that when our Saviour first gave Commission to his Disciples to Preach Baptize and Propogate the true Faith in the World secular Authority being universally averse thereunto he was of necessity to commit for the present both Doctrines and Discipline to the charge of his Apostles yet not without a promise That Kings should be their Nursing Fathers and Queens the Nursing Mothers of his Church who though now they are come in and become friendly to Religion and willing to advance the spiritual prosperity of the Church as well as of the Temporal of the State yet both Papists and Presbyters having got possession are loath to be disquietted dreaming of a Spiritual Empire belonging to Priests more worthy and Sacred than that of the Emperors and so secretly preferring the Crosier before the Crown § Power and Government are things most awful and honourable and the truest owners thereof next under God are Princes whom the true legitimat Church ever looked upon as Cods immediate Vicegerents Deputies and Governours thereof St. Peter 1.2 Writing to the Church in the time of a Heathen and Impious Emperor commandeth every Soul to be Subject to the higher Powers He acknowlegeth power in a very Nero and that to be the higher Power And to that Power of that Nero he subjects every soul Christian and Heathen Priest and Layman and it may not seem strange that meer Power and Rule in an unbeliever and wicked Prince should be so sacred and inviolable We must take notice that the wickedness of Princes in ill Commands though it discharge us as to those ill Commands yet it doth not discharge their power or Rule either in those or any other For when Princes rule well they are to be obeyed when ill they are to be endured and this very endurance is an effect of obedience and subjection The violence of this or that Nero may be Tyrannous but the lawful Authority whereby the same violence is done is not Tyranny Neither is the Office of Kings the less Glorious because they can use force nor yet that of Ministers the more Glorious because they may use none but perswasive Motives and Allurements For Power it self being a Glorious Divine thing it must be most honourable to use it in Gods Cause and his Glory and the advance and increase of his Flock and Kingdom and therefore we see Iosiah and other good Kings are commended for using compulsion and on the contrary other Kings which used it not for the suppressing of Idolatry removing the high places and the like did draw curses on themselves and their subjects And whereas it is objected by I. M. and others that Force and Compulsion restrain only from the act of sin but not the Will from the liking thereof and that to compel outward profession is to compel Hypocrisy not to advance Religion But we see common experience teacheth us better effects thereof For Scotland Holland Denmark Sweden Bohemia England c. suffered great changes of Religion in a short space and these changes were wrought by the force of Civil Magistrates and could never else without strange Miracles from Heaven have been so soon compassed and these Changes have not proved the less sincere because Civil Authority wrought them as the Samaritan first believed Christ on the Womans word but then for his own sake so those that were compelled to the Wedding so many Papists in Queen Elizabeths dayes which came to our Churches first to save their Purses afterwards came out of liking of which the Pope being advertised forbad it and made it a Signum Distinctivum It s a shrewd sign that that Babe is spurious which the Mother is ashamed to bring to light and that is Falshood and Dross not Truth and Gold which dares not abide any Test and that those Masses are not of a Divine Origine that must be celebrated in an unknown Tongue and trusted only with the Priests who are parties to the Cheat. Besides the means used in all Laws of God and man to induce obedience are rewards and punishments both which may occasion Hypocrisie Corrupted man is as inclinable to dissemble Religion which he believes not as well for hope of reward as for fear of punishment which is vitio personae non praemii vel poenae else God would not have appointed them as mounds of his laws and motives of obedience The pious example of a good King is of mervelous inducement towards Religion yet one may hypocritically dissemble his Religion to please his Prince Example is so powerful a motive that it is said to compel 2 Gal. 14. Peccant magistratus cum minis paenis alios peccare non prohibent 13 Nehem. 17.21.22 If Nebuchadnezar erect his prodigious Idol and upon pain of a Fiery Furnace require all to worship it all People Nations and Languages are presently upon their faces If persecution be but threatned Demas-like we presently forsake the fellowship of Saints and imbrace this present world On the other side rewards of honour and preferment will cause some Balaam-like to run and ride and become more sensless of Gods wrath and indignation than
for Supremacy over Causes and Persons Ecclesiastical and Civil but let them accompt it their most Supreme Service to attend on that Supremacy so shall more honour and sanctity pass from Pope and Presbyter to Kings and Emperors and more efficacy and vertue from Kings to Ministers more Grace and happiness from both to the People § Excommunication The main Argument used both by Pope and Presbyter to raise the Miter and Consistory above the Crown is drawn from the power of the Church in Excommunication which Sword Church men only claim and wherewith they think they may as freely strike Princes as Princes may strike them with their Temporal Sword of both which a word in general and also in particular as it relates to Princes Excommunication that great Popish and Presbyterian Thunderboult and Diana of their Discipline claimed to be their due Jure Divino and so highly exalted by them that it is not more monopolized nor advanced higher at Rome than it would be here by them within their Precincts if not curbed by the Civil Magistrate so apt it is to be tyrannically abused by Pope and Presbyter for experience tells us that if they might have their Will they would by virtue thereof put such a Spiritual Pad-lock upon the Temporal Sword and by their In ordine ad Spiritualia take such fast hold of it themselves that if they and Christian Princes should chance to differ they may be sure so long as their Doctrine concerning it will be believed to have the drawing of it themselves and leave poor Christian Princes to whom the Sword of Right more antient than Papacy or John Calvins Presbytery more properly belongs to defend themselves with the Scabbard for which several of them have paid dear witness amongst others those 17 Scotish Ministers who being convented before the Council of Scotland for holding a solemn Assembly at Aberdeen without the Kings leave 2. July 1605. utterly denied the Authority both of King and Council in that behalf affirming that in matters Ecclesiastical they neither ow nor ought to acknowledge themselves in any subjection either to the King or to his Council and that all spiritual differences should be tryed and determined by the Church meaning thereby themselves the Clergy for which cause and for denying the Kings Supremacy 6 of the chief of them were arraigned and condemned at Blackness in Scotland January 10. 1605. and how insolently some of the same Tribe vsed King James more than once he himself hath published in Print and their imperious exhorbitances may be read as in several other Books so in Presbytery Displayed printed 1644. and how they used King Charles the first I. M. hath demonstrated in his Tenure of Kings therein manifesting that they founded the Premises that enabled the Phanaticks to conclude that sanguinary and unparalled Catastrophe And that their good deeds also may be remembred we do recount them to have been very instrumental in the restoration of the Son which is some kind of expiation for their injuries done unto the Father Some and those of no small esteem in the Church are of opinion that the exercise of Excommunication was then only needful when no visible Church had any legal or civil remedy to preserve its unity or purge it self of gross Offenders or that the right or power of Excommunication which the Apostles and immediate Successors had did utterly expire when once whole Cities and Common-wealths became Christian and were enabled from the Supreme Civil Magistrate to punish Offenders and to enact coercive and penal Laws and other means necessary for the spreading and promulgating of the Gospel Sure I am that experience hath made it more than probable that after the Church and Common-wealths were so linked and interwoven together that every Member of the Common-wealth was enforced to become a Member of the Church and to be so admitted by the Church Governours the edge of this spiritual Sword was very much abated and the force of former spiritual Ordinances became stifled with the multitude of those persons against whom they were directed whether the defect be in the power it self or in such as have but to do not use it as they ought certain it is that this branch of discipline is not in our days so effectual as in former times it hath been The meer spiritual Power with which alone the Apostles and their Immediate Successors were endued was of greater efficacy than both the remainder of the like spiritual Power in Dermier Bishops and Pastors and all the strength of secular Civil Power wherewith Princes States or Kingdoms since the mutual incorporation of Common-wealths and Churches have as they were in conscience and Jure Divino bound assisted Prelates and Church Governours of this nature seems to be the Apostolical Rod. 1. Cor. 4.21 wherewith Paul threatneth the Corinthians whereby is meant as he explains himself 2. Cor. 13.10 ch 10.16 ch 13.2 To use sharpness to revenge all unrighteousness not to spare all which are expressions of a certain miraculous vertue of impossing punishment Thus Annanias and Saphira fell down dead 14. Acts 13. Elymas was smitten with blindness 1. Tim. 1.2 Himeneus Alexander and the Incestuous Corinthian were delivered to Sathan 1. Cor. 55. § To deliver to Sathan was plainly a point of miraculous Power which inflicted torment on the Body such as Saul in former times felt after his departure from God as Chrisostome and other Fathers interpret This is certain when the earthly powers used not their right of punishing God had given them to purge and defend the Church what was wanting in human aid God himself supplied by divine assistance After the Emperors took on them the Patronage of the Church whose office was to punish them that troubled the Church without or within the forenamed divine punishment expired And most properly that divine execution of revenge was the jurisdiction of God not of Men because the whole work was Gods not the Apostles God that he might give testimony to the truth of the Gospel preached as at the Apostles Prayers or presence or touch he healed diseases and cast out Divils so at their imprecation commanded men to be vexed with Diseases and seized by Divils Nor did Paul more by delivering men to Satan than did Peter and John by curing the lame man who say they did nothing by their own Power Acts 12. and ascribe the whole effect to God At the Prayers also of the Church did God often shew the like signs of his displeasure therefore are the Corinthians 1. Cor. 5.2 blamed that they mourned not to the end the Incestuous person might be taken away from among them And to the same effect is that wish not command of the Apostles to the Galatians 5.12 would they were cut off that trouble you This kind of Excommunication if it may be so called was a Corporal punishment and there is no appearance of any internal obduration by the binding power of Pope or Presbyter and
Election of Bishops purporting that a Cathedral being vacant the Metropolitan should write unto the Chapter the Name of him who was to be promoted who should afterwards be published in Pulpit in all the Parish-Churches of the City on Sunday and hanged on the Door of the Church and afterwards the Metropolitan should go to the City vacant and examine Witnesses concerning the Qualities of the Person and all his Letters Patents and Testimonials being read in the Chapter every one should be heard that would oppose any thing against his Person of all which an Instrument should be made and sent to the Pope and read in the Consistory But such a Decree was too good to pass in that Packt Council which having too much publick respect to the publick Good even of their own Catholick Church Protestant Churches having not the same reasons to complain was oppsed by all Arts and Industry by the Bishop of Bertinoro General Laynez and by all the Pentioners and Favourites of the Court of Rome which by much was the major part for the many and great inconveniences that would ensue thereby And what were they Forsooth that such a Decree would be a Cause of Calumnies and Seditions and that thereby some Authorities long since taken away would be restored to the People V●● Ao 870. Distinct 73. Padre Paolo Defence 75. with which they would usurp the Election of Bishops which formerly they were wont to have that this was to bind the Authority of the Pope that he could not gratifie any one Just and pregnant Reasons I must confess to perswade unto Usurpation of the Right of others and therefore it could not pass The like Opposition was made against the Article concerning those who were to be promoted to the greater Orders in which it was also said that their Names ought to be published to the People three Sundays and affixed to the doors of the Church and that their Letters Testimonial ought to be subscribed by four Priests and four Laicks of the Parish alledging that no Authority ought to be given to the Laicks in these Affairs which are purely Ecclesiastical 725 726. what Right soever they had unto them In the Discourse also of the Reformation of Cardinals a Congregation was ordained on purpose to consult and find a means that Princes might not intermeddle in the Conclave in the Election of the Pope so jealous and unwilling are they to have any Laick great or small to come within their Verge their Scrinia sacra or to intermeddle in such their Concerns though they have none de Jure but their Priesthood but what they have either obtained by Power or usurped by Fraud or by the Supineness or Favours of Pious Princes But when some of the Council thought in order to Reformation to make a Constitution that no Bishop should have any Temporal Offices either in Rome or in the Ecclesiastical Dominions that even that also would be a great prejudice to the Ecclesiasticks of France Polonia and of other Countries and Kingdoms where they are Councellors of Kings and have the Principal Offices of which they would soon be deprived by the instigation of the Secular Nobility for their own Interests and therefore that String was not to be touched upon but left unto the Popes ordering Furthermore the Bishop of St. Mark in the Dispute about the Title of the Council of Trent had the boldness to aver that the Laicks are most improperly called the Church for that the Canons determine that they have no Authority to command but Necessity to obey and that the Council ought to Decree that the Seculars ought humbly to receive the Doctrine of Faith which is given them by the Church without disputing or thinking of it Petro Soave Polano 141. That is in Romish understanding that that Religion which the Pope Obedience unto him being made by them a true Mark of the Church doth please to give them ought to be embraced by the Laicks without dispute What is this else but plainly and grosly to mock the world and to think all men Fools and Cuddens but themselves and to perswade themselves that all their Absurdities should be believed without more ado What is this less than to perswade Rational men that they are Bruits Horses or Asses void of all understanding or that hearing they do not hear or that seeing they do not see or that perceiving they do not understand Qui vult decipi decipiatur § Thus have I unto the meanest Capacities made plain and evident both by Precept and Practice out of the Word of Truth the Title and Interest which the whole Congregation of Believers have unto the Appellation and Powers of the Church and unto Ecclesiastical Concerns without wresting or perverting any one Text of Scripture § Now the Pope would very much oblige us if he would vouchsafe unto us but only one plain Text to warrant the Powers he exerciseth and lays claim unto over the Laity or how he comes to be so essential to the Church as to be put into the very definition thereof It being plain downright nonsence if it be good manners to say so to aver that any one single person alone how great soever can suffice to make a Church a Congregation for that at least two or three are necessarily required to make an Assembly or Congregation Ecclesia or the Church even in its Natural and Grammatical Construction signifying a Plurality or Multitude be it Civil or Ecclesiastical And as it is a new so it is an absurd kind of Trope devised by the Romanists to make the Pope a single person to signifie the Church I know the Papalins are most excellent Artists most rare Alchymists surpassing even those our Brethren Roseae Crucis who are modest Mountibanks in respect of these Audaces Jesuitae for they took the whole Book of Genesis to found their Phanatick Chymaeraes upon but these can extract their extravagancies out of two or three words only viz. Pasce oves meas i.e. Feed my Sheep out of this Word Pasce Bellarm. hath extracted so many Quintessences so many Elixirs so many Legions of Diabolical or Antichristian Arguments for the Popes Pride and Grandeur that he can hardly desire any thing that these would not afford him will he be a King as well as a Bishop and will he have Temporal Power to be as extensive as his Spiritual Bellarmine assures him that it is so for that Christ said to Peter Pasce i.e. Regio more Impera Play the Rex at pleasure In the ancient Church when any Heresie disturbed the Truth and publick Peace a grave Assembly of Bishops and others were called and the Book of God fairly laid open before them and out of it were all Doubts determined Now Scriptures and Councils are needless Will the Pope be supreme Judge of all Controversies Lib. 4. De Rom. Pontif. C. 1. C. 3. Bellarmine thinks the Claim to be well grounded upon this Pasce Joh. 21.17 And it is
a great wonder in his Judgment that the Pope was never thought infallible till this last age since this Pasce implies this also so clearly and if the Hereticks do not believe that his Holiness hath power to make new Articles of Faith and when they cry shame upon Pope Pius the Fourth for adding Twelve new Articles to the old Apostles Creed it is because they are ignorant and know not what Pasce signifieth In sum this one Word with them contains more Matter than all the Bible besides It works Miracles makes the Pope omnipotent gives him all power not only in Heaven and on Earth but even in Purgatory a place that God knows nothing of for if you ask by what Authority he takes upon him to pardon Sins and Souls after Death to give or sell the Saints Merits to dispence with Oaths to depose Kings and dispose of their Kingdoms or if he list to murder them c. If you look the Popes Lexicon as Dr. Potter well observes you shall find that Pasce expresly denotes all this Authority and enables him to be not only a Prince or a Pastor or Bishop but even a Butcher too by the self-same Logick for what is murdering of Kings and that by Mariana his quacunque arte less than savage Butchery For according to Sententia Baronii Cardinalis super excommunicatione Venetorum Ministerium Petri est duplex pascere occidere Feed my Sheep Joh. 21.15 16 17. Kill and eat Acts 10.13 dixit enimei Dominus Pasce oves meas Joh. 21.15 16 17. Audivitque è Coelo vocem occide manduca Acts 10.13 The Words I confess are plain and words of truth and their natural Sence obvious to every Capacity but such Conclusions and Deductions from them as are drawn by the Popes Partizans and Sycophants are strangely uncouth and utterly unknown to right Reason and so notoriously false that they carry their own Confutation in their Foreheads that they that run may read them and need no other Answer yet in their due place they shall be touched § But to return The Esteem and Powers allotted to the Brethren or body of the Church by the Apostles they did preserve unto themselves above 250 years after Christ which is very plain and manifest by the abundant Testimony of the most Antient Fathers and Old Canons as by Clement First Bishop of Rome who lived in or near the Apostles days by Tertullian and Cyprian who lived in the Third Century with divers others but because to cite the whole Caravan of Witnesses at large and in particular would make this very Paragraph swell into a Volume I forbear and shall only gently touch some of them hereafter that by them you may guess at the rest § As in the first and purest times the Name and Title of Church was common to all Congregations and Societies of Believers so unto them also according to all antient Records did belong also the Use and Propriety of the Goods which were called Ecclesiastical in which times the poor and the Ministers had their Food and Rayment from one common Fund or Bank and which is observable those were more principally provided for than these But not long after this excellent Use was perverted by the Subtilty of the Clergy and the poor put in the lowest place which according to the former Use ought to have continued in the first and chiefest And when the Name of the Church became appropriated to the Clergy only all other Christians being excluded then that was applied to few which belonged to all and that to the rich which first served for the poor In the beginning of those Times the Clergy having divided among themselves all the Revenues of the Church the Charges which before were and were called Ministeries and Offices of Spiritual Care the Temporalty and Profits being now most esteemed were now called Benesices and so long as the Old Canons remained that one man should not be Ordained unto Two Titles Titulus was the Old Word for a Church Many Ages after Christ A Bishoprick before the World was divided into Parishes was called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Parish and whoever was Ordeined in and for one Bishoprick he could not belong unto two And for many Ages there were no Tithes paid or due but the Church and Clergy were maintained by the Oblations of the People and those by the old Canons divided into four parts none could have more than one Benefice But the Revenues being by Wars or Inundations diminished and become not sufficient for their Maintenance one Man might hold two yet so as that he should attend them both This was begun in favour not of the Man Benesiced but of the Church which because it could not have a proper Minister might have at least some other Service upon pretence of the insufficiency of the Benefice and that none could be found to serve in them they began to grant more of them unto one though no necessity appeared for the Service of the Churches and the Mask being taken away by little and little they were not ashamed to do it for the Man Benesiced But the World being scandalized thereat there was a Moderation used whereupon a distinction began of Men tied to Residence and not tied and of Benesices compatible and not compatible calling those of Residency incompatible one with another Trattato delle materie benesiciarie 144 145 c. and the other compatible with these and with themselves yet the Gloss of the Canonist to make a shew at least of Honesty always declared that many Benefices should not be given to one but when one is not sufficient for maintenance But they cut this Sufficiency very large proportioning it not to the Person but to the Quality not esteeming it sufficient for an ordinary Priest if it were not enough for himself the Family of his Parents three Servants and an Horse and more if he were Noble and Learned And it is strange how much they allowed for a Bishop in regard of the Decorum he was to keep For Cardinals it is sufficient to note the common Saying of the Court that they are equal unto Kings by which they conclude Aequiparant●r Regibus 144. that no Revenue is too much for them except it be more than enough for a King The Custom being begun and neither the World nor Equity being able to resist it the Popes reserved to themselves power to dispence with the Incompatible and to have more than two of the other But to find a colourable way to put this in practice they laid hold on Commendaes Commendaes a thing instituted at first to good purpose but after used to this end only For when by reason of Wars Pestilence and other such Causes the Election or Provision could not be made so soon the Superiour did recommend the vacant Church to some honest and worthy man to take care of it besides the care of his own until a Rector were provided who
that any should not have explicit knowledge of those Mysteries of Christ which are thus publickly plainly and frequently solemnized in the Church Vsh 25. Furthermore this very Discourse hath furnished me with one very good Quotation for the Justifying the command of Liturgies by the Magistrate and hath not impeached the Reasons thereof by any thing he hath written in derogation thereof though he hath endeavoured it After he hath told us f. 33. That in the Latin Church Ambrose used one Form Gregory another and Isidor a third and that it is not unlikely but that the Liturgies were as many as were the Episcopal Churches of those days Hence saith he in the beginning of the fifth he might have said in the fourth Century in which Ambrose flourished by which it appears ex ore tuo that they are no very Novel Invention and that the wisdom of Ages for the good they have found by them have thought fit to continue them to this day and therefore certainly not temerariously to be disputed against in an African Council Can. 70. which is the 103d in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Africanae it is provided that no Prayers be read in the Administration of the Eucharist but such as have been approved in the same Council or have been observed by some prudent Men formerly Ne forte aliquid contra fidem vel per ignorantiam vel per minus studium sit compositum which Canon with some addition is confirmed in the Second Milevitan Council Can. 12. and the Reason given in both is Lest there should any thing contrary to the Faith creep into their way of Worship He farther adds f. 34. That many parts of the World especially the last in those days swarmed with Antitrinitarian and other Hereticks who many of them by unsuspected wiles and dissimulations and subscriptions of Confessions and why may not these be practised again and why may not Princes now use Liturgies a Remedy found out it seems by Prelates and derived to our days attested by many Ages to have been effectual against such and the like evil Machinations of Sathan and his Disciples as well as Prelates did of old endeavoured to creep into the Office of the Ministry of the Church partly out of blind zeal to diffuse the poison of their abominations partly out of carnal policy c. which increased the necessity of composing such Forms of publick Worship as being silled with the Expressions pointing against Errors of those times might be a means to keep Seducers from imposing themselves on Ecclesiastical Administrations Thus there is no Ancient Liturgy but it is full of the Expressions that had been consented upon in the Councils that were convened for the condemnation of those Errors which were in those days most rife and pernitious Though these very Reasons abstract from those relating to the Power of Princes herein prevail very much with me and I am confident will with most rational and most unbiassed Persons for the establishing of Liturgies yet our Author slights them because it doth not appear unto him that these Reasons could possibly be taken from the Word the Practise of the Apostles or the Churches by them planted or those that followed them for some Generations nor from any Council held before their days and so is not much concerned to know what they were If our Author as an unbiassed and disinteressed unconcerned Person had consulted Scripture as much about the Power of Kings in things pertaining to God as he hath done about the Liberties and Priviledges of his own Order he could never have said that these Reasons could not be possibly taken from Scripture for Kings have their Power from Scripture as well as Priests Though I have herein said something of the Kings Power and more I suspect than all of his Profession will cheerfully subscribe unto yet I will say somewhat more here In the Christian Church the Right and Office of the highest Power is not only conversant about the whole Body of Religion but about the single Parts also as Reasons and Examples do evince Indeed it cannot be otherwise for he that hath Right upon the Whole hath Right upon the Parts An Example is Ezekias who that he might suppress the Adorers Superstition took away the Brazen Serpent though set up by Moses and by the same Right against the Decrees of the second Nicene Synod Charles the Great forbade the Adoration of Images Moreover it is most plain that the Supream Powers used their Authority in defining things which the Divine Law hath left undefined The King of Ninevey proclaimed a Fast David commands the Ark to be transported Solomon orders all things for the Ornament of the Temple and after him Josiah who also takes care that the Treasure destined for Sacred Vses be not alienated The Constitutions in Theodosius and Justinians Codes and the Novels and the French Capitulars justifie the same but because not in Scripture I only mention them here It seems very reasonable that if Princes have power to pull down a Brazen Serpent though set up for the healing of the People by a Prophet when once the People commit Idolatry by offering Incense to it that they have also just Power to erect or command an unquestionable Liturgy that may really and effectually conduce to the preventing or suppressing of Idolatry And therefore if the very words of such Liturgy were not commanded precisely to be read but were only in the Nature of a Directory which happily may not be displeasing to our Author what could hinder but that some Popish Priests might again introduce at the time of Baptizing of Infants the use of Spittle the kissing of them the blowing in the face of them to blow away the Devil forsooth to give them the Eucharist and many more such Fopperies now generally difused amongst Protestants and others may baptize in Nomine Patris Filij Spiritus Sancti as we do others in Nomine Patris Majoris Filij Minoris as the Arrians did others in Nomine Patris per Filium in Spiritu Sancto others not in the Name of the Trinity but in the Death of Christ c. and who shall hinder them Other Sacrilegious Priests might also rob Gods dear Children of their Blessed Viands of half their just due in the Eucharist and give them Bread only keeping the Wine to themselves and teach them that the Bread in their Hands is a proper real and propitiatory Sacrifice of Christ for the Living and for the Dead and that which they eat under the shew of Bread to be the very Flesh of Christ whereas in truth they eat only the Substance of Bread and indeed may make them believe that the very Moon is made of Green Cheese infect their Flocks at their pleasure with Arrianisme Socinianisme the Doctrines of Adamites Ranters Quakers and indeed what not And if they did so why were the Prince to be blamed if he did not prevent it if he had no
most true pessimus quisque asperrime rectorem patitur contra facile imperium in bonos qui metuentes magis quam metuendi Salust ad Caesarem the most wicked are the most impatient of Authority and contrarily the best men are the most obedient fearing others more than they are to be feared themselves And therefore that great Prince Augustus had wont to say that Religion and Piety did Deisie Princes The Piety of a Soverain consisteth in his care for the maintenance and preservation of Religion as the Propagator and Protector thereof This conduceth unto his own honour and Preservation for they that truly fear God dare not attempt nor think of any thing either against their Prince who is the Image of God upon Earth or against the State Nothing but Religion can maintain humane Society without it all manner of wickedness and Savage Cruelties would abound Religion only doth bridle and keep in Order Common-weals The State of the Romans saith Cicero himself did increase and flourish more by Religion than by all other means wherefore it ought to be the Princes chiefest care that Religion be preserved in its purity according to the just Laws and Ceremonies of the same He must likewise endeavor to hinder Innovations and Controversies therein For that change in Religion and a wrong done thereunto draweth along with it a change and declination in the Common-wealth as Mecenas well discourseth to Augustus Dion Religion of all Weapons is most potent overcometh all affections and charity it self and is the surest bond of Humane Society Kingdoms are more bounded and more divided by Religion than by any other Confines and Boundaries whatsoever He that is bigot in his Religion contemneth Wife Children Kindred nay his own Life if there be difference in Religion in the same Family the Father is against the Son and the Son against the Father The Mother against the Daughter and the Daughter against the Mother the Mother in Law against the Daughter in Law and the Daughter in Law against the Mother in Law Luke 12.5 3. it is storied to be the Observation of King James of ever Blessed Memory that the Puritans of that Age were not to be obliged and that not without great reason for that no obligation can be Paramount to that of Religion and Conscience wherein God hath the chief Throne As it is not to be tollerated that every one should shape out his own Religion and bring in new Rites at his pleasure and consequently trouble the publick peace so it is most necessary that every one both Kings Priests and People should amend themselves because a good life is a most vehement Orator to perswade And Magistrates are more bound than private men to fear God He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God 2 Sam. 23.3 and it is an Abomination to Kings to commit Wickedness for the Throne is Established by Righteousness Pet. 16.12.14 to be zealous of Holy Faith that they discharge Christ his place in whose stead they are And they are also more bound to avoid Hypocrisie and Superstition to maintain their Power and State in the exercise of Religion to take great heed that that does not happen to their People which sometime fell out to the Jews through Moses long absence who thinking that in him they were deprived of the true God they made them one of Gold A thing which if it were well considered the World would not be at that pass which now it is at He that ruleth with the best Arts of peace useth this as a chief instrument to cause the people to believe this as a firm truth viz. that the Prince is ordained by God for the good of his people and ruleth with approbation of Divine Authority and the Subject consequently is obliged to obey him in all his lawful commands Princes of all others have most reason to justifie and advance Religion as having no other right or title consent excepted to Govern by that is Obligatory If they disclaim that Adieu to all other rights and pretentions For that over any one single person and much less over a multitude and such is every Politick Society in the World no one man nor yet any number of men have compleat lawful Authority to be Lord or Judge Paternal Government excepted which even nature it self hath Established from the very Creation of man all men having ever been taken as lawful Lords and Kings in their own Houses all the World over but by consent of men or by immediate appointment of God unto whom all the World is subject Hook Eccl. Pol. f. 70. As all Princes and Civil Magistrates whether of Kingdoms or Republicks have two callings the one of Christian the other of Governors so in both of them they are obliged by the strictest Bonds of Divine Precepts to serve God both as Christians in observing the Divine Precepts in general as every other private person with all their hearts minds and souls and as Princes also with well ordering of Laws and exemplarily encouraging and exhorting their Subjects to Piety Honesty and Justice punishing all such as transgress Gods Commandements especially those of the Decalogue This Power God hath given to Princes not peculiarly for their own use only so that they may not suffer it to be impaired without sin for that it proceedeth from God and is given by him for the good and benefit of the Governed and therefore they ought to be marvellous careful not to suffer it in the least to be diminished or Impeached by Pope or any other Ecclesiastick who for many Centuries under a shew of Zeal have quo jure quave injuriû endeavoured to make way for their Ambition and to usurp and monopolize that power to themselves which of indubitable Right belongeth to the civil Magistrate least it thereby become insufficient for good and intire Government and thereby both Prince and People suffer Injury and God be offended For if Princes be not bound to the governed yet to God it is a debt and duty which cannot be fully and truly paid but by preserving his publick Authority intire and by no means suffering it to be impeached or diminished which Power is not Arbitrary so as to govern according to fancy quod libet licet and so one mans will may become the cause of all mens misery such an apprehension might cause even a Saint to be misled and to walk besides his rule which is the word of God by me Kings Raign and Princes decree Justice Prov. 8.15 It is unknown to few how Ecclesiasticks for some hundreds of years by-past have with all their might laboured to Usurp Temporal Jurisdiction from Princes and how great progress they have made in it tho not without great disturbances of the Civil Governments wherein they have endeavored it and which the revolution of many Ages hath not as yet wholly recovered and for want of which whole Nations fare the worse unto this very day And of
boldly Written that to restrain the Obedience due unto the Pope unto things concerning the Salvation of the Soul is to bring it to nothing That St. Paul appealed to Caesar who was not his Judge and not to St. Peter lest the By-standers should have laughed at him That the Holy Bishops of Old shewed themselves subject to Emperors because the times so required others adjoyned farther that then it was meet to introduce the Empire of the Pope by little and little it being a thing unseasonable to despoil Princes newly converted of their Estates and also to permit something unto them for to interess them Other like discourses they made which many Godly persons abhorred to read and reputed them Blasphemies Hist of the Inquisition Sparsim § Moreover these were not the Scriblings of some Vulgar Pens but some Ecclesiasticks of very great quality Printed in favour of the Roman Pontiffs cause a very seditious Sheet wherein was affirmed against all sound Doctrine that Marriages within the State of the Republick were invalid the Matrimonial Conjunction Adultery and the Children all Bastards that it was not only lawful butmeritorious for Pastors to abandon their Flocks And whither did all this tend but to unty the very Bonds of the Civil Government of all States To contradict which there was published a Treatise of John Gerson written 150 years before to which was adjoyned a Letter exhorting all Curates to take care of their Churches not fearing the Offence of God by not observing the Interdict Soon after came out a Treatise of Cardinal Bellarmine against that of Gerson then followed the admonition of Cardinal Baronius as also a discourse of Cardinal Colonna endeavouring to terrifie the Prelates and other Ecclesiasticks placed in the greatest places by the fear of censures and the privation of their Dignities and Benefices Bellarmine aimed to shake the devout Consciences by exalting the Authority of the Pope so far as to make it equal to that of God Bellarmine Baro●ius Colonna In summ all the three Cardinals laboured mainly how conscientiously let the World judge to disguise the truth that it should not be discovered These are not only false and Blasphemous but new Doctrines also never known to the Old Romans for many hundred of years The Sun at Noon never saw these abominations until within these 3 or 400 years whereby it is apparent that they are not all Rome which are of Rome neither are they all Legitimate Children begotten in the Lord by the Doctrines of St. Peter but are the degenerate and Bastard Plants and Successors tho they boast of their succeeding Peter in his Local Chair at Rome tho they differ from him in his Doctrines and tho in the truest understanding the Protestants are the Legitimate Children of St. Peter and not those that stile themselves St. Peter's Successors at Rome § The Antient Fathers taught obedience to Princes Antient Fathers taught obedience to Princes but never taught that the Pope hath Power to abrogate the Laws of Princes in Temporal matters or to deprive them of their Crowns or free their Subjects ●● their Allegiance that to depose Kings from their Thrones is a new thing never attempted till within these 600 years and is against the Scriptures and the examples of Jesus Christ and of his Saints and to teach that in Case of Controversie between the Pope and a Prince it is lawful to pursue the Prince with frauds and open force or that the Subjects which do Rebel against him do by that means obtain the Remission of their sins are Doctrines Seditious and Sacrilegious That Ecclesiastical men by Divine Law are not exempted from the Secular Power neither in their Persons nor in their Goods though they have received from Godly and Devout Princes since Constantine the Great until Frederick the Second divers Priviledges which they had power only to grant for their own times and their own Dominions which did exempt them from the power of Inferior Magistrates only but not from their own Soveraign Authority That the exemptions granted by Popes unto the Order of the Clergy have not been admitted in some places and in others admitted only in part and that they have been valid so far only as they have been received that notwithstanding any Papal exemption the Prince hath still power over their Persons and Goods whensoever necessity constrains him to serve himself of them And if at any time they should abuse such exemption to the perturbation of the publick tranquillity that the Prince is obliged to provide a remedy Now that these Evils having gotten such exorbitant growth and have been so troublesom to all States and Kingdoms whom may Kings and Princes blame but themselves who not having that due regard to the Divine Precepts which so straitly oblige them to take knowledge of Gods most Holy Law and of Religion but have altogether neglected this duty as if Religion were a thing that did not concern them and as if they were not to render an account to God neither for themselves nor for their Subjects by neglecting the care and defence of it against the Divine Precepts of Gods word the Doctrine of Sacred Canons and Fathers and the Practice of Pious Princes contenting themselves with a Religion without knowing what it is or how it should be kept from Corruption tollerating for their own Ease and worldly Interests the people to be kept in ignorance and to be deceived by often alterations under pretence and Mask of Religion and Piety with a dayly permission not only to Religious persons but to all sorts of men to invent new Orders and Rites as Jesuitism Inquisition c. for their own profit Interest and Greatness without considering that in the end every old Order Rite and Custom carries along with it its own Credit which invites belief and so Religion becomes changeable and meerly serviceable to the Interests and Ends of those that manage it And these alterations having been once received and a while continued by the present Kings and Princes have been no small obligation to their Heirs and Successors to continue them upon the reason of Authority stampt upon them by time and custom A thing that often happens in all humane affairs but chiefly in Religion when superstition and false Doctrines are broached and invented for ends not suitable to pure Religion and undefiled As every Government so that of the Church more especially requires watchfulness and faithfulness and he that dischargeth himself of these destroyeth himself of so much of his Authority and happily doth not perceive it till it be lost and cannot be recovered again which hath been the Case of many supine and negligent Princes Kings and Princes ought not in any prudence to trust to the Pope or any other Ecclesiastick mens care nor have recourse to any one but to abound in care themselves forbidding all that may hurt a good Government lest his Subjects be circumvented and induced to embrace and favour opinions
milites tuos subtrahis and a little after requirat ergo Dominus meus piissimus quis prior imperatorum talem legem dederit subtilius extimet si debuit dari And concluding in the end what it is that he desires of the Emperor saith unde per eundem tremendum Judicem deprecor ne illae tantae lachrimae tantae orationes tanta jejunia tantaeque elemoslnae Domini mei ex qualibet occasione apud omnipotentis Dei oculos fuscentur sed aut temperanda pietas vestra aut mutando rigorem ejusdem legis inflectat such humble and decent remonstrance well-becoming a Pious Bishop or Pastor deserves not to be termed by Bellarmine A sharp reprehension But what follows is yet more worthy to be considered Ego quident jussioni subjectus eandem legem per diversas partes terrarum transmitto quia lex ipsa omnipotenti Deo minime concordat ecce per suggestionis meae paginam Dominis nuntiavi utrobique ergo quae debui exolvi qui Imperatori obedientiam praebui pro Deo quod sensi minime tacui By which humble expressions it appears that it was not a sharp reprehension but rather an humble and respective remonstrance which hath no agreement with the Doctrine wich Bellarmine hath published wherein he makes the Pope Supream Temporal Monarch and the Princes of the World less than his Vassals as his words do necessarily infer altho they dare not yet avow it in express terms Consider Reader whether Gregory calling himself so often the Emperors unworthy Servant and his saying that as one that acknowledgeth himself subject to his Commandement he had sent abroad into divers parts of the World a Law which in his conscience he held not to be just And that other saying of his that in so doing he rendred unto the Emperor that obedience that was due unto him whether I say these Speeches do agree with the Doctrine which Bellarmine hath published who ever desires to know more of Gregory's modesty prudence and submissive deportment towards his Lord the Emperor may receive full satisfaction if he please to read his 64th Epistle I shall end this with this observation of Bellarmines great subtilty in that he forbears to quote the place it self of Gregory being so exact and subtle in his Allegation of other places But what if Pope Gregory did sharply reprove him It was but his duty Quatenus a Bishop which priviledge belongs to all Bishops as well as to the Pope as being in the same Commission viz. Tell Judah of her sins and Israel of her transgressions so it is but according to the duty of all Priests to dispense the word of truth be therewith displeased who will And all being granted it makes nothing at all for the Impery of Popes over Princes His next Fortress Ch. Novit examined is the Chapter Novit which because it most particularly concerned John King of England you shall have the true ground and History thereof This Chapter Novit de Judiciis was indeed admirably well designed and well Calculated for Papal Grandeur and Impery but not in the least what pretence soever was held out for the just right of Kings or of any other Mode of Civil Government good of Christians or glory of God It was designed purposely by Innocent the Third to trample on the necks of Kings as once that Monster Alexander the Third did on the prostrate neck of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa blasphemously arrogating to himself for his warrant Psalm 91.13 Thou shalt tread upon the Lion and Adder the young Lion and the Dragon shalt thou trample under thy feet as if David more than 1000 years before there was any Pope should particularly Prophesie of Popes And he followed this blow with all the might he had by endeavoring to put it in practice on John King of England and Philip Augustus King of France But the truth is he wanted the Welch-mans Back-sword with two Edges for he neither had the true Bilbo-blade Temporal Power sufficient to force obedience nor yet the Sword of the Spirit Rightful Authority to do what he did He only sent out his Voice yea and that a mighty voice by thundring out his abominable Excommunications which only proved to be vox praeterea nihil Take the Scene and History as it then lay After long Wars between Philip Augustus King of France and Richard King of England About Anno Dom. 1199. Richard died and his Brother John surnamed Lackland succeeded him either by the Nomination or appointment of his Brother as some affirm or by Usurpation upon Arthur who was Son to Geossery another Elder Brother of his But those Territories which John possessed in France submitted themselves to the Dominion of Arthur followed the faction of the French King and was supported by him But at length about Anno Dom. 1200. by means of a Marriage between Lewis Son and Heir and Successor of the French King and Blanche of Castile King John's Sisters Daughter of which Marriage issued afterwards St. Lewis A Peace was concluded between Philip and John wherein Arthur was likewise comprised upon this Condition that John should do Homage to Philip for the Dominions of Brittany and Normandy and Arthur should do Homage for the same unto John After this upon some occasion that fell out Arthur was put in Prison by his Uncle the King of England and there died Anno Dom. 1203. and the common opinion was that he was murthered by his Uncles command whereupon Philip Augustus as Chief Lord of the Fee caused John to be cited to Paris and upon default of his appearance condemned him and confiscated those Territories which he held of him and went afterwards with an Army to seize them into his hands by force John pretended that this was directly against the Peace and Treatise between them and made his complaint to Innocent the Third who commanded both the Kings upon pain of Excommunication to keep Peace and to surcease from War and sent also a Legate unto them for that purpose John for whose advantage this Commandment was did gladly embrace but Philip found himself much grieved and took great exceptions against it and so did the Prelates of France in this behalf unto whom Innocent the Third made that answer contained in the Chapter Novit Philip for all that desisted not from his former purpose but went on and conquered by the Sword all the Territories that the English at that time possessed in France neither could the Pope prevail any thing by his Commands In the year 1208. Innocent the Third Excommunicated John and Interdicted his whole Kingdom which continued six years and three months yet did not John yield to obey the Pope in that he required of him The Pope sent Pandulphus his Legate into France to Philip to perswade him to make War upon John Philip made his preparations accordingly and many Barrons of England combined themselves with him but in the mean time Pandulphus coming into
a sin as great as the former not to wrest and misapply the New Testament only but to hook in the Old Testament also by Head and Ears to serve a wicked turn and to make that intend the Pope also questo dispregiare Dio nel suo Vicario si chiama da Samuel Profeta 1 Sam. 15.23 una sorte d' Idolatria And this despising God in his Vicar is called by Samuel a kind of Idolatry If one should retort and say that so to expound Samuel is a kind of Nonsence what could be said against it The Text and Story is so well known that it requires no repetition There Samuel as a Prophet by Gods express Precept sharply rebukes Saul telling him that Obedience was more acceptable to God than Sacrifice and that it was as the sin of Idolatry not to rest upon his Commandment And shall Bellarmine now put a humane Precept subject to errors in the Ballance with an express Precept from God by a slight of wresting of Scripture Impune Can any Man that hath any spark of Grace bear it with patience that Humane Precepts should be thus equalled with Divine It is horrid Impiety thus to match and rank any man with God Almighty It is Gospel-like to perswade due obedience and reverence to the word of God in the Mouths of Prelates but to enhaunce and inlarge it beyond its just bounds is rather to abuse and villifie than advance it Who can but wonder and stand amazed that Samuel above 1100 years before there was any Pope or Prediction that there should be one or any description what manner of Person this omnipotent Vicar should be should yet by saying that not to obey Gods express Precept delivered by the mouth of his Prophet is as it were Idolatry should thereby intend the Pope And that Bellarmine should conclude from hence that to despise God in his Vicar is called by Samuel a kind of Idolatry Put all this together 1. That Samuel spake of Saul a King because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord not of a Pope or of his Vicar he hath also rejected thee from being King 2. That under the Law God had no Vicar 3. That Peter was Christ's first Vicar according to their own Confession 4. That the Authority of a Prophet in the Old Testament was Infallible yea even in the least things 5. That Christ's Vicar in the New Testament may by their own Confession err except in matters of Faith è Cathedra With what colour or shew of ingenuity or reason can this their great Goliah Bellarmine aver that Samuel terms this despising of God in his Vicar a kind of Idolatry Deus bone Unto what Absurdities will not Pride Ambition Interest drive men unto Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the Faith But they shall proceed no farther for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was 2 Tim. 3.8.9 without doubt one abuse of Power and Authority gives a greater Scandal to the World and is a cause of greater mischiefs than a hundred disobediences of the subject and the person of the Superior as more eminent is much more bound by his greater obligation to God to do his duty quo major sum eo plus laborabo ut Sol. § Tho it cannot be denied that to err manifestly against the Scriptures be the most dangerous and greatest blindness that can possibly besall any Christians and the greatest Chastisement that God can impose in punishment of them whosoever shall make use of the Divine Authority to serve their own turns in any Worldly Interests yet so Cative is their Zeal of inlarging the greatness and Impery of the Roman Pontiffs that Bellarmine and his Crew make no bones of wresting and perverting any Scripture Old or New to make it serve their turns as hath been Intimated before Bellarmine to prove the Pope's Power to be a Supream Power given of God Mat. 16.10 John 21.16 examined he produceth Mat. 16.19 whatsoever thou shalt bind c. and whatsoever thou shalt loose c. and that this power is universal and over all Christ's Sheep he produceth John 21.16 Feed my Sheep which Texts taken in their true and right sence we heartily imbrace i.e. bounded and limited unto things only belonging to the Kingdom of H●●●●n and ●● the Edification of the Church according to Evangelical Rules Hebr. 5.1 2. c. For every High Priest taken from among Men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and Sacrifices for sins c. But from hence to ground a new term of Vniversalium and by this ambiguous term to extend and strain it even to Worldly matters is a Doctrine not true nor peaceable nor according to Christ's meaning Nay Pope Gregory Lib. 7. Ep. 30. held this very word Vniversal supercilious and in very great Jealousie when he was first stiled Papa Vniversalis and said it was a proud Title and imported as much as if he were the only Bishop and no other man Bishop but himself And so to have Authority most Universal is sec quid to say that there is no other Authority but it For if the stile of Papa Vniversalis according to Gregory take away all other Bishops a most Universal Authority Pari ratione must needs take away all other Authorities Now to prove this Vniversal Authority it is said to Peter Matth. 16.19 and in his person to all Popes whatsoever thou shalt bind c. and whatsoever thou shalt loose c. ergo their Authority is most Universal Be it so but then by the same Logick in Matth. 18.18 it is said to all the Disciples and in their persons to all Priests their Successors whatsoever ye shall bind c. and whatsoever ye shall loose c. ergo there shall be sundry most Vniversal Authorities which implies a flat contradiction jam sumus ergo pares Indeed the Whatsoever is Vniversal but it is bounded and restrained by the words before viz. the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven so that what pertains to the Kingdom of Heaven was committed to Peter and to the other Apostles but what pertains to the Kingdoms of the Earth Christ never committed to him and consequently to no Priest or Bishop or Pope whatsoever The Genuine sense of this Text is before delivered The other proof by feed my Sheep is also Vniversal in respect of my Sheep but God denieth by Ezek. 34. that to eat the Fat and to feed themselves and to Cloath themselves with the Wool is to feed his Sheep he denieth that to kill them that are fed that to domineer over thom with force and with Cruelty is to feed his Sheep he denieth that to eat up the good Pasture themselves and to tread down with their feet the residue of the Pastures that to drink up the clear water and to foul the residue with their feet is
to seed his Fock No no Ezekiel shews that their duty is to strengthen the Diseased to heal the Sick to bind up the broken to bring again that which was driven away and to jeek that which was lost this also is consonant to the Doctrine of St. Peter 1. Ep. 2 3. Feed the Flock of Christ taking the oversight thereof not for filthy Lucre but of a ready mind neither as being Lords over Gods Heritage but being Examples to the Flock Besides it can never be proved by Scripture that Christ's instituting Pastors in the Church did at any time exempt them from obedience to the Church she being the Common Parent of all Christians both Ecclesiastical and Secular and the Practice was so in the purest times as may appear by St. Cyprian Lib. 1. c. 4. Moreover when Christ ascended on high tho he led Captivity Captive and gave gifts unto men yet he did not divest himself of all power of Governing his Body the Church Militant here on Earth devolving it on the Pope but doth still continue to govern it internally and Spiritually by the secret influences and illapses of his Spirit and so will do until time shall be no more And altho the Popes have nothing at all to do with this kind of Government nor as yet in terminis have laid any claim thereunto yet their Illustrissimo Bellarmine hath had such effronted Impudence as to aver that the Pope is able to do all that which is necessary to the Conducting of Souls to Paradise unto which end certainly Divine Inspiration is most necessary and can take away all Impediments which the World or the Devil with all their force or Crast are able to oppose which doth covertly insinuate and attribute the same Spiritual Invisible power to be also in the Pope hoping it will not be seen but it is discovered for without such Insluences and assistances it is very improbable if not altogether impossible to be conducted to Heaven and if Bellarmine's Doctrine be good what need of petitioning Heaven for Graces it is but going to Rome a pleasant Journey where we may have all things necessary for our Journey to Paradise for asking for some merry Pence Romae omnia venalia As to the external Government of his Body and Church Militant here on Earth it consists here of visible men The Church to be Governed by its own Body So Christ himself would that it should be governed by visible men without divesting himself of his Spiritual influences and in order thereunto he appointed Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministery for the Edifying of the Body of Christ Ephes 4.8 11 12. Who having in his life-time endowed them with power and commands to teach all Nationis Baptizing c. Matth. 28.19 which is all the Authority that ever Christ gave or bequeathed unto them and which is purely Spiritual without any mixture Temporal and that only as Ministers and Servants not as Lords of his Body which power tho it may be peculiar to the Clergy of the Church as chief Officers and Ministers thereof yet the application of the same Authority to the person is purely elective and depending on the Body hence it follows that the Body or Sheep having chosen their Bishop or Pastor he is now become subject to the Body and not the Body to him which Authority of choosing them a good or of Judging or of censuring a wicked Pastor being given them of Christ their Head and Father they cannot wave or devolve the same without committing great offence against God and if they should yet they cannot wholly divest themselves thereof Besides in disputes among themselves whether the Pope be above a Council very many of the most Learned of them do argue and agree that as the Head or Superior of the Inquisition is not Superior to the whole Congregation of the Inquisition being assembled nor do they admit that the rest of the Body hath no power over the Head especially being such a Head as the Body it self hath constituted They argue the like also from the examples of Kings and Kingdoms of which I shall make this use only that if these be good instances among themselves to prove a Council to be above the Pope it will hold also in minor collective Ecclesiastical Bodies Thus do they abuse all places of Scripture by wresting them from their proper meaning and intendment The Popes claims first modest then Impudent as I have hitherto shewed and therefore the Readers may do well to bear in their memories the Cautions and Observations laid down in the Paraenesis forementioned The pretensions of the Popes were at first modest as I have shewed you in Gregory in respect of that height of Impudence they have now arrived unto They claimed only precedency or Primacy not Supremacy but now their Judgments are Infallible their Jurisdiction Infinite their Empire boundless fetching in and Monopolizing all Churches and Kingdoms All Bishops but their Curates All Kings and Emperors but their Vassals for of the Pope was meant Gens regnum quod non servierit tibi eradicabitur and this Bellarmine Baronius and others of the same Leaven plead for not out of the Decretal Epistles or Constantine's Donations but out of Scripture The first and best Bishops of Rome thought more of their Martyrdom than of an Universal Monarchy expounding Scripture with contentedness according to the natural sence of the Text without racking or torturing it unto wrong ends and purposes But their Successors lost by degrees first conscience then Learning and now at last all Grace and Modesty This their Babel as it now stands was not built in a day but as the itching desires of this or that proud and haughty Pope of enlarging their Fringes and Phylacteries did increase so their claims and pretentions increased therewith At first they claimed a Primacy of Order or at most of Honor not of power among their Brethren only not over them And these contestations were with Bishops not yet with Emperors they medled yet only with the Keyes not with the Swords owning all their power to be meerly and purely Spiritual for the benefit of Souls nothing at all directly or indirectly temporal But when once they had put a Padlock on the Scriptures and Preached Ignorance up to be the Mother of Devotion then the Mystery of Iniquity became quickly advanced to that monstrous height which at this day we see but cannot remedy And the better to set out this Pageant not only some scraps and shadows of old Fathers and Councils but the Scripture it self our Lord Christ and St. Peter are brought upon the Stage and rackt and tortured to do obeysance unto this Monster of Iniquity whereas we may safely swear that there is not one word or Syllable of the Pope or his Power in all the Scripture Old or New but what is due to all Bishops in Common with him save only as he is described
obey them that have the Rule over you and submit your selves for they watch for your Souls c. Not considering that the word Rulers in St. Paul's dialect doth signifie Feeders and Leaders which be the two signs and duties of good Shepards And yet we do not deny but that the Messengers and dispencers of God's Mysteries by Preaching the word Administring the Sacraments and Rights useing the Keys have their Internal and Spiritual Regiment over the Souls as well of Princes as of others But be it that St. Paul saith so altho in truth there 's a great disserence between posuit vos Episcopos and posuit Episcopos between he hath made you Overseers and hath made Overseers And what are these Overseers or Bishops commissionated to do Nothing but to feed the Flock of Christ But be it as they would have it yet nothing can possibly be concluded out of this place that the Pope is above Princes or above the Church any otherwise than any other Bishop is which position is Heresie at Rome But from hence we may conclude that all Bishops have their Authority immediately from God which happily will be as little acceptable at Rome as the other § That place also of Hebr. 13.17 is not meant of the Pope in special but of Bishops in General yea and of all Pastors and Curates also so that it makes nothing for the Pope in particular so far forth as those that are set over our Souls and do truly watch for the good of our Souls by speaking unto us the word of God so far we are to submit to both Pope and Presbyter but no manner of colour to conclude from hence the Pope to be above all Temporal Princes The word here also signifies Leaders as well as Rulers and is to be understood so here for it follows v. 7. Remember them which have the Rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of God whose Faith follow considering the end of their Conversation If we must mark and imitate them then surely they must be Leaders to direct us and not Rulers to Tyrannize over us But whether the word signifies Leaders or Rulers it advantages the Pope and Cardinals n●●hing at all for that they are not thereby meant but all that be Christians and Godly Preachers And the obedience here required is no Corporal subjection to their persons but an inward likeing and embracing of their Doctrine And whom they call Rulers here St. Paul 2 Cor. 4.5 maketh Servants we Preach not our selves but Christ Jesus to be Lord and our selves your Servants And 2 Cor. 1.24 Not that we have Dominion or Rule over your Faith but we are helpers of your Joy And Christ's charge was Mark 10.42 43. and Luke 22.25 The Kings of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them but so it shall not be among you c. And Christ himself was amongst them as he that doth serve Their very function then is to Serve not to Rule their Brethren to feed not to domineer or Tyrannize over the Flock of Christ say or write what or who can or will they will hold the conclusion with Bellarmine that the Pope as Supream Prince Spiritual may change Kingdoms take them from one and give them to another when he shall think it necessary for the Salvation of Souls § Should I dig and rake deeper into the Sink and Pit of Romish rubbish and Errors I should but find it bottomless full of Lyes and Errors backt with Impudency and Obstinacy maugre all that can be said against them and therefore will draw towards an end and conclude from what hath been already written and from what sollows viz. That the Popes of Rome together with their Principles and Doctrines Practices and Trinckets D● Row P●nt Lib. 5. ● 6.7 8 John 8.44 are the silthy spawn and product of their Father the Devil and the Lusts of their Father the Devil they do He was a Murderer from the beginning and so are they both in Practices Principles and Doctrines witness the Inquisition the Popes Slaughter-house their being often drunk with the blood of Saints not sparing Kings nor Emperors no nor yet men more righteous than themselves and that by Mariana his quacunque arte which could proceed from no one that was not Spirited by the Devil and abode not in the truth because there was no truth in him no more have they John 8.24 having erred from the Faith first delivered to the Saints and forsaken the right way and gone astray witness their whole Scheme of false Doctrines their Twelve new Articles of Faith and other false Doctrines of that packt Conventicle at Trent and those Twelve Blasphemous Articles of Jo. Baptista * Mat the end of the book Poza a Spanish Jesuit his Creed and the New-Politick-Gospel-Light of Cardinal Palavicini in his History of the Council of Trent Collected by one of their own Communion their Jesuits Morals c. when he speaketh a Lye he speaketh of his own he is a Lyar and the Father of it Rome a la mode they are his spawn and Children and do his works witness their cheating Auricular Confession foolishly called Sacramental there being nothing of a Sacrament in it the Pick-lock of all the secret Councils of all the Kingdoms of the World holding out that Regicides and the greatest sinners of the World shall go plum to Heaven if but Confest and Absolved tho but in Articulo Mortis by their Priests their own Complices and Confederates in the same Crimes witness also their lying Legends their * Vile Mr. 〈…〉 Forgeries Forgeries their false cheating Miracles their coyning contrary Creeds in the dayes of Constantine and Constantius their raking out the Bowels and intrails of Old Authors Fathers and Councils their Doctrines of Equivocation of Infallibility and Probability their Clementines Extravagants and Decretals for if they were of God they would hear his Word and therefore they hear them not because they are not of God v. 47. for it is impossible that such monstrous horrid Principles and Doctrines such abominable impostures should proceed from any other Spirits but from the Spirits of unclean Devils L●ke 4.33 for had they been born of God his Seed would have remained in them which would have preserved them from those Legions of Diabolical Principles and Practices they now stand indicted and are found guilty of To these great truths bears farther Testimony their own hand writing of Ordinances against themselves even their own Authors and Councils Witness not only their allowance for Fornication non obstante Gods own command to abstain from Fornication 1 Thes● 4.3 Acts 15.21 Ch. 21.4.25 nay not only barely to abstain but to Flee from it ● Cor. 6.8 non obsbante the Apostle imputed it as a great sin to the Corinthians that there was Fornication amongst them 1 Cor. 1.5 and non obstante it be expresly declared by the Apostles that the Body was not for Fornication 1 Cor. 6.18 but for the
and thrown into dead mens Graves and the Priest prayeth God to give that vertue and efficacy After the like manner also is Salt handled at the Christning of Children and when it is consecrated the Priest putteth it into the Childs mouth and commandeth the Devil to come out and thrice ducketh the Infant in the water and with Oyl wherein he dippeth his thumb anointeth the Breast and Shoulders of the Child Women also after their Child-bed when they come to be Churched at their first entring in at the Church door are purified with this water Finally it serveth for many uses and especially when they have to do with Spirits in the night and practise Conjuring And they hallow with certain prayers whatsoever appertaineth to the Apparel of Priests Moreover the water of the Font Tapers Candles Palms the Paschal Lamb as they term it made of Wax Eggs Flesh Cheese Bacon Flower Herbs and flowers herbs and fruits of Trees upon all which things is cast the aforesaid Holy-water When any Church is to be built Hollowing of Churches the Bishop or his Suffragan layeth the first stone of the Foundation and throweth on this salt water and when it is built he goeth thrice about it and first he sprinkleth the upper walls then the middle and after the lowest of all and with his Crosiers Staff maketh the sign of the Cross upon the highest walls that the Devil doth not approach After entring into the Church when certain Songs are ended the Priest strew●th ashes aft●r the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tude of a Cross which done the Bishop with his Staff writeth Gr●●k Letters in the Ashes at the left side of the Cross and Lati● L●tt●rs on the right and afterwards casteth on another Water mixed with Sal● Wine and Ashes wherewith he sprinkleth the Church again and exhorteth the people to Bountifulness and Liberality § In like fort are the Bells used Hallowing of Bells and first forsooth they must hang so as the Bishop may go round about them which after he hath said certain Psalms he consecrateth Water and Salt and mingleth them together wherewith he washeth the Dell diligently both within and without after wipeth it dry and with holy Oyl draweth in it the Sign of the Cross and prayeth God that when they shall ring or sound that Bell all the deceipts of the Devil may vanish away hail thundering lightning winds and tempests and all untemperate weathers may be asswaged When he hath wiped out the Cross of Oyl with a lumen Cloth he maketh seven other Crosses in the same within one onely after saying certain Psalms he taketh a pair of Cens●rs and censeth the Bell within and prayeth God to send it good luck In many places they make a great Dinner and keep a Feast as it were at a solemn Wedding § They hallow Altars thus they take Oyl-Chrism a pound of Frankinsence Hallowing of Altars a Pan with hot coals Salt Water Wine Ashes Hysop one Canvas Cloath to wipe with another siner and softer to cover with five Crosses of Wax a Chalice Mortar two Tapers finally whatsoever appertaineth to the Altar In the mean time the Bishop and the Priests say certain Psalms and Prayers Then doth he sprinkle the Altar in five several places so bestowing the water that it representeth the Sign of the Cross then goeth he seven times about the Altar and casteth thereon water tempered with Wine Hyssop and Ashes Moreover he tempereth Mortar with Water and poureth it out about the Altar Straightways are solemnly brought forth Reliques of Saints which after they be censed are again laid up in their places Afterwards the Bishop swingeth the Altar thrice about with the Censors which then he delivereth to the Priest who censeth continually till the Hallowing be all finished And when he hath drawn out upon the Altar three Crosses of Oyl in several places he poureth out the Oyl and suppleth it in and taking five small pieces of Frankinsence and as many Crosses made of Wax he placeth them here and there and then setteth them on fire The Ashes that are gathered thereof are kept for Holy things Finally he anointeth the four corners and edges and also the Fore-front of the Altar and singeth Mass But the Oyl and Chrisme as they call it is made every where on Maunday Thursday in the Passion Week next before Easter These in times past were had in great Reverence and estimation with all men But when Luther and after him others taught how all Creatures were consecrated by the mouth of God what time he created the whole World these Fopperies began to come in contempt and mockery as trumpery and Juglings however the German Bishops after the Emperor had got the better of the Lutheran Princes restored the same again And more particularly touching the making of Holy Water as they term it they pretend a Decree in the Bishop of Romes's Law which they ascribe to Alexander the Fifth Bishop after St. P●●●r to the intent the thing may be of more Credit and Authority by reason of the Antiquity thereof If they have it from Alexander yet Alexander had it from the Heathen Priests amongst whom it was in use and in great veneration and was consecrated by Numa long before Alexander Aquae asp 〈◊〉 corporis labem tolli castimoniam praestari putabant Ea●● vero Aquam saper terram posuisse piaculum triste omen erat Ideo vas ●ata ore fundo Augusto in quo hariretur ne stare posset in sacris adhibebant quod quid in Flaminicae virgines sacrorum ministrae aut Vest alium samulae non●●●quam pueri Flaminum ministri quos Camillos appellant Patrimi matrim omnes Coronati tenebant manibus Ex hac aq●a aegres curare bone valetudini restitui putab●nt By which it appears that the Heathen Priests used their Holy Water to take away blemishes of the body to procure Chastity and Health and cure Diseases and to spill it on the ground was a sad Omen and a great Crime v. Alex. ab Alex. Lab. 4. c. 17. Guliel Choul in his Discorso delle Religione Antica de Romani printed in Lyons MDLXIX concludes that if we heedfully observe we shall find and discern that the Canons and Orders of our R●●●sh Religion in many things like those of the ancient A●gyptians and R●mans as are the Surplices of our Priests the Stoles the Shooes the Shaving of the head the bowing down of the head as one turns to the Alrar the beginning and ending of the Sacrifice viz. of the Mass the ●ra●●rs Vows Oraisons Hymns Vocal and Instrumental Musick such as Organs Processions and many other things which an ingenious observer may easily collect when he shall have well compared ours with their Ceremonies excepting always and foreprising that those of the G●ntil●s were false and superstitious but ours are Christian and Catholick Credat Judaeas Appello being done to the honour of Almighty God the Father and of his Son Jesus Christ to whom
Catholicorum haec explicantium citantium inseruntur By this holy Inquisition also these men so wise are they in their Generation have endeavoured to appropriate and monopolize unto themselves the whole power of the Press and as much as in them lyes to cajole the secular power thereof and not without grand reason of State Ecclesiastick for they have been so dexterous at it that they have already expunged the ancient Authors and Councils of all that makes for temporal Authority Ab initio non fuit sic The matter of Fact stands thus the reasonableness of the Practice shall follow In the primitive Church Heretical Books were examined and declared to be such by the Councils but not prohibited by them nor by the Pope but by the Prince The first Council of Nice condemned the Heretical Doctrine of Arius but Constantine the Emperor did forbid his Books by Imperial Law The second Council of Constantinople did declare Eunomias to be an Heretick but the Emperor Arcadius did prohibit the Books of the Eunomians and Maniches by a Law which is in the Theodosian Code The third Council of Ephesus declared Nestorius to be an Heretick and his Books were forbidden by a Law of Theodosius which is in the body of the Civil Laws The fourth Council of Chalcedon condemned the Eutychians and their Books were forbidden by a Law of the Emperor Martian which is in the same aforesaid Book and in Spain the King Ricaredus those of the Arrians This was the manner of the Church until the year 800. since which Times the Popes of Rome have by Usurpation declared divers Writers to be Hereticks and heretical that will not subscribe to the Canons of that Conventicle of Trent But all this while the Press was not guarded nor Transcribing forbidden but left free Books only and those but few censured and prohibited until after the year 1200. and then also but sparingly until about the time of Wickliff H-usse and Jerome of Praghe which was about 1371. in the days of Edw. 3d. Rich. 2d and Pope Martin 5th who by his Bull excommunicated all Sects of Hereticks in their esteem especially Wicklefists and Hussites and had recourse also unto a stricter Guardianship of the Press and also to Excommunication nay to Fire and Fagot also against them and their Books and good reason and high time it was so to do for that their Doctrines touched to the quick the Reformation of the Heretical Doctrines and lewd practices of the Court of Rome and therefore that faithless and jugling Council of Constance in a time of Schism did condemn them their * Counted to be 200 Volumes by Aenaeas Sylisias and Jo. Cocleus in his Book de Historia Hussitarum Books and Bones though Wickliffe had been quiet in his Grave above 40 years before causing them to be taken up burned and their Ashes to be thrown into the River such was their rancour of heart since which Times the Popes succeeding have made it their grand Concern to prosecute the same design which is still on foot at this very day viz. to lay Foundations to maintain and make great the Authority of the Court of Rome by depriving men of knowledge which is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from Abuses Vsurpations and Delusions with which the Court of Rome is full fraught And therefore Paul 4th caused an Index to be composed which being perfected Anno 1659. was so severe and strict that there scarcely remained a Book to be read if rightly observed for that therein many Authors and Books were condemned which for 1 2 or 300 years had usually been read by the Romanists with the privity and without the Contradiction of the Popes then ruling and amongst the Modern some of those which were Printed in Italy even in Rome it self with approbation of the Inquisition and allowed also by the Brief of the Pope himself are forbidden as Erasmus on the New Testament which Leo 10th having read approved by his Brief dated the tenth day of September One thousand five hundred and eighteen But which is most considerable as to the main of my intent and purpose is to shew that where the Hogen Mogen Pontiff not unlike the chief Musty doth domineer there the very bowels of orthodox and sound Books wherein the Authority of Kings and Civil Magistrates is defended from the Vsurpations of the Clergy and in which the Hypocrisies and Tyrannies of the Clergie are manifested are hellishly raked into purged prohibited and condemned with strange Cruelties and which is yet more abominable this is done under the colour of Faith and Religion by which the people under that very pretence of Religion are miserably cheated and deluded A greater mystery of Iniquity was never broached then to use Religion so dirtily as under pretence thereof to make men as much as in them lyes insensible nay brutish by keeping them from the knowledge and consequently from the love of the truth What is this less then Antichristian and like men abominable disobedient and to every good work reprobate and to sit as God in the Temple of God as Judex vivorum mortuorum working after the working of Satan with all power and deceivableness of unrighteousness But though the Court of Rome hath assumed to it self to prohibit Books whether they concerned Religion or other Matters yet before these latter years they have not been so impudent as to dare to say that the Prince also hath not power to forbid Books Cardinal Baronius was the first that spake that boldly but was not seconded by any a long time after but he in the beginning of the year 1605. printing the 11th Tome of his Ecclesiastical Annals libelled therein the Monarchy of Sicily with much bitterness and against many Kings of Arragon and especially against King Ferdinand the Catholick and the Progenitors of the Fathers side of him who then reigned which Book coming to Naples and Millan were prohibited by the King's Officers whereof the Cardinal having notice made a bitter Invective against those Officers unto the Colledge of Cardinals assembled in the vacancy of the See of Clement the 8th for that in so doing they had forsooth laid hands on Ecclesiastical Authority And afterwards when Paul the 5th was chosen Pope he wrote unto the King of Spain the 13th of June the same year wherein amongst other things he concluded that to the Pope only did belong the approving of Books of all kinds much more Ecclesiastical ones Notwithstanding the King of Spain was so wise as to abett and continue the Prohibition of his Officers at which the Cardinal was so netled that he could not contain himself but printing his 12th Tome 1607. he inserted a Discourse stigmatizing that Prohibition as abominable and impious affirming that Princes do it because the Books rebuke their unjust acts and that it was to take out of St. Peter's hands and putting into the Prince's one of the Keys given him by Christ viz. the Key of knowledge to
there is something in Ordination or appendant to it which they receive from the King First Licence to be Ordained and Liberty to exercise what God hath Authorized them to do viz. to Preach Baptize c. In which Ordination also there is if not an Overt yet a tacite and implyed condition viz. Submission to the Imperative Constitutive Government of the present Church that doth permit them to be Ordained Licence them to Preach Establish them a maintenance c. All which if they expect from the Prince all the reason Imaginable that he should judge and appoint who should be capable of such Liberty and maintenance and appoint the qualifications or else if he should give the same Countenance Liberty and maintenance to Popish Priests or Jews why were he to be blamed if he had no Power nor Command from God to Judg to Licence or Tollerate Suppress or Prohibit Therefore if after Ordination and Admission into the Ministery they refuse to submit to the Established Government of the present National Church the same Authority that permitted them Ordination may for sound and good reasons as Warrantably deny them publick preferments and publick places for the exercise thereof for the Application of the Persons to the Charge is wholly in the Body of the Church and Magistrates Power which is one and the same thing whether you consider Independent or not ndependent Churches And I appeal to all the Congregations Presbyterian and Independent whether they will admit any into their particular Societies that will not submit to their Government Constitutive by consent And do not again Excommunicate those that after their admission do deny submission to their Constitutions I would have no man patient in causa laesae fidei yet it is Pauls Counsel and Practise in things indifferent to become all unto all and to be indifferently minded 1 Cor. 9 2● Moderation what Wise man but approves in external Rites to fit himself to that Church wherein God shall call or occasion him to Live § I will make no severe reflections on any peccadilloes of any persons of any perswasion but believe that as they are all Heirs of the same Faith and of the same Salvation and all Brethren of Christ so they may all meet in Heaven and therefore will exhort all to Unity and and Peace and Love the last Legacy Christ left to Disciples viz. Love one another and I hope they all have the same Christian Love and Charity each toward other Paul and Barnabas Jarred yet Preached the Gospel and why not you Our love to God is more espetially manifested and signalized by our love to Saints for whom we ought to lay down our lives 1 Joh. 3.16 David a King and a man after Cods own Heart solemnly Protests all my delight is in the Saints on the Earth and in such as excell in Vertue 16 Psal 3. The proximity and near Relation that Saints have with Christ should encourage them whom he hath dignified with his own name and Power to prefer the Saints in love To Saul an Enemy David shewed kindness but his Soul clave to the Soul of Jonathan 1 Sam. 18.13 Gods Precepts and Saints Practise oblige us always to limit the specially of our Love to the Houshold of Faith if ye all have Faith towards God of which I make no question why then live ye not in love one towards another why so dissenting why such animosities each towards other scarce affording a good word one of the other I hope you have not so learned Christ Gods love to his Chosen so impartial that whether Graecian or Barbarian Bond or Free all are one in Christ Jesus Gods favours for Salvation are Extended to all Prince Pesant Prelate Presbyter Independent Conformist Non-Conformist Assenter Dissenter Liturgist or Antiliturgist however different among your selves in point of Discipline nothing in Doctrines fundamental All a like Redeemed by the Blood of Christ Sanctified by his Grace and Providence the ground of all Holy Love is the same in all the Image of God the Loadstone of all gracious Affections Apage imbelles quaerimonias A way then with all Animosities all evil speakings and murmurings one against another as if Ca-sirouna dogs ●●ch to other Beware also of Partiality in affections towards one another must your Love and Testimonies thereof be limited only to place and outw●rd Eminency in our Church and of your own rank and perswasion only must Dissenters tho never so Rich in Faith be scarce vouchsafed your Eugè unless the same moment you give them your Vale meats scarce meet for the Dogs of your Flock To such I say with Paul despise ye the Church of God and shame them that have not 1 Cor. 11.22 Be Exhorted therefore without partiality to love each other in good earnest considering that our Love to the Brethren is the best Evidence of our Love towards God and the best Evidence of our Sincerity in loving and surest sign of true Gracious Love when it is Impartial to all tho Dissenting Brethren for if our Love be sincere and without dissimulation it will be impartial and will work no ill to the Brethren and is the very fulfilling of the Law It is not to be denyed but that tho the Body the Catholick Church be one yet it hath many Members and all the Members of that one Body being many are one Body whereof Christ is the Head 1 Cor. 12.12 whether Prelate Presbyter or Independent whether National or Congregational Churches are all Members of the same Catholick Body and therefore I do deem it very unbrotherlike if not unscholastick to stigmatizey either Conformist or Non-Conformist with the name of Seperatist or Schismatick because they all hold the Truth in Righteousness those names more properly belong to Dogs to evil Workers to the Concision of which we ought to beware and avoid 3 Phil. 2. the Conformist and Non-Conformist the Liturgist and Anti-Liturgist they all serve and Worship God in Truth and in Sincerity and give God thanks and are certainly Members of the same Body and neither ought to Esteem other Seperatist or Schismatick but the stronger to bear the Infirmities of the weaker they differing only in Circumstantials not in Fundamentals or things absolutely necessary St. John 3 Ep. Commendeth to Pious Preachers the Example of Gajus and Demetrius for their peaceable deportments towards the Brethren and their love of the Truth and Rebukes Diotrephes for loving praeheminence among the Brethren and for prating against them with usalicious words unbeseeming both Conformists and Non-conformists and not receiving them nor yet the love of the Truth but forbidding them that would and in as much as in them lyeth casting them out of the Church Take heed and by love serve one another for in this one word Love all the Law is fulfilled for if ye bite and devour one another take heed I say ye be not Consumed one of another 5 Gal. 13.14 15. FINIS I Have now done with our Friends at
Bellarmine doth this Proposition viz. that the Pope may judge of all sins they are forced to except the greater part of particular sins Besides a Prince may sin by breaking his own Laws as the same St. Thomas proves 1.2 quaest 96. Art 5. yet of this sin he cannot be judged of any but God alone as Cajetane in that place declareth shewing that in foro Poenitentiae and in the sight of God is all one in sence Certes to affirm that a Prince transgressing his own Laws should be therein subject to the Censures of the Pope were wholly to take away the Power and Authority of Princes And to affirm that he should be subject to them in other Crimes and not in that were to overthrow the very ground of the reason presupposed in that infamous Chapter Novit Moreover it is very necessary well to observe the very words of Innocent the Third Intendimus decernere de peccato cujus ad nos pertinet sine dubitatione Censura quam in quemlibet exercere possumus debemus And a little after Ad officium nostrum spectat de quocunque peccato mortali corripere quemlibet Christianum which Bellarmine Translates le tutti di Principi del mundo All the Princes of the World by which it is plain he had more than an ordinary Pique at Kings and Princes Now if he be bound by the duty of his place quia potestas nostra non est ex homine sed ex Deo to denounce censures against every mortal sin and against every Christian so offending surely if he do it not he sins and endangers damnation to himself And yet we do not find that the Pope sends out any Censures against the Curtizans the Concubines of Priests and profest Harlots who yet abide and persist notoriously in their sins Besides if by quemlibet Christianum be understood all the Princes of the World as Bellarmine hath rendred it it belongs to him to Excommunicate the Turk the King of Persia the Tartar cum multis aliis And St. Peter's Successor must accuse St. Paul of false Doctrine who said 1 Cor. 1.5.12 quid mihi de his qui foris sunt judicare what have I to do to Judge them that are without § I have insisted the longer on this Chapter Novit because it was designed purposely under pretence of favor to make an Ass of England and her King it being made use of to that very end and also against the French King as appears by the Story And trow you Contrives she not Complots she not at this very day to make England once more to carry the Saddle If ever the like Fate betides us or if ever it be again the Stile of England I cannot say less than Not the Pope only but the Devil rides us § His next recourse is unto another Buckram Decretal Extravagant Vnam Sanctam examined rightly stiled Extravagant called unam Sanctam I must confess I could wish that before he had made any use thereof that he had first reconciled it with another of Pope Clement the Fifth who succeeded him not long after which begins thus Meruit de privilegiis cap. 2. extravag com where Clement saith that he determineth and declareth that by the said Extravagant Vnam Sanctam Meruit charissimi filil nostri Philippi Regis Francorum Illustris sincerae affectionis ad nos Ecclesiam Rom. integritas progenitorum suorum praeclara merita meruerunt Meruit insuper Regnicolarum puritas ac devotionis sinceritas ut tam regem quam regnum favore benevolo prosequamur Hinc est quod nos Regi Regno per definitionem declaration●m banae memoriae Bonisacii Papae Octavi Praedecessoris viri quae incipit Unam Sanctam Nullum volumus vel Intendimus praejudicium generari nec quo id per illam Rex Regnum Regnicolae praelibati amplius Ecclesiae sint subjecti Romanae quam antea existebant sed omnia intelligantur in eodem esse statu quo erant ante definitionem praefaram tam quantum ad Ecclesiam quam etiam ad Regem Regnum Regnieolas superius nominatos there shall be no prejudice or injury done to the King and Kingdom of France nor that the said King and Kingdom shall be any more or otherwise subject to the Church of Rome than they were before but that all things shall continue in the State they were in before that Extravagant Now it had not been unworthy so great an Ecclesiastick as my Lord Cardinal Bellarmine was to have dealt so ingenuously as to have declared whether Boniface in this Extravagant Vnam Sanctam did make a Declaration of Jus Divinum in this point i.e. expound and declare that Jurisdiction which the Pope hath de Jure Divino over Princes or whether he did thereby impose a new subjection over Princes in some matters wherein God had not made them subject before unto the Popes Be it which His Eminency pleaseth it will avail him nought if Boniface meant the latter then it was an Innovation after the year 1294. A meer Extravagant after English Construction a void Decree an Vsurpation an Incroachment and an abuse of the Power given them by God by enlarging it beyond its just bounds Besides by what reason Scriptural or other could Clement declare or mean that France alone should be exempted from that Extravagant and not all other Princes and Kingdoms Neither was it a matter or favor to be yielded as in recompence of the good deserts of that King and Kingdom but a thing due unto them of right and Justice Now if Boniface intended it as a Declaration of Jus Divinum it were worthy our knowledge to know by what right Clement could free the King and Kingdom of France from that subjection which God had appointed them unto the case being very clear according to their own Doctrine that the Pope cannot exempt any man from his own Power and Jurisdiction which he holds de Jure Divino so it undeniably follows that if Boniface were in the right Clement was in the wrong and è contra Pope against Pope no news at all Besides that which Boniface saith in that Extravagant viz. si deviat terrena potestas judicabitur à potestate spirituali that the Authority Temporal when it erreth ought to be corrected and rectified by the Spiritual be a Declaration of the Law of God yet then according to as wise honest and learned of your own Fraternity as ever writ in your defence it ought to be understood only for so much as concerns the Salvation of their Souls and that only in foro Dei and Abstract from all Temporal Power of that kind which the Lawyers term Coactive and that all the Ecclesiastical Power over Princes is therefore only Spiritual And herein we shall not need to have recourse to Signior Papa our Lord the Pope for that this kind of Authority is in every Bishop and Priest how Heretical soever it be esteemed by some
Romanists I will not say all Now out of these three Authorities before mentioned Bellarmine concludes that a Temporal absolute Prince altho he recognize no other Temporal Prince for his Superior yet of necessity he must recognize the Head of all Christendom Herein Bellarmine shews his admirable Sophistry in using terms of divers significations applicable to one or the other sence that he may the better amuze and catch the inadvertent and less sollicitous Reader It had been much more for his Honor to have defended his propositions by some other means rather than by relying on our sottishness in not discovering his Sophistical Arts and Cunning wherewith he goeth about to deceive us So that the Author's drift out of this whole discourse is to conclude that where Princes use their Power to the hurt of their own Souls or their Peoples and to the prejudice of Christian Religion the Pope may take the matter in hand to redress it According to these Doctrines after this rate of arguing and handling no Prince can be safe For suppose any King Protestant or Papist all a case go about to lay a Tax for the defence of his State against an Enemy this Imposition is not just but sinful unless the end and ground of it be lawful and unless his Subjects do consent thereunto according to the Rules of Justitia distributiva now comes Signior Papa and sayes I will know the end why this Tax is imposed and so he may dive into the Secrets of the State and may also examine the distribution and indeed come to pry into and know all Arcana Imperii condition and strength or feebleness of every Nation And being a Temporal Prince himself may in that right and quality wage War with any other Prince on very easie and advantageous terms to himself So Zealous an Advocate is Bellarmine to ascribe Almighty power to the Pope that he deems it no great matter non è gran cosa che il Papa sia stimato un dio in terra that the Pope should be reputed a God upon Earth seeing it is attributed to Princes Psal 82.6 I have said ye are Gods nor yet inconvenient ne è inconveniente che sidica che il Papa habbia ogni potesta in cielo in terra poiche Christo ha detto to affirm that the Pope hath all power in Heaven and in Earth because Christ hath said whatsoever thou shalt bind upon Earth shall be bound in Heaven Mat. 18.18 to say that the Pope hath all power in Heaven and in Earth Perche puo fare tutto quello che è cecessario a condurre L'anime in Paradiso puo levare tutti gli impedimenti che il mundo o' l' Demonio con tutta la lore forza o astutia possino opporre onde S. Cyrillo citato da S. Tomaso nel ' opusculo de primatu Petri dice che si come Christo hebbe dal Padre pienissima potesta sopra tutta le chiesa cosi Christo diede à san Petro alli suosi successori pienissima potesta sopra tutto la chiesa for that he is able to do all that which is necessary to the conducting of Souls to Paradise and can take away all the Impediments which the World or the Devil with all their force or craft are able to oppose whence it is that St. Cyril cited by St. Thomas in his Opuscle de Primatu Petri saith that as Christ had from the Father all plenitude of power over all the Church so Christ had given to St. Peter and to his Successors all plenitude of power over all the Church § That the Pope be termed a God in that sence as is attributed to Princes Psalm 82.6 which St. John 10.34 expounds to be due unto all those unto whom the word of God came being all Children of the most high and the Scriptures cannot be broken tho Bellarmine endeavors it on every occasion may be no great matter indeed but to conclude from thence and from Matth. 18.18 as he doth that the Pope is God upon Earth and to believe it not Inconvenient to hold that the Pope hath all power in Heaven and in Earth c. what is it less than Blasphemy in the highest degree and as much as in him lyeth by thus perverting of Scriptures to break them into all Blasphemous pieces and sences These Texts are true and have a Divine good meaning without any ambiguity but out of these to draw false consequences viz. Papa Deus constituunt Idem Tribunal Papae Dei idem consistorium what I say can it be less than Blasphemy thus to ascribe a kind of Deity to the Pope who yet shall dye like man and fall like one of the Princes If this be not Deum falsum pro vero colere I do not know what is He also thinks it no inconvenience to say that the Pope hath all power in Heaven and in Earth because it is sad Matth. 18.18 Whatsoever thou shalt bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven of which Text I have said so much before of the abuse thereof that I shall only say here that this conclusion cannot be well drawn from this place because power belongs to the Active property and quodcunque belongs to the matter If I should say that the Parish Priest is he that makes all Marriages it doth not therefore follow that he hath all power in making of Marriages For to say quodcunque ligaveris c. therefore quocunque modo ligaveris after what manner soever thou bindest be it right or wrong follows not The Proposition it self viz the Pope hath all power in Heaven and on Earth being taken absolutely is absolutely false or being considered according to the mildest construction there is much more power both in Heaven and in Earth than the Pope hath If His Holiness should be interrogated as Job was Knowest thou the Ordinances of Heaven Canst thou set the Dominion thereof in the Earth Hast thou an Arm like God Or canst thou thunder with a Voice like him Canst thou send lightnings that may go and say unto thee here we are What could he answer Would he not with David cry out I am a Worm and not Man Ch. 40.3 4. Or with Job Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay my hand upon my mouth Can he put wisdom in the inward parts Can he give understanding to the Heart Nemo dat quod non habet he hath it not about him none to spare The fear of the Lord that is wisdom and to depart from Evil that is understanding A wisdom utterly unknown to Popes How dares then this Servus jervorum Dei to brook and Countenance the Stile of his Flatterers Rex Regum and Dominus dominantium Is not this to say with Babylon I will ascend above the height of the Clouds I will be like the most high Esay 14.14 and to lift up bis heart with the Prince of Tyrus and say I am a God I