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A17967 The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 4626; ESTC S107499 318,133 586

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hym to be caryed about the city Rome to wonder at and at the last to be hanged Of the begynnynge and institution of the Electors in Germany WHan Otho was nowe eyghte and twentye yeares olde he was endued wyth so ready wytt that for hys syngular wysedome he was called the Worldes wonders Besyde that knewe the Saxons readye wytted and valyaunt men the deceatfull traynes of the Frenchmen Wherfore whan they perceaued that great and dangerous commotions were raysed by the. Ro. byshoppes bothe agaynste Emperoures and also in the commune welth Otho chose Bruno a Saxon his cosin to be byshop of Rome who was called Gregorius the fyft after that he had the byshopryke Of hym was Otho the thirde crowned Besyde this when the wyse prince consydered that the Frenchemen and Italians raged euer to transfer the emperiall maiestie from the Germanes and that among the aunceters of him was now and thā strife also for the election and that in the meane tyme is so greatly requisite a myghty monarche to the Christiantie for to defende the bishop of Rome and libertie of Italy yea to maynteyne concorde of religion in whole Europa But that the same monarchy could not last long and be stable euermore without the ayde and succourse of some peculiar moste mighty nacion Therfore with the assistence and ayde of Gregorius the byshop of Rome who because he was a Germane did lyghtely consent to so necessary a thyng dyd make the ordinaunce of the princes Electors for to choyse an Emperoure And that concorde might be had in the election because of religion among the prelates spirituall and princes temporall the aucthoritie to chose an Emperoure is committed to seuen Germane princes the Archebyshops of Mentz Colen and Trier To these are ioyned the prince of Boheme for at that tyme had Bohemy yet no kynge the County Palatine of the Rene the duke of Saxony the Marques of Brandenborowe I maruayll verely why so hygh a dignitie is not bequyethed to other princes which at that tyme were farre more puyssaunt as namely to the dukes of Baier of Schwaben of the Frankes and specially the duke of Baier who was nearer of kynred to Otho than the other and more greater of domynyon For he had subiect to hym Bayerland and Eastenryche vntyll Aglar or Aquitanya the whyche Henry brother to Otho the fyrste had wonne The duke also of Schwaben was neare kynsman to Otho the Emperoure For whan Herman duke of Schwaben vnder Otho the fyrste had no heyre male He gaue his doughter in maryage to Ludolfe sonne to Otho the fyrste agaynste whome hys father Otho dyd warre for hys rebellyon Of this Ludolfe come the dukes of Schwaben Therefore maye it be maruayll what was the occasion to orden that institutyon of prynces Electors The Germane history wryters seme to be so voyde of all iudgment that it may of good ryght lothe any man to reade them Ihon Stabius the astronomer of Maximylyan shewed me oft that Maximilian was went to complayn vpon the rudenesse of the Germane hystorye wryters that they dyd not only wryte the dedes of so noble and wyse princes that God had sent wythoute order but dyd also corrupte them wyth euell wrytynge And he had commaunded to compile in a short Cronycle orderly the mooste notableste thynges out of all hystorye wryters whych thynge doutlesse had ben done yf the mooste wyse Emperour had ether lyued longer or had not left it by reason of the care of more weyghty matters As for me though I might seme to be rash yf I allege or shewe what me thynketh yet wyll I declare what gessynge I haue wherewyth I maye shewe some certayntye of so great a thynge Bohemy no doute is come in the election for his cōmodyous sytuatyon because yt is fensed round about To the Saxons hath Otho that was a prince of the Saxons bloud worthely geuen that honour for at that time was the same duchy most puissaunt The princes of Saxony kept Brandenburg at that time also the Emperours kinsmen and it may easely be gathered that Otho dyd fauer those contryes more than other duchyes I suppose that to y ● countyshyp of Palatyn was geuen thys prerogatiue more than other princes dominions for none other cause than that to Charles the greatest posterity myght rebound thys honor so that it shuld be not only by the Saxons but part thereof shuld also be sent ouer to the Frankes for the countyes of Palatine were at that tyme of the kynred of Charles the greate What prayses thys ordinaunce of the princes Electors is worthye that can I not now sufficiently declare according to the worthynesse of it the dede proueth yt selfe what profite it hath broughte For by thys ordinaunce hath the Empyre remained in Germany aboue fyue hundreth yeares Besydes that is nothyng so good nor wholsome in mens estates than those counsels and ordinaunces whereby is auoided the occasion to alter of tymes the gouernaunce of Empyres whyche thynge by the goodnesse of God is done by thys instytutyon of the Electors By thys meanes is yt come to passe that the Empyre is prouyded that the traynefull and secrete conspiracyons of the byshoppe of Rome and Frenche kynge dyd not prospere whiche endeuoured oft to transferre the hyghnesse of the Empyre from the Germanes to the Frenchemen The Emperoure also hath more sauegarde or defence of the princes when he is chosen by their cōsent and lesse stryfe can ryse for the election when the desyres of the chefe princes consent to one Besydes this also forsomuche as the maiestie of the empyre is remitted to many princes together it is to be trusted that the state of the empire shalbe both stronger and more durable then if it dyd stycke by the succession of one bloude All these thynges make for that purpose that no great stryfe come by reson of the election or choysyng and also that the heade of the West empyre be in some certayn place and that because the concorde and tranquillitie of the religion in all this West kyngdome be maynteined vnder one certayne heade The Athenians in tymes past auaunced their ordinaunce of the Areopagites with great prayses lykewyse dyd the Lacedemonians their statutes of the Ephories and that worthely for by them remained their common welthes stedfaste a great while But forsoth this in stituciō of Otho made of the Electors as it is farre more profitable so it is worthy muche more prayse and auauncement as by the whiche stablenesse of the empyre and constant religion are mainteyned many yeares not onely in one or other citie or contrey but in the whole Weste And the princes Electors ought worthely make muche of this their prerogatiue First because of the whole Christiantie that by them is this hyghnesse set aparte For they are as a stedfast heade wherewith foreuer all this Weste kyngdome is kept and bounde together for they maye be called
that he hath the full power and aucthoritie to make and depose not onely kynges but also all Emperoures at hys pleasure By thys it maye be gathered easely that the Romyshe byshop vsed so greate hatred agaynste the Emperoure for no very weyghty cause There were also about that tyme some learned men whiche openly blamed the Romyshe byshops writynges amonges these was Occam one ▪ the princes of Germany euery one as wel ecclesiasticall as of the nobilitie helde with the Emperour at the last were some compelled by the byshop of Rome to fall back and also to choyse another Emperoure Lewis had very greate vproures in Italy Galeacius of Milan and the counsayll of Rome longed for Lewis commyng into Italy Wherfore he went thether with the Emperesse which also was delyuered of a chylde at Rome that was called Lewis the Romane and was afterwarde by the Emperoure made marques of Brandenborowe At Milan was Lewis crowned of the bysh there and at Rome of the Cardinall de Columna He made also Peter of Corbaria byshop of Rome who was not longe after caried bounde to Auinion in Fraunce to Iohannes the .xxii. who cast hym into pryson wherein he dyed But whyle allthys was adoynge Lewis by no requestes coulde optayne to be released of the excōmunicacion by the byshop of Rome But forsoeth the Romysh byshop brought that to passe wyth his busy laboure at length that in an assembly or daye holden at Lucelburg the byshops of Mentz Trier and Colen the kyng of Bohemy and duke of Saxon dyd choyse another Emperour There was chosen Charles the fourth erle prouincial of Morauia the sonne of the kyng of Bohemy The same was then confirmed by Clemens the .vi. byshop of Ro. But for as muche as the cities of Aken and Colen would not knowe hym for an Emperoure he was crowned at Bon. Of Nicolaus Augustus that is Nicolas the noble that was at Rome ABout this tyme happened at Rome an example of a notable folye There was at Rome one Nicolas a towne clarke or recorder of Rome of suche power and aucthoritie that one would haue sayde he had the rule of the whole citie for at that tyme were the Romysh Byshoppes yet in Fraunce This Nicolas called hymself Tribunus Augustus that is the noble hygh officer and with open scriptures wytnessed that Rome is yet the true heade of the empyre and therfore by y e citie of Romes aucthoritie had he the hyghest power to handle maters of the empyre And by reason of this aucthoritie called he Lewis and Charles to appeare before hym and to cōmitte their matter to his arbitremēt or iudgement Lyke folyshnesse vsed he oft agaynst other cities and kynges y e space of two yeares At the last this pore Augustus being driuē out by the byshop of Romes partie fled to Charles the fourth But Charles sent the rash man to the byshop of Rome at Auiniō of whom he was kept in pryson The yeare of Christ M. cccxlv died Lewis the Bayer And then came Charles with a great hoost out of Bohemy to Regenspurg where he was knowen for an Emperoure From thence was he also receaued at Norenberg for Charles made thē beleue he had gotten a fauourable absolution of the bishop of Rome to put out the great offences wherwith they had offended in that they were adherent to Lewis When they of Basyl sent out their Burgemaisters to Charles that he in the name of the citie should aske absolution he answered he thought they had not done amisse in that they had Lewis for an Emperoure nether thought he that Lewis was an heritike yet in the meane tyme if they could be absolued of their trespasses he wold be content And thus were they absolued The yeare of Christ M. cccxlviij when Lewis was now deade there rose yet a greater discorde the byshop of Mentz the counte Palatine the marques of Brādenburg and the duke of Saxony his sonne that hath chosen Charles Emperoure assembled and refusyng the election of Charles they chose Edward the third kyng Englande to take vpon hym the maiestie Emperiall but he refused it as a thyng ful of cumbraunce After that chose they Frederick Erle prouinciall of Misen But he also forsoke that title of the empyre for he would not fyght and warre with his neyghbours the Bohemies to vndoe his countrey Guntherus Erle of Swartzburg is chosen Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M. cccl. was chosen Emperoure at Franckforde Gunterus Erle of Schwatzburg yet not with consent of all the Electors Thesame accepted the gouernaunce of the empyre and garnyshed with all defence to retayne the empyre he was armed ynough againste the force of Charles who then abode at Mentz But shortly after died Gunterus at Frāckforde sodenly poysoned Wherefore Charles was Emperoure alone He came to Franckforde and was receiued for an Emperoure After Clemens the .v. became Iohannes the xxii byshop of Rome who without a iuste cause dyd excommunicate the good Emperoure Lewis Benedictus the .xi. was made byshop of Rome after Iohannes The same neuer alowed the action of Iohannes against the Emperoure Lewis and when he was made byshop of Rome he had frely absolued hym had not the kynges of Fraunce and Naples with their threatenynges withstande hym When in the relacion the orators or embassadors of the kinges alledged that Lewis had enterprysed many haynous thynges against the byshop of Rome Benedictus answered yea we haue done against hym He liued not long in the byshopricke therefore dyd al the causes hang vndispatched Clemens the .vi. was made byshop after Benedictus The same renewined the thonder boltes cast against Lewis and persued hym moste fearcely though in the counsayll of Vienne in Fraunce were treated in the meane tyme of the condicions of peace and that Lewis declared hymselfe humble This Clemens bought the citie Auenion of Ioanna quene of Sicily and so hath the byshop of Ro. aucthoritie vpon this citie Moreouer at this tyme went about here therin in Germany and Fraunce a great nomber of men whiche did beate themselues with roddes Many of them came to Spire when the day or parliamēt was holden there pretending great holynesse For their holinesse sake were they bidden to the meales of the citesens And as the deceate of the erroure dyd not differ from the Anabaptistes supersticious opinion euen so was that secte no lesse daūgerous in those daies But at the last it was condemned Innocentius the .vi. succeded Clemens In his tyme was Charles the .iiij. crowned at Rome Charles the .iiij. the .xxxij. Germane Emperoure THe yere of Christ M. cccl. began Charles y ● iiij to raigne after y e death of Guntherus of Schwartzburg He was a prince of y e bloud of Lucelburg the sonne of Ihon kyng of Bohemy for Iohn was y e sonne of Henry of Lucelburg Frō this yere of M. cccl. reigned Charles xxvii● yeres The yeare M. ccclv went Charles downe into Italy
byshoprycke to one that was the thirde called Gregorius the .vi. And so did Benedictus geue place to hym but Syluester woulde contrarywyse defende hys ryght against Gregorius This controuersye dyd compell the Emperoure Henry the black to come to Rome who dyd worthely depose those thre monsters from the byshoprycke and ordeined in steade of them one Syndeger byshop of Bamberg who was called Clemens the .ii. the .clii byshop of whom Henry the blacke was crowned About this time began the name of Cardinals to be vsed whereby it may be supposed that this same dignitie in the church was not elder But for somuche as oftymes happened moste heuy contencions and stryfes of the diuersitie of wylles in makynge of the byshop of Rome Henry the Blacke made an ordinaunce that thenceforth no byshop of Rome should be chosen without the consent of the Emperour also his confirmacion This ordinaunce was afterwarde sore foughten against of the byshops of Rome insomuche also that most haynous warres are rysen thereof in the tymes of Hēry the fourth and fyfth Emperours Henry the thyrd surnamed the Black the .xv. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M.xl. beganne to raygne Henry the third called the Black and raygned seuentene yeres Fyrst inuaded he the Bohemes with warr but they beyng ayded of the Hungarians ouercame hym The yere after were the Bohemes so weried with warres of Henry that their prince constrayned by necessitie came to Regenspurg and made hymselfe tributary frely to the Emperour After that going into Hungaty warred thre yeares and takynge in certayne cities he compelled the Hungarians to demaunde peace He subdued also the duke of Lorain that he obeied the empire At Rome put he down thre byshops at once striuing for the see and made a Germane byshop to be byshop there whō they called Clement the .ii. Thēceforth ouercame he the Saracēs by Capua Afterward came he again into Germany kept a cōgregatiō at Mentz wherein was Leo the bysh of Ro. Cuno duke of Bayer whiche was after S. Hēry trustyng to the ayde and conspiracion of the Hūgarians set hym agaist the Emperoure for by that meanes entended he to drawe the possession of the kyngdome to hym But the Hungarians were ouercome the duke Cuno was driuen out and liued all his lyfe a bannyshed man in Hungary The land of Bayer was in the meane tyme wythout a duke and gouernoure Before Henry the Black dyed he caused hys sonne Henry fyue yeare of age to be chosen Emperour and was crowned at Aken to the intēt there shoulde be a certayne heade of the empyre nether should any rumour be for the election Wherefore the sonne raygned a certayn space vnder the mothers protection The mother of Honry the .iiij. was called Agnes borne in the county of Pisto in Fraunce After Clemens was Damasus the .ij. made the cliij byshop of Rome whiche optayned the byshopricke by force Leo the .ix. succeded Damasus The same was in the counsaill kept at Mentz and was conuersaunt wyth Henry the black a whyle afterwarde In his tyme Berengarius a deacon of Angewe in Fraunce taught that the true body and bloud of Christ were not in the breade and wyne according to Christes institucion Leo the byshop of Rome condempned this in the counsaill of Vercelli but the sedes of this doctrine that were left hath caused great persecucion to them that came after Victor the .ij. the .clv. byshop of Rome succeded Leo. The same was before byshop of Eichstet Stephanus the .ix. succeded Victor Benedictus the .ix. the .clvij. byshop of Rome succeded Stephanus Nicolaus the .ij. folowed after Benedictus The same deposed Benedictus and is sayde to haue ordeined fyrst that Cardinals shall haue aucthoritie to chose the byshop of Rome Berengarius was also condempned againe by hym and was compelled to reuoke that he had taught of the sacrament Alexander the .ij. the .clix. byshop of Rome succeded Nicolaus then also was greate strife for the delection Gregorius the .vij. before called Hiltebrande was the .clx. byshop of Rome after Alexander The same dyd excommunicate and persued Henry the iiij raisyng also fearce warres that he myght get obteyne that a byshop of Rome myght be chosen and confirmed wythout the Emperoures consent and confirmacion lest the Emperours shoulde clame any aucthoritie vpon the byshops of Rome to rule them whereof we shall speake more in Henry the fourth Henry the .iiij. the .xvi. Germane Emperour THe yeare of Christ M. lvij began Henry the .iiij. to reigne after that his father was deade beynge yet a chylde and raygned fyfty yeares In this man dyd not onely the vertue of suche kynde of Emperours fayle but the empyre of whole Germany began so to decaye that afterwarde it neuer coulde nether be brought to his olde state nor recouer his former strength Hiltebrand byshop of Rome was causer of this lamentable game who turned neare hād al Germany vp down with warres among the princes therof In Henry the Emperours chyldhode dyd Agnes his mother gouerne the empyre not without prayse she set Germany and Italy at peace and trāquilitie But the byshop of Colen dyd priuely leade away the chylde beyng now twelue yeares of age and ready to be gyn to beare rule and in the meane season he hymselfe ruled afterwarde the empyre It is saide also that he caused the Imperiall childe to be brought vp vnsemely It were longe to reherse here all the causes and circumstaunces I wyll onely reherse here brefely the most worthy of remēbraunce Henry the Black father to this Henry had made a constitucion of making a byshop of Rome by a most wyse aduise that y ● same should not be done without the knowledge and consent of the Emperoure But now that Hiltebrand was come into the see he made a decre cōtrary wyse that the confirmacion of a byshop shoulde not be demaunded of the Emperoure But the Emperoure woulde that this his fathers constitucion should beare effect Besydes that also had the Emperoure aucthoritie to geue the byshoprycks of the empyre but Hiltebrand would not suffre that also For it happened oft that when one byshop was dead another was made in his stead of the Emperoure and agayne another of the byshop of Rome whiche dyd then excommunicate the other Finally came the game to this ende that the Emperoure was not onely excommunicated but it was also cōmaunded that other greate Lordes of Germany should make another Emperoure And the maister of this game was the byshop of Halberstat in Saxony to do the byshop of Rome a pleasure Wherfore fell from the Emperoure Henry the fourth Otho duke of Saxony Rudolfus duke of Schwaben to whom was maried the Emperoures syster germane and certayne byshops specially Saxons On the Emperours syde were the Bohemies and the lordes Catuly whom the Emperoure gaue Baierlande driuyng out Otho the duke of Saxony and some byshops also whiche disalowed the byshop of Romes tyranny
right as a certayne line or carpenters rule for it is moste nearest applyed to common honestie Secōdly do thees restored Romane lawes not a lytle profyte thereto that they gyue commaundementes of the common behaue ours of this lyfe and best maners whiche are no where founde better I passe ouer that the purenesse of the Latine tungue began to florysh agayn by restoryng of this lawe as borne again But when this study of the lawe was institute straightwaye were become great and many excellent lawers whiche busied both to interprete the lawes and to set them againe in vre Truely I can not maruaile ynough that men became so well learned at that tyme wherein the vse of the Latine tunge the histories finally al the auncient Romane disciplines were left of for the whyle so that it may easely be supposed that those fyrst lawers were not onely men of greate diligence in studies but also greate and wyse men exercysed with muche experience of common matters For wythout exercyse had it bene impossible to knowe the Roman lawes Wherefore are the same doctors of the lawe to bee iudged no lesse than those auncient lawiers Vlpianus Seruius and other Azo whiche is euen the chefe of the expounders of the lawe lyued in the tyme of this Lotharius After the same lyued Accursius the same also lyued vntil the time of Frederick the second In the tyme of Henry of Lucelborowe were many and notable doctors as Bartholus and other Gratianus who gathered the Decrees of the common lawe was also in the tyme of Lotharius But before were suche bookes also For of this sorte was a lytle booke written by a byshop of Wormes whiche at that tyme was vsed we also haue sene it in our daies But when the studies of the lawe floryshed now euery where and that the best learned embraced them as it happeneth moste commonly in a new thing the monkes perceauyng that the knowledge of holy scripture beganne to coule and be despysed for studieng the lawe they also beganne a studye of Theology or diuinitie and ordeyned scole disputations in diuine matters as the lawers dyd in ciuyll matters Thus beganne the diuinitie scole wherof we shall saye more hereafter Cunradus a Schwabe the .xix. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christ M. cxl succeded Conradus borne duke of Schwaben Lotharius the Saxon in the empyre who was made prince of the Frankes by Henry the fyft He reigned fourten yeres It is no where red that he was crowned of the Romysh byshop This Cunradus as we said before rose against Lotharius but he was constrained to yelde himself vnder the Emperours power But when Lotharius was deade the succession of the empire fell vpon Conradus though Henry duke of Baier Saxony that had marted Lotharius daughter coueted the empire and besyeged Conradus at Auspurg But Conradus the Emperoure minished Henries power gaue the duchy of Baier to the Erle of Eastenrich Howbeit this warre was not very long for not lōg after died Henry in Saxony and was laide in Lotharius his wiues fathers graue After that dyd a prince of Catuli warre with the duke Emperour Cōradus for the duchy of Baier but inuain Wherfore he was afterwarde reconciled againe with the Emperoure through Frederick that became Emperoure afterward Conradus with many princes and a great hoost went to Hierusalem againste the Saracens Christes enemyes through the counsail of sainct Bernarde against the whiche also toke wapen Lewis kyng of Fraunce but many souldiours dyed thorough the disloyaltie of Emanuel Emperoure of Constantinople Yet had our men many and great battails in Asia and at Hierusalem in the meane season Cunradus returned the fourth yere after into Germany died and was buried in the towne Lorch by Gemund In the warre that Conradus had with the Catulies he toke the castel and town Weinsburg that lyeth not farre from the riuer Necehar Then commaunded the Emperour to take al the gentlemen but the gentle women shoulde be letten go with so great packe of goodes as they could cary Thē the gentlewomen forsakyng the goodes would rather cary away their chyldren Whiche thing when som did blame whiche would haue the yong children be prisoned sayeng the graunt was to cary goodes not men The Emperour delited so in the vertue of the noble women that he gaue them leaue not only to cary away their childrē but also al their goodes Celestinus the .ij. was byshop of Rome after Innocencius the .ij. Lucius the .ij. was byshop after Celestinus Eugenius the third was made byshop after Lucius Against the same was another byshop chosen by the Romanes of whom Eugenius was driuen out but gatheryng a Frenche ayde he returned ouer came his aduersary and was restored againe Anastasius the .iiij. succeded Eugenius Adrianus the .iiij. was byshop after Anastasius Of hym was Frederick Barbarossa or with the reade bearde crowned Emperoure but afterward sticked he to William of Sicily which kept Naples and made the Lombardes obedient to hym by a moost haynous coniuracion against the empyre He did excōmunicate Frederick raysed most haynous warres in Italy It is written y t he shuld haue saied not long before he died there is no more wretched state in earth then the byshoprick of Rome and to get that byshopryck by bloude is not to succede Peter but Romulus rather who flew his owne brother that he myght haue the monarchy and reigne alone These wordes wytnesse sufficiently that it repented hym of the debate that he had begonne against the Emperoure After Adrianus began a greate diuision Some Cardinals chose Octauianus who was called Victor Some chose Alexander the .iij. Frederick Barbarossa helde Octauianus for the true byshop of Rome But yet in the meane season commaunded he by a counsayll to enquire who shoulde abyde byshop But Alexander refusyng the aucthoritie of the counsayll kepeth hymselfe in Fraunce and accurseth Frederick At the last gat Alexander the by shopryck by the ayde of the Italians and returned to Rome where Frederick came then also But Alexander beyng afrayed fled to Venice where at the last peace was made But hereof shall we speake more in the history of Frederick Frederick the .i. called Barbarossa or wyth the red bearde the .xx. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M. C. lij was Frederick chosen Emperour the fyrst of that name surnamed Barbarossa He gouerned the Empyre .xxxvij. yeares He was a borne duke of the noble house of Schwaben Conradus y e Emperours brothers sonne a most renovmed prince of hardinesse valiauntnesse and iustice So farre as I can perceaue by his dedes it semeth that Frederick as a gentle Schwabe could not paciently beare these iniuries that the byshops of Rome dyd hym and I thynke it came by this that he was more harde againste them In the begynnyng of his empyre set he Baierlande and Eastenriche at one and restored to Catulus Henry duke of Saxony
ease allthough by the reason of theyr foolyshe Phantasyes and hardened hartes they coulde not nor yet woulde not perceyue it vntyll they were vtterlye destroyed For notwythstandyng that the sayed syege pressed them and an horrible and importunate famine as was mencioned before in the last yeare reygned among them Yet were they by the comfortable persuasyons of theyr false Prophetes so hardened that they mynded nothynge lesse then to yelde by the Towne and saue theyr lyues notwythstandynge that thereunto they were often tymes requyred wyth lyberall and gracyous promyses But contrary wyse they defended themselues the longer the fearcer and shot out of the Towne with ordinaunce as though the deuell had bene among them to the great auoyaunce of their aduersaries in so muche that not a fewe valiaunt warriours in the Campe were slayne with their ordinaunce And to declare the madnes of the said Anabaptistes I haue thought it mete not to omitte a folysh acte done by a certayne woman among them Forasmuche therfore as they within the towne had this opinion of the saied towne of Mynster that it was that new Ierusalem mencioned in the Apocalipse thorough the whiche all the heathen should be destroied so that the christians should reigne in peace a thousand yeres whiche sayeng although they must be vnderstande spiritually were they expounded by them carnally the said folysh woman would counterfette the acte of Iudith which slewe holofernes and deliuered her Citie Wherefore she made her boaste that if she myght be costely arayed and decked she woulde go furth if she were permitted into the hooste of her aduersaries and easely ouercome the byshop Whyle nowe the kyng the other in the town were so foolysh and made not only to beleue her but also to further her in the said affayres trustyng that their deliueraunce was at hand she went out and behaued her selfe in all pointes as though she had bene escaped and fled out of the citie But her dissimulacion beyng espied perceyued she was taken and brought before the Byshop and after her confession rewarded wit death accordyng to her deseruyng For asmuche nowe as the saied craft and practise bad no good successe the Anabaptistes within the citie ought to haue consydered that there was no fortune in their doyng seyng they were yet oppressed to the vttermost But they dyd herein resemble the Iewes in their last destructiōat Ierusalem for the more God plaged them with famine and dissention among them selues the more hard harted and stifnecked they were vntill at the last one escaped priuely out of the saied citie and brought in certaine of the byshops souldiours at the gate called the holy crosse gate which souldiours after they had slain the watchemen opened the gate and so made away into the citie for the other Thus was the citie of Mynster taken in again and deliuered from the powere of the Anabaptistes at the feast of S. Iohn the baptiste in the night And the next day folowing whatsoeuer would make any resistaūce being slayn with the sworde the kyng with his chief counsayllours craftyng and knipperdulling were taken prisoners These three were aftewarders for the space of certayne monethes caryed about in the countrey from place to place for a spectacle and example to all men And at the last on S. Vincentes day in the yere of our lorde MDxxxvi they were put to death with fyry tonges and their dead bodies hanged vp in yron baskettes or grates out of the steple of S. Lamberts Churche within the saied citie of Mynster the kyng in the middes somewhat hyer then his said two coūsailers for a perpetual memoriall and warning to all commocioner raysers of tumulte rebelles against y e lauful magistrates ordeined of God Thus toke this kyngdom of the Anaba pristes a shameful ende according to their desertes In Denmarke raged the duke of Oldenborough with the capitaines of Lubeke as he had begonne the yere before but the moste part of the germayne counsayll chose Christiane Duke of Holston to be kyng in Denmarke desyring hym to assiste them against the saied duke of Oldenborough and them of Lubeke While nowe the said request was easy to be graunted and the said duke of Holston had taken Iudland in possession all ready whiche is no small porcion of the kyngdome of Denmarke abutting vpon the lande of Holstone he passed with his army into the Ile of Funa ▪ otherwyse called Fion and ouercame the citie of Asnites But when the duke of Oldēborough with them of Lubeke assaulted him with an hoost of men well appointed both on horsebacke and on foote the said Christian obtayned the victory so that the duke of Oldēborough lost much people where among other was slayne Iohn count of Hoya and an Erle of Teckelburgh in Westphale and euen the same daye whiche was the .xi. daye of Iune they of Holstone toke from them of Lubeke an Armada of shippes and put the men of Lubeke whiche they founde in the same in captiuitie In somuche that the said Christiane had the ouerhande on euery syde whiche was vnto him a witnes from God that he should be kyng in Denmarke In Hungary and Austrich were diuers louedayes kept betwene Ferdinando and Iohn Weyda kinges of Hungary and the Turkes imbassadour to wete if Hūgary might be brought to apeaceable estate neuer theles there was nothing concluded that was notable and profitable Also in this yere 1535. there was a mariage cōcluded betwen y e king of Poles the king of Boheme For Sigismonde kyng of Poles maried Sigismūde his sonne to Elisabeth the daughter of Ferdinando kyng of Bohemy whiche in the yere of oure Lorde MDxliij folowyng was celebrated with great solempnitie as shalbe mentioned hereafter in place conuenient In the moneth of Nouember the second day the duke of Mylan departed out of this world And immediatly after Frauncis the Frenche kyng prepared hym selfe with all his power to recouer the dukedome of Mylan and entred into the land of Sauoy whereof ensued great warres the yere next folowyng in those quarters Frederike Duke of Baier Palatine by the Rene now electour imperiall toke to wyfe the right excellent princesses Dorothee daughter to Christierne late kyng of Denmarke whiche he had begotten of Izabel syster to Charles themperour the solempnitie whereof was kept at Bruxelles in Brabant In England in the moneth of Iune the byshop of Rochester and Sir Thomas More which had bene lorde chauncellour of Englande and in great aucthoritie vnder the kyng was beheaded for denieng the kyng to be supreme heade of the churche of Englande And in this yeare were there thre monkes of the Charter house executed in Englande for the same offence In the partes of Shlesy about and within the the towne of Olse arose the same yeare on Sainct Gyles day an horrible tempest in suche sorte that the bookes whiche were newely prynted were taken out of the Iewes houses
Thrasybulus and as cōcernyng gouernaunce of policy iudgementes and lawes the state of the whole common wealth was chaunged after the olde custome Thrasybulus deserued chefely a greate prayse for his moderation of the mynde that after so notable a victory wherein he had also taken many of the enemies prisouers he woulde rather spare them then by good ryght to slaye them And when he considered that there should be no ende of puttyng to death yf thee goodes of the citesens that were taken away should be restored to euery man agayne or to the true heyres namely that were already come to the third or fourth possessor he bande them euery one with such a bande amonge themselues that no man shoulde thenceforth remembre any vengeaunce or iniury done but that euery man should kepe that he had kepyng the common peace euery man to be content with his portion or lot By this meanes and moderation was a quietnesse set in the common wealth And this is a noble example that with beneuolēce and forgenyng is procured a more durable concord in suche cinyll commotion then that euery man wyl go forth with rigour and force Afterward were the Lacedemonians become proude and haut also with this lucky chaunce For they would dryue Perses out of Asia whiche had succoured them But the Perses for that tyme made Codon capitaine of their hoost whiche was fled from Athens in the ciuill commotion of hym were the Lacedemonians discomfyted The Lacedemonians takyng greueously their misfortune layde al the fault vpon them of Thebe because they had entertained the bannyshed Athenians wherfore they fell into their contryes of the whiche rose a new occasion of warre in the whiche the Lacedemonians beyng ouercome were wholy vndone the Thebane power encreased Whan this warre was finished the Thebanes toke another warre againste the Phocians the whiche were wholye abolyshed and the residue were bannished Finally dyd Philippe kyng of Macedony discomfite and tame them of Thebe And thus were fyrst Athens after that Sparta finally Thebe destroyed and al that power of the Grekes came to naught Howbeit whan the Athenians and Thebanes dyd not kepe the conditions and appointementes of peace made with kinge Philippe he was cōstrained to inuade for to take in al Grece This is ynough spoken in brefe maner of the dolefull warres of Grece the whiche were an hundreth and thyrtye yeares after Xerxes durynge which space was lytel peace These warres are at large written by Thucidides and Xenophon and some other We haue thought it therfore sufficient yf we had opened and declared the example of the Athenians y ● which is the principal in that history Of the Philosophers IN the meane tyme that thys befell dyd learnynge also florysh Hippocrates the Phisicion lyued from the tyme of Longimanus vntill Ochus an hundreth and foure yeares And besyde that all Grece had hym in greate estimacion he was also muche made of by the kinges of Macedony by the which also he spent great part of his lyfe Soranus wryteth that Hippocrates was sent for by kynge Perdicas because many iudged that the kynge was fallen into a consumption and was forsaken of other Phisitions But whan Hippocrates was come he perceaued that the kynge was not sycke for feblenesse of bodely strength but that he pined for loue and inwarde sorowe For he loued out of measure the handemayden of his father as oft as he sawe her chaunged both the mynde and colour in the kynge Of thys wyse perceaued Hyppocrates the cause of the sycknesse and gaue remedy to dryue it awaye Besyde this whan the pestilence raigned he caused a great woode to be sett on fyre agaynste the infect ayer whence the infection of the ayer came and of thys wyse kept he the whole contry Thessalia safe from the pestilence He was also renoumed of naturall miracles Vpon his graue were bees a greate season with whose hony were sycke chylderen healed that were anoynted therewyth About the tyme of Artaxerxes Mnemon was Socrates whych by the enuy of hys aduersaryes was poysoned and dyed in the preson He was accused to be a brynger vp of a newe learninge in the citye But by the prouidence of God were the aduersaries not longe after punished worthelye for they were put to death also Of Plato Eudoxus Aristoteles AFter these were Plato and Eudoxus a very connynge Astrologian whych also brought this science oute of Egypte into Grece After thys man was Aristoteles I suppose these to be the chefe amonge the Philosophers and after my iudgement are the chefe of thē Eudoxus Aristoteles namely because they were not only garnished with pleasaunt wordes or reasons but studious of the very thynges For they accustomed that kynde of learning as is most profytable partely to knowe the propertie of naturall thynges and partly to learne what waye men may lyue honestly It is a moost pleasaunt thyng to beholde howe God hath sett all kynde of vertues in oure owne nature Aristotele was borne of parentes not of the bafest or lowest condicion His father was Nicomachus a man of very great authoritye by Amyntas kynge of Macedony for he was hys Phisicion Hys ofspring was of Hippocrates kynred for thys cause had kynge Philippe that was sonne to Amintas Aristotele in suchreputacion afterwarde he gaue vnto him Alexander hys sonne to be taught of him his discipline and was taught of Aristotle the learninge of Philosophie that he might become more ready and wyser to make a relacion and to geue counsell Hetherto haue we spoken ynough of the Grekes affeares which happened about the tyme of thys monarchy Of Rome WHan the kynges were dryuen out of the citie the state of the common welth was chaunged The Counsuls beganne to beare rule and yearly were two chosen whose authoritie in that office was one yeare This chaunge of the commune welth happened in the tyme of Cyrus the fyrste monarche of the Perses the yeare after the worldes foundacyon thre thousande foure hundreth and fyftye and the seuenth yeare after that Babylon was wonne by Cyrus But besyde other great and innumerable affeires that befell at Rome were also horrible sedityons and chaunges in the commune wealth in the whych are examples geuen vnto vs that great cicyties and commune wealthes do endure seldome without great alterations Howbeit in this maner y t two Counsules wer chefe rulers lasted perpetually vntyll the tyme of Iulius which vsurped the monarchye There were betwene the beginnyng of the Counsels rulyng vntyl Iulius raigne foure hundreth and thre score and fyue yeares It were to long to rehearse here the Romane histories I will only recite the tyme of two notable chaunces that were befallen at Rome in the tyme of thys Monarchye In the hundreth and second yeare after that the citye was builded that is not longe after Xerxes warre aboute the beginninge of Longimanus raigne
in derogatyng and takyng away the aucthoritie of Emperours at his pleasure Wherfore they made congregacions also and reiectyng the byshop of Rome excommunicacion excommunicated hym lykewyse Now went the Emperoure into Italy to treate and finish this controuersy In the meane season was Rudolfus duke of Schwaben chosen Emperour of y ● contrary party in the town Phorcen whych was about the yere of oure lorde M. lxxvii The byshop of Rome sente Rudolfus a crowne wherein was wrytten thys verse Petra dedit Petro Petrus dyadema Rudolfo That is Chryst the Stone gaue the crowne to Peter Peter geueth to Rudolfe both crowne and septer Whereby he wolde sygnyfye that Christe gaue the Empyre to the byshoppe of Rome and that he lykewyse geueth it to princes Therfore came Henry haystely agayn into Germany droue Rudolfus out of Schwaben into Saxonye and foughte some battayls wyth hym by the ryuer Vnstrote in the which were slayne the byshops of Worms and Magdeburg The yeare M. lxxx was foughten the laste felde agaynste Rudolfe by Mersburge and in the same battayll was Rudolphus ryghte hande stryken of Whan euerye man nowe fled into the cytye Marsburge the hande was brought to the new Emperoure lyenge in hys bedde where the byshops stoode aboute The whyche as he sawe he sayde Lomy Lordes ye byshops thys ys the hande wherewyth I haue promysed my lord Henrye sayeth and loyaltye iudge ye your selues now howe godly ye haue counseled me to decyner from him Thys is a very myserable complaynte whyche declareth the troubled mind of the prince to haue iudged it self gilty of vprour Of this wise dyed Rudolfus about the .iiij. year of his election Whome I praye you would it not moue wythout he be of yron this so dredefull example to obey hys magistrate to beware of vproure Yet were not the byshops in the meane tyme in reste and set the sonne also against the father Hiltebrand the byshop boasted to haue sene a vision in his slepe that an vnlawfull Emperoure should dye that same yeare But thys was Caiphas prophecye for the punishment fell not vpon Henry but on the byshop of Romes adherentes After this victory came Henry to Rome and takyng in the citie by force he toke Hiltebrand the byshop and put hym from his office and in his steade was chosen the byshop of Rauenna called Clemēs and of hym was Henry the fourth crowned As for Hiltebrand died not longe after in exile Sigebertus the history writer doth not greatly prayse Hiltebrande and doth reprehende the man● dedes that he did disquiet the peaceable state of the churche and empyre without greate cause and writeth also that Hiltebrande when he was dyeng should hymselfe haue complayned it and should haue required of Henry by embassage forgeuenesse of hys trespasse Hiltebrande forbade the priestes of Germany to mary and many that were maryed caused he to be diuorced The yeare of Christe M. ciij. when Henry had vāquished the Saxons the erle of Misen Erbert was slayne whome the byshops made to truste to be Emperoure after Rudolfus Besides that when al maters of Germany and Italy were set at a stay was Henry the fyft chosen Emperoure by Henry the fourth hys father Wherefore dyd the byshoppes procure by this Henry that he shoulde ryse against his father and driue hym out of the empyre But this greued the good prince greatly Wherefore Henry the sonne makyng a leage the yeare M C. v. dyd fyrst besyege his father at Mentz but the princes refusyng to assault it Henry the sonne was fayne to departe and leauyng Mentz went with the hoost to Norinberg and gat and spoyled it in the space of two monethes The father persued the sonne and on both sydes were they a while in their campes by Regensburg but they came neuer to playne felde by reason the princes went alwaye betwene But the sonne warned the father to beware of hys owne seruauntes wherefore he fled priuely to Ludich and dyed there that same yeare But when he had lyen vnburied fyue yeares by reason of the excommunicacion or course of the Romyshe byshop he optayned absolucion and was buried at Spire There are yet wrytynges at thys houre that were sent to the kynge of Fraunce by Henry the father treatyng of the iniury of the sonne and their malice which set the sonne against the father Reade more of this tragedy in the life of Hiltebrād prynted seuerally in Englyshe Of the takyng in and possessyng the citie Hierusalem IN the tyme of this Henry the fourth began the settyng forth to warre into Iewry against the Saracens and Turkes The fyrst capitayne was Godfre of Bilion prince of Lothringe or Lorain Hym accompanied the best princes and lordes of Gallia The yere M. xcix Godfre wan the citie Ierusalē and was straight waye made kyng But he refused to be crowned with a golden crowne there where Christes was crowned with a crown brayded of thornes This happened foure hundreth thre score and eight yeres before that Hierusalem was taken out of the Perses power by Heraclius But not muche aboue thirtene yeres after became the Saracens lordes of Hierusalem Many yeares after were the Saracens dryuen out of Hierusalem by the Turkes About this tyme gat the Christiās Ierusalem again and subdued many cities contreis there about They had the realme of Ierusalem lxxxviij yeares vntyll the yere of Christ a thousand one hundreth foure score seuen The Souldane wanne Ierusalem againe in the tyme of Frederick Barbarossa The chaunge of many duchyes in Germany HOw many miseries the inwarde warre of Germany whiche was sturred by the byshop of Rome wylenesse hath brought with it may easely be gathered thereby that when the princes and great men were slayne the lord shyppes and dominions were chaunged Henry the fourth gaue to the Catuly Lordes of Schwaben the lande of Baier After Rudolphus death gaue Henry the fourth the duchy of Schwaben to Frederick of Stauffen hys sonne in lawe that had maried hys daughter The auncetry or kynred of the Frankes dyed in a very shorte space Ecbertus erle of Misnia was slayne Gebhardus the father of that Lotharius whiche became afterward Emperoure was slayne also in a battaill and to conclude the power of Germane is wholy made feble and turned vpsyde downe by this debate of the princes Whan Hiltebrande was deade a byshop called Victor the third of that name was chosen out of the citie of Rome by his companions in spete of Clement But when Victor was deade a litle after by them was Vrbanus the ij chosen byshop of Rome The same returned to Ro. by their ayde that were ▪ now appointed to go to Ierusalem Being restored in the see he droue out Clemens Paschalis the ij succeded Vrbanus the .ij. Thissame was first taken by Henry the fyft Afterward did he constrayne hym to crowne hym Emperoure Henry the fyft the xvij Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M.
to excommunicate them only but also to put them from the empyre so that one can thynke no honestye in these dedes of the Romysh byshoppes specially yf ye ponder and way all the causes and reasons All these were excommunicated in a rowe and yet were they myghtye and wyse Emperoures that haue brought to passe great and notable thinges Henry the fourth a Franke. Henry the fyfth a Franke. Friderick the fyrst a Schwabe Philippe sonne to Frederick the fyrste Otho the iiii duke of Brunswig Friderick the .ii. Henry the .vi. sonne Conradus Fridericks sonne The yeare of Christe M.CC.xii. Otho beyng come agayne into Germany though he knew that the princes myndes were set agaynst him yet poynted he a day of parlament at Norinberg and admonyshed the princes that they shulde not graunt the bishops of Ro. that authoritye that they shulde put downe Emperoures at theyr pleasure for the empyre pertayneth not to Romysh byshops but to the Germane princes He brought some princes to his mynd with this admonition and fell vpon Herman erle of Thuryngen the father of erle Lewys to whome S. Elysabeth was spoused For erle Herman to do the Byshoppe of Rome pleasure set hymselfe agaynst the Emperour as a man condemned wyth byshoppe of Romes excommunicatyons and curses But afterwarde was Otho forsaken of all the princes except one erle of March in Misen For Fryderycke the yonger enemy to Otho was alreadye come into Germany besyde that by the byshoppe of Romes procurynge was the Frenche kynge in armes agaynste Otho But whan tydynges came to Otho of Frideryckes commyng he prepared hym to go agaynste hym into Alsasse and was wyth hys hooste at Brysacke howe beyte beynge destytute of all the ayde of hys he was constrayned to flye into Saxony But than repayring an hooste and beyng holpen of the kynge of Englande he went into low Germany agaynst the Frenche kynge of whome he was ouercome and dyed afterwarde the yeare M. CC. xviij He lyued wythout the tytles of thempyre .v. yeares Friderick the .ij. the .xxiiij. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christ M. CC. xiij was chosen Emperoure Friderick the .ii. of that name the sonne of Barbarossa kinge of Naples and Cicily and duke of Schwaben whan Otho was put downe and was crowned Emperoure at Achen He raygned seuen and twenty yeares Yet before he dyed was he depryued fyue yeares of the Empire by Innocentius the Bysh of Rome Noman can pitye ynough the case of thys laudable Emperoure that he was endued wyth many and noble vertues and yet in the mean season suffred he moost extreme and heuy persuinges of Romane byshops He was verye well learned in many languages For he knew perfectly the Latine Greke Germane and Saracens languages Besydes thys set he forth also the disciplines of good sciences He brought to passe that the boke of Ptolome called Almagestū was translated out of the Saracens language into Latyn and by that meanes the doctryne of Astronomye whyche noman had taughte many yeares before in Europa was brought to lighte Hys fyrste warre had he in Germanye agaynste Otho the .iiii. by the bishop of Romes counsel but he had the same rewarde for it that other Emperours afore him haue had The seconde warre had he in Brabant agaynste the duke of Brabant and Othoes adherentes and restored Lorain againe to the Germane empyre The yeare of oure lorde M. CC. xx was Fridericke crowned of Honorius the .iii. Emperoure Two erles in Tuscia had taken in some cityes that belonged to the empire the which whan Friderick had taken agayne the erles that were driuen out fled to Honorius bysh of Ro. who toke them in hys defence and commaunded Friderick to restore thē into the possession of the cityes that he had taken from them But whan Friderick refused that Honorius excommunicated hym settyng asyde all the former loue The yeare M. CC. xxii came Friderick again into Germany and holding a parlamēt at Wyrtzpurg he made Henry his yonger son felowgouernoure of the empyre and was crowned at Achen But afterwarde was the same Henry taken by his father because he had made a leage with certayn cityes of Lombardy agaynst the father while the father liued yet died he of y e filthinesse of the prison Though the city Hierusalem was now loste yet possessed the Christians other great and mighty cytyes in Siria But whan the power of the Turkes grewe dayly more more and the fortune of y e Christiās went back Ioannes came to Rome who had yet the title of y e king of Hierusalē and desyred ayde of Honorius the byshop of Rome and optayned by Honorius that Friderick who was accursed was absolued Wherefore Fridericke and the Germane princes consented frelye to make an armye for the delyueraunce of the cytye Hierusalem and the kyng of Hierusalem gaue Iole hys doughter in maryage to Friderick the Emperoure Whereby it commeth that yet at this houre the kynges of Sicily ascrybe to them the title of the realme of Hierusalem Fridericke the Emperour than went wyth a great army well furnyshed to Hierusalem and wyth hym many princes of Germany among the which was also Lewis y ● landtgraue to whom S. Elisabeth was maried the same dyed in that settynge forth at Brundusium The yeare M. CC. xxviij went Fridericke to Hierusalem and dyd hys busynesse so that the Souldane gaue hym frely agayne not only Hierusalem but many other cytyes there about Friderick was crowned at Hierusalem the yeare M. C C. xxix He caused the citye Hierusalem to be made sure agaynste the power of the enemyes He made treuce with the Souldane for ten yeres All thys shewed he by a letter to the byshop of Ro. and requyred absolucion of the curse for by thys Gregorye was he accursed also I wote not for what title in the kingdome of Sicily But it was a small matter for the byshop of Rome to deny to the Emperoure the absolution for this gyle also or rather iniury had he done to Frederick being absent For he set y ● Italian cities against him toke in by force some cityes in his patrimonial realme Naples By thys constraynt was Friderick driuē to come back agayn into Sicilye and to rescue his realme come by inheritaunce from feare of daunger Although the bysh of Ro. had ben sore dissoial against the Emperour in his absence yet required he absolution so lowly that he promysed he wolde holde the kyng dome of Sicily of him by fealtye Besydes this also caused he the princes of Germanye to come into Italy that at the least by them myght the debate betwen hym and the Emperour be alayed Therfore dyd Gregorius absolue the Emperour agayne the yeare of Christe M. CC. xxx After y c came the Emperour Friderick the thyrd time into Italy and warred in Eastenrich agaynst the Hungarians toke the eyty Vienne the which that she shuld be remain an emperial city he wold haue
the callynge a general councell Wherefore by the consent of the byshop of Ro. Ioannes the Emperoure and also the kynges of Fraunce Spayne and England was the councell of Constance begonne the yeare M. C C C C. xiiii to the whiche came Ioannes the Byshop of Rome hymselfe The Emperoure Sigismundus came to Constance before Christmasse and at masse songe he the gospell as Deacon Ther went oute a commaundemente from Augustus the Emperoure c. Afterwarde was ther treated of Ihon Husse and hys doctryne beyng condemneth he was burneth wyth Hieronimus of Praga After that treated they to a peace the diuisyon and deposyng the byshoppes of Rome Ioannes the .xxiij. Gregorius and Benedictus was chosen in the see Othode Columna who was called Martynus the fyfte But whan it repented Ioannes the .xxiii. that he had consented frelye to the renouncynge of the Byshoprycke of Rome he wente aboute to flye pryuelye wyth the ayde of Frederyck duke of Eastenryche But in the flyghte Ioannes was had backe agayne by the Emperoures men And the duke of Eastenryche was bannyshed by the Emperoure and some of hys townes taken in hys duchye At the last was the debate layed downe of thys wyse It was coūselled Frederyck that he frely yeldyng to the Emperoure all hys landes shulde humblye requyre forgeuenesse of hys offence Wherefore by the Emperoures gentlenesse and fauoure he was restored in the duchy of Eastenryche But Ioannes the byshoppe of Rome was delyuered to the counte Palatyne to be kepte Thesame caried him int y e castel Māheym not farre frō the citye Heidelberg there was he kepte the space of thre yeare After y t was he receaued to grace by Martinus the Romish bish and made a Cardinal Whan of this wise that hurteful diuision that was betwene the bishops of Rome was anoyded peace and reste was restored to the churche and that by the endeuoure and procurement of Sigismundus the Emperoure who therefore deserued greate prayses The residue that were done in that assemble or councel is no nede to rehearse for whole bokes are wrytten thereof Of the prouincial erles of the marqueship of Brandenburg THe yeare of Christ M. C C C C. xvii the fyrste sondaye after Easter dyd Sigysmundus the Emperour in the councell geue to the mooste prayse worthy prince Fridericke Burgraue of Norinberg the ryghte of Imperyall election and the prouincyall marqueshyp of Branbenburge and that for hys excellent vertues and greate truste that he had shewed in dispatchinge great causes of the empyre But truely it were long to rechearse here how noble princes haue ben both before thys dignitye was gotten also afterward in this progeny of Burgraues yee and before hath oft ben made mēcion of them But after that they were made Electors they were diligente euer in treatynge the greateste and mooste weightyest matters of the empyre for the whyche thynges sake shalbe oft made mēcion of thē hereafter Wherfore in the histories of our time is Albertus the Marques praised before al other who for his vertues sake is surnamed y ● germane Achilles It is also not vnknowen in oure dayes y ● Marques Ioachim of Brandenburg Elector my moost gentle lorde and his brother Albert Cardinal and Elector Archebyshoppe of Mentz and Magdenburge c. are garnyshed with hygh wysedome and all princely vertues and that therfore theyr counsel ayde is requyred before other in hyghe and harde matters not only concernynge the empyre but also to y ● whole Christiantie Nother cā it other wyse be in gouernaunces and dominions y ● whych so longe as they haue theyr beynge must be deserued and maynteyned by the wysedome of men of greate authoritye whiche thynge the Wysedome her selfe wytnesseth in holye scriptures sayenge By me kynges do raygne Whan the councell was broke vp many settyng forth were appoynted agaynst the seditions and euell disposed men whiche spoyled and robbed both churches monasteryes after Ihon Husses death Theyr captayn was called zyscha Greate manslaughter was of both sydes of the Bohemes and Germanes which went against them yet was not that brunt of vproure so quenched Sigismundus as we sayd before had prepared brought vntill Adrianopolis a verye greate army of Germanes Frenchmē Italians Hungarians against y ● Turkes In this setting forth were most greatest princes y ● Emperour Sigismundus Philippe duke of Burgundion But by reason the Frenchemen stroue sayenge they must haue the foreward in the army y ● orders were broken not without an incredible losse of Christen men for theyr enemyes vanquyshed them and the duke of Burgundy was taken Sigismundus the Emperour fled to Constan tinople After longe season after was the duke of Burgundy delyuered A mery story is recited of Sigismundus He had a seruaunt y ● was many yeares familiar wyth him whom he had not greatly rewarded though in the meane season he was a liberal free prince which thing Leonardus Aretinus also doth write who sawe Sigisinūdus the Emperour had done many messages to him on the bysh of Ro. behalfe It fortuned that whā he was ridden into a water hys horse dyd stalle Whyche thinge whan the seruaunt that went strayght before the Emperoure did see he sayd in sporte The horse was of lyke nature that hys lorde was The Emperour hearyng it by chaunce maruayled commaunded to shewe him what he saide The seruaunt aunswered The horse pourech out water into the ryuer where as is water ynough alredy Euen so is the Emperour lyberall to those whych haue ryches plenty nede them not greatly Sigismundus the Emperoure perceaued that he was aduisedly touched or taunted that he had not rewarded hys olde seruaunt with some peculyar or greate rewarde and sayd He neuer wanted the wyll to recompense but that princes gyftes are not properlye theyrs that deserue them but theyrs that they are appoynted by Goddes prouydence and dysposycyon The same sayde he that he woulde proue wyth the dede so soone as he shulde be at leasure and reste Afterwarde whan the Emperour had gotten leasure he caused to make two boxes of one bygnesse and fashion In the one he put golde in the other leade of lyke weyght and callyng the seruaunt he bad hym take one of the boxes The seruaunt being abashed weyed now the one boxe than the other douting y ● whiche he myghte rather take at the laste he toke y ● boxe wherein the leade was Which whan he had opened the Emperour sayde It may be sene openly that hys wyli was not in the faute why he was not rewarded hetherto but hys misfortune This dede wythnesseth verely that the Emperoure dyd wysely consyder that the fortunable prosperity of thynges commeth of God Sigismūdus the Emperour had no heyre mankynne he gaue hys only doughter to Albert duke of Eastenryche who became kyng of Hungary and Bohemy by that meanes The yere M. CCCC xxxiiii whyle Sigismundus was yet alyue began the councel of Basil For
An example of great presumption 〈…〉 e. Posthumus The Frankes settinge themselues against the Romanes Flauius Claudius Constantinus y ● great ●●●●lianus ▪ ●●e 〈…〉 ●● b●●●ayll Au 〈…〉 ●●●●de●o●●●● o● the di 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 e ▪ Heretykes are b●gyn●ers of vproure ▪ Manichei the heretikes Manes born in Persia The doctrine of the Manicheis ▪ Thomas Monetarius Tacitus ●●●bus ▪ ☞ Larus Diocletianus Maximianus Maxentius Constantius 〈…〉 The 〈…〉 n of Germany Cōstantinus Maxentius drowned in the Tybur The cause of disagrement betwen Constantinus Licinius The e●de●our of Constantinus to kepe the Gospell ▪ The duety of a Christen prince The councel of Nicea called 〈…〉 i 〈…〉 Nice 〈…〉 ▪ Constanti 〈…〉 〈◊〉 The aunceters of Constantinus Arrius an open reader in the scole of Alexandria The doctrine of Arrius Alexander byshop Constancius 〈…〉 ●● Arrius The death of Arrius i● an ●●ample of 〈…〉 Athanasius beynge bannished flyeth to Triere out of Egypt Arrius was y c forerunner of Mahomet ● comete was ●●ue Constantinus Thre brether̄ raigned together An example of vengeaunce Magnētius an example of an vnkind vnfaithfull and disloyal man Magnentius slayeth himselfe Liberius byshop of Rome Felix bishop of Rome a dislembler Iulianus apostata Iulianus ●● 〈◊〉 Empe 〈…〉 at S●ras 〈…〉 Iulianus fo 〈…〉 badde Christen men the authoritie of warrfare Cyrillus Nazanzenu● haue answered Iulianus How vengeaunce is forbodden The death of Iulianus is an exampl 〈…〉 o● venge●●nce Io 〈…〉 nus a godly Emperoure Valentinianus ●●●eth a ●●●then prest a blow Burgunnions be S●xo●s Valens ●● Arria●● An example of vengeaunce S. Ierome was notarye to Damasus Gratianus Theodosius 〈…〉 ercō 〈…〉 th 〈…〉 th●es 〈◊〉 〈…〉 tes 〈…〉 es of 〈…〉 y Theodosius Stillico The godlynesse of Theodosius towarde the churche ☜ Pelagius an heretyke in Britanne S. Augustin hath written against Pelagius ▪ Arcadius Honorius The Gotthies ▪ came fyrst into Italy Gotthies in the halfe Ile Taurica Theodosius Stillico Radagasus Alaricus Alaricus wynneth Rome the .xij. rauens or rauenous beastes whiche Romulus sawe Totilas Ataulphus The kynges of Spayne are sprong of y ● Gotthies Genserichus Some call him Theodericus some Titricus of ●erona Othacarus Dietrichus of Berna The Gotthies were Arrians Attila The Weste Gotthies The East Gotth 〈…〉 Himelsuita Adelrichus An example of distoyalty Theodatus An example of vengeaūce Witichus Totilas was 〈…〉 h● of S. 〈…〉 e● Narses Teia Lombardy Whē Spain and parte of Fraūce was trāslated frō the empyre Theodosius the younger Whan the Vandali ca●● into Aphrica ● Augustin Hippo. A Vandaliā faythfulnesse An example of dystopa●te Whan y ● Vādali came first into Germany The Boemes are Germanes Germany is 〈…〉 frō 〈…〉 〈…〉 The callyng of Hungary ● in dedes of Attila Aetius The battaill with Attila by Tolouse 〈…〉 ath o● 〈…〉 The 〈…〉 of Au 〈…〉 The ●●●urge of God ●h● 〈…〉 Augustulus Leo. ●en● ▪ Anastasius Iustinus 〈…〉 〈…〉 arius 〈…〉 r●es The ciuill lawe is rest ored by iustinianus The digestes ☜ Bellisarius was very The ende 〈…〉 f the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 per 〈…〉 〈…〉 of y ● 〈…〉 of R 〈…〉 Wonders sene in Italy before Mahomet Iustinus ●● Tiberius ●● Mahomet 〈…〉 〈…〉 phet 〈◊〉 ▪ 〈…〉 rō of Maho 〈…〉 by 〈…〉 〈…〉 The fourme of Mahomets religiō Mahomet subdueth fyrst Arabia Sultan or Souldan The place in Daniel of Maho●et 〈◊〉 ●●ng●●●● of ●he 〈◊〉 〈…〉 The pow●● of the Saracens The Turkes were Tartares Othomannus y ● Turk● Whan the Turkes began to haue dominion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ● 〈◊〉 What ●●me S. Gallus preached in hygh Germany Constantinus the son●● of Heraclius Herac●eona● 〈◊〉 example of vengea●●ce Constans Constantinus Pogonatus Iustinianus Leontius Tiberius Apsimarus Psal xi Beda in Englande Philippus Bardesanes Anastasius was thrust into a monastery Theodosius Leo y ● thyrde surnamed Iconomachus 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 was 〈…〉 Copronymus Leo y ● fourth Constantinus Leo the 〈…〉 hs sonn Irene Pipinus What tyme S. Bonifacius preached in Germany 〈…〉 e for th● eleccion of the bishop of Rome Carolus magnus The begynnyng of the translatyng the empyre to the Germanes By whom Germany was vexed wyth warres sence the tyme of Augustus The ofspringe of y ● Frankes The dedes of the Frankes and by what occasion they de●●iuered frō the empyre Francia or Fraunce ●● part of Gallia By what orcasion the Almanes decyuered from the emppre Germani is deuided in Almanes and ● Frankes The elders of 〈…〉 y ● greate were Grand maysters 〈…〉 ●t Palatine 〈…〉 ●ha● 〈…〉 he greate Piping king of Germany and Fraūce Charles is borne in Ingelheim The dedes of Charles the greate Desiderius kyng of the Lombardes Charles optayueth Lombardy The modes●●● o● Char●● Tassilo duke of Baierland was ouercome of Char●●● Charles was made Empeperoure of the West The Hungarians are assaulted with warre by Charles the greate Tra●s●luania or Sept● castra called Seuenburg Bohemy was ouercome w t Lecho theyr kynge Wh●rfore monarches 〈…〉 of God ●●● ded 〈…〉 Charles the greate was learned in Greke Latin ●he 〈…〉 by 〈…〉 ▪ 〈…〉 ●he 〈…〉 ▪ 〈…〉 Lewis the gētle is taken of hys sonne S●phanus was confirmed of Lewis The brethren of Lotharius were th●e ●● wis Germanicus Charl●● the balde The dukes of the Frankes 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 ▪ 〈…〉 〈…〉 Swynes mouth was y ● first that chaūged his name Castel Angel Iohānes vi●● byshop of Rome a woman Lewis the. ●● is buried at Milane The disloyalte of the byshop of Ro. in transferryng the empyre to Frenchemen Charles the balde The French 〈…〉 nings The death of Charles the balde Charles the grosse The Normādes fell into Fraunce Arnolphus Emperoure The Normādes are ouercome An example of moste notable cruelnesse of a Rompsh byshop Sergius vnlearned and a tyraunt The tyranny of y ● byshops of Rome Lewis the. iij The Hungarians way●t Germany ●●●ly Berengarius prince of Foroiulium Conrade the fyrste ▪ Otho duke of Saxony Berengarius Henry the Fouler The occasiō of the warre betwene the Frankes Saxons The empyre is translated to the Saxōs 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 The kyngdome of germany neuer wanted vproures The reasonyng of Henry the Emperour wyth Arnold duke of Bayerland The vision of S. Vdalr●●ke The d●●es 〈…〉 by Henry the fyrste Otho the fyrst The vpronres raysed against Otho Eberardus the Palatine Giselbert prince of Lotharing or Loraine ▪ Henry brother to Otho Herman prince of Schwaben ▪ Lonradus duke of the Frankes An example of ●eage 〈…〉 also on greate 〈…〉 The seconde vp●ouce was wyth hys brother The thyrde 〈…〉 was by his owne 〈…〉 Salfelde ● deadly place for counsels Regenspurg The Hungarians are vanquished ● 〈…〉 An example that 〈…〉 God 〈…〉 The aunswer of Otho to the Frenche●●s threaten ●y●ges Strawe hattes Hugo prince of Fraunce Lewis is restored agayn to the realme of Fraunce Berengarius peldeth hymselfe to Otho Berēgarius wyth hys sonne are ●a●●● for their disloyaltye Otho y ● first made the 〈◊〉 othe
to the bishop of Rome The ●●●●es of the 〈…〉 ppes of 〈…〉 Quedelnburg Who fande fyrst the syluer Mines in Misen Otho the 〈…〉 ▪ Henry du●e of 〈…〉 The French men are subdued of Otho the secōd Otho the second was taken by mariners The endeuoure and faythfulnesse in keyyng the empyre ▪ The punishment of Crescentius a Roman● Prynce for ●●●●●yng y ● Emp●●● Otho the iij. called the Worldes wonders ▪ Bruno a Saxon was made bysh of Ro. To what pr●ces the election is committed Ihon Stabius an astronomer The Germane history wryters vnlearned Why Bohemy hath the authorytye of eleccion Saxony Brandenburg The countyshyp of Palatyne What profite is by the princes Electors Otho the. i● ▪ was poysosoned Syluester byshop of Ro a w●other with ●●●ll spectes Henry the .ij. The dedes of Henry the .ij. Steuen kyng of the Hungarians Cunradus y ● second Ernestus duke of Schwaben Gisela a quene of Bourgundy The first mēcion of y ● marqueshyp in Easteuriche The begynnyng of the erldome of Thuryngen and whence y ● lordes therof be Lewis the Bearded Thre bishops of Rome stronyng for the 〈…〉 deposed When ● Cardinals began 〈◊〉 Henry the .iij Luno duke of Baier An euel counsayll c. Berengarius 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 trewe 〈…〉 ar ●i the 〈…〉 of Christes body and bloud Henry y ● .iiij. Of how great euell Hiltebrand was occasion The constitution of Henry the blacke of choysynge the byshop of Rome The tyranny of Hiltebrād in derogati●● the auth●ritie of Emperoure ●ha● the● were that tell 〈…〉 Henry the ●ourth 〈…〉 〈…〉 ●ishops pleasure Rudolfus is made Emperoure of the bishops at Phorcen The complaint of Rudolfus the Emperoure vpon the bishops Hiltebrande the byshop of Rome was another Cayphas Sigebertus ●● history wryter Hiltebrande did first forbyd the Germane priestes to mary Henry the .v. set to worke by y e byshops besyeged hys father Norinbergh is taken by Henry the v. Godfre of Bilion The 〈…〉 raysed in Germany ●● the bishop ● Rome Henry the. ● 〈…〉 mple 〈…〉 graūce The ba 〈…〉 ●● Mansfeld Henry the .v. renoūced hys ryght of the choysynge of byshops 〈…〉 s ● Saxon. The princes of bruns●ig came of the Ca●●● S. Bernarde made the peace betwene y ● Emperours Conradus Lotharius Wernherus ●restorer of y ● lawes The p●●yse ● profitable●●s of the Rom. lawes Azo Accursius Bartholus Gracianus By what occasion the mōkes are brought to wryte Conradus a Schwabe Conradus went to Ierusalem against the Saracens Emanuel Emperour of Cōstantinople●s disloyaltie The vertue of noble dames in the citie Weinsburg William of Sicily An example of the Romish bysh ▪ disloyaltie tyranny The cōplaint of Adrian byshop of Rom. whē he shuld dye Frederick y ● fyrst When the duchy of Easten riche began Who are the dukes of Baier and counties of Palatine Lubeck Milan● Frederick was excommunicate by the byshop of Rome The humilite or lowlynesse of Frederick The extreme tyranny of Alexander the thyrde bysh of Ro. against y ● Emperour Frederick Frederick the fyrst goynge into Asia what warres he had Frederick went oft into waters The prince of Bohem● is made a kyng Henrye the syxte Frederick the seconde The Romish byshops crake Philippe Emperour Bertholdus duke of Ze●ingen Otho the fourth God prospered the businesses of thē that are lawfully called Irene doughter to the Emperour of Cōstantinople Philippe the Emperoure was slayne of Otho of Witelspach An example of vengeaunce Dominicus Franciscus Otho the fourth The pryde and cruellye of the byshoppes of Rome The Emperours that were excommunicated by the byshops of Rome Herman county of Thuringen S. Elizabeth Friderick the second The science of Astronomye was brought to lyght agayn by Friderik the .ij. Henry the sonne was taken by Frideryke hys father Ioannes kyng of Hie-rusalem Why the kynges of Sicyly clayme the ●●tle of Hierusalem Lewis the Landtgraue Friderick y ● ij is excom-municated y ● thyrd time Guelphi Guelphi Frideryk y ● Emperoure ●● deposed of y ● empyre by the byth of 〈…〉 Victoria ●●yty● Fridericke coynet ●ether in tyme of nede C●nradus the fourth The notable cruelty of Clemens bishop of Ro. agaynst Cūradinus William Emperoure Alfonsus kynge of Spayne and astronomiā Rudolf erle ●● Habysburge Othacarus hy●g of the Bohemes Albert duke ●● Eastērich Wen●●slaus 〈…〉 g of Bo 〈…〉 ma 〈…〉 Erfurde Adolfe coūte of Nassau Emperoure 〈…〉 du●e ●f ●●ste●rich A feate saieng by Bonifaci● the .viij. Albert Emperoure duke of Estenriche ●n example of vengeaūce 〈…〉 ricelli Othomānus Henry the vi● Henry the vij was poisoned of a black frier in the Sacrament Lewi● the Ba●er Frederick duke of Easten●●che ▪ Lupoldus Friderick duke of Eastenriche was taken by a Ebrarde Mosbach Lewis is excōmunicated A diuision in Germany The boastīg of Iohannes ●he .xxij. bysh Ocam a re●ouer of the ●om●●h bish Galeacius of Milan Lewis the Romane Nicolas the noble or ful of maiestie an example of notable folye Edward the iij. kynge of Englande Fredrick erle of Misen refuse the dignitie Emperial● Benedictus the. ●i Auenion a citie p●pall The ●●●de●●r● in ●●●many Fraūce 〈…〉 g themsel●●s Charles y ● iiij Charles the ●● maker of y e gold● buile The viuersitie of Praga in Bohempe The battayll by Rutlingē The Switzers league Lupoldus duke of Eastenriche was slam by the Switzers A diuisiō after Gregory us the .xi. Wēceslaus Emperour Ihon Husse teacheth opēlye agaynst pardons Rupertus Emperoure The diuision of thre Rom. vysh Tamerlanes a tyraunt Sigismundus Emperoure He that wyll knowe the whole history of Ihon Husse Hierō of Pragga y t were burnt in y e councel at Cōstāce let him read Eneas siluius ī his boke of y E beginning dedes of y e Bohemies y e .xxxv. xxxv chapy Zischa captayn of the Hussites sect The settyn ● forth of Sygismundus agaynste th● Turkes The history of Sigisinūdus with his seruaūt The prosperity cōmeth of God Albert duke of Eastērich The cosicel Basil Albert the .ii. Frederick y ● third Ioannes Huniades Vladislaus Iulianus the Cardinal Dracoles y ● Wlache Dracoles gaue Vladislaus a horse The battayl by Wardam Amurates be ●●me ● mōke 〈…〉 rp man Huniades hurteth the Turkes greueously The Dolphin and Armeniakes go into Germany The power of the Switzers agaynste the Dolphin Warre of y e cityes Constātinus Emperoure of Constantinople 〈…〉 table 〈…〉 of y e 〈…〉 whā 〈…〉 nn 〈…〉 ino pl● The Turkes are beastes not tirauntes Nansen ▪ Gransen Maximiliane Maximilian istakē at Brudgis Frederick dyeth Nicolaus the v. a fauourer of learnedinē Eneas Siluius Mahometes besyeged Hydruntum Alfons● kyng of Naples The prince of ●rbinas sayenge The science o● printyng The craft of gonnes Maximilianus the Emperoure Charles with the bunched back the Frēche kyng Pyrcamer When the duchy of Wirtēberg began The switzers warre against their neighbours them of Eastenriche Figures of a crosse sene vpon garmēts The warre of Baier Philip sonne to
Maximilian d 〈…〉 th Maximilian warreth against the Venecians Lewis kyng of Fraunce Iulius the by shop of Rom. was discomfited in a battaill by the citie Rauennas vpon Easter daye What Electors chose Charles that now is Emperoure Martine Luther ▪ Charles y ● Frances the French king taken The commotion of vplan●y●h m●n Schapler Twelue articles of the sedicious rustikes Thomas Mynter Iohn Ocal●padius Huldrich Zwinglius renew the doctrine of Berengarius ●ndreas ●arolestadius Rome taken by Burbon With what an ●●ost Sol 〈…〉 yd be 〈…〉 ge ●iēn● Charles is crowned Emperour at Bonony by the bysh of Ro. The parliament of ●usborow An ouerflowyng at Ro. Clemens the vij is taken Ferdinande kyng of Hungary A Comete sene The Switzer warre within themselues The parliament holden at Regēspurg Prophecies of recouering Constantinople and of roting the Turkes out of Europa Laurentius Miniatensis an Astronomer A Comete sene Writers of Histories Cronicles What the mutacions of kyngdomes de signifye Agathias Ctesias The conuocation or counsaill holden at Ramsburgh The duke of Saxon agreeth not to the election of y e kyng of the Romaines The seconde breakyng in of Soliman into Germany Guns assaulted of the Turke by the space of .xij. daies The wall of 〈◊〉 falleth 〈…〉 e by it ●elfe Anthony de Leua Andrewe de Aurea The citie of Corona takē The Emperourre turned into Italy to the Pope The Pope meteth themperour at Bononia Battell moued in England against the Scottes The death of Iohn duke of Saxon. Iohn Frederick duke of Saxon. A Comete or blasing starre ●●●● A great in●●●cion of wat●● in Hollād Seeland c. Christerne k●n● of D●● 〈…〉 ke after h●● retur●●ta 〈…〉 oure 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 l. A mōstruous Calfe borne by y e sea coste aboute Lindowe The Emperour Charles retourneth from Genua into Spaine Newe Indes or Ilandes plentyfull of golde and siluer founde out by the Spāyardes A solēpne cōmunycacyon holdē at Massilia betwene y e Pope the French kinge The duke of Orleans marieth the Popes cosyn The Euangelycal bōd is opened by y e french kyng Another Comete or blasing starre apeared Shiltagh burned downe to y e ground A great Pestilence in Germany A great earthquake tempest of wind Kynge henry the .viii was d●uorsed frō hys fyrste wyfe maried to an other 1534. The Anabaptystes t●ke the Cytye of Mynster in Westphale The Anabaptystes make them a kyng Knypperdullynge c. kregh tynge Philip Landgraue of Hessen The Citie of Minster besieged by y ● bi●hop Scarcitye of victualles in Mynster The Anabaptistes eate lether couerynges of bookes Philip landgraue of Hessen goeth about to set his vncle into his owne land agayn Philip y ● palatine put to flyght and wounded Hulderike duke of wi●tēberg restored to his o●●● d 〈…〉 ō A peace graūted vnto y ● ●an●g●a ●e on them perours behalf The lādgraue retourneth into his owne lande A cōmēdatiō of liberalyty boldenes in y e landgraue a cōmēdatiō of pacience mekenes in thēperour y e kyng of Hungary The death of Frederike kyng of Dēmarke A straunge thing or tokē happened about y ● dead corps of the kynge The erle of Oldēboroughe ● y ● Lubekes inuade y ● dukedom of h●lsa●es The death of George weuer markes mayer A peace concluded betwene the towne of Lubeke and the dukedom of ho sure The captaynes of Lubeke desyrous to inuade dēmarcke A newe war ●● A wōderfull apparitiō in Dēmarke Henry king of Ingland excōmunicated by the pope The Pope hath ●● authority ouer Ingland king Hēnry forsaketh y t Pope A bokt sett furth vp kinge henry againste the primacpe of y e Pope King Henry ioined in cōfederatin̄ with y t Princes mayntainers of ● gospel Ireland rebe●●eth against their prince Pope Clement dyeth Paule y ● ▪ iii. chosen to be Pope Sophi p●in●● of y ● Persians ●●●●●beth y ● Turk Imbrai bassa Imbray bassa with hys host slayne The Turke cometh againste y ● sayde Sophy The turke cōpassed aboute of the Periyans The Turke escapeth ●a ro●e●● with a lewe Barbarossa inuabeth the kyngdome of Tunyse Barbarossa suodueth Affryca the lesse Kynge Altzachenus expelled from Tunyse The 〈◊〉 of Breda burned Great tempestes of wind Waters ryuers excedingly increassed ●● y ● ●ande of Pole The duke of Millā marieth y ● dough●●r 〈…〉 y ● kyng Denmarke Themperour prepareth an armada towardes Affrica The kingdō of Tunise rec●●●red b● the pe●our Barbarossa ex●●lled frō Tunise Kyng Altzachenus restored to hys kyngdome of Tunise The castell of Golleta reserued for themperour Themperour returneth frō Affrica Barbarossa inuadeth the Ile of Minorca The Affricanes attempte rebellion Andrewe ●e Aurea apointed to kepe y e Affricanes in awe The sect of the Anabaptistes in creas●eth The Anabaptistes ●●kem●●●w 〈…〉 ● go naked The Anabaptistes within 〈…〉 e ●pp●●lled The madnes of the Anabaptistes The Anabaptistes beleued that Minster was new Ierusalem A woman would conterfet Iudith The kynge 〈…〉 ing and knipperdulling taken The kyng of the ●●baptistes with his cōsellers put to death Christian duke of Holston chosen to be kyng in Denmarke The count of Hoya and the Erle of Teckelborough slayne Louedayes kept in Hungary The kyng of Poles maried the daughter of ●erd●●anto kyng of Bohemy The death of the Duke of Mylan The duke of ●a●er marieth the daughter of Denmarke ●ir Thomas more Chauncelour of England and y ● byshop of Rochester beheaded The monkes of the charter house A wonderful tempest Neuer suche a tēpest sene Quene Katherine dow●ger dieth Quene Anne Bullyn be headed Que. Iane Semour maried to the kyng of Enland The citie of Geneue besieged Preachers of the Gospel ordeyned ●● Sa●●● Iulius Lesar builded Clausa Rodani The French kyng claymeth the succession of Mila●e It is the condicion of an ap● to countr●faite all y ● is done in his ●●ght Aprai●● of the author The Emporoures complaynt to the Pope agaīst the Frenche kyng The Empeperoures request The Popes aunswere The Emperoures retourne from Rome A trap●one put to death at ●po●s The Count of Nassowe Perone besyeged The Euangelical bond The Synode or conuocatiō of Wittenborough Swinglius cōsenteth not with Luter in the opinion of the Sacramēt A new peace concluded betwene the sea townes of Eastlande Denmarke The citie of Copenhage beseged by y ● kyng D●g●es and 〈…〉 Coppenhagh yelded vp to● kyng Warborough taken Markes mayer taken and quartered Ag●●ly e●●ple for all kynges and conquerours The practise of papistes All the byshoys of Dēmarck deposed Iohn Bugen hagh Thepreachig of the gospell instituted in Denmarke xxiiij thousād parishes in Denmarch Norway furnyshed with preachers The coronation of Lhristiane siyng of Denmarck The vntuersitie of Luppenhaghe furnyshed with mēlearned in y ● scripturs Liuinges appointed for preachers ●●d●●s in Dē 〈…〉 Thimbassadours of England at Wittenbourgh Doctour ●●n●● An olde prophecy of Enland The Lorde Darcy with other Edwarde the sy●t borne The death
Bohemy and made his sonne kyng of Bohemy He dyd so tame Bohemy and Mentz whiche made fyndely confederacions together that they obeyed the empyre At the last was he slayne of his brothers sonne some erles of Eastenryche It was happely Gods pleasure so lest the manslaughter that he had done against Adolfe the Emperoure should be vnpunyshed For though he was not of lyke power yet in the meane season ought he to haue worshipped him as his lorde ordeyned of God The kyllers of hym were punyshed also For God letteth not manquellers vnpunyshed Benedictus the .x. was byshop of Rome after Bonifacius the .viij. The remouing of the Romysh byshops se from Rome into Fraunce WHen Benedictus the .x. was deade Clemens the .v. was made byshop of Rome The same dwelt at Lions in Fraunce absolued the Frenche kyng of the excommunication Wherfore sence that tyme which was the yeare M. cccv was the byshop of Romes see translated from the citie Rome to Auinion in Prouence a contry of Fraunce .xvii. yeres At this tyme were the Fratri●elli whiche were euen of lyke opinion with the Anabaptistes that in oure dayes go astraye their opinion was that noman should haue ought propre or of hys owne that Christen men should not gouerne cōmon welthes and suche lyke madde opinions had they Of the Turkes IN the tyme of Albert of Eastenriche began the kynred of Othomanus to grow among the Turkes in power and estimacion of whose bloude are spronge those kynges of the Turkes that raygne at this tyme. Henry the .vij. called of Lucelburg the .xxx. Germane Emperoure THhe yere of Christ M. cccix was chosen Emperoure Henry the prince of Lucelburg He reigned .vi. yeares For in the meane tyme that the Romish bishop was in Fraunce the Frenche kyng desyred inordinatly the dignitie of the empire and trusted to obteayne his request througe the consent of the Romish byshop But the cōcorde was not long durable betwene the byshop the Frenche kyng Wherfore the byshop aduertised the princes Electours whiche had now long disagreed for the electiō to hayste to choyse an Emperoure with one consent the prince of Lucelburg who at that time was demed a most renowmed prince for his wysdome ioyned with hygh grauitie As he was chosen strayght waye dyd the byshop of Rome cōfirme hym And thus was the Frēche kyng disapointed of his request endeuoure ▪ to remooue the dignitie of the Romish empire to him First toke he from the duke of Wirtenberg al his goodes because he was a rebel to the empyre To his sonne Iohn gaue he the kyng of Bohemies daughter in mariage by this meanes became Iohn prince of Lucelburg the father of Charles the iiij kyng of Bohemy Afterward went he into Italy with a great army and made Italy so afrayde of hym as no Emperoure had done a greate whyle before hym Some cities woulde not yelde them to hym without they were compelled by force namely Cremona and Brixia the residue obeyed frely At Rome was he crowned Emperoure He besyeged Florence with a heuy and strayght syege at the whiche tyme as it is reported a frere of y ● preachers order or Black freres that was made out of the Florentines destroied Henry with venim whiche he strake vpon the syngynge breade yea and the byshop of Rome hymselfe also beynge now armed with hys weapons threatened Henry wyth the dart of excommunicacion as he perceaued that he began to be sett by in Italy Ludouicus or Lewis the Baier the .xxxi. Germane emperoure And agaynst hym was chosen Emperour Frederick Duke of Eastenriche THe yere of Christ M. cccxiiij were assembled together at Franckforde the princes Electors the bysh of Mentz ▪ Trier and Colen Ihon kyng of Bohe my Rudolphe counte Palatine of the Rene Rudolphe duke of Saxony Volcmarus marques of Brandenburg On saynct Lucies daie was chosen Emperoure Lewis the Baier by the byshops of Mentz Trier the kyng of Bohemy and Marques of Brandenborowe And agaynst hym was chosen Friderick duke of Eastenriche be the byshop of Colen the cunte Palatine and duke of Saxony Lewis was crowned Emperoure at Aken Frederick at Bonne This controuersye in chosynge brought an occasion of greate inwarde or ciuyll warre in Germany The duke of Eastenriche had fauourers the byshop of Rome the kynges of Fraunce and Bohemy the Schwabes the counte of Palatine them of Strasborow and other cities many But God prospered Lewis who was lesse of power destitute of mans ayde He raygned .xxxiij. yeares The yeare M. cccxxiij dyd they stryke a felde by the floude Nechare whereof both sydes many were slayne The yeare M. cccxxv on saynt Michaels euen gaue Lewis a greate battaill to Frederick Frederick did ayde Lupoldus hys brother ioyned wyth hym the Schwaben and Switcers and a greate parte of the Hungarians As for Lewis dyd folow the kyng of Bohemy and the erle of Norenberg and some other princes Now when Lupoldes taried so long that he could not passe the water y ● host of Eastenriche was slayne and Friderick was taken by a Franke whose name was Ebrarde Mosbach the same led hym to the erle of Norenberg who sent hym to Lewis But when Lupoldus sawe he coulde not helpe hys brother he was so angry and ragious that he had in a maner vndone hymselfe had not hys men refrayned hym whiche also consayled hym to withdrawe nether dyd rashly cast hymselfe into the daunger Afterwarde assayed Lupoldus many thynges inuayne both by the byshop of Rome and also the Frenche kyng that he myght take his brother awaye by force for the Frēche kyng made no greate force of a strange matter Friderick was a prysoner the space of thre yeares in a castel in Baierlande at the last when the controuersy was brought to a poynt he was let louse vpon this condicion that he shoulde renounce the empyre whiche thing when he had frely promised he was restored into Eastenriche by Lewis Of this wyse behaued Lewis hymselfe very gently toward his enemy Lupoldus yet in the meane tyme not ceassynge of raysynge commocions euen after that Frederick was deliuered Afterwarde dyd Iohannes the .xxij. cast hys thonder boltes of coursyng agaynst Lewis the Emperoure because he vsed the Imperyall aucthoritie and empyres gouernaunce in Italy before hys coronacion Thereof rose an occasion of a greate diuision in Germany and that lasted about .xxiiij. yeares In the meane tyme rose here and there greate sedicions in the empyre and cyties and one parte busyed to dryue out and oppresse the other by conspiracion And though Lewis desyred absolution not once but often of the byshop of Rome yet could he not obtayne it wyth any prayers so that both Benedictus that was after Iohannes and other many and honest men dyd refuse the processe There are yet now a dayes wrytynges of the controuersie wherein the Romyshe byshop Iohannes the .xxii. is not ashamed to boaste