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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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guides Yea what cause of heresie observed and noted by her own children hath shee not embraced that so shee might defile her selfe with all manner of spirituall abominations If to make choice of religion according vnto the darke light of our owne natural reason and the servile liberty of our own free-will be to follow such guides as must needs lead into errour shee hath taught her children to do the same If to thinke basely of the common dueties generally belonging to all christians and to make choice of singular and private devotions be the cause of heresie shee hath perswaded her children thereto If the overmuch admiring of men and the addicting of our selues to our particular masters bee not only the beginning of schisme but the cause of heresie shee hath made her sectaries and followers not only schismatikes but also heretikes For vvhere may we finde more admiring and magnifying of men of their supreme power authority of their greate priviledges and prerogatiues of the holinesse of their rules and orders canons and constitutions and of the worthines perfectiō and merite of their workes then is to be found in the Church of Rome Lastly if he be an heretike which is an other-wise teacher or an after reacher and he a superstitious person that doeth any Rhom in 1. cp ad Tim. c. 1. thing supra statutū more then is commāded how can the chu●ch of Rome be free from the note of superstition and heresie seeing shee performeth her devotions otherwise then they were ordained to be done by the Apostles of Christ and most rigorously exacteth many duties which were not commanded by them at all and hath coyned many after-doctrines which were not heard of in their times For was not the word the sacraments otherwise delivered vnto the people by the Apostles of Christ then nowe Otherwise devotions they are by the church of Rome Was the word either publikely reade by them vnto the people in a strange tongue or kept from their owne private reading in a vnknowen language they sent to learne their devotions frō senceles dombe and deade images did they not penne it in a most vulgar tongue and after a most plaine familiar manner that for thē learning instructiō of Luk. 1. 4. Rom. 15. 4. the people Neither was the Sacrament of the Lordes supper ordained by them to be ministred to the people in one kinde nor baptisme with such a number of ceremonies as it is by the church of Rome disguised cast after a sort into a new forme much lesse was the observation of any outward ceremonie rite more rigorously exacted by them then the precise keeping of Christs institutiō or vrged vnder the paine of a more grievous curse Did the Apostles ordaine the solemne observing of so many festival daies After doctrines and workes supra statutū and eves or the building of churches in the honour of the saints or the running on pilgrimage to offer before their images or the sett times of fasting and abstinence or secret cōfession of all sins in the Priests eare or the vow of single life voluntary poverty Francis Dominike and Layola were not borne in their times not the holy rules made of any of their relligious orders but all vvillworships were condēned by thē which afterward were not only Coll. 2. 23. allowed but also preferred before the workes required in the law of God Lastly the supreme auctority and iurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome was not ordained by the Apostles neither was he appointed by them to bee a vniversall Bishoppe and to haue dominion over the whole church and to bee the vnerring and infallible iudge vnto whom appeale should bee made in all controversies much lesse was he placed by them aboue all kings and Emperors to depose them to set them vp at his own pleasure neither was any such auctority practised by S. Peter himselfe or by his successors long after him which yet had most skill and best courage to maintaine all doctrine belonging to their most Christian profession neither did they approue the bookes Apocriphs for Canonicall scripture nor their lawfull successors long after them alleaged the auctority of those bookes to confirme any doctrine or point of faith much lesse preferred they any translation before the authenticall text of the scripture as it is now done by the church of Rome and iustified openly by her auctority in her last generall councell of Trent Wherby shee hath made it manifest to the whole world that shee is not in some pointes onely but wholy and altogither fallen away from the word of GOD seeing shee refuseth to receiue it for the foundation of her faith as it was penned in the originalles by the speciall direction of GODS vnerring spirit and admitteth it onely as it is expounded by her translator which vvas not therein directed by any revelation nor had any priveledge of not falling into errour And verely if it bee a good reason against vs as it hath beene sette forth not long since by one of her Pamphleters that the vnlearned among vs haue no faith at all but a meere fancie because they doe builde it vppon our bare translations being not able to examine the truth of them by the originalles then much more may vvee avouch that neither the vnlearned nor yet the learned themselues among them haue anie faith at all seeing they all must vvill they vvill they settle their faith vppon the vvoordes and meaning of their transslator albeit hee differ never so much from the originall VVherefore to conclude seeing the Church of Rome hath embraced all manner of meanes of falling avvaie from GOD and his truth vvee may bee boulde to affirme that shee hath revolted and played the Apostata and so is become not onelie hereticall but also apostaticall yea that shee hath brought in that great apostasy that was foretolde by the Apostle Thus hast thou gentle Reader delivered vnto thee the maine foundation of all good workes the foure principall motiues so often vrged in the divine scripture to stirre vp the faithfull to the right and approued manner that is to be kept in the due performing of all holy actions And herein thou hast on the one side sette dovvne the true fountaine of sincere devotion and of all the parts therof wherin consisteth the true worship service of God and his spirituall and heavenly kingdome and on the other side not only the causes of errour and heresy but also of superstition and of all manner of Idolatry Now it remaineth that thou carefully put in practise these holy precepts and sanctified rules whē thou art moued to the performāce of any good worke and that thou stirre vp the gift of God in thee by these or the like holy meditations thus reasoning with thy selfe and saying This good worke God himselfe in his holy word commandeth me to performe vnto whose will I owe all obedience for that it is
also by nature so wilfully wedded to our corrupt wil for liberty without grace is not liberty but cō●…macie that we wil none of the knowledge of the Lords waies but as the deafe adder we stop our eares at the voice of the charmer charme he neuer so wisely And so great is the obstinacy of the wicked that they will do wickedly wil not vnderstand vntil the spirit of God of vnwilling maketh willing of obstinate obedient of rebellious pliable and tractable The Philosophers make reason a queene teach that if we would follow her we should not erre and in truth the Lord made her a queene at the first but by yeelding vnto the suggestion of the subtile serpent by casting of the Lords commandement of a queene shee became a captiue of a free woman shee was made a slaue The meanes to be recouered out of the which misery is not to haue an high conceite of our reason and wisdome and to place them in the throne to rule to gouerne but to place that word which is inspired of God in the seate of gouernment and to giue vp all rule and authority thereto and to make our reason and vnderstanding with all the faculties and powers of our mindes handmaides and seruantes to this honorable Lady who so wil make vs againe kings priestes vnto God and place vs as Lords ouer al our corrupt affections tread Satan himselfe vnder our feet For he that made man at the first is only able to new make him againe being now marred by his owne madnes I knowe saith the wise man that God made man Eccl. 7. 31. righteous but they haue sought many inventions yea God made man according to his owne image in all holines wisedome and righteousnes and lighted such a lampe of diuine reason and vnderstanding in his minde that he was not only enabled thereby to rule himselfe and his owne affections but also to order in great vvisedome the whole host army of all the creatures But he being not contented with this so great measure of light would further become as God knowing good and euill and therefore thinking that his light did burne too dimme he vvould needs deliuer it to the Deuil himselfe to be topped vvho topped it cleane out leauing nothing but the smoaking snuffe thereof and so made him vvho was before a childe of light a limbe member of the kingdome of darknes And novv the case of al the children of Adam is such so ful of blindnes and ignorance of God that if any of Sap 13. 1. 1. Cor. 8. 2. them thinketh that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing as hee ought to know and if any of them seeme to be wise they must become fooles that they may be wise that is they must acknowledge bevvaile their 1 Cor 3. 18 owne folly and blindnes and seeke againe to the father of light that he would by his spirit of illumination lighten the eies of their spiritual vnderstanding they must haue continual accesse to that glorious word vvhich is a lanterne to their feete and a lighte to their Ps 119. 105 Isa 6. 20. pathes and kindle their candle againe thereat to the lavv and to the testimony they must continually resort if they speake not according to this word it is for that there is no light in them Their hart is altogither out of frame vntil it be fashioned againe and as it vvere new wrought by the spirit of God their siluer is nothing but gros●e dros●e vntil it be purged by this fire their coine is no better then cleane counterfeit vntill it receaue this stampe they are grovvne out of the Lords marke he cannot acknowledge thē for his ovvne vntill they be marked againe by the spirit of the living God who is therefore called his seale wherewith his saintes are Eph 4. ●0 Apoc. 7. 3 signed against the day of redemption for that it doth imprint in them the image of God And certainely in this article of our creede the spirit of God the third person in the glorious Trinity is called holy not so much for that holines doth infinitely rest in himselfe as it doth also in the Father the sōne but rather for that he is the a●…or of all holines in the children of God the meanes wherby they are borne againe the Father the sōne working the same by the holy spirit For the vvhole sanctification of our minde wil and affections and of our whole body soule is wrought entirely 1. Cor. 12. 11. altogither by the operation of this holy spirit vvho before regeneration vvorketh in vs alone and of vnvvilling maketh willing subduing our affections to the obedience of his wil vvho before stood out as traitors and rebels and after regeneration worketh Gr●tia opera●… coopera●… 2 Cor. 3 17 Ioh 8. 34. R●m 6. 16. 〈…〉 5. togither with vs giving strength to our wil that it may therby vvorke also So that if the question be of free-vvill in the regenerate we graunt that their vvil is free for that it is made free by the spirit of liberty but in the vnregenerate vve truely teach that their vvil is a bondslaue to sinne Satan withstanding the vvorke of Gods spirit vntil their conversion be vvrought thereby For it is this Lorde that doth prevent vs of vnvvilling making vs willing and then assisteth vs vvhen vve are vvilling least vve vvil in vaine Novv contrary to this most evident truth the church of Rome curseth al those who affirme free-vvil to be altogither lost or that it doth not concurre vvith God● grace in our conversion CHAP. 6. Div. 1. That the true church the spouse of Christ hath a stedfast assurance of the ●…ue of her bride-groome towards her making it the foundation of her most comfortable faith being also thereby induced to harken to his vndoubted and knowne will and to esteeme highly of of his holy word and in no case to disgrace or disanull the same THE description of the true catholike and I bele●ue t●… holy catholike chu●ch apostolike faith set down in these articles of our christian creede doth evidently declare that they are only to be accounted faithfull that holde this faith and the company of the faithfull being the true church that they are also to bee esteemed the true Church Novve this true catholike and apostolike faith as hath beene before declared is that we beleeue in God the Father the Creator the Sonne the Redeemer the holy Ghost the Sactifier that we beleeue also that by this faith we being engr●…ed in to Christ so recōciled vnto God 〈◊〉 incorporated into the heauenly Ierusalem made members of the holy catholike church a communion of sain●s and so obtaine remission of sins shal attaine to the resurrection of the body and ●o li●e euerlasting as the very order coherence of these articles doth also insinuate The Deuils
obscured the Devill by the Pope hath maimed this institutiō of the Lords hath repealed his cōmādemēt drink ye al Mat. 26. 27. Luc. 22. 20. of this in restraining the people frō the vse of the cuppe albeit it be the new testamēt in his blood whereof the people ought to bee pertakers as well as the Preist the Apostle hath added that Gal. 3. 15. vnto the testament of a meere man none will presume to a●de or abrogate much lesse to the testamēt of Christ our Lord the Pope his popelings only excepted Whereas also this cōmandemēt being de livered in generall tearmes at the same time to the same per sōs as that other cōmandemēt was take ye eate ye this is my body must needes be of the same force bind also to the same obedience The which thing to be most true we neede not seeke for any Gerard. Lorich de Missa publica proreganda further witnes seing vve haue the testimony of one of their owne frēds who is bold to tearme all such false Catholikes and most wicked blasphemers who hinder the reformatiō of this noto rious abuse And in very deede the case is so cleare evidēt that by the Bishoppes of Rome thēselues who liued in purer ages the Leo. serm 4. de quadragesima abstaining frō the cuppe hath beene cōdemned as an open errour in the Manichees straite iniunctiō hath beene giuen that such as abstaine from the one be driven f●rm the other for that the Gelasius de consecratione dist 2. c. comp●rimus dividing of one and the selfe same mystery coulde not bee done without most greaavous sacriledge Wherefore sacrilegious is the pride of al these late Bishoppes of Rome by the testimonie of one of their owne predecessors in that they presume to divide those thinges which Christ hath ioyned togeather to maime and ●angle his new Testament and to repeale his flat cōmandemēt as also for that in their greatest pompe this verie sacramēt which they pretende to honour as Christ taking it in truth to bee very Christ is caried before them on an hackney when they thēselues are carried on mens shoulders their owne throne is set aboue the altar the crosse which is caried vpō the right hād of kings swords scepters for that as they say divine honour is due vnto it is notwithstāding laide vnder their feete in the lubile they beate vpō the gates of Paradise with a golden hā●er as it is expressed in their Pontificals exercised in their soleni●ies Now what are all these things but the plaine steppes of the intollerable Luciferlike pride of the great Antichrist For as he that seeketh the glory of him that sent him is true there is none vnrighteousnes in him so in Antichrist there is vnrighteousnes he is not true because as Aug. in Ioh. tract 29. Austine teacheth he will not seeke the glory of him that sent him 5 Wherefore the B. of Rome must needes be very neare kinne at the least to the great Antichrist in that he so highly advaūceth himselfe so egerly pursueth his owne glory exalting himselfe not only against god his Christ but much more against Christs Le●fetenāts the Ecclesiasticall Civill governours of whome it is written I haue saide ye are Gods against the most venerable assemblies Aboue all that is called God Chrys in Math. Hom. 35. Greg. ep l. 4. ep 32. 34 of general councels For ●e will needes haue prima●… in earth albeit he finde confusion in heavē He will needs take to himselfe the name of vniversall Bishoppe that name of blasphemy whereby the dignity of all Preistes is diminished in that so much is arrogated to one after a frantike madnes yea he will needes take it to himselfe albeit it be against the meaning of the Gospel against all Churches against the ordināce of the Canons albeit in this pride is betokened that the time of Antichrist is at hand he being hereby followed who despising the equalitie of ●oy among the angels laboured to mount vp to the toppe of singularity saying I will adva●nce my throne aboue the starres of heaven I vvill sit in the mounte of the Testament even in the North I will get mee vp aboue the cloudes and wi●… be like vnto the highest Neither doth his pride stay heere but in all things he laboureth to expresse his image who not contenting himselfe with his Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction were it never so greate in the declining of the Romane Empire was to thrust himselfe into the seate thereof and to chale●dge to himselfe both swordes Ecclesiasticall and Civill and to take vpon himself both the Empire of God men For so Chry●ostome hath foresignified that toward the declining of the Romane Empire Antichrist shall come for this Empire Chr. hom 2. in 2. c. ep 2. ad Thes saith he being so renouned none will easely be subiect vnto him but this being void he will invade the power thereof and take it to himselfe in so much that he will take vpon him both the Empire of God and men The which autority hath beene now long since vsurped even to the vttermost by the Bish of Rome who as if he had beene Lord of Lordes King of Kinges hath taken vpon him not onely to depose to set vp Kinges at his owne pleasure but also hath practised the like in the Empire it selfe Neither yet hath his pride staid here but hath advaūced it sel●e one steppe higher even aboue the most venerable assemblies of generall Councels who haue the autority represent the face of the whole church For it hath passed Bellar. de Con● lib. 2 cap. 14. on his side that his autority is greater then theirs and that ●e is not subiect to their iurisdiction to be cited arraigned or condemned by them His decisions must come forth with a Non obstante whereas their decrees must alwaies be with a Salva semper his faith cannot fa●le he cānot ●dem l. 4. de ●ontif c. 13. Rhem. in Luc. Cap 22. erre at the least in the Consistory and herefore no man may say to him Sir why doe you so The which presumption is so intollerable so onely bee●itting the great Antichrist that a man otherwise as it is likely of his owne faith profession hath for this Avent anna lium l. 6. ●ol 683. cause so proclaimed him to be at the meeting of the Nobles and Prelats in Germany for that he spake proud thinges as if he were some God for that he laide new plots to establish himselfe a king dome made changed what lawes he listed sacked spoiled deceaued killed being that son of perditiō which they call Antichrist in whose for heade is written a name of blasphemy I am a God I cannot erre In the temple of God hee sitteth and raigneth farre and wide 6 And verely whereas it is the prerogatiue roiall of