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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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Nicene Arnobius the Rhetorician flourished in Affrike and wrate diuers bookes of christian religion Constantine repaired Drebena The yere of the worlde 4291 The yere of Christ 330 a citie of Bithinia and called it Heleonoples after his mothers name Anni regum britannie 2 At Antioch the Arrians were of such power The yere of Christ 331 that they had the rule of all the churche and banished theyr bishop Eustathius Anni regum britannie 3 The yere of the worlde 4292 Constantine perceyuing that his wife Fausta had caused him for false pretended causes to put to death his son Crispus with other of the nobilitee commaunded hir to be beheaded Iuuencus a priest of Spayne The yere of the worlde 4293 The yere of Christ 332 wrate the gospels in heroycall verses Anni regum britannie 4 Athanasius was ordeyned bishop of Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4294 The yere of Christ 333 a man in holinesse of life and great learninge Anni regum britannie 5 veraye excellent and for the fayth of christe susteined many and great persecucions of the Arrians For when in the counsayle holden at Laodicea and other places with most puissant argumentes he confounded theyr heresie he steered almost the whole world against him whiche at that time was infected with that diuelishe errour The emperour repaired and augmented Byzance a citee of Thrace and named it constantinenople He conueyed from all partes of the world the most notable and fayre imagery tables peintinges caruinges to adourne and garnishe the same Co●stantine gaue large giftes and yerely renenewes to the maintenaunce of the clergye and preachers The yere of the worlde 4295 The yere of Christ 334 S●●or kinge of the Persians Anni regum britannie 6 persecuted the professours of Christes religion at whiche time were .16000 Christians martyred Constantine wrate to the kinge of Persee willinge him no more to persecute the christan people Antonius the heremite was famous The yere of the worlde 4296 The yere of Christ 335 The temples of the gentils were destroyed by the commaundement of the emperour Constantine Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4297 The yere of Christ 336 The Romains ouercame the Gothes in Sarmatia Anni regum britannie 8 A wonderful pestilence and famine wherwith an innumerable multititude miserably perished in Surie Cilicia other places which was iustly sent of god for the extreme crueltee that was not longe afore exercysed agaynste the Christians among all nacions The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 339 Constantine was baptized of Eusebius byshope of Nicomedia Anni regum britannie 11 and shortly after ended his life in the same cytee and was buried at Constant●nenople ●fter his death the empyre was dyuided agayne into iii. partes betwene his .iii. sonnes The yere of Christ 340 Constantius reigned with his brethren Anni regum britannie 12 after their deceasse .24 yeres The yere of the worlde In maners he was indifferent of nature vn●p●e to generacion verie temperate in liuing He made a lawe that pheasauntes and other lyke delycate meates shoulde not be vsed in feastes it is sayde he dyd neuer spette In iudgementes he was iuste and rightuous but he sauoured the secte of Arrians and therfore was alway cruell towarde the catholike bishops The yere of the worlde 4302 The yere of Christ 341 Athanasius whiche before was banished Anni regum britannie 13 by the helpe of the yonger Constantine that ruled in fraunce was restored againe to his bishoprike But he taryed not longe therin quiet For the Arrians had infected Constantius emperour of the east and caused him to expel Athanasius agayne from Alexandria The churche at this time was in miserable state and condicion for in euerye citee were men of diuers sectes opinions and doctrines whyche most infestly dyd persecute eche other and speciallye the Arrians so furiously raged that manye commocions and frayes were made by them euen in the churches and houses of prayer and not a fewe men slayne Which rufflynge and businesse alyenated manye of the Gentyles from the fayth and caused them to retourne to their idolatrie Sapor kinge of Persee wasted and spoyled Mesopotamia Anni regum britannie 14 Manye cities in Asia and the east partes were ouerthrowen with earthquakes The yere of the worlde 4303 The yere of Christ 342 Anni regum britannie Constans fought against the Danes and Samaritiās and ouercame theim The yere of the worlde 4304 The yere of Christ 343 Constantine whiche ruled in France and Spayne being not contented with his porcion of the empire but desyring to be lorde ouer all made warre against hys brother Constans in Italye and was slayne of the souldyours that his brother sent to appeace his malice nere to the citee Aquileta whereby Constans alone obteyned the dominion of the weast Arrius whose mischiuous heresie had caused muche ruffling in the churche aboute this time finished his lyfe miserably auoyding his guttes at his fundament as he was doinge the nedes of nature a litle before he shoulde haue disputed openlye with the deuoute and great clerke Alexandre bishop of Constantinople Macedonius a priest of Constantinople taught that the holy ghost was a creature and no god Anni regum britannie 16 The yere of the worlde 4305 The yere of Christ 344 Betwene this man and one Paulus was great strife Anni regum britannie 18 The yere of the worlde 4307 The yere of Christ 346 whether of theim shoulde succede Alexander in the bishoprike of Constantinople so that Hermogines mayster of the chyualrye was slayne of the people when he came with the emperours auctority to stablishe Macedone whom the Arryans fauoured Sapor king of Pe●see vexed the Christian people with a greuous persecution Eusebius beinge ordeyned byshop of Constantinople by Constancius the emperour fauoured the Arrians excedingly and caused a counsaile to be holden at Antioch where for so muche as the more part were Arrians their doctrine was alowed and vniust sentence geuen against Athanasius for false accusacions An earthquake in dyuers places and specyally in Antioche where it continued the space of a whole yere Athanasius fled to Constans emperoure of the West of whome he was gentlye receiued and by his healpe restored to his byshopryke of Alexandria A counsayle was holden at Sardis where 30● bishops approued the actes of Nicene counsayle The yere of the worlde 4310 The yere of Christ 349 Anni regum britannie 21 But the bishop● of the east refused to be in theyr company and assembled them at Philopolis where they cursed the sentence of the foresaieb counsayle of Nicene Constancius had euil fortune in his warres agaynste the Persians The yere of the worlde 4311 The yere of Christ 350 Anni regum britannie 22 For he encountred theim in eyght greate battayles in the whiche he was alway put to the worse and in this yere whan he had almost obteyned the victorye and hadde theim at a great vantage by the foolysshe rasshenesse of his souldiours he
a charge but by the helpe of his mother Blaunch he quieted his enemies and reigned .xliii. yeres The abbot of Ursburge an historiographer Petrus de Uineis a lawier were famous Anni regum Angli 12 Friderich the emperour toke his vyage toward Asia The yere of the worlde 5190 The yere of Christ 1229 where he behaued him so knightly that he recouered Ierusalem and diuers other citees which he repaired and fortified and thā made peace with the Souldaine for .x yeres King Henrye of Englande sayled with an army into Britaine agaynst Lewis king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5191 The yere of Christ 1230 Anni regum Angli 13 where after spoyling of the countrey a peace was cōcluded betwene the two yonge princes The yere of the worlde 5192 The yere of Christ 1231 Notwithstanding the great vilanie that Gregory byshop of Rome had shewed to Friderich the emperour as well by inuadinge his landes while he was absent ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 and spreading a false rumour of his death in Asia as also in reiecting his louing letters and publishinge him to be an enemy of Christian religion an d no lesse to be hated than a Sarasen or Turke Yet ceassed not thys gentyll prince at his returne to entreat meanes of concord whiche he could not obteyne vntil he had payed to the bishop in the of penaunce .120000 ounces of golde and than was he agayn proclaimed emperour of Almayn king of Sicilie Blondus Platine Sabellicus and other Italian historiographers cast al the faut vpon the emperour and make him worst of all men But the abbot of Ursberge whiche was in those dayes sheweth the pride auarice and stubbourne frowardnesse of the Romayne bishop Uariaunce chanced betwene the studentes of Paris the citisins in so muche that the scholars were mynded to haue departed from the citee A great discencion and ruffling betwene the bishop of Rome and the citesins for their auncient liberties customes and gouernance of their citee wherof ye may read in Blondus De inclinatione Romani imperii the .vii. booke by what meanes the bishoppe extorted from theim their libertees The Welshemen aboute this time rebelled Great harme was done in the citee of London with fyre The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1232 Anni regum Angli 15 Uariance kendled betwene king Henry of Englande and his lordes The yere of the worlde 5194 The yere of Christ 1233 Anni regum Angli 16 because he put from his seruyce English men and trusted straungers as wel in his counsaile as other offices nere about him The citie Uerona came agayne to the obedyence of the emperour Theobalde of Campaine was kinge of Nauerre The emperour retourned the .iii. tyme into Germanie and warred in Austrich against the Hungares wher he toke Macheria Gaza and Uienna whiche he ordeyned to be the imperiall citie and there made his sonne Chunrade Cesar. Edwarde of Pountnay was ordeyned byshop of Canturbury Anni regum Angli 18 Kynge Henry beganne the foundacyon of S. Iohns hospytall in Oxenforde The yere of the worlde 5196 The yere of Christ 1235 In this yeere fell verye vnseasonable weather of thūder lightning ▪ and erthquakes wherof ensued a famine and pestilence Kyng Henry put from him the strāgers and receiued the Englysh men to their offices The Irishemen rebelled The Iewes dwelling in Norwych were accused for steling of a childe whom they purposed to crucifie Friderich the emperoure maried Isabell the syster of kinge Henrie of Englande King Henry toke to wyfe Elenour the doughter of the Erle of Prouince Anni regum Angli 19 The yere of the worlde 5197 The yere of Christ 1236 In Englande appeared as it were hostes of men fighting in the element The statute of Merton was first inacted ▪ or after some in the thyrteth yere of this kinge Henrie Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5198 The yere of Christ 1237 Theobalde king of Nauarre Almarith Erle of Moūtfort Henrie Erle of Campaine with a great multitude of souldiours went into Asia where at the beginnynge they wente forwarde prosperously and gathered muche prayse but in the end betwen Ptolomais and Gaza thei were vanquisshed of the Turkes and a great noumbre slaine Myllaine and certaine other famous cities of Italy rebelled againste the emperoure whiche he vanished and brought in due obeisaūce And therfore was againe cursed of Gregorye and proclaimed an heretike Whiche thyng caused great trouble in Italye Deadly warre betwene the citie of Gean and the Uenecians for the I le of Crete ¶ Bela the .iiii. succeded his father Andrew in the kyngdome of Hungary and reigned 3● yeres The Uenecians ouercame certaine Grecians whiche hadde beclipped the cytie of Constantinople with a hard siege The yere of the worlde 5199 The yere of Christ 1233 The Rhodes became subiect to Uenice Anni regum Angli 21 At the Uniuersitee of Parys it was concluded that no priest vnder payne of deadly synne coulde haue .ii. benefyces The yere of the worlde 5200 A clerke of Oxenforde or more verily a certaine souldiour feignynge him selfe mad The yere of Christ 1239 Anni regum Angli 22 enterprised to haue slaine king Henry of England but he was taken put to deth The yere of the worlde 5201 The yere of Christ 1240 Partes were taken in Italie for the emperour and the bishop of Rome they whiche fauoured the bishop Anni regum Angli 23 were called Guelphi the other Gibelini of whiche discencion rose most cruell and deadly warres For the byshop promyssed eternall lyfe to all theim that fought against the emperour and desyred healpe of the Englyshemen and Frenchemen He called also a generall counsaile ▪ wherin he depriued the emperour of his auctoritie and ordeyned Salue regina c. and that belles shoulde be ronge at the consecracion of the sacramēt and to the praise of our Ladie with suche other ioyly thinges The emperoure toke .ii. cardinalles and kepte theim in prison at Amalphia he subdued Rauenna and the Seneses came to his parte The yere of the worlde 5202 The yere of Christ 1241 After the death of Gregorye Colestinus was bishop of Rome .xviii. dayes Anni regum Angli 24 and than was the see of Rome voide xxi monethes The great Cahan prince of the Tartarians after he had wan from the Turkes much of the east landes with an arme of 500000. men inuaded Hungary with whō Be la their king encountring was vanquished and fled into Dalmacia Than the Tartarians conquered Uacia Uaradinum Stridoniam wyth other places so distroyed the countrey wyth sword and fyre that the inhabitauntes were constreigned for hunger to eate their owne children whiche crueltee contynued thre yeeres And at the last the heythen Pagaines being forced with ●emyne were faine to departe out of the countrey Iames kinge of Arragon Friderich the emperour subdued to him Fauercia Parma Bononia and transferred the studentes from Bononia to Padua Henrie king of Englande
.iiii. monethes About this time as witnesseth Polidore and as it semeth most agreeinge with other histories greeuous and cruell warre began betwene king Edwarde of England and Philip of France for takinge of certayne shippes of Normandie Philip summoned kinge Edwarde to appeare at his parliamente but he thereat disdeigned and yelded vp into his handes the Duchie of Guyan entendinge ere it were longe to make claime to the whole dukedome of Normandie Philip sent Raulfe Nele the constable of France with a mightye power againste the Gascoines whiche by the syde of Englishemen defended them so manfullye that great hurt was done on both partes Adoulphus the emperour endeuoured to depriue Albert of his duchie of Austriche Anni regum Angli and certaine other landes The yere of the worlde 5154 The yere of Christ 1293 for which cause was betwene them fierce warre King Iohn Bailol of Scotlande came to Newcastel and did homage to king Edwarde The Welshemen by the ●●ering of Modoke and Morgaine rebelled against the kinge who sped him towarde them in al hastie wise and shortlye brought that vnstedefast and vnruly people to a newe reclaime and ▪ then commaunded their woodes to be cutte to the grounde After whiche time he helde them in more rest and quyet The Frenchmen with a company of ships arriued at Douer robbed the towne and were chased thens wyth the losse of many of their men Charles de Ualots kinge Philippes brother besieged the castell of Rion in Gascoyne wherein were sir Iohn seint Iohn and Iohn de Britaine Englisshe capitaines Michael Paleogolus emperour of Grece ended his life whom the Grecian priestes suffered to be vnburyed because that at the counsayle of Lyons be agreed to the Romaine church in procedinge of the holy ghost Celestine bishop of Rome .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 21 he resygned the papacie to Boniface the The yere of the worlde 5255 The yere of Christ 1294 viii whiche reygned .viii. yeres .ix. monethes Andronicus Michaell emperours of Constantinople Madoke which caused the Welshmen to rebell was hanged drawen and quartered at London Iohn Bailol king of Scottes ▪ contrarie to his allegiance by the exci●ing of the Frenchmen rebelled agaynst kinge Edwarde Dinus Mugellanus Lamfranke Balbus the gatherer of Catholicon and Rabi Gerundentis ▪ flourished King Edward wanne from the Scottes the castels ▪ of Barwike Dunbarre he slewe of the Scottes aboue .xl. thousande and toke prisoners sir William Douglas sir Simon ●e Fre●sel the erle Pairike sir Robert Le Bruze with many other of name He conquered also Edenbourough ▪ where he founde the regaul insignes of Scotland that is the crowne the sceptre and the cloth of estate Iohn Bailol king of Scottes with his sonne Edward came to Mont Ros where he voyde of all kinglye ornamentes with a white rodde in his hande came before king Edwarde and resigned all ryghte and tytle that he had or might haue to the crowne of Scotland and made him a charter therof Also shortlye after at Barwike all the nobles were sworne to be true subiectes to hym in times coming In this meane time the Englishemen susteined many stormes in Gascoyne and Guyan Sir Hugh Gr●ssinghā was made regent of Scotland Boniface the .viii. was bishop of Rome whiche by hys trecherie and falshode caused his predecessour Celestine to forsake his byshoprike He reared also deadlye warres in Italy Kynge Edwarde sailed into Flaunders to rescue Guye theyr Ecle Anni regum Angli 23 The yere of the worlde 5257 The yere of Christ 1256 which was greuously ouerset by the Frenche kynge so that he had wonne from hym muche of his landes Shortly after kynge Edwardes comynge a peace was concluded for .ii. yeres and then he went to Burd●ur The ●cottes by the intisement of the Frenchemen and leadyng of one Wylliam Wallace rebelled and put the Englishemen to much trouble and losse of many men amonge the which was sir Hugh Gressingham The electours chose Albert Duke of Austria to be their emperoure and deposed Adoulphus because he was not of power to mainteine the imperial maiestee Kynge Edwarde vanquisshed the Scottes The yere of Christ and nere to a towne called Fankirke Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5253 slewe of theim in one battayle 32000. at whiche tyme as some write were slaine of the Englishemen but barelye .xviii. persons After this ouerthrow the Scottes yelded the Scottysshe historye referreth this to the next yere folowyng Kynge Edwarde for a fynall peace to be had betweene Englande and Fraunce toke to wife Margaret the sister of Phillip the Frenche king A league and truce 〈◊〉 graunted to the Flemminges which continued not long For the Flemminges of Brugis while theyr Duke Gu●e and his sonne were kepte in prison by the Frenche kynge set vpon the Frenche capytaines and put them to a great afterdeale The bishoppe of Rome vsed great cruel●●● towarde the house of Columnēses and toke from them theyr castels Kyng Edward hearynge of the vntrouth and rebellyon of the Scottes Anni regum Angli 25 made his thirde vyage againste theim ▪ The yere of the worlde 5265 The yere of Christ 1298 wherin he behaued hym so knyghtly that in shorte space he subdued a great parte of the lande and toke the castell Estriualine with other holdes made the lordes sweare to him feauitee and homage Adoulphus and Alberte contendyng for the imperiall auctorytee on the mountaine Hansenbull fought a cruel battaile wherin Adoulphus was slayne and Albert succeded in the empyre and reygned .x. yeres He desyringe to be crowned with the imperiall Diademe of the byshop of Rome could not obteine it For Boniface saied to him that his election was frustrate withoute his auctoryt●e whiche helde the power of bothe swoordes that is of ecclesiastical and ciuile iurisdiction Boniface made the sixt boke of the decrees The kyng of Englande gaue to Edward his sonne the principate of Wales The yere of the worlde 5260 The yere of Christ 1299 Anni regum Angli 26 and i●ig●ed therto the Erldome of Cornwall Iames kynge of Arragon and Sicilie ended his lyfe Wherefore Robert Duke of Calabre and sonne of that Charles whiche contented with the Arragons for Sicilie inuaded Sicilie and toke Cathina but the Sicilians fauourynge more the parte of the Arragons withstode Robert and in a battaile on the sea vanquisshed and toke Phillip his brother slew many of hys souldiours The Flemminges of Brugis were soughten with of Otho Duke of Burgoyne in the quarell of the Frenche kynge who by the ayde of the Frenchemen slew of them xv thousande The yere of the worlde 5261 The yere of Christ 1300 Friderich of Arragon beyng ordeyned kyng of Sicily Anni regum Angli 27 subdued to hym the countrey of Calabre Gr●●● rufflyng and vnquietnesse was in Hetruria the space of .ii. yeres Charles of Ualois was appoynted of the byshoppe of Rome to be defendour of S. Peters patrimonie Boniface the eight ordeined fyrst a Iubilei
of the common people Kyng Phillip of Fraūce made great preparacyon for a viage into the holy lande Bennet the .xii was bishoppe of Rome .vii. yeares He by the counsaile of Phillip king of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5296 The yere of Christ confyrmed the censours and cursinges that Iohn hys predicessour had published against Lewys the emperour Mastinus Scaliger lorde of Uerone Brixia and Pergamum in Itali subdued of him Parma Luca and Patalum against him conspyred the Uenecians Florentines and dyuers princes of Italye betwene whom were ●o●ghten dyuers batailles greatly to the losse of bothe partes but in the ende peace was made with Scaliger on this condicion that he shoulde forsake Patanye Brixia and Pergamum holde in his possession Uerone Uincence Parma and Luca. Warre was proclaymed betwene the kynges of Englande and Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5297 The yere of Christ 1336 The bishop of Rome beyng in France Anni regum Angli 10 sent ambassade to Rome requiryng of the people that the .ii. senatours whiche before tyme were created to gouerne the citie in the name of the emperour myght hensforth be ordeyned in the bishoppes name and gouerne the cytie to his beh●ulfe whiche was grraunted and that dignitie geuen for the space of .v. yeres to Stephene de Columna a cardinall some write that the byshop him selfe had certaine yeres before vsed the auctoritie of a senatour in the emperours name and now required it in his owne T●uleros a diuine Cinu● Olradus Paulo● Perus●nus lawyers M●cheus Syluaticus Nicolaus de Rhegio phisicions and S Roke liued at this tyme. About this tyme as Fabian mencioneth by reason of scarcitie of money was suche plentie of vytailes and other m●rcim●nies in thys realme of Englande that the lyke had not be● le●n For a quarter of wheate was sold for .ii. s. a fatte gose for .ii. d. a pigge for a penye a fatte oxe for .vi. s. v●ii d. a fatte shepe for .vi. d. and .viii. d. vi pigeons a penye King Edward Anni regum Angli 11 for the expedicion of his warres against the Frenche kynge The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1337 sent ambassadours into the partyes beyonde the sea to alye wyth him the Erle of Heynalde and others lordes whyche obeied not the Frenche kyng Where by meanes of Iaques Dartuel he hadde great comfort of the Flemminges and dyuers lords and princes of the empyre Kinge Edwarde sent a company of men in ships to conquere the towne of Gagaunt which vanquished the Flēminges that were set ther by the Erle to stoppe his passage into Fraunce Kyng Edwarde for more sure stablishement of amytie betwene hym and the Holanders The yere of the worlde 5299 The yere of Christ 1338 Selanders Anni regum Angli 12 and Brava●●ers sailed to Antwerpe wher he concluded the mat●●er with his aliaunces ▪ and by the consent of the emperoure Lewis proclaymed vicare general of the empyre The yere of the worlde 5300 The yere of Christ 1359 The kinge of Englande Anni regum Angli 13 ouer and besyde a great army of Englishe souldiours hauing with him well nere the whole power of the empyre began to entre the borders of the french kinges dominion ▪ and made claime to the whole realme of Fraunce as his rightfull inheritaunce and for more auctoritee named him selfe kinge of france and entermedled the armes of England with the armes of Fraunce as it remayneth to this daye In this passe time a certayne of Frenchmen had entred the hauen of Southampton and robbed the towne and vpon the sea had taken .ii. great Englysh shippes called the Edward and the Christofer Franciscus Petrarcha was famous in Italye made poete Laureat in Rome Diuers robbinges bickeringes ▪ and small battailes were betwene the Frenchmen and the Flemminges the Henoways and other frendes of kinge Edwarde Anni regum Angli 14 King Edward saylyng toward Flaunders The yere of the worlde 5301 me to the hauen of Sciuse mette with the frenche kinges nauye The yere of Christ where was foughten a cruell batayle wherof the king of Englande had the victorie and the french flete that was in noumbre .400 sayle was wel nere al destroyed and the souldiours taken slayne and drowned so that of .33000 there scaped not one Shortly after the king besieged Turney continuinge the time of whiche siege diuers outridinges and enterprises were ventured by the Henoways Almains and other his frendes to the great hurte of bothe partes but the more fell still to the Frenchemen At the ende of .xi. wekes a peace was agreed vpon for the space of .xii. monethes ▪ and kinge Edward retourned into Englande In this passetime the Scottes by steringe and ayde of the frenchemen recouered a great part of that land and in most cruell wise vexed the englyshe garisons Bennet bishop of Rome ▪ saying that the whole empire was fallen into his handes ▪ because it was of long time voyde for he reputed Lewys as no emperour ordeyned rulers ouer the citee of Italye at his will and pleasure by whom Luchinus and Iohn his brother obt●ined the gouernance of Myllayne Mastinus Scalaget of Ue●on and Uincentia and other of dyuers other places at his appoinctment Robert Stewarde gouernour of Scotlande and Wylliā Douglas cōquered Berth St●tueline Edenbourgh and other holdes from the Englyshemen After the deth of Iohn duke of Britain Anni regum Angli 15 mortal warre ensued betwene Charles de Bloyes The yere of the worlde 5312 The yere of Christ 1341 and Iohn earle of Mountfo●te for the possession of that Dukedome Iohn of Mountfort was taken and caste in prison at Parys ▪ but the warre was still mainteined by his wife a womā of valiant courage who with the ayde of the Englysh●men defended her housbandes quarell vigorouslye and with a great stomacke Alexander Ramsel a Scotte inuaded the borders of Englande Edward Bailoll fled out of Scotlande into Englande and left all the gouernance of the realme that he helde to the vse of kinge Edwarde Kinge Edwarde went towarde the Scottes but for so muche as he was disprouided of vitayles for his armye at the request of the lordes of Scotland he made league for .iiii. monethes King Dauid of Scotland retourned out of Fraunce into his owne countrey The erle Gaul●ier of Manny a noble hardy knight was sent of kinge Edwarde to ayde the countesse of Britaine agaynst Charles de Bloys where he by his manhode and pollicie atchieued many enterprises The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1342 Clement the .vi. by the labour of kynge Philyppe of France succeded Bennet in the bishoprike of Rome Anni regum Angli 16 He was in like maner a mortall enemy to Lewis the emperour and cōfirmed the sentences published against him before time and stered many princes of great power to make warre vpon him ▪ but the emperour dooinge lyke for lyke inuaded the possessions of the churche of
was condempned and put to death with certayn of her counsaile in Aprile Woulffe and his wyfe for a shamefull murde● by them committed in sleayng of two marchant strangers were arreigned and hang●d at the place where they hadde done the murder The Anabaptistes caused great trouble and ruffling in the north partes of Germany and at the citie Monstere chusyng to theyr kyng one Iohn a Leyde exercised much crueltie expellynge other out of the citie that would not con●escende to their beleefe This Iohn a Leyde in token that he had bothe heauenly and earthly power gaue to his garde greene and blewe and had for his armes the figure of the worlde rounde with a sword t●ru●● through it He maried hymselfe .xv. wyues and ordeyned that othe● should haue as many as they listed and all other thinges to be common amongest theym The byshop of Monstere by the ayde of other princes besieged the citie against the rebellious Anabaptistes fiftene or sixtene monethes In whiche tyme the stubburne and frowarde people susteyned so great scarcitee and hunger that they beyng alyue were lyke dead corses and did eate commonly dogges cattes myce with other vile beastes and seathyng hydes leather and olde showes dyd poune the same and made breade therof After long siege the citie was wonne spoyled and destroyed with great● crueltie and slaughter of that w●cked people Paule the thirde was ordeined byshop of Rome Charles the emperour sailed with a great nauie into Afrike restored Altrachenus to the kyngdom of Tunes The lorde Dacres of the North was arreigned of high treason who so wittilye and directlye confuted his accusers that to theyr great shame he was founde giltlesse Frith a yong man of excellent witte and lernyng was brent in Smithfield for his opinion concernyng the sacrament The bishop of Romes vnlawfull tyrannie was vtterly abolisshed out of this realme and commaundement geuē that he should no more be called pope but onelye bishoppe of Rome and that the kynge shoulde be deputed and taken as a supreme head of the church of Englande haue full auctoritie to refourme and redr●sse all errours heresies and abu●es in the same The first fruites and tenthes of all spirituall dignitees and promocions were graunted to king Henrie by act of parliament The erle of Kildare died inthe tower of London and his sonne Thomas Fitzgararde rebellynge in Irelande slew the bishop of Diuelinge and toke the kynges ordinaunce Wherfore kynge Henrie sent thither sir Wylliam Sk●uington with a companye of souldiours Anni regum Angli 27 Sir Thomas Moore not longe before chauncellour of Englande Iohn bishop of Roche●ter The yere of the worlde 5496 The yere of Christ 1535 and three monkes of the charter house were putte to death for denyinge the king to be sup●eme head of the churche and mainteinyng the bishop of Romes auctoritee An order was appoincted for sanctuaries and sanctuarie men because dyuers naughty persons trusting to the liberties that before tyme had been vsed committed many detestable murders robberies and other abhominable actes Lorde Cromwel was in this tyme in high fauour with the kynge and bare great rule in this realme Ladie Katherine princesse Dowagier ended her lyfein the monethe of Ianuarie and is buried at Peterborowe Willyam Tindale whiche translated the newe Testament into the Englishe tonge by the crueltee of the clergie of Louene was burnte beside Bruxelles in Brabant Badurius kyng of Cambaia in Indie bey●ge ouerset in warre of Aymanus kyng of Carmania willyngly became tributary to the kyng of Portugall that he myghte obteyne ayde of hym agaynst his enemy At this tyme were geuen to the Kyng by consent of the abbottes all religious houses that were of .300 marke and vnder The yere of the worlde 5497 The yere of Christ 1536 Kyng Henry was agayn diuorsed from the mariage of Lady Anne Bulleyne as vnlaufull and vngodly Anni regum Angli 28 and the sayd lady Anne with her brother George Bulleyne lorde Rocheforde and Henry Norreis Frauncis Weston William Brereton Marke Smeton gentilmen of the kynges priuie chamber shortely after was beheaded for dyuers treasons and naughty actes intended and cōmitted with the sayde gentylmen The kyng toke to wife the right excellent and most vertuous lady Iane Seimour daughter to syr Iohn Seimor knyght After many thynges wer published here in this realme by kyng Henry and his coun●aile with consent of the bishops and his clergie concerning the alteration of diuers poyntes of religio● and that certayne holy● daies were forb dden and many abbaies suppressed the rude people of ●incolnes●ire fearynge the vtter subuersion of theyr ol● supers●ition whiche they had lyued in so many yeres raised a great cōmocion and gathered togyther welnere 20000. men agaynst whom the kyng w●nt with a strong power Wherof when the rebelles had knowlage they desyred pardon brake vp their army and departed euery man to his home theyr capytaynes were apprehended and worthily punished Immediately after began a newe commotion in Yorkshire for the same causes but the people wer more incensed through vayne tales and lyes that were spred by certaine naughtie and sedicious persones as that all theyr syluer chalices crosses iewelles and other ornamentes shoulde bee taken oute of theyr churches That no man shulde bee maried or eate any deintie meate in his house but he shoulde paye a tribute for the same to the kynge These people were gathered to the noumbre of .40000 hauyng for theyr badges the .v woundes with the figure of the sacrament and Iesus written in the middes and called their diuelishe rebellion a holye pylgremage in token that they intended to fighte for the mayntenaunce of Christen religion Agaynst these rebelles the kyng sent the Duke of Suffolke the duke of Northfolke the M●rques of Excester and other with a great army by whom after the day and place was appoynted to fyght sodeynly the nyght before the battayle shuld haue ben the water that was betweene them ros● in suche wyse that the two armies coul●e not com togither By the occasiō wherof the captains of both partes had communication of peace and promyse was made to the rebelles that such thynge● as they were greued with shoulde bee redressed by the kynges auctor●tie Wherewith they beeyng appeased by the prouidence and healpe of god departed without bloudsheadyng The ryuer of Thames was ouerfrosen Thomas Fitz Garet late Erle of Kildare and fyue of his vncles were hanged drawen and quartered at London in February Nicol Musgraue Thomas Gylby and other stered a newe rebellion and besieged the citee of Carlile frome whens they were driuen and many of theym taken and put to deathe The yere of the worlde 5498 The yere of Christ 1537 Anni regum Angli 29 Sir Frances Bygot syr Robert Constable and other beganne an other conspiracie and for the same were a●teinted and executed in the moneth of Iune On S. Edwardes euen the noble prince Edward was born at Hampton court who is now our soueraigne lord and kyng
quene pardoned .iiii. hundreth of the common people The .xv. daye of Marche was committed to the toure Courtney the Erle of Deuonshire and the .xviii. of the same the lady Elizabeth syster to the quene both vppon suspition of wyats conspiracie Shortely after was apprehended in Northwales the lorde Thomas Graye brother to the duke sir Iames Crofte whiche lorde Thomas was after executed Immediatly there was a parliament summoned to be holden at Oxforde where was made great preparation to the great hindrance of many of the inhabitantes For it was afterward appointed to be at Westmynster and was there holden the second of April wherin the quene requested .ii. things her mariage restoring of the pope the one she obtained vpon certaine conditions the other wolde not be granted as than In this meane while not onely the straungers that were in kyng Edwardes time receiued into the realme for religion emong whom one Iohn a Lasco vncle to the king of Poland was one but many englishmē also fled some to Friseland some to Cleueland som to high Germanie where they ●ound great fauour but especially at Frankfort vpon Mea●e And somme wente to Geneua wher they found great fauour also About the same time there were hanged at Chard in Somersetshire .iii. yong men for breakyng and burnyng of churche ornaments The .x. daye of Aprill Archebishoppe Cranmer Byshop Rydley and Hugh Latimer went out of the towre towardes Oxforde where they had disputacions wyth the deuynes of both vniuersities and because they wold not recant they wer reserued in prisone till they might be condemned by the popes autoritie not withstanding that they answered most substantially and trulye At this tyme was sir Thomas Wyat beheaded at the towre hill and afterwarde quartered and his quarters set vp in sundry places and his head vpon the gallowes at haye hyll ouer the thre that were there hanged in chaines And shortly after it was stolen awaye thence Before he came forth to his deth he did plainly declare that the ladye Elizabeth and Courtney were nothyng giltye of his faction Notwithstanding that coulde not set the ladie Elizabeth at libertye Duryng this tyme many mad parts wer playd about the citie of London but chiefely these A cat dressed lyke a prieste at masse with the cake ouer her heade betwene her handes was hanged vpon the gallowse at the cros in Chepe And a ma●tie dog shauen in the crowne with a tippet about his necke was found in the quenes closet and a letter was fastned to his tippet wherin were these words I am a pore priest that com to sue for a benefice About this tyme Cardinal Pole went from the Emperour to the French king to intreat a peace but in vain The xviii of May was hāged drawen quartered at tiburn Williā Thomas for cōspiring the quenes d●th The .xx. of Iuly Philip prince of Spaine son to Charles .v. Emperor ariued at Southampton and was ther honorably receiued cam the fourth day after to winchester where the quene had lōg loked for him wher matrimonie was betwene thē honorably solēnised the kingdome of Naples for the mariage sake to him by his father graunted Which thinges done they rode royallye to London whither thei cam and were ●umptuously receyued the xviii day of August About the ende of October themperour sent messēgers to the king his sonne to geue him possession of the dukedom of Millayn The .xii. daye of Nouember there was holden at westmynster a parliament to whiche Cardinall Pole was brought out of Brabant beynge accompanied with the English ambassadours sent for the same purpose among whome the Lorde Paget was one He came to London the xxiii of Nouember And the first daye after he came into the parliament house beyng restored to his olde estate f●om which kyng Henry had cast hym doune and in the presence of th● kyng and queene he dyd after he had declared the cause of his lega●ie exhort them al that there represent●d the hole body of the 〈◊〉 to retourne to the communion of the churche and ●o restore to the moste holy father his due authoritie Signifyenge vnto them that his holynes was in purpose to shewe great clemencie and gentlenesse vnto them And further he exhorted them to geue thankes to god that hadde geuen them suche a kyng and quene And laste of all he dyd them to vnderstande that he toke it for a great benefite at theyr handes that they had restored hym to hys former estate and therfore he accompted him selfe the more bounde a great deale to restore them to the heauenly court which thinge he most desyred of all thynges And when he had thus spoken he went out of the parliment house Then stode vp the lorde chauncellor byshop of Winchester and repeted the Cardinalles oration with many wordes of exhortation to concorde and vnitie affirmyng that we oughte to geue moste harty thankes to god that of his vnmeasurable mercy had styred vs vp a prophete of oure owne nation whiche geueth hymselfe wholly to doo vs good The day folowyng when the parliament had graunted the Cardinalles request they deuised a forme of supplication to the kyng and queene wherein they myghte moste humbly beseche them to be meanes to the Cardinall for theim The effect whereof was this That they dyd earnestly repent them of theyr scisme in refusynge to obey the apostolike sea of Rome and in consentynge to lawes made against the same promysyng that thence foorth they would be at theyr cōmandement to do what soeuer they shulde be able to do● in that parliament for the abolyshyng of all suche lawes and statutes The next day so sone as the kyng the quene Pool● were againe present the Chauncellour stode vp and declared what the parliament had decreed concerning the popes legates request ▪ And then he deliuered to the king and Quene the supplication of the parli●ment sealed humbly besechyng them to receyue it which whan they had receyued and opened it they deliuered it to the chancellour agayne to be redde whiche he dyd and asked of the w●ole house whether they consented to it or no. And when they had aunswered yea then the kyng queene rose vp ▪ and delyuered it to the Cardinall who wh●n he had redd● it delyuered the bull of his legacy to theym whyche was forthewith redde that all men myghte vnderstande that the pope hadde geuen hym power to absolue theym Afterwarde he declared howe acceptable in the sight of god the repentance of a synner is and howe greatly the angels reioyce ouer one sinner that repēteth And in conclusion he gaue thanks to God that had geuen them a mynde so desyrous of emendement when this was done he arose and so dyd the kyng and quene also and then fell the kyng and quene doune on theyr knees Thā dyd the Cardinall lyfte vp his fyngers and blesse them desyryng god to loke mercyfully vpon the people and to forgeue the offence and so he absolued the
first kyng of Nauarre After whome reygned his sonne ●arsias which fought also prosperously against the Sarasēs and augmented his kyngdome Otho ▪ emperour of Almaine Anni regum Angli 4 spedde hym towarde Italy The yere of the worlde 962 The yere of Christ 4923 to quiete the furye of Beringarius and Iohn whiche in a sedicion was made bishoppe of Rome and whan he came into the citee was of all the people saluted by the name of Augustus and by the whole consente of the Italians proclaimed emperour The yere of the worlde 963 The yere of Christ 4924 The emperour depriued Beringarins Anni regum Angli 5 and Adelbert his sonne of the kyngedome of Lumbardye and condemned theim to banishmente the tone to Austriche the tother to Constantinople Otho aduertised Iohn the byshop of Rome to refourme his noughty lyfe and forsake the concubines whyche he nourished openlye but all was in vayne Wherefore Otho called a counsayle by aucthority whereof Iohn was condemned and fearing his punishment fled into desert and one Leo was chosen bishop The Romaynes beinge the kinsmen of Iohn deposed Leo Anni regum Angli 6 and set Iohn agayne in the bishoprike The yere of the worlde 4925 The yere of Christ 954 Which with in short space was taken in aduoutrye and slayne After that the people contrary to the minde of Otho chose Bennet But he forced theim to adm●●te Leo and depose the foresayd Bennet At whiche tyme the electyon of the b●shoppe was transferred frome the people and ●largys of Rome to the emperours Bennet the .v. was byshop of Rome .vi. monethes and after him Leo the eight one yere Alphons the .v. kynge of Spayne reigned 37. ye ares he profered his syster in mariage to a prynce of the Sarasens to the entent he shoulde ayde him agaynst the kinge of Cor●uba But the mayden would in no wyse be coupled with the Heathen Pagane Iohn the .xii. byshoppe of Rome .vii. yeres He was taken and caste in prison Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4927 The yere of Christ 966 by Ioferde Erle of Campayne through the counsayle of Peter prouost of the citee King Duffus reygned among the S●cottes .iiii. yeares and was slayne by the treason of a noble mā called Danewalde After his death appeared no sonne moone nor sterre in the firmament the space of .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 10 Otho the younger was sente for to Rome by his father and there crowned proclaimed partaker of the empyre The yere of the worlde 4929 The yere of Christ 968 Anni regum Angli 11 Otho expelled the Sarasens out of Italye whiche of longe time hadde holden by force the mounte Gargarus from whens as out of a castell they oftentymes inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 4930 The yere of Christ 969 He subdued also the Grecians whiche inhabyted Calabre and made them tributary The people of Constantinople hearing the ouerthrowe and discomfiture of their Grekes in Italye leyde all the wighte of that domage to Nicephornus theyr emperour because he denyed to giue his doughter in maryage to the yonger Otho Wherfore by the consente and ayde of hys wife and sonne The yere of the worlde 4933 The yere of Christ 972 he was murdered in the night season Anni regum Angli 14 and Iohn his sonne chosen in his place to be emperour which reigned .vi. yeres A signe appeared in the element lyke fyre Iohn emperour of Constantinople gaue his syster in mariageto the younger brother Otho Cu●ine a vicious and wicked tyran reigned among the Scottes He defloured his owne systers and rauished other mens wifes and doughters wherfore he was slayne the .v. yere of his reygne Bennet the v● bishop of Rome was caste in prison by Cynthius a citisin The yere of the worlde 4934 The yere of Christ 973 that was at that time of great power in Rome Anni regum Angli 15 Edgare king of England tamed the Welshemen whiche re●elled and spoyled the countrey of Glamorgan Otho the emperour gaue place to nature after whom succeded his son named also Otho who reigned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 4936 EDwarde the sonne of Edgare by his firste wife Anni regum Angli 1 beganne his reigne ouer this realme of England The yere of Christ 975 contrary the minde and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her aliance In all kindes of honest vertue this man mighte be well compared to his father and began his soueraigntee with such modestie myldenesse that he was worthilye fauoured of all men excepte onely Elfride which euer maligned agaynst hym for so much as the desire● to haue the gouernance of the realme for her owne son Egelrede All the time of this Edwarde was great discorde betwene the priestes and monkes of Englande Because Edgare in his time had expelled certayne seculer priestes out of their colleges and geuen the possession thereof to monkes In which controuersie throughe certaine counterfayte● miracles the monkes had the vpper hande The yere of the worlde 4937 Otho the emperour subdued Henry duke of Bauarye The yere of Christ 976 Iohn emperour of Constantinople Anni regum Angli 2 after he had expelled the Ro●olanes out of Bulgarye and annexed that prouince to his owne signorye and for his victorye triumphed was by treason of certain of his sabiectes poysoned· B●silius and Constantine the .ii. sonnes of Romanus were made emperoures of the easte Anni regum Angli 3 whiche inuaded and spoyled the countrey of Surie The yere of the worlde 4938 The yere of Christ 977 and expellinge the Sarasens recouered the yle of Crete Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xxv yeares In his tyme he D●nes 〈◊〉 in ●ngus with a great company and wasted the countrey veraye sore with whom the Scottes mette and after sore fighte and great slaughter by the manhode of one Hay ▪ an v●landishe man and his .ii. sonnes obteyned the victorye Thys Kenneth was slayne by meane of a lady called Fenella because she had poysoned Malcolme prynce of Cumber The emperour of Germany vanquished the Bohemes and wasted their countrey Edwarde kinge of Englande while he was hunting in new forest by chaunce loste his company and rode alone to refreshe him at the castell of his stepmother Alphrede where he was by her counsayle trayterouslye murdered as he satte on his horse After his death god shewed for hī diuers myracles Wherfore he is noumbred amonge the saynctes and martyres Before the death of this Edward appeared in this lande a blasinge sterre of a marueylous greatnesse ▪ EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kynge Edgare and Alfrede Anni regum Angli 1 was ordeyned kinge of Englande The yere of the worlde 4939 The yere of Christ 978 He was goodly of shape and visage but wholy geuen to idlenesse and abhorred all princelye exercises a louer of riote lecherie and dronkennesse ▪ and vsed extreme crueltee towarde his subiectes hauinge his eares open to all vniust complaintes In
of Constantinople was shaken with most terrible erthquakes innumerable houses and towers wer cast to the grounde Anni regum Angli 24 and chiefely the palaice of the great Turke in so much that he was forced to flee to an other place many of the people were destroyed with tempest Charles duke of Gelria renued his warre with the emperour and inuaded the Brabansois Ismael Sophie king of Persie Armenie and Hir●ania became christened and vanquished the turkes in diuers great battailes The noble king Henry the .vii ended his life at Richmount the .xxi The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1509 day of Aprill THe renowm●d prince Henry the ●ight being .xviii yeres of age succeded his father in the gouernāce of this realme Anni regum Angli reygned in great fame and noblenesse 3● yeres Of personage he was ●aule and myghtie ▪ in witte and memory excellent of such maiesty tempered with huma●itie and gentylnesse as was comly in so great a prynce In konwlege of good letters he farre passed all kinges of Englande before this time For his magni●ice liberalitie he was renowmed throughe all the worlde In his time was great alteracion of thinges within this realm For he reformed and altered the state of the commō weale ●n many thinges by making diuers most honest and godly lawes to the great profite as wel of hym selfe as of hys people He abolyshed the vsurped power of the byshop of Rome He redressed the state of religion diminished supersticion and idolatry ●orbade pilgremage pulled downe abbeys and monasterys and roted out the sedicious sectes of religion which maintened false woorshipping of god and greatly aduanced and set foorth the true knowlege of goddes woorde and al other honest learnynges and sciences He fonded .ii. colleges one at Oxenforde an other at Cambridge and set vp dyuers free scholes in other partes of the realme· The knowledge of good letters by continuall warres beyng neglected and driuen out of Italy encreased gr●tly in Germany Fraunce England and Scotlande For augmenting and furthering wherof Margaret the kinges grandmother builded .ii. coll●ges in Cambridge In like maner Wylliam byshop of Lincolne and Rycharde of Winchester builded .ii. other in the vniuersitie of O●enforde of the which one is called Brusennose the other Cor●s Christi college Kynge Henrye maryed the lady Katherine late wyfe to his brother Arthur hauingthe dispēsacio● of Leo bishop of Rome but not without great murmuring of the Cardinalles and dyuers learned men of other realme Lewys king of Fraunce vanquished the Uenecians toke the cities Brixia Bergamū Crema and Crem●na and subdued theim to his dominions Maximilian recouered from the Uenecians Uerona Padua Teruisium and diuers other townes and cities Dyuers ambassadours came to kinge Henry of Englande The citie of Pise was brought in subiection to the U●necians Iulius byshop of Rome by force of armes toke Rauenna Imola Fauēcia Forliui and other possessions of the churche which were witholden by the Uenecians The byshoppe of Rome beyng reconciled to the Uenecians The yere of the worlde 5471 The yere of Christ 1510 toke Mutina and Mirandula Anni regum Angli 2 which he restored to Frances Picus lorde of that citie Ioachim Marques of Brandenburge toke all the Iewes within his dominion of the whiche .38 were br●nt and .ii. beheaded beceuse thei martyrised the sacrament● of the aulter Empson and Dudley whiche in the time of king Henrie the .vii ▪ had been great rulers were put to deathe to stoppe the murmuryng and grudg of the people against theim Bugia in Afrike was conquered of the Spaniardes The famous and gret lerned man maister Erasmus of Roterodame flourished by whose benefyte and diligēce as wel diuine knowlege as al other good learning was marueilusly furthered and augmented The woorshipfull clerke doctour Collete whiche builded the fre schole of Paules in Londō liued at this time and by his diligent preaching first beganne to open the slouthfulnes and negligence of the clergy of this realme in those daies A sedicion at Ertford in Germany by occasion wherof great displeasure was kendled betweene the byshoppe of Mens and Friderich Duke of Saxonie in so much that the matyer was lyke to haue been decyded by d●nte of swoorde had not the emperours auctoritie stopped their rage Henry the first sonne of kynge Henry the eyghte was borne on newe yeres day● for ●oie wherof a great iustes was kept at Westminster and on S. Mathewes day folowyng the childe dyed Kynge Henrye of England sent the lorde Darsy Anni regum Angli 3 wyth a goodly company of men into Spaine The yere of the worlde 5472 The yere of Christ to ayde the king his father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwene theim wherfore shortly after he retourned home againe The same time sir Edward Poyninges accompanied with the lorde Cly●ton and dyuers other was s●nt into Gelderlande with .xv. C. archers to ayde to ●rynce of Castile at the requ●st of Margaret Duches of Sauoy regent of Flaunders Sir Edmunde Hawarde and lorde Thomas Haward toke Andrewe Barton and .150 Scotes with .ii. greate shyppes The citie Bononie forsoke the byshoppe of Romes dominion The king of Scottes required his ships that were lately taken to be restored accordynge to the leage But answere was made by kinge Henry that the mattyer perteined nothing to the league because that Andrew Barton was a pyrate and robber on the seas The .xv. daye of Ianuarye was a parlyamente in the whiche two fiftenes and two dismes of the clergye were graunted to ayd the kinge in his warres that he entended against the French kinge By the auctoryty of the emperour and the french king a counsai●e was indicted at Pise which was after transferred to Myllaine The lorde Marques Dorset with dyuers other lordes and knightes was sent of king Hēry into Spaine Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1512 with an armye of 13●00 men who a good parte of the summer dyd much harme in Gutan by spoiling the countrei but in the winter he retourned by menes of a 〈◊〉 whiche chansed amon ge his men Sir Edwarde Hawarde admyrall of England with a great nauy scoured the seas and then went toward Brytaine The citie Briria gaue vp to the Uenecians which was shortly after recouered and dispoyled by the Frenchmen and the Uenecians beaten and slayne At the same t●me was Rauenna robbed and pilled On easter day a great battaile was foughten nere to Rauenna bytweene the Frenche kinge and the byshop of Rome in which the byshops armye was dyscomfited and 160●0 of his souldyours slaine Kynge Henry sent foorth a nauie of .xxv. ships among the whiche the regent a ship royall was chiefe Not onely all partes of Europe was disquyeted wyth the warres of the Uenecians but also the countreis of Asia Per●y and Armeny were vexed with most cruel and deadly warres wherin the hethen tyrannes infe●ted ech other
of Christian and politike gouernemente when yeres sh●ul●e make ripe those fruites of vertue which euen in his tender age appeared to be sowen in hys royall herte Under this Kynge in the the tyme of hys minoritye hys vncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde protectour with the rest of the counsel gouerned this realme By wh●me to the furtheraunce of gods worde and true religion commissioners were sent into al partes of the realme with commaundement to take all Images oute of churches for auoydinge of Idolatrie and to cause al persons to leaue the superstitiouse vse of beades Wyth these commissioners were sente certein godlye learned preachers which dehorted men from superstition and enstructed them to geue theim selfe to true and vnfayned worshyppyng of god in heart and mynde with due obedience towardes theyr prince This yere order was taken that the pompous and superstitious maner of goyng in processi●n shuld be lefte and no more vsed The last day of Iuly Steuen Gardiner Bisshoppe of Winchester was sent prisoner to the towre of London And about the same tyme Doctour Smith of Oxford recanted openly at paules crosse diuers articles conteyned in twoo bookes whiche he had made one for the defence of the sacrifice of the Maise an other to proue that vnwritten verities oughte to be beleued vnder payne of damnation Shortlye after the Lorde Protectoure and Erle of Warwike wente into Scotlande with a stronge army requiringe the Scottes to fulfyll their promise made before to kynge Henry concernynge the mariage of theyr younge Quene with noble prynce Edwarde hys sonne But the Scottes alwayes vnfaithfull of promisse stubb●rnel●e came againste them with a greate puisaunce And not long after the two armies encoūtred in the feldes of Muscleborow● at a place called Pinkersloughe the englishmen not thinckynge as then to haue battaile And because the fronte of the Scottishe army was so terribly set with pikes our horsemen that gaue the firste on set were enforced to recule with losse of certen gentlemen whiche reculynge muche abashed our footemen But yet by the great wisedome and pollicye of the capitaynes and the good stomake of our souldiours wherewith god had at that present strengthed them they gaue a new onset and without any notable fight discomfited the Scottes and optayned a noble victorie At this tyme were slaine of the Scottes betwene thyrtene and fouretene thousande and not passynge an hundred Englysshemen This yeare dyd the pestilence so rage in the Citie of London that men fell to buryeng their deade early in the mornynges and late in the euenynges whervpon a commaundemente was geuen to all curates that they shoulde bury none before .vi. in the mornyng nor after vi at nyght and that a bell should ryng .iij. quarters of an houre or more After Myghelmasse was holden a parliament wherein chauntries were giuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at his pleasure It was also ordeyned in this parliam●nt that the body and bloude of Christe shoulde be receyued of all persones in bothe kyndes breade and wyne And an order was appoynted for the auoidyng of sturdy vagabundes and beggars In this meane whyle Peter Martyr a Florentine borne and of excellent knowlege in diuinitie being sent for by Thomas Cranmer archebyshop of Canterbury came into Englande ▪ in Nouember and shortely after was made reader of diuinitie in the vniuersitie of O●forde for his excellencie and soundenes in doctrine Also in this parliament were repealed certain bloudy statutes made in the tyme of kynge Henry the eight Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1548 emongest whiche the statute of sixe articles was one The fifte day of Februarye the aboue named duke of Somerset with the reste of the counsaylours of the realme dyd wryte vnto the Scottes in the kynges name a very longe and piththy Oration exhortynge theim to embrace peace but in vayne as afterwarde appeared to the great losse of bothe realmes In this February hotte persecution beganne agayne in Fraunce and especially at Paryse for the doctrine of Martyn Luthere where as in the meane whyle in Englande mens wyttes were occupied in dyuysynge howe to abolyshe the masse vtterly In Aprile folowynge Martine Bucer beeynge sente for by the marques of Brandenborough one of the princis electours came frome Strawsborough in Germany to Aus●orough and was there of hym and other at his appoyntemente entreated and perswaded by fayre woordes and promyses by roughe wordes and threatenynges and by all meanes possible to geue his consent to a booke called Antididagma whiche the Papistes had bene in hande with frome the yeare of our Lorde a thousande fiue hundred fortye and two to this present● yere a .1548 and hadde as nowe made it perfect as they thought But al this not withstanding Bucer departed not geuyng consent to theyr boke but not without danger of his lyfe This boke was fyrst pende against that boke of reformation of religion which Herman byshop of Coleyn caused to bee drawen and was afterwardes sette forth in his name But yet when they had made it as perfect as they coulde and had confirmed in it all popery welmoste it coulde not be allowed by Gods vicar of Rome bicause there were in it some thynges graunted to the contrary parte The fyrst day of October Edmunde Boner byshop of London was depriued of his byshoprike and put in prison in the Marshalsey for that he obstinately stode in the defence of popisshe supersticion and Nycholas Ridley byshop of Rochester was by the kynges authoritie transl●t●d to London The fourth day of Nouember was a parliament holden at Westminster vpon prorogation wherin was authorised a boke of an vniforme order of common praier and administration of the sacramentes in the englishe tongue Also the mariage of priestes was in the same parliament made laufull Moreouer the acte made in the .xxxii. of the reigne of kyng Henry the eight concernyng contractes of matrimonie was in this parliament repealed for that many beastly persons maliciousely enterpreting the same did by obtaynyng the firste carnall copulation take frome honest men their despoused wyues Sir Thomas Seimour lord Seimour of Sudley high admyrall of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 3 was by parliament attainted of treason for which his head was striken of at the tower hill in London the .xx. of Marche It was sayd that he fought to distroy the yong kynge Edwarde his neuewe and to make hym selfe kynge but moste men thynke he dyed innocent in that matter In Aprile Martine Bucer and Paulus Fagius men of excellent learnyng after many letters sente to theim from Thomas Cranmer archbyshop of Cantorburye came into Englande and were frendly receyued of the kyng hymselfe of the whole nobilitie welmoste and of the people also And after they had a while refreshed thē selues with the archebyshop of Canterbury they were bothe sente to Cambri●ge there to teache the trewe doctrine of Christe In Maie
folowynge Peter Martyr and the diuines of Oxforde disputed openly of the Lordes supper and the presence of Christe therein These questions dyd Peter Martyr propone and defend That the substance of bread wyne is not changed and that the body and bloude of Christ is not carnally and corporally in the breade and wyne but is sacramentally vnited or knitte therevnto The report of this disputation was afterwards setforth in print wherin the moderatours of the disputations appoynted by the kyng doo plainely declare that Martyr had the vpper hande In Iune folowyng the French kyng came to Parys with great pompe and this was the fyrst commynge of hym thyther after the deathe of his father where at his beyng there and in his presence as some thynke many were put to death for Luthers doctrine And the kynge as it appered by a writyng then set forthe in printe and sent into all partes of Fraunce was there professed an open enemy to that sorte of men determynyng to roote theim quite out of his dominions And not long after he cut of mounsier Ueruines heade for that he had surrendred Boloigne to kyng Henry the eyght after a long siege and sore battrie and assaultes About this tyme there began in England great sedition emong the people in all partes but chiefely in Norfolke and in Deuonshire The chief capitaine in Deuonshire was sir Iohn Arundell a knyght and in Norfolke one Kite a tanner These bothe required groundes lately enpastured and enparked to be layd open agayn but the chiefe cause of their rebellion was to haue the popish masse and ceremonies restored They wronghte muche by a blynde prophecie whiche tolde them that they shuld mete at London And in dede so they dyd for they were brought prisoners thither in one day and committed to the tower Suche is the good successe that they haue whych folowe blynde prophecies In this meane whyle dyd the french kyng inuade and wynne the forte whyche kyng Henry had buylded beetwene Boloigne and Calice called Newhauen the losse whereof was layde to the Duke of Somersettes charge for that he beeyng protectour hadde not seene that piece better furnished And in conclusion Iohn Dudley the Erle of Warwyke with the assent and helpe of others counsellours and nobles of the re●lme charged hym in open proclamation of misgouernement ▪ and caused him to be apprehended at Wyndsore whether he was fledde with the yong ●ynge his neuewe frome whens he was brought as a traitour to the tower of London The fowerth day of Nouember a parlyment was holden at Westminster vpon prorogation and there continued and kept to the fyrst daye of February wherein was made an acte for the punishment of suche as would vnlaufully assemble them selues Also an acte for the restitution of bloud in syr William Sheryngton knyght and an other for Mary daughter to syr Thomas Seimor high Admyral In this meane whyle Paulus Fagius dyed at Cambridge about the ende of Nouember The yere of the worlde 5511 The yere of Christ 1550 of a quartane Anni regum Angli In the beginnyng of February the byshop of Strausborowe had brought his matters to passe and made perfect his ministers and began solemnely in .iii. churches of the Citye whiche the Senate had permitted hym to occupie the Popishe maner of theyr goddes seruice to the great admiration of youth whiche had sene no such monstrous mummeries before A littell before this Arundell who was capitayne to the Deuonshire men was hanged drawen and quartered at Tyburne This was done the .xxvi. of Ianuarye And about the ●ame tyme Ky●● capitayne of the rebelles in Norfolke was with his brother condempned and sent to be hanged in chaines at Norwiche Before this the .xix. day of the same moneth wer mu●dred without Newgate in London one Gambo and a● other Filicirga capitaynes of the Spanyardes that had serued in the warres at Boloigne and els where This murder was done by one Charles Gauaro a Flemyng borne who for the same dede had his hande cutte of in the place where he dyd it and was with his three menne hanged in Smithfielde vppon Saint Paules euen then next folowyng He cam post from Barwik to London to doo this murder and at his death sayd he woulde neuer repent it The .vi. day of February the duke of Somerset was delyuered out of the towre The same moneth went out of Englande certayn lordes of the counsell to Boloigne where certayne of the frenche counsell mette with them where at the last they concluded a peace whiche was proclaymed the .xxix. day of Marche folowyng And about the .xxv. of Aprille the towne of Boloigne with the fortresses thervnto belongyng was deliuered by the Englyshemen into the handes of the Frenchemen The seconde day of May was brent in Smithfielde a woman called Ione Knel otherwise called Ione Boucher for the horrible heresy that Christe toke no flesshe of the virgine Mary And at her death dyd preache one mayster Iohn Scory then preacher at Canterbury About this tyme there wer● certayne lyghte persones that pretended a newe commotion in Kent but they were apprehended and the .xiii. of May was hanged at Ashforde in Kent Rychard Lyon and G●ddard Goram and the next day folowyng was hanged at Canterbury Rychard Ireland for the same purpose In this meane while the Englyshemen and many others whiche fauored the gospell in the lowe countreis of Germany were sore amased by reason of an Edict that Charles the Emperour set forth agaynst the Lutherans and all theyr fauourers and suche as shoulde be founde with theyr bookes or images made to the dishonour of any of the popes holy sainctes Anni regum Angli 5 The .xxiii. day of Ianuarye was a parliament holden at Westmynster vpon prorogation The yere of the worlde 5512 The yere of Christ and was continued and kept tyll the .xv. of Aprile wherin emong other thinges it was enacted that priestes children shoulde be legitimate and that no man should take any vsury for lo●e or forbearyng of money The .xiiii. daye of February was committed a shame full murder at Feuersham in Kent One Arden a gentylmanne was by the consente of his owne wyfe murdered wherfore she was brent at Canterbury two hanged in chaines at Feuersham and a woman brent And in Smithfielde was hanged one Mos by and his syster And the ruffian that was by the wyfe hyred to doo the deede whose name was blacke Willyam fledde into Sealande and was taken at Flushyng and there burned on a scaffolde besydes the hauen The .xvi. day of the same moneth Steuen Gardener byshop of Wynchester was depriued of his bishoprike and so committed to the tower agayne where he lay duryng the lyfe of kyng Edwarde Into whose place was by the kynges authoritie translated doctour Poynet byshop of Rochester The .xxviii. of this moneth dyed at Cambridge Martine Bucer and was there honourably buried and commended by the Epitaphes of many learned men emong whome were the two sonnes of Charles duke
whole multitude And after this they wente to the chappell where thankes were geuen to god with pypynge and syngyng after the maner Suche as knewe Pole before and had had acquayntance with hym meruailed muche at these doynges For they looked for farre other thynges at his hande Nowe was the kyng the quene and all the commons at a good poynt and in case mete to procede to the aduācyng of Antichriste and treadynge Christe vnder fote in his members as thei dyd in that they renued thre statutes for the punisshement of Christes people ●whome they call heretikes and in repealynge statutes made agaynst the apostolike sea of Rome as they terme it And som men thought that Philip shuld haue had the c●oun at that parliament but it came not so to passe In this meane while many were kept in prison that had bene apprehended some for preachyng after queene Mary was procl●ymed a●d some had actions of debte 〈…〉 their charge th●t they might ●e had in holde vnder colour of lawe tyll the lawe was establysshed that myght make an ende of them if they wolde not submyt themselues to the churche of Rome Soone after the begynnynge of Ianuary the parlyament was dissolued And immediately after there were fyue men of god and singularly learned in the scriptures brought forth of the prisone aboute London where they hadde bene holden as is sayde before And bycause they woulde not submytte theimselues to the popes authoritie they were all condemned of heresie Theyr names were Iohn Hopper bysshoppe of Worcester and Gloucester Iohn Bradforde Laurence Saunders Roulande Taylour doctour of the lawe Iohn Rogers reader of diuinitie at Paules And shortely after was condemned Robert Farrer byshop of sainct Dauids in Wales All this whyle doctour Martyn was in greate authoritie with the bysshoppe of Winchester so that libertie and bandes were in his handes and welle was he that coulde obtayne his fauour But nowe it was ne●d●full to haue men more bloudy for nede mad● Martyn myl● There were therfore appoynted in cōmission for the ●xamination of heretikes syr Roger Cholmel●y knyght mayster Willyam Roper and Doc●our S●ory An●●o brynge theym in were appoynted Bea●d● Iohn 〈◊〉 and Robert Caley two taylours and a prynter And besydes t●ese there were in euery parys●e certayn sworne to m●rke and present all such as shewed not themselues popyshe About this time it was determined that ambassadors shuld go to Rome to render thankes to the holy father for the great clemency that he hadde vsed towardes this realme makyng faithfull promyse of obedience frome thenseforthe for euer These ambassadours tooke theyr iourney the lent folowyng one of theim was Thirleby byshop of Ely and the other the lorde Montacute In February the fourth day was bou●ned in Smithfielde Iohn Rogers aboue named The eyght daye of th● 〈…〉 parson of Al● halowe● in 〈…〉 at Couentrie The .ix. day the aboue n●●ed ●ouland T●ylour was burned at ●adley in Suffol●e where he 〈…〉 The .xxij. of the same was burned 〈◊〉 ●locester the aboue named Iohn Hopper byshop there Iohn Bradforde was a man of suche integritie of life that the cruell papistes coulde not for shame put hym to deathe as yet but reserued hym in prison trustyng that tyme woulde weare out the memory of his godly lyfe but he so behaued hym selfe in prison that the fame of his vertue grewe euen to the hower of his deathe In this meane whyle the Emperour Charles laboured by his brother Ferdinandus kynge of Boheme to brynge the Germaines to a generall councell ▪ fyrste at Ulmes and after at Auguste to whiche the Cardinall Moronus shulde haue comen to trye whyther he coulde haue done as muche in Germany as Pole had doone in Englande For the good successe that Pole had in Englande encouraged the Pope so that he thoughte god was with hym and that his churche coulde by no meanes be conuinced of errour The .v. of Marche Thomas Tomkyn a weauer who dwelled in Shorditche without Bishoppes gate at London was burned in Smithfielde This man hadde bene l●nge reserued in prison and had bene often before the byshop of London who on a tyme caused his hande to be holden whiles he bourned it with a candell to proue howe he coulde away with burnyng The .xx. of the same moneth was burned at Burndewodde one William Hunter an apprentise The .xxv. of the same moneth was burned at Hornedon on the hylle Thomas Higby gentilman and bierebruer And at Rayley was bourned Thomas Causon gentylman the same daye The .27 was burned at Braintry williā Pygat weuer The .xxviij. daye was bourned at Malden Stephen Knyghte boucher At Danbury Wyllyam Digell At Colchester Iohn Laurence preacher At Cardiffe Raulyn Whyte The seconde of Aprile Iohn Aucocke died in prison in Newgate at London The .xxiiii. of the same month willyam Flower other wise called Branche was burned at Westminster And fyrst his hand was striken of at the stake because he had on Caster daie before wounded a priest in sainct Margarets churche in tyme of the mynistration of their housell as they call it The same day was bourned at Westchester George Marche preacher In this meane while many learned and worshipfull and some noble personages besides honest commoners a great numbre conueyed them selues beyonde the seas some vnder licence and some secretly emongest whom the duchesse of Suffolke wyfe to Charles duke of Suffolke was one with her hus band Barthew syr Fraunces Knolles and diuers other chosyng rather to aduenture affliction in a straunge countreye than to submytte themselues to the Romyshe superstitious orders and to commit that grosse ydolatrie that the papists mainteyn Aboute this tyme greate preparation was made for the queenes chyldbedde Mydwiues rocke●s and other sortes of women in great numbre taken into the quenes lodgyng at Hampton Courte and not suffered to come home to their hus bandes Besydes that great preparation of al thyng pertaynyng to nursery ●or it was plainly affirmed out of the mouths of the queenes 〈◊〉 that she was greate with a man chylde and some sayde with two But in conclusion there was ●orne neyther manchild nor woman that could be knowe● Al●hough the priestes in euery churche through the ●ealm● ▪ 〈◊〉 diligently and earnestly moued the people from tyme to tyme after they were about the beginnyng● of Nouember by testimonie of the counsell certified that she was conceyued to pray that she myght bryng forth a prince that shulde by iuste title reigne ouer the greatest parte of the christen worlde The laste daye of Aprile in the mornynge ●efore the gat●s of London were opened ther came a merie f●low to the gate at the bridge foote affirminge that he mus●e ride in post thorough the Citie for the Quene was that mornyng delyuered of a prince This shift he vsed to get the gate opened But this worde flewe so faste thorowe London and was so pleasaunt in the ●ares of priestes and parishe clarkes that before .vii. of the clocke all the belles in the