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B11837 A hundred sermons vpo[n] the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by thangell of the Lorde: but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Eua[n]gelist. S. Iohn: compiled by the famous and godly learned man, Henry Bullinger, chief pastor of the congregation of Zuryk. Newly set forth and allowed, according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties, iniuntions. Thargument, wurthines, commoditie, and vse of this worke, thou shalt fynd in the preface: after which thou hast a most exact table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin.; In Apocalypsim Jesu Christi. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Daus, John. 1561 (1561) STC 4061; ESTC S107053 618,678 759

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with out fruicte as beyng corrupted with the popish doctrine by force wil not be wise c. Finally they haue power to strike the Earth with euery plague so ofte as they wil. But they will not they strike the Earth with plagues excepte Gods worde by the whiche they beyng inspired and instructed are gouerned shall commaunde them For they wil do nothing wilfully they will not followe their affectiōs but the worde of God Howebeit they are saide to strike the earth with plagues when out of Gods word thei threaten that God with plagues wil punnish the sinnes of mē Those plagues are recited in the .26 .28 of Deuter. Wherfore in case they threaten to impenitent persons warre pestilence famine sickenesses and other calamities God will sende them to such as are vncurable as the lord sayeth oft him selfe in Ieremie Agayne and on the contrary parte they shal in riche with all blessyng those that obeye gods word what time they shal shewe forth the Lordes blessing Thus muche hath he spoken hitherto concernyng the preachers of the Gospel which shal fight agaynst Antichrist in that last age before the iudgement and shal buylde vp the church confirme the beleuers Thou thy self shalt obserue in what preachers thou shalt perceyue these markes and the same shalt thou acknowledge for the lawefull prophetes of God And shalt acknowledge with all how great a benefite of God it is to haue trewe and faithfull preachers of Gods word The lord our God confirme al ministers of his worde in the settyng forth of his trueth to the worldes ende ¶ Of the cruell fight of Antichrist agaynst the Prophetes of God whome he ouercommeth and sleyeth and shamefully vseth them The .xlviij. Sermon ANd whē they haue finished their testimony the beast that cam out of the botomles pitte shall make warre agaynst them and shall ouercome them kille them And their bodies shal lie in the stretes of the great citie which spiritually is called Sodome Aegipte where our lord is crucified And som of the people and kinreddes and tōgues and of nations shall see their bodies three dayes and an halfe and shal not suffer theyr bodies to be put in graues And they that dwell vpon the Earth shall reioyce ouer them and be glad and shall sende giftes one to an other for these two Prophetes vexed thē that dwel on the earth We haue hearde of the cōtinual preachyng of the preachers which shall obiecte themselues to Antichrist to his armie for christes veritie and the church of the faithfull that al the time that Antichrist shall exercise tiranny against the church consequently our lord Iesus Christ will teache vs by thapostle and Euangelist S. Iohn after what condition the sainctes shal fight and howe Antichrist shall incountre with them which also apperteyneth to consolation The persecution of Antichrist a necessarie admonition leest any mā should be discouraged with the felicitie of the Antichristians and calamities of the faithful He speaketh therfore expressely of the greuouse persecutiō of antichrist which hath now cōtinued these many yeres I meane al that time wherin the bishop of Rome hath vsurped takē vpō him authoritie ouer al churches with some smal spaces of respite to breath in of the Lord permitted This persecutiō of Antichrist is more greuouse longer than euer was any eyther emongs thaunciēt people of God or in the primitiue church Certenly for these fiue hōdreth yeres who so euer of what state or condition he were of began to speake neuer so little against the church of Rome he felte incōtinētly hatred imprisonement bannishment and death This do stories testifie which shewe also that persecutiō so much the more increased as the Bisshoppes themselues and theyr champions Monkes and freres were increased in nombre and power And the lord declareth most diligētly when who of what estate where when with how great crueltie Antichrist shal playe the tiraunt against the faithful seruauntes of God He addeth immediatly that all his enterprises shall be vtterly vaine and how great shal be the rewardes of constaunte ministers and also the calamities of the Antichristians The testimony of Prophetes muste first be finished before the persecutiō come on And first in dede he admonisheth playnely what time persecution must be moued not before the testimony of the prophetes shal be finished I shewed you before that the testimonie is the sincere preaching of the gospel Aretas saieth what testimonie That he which shall be present is not Christ but a deceauer and a pestilent seducer c. And so great is the goodnes of God louing his church that he wil not suffer the preachers to be taken away till they haue finished their preachinge For the gospell must be openly preached to all men for saluation and deliueraunce from anguish craftes and disceiptes and from the seducers of Antichriste And they shall finish their ministery with sondry wrytinges and continual preachinges Thei shal finish I say when it shal please God For some preach and abide safe and sound many yeares beynge safe and sure from persecutions And others are immediatly apprehended cast in prison and slaine Thus are these things done as semeth to god good which must euer be credited what meane so euer he vseth to auaunce his glory further the helth of his church Here cōmeth to passe also as we reade oft times in the gospel that the lord was not takē for asmuch as his houre was not comen Therfore shal a certaine houre also be appoincted of God to the preachers Before this houre they be safe sure though the deuill be neuer so madde tirauntes rage bloudsuckours and thenemies of faith laye in waite We maruel sometimes how the preachers of the gospel coulde preach in so great a cōpany of wolues so long time that directly agaynst wolues Whie they were not by and by torne in peces God de●ēdeth his Prophetes vnto theyr houre The lorde God almightie hath kept which would first haue them throughly to finish the testimonie of the veritie He letted therfore their enemies and gaue strength to his seruauntes to preach To him shall we render thankes that many good preachers in times paste of late daies D. Luther and D. Zwinglius other faithful witnesses of God coulde in so wicked a worlde and in so great power of Antichrist execute their ministerie so many yeres in dispite of Hell gates Notwitstandyng that the Princes and Magistrates deserue also to be praysed for the lawefull defence shewed them yet should this haue ben none at all vnlesse the power of God would haue had it so And what time the faithful in the churche shall be sufficiently admonisshed so that such as will be wise Persecution cometh on and not of a set pourpose perish maye all escape the snares of Antichrist and liue in Christe immediately shall followe persecution For so soone as the Pope shall heare with his dregges
here certen Byshoppes ded resiste him emonges whome was Leo Bishoppe of ould Rome There remayne certen Epistles of his to the Emperour of Constantinople to the Byshops of the Easte and to others So was this trouble for that tyme also appeased But streight way an other Byshop of Constantinople blynded wyth Ambition requyred a fresh to haue the supremacie geuen hym Whome Pelagius and Gregory Byshoppes of Rome wythstood And this later so impugned the supremacie of the Patriarch of Constantinople that he sticked not to call him the vauntcurrour of Antichrist which woulde vsurpe the tytle of generall byshop There remayne not a fewe epistles wrytten of this matter in his register Neuerthelesse a fewe yeares after when the Byshoppes of Rome were sore affrayde leeste that dignitie shulde be geuen to the byshoppes of Constantinople Boniface the .3 obteyned of themperour Phocas a parricide that he which was bishop of old Rome might be taken for the vniuersal bishop and Rome for the head of al churches which constitution set vp the Pope in Authoritie Apostolicall that he was nowe taken of the moste parte of the west Bishops for Apostolicall and manie matters brought before him to determine whereby he got the fauour of many Princes chieflie of Fraunce by whose ayde he droue oute of Italie both the Emperour of Grece and kinges of Lumbardie and brought Rome and the beste most florishing partes of Italie vnder his own subiection Thus I saye out of the earth cometh vp the seconde beaste Beaste Furthermore Christe callth the Romish papistrie beaste for that in Auarice Couetousnesse Tyrannie Crueltie and euen in beastlinesse he differeth nothing from the olde beast of whome I haue spoken before Hitherto of the originall of Antichrist or Pope and of the newe Empyre furthermore S. Ihon procedeth to descrybe that second beast lyuelie that we shuld al know and eschewe the same and fyrst he reasoneth of the power of Antichriste The beast had two hornes That other beaste sayeth he had two hornes and he addeth lyke a lambe For of them is spoken in the fifte chapter of this boke And the Lord signifieth the priesthod and kingdome whyche the Popes vsurpe to themselues affyrmynge that power is geuen them in Heauen and in Earth in spirituall matters and temporal For therefore they geue in their Armes two Keyes that is to saie two hornes They boaste that they haue two swoordes Of the which blasphemies he that wyll be fullye instructed let him reade the wordes of the beastes of Boniface .8 in the sixte Decret of maiorit and obediēce One holy agayne Clement .5 second boke of othes finally Gregorie .9 or rather the first boke of Innocent the .3.33 tit de maior obedient All Histories make mention that Boniface the .8 ded in the yeare of our Lorde .1300 institute the first Iubeley and in the same opēly before the people to haue shewed in the way of ostentation the Pontifical and Emperiall maiestie whylest on the one day he appeared in the apparel of a Byshop on the other hauing put on purple robes shewed himselfe to the people like an Emperour They caried before him two swordes And he himself cried lo here are two swordes as though he shoulde poincte with his fingar to the whole worlde that he and certen of his predecessours and all his successours were that two horned beaste What shall we saie that all bishops by him consecrated weare vpon their heades miters or two horned caps Vnlesse therfore we be blynder than was Tyresias we see with our eyes who is that great Antichriste And here we muste obserue that he sayeth not Lyke a lambe● that those ar the hornes of a lambe For Christ kepeth stil both the priesthod and kingdome with the faithful in the church nother doeth he resigne the same to any other he hath appointed no Vycar For he executeth continuallie at the righte hande of the Father the offices both of King and Bishoppe and this all faithfull fele with ioye He sayeth therefore lyke a lambes For the Pope wyll make all men beleue that he hath receiued of Christ Priesthod and Empire that he is Christes Vycar wher he is nothyng lesse He bragth euery where that he is the great shepparde and hath receyued the keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen And that of the very lambe of God in the Apostle Saincte Peter and therefore that all Bishoppes are subiecte to him finallie al Kynges Princes and people He procedeth to shewe moreouer He spake as the Dragon what the talke of Antichriste is what is his doctryne and what is his speach He spake sayeth he as ded the Dragon The Dragon is the Deuyll as before is playnelie shewed Therefore he ascribeth to Antichryste or Popery Diabolicall doctrine or a deuyllysh mouth or toungue We muste see therefore howe the deuyll speaketh that we may so vnderstande rightlie howe Antichriste speaketh In Paradise he so tempereth his talke that he calleth in doubte the certentie and veritie of Gods word and by that occasion placeth his owne worde in steade of the worde of God Is it so sayth the Deuyll hath God forbydden you Genesis .3 vnder perill of your life that ye shoulde not eate of the fruicte of the tree of knowledge of good euil yea rather yf ye eate therof ye shall be made lyke vnto God And after the same sorte Antichriste in his Poperie bringeth the veritie of the Scripture in doubte which by all meanes possible he disfameth as vnperfecte maymed obscure and doubtefull And by and by vpon that occasion he bringeth in his traditions decrees wherewith he maye patch vp that which he contendeth to want in the Scriptures But in his traditions he affirmeth thinges contrary to Gods worde and so disceaueth men And all men knowe that haue any skill of popysh matters that the fyrste and chiefe principle and foundation of Papistrie is that the Scriptures are vnperfecte and obscure and therefore to haue nede of traditions Moreouer the Dragon speaketh openlie against the lawes of God and so doeth the Pope manifestelye God wyll be worshypped alone the Pope addeth to him Sainctes God forbyddeth Idolles and Idolatrie the pope cōmaundeth them playnely God wyll haue his name to be sanctified and his name to be sworne by onely the Pope by dispensing with othes polluteth the name of the Lorde and commaūdeth vs to sweare by the names of Gods God commaūdeth vs to kepe holie the Sabboth daye The Pope bringeth this in contempte setteth forth his owne holy daies and maketh double feastes God commaūdeth vs to honor our parents This doeth the Pope abbrogate and commaundeth to make more of Abbotes and Abbesses God commaundeth thou shalt not kyll thou shalt not commit aduoutrie or steale The Pope graunteth moste ample indulgences and pardons to his soldiours for rash warres made at his wyll and pleasure spoyleth with his sacrileges al churches and he with his mayden priestes fylleth all the world with
emonges those ten hornes one other little horne should grow vp whiche shoulde strike of three and take their place and reigne wantonly crwelly and wickedly Wherefore the Popes Empire and those sondry kingdomes grewe vp in a maner aboute one and the same time The kings haue one minde He sheweth moreouer what maner of kingdomes those shal be and how they shal demeane thēselues towardes that latter beast namely towarde the church of Rome thei saieth he haue al 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one opinion they beleue al one thing be of the same religion He speaketh chiefly of the westerne kynges For they al receyue the decrees of the Bishoppe of Rome and honor them as most obedient childrē of the most sacred holy church of Rome They shal deliuer to the beaste 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their authoritie or kyngedome For they submitte themselues to the See of Rome Yf the church of Rome haue nede of an Armie or force of armes the kinges sende their power gladly to hym which the most noble kingdome of Boheme felte about an hondreth yeres sins though it were to no great commoditie and beautifull triumphes of the inuaders Yea morouer they acknowledge thēselues to owe homage and feaultie to the moste holy and supreme Bishop in al the world Hereunto chiesly apperteyneth that which Augustin Stewchus in his boke against Laurence valla concernyng the donation of Constantine in the .94 Section hath written on this wise Gregory the .7 vnto Geusa king of Hungarie we suppose it is not vnknowen to thee sayeth he that the kingdome of Hungarie like as other most noble realmes also ought to be in the state of his owne libertie nother that it ought to be subiecte to any kyng of an other realme saue to the holy and vniuersall mother church of Rome which hath her subiectes not as seruauntes but as children Hereunto addeth Steuchus thou hearest with what gouernement the church ruleth that she maye interteyne her subiectes not as seruauntes but as childrē She putteth not kinges out of their possession but permitteth them to reigne as her sonnes who reignyng she reigneth her selfe also Neuerthelesse she will be knowen for Quene and Lady Quene Lady Thou hearest how al the moste noble realmes be subiecte to the Apostolical See Euen there he sheweth that the moste noble kingdomes of Spaine Fraūce England Denmarke Russelande Croatie Dalmatia Arragonie Sardinia Portugalle Bohemia Sweuia and Norwaye be subiecte tributaries to the church of Rome In the Section .97 He addeth moreouer although the kinges reigned and continued in possession yet are they wonte to acknowledge her as Quene and trewe Lady and gyuer of their kingdomes And in the Sect. 105. The old monumentes of all Popes are full of highe authoritie A mouth verely speaking great thinges whereby they haue with their Empires gouerned the whole worlde hauing the rule and order of al landes which power and authoritie that impudente praiser of the Romishe See is not asshamed to call omnipotent or almightie And doubtles we see at this daye great Ambassades sent to Rome by the westerne kinges newely elected crowned to the intent to kisse the Popes fete or too of Antichrist and to offer dewe obedience as they cal it Therefore did he calle them before not kinges absolutely but as kinges For they acknowledge a superiour and be euen as it were seruauntes or wardes of the seruaunt of seruauntes Of whome he hath made proper verses The vulgare people brought from farre ende of the worlde The seruaunt of seruauntes O Rome is now thy Lorde Hereunto the Apostle addeth a thing yet more greuouse The fight with the lambe These Kinges I meane the confederates of the Pope and obedient children of the Church of Rome indewed with the spirite of the beaste shall fight with the Lambe Whereby is signified the tiranny which kinges and princes and certen other states of the Romane Empire do practise long haue practised agaynst Christ his gospel Concerning the lambe we haue already spokē enough before Iohn Baptist poinctyng with his fingar to Christ sayeth beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world Therfore shal the Romish princes fight not agaynste Christ himselfe for they will be christians but agaynst the Lambe that is the sanctification iustification and satisfaction of Christ For yf any man saye at this daye that the sonne of God is most holy by whome alone sinnes are forgeuen and we are sanctified and saye not also that the Bisshop of Rome is moste holy also whiche purgeth by pardons graunted but shall saye rather that perdons are playne disceiptfulnes and the Pope most vncleane of all he shal doubtles nother be takē for right catholicke nother shal he be spared for confessyng the lambe of God Yf any man shal confesse that iustification is only in the sonne of God alone and that men are iustified by fayth only and not also by our workes and merites he shal be caried to death or to prison nother shal the confession of the lambe of God preuayle him any thing Yf any man shal say that he is fully purged through the only oblation of Christe on the crosse as of a lambe without spotte and sacrificed frō the beginnyng neyther that he nedeth any popish Masses wherby the shauelynges boaste that they make a dayly offering for the sinnes of the quicke and dead whiche in dede is both false and blasphemouse he is streight wayes hurried to prison and from thence drawen to the stake and brente We can not denye but that this is true seyng there be at this daie innumerable exāples of Romishe kinges and princes in this behalfe We shall not nede therefore to fetche our exposition farre of how these kinges which wholy depēde of the Pope shal fight with the lambe I speake here nothinge of others which cleaue whole vnto Christ And therefore for a comforte is consequently annexed and the Lambe shall ouer come them The lābe shall ouercome thē For albeit that Popish kinges and Princes seme to ouercome the Sainctes whom they burne murther and distroye yet Christ liueth for euer the redemption of Christe florissheth As moste godly that good poete hath songe Christ liueth yet and shal do still His trewth eke shall remayne Whilst al that doeth this world fulfill Shall perish and be vayne Kinges perish kingdomes perish or be chaunged but the trewth is neuer chaunged Christ perisheth neuer He adioyneth a most strong reason for he is Lord of Lordes and king of kinges Therfore shal they be made a fote stole for the fete of the Lambe as many as shall striue agaynst him You see agayne whie S. Iohn sayed before they receiue power as kinges For all kinges are vnder Christ whiche excelleth all lordes in the worlde For to him is geuen power in Heauen and in earth Let vs therfore be of bold courage For the lord is Emperour and our
A HVNDRED Sermons vpō the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by Thangell of the Lorde but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Euāgelist S. Iohn Compiled by the famous and godly learned man Henry Bullinger chief Pastor of the Congregation of Zuryk ¶ Newly set forth and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties Iniuntions ¶ Th argument wurthines commoditie and vse of this worke thou shalt fynd in the Preface After which thou hast a most exact Table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin Math. 17. ☞ This is my welbeloued sun in whom I take pleasure heare hym Anno. 1561 TO THE RIGHT HOnorable Syr Thomas Wentworth knight Lorde VVentworth Lorde Lifetenaunt of the Quenes Maiesties Countie of Suffolk c. Hys singular good Lorde and Master Iohn Daus his obedient Seruaunt wissheth health and peace in the Lorde with thincrease of honor and dignitye IF we waigh and consider aswell this present pece of Scripture intitled the Reuelatiō as also the whole body of the same Ryghte honorable and my singular Lorde we shall fynde that the trewe Churche of Chryst hath ben euer from the first creation of the world is now and still shall be to the consumation therof subiecte to greate aduersities persecutions and troubles out of the which notwithstanding the Lord when he seeth it good deliuereth and preserueth the same and suffereth her not to perysh Wherupon the Romish haue a trew saying that Peters ship may with billowes and waues of tempestuous stormes be ouer whelmed but can neuer be drowned which saying is doubtlesse most true although thei thē selues sayle not therein but rather seke to dround the same by ouerfraighting her with the heauy burthen of mens traditions For certēly the Shippe of Peter whiche is the figure of Chrystes Churche is in dede ofte tossed and tourmoyled with outragious stormes and tempestes but can neuer be drenched or swallowed vp of the same For Christ bothe Master and owner therof can and wyll for his mercy truthes sake appeace all rages at his pleasure Herin both the Papistes and Gospellers do agree But whether of them are the trewe Church● thys matter is yet in controuersie hangeth before the Iudg which this present worke shall discerne and put out of all doubt And to enter a little into the matter as it were with a certen preamble the true Churche of Chryste is not called the stony temple wherin we assemble to heare Gods worde receyue the Sacramentes and to praye in for suche are builded with handes and with handes are destroyed a 〈…〉 nether yet is it called the congregation of certen Byshops of al nations assembled in a generall Counsell for they all though in the firste lawfull and godly counselles were many good men and excellent mēbers of Christes Church yet were they not the whole church which could not erre and the which had authoritie to make new Articles of the faith but the Church is called the whole societie of people that acknowledge the Gospell of Christe and beleue in him And this Churche not to be of one time only but of all tymes ages as Adam with Eue hys wife his sun Abel his familie was the church Noah with his familie was the churche Melchizedec with his familie was the Churche Abraham also with his familie Likewyse Isaac Iacob Dauid the Prophetes and Apostles with theyr Auditours that beleued in the Gospell of Christ were the churche and where soeuer at this daye the Gospel of Christ is receyued and beleued there is also the church of Christ which by a figuratiue speache may be aptly called the Ship of Peter or Arcke of Noe. Now let vs consider the state of the churche vnder Adam wherof the chiefest member was righteous Abel but him doth his brother Cain persecute for Religion and slayeth hym And this was the beginning of the tempest that arose a-against the Ship of Peter the beginning I meane of the persecution of the church which shal last to the worldes ende Lykewyse dyd the churche vnder Abraham suffer persecution by Ismaell vnder Isaac by Esau vnder Moses of Pharao vnder Eli the high Priest the Arke of the Lorde was taken by the Philistines and then it was thought that the church shulde haue quyte perished vnder Achab and wicked Iezabel the Churche was not onlye afflicted and sore oppressed but also in a maner extinguished where the Prophet Helias complayned that he was lefte alone Vnder Ieremie the Citie of Ierusalem was destroyed of the Babylonians and the churche was not lyke then to perish but rather vtterly lost already when Christ the head of the Churche was crutified it was iudged that the churche had then ben cleane destroied We had thought say they that he shoulde haue redemed Israell what tyme king Pharao with his host had inclosed the Israelites that is to witte the churche betwene the mountaines and the Red Sea it was lyke that the churche shulde haue perished but Moses prayed the Lorde miraculously deliuered them Againe the churche semed to be in extreme daunger when Sennacherib spoyled the kyngdome of Iuda and ment to destroy Ierusalem but througe the prayer of Ezechias the Kyng God sent his Angell and distroyed the host of the Assyrians The church semed to tende vnto ruine when Herod had killed Iames with the sweard and minded also Peter but the congregation contynewyng in prayer the Lorde sent his Angel to deliuer Peter And to be short in those ten greuous persecutions which followed immediatly after the Apostles time the church many times semed brought vnto vtter decay but alwayes when God saw it good it was reuiued and as it were refreshed agayne What shuld I recite the persecutions of the churche in the time of Athanasius wherin the Arrian Bishoppes so preuayled that the Emperour and his whole Armye so persecuted Athanasius that the good Bishop was fayne to lye hyd in an holle where he saw no sunne by the space of sixe yeares And who wold then haue thought that euer the trew churche of Christ shulde haue flourished agayne I nede not here to reherse the cruell persecutions of the church vnder the Romish antichrist which neuerthelesse haue ben and be yet styll most tyranicall and blouddye For that the same shall in this present worke more clerely appere then that I nede to make any discourse therof only I wolde shewe briefely as dothe my Author at large that Christes trewe churche is alwayes subiect to persecutions To thintent therfore to passe ouer many thynges vntouched and to come nerer our fathers memorye in the tyme of the Emperoure Sigismunde there was holden a counsell at Constaunce wherein the Bishops so conspired to extinguish Christes veritie that contrary to thauncient libertie of a free and general Counsel and cōtrary to the Emperours saufconduit they not only burned there Iohn Husse and Hierome of Prage professours of Chrystes Gospell but decreed also that the bones of
be confuted 80 Heresye oght nether to be maynteyned nor born wyih 79 Heresyes of diuers sortes 244 Heretikes maye be punyshed otherwyse then by the wordes 318 Heretikz muste be examined 52. 53. ordred .iij. waies of iij. statz 53 Hail resembleth corrupt doctryn 242. 243 Hail lyk talents 503 Hand of Christe is a token of c 50 Hāds holding vp for an oth 292 Hand fasting or cōtract of matrimony 563 Happy or vnhappy who are 343 Harp in the scrip 169 Harps of God 474 Hart of mānō knowz but god 96 Harts inflexible habergions 263 Haruest 465 Hatred must be toward the diedz not the parson 58 Heads seuen are 7. hils 517 Head of the churches 519 Head of the churches 253 Head of the church must be c. 51 Hear of wemē for wātūnes 262 Hebeon 52 Hebrew tūg called Iewish of the papists 4●8 Hebrew tungs maiestie 533 Heithen are all papists 380 Heithennish religion broght in by the Pope 393 Hel what 627 Hel figured by a wyn fat 468 Hel tormēts euerlasting 455. c Helias cumming 288 Heuen in the script 209 Heuen is atcheued with the mynd in this world not with the body 139 Heuē opened to the faithful 344 139 Hid can nothinge be from Gods fyry eyes 87 Hierom for praiyng to saīts 595 Hierusalem new 122. 632. Hierusalē ruin what it teacheth 530 High priestz ministry 5● Hildebrand Pope touk vpō him the authoritie of themperour 414 History of corrupt doctrin 234. of Rome 525. c. of the church 183 Hodgpotch of papistry the gospell 126 Holy ghostz proceding 20 Holy ghost is seuē spirits 20. 21 Holy ghosts mystery 146 Holy ghosts signes thunder c. 145 Holy ghosts operacions 147 Holy ghost did not the Apostles geue but God 399 Holines of God 150 Homicids 643 Honor of God 449 Honor dew to God 152 Honoring or worshipping of saīts 154 Hoordum 82. what 506 Hoordum better then matrimony with papistz 81 Hoordum vnclennes by Baa● religion 91 Hoormongers and their kindes 643. 281 Hoot and could 126 Hope of the faithfull is not vayn 283 Horn sign power and kyngdum 165 Horns sign kingdums power 371 Hornz ij of the lamb 44 Hors an image of pryde 260 Hors red 185 Horses of sundry colors 182 Hour day munth and yere 271 Hour for the same tym 519 Humanity of Chryst 22 Human body of Christ in on place 34 Humanitye figured by faces of men 261 Humility to be lerned 340 Humility shal find comfort at the Lords hand 40 Humility of Saints 153 Humilitie of an apostle 28 Hunz inuade Rome 527 Hungary lost to the Turk 275 Hussis death reioysed at 328 Hymne of Saints 172. 560 Hypocrites 127 Hypocritz alwaies sū in the church 79 Hyre vnto euery one 343 I Iacobyts heretiks 268 Iamz Syrus heretiks 268 Iasper stoon 142 Idol what 644 Idols of thē Gentils and Chrystians differ not 280 Idolaters 644. their excuses for images 374 Idolatry Nicolas falt 60. prohibited 280. reducid by what men 394. confirmed 436 Iesus diffined 21 Iesus face lyuely painted by Pilate 60 Iewes conuersion 223 Iewes fals 115 Iezabel cast into a bed 94 Iezabelism 90 Ignoranse without a teacher 229 Ignoranse of Christ without all confort 159 Ignoranse is a great ill 128 Ignoran̄se of the Turks c. shal not excuse them 589 Iles be token nacions c. 210 Image or shap is not attributed vnto God 141 Image of Christ not in colours 33 Image of the beast set vp 402. the propertie therof 403 Image wourshipynge agaynst God 280. excused 374. forbodē 432 Images of fame 120 Impaciēs what it wurketh 89 Impenitent sinners 278 Imperfytnes in Saints 104 Impossible things thre 37 Imprisonment and bonds 67 Incarnacion of Christ 352 Incens 169 Inchaūting 280. in Rome 557 Inconstancie figured by a ball or bowl 655. by waters 524 Inheritauns spokē bi parte 646 Intent good 226. 375 Intercession of saints 84 Intercession of saints in heuen 170 Intercessiō of saints is noon 203 Interpretacion of the script best allowed 3 Inuencions of men 97. 375. 299 Inuincible is Christ 162 Inuocatiō is but part of praiers 170 Inuocacion of saints 573 Iohn the eighth Pope a womā 507 Iohn theuāgelists prais 17. banished by Domician 27. returneth from exyl 297. erreth 571 wourshippeth the aungel 677. dyed at Ephesus 49. shall returne into the world befor the iudgement how 299 Ioyes triumphes of the godly 473 Ioyes of heauen 633. c. vndoutedly certain 635 Irun rod. 580 Israell all faithfull 222 Israels restoring 222 Italy no patrimony of S. Peter 386. c. Iubiley of Saints 559 Iudge inexorable Rhadamantus 212 Iudge of the last iudgement 622 Iudge c●meth to iudgemēt 576 Iudging the quik and dead 25 Iudgement of Christ 24 Iudgement belōgeth to god 555 Iudgement of God 449 Iudgements of God of ij sorts 629 Iudgements of God are paines of the wiked 476 Iudgement last 575. 621. 465. 466. c. is at hand 295. is assured iust 341. is certein and spedie 675. 676. is vnknown to vs. 337. is known to the father alone 315. is coueted of the church 692. 698 Iulius Maximinus 194 Iustice of God commended 342 Iustificaciō 565. falsly attributed 52 Iustification where it is to be sought 299 Iustification by the law whoo 's heresy 243 Iustificacions sequels 640 K Keeping of Christes word 116 Key of Dauid 112. of the botōles pit 261 Keyes signify charge and gouernement of the hous 43 Keyes of the Apostles 112. of biding and lawsing 590. of hell and death are in Chrysts hāds 43. of the Pope 252 Killing gostly 317 King of Fraunce most Christen 433 King of Saints 475. of locustes the Pope 264 Kings 662 Kings we are 24 Kings clients to the Pope 416 Kingdums are of God 370 Kingdums are all Christs 338 Kingdumes all theyr proprietye belongeth to the Pope vse to theyr princes 419 Kingdum and priesthod chalēged by the Pope 389 Knoking that God vseth 134 Knowledge of God necessary to be perswaded to the people 72 Knowledge of Christ 73. 74 L Labours effects 51 Lāb is fought against not christ 521. is maried 563. is a figure of innocencie 163. is slain 164. kylled from the beginnynge 381 Laodicea 123 Latin church 428 Latreia and Duleia 570 Lawe of God signifyed by tan 220 Leage figured by the rainbow 285 Leag of God with vs perpetuall 142 Legats a latere 493 Leo Bishop of Rome 387 Luke warme 126 Libertie of speakinge the truth 368 Light heuenly what 650 Linsie wulsie 126 Lyar who 52 Lyars with theyr kynde 645 Lying 688 Lyfe of ij sortes 605. ought to be loued aboue Christ 362. procedeth from God alone 668. is figured by the riuer of the celestiall Citye 666. single 443. present how it may be contēned 457. spirituall 103. after thys lyfe 70. euerlastyng 629. 648 Lyon described 372 Lyons teeth figure cruelty 262 Lyon in the scripturs 162 Locusts authours of ill doctryn 254. of locusts 257 Long
required vengeaunce So we reade in the .51 of Ieremie that the sinnes of Babilon ascēded vp to the clowdes For S. Iohn in a maner euery where vseth the places of Scripture to the intent he mighte get his boke more authoritie although otherwise inspired of the holy ghost And in dede the olde Satyrical poetes as Horace Iuuenall and others wrote sore agaynst the sinnes and vices of old Rome There remayne also at this daye many sharpe writinges agaynst Rome and the Cardinalles and Prelates of the Romish churche and Pasquillis innumerable Pasquille at this daye is a Satyrical writer one in stead of many that as well at this daye as in times paste the sinnes of Rome crie vp vnto heauen it selfe Rewarde her as she hath rewarded you He procedeth after this to raccompte agayne the plagues and most certayne destruction of Rome whiche is the thirde place of this chapt where also is excedingly well described the most horrible and cruell maner of destructiō and subuersion thereof For God is brought in callyng on and exhorting the soldiours and the cōmissaries and executours of his iudgement vnto vengeaunce and that they should punnishe her moste extremely and spare her not but rewarde her moste aboundantly and mete vnto her by the same measure wherwith Rome hath measured to others For here taketh place that same of the Lorde and cōmon saying with all nations with the same measure wherewith you mete others shall mete vnto you agayne and there shall be geuen good measure pressed shaken and runnyng ouer Therfore seyng that Rome hath robbed the whole worlde and seduced the whole worlde rightly and by the iuste wrath of God was she spoiled and vtterly subuerted The which things did the Gotthes with great faith and dilligence so that we can not doubte also but that newe Rome and that See Apostaticall muste of her enemies whom the Lord hath prepared and of the Aungelles gatheryng the tares be plucked all to peces And what shal become of her in an other world we maye gather hereof that he beateth in so ofte that her euilles shal be doubled without mercy her payne also mourning and greuouse tormentes These thinges doubtles are greuouse and horrible Would God they might be perceyued of faythfull mindes And agayne this place is written out as it were worde for worde of the .50 chap. of Ieremie where you reade to this effecte be auenged on Babilon and as she did do ye vnto her Spoile and destroye sayeth the Lord and accōplish all that I haue cōmaunded thee Destroye her that nothing remaine Intrench rounde aboute that no man escape Rewarde her after her worke according to al thinges that she hath done do ye vnto her For she hath ben prowde agaynst the Lord and agaynst the holy one of Israel Thus sayed the lord in Ieremie Thou seest therefore where the lord hath borrowed his owne at this present Thou seest what euery citie or cōmon welth or man maye promise himselfe yf beyng inriched by the losse of others he liue voluptuousely proudly in this world For God is the same alwayes and his iudgementes are egall agaynst al vngodly And he hath meddled withal the causes of subuersion The vaine glory pride securitie of Rome crueltie couetousenes extorsions slaughters burninges wherwith Rome hath made desolate the whole world But he procedeth more expressely to recite other causes to witte pride glorying ond boastyng securitie riot pleasures and voluptuousenes For it followeth as muche as she hath glorified her selfe and liued wantonly c. And agayne for in her hart she sayeth I sitte a Queene c. He hath borrowed these thinges also out of the .47 of Esaye Where Babylon glorieth thus also and with so many wordes Rome in times past gloried her selfe to be Lady of the worlde and that she shuld be euerlastynge For they stāped in Siluer coynes of Rome eternall They had thought that the kingedomes should neuer haue ben plucked from her She thought therefore that she should neuer haue ben a widdowe And I doubte not but the Germanes borrowed of the Romanes that Germane worde Romen by the whiche they meane to boaste or bragge stoutely whiche semeth to haue ben peculiar and proper to the Romanes She was careles or insecuritie She had not thought to haue bē subuerted She saied I shal see no mournyng I will haue no mournyng chere I wil alwayes singe Gaudeamus The Romanistes at this daye also full brauely make their boaste that no Emperours no Kinges no people no heretikes and Schismatikes for so they terme the enemies of the Romisshe wickednes men godly and learned haue yet luckely assayled Rome That the enemies of the churche of Rome haue alwayes ben oppressed that she hath alwayes triumphed ouer her enemies these seuen or eyght hondreth yeres and more That the shippe of S. Peter maye be sore tourmoyled tossed and ouerwhelmed with Waues and billowes but can not be drowned and therefore that the See of Rome shal be perpetual quene and lady of al realmes and churches c. Rome shal perish vpō a sodayne But heare nowe the iudgement of God for as muche as she is prowde vayne gloriouse carelesse and wicked in one daye shal come her plagues Aretas noteth that by one daye is signified a sodayne destruction and that she shoulde than perish when she would haue thought leste And her plagues he reciteth in order death mournyng famine and fire And stories testifie that these thinges were by the Gotthes fulfilled accordingly in olde Rome whereof I haue spoken before Therfore we doubte nothyng at al but that newe Rome also shall by menne and by Gods Aungelles be torne a sonder and pluckte vp by the rotes And leest any manne should thinke this vnpossible for greate is the power and maiestie of eyther Rome in so muche that he that should haue sayed in S. Iohn his time Rome shall falle should haue semed to haue spoken a thynge as much impossible as if he had sayde the skye shall falle he annexeth incontinently for stronge is the Lorde God that shall iudge her Therefore lette vs not doubte of the falle of Papistrie For the Lorde is trewe iuste and almightie To whome be glorye for euer and euer Amen ¶ A doleful song or mourning and lamentation of Rome which the Princes and Marchaunts make for her The .lxxix. Sermon AND the Kynges of the earth shall be wepe her and wayle ouer her which haue committed fornication and liued wantonly with her when they shal se the smoke of her burning and shal stand a farre of for feare of her pūnishmēt saieng alas alas that great citie Babilon that mightye citie for at one howre is thy iudgement come And the marchauntes of the Earth shall wepe and wayle in themselues because no man wyll by their ware any more the ware of golde and siluer and of preciouse stone of pearle and silke and purple and skarlet and al thynen wood and all maner vesselles of Iuory
was cruelly rent in peaces and troden vnder foote And that for no other cause then for that she woulde not worship the beaste that is that she wold not receyue the superstions and heathen rites of the Romane Empire I meane the false Gods and idolatrie of the Heathen And for that she worshipped one God alone through Chryst and cleaued to him seruid him after his Gospell Here therfore are excepted Constance Constantine Gracian Theodose and other godly and christen princes or Emperours which be not rekened vnder the deuelish beast For an Empire or kingdom of it selfe as S Paule sayeth is of God wherfore yf good men rule and geue not ouer themselues to be ruled of the Deuill they shall verely appertaine to the body of holy church and not to the abominable bodi of the beast In the meane time whilest that olde Rome wold not seriously repēt and tourne to Chryst forsaking theyr false gods and superstitions at the last it was condemned of Chryst by the law of like penaltie For with the same measure that the Romanes met to other nations with the selfe same did other nations measure agayne to Rome Wherfore the Persians Hunnes Frenchemē Alemans west Gothians Vādalles and East Gothians invaded thempire rent the whole Empire in pieces And at the last beseged Rome it self brake in to it toke it spoyled sacked burnt destroyed it And so at the length the Lord Iesus by iust iudgement reuenged the bloud of his seruauntes And Rome lay and yet lyeth in ruine and shall neuer be repared to the aūcient beautie And it behoueth the ruine of it to remayne in token of the veritie and reuengment of Christ Iesus that euen therof al godly may gather the God wyll be most true in thother promeses of Christ also as yet not fulfilled Moreouer the Romane Empire westward laye neglecte without an Emperoure aboue thre hundreth and twentie yeares from Augustulus whom Odacer a Germane oppressed til Charles the great king of Fraunce And in these times of desolation that is of thempire oppressed and extinguished in the west The Bisshop of Rome began by little and little to gather to him no smal power and possessions by the authorytie which he toke vpō him vnder the pretence of Chryst and the Apostles Peter and Paule tyll such time as he began to reygne also The falle of tholde Empire is the rysyng of a new But tholde Popes his predecessours wer not Princes in the Churche ruling vnder pretence of Religion but were ministers of the churche simple pastours and poore And Saint Paule prophecied that of the ruine of the Empire and destruction of the citie Antichrist shulde spryng vp For he sayd only this holdyng now or only thys let that now deteyneth tyll it come to passe that it be taken a waye and then shall that wicked be reuayled He signifye● therfore that Antichrist shuld not reygne com nor appere before tha● olde Romane empire were taken away For this being ouerthrowē that the same See of Rome shulde be erected For Tertullian who lyued a thousand and three huddreth yeres past in hys boke of the resurrection of the fleshe Who sayeth he shall be taken out of the way but the state of Rome whose departing being dispersed in to ten kings shall bryng in Antichrist And. S. Hierom in the .xi. question to Algasia The Romane Empire sayth he which now possesseth al natyons depart and shal be taken away and then shal Antichrist come the welspryng of iniquitie The same authours by Babylon in this boke of S. Iohn The two horned beast vnderstand Roome And Iohn hym selfe in this boke sheweth that the seuen headed and mighty olde empire of Rome being taken away an other beaste shal aryse and that with two hornes that is to witte suche a Prynce whyche shall chalenge to hymselfe a double rule or kingdome fulnes I say of power aswell in thynges spirituall as temporall And this same doth the whole worlde at thys daye acknowledge to be the Byshop of Rome decked with his triple crowne vndoubtedly of the three hornes which accordyng to the prophecie of Daniell Daniel .vii. eyther brought lowe or toke away this base contemned horne and Armed with two keyes signifieng hym to be king and Byshop the most myghty Monarke in matters spiritual temporall Christes vicar in earthe hauyng full power in Heauen and in earth He hym selfe in tymes past caused men to set vp the Image of the beast that is to set vp a new empire after the Image and the Imitation of the olde Romane Empire Whych thing after it was begon in Charles the great a right noble prince and furthermore auaūced and commen from the kings of Fraunce to the Germans which in dede were stoute Godly and worthye Prynces The Byshop of Rome was not ashamed in straunge wise to vexe trouble excomunicate depose and to substitute others in theyr place to styre vp wars in many Realmes at ones and set them together by the eares so long till those kynges did frame themselues after hys wyll and appetyte and wolde fall downe to kisse hys fete And he hym selfe at the length toke vpō him thempire publishing his decrees to the whole world boasted hymselfe to be the Monarche or soule ruler of the world who myght at hys pleasure bothe depose kinges and set them vp in kyngdomes Finally that he was supreme iudg in earth whych may iudg al men but he hym selfe may in nowyse be iudged of any man Therfore lyke as in tholde empire we sequestred from the cōmunion of the beastes all good men which were or liued vnder thempire so in this new also we do alwayes except the graue and witty the good godly men and al religious people which mixed among them not only abyde styll in Chryst but also eyther abhorre and comtemne the beast or to theyr power fight against him The Characte of the beaste Wherby they come not in the accompt of the beast And this two horned beast marketh his worshippers with a Characte And those that refuse thys characte he excommunicateth out of al mens company so that it is lawful for them neither to by nor sel Yea more he condemneth them for hereticks schismaticks for damned and lost creatures If thou confesse thy self now to be a Christian and professe with a syncere and loyall hart the belefe or crede of the Apostles one holy church of Christ and of al saincts and dost not aboue all thinges confesse the Pope to be Chrystes vicar in earth with the fulnes of power and the Romish churche which is the mother of all churches and can not erre thou shalte seme as yet to haue confessed nothyng but shalt be sayed rather to be suspected of heresy and therfore to be more straytely examined This thing can not be dissembled for it is knowen to all men in the whole world But to thintent we shuld not erre in a matter so nedefull to be
Eusebius in the .xviii. Chapter of the fourth boke of the Ecclesiasticall story Iustine sayth he mentioneth of the Apocalypse of Iohn saying playnly that it is the Apostles S. Hierom also in the lyfe of blessed Iustine wryteth that Iustine expounded the Apocalypse of S. Iohn but the same exposition remayneth not so farre forth as I knowe The same authour wryteth that Ireney Ireney set forth the Apocalypse of S. Iohn with a commentary whiche also is not to be had He hym selfe who is red to haue lyued about the yeare of our Lorde 160. Witnesseth playnly in the fift boke against the Valentinians that this reuelation was exhibited to Iohn the Apostle a lytle before his dayes We alledge certen wordes of his in the .xiii. Chapter of this boke Tertullian Tertulliā who lyued about the yeare of our Lorde two hundred and .xx. in the fourth boke against Marcion Albeit sayth he that Marcion refuseth the Apocalypse of Iohn yet shall the order of Byshoppes rekened vp to the very begynnyng affirme S. Iohn to be authour therof In graue matters and reasoning against heretickes he vseth gladly the testimonies of this boke The same thinges are also recited of the blessed Martyr S. Cyprian S. Cypriā vnder the title of Iohn the Apostle in this Epistles treatises and Sermons Eusebius also in the .xviii. Chapter of the fift booke of the Ecclesiasticall historie Apolloni sheweth that Appollonius a moste auncient wryter vseth the testimonies of the Apocalypse of S. Iohn Theophi And lykewyse Theophilus Byshop of Antioche Whiche he affirmeth in the .xxiiii. Chapter of the fourth boke of the Ecclesiasticall story Also Origen Origen a great man in the churche of God in the .xxv. Chapter of the sixt boke of the same Eusebius And he wrote sayeth he the Apocalypse whiche rested vpon the Lordes breste c. I haue hytherto recited the opinions of the most auncie● Martyrs and Doctours of the christen churche touchyn● the Apocalypse I meane Iustine Ireney Tertullian ●●prian Appolonius Theophilus and Origen I wyll shor●ly after brynge yet moo iudgementes boeth of the 〈◊〉 and Latin wryters of moste authoritie in the churche ag●yng with the myndes of them that we haue alledged 〈◊〉 therto Howbeit I wyll fyrst touche briefly suche thyng as Dionisius of Alexandria Dionisius Alexādria left wrytten of the same boo● in the fyue and twenty Chapter of the seuenth booke of ●sebius whome I suppose they haue followed as many● after hym haue spoken against this booke He sayeth h●● diuerse that were his predecessours dyd vtterly repr● and reiecte this booke Neyther hydeth he the cause w●● they so dyd for that the kyngdome of Christe is affyrm● therin to be earthly Wherunto doubtlesse they reser●● that precious citie and the reste whyche vnder terrestr●● kyndes figured spirituall thynges Whiche when we 〈◊〉 in the treatynge therof haue dissolued declaryng thys bo● not to edifie the earthely kyngdome of Christe but a spi●●tuall and celestiall no man I trowe wyll reiecte a good a●● Godly booke for bycause certen abusyng the testimon●● therof geue vnto it a wrong sense Heretickes haue wrasted verey many places of 〈◊〉 scripture Chiliastes or Millenaries to the defence of their errour shoulde therfore authoritie of the scripture it selfe be brought in doubte I●● fauoureth nothing at all the Chiliastes or Millenaries this boke He geueth them no weapons Eusebius saieth very well in the ende of the third bo●● speakyng of Papias the first authour of the Millenaries He thought saieth he that after the resurrection Chri●● should reigne here corporally with his a thousand yea●● in earth Whiche I suppose he thought for that he vnde●stode not well the Apostles woordes neither that he co●●●dered not well those thynges that were spoken of hym ●●der figures for that he was indewed with a small iudg●ment But in the meane tyme Dionisius hym self I sayth h● dare not reiecte this booke He addeth by and by that he thynketh it not yet to be the booke of Iohn the Apostle but of some other but yet who that should be he knewe not He gathereth also by certen coniectures by the phrase of speach and handlyng of the booke and by the vnlykenes of wytte that this boke should be an other mans than his that wrote the Gospell and Epistle But seing that the argumentes of the story and Epistle be so diuerse that neyther they two be lyke and the argument of the booke of Reuelation moste diuerse of all Why shoulde it seme maruell though it agreeth not with them in all thynges This can no man denie but that in consent of doctrine there is great agremēt The Epistle to the Hebrewes semed to many to fauour in the syxt and tenth Chap. The Nouatians or Catharites The diuersitie of style was noted to differ from the rest of Saint Paules Epistles But if we should so iudge of holy scriptures I knowe not what shuld be firme and sure enough Leauing therfore this disputation in suspence I wyll nowe procede to bryng foorth the iudgementes of other olde wryters concerning this boke Eusebius Eusebius surnamed Pamphilus Byshop of Cesarea lyuing in the tyme of great Constantine the Emperour and a moste dilligent reader of olde wryters whome many suppose in deminishing the authoritie of this boke to fauour them ryght eloquently in the eightēth Chapter of the third booke of his story tauntyng the Tyranny of Domitian affirmeth that Iohn exiled into Pathmos wrote there hys Reuelation And where other Historiographers doe also the same He againe in the .xxiiii. Chapter in the thyrd booke concerning the Apocalipse saith he the opinion of men is diuerse some approuing and others reprouing the same Again whē he should bring forth his opinion touching the Canon of the new Testament in the .xxv. Chapter He ioyneth the Apocalipse with the bokes vndoubted although he dissembleth not that he wyll shew in another place what other men thinke therof Whilest he this performeth he recōpteth many more better which iudged the Apocalipse to be of S. Iohn thapostle and imbraced it as a moste Godly booke than those which denied or reproued the same Epipha Epiphanius Byshop of Salamine in Cypres a Greke Authour also doeth manifestly ascribe this boke to S. Iohn the Apostle Reade that he hath left wrytten against Thelogians in the .xv. heresie And S. Hierome attributeth very muche to this Epiphanius Hierome And S. Hierome hym selfe ascribeth this boke to Iohn the Apostle to Paulinus Th● Apocalypse of S. Iohn sayth he hath so many Sacramentes as it hath wordes Moreouer Philastrius Byshop o● Griria Philastri whome S. Austen sayth he sawe with S. Ambro●● at Millan accompteth them for Heretickes that reiecte th● Apocalypse of Iohn and saye that it is not of Iohn the Apostle but of Cerinthus an Hereticke Verely S. Ambros● Ambrose hym selfe alledgeth in his bokes testimonies of the Apocalypse vnder the name of S. Iohn the Apostle S. Austen
Austen imbraced this boke as Apostolicall and re●● the same to his churche leauing certen treatises vpon th● same Primasius also Byshop of vtica in Africke expou●ded the same as Apostolicall Primass Bede Of Bede and the residue o● that sorte I speake nothyng synce his opinion is know● to all men Andreas Aretas Andreas also Byshop of Cesaria wrote vpo● this boke As Aretas reporteth in his commentaries who opinion I declared before Me thinketh I haue sufficiently confirmed the authoriti● of this boke against them that diminishe the same But th● same semeth strongest of all that the thinge it selfe and t● handlyng therof proueth that it did procede from the Ap●stle Whiche thyng we shall proue in the treatise it selfe But in case those blessed fathers in their tyme did expound the Apocalypse to theyr churches The Apoclipse must be expounded to the churches why should it not be lawfull for vs also in our time to expounde it to our men whic● are in the ende of the worlde where nowe all thynges 〈◊〉 more fully then they were than accomplyshed Yea the● thynges serue moste chiefly for vs and for our tyme fyne that we trauell and be exercised vnder Antichriste In vayne therfore many prattell that this boke is obscu●● and can not bee vnderstande And for the same cause to b● read in the Churche without any profit or fruite For to speake nothyng hereof that nothyng is set forth in holy scripture whiche hath not an excellent fructe Neyther must we by and by dispayre of the true vnderstanding although at the fyrst sight of the holy scripture it be obscure whiche is opened of God hymselfe and to be opened is obteyned by prayers and Godly exercises Certes we are not ignoraunt that many had rather nothyng were spoken of Antichriste to the intent he myght reygne more carelesly and they them selues be lesse subiecte to perilles But Christ commaundeth vs to trouble hym Let vs therfore go forward in the worke of the Lorde And where it offendeth them Iohn maketh much mention of Christ that Iohn maketh little mencion or none of Christ where notwithstanding the maner of Apostles is to intimate alwayes Christ and the grace of redemption We suppose this same boke more throughly loked vpon to proue the contrary Whose argument nowe I wyll recite The Prophet Zacharie in the thirde Chapter A full description of Christ obiecteth the whole misterie of Christe to all mens eyes in a moste euident figure to be sene For he seeth Iesus the hygh priest appareled in vile garmentes and lyke a coale that is taken out of the fyre to suffer muche contradiction of the Deuyll by and by the same to haue put of the vyle clothynge and put on whyte garmentes to be glorified and proclamed kyng and priest and Sauiour of all This fygure the Apostle and Euangelist S. Iohn expoundeth And first in deede the Gospell beyng set forth he describeth Christ in vyle apparell howe muche contradiction beyng taken he suffered of the wycked tyll at the length he was nailed to the crosse He toucheth there also his glory Whiche notwithstanding the Apocalypse therto annexed he declareth more at large shewyng the same vnto vs in a whyte garment and in glory howe verely after this humblyng being exalting he obteyned a name aboue all names And now being in glory howe he worketh neuerthelesse in the churche the sauiour of all the faithfull in the churche In his Epistle he commendeth this whole mistery of pietie and beateth in to all men For the whole booke is diuided into syxe partes The diuition particion of the Apocalips 1 For first is set the title with the begynnyng and some o● the worke and with a briefe narration And all this in th● first part of the first chapter 2 Secondly from the myddes of the first Chapter to th● fourth Chapter is described Christ reignyng in glory o● the ryght hand of the Father and is declared howe he i● conuersaunt in the Churche by his spirite and ministery o● hys woorde What thynge he teacheth from heauen and what is the syncere doctrine of the churche what is also th● reparing of Churches that are fallen and the preseruatio● of thesame 3 Than from the fourth Chapter to the .xii. Christ still admonisheth his Churche diligently by seuen Seales and seuen trompettes what thynges shall happen to the Church● all the whiche are moste iustly gouerned of God hym se●● by the Lambe Christ 4 Moreouer from the .xii. Chapter to the .xv is more fully described the conflict of the Churche with the olde Serpent and with the olde and newe beaste Where also the f●●myshe Tyranny both old and newe and verey Antichrist hym selfe is trymly paynted foorth in his coulours N●withstandyng that afterwarde also these thynges are agay● more playnly declared 5 And from the fiftenth Chapter to the two and twenti● Chapter are recited the paynes and tourmentes of Antichriste and Antichristians and the destruction of the sam● and the condempnation of all the wycked Also the Iudg● Christe is sette foorth and the processe of an external iudgement is fygured There is also rehearsed the triumphe Ioie and rewarde of Sainctes Where also heauen it selfe is opened to bee seene of our eyes that now● we maye by faythe looke in to the same The depthe o● Hell is opened that we maye looke in to it also And maye take good heade that we bee not throwen thether headlong 6 Finally in the ende of the .xxii. Chapter followeth the conclusion and commendation of the woorke with the sealing vp of the same And here I wyll not hyde an other diuision of thys woorke not to bee contempned The boke diuided by visions which I see the expositours haue followed For fyrst they rehearse the Title and begynnyng After they annexe the whole woorke it selfe diuided by seuen visions And in dede the seuenth numbre is moste frequent and as it were peculiar to this booke Finally they adde to the conclusion of the woorke in a maner comprised in the last Chapter And these visions be compassed within their limites In the thre fyrst Chapters the first vision is expounded exhibityng Christ vnto vs reigning in glory gouerning ordering correcting and preseruing his churche The second vision beginneth in the fourthand reacheth to the eight Chapter That setteth forth God him selfe and his Christe to be loked vpon whose moste iuste gouernment of all thynges in the worlde it commendeth and openeth seuen Seales The thyrde vision hath seuen Aungelles soundynge with seuen Trompettes Whiche treatise stretcheth to the xii Chapter The fourth Vision sheweth the fighte of the woman wyth the Serpent and setteth foorth to vs the olde seuen headed and the newe two horned beaste to be seene the description of Antichriste and this in the .xii. xiii and .xiiii. Chapter In the fift vision seuen Aungels power out seuen vials of Gods wrath vnto the .xvii. chapter From thence begynneth the sixt vision and extendeth
liuing and was dead wherby he signifieth that he toke the true humane nature The whiche many also at the same time denied In like case as the● be some at this daye whiche do playnely derogate from th● humanitie of Christe Agaynste all suche maner of heresies the Lorde him selfe confesseth that he was dead Wherby it is now manifest that he is very mā as he is also very God of the same essēce with his father in deitie as he is also of the same substaunce with vs in humanitie like vnto vs in all thinges sinne excepted For he toke not the nature of Aungelles but the sede of Abraham And it behoued in dede tha● the sonne of man shuld be incarnate that bothe he might di● shede bloud Hebr. 9. For the Testament in the dead is finally ratified neither is there any remission made without bloud she●ding The Lord therfore dieth and shedeth bloud to the int● he might geue full remissiō of sinnes and confirme the new● Testament Yet euen he that was thought to be dead nowe liueth Christ that was dead liueth and is that same liuing who hauing vāquished death the iii. daye rose againe from the dead and repared life for a●● beleuers and inspireth into them his owne very life And therefore addeth immediatly beholde I am liuing● world without ende For nowe Christ dieth no more death● shal not rule ouer him But rather he is the life of al his fait●full who in rising againe brought agayne life and that life euerlastinge induringe I saye worlde without ende As he him selfe declareth more at large Iohn 5.6.10 chapter And thapostle to the Rom. 4.1 Corinth 15. and 2. Timoth. 1. Moreouer where many were wōte to doubte of this life gotten and repared by Christe the Lorde him selfe confirmeth that he saied by an othe and sayeth Amen As though he should saye this is altogether trewe and vndoubted that I saye Finally he addeth Christ hath the keyes of hell and of death and I haue the keyes of Hell and of death By the whiche woordes againe he comforteth exceadingly and expresseth his power and declareth howe great he is and what we haue of him Here must we speake by the waie of the kepe The ordinary glose saieth very wel he that hath the keyes of any house sayeth he letteth in whome he wil and kepeth backe whom he will from entring in Therfore Christ possesseth the keyes of death hel for that whom he will he deliuereth from perpetual cōdemnation of death And whom he wil The keyes he suffereth to remaine iustely in the same daunger of damnation And verely Esaye in the 22. speaking of Eliachim whome he sayeth shoulde be made Iudge in the courte of Ezechias I wil laye sayeth he the keye of the house of Dauid vpon his shulder whiche shal open and no manne shall shutte shall shutte and no man shal open Therfore are the keyes put in the Scripture for the charge and gouernement of the house Eliachim shall gouerne all thinge in the Courte of Ezechias vprightly What soeuer he shall determine no manne shal infringe that whiche he shall abrogate no manne shall restore Christe therfore a figure of whome Eliachim represented shal him selfe haue also the chiefe gouernment in the house or kingdome of God so that whom he will he may quickē and plucke backe from hel and from damnation And againe whom he liste to condemne he may distroie by his iuste iudgement For he hath most ful power ouer death and hell Ose 13. 1. Cor. 15. For bothe two hath he ouercomen and made weake And these thinges comforte the faithfull moste strongely and reteyne them in all Godly duties And that same is chiefly to be obserued that he sayeth not he had the keyes or shall haue but I haue sayeth he I haue I saye He gaue not his power to the Bishoppe of Rome but hath i● him selfe and will kepe it still for euer And he gaue not to the Apostles ful power of life death of saluation and damnation The keyes of heauen geuē to the Apostles and so vnarmed him selfe but he gaue the keyes of opening and shutting heauen as it were to his Ministers seruitours by the preaching of the Gospell by the whiche he promised life to all that beleued Christ him selfe shoulde geue that life for the truth of the promise To whom so euer they should threaten damnation Christ him selfe shuld condemne for the truth of his woorde We see therfore that the Lord kepeth stil exerciseth the power and his ministers the ministerie by preaching not by absolute power Therfore the Pope is Antichrist The keyes of the bishop of Rome which vsurpeth and taketh vpon him this full power and authoritie in Heauen and in Earth and in the middes of the earth also or beyonde all the earth i● those vnfortunate Ilandes I meane purgatory By the whic● craftie deuise he hath subtilly emptied the purses Coffer● garuers and wine cellers Apoc. 13. of foolish people that swarne from the articles of their beliefe to wit I beleue the forgeuenes o● sinnes the resurrection of the fleshe life euerlasting Th● beaste dare vsurpe the two hornes of the Lambe Daniel 7. namely th● authoritie of King Bishop therfore to hange two keye● vnder his triple Crowne that euen by these Armes all the world maye perceyue that this is very he whiche hauin● subdued three kinges or hornes is cropē vp chalengeth t● him selfe all power in heauen in earth signified by the tw● keies And surely the blindnes of our time is wonderful an● to be lamēted that hauing eyes it seeth yet nothing Let suc● as be wise remēber that Christe hath yet the keyes of deat● and Hell his ministers the denouncyng of life and death Iohn is cōmaunded to write And nowe when he had declared these greate and mos● holesome matters and had comforted the minde of Iohn h● addeth the commaundement write the vision exhibited f●nally write those thinges also whiche muste be done shorte● after this He placeth in the middes and those that be th● is whiche are in dede and trewe and be not false And thes● things are to get authoritie to this boke finally to the who● scripture whiche is reuealed with like truth of the selfe sam● Author And as Iohn is cōmaunded to write without fear● so are we cōmaunded to Preache publish the same boldly though the world be neuer so madde therat He addeth moreouer the exposition that remaineth and sayeth The misterie of the seuen starres c. The reason semeth almost vnpersit Therfore muste we vnderstande this is the mistery or sacrament of the seuen Starres and Candelstickes that it maye be as it were a proposition Sacramēt and that the exposition shoulde folow immediatly the seuen starres are seuen Messengers c. And by Sacrament vnderstande a secret mistery and the very exposition of the mistery As yf you woulde s●●● here is to
worlde also is geuen vs a quiet cōscience and ioye vnspeakeable which they in deede fele that do in ioye the same They that haue not tasted therof can neuer beleue that it is so much as it is in dede Wherupon S. Paull sayed and the peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstanding c. suche mindes so affected our Sauiour Christ graunte vs. Amen ¶ The Epistle of Thyatirena is expounded wherin are sondry vertues commended and the vice of Iesabell reprehended The .xii. Sermon ANd vnto the Messenger of the cōgregatiō of Thiatira write This sayeth the sonne of God whiche hath his eyes like vnto a flāme of fire and his fete are like brasse I knowe thy workes thy loue seruice faith and thy patiēce and thy dedes which are mo at the last then at the first Notwithstāding I haue a fewe things against thee that thou sufferest that woman Iesabell whiche called her self a prophetisse to teache disceaue my seruaunts to make them cōmit fornication and to eate meates offered vp vnto Idolles The fourth epistle written to the Thyatirenians The argumēt of the fourthe epistle is more plentifull then the residue and with manifolde fruites replenished For it cōmendeth and praiseth in that churche excellent vertues and singular giftes not a fewe Streight wayes he reproueth in them that they suffer ouer gētly the Iezabelisme whiche he describeth what and howe filthie it is He threateneth them sore vnlesse with perfit repentaunce they amende theyr sinnes and wickednes Further more he warneth that they loke for no newe reuelations but that they perseuer abide in those which they had learned hitherto in the which they nowe are Hither also with most large promisses he allureth them finally cōmunicateth cōmendeth this doctrine to al churches And there is a wōderful likenes and correspondaunce in al epistles As the same may be sene also in al the bokes of the prophetes in the story of the euangelistes The scripture is in al thinges like agreable to it selfe in Paules epistles Wherof it maye easely be gathered that the doctrine of the vexitie is most absolute perfit and plaine and agreable to it selfe in al thinges In so muche that if al the writinges of all other Apostles and Prophetes did remaine we should haue had no more in those many and most plētuouse bokes then we now haue in the holy Bible God prouided wel for vs and for our infirmitie by this briefe waye Here be seuen Epistles set in the 2. Chapter but it is maruell to see howe like they be all teachinge in a maner all one thinge The vse of this epistle This fourth is chiefly profitable for those congregations whiche are sounde in the purenes of doctrine and are pure moreouer in holines of life but doe not with a feruent zeale enough persecute open heresies There be other fruictes and cōmodities whiche we shall speake of in order But like as in al other epistles that goo before first is set forth to whom the epistle is sent and from whom it cōmeth So also in this epistle Thyatirene both the superscription as they terme it The superscriptiō of this epistle the subscriptiō is expressely set It is sent to the Messenger of the church of Thyatira so to the whole churche as I haue tolde you before oftētimes And Thyatira is a noble and famouse citie of Lydia Thyatira in Asia on the riuer of Hermus where we reade that the woman was borne that solde purple whiche was conuerted to Christ by s Paull in the 16. of the Actes it was a populouse citie much frequēted so that it is no maruell though mē diuersly geuē vncleane curiouse heretikes did associate ioyne them selues to the churche of God The Geographers wryte many thinges of that famouse citie of Asia Thautour of the epistle And the author of thepistle is the Lord Christ him self the high king Bishop which vseth thapostle his pen or blessed s Iohn for his Scribe or Secretarie by whome he will haue those things published through out the whole world And he getteth the epistle authoritie whilest repeting certen mēbres of the former image descriptiō he sheweth him self in such sorte to be sene of the church to be viewed in faithe that they help the matter wōderfully He seeth here heresies the secrets of hartes and treadeth vnder his moste pure and cleane fete what so euer auaūceth it selfe against Gods glory veritie He calleth him selfe therfore the sonne of God Christe the sonne of God and man whome before we hearde to be the sonne of man He is therfore and remaineth both euen in glory aswel the sonne of God as mā In the diuine nature of the same substaunce with the father in the humane nature cōmunicating with vs in al things except sinne the other nature is not swallowed vp in glory but two distinct seueral natures without any permixtiō abide in one persone vndiuided which in dede be one Christ very God very mā to be worshipped world without end Herof we haue testimonies in the 1. of Luke in the 1. of Iohn the 1. chapt to the Romanes And whiche of the heretickes or persecutours wil make warre with the liuing sonne of God After he attributeth to him selfe eyes His eyes 〈◊〉 flamme of fire casting out fire and flamme For nothing escapeth the knowledge iudgement of Christe our Iudge he beholdeth the raynes and hartes Moreouer he lighteth some and some he cōmitteth to euerlasting fire therin to burne for euer Nowe then if anye doe imagine with them selues that they can hide heresies and malice in theyr hartes they are disceiued For in the eyes of Christ the darkenes it selfe is light also The same Lorde also hathe fete moste pourged and cleane he treadeth downe all vngodlines And where so euer he walketh with his shining feete of brasse he consumeth immediatly all heresies and corrupte life Therfore this prelate moste pure and moste fitte and apte to pourge finally beste furnisshed to boulte out the secrettes of hartes sheweth to the cōgregations these things that followe he himselfe walketh and is conuersaunt in the middes of the churche bothe Kinge and Prieste And like as he hath in all epistles testified that he knewe the workes of the same church euen so he repeteth here also to the intent we shoulde neuer admitte wicked securitie as though the almightie and alwitting God knewe not vs and al ours of the which matter I haue spoken sufficiētly before Now doeth he set forth gallaūtly euery worke of this congregation and cōmendeth fiue most notable giftes or brightest vertues Charitie 1 Firste Charitie whiche compriseth the loue of God and our neighbour wherby is broughte to passe that we preferre nothing in the world before God neither hurte our neighbour but rather heape vpon him all duties benefites This we owe to God and all our bretherne in the
aduoutries whoredomes to speake in the meane time of nothing els more filthie And where God forbiddeth lies and false witnes the Pope and his whole doctrine which he setteth forth besides the Scripture is sowed of lies and not only he dispenseth with false witnesses but permitteth also to breake safe conduites and publicke fayth geuen and yf he hate the Prince absolueth the subiectes from the othe of their fidelitie and obedience geueth libertie to al cōcupiscences and maketh lawes which nurrisshe the desires of the flesshe And whiche shall be the Dragons mouth yf this be not it Math. 4. The Dragon moreouer is red to haue spoken and sayed to the Lorde all these thinges will I geue thee for he shewed him the kingedomes of the worlde yf thou wilt falle downe and worshippe me What other thing speaketh the Pope doeth he not inriche his obedient children with the Riches of this worlde especially such as will fall downe and kisse his fete I suppose the Deuill would neuer be so shameles as to offer to the Lorde his fote to kisse but that beaste in the sighte of God and his Aungelles and of al the world dare put out his fote marked not with out a great mockery with the signe of the Crosse and profer it to be kissed of all the childrē of God I can not bring forth the horrible and innumerable blasphemies out of the decrees and decretalles For I am ashamed of such vngodlines Who therefore wil not acknowledge that Sathan him selfe doeth in this beaste reigne and rage God shortely confounde the same Amen Amen ¶ Agayne of the power of Antichrist and howe the fourmer beaste is worshipped The .lix. Sermon ANd he did all that the firste beaste coulde do in his presence And he causeth the yearth and them whiche dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly woūde was healed The secōd beaste executeth the power of the first Agayne he reasoneth of the power of the seconde beaste or Antichrist and of poperie He doeth or executeth sayeth he the power of the fourmer beaste that is to saye exerciseth the same authoritie that the old Romane Empire exercised Where he addeth in his presence Aretas expoundeth in followyng immediately after and euen in imitatyng the same But what power and authoritie they exercised I declared before in his place about the beginnyng of this chapt Therfore as the Romane Emperours supposed all kyngedomes and prouinces to be theirs and to appertayne vnto them so do the Bishops of Rome make their boaste that all realmes are theirs I geue nothing here to affection or hatred There came forth lately a boke printed at Liōs of Augustinus Steuchus keper of the Popes librarie in the which he reciteth out of the register of one Gregory I suppose the .7 all the kingdomes of Europe Spayne Englande Fraunce Denmarke Hongary c. The proprietie whereof apperteyneth to that seate of Rome the vse vnto the Princes Clientes of the same see Ful ofte haue the Popes assayed to bring into subiection to them and to their Sea the kingdomes of the Easte also and that vnder pretence of the holy warre and recoueryng the Lordes sepulchre And like as the olde Romanes vexed with continuall warre the nations that did not acknoweledge or obeye the olde Romane Egles so the See of Rome in our time and in the memory of our forefathers hath put to busines and trouble those kingedomes and nations and people that went aboute to reuolte and would not acknoweldge those double keyes that is to saye two hornes For who knoweth not with what cruel warres he vexed in times past the lande of Boheme who knoweth not what Germany and England hath suffered in fourmer yeres So verely the seconde beaste exerciseth gallauntly the Tiranny of the olde beast The olde beaste set forth proclamations concernyng religion and paiyng of tributes and customes and so impouerished in a maner all realmes their richesse beyng brought to Rome And what other thing doeth that seate at this daye what hath it done nowe to reken the leest these fiue hondreth yeres who therfore doeth not see that the seconde beaste exerciseth most aboūdantly the power of the first beaste A certen man made verses in Latin tauntyng the couetousenes and disceiptes of Rome and where Rome doeth magnifie her selfe to be head of the world which in Latin is Caput thus sayeth he If Caput come of Capio which signifieth to take Than maye Rome well be called so whiche doeth nothing forsake If you decline Capio Capis and to the groundes come Her nettes are large and can not misse to catch both al and some He addeth hereto an other thing Who worship the first beaste that this seconde beaste doeth procure that they that dwell vpon Earth should worshippe the first beaste Which doubtles we see fulfilled in the Popisshe kyngedome two wayes For firste the Papistes haue procured such authoritie and reuerence to the Romane Empire which they cal both sacred holy that as many as liue at this day whē they heare but the name of the Romane Empire spoken of doe Imagine a certen diuine thinge and brought vnto them from Heauen I graunt that there haue ben many right noble Princes godly and al praise worthie in that same Empire as was Constaunt Constantine wyth some of his sonnes Gratiane Valentinian Theodose and diuerse others I graunte that vnder these and such other like the Empire was holy and was in dede thempire of Christ For Christ was acknowledged with a trewe fayth and yet we see how the lord Iesus hath neuerthelesse as Daniel hath done also called that Empire a beaste doubtles figuratiuely and for the tirannes Therfore we must wisely and iustely attribute to euery one that is his and not without respecte to imbrace and reuerence that blouddy Empire for sacred and holy And we haue also declared before in what sorte kingedomes are of God and howe farre their workes are to be allowed that are in kingedomes And hereof shall be spoken a little after yet more plentifully Secondly the seconde beaste causeth men to worship the first herein chiefly Poperie hath reduced gentilisme that Papistrie hath brought agayne the heythennish maner the names only chaunged For I tolde you before that the firste beaste was worshipped in this that sely menne receyued the Romanes religion and worshipped Idolles The heythen did verely confesse the high God almightie but thei ioyned to him many Goddes vnto whom they submitted elementes diseases Artes countries cities the membres and partes of man and such other like things Aeolus was God of the windes and Neptune of the Sea Pluto ruled in Earth Mars was God of warre Minerua and Apollo of artes Aesculapius ouer diseases Hercules and many moe Venus was lady of Loue and the Goddesse Iuno of mariage Nother was there any membre in the body that had not his God so had all Countries and Cities theyr sauyng goddes and euery house their domestical Goddes
Emperour shal he haue Rome shal he haue Italie the oulde seat of the Empyre shal he haue Fraunce Spayne Hongarie Germanie For although Germanie be nowe taken for the seate of the Empyre yet hath shee her owne Princes her owne free Cities and the which inioye their Priuileges although they be called Emperiall Theodorycke of Niem a Germayne and a familiar friende of certen Popes which wrote also the lyues of certen Byshoppes of Rome which were last before the counsell of Constaunce in the thyrde booke the .xliii. chapt of his Stories Of what magnificēce sayeth he the Romaine Empyre is at the leestwyse openlye sene in Germanie For you shal haue there an Archbyshop or a Byshop which hath of yearely reuenewes twyse so much more The pouerty and barenes of the Romayne Empyre as the Kyng of Romaynes receyueth in all his dominions And agayne a temporall Prince that hath more landes than hath the Emperour And so forth Moreouer in the ould Empire ther was some mightie monarke which vsed full Aucthoritie and was honoured of all men as a God in Earth As Caius Domitian Dioclesian and others His Image representeth the Pope Byshoppe and Kynge and as it were a certeine God terristrial the greatest Monarke with fulnesse of power Furthermore Rome or the oulde beaste had a mooste honorable Senate So hath the Byshppe of Rome also a Princelyke Senate of prowde purpled Cardynalles For they bee in maner all Princes The booke of the Romayne gouernementes reciteth the Vicar or Lieutenaunte of the Diocesse of Asia a Diocesse in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a disposition administration dispēsation gouernemente or iurisdiction the Vycar of the Diocesse of Thracia and of Pontus So was there a noble man president of the gouernementes in Italie He had manye Diocesses vnder And no fewer had the Lieutenaunt of Fraunce And lyke as the Counte of Strasbourgh the Captayne generall of the soldiours at Spires and the General of the soldiours at Woormes ded acknowledge the Duke of Mentz a Proconsull So at this daye the Byshoppes of those Cities are subiectes to the Archebyshoppe of Mentz The Byshoppes therefore seme by the Popes ordinaunce to succede in the place of the Romayne gouernementes Certeinelie you shall see the moste parte of these Byshops called not onely moste reuerend fathers in Christe but also most Noble myghty Dukes and Princes of the Empyre And this is also manifeste that the Emperour of the oulde beaste had his legions the Romaine Egles or enseignes and moste expert and puissaunt Captaynes of warre But the high Bishop and kyng of Rome hath in that Imagerie Empyre obedient children kinges and Princes in Europe not to be dispised Tharmies and power of the Popes sworde whom he may cōmaunde yf nede requyre to stretch foorth the secular power For so thundreth Boniface the .8 in the firste boke de Maior Obedient doubtles sayeth he whosoeuer denieth the temporall sworde to be in the power of Peter he vnderstandeth a misse the worde of the Lorde sayeng put vp thy swoorde into thy sheath howe subtiilie and howe aptelie Therefore are both swords in the power of the church to wit both the spiritual and materiall sword but this must in dede be exercised for the church the other of the church The spirituall by the prieste the materiall by the hande of kinges and soldiours but at the will and patience of the high prieste c. The oulde beaste had his lawes written and published daylie in a maner newe Decretals The Popes therefore after the imitation of the emperiall lawes haue written decretalles and many tymes make newe lawes Yea moreouer they saie howe the voice precepts or cōmaundemēts of the pope are aswel to be receiued taken as the words of our Lord Iesus Christ the son of God and Apostle S. Peter They adde moreouer these things also that we muste stand to the popes determinatiō That where the pope is there is the generall counsell Where the Pope is there is our common countrie He is compelled or reproued of no man althoughe he be called an heretike He hath all lawes in his breast or in the scroll of his breaste he may interprete or expound all thinges The same doth ratifie no sentence and it is in him alone to take away one mans right and geue it to an other He maie take awaye priuileges and at his wyll and pleasure not onely to chaūge bishops but also to depose the emperour himselfe and to declare no sentence of themperour All the world is the Popes diocesse and the pope is the ordinarie of al hauing fulnes of power aswell in spiritual matters as tēporall For he is Lord of Lordes and hath the righte of the King of Kinges ouer all subiects For he hath no pere and is all thinges and aboue all and it is necessarie to saluation to be vnder the byshop of Rome For ther is one consistorie or iudgement seat of God and of the Pope These thynges haue I taken oute of their owne books to witte of their Decretalles and gloses There is a boke of Antony Russell of Aretine of the power of the Pope and the emperour where in you may read innumerable things of the same sort But of these thinges which I haue noted hitherto I suppose it be made playne enough how the Pope which is here also called the false prophete hath sette vp the Image of the beaste Hereunto Ihon addeth an other thyng And he had power to geue a spirite to the Image of the beaste that the empyre thus establyshed and all thynges sette in order the beaste or false prophete doeth moue all that weighte and putteth lyfe into the Image so that it can speake to witte the same that the false prophete hath geuen it to speake For excepte the pope do confyrme the election of the Kyng of Romaines he shall not be thoughte worthie of the name of Emperour .22 quest .5 de forma in the glose thēperour sweareth to the pope as the Client to his Lord. The same maiste thou reade in the firste boke the .9 title de iure iurando in Clementinis Moreouer who seeth not how aswell the Emperour as other Princes are inuironed wyth a cōpanie of Byshoppes whych inspyre them what they shoulde speake or doe and howe they shoulde behaue themselues in all thinges For this cause are sent also the Legates that are called Legati a latere And it is not vnknowen that in all Princes counselles for the moste parte the spirituall haue the chiefe rule They be for the most parte Chancelours Secretaries Ambassadours and what not And their Pope King sayeth openlie howe he ought to iudge al men but to be iudged of no man Yea and his creatures also vsurpe the same vnto themselues Yf ther be any assemblee there the Byshop of Rome commonly ruleth by his spirite and gouerneth the chiefeste matters especiallye matters of religiō For vnlesse the decrees please the fathers
kinges Howebeit whilest these kinges considered how they might beste in large their kingedomes and put downe and expulse others full craftely the Bisshoppe of Rome played his parte also For he obteyned the supremacie ouer all Bisshoppes And so gote him great authoritie with Kinges and realmes yea and linked himselfe in league and amitie with Kinges and Princes Whereupon quickely and sodenly or as the Martir of Christ prophecied vpon the sodayne he starte vp and at laste vsurped a kingedome to witte of Rome For by his iudgementes falsely taken for Apostolicall he put downe kynge Childericke of the lignage of Merouinges the lawefull king of Fraunce and auaunced Pipine than Captaine of the French garde to the crowne And so he ouerthrewe or plucked downe one horne and bounde vnto him a most mightie Kinge by whose power afterwarde he was a terrour to the kinges of Grece and Lumbardy Of thexarchate of Italie For aboute the yere of our lorde .269 the Emperour of Constantinople expulsing the Eastegothes did institute a newe gouernement in Italy But sins this kinde of rule and gouernemente is not knowen to all menne I will briefly recite what and howe greate it was by the wordes of Nauclerus the Historiographer ex generat .20 Than beganne sayeth he the Citie of Rome and Italy to haue a newe maner of gouernemente by the whiche they loste more the dignitie glory and feare ouer all the worlde than of all the calamities whiche these .160 yeres haue afflicted them and at the laste had lefte Rome to be inhabited of wilde beastes For Longinus brought in a newe name of dignitie thexarchate of Italie that is the high Magistrate Whiche kepyng still at Rauenna went neuer to the Citie of Rome And in the gouernement of Italie and of Cities he kepte firste this order that the president should not gouerne the prouince or region but euery Citie had their Magistrate to gouerne them whome he called Dukes Wherefore making Rome egall with other Cities and Townes in this thinge only he honoured the same that he called the Magistrate place in Rome presidēt But they that did succede him were called Dukes as they were afterward many yeres so that it was called the Dukedome of Rome as the Dukedome of Narnia and Spolet Nother after Narset and Basill had it any more eyther Consulles or Senate lawefully assembled but by a Duke of Grece whome the highe Magistrate sente from Rauenna the comon welth of Rome was gouerned a long time Thus much he I suppose any manne maye hereby without any difficultie perceyue the Prophecies to be fully accomplisshed Rome vtterly caste downe and the Romane Empire to haue fallen into asshes For shee that had ben the moste mightie Lady of the worlde is sene nowe to bee made a vile gouernemente neuer a deale more excellent than that of Spolet and Narnia c. And here is to be knowen that this Exarchate in Italy was the thirde Lordeshippe instituted sins Augustulus was slayne in whome the Histories saye that the Empire of the weste was finisshed and ended For first when Augustulus was slayne the Germanes vnder their king Odacer possessed Rome Afterwarde the Eastegothes by the conduicte of theyr Duke Theodoricke of Verona Odacer expulsed and slayne reygned at Rome and in Italy Laste of all the Eastegothes by the Lumbardes expulsed and slayne this Exarchate was instituted And Lumbardes beyng called into Italy of the Grekes agaynst the Gothes woulde no more goe out agayne for that they sawe the lande fertile and Riche pleasaunt and aboundyng with sondry pleasures The Lumbardes Warynge therefore of greate power in Italy they subdewed to themselues many Cities and people of Italy establisshyng nowe the fourth domion whiche they called the kingdome of Lūbardes They had most puissaunt kinges Howbeit that exarchate of Rauenna although they layde dilligent awayte for it wente about to inuade it yet coulde they neuer extinguish it till the Bisshop of Rome put to his helping hande pretendyng the sinceritie of religion The mainteyning of Idolatrye maketh of the Bishop of Rome a king Historiographers accompte sixtene Exarches in order which reigned aboute an hondreth foure score yeres The 15. of thē was called Paulus Nauclere in the .25 generat Leo the .3 sayeth he Emperour of Constantinople cōmaunded that they that were subiecte to the Romane Empire should plucke downe al their Images breake them and burne thē Contrarywise the Pope some will haue him Gregory the .2 some the .3 wrote to the whole worlde that they should not obeye these so wicked cōmaundementes of the Emperour Platina sayeth more in the life of Gregory the .3 Gregory by consente of the clergie of Rome depriueth Leo the .3 Emperour of Constantinople bothe of the Empire and also of the communion of the faithfull for that he had plucked downe Images Nauclerus sayeth moreouer But so great authoritie at that time had the Popes decrees that first they of Rauenna and after the people and soldiours of Venise made an open rebellion agaynst the Emperour and thexarche in Italy And the treason increased dayly For Marinus Spatarius Duke of Rome and his sonne Adriane passing through Chāpania were slaine of the Romanes In whose stead they created Duke of Rome one Peter They of Rauenna also whilest some helde with the Emperour and some with the Pope in a tumulte made slewe Paule thexarche and his sonne Thus writeth Nauclere The frēch mē are sent for into Italy by the Pope In these cōmotions the Lumbardes supposyng the occasion so long wisshed for to be nowe offered through the conduite of Luitprande their king inuade the lādes of thempire and besege also Rome it self But Pope Gregory the firebrāde of al the sturres in Italy the soldiour and practicionar of the same and like no priest nor preacher sendeth for Charles Martell king Pinines father with his French chāpions into Italy against the Lumbardes Howbeit this Charles perswadeth the kinge of Lumbardes frendely to departe from the Citie But yet not long after Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardes spoileth againe the lādes of Rauëna reneweth the Italian warre and winneth Rauenna it selfe and demaundeth tribute of the citie of Rome But Stephen the .2 Pope which aspired to the gouernement of Rauenna wisshed the Lumbardes distroyed of king Pipine of Fraunce vnto whō not long sins pope Zacharie by his wrongeful iudgement as many suppose had geuen the kingdome required ayde and deliueraunce as it were offering him the kingdome Therefore are the Frenchmen in armure couetyng also to winne Italy Whilest king Pipine entred into Italy he met with the Ambassadours of the Emperour of Constantinople whiche required that he would restore Rauenna and thexarchate and landes thereof to the Empire whose of righte it was and not the Pope or Romanes Pipine aunswered howe he warred for S. Peter and the pope and to go aboute that the Lumbardes shuld not vexe the church And that he would take from them thexarchate and other