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B08142 A most godly and vvorthy treatis of holy signes sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God, euen since the beginning of the world. Very necessary for Christian understanding. ; Seene and allowed by authority.. Worseley, Edw. 1609 (1609) STC 23434.5; ESTC S95424 138,496 398

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Italy Afterward Paul Emil. lib. 1 the yeare of Christ 568. raigned Totilas which forced robbed and burned Rome and all Sicile In the end the Lombards conducted by their Kings 〈◊〉 did raigne which vsurped Italy These barbarous nations Idolaters and Infidels did serue as whippes ordained of God to punish the Idolators of Rome committed by them which had knowledge of the holy Gospell And yet turned back frō the true worshiping of God violating and corrupting the holy sacraments by the inuentions of men To punish also the infidelity and obstinacie of the Emperours and Senators of Rome which first of all caused the Lieutenants officers appointed in Iudea to crucifie Christ his holy Apostles to persecute the Christians and alwaies to resist the lawe of the Gospell to maintaine their religion Pompilian Thus we may conclude that during the space of 400. yeares the Romane church of Emperours and Senatours hath euer beene contrary and enemies to the lawe of Iesus Christ Then afterward the occidentall Empire being ouerthrowen Rome and all Italy was ruled gouerned 300. yeares or there about by Kinges Princes and Dukes Idolators and Infidels namely by the Vādales by the Gothes by the Hūnes by the Astrogothes by the Visigothes and by the Lumbards in such sort that during the space of 700. yeares or there about after the incarnation of Iesus Christ there was no Emperour Kinge nor Prince of Rome which would embrace the law of Iesus Christ The which gladly and shortly I haue declared to the end that the Reader thinke not strange that I haue heere shewed the sacrifice of the masse to haue taken his beginning of the ancient religion instituted by Numa Pōpilius more then 700. yeares before the incarnation of Christ And so afterward also the same sacrifice hath beene continued by the Idolatrous Romanes inueterate and hardened so in their Pompilian Religion that they woulde neuer put away the same But to the end that nothing in the Romane Histories bee kept close which might obscure the clearenes of the veritie during the tyranny and vsurping of the nations aforesayd in Italy was erected a litle Lordship at Rauenna which continued about 183. yeares vntill it was rauished by a Bishop which inuested himselfe and encroched into the chaire of S. Peter by the meanes of a donation and demission practised by Pepin in the yeare 758. in recompence of a tyranny exercised by Zacharie Grec Bishop of Rome who spoyled the true inheritors of the crowne of France namely Chilperic or Childeric whom he shut vppe in a cloyster to make the kingdom to fall vnto the sayd Pipin the sonne of Charles Martell bastard This donation of Pipin thus giuē to the great Romane Bishop was the first originall of the greatnesse of the Popes of Rome who do holde vnto this day the Lordship Blond lib. 1. P●ul Emil. 2. of Rauenna 800. yeares being past with a great number of Townes a long the Sea Hadriatike cōmitted vnto them by Pepin contrarie to the expresse commandementes of Constantine then raigninge Emperour of the East in Grecia Whiles this little lordship was continued The yeare of Christ 588. at Rauenna long time before the donation of Pepin the Bishop of that place seeing that there were no more Emperours of Rome which was gouerned Sabelli● and kept vnder by barbarous people and Infidels lift vp his hornes in such sort that hee preferred himselfe to be Bishop of Rome and made himselfe the heade of the Church and also himselfe and his successours Bishops of Rauenna so long as the Lordship hath continued This was the first little Antichrist which would take vpon him a tyrannie in the Church to follow the earthly tyrannie of his Lordship Afterward there rose vp another In the yeare of Christ 600. Blond lib. 1. greater Antichrist in Constantinople named Iohn Bishop of that place Who seing the occidentall Empire of Rome ouerthrowne and the other of Constantinople highly exalted hee would als● Greg l●b 4. ●● his ep●●●es cap. ●● follow the tyrannie of the world and st●●re vp a spirituall r●●e in the Church o● Iesus Christ Hee caused himselfe t● be declared by a councell holden at hi● The yeere of 〈◊〉 6●● pleasure Bishop E●ume●ious that is t● say generall and head of the whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Church But soone after the great Bishops of Rome gaue such order that b●●●eason the Emperour Maurice it Constan●●ople was cr●ely slaine hee his wife and fami●●e by wicked Ph●●●● who to recompence this detestabl● murder comm●●●ed by the aduise of th● Church of Rome alwaies contrary to Iesus Christ hee declared Beniface the The ●e●re o● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 third ●f that name the generall head of the church of God taking vpon him the 〈◊〉 of Iesus Christ the grea● and euerlasting high Priest the onely spouse and head of his church Who can be●●er describe an Antichrist than hee that doth enterprise a tyrannie in the church of God a po●●gamie in the church the spou●e o● Iesus Christ attributing Ma● ●●6 to himselfe that power which Iesus Christ hath reserued to himselfe to bee perpetuall with his church by the vertue of his holy spirite to conduct and gouerne the same May not hee rightly be called Antichrist which doth enforce himselfe directly to goe against the holy gospell of Iesus Christ who commanded his Apostles when he sent them to● preach his word that they Math. 23. Luke 11. Marke 2. should not institute a Monarchie in the church as the Princes Kings and tyrants of the earth That none amongst them should enterprise to call himselfe the head or greater then other but all as brethren were humb●e being assured to haue one head and one heauenly father which will tarrie with them and assist them for euer to inspire and conduct them in his holy will Is not hee of good right Antichrist which will haue himselfe called the successour of Iesus Christ in the great Bishoprick in the high priesthood by him exercised The which dignitie he hath reserued to himselfe abiding a high soueraigne Prie● for euermore who hath left no successour in his dignitie as Aaron did and hi● successours in the dignities of the hig● Priests of the Iewes But is after the order of Melch●sedech a king high prie● without any successour in his dignitie Wherfore then O Antichrists of Rome haue you taken vpon you the dignity ●● the highest Bishops as the heads of th● church of God and vsurped also the authority of Iesus Christ causing you● selues to be called most blessed most reuerend fathers and Popes hauing instituted a colledge of little purple Bishoppes to choose the great Bishop bu● onely to the end to renew the auncient Romaine religion of Numa Pompilius the first authour of your Pontificall dignities About the same time that Ph●●a● the cruell murtherer did erect an Antichrist in the Romane Church Mahomet was risen in the Church of Arabia instructed by the Monke
himselfe that he enriched the sacrifice of the masse with the sound of Organs For more then 1200. yeares before him this institutiō was published by the Magician Numa But to stuffe this Babylonical sacrifice the Massalian Alcoranists haue interpreted the diuer sitie of their musicall songs by a Pythagoricall phylosophie Touching the collects that is to say the patched prayers they haue commanded that they shal be sung in number odde to wit 3. 5. or 7. the 3. to figure the trinity the 5. to represent the fiue woundes of Christ the 7. to figure the 7. words of Christ vpon the crosse or else the 7. gifts of the holie Ghost Moreouer for a more subtil Pythagoricall diuinitie the Masse sayer ought not to passe the number of 7. by the ordinance of Pope Innocent the third of that name the sophist Biel in his alcoran of the interpretation of the Masse doth adde that the number of the collects should be equall to the prayers of the secrets that is to say prayers of the Massemunger murmured in secret to the end they be not contemned of the people After the collects is the song of the graduall more sharpe and graue a figure of the confession of the publicans haui●g heard the preaching of Iohn Baptist Notwithstanding the song of graduall was not sung in the Missall sacrifices from Easter vnto the feast of pentecost to figure the blessed estate of the world to come Further beside the sound of Organes 7. part of the Masse and songs of Musicke the ancient Romaine Idolatours were wont to vse in their sacrifices perfume of incens which they caused to be kept in a little vessell Perfume of incense called Acerra a censour In this little Frankensence coffer were put the odours which the sacrificer did take to incense the Altar the Images the hostes Blond lib. 1. de Rom. trium Alex. ab Alex. lib. 4. ca. 17. Iliacis tempori● bus veteres non thure sed cedri citri fumo deus adoleb●nt Platina or sacrifices specially in the Masses celebrated vnto the God Ianus and vnto the Goddesse Vesta which tooke pleasure in incense and wine offered vnto them For in the time of the Troian●s instead of incense cedre and Citron were vsed for perfume It was not then Leo bishop of Rome that first instituted the vse of the incense incensing in the Missall sacrifice For more then 700. yeares before the incarnation of Iesus Christ the ancient Romaine Idolatours did vse incense in their sacrifices And also the Tit. Liui. lib. 3. Decades 3. Romaines did retaine the word in Latin Thus which signifieth incense of the ancient word Thyo that is to say I sacrifice because the Idolatours did vse in all their sacrifices incense they had also a Tit. Liui. lib. 9. Decad. 3. portable incensor to incense withall Neuerthelesse some write that the ancient Romaine Idolaters celebrating their sacrifices vnto the Goddesse Ceres vsed Ouid de fast l● 3 the gumme of Pyne called Tede instead of incēse for which cause Ceres was called of the Poets Tedifere By the Alcoran of Titelman the incense is interpreted the praier of the Massalian for that it doth mount vp into heauen in a sanour of sweetnesse euen as the smoake of incense doth rise vp on high Hee doth sophist also with Biel his companion the censour to figure the grace of the holy Ghost These subtle Alcoranists alledge the place of Toby who chased away the diuell by the perfume of the broyled lyuer The same Biel interpreteth otherwise the incense to figure Mary Magdalens annointing of Christ and because Christ was twise annointed the incense must be also offered twise in the missall sacrifice For another part of the missall sacrifice 8. part of the masse Plin. lib. 1. cap. 3. Offertorie celebrated by the ancient Idolators was the Offertory of the first fruits offered to the honour of the Gods in the name of whome the sacrifice was celebrated This Offertorie was for the massing sacrificer which he might freely cary into his owne house for the nourishment of himselfe his familie notwithstanding there were other offerings distributed to those that were needfull After by the couetousnes of the Massalians this vsage was changed into an offertorie or offering of siluer or gold to inrich the coffer which some would Platina haue attributed to Leo Bishop of Rome notwithstanding that the Offertorie was practised more then a thousand yeares before him And to the end to iustifie this by the Romaine histories When Numa had instituted the ministers of the Religion as Bishops Augures Blond lib. 2. de Rom. trium Sauliens Feciaux Curions and others he ordained also the meanes how to nourish and intertaine them he commanded to make of the common reuenues foundations for the nourishment maintenance of the religions Vestales Following his example many particuler Sacerdotiorum siue beneficiorum duo erant genera ●num quorum collatio ad rēp aut principem aut ad pontificū collegium specta●at Alterum quorum coliatio a● aliquā familiam e●usque successores pertinebat quae beneficia viris patronatus censebantur Blond lib. 2. de Rom trium persons did the like So that benefices became rich by foundations The same benefices were of two sortes The one at the presentation bestowing of the Prince or of the common-wealth or of the colledge of Bishops The other were at the presentation of some particuler patrons of the said benefices by whome they were founded and indowed with great riches Of the which benefices the great Bishoppes of Rome haue vsurped authoritie to giue dispensation to haue two at once euen as it is recited in the historie of Liuie of Fabius Maximus who had by dispence two benefices then when hee was created Bishoppe more then two hundred yeares before the incarnation of Iesus Christ This was their first reuenew of the Massalian A dispence for many benefices Tit. Liuius lib. 30. The founding of benefices Vacations and setting ouer Offertorie sacrificers to haue benefices richly founded The second reuenew was the Offertorie or offering the Offectorie and oblations The third reuenew was the vocations of the first fruites which the Idolatrous Romaine Bishops were accustomed to take for the vacation of the benefices which they gaue sold or dispensed with The fourth reuenew was deaths annuals Tertia sacerdotaorum opulenta saluti omnibus inueniebat quas inferiores superioribus pontificibus impendebant quale apud nos est cum pontifici roman● fructus primos antistites his minores sacerdo●es ad obtinenda beneficia pecuniam dissoluunt Biond lib. 2. de Rom. trium Cicero in oratione pro domo sua ad pontifices Blond lib. 3. de Rom. trium legacies and bequests giuen to pray vnto their Gods for the soules of the departed The which is verified this day by the monuments and tombes of the ancient Idolatours The first reuenew was amerciaments condemnations and