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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66982 The fall of Babylon, or, Seasonable reflections on the novelties of Rome with the rise, growth, and final overthrow of Antichrist now at hand, occasioned by the preface to a treatise called Nubes testium, or, A collection of primitive fathers giving testimony to the faith once delivered to the saints, being (as the author stileth it) a full discovery of the sentiments of the ancient fathers in the chief points of controversy at present under debate : written upon the first coming forth of the said treatise (but not permitted to be then made publick) for the benefit of all who abominate the corruptions of the great whore and would not be partakers of her sins of plagues / by B.W. Woodroffe, Benjamin, 1638-1711. 1690 (1690) Wing W3467; ESTC R27594 163,329 256

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iniquis resisto Fidelibus autem praesto adsum auxilium fero Non enim libens volens hanc sedem conscendi sed invitus lachrymans quod me indignum judicabam qui tam in excelso throno sederem Haec autem dico quia non Ego Vos sed Vos me elegistis gravissimum pondus humeris nostris imposuistis In me autem vestro jus●u montem ipsum conscendentem clamantem annunciantem populis eorum scelera filis Ecclesiae peccata mèmbra Diaboli consurrexere ad Sanguinem usque manus suas in me conjecere Astiterunt enim Reges Terrae Principes seculi cum his conjurarunt Ecclesiastici quidam Vulgares in Dominum nos Christos ejus dicentes Dirumpamus vincula eorum projiciamus a nobis jugum ipsorum Hoc autem fecere ut me vel morte vel exilio mulctarent quorum de numero fuit Henricus quem Regem vocant Henricus inquam Henrici Imperatoris filius qui cornua calcem contra Ecclesiam Dei superbe nimium erexit facta conjuratione cum multis Episcopis Italici Germanici Gallicique nominis cujus superbiae vestra adhuc restitit Autoritas qui fractus potius quam ad sanitatem redactus ad me in Cisalpinam perveniens absolutionem Anathematis suppliciter quaesivit Hunc Ego quem ad poenitentiam venisse credideram in gratiam recepi huicque tantummodo communionem reddidi non tamen in Regnum e quo eum in Romana Synodo depuleram restitui nec Regni ut ad Fidem redirent concessi Hoc ideo feci ut si redire in gratiam cum finitimis suis quos semper vexaverat differret reddereque tum res Ecclesiasticas tum profanas ex foedere abnueret cogi ad Officium Execrationibus armis posset Hac opportunitate adjuti quidam Germaniae Episcopi Prineipes ab hac fera Bestia diu vexati in locum Henrici suis Flagitiis regno cadentis ducem suum Rodulphum deligunt qui regia modestia integritate usus statim nuncios ad me misit a quibus intelligerem se coactum regni gubernacula suscipere non esse tamen adeo regnandi cupidum ut non malit nobis quàm regnum pollicentibus obtemperare futurum se in Dei potestate semper ac nostra idque ut arbitremur nos facturum filios obsides pollicitus est Stomachari tum Henricus coepit nos primo quidem precari ut Rodolphum ab occupatione Regni execrationibus propelleremus Dixi me velle videre cui jus competeret eo missurum nuncios qui rem omnem resciscerent meque deinceps judicaturum Uter ipsorum in causa potior habendus esset Vetuit Henricus quo minus Rex a Legatis nostris decerneretur multosque tum Seculares tum Ecclesiasticos interfecit Ecclesias diripuit profanavit atque hoc modo Anathematis vinculis sese illigavit Hanc ob rem fidens in Dei Judicio Misericordia inque Patrocinio beatae Virginis fultus etiam autoritate vestra ipsum Henricum ejusque fautores vinculo Anathematis colligo atque iterum Regiam potestatem ei adimo interdicoque Christianis omnibus illo juramento absolutis quo fides Regibus dari consuevit ne Henrico ulla in re obtemperent Rudolphum in Regem suscipiant quem multi provinciae principes abrogato Henrico in Regem Optimum sibi delegere Eternim par est ut sicuti Henricus ob superbiam contumaciam facultatibus suis privatur ita Rudolphus omnibus gratus pro sua Pietate Religione regia dignitate potestate donetur Agite igitur Apostolorum Sanctissimi Principes quod dixi vestra autoritate interposita confirmate ut omnes nunc demum intelligant si potestis in coelo ligare solvere in terra quoque imperia regna principatus quicquid habere mortales possunt auferre dare non posse Si enim quae ad Deum pertinent judicare potestis quid de his inferioribus profanis censendum est Et si Angelos dominantes superbis principibus vestrum est judicare quid in servos illorum vos debet facere Ediscant nunc Reges hujus Exemplo omnes seculi principes quid in coelo possitis quantique apud Deum sitis ac deinceps timeant Sanctae Ecclesiae mandata contemnere Hoc autem judicium cito in Henricum exercete ut intelligant omnes iniquitatis filium non fortuito sed vestra opera è regno cadere Hoc tamen a vobis optaverim ut Poenitentia ductus in die judicii vestro rogatu gratiam a Domino consequatur O Blessed Peter Prince of the Apostles and Thou O Paul Doctor of the Gentiles afford to me your Ears a little I beseech you and mercifully hear me For ye are the Disciples and Lovers of Truth the things I shall speak are true This Cause I undertake for truth's sake that my Brethren whose Salvation I earnestly desire may be the better satisfied in their Obedience to me may know and understand that relying on your assistance next unto Christ and his Mother always a Virgin I resist the flagitious and unjust but that to the Faithful I am always ready to give aid For I did not by my own choice or willingly mount this Chair but unwillingly and with Tears because I judged my self unworthy to sit in this high Throne Now these things I say because I chose not you but ye have chosen me and laid this most heavy burden on our Shoulders However against me ascending to this high Place by your Command Proclaiming and telling their People their Wickedness and the Sons of the Church their Sins the Members of the Devil have risen up together and laid hands upon me to Murder me For the Kings of the Earth stood up and the Rulers of the World and with these some of the Churchmen and the People have conspired together against the Lord and against us his Christs saying Let us break their Bonds asunder and cast away their yoke from us and this they have done that they might bring us to Death or Banishment of which number was Henry whom they call King Henry I say Son of Henry the Emperor who hath too proudly lift up his horn and heel against the Church of God entring into Conspiracy with many Bishops of Italy Germany and France whose Pride hitherto your Authority hath resisted who being broken rather than restor'd to a sound Mind coming to me on this side the Alps humbly begged Absolution from Excommunication Him whom I believ'd to have come Penitent I have receiv'd into favour restored to Him Communion but not his Kingdom from which I had deposed Him in a Synod held at Rome nor did I grant leave to the Tributaries of the Kingdom to return to their Fealty This I therefore did that if he should delay to be reconciled to his Neighbours whom He had aggriev'd and should
for above forty Years for the cure whereof a Council is called at Pisa which creates Alexander the fifth Pope so that now there are three Popes at once Gregory the Twelfth for he was chosen to succeed at Rome Bennet the thirteenth to succeed Clement the seventh in France and Alexander the fifth and not long after John the 23d and after him Martin the fifth upon which the Schism ended But such were the contests prevarications and cruelties of those Times such the Barbarities of these Vicars of Christ as they would all fain be stiled that it is a shame they should be named among Christians I shall give but one or two Instances The first is that of Urban the 5 th wrapping up five Cardinals in Bags and commanding them to be cast into the Sea The second that of Innocent the seventh who when the Romans were earnest with him to take away the Schism that had been so long in the Church and that he would extinguish the Wars and Seditions the King of France having promised his Assistance herein and Peter de Luna the Antipope no way resisting such an accord he sent the Romans who thus addrest him to Lewis his Nephew then residing at the Hospital of the Holy-Ghost in Saxia and by his Authority they are forthwith all Murthered and thrown out at the Windows and the reason given for it was Eo modo tolli seditiones Schisma non alio quidem posse That that was the way that Seditions and Schisms were to be taken away and that it could be done no other way So Longus a Coriolano p. 373 374. He that shall read the History of those times shall not need to go far for an Expositor to explain to him what is to be understood by the Beasts Kingdom being full of Darkness and they gnawing their Tongues for pain such the Envy and bitter Malice they had against one another such the Torment Vexation and Rancour of their envenomed Minds such the disorder and confusion that was among them every thing dark and black as Hell it self from whence it came As neither will he for a Comment on what follows viz. Their blasphemingthe God of Heaven because of their Pains and their Sares and repenting not of their Deeds For what could be so highly to the dishonour of God himself what so much to Blaspheme his Name as to pretend Religion the cause of Christ and the Right of governing his Church for all their excess and outrage And to say no more to use his Holy Name in thus Excommunicating one another What so much for the Disgrace of those Princes and others who were so highly scandalized at such Enormities as to continue still in Communion with those who had let me so speak Excommunicated all Holiness and Charity I may say even Christ himself and his Gospel from their Church For was it not too in this Season that the Gospel was made to give place to the Papal Constitutions the Word of God made of none Effect through the Traditions of Men Mark 7. 13. I mean in that Authority to which the Canon-Law was advanced Which being begun by Cyratian Anno 1145 enlarged by Boniface the 8th Anno 1298 and having the Clementines added to it by Clemeus the 5th Anno 1308 and the Extravagancies by John the 22d Anno 1320 became the Rule and Standard of Popery And what could this produce but the grossest darkness in the Kingdom of the Beast For what must the mist be that is cast hereby upon the Understandings of Men when instead of that Word which is a Lamp unto our Feet and a Light unto our Path Psalm 119. 105. Only such a fatuus ignis as that of foolish Man's Invention is shall be allowed to guide us How is this for the Blind to lead the Blind and what 's the Consequence thereof what can it end in but in making both fall into the Pit Indeed this I could not here well pass by as being at least part of that heavy Judgment which was then inf●…icted on Antichrist not but that this darkness began earlier to spread it self over the Kingdom of the Beast than the time we mark out for that particular Vial said here to be poured on his Seat according to what we have already taken notice of viz. That it is not necessary that each Vial in its full extent should be just confined to some one Period wherein none other of the Vials were pouring out and will in some degree continue as long as any thing of this Kingdom shall remain for indeed the Kingdom of the Beast is nothing else but the Kingdom of Darkness it being only by Error and Ignorance he can hope to prevail For let but the light of the Gospel once clearly shine forth and all Mists and Clouds will vanish forthwith and this Kingdom of the Beast it is by that at lastit is to be overthrown will vanish with them But one thing more is to observed of this Vial as it was poured out upon the Seat of the Beast and that was as now Princes began to despise the Power of the Popes and make themselves their Judges it was what they had sometimes attempted before but the Popes still got the better of them in the contest but now they effectually made them to be deposed and submitted them to the Authority of Councils as in that of Constance Nay they came to that Indiffereucy that several of them owned neither the Pope at Rome nor at Avignon and Charles the 6th King of France went so far as by a publick Edict to decree ne quis suorum Romanum aut Avenionem excutreret ad Pontifiem That none of his Subjects should go either to Rome or Avignon to the Pope Besides it was what did not a little encrease their pains and sores what happened to the Seat of the Beast under this Vial from Wiclef and his Followers who so highly declaimed against the Pope as being Antichrist and so stronuously opposed the Doctrines of Purgatory of Images of Invocation of Saints of Transubstantiation of Indulgences c. For however Wiclef's Doctrine was condemned at Constance Jerome of Prague and John Hus Burnt for defending it yet how did the Light of the Gospel by them Preached begin to dispel the Mists and Clouds which this Kingdom of Darkness had cast abroad How did it but make way for that clearer Light which shone forth yet clearer at the Reformation When according to Hus's Prophecy viz. Nunc quidem torretis Anserem at veniet Cycnus quem non poteritis torrere post centum Annos Deo mihi respondebitis Now indeed you rost a Goose alluding to his own Name which signifies a Goose but there will come a Swan whom you shall not be able to rost after 100 Years you shall answer to God and me Luther appeared against the Corruptions of the Church of Rome And here let us leave them full of Darkness as they are and gnawing their Tongues for