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A32977 Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory and now reprinted for the use of private families, in two parts. 1687 (1687) Wing C4091I; ESTC R1759 454,358 660

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impute them unto us when he shall render to every Man according to his Works Answer to the Adversaries which maintain Auricular Confession And whereas the Adversaries go about to wrest this place for to maintain their Auricular Confession withal they are greatly deceived themselves and do shamefully deceive others for if this Text ought to be understood of Auricular Confession then the Priests are as much bound to confess themselves unto the Lay-people as the Lay-people are bound to confess themselves to them And if to Pray is to Absolve then the Laity by this place hath as great Authority to Absolve the Priests as the Priests have to Absolve the Laity This did Johannes Scotus otherwise called Duns well perceive who upon this place writeth on this manner Johannes Scotus lib. 4. sen distinct 17 quaest 1. Neither doth it seem unto me that James did give this commandment or that he did set it forth as being received of Christ For first and foremost whence had he Authority to bind the whole Church sith that he was only Bishop of the Church of Jerusalem except thou wilt say that the same Church was at the beginning the Head Church and consequently that he was the Head Bishop which thing the See of Rome will never grant The understanding of it then is as in these words Confess your sins one to another A persuasion to Hum lity whereby he willeth us to confess our selves generally unto our Neighbors that we are sinners according to this saying If we say we have no sin we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us And where that they do alledge this saying of our Saviour Jesus Christ unto the Leper to prove Auricular Confession to stand on Gods Word Go thy way Mat. 8. and shew thy self unto the Priest Do they not see that the Leper was cleansed from his Leprosie before he was by Christ sent unto the Priest for to shew himself unto him By the same reason we must be cleansed from our Spiritual Leprosie I mean our sins must be forgiven us before that we come to Confession What need we then to tell forth our sins into the ear of the Priest sith that they be already taken away Therefore holy Ambrose in his second Sermon upon the hundred and nineteenth Psalm doth say full well Go shew thy self unto the Priest Who is the true Priest but he which is the Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedech whoreby this holy Father doth understand that both the Priesthood the Law being changed we ought to acknowledge none other Priest for deliverance from our sins but our Saviour Jesus Christ who being Sovereign Bishop doth with the Sacrifice of his Body and Blood offered once for ever upon the Altar of the Cross most effectually cleanse the Spiritual Leprosie and wash away the Sins of those that with true confession of the same do flee unto him It is most evident and plain that this Auricular Confession hath not his warrant of Gods Word Nectarius Sozomen Eccles Hist lib. 7. cap. 16. lib. 10. confessionum cap. 3. else it had not been lawful for Nectarius Bishop of Constantinople upon a just occasion to have put it down For then any thing ordained of God is by the lewdness of Men abused the abuse ought to be taken away and the thing it self suffered to remain Moreover these are St. Augustins words What have I to do with Men that they should hear my Confession as though they were able to heal my Diseases A curious sor● of Men to know another Mans life and slothfully to correct and amend their own Why do they seek to hear of me what I am which will not hear of thee what they are And how can they tell when they hear by me of my self whether I tell the truth or not ●●th no mortal Man knoweth what is in Man but the Spirit of Man which is in him Augustin would not have written thus if Auricular Confession had been used in his time Being therefore not led with the Conscience thereof let us with fear and trembling and with a true contrite Heart use that kind of Confession that God doth command in his Word and then doubtless as he is Faithful and Righteous he will forgive us our Sins and make us clean from all wickedness I do not say but that if any do find themselves troubled in Conscience they may repair to their Learned Curate or Pastor or to some other Godly Learned Man and shew the trouble and doubt of their Conscience to them that they may receive at their hand the comfortable Salve of Gods Word but it is against the true Christian liberty that any Man should be bound to the numbring of his Sins as it hath been used heretofore in the time of blindness and ignorance The Third prrt of Repentance is Faith whereby we do apprehend and take hold upon the promises of God touching the free Pardon and Forgiveness of our sins Which promises are Sealed up unto us with the Death and Blood-shedding of his Son Jesus Christ For what should avail and profit us to be sorry for our Sins to lament and bewail that we have offended our most Bounteous and Merciful Father or to confess and acknowledge our Offences and Trespasses though it be done never so earnestly unless we do stedfastly believe and be fully perswaded that God for his Son Jesus Christs sake will Forgive us all our Sins and put them out of Remembrance and from his sight Therefore they that teach Repentance without a lively Faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ do teach none other but Judas Repentance as all the School-men do The Repentance of the School-men Judas and his Repentance Matt. 27. which do only allow these Three Parts of Repentance the Contrition of the Heart the Confession of the Mouth and the Satisfaction of the Work But all these things we find in Judas Repentance which in outward appearance did far exceed and pass the Repentance of Peter For first and formost we read in the Gospel that Judas was so sorrowful and heavy yea that he was fillled with such anguish and vexation of mind for that which he had done that he could not abide to live any longer Did not he also before he Hanged himself make an open Confession of his fault when he said I have sinned betraying the Innocent Blood and verily this was a very bold Confession which might have brought him to great trouble For by it he did lay to the High Priest and Elders charge the shedding of Innocent Blood and that they were most Abominable Murderers He did also make a certain kind of satisfaction when he did cast their Mony unto them again No such things do we read of Peter although he had committed a very heinous sin and most grievous offence Peter and his Repentance in denying his of Master We find that he went out and wept bitterly whereof Ambrose speaketh on
them to beware of the subtil suggestions of such restless ambitious Persons and so to flee them that Rebellions though attempted by a few Ambitious through the lack of maintainance by any multitudes may speedily and easily without any great labor danger or damage be re-ressed and clearly extinguished It is well known as well by all Histories as by daily Experience that none have either more ambitiously aspired above Emperors Kings and Princes nor have more perniciously moved the ignorant People to Rebellion against their Princes than certain Persons which falsly challenge to themselves to be only counted and called Spiritual I must therefore here yet once again briefly put you good People in remembrance out of Gods holy Word how our Saviour Jesus Christ and his holy Apostles the Heads and chief of all true Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Men behaved themselves towards the Princes and Rulers of their time though not the best Governors that ever were that you be not ignorant whether they be the true Disciples and followers of Christ and his Apostles and so true spiritual Men that either by Ambition do so highly aspire or do most maliciously teach or most perniciously do execute Rebellion against their lawful Princes being the worst of all carnal Works and mischievous Deeds Mat. 17. d. 25. Mark 12. b. 14. Luke 20. d. 25. Mat. 27. Luke 23. Rom. 13. a. 1 c. 1 Tim. 2. a. 1. 1 Pet. 2. c. 13. John 6. b. 15. and 18. f. 36. Mat. 20. d. 25. Mark 10. f. 42. Luke 22. c. 25. Mat. 23. a. 8. Luke 9. f. 46. 2 Cor. 1. d. 24. 1 Pet. 5. a 3. Mat. 18. a. 4. 20. d. 28. Luke 9. f. 48. 22. c. 27. Sex decre lib. 3. tit 16. cap. unic lib. 5. tit 9. cap. 5. i● glossa The holy Scriptures do teach most expresly that our Saviour Christ himself and his Apostles St. Paul St. Peter with others were unto the Magistrates and higher Powers which ruled at their being upon the Earth both obedient themselves and did also diligently and earnestly exhort all other Christians to the like obedience unto their Princes and Governors whereby it is evident that Men of the Clergy and Ecclesiastical Ministers as their Successors ought both themselves specially and before other to be obedient unto their Princes and also to exhort all others unto the same Our Saviour Christ likewise teaching by his Doctrin that his Kingdom was not of this World did by his Example in fleeing from those that would have made him King confirm the same expresly also forbidding his Apostles and by them the whole Clergy all Princely Dominion over People and Nations and he and his holy Apostles likewise namely Peter and Paul did forbid unto all Ecclesiastical Ministers dominion over the Church of Christ And indeed whiles the Ecclesiastical Ministers continued in Christs Church in that order that is in Christs Word prescribed unto them and in Christian Kingdoms kept themselves obedient to their own Princes as the Holy Scripture doth teach them both was Christs Church more clear from ambitious Emulations and Contentions and the State of Christian Kingdoms less subject unto Tumults and Rebellions But after that Ambition and desire of Dominion entred once into Ecclesiastical Ministers whose greatness after the Doctrin and Example of our Saviour should chiefly stand in humbling themselves and that the Bishop of Rome being by the order of Gods Word none other than the Bishop of that one See and Diocess and never yet well able to govern the same did by intolerable Ambition challenge not only to he the Head of all the Church dispersed throughout the World but also to be Lord of all Kingdoms of the World as is expresly set forth in the Book of his own Canon Laws most contrary to the Doctrin and Example of our Saviour Christ whose Vicar and of his Apostles namely Peter whose Successor he pretendeth to be After this Ambition entred and his Challenge once made by the Bishop of Rome he became at once the spoiler and destroyer both of the Church which is the Kingdom of our Saviour Christ and of the Christian Empire and all Christian Kingdoms as an Universal Tyrant over all And whereas before that Challenge made there was great amity and love amongst the Christians of all Countries hereupon began Emulation and much Hatred between the Bishop of Rome and his Clergy and Friends on the one part and the Grecian Clergy and Christians of the East on the other part for that they refused to acknowledge any such Supream Authority of the Bishop of Rome over them The Bishop of Rome for this cause amongst other not only naming them and taking them for Schismatics but also never ceasing to persecute them and the Emperors who had their See and continuance in Greece by stirring of the Subjects to Rebellion against their Sovereign Lords and by raising deadly hatred and most cruel Wars between them and other Christian Princes And when the Bishops of Rome had translated the Title of the Emperor and as much as in them did lie the Empire it self from their Lord the Emperor of of Greece and of Rome also by right unto the Christian Princes of the West they became in short space no better unto the West Emperors than they were before unto the Emperors of Greece for the usual discharging of Subjects from their Oath of Fidelity made unto the Emperors of the West their Sovereign Lords by the Bishops of Rome the unnatural stirring up of the Subjects unto Rebellion against their Princes yea of the Son against the Father by the Bishop of Rome the most cruel and bloody Wars raised amongst Christian Princes of all Kingdoms the horrible murder of infinite thousands of Christian Men being slain by Christians and which ensued thereupon the pitiful losses of so many goodly Cities Countries Dominions and Kingdoms sometime possessed by Christians in Asia Africa Europe the miserable fall of the Empire and Church of Greece sometime the most flourishing part of Christendom into the hands of the Turks the lamentable diminishing decay and ruin of Christian Religion the dreadful increase of Paganism and Power of the Infidels and Miscreants and all by the practice and procurement of the Bishop of Rome chiefly is in the Histories and Chronicles written by the Bishop of Romes own Favorers and Friends to be seen and as well known unto all such as are acquainted with the said Histories The ambitious intents and most subtil drifts of the Bishops of Rome in these their Practices appeared evidently by their bold attempt in spoiling and robbing the Emperors of their Towns Cities Dominions and Kingdoms in Italy Lombardy and Sicily of ancient right belonging to the Empire and by joyning of them unto their Bishoprick of Rome or else giving them unto strangers to hold them of the Church and Bishop of Rome as in capite and as of the chief Lords thereof in which tenure they hold the most part thereof
meant in any condition of the pretenced or coloured Power of the Bishop of Rome For truly the Scripture of God alloweth no such Usurped Power full of Enormities Abusions and Blasphemies But the true meaning of these and such places be to extol and set forth God's true Ordinance and the Authority of God's Anointed Kings and of their Officers appointed under them And concerning the Usurped Power of the Bishop of Rome which he most wrongfully challengeth as the successor of Christ and Peter We may easily perceive how false feigned and forged it is not only in that it hath no sufficient ground in Holy Scripture but also by the Fruits and Doctrine thereof For our Saviour Christ and St. Peter teach most earnestly and agreeably Obedience to Kings as to the chief and Supreme Rulers in this world next under God But the Bishop of Rome teacheth that they that are under him are free from all burdens and charges of the Commonwealth and Obedience toward their Prince most clearly against Christ's Doctrine and St. Peters He ought therefore rather to be called Antichrist and the Successor of the Scribes and Pharises than Christ's Vicar and St. Peter's Successor Seeing that not only in this point but also in other weighty matters of Christian Religion in matters of Remission and Forgiveness of Sins and of Salvation he teacheth so directly against both St. Peter and against our Saviour Christ who not only taught Obedience to Kings but also practised Obedience in their Conversation and Living For we read that they both paid Tribute to the King And also we read that the Holy Virgin Mary Matth. 17. Mother to our Saviour Christ and Joseph who was taken for his Father at the Emperor's Commandment went to the City of David Luke 2. named Bethlehem to be taxed among other and to declare their Obedience to the Magistrates for God's Ordinances sake And here let us not forget the blessed Virgin Maries Obedience For although she was highly in God's Favour and and Christs natural Mother and was also great with Child at the same time and so nigh her Travail that she was delivered in her journey yet she gladly without any excuse or grudging for Conscience sake did take that cold and foul Winter journey being in the mean season so poor that she lay in a Stable and there she was Delivered of Christ And according to the same Lo how St. Peter agreeth writing by express words in his first Epistle 1 Pet. 2. Submit your selves and be Subject saith he unto Kings as unto the chief heads and unto rulers as unto them that are sent of him for the punishment of evil-doors and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God I need not to expound these words they be so plain of themselves St. Peter doth not say Submit your selves unto me as Supreme Head of the Church Neither saith he Submit your selves from time to time to my Successors in Rome But he saith Submit your selves unto your King your Supreme Head and unto those that he appointeth in Authority under him for that you shall so shew your Obedience it is the Will of God God will that you be in subjection to your Head and King This is God's Ordinance God's Commandment and God's Will that the whole Body of every Realm and all the Members and Parts of the same shall be subject to their Head their King and that as St. Peter writeth for the Lords sake 1 Pet. 2. Rom. 13. Matth. 22. And as St. Paul writeth for conscience sake and not for fear only Thus we learn by the word of God to yield to our King that is due to our King That is Honour Obedience payments of due Taxes Customs Tributes Subsidies Love and Fear Rom. 13. Thus we know partly our bounden Duties to common Authority now let us learn to accomplish the same And let us most instantly and heartily pray to God the only Author of all Authority for all them that be in Authority according as St. Paul willeth writing thus to Timothy in his first Epistle 1 Tim. 2. I exhort therefore that above all things Prayers Supplications Intercessions and giving of Thanks be done for all Men for Kings and for all that be in Authority that we may live a quiet and a peaceable life with all godliness and Honesty For that is good and accepted or allowable in the sight of God our Saviour Here St. Paul maketh an earnest and an especial Exhortation concerning Giving of Thanks and Prayer for Kings and Rulers saying Above all things as he might say in any wise principally and chiefly let prayer be made for Kings Let us heartily thank God for his great and excellent Benefit and Providence concerning the state of Kings Let us pray for them that they may have God's Favour and God's Protection Let us pray that they may ever in all things have God before their Eyes Let us pray that they may have Wisdom Strength Justice Clemency and Zeal to God's Glory to God's Verity to Christian Souls and to the Commonwealth Let us pray that they may rightly use their Sword and Authority for the maintenance and defence of the Catholick Faith contained in Holy Scripture and of their good and honest Subjects for the fear and punishment of the evil and vicious People Let us pray that they may most faithfully follow the Kings and Captains in the Bible David Ezekias Josias and Moses with such other And let us pray for ourselves that we may live Godlily in Holy and Christian Conversation So shall we have God on our side and then let us not fear what Man can do against us So we shall live in true Obedience both to our most merciful King in Heaven and to our most Christian King on Earth So shall we please God and have the exceeding Benefit peace of Conscience rest and quietness here in this World and after this life we shall enjoy a better Life Rest Peace and the everlasting Bliss of Heaven which he grant us all that was obedient for us all even to the death of the Cross Jesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory both now and ever Amen A SERMON Against Whoredom and Vncleanness ALthough there want not good Christian People great swarms of Vices worthy to be rebuked unto such decay is true Godliness and Virtuous living now come Yet above other Vices the outragious Seas of Adultery or breaking of Wedlock Whoredom Fornication and Uncleanness have not only burst in but also overflowed almost the whole World unto the great dishonour of God the exceeding Infamy of the Name of Christ the notable decay of true Religion and the utter destruction of the publick Wealth and that so abundantly that through the customable use thereof this Vice is grown unto such an height that in a manner among many it is counted no sin at all but rather a pastime a
Godliness of Life nor by the Testimony of the whole World And shortly after in the same Treatise saith Saint Jerome Bishop Epiphanius was ever of so great Veneration and Estimation that Valens the Emperor who was a great Persecutor did not once touch him For Hereticks being Princes thought it their shame if they should persecute such a notable Man And in the Tripartite Ecclesiastical History the Ninth Book and Forty Eighth Chapter is testified That Epiphanius being yet alive did work Miracles and that after his Death Devils Lib. 9. c. 48. being expelled at his Grave or Tomb did roar Thus you see what Authority Saint Jerome and that most ancient History give unto the Holy and Learned Bishop Epiphanius whose judgment of Images in Churches and Temples then beginning by stealth to creep in is worthy to be noted First he judged it contrary to Christian Religion and the Authority of the Scriptures to have any Images in Christs Church Secondly he rejected not only Carved Graven and Molten Images but also painted Images out of Christs Church Thirdly that he regarded not whether it were the Image of Christ or of any other Saint but being an Image would not suffer it in the Church Fourthly that he did not only remove it out of the Church but with a vehement zeal tare it in sunder and exhorted that a Corse should be wrapped and buried in it judging it meet for nothing but to rot in the Earth following herein the Example of the good King Ezechias who brake the brasen Serpent to pieces and burned it to Ashes for that Idolatry was committed to it Last of all that Epiphanius thinketh it the duty of Vigilant Bishops to be careful that no Images be permitted in the Church for that they be occasion of scruple and offence to the people committed to their charge Now whereas neither S. Jerome who did translate the same Epistle nor the Authors of that most ancient History Ecclesiastical Tripartite who do most highly commend Epiphanius as is aforesaid nor any other godly or learned Bishop at that time or shortly after have written any thing against Epiphanius his Judgment concerning Images It is an evident proof that in those days which were about four hundred years after our Saviour Christ there were no Images publickly used and received in the Church of Christ which was then much less corrupt and more pure than now it is And whereas Images began at that time secretly and by stealth to creep out of private Mens Houses into the Churches and that first in painted Cloths and Walls such Bishops as were godly and vigilant when they spyed them removed them away as unlawful and contrary to Christian Religion as did here Epiphanius to whose Judgment you have not only Saint Jerome the Translator of his Epistle and the Writer of the History Tripartite but also all the learned and godly Clerks yea and the whole Church of that Age and so upward to our Saviour Christs time by the space of about four hundred years consenting and agreeing This is written the more largely of Epiphanius for that our Image-maintainers now adays seeing themselves so pressed with this most plain and earnest act and writing of Epiphanius a Bishop and Doctor of such Antiquity and Authority labour by all means but in vain against the Truth either to prove that this Epistle was neither of Epiphanius's Writing nor Saint Jerome's Translation Either if it be say they it is of no great force For this Epiphanius say they was a Jew and being converted to the Christian Faith and made a Bishop retained the hatred which Jews have to Images still in his mind and so did and wrote against them as a Jew rather than as a Christian O Jewish Impudency and Malice of such Devisers it should be proved and not said only that Epiphanius was a Jew Furthermore concerning the reason they make I would admit it gladly For if Epiphanius his Judgment against Images is not to be admitted for that he was born of a Jew an Enemy to Images which be Gods Enemies converted to Christs Religion then likewise followeth it that no Sentence in the Old Doctors and Fathers sounding for Images ought to be of any Authority for that in the Primitive Church the most part of Learned Writers as Tertullian Cyprian Ambrose Austin and infinite others more were of Gentiles which be Favourers and Worshippers of Images converted to the Christian Faith and so let somwhat slip out of their Pens sounding for Images rather as Gentiles than Christians as Eusebius in his History Ecclesiastical and Saint Jerome saith plainly That Images came first from the Gentiles to us Christians And much more doth it follow that the opinion of all the Rablement of the Popish Church maintaining Images ought to be esteemed of small or no Authority for that it is no marvel that they which have from their Childhood been brought up amongst Images and Idols and have drunk in Idolatry almost with their Mothers Milk hold with Images and Idols and speak and write for them But indeed it would not be so much marked whether he were of a Jew or a Gentile converted unto Christ's Religion that writeth as how agreeable or contrary to Gods word he doth write and so to credit or discredit him Now what Gods word saith of Idols and Images and the Worshipping of them you heard at large in the First part of this Homily Saint Ambrose in his Treatise of the Death of Theodosius the Emperor saith Helene found the Cross and the Title on it She Worshipped the King and not the Wood surely for that is an Heathenish Errour and the Vanity of the wicked but she Worshipped him that hanged on the Cross and whose Name was Written in the Title and so forth See both the godly Empress her fact and Saint Ambrose's Judgment at once They thought it had been an Heathenish Errour and Vanity of the Wicked to have Worshipped the Cross itself which was embrued with our Saviour Christs own precious Blood And we fall down before every Cross piece of Timber which is but an Image of that Cross Saint Augustine the best Learned of all ancient Doctors in his Forty fourth Epistle to Maximus saith Know thou that none of the Dead nor any thing that is made of God is Worshipped as God of the Catholick Christians of whom there is a Church also in your Town Note that by Saint Augustine such as Worshipped the Dead or Creatures be not Catholick Christians The same Saint Augustine teacheth in the Twelfth Book of the City of God the Tenth Chapter That neither Temples or Churches ought to be builded or made for Martyrs or Saints but to God alone And that there ought no Priests to be appointed for Martyr or Saint but to God only The same Saint Augustine in his Book of The Manners of the Catholick Church hath these words I know that many be Worshippers of Tombs and Pictures I know that there be
Neither had the Jews in their most blindness so many Pilgrimages unto Images nor used so much kneeling kissing and censing of them as hath been used in our time Sects and Religions amongst Christian Men. Sects and feigned Religions were neither the fortieth part so many among the Jews nor more superstitiously and ungodlily abused than of late days they have been among us Which Sects and Religions had so many hypocritical and feigned Works in their state of Religion as they arrogantly named it that their Lamps as they said ran always over able to satisfie not only for their own Sins but also for all other their Benefactors Brothers and Sisters of Religion as most ungodlily and craftily they had persuaded the multitude of ignorant People Keeping in divers places as it were Marts or Markets of Merits being full of their Holy Reliques Images Shrines and Works of overflowing abundance ready to be sold and all things which they had were called Holy Holy Cowls Holy Girdles Holy Pardons Beads Holy Shooes Holy Rules and all full of Holiness And what thing can be more foolish more superstitious or ungodly than that Men Women and Children should wear a Friers Coat to deliver them from Agues or Pestilence Or when they Dye or when they be Buried cause it to be cast upon them in hope thereby to be saved Which Superstition although Thanks be to God it hath been little used in this Realm yet in divers other Realms it hath been and yet is used among many both learned and unlearned But to pass over the innumerable Superstitiousness that hath been in strange Apparel in Silence in Dormitory in Cloister in Chapter in choice of meats and drinks and in such like things let us consider what enormities and abuses have been in the three chief principal points which they called the three Essentials or three chief Foundations of Religion that is to say Obedience Chastity and wilful Poverty First The three chief vows of Religion under pretence or colour of Obedience to their Father in Religion which Obedience they made themselves they were made free by their Rule and Canons from the Obedience of their natural Father and Mother and from the Obedience of Emperor and King and all temporal Power whom of very Duty by God's Laws they were bound to obey And so the profession of their Obedience not due was a forsaking of their due Obedience And how their profession of Chastity was kept it is more honesty to pass over in silence and let the World judge of that which is well known than with unchaste Words by expressing of their unchaste Life to offend Chaste and Godly Ears And as for their wilful Poverty it was such that when in Possessions Jewels Plate and Riches they were equal or above Merchants Gentlemen Barons Earls and Dukes Yet by this subtil sophistical term Proprium in commune that is to say Proper in common they mocked the World persuading that notwithstanding all their Possessions and Riches yet they kept their Vow and were in wilful Poverty But for all their Riches they might neither help Father or Mother nor other that were indeed very needy and poor without the Licence of their Father Abbot Prior or Warden and yet they might take of every Man but they might not give ought to any Man no not to them whom the Laws of God bound them to help And so through their Traditions and Rules the Laws of God could bear no rule with them And therefore of them might be most truly said that which Christ spake unto the Pharises Matth. 15. You break the Commandments of God by your Traditions You honour God with your lips but your hearts be far from him And the longer Prayers they used by day and by night under pretence or colour of such Holiness to get the favour of Widows and other simple folks that they might sing Trentals and Service for their Husbands and Friends and admit or receive them into their Prayers The more truly is verified of them the Saying of Christ Matth. 23. Wo be unto you Scribes and Pharises Hypocrites for you devour Widows houses under colour of long Prayers therefore your damnation shall be the greater Woe be to you Scribes and Pharises Hypocrites for you go about by Sea and by Land to make more Novices and new Brethren and when they be let in or received of your Sect you make them the children of Hell worse than yourselves be Honour be to God who did put light in the Heart of his faithful and true Minister of most famous Memory King Henry the 8th and gave him the knowledge of his Word and an earnest affection to seek his Glory and to put away all such Superstitions and Pharisaical Sects by Antichrist invented and set up against the true Word of God and Glory of his most Blessed Name as he gave the like Spirit unto the most Noble and Famous Princes Josaphat Josias and Ezechias God grant all us the King's Highness faithful and true Subjects to feed of the sweet and savory Bread of God's own Word and as Christ commanded to eschew all our Pharisaical and Papistical Leaven of Man's feigned Religion Which although it were before God most abominable and contrary to God's Commandments and Christ's pure Religion yet it was praised to be a most Godly life and highest state of perfection As though a Man might be more Godly and more perfect by keeping the Rules Other Devices and Superstitious Traditions and Professions of Men than by keeping the Holy Commandments of God And briefly to pass over the ungodly and counterfeit Religion let us rehearse some other kinds of Papistical Superstitions and Abuses as of Beads of Lady Psalters and Rosaries of fifteen Oes of St. Bernard's Verses of St. Agathe's Letters of Purgatory of Masses satisfactory of Stations and Jubilees of feigned Reliques of hallowed Beads Bells Bread Water Psalms Candles Fire and such other Of Superstitious Fastings of Fraternities or Brotherhoods of Pardons with such like Merchandise which were so esteemed and abused to the great prejudice of God's Glory and Commandments that they were made most High and most Holy things whereby to attain to the everlasting Life or remission of Sin Yea also vain Inventions unfruitful Ceremonies and ungodly Laws Decrees Decrees and Decretals and Councils of Rome were in such wise advanced that nothing was thought comparable in Authority Wisdom Learning and Godliness unto them So that the Laws of Rome as they said were to be received of all Men as the four Evangelists to the which all Laws of Princes must give place And the Laws of God also partly were left off and less esteemed that the said Laws Decrees and Councils with their Traditions and Ceremonies might be more duly kept and had in greater reverence Thus was the People through ignorance so blinded with the Godly shew and appearance of those things that they thought the keeping of them to be a more Holiness
of the First Part was promised that this Truth and Doctrine concerning the forbidding of Images and Worshipping of them taken out of the Holy Scriptures as well of the Old Testament as the New was believed and taught of the old Holy Fathers and most ancient Learned Doctors and received in the Old Primitive Church which was most uncorrupt and pure And this Declaration shall be made out of the said Holy Doctors own Writings and out of the ancient Histories Ecclesiastical to the same belonging Tertullian a most ancient Writer and Doctor of the Church who lived about One Hundred and Threescore years after the Death of our Saviour Christ both in sundry other places of his Works and specially in his Book Written against The manner of Crowning Lib. contra coronandi morem and in another little Treatise Entituled Of the Souldiers Crown or Garland doth most sharply and vehemently write and inveigh against Images or Idols And upon Saint John's words the First Epistle and Fifth Chapter saith thus Saint John saith he deeply considering the matter saith My little Children 1 John 5. keep yourselves from Images or Idols He saith not now keep yourselves from Idolatry as it were from the Service and Worshipping of them But from the Images or Idols themselves that is from the very shape and likeness of them For it were an unworthy thing that the Image of the living God should become the Image of a dead Idol Do you not think those Persons which place Images and Idols in Churches and Temples yea shrine them even over the Lords Table even as it were of purpose to the Worshipping and Honouring of them take good heed either to Saint John's Counsel or Tertullian's For so to place Images and Idols is it to keep themselves from them or else to receive and embrace them Origen in his Book against Celsus saith thus Christian Men and Jews when they hear these words of the Law Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and shalt not make any Image do not only abhor the Temples Altars and Images of the Gods but if need be will rather die than they should defile themselves with any impiety And shortly after he saith In the Common-Wealth of the Jews the Carver of Idols and Image-maker was cast far off and forbidden lest they should have any occasion to make Images which might pluck certain foolish Persons from God and turn the Eyes of their Souls to the Contemplation of Earthly Things And in another place of the same Book It is not only saith he a Mad and Frantick part to Worship Images but also once to dissemble or wink at it And a Man may know God and his only Son and those which have had such Honour given them by God that they be called Gods But it is not possible that any should by Worshipping of Images get any knowledge of God Athanasius in his Book against the Gentiles hath these Words Let them tell I pray you how God may be known by an Image If it be by the matter of an Image then there needeth no shape or form seeing that God hath appeared in all material Creatures which do testifie his Glory Now if they say he is known by the form or fashion Is he not better to be known by the living things themselves whose fashions the Images express For of surety the glory of God should be more evidently known if it were declared by reasonable and living Creatures rather than by dead and unmoveable Images Therefore when ye do Grave or Paint Images to the end to know God thereby surely ye do an unworthy and unfit thing And in another place of the same Book he saith The invention of Images came of no good but of evil and whatsoever hath an evil beginning can never in any thing be judged good seeing it is altogether naught Thus far Athanasius a very Ancient Holy and Learned Bishop and Doctor who judgeth both the first beginning and the end and altogether of Images or Idols to be naught Laclantius likewise an Old and Learned Writer in his Book of The Original of E rour hath these words God is above Man and is not placed beneath but is to be sought in the highest Region Wherefore there is no doubt but that no Religion is in that place wheresoever any Image is For if Religion stand in godly things and there is no godliness but in heavenly things then be Images without Religion Lib. 2. c. 16. These be Lactantius his words who was above Thirteen Hundred years ago and within Three Hundred years after our Saviour Christ Cyrillus an Old and Holy Doctor upon the Gospel of Saint John hath these words Many have left the Creator and have Worshipped the Creature neither have they been abashed to say unto a Stock Thou art my Father and to a Stone Thou begottest me For many yea almost all alas for Sorrow are fallen unto such folly that they have given the Glory of Deity or Godhead to things without Sense or Feeling Epiphanius Bishop of Salamine in Cyprus a very Holy and Learned Man who lived in Theodosius the Emperors time about Three Hundred and Ninety years after our Saviour Christs Ascension writeth thus to John Patriarch of Jerusalem I entred saith Epiphanius into a certain Church to pray I found there a Linen Cloth hanging in the Church Door Painted and having in it the Image of Christ as it were or of some other Saint for I remember not well whose Image it was therefore when I did see the Image of a Man hanging in the Church of Christ contrary to the Authority of the S●●●ptures I did tear it and gave Counsel to the 〈◊〉 of the Church that they should wind a 〈…〉 ●hat was Dead in the said Cloth and 〈…〉 And 〈…〉 same Epiphanius sending another 〈…〉 for that Painted one which 〈◊〉 ●ad 〈…〉 said Patriarch writeth thus I pray you 〈…〉 Elders of that place to receive this Cloth which 〈…〉 sent by this bearer and Command them 〈◊〉 from henceforth no such Painted Cloths contrary to our Religion be hanged in the Church of Christ For it becometh your goodness rather to have this care that you take away such scrupulosity which is unfitting for the Church of Christ and offensive to the People committed to your charge And this Epistle as Worthy to be Read of many did Saint Jerome himself Translate into the Latin Tongue And that ye may know that Saint Jerome had this Holy and Learned Bishop Epiphanius in most high Estimation and therefore did Translate this Epistle as a Writing of Authority hear what a Testimony the said Saint Jerome giveth him in another place in his Treatise against the Errours of John Bishop of Jerusalem where he hath these words All notable Bishops were then called Popes Thou hast saith Saint Jerome Pope Epiphanius which doth openly in his Letters call thee an Heretick Surely thou art not to be preferred before him neither for Age nor Learning nor
Serenus his Judgment thinking it meet that Images whereunto Idolatry was committed should be destroyed had taken place Idolatry had been overthrown For to that which is not no Man committeth Idolatry But of Gregory's Opinion thinking that Images might be suffered in Churches so it were taught that they should not be worshipped What ruine of Religion and what mischief ensued afterward to all Christendom Experience hath to our great hurt and sorrow proved First By the Schism rising between the East and the West Church about the said Images Next By the Division of the Empire into two parts by the same occasion of Images to the great weakening of all Christendom whereby last of all hath followed the utter overthrow of the Christian Religion and Noble Empire in Greece and all the East parts of the World and the increase of Mahomet's false Religion and the cruel Dominion and Tyranny of the Saracens and Turks who do now hang over our Necks also that dwell in the West parts of the World ready at all occasions to over-run us And all this do we owe unto our Idols and Images and our Idolatry in worshipping of them Eutrop. lib. de rebus Ro. 23. But now give you ear a little to the process of the History wherein I do much follow the Histories of Paulus Diaconus and others joyned with Eutropius an old Writer For though some of the Authors were Favourers of Images yet do they most plainly and at large prosecute the Histories of those times Platina in vitis Constantini Greg. 2. whom Baptist Platina also in his History of Popes as in the Lives of Constantine and Gregory the second Bishops of Rome and other places where he treateth of this matter doth chiefly follow After Gregory's time Constantine Bishop of Rome assembled a Council of Bishops in the West Church and did condemn Philippicus then Emperor and John Bishop of Constantinople of the Heresie of the Monothelites not without a cause indeed but very justly When he had so done by the consent of the learned about him the said Constantine Bishop of Rome caused the Images of the ancient Fathers which had been at those six Councils which were allowed and received of all Men to be painted in the entry of Saint Peter's Church at Rome When the Greeks had knowledge hereof they began to dispute and reason the matter of Images with the Latins and held this Opinion That Images could have no place in Christs Church and the Latins held the contrary and took part with the Images So the East and West Churches which agreed well before upon this contention about Images fell to utter enmity which was never well reconciled yet But in the mean season Philippicus and Arthemius or Anastasius Emperors commanded Images and Pictures to be pulled down and rased out in every place of their Dominion After them came Theodosius the Third he commanded the defaced Images to be painted again in their places But this Theodosius reigned but one year Leo the third of that Name succeeded him who was a Syrian born a very wise godly merciful and valiant Prince This Leo by Proclamation commanded That all Images set up in Churches to be worshipped should be plucked down and defaced And required specially the Bishop of Rome that he should do the same and himself in the mean season caused all Images that were in the Imperial City Constantinople to be gathered on an heap in the midst of the City and there publickly burned them to ashes and whited over and rased out all Pictures painted upon the Walls of the Temples and punished sharply divers maintainers of Images And when some did therefore report him to be a Tyrant he answered That such of all other were most justly punished who neither Worshipped God aright nor regarded the Imperial Majesty and Authority but maliciously rebelled against wholsom and profitable Laws When Gregorius the Third of that Name Bishop of Rome heard of the Emperors doings in Greece concerning the Images he assembled a Council of Italian Bishops against him and there made Decrees for Images and that more Reverence and Honour should yet be given to them than was before and stirred up the Italians against the Emperor first at Ravenna and moved them to Rebellion Treason and Rebellion for the defence of Images And as Vspurgensis and Anthonius Bishops of Florence testifie in their Chronicles he caused Rome and all Italy at the least to refuse Obedience and the payment of any more Tribute to the Emperor And so by Treason and Rebellion maintained their Idolatry Which Example other Bishops of Rome have continually followed and gone through withal most stoutly After this Leo who Reigned Thirty four years succeeded his Son Constantine the Fifth who after his Fathers example kept Images out of the Temples and being moved with the Council which Gregory had assembled in Italy for Images against his Father He also assembled a Council of all the Learned Men and Bishops of Asia and Greece although some Writers place this Council in Leo Isauricus A Council against Images his Fathers later days In this great Assembly they sate in Council from the Fourth of the Idus of February to the sixth of the Idus of August and made concerning the use of Images this Decree It is not lawful for them that believe in God through Jesus Christ to have any Images neither of the Creator nor of any Creatures set up in Temples to be Worshipped but rather that all things by the Law of God and for the avoiding of Offence ought to be taken out of the Churches And this Decree was executed in all places where any Images were found in Asia or Greece And the Emperor sent the Determination of this Council holden at Constantinople to Paul then Bishop of Rome and commanded him to cast all Images out of the Churches Which he trusting in the Friendship of Pipine a Mighty Prince refused to do And both he and his Successor Stephanus the Third who assembled another Council in Italy for Images condemned the Emperor and the Council of Constantinople of Heresie and made a Decree That the Holy Images for so they called them of Christ the Blessed Virgin and other Saints were indeed worthy Honour and Worshipping When Constantine was dead Leo the Fourth his Son Reigned after him who Married a Woman of the City of Athens named Theodora who also was called Irene Or Eirene by whom he had a Son named Constantine the Sixth and dying whilst his Son was yet young left the Regiment of the Empire and Governance of his young Son to his Wife Irene These things were done in the Church about the year of our Lord 760. Note here I pray you in this process of the Story that in the Churches of Asia and Greece there were no Images publickly by the space of almost Seven Hundred years And there is no doubt but the Primitive Church next the Apostles time was most pure Note also
that when the Contention began about Images how of Six Christian Emperors who were the chief Magistrates by Gods Law to be obeyed only one which was Theodosius who Reigned but one year held with Images All the other Emperors and all the Learned Men and Bishops of the East Church and that in assembled Councils condemned them besides the two Emperors before mentioned Valens and Theodosius the Second who were long before these times who strictly forbad that any Images should be made And universally after this time all the Emperors of Greece only Theodosius excepted destroyed continually all Images Now on the contrary part note ye that the Bishops of Rome being no ordinary Magistrates appointed of God out of their Diocess but Usurpers of Princes Authority contrary to Gods Word were the Maintainers of Images against Gods Word and Stirrers up of Sedition and Rebellion and Workers of continual Treason against their Sovereign Lords contrary to Gods Law and the Ordinances of all Human Laws being not only Enemies to God but also Rebels and Traytors against their Princes These be the first bringers in of Images openly into Churches These be the maintainers of them in the Churches and these be the means whereby they have maintained them To wit Conspiracy Treason and Rebellion against God and their Princes Now to proceed in the History most worthy to be known In the Nonage of Constantine the Sixth the Empress Irene his Mother in whose Hands the Regiment of the Empire remained was governed much by the advice of Theodore Bishop and Tharasius Patriarch of Constantinople who practised and held with the Bishop of Rome in maintaining of Images most earnestly By whose Counsel and intreaty the Empress first most wickedly digged up the Body of her Father in Law Constantine the Fifth and commanded it to be openly burned and the Ashes to be thrown into the Sea Which Example as the constant report goeth had like to have been put in practice with Princes Corses in our days had the Authority of the Holy Father continued but a little longer The cause why the Empress Irene thus used her Father in Law was for that he when he was alive had destroyed Images and had taken away the sumptuous Ornaments of Churches saying That Christ whose Temples they were allowed Poverty and not Pearls and precious Stones Afterward the said Irene at the persuasion of Adrian Bishop of Rome and Paul the Patriarch of Constantinople and his Successor Tharasius assembled a Council of the Bishops of Asia and Greece at the City Nicea where the Bishop of Rome's Legates being Presidents of the Council and ordering all things as they listed the Council which was assembled before under the Emperor Constantine the Fifth and had decreed that all Images should be destroyed was Condemned as an Heretical Council and Assembly And a Decree was made That Images should be put up in all the Churches of Greece and that Honour and Worship also should be given unto the said Images And so the Empress sparing no diligence in setting up of Images A Decree that Images should be Worshipped nor cost in decking them in all Churches made Constantinople within a short time altogether like Rome itself And now you may see that come to pass which Bishop Serenus feared and Gregory the First forbad in vain to wit that Images should in no wise be Worshipped For now not only the Simple and Unwise unto whom Images as the Scriptures teach be specially a snare but the Bishops and Learned Men also fall to Idolatry by occasion of Images yea and make Decrees and Laws for the maintenance of the same So hard is it and indeed impossible any long time to have Images publickly in Churches and Temples without Idolatry as by the space of little more than One Hundred years betwixt Gregory the First forbidding most strictly the Worshipping of Images and Gregory the Third Paul and Leo the Third Bishops of Rome with this Council Commanding and Decreeing that Images should be Worshipped most evidently appeareth Now when Constantine the young Emperor came to the Age of Twenty years he was daily in less and less estimation For such as were about his Mother persuaded her that it was Gods Determination that she should Reign alone and not her Son with her The Ambitious Woman believing the same deprived her Son of all Imperial Dignity and compelled all the Men of War with their Captains to Swear to her that they would not suffer her Son Constantine to Reign during her Life With which Indignity the young Prince being moved recovered the Regimen of the Empire unto himself by force and being brought up in true Religion in his Father's time seeing the Superstition of his Mother Irene and the Idolatry committed by Images cast down brake and burned all the Idols and Images that his Mother had set up But within a few years after Irene the Empress taken again into her Son's Favour after she had persuaded him to put out Nicephorus his Uncle's Eyes and to cut out the Tongues of his four other Uncles and to forsake his Wife and by such means to bring him into hatred with all his Subjects now further to declare that she was no Changeling but the same Woman that had before digged up and burned her Father-in-Law's Body and that she would be as natural a Mother as she had been a kind Daughter seeing the Images which she loved so well and had with so great cost set up daily destroyed by her own Son the Emperor by the help of certain good Companions deprived her Son of the Empire And first like a kind and loving Mother put out both his Eyes and laid him in Prison where after long and many Torments she at the last most cruelly slew him In this History joined to Eutropius it is written That the Sun was darkned by the space of xvij days most strangely and dreadfully and that all Men said that for the horribleness of that cruel and unnatural Fact of Irene and the putting out of the Emperor's Eyes the Sun had lost his light But indeed God would signifie by the darkness of the Sun into what darkness and blindness of Ignorance and Idolatry Christendom should fall by the occasion of Images The bright Sun of his eternal Truth and light of his Holy Word by the mists and black Clouds of Mens Traditions being blemished and darkned as by sundry most terrible Earthquakes that happened about the same time God signified that the quiet estate of true Religion should by such Idolatry be most horribly tossed and turmoiled And here may you see what a gracious and virtuous Lady this Irene was how loving a Neece to her Husband's Uncles how kind a Mother-in-Law to her Son's Wife how loving a Daughter to her Father-in-Law how natural a Mother to her own Son and what a stout and valiant Captain the Bishops of Rome had of her for the setting up and maintenance of their Idols or Images Surely they could
not have found a meeter Patron for the maintenance of such a matter than this Irene whose Ambition and desire of Rule was insatiable whose Treason continually studied and wrought was most abominable whose wicked and unnatural cruelty passed M●dea and Progne whose detestable Parricides have ministred matter to Poets to write their horrible Tragedies And yet certain Historiographers who do put in writing all these her horrible Wickednesses for love they had to Images which she maintained do praise her as a Godly Empress and as sent from God Such is the blindness of false Superstition if it once take Possession in a Man's Mind that it will both declare the Vices of wicked Princes and also commend them But not long after the said Irene being suspected to the Princes and Lords of Greece of Treason in alienating the Empire to Charles King of the Francons and for practising a secret Marriage between herself and the said King and being convicted of the same was by the said Lords deposed and deprived again of the Empire and carried into exile into the Island Lesbos where she ended her lewd Life While these Tragedies about Images were thus working in Greece Another Council against Images the same question of the use of Images in Churches began to be moved in Spain also And at Eliberi a notable City now called Granate was a Council of Spanish Bishops and other learned Men assembled and there after long deliberation and debating of the matter it was concluded at length by the whole Council after this sort in the 36. Article Doctors of the Council against Images We think that Pictures ought not to be in Churches lest that which is honored or worshipped be painted on Walls And in the xlj Canon of that Council it is thus writtten We thought good to admonish the faithful that as much as in them lyeth they suffer no Images to be in their Houses but if they fear any violence of their Servants at the least let them keep themselves clean and pure from Images if they do not so let them be accounted as none of the Church Note here I pray you how a whole and great Country in the West and South Parts of Europe nearer to Rome a great deal than to Greece in scituation of place do agree with the Greeks against Images and do not only forbid them in Churches but also in private Houses and do excommunicate them that do the contrary Yet another Council against-Images And another Council of the learned Men of all Spain also called Concilium Toletanum Duodecimum decreed and determined likewise against Images and Image-worshippers But when these Decrees of the Spanish Council at Eliberi came to the knowledg of the Bishop of Rome and his Adherents they fearing lest all Germany also would decree against Images and forsake them thought to prevent the matter and by the consent and help of the Prince of Francons whose Power was then most great in the West Parts of the World assembled a Council of Germans at Frankford and there procured the Spanish Council against Images aforementioned to be condemned by the Name of the Foelician Heresie for that Foelix Bishop of Aquitania was chief in that Council and obtained that the Acts of the second Nicone Council assembled by Irene the holy Empress whom ye heard of before and the sentence of the Bishop of Rome for Images might be received For much after this sort do the Papists report of the History of the Council of Frankford Notwithstanding the Book of Carolus Magnus his own writing as the Title sheweth which is now put in print and commonly in Mens hands sheweth the Judgment of that Prince and of the whole Council of Frankford also to be against Images and against the second Council of Nice assembled by Irene for Images and calleth it an arrogant foolish and ungodly Council and declareth the assembly of the Council of Frankford to have been directly made and gathered against the Nicene Council and the errors of the same So that it must needs follow that either there were in one Princes time two Councils assembled at Frankford one contrary to the other which by no History doth appear or else that after their custom the Popes and Papists have most shamefully corrupted the Council as their manner is to handle not only Councils but also all Histories and Writings of the old Doctors falsifying and corrupting them for the maintenance of their wicked and ungodly purposes as hath in times of late come to light and doth in our days more and more continually appear most evidently Let the forged gift of Constantine The forged gift of Constantine c. and the notable attempt to falsify the first Nicene Council for the Pope's Supremacy practised by Popes in St. Augustine's time be a Witness hereof Which practice indeed had then taken effect had not the diligence and wisdom of St. Augustine and other learned and godly Bishops in Afric by their great labour and charges also resisted and stopped the same Nicene Council like to be falsified Now to come towards an end of this History and to shew you the principal point that came to pass by the maintenance of Images Whereas from Constantinus Magnus time until this day all Authority Imperial and princely Dominion of the Empire of Rome remained continually in the right and Possession of the Emperors who had their continuance and Seat Imperial at Constantinople the City Royal. Leo the Third then Bishop of Rome seeing the Greek Emperors so bent against his Gods of Gold and Silver Timber and Stone and having the King of the Francons or French-Men named Charles whose Power was exceeding great in the West-Countries very applyable to his mind for causes hereafter appearing under the pretence that they of Constantinople were for that matter of Images under the Pope's Ban and Curse and therefore unworthy to be Emperors or to bear Rule and for that the Emperors of Greece being far off were not ready at a beck to defend the Pope against the Lombards his enemies and others with whom he had variance This Leo the Third I say attempted a thing exceeding strange and unheard of before and of incredible boldness and presumption For he by his Papal Authority doth translate the Government of the Empire and the Crown and name Imperial from the Greeks and giveth it unto Charles the Great King of the Francons not without the consent of the forenamed Irene Empress of Greece who also sought to be joined in Marriage with the said Charles These things were done about the 803 year of our Lord. For the which cause the said Irene was by the Lords of Greece deposed and banished as one that had betrayed the Empire as ye before have heard And the said Princes of Greece did after the deprivation of the said Irene by common consent elect and create as they always had done an Emperor named Nicephorus whom the Bishop of Rome and they
of the West would not acknowledg for their Emperor for they had already created them another And so there became two Emperors And the Empire which was before one was divided into two Parts upon occasion of Idols and Images and the worshipping of them Even as the Kingdom of the Israelites was in old time for the like cause of Idolatry divided in King Rehoboham's time And so the Bishop of Rome having the Favour of Charles the Great by this means assured to him was wondrously enhanced in Power and Authority and did in all the West Church especially in Italy what he list where Images were set up garnished and worshipped of all sorts of Men But Images were not so fast set up and so much honoured in Italy and the West but Nicephorus Emperor of Constantinople and his Successors Scauratius the two Michaels Leo Or Staurtius Theophorus and other Emperors their Successors in the Empire of Greece continually pulled them down brake them burned them and destroyed them as fast And when Theodorus the Emperor would at the Council of Lyons have agreed with the Bishop of Rome and have set up Images He was by the Nobles of the Empire of Greece deprived and another chosen in his place and so rose a jealousie suspicion grudge hatred and enmity between the Christians and Empires of the East Countries and West which could never be quenched nor pacified So that when the Sarazens first and afterward the Turks invaded the Christians the one part of Christendom would not help the other By reason whereof at the last the Noble Empire of Greece and the City Imperial Constantinople was lost and is come into the hands of the Infidels who now have overrun almost all Christendom and possessing past the middle of Hungary which is part of the West Empire do hang over all our heads to the utter danger of all Christendom Thus we see what a sea of mischiefs the maintenance of Images hath brought with it what an horrible Schism between the East and the West Church what an hatred between one Christian and another Councils agaist Councils Church against Church Christians against Christians Princes against Princes Rebellions Treasons unnatural and most cruel Murders the Daughter digging up and burning her Father the Emperor's Body the Mother for love of Idols most abominably murthering of her own Son being an Emperor at the last the tearing in sunder of Christendom and the Empire into two pieces till the Infidels Sarazens and Turks common Enemies to both parts have most cruelly vanquished destroyed and subdued the one part the whole Empire of Greece Asia the less Thracia Macedonia Epirus and many other great and goodly Countries and Provinces and have won a great piece of the other Empire and put the whole in dreadful fear and most horrible danger For it is not without a just and great cause to be dreaded lest as the Empire of Rome was even for the like cause of Images and the worshipping of them torn in pieces and divided as was for Idolatry the Kingdom of Israel in old time divided so like punishment as for the like offence fell upon the Jews will also light upon us that is lest the cruel Tyrant and Enemy of our Commonwealth and Religion the Turk by God's just vengeance should likewise partly Murder and partly lead away into Captivity us Christians as did the Assyrian and Babylonian Kings Murder and lead away the Israelites and lest the Empire of Rome and Christian Religion be so utte●ly brought under foot as was then the Kingdom of Israel and true Religion of God whereunto the matter already as I have declared shrewdly inclineth on our part the greater part of Christendom within less than three hundred years space being brought into Captivity and most miserable thraldom under the Turk and the Noble Empire of Greece clean everted Whereas if the Christians divided by these Image matters had holden together no Infidels and Miscreants could thus have prevailed against Christendom And all this mischief and misery which we have hitherto fallen into do we owe to our mighty gods of Gold and Silver Stock and Stone in whose help and defence where they cannot help themselves we have trusted so long until our enemies the Infidels have overcome and overrun us almost altogether A just reward for those that have left the mighty living God the Lord of Hosts and have stooped and given the Honour due to him to dead blocks and stocks who have Eies and see not Feet and cannot go and so forth and are cursed of God and all they that make them and that put their trust in them Thus you understand well-beloved in our Saviour Christ by the judgment of the old Learned and Godly Doctors of the Church and by ancient Histories Ecclesiastical agreeing to the verity of God's Word alledged out of the Old Testament and the New that Images and Image-worshipping were in the Primitive Church which was most pure and uncorrupt abhorred and detested as abominable and contrary to true Christian Religion And that when Images began to creep into the Church they were not only spoken and written against by Godly and Learned Bishops Doctors and Clerks but also condemned by whole Councils of Bishops and learned Men assembled together yea the said Images by many Christian Emperors and Bishops were defaced broken and destroyed and that above seven hundred and eight hundred years ago and that therefore it is not of late days as some would bear you in hand that Images and Image-worshipping have been spoken and written against Finally you have heard what mischief and misery hath by the occasion of the said Images fallen upon whole Christendom besides the loss of infinite Souls which is most horrible of all Wherefore let us beseech God that we being warned by his Holy Word forbidding all Idolatry and by the Writing of old Godly Doctors and Ecclesiastical Histories written and preserved by God's Ordinance for our admonition and warning may flee from all Idolatry and so escape the horrible punishment and plagues as well worldly as everlasting threatned for the same which God our Heavenly Father Grant us for our only Saviour and Mediator Jesus Christ's sake Amen The Third Part of the Homily against Images and the worshipping of them containing the confutation of the principal Arguments which are used to be made for the maintenance of Images Which part may serve to instruct the Curates themselves or Men of good understanding NOw ye have heard how plainly how vehemently and that in many places the Word of God speaketh against not only Idolatry and worshipping of Images but also against Idols and Images themselves I mean always thus herein in that we be stirred and provoked by them to worship them and not as though they were simply forbidden by the New Testament without such occasion and danger And ye have heard likewise out of Histories Ecclesiastical the beginning proceeding and success of Idolatry by Images and the
and the warnings and remedies hard to know or come by if the stumbling-blocks lie continually in the way and poison be ready at hand every where and warnings and remedies but seldom given and if all men be more ready of themselves to stumble and be offended than to be warned all men more ready to drink of the poison than to taste of the remedy as is before partly and shall hereafter more fully be declared and so in fine the poison continually and deeply drunk of many the remedy seldom and faintly tasted of by a few How can it be but that infinite of the weak and infirm shall be offended infinite by ruine shall break their necks infinite by deadly venom be poisoned in their souls And how is the charity of God or love of our Neighbours in our hearts then if when we may remove such dangerous stumbling-blocks such pestilent poisons we will not remove them What shall I say of them which will lay stumbling-blocks where before there was none and set snares for the feet nay for the souls of weak and simple ones and work the danger of their everlasting destruction for whom our Saviour Christ shed his most precious Blood where better it were that the Arts of Painting Plaistering Carving Graving and Founding had never been found nor used than one of them whose souls in the sight of God are so precious should by occasion of Image or Picture perish and be lost And thus is it declared that preaching cannot possibly stay Idolatry if Images be set up publickly in Temples and Churches And as true is it that no other remedy as writing against Idolatry Councils assembled Decrees made against it severe Laws likewise and Proclamations of Princes and Emperours neither extream Punishments and Penalties nor any other remedy could or can be possibly devised for the avoiding of Idolatry if Images be publickly set up and suffered For concerning writing against Images and Idolatry to them committed there hath been alledged unto you in the Second Part of this Treatise a great many places out of Tertullian Origen Lactantius S. Augustine Epiphanius S. Ambrose Clemens and divers other learned and holy Bishops and Doctors of the Church And besides these all Histories Ecclesiastical and Books of other godly and learned Bishops and Doctors are full of notable examples and sentences against Images and the worshipping of them And as they have most earnestly written so did they sincerely and most diligently in their time teach and preach according to their writings and examples For they were then preaching Bishops and more often seen in Pulpits than in Princes Palaces more often occupied in his Legacy who said Go ye into the whole world and preach the Gospel to all men than in Embassages and Affairs of Princes in this World And as they were most zealous and diligent so were they of excellent learning and godliness of life and by both of great Authority and Credit with the People and so of more force and likelihood to perswade the People and the People more like to believe and follow their Doctrine But if their Preachings could not help much less could their Writings which do but come to the knowledge of a few that be learned in comparison to continual Preaching whereof the whole multitude is partaker Neither did the Old Fathers Bishops and Doctors severally only by Preaching and Writing but also together great numbers of them assembled in Synods and Councils make Decrees and Ecclesiastical Laws against Images and the worshipping of them neither did they so once or twice but divers times and in divers Ages and Countries assembled Synods and Councils and made severe Decrees against Images and worshipping of them as hath been at large in the Second Part of this Homily before declared But all their Writing Preaching assembling in Councils decreeing and making of Laws Ecclesiastical could nothing help either to pull down Images to whom Idolatry was committed or against Idolatry whilst Images stood For those blind Books and dumb School-masters I mean Images and Idols for they call them Lay-mens Books and School-masters by their carved and painted Writings teaching and preaching Idolatry prevailed against all their written Books and preaching with lively voice as they call it Well if Preaching and Writing could not keep men from worshipping of Images and Idolatry if Pen and Words could not do it you would think that Penalty and Sword might do it I mean that Princes by severe Laws and Punishments might stay this unbridled affection of all men to Idolatry though Images were set up and suffered But experience proveth that this can no more help against Idolatry than Writing and Preaching For Christian Emperors whose Authority ought of reason and by Gods Law to be greatest above eight in number and six of them successively reigning one after another as is in the Histories before rehearsed making most severe Laws and Proclamations against Idols and Idolatry Images and the worshipping of Images and executing most grievous punishments yea the penalty of Death upon the maintainers of Images and upon Idolaters and Image-worshippers could not bring to pass that either Images once set up might throughly be destroyed or that men should refrain from the worshipping of them being set up And what think you then will come to pass if men of learning should teach the People to make them and should maintain the setting up of them as things necessary in Religion To conclude it appeareth evidently by all stories and writings and experience in times past that neither Preaching neither Writing neither the consent of the Learned nor authority of the Godly nor the decrees of Councils neither the Laws of Princes nor extream punishments of the Offenders in that behalf nor any other remedy or means can help against Idolatry if Images be suffered publickly And it is truly said that times past are School-masters of Wisdom to us that follow and live after Therefore if in times past the most vertuous and best learned the most diligent also and in number almost infinite ancient Fathers Bishops and Doctors with their Writing Preaching Industry Earnestness Authority Assemblies and Councils could do nothing against Images and Idolatry to Images once set up what can we neither in learning nor holiness of life neither in diligence neither in authority to be compared with them but men in contempt and of no estimation as the World goeth now few also in number in so great a multitude and malice of men What can we do I say or bring to pass to the stay of Idolatry or worshipping of Images if they be allowed to stand publickly in Temp●es and Churches And if so many so mighty Emperors by so severe Laws and Proclamations so rigorous and extream Punishments and Executions could not stay the People from setting up and worshipping of Images what will ensue think you when men shall commend them as necessary Books of the Lay-men Let us therefore of these latter days learn this Lesson