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A22472 The neuu couenant, or, A treatise of the sacraments whereby the last testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, through the shedding of his pure and precious blood, is ratified and applyed vnto the conscience of euery true beleeuer : diuided into three bookes [brace] 1. Of the sacraments in generall, 2. Of baptisme, 3. Of the Lords Supper : verie necessarie and profitable for these times, wherein we may behold the [brace] truth it selfe plainly prooued, doctrine of the reformed churches clearely maintained, errors of the Church of Rome soundly conuinced, right maner of the receiuing of the[m] comfortably declared, and sundry doubts and difficult questions decided / by William Attersoll ... Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1614 (1614) STC 889.5; STC 896_INCORRECT; ESTC S120393 495,931 616

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amight yet all their adoration is made at hap-hazard so that we may say to them as Christ doth of the Samaritans Ioh. 4. Ye worship that which ye know not For seeing their worship to make it warrantable must be ioyned with an if If it be Christ it maketh them alwayes in doubt and where doubting is there is no faith and where no faith is there is sinne as wee noted before according to the doctrine of the Apostle Iames Aske in faith and wauer not The second shift is set abroach by Bellarmine which we touched before that it sufficeth if he intend to make no more then that which the Church maketh to draw out the Spiders web as long and large as he can he saith It is not needefull for the Priest to doe that which the Church of Rome doth but it shall suffice if his intention be to do that which the Church of Geneua doth But this is a poore beggerly shift that cannot helpe him both because he will haue it to suffice to worke this strange feate of transubstantiation to do that which is done out of the Church by schismaticks by hereticks and by Infidels For such hee accounteth those that are of the Church of Geneua he acknowledgeth them to bee no Church because they are not subiect to the Bishop of Rome neyther submit themselues to his authority and iurisdiction And againe because the Church of Geneua hath an intendment not to make the body of Christ in their consecration so that their intention is not to intend it Thus we see what silly stuffe they bring But as they that are in danger of drowning are ready to catch hold of euery rush or reede to see if they can saue themselues so do these Iesuites or else they would neuer teach so strangely touching the Priests intention that it sufficeth to make the bodye of Christ to haue an intent not to make it O miserable people led by such blinde guides O wretched guides of such blinde people what a wofull condition is this that a man shall liue all the daies of his life in the bosome of their holy mother the Church and yet her Sonnes and daughters can neuer assure themselues to haue beene baptized though they make the want of it a note of reprobation or euer to haue receiued the Lords Supper or to haue beene married which also they make a Sacramēt seeing all dependeth vpon the Priests intention and lawfull ordination This is the lamentable condition of all those that liue vnder the hard yoke and heauy bondage of superstition There is no peace nor comfort in such a doubfull and dolefull religion Wherefore as the Holy-Ghost saith Reuel 18 4. Goe out of her my people that yee be not partakers of her sinnes and that yee receiue not of her plagues Thus much of Consecration CHAP. IX Of the first inward part of a Sacrament THe outward parts of a Sacrament haue hitherto beene declared by a diligent performance whereof Consecration is performed now the inward parts follow to be considered and handled of vs in which the very soule and life of the Sacraments consisteth For the outward parts profite nothing without these as the word profiteth nothing except the inward and true husbandman giue the increase according to the Apostles words a 1 Cor. 3 7. Hee that planteth and he that watereth is nothing but God that giueth the increase so the force of the Sacraments is to be looked for frō the Creator that did institute them Peter saith 1 Pet. 3 21. Baptisme doth saue vs but hee addeth not Whereby the filth of the flesh is washed away but in that a good conscience maketh request to God As the Apostle Paul teacheth that 1 Tim. 4.8 Bodily exercise profiteth little but godlinesse is profitable to all things so the outward signe profiteth little but the inward parts being applyed and receiued are profitable to all things Behold the creatures which God vseth as instruments of his mercy toward vs the Sunne the Moone the Stars fire water hearbes and such like wee ought not to put any confidence in them nor admire them as first and chiefe causes of any benefits So our trust ought not to be in the outward signs though ordained of God as holy helps vnto vs which were to conuey his glorye to them but our faith must bee lifted vp to God beeing the author of the Sacraments and the creator of all things The inward partes of a Sacrament are such inuisible and heauenly things as are signified vnder the earthly outward parts Wee heard before the outward parts of a Sacrament to be these the Minister the word the signe and the receiuer so the inward are d What are the inward inuisible parts of a Sacramēt foure in number answerable to the outward to wit 1. God the Father Secondly the Spirite 3. Christ 4. the faithfull Now there is a notable proportion and worthy agreement between the outward and the inward parts e The proportion betweene the parts these resembling each other as one face answereth another in the waters For euen as the Minister by the word offereth and applyeth visibly the outward element and signe to the body of the receiuer So GOD the Father by the Spirite offereth and applyeth IESVS CHRIST inuisibly to the faithfull receiuer This is the resemblance ●nd likenesse betweene the external and internall parts whereby wee see that God the Father is represented by the Minister the Spirite by the word Christ by the outward element and the faithfull receiuer by the outward receiuing This conueniency betweene the signe and thing signified doth S. Augustine notably deliuer in his 23. Epistle when he saith If the Sacraments should not haue some similitude of those things whereof they are Sacraments they should bee no Sacraments at all for of that resemblance many times they take the names of those things whereof they are signes Thus was it in the Paschall Lambe represēting Iesus Christ vnto vs in a liuely figure Ouid de Fast lib. 1. Quid placidae Commeru●stis oues not onely by reason of the innocency of this creature but especially in that it was slaine by the Priest and eaten by the faithfull to signifie and seale vp the death of Christ the vnspotted Lambe the onely nourishment of our soules The first inward part is God the f The first inward part of a Sacrament is God the Father Father offering and applying Christ and his sauing graces to the faithful The Minister offereth and deliuereth the outward signes to the receiuers and can go no further heerein hee representeth God the Father who offereth Christ to all albeit the reprobate receiue him not He doth not dally and deale falsly with vs but truely offereth in the Sacraments Christ with all his guifts and benefits if we haue hands to receiue him he is giuen to vs. The vse of this doctrine is first of al to distinguish betweene Vse 1 God and
vse to be a signe of the cleansing of the soule Bread and wine at mens tables in their houses are set before them for the nourishment of their bodies but at the Lords Table they are ordained of God to an higher and holier vse euen to bee signes of the body and blood of Christ This is noted by the Euangelists and by the Apostle Paul that b Mat. 26 26. Mar. 14 22. Luke 12 19. 1 Cor. 11 24. the Lord Iesus before he brake the bread and gaue it hee blessed and gaue thankes to his Father that hee had appointed him to bee the redeemer of the world and giuen him authority to institute this Sacrament in remembrance of his death and passion For whereas the Euangelist Mathew saith he blessed the other by way of exposition say Hee gaue thankes so that the blessing heere spoken of is Giuing of thankes which also appeareth Luke 9 16. compared with Ioh. 6 11. And the Apostle saith 1 Tim. 4. Euery creature of God is good if it be receiued with thanksgiuing for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer We see then that Consecration is when a thing is separated from a common and ciuill vse to a more speciall vse Iustin in Apol. 2 which is done by the authority of the word and by the vertue of prayer whereby it hath his ful force power and vertue The knowledge of this point serueth to cleere our Vse 1 doctrine to ouerthrow sundry errors of the Church of Rome First it sheweth that we hold and teach a consecration that is a sanctifying of the water in Baptisme and of the bread and wine in the Lords supper by the word by prayer and by thanksgiuing The bread ●●d wine are changed not in nature but in quality not in substance but in vse not in essence but in the end not by force of certaine words but by Christs institution We acknowledge and confesse a consecration not a conuersion a sanctification of the signes not a transubstantiatiō of the substance into the body and blood of Christ Hee blessed and praised his Father as Mediator of the Church for the mystery of the redemption of mankinde and he g 1 Cor. 10 16 blessed the creatures that they might bee effectuall signes and serue for the confirmation and increase of our faith Secondly we are taught that consecration is not a bare and historicall reading of the Scripture neither a magical Vse 2 charme and incantation by force of certaine wordes as though these words This is my body being murmured and spoken ouer the bread and This cup is the new testament in my bloud whispered ouer the wine did fully finish a consecration and made the elements to bee immediately changed into the body and blood of Christ without any other obseruing of the institution For the Lord Iesus in pronouncing these words did not speake to the bread or to the wine but to his Apostles And hence it is that the forme of Christs giuing of thankes is not set downe by any Euangelist because our corruption and superstition is so great that if wee had the words we would ascribe power force to the words sillables and letters therfore the manner of his thanksgiuing is pretermitted This inclination of the heart is apparantly seene in the Romish Church who ascribe efficacy operation to the pronouncing of certaine words which is a part of sorcery a point of witchcraft Wheras we auouch that the whol action of taking breaking pouring out distributing eating drinking praying praising and rehearsing the institution of Christ are the consecration that is the separation of these creatures to this vse Thirdly if after the Sacramentall actions if after thanksgiuing to God if after prayer that we may vse the Creatures to the confirmation of our faith there doe follow consecration sanctification and change of the elements to another vse then the power effect and working of the Sacrament dependeth not vpon the intention of the Minister and therefore the h Concil Trident. sess 7. can 11. popish opinion is to bee refused and reproued that holdeth it to bee no Sacrament if the Minister haue not an intent and purpose in the administration thereof at least to do that which the church doth that is to consecrate the elements and to make a Sacrament If his mind bee not on his matters and his heart on his businesse in hand they holde it can be no Sacrament For otherwise saith Bellarmine If a Priest should reade the Gospell at the table of Prelates and religious men and in reading should pronounce these words This is my body this is my bloud then all the bread and wine vpon the Table should bee consecrate and changed into Christs body and blood which is not so because his intent is wanting Againe if a father should leade his son to the bath and there dip him in the water And say I wash thee in the name of the Father and though he think nothing of baptizing him yet it should be baptisme if an intent of baptizing were not required But I would gladly haue him answere this question What if a father should intend Baptisme by dipping his child in the bath whether that were baptisme or not Or suppose the Priest we spake of reading at the Prelates table should haue a minde and meaning to consecrate all the bread and wine vpon the table must it of necessity be a Sacrament and reall change of al Or admit the former Priest being in the saide Prelates wine celler supposing himselfe to bee in the Church and to stand at the Altar should pronounce the words of consecration with a purpose and intent to make a Sacrament should al the wine in that celler be turned into the blood of Christ Or if he being in a Bakers shoppe should there solemnely say This is my body with the foresaide resolution should all that bread be changed into the bodye of Christ Let them speake plainely let them tell vs directly what they hold I thinke they will not say so I am sure it is not so For other things are wanting that are needfull in this matter We haue shewed that a Sacrament is not made by bare pronouncing of certain words ascribing force to them after the manner of enchanters but the whole institution of Christ must be obserued k The Sacrament dependeth not vpon the intention of the Minister there must be distributing and receiuing there must bee prayer and thanksgiuing and from the vse of these followeth Consecration all which are wanting in the former examples and suppositions there is no taking no breaking no distributing no pouring out no receiuing no praying no thanksgiuing Wee see touching the word of God with what intent and vnder what pretence soeuer l Phil. 1 18. Mat. 23 2 3. it be preached if the Minister teach Christ crucified howsoeuer hee bee affected it may haue his effect in the heart and worke faith in the
midst of them that are gathered together in his name and therefore it neuer happeneth that all become vnworthy The word of God hath his effect and one part of the seed falleth into good ground as we see in the parable of the sower Luk. 8 15. And if it could come to passe which is heere imagined it were better to abstaine for a season then to break the commandement of Christ according to the rule of the Apostle When ye come together to eate tarry one for another 1 Cor. 11 33. Furthermore the Priest knoweth not the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the greatest part if any offer themselues to receiue they must be receiued when their sinne is not knowne Secondly they say that priuate Masses may bee called Obiection 2 common because the people heerein communicate spiritually and because they are celebrated by the publike Minister Answere Heere wee haue common Masses without a communion and without any Communicants howbeit this is true that heere is no communion at all in breaking of bread and eating it beeing broken commanded in the Gospell What agreement then is there betweene Christ sitting at the Table with his Disciples distributing the bread and ministring the cup vnto them and the Masse-Priest standing alone at an Altar and eating all alone without being seene of the people Besides if a Minister pray alone in a corner of the Church yet his prayer cannot be called publike albeit it be made by a publike person and offered vp for all that are absent and conceiued in a publike Temple The like may be saide of the administration of the Lords Supper Thirdly they pretend that the cause why the people Obiection 3 do not communicate is their want of deuotion and good affection that they ought to haue to holy things Heere is a new colour set vpon a foule and deformed face Answere A man would thinke that heareth these excuses that the Church of Rome did onely tollerate priuate Masses but not command them and that they desire they should be publike common were it not for the slothfulnesse and the backwardnesse of the people Sess 7. Howbeit the Councell of Trent not onely suffereth but alloweth and commandeth priuate Masses wherein the Priest alone communicateth Againe if they desired that the people should communicate they would reproue their negligence and stir them vp to greater diligence whereas they confirme them and continue them in it and apply themselues vnto it and leade them into error by their owne example Neither haue they cause to make such a generall complaint seeing the people for the most part are more deuout and religious then the Pastors of the Church of Rome as it was in the dayes of Hezekiah 2. Chron. 30. Obiection 4 Fourthly they demand whether it be the fashion at feasts to constraine them to eate that are not disposed to eate Is not euery one left to himselfe whether hee will eate or not eate I answere Answere the Church of Rome leaue it not at liberty for the people to eate or not to eate but vtterly forbid them and restraine them Secondly at our common feasts no man is compelled to eate because there is no absolute commandement of God to binde them vnto it but in this holy feast it is farre otherwise for we haue the expresse commandement of God to take and eate all of vs. Lastly this comparison of a feast ill besitteth their whole purpose For who euer saw a feast where all the guests that are bidden stand by and eate nothing and the Gouernor of the feast deuoureth and swalloweth vp all alone as it falleth out in the Masse where no body but the Priest eateth Or who euer heard of a solemne feast whereunto no body is inuited But in priuate Masses no man or woman is bidden to come or receiued if they come Obiection 5 Fiftly they adde if the people wil not come would you haue vs leaue the seruice of God Should we be negligent when they are negligent Or should we follow the humor of the people Answere This obiection standeth vpon a double supposition and both of them false The first is that they desire the people should come and receiue whereas all men know the contrary and some men haue accounted it no lesse then heresie to require the partaking of the people at this Supper The second is that the Eucharist without Communicants is the seruice of God these points they take for granted but they neuer go about to prooue them and confirme them If we will receiue such trash at their bare word so it is if not they haue not a dram of reason to establish it Furthermore whereas they adde that the ordinances which God hath commanded ought not to be left for the indisposition of particular men I would know whether the Minister should pray in the Church openly when there is none to ioyne with him Or whether hee should preach the word when there are none to heare him If he may not then how should hee deliuer the Supper when there are no guests I will heere conclude with the complaint that Chrysostome vseth in his time when this corruption began to creepe in O custome O presumption Chrysost Homil. 3. in Ephes In vaine is the daily sacrifice offered in vaine do we stand at the Altar seeing no body communicateth Tell me if a man that is bidden to a feast wash his hands and sit downe and bee placed at the Table and yet eate not doth hee not wrong him that bad him Were it not better that such a one were not present So thou art present thou hast sung the hymne and in that thou hast not retired thy selfe with them that are vnworthy thou hast made profession that thou art of the number of those that are worthy how then dooest thou stay and not partake of the Table Lastly they demand farther Doth the essence of the Obiection 6 Sacrament depend vpon the peoples communicating thereof I answere Answere All communions without communicants do ouerthrow the nature of a Sacrament For Saint Paul defineth this Sacrament to bee a Communion of the bodye of CHRIST 1 Corinthians chap. 10. verse 10. and therfore the Church of Rome destroyeth the definition and consequently the essence thereof But of this wee haue spoken sufficiently before And thus much of the sole communions and priuate Masses brought into the worship of God against the example of Christ against the practise of the Apostles against the vse of the Church against the authority of the Fathers against the light of reason and against the name and nature of the Sacrament it selfe Vse 5 Hitherto we haue pulled downe the heresies of the church of Rome and haue raked in the dirt and dunghill of their deuices the sauour whereof hath annoyed heauen earth now let vs obserue out of this last outward part of the Sacrament how we are directed and instructed thereby to further our knowledge and obedience Did Christ command the
matter to giue sundry instances of sundry humane traditions that haue beene abused to Idolatry and yet are not meerely vnlawfull nor in themselues euill when they are retained and receiued Of this sort is prayer toward the East an ordinance of man and such an action as hath beene very superstitiously abused yet if it were imposed vpon vs by authority I see not but we might and ought to submit our selues vnto it with all obedience Of this kinde also is the setting of the Lords Supper vpon an Altar which God neuer appointed nor Christ himselfe with his Disciples obserued and it is that which hath beene and at this day is greatly abused in popery yet if it were appointed that in euery church we should haue Altars as in some reformed churches is practised why might wee not content our selues to receiue vpon Altars prouided that all superstition be abandoned and remoued Thus much of the first reason which is the ground of all the rest and therefore we will passe them ouer briefly The second argument Secondly it is obiected that kneeling is commanded with mysticall signification I answere the people of God in all times haue vsed such actions and gestures as that they vsed them as helpes of their weakenesse and furtherances of themselues in true piety Thus they vsed to rent their clothes to testifie their sorrow and heauinesse of heart and some their displeasure and indignation conceiued at that which they did see and behold with their eyes This was an humane tradition and yet it had a mysticall signification declaring the renting of the heart Neither doth the Prophet simply reproue it but comparatiuely correct it Ioel 2 13. saying Rent your heart and not your garments that is rather this then them For this cause also we vncouer the head lift vp the eyes and hands in prayer Now kneeling hath no other mysticall signification at the Communion then this and the former gestures haue in prayer shewing the humble and gratefull acknowledgment of the benefits of Christ with all thanksgiuing beeing of our selues vnworthy as we professe to gather vp the crums vnder his Table and to receiue the least of his mercies The third argument Thirdly it is obiected that kneeling is imposed as a necessary part of Gods worshippe I answere as before the kingdome of God consisteth not in this or such like ceremonies It is a wrong done vnto our Church to lay any such imputation vpon it forasmuch as it doth no where vpon no person impose it is as a necessary part of the seruice of God For then it were vtterly vnlawfull to alter or change it or to bring in any other gesture in stead therof because it is not in the power of any Prince or people to abrogate any necessary part of the seruice of God Howbeit we noted before out of the defence of the Articles against Harding written by the reuerent Father in God Bishop Iewel of famous memory that comming to the Communion fasting and in receiuing to sit or kneele or stand may be disposed and determined by the Church yet he neuer thought that the church had any authority to destroy abolish any necessary part of Gods seruice and worship If any of the ignorant sort doe iudge otherwise it is their fond opinion not the Churches resolution It skilleth not what any priuate person holdeth or may hold touching this point neyther may the whole Church be iustly charged with it and beare the blame of it The fourth and last argument The fourth argument is of lesse validity then the former For as the first encounter hath the greatest force and the surest guard is placed in the forefront so hauing sustained the shocke of that battell I doubt not but to put to slight the poore remainder It is obiected that the action of kneeling swarueth from the generall rules appointed to direct indifferent things which should not be vngodly nor offensiue nor vnfit nor ridiculous nor vnprofitable nor vndecent I answere I haue proued already that this gesture containeth no wickednesse not impiety it is not childish or ridiculous neither hath it in it any shew or colour thereof neyther is it offensiue except peraduenture any take offence at it And touching the indecency or vnfitnesse of it albeit I cannot see how it can be rightly so accounted among vs where the people are taught and instructed how to vse it yet if this were granted it cannot prooue the vnlawfulnesse of it Thus I haue runne ouer as briefly as I could these reasons and opened the weakenesse of them to the faces of such as vrge them I haue not purposely concealed any waight or force that they may carry with thē for mine own aduantage but propounded thē to the view of al mē as sincerely as I could for the cause noted in the end of this discourse neither do I know any learned writers beside themselues against it It is true that some of late opposing the order of the church do pretend sundry testimonies and authorities of many Authors and paint the margins of their bookes with almost infinite quotations but what do they all make either for them or against vs Do they speake against the lawfulnesse of kneeling or shew that it is against Gods word or hold that all men ought to deny to yeeld vnto it no such matter Nay eyther they are silent in the point for which they are alledged or else they are witnesses directly deposing against those that alledge them Let them without all circumlocution or multiplying of words informe vs eyther by text of Scriptures or decree of Councels or constitution of Emperors or sentence of Fathers or iudgement of Martyrs or determination of Diuines who haue euer taught or published that kneeling at the Lords Supper is vtterly vnlawfull This as yet they haue not done and by reason of their deepe silence in this matter I am perswaded they cannot doe Let them or any for them proue vnto vs directly that wee ought by no meanes to submit our selues to this gesture or that wee may disturbe the peace of the Church for it either out of Caluine or Beza or Iunius or Vrsinus or Bucer or Bullenger or Bucanus or Piscator or Paraeus or Polanus or Peter Martyr or Aretius or Gualter or Musculus or in effect any of elder or later times or shew vnto vs that they haue aduised and counselled any either vtterly to abstaine from or for a time to forbeare the receiuing of the Communion rather then to kneele at it and then they shall speake more to the purpose and yeeld vnto vs better satisfaction But if they be not able to bring vs one sentence or sillable out of these Writers which are produced by themselues or out of any other whose praise is in the Church for their worthy labours because their iudgement is plaine let them freely confesse their error and readily yeeld vnto the truth These are those pillars of the church that
THE NEVV COVENANT OR A Treatise of the Sacraments Whereby the last Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ through the shedding of his Pure and Precious Blood is ratified and applyed vnto the Conscience of euery true Beleeuer Diuided into three Bookes 1. Of the Sacraments in Generall 2. Of Baptisme 3. Of the Lords Supper Verie Necessarie and Profitable for these Times wherein we may behold THE Truth it selfe plainly prooued Doctrine of the Reformed Churches clearely maintained Errors of the Church of Rome soundly conuinced Right maner of the Receiuing of thē comfortably declared And sundry doubts and difficult Questions decided By William Attersoll Minister of Gods word at Isfield in Sussex For by one Spirit we are all Baptized into one Body whether wee be Iewes or Grecians whether we be Bond or Free and haue beene all made to Drinke into one Spirit 1 Cor. 12 13. The second Edition Newly Corrected and Enlarged Printed at London by W. Iaggard and are to be solde by Nicholas Bourne at his Shop at the entrance of the Royall Exchange 1614. TO THE RIGHT worshipful Sir IOHN SHVRLEY Knight all health and happinesse from Christ Iesus our Sauiour Right Worshipfull THE former Edition of this Treatise touching the Sacraments some eight yeares since published was not onely by your selfe louingly receiued but by diuers godly Christians beyond my expectation fauourably and friendly accepted And being at length content to yeeld to a new Impression it hath fared with mee in perusing this worke as with him that goeth about to repaire an old house For albeit he purpose with himselfe to pull downe a little or to make a slender addition and alteration in the building yet when once he beginneth to stirre and meddle with the old frame one piece draweth downe another and the augmenting of one part I know not how in a pleasing manner procureth the adding and annexing of another In like manner when I determined to review and peruse this booke mine intent was no more then heere and there to insert a little as time reading conference and better iudgement haue giuen occasion to see farther but beeing entred into the matter and one change causing another the worke is risen to this volume like a flood that swelleth by the accesse and comming in of other waters that it may rather seeme to be the making of a new then the amending of an olde I haue endeuoured heere to set before the eyes of all that wil vouchsafe to reade these lines the nature and vse of the Sacraments which were instituted of almighty God to admonish vs by their mysticall signification both of his goodnes and of our weaknesse being as signes and seales to assure vs of Christ and of his righteousnesse and all his merits There are diuers sorts of signes mentioned in the holy Scriptures which may be fitly sorted into foure ranks Some are naturall Mat. 16 2 3 as the clouds be a signe of raine the rednes of the sky in the euening of faire weather the lowring of the sky in the morning of foule weather Some are ciuill as a sword carried before a Magistrate is a signe of his authority Rom. 13 4. as the Consuls of Rome had their roddes and axe born by their officers Some are miraculous as we see in Gedeons fleece Iudg. 6 36. Mat. 24 29 which was wet when the earth was dry and dry when the earth was wet such shall be in the Sunne and Moone and in the starres in the end of the world as the Lord declareth Other are religious signes which appertaine to piety and godlinesse and an heauenly life of which some are tokens of things past Exod. 16 33 Heb 9 4. Leuit. 8 7 as the reseruing of Manna some of things present as the garments of the Priests and Leuites and their often clensings and purifications Some be signes of things to come as the sacrifices and oblations But the Sacraments of the new Couenant and last Testament of CHRIST sealed by his precious blood which wee haue heere described serue as monuments and memorials of all these euen to note out vnto vs blessings past and present and to come For they signifie the death and passion of Christ which is already past likewise the promise of grace and forgiuenesse which are present to the mindes of all right receiuers Lastly holinesse of life mortification of sinne repentance from dead workes and the fruites of faith heereafter more and more to be perfected and performed as also the resurrection of the body and eternall life which are to bee accomplished in the world to come Especially I haue beene carefull a The corruptions of the Romane Church vnmasked to vnmaske the corruptions of the Church of Rome if I may call that vnmasking which is in it selfe so palpable and apparent that whosoeuer hath the sight of the eye may quickly espy them or the vse of reason may easily discouer them wherein wee haue the full consent of the former and purer Churches If we wil a little consider the truth of this point and compare the doctrine of the reformed Churches with the pollutions and prophanations of the Romish Synogogue we shal plainely perceiue that light and darknes are not more different and repugnant then these are the one to the other Indeed they oftentimes appeale to the sentence of the Fathers as if their faith were the ancient faith and their doctrine had the approbation of elder times howbeit all this foppery serueth but for a flourish to varnish their rotten postes with deceitfull colours forasmuch as they are content the Fathers shall be expositers of the Scriptures but it is with this caueat and condition that themselues will bee Interpreters of the Fathers Wherefore I will b 3 points discussed propound as it were in a Table 3. points to be handled First their contrarieties and oppositions standing against the truth Secondly their contentions and contradictions remaining among themselues Lastly I will answere their obiection that thinke the matter is not so cleere on our side as we pretend who contemne Transubstantiation and the reall presence and maintaine the spirituall eating against the carnall and Capernaiticall First touching their corruptions c Comparisō between the Lords supper the Masse and contrarieties they are so notable and notorious to all the world that they can no longer hide them and conceale them as we may gather by comparing the institution of Christ with the traditions and abhominations of Antichrist Christ deliuered his last Supper as he sate at the Table with his Disciples where they did all eate as at a banket but Antichrist hath turned and transformed this Supper into the abhominable Idoll of the Masse which hath no shew or appearance of any feast at all where the Priest plaieth this Pageant alone hee sitteth not at the Table but standeth at the Altar turneth away his face from the people beeing belike ashamed that they should see his fraud and
or difficulty to say this is my body when he gaue a signe of his body declaring thereby that by these words My body he vnderstood the signe of his body expounding the former by the latter It is also very waighty and worthy to be considered Epist 23. which he writeth in his Epistle to Boniface If the Sacrament had not a resemblance of the things whereof they are Sacraments they should not be Sacramēts at all but because of this most commonly they take the name of the things themselues so then as the Sacrament of Christs body is after a sort the body of Christ and the Sacrament of Christs blood is after a sort the blood of Christ so the Sacrament of faith is faith If he had verily beleeued that it is really the bodye of Christ he would neuer haue said this Sacrament is after a certaine fashion the body of Christ as euery man would laugh vs to scorne if we should say that Paul was after a sort a man or Peter was after a sort a man who were men truely and indeed And in another place he saith e Tract 50 in Iohan. Wee haue euer Iesus Christ according to the presence of his Maiesty but according to the presence of his flesh hee hath truely sa de to his Disciples Mee shall ye not haue alwayes Mat. 26 11. Origen also is plaine for vs writing vpon Mat. 15 Mat. 16 11 where he saith f Orig hom in Mat. 15. This meat which is sanctified by the word of God by prayer as touching his matter goeth downe into the belly and is voyded into the draught Let vs come to Chrysostome who aboue al the rest is vehement in his amplifications excessiue in the hight of his eloquence being desirous to draw the people to a reuerence of this Sacrament to redresse the abuses thereof crept in of which he complaineth in all places of his workes yet when hee speaketh properly he teacheth as others teach and writeth as others write as when he saith g Chrysost hom 83 in Math. If Christ be not dead wherof is this Sacrament a signe and token And likewise in that place When our Lord gaue the Sacrament he gaue w ne And if he gaue wine then by consequent hee gaue bread also which ouerthroweth such as h Dureus in Wh●t say he took bread but gaue it not he tooke wine but gaue it not If these places bee not plaine and pregnant enough heare yet much plainer He demandeth i Hom. 24 in 1 Cor. What is this bread He answereth himselfe The body of Christ now least any should imagine some change of substance and the maintainers of Transubstantiation begin to lift vp their eares he addeth immediately And what are they made which partake thereof He answereth The body of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And in the same place he telleth vs We must mount on high like Eagles if we will come neare to that body And in the vnperfect worke vpon Mathew if that worke be Chrysostomes k C●●●●ost oper in●●●●●r Mat. hom 11. If it bee so dangerous a thing to transferre to priuate vses those sanctisied vessels in which the true body of Christ was not but the mystery of his body how much more the vessels of our bodies which God hath prepared for his habitation But of all other testimonies none is more euident then an Epistle of his written to Caesarius in the time of his banishment which albeit it be not printed among his workes l Pet. Martyr loc class 4. c. 10. s●ct 31. yet is auouched to be extant in the Library at Florence Before the bread be sanctified wee call it bread but when the grace of God hath sanctified it it is surely freed from the name of bread and is thought worthy to be called the body of our Lord though the nature of bread remaine in it True it is m Bellar. de Euchar. lib. 2 cap. 22. Bellarmine denyeth that euer he wrote any such thing howbeit Gregory of Valence admitteth the words confesseth the place and yet goeth about to shift it off and to weaken this witnesse as if it were not written by that godly and golden Father n Greg. de Valen lib. de transub but by one Iohn of Constantinople Thus he would delude and deceiue his Reader forasmuch as that Iohn was no other then Iohn Chrysostome and Iohn Chrysostome was Bishop of Constantinople Their owne glosse maketh this exposition o De Cons dist 2. Vocatur corpus Christi id est significat corpus Christi It is called the body of Christ that is it signifieth his body Adde to these the witnes of Maximus the Greeke p In eccles Hierar Scholiast who opposeth the signes to the truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these things are signes but not the truth I will shut vp all these authorities and allegations with the words of Gelasius Bishop of Rome q Gelas in his booke of two Natures Surely the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ which wee receiue are diuine things for that also by them we are made partakers of the diuine nature and yet neuerthelesse the substance nature of the bread and wine do not cease to remaine Can any speake more cleerely and euidently then these do Or haue any of our owne writers written more plainely and distinctly against popish Transubstantiation How then are they deceiued that thinke we wrest the words of Institution Or that we impose vpon the people more to bee beleeued then can be collected concluded out of the Scripture or that we teach and receiue more as authenticall out of Caluine Beza and other later authors then the ancient Fathers euer deliuered I wil briefly answere an obiection which these produce out of Cyprian in his Tract of the Lords Supper Obiect r Cyprian de coen dom This bread is changed not in shape but in nature and by omnipotency of God is made flesh To which I reply 4. things First Answere a change of nature doth not euermore import a change of substance A wicked person when he repenteth and turneth vnto God changeth his nature but the alteration is in quality not in substance there is a kinde of conuersion but no Transubstantiation Secondly this booke is but a bastard it beareth vpon it the name of Cyprian but it is a counterfeit ſ Censur patrū authore Rob. Coco pa. 75 as is s●●ficiently and substantially prooued euen by the confession of the Papists themselues And whosoeuer will vouchsafe to reade the booke it selfe may easily discerne by the style as it were by the smell that it came out of some Couent or Cloister it is in many places so barbarous Thirdly if the word Nature should be taken for Substance in this place it must expresly contradict sundry testimonies of those writers which wee haue alledged before who deny that the nature of bread is changed that is
in what multitudes the people in such dangers resort to the Church some desiring they may be baptized some that they may be reconciled from excommunication some that they may bee admitted to shew their repentance for their open crimes euery man desiring comfort euery man desiring the participation of the Sacrament In which case if there bee no Minister to be had what misery then followeth them that depart this life vnbaptized or bound in their sinnes Heereby hee meaneth the lawfull Minister of the Church inasmuch as hee ioyneth baptisme and reconciliation from the sentence of excommunication together If any man further shall aske the question Question seeing baptisme is limitted and as it were confined vnto the Minister whether baptisme ministred by hereticks bee auaileable or not For many incline to thinke that it is rather good which is ministred of a lay-man being a member of the Church then by him that is an hereticke Answere I answere hereticks are of two sorts some are remoued out of the Church some are tollerated in the Church and suffered to enioy their ministry So long as a Minister that is an hereticke keepeth his place and is not deposed from his function albeit hee should erre in the foundation yet he is a member of the Church though an vnworthy member and a Minister of the Church though an vnworthy Minister If he should depraue the institution and corrupt the essentiall forme which Christ hath appointed inuiolably to be vsed and obserued then were the baptisme void because the forme being changed the thing it selfe is abolished What is to be ●hought of ●he popish Baptisme Hence it is that the Baptisme celebrated in the Church of Rome is true baptisme because albeit the papacy be not the true Church yet the true Church is in the papacy God preseruing the remnants of it in the middest of the bowels of Anti-Christ as God continued light in the middest of the darkenesse of Egypt Baptisme therefore is in the papacy as the purse of a true man in the hand of a theefe or as an honest mans inheritance in the possession of an vsurper And albeit they haue no ministry rightly and lawfully called yet such as occupy the place of Pastors and hold the publike ministry are not to be accounted as priuate persons or meere lay-men and therefore the baptisme performed by them is not voide or of no effect both because they baptize in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy-Ghost not in their owne name and because their ministry is not to be esteemed according to the persons but as seruing to the Church that yet lurketh secretly in the papacy What then Whether we may bring our children to be baptised of popish Priests may such as professe the reformed religion lawfully and with a good conscience offer their children to be baptized of popish Priests and Masse-mongers I answere albeit it be lawfull baptisme which they deliuer it followeth not that they may lawfully deliuer it or we lawfully seeke it at their hands and albeit it be auaileable whē it is done yet neither haue they warrant to do it nor wee to goe for it True it is they haue a calling whereby they differ from priuate men but it is so faulty and corrupt that by no meanes we ought to vse it We ought not to do euill that good may come thereof Rom. 3. Rom. 2 8. 1 Thes 5 22. but it becommeth vs to abstaine from all appearance of euill 1 Thes 5 22. We may not by our practise and example allow and iustifie the horrible prophanations of the Sacraments the detestable corruptions of doctrine and the abhominable superstitions vsed in the worship of God and wee are bound and straightly charged to take heed we do not make our selues partakers of other mēs sinnes 1 Tim. 5 22. We must beware we do not offend the weak brother for whom Christ dyed who may be imboldened by our example to approue of the reliques of Anti Christ and in the end to ioyne with that false Church Lastly 2 Cor. 6 14. 1 Ioh. 5.23 wee are commanded to flie from Idols temples to keep our selues from Idols the sheep of Christ heare his voice but the voice of a stranger they wil not hear It is better for vs to defer the baptising of our children thē to resort to their baptisme blended and mingled with so many toyes and impieties and though our Children in the meane season should dye yet we must comfort our selues in the Lord and lay hold on his couenant who hath promised to be both our God and the God of our seed and remember that it is not the want of the Sacrament that condemneth but the contempt from which we are free so long as we are ready and desirous to haue our children partakers of it when it may bee had orderly rightly and conueniently Obiection 4 The last Obiection deserueth not the name of an obiection much lesse any answere vnto it sauing that the ignorant may stumble at it some great Doctors of the church of Rome labour to add force vnto it and as it were to put life into a dead carkasse For Thomas Aquinas the darling of the Pope the Oracle of Schooles and the God of the Papists Gal. 3.27.23 alledgeth the words of the Apostle Gal. 3. As many as haue beene baptized into Christ haue put on Christ there is in Christ neither male nor female and therefore as wel women as men may baptize Answere I answere this is a most foolish and vnlearned collection and a plaine wresting and straining of the Scripture and therefore no maruaile if the saying of the wise man be verified heerein Surely the churning of milke bringeth forth Butter Prou. 30 33. the wringing of the nose bringeth foorth blood So the forcing of wrath bringeth foorth strife The popish diuinity is full of such conclusions I will giue thee a taste of them and then come to answere the obiection They reason on this manner Christ walked vpon the waters therefore the body of Christ may be shut vp in a piece of bread Peter walked vpon the waters therefore the Bishop of Rome hath authority ouer all Churches The Saints in heauen are like the Angels therefore they heare the prayers of all men Ioseph wrapped the body of Christ in fine linnen therefore the Priest must lay vp the body of Christ in the Altar The women came to the Sepulcher to see Christ therefore we must go on pilgrimage to visite the holy Sepulcher But I will passe ouer these fooleries and come to the place that is obiected The Apostle meaneth that in partaking of saluation there is no difference betweene male and female Iew and Grecian bond and free but there is great difference betweene man and man in the dispensation of the word and Sacraments Againe if this conclusion were necessary then a man might reason against the Apostle In Christ is neither