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authority_n bishop_n church_n rome_n 17,242 5 7.2290 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16281 The fardle of facions conteining the aunciente maners, customes, and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affrike and Asia.; Omnium gentium mores. Book 1-2. English Joannes, ca. 1485-1535.; Josephus, Flavius. Antiquitates Judaicae.; Waterman, William, fl. 1555? 1555 (1555) STC 3197; ESTC S102775 133,143 358

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women And in the Temples of their Goddes a Sacrificer roialle whiche is to saie in effecte a highe Prieste of the dignitie of a kyng Archeflamines Flamines of honour and other Flamines inferiour and laste in degree their Priestes And by like ordre emong the Hebrues an highe Bisshoppe and inferiour Priestes Leuites Nazareis candle quenchers commaunders of Spirites Churche Wardeines and Syngers whiche wee calle Chauntours aftre the Frenche And amōg the Grekes Capiteines or heades ouer a thousande ouer an hundred ouer fiuetie ouer tēne and ouer fiue And that there ware yet beside these bothe emong the Hebrues and the Romaines many couentes or compaignies of menne and women Religious As Sadduceis Esseis and Phariseis emong the Hebrues Salios Diales and Vestalles emong the Romaines The moste holy Apostles did all consente that Petre and thei that should folowe him in the seate of Rome should for euermore be called Papa As who would saie father of fathers the vniuersalle Apostolicalle moste holy and moste highe bishoppe And that he should at Rome be Presidente ouer the vniuersalle Churche as the Emperour there was ruler of the vniuersall worlde And to matche the Consulles whiche ware euer twaine thei appoincted fowre head Fathers in the Greke named Patriarches one at Constantinople another at Antioche a thirde at Alexandrie and the fowrthe at Hierusalem In the place of the Senatours thei tooke the Cardinalles To matche their kynges whiche had three Dukes at commaundemente thei deuised Primates To whom ware subiecte thre Archebishoppes So that the Archebishoppe or Metropolitane standeth in the place of a Duke For as the Duke had certein Erles or Barones at his commaundemente so haue the Archbisshoppes other inferiour Bisshoppes at theirs whiche also by reason muste rountreuaile an Erle The Bisshoppes roadintour or Suffragane came into the Presidentes place Thordenarie into the Deputies then did the Officialle matche with the Mareshalle And with the high conestable for the cōmunes the Bishoppes Chauncelour And for the Pretour or Prouoste thei sette vp an Archedeacō In stede of the Cēturiane was a Deane appoincted And for the Disnere the Persone or Vicare For the Aduocates crept in the Parisshe Prieste Soule Prieste Chaunterie Prieste Morowe Masse Prieste and suche other The Deacon standeth for the Surueiour The Subdeacon for the Serieaunte For the two Conestables came in the two Cōmaunders of Spirites called Exorcistae in the Greke The Collectours office was matched with the Churche wardeines The Porter became the Serteine The Chaūtour Scribe and Lister kiepe stille their name The Atholite whiche we calle Benet and Cholet occupieth the roume of Candlebearer All these by one commune name thei called Clerj of the Greke woorde Cleros that is to saie a Lotte For that thei ware firste from among the people so allotted vnto God Thereof cometh our terme Clerque and his cosine Clergie Neuerthelesse this name Clergie was not so commune vnto all but that it siemed moste proprely to reste in the seuende grees that the Pope of Rome vsed for his Ministres when he saied Masse in persone him self That is to sa●e the Bishoppe the Priest the Deacon subdeacon the Acholite and the Chaūtour Vnto euery of these gaue thei in the church their seueralle dignities officies appareile To the Bishoppe was giuen aucth●ritie to ordeine and make other Clerckes To* enueile virgines That is to ●ie to make ●onnes to hallow them To consecrate their likes and their superiours also To laie handes vpon thē To confirme and Bisshoppe childrē To hallowe Churches To put Priestes from their Priesthode and to degrade theim when thei deserue it To kiepe Conuocaciōs and Sinodes To make holy oile to hallowe the ornamentes and vesselles of the churche And to do also other thinges that the inferiour Priestes doe To enstructe those that be newly come to the faithe To Christiane to make the Sacramente of the Altare and to giue it to other To absolue the repetaunte of their sinnes and to fectre the stubberne more streighte To shewe furthe the Gospelle To enioyne all Priestres to shaue their heades in the croune like a circle of .iiii. fingres brode aftre the maner of the Nazareis To kepe their heare shorte to weare no bearde And to liue chaaste for euer Their liuyng onely to rise of the firste fruictes tenthes and offringes and vttrely to be voide of all temporalle and Laiemennes cares and businesse To be honestlie appareiled and accordyngly to vse their passe and conuersacion Onely to serue God and the churche Diligētly to plye the reading of holy scripture the they them selues mighte perfectly knowe all thinges perceining to Christian religiō wherin thei are boūd to enstructe other The companies or couētes of religious aswel men as women are Benedictines Preachers Franciscanes Augustines Barnardines Anthonines Iohānites Cisternois and innumerable other whiche al haue their habite and maner of liuing by them selfe acordinge to the rule that echeone priuately prescibed to them selues And liued for the moste parte a solitary life professing chastitie pouretie and perpetualle obedience And for their solitarines the Greke called them Monachi Some of these haue for their heades Abbotes some Priours whiche are either subiecte to the Pope onely or to the bishoppes Al these vsed coules much aftre one faciō but in colour diuers ab stained fro fleshe The bisshoppes when thei say masse haue ●v holy garmentes aftre the maner of Moyses lawe for the perfectiō of thē His boatewes his Amice ▪ an Albe a Girdle a Stole a Maniple a Tunicle of violette in graine fringed his gloues ringe and chesible or vestimente a Sudarie The latine calleth it a shiepe hooke a cope a mitre and a * crosse staffe And a chaire at the Aultares ende wherin he sitteth Of the whiche .vi. are commune to euery inferiour prieste the Amice the Albe the girdle the stole the Maniple and the vestiment But ouer and aboue all these the Pope by the gifte of Constantine the greate hath libertie to weare al the ornamentes Imperialle That is to saye a kirtle of skarlet a robe of Purple a sceptre and a close corone With the whiche aftre he hath rauisshed him selfe in the vestrie vppon solempne feastes when he entēdeth to do masse he commeth forth to the aultare hauing on the right side a prieste on the lefte side a Deacon a Subdeacon going before him with a booke faste shutte two candle bearers and an encensour with the censoure in his hande smoking When he is comē to the griessinges the stayers or foote of the aultare That is he saieth confiteor putting of his mitre he maketh open * confession of his sinnes together with his company That done he goeth vp to the aultare openeth the booke lienge vpon the lefte corner of the same kysseth it and so procedeth in the Solempnisaciō of the Masse The subdeacon readeth the epistle and the Deacon the godspelle Priestes of al degrees are charged to prayse