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A15145 A brieff discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno Domini 1554 Abowte the booke off off [sic] common prayer and ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe men theyre/ to thende off Q. Maries raigne, in the which discours, the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, and what was the cause off the same. Whittingham, William, d. 1579. 1574 (1574) STC 25442; ESTC S103071 143,706 216

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suche names as be in the congregation and such as shall be here after admitted to be wri●ten in the same Item that mariages Christenings and burialls with the daye and yere theroff be registred in the same booke Item for the auoyding all controuersyes that hereafter maye happen it is ordeined that all testamentes and willes made by any off oure nation dyinge in this congregation shall be brought foorthe and exhibited to the Seniors off this congrega●ion for the tyme being for a perpetuall testimonye off the truthe in that behalff Item that bicause all mennes doinges be vncerteine and changeable the discipline and orders off the churche shal be read openly once euery quarter and warninge theroff before shall be geuen to the whole congregation bothe that euerie member therof maye knowe their dewtie and that euerie man maye with librrtie quietly speak his minde for the chaunging and amending of it or anye parte therof according to goddes worde and the same exhibited in writinge with the arguments and reasons off that his requeste The names off suche as subscribed to this discipline and were off the churche THomas Crawley Christopher Hales Thomas Ashley Edmond Oldsworth Edmonde Sutton Thomas Acworth Richard Alvaie VValter Franck Richard Le●ler Richard Mason Richarde Be●sley Richard Nago●● Robart beste Henry Reignoldes Perciuall Harrington Richard Porter Magnus Elyot Henry Perryus Iohn Browne Dauid VVhitthead Iohn Mullins Iohn Pedder Iohn Hales Gre. Railton Alexander nowell Iohn VVilford Iohn Fauconer Thomas Serbis Thomas VVilso● Iohn Bedell Iohn Olde Iames Peers Thomas Sandes Edward Parpoint Thomas VValker Iohn Kelke Thomas VVatts Leonarde parry Robarte Crowley VVilliam Master Laurance Kent Thomas Knolle Peter sade Iohn Vates VVilliam Raulinges Thomas VVater Thomas VVillobie Edmond Tomson Richard Luddington Thomas oldsworthe Edmond Harries Philipp Adishe Gawin dixson Iohn Geoffrie Anthony Donning● Edward Colton Iohn Turpin The 21. off December 1557. theis were added to the churche Sir Frances Knolls Edward Boyes Iohn Browne Frances VVilforde Thomas Knot Thomas Donnell Arthure Saule Richard Sandell Robart Ioyner Henry VVood Richard Lynbro●ghe Ralfe Selye Henry Knolls Thomas VVilford VVilliam Dauage Reignolde Baker Robarte Hodgston Iohn Penteny Mighell Coke Thomas Tod Chamber Alaxender Nowell Iohn Ade Thomas Bagster Daniell Rogers Now that yow haue harde bothe the olde discipline and that whiche was by the authoritie off the magistrate deuised order requireth that I place here the reasons whiche Maister Horne and the rest off his side brought against the newe discipline established And to the ende this volume shuld not excede measure in greatnes I think it expedient to do here as I haue done allready and minde to do through owt the whole story whiche is off a leaf● to take as I might saie a ly●e or two as one lothe too weary yow sith a taste maie suffice To the 7. Article off the newe Discipline To the Article off 2. Min●sters off like charge and authoritie we think we haue good ●easons to require that there be no moo in the speciall burthen and charge pastorall then one to whom the others ioyned with him for preachinge off the worde and ministringe the Sacraments shall not in cure and charge gouernment and preheminence be in all respectes coequall The Reasons Firste the scripture speakinge or treatinge of the office of a Bishopp or minister so speakethe as it were to be presupposed and as an order receiued that one shuld in cure and charge be burthened aboue other and in gouernement for order sake in preheminence Item the expositions off all auncient Authors and Wryters vpon the scripturs that toucheth that matter do alltogether as they secure to gather owte off the texte conclude declare and teache one Minister or pastor in respectes aforesayde preferred and charged aboue other and thus dothe the newe also Item this order off one in cure charge and gouernement preferred haue all the churches to be red off planted by the Apostels and all others in the primatiue churche obserued whose examples off vs are not to be neglected Item like as good reason off it selff forceth and concludeth so all good autors bothe newe and olde doo freely teache that for conseruation off vnitie and concorde and for auoidinge off schismes and discorde it is requisite and necessarie that a prerogatiue and preheminence for cure charge and gouernemente be committed and geuen to some one to be as it is afore saide charged aboue others Item all the reformed churches off Germany for the moste parte be off that iudgement and therfore obserue that order Item yff Nicene councell decreed and ordered for good order sake that one Bishopp and not many shulde be appoynted to euerye one cytie howe more is it off necessitie for order sake that one litle flocke shulde be content with one Item who is ignorant off this that for the moste parte wher not one but rather two muste haue the especiall cure and charge there commonly thinges be moste negligentlye done and not so muche regarded and cared for as otherwise they woulde be The answer off the churche touchinge this 7. Article to the reasons off the dissenting brethern We se not by the scriptures that anie authoritie is geuen to anie one aboue others but rather to the contrary As concerninge olde wryters we knowe that Ierome expresly declarethe that in the beginninge the churche was ruled equally by manie But after when schismes began to springe the chiefe authoritie was geuen to one for authorities sake and by mannes ordinaunce rather then by deuine authoritie wherfore we cōclude that as for schismes the firste order of many was left ād one chiefe apointed So nowe for the auoidinge of tyrānie a worse euell in the churche then schismes whiche as apearethe by the Bishop of Rome is grownded vppon one we thinke it good to returne to the firste order off two or moo equall ministers accordinge to the institution off the Apostells as Saint Ierome teacheth And that those lerned men who do moste earnestly maintaine the gouernment off one confesse that vntill the tyme off Dionysius who was after Christe 300. yeres and more the Regimente was equally committed to manye And as for the newe there be examples off the beste churche to the contrary And Maister Caluin in the 8. Chap. off his Institutions the 42. and 52. dyuisions Declarethe expresly that there were From the beginninge more Ministers off the worde and that it is but off mannes ordinaunce that one was afterwarde made chieff That is alleadged off the reformed churches in Germany the multitude ought to serue no more for one then the best reformed churches for two ministers off the worde As concerninge Nicene councell it is before answered and in that they decreed there shulde be but one it consequenquently folowithe that before the saide decree there were many And iff those godly fathers were nowe lyuinge and did se how Antechriste is established vppon one they woulde more gladly returne to the firste order off many equall for the
Chambers tooke vppon him especially at the intreaty off Maister Horne the charge off gathering godlye mens almes publickely in the name of the churche for the relieff the off poore off oure congregation as it is already knowen vnto many and shall hereafter by the whole matter seuerally setforth be moste euidently knowen to moo what mercie and pitye is this off thers towardes their brethern to leaue so many miserable people behinde them contrary to their promesse made to the congregation and to runne awaie not onely from the congregation but also owte off the cytye snappinge awaie the bagge with them whiche conteinethe many mennes almes gathered for the poore in the name off the congregation and to leaue them all destitute and also to leaue certeine preachers appointed by them whiche haue serued the churche a yere and moore and to whom they promised that they shulde lack nothing in a great deale off de●t to other men for their necessary bourde ▪ And where they playe such prankes they caste o●●● brethern in the teeth still with pouertie by the waie off reproche before the Magistrate Let them go too therfore seinge their pleasure is suche and nomber their owne cōpanye and leaue owte their seruauntes their boyes and suche as depende vppon Chambers purse for he hathe made it his owne and dedicated it to his owne propertie and let them tell vs then howe many there be left on their parte yff they be not ashamed to tell howe manie they be Where we did comforte our poore brethern to oure power whom Chambers running awaye with the bagge Had made astonished and woulde haue had them vtterly discouraged they lay it to oure charge as euell done what is there manifeste declaration els but that the poore of our congregation shuld be vtterly destitute not onely of relieff but also off all hope of reliefe whiche hathe euer bin the vttermoste comforte off suche as be in myserie In the Discipline it selff an obiection The next thinge nowe where in we agree not is that whiche is spoken off the 2. newe Ministers This they treat vppon in the 7. Article Th●s we defende that the scripture doth leane and inclyne rather vnto one than vnto 2. whiche one as he muste not be aboue the reste by lordeshipp so yet ought he to be aboue other in charge and in burthē in as muche as he muste nedes geue a greater accoumpte then the reste for the flock cōmitted vnto him and to his charge Theis we are able to proue Firste by the circumstances off the places off scriptures considered secondly by the interpretacions off auncient fathers and the best lerned men off oure tyme or latter daies Thirdly in the examples of the churches instituted by the Apostells and most holy men after their tyme foorthly this newe order off 2. Ministers or moo hathe bene as all the wyseste men haue alwaies reasoned the seeds ād fountains of all dissentions and cōtentions And like as for order sake and for conseruation off the churches in peace oure elders thought that one shulde necessarely be aboue the reste so also in this oure remembrance the greatest lerned men as Caluin Brentius and many other do think Off theis matters the beste instituted and reformed churches in Germany can also be the beste witnesses Theis we professe that we bothe can and will more largely shewe as farther occasion shal hereafter serue whiche we cannot doo nowe for that we be lymited to so short a time The answere As concerninge the two Ministers off the worde We affirme that it is lawfull by the worde off God to haue either 2. or moo Where theis men saye the scriptures do leane rather to one that is to affirme onely and to proue nothinge where as Paule almoste in all his Epistles writeth allwaies as vnto moo off equall authoritie in euerie churche and not as vnto one principall Where they alleadge the ancient Doctors Ierome whiche is the moste diligent in H●storie matters reporteth moste plainly that in the beginninge there were many and afterwarde for the auoidinge of dissentions the chieff authoritie was cōmitted vnto one as the chieff But yet saithe he that was donne rather by the statute off men then by the authoritie off god Where they speake so muche off the misch●ffe off contention in the churche we confesse it is a great euell But that tyranny ●s a more pestiferous destruction to the churche and that tyranny crept into the churche by one the Bishopp off Rome maye teache vs at large Therfore for as muche as bothe waies either by one or by moo euells maie happen we thought good to beware more diligently of the greater euell Where they bringe in Caluin for one we maruell with what face they can do that seinge it is owte off all dowte that he vpon one daie and in one houre instituted two Ministers off equall authoritie in all thinges in the Englishe congregation whiche is at Geneua And also seinge that in the 8. chapter and 42. and 52. diuisions off his Christian Institution he declareth openly that there were from the beginninge moo ministers off the worde off equall authoritie in the churche off Christe Where they alleage the examples off the churches off Germany we also want not examples off the dutche churche at Emden wherin their be 3. Ministers off the worde off equall authoritie And off the frenche churche off this Citie and off the Englishe churche off Geneua yea and Caluin himselff is counted superior to his felowes not by authoritie off office but in respect off his lerninge and me rites Therfore in asmuche as it is also permitted vnto vs by the magistrates app●intement to chuse one or moo let them leaue their wranglinge for a thinge indifferent as though i● it were for lyffe and lande Where they professe that they will make large proffe off this matter at leysure let them professe theis gaye glorious promyses so longe as they will so they knowe the longer they labor in this matter so muche lesse shall they bothe shewe and bringe to passe The obiection to the 8. Article In the 8. Article Ministers committ and assigne the burthen and cure wherwith they are charged vnto others with ouer muche facilitie We demaund also this whiche appeareth not plainly inough in their Discipline to whom perteineth it to allowe their allegations and excuses when they will leaue their charges vnto others The answere What inhumanitie is it not to be content that the ministers off the worde vpon waightie causes as sicknes or vrgent busines off importance shuld be eased off their burthens as though they that fynde faulte at this nowe permitted not the same to themselues before rough againste other and ouer fauorable to themselues And where they demaunde vnto whom it perteinethe to allowe their lawfull causes we wonder that they nother redde ioyntly in the same place the name off Seniors to whom the matter is committed nor remember that generall pointe in the
certeine deuised construction The bread whither it ought to be made with leuen or withowte we thinke it not greatly to be striuen for althoughe we Iudge it more fit and consonant withe Christes institution to haue the bread at the commmunion whiche is vsed at the common table for why did the lorde vse vnleuened bread bicause that in that houre wherin he thought good to institute his holie supper not one man in all Iewrie vsed anie other Therfore it behoueth vs to restore the Iewishe feaste off vnleuened bread or ells must it be graunted that is better to vse the common and accustomed bread off all tables accordinge to the example off Christe notwithstandinge that the bread that he then tooke was vnleuened For off the practise off the primatiue churche whiche the Greek churche dothe yet in this behalff reteine we ouer passe to write off Furthermore knelinge at the verie receypt off the sacramente hathe in it a shewe off Oodly and Christian reuerence and might therfore in times paste be vsed with profit yet for all that bicause owte off this fountaine the detestable vse off bread worship did folowe and dothe yet in theis daies stick in many mindes it semethe to vs that it was iustlie abolished owte frō the congregations Therfore we do beseche the most Good and great God that it woulde please him to instructe bothe the Queens maiesties highnesse and also the Bishopps with such deuise as shall be moste nedefull for the perfect doinge owte off theis filthes and that at once In the meane time bicause theis thinges also are not suche as are in their owne nature Idolatrous we do Iudge that they ought so to be dealte with as we haue aduised in the thinges goinge next before It is demaunded off vs whether we allowe that baptisme whiche is administred by midwiues We answere that not onely we dissalowe that baptisme as the rest off thinges before spoken off but that we do iudge it also intollerable For it is a thinge that hathe risen aswell of ignorance of the verie vse of baptisme as the publique ministerie of the churche We Iudge therfore that the ministers are bownde sharply to rebuke this abuse muche lesse ought they to holde this false baptisme for good and firme The reason why the leened on oure side haue often declared And we are also readie when it shal be nedefull to declare It is also reported vnto vs that the kaies off bindinge and losinge are practised in certeine courtes off the Bishops neither by the sentences and iudgements off elders whiche office that churche hathe not yet receiued nor accordinge to the worde off God but the authoritie off certeine lawiers and other like whiche is more often times by the authoritie off some one man and that also for suche kinde off actions as are pure monie matters euen as the misuse off the same was in popery Wherto we answere that it semethe to vs almoste incredible that any such customes and examples beinge most peruerse shulde be vsed in that kingdome where as puritie and soundnes off doctrine is For the right off excommunication and byndinge off the offender shal be founde neuer to haue bin before the time of the Papistes in the power and hand off on● sole persone but did apperteine to all the whole eldershipp frō whiche also the people themselues were not rashlie shut owte Bicause this also the lawierlike hearinge off suites that appertaine to liuinges did fall to the Bishops charge altogether through abuse For that place wherin the Apostle talketh off daies men vmpires at Corinth is to no purpose where as the magistrate is a Christian nor did the Apostell euer thinke to burthen the Eldershipp with the hearing off suche meere ciuill causes And it is most certeine that the Bishopps off the elder age off the churche haue had the determining off such controuersies not for anie authoritie that they had therin but through the importunitie off suters and that as howsolders vmpires and daies men Also notwithstandinge amonge those men where this were sh●wed vnto those did most wisely gouerne themselues whiche chose rather to folowe the example off Christ oure Sauiour who refused to be the vmpire in deuidinge off the patrimonie or els Iudge in the matter off adulterie when bothe the same were preferred vnto him Therfore yff in Englande anie thinge be done contrary to this surely we ought to thinke that by suche sentences and Iudgementes ther is not anie man before god any more bownde then by the popishe excommunications And we wische that this torment howse off consciēces and lothsome prophanation off the Ecclesiasticall and meere spirituall iurisdiction might by the authoritie off the Queens Maiestie owte off hande be abolished no otherwise then the marringe off the very doctrine it selff And that Eldershippe and Deacons maie be restored and set vpp according to the worde off God and cannons off the pure churche whiche thinge yff it be not done verelie we are sore afraide that this onely thinge will be the begin̄inge off manie calamities whiche we would god would turne awaie from vs For it is moste certeine that the sonne off god will one daie from heauen roughly reuenge theis manifest abuses wherwith the consciences off oure brethern are troubled excepte spedely redresse be had therin In the meane whiles the thinges whiche are not well done by the one partie maie be well enoughe tollerated as we thinke by those men whiche beare the thinge whiche they can not change Yet thus farre as that they allowe not the thinge it selff for good but do onely redeeme their vniuste disquieting by patience But yff so be that they shal be forced not onely to tollerate this facion but also to approue this excommunication as lawfull and be constrained to aske vnlawfull absolution to assent to this manifest abuse we then exhorte them that they will rather suffer anie kinde off trouble then to do herin against their consciences But to what ende is all this For verilie we do promes oure selues muche better thinges then theis yea off all thinges the beste euen at this pinche especially off that Realme in whiche the restoringe off Christian Religion hathe byn sealed and confirmed with the bloud of so many excellent martirs also Onely we feare this leaste that which hathe befallen so many countries shuld happ●n to Englande to wit leaste bycause the due frutes off repentance are not brought foorthe the angrie god shuld dooble oure darknesse the light of his gospel beinge first taken from vs Off this content are oure dailie preachings in oure congregations and verely we thinke the same ought to be done off a●● Ministers off Gods worde especially in theis oure daies That they chiesty set forwardes this principle off the gospell whiche dothe apperteine to earnest amendment off lyffe For this point achiued vndowtedly the lorde shall geue bothe counsaile and zeale and all thinges els whiche do necessarely apperteine to the accompishement off the reparation off the churche
When the Erle off warwick was sent to subdue the popish rebells in the north-partes the preachers off the Queens maiesties Army were Kethe Temes and standon who offred themselues in that seruice voluntarily with owte all constraynte And thus it is euidente that theis with a nomber moo who are now so ill thought off as iff they were traitors and rebells haue yet byn so farre off from bringe sedicious that they haue at all times aduentured their liues againste seditious persons and rebells when as suche as nowe so hardly charge them bothe by worde and writinge haue byn right hartely well content to take their ease and reste at home Consideringe then how many waies we are vniustly burthened and brought into hatred withowte iuste cause I supposed that no godly man wolde be offended yff by such lawfull meanes as I might I sought bothe to purge my selff and the rest off my brethern from such heinous and odious crimes as some would seeme to charge vs And that coulde I not doo so well anie waie as by the gatheringe together off this discourse wherin the indifferent reader shall finde that the religion whiche we holde and professe is not onely the true ād sincere religiō of Christe and the self same with all the reformed churches in Christendome but also that whiche this Realme hathe established touching the true doctrine comonly taught therein By this discours also yt maie be seene bothe when where how and by whom this controuersie firste began who cōtinued it who was on the suffring side and who readieste to forget and forgeue that godly peace and concord might be had Nowe iff anie shall seeme to be offended with this that I had don I do moste humblie beseche them to way well and expende with themselues firste whither I haue geuen them anie suche cause yff it be for that I haue in this discours brought to light some thinge that might haue bin keept secret the contention beinge amonge brethern to the ende the common enemie shulde not haue cause to triumphe let this satisfie them firste that the wicked and common enemye cannot for his harte more tryumphe ouer the Godly then he dothe allready and that throughe owte this whole realme Againe the crueltie off Cain to Abell off Ismaell to Isaac off Esau to Iacob off the Patriarkes to their brother Ioseph the hot contention betweene Paule and Barnabas and Paule and Peter c. all theis beinge knowne to the worlde hathe turned notwithstanding to the great glorie off God as my assured hope is that euen this will also in the ende And therfore as the lorde off heauen knoweth that the keepinge off theis thinges almoste by the space off theis twentie yeres in secret might suffice to witnes with me that I had nowe no great pleasure to vtter it so I wote not howe it commethe to passe that euen in the middest off great striuing and struglinge with my selff what to doo I coulde not be by anie meanes resolued or se iuste cause why I shuld any longer conceale it Yff anie shulde thinke that I haue not with indifferencie penned the storie I referre me to satisfie suche to the iudgements and consciences off those persons who were the plaiers off this tragedie off bothe partes many yet liuinge assuringe my selff that neither part shall be able iustlie to charge me excepte it be for that in verie dede I haue sought rather howe to couer manie thinges then to laie them wide open to the worlde as I nothinge dowte to proue iff I might be but harde indifferently in so muche as in this discours I haue asmuche as I coulde passed ouer the names off all where credit might seeme to haue bin impaired therby sauing onely off suche as were off verie necessitie to be noted for the better vnderstanding off the historie To conclude againste the offences whiche some maie take at theis my trauells I haue sett the greate profit that this maie bringe to goddes churche and to the posteritie who beinge taught by other mennes harmes yff they be happie will lerne to beware the hope wheroff had greater force to pushe my pen forwarde to the finishinge off this worke then the displeasures off certaine arisinge so far as I se off no grownd coulde be to withdrawe me from the same besechinge almightie god so strenghē me with his holie spirite that what troubles or trialls so euer shall by the lordes good prouidence happen to me hereby he will vouchsaffe to geue me a contented minde quietly and with patience to beare it before whom I proteste that in wrytinge this discourse I haue had respecte to his glorie the defence off his sacred truthe the cleeringe so farr as I might off so many excellent lerned men on whose neckes this sturre is laied as authors off the same and not that I haue willingly sought the hurte hinderance or discredit off anie man. And this I praie that your loue maie abounde yet more and more in knowledge and in all Iudgement that ye maye discerne thinges that differ one from another that ye maie be pure and withowte offence vntill the daie off Christe Keepe the true paterne off the wholsome wordes whiche thow haste harde of me in faithe and loue whiche is in Christe Iesu Study to shewe thy selff approued vnto god a workman that nedethe not to be ashamed deuidinge the worde off truthe aright The answere off the ministers off Geneua to certeine brethern off the churche off Englande concerninge some controuersie in the Ecclesiasticall policie BEinge right earnestly and often required by certeine deare brethern off the churche off Englande that we woulde in their miserable state geue them some kinde off counsaile whereon theire consciences might be staied the Iudgemente off many beinge therin diuers we did longe differre the satisfinge off their requestes vppon waightie causes And we assure the reader that euē nowe also we moste gladly woulde houlde oure peace were it not a matter of conscience to reiecte the sute of the brethern so often enforced and with moste greuous groninges reneued Off whiche stifned silence off ours theis were the causes firste as on the one part we dowte not off the credit off the brethern as thoughe they had not sincerely described the state off the cause vnto vs so on the other side it is moste harde for to suspecte suche thinges so clene besides all office off Bishopps muche lesse perswade oure selues the same by suche personages done And farther what men are we that we shulde determine vppon suche causes Also iff it were lawfull for vs either by authoritie or els by consent or requeste of either parties to geue sentence here vppon yet were yt a mater moste wrongefull either partie not harde or not present to determine Laste off all feare mistrusted leaste so great a mischieff shuld by this oure counsell howe simple so euer it is rather become rawe thē skin̄ed it beinge a sore of so desperate a nature as that it semeth