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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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be suffred to sitte vpon the pompe let this be the faulte off men and not off the lawes I speake off the thing yt selfe But some man will saye that the Bishoppe hath this power by the worde off God And they haue yt off the Bishoppe whose office and authoritie in this behalffe they execute What the Bishoppes power is and that the authoritie which he hath is common also with him to the Pastors and Elders and hath no proper nor peculiar authoritie in this pointe we shall after see in dewe place But let vs put the case that only the Bishoppe had this power and authoritie graunted to him to gouerne his owne churche according to Goddes word Is yt therefore lawfull for him to sitte yd●e and dreamyng at home and let an other doe his off●ce abroade But admite allso that yt were lawfull for him to haue an other to doe his office yet yt is not lawfull for him to substitute whome he listeth in his place but only some other mā in the same degree that he is of and that is in equall place and authoritie with him For neyther in olde tyme could the Consulles off Rome leaue any man to doe there office for them but only such as were off the Consulles state and dignitie Nor now adaies can the maire off a towne leaue any Burgesse to execute his office for him but onlie an Aldermen and one off the same degre and companie How muche more vnmeete is it to trust any man with the keyes off the howse off Dauid but onlie suche to whome the Sonne and Heire who is set ouer the gouernment off the howse hath commanded to deliuer them For how greatlie is it to be feared lest that they oppen and shutte they care not how and order all thinges not according to the Sonne and Heires commandment but there owne will and pleasure How greatelie I saie is it to be feared lest they cast the lordes Iewells before swine lest they sette open his holie misteries to be abused by euerye one Lest they receyue and enterteine stranngers and put out ād refuse thē off the housholde fynally Lest they prophane and abuse all that they take in hande And suerlie experiēce teacheth vs how greatlie they haue erred who haue put thē in trust with the kepīg of so waightie thinges For we haue oftē times sene and trulie doe see these thinges to happē which I haue spoken off that some off this courte for a grote or some small dewtie wil excommunicate and as it were banyshe out off heauen the most honest citezens off the kingdome off God and Curse them and cast them headlong into Hell And conterwise accompte off enemies often times as off free men and cytezens and suffer them to be partakers off all the freedomes and liberties off the citie off god For it commeth to passe with them as with the hirelinges off whome our Sauior Christe speaketh in the tenth off Iohn who because they doe not there owne office but an other mans care not how faithfullie nor with what credite they vse thē selues but rule and order all thinges for ther owne commoditie and pleasure But hereoff I trust we shall speake more at large hereafter Now to goe forwarde Let vs admitte bothe That the Bishoppe hath this authoritie and that he may appointe whome he liste to excute it for him yet how can we thincke it lawfull that a man should be admitted to ordinarie and perpetuall office in the churche without a right and lawfull calling which as after shal be declared consisteth in these twoe poyntes fyrst that he be chosen and after that he be ordeined seing it is generall and belongeth vnto all without exception who doe bare any office in the churche which I laide in the begynning as the foundacion off all this disputacion that is to saie that no man take this honor vnto him but he that is called vnyt as was Aaron But seing Archdeacons and Channcellors are apointed onlie by the Bishoppes pleasure and the other vnder-officiers by theres and seing that nothing is vsed in the apointing off them which shal be shewed to be necessarie in the calling to any eccleasticall function Seing there is no Election no praiers no Ordeining no laiing on off handes and suche life as bothe are wont and owght to be vsed in such a matter naie seing there is not so much as an othe geuen them without the which no office off any waite in the common wealthe is committed to any man It must nedes be confessed as the thing it selfe declareth and I haue proued by sure and vndoubted argumentes That all this rabble and company exercise authoritie in the churche off God without any lawfull vocacion at all or calling Wherfore seing so many voluntarie officers haue without any lawfull calling taken vpon them the gouernment off the churche whereby as I haue shewed the wrath off god is most greuously prouoked against vs why doe we not fiftene yeres after that by the grace off God his holie Gospell is preached emongest vs whie doe we not I saie in the ecclesiasticall officers that which the Romanes did euerie fyue yeres in all degrees that is to saie whie doe we not make a searche and assaie off euerie mans calling That Right and lawfull authorie being discerned from that which is vniust and vnlawfull those impudent officers who were chosen by them selues or crepte in at the backe dore and were not called thereunto by the authoritie off God and off his churche maie be compelled to leaue there places and be put out off office Therfore let enquirie be made into euerie mans calling Let them shewe how they were chosen and ordeined as the leters and seale off ther calling let them rehearse there genealogies and the race off there descente let them bring there roddes and set them before the Arcke off God And they who cannot shewe the markes and tokens off there Creaciō and Election They that cannot fetche there Pedigree from Aaaron and whose roddes remaine deade before the Arcke and neyther blossome nor florishe let them by the most iust authoritie off the worde off God be displaced and put out off those offices which they most vniustlie and wrongfully haue desyred and vsurped And thus muche maie be sufficient to proue the necessitye off a lawfull vocacion and calling Now let vs see the vse fruite and com̄oditie off the same which semeth to me to be so greate that althoughe there were no punishement for the neglecte and contempte off yt yet yt were to be taried and waited for for the meruailous vse and commoditie that yt bringeth with yt For what can so strengthen a man against all daungers which hang ouer hym discharging his dewtie faithfully as the remēbraunce that he is placed in that standing by the cōmandement and authoritie off god which as it placeth him so it will be alwaies readie to defend him against the enmyties and lieng in waite off all men For then only
succeded by inheritance vnto the Apostles and therfore haue receyued yt off them allthoghe I should graunt them the first the second yet is disprouued by most manyfest testimonies and examples of the appostles them selues For let vs see iff euer the Apostles in any election did challendge this power and authoritie vnto them Sainct Luke writeth off thre elections holden by the appostles the fyrst in the fyrst off the Actes wher a new Apostle is chosen The second in the sixth wher the Seacons the third in the fourtenthe wher the Elders ar appointed in euery church For althoughe the Apostles did not choose Matthias But left it to the Lott which should declare the Lordes will and counsell therin because this was proper and peculier for that office off Apostles that they should not be chosen off men nor by men But immediatly from the Lord him selfe yet in settinge forth two ther is a certene kind off choise and election But what is ther in all this actiō that either Iames whome some say to haue bene Bishopp at Ierusalem or P●●er or any off the other Apostles doth take vnto him selfe For althoughe that Sainct Luke declareth that Iames was present heere yet we reade not that he was cheefe ther or tooke vpon him as he was Bishoppe authority to appointe an Apostle Or ells thos two off whom one should be chosen by the Lott But contrawise we see that he challenged no more to him selfe then either Andrew or Philipp or any other off the rest off the Apostles In deed Peter as Proloquutor propoundethe all the matter and purteth vp as yt wer this grace vnto the churche off chosinge an Apostle And he him self declareth what one they ought to choose and what especially in ther election they ought to respect and regard But vsed no particuler or special autoritie in choosinge the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They sett forthe Which is off the plurall nomber vsed by Sainct Luke in that place dothe manyfestly declare and proue Therfore in this first and solemne election off the Apostles ther was nothinge done or said from whence this infynite power and authoritie may be deriued vnto the Bishoppes But contrariwise seinge Iames taketh nothinge to him selffe nor Peter nor any other off the rest nay seinge all the Apostles togeether doe nothinge heere off ther owne authoritie nor choose whom yt pleasethe them It is sure and manifest that That Bishopp that will not take him selfe greater then an Apostle or then all the Apostles can by no right challendge to hym selffe any suche power or priuiledge in gyuinge and apointinge the offices off the churche But Let yt be that this election for the choice off Mathias and the great office and callinge wherevnto he was chosen had somewhat singuler and extraordinary and let vs see the next that is the election off the Seacons written by Saincte Luke in the sixthe chapter off the Actes wherin ik is so farr off that Peter or Iames or any other off the Apostles challenged any thinge aboue the rest vnto them selues in choosinge off them that contrariwise ther was nothinge done but by the common consent and agreement off them all For Sainct Luke dothe expressly declare that the multitude off the disciples we called togeether by the twelue that the choosinge off Seacōs was propoūded by the twelue and that the election beinge ended the praiers were made and handes laid on by the twelue For allthoughe they did not all call them to geether nor propounde the election nor make the praiers yet so expresse a speakinge as Sainct Luke vseth heere That the tvvelue called the disciples together and the words off the plurall nombre which he vsethe in euery place off this history do manyfestly proue that nothing was done heere by the priuate commandement or counsell off any but that cōtrariwise all thinges passed by the com̄on consent and authoritie off all the Apostles Therfore in this second and most solemne election bothe for the presence off all the Apostles and multitude off the disciples They take the repulse againe and can not obteyne this immesurable and princely authoritie in the churche which they seeke to haue The last is the election off Elders written in the fourtenth off the Actes which was heeld not by all the Apostles but only by Paule and Burnabas wherin althoughe they two ruled all the actiō and did moderate and gouerne the Iudgment off those that gaue the voices yet that they vsed no power and authoritie off ther owne in electinge the Elders off the churche euen that one word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chosinge by liftinge vp off the handes off the people doth manyfestly declare Therfore the Bishopps receyued not this authoritie by inheritance from the Apostles whose elections I haue declared to haue beene furthest off from this lordly authoritie For so they had bene taught off Christ that his kingdome was notlike the kingdomes off this world wherin some one hathe the chiefe authoritie to whome the rest ought to obey and whom they call ther Lord an master But he had appointed ●oir greatest or greater then his fellowes they had lerned that he was only king to whom all ought to be obedient and that they ought to lyue togeether like fellows in equall place and degree one with an other But they flee from the Apostles to the Euāgelistes And that fauour they could not get off the Apostles they hope to atteyne by them therfore they fetche the begynninge off this power and authoritie from Tymothie and Titus loff whom they say the one was bishop at Ephesus and the other in Candy And Timothie say they was commanded that he should not lay on his handes to rashly vpon any which commandement had bin in vayne iff the election off ministers had not beene in the Bishopps handes But I aske them how they proue that Tymothe was bishoppe at Ephesus For I thinck they will not bringe me that subscriptiō To Tymothe first chosen bishoppe off Ephesus much lesse Eusebius authorite the Author wheroff is vnknowne and off no great credit which also is not sett at the end off the first epistle against the most manifest testimoni off the Scripture which callethe Tymothie not a Bishoppe but an Euangelist for so Sainct Paule expresly calleth hym in the ende off his secōd epistle vnto him And the whole history prouethe that it cannot be that he could haue taried long at Ephesus who followed Paule trauelinge throughe so many churches and serued him in his iourny whom Paule himselfe doth witnes in mani places to haue beene an eye witnes off his afflictions whome he sent some tymes to Ephesus namely when he went into Macedonia sometymes to Corinth witnessinge that he did the lordes worck euen as he him selfe As also to the Rom. he calleth him his follow laborer as one that labored to gee●her her with him in plantynge and orderinge off churches and last ●ff all that ther may be no way
Sainct Peter saithe an euerlastinge crowne off glory This is therfore the dewty off a Bishopp which I will not here curiously enquyre how faithfully they execute seinge they be bownd to no speciall charge but content with a generall ouersight off the Dioces haue exempted them selfes from the necessary charge off rhe Bishoppes dewty Let vs rather see wither I haue iustly compassed in the whole office off a Bishopp in the handlynge off Religion and the seruice off god For it is an old opinion and receiued off long tyme that Bishoppes are not so lymited with doinge off the seruice off God But that they may also handle the thinges off this liffe and gouerne both at once the church and the common welth Heroff yt comethe that our Bishoppes are Iustices off peace and haue authoritie to see the Queenes peace kept and to cast the breakers off yt into prison and bondes That they haue authoritie to heere pleas and also to Iudge off in ther courtes pleas off willes and Testamentes and other cyuill thinges Heroff also it is that the same titles off state and honor that are geuen to the noble men are geuen to them wheras Archbishopes are saluted by the most honorable and Princely title off Grace An other is called Bishopp off the order off the garter An other Counte Palatine And all off them honorable Lordes whervpon some are displeased that the Chauncelorshipp off this realme The Presidentshipp off york and suche like honorable offices which were wont in popery to be there 's are now geuen to horable Lordes off cyuill estate And complayne off yt as thoughe they had wrong offred them Therfore they do vniustly and with out any cause and contrary to ther dewty desyre and vsurp thes thynges or ells I haue not done well to enclose all the office off a Bishopp in the administracion off heauenly and spirituall thinges wheroff let vs se whither is to be thought That that is ould and auncient yt may sufficiently enoughe appere by this that such Ambition and busyinge off them selues is forbidden by the old Cannons yea furder the greuous complaynt off some off the old farthers touchinge this matter are knowen well enoughe and to be found in ther writinges who partly invey and sharpely reproue them that brought in this confusion partly lament that by that meanes they were called from ther owne particuler dewty which also we here saye some off ours do complaine off and confesse that they haue only one houre in the weeke to thincke off preachinge And that in a manner wonne by force out off the importunitie off cliētes whom Terēcies menedemus worthely would merueyle at to see thē to haue so much leysure from ther owne busines that they may look to other mens But this that is now so amplified and growen that it is become intollerable and no lesse daungerous for them selues then for thee church sprange at the first as all most all other mischiefes haue done from begynninges that were not so euill For first off all this busines was w holie pryuate and controuersies were frely giuen ouer to the Bishoppes by the consent off the parties who trustinge there conscience thought by this meanes to haue the best issue off ther matter After it grewe by the Authorytie of Princes who partlie off a good mynd but not warie enough and off a desire to adorne and beutifie the churche partly also because they them selues were hindered with warres and externall busines gaue authority to Bishoppes to correct euen suche with ciuill punishment as should troble the churche Last off all it so infinitely spread out her bowghes by the couetousines and ambicion off the Bishoppes that ther was no honorable office in the ciuill state which they did not partly begg partly receyue willingly and with great thanckes being offered till they had myngled the churche and the comon welth ciuill and ecclesiasticall matters and cōfounded the kingdome and the bishprick to gether But as that which god hath ioyned no mann can seperate So we may not thinck that any mā can ioyne or couple to gether that which he hath seuered and deuided a sonder And iff it be vnlawfull to altor and change the boundes that our fathers haue sett how much lesse is it laufull to change those boundes and lymites that the Lord hathe bounde vs with all and wherby he would haue vs seuered and deuided from others and by this deceit to encrease Patrimonies and possessions For that ther is a great difference betwene the cyuill magistrat and them that haue charge off ecclesiasticall matters That sufficiently dothe proue that wheras first off all both powers were confounded togither in Moses The lord leauing him only the charge off the common welth committed the gouerment off the churche to Aaron his brother And set so great distance betwene them bothe that the kingdome could not on●y not be gouerned by the highe priest him selfe but also by none off the same familie name or trib Nor contrary wise the priesthood off any off the kinges stock or off the royal b●ud house or tribe and fynally off none but a Leuite So they were diuided a sonder not only in ther owne persons but also by families and by tribes which distinction and difference was allwais diligently obserued by all that came after vntil king vzziah being puffed vp with pride as it is expresly noted in the holy history vsurped the priesthood and burnte incense in the temple off god But he wēt not away scotfree with his pride but being sodenly stricken with the leprousy was made an example for all ages to take heed off the like boldnes to confounde and mingle thos to gether which the Lord did deuide and set a sonder But ther was no priest for many yeres after that medled him selfe with the gouerment off the kingdome vntill first Aristobolus most vnaduisedly after the retourne from Babylon ioyned the kingdome and the priesthoode the myter and the crowne togither For wheras we read that Elias Samuel and Daniel exercised both offices It was alltogither extraordinary neither ought to be drawne to the ordinary and perpetuall gouernment off the church All thoughe vnder the law many thinges wer done by the Priestes which cannot be now done by Bishoppes And they wer put to many thinges to which yt wer not lawfull that the Bishoppes vnder the Gospell should be applied which was in respect off the publique law wheroff they wer as well keepers and interpreters as off the morall beinge made and gyuen by the same lord so that it was needfull to vse them to many thinges whereunto ours may not neither ought not to be put As for the Gospell what can be cleerer then the difference that it maketh in this case wheras our sauior him selffe off whose example we ought to lerne refused to deuide the herytage betwene the brethren as a thing not belonginge to his office and offten tymes he reprouethe and repressethe the
it yeldeth the best fruite and as it were a golden haruest when it is diligently carefully and painfully labored and tilled when ther is a greate and a carefull heede taken off the seedes when the churches are looked vnto with as great diligence as the campe and armie is watched in the feeldes And finally whē they are labored by honest men For neither doeth the grownde respect the lawrell garlonde vpō the ploughe share nor whither the plowe man weareth riche and costly embroidred garmentes but would haue him painfull laborsome diligent and full off trauell neither dothe the church looke for this outward pompe and shewe in her bishopp but for faithe diligence labor good and precious seedes honest busy and painfull handes and had a great deale rather haue hir husband man godl y lerned and diligent then mitred and Rocheted Whervpon it cometh to passe that when the feelde off Rome was plowed and tilled by Seranus and Cincinnatus and suche like worthie men and the church by Paul and Peter and suche like The encrease was very plentyfull but now as farre as we are gone from there example and paines takinge so much are our churches behinde and inferior to the feeldes off Ephesus and Antioche Therfore it is the deuty off all godlie bishoppes who desire to serue the churche and to be well esteemed in it rather for ther godlines and learninge then for this pompe and shewe seing they haue allready declared that the gospell is dearer vnto them then all the commodities off this life that iff they will discharge ther dewty they wold better fynishe and make perfect that which they haue allreadie well begonn and euen willinglie for the rest off the gospell which yet we want touching discipline once againe leaue and forsake that pompous state and dignitie and be more carefull for the glory off god the saluacion off the churche and keepinge a god conscience vnto them selues then for keepinge or mainteininge this false shewe off honor and glory and the vaine names off titles and dignities and retourne againe to the worcke off the ministerie and not as in a sence somewhat diuerse frō this the Apostle warnethe the Galathians finishe in the fleshe which they haue begonne in the spirit I knowe in deede how hard it is to perswade them which haue once tasted off this sweet inchaunting cuppe but seing bothe the commandement iff god ther owne callinge and vocacion and the proffit and commoditie off the churche doth require yt It becommeth them for the godlines they are off and for the life they haue spent in the professinge off the Gospell to leaue all for CHRIST and the Gospelles cause and to follow him wither he calleth and leadeth them and as they in a maner first taught and preached vnto vs the doctrine off the Gospell So they would be the first Authors to bring in the Discipline off the Gospell and vse ther estimacion credite and authoritie not to the ouerthrowing off the trewth off God but to the establishing and preseruing off the same But yff there be any for I cannot but hope well off many especially off thos who haue seene other reformed churches but I saie iff ther be any who either for couetousnes for ambicion or because they thinck this lordly state tollerable in Bishoppes will by no meanes be perswaded to rest and quiet them selues in that meane estate which becommethe the men off God they are to be compelled euen against ther willes and to be forced to retourne againe to the first and right institution off Bishoppes And surely iff we serche the fountaine and originall off thes great riches we shall find that they neither in the beginning Gott this wealth by any right nor yet keepe yt to this day not only because they do no duty off a Bishopp or Mynister But also because they wrongfully vsurpe that which belongeth vnto other For a great part off ther Goodes is that which in the beginninge was geuen for the reliefe off the poore which was committed as an almes vnto the Bishopp which as yt apperethe by the old cannons he should distribute by his advise and the consent off the company off the Elders But after when they had abolished the power and authoritie off the Elders and ruled all thinges alone accordinge to ther owne conscience They made them selues those pore men and tooke almes to ther owne vse and so grew riche and welthie by the want and necessitie off others An other part which they haue belongeth to the mynisters off other churches which was vnited to the Bishopprickes by Impropriations besides proxies and other tolles and fees which they take off the ministers Therfore what right haue they to vsurpe that as there owne which was geuen in tymes past for the maynteyninge off ministers in other churches Therfore when they haue restored to the pore and to other ministers that which is ther owne iff yet they haue more then is meete for a Bishop let them bestow it off other ther pore fellowe ministers who in many other places want necessaries by reason off the pouerty off the churches which they serue that at the last being content which an honest and reasonable liuinge they may retourne againe to th●r originall and first beginninge Thes wordes off diminishinge the pompe and welthe off Bishoppes as it displeasethe some who thinck that some credite and authoritie is gotten to the gospell therby So it pleaseth verie well thos that think this will be profitable for them and do allreadie gape for this praie and hope for this grea inheritaunce For thei thinking that we seeke only that the bishoppes might be put downe waite for the like praie by ther puttinge downe as they had sometimes at the ouerthowe off ●he abbais For as for Religion they care nor what become off it so they may waxe welthie by sacriledge and robbery And would not stick iff it were possible to crucifie Christ againe that they might cast lottes for his coate and deuide his garmētes amonges thē For this our age hathe many suche souldiours many suche as Denis the king or rather the tyranne off Syra cusa was who think that a golden growne is not fit for God neither in sommer neither in winter and yet that it will serue them well at all tymes and seasons But iff they marck diligently what I saie they shall well perceiue that I fauor not in any respect there couetousnes and greedie desyre For I speake not heere off spoilinge the Bishoppes or robbing the goodes off the church and geuinge them away to most vnworthie men but rather that the neede off a great nombre may be relieued by the aboundance and excesse off a fewe that hospitalles may be mainteined and prouided for and which is the chiefe that the ministery may be established ād mainteined thorowe ought the realme so that by thes wordes they haue no occasion to hope or looke for any thing but rather to feare they loose not that
eare nor hearing in the body no nose nor smellinge no handes nor fealinge fynally nothing but the Eye and seinge So the Bishop cutteth off the Deacons as the handes from the body taketh away the Elders who do necessarilie serue to smell out and vnderstand many matters abolisheth the Assembly as if he should stopp vp the eares which are apointed for the hearing off controuersies and fynallie hath destroyed the whole body whiles he will haue yt nothing but an eye neither will suffer either the Deacons or the Elders or the Assembly to do any thing but only himselfe to heare handle and deale with all manner matters But what a body is this which is nothing but an eye for as the Apostle saith The whole body is not one member but many And if ther be nothing but an eie then where is the smellinge wher is the hearinge wher be the handes and wher be the other partes Surely God made the bodie otherwise apointed to euery membre his office and function Neither can the Bishopp say vnto the Deacon no more then the Eye vnto the hand that he hathe no need off him seing we see Apostles who were the clearest Eyes which euer were had neede off the Deacons helpe Muche lesse can I say that he hathe no need off the Elders or off the whole assembly Neither durst the Byshoppes arrogate thus muche to them selues in the begynninge but by litle and lytle as Ambition and dysyre off bearinge rule did encrease in them and the care off the churche did decrease in ther fellows at the last they came to this vnspeakable pride Wherunto this was the first steppe when as the name off a Bishopp which is common to all other ministers and there fellowes as yet appeerethe in the xx off the Actes beganne to be attributed to one alone who was chosen by the rest to this end that he might propound the matters which were to be handled vnto the Assembly and gather the voices and beare as yt were that office which the Consull did in the Senate off Rome But as yet he was chosen by the rest and that not for euer but for a tyme And althoughe he had the honor off the name yet for other thinges he vsed no priuate authority neither toke vnto him selffe any more geuinge off voyces or determyninge off matters then any off the rest he contynewed still in the common care and chardge off all the Assemblie to watche ād ouer see the flock and was carefull also off his owne particuler dewty to preache ād to teache the people neither pretēded the charge off the common care which he had with the rest to make yt a cloke for his ydlenes and to liue at ease and leaue his proper and peculier charge off preaching but kept still his owne churche as his standinge vpon the wall so that yet hether to euery thing But only the Arrogatinge off the name off Bishopp vnto him selfe was tollerable But afterwardes when as by the negligence and ignorance off Bishopps and ministers there were but a fewe who were meete to handle suche matters and many were vnlerned some also idle and negligent and cared not for the churche then began this authority and charge touchinge the Discipline off the churche to be allmost wholie geuen vnto one which occasion Ambition tooke and seing the tyme to serue so fitt for the purpose hoised vp the sailes vnto honor So yt became a perpetuall office wheras before they were chosen vnto yt for a tyme And all matters were gouerned and ruled by one mans Authoritie alone and no more by the voyces off his fellowes and off the Assembly But afterward that darknes encreasinge and couering all the churche when as fewe fit Mynisters were to be found not onely in one towne or cytie But in some whole countrie or prouince the Tyranny grewe greater and encreased still and brought vnder the subiection off one man all the churches which were in a whole Dioces wheruppon the charge off a perticuler and as we will call yt a parishe churche was shaken off vnder pretence off this great burden off the ouersight off so many churches So that they left vnto them selues no more off the trew office off a Bishop and mynistery then that serued for ther honor that is they reserued only so muche that they might speake to the people wher and in what churche and when they wold Thus they vsurped all the authority off the Assembly yea ouer the Assembly ruling them as they listed chosing and putting out whom they would vntill at the last the Assemblies were cleane taken away and the churches off euery Dioces had Lordes set ouer them But ambition which as the flame or fyre goeth vpwardes still and cannot be kept with in any bandes staied not thus in Dioces and small prouinces But ascended vpp to greater from whence come our Metrapolitanes who were called Archbishopps and fyrst begann that Authoritie to be geuen them in theyr name which in deed they had vsurped before Then from the greater prouinces and Archebishoprickes they came higher to the rule off all the churches in a whole kingdome whervppon they wer called primates Then the whole churche thoroughe out the world was ruled by a Quadrumvirat that is by foure who had the chiefe charge off all the world and were called Patriarches vntill at the last Antychrist by thes staires went vpp to the throne off god and sat hym downe in the middest off the churche as Paule had prophesied and boasted him selfe as god This is the trewe hystorie off the confusion off Ecclesiasticall offices This was the cradle and the beginning off the Ambition off churche men Thus they grewe forewardes vpp and encreased wherby iff we perceyue all thinges to be so oute off ordre that the state off the whole bodye is to be feared by yt Let vs at the last geue warninge to our Prymat to our Metropolitanes and to our Lorde Bishoppes that yff they think yt a shamefull and an ambytious thinge and vnbesceminge the modesty off the seruant off Christ and off a trewe Pastor for the pope to take the Authorytye off Generall Counsells and to suffe nothing to be done nor decreed in them but what he only dothe or alloweth that I say yff they think this shamefull in the pope to doe to generall Counsells they would not plaie the petipopes in Conuocations or prouinciall Synods and takinge awaie the libertie off the Ecclesiasticall Synodes and Assemblies rule gouerne and apoint all alone by tyranny lest they seeme not to haue desyred to deliuer the churche cleane out off Bondage but only to chaunge the maister and to make it become subiect vnto them and to haue sought onelie that we should haue no forraine popes not that we should haue none at home or none alltogether and rather to haue abhorred the pope off Rome then the popedome yt selffe Let them remember at the last that they haue as great need iff they do
vocacion and calling But how litle we are afraide thereoff and how in this behalfe that Discipline is neglected in establishing whereoff God hath trauailed so carefully it is to to manyfest whereas popishe priestes take in hande to be mynisters off the Gospel● whereas women and mydwiues administer baptisme emonghest vs and Chaūcellors Archedeacons Commissariers and such like deale in the discipline and gouernment off the churche without any lawfull calling For as for popishe priestes I speake off those who doe take the ministerie vpon ●hen without any newe calling allowing off or appointing them thereunto but only stand vpon the right off those horrible orders whereby they were ordeined to sacrifice for the quicke and the deade that is to saie to abolyshe the sacrifie off our Sauior Christe who can denye but that this there shameles boldenes is cleane contrarie to the most iust and equall lawes which the Lorde hath made touching the necessitie off vocacion For althoughe they be anoynted and greased and haue receyued power off there Bishoppes to sacrifice for the quicke and the deade yet I denye that oile and that power off sacryfycing to be any sufficient warraunt for them to be ministers off the Gospell and off the Sacramentes This is a prophane oyle and can geue no man authoritie to dispose the mysteries off god The ministers off God are anoynted with an other kinde off oyntmēt which Christe him selfe made and prepared sending out his Apostles to preache the Gospell and to baptise those which should beleue wherewithall seing they are not anoynted why are they suffred to preache the Gospell with prophane mowthes or to touche the holy misteries with vncleane and polluted handes But some man will saie They haue receyued the laieing on off handes and were ordeined as euerie man thowght then to minister the seruice off God. I confesse indede that handes were laide vpon them neyther doe I muche stand vpon yt what or whose handes they were but I denie that euer they wer● chosen to a lawfull ministerie or that handes were laide vpon them to this ende yea rather contrarie they were laide on them for an ende that is most contrarie to the ministerie off the Gospell so that by no meanes this can be accomp●ed the lawfull office off a trewe Pastor From whence they are as farre off as the Priestes off Israell who were apointed by Ieroboam to sacrifice to the calues were from that lawfull calling wich the priestes had which were at Hierusalem So that the same Ordring and institucion can by no meanes serue to geue one man at the same tyme twoe offices so diuers and contrarie betwene then se●ues For thus all the offices off all Kingdomes and common wealthes are distinguished the one from the other and seuered by the diuers endes they are apointed vnto Thus they are called Senators and Councellers who are chosen to geue councell Iudges who are apointed to giue iudgement and suche like So likewise in the churche one is apointed for teaching an other for disposing the goodes off the church and euery office is distinguyshed from other by the forme and maner off his creacion and calling By which reason also the Apostle to the Hebrewes proueth that the Priesthoode off Chr●ste differeth frō the Priesthoode off the Lawe for saith he in these wordes The Lord svvare and vvill not repent thou art a priest for euer after the order off Melchiscdech Christe is ordeined priest after the order off Mechisedeche but the priestes off the lawe are ordeined after an other order namely off Aaron Christe for euer They only for the small tyme off this shorte life Christe with an othe They without any othe wherby it appareth that his priesthoode is farre other yea muche more nobleād excellēt thē theirs was Which axacte maner off disputing of the Apostle iff we followe and compare the institucion off trew a ministers which is conteined in these wordes off our sauior Christe Proach the Gospell and baptize those which beleue with the orders off the popishe priestes whereby they are ordeined to sacrifice for the quicke and the deade Shall yt not appear more cleare then the light that these twoe offices are not only diuerse but cleane contrarie the one to the other For what Agrement is there betwene a Pastor and a Prieste betwene the Gospell and a Sacrifice or rather what maie be more contrarie to the preaching off the Gospell then this newe sacrifice off the masse for the quicke and the deade The preaching off the Gospell in deede is a swete sauour vnto god ād surely a very acceptable sacrifice is yt vnto him when as the ministers off his gospell slea our olde man as a sacrifice with the sharpe edged sworde off his worde neyther can any oblacion more please him thē when that the cōcupiscēces and affectiōs off our fleshe being mortified and killed we are offred vpon his aulter but it is so fare off that any sinne should be taken away by this sacrifice that as muche as we geue vnto yt in this behalfe so muche we detracte frō the trewe sacrifice off our only prieste Iesus Christe But saie they the supper off the Lorde is ment by this sacrifice and so by that the whole ministerie Some Papist indeede maie saie thus that vaunteth the masse for the Lordes supper but we who according vnto goddes worde rest our selues in the only sacrifice off Christe and casting all other hope aside flie from the wrath off god vnto the only aulter off the crosse off Christe Let vs confesse as we beleue that ther is nothing more contrary to that holy supper then there Idolatrous masse and nothing more against the commemoracion off the deathe off Christe then this newe aulter which they haue erected against the aulter off Christe Seing then there is so greate contrarietie and not difference alone betwene the offices and betwene the thinges whereunto they are apointed It is plaine and manifest that no man by the same ceremony and order can be assigned to the bearing off two offices so contrarie in themselues And that popishe Priestes are not to be suffred to serue the churche off God without a newe examinacion approbacion election and calling How and when they are to be admitted yt shall after he declared where occasion shall serue to speake off putting backe from the mynisterie suche as be nouices in the faith But I haue taried to long in this pointe off popishe Priestes now there folleweth to adde somewhat in this place touching women and midwiues who without any cōmandement of God or rather contrary to his expresse worde take vpon thē that parte off the office off the minister To baptize children in case off daunger off there liues and of dying without baptisme otherwise which notwithstanding I wold suppose not nedefull to be done the error being so absurde and manyfest yff we had yet learned after so many yeres wherin by the greate goodnes off God his holie worde is
mountaines and wandringe in the woodes with out a guyde which he him selfe spared not to spēd his life for to bring yt into the way againe we are in no part inferior to the Papistes them selues Is this then our discipline is this that order which some men often tymes praisinge in wordes desire nothinge less in deed Is this the gouernment and administracion off our churche and yet no man may be suffred freely to speake for the reformaciō of the churche and restoringe againe of the pure and perfit gouernmēt of the Apostles Seinge thes are most manifestly contrary to the example off our Sauior Christ and off the Apostles Seinge they threaten the certeyne ruyne and ouer throw off the churche Seinge they do not only shake but turne vpward the pillers off the same Haue we not Good cause to be moued bothe for the Glory off God and the saluacion of the churche to requyre more holye ordinaunces and a better gouernment off the same Can any man esteeme thes light matters and off small waight that the sacred Lawes off God are openly violated and broken with oute any shame that the churche which Christ hath redemed with his bludd is neglected That ther is no regard had off discharginge off dewties That a man taketh to hym selfe which the Aungelles dare not and that the Archbishopp dare geue the Pastor leaue contrary to the expresse commandement off God to forsake his flock or graunt him suche priuiledges wheroff that same dothe necessaryly follow which no Archangell may challendge to him selff Or shall thos thinges also which I haue handled from the begynninge to this place be esteemed small faultes to ground Ecclesiasticall discipline not vpon the word off God and the will off the Lord Iesus But off the canon lawe Which suerly I doubt not to affirme to be the very fountaine and springe from whence all the rest off the Corruptions do flow that popishe priestes womē Archdeacons and Chauncelers with ther Officialles Commissaryes and the rest off that Trashe do bringe ther impure handes and neuer sanctified vnto God to do his holie seruice to preache his word to handle and distribute his facred mysteries to order and gouerne his churche And nothinge seare any punishement off this ther boldnes and most vnworthie prophanacion off the holie offices That Ionathan the Leuites shamefull example in seekinge a Maister or as we call yt in gettinge the good will off a Patrone is taken to be followed That Dauid and Salomons example in callinge the Priestes and Leuites to ther cyties and townes and the Apostles in ordeininge no ecclesiasticall officer but vnto certen churches is neglected and contemned And last off all that Thes wicked and intollerable faculties Prerogatiues Priuiledges and dispensacions tha● I haue spoken off at suffered in our churche Are all thee I say to be countid trifles or certen light faultes and tollerable errors For my par e suerly I thincke as allso I suppose all they will do that will were this by the word off God as by the gold smythes ballance that ther is neuer a one off these light and small to be esteemed but that they ar all heynous trespasses and matters off Treason to be examined and iudged off in the highest courtes Therfore in the name off God let vs not seeke to bringe this holie doctrine off reforminge our discipline into hate and displeasur vnder a shew that yt is a newe and a false pretēce that all innouaciōs ād chāges are dangerous but rather abrogating thes most vniust and vnrighteous lawes dispensacions and as I may well call them pardones and indulgencies at the last let vs call agayne that maner off gouerninge the churche and that discipline being now lost which the Lord him selfe by his embassadors and Apostles hathe apointed Thus hauinge described and layd out the lawfull vocacion off all those which occupie any publique place in the churche let vs now come to the partes and members of the same which especially are two wherin the right maner off geuinge thes offices doth consist that is In election and ordinacion which is so properly called Election is the appointinge by the Elders the rest off the churche allowing it off a fitt man to the bearinge off some office in the churche And as for Election that it is necessary to the geuinge off any off thes offices it may appeare euen off that that S. Paul ioineth it with examinacion and trial and diligently warneth Timothie that he lay not on his handes vpon them that be vnworthie but only vpon thos that after a iust triall beinge had are found meet and chosen That same is proued also by the continuall vse off the Apostles who by the iudgmēt and authoritie off the churche apointed Bishopps to teache and Deacons for the orderinge off the Treasury off the churche For Christ hath not chosen any certen hous or famyly as it was in old tyme vnder the law wherin the gouernment off the churche should all wais remaine He gaue herein no right off Petigree stock and blood no ministers by inheritance but he would haue the iudgement left free vnto his churche and the offices theroff to be gyuen by choyse and worthines Off which election for asmuche as it was so necessary for the state off the churche that without yt the churche it selfe could not longe continew Our Sauior Christ was very carefull and therfor declared particularly and distinctly all thinges which apperteined to the orderyng theroff For he hath perfectly and diligently shewed bothe who owght to choose and to whom especially this care ought to belonge and what ought to be followed and regarded in chosinge off euery one For althoughe this question and controuersy off the chosers hathe beene diuersly disputed off by lerned men yet allmost all off them cōsen in this that ther must be moe to deale therin and that so great and so wayghtie a charge and belonginge to the especiall and singuler commodytie or discomoditie off the wholl churche ought not be committed to the authoritie off any one but be ordered and ruled by the iudgement and consent off many And this is the generall opynion off all thos that euer disputed lernedly and wisely in this cause from which I thinck no man can dissent but the Papists and they that haue succeded them in that authoritie which they most vnuistly and not without open iniury and tyranny doe vsurpe For the Bishopps that challeng this power vnto them selues by ther meere authoritie and ther owne only Iudgment and aduise to apoint the officers off the churche cannot challenge this by any right or law off God but exercise a very tyranny thoughe indeed longe agoe browght into the churche which lest I may seeme to haue said with out cause and to haue condemned them with out hearinge them to say what they can let them shew forth from whom and by what right this infynit power and authoritie is come into ther handes yff they say they haue
to escape In the end off the same Epistle wherin he is called a Bishop he sendethe for him from Ephesus to Rome which suerly he would neuer haue done yff he had beene appointed Bishopp ther or one off thos elders whom Paule in the twentieth off the Actes sent for to miletum and exhorteth to contynuall watche and ward And Paule hym selfe writeth that he willed him to tary at Ephesus not that he had ordeined him bishopp ther. A like obiection they make out off the Epistle to Titus wher it is written that Paule left him in Creta that he should appoint Elders in euery towne But it may lickwise be annswered that the Apostle saithe not that he ordeineth him Bishopp off the churches off Creta But only that he leaft him in Creta namely so longe vntill he had sett suche thinges in order as Paule beinge otherwise called away could not tarry to do and had appointed Elders in euery citie which apperethe by this that he commanded hym when thos thinges wer done to come to him to Nicopolis into Macedonia Lickwise in an other place he writeth that Titus was gonn into Dalmacia so that yt is cleere enoughe that Titus had no charge off any certen place or church Therfore seing I thinck yt is sufficiently proued that Titus and Tymothie were Euāgelistes and not Bishoppes how doeth that make for the Bishoppes which we see by ther Epistles was granted vnto thē For I thinck they will not compare them selues with the Euangelistes or affirme them selues to be off equall authoritie with them which iff they should they might be easelie confuted as after in dew place shal be declared But that we may put the case that Timothie was Bishopp at Ephesus and that we may freely graunt that what so euer may apperre to haue beene lawfull for him to be lawfull also for them Let vs see now what the Apostle graunted to Timothie For soothe say they that he might choose off his owne authoritie the officers off the church Let vs then see whether it be so or not And here is first to be noted that they do yll geue that vnto Election which perteyneth not to Election But to Ordinacion For the laying on off handes was not wonte to be vsed in choosinge off any Officers off the churche But in ordeininge off him Then that we graunt them this also That election hereby is signified I say that ther Tyranny and Lordly authoritie is by no place more confuted then by this which they bring for them selues which that yt may more cleerly appeere I must first take away a certen false exposicion which they bringe off this place that after I may the more easyly convince them by the true and naturall meaninge theroff Heere say they Tymothie is warned that he lay not his handes to hastely vpon any nor communicate with other mens faultes namely with thers say they who allthoughe they be vnworthy seeke to enter into the ministery An interpretacion very vnfytt either for the wordes off the Apostle or for those tymes Will they confesse that euen in thos tymes this ambicion had crept into the churche that as now a dayes so then also they went vnto the Bishop for order and layinge on off handes for otherwise what other men̄s fault is this wherwith the Apostle warne the Tymothi that he pollute not him selfe for what fault can this bee Not to be fitt to taky vpon him an ecclesiasticall function But herein is the fault that he that is giltie to him selfe off his owne vnworthines desirethe notwithstandinge to take that vpon him which he is not able to be are with out great offence But who will say that so shamfull Ambicion raigned in the churche in thos daies which many yeeres after was borne and brought vpp at Rome And iff the church had then been steyned with this blott would not Paule expresly haue forbidden this Ambition seinge that he would haue a bishoppe to be blamles and prouided by all meanes that he sholde not swell and wax prowd Therfore this is off smaller waight then it may be allowed and the meaninge off this place is farr otherwise nam y this That Paule foreseyng longe before that greeuous wolues not sparing the flock would ryse vp euen off the Elders off Ephesus them selues and that Tymothie was but off equall authoritie with the Elders in gouerninge off the churche and choosinge off others into the same place and degree and that they that were suche wold choose to b● Elders and lay ther handes on suche as wer like them selues he warneth Timothy that he do nothing rashely in this behalffe neyther iff any suche thing happen althoughe other like neuer so well off it yet he shall not suffer him selfe to be led away by ther authoritie to the allowynge off it but iff he could not keep others by his counsell from so doinge at the least he should keepe hym selff pure and innocent for so he addeth emphatically Keepe thy self pure communicate not vvith other mens faultes And this is the true and naturall meaninge off this place wher by yt appeareth that the Apostle not only grauntith him no princely authoritie for then he would not haue warned him to keepe him selfe pure from allowynge any suche Election but haue commanded him off his meer authoritie to haue hindered and stayed yt and to haue made the choise of the rest off no effect by his negatiue voice but contrariwise that he was off so equall authoritie with the rest off the Elders that iff they had chosen one vnfyt in some respect yet he could not off his owne meere authoritie haue put hym back nor done any more in this matter thē any off the rest And that he could only take heede vnto him selfe that he allowed not any vnripe or vnworthie Iudgmētes off other officers Therfore ther is no cause which they should make Tymothie the Author off this ambition and tyranny Now let vs examin also the example off Titus whom they do trewly affirme to haue beene commanded to appoint Elders in euery citie but I suppose no man will thinck that Paule graunted more to Titus then eyther he and Barnabas or then all the rest off the Apostles tooke vnto them selues neyther iff he had graunted is it like that Titus being a yonge man and his scholler and as it wer his sonne would haue vsed it For as the Iewes say in a cōmon prouerbe it is enoughe for the seruāt to be like his maister which sayinge allso Christ him selfe alloweth when he said that the disciple is not aboue his maister And that it owght to be enowghe for the scholer iff he be suche as his maister is But I haue shewed allredy what both Paule and all the rest off the Apostles did Neither is it ●ike that Titus did otherwise ordeine Elders in euery towne then Paule did in euery churche especially seing Paule doth expressly warne him to appoint them as he had commāded
interpreters wheroff ar so defyled why do some complaine that both other myschifes ar spronge of this reformacion which we require and especially this that the Papistes being offended with our contencion are further estraunged from embracinge the gospell For what is it that may more further ther saluacion then iffthes offences be taken away wherat they stumble and ar hindered Off which so shamefull disorder as ther be many causes so I allwayes esteemed that the greatest and most waightie That we leauinge this exact maner off tryenge and examininge which the Lorde hath commanded vs to obserue and followe in this behalfe keepe only I cannot tell what shadow and image off yt which we receyued from the Papistes The receiuinge off which one error to followe the fancies off men in steade off the certen lawes off god hath brought in as vsually yt doth infinite other wherby it cōmeth to passe that the most worthy order and degree is most vnworthely prophaned that the church like the popishe sanctuaries is full off vile and vicious persons off all sortes and the gospell euill spoken off by the enemies For wheras certen men haue authoritie that euery one off them twise a yeere may giue orders to whom and to how many they list and that so great a multitude off suters come to them at the tyme off geuing off orders howe is yt possible that one man in a day or two should be able to proue and to examyn so many sewters beinge all for the most part vnknowne to him how can he take any assay or make any triall either off Iudgment in religion or off ther honestie in conuersacion For to subscribe is a small matter with them that thinck it the point off a wise man to dissemble that dispence with them selues to do any thing that they may distroy the church therby and whom Euripides hath perswaded to sweare with the tonge and to keepe the mynd vnsworne Neither is that excuse that is brought for those off vnhonest life any thinge more sufficient which is wont to be made by the testimonialles which commonly the suters beinge vnto them seinge the Apostle expressly warnethe Timothe that he be not brought by other mens Iudgmentes to lay handes to sone vppon any man But iff other do it rashly yet he should keep him selfe free and vnspotted from any such fault Althoughe euery man knoweth what waight thes testimonialles ar off seinge some off fauor commend ther kinsfolkes and Allies vnto the Bishopp by ther lettres or others whom they would gratifie by ther authoritie other some euen for couetousnes and hopinge to deuide the pray with them that by ther meanes obteyne the benefice For the couetousnes off some Patrons is to to well knowne who for ther owne gaine sake wil couenant with him with whome they may for leaste and sometyme iff they haue any seruant in the house that can read because the matter may be more easylie gon throwgh with such a one who would be very willinge to geue the greater parte off his benefice iff he obteine yt by his maisters commendacion and authority to chaunge his vile and base estate with some more honest and liberal condicion they writee for him to the Bishop who hauinge this testimoniall either for negligence or often tymes to curry fauor with suche men doth easylie adimit hym Therfore ther must be a triall off ecclesiasticall officers that all dishonesty may be taken away from that most worthy order and degree that ought to be a patterne and example to all other which beinge done order would be takē that here after before Electiōs ther be a dew ād iust proofe and triall had of thos that are to be chosen that we may exactly keep and follow the Lordes Canons ād decrees in this behalfe in keepinge wherof other churches at this day florishe and haue done now a long tyme And thus muche off Election now let vs come to ordinacion Ordinacion is a settinge a part off the partie chosen vnto his office and as it were a kind of inuesting him into it For after the election a certen order and ceremonie is wont to be vsed wherby the parties chosen enter as it wer anto the possession off ther office Now this ordination as we call it consisteth especially in two ceremonies Namely in praier wherunto also I referre the declaringe off his dewty and laying on off handes For the gospell is content to haue the ministers theroff inuested and ordeined by thes most simple ceremonies nor hath any need off that carefull and curious consecracion off the lawe with which the priestes and Leuites were consecrated And as for praiers S. Luke telleth that when Paule and Barnabas were commanded by the holie ghost to be separated for the worck off God the breethren praied for thē before they were sent out to go on ther message Lickwise also the Apostles praied for the deacōs which the people had chosen that the lord would blesse this newe chamberlainshippe as it were to his honor and the profit of his churche that he would ēdew the parties chosē with worthy gyftes and able thē for the worthy execution of ther office For ther is no doute but the Apostles applied ther praiers to the tyme ād state of the churche ād that as before in the election of Matthias so now also in the admissiō and allowance off the Deacons they praied as the present occasion off the busines did require which was then to be done The other ceremony is the layinge on off handes in praier time vpon the heade off the chosen for so it seemeth that it was wont to be vsed as a thinge belonginge vnto praier that bringing in the chosen before God and as it were presentinge thē vnto him the praiers off the church might be kindled ād be the more zealous ād vehemēt and that it was wōt to be vsed to this end yt apearethe bothe by other places wher menciō is made therof in the scriptures ād also in the 19. off Mathew whē he tellethe that children were brought to Christ that he might lay his handes on thē and pray for them as also in that place of the actes which I named before wherin it is repeated that the Apostles praied laying on ther handes vpō the Deacōs which were chosē by the church But this is a generall ēd Ther be other proper ād peculier vses of it wheroff the first perteineth to the partie chosē the secōd to all the church The partie chosē was warned by this ceremony that he was seperated ād set apart to the worck off god as appereth in the 13. off the act and that he was taken out off the rest of the people to the doinge off that office as it were by the hand off god him selfe wherby he might vnderstād that it was no longer in his owne power to do what he list but that god had called him to his worke off whome he should haue a plētiful reward if he did
finishe and perfect it and off the other parte a iudge ād a reuēger if he did cōtemne and neglect it Therfore S. Paule stirring vp Timothe to the diligēt discharge of his dewtie in all partes maketh menciō off layinge on of hādes warning him that he neglecte not that place and calling which he was called vnto for to prophesie by the layinge on off the handes off the Elders Furthermore ther is yet an other vse off this ceremony which belongeth to the confirminge and strenghtning off him that is chosen who was admonyshed therby to remember that the same hād was allways ready to helpe to ease his burden and to beare him vp that had laid it vpon hym that being assured to haue been called to his office off god he might execute yt with great corage being terrified with no feare or daunger The second vse and cōmoditie hereoff that perteyneth vnto the churche is that they seinge this authoritie to be off god and the partie set ouer them in his name should acknowledge and lerne to reuerence thos that haue care and charge ouer them and to be obedient vnto them in such thinges as perteine vnto ther office And this is the right vse off that layinge on off handes which is vsed in the ordering off ministers Which being left and forsaken the Papistes and we that with out any iudgment keep ther fond and foolishe Traditions vse an other sorte which was neuer practized in ordeininge off the Officers off the churche But in geuing off the giftes of the holie ghost to all thos that beleeued and were baptized not that Ordinary laying on off handes the vse wheroff ought allwais to remaine in the church but that which was extraordinary and serued only for a certen tyme and season For by cause the Apostles when they as the stewardes off God did distribute the holy ghost that is to say the diuers and manifold giftes off the spirit to them that embraced religion vsed this signe and as it wer this sacrament off laying on off handes Thes Ioly fellowes who notwithstandinge that power off geuinge the holie ghost was ceased kept still the signe ād laying ther handes vpō the priestes bad them receyue the holy ghost which no man gaue them no nor cold geue them onlesse yt were extraordinarilie this beinge proper to those tymes and to the apostles only neither do they consider that this ceremony is farr vnlike the other which they vsed to the ordeininge off the officers off the churche for this was wont to be vsed in those dayes all most to all the faithfull The other to thos only that had some charge in the church and that when they gaue the guiftes off the holy ghost extra ordinarilie This was nothing so as may plainly appere out off the places which I haue named aboue both off Paule and Barnabas and also off the Deacons And as for Paule that he had receyued the holy ghost and was endewed with thos extraordinary guyftes before that handes were laid vpon him on this sort It may be proued by that that Christ had appered vnto him from heauen and made him a worthie vessell to beare his gospell into all partes so that streight way he preached in the synagoges and declared Christ to be the sonne off god As for Barnabas Sainct Luke doth plainly witnes that he was full off the holy ghoste wherby I vnderstand the extraordinary guistes and off faithe whome also before he testified to haue bene one off those that first professed the Gospell so that the laying on off handes which followed in the xiij off the actes was no geuinge off new giftes but as the holy ghost speakethe in that place a separacion and setting a part and as it wer a consecracion to the goinge aboute off a great worcke and taking vpon him a more trauellsome charge and office As for the Deacons we read that the Apostles when they wer to the chosen gaue warninge that they should choose mē full of wisdome and off the holy ghost wherby I doubt not But that they signified that they should choose off them that wer qualified with thos singuler and diuers gyftes and that the churche accordinge to ther prescription did choose the Deacons from emonges thos thre thousand which Sainct Luke had spoken off before Therfore that the Bishopp in ordeininge off ecclesiasticall officers and layinge his handes vpon them biddethe them receyue the holie ghost hath no shadow or shew of any practize off the Apostles but is a Popishe rite and ceremony folishly at the first ād with out any foundacion off the scripture instituted by them or who so euer were the authors off it off an imitacion off that which is not in deede But which they thought to be And after receiued by the authors of our discipline by ther leaue with no great Iudgment and yet kept in the church with as litle Ther remainethe yet one thinge in this matter off Ordinaciō to be declared which is to whōe the right and authority off ordeining belonges A pointe not so hard to be declared as that which hath allready beene handled off Election Seinge that ther can be found no example where any one or the whole churche haue vsed this authoritie in all the holy scriptures Neyther any precept or commaundement wherby either the Bishoppes or the people should thinck the right hereoff to perteine vnto them For as for that place off Paule to Tymothe which allwais they obiect against vs Take heed thovv lay not thy hands rasshly vppon any I trust it is sufficiently answered allredy and declared how that in thos wordes ther is nothing graunted to Timothe aboue his fellowes And that he was warned only to take heed off him selfe that he were not ledde away by other men or should thinck that iff he did anything rasshly yet might be excused by the example and authoritie off others But contrarywise we reade euery where that in all ordinations ther were mo that layd on ther handes or if one did it yet all this matter was ruled by the authoritie off the counsell off the church Thus the Docters and Prophetes off Antioche ordeined Paule and Barnabas in the xiij off the Actes lickwise the xij Apostles in the sixthe off the Actes laid ther handes vpon the Deacons that were chose by the churche And lest we should doubte to which off the ordinarie offices off the church the Apostles had left this power and authoritie Sainct Paule declareth that yt was the Elders that laid ther handes vppon Timothe Off which patrimony left by the Apostles the Bishoppe in deed suche a one I meane as Paule describeth in his first Epistle to Timothe and the third chapter and in the first to Titus is fellow heyre with others and succeded in some part as after more largely shal be declared when I handle the authoritie off the Elders But to be sole and only heyre they shall neuer proue by any right off the
brought to nothinge by hym wherby he hathe obteined this infinite and princely power and authoritie so it will one daie come to passe that he shal be destroyed againe by the empyre But wold to god that only the Bramble off Rome had desyred this kingdom and lordshipp and that our olyue trees also and our figg trees and our vynes had not left ther fatnes and ther sweetnes and most excellent fruit for the desyre off lordshipp and gouernment For the preaching off the gospell is in deed most sweet ād pleasaunt fruit and with this ther new wine they reioysed both god and men as also with the oyle off the gospell more precious then any balme and off sweeter and more fragrant smell then that which was poured vpon Aarons hedd For we complaine that euen or bishoppes haue gotten this lordshipp into ther handes and finde great want and long for thos excellent fruites againe off that wyne and thos figgas and Olyues which in old tyme the church was wont to gather off ther Bishopps And surely I am afrayd that we wishe and longe for them in vayne and lest that they beinge delighted now with an other kind off fatnes and off sweetnes that is off Riches and Honor haue allready begonne to neglect and despise the other and will so contynew to despise yt But the Lord will see to thes thinges who off his good will will prouide for his churche either by them iff they will come to the first root and stock againe or ells without them yff they continew to neglect and despise the same But paraduenture I haue beene to longe in this part beinge moued both with the vnworthines off the thing and the daunger off the church Now seing as I suppose yt is sufficiently proued that the office off a Bishopp is lymited in the administration off heauēly and spirituall thinges let vs particulerly declare the seuerall partes off this office Which consist partly in teaching and interpretinge off the word off God and partly in making praiers for the church For thes two are so lincked togither that they may by no meanes be separated For he that takethe cure off teachinge the churche hath layd vpon hym also the prayinge for the church And contrariwise the office off prayinge and makinge solemne and publique praiers for the church in respect off his office can nor ought to be commited to no man but to hym that hathe power allso to teache the churche For we read that thes two wer allways so ioined and knit togither that he that off office did the one was bound to the doinge off bothe Neyther haue thes at any tyme bene seuered or drawen a sonder So the Priestes vnder the law wer bound to bothe as Moses expressely declarethe in the blessing off Leui. They shall teache saythe he Iacob thy iudgmentes and Israell thy law They shall put incense before thy face and bourne offeringe● vpon thy aulter For that praier and Supplication was shadowed vnder the law by burninge off parfume and incense It ys playne by many other other places and namely by Dauid who without question in the 141. psalme alludeth hereunto and the first off Luke wher it appereth that all the church vnderstood it so wherunto also S. Iohn alludeth in his reuelation Lickwise also the Prophet Samuel answeringe the people that desired him that he would pray to god for them God forbidd saithe he that I should offend against God in ceasinge to pray for yow for I will also teache yow the good and perfit way declaringe ther by both to belonge to his dutie So then in the Priesthood and the Prophesie two off the cheifest offices in the Iewishe churche which our Bishopps do resemble iff we compare the Pastors with the Priestes and the Doctors with the Prophetes Thes two offices off teachying and prayinge were ioyned togither And do not the Apostles in the gospell wher they leaue the ministringe to the pore professing that they did it to this purpose that they might more frely geue thē selues wholy to ther office do they not limit ther office with thes two partes off preaching and Praier Paule also in his epistle to Timothe doth manifestly referre praier to the office off a Bishoppe wheras geuinge order off stablisshinge the churche off Ephesus hauing declared the forme off publique praiers after sheweth at large what man̄er off man he ought to be Therfore seing it is plaine by the perpetuall vse off the scripture that thes two belong both to one and the same office They cannot in any sort be drauen a sonder and an vnlawfull diuorcement it is when as our ministers I speake off thos Curates that are vnable to teache are off this condicion ordeined to the ministerie that they reade ther seruise and prescript praiers out off the booke but that they be not so bold to teache or interpret without newe and especiall authorite graunted to that purpose But some men will say They are not able to interpret the scriptures Surely iff yt be so they are well and worthely and by the commandement off god forbidden to interprete yt But that is not well that they are not al so forbidden to reade the praiers seing that thes two preachinge and praier which are bothe but one office are torne and drawē a sonder cōtrary to the ordinannce off God and a certen new and lame mynistery is brought into the church by the boldnes off men Thus therfore hauing described the whole dewty and office off Bishoppes let vs come to that which is proper and particuler in ther eletion and ordination The Election therfore off Bishoppes that I may be gyn̄ ther because the whole safety of the church is in daunger in that actiō ought to be ioyned with most ernest praier to god that it would please him to direct the iudgemēt off the choosers which his holy spyrit to prouide a worthy and an able Bishopp for his church and not suffer them being ledd away by any blind affection to be deceyued with so dangerous an error For hither both the reasone which I haue allready brought and especially the example off 〈◊〉 Sauior Christ him selffe doth leade vs whom Sainct Luke rehersethe to haue spent the whole might before the choosinge and declaringe off his Apostles in supplicacion and praiers which also the same Luke reherseth to haue bene practized by the Apostles in the election off Mathias Which all men vnderstand ought to be necessarilie restored againe that obserue and marck the successe and fallinge out off our elections farr otherwise taken in hand But I trust I shall not need to take much paines in so cleere a matter Therfore I will go forward and declare what a one he ought to be who shold be chosen a Bishopp It is allready plaine enoughe by that which hathe bene said that in the choosinge off a Bishopp the especiall care and respect ought to be off his learninge seinge he is chosen to teach and
thought to haue brought into the churche off god with out his word off our owne authority so many newe offices and functions as into how many partes and membres this one office is deuided Touchinge those thinges which besides this are faulty in the Election and Ordinacion off Pastors they haue bene spoken off in other places before neither is it needfull to repeat the same againe Therfore to conclude all this treatise off Bishoppes takinge away extraordinarie functions and offices and abolishing the pompe and tyranny off the Lord Bishoppes Let vs esteeme the office off a Bishopp and minister as yt is declared vnto vs in the word off god Let vs remembre that this is a seruice and Ministery not off the affaires off this life But off the holie word off god Let this most neceessary office amonges all other offices that be in the earthe both for the seruice and Religion off God and for the saluacion off man be ordeined and established thorowgh out this Realme Let an Assay be made that they which beinge vnmeete for the office being put out godlie learned and worthye men be chosen therunto who discharging ther offices faithfully may be sufficiently prouided for concerning the necessaries off this life as the Lord hath commanded Let vs fetche the manner and fashion off our examininge choosinge and ordeininge out off the Scriptures Let Doctors be appoynted to teache and Cathechize the rude and ignorant Let Pastors be ordeyned to Mynister the Sacramentes and to applye the generall Docrine to the particuler vses and occasions off the churche That faultes beinge amended and reformed accordinge to to the right lyne off the word off God a iust and lawfull ministerie suche as the Lord hath appointed may be established amonges vs That Christ powringe his blessing vpon his owne Ordenance and apointment as the Apostle noteth thes to be the endes off the ministery the work off the ministery may be done The bodie off Christ which is the churche may be edified and buylded vp and the Saintes may be fitly orderly and proportionally ioined and knit together one with an other Thus now hauinge finished one part off ecclesiasticall functiōs and charges namely that which consisteth in the dutie off a Bishoppe and the Ministerie off the worde Let vs come to that which remaineth and concerneth deacons But to the ende we may hereī also orderly procede first I say that Sainct Paule in his first epistle to Timothy and thyrd chap. and in the other places before alledged off me to the same ende calleth all those Deacons which do exercise any office or or charge in the churche not belonging to the Ministery off the word For ther be also other offices besides the ministery off the word needfull for the preseruacion off the churche Which what they be we shall see hereafter But iff they were not necessary for the preseruatiō off the whole body Surely Iesus Christ the most wise ruler and gouerner off his churche would neuer haue appointed them yff then this other ordre off Deacons be so necessary why do we want it wholie in our churche deforminge the body no lesse yea a great deale more by so notable want off those partes that are necessary then by the superfluitie off those which are not off the body as hath bene allready before shewed For let them not here speake off there Chauncelors whom I haue allready proued to haue no lawfull place in the church nor off the churche wardens off whom I shall speake more hereafter For I say we want and require Ecclesiasticall Deacons who accordinge to the ordinaunce off god are lawfully chosen created and ordemed to there offices not ciuill and politique men who by the authoritie off the Magistrate deale in some suche matter but what these be we shall see hereafter more at large Here I cannot sufficiently wonder at the boldnes off the braine off man who thus altereth and peruerteth wholie the lordes gouerment in his owne house appointinge some besides those which are appointed by him to the rulinge off his house and putting out those as iff the church off god had no neede off ther labour whō the Lord him selffe had apointed fynally licensing them selues in the lords matters to set downe and take away to adde and diminishe what they list and to rule ād dispose all thinge according to ther owne will and fantasy Thē the which seing ther cā be nothinge more against the honor off our Sauior let vs at the last learne to be modest and to be ruled by his word let vs suffer him to rule his owne house by his owne authoritie and restore againe to the churche those offices and functions which he hath thought meete and profitable for it But that thes thinges may be the better vnderstood and that we proceede the more orderly forewarde As I shewed in the former parte first what was ordeined off God wherby it was easie to vnderstād what was superfluous or to muche So I must likwise doe in this part that yt may be the better vnderstood what we want and what is to to be supplied in this behalffe There be therfore ij sortes off Deacons as they are deuided by Sainct Paule in the xij to the Romans The one sorte are called distributers who also in the sixte off the Actes are properly called Deacons The other ouer seers who also in other places are called Elders and Gouernors off the church Those therfore who are properly called Deacons are officers off the churche sette ouer the bestowing and distributing off the churche goodes and treasurie How great cause there was off institutinge this office in the churche it appereath in the sixth off the Actes wher the the Apostles who in the beginninge administred the treasury off the churche when they perceiued that they were not able to serue bothe that is to saye the preachinge off the word and the caringe for the pore gaue ouer this office to be Treasurers any more and propounded yt to the churche that ther might be a seuerall office appoynted for this charge that might take vppon them the prouidinge for the poore To whome should be giuen what so euer was bestowed for the reliefe off the needy that they might after dispose yt according as euery one had neede That the poore might not be dispised in the church off God whom he declareth to be so deare vnto hym and that all complaintes being taken awaie euery thing might be orderly and honestly gouerned in the house off god Therfore the Treasury off the church whither yt be in daily offringes or in rentes and reuenuews appoynted to that ende is to be cōmitted vnto the Deacons The hospitalles and houses which are appointed for the reliefe off straungers and off the poore are to be ruled by them fynally what other suche like thing ther is belongeth to the office off Deacons In olde tyme in deede in the prymitiue churche this Treasure was committed to the Bishoppes because all men trustinge
and laid vppon his shoulders so that no man may shutte iff he doth open neither open iff he doe shutte yt is not to be doubted but that heauen is open and shutte also when they do open and shutt who haue receiued his authority and vnto whom he hath committed this keye Therfore as Lacedemon had an assemblie off Elders Athenes a highe court named Areopagus Rome a Senate and fynally euery kingdome and cōmon welthe a Counsell whos authoritie is chiefe and soueraigne in all affaires and by whome the rest off the society are gouerned So lykewise the churche hath an Assembly off Elders by whose authoritie ecclesiasticall and church matters are gouerned and administred But these thinges are to be declared more at large and all this power and authority more especially and particulerly to be shewed that we may knowe how farre it extendeth it selffe and off how great force and waight it is to the lawfull gouernment off the churche Therfore the whole authority of the cōsistory cōsisteth in ij partes off which the first concernethe the officers off the churche that is to saie touchinge bothe the choosinge and deposinge off thē wherof I shall not need to speake in this place seig I haue sufficiently spoken before off Elections wherby also may be easelye vnderstoode that which apperteynethe to the other pointe off depositions The secōd part off this authoritie cōsisteth allmost wholie in takinge heede to offences and correcting and remouinge them out off the churche Which offences Saint Paule semeth in the xvj off the Romans to deuide into two sortes into sectes and Offences wheroff the first semeth to apperteine vnto Doctrine and the other vnto manners All which authority off Correctinge is spirituall as proceeding not from the Magistrates but from the Elders off the churche For as this counsell is Ecclesiasticall and the court a spirituall court as we vse to call yt as also it is manifestly distinguished by S. Paule from the cyuill courtes and places which the Apostle calleth courtes for thinges belonging to this life So also the punyshement is speciall and suche as belongeth to the sowle and Conscience and concerneth not this life nor those thinges with which the ciuill magistrate is wont to deale So that they are the more to blame who for this cause reiect and refuse all Ecclesasticall kinde off punishement as iniurious to the magistrate seing it handleth nothing that the magistrate can in suche sort deale with all but is lymited and bounded with reprehensions taken out off the word off god by takinge awaye the vse and communication off Sacramentes and publique praiers from them and suche like thinges as do apperteine to the soule and conscience But most off all they are to be blamed who doe falsly charge this lawfull discipline as I shewed whith offendinge against Princes and magistrates wheras yt neither punysheth any thīge which belōgeth to the courtes off ciuil officers nor yet punysheth with cyuill punishemēt as off goodes or off body any fault which it correcteth but only in such sort as hath bene declared wheras they whoe do obiect this may be charged with bothe faultes For this discipline off theyrs both dealeth in cyuill causes and by right apperteyninge to the courtes off the Magystrates and often tymes those whome they haue authoritye to correct they punyshe by the purse or emprisonment But to passe thes lightly ouer for hast which notwithstanding are most waighty accusations and worthy for the haynousnes off them to be de●ie with in the kinges benche as offending so highly against the state and authoritie off the prince and Magistrate Let vs come to the diuers kindes of Censures and reprehensions which are vsed in this lawfull discipline Now this correction is off two sortes and is done either by Speeche or wordes only as when a man is rubuked for some fault which he hath committed and is warned to take heed that he offend not so againe or ells when besides the chastisement off wordes ther is some spirituall punishement and correction adioyned therunto Example we haue off the first sort in the fourth off the Actes where Theapostells Peter and Iohn being brought to the Assembly off the Elders they were asked by what authoritie they taught the people and preached the resurrection from the dead in the name of Iesus for which after that they had bene rebuked and threatned they were forbidden to preache or speake any more to any man in the name off Christ and so let go In deed they did wickedly to rebuke them for the preachinge the of gospell the best thing that cā be and most necessary for the saluacion off man but yet by this there doinge we may perceiue what was the forme off gouernment off the churche emonges the Iewes which our Sauiour Christ hath translated to his churche For this is it that our Sauiour Christ meanethe in the xviij off Matthew and xvij verse when he commandeth the stubborne that will not be obedient to the admonytion off two or three to be brought to the churche that he may be admonished and corrected by the churche Wher vnto also belongeth that wher S. Paule admonisheth Tymothy off reprouinge the Elders openly that is to say suche as had bene lawfullie conuicted And for those admonitions and corrections which haue some punishment ioined with them for the diuersitie both of faultes and punishementes they are deuided into two sortes And resemble in a manner those two punishementes off the Romanes wherby the state condition and priuilege off suche as did offend was diminished wheroff the first is called by Ecclesiasticall writers Suspension the second Excommunication Now suspension is a charge geuen by the assembly of the Elders to absteyne a certen tyme from the communication off the supper off lord Hereoff ther is some example and shadowe in the lawe which forbiddeth such as be vncleane to be partakers off ho●y thinges and suffered not indifferently any to enter into the Temple and to be partakers off the Sacramentes and sacrifices which were offred Therfore there were appointed keepers off the gates off the temple by Iehoyada the priest to keepe euery filthy and vncleane person from entringe into the temple So also in the xij off Exodus It is forbidden that any man being vncircuncised shold be admitted to the cmomunicatinge off the Passouer or that any straunger who by receiuinge circuncision professed not the like Religion with them should be admitted In the ix off Nombres ther is a notable example concerninge this matter off certen who beinge driuen from communicatinge the Passouer bycause they had polluted them selues by touchinge a dead body wēt to Moses and Aaron that is to say syttinge in the Counsell house as it is well noted by an Hebrew Interpretor and desyred that ther vncleanes might be forgeuen them that they might eate the passeouer with the rest off Israell alledginge that seinge off necessitie some must dailie die in so great a multitude yt seemed
rule ouer the people off god that ther be no violence nor tyranny vsed or suche like as comonly is vsed in that state which degenerating from the gouernment of a fewe off the best commeth to a fewe off the richest but that they adioyne also to ther owne authoritie especially in matters off great waight as in choosinge or deposinge off any Ecclesiasticall Officer or in suspendinge or excommunicatinge any man the consent and agreement off all the people For we reade it to haue bene thus done euē frō the Apostles tymes vntill that Discipline was corrupted as appereth in the Actes off the Apostles written by Sainct Luke and the Ecclesiasticall history off the primitiue churche So that in this respect yt seemeth that the churche is gouerned rather by all then by a fewe And therin to resemble that state off gouernment wherin the cōminaltie is the chiefe Which societie must needes be gouerned by a heauenly ordre for it is the best state off all wheras all these thre meete in one kind off gouerment as both Plato thought and Aristotle and the other chiefe and excellent Philosophers that state I say wherin all the cytezins obediently submit them selues to god which cōmandeth as kinge and monarche and the assembly which decreeth by his will and authoritie where also the assembly decreeth no weighty matter without the cōsent and approbacion off the rest off the churche and people Neither is this the māner of gouernment off parish churches onely but the same is also kept where more churches are either for that they be nighe togeether or because they are all subiect to the same Magistrate or for ther cōmon proffit and commodty ioyne togeether and make as yt were one body For off this sort also be all the assemblyes which are gathered for the gouernment off the churche both those which are called Conferences and Synodes wither they be lesse Synodes suche as they were wont to haue twise a yeere in euery prouince or greater which are gathered to geether by the authoritie off any one whole kingdome free state or common wealthe or ells off mo kingdomes and countries For the souerantie allwais reserued vnto Christ by whose word all thinges are gouerned as in a Monarchy The counsell or Assembly off Elders as in the second state off gouernment which I described before decreeth by common counsell and authoritie that which is for the wealth and commoditie off the churche the people with all good will allowing off the godly iust and honest determinacions off the Assembly or making them voide and off none effect yff they be not suche as in the last ststate wherin the people hathe to rule and gouerne Off which Assemblye both Conferences and Synodes of both sortes althoughe many thinges might be said very necessary and profitable for the vse off our churche to which nothing could be more profitable then these assemblies being so vsed as they are apointed to be vsed by the word off god and vsed by other purer and better reformed churches as contrariwise nothinge doth more hurt then these Synodes visitacions and conuocations which are come into ther places which as we vse them are full off infinitie abuses wherin almost no other thīge is talked of or detreed but of square cappes copes ād surplises what fashiō the ministers gowne and cloke must be off an such like trifles yet seing this hangeth off that which hathe bene allready spoken off the gouernment off particuler churches and the more full handling off those thinges may be taken out of the lerned writinges of some off our daies which haue lately writē touching this matter passinge this thus briefly ouer let vs returne againe to the assembly and cōpany off Elders which seing I haue declared both to haue bene instituted by our Sauiour Christ and to be very necessary for the preseruacion off the churche because that therby controuersies are ended offenses are taken away the churche being purged is deliuered from the feare off the punishement off god the Sacraments are kept holie and vndefiled fynally all thinges are done seemely and orderly as the Apostle cōmandeth to be done in the churche off god By what subtelty off Satan and negligence of our selues are our churches bereaued off so singuler ād heauēly a benefit can any mā deny but that Christ hath thus apointed that this assemblie should thus gouerne in his churche iff ther be any man that can deny it Let hym tell vs what the meanyng ys off thes wordes Tell the Assembly in the xviij off Matthew or what keyes that is to say what power off openinge and shutting off heauen off bindinge or losinge sinne our Sauiour speaketh off in that place Or what that Assembly off Elders is which Paule in his Epistle to Tymothy speaketh off or what Elders they be that he speaketh off in the chap. following And Peter likewise in his Epistle who they be that to the Corinthians he calleth gouernours To the Thessalonians Rulers and Ouersers And who they be whom the Apostle to the Hebrews saith to be set ouer the congregation vnto whom he willeth them to be obedient and to submitt them selues And who they be also whom Sainct Luke in the Actes calleth the Elders off the churche off Hierusalem and off Ephesus wold they haue vs proue that it is necessary Let them teache vs contrary to that which our Sauiour Christ hath geuen vs warning off that yt is not necessary that offenses should arise or ells shewe some better meanes how to redresse them or take away when they be risen then that which our Sauiour hath appoynted which is to be exercised by the Assembly Let them shewe it to be a needles care to kepe the Sacramentes impolluted and vndefyled or iff they confesse yt to be needfull let them teache vs some better way to do yt by then that which our Sauiour Christ hath taught vs allready For I think ther is no man off any sound Iudgement that will say That which we vse nowe is fytter for this purpose that is to say that one Bishopp and he not oftentymes by him selffe but by his Chancellor and he by his Surroga●e should take hym so selffe all this authoritie alone rule as he listeth in steade off a lawfull Assembly off Elders who by common counsell and authoritie should gouerne the church For as I declared before the Bishop tooke vpon him the office off Deacons that they being taken away he might distribute the church goods all alone and how after also takinge vppon him t●e office off the Elders when he had likewise thrust ou● them he tooke vpon him alone all the care off the churche So here also he hath abolished the whole Assembly that he alone may be asked Counsell off he alone may haue knowledge iudge and determyne off all matters For he spreadeth him selffe ouer all the body euen as the eye which S. Paule speaketh off in the first to the Corinthes For as the eye will haue no
Doctors Elders haue the chiefe care and charge off this commō wealthe to see that no office want his officer and how faithfullie euery one beareth hīselfe in doinge off his office regarding all with one eye how offēses may be auoided and how they may be remedied when they do arise As for the placinge off euery one in his degree how honest and orderly ys it wheras all do generally reuerence and respect the Assembly for their Authoritie And euery one knoweth his place and degree and lifteth not him selfe aboue his callinge But the Deacons sitting downe in the lowest Roume geue place vnto the Bishopps who sitting as Stevvards off the Lordshouse at the higher ende off the table enuie not other officers to sit together with them And the Stewards also do so know them selues to beare the same office that notwithstanding the Pastors go before and the Doctors follow after After whom next be the Elders and in the last place the Deacons sitting notwitstandinge at the Officers table As for euery mans garments and apparell howe seemely are they how meet for ther callinges and how precious ād excellent The common Araie off them all is a certen godlie and holie knowledge and profession off Religion and an vndefiled life and cōuersacion wherwith being clothed as with those white garmentes which Saint Iohn mencioneth in his reuelacion they need no cloth off gold our suche like costly apparell to set them out with all Yet besides this common Aray euery one carieth the proper tokens and badges off his office For the Bishopps as the kinges stewardes in steade off ther staues haue sounde knowledge of the scriptures besides which the Pastors haue allso that mouīge ād percinge speeche wherby they haue bothe power and authoritie to strenghten and to terrefie to comfort and to cast downe againe as the Reye off openinge and shuttinge which Eliachim great steward off kinge Ezechias house is described to beare vpon his shoulder As for the rest off the Deacons their seuerall signes and markes are Diligence Symplicitie Which so merueilous gouernment off the howse off God apointed by the most devine and heauenly wisdome seing it passethe aboue measure the ordre off Salomons house with the loue wheroff the Queene off Saba was Rauished the God off all mercy graunt that yt may muche more rauishe our most noble Queene and hir right honorable Counsellors with the love theroff then the other did the Queene off the Sowthe and hir Courtiers For then shall we bee all most happy who liue in the churche as in the court off Christ our trewe Salomon when we may allwais stand in his presence before him and heare him speake being the wisdome off his Father Then shall we confesse that king Salamon doth reigne in deede and that all thinges are trew which the Prophetes prophesied touching his kingdome when we see the churche in this ordre when we see the Ministers and officers theroff thus araied and apointed For althoughe as we saie the court is wher the king is So also the church is wher as Christ is present And allthoughe this be the cheifest end most principall To heare the voice and wisdome off Salomon yet it is not possible that he should tary any longe tyme in a place that he appoint not and set in ordre his Court according to his heauenlie wisdome It may be that in time of his progresse where he soiourneth but for a short tyme being ready by and by to depart againe that this whole ordre and gouernment off his court can̄ot so well be seene and appeere but it cannot be that where he is purposed to dwell and where he hath chosen a certen place to abyde and continewe in that he set not all thinges in ordre according to his wisdome meetest both for his state ād maiestie and for the perpetuitie off his reigne For which cause I am the more a fraid lest that he be come into England as into some castle in the waie off his progresse for a small tyme vnles this confusion and disordre which cōmonly followeth progresses be taken awaye and a certeine and sure ordre off gouerninge the churche be established for I cannot fullie reioice in the state off our churche vntill that I see both for religion sownde faithe and doctrine in Christ and for discipline a commely and meet order off gouerninge the churche which Saint paule reioised to see in the churche off the Colossians For the stable and perpetuall state and condition off the churche standethe vpon these ij pillers Wherfore I most humblie pray and beseech all men that haue any care to preserue and keepe the kingdome off Christ emonges vs to deliuer the trew seruice and worshipp off God to our posteritie that to their power euery one would seeke for this lawfull discipline off the churche which I haue described and bo●he all seeke to furder yt with their good will and prayers and especially the ministers by preachinge and the Maiestrates by authoritie As for me I bynd my selffe as it were by this Obligation to god and to the churche that my labor and diligenc shall neuer be wanting in any thing that may helpe and furder by any meanes this reformation which our Eyes dasell and our sowles pyne away with so long looking and waiting for which yff I may once see I shall thinck that parte off any life the happiest wherin so great a benefit shall comme vnto the churche but Iff I shall neuer see yt with mine eyes yet I am glad that I haue seene the forme and patterne off it allready in my mind and left it to those that shall come after and so by the example off Dauid and Ezechiel whose condicion was not vnlyke in this behalffe and by the testimony off my consciēce that I haue dischardged my dewty to my God and to our churche I will rest and confort my selffe herewithall in the want off that which with so great desyer I haue longed for To God alone be honor glorye a 2. Corr. 7.3 what discipline is Hebr. 3.3 Exodus 25 40. a 2. Chro. 8.14.29 25. b Ezechie 40. 41. 42. a Artes 3.22 b Matth. 17.5 c Eliezer was Abrahams seruant whose faithfulnes is shewed in that 24. off Genes Psal. 45.7.5 Esaie 32.1.4 Zachar. 14.21 Luk. 9.58 Luk. 12.13.14 Luk. 21.25.26 Iohn 19.36 Math. Act. Math. 28.20 Ephe. 1. Timoth. 6.13 Diuision of discipline 1. Corrint 32.19.29 1. Corrint 10.15.16 Heb. 13 24. Hebr. 4.5 Nomb. 17. ● ● Samuel ●● 2. King. 15.5 Nomb. 1● 32.35 Math. 28. ●● Hebr. 7. Iohn 3.5 Ephes 1.5 Rom. 4.11 1. T●moth 2.11.12 Iudges 13.5 1. Timoth. 1.3 2. Corinth 2.16 Luk. 3.23 Math. 3.17 Luk 2.49 Math. 28.19 Actes 14.23 Titus 1.5 〈…〉 1. Act. 20.17 Act. 15.2 2. epist. Peter 5.1 Iosue 22. Coloss 4.17 2. Timoth. 4.5 2. Cor. 9.16 Ephe. 4.9 1. Pet. 1.18.19 1. Timoth 3.10 1. Timoth. ● ●2 Actet 1.23 Math
thunder off the iudgement off god whereat they may be cast downe and as yff they had bene stricken with a thunder bolt from heauen and consumed yff they repent not to lift vpp some as yt were to heauen and to cast downe other to the bottom off hell All which Sainct Paule doth signifie to the Romaine figuratiuelie by nanynge one kinde theroff that is to say off Exhortation for all the rest In his Epistle to Timothy he settethe out euery thinge more at large commandinge Timothy to preache the word to correct to reproue to exhort Seing therfore the Pastors office is so wayghty and so diuers I will not shewe that they which be vnable to teache are not to be admitted vnto it for that I haue hādled this before but how weake there defence herein is which they are wont to bring that is to say That the want off these vnable ministers is supplied by the diligence off others whereas they reade and reherse out off the booke vnto the people homelies touching all the necessary pointes off Religion I dispute not heere against homelies nor minde to shew what iniury is done vnto god his worde when the wrightinges off men are redd and rehersed in the churche or howe daungerous a thinge it is for geuinge occasion off bringing in to the churche the writinges and sermons also off other godly men the stories off martyres and at the last also the Popishe Legend For that it belongeth to an other place to speake off thes thinges this one thinge I will shewe that the reading off Homelies is no sufficient excuse for an vnable and vnlearned Pastor seing that it belongethe to the dewtie off a Pastor to applie the doctrine off the Scriptures to the diuers tymes necessities and occasion off the churche For seing that the Homelies be domme and speake only that which hathe beene endited a long time a fore how can they either knowe or vnderstand or cure and remedie the diseases off the churche Therfore let vs not thinke that the Ordeininge of● vnable Pastors can be excused by this pretence nor that Homelies as it is saide off a sworde in olde time as Delphos which did serue for all vses can serue for all occasions which do arise in the churche Here the Pastor had neede off greate and profounde knowledge to knowe the chaunge off times the diuersitie off thinges the variety off persons and to deale thus or otherwise according to that varietie and difference For a Shephard hathe not only one way both to heale the sike and cure the broken and bruised And the phisicion cureth some men by diet and medicine some by cutting ād surgerie so likewise this only waie off readinge off Homelies can in no wise be sufficient to cure and to remedy all the sondry necessities off the churche To be cōninge in the profession off this kinde off physick a man had neede be perfite in his simples he had need to knowe many kindes off herbes floures rotes an infynite sort off other thinges fynallie he must needes thouroughly knowe all Eden and the whole garden off God that he may knowe what herbes are fit to raise vp those who are cast downe and as it were to cōforte and restore againe suche as be in a consumpcion which also are meet to purge and clense those that are full and stuffed finallie what so euer is proper for the curinge off euery disease and in what sorte and after what manner and at what time yt ys to be ministred and applied Which most worthie and necessary office for the saluacion off mankind and chiefest off all which be vnder the Sonne Good Lord how infinite waies is it prophaned So that now a daies to make a Pastor is nothing ells but to make a seruice saier or reader off praiers out off his booke And this not only emonges the people but euen in the middest off the vniuersities in the scholes and Colledges them selues from whence as frō certen sacred and pure fountaines reformatiō ought to flowe from thence I say euen from thence shamefull examples off this great disorder and prophanacion do springe and come furthe into all the realme iff we seeke thoroughe both the vniuersities what schole is there what Colledge society and fellowshipp off learned men that hathe a right and a lawfull Pastor amonges them But either one or moe chaplaines and conductes as they call them are hired to reade the seruice at the houres appointed or ells the fellowes off Colledges them selues do read yt being bound by othe to enter into the ministery at a certen time appointed after they become Fellowes Wherupon it commeth to passe that a man may finde sometimes ten or a dossen off these Pastors in a litle Colledge But one suche Pastor as the word off God doth set out is hardly or not at all to be found amonges them Further also this fault is made in the apointinge off pastors That vnder pretence off makinge a more full and perfit triall off suche as are to be apointed they ordeine not any man wholy and at once to the office off a pastor but I knowe not by what degrees they leade him vp to this pulpit They must first be Deacons as they call yt for a yere that is to saye they must receyve authoritie to saie praiers and reade the Scriptures But in no case to admynister the Sacramentes or to expounde without furder lycense Then at the last he is fullie admitted to he office off a Pastor Which as I perceiue well enoughe to haue bene translated from the manner off Popishe ordres So knowe I not what ground off Scripture yt hath or can haue But rather cōtrarywise yt semethe to be cleane against the expresse appointement off the Scriptures which make no more degrees to come to the office But the godlines and integritie off his former life in what sort so euer he hathe occupied him selffe vnto that tyme and the knowledge off the holie scriptures So that it is needles for a man to come thoroughe all the offices off the churche before he can euer atteine to this Wherin also ther was to to curious a diligence in Siluester Bishopp off Rome and others who appointed that before a man was ordeyned a Pastor he should first come vp vnto yt as yt were by certen staires steppes and degres thoroughe out all those offices off the churche which they had inuented And first he must be Accolythus twenty yeere Deacon xxvj and so furth That at the last after fyfty or thre score yeres triall thus had he should be admitted to the full priesthood Leauing therfore these vaine inuentions off the braine off man Let vs keepe that certeine ordre which is taught vs by the Apostles which is That after dewe examination had of his life and doctrine he be admitted to this ministery and office off a Bishopp Lest by this drawing a sonder and quarteringe off the right office off a Pastor we be iustly