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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13142 A summe or a briefe collection of holy signes, sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God euen since the beginning of the world, and of the true originall of the sacrifice of the Masse; Sum or a brief collection of holy signes, sacrifices and sacraments. Ling, Nicholas, fl. 1563.; Brett, John, Sir, attributed name.; Devonshire, William Cavendish, Earl of, 1590-1628, attributed name. 1609 (1609) STC 23434; ESTC S113014 129,473 362

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Iohn Bishop of that place Who seing the occidentall Empire of Rome ouerthrowne and the other of Constantinople highly exalted Greg. lib. 4. of his epistles cap. 26. hee would also follow the tyrannie of the world and styrre vp a spirituall rule in the Church of Iesus Christ Hee caused himselfe to be declared by a councell holden at his pleasure Bishop Ecumenique The yeere of Christ 604. that is to say generall and head of the whole Church Platin. Sabellic But soone after the great Bishops of Rome gaue such order that by treason the Emperour Maurice in Constantinople was cruely slaine hee his wife and familie by wicked Phocas who to recompence this detestable murder committed by the aduise of the Church of Rome alwaies contrary to Iesus Christ The yeare of Christ 612. hee declared Boniface the third of that name the generall head of the church of God taking vpon him the authoritie of Iesus Christ the great and euerlasting high Priest the onely spouse and head of his church Who can better describe an Antichrist than hee that doth enterprise a tyrannie in the church of God Marke 26 a poligamie in the church the spouse of Iesus Christ attributing to himselfe that power which Iesus Christ hath reserued to himselfe to bee perpetuall with his church by the vertue of his holy spirite to conduct and gouerne the same May not hee rightly be called Antichrist which doth enforce himselfe directly to goe against the holy gospell of Iesus Christ who commanded his Apostles when he sent them to preach his word that they should not institute a Monarchie in the church as the Princes Kings Math. 23. Luke 11. Marke 2. and tyrants of the earth That none amongst them should enterprise to call himselfe the head or greater then other but all as brethren were humble being assured to haue one head and one heauenly father which will tarrie with them and assist them for euer to inspire and conduct them in his holy will Is not hee of good right Antichrist which will haue himselfe called the successour of Iesus Christ in the great Bishoprick in the high priesthood by him exercised The which dignitie he hath reserued to himselfe abiding a high soueraigne Priest for euermore who hath left no successour in his dignitie as Aaron did and his successours in the dignities of the high Priests of the Iewes But is after the order of Melchisedech a king high priest without any successour in his dignitie Wherfore then O Antichrists of Rome haue you taken vpon you the dignity of the highest Bishops as the heads of the church of God and vsurped also the authority of Iesus Christ causing your selues to be called most blessed most reuerend fathers and Popes hauing instituted a colledge of little purple Bishoppes to choose the great Bishop but onely to the end to renew the auncient Romaine religion of Numa Pompilius the first authour of your Pontificall dignities About the same time that Phocas the cruell murtherer did erect an Antichrist in the Romane Church Mahomet was risen in the Church of Arabia instructed by the Monke Sergius about the yeare 620. for this Apostate Heretike seeing the lawe of God altogether corrupted by the traditions of men and the holy Gospell contemned sectes and diuerse heresies sowed as well by the Iewes Pharisees Esseens Saduces Masbutheans Galileans Hemerobaptists and Samaritans as also by the Christians Simoniaques Nicolaits Cerinthiēs Menandriēs Ebionites Valētinians Cerdonians Marcionistes Montanistes Seeke the Church histories Cataphriges Tatians Eueratits Seuerians Artemonistes Porpherians Helchesaites Nouatiens Sabellians Chiliastes Paulianistes Manicheans Automousiastes Arrians Eunonians Macedonians Euuomiotheophroniens Eunomioentichiens Aetians Donatistes Luciferiens Patripassians or Theophatites Photiniens Marcellians Paulosamosetans Apolinaristes Iouinianistes Pelagians Acariens Olimpiens Quaternitaries Monothelites And other Heretikes hauing corrupted the true vsage of the holy Sacraments ordeyned of God Seeing also specially the Messalien secte to prosper in their ceremonies taken partly out of the Iudaicall lawe and partly out of the heathen Idolatrie he inuented the great Alcoran decree wherein he set many chapters articles called Azoares which are as lawes and rules of the Mahomet Religion This preface briefe discourse of the Romane history me thought necessarie to recite before I would begin to discribe the originall of the sacrifice of the Masse Alwaies to bring the Reader to vnderstand the veritie of the fact How the Emperour of Rome hath bin gouerned vntill the decay thereof about the yeare of Christ 410. And how the barbarous Idolators did vsurpe the same for the space of 300. yeares how also the Antichristes did rise and in the end the Emperour of Rome was transferred to the Almaines which keepe it to this day 500. yeares being passed Of the Masse TO begin this our little treatise of the Masse first of all it is conuenient to interprete this tearme Masse The originall of the tearme of the Masse of the ancient Romaines called Missa Some haue honoured this Missal sacrifice to haue taken his beginning of the Hebrewes bringing in the place of Daniel Daniel 11. speaking of Maozin as if they would signifie the Masse by Maozin But this tearme is very strange frō Missa or Masse And there are other Hebrew words which are more nearer to wit Messa which is as much to say as conculcation or treading downe whereof mention is made in the history of the kinges of Israel 4. Kings 11. Missa Another tearme also is found very comfortable vnto this common tearme Masse namely Messall Iosua 19. Messall that is to say hell or graue But I am well assured that the high Priestes of Rome will not take the originall of their sacrifice of the Masse from the Hebrues acknowledging their Masse and Messall to be a conculcation graue or hell Further to speake the truth the Author of the Romane Religion Numa Pompilius neuer thought of the Hebrues when he first instituted the Masse much lesse this tearme Missa or Masse can haue his originall of the Greekes Messal Hell seeing they haue no sacrifice of that name notwithstanding that some haue made some reason to bring in this terme of Greeke Miz●in that is to say in English to whisper or hide in secret As if the Messalian sacrificers had receiued of the Greekes Idolatours to keepe secret the chiefe and principall words of their Masses to the end they should not bee vnderstood of the assistance but haue obserued to murmure and blow betweene their teeth the Canons and other speciall words which neither they vnderstoode themselues nor other which beheld them Neuerthelesse neither the Hebrue termes nor Greeke vocables in no wise can be appropriated to the missall sacrifice Wherefore it behoueth to haue recourse to the true original of the terme Missa or Masse Masse taken of the ancient Latins Romans taken of the auncient Latines the Romanes which were accustomed to vse these termes Missus
ancient Idolators was the Offertory of the first fruits offered to the honour of the Gods in the name of whome the sacrifice was celebrated This Offertorie was for the massing sacrificer which he might freely cary into his owne house for the nourishment of himselfe his familie notwithstanding there were other offerings distributed to those that were needfull After by the couetousnes of the Massalians this vsage was changed into an offertorie or offering of siluer or gold to inrich the coffer Platina which some would haue attributed to Leo Bishop of Rome notwithstanding that the Offertorie was practised more then a thousand yeares before him And to the end to iustifie this by the Romaine histories When Numa had instituted the ministers of the Religion as Bishops Augures Sauliens Feciaux Blond lib. 2. de Rom. trium Curions and others he ordained also the meanes how to nourish and intertaine them he commanded to make of the common reuenues foundations for the nourishment maintenance of the religions Vestales Following his example many particuler persons did the like Sacerdotiorum siue beneficiorum duo erant genera vnum quorum collatio ad rēp aut principem aut ad pontificū collegium specta bat Alterum quorum collatio ad aliquā familiam eiusque successores pertinebat quae beneficia viris patronatus censebantur Blond lib. 2. de Rom trium So that benefices became rich by foundations The same benefices were of two sortes The one at the presentation bestowing of the Prince or of the common-wealth or of the colledge of Bishops The other were at the presentation of some particuler patrons of the said benefices by whome they were founded and indowed with great riches Of the which benefices the great Bishoppes of Rome haue vsurped authoritie to giue dispensation to haue two at once euen as it is recited in the historie of Liuie of Fabius Maximus who had by dispence two benefices then when hee was created Bishoppe more then two hundred yeares before the incarnation of Iesus Christ This was their first reuenew of the Massalian sacrificers to haue benefices richly founded A dispence for many benefices The second reuenew was the Offertorie Tit. Liuius lib. 30. or offering the Offectorie and oblations The founding of benefices Vacations and setting ouer Offertorie The third reuenew was the vocations of the first fruites which the Idolatrous Romaine Bishops were accustomed to take for the vacation of the benefices which they gaue sold or dispensed with The fourth reuenew was deaths annuals legacies and bequests giuen Tertia sa●erdoteorum opulenta saluti omnibus inueniebat quas inferiores superioribus pontificibus impendebant quale apud nos est cum pontifici romano fructus primos antistites his minores sacerdotes ad obu tinenda beneficia pecuniam dissoluunt Blond lib. 2. de Rom. trium Cicero in oratione pro domo sua ad pontifices Blond lib. 3. de Rom. trium to pray vnto their Gods for the soules of the departed The which is verified this day by the monuments and tombes of the ancient Idolatours The first reuenew was amerciaments condemnations and confications leuied by the bishops of Rome as the place and house of Cicero when he was banished were confiscate to the Colledge of the priests and dedicated specially to the sacrifices celebrated in the temple consecrated to the goddesse Libertie Passing by I thought good to recite this summe of the ancient Romaine sacrificers to the end that vnto all it may bee knowne that all the abuses and Idolatris succeeded in the Church of Iesus Christ are not new but had their originall restored and taken of the ancient Romain Idolators As the foūdations of Masses Obites Monethminds the dispensing of many benefices annuals vacantes translations offerings and Masse boxe amercements and confiscations adiudged by the sentēce of the bishop of Rome as are also other ordinances restored by the new Romaine Bishops and continued from the one to the other The yeare of our Lord. 383. Blond lib. 2. de Rom. trium To this purpose it is recited in the Romaine histories that since the raigne of the Emperour Valentiniā the xii of that name great sedition happened at Rome betweene the Christians the Idolatrous priestes which striued amongst themselues whether had more inriched the Church by foundations legacies bequests offerings and other inuentions in such sort that the heathen Idolatours and infidels which did vsurpe againe the temple presently called the Church of Saint Peter at Lians did fight against the Christians of Rome which would haue dedicated the same to their deuotion cap. 35. After the offertorie the Alcoran of Titelman doth hold that the Mvsse-mōger must for a time keepe silence to figure the flying of Christ or feare of the Disciples to confesse him before the Iewes Then after the sacrificer doth singe on high Per omnia secula seculorum for this that Christ after that hee was in secret did shewe himselfe openlie in the house of Lazarus Then he singeth sanctus sanctus sanctus to signifie the songe of the Iewes when Christ entered into Ierusalem This musicke ended the sacrificer must secretlie murmure betweene his teeth counterfaiting sadnesse without anie turnings but yet he must plaie a dumbe mōmerie by signes of crosses drawen heare awaies there awaies as we shall hereafter declare After the offertorie we must come to the 9. part of the Masse 9. part of the Masse the round host of floure the most rich and most daitie for the Massalians That is the host or sacrifice Wherein doth consist the principall end or marke of the Masse sacrifice In the time of the coniurer Numa the Romanes had not yet in vse to kill and offer vp the bloud of beastes Plutar. in Numa Pollux in enom lib. 6. Misteriis peractis qui sacris intererant rotundis panibus quos in honorem deorum adhibebant stantes vescebantur nec nisi sacrificio perfecto vesci licebat Alex. ab Alex. lib. 4. cap. 17. But about the end of the Masse sacrifice it was ordeyned to eate and communicate together within the temple little round Cakes consecrated to the honour of the Gods in whose name the Masse was celebrated The litle round hostes of fine floure were eaten by the sacrificer and the assistants standing and not sitting The flowre whereof they were made was called Mola whereof commeth this worde immolare to offer There were diuerse hostes that is to say diuerse litle round cakes dedicated vnto diuerse Gods like as they had diuerse sacrifices of the Masse With the same round hostes was offered the altars seruing in place of tables And whiles the sacrificer and assistants at the sacrifice did eate and communicate together the foresaide little round cakes consecrated to the honor of their Gods there was sung Hymnes and plesant songs Some playing vpon Orgaines and Cymbals Before the deuouring of this round hoste printed with