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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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After this day the britayns decreased dayly in lordshyp and rule and drewe them towardes Wales so that the countrey about Chester was the chiefe of theyr lordshyppe Uortiporus the son of Conanus was ordeyned kyng of Britayne of whom is lyttle memorye lefte sauyng that Guido testifyeth that hee was a vyctorious prince and that hee in dyuers battailes discomfited the saxons he reygned .iiii. yeares MAlgo a duke of Britayne began hys reygn ouer the britayns and gouerned them .xxxv. yeares as wryters recorde This Malgo was the comelyest and moste personable man of all the britaynes then lyuing and therwith indued with knyghtely manhode but hee delyted in the foule synne of sodomy and therfore was greatly spoiled by his enemies the Saxons Ethelbert kyng of the Saxones in Kent gaue bataile to Ceaulmus kyng of the west Saxons in whyche fyghte were slayne .ii. dukes of Ethelberts hymselfe with his people chased Thys was the fyrst warre betwene the Saxons after they had lande and dwelling within this realme Cutwalphus the sonne of Cerdicus kyng of west Saxons fought valiantly agaynst the Britaynes and berefte them of .iiii. great townes After the deathe of Cutwalphus before named his brother Ceaulmus desyrous of honoure made sharpe warre vpon the britayns and wan from them the cities of Glocester Worcester and Bathe CAreticus began to rule the Britons This man as witnesseth al writers loued ciuile warr and was odible both to God and to his subiects they moued the Saxons to warre vppon hym who toke from hym a great part of his land The Saxons heryng of the discention betwene Careticus and his Britaines beyng accōpanied with Gurmundus kyng of Ireland made warr vpon Careticus in suche wyse that hee was fayne to take the Towne of Sicester where they assaulted him so sore that he wyth his menne fledde from thens into Wales by whyche meanes he lefte a great part of his dominion and shortly after ended his lyfe when he had reigned .iii. yeares THe Britaines which were chased by their enemies into Wales as is before sayd held theim in those parties and assaulted the Saxons some while in one coast and som while in an other vnder sundry dukes and so continued the space of .xxiiii. yeares In Britayne Ethelfridus gouerned the Northsaxons who made suche continuall warre vpon the Britaynes and chased them so sore that it is thoughte be slewe mo of them then all the other Saxons kynges By this crueltie the faith of Christ was almoste vtterly extinguished among the Britayns which had continued since y e tyme of Lucius about .400 yeres many of the britains were chased out of the Iland the reste remayned in Wales who there kept the christen fayth which they had receiued The britains being chased out of their countrey into Wales the Saxons obteyned the whole domynion of this Iland Sauing a part of Scotland which was subiecte to the Pictes and Scotts the britons kept thēselues in Wales In Anno domini .596 S. Gregorie sent Augustin Melitus Iustus and Iohn with other learned men to preache the christen faithe to the Angles whiche were fyrst receyued of Ethelbert king of Kēt whom they conuerted to the faith with diuers of his people This Ethelberte as some write fyrste began to buylde S. Austyns in Canturbery S. Paules church in London s. Andrews in Rochester he also excited a citisen of Lōdon to buylde the abbey of Westmynster CAdwane Duke of Northewales was made soueraigne of the britayns who comyng out of Wales gaue stronge battaile to Ethelfride kinge of Northumberland theyr moste deadly enemy in diuers encountres so discomfited the said Ethelfride that he was forced to intreate for peace After which concord made betwene those two princes they cōtinued al their life tyme as two speciall and louyng frendes he reigned .xxii. yeares Edwyne the sonne of Ella whiche was persecuted of Ethelfryde kynge of Northumberlande made sore warre vpon the said Ethelfride and slewe hym in playne battayle and then seysed into his possession the kyngdome of Northhumberland This Edwine was the fyrst christian kyng of that countrey Aboute this tyme began Mahomete among the Turkes Also about this time began the kingdom of Mercia or middle England vnder the strong painim and Saxon called penda which lordshyp conteyned Huntyngtonshyre Herefordshire Gloucestershire and other and was greattest of all other kyngedomes At that tyme reygned in dyuers partes of this lande vii kynges Sibertus among the east Saxons Redwallus kyng of East angles nowe called Norffolke and Suffolke Ethelbert kynge of Kent Ethewolphus of Sussex Ringilus Quincellinus of Weste Saxons Penda of Mercia Edwyne of Northumberland Edwyn kyng of Northumberlande was baptised of holye Byshoppe Paulinus and after hym manye of hys people he for the refreshyng of wayfaryng men ordeyned cuppes and dishes of yron to be fastened by such clere welles and fountayns as dyd runne by the wayes syde CAdwallyne the son of Cadwane began his reigne ouer the britaynes He was valyant and mightie and warred strongly vpon the Sarons made Penda kyng of Mercia tributarie to him he reigned .xlviii. yeres and was buried at London in sent Martyns church by L●dgate Kyngilpus kynge of weste Saxons was turned to the right belefe by a holy man called Berinus Segebert Kynge of Easte Angles or Norffolke ordeyned good learnyng to bee taughte and erected Schooles in dyuers partes of hys dominion as he sometyme hadde seene in Fraunce By hym was the fyrste common schoole founded at Cambridge Kenwalcus kyng of west Saxons in Britayn was dryuen oute of his kyngdome by Penda and kepte from thence by force the space of .iii. yeares Penda kyng of Mercia warred vpon Oswalde the good and holye Kynge of Northumberland and slue hym in battayle with many of his knightes Oswye the brother of Oswald obteined the kyngdome of Northumberlande who slue Oswyne his brothers sonne and made Odilwaldus partaker of his kyngdome Kenwalcus kyng of Weste Saxons was restored to his kyngedome by the helpe of Anna kyng of eastangles He builded the byshops see of Winchester and made Agelbert the fyrste byshop of that see And after him was one named Wyne of whome the Citie tooke the name of Wynchester Benet the monke and maister of the reuerēd Beda was famous in Britain This Benet broughte fyrst the craft of glasyng into this lande Cissa begunne to buylde the abbey of Abington and Erkenwalde byshop of London buylded the abbeys of Chertsey and of Barkyng in Essex CAdwallader was ordeyned kyng of britons and ruled only .iii. yeres He vanquished and slew Lethayre kyng of Kente and Athelwolde kyng of South saxons and then forsakyng his kyngly authoritie he went to Rome and there becamme a religious man and was buried at sainct Peters churche at Rome He was the last king of Britayne And this lande after this tyme was
kyng put downe the priorie of Chrichurche in London and all the Chanons of the same place the kynge sent to other places of the same Religion This yere in August and September the kyng repayred the towre of Lōdon and made there muche buyldyng The fyrst of September was my lady Anne Bulleyne made Marques of Penbroke at Wyndsore The .vii. daye of October the kynge went to Caleys and to Bulloyne and came ouer agayne the .xiii. daye of Nouember followyng Anno. 24. Syr Steuē Pecocke Haberda M. Rich. Rainold S. Iohn Martyn S. Nich. Pynchō S. The .xv. daye of December was a great fyre at the byshop of Lyncolnes place in Holborne whyche dyd muche hurte The .xvii. daye of Marche was Edward Haule gentylmā of Graies Inne chosen to be common sargeant of the citie of London Whiche Edward Haule made the notable boke of Chronicles The .x. day of Aprill was a dole geuē at saint Marie Audries in Southwark at the whiche was so muche preace of poore people that there was smouldred iiii men .ii. women a boie starck dead This yere on saint Erkenwaldes daie kyng Henry had maried the lady Anne Bulloyne at Caleyce and the .xii. daye of Aprill beynge Easter eue next followyng she was proclaymed Queene of Englande The .12 day of May one Pauiar being the town clerke of Londō hōg him self This yere on Whitsonday beyng the last day of May was y e lady Anne Bulleyn solemnely honorably crowned at Westminster The .xvii. day of Iuly were two marchantes slaine on the water of Thames toward Westminster by one Wolfe his wyfe who suffered for the same as ye shall here after The .7 day of Septēber was the lady Elizabeth daughter to king Hēry borne at Grenewich there christened at the fryers church the .x. daye of September The .5 day of October was a great fire at Baynardes castell did great hurt The .24 day of October being sonday ther was a scaffold set vp at Pauls cros and theron stode a nonne named Anne Barton of Courtopstrete besyde Canterbury and twoo Monkes of Canterbury and two obseruaunt fryers and the parson of Aldermary in London called maister Gold an other priest-confessour to the sayde nonne and twoo laye men and there preached at that time the byshop of Bangor called the abbot of Hyde where he shewed their offences and so from thence they were sent to the tower of London Anno. 25. sir Christoper Askew Draper M. Wil. Formā S. Tho. Kitson S. This yere Pope Clement cursed king Henry and the realme of Englande This curse was hanged on a churchdore at Dunkirke in Flaunders and taken downe by one William Locke a Mercer of London The .xxviii. daye of Ianuary was a great fyshe taken at Blackwall called a whale and was brought vp to westmynster to the kyng to see so brought downe to broken wharffe and there cut out Commissioners were sent all ouer England to take the othe of all persons to the acte of succession for the refusall of whiche othe doctour Fysher byshop of Rochester syr Thomas More late lorde Chancellor of England were sent to the tower of London The fyrst day of April wer Wolf and his wyfe hanged on two gybets at the turnyng tree in Lambeth marshe for murdryng of the two marchant strangers afore named The .xx. day of Aprill were .ii. monkes of Canturbery .ii. obseruant friers the persone of Aldermary in London and the Nonne called the holye Mayde of Courtopstrete in Kent all these were drawen from the tower of London vnto Tyborne and there hanged and beheaded and their heades set on London bridge and other gates of the Cytie of London and their bodies buried The .xx. daye of Aprill all the craftes and companies in London were sworne to the Kyng and to the Quene Anne and their heyres The .xxvi. yere of the kyngs reigne the .xv. day of May was a great fyre at Salters hall in Breadstrete and much harme doone The .v. day of Iune were all seruants and prentices of the age of .20 yeres or aboue sworne to the Kyng and Quene Anne his wife and to the issue of them The .ix. day of Iuly was the lord Dacres of the north arrained at Westminster of hygh treason where he so wittyly and directely confuted hys accusers that to theyr great shame he was found by his peres not gyltie The .xxii. day of Iuly was one Iohn Frith a yong man of excellent wyt and learnyng burned in Smythfield for his opinions concerning the sacrament and with hym a yong man called Andrewe Hewet a taylours seruant The .xi. day of August was all the places of the obseruant Friers as Grenewyche Canterburye Rychmounte Newarke and newe castell put downe and Austen Friers sette in their places and the same obseruauntes were put in places of gray fryers The .xiii. daye of Auguste was a greate fyre at Temple barre and muche hurte doone and certayne persones burned The .xvi. daye of Auguste was burned the kyngs stable at Charyng crosse otherwyse called the mewes wherein was burned many great horses greate store of haye The .xxi. day of September doctour Taylour maister of the Rolles was discharged and for hym maister Thomas Cromwell was appointed and sworne the .ix. day of October who afterward bare great rule Anno. 26. Sir Iohn Champneis skinner M Nicol. Lewson S. Wil. Denham S. In Nouember was held a parliament wherin the byshop of Rome with all his authoritie was cleane banyshed this realme and commandement geuen that he shoulde no more bee called Pope but byshop of Rome that the kyng should be reputed and taken as supreme heads of the Churche of England hauyng ful aucthoritie to reforme all errors hereses and abuses in the same Also the first fruites and tenthes of all spirituall dignities and promotions were granted to kyng Henry by acte of parlyament The .xxix. day of Aprill the pryor of the Charter house of London the prior of Beual the prior of Exham and a brother of the same called master Reignoldes and a prieste called mayster Iohn Haile vicar of Thistilworth wer al condemned of treason and iudged at westminster to be drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne who were there executed the fourth daye of May and theyr heades and quarters set on the gates of the citie of London and at the Charter house of London was set one quarter The .viii. day of May the kyng commanded all about his court to poll their heades to geue them ensāple he caused his owne head to be polled likewise The .xxv. day of May was a great examination of heretikes borne in Hollād there was examined .xix. men and .vi. women of the same countrey borne The seconde day of Iune Edwarde Halle the famous Chronicler was chosen an vnder sheriffe of London by the Maior and common counsell
opinion The .xi. daye of Aprill syr Thomas Wiat chiefe capitayn and ryngleader of the rebels was beheaded at tower hyll and after quartered his quarters were sette vp in dyuers places and his heade on the gallowes at Hay hyll where it was soone after stolne awaye and his fyngers and toes cut of from his quarters and conueyed The .27 of Aprill the lorde Thomas Gray brother to the late duke of Suffolke was beheaded William Thomas a gentylman and certaine other persons were apprehended for conspiring Quene Maries death the same William Thomas for that offence the .xviii. day of May was drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne The .xix. day of May the lady Elizabeth was brought out of the Tower by water and so conueyde to Richemount from thense to Wyndsore and so by my lorde Williams to Rycote in Oxfordeshyre and from thens to Woodstocke where she remayned The .xxiiii. day of Maye beynge the feast of Corpus Christi a ioyner that dwelte in Colman streete called Iohn Strete wold haue takē the Sacrament out of the priests hands in Smithfield in the tyme of procession but he was resisted taken and put in Newgate and then he fayned hym selfe madde The fowerth day of Iune was taken down all the gallowes that were about London The same day began the crosse of Cheape to be newe gylded The .xxii. daye of Iune was a proclamation made concernyng shootynge in handgunnes and bearyng of weapons The .xv. daye of Iuly in the seconds yeare of Quene Mary Elisabeth a yong wenche of the age of .xvi. or .xviii. yeres did open penance at Paules crosse standyng vpon a skaffold al the sermon time where she confessed openly that she beyng inticed by lewde councell had vpon the .xiiii. day of Marche last passed counterfait certayn speches in an house nere vnto Aldersgate in London aboute the which the people of the whole citie wer wonderfully molested Some saying it was an angel some the holy ghost speakynge in a walls On this maner she behaued her selfe she laye and whystled in a strange whistell made for the nones then were .iii. or .iiii. companions confederate with her which toke vpon them to interprete what the spirit said expressyng certain sedicious opprobrious words against the quenes highnes The .xix. day of Iuly kyng Philyp the emperours sonne passyng out of Spain came into England arriued at South hampton the .iiii. daye after he came to Winchester in the euenynge and there goyng to the churche was honourably receiued of the bishop and a great number of nobles for that purpose appointed the next day he met with the quens with whom after he had long and familiar talke The second day beyng sainct Iames day the mariage was in honorable maner solemnised betwene him and quene Mary At this time the emperors embassadour being present openly pronounced y t in consideration of that mariage the emperour had granted geuen vnto his sonne the kingdom of Naples Shortly after kyng Philip and quene Mary departed from Winchester and with a goodly companie were broughte to London there with great prouision were receyued of the Citizens the .xviii. day of August At that time a man came as it wer flying vpon a rope from Paules steple to the deanes walle In October the emperor sent ambassadours into Englande to yeld vnto his sonne kynge Philip the Dukedome of Millayne Anno. M .2 P .1 Iohn Lyon grocer M. Dauid Wodroffe S. William Chester S. The .xxiii. of Nouember Cardinall Poole came oute of Brabant into Englande and was receyued with muche honour in all places as he passed At the same tyme he was by parlyamente restored to his old estate and dignitie that he was put frome by kynge Henry the quenes father and shortely after came into the parlyamente house where the kyng quene and other states were all present Then he declaryng the cause of his legacie fyrst exhorted thē to returne to the cōmunion of the church restore to the moste holy father and pope hys due aucthoritie secondly he aduertised them to geue thankes to God that had sent them so blessed a kynge and quene fynally he signified for so much as they had with great gentylnes restored him to his honour and dignitie that he most earnestly desyred to se them restored to the heauenlye courte and vnitie of the churche The next day the whole court of parliament drue out y e forme of a supplication the summe whereof was that they greately repented theym of that schisme that they had lyued in And therfore desired the quene and the Cardinal that by their meanes they myght be restored to the bosome of the holy churche and obedience of the sea of Rome The next day the Kyng queene and Cardinall beyng present the lorde Chancellour declared what the parliamente had determyned concernyng the Cardinals request and offred vnto the kynge and Quene the supplication before mencioned whiche beyng read the Cardinall in a large oration declared howe acceptable repentaunce was in the syghte of God c. Immediatly he makynge prayer vnto God by authoritie to hym committed absolued them and restored them to the churche of Rome When all this was done they wente all vnto the chapell and there syngynge Te Deum with greate solempnytie declared the ioye and gladnesse that for thys reconciliation was pretended The .ii. day of December beyng sonday the kynges maiestie the Lord cardinall and diuers other of the nobilitie repaired to saint Paules church in London and so vnto a wyndow of the same directly against the crosse wher the byshop of winchester being lord Chācellor of Englande made a sermon declaryng howe this realme was agayne restored and vnited vnto the churche of Rome The .27 of Decēber the prince of Piamont duke of Sauoy with other lordes wer receiued at Grauesend by the lord priuie seale other so conueyde along the ryuer of Thames thorowe London bridge to Westmin to y e kings palaice In the beginnyng of Ianuary the parliament was dissolued Wherin among other thynges it was enacted that the statutes before tyme made for the punishement of heretikes and the confirmation of the popes power should be reuiued and in so good force as euer they had ben before kynge Henries reigne and that such acts as were made against the supremacie of the Pope shoulde bee cleane abrogated and abolished The .ix. day of Ianuarie the prince of Orenge beyng receyued at Grauesende was conueyed along the ryuer of Thamis through London bridge and landed at the duke of Suffolkes place The .iiii. of February being monday Iohn Rogers vicar of S. Sepulchres was burned in Smithfield The .vii. of February the lorde Strange being maried at the court the same day at nyght was a goodly pastime of Iuga cana by cresset lyght there were .lxx. cresset lightes The .xviii. of February the byshop of Ely with the lord Mountacute dyuers other well apparelled rode forthe of the citie of London
so came to Lōdon wher when he had arested him with a certayn nūber of knightes he rode to Notynghā wan the castell after that the castel of Tikhil by force● and so called a coūsell of his lordes at Winchester where he reposed his brother Iohn then beyng in Fraunce crouned himselfe sone after again king of Englād in y e city of Winchester thē he called a parliament where he called agayne into his handes all suche thyngs as he hadde eyther geuen or solde by patentes or otherwise by whiche meanes he gathered a summe of money and sailed into Fraunce where shortly a peace was concluded betwene the two Kings for one yeare Then Iohn which hadde taken part with the Frenche Kinge against his brother made meanes to Elianor his mother by whose mediation he was reconciled and became a trewe Knight to his brother In this time there was one William with the longe bearde who moued the common people to seke libertie and fredome not to be subiect to the rich and mightie By whiche meanes hee drewe to hym many greatte companies and with all his power defended the poore mēs cause against the riche The King being warned of this tumult commanded him to cease from those attemptes But the people stil folowed him as thei before had doone and he made to them certaine orations openly taking for his Theme this sentence Haurietis aquas in gaudeo de fontibus Saluatoris Whiche is to saie Ye shall drawe in ioie waters forth of the welles of your Sauiour And to this he added I am sayd he the sauiour of poore men ye be poore and haue assayed longe the harde handes of ryche menne Now drawe ye therfore holsom water foorth of my welles that with ioye For the tyme of your visitation is to men This William was commanded to appere before the kynges counsel to answere for hym self in suche cases as should be layde against hym where he appered but with suche a multitude of people that the lordes were afrayde of hym and remitted hym with pleasaunt wordes for that tyme appointyng some priuily when he was alone and then to apprehende hym By whom he was after taken in Bowe churche in Cheape but not without sheddyng of blood for for he was forced to forsake the church which they fyered about hym And whē he was taken he was arrained before y e Iudges and with .ix. of his adherentes had sentence of deth and he wyth those ix were hanged the morowe after who of the simple people was after honored as a martyr in so muche that they reserued relikes of hym as it is declared at large by Robert Fabyan Anno. Reg. 9. Bailiffes Roger Blunt Nycolas Ducket This yere the warre was renued betwene kyng Richard of Englande and Philip of France in whyche eyther of them spedde dyuersly Anno Reg. 10 Bailiffes Cōstantin Fitz Arnold Robert le Beau Kyng Richard of Englande besieged the castell of Galiarde and was wounded with a quarrell that was shot from the wall and therof dyed the .vi. day of Apryll in the yeare of our Lorde .1199 when he had reigned .ix. yeares and .ix. monethes Hys bodye was buryed at Founteuerard his bowels at Carlyle his harte at Roan King Iohn Anno regni .1 IOhn brother to Richard aforenamed began his reigne ouer this realm of England the .vi. day of Apryl in the yere of our Lord .1199 and deceased in the yere .1216 the .xix. day of October He reigned xvii yeares .vi. monethes and .xiii. days Of person he was indifferent But of melancoly and angry complexion He contempned the byshop of Romes authoritie whiche if he had doone constantly with iudgement to refrayne abuses as he semed to doo for couetousnes and of a froward mynde vndoubtedly he had ben worthy commendation By his cowardnes and slouthfull negligence the crowne of Englande greatly decayed Anno Reg. 1. Bailiffes Arnold fitz Arnold Richard Fitz bartilmewe Philip kyng of Fraunce in the quarell of Arthur duke of Britayn whom certayn of the Lordes had named king of Englande made warre vpon kynge Iohn inuaded Normandye and tooke from hym dyuers castels and townes Kyng Iohn hearynge of thys warre in Normandye assembled a counsayle wherin was graunted to hym .iii. s. of euery plough lande thorough England besyde the subsydie of the spirituall landes and when he had made redy for his dosage he sailed into Normandy wher he spent the tyme to his losse and dishonour But aboute Mighelmas a truce was concluded betwene the two kings of Englande and of Fraunce This yeare was a deuorce betweene kyng Iohn his wife the Erle of Glocesters daughter because of nerenesse of bloode and after he was maryed to Isabel the doughter of the Erle of Engolesym in France by whom he had .ii. sonnes Henry and Richarde and .iii. doughters Isabell Elianor and Iane. An. R. 2. bailifs Roger Dorset Iames bartilmew aldermā In this secoud yere as sayth Fabian Raynulph Erle of Chester by thexāple afore shewed by king Iohn left his own wyse named Constance whiche he before had maried by counsell of Henrys the second and wedded one Clemens One Chronicle saythe he dyd so to haue issue but he therwith displeased God so muche that he wold suffer him to haue none issue but dyed without This yeare as is reported in Polychronicon the kyng of Scottes dyd homage to kyng Iohn at Lincolne An. Reg. 3. Bailiffs Waiser Fitz Ales Symon de aldermābury This yeare in Yorkeshire were sene v. Moones one in the east an other in the weste the thirde in the northe the fourthe in the southe and the fyfthe in the myddes of the other and went compassyng the other .vi. tymes as it were the space of an howre and vanyshed away soone after Philyp of France inuaded Normandie and toke diuers castels and townes whiche he gaue to Arthur duke of Britayne But shortely after the same Arthure with many other noble men wer taken prisoners by kyuge Iohn and led prisoners into Englaude In thys yeare wer chosen .xxv. of the most substantiall and wysest men of the Citie of London to mainteine and kepe the Assises of the same Citie of the whiche yerely the Bailiffs wer chosen and after the Mayre and Sheriffes wer taken of the same numbre Anno Reg. 4. Bailiffes Normand Blundell Iohn de Ely This yere fell excedyng lyghtnyng thunders and other stormes of wynde and rayn w t hayle of y e bignes of henne● egges which perished fruit corn houses and yong cattell Also spirites were sene in the ayre in likenes of fowles be ring fier in their billes which set fire on diuers houses as R. Fabian reporteth Philip of France continually made warre vppon the Duchye of Normandye tyll at the last be subdued the same to his dominion with the prouinces of Guyen Poytiers Britayn which before pertayned to the crown of Englād
Anno. 6. George Monore Draper M. Iames Yarforde S. Iohn Mundye S. A peace concluded betwene England and France Lewes the french kynge coupled in mariage with lady Mary the kynges syster on newe yeres day folowyng he ended his life wherfore king Henry sent agayne for his syster by the duke of Suffolke and other This yere Richard Hunne a marchāt taylour of London was foūd hanged in Lollers tower Anno. 7. sir williā Butler grocer M. Henry worley S. Richard Gray S. Williā Baily S. Lady Mary kyng Henries daughter was borne at Grenewich in February Lady Mary the kynges syster before maried to the Frenche kyng returned into Englande and shortely after was maried to the duke of Suffolke Margaret Quene of Scottes kynge Henries eldest syster fled into Englād and laye at Harbottell where she was delyuered of a chyld called Margaret In Maie she came to London where she taried a whole yeare before she departed into Scotlande Anno. 8. Iohn Rest Grocer M. Tho. Seimer S. Rich. Thurstō S. This yere was suche a frost that all men wyth cartes myght passe betwene Westminster and Lambeth On May euen this maiors yeare the begynnyng of the .ix. yere of kyng Henry was an insurrection of yong persons agaynst aliens of the whyche dyuers were put to execution with theyr capitayne Iohn Lincolne a broker and the resydue came to Westminster with halters about their neckes and were pardoned This was called Euyl May day whereof ye may reade in Edward Hall And in May the Quene of Scottes returned to her countrey agayne Anno. 9. Sir Thomas Erme● Goldsmith M Th. Balorie S. Rich. Symō S. Many dyed in Englande of the sweatynge sicknes and in especially aboute London wherfore the terme was one day kept at Oxenford and adiourned agayne to westminster The admirall of Fraunce came into Englande as ambassadour with a great company of gentylmen The citie of Turney was delyuered agayne into the Frenche kyngs hande for the whiche he should pay vi C. thousande crownes and for the castell that the kynge buylded .iiii. C. thousand and 23000. poundes turnoys A peace was concluded betwene the kinges of England France and Castile for terme of their lyues Anno. 10. Thomas Myrfyn Skinner M. Iohn Alleyn S. Iames Spencer S. This yeare the Erle of Surrey was sente into Irelande as deputie and the Earle of Kyldare was of his office dyscharged Anno. 11. sir Iames Yarforde Mercer M. Iohn wilkinson S. Nicol. partrige S. This yeare was greate preparation made for the kyngs goyng into France to mete the frenche kyng at Arde. As Kynge Henry was at Canterburye wyth the Queene in a readynesse to haue passed the sea he hearde of the Emperoures commynge wyth whom he met at Douer and accompanied hym to Canterburie where after the Emperor had saluted the quene his aunt he toke shypping into Flanders the last day of May kyng Henry passed ouer to Calais and met with Francis the Frenche Kynge at the campe betwene Arde and Guysnes where was great triumphes and many goodly sightes in so sumptuous maner as the like had not ben sene Immediatly after he met with the Emperour with whome he went to Grauelyn and the emperor retourned wyth hym to Calais where he had great chere after whyche tyme they departed and kyng Henry returned into this realme Anno. 12. syr Iohn Bruge Draper M. Iohn Skeuingtō S Iohn Remble S In this Maiors yeare the .xvii. day of May whyche was in the .13 yere of the Kynge was the duke of Buckyngham beheaded at London for treason as ye may rede at large in Edward Hall his chronicles the .12 and .13 yeare of Henry the .viii. hys body with the head was buried at the frier Augustins at Lōdon Kyng Henry wrate a boke against Luther and therfore the byshop of Rome named hym defender of the faithe To whiche booke Luther aunswered very sharply nothyng sparing the auctoritie or maiestie of the kyng The frenche Kynge attached all Englyshe mens goodes at Burdeaux and deteyned the kynges tribute and the Frenche Quenes dower All frenchemen were attached in the citie of London and cast in prison The .v. day of Iuly the cardinall rode through Lōdon to Douer to mete with the Emperor beyng accompanied with ii Erles .xxxvi. knyghtes an C. gentilmen .viii. byshops .x. abbots .xxx. chaplaines all in veluet and satyn and .700 yeomen This yeare was a greate pestilence and deathe in London and other places Anno. 13. Sir Iohn Milborne Draper M. Iohn Britain S. Tho. Pargeter S. This syr Iohn Mylborne to his great commendation and the ensaumple of other the worshypfull of this citie buylded certaine almost houses wherein be placed .xiii. aged poore people who haue theyr dwellynges rente free and also .ii. shillinges .vi. d. the piece payde to them the fyrst day of euery moneth for euer The seconde daye of February the Cardinall declared howe the byshop of Rome had sent kyng Henrye the fif●e of defender of the christen faith and to his successours for euer Thys Charles the fyfthe Emperor of Rome came into England and was honourably receiued into London by the Maior the Aldermen and commons of the Citie the syrt of Iune the kyng hym self accompanying him from thens he went to Wyndsour and sate in the stall of the garter At this tyme was talke betwene the Emperour and kyng Henry for the mariage of Lady Mary the kyngs daughter being about the age of .vii. yeres after great feastes iustes and honourable entertaynment hee departed to Hampton and sayled from thense into Spayn Duryng this tyme the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admyrall brente Morles in Britayne and than retuurned into the Realme Not longe after hauyng an armye appoynted to hym by the Kynge hee passed ouer to Calaice and entred Pycardye and brent dyuers townes and castelles He besieged Hesdyng but because winter drewe nere he raysed his siege and returned home The Duke of Albanye began to enter this lande wyth a greate armye but hearyng that the Erle of Shrewesbury was commynge hee tooke a truce for vi monethes Anno. 14. Sir Iohn Mondye goldsmith M. Iohn Rudston S Jo. Champneis S The lorde Rosse and lorde Dacres of the Northe burned the Towne of Kelsey in Scotlande wyth fower score Uyllages and also dydde ouerthrowe eyghtene towers of stone with all their bulwarkes The Emperor Charles Kyng Henry of England Ferdinando duke of Austrige the byshop of Rome the citie of Venice and dyuers other in Italy were confederate against the frenche men The Turkes besieged Rhodes and on Christmas daye tooke it to the greate shame and rebuke of Christen men The lorde Marques Dorset wardeyn of the East marches brent dyuers villages holdes and other places in Scotlande The .xv. daye of Iune the Kynge of Denmarke and hys Quene aryued at Douer and the .xxii. day of Iune they came to London and laye at the byshop of Bathes
myle from Hay to Harford xiiij myle from Harforde to Roso ix myle from Roso to glocester xij myle from glocester to Cicester xv myle from Cicester to Faryngton xvj myle from faryngton to Habyngton vij myle from Habyngton to Dorcester vij myle from Dorcester to Henley xij myle from Henly to Maydenhead vij myle from Maydenhead to Colbroke vij myle from Colbroke to London xv myle Hereafter foloweth the names of all the kynges and chiefest gouernours of this realme of Englande in what leafe ye shall fynde theym BRute the fyrste kyng of this realme folio 9. Locrine fo eo Guēdoline quene .10 Madan eodem Mempricius fo codē Ebranke fo codē Brute Grinshiled 11. Leill fo eodem Lududribas fo eodem Bladud fol. ibidem Leire fol. ibidem Cordyla quene fo 12. Morgan fo ibidem Conedagus fo ibi Riuallo fo ibidē Gurgustus ibidē Scicilius ibidem Iago or Lago fo 13. Kynymacus fo ibid. Gorbodug fo ibidē Forrex Portex ibi Mulmutius Dunwalls fol. ibidē Belinus and Brennus fol. 14. Gurgostus fol. 15. Guinthelinus fo ibi Cecilius ibi Kymarus ibidem Elanius ibidem Morindus ibidem Gorbumannus ibid. Archigalio folio 16 Elidurus fol. ibi Uigenius Peredurus fo ibidem Gorbonian fo ibid. Morgan fo ibid. Emerianus ibidē Iuall folio .17 Rymo ibidem Geruntius ibidē Catilius ibi Coilus fo ibidem Porex fo ibi Chirunnus fo ibidē Fulgen ibidem Eldred ibidem Androgius ibidem Uarianus ibidem Eliud ibidē Dedantius fo ibidem Detonus ibidem Gurgincus ibidem Merianus ibidem Bladunus ibidem Duinus ibid. Silius ibid. Bledgabredus ibid. Archemalus ibid. Eldeius fol. eodem Rodianus fol. 18 Redargius eodem Samulius eod Peniselus eod Pirthus eod Caporus eod Dinellus eod Helius eod Lud eod Cassiuelane eod ☞ Under Iulius Cesar. THeomancius 20 Cymbalinus eod Gwiderius eod Aruitagu● 21 Marius eod Coilus eod Lucie eod Basianus 21 Carassus 23 Alectus eod Asclepiodatus eod Coill eod Constantius eod Constantine 24. Octauius 24 25 Maximus 25 Constantine 27 Constantius 27 Uortyger 28 Uortymers 29 Aurelius Ambrose 30 Uther Pendragō eod Arthure eod Constantine 32 Aurelius Conanus 32 Uortiporus eod Malgo 32 Caretieus 33 Cadwane 34 Ladwaiyne 35 Ladwaladar eod Iew 36 Ethelard eod Cutherede eod Sygeberte 37 Kenulphus eod Brithericus eod Egbarte 38 Ethelwolphus 38 Ethelwaldus 39 Ethelbert eod Etheldrede eod Alured 40 Edward y e seniour 41 Adelstane 42 Edmond eod Eldrede eod Edwyne eod Edgare 43 Edwarde eod Egelred fol. 44. Edmond Ironside 47 Canucus fo 48. Harold fol. 48. Hardikenitus fo 48. Edward fo 49. Harolde fol. 50. VUilliam bastarde Duke of Normandie fol. 51. Williā Rufus fo 55. Henry Beauclerk 59. Steuen fol. 62. Henry .ii. fo 65. Richard fyrst fo 68. Iohn fol. 7● Henry third fol. 81. Edward .i. fo 99. Edward .ii. fo 105. Edward .iii. fo 111. Richard .ii. fo 124. Henry .iiii. fol. 132. Henry .v. fol. 137. Henry .vi. fo 140. Edward .iiii. fo 154. Edward .v. fo 161. Richard .iii. fol. 162. Henry .vii. fol 163. Henry .viii. fol. 171. Edward .vi. fol. 208. Mary quene fo 222. Elizabeth quene 239. The Table of all the principall matters conteyned in this booke AUxolme an plād fo 3. Albion foli 9. Archflamyn fo 9. Adrians wall fo 22. Albon martyred fo 24. Ambreshuey buylded fo 29. Abyngton buylded fo 35. Abbey at Saint Albons buylded fol. 37. Ambery buylded fo 44. A barkers sonne claymed the crowne fo 107. Armes of England France ioyned fol. 115. Iusten friers church in London buylded fo 119. Alsoules college builded 147. Anne barton called holy maid of Kent fo 186.187 Abbeys visited fol. 189. Abbeys suppressed fol. 194. Andrew Iudde his charitable dedes fol. 214. A mylners sonne fayned hym to be Kynge Edwarde the sixte fo 233. fo 235. Ages of the world fo 248. BIsshoprickes in Englande folio 1. Britayne fol. 9. Bambrough builded 10 Bathe buylded fo 11. Bladud in flyenge brake hys necke fol. 11. Bangor in wales builded 12. Blonde reigned fo 12. fo 38. Blackwell hall builded fo 13. Belyns gate buylded fo 14. Britones chased into Wales fol. 33. Bishops see of Wynchester buylded fol. 35. Berkyng in Essex builded 35 Brithricus poysoned by hys wyfe fol. 38. Blasyng sterres fol. 36.44 Battayle abbey buylded 55. Barmōdsey abbey builded 55 Brystow Castell builded 60 Bassynge werke abbey buylded fol. 66. Bewley abbey builded fo 81 Beston castell builded fo 83. Battayle at Lewes fo 92. Battayle at Euisham fo 92. Bowe steeple in Cheape blowen downe fol. 97. Blacke Fryers by Ludgat buylded fol. 100. Barwyke won fo 103.113 Battayl at Estreuelyn 107. Battail on the sea fo 115.173 Barwicke taken by .xl. persons fo 12●6 Battayle at Otterborn 128. Battail at Shrewsbury 134 Battaile at Agencourt fo 139 Barnard colledge in Oxforde buylded fol. 147. Byshop of Salisburye murdered fo 149. Battayle at S. Albons 150 Battail at Bloreheth fo 152 Battail at Northamptō 153 Battail at wakefield fol. 153 Battaile the second at saynct Albons fol. ibidē Battaile at Shirborn ibidē Battaile at Exam fo 154 Bataile at Banbery fo 156. Barnet field fo 157 Battayl at Teukesbury 157 Battayle at Bosworth 163. Battayle at Stoke 164 Blacke heath fielde fo 166. Baynardes castel builded 168 Brasenose in Oxforde buylded folio 171. Bowe steple in cheape buylded fol. 173. Byshop of Romes aucthoritie abrogated fol. 188. Boloygne wonne fol. 204. C COunties of Englande fo 1. Cornewall described fo 5 Compasse of England 7.8 Carleile buylded 11. Canterbury buylded ibidem Carlion buylded 14. Cambridge buylded 16. Cesars fyrst voiage into thys lande fo 18. Cesars second voyage fo 19. Cesar a bakers sonne ibidem Cesar slain with book insibi Castell at Canterbury buylded ibidem Castel at Rochest built ibi Chichester buylded ibidem Christ hys byrth fo 20. Chester buylded fol. 21. Colchester buylded ibidem Close crownes wherfore kynges of Englād wear thē 24. Constātin slain by a Pict 27 Cōstātius slayn by picts ibi Constantius a monke made kyng ibidem Chertsey buylded fol. 35. College of welles builded 36 Crowland abbey buylded 37 Chastytye of womenne defended 39 Couentrye abbey builded 49 Castels at Yorke builded 53 Castell at Notyngham buylded ibidem Castel at Lincoln builded ibi Chester abbey buylded 57 Cicester buylded 62. Cōbremore abbey builded 6● Coggeshall abbey buylded 65 Castell of Rutlād builded 66 Canturbery a fyre ibid. Charter made to y e barōs 79 Charteley castell buylded 83 Coyn altered fo 88.96.115 116. 118. 136. 155. 169. Castell of Flynt buylded 99. Castel Barnard builded 100 Cheape corne 101. Crouched fryers 106. Cardinals robbed 107. Cheape of victuall 114. Caleys wonne 117. Chest in Guyld hall of London fo 112. Combat fo 127. 129. Cheape wynes fo 128. Conspiracie fo 132 Cundyie in Cornehyll buylded 134. College of Eatō buylded 141 Custome fyrst payd 142 Cōmotion at Abyngton 143 Calaice besieged 144 Cundite in Fletestrete buylded 145.
fishes taken The Clergie sworne to the kyng S. Thomas More discharged of the chācelorshyp S. Thomas Cromwell Execution at the tower hyl Execution at the towre hyl The priory of Crichurche put downe The towre of London repayred 1532 Great fyre at Holborne Haule the famous chronicler common Sergeant of London Foure mē .ii. women and a boie smouldered Kyng Henry maried the lady Anne Boleyne Desperation Quene Anne crowned A murder Lady Elizabeth borne A fire at Bernardes castell Anne Bartō 1533 A great fishe taken An othe to the kyng Wolfe his wyfe hanged at Lambeth Execution at Tyborne Othe to the kyng Lord Dacres of the northe Edvvarde Halle Iohn Frythe brēt in smithfielde Fryer houses suppressed A fyre at temple barre The kynges stable brent Master Thomas Cromwell master of the Rolles 1534 The byshops of Romes authoritie abrogated The fyrst frutes gyuen to the kyng Execution at Tyborne Polled heads Examination of Hollāders Master Halle vnder sheriffe of London Execution in Smythfield Execution at Tyborne The byshop of Rochester beheaded Sir Thomas Moore beheaded A visitation of the abbeys 1535 A generall procession The names of all Chauntries taken Lady Katherine deceased The smalle houses of religion geuen to the kyng Edvvarde Halle Execution Execution The king maried ladye Iane. A commotion in Lincolneshyre A triumph at westminster A cōmotiō in Yorkeshyre 1536 Master Pagyngton slain Execution at Wyndsor A great frost Execution at Tyborne A newe commotion in Yorkeshyre Execution at tyborne Execution for treason Cromwell knyght of the garter The byrth of prince Edwarde 1537 Execution at tyborne Execution at tyborne Execution at Tyborne Execution in Smythfield A fyre in Rode lane Execution at tyborne The hangmā hanged Edvvarde Halle The images in churches taken downe The abbeyes suppressed 1538 The friers in London suppressed Lābert burnt in smythfield Execution at the towre hyl Execution in Paules churcheyarde Execution at lowre hyll Execution The great mustar at Lōdon Execution at S. Thomas Wateryng 1539 Execution at Redyng Execution at the towre hil Execution The pencioners first began Kyng Henry maried the lady Anne of Cleue Thomas Crōwell erle of Essex The order of the Rhodes put downe in Englande EdVvarde Haule EdVvarde Haule Thomas Crōwell sent to y e tower and be headed at towre hyil Quene Anne deuorced and called lady Anne of cleue Executiō both in smithfielde and at Tyborne Execution at Tyborne Kyng Henry maryed lady Katheryne Hawarde A great drouth 1540 Execution In other commotion in Yorkeshyre Execution Edvvarde Halle Execution at Grenewiche Execution at the towre hil Execution at S. Thomas of waterings Execution at tyborne The kynges progresse into Yorke Execution 1541 Execution at tyborne Execution at towre hyll Iohn Sleidan Kyng Henry maried his sixt wyfe Kyng Henry first named kyng of Irelande I mayde boyled in Smithfielde 1542 Execution for slayinge an Haraulde The going to Laundersey Execution at Wyndsore A great pestilence 154● Foure Eclipsis in one yere Execution at Tyborne Houses blowen vp with gonpouder Lyth and Edenborough taken The coynes inhanced The base money coyned Kyng Henry went to Boloigne Boloigne wonne 1544 The kynge wēt to Portsmouth where was drowned y e Mary Rose Frenchemen landed at the Ile of Wyght Saint Gyles church brent 1545 Chantries giuen to Kynge Henry The stewes put downe The cundyte at Algate and Lothberye buylded A general prosession in Loudon Execution in Smythfield The aduryra●t of France landed at the tower wharfe 1546. Execution at tower hyll 1546 S. Paules churche lay at anker Images commanded to bee taken downe Processiō forbydden to be vsed The chātries geuen to the kyng Muskleborough field Paten 1547 Anno .2 A great pestilence 1548 Anno .3 Execution at tower hyll Cōmotion in Cornewall Deuonshyre Commocion at Norwiche The Duke of Somerset sent to the tower of Lōdō 1549 A murder cōmitted by Charles Gauaro Execution in Smithfielde Execution at Tyborne Anno. reg 4 The Duke of Somerset delyuered Execution at tyborne Bulleine yelded to the frēche kyng Ioane Butcher burnt in Smythfield Execution 1550 Tho. Coper Anno reg v. A murder at Feuersham Execution Execution at Flyshyng An Aryan burnt in Smythfield An earthquake The first fall of the money A sweatyng sycknes The secōd fall of the money The Duke of Somerset cōmitted agayn to the towre 1551 A new coyne The quene of Scottes road through London The Duke of Somerset araigned A muster of horsemen Execution at towre hyll Anno. reg .6 Execution at the towre hyl A house blowen vp with gonpouder A monster Great fyshes taken The gray friers in Lōdon conuerted to an hospitall Great fyshes taken 1552 The fyrst children taken in to Christes hospitall at London Anno. 7. A voyage to Moscouie A great thunder Kynge Edwarde deceased Ladye Iane proclaymed Quene Lady Marye proclaymed quene of Englande 1553 Quene Mary hauynge to the numbre of 30000. men y e erle of Sussex being lieutenaunt of the armye when she dissolued her campe at Framingham victuals was of suche plentithe that a barell of biere was folde for vi d with the caske and iiii greate loaues of bread for a peny A wherrye ouerturned A dagger throwen at Paules crosse Execution at Tower hyll The greate Hary brente A man stoode on the wether cock of Paules Grauesende barge ouerturned 1553 S. Iohns colledge in Oxenford erected Trinitie coledge erected A commotion in Kent The duke of Suffolks agayn proclaymed his doughter quene The Duke of Suffolke taken The Queene came to the Guylde hall in London Wyat taken Execution Execution at the tower of London Execution at tower hyll Execution at tower hyll Execution at Tyborne Anno. reg 2. A spirite in a wall at London Kyng Philip came to Winchester 1554 Cardinall Poole cam into Englande The prince of Orenge came to London Execution in Smithfielde Execution in Smithfielde Execution in Westminster Execution in Smythfielde Anno .3 The .iiii. of September kynge Philip ariued at Calaice 1555 Execution A blasyng sterre 1556 Seuen aldermen deceased in London An ambassadour frome Moscouie A murderer Execution at Salisbury Englyshmen sent to saynte Quintins Scarbrough castell taken by .xxxii. persons Executio● at tower hyll The ladye Anne of Cleue deceased Both deart●● and plentie or corne in one yeare 1557 Calaice lost Execution 1558 1558 A parliament at Westmynster 1559 Anno. reg 1. It is to be noted that the Maior of Lōdon beginneth his yeare the 28. day of October whiche is in the fyrst yeare of the quenes maiesties reigne And the quenes seconde yeare begynneth on the 17 day of Nouēber next folowyng Houses blowen in croked lane The base moneys called in New coynes 1560 Anno. reg 3. One saynyng him selfe to be Christ was whipte Poules steple a fyre 1361 ● new coine Anno reg 4. Manye monstrous births this yeare in Englande A monstrous chylde The goyng to Newhauen 1562 Anno reg 5. Newe hauen delyuered to the frenche Greate pestilence at Lon An hundred eight parishes in London A seuen parishe churches called the out paryshes A treble or a three folde plague 1563 No maiors feast kepte at the Guild hal Anno reg 6. Peace proclaimed betwene England and France The watche on S. Peters euen at London 1564 Anno reg 7. Houses shatered with gonpouder The Thames ouerfrosen Eighte tydes in .ii. nyghtes and a daye The work of god vppon a maid in Chester An escape out of the tower Great tempest