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A12940 A counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blaste against M. Fekenham Wherein is set forthe: a ful reply to M. Hornes Answer, and to euery part therof made, against the declaration of my L. Abbat of Westminster, M. Fekenham, touching, the Othe of the Supremacy. By perusing vvhereof shall appeare, besides the holy Scriptures, as it vvere a chronicle of the continual practise of Christes Churche in al ages and countries, fro[m] the time of Constantin the Great, vntil our daies: prouing the popes and bishops supremacy in ecclesiastical causes: and disprouing the princes supremacy in the same causes. By Thomas Stapleton student in diuinitie. Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598.; Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580. Answeare made by Rob. Bishoppe of Wynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. John Fekenham, by wrytinge did deliver unto the L. Bishop of Winchester.; Harpsfield, Nicholas, 1519-1575. 1567 (1567) STC 23231; ESTC S117788 838,389 1,136

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a premunire I make most sure accōpt ye shal neuer be able to shew this See then that euen in your election which is beside and out of our chiefe matter ye are quyte out from the like regiment ye pretende to proue M. Horne The .31 Diuision Pag. 21. b. This supreme .74 authority of the Emperour in Church causes is moste liuely expressed by S. Augustine and Eusebius vvhere they make mention of the horrible Scisme stirred by the Donatists against Cecilianus Bisshoppe of Carthage vvhose election and ordering to be Bisshop of Carthage Donatus and others of his companions misliked and therfore made a Schisme in that Church The question in controuersie vvas vvhether Cecilianus being ordered Bisshop hauing the imposition of hands by Felix vvere lavvfully consecrated and ordered or not this controuersie made a lamentable trouble amongest the Churches in Aphrike At the length the Donatists accused Cecilian vnto the Emperour desired the Emperour to appointe some Delegates to iudge of this cōtrouersy And for that al the Churchs in Aphrike vvere bāded either to the one partly or the other and for that France vvas free frō this cōtention they require iudges to be appointed by his authority from amongest the Frenche Bisshoppes The Emperour much grieued that the Churche vvas thus torne in sundre vvith this schism doth appoint Melciades Bisshop of Rome and Marcus to be his .75 delegates and commissaries in this controuersy vvith certaine other Bisshoppes of Fraunce Melciades colleages or felovv Bisshops vvhom the Emperour had cōmaunded to be there vvith thē for that purpose These commissioners vvith certaine other Bisshoppes according to the Emperours commaundement mette at Rome and after due examination had doe condemne the Donatists and pronounce Cecilianus cause to be good From this sentence of the bisshop of Rome and other bisshoppes his colleages being the Emperours delegates the Donatists appeale vnto the Emperour not onely accusing Cecilianus but also Melciades the bisshop of Rome and other Cōmissaries Wherefore the Emperour causeth a Synode to be had at Arelatum committing the cause to the bisshop thereof and other bisshoppes assembled there by his commaundement to be herde and discussed VVhereūto he calleth Crestus the bisshop of Syracuse a City in Sicilie by his letters VVherein he declareth in .76 plain termes that it belongeth to his imperial cure to see these controuersies in Church causes to be determined and ended Donatus and his companions being condemned also by these bishops in the Synode at Arelatum and Cecilianus cleered doe again appeale vnto the Emperour from their sentence beseching him to take the hearing and discussing of the cōtrouersie VVho calleth both the parties together before himself at Millayn and after he had herde the vvhole matter and vvhat vvas to be said on both sides he gaue final sentēce vvith Cecilianus condemning the Donatists VVho after al these things thus done as S. Augustin saith made a very sharpe Lavv against the Donatistes the vvhich also his Sonnes after him commaunded to be obserued The .2 Chapter of Constantines dealing in the appeales and suytes of the Donatistes Stapleton OF al that M. Horn bringeth of Constantines doings or of any others this place semeth most cōformable not to that wherein we ioyn issue with him which are a nomber of pointes as I haue declared in the proufe whereof in case M. Horn be defectyue in any one M. Fekenham is at liberty from receiuinge the pretensed othe but to that one point onely that not the Bisshop or Pope himself but the ciuil magistrate is supreme iudge in causes ecclesiastical And yet yf M. Horn could effectually proue this he should quyte him self lyke a clerke In dede your maister M Caluin M. Iewel and others runneth to this example as to a strong hold which I trow neuerthelesse wil proue anon as stronge as a rotten rede As also to any indifferent Reader it may sufficiently appeare that hath or wil reade our Return vpon M. Iewels lying Reply where this whole matter is answered at ful Yet let vs ones againe lay forth the matter Constantine say you in a matter ecclesiastical deuolued to him by an appele appointed as his Delegate the Pope him selfe yea after the Popes sentence he appointed vppon a new appeale certain other Bisshhops The appellants being also agreued with this sentence craued ayde at Constantitins own hands who gaue the final sentence against them Suerly these were froward quarreling men what so euer they were But what maner of men were they M. Horne Forsothe as ye truely say the Donatists the most peruerse and obstinate heretiks that euer the Churche suffred Is this then thinke you a sure grounde to build your supremacy vpon Suerly as sure and as sownd as was your Emperour Emanuel as ye call him Beside this where is the longe tediouse song ye songe of late against M. Fekēham to proue him a Donastiste Ye see here the Donatists them selues against the authority of temporal princes in Churche matters which before ye denied and so may M. Fekenhā clere himself that he is no Donatiste Ye had done wel yf ye had eased your reader and your self most of all with an hādsome worde or two interlaced for the auoiding of this contradiction Wel belyke it was by some voluntarie obliuiō forslone I wil therfore take the paynes to supplie this defect of yours I say therfore that both is true For when it serued their purpose and as lōg as they had any hope of any relefe for their wicked heresies they ranne to the Emperors yea to Iulian the Apostata setting him forth with no smal cōmendations for ayde and helpe And so did they now But afterward when both this Constantin and other Emperors made sharp lawes against thē thē the world was chaunged then sang they a new songe that it was not sitte or seamely for the princes to busie thēselues in Church matters Yea so impudent and inconstant they were that thowg●e themselues first browght the matter against Cecilian to the Emperours audience yet did they blame innocent Cecilian for their own fact as a breaker of the Ecclesiasticall order And are not your maisters and cōpanions I beseache you the true schollers of the Donatists in this behalfe as I haue before shewed And who are they tell me by your truth that after sentence geuen against them by the Pope by prouincial and general councels yea by the Emperours them selues doe persiste and endure in their wicked heresies and that more wilfully then euer did the obstinat Donatists Are they not of your own whole and holy generation Wel seing we haue now deliuered you from contradiction we may procede to the matter it selfe Ye say Constantine gaue sentence euen after the Pope Yea but we say again supposing this example true that one swallowe brīgeth not the spring tyme with him The president of one Emperor for ye proue not the like in al your book of any other
c. What then M. Horne was he therefore supreme gouernour in al causes ecclesiastical Yea or in this very cause was he thinke you the supreme gouernour If you had tolde vs some parte of that graue oration somewhat therein perhaps would haue appered either for your purpose or against it Now a graue oratiō he made you say but what that graue talke was or wherein it cōsisted you tel vs not Verily a graue oratiō it was in dede ād such as with the grauity thereof vtterly ouerbeareth the light presumption of your surmised supremacy For this amōg other thīgs he saied to those bisshops grauely in dede 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Such a mā therefore do you place in this bisshoply throne that we also which direct the Empire may gladly submitte oure heads to him and reuerence as a medicinable remedy the rebukes that he shall make ouer vs for men we are and must nedes falle somtyme So M. Horne woulde this Emperour haue a bisshop qualified and so was in dede this Ambrose then chosen passingly qualified that he shoulde tel and admonish boldely the Prince of his faultes and the Prince should as gladly and willingly obey him yea and submit his head vnto hī not be the supreme Head ouer hī as you most miserable clawbackes vnworthy of al priestly preeminēce would force modest prīces vnto This was the graue lessō he gaue to the bisshops as Constantin before to the Fathers of Nice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as a natural louing child 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the Priestes as to his Fathers not to them as his seruauntes or subiectes in that respecte You say farder but you say vntruly to be alwaies like your selfe that this Emperour confirmed the true faith decreed in a Synod in Illyrico by his royal assent As though your Reader shoulde straight conceyue that as the Quenes Maiesty confirmeth the Actes of parliament with her highnes royall assent and is therefore in dede the Supreme and vndoubted Head ouer the whole parliament so this Emperour was ouer that Synod But Theodoretus your Author alleaged saieth no such thīg Only he saieth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Those thīgs that had ben decreed and established by the Bisshoppes he sent abrode to those that doubted thereof Other confirmatiō then this is not in your Author or any otherwhere mētioned And this was plain ministerial execution of the decrees no royall confirmatiō of them M. Horne The 41. Diuision Pag. 26. a. Theodosius vvas nothing inferiour to Constantine the great neither in zeale care or furtherance of Christes Religiō He bent his vvhole povver and authoritie to the vtter ouerthrovve of superstition and false Religion somevvhat crept in againe in the times of Iulianus and Valēs the vvicked Emperours And for the sure continuance of Religion refourmed he made many godly Lavves he defended the .107 godly bishop of Antioche Flauianus against the bishop of Rome and other bishoppes of the VVeste vvho did .108 falsely accuse him of many crymes and at the lēgthe by his careful endeuour in Churche matters and his .109 Supreme authoritie therein this moste faytful Emperour sayeth Theodoretus sette peace and quietnes amongest the Bishoppes and in the Churches He called a conuocation of the Bishops to the ende that by common consent al should agree in vnytie of doctrine confessed by the Nicen councel to reconcile the Macedonians vnto the catholique Churche and to electe and order a Byshop in the sea of Cōstantinople vvhiche vvas than vacant VVhen the tvvoo fyrste pointes could not be brought to passe as the Emperour vvished they vvent in hande vvith the third to consult amongest them selues touching a fitte Bisshop for Constantinople The Emperour to vvhose iudgement many of the Synode consented thought Gregorie of Nazianzene moste fitte to be Bisshop but he did .111 vtterly refuse that that charge Than the Emperour commaundeth them to make diligēt inquisitiō for some godly man that might be appointed to that rovvme But vvhen the Bisshops could not agree vppon any one the Emperour commaundeth them to bring to him the names of al such as euery one of them thought moste apt to be Bisshop vvriten in a paper together He reserued to him self saith Sozomenus to choose vvhome he liked best VVhen he had redde ouer once or tvvyse the sedule of names vvhich vvas brought vnto him after good deliberation had vvith him self he chose Nectarius although as yet he vvas not christened and the Bisshops maruailing at his iudgemēt in the choise .112 could not remoue him And so vvas Nectarius baptized and made bisshop of Constātinople vvho proued so godly a bisshop that all men deemed this election to be made by Themperour not vvithout some miraculous inspiration of the holy ghost This Emperour perceiuing the Church had ben long tyme molested and dravvē into partes by the Arianisme and like to be more greuously torne in sonder vvith the heresy of Macedonius a B. of Cōstātinople and knovving that his supreme gouernmēt and empire vvas geuē him of God to mainteine the common peace of the Church and confirmation of the true faith summoneth a Synode at Constantinople in the thirde yeere of his reigne vvhich is the second great and general councel of the fovver notable and famous oecumenical councels and vvhen al the bisshops vvhome he had cited vvere assembled he cometh into the councell house amongest them he made vnto them a graue exhortation to consulte diligently like graue Fathers of the matters propoūded vnto them The Macedonians depart out of the Cytie the Catholike Fathers agree conclude a trueth and send the canons of their conclusion to the Emperour .113 to be confirmed vvriting vnto him in these vvords The holy counsaile of bisshops assembled at Constātinople to Theodosius Emperour the most reuerent obseruer of Godlines Religion and loue towardes God VVe geue God thankes who hath appointed your Emperial gouernmēt for the common tranquility of his Churches and to establishe the sounde faith Sithe the tyme of our assembly at Constantinople by your godly commaundement we haue renewed cōcorde amongest our selues and haue prescribed certaine Canōs or rules which we haue annexed vnto this our writing we beseche therefore your clemency to commaunde the Decree of the Counsaile to be stablished by the letters of your holines and that ye wil confirme it and as you haue honoured the Church by the letters wherewith you called vs together euen so that you wil strengthen also the final conclusion of the Decrees with your own sentence and seale After this he calleth an other .114 Councel of bisshops to Constantinople of vvhat Religion so euer thinking that if they might assemble together in his presence and before him conferre touching the matters of Religion vvherein they disagreed that they might be reconciled and brought to vnity of Faith He consulteth vvith Nectarius and sitteth dovvn in the Councel house amongest them al and examineth those
booke all in fewe words easie to be answered and auoyded For this kind of confirmation is not nor euer was required as though their ordinaunces were voyde and frustrate without it as al that ye now doe haue don or shal doe in your synodes and conuocations without the ratification of the Quenes Maiesty Which thīg for decrees of the Churche ye doe not ye haue not nor euer shal be able to proue But to this ende were the Emperours required to confirme Councels that the willing and towarde people might haue the better lyking in them and be the more allured carefully and exactly to obserue them vpon the good lyking of their prince And withal that the frowarde and malignāte people that make no great accompte of the censures of the Churche because yt doth not presently touche the body or any temporal losse might for feare of ciuil and temporall punishement be brought the soner to keepe and obserue thē And this litle short but so true an answere as ye shal neuer with al your cūning honestly shift it of may suffice to euacuate and emptye a great part of your boke resting in this point But to shew in this place ones for al how emperors haue dealed ād may deale in General Coūcels either for calling them or for confirming them or for their demeanour in them I wil put certayne points or Articles and note thereby what the practise of the Churche hath bene in this behalfe to th entent that the Reader maye knowe what it is that we defende and what had bene your part to haue proued least walking alwaies in generalities we spende words without fruit and bring the cause to no certaine issew And this I professe to take of one of your own special authors M. Horne the Cardinal of Cusa out of whō you alleage afterwarde a longe processe as one that made wholy for you And in very dede he speaketh as much for the Emperour and for his prerogatiue in ordering of generall Councels as he could possibly finde by the continual practise of the Church from Constantines tyme down to his which was to the late Councell of Basil vnder Sigismunde the Emperour in the yere 14.32 The first poīt thē is that Kīgs ād Prīces ought to be careful and diligēt that Synods ād Coūcels may be had as the especial aduocates of the Church and as of greatest power to procure quiet paisible passage to Coūcels abyding there ād returnīg home againe Exāple in an admonitiō of S. Gregory to Theodorike the Frēche King exhorting to see a Synod called in his realme for the repressing of Simony The seconde point is that to such Synods Princes ought to come with all mekenesse reuerence and humility and with gentle exhortations Examples are Riccharedus Sisenādus and Chintillanus Kīgs of Spayne as we shal hereafter more largely declare in certain of the Toletane Councels The third point is that as Kīgs and Prīces for their own prouinces do cal prouincial Synods so the Emperorus for the whole corps of Christēdō do cal General Coūcels Nō ꝙ coactiuè sed exhortatoriè colligere debeat Not that by force or cōstraint but by way of exhortatiō he ought to cal thē Examples are the Councel of Aquileia vnder S. Ambrose the 4. General Councell vnder Pope Leo the sixt vnder Agatho the 7. vnder Adriā the first with the rest as of eche in their places we shal declare The fourth that the Emperor in case of a general schisme ought first to certifie the Pope of the necessity of a Councel and require his consent to haue it in some certain place assembled So did Valentiniā and Martiā the Emperours to Pope Leo for the Chalcedon So did Constantin the 4. to Pope Agatho for the sixt general Councel The fift point is that the Pope summoneth and calleth al general Coūcels far otherwise thē do the Emperours For the Pope as the chiefest and as hauīg power to cōmaund ouer al other bisshops for the principality of his priesthood by the power cōmitted to him ouer the vniuersal Church hath to cōmaund al faithful Christiās especially bisshops and priests to assemble and mete in Councel But the Emperour exhorteth and inuiteth bisshops but cōmaundeth the lay to a Councel And the Canons do cōmaūde that without the Authority of the bisshop of Rome no Councel cā be holdē Not so in the Emperor For the Ephesin cōuēticle was disanulled because Leo his legates were reiected though Theodosiꝰ the yōger did cōfirm it and allow it So the great Coūcel of Ariminū was cōdemned because Pope Damasus sent not thither though Constantius themperour summoned it and allowed it And the greate Coūcel of Sardica preuailed because by Pope Iulius it was called and allowed though Cōstātius thē Emperor resisted it and refused it And thus much for the first beginninges of the Coūcel Now in the Coūcel it self what is the Princes part ād what the bisshops it shal appeare Let thē the sixt point be that at the Councel being the Princes office and care ought to be to prouide that altumult ād d●sorder be auoyded and to remoue such as are to be remoued ▪ So did the iudges in the Chalcedō Coūcel remoue Dioscorꝰ frō the bēch ād admit Theodoret the one by pope Leo cōdēned the other recōciled So when the parties waxed warm they did their best to brīg thē to a calm So did also Cōstātī in his own person in the first Nicene Councel as M. Horne hath himself alleaged and as Eusebius reporteth Seuenthly the Lay Magistrates or Princes being placed in the Councel in the roomes of Emperours and kings Non habent vocem Synodicam sed solum audire debent haue no voice as a parte of the Synod but ōly are there to heare This practise is clere in al the Councels as it shall appere in the particulars hereafter The iudges therefore and Princes delegates mencioned in the Chalcedon and other Councels are in the Councels much after a sorte as the Speaker in our Parliaments To open and set forth to the Councel all matters to be treated vpon To appointe by the aduise of the Councel the next metings to breake of the present session to promulge the Councels Sētence and such like matters as belong to more orderlye and quiet proceding in al things Eightly the force and Vigour of the Sentence in Coūcel dependeth only of the Bisshops which make the Coūcel non ex Imperiali commissione and not of the Emperours Commission whose Authority is inferiour to the Synod saieth Cusanus And so the Continuall practise will proue Ninthly the Emperour the Princes and their Oratours do subscribe as witnesses of that is done but as iudging and determining only the bisshops in all Councels haue subscribed Tenthly for the ende and consummation of all Councels the Emperours and Princes ought to prouide that such things as are decreed and determined by the holy Councels
may be obserued and by lawes and penaltyes they ought to force their subiects to the obseruation thereof But to confirme by waye of Ecclesiastical Authority and Supremacy it hath euer belonged only to the bisshops of Rome as by the continual practise of the Church it hath and shal yet better appeare In this sence and as I haue already saied Emperours haue confirmed and by their edictes established the Councels lawes and decrees of the Churche And thus you see M. Horne particularly and plainly what we attribute to Emperours and Ciuil Princes in the calling ordering and confirming of Councels and what we deny most iustly vnto them If you proue that which we graunte you shewe your selfe a slender scholer and a weake aduersary that will take vpon you to confute that practise the limites and conditions where of you knowe not which is altogether to fight in darkenesse or with your owne shadowe If you can proue that which we deny lette the truthe goe on your side But you neither haue in this booke neither shall euer be able to proue it To auoyde therefore hereafter the superfluyte of vnfruteful talke as well for myne as for the Readers ease in al your like obiections of Emperours calling and confirming of Councels I wil referre you to the answeres and distinctions presently made To returne nowe to Theodosius and to you M. Horne we haue one vntruthe more to charge you withal for that you would establishe this peerlesse and Supreme Authority in Theodosius because he hauing receiued in writinge the faith as wel of the Catholikes as of the Eunomians Arians and other heretiks after the reading of them rented all the shedules sauing that which was deliuered by the Catholiks whereupon the heretikes departed ashamed and dashte out of countenauce Whome he had as ye also write before examined of their faith and that after such sorte that they were not only astonyed but began to fall out amōges themselues some lyking some mislykīg the Emperours purpose But alas good M. Horne whie are ye your self nowe as ye seame to me so sodenly dasshed out of countenance Yea and whiche is maruayle in so harde a metall me thinketh somwhat asshamed to and wonderfullye astonied withall Why man Pluck vp your harte and be of good cowrage You wil perchaunce say I borde with yowe and am sette vpon my mery pynnes I woulde to God the matter were suche as yt myght be better lawghed at then pitied And that it might serue more for Democrytus thē Heraclytus and yet to say the truth there is cause and to muche for them bothe Perchaunce nowe some mā wil think I doe but ieste when I speake of shame I would God yt were or myght ons be truelye sayde of youe yt were a goodly sparcle of grace growing Wel I put of that to other mēs iudgement But that ye are dashed out of countenance yea that ye are wonderfully astonied and that euen for the same cause and after the same maner as the Arians and other heretikes thē were I dare say it and proue yt to For if the Arians were asshamed and dasshed out of countenaunce vpō these doinges of Theodosius onely how much more are yowe asshamed and dasshed out of countenaunce whose heresies are cōdemned by so many Kings and Catholyke Emperours Or yf ye say ye are not asshamed then must I replie ô shamelesse fellowe and more impudente then the Arians I nowe adde that ye are more astonied then the Arrians and other heretikes with this facte of Theodosius and therfore full slylie and wylilye what was the doinges of the Emperour ye haue ouerhipped whyche yf ye had put in would haue serued aswel againste yowe as yt did againste them And therfore the memorie of yt so astonied yowe that ye durst not for shame name the matter and yet for folly coulde ye not forbeare to patche yt in as a speciall matter aduauncyng your supreamacy For first as Theodosius did not allowe the open disputations of the Arians Macedonians Eunomians whiche were verie redie to the same so yf he had bene lyuing of late he woulde not ād euē for the same cause he disalowed the other allowed your late westmynster disputations beinge more mete to leade the common people out of the truthe then to confirme them in truthe whereof we haue alredie somwhat towched But nowe I praye yowe M. Horn tel vs what was the Emperours purpose that some heretyks lyked some mislyked wherin as yt were the dogge drinking in Nilus as the olde peruerbe is for feare of stinging ye dare not tary Wel because ye are astonied at the memory of yt I wil tel it for you The Emperor demaūded of the heads of the secte whether they did allowe and receyue the fathers of the Churche that wrote before the diuision beganne Yea marye say they what else we reuerence and honour them as our maysters for feare saieth the story least yf they had sayde otherwyse the people would wonderfully haue misliked they re doings wel sayd sayeth the Emperour Are ye then cōtente for this matters cōtrouersed to stād to their sayings and testimonie Here they beganne the one to stare vpon the other and wiste nere what in the world to answere and fynally fell owt as your self write amongs thē selues Now let the Emperor cal the Anabaptists the Zwinglians the Lutherans and demaūde of them the same question woulde not the matter so fall out thinke you Yea hath yt not alreadye so fallen out and daylye so falleth out more and more against you and your Brethern to your great shame And thincke you that yf Theodosius were lyuing now he would not deale with your Billes as he dealed with theirs Woulde he not teare a sonder the shedules of al your false faithlesse faith Yes that he would assuredly The greauouse remembrance of this did so astone you that it caused you thus to leaue the matter it self that was by some liked and by some misliked and to tel a liking or mislikinge of I can not tel what Now how so euer ye haue maymed the narration of the storye and making the beste ye can of the matter for your purpose primacy can ye make none of it For the doinge of Theodosius reacheth not to the determination of anye thing in question alredy not determined but to the execution of the Nicene Councel commaunding by expresse decree that al should obeye the faith of Damasus Pope of Rome and of Peter Patriarche of Alexandria both defenders of the Nicene Councel Let me now a while after al this your miserable wresting and writhing ād liberal lying to deale shortly ād simply with you and see whether I can pycke out any thinge of Theodosius and these coūcels doings for the Popes primacy Why then Ys it not Theodosius that referreth the decisiō of Ecclesiastical causes to the Bisshops Was it not he of whō S. Ambrose saied Ecce quod Christianus cōstituit Imperator Noluit iniuriā facere sacerdotibus
Ipsos interpretes cōstituit sacerdotes Behold what the Christiā Emperor hath appointed He would not doe iniury to the Priestes He hath appointed the Priests them selues to examine the matter Was it not this Theodosius the great M. Horne Yes surely it was he Was it not Theodosius to whome Saint Ambrose enioyned penance which he most humbly obeied Where was Theodosius Ecclesiasticall supremacye then Is it not Damasus the Pope that calleth these Bisshops assembled at Constantinople euen to Rome there to aide and assist him in keping of a Councel What Saied they to him Syr we haue nothing to doe with you ye are a forrain Bishop to vs of the East Nay nay they confesse that he called them as his members thē must he needs be the head to the Councell at Rome Yea they confesse that by his letters they came to the Councel at Constantinople they declare their good wil and readines to come to Rome too but for their excuse they alleage many reasonable causes none of those that the Protestants alleage at this day And finally in the name of the whole thei send certaine of their Bishops thither Now further doe not these Fathers decree at this their general Councel that the Church of Cōstantinople shoulde be the first and chiefe of al other after Rome Do they not then therin acknowledge the Popes Primacie It is writen M. Horne Sapientis oculi in capite eius stultus in tenebris ambulat The eies of a wise man are in his head alwaies opē and in a readines to direct him in his way whereas the folish man walketh in darcknesse being vncertaine and vnsure which way to take or to goe Now whether your eyes priyng and seking forth this story of Theodosius were opened or shutte I leaue the iudgement to the indifferent Reader But this dare I firmely auouche that these things whiche I haue nowe last rehearsed beside other that I willingly omitte drawe much nearer to make the Pope supreme head of the Churche then anye thinge ye haue broughte foorth for the doinges of Theodosius to make him Supreame Head Which when ye haue al sayde and done be nothing agreable to the articles in question betwene vs concernyng our princes regiment And therfore yf the matter were much stronger of your side touching Theodosius yet did ye nothing touche that ye owght to touche M. Horne The .42 Diuision pag. 27. b. Theodosius left his tvvoo sonnes Emperours of the vvhich I vvil say but litle yet vvherein it may moste .116 manifestly appeare that the supreme gouernement in causes Ecclesiastical belonged to the Emperours Archadius the Emperour vvhen Nectarius the bishop of Constantinople vvas dead and so the sea vacant .117 vvas certified thereof he causeth Iohn Chrysostome to be called from Antioch he commaundeth the other bishoppes collected into a Synode that they admonish Chrysostome of Goddes graces and vvhat belongeth to suche a chardge and that they choose and order him to be the bishop of Constantinople In which dooinge saith Theodoretus the Emperour declared what careful endeuour he had about the holy .118 Churche matters But this supreme authoritie to care appoint and procure vvoorthy and good Pastours or bishoppes vvhen the seas vvere vacant appeareth more plainly in Honorius the Emperour brother to Archadius vvhome the bishop of Rome him selfe in his decrees and his Glosars on the same cōfesse and acknovvledge to haue the ouersight rule and gouernement in the elections and orderinge of bishops yea 119. ouer the bishoppe of Rome him selfe After the death of Pope Sozimus vvere tvvoo Popes choosen at ones in a great Schisme the one Bonifacius primus the other Eulalius vvhereof vvhen the Emperour Honorius had notice beinge at Millayne he caused them bothe to be banished Rome But after seuen monethes Bonifacius vvas by the Emperours cōmaundement called againe and cōfirmed .120 by his authoritie in the Apostolicall sea This Bonifacius beinge novve settled in the Papacy by humble suite to the Emperour prouideth a remedie against suche mischiefes in time to come The case vvas this saith the Glosator Boniface the first did beseeche Honorius the Emperour to make a Lawe whereby it might appeare what were to be done when twoo Popes were chosen at ones by the vndiscreetnes of the Electours contendinge amōgest them selues Honorius did than constitute that neither of those twaine shoulde be Pope but that in a newe Election a thirde shoulde be chosen by cōmon cōsente If twoo saithe the Emperour in his Lavve made at the humble sute of Bonifacius by chaunce againste righte be chosen thorough the vndiscreete cōtention of the Electours wee permitte neither of them to be Priest or Pope but wee iudge him to remaine in the Apostolike sea whom the diuine iudgemente and the common consente dothe appointe frō amongest the Clergy in a newe Election Vppon this vvoorde vvhere the Emperour saithe wee permitte the Glosar saith and so the Emperour dothe not onely abrogate the clayme of bothe those that be chosen in the contention but dothe make them bothe for that time vnable and dothe decree an other to be takē out of the Clergie for that time Againe the Glosar interpretinge this the diuine iudgement saithe this is the meaninge that the Emperours wil and election muste stande the Clergy and the whole people acceptinge with thankefull minde whome the Emperour doth choose For the Emperours were called in those daies holy and their rescriptes and iudgementes Diuine Here you see by the .121 Popes decrees and Glosars that the Emperour had the supreme rule and gouernement in Churche causes and this vvas the .122 continual practise of the Churche for the most parte yea euen the bishoppes of Rome before they vvere ordered and consecrated had their election ratified and confirmed by the Emperours their Lieutenant or other Princes The .8 Chapter Of the Sonnes of Theodosius Honorius and Archadius Stapleton NOwe folowe in rew Theodosius his sonnes Archadius and Honorius of whome M. Horne sayeth he wil say but litle belike because he hath said to much of they re father alredye and more then he can iustifie or for that he wil make vs a shorte tale but yet a sweete And wherein it shal most manifestly appere that the supreame gouernement in causes ecclesiastical belonged to the Emperours Al Archadius doings here stande in appointinge S. Iohn Chrysostome to be bishop of Constantinople a most worthie man who dowbteth And I woulde to God as this his firste dealing with Chrysostome was to his worthy prayse so he had not by his after dealinge blotted and blemished the same As for this election first Archadius did it not of his own Supreme authoritie but the fame of Iohn Chrysostom being great and after some debate aboute the election Intra modicū tēpus cōmuni decreto omniū clericorū laicorū Imperator Archadius euocauit eum Within a litle while saieth Socrates by the common decree
any matter Ecclesiasticall at all but a prouision by the waie of exhortation for the bishops to meete in some conuenyent place without breache of the ciuill order which forbiddeth Illicita collegia that is vnlawful assemblies as the same shoulde for such be accōpted if thēperor had not allowed them And not only thēperor but any other prince being lorde of the territory or soyle where the bishops woulde assemble In dede the discussion and determination of matters of faith in Councelles may wel be said to belong to the great ād weighty causes of the Church but this belōgeth not to lay princes and this not withstādīg Leo is so far of frō acknowledging this supreme gouernmēt and authority in calling of councels that yf I be not deceiued ye your self do know ād belieue the cōtrary and therefore durst not speak what ye thought but vnder such dark and mystical talke For I pray you M. Horne what is the fault ye find in Leo worthy to be thus touched by yow onlesse yt be that he moste playnely and seriously auowcheth this supreame authoritie to reste in the see of Rome And then fare wel your goodlie conclusion What other secrete faults by your so quick prying egles eye ye haue in him espied I wot not But your brethern of the best and learned sorte fynde as farre as I can fynde none other fault then this that I haue sayde wich is no fault at al. And therfore in your shrewde and vnhappie meaning thowgh not in your expresse pēning yt is a verye vntruthe Yet yf ye wel pretend ignorāce and make men belieue ye know no such thing in Leo but that yowre cōclusion is true and taketh place as wel in him as other bisshops then wil I load and presse you with such good and euidēte proufs fetched no farder then from Leo him self that ye shall be fayne yf ye haue any grace to acknowledge the truthe For whether ye regarde his doings or his sayings both are in this pointe moste notable S. Peters primacy he doth euery where confesse As appereth in many of his sermons and in his other workes For Leo saieth Quoniam inter Apostolos in similitudine honoris fuit quaedam discretio potestatis quum omnium par esset electio vni tamē datū est vt caeteris praeemineret Whereas all the Apostles were of lyke honour he meaneth in Apostleship and priesthood yet was there difference of power amōgs them and where as al were of lyke elected yet was yt geuen to one to be peerlesse aboue the other Wherein he meaneth Saint Peter Leo saieth that where other Bisshops haue their seueral and appointed care the care of the vniuersal Church cometh to the only see of S. Peter Leo saith that euen by Gods own ordinance he taketh care for the whole Churche And Leo saieth Vt ab ipso quasi quodam capite dona sua velut in omne corpus diffunderet vt expertemse ministerij intelligeret esse diuini qui ausus fuisset a Petri soliditate recedere hunc enim in consortium indiuiduae vnitatis assumptum id quod ipse erat voluit nominari dicendo Tu es Petrus super hanc Petram c. that from S. Peter the Apostle as from the head God powreth al his gifts into the body and that God toke him into the felowship of the indiuisible vnity The meaning whereof Leo him self expoundeth saying that he shall not be partaker of Gods misterie that departeth from Peters sowndenes and for that Christe who is called in scriptures the rock gaue the same name to Peter And here yt shall not be much out of the way to note that M. Iewel recyting this place doth not only dissimble that this is writen of the godlie and learned man Leo but also fathereth yt vpon Pope Bonifacius who writeth it to but as ye see not originally And most lyingly for vnitatis putteth in trinitatis as though Leo ād Bonifacius should make S. Peter one of the three parsons of the blessed Trinitie Being in this poynt the popes glosar as good as Molineus or M. Horne him selfe Whiche Molineus in this place gloseth apase but not for the pope but as much as he can againste him And yet for this matter much better then M. Iewel reading aswell here as otherwhere in the canon lawe vnitatis non trinitatis This nowe by the way to shewe yow that there be more popes glosars then Molineus and withal one of M. Iewels prety knackes worthy to be added for an after reckonīg to such as M. D. Hardīg D. Sanders and I haue most rightfully charged him with Let vs now returne to Leo and see whether as in woordes he did amplifie this supreame authority so in his doinges he practised it or no. Who is he then that reuerseth the vnlawfull doinges of Bisshoppe Hilarius at Fraunce Leo. Who is he that calleth to a generall Councell the Bisshoppes of Tarracone Lusitania Fraunce and Car●hage Leo. Who is it that appointeth his deputye Potentius to heare and refourme matters Ecclesiasticall in Aphrike Leo. Who is he that doth appointe Anastasius the Bisshoppe of Thessalonica to be his deputye and vicegerente for matters Ecclesiasticall in those quarters Leo. Who is he that restored to his bisshoprike the learned Theodoretus bisshoppe of Cyrus dwellinge farre of in the easte vniustlye deposed of Maximus his owne Patriarche and of Dioscorus Leo. Who is he that sendeth his deputy Iulian to the Emperour Marcian to remayne in his cowrte and to supplye his office in such thinges as shoulde be done against heretikes in those quarters Leo. Who is he that did annichilate ād reuerse by the authority of S. Peter the Apostle the doings of a nōber of Bisshoppes at Constantinople before the Bis●hoppe of Alexandria and other patriarches contrarye to the canons of Nice Leo. Who is he that sendeth his Legates to be presidentes in the great Councel at Chalcedo Leo. Which him selfe signifieth in his letters aswel to the whole Coūcell as to thēperour Marcian Who is he that confirmed the Decrees of the Councel of Chalcedo being therto required as wel by the whole Coūcel as by thēperour Marciā Leo. Who is he that cōfirmed Anatholius and Proterius the ij chiefe Patriarches in the Easte one of Constantinople the other of Alexādria Leo. And who is he that in summoning the Councel of Chalcedon yelded not otherwise to the Emperours appoyntment for the place but with an expresse exception saying The honour and right of the See of S. Peter the most blessed Apostle reserued ▪ Leo. Wherein he expressely signified that the Summoning of the Councell of right appertayned to his Apostolike See What saye yowe to all this Maister Horne Howe well dothe Pope Leo acknowledge your supremacy For shame leaue of on s these lyinge conclusions Hard yt will be I trowe yt seameth to be so naturall an humour in men of your religion But yet nothing is hard to the
lawful to do Here shal ye find and heare Rome called the Head of all Churches Here shal ye find that Pope Leo gaue cōmaundement to his Legates that they shuld not suffer Dioscorꝰ to sit among th' other Bishops but to stand as a person accused and defendant and so the Legates tolde the Senatours and that in case they wold suffer the mater to go other wise that they should be excōmunicated and thervpon he was cōmaunded to sit in the middle a part from the rest Here shall ye finde that the learned Bishop of Cyrus Theodoretus deposed by Dioscorus and Maximus his own Patriarche was receiued and placed among the bishops because Leo had restored him Here shal ye find that nor laie men nor Priests haue voice in the Councel but Bishops only Here it appeareth why the Ciuil Magistrate is present in the Councell not to geaue sentence or to beare the greatest sway there in matters Ecclesiastical as M. Horne imagineth but as it appeareth by Theodosius the Emperours cōmission geuen to the Earle Elpidius to see there be no tumulte and in case he see any troblesome or tumultuous person to the hurt and hinderance of the Catholik faith to imprison him and to certifie th'Emperour of him to see the maters procede orderly to be present at the iudgemēt geuing and to procure that the Councell spedily and circumspectly proue their matters In this Sessiō ye shall find that not only Flauianus that godly Bishop and Patriarche of Constantinople wrongfully deposed by Dioscorꝰ appealed to Rome but that Eutyches also that Archeheretique iustlye condemned by Flauianus for his reliefe pretended an appellation made to Leo by him selfe In the second Session Leo his Epistle was read the Councell crieth out Petrus per Leonem loquutus est Peter hath spoken out of Leos mouthe But of all the thirde Session is so freighted with ample and plaine testimonies for the Ecclesiastical Primacy that I must rather seke to restrain and moderat them then to amplifie or enlarge them In this thirde Session Pope Leo is called the vniuersall Archebishop the vniuersall Patriarche the Bisshopee of the vniuersall Churche the Pope of the vniuersal Church the Catholike or vniuersal Pope And now must M. Iewel if he be a true man of his worde yelde and subscribe being answered euen by the verye precise woordes and termes of his owne thoughe peuishlye and folishly proposed question In this sessiō the Popes Legates pronoūce sentence against Dioscorus the Patriarche of Alexandria and doe by the Authority of Leo and S. Peter who is called there the Rocke and the top clyffe of the Catholike Churche depryue him of all priestlye ministery and bisshoply dignity for that he communicated with Eutyches being by a Councel condemned for that he presumed to excommunicate Pope Leo and being thrise per●mptorely summoned to the Councell woulde not come And how are ye now M. Horne and your felowes to be countted Bisshoppes that refuse the authoritye of the generall Councel of Trente and durst no more shewe your face there then durste Dioscorus at Chalcedo And can no better defende the deposition of the Catholik Bisshops in Englande then could Dioscorus the deposition of Flauianus at Ephesus And to say the truth ye can much lesse defende your self And where is nowe your acte of parliament that annichilatteh and maketh voyde al Ecclesiastical Authority sauing of such persons as are inhabitants within the realme Dioscorus was a foole that could finde no such defence for him selfe or else he neded not to haue passed a button for the Councel of Chalcedo Vnlesse happely we think we haue a special priuilege and as we be enuironed and as it were walled vp frō the world by the great Oceā sea as the poete writeth of vs Et penitus toto diuisos orbe Britānos so we may take our selues to be exēpted and closed vp from the faith and religion of all Catholike people in the world But let vs goe foorth with owre matter Ye shal then find in this third session that the Popes Legate was presidente of the Councell for Leo and subscribed before all other In this session the whole Coūcel calleth Leo the interpretour of S. Peters voyce to al people In this session the whole Coūcel sayeth that Leo thē far of at Rome was presidēt ād ruler of the Coūcel as the Head is ruler of the body And that thēperors were presidēts there most decētly to adorne ād set forth the same end●uoring to renew the building of the Church of Hierusalē cōcerning matters of faith as did Zorobabel and Iesus in the old lawe And this place only were sufficient to answere your whole booke and to shew either your ignorance or frowarde quarrelling in making such a sturre and busines for Princes authority in Coūcels In this sessiō the whole synode saieth that the keping of the vineyard that is of the whole Church was committed of God to L●o. In this session the whole Councel thowghe Leo his Legates were present and confirmed al thinges that there passed towching matters of faith doth yet neuerthelesse pray Leo him self also to confirme their decre●s And here might the Author of your Apologie Maister Horne if yt pleased him as merely haue iested and scoffed againste these .630 Fathers as he doth against the Fathers of the late Coūcel at Trente for the clause salua Apostolicae sedis authoritate Here might be demaunded of these .630 Fathers what thei neaded in this case the matter being resolued vpon by the whole Councel yea by his own deputies to to sende to Rome to Pope Leo to haue their decrees yet further cōfirmed Here also might be demaunded of those 630. Fathers whether yt were not a mere foly to think the holy ghost posted to Rome that yf he staggered or stayed in any matter he might there take Councell of an other holy ghost better learned with such other childish or rather Iewish toyes Neither the Coūcel only but Marcian al●o the Emperour prayed Leo to cōfirme that which there was concluded of the faith In this sessiō the Senators that ye would neades haue to be the cheif Iudges desire they may be taught of the fathers of this Councel such thinges as appertayne to the faith as of them that should geue a reckoninge aswel for their sowles as for their own sowles Nowe where as ye catche as yt were a certaine ankerhold of the supplication of Eusebius of Dorileum consider I beseache yow his supplication to the Councel too and weighe them bothe with the ballance of indifferente iudgemente I pray and most humbly beseche your holines holy father saith he to haue mercy on vs. And while the things passed betwixt Dioscorus and me be yt in fresh remēbraunce decree you all those doings to be voyde and that those things which wrongfully passed against vs may not be preiudicial or hurtful to vs and that
the Actes of the thirde Synode that Simmachus the Pope did keepe at Rome vvherin the King doth not only auouche the decree of Simplicius but also addeth VVe maruaile that without vs anye thīg was accōpted seing that whiles our Priest meaning the bisshop of Rome Simplicius was on liue nothing ought to haue bene taken in hande without vs. The .16 Chapter of Simplicius Felix .3 and Symmachus Popes of Rome Stapleton IF Pope Simplicius by decree gaue the Prince Authority to confirme the chosen Pope what helpeth this your supremacy Nay doth it not much impayre the same For then al the Princes Authority in this behalfe dependeth of the Popes decree as of a Superiour lawe And so he is subiect both to the law and to the lawemaker And yet this is all that in this Diuision hath any maner inckling to iuduce the Prīces Supremacy in any cause ecclesiastical But yf M. Horn would haue loked but a litle further and vpō the first line of the next leafe he mought haue found in the said Synod that the see of Rome hath the priestly primacy ouer all the whole world And that Councels must be confirmed by that see with such other like matter For whereas this King Odoacer beside the decree touchīg the chosing of the Pope which as your self say he made at the Popes request made also an other concerning not alienating Church goods the whole Synod reiected and cōdemned it for these .ij. causes expressely First saith Eulalius a bisshop of Sicily whose sentence the other bisshops saying the same the whole Synode folowed because against the rules of the Fathers this Decree appereth to be made of Layemen though religious and godlye to whome that any authoritye was euer geuen ouer Ecclesiasticall goods it is not reade Secondlye it is not declared to be confirmed with the subscription of any bisshop of the Apostolike See Nowe whereas the holy Fathers haue decreed that if the Priestes of any whatsoeuer prouince keeping a Councel within their owne lymities shall attempt any thing without the authority of their Metropolitane or their bisshop it should be voyde and of none effect howe much more that which is knowen to haue bene presumed in the See Apostolike the Bisshop thereof not present which bisshop by the prerogatiue of the blessed Apostle Peter hauing throughe the whole worlde the Primacy of priesthood hath bene wonte to confirme the Decrees of Councels presumed I say of layemen though certayn bisshops agreing vnto it who yet could not preiudicat their Prelat of whom it is knowen they were consecrated is vndoubtedly voyde and of no effect neither any waye to be accompted amonge Ecclesiastical decrees Thus farre that Synod by your selfe alleaged M. Horne God rewarde you for geuing vs such good instructions against your selfe Or yf it came not of you but of your frende let him haue the thankes therefore But yf it so falleth out against your willes both yet God be praysed that as by sinne he worketh somtime a greater amēdement and turneth horrible temptations into a more confortable calmenesse then before the storme came so also by your vnhappy meaning hathe yet brought vs to a happye information of such doctrine as vtterly ouerthroweth your heresye For here you see M. Horne not only the laie Magistrat yea the King him selfe yea though he were religiouse and godly vtterly excluded from all authority in causes Ecclesiasticall whereby your phantasticall Primacie vanisheth cleane away but also that the Pope whome you cal a forraine power hath the Primacy the chiefty and supreame praeeminence of Priesthode not onely in Rome or the Romaine Prouince but saith this Synode by your self clerckly alleaged per vniuersum orbem throughout the whole worlde and then if you be a parte of the worlde he is your Primate too Thus much saith this Synode and thereby vtterly ouerthroweth the whole effect of the Othe in both those partes for the whiche the Catholikes refuse to swere vnto it Verely if ye goe on as you haue hitherto you wil surely be espied for a preuaricatour that is for a double faced Proctour secreatlie instructing your clients aduersarie but in face protesting to plead against him For better instructions no hyred aduocate coulde haue geauen vs then you the Counterpleader haue ministered vnto vs. M. Horne The .58 Diuision pag. 35. a. Next after Simplicius vvas Foelix the third chosen vvho after his confirmation sent many letters as vvell to the Emperour as to Acatius Bisshoppe of Constantinople about the matter betvvixt Iohn and Peter but vvhen he coulde not preuaile in his suite he made Iohn Bisshoppe of Nola in Campania One of the letters that Pope Foelix vvrote vnto Zenon the Emperour about this matter is put into the fift Synode of Constantinople vvherein the Pope after the salutation doth most humblye beseech the Emperour to take his humble suite in good parte He shevveth that the holy .162 Churche maketh this suite that he vvill vouchesafe to mainteine the vnitie of the Churche that he vvill destroye Heresies that breaketh the bonde of vnitie that he vvill expell Peter Mogge bothe oute of the Citie and also from Churche regiment that he vvould not suffer Peter being deposed to be admitted to the Communion of the Churche but that by his honorable letters he vvould banish him out of the bounds of Antioche And saith this Bisshop of Rome Foelix vnto the Emperour In his place appoint you one that shal beutifie the Priesthode by his woorkes Stapleton You procede still to bring authorities against your selfe This Peter was deposed I confesse But by whome M. Horne Not by the Emperour but euen by Pope Foelix as appeareth but one leafe before the place which your selfe alleage And in case it was to painefull for you to turne backe a leafe or two before yet might you haue vouchsaued to haue read the next lines before your own allegatiō In the which Foelix signifieth that he was so deposed and therfore requesteth th'Emperour to expel him and to place some other mete man for him whiche thing Popes doe at this day requiring Catholike Princes to remoue hereticall Bishops and to place good in their roome neither yet therfore are or euer were Princes accompted enacted or intituled Supreme gouernours in all causes Ecclesiasticall Your new Religion hath inuented this newe Title This Pope Foelix also excommunicated Acatius of Constantinople for bearing with this Peter Mogge as witnesseth Liberatus Whereby appeareth clerely the Popes Primacie ouer the ij chiefe Patriarches of the East Churche of Constantinople and Antioche And you againe are with your owne examples cleane ouerthrowen M. Horne The .59 Diuision pag. 35. b. Anastasius the Emperour .163 deposed Macedonius Bisshoppe of Constantinople as one that falsified the Ghospels as Liberatus saith Stapleton If this Macedonius falsified the Ghospel he was I wene worthy to be deposed But your Author vseth not this worde Deposed but he saieth he was expulsed Whiche might be being by an
ordinary and an vsual course by the Bishops first deposed But because the matter is not cleare on your side and if it were it did not greatly enforce by reason Anastasius him selfe was a wicked hereticall Emperour and so no great good deduction to be made from his doings I let it passe M. Horne The .60 Diuision pag. 35. b. About the election of Symachus Platina mentioneth vvhat great diuision and sedition arose in so muche that the parties vvere faine to agree to haue a Councell holden for the determination of the matter And there was a Councell appointed at Rauenna saith Sabellicus to the end that the controuersy might be decided according to right before the king Theodoriche before vvhome the matter vvas so discussed that at the last this Pope Symachus vvas confirmed Neuerthelesse this fyer vvas not thus so quite quenched but that foure yeares after it blased out sorer againe VVhereat the king saieth Platina beinge displeased sente Peter the Bisshoppe of Altine to Rome to enioye the See and bothe the other to be .164 deposed VVherevpon an other Synode vvas called of 120. Bisshops vvherein saith Sabellicus the Pope him selfe defended his ovvne cause so stoutlye and cunningly and confuted saith Platina al the obiections laid against him that by the verdict of them all he vvas acquited and all the fault laied to Laurence and Peter Stapleton What may be said for the doings of Princes in the election of the Clergie and how your examples agree not with our practise I haue already saied somewhat and that I say to this too But in the Diuision folowing we shall saye to this more particularlye M. Horne The .61 Diuision pag. 35. b. But to th entent it may the better appere vvhat vvas the Kings authority about these matters mark the fourth Romaine Synode holden in the time of this Symachus and about the same matter of his vvhiche although it be mangled and confusedly set forth in the Booke of Generall Councels bicause as it may seeme that they .165 vvould not haue the vvhole trueth of this dissention appaare yet vvil it shevv much that the Princes had .166 no small entermedling and authority in Synodes and Churche matters This Synode vvas summoned to be kept in Rome by the .167 commaundement of the most honorable Kinge Theodoriche He declareth that many and grieuous complaintes vvere brought vnto him againste Symachus Bisshoppe of Rome Symachus commeth into the Synode to ansvvere for him selfe geaueth thankes to the King for calling the Synode requireth that he may be restored to suche things as he had loste by the suggestion of his ennemies and to his former state and then to come to the cause and to ansvvere the accusers The more parte in the Synode thoughte this his demaunde reasonable Decernere tamen aliquid Synodus sine regia notitia non Praesumpsit Yet the Synode presumed not to decree any thing without the Kings knowledge Neyther came it to passe as they vvisshed for the King commaunded Symachus the Bisshoppe of Rome to ansvvere his aduersaries before he shoulde resume any thing And .168 so the King committed the vvhole debating and iudging of the mater to the Synode vvhich concludeth the sentence vvith these vvords Vvherfore according to the Kings will or cōmaundement who hath committed this cause to vs we refourme or restore vnto him to Symachus what right so euer he ought to haue within the Citie of Rome or without Stapleton Here hath M. Horne an other fetch to proue Princes to haue the chief interest in maters ecclesiastical as for the depositions of Bishops yea of the Pope him selfe And first he is angry that this mater in the boke of Councels is so mangled and confusedly set foorth But it is an other thorne then this that pricketh him that he will not disclose to all the worlde For to saye the truthe he seeth in his owne conscience that of all Councelles the selfe same Councell that he here alleageth dothe so set foorth the Popes Primacie that the grieuouse remembrance therof causeth him to speake he can not tel what Verelye if M. Horne had stepped foorth but one fote further and turned his eie vpon the next leafe there should he haue found a clercklie worke made by Eunodius in the defence of the Councell that he is in hand withall There should he haue founde most euident authorities for the Popes Supremacie vppon all states temporall and spirituall He should also finde the same booke to be confirmed by CC. and .xxx. Bishops assembled at Rome in a Synode Leaue of therfore M. Horne this complaint and complaine of that that grieueth you in dede and that is not of confusion but of the confession ye find there of all the Bishops concerning the Ecclesiasticall praeeminence liyng so open and thicke like a great block in your way that ye coulde not passe ouer to these your allegations that you haue here patched in but that you must needes stumble and breake your shinnes therat which grieueth you ful sore But let vs now see what good and holsome herbes ye being so cunning a gardener haue gathered out of this garden that as ye thinke lieth so vnhāsomlie and sluttishly Ye say first that this Councell was called by the cōmaundement of the right honorable King Theodoriche Make him as honorable as ye wil. But other then an Arrian shal ye not make of him Yf ye knew he was an Arrian your honour might haue bene better bestowed els where If ye knewe it not then is your reading to small I trow to furnish such a boke as this is And yet to say the truthe small reading will serue the turne too Ye say he called a Councell So he did But how did he call it Forsoth with the cōsent of the Pope Symachus though the Coūcel were called against him For when the Bisshops had tolde the King that the Pope him selfe ought to call Councels by a singular priuilege due to the See of Rome because to that See first the merite ād principality of S. Peter ād after the authority of Coūcels singulorum in Ecclesijs tradidit potestatem gaue power ouer euery thing in the Churches the Kinge made aunsweare that the Pope had declared his consente to it by his letters Yea and the Bishops not satisfied with the Kings so saiyng required a sight of the Popes letters which the King shewed vnto them out of hād The Pope also him self being present licensed the Bishops to examine his own matter And a litle after Affectu purgationis suae culmen humiliat For desire of purging himself he hūbleth his high authority or dignity Yet M. Horne addeth the Synode presumed not to decree any thing without the Kings knowledge Yf they had saied they ought not then had ye said somwhat But presume not and may not are two things farre a sonder Though yet in one sense in dede they might not nor ought not to haue proceded with
In these wordes orderly laied out as the Kinge spake them thou seest gentle Reader first that the King talketh not of this charge as M. Horn vntruly reporteth him meaning a charge ouer religion for the King expressely speaketh of the charge of his kingdome declaring that as he for negligence in his charge so the bisshoppes for negligence in their charge shal both increase the wrath of God Also that without his admonition which woordes M. Horne nipped quyte of in the middest the bisshop hath to preache to rebuke to punish and correct the transgressours of Gods lawe Such patched proufes M. Horne bringeth to pricke vp the poppet of his straunge fantastical primacye M. Horne The .65 Diuision pag. 37. b. After the death of Anastasius thēperor Iustinꝰ reigned alone a right catholike Prince vvho immediatly sent messengers vnto the bishop of Rome who should both cōfirm the autority of the sea ād also shuld prouide peace for al churches so much as might be with which doings of thēperor Hormisda the bishop of Rome being moued sent vnto thēperour with cōsent of Theodoricus Legats 178 Martinus Penitentiarius telleth the cause of this legacy vvas to entreate thēperor to restore those bishops vvhich the vvicked Anastasius had deposed This godly emperor Iustinus saith Martin did make a lavv that the Churchs of the heretiks should be cōsecrated to the Catholik religiō but this Decree vvas made in Iohn the next Popes daies The vvhich edict vvhē the King Theodoriche being an Arian saith the same Martin and King of Italy herd he sent Pope Iohn saith Sabellicus vvith others in embassage vnto thēperor to purchase liberty for the Ariās Iustinus receiued these Ambassadours honorably saith Platina and thēperor at the lēgth ouercome vvith the humble suit of the Pope vvhich vvas sauced vvith teares graūted to hī and his associats that the Arians shuld be restored and suffred to liue after their orders In this history this is not vnvvorthy the noting that the Pope did not only shevv his obedience and 180 subiectiō to the godly Emperor but also that the secular Princes ordeyned 181. Lavves ecclesiastical vvith the vvhich the Pope could not dispēce For al this busines arose about the decree vvhich thēperor had made in an 182. ecclesiastical cause or matter If the Popes authority in these causes had bene aboue the Emperours he needed not vvith such lovvlynes and so many tears to haue besought the Emperour to haue reuoked his decree and edict The 18. Chapter Of Iustinus themperour and Iohn the Pope Stapleton NOw hath M. Horn for this turne left Frāce and is returned to thēperours again but so that he had ben as good to haue kept hī selfe in Frāce stil. For though he decketh his margēt with the Pope is the Kings Ambassadour and again The Popes hūble sute for the Arriā heretiks which yet is a stark lie as we shal anō declare yet by that time the whole tale is told wherof this mā maketh a cōfuse narratiō neither he nor his cause shal winne any worship or honesty thereby I wil therfore opē vnto you gētle reader the whole story truly and faithfully and that by his owne authors Platina Sabellicus ād Martinꝰ This Anastasius was a wicked Emperor as M. Horne here cōfesseth And yet two leaues before he made a presidēt of his doīgs for deposing of bishops He defended Iohn the patriarch of Cōstātinople a great heretik who by his assistāce most iniuriously ād spitefuly hādled the Legats that Pope Hormisda sent to hī exhorting hī to forsake ād renoūce his heresy The said heretik Emperor Anastasius sent answere by the Legats to Pope Hormisda that it was thēperours part and office to cōmaūde and not the Popes and that he must also obey thēperor Surely a fair exāple for your new supremacy After the death of this Anastasius strikē with lightnīg frō heauē for his wiked heresy ād disobediēce succedeth this Iustin a right Catholik prīce by M. Horns own words ād cōfesiō who īcōtinētly sent to Rome his ambassadours which should shew dew reuerēce of faith to the see Apostolike Or as Platina in other woords writeth qui sedis Apostolicae authoritatem confirmarent That shoulde confirme the authority of the Apostolike See And what was that I pray you M. Horne but to confirme the Popes primacy so litle set by before of the wicked Anastasius and the heretical bisshop Iohn of Constantinople And therefore gramercye that forsakinge Fraunce ye haue browght vs euen to Constantinople and to the Emperour there sending his ambassadour to Rome to recognise the Popes most highe authority Yow tel vs yet farder that the Pope Hormisda sent Legates to Iustinus And there you breake of sodēly But what folowed Forsoth immediatly it foloweth in the very same sentēce which Iustinus receiued honorably the Popes Legats sendīg forthe to mete thē the more to honour thē a great multitude of Mōks and of other Catholik ād worshipful mē the whole clergy of Cōstātinople and Iohn their bisshop cōgratulating also At whose coming the Emperour thrust out of the City and the Churches the schismatikes called Acatiās of their Author Acatius whome Pope Felix had excōmunicated Nowe goe forth Gods blessing of your heart God send vs many moe such aduersaries And to say the truth M. Iewel and your fellowes are not much worse to vs. But yet goe forward for I hope we shal be more deaply bound to this good Catholike Emperour anon and to you to for bringing to our hād without our farder traiuail such good and effectual matter for the Popes superiority This godly Emperor made a law say you that the Churches of heretiks should be cōsecrated to the Catholik Religiō What did he M. Horn Happy are ye that he is fair dead and buried many years agoe for feare lest if he were now liuing your tēples ād synagogs would be shortly shut vp as they are nowe in Antwerpe and in al Flanders here God be praised But who telleth this Forsoth say you Martinꝰ Poenitētiarius But lo how wisely this tale is told as though both Sabellicus ād Platina the Authors of your narratiō did not write the like King Theodoricke tooke not in good parte but euē to the very harte these doings of Iustine And why M. Horne Because as ye say now like a true mā he was an Arriā Say ye so M. Horne Doth the winde wagge on that side now For Theodoricus was not two leaues before The most honourable King Theodoriche and the Supreame Head of the Church of Rome to But who saith M. Horne that he was an Arrian Forsoth say ye Martin and forsoth say I the matter is ones againe fitly and clerkly handeled For not onely Martin but Platina and Sabellicus from whome ye fetche your storie write it also This Theodorike sendeth his Ambassadours to Iustine yea he sendeth Pope Iohn him selfe who with most humble suite sauced as you
already by M. Horne I remit thee to the fourth Roman Councell wherevpon M. Horne lately pleaded and to the very same sentence that M. Horne did him selfe alleage But yet by the way I must score vp as an vntruth that Iustinian deposed Anthimus For it was not Iustiniā but Pope Agapetus that gaue sentēce of depositiō against hī nor he was not deposed at that time but before In dede Iustiniā executed the sentence and thrust him out of Constātinople and banished him though thempresse toke part with him For fiirst we find that Agapetus was desired by a supplicatiō of diuers of the East to depose him We haue also in the actes of the .5 generall Councel declared that Agapetus did depose him In case these testimonies wyll not serue ye shal heare Iustinian him selfe that shal tel you that it was not he but Agapetus that deposed Anthimus Quēadmodum nuper factū esse scimus circa Anthymū qui quidē deiectus est de sede huins vrbis à sancto gloriosae memoriae Agapeto sanctiss Rom. Ecclesiae pontifice Euen saith Iustinian as we knowe it happened of late to Anthimus who was displaced from the see of this imperial citie by Agapetus of holy and gloriouse memorye bishop of the holy Churche of Rome Neither was Vigilius deposed by the Emperous authoritye as M Horne fableth but for not yelding to the Eutychian Emperesse Iustinians wife he was by a trayne brought to Constantinople and so banished And all this was done rather by the wicked Emperesse then by Iustiniā who as Liberatus writeth restored again both Siluerius thoughe by the meanes of Belisarius he was caried awaye againe into banishment and Vigilius also though he dyed by the way in Sicilia M. Horne The .67 Diuision pag. 38. b. About this time Epiphanius Bisshop of Constantinople as Liberatus sayih died in vvhose roune the Empresse placed Anthymus About vvhich time vvas great strife betvvene Gaianus and Theodosius for the bisshopricke of Alexandria and vvithin tvvo monethes sayth Liberatus the Empresse Theodora sent Narses a noble man to enstall Theodosius and to banissh Gaianus Theodosius being banisshed the sea vvas vacant vvhervnto Paulus vvho came to Constantinople to plead his cause before the Emperour against certaine stubborne monkes vvas appointed and he receiued sayth Liberatus .188 authority of the Emperoure to remoue heretiques and to ordeine in their places men of right faith This Paulus vvas shortly after accused of murther vvhervpon the Emperour sent Pelagius the Popes proctour lying at Constantinople ioyning vnto him certaine other bissops .189 vvith commission to depose Paulus from the bissoplike office vvhich they did and they ordered for him Zoilus whome afterward the Emperour deposed and ordered Apollo who is nowe the Bisshop of Alexandria sayth Liberatus Certaine Monkes mette vvith Pelagius in his retourne from Gaza vvher Paulus vvas deposed tovvards Constantinople bringyng certaine articles gathered out of Origenes vvorkes minding to make suyte vnto the Emperour that both Origen and those articles might be condemned vvhom Pelagius for malice he bare to Theodorus bisshop of Caesarea in Cappadocia an earnest fautor of Origen did further all that he might Pelagius therfore doth earnestly entreat themperour that h● vvold cōmaund that to be dō vvhich the Monks sued for to vvit that Origē vvith those articles should be dāned The vvhich suit themperour graūted being glad .190 to geue iudgmēt vpō such matters and so by his commandmēt the sentēce of the great curse against Origē and those articles vvere dravvē foorth in vvriting and subscribed vvith their hands and so sent to Vigilius the bisshop of Rome to Zoilus bissop of Alexādria Euphemius of Antioche ād Peter bisshop of Hierusalē These Bishops receiuing this sentēce of the curse .191 ꝓnoūced by themperours cōmaundmēt and subscribing thervnto Origen was condēned being dead who before long agoe on liue was condemned Stapleton Here is a myngle mangle I can not tel wherof and a tale tolde of a tubbe for any reason or certaine scope that I see in it Here haue we nowe that themperours wife placeth and setteth in bishoppes to For it was Theodora the Eutychian Emperesse that placed and displaced the bishops here named sauynge Paulus whiche was made by Pelagius the Popes Legate at Constantinople whych thyng M. Horne concealeth But I meruaile by what warrant that Empresse did al this I dare say not by M. Knoxes and his fellowes of whom I haue spoken And what bishop think you that she setteth in No better surely then her selfe that is Anthimus the captaine of the heretikes of that time But this geare goeth handsomly in and out all thyngs I warrante yow in dewe order and proportion euen in as good as the matter is good it selfe For nowe M. Horne after he hath declared that Anthimus was deposed from his bishoprike is retourned to shewe howe he was first ordered and made bishop We haue then a tale tolde to no purpose in the worlde of Paulus the bishop and a murtherer deposed and well and orderly to I trowe by Pelagius the Popes proctour and so howe M. Horne frameth his primacy hereof God woteth I wotte not in all the world For as for Iustinians commission to depose bishops if M. Horne meane of such as Kyng Edward gaue in England of late it is M. Hornes commission and not Iustinians Neither hath hys author any suche thing But only that themperour gaue the bishop authority to appoint Captaines and other of the Emperours officers to helpe forward the execution Nay saieth M. Horne the wurste is behind For Iustinian thēperour gaue his iudgemente vppon Origenes and cursed him to Here in dede somwhat might haue bene sayde sauing that we haue sayd somwhat alredie of suche manner of cursing and sauinge that M. Horne of hys great curtesie hath eased vs ād hath made I trowe againste hys will but nothing against hys skill a full answere for vs saying that Origenes was long before this tyme yea yet lyvinge condemned Thē was there here no newe sentēce or determinatiō made by Iustinian but a confirmation of the olde and no more matter of supremacie then yf a man shoulde beshrewe Luthers cursed harte for his newe broched heresies and curse them and him to hys heresies being manie hundred yeares before condēned ād cursed by many a good vertuous clerke and by many general and other Coūcels to Neither did Iustiniā geue any sentēce of curse against Origen him self but as Liberatꝰ saith at his cōmaundemēt or procurīg the chief Patriarchs of Rome of Alexādria of Antioch ād of Hierusalē did it and so by the ordinary Iudges in this case not by the Emperours only or absolut commandemēt he was cōdemned And we find in the acts of the .5 generall Coūcell Origen condemned with Arius Macedonius Euthyches and other M. Horne The .68 Diuision pag. 3● a. VVhen Theodorus bisshop of Caesarea in Cappadocia heard of this condemnation to be reuenged he laboured earnestly vvith
to the bishop of Hierusalē which kept there also a Councel and condēned Anthimus And al this was done in fowre monethes And therfore yt cā not be the true title of this Coūcel And much lesse tel the matter and who had cheif authority there But euery man is not so cunning as you to make men weene that the egge was a chycke before the henne had hatched Yet for one thinge I here commende you for telling vs that the Popes Legats in this Councel were set in the right hande of the Patriarche Menas whiche I suppose maketh somwhat for the Popes primacye But that you adde they were named and appointed by the commaundement of the Emperour I can not commēde you For it is vntruly saied They were the Popes owne Legates and deputies of his own naming and appointing not of the Emperours For it foloweth in the same Constitution of Iustinian touching these Legates Omnibus quidem ex Italica regione ab Apostolica sede nuper missis All being lately sent out of Italy from the See Apostolike In like maner where you say Theodorus a Maister of the Requestes to the Emperour as you call him deliuered to the Synod the Billes of supplication to be considered on such consideration you finde not in the woordes of Theodorus but this you finde him say to the Synode V● in his interpellantes vos ipsis finem imponatis To th entent that by your meanes in these matters they may be ended and cōcluded This the Emperours officer required of the Synode that they would make an ende of the complaintes layed in by certaine Bisshoppes and Monkes And this you conceale and alter cleane to a simple consideration as thoughe the Councel should haue considered and then the Emperour concluded And therefore yet ones againe in this very Diuision you tel vs of a booke of supplication made by the Monasteries of Secunda Syria to the Emperour that Menna the president of the Councel should receaue their booke and consider of it according to the Ecclesiastical Canons The woordes of your Author are Quae in ipso insita sunt Canonicè finem accipere conuenientibus ad ipsum c. that the contents of their booke of supplication be ended and determined Cononically not considered only and that by the accorde not of Menna only whome only you name being the bisshop of Constantinople but of the most holy Romaines and the holy Synode Thus your false doctrine can not appeare when it commeth to trial but lodē alwaies with fardels of vntruths But nowe I trowe we shall quickly lese this aduantage For strayte ye bringe vs foorth a bisshop that calleth the Emperour the higheste potentate in the worlde next vnto God maintayning the onely and pure faith offeringe vnto God pure leuen of true doctrine as incense and burning the chaff meaning as ye say false religion with vnquencheable fier And thinke you M Horne that yf Iustiniā now lyued he would take your doctrine for pure fyne flower and not rather for stynking musty chaffe or bran Well you haue hearde his iudgemente in parte alredy As for your bsshop yf he had sayd in al causes as you make hī to say in the margin he had said wel towarde your purpose but nothing towarde the truthe And therefore ye hauing espied the former wordes not to come iumpe to your purpose ye vndershore them withe an other sayinge of the saied bisshoppe who speakinge of an heretyke desireth the Emperour to whome God had reserued the ful authority to directe to cut him from the Church and to expulse him out of his dominions Ye are not for al this much the nearer for wherein the good bisshop meante the full direction he him selfe sheweth that is in cutting away of heretiks and expulsing them out of his dominiōs And therefore your goodly marginal note that God reserueth to the Prince the fulnesse of direction in causes Ecclesiasticall quayleth and is not worth a rushe Neither is yt to be collected by the expresse woordes of the bishop and yf yt were sauing for your shrewd meaning and mistaking yt were not greatly material For it might stād right wel meaning of the ful and final directiō which is the executiō Ye now lay forth many ecclesiastical cōstitutions and among other that no mā shal dispute further in matters of religiō ons concluded where are your Westmynster disputations thē and that themperour had decreed all those things by sentence for the common peace of the Church Ye say the truth but not all the truth for ye haue most falsly following your accustomable humour left out iij. or iiij wordes strayt waies following We haue saith Iustinian determined these things following the decrees of the holy fathers Which wordes doe set your self and your primacy to quyt beside the sadle And thus as thēperours conclusion that knitteth vp al knitteth vp our conclusion to for the ecclesiastical primacy and vnfoldeth al your false conclusiōs in this your false boke So yf ye take and ioyne the very beginning of the said constitutiō to the wynding vp of yt the matter wil be much clearer and so clere that Iustiniās cōstitutiō that your self do bring forth may serue for a sufficiēt answere to al your boke cōcerning princes intermedling in causes Ecclesiastical We do saith Iustiniā no strāge thīg or such as thēperors haue not ben accustomed vnto before in makīg this present Law meaning against Anthimus Seuerus and Zoaras for as often as the bishops by their sentence haue deposed and displaced out of their holysees and dignities any vnworthy parsons as Nestorius Eutyches Arius Macedonius and Eunomius and certain other as nawghty as they were thēperors folowing their sentēce ād authority decreed the same So that ecclesiastical ād tēporal authority cōcurring together made one agremēt in right iudgmēt Euen as we knowe it happened of Late touching Anthimus who was thruste out of the see of this imperiall cyty by Agapetus of holy and gloriouse memorie the bisshop of the most holy Church of olde Rome M. Horne The .73 Diuision pag. 42. a Al things being thus done by the commaundement of the Emperour in the first Action and so foorth in the second third and fourth after many acclamations the President of the Councel Mennas concludeth saying to the Synod That they are not ignorāt of the zeale and minde of the Godly Emperour towards the right Faithe and that nothing of those that are moued in the Church .206 ought to be don without his wil and commaundement Stapleton Now goe ye M. Horne clerkly to worke For yf ye can roundly and hansomly proue this ye may perchance set a new head vpon Iustinians shoulders which yet woulde be but an vgle and a monstrouse sight But this is neither clerkly nor truely don of you to turne Cōuenit yt is mete semely or conuenient into oportet yt must or ought I maruaile ye bearing the state of a bishop haue so litle faith and
his brothers he made a decree that euery one should be accursed that prepared to him selfe a way into the Papacy or any other Ecclesiastical dignity with frendship or bribery Also that the bisshops in euery city should be chosen by the people and Clergy and that the election should be good so that the Prince of the City did approue the party by thē chosen ād the Pope addīg his authority therto had ones said volumus iubemus we wil and commaunde But saith Sabell both these decrees are abolished The first Chapter Of Phocas the Emperour and of Bonifacius the .3 Pope Stapleton HAVING nowe good reader passed the first sixe hundred yeares and hauing answered to M. Hornes arguments for such proufes as he pretendeth to serue him for thinges don within those .600 yeares I am in a great doubte and staye withe my selfe what order to take for the residewe of myne answere We haue gone ouer litle more then one half of that parte of M. Hornes booke wherein he taketh vpon him to be the challenger and an apponente and yf we weighe the nomber of yeares in the which M. Horne taketh his large race and course they yet remayne almoste a thowsande to those that be alredy passed Yf we measure the leaues almost the one halfe rest behinde to the nomber of .42 Beside the remnante of his booke wherein he plaith the defendants parte I speake thus much for this consideration Yf I shoulde largely and copiouslye answere the residewe as I haue begonne and fullye vnfolde his fonde follies confuting euerye point the booke woulde wexe to bigge and huge On the other syde yf I should lightlye and breiflye passe yt ouer perchaunce M. Horne woulde bragge and saye he were not no nor coulde be answered But yet bethinkinge my selfe well vppon the matter the compendiouse waye seemeth to me at this tyme beste Wherein I could be so shorte and compendiouse that with one lyne I shoulde sufficiently discharge my selfe for the whole answere in saying shortly but truely that there is not no not one onely authority apte and fyt to cōclude his purpose I coulde also shifte him of an other waye and because M. Iewel with other his fellowes groundeth him self vppon yt as a good and a peremptorye exception I might boldly say M. Horne al your proufes after Gregory come to late your .600 yeres are empted spente and gone Again I might and truly seing that his pretensed proufes of the first sixe hundred yeares are so faint and weake yea seing that he is quyte borne downe with his own authors in the same booke chapter leafe and somtyme line to that him self alleageth say that either it is most likelye that he cannot bring any good or substancial matter for the latter 900. yeares or what so euer yt be it must yeld and geue place to the Fathers of the first sixe hundred yeares And with this answere might we contemning and neglecting al his long ragmans rolle that hereafter followeth set vppon him an other while and see how valiantly he wil defende his owne heade Which God wote he will full fayntelye doe Well I will not be so precise as to let yt alone altogether but I shall take the meane and as I thinke the most allowable way neither answering all at length and stitch by stitch with diligence as I haue hitherto vsed nor leauing all but taking some aduised choice Wherefore yf hereafter he bringe any accustomed or stale marchandize yt shall passe but yf any fyne freshe farre sought and farre bowght marchandize come we will geue him the lokinge on and now and then cope withe him to Goe to then M. Horne take your weapon in your hand againe and besturre your self with yt edglynge or foyning with the beste aduantage ye can Ye say then Bonifacius the thirde opened the gappe to take away from th'Emperour the authority and Iurisdictiō of the popes election Ye say it but ye doe not nor cā proue it Ye say that he wonne of Phocas that Rome might be head of all Churches meaning thereby as appereth well by that which followeth ād by M. Iewel and your other fellowes that it was not takē so before Whereof I haue alredy proued the contrary by the Councell of Chalcedo by Victor yea the Emperours Valentinian and Iustinian and otherwise to But this you reporte vntruly For the Popes suyte was not that his See might be the head of al Churches but that the see of S. Peter which is the head of all Churches might be so called and takē of al mē And the reason is added by Ado Paulus Diaconus Beda Martinus and others bicause the Se● of Constantinople wrote her selfe at that time the Chiefe of all others This newe attempt caused the Pope to make this suyt Not that either it should be so for so it had bene without the Emperours Autorytie or that then it was first called so Ye say he wanne this gloriouse and ambitiouse title with no small brybes Ye say it but ye neither proue it nor can proue yt And sure I am that none of your authours ye name in the margent sayth so Neither do I yet see whervppon ye shuld grounde your self onlesse it be vppon your straunge grammer turning Magna contentione with great contention or with much adoe into no small brybes as ye did lately conuenit into oportet And for this that ye call this a gloriouse and ambitiouse tytle obtayned by this Bonifacius truth it is that as this tytle was euer due to the Church of Rome and confessed as I haue said by Councels Emperours and other longe before the time of this Phocas or Bonifacius so neither this pope nor anie other of his successours vsurped or vsed it as a tytle These be your manifold falshods M. Horne lapped vp in so fewe lynes After your lewde vntruthes foloweth a copie of your singular witte For to what ende with what wisedome or with what benefytte of your cause recyte you two decrees of this Bonifacius I will geue yowe leaue to breath on the matter least vppon the soden you might be apalled with the question The best answere I wene you coulde make woulde be to say that hereby appereth the Ambition of pope Bonifacius 3. And then to proue that Ambition in him by these decrees I thinke it would trouble you much more For in the one he expressely decreeth against Ambition in the other he alloweth the consent of lay princes in a bisshops election But it is wel that as Sabel saieth Both these decrees are abolisshed Wherof it will folowe if that be true that if the decrees were good and made for you then yet they continewed not but were abolished If they were naught and made against the pope yet the faulte was soone amended Thus how so euer it fal out you see howe wisely ād to what great purpose you haue alleaged those decrees M. Horne The .80 Diuision Fol. 48. a. Novve began this
the mischiefe sprang VVhen the Pope vnderstoode of his comming he prepared to receiue him in moste honourable vvise and vvith suche humilitie behaued him selfe tovvardes the Emperour and shevved suche faire face of repentaunce that the vvell meaning Emperour thought he had meant as he pretended and svvare the Pope to obedience and loyaltie against Berengarius and Adalbertus as Luithprandus vvriteth and so returned into his countrie This Luithprandus is the more to be credited for that he vvas liuing a famous vvriter and .356 Deacon Cardinall euen in the same time The Pope immediatly against both Othe and honesty .357 practised vvith Adalbertus to depose this godly Emperoure and promised him by Othe his aide The reason or cause why Iohn the Pope shoulde hate this moste godlye Emperoure who had deliuered him out of the handes of Adelbert his ennemie and wherefore the Deuill shoulde hate God his creatoure seemeth not to be vnlike For the Emperoure as we haue had good experience vnderstandeth things pertaining to God he worketh he loueth them he mainteineth with maine and mighte the Ecclesiasticall and Temporall matters he decketh them with manners and amendeth them by lawes but Iohn the Pope is against all these thinges The Emperoure seeketh by diuerse vvayes to reconcile this Pope and to bring him from his filthy life to some honesty and regarde of his office VVhan by no persuasions he can vvinne him he determineth to depose him and .358 for that purpose he calleth a Councell of the Bisshoppes of Italie to the end he may seke the refourmation vvhich he mindeth and savv to be ouermuch nedeful by their aduise Pope Iohn .359 seeing him selfe to be tried by a Synode runneth avvay vvhen al the people savv their Pope vvas runne avvaye from them they svvare fidelity to th' Emperor promising by their Othes that they vvould neuer hereafter elect or make any Pope vvithout the consent of the Emperour VVithin three daies after there vvas a great assemblie in S. Peters Church at the requests of the Bisshops and people In vvhich Councell sate the Emperour vvith many Archebisshoppes and others to vvhom the godly Emperor propoūdeth the cause of their assemble exhorteth thē to do al thīgs vvith vpright iudgemēt ād the Bisshops deacōs Clergy ād al the peple make solempne protestation and obtestat●on of their iust and vpright dealing in the cause propounded And because the chiefe matter touched the Pope that vvas runne avvay the holy Synode said if it seme so good to the godly Emperour let letters be sent to the Pope and cyte him to come and purge him selfe The letters vvere directed in this fourme Otho by Goddes grace Emperour with the Archebisshops of Liguria Tuscia Saxonia and Fraūce send greeting in the Lord to Iohn the Pope VVe comming to Rome for our Seruice to God and enquiring the cause of your absence from your Church were enformed by the Bisshops Cardinales Priestes Deacons and the whole people of such shameful doings by you as we are asshamed to rehearse whereof these are parte they charge you with Murder periurie sacrilege incest with twaine of your owne sisters that in your banquetes which is horrible to be rehearsed ye drinke wine in the loue of the Deuill in your plaie at dice you craue the helpe of Iupiter Venus and other Diuels wherefore we pray you to repaier vnto vs your selfe To this the Pope vvriteth this ansvvere I heare saye ye will make an other Pope which if ye attempte I excommunicate you all that ye may haue no licence or power to order any c. To this short ansvvere the Emperour vvith the Synode replieth telling him that they had vvritten to let him vnderstand of the crimes vvherevvith he vvas charged and that he had sent them such an ansvveare as rather became the folly of a childe then the grauitie of a Bisshop as for the povver of bind●ng and losing they say he ones had as Iudas had to vvhom it vvas saide Quaecunque ligaueritis super terram c. VVhat so euer ye binde on earth shal be bound in Heauen c. But novv he hath no more povver against the Emperour and the Synod then Iudas had vvhen he vvent about to betraie Christ his Maister These letters vvere sent vnto him by tvvo Cardinalles vvho returned not finding him and therfore the Synode procedeth to his deposition They beseche the Emperour to remoue Monstrum illud that Monster and to place some vvorthy bisshop in his roome Tune Imperator placet inquit quod dicitis Your request pleaseth me saith the Emperour 360. The Clergie and the people saith Nauclerus doth make humble supplication vnto the Emperour to prouide for them a vvorthy Bishoppe to vvhom the Emperour ansvvereth Choose you your selues one 361. whom hauing God before your eyes ye may iudge worthie and I wil confirme him The Emperour had no sooner spoken this saith Luithprandus than they all vvith one assent named Leo The Emperour gaue his consent Et Ottho Imperator Leonem creat Pontificem and Ottho the Emperoure created Leo Pope as Sabellicus and Platina saith Here Luithprand tell●th at large hovve after this creation of Leo the Emperour .362 dissolued the Synode and vvhat mischiefe the Monstruous Pope Iohn vv●ought aftervvard For by his friends in Rome Pope Leo vvas driuen avvay And after this Monster vvas deade the Romaines elected Benedictus in his place and requireth the Emperoure vvho vvas than at Spolet to confirme him the Emperoure vvoulde not but compelled them to receiue Leo againe And heere the Emperoure summoned againe a nevve Synode vvherein he .363 satte him selfe for the Canonicall deposition of Benedictus notvvithstanding this sayth Nauclerus Leo being vveary of the inconstancy of the Romaines did constitute by their consent in the Synode holden at Rome that the vvhole authority of chosing the Bishop shuld remayne in the Emperour at it is rehearsed in the decrees in these vvordes Being in the Synode at Rome in the Church of the holy Sauiour lyke as Adrianus Bisshop of Rome graunted to Charles the great the dignity of patricianship the ordering of the Apostolical sea and the inuesturing of Bishops So I also Leo Bishop of Rome seruaunt of Goddes seruaūtes with the cōsent of all the Cleargy and people of Rome doo constitute confirme and corroborate and by our Apostolicall authority wee doo graunt and geue vnto the Lorde Ottho the first King of Dutchmē and to his successours in this kingdome of Italy for euer the authoritie to elect after vs and to ordeine the Bishop of .364 Rome and so Archbisshops and Bisshops that they receiue of him as they ought the inuesturing and consecration .365 excepting those whō the Emperour hath graūted to the popes and Archebisshops And that no man hereafter of what dignitie or Relligiō so euer haue power to elect one to the dignitie of Cōsules bloud or to be bisshop of the .366 Apostolike See or to make any other bisshop without
armies came into the fielde in their ovvn persones and fought tvvo cruel and bloudy battailes and so ruled the 380 Schismatical Church vvith Paules vvorde Peters keyes being fast locked frō thē both in Christes Churche til thēperor sent Otto the Archebisshop of Collein geuing him ful authority as he should see cause to set in order the Church matters VVhā Otto came to Rome vvith this large commission he did sharpely reproue Alexander at the first Because he had takē vpō him the Papacy without thēperours cōmaundement and cōtrary to that order which the Law it self and the longe custome also hath prescribed VVhose vvords Nauclerus telleth thus How cōmeth this to passe saith he my brother Alexander that cōtrary to the maner of old time hitherto obserued and agaīst the law prescribed to the Romain bishops many yeares agoe thou hast takē vpō thee the Romain Papacy without the commaundemēt of the King and my Lord Hēry and so beginning frō Charles the great he nameth many Princes by vvhose authority the Popes vvere either chosen cōfirmed or had their electiō ratified and vvhan Le vvas going forvvard in his oratiō Hildebrand Tharchdeacō taketh the tale .381 out of his mouth saying in great heat O Archbisshop Otto themperors and Kings had neuer any right at al or rule in the electiō of the Romain Bisshops Tharchbisshop gaue place to Maister Archedeacō .382 by and by For Hildebrand knevv vvel inough saith .383 Sabellicus that Otto vvould relent easely and agree vvith him In such sort also haue other godly Princes been .384 beguyled trusting ouer much popish Prelats vvith their embassages VVihin a vvhile after vvhan thēperour heard of these doinges he sent streight to Pope Alexander to gather together the Prelats promising that he hīself vvould come to the councel to .385 set an order in the Church matters that al things might be don in his own presence vvho vsed Alexander very gētly and friēdly vvhervvith the Pope aftervvards vvas so moued and savv hovv he hīself had bē abused by Hildebrāds instigatiōs against so gētle a Prīce that he vvas greatly sory that he had attēpted to be pope vvithout his assent VVherupō saith Bēno whā Alexāder vnderstode that he was elected ād ēstalled by fraude ād craft of Hildebrād ād other thēperors enemies in his sermō to the people he plaīly declared that he would not sit in the Apostolik sea without the licence and fauour of thēperour and further said openlye in the pulpit that he would sende foorthwith his letters vnto the Emperour for this purpose so greatly he repented him of his vsurpation without the Emperours authority Hildebrande vvho had long avvayted and .386 practised to be Pope impacient of any longer tariaunce immediatly after the death of Alexander gatte to be made Pope and vvas called Gregory the seuenth of vvhose electiō Abbas Vrspurgens saith ▪ next to Alexander succeded Hildebrande vnder whome the Romain common weale and the whole Church was endaungered and brought in a great perill with newe errours and schismes such as haue not been heard of who climbed vp to this high dignity without the consent of the Prince and therefore there be that affirme him to haue vsurped the Papacy by tyranny and not Canonically instituted for which cause also many did refuse him to be Pope In this election Hildebrande .387 made poste haste for feare ●e had come shorte of his purpose In so much that Nauclerus saith before the exequies of Alexander vvere finished the Cleargy and people that came to the buriall cried out that S. Peter had chosen Maister Archedeacon Hildebrande to be Pope vvhereupon the Cardinalles vvent a side and elected Hildebrande But Benno vvho vvas a Cardinall at Rome the same tyme saith that the selfe same euening and hovver vvhen Alexander died Hildebrande vvas enstalled by his souldiours vvithout the assent of either Priest or people fearing lest delay vvoulde breede peril to vvhose election not one of the Cardinales did subscribe in so much that Hildebrande said to an Abbot that came short to the election brother Abbot yee haue taried ouer longe to vvhome the Abbot ansvvered ād thou Hildebrād hast made ouer much hast in that thou hast vsurped the Apostolik sea agaīst the Canōs thy Maister the Pope being not yet buried By vvhich post hast īportune clamours and violēt electiō it is easie to see hovv Platina and those that follovv him do no lesse 388 lie than flatter in praysing this Pope ād settīg foorth so comely a form of his electiō Nauel protesteth and promiseth in the tellīg of this Popes life to kepe an indifferēcy and fidelity in the report of the Chronicles and first reporteth the state of the Church vnder this Pope vvord for vvord as I haue rehersed out of Abbas V●spurg .389 and to declare his further vprightnes in the matter he telleth vvhat he founde vvriten in a fine stile amongest the Saxon histories that the Bisshops of Fraunce moued the Prince not to suffer this election vvhich vvas made vvithout his consent for if he did it might vvorke to him muche and greuous daungier the Prince perceiuing this suggestion to be true sent immediatly his Embassadours to Rome to demaunde the cause vvherefore they presumed vvithout the Kinges licence against the custome of their auncestours to ordeine a Pope and further to commaunde the nevve elected Pope to forsake that dignity vnlaufully come by onlesse they vvoulde make a reasonable satisfaction These Embassadours vvere honorably receiued and vvhen they had declared their message the Pope himselfe maketh them this ansvvere He taketh God to witnesse that he neuer coueted this high dignity but that he was chosen ād thrust violently thereunto by the Romaines who would not suffer him in any wise to refuse it notwithstanding they coulde by no meanes perswade him to take the Papacy vpō him ād to be cōsecrate Pope till he were surely certified that both the Kinge and also the Princes of Germany had geuen their assente VVhē the King vvas certified of this ansvveare he vvas contente and vvillingly gaue commaundement that he should be ordered Pope He also reciteth out of Blondus and other vvriters That the Kinge gaue his consente vnto the Popes election sending the Bisshop of Verselles the Chauncellour of Italy to confirme the election by his authority as the maner had bene the which thing also Platina saith he seemeth to affirme Aftervvardes the Emperour called a .390 Councell vvhich he helde as Sabellicus saith at VVormes vvhereat vvere al the Bisshops of Fraūce and Germany excepte the Saxons The Churchmen of Rome sent their epistles vvith greuous complaints against Hildebrand vnto this Councel In quibus Hildebrandum ambitus periurij accersunt eundemque plaeraque auarè superbeque facere conqueruntur hocque reiecto alium pastorem postulant VVherein they accuse Hildebrande of ambition and periury complainning that he dothe manye thinges proudly and couetouslye and therefore desire
sent his Legates to the Emperour Fredericus .1 and desired him that he vvould .400 take vppe and end this contention by his authoritie The Emperour commaundeth them both to come vnto him at Ticinum vvhere foorthvvith he summoned a Councell to be holden about this matter .401 minding to examine bothe their causes and by searching to trye vvhose cause vvas the most honest Rouland .402 being afrayed to haue the matter come to this triall getteth to VVilliam of Sicilia the Emperours mortall ennemie and vvithin tvvelue daies putteth on his Cope and nameth him selfe Alexander for he purposed belike to make a conquest of the matter He alleaged his election to be good out of all doubt and that he sent for the Emperours aid and not for his arbitrement and therfore thought not good to bring his case into doubtfull question The Emperour being offended vvith him for that he vvould not obey his appointment sent tvvo Bisshops to cite him to come vnto the Councell by the name of Cardinall and not Pope But Rouland refused confuting their citation vvith this Maxime or Principle Romanum Pontificem à nemine iudicari debere The Pope ought not to be iudged of anye man But vvhen these Legates from the Emperour came to Octauian he straight vvaies obeyed and they brought him to Papia .404 Vspurg saith that Rouland vvas oftentimes monisshed to come and did contemne all those monitions The Emperour faite in the Councel as Radeuicus Frifingēsis vvho vvrote his actes vvitnesseth ●ad made an oration vnto the Bishoppes vvherein he declareth and that by the example of his auncestours Constantinus Theodosius Iustinianus and of later time of Carolus Magnus and other that the povver and authority to call Councelles vvhere the Churche is trou●led vvith any schismes or other perillous distourbance belongeth to the Emperour Notvvithstanding he cōmitted the desining of the cōtrouersie to theyr vvisedome and .405 gaue them therevnto authoritie The Councell debateth the cause and consulteth vvith men learned in the Lavve and so concludeth that Octauians election vvas good and adiudgeth him to be the righte Bishoppe of Rome VVhē they had thus tryed out the matter Fredericus the Emperour saith Platina Confirmat Octauianum Pontificem Confirmed Octauian Pope .406 The Emperour vvithin a vvhile after sente Octauianus nevv confirmed Pope tovvardes Rome vvho dyed in the iourney After vvhose death the Emperour called an other councell at VVirtzberge as Auentinus vvriteth vvherein vvere a great number of Archebishoppes and other Bishoppes ād also many of the nobles and states of the Empyre In this Councell a statute or Decree vvas made by common consente That from hence foorth none shoulde be Pope onelesse he were created by the consent of the Emperour accordinge as the custome had bene of longe and auncient time This vvorthy Emperour vvhom the Chronicles call Christianissimum moste Christian for his zeale tovvardes Goddes Churche endeuored not vvithout great perill to him selfe and his estate to reteine the iurisdiction due to the Princes and thereby to refourme the horrible disorders that vvere grovven so highe that they ouervvhelmed the Church as in lyke sorte diuers other Emperours end Kinges bothe before and after had attempted but in vayne for the vvealthy pride the fierce povver and .407 trayterous treachery of the Pope and his Prelates vvas so mighty violent and subtile that there vvas no earthly povver able to vvithstande or matche vvith them And therefore Erasmus compteth the Popes of this time and those that folovved to be the Vicars and s●ccessours of Iulius Caesar of Alexander the Great of Croesus the ryche and of Xerxes the mighty rather then of Christe the onelye Emperour and gouernour of the Churche Bernarde calleth Eugenius .3 in his great pompe and pride rather the successour of Constantinus the highe Emperour then of Peter the humble Apostle and Abbas Vrspurg vvho lyued at this time vvhen the Popes had spoyled the ●mperour and other Princes vvelnighe of .408 all iurisdiction rulinge all by theyr ovvne Decretalles novve aboute this time set foorth .409 as they listed maketh a lamentable complainte of the horrible pryde and couetousnesse of the .410 vvhole clergy and cōcludeth vvith these vvords Gaude mater nostra Roma c. Reioyce O our mother Rome bycause the seluses of the hidden treasures in the earthe are opened that riuers ād heapes of mony maye flowe vnto thee in great abundance Be glad of the iniquitie of the sonnes of mē bicause mony is geuen to thee for the recompence of so great euilles Be mery and iocund for discordes sake which is thy helper bicause she is rushte out of the infernall pit that plentiful rewardes of money might be heaped vpon the thou hast that which thou hast alwaies thyrsted after synge pleasant balades for throughe mennes malitiousnesse not by thy Godlinesse thou hast ouercome the worlde The .18 Chapter Of Frederike Barbarossa and of Alexander the .3 Stapleton MAister Horne good Reader as he hath hitherto so doth he styll playe Cacus parte This Cacus stole Hercules Oxen and because he woulde not haue them espied where they were by the track he drewe thē into his caue by the tayles backward Whiche thing Hercules seing did nothing mistrust they shoulde be there but yet as he passed by with the droue of his beastes the beasts that were in the denne lackinge theyr company beganne as the maner is to bellowe wherby all this thefte was discried This boke of M. Hornes is the very denne of Cacus into the which by a pretye sleight he conueyeth in hys stories and other proufes as a man maye say by the taile backewarde that is not keeping the righte and customable waie and order in making true and faithfull allegations but craftelie and peruersely cutting and chopping away some parte of them which partely lying in this his Cacus denne and as it were bellowing for his companie bewrayeth all M. Hornes slie dealings So haue ye hitherto found it and so shall ye still good Reader finde it and loe we haue at hande a ready proufe Frederike saith M. Horne seing the horrible vices of the Romis●h Church commaund●d that no Legate of the Church of Rome should come into Germanie c. First Maister Horne what horrible vices of the Romissh Churche were those you speake of It is verely naughte els t●en a horrible lye of your schismatical mouth The beginning of the sentence of the whiche you haue taken the taile onely is this Adrian the .4 our Countrieman and Frederike the first were fallen at great variaunce The Pope complained saith Nauclerus your own Authour that liuing betwene the swordes of the Romaines and William of Sicilie he was forsaken of the Emperoure contrarye to his great promises and so vexed for the Emperours sake that he could not reast at Rome The Emperoure on the other side pretended many things and namely the crowning of William the King of Sicilia Iamque ad id
Churche to be for that the Pope vvould not suffer free and General Councels to be called by the Emperours according to the aūcient custome and that his authority is not by the lavve of God but by the positiue Lavves of Princes graunted only because that than Rome vvas the greatest Citie in the vvorld and hath no prerogatiue of Christ or Peter more then any other Bisshoprique Stapleton A faire pleasurely for one Schismatique to plead vppon the Authority of an other Schismatike As if you would say M. Horne Aske my fellow if I be a theefe For both the Author Nilus and the first setter forth therof Flaccus Illyricus are knowen and notorious the one a Schismatike the other an Heretik And therfore what so euer ye here bring oute of Nilus bookes it weigheth no more then if yowe brought Illyricus him selfe or Luther his Maister And to saye the truth it is nothing but an heape of vntruthes not only on your Authours parte but on youres also ouerreaching him shamefully as I shall anon declare But as for your authour if he would haue considered no more but his owne predecessours the Archbisshoppes of Thessalonica he should haue found that they almost one thousand yeares before had an other and a better iudgement of the Popes authoritie and were at that time the popes Legates for the Easte partes as well appeareth by Pope Leo his epistles to Anastasius Bishop there And that the Pope had the principal charge of al churches by Gods owne ordinaunce contrary to the saying of your schismatical authour of so late yeres And yet as bad as he is he doth litle relieue yow For he graūteth the Pope to be Patriarche of the Weste Churche And so is he thowgh he were not the Chiefe absolutelye yet our patriarche and cheif Bishop and therfore cheiflie to be consulted in all greate and weighty ecclesiastical affayres Againe though he be badde inoughe yet is he the worse for coming into your fingers For where you make him to say the only cause of diuision betwene the Greke and the latine Churche was for that the Pope wil not suffer free ād general Coūcelles to be called by the Emperours c. There is no suche thinge in Nilus I haue of purpose perused him ouer neither in the Greke nor in the Translation of Flaccus Illiricus It is your own Captayne and Notorious vntruth M. Horne The .139 Diuision pag. 83. a. Kinge Richarde the .2 called a Councel at VVestminster saieth Polydore wherein it was thought good to the Kinge and the Princes for the weale of his realme of Englande if a parte of the Popes authority were bounded within the limites of the Occean sea he meaneth that it vvere driuen out of the Isle of Britaine .454 wherefore it was decreed that hereafter it shoulde be lawfull to no man to trie .455 any cause before the Bishop of Rome nor that any man be publikly pronoūced wicked or enemy of Religion that is to wit as the cōmon people terme it be excōmunicate by his authority nor that if any mā haue any such cōmaūdemēt frō him they execute the same The penalty ordeined to those that violate this lawe was that losing all his goodes he shoulde be caste into perpetual pryson The .34 Chapter Of Richarde the seconde Kinge of Englande Stapleton HEre lo M. Horn at lēgth strayneth vs very sore For nowe all suytes to Rome are quite cut of Neither can the Pope send any excommunication into Englande What may we then say to helpe our selues Shall I lette the matter goe and let yt shifte for yt selfe as yt may and reason againste the man and not the matter and tel M. Horne least he waxe to proude and want on for this great triumphaunte and victoriouse argumēte that yf a man that is excommunicated is as he expoundeth yt a wycked man and a enemie of religion that him self and his fellowes had neade to loke wel abowt them beinge accursed not only by many Popes which now M. Horne careth not a rushe for but by many national and general coūcelles also Or shal I tel him that suyte to Rome for excommunicatiō is but one braunche or arme of the Popes authority And that the residewe of his authority stoode in strengthe and force styll And so that he proueth not the lyke regimente that nowe is in the which the whole papal authoritye is vtterly bannished Or shall I say that God punished the kinge for his attempte and as he toke away the Popes authority so he loste all his owne very shortly after and loste bothe crowne and kingdome miserably Or shall I say this lawe died with the kinge and was neuer after vntill our dayes put in vre Or shall I say that thowghe all the Popes authoritie were bannished by this statute out of England M. Hornes newe supreamacy will not therof followe but that the supreamacy in matters ecclesiasticall remayned in the Bishoppes especially in Thomas Arondell Archbishop of Canterbury who kepte coūcelles and synodes and determined matters ecclesiasticall without the kinges cōsente therunto by whose prouincial constitution Mayster Horne and his fellowes are declared excommunicate parsons and heretikes for the hereticall doctrine that he and they maynteyne contrarie to the catholike faith Or shall I yet ones againe appeale not to Rome leaste M. Horne charge me with a terrible premunire but euē to some domesticall Iudge and I greatly passe not yf yt be to a quest of lawyers of his best frendes to be tried by them yf they can fynde any suche lawe in the Statutes of oure Realme Againe shall I appeale to an other Queste euen of his owne nighe neighbours in Winchester schole to be tried by them yf I falsly accuse M. Horne of a moste vntruth and false translation Or shal I appeale to his deare frendes the Logitioners at Oxford or Cambridge and be tried by them yf I say not true saying now and auouching to M. Hornes owne face that his owne allegation out of Polidore directly proueth the Popes Primacie and especially the customable and ordinarye suytes to Rome I will then holde my self at this stay and I will ioyne with him for these three poyntes First then I auouche that there is no suche presidente to be shewed among the statutes of our realme and further that neuer any suche was made in the tyme of this kinge Secondly I affirme that M. Horne hathe either of deape and grosse ignorance or of cankered malice maymed or mangled his authours narration and depraued and peruerted his manifeste meaning by a false and counterfeite translation The wordes of Polidore are these Concilium habitum est ad Westmonasterium eo in Concilio regi pariter atque principibus visum est è republica sua Anglicana fore si pars aliqua imperij Romani Pontificis Oceano terminaretur quod multi quotidie vexarentur ob causas quas Romae non facilè cognosci posse putabant
euery godly and faithfull person ought to shewe to the chief Pastour of the Churche And yf any thing fall out worthy of amendement it refuseth not to submitte them selues to the determination of the Church which can not erre C. A recta .24 q. 1. By which allegatiō they proteste to meane the Church of Rome For so in that place we reade out of the Aunciēt decretal epistle of Pope Luciꝰ .1 How thē do you proue M. Horn by this exāple the like gouernement in the Church causes as you now attribute to the Q. Mai. and as you take vpō you here to proue Graūte M. Horn to the See Apostolike now as the Court of Paris graūted thē and thē looke howe and with what conscience you may take the Othe which now you defend or by what reason you cā moue M. Fekēhā thereunto I would haue you ones brīg some exāple that made not playn against you and your whole booke M. Horne The .142 Diuision pag. 85. a. Pius the seconde sent his Legate the Cardinal of Cusa into the countreis of Sigismond Duke of Austria vvhich Legate when he woulde haue ordeined certain .465 Ecclesiasticall constitutions according to the Popes Lawe Sigismonde the Duke would not suffer that such a custome should come into Germany Aeneas Syluius vvho after he vvas made Pope vvas called Pius the seconde vvas of this minde before he vvas Pope that secular Princes might cal councels yea .466 maugre the Popes head and therefore commendeth that deuise of Charles the Frenche king which saith he is both a saulf and a short way to stil this mischiefe He meaneth to take avvay the Schisme and to restore vnity to the Churche Of the same .467 minde also vvas ●is Cardinal de Cusa as appeareth in his booke De Cōcordia Catholica saying By that which is a foresaide it is gathered that the holy Emperours alwaies made the Synodical cōgregations of vniuersal councels of the whole Chu●che and euen so I my selfe hauing sought throughly the Actes of al the vniuersal councels euen til the eight councel inclusiue celebrated in the time of Basil I haue found it to be true and so also in the same eight Synod in the fift Act therof we reade that the most reuerende priest Elias and Syncellus of the trone of Hierusalem in the hearinge of al spake thus Knowe you that in the tymes past they were the Emperours which gathered together Synods frō out of the whole vvorld ād they collected their deputies to the disposing of such maner causes VVhose steps therfore our Emperor folovving being also a worshipper of God hath made this vniuersal Synod Thus said he there ād I haue also redde in the litle glosse of Anastasius the library-keper of the Apostolical sea who translated the same Synode out of Greke vpon the same saying that the Emperours were vvont to gather vniuersal Synodes from al the vvorld c. The .36 Chapter Of Aeneas Syluius who was after Pope Pius .2 and of Cardinal Cusanus Stapleton YOu run stil at riot M. Horne bringing in your matters extraordinarely and impertinently and yet adioyned with one lye beside For your autor speketh not of the ordeining of any ecclesiasticall constitution by the Popes Legat but that themperor would not suffer him to receiue the profits of the Church he had in commendo neither any such custome to be brought into Germanye Ye are then in hande ones agayne that Princes maye call Councelles But when ye tell vs this owte of Aeneas Syluius and tell vs withall that before he was pope he was of that minde that secular princes might call Councelles if he were not also of that minde being pope why tell you this tale against your selfe Had you read M. Horne that notable letter of Recantation which this Aeneas Syluius in his riper yeares and later dayes after the example of S. Augustin retracting in like maner diuers thinges sent to the Vniuersytie of Collen sette forth fewe yeres past in diuers editions you woulde not for very shame if any shame be in you ones haue mentioned the testimony of this man In that Bulle of retractatiō forseing as he sayth him self the obiection that woulde be made he retracteth and reuoketh this errour which in his youthe at the Councel at Basill he had lerned that the Coūcel was aboue the Pope In which he declareth at large by what meanes by whose aduise and counsell he was first persuaded so to thinke howe also he was agayne brought backe from that errour and amonge other meanes by the persuasion of that most lerned Cardinall Iulianus sancti Angeli who firste at Basill was for the Councell against pope Eugenius but after as after him all other reconciled him selfe to the pope was his legate in the Councell of Florence where most lernedly he confuted the Grekes and reduced them al only Marcus of Ephesus excepted to the Catholike doctrine of the holy Ghoste and to the vnyte of the Romain Church and last of al serued him in embassy against the Turk He proueth by Scripture by natural Reason by Authorytie of the Doctours that Peter and his successours are the Supreme Vicairs of Christ that the Church to whome Christ gaue his peace must of necessytie haue that kinde of regiment by which peace may most be mayntained and preserued which only is the state of Monarchy where one Heade gouerneth the whole body and last by S. Hierom and S. Bernard that the bishop of Rome S. Peters Successour is that one Head After al which he cōcludeth Haec nos de Romani Pontificis Authoritate potestate sentimus cui cōgregare Concilia generalia dissoluere datum est qui etsi filius est propter regenerationem propter dignitatē tamen pater habetur sicut propter regenerationis causam venerari debet Ecclesiam tanquam Matrem ita propter praelationis causam praeest ei vt pastor gregi princeps populo Rector familiae This is our Iudgement of the Authoritye and power of the Bisshop of Rome To whome it belongeth both to summon general Councelles and to dissolue them Who though he be a childe of the Churche for his regeneration and newe birthe therein by baptisme yet he is for his dignity and office her Father And as he ought to Reuerence the Churche as his Mother because he was borne of her so he ruleth the Church also as a Pastour the flocke as a Prince his people and as a maister his family because he is made the Ruler of her Again in his very last words of that retractatiō thus he speaketh to the Vniuersity of Collē Haec nostra sententia est filij Haec credimus profitemur haec iam senes in Apostolatus apice constituti pro veritate asserimus si quae vel vobis vel aliis conscripsimus aliquando quae huic doctrinae repugnent illa tanquam erronea iuuenilis animi parum pensata iudicia
our Crede that M Fekenham here toucheth This is you say your self here M. Horne the propositiō of that part of the othe Al true subiects ought and must forsake al foraine iurisdictiōs powers superioritie praeeminences and authorities of euery foraine Prince and Prelate state or Potentate The propositiō of M. Fekenhā is that to beleue the holy Catholik Church is as much to say as to be subiect and obediēt to the Catholik Church But the Catholik Church cōprehēdeth al the corps of Christēdom as wel without the realme as within the realme subiect and obediēt to one head the Pope of Rome And this Pope of Rome is to you a foraine Prelate Power and Potentate as your self doth afterward expoūd it Ergo by vertue of the oth you force al the Quenes subiects to renoūce and forsake al the corps of Christēdom without the realm which is as I haue said the extreme cōtradictory to this Al true subiects ought and must beleue obey and be subiect to the whole corps of Christendom as well without the Realme as within You answer The Othe maketh no mētion in any one word of the Catholike Church But I replie In that you exclude al foraine power and authoritie you exclude also the Catholik Church which is no lesse forain to you thē is the Pope to whom that Church is subiect as the body to the head You saye the Othe speaketh of a foraine Prince Prelate and Potentate and so of the foraine power and authority of such a foraine state but I replie First that you belye the Othe For the Othe speaketh not of a forraine Prince Prelate and Potentate but of euery foraine Prince Prelate and potentate as but the second leafe before your selfe describeth this part of the Othe And so expresly you renounce as al Princes so all Prelates of Christes Churche whiche is the whole Catholike Church And so the Othe is plaine contradictory to this Article I beleue the Catholique Churche Secondarily I replie that the foraine authoritie of such a foraine state is in your sense the whole Churches authoritie subiect to the Pope of Rome And so ones again by the report of your Oth in renoūcing al forain autority you renoūce al the Churches authority without the realme of Englād as much to say you renoūce to beleue ād obey the Catholik church And as much to say you protest by oth to beleue and obey only the church within the realm of England Cōsider now good Reader whether this third part of the oth be not mere cōtradictory in effect to this article of our Crede I beleue the Catholike Church supposing that we must not onely beleue but also obey and be subiect to the Catholike Church Which is the Argumēt that M. Fekenham proposeth and is the demaund in M. Fekenhams issue To the which M Horne answereth neuer a whit But frameth a nother opposition such as in deede might well become a dremer in his dreme Againe betwen this Article of our Crede I beleue the Cōmuniō of Saints ād your othe I renoūce al foraine iurisdictiōs power superiority praeeminēce of euery foraine Prince and Prelate is a plaine and extreme cōtradiction For as to renoūce euery forain Prince bīdeth al the subiects of Englād to obey ōly the prince of that lād and no prince out of the lād in al tēporal causes ād things which part of the Othe no Papist in England euer refused to take and which for my part M. Barlow of Chichester can beare me witnesse I refused not but expreslie offered my self to take at what time vpō refusal of the other part he depriued me as much as laie in him of my prebend in that church so to renoūce euery forain Prelate as the othe expresly speaketh bindeth al the subiects of England to obey only the Prelates of that lād and not to obey any Prelate without the land what soeuer he be in any spiritual or Ecclesiasticall cause Which is as euery man may see the extreme cōtradictory to this Article of our Crede I beleue the Cōmunion of Saints Wherby is ment as M Fekenhā reasoneth and M. Horne denieth not nor can with any shame deny that euery Christian man ought to beleue a perfecte attonement participation and cōmunion to be emongst al beleuers and members of Christes Catholike Churche in doctrine in faith in religion and sacraments He confesseth also that it is not lauful for vs of the realm of England therin to dissent from the Catholik Church of Christ dispersed in al other Realms This is a most true and inuincible opposition betwene the Othe and the article or parte of our Crede most truly and learnedly set forth by M. Feck lewdly dissembled ād no whit answered by M. Horn. Now though you and your felowes M. Horne wil seme to expound by the authority of euery foraine Prelate the authority of the Pope only yet who seeth not what an heape of absurdities doo folow therof For first is the Pope euery forain Prelate or yf he be not why sweare you against euery forain Prelate Secondly is euery forain Prelate the Pope then haue we I trowe more Popes then one Thirdly why should yow rather meane by a forain Prelate the B. of Rome in Italy then the B. of Millayn in Lombardy the B. of Toledo in Spain the B. of Lisbona in Portugal the B. of Parys in Fraunce the B. of Ments in Germany or any other bishope in these lowe Countries here in Sicily in Polonia in Prussia or any other where without the Realm of Englād Or what is ther in the B. of Rome to make hī forain which is not also in al the forenamed bishops yea ī al catholik bishops beside those of the realm of Englād Fourthly when you renounce euery forain Prelat ▪ You doe plainly renoūce al Prelates whatsoeuer without the realm of Englād and so you renoūce al society cōmuniō ād Feloshyp of saints that is of faithful folk in the Church of Christ. Fiftly albeit the othe had expresly named or entended to renoūce the pope only yet in so doing they had renoūced al Catholik bishops beside And that not only because al Catholike bisshoppes are subiect to the Pope as to their head whereby renoūcing the Head you renoūce also the bodye vnder that Head but also because the faith the doctrin ād the religiō of the Pope of Rome is no other thē the faith doctrin ād religiō of al other Catholik bishops Neither is the faith of other Catholik bishops any other faith thē the Pops faith is Therfor who renoūceth by othe the Pope of Rome for a forain Prelat and his faith ād doctrine for forain he renoūceth also by othe the faith and doctrine of al other Catholik bishops without the Realme of England for forain Sixtly in renoūcing all power and Authority of euery forayn Prelat you renoūce the Lutherā and Sacramētary Superintēdents of Geneua of Zurich of Basil of Wittēberg
iudgements and trialles forinsecal also by excommunication depriuation or such like ecclesiastical punishmēts without a new commission from the Prince and to bringe nor reason nor authority nor Scripture nor Doctour nor coūcel nor exāple in Christes Church at any time practised for the cōfirmatiō of yt but only a decree of laye men contrary to their own Pastours and bishops it is such a kind of persuasiō as wel may be forceable to the hād ād the mouth to extort frō thē an outward cōsent for feare of displeasure but to the hart and cōsciēce of a Christē mā professing obediēce to Christ and his dere Spouse the Church ād perfourming the same it shal neuer be able to perce vnto As for the Sequele of M. Feckēhās argumēt whereof you say the most simple cā iudge as though it were but a simple sequele to infer vpō the Bishops authority in the old law the Iurisdictiōs of the bishops in the new Testament or vpon the example of Eleazar to inferre forinsecall as you call it iurisdiction in bishoppes it appereth by that hath ben said both that the deductiō frō the old law to the new is right good and such as your self most plētifully haue vsed in the first part of your book yea so far that you charge M. Fekn though vntruly for a Donatist for seeming to auoid such kind of prouf and also it appereth that a vaine thing it were for bishops now after the example of Eleazarus to haue the directing feeding and ordering of Gods people if thei had not withal power and authority to cal back such as goe a stray to punish the offenders to visit their cures to refourme disorders to make lawes for order to be kept c. in vain I say seing that the one without the other neither was at any tyme auaylable neither can by any reason possibly be auailable M. Fekenham The .165 Diuision pag. 110. a. The seconde in the newe Testament like as our Sauiour Christe did committe and leaue the whole Spiritual gouernement of his people and Churche vnto his Apostles and to the Bisshoppes and Priestes and the successours of thē So they did practise al Spirituall gouernment ouer them they did execute and geue iudgement in the Churche of Christe they did refourme order and correcte all disorder therein and that without all commission ayde or authority of any Temporall Magistrat King or Prince for the space of three hundreth yeres in the primatiue Churche of Christe vnto the time of Constantine he being the first Christian Kinge and Emperour which did ioyne his sworde to the maintenaunce of Gods worde M. Horne Like as the Apostles had in commission povver from Christe our Sauiour to vvhome al povver vvas geuen both in heauen and in earth so faithfully they executed the auth●rity and charge committed vnto them not seeking their ovvne honour by vsurpation but the glory of Christ by the abasing them selues euen vnto the death Their commission regestred by S. Mathevv appeareth in these vvordes Goe and teache al the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost teaching them to kepe all things which I haue commaunded you Hovv faithfully they exercised this authority according to the commission S. Luke shevveth in his Chronicle called the Actes of the Apostles and setteth forth one notable example hereof in Paules oration made to the Elders of Ephesus called to Miletum He taketh them to witnesse that he kept nothing backe from them that might be for their profit but shewed them al the councel of God It is much 592 maruail that Paul shevved al Gods councel vnto them and yet made no mention of any Forinsecal iurisdiction as geuen them by the commission of Gods vvorde The godly Bisshops that succeded the Apostles for manye yeres after follovved the doctrine and examples of the Apostles yet .593 neuer exercising iurisdictiō Forinsecal neither iudging reforming ordering or correcting othervvise than bye preaching publikely or priuately vvithout especial consent and commission of their Churches during the time thei had no Christian Prince or Magistrate Constātinus as I haue said vvas not the first Christian King But he vvas the very first Emperour as your ovvne vvriters doe vvitnesse that .594 gaue Bisshops authority to iudge and exercise iurisdiction ouer their Clergy and that gaue to the Bisshop of Rome povver and .595 authority ouer other Bisshops as iudges haue the King ouer them and that gaue to him povver and iurisdiction ouer al other Churches if that Donation be not forged vvhich Gratian citeth And Petrus Bertrandus a Bisshop a Cardinal and one of your best learned in the Canon and Ciuil lavves in his treatise De origine iurisdictionum affirmeth that Theodosius and Carolus Magnꝰ did 596 graunt vnto the Churche al iudgementes For the proufe vvhereof he auoucheth diuerse decrees and .597 addeth That such grauntes were afterwards abrogated The .9 Chapter Of Spirituall Iurisdiction exercised by bisshops without Princes commissions and before Constantines time Stapleton MAister Fekenham bringeth now forth certain autorities of the new testament for the iustifying of his purpose as that Christ committed to his Apostles and to their successours the whole spiritual gouernement and that they did practise and exercise the same .300 yeres together without any maner of commission from Princes euē to the tyme of Cōstantin the great M. Horn thinketh it a sufficient answere with stoute asseueration voyde of al maner of probation to auouche that they had a commissiō he dareth not say now of their Princes being al or almoste al infidels but of their Churches Yea well and sone saide M. Horne but yf ye would withall haue layde before your reader but one authour old or new good or badde vnlesse perchaunce ye may bring some of your own fellowes and but one example for these .300 yeres we would the better haue born with you Now ye tel vs the Apostles did preach and baptise and other such extraordinary matters leauing the thing vnproued wherein lieth al the question betwene yow and M. Feckenham Your assertion is altogeather incredible and a very peeuishe fantasticall imagination that no man of the clergy or Laiety these 300. yeres was excōmunicated for any manner of offence no priest was forbydde to minister the Sacraments or deposed for his defaults by his bishoppe but by a speciall commission of the prince or whole Churche Ye may aswel pul downe the towre of London M. Horne with your litle finger as ye shall be able to proue this fonde assertion But yet before Cōstantinus the great his time ye think your self cock sure Let vs then see howe sure ye are euen of this your onely example Verely I suppose that no man lyuinge vnlesse he hath a brasen face would for shame of the worlde thus demeane him self in so graue and weighty matters and linck so many Lies together as lynes as you doe
in this your false narration that nowe followeth Constantine you say was the very first emperor that gaue bishops authority to iudge and exercise iurisdiction ouer theire clergy What Emperour then I beseche you graunted to the Apostles authority to make suche Lawes and constitutions Ecclesiasticall as be nowe extante which haue in them diuers paynes and penalties as excommunication and depriuation against the trāsgressours By what Emperours or other lay mans warrant did the bishops kepe so many Councelles as we fynd they kepte before this Constantines tyme Namely the .2 Synods kept against Paulus Samosatenus in Antioche the Councel of Carthage in Afrike vnder S. Cyprian the Coūcells of Gangra against Eustachius of Ancyra againste the Manichees of Neocesarea against the Archōtici the Coūcels also vnder Victor the pope at Rome vnder Narcissus at Hierusalē vnder Palmas in Pontus vnder Ireneus in Fraūce vnder Bacchylus at Corinthe vnder Fabianus also and Cornelius at Rome and diuers other bishops in other Coūtres all before the dayes of the first Coūcel of Nice vnder Cōstantin al without any Cōmissiō frō Princes of this worlde al groūded vpō their own supreme gouernmēt and Iurisdictiō geuē vnto thē by th'expres word of God What warrāt had they for the ecclesiasticall decrees by thē there ordeyned By what princes or lay mans cōmission were Valentinus Paulus Samosatenus ād the whole rablemēt of forenamed heretiks cōdēned ād excōmunicated By what cōmissiō did the blessed bisshop of Antiochia ād martyr Babylas forbid thēperour that he should not enter into the Church amōg the Christiās If the bishops had nothing to do but to preach and minister Sacramēts and no iurisdictiō in hearīg of causes before the time of this Constantine what did the bishops of Alexandria with a solēne iudgmēt seate appointed withī the Church ther for the bishops of that sea What warrāt had Pope Victor for th'excōmunicating of the blasphemous heretike Theodotꝰ Yea what authority had he to excōmunicat the bishops of Asia so far frō hī What warrāt had Fabianus the pope of whom we haue spokē to appoint thēperor as we haue sayd to stād amōg the penitēts as a parson excōmunicated By what commissiō made the blessed Pope ād martyr Antherus certaine lawes ecclesiastical and among other touching the translations of bishops But here M. Iewell will helpe yowe at a pinche like a trusty frende and with a newe shi●te wil pleade vppon the state inficial denying vtterly the old decretal epistles and among other this and will stand vppon no foggy or false ground as he saieth M.D. Harding doth but set his fast foting vppon a sure and an infallible reason against Antherus epistle making mention of the bishoppes Felix and Eusebius that were not borne al the time Antherus lyued But what if they were borne before him where is all this your great holde then Yf I should alleage Sabellicus though he be a very good Chronicler and well allowed or any other Latin man to make this epistle authenticall perchaunce ye would cry out against him and say that he were partiall ād a papist to I wil therfore prouide you a Grecian and a late Grecian to whom ye shal haue no cause to refuse as suspected and that is Nicephorus by whom it may wel appeare that the Grecians toke this Decree for authentical In him also shal ye find expresse mention of the sayd Eusebius and Felix Ye shall also there find a notable place of the authority of the sea of Rome that ye impugne that such translations must be authorised by the popes assent and confirmation Seing then Nicephorus is no papist why ye call him one of our owne writers I knowe not being no Latin mā but a Grecian and infected also with theire schisme and yet not withstanding in all other things catholyke and full against your newe heresies And for that respect I am content to take him for one of our writers And now woulde I see what vantage ye can take at his hande for the prouf of your fowle false paradoxe Yf ye will proue any thinge for the relief of your paradoxe ye must proue that no Christian bisshops vnder the Roman empyre had authority to iudge or exercise any iurisdictiō ouer theyr clergy but such as they had by commissiō and graunt from Cōstantinus Let vs then heare Nicephorus him self that euery mā may see that ye can not possible stretche him without bursting to ioyne with that which you ought to conclude Qua verò imperator Constantinus obseruantia erga professionem fidei nostrae fuerit abundè illud quoque testatur quòd clericos omnes constitutione lata immunes liberosque esse permisit iudiciumque iurisdictionem in eos Episcopis si quidem ciuilium iudicum cognitionē declinare vellēt mādauit quod episcopi iudicassent id robur authoritatem sententiae omnino habere debere decreuit Firma quoque immutabilia esse voluit quae in synodis constituta essent quae ab episcopis iudicata forent vt ea â magistratibus rempublicam administrantibus militarique quae sub eis essent manu exequutioni mandarentur atque ad rem collata perficerentur constituit This thing also saieth Nicephorus doth abundantly testifie what honour and reuerence he did beare toward our faith that he ordeyned by a lawe of his making that all that were of the Clergie shoulde be free and exempted frō paying tribute and that in case they would refuse the iudgement of the temporall magistrates that the Bishops should haue the iurisdictiō vpon them and geue sentence in the cause And that the sayed episcopall iudgement should haue ful strength and authority He ordeined also that those thinges that were decreed in a synode of Bishopes should stande stronge and immutable and that the bishoply iudgement should be put in execution by his ciuil magistrates with the helpe of suche souldiers as they had vnderneath them Stretche this nowe M. Horne to your conclusion if ye can without bursting We haue here a Lawe of Constantine that those that be of the Clergie may choose whether they wil answere for any matter what so euer it be before a laie man They may if they wil cause the matter to be deuolued to the Bisshop but here is neuer a word of Ecclesiastical matters In such Constātine geueth the bishops no iurisdiction for they had it before Neither is there here any one woorde that the Bishoppes should neither summon Councelles nor make ecclesiastical Lawes without the Princes consent Here is a plaine ordinaunce that the lay Magistrates shal see that the Synodical Decrees shall be put in execution Wherby contrary to the conclusion that ye mainteine through out this your answere it well appeareth that the Princes part is onely to see that the Ecclesiasticall decrees made by the Bishops be kept and put in vre and not to haue any necessarie consente in the allowing or disallowing of them Which
appeareth also most euidently in Eusebius writing of this Constantine in this sort Quae ab Episcopis in publicis conuentibus editae erant regulae sua consignabat confirmabat authoritate He signed and confirmed with his Authoritie suche Canons or rules as the Bisshoppes in their assemblies had decreed But how As though without his royall assente the Canons shoulde haue beene voide and of no Authoritie as you woulde make folke beleue No but as the same Eusebius writeth in the same place Ne reliquarum gentiū principibus liceret quae ab eis decreta essent abrogate to the intent that it should not be lawful for Princes of other Nations to abrogate or refuse the Bishops Decrees And the reason he addeth immediatly Cuiusuis enim Iudicis sententiae Sacerdotū Dei Iudiciū anteponendū esse For the Emperour estemed that the iudgemēt and determination of the Priests of God was to be preferred before the Sentence of any other what so euer Iudge This man therefore M. Horn to tel you it ones again can be no fitte exāple of the like gouernment now by you mainteined in the Quenes highnes person and al other the inheritours of the Realme of England Now as Constantine did set the Clergie at their liberty whether they would answere in any secular court So the noble Emperour Theodosius set as wel al the Laitie as the Clergie at the like libertie and ordeined that the plaintife in any cause any time before the sentence might breake of from his ordinary Iudge and bring the matter whether the defendāt would or no to the Episcopal audience The which ordinaunce the Great Charles aboute .400 yeares after renewed to be inuiolably obserued of all his subiectes as wel the Romaines and the Frenchemen as the Almanes the Bauarians the Saxons the Turingiās the Frisons the Galles the Britanes the Lombards the Gascons the Beneuentanes the Gothes and the Spaniards As ye do with Constantinus Magnus so doe ye with Theodosius Magnus and with Carolus Magnus constitutions bringing them forth out of your blind Cacus denne to dasel and bleare the Readers withal as though the Bishops helde their ordinarie iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall by these decrees onely which do nothing thervnto appertaine but shew a marueilouse priuilege geuen to them to heare and determine also all tēporall matters brought before thē And if these graunts wer afterward abrogated yet was that no abrogatiō to the iurisdictiō that is proprely the ecclesiastical iurisdictiō and your author doth not say that such graūts were afterwards abrogated but doth reason against them that saide they were abrogated Neither is his booke entituled De origine iurisdictionū but de iurisdictione Ecclesiastica And was this Petrus Bertrandus then as you say a Bisshop a Cardinal and one of our best learned men in the Canon and Ciuil Lawes Suerly then may your Petrus Cugne●ius thoughe ye auāce him as a worthy knight go hide his head in a corner For againste him and his folishe fonde arguing againste the ecclesiastical liberty is all his booke writen as I haue before declared Wherfore all this your tale that the bishops held their iurisdiction ouer theire clergy by Constantine his ghifte is as true as your other adiuncte that he gaue the Bishops of Rome power and authority ouer other Bishoppes and ouer al churches He might well as he did in dede reuerently agnise and by his Imperial authoritie confirme and corroborate the vsual authoritie of the Popes holines but that the original of this authority as ye imagine came frō him ys a great vntruth For euen before his time and after not onely the Christians but the verie infidelles suche as were acquainted with the maners and fashions of the Christians did wel knowe that the Bishop of Rome was counted the cheif bishop amonge them al. And for this cause Ammianus Marcellinꝰ an heathnish cronicler writeth that though Athanasius the good bishop were by a councell of Arrian bishoppes condemned yet that notwithstanding Constātius sonne to this Constantinus and an Arrian and his plain open enemie was ernestlie in hande with Pope Liberius also to confirme their sentence and was by him banished because he would not condescende to thēperours request Againe before the time of this Constantinus Paulus Samosatenus bishop of Antiochia being depriued by a councell of bishoppes and an other appointed by the sayde councel in his stede kepte stil possession nothing regarding either the sentence of depriuation or of excommunication The Emperour Aurelianus being certified of this matter gaue commaundement that he whome so euer the bishoppe of Rome with the bishops of Italie should acknowledge for the bishop of Antiochia should be taken and accepted for the true bishop And so was Paulus by this Emperours cōmaundement though he were a very infidell thruste out and an other set in What proufe haue ye now M. Horne that the Pope hath his authoritie from Constantine Surely Gentle Reader none other but the Donation of Constantine whiche he him selfe doth not beleeue to be true and therefore dothe qualifie it with these woordes if it be not forged Whiche being so why doeth your wisedome then M. Horne alleage it Neither wil I here though Leo the 9. doth constantly testifie that he sawe and had him selfe the originall of this donation laide by Constātinus owne hand vpon the bodie of S. Peter though Eugubinus answereth to all Laurence Valla his obiections againste this donation yea though Balsamon a Grecian and an open ennemie to the Pope alleageth this Donation as authentical I wil not yet I say resolue any thing for the one or the other side I will take it as I find it and take you withall as I find you and that is a plaine open lyar For howsoeuer the Donation be the Pope toke not his Supremacy of this Donation but had it before of an higher Emperour and that is of Christe him selfe Whiche the foresaid donatiō doth also openly testify but not in the .86 as ye falsly quote it but in the .96 distinctiō M. Fekenham The .166 Diuision Pag. 111. a. At the first Councel holden at Hierusalem for the reformation of the controuersy that was than at Antioche touching Circumcision and the obseruation of Moses Lawe decree was made there by the Apostles and Priestes vnto the beleuers at Antioche that they should absteine from these fowre chiefe and necessary thinges viz. ab immolatis simulachrorum à sanguine suffocato à fornicatione à quib custodiētes vos bene agetis The whiche first councell was there assembled by the Apostles of Christ. The Decrees and Lawes were made there by thē The cōtrouersy at Antioche was by them reformed ordered and corrected without all commission of any temporal Magistrate King or Prince M. Horne God be thanked that S. Luke maketh to vs a sufficient report of this councell vvho maketh no mention of any .598 Priest there present as you vntruely report onles
imperij but did openly reproue the King for his wicked and vniust rule or cōmaundement vvherby is manifest that Athanasius speaketh .657 not against the Princes authority in Ecclesiastical matters but against his tiranny and the abusing of that authority vvhich God hath geuē him vvhervvith to mynister vnto Gods vvil and not to rule after his ovvne luste they commende the authority but they reproue the disorderly abuse thereof Novv let vs see hovv this saying of Athanasius helpeth your cause Constantius the Emperour dealt vnorderly and after his ovvne lust against Athanasius and others pretending neuerthelesse the iudgement of Bisshops vvhich Athanasius misliketh as is plaine in this place auouched Ergo Bisshoppes and Priestes may make lavves decrees orders and exercise the second kind of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction ouer their flockes and cures vvithout commission from the Prince or other authority I doubt not but yee see such faulte in this sequele that yee .658 are or at least ye ought to be ashamed therof The .12 Chap. Conteyning a Confutation of M. Hornes answer made to the woordes of Athanasius Stapleton HEre is nowe one other allegation by M. Fekenham proposed out of Athanasius Hosius the Bisshop of Corduba saith M. Fekenham who was present at the first Nicene Councel hath these wordes as Athanasius writing against the Emperour Constantius doth testifie Yf this be a iudgement of Bisshops what hath the Emperour to do there with But one the contrary parte yf these thinges be wrought by the threates and menaces of Emperour what neade is there of anye men besides to beare the Bare Title of Bisshoppes When from the beginning of the worlde hath it bene heard of that the iudgement of the Churche toke his authority of the Emperour Or when hath this at any tyme bene agnised for a iudgement Many synodes haue ben before this tyme many Councels hath the Church holden but the tyme is yet to come that either the fathers went about to persuade the Prince any such matter or the Prince shewed him selfe to be curiouse in matters of the Churche But nowe we haue a spectacle neuer sene before browght in by Arrius heresye The heretikes and the Emperour Constantius are assembled that he may vnder the colour and title of Bisshops vse his power against whome it pleaseth him M. Horne to this allegation aunswereth that M. Fekenham doth Athanasius threfolde wronge c. To the first wronge I replie that putting the case that these are not Hosius his words but Athanasius M. Fekenhams matter is nothing thereby hindered but rather furthered considering the excellent authority that Athanasius hath and euer had in the Churche And Hosius hath euen in the said epistle of Athanasius and but one leaf before a much like sentence proceding of a couragious and a godly boldenes Medle not you Syr Emperour saieth he to the forsayed Constantius with matters Ecclesiastical neither cōmaund vs in this parte but rather learne these thinges of vs. God hath committed to you the Empire and to vs those things that appertaine to the Churche And therefore euen as he that maligneth and spiteth your Empire doeth contrarie Gods ordinance so take ye head least ye in medling with matters of the Church doe not runne into some greate offence Whereas for the second wrong done to Athanasius you say that M. Fekenham hath lefte one material word out of Athanasius ye haue turned that worde to one halfe hundred wordes with a nedelesse declaration the space of one whole leafe at the least And yet you neuer come nigh the matter Beside such is your wisedome ye alleage in this your extraordinarie glose an epistle of S. Ambrose which doth so cōfirme M. Fekenhams present allegation and is so agreable to Athanasius ād so disagreable to the cheife principle of al this your boke that I maruel that euer ye would ones name it vnlesse ye neuer read it your self but trusted the collector of your cōmon places For the law of Valentinian whereof we spake before is in that epistle to the yong Valentian Whē euer heard you sayth he that in a cause of faith lay mē gaue iudgment vpon a Bishoppe If we will peruse and ouerloke either the order of holie write or the Auncient tyme who is there that will denie that in matter of Faythe I saie saieth S. Ambrose in matter of faieth but that the Bishoppes are wonte to iudge vppon the Emperours and not the Emperours vppon the Bishoppes He saith againe afterward If there be any conference to be had touching the faith it must be had emong the Priestes And how this doctrine of S. Ambrose which is the doctrine of the catholike Church and most conformable to the saying of Athanasius agreeth either with your late acte of parliament wherby the catholik bishops were deposed or with the doctrine of your boke euery man may see Yea S. Ambrose saieth yet farder that the Emperour Valētiniā whose sonne being enduced thereto by the Arrian bishop Auxētius woulde nedes call the bishop before his benche and Iudge ouer him made an expresse lawe that In matter of faithe or of any ecclesiastical order he should iudge that were neither by office vnequal neither by right vnlike That is as S. Ambrose him selfe expoundeth it Sacerdotes de Sacerdotibus voluit iudicare He woulde haue Priestes to iudge ouer Priestes And not only in matters ecclesiastical or of faithe but saieth S. Ambrose Si aliâs argueretur Episcopus morū esset examinanda causa etiā hanc voluit ad Episcopale iudiciū pertinere If otherwise also a Bishop were accused and a question touching maners were to be examined this question also that Emperour woulde haue to belonge to the trial and Iudgement of Bishops Here you haue that yt belongeth not to Princes to be iudges vppon priests either in matters of faith either in matters touching liuing and māners which doth vtterly destroy al your new primacy and your late acte of Parliament deposing the right Bishoppes as I haue saide And we are wel contente that councelles shoulde be free from al feare and that Princes shoulde not appointe or prescribe to Bishops howe they should iudge as ye declare owt of Athanasius and S. Ambrose Let this be as muche material as ye wil to a bishoply iudgmēte But I pray you is there nothing else that Athanasius saieth is material to the same Yes truely One of these materiall thinges was that this Councel was made voyde and annichilated for that Iulius the Pope did not consent to yt as the canons of the Churche require which commaunde that neither councel be kepte nor Bishoppes condemned withowte the Authoritie of the Bishoppe of Rome And therefore Iulius did rebuke the Arrians that they did not first of all require his aduice which they knewe was the Custome they shoulde and take their definitiō from Rome This Pope also did restore Athanasius againe to his Bishopprike as your
wherin Christ wil haue no cōpartener Surely we make no God of the Pope and sometimes perhappes no good man neyther And yet we reuerence him for his office and authoritie that Christe so amplie and honorablie gaue him for preseruation of vnitie and quietnes in his Church Your wisedome with like truth also appeareth in that you call the Pope the Archeretike of Rome naming no man And so your woordes so liberallie and wantonly cast out doe as wel comprehend S. Peter S. Clement and other holy Martyrs and Bishops there as anye other I promise you a wel blowen blast and hansomly handeled With like finenesse you call him Archeretike that is the supreme Iudge ouer all Heretikes and heresies too and that hath already iudged you and your Patriarches for Archeritikes I wisse as well might the fellon at the barre in Westmynster hall to saue his life if it mighte be call the Iudge the strongest theef of all and doubtles had he a Prince on his side his plea were as good as youres is Now where ye say we would haue the Pope to raigne here in the Quenes place procedeth frō your lik truth ād wisedom For albeit the Popes autority was euer chief for matters eccleastical yet was there neuer any so much a noddie to say ād beleue the Pope raigned here The Pope and the King beīg euer two distinct persons farre different the one from the other in seueral functions and administrations and yet wel concurrant and coincident togeather without any● imminution of the one or the others authoritie Wel ye wil perhap say that albeit M. Gilbie misliketh this title in the Prince yet he liketh wel the religiō especially such as now is and such as was in King Edwards daies which is all one Herken then I pray you what his censure and iudgement is therof I will name saith he no particular thinges because I reuerence those dayes meaninge of King Edwarde sauing only the killing of both the Kings vncles and the prisonment of Hoper for Popes garmentes God graunt you al repentant hartes For no order or state did anye parte of his duetie in those daies but to speak of the best wherof you vse to boast your Religion was but an English Mattins patched foorth of the Popes Portesse many things were in your great booke superstitious and foolish All were driuen to a prescript seruice like the Papists that they should think their dueties discharged if the number were sayed of Psalmes and Chapters Finallye their coulde no discipline be brought into the Churche nor correction of manners I trust nowe M. Horne that you will somewhat the more beare with the Catholikes if they can not wel beare the seruice and title which your companions so yll liketh Yet because ye are so harde maister to M. Fekenham and his fellowes to haue their doing a preparation to rebellion against the Quenes person for defēding Ecclesiastical authority which nothīg toucheth her person or croun as without the which it hath most honorably continued and florished many hūdred yeres and shal by Gods grace continew full well and full long againe when it shall please God let this title and iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall goe which al good Princes haue euer forgon as nothing to them apertaining Let vs come to the very temporall authoritie and lette vs consider who make any preparation of rebellion the Catholikes or the Protestants Who are they I pray you that haue set foorth deuises of their owne for the succession of the crowne withoute the Princes knowledge Surely no Catholikes but the very Protestants them selues Who blewe the first blast of the trompet I pray you Who are those that haue set foorth in open printed bookes in the English tongue that neither Queene Marie nor this our gracious Quene were lawfull inheritours of the Croune And finally that it is againste the Lawe of God and nature that anye woman shoulde inherite anye principalitie or Kingdome No Catholique I warrante you but your holye brethren so feruente in the woorde of the Lorde Yea amonge other M. Iohn Knoxe the new Apostle of Scotlande It is not birth onely saith he or propinquitie of bloud that maketh a King lawfully to reigne aboue the people professing Iesus Christ and his eternal veritie but in his election muste the ordināce which God hathe established in the election of inferiour Iudges be obserued Loe this Apostle excludeth al succession as well of men as women and will haue the Kingdome to goe by election that in case there be founde any Prince that fansieth not this newe Apostle that then he may be lawfullye deposed and a newe brother in his roome placed And therefore I feare not saith he to affirme that it had been the dutie of the Nobilitie Iudges Rulers and people of Englande not onelie to haue resisted and against standed Marie that Iesabell whome they call their Queene but also to haue punnished her to deathe with all the sorte of her Idolatrous Priestes togeather with all suche as shoulde haue assisted her Ye shall nowe heare the verdit of an other good man a zealous brother of Caluins schole I knowe saieth he ye will saie the Croune is not entailed to the heires Males onelie but appertaineth as well to the daughters And therefore by the lawes of the Realme yee coulde not otherwise doe But if it be true yet miserable is the answeare of suche as hadde so longe time professed the Gospell and the liuely word of God If it had bene made of Paganes and Heathens whiche knewe not God by his woorde it mighte better haue bene borne withall but amonge them that bare the name of Gods people with whome his lawes shoulde haue chiefe authoritie this answeare is not tolerable And afterwarde If shee had bene no bastarde but the Kinges daughter as laufullie begotten as was her Sister that godlie Ladie and meeke lambe voide of all Spanisshe pride and straunge bloude yet in the sicknes and at the deathe of our lawfull Prince of Godlye memorie Kinge Edwarde the sixte that shoulde not haue bene your firste counsell or question who shoulde be your Queene but firste and principallye who had bene moste metest amonge your brethren to haue hadde the gouernemente ouer you and the whole gouernemente of the Realme to rule them carefullye in the feare of God After this he sheweth his minde more expresselye A woman saieth he to reigne Gods lawe forbiddeth and nature abhorreth whose reigne was neuer counted lawefull by the woorde of God but an expresse signe of Gods wrathe and a notable plague for the sinnes of the people As was the raigne of Iesabell and vngodlie Athalia especiall instrumentes of Sathan and whippes to his people of Israell I dooe here omitte a Sermon made by one of your Prelates that bothe Queene Marie and our graciouse Queene Elizabeth were bastardes And they saye that your selfe Maister Horne did the same at Durham Howe lyke yee this Maister Horne Is this a preparation of
here folowīg who speaketh of M. Fekenhā without any regarde so loosely and lewdely as to saye he maketh his belly his God that his frēds mistrusted his reuolting and wauering incōstācy that he sent foorth copies of the book as M. Horn termeth the shedule when he sawe the othe should not be tendred him and such lyke Where are nowe in this your false tale the dewe circūstāces that ye nedelessely required of M. Fekenhā most necessarie here to haue bene obserued of yow Suerly the rest is as true as that ye write of his seruante and of his charges wekely defrayde by his frēds and brought in by his seruāte which is as farre as I can vnderstande stark false Why doe ye not I pray you in these and your other blinde fonde folishe and false ghesses and surmises make your tale more apparāte and cowlorable clothing it with some cōuenient and dew circumstances that ye do so much harpe vppon against M. Fekenham Ye be now again blindly and lewdly harping vpō his revolte to slaunder and deface him Ye say he sent out his copies when he vnderstode right wel that the othe was not like to be tendered him How proue ye it good Sir He and other Catholiks made their certain accompte that after the end of the parliament the othe should haue ben offred thē what was the cause it was not exacted I certainly know not were it for the great plague that immediatly reigned and raged at London I pray God it were no plague to punish the straunge procedings in that parliament against his holy Church and to put vs in remembraunce of a greater plague imminēte and hanging ouer vs in this or in an other world onlesse we repent or were it by special order goodnes and mercy of the Quenes Maiesty I can not tel But this well I wote no gramercy to you sir who so sore thirsted and lōged for the catholiks bloud And therfore as sone as Gods plague ceased thought to haue your self plaged the Catholiks exactīg the Othe of M. Doctour Bonner Bisshop of Lōdon But lo here now began your and your fellowes the protestant bisshops wonderful plague and scourge that throwgh your own seking and calling this man to the othe the matter so meruelously fel out that ye and your felowes as ye were no church bisshops whose authority ye had forsaken and defied so you were also no parliament bisshops Vpō the which a pitiful case your state your honour your worship and bisshoply authority yea faith and al now restethe and dependeth A meruelouse prouidence of God that while ye could not be contente to spoile the true bisshops of their wordly estate and honor but must nedes haue their poore lyfe and al you your self were founde to be no bisshops no not by the very statutes of the realme But lette these thinges now passe and herken we to Maister Hornes blaste The 8. Diuision Pag. 6. b. M. Fekenham First is that I must by a booke Othe vtterlye testifie that the Queenes highnes is the onely supreme gouernour of this realme and that aswell in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall thinges or causes as Temporall But to testifie any thinge vppon a booke Othe no man may possiblye therein auoide periury except he doe first know the thing which he doth testifie and whereof he beareth witnesse and geueth testimonye And touching this knowledge that the Queenes maiesty is the onely supreme gouernour aswell in Spirituall or Ecclesiastical causes as in Tēporal besides that I haue no such knowledge I know no way nor meane whereby I shoulde haue any knowledge thereof And therefore of my part to testifie the same vppon a booke Othe beinge without as I am in deede al knowledge I cannot without committinge of plaine and manifest periury And herein I shal ioyne this issue with your L. that whē your L. shal be able either by such order of gouernment as our Sauiour Christe left behinde him in his Gospel and new testament either by the writing of such learned Doctours both Olde and new which haue from age to age witnessed the order of Ecclesiastical gouernmente in Christes Churche either by the general Councels wherein the righte order of Ecclesiastical gouernement in Christes Church hath beene most faithfully declared and shewed from time to time or elles by the continual practise of the like Ecclesiasticall gouernment in some one Church or part of all Christendom VVhan your Lordshippe shal be able by any of these fower meanes to make proufe vnto me that any Emperour or Empresse King or Quene may claym or take vpon thē any such gouernmēt in spiritual or ecclesiastical causes I shal herein yelde and with most humble thankes reken my selfe well satisfied and shal take vppon me the knowledge thereof and be ready to testifie the same vppon a booke Othe M. Horne The reason or argument that moueth you not to testifie vpon a book Othe the Q. Supremacy in causes ecclesiastical is this No man may testifie by Othe that thing vvhereof he is ignorant and knovveth nothīg vvithout committīg periury But you neither knovv that the Q. highnes is the onely supreme gouernour asvvel in causes Ecclesiasticall ▪ as Temporall neither yet knovv you any vvay or meane vvhereby to haue any knovvledge thereof Therefore to testifie the same vppon a booke Othe you can not vvithout committing of plaine and manifest periury For ansvveare to the Minor or seconde Proposition of this argument Although I might plainly deny that you are vvithout all knovvledge and vtterly ignoraunt both of the matter and the vvay or meane hovv to come by knovvledge therof and so put you to your prouf vvherein I knovv you must needes faile yet vvil I not so ansvveare by plain negatiue but by distinctiō or diuisiō of ignorāce And so for your better excuse declare in vvhat sort you are ignoraūt and vvithout al knovvledge There are three kinds of ignorātes the one of simplicity the other of vvilfulnes and the thirde of malice Of the first sort you cānot be for you haue had longe time good oportunity much occasiō and many vvaies vvhereby to come to the knovvledge hereof Yea you haue knovvē and profest openly by deede and vvorde the knovvledge hereof many yeers together For you did 28. knovv acknovvledge and confesse this supreme authority in causes Ecclesiastical to be in King Hēry the eight and his heyres vvhā your Abbay of Eueshā by cōmō cōsent of you and the other Mōks there vnder your couent seale vvas of your ovvn good vvilles vvithout compulsion surrendred into his handes and you by his authority refourmed forsooke your folishe vovve and many .29 horrible errours and superstitions of Monkery and became a secular Priest and Chaplaine to D. Bell and aftervvarde to D. Bonner and so duringe the life of King Henry the eight did agnise professe and teach opēly in your sermōs the kings Supremacy in causes Ecclesiastical This knovvledge remained stedfastly in you al
Priestes are now the King did all those Ecclesiasticall matters and not by his Princely authoritie Againe the like you might haue alleaged of Carolus Magnus that he corrected most diligently the order of reading and singing in the Church that he brought first into Fraunce Cantū Gregorianū the order of singing left by S. Gregorie at Rome ād appoynted singers therefore and when they did not wel placed other in their romes and many other such like maters of the Church wherin that godly Emperor much busied himself and yet exercised no supreme gouernmēt ouer the clergy but was of al other Princes moste farre from it as it maye easely appeare to him that wil read in the Decrees Dist. 19. In memoriam ▪ where he protesteth obediēce to the See of Rome yea though an importable charge should be laied vppon him by that holy See Also in the Decrees xj q. j. which Iuo also alleageth where he renueth out of the Code of Theodosius a law binding al his subiects of al nations Prouinces and Countries of what so euer qualitie or condition they were and in all maner causes if the defendante require an Ecclesiasticall iudgement it be not lawfull from the Bisshops sentence to appeale any higher And surely no Prince more recognised their duetifull obedience to the Spirituall Magistrate in spirituall causes then such as were most ready and carefull to aide furder and to their power directe all Spirituall matters Al this therefore proueth wel that Godly Princes doe furder and sette foorth Gods Religion by meanes semely to their vocation But here is no manner inckling that Princes doe or did euer beare the supreme gouernmēt in all Ecclesiastical matters to decide and determine to alter and change to sette vppe and plucke doune what Religion liked them by their Princelye authoritie and mere Soueraigntie M. Horne The .14 Diuision Pag. 9. a. Salomon .42 deposed Abiathar the high Prieste and placed Sadoc in his roome And he builded the Temple placed the Arke in the place appointed for the same Hallovved or dedicated the Temple offred sacrifices blessed the people directed the Priestes Leuites and other Churche officers in their functions according to the order before taken by his Father Dauid And neither the Priestes nor Leuites swerued in anie thing .43 pertaining to their office from that that the King commaunded them The .12 Chapter concerning the example of King Salomon THE weight of this obiectiō resteth in the deposition of Abiathar the high Priest Which thing M. Dorman and M. D. Harding say imployeth no more superioritie then if a man shoulde saye Q. Marie deposed M. Cranmer and yet was not shee the chiefe but an accessorie instrumente for the furtherance of th execution But Lord how M. Nowel here besturreth him self He fumeth and freateth with M. Dorman who shal coole him wel inowghe I dowbt not In the meane while I wil aske M. Horne and M. Nowel to one question M. Horne saieth a litle before that Iosue sacrificed burnte sacrifices and burnte offeringes that King Dauid sacrificed burnte and peace offerings that Salomon offered sacrifices Were trow ye Iosue Dauid and Salomon priests If so thē how bring you their examples to proue any thing for kings and Quenes that are no priestes If not then this phrase is verefied in that they caused the priests to whome the matter perteyned to offer sacrifices And so whereas M. Horn saieth of Iosue that he sacrificed burnte sacrifices whiche is agreable to the Latin Obtuli● holocausta M. Nowel saieth he commaunded sacrifice to be offered And why then I praye you M. Nowel may not this phrase also be taken after the said sorte that Salomon deposed Abiathar in procuring him by some ordinary way to be deposed for his treason As M. Crāmer might haue ben though he were both deposed and burnt for his heresy But now M. Horn that Salomō was but a minister and an executour herein the very words immediatly folowing the which because they serue plain against your purpose you craftely dissembled doe testifie Which are these And so Salomon put away Abiathar from beinge priest vnto the Lorde to fulfill the words of the Lorde whiche he spoke ouer the howse of Hely in Silo. And thus was Salomō but the minister and executour of Gods sentence published before by Samuel the Leuite Beside that the deposing of Abiathar doth not imploye that Salomō was the chief ruler in all causes Ecclesiastical which is the butte that ye muste shote at and thē must ye prouide an other bow for this wil not shote home Where you say farder that neither the Priests nor Leuites swerued in any thing perteyning to their office from that the King commaunded them you haue swerued very lewdly frō the text of holy Scripture and haue added to it those words perteyning to their office more then is expressed in the Scriptures and haue printed them in a distinct letter as the expresse wordes of the Scripture With such homly shiftes an euil cause must be furdered M. Horne The 15. Diuision Pag. 10. a. Iosaphat hath no smal commendation in the Scriptures for that he so studiously vsed his .44 princely authority in the reformation of Religion and matters apperteyning therunto He remoued at the first beginnīg of his reigne al maner of false Religiō and what so euer might because of offēce to the faithful He sent forth through his kingdom visitours both of his Princes and also of the Priests and Leuits vvith the book of the Lavv of the Lord to the end they should instruct and teache the people and refourme all maner abuses in ecclesiastical causes accordīg to that book After a vvhyle he made a progresse in his ovvn person throughout al his countrey and by his preachers reduced ād brought again his people from superstitiō ād false religiō vnto the Lord the God of their fathers He appointed in euery tovvn throughout his kingdom as it vvere Iustices of the peace such as feared the Lord and abhorred false religiō to decide cōtrouersies in ciuil causes and in like sort he appointed and ordeined the high Priests vvith other Priests Leuits and of the chief rulers amōg the Israelits to be at Hierusalem to decide and iudge cōtrouersies of great vveight that should a●ise about matters of religiō and the Lavv. He did cōmaunde and prescribe 45. vnto the chief Priests and Leuits vvhat fourme and order they should obserue in the ecclesiasticall causes and controuersies of religion that vvere not so difficult and vveighty And vvhen any tokē of Gods displeasure appeared either by vvarres or other calamity he gaue order to his subiects for commō praier and enioyned to thē publike faste vvith earnest preaching of repentaunce and seeking after the vvil of the Lord to obey and folovve the same The 13. Chapter concerning the example of King Iosaphat YOV alleage for the supreame gouernement of King Iosaphat in spiritual matters as the Apology doth
almighty God might be kept and mainteined amōgest al Congregations of the Catholique Churche The first Chapter Of Constantine the Greate and of his diuers dealing in matters Ecclesiasticall Stapleton NOW M. Horne beginneth to walke though not more truly yet more orderly then before Now wil he bring inuincible proufs taken frō the Councels General and National from the Emperoures from Kings and finallye from the continuall practise of Christendome In deede he beginneth here with Constantinus the Emperoure and runneth on from Emperour to Emperour with a continuall race euen to the late Maximilian Graundfather and next predecessour to Charles the fift Then haue we about a ten Kings of Spaine and about twelue of Fraūce and as many of England also and that sins the Conqueste with diuers other Kings and Princes yea he hath in his side as he saith Moscouia Graecia Armenia and Aethiopia As for Councels what Generall what Prouinciall he hathe made a great mouster of them and hath them all redy to serue him as he braggeth at the least one halfe hundred Beside all these he is armed and fenced euen with the Popes Canon lawes and with a number of Popes them selues For the residue of his Authors they are in great plentie But I can not tell for what pollicy whereas they driue the Catholiks to six hundred yeares and pinne vppe their proufes within those boundes this man by some speciall prerogatiue by like and for some deepe consideration vnknowen to mee and perchaunce to him self too buildeth moste vpon those that were after the six hundred yeares yea a greate number of them by one six hundred yeares later And with these proufes he cōmeth now continually forth on whole 70. leaues But now alas how shall poore M. Fekenham abide the brunt of such a strong and a mighty force It semeth he must nedes be borne quite ouer And surely so he should be if they could ones hitte him But thanked be God ther is one hūdred miles betwen him ād their strokes And as farre doth M. Horne straggle from the very matter he taketh in hand to proue Wherfore good Reader I pray the haue good eye and regard to the thing that ought to be proued by M. Horne and then shalt thou plainely see that M. Fekenhā is out of al danger of this terrible armye as that commeth nothing nigh to him by many a faire mile Let vs now in Gods name beginne with Constantine who cōmeth first to hād whose doings good Reader by M. Horne here alleaged for thy more ease and for the better vnderstanding of M. Hornes whole drift I wil orderly digest and shortly dispose by certaine Articles The first then is for āswere to this present point that Cōstātine repressed idolatry ād false superstitiō of the Painims but this proueth no principality such as our plat fourme requireth And of this we haue also said somwhat before M. Horne The .29 Diuision fol. 20. a. He did not only abolish al superstitions and false religions vvhich had ben amongst the Gentils but also he repressed .71 by his authority lavves and decrees al such heresies as sprong vp amōgst the Christiās sharply reprouing and correcting the authors or mainteinours of heretical doctrines as the No●atiās Valentinians Paulianes and Cataphrigians as Eusebius saith of him And Theodoretus doth recite a part of an Epistle that Cōstantine vvrote vnto the Nicomedians vvherin the Emperor hath this saying If we haue chast bishops of right opiniō of curteous behauiour we reioice But if any be enflamed rashly and vnaduisedly to cōtinue the memory and cōmendation of those pestilēt Heresies his fool hardy presumptiō shal forthwith be corrected and kept vnder by my correctiō which am Gods minister Constantinus also gaue Iniunctiōs to the chief minister of the churches that thei shuld make special supplicatiō to God for him He enioyneth al his subiects that they should kepe holy certaine daies dedicated to Christ and the Saturday He gaue a lawe vnto the rulers of the Nations that they should celebrate the Sōday in like sort after the appointment of the Emperour And so the daies dedicated to the memory of Martyrs ād other festiual times c. And al such things saith Eusebius were done according to the ordinaunce of the Emperour He commaunded Eusebius the Bishop to dravv certaine Instructions and lessons as it vvere Homilies forth of the holy Scriptures that they might be reade in the Churches VVhich vvas done incontinente according to the Emperours commaundement Stapleton Constantine saith M. Horne by his lawes repressed the Nouatians Valentinians and other heretikes And so woulde he represse you and your heresies too if he were now liuing as no Bishops continuing the memory and commendation of pestilent heresies that I maye truely vse your owne phrase neither for al that should he be any supreme head of the Church If Constantine of his owne authoritie had first of all men the matter of those heretiques standing in controuersie determined the same and pronoūced them as a Iudge to be heretikes then had ye said somwhat to the purpose But now he found them by the Bishops ād the Church declared before he was borne for heretikes So therefore he toke them and so therfore he made sharpe lawes against them So that this place proueth onely Constantine to haue put in executiō the decree of the Bishops and so it serueth very well against you for the Supremacie of the Bishops in such matters As doth the next also for the holy daies ye alleage dedicated to Christ as Sonday and other For these holy daies the Emperour did not first ordeine but they were ordeyned to his hand of the Church before he was Christened Namely the Sōday as it may appere by the Coūcel of Nice it self And he like a good Prince was careful by his Emperial authority to cōfirme the same that the people drawen frō worldly busines to the desire of heauenly things might fruitfully obserue thē So that not ōly the Sōday for the honour of Christes Resurrection but also many other dayes were dedicated to the memory of the Martyrs of whom ye speake before Constantines time as appeareth well by S. Cyprian Tertullian and Origen And thinke ye if Constanstantine were now aliue that he woulde well beare to see the aūciēt Martyrs festiual daies abolished or that his eares would not glow for shame to heare that it were a superstitious thing to pray for al Christen soules his own soule being praied for as sone as he was deade by the good and deuout people which as Eusebius writeth did therein to him an acceptable seruice Also to heare that it were plaine Idolatrie to pray to any Sainte in heauen him selfe building a noble and a sumptuous Church in the honour of the Apostles thinking therby to doe a thing that should be profitable and holsome for his soule Vt precibus quae eo loci ad honorē Apostolorū futurae essent dignus haberetur That he
might be made saith Eusebius a worthy partaker of such prayers as shuld be there made for the honor of the said Apostles But Sir I pray you let me demaund of you a question If Constantine were so godly a Prince as ye make him to be how chanced it he cōmaūded to kepe holy the satterday Whē and where I pray ye throughout all Christēdom can you shew by al that euer you haue read that it was kept an ordinary holiday I am sure it was neuer so kept And great maruel it is to mee that the satturday being euen in the very Apostles time and by them translated into the Sōday in the honour of Christes glorious resurrection and least we should seme to be Iewish and Cōstantine him self being so earnest against them that kept the Easter day after the olde fasshion of the Iewes should so sodenly become him self so Iewish This might haue ben a fitte cōstitution to be made of some of the Iewes that to precisely and superstitiouslie also kept that day as the Iew did in Englād at Tewkisbury Who falling vpon the Satturday as Fabian writeth into a priuy would not for reuerēce of his saboth day be plucked out Wherof hearing the Earle of Gloucester and thinking to do as much reuerence to the Sōday kept him there till the mōday at which ceason he was found dead It had ben I say a fitte ordināce to haue ben made of some Iew very vnfit for so good ād vertuous a Prince as was Cōstantine Yet notwithstāding I am the better cōtent to passe this ouer and find no great faulte with you but with Musculus whose translation beside his notable false corruptiō is but very secōdary But forasmuch as the cōmon copies of the Greke seme not very sincere in this place I wil not very much charge you neither And yet I can not altogether discharge him or you if ye thinke so ignorātly and grosly as ye haue writen that Cōtantine cōmaunded the Satturday to be holdē as an holiday And because I am entered into this matter I shal shewe thee mine aduise good Reader and that I suppose for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shoulde be readen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 adding one Iota and so may there be made a good sense thus Wherfore he admonished all that were vnder the Romain Empire that they shuld vpō such daies as were dedicated to our Sauiour rest and kepe them holy as the Saturday was wont to be kept holy In remembrāce as it semeth me of those thīgs that our sauiour did vpō those dais Wel let vs go now to the next ād that is that Cōstantine cōmaūded Homelies to be drawē out So did Charles the maine too and yet no man toke him for supreme head therin And would God that your homly homelies had none other nor worse doctrine than those that the saied Charles procured to be made Or the Homelies of our country man the venerable Bede made a litle before Charles his time ād yet extāt ād in the Catholik church authorised I pray God your Homelies may be made ones conformable to the doctrine of their Homelies The .30 Diuision Fol. 21. b. VVhen the Emperour heard of the great schisme moued betvvixt Arius ād Alexāder the Bishop of Alexandria vvhervvith the Churche vvas pitiouslie tormēted ād as it vvere rēt in sonder he .72 toke vpō him as one that had the care ād authority ouer al to send Hosius a great learned and godly Bisshop of Spaine to take order and to appeace the cōtētion vvriting to Alexāder and to Arius a graue and also a sharp letter charging Alexander vvith vanity Arius vvith vvāt of circūspection shevving them both that it vvas vnsemely for the one to moue suche a question and for the other to ansvvere therin and vndiscreetly done of them both And therfore cōmaunded them to cease of frō such contentious disputatiōs to agree betvvixt them selues and to lay aside frō thenceforth such vain and trifling questiōs He pacified also the schism at Antioch begun about the chosing of their Bishop to vvhom for that purpose he sent honorable Embassadors vvith his letters to a great nūber of Bishops that thā vvere at Antioch about that busines and to the people exhorting thē to quietnes and teaching thē saith Eusebius to study after godlines in a decēt maner declaring vnto the bishops as 73 one that had autority ouer them euen in such maters vvhat things apperteined and vvere semely for thē to do in such cases and noteth vnto them a directiō vvhich they should folovv And after he had saith Eusebius geuē such things in cōmaundement vnto the Bishops or chief ministers of the Churches he exhorted them that they would do al things to the praise and furtherance of Gods word Stapleton Here are two things The one that Cōstantine sendeth his letters to Arius and the B. of Alexādria to pacify ād appease the cōtention begun with Arius The other that he labored to pacify an other schism at Antioch about the chosing of the B. of Antioch Neither of these draw any thing nigh to the new primacy ye would establish And such letters might any other good zealous mā haue sent to thē beīg no Emperour And as for elections in those dayes not only the Emperour but the people also had some interest therin Wherefore here is no colour of your supremacie And therefore to helpe foreward the matter and to vndershore and vnderproppe your ruinouse building withall ye interlace of your owne authoritie these wordes as one that had the care and authoritie ouer all which your author Socrates hath not and likewise as one that had authoritie ouer them which Eusebius hath not And here by the way I woulde aske of you for eache matter a question If these of Alexander and Arius were vaine and triefling questions as ye alleage why doe ye call Arius his errour an horrible heresie And why say yee their dissention was about a necessary article of the Faith I moue it for this that hereby we may vnderstād as wel the great necessitie of Generall Councels as the Supreme gouernment of causes Ecclesiasticall to haue remained in the Bishops there assembled For Constantine that tooke not at the beginning these questions to be of so great importāce after the determination of the Councel tooke Arius to be a very obstinate heretique and his heresie to be an horrible heresie as ye cal it Concerning the second as we graunt the Prince had to doe with election and yet not proprely with election but with the allowinge and approbation of Spirituall mens election so I demaund of you what interest the people hath in either election or approbation nowe in England Againe I demaund whether in the auncient Church the Prince might as he may in England not onely nominate a person to be elected of the Deane ād Chapter but if they doe not elect within certaine daies miserablye to wrappe them in
Homo homini quantum interest stulto intelligens See howe farre square and extreme different your opinion is from the iudgement of the Catholike Fathers and Bisshops so many hundred yeares past You M. Horne and your fellowes will haue al Synods and Councels to be called ordered directed gouerned confirmed approued and wholy gouerned of the Prīce and his officers And without the Princes authority cōmission order directiō cōfirmation and royal assent you wil haue no Synodes or Councelles of Bishops to auaile or to haue force Contrarywise these Catholike Bishops in the East Church do for this very cause reproue and reiect the Assembly of certaine Bishops for no Synode at al because al was there done by the authoritie order direction and power of the Princes Lieutenaunt And they doe make a plaine distinction betwene Negotium Imperiale and Synodale betwene an Imperiall matter and a Synodall matter as who shoulde saye If the Emperour beare all the stroke it is no Synod nor so to be called Therefore these Catholique Fathers say againe in the same place within few lines after Si velut Episcopi sese Iudices volebāt esse quid opus erat vel Comite vel militibus aut edictis ad coeundum imperialibus If these fellowes would be them selues Iudges as Bishops what neded them to haue either the Countie or the souldiars or any Imperial Edicts to make them assemble As who would say In the Bishoply iudgement in the Synode of bishops it is not meete eyther to be summoned by the Prince or to haue his Lieutenaunt present or to haue his gard of Souldiars These matters become the temporal Court and the Ciuile Consistorie where by force of subiection lawes do procede They become not the Synods of Bishoppes where with quiet of minde with godly deliberation freely and franckly without feare or partialitie Gods matters ought to be treated discussed and concluded Therefore againe these Catholik Fathers doe say of this Arrian Conuenticle at Tyrus Qua fronte talem conuentum Synodum appellare audent cui Comes praesedit With what face dare they call such an assemblye by the name of a Synode ouer the which the County was president And yet will yow M. Horne that the ciuill Magistrate shall be the president and Supreme gouernour in and ouer al Synodes Maye not a man nowe clappe yow on the backe and saye Patrisas Arrianisas And that yow are as like to the cursed Arrians as if Arrius him self had spet you out of his mouth Those Fathers cry yet againe vnto you and say Quae species ibi Synodi vbi vel caedes vel exiliū si Caesari placuisset cōstituebatur What face of any Synod was there where at the Emperours pleasure either death or banishmēt was decreed This cōuenticle therefore at Tyrus was no Synod Neither could therfore Athanasius appeale from any Synod to the Emperoure But that which Athanasius then did and which yow vntruely call an Appeale from the Synod was only a cōplaint to the godly Emperour Constātine againste the vniuste violences of the honourable as you call him Flauius Dionysius wherein also those Catholique Fathers aboue mentioned shall witnesse with mee against you For thus they write Quum nihil culpae in comministro nostro Athanasio reperirent Comésque summa vi imminens plura contra Athanasium moliretur Episcopus comitis violentiam fugiens ad religiosissimum Imperatorem ascendit depre●ās iniquitatem hominis aduersariorum calumnias p●stulāsque vt legitima Episcoporum Synodus indiceretur ▪ aut ipse audiret suam defensionem Wheras they could find no fault in our fellowe Prieste Athanasius and the Countye by force and violence wrought many things against Athanasius the Bishoppe declining the violence of the Countie went vp to the most religious Emperor complaining both of the iniurious dealing of the Lieutenant and of the slanders of his Aduersaries and requiring that a laufull Synode of Bisshops might be called or els that th'Emperour would heare him to speake for him selfe By these woordes we see that Athanasius appealed not from any Synodicall sentence of bishops to the Emperour as a Superiour Iudge in Synodicall matters but from the violence and iniuries of the Lieutenaunt to his Lord and Maister the Emperoure him self for to haue iustice and audiēce not in any mate● of Religion or controuersie of the faith but in a matter of felony laid to his charge as the murder of a man and an outrage committed by one of his Priestes in a Churche For the which his aduersaries sought his death And yet when they came before the Emperour they chaunged their action and pleaded no more vpon the murder which was foūd to be so euident a lye Arsenius being brought forth aliue before the benche when they accused Athanasius of his death neither vpō the Chalice brokē that being also a very ridiculous ād a plain forged mater but they pleaded a newe actiō of stoppīg the passage of corne frō Alexādria to Constātinople ād accused hī as an enemie to the Imperial court and City For prouf wherof the Arriās brought in false witnesses and periures But yet the Emperour as they write moued with pitie satis habebat pro morte exilium irrogare thought it enough in stede of death to banish him Whiche he did at the importune suite and clamoures of the Arrian bishoppes sor quietnes and vnities sake in the church But afterward in his death bed the Emperour repentinge him commaunded Athanasius to be restored to his Bisshopricke againe though Eusebius the Arrian then present laboured much to the contrary In al this there was no Ecclesiastical or spiritual matter but mere Ciuile matters in hand Neither was it any Ecclesiastical matter that the Catholike Bisshops of Egypt as you alleage M. Horne desired and ad●ured Flauius Dionysius the foresaied Countie to reserue the examination and iudgement of to the Emperour himself But the matter was suche as we haue before rehearsed matters and actions mere Ciuile Namely they adiured that iniurious and partiall Magistrate the foresayed Countie not to proceede farder against their Patriarche then so grieuoslie attainted but to referre the whole matter to the most Religious Emperoure where they doubted not to finde more fauoure Apud quem say they licebit iura Ecclesiae nostra proponere Before whome we maye put foorth bothe the rightes of the Churche and our owne Meaninge that by his clemencye they mighte be suffered to procede in that matter among them selues orderly as the righte of the Churche and of the Canons required not as M. Horne falsely translateth it that the Emperour would iudge according to the right order of the Church There are no such wordes in the letters of the Catholike Bishops of Aegipt alleaged by M. Horne Otherwise to seke any iudgement of Churche matters at the Emperours handes be you bolde M. Horne no man knewe better then Athanasius him selfe that he could not doe it
For it is Athanasius M. Horne that being restored as I haue said by Constantines last wil and Testament and after againe the secōd time banished vnder the Arrian Emperour Constantius by the meanes also of those Arrian Bishops appealed to Pope Iulius as his competent and ordinarye Iudge and was by him restored to his Bishoprike together with many other Bishops of the East Paulus of Constantinople Asclepas of Gaza Marcellus of Ancyra Lucius of Adrianople with many other appealing then likewise to Pope Iulius It is Athanasius that saith When was it heard from the creation of the worlde that the iudgement of the Church shoulde take his authoritie from the Emperour And what coulde that learned Father saye more directlye againste you and your whole booke M. Horne Verely either that most learned and auncient Father whom the most famous Fathers of al Christendome haue alwaies from time to time reuerenced and honoured as a most glorious light and a singular piller of Gods Church either that moste excellent Bisshop I say in whose praise euen out of the testimonies only of the best writers a iust Treatise might be gathered did fouly erre and misse of the truth either you M. Horne and your fellowes are in a great errour and do defend an exceding absurditie damnable both to you and all that followe you forswearing your selues by booke Othe when yee swere that in conscience you beleue which you ought not ones so much as to thinke For see yet what this Notable Bisshop pronounceth against you It is Athanasius that saieth it If this be the iudgement of bishops what hath the Emperour to doe with it Els if Caesars threates conclude these matters to what purpose haue men the Names of Bisshoppes Contrary wise say you M. Horne It is a principal part of the Princes royall power to haue the supreme gouernement in al maner causes Ecclesiastical or Spiritual O Barbarous heresye from the creation of the worlde neuer heard of before O Antichristian presumption I say Antichristian presumption I lerne of that most constant bisshop Athanasius so to say For it is he that saieth these woordes What hath Constantius omitted that is not the parte of an Antichrist Or what can he when he cometh doe more Or howe shall not Antichrist at his coming finde a ready way prepared for him of this Emperour to deceiue men For nowe againe in stede of the Ecclesiastical iudgement he appointeth his palace to be the benche for Ecclesiasticall causes to be hearde at Seque earum litium summum principem et Authorem facit And he maketh himself the Supreme gouernour and chief doer of those controuersies he speaketh of ecclesiastical Now M. Horne not our Gracious Soueraigne of her owne desire taketh vppon her such gouernment but you most miserable clawebackes and wretched flatterers do force her Grace to take that Title the taking and practising whereof by the assured verdyt of this most lerned Father is a plaine Antichristian presumption For loe what he saieth yet agayne in the same page Who is it that seing the Emperour to make him selfe the Prince of bisshops in decreeing of matters and to be president ouer Eccleclesiasticall iudgements may not worth●ly say that this Emperour is the very abhomination of the d●solation which was foretolde by Daniel See and beholde M. Horn what a most horrible absurdity you labour in your booke to persuade See to what an extreme inconuenience you force mens consciences when you tendre them the Othe comprising the same and more which here Athanasius accompteth the practise of Antichrist Se last of all what traytours you are to God and your Prince which haue persuaded her most Gracious highnes to take vpon her such kinde of gouernment which is a preparation to Antichrist and resembleth the abhomination of desolation foretolde by Daniel And thus much your own Author Athanasius You see how wel he speaketh for you Now that you alleage out of Socrates that Constantin threatened Athanasius he should be brought whether he would or no it anaunceth nothing the Authority of Constantine in Ecclesiasticall matters For so much manye a Prince doth to him that lawfully called to a Councel will not come at the Churches commaundement Wherein he is rather a Ministerial then a principall doer Neither doth the place by you alleaged out of Socrates proue that Constantine examined and iudged the doings of the whole Councell but onely whether they had proceded against Athanasius of enmity or malice And as Socrates there writeth Constantin sayde the suyte of Athanasius was that in his presence he might being driuen thereto by necessyty complaine of such iniuries as he had suffred And it appereth by Theodoretus by you alleaged in the said first booke that the determination and definition of these matters rested in the Bisshops the execution in the Prince For the labour of Constantine with Athanasius then was onelye that he woulde appeare before a Synode of Bisshoppes which had accused him diuerslye before the Emperour and of those Bisshoppes be tryed Which the Emperour did as Theodoret writeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beleuing the accusers of Athanasius as Priestes and thinkinge their accusations to be true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For he was vtterly ignorant of their deceytes and craftly dealinges saieth Theodoret. Thus he iudged not him selfe ouer Athanasius but only procured that to kepe peace in the Churche the bisshops might assemble together and trye their own matter among them selues M. Horne The .33 Diuision Pag. 22. a. There vvere no Churche mattiers or Ecclesiastical causes vvherein the continual practise of the Churche of Christe in this Emperours tyme yea and many hundreth yeeres after did not attribute the .80 supreme rule order and authority vnto Emperours and Kinges vpon vvhome .81 al Churche mattiers did depende as vvitnesseth Socrates vvho shevveth this reason of that he doth thoroughout his Ecclesiasticall History mention so much the Emperours Because that of the Emperors saith he after they beganne to be Christians the Churche matters doe depende yea the greatest Councels haue bene and are called together according to their appointment Eusebius commendeth the great bountifulnes of Constantine tovvardes all estates But saith he this Emperour had a singular care ouer Goddes Churche for as one appointed of God to be a common or vniuersall Bisshop he called Synodes or conuocations of Goddes ministers together into one place that thereby he might appeace the contētious striuinges that were amonge them in sundry places He disdayned not to be present with thē in their Synodes and to sit in the middest of thē as it had been a meaner personage cōmending and approuing those that bente them selues of good meaning to godly vnity and shewed him self to mislike on the other side and to set naught by such as were of contrary disposition Stapleton The general assertion that M. Horne here auoucheth that in Constantynes tyme the continuall practise of the Churche attributed
great dissention kindled partly about a necessarie Article of our beliefe partly about a ceremony of the Churche Arrius incensed vvith ambitious enuie against Alexander his bisshop at alexandria vvho disputed in one of his lessons or treatises more subtily of the diuinity than aduisedly as the Emperour layeth to his chardge quarreled Sophistically against him and mainteined an horrible Heresis Besides this the Churches vvere also diuided amongest themselues about the order or ceremony of keeping the Easterday The Emperour sent Hosius vvith his letters as I sayd before into the Easte parties to appeace the furious dissentiō about both these matters and to reconcile the parties dissenting But vvhen this duetiful seruice of the Emperour tooke not that effect vvhich he vvished and hoped for then as Sozomenus vvriteth he summoned a councel to be holden at Nice in Bythinia and vvrote to al the chief Ministers of the Churches euery vvhere .84 commaunding thē that they should not fayle to bee there at the day appointed The selfe same also doth Theodoretus affirme both touching the occasion and also the summons made by the Emperour Eusebius also vvriting the life of Constantine shevveth vvith vvhat carefulnes the godly Emperour endeuoured to quenche these fiers And vvhen the Emperour saieth Eusebius savve that be preuailed nothing by sending of Hosius vvith his letters Considering this matter with him self said that this warre against the obscure enemy troubling the Church must be vanquished by an other meaning himselfe Therefore as the capitaines of Goddes army towards his voayge he gathered together a Synode oecumenical and he called the Bisshops together by his honorable letters and that they should hasten them selues from euery place These things touching the occasion and cal●ing of this general counsaile by the Emperour are affirmed to be true also by Nicephorus the Ecclesiastical historian Yea the vvhole counsaile in their letters to the ●hurches in Aegipt and the East partes doe testifie the same Synode to be called by the Emperour saying The great and holy Synode was gathered together at Nice by the grace of God and the most religious Emperour Constantine c. The .4 Chapter Of Constantin the Emperour his dealing in the Nicene Councel and with Arius after the Councell Stapleton MAister Horne here entreth to a greate matter and maketh large promises both to proue his principall purpose effectually and to confounde M. Fekēham manifestly But he wil I trowe when he hath al sayed be as farre from them both as if he had helde his peace First to proue a Supreme gouernment in Constantin he telleth vs that Constantine summoned the great Councel at Nice in Bithynia but if he had set in out of Ruffinus Ex Sacerdotū Sententia by the wil minde and consent of the Priests that is of the bisshops then had he marred all his matter and therefore wilily he lefte it out If he had added also out of Theodoret whome he alleageth to proue that the Emperour summoned this Coūcel why and wherefore the Emperour would be present at the Councel him self this imagined Primacy that Maister Horne so depely dreameth of would haue appeared a very dreame in dede The Emperor was present saith Theodoret bothe desirous to beholde the Number of the Bisshops and also coueting to procure vnyty among them These and such like causes doe the Ecclesiastical histories alleage But for any supreme gouernment that the Emperour should practise there as namelye that his Royall assent was necessary to confirme the Coūcell or that without it Arius had not bene cōdemned and that he iudged the heresie or any such matter as you now M. Horne doe attribute to the Prince hauing your whole religion only by the Princes Authority enacted and confirmed for any such matter I say neither in this Councel nor in any other doe the Auncient histories recorde so muche as one word Your new Religion M. Horne hath set vp a new kinde of gouernment such as al the Christian worlde neuer knewe nor hearde of before Nowe that you say the occasion of this famous and most godly Councel was the dissension partly about a necessary Article of our beliefe partly about a ceremony of the Churche which ceremony you say after was of keeping the Easterdaye yf it be so as you say as it is most truely what saye you to your owne Apologie that saieth that the vsuall keeping of Easter daye is a matter of small weight and to your greate Antiquary Bale that saieth it is but a ceremony of Hypocrites Suerly Constantin made a greater accompte of this vniforme obseruation then so seeing that it was the seconde chiefe cause that caused him to summon this famous and most godly Councell ▪ as your selfe calleth it Seing also that he maketh them not much better then Iewes that priuately in his time kept Easter daye otherwise then Rome Afrik Italy Aegypte Spaigne Fraunce Grece Britanny and many other greate countries that he him selfe reakoneth vppe And here by the way falleth out in M. Iewel a lye or two saying that our Countre .700 yeres together kept their Paschal daye with the Grecians otherwise then we doe nowe Ye see I haue abridged .300 yeares and a halfe at the lest For Constantin wrote these wordes straight after the Nicene Councell ended which was kept in the yere of our Lorde .328 M. Horne The .35 Diuision Pag. 23. a. The Bishoppes as I said before vvhen they thought them selues or their Churche iniuried by others vvere vvont to appeale and flie vnto the Emperour as the .85 supreme gouernour in al matters and causes Temporall or Spirituall the vvhiche appeareth moste playne to be the practise of the Churche by these Bishops called vnto the Nicene counsaill For vvhen they came to Nice supposing them selues to haue novve good oportunity beyng nighe vnto the Emperour to reuenge their priuate quarelles and to haue redresse at the Emperours handes of suche iniuries as they thought thē selues to susteyne at others byshops handes eche of them gaue vnto the Emperour a Libell of accusations signifying vvhat vvronges he had susteyned of his fellovve Bishopes and prayed ayde and redresse by his iudgement The Emperour forseyng that these pryuate quarelings if they vvere not by some policy and vvyse deuise sequestred and layde aside vvould muche hynder the common cause tooke deliberatiō appointing a day against the vvhich they shuld be in a readines and commaunded them to prepare and bring vnto him all their libelles and quarelling accusations one against an other Mark by the vvay the craft and practise of Sathan to stay and ouerthrovv good purposes that euen the godly fathers and Bishoppes vvanted not their great infirmities preferring their ovvn priuate trifles before the vveighty causes of Gods Churche And the vvisdome zeale and humblenes of his moste Christian Emperour vvho so litle estemed his ovvn honour and authority that he vvold rather seeme to be inferiour or for the time no more than equal vvith
books vnder paine of deathe dothe not iustifie this supremacie by you imagined This was but an outewarde execution of ciuile punishmente in the assisting of the Nicene Decrees Nowe touching that you tell vs howe Constantine licenced the Fathers to departe if he saied Gramercy moste reuerend Fathers for your great paines and trauail nowe may you in Gods name resorte to your cures and flocke God speede you God prosper your iourney And if he bare their charges too that were poore Bisshoppes as he did in case he woulde not suffer them to depart till all matters were throughlye and finallye discussed What then What supremacy maketh al this Or how is this any thing like to the Supremacy now sworen vnto M. Horne The .38 Diuision pag. 24. b. Arius count●●feiting a false and a feined confession of beliefe like an hypocrite ▪ pretending to the Emperour that it vvas agreable to the faithe of the Nicene Councel humbly beseching the Emperour that he would vnit and restore him to the .96 mother Churche and therefore hauing friends in the Emperours Court as suche shall neuer vvante fautours about the best Princes vvas brought into his presence vvhom the Emperoure him selfe examined diligentlye and perceiuinge no disagreement as he thought from the agrement made in Nicene Councell .97 absolued and restored him againe vvhervnto Athanasius vvho knevv Arius throughly vvould not agree and being accused therfore vnto th'Emperour vvas charged by letters from him that he should receiue Arius vvith these threates that if he vvould not he vvould .98 depose them from his Bisshoprike and commit him to an other place The Arrians heaped vp many and horrible accusations and slaunders vpon Athanasius vvhervpon the Emperour doth summon a Councell at Tyre and sendeth commaundement by his letters ●o Athanasius that vvithout all excuse he should appeare there for othervvise he should be brought vvhether he vvould or no. He vvriteth to the Coūcel his letters vvherin he declareth the causes vvhy he called that Coūcel He shevved vvhat he vvould haue and vvhat they ought to do ād prescribeth vnto thē the form ād rule wherby thei shuld iudge ād determin in that Synod Athanasius appeared appealed fled to the Emperour and declared the iniuries offered against him in that Councel The Emperour tooke vpon him the hearing of the cause sent his letters to the vvhole Synod commaunding them vvithout al excuse or delay to appeare before him in his palaice and there to shevv hovv vprightly and hovve sincerely they had iudged in their Synod as I haue shevved .99 before VVherein obserue diligently that the Emperor taketh vpō hī and no fault found thervvith to examine and iudge of the doings of the vvhol Coūcel Thus far of Cōstantine and his doings in the executiō of his ministerie and especially in perfourming that part vvhich he called his best part that is his gouernement and rule in Ecclesiastical matters vvherein it is manifest that by the practise of the Catholique Churche for his time approued and commended by all the Catholique Priests and Bishops in the Nicene Councell the supreme gouernment authority and rule in ,100 all maner causes both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall vvere claimed and exercised by the Emperour as to vvhom of right suche like povver and authority belonged and appertained Stapleton Beholde nowe an other Argument of M. Hornes imagined Supremacie Arius hypocriticallye dissemblinge his heresie and pretending his faithe to be agreeable to the Nicene faith humbly besecheth Constantine to vnite and restore him to the Mother Churche And so he was absolued and restored Truely here had ye hitte M. Feckenhā home in dede had there bene any such thing in your Authour as in dede there is not nor can be onlesse Constantine had bene also a Priest In dede he released him from exile being before circumuented by a crafty Epistle of his and Euzoius together which in wordes semed to agree with the Nicene Councell but in meaning farre disagreed Yf ye call this vniting to the Mother Church your Mother hath a faire Childe and a cunning Clercke of you And yet were ye much more cunning if ye could finde any such disordinate and folish false phrases in any mans penne sauing your owne Neither can I tell in the worlde where to find or where ye found this peuish hereticall fond phrase onlesse it were of Arius him selfe of whome ye seme to take it And yet durst not he as starke an heretik as he was to hasard so farre as ye haue done In deede in his craftie and subtile letter so ambitiously and coulourably penned that Constantine supposed it agreed very well with the very definition of the Nicene Councell in the ende thereof he made sute vnto Constantine to be receiued againe into the Catholique Cōmunion in these wordes speaking for him selfe and Euzoius his mate Quapropter rogamus vntri nos per pacificam Dei cultricem pietatem tuam matri nostrae Ecclesiae iubeatis Wherefore we beseche your honour being a peaceable Prince and a true worshipper of God to commaund that we may be vnited to our Mother the Church Ye see good Reader if M. Horne hath any Author who and of how good credite he is euen no better then Arius him selfe And yet in this pointe is M. Horne worse then he and corrupteth and wresteth not onely the Catholique writers but Arius wordes too For Arius doth not desire Constantine to restore him as M. Horne faineth but to geue out his commaundemente that he might be restored and by whome was that M. Horne but by the Bishoppes And this thing Constantine him selfe well vnderstode and therfore though glad to see them as he thought to haue changed their minde yet not presuming as Sozomen writeth to receiue them into the Communion of the Churche before the iudgement and allowance of mete men according to the Lawe of the Church● he sent them to the Bishops assembled then for an other matter in Councell at Hierusalem that they shuld examine his and his cōpanions faith Et clementem super eis sententiam proferrent and that they shoulde geue a merciful iudgement vpon them yf they did truely repent Ruffine also writeth agreable vnto this adding so that Alexander the Bisshop did therto assente Eusebius and other dissembling Catholik bisshops which were in hart Arians stil as it did afterward appere forthwith in the Councel receiued Arius into their communion But when he came to Alexandria he could not ther be receiued The Catholike bisshop Alexander of Alexandria yet liuing would not admit him Then remayning there a long tyme as excommunicated he desired saieth Theodoret to be by some meanes restored again and beganne to counterfeite the Catholike But when Alexander his bisshop and Athanasius his successor could not be so circumuented he attempted ones again the Emperours fauour And so by the means of Eusebius of Nicomedia an Arriā bisshop in hart he was brought to the Courte
at Constantinople and to the Emperours speach the secōd time after his banishmēt Where the Emperour desirous to trie him asked Arrius if he agreed with the Nicene Councel vpon which request he offred to the Emperoure a supplication and a foorme of the Catholike confessiō pretending to sweare to that but deceauing the prince with a contrary faith in his bosome and swearing to the faith in his bosome By these means th'Emperour dimissed him And therevpō the factiō of Eusebius wēt forthwith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with their accustomed violēce saith Theodoret to Alexāder the B. of Cōstantinople and required him to receiue him into Cōmunion The Bishop vtterly refused to do it notwithstāding the Courtiours request or Princes pleasure because saith Alexāder being by a whole Coūcell cōdemned he cā not be restored The factiō of Eusebiꝰ thretned Alexāder that if he would not by faire meanes restore him they would force him therto by foule meanes saiyng As against your wil we haue made him come to the Emperours speach so to morow against your wil we wil make you to receiue him into your Church To this point therfore the mater was now brought that Eusebius with his faction conducted by force Arius to the Cathedrall Churche at Constantinople there by violēce to Church him But lo as they were going with al their heretical band to the church to play this part God shewed his mighty hād euen as he did vpō the Egyptians in the read sea specified in the old Testamēt or vpon Iudas in the new For in the way Arius was driuē to seke a place to ease nature where sodainly he auoided with his excrementes his very bowels and entrails ād in that filthy place gaue ouer his foule filthy stinking soule A mete carpet for such a squier And this is loe the mother Churche whervnto Arius was restored and vnited For other restitution by the true Catholike Bishops whose office it was as ye haue heard to restore him had he none And nowe with this miserable and wretched ende of this Archeheretike Arius wil I also end the doīgs of Cōstantine the great wherin I haue so farre forth proceeded as M. Horne hath ministred occasion As for the Councel of Tyrus whereof here againe mētion is reiterated I haue spoken both in this boke ād also against M. Iewel as is before noted And now may I boldly vnfold your cōclusion M. Horne where you say that the Nicen bisshops agnised this kind of regimēt in the great Cōstantine ▪ and say quite cōtrary they agnised no suche regimēt which also I haue proued against you euē by your own examples of Cōstantine and the Nicen Fathers especially of Athanasius present at the said Councell M. Horne The .39 Diuision pag. 25. b. Constantines sonnes claimed and toke vpō them the same authority that their Fathers had done before them and as Zozomen .101 reporteth of them did not only vpholde and mainteine the ordinaunces made by their father Constantine in Church matters but did also make nevv of their ovvne as occasion serued and the necessitie of the time required Constantinus after the death of his father restored Athanasius vvhom his father had .102 deposed to his bishoprike againe vvriting honourable and louing letters to the Churche of Alexandria for his restitution Constantius deposed Liberius the Bisshoppe of Rome for that he vvoulde not consent to the condemnation of Athanasius in vvhose place Foelix vvas chosen vvhom also the Emperour deposed for the like cause and restored again Liberius vnto his bisshoprik vvho being moued vvith th' Emperors kindnes as som vvrite or rather being ouercome vvith ambition .103 becam an Arrian This Emperour deposed diuers bisshops appointing other in their places He called a Synod at Millayn as Socrates vvitnesseth saiyng The Emperour commaunded by his Edict that there shoulde be a Synod holden at Millayn There came to this Councell aboue .300 Bishoppes out of the VVest Countries After this he minded to call a generall Councell of all the East and VVest Bysshops to one place vvhich coulde not conueniently be brought to passe by reason of the greate distaunce of the places and therefore he commaunded the Councell to be kept in tvvo places at Ariminum in Italie and at Nicomedia in Bythinia The .5 Chapter What Ecclesiasticall gouernement the Sonnes of Constantine the Great practised Stapleton YF Constantines Sonnes claimed the same authoritie that their Father had in causes Ecclesiasticall then were they no supreame Iudges no more then their Father was who was none as I haue said and shewed Yet saith M. Horne They not only mainteined their Fathers ordinaunces in Church matters but also made new of their owne But al this is but a loud and a lewd lye Which to be short shal sone appeare in the wordes of Zozomene M. Hornes Author who in the boke ād chapter quoted by M. Horne writeth thus The Princes also he meaneth Constantines Sonnes concurred to to the encrease of these things he speaketh of encreasing the Christian faith shewing their good affection to the Churches no lesse then their Father and honouring the Clergy their seruaunts and their domesticals with singular promotions and immunites Both confirming their Fathers lawes and making also of their owne against such as went about to sacrifice to worship idols or by any other meanes fell to the Grekes or Heathens superstitions Lo M. Horne heare what your Author saith As before Cōstantine promulged lawes against Idolatrie and honored the Church of Christ and the ministers thereof so did his Sonnes after him As for Church matters as Constantine the Father made no lawes or decrees therto apertaining no more did his Sōnes It is but your impudent vntruth Now touching the first and eldest sonne of Constantine called also Constantine we haue here of him as many lies as lines First in that M. Horne saith that his Father deposed Athanasius who was deposed by the Bishops and not by Constantine for he banished him but depose him he neither did nor could The second that this Constantine restored him to his bishoprick againe wherein he belyeth and so maketh the third lye his Author Theodoret who speaketh of none other restitution but that he released him from exile and banishmente which ye wote is no Bishoply but a Princely function and office But now we may be of good comforte For hauing boren out this brunt I trust we shal shift wel inough for all the residue For now lo we haue an Emperour that as far as I can see tooke vppon him in dede in many things M. Hornes supremacy Which may be proued by Athanasius Hosiꝰ Hilarius ād Leōtius Bisshops of the very same time But praise be to God that the same men al notable lightes of the Catholike Church which declared that he vsed this authority do withal declare their great misliking thereof ād make him so● of thē a plain forerūner of Antichrist as I haue before declared out
of Athanasius Meddle not Sir Emperour saith Hosius with maters of the Church neither commaūd vs in such things but rather learne them at our handes God hath betakē and cōmitted to thée th' Empire ād to vs hath he cōmitted Church matters And Leontius B. of Tripolis at what time this Constantius being present at a Synod of Bisshops was very busy in talke to set forth certain cōstitutiōs saith boldly vnto him Syr Imaruail with my self why that ye leauing your own busy your self with other mēs affaires the commō welth and warlik maters are cōmitted to your charge the which your charge you forslow sitting amōg the Bis●hops ād m●kīg lawes cōcernīg maters Ecclesiastical wherin ye haue nothīg to do And if this mā deposed Bishops as ye say then haue ye foūd a fair welfauored presidēt to groūd your primacy vpō How wel fauored a prēsidēt he is ād how worthy to be folowed if ye list to see M. Horn ye may learn of M. Nowel who saw farder in this mater a great deale then your prelatship He hath laid forth no lesse then .13 Articles against this your supreme gouernour M. Horne to proue that he was for his busy gouernmēt in dede a very Antichrist Thus you iarre ādiūble againe one agaīst an other and can neuer agree in your tales As for that he called the Coūcel at Ariminū ād els where that induceth no such primacy as I haue and shal better herafter declare namely whē I com to your own author the Card. Cusanꝰ In the meāsesō ye haue ministred to me a good mater to iustify the Popes primacy For behold Damasus broke ād disanulled al that was don at Ariminū saith Theodoret because his consent wāted thereto And here that Councel which the Emperour by his supreme gouernmēt as M. Horn fansieth sōmoned the Pope as a Superiour gouernour to this supreme gouernour quite disanulled which made S. Ambrose to say Meritò Conciliū illud exhorreo I do for good cause abhorre that Councell For which cause also it is to this day of no authoritie at all Thus al M. Horns exāples run roūdly against hī ād quite ouerturne his purpose For why How can possiblie a false cause be truly defended That you say Liberius the Pope of Rome became an Arriā is a slaūderous Vntruth It is your brethrēs cōmō obiectiō ād hath so oft bē soluted by the Catholiks that your part had bē now bearīg your self for a lerned Prelate not to resume such rusty reasons but to replie against the Catholiks answeres ād solutiōs if ye were able The worste that euer Liberius did to make any suspitiō in him is that after banishmēt he was restored and yelded to Cōstātius But Athanasius saith expresly that the same his yelding was not to the Arriā heresy but to the deposing of him frō his Bisshoprik And that was al that the Emperor required of Liberius as it maye appeare by the learned and stout cōmunicatiō had betwen this Liberius ād the Emperor in Rome as Theodoret at large recordeth And to this he was driuē by force of tormtēs saith Athanasius Nowe for hī to become an Arriā is volūtarily to teache to beleue or to allow the Arriā heresie Are thei al trow you Caluinists in Englād which for fear of displeasure of banishmente or of losse of goods do practise the order of the Caluinists supper or Communion As they are no right Catholiques so are they not proprely Caluinistes or Heretiques They are neither hotte nor colde God will therefore but if they repent spue them out of his mouth As for Liberius S. Basil and Epiphanius S. Augustine Optatus ād S. Ambrose doe speake honourably and reuerentlye of him and doe reken him among the new of the Romaine Bishoppes which they would neuer haue done if as M Horne saith he had bene become an Arrian It semeth M. Horne is of alliaunce with M. Iewel So hard it is for him to tel a true tale Nowe to the next M. Horne The .40 Diuision Pag. 26. a. Valentinianus the Emperour after the death of Auxentius an Arrian bisshop of Millaine calleth a Synod of bisshops at Millayn to consult about the ordering of a nevv bisshop He prescribeth vnto them in a graue or ation in vvhat maner a man qualified ought to be vvho should take vppon him the office of a bisshop They passe to the election the people vvere diuided till at the last they all cry vvith one consent to haue Ambrose vvhom although he did refuse the Emperour commaunded to be baptized and to be cōsecrate bisshop He called an other Synod in Illirico to apeace the dissentiōs in Asia and Phrigia about certaine necessary Articles of the Christian faith and did not only confirme the true faith by his .105 royall assent but made also many godly and sharpe Lavves as vvell for the maintenaunce of the truth in doctrine as also .106 touchinge manye other causes or matters Ecclesiasticall The sixth Chapter Of Valentinian the Emperour Stapleton VAlentinian the Emperour commeth in good time I meane not to proue your Primacy M. Horne but quite to ouerthrowe the same For this is he that made an expresse Lawe that in Ecclesiastical matters only Ecclesiasticall men should iudge S. Ambrose witnesseth it expressely in an epistle he wrote to younge Valentinian this mans sonne The forme of the law was this In causa fidei vel ecclesiastici alicutus ordinis eum iudicare debere qui nec munere impar sit nec iure dissimilis Haec enim verba rescripti sunt Hoc est sacerdotes de sacerdotibus voluit iudicare That in the cause of faith or of any ecclesiastical order he should iudge that was neither by office vnequall neither in right vnlike Those are the words of the Rescript That is he wil haue Priestes to iudge ouer Priestes Thus S. Ambrose plainely and expressely in one sentence quyte ouerturneth al M. Hornes supremacy Yea so farre was this Emperour from al gouernment ouer Priestes in matters ecclesiastical that euen in matters ciuil or temporal he woulde not suffer priestes to be called to the ciuil court For thus it foloweth immediatlye in S. Ambrose Quinetiam si aliâs quoque argueretur episcopus morum esset examinanda causa etiam hanc voluit ad episcopale iudicium pertinere Yea farder if a bisshop were otherwise accused and some matter of behauyour or outwarde demeanor were to be examined that matter also he would to belong to the iudgement of Bisshops Beholde gentle Reader what a supreme gouernor in al causes both spiritual and temporal ouer priests and Bisshops M. Horne hath brought forth Verily such a one as in very ciuil causes refuseth gouernment ouer them But this is he that comm●unded Ambrose to be consecrated bisshop of Millayn● saieth M. Horne and in that election prescribed to the bisshops in a graue oration what a qualified man a bisshop ought to be
The vvhiche vvas proued ouer true not onely in the elections of the Bishoppes of old Rome but also in many Bishoppes of other Cities especially of nevve Rome These diseases in the Churche ministers and the disorders thereout springyng the Emperours from time to time studied to cure and refourme vvherefore Theodosius and Valentinianus vvhen they savve the great hoouing and shoouinge at Constantinople about the election of a Bishop after the death of Sisinius some speakinge to preferre Philippus other some Proclus both being ministers of that Churche did prouide a remedy for this michiefe to vvitte they them selues .123 made a decree that none of that Church should be Bishop there but some straunger from an other Churche and so the Emperours sent to Antioche for Nestorius vvho as yet vvas thought both for his doctrine and life to be a sitte pastor for the flocke and made him Bishop of Constantinople Stapleton This man is nowe againe in hande with the Emperours ordinance concerning the election of the Bishop of Constantinople but by the way or being as he is in dede al out of his waye and matter to he towcheth what slaughter there was at Rome when Damasus was made Pope and so rūneth backe agayne out of the way and out of his matter which he might ful wel haue let alone sauing that he would shewe his great familiaritie and affinitie with Iulian the Pelagian Who for lacke of good matter to iustify his own and to infringe the Catholik doctrine fel to controlle the Catholikes for their manners and namely for this dissention at the creation of Damasus Of which cotentiō Sabellicus saith M. Horne speaketh and Volaterranus sayeth it was not without much bloudshed As though Sabellicus said not also that the matter was tried with strokes But where to finde or seke it in either of them M. Horne leaueth vs to the wide worlde But what is this M. Horne against Damasus Primacie who was also a true and a good godly learned Bishop whom S. Hierome for all this contention recognised as head of the Churche and as greate a Clerke as he was yet being in doubte by reason of diuerse sectes about Antiochia in Syria with what persons to communicate moste humbly requireth of him to knowe with whom he should communicate and with whom he should not communicate What is then your argumēt M. Horne Is it this Damasus entred into the See of Rome by force and bloudshed Ergo the Emperour at that time was Supreme gouernour in all causes Ecclesiasticall Verely either this is your argumēt or els you make here none at al but only tel forth a story to no purpose except it be to deface the holy Apostolik See of Rome which in dede serueth euer your purpose both in bookes and in pulpitts What so euer it be you haue in hand beside the Pope may not be forgotten Now that you tel vs of a decree made by th' Emperours Theodosius and Valentinianus that none of the Churche of Constantinople should be Bysshop there but some straunger frō an other Churche you tell vs a mere vntruth Your alleaged Authors Socrates and Liberatus speake no one woorde of any such Decree The words of Liberatus who translated in maner the wordes of Socrates are these Sisinius being departed it semed good to the Emperours to appoint none of the Church of Constantinople to be bisshop there but to send for som straunger from Antioch in Syria from whence they had a little before Iohn Chrysostome and to make him Bisshop And this worde for worde hath also Socrates but he addeth more 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Because of the vaine triflers and busy heades that were of that Churche Of any Decree that the Emperor should make none of them both doe mention But at that time only the case then in Constantinople so standing and their luck before being so good in Iohn Chrysostom who from a stranger became their bishop it pleased the Emperours so to doe And al this they did by way of prouision for the Church quiet not by waye of absolute authority or any forceable Decree as M. Horn fableth and ouer reacheth his Authors M. Horne The .44 Diuision pag. 28. b. As Constantinus and Theodosius the elder euen so Theodosius the seconde a very .124 godly Emperour hauing and practising the .125 supreme gouernment in Ecclesiasticall causes seeinge the horrible Heresies spronge vp and deuidinge the Church but specially by Nestorius did 126 by his authoritie cal the thirde general councel at Ephesus named the first Ephesine councel geuinge streight .127 commaundement to al Bishops vvheresoeuer that they shoulde not faile to appeare at the time appointed and further vsed the same povver and authoritie in the ordering and gouerninge thereof by his .128 Lieutenaūt Ioannes Comes Sacrensis that other Godly Emperours had beene accustomed to vse before him ▪ accordinge to the cōtinual practise of the Churche as it is plainely set foorth in the booke of general Councelles In this councel there happened so greuous contention betvvixt Cyrillus Bishop of Alexandria and Iohn Bishop of Antioche both beyng othervvise godly and learned mē that the councel vvas diuided thereby into tvvo partes the occasion of this Schisme vvas partely that Cyrillus and certaine other vvith him had proceeded to the cōdemnation of Nestorius before that Ioānes vvith his cōpany could com ād partly for that Ioānes of Antioch suspected Cyrillus of certain Heresies misdeeming that Ciril had made the more haste to confirme them before his comminge He therefore vvith his associates complaineth and laieth to Cyrilles chardge that he did not tary according to the commaundement of the Emperour for the comming of the Bisshops of other Prouinces vvhich vvere called thither frō all partes by the cōmaundement of the Emperour That vvhan the noble Earle Candidianus commaunded him by vvriting and vvithout vvriting that he should presume no suche matter but that he and those that vvere vvith him should abide the comming of the other Bishops neuer thelesse he proceeded that he and his company vvere the authours of dissension and discord in the Church ▪ and that they had geuē the occasion that the rules of the Fathers and the decrees of the Emperours vvere broken ▪ and trodē vnder foote vvherefore they iudge Cyrill of Alexādria vvith Memnō bisshop of Ephesus to be deposed frō their bisshopriks and Ecclesiastical ministery and the other their associates to be excōmunicate The vvhich their doinges they signifie to the Emperour Theodosius by their Synodical letters to vnderstande his pleasure in .129 allovving or disallovvyng of their Synodicall actes After this came the bishop of Romes legates before vvhome in the coūcel Cyrillus and Memnō offered vp their libelles deposing a contestation againste Iohn and his party to haue them cited and render the cause of their deposition The bisshoppe of Romes legates vvith the consent of the councell on that parte sendeth for Ioannes and his parties
willing and to him that will hartely seke for grace at Gods hande The which I praye him of his mercy sende yowe And learne I praye you to fynde faulte with your self as ye haue greate cause rather then with this good vertuouse bishop faultlesse I dare saye for suche matters as ye take for greate faultes in him But to ende this matter I must commende yowe for one thinge for ye haue scaped one scoringe that your fellowe M. Iewell did not scape for writing that Leo did kneele with other bishops which the wordes of his authour Liberatus by you here truelie rehersed do not importe M. Horne The .47 Diuision Pag. 3● a. Marcianus a godly Emperour and very studious about the Christian Religion succeded Theodosius vvho besides that of him selfe he vvas much careful to suppresse al heresies and to refourme the Churches restoring Religion to purity vvithout error vvas also hastened hereunto by the earnest sute of Leo bisshop of Rome vvho in diuerse and sondry epistles declaring vnto him in moste humble vvise the miserable state of the Church doth beseche him that he vvould vouchsaulfe to cal a general councel Many other bisshops make the same sui●e vnto the Emperour and to the same ende complaining vnto him of the miserable destructiō and horrible disorders in Church causes An example and paterne of their supplications vvherby 138. may appeare that they acknovvledged the Emperour to be their Supreme gouernour also in Ecclesiastical causes or matters is sette foorth in the Chalcedon councel in the supplicatiō of Eusebius the bishop of Dorelaum vnto the Emperour vvho maketh humble supplication as he sayth for him selfe and for the true or right faith we flie vnto your godlines saith this bishop vnto the Emperour bicause both we and the Christian faith haue suffered much wrong against al reason humbly crauing iustice and for that Dioscorus hath doon many and that no smal offences both against the faith of Christ and vs prostrate we beseche your clemency that you wil cōmaund him to answere to the matters we shal obiecte against him .139 wherein we will proue him to be out of the catholike faith defending heresies replete with impietie VVherefore we beseche you to directe your holy and honourable commaundement to the holy and vniuersal councel of the moste religious Bishoppes to examen the cause betwixt vs and Dioscorus and to make relation of al thinges that are doon to be .140 iudged as shal seeme good to your clemency The Emperour protesting that they oughte to preserue the furtheraunce of the right fayth and Christian Religion before al other affaires of the commō vvealth sendeth their letters of summons to all bishoppes commaundinge them to repaire to Nice a citie in Bithinya there to consulte and conclude an vnitie and concorde in religion and matters perteining thereunto that hereafter all altercation and doubtfulnesse be taken cleane avvay and an holesome trueth in Religion established addinge .141 threates and punishement to them that vvould refuse to come at the time appointed VVhā thassembly vvas made at Nice of all the bishops and that the Emperours could not come thither to be present in the Synode personally vvhich they had promised and did much coueite they vvrite vnto the vvhole Synode vvilling thē to remoue from Nice vnto Chalcedon vvithout delay vvhere they assembled at the Emperours .142 commaundement to the number of .630 bishoppes The 12. Chapter Of the Emperour Martian and of his calling the Councel of Chalcedon Stapleton M. Horne is nowe harping againe vpon his old string of calling of Councelles and would establish Marcianus ecclesiasticall primacy thereby But eyther his eies his lucke or his mater was not good to happe vpō no better place then he doth which doth beare him quyte ouer and setteth forth pope Leo his primacye sending his ambassadours and vicegerents to Cōstantinople to reforme heresies and to pardon and recōcyle such heretical bishops as were poenitente vnto whome he adioyneth as his delegate euen the Bishoppe and Patriarche of Constantinople And declareth this his doings in his letters as wel to the Emperour him selfe as to Anatolius the Patriarche Nowe what yf pope Leo requireth a councell at the Emperours hands what doth this blemish his authority more thē yf the Pope now shuld require the Emperor the french and Spanishe kings and other princes as he did of late to sende their bisshops to the councel Verely that the Emperour so should doe it was of all times moste necessarie in Marcian his tyme the .3 patriarches of Alexandra Antiochia and Hierusalem with a great number of Bishops in the East taking then the Archeheretike Eutyches part against the good and godly Catholike byshop Flauianus whome Dioscorus with his factiō murdered Was it not then high time to seke al ayde and helpe both spiritual and temporal Or is it any diminution to the spirituall power when the temporall power doth helpe and assist it Or thinke yow would this perniciouse pestilent fellow Dioscorus and his faction any thing haue regarded Pope Leo his ecclesiastical authority which before had so notoriously transgressed both Gods lawes and mans lawes onlesse the good Emperour had ioyned his assistaunce vnto it And this maye be answered for the calling of many other generall Councels by the Emperours especially of the firste seuen hundred yeares after Christ when the Patriarches them selues were Archeheretikes and the matters not like easily to be redressed by the Churche authoritie onely Yet neyther did any Catholique Prince call or could call a Councell without or against the Popes wil and consent If ye thinke not so as in dede ye doe not then thinke you farre a wrong And the godly and learned Bisshop Leo as you call him is able if you be capable and willing toward any reformation sone to refourme your wrong iudgement Who declareth expresselye that euen the Councell of Chalcedo was summoned by the commaundement of the Emperours with the consent of the See Apostolique Surely it was a rule and a Canon in the Church aboue .12 hūdred yeares now past that no Councell could be kept as Socrates witnesseth without the authoritie of the Bisshop of Rome And that by a speciall prerogatiue and priuilege of that See This prerogatiue Leo also doth signify speaking of this Emperour Marcian who called the Chalcedon Councel but yet saith he without any hinderance or preiudice of S. Peters right and honour that is by and with his consent being S. Peters successour in the Apostolique See of Rome I meruail much that ye frame this supremacie of Marcian by the supplication of the Bishop Eusebius desiring the Emperour to procure by his letters that he coūcel would heare his cause against Dioscorus which serueth rather for the Councels primacy The remouing also of the Councel frō Nicaea to Chalcedo doth serue to as litle purpose For the cause of the trāsposing was for that Leo by his ambassadours had signified
things be fully finished What leaue is there asked here to depart or what cōmaundemēt is made to stay and tarie No no M. Horne Princes were not thē so Imperiall ouer Bishops as your dissolute heresies haue caused of late some to be M. Horne The .54 Diuision pag. 33. b. Bassianus of late the Bisshop at Ephesus cōplaineth vnto the Emperour to direct his letters to the Synod to haue his cause heard The Emperour cōmaundeth the Synod to heare the matter The Iudges cōmaūdeth Stephanus Bisshop of Ephesus to make ansvvere vnto Bassianus his complaint After due examination had by the Iudges openly in the Synod in this cōtrouersy the Iudges asked of the Synode vvhat they iudged to be done The Bisshops adiudged Bassianus to be restored But the Iudges appointed by the Emperour vvould not .154 allovv that sentence but deemed neither of them both vvorthy to occupy that Bisshoprike and that there should be a third chosen and admitted to that see to the vvhich 155 iudgement the vvhole synode did accord After the end of this Councel the Emperour doth confirme the determination therof by his publique Decree Stapleton M. Horn wil not leaue his laical iudgemēt so being maruelous propense and enclined that way belike because he is become by the Canons a lay man him selfe throughe his vnlaufull mariage and therefore yet ones againe they by their iudgement if we wil credit M. Horne do reuerse the iudgement of the whole Synode in the cause of Bassianus and Stephanus In dede if M. Horne could proue that the whole councel had first geuen sentēce here had ben somwhat for him with some good countenaunce to haue sette forth and furnished his new primacy withal But now neyther the whole Synode gaue yet iudgemente in the cause neither was it any iudgement geuen by the laie men more then was before against Dioscorus For lo M. Horne they saye nobis videtur it seemeth to vs. But will ye see it is no sentence Then I pray you marke well what followeth After they had told their minde and opinion they adde and saye But we leaue the whole matter to the Councell to geue what sentence it shall please them in this matter Ye will say yet the whole Coūcell followed the aduise of the iudges Then it appereth it was but an aduise no sentēce that they gaue foorth before Els it were maruaile if so sodainly they wente from their owne determination But will ye see how wisely this mater is handled of M. Horne Yf the first was a resolute and a final sentēce of the whole Coūcel what authority had the laie men to infringe it Or how cā ye say they did infringe it when they left afterward the whole determinatiō therof to the Coūcel Thus ye see euery way that the more ye striue ād strugle in this mater ād with this coūcel the more ye mesh and intāgle your self But perchaunce as ye see or may see yf ye be not blynde that ye are in the pytte or faste in the myre so ye see not how to get out And ye wil say as ye say ād truely to that the Iudges asked the Synod what was to be don and that they adiudged Bassianus to be restored I graunt ye Sir ye play now the true reporter but either ye do not or wil not vnderstand that wich ye reporte For ye shall fynde a rule and that euen in this Synode that somtyme yt is writen by the Notary the Synode sayth when the whole Synode sayeth not but some of the Synode And ye being so well trauayled by your self or your frendes in this Synode shuld haue cōsidered this rule necessary to bring you out of the pytte of errour ye are fallen in Wel perchaunce as ye lack no courage ye will not so geue ouer and will say the matter fareth not so here and when yt is sayd The Iudges asked the Synode yt must be takē for the whole Synode Now you put me to my shifte in dede But I truste to shift whith you wel inough What say ye thē to Liberatus by you oft reheresed that sayeth as I say that the whole Synode did not agree that Bassianus shulde be restored but parte of the Synode and therfore the matter was put ouer to an other meting at which metīg the whole Synod vniformely agreed that aswel Bassianus as Stephanus shulde be remoued In case this answere wil not contente you I wil I am assured yf any most reasonable answere wil contente you set you ouer to such witnesses as your self hitherto haue best liked and sought all your helpe and ayde for your supremacy at their hands I meane your Iudges and senatours the Emperours deputies For wheras ye alleage the matter as finally determined in the .11 action the very same matter was resumed in the .12 action Because say they that after our oft mouing the matter to you and requiring that ye woulde geue sentence concerning the bisshoprike of the holy Church of Ephesus there is no perfytte and resolute answere made Let the holy ghospell c. I trust by this tyme M. Horne ye wil wisely geue ouer this matter of Bassianus and of all the residewe of this Councell that ye haue vniustly pleaded vppon and require of vs to belieue yow no better then ye can shewe cause Onlesse ye will haue vs vppon your bare worde to credite yowe which I think wise men wil not be to hasty to do excepte ye can shewe some as good commission as the Apostles had For the bringing forth whereof we are contente to geue you a good long day As for this councel whervpō ye would seme your proufs shuld reste ye haue not shewed yt to vs by anie good and cleare light but as ye haue done before the Nicen and Ephesine very obscurely and vnperfectly The .14 Chapter Contayning euident proufes out of the Chalcedon Councel for the Popes and bishops Supremacy in causes ecclesiasticall NOw good Reader thowghe M. Horne be sufficiētly alredy answered for the solutions of his argumētes as we nede not greatly to stay here lōger yet if we can shew you no fayrer nor clearer light for the illustratiō and confirmation of our assertion and that euen from this councel then M. Horne hath don for his than for my part I shal yelde to M. Horne and so I suppose M. Fekenhā wil to Wherfore following M. Horns trace and steps we wil rōne ouer the Acts of the said Coūcel though wōderful long and tedious and compendiously gather some material thing for our side First then to begin with the first Sessiō it is most certain that the Popes Legates be named and placed before al other Bishops and Patriarchs though one of them was but a Priest and no Bishop Here shal ye find the wicked B. of Alexandria called to an accōpt for mainteining the doings of a Councel whervnto the B. of Rome gaue no cōsent or authority which as it is auouched there was neuer
articles of his faith he cōcludeth vvith an earnest exhortation vnto the vnitie of faith The Emperour saith Liberatus supposing that Ioannes de Thalaida had not ment rightly of the Chalcedō coūcel but had dō al things fainedly vvrote his letters by the persvvasiō of Acatius to Pergamius Apolonius his Lieutenantes to .161 depose Iohn and enstal Peter Mogge Iohn being thus thrust out repaired to the B. of Antioche vvith vvhose letters of cōmendacion he vvēt to Sīpliciꝰ bishop of Rome and desired him to vvrite in his behalfe vnto Acatiꝰ bishoppe of Constantinople vvho did so and vvithin a vvhile after died Stapleton The like drifte as before followeth nowe also and therfore the lesse nede of any long or exquisite answer Sauing that a few things are to be cōsidered aswel for the weighing of M. Hornes reasons as for such matters as make for the popes primacye euen in those stories that M. Horne reherseth As that pope Simplicius of whome M. Horne maketh mention excommunicated Peter the Bishop of Alexandria here mentioned benig an Eutychian Again that Acatius bishop of Constantinople here also recited by M. Horne was also excōmunicated by pope Felix What saieth M. Horn a buttō for your popes curse If that be a matter ecclesiastical our Emperors haue cursed aswel as your popes Euē our Emperour Zeno that we are nowe in hand withal Say you me so M. Horne Then shew me I beseche you by what authority For no man you say your selfe afterward hath authority to excōmunicate but only the Church and those who receiue authority therevnto by cōmission from the Churche Thus you say euen in this booke Bring forth then the Emperours cōmission Otherwise thinke not we will crie sanctus sanctus to all ye shal say And if you bring forth the cōmission then are you vndone and al your primacy For if the Emperour hath his commission from the Church then belike the Church is aboue him Onlesse as ye haue found a newe diuinitie so ye can find a new lawe wherby he that taketh the cōmissiō shal be aboue him that geueth it This curse then M. Horne was no ecclesiasticall curse no more surely then if you shuld if Maistres Madge played the shrewe with you be shrewe and curse to her shrewes heart It was a zelouse detestation of heretikes as if a good catholike man should nowe say cursed be al wicked Sacramentaries And whome I pray you did he curse Any trow ye that was not accursed before No but chiefly Nestorius and Eutyches which were before by general Coūcels excōmunicated Yet for al that we haue our margent dasshed with a fresh iolye note that the princes supremacy is in al causes I pray God send you M. Horne as much worship of yt as ye had of your other late like marginall florishe owte of the Chalcedon Councell Yet let vs see what proufes ye lay forthe Why say you Was not Zeno required to cause an vnity in the church Ye mary was he and so was Constantine and Marcian to Yea Marcian for that was called the cheif phisition to But we neade not put you any more in remembrance hereof leaste ye take to muche pryde of yt Yea but zeno sayeth that after God all people shall bowe their neckes to his power It is so in dede M. Horne But onlesse ye can proue that he saied to his spiritual power which he said not nor meante not a good argument the more pittye hath quyte broken his necke Neither yet doth Zeno speake of the neckes of any his subiectes but as yt semeth of such nations as were his enimies And assuredly such woordes al pagan Emperours vse And yet they are not I trowe therefore supreme gouernours in al causes spiritual Now yt would require some tracte of tyme fully to open either howe M. Horne hath confounded maymed and mangled his authours narration or to shewe that these things euen in the true narration of the stories that he reherseth make fully agaīst him and for the Popes primacy For this Ioannes Talaida saieth Liberatus appealed to Pope Simplicius euen as Athanasius did Simplicius writeth to Acatius who answereth that he did all this withowt the Popes cōsent by the Emperours commaundement for the preseruation of the vnity in the Church To whō Simplicius replied that he ought not to communicate with Petrus Moggus for that he agreed to the Emperours order ād proclamatiō onlesse he woulde embrace the decrees of the Coūcel of Chalcedo Thus letters going to and fro Simplicius died and Felix succedeth who doth both depriue him from his bisshoprike and excommunicateth him for taking part with the said Petrus Moggus After the death of Acatius succedeth Flauianus who woulde not suffer himselfe to be enstalled without the Popes consent Within shorte tyme Euphemius was Patriarche of Constantinople who receiued synodicall letters from this Pope These and manye other thinges else might here be said euen out of the chapter vpon which Maister Horne himselfe pleadeth which we passe ouer But for the Princes Supremacy in causes Ecclesiastical what hath M. Horne in al this diuision His marginal Note lyeth in the dust What hath he beside He saith The Emperor by his Lieutenants deposed Iohn Talaida the Patriarche of Antioche But this is vntrue The Emperour in dede commaunded his Lieutenants vt pellerent eum to expulse and driue him out from his bisshoprike but to depose him that is to make him now no Bishop at all that lay not in the Emperours power He did as merely of him selfe a wise prelate said in King Edwardes dayes being then in the Tower for the Catholike faieth but take awaye the Ricke Iohn remayned bisshop stil. And that with this Iohn Talaida so it was appereth well by Liberatus your owne Author M. Horne For this Iohn Talaida saieth Liberatus appealinge from the Emperours violence to Pope Simplicius habēs episcopi dignitatem remansit Romae remayned at Rome hauing stil the dignity of a bishop who also afterwarde had the Ricke also For the Pope endewed him with the bishoprike of Nola in Campania Now as Emperours and Princes haue power though not lawful to expelle and depriue men of the Church from their temporal dignities and possessions so to depriue a man of the Church from his office of ministery to depose a bisshop or a priest frō his spiritual Iurisdictiō and Authority which deposition only is a cause ecclesiastical to the Church only frō whom such Authority came it belongeth Princes depriuations are no ecclesiastical depositions Take this answere ones for al M. Horne you which vntruly reporte that Princes deposed bisshops M. Horne The .57 Diuision Pag. 35. a. This Pope Simplicius considering the great contentions that vvere accustomably about the election of Popes did prouide by decree that no Pope should hereafter be chosen vvithout the authority of the Prince vvhich decree although it be not extant yet it is manifest inough by the Epistle of Kinge Odoacer put into
had the Bisshops at his commaundement to kepe Councels and conuocations at his pleasure yea and that they referred their Decrees to his iudgement But now so it is in dede that neither the Prince proceded herein by way of meare commaundememente neither the bisshoppes referred to him any such Iudgement ouer their determinated Sentence For proufe of the first both the Bisshoppes in this very Councel at Orleans doe say to the Kinge that they haue deliberated vpon these matters secundùm vestrae voluntatis consultationem according to the cōsultation kept by your wil and the Bisshoppes of an other Councell holden after this at Toures in Fraunce also doe say of this Synode quam inuictissimus Rex Clodoueus fieri supplicauit which the mighty King Clodoueus made sute to be called But because as the lawiers do note the wil of a Prince and the wil of a father doe not differ from their commaundement therefore that Councel which the King by suite and supplication obtayned to be called is yet termed to be done praecepto iussione by commaundement of the Bisshoppes themselues at the Councell For proufe of the seconde I bring you the woordes of the Councel which you in telling your tale thought good to leaue out The bishoppes doe say vnto the Prince Definitione respondimus c. We haue by determining answered to the intent that yf those thīgs which we haue decreed be approued right also by your Iudgement the Sentence of so many bisshoppes may confirme and strenghthen the Authority of such a consent as of the Kinge and greate Stuarde to be obserued In which wordes they referre not the Definition to his Iudgement but doe shewe that yf his consent doe concurre then his Authority is confirmed by the verdite of Bisshops so great and so manye But ye say they confesse him to haue the superiority And those wordes ye couche craftely among the rest to make your Reader thinke that the King had the Superiority in approuing doctrine But this is an vntruth They cal hī in dede Regem ac Dominum maiorem their Kinge or greate Stuard Which is in respecte of temporal things and of his worldly principality not of any Superiority in allowing or disallowing their Synodical decrees And I praye you good Sir was Saphoracus deposed by the Kinge or by the Bishops and was he as you say deposed for his iuste demerits It had bene wel done to haue tolde vs why he deserued to be deposed But I suppose either ye know yt not or else ye wil not be knowen thereof lyke a wyly shrewe Forsurelye as farre as I can gather yt was for that he being a Bisshoppe vsed the company of his wyfe which he maried before he was prieste contrarye to the olde canons and a late order taken in the Councell at Orlyans Yf it be so in what case be you with your madge pretending her to be your lawfull wyfe yea and that after your takinge of holye orders M. Horne The .64 Diuision pag. 37. a. Theodobertus Kinge of Fraunce calleth a Synode at Auerna in Fraunce for the restoring and establishing the Church discipline Gunthranus the King called a Synod named Matisconēs .2 to refourme the Ecclesiastical discipline and to cōfirm certein orders and ceremonies in the Church vvhich he declareth plainly in the Edict that he setteth foorth for that purpose VVherein he declareth his vigilant and studious carefulnes to haue his people trained and brought vp vnder the feare of God in true Religion and godly discipline for othervvise saith this Christian King to whom God hath committed .176 this charge shall not escape his vengeaunce He shevveth the bisshops that their office is to .177 teache cōfort exhort to reproue rebuke ond correct by preaching the vvorde of God He commaundeth the elders of the Church and also others of authority in the common vveale to iudge and punish that they assiste the bisshops and sharpely punishe by bodely punishement such as vvil not amende by the rebuke and correction of the vvorde and Church discipline And concludeth that he hath caused the Decrees in the Councel touching discipline and certein ceremonies to be defined the vvhich he doth publishe and cōfirme by the authority of this Edict Stapleton We haue nowe two Kings more of Fraunce But in both these to proue your purpose you haue nothing King Gūtranus himself confesseth in the place by you alleaged that God hath committed to the Priests the office of a fatherly authoritye And sheweth to what ende the Princes medle withe matters of religion that is that the sworde may amende such persons as the preachers worde can not amende And yt is worthy to be considered that among other decrees that this Councel made and the King confirmed yt was ordayned that the Laye man where so euer he mette a priest should shewe him reuerence and honour And in case the Prieste wente a fote and the Laye man ridde the Laye mā should a light and so reuerence him as now the Christians are cōpelled to doe in Turkey to the Turks And so I trowe this Councel maketh not al together for your purpose and supposed Primacy Only it maketh to encreace the nombre of your vntruthes For wheras you first talke of the Princes vigilant and studiouse carefulnes to see the people brought vppe in true religion and godly discipline you adde as the Princes woordes Otherwise I to whome God hath committed this charge shall not escape his vengeaunce In making the Prince to saye this charge you woulde make your Reader thinke the Prince acknowledged a Charge ouer true Religion c. And therefore you put in the margin to beutifie your booke withal A princes charge But the Prince speaketh of no such charge as shall anone appeare And when you adde to this that the Prince shewed the bisshoppes that their office is to teache c. there you leaue out absque nostrae admonitione without our admonishment by which appeareth the Bishops knew their office though the Prince held his peace and that it depended not of the Princes supreme gouernment as you would haue folcke to think These couple of vntruthes shal now euidently appeare by the whole wordes of the King as they were in order by him vttered which you haue confusely set out putting the later parte before the first and the first laste adding in one place and nipping in an other thus to blinde and bleare your Readers eies whome plainly you ought to instruct For these are the wordes of Kinge Guntranus to the bishops of Mascon Althoughe without our admonition to you holy bisshops specially belongeth the matter of preaching yet we thinke verily you are partakeners of other mens sinnes if you correct not with dailye rebuking the faultes of your children but passe them ouer in silence For neither we to whom God hath committed the kingdome can escape his vengeaunce yf we be not hofull of the people subiect vnto vs.
a general councel for that belōged to the Emperour vvho in that time vvas busie in the vvarres against the Saracens He waited saith Platina for the returne of the Emperour This Constantinus surnamed Pogonatus about the yeere of the Lord 680. calleth the Bishoppes out of all coastes vnto a general Councel in his letters of Sommons to Donus but committed to Agatho Bishop of Rome Donus beinge dead he admonisheth him of the contention betvvixt the sea of Rome and Constantinople he exhorteth him to laie aside al strife feruencie and malice and to agree in the trueth vvith other addinge this reason For God loueth the trueth and as Chrysostome saith He that wil be the chief amongst all he must be minister vnto all by vvhich reason made by the Emperour it may seeme that the pride of those tvvoo seates striuinge .260 for superioritie and supremacie vvas a great nourishment of the Schisme vvhich vvas chiefly in outvvarde shevve only for doctrine He protesteth that he vvill shevve him selfe indifferent vvithout parciallitye to anye parte or faction onely seekinge as Godde hath appointed him to keepe the Faith that he had receiued vvholye and vvithout blotte He exhorteth and commaundeth the Bishoppe of Rome not to be an hinderaunce but to further this Councell vvith sending such as are fitte for such purpose The bishop of Rome obeyeth the Emperours .261 commaundement And the like letters the Emperor sendeth to George Bishop of Constantinople and others The Emperour sat in the councell him selfe as President and moderatour of al that action hauing on his right hande a great company of his Nobles and of his Bishoppes on his lefte hand And vvhan the holy Ghospelles vvas broughte foorth and laide before them as the .262 iudges vvhose sentence they ought to follovve as it vvas also vvonte to be doone in the fornamed Councels The deputies for the bishoppe of Rome stande vppe and speake vnto the Emperour in moste humble vvise callinge him moste benigne Lorde affirminge the Apostolike seat of Rome to be subiect vnto him as the seruant vnto the Maister and beseechinge him that he vvil commaunde those that tooke parte vvith the bishoppe of Constantinople vvhich had in times paste brought in nevve kinds of speache and erronious opinions to shevve from vvhence they receiued their nevve deuised Heresies The Emperour commaundeth Macarius Archebishoppe of Antioche and his side to ansvveare for them selues And after diuerse requestes made by him to the Emperour and graunted by the Emperour vnto him the Emperour commaundeth the Synode to staie for that time The .5 Chapter Of the sixt Generall Councell holden at Constantinople vnder Pope Agatho Stapleton MAister Horne as he sayeth returneth againe to Agatho wherin he doth wel for this hath bene an extrauagant and an impertinent discourse But he returneth withall to his accustomable dealing sayinge that pope Agatho of his owne authoritie coulde not call a councell Which neither his authour Platina sayeth nor anie other nor he him self proueth He coulde M. Horne haue called a Councell and so he did call at Rome at this verie tyme a great Councell of an 1●5 Bisshoppes our contreyman S. Wilfryde Archbisshoppe of Yorke and the Apostle of Sussex being one of them without the Emperor and such as this Emperour him selfe confesseth to be a general Councell But because the schisme of the Monothelites was deaply setled in Grece and was fast and depelye rooted by continuance of .46 yeares not onely in the Bisshoppes of the chiefe sees as Constantinople Alexandria Antiochia and others but also in the Emperours withall full godly and wisely that the Councell might be more effectuall and fruytful he thowght good to worke with the aduice and assistance of the Emperour and so he did And this his godly pollicy had his prosperouse successe accordingly Maister Horne will nowe recite to vs his collections oute of this Councell called the .6 Generall Councell that he hath gathered but how well and fytlye to proue his matter ye shal anone vnderstande for the confirmation of his newe erected primacy And first he glaunceth at the See of Rome surmising that because the Emperour exhorted the Pope to vnity the pride of Rome and of Constantinople striuing for superiority and supremacy was a greate nourishment of the Schisme This is a lewde and a false surmise For the Emperour in that place expressely telleth by the reporte of the Greeke Patriarches the cause of that stryfe to be quòd verba quaedam nouitatis intromissa sunt that certaine newe doctrine was brought into the Churche And will Maister Horne haue his vnproued surmise to waighe downe the Emperours plaine confession The malice you talke of Maister Horne is in your self ▪ It was not in Pope Agatho The Emperour protesteth you say to kepe the faith that he hadde receiued wholy and without blotte Woulde God all Christen Princes had done so You hadde hadde then Maister Horne no place in our countre to preache and sette forthe your damnable heresies You say farder The Bisshop of Rome obeyed the Emperours commaundement And this also you note verye solemnely in your Margin But both your text and your margin by your leaue lyeth For the Emperour in his letters to the Pope wherein he inuited him to this Councel saith plainely Inuitare rogare possumus ad omnem commendationem vnitatem omnium Christianorum necessitatem verò inferre nullatenus volumus Well we may moue you and praye you to fall to an vnity but force you by no meanes wil we Where then is this forceable commaundemēt that you imagine You woulde faine haue the Emperours very Imperiall ouer Popes and Bisshoppes You woulde as Auxentius the Arrian Bisshop did Laicis ius sacerdotale substernere bring vnder the Laye Princes foote the Priestly right and Authoritye You woulde haue them as the Arrians persuaded Constantius 〈◊〉 being sette to gouerne one thinge to take vpon them an other thing This with your predecessours hereticall Bisshoppes your prelatship also would Emperours shoulde take vppon them But they expresselye refuse so to doe they proteste the contrary they abhorre suche lewde clawebackes You adde farder that in the Councell the holye Gospelles was brought forthe and layde before them as the iudges This is a flatte vntruthe The Councel hath no such woordes I meane that the Gospels were Iudges No doubte but by the ghospels the Councel did iudge and determine the controuersies and had alwaies those holy books before thē as also a Signe of the Crosse and other relikes as Cusanus writeth But a Iudge must speake and pronounce a Sentence Such is not the Scripture but such are they that be as the Apostle saith Dispensatores mysteriorum Christi the dispensours of the mysteries of Christ the ordered teachers of his woorde the successours of his Apostles But you to make folke wene that Scripture alone were the only Iudge as though the booke could speake and geue sentence it selfe without a Teacher or
office is an honorable office Wel let yt be honorable to I suppose for all that it shal not make hym supreame heade of the Churche withall And so hath M. Hornes argument a great foyle M. Horne The .90 Diuision Fol. 53. a. The bishops and Clergy vvhich vvere of the Prouince of Antioche vvhan Macarius vvas deposed by the iudgement of the Synode do make supplication vnto the Iudges the Emperours deputies and counsailours that they vvilbe meanes vnto the Emperour to appoint them an other Archbishop in the place of Macarius novve deposed Stapleton And wil ye play me the Macariā styl M. Horne Good reader cōsider of M. Horns dealings euē in this coūcel that I haue ād shal declare whether M. Horn doth not altogether resemble Macarius shameful practise in his allegatiōs One of your reasons thē M. Horn to proue Cōstantines supremacy by is that the Antiochians sewed to themperour to appoint an other Archbisshop in the place of Macarius The appointment of an Archbisshop imployeth no supremacy Diuerse Kings of England haue appointed bisshops and Archebisshops in their Realm And yet none euer toke vpon them either the name or Authority of a Supreme Gouernour in al causes Ecclesiastical vntil in this our miserable tyme heretikes by authority of Princes to establishe their heresies haue spoiled Gods Ministers and the Church of her dewe Authority and gouernement And I haue told you before M. Horne that this Cōstantin himself hath disclaimed your supremacy of supreame iudgement in causes ecclesiastical Wherof also the very next matter immediatlye rehersed before the thing you alleage is a good and a sufficient proufe I wil therfore demaunde a question of you Ye see Macarius is deposed and that as you confesse here your selfe by the Iudgement of the Synod Might now themperour kepe him stil ād that laufully in his bisshoprik if he had so would or no If ye say he might not thē is he no Supreame Head Except ye wil say he was lawfully deposed as an heretike and therfore thēperour could not kepe him in This also as yet maketh against your supremacy For thē the Iudgemēt of the bisshops is aboue themperours power But I wil further aske you whether yf Macarius had bene hartely poenitent and had recanted his heresy to themperour might thē haue kept him in Now take hede ye be not brought to the streights which way so euer ye wind yourself Yf ye say he may as ye must yf ye wil haue themperour Supreme Gouernour in al causes ecclesiastical then is the whole Coūcel against you vtterly denying him al hope of restitution though the Iudges at thēperours cōmaundemēt being moued with mercy proposed this questiō to the Synod Yf ye say he may not then do ye your self spoile thēperour of his Primacy Thus ye perceiue euery way ye are in the bryers being conuicted by the very place by your self proposed M. Horne The .91 Diuision Fol. 53. a. The Iudges make them aunsvvere that it vvas the Emperours pleasure that they should determine amongest them selues vvhom they would haue and bring their decree vnto the Emperour At the last the vvhole Synod doe offer their definition subscribed vvith their hands to the Emperour besechīg him to .274 examen and confirme the same The Emperour vvithin a vvhyle saith vve haue redde this definition and geue our consent thereunto The Emperour asked of the vvhole Synod yf this definition be concluded by vnifourme consent of al the Bishops the Synod ansvvered VVe al beleue so we be al of this mind God send themperour manye yeares Thou hast made al heretiks to flie by thy meanes al Churches are in peace accursed be al Heretiks In the vvhich curse the vvhole Synode curseth Honorius Pope of Rome vvith the great curse vvhome the Synode nameth in .17 Action one of the chiefest of these Heretiques vvho are here cursed The Emperour protesteth that his zeale to conserue the Christiā faith vndefiled .275 vvas the only cause of calling this Synode He shevveth vvhat vvas their partes therein to vvyt to weighe consideratly by Gods holy Scriptures to put away al noueltye of speche or assertion added to the pure Christiā faith in these latter daies by some of wicked opiniō and to deliuer vnto the Church this faith most pure and cleane .276 They make a cōmendatory oration vnto thēperor vvith much ioyfulnes declaring that this his fact about this Synod in procuring to his subiectes true godlynes and to al the Church a quiet state was the most comely thing the most acceptable seruice the most liberall oblatiō or sacrifice that any Emperour might or coulde make vnto God And declaring the humble obedience to his precept or sommons of the Bisshop of Rome vvho sent his Legates .277 being sicke him self and of them selues being present in their ovvne persones they doe most humbly beseche him to set his seale vnto their doinges to ratifie the same with the Emperial wryt and to make edictes and constitutiōs .278 wherewith to confirme the Actes of this Councel that al controuersie in tyme to come may bee vtterly taken away Al vvhich the Emperour graunted vnto them adding his curse as they had done before so vvel against al the other Heretikes as also against Honorius late Pope of Rome a companion fautour and cōfirmer saith he of the others heresies in al pointes After this the Emperour directeth his letters to the Synode at Rome of the VVesterne Bisshoppes vvherein he commendeth their diligence about the confuting of the heresies He describeth the miserable estate the Churche vvas in by meanes of the Heresies for saith he the inuentours of Heresies are made the chiefe Bisshoppes they preached vnto the people contention in steade of peace they sovved in the Churche for●vves cockle for vvheate and all Church matters vvere troubled and cleane out of order And because these things vvere thus disordered and impietye consumed Godlines wee sette forwarde thyther whereunto it becommed vs to directe our goinge meaninge to seeke by al meanes the redresse of these disorders in Churche matters wee labour with earnestnes for the pure faith wee attende vppon Godlines and wee haue our speciall care aboute the Ecclesiasticall state In consideration vvhereof vvee called the Bisshoppes out of farre distaunte places to this Synode to sette a Godly peace and Quietnes in the Churche matters c. To this epistle of the Emperour Leo the seconde Bisshoppe of Rome maketh aunsvvere for Agatho vvas deade bye letters vvhereof this is the effecte I geue thankes vnto the Kinge of Kinges vvho hath bestovved on you an earthly Kingdome in such vvyse that he hath geuen you therevvith a mind to seeke much more after heauenlye thinges Your pietye is the fruite of mercy but your authoritye is the keper of Discipline by that the Princes minde is ioyned to Godde But bye this the subiectes receyue reformation of disorders Kinges ought to haue so muche care to refourme and correcte naughtynes
furthered with his helpe otherwise itching forth a litle and a litle faine to finde somewhat and it wil not be For all that furthering that you so closely couer was nothing els but that to his great charges he furnished the Councel with a goodly store of bookes and greate plentye of the Fathers writings Out of which they collected a fourme of institution c. Not the Emperour A non after you talke of Monasteries for men and wemen but you leaue out Secundùm regulam S. Benedicti According to the Rule of S. Benet Your vnruly Religion coulde not beare so much as the Remēbraunce of that holy Rule And al that you tell of the Emperors words to the Bishops in the Coūcel of Tioinū the Coūcel calleth it only Cōmonitoriū an aduertisemēt or admonitiō No charge or Cōmissiō You note to the Reader certeyne enormyties recited in this Goūcel But wote you what those enormytes were Forsoth these That the lay Nobilite quia ad electionis consortiū admittuntur Archipraesbyteris suis dominari praesumunt quos tanquā patres venerari debuerūt velut subditos cōtēnunt Bicause they are admitted to haue a part in the Electiō they presume to ouer rule their chief priestes And whom they oughte to reuerence as Fathers they contemne as subiects These were the enormyties there recyted M. Horne And do not you defende this very enormytie euen in this very place ād by this very Councel When will you leaue to bringe Authoryties against your selfe As touching the matter of Incest the Synod requireth of the Emperour that to bringe such offenders to open penaunce Comitum eius auxilio fulciantur they may be vpholded with the helpe of his Offycers Lo they require the Emperours helpe for execution And yet you conclude after your maner Thus dothe the kinge take vpō him ād thus doe the Bishops yelde vnto him the Gouernement as wel of Ecclesiastical as Tēporal causes and thinges And this you conclude a gouernement whiche in all your premisses was not so muche as named Your Conclusion is alwaies full and mightye But your proufes are voyde and fainte M. Horne The .104 Diuision pag. 66. a. Pope Leo .4 vvriteth his humble letters vnto Lotharius on the behalfe of one Colonus vvho vvas chosen to be Bishop of Reatina but he might not consecrate him vvithout the Emperours licence first obteined thereunto and therfore praieth the Emperour of his fauour tovvardes Colonus Vt vestra licentia accepta ibidem Deo adiuuante eum consecrare valeamus Episcopum That hauing your licence wee may haue authority by Goddes helpe to consecrate him Bishoppe there Vppon this vvoorde Licence The Glosser noteth the consente of the Prince to be required after the election be made .342 Nexte to Leo sauinge the .343 vvoman Pope Iohan vvas Benedictus .3 chosen vvho vvas ratified and confirmed by the Emperours authority vvho sente his Embassadours to Rome for that purpose This Pope is commended for his greates godline But he vvas ouer godly to li●e longe in that sea neuerthelesse he vvas not so godly as the moste of his successours vvere altogether vngodly as your .344 ovvne vvriters make reporte And to note this chaunge the better Nauclerus telleth of diuers vvonders hovv the Deuil appeared in an vgly shape and hurled stones at men as they vvent by set men togeather by the eares bevvrayed theeues and Priestes of their Lemmans and such like Hovv it rained bloud three daies and three nightes Hovv great Grassehoppers vvith six vvings and six fete and tvvo teeth harder then any stone couered the ground and destroyed the fruites not altogether vnlike those Grassehoppers that S. Iohn noteth in his Reuelatiō to come frō the bottōles pit after the starre vvas fallen After this folovved a great pestilence VVhich vvonders if they be true be not vnvvorthy the notīg considering the chaunge that follovved For hitherto stil from time to time although some Popes did priuily attempte the contrarye yet the Emperours .345 alvvayes kept the confirmation of the Pope the inuesturing of Bisshoppes and the ordering of many .346 other Ecclesiasticall matters till the next Pope began openly to repine at the matter and his successour after him to curse and some of those that folovved fell from chiding and cursing to plaine fighting for the same In the vvhiche combate though vvith much a doe at length they vvrong them selues from vnder the Emperours .347 obedience Yet alvvaies euen hitherto Princes haue had no litle interest in Ecclesiastical causes as hereafter shal appere The .12 Chapter Of. Leo .4 Benedictus .3 Nicolaus 1. Adrian .2 Martinus .2 Adrian .3 and of the .8 Generall Councell vnder Basilius the Emperour Stapleton WE goe on still with the Popes confirmation a matter as ye know nedelesse and such as might be spared sauing that M. Horne must take a foile euen of his owne allegation and Glosar Who as he saith the Princes consente is required after the election so he addeth Nisi aliud suade at scandalum vel praescripta consuetudo Onlesse saith he some offence or a prescribed custome moue vs to thinke otherwise Then is M. Horne in hand with Benedictus the .3 nexte Pope to the woman Pope Iohan who was confirmed by the Emperour But here M. Horne a man may doubt of this pointe whether this Benedictus was next to Pope Iohan. For if there was neuer such Pope Iohan then could not he be nexte to her And that it is rather a fable then a storie for al your great busines your Apologie and others make therein I thinke it hath ben already sufficiently proued Neither nede you to make so much wondering at the matter Except ye list to wonder at your selues whiche doe place the Popes Supreme authoritie in Princes be they men or women Yea and chyldren to And in so fewe yeares you haue had all three Man Childe And Woman The lesse meruaile had it bene if in so many hundred yeres we had had one woman pope which yet as I sayed is vtterly false as it hath bene sufficiently proued But touching this confirmation of popes and inuesturing of bishops which Adrian and Leo graunted to Charles the greate whych Ludouicus hys sonne gaue ouer againe which other princes coueted to haue after in their owne handes againe and which was denied them Gratian who hath collected the examples of both sydes geueth forth a true and an euident reason as well why to the one it was first graunted as also why to the other afterwarde it was most iustly denied Of the fyrst he sayeth The electiōs of Popes and of other bishops to be referred to Princes and Emperours both Custome and lawe hath taught vs for the dissensiōs of schismatiks and heretiks against whō the Church hath ben defended oftentimes with the lawes of faithful Emperours The election therfore of the Clergy was presented to the Princes to the entēt that it being by their authority strengthened no heretike
or schismatike should dare to gainsaie it And also to the end that the Princes them selues as deuout childrē shuld agree vpon him whom they sawe to be chosen for their Father that in all things they might aide and assist him As it was in the example of Valentinian th'Emperour and S. Ambrose I saith the Emperour wil be thy aide and defence as it becometh my degree And herevpon Pope Steuen of whom M. Horne talked euen now made a Decree that without the Emperours Legates were present no bishops alreadie chosen should be consecrated And by reason of this Decree the Bishops of Reatina coulde not be consecrated as M. Horne euen now alleaged But saith Gratian because the Emperours passing sometime their bondes would not be of the nūber of cōsenters ād agreers to th'electiō but wuld be the first that shuld choose yea ād put out to oftētimes also falling to be as false as heretiks assaied to breake the vnity of the Catholike Church their Mother therefore the decrees of the holie Fathers haue proceded against them that they should no more medle with the election of bisshops and that whosoeuer obtained any Church by their voice should be excommunicated And as Ezechias toke awaye the brasen serpent whiche Moyses did set vp because it was now abused so the constitutions of our forefathers are sometime chaunged by the Authoritie of the posteritie when such Constitutiōs mere positiue are abused Then Gratian bringeth in diuers other decrees against the Confirmatiō of Emperours as of Gregorie the .4 pope of Lewys the firste Charles hys sonne Henrie the first and Otho the first Emperours who all gaue ouer by open decrees this priuilege graunted first of popes vpon good considerations and after repealed vpon as good by the same authoritie And thus you see M. Horne by your owne Authours and by good reason if ye haue grace to consider it you are sufficiently answered for confirmation of Popes and inuesturing of Bisshops a common matter in your booke and yet as you see nowe a matter of no weight in the world After this M. Horn is in hand with the raining of bloud three daies and with many other wonders of this time yea with the Deuil him selfe that bewrayed Priests Lemmans whiche they kept in corners secrete that now M. Horne and his fellowes are not ashamed to kepe openly and haue learned a furder lesson then Priestes of that age knew that a Frier and a Nunne may laufully wedde wherat the Deuill him selfe perchaunce doth as much wonder as Maister Horne here doth wonder at the Deuils straunge doings which yet are not so strange nor so much to be wondered at as perchance your great wisedom is to be wōdred at to imagine that al these things chanced for that th'Emperour had not as he was wonte to haue the confirmation of the Popes election and the ordering of maters Ecclesiasticall M. Horne The .105 Diuision pag. 66. b. After Benedictus vvas Nicolas chosen vvhom the Emperour him selfe being present did confirme as vvitnesseth Nauclerus At the same time was the Emperour Lodouicus .2 at Rome who confirmed the Popes election The same also sayeth Martin to the vvhich Volateran addeth of the Emperour and the Pope De communi consilio ambo cuncta gerebant Al● thinges were done by common counsaile or consent of both the Emperour and the Pope And least it might be thought he meaneth not as vvel Ecclesiastical as Temporal matters Sabellicus maketh the matter more plaine affirming that the Emperour and the Pope had secrete confer●nce together many daies and had consultation both touching the matters perteining to Christian Religion and also of the state of Italye And a litle after talkinge of the Pope The Pope decreed by the consente of Lodouicus that from thence foorth no Prince no not the Emperour him selfe should be present in the councell with the Clergye onlesse it were when the principall pointes of faith were treated of Hitherto in all these Ecclesiasticall causes the Emperour hath the doinge as .348 vvell or more than the Pope But this last decree that by the allovvance of the Emperour the Pope made exempteth Temporall Princes from Ecclesiasticall matters in their councelles though in the most principall matters Ecclesiastical concerning faith it leaueth to them their .349 interestes Stapleton M Horne hym self to helpe our matters forwarde bringeth forth a decree made by the pope with th' Emperours consent that lay princes should not be present in Coūcels onlesse it were when the principall pointes of religion be treated of at the which he wondreth as of a thing vnheard of And yet he did or mought haue found as much in the actes of the Councell of Chalcedo Yea he myght haue sene also that by the same decree as well the people as the prince might be present and as much interest had the one thereyn as the other For as the same Pope Nicolas sayed geuynge a reason why the prince may be present when matters of faith are debated Faith is common to all and perteineth as well to the layitie as to the Clergie yea to all Christen men without exception Yet all was not gone from them sayeth M. Horne for they had their interestes still he sayeth in the principall matters ecclesiasticall concerning faith But what intereste I praye you tell vs Was it to determine or define anye thyng or that all determinations were voyde and frustrate without thē Nay but only that they might be present eyther to keepe quiet and order or els as Constantin and Marcian protested ad confirmandam fidem to strenghthen their owne faith or last of all to execute the Sentence and determinations of bishops And so were theyr Ambassadours present in the late General Councel at Trēt And the Emperour and Kinges were wished thē selues to be there M. Horne The .106 Diuision pag. 67. a. Martinus the secōd gat into the Papacie malis artibus by naughty meanes saith Platina ād as is noted in the margēt it vvas in this Popes time that first of all the creation of the Popes vvas made vvithout the Emperours authority But this Pope died so shortely as he came in naughtily After vvhō Adriā the third like vnto his predecessor the secōd of that name vvho by cūning sleight practised to .350 defraude the Emperour of his authority espying oportunitie by reason that Charles the emperour as Sabellicus saith vvas farre of busied in the vvarres dothe promote this matter to be decreed by the Senate and the people and this he did immediatly after he vvas made Bishop ād persuadeth thē that they doo not hereafter vvayte for the Emperours approbatiō and cōfirmation in appointing their Bishop but that they should kepe to thēselues their ovvn fredome The vvhich thing also Nicolaus the firste vvith others attēpted but coulde not bringe it to passe as Platina reporteth VVho also vvriteth that the Romaynes had cōceiued an hope of great liberty in the hauty courage of this Pope being
Pope Stephen had an obscure tyme sauing that Charles therein called a Councell at Collen and after him Arnulphus the Emperour other tvvo the one at Moguntia the other at Triburum The .13 Chapter Of the laste Emperours of Charlemaynes race and of the Popes of Rome of that age Stapleton HEre folowe two Coūcels vnder Arnulphus the Emperour the one at Moguntia the other at Triburum But what Is there in that Councels nothing for you M. Horne Why There is in the Councell of Moguntia a whole Chapter intitled Quid sit propriè ministerium Regis What is properly the office of a kynge And in a Chapter so specially debating of your matter in hād could you fynd nothing that made for you Then let vs see whether there be any thing for vs. The Councell in that Chapter saieth The office of a kynge specially is to gouerne the people of God and to rule vvith equitie and Iustice and to prouide that peace and concord may be kept And howe In ecclesiasticall matters We shal heare For saieth the Councell he ought before all thinges to be a defender of the Churches I thought the Councel would haue said Supreme Gouernour and of the seruants of God of widowes and Orphanes And so furth Lo. M. Horne The office of the prince is to defend the Churche of God not to gouerne it not to alter and chaunge the Religion not to make Church lawes c. In al this chapter looke when you will you shall not fynd one worde for the Princes supreme Gouernement or any maner of Gouernement at al in matters ecclesiastical And yet this beinge as you say in the beginninge of this booke A principall parte of the Princes Royal povver the Councel of purpose treating in this Chapter only of the princes office and power it is more then maruayl that the matter should in such depe silence so be wrapped vp that no worde or half worde thereof coulde appeare Verely in the next chapter folowinge it is commaunded and decreed that the Churches and things to them belonging should apperteyn to bishops without any worde of the Princes supreme Gouernement in thinges of the Church M. Horne The .108 Diuision Fol. 67. b. Of these Popes and those that follovved as Formosus Stephanus Romanus Benedictus Leo Christophorus Sergius and a great company more the Historians geue but an homely testimonie and Nauclerus saith that to satisfie their voluptuous lustes they did maliciously malice one another as most cruel Tyrantes and he added this reason Cum non extarent qui eorum vitia coercerent bicause there was none to correcte and chasten them for their euill doinges For so long as the Princes exercised their 351 authoritie in ouerseing carefully the Church matters and the mynisters so vvel the Popes as other Bishoppes there grevve no such intollerable disorders neither vvere there suche mōsters for so Nauclerus termeth these Popes that continued any space But vvere by the Princes authoritie suppressed and therfore Nauclerus citeth out of Platina and affirmeth it to be true that the cause of these monstrous Rebelles in the Churche vvas Quòd Resp. ignauos desides principes habeat Bicause the common wealthe had improfitable and slouthfull Princes Thus these vvriters burdeine and charge the Princes vvith the disorders and enormities in Christes Churche vvherein they doo them vvronge if they thought not that it apperteined to the Princely auritie to ouersee care and prouide for the good order of Christes Churche and to redresse punishe and remoue the inordinate euilles therein Stapleton M. Horne nowe russheth in withe a bedroll of certain naughty popes down from Formosus to Iohn the .13 Amōg whom I marueyl why you recken Benedictus of whome Nauclerus writeth thus Huius Benedicti laus est quòd intam corruptis moribus grauiter constanter vitam duxisse feratur The commendation of this Benedictus is that in so corrupt maners of men he is saied to haue liued with grauitie and Constancie And namely for his great humanitie and clemency he was chosen But much more I merueyle that amonge so many badde you speake neuer a worde of the good namely of Anastasius of whom it is writen Nihil habuit quo reprehendi posset He was a man that could be charged with nothing of Leo the .6 which nihil tyrannicum prae se tulit rei diuinae consulens shewed no tyranny in his behauyour attending vpō Gods seruice Of Steuen the 7. whose lyfe was full of gentlenesse and Religion Of Leo .7 and Steuen the .8 bothe commended Popes Of Martyn the .3 who folowed also the gentle demeanour of Steuen Of Agapetus who is writen to haue ben vir innocens Reip. Christianae feruens amator An innocent man and a feruent tenderer of the Christian commō wealth Of whom also the kyng of Denmark receyued the faith All these good and vertuouse Popes in great affliction of wicked persons in those daies for lacke in dede of Iustice in good Emperours lyued and ruled the Church betwen this Formosus and Iohn the .13 or .12 more then twenty yeres But. M. Horne like a fowle sowe that nouseleth in the donghil and careth not for the fayre floures in the garden nouseleth him selfe amonge the euyll bisshops and can not abyde to speake one poore worde for the good And therefore as Mēmius obiected to Cato his nights Dronckennesse for whom Cicero answereth why tellest thou not also of his dayes dycing he being in dede all the daye in the affayres of the Common wealth so for the bedrol of your euyl Popes Formosus and the rest I aske you whi you tel vs not also of Anastasius of Leo the .6 and .7 of Steuyn the .7 and .8 of Martyn the .3 ād of Agapetꝰ but that you had rather be Mēmius thē Cicero rather a rashe cōptroller thē a discrete reporter M. Horne The .109 Diuision pag. 68. a. Yea Sabellicus so vvondereth at these tragicall examples of the Bishoppes of this time and their horrible obliuion of Godly Religion that he .352 ascribeth the good and godly moderatiō that vvas in the Bishops and the dutiful execution of their office from Charles the great til the ende of the Frenche Empire vvhiche vvas an vvhole age to be not so much of them selues and their ovvne good vvilles as of the avve and feare they had of the Princes kinges and Emperours vvho vvere their guardians And therfore concludeth that it may be truely said that this vvas the calamitie of Fraunce Italy and of the Churche of Rome Quòd in ea gente desitum esset imperari bicause there was .353 no king nor Emperour to beare rule 354. meaning that although there vvere kinges and Emperours yea● did they not execute their Princely office and authoritie in ouerseing correcting and reforminge the Churche matters and her mynisters and therefore the state vvas miserable In this confusion vvere all thinges but especially in the
opiniō although to .371 flatter the Popes vvithall he durst not so plainly open his minde that vvithout the Pope he creat vvith the Emperours confirmation and authority he is but a thefe and a robber Ne●t vnto him saith Nauclerus vvas Syluester the second placed by the Emperours appointment .372 Vvho being a .373 Coniurer had solde his soule to the Diuel for this promotion Neuerthelesse he vvas saith he so vvittie so learned and semed so holy that he not onely deceiued th' Emperor that made hī Pope but al the vvorld besides In vvhich Otho the Emperor remaining at Rome did deliberate after vvhat sort ād by vvhat meanes he might reforme not onely the Empire but also hādeling .374 Ecclesiastical matters how he might reforme the Lawes of the Church and bring thē into the auncient estate Suche vvas the careful trauel of the Godly Princes ▪ in gouerning not onely in Temporall but also in Ecclesiasticall thinges and causes Benedictus the ninth solde the Papacy to Gregorye the sixt Syluester the thirde thrust in amongest them by frendship and briberye To this case was the Papacy brought now saith Platina that onely he that was most mighty in ambition and bribery obteined this dignitie there was no roume for good men Henricus the thyrd surnamed Pius came to Rome to thrust out these three monsters saith Sabellicus and to bring this to passe in better order he calleth a Synod vvherein he .375 deposeth these three monstrous beastes and dooth create Clement the second The vvhiche doon he sweareth the Romaines that they shall neuer after be present at the electiō of any Pope onles they be .376 compelled thereunto by the Emperour But after the Emperours departure from the citie Stephan perceiuing the people to grudge somvvhat at Clementes election despatched him out of the vvay vvith a medicine for a Pope Venenum illi miscuit he poisoned him saith Sabellicus and immediatlye after his death entruded him self into the Papacy without consent either of the Emperour people or priest ād called him self Damasus .2 But vvithin a vvhile he died also In the meanetime the Romaines sent to the Emperour besechinge him to appointe them some good man to be their Bishop vvho made Bauno Pope and vvas named Leo .9 The .15 Chapter of Hugh Capet the Frenche King Otho 3. Emperour and of Gregorie .5 and Siluester .2 Popes Stapleton AMong all other Popes M. Horne you could not alleage any worse to your purpose then this Gregorie the .5 For if we shall beleue Platina Sabellicus Volaterane Carion and the other cōmon writers it is this Gregorie that instituted the .7 Electours in Germanie and the whole order and direction with his Othe also to the Pope As touching Arnulphus the Bishop of Rhemes deposed by a Councel there called as you say by Hugh Capet the French King and Gilbert put in his place it is true you saie but you tell not all For afterwardes as Nauclerus reporteth because Arnulphus coulde not be deposed without the authoritie of the bisshop of Rome M. Gilbert was deposed againe and Arnulphus restored Wherevpon Gilbert fled to Otho and was in a certaine time after made Bisshop of Rauēna This is the whole story M. Horn and this declareth the Popes authoritie aboue youre Supreme Gouernour Hugh Capet the French King Where you adde that King Robert sonne to Hugh Capet was a diligent labourer about Diuine or Church matters if you had told forth wherin as your Author doth saying Composuit enim multas prosas hymnos For he made manie proses and hymnes to be song in the Churche your tale had bene to small purpose excepte to make songs for the Church do proue a man Supreme Gouernour in al Church causes or things And then you haue more supreme gouernours then one ▪ not onely in England but in London yea and in the Court too I trowe Of Iohn the .18 and Gregorie the .5 we shal say more anon But nowe whether Syluester the .2 were a coniurer or no to your mater it maketh neuer a whit and there is more to be said to the contrary whiche neadelesse we nede not now to allege then ye shal perchaunce this whole twelue moneths wel answere vnto But I woulde now faine aske you M. Horne who is this Siluester What was his name before I pray you Forsoth gentle Reader this Siluester is he by whose electiō to be B. of Rhemes M. Horne in the last page would proue the Frēch king to be Supreme head of the Church And then to set foorth the Kings Supremacie he was Gilbert the Philosopher and nowe for to depresse the Popes Supremacie being made Pope him selfe by M. Hornes charme is turned from a Philosopher to a Coniurer But to leaue al other coniectures and especiallie that it is not likely that he solde as ye say his soule to the Deuill for that promotion seing that by the report of your own Author Sabellicus it is said that he instructed in learning not only the French king but the Emperour also and therfore was in some great likelihode of preferment without any Magical arte to be practised for the same I say that your selfe vnwarely haue aunswered your selfe in calling him a Philosopher For being so verye fewe in the West part in those daies skilful in Philosophie and in the Mathematicalles if anye were suche the common people tooke him by and by for a Nigromancer and a coniurer And Theodorichus de Nyem an Author by your selfe allegead Page .83 a witnesseth the same saying that this Syluester was cunning in liberal Sciences and a noble Philosopher and Mathematical I haue seene saith he certaine of his bookes most suttill in Philosophie And for his suche excellent learning multi Romani ipsum odio habebant dicētes quòd Magus esset nec non magicam artem exerceret Many of the Romaines hated him saying that he was a Coniurer and vsed witchcraft Vpon such vaine rumours you also cal him a Coniurer M. Horne vttering therein as much good skil as you doe good will But how so euer it be ye should not by your supreme authority yet to the bewraying either of your notable vnskilfulnesse as not knowing the saied Sluyester to be the partye yee speake of immediatlye before or of youre notable peruersitie and yll dealing so sodenly haue turned him from a philosopher into a coniurer Wherein yet if ye will stryue and wrangle to proue that for all this gyfte Otho acknowledged the popes supreame authoritye I remitte yowe M. Horne and your reader to the verie sayde distinction your self alleage Where ye shall fynd that this Otho or his grandfather Otho the firste did by the vsuall othe of themperours euer sythens geuen agnise the pope for the supreame head of the Church So your owne story playnely and fullie opened geueth againste yowe a playne and a full testimonie also aswell of your moste vnhoneste and false dealinge in the
promising by othe to Aldrede Archbisshop of Yorke that crouned hī at S. Peters alter in Westminster before the clergy and the people that he would defende the holye Churches and their gouernours But tel your readers good M. Horn I beseche you why that King Williā contrary to the aunciēt order vsed euer before and since was not crowned of Stigandus thē liuing and being Archbishop of Canterbury but of the bishop of York Yf ye can not or wil not for very shame to betraie your cause tel you reader then wil I do so much for you Forsoth the cause was that the Pope layde to his charge that he had not receiued his palle canonically The said Stigandus was deposed shortly after in a Councell holden at Winchester in the presence of .ij. Cardinals sent frō Pope Alexander the .2 and that as Fabian writeth for thre causes The first for that he had holden wrōgfully the bisshoprik whyle Robert the Archbishop was liuing The second for that he had receyued the palle of Benett bishop of Rome the fifth of that name The third for that he occupied the said Palle without licēce and leful authority of the court of Rome Your author Polychronicon writeth in the like effect Neubrigensis also newly prīted toucheth the depositiō of this Stigādus by the Popes Legat in Englād ād reporteth that the Popes Legat Canonically deposed him What liking haue you now M. Horne of Kīg Williās supremacy Happy are you with your fellowes the protestāt bishops and your two Archbisshops that the said Williā is not now king For if he were ye se cause sufficiēt why ye al shuld be depriued aswel as Stigādꝰ And yet ther is one other thīg worse thā this and that is schisme and heresy Who woulde euer haue thought good reader that the Pope should euer haue found M. Horne him selfe so good a proctour for the Papacy againste him self and his fellowes For lo this brasen face which shortly for this his incredible impudency will be much more famouse then freer Bacons brasen head of the which the schollers of Oxforde were wonte to talke so much doth not blushe to tel thee good reader to his owne confusion of the Popes Legates and the Councell kepte at Winchester And al this is ye wotte wel to shewe that Kinge William was supreme head in al causes as wel temporall as spiritual Then doth he pleade on foorth full lustely for the Pope for Kinge William heareth a certayne Ecclesiasticall matter beinge in controuersie and dependinge in the Popes cowrte betwene the Archebisshop of Yorke and the Archebisshop of Caunterbury the which cause the Pope had remitted to be determined by the King and the bishops Well said M. Horne and like the Popes faithfull proctour For hereof followeth that the Pope was the supreame head and iudge of the cause And the Kinge the Popes Commissioner by whose commaundemēt the cause was sent ouer to be heard in Englād And yet was Hubertus the Popes Legat present at the end this notwithstāding M. Horne would now belike make vs belieue that King William also thrusted out Abbats and supressed Monasteries when yt pleased him For he telleth vs that by the Kīgs iudgement Abbat Thurstan was chaunged and his monks scattered abrode but he had forgotte to set in also that his authour and others say that it was for slaying of certayne of his monkes and wounding of certayne other The monks also had hurt many of his men And your author of the Pollichronicō telleth that these mōks were scattered abrode by the kīgs hest by diuers bisshopriks and abbays which latter words ye leue out As also you do in your Author Fabiā who saith not they were scattred about as you reporte as though they had bene scattred out of their coates as of late dayes they were but he saieth they were spred abrode into diuers houses through Englande so that they chaunged but their house not their Religion And so this was no spirituall matter that the kinge did neither gaue he herein any iudgement in any spirituall cause Nowe if all other argumentes and euidences fayled vs to shewe that kinge William toke not him self for supreame gouernour in all maner causes as you moste vntruely and fondly auouche we might well proue it againste yowe by the storie of Lanfranke whome kinge William as ye confesse made archebishop of Canterburie Though according to your olde manner ye dissemble aswell the depryuation of Stigandus in whose place the king set Lanfranke as that Lanfranke receyuid his palle from Rome and acknowledged not the kinge but the pope for supreame head of the Church Which thing doth manifestly appeare in his learned boke he wrote againste your greate graundsier Berengarius Who as ye doe nowe denied then the transubstantiation and the real presence of Christes bodie in the Sacramente and called the Churche of Rome which had condemned his heresie as ye vse to doe the Church of the malignante the councell of vanitye the see of Sathan To whome Lanfrancus answereth that there was neuer anie heretyke anie schismatyke anie false Christian that before hym had so wyckedly babled againste that see And sayth yet farder in an other place of the sayd boke Quotquot a primordio Christianae Ecclesiae Christiani nominis dignitate gloriati sunt etsi aliqui relicto veritatis tramite per deuia erroris incedere maluerunt sedem tamen sancti Petri Apostoli magnificè honorauerunt nullamque aduersus eam huiusmodi blasphemiam vel dicere vel scribere praesumpserunt Whosoeuer from the begynning of Christes Church were honored with the name of Christē mē though some forsaking the Truth haue gone astray yet they honoured much the See of Peter neyther presumed at any time either to speake or to write any such blasphemy He saieth also that the blessed Fathers doe vniformly affirme that mā to be an heretike that doth dissent from the Romā and vniuersal Church in matter of faith But what nede I lay furth to thee good Reader Lanfrāks learned books or to goe from the matter we haue in hand ministred to vs by M. Horne cōcerning this matter sent to be determined before the King Such as haue or can get either Polychronicō or Fabiā I would wish them to see the very place and thā wil they meruail that M. Horne would for shame bring in this matter agaīst the Popes primacy for the confirmation wherof ye shal find in Lāfranks reasoning before the King for his right vpō the church of York somthing worth the noting for the Popes primacy Beside this he writeth that Lanfrank was a man of singular vertue cōstancy and grauity whose helpe and coūsel for his affaires the King chiefly vsed And therfore your cōclusion that ye inferre of such premisses as ye haue specified which as I haue shewed do not impugne but establish the popes primacy is a very fond folish and false cōclusion It appeareth well both
good to the Princes and states of the Empire that al Preachers and persones should at all high feastes preache vnto the people thereof faithfully This being done Maximilian sette forth a decree for the taking avvaie of the foresaied Ecclesiastical greuaunces vvherein he declareth that though of clemencie he haue suffered the Pope and the Clergie herein as did his Father Frederik Yet not withstanding sith that by his liberality the worshippe and seruice of God hath fallen to decaie it apperteineth vnto his dutie whom God hath chosen vnto the Emperial Throne of Rome that amongest all other moste great businesses of peace and warres that he also looke aboute him vigilantlie that the Church perishe not that Regilion decaie not that the worshippe of the seruice of God be not diminished c. In confideration vvhereof he prouideth that a man hauing in any Citie a Canonship or Vicarshippe enioy not any prebende of an other Church in the same Citie c. Making other decrees againste suinge in the Ecclesiasticall Courtes for benefices for defence of Lay mens Patronages for pensions against bulles and cloked Symonie c. After this the .468 Emperour and Levvys the French King concluded togeather to call a .469 generall Councell at Pise to the vvhich also agreed a great part of the Popes Cardinals Many saith .470 Sabellicus began to abhorre the Popes Courts saying that al things were defiled with filthy lucre with monstruous and wicked lustes with poisonings Sacrilegies murders and Symoniacal faiers and that Pope Iulius him selfe vvas a Symoniake a dronkarde a beaste a worldling and vnworthelye occupied the place to the destruction of Christendome and that there was no remedie but a General Councel to be called to helpe these mischiefes to the which his Cardinalles accordng to his othe desired him but they could not obteine it of him Maximilian the Emperour being the Authour of it with Lewes the Frenche King because the histories doe beare recorde that in times past the Emperours of Rome had wont to appoint Councels they appoint a Coūcell to be holdē at Pyse The .37 Chapter Of Maximilian the Emperour Great Granfather to Maximilian the Emperour which now liueth Stapleton THough Maximilian the Emperour redressed certaine grieuaunces that the Churches of Germanie suffred through paiements to the Romaine Court as did the French Kings about the same time yet did he not thereby challenge the Popes Supremacy but most reuerētly obeied the same as did this notwithstanding the French Kings also as I haue before declared Which to omitte al other arguments appeareth wel by his demeanour at his later daies in the first starting vppe of your Apostle I shoulde saye Apostata Martin Luther and also by the protestation of his nexte successour Charles the fift of famous memorie protesting openlye at his first dyet holden in Germanie at Wormes that he woulde followe the approued Relligion of his moste Noble Progenitours of the house of Austria of whome this Maximilian was his Graundfather Whose Relligion and deuotion to the See of Rome from time to time his nephew Charles in that assemblye extolleth and setteth forthe as a most honourable and worthy example Whiche in him howe great it was if nothing els yet your deape silence in this place of so noble an Emperour vnder whome suche importante concurrents befell geaue vs well to vnderstande For had there bene in him the least inkling in the worlde of any inclining to your factious sect he shoulde not thus haue escaped the famouse Chronicle of this your infamouse Libell And yet verely as wel you might haue broughte him and Ferdinand his brother yea and our late Gratiouse Soueraigne Queene Marie too for example of gouernemente in Ecclesiasticall causes as you haue broughte Maximilian his predecessour and a number of other Emperours before As for the Generall Councell that you saye Maximilian and Lewys the Frenche King called at Pyse it was neuer taken for anye Generall Councell nor Councell at all but a schismaticall assemblie procured against Pope Iulius by a fewe Cardinalles whome he had depriued of their Ecclesiasticall honour And it was called onely by the meanes of the Frenche King in despite of Pope Iulius for making league with the Venetians and for mouing Genua to rebelle againste him As for Maximilian he doubted in dede a while being for the said league offended with the Pope whiche waie to take but seeinge the matter growe to a Schisme he rased that Conuenticle being remoued from Pise to Millaine and agreed with Pope Iulius By whom also and by Leo the .10 his successoure this Conuenticle was dissanulled in a Generall Councell holden at Laterane in Rome To the whiche Councell at length as wel the Schismaticall Cardinalles as all other Princes condescended And thus euer if there be any thing defectuouse or faulty that you make much of and that maketh for you but if the faulte be refourmed and thinges done orderlye that you will none of for that is against you As for that you tell vs out of Sabellicus That many beganne to abhorre the Popes Courtes c. not telling vs withal where in Sabellicus that should appere his workes being so large it semeth to be a manifest Vntruth For neither in his Aenead 11. lib. 2. where by the course of time it shoulde be found neither in Rebus Venetis nor anye otherwhere can I yet finde it And therefore vntill you tell vs where that shamefull accusation was layed in and by whome we doe iustlie aunswere you that it sauoureth shrewdly of a lie And yet if all were true what proue you els but that then the Pope was an euill man and his Courte licentiously ordered Whereof if you inferre M. Horne that therfore the Prince in England must be Supreame Gouernour then on the contrarie side we may reason thus The Pope that now liueth is a man of miraculouse holinesse of excellente learning and no waies reprehensible His Court also is diligently refourmed and moste godly ordered as all that now know Rome can and do witnesse Ergo the Quenes Maiestie now nor no other Prince can or ought to be supreme Gouernour in al causes Ecclesiasticall M. Horne The .144 Diuision pag. 86 b. Maximilian the Emperour Levves the French Kinke and other Princes beyonde the seas vvere not more carefully bent and moued by theyr learned men to refourme by their authoritie the abuses about .471 Church matters then vvas King Henrie the eight at the same time King of England of most famous memorie vvho follovving the humble suits and petitions of his learned Clergie agreeing therevpon by vnifourme consent in their Conuocation toke vppon him that authoritie and gouernment in all matters or causes Ecclesiasticall vvhich they assured him to belong vnto his estate both by the vvoord of God and by the auncient Lavves of the Churche and therefore promised in verbo sacerdotij by their priesthoode not to doe any thing in their Councels vvithout his assent
is his anker hold and for this cause aswell the whole allegation is here producted as also one peace of the same set in the first page of his whole boke as a sure marke to direct the reader by and as yt were a Sampsons poste for M. Horne to buyld his boke vppō But take good head M. Horne yt be not a true Sampsons poste and that it bring not the whole howse vpon your own head as yt doth in dede Wherunto good reader seing M. Horne hath chosen this as a notable allegation to be eied on setting the same in two notable places I woulde wishe thee also to geue a good eye thereunto and to see if it can anye way possible make for him I say then M. Horne that this allegatiō goeth no further then that the Prince by his cyuill and worldlye power shoulde assiste and maynteyne the Churche and her doctrine And that this allegation directly and rowndly proueth the contrarye of that for the whiche ye doe alleage yt that is that yt proueth the ecclesiasticall authoritie and not the cyuill to be cheif and principall in causes ecclesiasticall And that in effecte the whole tendeth to nothing else but that as I sayde the Princes shoulde defend the Churche I will not stande here in ripping vp of wordes with you or in the diuersity of reading and that some old copies haue who hath committed his Churche to be defended of theire power and that your hath deliuered to be committed seameth to stande in your translation vnhansomly I will saye nothing that credere and committere is all one in Latin Let this goe I finde no faulte with you for translation but for yl application Yf ye had brought this authority to proue that the prince should defende the Churche for the whiche ende and respecte it was writen I woulde say nothing to you But when ye will bleare our eies and make vs so blinde that we shoulde imagine by this saying of Isidore that the king is Supreame Head of the Churche or that his assente is necessarie to the Synodes of Bishops and coūcelles I wil say to you that the cōtrary wil be much better gathered of this allegatiō The very firste wordes wōderfully acrase your newe primacy and somwhat also your honesty peruersly trāslating nōnunquā which is somtime or now and thē into oftētimes But let yt be for nonnunquam sepe let them oftētymes haue the highest authoritye in the Churche Vnlesse they haue yt styll they can not be called the Supreame Heades in all causes ecclesiastical And so theis very words make a good argumēt againste your primacy But now M. Horne what is the cause whie they haue this high authority either somtimes or oftētimes Isidore straytwayes sheweth the cause that they may as your self translate fence by theire power the ecclesiastical discipline Ye heare thē the scope and final purpose of this allegation for Princes authority in matters ecclesiasticall that is to defende the Churche And therefore as I sayde yt is more sutely to reade tradidit defendendam then tradidit cōmittendā And for this cause the Emperours call them selues not capita Ecclesiae not the heades of the Churche sed aduocatos Ecclesiae but the aduocates of the Churche as your self tel of themperour Friderike Goe we now forth with Isidorus But first I aske of you M. Horne that make the Princes to be heades of the Churche and to haue so muche to doe in matters ecclesiasticall that the Bishops can decree nothing that shoulde be auaylable withowt they re special ratification for the setting forth of the which doctrine ye are content for this tyme that priestes shal be priestes and may sweare by their priesthod and not by theire aldermanship or eldership whether suche authority in Princes be absolutelie necessarie to the Churche or no Yf ye say no thē conclud you against your self ād your whole boke Yf ye say yea then conclude you against the truthe and againste your authour who sayeth that suche authority of Princes in the Church is not necessarie but for to punishe those that contemne the worde of doctrine the fayth and discipline of the Churche Of whome haue we receiued M. Horne the worde of doctrine the faythe and discipline of the Churche Of the Apostles and theire successours the Bishoppes or of the Princes I suppose ye will not saie of Princes Then must ye graunt that for these matters the primacy resteth in the clergy of whom the Princes thē selues haue receiued theire faith ād to whom in matters of faith and for the discipline of the Churche they must also obey and as case requireth set forth the doctrine of worde wyth theire temporal sworde Whiche if they do not but suffer throwghe theire slacknes the faythe and disciplyne of the Churche to be loosed God who hath committed his Churche to be defended by theire power wil exacte an accompte of thē as your authour Isidore writeth and your self do allege So that now we see euen by your own allegatiō in whom the superiority of Churche matters remayneth that is in the clergy And that Princes are not the heades but the ayders assisters and aduocates of the Churche with theire tēporal authority And to this ende all that euer ye haue browght in this your boke cōcerning the intermedling of Princes in church affaires cā only be referred And this your own allegatiō is aswel a sufficiēt answere to al your argumēts hitherto laid furth for the princes supremacy as a good iustification of the Clergies primacy Wherfore if you harken but to your owne allegation and will stande to the same as you wil your Readers to do placing it as I haue said in the fore fronte of your booke you must nedes stand also to the next parcell folowing making clerely for the Clergies superioritie in Ecclesiasticall causes These words I mean that withī the Church the power of Prīces shuld not be necessary sauing that that thing which the Priests are not able to do by the word of doctrine the power of the prīce may cōmaūd by terror of discipline And I doubt nothing but that we are able wel and surely to proue as wel by his other bookes as by his gathering of all the Councels together into one volume yet extāt that Isidorus thought of the Popes Primacy then as Catholiques doe now For an euident proufe wherof behold what this Auncient and learned Bisshop Isidorus writeth He saith Synodorum congregandarum authoritas Apostolicae sedi commissa est Neque vllam Synodū generalem ratam esse credimus aut legimus quae non fuerit eius authoritate congregata vel fulcita Hoc Authoritas testatur Canonica hoc Ecclesiastica historia comprobat hoc Sancti Patres confirmant The Authoritie of assembling Coūcelles is committed to the See Apostolike Neither doe we beleue or reade any General Councell to be ratified whiche was not either assembled or confirmed with her Authoritie
and Princes may not claime or take vpon thē any part of Spiritual gouernement much lesse take the supremacy and chief part of spiritual gouernement from them For ansvveare I deny this argument for it is a naughty and deceiptful .523 Sophistication called Fallacia aequiuocationis There is equiuocatiō in this vvord Priests and so in these vvords to gouerne ād rule the Church of God This vvorde Priest hath diuers significatiōs vvhich are to be obserued least the simple readers be confirmed or brought into errour thorough the equiuocatiō therein The Scripture speaketh of a priesthood after the order of Aaron after vvhich order you vvil not cōfesse Apostles and the Bisshops their successours to be Priests an other kind of Priesthod is after the other of Melchisedech and Christ only vvithout any successour in that priesthood vvas the alone Priest of that order The third kind is an holy and princely Priesthod of the vvhich order not only the Apostles and their true successours but also Kings Queenes Princes and al maner of faithful Christians are Priests There is in common opinion amongest the Papists a fourth kind vvhich is a massinge and sacrificīg priesthod after vvhich order Christes Apostles ād the true mynisters of his Church vvere 524. neuer priests for that order belōgeth only to the Apostolical Clergy of the Romishe Antichrist Yf your meaning therefore be that Christ left any kinde of gouernement or rule of his Church to Bisshops and Priests after this popishe order your opiniō is .525 hereticall and your assertion vtterly false Therefore vvhere I shal aftervvardes in my speaking cal the ministers of Christes Church Priestes I geue you to vnderstand that I doe therein but follovv the vsuall and accustomed kinde of speache vvhich is .526 impropre although in longe vse Likevvise to gouerne and rule the Chureh of God is of tvvo kindes and sortes the one is by the supreme authority and povver of the .527 svvorde to guide care prouide direct and ayde Gods Church to further mainteine and setfoorth the true Religion vnity and quietnes of Gods Churche and to ouersee visit refourme restraine amende and correcte all maner persons vvith al maner errours superstitions heresies schismes abuses offfences contemptes and enormities in or about Gods Church VVhich gouernement and rule apperteineth onely to Kings Queenes and Princes and not to the Apostles Bisshops and Priestes vvhereof S. Paule speaketh nothing at al in this sentence by you alledged to the Bisshops of Ephesus The other sorte is to feede the flocke of Christ vvith the Spiritual foode of Gods vvord vvhich is the .528 only rule and gouernement that belongeth to the Apostles Bisshops and Ministers of Christes Churche and of none other maner rule speaketh S. Paule to the Bisshoppes of Ephesus vvhich he maketh most plaine both by the expresse vvords of the sentence auouched and also by the vvhole circumstance of the same place The vvord that S. Paule vseth doth proprely signify to feede as the sheapeherd feedeth his sheepe ād by a figuratiue speach to guide gouerne or rule and therefore if you vvould haue dealt 529 plainly ād haue vttered S. Paules meaning according to his propre speache vvhere you say To gouerne and rule doubling the vvoordes as it vvere to amplifie the matter that the truth might lesse appeare you ought to haue said to feede the Church of God for that is the Apostles 530 propre saying and so the old translatour of Chrysostome doth translate it vppon the Epistle to the Ephesians and also expounding this same place of the Acts of the Apostles vt pascatis Ecclesiā to feede the Church S. Peter making the like exhortation to this of S. Paule to the Bisshops dispersed vseth that self same vvord saying Pascite quantum in vobis est gregem Christi Feede so muche as you may the flocke of Christ. Christ him selfe also teaching Peter and all other Bishops vvhat manner of rule and gouernement as properly geuen them by Gods vvoorde they should haue in the Church doth expresse it vvith the selfe same vvoorde saying Pasce agnos meos feede my Lambes To rule and gouerne the L. household faithfully and prudently Christ expoundeth to be nothing els in general than to geue meate vnto his family in due season Neither did our sauiour Christ geue .531 other povver authority or commission vnto his Apostles and so to all other Bishops as properly belonging and onely to the Bishoply office then this As my Father sente me so I sende you receiue the holy ghost whose sinnes yee remit they are remitted whose sinnes yee retaine they are reteined goo therefore and teache all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost teachinge them to obserue al thinges that I haue commaunded you So that the Bishoply rule ād gouernement of Gods Church cōsisteth .532 in these three points to feade the Church vvith Goddes vvoorde to minister Christes Sacramentes and to binde and lose al vvhich three partes Christ cōprehendeth vnder this one saying to geue meat to the Lords family in due season And S. Paule in these vvoords to feed the Churche of God The circumstaunce of the sentēce vvhich you alledged foorth of the Actes doth also shevve in the example of Paule him selfe vvho vvas inferiour to none of the Apostles and Church mynisters in any point that he claimed or tooke vppō him none other rule or gouernement than .533 of feedinge Goddes Church vvith the spirituall foode of the Ghospell He setteth foorth the execution of his ovvne office and by that example moueth the Bishoppes of Ephesus to the like sayinge I haue serued the Lorde with all humblenes of minde I haue leaft nothinge vndoone that might be profitable to you but I haue declared and taught you openly and priuely the repentaunce and faith in God and Iesus Christe I receyued an office of ministery from the Lorde Iesus to testifie the ghospel of Gods grace and to preache the Kingdome of God I haue hidden nothing of Gods councel from you Take heede therefore to your selues and to Christes flocke as I haue done whereof the holy Ghost hath appointed you Bisshoppes as he did me to feede the Church of God as you knovv and see that I haue done This that you cal to gouerne and rule vvas vvith Paule to serue with lowlines to mynister with watchefulnes to preache teache and testifie the Ghospel and the kingdome of God publikely and priuately and to shevv to the flocke al the Councel of God touching their saluation keepinge nothinge thereof from them To gouerne the Churche of God after this sorte belōgeth to the only office of Bishops and Church ministers and not to Kinges Quenes and Princes vvho .534 may not neither doo clayme or take vpō them this kind of spiritual gouernement and rule or any part thereof vvith the bisshops neither do they take the supremacy and
deale plaīly in translating to gouerne and rule the Church for that S. Paules worde doth properly signifie to fead as the sheepheard feadeth his sheepe neither doth yt signifie to gouerne and rule but by a figuratiue speache By this reason M. Horne might aswell proue that Agamemnon was no king nor ruler whome Homer calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a pastour or shepheard or Dauid to be no kinge or ruler whome the scripture so calleth also Thou shalt saieth the scripture feade my people of Israel thou shalt be captaine ouer Israel Againe whome I haue cōmaunded to feade my people And in an other place He fead thē in the innocēcy of his heart with many like phrases occurrent in the scripture M. Fekēham therfore dealt plainely when he translated to gouerne and rule euē as Erasmus doth trāslate it out of the Greke which hath regere non pasc●re that is to rule and not to feade And your brother Edmūde Beke that translated the Bible printed at Londō in the yere .1549 though he turne bishops into ouerseers and church into cōgregation yet he translateth these words here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. to rule the cōgregatiō By likelihod M. Horne thīketh that there is no true rule or gouernmēt but where the sword beareth rule wherein he thīketh as wel and reasoneth as substācially as doth M. Iewell auouching that S. Peter was not head of the Church because he toke vp his lodgīg with a poore tāner Ye think to grosly ād basely M. Horn of the Churches autority The Church hath his rule ād gouermēt yea his sword to which may aswel and as truely be verefied in the Church regim●̄t as in the cyuill regimente Yea the Church regimente is incomparably the higher and by so much as the excellēcy of the soule is aboue the body Neither doth this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to fede as the sheepherd feadeth his shepe derogate anie thing of the Ecclesiastical dignity but rather doth encrease and amplifie it The pastorall office of the feelde shepperd doth most liuely signifie set out and expresse to vs the office the greatnes and the excellency of this pastorall charge The Ecclesiasticall pastour hauing as great an accōpt to make to his Maister Christ for hys spiritual flocke that is the soules of the peple cōmitted to him as hath the feeld shepherde for his sheepe This is the spiritual Iacob watching carefully day and night both in colde and heate vppō his flocke that must make good to his maister what so euer by thefte is imbeciled or by wild beastes deuowred The shepeherd M. Horne doth not onely feede his sheepe and carefully choseth owte suche grownde and pastour as is moste conueniente and holsome for them but besides that sondreth the whole and sownde from the infected and rottē he greaceth and tarreth them he byndeth he cutteth them he hath a staf with a hooke to draw thē in when they stray he hath a staf to beat away the wolfe he hath a folde to close and shutte them vp saufe from the incursiōs of the woulf ād other rauening beasts And what doth all this but resemble and expresse vnto vs the pastorall office of Bishops and prelates Who owght to tell the people what is good and bad what is trueth what is falshod what is heresye what is Catholyke fayth but these pastours Where was then thys lesson of late when laye men only by acte of parliamente toke vpon them to teache the whole clergye Did not then lesse men then kinges Quenes and Princes who may not you say nowe clayme or take vpon them this kinde of spiritual gouernement and rule to fede the Churche with Goddes worde take vpon thē to fede all the realme with such doctrine as it pleased the parliament to allowe the parliament I say of lay men onely not one Bishop amonge them you being neither by the lawe of God which no realme cā alter neither yet by the lawe of the realme any Bishoppes at all but onely the Quenes Commissioners in matters of the Churche And what can be more vnseamely and more vnnatural thē thus the sheepe to feade the sheepherd and not the shepheard to fede the shepe O what times o what māners are these To proceede what higher Authoritye can there be in the world thē by baptisme to make a Christian sowle thē by pronuncing the solempe wordes appointed by Christe to cause to be presente the body and bloudde of Christe And that same to minister to the deuoute and wel disposed people when so euer they call for yt What rule and regimente is comparable to the rule and regimente of the ecclesiastical shepherde in the taking or excluding any out of his spiritual folde that is in binding and losing in forgeuing or retaininge of synnes in making owte excommunication or in the releasing of the same vppon dewe repentaunce ▪ Herken herken good M. Horne what that noble prelate Chrysostomus writeth of this gouernment Etenim qui terram incolunt c. There is sayeth Chrisostomus a power geuē to them that dwell and be cōuersante in the earth to dispēse and dispose heauēly thinges which power God would not geue neither to angelles nor archangelles For yt was not spoken to them what so euer ye binde in earthe shal be bownde in heauē and what so euer ye lose in earth shal be losed in heauen The worldly Princes haue also an authority to binde but only touching the body but these bondes of the priestes bynde the sowle also and do reache euen as farre as heauen So that what so euer the priestes do beneth● in the worlde the same God doth ratifie aboue in heauen and the Lord doth confirme his seruants sentence And he saith anon after If the kinge doth honour any of his subiectes so farre that he geueth him authoritie to imprison or release out of prison whom he wil this fellowe shal be counted most fortunable and a most happy man But the priest hath receiued from God a much greater power and by so muche the greater as heauen excelleth the earth or the soule the bodie And by and by It is a madnes saieth he to despise this principalitie without the whiche we can not be partakers of our saluation or of such good thinges as are promised vs. For if no man can enter into the kingdome of heauen vnlesse he be regenerated by water and the holy Ghoste and he that doth not eate the fleashe of our Lorde and drinke his bloud is berefie of euerlasting lyfe and all these thinges are not done but by theyr holy handes I saie by the handes of the Priestes Howe maie it be that without theyr helpe a man maie either shunne hell fier or obtaine the rewarde of the croune reserued in heauen Againe he writeth that the priest is the ambassadour from al the worlde to desire God to be merciful not only for the sinnes of the lyuing
but for the dead also And anon after speaking of the sacrifice of the Masse that you denie and shewing what excellencie in vertue the Bishope or priest ought to haue aboue other he saieth that he must in althings excel other for whō he maketh this intercessiō to God so far as it is mete that the ruler passe and exced the subiect For sayth he whē the priest hath called for the holy Ghost ād hath made the sacrifice which we ought most to reuerence and to tremble and feare at handling continually our common Lord I demaund among what states shal we place him How great integrity shal we loke for at his handes How great holines and deuotiō Cōsider what those hādes ought to be that shal minister such things Cōsider what tong he ought to haue that shal speak such words Cōsider finally that his soule ought to be of all other most pure ād holy that shal receiue so great ād so worthy a spirit At that time he meaneth of the cōsecratiō of the blessed sacrifice the angels are present with the priest and al the orders of the heauēly powers do make a shoute the place that is nigh to the alter is for the honor of him that is sacrificed replenished with the companies of angels Which a man may wel beleue by reason of so great a sacrifice as is then made Thus muche haue I shewed you M. Horne owt of that most learned light of the Greeke Church Ioannes Chrisostomus aswell to cause you to vnderstand your detestable heresie againste the priesthod of the newe testamente as that the priestes haue a dignity and a singular excellēt regimente aboue secular Princes They haue their spirituall sword that two edged sword I say that cutteth both bodie and soule and by excōmunication if the party repent not casteth both into the deape dongeon of hel And shall all this be counted no rule nor regiment M. Horne being in dede the cheif and the principal regimēt of al other It is yt is M. Horn the highest gouernmēt of al other and of greatest charge and importance And muche better may yt be said to this euāgelical pastour that was sayd to Agamēnon 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is not mete for him all the night longe to slepe that hath so muche people and suche a charge to kepe Yea ye are forced your self M. Horn to cōfesse yt a spiritual gouernmēt and rule Wherby of necessity followeth the ouerturning and ouerthrowīg of your lay supremacie For these being the chief matters or things Ecclesiasticall as your selfe can not denie and the Prince hauing nothing to doe with them as you also confesse it can not be possible that the Prince should haue the Supremacy in al causes or things Ecclesiastical And so neither M. Fekenham nor any man els may take this othe for feare of euident and open periurie And of all madnes this is a madnes and a most open contradiction to remoue these things from the Prince as ye do and yet to attribute to him without anie exception the supremacy in al things or causes Ecclesiastical Yea and to vrge men by other to confesse the same Which kind of arguing is as wise as if a man woulde affirme God to be the maker of al things the geuer of all things the preseruer of al things and yet by and by to saye God can not geue the effect of grace to externall Sacramentes God can not preserue his owne blessed Mother from al actual or original sinne Whereof will followe that God in dede is not omnipotent or almightie those things being taken awaie from him wherein chieflie his almightie power consisteth For in such miraculous operations surmounting farre al power of men God most proprelie sheweth himselfe a God As in such actes and causes Ecclesiastical as binding and loosing preaching the worde ministring the Sacramēts c. consisteth specially and most proprely the rule and gouernement Ecclesiastical We nede not therfore wrastle with you herein any farther M. Horne seing you can so preatily geue your selfe a notable fall Yet one thing would I faine knowe more of you M. Horne if I may be so bolde and learne what you meane nowe at the length to come in with the supreme Authority and power of the sworde What meane you I say to define vnto vs the one kinde and sorte of gouerning the Churche of God in these wordes by the supreme Authoritie and power of the sword to guide care prouide direct and ayde Gods Church c In all your booke hitherto of such supreme Authoritie and power of the sworde you neuer spake worde Howe chaunceth it then the sworde commeth in nowe Doth the supreme gouernement of the Churche of God consiste in the power of the sworde Then howe was the Church of God gouerned .300 yeres and more before the time of Constantine the Emperour who was the very first as hath bene shewed that by the power of the sworde I saie by the power of the sworde guided cared prouided directed and aided Gods Churche Did the Churche of Christ want a Supreme gouernour all those .300 yeres and more Againe doe the Lawes of the Church take force by the power of the sword You with M. Nowell and with the Acte of Parliament do take away from the clergie the power and Authoritie to make Churche Lawes and Constitutions and you say and swere to that no Conuocation or Councel of Bishops shal or may haue force or Authoritie to decree any Cōstitution Ecclesiastical without the Princes consent licence and supreame authoritie For this purpose also you haue alleaged the practise of so many Coūcels both General and National to make proufe that by the supreame Authoritie of Emperours and Kings Canons and lawes of the Churche haue bene enacted and decreed not by the Bishops and Councels it selfe Wherin how shamefully you haue misreported the whole practise of the Churche I haue sufficiently shewed in the seconde and third Bookes But in all your so long processe you neuer yet openlie said that by the power of the sword suche Canons and Lawes tooke place And come you nowe to saye that all this proceded of the power of the sworde Where is then nowe become the libertie of the Ghospell that your graundsir Luther and all your protestant progenitors of Germany do in al their writings so much extolle maintaine and defende against the Secular swoorde of Ciuill Magistrates Againe you M. Horne that doe force the Scholers of Oxforde to sweare by booke Othe that Scripture onelye is sufficiente to conuince euerye trueth and to destroye all heresies you that will beleue nothing but that as plaine Scripture auoucheth vnto you tell vs I praye you where finde you in all Scripture that the Supreame Authoritie to gouerne the Churche of God is by the power of the swoorde What Did not the Apostles gouerne the Churche of Christe all the time of their abode here in earth And when
and of al other protestāt prelats without the realm of Englād no lesse then the Catholike bishopes in Germany or any other where And so stād you post alone in matters of religiō not to be informed instructed or corrected in any doubtefull matter or peril of schisme As though you had a warrāt frō the holy Ghost neither to faile in the faith nor at any time to haue Prīces that may fayle For al this you annex ād vnite to the Crown of Englād for euer Seuēthly ād last in excludīg ād renoūcing euery forain Prelat ād al power Authority ād Iurisdictiō of euery forain Prelat you exclude ād renoūce the whol body of the Church without the realm which cōsisteth most ꝓperly ād most effectually of the bishops ād prelats the heads therof And as in tēporal Iurisdictiō the othe bindeth al the subiects of the Realm of Englād to obey the only kings and Quenes of that Realm which we doe graūt also most gladly so that if al princes in the worlde woulde ioyne together ād cōclude a kind of regimēt appoint lawes ād enact statutes for the better ordering ād directing of the cōmon wealth the subiects of Englād by vertue of this othe are boūd to renoūce al such power except our own prīce would allow thē and cōdescēd thervnto which thing is reasonable enough for al coūtries nede not to be gouerned in external maters after one sort nor at al times a like the state therof beīg chāgeable ād mutable euē so in spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iurisdictiō the othe so expressely renounceth al power ād Autority of forain prelats that if al prelats ād bishops of the world beside wolde mete together or otherwise agre ī one truth order or law ecclesiastical which hath oftē ben don and may alwaies be done in general Coūcels the subiects of Englād are boūd vnder pain of periury ād of a praemunire to renoūce al such orders lawes ād decrees or cōcluded Truthes which is shortly to say to renounce and forsweare al obediēce to the General Councels that is the whole corps of Christendome represented therin except it shal please the prīce ād prelats of our Coūtre to agre to the same Which is to make our prīce ād our prelats either as superiours to al other prīces ād Coūtries or at the lest as alienats ād strāgers frō the whole body of Christendō beside as though we had a proper Christ a proper Ghospell ād looked for a proper heauē in the which other christened Natiōs should find no place And what is this els but by booke Othe flatly to renoūce the Catholik Church ād the cōmuniō of Saints both which in our Crede we professe to beleue These be M. Horn the horrible absurdities that doth necessarily folow of this part of the Othe And wheras M. Horn sayth it were ouer much detestable if M. Fecknam were moued to sweare but against one article of our Crede M. Horn muste nedes confesse this othe to be ouer muche detestable whereby not onely M. Fekenham but many other are moued and forced to sweare againste an especiall article of our Crede to wit Against our obedience to the Catholyke Churche The effecte of the Othe and the sence of that Article being cleane contrary one to the other The which that it may to the vnlerned Reader more plainely appeare in this Table following I haue opened the whole contrariety THE TABLE The Article of our Crede I beleue the Catholike Churche Hereof ariseth this proposition as M. Fekenham by a similitude setteth it forth and M. Horn alloweth it fol. 100. b. All Englishmen being Christians ought to admitte and receyue professe and obey the Authority of the Catholike Church that is of the bishops of all Christendome of whome the greatest part are forayne prelats to our Realme in matters of faith and doctrine touching the same The contrary hereof is No Englishmen though Christians may admitte professe or obey any Authority of any forain prelat without the Realme of England The tenour of one parte of the Othe as M. Horne reporteth it pag. 99. b. All true subiectes ought and muste renounce and forsake all forraine iurisdictions povvers superiority preeminences and Authorities of euery forayn prince and prelat state or potentat The equiualent of this part of the Othe is No true subiect of England though Christian ought or may admitte and receyue any forraine Authority power or Iurisdiction of any forayne prelat Thus then the equiualent proposition of the Othe matcheth iumpe with the contrary of the Article and stādeth cleane opposite to the equiualent of the Article Thus. The equiualēt proposition of the Article of our Crede is   The equiualent of the Othe is Al Englishmen being Christiās ought to admit and receiue the autority of forain prelats the most part of Christēdome being to vs foraine in matters of faith and Doctrine touching the same by them authorised Contrary No Englishmen thoughe Christians ought or may admitte and receyue any forayne Authoritye of any forayne prelat Subalterne CONTRADICTORY CONTRADICTORY Subalterne Some Englishmen being Christiās ought to admitte and receyue the Authoritye of forayne prelats c. Subcontrary Some Englishmen being Christiās ought not to receiue and admit but to renounce and forsake al forayne authority of al forayn prelats c. By this it appeareth that the equiualent of the Othe is cleane contrary to the plaine sence of the Article of Our Crede sette forthe by M. Fekenham in the similitude of the members and the body and in the same similitude cōfessed of M. Horne for good By this also it appereth that a true subiect taking the Othe meaning as he sweareth which if he doe not he forsweareth himselfe and a true Christian professing his Crede can not possibly stande together but are direct contrarye one to the other The one professīg obediēce to the body of the Church cōsistīg for the most and chiefest parte of forayne Bisshoppes as euery member must obey the whole body the other renoūcing flatly all Authoritye of all forayne prelates as in dede no member of that Catholike body but as a schismaticall parte cutte of from the whole Then will it to our greate confusion of vs be verified which S. Augustine saieth Turpis omnis pars est suo vniuerso non congruens Filthye and shamefull is that parte which agreeth not with his whole And which is not only shamefull but most pernicious and daungerous of all what place shall then all General Councelles haue with vs Quorumest in Ecclesia saluberrima Authoritas whose Authority in the Church is most holesome saieth S. Augustin Verilye the Christen inhabitants of our Countre more then a thousande yeres paste had learned an other lesson For whereas the Pelagian heretikes hadde infected the Brittaynes with their pestiferous heresie the Brittaynes them selues being as venerable Bede recordeth neither willing to receaue their lewde doctrine neither able to refute theire wyly and wicked persuasions
deuised this holsome Councell to seke for ayde of the Bisshoppes of Frāce against their spirituall enemies wherevpō two learned bisshops of France Germanus and Lupus were sent into Brittanie to redresse and represse those heresies If those Catholike Brittanies had taken such an othe as M. Horn here doth iustifie they should I trow haue incurred periurie or treason to seke redresse in matters of religion at the handes of those foraine Bisshoppes Likewise when Melitus the first Bisshoppe of London trauailed out of Englande to Rome to counsell Pope Boniface of matters touching the direction of the Englishe Churche when also the Clergy of Scotlande being troubled with the Pelagian heresie and schismaticall obseruation of Easter sent to Rome for redresse Maister Horne must be driuen to say either that those Bisshoppes committed periurie and treason against their Princes or els that in those dayes no such othe was tendred nor no such regiment practised on Princes partes as this othe commaundeth Farder if it be necessarie reasonable or requisite that all true subiestes must renounce the Iurisdiction and Authoritye of euery forain prelate Howe farre was S. Augustine ouersene which so often tymes so earnestlye and so expressely chargeth the Donatistes with the Authoritie power and iurisdiction of forain prelates beyond the seas out of Afrike He saieth of them touching the accusation of Cecilianus their Bisshoppe Quem primò vtique apud collegas transmarinos conuincere debuerant They ought first of all to haue conuinced him before his fellowe Bisshops beyond the seas He saith farder that in case Cecilian hadde bene gyltye they ought not therefore to separate themselues from the Churches beyonde the seas of Ephesus of Smirna of Laodicea and of other Countreis He saith the whole Churche of Christ is but one bodye And they that separate them selues from that bodye vt eorum cōmunio non sit cū toto quacūque diffunditur sed in aliqua parte separata inueniatur manifestum est eos non esse in Ecclesia Catholica so that they cōmunicate not with the whole body whersoeuer it be spred abroad but be foūd to be separated in some parte therof it is manifest that they be not in the Catholike Churche I say nowe M. Horne yf by vertue of this othe euerye true subiect must renounce euery foraine prelate then did S. Augustine much wronge to the Donatistes to require them to conuince their aduersarie before the Bisshops beyond the seas which doth import an Authority of al those forain bishops ouer the Africans alone thē was he to blame to charge them with separatiō frō forain prelates of Ephesus Smirna and Laodicea and other Countreis Last of all then was he farre wyde to pronounce them for mē cleane out of the Catholike Churche which seuered them selues from the society of any part thereof Then also might the Donatist had he learned so far furth his lesson as you haue both easied him self of much trauell out of Afrike into Italy and Fraunce and also might sone haue stopped S. Augustines mouth saying What haue we to doe with forain prelates beyond the seas what nede we care for their Authority iurisdiction society and communion We are true subiectes of Afrik We renounce al foraine power Iurisdiction and Authoritye And truely I see no cause but with as good reason and conscience al subiects of all realmes may and ought to renounce by othe the power and Authoritie of al forain prelats or bishops out of their land and Countre as we of Englād must ād ought so to do out of ours Which if it be ones graunted enacted and agreed vpō in al other realmes as it is in oures what ende wil there be of schismes and dissension in the Church What hope of vnytie can be cōceyued Or howe can euer vnytie be long maintayned What communion what society what felowshippe can there be amonge Christen people What Authorytie shall general Councels haue which consiste in maner altogether in forayn prelates and bishops if this othe be accompted good In the first second third fourth fyft sixt seuenth and eigth general Coūcell of Christendom we reade not of any one Braityne or English bishop to haue ben present there In the 6. general Councels pope Agatho cōfessed that Theodorus the Archbishop of Caunterbury was called thither and long looked for But for his great charge at home in those beginnings of the English Church he came not Wilfrid of Yorke was at Rome but not at Constantinople where that general Coūcel was holden What thē shal our Church of England renounce the Authoryte of al those general Councels as the Authorytie of foraine prelats by vertu of this Othe What can be more detestable or abhomynable But they which conceyued and endyted firste this thirde parte of the Othe of renouncing all Authoryte of euery forain prelat had they not trow you M. Horn a directe ey to general Councels and did they not by that clause closely disburden and discharge the whole realme of al obedience to general Coūcelles namely to the general Coūcel of Trent that thē was assembled And if they intended not so much see you not then howe vnaduisedly howe daungerously and to howe great a preiudice that part of the Othe was conceyued and endyted Aga●ne yf so much was not intended howe cometh it to passe that in the iniunctions where the Othe is drawen as much as may be to a gentle exposition this part is not so interpreted as it might not seme to exclude the Authority of general Councels then the which there is in the Churche no higher or more Supreme Authoritye excepte the Pope him selfe that is the vndoubted Heade thereof By this that hath ben said appereth M. Horne how falsly and slaunderously you charge M. Fekenhā with thre seueral lies l●wde shameful ād mōstrous For first it is no lewde lie but a foule and lewde heresy of yours that you haue erected a new faith a new Religion and a new vse of Sacraments not only to al the Church throughout the worlde before your daies but also frō your felow protestāts the Lutherās the Osiādrins ād the Anabaptists If you take this for a slaūder clere your self of your horrible heresies ād schisms in the table of Staphylus It is no shameful lie but a shameful and worse then a detestable case that by this corporall othe you haue forced many a soule to renoūce and refuse in effect though not in plain words the deuil hīself would not be so bolde at lest at the beginning these two Articles or points of our faith I beleue the Catholik Church and I beleue the Cōmunion of Saints It is no mōstrous lie but a most monstrous and pytiful case that you by othe renoūcing the power and Authority of euery forain prelat in plaine Englishe haue made the Catholik Church which cōsisteth of al forain prelats and bisshops out of England not of English bisshops onely in plaine Englishe a mere foraine
a thīg most probable For ye make the very same resolutions to hym euen in this your answere also For doe ye not expressely say a fewe leaues before that princes neither do nor may claime to preache the word of God to minister the Sacramentes or to bynde and lose Do ye not say that this is a spirituall gouernement and rule belonging onely to the bishops and Church rulers Do ye not confesse within 4. leaues followinge the lyke And that Bisshoppes haue the spirituall Iurisdistion ouer theire flocke by the expresse worde of God and that thereby Princes haue not all maner of spiritual gouerment Is not this agreable to the resolutiōs that M. Fekenham saith he receyued at your handes Again M. Fenkenham addeth that in your said resolutions ye saye that the authority to excommunicate is not properly perteyning to Princes but apperteyneth to the whole cōgregation aswell as to them Doe ye not confesse I pray you the same twise in your answere immediatly following after this Why say you then that these resolutiōs are feyned by M. Fekenham Why should any man thinke that M. Fekēham should falsly charge you with these resolutiōs in priuat conference that your self in your own book doe so plainly and openly auouche Why should not men thinke also such other things as ye here charge M. Fekenham withall to be vntrue seing that ye doe so falsly accuse M. Feken for framing resolutions in your name that are your own in very dede Or why should any man trust you in these greate and weighty matters which ye hādle that ye speake ye cā not tel what bursting out into such open and fowle contradictions as yt would astone any wise man to consider them attributing to the Quenes Maie the supremacy in al spiritual causes or things without exception and yet your self excepting diuerse things spiritual and geuing the supremacy of them to the cleargy I woulde fayne know of you that so lately ruffled so freshly with your oppositiō contrary relatyue priuatiue and disparatyue and with your propositions contrary subcontrary subalterne and cōtradictory yf a man man may fynd a more fowle contradiction thē this I now laye before you out of your own booke You say first fol. 104. b. in fine When I adde this supremacy to be in all spiritual causes or things I shewe an vniuersall comprehensiō without exception For yf ye except or take away any thing it is not all Hereof ariseth this vniuersal affirmatiue Al spiritual causes without exceptiō are vnder the supreme Gouuerment of Princes Item you say fol 96. b. To feede the Church with Gods worde to minister Christes Sacramētes and to bind and lose fol. 97. a. Kings Queenes ād Princes may not neither doe clayme or take vpon thē this kind of spiritual gouernement and rule or any part thereof c. Hereof ariseth this particular negatiue Some spiritual causes are not vnder the Supreme Gouernement of Princes Now let vs cōsider in what kind of opposition these your two propositions do repugne Thus stande the oppositions All spirituall causes without exceptiō are vnder the Supreme Gouernemēt of Prīces Contrary No spiritual causes at all are vnder the Supreme gouerment of Princes Subalterne CONTRADICTORY CONTRADICTORY Subalterne Some spiritual causes are vnder the Supreme gouerment of Princes Subcontrary Some spiritual causes are not vnder the supreme gouernement of Princes By this it appereth that your two propositions do stāde in the extremest kind of al oppositions which is Contradiction And though this be a poore sely and an insufficient shifte to make such resolutions yet is it the beste ye may nowe fynde to qualifie and mitigate the general words of the statute Which in dede are so general and peremptorie that they may in no wise be borne without some qualification Which is nowe so notoriouse that there is a qualification made in the Quenes Maie iniunctions that men should not take the general clause so largely as to collect thereby that the Kings or Quenes of our realm may challēge authority ād power of ministerie in the diuine offices in the Church Which doth agree with your resolutions and therefore there is no cause in the worlde why ye should deny them to be yours and say that they be falsly and slaunderouslye fayned vpō you by M. Fekēhā vttering his owne peuish cauillatiōs as ye say vnder the name of your resolutiōs Nowe though this be a necessary interpretatiō and moderatiō yet this doth not take away the scruple that remaineth staying M. Fekenhā and other to in taking the said othe for that this interpretatiō is not made by acte of parliament as the statute was Neither doth the Acte or Statute referre it self to any such Iniunctions to be made for the qualificatiō or restrayning of any thinge in the Acte or in any braunche thereof cōtayned no more then it doth to M. Horns book Neither hath any Iniūction by the lawe of our Realme any force to restrain weakē or mollifie the rigour or generality of an Acte of parliamēt And in case it had yet ther remain many other as great scruples Namely that swearing to all causes the prīcipal causes are excepted and so he that sweareth forsweareth and beside that al ecclesiastical authority aswel of the sea of Rome as of al general coūcels is euidētly abolisshed by the said statut And in as much as general Coūcels do beare ād represent the parson of the whole Church wherof the Pope is head no Christiā mā ought to receyue such othe imploying the denial of the authority of the Pope the head and of the whole body of the Churche beside The .162 Diuision pag. 104. b. M. Fekenham Hereunto I did make this obiection following These woordes of the first part of the othe I.A.B. doe vtterly testifie and declare in my conscience that the Q. Highnes is the only supreme gouernour of this Realme as well in all Spiritual or Ecclesiasticall thinges or causes as Temporal besides the particulars expressed in your L. interpretation made thereof they doe by expresse woordes of the acte geue vnto the Queenes highnes al maner of iurisdictions priuileges and preeminences in any wise touchinge and concerninge any Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction within the Realme with an expresse debarre and flat denial made of al Spiritual iurisdiction vnto the Bisshops therof to be exercised ouer their flocks and cures without her highnes Special commission to be graunted thereunto They hauing by the expresse worde of God commission of Spiritual gouernement ouer them Commission to lose and bind their sinnes Commission to shut and open the gates of heauen to them Commission to geue vnto them the holy ghost by the imposition of their handes And they hauing by the expresse woorde of God such a daungerous cure and charge ouer their soules that God hath threatned to require the bloud of such as shall perishe at their handes Notwithstanding these and many such other like cōmissions graunted vnto
them for the more better discharge of their cure and that by the mouth of God thei may not exercise any iurisdictiō ouer thē they may not visit thē they may not reforme thē they may not order nor correct them without a further cōmission frō the Q. hignes Suerly my good L. these thinges are so straūge vnto me and so contrary to al that I haue rede that I am not hable to satisfie my consciēce therin Your L. aunswer vvas that for as much as al Spiritual iurisdictiō and authority to make Lawes and to iudge the people in courtes Ecclesiastical to visit thē to reforme thē to order ād correct thē doth depēd only vpō the positiue Lawes of Kings and Princes ād not vpō the Law of God therfore neither did the Apostles of Christ neither the Bishops and their successours may exercise any iurisdictiō vpō the people of God iudge thē visit thē refourme order ād correct them without authority and cōmissiō of the King and Prince M. Horne It is very true that after ye had quarelled muche in sondry thinges touching vvoordes and termes expressed in the Act of Parliament and in the interpretation of the Othe Yee did neuerthelesse finally agree in the vvhole matter thereof finding onely doubt in one point of mine assertiō namely touching iurisdiction Spirituall or Ecclesiastical al vvhich you affirmed contrary to mine assertion to be committed by Christe to Bishops and priestes as p●oprely apperteyning to their office and calling vvithout further commission or authority from Princes or any other povver The distinction that I made of Ecclesiastical iurisdiction I vvil first repete and than put mine ansvveare to your argumentes Spiritual Iurisdiction is diuided into tvvo sortes the one is called Cohibytiue the other not Cohibityue That vvhich is called not Cohibityue is that iurisdiction or povver that is exercised and vvoorketh in the invvarde and .563 secrete courte of consciēce that is .564 the preachinge of the Ghospell ministration of the Sacramētes and the absoluing and reteininge of sinnes by the vvoorde of God in the publique mynistery This therfore they call not Cohibityue bicause in the Court of conscience no man is bound or lovvsed vnvvillingly or against his vvill To exercise this kind of Iurisdictiō neither Kinges nor ciuill Magistrates neither any other persone may challendge or take vppon him onlesse he be lavvfully called thereunto Iurisdiction Cohibityue hath .565 tvvo partes the one consisteth in the exercise of excommunication and circumstaunces thereunto required by Christes institution the vvhich povver or Iurisdiction belongeth to the Church onely and .566 not to the Prince Bishoppe or Priest for no man hath authority to excommunicate but onely the Churche and those vvho receiue authority therevnto by commission from the Church The other kinde of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction is a povver or authority that consisteth and is exercised in foro causarum in the courte of causes and apperteineth ad externum publicum forum to the externall and publike Courte and is defined to be saith Antonius an authority or povver to declare the Lavv geue sentence and to iudge in all controuersies pertayninge to the Courte vvhat is euery mans righte and in summe to doo those thinges that iustice dooth require accordinge to the Lavves Ioannes Quintinus defineth Iurisdiction to the same effect but openeth the nature therof more plainely saying Iurisdictiō is an office and authority to declare the Law that is to admynister iustice and equity and to gouern the people with right ād Lawes whā I name an office saith he I meane that iurisdictiō hath in it selfe a necessity to declare the Lawe for office is that which euery man is bound to doo to declare the lawe is to exercise iudgementes wherevppon commeth iurisdiction be meaneth that iurisdiction hath the name and is so called of exercising iudgementes iudgementes are exercised onelye of thē that haue iurisdictiō that is power to iudge Iurisdiction consisteth only in the contentions or debating of matters in Courte or iudgements This authority to iudge dooth discende nowe from the .567 Prince alone in whome only is all power By vertue of .568 this iurisdiction saith Antonius the Churche ministers accordinge to theire offices rightly enioyned vnto them may lawfully visite enquire of mens manners punishe the faulty send foorth apparitours or sommoners cyte the sturdy and stubborne represse their malepartnes call and sommon meete personnes to the Synode prouinciall or generall confirme the matters decreed in the Synode or Coūcell .569 pardone faultes chaunge or mitigate the penaūce enioyned for confessed faultes condemne Heretiques and their writinges examine all mens writinges who so euer before they be set foorth or published and after due examination iudge whether they conteyne sounde or pestilent doctrin ordeine Decrees Lawes ceremonies and rytes constitute Bisshoppes and other Church ministers also depose degrade make them irreguler and vnhable to haue holy orders determine illegitimation in personnes for maryage bestowe Ecclesiasticall benefices and exact tythes and annates These and many other thinges may be lavvfully doone by those that haue the povver of this Cohybitiue Iurisdiction which is not saith he properly signified by the name of the keyes for although it may be named in some respect a Church key yet it differeth very much from the keyes of the first Courte that is of the Courte of Conscience For the vse of those keyes that are occupied in the Courte of conscience belongeth onely to the Euangelicall Priestes But this Iurisdiction may lawfully be exercised of those that are not ministers of the woorde and Sacramentes and are not Priestes As the tvvo former partes of Ecclesiastical iurisdiction haue their vertue povver and institution of Christe immediatly euen so this third part vvhich is saied to consist in foro causarum vvith those things vvhich may be vsed or exercised by vertu thereof doth depende vpon the .570 positiue Lavves of Christian Magistrats or vvhere such vvanteth vpō the positiue rules and orders of that Church vvhere such orders must be practised and not immediatly vpon the Lavve of God The .7 Chapter Howe M. Horne restraineth the Othe to one kinde of iurisdiction thereby to auoide M. Fekenhams vnuincible Argument taken out of Gods woorde Stapleton AMonge other obiections that M. Fekenham made against the supremacy in the conference at Waltham this was one That Bisshops had their warrante and commission for their exercise of their spiritual function and office by the expresse woorde of God therefore he could not with quiet conscience allowe the othe that geueth the Prince supremacy in all causes spiritual with al priuileges and preheminences in any wise touching any spirituall iurisdiction He misliketh that Bisshops hauing such commission by Gods worde may not visite and reforme their cures without a further cōmissiō from the Queenes highnes M. Horne thinketh to wipe al this away with a distinction borowed as he saith of one Ioānes Antonius Delphinus If any
iurisdiction in makinge of Lawes in visiting in reforming without the cōmissiō of any Laicall authority then is M. Fekenhās argument good and sufficient Thē haue we the practise of the Apostles and primatiue Church against this your newe Paradoxe Thē hath M. Fekēhā wrapped you vp also ād meshed you in a fowle contradiction as one that affirmeth the quite contrary dyuerse tymes before And yet because ye shal not carry ād steale away the matter so but be more fully answered I say ther was an ordinary ād ther was also an extraordinary authority in the Apostles The ordinary authority of the Apostles in the which we are now remaineth at this day ād shal remain for euer in the Church in the bishops their successours The extraordinary authority either died with thē or at lest cā not be vsually pleaded vpō The lyke argumēt as ye make here against the authority ād iurisdictiō of bishops M. Iewel ād your fellowes make against the Pope that thoughe S. Peter were head of the whole Church and was assured by the promisse of Christ that prayed for him that his fayth shulde not fayle yet can not al his successours the Popes challenge the same being a special prerogatiue gratiously geuē to him But here we must vnderstād that Peter was priuileged for his owne person and he was priuileged also in respect of the cōmon weale of the whole Church And therfore yf we respect S. Peters person the persō of his successor is not so priuileged but he may fal and erre in his own priuat opiniō and iudgemēt But if we respect the whole Church whereof he hath the rule then we say he can not erre in any decree or order that he shal publikely make for any matter of faith Least by this his opē errour the whole Church fal also into the same The prouidēce of God which a Diuine shuld alwaies haue an eie vnto suffreth not such an incōueniēce in his Church Again the Apostles had personal priuileges of more ample grace thē their successours haue And therfore by theis wordes what so euer ye shall bynde vppon the earth c. And by those other as my father sent me so I send you they had authority eche of them to preach throughout the whole world and in whatsoeuer part therof ād in this respect they were equal with S. Peter but their successours at Alexandria Antiochia ād Ephesus do not succede to thē nor inioy this extraordinary powre of preaching ād teachīg through out the world ād euery part therof but the ordinary ōly ād vsual power within their own Diocesse or Patriarchship The said extraordinary authority remaynīg with the popes only as the successours of S. Peter who was head of the Apostles not in the Apostleship for in that all the Apostles were equall but in bishoply Iurisdiction After lyke sort the Apostles had a certain peerlesse authority to speak in diuers tongs to prophecy to reuiue the dead to heale the sicke to cast out diuels and to do many other miracles This power doth not descēd to al their successours ordinately but now and thē to some certain to whō it pleaseth God to dispēce these graciouse gifts vnto As he hath don to many a blessed bishop syth the apostles time ād to many other euen in our daies as to the blessed Fathers of the society of Iesus in cōuerting the newe found Indiās frō paganisme to the faith of Christ and as also to our holy Father the Pope that nowe liueth as we are most certainly informed God hath abundātly geuē this heauēly gift of workīg miracles But we are out of this case we reasō of an vsual ād ordinary power that the apostles successors must nedes haue and haue as wel as they for the necessary gouernement of his Churche As to preach to the flocke of Christ to gouern ād to direct thē by good orders ād lawes to reform the offendours to excōmunicat the disobedient to improue rebuke or exhort with al lōg suffering ād good doctrin to visit thē to correct the vnquiet to cōfort the feble mīded to forbeare ād receiue the weak ād to haue a cōtinual paciēce in al mē By imposition of hāds to geue holy orders in the sacramēt of cōfirmatiō as Peter and Iohn the apostles did when they visited Samaria with many other things belōging ordinarily to all bisshops Nay saith M. Horne ther is no mentiō made of visitatiō in the eight of the Actes What shal we trifle cōcerning the word visitatiō if it be not ther in case the thīg it self be there Verely if the very word haue any force with you M. Horne you haue it plain in the next allegatiō of M. Fekenhā out of the .15 of the Actes where S. Paule said to Barnabas Let vs visite our brethern c aet But I pray you tell vs why were Peter and Iohn sent into Samaria but to confirme the Samaritanes and to geue the Sacramente of confirmation to those that were latelie baptized This Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the principall thynges the whiche the Bisshoppes do vse in their visitation Here M. Horne runneth to his olde shift yet on s againe and saith here was no sacrament geuen neither any holy Ghost at al. But the spirite of miracles as the gifte of tonges of healing prophecying and such like which are the gifts of the holy ghost and therefore called the holy Ghost And then doth M. Horne ieste at this sequele The Apostles gaue these giftes Ergo euery priest and bisshop may geue them nowe And then he addeth for his pleasure that there was neuer any monke in the Abbay of Westminster so ignorantly brought vp but knewe wel inough that the bisshops could do no such feate Truth it is that they receiued the holy Ghost and these outwarde giftes withal at their confirmation And as the Apostles only by the imposition of handes gaue these giftes as ye confesse so Confirmation to this day perteineth to the bisshops only that represente the Apostles Nowe that confirmation is no sacrament or that the holy ghost is not thereby geuen neither Chrysostomus whome ye recite nor any other auncient authour auoucheth And that those that were baptized were afterward cōfirmed by the bisshop ād receiued the holy Ghost when there were no visible signes S. Hierome plainely testifieth And S. Augustine confesseth it is a Sacrament as Baptisme is Of this holy Ghost that is geuen without any outward miracles speaketh M. Fekenham and no one worde of miracles Wherefore this misshapen argument that ye bring forth is yours and not his To the ouerthrowe of of the which folishe fonde argument I aunswere that there was neuer none so blinde or ignorantly brought vp in the monastery of Westminster that could not well perceyue that this is a very il fauored kinde of reasoning and such as was neuer vsed amonge the Catholikes As for his answere to M. Fekēham touching the second allegation
beguiled him whiche he shuld haue perceiued if he had read Caluin with his own eyes I answer he was not deceiued by his collector but you are deceiued by your Collector For Caluin entreating of Iurisdictiō Ecclesiasticall in the same Chapter in which the words recited by M. Fekenhā are cōteined allegeth out of S. Ambrose his Epistle to the Emperour Valentinian that the foresaid Emperour Valentinian enacted by plaine Lawe as we haue shewed that in matters of Faith Bishoppes shoulde be Iudges And in the said Chapter and in the next also Caluine sheweth that S. Ambrose would not suffer Theodosius to cōmunicate with other True it is therefore that as M. Fekenhā saith Caluine in that place intreateth of these Histories betwixt S. Ambrose and the Emperours Theodosius and Valentiniā and you for denying it haue encreased the huge nūber of your notorious vntruths Goe we now to the allegation yt selfe M. Horne complaineth that the first worde of the sentence which knitteth the same as a conclusion to that that goeth before is quite lafte out by M. Fekenham And yet when all is done yt is but a poore Quare that is wherefore which may be lefte owte withowte any preiudice of the sentence in the worlde and being put in neither helpeth M. Fekēham nor hindereth M. Horne Reade then good reader thus wherfore they that do spoyle and so forth And then make an accōpte what is won or what is lost by additiō or subtraction of this Quare Yet is the first part of the periode saieth M. Horne darkely trāslated In dede the first word How how it commeth in I know not and yt semeth to be a litle ouersight of the author or some faulte of the scribe easie to be remedied and is to be translated thus they that do spoyle c. and afterward doe not onely corrupte but do also not lightly condemne and so forth the sense alwaies notwithstanding comminge to one And as for the coniunction turned into a pronoune yf ye reade damnant quòd honorem c. which is but a smal alteration the matter is sone amended And al this is litle or nothing preiudiciall to the whole sentence But I perceiue for lacke of substancial answere ye are driuen thus to rippe vp syllables and to hunte after termes As for the translating of the worde Magistratus whereby ye say Caluin meaneth the ciuill magistrate into the worde spiritual gouernmente whereby Mayster Fekenham as ye say hath altered the wordes and sense of Caluin for the wordes which is a matter but of small weight I will not greatly sticke with you but for the altering of the sense I fynde litle or none alteratiō For seing that Caluin doth answere thē that mainteined al iurisdictiō and punishment to appertaine to the ciuil magistrate and none to the church and bringeth in for an absurdity against thē that they that so thinke muste condēne al the holy Bishops for taking vpon them the office and honour of a Magistrate by a false pretexte and title in as muche as this honour and office that olde Bishoppes toke vppon them was the authority of excōmunicatiō which is one prīcipal power of spiritual gouernmēt there cā be no notable or preiudicial alteratiō of the sense it self which euery way cōmeth to one issue And therfore yt is true inough that Iohn Caluin sayth as by way of an obiection that which M. Fekenhā auowcheth him to say And there is no lie therin at al as ye imagine Neither are the Fathers slaūdered by M. Fekenham as ye cauil but yf any slaunder be in this pointe Caluin is the Father of the slaūder whose words or the very sense of thē M. Fekenham reporteth And for the same cause they do nothing ouerthrowe M. Fekenhams purpose being not originallye of hym proposed but owt of Caluin as an absurdity against certain that doe challēge al iurisdictiō to the ciuill Magistrate And therfore you in attributing these wordes to M. Fekenhā as his peculiar wordes play with him as your Apology doth with Cardinall Hosius imputing to him the heresy of the Swenkefeldians that he reciteth not by his own words but by their own words I say thē these wordes make nothing against M. Fekenham but plainely against the othe that ye mainteine and against your acte of parliamēte that vniteth al iurisdiction ecclesiasticall to the Croune and against M. Horne that mainteineth the saide statute Against whome now I make this argument borrowed of his own Apostle Iohn Caluin They which to honour the Magistrat do spoile the Church of this power meaning of excommunication do not only with false expositiō corrupt the sentēce of Christ but also do not sclēderly cōdēne so many holy Bishops which haue ben frō the time of the Apostles that they haue by false pretēce vsurped the honour and office of the Magistrate But our actes of parliamēt geue al maner of ecclesiastical power and iurisdictiō to the Prince Ergo our lawes condēne al the holy Fathers ād bishops and do falsly interprete Christes sentence What part of this argumēt cā ye deny The maior is your Apostle Caluins euē according to your own english Trāslatiō sene and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes Maiesties Iniunctions so that you cā by no meanes quarell against it The minor is notoriouse by the very tenour of the othe to the which so many haue sworē or rather forsworen Wherefore the conclusion must nedes followe The parliamente geueth to the prince the Supreme Gouernmēt in al ecclesiastical causes and the authorising of al maner ecclesiastical iurisdictiō You and your Maister Caluin do restrain this generality For excōmunicatiō you say belōgeth neither to Prince nor Bishops but to the church Now seing you haue for this your opiniō no better authour then Iohn Caluin one of the archeheretiks of our time whether his authority though it be very large ād ample with you ād your brethern wil serue for the interpretatiō of the statute in the kings benche I referre that to other that haue to do therin On the other side sure I am yt wil not serue whē ye come before the ecclesiastical bench of Christes catholike church nor of the Lutherā Churche no nor serue your M. Caluin neither And this his and your interpretation doth plainely condemne the late lawes of our realm and geueth M. Fekenham and all other a good and sufficient occasion to refuse the othe appointed by the statute as cōdēning so many holy Bishops for exercising that iurisdiction that apperteined not to thē but to the Prince To the Prince I say by you M. Horne who doe geue to the Prince al maner of iurisdictiō cōteined in the second kind of cohibitiue iurisdictiō in the which second kind excōmunication is expresly cōteined by your own Author Antoniꝰ Delphinus though you in reciting his wordes haue nipped quite away frō the middest the wordes expressing the same to beguile therby your
Reader and to make him beleue that Antonius was your Author herein It is not then M. Fekēham but your Maister Ihon Caluin and your self also that condēne al the holy bishops yea S. Paule and the other Apostles to which exercised this iurisdictiō and al other iurisdiction in ecclesiastical matters without any warrant frō the Prince or the Church Namely the blessed bishop S. Ambrose for excommunicating of Theodosius And so al your false accusations wherwith ye charge M. Fekēhā redoūd truly vpō yourself Wher you say that Caluins Latin was to fine for M. Fekenhams grosse vnderstāding what a sine Latin mā your self are I referre the Reader to this your owne booke and to your articles lately set forth at Oxford The places I haue before specified and therfore nedelesse here to be recited againe M. Horne The .173 Diuision pag. 120 b. And againe Iohn Caluin vvriting vpō Amos the Prophet is by you alleged to .653 as litle purpose For be it that thei vvhich attributed to King Hēry of famous memorie so much authoritie vvhich greeued Caluin vvere mē not vvel aduised in so doing and that thei vvere blasphemous that called him the supreme head of the church ye knovv vvho they vvere that first gaue to him that title and authority yet your .654 cōclusiō follovveth not herof Therefore Bishops and priests haue authority to make lavves orders ā● decrees c. to their flockes and cures no more thā of his former saying Christ gaue to his Church this authoritie to excōmunicat to bind and to lovvse Therfore Bishops and Priestes maie make lavves orders and decrees to theyr flockes and cures Stapleton Caluin saith in plain words It is blasphemy to cal the Prīce of Englād supreme head of the Church He saith also They that so much extolled King Henry at the beginning soothely they wanted dew cōsideratiō This is your second and better Apostle M. Horn that hath brought your first Apostle Luther almost out of conceyte This is he M. Horn whose bookes the sacramentaries esteme as the second ghospel This is he M. Horne that beareth such a sway in your congregation and conuocation now that ye direct al your procedings by his Geneuical instructions and examples This is he whose institutions against Christ and the true diuine religion are in such price with you that there be few of your protestāte fellowe Bisshops that wil admit any man to any cure that hath not reade them or wil not promise to reade them The Catholiks deny your new supremacy the Lutherans also deny it Caluin calleth it blasphemous Howe can then any Catholike man persuade his conscience to take this othe And what say you now at length to this authority M. Horne Mary saith he I say that though it be true yet it will no more followe thereof that Bishops may make lawes orders and decrees then of his former saying that Christ gaue to the Churche authority to excommunicate to binde and to lose In dede ye say truthe for the one it is but a slender argumente The Ciuil Magistrate is heade of the Churche Ergo Bisshoppes may make Lawes and Maister Fekenham was neuer yet so yll aduised and so ouersene as to frame such madde argumentes This argumente cometh fresh and newe hammered out of your owne forge But for the other parte if a man woulde reason thus Bishoppes haue power to binde and to loose Ergo they haue power to make lawes orders and decrees c. he should not reason amisse seing that by the iudgement of the learned vnder the power of binding and loosing the power of making lawes is contayned Which also very reason forceth For who haue more skill to make lawes and orders for directing of mens consciences then such whose whole study and office consisteth in instructing and refourming mens consciences But Maister Fekenham doth not reason so but thus It is blasphemy to call the Prince heade of the Church Ergo Maister Fekenham can not with saufe conscience take the othe of the supremacy and that the Prince is the supreme head Againe the Prince hath no authority or iurisdiction to binde or lose or to excommunicate Ergo M. Fekenham can not be persuaded to swere to that statute that annexeth and vniteth al iurisdiction to the Prince and to swere that the Prince is supreme gouernour in all causes Ecclesiastical These be no childish matters M. Horne Leaue of this your fonde and childishe dealings and make vs a directe answere to the arguments as M. Fekenham proposeth them to you and soyle them well and sufficiently and then finde faulte with him yf ye wil for refusing the othe But then am I sure ye wil not be ouer hastie vpon him but wyll geue him a breathing tyme for this seuē yeres at the least and for your life to For as long as your name is Robert Horne ye shall neuer be able to soyle them Neither thinke you that in matters of suche importance wise men and such as haue the feare of God before their eies wil be carried away from the Catholike faith with such kind of aunsweres The words of Iohn Caluin be manifest and cā not be auoided He saith Erāt blasphemi cū vocarēt ipsum Sūmū caput Ecclesiae sub Christo. They were blasphemous whē they called him he meaneth kinge Henry .8 the Supreme head of the Church vnder Christ. And who were those that Caluin calleth here blasphemous You would M. Horne your Reader should thinke that he meaned the Papistes for you referre that matter to M. Fekenhams knowledge saying to him You knowe who they were caet as though they were of M. Fekenhams friendes that is to say Catholikes as he by Gods grace is And so ful wisely bableth M. Nowel in hys second Reproufe against M. Dorman But that Caluin meaneth herein plainely and out of all doubte the Protestants and his owne dere brethern it is most euidēt by his wordes immediatly folowing which are these Hoc certè fuit nimiū sed tamen sepultum hoc maneat quia peccârunt inconsiderato zelo Suerly this was to much But let it lie buried for that they offended by inconsiderate zele Tel me nowe of good felowship M. Horne were they M. Feckenhams frendes or youres were they Catholikes or Protestants that Caluin here so gently excuseth wishing the matter to be forgottē and attributing it rather to want of dewe consideration and to zele then to willfull malice or sinnefull ignoraunce Euidēt it is he spake of his brethern protestants of Englād and for their sakes he wisheth the matter might be forgotten With the like passion of pity in his commentaries vpō S. Paule to the Corinthians whē he cometh to there words alleaged there of the Apostle Hoc est corpus meum This is my body remembring the ioyly concent of his bretherne about that matter he saith Non recensebo infaelices pugnas quae de sensu istorum verborum Ecclesiam nostro tempore
author Athanasius hym selfe declareth out of the sayde Iulius epistle to the Arrians See Mayster Horne what a materiall thing ye haue lefte out so materiall I say that it maketh all your synodes and all your depriuations of the Catholyke Bishoppes voyde as were the doinges of the Arrians againste Athanasius Nowe as you haue lefte out these materiall thinges so haue ye browght foorth no materiall thing in the worlde to auoyde Athanasius authority And therefore for lacke of sounde and sufficient answere ye are driuē to make penish argumentes of your own and then to father them vppon M. Fekenham saying to him I doubt not but that ye see suche faulte in your fonde sequele that ye are or at the least wise owght to be ashamed thereof But the Sequele of M. Feckenhā is this He saith to you with Athanasius whē was yt heard from the creatiō of the world that the iudgmēte of the Church should take his authority of the Prince When was this agnised for a iudgement And so forth Yf the Prince be supreame head in al causes ecclesiastical if al iurisdictiō ecclesiastical be vnited and annexed to the crowne yf the synodical decrees of Bishoppes be nothing worth withowt the kinges expresse consente yf catholike Bishops be deposed by the Princes commissiō yf lay men only may alter the olde auncient religiō al which things with other like are now done and practised in Englande thē doth the Church iudgmēt in Englande take his authority of the prince and lay mē And then may we wel and ful pitifully cry out whē was there any suche thinge frō the creatiō of the worlde heard of before This this is M. Fekenhams argument M. Horne this is his iuste and godly scruple that staieth him that he rūneth not headlong to the deuill in taking an vnlawful othe against his conscience settled vpō no light but vppon the weighty growndes of holy scripture of general coūcels of the holy and blessed fathers finally of the custome and belief of the whole catholike Churche and namely among all other of this authority brought out of Athanasius who also in an other place saieth that the Arrians assembles coulde not be called synodes wherin the Emperours deputy was president Wherefore it is a most opē an impudent lye that ye say that M. Fekēham causeth Athanasius to beare false witnes against him self how proue you this good Syr By this say you that yt is euident by Athanasius and Hosius to that Princes haue to medle and deale in causes or thinges ecclesiasticall namely in calling of councelles for by this Constantius and his brother Constans the Sardicense councel was summoned A worthie solution perdy for you and a wonderfull contradictiō for Athanasius Ye shew vs that they called this coūcel but that there was any thing spokē or done in that coūcell by Athanasius who was there present or other that should cause Athanasius to be cōtrary to him self ye shew nothing Shal I thē answere you as M. Iewel answereth M. D. Harding naming this councel but referring the Reader to the councel it self This coūcel saith M. Iewell is brought in al in a mummery saying nothing And then he addeth yet forasmuche as these men thincke yt good policy to huddle vppe theire matters in the darke it wil not be amisse to rippe them abrode and bring thē forth to light And yet for all this great brauery and bragge he leaueth the matter of this coūcel as he fownd yt and speaketh no more of yt one way or other Me think M. Horne that you treade much after his steps Ye name the coūcel but ye tel vs not one materiall worde for your purpose out of it I wil therfore furnishe that that lacketh in M. Iewel and you especially seing the matter is suche as toucheth the deposing of Athanasius that is our present matter and withal al this your present Treatise and answere to M. Fekenham I say thē first the conditiōs that ye require in a Bishoplie iudgmēt were here exactly obserued This coūcel was farre ād free frō al feare farre frō the pallace Here were present no Coūties with souldiars as it was wōt to be in the Arriās synodes to extort the cōsent of the Bishops Whervpō the Arriā bishops who were called to this coūcel ād came thither in great nūber seing this and seing Athanasius present whom they had vniustly deposed yea and ready to āswer thē and to disproue their wrōgful doings and finding their own cōsciencs withal gilty had no more hart to abide the triall of this free Synode then you and your other Protestante bretherne had to appeare in the Councell of Trent And therfore ful pretely shronke and stole awaie The order of this Councel was a verie Synodicall and an Episcopal iudgemēt Neither Emperour was present nor anie deputie for him that I haue yet read of though at the request of Constans the Catholike Emperour and by the assent of Constantius the Arrian that councel was assembled Neither was there either in the tyme of the councel or afterwarde the councel being ended anie consent or confirmation required of the Emperour and yet were there a greate number of Bishopes excommunicated and deposed to The sentence of Pope Iulius which in a councel at Rome a litle before restored Athanasius and other Bishopes by the Arrians in the Easte vniustly thruste out was exequuted Manie lawes orders and decrees touching matters ecclesiastical were in this councel ordeined Namely for deposing of Bishopes and placing others in theyr romes in all which yt was decreed that if a Bishope deposed by his fellowe Bishoppes at home for Princes deposed none in those daies though banish and expell they did would appeale to the Bishoppe of Rome that then the Bishops who had deposed the partie appealing should send informations to the Pope and that if he thought good the mater should be tried a freshe otherwise the former iudgement to take effect For final decision also of such appellatiōs made to Rome it was in this general coūcel decreed that the Pope might either appoint cōm●ssioners to sit vpō the matter in the Court from whence the Appeale came or if he thought so meete ▪ to send legates from his owne Consistory to decide the mater In lyke manner it was there decreed that Bishopes s●ould not haunte the Emperours palaice excepte for certaine godly suites there mentioned or inuited ●hi●her of the Emperour himselfe Also of Bishopes not to be made but such as had continewed in the inferiour orders certayne yeres c. it was in that councel decreed All which and diuers other ecclesiasticall maters that councel determined without any superiour Authoritie from the prince And so to conclude this one Councel that ye bring in but in a mummerie your false visor being taken from your face openeth what ye are and answereth fully al this your booke as wel for the principal mater that the Pope ys
I denie Againe In dede ye haue laboured more to fynd owt those reasons which ye might better vtter against your self than against me But in such a case ye shuld not nede to take suche paynes yf yow had shame in you Whether I say truely or no in this I referre thee good Reader to my whole answere and those that wil see it cōpendiously proued to my preface and to the Conclusion of the thirde booke And here woulde I faine breake of my confutation of M. Hornes answere to S. Augustines testimony sauing that he doth otherwise so excedingly belie S. Augustine here that I may in no wise altogether passe ouer this shamelesse demeanure You say then M. Horne that S. Augustin aswel in his bookes against Iulian as in his bookes against the Donatistes is of your minde towching the ecclesiastical supremacy in Princes as ye say ye haue declared And that the Fathers whome S. Augustine citeth against Iuliā are of the same minde also Shewe me then good M. Horne but one authority out of S. Augustine or any one of the Fathers whome he reherseth which are Cyprianus Ireneus Basilius Hilarius Ambrosius Hieronymus and Pope Innocentius with others eyther that the Pope hath not the superiority in matters Ecclesiastical or that Princes haue the same All that hitherto ye haue browght out of S. Augustine with whose sayinges ye haue filled vp some leaues reacheth no farther thē that Princes may by their lawes punishe suche as be disobediēte to the Churche lawes for the whiche thing no man doth contende with you But we woulde fayne see you ones drawe to the question yt selfe and to shewe some open place of S. Augustine either for the Princes or againste the Popes supremacy wherin seing ye haue done nothing we wil assay what we call say for the Popes primacy by S. Augustine To auoyde tediousnes we will reherse but a fewe testimonies and suche onely as we haue taken out of his bokes againste the saide Donatistes and Pelagians Who is it then M. Horne but S. Augustine that writinge againste the Donatistes saith that the principality of S. Peters Apostleship is to be preferred before any other bishoprike Who is it but S. Augustine that vseth to bringe againste the Donatistes the authority of the sea of Rome as a singular and a principal authoritye Who ys yt but S. Augustine that writinge againste the saide Donatistes sayeth the sea of Peter is the rocke that the proude gates of hel do not ouercome Let vs now come a litle to the Pelagians Their capitain Pelagius and an other archeheretike of theire secte called Caelestius were condēned by Pope Innocentius and Sozimus throwgh out at the Christian world They were also condemned in Aphrike by the bishops there Yet S. Augustine writeth not that they were condēned by thē through out al the world as he doth of the said two Popes because the sentence of the Aphricane Bishoppes bounde the Aphricanes onely the Popes sentence bounde the whole worlde And therfore the sayed Bishoppes after they had condemned those heretikes desired Pope Innocentius to confirme their sentence which thing Innocentius did as appereth by his answere to the foresaide Bishoppes yet extant in S. Augustines works Which letters geue a verie ample testimony for the Popes supreamacye and sheweth amōg other things that yt was a rule kepte throwgh out al the worlde that in graue ▪ and weighty matters ecclesiastical and for the determinatiō of matters of faith nothing was wont to be done without the Popes consent and authority Againe S. Augustine writing against the saide Pelagiās sendeth his boks to Pope Bonifacius to examine and amende thē yf any thing misliked him and saieth that the saide Bonifacius had the preeminēce in the pastoral watchtowre S. Augustine also in this boke against Iulian the Pelagian numbring vp a number of holy and aunciēte Bishoppes as Ireneus Cyprianus Hilarius and others saieth that Pope Innocentius though he were later in time yet was he before them for his place and dignity He doth vrge and presse very muche the saide Iulian with the authority of the Apostolicall sea and of the sayde Innocentius Yea and that for an heresy that your Apostle Caluin and our good new bretherne in Englande both in theire preachinges and teachinges do mainteine that is that children thoughe they be not baptised shall yet that notwithstanding enioy the euerlastinge life These testimonies do fully declare S. Augustines minde touching the Popes Supremacy quite repugnante to the doctrine of this your booke Wherby yt appereth that ye litle regarde howe and after what sorte ye doe alleadge hym and that ye doe not alleadge him for any good matter ye fynde in him but onely to make an owtwarde shewe and apparance to the vnlearned and vnskilful people to beguile them wyth smothe talke and fayre wordes The .179 Diuision pag. 126. b. M. Fekenham After long expectation and many promises his L. final answeare to the sayd obiections was as hereafter foloweth For as much as I doo perceiue that you are not to be resolued in this matter I shal here stay and procede no further with you in the same and like as you haue bene so you shal be vnto me most hartely welcome You shal lacke nothinge that is in my house to pleasure you And from hencefoorth I shal leaue to haue any further talke or conference with you in these controuersies of Religion And for all such talke and wryting as hath passed already betwene vs I shal perfourme this my promise both first and last made vnto you that you shal be well assured not to suffer any hurte or dammage thereby M. Horne You deliuered this obiection vnto me in vvritinge betvvixt Easter and VVhitsontyde about the ende of Aprill vvithin tvvo daies folovving vvhen I had redde the same I tould you that in the collection of your common places you vvere much abused for that you had mistaken thē and obserued no iuste circumstances of the authorities vvhereby to haue knovven the authours meaning And so vvee continued in debatinge and reasoning from time to time about this matter of Iurisdiction and others vntil the beginning of September folovving before vvhich time your obstinacy grevve so much that I vvas forced through your vnorderly behauiour to restreigne you of your licētious talke and sequester you from conference vvith any hauinge so muche before abused your self and especially in mine absence and I vvas the rather moued so to d●o for that I perceiued al that I did vvas but in vaine as at diuerse times and often I repeated that vnto you obstinatelie bente to the contrarie meaninge by such stoutenesse to recouer your credite vvhiche through your inconstancy vvas so empaired amongest your friendes I sayd at your first comming and many times after you beinge sente by the Honourable Councel that you vvere vvelcome vvhich by good proufe although vtterly vvithout any your good deserte yee founde true I did say that
the Cardinal Durādus P. Aemilius Martinus poenitentiarius Polidorus Virgilius And such lyke as he him self declareth otherwhere and in this place also confesseth Nowe all be it the Catholiques refuse no Catholique writer nor in this matter haue cause so to doe yet in a matter of such importance which beside the losse of al tēporal relief and besyde bodily death importeth also euerlasting damnation to the Catholikes if the case stande as M. Horne and his fellowes beare vs in hande reason would he should haue fetched the substance of his proufes much higher yea within the .600 yeres whervnto they strayne and binde vs The which the Catholikes haue already performed against M. Iewel not in the substance of the matter onely but euen in the iustifying of the precise wordes wherein M. Iewel hathe framed to himself by a foolish wylynes or wylye foolyshnes the state of the question I meane for the wordes of head of the Church and vniuersall Busshop And what if M Fekenham nowe Syr would reuel with yow with lyke rhetorike and require of yow to proue by the fathers writing within the sayde .600 yeares these expresse words Supreame heade or gouernour in all causes spiritual and temporal to haue bene geuen and attributed to any ciuil Magistrate Againe that the temporal men without yea and against the consent of the whole clergy altered the state of religiō called and vsed for Catholik throughout the whole corps of Christendome one thousande yeares before with such other articles as concerne the regiment Ecclesiasticall that ye in this your booke defende Ye haue not no nor ye can not proue any such matter either by expres wordes or by any good induction or consequēt in the first and former Fathers And yet somwhat were it if the Later Fathers might helpe yow But what an impudent face as harde as any horne or stone haue ye beside your mere foly to make the worlde belieue that the authours aforesayde allowed such kinde of regiment of ciuill Princes as the Catholikes now denye Whiche assertion is so certainely and notoriously false that M. Horne him self can not nor doth not deny but that his owne authours were moste earnest fautours of the See of Rome And howe then maye it ones be thoughte by any wise man that they shoulde allowe the doings of suche that forsake and abandon al maner of authority of that See further then is the cōmen authority of al other Bisshops yea and make the Bisshop of that Se● to whome the sayde authors attribute so large and ample authoritye and prerogatiue as may be and whome they agnise as supreame iudge in matters of faith a very Antichriste These things be incredible these things as the prouerbe is hange together like germans lipps and so shal ye good Readers see the matter most euidently fal owte And therefore M. Horne where you haue of late openlye sittinge at a table in London as I am credibly informed bragged that ye haue quyte cōfuted the Papists with their own papistical Doctors how true this is I trust it shall by this answere plainely appeare M. Horne The 3. Diuision Their iudgements and sentences shal appeare in reading by the forme of letter for leuing foorth the Latine to auoide tediousnes 4. I haue putte into English the Authours mindes and sentences and caused them for the moste parte to be Printed in Latine letters that the English reader may knovv and decerne the Authours sayings from mine If this that I haue done vvorke that effect in the Englishe Reader vvhich he ought to seeke and I d● vvishe I haue vvonne that I wrought for but otherwise let men say and iudge what they liste I haue discharged my conscience and shewed the trueth Anno Domini 1565. Feb. 25. Rob. Wynchester Stapleton A great vntruth For M. Horne doth not faithfully but most corruptly and falsly alleage the authours wordes and vseth his owne in steade of theirs and to suche as he truely reherseth he geueth an vnmete and an improbable sense of his own making as we shal particularly notifye when the case requireth THE FIRST BOOKE CONTEINING MANY PRIVAT DOINGES OF M. Fekenham the State of the Que●tiō answer to M. Hornes oppositions out of holy scriptures both olde and newe with a declaration who are the right Donatists Protestants or Papistes M. Fekenham The declaration of such scruples and staies o●●●●science touching the Othe of Supremacy as 〈◊〉 ●●kenham by writing did deliuer vnto the L. Bis●●op of Winchester with his resolutions made thereun●● M. Horne The property of him that meaneth to declare rightly any matter done is to set forth the trueth vvithout malice to obserue the due circumstances of the matter persones and times and to vse simple plainesse vvithout guileful ambiguities 5. This Title is so replenished vvith vntrue report and ambiguous sleightes vvithout the note of any necessary circumstance that there is not almost one true vvorde therein vvhereby you geue at the first a taste to the indifferent reader vvhat he must looke for in the sequele You pretende and vvould haue your frendes to thincke that the first fovver chiefe pointes set foorth in your booke vvere deuised by you put in vvriting and so deliured vnto me as the matter and grounde vvherupon the conferēce to be had betvvixt me and you should stande And that I made thereunto none other but such resolutions as it hath pleased you .6 vntruly to report In the first parte you conueigh an vntrueth vnder a coulorable and ambiguous meaning in these vvoordes as M. Iohn Feke●hā by vvriting did deliuer vnto the L.B. of VVinchester In thother part .7 you make an vntrue report vvithout any colour at all I doe graunt and vvill not deny that you deliured to me a booke vvhich I thāke God I haue to shevv vvhereby to disproue you The same vvil declare the time vvhen the place vvhere the occasion vvherefore the personnes to vvhome the booke vvas vvritē and vvhat is the matter in generall therein conteyned VVhereunto must be added at vvhat time the same vvas deliuered vnto me vpon vvhat occasiō and to vvhat ●nde Al vvhich circumstances you omitte in your booke published least you shoulde haue bevvrayed your selfe and haue appeared in your ovvne likenesse Stapleton The First Chapter concerning the Title of M. Fekenhams declaration THIS was an happy happe for M. Horne that it happed M. Fekenhā with the omitting of suche slender circumstances to minister to him matter of such triflynge talke wherein otherwise M. Horne should haue had nothing to haue sayde For here is he very exacte and precise in circumstances to be kepte with al dewe obseruation in a by matter which whether it be true or false doth nothing either preiudicate or touche the principal questiō that is whether the resolutiōs were made before Maister Fekenham deliuered vp his matter in writing or after For this being true that these resolutiōs were made to take away the scruples and stayes
Bales or some such like but as for the olde ordinary Latin Glose I am right sure M. Horn it hath no suche thinge This therefore may wel stande for an other vntruthe As also that which immediatly you alleage out of Deuteron 13. For in al that chapter or any other of that booke there is no such worde to be founde as you talke of And thus with a ful messe of Notorious vntruthes you haue furnished the first seruice brought yet to the table cōcernīg the prīcipal matter How be it perhaps though this be very course yet you haue fyne dishes and dayntycates coming after Let vs then procede The .11 Diuision Pag. 8. b. M. Horne The beste and most Godly Princes that euer gouerned Gods people did perceiue and rightly vnderstande this to be Gods vvil that they ought to haue an especiall regarde and care for the ordering and setting foorth of Gods true Religion and therefore vsed great diligence vvith feruent zeale to perfourme and accomplishe the same Moyses vvas the supreme gouernour ouer Gods people and vvas .38 not chiefe Priest or Bisshop for that vvas Aaron vvhose authority zeale and care in appointing and ordering Religion amongest Gods people prescribing to al the people yea to Aaron and the Leuits vvhat and after vvhat sorte they should execute their functions correcting and chastening the transgressours is manifestly set foorthe in his booke called the Pentateuche The 9. Chapter concerning the example of Moyses MAister Horne willing to seame orderly to procede first bringeth in what scripture commaūdeth Princes to doe and then what they did But as his scripture towching the commaundemēt by him alleaged nothing reacheth home to his pretensed purpose but rather infringeth and plainely marreth the same as I haue saide and fully standeth on our syde So I dowbte nothing yt wil fare with his examples as of Moyses Iosue Dauid Salomon Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias and that they al come to short and are to weake to iustifie his assertion But here am I shrewdly encombred and in a great doubte what to doe For I coulde make a shorte but a true answere that these examples are fully answered alredy by M. Doctour Harding and M. Dorman and referre thee thither to thyne and myne ease gentle reader and to the sparing not onely of penne ynk and paper but of the tyme also whiche of al things is most preciouse But then I feare me woulde steppe forth yf not M. Horne a good simple plain man in his dealings yet some other iolye fyne freshe pregnant wytty fellowe yea and bringe me to the straits which way so euer I did tread Yf I shuld as I said sende the reader to them then should I heare a foole a dolte an asse that can say nothing of his own Then shoulde the cause be slaundered also as so poore and weake that it could beare no large and ample treatise yea with all that their answeres were such as I was asshamed of them and therefore wilylye and wiselye forbeared them with manye suche other triumphant trieflinge toyes Againe yf I shoulde repete or inculcate their answeres then woulde Maister Nowell or some other rushe in vppon me with his ruflynge rhetorike that he vseth againste Maister Dorman and Maister Doctour Hardinge withe a precise accompte and calculation what either Maister Dorman or Maister Doctour Hardinge borowed of Hosius or either of them two of the other And what I haue nowe borowed of them bothe or of either of them And I shoulde be likewise insulted vppon and our cause as feble and very weake slaundered also But on the one syde leaste any of the good bretherne shoulde surmise vppon my silence anye suche distruste I will compendiously as the matter shall require abridge their answeres and that Maister Horne shall thinke that our stuff is not al spente I shall on the other syde for a surplussage adioyne some other thinges to owre opponent accommodate So that I truste either answere shal be sufficient to atchieue our purpose againste Maister Horne Then for Moyses I saye with Maister Doctour Hardinge and Saint Augustyne that he was a prieste aswell as a Prince I say the same with Maister Dorman with Philo Iudeus with Saint Hierom and with Saint Hieroms Maister Gregorie Nazianzene And so consequently Maister Horne that Moyses example serueth not your turne onlesse ye will kinge Henry the eight and his sonne king Edward yea and our gracious Quene to be a priest to but rather quite ouerturneth your assertion And thinke you Maister Horne that the Quenes authority doth iumpe agree with the authority of Moyses in causes ecclesiastical Then maye she preach to the people as Moyses did Thē may she offer sacrifices as Moyses did Then may she cōsecrate Priests as Moyses did cōsecrate Aaron and others Then may it be said of the imposition of her hands as was said of Moyses Iosua the son of Nun was ful of the sprite of wisedom for Moyses hadde put his hand vpon him It must nedes therfore follow that Moyses was a priest and that a high priest which ye here ful peuishly deny I say now further with M. Dorman that put the case Moyses were no priest yet this example frameth not so smothely and closely to your purpose as ye wene For Moyses was a prophet and that such a prophet as the like was not agayne Geue me nowe Maister Horn Princes Prophetes geue me Princes and Lawe makers by speciall order and appointmente ordeyned of God to whose woordes God certainly woulde haue geuen as greate authority as he wolde and commaunded to be geuen to Moyses and then perchaunce I will say that ye saye somewhat well to the purpose Agayne Moyses was suche a speciall Prophet and so singularlye chosen of God to be heard and obeyed in all thinges that he is in the holy scripture euidentlye compared to Christ him selfe compared I say euen in the office of teaching and instructing Moyses in the Deuteronom foretelling the Iewes of a Messias to come saieth The Lorde thy God wil rayse thee vp a Prophet from among thy own nation and of thy brethern such a one as my self him thou shalt heare And this so spoken of Moyses in the olde Lawe is in the new testamēt auouched ād repeted first by S. Peter the chief Apostle and next by S. Stephen the first Martir and applied to Christ. If thē Christ must so be heard and obeied of vs as was Moyses of the Iewes no doubt as Christ is a Kinge a Prophet a Priest and a Bisshop to vs so was Moyses to thē a Prince a Prophet a Priest and a Bisshop As Christ is of vs to be heard and obeyed as wel in al matters Ecclesiasticall as Temporal for no temporal Lawe can haue force against the Law of Christ amonge Christen men so was Moyses to be heard and obeyed of the Iewes in matters and causes as well temporall as spirituall For why The Scripture is plaine Tanquam me
with vs shal be chief ouer you M. Horne The 16. Diuision Pag. 10. b. Ezechias the king of Iuda hath this testimony of the holy Ghost that the like gouernour had not been neither should bee after him amōgest the kings of ●uda For he cleaued vnto the Lord and svverued not from the preceptes vvhich the Lord gaue by Moyses And to expresse that the office ●ule and gouernment of a godly king consisteth and is occupied according to Gods ordinaunce and precept first of al in matters of Religion and causes Ecclesiastical the holy Ghost doth commende this king for his diligent care in refourmīg religion He toke quite avvay saith the holy ghost al maner of Idolatry superstition and false religion yea euen in the first yere of his reigne and the first moneth he opened the doores of Gods house He calleth as it vvere to a Synode the Priestes and Leuits he maketh vnto them a long and pithy oration declaring the horrible disorders and abuses that hath been in religion the causes and vvhat euils folovved to the vvhole realme thereupō He declareth his ful determination to restore and refourme religiō according to Gods vvil He commaundeth them therfore that they laying aside al errours ignoraūce and negligence do the partes of faithful ministers The Priestes and Leuits assembled together did sanctifie themselues and did purge the house of the Lorde from al vncleanes of false religion at the commaundement of the King .46 concerning things of the Lord. That don they came vnto the King and made to him an accompt and report vvhat they had don The King assembleth the chief rulers of the City goeth to the Temple be commaundeth the Priests and Leuits to make oblation and sacrifice for vvhole Israel He appoin●eth the Leuits after their order in the house of the Lorde ●o their musicall instruments and of the Priestes to play on Shalmes according as Dauid had disposed the order 47. by the coūsell of the Prophetes He and the Prince commaundeth the Leuites to praise the Lorde vvith that Psalme that Dauid made for the like purpose He appointed a very solempne keaping and ministring of the Passeouer vvhereunto be exhorteth al the Israelites and to tourne from their Idolatrye and false religion vnto the Lorde God of Israel He made solempne prayer for the people The king vvith comfortable vvoordes encouraged the Leuites that vvere zelous and hadde right iudgement of the Lorde to off●e sacrifices of thankes geuing and to prayse the Lorde the God of their Fathers and assigned the Priestes and Leuites to minister and geue thankes accordinge to their offices in their courses and tournes And for the better continuance of Gods true Religion he caused a sufficient and liberall prouision to bee made from the people for the Priests and Leuits that they might vvholy cheerfully and constantly serue the Lorde in their vocation These doinges of the Kinge Ezechias touching matters of Religion and the reformation thereof saieth the holy ghost vvas his acceptable seruice of the Lord dutiful both to God and his people The 14. Chapter concerning the doinges of Ezechias HEre is nothing brought in by you or before by the Apology as M. Dorman and M. Doctour Harding doe wel answere that forceth the surmised souerainty in King Ezechias but that his powre and authority was ready and seruiceable as it ought to be in al Princes for the executiō of things spiritual before determined and not by him as supreame head newly establisshed So in the place by you cited it is writen that he did that which was good before the Lorde according to all things that Dauid his Father had done So that as Dauid did al such matters because the Prophets of God had so declared they should be done so is Ezechias folowing his Father Dauid vnderstanded to haue done not enactīg any religiō of his own but settīg forthe that which Gods Ministers had published Likewise in your other place according to the Kings and Gods cōmaundemēt So other where he did that which was good ād right before his Lord God and he sowght God with al his harte after the Lawe and commaundemente in al the works of the howse of God And as your selfe shewe he appointed the Leuits according as Dauid had disposed the order And you adde by the councel of the Prophetes as though Dauid had firste done it by the aduise or counsell only of the Prophetes and by his owne authoritie But the Scripture saith Ezechias did thus according as Dauid had disposed because it was the commaundement of God by the hande of his Prophetes So that in al that Ezechias or before Iosaphat did they did but as Dauid had don before That is they executed Gods commaundement declared by the Prophetes This is farre from enactinge a newe Religion by force of Supreme Authoritie contrarie to the commaundement of God declared by the Bisshops and Priestes the onely Ministers of God now in spirituall matters as Prophetes were then in the like M. Horne The .17 Diuision pag. 11 a. Iosias had the like care for religion and vsed in the same sort his princely authority in reforming al abuses 48 in al maner causes Ecclesiastical These Godly Kings claimed and toke vpon them the supreme gouernment ouer the Ecclesiasticall persons of all degrees and did rule gouerne and direct them in all their functions and .49 in all manner causes belonging to Religion and receiued thu witnes of their doings to witte that they did acceptable seruice and nothing but that which was right in Gods sight Therefore it follovveth well by good consequent that Kings or Queenes may claime and take vpon them such gouernment in things or causes Ecclesiasticall For that is right saith the holy Ghost they should than doe vvrong if they did it not The .15 Chapter of the doings of Iosias with a conclusion of all the former examples Stapleton KING Iosias trauailed ful godly in suppressing Idolatrie by his Kingly authority What then So doe good Catholike Princes also to plucke doune the Idols that ye and your brethrē haue of late sette vppe and yet none of them take them selues for supreme heads in all causes Spirituall And ye haue hitherto brought nothing effectuall to proue that the Kings of Israell did so wherefore your conclusion that they did rule gouerne and direct the Ecclesiasticall persons in all their functions and in all maner causes of religion is an open and a notorious lye and the contrarye is by vs auouched and sufficiently proued by the authority of the old Testament wherevppon ye haue hitherto rested and setled your selfe But now that ye in all your exāples drawe nothing nigh the marke but runne at rādon and shoot al at rouers is most euident to him that hath before his eye the verye state of the question whiche must be especially euer regarded of such as minde not to loosly and altogether vnfruitfully imploye their laboure and loose
both their owne and their Readers labour I pray you then good M. Horne bring foorth that King that did not agnise one supreme head and chiefe iudge in all causes Ecclesiasticall among the Iewes I meane the high Priest wherein lieth all our chiefe question Ye haue not yet done it nor neuer shal doe it And if ye could shew any it were not worth the shewing For ye should not shewe it in any good King as being an open breache of Gods lawe geauen to him by Moyses as these your doings are an open breach of Christ and his churches lawe geuen to vs in the new Testament Againe what president haue ye shewed of anye good King among the Iewes that with his laitie altered and abandoned the vsuall religion a thousande yeares and vpward customablie from age to age receiued and embraced and that the High Priest and the whole Clergie resisting and gainsaiyng all such alterations If ye haue not shewed this ye haue straied farre from the marke What euidence haue ye brought forth to shewe that in the olde Law any King exacted of the Clergie in verbo sacerdotij that they shuld make none Ecclesiastical law without his consent as King Henrie did of the Clergie of England And so to make the Ciuil Magistrate the Supreame iudge for the finall determination of causes Ecclesiasticall What can ye bring forth out of the olde Testamente to aide and relieue your doinges who haue abandoned not onely the Pope but Generall Councels also and that by plaine acte of Parliament I saye this partlye for a certaine clause of the Acte of Parliament that for the determination of anye thinge to be adiudged to be heresie reasteth only in the authoritie of the Canonicall Scriptures and in the first foure General Councels and other Councels general wherin any thing is declared heresie by expresse wordes of scripture By whiche rule it will be hard to conuince many froward obstinate heretikes to be heretikes yea of such as euen by the saied fower first and many other Councels general are condemned for heretikes Partly and most of al I saye it for an other clause in the acte of Parliament enacting that no forraigne Prince Spirituall or temporal shall haue any authoritie or Superioritie in this realme in any Spirituall cause And then I pray you if any Generall Councell be made to reforme our misbelief if we wil not receiue it who shall force vs And so ye see we be at libertie to receiue or not receiue any general Councel And yet might the Pope reforme vs wel inough for any thing before rehersed for the Popes authority ecclesiastical is no more forraigne to this realme then the Catholike faith is forraigne sauing that he is by expresse wordes of the statute otherwise excluded Now what can ye shewe that mere laie men should enioye ecclesiastical liuings as vsually they doe among you What good inductiō can ye bring from the doinges of the Kinges of the olde Lawe to iustifie that Princes nowe may make Bishoppes by letters patents and that for suche and so long time as should please them as either for terme of yeares moneths weekes or daies What good motiue cā ye gather by their regiment that they did visit Bishops and Priestes and by their lawes restrained them to exercise any iurisdiction ouer their flockes to visite their flocks to refourme them to order or correcte them without their especiall authoritie and commission therevnto Yea to restraine them by an inhibition from preaching whiche ye confesse to be the peculiar function of the Clergie exempted from all superioritie of the Prince What Thinke ye that yee can perswade vs also that Bishops and Priestes paied their first fruits and tenthes to their Princes yea and that both in one yeare as they did for a while in Kinge Henrie his dayes Verelye Ioseph would not suffer the very heathen Priestes which onely had the bare names of Priests to paye either tithes or fines to Pharao their Prince Yea rather he found them in time of famine vpon the common store Are ye able suppose ye to name vs any one King that wrote him selfe Supreame head of the Iewish Church and that in all causes as well Spirituall as Temporall and that caused an Othe to the Priestes and people the Nobilitie onelye exempted to be tendred that they in conscience did so beleue and that in a woman Prince too yea and that vnder paine of premunire and plaine treason too O M. Horne your manifolde vntruthes are disciphired and vnbuckled ye are espied ye are espied I say well enough that ye come not by a thousande yardes and more nigh the marke Your bowe is to weake your armes to feable to shoot with any your cōmendation at this marke yea if ye were as good an archer as were that famous Robin Hood or Litle Iohn Wel shift your bowe or at the least wise your string Let the olde Testament goe and procede to your other proufes wherein we will nowe see if ye can shoote any streighter For hitherto ye haue shotten al awrye and as a man may saye like a blinde man See now to your selfe from henseforth that ye open your eies and that ye haue a good eye and a good aime to the marke we haue set before you If not be ye assured we wil make no curtesie eftsones to put you in remembrance For hitherto ye haue nothing proued that Princes ought which ye promised to proue or that they may take vppon them such gouernment as I haue laid before you and such as ye must in euery parte iustifie if either ye will M. Fekenham shal take the Othe or that ye entende to proue your selfe a true man of your worde M. Horne The .18 Diuision pag. 11. b. You suppose that ye haue escaped the force of all these and such like godly Kings which doe marueilously shake your holde and that they may not be alleaged against you neither any testimonie out of the olde testament for that ye haue restrained the proufe for your contentation to such order of gouernment as Christ hath assigned in the Ghospel to be in the time of the nevv testament wherein you haue sought a subtil shifte For whiles ye seeke to cloke your errour vnder the shadovve of Christes Ghospel ▪ you bevvray your secrete heresies turning your self naked to be sene of al men and your cause notvvithstanding lest in the state it vvas before nothing holpen by this your poore shift of restraint So that vvhere your friendes tooke you before but onely for a Papist novv haue you shevved your selfe to them plainly herein to be a .50 Donatist also VVhen the Donatists troubled the peace of Christes Catholique Church and diuided them selues from the vnity therof as nor● you doe The godlie Fathers trauailed to confute their heresies by the Scriptures both of the olde and nevve testament and also craued aide and assistaunce of the Magistrates and Rulers to refourme them to reduce them
Apostles Stapleton HERE is nothinge M. Horne that importeth youre surmised Supremacye The effecte of your processe is Princes haue authoritie to mainteine praise and further the vertues of the first table and to suppresse the contrary wherein onely cōsisteth the true Religiō and spiritual Seruice that is due frō mā to God And that he hath authority herein not only in the vertues or vices bidden or forbiddē in the second table of Gods cōmaundements wherin are conteined the dueties one man oweth to an other This is graūted M. Horn both of the Catholiks and of the soberer sort of Protestants for Carolostadius Pelargus Struthius with the whole rable of th' Anabaptists deny it that Princes haue authority both to further the obseruation and to punish the breach of Gods cōmaundements as wel in the first table as in the second that is as well in such actions as concerne our dutie to God him self as in the dutie of one man to an other But al this is as not onely the Catholike writers but Melāchthon him self and Caluin do expoūd quod ad externam disciplinam attinet as much as apperteineth to external discipline and the Magistrate is the keper and defender of both tables saith Melanchthon but againe he addeth quod ad externos mores attinet as muche as belongeth to external maners behauiour and demeanour For in the first table are cōteined many offences and breaches of the which the Prince can not iudge and much lesse are by him punishable As are all suche crimes whiche proprely belong to the Court of Conscience To wit misbelief in God mistrust in his mercy contempt of his commaundements presumption of our selues incredulitie and such like which al are offences against the first table that is against the loue we owe to God Cōtrarywise true belief confidence in God the feare of God and such like are the vertues of the first table And of these Melanchthon truely saith Haec sunt vera opera primae tabulae These are the true workes of the first table The punishing correcting or iudging of these appertaine nothing to the authority of the Prince or to any his lawes but only are iudged corrected and punished by the spiritual sworde of excommunication of binding of sinnes and embarring the vse of the holy Sacraments by the order and authoritie of the Priest only and spiritual Magistrate Which thing is euident not only by the confession doctrine and continuall practise of the Catholique Churche but also by the very writinges of such as haue departed out of the Churche and will seeme most to extolle the authoritie of Princes yea of your selfe M. Horne as we shall see hereafter Againe whereas the chiefe vertue of the first table is to beleue in God to knowe him and to haue the true faithe of him and in him in externall regimente as to punishe open blasphemy to make lawes against heretiques to honour and mainteine the true seruice of God Princes especially Christians ought to further aide and mainteine the same But to iudge of it and to determine whiche is the true faith in God how and after what maner he ought to be serued what doctrine ought to be published in that behalfe the Prince hath no authoritie or power at all Therefore Melanchthō who in his Cōmon places wil haue Princes to looke vnto the true doctrine to correct the Churches when Bishops faile of their duetie yea and to consider the doctrine it selfe yet afterward he so writeth of this matter that either he recanteth as better aduised or els writeth plaine contrary to him selfe For thus he saieth of the Ciuile Magistrates Non condant dogmata in Ecclesia nec instituant cultus vt fecit Nabuchodonozor Et recens in scripto cui titulus est Interim potestas politica extra metas egressa est Sicut Imperatori Constātio dixit Episcopus Leōtius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nō sunt cōfundēdae functiones c. Let thē make no doctrines in the Church neither appoint any worshipping of God as did Nabuchodonosor And euen of late in that writing which is entituled the Interim the Ciuile power hath passed her bounds and limites As ones Bishop Leontius said to Constantius the Emperour Thou being set to gouerne in one matter takest vpon thee an other matter The functions of both magistrates are not to be confounded In these woordes you see M. Horne Melanchthon taketh away all authoritie from Princes in iudging or determining of doctrine and wil not haue the functions of both Magistrates Spiritual and temporal to be confounded Yea M. Nowel himselfe with a great stomach biddeth vs shew where they deny that godly and learned Priestes might according to Gods woorde iudge of the sincerity of doctrine As though when the Prince and his successours are made supreme gouernours without any limitation it fal not often out that the bisshop be he neuer so lerned or godly shall not ones be admitted to iudge of true doctrine except the doctrine please the Prince As though there had not ben a statute made declaring and enacting the Quenes Ma. yea and her highnes successours without exception or limitation of godly and vngodly and yet I trowe no bisshops to be the Supreme Gouernour in all thinges and causes as well spiritual as temporal As though you M. Horne had not writen that in bothe the tables the Prince hath authority to erect and correct to farther and restrayne to allow and punishe the vertues and vices thereto appertayning As though the gouernour in al causes is not also a iudge in all causes Or as though it were not commonly so taken and vnderstanded of a thousand in Englande which haue taken that Othe to their g●eat damnation but if they repēt You therefore M. Horne which talke so confusely and generally of the Princes Authority in both tables doe yet say nothing nor proue nothing this general and absolute Authority in al thinges and causes as lustely without exception the Othe expresseth And therefore you bring in dede nothīg to proue your principal purpose to the which al your proufes should be directed Againe where you alleage S. Augustin that the worde Godlynes mētioned in S. Paule to Timothe shoulde meane the true chief or proper worship of God as though Princes hauing charg therof should also haue authority to appoint such worship when yet S. Paule speaketh there of no such or of any authority at al in Princes but onely that by their peasible gouernmēt we might with the more quiet attēd to Gods seruice you doe herein vntruly report S. Augustine or at the leste missetake him For the woorde godlines which S. Augustine will haue so to meane is that which the Greeks call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods seruice or religiō as himself there expresseth but the word of the Apostle to Timothee is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 godlynes So aptly and truly you alleage your doctors But wil you know M. Horn why
kepeth a solemne festiuall daie of the holy Ghoste sodenly by the wicked Turks besieged and shortly after the city and the whole Greke empire came into the Turks hands and possession Wherein God seameth as before to the Iewes so afterwarde to the Grecians as yt were with pointing and notyfying yt with his finger to shewe and to notifie to all the worlde the cause of the finall destruction as well of the one as of the other people But what speke I of Grece we nede not ronne to so fare yeares or contries The case toucheth vs much nearer The realme of Boheame and of late yeares of France and Scotlande the noble contrey of Germany with some other that I neade not name be to to lyuely and pregnant examples of this your true but neadlesse and impertinente admonition For the whiche notwithstandinge seeinge ye deale so freelye and liberallye I thowght good also to returne you an other I suppose not neadlesse or impertinente for you and such other as doe prayse and commende so highly this Andronicus doinges And nowe might I here breake of from this and goe further forth sauing that I can not suffer you to bleare the readers eies as thowgh the Emperours Theodosius and Valentinianus sayings or doings shoulde serue any thinge for your pretensed primacy We saith Valentinian to the Emperour Theodosius owght to defende the faithe which we receiued of our auncetours withe all competente deuotion and in this our tyme preserue vnblemished the worthy reuerence dewe to the blessed Apostle Peter So that the most blessed bisshop of the cyty of Rome to whome antiquity hath geuen the principality of priesthod aboue all other may O most blessed father and honorable Emperour haue place and liberty to geue iudgement in such matters as concerneth faith and priests And for this cause the bisshop of Constātinople hath according to the solemne order of councells by his lybel appealed vnto hī And this is writē M. Horne to Theodosius him self by a commō letter of Valentinian and the Empresses Placidia and Eudoxia Which Placidia writeth also a particular letter to her said sonne Theodosius and altogether in the same sense Harken good M. Horne and geue good aduertisement I walke not and wander as ye doe here alleaging this Emperour in an obscure generality whereof can not be enforced any certayne particularity of the principal Question I goe to worke with you plainly trewlye and particularlye I shewe you by your own Emperour and by playn words the Popes supremacy and the practise withal of appeales frō Constantinople to Rome that it is the lesse to be marueled at yf Michael in the forsayde coūcel at Lions cōdescēded to the same And your Andronicus with his Grecians the lesse to be borne withal for breaking and reuoking the said Emperours good and lawful doings Neither is it to be thought that Theodosius thowght otherwise of this primacy But because ye hereafter wring and wrest him to serue your turne I will set him ouer to that as a more commodiouse place to debate his doings therein M. Horne The .26 Diuision Pag. 19. a. Hitherto I haue proued plainly by the holy Scriptures and by some suche Doctours as frō age to age haue vvitnessed th' order of ecclesiasticall gouernmēt in the Church of Christ yea by the confession testimony and example of some of the most godly Emperours thēselues that such .69 like gouernment in Church causes as the Queenes maiesty taketh vpō her doth of duty belōg vnto the ciuil Magistrates and Rulers and therfore they may yea they ought to claim and take vpon them the same Novv remayneth that I proue this same by the continual practise of the like gouernment in some one parte of Christendom and by the general counsayles vvherein as ye affirme the right order of Ecclesiastical gouernment in Christ his Church hath been most faithfully declared and shevved from tyme to tyme. Stapleton Hitherto you haue not brought any one thing to the substantial prouf of your purpose worth a good strawe neither scripture nor Doctour nor Emperour Among your fowre emperours by you named ye haue iugled in one that was a stark heretik but as subtily as ye thought ye had hādled the matter ye haue not so craftely cōueyed your galles but that ye are espied Yet for one thing are ye here to be cōmended that now ye would seame to frame as a certain fixed state of the matter to be debated vpō ād to the which ye would seme to direct your proufs that ye wil bring And therin you deale with vs better thē hitherto ye haue done seaming to seke by dark generalities as it were corners to luske and lurke in Neither yet here walke ye so plainly ād truely as ye woulde seme but in great darknes with a scōse of dymme light that the readers should not haue the clere vew and sight of the right way ye should walke in whom with this your dark sconse ye leade farre awrie For thus you frame vs the state of the Question M. Horne The 27. Diuision Pag. 19. b. The gouernment that the Queenes maiesty taketh most iustly vppon her in Ecclesiastical causes is the guiding caring prouiding ordering directing and ayding the Ecclesiastical state vvithin her dominions to the furtheraunce maintenaunce and setting foorth of true religion vnity and quietnes of Christes Church ouerseyng visitīg refourming restrayning amending ād correcting al maner persons vvith al maner errours superstitiōs Heresies Schismes abuses offences contempts and enormities in or about Christes Religiō vvhatsoeuer This same authority rule and gouernmēt vvas practised in the Catholik Church by the most Christiā Kings and Emperours approued cōfirmed and cōmended by the best counsailes both general and national The .20 Chapter Declaring the state of the Question betwene M. Horne and Fekenhā touching the Othe Stapleton HEre is a state framed of you M. Horne but farre square from the Question in hande For the Question is not nowe betwene M. Fekēham and you whether the Prince may visit refourme and correcte all maner of persons for al maner of heresies and schismes and offences in Christian Religion which perchaunce in some sense might somewhat be borne withal if ye meane by this visitation and reformation the outward execution of the Churche lawes and decrees confirmed by the ciuill magistrate roborated with his edictes and executed with his sworde For in such sorte many Emperours and Princes haue fortified and strenghthened the decrees of bisshops made in Councels both general and national as we shal in the processe see And this in Christian Princes is not denied but commended But the Question is here now whether the Prince or lay Magistrat may of him selfe and of his owne princely Authority without any higher Ecclesiasticall power in the Churche within or without the Realme visit refourme and correct and haue al maner of gouernmēt and Authority in al things and causes ecclesiastical or no. As whether the Prince may by
his own supreme Authority depose and set vp bisshops and Priests make Iniunctions of doctrine prescribe order of Gods seruice enact matters of religion approue and disproue Articles of the faith take order for administration of Sacraments commaunde or put to silence preachers determine doctrine excommunicat and absolue with such like which all are causes ecclesiastical and al apperteyning not to the inferiour ministerye which you graunt to Priestes and bisshops onely but to the supreme iurisdiction and gouernment which you doe annexe to the Prince onely This I say is the state of the Question now present For the present Question betwene you and M. Fekenham is grounded vppon the Othe comprised in the Statute which Statute emplieth and concludeth al these particulars For concealing whereof you haue M. Horne in the framing of your ground according to the Statute omitted cleane the ij clauses of the Statute folowing The one at the beginning where the Statute saith That no forayn person shall haue any maner of Authority in any spirituall cause within the Realme By which wordes is flatly excluded all the Authority of the whole body of the Catholike Church without the Realme As in a place more conuenient toward the end of the last book it shal by Gods grace be euidently proued The other clause you omitte at the ende of the said Satute which is this That all maner Superiorities that haue or maye lawfully be exercised for the visitatiō of persons Ecclesiasticall and correcting al maner of errours heresies and offences shall be for euer vnited to the Crowne of the Realme of Englande Wherein is employed that yf which God forbidde a Turke or any heretike whatsoeuer shoulde come to the Crowne of Englande by vertu of this Statute and of the Othe al maner superioritye in visiting and correcting Ecclesiastical persones in al maner matters should be vnited to him Yea and euery subiecte should sweare that in his conscience he beleueth so This kinde of regiment therefore so large and ample I am right wel assured ye haue not proued nor euer shal be able to proue in the auncient Church while ye liue When I say this kinde of regiment I walke not in confuse and general words as ye doe but I restrayne my self to the foresaid particulars now rehersed and to that platte forme that I haue already drawen to your hand and vnto the which Maister Fekenham must pray you to referre and apply your euidences Otherwise as he hath so may he or any man els the chiefe pointes of all being as yet on your side vnproued still refuse the Othe For the which doinges neither you nor any man else can iustly be greued with him As neither with vs M. Horne ought you or any mā els be greued for declaring the Truth in this point as yf we were discōtēted subiects or repyning against the obediēce we owe to our Gracious Prince and our Countre For beside that we ought absolutely more obey God then man and preferre the Truth which our Sauiour himself protested to be encouraging al the faithful to professe the Truth and geuing them to wit that in defending that they defended Christ himself before al other worldly respects whatsoeuer beside al this I say whosoeuer wil but indifferently consider the matter shal see that M. Horne himselfe in specifying here at large the Quenes Mai. gouernement by the Statute intended doth no lesse in effect abridge the same by dissembling silence then the Catholikes doe by open and plain contradiction For whereas the Statute and the Othe to the which all must swere expresseth A supreme gouernment in al thinges and causes without exception Maister Horne taking vpon him to specifie the particulars of this general decree and amplyfying that litle which he geueth to the Quenes Maiesty with copy of wordes ful statutelyke he leaueth yet out and by that leauing out taketh from the meaning of the Statute the principal cause ecclesiasticall and most necessary mete and conuenient for a Supreme Gouernour Ecclesiasticall What is that you aske Forsoth Iudgement determining and approuing of doctrine which is true and good and which is otherwise For what is more necessary in the Churche then that the Supreme gouernour thereof should haue power in al doubtes and controuersies to decide the Truthe and to make ende of questioning This in the Statute by Maister Hornes silence is not comprised And yet who doubteth that of al thinges and causes Ecclesiastical this is absolutelye the chiefest Yea and who seeth not that by the vertue of this Statute the Quenes Maiesty hath iudged determined and enacted a new Religiō contrary to the iudgement of all the Bisshops and clergy in the Conuocation represented of her highnes dominions Yea and that by vertue of the same Authority in the last paliament the booke of Articles presented and put vp there by the consent of the whole conuocation of the newe pretended clergy of the Realme and one or ij only excepted of al the pretended Bisshops also was yet reiected and not suffred to passe Agayne preachinge the woorde administration of the Sacramentes binding and loosing are they not thinges and causes mere Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall And howe then are they here by you omitted Maister Horne Or howe make you the Supreme gouernment in al causes to rest in the Quenes Maiesty yf these causes haue no place there Which is nowe better I appeale to al good consciences plainly to maintayne the Truthe then dissemblinglye to vpholde a falshood Plainly to refuse the Othe so generallye conceyued then generally to sweare to it beinge not generallye meaned But now let vs see how M. Horne wil direct his proufes to the scope appointed THE SECOND BOOKE DISPROVING THE PRETENSED PRActise of Ecclesiastical gouernement in Emperours and Princes of the first .600 yeares after Christ. M. Horne The .28 Diuision pag. 19. b. Constantinus of vvhose careful gouernmēt in Church causes I haue spoken somevvhat before tooke vpon him and did exercise the 70. supreme rule and gouernement in repressing al maner Idolatrie and false Relligion in refourming and promoting the true religion and in restreining and correcting al maner errours schismes heresies and other enormities in or about religion and vvas moued herevnto of duety euen by Gods vvorde as he him self reporteth in a vehemēt prayer that he maketh vnto God saiyng I haue takē vpō me and haue brought to passe helthful things meaning reformation of Religion being perswaded therevnto by thy word And publishing to all Churches after the Councel at Nice vvhat vvas there done he professeth that in his iudgement the chiefest end and purpose of his Imperial gouernement ought to be the preseruation of true religiō and godly quietnes in al Churches I haue iudged saith this godlye Emperoure this ought before all other thinges to be the ende or purpose wherevnto I should addresse my power and authority in gouernement that the vnitie of faith pure loue and agreemēt of religiō towardes the
openly in the Councell of Chalcedon that he was present there after the example of Constantine not to shew his power but to confirme his faith And Saint Gregorie putting Mauritius the Emperoure who in a chafe had called him foole in mynde of the duety he owed to Gods ministers rippeth vp to him particularlye this verye fact of Constantine refusing to iudge vpon the bishopes complayntes c. and addeth in the end as an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these woordes In qua tamen sententia pie Domine sibi magis ex humilitate quàm illis aliquid praestitit ex reuerentia impensa In which sentence yet my good Lorde Constantyne more profited him self by humilitie then he did the Bishopes by the reuerence he shewed them It was saieth Saint Gregorye Reuerentia impensa a reuerence shewed to the bishopes that Constantine would not iudge ouer their complaintes It was politikelye done saieth M. Horne Such a politike prelate hath Winchester diocese of him Verely of that notable See with such prelates lately beautified and now of this man so contaminated we may say as Cicero saied of Pompey the greate his palace possessed of Anthonie that Infamous Rybalde O domus antiqua q̄ dispari Domino dominaris For with the like sincerity doe you through the whole booke procede sometyme flatly belying somtyme nypping their sentences but wel nere continually concealing the circumstances and whole effect of your alleaged Authours as we shal in the processe see M. Horne The .36 Diuision Pag. 23. b The next day after they assembled at the Emperours palayce he commaunded them to goe into the Councel house to consult of the matter the coūcel house vvas vvithin Themperors pallayce trimly furnished vvith seates aptly ordred for such purpose as it vvere in rovves They entred in and vvayted vvithout any doings til the comming of the Emperour vvhose seat vvas of gold placed at the first beginning of the rovves .90 vvho being entred and placed in his seate maketh an oration vnto them declaring the contentiōs sprōg vp amōgest them selues to be the occasion vvherefore he called thē together and the ende is saith he that this disease might be healed through my ministery After this he maketh an earnest exhortation mouing them to quietnes forgiuing one an other for Christ commaundeth saith he that vvho vvil receiue pardon at his hande shal also forgiue his brethern After this most graue exhortation to vnity and concorde in truth he geueth them .91 leaue to consult of the matters in hande prescribeth vnto them a .92 rule vvhereby they must measure trie and discusse these and .93 al other such disputations and controuersies in matters of religion to vvitte Sanctissimi spiritus doctrinam praescriptam The doctrine of the most holy spirit before writen For saieth he the bookes of the Euangelistes and of the Apostles and also the Prophecies of the olde Prophetes doe euidently teache vs of Gods meaning VVherefore laying a syde al discorde of enemity let vs take the explications of our questiōs out of the sayings of the holy Ghost VVhen the parties vvaxed vvarme in the disputations and the contention somvvhat sharpe then the Emperour as a vvise moderatour and ruler vvoulde discourage none but myldely caulmed such as he savv ouer hasty vvith milde vvoordes coolinge their heate and commended such as reasoned deeply vvith grauity Stapleton In all this talke is naught els but a heape of vntruthes ād vaine gheasses nothing to the principall purpose materiall which will well appeare in a more open declaration of that which you haue patchedly and obscurely shewed as it were a farre of to your Reader concealing as your maner is all that any thing concerneth the Bishops authoritie in those matters First then you tell vs out of Eusebius that Constantine in the Councell of Nice sate in a seat of golde placed at the first beginning of the rowes But you leaue out Modica a small seate or as Theodoret also calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sitting in the middest in a low seate You conceale also that whiche Eusebius your alleaged author in that very place addeth Non prius in ea sedit quàm annu●ssent Episcopi He sate not downe before the Bishops had geauen him leaue For so importeth the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vsed by Eusebius and Theodoret also Which declareth very well the Bishops superioritie in the Councell where matters of faithe were to be treated Nowe where you adde out of Theodoret that the Emperoure should geue the Bisshops leaue to consult c. Theodoret in the place alleaged hath no such wordes You imagine by like the Bishops had of the Emperoure suche a licence as your English Statutes require That the Conuocation shall make no Ecclesiasticall lawe without the Kings consent No No. Constantine demeaned not him selfe so stately You haue heard what his behauiour was and shal heare yet farder by your next vntruth which is this You say th'Emperour prescribed them a rule whereby they shoulde measure trye and discusse these and all other such disputations c. But you say it vntruely For immediately after the wordes by you alleaged to shew therby the Emperours rule and prescription Theodoret addeth These things and such like he vttered as a naturall louing child to the Priestes as to his Fathers If Children prescribe rules to their Fathers when they geue them good counsail then did also Constantine here prescribe a rule to the Bishops But if so to say is more then childish consider M. Horne how like a babe ye haue reasoned against the authority of such blessed Fathers the Fathers of that most holy and learned Councell Verely S. Ambrose who knew I trow better what was done in the Nicene Councel then M. Horne doth and is of somewhat more credite too reporteth farre otherwise of Cōstantines doings then M. Horne coūterfeiteth Thus he saith And I pray you M. Horne marke his saiyng wel Si cōferendū de fide saderdotum debet esse ista collatio sicut factū est sub Cōstantino Augustae memoriae principe qui nullas leges antè praemisit sed liberum ded●t iudiciū sacerdotibus If conferēce must be had of the faith this cōference ought to be kept of Priests as it was done in the time of Cōstantine a Prince of noble memory who whē cōtrouersy of the faith sprōg vp did not before prescribe any lawes but left to the Priestes the free iudgemēt and determination Yet saith M. Horne that Cōstantine prescribed to the Bisshops a rule wherby they should measure trye and discusse the controuersie in hande Wherin obserue diligently gentle Reader that S. Ambrose is direct contrary to M. Horne not only touching this particular fact of Constantine the one saiyng tha● he prescribed before hand no lawes at all but left to the Bishops the triall of the controuersie free the other auouching that he prescribed a rule to trie and discusse the matter by but also touching the whole estate
that vvere in Heresie in such sort that the Heretikes vvere not onely asionied at his questions but also beganne to fal out amongest themselues some liking some misliking the Emperours purpose ▪ This done he commaundeth eche sect to declare their faieth in vvritinge and to bringe it vnto him he appointeth to them a daye vvhereat they came as the Emperoure commaunded and deliuered vnto him the fourmes of their faieth in vvritinge vvhen the Emperoure had the sedules in his handes he maketh an earneste praier vnto God for the assistāce of his holy spirite that he may discern the truth and iudge rightly And after he had redde them al he condemneth the heresies of the Arians and Eunomians renting their sedules in sundre and alovveth only and confirmeth the faith of the Homousians and so the Heretiks departed ashamed and dasht out of countenance The .7 Chapter Of Theodosius the first and his dealing in causes Ecclesiasticall Stapleton THis Theodosius had no greater care to further true religiō then ye haue to slāder and hinder it and that by notable lying as it will al other things set a parte appere by the heape of lyes that in this story of this one Emperour ye gather here together And first that ye call Flauian the godly bisshop of Antioche For albeit he stode very stowtly in the defence of the Catholike faith and suffred much for it yet in that respecte for the which he is here by you alleaged he was not godly As one that came to his bisshoprike againste the canons and contrarye to the othe taken that he woulde neuer take vppon him to be bisshop of Antioche Paulinus lyuing and ministring by this meanes an occasiō of a greate schisme to the Church which continued many yeares And for this cause the Arabians the Cyprians the Aegiptians with Theophilus Patriarche of Alexandria and the west Churche with Pope Damasus Siricius and Anastasius would not receiue hī into their cōmuniō Neither could he be setled quietly ād receiued as Bisshop vntil he had recōciled hīself to the Pope and that his fault was by him forgeuē For the which purpose he sente to Rome a solēpne ambassade And so it appereth that the .2 lyne after ye adioyne a freshe lie that the bisshop of Rome did falsly accuse him of many crimes who layde to him no lesse crimes then al the world did beside which was periury and schisme Then as though ye would droppe lies or lie for the whetstone ye adde that by his supreame authority he set peace and quietnes in the Church for this matter shufflīg in by your supreame lyīg authority these words supreame authority which neither your author Theodoretus hath nor any other yea directly contrary to the declaratiō of Theodoretus who in the verye chapter by you alleaged reciteth the ambassade I speake of which is a good argumēt of the Popes Supremacy and may be added to other exāples of M. Doctor Hardings and of myne in my Return c. agaīst M. Iewel in the matter of recōciliatiō For as fauorable as themperour was to him and for al the Emperours supremacy the Emperour himself commaūded hī to go to Rome to be recōciled he being one of the foure patriarches And Flauianus was fayn also to desire Theophilus bisshop of Alexandria to sende some body to Pope Damasus to pacifie ād mollifie his anger ād to pardō hī who sent Isidorus for that purpose And as I haue said Flauianus hīself afterward sent Acatius and others his ambassadours Which Acatius pacified the schismes that had cōtinued .17 yeres and restored as your own author Theodoretꝰ saith peace to the Church pacē saith he Ecclesiis restituit Which words though Theodoretus doth speake of thēperor Theodo ▪ yet he speaketh the like of Acatiꝰ which ye guilefully apply to Theodosiꝰ ōly ād as falsely conclude therof that Theodosiꝰ therfore should be supreme head of the Church For so by that reason Acatiꝰ should also be supreme head of the Church Now foloweth M. Horns narratiō of certain coūcels holdē vnder this Theodosiꝰ so disorderly so cōfusely so vnperfectly and so lyingly hādled as a mā may wel wōder at it He maketh of two coūcels kepte at Cōstātinople three wheras the .1 ād .2 is al one beīg the secōd famouse general coūcel ād properly to cal a coūcell the third is none but rather a conference or talke The first Coūcel which he telleth vs of was called he saith to electe ād order a bisshop in the sea of Cōstantinople Which in case he cā proue thē distincted Councels was don in the Coūcel general and in the secōde as he placeth it ād not in the first As also the electiō ād ordinatiō of Nectariꝰ He saieth that Gregory Naziāzene was neuer bisshop of Cōstantinople but did vtterly refuse it Whereas after he had taught there .12 yeares to the great edifying of the Catholikes against the Arians not enioyinge the name of a Bisshop all this while he was at the lengthe sette in his bisshoply see by the worthy Meletius bisshop of Antioche and by the whole nōber of the bisshops assēbled at the general cūcell Though in dede he did not longe enioye it but voluntarily and much against this good Emperours mynde gaue it ouer to auoyde a schisme that grewe vppon his election For whome Nectarius that M. Horne speaketh of was chosen being at that tyme vnbaptized And so chosen by the Emperour as M. Horne saieth that the Bisshops though they meruailed at the Emperours iudgement yet they coulde not remoue him Wherein ye may note two vntruthes the one that M. Horne woulde gather Theodosius supremacy by this electiō Of the which electiō or rather naminge for the Emperour only pricked him I haue alredy answered in my Returne against M. Iewel and said there more at large And the bisshoppes with common consent of the whole Synod doe pronounce him and creat him bisshop as also intheir letters to Pope Damasus they professe The other that the Bisshops could not remoue him Yes M. Horn that they might aswel by the Apostolical the Nicene and other canons of the Churche as by the very plaine holye scripture and by S. Paule by expresse wordes forbidding it for that he was Neophytus Suerly of you that would seame to be so zelouse a keper of the sincere worde of God and so wel a scriptured man this is nothing scripturelye spoken And therefore this your sayinge muste needes make vppe the heape Yea and therefore they might lawfullye haue infringed and annichilated this election sauing that they bore with this good graciouse Emperour that tendred Christes Church and faith so tenderlye euen as Melchiades before rehearsed bore with the good Constantin Here may we now adde this also to the heape that ye woulde inferre this Soueraynety in Theodosius because the Fathers of this general Councel desired him to confirme their decrees and canons Which is a mighty great copiouse argumente with you throughout your
in nullo quidē quae facienda sunt de pijs dogmatibus quaestiones communicare Illicitum namque est eū qui non sit ex ordine sanctissimorum episcoporum ecclesiasticis immiscere tractatibus I haue sent saith themperour Theodosius the noble erle Candidinianus as my deputye vnto your holye Synode geuinge him in charge not to medle in anye poynte towchinge questions to be moued abowte godlye doctryne and Religion For yt is vnlawfull for him whiche is not of the order of holye Bisshoppes to entermedle with Ecclesiasticall matters But yet ye saye Iohn and his fellowes woulde not appeare before the Popes Legates A true man ye are in this point It was so in dede wherein his doinges were as good as yours and your felowes Protestante bisshops which being and that with a large saufe conducte called to the late Councel of Trente durst not ye knewe your cause so good shewe your face in such an ordinarie and learned consistory Ye knew ye were no more able to shewe good cause why ye haue deposed the Catholike Bisshoppes then coulde your Iohn why he deposed Cyrillus and Memnon And therefore he being called to geue a reckoning of those his doings before Pope Celestins Legates who were then president themselues for Cyrill and Memnon then both put vp their complaintes to the Popes Legats thē newly come from Rome to Cōstātinople and before the whole Coūcel of Bisshops durste not appeare But loe now out of your own place ād chapter an other opē proufe against you for the Popes ād the ecclesiastical primacy For not withstāding all that euer your Emperour and supreme head did and for al his allowing of Iohns wycked proceding the Popes Legats and the Councell with a more Supreme Authority resumed the matter into their hāds to whō also Cyrill and Memnon bisshops of Ephesus vniustly deposed offred their billes of cōplainte wherevpō Iohn was cited to appere who playd the night owlespart not able to abyde the cleare light of the Popes authority ād of so honorable a Councel And so haue ye cōcerning this Ephesine Councel spoken altogether as we saye ad Ephesios and very poore ayde are ye like to take at this Councels hands Nay ye are quyt ouerborē ād ouertilted therewith As it shall yet more at large appere to him that will vouchesafe to reade that I haue writen of this matter against M. Iewel in my Returne of vntruthes M. Horne The 45. Diuision Pag. 30. a. Eutyches stirred vp much trouble in these daies vvherefore he vvas cited to appeare before Flauianus Bisshop of Constantinople and other Bisshops assembled in a Synode to ansvveare vnto his heresies vvho vvoulde not appeare but fledde vnto the Emperour Theodosius and declareth vnto him his griefe The Emperour sendeth vnto the Synod vvith Eutiches one of his chiefe officers Florentius vvith this mandate Bicause wee study carefully for the peace of Goddes Churche and for the Catholike Faith and wil by Goddes grace haue the righte Faithe kepte whiche was sette foorth by the Nicene Councell and confirmed by the Fathers at Ephesus when Nestorius was cōdemned wee wil therefore there bee no offence committed aboute the aforenamed Catholique Faithe and bicause wee knowe the honourable Florentius to be a faithfull and an approoued man in the righte faith wee wil that he shal be present in your Synode bicause the conference is of the Faithe He vvas there asistaunt vnto the Fathers and .132 examined Eutyches openly in the Synode .133 diuerse times of his faithe and finally saide vnto him He that saithe Florentius doth not confesse in Christ twoo natures doth not beleeue aright and .134 so vvas Eutyches excommunicate deposed and condemned Eutyches rested not here but obteined that the Emperour did commaunde a nevv Synode to be had at Constantinople vvherein to examine the actes of the former vvhether that all thinges touching the proceding against Eutyches vvere don orderly and rightly or no. He appointeth besides Florentius diuerse .135 other of his nobles to be in this councel to see the doings thereof But vvhen Eutyches coulde not vvin his purpose in neither of these Synodes he procureth by friēdship of the Empresse Eudoxia and others that the Emperour should call a Synode againe at Ephesus to the vvhich Synode the Emperour prescribeth a fourme of proceding This Synode vvas a vvicked conuenticle vvherein the truth vvas defaced and Heresie approued the Emperour being seduced by Chrysaphius one of the priuy chamber and in most fauour vvithe him The .10 Chapter of Eutyches the Archeretike Stapleton AS Eutyches that false monke did so do ye flie frō your ordinarie Iudges to suche as be no Iudges in the matter Neither the presence of Florētius or any other the Emperours deputy in the councel maketh the Emperor as I haue sayd ād shewed before a supreame head And in as much as the Emperor sayth that because the cōferēce is of sayth he woulde his deputy to be present that is graunted whē matters of faith are debated not only to Emperours but to al Christē mē But hereof yt may be inferred that in Coūcels assembled for disciplin ecclesiasticall and not for faith thēperor and his deputy haue nothīg to do which infrīgeth the greatest part of your supremacy And which is plain both by the rules and by the practise of the Church expressed in the Coūcels of Chalcedon of Cabylon and of Milleuitum Now as we graunt the Emperours deputye may be present in the Councell where matters of faith are in debate so how he is present and to what ende and that he hath no authoritye to determyne and decide the controuersies we haue alredy proued by Theodosius him selfe To stoppe belyke this gappe ye imagin Florentius to play the Iudges parte as to examyne Eutyches openly in the Synod of his faith and how he belieued Examination Florentius vsed none but as any lay man beside might haue don he demaūded what he beleued which demaunding is not to determin what and how he ought to belieue Again where you adde diuerse tymes of his faith this is an other vntruth For Florentius in al that Synode neuer asked him but one question which you here alleage and that after the Synode hadde nowe condemned him But I suppose ye would fasten the Iudges part vpon him because he sayd to Eutyches he that doth not confesse in Christe two natures doth not belieue a right This might anie other mā haue sayd to and this is but a symple sentence And as simple as yt is ye thought not very simply but dubly and craftely yea altogether falsly minding to beare the ignorant reader in hād as thoughe this had bene the final sentence And therfore ye say and so was Eutyches excommunicated deposed and condemned But by whom I pray you Maister Horne By Florentius or Flauianus in the Councell And when and howe I praye youe Did not the Councell before these woordes of Florentius demaunde of Eutyches his
faithe Yea did not they tell him Thou must confesse this and curse all doctrine contrary to this faith Nowe when Eutyches would not and said as ye say in many thinges he would not because the holy scripture hadde no suche matter then did the Councel curse him And after this curse Florentius spake the woordes by you rehersed Afterwarde was he cursed again and depriued of his priestly honour not by Florenrius but by his owne bisshop Flauianus as it is conteined in the chapter by you quoted Yea that more is a playn place withal of the Popes primacy to For both Flauianus sent this his Sētēce to Rome and Eutyches thus cōdemned cōplayned by his letters vpon Flauianus and appealed to Pope Leo. But Eutyches rested not here saieth M. Horne In dede in Eutyches we haue a paterne of you and your felowes that wil be ruled by no lawe or order of the Church This Eutyches being first three seueral tymes cyted by his owne bisshop and Patriarche Flauianus would not appeare before him but by the meanes of one Chrysaphius his Godde childe a buskyn gentleman aboute the Emperours preuy chamber brought the matter to the Prince Then a prouincial Synode being called by the Emperour and Eutyches condemned he appealed from the Emperour to Pope Leo. Being by him also condemned he woulde not yet yelde No in the generall Councel of Chalcedon being thrise summoned by the whole Councell of 630. Bisshoppes his pride and obstinacy was suche that he woulde not appeare nor being there with ful cōsent condemned would yet yelde thereunto And al because the .ij. natures of Christ in one person which he denied was not expressely found in the Scriptures In all these except his only appealing to Rome he shewed him selfe as right an heretike as any that nowe liueth But this is a wōderful foly or rather madnes in you to procede on and to alleage farder matter of Theodosius doinges for calling other Councels in the mayntenance of Entyches at Constantinople and Ephesus and by and by to declare that the said synode of Ephesus was a wicked conuēticle as it was in dede and as Leo calleth it Non iudicium sed latrocinium No iudgement but a tyrannical violence and al thinges there done against Flauianus afterwarde reuersed by Pope Leo a most certain argument of his supremacye And yet ye cal your Emperour a godly Emperour neither shewing of his repentaunce nor of any his good doinges Thus ye see how pitefully euery way ye are caste in your own turne M. Horne 46. Diuision Pag. 30. b. Leo the first Bisshop of Rome a learned and a godly bisshop although not vvithout al faultes maketh hum●le supplicatiō vn●o Theodosius the Emperour and vnto Pulcheria that there might be a general Coūcel called in Italy to abolishe the wicked errour in Faith confirmed by the violence of Dioscorus The selfe same Bisshop of Rome with many bisshops kneeling on their knees did most humbly beseeche in like sort Valentinianus the emperour that he woulde vouchesaulfe to entreate and exhorte Theodosius the Emperour to cal an other Synode to reuoke those euil actes and iudgementes which Dioscorus had caused to be don in the condemnation of Flauianus Bisshop of Constantinople and others In vvhich examples it is manifest that the bisshops of Rome did .136 acknovvledge the supreme gouerment direction and authority in calling of Councels vvhich is .137 one of the greatest amongest the ecclesiastical causes or matters to be in the Emperours and Princes and not in them selues The .11 Chapter Of Pope Leo the great and first of that name Stapleton IT is well and clerkly noted of you M. Horne that Leo being a godly and a learned bisshop was not yet without all faults It was wel spied of yow least men should think he was borne without originall synne which I dowbt whether yowe wil graunt to Christes mother or take him for Christ him self For who I beseache yowe is without all faultes But what a holy vertuous and godly man this Leo was I let passe to speake though very much might be said therin bicause the good or euil life of a Pope or any other man is not material to the doctrin which he teacheth or to the matter we haue now in hand But verely for his right faith true doctrine and found belefe for the which you seme to taxe him I wil with ij shorte saynges onely of ij generall Coūcels shortly note to the Reader both what an absolute doctour this Leo was and what a malapert comptroller you are The Chalcedō Councell of 630. bishops do expressely and plainely professe their Iudgement of this blessed father Leo in their solemne subscription in these wordes Nos summè orthodoxum esse sanctissimum patrem nostrum Archiepiscopum Leonem perfectissimè nouimus We most perfitly know that our most holy father Leo the Archebishop is of right iudgement in religiō in the highest degree Loe M. Horne those fathers so many and so lerned with one consent do saye Not that they thinke or beleue but that they knowe and that not superficially or slenderly but perfectissimè most perfytly most exactly most assuredly And what knowe they so surely Forsothe that their most holy father Leo is Orthodoxus a right beleuer a true Catholike a sounde teacher of Gods people And not onely so after a common or meane sort but Summè Orthodoxum Catholike and right beleuing in the highest degree without any blotte or blemish in that respecte After suche a Sentence so protested and pronounced of suche so many so lerned and so auncient fathers aboue vnleuen hundred yeres paste in suche and so solemne an assembly for the absolute and vndoubted commendation of that excellent prelat whence crepe you with your lewde surmise or with what face dare you deface him With the like constāt and absolute cōmendatiō without any surmised exceptiō at al in an other general Coūcel the next after this he is called by the cōmon voyce of the East Bisshops Illuminator Columna Ecclesiae A geuer of light and a piller of the Churche You come to late M. Horne to blotte or to blemish the Reuerēt memory of so blessed so lerned and so much commended a father His light so shyneth that no horne can dymme it His doctrine is so strōge that no surmise can weaken it The more you kicke at this piller the more you breake your shinne The more you deface him the greater is your owne shame Therefore as your glosing here was causelesse so surely your meaning is gracelesie Verely suche as if ye had expressed it woulde forthwith haue disgraced and quyte ouerthrowen your false conclusion immediatly folowing freighted allmost with as many lies as lynes For touching his suyte to the Emperour to haue a Councell called you must vnderstande M. Horne that the bare calling of Councells suche as Emperours haue vsed is not one of the greateste amonge Ecclesiasticall causes nor to speake properlye
touching the fiue what they thought good admonishing them notwitstāding to geue good hede what they did for that they must make an accompt to God of their doings Stapleton M. Horne would fayne fastē some ecclesiasticall iudgemēt vpō these lay men as the depositiō of certain bishops which he shal fynd whē he cā fynd that they deposed Dioscorus It is playn sayth M. Horn for the whole councell maketh humble suyt to the Emperour to licēce thē to determine towching fyue bisshops which otherwise Must be deposed as Dioscorus was Ha good M. Horn haue ye found now at the length a must That is wel and in high tyme espied out of you or els al theis your great doīgs must lie in the mire But I belieue whē we haue al done we shal fynd no must but a playn myst that ye lyke a wily shrew haue cast before the eies of the simple readers to blind thē withall Yf I say not true thē like a true mā of your word point with your finger the leaf ād line wher in al the acts of this coūcel your must lieth I am assured that neither in the 4. actiō wherby ye now plead nor in the .1 actiō wherby ye haue alredy pleaded which both places spake of those fyue bishops is anie mutterīg in the world of your musting Truth it is that in the first actiō theis senatours thowght it reasonable that Dioscorus ād theis fyue bishops being the ringleaders of that wycked conuenticle at Ephesus should be deposed but not by the way of any finall or iudiciall sentence as ye fable But as they thowght them worthy to be depryued so neither did they depryue thē nor thought them selues or the Emperour mete parsons to depryue them but the councel And therfore immediatly followeth that they should be put from all theire bishoply dignitye But by whome M. Horne A sancto Concilio by the holy councell And howe I pray yow secundùm regulas Accordinge to the canons Then here standeth the case The Emperoure and not withowt cause was in this mynde that as they mighte and owghte by the Canons to haue bene depryued so that execution shoulde haue bene done accordinglye for example sake as yt was allredye done vpon Dioscorus And yet leauing the final determination as otherwise he could not choose if he would followe the Canons by his deputies alleaged to the Bishops And this is the Licence ye falsely speake of For proprely licēce it was none neither doth the latine word inforce it but that he permitted and suffered them to do therin their pleasure which words doe not necessarilie declare his ordinary authority to let them as the Prince may let your Conuocation Decrees by act of Parliament but onely the geauing ouer and yelding to the Fathers in that mater frō his owne mind and sentence which he thought good and reasonable The Fathers on the other side thought not best to exact the rigour and extremitie of the Canons but seing these fiue were hartely penitent and had subscribed to the Epistle of Leo whiche before they refused and for feare of a great schisme as Liberatus noteth that happely might by this rigorouse dealing ensue toke the milder way and suffred them to remaine in their dignitie and in the Councell with them See now M. Horne if this be not rather a mist then a muste a darke mist I say mete for theues as Homer saith and not mete as he saith nor acceptable to the shepheard How vnmete then for you M. Horne that taketh vpn you to be the shepheard and pastor of so many thousand soules that should kepe your flocke from al such hurtefull mystes of false doctrine Yea to feed them with the same and to make him beleue and that by the authoritie of this honorable Councel that ye feed them well and that ye must so feed them And yet lo like a blind Prophet ye haue said truer then ye wist of saiyng they must be deposed as Dioscorus was For Dioscorꝰ was not deposed at all by those whome ye fable to haue geauen sentence Again see what falleth out otherwise against you For yf the lay iudges deposed in the first action Dioscorus they deposed also these fyue For al cometh vnder one trade ād course of woordes And thus euery waye ye walke in a miste wandring pitifully to and fro ye can not tell whyther M. Horne .52 Diuision Pag. 32. b. In the fifth Action the Iudges vvilled the Synode to reade those thinges vvhich vvere agreed vpon touching the Faith vvhereabout began a great contention one parte of them allovving an other sorte disallovving that vvas redde amongest them The iudges seing the exclamations and confusion that vvas amongest them appointeth a Comitty choosing foorth of sundry partes a certaine number to goe aside vvith the iudges to make a resolutiō VVhen they preuailed nothing they threatened the vvhole Synode that they vvould signifie these .149 disordered clamours vnto the Emperor vvhich they did The Emperour immediatly of his .150 Supreme authority appointed the order of Committies vvhich the iudges had deuised before geuing them in commandement that going aside by them selues they should cōsult and conclude a truthe in Faith vvith such plainnesse that there might no more doubtes arise thereof vvhereunto al should agree The Synode obeyed and folovved the Emperours direction and the Committies vvith the Iudges goeth a side into a secrete place maketh conference concludeth and cometh again into the Synode and reciteth their determination ▪ vvhereunto the vvhole Synode gaue their consent and so the Iudges commaundeth that this their definition should be shevved vnto the Emperour Stapleton Ye shewe nothing that either the Emperour or his deputyes made any definitiō of the faith Now thē yf the Fathers could not agree themperour did wel to find out some meanes by committies to bring them to agremente which is no spiritual matter And so ye come not nighe to that ye should haue proued by a great deale But let vs a litle consider the maner of these Cōmitties the cause and the end thereof and we shall see M. Horne quyte ouerthrowen with his own sway and a moste euident argument of the Popes supremacy At the beginning of the fyfte Action a forme of the faith being openly read all the Bisshops cried praeter Romanos aliquos Orientales beside the Romanes and some of the East Definitio omnibus placet The determination pleaseth al. Vppon this when they coulde not agree the Popes Legat stode vp and said If these men agree not to the letters of the Apostolike and most blessedman Pope Leo commaunde it that we haue them copied out that we may returne home and there kepe a Councel For this loe was the cause of al that garboyle Dioscorus with Eutyches were alreadye condemned the Nestorians in like maner And the forme of faith after a sorte was agreed vpon but not in such sorte as in the Popes letters it was conceiued And
against the foorme of the Popes letters all the Bisshoppes of Aegypt of Asia of Illiricum Ponthus and Thracia very hotlye resisted affirming that the definition was otherwise perfect enoughe Which the Romaines and certaine of the Easte Bisshppes as earnestly denied Herevpon the iudges to make the matter come to an agrement made first a Committy in this sorte that of all the foresaide prouinces three should be chosen and they togeather with the Romaynes and six of the Easte Bisshoppes shoulde conferre a parte But this order beinge misliked and the greater nomber of Bisshoppes stil crying to haue it passe as it was first conceiued not passing vpon the forme conceiued in the Popes letters the iudges asked those that so cried whether they allowed the letters of Pope Leo or no When they answered Yea and that they had alreadye subscribed thereunto the Iudges inferred Lette then that be added to the definition which is in those leters cōprised The Bisshops of Aegipt and other crying alwaies to the contrarye the debate was signified to the Emperour The Emperour sent back againe that they shoulde take the order of Committye appointed or yf that liked them not then they should make an other Cōmittye by their Metropolitanes and euerye man declare his mynde that so the matter might come to an ende But saith the Emperour yf your Holynes will none of this neither then knowe you certainelye that you shall come to a Councell in the west partes seing you will not here agree And this also was that the Popes Legates before required And the Bisshoppes of Illyricum as excusing them selues cried Qui contradicunt Romam ambulent These which doe not agree let them walke to Rome Had Maister Horne and his fellowes bene in that case they woulde haue cryed what haue we to doe with Rome or with that forayne Prelate the Pope But the Bisshoppes and Fathers of those dayes knewe a better obedience to the See Apostolike And therefore in the ende the Popes Legates with a fewe other of the Easte preuailed against al the reste of Aegypt and Asia of Illyricū Pontus and Thracia and endited the forme of their definitiō of the faith according to the tenour of Pope Leo his letters inserting his very words to their definitiō Otherwise as the Emperour and the Popes Legates before threatned they should al haue trotted to Rome and there haue finished the Councel Such was the Authority and preeminence of that Apostolike See of Rome and so wel declared in this fifte Action out of which M. Horne concealing the whole yssue order and cause of the debate thought only by a simple commyttye to proue his Supreme Gouernement in the prince Thow seest nowe gentle Reader that by the prince his owne confession by the Legates protestation and by the ende and yssue of the whole Action the Superiority rested in the Church of Rome and in a Councel to be had there in case they would not presently agree So harde it is for Maister Horne to bring any one Authority that maketh not directly against him and manifestly for vs. M. Horne The .53 Diuision Pag. 33. a. The Emperour cometh into the Synode place in his ovvne persone vvith Pulcheria his nobles and Senatours ▪ and maketh vnto the Synode an oration of this effect He careth for nothing so much as to haue all men rightly persuaded in the true Christian faith He declareth the occasions vvhy he sommoned the Synode He cōmaundeth that no man be so hardy hereafter to hold opinion or dispute of the Christian faith othervvyse than vvas decreed in the first Nicē coūcel he chargeth thē therefore that all partaking cōten●iō and couetousnes laide apart the onely truth may appeare to al men He declareth his cōming into the Synod to be for none other cause thē .151 to confirme the faith and to remoue from the people in tyme to come all dissention in Religion And last of al he protesteth his vvhole care and study that al people may be brought into an vnity and vnifourme agreement in pure religion by true and holy doctrine The chief Notarie humbly asketh of the Emperour if it vvil please him to heare their definition redde The Emperour vvilleth that it should be recited openly he enquireth of them al if euery man consented thereunto they ansvvere that it is agreed vppon by al their consentes VVhereunto they adde many acclamations commend●ng the vvorthines of his Emperial gouernmēt cōcluding By the O worthy Emperor the right faith is confirmed heresies banished peace restored and the Churche refourmed After these acclamations the Emperour doth openly declare vnto the Synode a statute vvhich he maketh to cut of and put avvay from thencefoorth al maner occasion of contention about the true faith and holy Religion The vvhole Synode desireth the Emperour to dissolue the councel and to .152 geue thē leaue to departe vvhereunto the Emperour vvould not consent but .153 commaundeth that none of them depart Stapleton Here is nothing whervpon ye shoulde frame any conclusion of Supremacy Concerning Marcians oration we haue spoken somwhat before and nowe ye geue vs more occasion especially to note your true and accustomable faith in the true rehersal of your Authour For yf ye hadde not here maimed and mangled your owne allegation ye had made your self a ful answere for al this your bible bable to proue the Emperours supremacy for that they called or were present in the Councels We saieth this noble Emperour are come into this present Councel not to take vpon vs or to practise any power therein but to strenghten and confirm the faith therin following the example of the religious prince Constantine By which woordes he declareth that the Emperours authority and powre taketh no place in the Councel to determyn or define any thing which neither is founde of the doings of Constantine or this Marcian or of any other good Prince but only by ciuil penalties to confirme and strenghthen the decrees as did Cōstantine and as this Emperour did also as appereth by his woordes spoken to the Synode in this sixt action by yow recited These woordes of Marcian ye haue cut from the residue of the sentence least otherwise it should haue by Marcian him selfe appeared that ye were but a glosar a Popes glosar I say as your brother Mollineus is when ye wrote of the fiue Bishops that otherwise must haue bene deposed Cōcerning the staiyng of the Fathers that would haue departed whiche ye inforce as a thing material if ye had not followed your accustomable guise of dismembring your Author ye should haue found a small matter Ye haue saith Marcian to the Fathers ben much weried by your iourney and haue taken great paines Yet beare you and staye you for iij. or .iiij. daies lōger And our honorable Iudges being present moue you what matter your hart desireth and ye shal not faile of cōuenient comfort But let no man depart til all
we may be restored to our bisshoply dignity againe which yf we obtayne we shall for euer geue thanks to your holines In this session ye shal finde that it was no finall or resolutory sentence that the Senatours gaue against Dioscorus but a declaration of theire mynde and resolutiō the ful authority notwithstanding remayning in the Bishops to whom and not to the Senatorus God had geuen authority to geue such kind of sentēces Further now though I haue alredy sufficiētly shewed the insufficiēcy and feblenes of that your weake collection yet because ye haue so honorably adorned your margēt with no lesse thē 630. Fathers cōfessing your supremacye and al for that they cal thēperor the best and cheif phisition I wil be so bolde thowgh but a poore and a secōdary phisitiō to say somwhat more to your great and far fetched neither good theological nor good phisical argumente and to returne your wise phisical reason vpon your own head by the very same fathers and the very same place that your selfe alleage For euen in the same page it followeth that perchaunce Dioscorus might baue obtayned pardon of those his so great and excessiue enormities yf being as the case required throughlye poenitent he had sowght for a medicine at the handes of the Councel But because he endured in obstinacy he was cut away by deposition and excommunication from the Church as a rotten and pestiferouse member to saue and preserue the residewe of the bodie Beholde maister Horne the fathers are nowe the phisitions that might haue cured Dioscorus yf he had bene curable of his disease and notwithstanding he was the captayne of that myscheuouse cōuenticle at Ephesus he might yf he had sowght for it accordingly haue founde perchaunce fauour not at the Emperours but at the councels hands and neither bene deposed nor excommunicated Yea the Emperour Marciā him self cōfesseth that these fathers founde out a remedy for those nawghtie errours And howe I pray you Because they made a playne and an open determination what was to be obserued concerning fayth and religion Thus at the length your gay and fresh your mighty and notable note of .630 Fathers confessing your physical supremacy is not worth one pipte nutte In this session ye shal fynde that this most famous Councell did diligently enquire vpon matters of faith By whose authority M. Horne think you By the Emperours Naye But by the authoritye of the most blessed Leo as the Emperours Valentinian and Marciā themselues confesse I truste now also ye wil the better belieue these .630 Fathers saying to Dioscorus that they had the regular and ordinary authority against him What say yow nowe for your selfe and your fellowes Howe will ye maintaine the vnlawfull deposinge of the Catholike Bisshoppes and other in the realme by by your ciuill and parliament authoritie seing that the Emperours Valentiniā and Marcian write that those Bisshops can not by themperours lawe be condēned whom the ecclesiastical Coūcel cōmendeth for true religiō Many things else are to be saied out of this Session but I wil breake of and shortly ronne ouer the residewe noting this only for the .4 Session that it is there declared that Dioscorus was depriued and excōmunicated to by the Popes Legates and the Councel the Emperours deputies which in all other Sessions were present being then absent and without themperours or their knowledge Which geueth a checke mate to all your supremacy and to all your booke withall yea and that with a seely pawne of one only line This is so declared as I say in the fourth session but the sentēce passed against Dioscorus in the third sessiō Dioscorus not daring to shewe his face and requiring that themperours vicegerents might be there presente to whome answere was made that when matters of correctiō and reformation are in hande as these were for Dioscorus was not condemned for heresie and matters of fayth but for his disobedience against the pope the councel and the canons neither the Iudges nor any laye men owght to be presente Which answere M. Horne for all your heuing and sheuing against the ecclesiasticall reformation geueth an other paune mate also in one shorte sentence to a great parte of your boke and to al such ecclesiastical visitation as is geuen to the prynce by acte of parliament In the fyfte sessiō a litle variance fell among the Fathers for the framing of the final sentēce whervpon the Senatours said that if they did not agree a Councel should be kept in the west parties meaning at Rome The Bishops of Illyricum cried as I haue before shewed they that doe not agree lette them trudge to Rome In this session when they were all afterwards agreed the final and resolute sentence of the matter in controuersy with a denunciation of deposition and curse against suche as should repine agaīst it is pronoūced by the Bishops without any voice or cōsent of themperour or of his agēts In the sixt session was present Marcian themperour with the noble and vertuouse Empresse Pulcheria to whome Aetius the Archedeacō of Constantinople declared that nowe the discord lately rysen among the people in matters of faith was pacified by the holy Councell and then read to him their finall determination and sentence Vnto the which sentence were annexed the subscripions of all the Bishops And first of the Popes vicegerent after the fourme of these woordes I Bisshop Paschasine President of the Councell in the stead of my most blessed Lord and the Apostolical Pope of the vniuersal Church of the City of Rome Leo haue determined consented and subscribed Then followe the subscriptions of his two colleages one of them being no bishop after whō Anatolius the Patriarch of Constātinople and so other Patriarches and bisshops Marciā seing the full and vniforme cōsent of al these .630 bishops doth allowe and cōfirme their decree and strēgtheneth it with a ciuill and politicall punishmēt appointed against the trāsgressours And in this properly resteth the Princes office and authority in affaires ecclesiastical In the seuēth session it is declared that the election of Maximus bishop of Antioche was confirmed by Pope Leo. In the tenth Actiō it ys openly auouched quia missi Apostolici semper in Synodis prius loqui cōfirmare soliti sunt That the Popes legates were allwayes wonte in Councels to speake first and to confirme first In the twelueth Actiō the controuersy about the Bishop of Ephesus was ended by the Councel not by thēperours deputies as it hath ben shewed In the .16 and last Session yt is sayde that Rome euer had the primacye The whole councell sayeth to thēperour that God had prouided for thē an inuincible champion against all errours meaning of Pope Leo. In thys session a greate parte of the fathers thowghe contrarye to the Nicene decrees auaunced the patriarche of Constantinople to gratifie themperour making his chiefe abode there aboue the patriarchs of Alexandria Antiochia and Hierusalē But
write with teares entreateth the Emperour that the Churches might be restored to the Arrians The Pope was then belike an Arrian him selfe Surely the simple Reader can gather none other thing by you especially the same being dasshed in the margent to Ye haue not done well to tell half the tale and to tell it so suspitiouslye The cause then of his earnest suite was that otherwise Theodorike threatened to shutte vppe all the Catholique Churches in Italie and vnder his dominion Yea your Author Martinus writeth that he menaced to kill all the Catholikes in Italy whome he calleth Christianos This was the cause of his ernest suite not for the fauour he bore to the Arriās but for the fauour he bore to the Catholiques and their Churches Iustinus receiued those Ambassadours as you truly say honorably And as Sabellicus writeth the Emperour was not onelye crowned of Pope Iohn but at his first cōming most humbly and reuerētly fel at his feet before him and honoured him But Iustinus did not so honorably entertaine him at Constantinople but Theodorike at his returne did deale with him as homly casting hī into prison at Rauēna where what for hunger what for lothsome filthines of the prison shortly after he died a Martyr About which time or a litle after he slew the honorable Senatours Symachus and Boetius Whiche thing al your three Historiographers doe write Where ye wil vs to note that not onely the Pope shewed his obediēce and subiectiō to the godly Emperor but also that the secular Princes ordeined lawes ecclesiastical c. Your double note wil proue but a double vntruthe For the Pope in this supplicatiō obeied not the godly Emperour Iustine but the Arrian King Theodorike Neither was it obedience of dutie but a submission of charitie partly to qualifie the furie of the Arrian tyrant partely to saue harmelesse the whole nūber of Catholikes in Italy which by th' Emperours edict should cōsequently haue ben destroyed Againe this decree of Iustine was no ecclesiasticall mater cōcerning any alteration of religion any deposing of Bishoppes any order of Church discipline or such like but ōly a decree for banishīg of Arrian heretikes and of ouerthrowing their Synagogs which maner of decree being of denoūced heretiks belongeth properly to the ciuile Magistrate and is an external or tēporal mater no spirituall or ecclesiasticall cause namely such as we ioyne issue with you King Phillip hath banished heretikes out of this land and hath cōmaunded their Syn●gogues to be ouerthrowen But he is not therfore taken for Supreme gouernour in al causes or in any cause ecclesiastical Neither do or euer did his subiects swere to any suche Title M. Horne The .66 Diuision pag. 38. a. VVithin a vvhile after this ●hon vvas Agapetus Pope vvhome Theodatus the King sent on his Ambassage vnto the Emperour Iustinianus to make a suit or treaty in his behalfe VVhen the Emperour had enterteined this Ambassadour vvith much honour and graunted that he came for touching Theodatus he earnestly both vvith faire vvordes and soule assailed this Pope to bring him to become an Eutychian the vvhich vvhen he could not vvinne at his handes being delighted vvith his free speache and constancy he so liked him that he foorthvvith .183 deposed Anthemius bisshop of Constantinople bycause he vvas an Eutychian and placed Menna a Catholike man in his roume Agapetus died in his legacy in vvhose roume vvas Syluerius made Pope by the meanes or rather as Sabellicus saieth by the commaundemente of the Kynge Theodatus the which vntil this time was wōt to be done by the authority of the Emperours saith Sabellicus for the reuenge whereof Iustinianus was kyndled to make warres against Theodatus Syluerius vvas shortly after quarrelled vvithal by the Emp●resse through the meanes of Vigilius vvho sought to be in his roome and vvas by the Emperours 184 authority deposed The vvhich act although it vver altogether vniust yet it declareth the autority that the Prince had ouer the Pope vvho like a good Bisshop as he vvould not for any threates do contrary to his cōscience and office so like an 185 obediēt subiect he acknovvleged the Princes authority being sent for came being accused vvas ready vvith hūblenes to haue excused and purged him self and vvhan he could not be admitted thervnto he suffred him selfe 186 obediētly to be spoiled of the Bissoplike apparaile to be displaced out of his office and to be clothed in a Monasticall garement The same measure that Vigilius did giue vnto Syluerius he himselfe being Pope in his place receiued shortly after vvith an augmentation for he vvas in like sorte vvithin a vvhile 187 deposed by the Emperours authority bicause he vvould not kepe the promise vvhich he had made vnto the Emperesse and vvas in most cruell vvise dealt vvith all vvhich cruelty vvas the rather shevved to him by the meanes and procurement as Sabellicus noteth of Pelagius vvhom Vigilius had placed to be his Suffragan in his absence The .19 Chapter Of Iustinian the Emperour and diuerse Popes and Bisshoppes vnder him Stapleton ALL this standeth in two pointes First that an other Pope Agapetus by name was againe sent in Ambassage of Theodatus the King But this as Liberatꝰ writeth was a tyrannical force made bothe to the Pope and to the whole Senat of Rome These Arrian and barbarouse Gothian Kings are no fit examples of gouernmente due to godly Catholik Princes And their vtter destructiō folowed immediatly after vnder Belisarius Iustinians Captain Such blessed presidents M. Horne hath foūd out to build his imagined Supremacy vpon The next point is in the deposing of two Popes by the Emperour Iustinian wherin we nede by so much the lesse to enlarge our aunsweare for that M. Horne freely and franckly of him selfe confesseth that they were vniustly deposed Againe that you say the Pope suffered him self obediently to be spoiled c. If your tale wer true that were you know but an homly obedience but now he suffred not that spoile as you imagine obediently but was brought to that point by a very craft and traine as in Platina and Liberatꝰ it may be sene This therfore may passe for an other of M. Horns vntruths So hard it is for such Protestāt Prelats to tel a true tale With the like truth you write that the Pope like an obediēt subiect acknowleged the Princes autority And why Because forsoth he suffred himself to be cloistred vp by force of Belisarius or rather his wife the Emperours Captain If such patience parforce proue a subiection then is the true man an obediente subiecte also to the theefe when he yeldeth him vppe his purse in the high waie to saue his lyfe But we say if there had bene iuste cause to depose them yet neither themperour nor the Councel could lawfully haue deposed them And because good Reader thou shalt haue a shorte and a ready proufe and that framed to thy hand
his doinges that M. Horne can not wel wreste them to his purpose For Iustinian saieth We following the holy fathers c. and so forth as we by many places of Iustinian haue declared before Againe speaking of things decreed in the Synod against Zoaras Your sentence saieth he being of power by yt se●fe our imperiall maiestye hath made yt yet muche stronger which doth expulse him out of this imperial City Lo M. Horn the decree of the Synode is stronge thoughe the Emperour neuer confirme it and where is then become your imperial primacye Nowe farder you heare to what purpose the princes assiste that is for the furtheraunce of the executiō The bishops had deposed Zoaras but they by their power coulde not thrust him out of the City and banishe him This must be don by the ciuil power and this did Iustinian and by that made the Councels lawe the stronger And so ye now heare of Iustiniā himself what is the meaning of that which you here and so often alleage that Princes strēghthē the lawes of the Church And to shew that the Supreme gouernment which is the final Sentence and Iudgemēt rested in the bisshops not in the Emperour in the first Actiō Theodorus the Emperours Officer bringeth in the playntif Bishops of Syria and saieth to the Synode Vt in his interpellantes vos ipsis finem imponatis To the entent that you considering these supplications maye make an ende of thē And in the same Action the Emperour himself againe affirmeth that As ofte as the Sentēce of the Priestes hath deposed any from their holy rowmes as vnworthy of priesthood so ofte the Empire was of the same minde and made the same order or cōstitutiō with the Authority of the priestes Where you see M. Horne that the deposing of Priestes or Bishoppes proceded first from the Authority Sentence and Iudgement of the Priestes And was afterwarde putte in execution by the Imperial lawes That is to say all shortly The bishops deposed The Prince banished For by death in those dayes Princes proceded not against the clergy thoughe deposed and condemned in generall Councell I might nowe goe forwarde for any thing of weight remayning sauinge that your marginal note that the Emperour commaundeth the Pope to come to Councell stayeth me a litle as making some good apparance for you Ye say he commaunded the Pope but yf ye had proued withall that he had such authority to commaunde then would the matter ronne better on your syde or that ye could shewe that at this commaundemente he came to the Councel which ye are not able to shewe But yet am I able to shewe he came not So that this induceth rather the Popes primacy especially considering that he was at Cōstātinople euen whē the Councel was kept Marciā also sent his letters to Pope Leo to come to Chalcedo ād yet he came not but sent his deputies thither for hī M. Horne The .72 Diuision Pag. 41 b. The .199 Title prefixed to the first general Councel summoned by the commandement of Iustinian telleth in effect generally both the matter and also vvho had the chief authority in the ordering thereof for it is intituled The diuine ordinaunce and constitution of Iustinian the Emperor against Anthymus Seuerꝰ Petrus and Zoaras Mennas the vniuersal Archebisshop and Patriarche of Constantinople vvas present in this Councel vvho had adioyned vnto him placed on his right hande certain Bisshops coadiutours named and .200 appointed by the commaundement of the Emperour sent out of Italy from the sea of Rome VVhen they vvere set thus in Councel Themperour sent Theodorus one of the maisters of the Requestes or his Secretarie a vvise man vnto the Synode Bisshops Abbottes and many other of the cleargy vvith their billes of supplications vvhich they had put vp vnto themperour for redresse of certain matters Ecclesiastical Theodorus maketh relation vnto the Synode hereof deliuereth the Billes of supplication to be considered on presenteth the parties to the Synod and shevveth that this is themperours pleasure that they shoulde .201 dispatche and end these matters Paulus the Bisshoppe of Apamea in his bil of supplication offred to the most godly Emperour in the name of al his acknowledgeth him to be the highest Potentate in the worlde next vnto God who hath magnified his Empire and throwē his aduersaris vnder him because he mainteineth the only and pure faith offreth vnto God pure Leuen that is to say true doctrine as incense and burneth the chaffe meaning false religiō with vnquencheable fier And after the declaratiō of their Faith talking of the Eutychian or counterfaite catholike He desireth themperour to whom God hath reserued the ful authority to direct to cut him from the Churche and to expulse him out of his Dominions In like sort the religious men and the Monasteries of Secūda Syria doo offer vp a booke of supplication vnto the Emperour beseeching him that he vvil commaund the Archebishoppe Mennas president of the councel to receiue their booke and to .204 consider of it according to the Ecclesiastical Canons The Emperour maketh a lavv and constitution to ratifie and confirme the iudgement of the Synode against Anthymus and other heretiks vvherein also he decreeth touching many other ecclesiastical matters or causes as No man to Rebaptize to prophane the holy Communion to cal Conuenticles to dispute further in those matters concluded on to publishe or set forth the Heretical bookes to communicate with them And so knitteth vp all vvith this conclusion VVee haue decreed these thinges for the common peace of the most holye Churches these thinges haue we determined by sentence .205 Stapleton You goe on M. Horne euer like to your selfe and to your brother M. Iewel For as at the first you beginne with a great vntruthe so you procede on with a greate manye moe I meane not that ye cal the first for the fifte lette the printer beare this but for the residewe ye must take it vpon your own shulders As first wher ye speake of the title ther is no such title prefixed before the Councel there is such a sentence in dede But that it is a title prefixed before the Councel as though this ordination were made before the Councel and so should tel both the matters and who had the cheif authority in the ordering thereof this is no simple lie But euer ye shoote to farre or come to short home After those wordes by you rehersed yt followeth which you leaue out ad Petrum Archiepiscopū Hierosolimorū To Peter Archebishop of Hierusalē to whō Iustiniā did send this cōstitutiō not before the Coūcel but the Coūcel beīg ended The order of these sentences as it is declared in the acts of the Coūcel was this First there was a sentēce geuē at Cōstantinople against Anthymus Thē was there an other sentence geuen there against Seuerus Petrus and Zoaras Thē was the constitutiō of Iustinian whereof ye speake made and sente
honesty or dwelling so nighe Winchester schole so litle sight in the grammer Mennas had condemned Anthimus the Bishops and other cryed that forwith he should cōdēne Seuerꝰ Petrus and Zoaras as he did a while after To whome Mennas answered that it was mete to cōsult with themperour first which is very true for his great zeale to the faith ād for that he hadde the exequution of the sentence this is lyke your other knacke before that Dioscorus and other must be deposed And surely I woulde haue meruayled yf Mennas had takē Iustinian for the supreame head who within fowre lynes after declareth the Pope to be the supreame head and that he did followe and obeye hī in al things and cōmunicated with them that did communicate with him and cōdemned those whome he did condemne Who also gaue Anthimus the heretik a tyme of repentance appointed by Pope Agapetus and proceded in Sētence against him according to the prescription of the Pope as Cyrillus proceded against Nestorius in the Ephesine Councel according to the limitation of Pope Celestinus M. Horne The .74 Diuision pag. 42. a. Such is the autority of Princes in matters Ecclesiastical that the Godly auncient Fathers did not only confesse that nothing moued in Church matters .207 ought to be done vvithout their authority but also did submitte thēselues vvillingly vvith humble obedience to the direct●on of the Godly Emperors by their lavves .208 in al matters or causes Ecclesiastical vvhich thei vvuld not haue done ▪ yf they hadde thought that Princes ought not to haue gouerned in Ecclesiastical causes The same zelous Emperour doth declare that the authority of the Princes lavves doth rightly dispose and kepe in good order both spiritual and temporal matters and driueth avvay all iniquity vvherefore he did not only gather togeather as it vvere into one heape tha lavves that he him selfe had made and other Emperours before him touching ciuil or temporal matters but also manye of those lavves and constitutions vvhich .209 his auncestours had made in Ecclesiastical causes Yea there vvas nothing perteyning to the Church gouernemente vvhiche he did not prouide for order and direct by his lavves and Constitutions vvherein may euidently appeare the aucthoritie of Princes not onely ouer the persons but also in the causes Ecclesiasticall He made a common and generall lavve to all the Patriarches touching the ordering of Bisshoppes and all other of the Clergie and Church Ministers prescribing the number of them to be suche as the reuenues of the Churches may vvell susteine affirming that the care ouer the Churches and other religious houses perteine to his ouersight And doth further inhibite that the ministers do passe foorth of one Churche to an other vvithout the licence of the Emperour or the Bisshoppe the vvhich ordinaunce he gaue also to those that vvere in Monasteries He .210 geaueth authoritie to the Patriarche or Bisshoppe to refuse and reiect although great suit by men of much authoritie be made He prescribeth in vvhat sorte and to vvhat ende the Churche goods shoulde be bestovved and threatneth the appointed paines to the bysshoppe and the other Mynisters if they trangresse this his Constitution He prescribeth in vvhat sorte the Bisshoppe shall dedicate a Monastery be giueth rules and fourmes of examination and triall of those that shal be admitted into a Monasterie before they be professed in vvhat sorte and orders they shal liue together He .211 prescribeth an order and rule vvherby to choose and ordeine the Abbat He requireth in a Monasticall personne diuinorum eloquiorum eruditionem conuersationis integritatem Learning in Gods woorde and integritie of life And last of all he chargeth the Archebisshoppes Bisshoppes and other churche Ministers vvith the publisshing and obseruing of this his constitution Yea his Temporal officers and Iudges also threatening to them both that if they doe not see this his Lawe executed and take the effecte they shal not escape condigne punishment He protesteth that Emperours ought not to be carefull for nothing so much as to haue the mynisterye faithfull tovvardes God and of honeste behauiour tovvardes the vvorlde vvhiche he saith vill easely be brought to passe if the holy rules vvhich the Apostles gaue and the holy Fathers kept and made plaine be obserued and put in vre Therefore saith he vve folovving in all things the sacred rules meaning of the Apostles do ordeine and decree c. and so maketh a constitution and lavve touching the qualities and conditions that one to be chosen and ordered a Bisshop ought to haue and prescribeth a fourme of triall and examination of the party before he be ordered adding that if any be ordered a Bisshop not qualified according to this constitution bothe he that ordereth and he that is ordered shall * lose their bisshoprikes He addeth furthermore that if he come to his Bisshoprike by giftes or revvardes or if he be absent from his Bisshoprike aboue a time limited vvithout the commaundement of the Emperour that he shall incurre the same penalties The like orders and rules he prescribeth in the same constitution for Deacons Diaconisses Subdeacons and Readers commaunding the Patriarches Archbisshops and bisshops to promulgate this constitution and to see it obserued vnder a paine He af●irmeth that this hath ben an auncient Lavve and doth by his authority renevv and confirme the same that no man haue priuate Chappels in their houses vvherein to celebrate the diuine mysteries vvherevnto he addeth this vvarning vnto Mennas the Archebisshop that if he knevv any suche to be and do not forbid and refourme that abuse but suffer this constitution of the Emperour to be neglected and broken he him selfe shal forfait to the Emperour fiftie poundes of gold Also that the ministers kepe continuall residence on their benefices othervvise the Bisshop to place others in their roomes and they neuer to be restored Stapleton We shall nowe haue a long rehearsall full three leaues of many Ecclesiasticall Lawes made by Iustinian the Emperour But who would thinke that M. Horne were eyther so folishe to make suche a sturre for that no man denyeth and the which nothing proueth his cause or to reherse such constitutions of Iustinian that partely ouerthroweth his Primacy partly displaceth him frō al bishoply and priestly office But what shal a man saye to them that be past all shame and haue no regard what they say or doe preach or write Or how is this world bewitched thus paciently to suffer such mens sermons and bookes yea and to geue them high credit to Tel me then and blushe not M. Horn whether ye be not one of them that for lacke of such qualities as Iustiniā according to the holie rules and Canons ye spake of requireth in a Bishop must lose your Bishoprik and those also that ordeined you Is not this one of the qualities that a Bisshoppe should haue no maner of wife when he is ordered Yea that his wife that he
Emperour descēdeth to make statutes ordinaunces and rules for monastical persons commonly called Religious declaryng that there is no maner of thing which is not throughly to be searched by the authority of the Emperour who hath sayth he receiued from God the common gouernment and principality ouer al men And .212 to shevv further that this principality is ouer the persons so vvell in Ecclesiasticall causes as Temporall he prescribeth orders and rules for them and committeth to the Abbottes and Bisshoppes iurisdiction to see these rules kepte concludynge that so well the Magistrates as Ecclesiasticall personnes oughte to keepe incorrupted all thynges whyche concerne godlynesse but aboue all other the Emperour who owghte to neglecte no manner of thyng pertaynyng to godlynesse I omit many other Lavves and Constitutions that not only this Emperour but also the Emperours before him made touchyng matters and causes Eccesiasticall and doo remitte you vnto the Code and the Authentikes vvhere you may see that al manner of causes Ecclesiasticall vvere ouerseene .214 ordered and directed by the Emperours and so they did the duetifull seruice of Kyngs to Christ In that as S. Augustine sayth they made lawes for Christe Stapleton All this geare runneth after one race and alltogether standeth in the execution of the ecclesiastical Lawes Neither is there any thing here to be stayed vpon but for that he hath furnished his margent wyth hys accustomable note that the prince hath the supreame gouernment ouer all persons in all maner causes Whiche as yt is largely and liberally spoken so is his text to narrowe to beare any such wide talke Yea and rather proueth the contrary if he take the nexte line before with him and stoppeth also his felowes blasphemous railyngs against the holy monastical life The solitary and the cōtemplatiue life saieth Iustinian is certeinly an holy thing and such a thing as by her owne nature cōducteth soules to God neyther is it fruitful to them only that leade that life but through her puritye and prayers to God geueth a sufficient help to other also Wherefore themperours in former times toke care of this matter and we also in our Lawes haue set foorth many things touching the dignity and vertue of religious men For we doe followe in this the holy canons and the holy fathers who haue drawen out certaine orders and Lawes for these matters For there is no thing that themperours maiesty doth not throughly search Whiche hath receiued from God a common gouernment and principality ouer all men Nowe thys place as ye see serueth expresly for the Churches principality whose holy Canons and holy Fathers themperour as he sayeth doth followe By whiche wordes appeareth he made no one Constitution of hys owne Authority And therefore hath M. Horne craftely shyfted in this worde Authority which is not in the Latine as though the Emperours Authority were the chief groūd of these Constitutions whereas it is but the seconde and depending only vpon former Canons and writtinges of holy Fathers Yet hath this ioly gloser placed in his margine a suprem gouernmēt and principality in al maner causes Which is not to be founde any where in the text but is a glose of his owne making Wherein me thinketh M. Horne fareth as certaine Melancholike passionated doe whose imagination is so stronge that if they begin earnestly to imagine as present ether the sight or voyce of any one that they excedingly either loue or feare by force of theyr imagination doe talke with them selues or crye out sodenly as though in very deede not in imagination only the thinge desired or feared were actually present Verely so M. Horne beinge exceding passionated to finde out this supreme gouernment in al causes by force of his imagination putteth it in his margin as though the text told it him whē the text talketh no such matter vnto him but is vtterly domme in that point and hushe This passiō hath vttered it self in M. Horne not nowe onely but many times before also as the diligent Reader may easely remember M. Horne The .76 Diuision pag. 45. a. Arriamiru King of Spaine 215 cōmaunded tvvo Conucels to be celebrated in a Citie called Brachara the one in the seconde yeare of his reigne the other the third yere vvherein vvere certaine rules made or rather renued touching matters of faith touching Constitutions of the Church and for the dueties and diligence of the Clergie in their offices VVambanus King of Spaine .216 seeing the greate disorders in the Churche not onely in the discipline but also in the matters of Faithe and aboute the Administration of the Sacramentes calleth a Synode at Brachara named Concill Brachar 3. for the reformation of the errours and disorders aboute the Sacramentes and Churche discipline The .20 Chapter Of Ariamirus Wambanus and Richaredus Kings of Spaine and of Pelagius .2 and S. Gregorie 1. Popes Stapleton NOW are we gon from Fraūce and Constantinople to and are come to Spaine and to the Coūcels called of King Ariamirus and King Wambanus But the Fathers at these Councels tell M. Horne for his first greeting and welcome that they acknowleged the authority of the See of Rome and therfore being some cōtrouersies in maters ecclesiastical among thē they did direct them selues by the instructiōs and admonitiōs sent frō the See Apostolike M. Horne The .77 Diuision pag. 45. b. About this time after the death of Pelagius .2 the Clergy and the people elected Gregory .1 called aftervvards the great But the custom was saith Sabellicus vvhich is declared in an other place that the Emperours should ratify by their consent th'electiō of him that is chosen Pope And to stay th' Emperors approbatiō saith Platina he sent his messengers with his letters to beseche th'Emperour Mauritius that he would not suffer th'electiō of the people ād Clergy to take effect in the choise of hī c. So much did this good mā saith Sabellicus seking after heauēly things cōtemne earthly and refused that honour for the which other did contend so ambitiously But the Emperour being desirouse to plant so good a man in that place vvould not condescend to his request but .217 sent his Embassadours to ratifie and confirme the election Stapleton This authority toucheth nothing but th'electiō of the Pope wont to be confirmed by the Emperour for order and quietnes sake And that but of custom only for the custom was saith Sabellicus not of any Supreme gouernement of the Prince in that behaulfe as though without it the election were not good Yet I cōmend M. Horn that he reherseth so much good cōmendacion of Pope Gregorie that sent hither our Apostle S. Augustine But I marue●l how he can be so good a mā and the religion that came frō him to England no better then superstiton and plaine Idolatrie as M. Horne and his fellowes doe daily preach and write And ye shall heare a non that he goeth as craftely as
he can and as farre as he durst to obscure and disgrace him M. Horne The .78 Diuision pag. 45. b. Richaredus King of Spaine rightly taught and instructed in the Christian faith by the godly and Catholique Bisshoppe Leander Bisshop of Hispalis did not only bring to passe that the vvhole natiō should forsake the Arrianisme and receiue true faith but also did carefully study hovv to continue his people in the true Relligion by his meanes nevvelye receiued And therfore commaunded all the Bisshops within his Dominions to assemble together at Toletum in the fourth yeare of his reigne and there to consult about staying and confirming of his people in true faith and religion of Christ by godly discipline VVhan the Bisshoppes vvere assembled in the Conuocation house at the Kings commaundement the King commeth in amongest them he maketh a short but a pithy and most Christian oration vnto the vvhole Synode VVherein he shevveth that the cause vvherfore he called them together into the Synode vvas To repaire and make a .218 newe fourme of Churche discipline by common consultation in Synode vvhich had bene letted long time before by the heretical Arianisme the whiche staie and lette of the Arrian● Heresies it hath pleased God saith he to remoue and put away by my meanes He vvilleth them to be ioyfull and gladde that the auncient maner to make Ecclesiasticall constitutions for the vvell ordering of the Churche is novve through Gods prouidence reduced and brought againe to the bounds of the Fathers by his honorable industrie And last of al he doth admonisshe and exhort them before they begin their consultation to sast and pray vnto the Almighty that he vvill vouchsaulfe to open and shevv vnto them a true order of discipline vvhich that age knevv not the senses of the Clergy vvere so much benummed vvith long forgetfulnes VVherevppon there vvas a three daies fast appointed That done the Synode assembleth the King commeth in and fitteth amongest them he deliuereth in vvriting to be openly read amongest them the confession of his faith in vvhich he protesteth vvith vvhat endeuour and care being their King he ought not only to studie for him self to be rightly geuen to serue and please God vvith a right Faith in true Religion but also to prouide for his subiects that they be throughly instructed in the Christian faith He affirmeth and thereto taketh them to vvitnes that the Lorde hath stirred him vppe inflamed vvith the heate of Faith both to remoue and put avvay the furious and obstinate Heresies and Schismes and also by his vigilant endeuour and care to call and bring home againe the people vnto the confession of the true faith and the Communion of the Catholique Churche Furder alluding to the place of S. Paul vvhere he saith that through his ministery in the Ghospell he offereth vppe the Gentils vnto God to be an acceptable Sacrifice he saith to the Bisshops That he offereth by their mynisterie this noble people as an holy and acceptable Sacrifice to God And last of all vvith the rehearsall of his Faith he declareth vnto the Bisshoppes That as it hath pleased God by his care and industrie to winne this people to the Faith and vnite them to the Catholique Churche so he chardgeth them nowe to see them stayed and confirmed by theyr diligente teaching and instructinge them in the trueth After this Confession vvas read and that he him selfe and also his Queene Badda had confirmed and testified the same vvith their handes subscription the vvhole Synode gaue thankes to God vvith manye and sundry acclamations saiyng That the Catholique King Richaredus is to be crouned of God with an euerlasting croune for he is the gatherer togeather of newe people in the Churche This King truely oughte to haue the Apostolique reward reward who hath perfourmed the Apostolike office This done after the Noble men and Bisshops of Spaine vvhom the vvorthy King had conuerted and brought to the amity of faithe in the Cōmunion of Christes Church had also geuen their confession opēly and testified the same vvith subscription the King vvilling the Synode to goe in hand to repaire and establissh some Ecclesiastical discipline saith to the Synode alluding to S. Paules saiyng to the Ephesians to this effect That the care of a king ought to stretch forth it self and not to cease til he haue brought .219 the subiects to a full knowledge and perfect age in Christ and as 220 a king ought to bend al his power and authority to represse the insolēce of the euil ād to nourish the cōmon peace and trāquility Euē to ought he much more to study labour ād be careful not only to bring his subiects frō erours and false religiō but also to see thē instructed taught and trained vp in the truth of the clere light and for this purpose he doth there decree of 221 his own authority cōmāding the Bisshops to see it obserued that at euery Cōmuniō time before the receit of the same al the peple with a loud voice together do recite distīctly the Simbol or crede set forth by the 222 Nicē coūcel VVhē the Synode had cōsulted about the discipline and had agreed vpon such rules and orders as vvas thought most mete for that time ād churche and the King had cōsidered of them he doth by his assent and 223 authority cōfirme and ratify the same and first subscribeth to thē and then after hī al the Synod This zelous care and careful study of this and the other aboue named princes prouiding ruling gouerning and by their Princely povver and authority directing their vvhole Clergy in causes or matters Ecclesiasticall vvas neuer disalovved or misliked of the aūcient Fathers nor of the bisshops of Rome til novv in these later daies the insaciable ābitiō of the clergy and the ouermuch negligēce and vvātones of the Princes vvith the grosse ignorance of the vvhole laity gaue your holy father 224 the child of perditiō the ful svvay to make perfect the mystery of iniquity yea it may appe●e by an Epistle that Gregorius surnamed great B. of Rome vvriteth vnto this vvorthy King Richaredus that the B. of Rome did much cōmend this careful 225 gouernmēt of Princes in causes of religion For he most highly commendeth the doings of this most Christian King He affirmeth that he is asshamed of him selfe and of his ovvne slacknes vvhen he doth consider the trauail of Kings in gathering of soules to the celestial gaine Yea what shal I saith this B. of Rome to the King answere at the dreadful dome when your excellēcy shal leade after your sel● flocks of faithful ones which you haue brought vnto the true faith by carefull and continuall preaching c. Although I haue medled and don nothing at al with you doing this 227 altogether without me yet am I partaker of the ioy with you Neither doth Gregory blame this King as one medling in Churche causes
sleight and diuers other before noted he hath so maimed and mangled the wordes of King Richaredus wherein the whole pithe of this Diuision resteth to make some apparence of his pretensed Primacie that it would lothe a man to see it and weary a man to expresse it Namely in the text where his Note standeth of a Princes speciall care for his subiectes The whole woordes of the King are these The care of a King ought so farre to be extended and directed vntill it be found to receiue the full measure of age and knowledge For as in worldly things the Kings power passeth in glorie so oughte his care to be the greater for the welth of his subiectes But now moste holy Priestes we bestow not onely our diligence in those matters whereby oure subiectes may be gouerned and liue most peaceablye but also by the helpe of Christe we extend our selues to thinke of heauenly matters and we labour to knowe how to make our people faithfull And verely if we ought to bend all our power to order mens maners and with Princely power to represse the insolency of the euill if we ought to geue all ayde for the encrease of peace and quiet muche more we ought to study to desire and thinke vppon godly things to looke after high matters and to shew to our people being now brought from errour the trueth of cleare light For so he dothe whiche trusteth to be rewarded of God with aboundant reward For so he dothe which aboue that is cōmitted vnto him doth adde more seing to such it is said what so euer thou spendest more I when I come againe will recompence thee This is the whole and ful talke of Richaredus the king to the Councel touching his duetyfull care aboute religion Compare this gentle Reader with the broken and mangled narratiō of M. horne and thou shalt see to the eye his lewde pelting and pelting lewdnesse Thou shalt see that the king protested his care in gods matters to be not his dew charge and vocatiō as a king but an additiō aboue that which was commytted wnto him and to be a work of supererogatiō and that he extēded him selfe of zeale aboue that which his duety ād office required Al which M. Horn left out bycause he knewe it did quite ouerthrowe his purpose He saieth againe of kyng Richaredus that he decreed in the Councel of his owne Authority commaundyng the bisshops to see it obserued which wordes also he hath caused to be printed in a distinct lettre as the wordes of his Author alleaged But they are his owne wordes and do proceede of his owne Authority not to be found in the whole processe of the Kings Oration to the Councell or in the Coūcel it selfe But contrariwise the Councell expressely saith of this Decree Consultu pijssimi gloriosissimi Richaredi Regis constituit Synodus The Synode hath appointed or decreed by the aduise of the most godly and gloriouse King Richaredus The Synode M. Horne made that Decree by the aduise of the King The king made it not by his own authority commaunding c. as you very Imperiously do talke Againe where you saie that S. Gregory did much commend the carefull gouernement of Princes in causes of Religion S. Gregory speaketh not of any suche gouernement at all It is an other of your Vntruthes Last of all where Saint Gregorie sayeth of humilitie as we haue before declared to the king Et si vobiscum nihil egimus Although we haue done nothing with you You to amplifie the matter enlardge your translation with a very lying liberalitie thus Although I haue medled and don nothing at all with you doing this altogether without mee For these wordes medle at all and dooing this altogeather without me is altogeather without and beyond your Latine of Saint Gregorie Whome you ouerreache exceeding much Making him not so muche as to meddle with the Kings doings and that the king did altogeather without him Which yet if Nauclerus your common alleaged Author be true of his woorde did verye muche with the King and furdered many wayes the conuerting of the Arrians in Spaine to the Catholique faith But so it is As in al your proufes you ouerreach mightely the force of your examples cōcluding Supreme gouernmente in all causes when the Argumente procedeth of no gouernemente at all but of execution and so foorth euen so in your translations wherein yet you looke singularlye to be credited scarse ones in tenne leaues bringing one sentence of Latine you ouer reache marueilouslye your originall Authorities Suche is your vntrue and false dealing not onely here but in a manner throughout your whole booke And nowe to ende this Seconde booke with a flourishe of Maister Iewels Rhetorique to sweete your mouth at the ende Maister Horne that so with the more courage we may proceede after a pause vppon this to the Thirde and Fourthe let me spurre you a question What M. Horne Is it not possible your doctrine may stande without lyes So many Vntruthes in so litle roome without the shame of the worlde without the feare of God Where did Christe euer commaunde you to make your Prince the supreme gouernour in all causes By what Commission by what woordes Or if Christ did not who euer els cōmaunded you so to do What lawe What Decree what Decretall what Legantine what Prouinciall But what a wonderfull case is this The Supreame gouernemente of Princes in al causes Ecclesiastical that we must nedes swere vnto by booke othe yea and that we must nedes belieue in conscience to be so auncient so vniuersal so Catholique so cleere so gloriouse can not now be founde neither in the olde Law nor in the new nor by anye one example of the first 600. yeares THE THIRDE BOOKE DISPROVING THE PRETENSED PRACTISE OF Ecclesiastical gouernmēt in Emperors and Kings as wel of our own Countre of Englande as of Fraunce and Spayne in these later .900 yeres from the tyme of Phocas to Maximilian next predecessour to Charles the V. of famous memory M. Horne The .79 Diuision Fol. 47. b. Next after Sabinianus an obscure Pope enemy and successour to this Gregory succeded Bonifacius 3. VVho although he durst not in playne dealing denie or take from the Emperours the authoritie and iurisdiction in the Popes election and other Churche matters yet he vvas the first that .228 opened the gappe thereunto for as Sabel testifieth vvith vvhom agree all other vvriters for the moste parte This Bonifacius immediatly vpon the entraunce into his Papacy dealte with Phocas to winne that the Church of Rome might .229 be head of all other Churches the which he hardely obteined bicause the Grecians did chalenge that prerogatiue for Constantinople After he had obteyned this glorious and ambitious title of the bloudy tyrant Phocas and that vvith .230 no smal bribes like vnto one that hauing a beame in his ovvn eie vvent about to pul the mote out of
Pastour sticke not to falsifie and missereporte the holy Councel seing by true dealing you cā proue nothing But it maketh perhaps for you that the Popes Legates cal the Emperour most benign Lord and affirme the Apostolike see of Rome to be subiecte to him But they do not I am assured adde in al spiritual matters And so are ye nothing the nere to your purpose and as the Popes Legats cal him Lorde so pope Agatho calleth him his sonne And that which the Legates said of the See Apostolike the same Pope Agatho in his letters saied of the City of Rome calling it seruilem Principatus sui vrbem A Cyty subiect to his gouernement And it may be well thought the Legates spake in no other sence then did their Lorde and Maister But as for such phrases S. Gregory spake as humbly and as basely to the Emperour Mauritius which Caluin also hath noted as euer any Pope before him or after him did to any whatsoeuer Emperour He called Mauritius his good Lorde and him selfe his vnworthy seruaunt But yet as I haue at large proued against M. Iewel he practised in Ecclesiastical causes an vniuersall Supremacy throughout all Christendome And nowe beside that I haue said in as much as the Popes .3 Legats two being priestes and one but a Deacon be as wel in the rehersall of the Bishops names as in the placing of the Bishops first named and do first speake in this action I thinke I may make thereof also a better collection for the Popes Primacy then you haue made against it Whereas you say the Emperour was president of the Councel I graunt you in that sense as I haue before declared and that is concerning thexternal order moderation and direction of things to be done and heard quietly and without parciality in the synode but not for any supremacy in geuing sentence against their wils as themperour him self euen now declared M. Horne The .85 Diuision Fol. 51 b. In the next session after the self same order obserued as in the first Paulus themperours Secretary began to put the Councel in remēbraunce of the former daies proceding The Emperor commaundeth the Acts of the Chalcedon Councel to be brought foorth and redde At length vvhan a manifest place vvas alledged out of Leo the Pope the Emperour him self .263 disputed vvith Macarius on the vnderstanding therof The Secretary hauing offred the bookes of the fifte Councel the Emperour commaundeth the Notary to reade them The Notary began to reade and vvithin a vvhile the Popes Legats rising vp cried out this Booke of the fifte Synode is falsified and there alleaged a reason therof vvhervvith thēmperor and the iudges being moued began to look more narrovvly to the book ād espying at the last that three quaterniōs vvas thrust into the beginning thēperour cōmaunded it should not be red Note here that the Popes Legats vvere but 264 the plaintify parties in this Coūcel ād not the iudges therof the vvhich more plainly follovveth either parties stryuing vppon a like corrupt place The Emperour cōmaunded the Synod and the Iudges vvhich vvere Laymē to peruse the Synodical boks and .265 to determine the matter vvhich they did George the Archebishop of Constantinople most humbly beseecheth the Emperour that he vvil cause the letters vvhich Agatho the Pope and his Synode sent vnto the Emperour to be redde ones againe the Emperour graunteth his request Stapleton In these two sessions ye can pyck no matter of any substance to helpe you withal no not of themperours disputation And God wotte this was but a sleight and a colde disputation to demaunde two things of Macarius and that by interrogation onely I trowe ye shal fynde but vj. or vij lynes before a better place for the popes supremacy wher yt is sayde that pope Leo his epistle was taken of the Chalcedon Councel as the foundation of the catholyke fayth being conformable to the confession of the blessed S. Peter the prince of the Apostles But you bidde vs note here that the popes legates were but the plaintife parties in this Councel and not the Iudges thereof Your reason is because they firste spake and accused the forgery committed in a copie of the fifte Councel If you had marked the practise of other Coūcells before M. Horne you woulde not thoughe hyred thereto haue made this Note to your Reader For so is it in dede that the popes legates by the waie of prerogatiue in all Councells semperprius loqui confirmare soliti sunt were alwaies wont to speake first So did they in the Chalcedon Councel first speake against Dioscorus and remoued him from the benche where other bishops sate making him to sitte in the myddest where the defendantes place was And one of the popes Legates then so earnestly speakinge and requiringe to haue him remoued the Emperours deputies saied vnto him Si iudicis obtines personam non vt accusator d●bes prosequi If yowe beare the person of a Iudge you ought not to pleade as an Accuser In whiche wordes the Iudges did not inferre as M. Horne here doth that the Popes Legate was no Iudge bicause he accused as a party plaintife but rather bicause he was a Iudge bearinge the Popes person he wished him to forbeare accusing But the popes Legates as they were alwaies the Iudges to decree and subscribe before all other bishoppes against heresies so were they ready to accuse and betraye the Demeanours of Heretikes before all others For why As in the Chalcedon Councell it is writen Missi Apostolici semper in Synodis prius loqui confirmare soliti sunt The popes Legates were alwaies wonte to speake formest in Councels and to confirme before all others And by this the prerogatiue of the See Apostolike was expressed And as in the Chalcedon Councel the popes Legates were the first that spake againste Dioscorus and yet were also the first that gaue sentence againste him as I haue before proued so in this Councell as the popes Legates spake first against the false and forged euidences so thei were the first as we shal anon see that condemned the forgers thereof Macarius with his felowes And yet to speake properly the popes Legates neither here nor in the matter of Dioscorus were parties plaintifs For as there they onely required to haue the sentence of pope Leo executed touching Dioscorus his place in the Councell so here they only required the euidence to be tried suspecting it as forged as it was in dede founde to be And this they required not as plaintif parties but to haue executiō which execution was in the ordering of the Emperour or his deputies For looke what the chefe bishops or the whole Councel required that the Prince or his deputies the Iudges did see executed quietly and orderly Wherin cōsisted their whole authoritie and trauayle as we haue before shewed out of Cusanus But to Iudge and determine belonged only to
waye of oppression or threats as by vertue of his allegeance or in payne of displeasure but by gentle admonitions and requestes So did al the good Emperours before procede with bishops in ecclesiastical matters Constantin the first Theodosius the first and second Valentinian the first Marcian Iustinian and nowe this Cōstantin the fyfte not as with their subiectes or vassals in that respect but rather as with their Fathers their pastours and by God appoynted Ouerseers The obedience then that pope Agatho so much and so ofte protested proceded of his owne humylytie not of the Emperours supremacy of greate discretion not of dewe subiection namelye in Ecclesiasticall causes For seinge the Emperour in his letters so meke so gracious and so lowly he could doe no lesse and the better man he was the more he did but shewe him selfe againe lowly and humble also But when Emperours would tyrannically take vpon them in Church matters there lacked not Catholike bishops as stoute and bolde then as the pope was humble nowe So were to Constantius that heretical tyran Liberius of Rome Hosius of Spayne and Leontius of the East So was to Valentinian the yonger S. Ambrose to Theodosius the seconde Leo the first to the Emperour Anastasius pope Gelasius to Mauritius S. Gregory But M. Horne if this do fayle hath yet ready at hand an other freshe iolye coulorable shifte that the Emperour euen by Agathos owne confession occupied the place and zele of our Lorde Iesu Christe in earth to geue iuste iudgement and sentence in the behalf of the truth Nowe are we dryuen to the harde wal in dede This geare ronneth roundly And yf I should nowe thowghe truelye interprete and mollifie thys sentence accordinge to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the mynde of the speaker then woulde you so vrge and presse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the bare letter that I shulde haue much a doe to rydde my handes of you But God be thanked who hath so prouided that Agatho him self doth so plainely declare his owne meaninge and your false handling of the matter euen in the verie nexte sentence immediatly folowing that al the worlde may euidently see that for al your holy euangelical pretences and cloked cowlours ye seke not the trowthe but to tryfle to toy and contentiouslie to confounde all thinges For it followeth That ye woulde voutchsauf saieth Pope Agatho to the Emperour to exequute the cause of Christes fayth according to equitye and the instructions of the holy fathers and the fyue generall Councells and by Gods helpe to reuenge his iniurie vppon such as condemne his faythe And this saying of Agatho M. Horne may wel serue for a ful and a sufficiente answere to al your boke for princes intermedling in Coūcels and for making lawes concernyng matters ecclesiasticall You see by this place their gouuernement is no other but to ayde and assiste for putting in execution the decrees of Councels and the holy Fathers Instructions Wherfore ye may put vp your ioly note wherwyth ye would seame to furnishe and bewtifie your matter and margent here in your purse and the lesse yt be sene the better for yowe for any good that euer your cause shal take by it M. Horne The .87 Diuision pag. ●2 b. In the next session the Emperour sitteth as 268. President and Moderatour accompanied vvith many of his nobles sitting about him On his right hande sate Georgius the Archebishop of Constantinople called nevve Rome and those that vvere vvith him on the other side vpon themperours lefte hande sate the Legates of the Archebishop Agatho of old Rome these tvvo as .269 agent parties VVhē they vver thus set the Emperours Secretary brought foorth the Ghospels putteth the Emperour in mind vvhat vvas done the sessiō before and desireth his maiesty to cause Macarius and his party to bring out likevvise their testimonies as the Legats from Agatho of old Rome had don for their party The Emperour cōmaundeth Macarius obeith and desireth that his books may be red the Emperour commaundeth they should so be Stapleton M. Horne here noteth the sitting of the Popes Legates on the lefte hand and the Bisshop of Constantinople on the right hand which either maketh nothing for the abasing of the Legats authority either that doth not so abase them as doth that I haue said auaunce them that they are rehersed both in the naming and placing as wel in this very place as throughout al this Councel before al other bisshops beside the prerogatiues which we haue and shal declare they had in this Councel And M. Horn must remēber that in the fift general Councel they had the right hand as him self cōfesseth Neither was the Emperour President in this Councell neither the bisshops the Agent parties as M. Horne here vntruly saith but when the Sentence came to be pronounced the Bishops alone gaue it without themperour A moderatour in dede in external order and quyet to be kept thēperour was not only in this but in al other Coūcels as I haue shewed before out of Cusanꝰ but not in geuīg solutiōs to the reasons propoūded or in geuing final sentēce in matter of doctrin as the word Moderatour in the scholes soundeth ād as M. Horn would haue it here to be vnderstāded M. Horne The .88 Diuision pag. 52. b. After the shevving of the allegations on bothe sides the Legates of old Rome desier the Emperour that they may knovve yf the aduersaries agree on the tenour of their tvvo forsaid suggestiōs The aduersaries beseche thēperor that they might haue the copies of thē thēperor cōmaūdeth that vvithout delay their request should be fulfilled The books vvere brought forth and sealed vvith the seales of the Iudges and either of the parties This againe .270 proueth that the Popes Legats vvere none of the Iudges but one of the parties And so in the eight ninth and tēth actiō the same order of doing is obserued in like sort as before in such vvise that no one in the Synode neither the vvhole Synod doth .271 any thing vvithout licence and the direction of the Emperour the president and chief ruler in al those causes Stapleton M. Horne is now harping vpon the same stringe that he was harping vpon before twise in the former leaf that the Popes Legats were no Iudges but parties and plantiues In the one of the former places he geueth no cause but will haue vs belieue hī vpō his bare word Here ād in the other he geueth vs a cause that nothing cōcludeth for hī but rather agaīst hī The Monothelits to make their matter beare some good coūtenāce brought forth freshely many authorities of Athanasius and other fathers on their side The Popes Legats espying the chopping and chaūging the cutting and hewing the mayming and mangling of those testimonies ▪ discried this falshod to the Coūcel Vpō this an exacte search cōference and cōparison was made of other bokes in thēperous and patriarchs of Cōstātinople library
and the extractes as wel of those bookes as of such as the Popes Legates had delyuered were brought forth to the Councel to auoyde suspicion of al sinistrous working sealed with the Iudges seales So that the fathers and the Legates gaue the iudgment as yt afterward appeareth that the bookes were corrupted The Iudges to their charge tooke that by the notarye the bookes shoulde be indifferentlye and vprightlye vewed and examined and the true testimonies to be browght to the Councell I maruayle Maister Horne that this so good an argumente escaped you in the Chalcedon Councell wherein likewise the Legates first of al beganne to speake and worke against Dioscorus and caused hym to be displaced of sytting amōg other bishops and to sytte in the middest as a defendante And yet they were hys Iudges and they onelie pronounced the finall sentāce against hym to the which the whole Councel condescended Ye are then farre wyde M. Horn frō the cause whie the Legates so intermedled The cause then was not as ye either ignorantly or maliciouslie pretende for that they were parties but for thys that the popes Legates were wont euer in councells to speake first and to cōfirme first ▪ as I haue not much before largely declared To that place for a fuller answer hereto I remitte the Reader M. Horne The .89 Diuision pag. 53. a. In the ende of the eleuenth Action The Emperour assigneth certeine of his noble counsailours to be the directours in the Synode for that he vvas to bee occupied in other vveighty affaires of the cōmō vveale Hitherto vve see hovv thēmperor in his ovvn person vvith his lay Prīces also vvas the 272 supreme gouernour vvas the President ouersear commaunder ratifier and directour of al things done in the Councell The Popes Legats and al the vvhole Councel humbly yelding al these thinges vnto him .273 alone The residue of the actes or any thing therein done vvas likevvyse his deede by his deputies although he him selfe in person vvas not present Stapleton Whye good Sir why make you such post haste What are you so sone at the ende of the .11 action Where is the beginning and the midle where is the .6 Action Where are the .8 the .9 and the .10 Action I see your hast is greate what wil you leape ouer the hedge ere ye come at it And I might be so bolde I woulde fayne demaund of you the cause of your hasty posting Perhaps there is some eye sore here or some thing that your stomake cā not beare What Greaueth yt you to heare that our Lady was pure from all maner synne Or doth yt appalle yowe to heare the patriarch of Constantinople and al the bisshops his obediēsaries with the bisshops that were vnder the patriarche of Antioche after they had heard readen the letters sent from pope Agatho and his Councel at Rome and aduisedly cōsidered them which as I haue tolde yowe were stuffed with authorities concernyng the popes primacy to yelde to the truth and after .46 yeares to forsake and abandon their greate schisme and false heresie Doth it dasel and amase yowe to heare the patriarche of Constantinople to confesse to the whole Councel that yf the name of Pope Vitalianus were receyued againe into they re dypticha which they had raced out that those which had sondred ād sequestred them selues from the Catholike Churche woulde forthwithe returne thyther againe whereunto the Emperour and all the Councell by ▪ and by agreed and therevppon the Councell made manie gratulatorie exclamations And is there anie other way to stay and redresse thys huge schisme in Englande or else where but euen to put in our Churche bokes the Popes name and to imbrace againe hys Authoritie Or doe ye take yt to the hart M. Horne to see here the pleadinge of Macarius the heretyke which is also M. Iewells and your ordinarie fasshion as pleadinge vppon the doings of heretical Bisshops and Emperours grounding hym self vpon a nomber of patriarches of Constantinople of Antioche and diuers other bisshops with they re Councells yea vpon the Emperour his father and his great graundfather teachings and proclamatiōs quite reiected and refused Or is it a corsy vnto you that the heretical writings of Macarius as sone as they beganne to be read were straight condemned of the bishops not looking for the Emperours pleasure therein though he him selfe was then present thereat Or is there yet anye other lurking sore priuily pynching your stomake Namely that ye see to your great greef that the fathers geue vs an assured marke to knowe yowe and M. Iewel by what ye are by your wretched wresting and wrething and miserable chopping and paring the auncient fathers writings wherein ye are the true schollers of these Monothelites whose practises are discried in the .6 the .8 the .9 the .10 and the .11 sessions The allegations of the Popes Legats being founde truelie faythfully and semely done I trowe it nypped yowe at the verie hearte roote when ye reade in case ye euer reade yt and haue not trusted rather other mens eies then your owne the Synode to say to that cursed and vnhappie Macarius that it was the property of an heretyke to nyppe and breake of to mangle and mayme the fathers testimonies And therevppon he being oft taken with the maner and nowe cōfessing the same was forthwith depriued and his bishoply attierment plucked from his backe And I would to God yt might please the Quenes Maiesty and her honorable coūcel to play the Supreame heads as this good Emperour Cōstantinus and his Iudges did and to make an indifferēt search and vewe whether the catholiks in their late boks or M. Iewel M. Horn ād other their fellowes play the Macariās or no and thervppō euē as M. Horn sayd thēperour Cōstantine did to geue iust iudgmēt and sentence Which is a redie and a sownde way for the quailing ād appeasing of this huge scisme And without the which books wil excessyuely growe on eche part and rather to encrease of cōtentiō thē to any ful pacificatiō And for my part the fault being fownd as I dowbte nothing yt wil be and cōfessed therevppon on theyr part with an harty renūciatiō of al schisme and heresie I would not wishe theire riches to be plucked from them but that they shuld remaine in as good worldly estate as they now are in This is al the hurt I wish thē But nowe M. Horn to returne to the matter ye see that this was but a poore iudgmēt and a poore selie supremacy that ye geue to your Emperour ād his nobles Wherin in effect whil ye would seme to aduāce and exalt thē ye make theyr office not much better thē the registers and notaries office Which office though it be honest and worshipful to perchaūce yet I dowbte whether it be honorable as not many yeares past one of your fellowes and protestāt prelats sayd to one that thowed his Register I tel thee my regesters
holy Ghoste established for euer Let me now Gentle Reader play Maister Horne his parte and make for me his accustomable conclusion The King requireth of the Clergy the confirmation of his Decrees and ordinaunces as wel concerning matters of Faith and Religion as cōcerning Ciuil maters Ergo the Clergy hath the Superioritye in bothe And with this Argument dothe Maister Horne lappe vppe here his Spannishe matters Sauing that he telleth vs of three other Councels holden at Toletum vnder Egita their King which in all the volumes of the Councels appeare not this vnder Eringius the .13 in number being the last and therefore till he tell vs where those Councelles may be founde seing he hath so often belyed the knowen Histories I will make no curtesie to note this for an Vntruth also this being a mater so vtterly vnknowen And nowe farewell Spaine for this time For Maister Horne hath manie other mightie large and farre Countries to bring vnder his conquest and Supremacie as wel truely as he hath already conquered Spaine which will be to leese the fielde and all his matter gladde to escape with body and soule with small triumphe and shame enough Goe to then Maister Horne and take your iourney when and whither it pleaseth you Yow will wishe I trowe when you haue all sayed and done that you had taryed at home and let this greate enterprise alone M. Horne The .93 Diuision pag. 55. b. Although about this time the Popes deuised 282 horible practises vvherby to vvinne them selues from vnder the ouer sight and comptrolment of the Emperour or any other and to haue the onely and Supreame authoritye in them selues ouer all as .283 they had alreadie obteined to their Churche the Supreame Title to be Heade of other Churches Yet the Emperours had not altogeather surrendred from them selues to the Popes their Authoritie and iurisdictions in Churche matters For vvhen the Church vvas grieuouslye vexed vvith the controuersie aboute Images there vvere diuerse greate Synodes or Councelles called for the decidinge of that troublesome matter by the Emperours and at the laste that vvhiche is called the Seuenth General or Oecumenical Councel vvas caled and summoned to be holden at Nice in Bythinia by Constantine and Irene the Empresse his Moother vvho vvas the Supreame vvoorker and Gouernour although but an .284 ignorant and verye superstitious vvoman I vvill say no vvoorse in this matter For her Sonne vvas but aboute tenne yeeres olde as Zonaras affirmeth and she had the vvhole rule although he bare the name After the deathe of Paule the Emperour appoincted Tarasius the Secretary to be Patriarche at Constantinople the people lyked vvell thereof But Tarasius the Emperours Secretarie refused the office and vvoulde not take it vppon him till the Emperour had promised to call a generall Councell to quiete the .285 bravvles in the Churche aboute Images The Emperour vvriteth to the Patriarche of olde Rome and to the other Patriarches vvilling them to sende their Legates vnto a Councell to bee holden at Nice in Bithynia The Bishoppes assemble at Nice by the commaundement and decree of the Emperour as they confesse in diuerse places of this Councell VVhan the Bishoppes vvere sette in Councell and many Lay persons of the nobility vvith them and the holy Ghospelles vvere brought foorth as the maner vvas although the holy Gospells vver not made .286 Iudges in this councell as they ought to haue been and vvere in al the forenamed general Councels Tarasius commēdeth the vigilant care and feruent zeale of the Emperours aboute Churche matters for ordering and pacifiyng vvherof they haue called saith he this councell The Emperour sendeth vnto he Synod certein counsailours vvith the Emperours letters patentes to this effect Constantinus and Irene to the Bisshoppes assembled in the secōd Nicene Synode by Gods grace our fauour and the commaundement of our Emperiall authoritie He shevveth that it apperteyneth to the emperial office to mainteine the peace concord and vnity of the vvhole Romayne Empire but especially to preserue the estate of Gods holy Churches vvith all possible care and councell For this cause he hath vvith paine gathered this councel together geueth licēce also and liberty to euery mā vvithout al feare to vtter his mind and iudgemēt frankely to the end the truth may the better appeare He shevveth the order he obserued in making Tarasius Bishop He prescribeth vnto the Bishopps vvhat is their office ād vvhat they should doo propounding vnto thē the holy Ghospelles as the right and 287. onely true rule they should folovve After this be mentioneth letters brought from the Bishop of Rome by his Legates the vvhiche he cōmaundeth to be opēly redde in the councel and so appointeth also other thinges that they should reade There vvas .288 nothing attempted or done in this councel vvithout the autority of the Emperours as in all the former generall councels And so at the end the vvhole Councell put vppe a supplication to the Emperour for the .289 ratifiyng of al their doings The vvhiche vvhen the Emperour had heard openly recited and read vnto them they forthvvith allovved signed and sealed The .7 Coapter Of the .7 General Councel holden at Nice Stapleton PHY on all shamelesse impudencie Doth it not shame you M. Horne ones to name this .7 Generall Councell which doth so plainly accurse you and your fellowes for your detestable saiyngs writings and doings against the holy Images and against all such as call them Idols as ye doe in this your booke Yf the authority of this Coūcel furnished with the presence of .350 Bisshops established with the cōsente of the Pope and the foure other Patriarches and euer since of all Catholike people both in the Latine and Greke Church highly reuerēced may take no force I know not what law eclesiastical may or ought to take force Yf you and your fellowes be no heretikes and it were but for this point onely according to the rule and prescription before by me out of the Emperour Iustinians writings rehearsed who is was or euer shall be an heretike And can ye then for verye shame medle with the Councel yea to craue aide of this Councel to healpe you to erect your newe Papalitie Out vpon this your exceding shamelesse demeanour Yet were your impudencie the more to be borne withal if beside the matter of Images there were not also most open and euident testimonie of the Popes Supremacie in this Synode Certainelye as in the Councell of Chalcedo after Pope Leos letters were read and in the sixt Generall Councell after Agathos letters were read all the fathers receiued and allowed and highly reuerenced the said letters and were directed by them towchinge matters of fayth then being controuersed Euen so yt fared also here The letters that Pope Adrianus sent to thēperour and to the Patriarche of Constātinople towching the Reuerēd Images beinge proponed ād reade to these Fathers they did most vniformely and most ioyfullie cōdescēde
be restored VVe haue degraded the false Priestes Deacons and Clerkes being adulterers and fornicatours and haue driuē them to penaunce VVe haue vtterly forbidden al maner hūting and haukīg to the Clergy VVe decree also that euery priest dvvellīg in the diocese be subiect vnto his ovvn bisshop and that alvvaies in Lent he make an accōpt and shhevv to the bishop the maner ād order of his ministery touching baptism the Catholik faith praiers and the order of Masses And vvhāsoeuer the bishop shal go his circuite to cōfirm the people the priest shal be ready to receiue hī vvith collectiō ād helpe of the people That the priest seke for nevv Chrism alvvaies on Maūdy thursday at the bishops hād that the bishop may be a vvitnes of his chast life of his faith and doctrine VVe decree further that no vnknovven bishop or Priest be admitted into the Churche ministerye before he be allovved bye the Synode He maketh many such like for the reformation of the Clergy in vvhat sort they shal be punished yf they commit vvho●dome and likevvise againste sorcery vvitchcraft diuinacions incantations and al kind of prophane superstitions If ther vvere no more examples of any Church history but this 298 of Caloroman it vvoulde suffice to make plaine that to the Princes authoritye apperteineth to make Lavves and to the Clergye to ge●● him counsaile out of Gods vvorde hovv to frame the discipline to the edifiyng of Gods Church The .8 Chapter Of Charles Martell and of the keyes of S. Peters Confession Stapleton AS farre as I can see al M. Hornes noble prowes and great conquests haue bene and shal be vpon the lāde By the which he hath brought and will bring yf ye wil belieue him vnder his newe Papacy many greate and noble countries yea Moscouia and Aethiopia to But happye yt is that he is not yet come to the Late newe foūde Landes where the newe Christian people doe as faste and as reuerently embrace the Popes authority as we after we haue bene Christian men nowe these thowsande yeares doe reiecte yt and that with moste shamefull vilany But as I said I fynde no martiall actes of M Hornes vpon the sea but this onely which is so notable and wonderful that this one way serue for all For Lo he carieth all the Popes authoritye awaye in a shippe to Fraunce sente thyt●er by the Pope him selfe as him selfe saieth For as muche as he sent to Carolus Martellus the keyes of Saint Peters confession So that nowe the Pope hathe beinge therto forced by Maister Horne belyke in some terrible combat vppon the seas with sending these keyes so spoyled him selfe of all his iurisdiction that he hath no more lefte then haue all other Ministers of the Churche and euerye other poore selye Sir Iohn This is Maister Horne a iolye triumphante victorye as euer I reade or hearde of and these be as wonderfull keyes Some great and stronge wonders haue I reade done by keyes As in Italye that suche as be bytten with madde dogges haue bene cured by the Churche doore keye of Saint Bellins Churche who beinge a blessed man died al to torne with dogges And this is writen of a greate learned man of late memorie borne aboute those quarters I haue reade also of meruelouse greate miracles done by keyes that hadde towched the holye reliques of Saint Peter at Rome writen by Sainte Gregorye our Apostle as a thynge moste certainelye and notoriouslye to him and to others knowen But yet Maister Horne these your keyes seame to me incomparablye to passe all other And for the straungnes of the matter and for my better instruction I woulde full fayne be resolued at your handes but of two dowbtes that trouble and incomber me First seinge that this Pope as Maister Horne reciteth out of P●●●ina passingly well learned bothe in diuine and prophane l●●rninge and no lesse godlye stoute and constante hath yelded ouer to a laye Prince by sendinge to him in a shippe Saint Peters keyes all his iurisdiction and clayme that he hadde ouer all causes Ecclesiasticall or temporall yet for all this good Maister Horne in this so weightye a matter I woulde craue at your handes a litle of your good helpe to satisfie my mynde yea and your wise discrete readers mynde to For I hauing but a dull insight in such matters for my part see no great wisedome vertue or learning and lesse stoutnesse in Gregorie for theis his doings Your authors in this storie are here Martinus and Platina Yf we shall by them measure his wisdome and stowtenes and other qualities whithal yt was partly for that by his great carefulnes he procured that Rome being oppressed by the kinge of Lombardie was releyued partlie and that most of al for that by a councel holden at Rome almoste of one thowsande bisshops he condemned and accursed the wycked Emperour of Constantinople Leo for defacyng againe after the 7. Generall Councel beinge persuaded thereto by an hereticall monke the holy images as your authour Martinus in Gregories storie writeth And Platina sayth that he both excōmunicated themperour Leo and by sentence declared him to be no Emperour And so not whithstāding the keies of S. Peter were sent away by shippe he reserued to him self one of S. Peters keyes and a litle more authoritie then ye were ware of yea so much that he hath geuen you a sore blowe in the face whith his key ād declared you ād your fellowes and your great Emperour to verie arrant heretyks I must now ons again be so bolde as to trouble your wisedome with an other as necessarie a question and that is by what authoritye ye auouche that theis keyes were nothing else but the popes supreame authoritie and iurisdictiō Your authors Martinus and Platina say no such thing No nor anie other that I could euer chaūce vppō If this be your owne newe freshe inuention then haue yowe a iolie pregnante wytte and ye haue deceyued aswel others as the late reuerent father M. Bayne late bishop of Lichfeld and Couētrie his expectation somtime your reader in Cābridge that was wont to call yow quouis connu duriorem that is harder then any Horn. But I pray you good Sir is your authority inuoydable Must we neads sing sanctus sanctus sanctus to al your sayings and say of you as Pythagoras schollers were wont to say ipse dixi● ād reason no further Let poore blont fellowes be so bold vppon yowe for ones to heare frō you some better authoritye then your owne naked worde for this noble exposition Namely seing that your boke is not authorised by the Quenes cōmissioners as some others are And thowgh yt wer yet might we craue so much at your hands seing that yowe auouche that whiche for all your prety exposition was not done by this Gregorie nor could possible be done onlesse he had bene as frantycke as euer was madde Collyns of Bethelem Nor I trowe anie
Bisshoplye or priestly office that faring like a mad mā he speaketh he wot nere what and euen there where with his egle eies he findeth fault with other mens blindnes he sheweth him self most blind bussard of al. For he may as wel find fault with Moses Law and by the supreme authority of his new Papacy he may laugh to scorne Moses to as wel as Bonifacius and cal hī blind bussard also for his madd lawes forbidding the eating of the Camel the Hare the Swine the Egle the Goshauke the Crow the Rauen the Owle the carmorāt and such like He might also as well make him selfe pastime and ieste merely at the Canons of the sixth General Councel that he so lately spake of forbidding the eating of puddings and things suffocated And perchaūce the questiō of beasts bitten with madde dogges hath more matter in it then M. Horne doth yet withal his Philosophy cōsider or that some of his good brethren in Germanye haue of late considered fealing as it were the smart of this their ignorance which feading vpon swines flessh bitten of a madde dogge waxed as madde as the dog and falling one vpon an other most pitifully bitte and tore one the others flessh As for the questiō cōcerning the Nūne M. Horne hath no great cause to mislike Nowe in case Bonifacius had demaunded of Pope Zacharie whether a lewde lecherouse false Fryer might lurke and luske in bedde with a Nunne and then cloke their incest vnder the name of holy wedlock ād that Pope Zacharie had geuen as honourable an answere as his late Apostle frier Luther hath donne aswel by hys bokes as by hys damnable doings then lo had Bonifacius ben the true and sincere Apostle of Iesus Christe And then should he haue ben M. Hornes Idole Neither did Bonifacius demād these matters because he was ignorante or in anye greate doubte but to worke more suerly And the Pope in hys answere telleth hym that he was well sene in all holy scripture As for the question how many crosses a mā should make in his body is not Bonifacius but your question For the question was of crosses to be made in saying the holy canō of the masse The name of the which holy canon ye can no more abyde then the deuill the signe of the holie crosse of whome ye haue learned thus to mangle your allegatiōs and to caste away both crossing and canō wythal M. Horne The .96 Diuision pag. 58. a. Adrianus the first Pope being muche vexed through his ovvne .304 furious pride by Desiderius king of Lombardy sendeth to Carolus Magnus and requireth him of his ayde against the Lombardes promising to make him .305 therfore Emperour of Rome Charles cōmeth vāquisheth Desiderius and so passeth into Rome vvhō the Pope receiued vvith great honour geuing to him in part of recompence the title of most Christian king and further to augment his beneuolence tovvardes Charles desired him to sende for his Bishops into Fraunce to celebrate a Synode at Rome vvhere in vvere gathered together of Bishops Abbottes and other Prelates about .154 In vvhich coūcel also Carolus him selfe vvas present as saith Martinus Gratianus maketh report hereof out of the Churche history on this vvise Charles after he had vanquished Desiderius came to Rome ād appointed a Synode to be holdē there with Adrian the Pope Adrian with the vvhole Synode deliuered vnto Charles the right and povver to elect the Pope and to dispose the Apostolique sea They graunted also vnto him the dignity of the aunciēt bloud of Rome VVerby he vvas made a Patriciā and so capable of the emperial dignity Furthermore he decreed that th'Archbishops ād bishops in euery prouīce shuld receiue their inuestiture of him so that none shuld be cōsecrate onles he were cōmēded ād inuestured Bishop of the Kinge VVo so euer woulde doo contrary to this decree should be accursed and except he repēted his goodes also should be cōfiscate Platina addeth Charles and the Pope the Romaines ād the Frēche sweare the one to the other to keepe a perpetuall amity and that those shuld be enemies to thē both that anoyed the one The 10. Chapter Of Charlemayne and of Adrian and Leo Bishops of Rome Stapleton THat Adriā was vexed by king Desiderius throwgh hys owne furiouse pryde who was a very vertuouse learned man is nothing but your follishe furiouse lying as also that he promised to Charles to make hym Emperour if he would ayde and helpe hym No history saieth so except M. Hornes pēne be an history Now what doth it furder your cause that thys Charles had the righte and power to electe the Pope and the inuesturing of Bishops seeing he helde yt not of hys owne right and tytle but by a speciall and a gratiouse graunte of the Pope and hys Synod as your self alleage Nay verely this one exāple cleerly destroyeth al your imagined Supremacy and al that you shall bringe hereafter of the Emperours claime for the electiō ād inuesturing of Bishops For the diligēt Reader remēbrīg this that the first Original ād Authority hereof sprong not of the Imperial right or power but of the Popes special graunte made to Charlemayn the first Emperour of the west after the trāslatiō therof must also see that al that you bring hereafter of th' Emperors claime in this behalfe proueth no Primacy in the Prince but rather in the Pope from whō the Authority of that facte proceded by which facte you would proue a primacy Horne The .97 Diuision pag. 59. a. Not longe after Charles perceiuing the Churches to be muche molested and dravvne in ● partes vvith the Heresy of Foelix calleth a councell of al the Bishoppes vnder his dominions in Italy Fraunce and Germany to cōsulte and conclude a truthe and to bring the Churches to an vnity therein as he him selfe affirmeth in his Epistle vvriten to Elepandus Bishop of Tolet and the other Bishoppes of Spaine VVee haue commaunded sayth Charles a Synodall councel to be had of deuout Fathers from al the Churches thoroughout our signiouries to the end that with one accorde it might be decreed what is to be beleued touching the opiniō we know that you haue brought in with newe assertions suche as the holy Catholike Church in old time neuer heard of Sabellicus also maketh mention of this Synode vviche vvas conuocated to Frankeforth ad Caroli edictum at the commaundement of Charles Stapleton This gere serueth for nothing but to proue that Carolus called a councell and here M. Horne sayeth Sabellicus also maketh mention of this Synode cōuocated to Frāckford Your also M. Horn is altogether superfluous seing that ye named no other author before that spake of thys Synode for Sabellicus is here poste alone Well let it be Charles that called the Synode but why do ye not tell vs what was donne there as doth Platina and your owne authour Sabellicus also declaring that suche iconomaches and image breakers as ye are
a Romaine borne But to their great griefe he vvithin a vvhile vvas takē frō thē Stapleton M. Horne hath sone done with Nicolaus the first and is frō him leapē to Martinus the secōd Betwene which two were yet .ij. other Popes Adriā the secōd ād Iohn the .9 the time also of their regimēt being more thē twēty yeres and vnder whō especially vnder Nicolaus the first ād Adriā the second as great matters passed touchinge our present purpose as vnder any Popes els of many yeres before or after For vnder thys Nicolaus the firste and Adrian the second the .8 general Councell was kept at Constantinople vnder Basilius then Emperour in the East partes All which matter M. Horne being in other Councels both General and Nationall so diligent a chronicler hath vtterly drowned in silence And yet he might Iwys haue found as much apparent matter for his purpose there as in any other Councel hytherto mentioned For Basilius the Emperour called also this Councell as other Emperours before him dyd and M. Horne might haue furnished his booke with some ioyly talke of this Emperour also made to the bishops at the beginning of the Councell touching his care and endeuour about ecclesiasticall matters But there was a padde in the strawe I warrant you that made M. Horne agast and not so bold as ones to come nere it Ignorant thereof he coulde not be hauing sene Cusanus de Concordia Catholica out of whom he alleageth in this his booke a large place and that in the same booke ād but fiue chapters aboue the place wher Cusanus reherseth out of this viij Generall Councell diuerse and longe processes to shew of purpose how the Emperour Basilius dealed and demeaned him selfe in that Coūcel Ignorant therfore I say of this matter he could not be nor laye for his excuse that the Actes of this coūcel are not commonly set forthe in the former Tomes of the Councelles Except M. Horne alleage such bookes and chapters as he neuer sawe nor read and so vttereth his doctrine vpon heresaye and reporte of others Shortly therfore to touche this General Councel also seing that of all other in maner bothe generall and Nationall somewhat hath bene sayd ād seing now this Councel is also set forth in the last editiō of the Tomes I will in fewe wordes declare both the Popes Primacy in the East Church then to haue bene confessed and the Laye Princes Primacy in Ecclesiastical matters to haue ben none at all First wheras Michael the Emperour of the East partes a man geuē to al licentiousnes and ryot had thrust out the godly Bishop Ignatius from the See of Constantinople by the persuasion of Bardas whome for incest that bisshop had excommunicated and placed in his roome one of his Courtyars and otherwise an heretike Photius by name whome Pantaleon calleth Phocas other Photinus Nicolaus the first then Pope of Rome after legacies to and fro excommunicated Photius and Michael the Emperour for not restoring again Ignatius to his See There is extāt a most lerned and notable letter of this Nicolaus to Michael the Emperour where lernedly and copiously he discourseth what obedience and reuerence Catholik Emperours haue shewed to the Bisshops of Rome and howe none but heretikes and schismatikes haue disobeyed the same And whereas this Emperour Michael had as he saith Commaūded the Pope to sende his Legates to Constantinople aboute that matter a phrase which you M. Horn make very much of this Pope lernedly and trulye aunswereth him that Catholike and good Emperours were not wonte to commaunde their Bisshoppes and Pastours especially the Bisshoppes of the See Apostolike but with Reuerence exhorte and desire them to suche thinges as they required which he proueth by the examples of Honorius Valentinian and Marcian Iustinian Constantin the .4 and Constantin the fift in their letters to Bonifacius the first to Leo the first to Iohn the first to Donus and to Agatho Popes of Rome In al which their letters thei vse the words Petimus hortamur inuitamus rogamus we beseche we exhorte we inuite and desire you with all gentlenes and Reuerēce such as the Apostle cōmaūdeth al mē to shew to their Ouerseers that watche for their soules and shal geue accōpte for the same Also whereas this Emperour had by a Councell of his Bisshoppes banished and remoued Ignatius the Pope first sente his Legates to examine the matter a freshe and to referre to the Pope vnto whom the See of Constantinople of right appertayned wherein the Legates passing their Commission ouercome by flattery and ambition in the Courte of Constantinople confirmed Photius by their consent But the Pope not consenting thereto he cyted bothe Ignatius and Pontius to Rome as Iulius cyted Athanasius and Eusebius with his complices and required the Emperour Michael that by his good ayde and fauour they might appeare In the same letter also he declareth howe in dede amonge the Ethnikes the Emperour was also summus Pontifex the highe Bisshoppe But saith Nicolaus Cùm ad verum ventum est eundem regem atque pontificem vltra sibi nec Imperator iura pontificatus arripuit nec pontifex nomen Imperatorium vsurpauit When Christ the true King and bishop came then neither the Emperour tooke any more vpon him the high bisshops right or Authoritye neither the high bisshop vsurped any more the Imperial title After this by the example of Constantin the great calling the bishops Gods and not to be iudged of any man of Theodosius the younger charging his Lieutenant Candidianus in the Ephesine Councel not to medle with any matter or question of doctrine as hath before bene alleaged and of Maximus that blessed Martyr whom Constans the heretical Emperour nephew to Heraclius had put to death he proueth that thēperorus iudgement ouer bishops is not nor ought not to be of any force And therfore cōcludeth that Ignatius being deposed by the Emperial sentēce only was not at al deposed but remained as true bishop as before Thus dealed Nicolaus the first with Michael the Greek Emperor not vsurping any new authority to him self but following herein the examples of most holye and auncient Bisshoppes before him and requiring no more of the Emperour then his moste godlye and Noble progenitours other Catholike Emperours hadde done All this coulde haue no place in Maister Hornes chronicle either because he hadde not reade so farre or els because his sleightes woulde haue bene to grosse to haue picked hereof any coulourable matter for his imagined Supremacye Vnder Adrian the seconde nexte successour to this Nicolaus and vnder Basilius the Emperour nexte to Michael was holden at Constantinople aboute this matter of Ignatius and Photius principallye the .8 generall Councell by the accompte of the Latines In this Councell the Legates of Adrian Donatus and Stephen Bisshoppes and Marinus a Deacon were president as in all other generall Councelles before
them he meaneth the high bisshops of Christ our God and Sauiour Thus agayne you see Maister Horne howe all the iudgement resteth in the bishops and howe the sentence of the See Apostolike preuayleth and howe buxomely to vse your owne worde and obediently the Emperour yeldeth thereunto not intermedling farder then to procure that all partes may be heard that tumulte may be auoided and that the Iudges for so were the bisshops called in this Actiō may quietly procede to Sētence and last of al that same Sētence may be put in executiō notwithstanding the indurat malice of obstinat heretikes In the .8 Action al the schismatical conuenticles of the Photians are condemned and the recordes thereof burned In that Action also diuers Image breakers came to the Synode and were reconciled That secte also was againe accursed In the last Action the Canons were reade at the Popes Legates commaundement to the number of .27 In the .22 Canon it is decreed that no secular Prince intermedle with the election or choyse of any Patriarche Metropolitane or Bisshop whatsoeuer which also is inserted by Gratian into the decrees Finally the Councel being ended Basilius the Emperour maketh a longe and a notable Oration to the Synod expressing the dewe zeale and dewty of an Emperour in al Synodes and Councels He auoucheth plainly that to secular and laye men Non est datum secundùm Canonem dicendi quicquam penitus de Ecclesiasticis causis opus enim hoc pontificum sacerdotum est It is not graunted by the Rule of the Churche to speake any thinge at al in Councel of Ecclesiasticall matters For this is the worke saith he of Bishops and Priestes And after commēding the bishops for their greate paynes and trauaile in that Councell he speaketh to the laye Nobylyte then present thus De vobis autem Laicis c. But as touching you that are of the lay sorte as wel you that beare offices as that be priuate men I haue no more to say vnto you but that it is not lawfull for you by any meanes to moue talke of Ecclesiasticall matters neither to resiste in any point against the integrity of the Churche or to gaynesaie the vniuersal Synode For to searche and seke out these matters it belongeth to Bisshops and Priests which beare the office of gouernours which haue the power to sanctifie to binde and to loose which haue obtayned the keyes of the Churche and of heauen It belongeth not to vs which ought to be fedde which haue nede to be sanctified to be boūde and to be loosed from bande For of whatsoeuer Religion or wisedome the laye man be yea though he be indewed with all internal vertues as longe as he is a lay man he shal not cease to be called a shepe Againe a bisshop howesoeuer vnreuerent he be and naked of all vertue as longe as he is a bishop and preacheth dewlye the woorde of Truthe he suffereth not the losse of his pastorall vocation and dignitye What then haue we to doe standinge yet in the roome of shepe The Shepheardes haue the power to discusse the subtiltye of woordes and to seke and compasse such thinges as are aboue vs. We must therefore in feare and sincere faith harken vnto them and reuerence their countenances as being the Ministres of Almightye God and bearinge his fourme and not to seke any more then that which belongeth to our degree and vocation Thus farre the Emperour Basilius in the ende and Conclusion of the eight generall Councell and much more in this sense which were here to longe to inserte I blame you not nowe Maister Horne that you so ouerhipped this whole Generall Councell and the doinges of those .ij. Popes Nicolaus and Adrian .2 You sawe perhaps or had hearde say that it made clerely against you And yet as I sayed before apparently you might haue culled out broken narrations for your purpose as well out of this Generall Councell as out of the other .7 But seing you tooke such paynes to note themperors demeanour in the former .7 I thought it a poynte of courtesye Maister Horne to requytte you againe with this one generall Councell for so manye by you alleaged to your verye small purpose as euery indifferent Reader seeth Whether this be not to our purpose I dare make your selfe Iudge And nowe I wonder what shifte you will make to auoyde the Authoritye of this generall Councell or of this Emperour Basilius Well You maye at your good leasure thinke and deuise vppon it I wil nowe returne to your text You saye Martinus the seconde whome other more trulye call Marinus gat into the Papacy by naughtye meanes What maketh that to proue your Supremacye in the laye Magistrat It is noted you saie in the margent of Platina that it was in this Popes tyme that first of all the creation of the Popes was made without the Emperours authoritye You shoulde haue tolde vs withall in what printe of Platina that note is founde I haue sene Platina both of the Collen printe and of the Venyce print sette forthe with the Notes of Onuphrius and yet I finde no suche Note in the margent It is by like the Note of some your brotherhood in some copie printed at Basill And then is it of as good Authoritye as Maister Hornes owne booke is which is God wote but course Whose so euers note it be a false note it is For as of a hundred and ten Bisshoppes of Rome before this Marinus scarse the fourthe parte of them was confirmed of the Emperours so the Emperours before this tyme neuer created Popes but onelye consented to the creation or election made by the clergye and confirmed the same for quyet sake and for the preseruation of vnyty as I haue before shewed Adrians decree that the people of Rome shoulde wayte no more for the Emperours confirmation was no defraudinge of themperours right as you vntrulye reporte but a renewing of the olde liberties and priuileges dewe to the Churche by the order of Canons and Councels and the whiche neuer came to the Emperours but by the Popes owne grauntes and decrees namelye of Adrian the first and Leo .3 as hath before appeared and therefore by them agayne reuocable without iniurye done to the Prince when the weale of the Churche so requyred As it was at this tyme the Frenche Emperours busyed with warres against the Sarracens and not so carefull of the Ecclesiasticall peace vppon respect whereof that Cōfirmation of the Pope was graunted them as were theyr predecessours Which negligence so encreased that in fewe yeares after as we shall anon see they not only lefte of the protection of the See Apostolike but loste also the Empire it being transferred to the Germains in Otho the first whome also some Germayne writers namelye Cusanus do accompte for the first Emperour of the Weste after the decaye and breache of the East Empire M. Horne The .107 Diuision Fol. 67. b. The next
Church of Rome till God stirred vp the vvyse and mighty Prince Otho the first vvhose zeale stoutnes and trauayle in reforming Religion and the disordred Churche no tongue is able to expresse saith Nauclerus Stapleton You make Sabellicus to saie a great deale more thē euer he saied or intended to say For he doth not certaynely ascribe any such cause as you pretend but only he saieth Nō immeritò quis suspicaretur A mā may ād not without a cause suspecte But what M. Horne That Popes kept euill rule and were geuen to al lewdenesse bicause the Emperours did not ouersee them So you woulde haue folke to think and therefore you make Sabellicus to conclude that this was the calamyte of Fraunce Italy and of the Churche of Rome quòd in ea gēte desitum esset imperari bicause there was no kīg nor Emperour to beare rule But false translation maketh no proufe Knowe you not M. Horne what In ea gente doth signifie in english Or if we may not finde faulte with your grammer why slacked your honesty so farre as to leaue the english thereof quyte out What was there a pad in the strawe Sabellicus then saieth the cause of all that calamyte was bicause there was no kinge nor Emperour to beare rule in ea gente in that stocke or line of Charles the great whose posterity had hitherto lineally reigned downe to Arnulphus the last mentioned Emperour and the last in dede by the opinion of most historians of Charles his lineal descēt After whom in dede the Churche was in great trouble and disorder for the space of .50 or .60 yeres But howe Did the euil Popes cause that disorder So woulde M. Horne folowing herein the steppes of baudy Bale that we should thinke But as I haue noted before in the compasse of that .50 yeres there were diuers good and vertuous Popes ruling the Churche more then twenty of those .50 yeres And the cause of al that disorder was not the only euil life of certaine Popes but much more the licentious lewdenesse of the Italians and especially the Romans at that tyme who in dede for lacke of Iustice on the Emperours partes which is the thinge that Sabellicus cōplaineth of liued enormously and licētiously makīg Kings amonge themselues and not only oppressing one an other but also moste vily and cruelly handlinge their bisshoppes being good and vertuous Of whome Stephen the .8 a Pope of much holynes at that very tyme was of his Cytyzens so shamefully mangled and disfigured that he was fayne of a long tyme for very shame to kepe within dores and so liued three yeres in greate vexation and trouble The cause of al this trouble in the Churche at this tyme yf you liste shortly to knowe gentle Readers Sabellicus agreing herein with the other historians wil clerely tell you He saieth Quantū Francorum pietate c. Looke howe muche Rome and all Italy breathed as it were from alonge continuāce of miseries by the godlynes and bountifulnes of the Frenche Princes Charles and his issewe one whole age almost a .100 yeares so much fell it backe againe in to all kinde of calamytie by the space of almost .60 yeres through ciuil Sedition This calamyty beganne from the last yere of Adrian the .3 and ended in the time of Iohn the .12 And will you see whereof sprange this calamytie M. Horn imagineth it was bicause the Princes did not practise their Ecclesiastical gouernement ouer Popes But Sabellicus a better historian then M. Horne addeth immediatly vpon his former wordes this Cause Enimuero praeter Normannos c. Verely beside the Normans which wasted Fraunce of which outrage that great chaunge of thinges then made in the worlde semeth to me to haue sprounge the Hunnes also people of Scythia being bolde vpon the troubles of Fraunce coming downe into Slauony did conquer the landes of Gepides and Auari people then in those quarters so called The ouerrūning thē of forrain nations and the Ciuill Seditions through out all Italy caused this greate calamyty that the historyans of this time complaine so muche of Whych the more encreased for that the Emperours of that time Arnulphus Conradus Henrie the first yea and Otho hym selfe vntyll the later ende of hys Empire partly would not partly could not represse the tyrantes in Italie and other where In all whych hurley burleys in all whych breaches of good order licentiousnes of lyfe and corruption of the worlde if the heads also them selues the chiefe bishoppes sometimes fell to disorder and lewdenesse of life yt is the lesse to be maruayled of him that wyll consider the course of Gods prouidence in thys worlde who suffreth for the sinnes of the people vt sicut populus sic sit sacerdos That lyke as the people so should also the Priest be who saieth also in lyke enormities of the worlde Dabo pueros principes eorum I will geue them children for their Princes meaning not onely children in age but children in wisedome children in strength and children in vertue Of which also expressely we reade that the wrath of God wexed hotte against Israëll and stirred vppe Dauid to say to Ioab Goe and number Israël and Iuda Of the which great vanitie and ouersight of that King the plague fell vppon the people and not vpon the King So God plagueth the wickednesse of subiects with the sinnes of their Rulers and geueth oftentimes to a froward flock a curst shepheard This consideration of Gods prouidēce in that corrupt time not of corrupt faith as you bable but of corrupt maners had more becommed a man of your vocation M. Horne and a Diuine then such false ād lewde surmises as you haue vttered Which you could neuer so haue cloked if you had opened the whole historie and circumstaunces of the case to your Readers But this you will neuer doe saye we what we wil. Your ragged relligion must be patched vp with such broken cloutes of imperfecte narrations M. Horne The .110 Diuision pag. 68. a. At this time vvas Iohn .13 Pope a man replete and loden vvith all disshonestie and villanie against .355 vvhom tvvo of the chiefest amongest the Clergie the one vvas a Cardinall saith Luithprandus the other maister of the Rolles made complaint vnto Ottho most humblie beseching him to haue some compassion on the Church vvhich if it vvere not spedilie refourmed must needes come to vtter decaie After vvhom came the Bisshoppe of Millaine and so one after an other a great manie moe making the same suite vnto Ottho vvho being moued of his ovvne zeale to Gods glorie but novv enflamed by the lamentable supplications of these Bisshoppes Rex pijssimus saieth Luithprandus Non quae sua sunt sed quae Iesu Christi cogitans The moste Relligious King hauinge carefull cogitations not for his owne thinges but for Iesus Christes maters addressed him selfe vvith all conuenient speede into Italie to refourme Rome from vvhence all
handlinge of this storie as of your most false and yet most accustomable assertion that the supremacie of all causes ecclesiasticall remayned in themperous and not in the popes And as for Syluester him selfe howe he repented at the ende and what a miraculous token God gaue of his good state after his deathe the lerned Reader may see in Naucler Sabell and Platina as I haue otherwhere touched it against M. Iewell You reherse here yet a nomber of popes in the creation or deposition of whome themperour semed to haue somewhat to doe But altogether as we haue often shewed impertinently and otherwise lyingly and againste your self also directly browght in And to begin M. Horn euen with your first example of Arnulphus I pray you where fynde yowe in your authour that the kinge deposed him Your authour sayeth no suche matter but that the kinge did cast him in pryson beinge firste deposed by a synode of bishops Yet he made ye will say Gilberte the philosopher bisshop for him and afterward Otho the .3 made him archbishop of Rauēna Ye might haue added ād pope to as your authour doth if ye had meant to deale playnly ād especially that the said Gilbertꝰ by pope Iohns authority was thrust out ād Arnulphus restored agayne as you heard before Ye doe nowe partly as before bely Platina and partly gheasse blindly as thowghe Platina durst not to flatter the popes withal playnly opē his mynd ād as thowgh he shuld be of this mynd that he that cōmeth into the papacy without thēperours cōsent is but a theef and a robber Which is as true as before ye made him therfore a traytour For Platina geueth forth no such mening But sheweth two causes why this Iohn came not in by the dore The one that he came in by bryberie The other that he vsurped the see beīg not as yet vacāt Gregory whome ye write of as yet lyuīg ād beīg the lawful pope chosen by the voice of the clergy and by the cōsent of thēperor and all the people of Rome After al this ye say that Hērie the .3 deposed thre popes whom you cal thre mōstrous bestes of such a beastly sprite you are ād yet you lie in so sayīg For thēperor by supreme Authorite deposed none But only for quyetnes sake as Sabel writeth coegit se dignitate abdicare Forced thē al to depose thē selues which by force no maruail if he did But by right neither he nor any mā liuing could haue deposed any pope They may be induced either by reason or by force to depose thē selues Farder you say this Emperour sware the Romās that they should neuer be present at the popes electiō onlesse they were compelled by thēperor It had bene wel done if ye had told vs who writeth so and withal by what warrāt thēperour could exclud the people frō their cōsent which hitherto they gaue in the chosing of the popes Sabellicus your Author writeth of no such cōpulsiō But that they should not so doe without his permissiō ād the reason he addeh Vt dignitas maneret illi inoffensa cauereturque in posterum pontificibus that pope Clement thē chosen might cōtinewe quietly and that also for the quiet of other popes to come he might prouide Al which he did as a godly defendour not as a Supreme Gouernor of the Church Now if a mā would stād with you altogether ād say ye belie Stephanus ād certain other popes of such as ye haue here named I think he should not say farre frō the truth But yet because ye haue some authors on your side I wil not greatly charge your for this matter You tel vs in th end of this processe that the Emperour made Bauno pope ād was named Leo .9 But I tel you nowe M. Horn that the Emperors making was after vnmade ād this Bauno made pope by the Clergy in Rome For where as this Bauno chosen first of themperour came out of Germany to Rome al in his Pontificalibus as alredy pope Hugo that famouse ād lerned Abbat of Cluniacū ād Hildebrād who after was pope Gregory .7 met him in the way ād shewed him that thēperor had no right to choose the pope that the same right belonged to the Clergy and City of Rome that he should lay down his bishoply attyre come to Rome as a priuate man and then if he were thought mete by the lawfull consent of the clergie and city to be chosen Their counsell he folowed openly detestinge his former rashnes that at the Emperours only choyse he had taken vpon him that highe office Thus afterwarde in Rome he was lawfully chosen there he was made pope and named Leo .9 not by the Emperour only as M. Horne only telleth And this al historians in maner do witnesse M. Horne The .113 Diuision Fol. 71. b. After this Leo vvhom Hildebrand ridde out of the vvay saith Benno Cardinalis vvas Victor the seconde made Pope by the Emperours authority or priuilege Shortly after this Godly Emperour died being greatly praised and surnamed Pius Henricus for his dealing in the reformation of Church matters This Emperour had called tvvo Councels the one at Cōstance vvherein he vvas himself present and after that another at Moguntia vvherein both the Emperour and the Pope sat in Synod This Pope saith Nauclerns came into Germany about the Church matters and ordered al things therein saith Abbas Vrspur by the aduise and counsaile of themperor and other seculer Princes and the bishops And as this Emperour had yet this interest in the Councel● and in the creatiō of the Pope himself so had he the placing and displacing allovving ād disallovving in other spiritual promotions as at large appeareth in Naucler Stephē .9 vvas chosen Pope after that Victor had dronken of .377 Hildebrands cup. But this Sthphen liued not long for saith Benno If any other than Hildebrand were chosen Pope Gerardus Brazutus Hildebrands familiar friend would soone dispatche hī out of the way with poyson Alexander .2 vvas chosen vvithout thēperors authority or knovvledge vvith vvhose electiō the vvhole Clergy of Lōbardy vvas much offended and refused to ovve vnto hī any obediēce beseching thēperor that he vvould geue them licēce to chose one of their ovvn persuading him 378 that there ought none to be elect without the cōsent of the king of Italy After thei had licēce thei chose Cadolus the bishop of Parma vvhō al the Clergy of Lōbardy obeyed as their lauful Pope The Cardinals saith Bēno knowing wel Hildebrāds ambitiō did win with much sute thēperors fauour and aide to their new elected Pope Cadolꝰ the which did so depely perce the ha●t of Hildebrād that he becam a deadly enemy to thēperor for euer after cōtrary to the faithful duty that he had sworn vnto hī Hard hold there vvas betvvixt these tvvo .379 Popes so vvel vvith strokes as vvith vvoords they both gathered great armies and vvith their
vsque processum est vt Imperator nullum Rom. Ecclesiae legatum c. And now the matter broke out so farre that the Emperour cōmaunded that no Legate and so forth as in Maister Hornes Allegation You see nowe good Readers it was no horrible vices of the Romissh Church as this horrible lying spirit of M. Horn prateth but a priuate quarrell betwene this Emperoure and that Pope that occasioned the Emperour to forbidde appellations to Rome c. You see howe this Cacus hathe drawen Nauclerus his woordes by the tayle into the lurkinge denne of his lying Conclusion And that their fellowes nowe drawing nere to the others companie the former ioyned with the later haue euidentlye betrayed the notable thefte of this lying and theeuinge Cacus But Maister Horne supposing the Emperour vpon such respecte had so done tell vs is the doings of this one Emperour so preiudiciall to our cause and so authorised aboue al exception or plea that because he did so we must straightwaies cōfesse he did wel and laufully Me thinke it were reason ye should proue this withal Wel let this goe we wil not charge you at this time so straightly Yet this questiō I must nedes aske you Whether this was so done because he thought the Pope or See of Rome had no authoritie or for some priuate grudge and quarell not against the See and Pope but against this Pope Yf ye will saye as ye must nedes saye this quarrel was but a priuate and a personall quarrell then is the ordinarie authoritie as yet nothing acrased hereby but your Argumente is then muche acrased Yf ye will say he denied as ye now doe all maner of authoritie of the See of Rome then must I aunswere you It is not so For he was crowned of this Pope called Adrianus Quartus an Englishe man and submitted him selfe after to Alexander the thirde as we shall anon see And further I must answere you that you are the verye Cacus we spake of and that these stolē allegations from Nauclerus do bellow wanting their companie and doe discrie all your theeuish conueyaunce as we haue before declared Now next hath M. Horne found a Rouland for an Oliuer a dissension betwixt Roulande and Octauian for the Papacie For the appeasing wherof this Frederike called a Councell and at length the matter being heard confirmed Octauian who was called Victor the .3 as the other was called Alexander the .3 which name ministreth matter of mery pastime to M. Horne to solace him selfe withal as though Alexander named him self so for that he purposed belike to make a cōquest of the mater And here is dasshed in the margēt to set forth ād beutify his narratiō withal first Vrspergensis then Nauclerus then Sabellicus then Platina then Nauclerus againe then beside Radeuicus Frisingensis in his next Platina and then Vrspergensis againe As though he tooke distinct and seuerall matter from eche one Whereas in a manner al they runne one way and wherof I am most assured al against M. Hornes owne Primacie part of their testimonies being cut of from eche of them and so caried craftely by M. Horn into his Cacus caue bewraieth al M. Horns theft Wil ye proue the like regiment M. Horne by Frederike his doings that ye now maintaine Goe to then and see ye proue it vs substantiallye He refused ye say Pope Rouland yet he receiued Pope Octauian and confirmed him too as ye say yea and ledde him about the Citie of Pauia sitting vppon a white Horse and then adored him too as I with Platina and Nauclerus saye or as Vspurgensis saieth fell flatte before his feete to receiue pardon and to become his obediensarie Al which ye saye not and therefore I heare Hercules stolen oxen bellowe out of Cacus denne Why Maister Horne can your eares paciently abide al this And is your Octauian for all this as ye write a mā in all pointes honest and relligious Some thing I perceiue there was that he is made a Saint after his death and that as it is said there were many miracles done at his Tombe in Luca where he was buried before the Image of Nicodemus Can your stomake disgest all this Maister Horn And can you suffer your Supreme head like a slaue to kisse the Popes feete and to become the Maister of his Horse Can ye suffer Miracles at the Popes tombe and yet notwithstanding shall he be a man in all points honest and religiouse How chance we haue not at the least for your cōfort one pretie nip ād to tel vs that he called hī self Victor for that he entēded to be a victorious Cōquerer as he was in deede vppon your Supreame head the Emperour Frederike Surely I maruaile why ye shoulde so fauourably encline to this false Antipope rather then to the true Pope in dede which was Rouland who as Platina writeth was elected of 22. Cardinals and your Octauian but of .3 onlye And therfore was he and Frederik that mainteined hī and not Rouland the occasion of the horrible schisme ye speak of And this Rouland was euer ād is takē for the true Pope yea and was so taken at length by your Frederike also cōming to him to Venice and kissing his holy feete for seeing ye haue made the Popes hand holye I will be so bolde to make his feete holy too and ratifiyng and allowing him by that humilitye to be the Supreame heade of Christes Churche And so at the length for all your iesting Alexander hath made as great a conqueste vppon your false lying booke and new set vppe Primacie as euer did the great Alexander vpon King Darius But lo now ye and your companions that can beare with Victors conqueste can not beare the matter being all one the lyke in Alexander Wherin I see no reason but that perchaunce ye take Victor to be of your nighe cousinage for that he was as ye are a great schismatike And therfore thoughe Friderike did suffer at the hands yea and at the feete to of Victor as he did at Alexanders yet roreth owte your Apologie against hym that he put yll fauoredly and mōstruouslie this Emperours neck vnder his feete Whiche semeth to be but a fable of such as be parcial writers and wedded to they re affectiōs to slaunder the Pope withal as Carion and suche other are that write yt Althoughe some catholyks perchaunce reporte the same as dothe Nauclerus but with an addition vel vt Blondus scribit post quàm Pontificis pedes imperator exosculatus est ad altare maius ambo principes se amplexati exosculati sunt So that Nauclerus whiche thowghe catholyke yet muche inclinable as the Germans cōmōly are to the Emperours parte semeth rather to lyke the narration of Blondus that thēperour did no other thē the vsual honor in kyssing the Popes feet And if the tale of th'Apology were true which M. Fox doth also with a ioly gay picture set forth thowgh yt
to the Kinges .413 iudgement and Thomas by the Kinges commaundement was faine to come to Lanfrank to be sacred And aftervvard vvhen there grevve greater contention betvvixt these tvvayne about Churche matters the Bisshop of Rome remitted the matter to be determined before the Kinge and the Bisshops of Englande and so at VVindesour before Kinge VVilliam and the Cleargy the cause was treated Also an other cause vvas moued before the King of the misorder of Thurstan whome the King had made Abbot of Glastonbury by whose iudgement the Abbot was chaunged and tourned to his owne Abbay in Normandye but the Monkes .414 scattered aboute by the Kings hest After this the King bestowed many Bisshoprikes on his Chaplaines as London Norvviche Chester Couentry c. And ruled both temporalty and the spiritualty at his owne wil saithe Polychronicon He tooke noman fro the Pope in his lād he meaneth that the Kinge vvoulde suffer no Legate to enter into the lande from the Pope but he came and pleased him he suffred no Coūcel made in his own coūtrey without his own leaue Also he woulde nothing suffer in such a councel but as he woulde assent So .415 that in geuing or translating of spiritual promocions in geuing his assent to Councels and suffring nothing to passe vvithout his consent in hearing and determining Ecclesiasticall causes in restreining the Popes liberty vvithout his speciall licence and in ruling the spiritualty at his ovvn vvil King VVilliā shevveth plain that he .416 tooke him self for the supreame gouernour vvithin this Realm in al maner of causes so vvel Ecclesiastical as Temporall The .19 Chapter Of England before the Conqueste Of William the Conquerour Rufus his Sonne and Henry the first Kinges of Englande Stapleton GOod readers I do most hartely beseche you euen as ye tender either the truth or the saluation of your sowles to haue a good and a speciall regarde to M. Hornes narration nowe following For now at the length is M. Horn come frō his long and vnfruitfull wandering in Spaine Fraunce Italie Germany and other countries to our own natiue contrey Now where as the late doings in our Countre are suche as we haue sequestred our selues frō the common and vsuall obedience that all other contries concerning authority in matters ecclesiasticall euer gaue with a singular and peerlesse preeminence to the see of Rome and do yet sequester the more pittie our selues daylie more and more makinge none accompte of other good princes doings and presidents in this behalf and pretending partly in the acts of parliament partly in the newe englishe bokes and daylie sermons that this is no newe or straunge example in England to exclude the Pope from all maner spiritual iurisdiction to be exercised and practised there by hym yt behoued our protestants especiallie M. Horne in thys his boke that what so euer his proufes were for other countries yet for some conuenient prouf of the olde practise concerning his newe primacie in Englande to haue wrowght his matters so substancially that at least wise for our owne Countre he shulde haue browght forth good aūcient and autentique matter And wil ye nowe see the wise and euen dealinge of these protestant prelats Where they pynne vp all our proufes wythin vj. hundred yeares after Christ and what so euer we bring after theyr Iewell telleth vs ful merelie we come to late M. Horne in this matter of Supreamacie most weightie to the poore catholiks the deniyng thereof being more greauously punished by lawes then anie other matter nowe lying in controuersie betwene the catholyks and protestantes in Englande M. Horne I say for thys his owne country which as approued Chroniclers reporte and as him self after alleageth did first of al the Romā prouinces publiquely embrace Christes relligion for one thousand yeares standeth mute And belike thinking that William Conquerour had conquered aswell all the olde catholyke fayth in Englande as the Lande and people fansieth a duble conqueste one vppon the goods and bodies the other vppon the sowles and faythe of the Englishe men But what shall I nowe say to this noble and worthie Champion shall I dryue hym a litle backe with M. Iewels peremptory challenge and tel him that he commeth to late by almoste fyue hundred yeares Or shall I deale more freely and liberally with him then M. Iewell doth whith vs and bydde hym take the beste helpe he can for hym self Verely M. Horne had nede I did so And yet all will be to lytle for his purpose aswell for that after the conquest he hath no sufficient prouf for his pretensed supremacy as for that what prouf so euer he bringeth yt must yelde and geue place to the first thousand yeares whiche beare ful testimonie for the Popes primacie laufully practised in our realme before the conquest It were now a matter for to fyll a large volume withal to runne a longe by these thowsand yeares and to shewe what prouf we haue for the popes primacy before the conquest My answere woulde waxe to bigge and to prolixe yf I shoulde so doe But I will onelie putte the good reader in remembraunce of a matter or two I muste therefore pluck M. Horne backe from Williams conquest and desire him to remember an other and a better and more aunciente conqueste with al in Britannie then Williams was yea aboute ix hundred yeares before when this Ilelande of Britanie was firste delyuered from the tyrannicall yoke and miserable bondage of dyuelish idolatrie But by whom M. Horne Suerlie by pope Eleutherius to whome kinge Lucius sente letters desiringe hym that by his commaundement he mighte be christened Fugatius and Damiànus whose holy reliques are thought to be now in Wales and whose holy remembraunce churches there dedicated to God in their name doe to this day kepe and preserue as it were fresh and immortall sent to England by the sayed Eleutherius did most godly and wonderfully worke thys great conqueste If I should nowe aske M. Horne what Lucius meant to send so farre for instructours and teachers of the Christian fayth namely Fraunce beyng at hande where about thys tyme the Christian Churches were adorned wyth many learned Bishoppes and Martyrs though he woulde perchaunce seeke manie a pretye shyfte to shyfte awaye thys demaunde yet should he neuer make any good and sufficiente aunsweare vntyll he confessed the Popes primacye to be the verie cause to send so farre of The which the blessed Martyr of God and great learned Bishoppe of Lyons in Fraunce Ireneus writyng in the tyme of our firste Apostle Eleutherius doth confesse writyng That all Churches muste agree wyth the Churche of Rome for that the sayed Churche hath the greater principalitie and for that the traditions of the Apostles haue euer bene kept there In case nowe the pope had nothing to doe in matters ecclesiasticall within this Ileland in the tyme of the olde Britaines why did pope Celestinus appoint
to the Scottes theyr firste Bishop Palladius as Prosper writeth a notable Chronicler of that age Why dyd he also send into thys Ileland S. Germaine Bishoppe of Antisiodorum to bryng by the Apostolicall Authoritie the Britaynes from the heresye of the Pelagians as the sayed Prosper witnesseth Lett vs nowe come to the tyme of the Saxons conuerted by S. Augustine And then shall we fynd so manie and so full testimonies both of the popes primacie and of the princes subiection as I trowe M. Horne him selfe as impudent as he is can not nor will not denie them Which I do ouerpasse by reason they are readely to be foūd in our worthy coūtriemā S. Bede lately set forth by me in the English tongue and in the Fortresse also adioyned to the same storie I will nowe adde this only that from the time wherin Beda endeth his storie to the conquest of the foresaied William there appeareth in our domesticall stories a perpetuall and continuall practise of the saied primacie in this realme by the popes as well in those bookes as be extant in printe as in other As in Asserius Meneuens that continueth the storie from the death of Bede to the yeare of our Lorde 914. in Henricus Huntingtoniensis Gulielmus Malmesburiensis Alphredus Beuerlacensis Rogerus Houedenus Florilegiū siue Mattheus Westmonasteriensis Chronica Iohānis Londoniensis and many other yet not printed that I haue not sene and which are hard to be sene by reason of the greate spoyle of such kind of bookes of late made in the suppressing of monasteries and colleges The which suppression and it were for nothing else but for the losse of so many worthy Chroniclers can not be to much lamented the losse being incomparably greater then the losse of any princes treasure The case is nowe to be pityed for that the verie Librarie of the Vniuersitie of Oxforde hath felt the rage of this spiteful spoile not so much as one booke at this howre there remaining This is one of the worthy fruits of your new ghospel M. Horne As appereth also by the late vprores in these low Coūtries wher by the Gueses not onely the Monasteries but the Libraries also namelye of the grey friers in Antwerpe be most shamefully defaced the bookes burnt to ashes and the olde monuments destroyed The naming of Oxforde bringeth to my remembrance the noble and worthy foūder of the vniuersity there I meane Kinge Alurede In whose tyme there was at Rome a special schole or colledge for English mē priuileged ād exēpted frō al taxe ād tollages by pope Martin the .2 at the desire of this King Who sent to him for a gift a peece of the holy crosse This King beīg learned hīself loued entierly learned mē especially Ioānes Scotus that trāslated out of the Greeke tōg the works of Dionysius Areopagita whoō he vsed moste familiarly This Alurede being but yet yong was sent by the Kinge Edeluulphus his father to Rome accompanied with many noble men where pope Leo the .4 did confirme him and toke him as his sonne by adoption and did also annoynte and consecrate him King of Englande The manifolde practise of the said primacy continued from this Kings tyme euen to the tyme and in the tyme of blessed S. Edward the immediate predecessour of William sauing Harolde who reigned not one full yeare In the twenty yeare of the said King Edwarde the blessed man Wulstanus that was before a monk and prior there was consecrated bisshop of Worceter A man of suche notable vertue and such austerity of lyfe as he resembled the olde vertuouse and renowned religiouse men As one that among all other his notable qualities continued so in praying studiyng and fasting that somtymes in foure dayes and foure nights he neuer slepte and that litle reste which he toke was vpon a foorme in the Churche vsing none other bolsterre but his booke wherin he prayed or studied This man I saye was made bisshop and confirmed by the popes Legats being then in the realm before the Cōqueste Our authour doth not write this of vncertain heresay but of certain knowledge as a mā of that age and one that as it semeth had sene this blessed man ād talked with him To discourse vpon other particularities as vpon the continual appeale to Rome vpon willes charteres and such other writings sent from Rome to auoide tediousnes I doe purposely forbeare But I will nowe notifie to the good reader two thīgs only First that from the tyme of the good Kinge Offa in the yere of our Lord .760 who gaue after the example of Inas not long before him to the Pope as to the Vicare of S. Peter the Peter pence euen to the cōquest the payment of the said Peter pence hath continued and they were frō tyme to tyme leuied the Kings taking good diligent order for the sure paymente of the same Secondly that from the tyme of S. Augustine the first Archebisshop among the Saxons both he and al other Archebishops euen to the conquest receaued their palle from Rome an infallible token of their subiectiō to the Pope as Peters successour vpon whose holy tombe the palle is first layed ād after taken of and sente to the Archebisshop As these two tokens of subiection cōtinued frō tyme to time to the conqueste so they continewed also without any interruption onlesse it were verie seldome and for a litle space by reason of some priuate controuersie betwixte the Pope and the Kinge euen from thence to our freshe memorie beside many notable things otherwise in this realme since the conquest continually practised that serue for the declaration and confirmation of the said primacy Perchaunce M. Horne wil say to me Sir though I specifie nothing before the conquest to iustifie the princes supremacy yet in the margent of my booke I doe remitte the reader to a booke made in King Henry the .8 days Wherein he may see what doinges the Kings of England had in this realme before the conquest for matters Ecclesiastical A prety and a clerklie remission in dede to sende your reader for one thowsande of yeares together in the which ye shoulde haue laide out before hī your best and principal proufs to seke out a book he wotteth not where and which whē it is at lēgth foūd shal proue your matter no more substātially then ye haue done hitherto your selfe And therefore because ye worke by signes and profers only and marginal notes I wil remitte both you and my reader to a marginal note also for your and his ful aunswere Nowe then lette vs goe forwarde in Gods name and see whether Kinge William conquered bothe the lande and the Catholike faithe all at ones Lette vs consider yf this Kinge and the realme did not then acknowledge the Popes Supremacy as much and as reuerently as any Christian prince doth now liuīg I say nothing of the othe he toke the day of his coronation
suffragans as S. Thomas was Againe to omitte other articles there is one that is quite contrarie to the Apostolical doctrine to the canons of Nice and other most auncient general councels finallie to the catholyke doctrin of Christes vniuersal Churche that is for appeales to be made from the Archdeacō to the bishop frō the bishop to the Archbishop ād in case ther be any defect of iustice there the matter to be browght to the king and by his cōmaundemēt to be ended in the Archbishops cowrt without any further proceding without the kinges cōsent wherby not only the popes supreme authority but the authority also of al general coūcels the which are the ordinary and necessary remedies in many cases did stād thē in the kīg of Englād his grace only to be accepted or to be reiected M. Fox reciteth the kings cōstitutiōs but as he leaueth out this ād many other ād reherseth but six of thē so in those six he maketh thre manifest ād opē lies For wher he saith the sayd decrees by him recited were cōdēned by the Pope ther were but thre of thē cōdēned that is the .1 the .3 ād the .4 The other thre the pope did suffer ād tolerat Againe what a decree was this that none that held of the king in capite no nor any of his seruāts shuld be excōmunicated onlesse the kīg were first cōsulted I trow M. Horn hīself ād his fellowes neither kepe this precise order nor wil allow it Well M. Fox full pretely leaueth out this cōstitutiō what cause moueth him I cā not tel Thīk ye nowe M. Fox that for those ād such like S. Thomas had not good cause to mollify the matter with saluo ordine meo saluo honore Dei ād whē that wold not be accepted to gaīsay altogether ād to appeale to the sea of Rome Ye wil say this notwithstāding they were no matters of fayth or religiō or true doctrine and that he is therfor far frō the cause and title of a martyr In dede it was if not wisely yet wilily ād like a crafty Fox done of you to scrape hī out of your blessed kalender For in good fayth place cā he haue none there onlesse all your late stinking martyrs geue place and yelde which are the deuils ād not Gods martyrs ād it were for none other thīg but for the denial of the Popes supreamacy The which supremacy is a necessary doctryne to be holdē of euery Christiā mā where vnuincible ignorāce is not vppō payn of dāmatiō and euerlasting separatiō frō the Catholik Church and the mēbers of the same Beside this there are many takē for blessed martyrs in the Church that died not for the faith or for doctrine beīg thē in any cōtrouersy but for iustice ād truth sake and for theyr vertuouse dealīg as is the good mōke Telemachius that seīg at Rome two swordplayers the on of thē redy to destroy ād kil the other vppō a great zeale came to thē and thought to haue parted thē ād so was slayn of thē him self wheruppō thēperour Honorius reckoned him amōg the martyrs ād made a lawe that there should be no more such kīd of play exercised in Rome The cause also of S. Iohn Chrisostoms troble proceded not directly frō matter of fayth or doctryne but for reprouīg thēpresse Eudoxia I omit S. Quilliā and S. Lābert both takē for martyrs and slayne for rebukīg adultery And to come nearer to our own cōtrey and to S. Thomas tyme S. Alphegius Archbisshop of Canterburie a litle before the Conquest that suffred him selfe to be slayne of the Danes rather then he would pille and polle his tenauntes to leauy an excessiue somme of money that the Danes required for his redemption Of whose vertue God synce hath geuen greate testimonie aswell by diuerse other miracles as by preseruinge his body so longe vncorrupted But the cheife and moste aunciente presidente of all in the newe testamente is S. Iohn the Baptiste who died for the lyke liberty and fredome of speache as S. Quillian and S. Lamberte did To these we may set Esaye and the other prophets of the olde testamente Howbeyt as I sayd in S. Thomas his cause is a necessarie doctryne also imployed that was either directly or indirectly blemisshed by these ordinaunces of the king concerning the Popes Supremacy Now what madnes were yt for me or any other to seke by words to sette forth this blessed mans qualities and Martyrdome when that God him self hath by so wonderfull and straunge yea by so certayne and notoriouse miracles aswell in the lyfe of his seruant as afterwarde geuen to the worlde suche a testimonie for him as all the deuills in hell and they re disciples in earth may rather gnashe theyr angrie teathe and enuie at then by any good meanes deny and deface yt True shall yt be also that S. Thomas heard long ere he returned into Englande by a celestiall and heauenlie voyce O Thoma Thoma Ecclesia mea gloriabitur in sanguine tuo O Thomas Thomas my Churche shall glory in thy bloud And true yt is that was writen incontinently after hys death that at the place of his passion and where he is buried paralitici curantur caeci vident surdi audiunt loquuntur muti claudi ambulant euadunt febricantes arrepti à daemonio liberantur à variis morbis sanātur aegroti blasphemi à demonio arrepti confunduntur quod à diebus patrum nostrorum non est auditum ▪ mortui surgunt Palsies are cured the blinde see the deaffe heare the dombe speake the lame walk the agues are healed ād such as are possessed of the Deuill are delyuered and diuers diseases holpen and blasphemers beinge taken and possessed of the deuill confounded and finally as our sayd authour not so muche an eare as an eie wytnes saith that which hath not ben heard of in our fathers dayes dead men are relieued againe These and manie other miracles shewen aswell in England as out of England were so notable and famouse that shortly after S. Thomas his Martyrdome not only the Erle of Flaunders but the Frenche King also came to Cantorburie in pilgrimage to pray at this blessed Martyrs tumbe The kinge of Fraunce offered there a chalice of golde and his graunt in writinge for a certayne quantitye of wyne yerely to be delyuered to the monks ther to be merie withall at the solempnitye or feaste of this blessed Martyr But what shal we say to kinge Henry him selfe what thowght he trowe ye of this blessed mans doings and death This parte of the story of all other is moste notable The king being in Normandy and hearing that S. Thomas was slayne toke the matter so heuely that for forty dayes he kept him self solitary in great mourning and lamentatiō in great abstinence setting a syde al the affayres of his great ād large dominiōs for greif and sorow And forthwith sent his ambassadours to
Balduinꝰ noteth almost 600. times by his sentēce interlocutory to cut of their friuolous elusiōs We haue nowe nead of such an other Marcellinus to be styckler an arbitrer betwen you and M. Fekenhā Againe the sayd S. Augustine sayd of the Donatistes as Baldwine noteth that he did meruaile if the Donatists had any bloud in their body that being so often taken in manifeste and open lies yet neuer blushed I say then to you M. Horne that this kinge was not the supreame head but the pope who practised his supremacy in this kinges dayes as much as any pope hath done in this realme in our tyme or sithen this king Henries tyme. Was not the Priour of Canterbury deposed by the Pope Were not a nomber of the clergy that helde with the Barons againste the kinge depryued of their Ecclesiasticall lyuinges and fayne to send to Rome for their absolution Was not the Archbisshop of Canterburies election annichilated and frustrated by the pope Did not the Archbishop of Canterbury Edmond goe to Rome for the dispatche of his Ecclesiasticall affayres Were not S. Hewe of Lincolne and the foresayd S. Edmonde S. Richarde bisshop of Chichester and S. Thomas of Canterbury by the popes authority translated in this kings tyme Was not the kinge hym selfe with Pandulphus the popes Legate presente at the sayd translation at Canterbury Did not Octobonus the popes legate make certayne constitutions ecclesiasticall which are euery where to be had in prynt Did not the king hym selfe procure the Popes curse vppon the Barons that rebelled againste hym Was not the Pope the Iudge in controuersy depēding betwene the kinge and the Archbisshop of Canterbury Did not the kinge hym selfe procure to be absolued and discharged of his othe by the Pope as supreame Iudge in matters spirituall Did not this kinge send his bisshops to the greate councell holden at Laterane wherof we haue spoken aswell as other princes did Did not this kinge helpe with his money the Pope againste themperour Frederike thowghe he were allied vnto him And shall all this superiority quayle onely for such bare and friuolouse matter as you laye forth But what yf yt be not only friuolouse M. Horne but starke false I maruayle suerly yf this kinge toke away anie priueleges from the Clergy Why M. Horne What kinge was yt thinke yow that gaue the priuileges for the clergy and the commōs yea and the nobylity to cōteyned in magna charta but this kinge Who caused the bishops of this realme beinge arayed in theyr Pontificalibus solemly to accurse in Westmynster hall the king him selfe and his nobility being present the infringers of the same but this king Hēry the .3 Who gaue vnto the Church of Poules in Londō such priuileges as the city of Londō had and least the citie of London should take any domage therby gaue to the city out of his checker an yearely rente of seuē pounds euer syns vsually payd but this kīg Hēry Lo M. Horn you heare of great priuileges gratiously graunted and geuen to the clergy But what priuileges or when any were taken away from thē I can not yet fynd No sayth M. Horn can ye not fynd it Why doe ye not then take a litle paynes to reade my authour Polidor to whome I doe remit my reader Yes M. Horn that paynes haue I taken and that shall ye full well vnderstand I wil reherse your own allegation in your authours own words Nowe was saieth he the .1226 yeare of our Lorde God and the .9 yeare of kinges Henries raigne come In the whiche yeare there was an assemble of nobility In this assemble by the consente of the kinge and the nobilitie manie liberties and priuileges were geuen to the order of priesthod and to the commons and many ordinances were made which the kings that followed did so allowe that a good part of the Law is gathered thereof as appeareth in the great Charter and in the Charter of the Foreste Howe say yow M. Horne is there any more bludde left in your body then was in the Donatists of whom S. Augustin complayneth what a Macarian pageante haue ye here played What Thinke yow as Cyrces turned Vlysses companie into hoggs that ye maye so enchaunte all your readers by this your supreame lying supreamacy that they shall be so swinishe as to beleue yow in this poynte or in any other beinge here taken with the maner and as the ciuilians say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What colourable shifte can ye nowe pretende to saue your poore honesty Is not this the very place that your ●elfe translate out of Polidorus Doth yt not say the quite contrary to that for the which ye alleage yt The matter is so opē that I wil refuse no arbitrers no not your owne protestante fellowes It is beside the matter of the story wherin your own author cōdemneth you a law matter Cal me therfore a quest of Lawiers Let thē tel you whether Hēry the .3 in this coūcel toke away the Charter or made and graūted the Charter Yf perchaunce ye wil appeale from thē to the Grammarians and say that irrogare priuilegia is to take away priuileges which in dede is your extreme miserable refuge against al truth and the words and meaning of your author I am cōtent ye chose a quest of thē neither therin wil I vse any peremptory challenge but am content to stand to the iudgment of your nigh neighbours in the famous schole of Wīchester or if ye wil of M. Cooper the dictionary maker better acquaynted with these matters thē perchaūce your self are But see M. Horn how as accordīg to the old sayīg vnum malū non venit solum So with yow vnum mendacium non venit solum But that as thowgh there were a game set vp for lying ye adde for the with an other lie Ye saye there was a tribute demaunded of all the clergy by the Legate but yt was denied him Your author saith he demaunded the tenth of the clergie to mainteyne warre against the Saracens and yt was sone graunted him Your authour reciteth also after the minde of some writers that in a conuocation Ottho the Popes Legate demaunded a certayne yerelye paymente which was denied him but he doth improue those that so write And so withal it is not a single but a double or rather a treble vntruth that ye write concerning this tribute For this demaunde yf yt were made was not made at that tyme as you say when that Councel that ye call the solemne Councel was holdē and wherin the great Charter was graunted and where as ye most falsly say yt was disanulled but in a conuocation at an other tyme. Now putting the case there were any such payment denied doth that spoile the pope of his supremacy By as good reason ye may conclude yf any thing be denied the King that he demaundeth in the parliament that therefore he is no King This former answere
whome he went about to poyson By reason of which outrages he was as I said denounced enemy to the Church of Rome by Alexander the .4 and shortly after Charles Kinge Lewys his brother was made King of Sicilie by Clemens the .4 paying to the Pope a tribute and holding of him by faithe and homage Such Supreme heads were your Conradus Conradinus and Manfredus As for Charles who only by the Popes Authority came to that dignity as I haue said it is not true that he as you say had all or most of the doing in the election or making of diuerse Popes For the Cardinalls only had the whole doing Truth it is that a strief and contention rising amonge the Cardinals for the election and many of them being enclined to serue Charles expectation they elected those which he best liked of But what can all this make to proue the Prince Supreme Gouernour in al ecclesiastical causes yea or in any ecclesiastical cause at al Prīces euē now adaies find some like fauour sometimes at the electiō of Popes But thīk you therfore thei are takē of their subiects for Supreme Gouernours c You may be ashamed M. Horne that your reasons be no better M. Horne The .130 Diuision pag. 79. b. Edvvard the first King of Englande about this time made the Statute of Northampton So that after that time no man should geue neither sel nor bequeath neither chaūge neither bye title assign lāds tenemēts neither rētes to no mā of Religiō without the Kīgs leaue which acte sence that tyme hath bē more straightly enacted and deuised with many additiōs thereunto augmēted or annexed The which Law saith Polidore he made .442 bicause he was Religionis studiosissimꝰ c. most studiouse of Religion and most sharpe enemie to the insolency of the Priests The .27 Chapter Of King Edward the first of Englande Stapleton LEaue ones Maister Horne to proue that wherein no man doth stande with you and proue vs that either Kinge Edwarde by this facte was the Supreame Head of the Churche or that the Popes Primacie was not aswel acknowledged in Englād in those dayes as it hath ben in our dayes None of your marginal Authours auouch any such thinge Neither shall ye euer be able to proue it Your authours and many other haue plentiful matter to the contrarye especially the Chronicle of Iohannes Londonensis which semeth to haue liued aboute that tyme and seemeth amonge all other to haue writen of him verie exactlye Lette vs see then whether Kinge Edwarde tooke him selfe or the Pope for the Supreame Head of the Churche This King after his Fathers death returning from the holie Lande in his iourney visited Pope Gregorie the tenthe and obteyned of him an excommunication against one Guido de monte forti for a slawghter he had committed Two yeares after was the famouse Councell holden at Lions at the which was present the Emperour Michael Paleologus of whome we haue somewhat spoken And trowe ye Maister Horne that at suche tyme as the Grecians which had longe renounced the Popes authority returned to their olde obedience againe that the realm of Englande withdrewe it selfe from the olde and accustomable obedience Or trowe ye that the true and worthye Bisshops of England refused that Councell as ye and your fellowes counterfeite and parliament bisshops only haue of late refused the Councel of Trente No no. Our authour sheweth by a verse commonly then vsed that it was frequented of all sorte And the additions to Newburgensis which endeth his storie as the said Iohn doth with this King saith that plures episcopi cōuenerunt de vniuersis terris de Anglia ibidem aderant archiepiscopi Cantuar. Ebor. et caeteri episcopi Angliae ferè vniuersi there came thither manye bisshops from al quarters and from Englād the Archbisshops of Canterburie and Yorke and in a maner all the other bisshops of the realme In this Kinges tyme the Pope did infringe and annichilate the election of the Kings Chauncelour being Bisshop of Bathe and Welles chosen by the monks and placed in the Archebisshoprike of Caunterbury Iohn Pecham In this Kings tyme the yere of our Lorde .1294 the prior of Caunterburie was cited to Rome and in the yeare .1298 appeale was made to the Pope for a controuersie towching the election of a newe Bisshop of Elie. Thre yeres after the bisshop of Chester was constrayned to appeare personally at Rome and to answere to certayne crymes wherewith he was charged Wythin two yeares after was there an other appeale after the death of the Bisshoppe of London towching the election of the newe Bisshoppe Yea the authority of the Pope was in highe estimation not onely for spirituall but euen for temporal matters also The Kinges mother professed her selfe a religiouse woman whose dowrie notwithstandinge was reserued vnto her and confirmed by the Pope For the greate and weightye matters and affaires standing in controuersie and contention betwene this King Edward and the Frenche Kinge the Pope was made arbiter and vmpier who made an agreament and an arbitrimente which being sente vnder his seale was reade in open parliamente at Westmynster and was well liked of all The Kinge and the nobility sendeth in the yeare of our Lorde 1300. letters to the Pope sealed with an hundred seales declaring the right of the crowne of England vpon Scotlād and they desire the Pope to defende their right and that he would not geue a light eare to the false suggestiōs of the Scots There are extant at this day the letters of Iohn Baliole and other Scots agnising the said superiority sent to this Kinge Edwarde In the foresaide yeare .1300 the Kinge confirmed the great Charter and the Charter of the Forest and the Archebisshoppe of Caunterburie with the other Bisshoppes pronounced a solemne curse vpon al suche as would breake the sayd liberties This Kinge was encombred with diuerse and longe warres aswell with Fraunce as Scotlande and therefore was fayne to charge the clergy and laity with many payments But in as much as Pope Bonifacius consideringe the wonderfull and intolerable exactions daylie layed vppon the clergy of they re princes had ordeyned in the councell at Lions that from thence forth the clergy shuld pay no tribute or taxe without the knowledge and consente of the see of Rome Robert Archbishop of Canterbury being demaunded a tribute for him self and his clergie stode in the matter not without his great busines and trouble And at the length vpon appellation the matter came to the Popes hearing The kinge had afterwarde by the Popes consente dyuerse payments of the clergy Many other thinges could I lay forth for the popes primacy practised at this tyme in Englande And is nowe M. Horn one onely Acte of Parliament made against Mortmaine of such force with yow that it is able to plucke frō the Pope his triple Crowne and set yt vppon the kynges head Yf
as your aūcetours the old heretikes were wōt to do in alleging of scripture ād the Fathers that is in chopping and paring of what it pleaseth you and as ye are cutte of your selues from the Churche so dismembre you also your authours allegations euen as S. Cyprian many yeres sythēce hath described and painted you fotrh Firste then is there any one of al your authors that as ye moste wyckedly doe goeth abowt by this story either to make this king Supreame Heade of the frenche Church or to deface and disanul the Popes Primacie No truely Onlesse perchaunce yt be the authour that added to Vrspergēsis I meane your owne deare brother Gaspar Hedio his addition aswell agreeing for matters of fayth with hys firste authour Vrspergensis as the legges and loynes of an horse wil agree with the head shoulders and vpper part of a mans bodie Yea beside his heresy he is to yong to be alleaged for authour authentical To be shorte the dealing of this kinge proueth nothing the lyke regiment that nowe is in our realme which is your peculiar matter and the only matter M. Fekēham resteth vppon and so for al your great sturre with burning the Popes Bulles and commaūding the Popes Legates to auoyd the realme ye goe fayre and farre frō the matter For where you say he wold suffer none of his clergy to goe to the Popes councels that was but of one only Councell called against him self Item where you say He caused the Popes bulles to be burned first not he but Familiares Regis the Kings frendes and courtiars did it and yet it was but one bulle neither and that of the kingss owne excommunication Againe where you saie he commaunded the Popes Legates to auoide the realme It was but one Legate about that one matter that he so commaunded With these many vntruthes by the Arte of Multiplication you entre your plea. Touching the matter it selfe the Kings grudge was but a priuate and a personall grudge and enmitie against Bonifacius no lasting or perpetual renuntiation of the whole Papal authoritie as it is euident by the discourse of al your owne Authors And therefore Bonifacius being dead who accursed the King and interdited the Realme bothe he and the Realme were released from curse and interdiction by Benedictus successour to this Bonifacius Yea Bonifacius yet liuing this King most plainly agnised the authoritie of the See of Rome appealing from this Bonifacius ▪ whom he toke not for the right Pope but an vsurper and an intruder to the See Apostolical vacant as he thought and to the next successour Ye heare Maister Horne notwithstanding the greate enmitie betwene the King and Pope Bonifacius that he appealeth to the See of Rome being as he thought vacant and that he is as I haue said ▪ absolued from the sentence of excommunication by Bonifacius his successour whiche altogether ye omitte But yet ye tell vs of Pope Clement the fift made as ye say pope by this King But here you ouerreache your Authour and water him with your olde lying glose Nauclerus neither saieth nor could truely saye that the king made him pope but saith he was made Pope by his intercessiō Neither your Authour Antoninus saieth it Ye saye he swore this pope to certaine condicions Why doe ye not name thē M. Horne Forsoth because in the naming of thē the fourme state and condition of this your new primacy in your faire Phillip woulde be full ilfauoredly acrased and defourmed Among other there were these three Prima est vt me perfectè reconcilies Ecclesiae sacrosanctae relaxando veniā dando de adiutorio dato in captura Bonifacij Papae Secundum est vt censuras excommunicationis amoueas contra me meos sequ●ces prolatas Tertium est quòd mihi concedas omnes decimas regni per quinquennium in reparationem expensarum multarum in bello inito contra Flandrenses First that ye will perfectly reconcile me to the Churche and release and forgeue me for that by my meanes Pope Boniface was taken prisoner Secondly that you wil reuoke the sentence of excommunication geuen against mee and my confederates Thirdly that you will graunte me for fiue yeres the tenth of al my realme to relieue me for the great charges and expences defraied in my warres against the Flemmings These conditions the king required the Pope to assure him of by Othe Then would M. Horne faine haue Pope Boniface taken for an heretique and saieth that King Phillip would haue had it so declared by the Councell holden at Vienna But the matter was taken vp M. Horne saith and to satisfie the King it was declared that Pope Bonifacius doings should not be preiudiciall to him and his heires And why haue ye M. Horne either wilily omitted the matters for the which the pope was cōditionated withal or haue so fondly told vs against your self of this Councell at Vienna Why but to cōfirme the popes primacy ād to declare your selfe also a lyer in saying the matter was taken vp c. For the Coūcel assembled of .300 Bishops beside other prelats would in no wise agree to the kings request but declared the cōtrary to wit that Bonifacius was a catholike and an vndoubted Bishop as your owne authours Antoninus and Nauclerus specifie Yea Nauclere addeth Quo rex cogebatur contentus esse With the which determination of the Councel the kinge was constrayned to be contented At the coronation of the foresayde Clement were presente not only this Philip the Frenche king but the king of Arragone and as some write the kinge of Englande also Yet hath M. Horn one other prouf ▪ to proue Philip head of the Churche for that he deposed a Bishop for heresye and for that he claymed the inuestiture of Bishoppes As for the inuestitures let them goe for this time we haue sayd inough I suppose of that matter And as for deposing of a Bishope he deposed him not but vnder pretence of heresy saieth Nauclere he depriued him of all his temporaltyes and of his Bishopricke But why doe ye not M. Horne recite the whole sentēce of your authors Antoninus and Nauclerus For as for Blondus writing nothing of this mater that is of of the deposing of any Bishop or of the claimīg of the inuestitures for the which you seeme to alleage him ye doe but blindly allege and may blot hī out again sauing that ye may truly put in that in the Councel which king Philip called in Fraūce he appealed as I haue told you to th'Apostolik See of Rome But why do ye not as I sayd shew the whole ād entiere sentēce of your authours fully to adorne your primacy withal whiche is that he toke a certayne Bishoppe laying to hys charge that he was a Paterā heretik spoyling hym of his Bishopryke and of al his goods ād that he spoyled also and robbed the Bishopprykes beinge vacante and that he would haue had the inuestitures of the Bishoppes Now
the Emperour as appeareth by his letters patentes therevppon beginning thus Lodouike the fourth by the grace of God c. To all patriarches Archebisshoppes Bisshops and priest●● c. And ending thus VVherfore by the Councell and consent of the prelates and princes c. VVe denounce and determine that al such processes be of no force or moment and straightly charge and commaund to all that liue in our Empire of what estate or condition so euer they be that they presume not to obserue the saied sentences and curses of the popes interdiction c. An other Councell he called aftervvards at the same place about the same matter because Pope Clemēt called it heresie To saie that the Emperour had authoritie to depose the pope which heresie as principall he laid .440 first to the Emperours charg Item .441 that the Emperour affirmed that Christ and his Apostles were but poore Item the .3 heresie that he made and deposed Bisshops Item that he neglected the Popes interdightmēt c. Itē that he .442 ioyned certaine in mariage in degrees forbidden he meaneth forbidden by the Popes lavves and deuorceth them that were maried in the face of the Church VVhiche in deede vvas nothing els ▪ but that amongest other Ecclesiastical lavves that the Emperour set forth vvere some for mariages and deuorcements contrary to the Popes decrees The .29 Chapter Of Lewys the .4 Emperour Stapleton WE haue neede Maister Horne of a newe Iudge Marcelline that maie by his interlocutorie sentence bring you as he did the Donatistes from your wilde wide wandering home againe to your matter Let it be for the time if ye will needes so haue it that the Emperours Authoritie dothe not depende of the Pope yea and that Pope Iohn the .22 was also for his owne priuate person an Heretique And then I beseeche you adde your wise conclusion Ergo Maister Feckenham must take a corporall Othe that the Queene is Supreme Heade of the Churche of England Now on the other side if we can proue againste you that euen this your owne Supreame Head Lewys for spirituall and Ecclesiasticall matters agnised the Popes and the Generall Councelles Authoritie to be Superiour to the Authoritie of the Emperoure and of all other Princes and that they all must be obediente and submitte them selues therevnto then shal Maister Fekenham conclude with you an other manner of Ergo and that is that ye and your confederates are no Bishoppes as made contrarye to the lawes and ordinaunces of the Pope and as well of the late Generall Councel at Trent as of other General Councels yea that ye are no good Christians but plaine Heretiques for refusing the Pope and the said Generall Councelles authoritie For the proufe of our assertion that this Emperour albeit he stode against the Pope auouching him selfe for a true and a ful Emperour thowghe he were not cōfirmed by the Pope which was the very state of the original controuersie betwixt hym and the Pope and thowghe he procured Pope Iohn as much as lay in hym to be deposed ād placed an other in his roume belieued yet this notwithstanding that the Pope for spiritual and fayth matters was the Head of the Church which thing is the ōly matter stāding in debate betwene you ād M. Feckēhā for prouf I say of this we wil not stray farre of but fetche yt only of your owne authours here named who cōfesse that he appealed to the very same Pope Iohn yl enformed when he should be afterwarde better enformed and withall to a general councel But what nede we seke ayde at Antoninus and Nauclerus hands when we haue yt so redy at your own hāds For your self say that he placed an other Pope in Iohns stead Ergo he acknowledged a Pope stil ād as your authour saieth vt verū Christi vicarium as the true vicar of Christ. Neither did your Emperour diminishe or blemishe the Popes authority in any poynte sauing that he sayd he might appeale frō hym to the general coūcel and that thēperour was not inferiour or subiect to hym for temporal iurisdictiō But with you ād your bād neither Pope nor general coūcell taketh place Now thē that ye are cast euē by your own emperour we might wel let goe the residewe of your superfluous talke sauing that yt is worth the marking to see your true honest and wise hādling of it Your first ouersight ād vntruth thē is that ye write that the Pope claimed the cōfirmatiō of thēperour as an ecclesiastical matter In dede he claimed the same ād so right wel he might do as no new thing by him inuēted but browght to him frō hād to hād frō successor to successour by the race and cōtinuance of many hundred yeares And yet if we speak properly yt is no matter ecclesiastical no more thē the patrimony of S. Peter cōsisting in tēporall lāds was a matter ecclesiastical and yet bothe dewe to the Pope The one by the gyfte of dyuerse good princes the other either by prescriptiō of time owt of mind or by special order takē by the popes at such time as the pope made Charles the great Emperour of the West or whē he trāslated thēpire into Germany and ordeined .7 Princes there to haue the electiō of th' Emperor or for some other good reason that yf nede be may be yet further alleaged ād better enforced thē that al your wytte and cōning shall euer be able wel to auoyd Nay say ye thēperour had great lerned mē on his syde experte in diuinity and in the ciuil and canō law But whē ye come to nōber thē ye fynd none but the Poetes Dāte 's and Petrarcha Ockā the scholeman and the great heretike Marsilius Patauinus And shal these men M. Horne coūteruayle or ouerweighe the practise of the church euer synce vsed to the cōtrary and cōfirmed by the great cōsente of the catholyke writers and dyuerse general councelles withal Ye write as out of Antoninus or Marius in a seueral and latin letter that the Popes attemptes were erroneous and derogating from the simplicity of the Christiā religiō But such wordes I fynd as yet in neither of thē nor in any other of your authours here named And your authour Antoninus saieth that in this point both Dāte 's ād Ockam with other do erre and that the monarchy of the Empire is subiect to the Church euē in matters temporal And wheras your secte wil haue no meane place for any Christians but heauen or hell your Dante 's as Antoninus telleth hath fownde a meane place beside heauen and hel for Socrates Aristotle Cicero Homere and suche lyke Suerly Dante 's for his other opinion towching thēperours subiection is counted not muche better then an heretyke As for Marsilius Patauinus he hath bene aswell long agoe as also of late largely and learnedly answered But as for these writers Marsilius Patauinus Ockam Dante 's and Petrarche with diuerse
Quapropter sancitum est vt nulli mortalium deinceps liceret pro quauis causa agere apud Romanum Pontificem vt quispiam in Anglia eius authoritate impius religionisque hostis publicè declararetur hoc est excommunicaretur quemadmodum vulgò dicitur néue exequi tale mandatum si quod ab illo haberet Sincerely translated thus they stande A Councel sayeth he was called at Westmynster wherin yt was thowght good to the king and his Princes for theire common weale in Englande yf a parte of the Popes authority were bounded within the lymytes of the Occean sea because many were dayly troubled and vexed for causes which they thowght coulde not be well hearde at Rome Wherfore yt was decreed that yt should be lawfull for no man to sue to the Pope for euery cause to haue any man in Englande by his authority publikely pronounced a wicked man and an enemie of religion that is as the people commonly terme yt to be excommunicated And that if any man haue any suche commaundement he doe not exequute yt The statute then doth not embarre as ye most shamefully pretend all suites to Rome nor all excommunications from the Pope but only that it should not be lawfull to sue to Rome and procure excommunications indifferently as wel in temporal as in spiritual matters as it seemeth many did then And this doth nothing acrase the Popes ordinarie authoritie Now that this is the meaning your Authour him selfe sufficiently declareth First when he speaketh but of a parte of the Popes authoritie then when he sheweth that men sued to Rome for suche causes as were thought could not be heard there which must nedes be temporall causes And therefore ye ouerhipped one whole line and more in your translation thinking by this sleight so craftely to conueie into your theeuish Cacus denne this sentence that no man should espie you And for this purpose where your Authour writeth pro quauis causa agere that is to sue for euery cause Ye translate to trie any cause As though it were al one to say I forbidde you to sue to Rome for euery cause and to saie I forbidde you to sue to Rome for any cause And as though your Authour Polidore had writē pro quacunque causa agere to trie any cause at al. The statute therefore doth not cut of al suites but some suites that is for suche matters as were temporal or thought so to be Wherevppō it wil followe that for all spiritual matters the Popes iurisdiction remained vntouched and nothing blemished For these woordes of the statute that men shoulde not sue in euerie cause to Rome imploye some causes for the whiche they might sue to Rome And so for all your gaie Grammar and ruffling Rhetorique the Popes authoritie is confirmed by this statute whiche ye bring againste it And this King Richard confirmed it and was redie to mainteine it not by words only but by the sworde also And therefore caused to be gathered fiftene thousand fotemen and two thousand horsemen and sent them out of the realme to defende Pope Vrbane against his ennemie and Antipope Clement You on the other side in this your victoriouse booke haue brought a iolie sorte of souldiers to the field to fight against the Pope but when all is well seene and examined ye doe nothing but muster lies together against the Pope as he did men to fight for the Pope A farre of and vppon the sodaine an vnskilfull man would thinke ye had a iolie and a well sette armie but lette him come nigh and make a good view and then he shal finde nothing but a sorte of scar crowes pricked vppe in mans apparell M. Horne The .140 Diuision pag. 13. a. The Churche of Rome at this time vvas marueilouslie torne in sunder vvith an horrible Schisme vvhiche continued about fortie yeares hauing at ones three heades calling them selues Popes euerie one of them in moste despitefull vvise calling the other Antichriste Schismatique Heretique tyraunt thiefe traitour the sonne of perdition sovver of Cockle the child of Beliall c. Diuerse learned men of that time inueighed againste them all three as Henricus de Hassia Ioan. Gerson Theodorych Nyem Secretarie before this to Pope Boniface vvho proueth at lardge by .456 good reasons by the vvoorde of God and by the Popes Decrees that the refourmation of these horrible disorders in the Chuche belong to the Emperour and the Secular Princes Sigismunde the noble Emperour vnderstanding his duetie herein amongest other his notable Actes called a Councell togeather at Constantia and brought againe to vnitie the Churche deuided in three partes whiche Councell saithe Nauclerus beganne by the Emperours cōmaundemente and industrye in the yeare 1414 To the vvhiche Councel came Pope Iohn before thēmperors cōming thinking to haue 457 outfaced the Councell vvith his pretensed authoritie till the Emperoure came vvho geauing to all men in the Councel free libertie to speake their mindes a great companie of horrible vices were laied straight way to his chardge To the vvhich vvhen he vvas not able to ansvvere he vvas .458 deposed and the other tvvo Popes also and an other 459 chosen chieflie by the Emperon●s meanes called Martin the fifte After these things finished they entred into communication of a reformation bothe of the Clergie and the Laitie to vvhiche purpose the Emperour had deuised a booke of Constitutions and also vvilled certaine learned Fathers there but specially the Bisshoppe of Camera a Cardinall there presente to deuise vvhat faultes they could finde and hovve they shoulde be ●edressed not sparing any degree neyther of the Prelates nor of the Princes themselues VVhiche the Bisshoppe did and compiled a little booke or Libell entituled A Libell for reformation of the Churche gathered togeather by Peter de Aliaco c. And offered to the Churche rulers gathered togeather in Constaunce Councel by the commaundemente of the Emperoure Sigismunde cet In this Libell of refourmation after he hathe touched the notable enormities in the Pope in the Courte of Rome in the Cardinalles in the Prelates in Religious personnes and in Priestes in exactions in Canons and Decretalles in collations of benefices in fastings in the Diuine Seruice in Pictures in making festiuall daies in making Sainctes in reading theyr legendes in the Churche in hallovving Temples in vvoorshipping Reliques in calling Councelles in making Relligious souldiours in refourming Vniuersities in studying liberal Sciences and knovvledge of the tongues in repairing Libraries and in promoting the learned After all these thinges being .460 Ecclesiasticall matters or causes he concludeth vvith the dueties of Princes for the looking to the reformation of these matters or any other that needeth amendement The sixth saieth he and the last consideration shall be of the refourminge of the state of the Laie Christians and chieflie the Princes of whose manners dependeth the behauiour of the people cet Let them see also that they
neuer calleth the Emperour supreame gouernour in all matters no not in any matter Ecclesiasticall He sayeth the Emperour is truly called Aduocatus vniuersalis Ecclesiae the Aduocat or protectour of the vniuersall Churche And wherein he declareth out of the .8 Generall Councel For sayth he as the Authoryte to define and determine those thinges that belonge to the right and vniuersall faythe of Christe is committed of God to Priestes so to gouerne to confirme and to preserue those thinges that are of God by the Priestes ordayned it is committed to the holy Empire And this he graunteth to the Emperour onely not to other seuerall princes and kinges bicause he speaketh onely herein of matters touchinge the vniuersall faith of the Church Wherein also he so farre preferreth the pope before the Emperour that he sayeth Si papa qui in Episcopatu fidei principatum gerit electum in fide errare inueniret declarare posset eum non esse Imperatorem If the pope who beareth the principalytie in the bishoply charge of Fayth should finde the Emperour elected to erre in the fayth he might pronoūce him no Emperor In the next chapter he proueth very wel out of the Chalcedon Councell the Councells of Milleuitum and of Cabylon that in matters properly ecclesiasticall belonging to bishops and clerckes Emperours and princes ought not to intermedle Nowe touching the intermedling of Emperours and princes with Councelles firste he sheweth by the examples of Riccharedus Chintillanus and Sysenandus kinges of Spayne in .iij. seuerall Councelles of Toletum which also we haue before shewed with what mekenes reuerence and humilite princes ought to come to Councells And wheras in many Synodes matters also of the common welthe were debated he declareth by the practise of Aunciente time that In Synodicis congregationibus c. In Synodall assemblyes of particular prouinces the office of the kinge is to mete there to exhorte and to strengthē to obey and to execute the ecclesiastical cōstitutions such as belonge to fayth or to the worshipping of God But in such cōstitutions as belonge to the publike state of the common welthe he must together with the bishops define and determine In all which he ouerthroweth clerely your position M. Horne as you see And here after this in the next chapter immediatly foloweth the place by you alleaged By that which is aforesayd it is gathered that Emperors made alwayes the Synodal congregations of vniuersall Councels of the whole worlde c. For this he speaketh only of General Councels adding immediatly in the same sentence which sentence you quyte cutte of from the ende Locales verò nunquam eos legitur collegisse But prouinciall Synodes it is neuer read that Emperours called And in the nexte Sentence he concludeth howe he called the generall Councelles Non quòd coactiuè sed exhortatiuè colligere debeat Not that the Emperour should cal or gather those Councels by the way of force or cōmaundement but by the way of exhortation and aduise And this he exemplifieth very well by the Councell of Aquileia whereat S. Ambrose was present Vnto the which the bishops were so called by the Emperours Gratian Valētinian and Theodosius as in their epistle the Councel agniseth vt episcopis honorificentia reseruata nemo de esset volens nemo cogeretur inuitus that dewe reuerēce beīg reserued to the bishops none was absent that listed to come nor none was forced that listed not to come Nowe the reason why the Emperour may cal only General Councels none prouinciall Cusanus addeth For saieth he when any generall daungers of fayth do occurre or any other thing that vniuersally troubleth the Church of Christ then ought the Emperour him self to attende as a preseruer both of the fayth and of the peace and thē he ought first of all to signifie to the bishop of Rome the necessyte of a Councel and requyre his consent for assembling a Councell in some certayne place As the Emperours Martiā and Valentinian did to pope Leo for the Chalcedō Councell Inuitātes atque rogantes Inuitinge him and desiringe him As Constantin the .4 did to pope Agatho for the .6 general Councell at Constantinople writing thus vnto him Adhortamur vestram paternam Beatitudinem We exhorte your fatherly blessednes vsinge all wordes of gentle intreaty and none of forceable commaundemente as we haue before largely declared To be short Cusanus concludeth al this Imperiall callinge of Councelles in these wordes Ista sunt cat These are the thinges that belonge to the Emperour touchinge the beginninge of a Councell that is to assemble it with exhortation and with sauegarde with all liberty with good custody all partialytie taken away and all necessyte of commaundement Nowe if you wil knowe what difference there is betwene the calling of the Pope and the calling of the Emperour to a Councel Cusanus declareth that also shortly by the practise of the first Councels thus Papa vt primus c. The Pope calleth a General Councel for of such he speaketh as the chief and as hauing a power to cōmaunde through the principality of his priesthood ouer all bisshops touching that assembly which cōcerneth the vniuersal state of the Church in the which he beareth the chiefe charge By the which power committed vnto him he may commaūd the faithful to assemble chiefly al priestes subiect vnto him But the Emperour exhorteth or counselleth the Bisshops and commaundeth the Laye Thus much your own Authour Cusanus M. Horne concerning the Emperours Authority in calling of Councels I suppose if you take his whole meaning your cause wil be but weakely relieued by him And I think you wishe nowe you had neuer alleaged him M. Horne The .143 Diuision pag. 85. b. Next vnto Frederike vvas M●ximilian Emperour to vvhome the Princes of Germany put vp certaine greuaunces in Ecclesiasticall matters that anoied the Empire in number .10 Against Bulles Priuileges Electiōs reseruatiōs expectatiues Annates vnfit pastours pardōs tythes ād the spiritual courtes c. beseching hī to haue some redresse herin VVho being moued vvith the admonitions aduisementes and exhortations of the learned Clergy and the godly Princes at the length called a Councel at Triers and Colayn for the redresse of these and other enormities in the yeere of the Lord 1512. vvhich vvas the fourth yeere of the moste renoumed King of Englād King Henry the eight In this Councel amongest other thinges because there was a suspicion of a Schisme breedinge and of greauaunces in the Churche it vvas necessarily decreed that the Emperour and Princes electours vvith other Princes and states of the Empire should looke about them and vvel cōsult by what means these greeues might be taken away most commodiouslie and the Schisme remoued and euill thinges reformed to edification It was decreed also against blasphemours to paie either a somme of money limited or to suffer death And that all men should knowe this decree it was thought
This to be so the Authoritie of Canons doth witnesse This the ecclesiastical history proueth This the holie Fathers confirme Lo you see M. Horne what the iudgement of Isidorus was aboue .900 yeres past howe iumpe it agreeth with the assertion of Catholiques now and how directly it ouerthroweth yours This therfore being so sure a Principle on our parte and so clerelie proued bethinke your selfe now M. Horne how your new Primacie wil be proued by this allegation Touching that you saie This Clergie in King Henries daies was not only of Diuines but also of the wisest most expert and best learned in the Ciuil and Canon Lawes that was or hath ben sence as D. Tonstal D. Stokesley D. Gardiner D. Thirlbie and D. Bonner by the euident falsehood whiche you practise in alleaging these witnesses a man may iudge with what fidelitie you haue handled the rest throughout your whole booke Who is ignoraunte that not one of these Reuerent Fathers did sincerely thinke that to be true which you here impute vnto them For whereas all vpright iudgement shoulde come of a mans owne free choise not stained or spotted either with the hope of priuate lucre and honoure or with the feare of great losse the one of those two things which of all other most forceably carieth men away from professing their owne conscience did stoppe those men from saying and vttering that which otherwise they would most gladly haue vttered sithens as they were put in hope of al promotion if they agreed with the Kings will of which they made I iudge the lesse accompte so disagreeing from the same they were certaine to loose bothe goods and life and also their good name in the shew of the worlde as who shoulde haue bene put to deathe by the name of Traitours whiche is the thing that all true subiectes doe chieflie abhorre Yet you knowe in suche sorte suffered a great many notable both for learning and vertue as D. Fisher Bishoppe of Rochester Syr Thomas More a great number of the Carthusians beside diuerse other of all estates You knowe also the matter then was not so sifted and tryed by learning as it hath bene since And we know they were the secrete snakes of your adders broode that induced the King to that minde not any of the Doctours here by you named who all againste their willes condescended therevnto Howe then are they broughte foorthe for witnesses of your heresies who for feare of deathe saied as you doe and that no longer then the foresaid impedimente laie in theyr waye For when the state of the worlde was otherwise that without feare of deathe they might vtter their minde freely who knoweth not that all they who liued to see those daies of freedome in all theire woordes and deedes protested that the Pope and not the King was head of the Churche vnder Christ Neuer hearde you M. Horne that when your owne brethren being arryued before D. Gardiner the Bishope of Winchester and then Chauncelour of England had saied they lerned theyr disobedience vnto the Pope out of his booke De vera obedientia c. then he aunswered that if they had bene good Scholers they would haue folowed theyr Maister in his beste and not in his worste doeinges Againe if they had erred through his Authority whē he was not so wel learned and grounded they should much more repēt and recāt through his Authority being nowe better lerned through longer studie and better grounded through longer experience And this Doctour Gardiner when he was moste of your side in this one matter yet he was so suspected of the Kinge for secrete conference with the Pope by letters to be sent by a straunger in the tyme of his embassye on this side of the Seas that as Master Foxe reporteth for this verie cause Kinge Henrie in all Generall Pardons graunted after that tyme dyd euermore excepte all treasons committed beyonde the Seas whiche was meant for the Bishoppes cause This ys that Doctour Gardiner who at Paules Crosse in a moste Honorable and full Audience witnessed not onely his owne repentaunce for his former naughty doings but also that King Henry sought diuerse tymes to haue reconciled hym selfe againe to the See of Rome as who knewe that he had vnlawfully departed from the vnytie thereof and had made hym selfe the Supreme Heade of the Churche of Englande altogether vniustly This is that Doctour Gardiner ▪ who lying in his deathebedde caused the Passion of Christe to be readen vnto hym and when he hearde it readen that Peter after the denying of his Maister went out and wepte bitterlie he causyng the Reader to staye wept him selfe full bitterlie and saied Ego exiui sed non dum fleui amarè I haue gone out but as yet I haue not wepte bytterlie And is nowe Doctour Gardiner a fitte witnesse for your secular Supremacy M. Horne Marcellinus the Pope being afearde of deathe dyd sacrifice vnto Idolles And the same Marcellinus repenting his vniuste feare dyd afterwarde sacrifice his owne bodie and soule for the loue of Christe suffring Martyrdome for his sake Will you nowe proue Idolles to be better then Christe by the facte of Marcellinus Or shall not the last iudgemente stande rather then the first What meane you then to alleage the iudgementes of Doctour Gardiner Doctour Thirlbey Doctour Tonstall and Doctour Bonner sith you knowe that all those chaunged their mindes vppon better aduise Or whie died Doctour Tonstalle in prisonne Or why lye the other learned godly Bisshops yet in prisonne if they are of your minde But if you knowe that they dissente vtterly from you and yet doe pretende to bring their Authoritie for you this fact declareth that you are not only a fond wrangler but also a wicked falsarie and that you knowe as well Saint Augustine whome you alleaged before so largelye and all the Councels and princes with al other Authours by you producted are none otherwise of your minde then are Doctour Thirlebie and Doctour Bonner whome you so impudentlie make to speake as Proctours in your cause albeit they are readie to shedde their bloude against this your opinion Once in maner the whole clergy of the Realme sinned most greuously by preferring the secular and earthly kingdome before the Magistrates of the heauēly kingdome But that sinne of theirs al those now abhor and haue before abhorred to whō God gaue grace to see the filthines and the absurdty thereof And surelye vntil the rest bothe of the clergy and of the layety do hartely repēt for that most filthy and absurd dede wherein they withdrewe the Supremacy from S. Peters successours and gaue it to the successours of Iulius Caesar vntill I say they repent for it and refourme that minde of theirs as much as lyeth in thē they cā neuer be made partakers of the kingedome of heauen But only they shal inherit the kingdome of the earth in whose Supremacy they put their cōfidence You Mayster Horn haue in dede great
vntrue that he bringeth in Lotharius to confirme that which Speculatour said For he intreateth of Lotharius before he alleageth Speculator and doth not alleage Lotharius for that purpose ye speake of Fiftly and last Lotharius is not as ye pretende of this mynde that all iurisdiction cometh of the secular Prince For Lotharius meaneth not of the clergies iurisdiction which cometh not of the Prince but of the iurisdiction of Laye men which all together dependeth of the Prince M. Horne The .147 Diuision pag. 87. b. And vvriting of the Kings povver in Eccle. .483 matters or causes he citeth this Canon Quando vult Deus foorth of the decrees vvhereuppon he as it vvere commenteth saying Thus is the reason vvherefore it is leaful for the Prince some vvhiles to determine those things vvhich concerne the Church least the honesty of the mother he meaneth the Church should in any thing be violated or least her tranquilly should be troubled specially of them to vvhom she is committed meaning the Church Ministers Stapleton Leaue ones M. Horne this peuishe pinching and paring this miserable mayming and marring of your authours Your authour M. Horne geueth two rules the first for the authority and matters of the Church saying that in matter of fayth and synne the lawe of the Church is euer to be obserued and therto all princes lawes must yelde whiche rule he proueth at large And thus yow see your owne authour standeth agaīst you for one of the cheif matters of your booke wherī ye wil in al matters to be determined by the Church that the princes cōsent is to be had The .2 rule is touching the prince wherin he sayth that it apperteyneth to the kings and princes of the worlde to desire that the Church theyr mother of whome they are spiritually born be in their tyme in rest and quietnes And this is the reason and so forth as your self reherse What can ye gather of this that is sayde that somtyme the princes may determine of thinges touchinge the Church seyng as ye haue heard before this determination toucheth not fayth or synne nor can be vsed of them generally but sometymes for the quietnes of the Church M. Horn. The .148 Diuision pag. 87. b. If there be any other thing this chiefly is an Ecclesiasticall matter namely to call or conuocate Councelles saith Quintinus But this is the opinion saith he of many learned men that the Emperour may conuocate a general Councel so often and for any cause whan the pope and the Cardinalles be noted of any suspiciō and doo forslowe ād ceasse either for lacke of skil or peraduenture of some euil meaning or of both or els whan there is any schisme Cōstātinus saith he called the first Nicene coūcel the other three general Coūcels Gratianus Theodosius and Martianus themperours called by their edict Iustinianus called the fifte general coūcel at Cōstantinople themperor Cōstātine .4 did cōuocat the sixt general Coūcel agaīst the Monothelytes The authority of the kīg Theodorike cōmaunded the Bishops ād priestes forth of diuers prouīces to assemble together at Rome for the purgatiō of Pope Symachus the first Carolus Magnus as it is in our histories cōmaūded fiue Coūcels to be celebrated for the Ecclesiastical state to wit Moguntinum Remense Cabilonense Arelatense and Turonense The Pope calleth the Bishops to Rome or to some other place the King dooth forbidde them to go or he commaundeth them to come to his Court or .484 Councell the Bisshoppes muste obey the kinges precept not onely in this case but in any other matter what so euer besides sinne for he that dooth not obserue his bounden fidelitie to the kinge whether he be a Bisshoppe Priest or Deacon is to be throwne foorth of his degree or place For the proufe vvhereof he citeth many Canons out of the decrees and concludeth thus to be briefe this is mine opinion whan the kinge calleth together the Prelates to a Councell and to reforme the state of the Church they are bounde to obey yea although the Pope .486 forbidde it Stapleton This is our olde matter of calling of Coūcels by princes wherin you see you authour maketh no general or absolut rule as you doe but for certayne tymes and considerations for the which I will not greatly stande with yowe seinge that your authour confesseth that which we most stand for and ye stande most against that the prince in such coūcels hath not the superiority but the cleargy For he saith I wil that princes be present at such Councelles but not president And therfor Quintinus wil not be aduocat for the bishops that by their priesthod promised that they woulde enacte nothing in their synodes without the kings consente Yet haue ye one prety knacke more in Quintinus to proue the king supreame head and not the pope For if the kinge on the one syde and the pope on the other side call the bisshops to a Councell the Bisshoppes muste obey the kinge and not the pope and not onely in this thinge but in all other thinges what so euer beside synne Happie is it that ye haue putte in beside synne for this putteth you quite beside your cusshion as they say and beside your matter and purpose For this is synne yea and one of the moste horrible kindes of synne that is a schisme for any prince or anie other to holde a councell contrary to the councell summoned by a lawfull Pope Such neuer had anie good successe as the ecclesiasticall stories euery where reporte And as Aarons rodde deuoured the roddes of Iamnes and Mambres and other sorcerers in Aegipte and as his rodde onely among all the roddes of the schismaticall and murmuringe people of Israell did geue forth yong slippes and braunches and for a memoriall was reserued in the tabernacle Euen so those councells that the pope gathered or allowed haue deuoured and abolished all other vnlawful and schismaticall conuenticles They onely florish and be in estimation and are and shal be for euer preserued in the tabernacle of Christes Catholyke Churche I will not walke in the larg felde of this matter that here lieth open The Frenche kinges doinges onely whereof ye talke shall be a sufficiente confirmation for our side and such stories onely as your self haue browght forth for the strēgthnīg as ye thought of your purpose As the coūcel of Rhemes that the kīg Hugo Capet assembled deposing ther as ye write the bishop Arnulphus What was the issue M. Horn Did not Benedictus the .7 summone an other coūcel euē in the very same city ād restored Arnulphꝰ again Was not al that your fayre kīg Philip attēpted agaīst the pope Bonifaciꝰ in his coūcels in Frāce brought to naught by a coūcel sūmoned by the Pope as we haue before declared we haue also shewed how that the Laterā councell abolished the Pisane conuenticle that Lewes the Frenche king and others maynteyned as your self write
innocencie to be more euidently and clerely knowen Here by the waie I woulde aske M. Horne what authoritie Gregorie had to call this French Bishop to Rome Hath he not trow ye by his owne example proued the Popes Primacy And hath he not done the like in the matter of Pope Sixtus Verely his text saieth that the Councell which the Emperour Valentinian commaunded to be holden and before the whiche the Pope Sixtus purged him selfe was assembled by the saied Pope Sixtus authoritie and that he neaded not to haue made his purgation but made it voluntarilye to auoyde suspition not binding his successours to followe this exaumple but to be free and at their owne libertie But this matter I leaue to be handeld more at large by Maister Dorman against Maister Nowell who maketh to his seming gaie sporte therewith Then followeth in M. Horne the recantation of Pope Iohn wherof his Author Quintinus speaketh neuer a word and yet is it here placed in the midle of Quintinus matters and in a distinct letter And this patche as it discloseth the grosse errour of the English Apologie and of M. Iewell in his Replie imputing to this Pope that he denied the immortalitie of sowles so it proueth nothing in the world the laye Princes primacie no nor any heresie in Pope Iohn neither For if he mainteined any such errour it was before he was Pope And in case he thought so after he was auaunced to the See Apostolicall which can not be proued yet he did not cōmaūd yt to be publikly beleued by any definitiue sentence or open decree And therfore as gaily as ye haue garnished your margent with the Pope an Heretique compelled to recant before the French King neither you nor your Apologie nor M. Iewel shall take any greate woorshippe thereby but you must all three if M. Iewell and the Authour of the Apologie be two recante as well as he and beare him companie The Apologie and M. Iewel for slaūdering him with a wrong and a farre more grieuous error then he euer helde You as well for reporting this out of Quintinus who saieth it not as for your impertinent and foolish plea pleading thereby for your new secular primacie Which wil as well follow of this storie as it is true that Pope Iohn denied the immortalitie of soules The residue that followeth partly we haue answered as touching Cap. Adrianus .63 Distinct. Partly it may be answered in few wordes and that is that it maketh al directly for the Popes Primacie as from whom the laie men that M. Horne speaketh of had al their authority as appereth by his own exāples If he would haue proued any thing cōcludingly for his purpose he should haue concluded that the Pope tooke his authoritie of the laie men Now prouing the contrarye him selfe he ministreth good matter against him selfe M. Horne The .151 Diuision pag. 89 b. Besydes these Lavviers this vvas the common opinion of the chiefest vvriters of the cōmon Lavv of this realme as appeareth .496 by Braughton in these vvoordes Sunt sub rege c. Vnder the King are bothe freemen and bondemen and they be subiect to his power and are all vnder him and he is a certaine thing or creature that is vnder none but onely vnder God And againe in the Chapiter the title vvhereof is this Rex non habet parem c. The King hath no peere or equall in his Kingdome The King saith he in his Kingdom hath no equall for so might he lose his precepte or authoritie of commaunding sithe that an equall hathe no rule or commaundement ouer his equall as for the King himselfe ought not to be vnder man but vnder God and vnder the law because the Law maketh a King Let the King therefore attribute that vnto the Lawe that the Lawe attributeth vnto him to wit dominion and power For he is not a King in whom will and not the law doth rule and that he ought to be vnder the Law Cùm sit Dei Vicarius sith he is the Vicare of God it appeareth euidently by the likenes of Iesu Christe whose vicegerent he is in earth and vvithin a litle after he concludeth thus Igitur non debet maior esse eo in regno suo .497 Therfore there ought to be none greater then he in his kingdome The .40 Chapter Concerning Braughton Maister Hornes last Authour Stapleton HAppie is it that M. Horne writeth in English and to English men and not in Latine For surelye as oure Countrie hath shutte out the Popes authoritie yea ād al maner of ecclesiastical authority that it shal not passe the Ocean sea towarde it So may al other nations muche better exclude the authority of a temporall lawyer of our realme that it passe not the sayde Ocean sea toward them But because our Christian belief the more pity is become of late nothing else but a Parliamēt matter and a matter of commō lawe and seing we haue estraunged our self from the olde cōmon catholike faith into a late vpstart and into a priuate and national fayth of our owne and yet for some colour wil pretend it was at least the aunciente faythe of this realme I wil make none exceptiō againste M. Hornes plea but wil ioyne issue and cope with him euen with our own lawe and with his owne authour And that M Horne shall not say I deale with him hardly and pinchingly but freely and liberally I do here offer to be tried not by the Pope for feare of a premunire but by the Iudges of the kinges benche and by al other the Quenes May. Iudges yea by all the lawyers of the realme to that by the cōmon lawe of the realme in Braughtons time the king was not taken for the head of the Churche but the Pope And if M. Horne may proue the contrary to my assertiō by Braughton then dare I offerre in M. Fekenhams name that he shal take the othe and if he wil not I for my self dare promise so much ād wil performe it and shal be contēte withal that M. Horne for this his highe inuentiō shal be made sergeant of the quo if also Why saieth Mayster Horn what meane you to say so Do not I plainly alleage by Braughton his wordes that the kinge is vnder none but onely vnder God That the kinge hath no peere or equall That there ought to be none greater in his kingdome then the kinge Yea to conclude that he is the Vicar of God Are not these Braughtons wordes Do I misreherse them sayeth Mayster Horne And what will ye haue then more will he saie Forsoth Mayster Horne we loke for but three litle wordes more that is that ye proue vs owt of Brawghton that the kinge is the greatest in his realme and the Vicar of all not in matters cyuill which we willinglye graunte you but for matters ecclesiasticall Wherof ye haue not yet owte of Braughton browght so much as one worde And
of Martian the Emperour for calling of the Chalcedon Councell nextly alleaged M. Horns purpose is no whit furdered but Pope Leo his primacy euidently proued By the Actes also of the sayd Councell the popes and the bishops Supreme Iurisdiction in al ecclesiastical matters to be treated examined iudged and defined throughe out the whole Councel appeareth and M. Hornes purpose remayneth vtterly vnproued I haue farder out of the sayd Chalcedon Councell being the fourthe Generall and so one of the foure allowed in our Countre by Acte of parliament in the reigne of the Queenes Mai. present gathered euident and sundry argumentes for proufe of the Popes and bishops Supremacy in causes ecclesiasticall And here I require M. Horne or any mans els whatsoeuer to shewe howe it is possible without manifeste contradiction to allowe the Authorytie of this fourthe Generall Councel and to bannishe the Popes Authorytie which this whole Councel agnised or to geue to the Prince Supreme Authorytie in al ecclesiastical causes the same by this Councel resting in the bishops only not in the Prince at all In hath consequently ben shewed against M. Horne that his exāples of Leo and Zeno Emperours haue proued nothing lesse then his imagined Supremacy His next examples of three popes Simplicius Felix .3 and Symachus haue al proued so manifest testimonies for their owne Supremacy euen out of the bookes and places by M. Horne alleaged that in this matter he semeth a plaine preuaricatour and one secretly defending the cause which he seemeth openly to impugne Nowe in Fraunce M. Horne your lucke hath bene no better then before in the East Church and in Italy it was Your arguments in this behalfe haue bene to to pelting and miserable But the bishops Iurisdiction in all those matters hath bene as euident Your story of Iustinus the elder nextly by you alleaged but confusedly and out of measure mangled being wholy layed forthe hath plainely proued the popes Supremacy and nothing at al the princes Iustinian your next exaample and largely by you prosecuted hath neuer a whit proued your matter but for the Popes absolute Supremacy hath diuerse waies pronounced not onelye in his behauyour in the fifte Generall Councell but in his Edictes and Constitutions which you for your selfe so thicke haue alleaged In that place also I haue noted by diuerse exāples what euil successe Churche matters haue had whē Princes most intermedled Ther also by the way a Councell in Fraunce by M. Horne alleaged hath openly pronounced for the popes vniuersall Supremacy Your last examples taken out of Spayne haue nothinge relieued your badde cause but haue geuen euidēt witnesse for the Bishops Supremacy in ecclesiastical causes And thus farre haue you waded in the first .600 yeres after Christe without any one prouf for your newe Laicall Supremacy But for the popes and Bishops Supremacy in matters of the Church the Cōtinual practise of that first age and that in al Countres hath clerely pronounced as hath bene at large shewed In the third book as the race your runne is the longer ād triple to that ye ranne in before so is our cause the strōger and yours the febler or rather the wretcheder that in the cōpasse of .900 yeres that of so many Emperors kings and princes of so many Coūcels both General and National of so diuerse parts of the Christened worlde al the East part Italy Fraunce Spayne Germany and our own Countre of Englād yea of the Moscouites Armeniās and Aethyopiās to of all these I say not one Prince Councel or Coūtre maketh for you and not one prince Councell or Countre maketh against vs but all haue agnised the popes primacy and not one in the worlde of so many hundred yeres haue agnised or so muche as hearde of muche lesse sworen vnto the Princes Supreme Gouuernement in all Ecclesiasticall causes Your first proufe belyeth flatly the See of Rome and proueth nothing by any doing of Phocas the Emperour the Supremacy that you woulde proue The Kinges of Spayne and the Toletane Councelles haue made nothinge for you but haue clerely confounded you not only in the principal matters in hande but also in diuers other matters by your lewde heresies denied Your patched proufes and swarming vntruthes in your next narratiō touching certain Popes of Rome and of the Churche of Rauēna haue discouered the miserable wekenesse of your badde cause and nothing relieued yowe the Popes Primacy by your owne examples notwithstanding established Your fonde surmise against the Decree of Constantin .5 Emperour for the prerogatiue of the See Apostolike as it nothing furdered your matter in hande yf it had not bene made so it shewed wel the misery of your cause that to make your paradoxe to beare some credit you were fayne to discredit al the Historiās and writers of that matter calling them Papistes the Popes Parasites and fayners of that which they wrote The practise of Ecclesiasticall gouernement vsed in the sixt general Councel next by you alleaged cōfirmeth both in word and dede the Popes Primacy and the Bisshops Supreme iurisdiction in matters Ecclesiasticall and geueth forth no maner inckling of your imagined Supremacy In which only matter beside twenty vntruthes by you vttered there about you are as much confounded as in any other Councell or Countre before notwithstanding your great obiection of Pope Honorius to the which I haue there sufficiently aunswered Your talke of the three Kings of Spayne next ensewing and of the three Toletane Councells kept in their reignes doth so litle disproue the Supreme iurisdiction of Bisshops in Ecclesiastical causes that it maketh them Supreme iudges euen in ciuil causes So wide you are euer from prouing your purpose The .7 General Councel by you shortly noted doth amply and abundantly confirme the Popes Primacy and nothing in the worlde helpeth your purpose Charles Martel ād Carolomanus his sonne exercised no whit of your imagined Supremacy but haue cōfessed both clerely the Popes Primacy by their doings euē in the matters by your self treated Your most ignorant and ridiculous exposition made of the keyes of S. Peters Confession sent to this Charles and your extreme fonde argument deducted thereof hath vtterly shamed you yf any shame be in you Your slaunderous reproches against S. Augustine our Apostle and S. Boniface the Apostle of Germany and holye Martyr haue redounded to your owne shame and follye your cause thereby nothing in the worlde furdered No yf yt had bene all true which you hadde reported of them Charlemayne for all his callinge of Councelles confirmynge of the same and publishinge of Churche Lawes practised not yet anye like Gouuernement in Ecclesiasticall causes as you haue defended no nor anye Gouuernement at all but was lead and gouerned him selfe in all suche thinges of the Fathers and Bisshoppes then liuing especiallye of the See of Rome The whole Order also of the Councelles by you alleaged
time some Godly Princes that vvere othervvise geuē Eusebius in his Ecclesiasticall History maketh mention of one Philippus a moste Christian Emperour of vvhom and his sonne also being Emperour vvith him Abbas Vrspurgensis vvitnesseth that they vvere the first of al the Romaine Emperours that became Christians vvho also declared by theyr .515 deedes and vvorkes as Abbas saieth that they had in them the feare of God and the most perfect Christian faith Constantinus also the Emperour Father to Constantine the greate did moste diligently of all others seeke after Gods fauour as Eusebius vvriteth of him He did prouide by his gouernment that his subiectes did not only enioye greate peace and quietnes but also a pleasant conuersation in holines and deuotion towardes God Idolatours and dissemblers in Religion he banished out of his Courte and such as confessed Gods truth he reteined and iugded most worthy to be about an Emperour commaunding such to haue the guarde both of his person and dominion He serued and worshipped the only true God He condemned the multitude of Gods that the wicked had He fortified his house with the praiers of holy and faithful men and he did so consecrat his Court and Palaice vnto the seruice of God that his housholde companie was a congregation or Church of God within his palaice hauing Gods mynisters and what soeuer is requisit for a Christian congregation Polidorus in his Historie of Englande affirmeth also of this Emperour that he studied aboue al other thinges to encrease the Christian Religion vvho after his death vvas rekened in the nūber of saincts To these fevve adde Lucius a king of our ovvn country vvho although he vvas not in might cōparable to Cōstantine the mighty Emperor yet in zeale tovvardes God in abolishing idolatry and false religion in vvinning and dravving his subiects by al meanes to the Christiā faith in mainteining ād defending the sincere Christianity to the vttermost of his povver he vvas equall vvith Constātine and in this pointe did excel him that he longe before Constantine brake the Ise gaue the onsette and shapt a patern for Constantine to follovv vvhereby to vvorke that in other parts vvhich he had achieued vvithin his ovvn dominiō This noble king of very loue to true Religion .516 as Polidore testified of him Procured him selfe and his subiectes to be baptised caused his natiō to be the first of al other prouinces that receiued the Gospell publiquely did drawe his people to the knowledge of the true God banished at ones al maner of prophane worshipping of Goddes and cōmaunded it to be leaft Cōuerted the tēples of the Idolatours to be Churches for the Christiās And to be short he emploied and did bestowe al his seruice and power moste willingly to the furtheraūce and encrease of the Christiā Religiō whiche he plāted most sincerely throughout his countrey and so lefte it at his death almoste an hūdreth yeres before Constantine vvas Emperour and therefore vntruely sayed of you that Constantine vvas the very first Christian king that ioyned his svvorde to the maintenaunce of Gods vvorde Sithe this king Lucius so longe before Constantine did not only these thinges that Polidore ascribeth vnto him but also did thē of his ovvn authority vvithout any .517 knovvledge or consent of the Pope Nor Eleutherius then Bishop of Rome to vvhome aftervvardes king Lucius did vvrite to see some of Caesars and the Romaine Lawes vvas any thing offended vvith the kinges doinges but greatly .518 commending him therein councelled him not to stand vppon the Romain lavves vvhiche saith the Pope might be reprehended but as he began vvithout them so to go on and dravv Lavves .519 alonely out of the Scripture vvhich aftervvardes more at large the Saxon kinges as 520. Iune and Aluredus did The epistle of Pope Eleutherius to king Luciꝰ is as follovveth Petistis à nobis c. You haue desired of vs that the Romayne Lawes ād the Lawes of Caesar might be sent ouer to you the which ye would haue vsed in your kingdome of Brytanny VVe may at al times reproue the Romaine Lawes and the Lawes of Caesar the lawe of God we can not For ye haue receyued of late by the diuine mercy in your kingdome of Brytany the Lawe and faithe of Christ. Ye haue with you in your kingdome both the old and newe testament take out of them the Lawe by the grace of God through the councell of your kingdome and by it through Gods sufferaunce shall ye rule your kingdome of Britanie for you are the Vicar of God in your kingdom according to the Prophet King The earth is the Lordes and all that therein is the compasse of the world and they that dwell therein And againe according to the Prophet king Thou hast loued righteosnes and hated iniquitie wherefore God euen thy God hath anointed thee with the oile of gladnes aboue thy fellowes And againe according to the Prophet Kinge geue the Kinge thy iudgement O God and thy righteousnes vnto the Kinges Sonne For it is not geue the iugement and righteousnes of Caesar for the Christian nations and people of your kingdome are the kinges sonnes which dwel and consiste in your kingdome vnder your protection and peace according to the Gospel euen as the henne gathereth together her chickēs vnder her winges The nations indede of the kingdom of Britany and people are yours ād whom being diuided you ought to gather together to concorde and peace and to the faith and to the Lawe of Christ and to the holy Church to reuoke cherishe mainteine protect rule and alwaies defende them both from the iniurious persons and malicious and from his enemies VVoe be to the kingdome whose King is a child and whose Princes banquet early a King I name not for his smal and tender age but for follie and wickednes and madnes according to the Prophet King bloud thirsty and deceitfull men shall not liue out halfe theyr daies By banqueting we vnderstand glotonie through glotonie riotousnes through riotousnes al filthie and euil thinges according to Kinge Salomon wisdome shal not enter into a frowarde soule nor dwell in the body that is subdued vnto sinne A kinge is named of ruling and not of a kingedome so longe as thou rulest well thou shalt be king which vnlesse thou doe the name of a Kinge shall not consist in thee and thou shalt lese the name of a King which God forbid Almighty God geue vnto you so to rule your kingdom of Britanie that ye may reigne with him for euer whose Vicar ye are in the kingdom aforesaid VVho with the Father c. Stapleton M Fekenham will nowe shewe three causes why he can not be perswaded in cōscience to take the othe The first is for that Christe appointed to his Apostles and theyr successours being bishoppes and priestes and supreamacie of spiritual gouernmente and not to Princes being in Christes time and so cōtinuing idolators and
the church forced you to this plaine distinction and to graunt nowe which you neuer graunted before a certaine rule and gouernement to Bishoppes and priestes which princes haue nothing to doe withall plaine contradictorie to your former assertions and to the Othe which you defende attributyng supreme gouernement to the Princes in all maner causes ecclesiastical or spiritual without exception This also forced you to limit the Princes gouernemēt with the power of the sworde which in Churche matters as hath bene proued is nowe no power at all though among the Iewes it were and which also if it were a power is not yet the supreme power seing the Bishops and Priests haue a farre greater and higher power to exercise and to practise vpon the soules of men ouer which the Church properly chiefly and only ruleth and gouerneth not ouer the body otherwise thē the necessary cōiunctiō of both implieth the one with th' other Gods name be blissed The truth hath forced you to open your owne falshood and the absurditie of your assertion which you would so fayne haue concealed The truthe also hathe driuē you to graunte that rule and gouernement nowe to Bishoppes and Priestes which hitherto in your booke and which also by the tenour of the Othe by you defended is attributed to the Prince only and cleane taken away from the Bishops and Priestes Yea and to auouch that Princes neyther may nor doo clayme any such rule vpon thē when yet by you and by the Othe they bothe may and ought to claime no lesse then all together without any exception or limitation in the worlde Wherefore as I sayed before we nede to wrestle no farder with you seing you can so roundly geue your selfe so notable a falle and cast your selfe so properly in your owne turne And to auoide tediousnes I am dryuen here to breake of desyrous otherwise to open diuerse your other and greate absurdities in thys Diuision Nowe some of them I will note in your margin among your manyfolde vntruthes and content my selfe at thys present with that which hath bene sayed The .157 Diuision pag. 97. a. M. Fekenham And when your L. shal be hable to prooue that these woordes of the Apostle Paule and by him writen in his Epistle vnto the Hebrewes Obedite praepositis vestris subiacete eis ipsi enim peruigilāt quasi rationē pro animabus vestris reddituri vt cū gaudio hoc faciāt et nō gemētes Doe ye obey your spiritual gouernours and submit your selues vnto them for they watche as men which must geue accompt for your soules that they may doe it with ioye not with griefe VVhan your L. shal be hable to proue that these wordes were not writen of the Apostle Paule aswel for al Christian Emperours Kings and Queenes as for the inferiour sort of people thā shal I in like maner yelde touching that text of Paule and thinke my selfe very wel satisfied M. Horne No man hath or doth denie that the Church ministers hath to gouerne the flocke by preaching and feeding vvith the vvorde vvhich is the rule or gouernement that Paule speaketh of in this place also vvhereto all princes are and ought to be subiecte and obedient For this subiection and obedience to the vvorde of the Ghospel taught and preached by the Bishoppes sitting in Christes chaire vvhich is the vvhole .536 rule and gouernement they haue or ought to claime as propre to theyr calling is commaunded so vvell to princes as to the inferiour sorte of the people as you say truely although your cause is no deale holpen nor my assertion any .537 vvhit proued thereby The .2 Chapter of M. Fekenhams second reason for not taking the Othe grounded vpon S. Paule Heb. 13. Stapleton THE seconde authority that M. Fekenham bringeth is out of S. Paule Obey your spiritual gouernours and submitte your selues vnto them for they watche as men that muste geue an accompt for your soules In which wordes th'Apostle as he teacheth the shepe to obey so he techeth the pastours vigilare clauum ac gubernacula tenere saieth Theodoretus to watch and to rule the sterne For answere to this M. Horne is yet ones againe reuolted to his feding and woulde fayne feade vs forth with a folishe flie flawe as thowghe this were meante no further then that spirituall men may feade the people and Prince to with the worde of God wherunto all aswell the Princes as people are bownde to obey And this he saieth is the whole rule and gouernmente that they can properly clayme Nay Mayster Horne not so let them haue some more gouernemente and at the leaste so muche as your self graunted them euen in the laste leafe before that is to minister Sacramentes and to bynde and lose Will ye so sone abridge your late liberalitie What yf the people Mayster Horne or the Prince either will set light by the preachers worde and will amende neuer a deale the more for all his preaching but wexeth worse and worse especially in opē and notoriouse faultes Is there no further remedy but to suffer al thinges to runne on Ys the Bishop thinke you now excused Why had then Ely such a greauouse punishment for his vnruly children He tolde them theire faultes he tolde them that all the people spake yll of them But yet both he and his had a terrible punishmente quòd non corripuerit eos Because he did not rebuke thē yet did he rebuke thē But for that he did not rebuke them so vehemently and so earnestly as he shoulde haue done and as S. Hierome sayeth coercuit corripuit eos sed lenitate seu mansuetudiue paternali nō seueritate authoritate Pontificali He did correcte and rebuke thē but mekely and gently as fathers are wōte not seuerely nor with such autority as he being the bishop should haue done Then yf gentle or sharpe words wil not serue the euāgelical pastour must take the staf in his hand and breake the obstinat and stubborne hart with a terrible blowe of excōmunication he must sequester this scabbed shepe frō the residue of the flock For as S. Augustin saieth An nō ꝑtinet ad diligentiā pastoralē ēt illas oues quae etc. à grege aberrauerint si resistere voluerint flagellorū terrorib vel etiā doloribus reuocare Dothe it not appertaine to the pastoral diligence to call backe such sheepe as doe goe astraie and if they resist to call them backe with terroure of the rodde yea and with stripes too And this is the rodde S. Paule speaketh of and threateneth the Corinthians withall This is the rod with the which he beat the fornicatour there This rodde many bishops vsed against Princes and Emperours This rodde Marcians Father being a Bishoppe vsed against his owne sonne for deflouring a Virgin To this spirituall Authoritie the offēder what so euer he be prince or other is subiect and therfore this proueth euidently the Ecclesiasticall
power and Authority out of Englande For yf euery foraine prelat be renounced is not all power and Authority of the Church which dependeth only of Prelates and Bisshops accompted also forayne and for very forayne renounced It is so It is so Maister Horne The Othe runneth largely and expressely You can not you may not you shal not God geuing vs his grace bleare our eyes with vayn talke or make vs to say we see not that which we see we heare we feele we vnderstande You sawe you sawe your self M. Horne that the woordes of the Othe being taken as they lie verbatim as you say they must did expressely renounce the Catholike Churche And therefore Marke wel gentle Reader You M. Horne thinking and labouring to remoue this opinion from the Reader for though you thinke in very dede that nor Churche nor prelat but only the expresse liuely worde of God muste be heard and obeyed yet yow dare not as yet for very shame to expresse that detestable minde of yours the lusty braue Chalenge of Maister Iewel offering to yeld to any one sentence or any one old doctor withdrawing you perhaps not a litle therfro do tel hī that the Othe maketh no mention in any one worde of the Catholike Church but it speaketh say you of a forain Prince and Prelate c. Wherein to auoyde the manifest absurditye you flatly belye the Othe For the Othe speaketh not M. Horne of a forain Prince and Prelate c. But the Othe expressly saith of euery forain Prince and Prelat c. Now whē it renoūceth the power of euery forain Prelat it renounceth the power of al Catholik Bishops without the realm of England which al are forain Prelats to the realm of England whereupon in dede M. Fekenham cōcludeth not as it were by reuelation in a Monkishe dream without ryme or reason as that grosse head of yours most vilely rayleth against such a sobre and discrete prelate but with good reason and plaine euidence that therefore the Catholik Church is by Othe renoūced Not as though there were no difference betwene a foraine Prince or Prelat and the Catholike Church as you ful peuishly make Maister Fekenham to reason but bycause there is no difference betwene euery foraine Prelate as the Othe speaketh and the Catholike Churche Seing as I haue often said the Catholyk Church consisteth of euery forayn Prelate without the realme of Englād much more then of al the prelates within the realme of Englād Yea though euery foraine prelate without the realme of England may and haue in many General councells prescribed ouer al the bishoppes of England yet all the Bishoppes of England nether haue or may at any tyme prescribe ouer euery foraine Prelate without the realme of England This othe therfore excludeth plainely the Authority of the Catholike Church and fighteth directly against all good reason and order Now the definitiō or descriptiō of the catholik Church such as ye bring is much lyke to a shooe that serueth euery fote or to a Welshmans hose that serueth euery legge Simon Magus Marcion Hebion Manicheus Photinus Arrius Nestorius and al other sects that euer were will graunt to this your definition and wil therby challenge the Church to their sect only as ye do to yours But herein your synagoge resembleth the faulse and schismatical tēple that Onias made in Aegypte and Sanaballites in Samaria in the mount of Garizim wherof the ghospel of S. Iohn speaketh though yt doth not so expresly name it And though God had specially appointed the temple of Hierusalē to be his true and holy temple and would al sacrifices to be offred there yet the Samaritanes toke their temple to be the true and the only temple where God would be honored in And sayed that all offerings and sacrifices should be made ther and not at Hierusalem The Iewes sayth Iosephus when they had vnlawfully maried when they had transgressed and violated the Sabbot day or eaten meates or don other things contrary to the Lawe fearing punishment for the same would fly to the Samaritanes and to the false bishop there and complaine to him that they were wrongfully vexed at Hierusalem and so did ioyne with the sayd schismaticall factiō at the temple of Garizim And there was sayth Iosephus continuall strief and contention betwene the Iewes and the Samaritanes eche parte with much sturre and busines preferring and auauncing their owne temple yea the matter went so farre and the Samaritanes waxed so hotte and feruent at the length that they offered them selues to die in the quarrell and defence of theire hill and temple And this controuersy bursting out at Alexādria into a sedition was tried by the common consent of both parties by the kinge Ptolomeus Philomitor Eche of them making this offer that that party shuld suffer death whose proufs shuld be founde defectyue and insufficiente the issewe of the whole contention was that the king pronounced and gaue sentence for the Iewes bicause they proued the continual succession of their bishops at Hierusalem from the beginning and that the kings of Asia had euer honored and with great rewardes enriched that temple as Gods true temple Whervppon the proctours of the Samaritanes were by the kinges commaundement put to death whome notwithstāding the Samaritans toke for as blessed martyrs as M. Foxe taketh any of his ragged rablement in his new holy ma●tyrologe This schismatical synagog is the very patern of your Church M. Horne Sentence hath bene geuen against your synagoge by many good and catholike kings by many general councells And yt is a most euident yea and a blasphemous lie against the Saints in heauē to say as ye doe that al the Saints and faythful Christiās that be or hath bene are of your Church What so euer visour ye put vppon your Church when we ones come to the cheif poynte to knowe the Church by and by the which the temple of Hierusalem was iustified I meane the continuall succession without any interruptiō of bishops in the sea of Rome and in al other openly knowen to be catholik Churches maynteyning that faith that ye namely in this boke impugne then it wil easely appeare what your Church is and howe vnperfytte your definition is that lacketh one infallible marke whereby ye may sone disseuer the false from the true Church to wytte the knowē succession of bishops from age to age in all places of the Christened worlde al which the worde Catholike importeth and the which therfore you haue omitted bicause you are not in dede of the Catholik Churche and bicause those markes of vniuersalyte of Antiquite and of a knowen succession doe vtterly wante in that you call your Churche Els if you haue those markes and we haue not procure I pray you M. Horne that some one of your brethern I prouoke them al in this matter doe answere if he can to the Fortresse of our first fayth by me set forth and annexed to the
they lie without al chaunge and alteratiō making of any word or sense thereof her Highnes in the interpretation set foorth in her Iniūctiōs doth by very playn words claime the same spiritual gouernmēt here in this realme of the Church of England that her highnes father Kinge Henry and her brother king Edwarde did enioye and claime before her in the which iniunctiōs and in the late acte of Parleamēt also her highnes doth claime no more spiritual gouernmēt nor no lesse but so much in euery point as they had without all exception For answere his L. did still continue in the deniall thereof and that her Highnes meaning was not to take so much of Spiritual authority and power vppon her as they did with affirmation that he did moste certainly and assuredly know her highnes minde therein Then for some issue to be had of this matter seeing that the meaning of the Othe is not as the expresse words doe purport And seing that his L. did so well vnderstand her Highnes meaning therein and thereby the very righte sence therof I besought him that his L. would take some paines for truthes sake to penne the same wherevpon his L. did penne and write the interpretatiō of the said Othe as hereafter followeth I.A.B. do vtterly testifie and declare in my cōscience that the Q. Highnes is the only Supreme gouernor of this Realm and of al other her Highnes dominiōs and countries as wel in al spiritual or ecclesiastical things or causes as tēporal That is to haue the soueraingtie and rule ouer al manner persons borne within her Realmes dominions and coūtries of what estate either Ecclesiastical or tēporal so euer they be And to haue authority and power to visit the Ecclesiastical estate and persons to refourme order and correct the same and all maner errours heresies schismes abuses offenses cōtemptes and enormities Yet neuertheles in no wise meaning that the Kings and Queenes of this Realme possessours of this crowne may challenge authoritie or power of ministerie of diuine offices as to preache the worde of God to minister Sacramentes or rytes of the Churche appointed by Christe to the office of Churche ministers to excommunicate or to binde or loose Of the whiche fower pointes three belong onely to the Ecclesiastical ministers the fourthe is cōmon to them with the congregation namely to excōmunicate And that no forain Prince Person Prelat State or Potētate hath or ought to haue any iurisdiction Power Superioritie preheminence or authority ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this realme And therefore I doe vtterly renounce al foraine iurisdictions powers superiorities preheminences and authorities That is as no Secular or Laie Prince other than the King or Quenes possessours of the Croune of this Realme of what Title or dignitie so euer they be hathe or oughte to haue anye Authoritie soueraigntie or power ouer this Realme ouer the Prince or Subiectes thereof Euen so no manner of foraine Prelate or person Ecclesiastical of what title name so euer they be neither the See of Rome neither any other See hathe or ought to haue vse enioye or exercise any maner of power iurisdiction authority superioritie preheminence or priuilege spiritual or ecclesiastical within this realme or within any the Quenes highnes dominions or Coūtries And therefore al suche foraine power vtterly is to be renoūced and I do ꝓmise c. vt sequitur in forma iuramēti M. Horne These that ye terme Resolutions are none of .558 mine they are like him that forged them false feined and ●alitious They be your ovvne eyther ye could not or ye vvere ashamed to adioyne my ansvvere to your seely obiections and therfore ye feygned mee to vtter for resolutions your ovvne peuissh cauillations This report is false that I should affirme the Queenes Maiesties meaning in that Othe to be farre othervvise then the expresse vvords are as they lie verbatim This my constant assertion that her highnes mind and meaning is to take so much and no more of spiritual authority and povver vpon her than King Henry and king Edvvard enioyed and did iustly claime you vntruely feygne to be your obiectiō And that I should affirme of most certain and sure knovvledge her Maiesties mind or the very right sence of the Othe to be othervvise thā it is plainly set forth is a malicious sclander vvherof I vvil fetche no better profe then the testimony of your mouth Ye cōfesse that the interpretatiō folovving vvas pēned and vvritē by me to declare the very right sence and meaning of the Othe vv●erein ye haue acquited me and cōdēned your self of a manifest vntruth For the right sence and meaning declared in the interpretatiō that I made and you haue set forth doth .559 plainly shevve the cleane contrary if you marke it vvel to al that you here set forth in my name vnder the title of my resolutions to your scruples Furthermore in the preface to your fornamed points ye haue declared by vvord and vvriting that I did require you presently to svveare and by othe to acknovvledge her highnes to be the only supreme gouernour in al spiritual or ecclesiastical things or causes If this be true that you haue said it is manifest by your ovvn cōfession that I declared her maisties meaning in that Othe to be none othervvise than the expresse vvords are as they lye verbatim For vvhen I shovve her meaning to be that ye should acknovvledge in her highnes the only supremacy I do declare plainly that she meaneth to exclude al other men frō hauīg any supremacy for this exclusiue only cā not haue any other sense or meaning And vvhā I add this supremacy to be in al spiritual causes or things I shevve an vniuersal cōprehension to be meant vvithout exception For if ye except or take avvay any thing it is not al. And you yourself tooke my meaning to be thus For ye chalēge me in your second chefe point and cal for profe hereof at my hand vvhich ye vvould not do if it vvere not mine assertion and meaning For vvhy should I be driuē to proue that vvhich I affirme not or meant not Besides these in your vvhole trauaile folovving ye labour to improue this as you saie mine assertion to vvit that al spiritual iurisdiction dependeth vpon the positiue lavv of Princes If this be mine assertion as ye affirme it is and therfore bend al your force to improue it ye vvittnes vvith me .560 against your selfe that I declared her maiesties meanīg vvas to take neither more nor lesse authoritie and iurisdictiō vnto her selfe than king Hērie and King Edvvarde had for they had no more thā al. And if her Maiestie take any lesse she hath not al. Touching therefore these false feined and slanderous resolutions as they are by you moste vntruly forged euen so vvhether this bee likely that in a yeres space vvel nigh I vvould not in all our daily cōference make .561 one reason or
Church when fewe or no princes were christened the princes when they first receiued the fayth finding this iurisdiction in the Church so lefte yt and did rather encrease and amplify it thē in any part diminish the same The statute sayth that the prince is supreame head in al causes ecclesiastical by the statute also all iurisdictiō ecclesiastical is vnited and annexed to the crowne of the realm Ye say the statute must be takē as the words lye Verbatim without any exception What then in the worlde may be thought more contrarie or repugnante either to the wordes of the statute or your own then when ye say For Nomā hath Authoritie to excommunicat but onely the Church Which is to say This power of excommunication belongeth to the Church only and not to the Prince adding also as a reason the prince hath no authority to excommunicate Is not this also a manifest derogatiō and impayring of the prerogatiue royal touching matters Ecclesiastical to imbarre the Prince al authority of excommunication May not M. Fekenham here returne wel vpon you your own wordes What sauftie meane ye to her person when ye bereue the same of a principall parte of her royal power What quietnes s●ke you to her parson when ye goe aboute to bring the subiectes to a misliking of her royall power which is a preparation of rebellion against her parson Nowe what cosonage this opinion yf ye obstinately mainteyne it hath with heresie the holy scripture may witnesse What commission had S. Paule of the Churche when he excommunicated the fowle fornicatour at Corinthe What is the rodde that he threatneth the Corinthians withal but this excōmunication By what commission of the Church did he either excommunicate Himeneus and Alexander or denounce Anathema to him that loued not our Lord Iesus Christ What commissiō had S. Peter when Ananias and Saphira by him excommunicated died forthwith What commissiō had al the Bishops sythens namely Innocentius the Pope that excommunicated themperour Arcadius And S. Ambrose that excommunicated the Emperor Theodosius with a thowsand other that denounced excommunication without any such false imagined commission After your diuisiō fantastically by you framed ye come to the definitiō of Cohibitiue iurisdictiō wherin ye do not so much misse of your authors words as of his opē meanīg comprehending vnder this general definition aswell excōmunication as any other matter Neither are you contente to tel vs Delphinus definition but of your large liberalitye you adde an other neadlesse out of Quintinus but so that after your wont ye infarse of your own that all authoritye to iudge discēdeth from the prince alone Which thing Quintinus saith not of Ecclesiastical but of temporal iurisdictiō as we haue declared before And therefore when ye infer by vertue of this iurisdiction saith Anthonius the Church ministers c. meanīg by the iurisdictiō cōming frō the Prince only ye lewdly lie aswel vpō Anthonius as Quintinus For neither of them saith so but both the quite cōtrary Wherof doth follow that al that which ye reherse immediatlie as out of Quitinus nothing furthereth your pretensed supremacy And in case yt did as ye haue hitherto playde the peuishe and theuishe Cacus with your authours to blemish the Popes so now play you the like pageant to blemish the Prīces iurisdictiō For in the midle of your own allegatiō ye haue pared away certain words touching the foresaid excōmunication In your author M. Horn after thefe words to confirme matters determined in the synod or councel followeth to excōmunicat and to reconcile to the Church excōmunicat parsons duely repenting to reserue cases and to release cases reserued to geue pardōs to chaūge and mitigate ād so forth as in your allegatiō is cōtained After this ye say that this cohibitiue iurisdictiō may be exercised by such as are no priests I graūt you but what is that for your purpose For as your Authour sayeth so euen so he sayeth that at the leaste he muste haue the clericall tonsure or crowne without the which though he were a religiouse professed man he could not exercise this iurisdiction And this is a good and a sufficient argument if you will stande to your own Author Anthonius Delphinus why neither you nor your fellowes may lawfully practise any spirituall iurisdiction Farder the very next Chapter in this Antonius of whom M. Horne hath alleaged so much consisteth only in prouing that this seconde Cohibytiue Iurisdiction is in the Churche by Gods ordonaunce not by the Commission of Emperours And this he proueth expressely against such as M. Horne himselfe is I meane against the scholers of Luther against the present protestants of our daies calling their opinion and M. Hornes assertion here Impium errorem A wicked errour And thought Maister Horne to proue by the same Antonius in the next Chapter before that the second Cohibytiue iurisdiction depended of Princes Commission which in the Chapter following he doth of sette purpose confute O what is Impudency yf this be not M. Horne The .163 Diuision pag. 106. You tooke vpon you to proue that this .571 seconde kinde of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction vvith the appurtenances thereof as I haue rehersed vvas appointed by the expresse vvord of God immediatlie to Bisshoppes and Priestes vvithout further commission of Princes or other povver vvhich I denied Novve lette vs consider the force of your proufes and see hovve thei cōclude your cause First yee saie that the woordes of the first parte of the Othe doe by expresse woordes of the Acte geue vnto the Q. highnes all maner of iurisdictions priuileges and preeminences in any wise touching and concerning any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical iurisdiction within the realme with an expresse debarre and flat denial made of al Spiritual iurisdiction vnto the Bishops therof to be exercised ouer their flockes and cures without her highnes special commission to be graunted therevnto they hauing by the expresse word of God commission of spiritual gouernment ouer them Your .572 euil dealing vvith the vvordes of the Acte of the Othe expresseth an vnkindely meaning to the Prince and the state for that either the Acte or the Othe debarreth or denieth expressely or conuertly the to Bishops of this realme to exercise ouer theyr flockes and cures vvithout her highnes special commission graunted thereto any spirituall iurisdiction assigned to a Bishoppe by the vvorde of God is altogether .573 vntrue The Statute geueth or rather restoreth to the Prince Iurisdiction and Authority to enquire after vvhat sorte the Ecclesiasticall state and personnes behaue them selues in their cures and chardges to refourme and corecte the disorders negligencies and enormities ●isinge amongeste them to the hinderaunce of theyr Office in theyr cures and chardges and in summe to order and prouide that they doe execute theyr Office accordinge to theyr calling in theyr cures and chardges This is not to debarre or denie thē the exercise of theyr office vvithout
a special licēce Neither do the .574 expresse vvords of the statut geue to the prince al manner of iurisdictiōs in such absolute vvise as you report in any wise and any spiritual iurisdictiō within the realme For these termes all maner in any wise and any spiritual iurisdiction vvhich you enforce so much are not found in the gift or restitutition of spiritual iurisdictiō made by the acte vnto the Prince but in that part vvhere the Acte geueth aftervvard povver and authority to the Prince to execute the Iurisdictiō novv vnited and annexed to the Croune by mete delegats to be assigned named ▪ ād authorised by cōmissiō or letters patents vnder the great Seale of england If ye vvil hereof infer that bycause the princes haue by vertue of the acte full povver and authority to name assigne and authorise any person vvhom they shal thinke mete to exercise vse occupy and exequute vnder thē al maner of iurisdictions priuileges and preheminences in any vvise touching or concerning any spiritual or ecclesiastical iurisdictiō vvithin theyr dominions or countries Therfore al maner iurisdictiō is in the prince to be exercised vsed occupied and executed by them for othervvise you vvil say the princes cannot geue ād cōmit to others that vvhich they haue not receiued and is not in thē selues Your argument is easely ansvvered in fevv vvords it is a foule .575 Sophisticatiō à secundū quid ad simpliciter These vvords of the act al maner in any wise are .576 restrained and boūded vvithin the limites of the gift vvhere you of purpose to beguile the simple vvithal do let thē runne at large and set them forth as mère and simple vniuersalles vvithout any limites at al. The Acte geueth or restoreth to the prince iurisdictions priuileges superiorities and preheminencies spirituall and ecclesiastical but it .577 addeth this limitation suche as by any spirituall or ecclesiastical povver or authority hath heretofore ben or may laufully be exercised or vsed And for that these vvords as by any spiritual or ecclesiastical power or authority hath heretofore ben or laufully be exercised and vsed may be maliciously stretched by avvrāgling Papist and might seme to som that haue good meaning also to geue ouer large a scope the mater or obiect vvherin or vvhere about those spiritual or ecclesiastical iurisdictiōs priuileges superiorities and preheminēces are exercised vsed and doe consist is limited ād added in these .578 expresse vvords for the visitation of the ecclesiastical state and persōs and for reformatiō order and correction of the same and of al maner errors heresies schismes abuses offences contēptes and enormities vvhich vvords of limitatiō in the gift as they geue not to the prince the exercise of that iurisdiction that cōsisteth and vvorketh in the invvarde and secrete court of cōscience by the preaching of the vvord and ministration of the Sacramentes vvhich belōgeth only and alone to the Bishops neither do they authorise the prince to vse that iurisdiction that belongeth properly to the vvhole church euē so do they geue rightly vnto the prince to exercise al maner iurisdictions priuileges superiorities and preeminences in any vvise touching and cōcerning any spiritual or ecclesiastical iurisdictiō .579 cōteined vnder the second kind of cohibitiue iurisdictiō for that may the Prince laufully exercise and vse and doth not belōg vnto the Bisshops othervvise then by .580 cōmission and authority of positiue Lavves This limitatiō of iurisdiction set forth by expresse vvords in the Act you knovv right vvel ye vvere also at sundrie times put in mind thereof and you vvere vvel assured that your alleaging the vvords of the Act so darkly cōfusedly and .581 vntruly could neuer further your cause amōgest the vvise and yet vvould you nedes publissh them in this sort to the people vvherby at the least to make both the Prince and the lavv odious vnto the simple subiects The Bisshops haue by the expres vvord of God cōmission of spiritual gouernmet ouer their flock that is to fede the flock of Christ cōmitted to their charge vvith Gods holy vvord as I haue declared before ●hey haue cōmission to absolue the faithfully penitēt and to retaine or bind the impenitēt that is to .582 declare and assure both the one and the other by the vvord of the Ghospel of Gods iudgemēt tovvard thē VVhat vvil ye infer herof VVil ye cōclude therfore they haue al maner of Spiritual gouernmēt o●●urisdictiō ouer thē Yōg Logiciās knovv this is an yl cōsequēt that cōcludeth vpō one or diuers particulars affirmatiuely an vniuersall Thus .583 ye argue Bisshops by the expres vvord of God haue cōmission to preach to their cures to remit or retein sinnes Ergo they haue cōmission by the expres vvord of God to Sōmon Coūcels or Synods general or prouincial to visit that is iudicially sitting in iudgemēt to enquire of mēs maners and forinsically to punissh or correct and to decide the cōtrouersies amōgst the people touching contracts of matrimony vvhordom tythes sclaunders c. And to ordeine Decrees Lavves Ceremonies Rites c. If this conclusion follovv consequently vpon your antecedent thē doth it ouerthrovv the doctrin of your Romissh diuinity vvhich graūteth not to the Bisshops īmediatly from God this povver vvithout a special commission from the Pope in vvhom only as the Papists say is fulnes of iurisdictiō and povver But if this conclusion follovv not consequētly vpō the ātecedēt as a mā more thē half blind may plainly see it doth not thē haue ye concluded 584 nothīg at al by Christes diuinity that may further the matter ye haue taken in hande to proue You falsly reporte the scriptures in this that you saie the Bisshops haue cōmission by the expres vvord of God to geue vnto their flockes and cures the holy Ghoste by imposition of their handes For the place vvhich ●e quote for that purpose expresseth no such commission neither .585 any other place of the holy scriptures The Bishoppes haue so daungerous a cure and chardge ouer the soules committed vnto them that God vvill require the bloud of those that perishe thorough their negligence at their handes and therfore hath geuen them sufficient commission for the discharge of their cures It vvere therefore an horrible absurdity if they might not exercise any Iurisdiction ouer them if they might not visit refourme order and correct them by that commissiō vvithout a further commission from the Q. highnes But doo yee not perceiue vvhich the most simple may see vvhereof also yee often vvere admonished by me your vvarbling sleight and Sophisticall quarellinge in equiuocation of vvordes and termes As there are tvvo .586 sortes of Iurisdictiō vvhereof the one not Cohibitiue properly belongeth to the Bishoppe vvhich he may and ought to exercise ouer his flocke vvithout any other commission than of Christ so to visit refourme order and correct are of tvvo sortes the one
that all iurisdiction as well Secular as Spirituall sprang from the King as Supreme head of all men By the said commission among other things the Bishops tooke their authoritie not only to heare Ecelesiastical causes iudicially but euen to geue holye orders also as appeareth by the tenour of the same They receiued also by vertue of the commission all manner of power Ecclesiastical and al this no longer then during the Kings pleasure And therefore within three moneths afterward all Bishops and Archbishops were inhibited to exercise any Ecclesiasticall iurisdictiō vntil the visitation appointed by the king were ended There was also an other inhibition made that no Bishoppe nor anye other Ecclesiasticall person should preache any sermon vntil such time as they were specially thereto licensed by the king And haue you not read or heard M. Horne that in the second yeare of king Edwarde the .6 letters were sent from the L. Protectour to the Bishop of Winchester D. Gardiner commaunding him in the kings behalfe and charging him by the authority of the same to absteine in his sermon from treating of any matter in controuersy cōcerning the Sacramēt of the Aulter and the Masse and only to bestowe his speache in the experte explication of the articles prescribed vnto him c Knowe you not that two yeres after that the said Bishop being examined before the kings Commissioners at Lambeth the tenth article there layed against him was that being by the King commaunded and inhibited to treate of any mater in controuersie concerning the Masse or the Sacrament of the Aulter did contrary to the saied commaundement and inhibition declare diuers his iudgementes and opinions in the same And that in his final pretended depriuation made at Lambeth the 14. of Februarie this as it is there called disobedience against the kinges cōmaundement is expressly layed against him Did not the king here take vppon him the very firste cohibitiue iurisdiction as you cal it Dyd he not abridge Christes commission geuen immediatly to Bishopes and limitte the exercise thereof to his owne pleasure and commaundement Againe were there not iniunctions geuen by the sayed king Edwarde to the Bishope of London D. Bonner with Articles thereto annexed for him to preache vpon And dyd not his great examination and depriuation ensewe thereof Looke in your felowe Foxe and you shall finde the whole set out at large If therefore by the Othe now tendred the Queenes highnes meaning is to take vpon her so much and no more of spiritual authority and power then king Henry and king Edwarde enioyed and did iustly claime for they had no more thē all which you auouche to be your constant assertion and the true meaning of the Othe see you not that by the othe euen the Authoritie of preaching Gods word which Authority and commissiō Bishops haue immediatly from God dependeth yet of a furder commission from the Prince which you cal an horrible absurditie See you not also that the Bishopes had al maner of ecclesiastical punishment geuen them by the princes commission without any suche commission made as you imagine touching excommunication Thus haue you taken awaye the very Scripturely visitation Reformation and Correction as you call it from the Bishoppes and from theyr commission geuen to them by the woorde of God and haue made it to depende vppon a further commission of the Queenes Hyghnes pleasure For that by letters patentes shee maye and hath inhibited for a season the Bishoppes of her realme to preache the worde of God as her brother kinge Edwarde before did And this you call M. Horne An horrible absurditie as it is in dede moste horrible and yet such as you see by vertue of the Othe our Princes bothe may and haue practised Woe to them that induced good Godly Princes therevnto For in dede hereof hath proceded the whole alteration of religion in our country And hereof it followeth that religion in our countrie shal neuer be setled or of long continuaunce excepte Princes alwaies of one minde and Iudgement doe Raygne Hereof it followeth that we shall neuer ioyne in Faithe and Doctrine with other christened Realmes and with the whole vniuersal Church except our happe be to haue a prince so affected as other Christen princes are Hereof it followeth that though our Prince be Catholike yet thys Authorytie standinge our Faythe is not Authorysed by Gods worde and the church but by Gods woorde and the Prince that ys by Gods woorde so expounded and preached as the prince shall commaunde and prescribe it Briefely hereof foloweth that the faith of England is no faith at al builded vpon the authority of God and his Ministers who haue charge of our soules but is an obediēce only of a temporal law and an opinion chaungeable and alterable according to the lawes of the Realme These are in dede moste horrible absurdities and moste dyrecte againste the vnitie of the Churche whiche aboue all thinges ought to be tendred and without the whiche there is no saluation This destroyeth the obedience of faithe and setteth vp onely a philosophicall perswasion of matters of Religion This cleane defaceth all true Religion and induceth in place therof a ciuil policie To cōclude this maketh a plaine and directe waye to al heresies For if euer which God forbidde any Prince of our land should be affected to any heresie as of Arrianisme or any such like the supreme Authority of the prince remaining as the Othe graunteth and as king Edward practised should not al the Bishops either be forced to preache that heresy or to leese their bishopriks other placed in their romes which to please the Prince ād to climbe to hònor would be quick enough to farder the procedings Any man of mean cōsideration may see these inconueniences and many moe then these which of purpose I leaue to speake of To returne therefore to you M. Horne whether you and your fellow Bisshops haue special cōmission from the Quenes Ma. for the exercise of your iurisdictiō I know not But I am most credibly informed ye haue none And as for excōmunicatiō ye wil haue none of her neyther wil ye acknowlege any such authority in her And therfore ye had nede to looke wel to your self and what answere ye will make if ye be ones called to an accompt either for this kind of doctrine so derogatory to the statutes and the Quenes M. prerogatiue that ye would seme to maintaine either for the practise of your iurisdiction without any sufficient Commission Remember now among other things M. Horne whether this dealing be agreable to your Othe by the which ye promised that to your power ye would assist and defend al iurisdictions priuilegies preheminences and authorities graunted or belonging to the Quenes Highnes her heires or successours or vnited and annexed to the imperiall Crowne of the realme Ye may thinke vpon this at your good leasure Remember also how you wil stand to this your
saying that the expresse woordes of the Statute doe not geue to the Prince all maner of iurisdictions The Acte saith so expresselie in these wordes And that your Highnes c. shall haue ful power and authoritie by vertue of this Act c. to assigne name and authorise when and as often as c. And for suche and so long time as it shal please your Highnes c. suche persons c. as your Maiestie c. shal thinke meete to exercise vse occupie c. all maner of iurisdictions priuileges and praeeminences in any wise touching or concerning any Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction within these your Realmes c. and to visite refourme redresse order correct and amend all suche errours heresies schismes abuses offences contempts and enormities whatsoeuer which by any maner Spiritual or Ecclesiastical power authoritie or iurisdiction can or may lawfully be refourmed ordered redressed c. Here in these woordes you see M. Horne ful power and authoritie is geuen to the Prince to authorise any man at his or her pleasure to execute or exercise AL manner of IVRISDICTIONS in any wise concerning any SPIRITVAL IVRISDICTION Item to redresse and correct all enormities whatsoeuer which by any maner Spiritual or Ecclesiastical power AVTHORITIE or iurisdiction can or may lawfully be redressed and corrected Here M. Horne is no exception of cohibitiue or not cohibitiue Iurisdiction Dare you then to restraine the Act of Parliament to the only second kind of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction a kinde of Iurisdiction by your selfe inuented But marke howe you haue confounded your selfe You denie these generall tearmes to be found in the gift of Sp●ritual Iurisdiction made by the Act But you say it is afterward found And where afterward Forsoth say you In that part where the Act afterward geueth power to the Prince to execute the Iurisdiction NOW VNITED and annexed to the CROWNE by mete delegates to be assigned c. Marke wel what you haue said You auouch the same iurisdiction which is by the Prince to be assigned and authorised in all maner c. as before you haue heard the same so Generall and vniuersall Iurisdiction I saye you auouche to be vnited and annexed to the Crowne If that so generall Iurisdiction as hath ben saied be vnited vnto the Crowne whie denie you that the expresse words of the Statute doe geue to the Prince all maner of Iurisdictions Are you not contrary to your selfe The Prince hath power to execute all maner Iurisdiction by meete delegates by him assigned by your owne confession and the plaine woordes of the Act. The same Iurisdiction so by the Prince to be executed is vnited to the Crowne you say Ergo all maner of Iurisdictions are vnited to the Crowne you saye It is vnited to the Crowne Ergo it is geuen to the Prince Thus by your owne wordes you are confounded and proued vntruely and wrongfully to reproue M Fekenham for missereporting the Othe in that thing which bothe the Tenour of the Othe hath and your own confession agniseth You thinke this general gifte may be auoyded by the limitation that you say is added But you report the Othe vntruly That limitation is not added to these general wordes For it goeth before these general words in a former brāche of this Statute And your selfe confesse that these general wordes are sette after the gifte or restitutiō of spiritual Iurisdiction made to the Prince in the which that limitation as you say is foūde And how cā thē I pray you that which wēt before be a limitation of that which came after Who seeth not your extreme foly herein and the miserable shifts that you are driuen vnto Now you cōfessing the same general and vniuersall Iurisdictiō of which by vertue of th'Acte the Prince hath the assigning ād authorising to be vnited to the crown which is to be in the Prince and reprouing M. Feckenham for so saying doe find fault also with his reason why he should so say and do cal his reason or argumēt a foul sophisticatiō His reason as your self reporteth it is this Princes haue not thē selues al maner of ecclesiasticall Iurisdictiōs ergo they can not geue and cōmit the same to others That they haue not al maner of Iurisdictiōs your self denieth for they haue saie you only the forinsecal and Courtly Iurisdiction or as you call it the secōd cohibitiue Iurisdictiō and not any spiritual Iurisdictiō touching the secret Courte of Cōscience Thus the Antecedēt you graunt being forced therto by the Scriptures by M. Feckenhā alleaged Why deny you then the Cōsequent You pretend for your denial a limitation to be made in the Acte of those generall wordes al maner in any wise and any spiritual Iurisdiction but that is now found to be but a fable by reason that this limitatiō goeth before in an other braunche of the Acte and these generall wordes do folow afterward as your self also confesse But to make a limitatiō before the thing to be limited is spokē of is agaīst al order and course of writing or reason Yet your vrge this to your Reader againe and again saying that the matter or obiect wherin or wherabout these spiritual Iurisdictiōs to be by the Prince assigned are exercised is limited ād added in these expresse wordes for the visitation c. which wordes are not added to the general gifte of assigning and authorising all maner c. For they goe before that generall gifte neither do or cā they limit that generality going as I haue oft said before it I desire the Reader for better trial hereof to cōsider and peruse the Act it self Thus thē this limitatiō that you pretēd being but a mere forged and fained matter the argumēt of M. Feckenhā stādeth sure and you your self worthy of smal thanke euen at their hādes which deuised that braunche of the Acte for restrayning and limiting the general power and Iurisdictiō geuē to the prince to the only forinsecal and Courtly Iurisdictiō which you cal the second kinde of cohibitiue Iurisdictiō You see by that which hath bene saied the Acte geueth to the prince al together without exception This shifte therefore failing you you frame to M. Fecknā such an argumēt as he neuer made but such as you haue in dede throughout your booke ful many made I meane vpō one or diuers particulars to cōclud affirmatiuely an vniuersal which you say is an euil consequent For what other haue al your proufes or cōclusiōs ben through out your booke hitherto thē these Suche a prince called a Councell or inuestured Bishoppes or deposed Bishoppes or made constitutions ecclesiasticall ergo such and suche a prince were the supreme Gouernours in al ecclesiastical causes I say not you haue proued they did so absolutely by their own Prīcely authority You haue missed in al your proufes as well appereth to any indifferent Reader and peruser of bothe our writinges But I saie in case you had proued your Antecedēts good was not
of the lay the bishops and the whole Conuocation withstanding that gifte with al their power I beleue it would trouble him or any wise man els to geue any good reason therefore the obediēce of a Christē mā to the Catholike Church which al Christians in their Crede doe professe presupposed If I should farder aske M. Horn again how he cā goe for a bishop and write him selfe as he dothe in his booke the B. of Winchester being called to that functiō only by the letters patents of the Prince without due Cōsecration or imposition of handes by any Bishop or bisshops liuing which impositiō of hādes S. Paule euidētly practised vpō Timothe ād the vniuersal Church hath alwaies vsed as the only ād proper meanes to order a bishop of the Churche I am wel assured neither he nor al his fellowes being all vnordered prelats shall euer be able to make any sufficient or reasonable answer answering as Christiā Catholike mē whereby it may appeare that they may goe for right bishops of Christes Church but that thei must remain as they were before or mere lay men or simple priestes Last of al take you yourself in dede M. Horn for a bishop If so thē may you preache the word minister the sacramēts bind ād lose vpō the cōmissiō geuē you by God in holy scripture without any furder cōmissiō of the prince If you may so do thē put the case the Q. Mai. that now is or any other king or Queene of England hereafter should forbid you to preach the word to minister the sacraments or to execute any other part of the bishoply functiō ▪ and by cōmmissiō appoint some other to that functiō Wil you obey or wil you not If yea thē do you forsake your duty and charge cōmitted vnto you by God If not thē by vertue of this Act you incurre the penalty therof To this questiō answer M. Horn if you be able and make if you cā Christs cōmissiō the holy Scriptures and this Act to agree both together that the keping of the one import not the breach of thother But this shal you neuer be able to do while you liue stāding to that which in this your booke you haue cōfessed Thus you see euery way how in your own sayings you are intrapped ouertakē and cōfounded And so must it nedes fal out with euery mā that with any truth or ꝓbability laboreth to maintain an vntruth or absurdity As for your forged and presūptuous limitatiō vpō the words of th' Act and abridgīg of the Q. Ma. autoriti therin expressed I leaue that mater furder to be cōsidered by the graue wisdom of the most Honorables Here remain yet some vntruthes by you auouched that would be cōfuted which because the answer alredy waxeth prolixe and long I wil but touch The holy Gospel saith whose syns ye retain shal be retained whose syns ye lose in earth their syns shal be loosed in heauē Cōtrary to the plaine words of the gospel you wil haue no actual bindīg or losing by the priest in dede but a declaratiō ād an assurāce that they are losed or boūd cōtrary I say not only to the words of the gospel but also to the doctrin ād practise of the vniuersal Church wher the priest hath euer said to the penitēt Ego absoluote c. I absolue thee ād saieth not I declare and assure thee that thou art absolued This is a plaine heresy not much vnlike to the Nouatiās whō S. Ambrose cōfuteth sauing that their heresy is not so large as is yours For they but in certain crimes denied power of losing in the church referring that power in such cases ōly to God You deny to be in the church any power at al either of binding or of losing referring al the power to God only ād not cōsidering how God is to be praised qui talē potestatē dedit hoīb Who gaue such power to men Which the cōmon Iewes had yet the grace to cōsider in the high Bishop ād chief priest Christ Iesus our Sauiour An other of your hereticall vntruthes in this place also is that you denie the sacramente of confirmation and that the holie ghoste is not geuen by the imposition of the Bisshoppes hands We reade in S Luke that Christe at his ascension promised the holy ghost to them which was performed vppon whitsonday And what was that but their confirmation̄ We reade that S. Paule after he had baptized certain parsons in the which baptisme no doubte they receiued the holy ghoste he put his handes vppon them and they thereby receiued the holy ghoste And this was their confirmation The like is writen in the place here by M. Fekenham alleaged of the Apostles Peter and Iohn that put theire handes vppon those that before were baptized by Philip the Deacon and they thervppon receiued the holy ghoste The which did in the primitiue Churche worke in the Christians with inuisible grace and visible miracles at the time of their confirmatiō as yt now worketh by inuisible grace onely with a strengthening and confirming of the ghostly and spiritual giftes before receiued wherof the Sacrament hath his name And therfore the Bishoppes cōmission for geuing by the imposition of theire handes the holy ghoste may be iustified aswell by the former authorities of scripture as by the authority practise and doctrine of the Churche that belieueth that the holy ghoste is geuē for the encrease of al spiritual strength in confirmation The .164 Diuision pag. 109. a. M. Fekenham Wherevnto I do adioyne this obiectiō following First for the time of the old lawe whiche as Paule saide was a very figure of the new Moses Aaron Eleazarus being Priests they had by the very expresse worde of God this iurisdiction ouer the people of God as to sit in iudgement vpon them and that not only in Ecclesiasticall but also in Politike and ciuill matters and causes they did visite them they did refourme them they did order correct ād punish them so oft as cause required and without al commission of any ciuill Magistrate Gouernour Kinge or Prince Besides that for the whole time of the olde Lawe there was an expresse Law made where by all Ciuill Magistrats and Iudges were cōmaunded in al doubtfull matters to repaire to the Bisshops and Priests and to staie vppon their determinations and iudgemēts without declining on the righte hande or the lefte And if that any mā should disobey the determinatiō once geuen of the Priest Morietur homo ille like as it appeareth Deut. 17. M. Horne This adiūct vvil not serue your turn for it is not possible to stretch it vvithout bursting to ioyn with that you must conclude You begin to ioyne your vvorke together vvith a saying of S. Paule vvhich he .587 neuer said you should haue noted the place vvhere S. Paul saith that the old Lavv vvas a very figure of the nevv There is no such
saith first that the Apostles and Priests gathered them selues togeather to consult vpon the matter He saith that S. Peter spake first his mind and S. Iames being Bishop there ▪ confirmed his sayings S. Luke also calleth these decrees the decrees of the Apostles and Priests speaking no worde of the whole congregation And when the contention for keping Moses Law waxed hotte at Antiochia the Churche there sent Paulus and Barnabas and others to Hierusalē but not to the whole congregation but to the Apostles and Priests Truth it is that it appeareth also in S. Luke that by cōmon consent of the Apostles of the Priests and of the whole congregatiō Iudas and Barsabas were elected to accompanie S. Paul and Barnabas in their iourny to Antiochia ād to present to the Christians there ▪ the Decrees of the Councel but that the decree was made by the whole cōgregation that doth not appeare but only that they did as meete it was reuerently consent imbrace and receiue it as the Catholike Princes and al their people that be Catholik do allow imbrace and reuerēce the late Synod holden at Trent where were present the Ambassadours of al the said Catholike Princes and yet had they there no absolute voice or consent touching the definition of the questions there debated and determined Nay not the laie men onely but the very Priests them selues haue no necessary cōsent which standeth in the Bishops only as the whole practise of the church sheweth frō the Apostles time Therfore in the fourth General Coūcell of Chalcedō the Bishops cryed Synodus Episcoporum est non clericorum A Synod or Councel consisteth of Bishops not of the inferiour clergy And againe in the same Councel Petrus a priest protested no lesse saying Non est meum subscribere Episcoporum tantùm est It is not my parte to subscribe it belōgeth only to Bishops Thus subscriptiō wherin necessary consent is expressed is confessed to pertayne to bishops only not to Priests And therfore yt is very likely that theis that you call Elders were not single priestes but bishops also Wherein as I will not cōtende so though yt were true that the whole cōgregatiō gaue their voice yet the supremacy in the sayed and other matters remayned not in them but in the Apostles ▪ as may wel appere by this very place to him that wil but reade and consider the text of S. Luke M. Fekenham The .167 Diuision pag. 111. b. The Apostles also hearing at Hierusalem that Samaria had receiued the woord of God they did sende Peter and Iohn to visite thē to confirme them in faithe and that they might receiue the holy Ghost by the imposition of their handes Paule and Barnabas did agree betwixt them selues to visite al those Cities and bretheren which they had cōuerted to the faithe The woordes of the Scripture are these Dixit ad Barnabam Paulus reuertentens visitemus fratres per vniuersas Ciuitates in quibus praedicauimus verbum Domini quomodo se habeant In the which visitation the Apostle Paule Electo Sila perambulabat Syriam Ciliciam confirmans Ecclesias praecipiens custodire praecepta Apostolorum Seniorum By the whiche wordes it right well appeareth howe the Apostles and Priestes at Hierusalem ouer and besides the Ghospell whiche they taught they did make certaine Decrees Lawes and ordinaunces the whiche the Apostle Paule in his visitation gaue commaundement to the Syrians and Siliciās to obserue and keepe What Lawes and orders did the Apostle make and appoint vnto the Corinthians that men should neither pray nor preache in the Churche with their heades couered What reformation and order did he make and appoint vnto them for the more honourable receiuing of the Sacrament and that partly by writing and partly by woorde of mouthe saying Caetera cùm venero disponam and in his seconde Epistle to the Thessalonians he saith Fratres state tenete traditiones quas didicistis siue per sermonem siue per Epistolam nostram What orders and Decrees did the Apostle Paule make touching praiyng and preaching vnto the people in tongues vnknowen and that all women shoulde keepe silence in the Churche and Congregation These and many suche other like Lawes orders and Decrees were made for the reformation of the people in the Churche of Christ by Christes Apostles by Bishops and priestes as the successours of them and that without all commission of any Temporal Magistrate Emperour King or Prince Constātinus being the first Christian Emperour like as I haue saide M. Horne Your vvhole drifte in this parte is to proue that Bishoppes and Priestes may visite geue the holy Ghoste by the imposition of their handes and make lavves orders and decrees to their flockes and cures Your proufe consisteth in the example of the Apostles and this is your argument The Apostles visited gaue the holy Ghost and made Lavves orders and decrees vnto their flockes and cures Ergo Bishoppes and Priestes haue authoritie and may make Lavves visit and geue the holy Ghost to their flockes and cures The insufficiency of this consequent doth easely appeare to those that doo consider the state and condicion of the Apostleship and compare thervvith the office of a Bishop or Priest The Apostles did might and could doo many thinges that Bishoppes and Priestes neither may nor can do The matter is more plaine than that needeth any proufe But as the sequele faileth in forme so let vs consider the matter vvhervpon ye grounde the sequele that your frindes may see vvhat foule shiftes ye are driuen to make for the maintenaūce of an vniust claime That the Apostles did visite their cures and flockes you proue by tvvo places of the Actes in the first place ye .603 feine the Scriptures to say that it saieth not for in the eight of the Actes there is no menciō made of any visitatiō the other place speaketh only of a .604 Scripturely visitatiō and nothing at al of your Forinsecall or Canon Lavve visitation The Canon Lavves visitation is to be exercised by a great number of such persons as the Scripture .605 knovveth not And the matter vvherabout that visitation is occupied for the moste parte is directlye .606 againste the Scriptures The personnes that may lavvfullye visite in youre Canon Lavve visitation are Popes Legates from the side Legates sent and borne Legates and messengers of the Apostolik sea Patriarches Archebishoppes Bishoppes Archdeacons Deanes Archepriestes Abbottes and other inferiour personnes hauing iurisdiction All Archebishoppes whiche are Legates borne haue authority to visit their prouinces by double right to wit by right Legatine and by right Metropolitane ād so they may visit twyse in the yere All these visitours muste beginne their visitation with a solemne Masse of the holy ghost The Bishoppe and euery ordinary visitour must beginne his visitation at his Cathedrall Churche and Chapter He must come into the Church where he visiteth and first kneele downe and
dangerouse where you say That Paul gaue not his owne lawes beside the Ghospel but Gods ordinaunces comprehended within his Ghospell And againe That Paule whether being present he taught them by worde or being absent by writing he neither wrote nor spake other then he had receiued of the Lorde And last of al So that the traditions that Paule speaketh of are not other then the Doctrine of the Ghospell This is M. Horne as I said a Lutheran and a dangerous conclusion For by this rule you woulde frustrate al the lawes of the Church as Luther your Grādsir did which are not expressely cōprehended in the writen Ghospell For this beeing put that the very Apostles made no lawes or ordinaūces but such as they foūd before recorded in the Gospel then say you by what authoritie can the Prelates of the Churche at any time hereafter take vpon them to make such lawes as are not expressed in the Gospel To mete therfore with this wicked sequele ād to detect your lewd cōclusion I wil shortly touch a few moe exāples of such lawes and ordinaunces as th'Apostles made and not recorded made or ordeined otherwise in the Gospel First S. Paule to the Corinthes forbiddeth them to eate with drōckards with robbers with fornicatours with the couetous ād with idolators In the Gospel no such restraīt appereth Nay rather we see there Christ him self did eate with publicans and sinners Again to the Galathiās he cryeth out Behold I Paul say vnto you If ye be circūcided Christ profiteth you nothing What Gospel teacheth Paul so to say What Gospel doth cōdemne circūcision Nay rather saith not Christ in the Gospel I came not to vndoe the lawe but to fulfil it And yet not here only but to the Philippēses most earnestly he chargeth them to cast of the yoke of the law The like he doth to the Colossiās teaching thē to make no more accōpt of their Neomeniae and Sabbata Nowe for the precept that S. Paul geueth to Timothe that a Bisshop should be the man of one wife What Gospel prescribeth it or commaūdeth it To Titus also the lawes that he geueth to yōg wemen to widowes ād to old wemē Are not al these and many more which for breuities sake I omit mere cōstitutions and lawes of th'Apostls without any word made therof in the Gospel And what els intēded Christ I pray you M. Horne when he saied to his Apostles a litle before his Passion I haue many things yet to say vnto you but you are not able to beare them now Howbeit when the Spirit of Truth shall come he will teache you all Trueth then that by the spirite of Truth the holy Ghost they should learne and teache many Truthes which in the Ghospell where onely the doctrine and doings of Christ are recorded they had not learned And this holy Spirit he promised should remaine not with them only for their abode here in earth but with the Churche for euer To geue vs to vnderstand that as they so their Successours in the Churche from tyme to tyme should be taught of the holy ghost and teache vs againe al maner of Truthe Wherof vnuincibly foloweth not only that they taught and doe teache many moe things then Christ in the ghospel taught but also that those their doctrines and teachinges as proceding from the holy Ghost the Spirit of Truth are infallible sound and right holsome and of vs therefore vndoubtedly to be obeyed and beleued Wherby is ouerthrowē M. Horn your most damnable and wicked conclusion affirming the Apostles to haue made no lawes of their own besides the ghospel but only such as were Gods ordinaunces comprehended in the ghospel For nowe we see both by exāples of their doings and by vnuīcible reason out of the ghospel that they made lawes of their own besides the ghospel ād might both lawfully and assuredly so do they being alwaies prōpted of the holy Ghost therein and their lawes therfore being not theirs only but bearing also the force and value of Gods lawes so farre as is before declared Farder by this it appereth that as the Apostles thē so their successours now and alwaies heretofore had and haue full and sufficient authority to make ecclesiastical lawes or decrees ouer al their flocks from Christ himself without any iote of Commissiō frō the laye Prince or any other lay Magistrat And so your principall conclusion goeth ones again flatte down to the grounde The .169 Diuision pag. 116. b. M. Fekenham The which noble Emperour Constantinus for the repression of the Arians errours and heresies he did at the request of Syluester then Bishop of Rome cal the firste Councell at Nice where he had to the Bisshops there assembled these woordes Cùm vos Deus Sacerdotes constituerit potestatem tradidit iudicandi de nobis Et ideo nos à vobis recte iudicamur Vos autem cùm nobis à Deo dij dati sitis ab hominibus iudicari non potestis c. Valētinianus Imperator eùm ille rogatus esset ab Episcopis Hellesponti Bythiniae vt inter esset consilio respondit Mihi quidem cùm vnus de populo sim fas non est talia perserutari verum sacerdotes quibus haec cura est apud semetipsos congregentur vbi voluerit Theodosio Imperatori Ambrosius ingressu intra cancellos templi inter dixit inquiēs Interiora ô Imperator sacerdotibus solis patent c. Cul egit ob id gratias Imperator asserens se didicisse diserimen inter Imperatorem Sacerdotem M. Horne It is manifest that Constantin called the first Nicene Councel but very vnlikely that he did it at the request of Syluester because this Councel vvas .625 not in the time of Syluester but vvhiles Iulius vvas bisshop of Rome vvho by reason of his great age could not be there present in his ovvne person and therfore sent in his stede Vitus and Vincentius as the Ecclesiastical histories report and Epiphanius affirmeth that Constantine called this Councel at the earnest sute of Alexander Bisshop of Alexandria vvhereto Ruffinus addeth many other of the Cleargy also But if it be true as ye say that thēperour called the Councel at the request of the Pope than both those Papistes are 626 Liars vvhich affirme that the Pope called this Councel and your cause by your ovvn confession is much hindred for if the Emperour called the Councel and that at the request of Syluester the Pope as yee say or at the earnest suite of Alexander and other godlye Bisshops as Epiphanius and Ruffinus affirme It appeareth plainly that both the Pope and the other Catholik Bisshops did therby acknovvledge the .627 supreame povver and authoritie to sommon and cal Councels vvhich is a .628 principal parte of your purpose and of the Ecclesiastical iurisdiction cohibitiue to be in themperour and not in them selues for othervvise they might ād vvould haue don it by vertue of their
ovvn office vvithout any suit made to the Emperour to execute that vvhich belonged vnto them selues Themperour refused to iudge the quarreling accusations of the bisshops assembled at the Nicen Councel one quarreling and accusing an other and referred the iudgement of them to Christ. This vvas his modesty Policy and prudent foresight least by sifting those priuat quarrels he might haue hindred the common cause as I haue said before and is plainly to be .629 gathered of Ruffinus and Nicephorus and .630 not for that he thought his authority might not stretche so farre as to iudge the Priests and their matters as ye vvould haue it to seme for as he him self protesteth this aboue all other things to be the chief scope and ende of his Emperial authority namely that the Catholik Church be preserued in vnity of faith sincerity of loue cōcord in godly Religiō and that the diseases therein as Schismes Heresies c. might be healed by his ministery euen so forsoke he no occasion or meane vvhereby to vvork forth this effect of his ministery and office vvhether it vvere at some tyme by relenting and remitting somvvhat of his autority or by exercising the same to the vtmost in al matters and ouer al persones He thought it the best for this tyme by .631 relenting to beare vvith the vveakenes of those fathes thereby the better to encourage thē to stād fast and ioyntly against the cōmon enemy for the furtherance of the truth But aftervvad vvhan the Coūcel or Synod vvas assembled at Tyre by his cōmmaūdemet ād that Athanasius had made cōplaint vnto him of the vniust dealing of that councel to deface the truth themperour did exercise the ful authority of his ministery and called al the Bishops vnto hī to this end that he by his 632 supreme authority might examine their doīgs ād iudge of the vvhole Coūcel vvhether thei had iudged vprightly ād deal● sincerely or not This he did at the suite of the most godly bisshop Athanas●ꝰ vvho vvold not haue attributed this .633 authority to the Emperour if it had not apperteined to his iurisdiction to haue iudged the bisshops and their doinges ▪ vvither vvould the Catholique Fathers of that tyme haue suffered this and many other such like doinges of this most Christiā Emperour to haue passed vvithout some admonition or misliking if they had not acknovvledged the authority in him to be lavvful He commaunded the Bisshops euery vvhere to assēble at his appointmēt vvher and vvhā he vvould He sharply reproueth Alexāder Bishop of Alexādria and Arius for the contention stirred vp by them He 634 iudged Cecilianus Bisshop of Carthage to be lavvfully cōsecrated and ordered and condemned the Donatistes And these Bisshoppes assembled at the Nicen Councell by his commaundement ▪ of vvhom ye speake acknovvledged the Emperour to haue authority to iudge them and their causes .635 or els they had doone folishly to offer their billes of complaint vnto him vvhome they thought had no authority or might not iudge and determine thē But in case it vvere true that the Prince might not iudge the Priestes nor their causes vvhat conclude you thereof You can not conclude your purpose for this is no more a good consequent Constantinus vvould not could lavvfully iudge the Priestes assembled at Nicen Councel Ergo .636 Bishoppes and Priests may cal councels make Lavves orders and decrees to their flocke and cures and exercise al maner iurisdiction cohibitiue Then this Yorke standeth but .iij. myles from Pocklington Ergo your pocket is ful of plummes The .10 Chapter Conteyning a defence of three exāples brought forth by M. Fekenham touching three Emperours Constantin the greate Valentian the first and Theodosius the firste Stapleton ALthough that which M. Fekēhā hath alredy layd forth out of holy scripture be sufficiēt to shew ād proue that the superiority in al causes ecclesiastical doth not rest in laye princes but in the spiritual rulers yet will he nowe adde and adioyne therunto such a forcible argument that shall beate downe to the ground M. Hornes newe Laicall supremacy M. Horne with al his witte and cunning goeth about to auaunce his new supremacy and to depresse and abolish the other as contrary to scriptures and iniuriouse to the Emperours and princes Nowe to stoppe his lyinge mouth M. Fekenham bringeth forth thre of the worthiest Emperours that euer were and al thre lyuing when Christian religion most florished that by plaine wordes confesse the cleargies superiority in this behalf that is Constantine the great Valentinian the first and Theodosius the great This Constantine at the request of Siluester the pope called the first general councell at Nice where diuerse bisshops being at contention for certain matters offered their complaints to him To whom Constantine answered that where as God had made them priests he had geuen them authority to iudge ouer him And therefore they might well be his iudges But ye sayth he may be iudged of no man Good Lorde how farre discrepant is the iudgment of this our noble contry mā as our Chroniclers cal him and most worthy Emperour from the iudgement of M. Horn and his fellowes He disclaimeth flatly this newe superiority Yet you nowe after one thousand and almost thre hūdred yeares by preaching and writing yea by premunire and the sword do maintaine the same This answere presseth M. Horne very sore and therefore he seketh euery corner to hide his head in and yet he can fynd no good or quiet resting place And firste he would fain take some holde in a by matter which is that Constantin did not cal the councel at Siluester his request because the councell was not in the tyme of Siluester but of Iulius I deny your argument M. Horne For it must neades be that the bishops reparing to Nice frō al quarters of Christendome should haue a conuenient time to come thither And Nicephorus writeth that the same Councel dured three yeares and more And then may it wel stand that Syluester died either after the summoning and before the full assemble of the bishops or at least before the end that so some part of it might falle in the time of Iulius notwithstanding that Marcus came betwene who sate in the See litle more then two yeres Neither doth your authours by yowe cited deny that it was called at Syluesters requeste nor any other of the aunciēt writers that euer I read But I say further vnto you that as Constantine did cal it at his request so did he him self cal this councell the one by his spiritual the other by his tēporal authority which in all good princes tyme doth euer serue the other The one as your own Author Cusanus teacheth by force of Authority and cōmaundement ouer al bishops ouer whom he is the head The other by way of exhortation of temporall ayde and succour as I haue before at large recited his wordes But to leaue
most and the best writers As for the second point the sayd tripartite hath euen as M. Fekenham doth alleage it and so hath Paulus Diaconus to that is that yt would please hym to be present that wronge opiniōs might be reformed For the .3 point also M. Fekenhā swarueth nothing from the sayd tripartite Nay sayth M. Horne the dewe circumstance set forth in the story and Nicephorus who rightly vnderstode the Emperours meaning declare that when he sayd it was not Lawfull for him he meant it was no lighte or easie matter for him being occupied with busines and care of the cōmen welth to search such matters But howe proue you that Nicephorus a very late writer should vnderstand his meaning better then Paulus Diaconus that lyued at least fowre hundred yeares before Nicephorus that writeth thus It is not lawfull for me and my people curiously to medle with suche matters Wherfore doe ye that priests as ye shal thinke good Why should we thinke that Nicephorus should be more priuy of themperors right meaning then was Epiphanius the translatour of the Tripartite writinge at least .600 yeares before Nicephorus was born Yea why shuld we thīk that Nicephorꝰ shuld see more deaply the meanīg of thēperor thē the original authour him self Sozomene that liued about the said Emperours time Who writeth that thēperour Valētiniā answered It is not lauful for me being a lay mā to be curiouse in the searchīg of theis matters Let the bishops to whose charge theis matters appertain assēble thē selues at what place they list Neither cā the circūstāce of the story of Valētiniā as ye imagine leade a mā to your sense For whether we cōsider this answere or the answer he made at the electiō of S. Ambrose we shal fynd al to be of one sort Chose ye saith thēperour to the bishops such a bishop for Millane to whō we that gouern the empire may sincerly submit our head ād whose admonitiōs we whē by any fraylty as mē are wont we trespasse may of necessity recieue as of the physitions medecine And whē the bisshops would haue sette ouer the choise and the appointment of the newe bisshop to him because he was a wise and a godly Prince Nay sayth he This enterprise or worke passeth our vocation or degree For ye that are indewed with the grace of God and shyne brightlie with that light may much better make this election The Emperour also vnderstanding that S. Ambrose was chosen sayd I thanke thee my Lord God that it hath pleased thee to commit mens sowles to him meaning S. Ambrose to whō I cōmitted mens bodies For before S. Ambrose was chosen bisshop of Millane he was the gouernour of those quarters vnder the Emperour But to put the matter out of doubt let vs harken to S. Ambrose and to that that he sayeth of this Emperour This Emperours sonne the yonge Valentinian sent for S. Ambrose to come to his consistory ād there to reason and dispute before him ād other as Iudges against the Arrian bishop Auxencius To whome S. Ambrose answered Sir your father did not onely say it in wordes but ordeyned by a law that in matters touching fayth or ecclesiastical order he ought to be iudg that is neither vnequal in office nor vnlike in right For theis are the words of his rescript or Law that is that priests should be iudges vpon priestes Yea if a priest were otherwise accused and that he were to be examined of his manners and lyfe he would that the bisshops should be iudges Wherfore his owne lawe may best serue for the interpretation of his answere made to the bisshops of Hellespontus And this with the other premisses declare euidently themperours meaning and that he thought it did not properly belong to him but to the bishops to intermedle with the affayres Ecclesiasticall Neither doth Nicephorus any thing hinder our purpose For that that he saith wil wel stand with Sozomenus And it is probable the Emperour sayd both And as yt is in holy scripture that one place supplieth the defect of the other so is it also in chroniclers And that perchaunce ye sawe your self and therfore ye runne to your accustomable reason as yt were to your Bulwork that the princes had authority to call councels and not the bishops for else say you what neaded them to haue craued Licence of themperour Wherein I answer they neaded his ayde for oportunyte of time and place And as at all tymes the bishops haue wrought in calling of Councels with the princes assistāce so at this time the Arrians and other heretiks bearing such a sway in the worlde yt was great wisedome to attempte no councell without notice geuen to the prince and his consente had thereunto Namely considering what persequutions the Catholikes of late had suffred vnder the Arrian Emperour Constantius and that theire decrees could not be effectually executed against rebelliouse heretyks who cōtemned excommunication and al other Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction neither they them selues coulde safely and quietly assemble together without the speciall ayde of the Prince M. Horne The .171 Diuision pag. 119. a. Although yee .644 vntruely reporte the storie of Theodosius the Emperour and Ambrose the Bisshoppe of Millaine yet can you not by any meanes vvrast it to serue your purpose .645 any vvhitte at all For if it vvere true that Ambrose forbadde Theodosius the Emperour the entraunce into the Chauncellior that the Emperour had said to him that he had learned the difference betvvixt an Emperour and a Priest yet can you not conclude thereof therefore Bisshops and Priests haue povver and authoritie to make Lavves Orders and Decrees to their flockes and cures and to exercise the seconde kinde of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction ouer them Theodosius as the Author vvriteth came into the Chauncell to offer his oblation vvhereat S. Ambrose found no fault But vvhen he staid there still to receiue the holy Mysteries S. Ambrose sent him vvord to go foorth and abide vvith the other of the Church for that place vvas only for the Priests For vvhich monition the Emperoure vvas retourned to Constantinople and came on a time into the invvarde place or Chauncell to offer his oblation and vvent foorth againe so sone as he had offred Nectarius the Bisshop demaunded of him vvherefore he taried not stil vvithin meaning to receiue the holy mysteries To vvhome the Emperour maketh ansvvere saying I haue scarsely learned the difference betvvixt an Emperour and a Priest Stapleton The third story is of th'Emperour Theodosius the Great whome S. Ambrose forbadde to enter into the Chauncell saying The inner partes of the Church ô Emperour lie open for Priests only c. whome the Emperour thanked for this admonition saying that he had now learned a difference betwixt an Emperour and a Priest First M. Horne findeth this faulte with Maister Fekenham that he vntruely reporteth the Storie of Theodosius then in case this
sinnes but declare onely sinnes to be remitted For Theodosius confessed that by the sentence of this Bishoppe he was excluded not only from the Church but from heauen also I wil now discourse only whether this storie be aptly brought foorth .4 for M. Fekenhams purpose which ye denie But he that doth not see most euidentlie that this Storie proueth S. Ambrose for causes Ecclesiastical to haue bene the head of the Church of Millaine and not the Emperour he will neuer see any truth as long as he liueth and is like to him that in a faire sunny daie stoppeth his eyes with his handes at midnoone and then crieth out that they are fooles that saie it is daie lighte No no euery man may easely see by this Storie that the tenour of your othe can not possiblie be iustified whereby men are vrged to swere that the Prince is supreme head not in one or two but in AL causes or things ECCLESIASTICAL Surely an vntrue and an horrible proposition The which S. Ambrose if he now liued rather then he woulde confesse he woulde be dismembred with wilde horses This is to open and to euident an absurditie and though ye will not or dare not confesse it with plaine wordes yet as we haue declared it may be wel gathered your selfe doe not like it And therfore ye craftelie wind your selfe from that as much as ye may possiblie and finde many starting holes as in the former leafe That out of Constantinus Storie it may not be gathered that Bisshoppes haue all manner of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction And here that it can not be proued by this Storie of Theodosius that they haue the seconde Cohibitiue Iurisdiction But in case out of bothe it may be gathered as it is in deede necessarilie gathered that the Prince is not supreame Heade in all matters Ecclesiastical then is Maister Fekenham free from taking the Othe as being such as neither he nor any good man may with safe conscience receiue Now further what if of this Storie it shal be proued most euidently that Bishops haue not only the .2 Cohibitiue but the first Cohibitiue too as ye call it And that it is so I sette fast footing and ioyne issue with you And first for your first Cohibitiue Iurisdiction as ye call it in which by you is comprehended excōmunication whiche ye see here practised without any Princes commission yea vppon the Prince him selfe And as no man euer read or hearde that S. Ambrose had any other commission either from Prince or from his Churche to excommunicate Theodosius and that as it is not likely that the whole Church and Congregation of Millaine woulde agree to the excōmunication of the Emperour or that they had any such authoritie So a man may doubte whether there were any one laie man or Priest that was of such courage as herein to ioyne with S. Ambrose in so dāgerous but yet a worthy enterprise Surely S. Ambrose had none other cōmission then all other Bisshops then or sithens haue had None other I say then he had when he excōmunicated a seruant of the Erle Stillico for forging of false letters Which excōmunication wrought so wōderously that he waxed mad and was possessed of the Diuel that began al to teare him None other then he had when he excōmunicated also Maximus the tyrāt not without great daunger of his life None other I say then that that he receiued of God when he was made Bishope This iurisdiction then did S. Ambrose exercise by his supreame Ecclesiasticall authoritie vppon the higest Monarche of al the world This did he by his episcopal office and yet not without a plaine celestiall reuelation to encourage hym therto and to confirme him as him selfe declareth Herein his doinges were agreable to his teachinges For he taught with all other Catholikes that this excommunication perteyneth to the Bishopes ād not to the multitud The Bishops office is sayth he if it maybe to heale canckered and foystered soores and if that may not be to cut the perniciouse and rotten partes quite of It is then a most true principle that Bisshops neede to looke for none other warrant to excōmunicate any man that deserueth excōmunication no nor the Prince neither putting the case as ye falsely do that he is the head of the Church And therfore either you muste take from him thys vnnatural and monstrouse head by which ye sette two heades vpon one bodie or ye muste graunte him authoritie to excommunicat to Maruell it is to me if this your preaching and teaching be so true and sure as ye make it that the learned men about Theodosius could not espie it O that ye had bene at his elbowe to haue enspired him whith a litle of your newe diuinitie ye might haue wonderfullie eased his woful harte and perchance if you might haue proued your doctrine haue worne for your labour the Popes triple croune by Theodosius good helpe for suche good seruice in so greate distresse What a sort of dolts had Theodosius being so mighty a Prince about him that none of them could tell him that he neded not to passe a buttē for S. Ambroses excōmunicatiō vnlesse he saw yt withal sealed by the whole congregation Yf Theodosius had learned this lesson he would haue shifted wel inough for him felfe nor neded not to haue pined away so many moneths with cōtinual mourning and lamentatiō But suerly yf ye had tolde him so M. Horne he would haue takē you as ye are that is for a lier and an heretike He was as I haue sayed brought vp in the knowledge of Gods law ād knew ful wel that he was laufully excommunicated by S. Ambrose The whiche he did muche feare pronounced not by a Bishop onely that hath therto ordinary but such was his deuotiō and his life so cōformable to Gods lawes of other that had none authority at al. And therefore being on a time excommunicated of a froward mōk hauing none authority therto he would neither eat nor drink vntil he wer assoiled of him yea though th'Archbishop him self of Cōstātinople offred to assoil him We will now come to the 2. cohibitiue as ye cal yt and to the authority of making lawes and decrees euidently to be proued by this story For from whense commeth this order and maner to distincte the chauncell from the bodie of the Churche and to place the priestes in the one and the laity in the other but from the Bishops without any commission of the Prince or people The which order and lawe ye see that S Ambrose appointed to the Prince hym selfe which he euer afterward kepte thoughe before he vsed the cōtrary Againe doth not S. Ambrose prescribe to Theodosius for his penaunce a certain lawe and order to be set forth by him by his proclamation Thirdly is it not a Law made of the Bishops and councel without any commission of Princes or people that a sentence ones geuen or
first councel of Nice so is it as vntrue that these be his vvoordes vvhich you haue cited in his name for they be the saiynges of Athanasius and not of Hosius VVherein ye haue done Athanasius threefolde vvronge first to attribute his vvritinges to an other then also to cause him therein to beare false vvitnesse .655 against him self and thirdly in that ye haue left out the first vvoorde of his sentence vvhich is a materiall vvoorde and bringeth in this his saying as a reason of that vvhich goeth before Athanasius findeth him self greeued that both he and many other Godly Bisshops for the truth it selfe suffered much cruelty and vvere vvrongfully condemned not according to the order of the Ecclesiastical iudgement but by the cruel threates of the Emperour Constantius beinge an Arrian and a fierce mainteinour of the Arianisme VVho notvvithstanding subtilly couered his vngodly dealing vnder the pretense of a iudgment or sentence past by Bisshops in Synode or conuocation vvhich he called Episcopale iudicium a Bisshoply iudgement But sayth Athanasius Constantius can not so hide him selfe seeing that there is at hand that can plainly bewray his wilines for if this be the iudgement of Bisshoppes what hath the Emperour to doo therewith But if on the cōtrary side these things be brought to passe through Caesars threates what neadeth men that haue but the name of Bisshoopes c. There are tvvo thinges necessarily to be considered for to vnderstande rightly the true meaning of Athanasius in this place by you alledged first vvhat vvas required to that vvhich he calleth the iudgement belonging to Bisshoppes or the Bisshoply iudgement Than vvhat vvas the dooinges of Constantius pretending a iudgement of Bis●hoppes Liberius the Bisshop of Rome as Athanasius reporteth in this same Epistle requireth in a Synod ecclesiastical that it be free from feare farre from the palaice where neither the Emperour is present neither the Earle or Capitaine th●usteth in him selfe nor yeat the Iudge dooth threaten He meaneth that it be free from feare threates and vvithout this that the Emperour or Rulers do limitte or prescribe to the Bisshops vvhat they should iudge This appeareth more plainly by S. Ambrose vvho also speaketh of the lyke matter yea vnder the same Prince sayinge Cōstantinus set foorth no Lawes before hande but gaue free iudgmēt to the Priestes The selfe same also did Cōstantius in the begīning of his regine but that which he wel begō was otherwise ended For the Bishops at the first had writtē the sincere faith but when as certaine mē vvil iudge of the faith vvithin the Palaice he meaneth after the opiniō of the Courtiers and prescription of the Prince othervvise it vvas not vnlavvful to iudge of matters concerning faith vvithin the Princes Palaice the Prince also beynge present for the firste Nicen councell vvas holdē vvithin the Emperours Palayce ād he him self vvas present amōgest thē They brought this to passe that those iudgements of the Bisshops vvere chaūged by Circumscriptions Then is required in a Synode saith he that the only feare of God and the institutions of the Apostles doo suffice to al thinges Next that the right faith be approued and Heresies vvith the mainteiners thereof be cast out of the coūcel and than to iudge of the persones that are accused of any faulte So that the Bisshoply session or iudgement must haue freedome must iudge by the only vvoorde of God must haue the Bisshops that doo iudge to be of the right faith and must first examine the Religion and faith of the partie accused and then his faith Constantius vvho notvvithstanding that he did pretēde a bissoply iudgmēt vsed none of these obseruances but the cleane cōtrary for as Athanasius cōplayneth in this Epistle themperour vvrought all togeather with treates menassing the Bisshops other to subscribe against Athanasius or to departe from their Churches VVho so gaynsaid the subscription receiued to revvarde either death or exile He without any ꝑsuasiō vvith reasons cōpelleth al mē by force ād violence in so much as many Bisshops afterwards excused them selues that they did not subscribe of their own volūtary but vvere cōpelled by force VVhereas saith he the faith is not to be set foorth vvith svvoordes or dartes or by vvarrelike force but by coūsailing and persuading He in the steade of Gods vvord vsed his ovvn vvil appointing and prescribing vvhat shuld be determined ansvvering the godly bisshops vvho obiected against his vnorderly doings the Ecclesiastical Canō at quod ego volo pro Canone sit Let my vvil stand for the Canō Pretending a iudgmēt of Bisshops he doth vvhat so euer liketh him self VVhereas Hosius saith cyted by Athanasius in this Epistle Themperour ought to learne these things of the Bisshops and not to cōmaūd or teache thē vvhat to iudge in this kind of iudgmēt for the Prince shuld not shevve him self so busy or curious in Ecclesiastical things that his vvil ād pleasure shuld rule or guyde thē in steade of Gods vvoord and the godly Canōs of the fathers Cōstātius vvould haue no other bisshops but Ariās vvhich vvere no bisshops in deede as Athanasius saith and much lesse apt to iudge of the matter touchīg a principal article of our faith or of the faithful bisshop Athanasiꝰ and takīg his heresy as an vndoubted truth that might not be called into questiō he sought by al meanes to haue Athanasiꝰ cōdēned and al bisshops to refuse his cōmuniō and to cōmunicate vvith the Arians These disorderly dealīgs of thēperour Athanasiꝰ cōdēneth as directly agaīst the order of Ecclesiastical sessiō or Synode hovv so euer he pretēded vnder the colour of the bisshoply iudgemēt to abuse his ovvn povver and authority after his ovvne luste against vvhom he vvoulde You vvould haue it seeme to the ignoraūt that Athanasius mynd in this place vvere to denie that Princes should .656 medle or deale in Ecclesiasticall thinges or causes vvhich is farre frō his meaning for he him self vvith many other godly bisshops as I haue shevved before did acknovvledge the Princes authority herein and in this same epistle he him self cōfesseth this Emperours authority to cal coūcels and citeth Hosius also vvho enclineth to that purpose both of them confessing that Constans and Constantinus Thēperours did cal al the bisshops to the councel vvhich he calleth Sardicēse consilium about the accusations and crimes laid in against Athanasius And Theodoretus affirmeth that this Emperour Cōstantius called a Synode at Millaine about such like matter at vvhose calling the faithful bishops assembled parentes regio edicto obeying the Kinges Summons vvhich they vvould not haue done if it had beene vnlavvful for him to haue had any dooings about councelles But vvhen he abused his authority in the councel as though his povver had beene absolute vvithout limites or boundes vvilling them yea compelling them to doo after his vvill against good consciencience they vvould not obey him Quin etiam palam praesentem regem coarguebāt impij iniusti
Scripture and out of certaine doctours for proufe of the Bishoppes Iurisdiction in matters Ecclesiastical Stapleton THIS parte of M. Fekenhams obiectiō being the very last conteineth vj. authorities two takē out of the holy scripture fowre out of the holy Fathers Gregory Nazianzene Chrysostom Ignatius and S. Augustine But in al this saieth M. Horne there is no one sentēce that may be drawē by any force to helpe M. Fekenhā his cause This is a shorte and a bolde asseueration M. Horne let vs then see by the examinatiō and discussing of your answere whether that M. Fekenhams allegation be no stronger thē ye imagine Thus saith thē God to the Prophete Hieremie Beholde I haue put my wordes in thy mowth beholde this day haue I set thee ouer the natiōs and ouer kingdoms to plucke vp to roote out to destroy and to throwe downe to builde and to plāte And Ezechiel the prophet crieth out Wo be vnto the shepherdes of Israell The weake haue ye not strengthened the sicke haue ye not healed neither haue ye bownde vp the brokē nor brought againe that which was driuē away neither haue ye sowght that which was lost Gregorie Naziangene speaketh vnto the Emperor in this sort Wil ye suffer me to deale truely with you Wil ye receiue the liberty of Gods word wil ye gladly take yt that Godds lawe doth subiecte you to our priestlie power ād to our lawful iudgmēt seates For certaīly God hath geuē vnto vs a power he hath geuē vs a prīcipality much more perfect thē is yours Or doth it seme to agree with iustice that the spirite should yelde to the fleshe that earthly things shoulde ouercome heauenly thinges and that worldly thinges shoulbe be preferred to godly thinges I knowe that ye are a shepe of my flocke I know that at the holy aulters ye do submitte your self vnder the Priestes handes with reuerence These three authorities M. Horne would remoue out of the way with one simple solution that neither Hieremie nor Ezechiel nor Gregorie Nazianzene spake of any other iurisdiction then of boldlie preaching Gods worde to the which the Emperour is subiecte and owght to obey And this is the proper iurisdictiō that belongeth to Bishoppes which yf they diligētly exercise they neade not feare Ezechiel his curses But ô Lorde God what maner of answere is this Namelie for one that taketh vppon him to be him selfe a pastour and a prelate of the Churche Is there no other M. Horne but preaching prelacy in Christes Churche It is to be wished that men woulde geue so good and so attētiue eare to theire spiritual pastours that by theire earnest preaching they woulde reforme them selues But what yf after many and ernest admonitiōs the party be neuer a whit the better but rather endured either to continewe his vitiouse liuing or his pestilent and vngodly teaching Shal not the pastour procede to excommunication Or yf the party be a spiritual man to deposition and depriuatiō Or thinke ye that all men do amēde by wordes onely Or thinke ye that the pastour is excused yf he procede no farther No no M. Horne your doctrine is insensible absurde and most repugnant to al the examples and practises that we fynde in the Church frō Christes time to our owne that I euer read or heard of and most euidētly cōfoūded by our prophete Hieremie In whose wordes we haue a liuely patterne of the bishoplie office practised by S. Paule and the Apostles by general and national councelles and by an infinite number of holy learned and auncient Bishoppes by S. Paule in the Corinthian and in Alexāder and Himeneus of whome we haue spoken before I would to God saieth S. Paule they that disquiet you were quite cutte of Heare M. Horne what he saieth of this authority Arma militiae nostrae non carnalia sunt sed potentia Dei ad destructionem munitionum consilia destruentes omnē altitudinem extollentem se aduersus sciētiam Dei et in captiuitatem redigentes omnem intellectum in obsequium Christi in promptu habentes vlcisci omnem inobedientiā The weapons of our warfare saieth he are not carnal but mighty throughe God to caste downe holdes casting downe the imaginatiōs and euery highe thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuity euery thowght to the obedience of Christe and hauing redie vengeance againste al disobedience You see how conformable S. Paules saying is to the saying of the prophete Whose sayinges ye cā not by any good interpretation restraine to preaching onely Whiche thing as yt is euident in S. Paule may also be gathered out of the words of Hieremie For immediatly after the wordes alleaged by M. Fekenham these wordes followe After this the worde of the Lorde came vnto me saying Hieremie what seest thou And I sayd I see a rod of an almond tree as Theodosio translateth or as the 70. haue I see a staf made of a nutte tree or as our common translation hathe I see a waking rodde This is the pastoral rod or staf M. Horne that prelates doe and haue euer vsed in excommunicating and deposing persons incorrigible This is the rod that S. Paule threatned the Corinthians withal What Saieth he wil ye that I shal come vnto you with a rodde or in loue and in the spirite of meekenes The barke of the almon is bitter but the fruite is most pleasante So the pastoral rodde though for the time it seemeth paineful and greauouse yet to them that thereby amende them selues it bringeth afterwarde great comforte And therefore it is writen Thy rodde and thy staffe haue conforted me And S. Paule saieth he excommunicated the fornicatour at Corinth to the destruction of the fleshe that the sprite might be saued in the daie of our Lord Iesus Which benefitte they shal enioye that by this pastoral rodde maie be brought to true penance and to the earnest amendment of theyr wickednes As contrarie wise they that by this rodde wil not be reformed but remain stil with Pharao wiful obstinat and hard hearted shal really feale that that the Prophet Hieremy sawe by a vision incontinently after he had seene the rod that is a sething pot prepared to boyle them in hel that neither by preaching nor by pastoral staffe will fal to earnest repentance And not they only but such Pastours also as either for negligence or feare forslowe to do theyr dewtie whether it be in the exercising of the pastoral word or els of the pastoral sworde and suche chiefly as take awaie from them and deny them theyr pastoral sword Which heresie tendeth to the vtter destruction of al ecclesticall power and discipline which power is as all other things of the newe testament are verie plainely shadowed by the old Testament Namely by these wordes of God spoken by Hieremy representinge the parson of the Christian Pastour expressed as yt were by the office of an husbandman or gardiner or
the greatnes of this benefite he might wel doubt whether after the creation of the world and the redemption of mankind by the passion of Christ there be any one benefitte or worke of God more wonderful then this or whether there be anie one state or vocation in Christes Church after the Apostles more worthie laude and prayse then these that you so vilanously call Iebusites So filthely your blasphemous mouth can raile against Gods truth No no M. Horn these be no Iebusites The Iebusites be the cursed sede of Cham cursed of Noe their father for dishonouring of him Ye ye are the Iebusites that the celestiall father with his owne mouth hath cursed for making his Spowse your mother an idolatrouse strompet and harlet Whome the blessed Iesuites as good graciouse children honour and reuerence Who worthely beare that name also theire workes being correspondent to theire name which doth signifie a Sauiour For they by their preaching haue saued and brought from damnation many an hundred thousand of soules to the euerlasting blisse of heauen the which God of his goodnes and mercie graunt vnto vs. Amen FINIS Laus Deo qui dedit velle dedit perficere A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS AND PERSONS IN THIS booke debated or otherwise contayned The figure noteth the leafe a. and b the first and second side A. ABgarus 396. b. 401. a. Abuses refourmed in Coūcel 800. yeres past 237. a. The absurdity of the Act touching the Othe 424 425. Item 457. 458. Adrianus the first Pope 234. a. Adrian the 4. 286. b. Aeneas Syluius 356. 357. Aethyopians 304. b. 305. a. Agapetus Pope 169. Agatho Pope 209. 210. Albigenses 318 a. b. Alcuinus 231. b. Alexander the 3. 287. a. b. 288. a. b. Almaricus a Frenche heretike 317. a. Alphegius bishop of Caūterbury 308. a. Alteration of Religiō in Englād 453. b. Aluredus or Alphredus a kinge of the Saxons 292. b. Ambrose for the Clergies Primacy in matters Ecclesiastical 105. b. The story betvvene S. Ambrose and Theodosius at large 497. b. 498. a. Andronicus Emperour vvhome M. Horne calleth Emanuel 77. 78. Anselmus a Notable bisshop 297. b. Anthymus the heretical patriarche of Constantinople deposed by Pope Agapetus 169. Antvverpian Lutherans allovve but thee General Councels 220. a. In armes against the Caluinistes and in open vvritinge condemninge them 433. 434. a. A notable story of the Aphricane bisshops 91. b. Disputations of the Aphricanes 13. a. The Apologie of England accompteth mariage of priestes heresy 8. b. The Apologie clippeth the Crede 63. a. It falsifieth S. Hierom. 107. a. The childish toyes of the Apologie 151. b A double vntruthe of the Apologie about the Synod of Frāckford 235. a. A foule lye of the Apologie 282. a. A fable of the same 287. b. Double Authority in the Apostles ordinary ād extraordinary 477. a. b. The Apostles ordinaunces 487. a. Appeales to Rome from Constantinople 150. a. Apulia 289. b. 310. b. 311. a. Arcadius the Emperour 122. b. Arius 109. 110. Armenians 303. b. 304. a. Arnoldus Brixiensis 303. a. 318. a. b. Arnoldus de villa Noua 302. 303. Articles of our Crede 423. Athanasius calleth the Iudgement of Princes in matters Ecclesiasticall a point of Antichrist 97. VVhat Appeale he made to Constantine 95. His Iudgement touchinge the Princes Primacy 94.95.96 Item 512. b. 513. 514. S. Augustin for the Popes Supremacy abundantly 529. 530. S. Augustin our Apostle 232. a. Aultars 520. a. b. B. BAsilius the Emperour 258.259.260 261. Benedictus the second 203. a. Bisshops in olde time made vvith the consent of the people 155. b. Hovve princes depose bisshops 157. Bisshops only haue voice and doe subscribe in Councels 149. b. 474. a. Bisshops deposed for M. Horns vvhordom 164. a. 197. a. Bisshops confirmed of the Pope in England before the Conquest 293. a. Bisshops See Inuesturinge The bisshops office resembled by the shepeheards 409. b. Bisshops forbidden to preach and limited vvhat to preach in kīg Edvvards the sixt his dayes 452. b. 453. a. b. Spiritual Iurisdiction committed to Bishops by Christ ād so practised vvith out any cōmission from the Prince 467. sequentib Iurisdiction geuen to bishops by Constantin 469. a. By Theodosius and Carolus Magnus 469. b. 470. a. The bisshops Superiority acknovveleadged by Constantin 491. a. seq By Valentinian 495. seq By Theodosius the elder 497. seq The cruelty of the Bohemheretikes 5 a Bonifacius the third 194. Bonifacius the Apostle of the Germains 230. b. 232. seq Braughton 380. sequentib C. CAluin calleth the Princes Supremacie blasphemie 22. b. His sentence condēneth the Othe 504. b. 506. b. 507. Caluinists and Lutherās at mortal enemitie 432.433.434 Carolomanus 230. a. b. Catholikes no seditious subiectes 21. a. Their defence for refusinge the Othe 83. b. A Challenge to M. Horn. 4. b. Chalcedon Councel .137 and fiftene leaues folovving The cause of Committies made in the Chalcedon Councel 145. b. Charles Martel 226. seq Charles the Great 48.232 b. 234. b. and 13. leaues follovving Charles the .4 Emperour 347. seq Magna Charta 322. a. Chrysostom touching the Spiritual gouernement 74 410.521 522. Tvvo povvers in the Church 445. a Clodoueus of Fraunce 164. Of the Clergies yelding to king Henry the eight 367. 368. Confessio S. Petri vvhat it meaneth in olde vvriters 227 b. 228. a. b. The Sacrament of Cōfirmation 476. b. Confirmation of Popes resigned by Levvys the first Emperour 251. b. 252. a. Graunted firste to Charlemaine by the Pope 252. a. Of that matter see 254. a. b. Conon Pope 204. Conradus Emperour 283. b. Constantin the Great 68.85.86 seq 99. a. 401. a. 469. a. 491. seq The Circumstance of Cōstantins Iudgment in Cecilians cause 90. b. Constantin no lavvefull Iudge in the same cause 92. a. He abhorreth the Primacie in ecclesiastical causes 92. Hovve ●onstantin refused to Iudge in Bishops matters 103. a. 491. a. b. Constantin the .5 Emperour 200. a. The destructiō of Cōstantinople 80 b. Constantius the Arrian Emperour reproued 111. b. Articles of the late Conuocation 317. b. Of the Conuocations promise made to king Henrie the eight 364. VVordes vsed at the Coronation of Princes 9● b. Councelles see Emperours Councelles kepte before Princes vvere Christened 467. b. 468. a. General Councels abandoned by Acte of Parliament 54. a. 426 a. General Councels not to be kept vvithout the Popes Consent 137. b. The sixt General Councel 205. seq The seuenth General Councel 223. a. The eight General Councel 257. et seq Cusanu● 117. 118. Item 357.358 359. D. DAuid 47. 48. Dante 's a foule heretike 334. a. b Dioscorus Patriarche of Alexandria deposed by Pope Leo. 150. b. Condemned in Councell vvithout the Emperours knovvledge 153. a. The fruite of disputations vvith heretikes 12. b.
of Constantinople Iosephus de bello Iud. Hegesippus In the yeare of our Lord 1453. Heresies the destructions of common vveales The popes supremacy proued by the Emperor Valentinian alleged by M. Horn. Tom. 1 cōcil fo 731 col 1. Dict. fol. 731. co 2. The 69. vntruth Such like gouernmēt you haue not nor euer shal be able to proue ●he state of the Question M Horn● dissembling falshod A reasonable defence of the Catholikes for refusing the Othe Constātine the great The .70 vntruth Constantine in repressing Idolatry c. exercised no Supreme gouernement in Ecclesiastical matters Euse. li. 2 3. De vita Constant A briefe rehearsall of M. Hornes discourse in his prouf●s against M. Feck M. Horn cōmeth nothing nigh the marke The discussing of Constantines doings The .71 vntruth Constantine repressed not heresies by his Supreme authoritye but by a Superior authoriti of Bisshops cōdemning before such heresies Eus. li. 3. De vita Cōstant Li. 1. c. 19. Lib. 4. De vit Cōst M. Horns proufs returned against him Can. vlt. Euseb. li. 4 ca. 15. Cyp. li. 3. ep 6. li. 4. ep 5. Tert. de coron milit Orig. in illud Mat. vox in Ramae Praying for the dead and to Saints vvas in Constantines time Euse. li. 4. De vitae Constant. cap. 71. Euseb. lib. eodem cap. 60. Of the Ievve of Tevvkesburie See Fabiā the .43 yeare of Henrie the third Euseb. De vita Cōst lib. 4. c. 18 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c The .72 vntruth Ioyned vith follye Suprem gouernmēt in al causes folovveth verye courselye of sendīg letters to appease contention Socrat. li. 1 cap. 7. Sozom. li. 1. c. 16. Eus. li. 3. de vita Cōstant The 73. vntruth This fact shevveth no authoritie ouer the Bisshops in maters Ecclesiasticall Pag. 22. col 2. VVhy Constantine calleth those matters triefling questions which aftervvard he toke for heresie A Nevv straunge manner of electiō novv in England The 74. vntruth No such supreme authority is either by S. Augustin or Eusebius expressed as shal appeare Aug. epist. 50. et 48 Euseb. lib. 10 cap. 5. The 75. vntruth Eusebius hath no such vvoords of delegates or cōmissaries but alleageth for his so doinge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the most holy law that is the lavve of the Church vvhich had ordayned bishops to be iudges in Churche matters The 76. Vntruth Constantin in those letters hath no such thing either in plaine termes or obscure Only he expresseth a desire to haue the contention ended Augu. epistol 166. * This he did But this he repented after Augu epistol 162. Epist. 166. Of Constantines iudgemēt in the cause of Cecilian Artic. 4. fol. 105. sequent M. Horne buildeth his supremacy vpon the doings of Donatists M. F. purged by M. Horne him selfe to be no Donatist The maruelous in constācy of the Donatists The circūstances of Constantines iudgemēt in ●eciliās cause vveighed VVhy somtime both ciuil lavves ād Ecclesiastical are vvinked and dessembled at Nice Cōc Can. ● Aug. epist. 50. et 162 A notable story concerning the Aphrican bisshops August de gestis cū Emerito It is proued by tvvo places alleaged by M. Horn that Cōstantine vvas no lavvful Iudge in Cecilians cause Augu. epistol 48. Augu. epistol 162. Opta li. 1. M Horns primacy condemned by Cōstātine him self Hovv like M. Horne is to the Donatists M. Horne in the .12 folio Traditor Alciat l. nō plures Cod. de sacros ecclesiis The 77. Vntruth This was no appeale of Athanasius as shall appeare Socr. li. 1 cap 34. Theod li. 2 cap. 28 The .78 vntruth That vvas no Synod at all but Nego●iū Imperatorium An Imperiall or Courtlye triall ●s Athanasius calleth it ▪ The .79 vntruth No suche vvordes in Athanasius Athanas. Apol. 2 ●o● 91. ●3 Athanas. in Apo● ● * Aboue 12. hūdret yeares M. Horne clean cōtrary to the Catholike Bisshops of the Primitiue Churche Athanasius ibidē Athanasius ibid. Ibidem VVhat maner of Appeale Athanasius made to Constantine the Emperour Athanas. Apol. 2. pag. 384. Socrates lib. 1. c. 27 Theodor. li. 1. ca. 32 Vide Apol. 2. Athan. sol 427. Im●ress Bas●l An. 1564. Sozom. lib. 3. c. 8. Tripart li. 4. c. 15. Athanas. Apol. 2. Athanas. in epist. ad solitar viagentes pag. 459. Athanasius and M. Horne of a clean contrary iudgement Athanasius vbi supra pagina eadē Fol. 3 b. Athanasius in epist. vt supra pag. 470. In decernendo prīcipē se facere episcoporum praesidere iudicijs ecclesiasticis Socrat. li. ● Cap. 28. Socrat. li. 1. cap. 34. Theod. lib. 1. cap. 28. The 80. vntruth boldly auouched but no vvaye proued The 81. vntruth Socrates belied as shal appeare In proaem lib. 5. Lib. 1. De vit Const. Socrates ● prooemio lib. ● Art 4. Fol. 139. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lib. 1. ca. 37. de vita Constant. Lib. 4. ca. 24. de vit Constant. Vide Pontificale impressum Venetiis An. 1520. The 82. vntruth That vvil neuer appeare in the order of this Councel The 83. vntruth Not M. Fekenhā● but M. Hornes opiniō is cleerelye condemned by the agreement of these 318. Father● Lib. 1. c. 17 The 84. vntruth There appeareth in Sozomene no such Imperial cōmaundement but only that he called them to mete at a day Lib. 1 c. 7. Lib. 3. De vit Const. Lib. 8. c. 14 Theod. lib. 1. cap. 9. Ruf. lib. 1. cap. 1. hist. ecclesiast Theodoretus lib. 1. ca. 7. hist. ecclesiast In Centu. De script ecclesiast Euseb. li. 3 cap. 18. de vit Const. The 85. vntruth euer auouched but neuer proued * Being priuat quarels thei could be ●o ecclesiastical matters touching religion vvhich is euer commō Sozom. li. 1. cap. 17. Li. 1. ca. 8. The 86. vntruth He did it religiously not politiqu●ly The 87. 88 and 89. vntruths Sozomenes text in three places falsified Sozom. li. 1. cap. 17. Theod. lib. 1 cap. 7. Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 27. Athanas. Apol. 2. M. Horne cōuicted by his ovvne example of Cōstātines doinges Ruffin lib. 1. c. 2. hist. suae ecclesiast Sozom. li. 1. cap. 17 Three vntruthes of M Horn. in translating of one greke sentence Ruffin lib. 1. cap. 2. Concil Chalcedo Act. 1. Gregor li. 4. epist. 31 In Phil. 2. Euseb. lib. 3. De vita Constant. The 90. vntruthe in concealing the truth of the story as shal appeare The 91. vntruth Theodoret hath no such thing The 92. vntruth The Emperour prescribed no rule to the bisshops The 93. vntruth The syllable All foysted in more then his Author hath Socr. lib. 1. cap. 8. Theod. lib. 1 cap. 7. Euseb. li. 3 cap. 10. de vita Constant. Theodor. li. 1. c. 7. Ambros. Lib 5. Epist. 32. Traditiōs are to be regarded vvhere Scripture faileth Vide Act. 1 Chalced. Concil pa. 776. col 1. Gregor Nazian lib. 5. De Theolog. Art 1. An. 1566. Angl. 18. Mart. The Apology hath shifted this syllable Al into a sentēce of S. Hierōs
not before thē He dothe not direct them prescribe to them or gouern them but is directed prescribed and gouerned of them Con. 133. The prīce hath supreame gouernemēt ouer al persōs .213 ī al maner causes The .212 Vntruth These lawes shew no suche principality The .213 Vntruth Impudēt That set ī the margin vvhich is not ī the text The .214 vntruth That can not be found either in the Code or ī thauthē August Epist. 48. Const. 133. Solitaria vita atque in ea contemplatio res planè sacra est et quae suapte natura animas ad Deū adducat Neque ijs tantum qui eam incolunt sed etiam omnibus alijs puritate sua apud Deū interpellatione competentē de se vtilitatē praebeat Vnde olī eares Imperatoribus studio fuit habita nos non pauca de dignit honestate eorū legibus cōplexi sumus Sequimur enī sacros in hoc canones et sanctos patres qui hoc cōprehēderūt legibus quādoquidē nihil nō peruiū ad inquisitionē maiestati èxistit imperatoriae quae cōmunem in oēs hoīes moderationē et principatum à Deo percepit Sequimur sacros Canones sanctos patres Brach. 1.2 The .215 Vntruth He commaunded not in M. Hornes sēce That is as suprē gouernor but as the Coūcel it selfe saith as Pijssimus filius noster Our most godlye Sonne The .216 Vntruth No suche thing in the Coūcell nor that Vvābanus called it at al Vide Brac. 1. tom 2. Conc. pag. 216. et 217 Can. 18. 23. The .217 Vntruth That is not in Sabellicus The .218 Vntruth False trāslation instaurare formam is not to make a nevve fourme but to repaire the olde The dutiful care of a Prince about religion The .219 Vntruthe No suche vvoords in that sentence The .220 Vntruth The kīgs vvhole vvordes fouly maimed and mangled as shall appeare A Princes speciall care for his subiects The .221 Vntruthe No such vvords in the Councell The .222 Vntruth It vvas not of the Nicene Coūcel but of the Cōstantinople Councell The .223 Vntruth For not by authority of Supreame gouernemente as M Horne driueth it but only for the execution of it in his Dominions The 224. Vntruth Slaunderous and blasphemous Lib. Epist. 7. Epist. 126. The Pope at that time cōmēded the Princes gouernement in causes Ecclesiasiastical The .225 Vntruth S. Gregory speketh not there of any gouernment at all The 226 Prince calleth Councels ād gouerneth ecclesiastical causes vvithout any doings of the Pope therein The .226 Vntruth auouched in the margin but not a whit proued in the Texte The .227 Vntruth S. Gregories vvordes excedinglye ouer reached Tom. 2. Cōc p. 168 col 1. b. Pag. 168. Ante cōmunicationem Corporis Christi Pag. 169. Secundum formam cōcilij Cōstantinop S●mbolū fidei recitetur Et mox Et ad christi corpus et sanguinē praelibandū pectora populorū fide purificata accedant Deijs symbolis vide tom 2. Concil pag. 392. The Protestantes follovve the Arriās in their carnal lecherie Can. 5. Tolet. 3. c. 1 M. Horns Madge must be sold for a slaue by this Coūcel which M. Horne him selfe allegeth Illi vero canonicè multeres quidē ab Episcopis venūdentur et pretiū ipsum pauperibus irrogetur Canon 5. A greate difference betvvixt the subscription of themperours ād of the Bisshops Sext. Syn. Const. act 17. 18. Georgius miserante Deo c. Definens subscripsi Subscriptio pijss christ dilecti Cōst imperat Legimus et cōsentimus act 18 Vt patet in dict tom 2 Concil Isidor videl Aera 627. Hoc est an 589 Beda li. 1. cap. 23. in Hist. gent. Angl. See the 4. Article the 9. pag. and certain folovving M. Horne goeth about craftely to disgrace and slaūder Saint Gregory Greg. li. 7. Ep. 126. Greg. li. 6. Epist. 37. The worthy doīgs of S. Gregorie Nauclerus Generat 21. pa. 752 Plat. in Greg. 1. S. Gregorie our Apostle Lib. 2. c. 1. Greg. lib. 2 cap. 36. M. Horns Vntruths laid forth Tom. 2. Conc. pag. 167. col 2. Luc. 10. Cōcil Tolet 3. Cap 2. Tom. 2. pag. 169. Col. 1. Vide Gregor lib. 7. epist. 126. Nauclerus vbi supra Platina M. Iewell ●n his Relie pa. 91 The .228 vntruth Slaunderous Sabel Plat. Paul Dia. Volater Naucler Martinus The .229 vntruth Not to be Head but to be so called The .230 vntruthe Slaunderous The order to be takē here after in ansvvering the residewe of M. Hornes booke Plat. in Bonifa 3. Adoi● Chroni Beda de sex Aera Martinus Polonus Paulus Diaconus Sabel Acnea 8. l 6. Platina in Boni 2. Paul Dia. de gestis Lōgobar li. 4. c. 11. Naucler Gener. 21. Martinus Polon Volateranus M Hornes folly The 231. vntruth as before The 232. vntruth Themperour by that decree is not left out * Novve M. Horne doth his kinde Sabel The .233 vntruth 4 popes came betwene ād 25. yeres * It was so vi non iure by force not by right Fol. 38. Bonifa 4. Theodat Bonifa 5. Honor. 1. Sabellicus Aenead 8. lib. 6. pag. 535. Tol. 4. The .234 vntruth The king folovved their directiō not they the Kinges in causes ecclesiastical The .235 vntruthe Not simply agreed vpon but fully and finally had decreed and determined Tol. 5. Tol. 6. Desinitis itaque etc. Tol. 7. The 236. vntruthe By the bis●hops decree not by the kinges decree Decreto nostro sancimus The .237 vntruthe For not by his Supreme Authority Studio Serenissimi Regis By the fauor and endeuour c. Tol. 8. * In that Othe there vvas I vvarrant you no Supreme gouernmēt c. * By the vertu of a Canon made in Tolet 7. The .238 vntruthe Not to assiste but in al poīts to obey ād folovv the ordinaunces of the Synod The 239. vntruthe No such matter in the Councel Tol. 9. Tol. 10. Tol. 4. ca. 40. Tol. 6. c. 6. Tol. 8. c. 4. 5. 7 Tol. 9. c. 10 Tol. 10. c. 5. Tol. 4. ca. 8 Tol. 7. ca. 3 Tol. 10. c. 5 Tol. 4. in praefat Tol. 5. in praefat Tol. 6. c. 2. Tol. 6. in praefat Tol. 7. in praefat Tol. 8. in praefat Ibidem Tol. 8. c. 4. Nam dùm secundum Carnis assumptae mysterium Ecclesiae suae fuerit dignatus caput existere Christus meritò in membris eius intentio Episcoporū officia peragere cernitur oculorum Ipsi enim de sublimioribus celsitudine ordinis regunt disponunt subiectas multitudines plebium Tol. 8. ca. 4. Vide Cōc 5 Con. 8. Distin. 631. cap. 21. The .242 vntruthe Slaunderous The 241. vntruth The Emperours neuer had it The 242. vntruthe Slaunderous and Rayling The .243 vntruth He brought it not but restored it c. As shal appeare The 244. vntruthe Notorious and facing The .245 vntruthe Their first strife vvas not about the Superiority but about Tria capitula Pontificall Anno. 620. The 246. vntruth It vvas not that
vvas that the cause of his absence The .278 vntruth Ex more after the maner left out Esai 49. Psal. 98. The pope accursed for heresie by the sentence of the emperour the synod and the bishop of Rome The 279. vntruth No such woordes in the Latin text * Here is left out that the See Apostolike Beati Petri autoritate confirmat confirmeth vvith the Authoritie of S. Peter the 6. General Councell Concernīg pope Honorius that M. Horn maketh an heretyke .218 patres in 5. synodo Romana Nisi à fide exorbitauerit Plat. in Honor. 1. Sabel Acnead 8. lib. 6. Tom. 2. Concil in gest Theodori pag. 228. Act. 4. Cōcil 6. Const. pa. 291. c. 1. a. c. Act. 4. pag 209.300 304. Vide zonarā Tom. 3 pag. 74. Beda li. 2. hist. gētis Angl. cap. 17.18 19. Art 4. fol. 112. 113. M. Rastel in his third booke against M. Iewel fol. 144. and .145 Tvvo legerdemanes of M. Hornes one mete for a Macariā tho ther for a gay grammarian Act. 18. fol. 409. Col. 1. c. Hanc definitionem prae manibus deferimus vestro serenitatis proposito recensendam Acti 18. Fol. 398. Col. 2. Act. 18. pag. 401. Act. 18. pag. 401. Col. 2. c. Edvvard 6. Ann. 1. Tilet in Confutaet Confes. Minist Antvverp pag 15. b. Act. 18. vt supra Act. 18. pa. 404. Supra lib. 2. cap. 19. The .280 vntruthe The word cōmauded is not in the text Aggregati sumꝰ vide tom 2 pag. 270. col 2. Tol. 12. Tol. 13. The 281. vntruth Of these .3 Coūcels or of any ratifiing thereof by the kings Authorite or Royal assent in the Tomes of the Coūcels there appereth nothing Tolet. 12. Vide Tom. 2. Concil Fol. 417. Tolet. 13. fol. 425 Votorum meorum studia vestris iudicijs dirimenda cōmittēs pa. 425. 417. His votorū meorū in sinuationib quaes● vt fortia paternitatis vestrae adiutoria prorogetis Luce enī clarius constat quod aggregatio sancta pōtificū quicquid censuerit obseruādū per donū spiritus sancti oīo est ad aeternitatem praefixum Tol. 13. fol. 426. c. 1. b M. Horne vnawares maketh the Clergie Supreme Iudges in Ciuile causes The .282 Vntruth Horrible and Slanderous The .283 Vntruth ▪ as before is proued The .284 Vntruth mere Slāderous The .285 vntruthe false trāslation vt Eccles●ae vniantur To vnite the Churches vvhich vvere in a schisme The .286 vntruthe As much in this Councel as in any other The .287 Vntruthe He saied not so The .288 vntruth The definition of the faithe was made vvithout the Emperours Authority M. Horns exceding impudēci for alleaging for hī the. 7. Generall Councell Qui venerandas imagines idola appellant anathema Act. 4. fol. 535. et act 7. fol. 603. Fol. 15. M. Horn is by this Councell declared an Heretique Act. 2. Nequaquam ad Synodum conuocādā cōsentiremus Dict. act 2. fol. 483. Col. 2. b. Ibidē fol. 485. Col. Tripart lib. 4. cap. 9. Theodoret. lib. 2. cap. 22. Cuius hortatu veluti iussu vos congregauimus ●ct 1. fol 463. Tom. 2. Conc. fol. 608. Zonaras Tom. 3. Tom. 2. Concil fol. 464. Ecclesiae à reliquis ecclesiis auulsae anathemati subiectae Zonar ibidem M. Horns vntruths The .290 Vntruth Ioyned vvith a Slāder The .192 Vntruth Capitaine and notorious io●ned vith extreme folly and grosse ignorance The .291 Vntruth False trāslation as shall appeare The .293 Vntruth He yeldeth no iurisdiction at al in ecclesiast matters to the laye Prince The .294 vntruth He vVas brother to Pepin ād sonne to Charles Martell The .295 vntruth Carolomanus exercised no Supreme authority in ecclesiastical causes Synod Francica The .296 vntruth Not by his but by the bishops Authority The .297 vntruth VVhich is the Popes Legate left out Naucler The .298 vntruth For all that Carolomanus here did vvas don by the Cōmissiō of Pope Zacha●ias M. Horns great provves Al the Popes authoritye sent away by sea in a shippe Miracles done by keyes Coelius Rhodiginꝰ Lect. antiq lib. 17. cap. 28. Gregor li. 6. epist. 23. M. Horns meruelouse exposition of Saint Peters keyes Martinus Synodum pene .1000 episcoporū Romae celebrādo venerationē sanctarū imaginū cōfirmat atque violatores generali sentētia anathematizauit Zonaras Tom. 3. M. Horn shevveth no author for his iolie exposition M. Horns boke is not set forth by the Quenes authoritye VVhat vvere the keyes that vver sent to Charles Martel Georg. Cassander in Ordine Romano P. Vrb. in scholijs in vitas Pōt Damasi Tom. 2. Conc. pa. 434. col 2. c Ibidē pag. 445. c. 2. Gregorius Secundino seruo Dei incluso lib. 7. epistol 53. Indict 2. Lib. 6. epist. 25. Lib. eodē epist. 23. Lib. 7. epistol 53. Lib. 6. epistol 25. Lib. eodē epist. 23. * Of this Miracle Vide Greg. loco citate Lib. 2. epist. 47. Indict 11. Art 4. fol. 10. 11. Sabellicus Aenead 8. lib. 8. Nauclerus Generat 25. p. 793. co 1. Nauc pa 790. 791. Masse cōfirmed ād M. Horn degraded by Carolomanus his supreme head Nauclerꝰ generat 25. pa. 79. The .299 vntruth Slaunderous and vylainouse The .300 vntruth His questiō vvas othervvise as shal appeare The .301 vntruth The contrary by that epistle appereth The .302 vntruth The churche vvas not then idolatrous The .303 vntruth Slaunderous and cōtrary to your own sayinges after Beda in martyrologio Art 3. fol 124. sequentibus M. Horns contradiction to him selfe Charles the great learned in the Latin and Greeke tonges Vide Pōt in vitae Zachar. De synodo autem congregata apud Francorum prouinciam mediantibus Pipino Carolomano excellentissimis filiis nostris iuxta syllabarum nostrarum commonitionem per agēte vices nosiras tua santitate qualiter egistis cognouimus omnipotenti Deo nostro gratias egimus qui eorum corda cōfirmauit vt in hoc pio opere adiutores existerent et omnia optimè et canonicè peregisti tam de falsis Episcopis et fornicarijs et schismaticis quamque etiā et c. Zacha ad Bonifac. Tom. 2. Concil fol. 450. Col. 2. Vvhy M. Horne is so outragius agaīst S. Bonifacius Leuit. 11. Mē waxē mad with eating of svvines flessh bittē vvith a madde dogge Lycosthen de Prodigijs Anno. 1535. In VVirtenbergēsi ducatu c. Tom. 2. Cōcil fol. 452. Col. 2 Nā et hoc flagitasti à nobis sanctissime frater in sacri canonis praedicatione quot in locis cruces fieri debeant Fol. 453. Col. 2. c. The .304 vntruth Slaunderous The .305 vntruth It appereth not so in any history Dist. 634. Magnitudine animi consilio doctrina et sanctitate vitae cū quouis optimo pontifice comporari potest Sabell Aen. 8. li. 8 dānata est haeresis de abolendis imaginib Platina Theophilatius Stephanus Episcopi insignes Adriani nomine synodū Franco rū Germanorumque Episcoporū habuere in qua caet A duble vntruth of
Maij. An. 1547. ad eundē Tho. Cantur Per alias liter datas dict 4. Maii. An. 1548.28 Iunij Acts and Monumentes Fol. 771. An. 15●0 Decem. 15. Actes and monumentes Fol. 777. Ibidem Fol. 867. Actes and Monumentes Fol. 693. 720. Horne Fol. 103. b. 104. a. Fol. 108. b VVherof the whole alteratiō of religiō hath proceded in England Take hede M Horne of periurie Fol. 104. Malach. 5 2. Tim. 1. Vide Ambros de Poenitent lib. 1. c. 2. Math. 9. Math. 9. Lucae 24. Act. 19. Act. 8. Vide caput Spiritus sanctus et cap. de ijs verò c. vt Episcopi de consecratione Exod. 24. Exod. 29. Num. 27. The .587 Vntruth For S. Paul saith so as shall appeare The .588 vntruth That is spokē of S Paule generally of the vvhole lawe Lyra. The .589 vntruth It maketh not a whit against M. Fekenhams cōclusion Aaron thē being not yet Priest at all The .590 vntruth For the sequele is good as it shal appeare The .591 vntruth The vvoorde temporall lewdely added to holy scripture M. Horne vseth no faire play vvith his aduersary Tha thE old testament is a figure of the nevv Heb. 10. 1. Cor. 9. Non obligabis os bo u● triturāti nūquid debobu● cura est Deo nā propter nos vtique scriptum est Ad Galath 4. 1. Cor. 10. Haec in figura facta sunt nostri mox Haec oīa cōtigerunt illis in figura Ad. He. 10. Vmbrā enī habens lex futurorū bonorū nō ipsam imaginem rerum Greg. Nazianz in ●rat De S. Pascha Pascha legale figura figurae erat c. 1. Cor 13. Adhuc in aenigmate Illic facie ad faciem In orat de S. Pascha 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deut. 17. Qui autē superbierit nolens obedire sacerdotis imperio ex decreto Iudicis morietur homo ille 2. Par. 19. Amarias aūt sacerdos pōtifex vester in his quae ad Deū pertinēt praefidebit There is a greater necessity to haue one high prieste among the Christiās thē the Ievves had 1. Cor. 11. M. Horne setteth forth his ovvn argumēts as thoughe they vver M. Fekenhams 1. Reg. 4. 1. Mach. 14 Mala. 2. Deute 17. Cypr. lib. 1. epist. 3. Quibus honor tātus de Dei dignatione conceditur vt quisquis sacerdoti eius ad tempus hic iudicanti non obtēperaret statim necaretur Vide Exod. 24. 28. Io. cap. 9. 12. Lib. 1. hist. Tripa c. 9. The .592 vntruthe No maruail at all For all Gods Councel that Paule shewed is not expressly mentioned in the Scripture It is a most fond collection The 593. vntruthe The Apostles exercised such iurisdiction vvith out any commission but from God The .594 vntruthe The bishops exercised al kind of Iurisdictiō ecclesiast before Constantine vvas borne The .595 vntruthe Constantin gaue to the Pope no suche Authority but furdered the executiō thereof Dist. 86. The .596 vntruthe For this graūt touched not the ecclesiastical ordinarye iurisdiction of Bisshops The .597 vntruthe Bertrandus affirmeth the plain cōtrary Act. 20. M. Horns asser●ion incredible Vide const Apostol Clementis in Tom. 1. Cōcil vlt. editionis Eus. eccle hist. li. 5. c. 23. lib. 7. cap. 26. 28. lib. 6. cap. 43. Socra lib. 2. cap. 43. Niceph. li. 4. cap. 22. Euse. li. 4. ca. 11. li. 7. ca. 26. Chryso in orat cōtra gent. quòd vnus sit Deus Euse. eccl hist. li. 7. cap. 26. Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 28. Idē eodē lib cap. 25. Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 25. Vide decr epist. Antheri Ievvel in his reply pag. 223. Vide Sab. Aenead 7. lib. 7. Niceph. li. 14. c. 39. Niceph li. 7. cap. 46. VVhat maner of iurisdiction cōstantin gaue to the Bishopes Euseb. li. 4 cap. 27. De vita Constant. VVhat kinde of iurisdiction Theodosius ā● Carolus Magnus gaue the Bisshops Vide. c. quicūque etc. volumus 11. q. Quicūque litem habens siue petitor fuerit aliàs siue reus vel d● cursis temporum curriculis siue cum negotium peroratur siue cum iam coeperit promi sentētia si iudiciū elegerit sacrosanctae sedis a●tistitis ilico sine aliqua dubitatione etiam si pars alia refragatur ad episcoporum iudicium cum sermone litigantium dirigatur Petrus Bertrandus in libello de iurisdictione ecclesiasticae Sed dices quòd ista lex est abrogata vt videtur tangere glosa ibidem sed hoc non valet quia licet ista lex non fuerit in corpore iuris redacta tamen propter hoc nō est abrogata imò c cōsider hovv hādsomly M Horn alleageth Bertrādus Vide. Horne fol. 82. Consider how hāsomly M. Horne alleageth Bertrandus Vide Horn Fol. 82. The Popes authoritie that M. Horne denieth confessed by infidelles Ammian Marc. rerū Rom. lib. 15. Euseb. lib. 7. c. 26. Vide libellū eius adiunctū epistolis Leonis 1. impress Col. in fo cap. 13. Augustin Stenchus Eugubin In Nomocanō Ph●tij titulo 8. Distinct. 96. c. Constantinus Quoniam vbi principatus Sacerdotum Christianae religionis caput ab imperatore coelesti constitutum est iustum non est vt illic imperator terrenus habeat potestatem Act. 15. The .598 vntruth For the Apostles and the Elders named of S. Luke vvere priestes The .599 vntruth M. Feckēhā saied not of the Apostles alone but by the Apostles and priestes which is true The .600 vntruth S. Luke saieth no such thīg of the vvhole congregation The .601 vntruthe The people had not to doe vvith determination of it The .602 vntruthe For it proueth Iurisdiction in the clergy and povver to make ecclesiastical lawes vvithout conmission from the Prince Act. 15. Concerning the decree of the Apostles made at Hierusalem Concerning this vvorde prieste Prebstre Prete Priester Priest Theodoret. in commētar in epi. 1. Tim. 3. Phil. 2. Hom. 36. in 1. cor 4. Act. 15. Act. 15. Ibidē 14. Ibidem 2. To .1 Cōc Act. 1. pa. 745. vel postr edit tom 3. pag. 19. Act. 1. pa. 775. pag. 47. Tom. 2. edit postr Act. 8. Act. 15. 1. Cor. 11. 1. Cor. 13. The .603 vntruth For the scriptures report so much in effect The .604 vntruth The actes speake of no such visitatiō The .605 vntruth as it shall appeare The .606 vntruth slaunderous boldly auouched but no vvay proued The .607 Vntruth slāderous as before The .608 Vntruth The titles of diuerse of thē are to be foūd there The .609 Vntruth The Bisshops of the Canō lavve are such as the Scripture describeth Lib. 50. Tit. 4. De muner honor The .610 Vntruth Euer repeted but neuer proued The .611 Vntruthe For it proueth an ordinarie power in bisshops aboute the Sacrament of confirmation vvhich they exercised vvithout any commission from the Prince The 612. Vntruthe For he speaketh bothe of the ordinarie vse of that Sacrament and of the extraordinarie gift of Miracles The 613. Vntruthe For M. Fekenham argueth not
his subiectes to the ende he might by his humbling of him selfe aduance and exalt Gods glory to the edifiyng and quietnes of his Churche The day came vvhiche vvas the day before the first Session should be in the councel as Socrates saith the Bishoppes did not sleape their ovvne matters but had their billes in a readines and deliuered them vnto the Emperour This vigilant noursefather vnto Gods Churche had cared and deuised so diligently for the common cause as the Bishoppes had done for their priuate quarelles and therefore vvhen he had receiued their Libelles verye .86 politiquelye saieth bicause he vvoulde irritate none of them for that tyme That the day of general iudgement shoulde be a fitte time for these accusations and Christ the Iudge then would iudge al men As for me .87 it is not leafull to take vpon me 8● the iugement of .89 suche Priestes accused and accusing one an other VVhereunto neuertheles he added this priuy nippe to pynche them vvithal For of al other thinges saith he this is least seemely that Bishoppes shoulde shewe them selues suche as ought to be iudged of others And so caused the Libelles to be cast into the fire giuing them an earnest exhortation to peace and quietnesse Stapleton It is a worlde to see the singular logicke and depe reasoning of M. Horne that can of such slender premisses inferre such mighty conclusions For the Emperour to be the Supreme Gouernour in all matters or causes temporall or spirituall it appereth most plain saieth he to be the practise of the Church by these Bisshops c●lled vnto the Nicene Councel Answere first M. Horne How could this possiblye be a practise of the Churche that neuer before was vsed in the Churche Except you wil say that euen heathen princes may be your Supreme gouernours in al causes Ecclesiastical You knowe before this Constantine there was neuer Christian Emperour to whome bisshoppes might put vp their complaintes as to their Supreme gouernour onelye Philip excepted Who is neuer read euer to haue medled with the lest matter or cause Ecclesiasticall but liued rather like a close Christian being afearde to displease the Romain Legions who then were in maner al heathens and who as the worlde then wente bore al the stroke in electing of the Emperour and in the continuance also of him Contrarywise that he was subiect to the Bisshops it appereth wel by the doing of Pope Fabian shutting him out at an Easter tyme from the number of cōmunicants because he sticked to confesse his sinnes as other Christians did Answere therefore first to this howe you auouche that for a practise which was or coulde neuer be vsed Wel lette this goe for an other vntruthe Now let vs heare howe ioylely you wil proue that the 318. Fathers of the Nicene Councel doe condemne M. Fekenhams opinion which before you promised to doe The cause is to your seeming that certain Bisshops accused one the other before the Emperour Constantine But how can this be a good motiue for you M. Horn to pronounce him therefore a Supreme Gouernour in all causes temporal and spiritual seing it dothe not appere what those causes were which the bis●hops did put vp vnto him They might be and so it is most likely they were causes temporal Verily your selfe confesseth they were priuat quarrels and so no matter of faith and religiō of which can growe no priuat quarrels but cōmō cōtrouersies but as it may seme it was some priuat cōtētiō betwene neighbour ād neighbour for at that time euery town had bis bisshops yea many meane Villages also concerning the limites and boundes of their possessions or ●uch like matter which is a matter plaine temporall Beside this they were not al at dissention but certaine and perchaunce very fewe how is then M. Fekenham condemned by 318. Bisshops of Nice I see you wil play smal game rather then ye wil sit out I wil now bring you for M. Fekēham and for the Popes supremacy no such trieflinge toyes and folishe gheasses but a substantial authour Athanasius him self that reciteth out of Pope Iulius epistle that this famous and moste godly synode decreed that no bisshop should be deposed onlesse the Pope were first thereof aduertised and that nothing owght to be determined in Councel but that he should be thereof made priuye before But why doe I craue ayde against you of this Councell seing your own example plainlye destroyeth your imagined Primacy in that Constantine answereth to these quarreling bisshops that it was not lawful for hī to be their Iudge Which sentence of his being so plaine you more grosslye then truely or politykely would elude as thowgh Constātin meant no such matter but politykely spake this because he would not irritate them or leaste by priuate quarrels the weighty cause of the faith in hand should be hindred Such gay gloses that destroy the text may you by your extrauagant Authority make at your pleasure But the sentēce of Sozomene only laied forth shal both discouer your bastard glose and open also your vntrue handling of his text For Constantine refusing to iudge of the bisshoppes complaintes calling them first as Ruffinus at large reherseth Goddes and such as ought to iudge ouer him not to be iudged of him or of any men at al but of God only he addeth and saieth as Sozomenus your alleaged Author reporteth As for me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being a man which woordes you guilfully left out it is not lawfull to take vpon me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such iudgement not the iudgemēt as you absolutely but vntruly turn it For straight he expoūdeth what maner of iudgement it is not lawful for hī to take vpō him adding immediatly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whē priests are parties plaintifs and defendants not of such Priestes c. as you now the third tyme in one sentence most lewdely and liyengly doe translate it These woordes therefore of Constantine thus spoken to the Bisshoppes were not politikely as you glose Maister Horne but religiously and reuerentlye deuised as to whome in plaine woordes he said Deus vos constituit Sacerdotes potestatem vobis dedit de nobis quoque iudicandi ideo à vobis rectè iudicamur Vos autem non potestis ab hominibus iudicari God hath appointed you Priestes And hath geuen you power to iudge ouer vs also And therefore we are orderly iudged of you But you can not be iudged of men Here by the waye Maister Horne The best the noblest and the wysest Emperour that euer Christendome had confesseth the Bisshoppes his superioures and iudges Shewe you where euer any wise or good Bisshop so flatly agnised the Emperour his superiour or Iudge in matters of Religion Nowe that this facte of Constantine proceded not of policie but of reuerence beholde howe this example was interpreted afterward aboue a thousand yeares past both of Emperours and of Bisshops Martianus that vertuouse Emperour protested
him to his shippe and saylled to Colayn as one that fledde away VVith .452 vvhiche doynges the Emperour became very famouse for he was a man of great vvorkes VVho did lyghten the kingdōme of Bohem● bothe vvith the setting foorth of Religion and vvith the discipline of Lavves and good manners The .33 Chapter Of Charles the .4 Emperour And of Nilus the Bisshop of Thessalonica Stapleton THis man runneth on his race stil to proue the Emperour Charles the .4 also the Supreame heade of the Churche because he reproued the Popes Legat and other of the Clergy for disorders Goe ones to the matter M. Horne and proue to M. Feckenham that Charles toke either him selfe to be head of the Church or the Pope not to be the Head Was not this Charles crouned by Pope Innocentius his Legate Did not this Charles geaue the vsuall othe that Emperours make to the Pope And did he not at the Popes commaundemente voide out of Italie straight after his coronation If ye denie it ye shal finde it in your owne Authour Nauclerus Yf ye graunt it being the principal why do ye so trifle in other things that touch not the principal matter standing in variance betwene you and M. Fekenham These are but fonde floorishes of your rude rhetorique And I may resemble your doings well to a dead snake whose taile and hinder partes the head being cut of and the snake slaine do notwithstanding for a while moue and sturre yea and make a resemblance of life Euen so the head of your serpentine and poisoned argumentatiō against the Popes primacy being at al times by the true and faithful declaration of the saied Primacie against your false arguing as it were with a sharp sworde cut of yet make ye by telling vs of reformation and such bie matters a countenaūce and resemblaūce of some truth or as it were of some life in your matter ye take in hād to proue And truly your bie matters to are cōmonly brought in very malitiously ignorātly erroneously ād foolishly as wel otherwhere as euē here also For to leaue then other things what folly is it for you to proue by this storie the like regiment in this Emperours time as is now in England for if ye proue not this ye proue nothing to the purpose confessing your selfe that the Popes Legat was present in the Coūcel with th' Emperor And wel ye wot ye haue no Popes Legate in your cōuocation But what was the disorder M. Horn in the Popes Legate Because he will not tell it you good Reader ye shal now heare it at my hands Sir saith the Emperour to the Legate the Pope hath sent you into Germanie where you gather a great masse of mony but reformation in the Clergie ye make none At which words the Legat being gilty to himself went away Now what inferre you hereof M. Horne Do not these words necessarily import the Popes Primacy in Germany And that the reformation of the Clergy was at the Popes ordering not at the Emperours Is not therefore M. Feckenhā much boūd vnto you that he hath of you so tractable and gentle an Aduersarie But the Archebishop of Mentz also you say is commaūded to reforme his Clergy I āswere If ye had told the cause withal ye had surely deformed al your Geneuical Clergie The occasiō was for that one Cuno a Canon of his Church there presēt wēt in a cap or hood more lay like ād souldior like then Priestlik What think you thē this Emperor would haue said to your brother Smidelinus the pastor of Gepping that preached openly before a great assemblie of the nobilitie in Germany in his Maisters liuery girded with a wodknife by his side Or to the late Caluinist Ministers in Antwerp of whō some preached in clokes and rapiers by their sides What likīg would he haue had in your bretherns late booke made in the defence of their Geneuical apparrel ād for the vnfoldīg of the Popes attierment as they cal it And therfore the Quenes most excellēt Ma. hath don very wel her self to see to these disorders as ye said thēmperor would see to it him selfe He said so in dede But how To doe it by his authority No. But cōmaunding the Archbisshop to see to the reformatiō of his Clergy in their apparrell their shoes their heare and otherwise And withal he said yf the disordered persons would not redresse their abuses then should they leese the profites and issues of their benefices the which the Emperour would employ with the Popes cōsent to better vses And so haue you of your accustomable liberalitie and goodnes broughte to our hande one Argumente more for the Popes superiority This hath your Author Nauclerus And as for your brother Gaspar Hedio though he rehearse al the residue word by word in a manner out of Nauclerus yet these three poore wordes cū volūtate Papae weighed so heauie against your new primacy that he could not carrie thē with him And you to be sure tell vs that the Emperour saide he would see to it hī self But how he would see to it that would you not your Reader should see least he should see withal not your Charles but the Popes primacie This your dissimulation is badde inough But whē ye adde with the which doings th'Emperour became very famouse I suppose your vnhonest dealing throughout all your booke practised will make you famous to and yet to your no great cōmendatiō but to your great shame and infamy Your Authors say not nor can wel say he was famouse for these doings And then come ye in as wisely with your for he was a wise man ctc. Nauclerus saith in dede he was a renouned Emperour not for the causes by you aboue rehearsed but for some other that he afterward reciteth and nothing seruing your with the which doings c. The doings that made this Charles the 4. so famous if ye list to know M. Horn were that with his greate charges and bountifulnes he erected the Vniuersitye of Praga in Boheme that he founded manye Monasteries that he brought the bodie of S. Vitus to Praga and such like Which you had as litle lust to recite as you haue to follow Only you say he was famouse for setting forth of Religion A man woulde thinke that knewe you that he was a setter foorth of your religion forsoth But if you had tolde vs as your Author telleth you that he builded Monasteries and translated Saints bodies Euery child should haue sene that this setting forth of Religion in Charles ▪ was no such suprem gouernment as you should proue to M. Fekenham but was to say al in few words a setting forth of Papistrie See you not M. Horne what a faire thread you haue sponne M. Horne The .138 Diuision pag. 83. a. At this time vvrot Nilus the Bisshop of Thessalonica declaring the .453 only cause of the diuision betvvene the Greke and the Latine
a Scripturely visitacion reformation and correction by the onely vvorde of God vvhich the Bishoppes may and ought to exercise in time and out of time vvith all possible vvatchefulnes and diligence vvithout any further commission The other kinde of visitation reformation and correction is Forinsecall or courtly vvhiche I comprehende vnder the seconde kinde of Cohibitiue Iurisdiction and this the Bishoppe may not exercise vvithout a further commission from the Prince VVerefore it is ouer foule an absurdity in you to inferre that the Bisshops may not exercise any Iurisdictiō visitaciō reformatiō or correctiō bicause they may not vse this Forinsecal or courtly vvithout the Princes commission Stapleton M. Horne after that he hath bene so bolde with Delphinus to frame his argumentes and wreste then at his owne pleasure he is as bold with M. Fekenhams arguments also M. Feckenham argueth thus Spiritual gouernment is geuē to Bishops by Gods speciall worde namely to loose and bynde to shutte vppe heauen gates and to geue the holie ghoste Ergo the Prince is not the supreame gouernour in all causes spiritual according to the wordes of the statute Ergo all maner spirituall iurisdictiō is not to be authorised of the Prince as the Acte expressely and most generallie auoucheth Ergo yt is not true that they may not visite or reforme theire flocke withowt the Princes commission This argumentes being good and sownd M. Horne leapeth me in and saieth that M. Fekenham toke vppon him to proue the second kind of cohibitiue iurisdiction to be by the expresse worde of God immediatly appointed to bishoppes and priestes without further commission of Princes And this argument he doth more solēly repete againe in the .2 leafe following and goeth about to soile yt being his own and not M. Fekenhās argument For thinke you M. Horne that M. Fekenham hath or will allowe your first and seconde cohibitiue iurisdiction His examples are of the power of order or of the keies and of that that you cal the first Cohibitiue iurisdiction Why then do you so falsly charge him leauing out the first two and the verie principall partes Let vs nowe heare what ye say further to him You accuse his euill dealing with the words of the acte expressīg an vnkindly meaning to the prince and the state Yea say that thoughe the statute doth geue or rather restore to the Prince all maner of iurisdictions or preheminences towching any Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction yet the wordes must not be taken so generallie but must be referred and limited to and with other wordes of the sayde statute that is for the visitation reformation and correction of the ecclesiasticall state and of all maner of errours and heresies By the which wordes of limitation the Prince as you inferre of it is as well restrained from doing any thing in the publike ministerie by preaching or ministring Sacraments as from that iurisdiction that standeth in excommunication and hath onelie thereby the second kinde of cohibitiue Iurisdiction Surelie here is a marueilouse and a wōderfull interpretatiō M. Horne vrgeth M. Fekenhā to swere that he beleueth in conscience that the Prince is Supreme Gouernour in all causes Ecclesiastical He addeth as ye haue heard that those wordes must be takē without limitatiō or exceptiō and yet him selfe excepteth the chief things or causes ecclesiastical Wherby a man may much better cōclude and swere to the cōtrary that is that the Prince is not Supreme Gouernour in al Spiritual causes Surelie to imagine and to defende the Prince to be supreme ruler in al causes ād yet to abridge his authoritie in so many causes is much like as if one should say and affirme of some man that he is a king but yet he is able to cōmaund no man to prison for any offence he is a king but if ther be any warre he can cōmaund no man to serue him he is a king but yet if there be any businesse stur or disorder in the people he neither can punish thē nor make out any decree or proclamatiō against his rebels Of the which premisses they being true it wil follow that in deede he is no king But surely M. Horne me thinke as I haue said that ye aduenture very far and daūgerously whē in the other part touching iurisdiction ye restraine and limit the statute that geueth the authorising of al maner of iurisdictiō to the Prince yea ānexeth and vniteth the same to the Croune to the secōd cohibitiue ōly And what kind of visitatiō or reformatiō shal the Prince make by his ecclesiastical authority if you take away the authority to excōmunicat which al ecclesiastical visiters haue ād euer had and which also expresly belōgeth to the secōd kind of cohibitiue iurisdictiō which you make to depēd of only princes by your own author Antoniꝰ as I haue before shewed Cōsider M. Horn whether M. Fekēhā may not iustly say to you that you deal very yl with the words of the act and you expres an vnkīdly meaning to the Prince ād the state Wel if there be no remedy but that by your interpretation directe contrary to all reason and the manifeste wordes of the statute the statute it selfe may be so eluded and that ye may by your owne absolute authority spoile your supreame head of one cheif pointe and power ecclesiastical yea of the very cohibitiue Iurisdictiō which you woulde seme to graūte him with this your pretie and newly coyned distinction which prince like ye woulde haue to be as yt were good and currāt mony I meane of your two kindes of cohibitiue iurisdiction which I suppose shall neither be founde in any good Diuine nor in any boke of the temporall lawe in all Englande yet woulde I fayne heare from you of some good and conuenient proufe whie the seconde cohibitiue as ye call yt remayneth in the prince onely more then the first Or why if that remaine excommunicatiō being a part thereof remaineth not in the Prince also I would know farder whē euer this iurisdictiō was takē away frō the Prīces that it must now be restored again Verely that which they neuer had could neuer be takē away And much lesse can it be restored thē which by no right euer belonged to thē For shew M. Horne yf you can with al your study and cōferēce with your frendes but one exāple of any Catholik Prince either in Englād or in al the world beside that gaue the bishops any cōmissiō for the secōd cohibitiue iurisdictiō as ye call it specified in those exāples that your self reherse out of Antonius I wil geue you one whole twelue moneths M. Horne to bring foorth but one such example I neuer read I neuer heard of any suche commission Onely in the late daies of king Edward the sixt his time I finde such commissions by the whiche al Archbishops Bisshops and other Ecclesiastical persons did then exercise all their Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction There I finde though vntruely
pray deuoutly chieflie directing his eies and mind to the place wherein the honourable sacramēt of Christes Body is hiddē and kepte The matters of the Canō Lavve visitatiō are in parte these The visitour ought to view diligētly whether the place wher the Sacramēt is kept be cleane wel garnished and close for the Eucharist and the holy Chrysme ought to be kept shut vnder locke and key He must see that there be great lightes of waxe to geue light in that place Thē must he visit the place of the holy reliquies ād of Baptisme And search diligētly what māner of place it is ād whēther it be kepte shut Besides this he muste visit the Aultars and litle Chappelles and must with his eies viewe the whole Church whether it be cleāly and cleane Thē he must visit the vesselles and Churche vestymentes whether they be cleane and kepte in a cleane place as they ought to be and whether the vestimētes be ouermuche worne and brokē and in case the visitour shal finde suche vestimētes vncleane rēte and cōsumed with occupying he muste burne thē in the fire and cause the ashes to be buried in some place whereby ther is no passage But in any wise let him not suffer saith Socius purses or such like thinges to worldly vse to be made of the copes or tunicles Last of al let him suruey the houses and possessions belonging to the Churche The Bishop dooth visit also to bisshop enfantes and to cōsecrate or hallow Churches The visitour also shall enquire and examine whether any mā knowe or beleeue or that the fame is that the Sexten the Treasurer or the Vesture keeper hath well and saufly kepte the vessels vestimentes and other thinges or ornamentes of the Churche as Masse bookes Grayles Antiphoners Legendes and other thinges appointed to diuine Seruice and whether any thing moueable or vnmoueable be diminished and by whome wherefore whan and after what sorte whether they be diligently present at the Dirigees for the dead And whether the vesture keeper or Sexten keepe warelie and cleanly the Churche the Eucharist the Reliques the Fount the Churchyardes and suche other things And he shal examine the Priestes in the countrie in saying of their Masses But lette euerye Visitour vnderstande saith mine Authour that same the greatest question or controuersie which was betwixt three rurall Personnes or Priestes vvherof tvvo of them stroue about the vvoordes of Consecration the one affirming that the vvordes are to be pronounced thus Hoc est corpus meus the other Hoc est corpus I thinke he should haue said corpum meum These tvvo chose a thirde Prieste vvho vvas taken to be better learned to be arbitour and to decide this high question vvhose ansvvere vvas that he him selfe stoode euer doubtfull in this question and therfore in steede of these vvordes of consecration did alvvaies vse to saye one Pater noster Furthermore the Visitour must enquire vvhether the laity make their confession once in the yeare and receiue the Euchariste at Easter And vvhether they be slovve or denie to paie their tythes and fruites The Archebisshoppe must in visiting any of his Suffraganes exactly enquire and examine the Canons and Clerkes of the Cathedrall Churche vvhether they knovv beleue or that the fame is that the Bisshop hath couered or borne vvith some mens faultes for money or other temporall commoditie Can you finde in the Scriptures any one of these Visitours or anie one of these vveightie matters enquired of by Peter Iohn Paule Sylas Barnabas or by any of the Apostles in their Visitations vvhich vvere Scripturely visitations No surely it is not possible For these Idolatrous .607 vanities are manifestlie repugnaunt to the Holie Scriptures Amongest all the rable of these Canon Lavve visitours ye can not finde in the Scriptures not so muche as the bare Title of .608 one of them onelesse it be of a Bisshoppe vvhiche name applied to the man as the Scriptures describeth the man that is called to that office can no .609 more agree vvith a Cannon Lavve Bisshoppe then vvith the Ciuill Lavve Bisshoppe vvhose office vvas as it is sette foorthe in the Digestes to haue the rule and ouersighte of all maner of victualles in the Citties as it vvere the chiefe Clerke of the markets As the matter of the Apostles visitations standeth directly .610 against the greatest parte of the matter vvhereabout your Popish or Canon Lavve visitation is exercised Euen so the holy Scripture that you auouche for the geuing of the holie Ghoste maketh .611 nothing at all to proue your purpose For Saint Luke in that place speaketh .612 not of an ordinarie povver that shoulde remaine in the ministers of the Churche for euer but of a speciall gifte to vvorke miracles and to geue that povver to others vvhiche shoulde continue but for the time vvhiles Christes Churche vvas to be erected and the vvoord to be sounded through the vvorlde And therefore Chrysostome saieth That this gift pertained onely to the Apostles For saieth he the Conuertes in Samaria had receiued before Peter and Iohn came the spirit of Remission of Sinnes But the spirite of Myracles that is the gift of tongues healing propheciing and suche like vvhich are the giftes of the holie Ghoste and therefore are called the Holie Ghoste they had not as yet receiued There vvere many that by the povver of Goddes Spirite coulde vvorke miracles but to geaue this povver to others none coulde doe but the Apostles For that vvas propre and onelye in them Marke novve the sequele of your allegation for proufe of your purpose Thus .613 you argue the Apostles gaue by the imposition of their handes to the Samaritanes the giftes of Healing Prophecying of Tongues c. Therefore euerye Bisshop and Priest hath povver to geue the same gifts to their flocks and cures There vvas neuer none so blind or so ignorantly brought vp in your cures belonging to the Abbey of VVestminster but that did vvel perceiue that neither your Bisshops Abbottes or Priests had or could doe any such feate They like Apes imitated the outvvarde signe or ceremonie but the invvard grace they vvanted Stapleton In this parte M. Fekenham prosequuteth his proufe out of the newe Testamente alleaging for his purpose manye places thereof As of Peter and Iohn that went into Samaria to visite the Christians there to confirme them in fayth and to geue them the holy Ghoste by the imposition of their hands Of Paulus and Barnabas that visited many contries commaunding the Christians there to kepe the commaundements of the Apostles and priests with certaine orders and lawes made by S. Paule But al this M. Horn thinketh may be wiped away with one general answer of an insufficiēt consequēcy for that the Apostles did and could do many things that bishops and priests neither may nor can doe nowe I wil not striue with you M. Horne what the Apostles did in other thinges but yf they practised any