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A07467 The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princesse of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to bee exorcised, in the yeare 1610, in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the couent royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the reuerend father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine, ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. All faithfully set down, and fully verified. Wherunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said father Michaëlis, ... Translated into English by W.B. Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618.; W. B., fl. 1613-1617. 1613 (1613) STC 17854; ESTC S107052 483,998 666

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cautions and restrictions They doe declare said Verrine that thou are vanquished for thy intendment was to haue sworne according to the Church that is called the Reformed Church and is the Church of Caluin Beza Luther Arius and the like Heretikes You may doe well said Leuiathan to beleeue this babler you may perhaps find him to be a great Prophet Verrine said It is true I am of my selfe a miserable Diuell as thou art but after much resistance and long disputation against God I was at last constrained to speake the truth for God is the Prophet of Prophets and hee it was that made Balaams Asse to speake Leuiathan answered What doth God interchange commerce of language and conference with a Diuell Yes that he doth said Verrine but by a secret kind of intelligence and we resist as much as is possible for vs his commandments yet at length we are of necessitie tied vnto obedience Then answered Leuiathan For mine owne part I frequent no companie but the societie of braue and worthie fellowes Accursed spirit as thou art replied Verrine knowest thou not that when God doth worke hee worketh not for the bodies sake but from his regard vnto the soule I tell thee the soule of a pesant that is endowed with the grace of God is as pretious before his Creator as is the soule of a great King or Monarch It cannot bee denied but they are poore yet God is able to inrich them and to store vp much grace within them Speake now Leuiathan It may be thou shalt gaine some one or other vnto Lucifer and shalt not loose all thy labour Leuiathan answered Ha Verrine thou knowest well that I gaine more vpon great personages then vpon pesantly and base people It cannot bee gaine said quoth Verrine but that a man of note and qualitie is more incumbred to cleere himselfe of euill and to applie all his actions vnto good then is a poorer man yet may an honest plaine Countrie man be a cause of much good as a clowne of a wicked disposition may bee apt enough to practise a great deale of mischiefe Poore and rich are indifferently equally in Paradise for there is no distinction in that place betweene them And least any one should mis-understand mee and conceiue that there is an errour in my words I do explane my selfe I do not say that there shall be no diuersitie amongst them in the seuerall degrees of glory for who so in this world is stored with most grace shall in that other world attaine vnto a great portion of glory as appeareth in Magdalene who hauing loued much had much sinne remitted vnto her and therefore she is the second person after the mother of God and so is it also decreed and ordered by the Church in the Letany O Dominicke thou art my mortall enemie and art now dwelling amongst the Thrones and holdest that place which formerly did appertaine vnto me I say not that thou art there as an Angell but as a Saint blessed for euermore for as there fell Angels of euery Order some so God to fill up the seates that were void by the downefall of Angels hath placed the soules in them diuiding vnto euery one that place of glory which he iudged they had deserued Then said Leuiathan What haue I to doe with this preacher Verrine answered I came not to preach and those who vnderstand me cannot say that they haue heard a Sermon but that they haue seene two persons possessed to bee exorcised and that the Diuell in one of them did speake and discourse variouslie Then Verrine spake to the Exorcist and said Why doest thou not command Leuiathan to speake Vpon this the Exorcist said Leuiathan why speakest thou not Verrine answered because hee hath nothing to replie Then said Leuiathan I doe warrant it vnto you that my doctrine is the truth not the doctrine of the Church of Rome True said Verrine according to thy perplexed and cursed intention I tell thee that although the Bishop of Rome should leade an vngodly and a vitious life which yet I affirme not for I touch vpon no man in particular but suppose that it were so yet should not the authoritie and the power that God hath delegated vnto his Church be hereby diminished or impaired for the power is alwaies the same as in the Church the sacrifice is alwaies the same be the Priest good or be he bad that doth sacrifice for the Priest deriueth his power from God not God from the Priest Then he cried hola Lucifer come hither for I will dispute with thee of the Masse of Purgatorie and of Inuocation of Saines my doctrine issueth from a fountaine which is neuer dried vp to wit Iesus Christ who is the light of the world as saith Iohn the Euangelist Leuiathan among the supreame Seraphins thou wert the third after Lucifer What sayest thou now learned doctor Darest thou affirme that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist Christ Iesus is not really and truly there I my selfe am able to tell thee O doctor without knowledge that God being Omnipotent may make his bodie descend vpon an hundred thousand seuerall Altars Doest thou vse thus to baite mens soules with thy faire speeches steeped in all alluring sweetnesse And thou Balbarith who doest make the Gentrie to beleeue that it is a peece of vallour to sweare and blaspheme the name of God without intermission speake if thou wilt Approch thou also Astaroth who art the master of idlenesse And thou Asmodee who doest vndoe and debauch youth by thy continuall allurements And thou Carreau who hardnest mens harts I perceive you haue nothing to say for your selues and yet doe you labour secretly the subuersion of men Vpon this Verrine turned him to the assembly and said Looke you obserue the commandements of God and of his Church which is not subiect vnto errour for Christ Iesus her Spouse is euer with her and guideth her by that cleere light which euer streameth from him Bee attentiue vnto Sunday and Holi-day Masses for those that obserue them not hauing no maine or canonicall impediment to hinder them doe sinne mortally The Church is more solicitous to instruct you then a naturall mother can be ready to succour her child that is in danger There are who goe to heare Masse as a labouring man goeth to his worke without preparation or as if a man would goe to Plaies or Reuels Consider consider these things that are so full of admiration I Verrine as I am a Diuel would rather chuse to suffer the paines of hell 20. 30. 40. 50. yeeres then to tell you one word sutable vnto what I now speake and if this creature here were of force and strength sufficient I would crie so loud in her that men should heare mee halfe a league off Conceiue of me as of one that is nothing else but a fire-brand in hell not worthie to be burned in that fire and in these contemplations thinke
Being commanded to shew the adoration vsed by Thrones hee cast himselfe with incredible swiftnes flat vpon the ground and stretched out his armes as wide as possibly he could The Acts of the 23. of Aprill being Saturday VPon this day the Masses which were celebrated thorow the whole citie of Aix for the conuersion of the Magician were ended for Monsieur Pelicot Prouost and Vicar generall aforesaid had commanded thorow all the Parish Churches Priories and other like places of Religion in the citie of Aix that vpon the Thursday all the Priests should sing the Holy Ghost vpon the Friday halfe the Priests should sing the Conuersion of S. Paul and the other halfe the Conuersion of S. Magdalene vpon the Saturday all should sing the Hymne of our Ladie by the power and efficacie of all which and through Gods assistance Lewes Gaufridy the Magician was found in better case touching his conuersion The Monday following being the 25. of Aprill father Michaelis departed from Aix with the rest of his companions hauing receiued directions from the most reuerend the Generall of his Order to be present at the publike Synod held at Paris the feast of Pentecost then next ensuing Whither being come hee receiued aduertisement that the said prisoner was burned at Aix the last day of Aprill by vertue of the Arrest which was pronounced against him The tenour whereof heere ensueth THE ARREST OF THE COVRT OF PARLIAment of Prouence giuing sentence of death against Master Lewes Gaufridy IT hath pleased the Court to examine and search into the criminall processe and other proceedings made by the authoritie of the said Court at the instance and procurement of the Kings Attorney Generall Complainant in the case crime of Rape Seducement Blasphemie Magick Witchcraft and the like abominations against Master Lewe● Gaufridy originally descended from Beau vezer lez Colmats Priest and beneficed in the Church of Acoules in the Citie of Marseille defendant and prisoner in the prison that belongeth vnto the Palace The verball processe of the proofes and arguments is that Magdalene of Demandoulz otherwise of Pallud one of the Sisters of the Companie of S Vrsula was possessed and held to be really possessed by wicked spirits that were knowne and obserued to haue remained within her at S. Baume from the first of Ianuary last past till the fifth of February by Frier Sebastian Michaelis Doctor of Diuinitie Vicar generall of the reformed Congregation of preaching Friers and Prior of the Couent Royal at S Maximin which attestation was formallie and dulie confirmed by diuers other Fathers bearing date the 20. of the said moneth The decree of the Court containing the granting out of a Commission to Master Anthony Seguiran Counsellor in the said Court to take informations which might concerne the fact of the said Accusation and to attach the said Gaufridy and commit him to the prison of the Palace vpon the 19. of the said moneth The Informations and Inq●isitions taken by the said Commissarie and the verball Processe of the apprehension and commitment of the said Gaufridy Another decree of the said Court which containeth a Commission granted foorth vnto Master Anthonie Thoron a Counsellor likewise in the said Court to heare the said Magdalene of Pallud and to take particular information of the proofes and principall allegations giuen in by the Atturney generall and himselfe together with Monsieur Garandeau Vicar vnto the Archbishop of Aix to indite the said Gaufridy vpon the 28. of the said moneth The hearing deposition and confessions of the said Magdalene touching the said rape seducement and subornation of her to practise those impieties which belong to Magicke as also touching the contract and promises made vnto the wicked Spirits besides many other abominations mentioned in the verball Inditement of the 21 of the said moneth Another Libell of Informations taken by the said Commissarie the 23. of the said moneth The attestation of Master Anthonie Merindol Doctor of Physicke and the Kings Professor in the Vniuersitie of the citie of Aix touching the strange and extraordinarie gestures and passages that happened vnto the person of the said Magdalene of Pallud during the time that he had her in cure and before the manifestation of her possession vpon the 24. of the said moneth The report made by the appointment of the said Commissaries and giuen into the Court b● Maste● Iames Fonteine Lewes Grassy and the said Merindol Doctors and pro●esso●s of P●ysicke and Peter Bontemps Surgeon and profest Anatomist in the said Vniuersitie touching the qualitie and nature of those extraordinary motions which at set times and pauses did affect the head and braine of the said Magdalene of Pallud and what might be the cause of them as also touching the nature causes and reasons of those markes in her bodie which made the place deuoid of the sense of feeling where they were and which were also shewed by her as also touching her virginitie and her being defloured vpon the 26. and 27. of the said moueth and the 5. of March last past The Interrogatories and Answers of the said Gaufridy vpon the 26. of February and the 4. of March last Another decree of the said Court that the said Master Anthony Thoron who was formerly deputed to be Commissarie should take the full view and information of the said Inditement vpon the 4. of March The verball Processe of the confronting and personall contestation betweene the said Magdalene of Pallud and Gaufridy aboue named vpon the 5. of the said moneth The report of the markes found vpon the body of the said Gaufridy following the instructions and directions of the said Magdalene vpon the 8 of the said moneth of March. The publication of the said report with the confronting of him with the said Physitians and Surgeons deputed and commanded thereunto by the said Commissioners There re-examination and confronting of other witnesses vpon the 8. of March Another Libell of Informations taken in the citie of Marseille vpon the fifth sixth and seuenth of Aprill last past The hearing of Mistris Victoire de Courbier said and pretended to haue been bewitched by the said Gaufridy by reason of the crasinesse and indisposition of her vnderstanding as also because of her disordinate and scandalous affection to the said Gaufridy vpon the sixth of Aprill The second Interrogatories made vnto the said Gaufridy touching the truth of the said Information which contained his confession that hee had bewitched the said Victoire by breathing vpon her the twelfth and sixteenth of the said moneth of Aprill The verball Processe of the voluntarie confessions made by the said Gaufridy touching other facts and crimes laid vnto his charge the 14. and 15. of the said moneth The retractations of the said Gaufridy the fifteenth day of Aprill aforesaid in the afternoone The letters of the Bishop of Marseille to Master Ioseph Pellicot Prouost of the Metropolitane Church of the citie of Aix and also Vicar vnto the Arch-bishop of Aix
that in his name authoritie and place he should proceed iudicially against the said Gaufridy belonging vnto his Diocesse in such ample and full manner as the Bishop himselfe might doe if hee were there present in his owne person vpon the 17. of the said moneth The deputation of a Proctor made by the said Gaufridy before the said Prouost who by vertue of the foresaid letter was his Ordinary that so prosecution might bee made for the restitution of those Schedules which are aboue mentioned in the informations there contained The order of the said Counsellor and Commissarie and of the said Master Pellicot as well by vertue of his place of being Vicar to the said Bishop of Marseille as also by reason of his being Vicar vnto the Arch-bishop of Aix that the said Magdalene of Pallud should be re-examined concerning her allegations and depositions and should bee againe confronted with the said Gaufridy Diuers other new confessions made and respectiuely repeated by him the 22. and 23. of Aprill conformable vnto the former Another report of the foresaid Doctors of Physicke and Surgeons touching the abolishment and taking away of the markes of the said Magdalene of Pallud with the re-establishment and confirmation of the manner of them laid open in the former report of the 23. of March The verball processe of the interruptions and extraordinarie accidents which happened vnto the said Magdalene during the time of her confession the tortures and torments which she suffered and the words which proceeded from her Besides the matters contained in the Interrogatories and answeres the proofe and witnesse of the abol●shment of the markes the re-establishment and confirmation of the same on Easter day and the Feasts following during the celebration of the blessed Masse The iudgement of these obiects and the conclusions of the Kings Atturney generall thereupon the day of hearing of the said Gaufridy in the Chamber and the report of the Commissarie deputed for the same Whereupon it was published That the Court hath and doth declare the said Lewes Gaufridy attainted guiltie and conuicted of the cases and crimes aforesaid where with-all he hath been burthened and to make some amends and reparation for the same the said Court hath and doth condemne him to be deliuered vp into the hands of the Executioner for matters capitall and to bee led thorow all the vsuall streetes and quarters of the citie of Aix and before the great gate of the Metropolitane Church of S. Sauiour to performe this penance that is to goe thither bare-headed and bare-footed with a linke burning in his hand and a rope about his necke and vpon his knees to aske forgiuenes of God the King and Iustice. Which being performed he is to be brought to the place of Preaching in the said towne and there to be burnt aliue in a pile of wood which shall be prepared for that purpose vntill his bodie and bones be consumed and turned to ashes which are also afterward to be scattered and cast into the winde and all his goods and euery parcell thereof to be seazed vpon and confiscated to the King And before he be executed hee shall be tortured and put vpon the racke both after the ordinarie and extraordinarie manner to force from his mouth the true detection of his complices Neuerthelesse before he haue the said execution of death performed vpon him hee shall be giuen vp into the hands of the Bishop of Marseille his Diocesan or in his absence into the hands of any other Prelate of qualitie besitting the same to be degraded from his Orders according to the accustomed manner in such cases prouided Giuen in the Parliament of Prouence residing at Aix and published at the barre of Iustice and to the said Gaufridy in the Palace-prison who at the same time was put to the racke both after the vsuall and extraordinarie manner the Commissaries that were deputed vnto the same being there present And about fiue of the clocke in the afternoone he was put to death being first degraded by the L. Bishop of Marseille his Diocesan in the Church of preaching Friers at Aix in the presence of the said Commissaries following the forme and tenour of this present Arrest the last of Aprill 1611. Signed MALIVERNY IN the moneth of Iuly father Michaelis was aduertised by letters from father Romillon and father Francis Billet who had beene both Exorcists vnto Magdalen as also from the Gardian of the couent of Capuchin fathers at Aix and of another of the Capuchins wherein they declared diuerse admirable occurrences which by the permission of God did befall Louyse and Magdalene since his departure from them And also that the very same day vpon which the Magician was burnt sister Margaret Burle a very honest woman and of the company of S. Vrsula was deliuered from three Diuels and from the charmes which she had in her body After certaine dayes there was another woman and after her there was also another freed from the like slauery who had been formerly possessed by the force of charmes and witch-craft Moreouer that two Diuels to wit Gresil and Sonneillon had quite left the body of Louyse so that there remained none behind but Verrine who said that the end of the History was not yet come Also that Magdalene had beene for many dayes together depriued of her sight and hearing and could not eate neuerthelesse by reason of the good hap which againe befell vnto her on that blessed feast of Whitsuntide shee hath recouered all againe and is moreouer deliuered of the Diuell Asmodeus and two other Diuels and that afterward she was no more troubled with those Incubi that were wont to haunt her that Belzebub did still possesse her and had strangely forced her tongue downe into her throat tormenting her more and more with his accustomed ra●kings and tortures that by reason of the letters which were written shee was now deliuered from all her torments and that shee held Belzebub bound and chained vp in her body by the permission of God and that when he would intreate her to giue him licence to goe forth of her body but for a quarter of an houre onely that he might set some stay touching his Sabbaths and meetings she would by no meanes allow him so to doe It was further aduertised in these letters that Magdalene had a vision of the state of Lewes Gaufridy how he was continually tormented in hell with more extremitie then euer was Indas And that this vision was the cause that shee became an vnfeined penitentiary for shee would goe along to the wood with the poore women of Carpentras whether she was fled bare-footed and would gather bundels of sticks and would sell them in the market place and would giue the money that did arise from hence vnto the poore besides that which shee daily sent to bee giuen at the porch of the great Church Moreouer that shee made great reckoning of any act of humility and patience and wa●