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A04988 A Catholicke apologie against the libels, declarations, aduices, and consultations made, written, and published by those of the League, perturbers of the quiet estate of the realme of France Who are risen since the decease of the late Monsier, the Kings onely brother. By E.D.L.I.C.; Apologie catholique. English Belloy, Pierre de, ca. 1540-1613.; Aggas, Edward, attributed name. 1585 (1585) STC 15137; ESTC S108196 138,975 314

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beeing second after God of whom he houldeth his authoritie and hath nothing greater thē the heauenly power Constantius Valens Zeno Anastazius Iustinian the first and second Heraclius Leo the 3. Phillip Bardanes Constantin the 5. Leo the 4. and some other Emperours who were adiudged hereticks were neuer deposed notwithstanding the Catholicke Church condemned their errors which neuerthelesse is permitted to excommunicate Kings and Princes Sectaries of false opinions or otherwise euill liuers in cace the same will not acknowledge their vice or trāsgression which one onely Bishoppe or high Priest whatsoeuer may not doe without the iudgement and notice of the Church after it hath heard the King or Prince in his exeptiōs and defences wherein vndoubtedly ought to be strictly obserued all order of Iustice in respect aswell of the grauitie of the cause as of the qualitie of the person in question wherevpon may depend the trouble and subuertion of Christiā policie through such ciuil warres as might ensue together with the bloud of the poore faithfull which the weapons of the prouoked Prince might shed as Sainct Augustin to the same purpose doth confesse and discourse vpon in his Glose vpon that precept whereby wee are commaunded to obeye our Kings Moreouer excommunication denoūced contrary to the orders of the auncient fathers obserued in the Church and without the knowledge thereof would proue vniust and vtterly voyde and thereby not the taxed but the taxer might take harme as Gratian teacheth expounding a place of S. Hierome vpō Leuiticus Pope Leo also affirmeth that the priuiledge of Peter is in force wheresoeuer iudgemēt is giuen according to his equitie Innocent the third how zealous he was of his authoritie confesseth that if the excommunicated pretende that vniustly hee was so denounced hee maye complaine and exhibite the cace of his innocencie In France by the priuiledges of the Flowerdeluce it hath often by arrest of y ● Court bene adiudged y t the King his officers or subiects in body or communaltie cannot bee excommunicated by the Pope or any other Bishop whosoeuer Whervpon Charles du Molin a famous aduocate and one of the greatest Lawyers of his time testified that he had to that ende an expresse Bull of Pope Martin the 5. which was nothing repugnant to the lawe by the Popes commonly obserued for Iohn the 22. declareth that he may graunt priuiledge to some one that hee shall not bee excommunicated whereupon Pope Eugenius the fourth concurring with the Court of the holy Apostolick Sea graunted to the French that no Bishop whatsoeuer should entangle them in the sentēce of excōmunication But we haue not for this occasiō to deale either with Bulls or priuiledges of y e Church of Rome for by the rights authority dignitie of the Maiestie of our king it is not lawfull for the Pope or any Bishop whatsoeuer to excommunicate either towne or communaltie subiect to the Realm of Fraunce By reason whereof in the yeere 1488. the Atturney generall appealed as of abuse from the excommunication that the Pope had laid vpō the Inhabitants of Gaūt because they had dealt hardly with the Emperour Maximilian their Earle and Vassall to the King of Fraunce to whome onely hee ought to haue had recourse as vnto his Lord for remedie the Pope hauing no authoritie ouer the subiects of this Crowne To y ● same ende also Charles the fifth by an Edict verefied in his Parliament in the yeere 1369. expressely forbad all Bishops and Prelates for whatsoeuer cause to lay the sentence of excōmunicatiō vpon any Towne Communaltie Colledge or body corporate of his Realme the same beeing vnder the onely correction and power of himselfe and of none other in the world which Edict was also renewed by Lewes the 11. in the yeere 1467. whereof is growne a custome inuiolably obserued in France as the Oracle of Apollo of Appellations as of abuse in the Court of Parliament against the Pope and his Cleargie without which remedy the Priestes would in France erect an other and more mightie Monarchie then the Kings for the maintenance and dignitie of the which al good Frenchmen ought rather to dye then suffer it to be diminished So that the Pope and Bishops can proceede no further then to excommunication of perticuler persons according to the order of old tyme obserued by the holy Decrees and Canonicall constitutions Thus to conclude you see how to proceede against Kings and soueraigne Princes Hereticks or otherwise offensiue to the Christian Church which excommunicatiōs being by order of law euermore obserued in the florishing and Primitiue Church denounced wee are to dispute whether by the same we bee discharged of y t faith and oath that by nature wee owe vnto them Wherein are but too euidently knowne the constitutions of the Popes Gregorie the 7. Honorius the 3. Lucius the 3. Innocent the 3. and others by the which they doe not onely declare the subiects of an hereticall or excommunicate Prince absolued from their oath of fidelitie but which is more doe vpon the like penaltie forbid the vassals to obey their Lord after he is adiudged such a one Neuerthelesse I thinke not but such decrees proceeded of a meruelous passion of the Popes of those daies against the Princes of their time And in deede Iohn Andrew Innocent Archidiaconus Panorme many other learned glozers vpon the Decretals being of a contrary aduice doe alledge great difficulties therevpon and in their hypotheses doe perticulerly expounde them in cace by the sentence of excommunication it bee expressely set downe that y ● subiects shall be discharged of all right of vasselage otherwise they doe iudge the obligation not to be extinct or diminished by the excommunication of their Lord which last in sundry considerations full of Religion and ciuill pietie seemeth to be of great apparēce and too too true First that we are bound to obeye our Kings whether good or bad because they are chosen giuē to vs by the hād of God euen such as it please him to giue to rule ouer vs. Secondly that the excommunication importeth no alteration or diminutiō of the qualitie of the person nec habetis capitis minutionem as the Lawyers doe saye to conteine or comprehend therein depriuation or publication of goodes sed motionem ab ordine Christianorum coetu as saith Modestin of Senator qui Senatu motus capite minutus non est Romae morari potest Moreouer excommunication is a Spirituall discipline medicine and admonition and hath no participation with worldly and temporall goodes and meanes whether great or small as S. Paule saith The armors of our warres are not carnall therfore sith Realmes and Lordships are for the most parte patrimoniall or at the least terestriall whose propertie and possessiō doth no way concerne the kingdome of God the declaratiō of the losse of the one bringeth no consequence for the depriuation from the other Paul the Lawier
assignation for his accusers before the Imperiall Maiestie The Emperour Honorius appointed the Prouost Marcellus for Iudge Arbitrator betwene the Catholickes and Donatistes Dulcius also was Prouost of the Empire who at the pursuit of the Catholickes was enioyned to make vp the processe of the said Donatistes in Affricke as Sainct Augustin doth report and they required to haue them condemmed by his ordenaunces as testifieth Gratian in his decree wherein in an other place is written the opiniō of Pope Pelagius importing that it were meete that hereticks were punished by the seculer power according to which reason Sainct Austen also doth testifie that the Emperour Valentinian sent the Prouost Dalmatius vnto him to assigne him in his priuie Counsaile So as we are not to doubt but that the punishment of heretickes apperteyneth to the Princes temporall Iurisdiction who by his decrees hath limited the punishments which they may deserue 20 In deede it is the duetie of the Priestes and Bishops to know and withall to declare by the holy Scriptures together with the iudgement of the vniuersal Church who it is that hath transgressed the will of God and being a Christian hath departed or disunited himselfe from the body of the Church Those bee the true kayes of heauen which God hath put into their handes and the two Swordes that they beare whereby the Priest sheweth and poynteth out such as are soluti vel legati ab Ecclesia wherein onely consisteth his power to bind or lose in heauen as S. Hierome doth very well note in his opening of y ● place of Sainct Mathewe which concerneth this authoritie as also the Maister of Sentences is of the same opinion neither is this power so small that the faithfull Christians should contemne it For without doubt sinne proceedeth of offence and so immediatly is brought in the bond that thereby we make to Gods enemie which vnlesse we doe reuoke we must of necessitie be driuen out of the Church and as rotten members of the same be giuen ouer to Satan Neuerthelesse he who by contrition for his sinnes and confession of the same will reclayme himselfe doth immediatly recouer three benefites repugnant to the other which are forgiuenesse of sinnes the cancelling and discharge of the Obligation made vnto the deuill and reconsiliation to the Catholicke Church wherein consisteth the true penance that the Priest or Bishop doth minister and enioine vs by vertue of his authoritie to binde or lose in heauen or in earth So as it is euident that the order of Priesthood and Ecclesiastical power hath euermore bene necessary in the Church of God to keepe teach and maintaine our soules in the knowledge of his holy will to the ende thereby to obteine his grace and fauour in the life to come For notwithstanding man was created to the Image of God and of his euerlasting Kingdome whereby he was perfect and needed no other instruction or Schoolemaister yet after his fall and the corruption of our first father he stood in great neede to bee restored to his former knowledge and the fauour of his Creator for the obteyning whereof hee was enioyned to keepe sundry precepts and very straight lawes vnder paine of deadly and euerlasting dānation vntill the tyme of grace wherein it pleased God to breake and take away the vayle and rigor of the auncient law and to forgiue our offences through the passion of his deare Sonne Iesus Christ for the enioying of the fruites whereof he hath left vs in pledge his holy Sacraments for the administrations and discipline of the which he hath cōmitted and sent his Apostles Priestes and Doctors the administrators and guardians of the same In such wise that as the ende and purpose of the Architect is the perfection and finishing of his building house so the onely end and office of the Cleargie is sufficiently to teach vs those things that appertayne to our faith and beliefe reforming our actions by admonitions and gentle perswasions that thereby together with Gods grace wee may atteyne to euerlasting saluation neither hath God giuen them any other dominion ouer vs but onely admonition and instruction in his knowledge setting before vs the reward of well doing and the reuenge of wickednesse in the vniuersall doome of the heauenly Maiestie 21 But in asmuch as the people haue not to deale therewith also that the Bishoppe of Roome in that qualitie which he pretendeth hath no such power his authoritie beeing meerely and simply Spirituall and in no poynt concerning the Realmes of the world what shal we then say if Emperours or other soueraigne Kings were as they are men and subiect to corruption hereticks or otherwise euill liuers were it not a marueilous offence to see them raigne with all power and be as scourges and persecutors of Gods Church In this question I am to desire the French to weigh the aunswer of that wise and great personage Sainct Augustin If Emperours sayth he be in error and according to their error do prescribe lawes against the trueth wherby the righteous may be tryed and crowned he aunswereth not that they must be expelled or deposed of their Empire but onely wee must not doe those things that wickedly they commaund Neither doth Sainct Ambrose finde fault with the obedience that the Christian Souldiers yeelded to the Emperour Iulian the Apostata onely he warneth them to doe nothing repugnant to the honor of God S. Peeter perswaded not the Church to depose Nero the conspired enemie of Iesus Christ but contrariwise admonished all Christians to honor and pray for him The holy Legion Fulminatory made no difficultie to go to the Warres and to venture their liues vnder the Emperour M. Antonius the Philosopher a Prince that was but a bad Christian and such a one as contrary to the pietie of Religion made a seuere Decree the markes whereof are yet to be seene in our Pandects and Eusebius Capitolinus Dion Xiphilinus and others doe make mention of the same Tertullian in his Apologeticall treatize sufficiently setteth downe the mallice of the Emperour Seuerus against the Church of the Christians and yet let vs mark what he writeth of their affection to the Prince Wee are saith he discryed vnto the Emperours Maiestie and yet were the Christians neuer proued to bee Albinians Nigrians or Cassians who were the conspirators against the Emperors M. Antonius the Philosopher Commodus Pertinax and Seuerus each after other but contrariwise those that lately tooke the oath condemned the Christians haue bene found to be the Emperours enemies neuer a Christian was there in that faction as knowing that the Imperiall Maiestie ordeyned of God must bee loued reuerenced and honored whose prosperitie as also the welfare of the whole Romaine Empire they are to desire so long as the world standeth for so long shall the same continue We doe therfore worship the Prince according as is lawfull and requisite his Maiestie
infected with the error of Eutiches Heraclius was a Monothelite The stories are ful of many Popes of Rome heretickes adulterers Magicians Scismatickes and men confect in a filthie quagmire of vice who all neuerthelesse did peaceably by Gods will sit in Moses chaire to the ende to punish and afflict his flock as he hath thought good by such Tirants whom with his owne hand he chose to be the executioners of his iustice and against whom the people neither ought nor might conspire for saith Panormitan sith they are not free but subiect they haue no power to transferre the iurisdiction or conferre the title neither is he accoumpted to haue giuen that hath no right to giue In an other place the same Canon Doctor writeth that the vassall cannot consent in the person of any other then his Lorde no not by prorogation of power to that purpose alleadging many other skilfull persons opinions Howbeit all good Catholickes doe to their great griefe knowe that most of the Ecclesiasticall persons and Clergie of Fraunce doe seeme to bee parties in the Conspiracie that long since haue bene deuised against the state of this Crowne which neuerthelesse I can hardly beleeue notwithstanding I heare our ordinary Preachers openly in the chaire of trueth and humilitie preach warre bloud weapons rebellion and contempt of y e King and the Princes of his bloud a matter detestable and abhominable before God 9 My Maisters ye Bishops Priestes and Doctors what weene ye to doe Is this the commaundemēt of God Is this the doctrine that ye are bounde to plant in the Christian Church Is this the light that you shewe to the flocke which God hath committed vnto you Is this y ● peace that you ought to teach and for the which the Church poureth foorth her daylie supplications What correction may the people look for at your hāds whiles your selues are the authors of euill Wil you doe or say as Lucifer I wil ascend into heauen and become like vnto the most high God Will you iustly haue the name to be the very enemies of God who commaundeth obedience onely to the Kings and powers that he hath established and who taketh no delight in any thing more then in peace hating all shedding of bloud Doth the way to cure the rage of poore mortall creatures consist in vnclothing them of all humanitie in thrusting into their fist the sword wherewith to make away them selues by the authorising of their furie with your decrees nay which is more by stirring them thereto through your Sermons May wee not reproach vnto you that which Ieremie prophesied in his tyme The Prophetes haue prophesied lyes the Priests haue approued thē and the people haue embraced them Must we needes say of you as Ezechiel writeth of your like I will stretch foorth my arme ouer their Prophetes that see lyes and those that tell fables or do not serue for discipline to my people whom they haue seduced saying The peace of God bee with you and yet it is not peace that they seeke My Maisters this is not the fruit of the spirituall doctrine that you haue in custodie beware it be not sayd of you that an euill tree cannot bring foorth good fruite you preach warre rebellion disobediēce you contribute to Conspirators against your King and the Princes of his bloud you deliuer the Townes to them and doe put your flockes into their hands you seeke out straungers to rule ouer you and doe set them against your King where will you become Is this the Catholicke and Apostolick doctrine that you doe sowe Knowe you not that Iesus Christ is the foundation of the Church so that whosoeuer will lay any other shall destroye himselfe and whatsoeuer he dare vndertake Is not the doctrine of Iesus Christ peace humilitie obedience and clemēcie Is it not written of you Bee yee wise as Serpents and simple as Doues Are not you termed the sault of the earth which beeing shed abroade where may wee gather it againe I wote what you will say There be say you a number of heretickes which must bee rooted out with the sword because their life is repugnāt to Gods honor No no my Maisters you are yet deceiued for you must first shewe how they bee heretickes and for such cause then to be lawfully condemned which as yet you haue not done because in ●rueth your pretended Coūsaile of Trent whereby you haue condemned them was not lawful as the King of France confessed euen while it was assembled and therefore did not onely forbid the Bishops of his Realme your predecessors to go thereto but also by his Embassadour did protest that he could not accept it for a lawfull and generall Counsaile but onely for a particuler assembly gathered together for the profite and authoritie of the Pope and King of Spayne vnto whom they went about to giue the presedence aboue the most Christian Maiestie furthermore declaring that he ment not that he or his subiects should any way be bound to the decrees thereof but that contrariwise he was determined if neede were to employ all remedies necessarie which his predecessors had in like cace vsed to procure the disanulling of the same Besides I saye vnto you that weapōs are not the meanes to cure this mischiefe Know you not that the doctrine of Religion either the error thereof is a disease of the Soule and minde seeke therefore for your partes the spirituall Medicines wherewith to heale the same as admonitions prayer fasting amendment of your liues which are the true and onely Weapons of Gods Church But what are you not content with the extreeme diligence and care of our most Christian and Catholike Kings for the revnion of their people into one only Apostolick Romish Religion what haue wee gotten by so many fyers so much blood such battailes and destructions within this Realme for the same Those that nowe would rule you are they not the same persons that led the armies and practized y ● occasions of the passed wars haue they not sufficiently proued that neither ster nor sword are meete remedies for this euill that in one day of such troubles Gods Church is more hurt and offended through the disorder of one lewde Souldier then in a whole yeere of pacient tolleration whereby God may be deuoutly serued the King honored the Clergie assured the Lawe feared the gentry cherished and the people eased to bee briefe euery one by little and litle reduced into the waye of good life which to bee briefe are the effectes and glorie of the militant Church and of the good Shepherdes of the the same Wee haue burned them quick they haue quenched the fiers with their blood wee haue drowned them they haue Spawned in the concauities of the water we haue murdered them al in their sleepes within few daies they haue reuiued againe We haue fought with them and beaten them but haue not cast them downe To be brief if we consider how we haue
can haue no cause to loue the same A man hauing two wiues the one loued the other hated that thei haue both brought him sonnes aswel the loued as the hated the sonne of the hated bee the first borne when the tyme commeth that he will deuide his inheritance he shall not make the sonne of the beloued his eldest to the preiudice of the sonne of the hated who is the first borne but hee shall acknowledge the sonne of the hated for his eldest and he shall giue him two partes of whatsoeuer he hath for the same was the beginning of his strength vnto whom the right of promogeniture belongeth saith the text so that the nerest of the bloud is creditor yea he is moreouer I say factus dominus by the decease of his predecessor by the decease of his predecessor holdeth nothing of him but whatsoeuer hee hath hee holdeth by the vertue and authoritie of the lawe of France Thus doe Ih. Andrew Balde Panorme Iason Wil. Benedict and all other Writers expressely speake of our Realme so as who so would take any other course and maiore vi corrupt nature it would be a blemish to his consciēce and soule and thereof he should aunswere before God besides that whatsoeuer hee should take in hand should be voyde and of no effect but subiect to restitution by publicke iustice to the preiudice of his reputation All men doe knowe what small loue was betweene Charles the eight and Lewes Duke of Orleance when hee was called to the Crowne and bare the name of Lewes the 12. also the stoute minde of Charles to haue put his will in executiō against the other if he could haue found any argument or pretence to put him backe which notwithstanding matters were then ordered according to the rule of the law of France Now the King sheweth sufficient demonstration by that good will and care whereby he hath honored y e King of Nauarre so farre as to accompt him for his Brother in lawe that he both loueth and cherisheth him and also will take him into his protection so farre is this good Prince from going about to blemish his memorie with such a deede as the perturbers of the Peace af this Realme doe perswade themselues 19 Sith therefore the people and subiects to this Crowne may not put to their handes neither dispence vppon whatsoeuer occasion with the oath that they owe to their naturall Princes moreouer that the King can take no other order then the foundation and lawe of the Realme will beare let vs see whether it apperteyneth to the Pope of Roome as head of the Church to meddle therein I knowe that the Pope worshippers beeing more passionate then the true Catholicks do so thinck and beleeue Augustin of Ancona a Doctor of Sorbonne hath not forgotten it in his booke that he sent to Pope Iohn the 22. wherein he excepteth not so much as y e Realm of Frāce as also doe not Iames of Terrano Chamberlaine to Vrban the sixt in his treatize of the Papall Monarchie wherin they do maintaine that vnto him belongeth all power both Spirituall and Temporall as being head of the Church euen aboue the generall Counsailes which saith Pope Pascall are not to commaund him And in the explication of the decretall of the sayd Pascal the Canon Doctors doe vphold that it lyeth in the Popes power to reuoke y e decree of a Counsaile ouer the which he hath all authoritie according to the conclusion of all the adherents to the holy Sea of Rome which opinion was neuerthelesse as hereticall condemned in the general Counsailes of Constance and Basil in the presence of Iohn the 23. and Eugenius the 4 then Popes according to which Counsailes the auncient Bishoppes of Rome did protest to denounce vnto the Church whatsoeuer them selues could not remedie And as for Temporall iurisdiction ouer al Emperours Kings and Monarcks of the earth they haue made lesse difficultie yea they haue dared to saye that the Emperour who is Lord of the world both did and ought to yeeld his oath of fidelitte vnto them And faine would they make vs beleeue that they tooke this principle of Sainct Clement the third Bishop of Rome who protesteth say they that he learned it of Sainct Peter They also perswade them selues that Pope Zachary deposed the King of France the last of the Merouingian race although in trueeh it was but his aduice or counsaile giuen to the Nobilitie of y e land as W. Occham very wel saith in his treatize of the power of the Church About a hundred and fiftie yeeres after Boniface the seauenth endeuoured by Sacriledge and other bad hehauiours publickly to vsurpe this Tyrannie which Pope Gregorie the seuenth otherwise named Hildebrand durst openly maintaine and withall put it in practise against the Emperour Henry the fourth to whom he opposed Rodolph Duke of Sweue groūding his proposition not vpon y e fable of Constantines donation neither vpon the liberalities of Pepin Carlemaign or Lewes the Méek Kings of France but vpon God himself and Sainct Peeter saying that of them he had receiued the two swords the Spirituall and the Temporall In an other place vsing these wordes Pasce oues meas for the deposing of the Emperour He said also that he bare Claues regni Coelorum to vsurpe authoritie and enterprize against all the Kings in the world by which his great cunning hee became King of most part of Italie notwithstanding the Emperour Henry gaue him 62. Battailes therein excéeding the great Marcellus that was termed the sword of the Romaines and the inuincible Cesar of whom the one fought two and thirtie pitcht fieldes the other two and fiftie The like did Pascall the second and Calixt the second against Henry the fifth Sonne to the aforenamed vpon the same reasons as did also Adrian the fourth and Alexander the third who set his feete vpon the necke of the Emperour Frederick Barberousse Neither was Innocent the third more modest in the behalf of Philip sonne to the said Frederick against whom hee stirred vp Ottho sonne to the Duke of Saxony who after was Emperour by the name of Ottho the fourth after that with most arrogant proud and commandatory speeches grounded vpon these words Tues Petrus super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam adding thereto the saying of almightie God to Ieremy Ecce constituit● super gentes regna so comparing himselfe to the Sunne and the Emperors and Kings to the Moone he had pronounced sentence of excommunicatiō and depriuation of his Empire against him So great also was the mallice of the sayd Innocent against the Emperour Phillip that to spite him he disanulled the election of Luipoldus to y t Archbishoprik of Mentz wherein sayth the Abbot of Vspergue he did most vniustly Gregorie the 9. as saith Sabellicus and the sayde Abbot depriued Fredericke the second of his Landes and Realmes for
thē due together with that which was assessed vpon the heads of euery of his Apostles euermore referring the reward of his grace reuenge of trespasses against him committed vnto the kingdome of heauen enioining his Apostles to doe the like and to imitate his example as they haue done The Apostle Sainct Paule sayd Let no man that fighteth in the Lordes warfare trouble himselfe with the matters of this life Againe The minister of the Lorde ought to be louing to all men meet to teach paciently bearing with the wicked with modestie reprouing such as withstād the trueth Briefly in one word to say all there be two kinds of Iurisdictions the one earthly cōmitted into the hands of Kings and Princes to whome euery one of whatsoeuer degree or calling Spirituall or Temporall Priestes Bishops or high Priestes ought to obey as it is written Let euery soule bee subiect to the superiour powers vpon which place Chrisostome sayth the Apostle vsed this word euery to shew that there is no creature that may be exempt whether he be saith he Apostle Prophete Euangelist Priest Monk or other whosoeuer We also finde that in the Primetiue Church before pride Ambition tooke roote in the Bisshops hartes that the Popes of Rome neuer made any question thereof Wee haue also amoug vs a request exhibited by Boniface the first to Honorius Emperour of the West wherein hee beseecheth him to decree that afterwarde the Bishops and Popes of Rome might not bee chosen by fauour or any other vnlawfull meane whereto the same most Catholike Prince maketh an aunswere worthie such a request In the time of Odoacer King of the Herules who began to raigne at Rome in the yeere 471. and ruled full 14. yeres after hee had put to death Orestes and his Sonne Augustulus the last Emperour of the West vntill Charlemagne there were goodly decrees published and receiued in the Church by the Clergie vntill such tyme as Theodoricke the Wisigot whome Zeno the Emperour of the Eeast sent into Italy had ouerthrowen hym Pelagius the first made confession of his faith and sware in the hands of Ruffin the Embassadour of of Childebert King of France Pope Leo the fourth sware and protested that he would and did intend to obserue the Lawes which the Emperour Lothair the first sonne to Lewes the Meek and Neuew to Charlemagne made at Rome in the presence of Pope Eugenius the second whereof some are inserted into the Booke of Digestes the inscription whereof do import that the Emperour made them ante ianuas beati petri ad limina in atrio which was the place where the Christian Emperours were wont to make and publish their Edicts if we maye beleeue Cassiodore and others The said Emperour also created certaine Magistrates in the Towne to exercize the imperiall Iurisdiction The same Leo doth sufficiently declare what respect the high Priests of Rome did in those daies beare to the Emperours when he sued to the same Lothaire and his sonne Lewes the second to conferre the Church of Rheatine or Tusculum to one Colonus a Deacon assuring their Maiesties of his sufficiency and promising in the name of the sayde Colonus that he should praye to God for them This was the same Leo that pleaded his cause and purged himselfe of the treazon whereof hee was accused before the Emperour Lewes the seconde sonne to the sayd Lothaire as appeareth in the decree of Gratian. The like declaration did Pope Iohn the eight make to the same Emperour Lewes the second sonne to Lothaire By the decretall Epistle of Honorius the third who liued about the yeere 1216. it appeareth that as yet the remembraunce of the Emperours lawes was not vtterly abolished out of the Catholick Church and that the Priestes and high Priestes had not as yet wholy shaken of the yoke of y ● same no not in those that they terme Spirituall causes as if any question were moued of an oath in law for the decision of proces in which cace he reneweth the auncient edict of Martian and Iustiniā the first To cōclude for the stopping of the mouthes of those that doe maintaine that the Pope Bishops or other of the Cleargie may establish any earthly Kingdome apart which shal not bee subiect to the Emperours and Kings of this world but rather such a one as may at pleasure commaunde and supplant the same let them dilligently search throughout the whole Scripture what authoritie the Kings and Princes of Israel had ou●r the Priestes and Cleargie in Gods lawe which since the tyme of grace is not deminished and there shall they euidently finde their great authoritie ouer them notwithstanding it was neuer lawfull for the Kings to execute the office of the Priestes for vndoubtedly the ministerie is one thing and the orders discipline of the Cleargie is an other and meerely temporall The other head of Iurisdiction is in heauē which we are to looke for at the iudgement of GOD and yet not to perswade our selues that the lawe of Iesus Christ is lame or vnperfect because in it it conteineth not any punishment or earthly reuenge of trespasses against euill liuers considering that the same beeing heauenly and spirituall it will yeeld reward or punishment in the euerlasting world so that as sayd Alexander Seuerus of periury Whosoeuer offendeth against God hath God a sufficient reuenger our good God hath referred to himselfe all the punishment to the end the sinner may haue meanes to acknowledge his offence and repent the same in this world True it is that if y e earthly Magistrate hath in his pollicie taken any order for such causes then is it his office to reuenge the iniurie done to his edicts and decrees for so as saith Isidore The Kingdome of God encreaseth through the meanes of earthly Realmes to the ende such as be of the body of the Church if they offende or blaspheme may be punished by the rigor of Princes and so that discipline whereto the Church can not binde them may neuerthelesse bee preserued through the authoritie of Monarchies The like wherof haue bene vsed against heretickes by all Christian Princes especially in our France by an infinite number of lawes both olde and newe of our most Christian Kings And in troth if the Bishops or Priestes should take notice of the punishmēt of hereticks it would breede confusion of Iurisdictions and offices aswell might the Goldsmith be iudge of the golde that himselfe had wrought The Phisition of his owne cure to bee briefe euery one should pleade and decide his owne cause contrary to al reasonable order The example also of the Apostle Sainct Paule whome the Iewes accused of heresie doth sufficiently teach vs when by himself it appeareth that he was brought before Festus the Emperours Lieutenant vnto whom the accused did confesse that y ● notice of his cause did apperteine and therefore required
also teacheth vs that quod alicui debetur certis modis deberi desinit among which is not to bee found the excommunicatiō of him to whom we acknowledge our selues bound for otherwise the vassal and subiect should reap benefite commoditie and discharge in the destruction and hinderance of his Lorde Besides that the excommunication tendeth not in worldly matters to impouerish the partie condemned but onely to depriue and declare hym vnworthy the fellowship of men or to be thought a member of the Church of GOD. He is also denounced such a one first to be an instruction and example to all other the faithfull when they shall consider the grauitie of the offence and thereby waie the publick slaunder arising thereof Secondly to driue the condemned to call to mind abhorre and be contrite for his offence seeing hym selfe deliuered into the handes of his mortall ennemy Satan and humbly to craue reconsiliation at the catholick Church from whence he is banished in exilio sinitimo said Alexander the Martir which wee may sufficiently learne by the auncient forme of satisfaction which the Primetiue Chnrch enioyned to the parson excommunicate that is to confesse his fault before the Priests and assembly of the faithfull in whose presence hee was reproued blamed and condemned to abyde in a certaine place without the communion aud assembly of the Church with certaine outwarde workes of a penetontiary as well in habit and behauiour as especially in his dyet in which forme he should exhibit petition and supplication both to the Priestes and to the whole cōgregation to be forgiuen and vnbound from his offence whervpon the Church by the aduice of the Ministers thereof sometimes condemned hym in greate amends and so by litle and litle receiued hym againe as she thought good For at the first he was onely admitted to heare the worde of God after that he was receiued to the prayers of the Church and so consequently to the Communion of the faithfull finally by the imposition of the Priestes handes he was restored to his former estate and then was it not lawfull for any to reproch vnto him what was passed So as by this forme of excommunication and penance or satisfaction extract out of the auncient Counsailes of Ancira and Nice we may euidently iudge that it no way concerned the temporall goodes as of those that the Church hath not to dispose of neither did it importe other then the exemplary correction of the excōmunicated for the s●aūder by his offence committed against the Church either els according to y e holy scripture for the subduing of the flesh whereby the soule may be saued in the day of our Lord Iesus Moreouer it seemeth that Gregorie the seauenth Innocent the third and other the high Priestes did so vnderstand it whē in the excommunication of the Lords and of those that were conuersant and had dealings with thē they would not include their officers seruants and others who by necessitie doe owe them obedience as doe the vassalles and subiects of the Crowne who naturally and ciuilly are bound to their Kings and Princes So that the necessitie of their bondage exempteth thē by the iudgement of the Church out of the generall excommunication denoūced against all other persons that haue dealing with the excommunicated And perticulerly Innocent the third in his decretall Epistle written to the Doctors of Boulogne declareth that the debtes letters and obligatiōs of excommunicated persons are not called in question neither are the debtors discharged of the same much lesse to be blamed for paying and satisfying their creditors considering that the necessitie of their obligatiōs doe thereto bind them And there is no doubt but the priuate famelie and household of euery one is likewise a little Commonwealth aswell as the Commonwealth is a great famelie whereof the King that ruleth it is the father and defender so elected and ordeyned by God as father of the household among the children Innocent the third therfore exepted out of the excōmunication of those that were conuersant with the condemned all such persons as by necessitie of the lawes of houshold were bounde to yeelde their due obedience which shall neuer bee more strickt great or commendable in the children of the household seruants toward the father of the household then it ought to bee in the subiects towarde their King or soueraigne Prince And effectually to shewe that the excommunication of the King dischargeth not his subiects from their vowed faith let vs call to mind the auncient examples meete and commodious for this argument The Emperour Theodosius the first was iustly excommunicated for the murder of the Inhabitants of Thessalonica His sonne Arcadius for expelling and deposing S. Iohn Chrisostome from the Church of Constantinople Zeno and Anastazius for being Eutichians Lothaire the first for his adulterie committed with Gualdrade which notwithstanding their subiects were not discharged of their bondes and oathes whereby they were to them bound against the which also they neuer made any difficultie to obeye those Emperours as their lawfull Lordes Dagobert King of Fraunce who became a Nero and after the first yeres of his quiet and Catholicke gouernement began about the yeere 637. to trouble the Churches destroye the Temples banish the Cleargie and commit an infinite number of other insolencies for the which Seuerinus Bishop of Roome did greatly reprooue him was not neuerthelesse driuen awaye by his subiects who with earnest prayer obteyned at the grace of God that this Prince repented and euer after serued God faithfully all the dayes of his life When Pope Celestin the third had excommunicated Phillip Augustus King of Frāce in y ● yere 1197. for forsaking without lawfull occasion his wife Isambergue sister to King Iohn of Denmarke his States and subiects did not neuerthelesse expell him or denye to acknowledge him to be their King and Soueraigne When Boniface the eight had cast foorth his poysoned Bull against Phillip the Faire the Nobles Prelates of the Realme assembled at Paris decl●red that the Bishop of Rome had no authoritie so to doe When Pope Iulius the 2. excommunicated and interdicted King Lewes the 12. whome iustly wee terme father of the people the Prelates and Nobilitie assembled at Tours protested it to be lawful to cōtemne the said Thunderbolt the same notwithstanding did sweare to him their due faith and homage When King Henry the 2. of England was by Alexander the 3. excommunicated interdicted for banishing Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury whom after his death the Pope canonized yet was he not cast out frō his kingdome neither did his subiects with earnest affection denye him their accustomed obedience Iohn without Land King of the same Ile was neuer dispossed neither did his subiects molest him in respect of the curse that Innocent the third had denounced against him in the yere 1212. vntill he became a Tyrāt and extreme oppressor of the people who then beeing
Raoul Duke of Sueue he desired the Bishoppes to gather together at Bresse where in their Sinode they excommunicated and deposed the Pope and elected Clement Bishop of Rauenna to bee his successor for whose establishment the Emperour tooke Armes and entered Italie Henry the fifth was forced to Warre against Pascall who had mooued the Romaines to mutiny against him to the ende to haue slaine him because he endeuored to mainteine the auncient rightes of the Empire concerning the collations of Bishoprickes Frederick the first vnderstanding the arrogant presumption and obstinate resolution of the Popes Adrian Alexander the third and Victor importing that it lay in them to giue the Empire to whome they pleased did seauen tymes enter Italie with an army where he fought a blooddy battell in the which dyed 12000. of Pope Alexanders partakers who therewith prouoked caused the liuely Picture of the ●ame Emperour to be drawen and sent the Table to the Soudan of Egipt against whome the saide Emperor was gone withal aduertising him y t vnlesse he procured his death by treason or otherwise he should neuer haue peace wherevpon the Emperor recreating himselfe a litle from his Armye was taken and brought before this heathen who shewed him the Popes Letter togither with his Picture and yet neuerthelesse put him to his Raunsome and so sent hym home honestly as abhorring the treason of the great Priest of the Christians against this Prince who ventured his life for the maintenāce of his Religion Hereat was the Emperour so offended y t at his returne he entered Italy againe forced y e Pope to flee in counterfaite apparell after y t the Bishops had in a Synode condemned him as a traitor to the Empire yea which is more as a conspired enemie to Christian faith Phillip this mans sonne being by Innocent the 3. sclaundered amōg the Princes of the Empire was counsailed by the Bishoppes of Germany to haue his reuenge by armes Ottho the 4. being in Rome was so s●arred by the driftes of the same Innocēt that he was driuen to haue recourse to force in which conflict perished a number of the Citize●s of Rome Frederick the 2. in whose time Innocent the 4. Honore and Gregory the 9. did in Italy begin y ● quarell of y e Guelphes against the Gibelins who mainteyned them selues vnder the auncient obedience of the Empire was by the aduice of al his Princes and Prelates compelled to oppose himselfe against the practizes conspiracies which these high Priestes wrought against him The Emperour Albert King Phillip of France doubted not to bend them selues against the oppression of Boniface the eight to contemne his excommunications vntill King Phillip assembled the Prelates of Fraunce by whose sentence he was declared a Scismaticke Hereticke inuader of the holy Sea and a perturber of the peace of the Church as hauing molested all Italy with the factions of the Whites and the Blackes Henry the 7. of the house of Luxembourg to the ende to withstand Clement the third the mainteyner of Robert King of Sicill a rebellious vassall to the Empire was driuen to come to handy strokes with him and his partakers the like did Lewes of Bauier against Iohn the 23. and other y e Popes of his tyme who without either cause or reason had declared him an Hereticke because hee would not yeeld to them the Imperiall authoritie in Italy neither put the Empire into the subiection of the Bishop of Romes Sea In our tyme Lewes the 12. King of France and the Emperour Charles the fifth how dealt they most iustly with the Popes that would haue dispensed with and exceeded the boundes of their duetie To bee briefe in other the Prouinces of the Empire infinite are the examples of Kings and Princes who with the aduice of the Prelates and Nobilitie of their Dominions haue with armes withstood the ambitious and passionate practizes of the Popes in whom it had bene more seemely to haue gouerned the Church and spiritual Hierarchy and not to haue thrust their Sythes into other mens haruest whereof is without doubt proceeded the destruction and deformitie of the West Catholick Church together with the full fall of the East Church into the which by those meanes is entered the Wolfe that hath deuoured Gods flocke whereof they shall assuredly aunswere 24 Now haue wee yet the second question to enquire of for our better instructiōs in this matter That is whether the King of Nauarre bee an Hereticke His aduersaries doe say that his opinion of Religion was lately condemned in the late oecumenicall Counsaile holden at Trent Hereto he aunswereth that the same pretended Counsaile was not lawfully assembled because therein the Pope executed the roume of both Iudge and party also that such as prosecuted reformatiō in the Church were not heard To bee briefe there may be debating and many nullities may be alleadged aswell in the forme as in the decrees of the sayde Counsaile whereto neede no more respect ●ee had then to the counsaile of the wicked of which the Psalmist doth speak or vnto those that the Prophet termeth Counsailes of vanitie yea and Sainct Iohn writeth Beleeue not euery spirite but prooue whether they be of God Saiuct Hierome also teacheth vs that the doctrine of the holy Ghost is the same which is set downe in the Canonicall Scriptures against which if the Counsailes determine any thing it shall be wicked Also when the Emperor Martian in the Counsaile of Chalcedon forbad to dispute or call into question such thinges as had bene well decreed in the same holy assembly he thereby ment not to graūt free libertie to Counsailes against Gods worde but he speaketh onely of such thinges as were well and lawfully ordeined according to y e rule of the holy Scriptures by the which those that vphold the same opinion with the King of Nauarre doe pretend to shewe that the Cleargy who were assembled in the Counsaile of Trent alone haue greatly erred which their inquisition and search beeing by Gods owne mouth permitted to the Church may not well be refused Trye all sayth the Apostle and hold that which is good And in deede if the Counsayle of Trent bee aunswerable to the doctrine of Iesus Christ If the trueth hath appeared therein then neede it not to feare the tryall at the fire thereof which is the true touchstone of humaine traditions The worde of GOD is pure and feareth not the fiery tryall for it is a true saying The lawe that will not bee tryed may iustly be suspected After then that in a generall and free Counsayle all parties haue bene heard that by the onely worde of God and without affection they haue debated their cause so that finally the opinion which the sayd Lord King of Nauarre holdeth bee adiudged hereticall he is so Catholick and zealous a Prince and one that so feareth God that he wil not stick publickly in the Church to confesse he hath
strayed and hether to bene mis●ed In the meane tyme and wayting for the sayd lawfull Counsaile neither y e French King neither his Courtes of Parliament would euer in this Realm publish the decrées of the assembly of Trent neither doe any other receiue them then the Cleargie who are the suppostes of the Popes Monarchy But contrariwise the late King Henry the second sent Embassadours expressely to withstande the sayd pretended Counsaile also to declare that he ment not in any wise to allowe thereof as in ●rueth it cannot be admitted without infringing the rightes and authorities of the King of France the auncient decrees ordeyned in the generall Estates of the Realme vnder the forme of a pragmaticall sanction and the most holie liberties of the French Church whereby the Maiestie of this florishing Crowne is preserued 25 Neither is it any newe matter to say in Fraunce that the King and his French Church will not receiue the same Counsaile because our Kings haue euermore vpholden and preserued aboue al other the libertie and franchize of their Church and neuer bound themselues to the Popes cōstitutions or late Counsayles no further then the same were conformable to the decrees of the vniuersall Church nothing derogatorie to the rightes of their Crowne For proof therof we know that the generall Counsaile of Vienna was neuer wholy receiued in this Realm In that of Constance the libertie franchizes and priuiledges of the French Church were admitted according to the declaration exhibited by the Embassadours of the most Christiā Maiestie As for that of B●sill King Charles the seuenth would not permit his subiects to appeare at the conclusion of the same after the which at Bourges he assēbled al his Church by whom the decrees of the same Counsaile were perused and onely parte of them accepted with such qualifications as were thought meete to that effect whereupon was formed the Pragmaticall sanction soone after published in the Parliament wherein these words are often repeated Item our Synode accepteth the decree following thereby to shewe that in France we are not bound to the Popes ordenances constitutions or decrees neither to the assembly summoned by his authoritie which he calleth a Counsaile And now may we truely say that neuer was there any holdē that was more preiudiciall or of greater misprision against the dignitie of this Crowne for if we search narrowly into it we shal finde that a great parte of the decrees thereof doe dyametrally oppose them selues against the libertie of our Churches and the Maiestie of the most Christian King against whom they were deuised 1. First concerning the doubt in this assembly made for the place and first degree of honor which haue belonged to him aboue all Christian Kings for these 1000. yeeres so that his Maiestie allowing of this pretended Counsaile should confesse a matter very preiudicial vnto him because as saith Balde he weareth y ● Crowne of libertie and glory Secondly as for reformation of the maners pollicie and Ecclesiasticall discipline which euermore hath bene one of the fayrest flowers of his Crowne who so shall reade the sessions of the sayde Counsayle of Trent shall finde that thereby the same is quite lost extinguished and transferred to the Pope of Rome for the fourth and seuenth decree of the seuenth session doe import that in the election and making of Bishoppes and Priestes the consent of the people and authoritie of y e Magistrate are not necessary which is quite contrary to Gods lawe the obseruation of the Primitiue Church the auncient Canons the ordinances of Charlemaign and Lewes the Meeke and more perticulerly to the determination of the three Estates of this Realme holden at Orleans in the yere 1360 and confirmed in the Court of Parliament where it was decréed that together with those of the Cleargie there should bee 12. Gentlemen for the Nobilitie and 12. Burgeses who should be chosen out of the towne house and should represent the third Estate Also in the second part of the same session the sayd Counsayle attributeth to the Prelates the notice of the reuenues and buildings of the Churches contrary to the auncient Edicts of our Kings namely against the ordenance of King Charles the 6. who in the yere 1385 ordeyned that the Iurisdiction of the buildings should apperteyne to the Iudges royall In the same session the Counsaile permitteth the Bishops to cut off parte of the reuenues of the Hospitalles whereby to make themselues fatter then they are thereby manifestly encroching vpon the authoritie of the King and his high Amner and against many decrees both old and newe of King Frances the first and Charles the nineth An other abuse and notorious enterprize against this Crowne consisteth in that the said Counsaile permitteth and decreeth monitions and excommunications not onely to the ende of reuelation but also for the recouerie of things lost against an infinite number of arestes of the soueraigne Court of this Realme whereby the same haue bene condemned and declared to be abusiue It permitteth them to condemne the Lay fee in fines of money in seazure apprehension and execution of their bodies and goodes aswell by the Bishops officers as their officialles notwithstanding in France thei neuer had that authoritie no not ouer the Cleargie and therefore it is meere encrochment vpon the seculer power It inhibiteth the Magistrate to forbid the Ecclesiasticall Iudge to excommunicate any person either to commaunde him to reuoke his excommunication although the Clergie doe but ouermuch abuse the same It reuoketh the decree of Phillip the Faire concerning combats receiued and enrowled in the Parliament and thereof depriueth Kings Princes Dukes Marquizes and all other of their Iurisdictions which is an intollerable abuse as wee haue aforesayd It admitteth promotion to the order of Priesthoode to Curates other Ecclesiasticall functions at 25. yeres although in y ● decree of the States of France before published the age of 30. yeeres was required It permitteth profession at 16. yeeres accomplished and therein correcteth the decree of the sayd States which limited the man at 25. and the woman at 20. It returneth the prouision of Bishops Prelates to the Pope contrary to the auncient ordenances of Charlemaigne and his children and contrary to whatsoeuer is conteyned in the Pragmatical sanction of Sainct Lewes inserted into the stile of Parliament yea and contrary to the defence made at the sayde Estates of Orleans It permitteth Bishops and Archbishoppes by their Viccars to visite their Dioces contrary to that is conteined in the arrest of the sayd Estates It permitteth the Pope to vnite simple Benefices to the Bishopricks contrary to that which was decreed in the Counsailes of Constance Basill and contrary to many the arrestes of the Courts of Parliament of this Realme wherby the same vnions ought to bee made vpon the selfe place By the same Counsaile y e tollerations at the Kings request graunted to y ● Court of Parliamēt to some
Colledges and Vniuersities of this Realmes are abrogated as are also the conseruators Ecclesiasticall of the Vniuersities together with the priuiledged of this Crowne It forbiddeth such as haue made vowe of Religion in any wise to dispose of their gotten goodes whether moueable or immoueable contrary to the ordinance of the States of Orleans conformably with the decree of the Counsaile of Mogonce holden in y e time of Charlemaign It permitteth the begging Fryers to enioye and possesse rents landes reuenues and immoueable goodes contrary to the Counsaile of Vienna holden in the yeere of 1310. and infinite auncient arrestes of the Court It taketh from the King the nomination in Couents and Monasteries reguler which to him apperteyneth also the Triennalitie of Abbesses and Prioresses appointed by the sayde Estates It permitteth Munckes to meete and hold congregations and Chapters generall which in an Estate is perilous and daungerous and a matter whereby they bee accustomed to withdrawe themselues from vnder the authoritie and power of the King and all other temporall Magistrates in respect whereof also such assemblies haue by the arrest of the Court bene many tymes declared abusiue It giueth the Bishop authoritie to institute newe Feastes which haue bene reproued by many arrestes of Parliament namely by the prouinciall Counsayle holden at Sens in the yeere 1527. It encrocheth Lay patronages if the patrones by authenticall writings proue not the presentations continued and hauing taken effect 50. yeeres together and reiecteth al other kinde of proofe It giueth to the Ecclesiasticall Iudge notice of the right and possession of the sayd patronages obteyned by foundation donation or construction within these fortie yeeres which is a great intrusion vpon the King and his Magistrates It erecteth a newe kind of Iudges delegate whom it calleth Apostolick and authorizeth the Bishops to choose them euery one in his owne Dioces without the Kings knowledge or authoritie which are so many creatures not subiect to that Maiestie where-vnder they liue It declareth the Pope to be aboue him and forbiddeth Bishops to humble and submit themselues to Kings and Lordes It commaundeth all Clergie hauing of right and custome voyce in the prouincial Counsaile to receiue this pretēded Counsaile to sweare obedience to the Pope and thereof to make publicke profession It enioyneth Vniuersities not to teach any thing but what shalbe conformable to the decrees of the sayde Counsaile and to take solemne and yeerely oathes to his holinesse It commaundeth all Lordes Princes to keepe the sayd Canons renewing the auncient vsurpatorie Decretals of Boniface the eight and others heretofore abrogated in Fraunce as well by Edicts and ordenances Royall as by the arrestes of the Courtes of Parliament and great Counsaile By the sayd Counsaile the causes of our French Bishops are drawne to the Court of Rome and Popes Consistorie contrary to the dignitie of the royall Maiestie and the auncient Canons of the vniuersall Church whereby the criminall causes of Bishops yea in cace the same concerned their depriuation or discharging did belong to the Bishops of the Countrey or Synodes prouinciall and not to the Pope as by many the arrestes of the Court concurring with the generall Counsailes of Constantinople and Carthage it doth appeare besides that herein the sayd Counsaile greatly derogateth frō the Kings soueraigntie and Iurisdiction that euermore he hath had ouer the Bishops of his Realm witnesse the examples of Giles Bishop of Rheims of Pretextatus Bishop of Roā of Didier Archbishop of Vienna and many others of whom Gregory of Tours Aimoinus Ado Vincent the Historiall doe make mention In brief to vse few words this pretended Counsaile taketh away the most auncient liberties of our Church so to make a Proppe to the Popes abu●ions It also dissolueth reuoketh and maketh voyde Mariages not contracted in the face of the Romish Church wherein consisteth the Seede of a million of troubles Ouarels Processes and strifes in infinite families of this realme which vnder the authoritie of the King with his good liking and vnder the protection of his Edicts of pacification haue contracted Matrimony and begotten Children who thereby should be declared illegitimate depriued of their Parents Successions and their ●Wues denounced Concubines Harlots to their true Housbands contrarie to all equitie which in summe is as much as to bend themselues against God to erect in other mens Realmes assemblies of people not subiect to the same to bring into the Church a greater deformation and to make the King of Fraunce his Serieant or executioner of his commaundements yea such a one as should haue no authoritie to order his Realme So that those which now so earnestly doe prosecute that publication of the sayd Counsaile shall neuer perswade mee that they are French men but rather that they shewe them selues Solliciters of the Popes affayres and dignitie rather his Seruants thē their Kings and soueraigne lords Thus doe you seee howe by the aduice and iudgement of the honestest greatest French Catholikes liuing vnder the traditions of the Romish Church this Counsaile of Trent may not be accompted other then a notorious conspiracie and coniuration against the authoritie and dignitie of this Crowne aud of the Subiectes thereof of whatsoeuer calling that shall find them selues offended and therfore we should greatly iniury any one of ours of whatsoeuer estate in calling him Heretick for not obeying submitting him selfe or consenting against his Countrey to the malicious conspiracies of the Pope and straungers that doe enuie the greatnesse of this Estate Especially the King of Nauarre whome the matter chiefliest doth concerne should haue greatest cause to be agrieued in respect that at this day he hath the Honor to be the principall branch of the Royall tree of France and so consequently more neerely bound then any other to preserue and mainteyne the rightes liberties and dignities of this glorious and redoubtable Monarchie 56 Moreouer the sayd Lord King of Nauarre demaundeth of you by vertue of what doe you esteeme hym an Heretick and obstinat parson For it is certaine that he onely may be tearmed an Heretick who vpholdeth a false doctrine contrary to the holy Scriptures of the ould and newe Testament beleeuing amisse in any one of the Articles of our faith as did y e Manicheans Nestorians Sabellians Arrians and their like Now to say trueth they would perswade vs that the opinion houlden by the saide Lorde King of Nauarre was monstrous we haue bene hallowed after them like Dogges wee haue bene forbidden their company as of infidels and miscreants I beseech you therefore let vs carefully looke into the confession of their faith and we shall find them Christians such as agree with vs in the articles of our belief doe worship the same God seeking saluation in the same Iesus Christ Chrildren of the same father beleeuing the same Bible assuring them selues in the same Gospell as in the same Buckler of their faith requiring part in the same inheritance and in vertue of