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A04540 A Christian plea conteyning three treatises. I. The first, touching the Anabaptists, & others mainteyning some like errours with them. II. The second, touching such Christians, as now are here, commonly called Remonstrants or Arminians. III. The third, touching the Reformed Churches, with vvhom my self agree in the faith of the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. Made by Francis Iohnson, pastour of the auncient English Church, now sojourning at Amsterdam in the Low Countreyes. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1617 (1617) STC 14661; ESTC S107828 395,581 331

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vvill haue the Temple of God spoken off 2 Thes 2 4. not onely to signifie the church of Antichrist the Synagogue of Antichrist the Temple Church and body of Antichrist c. but cannot endure that others should otherwise understand it of the church of God as by his writing reviling assertions may appeare Here therefore for the better clearing understanding of the matter let me aske moreover whether these two propositiōs come to a like end agree the one vvith the other to note out the same thing or not viz. The man of sinne sitteth in the Temple of God And Antichrist sitteth † or in the Church of Rome and other like churches of Christians in the church of Rome If they be alike and accord together in one the cause will be plaine If not let them shevv the difference between these propositions that so the meaning of this Scripture may the better be found out And vvhereas also the terme sitting noteth authority and continuance as ‘ M. Ains Annot on Psal 1 1. and 61 8. 102 13. c. himself othervvhere vvell observeth let him tell us vvithal whether Antichrists authoritie and continuance be in the church of Rome or not according as the Apostle speaketh here of the Man of sin sitting in the Temple of God If he say the authoritie and continuance of Antichrist is in the church of Rome the case againe will thus also be evident If he say it is not there let him then shevv us the Temple of God spoken off by the Apostle vvhere it is Thus tvvo lines keeping directly to the point in question will more clear the matter and better convince both Papist and Anabaptist then tvvo thousand full of shifts errors vvhich doe but the more harden both of them against the trueth though severall wayes But I wil proceed Animad p. 78. The second thing that here he insisteth upon is the word Temple But the Apostles words are the Temple of God unto which he should haue kept as vvill more appeare afterward In the meane time obserue hovv he which euen novv said our reason was unperfitly alledged because of the omission of these vvords as God vvhich perteyning to another point then the question in hand might here therefore so be omitted yet doth now presently himself leaue out such words vvhich as touching the point in question may not be left out at all The particulars follovving vvil shew it more plainly He saith we take it for granted that by the Temple is meant the church so goe on in obscuritie Advert p. 58 59. My vvords were these speaking of the Apostles speach vvhere he saith Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God 2 Thes 2 4. that here by the Temple of God understanding the church of God it will follovv that Antichrist should sit in the church of God and is there to be sought and found not among the Jewes Turks Pagans c. Where first mark that I spake not of the Temple onely but of the Temple of God as the Apostle also doeth Secondly I doe in deed here deriue the reason from this exposition thereof that by the Temple of God is understood the church of God Which if it could be shevved not to be agreeable to the Scriptures otherwhere or that this place would not bear it I haue done But it is so evident that ‘ 1 Cor. 3 16 17. 2 Cor. 6 16. the Scripture thus useth it as euen here in the very next passage this man himself graunteth it Neyther doeth he shew any one place of the Scripture where this phrase of the Temple of God used figuratiuely as it is here doth signify any other thing then the church and people of God And what should I look for of an Opponent that vvould deal soundly and syncerely but that now he should proue that it is not here meant of the Church of God and should also shevv vvhereof it is to be understood and that by the word of God Which till he doe let the Reader obserue his exceptions here how idle they are and to no purpose for the matter in hand As first of all vvhen he saith that the Temple did primarily figure out Christ Joh. 2 19 21. and the Lord God almighty the Lamb is the Temple in the heauenly Ierusalem Rev. 21 22. To vvhat purpose is this will it hereupon follow that therefore by the Temple of God 2 Thes 2 4. vve may not understant the Church of God Or that they vvhich doe so goe on in obscuritie But if in this sense saith he we understand that speach of Paul touching Antichrist then must vve translate the vvords as * August de civ Dei l. 20 c. 19. some auncient Doctors haue done eis ton Naon for the Temple or as if himself vvere the Temple c. Where note first how he speaketh this with an If secondly that he telleth not vvhether himself doe think that it is thus to be understood or thus to be translated or not Which when he resolveth upon for himself and so sheweth it then may it more be considered of In the mean time let the Reader obserue how himself goeth on in obscuritie vvhat he can And for the phrase it self this onely for the present I will here note and leaue it to be observed and considered by the Reader that where Matthevv hath eis to onoma tou patros c. into the name of the Father c. Mat. 28 19. Luke hath for it epi to onomati Jesou Christou ‘ or upon in the name of Iesus Christ Act. 2 37. M. Brigh● on Rev. 1● 2. en to onomati tou Koriou in the name of the Lord Act. 10 48. And a good writer treating on Rev. 16 2. on those words eis tous anthropous saith They upon vvhō this ulcer there spoken off seizeth are men there fell an ulcer against men as Beza turnes it or into men as the vulgar reads that is on men as Antichrist is said to sit into the Temple for in the Temple 2 Thes 2 4. But the praeposition with an accusatiue case soundeth as if the sores did vex not so much by † sticking in the body as by afflicting it from without which doth more agree to these figuratiue sores c. And whether some such thing likewise may not here be observed about this phrase eis ton naon tou Theou os Theon cathisai to sit as God ‘ or upon See Esa 1● 13. into the Temple of God where the same praeposition case is used or els moreover to note out some very near deep close or inward sitting of Antichrist into or in the Temple of God I leaue to be further considered desiring that the true meaning hereof vvhat can be may be searched and found out for the better ending of these and sundry other questions vvhereunto this vvould giue great light and help As for the * Augustine auncient
that so they may watch over them as those that must giue account for them unto God Act. 20.28 Heb. 13.17 1 Pet. 5.1 4. V. Neither can the Churches or members thereof be so well instructed governed and edified in faith and mutuall loue as if this order and practise be observed For which see also the Scriptures aforesaid and the like But if the church in any city be more large as often commeth to passe and is usuall in great cities then that it can conveniently and ordinarily meet together in one place then is it to be considered whether it should not be distinguished and distributed into divers particular Churches or parishes Which may everie one of them severally haue their owne peculiar place of meeting together their owne Pastour other ministers Elders and Deacons their ovvn meetings and all publick actions duly orderly performed among themselues for the reasons here before alledged and other the like To vvhich end may also be observed hovv at Ierusalem vvhere the great Synedrion of the Iewes was by the Lord appointed to be yet notvvithstanding there vvere in that one city many Synagogues And all the Synagogues also had their ovvn rulers ministers as may appeare by such other Synagogues as are particularly spoken of in the Scriptures Mar. 5 22. with Luke 4 16 20 31 33. and 12 11. and 21 12. with Mat. 10 17. and 23 34 Luke 13 14. vvith Act. 13 14 15. and 18 4 7 8 17. Here moreover about the estate and distinction of churches are two things carefully to be observed First As did the seuen churches of Asia c. Rev. 1 2 and 3 chap. that all particular churches vvith their Pastors as is noted here before do stand immediately under Iesus Christ the Archpastour vvithout any other straunge ecclesiastical power and authoritie interposed betvveen whether it be of the Prelates as of Diocesan Provinciall or Oecumenicall Bishops or of their unlawfull usurping Synods or any such like invented by men and brought into the church Secondly that notwithstanding the estate distinction aforesaid yet all the churches and ministers of them should be alway ready and vvilling with their mutuall ayde counsel assistance and all lawfull maanes to help comfort advise strengthen and build up one another in the truth vvhich is according to godlines in Iesus Christ Ephes 4.4 16. Rom. 12 3 8. 1 Cor. 12 4 27. Col. 2 5 19. and 4 16 17. Act. 15 2 23. with Psal 12 2 3. Sal. Song 8 1. c.. And so to this end and in this manner may be had a lavvfull and profitable use of Synods Classes Assemblies or Councels for mutual help advise in cases of question controversie and difficulties about religion to as alvvaies it be provided that they doe not challenge or usurpe any unlavvfull jurisdiction or power over the particular churches or their pastours and governours to whom their ovvn povver under Christ the Lord is alvvay to be reserved and to be kept whole and intier according to the vvord of God Like as may be seen in all the churches planted by the Apostles and particularly in those seuen of Asia standing not farre asunder to whom Christ vvrote his several letters directed to the Angels or Pastors of everie of them in particular and not to any one of the churches or Pastors more thē another as having authoritie over the rest nor to any Diocesan Provinciall or Oecumeniall Bishops set over the churches and Pastors thereof Which kind of Prelacie Office government if it had ben ordeyned by Christ and planted by the Apostles in those churches there had novv ben fit and necessarie occasion specially when Christ vvrote about the corruptions of those churches both to haue blamed those Bishops for neglect of their duetie as he doth the Angels of the particular Churches and to haue directed his letters unto them as being the next chiefest in ecclesiasticall authoritie under him to oversee and governe those churches if then there had ben any such among them by the ordinance of Christ Rev. 2 1.8.12 18. and 3 1.7 14. compared vvith ch and vvith the estate and constitution of all other churches planted by the Apostles For vvhich see the Scriptures here be●●●● alledged pag. 250. And of this also see more hereafter in the fift 〈…〉 here follovving If any aske to whom then the churches shal be subject if there be no Diocesan or other like Prelates set over them I answer that the churches and all the Officers members thereof are to be subject to the Princes States and magistrates under whom they liue according as the Apostles doe teach us saying Let every soul be subject to the higher powers c. Re● 13.1 Submit your selues to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be to the king as supreme or unto governours as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evill doers and for the praise of them that doe vvell 1 Pet. 2 13 14. vvith Tit. 3 1. The magistrates are under the Lord to be the keepers of both the Tables of the Law of God To whom al persons ought to be subject euen for conscience sake to yeeld obedience unto them yet alwaies in the Lord and not against the Lord by any meanes Deut. 17 18 19 20 Rom. 13 1 7. with Mat. 22 21. Dan. 3 14 18. Act. 4 18 19 20. Rev. 12 10 11. CHAPTER III. Touching the right and power of particular churches VVHether † everie Church haue not right and power graunted by the Lord to chuse their ovvn Pastours other Ministers Elders Deacons and Deaconesses making choise of meet fit persons as also to * use the ministration of the vvord Sacraments Censures and vvhole ecclesiastical administration being careful stil to haue al things done according to the ordinance of God prescribed in his word Mat. 28 18 20. with 〈◊〉 Act 6 3 5. and 14 23. compared with Act. 1 15 23 26. and 2 41 42 46. 11 22. 15 22 25. 1 Cor. 16 3. 2 Cor. 8 19. Gal. 1 1. 1 Tim. 3 1 15. 5 9 10 11 17 ●2 6 13 14. Ezec. 33 2. Lev. 8 2 3 4 5. Num. 8 9. Deut. 1 13 16 18. with Joh. 13 20. 1 Cor. 4 1. 2 Cor. 5 19. Heb. 5 4. Also * Act. 1 2 3 14 15. 15 2 6 23 30 and 20 7 17 18. 21 18 23. Rom. 12 6 7 8. 16 1 2. Mat. 18 17 18 19 20. and 28 18 19 20. 1 Cor. 4 17. 5 ch 10 16. and 11 23 26. and 12 ch Epist to Timoth. Tit. Rev. 2 3 ch with 1 Tim. 6 13 14. I. Because the Primitiue churches planted by the Apostles had this right and power at the beginning as may be seen in the Scriptures here before alledged II. And the Congregation of Israel had of old likewise their right in the election of their officers and other such
4 11.28.32 l. 4. c. Which is vvel to be noted for better observation how every church or parish had at the beginning their own Pastor or Bishop and hovv those Bishops were much unlike the Diocesan Provinciall and Oecumenicall Bishops had now a dayes who content not themselues with a parish or particular Church but chalendge by vertue of such office authoritie over whole Dioceses Provinces and the universall vvorld as in the apostasie of Antichrist may be seen And thus much by the way concerning the testimonie of the auncient writers in this behalf Which I leaue to be examined by the Scriptures as is aforesaid II. Secondly vvhere the order is observed vvhich is mentioned in the question here before there may the difference be kept both between the Pastors and Teachers offices and betvveen the offices of the Teaching and ruling Elders Ephes 4 11 12. and 1 Tim. 5.17 vvith Rev. 2.1 and Rom. 12.3 8. 1 Cor. c. Which othervvise is either unknovven of many and so neglected or els is confusedly caried and corrupted sundrie vvaies III. A particular visible church may in the outward constitutiō there of be considered as a particular visible body Now a particular visible body hath a particular visible head Which also is such as cannot say to the feete or inferiour members I haue no need of you 1 Cor. 12.18 21. vvith E●a 1 5 6. and Rom. 12.3 8. Col. 2.5 and 4.17 Rev. 2.1.8 c. and vvith the Epistles to Timothee and Titus And touching the vvord head thus taken and used in the Scripture for some chief member or members governor or governors or any persons and things vvhich excell or are before others in dignitie office age authoritie time place or any speciall excellencie see Exod. 6 14. 30.23 Numb 1.3 4.16 and 7.2 Deut. 20.9 and 28.13.44 Iosh 23.2 and 2● 1. 1 Sam. 15 17. 2 Sam. 23 8 13 18. 1 Chron 9.10 13. and 24 4 6 31. Neh. 11 16. 12.7 12 22 23 24. Esa 1 5 6. and 7 8. and 9 14 15. and 29 10. Ezec. 21 26. and ●● 2 and 40 1. Mic. 3 3 9 11. Ier. 13 21. 1 Cor. 12 21. And note that here I speak onely of particular churches as they are organicall and set in an orderly visible constitution and so of the outvvard order and divers functions set in the church by the Lord himself and that I speak not of the church as it is the mysticall body of Christ nor of the spirituall and quickning head of the church of all the members thereof wheresoever Which is Christ alone and unto whom alone this apperteyneth and to none other vvhosoever besides Eph. 1.22.23 4 15 16. and 5.23 Col. 1.18 and 2.19 1 Cor. 12.12 compared vvith Jer. 33.16 Note also hovv both auncient and later vvriters doe thus use the same word and likewise apply it Chrysostome speaking of the returne of the Bishop vvhen himself was an Elder at Antioch saith Blessed be God that hath restored the head to the body the Pastor to the sheep c. Chrysost homil 20. ad populum Antiochenum Basil vvriting to the church of Neocaesarea upon the death of their Bishop saith The church closeth her eyes the solemne assemblies look heavily the sacred Synedrion Presbytery or Eldership desire their head they that are in dignitie their leader the people their ruler Basil epist 62. ad Eccles Neocasarien● Among later vvriters D. Raynolds conferring with Hart saith We teach that * Apolog. Eccl. Ang. confes Helvet c. 17. Christ is the head of the church as he doth quicken it vvith his spirit as he is the light the health the life of it and is present alvvaies to fill it vvith his blessings and vvith his grace to governe it In the vvhich respects because † Ephes 1.22 and 4.15 and 5.23 Col. 1.18 and 2.19 and so the church his body the Scripture giveth the name of head to Christ alone by an excellencie thereof we so conclude that he is the onely head of the church For othervvise vve knovv that in another kind and degree of resemblance they may be called heads who haue anie preeminence of place or government over others As in the Hebrevv text we read ‡ Nehem 11.16 the heads of the Levites for the chief of them * 2 Chro. 31 10. the Priest the head that is to say the chief Priest After the which sort I wil not contend if you entitle Bishops heads of the churches as ” In Apolog 2. Athanasius doth † In Regist lib. 4. epist 38. Gregorie vvhen he had named our Saviour Christ the head of the universall church he calleth Christs Ministers as it vvere heads Paul Andrevv Iohn heads of particular flocks yet members of the church under one head Rayn conference with Hart. chap. 1 Divis 2. pag. 20. And M. Iacob in his Attestation vvriteth thus hereabout M. Gabr. Powel maketh it an heresie in the Pope to hold as he doth that in the visible church there ought to be a visible head What doe I heare A visible Body instituted by Christ without a visible head A church and no Pastor A multitude to be governed and no Governour These are straunge assertions whosoever and hovv many soever doe affirme them For I graunt there are not a few others vvhich use so to speak But indeed there is no colour of truth nor reason in these sayings M. Iacobs Attestat ch 7. p. 113. And a litle after again What shall vve think Hath Christ left his body and dear spouse vvithout help vvithout government in such dayly and continuall necessities Or can an ordinarie body be governed vvithout an ordinarie head To use D. Bilsons vvords ‡ Perpet go● p. 37● this vvere an heathenish if not a hellish confusion Ibid. p. 114. He also that vvrote the Manudunction hath the like when he saith A visible church must be considered as an integrall body which for the well being of it exercising those operations which belong unto it and vvhereunto in serveth must become as we say organicall having members of divers ranks some as head mouth and eyes the Pastor Teachers and Elders some as hands the Deacons and helpers c. Manuduct 2. pag. 33. IIII. Here moreover may be considered the order observed in the church of Israell so far forth as it was moral and concerneth particular churches the constitution of the Synagogues vvherein besides the other officers vvas * M. Brou on Rev. 9. and 14. p. 83. 223. M. Ainsw defence of Scrip. pag. 113. one vvhō they called SHELIACH TSIBBVR the ambassadour or Messenger of the congregation To which or the like Christ might haue reference whē he speaketh of the Angel of each particular church in Asia Rev. and And of the terme Angel ascribed to the ministers of the Lord see also Hag. 1.13 Mal. 2.7 where we find the Prophets and Priests in Israell called the
at Rome to this day the Cardinals that are next to the Pope himself are all of them Presbyters or Deacons and haue each of them their particular church or parish whereof they are named and vvhereunto more particularly they doe apperteyne Whereupon to note it by the vvay this may also be observed that if there be any Bishop at this day in our ovvn countrey or otherwhere vvho hath not his particular Church or parish whereof he is overseer and whereunto he doeth properly appetteyne all such are more degenerate from the auncient way order of the Primitiue Churches then is the Pope himself in this behalf And if the Bishops haue stil every one his ovvn peculiar parish church to vvhich they doe properly belong it is a good print and footstep of the auncient vvay wherein the churches vvere planted at first by the Apostles and Euangelists And is a point that vvill giue great light to this other questions novv much controverted about the order and government of the church Note here also hovv the very things vvhich the Prelates chalenge in the particular churches under them are jurisdiction and ordination And that othervvise they leaue the particular Parishes to their ovvn peculiar Ministers for the ministration of the word and Sacraments among them ordinarily Which is observed in all churches by all Prelates euen the most Popish and under the Pope himself unto this day And is a point also that vvill giue light to the better understanding of the estate of the Prelacy and condition of the † Parishionall Diocesan Provinciall c. churches perteyning unto them of what sort soever But to proceed I am not ignorant that the termes of Diocesan Provinciall Nationall Oecumenical or universal churches are also otherwise used and applied and are ascribed to representatiue Churches to Councils Convocations Synodes Courts and the like whereof there may be some use consideration not unprofitable about the matter here in hand so it be not otherwise abused For vvho knoweth not that the Pope hath novv a long time sit in Councils Courts and other Christian assemblies opposing and exalting himself aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped shevving himself that he is God establishing confirming and disanulling vvhat he would ruling overruling vvhom vvhen as he would yet not present stil in his own person but sometimes by his designed substitutes alvvaies by his usurped povver authoritie and jurisdiction But of this I vvill not insist It may suffice for the point in hand that Antichrist is so set and exalted as hath ben said in the Christian Churches aforesaid which I suppose these men themselues being better advised vvill not deny to be the Churches and Temple of God Or if they doe then I hope they will shevv of vvhat other church or churches they understand this Scripture and hovv that vvhich the Apostle teacheth in this place is by the Man of sinne performed in the Temple of God Alvvaies remembring to distinguish betvveen the man of sinne himself and between the Temple of God wherein he sitteth c. And this for the present I thought to note hereabout Animadv p. 78. Where he saith if we meane a particular Church it will not agree with the prophecies of Antichrist whose City or church is so great as peoples kinreds toungues and nations doe dwell in the streets thereof Rev. 11 8 9. I ansvver first that stil he cals that Antichrists church vvhich the Apostle cals the Temple of God II. Secondly how vvill he proue that the Beasts city spoken off Rev. 11 8. is the Temple of God spoken of 2 Thes 2 4. If he say he speaks not of the Temple of God then he speaks not of the point in hand If he speak of it why doeth he still call it the City Church and Temple of Antichrist and not the Temple of God as the Apostle termes it Hath the very phrase of the Scripture so much light in it as he can not endure to look upon it Or doth he in these things loue darknes more then light Or is there no difference to be put between Antichrists City and Gods church III. Thirdly having this occasion I vvill propound some things hereabout and leaue them further to be considered off being assured that if the true meaning of these Scriptures be rightly found out the difficultie about these and sundry other matters will be far the more easy Whereas therefore he doth not distinguish betvveen the City and the Church but here and throughout his treatise usually confounds them as all one let us obserue and consider of these things thereabout 1. That this City spoken off in ‘ Rev. 11 8. the place that he alledgeth is spiritually called Sodome and Egypt where also our Lord vvas crucified But the church is here called the Temple of God or the Court vvithout the Temple or the holy City c. For which see 2 Thes 2 4. and the chapter it self vvhich here he citeth Revel 11 2. 2. That this great city is not onely Sodome and Egypt spiritually but is also that Sodome Egypt where our Lord was crucified Rev. 11 8. Now al know that Christ our Lord vvas crucified in and under the jurisdiction of the City not of the Church of Rome For he vvas condemned to death by Pontius Pilate the Deputie of the Romane Emperour under whose dominion and jurisdiction now the Iewes were and vvas crucified by the Romane souldjours being delivered to the Gentiles when yet there was no church at Rome as Christ himself had before told his disciples Mat. 27 2 11 26 27 31 35. with 20 17 18 19. Luke 18 31 32 33. and 23 1 2 c. Joh. 18 28 31. 19 1 2 10 12 15 16 18 23. c. Which is also acknowledged by this man himself here a litle after Animadv pag. 83. 3. That this City is that which vvas the Dragons throne and was by the Dragon giuen to the Beast Rev. 13 2. vvhich this man himself also noteth though to another purpose Animad pag. 79. But this was the City not the Church of Rome Neyther I think will these men themselues say that the Church vvas the Dragons throne or was by the Dragon giuen to the Beast 4. That this City also is the throne of the Beast Babylon the great City spoken of Rev. 16 10 19. and 17 18 ch Which that it is to be understood of the city of Rome and the dominion thereof vvill yet appeare further by the reasons follovving And note here how ‡ M. Brighon Rev. 16.19 some treating on Rev. 16 19. expound great Babylon there to be the city of Constantinople called New Rome Which then maketh the more for the point in hand 5. That this city is the woman that sitteth on seuen mountaines Rev. 17 9 18. And that the City not the church of Rome is built on * Called Palatinus Capitolinus Qu●rinalis Aventinus Caelius
themselues to see them performed by others as is aforesaid In like sort that the Euangelists besides their own peculiar office and function had in them the povver and authority of the inferior offices of Pastors Teachers and Elders c. And likevvise that the Pastors besides their own peculiar function haue in them the power and authoritie of the Teachers and other ordinarie offices for performance and oversight of them as is aforesaid Also that the Elders besides their ovvne speciall function haue in them the povver and authoritie of the Deacons office for the doing and overseeing thereof as was said before and so forth in the rest For all vvhich see Acts 2 40 41 42. and 4 34 35. and 6 1 6. and 8 14 25 26 35 38. vvith 21 8. and 11 29 30. and 14 7 23. 15 6 22 32 35 36 40 41. and 16 4.40 and 20 7 11 17 28 29 30. 21 18 25. vvith Mat. 28 18 19 20. Ioh. 20 21 22 23. and 21 15 16 17. 1 Cor. 4 15 17 22. and 5 3. and and 10.16 and 12.28 and 16 3.4.10 2 Cor. 1.19 and 8. 16.17.23 Ephes 4.11.12 Phil. 1.1 and 4.3 1 Thes 3.2 and Hebr. 13.7.17 1 Pet. 5.1 4. Rev. 2.1 c. 2. The second is this Whether on the contrarie the apostasie of Antichrist be not such as touching the ministerie and government of the church as therein they vvhich be in the lesser and inferiour offices haue power authoritie vvith them to exceed the dueties of the office which Christ hath appointed and to performe the duties apperteyning to the higher offices by meanes vvhereof both Antichrist hath risen up to so great a height and so many orders and degrees of superior and inferior ministers haue ben received stil are reteyned in that degenerate estate and apostasie of the man of sinne as is come to passe As namely when the pastors and bishops of particular congregations came to haue power authoritie over many churches over the Ministers people therein in a kind of resemblance of the extraordinarie offices of the Apostles and Euangelists alreadie ceased vvhen now the foundation was layd Contrarie to that which is written Rom. 17 3 8. Rev. 1 11 12.13 16 20. with 2 1 8 12 18. and 3 1 7 14. Ephes 4 11 12 13. Act. 20 17 28. Phil. 1 1. and 4 3. 1 Pet. 5 1 2 3 4. And that the ruling Elders or Presbyters did the ministeriall duties of the Pastors and Teachers in the particular Congregations Contrarie to 1 Tim. 5 17. Ephes 4 11 12. Rom. 12 7 8. 1 Cor. 12 28. And that the Deacons also baptise and became ministers of the word in the office of Deaconship vvhich the Apostles did expressely oppose to the duties of that office at the institution thereof Act. So as of these things and the like in that estate it may be said as Christ did in another case From the beginning it was not so Mat. 19.8 These things and the like may be noted about the points questions aforesaid Which being not vvell observed in former ages a way vvas made for the Popes supremacy by the steps of the Diocesan and Provinciall Prelacy whiles each Pastor kept not his place within his bounds under Christ the Archpastor nor the other Officers theirs nor the Churches that order vvherein they vvere set by the Apostles at the beginning Which being novv in this latter age observed and discovered we should set our selues to reject and witnesse against the Antichristian apostasie of the man of sinne and all the aberrations and iniquitie thereof And be carefull on the other hand to returne to the auncient simplicity of the churches of Christ as they were planted in the beginning alvvaies obserueing good order in all things and that vvay of government of the church which is appointed by the vvord of God CHAPTER VII Touching the Teachers office more particularly and the Ministers of the word in generall VVHether there be not tvvo sorts of Teachers or Prophets which the Lord hath giuen for the work of the ministerie or at least a two fold duty and divers function or ministration thereof One of such as are peculiarly appointed to the teaching of particular churches Of whō see here before in the fift Question pag 259. The other of such as doe either † 1 Sam. 19 20. 2 King 2 3 5 7 15. and 4 1. and 6 1. and 9 1. with Amos 7 14. Luc. 2 46. and Act. 5 34. vvith 22.3 in the Schooles and universities interpret the Scriptures train up the students in Theologie or doe ‡ Deut. 33 8 10. Nehem. 8 1 8. 2 Chron. 17 7 8 9. Prov. 1 20 21. and 8 1 2 3. and 29 18. Esa 30 10 20 21. and 57 19. and 59 21. Ier. 18 18. Hos 5 9. and 7 12. Amos 2 12. and 7 12 13. Mic. 3 11. Ezech. 22 25 28. and 13 and 14 chap. Jer. 14.13 Mat. 5 1 2. and 9 37 38. and 13 1 2 52. and 22 35. and 23 34. Luke 5 17. Act. 13 1 15. and 15 35. Rev. 11 3. and 18 24. vvith Act. 11 19 24. Rom. 10 14 15 17. 1 Cor. 12 28 29. and Ephes 4 11 12. othervvhere privately and publikly in houses streets ships armies garrisons or other assemblies any where instruct the people in Religion and al duties of godlines commō or speciall as there is just occasion Also vvhether these Teachers should minister the Lords supper is vvithal to be considered and examined by the Scriptures Seeing the Levites in Israell vvere not suffered to come to the Altar or holy things of God no nor to flay the sacrifices unlesse in a speciall case when there were not Priests ynough Num. 18 3. and 3 10. and Levit. 1 6. vvith 2 Chron. 29 34. Which is the more to be noted because the Levites vvere by the ordinance of God joyned to the Priests in the Ministerie of the Lords house and for teaching Israell the Lavv of God c. who yet notwithstanding might not doe all things perteyning to the Priests office Numb 18 2 3. and Ezech. 44 13 14 15 16. with Num. 3 5 10. c. and 16 chap. By vvhich also appeareth that some Ministers may be imployed in some works of the Ministerie vvho yet notwithstanding may not lavvfully do all things that perteine to the holy ministration and to some other Offices appointed thereunto And that the Pastors Teachers now are ansvverable to the Priests and Levites in Israell vvas noted before out of Esa 66 21. compared vvith Ephes 4 11 12. As touching the election or calling of these Teachers I spake here before of the calling of those which are of the former sort as touching their choise to particular congregations as may be seen in the third Question pag. 252 c. Now touching the calling of the Teachers of the latter sort whether they be such as are Professors in Vniversities
and remembred Novv touching the Scripture and question spoken off where the Apostle speaketh of the man of sinne sitting in the Temple of God ‘ Bellar. cōtrov 3 l. 3. c. 13 c. Rhem Test in 2 Thes 2 s 11. Bellarmine and the Papists vvill not haue it understood of the Church of God among Chistians and thus farre M. Ains and his followers agree with them in this place But Bellarmine expounds it literally of the Temple of Ierusalem M. A. expounds * Animad p. 78 82. 93 94. c. it straungly of the Synagogue of Sathan of the Temple of Antichrist and the Divell c. And here novv they differ one from another and both of them from the trueth as far as darknes doth from light The Temple at Ierusalem was destroyed long since and in the new Ierusalem which we expect clearly shortly to come at the conversion of the Ievves to the Christian faith there is no such Temple to be looked for the sacrifices shadovves and ceremonies of the Law being now ceased I saw no Temple therein saith Iohn for the Lord God Almighty and the Lambe are the Temple of it Rev. 21 2 22. So vve may first cashier Bellarmines exposition And then M.A. vvhich is in some respects a great deal more straunge that by the Temple of God the Apostle should meane the Synagogue of Sathan the Temple of Antichrist and the Divell c. Against vvhich if there vvere neyther other Scripture nor any other thing at all but that the Apostle here describeth it by this Name of the Temple of God calleth Antichrists sitting therein as God * 2 Thes 2 7. a mysterie of iniquity it vvere ynough to teach us to advise well and to take far more heed thereabout For is this terme of the Temple of God ever so taken in the Scripture Would the Apostle saith Augustine call the Temple of an idoll or of the Divell the Temple of God Or when he describeth the mysterie of Antichrists iniquity would he teach the Church that the place of his sitting is the Temple of God if he meant that it vvere in deed the Synagogue of Sathan the Temple of Antichrist For that Antichrist should sit in the Temple of Antichrist and Synagogue of Sathan what mysterie is there in it All the world would easily perceiue that these agreed very vvell and most fitly together But for Antichrist to sit in Gods Temple and Christs Church this is in deed a mysterie and a mysterie of iniquity such as men had need open the eyes of their understanding and set their hearts religiously to consider it if they vvould discerne it as it is Which may sufficiently appeare by these straunge expositions and like erroneous courses found among the Papists Anabaptists these men and other such vvhether Popishly or Anabaptistically addicted hereabout And what may we think is it that induceth thē hereunto Is it not first that this is a mysterie of iniquitie which eyther is not readily perceived or not rightly esteemed as it should Is it not vvithall in the Papists that they would turn away the application of this Scripture from the Pope church of Rome and therefore vvould send us to the Temple of Ierusalem to find out this mysterie there Is it not also on another hand in these men vvith the Anabaptists and others like mynded that they cannot endure that the Church of Rome should any way be esteemed the Church of God and therefore wil rather by the Temple of God understand the Synagogue of Sathan and Temple of Antichrist then they vvil admit that the church of Rome should be the Temple and church of God For my self my purpose is not to plead for the corrupt and adulterate estate of the church of Rome or of any degenerate churches at all much lesse for any impietie or iniquitie of the Man of sinne of Antichrist or his hierarchie of the corruptions false worship or superstitions of that apostasie against vvhich I haue heretofore many yeres in prison and now also by the mercy of God this twentie yeeres in exile witnessed and stil doe vvitnesse the trueth of Christ vvhat in me is and in that measure as it pleaseth him to manifest and vouchsafe unto me But my purpose is to shew that difference is to be put betvveen the Temple of God where Antichrist sitteth and betvveen Antichrist himself who as God sitteth therein that so the cause of the Protestants in general and ours in particular may be kept sound and intire both against the Papists and popish corruptions on the one hand and against the Anabaptists and Anabaptistical aberrations on the other Now therefore to speak of the church of Rome in this respect how this terme is used it is taken either particularly or more generally If vve understand it of a parttcular church as the Apostle wrote † Epist to the Romās his Epistle to the church there how shall we soundly deny eyther it to be the Temple of God or Antichrist to be set therein Euen the Papists themselues hold and tell us that the ” Anton. Sum. part 3. tit 21. cap. 2. 6. Laterane Church in Rome is the Parish Church of the Bishop of Rome Which is much to be observed about this question And himself saith here as the trueth is that the Tsmple figured every particular church and therefore also the particular Church of Rome Which thing alone might suffice for the controversie in hand And that the more because the Antichristian usurpation opposition exaltation extent of unlavvfull jurisdiction and other such corruptions growen up since the first plantation of that church are rather to be referred to the Bishops of that church then to that particular church it self and doe more fitly and properly apperteyne to those clauses of the Apostles description of Antichrist where he calleth him the man of sinne opposing and exalting himself aboue al that is called God or is reverend sitting as God and shewing himself that he is God c. then to this other clause of the Temple of God whereabout our question is Like as in the Revelation they are to be referred to the Beast not to the church and people of God in and over vvhich the beast tyrannizeth Rev. 11 and 13 and 14 and 17 and 18 chapt If it be understood more generally then may it be applied to all other such Christian churches as synce the prevayling of Antichrist the Pope of Rome are come under his jurisdiction and government Rev. 11 2. and vvherein he sitteth or treadeth thereon though not in his ovvne person in each of them yet by his hierarchie authoritie usurpation and jurisdiction And if we mark it also we shal find that not the Pope onely but the other hierarchicall Prelates Diocesan Provinciall the like haue the Parishes or particular churches perteyning to their jurisdictions vvherein they sit although not in their owne persons yet by their hierarchie and authority Yea euen